

识的拼音怎么写识的汉语拼音是shi 第二声
bikbok2023-07-03 11:05:282


知识拼音:[zhī shi][释义] 1.人们在实践中获得的认识和经验 2.认识的人;朋友 3.指有关文化学术的 4.知道;懂得
Jm-R2023-07-03 11:05:271


Lao shi jail hui le would hen duo she shi
mlhxueli 2023-07-03 11:05:274


拌三丝2023-07-03 11:05:262


u投在线2023-07-03 11:05:251


zhi shi yuan bo
北营2023-07-03 11:05:243


您好, 我们在学知识拼音写法如下:我:wo 三声们:men 二声在:zai 四声学:xue 二声知:zhi 一声识:shi 二声
墨然殇2023-07-03 11:05:241


知识点拨 zhī shí diǎn bō
善士六合2023-07-03 11:05:242


wpBeta2023-07-03 11:05:231


知识两个字的拼音怎么写 知识 zhī shí 希望我的回答对您有帮助,有问题可以追问。 满意请及时采纳,谢谢! 妲 己 两个字的拼音怎么写 dá..jī 威霖两个字的拼音怎么写 威 霖拼音 wei lin 第一声第二声 双胶两个字的拼音怎么写 双 胶拼音 shuang jiao 第一声 第一声 邵瑾 两个字的拼音怎么写 邵 shào〈名〉 古地名 邵,晋邑也。――《说文》 戌郫邵。――《左传·襄公二十三年》 春秋晋邑。在今河南省济源县西,山西省垣曲县东。后魏改为邵郡,后周改为邵州 古州名 。相当于今福建省邵武县等地 古郡名 。即邵陵郡,相当于今湖南省邵阳市及新邵、邵阳等县地 水名 。邵水发源龙山。西流会桐江、檀江,在湖南省宝庆县东注入资水 姓(《汉书》作“召”) 邵shào姓。 瑾 jǐn <名> (形声。从玉,堇声。本义:美玉) 瑾瑜美玉也。――《说文》 瑾瑜匿瑕。――《左传》 捐赤瑾于中庭。――《楚辞·愍命》 怀瑾握瑜。――《史记·屈原贾生列传》 又如:瑾瑜(瑾瑶。二美玉名。泛指美玉);瑾瑕(瑾,美玉;瑕,有疵的玉。比喻美丑,优劣) 比喻美德 。如:瑾瑜(比喻美德贤才) 瑾jǐn美玉:瑾瑜(瑜:美玉)。 枫语两个字的拼音怎么写 feng yu 占亮两个字的拼音怎么写 占亮两个字的拼音 占亮 zhàn liàng 张建两个字的拼音怎么写 张建音律 张、建的读音是zhāng、jiàn, 声调为阴平、去声。 聂聪两个字的拼音怎么写 聂聪的正确拼音如下: 聂:niè 聪:cōng 或者两个字的拼音怎么写 [ huò zhě ] 1.也许 2.在可供选择的东西、状况或过程中的挑选 3.连接词、词组或分句,表示从两种以上的事物中选择一种,或两种以上的事物同时存在
mlhxueli 2023-07-03 11:05:231

知识拼音怎么写 知识是什么拼音

1、知识拼音zhī shi。 2、知识是符合文明方向的,人类对物质世界以及精神世界探索的结果总和。知识,也没有一个统一而明确的界定。但知识的价值判断标准在于实用性,以能否让人类创造新物质,得到力量和权力等等为考量。知识的概念是哲学认识论领域最为重要的一个概念, 有一个经典的定义来自于柏拉图:一条陈述能称得上是知识必须满足三个条件,它一定是被验证过的,正确的,而且是被人们相信的。这也是科学与非科学的区分标准。由此看来,知识属于文化,而文化是感性与知识上的升华,这就是知识与文化之间的关系。有关于知识的悖论是:知识如果不能改变行为,就没有用处;但是知识一旦改变了行为,知识本身就立刻失去意义——《未来简史》。
ardim2023-07-03 11:05:211

知识的拼音怎么写 词语知识的拼音

1、知识拼音:zhī shi。知识是符合文明方向的,人类对物质世界以及精神世界探索的结果总和。知识,也没有一个统一而明确的界定。但知识的价值判断标准在于实用性,以能否让人类创造新物质,得到力量和权力等等为考量。 2、知识也可以看成构成人类智慧的最根本的因素,知识具有一致性,公允性,判断真伪要以逻辑,而非立场。知识的定义在认识论中仍然是一个争论不止的问题,罗伯特?格兰特指出,尽管“什么是知识”这个问题激发了世界上众多伟大思想家的兴趣,也没有一个统一而明确的界定。
左迁2023-07-03 11:05:211


zhi dao
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-07-03 11:05:215


问题一:知识的拼音 zhi shi 问题二:知识两个字的拼音怎么写 知识 zhī shí 希望我的回答对您有帮助,有问题可以追问。 满意请及时采纳,谢谢! 问题三:姓名的拼音怎么写 姓名的拼音这样写: xìng míng 关于中文转换成拼音 拼音是拼读音节的过程,就是按照普通话音节的构成规律,把声母、韵母急速连续拼合并加上声调而成为一个音节。 问题四:知识的汉语拼音是轻声吗? 知 一声 识 轻声 问题五:知识是一点点积累起来的拼音怎么写 知识是一点点积累起来的拼音怎么写 知识是一点点积累起来的拼音如下: 知识是一点点积累起来的 zhī shi shì yī diǎn diǎn jī lěi qǐ lái de 问题六:张的拼音 张的拼音为:zhāng 简体部首:弓 总笔画:7 解释: 1. 开,展开:~开。~目(a.睁大眼睛;b.助长某人的声势称“为某人~~”)。~榜。铺~。~灯结彩。纲举目~。 2. 商店开业:开~。 3. 拉紧:紧~。~力。 4. 扩大,夸大:夸~。 5. 放纵,无川束:乖~。嚣~。 6. 料理,应酬:~罗。 7. 惊惶,慌忙:~惶失措。 8. 看,望:~望。 9. 星名,二十八宿之一。 10. 量词:一~纸。三~桌子。几~嘴。两~弓。 11. 姓。
西柚不是西游2023-07-03 11:05:181


善的笔画是点 撇 横 横 横 竖 点 撇 横 竖 横折 横。善,会意字,读作shàn,从言从羊。本义“吉祥”,做形容词用有“吉、美好、善良、慈善、应诺、慎重、高明、熟悉”等义项,做动词用有“擅长、修治、羡慕、认为好、赞许、友好”等义项,做名词用有“好人”义,还做姓氏。还有“好好地、多;常;易”等义项。“善”具有深刻的伦理学、哲学和佛学内涵,中国传统伦理有丰富的劝善内容,如《太上感应篇》等。
西柚不是西游2023-07-03 11:05:171


知识两个字的拼音怎么写 知识 zhī shí 希望我的回答对您有帮助,有问题可以追问。 满意请及时采纳,谢谢! 妲 己 两个字的拼音怎么写 dá..jī 威霖两个字的拼音怎么写 威 霖拼音 wei lin 第一声第二声 双胶两个字的拼音怎么写 双 胶拼音 shuang jiao 第一声 第一声 邵瑾 两个字的拼音怎么写 邵 shào〈名〉 古地名 邵,晋邑也。――《说文》 戌郫邵。――《左传·襄公二十三年》 春秋晋邑。在今河南省济源县西,山西省垣曲县东。后魏改为邵郡,后周改为邵州 古州名 。相当于今福建省邵武县等地 古郡名 。即邵陵郡,相当于今湖南省邵阳市及新邵、邵阳等县地 水名 。邵水发源龙山。西流会桐江、檀江,在湖南省宝庆县东注入资水 姓(《汉书》作“召”) 邵shào姓。 瑾 jǐn <名> (形声。从玉,堇声。本义:美玉) 瑾瑜美玉也。――《说文》 瑾瑜匿瑕。――《左传》 捐赤瑾于中庭。――《楚辞·愍命》 怀瑾握瑜。――《史记·屈原贾生列传》 又如:瑾瑜(瑾瑶。二美玉名。泛指美玉);瑾瑕(瑾,美玉;瑕,有疵的玉。比喻美丑,优劣) 比喻美德 。如:瑾瑜(比喻美德贤才) 瑾jǐn美玉:瑾瑜(瑜:美玉)。 枫语两个字的拼音怎么写 feng yu 占亮两个字的拼音怎么写 占亮两个字的拼音 占亮 zhàn liàng 张建两个字的拼音怎么写 张建音律 张、建的读音是zhāng、jiàn, 声调为阴平、去声。 聂聪两个字的拼音怎么写 聂聪的正确拼音如下: 聂:niè 聪:cōng 或者两个字的拼音怎么写 [ huò zhě ] 1.也许 2.在可供选择的东西、状况或过程中的挑选 3.连接词、词组或分句,表示从两种以上的事物中选择一种,或两种以上的事物同时存在
余辉2023-07-03 11:05:161

知识的拼音怎么写 词语知识的拼音

1、知识拼音:zhī shi。知识是符合文明方向的,人类对物质世界以及精神世界探索的结果总和。知识,也没有一个统一而明确的界定。但知识的价值判断标准在于实用性,以能否让人类创造新物质,得到力量和权力等等为考量。 2、知识也可以看成构成人类智慧的最根本的因素,知识具有一致性,公允性,判断真伪要以逻辑,而非立场。知识的定义在认识论中仍然是一个争论不止的问题,罗伯特?格兰特指出,尽管“什么是知识”这个问题激发了世界上众多伟大思想家的兴趣,也没有一个统一而明确的界定。
水元素sl2023-07-03 11:05:151


1、知识拼音zhī shi。2、知识是符合文明方向的,人类对物质世界以及精神世界探索的结果总和。知识,也没有一个统一而明确的界定。但知识的价值判断标准在于实用性,以能否让人类创造新物质,得到力量和权力等等为考量。知识的概念是哲学认识论领域最为重要的一个概念, 有一个经典的定义来自于柏拉图:一条陈述能称得上是知识必须满足三个条件,它一定是被验证过的,正确的,而且是被人们相信的。这也是科学与非科学的区分标准。由此看来,知识属于文化,而文化是感性与知识上的升华,这就是知识与文化之间的关系。有关于知识的悖论是:知识如果不能改变行为,就没有用处;但是知识一旦改变了行为,知识本身就立刻失去意义——《未来简史》。
kikcik2023-07-03 11:05:141


