在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是我整理的掌声话题作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 掌声话题作文1 五岁多的时候,我上钢琴的那个艺术学校组织了一场音乐会,妈妈想让我锻炼一下,就给我报名参加了。虽然我当时还小,不懂得什么是紧张,但面对台下几百号人,我还是有些害怕,况且我又是年龄最小的选手,弹的曲子又是很幼稚的《两只老虎》,这就使我的害怕感加倍了。妈妈没事似地跟我说“别担心,好好弹”,可我心里还是有些犯嘀咕。 前面的大哥哥大姐姐弹出的曲子悠扬婉转、美妙动听,人们欣赏完都会情不自禁地鼓掌,大哥哥大姐姐们看上去都自信满满的样子,我在想:我弹完了也会有人给我鼓掌吗?终于轮到我上台表演了,我有些紧张地来到钢琴前坐下,弹完了整首曲子,我甚至能听到自己“砰砰砰”的心跳声看来不会有人给我鼓掌了,是不是还有人嘲笑我呢?我是不是要灰溜溜地溜下台呀正当我胡思乱想的时候,忽然,“哗、哗、哗”台下传来了一阵掌声,虽然持续的时间不长,但当我听到有人给我鼓掌后,我的心情立刻平静了下来,恭敬地给大家鞠了个躬,然后高兴地跑下了台,抱住了妈妈。 这是我第一次获得掌声,一阵不到五秒的、很不起眼的掌声,却给予了我莫大的鼓励,让我在后来的比赛和表演中,自信了很多,不再那么紧张和害怕。后来我也获得过很多的掌声:一年级第一次朗读课文时同学们的热烈掌声;四年级时当小主持人时观众们鼓励的掌声;发表了作文时小伙伴一次又一次羡慕的掌声这些掌声在我的成长过程中给了我很大的鼓舞和自信。 后来我面临过更大的挑战,甚至还有一些困难,有时候我表现得并不好,但还是有人在旁边给我鼓励和赞许。就这样,我通过自己的努力获得了大家的肯定和掌声,通过这些掌声,我收获了面对困难的勇气和坚持下去的动力。 掌声话题作文2 掌声,是生活中一个美丽而动听的名词,它表达了对他人的肯定,赞美,尊重以及鼓励,是对一个人能力的最高认同。今天,我将要把我的掌声送给一个伟大的人民教师——我的小学语文教师。 我的语文老师长相普通,戴一副眼镜,个子高高的。她性格温和,很少对我们发脾气。她总是把我们当做她的孩子一般悉心教导。上她的课,同学们不用挺直腰板,也不需要紧绷着神经。“你们只需要认真听讲!”——这是她唯一的要求。同学们都很喜欢她。 记得那是冬季的一个傍晚,我与同学们在班中办板报,天渐渐黑了下来。我们收拾好了东西准备离校。途经老师的办公室,办公室内灯火通明。我不经意地向里一望,看见了我的语文老师:她坐在座位上,面对着桌子上一沓一沓的卷纸,练习本,拿着红笔,孜孜不倦的批改着,时不时的扭扭脖子。 还记得,老师在给我们讲课时总是会揉揉脖子,还开玩笑似的对我们说:“哎呀!老师真是老了,脖子是天天的疼!”我心中不由得荡漾着丝丝钦佩。 还记得我们在拼命比赛时,老师在为我们大喊加油!还记得当我们得到不公平的对待时,老师替我们出头,不怕“挨骂”,去找校领导理论!还记得多少次老师顶着病痛来给我们上课。还记得…… 往日老师与我们相处的点点滴滴涌上心头,无一不饱含了老师对我们深深的爱! 办公室里,老师长出了不少白发,明亮的灯光照在她的身上,是那样的圣洁! 老师,我想把我的掌声送给您!送给您我最真诚的钦佩与尊重! 掌声话题作文3 生活中发生过许多事,它们有的让我高兴万分,有的让我垂头丧气,还有的让我自信满满。 今天下午,我们鲁迅小学进行了排球比赛,我们正在和五(3)班进行“殊死”拼搏,虽然我们的比分越来越落后,但是大家还在继续努力坚持着。不过,已经有人开始动摇起来,慢慢的从失望到了绝望。这时,我心急如焚,心想:“昨天和五(2)班的比赛已经惨败了,如果这一场比赛再输给五(3)班,那我们连五个班中的第三名都拿不到了!”虽然大家都在努力“奋斗”着,但是,比赛场上的分数依旧不容乐观,这时,下课铃响了,我们已经拼搏四十分钟了。