

off line不好意思,又掉线了,我这里经常掉线。Sorry, I was just off-line. It always happens here不好意思,又掉线了,我这里经常掉线。Sorry, I was just off-line. It always happens here不好意思,又掉线了,我这里经常掉线。Sorry, I was just off-line. It always happens here不好意思,又掉线了,我这里经常掉线。Sorry, I was just off-line. It always happens here不好意思,又掉线了,我这里经常掉线。Sorry, I was just off-line. It always happens here不好意思,又掉线了,我这里经常掉线。Sorry, I was just off-line. It always happens here
mlhxueli 2023-08-12 08:48:201


cut line
陶小凡2023-08-12 08:48:207


你好!有玩家掉线【A summoner has disconnected】一个召唤师掉线了重连【A summoner has reconnected】一个召唤师重连了。有问题请追问
拌三丝2023-08-12 08:48:203


我电脑玩dota2是出现cnetworksystem::opensocketlnternal0:couldn"tallocateanyclientipporttried3addresses。不知道我的解决方式对您的电脑管用不。您打开本地磁盘c▶windows▶system32▶cdm.exe就这个程序cdm.exe,右击这个文件,点击以“管理员的身份运行”。 之后后你就可以成功的看到一个以“管理员身份运的cmd程序”。在弹出的窗口中运行如下命令:netshwinsockresetcatalognetshintipresetreset.loghit这是两串命令,您分开打,打完按回车,之后重启电脑一下,上游戏再试试。
mlhxueli 2023-08-12 08:48:201


---问好---    1、hiho=yo=hi=hey=hello=你好,大家好    2、holla=来和我讲话,also,hollaatyoboy,hollaatyogirletc.    3、sup=wuzup=what"sup=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(一般是比较熟的两个人之间的问候,黑人除外),回答时有事说事,没事用quot;nothing/nothinmuch/notmuch/nm"等回答就可以。    ---再见---    1、cya=cu=seeya=seeyou=再见    2、laterz=later=cyalater=seeyalater=seeyoulater=再见    3、gn=gn8=gnight=goodnight=晚安    4、nn=nite=晚安    说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。    ---惊叹赞扬---    1、OMG=ohmygod=我的天!    2、OMFG=ohmyfuckinggod=我的老天    3、n1=nice1=niceone=漂亮    4、rullz=强!(例句:Waynerullz!;youguyzrull!!!)    ---笑---    1、lol=laughingoutloud/laughoutloud=大笑    2、lmao=laughingmyassoff=笑的屁股尿流    3、rofl=rollonfloorlaughing=笑翻天了---其他简写---    1、k=ok=okay=okie=好的,恩    2、sux=suck的第3人称单数形势(例句:thatsux)=糗;滥;衰    3、gimme=giveme=给我    4、xfer=transfer=传输    5、em=them=他们的宾格    6、thx=thanks=谢谢    7、happybday=happyb-day=happybirthday!=生日快乐    8、dunno=dontknow=不知道    9、kinda=alittlebit=有点(例句:Thegameiskindahardforme.IkindathinkIshouldgetitdoneassoonaspossible.)    10、tho=though=虽然尽管(例句:Thatdemowasverynice,kindaoldtho.那个demo很不错,虽然有点老)    11、plz=please=请    12、cmon=c"mon=comeon    13、enuff=enough=足够    14、hax=hack=cheat=作弊,说谎(很地道时尚的词,老外用的比较多)    15、ty=thankyou原本用的不多,不过现在又开始兴起来了    16、conn=connection=线路,网络,网络类型(例句:whatconndoyouhave?/cable)    17、asap=assoonaspossible尽快    18、imo=inmyopinion我认为/imho=inmyhumbleopinion恕我直言    19、smh=shakemyhead(摇头叹气)    20、darn=dayum=damn=dang(就是damn的意思,表示抱怨失望等很多意思)    21、ttyl=talktoyoulater(很好的聊天收场用语)    22、b/c=cuz=because    23、j/j=j/k=j/p=justjoking,kidding,playing(开玩笑)    24、w/=with    25、w/o=without    26、atcha=atyou    27、soz=sorry    28、gottcha=gotcha=gotya    ---暂时离开---    1、brb=berightback=马上回来(例句:gettinsomefoodtoeat,brb)    2、bbs=bebacksoon=很快回来    3、bbl=bebacklater=过会儿回来(例句:imgonnagooutforawhile,bbl)    ---特殊用语---    1、w00t=woot=what=虾米?!主要表示what和yeah的意思,例如惊叹和兴奋。    2、1337=l337=l33t=leet=elite=很强,超强的西西(例句:l33tstuff;Wayneisl337)    3、lame=滥;衰(例句:dude,thatsthelamestthingiveeverheard.哥们,这是我听过的最衰的事情。)    4、dude=d00d=(原意:花花公子)哥们,朋友    5、pffffff=whatever=随便;爱咋咋地;(quot;f"的多少和"pffffffff"的长短代表你的感情激烈程度)    6、n00b=newbie=新人,新手;小嫩手    7、sry=不好意思对线篇    Lane–路    Laning-对线阶段    Solo–单路    Top–上    Mid–中    Bot–下    Jungle–打野怪    MIA–MissinginAction同路的敌人消失了(如果同路有2个敌人,直接以"-1","-2"表达好了)    AllMIA-AllMissinginAction敌人全部消失了    RE–Returned同路的敌人回来了    NVM–Nevermind没事了(可作RE使用)    Brb–BeRightba很快就回来(一般是回去补血或者买东西)    团战篇    OOM-OutofMana没蓝了    FB-FirstBlood首杀    EM-Enemy敌人    BD–Backdooring偷塔    B–Back退    Gank–围剿    Push–推塔    GG–GoodGame完场    NP-NoProblem不要紧    建筑篇    Turret-箭塔    Barrack-兵营    Nexus-主城    侦察篇    Ward-洞察棒(这是$90不显隐的,要$150显隐请注明"VisibleWard")    Oracle-洞察药    Bush-草丛    Stealth-隐身    网络篇    Lag–卡卡的    DC–Disconnect掉线    Dced-Disconneced掉线的过去式    Delay-延迟    Frozen–卡得不能动    AFK-AwayFromKeyboard闲置状态,挂机情绪篇    Pls-Please请求你做一件事,最常见是"Plsdeleteyourgame"(不解释)    Ty–Thankyou谢谢    Gj-GoodJob干得好    OMW-OnMyWay正赶来    Noob–Newbie新手(骨子里就是说你SB)    Delete-你玩得太烂,请你删除游戏    OMG–OhMyGod糗了    OMFG–OhMyFxxkingGod(不解释)    WTF-WhattheFxxk这怎TMD可能啊!(谢11楼提供)    Suck-(可作Fxxk使用)    Retarded-脑残    LOL–Laughoutloud耻笑你    ROFL–Rollingonfloorlaugh(同上)    英雄篇    Cham-Champion英雄    Buff–(动词)将英雄改强(名词)助益性效果    Debuff-(名词)损害性效果    Nerf-(动词)将英雄改弱    OP–Overpowering英雄过强    Imba-Imbalance这英雄的设计不平衡(同上)    Ult–Ultimate大绝    AD–AttackDamage物理攻击    AP–AbilityPower法术能量[因为所谓的法术,其实是你的q,w,e,r技能(Ability)    高阶篇    碰上一些过度强势的英雄,想表达不满,除了用IhateXXX,还可以用“Gay”字表达,以小丑做例子    -英:ShacoissoGay,Idontwannalaneagainsthim,mayIswitch?    -中:小丑很爱捅菊花的,我不想和他对线,可以换路吗?    如果你碰上Heimer+Xin+Shaco+Shen+Soraka,你可以这样说    -英:Shxx!TheEmteamissoGay,GG    -中:X!敌人是菊花队啊,我们输了    战术类:    Rush:速攻    nuke:秒杀    melee:近身战    Camp:守着(暗杀者)    Defensexx:防御    xxFollow:跟随    Assault:攻击    Suppress:火力压制    hitandrun:打了就跑 状况术语类:    Coverme掩护我    HoldThisPosition大家守这    FollowMe跟着我    TAKINGFIRE需要支援    Stormthefront全队快攻    沟通类:    GJ:做得好(GoodJob的缩写)    THX:ThanksOMG:老天!(ohmygod的缩写)    Wewin:我们胜利    Weloss:我们失败    yousavemylife:你救了我一命    符号类:    XD:偷笑你:):    笑><:惨喔    LOL:laughingoutloud的缩写,大声笑意思:):笑脸=):看起来更高兴的笑脸:*(:悲伤的脸,也有的是:"(>-:暴躁,气疯了    骂人类:    damn:该死的    shit:呸!放屁!    Fxxk:CAO(和谐)    sonofaBitxx:表(和谐)子养的    motherFxxx:干你    Xassholx:是一个不雅的用语来表示对某人的厌恶    WTF:whatthefxxk气急了    stfu:shutthefxxkup闭他妈的鸟嘴 这些应该比较全了,希望有帮到你
无尘剑 2023-08-12 08:48:201