北境漫步2023-07-03 11:05:072


tt白2023-07-03 11:04:352


kikcik2023-07-03 11:04:304


韦斯特兰2023-07-03 11:03:033


客户签名 [网络] Customer Signature; client signature; CUSTOMER; [例句]我要不要学会识别所有银行客户的签名呢?C1: Will I have to learn to recognize all our customers"authentic signatures
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-07-03 11:03:001

放松 的英语的名词怎么写。要名词。

韦斯特兰2023-07-03 11:02:584


By: 法定代表人签字Name: 法定代表人姓名Title: 法定代表人职称Date:日期词汇解析:1、by英文发音:[baɪ]中文释义:prep. 通过;被;依据;经由;在附近;在……之前例句:A painting by Van Gogh has been sold in New York for more than eighty-two million dollars.一幅由梵高创作的画在纽约卖到超过八千二百万美元。2、name英文发音:[neɪm]中文释义:n. 名称,名字;姓名;名誉例句:I don"t even know if Sullivan"s his real name.我甚至不知道沙利文是不是他的真名。3、title英文发音:["taɪt(ə)l]中文释义:n. 冠军;标题;头衔;权利;字幕例句:He was given the title of assistant manager.他被授予经理助理的职位。4、date英文发音:[deɪt]中文释义:n. 日期;约会;年代;枣椰子例句:What"s the date today?今天是几号?扩展资料英文合同的语法常识::1、英文合同的用词一般都是正式、规范的语言,情态动词的使用就体现了这一特点。英文合同中常见的情态动词主要有以下两个,即,shall和should。2、但它们在合同中分别表示不同的含义。shall是英文合同中使用频率最高的一个词,也是语气最重的一个词,常用于第三人称。3、shall常用来表示法律上必须履行的责任和应尽的义务,如不履行合同条款就会产生违反法律责任和义务的后果,其含义相当于中文的“应当”或“必须”。4、shall 的否定形式shall not在英文合同中常表示不得发生的行为。例句:The Seller shall present the following documents required for negotiation to the banks.卖方必须将下列单据提交银行附议。Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to other buyers in the above-mentioned territory.甲方不得向上述地区其他买主供应本合同项下商品。
阿啵呲嘚2023-07-03 11:02:501


问题一:签名英文怎么写 autograph[英][??:t?gr:f][美][??:t?gr?f] n.亲笔签名; 亲笔稿; 手稿; 真迹石版复制品; vt.在…上亲笔签名; 亲笔书写; 亲笔签字; 用石版术复制; adj.亲笔的; 自署的; 问题二:“签名”用英语怎么说 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . “签名”用英语怎么说 signature 问题三:请问“签名”的英语单词怎么写? Cloud you give me a signature ? 或:Could you sign your name on my paper? 问题四:签名的英文怎么说 signture 拿走不谢 问题五:签名的英文单词怎么写 签名 signature 问题六:英文签名怎么写 Success in the front, refueling! Try hard, believe in yourself, cheer for the girl! More for their own refueling! 问题七:签名盖章的英文怎么写 Signature and seal 问题八:"签名"用英语怎么说? 1. to sign (one"s name with a pen, etc.) 2. to autograph 3. 名词:signature 例句: 1. 这张纸要求图章而不是签名。 The paper requests signet, not signatures. 2. 这份文件上有他的签名。 This document bore his signature. 3. *** 书上有很多签名者的名字。 Many subscribers" names are in the petiti工n. 4. 你如果不会签名,画一个十字也可以。 If you can"t sign your name, make a cross instead. 5. 他们在 *** 书上签名,支持工人的请求。 They signed a petition in support of the workers" demands. 6. 经过进一步的调查发现签名不是真迹. On (ie As a result of) further examination it was found that the signature was not genuine. 7. 这歪歪扭扭的玩意儿就算是签名吗? Is this squiggle supposed to be a signature? 8. 谁也没记著应当签名. Nobody remembered to sign their names. 问题九:个性签名 的英文怎么翻译 personalized signature
小白2023-07-03 11:02:491


delivery signature and stamp
CarieVinne 2023-07-03 11:02:483

怎么写英文签名 50分!

签字需要写全名。 Mrs./Mr.:Poman Su 名前姓后。如果你写成Su Poman,那么他们就会叫你Mr.Poman了。Superman先生...
苏州马小云2023-07-03 11:02:476


可以倒着写。 1、如果你是英文名字,中文的姓,可以按照西方的方式写。例如:Rick Zhang 2、如果你是中文的拼音,按照中国的顺序,姓在前,名在后,如果名字是三个字的,后两个字拼音要连在一起。 如:张文洁Zhang Wenjie。中国人的姓在前名在后,英国人是名在前,姓在后。 3、此外银行的写法又不一样,如果是银行的写法或护照的写法,张文洁是这样的:ZHANG WEN JIE 。
再也不做站长了2023-07-03 11:02:471


sign, please.
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-07-03 11:02:472


三个七是:芔(读音:hū、huī) 附加: 1 淼miǎo 2 鑫xīn 3 焱yàn 4 森sēn 5 垚yáo 6 犇bēn 7 羴shān 8 鱻xiǎn 9 猋biāo 10 麤cū 11 毳cuì 12 虫chóng 13 众zhòng 14 品pǐn 15 掱shóu 、pá 16 卉huì 17 奸jiān 18 磊lěi 19 聂niè 20 赑bì 21 晶jīng 22 轰hōng 23 矗chù 24 灥xún 25 譶tà 26 靐bìng 27 龘dá 28 飝fēi 29 嚞zhé 30 飍xiū 31 皛xiǎo 32 骉piāo 33 歮sè 34 芔hū、huī 35 厵yuán 36 叒ruò 37 厽lěi 38 刕lí 39 劦xiè、liè 40 瞐mò 41 尛mó 42 孨nì、zhuàn 43 惢suǒ 44 馫xīn 45 畾léi 46 壵zhuàng 47 雥zá 48 舙qì 49 驫piāo 50 贔bì 51 立lì 52 卋shì
Ntou1232023-07-03 11:02:441


肖振2023-07-03 11:02:443


hi投2023-07-03 11:02:433


三个七是:芔(读音:hū、huī) 附加: 1 淼miǎo 2 鑫xīn 3 焱yàn 4 森sēn 5 垚yáo 6 犇bēn 7 羴shān 8 鱻xiǎn 9 猋biāo 10 麤cū 11 毳cuì 12 虫chóng 13 众zhòng 14 品pǐn 15 掱shóu 、pá 16 卉huì 17 奸jiān 18 磊lěi 19 聂niè 20 赑bì 21 晶jīng 22 轰hōng 23 矗chù 24 灥xún 25 譶tà 26 靐bìng 27 龘dá 28 飝fēi 29 嚞zhé 30 飍xiū 31 皛xiǎo 32 骉piāo 33 歮sè 34 芔hū、huī 35 厵yuán 36 叒ruò 37 厽lěi 38 刕lí 39 劦xiè、liè 40 瞐mò 41 尛mó 42 孨nì、zhuàn 43 惢suǒ 44 馫xīn 45 畾léi 46 壵zhuàng 47 雥zá 48 舙qì 49 驫piāo 50 贔bì 51 立lì 52 卋shì
善士六合2023-07-03 11:02:381


北营2023-07-03 11:02:281


kikcik2023-07-03 11:02:041


12月份 翻译成英语:December
苏州马小云2023-07-03 11:02:0415


January——一1月 在罗马传说中,有一名叫雅卢斯的守护神,生有前后两副脸,一副回顾过去,一副眺望未来。象徵着结束过去与开始未来,人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月的月名很有意义。英语1月January,便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字Januarius演变而来的。 February——2月 每年2月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这一天,人们常用一种牛草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子抽打不孕的妇女,以求怀孕生子(这也太不公平了,这样野蛮)。这一天人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februarius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。 March——3月 3月,原始罗马旧历法的1月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗! 马人仍然把3月看成是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神马尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为三月的月名。英语3月March,便是这位战神的名字演变而来的。把战神之月放在岁首,开门就打仗,可见其侵略的野心。 April——4月 罗马的四月,正是大地回春,鲜花初绽的美好季节,正好是一切生命好像被打开一样。英文4月April便是由拉丁文Aprilis(即开花的日子)演变而来的。 May——5月 罗马神话中的女神玛雅,专门司管春天和生命。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字——拉丁文Maius命名5月,英文5月便是由这位女神的名字演变而来。 June——6月 罗马神话中的裘诺,是众神之王,又是司管生育和保护妇女的神。古罗马人对她十分崇敬,便把六月奉献给她,以她的名字来命名6月。 July——7月 罗马统治者朱里斯·凯撒大帝被刺身死后,著名的罗马将军马克·安东尼建议将凯撒大帝诞生的7月,用凯撒的名字——拉丁文Julius(即朱里斯)命名。这一建议得到了元老院的通过。英语7月July由此而来。 August! ——8月 朱里斯·凯撒死后,由他得甥孙屋大维续任罗马荒地。为了和凯撒齐名,他也想用自己的名字来命名一个月份。他的生日在9月,但他选定8月,因为他登基后,罗马元老院在8月授予他augustus(奥古斯都)的尊号。于是,他决定用这个尊号来命名8月。原来8月比7月少一天,为了和凯撒平起平坐,他又决定从2?谐槌鲆惶旒釉?月。从此,2月便少了一天。英语8月August便由这位皇帝的拉丁语尊号演变而来。 September——9月 老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文septem是“7”的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍沿用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。 October——10月 英语10月,来自拉丁文Octo,即“8”的意思,他和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。 November——11月 罗马皇帝奥古斯都和凯撒都有了自己名字命名的月份,罗马市民和元老院要求当时的罗马皇帝梯比里乌斯用其名命名11月,但梯比里乌斯没有同意,他明智的对大家讲,如果罗马的每个皇帝都用自己的名字来命名月份,那么出现了第13个皇帝怎么办?于是,11月仍然保留着旧称Novm,即拉丁文“9”的意思。英语11月November便由此演变而来。 December——12月 罗马皇帝琉西乌斯要把一年中最后一个月用他情妇Amagonius的名字来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。于是,12月仍然沿用旧名Decem,即拉丁文“10”的意思。英语12月December,即由此演变而来.
bikbok2023-07-03 11:02:022