大伙儿的心里都十分焦急,体力也渐渐透支了,在这种情况下,我们的比分又落下了许多,有的同学还在坚持,有的同学已经心灰意冷,准备听天由命,还有的同学是徐庶进曹营——一言不发,他们身在曹营心在汉,也快坚持不住了,体力也渐渐消耗完了。 就在这时——大家都准备放弃时,有些同学“千里迢迢”地跑过来给我们呐喊助威,时不时还听见一阵掌声,这使我们渐渐又有了自信和勇气,开始“玩命”地与对手“搏斗”。比分从1比10到了3比10,又从3比10到了9比12,最终,比分到了16比16,最后一颗球了,我们费尽力气,终于把对手打了个措手不及,体力完全透支的我们终于胜利了,大家的耳边又响起了激烈的掌声。 在生活中,掌声使我们心中的自信之花开放,激励我们奋斗向前。 掌声话题作文4 在生活中,有一种十分美好的声音——掌声。它给人以鞭策,给人以鼓舞。 以前,有一个害羞的女孩。在“六一”前夕,大家都在准备着节目。女孩的幼儿园老师让她作为领读,带着同学们表演《三字经》。那个女孩平常并不爱说话,老师为什么要选她领读?因为老师看到了那个女孩的优点:她的声音清脆,且在做每一件事时,都十分执着,想要尽力做好。 在老师告诉她这个决定后,她先是很吃惊,之后便下决心要做到最好。 从那之后,她每天早起一会儿,进行练习,将《三字经》中要表演的那一段不停地读,不停地背。并且在空余的时间里,面对镜子,练习微笑。在班上,她不再像之前那样沉默不语了,而是向每一个见到的同学微笑,打招呼。放学后,在同龄孩子玩耍时,她却在向妈妈表演,由妈妈对她进行指导。每一次,妈妈只提一个要求,而每一次进步,都会得到妈妈鼓励的掌声。 日复一日,两个星期过去了,女孩却一点儿没有烦躁,因为每一次练习,都有两样东西陪伴在身旁:妈妈的掌声与做到最好的信念。 又一个星期过去了,到了表演的日子。女孩带领着全班同学开口诵读道:“人之初,性本善……” 表演结束了,谢幕,掌声响起,经久不息。 那一阵掌声给了女孩最大的鼓励,让她变得自信、阳光。 那女孩便是我,那年我5岁。 掌声,是一种美妙的声音。它饱含着鼓励与认可。 当一个人失落无助时,给予他掌声,使他迈步向前;当一个人自卑时,给予他掌声,使他变得开朗;当一个人心中乌云密布、阴霾不散时,给予他掌声,便会赶走阴霾;这个世界如果充满掌声,世界也会变得阳光灿烂! 掌声话题作文5 在我的童年记忆里,有许许多多难以忘怀的事。可是,这些都已经模糊了。但有一件事却像烙印一样深深地印在我的心里。 记得那是去年我上小学的时候,老师选我与王嵩、王启丰等人演课本剧《差别》。为了参加“六一”儿童节,我们经过刻苦努力的排练,终于经过老师们精心的筛选,我们的节目被选上参加“六一”儿童节演出了。我高兴得手舞足蹈。 终于盼到了儿童节这天,我们全校的师生步行来到了中心小学,其他学校的老师和同学们也都纷纷的赶来了。我看到操场上黑压压的人群令我心中不由得紧张起来。我按照妈妈告诉我的方法,深深地吸取了一口气,抚摩了几下胸口,调整好自己的情绪。等待着,等待着… 突然听到“我们以热烈的掌声欢迎由老道洼小学选送的节目——课本剧《差别》。主持人说道。我是剧中伴演者菜店老板。我以老板的身份缓慢的脚步走上台去,此时的我心里紧张早已抛到九霄云外,我轻松而又熟练地表演着,不但我这样,我发现王嵩、王启丰他们也像吃了定心丸一样,各司其职,不慌不忙的说着他们的台词。这时我已经走进了课本剧中的场景…… 我们顺利的表演结束了,我听到了台下传来热烈的掌声,我抬头看看评委,他们的脸上露出的赞许的目光。妈妈高兴得在台下也露出了灿烂的笑容。我知道,我成功了!我一蹦三尺高地走下了台。 虽然时间短暂,但那鼓舞人心的掌声,依旧回荡在我的耳边,它将会永远陪伴着我,鞭策着我的,使我在今后的学习和生活给了我勇气。 掌声话题作文6 掌声,是失败时的鼓励,是奋进时的动力,是成功是的肯定。掌声,就是五彩人生中的一部交响曲。 天,灰沉沉的。没有一丝的生机,花儿哭丧着脸,垂下了头。