翻译一篇邀请函 翻成英文 给100分哦! 高手来啊!!

Jiangsu talent associationProvincial civil service bureau deputy directorSave the flow of talent service center directorNanjing university"s vice-chancellorHuaiying engineering vice deanProvincial human resource and social security hall where wage and welfare directorJiangsu talent vice secretary general of the societyJiangsu talent vice secretary general of the societyJiangsu provincial people"s government, deputy director of the office of overseas foreign placeSave the flow of talent service center ministerNanjing medical university second affiliated hospital directorChina shipping centre for scientific research personnel director of laborThe personnel director of suzhou universityNanjing university of aeronautics, deputy director of the personnelNanjing industry university, deputy director of the personnelXuzhou normal university, vice director of the personnelJiangsu province nonferrous metal east China geological prospecting bureau ZuZhiKe section chiefChangzhou human resource and social security bureau deputy directorSuqian human resource and social security bureau deputy directorWuxi human resource and social security bureau deputy directorWuxi human resources service center deputy section chiefTaizhou, vice director of human resources service centerLianyungang XuWei district administration assistant directorNanjing jiangning district organization department personnel section chiefAttempting the technology investment limited investment management directorLianyungang port group limited company hr department ministerYangtze pharmaceutical group manager of human resourcesJiangsu WaiBan Olympic translation
苏萦2023-08-12 08:45:315


墨然殇2023-08-12 08:45:316


苏州马小云2023-08-12 08:45:313

环境英文演讲稿 要知名人士的

Jm-R2023-08-12 08:45:312


His farewell speech was transcribed from shorthand notes 他的 告别演说 是由速记转译而成的。 She had a fervent farewell speech 她发表了热情的 告别演说 。 Some of you depght to flaunt in our faces the warning against sectional parties given by washington in his farewell address 你们有些人喜欢当著我们的面卖弄华盛顿在他的 告别演说 中提出的对地方主义的警告。 Taylor accuses the united states of forcing his quit , saying he was being forced into exile and hoped to return 利比亚总统泰勒在一场 告别演说 中表示,为了阻止利比亚的流血事件继续发生,他愿意让出总统宝座。 I address you with neither rancor nor bitterness , in the fading ipght of pfe , with but one purpose in mind : to serve my country 在我生命将逝之年做这个 告别演说 ,无仇无怨,在我心中只有一个目的:为我的祖国服务。 In a farewell speech on u . s . soil today , retiring united nations secretary - general kofi annan depvered a tough critique of president bush " s popcies 即将卸任的联合国秘书长安南11日发表 告别演说 ,对美国总统布什的政策提出了尖锐的批评。 French president jacques chirac ends his final full day in office tuesday with an evening farewell speech to the nation that he has led for 12 years 法国总统希拉克于本周二结束了自己最后一天的工作,并于当晚向自己领导了12年的国家发表了 告别演说 。 In his farewell address to the general assembly , secretary general annan painted a stark picture of a world beset by social and economic inequapty , war and terrori *** 联合国秘书长在联合国大会的 告别演说 上,讲述了困扰世界的社会经济不平等,战争,恐怖主义萧条情景。 The farewell address acted as a notice to bush the acrimonious abuse of him which the opposition was pouring forth under the idea that he would seek reelection 反对党原以为他要竞选连任,因此用尖刻的口吻对他大肆进行污蔑。 告别演说 一出,反对党的喧嚣之声只好嘎然而止。 In his farewell address to the general assembly , secretary general annan painted a stark picture of a world beset by social and economic inequapty , war and terrori *** 在联合国大会的 告别演说 上,联合国秘书长安南描绘出一副充斥著社会和经济不平等,战争和恐怖主义的世界全景图。
西柚不是西游2023-08-12 08:45:311


Deng Ya PingName: Deng Ya Ping ( dengyaping )Gender: FemaleBirthday:1973.2.6Place of origin: HenanProject: Table TennisSport experiences:5 years old when he started learning to play table tennis, because is too short to be Henan Nordiques excluded, had to enter the Zhengzhou city team. At the age of 10, in the National Junior Table Tennis Competition in groups and singles champion two, join the Henan provincial team, in 1988 was elected to the national team.Best score:Twenty-fifth,26 Olympic Games women"s table tennis singles and doubles championSports performance:In 1983 countrywide competition won the team titleIn 1988 the national table tennis championships, won the women"s singles and doubles champion runner-upOn 1989 at the fortieth session of the world table tennis championships, won the women"s doubles championOn 1991 at the forty-first session of the world table tennis championships, won the women"s singles championIn 1992 at the twenty-fifth Olympic Games, one person alone was the women"s table tennis singles, doubles and two gold medalsOn 1996at the Atlanta Olympic Games, one person alone was the women"s table tennis singles, doubles and two gold medalsKnown as the" table tennis table tennis Queen"," little giant"Received honor:In 1987 won the sportsman titleIn 1988 by the international sports titleIn 1990 won the National Sports Commission awarded the sports Medal of honourIn 1990 was named the national top ten athletesIn 1990 by the National Women"s Federation awarded the national " three eight" red-banner pacesetter title, the same year she was awarded" the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of new Long March ".The current situation:After 1997, Deng Ya Ping went to the Tsinghua University, University of Cambridge and University of Nottingham for further study, and obtained bachelor"s degree in English and Chinese contemporary study of professional master degree. In 2002, Deng Ya Ping in the International Olympic Committee ethics committee and sports and Environment Committee two committee duties. Deng Ya Ping is currently in the Beijing Olympic market development department.Deng Ya Ping is the only consecutive Olympic table tennis gold medal athlete, and also the only one to win 4 gold medals in table tennis athletes, the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games, when the International Olympic Committee President Samaranch personally for her awards
FinCloud2023-08-12 08:45:313