十二月份的英文为:December。月份英文简写英文全称1、一月 Jan. January2、二月 Feb. February3、三月 Mar. March4、四月 Apr. April5、五月 May. May6、六月 Jun. June7、七月 Jul. July8、八月 Aug. August9、九月 Sept. September10、十月 Oct. October11、十一月 Nov. November12、十二月 Dec. December扩展资料12月是公历第12个月,是大月,一共31天。农历十二月叫牛月。罗马皇帝琉西乌斯要把一年中最后一个月12月用他情妇的Amagonius的名字来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。于是,12月仍然沿用旧名Decem,即拉丁文“10”的意思。英语12月December,便由此演变而来。12月的节气:大雪、冬至。12月的节日:世界艾滋病日、南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念日、圣诞节。2016年12月2日至4日,2016成都国际旅游展在成都世纪城新国际会展中心举行。参考资料来源:百度百科-12月
黑桃花2023-07-03 11:02:002


12月份的英文: 一月January; 二月February; 三月March; 四月April; 五月 May; 六月June; 七月July; 八月August; 九月September; 十月October; 十一月November; 十二月December 扩展资料   Interest will be paid half-yearly in June and December.   利息将每半年一次于六月份和十二月份支付。   Your contract of employment terminates in December.   你的聘约十二月份到期。   I"d advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.   要是想在八月份去旅行,我建议及早购票。   This place is lousy with tourists in August.   在八月份,这个地方挤满游人。
墨然殇2023-07-03 11:02:001


北营2023-07-03 11:01:591


真颛2023-07-03 11:01:572


十二个月的英语单词如下:一月January ,二月february ,三月March ,四月April ,五月May ,六月June ,七月July ,八月August ,九月September ,十月October ,十一月November ,十二月December。月是时间单位,传统上都是以月相变化的周期作为一个月的长度,一个月(太阴月)的长度大约是29.53日,也就是我们所说的“朔望月”。在旧石器的时代,人类就能根据月亮的变化来计算日子。至今,朔望月还是许多历法的基础。一年有12个月;中国农历一年也为12个月,农历的闰年为13个月,多出的一个月称为闰月。扩展资料:月份的英语简写一月 Jan二月 Feb三月 Mar四月 Apr五月 May六月 Jun七月 Jul八月 Aug九月 Sept十月 Oct十一月 Nov十二月 Dec
苏州马小云2023-07-03 11:01:561


北有云溪2023-07-03 11:01:381


一、写法1、首先对自己进行一个评价,观察自身有哪些优点和缺点。2、其次,描述自己的优缺点具体表现在哪些地方。二、范例You are an honest and hardworking girl. You leave me a very deep impression. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.你是一个诚实勤奋的女孩。你给我留下了很深的印象。不劳而获。我希望你将来在英语学习上取得更大的进步。You are an excellent boy. I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.你是个好孩子。我很欣赏你的笔迹,相信你会在学习上取得成功的。You are a handsome boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you a glorious future.   You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job. Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching. I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting. Wish you a splendid future.你是个英俊的男孩。我喜欢你在课堂上的活跃。祝你前程似锦。你是个认真的女孩,工作很尽职。非常感谢你对我教学的帮助。我希望你的书法能有更大的进步。祝你前程似锦。You are an active and passionate girl. I appreciate your participance in class activities. Wish you a happy life.你是一个充满活力和激情的女孩。我很感激你参加课堂活动。祝你生活愉快。You are a very careful girl. Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order. I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome.你是个很细心的女孩。你的笔迹整洁有序,令人惊叹。我相信你没有什么困难要克服的。
余辉2023-07-03 11:01:321


再也不做站长了2023-07-03 11:01:281


前程似锦用英语怎么说you have the world before you也可以直接说 Wish you a good future.I wish you a promising /prosperous future.请问祝你前程似锦的英语翻译是什么祝你前程似锦infinitely bright future to you一帆风顺,前程似锦 英语怎么说一帆风顺:〔直译〕 have a favorable wind throughout the voyage〔变通〕 have a favorable wind all the way、Everything is going smoothly. 或 go off smoothly前程似锦:have an infinitely bright futurehave a bright futureone"s future as beautiful as brocadehave a splendid prospect前程似锦 英文怎么说前程似锦The future resembles the brocade祝你幸福For Your Happiness求 不惧前路漫漫,但求未来可期 这句话的英文,不要网上机器翻译,要求能真正会翻译的大神“不惧前路漫漫,但求未来可期”这句话的英文翻译是;Don"t be afraid of the long road ahead, but look forward to the future .afraid英[u0259u02c8freid]美[u0259u02c8fred] ;adj.害怕的; 担心的; 恐怕; 畏惧,害怕;一、~ (of sb/sth) | ~ (of doing sth) | ~ (to do sth) 害怕,畏惧(可能受伤害、受苦)例句:1、I started to feel afraid of going out alone at night.我开始害怕夜间单独外出了。2、She was afraid to open the door.她不敢开门。二、~ of doing sth | ~ to do sth | ~ (that…) 担心(会发生某事)例句:1、She was afraid of upsetting her parents.她担心会使她父母不安。2、Don"t be afraid to ask if you don"t understand.你要是不懂,尽管问好了3、~ for sb/sth 担心,生怕(将发生不快、不幸或危险的事)例句:I"m not afraid for me, but for the baby.我担心的不是自己,而是婴儿。They had already fired three people and he was afraid for his job.他们已经解雇了三人,所以他为他的工作担忧。forward 英[u02c8fu0254:wu0259d] 美[u02c8fu0254:rwu0259rd] ;adv. 向前; 前进地; 至将来; 提前地;adj. 向前方的; 迅速的; (社会、政治) 进步的; 早熟的;vt. 促进,助长; (按新地址) 转寄; 发送;例句:He cameforwardwith his hand out. "Mr and Mrs Selby?" heenquired他走上前去伸出手来。“是塞尔比先生和夫人吗?”他问道。第三人称单数:forwards复数:forwards现在分词:forwarding过去式:forwarded过去分词:forwarded扩展资料同义词onwards forward 【词义:向前】的用法区别:一、onwards adv. 往前,向前指向着前方或前往某个方向,有时含持续之意。例句:1、She walked onwards to the pool.她一直向前,走到水池那里。2、The troops moved onwards.部队继续前进。3、They drove onwards towards the forest.他们驱车前往森林。二、forward adv. 向前普通用词,指朝着面前的某处或某一方位。例句:1、The soldiers crept forward under heavy gunfire.士兵们冒着密集的炮火匍匐前进。2、Then he took another small step forward.随后,他又向前走了一小步。3、He fell forwards on his face.他面朝前栽倒在地。祝你生日快乐前程似锦、镯子是给妈妈买的愿她健康快乐英文怎么说祝你生日快乐前程似锦、镯子是给妈妈买的愿她健康快乐Wish you a bright future Happy birthday, the bracelet is a mother to buy her wish health and happiness祝你生日快乐前程似锦、镯子是给妈妈买的愿她健康快乐Wish you a bright future Happy birthday, the bracelet is a mother to buy her wish health and happiness
豆豆staR2023-07-03 11:01:211


1. 写一篇我最喜欢的东西的英语作文 My favorite animal is a panda. The panda looks like a bear or a polar bear . I think the panda is very cute and lovely, and is very strong and heavy. They can walk and they can climb up trees. They live in China. I like them. Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became fewer. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them. Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. There is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again. 2. 英语作文我最喜欢的东西 My favourite things My favourite things are books and apples. Why do I like books so much? Because I can learn a lot of things from books. If I read more and more books,I will know more and more things about the world.Books are useful for us. Why do I like apples so much? Because apples are very tasty.It"s very good for us to eat apples often. so,My favourite things are books and apples. 3. 一篇英语作文 《我最喜欢的东西》 给你提供三篇,自己选择一下e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333335313066吧。 1 My name"s Oliver. I"m a 15-year-old student of medium build. I"m outgoing. The thing that I like best is a bike. The bike is very special. It"s a little different from other bikes. It"s a bit bigger. When I was 12 years old my parents gave it to me as a birthday present. How happy I was that day! Now I often ride it to school and on weekends I ride it to the sports club to play sports. When I e home I clean it carefully. I love my bike and I love my parents. 2 Hi. I"m a student of 14. My name"s Sue. I"m of medium height and very popular in my class. I"ve got many things but I like my pen best. The pen is beautiful. It is black. It"s one of the presents that I"ve got. Last year I got a C in English and I was very sad. My English teacher gave the pen to me and encouraged me to study hard. From then on I spent more time studying English. Now I have made great progress in English and I enjoy learning English. I love my pen and I live my English teacher. 3. My favourite things My favourite things are books and apples. Why do I like books so much? Because I can learn a lot of things from books. If I read more and more books,I will know more and more things about the world.Books are useful for us. Why do I like apples so much? Because apples are very tasty.It"s very good for us to eat apples often. so,My favourite things are books and apples. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 4. 英语作文 我最喜欢的东西 给你提供三篇,自己选择一下吧。 1 My name"s Oliver. I"m a 15-year-old student of medium build. I"m outgoing. The thing that I like best is a bike. The bike is very special. It"s a little different from other bikes. It"s a bit bigger. When I was 12 years old my parents gave it to me as a birthday present. How happy I was that day! Now I often ride it to school and on weekends I ride it to the sports club to play sports. When I e home I clean it carefully. I love my bike and I love my parents. 2 Hi. I"m a student of 14. My name"s Sue. I"m of medium height and very popular in my class. I"ve got many things but I like my pen best. The pen is beautiful. It is black. It"s one of the presents that I"ve got. Last year I got a C in English and I was very sad. My English teacher gave the pen to me and encouraged me to study hard. From then on I spent more time studying English. Now I have made great progress in English and I enjoy learning English. I love my pen and I live my English teacher. 3. My favourite things My favourite things are books and apples. Why do I like books so much? Because I can learn a lot of things from books. If I read more and more books,I will know more and more things about the world.Books are useful for us. Why do I like apples so much? Because apples are very tasty.It"s very good for us to eat apples often. so,My favourite things are books and apples. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 5. 请用英语写一篇作文,是写我最喜欢的一件物品,字数50字, My favorite thing is a snow globe.I get it from my brother on my 7th birthday.Well,this is a lovely snow globe with a very large birthday cake in it.There are many beautiful candles on the birthday cake.There are also some snow men around this cake.I like this snow globe very much, because it is very valuable and meaningful.。 6. 英语作文 我最喜欢的东西 给你提供三篇,自己选择一下吧。 1 My name"s Oliver. I"m a 15-year-old student of medium build. I"m outgoing. The thing that I like best is a bike. The bike is very special. It"s a little different from other bikes. It"s a bit bigger. When I was 12 years old my parents gave it to me as a birthday present. How happy I was that day! Now I often ride it to school and on weekends I ride it to the sports club to play sports. When I e home I clean it carefully. I love my bike and I love my parents. 2 Hi. I"m a student of 14. My name"s Sue. I"m of medium height and very popular in my class. I"ve got many things but I like my pen best. The pen is beautiful. It is black. It"s one of the presents that I"ve got. Last year I got a C in English and I was very sad. My English teacher gave the pen to me and encouraged me to study hard. From then on I spent more time studying English. Now I have made great progress in English and I enjoy learning English. I love my pen and I live my English teacher. 3. My favourite things My favourite things are books and apples. Why do I like books so much? Because I can learn a lot of things from books. If I read more and more books,I will know more and more things about the world.Books are useful for us. Why do I like apples so much? Because apples are very tasty.It"s very good for us to eat apples often. so,My favourite things are books and apples. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 7. 我喜欢的东西 英语作文 My favorite day of the Spring Festival, because I like the atmosphere of excitement, there is a warm feeling of family reunion. My favorite city is Paris, I love the other side of the monuments and elegant atmosphere. Purple is my favorite color, because it is full of mysterious beauty. If we let me choose a sport I love, I would choose table tennis, because it"s popular. I love KFC, even if it is unhealthy fast food. But I love it fast and easy. Speaking of movies, I love that "The Painted" It makes me understand the meaning of love
肖振2023-07-03 11:00:561