“小梁!78.5分!”这一句话,把我心里最后的一道防线狠狠的击碎了。低着头,拿着沉重的试卷,在刺眼的灯光下,那鲜红的78.5格外显眼。回想以前,95、96……绰绰有余,可现在……“小梁,你对这次考试有什么感想?”陈老师那沙哑的声音打破了寂静。“我……我觉得很惊讶,我从来没考过那么低的分数。”说完,我的眼睛模糊了,眼泪再也止不住了,所有的失落、自责涌入心头。这时,教室里传来了同学们的一阵掌声。过了一会儿,越来越响的掌声在我耳边环绕。接着,雷鸣般的掌声震耳欲聋。谢谢你们的掌声,给予我鼓励,给予我前进的动力。 讲台上,我深情并貌的讲述着《梁山伯与祝英台》这个感人的故事。正讲到祝英台女扮男装时,台下掌声四起。我那悬着的心,终于落地了,带着同学们的鼓励,后面的故事我越讲越生动,同学们的掌声也越来越激烈。表演结束了,同学们掌声、欢呼雀跃。这掌声包含着我的汗水,更包含着同学们对我的肯定。 谢谢您们的掌声,给予我肯定,给予我希望。 掌声,让我从失败中站起来;掌声,让我从退缩中勇敢起来;掌声,让我从成功中自信起来。为别人鼓掌,为自己鼓掌,为精彩的人生中增添一串快乐的音符。 掌声话题作文7 每个班级肯定发生过许许多多令人感动的故事,我们班也不例外。 我们班有一个姓“o”的同学,他的英文名是orange,由于他的性格很内向,做起事情来通常显得很不自信,甚至显得有些不合群,所以同学给他起了个绰号“内向的橘子”。 他平时不爱和同学们玩耍,上课也不爱发言,总给人感觉他没有认真听讲。下课时,他有的时候喜欢独自一个人在走廊里转来转去,有的时候又会躲到天桥上,当有人过来时他就会羞涩的跑开。其实,我们也很想跟他一起玩,跟他做朋友。可是,如果我们去追他的话,又担心他会摔跤,会受伤。 有一次班会,他请假不来学校。老师提议如何照顾他,怎么样让他融入集体。同学们给出了很多建议,有的说我负责陪他散步,有的说我陪他聊天,有的说带他一起玩耍……最后,有人提议给他一次掌声。老师和同学们都觉得这个主意好。 第二天早上上课的时候,老师开始提问问题,同学们纷纷举手。老师朝大家眨眨眼睛,故意环视四周,最后把目光锁定在“M”同学身上,用亲切和蔼的口吻叫他起来回答问题。在全班同学的凝视下,他慢悠悠的站了起来,低声细语地回答,生怕自己说错了,就像一个孩子犯了大错,时刻等着父母的责备一样……等到他回答完毕,教室里响起了热烈的掌声,就连老师都为他鼓掌,因为他的回答非常棒! “o”同学回到座位上后,我发现他激动得手都在颤抖。在学习生活中,谁不希望得到周围人的关爱呢?而掌声是尊重、是激励、也是肯定。让我们更多地鼓掌,为别人,为自己,更为丰富多彩的人生! 掌声话题作文8 我时常会想起那位陌生的叔叔,想起他给我的奖品——掌声…… 小学三年级了,我依旧很自卑,胆怯或许班主任想给我一个锻炼的机会她让我在元旦晚会上代表全班朗诵一首诗。我甚至连回绝的勇气都没有,硬着头皮接受了这个“艰巨”的任务。既受之,则练之。我无可奈何,总是不能违背老师吧,那我可不敢。于是每天放学后就蹲在阳台上小声练习着,一遍又一遍。 一天傍晚,我一边练着,一边怪自己一点儿长进都没有,读的这么糟,到时候在台上轰下来怎么办?那我还有什么脸见人?想着想着泪水都快流出来了,不禁又开始怪起老师来,干吗把这该死的朗诵任务交给我? 正在这时,我听到了一阵掌声,一阵节奏稳重,坚定有力而又真诚的掌声。我的心为之一震,这是给我的掌声吗?一阵狂喜之后我又感到一种失落,这掌声怎么会是给我的呢?我读的这么糟。 我慢慢站起来,果真看见楼下有一位叔叔正在鼓掌,他笑盈盈地说:“小朋友,读得真好,加油练吧!”我兴奋极了,这真的是给我的掌声吗?我真的读得好吗?我的心扑扑直跳,我的脸也有些发烫,忽然感觉腰板也挺直了很多,仿佛身上内有了一根强大的支柱。我冲那为叔叔笑了笑,不只说什么好,他又用力拍了几下掌,然后就走了。望着他远去的背影,我在心中默默地说:“谢谢!” 