World peace。1、国际和平日2001年9月7日,联合国大会通过决议,决定自2002年起,国际和平日为9月21日。决议中提到:“宣布此后,国际和平日应成为全球停火和非暴力日,并邀请所有国家和人民在这一天停止敌对行动。2、和平的象征中国习惯用和平鸽象征和平,西方习惯用橄榄枝象征和平。 2.鸽子是和平、友谊、团结、圣洁的象征3、科菲·安南加纳库马西人,联合国第七任秘书长。他是一对双胞胎之一,孪生的姐姐在1991年去世。安南1972年毕业于麻省理工学院,通晓英语、法语及非洲多种语言。2001年,他被授予诺贝尔和平奖。4、纪念国际和平日2003年9月19日上午联合国秘书长安南和包括拳王阿里、影星道格拉斯在内的5位联合国和平信使以及来自40个国家、代表联合国191个成员国的400多名青年,在纽约联合国总部举行敲钟仪式,纪念国际和平日。
韦斯特兰2023-08-12 08:45:311


北有云溪2023-08-12 08:45:316

ISO 国际质量认证体系,有人知道它的英文ISO的具体单词吗

人类地板流精华2023-08-12 08:45:313


大鱼炖火锅2023-08-12 08:45:3111


国家一级裁判员 Referees at the national level国家一级武术师 Martial arts division at the national level国家一级社会指导员 Social, political instructor at the national level武术协会副主席 Wushu Association Vice-Chairman武术协会秘书长 Wushu Association Secretary-General国际太极拳友俱乐部教练 International Taijiquan Friends Club coach武术俱乐部总教练 Wushu Club coach
九万里风9 2023-08-12 08:45:291


Aaron亚伦 Abel亚伯 (Abelard的昵称) Abraham亚伯拉罕 Adam亚当 Adrian艾德里安 Alva阿尔瓦 Alex亚历克斯 (Alexander的昵称) Alexander亚历山大 Alan艾伦 (常变形为Eilian、Allan、Ailin) Albert艾伯特 Alfred阿尔弗雷德 Andrew安德鲁 Andy安迪 (Andrew的昵称) Angus安格斯 Anthony安东尼 Arthur亚瑟 Austin奥斯汀 Ben本 (所有Ben开头名字的昵称) Benson本森 Bill比尔 Bob鲍伯 Brandon布兰登 Brant布兰特 Brent布伦特 Brian布莱恩 Bruce布鲁斯 Carl卡尔 Cary凯里 Caspar卡斯帕 Charles查尔斯 Cheney采尼 Chris克里斯 (Christian,Christopher的昵称) Christian克里斯蒂安 Christopher克里斯多夫 Colin科林 Cosmo科兹莫 Daniel丹尼尔 Dennis丹尼斯 Derek德里克 Donald唐纳德 Douglas道格拉斯 David大卫 Denny丹尼 Edgar埃德加 Edward爱德华 Edwin艾德文 Elliott艾略特 Elvis埃尔维斯 Eric埃里克 (Frederick的昵称) Evan埃文 Francis弗朗西斯 Frank弗兰克 (Francis,Franklin的昵称) Franklin富兰克林 Fred弗瑞德 Gabriel加百利 Gaby加比 (Gabriel的昵称) Garfield加菲尔德 Gary加里 Gavin加文 George乔治 Gino基诺 Glen格林 Glendon格林顿 Harrison哈里森 Hugo雨果 Hunk汉克 Howard霍华德 Henry亨利 Ignativs伊格纳缇伍兹 (其变形为Ignace伊格纳茨、Ignatz伊格纳兹) Ivan伊凡 Isaac艾萨克 Jack杰克 Jackson杰克逊 Jacob雅各布 James詹姆士 (Jacob的英文形式) Jason詹森 Jeffery杰弗瑞 Jerome杰罗姆 Jerry杰瑞 (Gerald,Jeremiah,Jerome的昵称) Jesse杰西 Jim吉姆 (James的昵称) Jimmy吉米 (James的昵称) Joe乔 (Joseph的昵称) John约翰 Johnny约翰尼(亦译为:乔尼) Joseph约瑟夫 Joshua约书亚 Justin贾斯汀 Keith凯斯 Ken肯 (Ken结尾名字的昵称) Kenneth肯尼斯 Kenny肯尼 (Kenneth的昵称) Kevin凯文 Lance兰斯 Larry拉里 (Lawrence的昵称) Laurent劳伦特 Lawrence劳伦斯 Leander利安德尔 Lee李 Leo雷欧 (Leander,Leonard,Leopold的昵称) Leonard雷纳德 Leopold利奥波特 Loren劳伦 (同Lauren) Lori劳瑞 (同Lorry) Lorin劳瑞恩 Luke卢克 (亦译为:路加) Marcus马库斯 Marcy马西 Mark马克 Marks马科斯 Mars马尔斯 Martin马丁 Matthew马修 Michael迈克尔 Mike麦克 Neil尼尔 Nicholas尼古拉斯 Oliver奥利弗 Oscar奥斯卡 Paul保罗 Patrick帕特里克 (亦译为:派翠克) Peter彼得 Philip菲利普 Phoebe菲比 Quentin昆廷 Randall兰德尔(同Randal) Randolph伦道夫 Randy兰迪 (Randall,Randolph的昵称) Reed列得 Rex雷克斯 Richard理查德 Richie里奇 (同Rick、Ricky、Ritchie。) Robert罗伯特 Robin罗宾 (Robert、Robinson的昵称) Robinson罗宾逊(亦译为:鲁宾逊) Rock洛克 Roger罗杰 Roy罗伊 Ryan赖安 Sam萨姆 (Samson,Samuel的昵称,亦译为:山姆) Sammy萨米 (Samson,Samuel的昵称) Samuel塞缪尔 Scott斯考特 Sean肖恩 (John的爱尔兰形式) Shawn肖恩 (同Sean) Sidney西德尼 Simon西蒙 Solomon所罗门 Spark斯帕克 Spencer斯宾塞 Spike斯派克 Stanley斯坦利 Steven史蒂文 (同Stephen) Stuart斯图亚特 Terence特伦斯 Terry特里 (Terence的昵称) Timothy蒂莫西 Tommy汤米 (Thomas的昵称) Tom汤姆 (Thomas的昵称) Thomas托马斯 Tony托尼 (Anthony的昵称) Tyler泰勒 Van范 Vern弗恩 (Vernon的昵称) Vernon弗农 Vincent文森特 Warren沃伦 Wesley卫斯理 William威廉
墨然殇2023-08-12 08:45:291