1. 以 我最爱的书 为题写一篇英文作文 people often say that god and silver are the most valuable things in the world ,But i don"t think so ,in my opinion to read books is more valuable than anything else .in all the book that i read ,i like the english multifunctional positions best ,it helps me study best ,in it ,there are many good positions that i can use ,it also let me study many things;sucess is won by three things ,first ,effort ,second ,more effort,third,still more effort.i think with the help of this book i can get more sucess。 2. 写英语作文我最喜欢的书 I like reading,so I love many different kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizons(视野)but also give me inspiration(灵感). Up to now I have read a lot of books,for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story.It was created(创作)by an American writer-Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind(盲的),deaf(聋的)and dumb(哑的)person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day.Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words.At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen"s hands with her own fingers again and again.Helen was a very diligent girl.Because of this,she tried as much as possible to remember words.After that,she wrote and published(出版)many famous works.My Life Story is one of them. My Life Story described her hard struggle to bee an outstanding(著名的)writer and educationist(教育家)of the world. It shows us a universal(普遍的)truth:"Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it!"This is why I like it best.What about you? 这个更简单 Alice"s adventrue on the wonderful land is My Favourite Book That I Have read in Winter Holidays.That is a wonderful book,and it tells a a girl"s interesting story.I love this book because it tell me a lot .It let me know how to face my live. 3. 【以“我喜欢这本书”写80字英语作文急..】 like reading,so I love many different kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizons(视野)but also give me inspiration(灵感).Up to now I have read a lot of books,for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story.It was created(创作)by an American writer-Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind(盲的),deaf(聋的)and dumb(哑的)person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day.Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words.At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen"s hands with her own fingers again and again.Helen was a very diligent girl.Because of this,she tried as much as possible to remember words.After that,she wrote and published(出版)many famous works.My Life Story is one of them.My Life Story described her hard struggle to bee an outstanding(著名的)writer and educationist(教育家)of the world.It shows us a universal(普遍的)truth:"Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it!"This is why I like it best.What about you?这个更简单 Alice"s adventrue on the wonderful land is My Favourite Book That I Have read in Winter Holidays.That is a wonderful book,and it tells a a girl"s interesting story.I love this book because it tell me a lot .It let me know how to face my live.I"ve read a book called “The Lion King”.I already watch it in the cartoon when I was little,but now I reverse the story by reading the book.It was a book about the King of the private land called Mufasa,he have a brother called Scar,a jealousy person.He wants to be the future king,to be the leader of all animals.But his dream is broken by the newborn baby of Mufasa – Simba~!A really cute little lion,because he will bee the future king after Mufasa"s death,therefore there"s no chance for Scar.So he"s trying to kill both of them.So he puts Simba into danger and killed Mufasa.He told Simba it was all Simba"s false because Mufasa is dead because he was trying to safe Simba.So Simba run away by fear.He meets o friends in a beautiful land.They taught Simba everything will be fine as the time passing.But once Simba meet his best friend Sara,and he follows her back to his kingdom and found out the truth about his father"s death,therefore he killed Scar,and he live happily with other animals ever after~!This is a good story for everyone,it"s easy for children to understand the main story,but it"s good for someone even older because it tell us that it"s important to facing the past,even know the past may hurts but you have to face it and learn things from it,don"t let it happens next time to make a better future~!I enjoy reading different kinds of books,but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one.The story is very long but I am interested in it.Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies.His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world.In fact,the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it.I think it"s the best book I"ve ever read.自己在摘要一下吧。 4. 帮我写一片“我最喜欢的书”的英语作文 Up to now I have read a lot of books, for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story. It was created(创作)by an American writer—Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind(盲的),deaf(聋的)and dumb(哑的)person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day.Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words.At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen"s hands with her own fingers again and again.Helen was a very diligent girl.Because of this,she tried as much as possible to remember words.After that,she wrote and published(出版)many famous works.My Life Story is one of them .My Life Story described her hard struggle to bee an outstanding(著名的)writer and educationist(教育家)of the world. It shows us a universal(普遍的)truth:“Nothing is difficult if you put your heart intoit!”This is why I like it best.What about you? 翻译器翻的,不一定通顺,看的懂就行了 到现在为止我看过的书很多,例如,杂志,小说,故事书等on.But的书籍,我最喜欢的是我的生命的故事之一。 它的建立(创作)由美国作家海伦凯勒(海伦凯勒)在1902.She是一个盲人(盲的),聋(聋的)和哑(哑的)person.In这本书,她写道:她没有能够看到,听到或发言,因为一岁和7 months.This不寻常的事,使她非常sad.When她7岁,她知道她沙利文(沙利文),她的好老师。 海伦得到快乐每day.Then,沙利文小姐帮她学习如何写英文words.At第一,沙利文说她用自己的手指在海伦的手有些话再次again.Helen是一本非常勤奋girl.Because,她试图尽可能记住words.After,她撰写并发表(出版)许多著名 works.My生活的故事就是其中之一。我的故事,描述她的奋斗,成为一位杰出的(著名的)作家,教育家(教育家世界)。 它表明我们普遍的(普遍的)真理:“没有什么是困难的,如果你把你的心intoit!”这就是为什么我喜欢你,best.What? 5. 以我最喜欢的书为题的英语作文 A letter to my mother Dec. 7th Dear mother,(这里不用我翻译了吧) I have been good at school.(我在学校待得很好) I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home.(在我上床睡觉的时候我有时会想念您,因为在家时我们经常在睡觉之前散步) So I miss you everyday.(所以我每天都想你) Do you miss me?(你想我吗) Why don"t you call me?(为什么你不打电话给我) I"ve got a lot of things to tell you.(我有很多东西要告诉你呢) One of the things is about foreign teacher"s daughter. (其中一件事就是关于外国老师的女儿)Her name"s Skyler.(她的名字叫斯凯勒) She lives in Canada. (她住在加拿大)She es to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class.(她来到我们的班级和我一起学习中文和英文) This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium. (这天下午在劳技课上,我们班在打扫体育馆)And she did it with us too.(她也和我们一起劳动) So I usually talk to her when she doesn"t know what to do?(所以当她不知道的时候我经常告诉她该做什么) But when the class is over, I always haven"t got enough time to talk to her. (但是当下课后,我经常没有足够的时间与她交谈)And I usually can"t find her.(而且我经常找不到她) So we don"t have time to introduce to each other.(所以我们没有时间来互相介绍) But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. (但那是我第一次认识外国学生)So I"m very happy!(所以我很快乐) Mum, you often tell me, “If you are happy, I"ll be happy, too.” (妈妈,您经常告诉我:"如果你快乐,我也就快乐了")So you have to be happy, because I"m happy! (所以你应该快乐,因为我很快乐)I like you when you are happy! (我喜欢你快乐的样子) In the end I wish you everything is just fine! (最后我祝您万事顺利) Yours,Sophia.(您的,索菲娅)。 6. 以我最喜欢的书为题写一篇英语作文,八十字左右 My favorite book is “Dream of The Red Chamber”. The book tries to tell us that there are different kinds of love, only one kind which should be considered as True Love. In our life, we should marry the true love instead of wealth and good looks. From this book, we also get to know a part of the noble people"s life in Qing Dynasty and find some life philosophies from it. So this book is very instructive to people. We should learn more from this book as well as other books.。 7. 【英语作文《Myfavoritebookreview》(《我最喜欢的书的读后感》) 0.0班长你怎么可以用百度呢我都自己写的.这是我写的.没好回答就把分给我吧^_^My favorite book is Stories of Greece.It is something about ancient Greeks.The Greeks told stories to explain how things came to be .This story is about the fire .Prometheus,a cheerful giant,getting fire for us.Fire was a great power and Zeus had said it must not leave Heaven.Prometheus was truly noble,and he brought the fire to the earth.When Zeus found out about this,he was so angry and tied Prometheus to a rock on the mountain.A bird ate his heart every day.What a great man!He is a hero,a great man.We can cook a meal,heat the house and burn a *** oke with fire .Fire is important.Of course,it is a story.But the behavior of Prometheus was worth extolling.We should study his spirit.。 8. 英语作文 《我最喜欢的一本书》 咋写 我最喜欢的一本书 英语作文 范文: a lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and i always proudly answer them >, which is all history about china. this will be a long story for me to read this book. first time i touched this book is when i was 5 years old. my mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. this is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. i almost fot the dinner after i read the first page. from then on, i was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my clas *** eates. when i became older and older, i knew more about it and feel more confident about my own china. i am proud that i am a chinese and i will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let chinese history more brilliant. as me, this is the most important book in my life and now i still read it and recite some part of it. i think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice. 9. 求一篇英语作文,以我喜欢的书为题的 A letter to my mother Dec. 7th Dear mother,(这里不用我翻译了吧) I have been good at school.(我在学校待得很好) I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home.(在我上床睡觉的时候我有时会想念您,因为在家时我们经常在睡觉之前散步) So I miss you everyday.(所以我每天都想你) Do you miss me?(你想我吗) Why don"t you call me?(为什么你不打电话给我) I"ve got a lot of things to tell you.(我有很多东西要告诉你呢) One of the things is about foreign teacher"s daughter. (其中一件事就是关于外国老师的女儿)Her name"s Skyler.(她的名字叫斯凯勒) She lives in Canada. (她住在加拿大)She es to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class.(她来到我们的班级和我一起学习中文和英文) This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium. (这天下午在劳技课上,我们班在打扫体育馆)And she did it with us too.(她也和我们一起劳动) So I usually talk to her when she doesn"t know what to do?(所以当她不知道的时候我经常告诉她该做什么) But when the class is over, I always haven"t got enough time to talk to her. (但是当下课后,我经常没有足够的时间与她交谈)And I usually can"t find her.(而且我经常找不到她) So we don"t have time to introduce to each other.(所以我们没有时间来互相介绍) But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. (但那是我第一次认识外国学生)So I"m very happy!(所以我很快乐) Mum, you often tell me, “If you are happy, I"ll be happy, too.” (妈妈,您经常告诉我:"如果你快乐,我也就快乐了")So you have to be happy, because I"m happy! (所以你应该快乐,因为我很快乐)I like you when you are happy! (我喜欢你快乐的样子) In the end I wish you everything is just fine! (最后我祝您万事顺利) Yours,Sophia.(您的,索菲娅)。
Ntou1232023-07-03 11:00:491