然后,我信心大增,仅仅因为常回响起那掌声,最终我拿回了最佳优秀节目奖…… 难忘那掌声,这个特殊的奖品,它给了我信心和动力,原来我们有时需要的仅仅是一点掌声。 掌声话题作文9 相信大家都听到过掌声。表演结束时,掌声响起是对演员的赞许;演讲结束时,掌声响起,是对演讲人的肯定;做游戏时,掌声则包含着我们的快乐。今天的游戏作文课,让我对掌声有了更深的理解。 今天刚上作文课,史老师就公布了游戏规则:首先从同学们里选了詹俊豪当“探索者”,并让他走出教室,然后把一张红心卡片藏在笔记本下,之后让“探索者”进来找。接着同学们用掌声提醒他:离卡片近,掌声就大;离卡片远,掌声就小。最终“探索者”找到卡片即为胜利(期间不能用语言交流)。 只见史老师把红心卡片藏在电脑桌旁的笔记本上高喊一声:“游戏开始!”随后,“探索者”詹俊豪走进教室。他先在王子安的桌子上寻找着,可教室里轻微的掌声仿佛在告诉他:“不在这里,去别处找找。”詹俊豪只好转身去了别处。 但结果不尽人意,两次探索全都失败,突然,詹俊豪大步朝电脑桌的方向迈去,一旁的王子安兴奋地拍着手,腮帮子更是鼓得像一对气球似的。 谁知,詹俊豪来了一个托马斯回旋大拐弯,一溜烟又转到我桌子上“搜查”了,这下可好,把同学们急得脸比关公还红,可是大家什么也不能说,只能轻轻地拍着手。直到詹俊豪的目光再次转移到电脑桌上,教室里才又爆发出了热烈的掌声。詹俊豪一个箭步冲到电脑桌上,终于在笔记本下找到了红心卡片。在他找到卡片的同时,教室里像把油倒入了煎锅里顿时沸腾了。 这时,我突然明白了,掌声传递着赞美、肯定与快乐,它指引迷茫中的人不畏困难,勇往直前。原来掌声是真的有魔力的。 指导:阳泉卓尔教育培训学校 掌声话题作文10 有一次,期末考试考完成绩出来了,我们班举行颁奖。我们班先颁了三好学生,我们给三好学生热烈的鼓掌,是我们给他们的鼓励,虽然没有我,但是我很高兴。他们是我们班的骄傲也是荣誉。接下来我们班颁语文成绩优秀、有进步的同学。老师先颁了语文成绩优秀的同学,我们班又一片热烈的掌声,鼓励语文成绩优秀的同学继续努力,争取下次考得更好。老师再颁了语文成绩有进步的同学,我们热烈鼓掌鼓励着他们,老师一个一个念着他们的名字,居然念到了我的名字,还说:“我是进步最大的学生。”同学们给了我们掌声,我心里觉得美滋滋的,我特别高兴得到老师和同学的鼓励。我们后面颁数学达到目标分的同学,我万万没想到老师又念到了我的名字,我很开心,不过英语没有我,这次考得不是很好。我要向好的同学学习,下次可以取得更好的成绩。 掌声也是给人的一种祝福表达方式。 有一次,我和我的家人去参加亲戚的婚礼,一开始我们用掌声有请新郎和新娘登场,讲一下他们恋爱的过程。接下来就是家属讲话,讲话完又是一片掌声。然后就开始了游戏环节,现场主持人把在场的所有小朋友请上台,玩蹲和站的游戏。我们按照主持人说的蹲和站,然后做动作。游戏一轮接着一轮,没想到最后只剩下了我一个人,因为我一次也没有做错。我成为了游戏的优胜者,主持人给我一个很大的小黄人玩偶,这是奖品,我特别高兴。最后就是大家用掌声祝福新郎新娘永远幸福和快乐! 掌声在生活中是无处不在的,可以是鼓励,可以是祝福,也可以是认可别人,生活中有了掌声就会变得越来越美好! 掌声话题作文11 “现在我们以热烈的掌声邀请在节假日中仍然默默坚守在工作岗位上的环卫工人上台!大家掌声欢迎!!”环卫工人,城市因你们更美丽,生活因你们更美好,街道因你们更干净!环卫工人,我把掌声送给你! 风吹日晒,不管何时,在城市的大街小巷的每一个角落里都可以见到你们的身影。不论是在骄阳似火的正午,还是在倾盆大雨的夜晚,或是在寒风凛冽的冬日,你们总是默默地在工作岗位上不辞辛苦地工作,争取把城市装扮得更美丽!我把掌声送给你! 到了秋风吹起时,“呼啦——”,整条人行道上仿佛铺了一层又一层的落叶地毯,你们总是手拿一只扫把,将枯枝烂叶一斗一斗地装进垃圾车运走,为人们留下了一条条宽敞整洁的人行道。