韦斯特兰2023-08-12 08:45:282


参赞的英文为:counselor。驻华商务参赞是: Commercial Counselor in China。中国行政部门的各个职位英语翻译:中华人民共和国主席/副主席:President/Vice President, the People"s Republic of China全国人大委员长/副委员长:Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People"s Congress秘书长:Secretary-General主任委员:Chairman委员:Member(地方人大)主任:Chairman, Local People"s Congress人大代表:Deputy to the People"s Congress政府机构:GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION国务院总理:Premier, State Council国务委员:State Councilor秘书长:Secretary-General(国务院各委员会)主任:Minister in Charge of Commission for(国务院各部)部长:Minister部长助理:Assistant Minister司长:Director局长:Director省长:Governor
苏萦2023-08-12 08:45:281


——立法机关秘书长 Secretary-General (国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of Commission for (国务院各部)部长 Minister 部长助理 Assistant Minister 司长 Director 局长 Director 省长 Governor 常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor 市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor 区长 Chief Executive, District Government 县长 Chief Executive, County Government 乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government 秘书长 Secretary-General 办公厅主任 Director, General Office (部委办)主任 Director 处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief 科长/股长 Section Chief 科员 Clerk/Officer ——司法,立法等人民法院院长 President, People"s Courts 人民法庭庭长 Chief Judge, People"s Tribunals 审判长 Chief Judge 审判员 Judge 书记 Clerk of the Court 警督 Supervisor 警司 Superintendent 警员 Constable ——社会团体会长 President 主席 Chairman 名誉顾问 Honorary Adviser 理事长 President 理事 Trustee/Council Member 总干事 Director-General 总监 Director 董事长 Chairman 执行董事 Executive Director 总裁 President 总经理 General Manager; C.E.O(Chief Executive Officer) 经理 Manager 财务主管 Controller 公关部经理 PR Manager 营业部经理 Business Manager 销售部经理 Sales Manager
康康map2023-08-12 08:45:281


参赞的英文为:counselor。驻华商务参赞是: Commercial Counselor in China。中国行政部门的各个职位英语翻译:中华人民共和国主席/副主席:President/Vice President, the People"s Republic of China全国人大委员长/副委员长:Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People"s Congress秘书长:Secretary-General主任委员:Chairman委员:Member(地方人大)主任:Chairman, Local People"s Congress人大代表:Deputy to the People"s Congress政府机构:GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION国务院总理:Premier, State Council国务委员:State Councilor秘书长:Secretary-General(国务院各委员会)主任:Minister in Charge of Commission for(国务院各部)部长:Minister部长助理:Assistant Minister司长:Director局长:Director省长:Governor
bikbok2023-08-12 08:45:281


Vice Secretary-General
hi投2023-08-12 08:45:281

英文CV中的 job title怎么填,可以填哪些?

就是职位,比如 项目经理: project manager副教授:Associate Professor看你做这个工作时是什么职位的就填什么
小白2023-08-12 08:45:282


assistant to the secretary-general
苏萦2023-08-12 08:45:282


Department 部门
水元素sl2023-08-12 08:45:268

RMB 、 UN 、PEP是什么的英文缩写?

凡尘2023-08-12 08:45:267


NATO 比利时布鲁塞尔
九万里风9 2023-08-12 08:45:264


营旭日欧洲国际奖学金在丹麦营的女孩乔治东文基金会丹麦, 2009年1月12号邀请选择营地旭日欧洲2009年非常高兴,我们请您选择一个女孩在15岁以下的,谁没有把16岁以下的在到达营地,从您的国家参加欧洲营旭日在今年夏天的2009年。我们一直在感谢所有的帮助与合作在过去几年,并希望你将能够再次发出灿烂的嘉宾为即将到来的赛季。 就在最近,即将举行的筹资赛季得到保证。其目标是通过一个巨大的努力,一些校友谁参加夏令营旭日在美国。由于他们的辛勤工作和信仰在这一教育思想的领导在民主的基础上,充分保证了由校友和朋友的CRS来自世界各地。你们中许多人谁收到此信的提案国之一,我们要感谢你深刻的印象。和所有的你,你为什么不和访问难民营时,正在运行,因此您可以得到您自己的想法,我们在做什么?为了使的CRS /欧洲成为现实, 2009年成为一个甚至更高的优先级时,难民营中的美国不得不取消了新赛季,由于严重的财政损失。我们很高兴有这么多愿意支持这一想法的一个夏令营的改善民主的领导,只是因为它是在1930年开始。 说明计划夏令营设在Stendis (霍尔斯特布罗) ,丹麦。的目标计划是促进国际理解跨越障碍的国籍,种族,宗教和促进合作的人道主义和民主的基础上,针对足智多谋的年轻人(不一定由足智多谋背景)谁拥有巨大的潜力,以及谁是最好的装备利用其夏季经验。我们希望,他们将返回强大的个人,谁可能成为榜样和惠益分享其家乡社区。 营
西柚不是西游2023-08-12 08:45:261


u投在线2023-08-12 08:45:263

学生会"秘书处"的英文翻译是secretariat还是secretary department还是都不对?

secretary department或者department of secretary这种常见的直译都是一定不会错的。至于秘书长,试着用个洋气高大上的词汇怎么样啊:)以美剧house of cards为例,弗兰克总统的下面秘书总管(也称幕僚长)这个职位叫chief of staff,管理着所有其他的秘书和文职人员。
wpBeta2023-08-12 08:45:251


联合国(United Nations, UN)创建于世界反法西斯战争胜利的凯歌声中。联合国这一名称是美国总统罗斯福提出,1942年1月1日,正在对德国、意大利、日本法西斯作战的中国、美国、英国、苏联等26国代表在华盛顿发表了《联合国家宣言》。1945年4月25日,来自50个国家的代表在美国旧金山召开联合国国际组织会议。6月26日,50个国家的代表签署了《联合国宪章》,后又有波兰补签。同年10月24日,中、法、苏、英、美和其他多数签字国递交了批准书后,宪章开始生效,联合国 (United Nations) 正式成立。1947年,联合国大会决定,10月24日为联合国日。坐标(地理坐标系):40.749915°-73.967428°官方语言:阿拉伯语、汉语、英语、法语、俄语、西班牙语秘书长:潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)(2007年1月1日上任)成立于:1945年10月24日成员国:195个总部所在地:美国纽约州纽约市、瑞士日内瓦、奥地利维也纳、肯尼亚内罗毕等官方网站:http://www.un.org/ 1946年1月10日至2月14日,第一届联合国大会第一阶段会议在伦敦举行的情景。51个创始会员国的代表参加了这次会议,联合国组织系统正式开始运作。 联合国的宗旨是维护国际和平与安全;发展国际间以尊重各国人民平等权利及自决原则为基础的友好关系;进行国际合作,以解决国际间经济、社会、文化和人道主义性质的问题,并且促进对于全体人类的人权和基本自由的尊重。 联合国设有大会、安全理事会、经济及社会理事会、托管理事会、国际法院和秘书处6个主要机构。联合国大会由全体会员国组成,每年举行一届常会。新一届常会每年9月开幕,通常持续到12月中下旬。大会可在会议期间决定暂时休会,并可在以后复会,但必须在下届常会开幕前闭幕。根据《联合国宪章》规定,大会有权讨论《宪章》范围内的任何问题或事项,并向会员国和安理会提出建议。 安理会由中国、法国、俄罗斯、英国、美国5个常任理事国和10个按地区分配原则选出的非常任理事国组成。《宪章》规定,安理会在维护国际和平及安全方面负有主要责任。秘书处由秘书长和联合国工作人员组成,其职责是为联合国及其所属机构服务,并负责执行这些机构所制定的方案和政策。秘书长是联合国的最高行政首长,现任秘书长为韩国人潘基文(2007年1月1日上任)此外,联合国根据需要还设立了数目繁多的各种理事会、委员会或其他机构。 联合国会员国:凡要求加入联合国的国家必须提交一份申请书,声明接受宪章所载义务,由安理会推荐,经联合国2/3多数会员国通过,即被接纳为会员国。安理会对联合国某一会员国采取防止行动或强制行动时,联合国大会可根据安理会的建议中止该国行使会员国的权利和特权。安理会可以恢复这些权利和特权的行使。对一再违背宪章原则的会员国,大会可根据安理会的建议将其开除出联合国。联合国会员国在联合国所在地设有常驻代表团,观察员在联合国设有常驻观察员办事处。截止到2002年9月27日,有会员国191个。其中亚洲39个,非洲53个,东欧及独联体国家27个,西欧23个,拉丁美洲33个,北美洲、大洋洲16个。另外,有2个常驻联合国观察员国:梵蒂冈、巴勒斯坦(地位高于梵蒂冈)。 总部: 联合国总部设在美国纽约,在瑞士日内瓦设有联合国欧洲办事处。2003年9月1日,包括联合国秘书处大院及附近的其它联合国机构办公大楼在内的纽约联合国总部实行全面禁烟措施。
可桃可挑2023-08-12 08:45:253