1. 英语作文 《我最喜欢的一本书》 咋写 我最喜欢的一本书 英语作文 范文: a lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and i always proudly answer them >, which is all history about china. this will be a long story for me to read this book. first time i touched this book is when i was 5 years old. my mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. this is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. i almost fot the dinner after i read the first page. from then on, i was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my clas *** eates. when i became older and older, i knew more about it and feel more confident about my own china. i am proud that i am a chinese and i will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let chinese history more brilliant. as me, this is the most important book in my life and now i still read it and recite some part of it. i think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice. 2. 介绍一本书的英语作文 I want to introduce the book is Hemingway"s the old man and the sea, I think this book is very worth a look, especially in the ownership of the "tough guy" spirit is worth us to learn. The old man and the sea is the background of the story leaves of Cuba in the 20th century. Protagonist is an old fisherman San Diego in a supporting role is a named manolin"s child. The old man and the sea is written by an old fisherman fishing in the sea for three days and three nights. Old man in the face of many difficulties, life, other fishermen laugh at, only a *** all boy to send him food. The old man decided to go to fisherman who has never been to the deep sea fishing, to prove your ability and courage. At sea, the old man caught a salmon, but the fish is too big, the old man made countless efforts finally put the fish in the boat, because of that, that caused the tragedy, the fish"s blood attracted many shark, the old man was determined, "fight with them, I"ll talk to them all to death" finally, went back to the shore, the old man in the boat only strapped to her bones. 3. 写一本书的英语作文 My favorite book is Harry potter .I think it is a nice and a funny book.It is good for us teenagers. I like read it because it is full of science fiction,it is easy to understand and it is the most funny book i have read.I have learned a lot from it.I know that as a teenager,we should be confidence and brave.So as Harry.And we should love and protect our friends.We all need friends.We all need get along well with our friends.If i have the chance to learn some magic,i"d love to be a teenager like Harry potter.Flying and do some magic tricks,that"s my interest and that"s the most important reason why i love read Harry potter so much. 望采纳 翻译;我最喜欢的书是哈利·波特。我认为这是一个很有趣的一本书。它对我们青少年是好的。 我喜欢读它,因为它充满了科幻小说,这是容易理解的,这是我读过的最有趣的书。我从中学到了很多。我知道,作为一个十几岁的青少年,我们应该自信和勇敢。所以当哈利。我们应该爱护我们的朋友。我们人人都需要朋友。我们都需要和朋友们相处得很好。如果我有机会学习魔法,我# 039;爱是青少年喜欢哈利·波特。飞行和做一些魔术,这# 039;我的兴趣,这是最重要的# 039;为什么我爱读哈利·波特这么多。 双语对照 4. 卖一本书的英语作文怎么写啊 Up to now I have read a lot of books, for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story. It was created(创作)by an American writer—Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind(盲的),deaf(聋的)and dumb(哑的)person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day.Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words.At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen"s hands with her own fingers again and again.Helen was a very diligent girl.Because of this,she tried as much as possible to remember words.After that,she wrote and published(出版)many famous works.My Life Story is one of them .My Life Story described her hard struggle to bee an outstanding(著名的)writer and educationist(教育家)of the world. It shows us a universal(普遍的)truth:“Nothing is difficult if you put your heart intoit!”This is why I like it best.What about you? 翻译器翻的,不一定通顺,看的懂就行了 到现在为止我看过的书很多,例如,杂志,小说,故事书等on.But的书籍,我最喜欢的是我的生命的故事之一。 它的建立(创作)由美国作家海伦凯勒(海伦凯勒)在1902.She是一个盲人(盲的),聋(聋的)和哑(哑的)person.In这本书,她写道:她没有能够看到,听到或发言,因为一岁和7 months.This不寻常的事,使她非常sad.When她7岁,她知道她沙利文(沙利文),她的好老师。 海伦得到快乐每day.Then,沙利文小姐帮她学习如何写英文words.At第一,沙利文说她用自己的手指在海伦的手有些话再次again.Helen是一本非常勤奋girl.Because,她试图尽可能记住words.After,她撰写并发表(出版)许多著名 works.My生活的故事就是其中之一。 我的故事,描述她的奋斗,成为一位杰出的(著名的)作家,教育家(教育家世界)。 它表明我们普遍的(普遍的)真理:“没有什么是困难的,如果你把你的心intoit!”这就是为什么我喜欢你,best.What?。 5. 英语作文《最有趣的一本书》带翻译 I like reading,so I love many different kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizons(视野)but also give me inspiration(灵感). 我喜欢阅读,所以我很喜欢各种类型的书,因为他们不仅拓宽我的视野,而且还给我灵感。 Up to now I have read a lot of books, for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story.It was created(创作)by an American writer—Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind(盲的),deaf(聋的)and dumb(哑的)person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day.Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words.At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen"s hands with her own fingers again and again.Helen was a very diligent girl.Because of this,she tried as much as possible to remember words.After that,she wrote and published(出版)many famous works.My Life Story is one of them. 6. 评论一本书等英文作文一篇初三英文作文,要求评论一本书,一部电影 小鬼当家英文影评Home Alone 3 has a lot of unfair critici *** .I mean,how many of you would really have wanted a 16-year-old Mac Culkin doing the same-old same-old to Harry and Marv.Of course it was a better idea to do in a different direction and with John Hughes still producing and writing you know there"s going to be a good amount of imagination and creativity.This time around we have 8-year-old Alex Pruitt defend his house against international criminals.Stuck at home with Chicken Pox with both his parents tied-up in work matters,Alex suspects foul play on his snowy street when he witnesses strangers poking around in his neighbor"s house.Of course,no one believes an imaginative 8-year-old so he has to deal with them himself.It turns out that a toy car Alex got from the old-lady across the street is actually a Trojan horse to *** uggle a priceless defence microchip to the North Korean mob.They really ought to hire better criminals as they fall for every one of Alex"s sadistic booby-traps.Yes,that is basically the whole plot but it gets enough mileage out of it and it"s still very funny.Set in January,it lacks the Xmas feel of the first o,but I guess that would have just been a distraction.John Williams" theme only gets a brief recital at the start,but from then on it"s an adequate (if not exceptional) score from Hans Zimmer pal Nick Glennie-Smith.Despite these key differences of characters and theme,it still feels like it has enough continuity with the others.It"s a totally worthwhile and enjoyable sequel that has a bad rep for no reason.Home Alone 4 on the other hand。 now THAT is BAD!。 7. 【英语作文,介绍一本书,60多字就行,一定要英文的说明故事发生 people often say that god and silver are the most valuable things in the world ,But i don"t think so ,in my opinion to read books is more valuable than anything else .in all the book that i read ,i like the english multifunctional positions best ,it helps me study best ,in it ,there are many good positions that i can use ,it also let me study many things;sucess is won by three things ,first ,effort ,second ,more effort,third,still more effort.i think with the help of this book i can get more sucess。 8. 一篇英语作文【用英语介绍一本书】就是用英文介绍一本书,最好不 I am a middle school student.And our teacher asks us to read some magazines or newspapers after school.I read "Beijing Youth Daily" (北京青年报)every day.My parents also like this newspaper very much.Sometimes,we talk about the news in the newspaper.There is much news about different thiongs in this newspaper.And I can get a lot of knowledge from it.I think it is very helpful for my study.。
Chen2023-07-03 11:00:491