风起了,叶落了,扫走;风又起了,叶又落了,再扫;风……你们总是向辛苦宣战,街道因你们更洁净!我把掌声送给你! 夜深了,是你们将小区里、街道上积下了一天垃圾的桶清空,给了人们更美好的生活环境。生活因你们更美好!我把掌声送给你! 每天放学时,总是你们最辛苦的时刻。广告宣传单被人们随便丢弃在了道路上,不足几分钟,便将道路铺上了一层厚厚的“地毯”;还有些人只是为了好玩将纸撕碎满天飞舞,而不知这大大加大了清扫难度。是你们尽可能多地扫起废纸,给人们的出行提供了一条干净的道路,让人们心情更舒畅!我要把最热烈的掌声送给你!为城市无私奉献的劳动者! 人们常说环卫工是城市的使者,让城市更干净;环卫工是城市的美容师,让城市更美丽;环卫工是城市的……我把掌声送给你! 掌声话题作文12 “啪啪啪……”教室里传来一阵震耳欲聋的`掌声,我吃惊地望着为我鼓掌的同学们,心里充满了感激。 那是一个阳光明媚的早晨,我们班上正上着一节班会课,主题是“这次月考的得失”,按照惯例,老师讲完主要内容后都会给时间让我们发言,说一说自己的观点。 “好,接下来我请几个同学到讲台上说一下自己的想法。”不出我所料,老师果然又让我们上台发言了,这次主题刚好是关于月考的,我要不要去呢? 一个声音在我脑海里说道:“去吧,你不是喜欢发言吗?”可我刚一想把手举起来,又有一个声音在我的脑海里说道:“别去,你看人家都坐在座位上,你干嘛要去呢?”就这样不停地反复,终于,我颤颤悠悠地举起了右手。 老师见状,立马点到了我的名字,要求我上台发言,我本来还是信心满满地走上 讲台,但当我一看到台下坐的笔直的同学们时,我的动力霎时间便消失得无影无踪。 “好了,请开始吧。”老师拿起手机,似乎想要把这次发言给录下来,我咽了一口唾沫,唉,毕竟这都是我自找的,豁出去了! 我开始慢慢分析我这次月考的收获以及遗憾,出人意料的是,台下的同学不像以往其他同学发言时窃窃私语,而是个个坐得笔直,睁着一双炯炯有神的大眼睛。 “我的发言到此结束,谢谢大家的聆听。”不知过了多久,我终于结束了这次演讲。 我红着脸跑回了座位上,本以为,等待我的会是同桌的嘲笑,但等来的,却是全班同学排山倒海的掌声…… 掌声话题作文13 我把掌声送给你,一个普通的陌生人。 曾记否?那是一个炎热的夏天,我去上课,头顶上的太阳像一个大火球一样来回滚动。我在车站等车等了好久,可连一辆车影也没看见。 又过了十分钟,一辆公交车飞驰而来,像脱了绳的野马。我紧赶两步率先上了车。放眼望去几乎全是空位,我先挑了个位置坐了下来。时间一分一秒的过去了,随之车上的人也一个一个的增加了不少。现在连走廊都站满了人。 车到站了,而下车的人寥寥无几,上车的人却又很多。我朝车门望去,最后一个上车的是一位中年妇女带着一个孩子。孩子看上去也就二,三岁,售票员大声喊:“有哪位年轻人少做一会儿给小孩让个座。”售票员说完这句话有一个穿着朴质的中年男子站了起来,把座位让给了小孩。车又重新开动了,那个让了座位的中年男人一直站在我旁边,每当急刹车时他都紧紧抓住扶手,不让自己向前倾。经过几次急刹车,我看出了他的腿有毛病。时间一分一秒的过去了,被让座的那个小女孩已经下车了。有一个青年人看见了那个座位,快速的坐了下来,而那个站在我旁边的中年男人只微微一笑。 又过了两站我隐约的看见那个中年男人手摸着他那颤抖的腿,坚强的站着。我有些忍不下去了,拍了拍他的手臂说:“您坐这儿吧,我该下车了。”可他却微笑着说:“你坐吧,我也快下车了。”等他说完这句话我立马起身,硬把座位让给他,他才勉强答应坐了下来。我心里暗想:“这样有高尚品德的人社会上可不多见。”之后我下车了。 我从来没有认真的敬佩过一个人,可是现在,我真心的把掌声送给你,一个普通的陌生人。同时,我也学会了尊老爱幼,把座位让给有需要的人。“陌生人”你教会了我许多…… 掌声话题作文14 许多人时常慨叹:知音难求。何为知音,知音难道不是人生中的鼓掌者? 当年,俞伯牙轻奏《高山流水》时,钟子期为之高声喝彩,于是钟子期便成了俞老先生的知音。