tt白2023-08-12 08:45:252

联合国副秘书长 阿姆希 施泰纳的英文

Achim Steiner K.K.[ar"kim]["stainer,]潘基文秘书长已任命阿希姆u2022施泰纳(Achim Steiner)担任联合国内罗毕办事处负责人,他的任期从3月1日起生效。施泰纳同时继续担任联合国环境规划署执行主任。
wpBeta2023-08-12 08:45:251

翻译为英文 副秘书长 行政部主任 会员部 不要拿百度翻译这些答案来回答 部分有问题

deputy secretary general,Executive Director,membership department
豆豆staR2023-08-12 08:45:252


潘基文英文名叫:Ban Ki-Moon
北营2023-08-12 08:45:252


wpBeta2023-08-12 08:45:252


秘书长 secretary manager副秘书长 vice secretary manager
tt白2023-08-12 08:45:235

高手帮忙翻译成英文(要专业的) 可以慢慢想,那一句话要准确简单不要长

豆豆staR2023-08-12 08:45:233


帮忙翻译学生会的职位,翻译成英文(要专业一点)。 学生会:Student union 主席:chairman 副主席:Vice chairman 秘书长:secretary-general 副秘书长:Vice secretary general 实践部部长:Practice department minister 实践部副部长:Vice Practice department ministe 学习部:Study department 监察部:The ministry 体育部:P.E department 生活部:Life health ministry 宣传部:Propaganda department 文艺部:Literature and art department 办公室:office 新闻部:News department 志愿者部:Volunteers department 调研部:Research ministry 帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢!PS:翻的专业一点 We bee Mario in the game "Super Mario", rescuing the kidnapped Princess Peach; in the Battle of Tank, we use a *** aller force to beat a larger enemy and defend our homes, in Contra, we bee superheroes, conquer all difficulties and plete a variety of incredible task; in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, we tried to beat each other to prove that I"am the best. 翻译成英文,专业一点 在35岁那年,他问自己,我要不要继续?回顾一次次失败,上帝从来没有眷顾自己。林肯索性坚持下来,在他短暂的一生中,他经历了9次失败,3次成功。而第三次就是他成功当选了美国总统。站在人生的路口,坚持决定了命运 In his 35,he asked himself:shall I go on or not? In retrospect the numerous failtures,God had never do him a fevor.(However,)Lincoln had insisted. During hie short life, he suffered 9 failtures while 3 suesses,and the thired suess was his winning of the election of the president. Standing on the crossing of life,perseveration determine the fate. 求翻译:请翻译成英文。专业一点的 n recent years, with the rapid development of private enterprises in Henan Province, the private economy has bee the important support of economic development in Henan province. However, the labor relations of private enterprises is still not standardized, there still exist such as the low rate of the labor contract, employee pensation is too low, inadequate social security, safeguarding the rights and interests of such a problem is not in place. This causes a series of problems lies in the imbalance of power system, the labor union is not perfect and the virtual home, there is a private enterprise"s own poor living environment. 请高手翻译 翻译成英文 专业一点 As the pany in bulk of supplies of our country piles the field to transport the exporting amount increasedly, pile output efficiency of field seem particularly important, activate machine of material given and flow bination solving problem these effective of control device in transit, employed while it is transported that the supplies pile the field extensively! This text key controller of control system adopts the world advanced PLC control system --1769 serial controllers which U.S.A. Allen-Bradley Company produced, reach and activate the material giving machine dependability working in the course of controlling, stability, controllability and security! 求翻译成英文!要专业一点的 In investment casting, the shell lining is the second important process. First, you should confect sodium silicate binder and hardening agent, the specific process was coating first, then foam hardening agent and stuo, finally, dry it. 帮忙将厂名翻译成英文 专业一点的 见过谁的厂后面加 factory 的啊 一般都是manufacturer Ruibang Precision Tooling Manufacturer 这样就对了 请帮忙翻译成英文! 专业一点儿,谢谢! Excellent characteristics of Java language application has inestimable makes Java the robustness and reliability, it reduces the application system maintenance costs. Java to object technology of the overall support and Java platform embedded API can shorten application system development time and reduce the cost. Java piler once, can run around the properties that make it provides a everywhere is available in open structure and the munication beeen multiple platform of low-cost way. Especially Java Enterprise application programming interfaces (APIs) for Enterprise Java Enterprise puting and the application of e-merce system provides the relevant technology and rich class library. 职位翻译成英文,高手帮忙 副主任 vice director 董事 Board Members,这里指董事会成员 副总经理 Vice-general Manager 清华大学博士 DR of Tsinghua University 副教授 Associate Professor 急:帮忙翻译成英文,用被动语态(专业一点) In this article it was described how to make a posite material by means of extrusion by melt blending method, with PP / PNBR as the raw material, PP-g-MAH as the patibilizer, and HGB as the filler. The mechanical properties of the posite materail, such as tensile, bending, impact, were studied. Its impact fracture was observed. By using a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) the non-isothermal crystallization process of the material was tested as well. The purpose is to study how the PP-g-MAH and HGB affect the mechanical properties and the microstructure of PP / PNBR posite material. With Jeziorny equation and Mo Zhishen method, the non-isothermal crystallization kiics of the PP / PNBR posite material was studied. With Kissinge equation the activation energy of non-isothermal crystallization process was calculated. With a scanning electron microscopy, the results show that adding PNBR can be improved the mechanical properties of PP posites, the optimum percentage of PNBR is 5 ~ 15%. Adding PP-g-MAH can improve the patibility beeen PP and PNBR, so the impact strength and elongation at break of the posite were increased. The poor patibility of HGB with posite materials resulted in lower figures of the tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength after adding HGB. With the cooling rate increasing, the crystallization peak temperature Tp, crystallization starting temperature T0 and the crystallinity Xc were getting lower, while the crystallization rate increased. With the crystallization rate constant Zc increases, the semi crystallization time t1/2 reduced. HGB inhibited the crystallization behavior of PP / PNBR and reduced the crystallization rate.
bikbok2023-08-12 08:45:231