1. 写一本书的英语作文 My favorite book is Harry potter .I think it is a nice and a funny book.It is good for us teenagers. I like read it because it is full of science fiction,it is easy to understand and it is the most funny book i have read.I have learned a lot from it.I know that as a teenager,we should be confidence and brave.So as Harry.And we should love and protect our friends.We all need friends.We all need get along well with our friends.If i have the chance to learn some magic,i"d love to be a teenager like Harry potter.Flying and do some magic tricks,that"s my interest and that"s the most important reason why i love read Harry potter so much. 望采纳 翻译;我最喜欢的书是哈利·波特。我认为这是一个很有趣的一本书。它对我们青少年是好的。 我喜欢读它,因为它充满了科幻小说,这是容易理解的,这是我读过的最有趣的书。我从中学到了很多。我知道,作为一个十几岁的青少年,我们应该自信和勇敢。所以当哈利。我们应该爱护我们的朋友。我们人人都需要朋友。我们都需要和朋友们相处得很好。如果我有机会学习魔法,我# 039;爱是青少年喜欢哈利·波特。飞行和做一些魔术,这# 039;我的兴趣,这是最重要的# 039;为什么我爱读哈利·波特这么多。 双语对照 2. 谁能帮我写一篇关于一本书的英语作文 interesting book The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book!It"s very interesting.Althought I don"t know much about religion,I am crazy about it!But my foreign teacher told me that some people who?believe in Jesus don"t like this book.They think the book tells something wrong .I?know nothing about religion ,so I am not sure is that ture.I think everything?has pros and cons,we should learn the good things from the?book and don"t care about the bad things.Don"t you think so? Reading is very good for us ,we can learn lots of knowledge from books.Let"s read .Books are the food of our spirit 3. 介绍一本书的英语作文 I want to introduce the book is Hemingway"s the old man and the sea, I think this book is very worth a look, especially in the ownership of the "tough guy" spirit is worth us to learn. The old man and the sea is the background of the story leaves of Cuba in the 20th century. Protagonist is an old fisherman San Diego in a supporting role is a named manolin"s child. The old man and the sea is written by an old fisherman fishing in the sea for three days and three nights. Old man in the face of many difficulties, life, other fishermen laugh at, only a *** all boy to send him food. The old man decided to go to fisherman who has never been to the deep sea fishing, to prove your ability and courage. At sea, the old man caught a salmon, but the fish is too big, the old man made countless efforts finally put the fish in the boat, because of that, that caused the tragedy, the fish"s blood attracted many shark, the old man was determined, "fight with them, I"ll talk to them all to death" finally, went back to the shore, the old man in the boat only strapped to her bones. 4. 用英语写一篇关于一本书的作文300字带有中文 I like reading,so I love many different kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizons(视野)but also give me inspiration(灵感). 我喜欢阅读,所以我很喜欢各种类型的书,因为他们不仅拓宽我的视野,而且还给我灵感。 Up to now I have read a lot of books, for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story.It was created(创作)by an American writer—Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind(盲的),deaf(聋的)and dumb(哑的)person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day.Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words.At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen"s hands with her own fingers again and again.Helen was a very diligent girl.Because of this,she tried as much as possible to remember words.After that,she wrote and published(出版)many famous works.My Life Story is one of them. 到目前为止我读过很多书,例如,杂志,小说和故事书等等。但是,我最喜欢的书是《我的生活的故事》。它是美国作家海伦凯勒写与1902的。她是一个又盲又聋又哑的人。在书中,她写道,自从她一岁零七个月后就没能再看到、听到或说过了。这些不寻常的事情让她很伤心。她七岁的时候,她认识了她的好老师,沙利文。海伦每天变得越来越开心。然后,沙利文小姐帮助她学习写英语单词。起初,沙利文小姐她自己的手指在海伦的手中一次又一次的写一些字。海伦是一个很勤奋的女孩。 My Life Story described her hard struggle to bee an outstanding(著名的)writer and educationist(教育家)of the world. 阐述了她成为一个世界著名的作家和教育家的艰辛。 It shows us a universal(普遍的)truth:“Nothing is difficult if you put your heart intoit!”This is why I like it best.What about you? 这向我们展示了一个普遍的真理:“世上无难事只怕有心人!”这就是我最喜欢它的原因,你呢? 5. 请写一篇英语作文 My favorite book is Harry potter .I think it is a nice and a funny book.It is good for us teenagers.I like read it because it is full of science fiction,it is easy to understand and it is the most funny book i have read.I have learned a lot from it.I know that as a teenager,we should be confidence and brave.So as Harry.And we should love and protect our friends.We all need friends.We all need get along well with our friends.If i have the chance to learn some magic,i"d love to be a teenager like Harry potter.Flying and do some magic tricks,that"s my interest and that"s the most important reason why i love read Harry potter so much。 6. 卖一本书的英语作文怎么写啊 Up to now I have read a lot of books, for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story. It was created(创作)by an American writer—Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind(盲的),deaf(聋的)and dumb(哑的)person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day.Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words.At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen"s hands with her own fingers again and again.Helen was a very diligent girl.Because of this,she tried as much as possible to remember words.After that,she wrote and published(出版)many famous works.My Life Story is one of them .My Life Story described her hard struggle to bee an outstanding(著名的)writer and educationist(教育家)of the world. It shows us a universal(普遍的)truth:“Nothing is difficult if you put your heart intoit!”This is why I like it best.What about you? 翻译器翻的,不一定通顺,看的懂就行了 到现在为止我看过的书很多,例如,杂志,小说,故事书等on.But的书籍,我最喜欢的是我的生命的故事之一。 它的建立(创作)由美国作家海伦凯勒(海伦凯勒)在1902.She是一个盲人(盲的),聋(聋的)和哑(哑的)person.In这本书,她写道:她没有能够看到,听到或发言,因为一岁和7 months.This不寻常的事,使她非常sad.When她7岁,她知道她沙利文(沙利文),她的好老师。 海伦得到快乐每day.Then,沙利文小姐帮她学习如何写英文words.At第一,沙利文说她用自己的手指在海伦的手有些话再次again.Helen是一本非常勤奋girl.Because,她试图尽可能记住words.After,她撰写并发表(出版)许多著名 works.My生活的故事就是其中之一。 我的故事,描述她的奋斗,成为一位杰出的(著名的)作家,教育家(教育家世界)。 它表明我们普遍的(普遍的)真理:“没有什么是困难的,如果你把你的心intoit!”这就是为什么我喜欢你,best.What?。 7. 【英语作文,介绍一本书,60多字就行,一定要英文的说明故事发生 people often say that god and silver are the most valuable things in the world ,But i don"t think so ,in my opinion to read books is more valuable than anything else .in all the book that i read ,i like the english multifunctional positions best ,it helps me study best ,in it ,there are many good positions that i can use ,it also let me study many things;sucess is won by three things ,first ,effort ,second ,more effort,third,still more effort.i think with the help of this book i can get more sucess。
kikcik2023-07-03 11:00:431


北有云溪2023-07-03 11:00:327


I like that book the most
黑桃花2023-07-03 11:00:276


;想写一点 在写一个逗号
左迁2023-07-03 10:59:234


拌三丝2023-07-03 10:58:491


阿啵呲嘚2023-07-03 10:58:041


一本你喜爱的书就是黑夜里的一盏启明灯,也是茫茫大海中的一个指南针。一本你喜爱的书就是一位良师,也是一个益友。一本你喜爱的书就是打开智慧的钥匙,也是一盏明灯。一本你喜爱的书就是一个温馨的家庭,也是一扇通往未来的大门。一本你喜爱的书就是下雨后的空气,也是来去匆匆的时间。一本你喜爱的书就是一缕明媚的阳光,也是一杯浓香的美酒。一本你喜爱的书就是一个万花筒,也是善变的大海。一本你喜爱的书就是一个网络,也是一个多彩的世界。 一本你喜爱的书就是一个亲友,也是一处理随时想去就去的地故地。一本你喜爱的书就是一个婴儿的摇篮,也是温暖的春风。一本你喜爱的书就是一壶清新的绿茶,也是一个伴侣。一本你喜爱的书就是一幅优美的风景画,也是一艘驶向知识海洋的战舰。一本你喜爱的书就是一位朋友,也是一处你随时想去就去的故地。一本你喜爱的书就是一杯耐人寻味的绿茶,也是一盏陈年的佳酿。一本你喜爱的书就是一段最难忘的人生奇遇,也是嘴边一段喜爱的小曲。一本你喜爱的书就是( 甘露),也是(泪水 )。 一本你喜爱的书就是一本你喜爱的书就是一段最难忘的人生奇遇,也是嘴边一段喜爱的小曲 一本你喜爱的书就是一杯耐人寻味的绿茶,也是一盏陈年的佳酿 一本你喜爱的书就是你在书的王国遨游的步履,也是一匹神奇的骏马带我们领略人生的真谛.... 一本喜爱的书,就像( 你的朋友),一本喜爱的书,就像( 你的老师]一本喜爱的书,就像( 勤劳的园丁) 一本你喜爱的书就是( 你的好朋友 ),也是( 你随时愿意去就去的知识乐园 ).本你喜爱的书就是一本你喜爱的书就是一段最难忘的人生奇遇,也是嘴边一段喜爱的小曲 一本你喜爱的书就是一杯耐人寻味的绿茶,也是一盏陈年的佳酿 一本你喜爱的书就是你在书的王国遨游的步履,也是一匹神奇的骏马带我们领略人生的真谛....
tt白2023-07-03 10:58:041


北有云溪2023-07-03 10:58:031


一本你喜爱的书就是一间黄金屋,也是一座知识的宝库。一本你喜爱的书就是一位朋友,一本你喜爱的书就是一笔财富,也是通往成功路上的一个阶梯。.一本你先的书就是一位朋友,也是一处你随时想去就去的故地。一本你喜爱的书就是一位朋友.一本你喜爱的书就是一位智者,也是良师益友-。 一本你喜爱的书就是沙漠的清泉,也是冰天雪地的一把火。一本你喜爱的书就是人世的真谛,也是人类文明的长生果。一本你鲜花的书就是春天的春雨,也是夏日的清凉。一本你喜爱的书就是一匹神奇的骏马,把我们带到浩瀚的天地。一本你喜爱的书就是美丽的北斗七星,也是人类美丽的灵魂。一本你喜爱的书就是一位朋友,是一处你随时乐意去就去的熟地方。 一本你喜爱的书就是人世的真谛,也是人类文明的长生果。 一本喜欢的书 可以寻找到自己心灵的话语 就像跟一个有灵魂的博学朋友在交谈 并且不会厌烦 不会保留 无私的把他的经历 他的生活 他的感悟告诉你 并且能够引起你的共鸣 使你的灵魂得到升华一本喜欢的书 就像一位渊博的朋友 可以随时去聆听请教 从不会介意你的打搅
铁血嘟嘟2023-07-03 10:58:011