高山流水不断,流传着一曲千载称颂的金兰之交的赞歌。然而,水已去,人也亡,弦断有谁听。人生中的喝彩者走了,生命也就枯萎了。 人生,就像开放在郊外的野花,万紫千红,芳香四滥。人生的掌声犹如阳光雨露,滋润着每一叶花瓣。恩赐是一片照射在冬日的阳光,使饥寒交迫的人感到人间的温暖,而掌声比恩赐更为重要,精神的鼓励激动着每一个孤独无助的行人。 人生,就像颠簸在海上的小船,乘风破浪,勇往直前。人生的掌声犹如远方的灯塔,引你挂云帆,济沧海。恩赐是一缕海上轻柔的微风,使躁动不安的人感到人世的温情,而掌声比爱心更为重要,心灵的通道连接着每一个沉思忧郁的哲人。 当你失落丧气时,你希望有人给你勇气;当你犹豫彷徨时,你希望有人给你理解;当你精神穷困时,你希望给你热烈的掌声。是的,我们在不断地等待着,祈求着爱心的降临,但我们更在时时刻刻寻找着知音,寻找着精神世界的同路人。只有这样,我们才不至于绝望,也会像那位卖艺人一样流出感激的泪水。 没有掌声的演出是可怕的,有谁受得了死一般的寂静;没有掌声的人生是可悲的,有谁愿意在压抑中生存。人生缺少了掌声,只会剩下英雄垂泪、七子悲歌的结局。正如当年的屈原,世人皆浊唯他独清,世人皆醉唯他独醒,有心报国却无力回天。没有掌声没有理解只有渔夫的叹息,终于使他熄灭希望之火,生命之灯。 人生的掌声永不能停息,它永远激励着人追求灵魂的高尚与完善,掌声比爱心比金钱更为重要。 掌声话题作文15 在我的生活中,无数的鲜花为我开放,无数的掌声为我响起。这不,今儿个,我就给你们好好地诉诉我人生大舞台中的一幕精彩吧! 快板是民间传统艺术之一,有小夹板、响板、甩板、双棍板……最出名的要数快板了,我可是个打快板的高手。 刚开始打快板时,可不容易了,嘴里要不停地唱快板词,双手要一边甩大板,一边舞小板,头脑中还要记着节拍,可累人了。我一拍一拍慢慢地打着,手常常被夹得一块青,一块紫。可两块板子却一点儿也不给力,噼里啪啦地乱叫一通。我不害怕,仍旧反复练习着打快板。俗话说:“铁?磨成针”,功夫不负有心人,我的快板服从我了,我可以流畅地打完一曲,我越来越棒了! 当我打快板成为大师级时,我收到一个消息:大队委要举行才艺展示。我乐滋滋地想:我一定要把我这个绝技展示出来! 我化好了妆,穿上了一件唐装。我拿着两个快板,熟练地打了起来,有模有样地表演了《天安门广场看升旗》的小快板书。顿时,同学们如潮水一般向我涌来,很快,我身旁就围满了同学。我心里不知有多快乐,我像一朵美丽的鲜花,在花丛中耀眼地绽放。同学们都看呆了,连校长都被我吸引过来,大家向我投来了赞许的目光,纷纷为我竖起了大拇指。接着,响起了一阵雷鸣般的掌声。我的心比吃了一百桶蜜还甜。当然,我的票数一定最多了。 现在,我已经成为了大队部的一员。其实,每个人只要不怕苦,不退缩,刻苦学习,都能成为最棒的。你一定可以托起一轮光芒四射的太阳,一定可以见到那道最美丽的彩虹!真颛2023-07-11 08:12:291
在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是我为大家整理的掌声话题作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 掌声话题作文1 “啪啪啪……”教室里传来一阵震耳欲聋的掌声,我吃惊地望着为我鼓掌的同学们,心里充满了感激。 那是一个阳光明媚的早晨,我们班上正上着一节班会课,主题是“这次月考的得失”,按照惯例,老师讲完主要内容后都会给时间让我们发言,说一说自己的观点。 “好,接下来我请几个同学到讲台上说一下自己的想法。”不出我所料,老师果然又让我们上台发言了,这次主题刚好是关于月考的,我要不要去呢? 一个声音在我脑海里说道:“去吧,你不是喜欢发言吗?”可我刚一想把手举起来,又有一个声音在我的脑海里说道:“别去,你看人家都坐在座位上,你干嘛要去呢?”就这样不停地反复,终于,我颤颤悠悠地举起了右手。 