不能用CEO(chief executive officer)。会长,秘书长指general secretary。
mlhxueli 2023-08-12 08:45:231


ardim2023-08-12 08:45:233


文章中用the Secretary-General"s Office和the Chairman"s Office如果是办公室标牌,用:Secretary-General和Chairman
阿啵呲嘚2023-08-12 08:45:231


“measure” includes any law, regulation, procedure, requirement, or practice.“national” means:(a) for the United States, a natural person who is a national of the United States asdefined in Title III of the Immigration and Nationality Act; and(b) for [Country], [ ].“New York Convention” means the United Nations Convention on the Recognition andEnforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, done at New York, June 10, 1958.“non-disputing Party” means the Party that is not a party to an investment dispute.“person” means a natural person or an enterprise.“person of a Party” means a national or an enterprise of a Party.“protected information” means confidential business information or information that isprivileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under a Party"s law.“regional level of government” means:(a) for the United States, a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, orPuerto Rico; and(b) for [Country], [ ].“respondent” means the Party that is “措施”包括任何法律,法规,程序,要求,或做法。“国家”是指:(一)为美国,自然人谁是美国的国家作为定义标题的移民法和国籍法第三;及(二)[国家],[]。“纽约公约”是指联合国海洋法公约的承认和执行外国仲裁裁决在纽约,1958年6月10日完成。“非争议党”是指党是不是对投资争端的一方。“人”指自然人或企业。“人的一党”是指一个国家或一个缔约方的企业。“受保护资料”是指商业机密信息或资料特权或以其他方式披露根据党的法律。“区域一级的政府”是指:(一)为美国,是美国州,哥伦比亚特区,或区波多黎各;及(二)[国家],[]。“答辩人”是指缔约方,
小菜G的建站之路2023-08-12 08:45:234


问题一:服务 英文怎么说 service 服务,招待 名词 serve 服务 动词 前一个初二后半学期会学到,后一个是老师拓展的。 问题二:中文服务 用英文怎么说 service 问题三:“优质的服务”用英语怎么说 The pany has a fine figure in public, people always connect it with high quality products and excellent services. 供参考。 问题四:服务质量用英语怎么说 服务质量用英语说: service quality 问题五:服务业用英语怎么说 service industry. 问题六:公司的服务项目,用英语怎么说? pany Service Item 问题七:服务体系用英语怎么说 service system 问题八:服务生用英文怎么说? a boy in buttons The waiter 服务生的英文是 The waiter 问题九:“售后服务”用英语怎么说 英文应该是after-sale service
wpBeta2023-08-12 08:41:581


人类地板流精华2023-08-12 08:41:582


左迁2023-08-12 08:41:581


手工翻译如下:He works as a waiter in/at a restaurant now.
铁血嘟嘟2023-08-12 08:41:581


some young waitresses
小菜G的建站之路2023-08-12 08:41:582


waiter  英 ["weu026atu0259(r)]     美 ["weu026atu0259r]    n. 侍者;(男)服务员。A waiter of the Japanese restaurant bowed him in.那家日本餐馆的侍者鞠着躬将他迎了进去。It is customary to tip the waiter.给侍者小费是一种习俗。近义词:attendant 常用词汇 英 [u0259"tendu0259nt]     美 [u0259"tendu0259nt]    adj. 伴随的。n. 服务员;出席者;伴随物;侍从。An unexpected accident is attendant upon carelessness.粗心大意将导致意外事故发生。Miseries are attendant on violence.暴力往往会带来种种的不幸。
小白2023-08-12 08:41:581

waiter 服务生会遇到的一些英文词 请写下一些常用的词,比如说筷子,汤匙什么的.

chopsticks bowl 碗 fork 叉 tip 小费 juice 果汁 Ketchup 番茄酱 BBQ sauce 烧烤酱 Hot mustard 芥末酱 first course 第一道菜 maincourse 主菜 dessert 甜食
康康map2023-08-12 08:41:581

翻译句子:服务生等不急要把菜单给我 用英文怎么说

是对你展示菜单不可能店里的所有服务生都给你展示,只能是其中一个了希望对你有帮助 不懂请追问望及时采纳,谢谢
NerveM 2023-08-12 08:41:552


Chen2023-08-12 08:41:554


墨然殇2023-08-12 08:41:543

服务生和服务员 英文怎么写?

gitcloud2023-08-12 08:41:541


1. There is no table available right now. Please wait for a few minutes, Sir. 2. Are you ready to order?3. I am very sorry about that. Let me exchange for you immediately.
拌三丝2023-08-12 08:41:545


苏州马小云2023-08-12 08:41:543


Ntou1232023-08-12 08:41:526


余辉2023-08-12 08:40:387

求这篇文章的读后感 (英文de )

苏州马小云2023-08-12 08:40:202


Rolling in the deep 。 望采纳,谢谢。
mlhxueli 2023-08-12 08:40:202


wpBeta2023-08-12 08:40:203

华大基因 BGI 的英文全称是什么?

Beijing Genomics institution
kikcik2023-08-12 08:40:194


1。三民:即三民主义的简称,指“民主,民权,民生”2。以前看文章,说到孙中山的民族,民权,民生。说孙当时把“三民主义”翻译成of the people,by the people,for the people,评价说翻译的好。可最近看许渊冲的《翻译的艺术》,书中他提到1941年日本空袭珍珠港,美国志愿空军来华时,他担任美军翻译。在陈纳德将军的欢迎会上,他把“三民主义”翻译成of the people,by the people,for the people,并且得到好评。他在自己的学术小传上特意写上这一事。
ardim2023-08-12 08:40:162

中国和美国福利制度的区别 (中英文都可以)?

For the king for the land for the mountains For the green valleys where dragons fly
u投在线2023-08-12 08:40:152


天选打工人英文:the chosen one to work。打工人是当代网友们对自己上班时的一个称呼。无论你是产品经理,还是外卖小哥,无论你是在写字楼还是在几环外的电子厂。只要没有成为老板,你就是打工人。毕竟,有些贫富差距,是再多努力和奋斗都无法弥补的。打工人,打工魂,打工人都是人上人!天选,就是上天选定,那么,无论出现什么样的事件,都不会影响到你打工。以现在的疫情为例,无论是封路、封存、封小区,还是直接静态化管理,都和你不会有任何关系。天选打工人的意思:1、天选打工人出自疫情期间一些打工人,他们的健康码是正常的核酸检测也是正常的,在疫情严重的时候还能上班;2、这个短语有一点黑色幽默的感觉,但更多的还是幸运的表现,在疫情严峻的情况下还能出门上班;3、于是就有人调侃自己是天选打工人,更多的还是表示对疫情防控的一种信任;4、也是对在疫情期间防控到位的一种赞同,即使形势严峻依旧能出门搬砖;5、即使如此还是要提醒一下大家,出门打工的时候要注意防护,保护好自己才能为老板更好的搬砖。
北营2023-08-12 08:40:151