英语的:My Day:My day started out quite nice the sun was out so bright i forgot everything that happened and the pain i felt last night i slipped on all my clothes and did my normal thing i went over every thought and wondered what the day would bring i got to school and i felt sick sick of who i am people say none of its true but i dont give a damn the day started to fade, just like my gloomy past and my then happier days just never seemed to last after hours past the sky turned grey and i said goodbye to my nice day the rain started to pore right down on my eyes my tears blended in as i held in the lies i walked to the parking lot which there waited my ride i rode all the way home silently wanting to get away in hide when we parked in the drive way i jumped, out and ran away and no ones ever known my secrets or seen me till this day.(by Rebekah Jackson)
韦斯特兰2023-07-03 10:56:421

my day的作文怎么写

my day的作文写法示例如下:Hi!My name is Linda.I"m from LuGu Foreign Language Primary School.I get up at 6:30.It"s 7:05.It"s time for breakfast.It"s 7:30.It"s time to go to school.On my way to school,I can see cats,dogs,rabbits,and some birds.Oh,it"s 9:10.It"s time for Chinese class.It"s 10:00.It"s time for English class.It"s 10:50.It"s time for math class.It"s 12:00.It"s time for science class.It"s 2:50.It"s time for painting.It"s 3:30.It"s time for Chinese.It"s 4:30.It"s time to go home.It"s 9:30.It"s time to go to bed.I like my day.
墨然殇2023-07-03 10:56:381

英语作文my day 开头怎么写,

Today is Monday.I get up at 6:00.I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room,wash my face and brush my teeth.I have noodles for breakfast.I go to school at 7:00.I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning.At 11:30,I"m very hungry.I have lunch at school.I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon.We have three classes in the afternoon.I have computer class and art classes.I like them very much.I go home at 5:30.I do homework after school.My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.I go to bed at 10:00.
tt白2023-07-03 10:56:351

英语作文 my day怎么写

 My Day Today is Monday.I get up at 6:00.I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room,wash my face and brush my teeth.I have noodles for breakfast.I go to school at 7:00.I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning.At 11:30,I"m very hungry.I have lunch at school.I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon.We have three classes in the afternoon.I have computer class and art classes.I like them very much.I go home at 5:30.I do homework after school.My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.I go to bed at 10:00. I"m happy today! 英语作文:My day Hello,I am Liu Wei.Now let me tell you something about my day. I go to school from Monday to Friday.So I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have breakfast at 6:45.Then I go to school at 7:00.Oh!It is 8:00.It is time to do morning exercises.“Class begins.” “Good morning,Mr.Guo!” Do you know what`s the time now,friends?Yes,It is 8:20!The first class begins.I often have lunch at 11:00.I go home at 5:40 in the afternoon.I usually have dinner at 6:00 in the evening.I do my homework at 7:00 in the evening.It is time to go to bed at 11:00. This is my day.It is a funny day.How about yours,friends? My Day 英语作文范文3 My Day My name is Zhou Hongjie.My English name is Bill.I"m sixteen years old.I study in Dongzhou Middle School.I"m in Class 12,Grade 8.Here is my day. I often get up at five fifty in the morning.I spend twenty minutes putting on my clothes,washing my face and brushing my teeth.It takes me ten minutes to have breakfast.Luckily,my home is opposite the school.I am always the first to go to school.I go to school at 6:25.Before class,I do some reading. Classes begin at seven twenty.There are five lessons in the morning and four lessons in the afternoon.I have lunch and supper at school.I always do some exercise after school.I like playing table tennis best.If I have free time,I will play chess with my father.Sadly,I always lose,but I never give up playing chess.I think I will beat my father some day. My school life is colourful. 小学英语作文:我的一天My Day(4篇) My Day 1 May first is a Sunday.And it is the Labor"s Day.My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window.What a fine day!Let"s go to park,” So my mother,my classmate and I went to the park.We took some foods in my schoolbag.On the way to the park.I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds.I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on.Below the trees,there are several kinds of flowers.It"s colorful,blue,red,yellow,pink,purple,orange and white.I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky.I ate popcorn,cornflakes,banana and lollipop.They were wonderful. In the afternoon,we went to the zoo.I visited the birds,mice,cats,dogs,budgies,hamsters,rabbits and so on. May Day is my favorite day! My Day 2 I had a wonderful holiday at spring festival .I went to the park with my friends .We met at eight o"clock at the school gate .We went to the park by bike .It was a beautiful day .We sat under a big tree and chated with each other .We took about some movies and some fun things .We had lunch there .We ate hamburgers and some drinks ,but I know they are not healthy and not good for us .Then we played some games . We were all fell tired ,but we were very happy !It was great fun ! My Day 3 Today is Monday.I get up at 6:00.I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room,wash my face and brush my teeth.I have noodles for breakfast.I go to school at 7:00.I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning.At 11:30,I"m very hungry.I have lunch at school.I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon.We have three classes in the afternoon.I have computer class and art classes.I like them very much.I go home at 5:30.I do homework after school.My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.I go to bed at 10:00. My Day 4 Today is Sunday.It is sunny.I don"t go to school.I want go shopping.I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast.I go out at 8:00.The shop is near .I go there on foot.Many people are in the shop.I buy a pencil .At 12:00 I go home for lunch.I have some vegetable and meat for lunch.I read a book in the afternoon.I eat some noodles and fruit for supper.After supper,I do my homework.then I watch TV.Later,I play on the computer.I lie on my bed.I listen to the radio.I have a happy day.
苏萦2023-07-03 10:56:331


二 was went went could do didnot waited are finding
可桃可挑2023-07-03 10:56:194


小弟弟在玩耍xiǎo dì di zài wán shuǎ
meira2023-07-03 10:56:141


didizaichibingqilin 弟弟在吃冰淇淋
西柚不是西游2023-07-03 10:56:133


弟弟在拍皮球的拼音如下:弟弟在拍皮球dì dì zài pāi pí qiú
黑桃花2023-07-03 10:56:111


下面的话,我给你拼一下,就是今天我和弟弟吃葡萄干的拼jintian he didichi putaogan 嗯,这个的话就是拼,你可以就是拼一下就可以了葡萄干是借助于太阳热或人工加热使葡萄果实脱水形成的食品,含糖量高,是典型的高能量营养品。葡萄干水含量低,方便运输和贮存。世界各地最主要的制干葡萄就是绿色无核葡萄品种无核白,其它制干品种有白玫瑰香和黑科林斯。由于葡萄干制作对葡萄品种和产地气候要求十分严格,无核白维吾尔语名“基什米什”,属欧亚种,为吐鲁番市主栽品种。嫩梢绿色,无茸毛,幼叶黄绿色,上下表面有光泽。果穗双歧肩圆锥形,平均单穗质量460g,果粒中等整齐,紧密,平均单粒质量1.35g,椭圆形,果皮黄绿色,皮薄,肉质脆,皮与肉分离,果汁浅黄色,可溶性固形物含量21%~24%,含酸量0.52%,无香味,品质上等,制干率20.4%,无种子。4月上旬开始萌芽,5月中下旬开花,8月下旬果实完全成熟,生长期143天,有效积温3701.4℃。该品种是优良的鲜食、制干兼用品种。制干后绿色或黄绿色,制干率高,外观晶莹剔透,果肉饱满,风味纯正,无任何异味,耐贮藏。[2]长粒无核白维吾尔语名“吾宗基美西”,属欧亚种,无核白芽变品种,分布于吐鲁番的高昌区、鄯善县。嫩梢绿色,无茸毛,幼叶黄绿色,上下表面无茸毛,有光泽;平均单穗质量480g,果穗较疏松、整齐,平均单粒质量2.18g,长卵形,黄绿色,果刷较短,皮薄,肉脆,皮与肉分离,果汁中等,浅黄色,可溶性固形物含量20.2%,含酸量0.45%,酸甜、无香味,品质上等,无种子。4月中旬开始萌芽,5月中下旬开花,8月下旬果实成熟,生长期141天,有效积温3689.8℃。[2]该品种是制干优良品种,晾制的葡萄干鲜绿,较整齐、饱满,出干率22%,近些年由于其制干后果粒较长,形似香蕉,又被称作“白香蕉”,辨识度非常高,受到消费者喜爱。[2]马奶子维吾尔语名“沙依宛”,属欧亚种,新疆地方品种,分布于全疆各地。嫩梢绿色,无毛,幼叶绿,微带红色,无茸毛,有光泽。果穗圆锥形,平均单穗质量520g,果粒着生疏松,果粒长圆束腰形,整齐,平均单粒质量5.4g,果皮薄,黄绿色,与果肉分离,肉质稍软,汁多,无香味,甜,可溶性固形物含量19.6%,含酸量0.3%,品质上等,有核。4月上旬开始萌芽,5月上中旬开花,8月下旬果实充分成熟,生长期133天,有效积温3441.1℃。[2]马奶子该品种庭院栽培有一定市场,是一个传统品种,鲜食和制干兼用。制干后褐色居多,其果皮薄,制干后可以直接看见果肉,颗粒大,种子不影响食用体验。[2]无核紫属欧亚种,东方种群。嫩梢绿色,有稀疏茸毛,幼叶绿色,上下表面无毛。果穗圆锥形,中大,平均单穗质量476g,果粒着生中等紧密,果粒较大,平均单粒质量2.78g,椭圆形,整齐,果皮紫黑色,薄,肉质脆,果汁中多,无香味,酸甜,可溶性固形物含量20%~22%,含酸量0.5%,无种子,品质上等。4月上中旬开始萌芽,维吾尔语名“翁卡玉孜姆”,属欧亚种,新疆品种。果穗副穗圆柱形,较小,平均单穗质量60g,果粒着生中等紧密,果粒极小,平均单粒质量0.18g,扁圆形,整齐,果皮中厚,较韧,紫红色,脆,黄绿色,无香味,酸甜,可溶性固形物含量20%,含酸量0.63%,无籽,品质中下等。4月中旬萌芽,5月中旬开花,9月中旬果实完全成熟,生长期147天,有效积温3801.9℃。[2]琐琐葡萄该品种为晚熟药用葡萄品种,可制干,出干率22.2%,紫红色,可供医药用。[2]生产制作工艺流程葡萄干的生产工艺流程为:原料→去渣→清洗→烘干→分级→包装。[1]生产常见问题干制方法落后我国葡萄干几乎采用自然干制,由于自然干制方法低效耗时,我国普遍使用促干剂,促干剂的主要化学成分为碳酸钾,可以提高葡萄干燥速度。但是使用促干剂以后,由于果皮变薄,在去梗时极易受到机械损伤,容易在潮湿的环境中吸水变质。最近几年,越来越多的新型干燥技术发展成熟,并且取得了很好的效果:利用太阳能干燥机进行干燥可以充分的利用阳光,缩短干制时间,提高产品的卫生质量,但生产成本高、耗能大、生产能力小严重制约了此种方法的发展;热风干燥应用广泛、简单易操作,可缩短干制时间,在30℃下干制可较好的保持无核白葡萄的色泽;微波真空干燥可除去空去中的氧气,迅速降低果蔬的含水量,控制酶的活性,降低酶促褐变;气体射流冲击技术不添加化学试剂和添加剂,安全卫生,较好的保存物料的营养价值。[1]研究表明,酶促褐变是导致葡萄干褐变的主要因素。葡萄果粒在加工过程中受到挤压、摩擦或碰伤,以及微生物的污染都会加速酶促褐变的发生。常见的防褐变措施为:精选鲜绿原料,采用促干助剂处理,稀薄均匀晾挂,环境气温不宜过高,葡萄干脱梗应尽量避免不损伤果皮,快速清洗和脱水,真空或充惰性气体包装,低温(5℃左右)下贮运。[1]熏硫葡萄干对葡萄干进行熏硫处理,可以使葡萄干的颜色变得黄亮,而且不会褐变,产品售价较高。但是,熏硫处理往往会造成葡萄干中SO2残留超标,过量的SO2对人体有害,会造成黏膜损伤,诱发呼吸系统、胃肠疾病。因此应该加大市场监管力度,禁用硫磺熏制葡萄干,这一食品安全隐患已成为制约葡萄干产业发展的又一重大课题。[1]营养成分葡萄干的营养成分来源于葡萄,其继承了葡萄的多种抗氧化功效。葡萄在制干过程中有物质成分的浓缩,也有物质因为氧化等原因而发生的分解与转化。葡萄干是一种营养丰富的天然碳水化合物食物源。[以上介绍的就是葡萄干,野心也葡萄干了,就直接生产地方,还有葡萄干的种类,这些种类止损都在上面
NerveM 2023-07-03 10:56:111