老师见状,立马点到了我的名字,要求我上台发言,我本来还是信心满满地走上 讲台,但当我一看到台下坐的笔直的同学们时,我的动力霎时间便消失得无影无踪。 “好了,请开始吧。”老师拿起手机,似乎想要把这次发言给录下来,我咽了一口唾沫,唉,毕竟这都是我自找的,豁出去了! 我开始慢慢分析我这次月考的收获以及遗憾,出人意料的是,台下的同学不像以往其他同学发言时窃窃私语,而是个个坐得笔直,睁着一双炯炯有神的大眼睛。 “我的发言到此结束,谢谢大家的聆听。”不知过了多久,我终于结束了这次演讲。 我红着脸跑回了座位上,本以为,等待我的会是同桌的嘲笑,但等来的,却是全班同学排山倒海的掌声…… 掌声话题作文2 五岁多的时候,我上钢琴的那个艺术学校组织了一场音乐会,妈妈想让我锻炼一下,就给我报名参加了。虽然我当时还小,不懂得什么是紧张,但面对台下几百号人,我还是有些害怕,况且我又是年龄最小的选手,弹的曲子又是很幼稚的《两只老虎》,这就使我的害怕感加倍了。妈妈没事似地跟我说“别担心,好好弹”,可我心里还是有些犯嘀咕。 前面的大哥哥大姐姐弹出的曲子悠扬婉转、美妙动听,人们欣赏完都会情不自禁地鼓掌,大哥哥大姐姐们看上去都自信满满的样子,我在想:我弹完了也会有人给我鼓掌吗?终于轮到我上台表演了,我有些紧张地来到钢琴前坐下,弹完了整首曲子,我甚至能听到自己“砰砰砰”的心跳声看来不会有人给我鼓掌了,是不是还有人嘲笑我呢?我是不是要灰溜溜地溜下台呀正当我胡思乱想的时候,忽然,“哗、哗、哗”台下传来了一阵掌声,虽然持续的时间不长,但当我听到有人给我鼓掌后,我的心情立刻平静了下来,恭敬地给大家鞠了个躬,然后高兴地跑下了台,抱住了妈妈。 这是我第一次获得掌声,一阵不到五秒的、很不起眼的掌声,却给予了我莫大的鼓励,让我在后来的比赛和表演中,自信了很多,不再那么紧张和害怕。后来我也获得过很多的掌声:一年级第一次朗读课文时同学们的热烈掌声;四年级时当小主持人时观众们鼓励的掌声;发表了作文时小伙伴一次又一次羡慕的掌声这些掌声在我的成长过程中给了我很大的鼓舞和自信。 后来我面临过更大的挑战,甚至还有一些困难,有时候我表现得并不好,但还是有人在旁边给我鼓励和赞许。就这样,我通过自己的努力获得了大家的肯定和掌声,通过这些掌声,我收获了面对困难的勇气和坚持下去的动力。 掌声话题作文3 每个班级肯定发生过许许多多令人感动的故事,我们班也不例外。 我们班有一个姓“o”的同学,他的英文名是orange,由于他的性格很内向,做起事情来通常显得很不自信,甚至显得有些不合群,所以同学给他起了个绰号“内向的橘子”。 他平时不爱和同学们玩耍,上课也不爱发言,总给人感觉他没有认真听讲。下课时,他有的时候喜欢独自一个人在走廊里转来转去,有的时候又会躲到天桥上,当有人过来时他就会羞涩的跑开。其实,我们也很想跟他一起玩,跟他做朋友。可是,如果我们去追他的话,又担心他会摔跤,会受伤。 有一次班会,他请假不来学校。老师提议如何照顾他,怎么样让他融入集体。同学们给出了很多建议,有的说我负责陪他散步,有的说我陪他聊天,有的说带他一起玩耍……最后,有人提议给他一次掌声。老师和同学们都觉得这个主意好。 第二天早上上课的时候,老师开始提问问题,同学们纷纷举手。老师朝大家眨眨眼睛,故意环视四周,最后把目光锁定在“M”同学身上,用亲切和蔼的口吻叫他起来回答问题。在全班同学的凝视下,他慢悠悠的站了起来,低声细语地回答,生怕自己说错了,就像一个孩子犯了大错,时刻等着父母的责备一样……等到他回答完毕,教室里响起了热烈的掌声,就连老师都为他鼓掌,因为他的回答非常棒! “o”同学回到座位上后,我发现他激动得手都在颤抖。在学习生活中,谁不希望得到周围人的关爱呢?而掌声是尊重、是激励、也是肯定。让我们更多地鼓掌,为别人,为自己,更为丰富多彩的人生! 掌声话题作文4 许多人时常慨叹:知音难求。何为知音,知音难道不是人生中的鼓掌者? 