LuckySXyd2023-08-12 08:40:141


新概念英语可用于英文写作的经典句子   导语:下面是我从《新概念英语》中摘选的一些常用于英文写作的套用段落和句型,并加以分类处理,以对英语爱好者和众多应试者有所裨益。   开宗明义型   1.Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.(三册29课)   译文:我们觉得一则笑话是否可笑,很大程度上取决于我们生长在何地。   注:变色部分为可套用的经典句型框架。(下同)   示例:Whether we find a plan feasible or not largely depends on whether it can bring profits.   译文:我们觉得一个计划是否可行,很大程度上取决于它能否产生效益。   2. The quiet life of the country has never appealed to me. (三册41课)   译文:宁静的乡村的生活从来没有吸引过我。   示例:The noisy,busy life of the city has never appealed to me.   译文:喧闹、忙碌的城市生活从来没有吸引过我。   3.Although truth and justice may be the most powerful impulses to show moral courage, there are others. Compassion is one of them.. (四册60课)   译文:虽然勇于直言和富有正义感可能是表现道德勇气的最强的推动力,但还有其他因素。怜悯更是其中之一。   示例:Although science and technology may be the most powerful impulses to push forward a country, there are others. The overall quality of its people is one of them.   译文:虽然科技可能是推动一个国家进步的最大动力,但还有其他因素。国民的整体素质便是其中之一。   点评:以上几例都是文章的起首句,即全文的观点句。作者几乎没有做任何过度和铺设,鲜明直白,直抒胸臆,与汉语表达方式的迂回委婉大相径庭。也应了这样一个道理:越简单,越深刻。望应试者多加注意。   描述现状型   1.With the advent of the new phase of technology we call automation, we have the promise both of greater leisure and even greater material and intellectual riches. (四册56课)   译文:随着我们称之为自动化的新时代的到来,我们将拥有更多的闲余时光,享有更多的物质和精神财富。   示例:With the advent of the 21st century, we have the promise of a wider choice of employment and therefore, more opportunities to make a fortune.   译文:随着21世纪的到来,我们将拥有更多的就业和赚钱机会。   2.Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives, and, as a reault,society   is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented. (四册56课)   译文:科技已渗入我们生活的每一个方面,其结果是社会以前所未有的速度发生着变化。   示例:Advertising has come to pervade every aspect of our lives, and, as a result, it is playing an increasingly more essential role in our purchases.   译文:广告已渗入我们生活的每一个方面,其结果是它在我们的购买活动中起者越来越重要的作用。   点评:在描述社会发展等话题时,例1是我们比较熟悉的模式,即汉语中的“随着u2026u2026”   例2则比较新颖,句型结构更加复杂,在写作中可交替使用,富于变化。   启承转合型   1. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. (三册12课)   译文:另一中想法恰恰相反。   2. This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture. (三册41课)   译文:这种田园诗般的乡村美景只是一个侧面。   点评:在议论文写作过程中,中国考生一般是将所有观点按序排列,若要转换话题时,多以but, however 等词过渡,略显单薄和单调。而以上两例不仅可以延展文章的长度,也具有视觉缓冲的效果,使阅卷人或读者能继续保持较高的注意力和兴趣度。   利弊说明型   1. The car has a curious ambivalence:it creates and then it destroys mobility. The car tempts people further out and then gives them the appalling problem of getting back.. It makes them believe they can spend Sunday in Brighton, but makes it impossible for them to return before, say, two in the morning. (四册46课)   译文:汽车有着令人奇怪的自相矛盾:它创造了机动性,又亲自将其毁掉。汽车诱使人们更加远行,然后又使他们面临如何返回的巨大难题。它使人们相信能在布莱顿度过周末,却无法在凌晨两点返回。   点评:利弊说明是议论文中频繁采用的写作手段,其方式一般分为两种:一种是将优点和缺点分别罗列,构成比较的两大整块,即A, A, Au2026, B, B, Bu2026型(A为优点,B为缺点,下同);另一种则是将优点、缺点交叉罗列,即上例使用的A,B,A,Bu2026型。相对而言,后者条理更加清晰,读者更易理解。   说明阐述型   1. Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle. The former method simply consists of setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of himu2026The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal service. (四册51课)   译文:驯象主要有两种方法,可分别称为强硬法和温柔法。简而言之,前一种方法就是让象干活,并把它打到顺从为止u2026u2026。温柔法在早期需要(驯象者)更大的耐心,但驯出的象心甘情愿,脾气好,会为主人忠心服务多年。   点评:该例是说明文极为常见的类型,叙述时如果想使语言增加变化,可采用词汇替换等手段。另需注意:说明文宜多采用被动式,译成汉语时可考虑采用主动式。   归纳总结型   1.As is often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. (四册27课)   译文:人们常说知识是一把双刃剑,它既能造福人类,也能祸害人类。   示例:As is often pointed out, income-tax is a two-edged weapon which, on the one hand, narrows the gap between the haves and the have nots, and to some extent dampens the passion of the former on the other.   译文:人们常说收入所得税是一把双刃剑。一方面它使得贫富差距缩小,而另一方面一定程度上挫伤了高收入者的积极性。   2. What characterizes almost all Hollywood pictures is their inner emptiness. (四册12课)   译文:几乎所有好莱坞影片的特点就是其内在的空洞性。   示例:What characterizes almost all TV programs is their monotony.   译文:几乎所有电视节目的特点就是单调乏味。   示例:What characterizes almost all newspapers and magazines is the excess of commercials.   译文:几乎所有报刊杂志的特点就是篇幅过多的商业广告。   3. Whatever the source of noise, one thing is certain:silence, it seems, has become a golden memory. (三册47课)   译文:无论何种噪声源,有一点是肯定的:宁静似乎已成为金色的回忆了。   点评:议论文最常见的结尾方式是以so, therefore, thus, hence 等标志词引导。而以上三例则另辟蹊径,表达方式千姿百态,却起到了殊途同归的功效。因此,充足的知识储备才能真正达到“下笔如有神”的境界。   其他常用经典句型   一. 表不满、批评   1.be always doing sth, butu2026 总在做u2026u2026但是u2026u2026   例:Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. (三册2课)   译文:我们教区的牧师总在为各种各样的事筹集资金,但始终未能筹足资金把教堂的钟修好。   示例:Almost all people are always talking about pollution, but they seldom do something beneficial on their part.   译文:几乎所有的"人都在谈论污染的问题,但很少从自身做点有益的事情。   2.go to extremes to do something 做u2026u2026而走入极端。   示例:Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. (三册5课)   译文:报刊杂志的编辑常常走极端,象读者提供一些无关紧要的事实和数字。   示例:Some peaple often go to extremes to criticize the government.   译文:有些人经常走极端而去批评政府。   3.become illogical when it comes to somethingu2026 涉及到u2026u2026而变得不合情理。   例:People become quite illogical when it comes to deciding what can be eaten and what can not be eaten. (三册23课)   译文:在决定该吃什么不该吃什么的时候,人们往往变得不和情理。   示例:Women become illogical when it comes to choosing the dress they will wear on some occasions.   译文:在某些场合决定着装形式的时候,女性往往变得不合情理。   二. 表称颂、赞美   1.never fail to fascinate somebody 总令人着迷。 (三册9课)   示例:Cats never fail to fascinate human beings.   译文:猫总令人着迷。   示例:The Chinese culture never fails to fascinate westerners.   译文:中国文化总令西方人着迷。   2.exert a special fascination on somebody 对u2026u2026有一种特殊的魅力。 (三册34课)   示例:Antique shops exert a special fascination on a great many people.   译文:古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。   示例:The Chinese culture exerts a special fascination on westerners.   译文:中国文化对西方人来说有一种特殊的魅力。   3.cannot find words to praiseu2026 无法用言语表扬u2026u2026 (三册49课)   示例:Aunt Harriet could not find words to praise Bessieu2019s industriousness and efficiency.   译文:哈丽特姑妈不知该用什么言辞来赞扬贝西的勤奋和麻利。   示例:We cannot find words to praise the beauty of West Lake.   译文:我们无法用言语来赞颂西湖之美。   4. Nothing is compared withu2026 u2026u2026.是无可比拟的   例:Nothing is compared with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. (三册41课)   译文:凌晨雄鸡初鸣,黎明鸟儿欢唱,以及旭日东升,照耀在林间和牧场,此番美景无以伦比。   示例:Nothing is compared with the green valleys, the murmuring streams and the sight of the setting sun.   译文:那翠绿的山谷,潺潺的饿小溪,以及落日的美景都是无以伦比的。   5. No one can avoidu2026 没有人能避免u2026u2026 (三册26课)   示例:No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.   译文:没有人能避免广告的影响。   示例:No one can avoid being influenced by his family.   译文:没有人能避免家庭的影响。   结语   相比美文浩如烟海的全套《〈新概念英语〉》而言,上述内容只是沧海一粟,挂一漏万实属必然。笔者只愿“他山之石,可以攻玉”。也愿所有英语学习者学有所成,终有所获。 ;
北境漫步2023-08-12 08:40:131