最近统计资料显示,我国农村中小学近视眼发病率平均在40%以上。其中,小学生达16.65%,初中生达42.05%,高中生达61.5%,并呈继续上升之势,这种状况令人堪忧。造成农村中小学生近视眼发病率不断升高的原因是什么?应该采取什么对策?是我们教育工作者乃至全社会都十分关注的问题。 通过调查发现,造成农村中小学生近视眼发病的原因是多方面的,有遗传因素、营养因素及其它疾病因素。但这些因素造成的近视只占少数。形成近视的主要原因是中小学生的用眼过度加上睡眠休息不足所致,它与农村中小学生的学习环境和生活环境因素密切相关。 一、农村学校的学习环境中某些因素导致学生用眼过度,视力下降。不良的读写习惯在中小学生中较普遍存在,占学生总数的78%左右,有的近距离伏案读书,有的歪头斜身写字,还有的午休时间躺着看书或走路看书,这些坏习惯导致了视疲劳,形成假性近视,时间长了逐渐过度为真性近视。如此看来,不正确的读写姿式是造成视力下降形成近视的一个重要因素。 虽然国家正在大力推行素质教育,但农村中小学转轨较慢,仍受应试教育体制的束缚。为了追求升学率,升学考什么老师便教什么,并且加班加点,有的星期天上课,多数农村初中和几乎所有高中都上晚自习。小学生在校时间长达8至9小时,中学生则更长。长时间的室内紧张学习,使学生眼睛疲劳、精神疲惫。学生的在校时间主要用于室内文化课(或者说是升学考试科目)的学习,除去每周2节体育课外,几乎没有什么体育活动,可供学生进行锻炼的体育设施更是缺乏,甚至有的学校连“两操”也不能保障。课业负担过重、在校时间过长,又缺乏必要的体育活动和锻炼,是导致学生近视眼发病率高的又一重要原因。 二、农村中小学生的家庭生活环境中,有些因素导致学生睡眠不足,使眼睛得不到充分休息,造成视力下降。主要表现在以下三个方面: 1、家庭作业过多。在1-2年级的学生中,52%的学生每天约有0.5小时家庭作业,在3年级的学生中,有38%学生留有约1小时的家庭作业,4-5年级留有1.5小时作业的学生约占49%,有的家长还增加作业安排学生看课外读物。 2、看电视、打游戏、泡网吧。据调查现在农村中小学生在星期天、节假日放松娱乐的主要方式是看电视。1-3年级的学生晚间看电视超过1小时的占34%,4-5年级学生晚间看电视超过1.5小时的占37%,乡镇驻地和县城学生是游戏厅和网吧的常客,甚至有的学生假期里是吃住在网吧。 3、睡得过晚、起得过早,几乎没有午休。受农村传统生活习惯影响,晚饭普遍吃得较晚,使学生睡得迟。由于合班并校,农村中小学生上学路程平均超过1.5公里,47%的学生上学路程超过3.5公里,增加了往返校的时间,再加上学校要求学生提前到校,就使39%的同学必须提前半小时以上起床。日平均睡眠达不达国家规定10小时的同学,在春冬季占47.3%,在夏秋季占51.2%,32%的同学在规定季节中几乎没有午休睡眠。由此看来,农村中小学生家庭生活环境中,对学生睡眠时间没有保障,是导致近视率升高的又一重要因素。 综上所述,不管是在农村中小学生的学校学习环境中,还是家庭生活环境中,有相当一些不利因素,导致了学生的视力下降,近视率升高。要想解决好这个问题,需要学校、家庭和社会密切配合、齐抓共管,做好下列工作: 1、切实推行素质教育,减轻学生课业负担,把学生在校时间压缩到国家规定范围,并保证学生的体育活动和“两操”锻炼。 2、开设好健康教育课,使学生克服不良读写习惯,学会科学用眼、懂得用眼卫生。 3、减少学生家庭作业,除必要的青少年节目和新闻联播节目外,劝导学生少看电视,多参加家务劳动和室外活动,禁止学生进游戏厅、泡网吧。 4、创造有利条件保证中小学生有充足的睡眠。
kikcik2023-07-03 10:56:104


再也不做站长了2023-07-03 10:56:091


弟弟骑木马拼音:dìdìqímùmǎ “弟弟骑木马”共有五个汉字,去掉重复,共计四个汉字。它们的拼音分别是:弟,的拼音是:dì 骑,的拼音是:qí 木,的拼音是:mù 马,的拼音是:mǎ
ardim2023-07-03 10:56:081


didi meimei
阿啵呲嘚2023-07-03 10:56:083


韦斯特兰2023-07-03 10:56:071


弟弟骑木马拼音:dìdìqímùmǎ “弟弟骑木马”共有五个汉字,去掉重复,共计四个汉字。它们的拼音分别是:弟,的拼音是:dì 骑,的拼音是:qí 木,的拼音是:mù 马,的拼音是:mǎ
墨然殇2023-07-03 10:56:071


陶小凡2023-07-03 10:56:071


一、从写作方法(写法)的角度提出的问题1.“为了弄清楚这个问题,一百多年前科学家做了一次试验”这句话在写法上起什么作用? 这句话叫做过渡句,其作用就是“承上启下”:第一句“为了弄清楚这个问题”紧承上文,也叫“承上”;“一百多年前,科学家做了一次试验”引起下文,也叫“启下”。2.课文中哪一段用了设问的写法?其作用是什么? 课文的第二段是用了设问句:“在漆黑的夜里,飞机是怎么做到安全飞行的呢?原来是人们从蝙蝠身上得到了启示。” 这句话的修辞手法叫做设问,这个句子也叫做设问句,这种写法也叫做采用了设问的写法。设问就是先提问,后回答,也叫做”自问自答。主要的作用就是通过“问”来引起注意,然后再通过“答”来解决问题。这句话还起到了承上启下的作用。3.“蝙蝠就像没头苍蝇似的到处乱撞”用了什么修辞手法? 比喻写法,把“蝙蝠”比喻为“没头苍蝇”,形象地写出了蝙蝠耳朵被塞上、嘴被封上后根本无法正常飞行的样子。比喻写法的好处是引人入胜,也就是写得很有趣味,吸引人去阅读。4.全文从结构上可以分为几个部分? 全文结构清晰,有8个自然段,可以分为三个部分: 第一部分(第1-2自然段):写飞机能安全夜航是因为人们从蝙蝠身上得到了启示。 第二部分(第3-7自然段):写经过反复试验和研究,科学家终于揭开了蝙蝠夜里飞行的秘密。第三部分(第8自然段):写科学家从蝙蝠身上得到启示,给飞机装上了夜间探路的雷达。5.课文一开始就写飞机有什么作用? 对于学生来说,雷达是相对陌生的,而飞机却是生活中常见的事物。因此,课文一开始由飞机引入,有助于启发读者探究飞机为什么能在夜间安全飞行,为下文理解雷达和蝙蝠的关系作了铺垫。
bikbok2023-07-03 10:56:051


凡尘2023-07-03 10:56:042


弟弟 dì di 后面一个弟是轻声
再也不做站长了2023-07-03 10:56:041


mlhxueli 2023-07-03 10:56:043


拼音:dì di释义:1.称谓。称同胞手足中,后出生的男性亲属。2.同族同辈而年纪比自己小的男子:叔伯~。弟是汉语通用规范一级字(常用字)。最早出现在商代甲骨文中。该字也出现在《尔雅·释亲》和《吕氏春秋·原乱》等文献中。本义是指秩序,后引申为弟弟,亲族中年纪较小的男子,朋友间对自己的谦称。释义1.同父母、同父或同母而年纪比自己小的男子。2. 称同族同辈而年纪比自己小的男子。如:叔伯弟弟,堂弟;远房弟弟。3.表弟,姑妈家和舅舅家比自己小的男子。4. 悌弟。言弟能敬顺兄长。5、指同辈中有直系血缘关系(同父同母或者同父异母以及同母异父)的两个及以上男子中年龄小的一个或几个。古代对弟弟的称呼:1、贤弟,表示对自己的弟弟的尊称。2、舍弟,用于对别人介绍自己家的弟弟。
meira2023-07-03 10:56:031
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