阿啵呲嘚2023-08-12 08:40:122

求一句英文中的语法点,facing the government

meira2023-08-12 08:40:013


凡尘2023-08-12 08:40:012


豆豆staR2023-08-12 08:40:018


左迁2023-08-12 08:40:002


Gap between the wealthy and poor As we know, only if balance each social stratum relations especially between the wealthy and poor can we have a euphonious social.There is no doubt that every country has the gap between the wealthy and poor.So, what is your opinion and how do you think to solve this problem? From my point of view, what we should do is form a correct concept about is after all it is unavoidable. But, we must take some action rather than imagine at the same time. It needs not only our government"s macro-control but also every citizen"s effort. On the one hand, I often heart some bad events account for some people are not be respected just because they are poor. It is exactly equal.So,as a citizen, we can help the poor as much as we can even if we don not the rich such as a kind smile, an equality attitude.It may have a big influence if everyone can do it. On the other hand,it is the most important to envelop our social"s economic. As the old saying goes,“The fundamental task is to develop the productive forces” So, it may becomes another center of the work. It is equal between the wealthy and poor. We should learn to help the disadvantaged rather than have a bad attitude.So, let us solve the problem together as much as we can and have a more euphonious social.
康康map2023-08-12 08:40:002


meira2023-08-12 08:40:004


何谓英文的文采?中文有文采一说,那么英文有吗?什么样的英文文章写出来文采飞扬呢?下面我将通过讲解9组句子,说一说我是怎么理解英文的文采的。1. Although you are strong, you can not defeat Tom. Strong as you are, you can not defeat Tom. 虽然你很强壮,但你还是没办法打败汤姆。 2. Why we put an industrial revolution and two political revolutions into the same packet? Why we put into the same packet an industrial revolution and two political revolutions? 我们为什么把一场工业革命和两场政治革命放一起说呢? 3. China made a great achievement in the world. China impressed the world with its great achievement. 中国取得了举世瞩目的成就。 4. Jimmy felt a little disappointed. A flicker of disappointment passed over Jimmy. 吉米感到一丝失望。 5. In the following day, I learned to spell a great many words, though I didn"t understand them. In the day that followed, I learned to spell in the uncomprehending way a great many words. 第二天我拼会了很多单词,虽然我并不理解它们是什么意思。 6. Narrow the division between the rich and the poor. Bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. 缩小贫富差距。 7. This reflects how men are stratified in Chinese traditional culture and also affects how people choose their jobs. This tells a lot about how men stratified traditionally in China and dictates how people weigh career choices. 这反映了中国传统文化中人的等级地位的划分,也直接影响了人们对职业的选择。 8. Quickened by the melting, a push to develop the North carries dangers for people in this region. A push to develop the North, quickened by the melting, carries dangers for people in this region. 随着北极融化,人们加快了对北极地区的开发,这一举措也给生活在北极地区的人们带来了危险。 9. We must unite together, or we shall all be killed separately. We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately. 我们必须团结起来,否则我们都会被杀死。以上9组句子的分析只是点出了第二句比第一句更胜一筹的地方,但是 英文的文采主要还是体现在修辞手法的使用 ,因为上面讲到的诸如“物做主语”、 “使用倒装”等都只是些技巧而已。 要想写出好文章,还得去读英文名著哦! 欢迎留言分享你的看法!
hi投2023-08-12 08:40:001

医疗 就业 贫富差距的英文怎么写吖

医疗: medical treatment 就业: obtain employment贫富差距: poverty gap
苏州马小云2023-08-12 08:39:592


The gap between the poor and the rich has been widened.
康康map2023-08-12 08:39:592


寻求就业机会 search of job opportunities生活成本更高 a higher standard of living 农村(至少两种说法) countryside/rural areas 流浪者和穷人 homelessness and poverty 贫富差距 a gap between rich and poor 交通拥堵 traffic congestion 缺乏社区感 a sense of community 水泥林森 concrete jungles 人行道 pedestrian zone 自行车道 bicycle lanes 大都市 a large metropolis 过度拥挤 overcrowded 廉租房 social housing 发展卫星城 develop provincial towns 城市居民(两种说法) city residents/inhabitants of cities (人们)搬到城市 people migrate to cities (城市)提供了更好的就业机会和生活件 cities can offer greater employment possibilities and higher standard of living人们移居城市是为了寻求工作机会。城市提供给了人们更好的就业机会和更好的生活条件。 People move to cities in search of job opportunities.Cities can offer greater employment possibilities and a higher standard of living.现如今传统的农业活动不再需要更多的劳力。人们从农村搬到城市。 Traditional activities like farming need fewer workers nowadays.People migrate to cities from the countryside.城市生活成本要比农村高很多。房价更贵。 The cost of living is higher than in rural areas.Housing is usually much more expensive.城市里有交通堵塞和犯罪问题。 There are problems like traffic congestion and crime.市民缺乏社区感(人与人之间都很独立)。人们甚至不知道他们的邻居是谁。城市通常被描述为“水泥森林” Cities lack a sense of community.People do not even know their neighbor.Cities are sometimes described as “concrete jungles”.对汽车过度依赖会导致健康问题比如肥胖。骑行或步行的人一般会更健康。 Dependence on cars is linked to health problems like obesity.People who walk or cycle regularly are generally healthier.
bikbok2023-08-12 08:39:591


extreme disparity between the rich and the poorsevere/serious polarization
北有云溪2023-08-12 08:39:595


贫富差距disparity between rich and poorgap between rich and poora poverty gap
mlhxueli 2023-08-12 08:39:581
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