当年,俞伯牙轻奏《高山流水》时,钟子期为之高声喝彩,于是钟子期便成了俞老先生的知音。高山流水不断,流传着一曲千载称颂的金兰之交的赞歌。然而,水已去,人也亡,弦断有谁听。人生中的喝彩者走了,生命也就枯萎了。 人生,就像开放在郊外的野花,万紫千红,芳香四滥。人生的掌声犹如阳光雨露,滋润着每一叶花瓣。恩赐是一片照射在冬日的阳光,使饥寒交迫的人感到人间的温暖,而掌声比恩赐更为重要,精神的鼓励激动着每一个孤独无助的行人。 人生,就像颠簸在海上的小船,乘风破浪,勇往直前。人生的掌声犹如远方的灯塔,引你挂云帆,济沧海。恩赐是一缕海上轻柔的微风,使躁动不安的人感到人世的温情,而掌声比爱心更为重要,心灵的通道连接着每一个沉思忧郁的哲人。 当你失落丧气时,你希望有人给你勇气;当你犹豫彷徨时,你希望有人给你理解;当你精神穷困时,你希望给你热烈的掌声。是的,我们在不断地等待着,祈求着爱心的降临,但我们更在时时刻刻寻找着知音,寻找着精神世界的同路人。只有这样,我们才不至于绝望,也会像那位卖艺人一样流出感激的泪水。 没有掌声的演出是可怕的,有谁受得了死一般的寂静;没有掌声的人生是可悲的,有谁愿意在压抑中生存。人生缺少了掌声,只会剩下英雄垂泪、七子悲歌的结局。正如当年的屈原,世人皆浊唯他独清,世人皆醉唯他独醒,有心报国却无力回天。没有掌声没有理解只有渔夫的叹息,终于使他熄灭希望之火,生命之灯。 人生的掌声永不能停息,它永远激励着人追求灵魂的高尚与完善,掌声比爱心比金钱更为重要。 掌声话题作文5 有一次,期末考试考完成绩出来了,我们班举行颁奖。我们班先颁了三好学生,我们给三好学生热烈的鼓掌,是我们给他们的鼓励,虽然没有我,但是我很高兴。他们是我们班的骄傲也是荣誉。接下来我们班颁语文成绩优秀、有进步的同学。老师先颁了语文成绩优秀的同学,我们班又一片热烈的掌声,鼓励语文成绩优秀的同学继续努力,争取下次考得更好。老师再颁了语文成绩有进步的同学,我们热烈鼓掌鼓励着他们,老师一个一个念着他们的名字,居然念到了我的名字,还说:“我是进步最大的学生。”同学们给了我们掌声,我心里觉得美滋滋的,我特别高兴得到老师和同学的鼓励。我们后面颁数学达到目标分的同学,我万万没想到老师又念到了我的名字,我很开心,不过英语没有我,这次考得不是很好。我要向好的同学学习,下次可以取得更好的成绩。 掌声也是给人的一种祝福表达方式。 有一次,我和我的家人去参加亲戚的婚礼,一开始我们用掌声有请新郎和新娘登场,讲一下他们恋爱的过程。接下来就是家属讲话,讲话完又是一片掌声。然后就开始了游戏环节,现场主持人把在场的所有小朋友请上台,玩蹲和站的游戏。我们按照主持人说的蹲和站,然后做动作。游戏一轮接着一轮,没想到最后只剩下了我一个人,因为我一次也没有做错。我成为了游戏的优胜者,主持人给我一个很大的小黄人玩偶,这是奖品,我特别高兴。最后就是大家用掌声祝福新郎新娘永远幸福和快乐! 掌声在生活中是无处不在的,可以是鼓励,可以是祝福,也可以是认可别人,生活中有了掌声就会变得越来越美好! 掌声话题作文6 掌声,是失败时的鼓励,是奋进时的动力,是成功是的肯定。掌声,就是五彩人生中的一部交响曲。 天,灰沉沉的"。没有一丝的生机,花儿哭丧着脸,垂下了头。“小梁!78.5分!”这一句话,把我心里最后的一道防线狠狠的击碎了。低着头,拿着沉重的试卷,在刺眼的灯光下,那鲜红的78.5格外显眼。回想以前,95、96……绰绰有余,可现在……“小梁,你对这次考试有什么感想?”陈老师那沙哑的声音打破了寂静。“我……我觉得很惊讶,我从来没考过那么低的分数。”说完,我的眼睛模糊了,眼泪再也止不住了,所有的失落、自责涌入心头。这时,教室里传来了同学们的一阵掌声。过了一会儿,越来越响的掌声在我耳边环绕。接着,雷鸣般的掌声震耳欲聋。谢谢你们的掌声,给予我鼓励,给予我前进的动力。 讲台上,我深情并貌的讲述着《梁山伯与祝英台》这个感人的故事。正讲到祝英台女扮男装时,台下掌声四起。我那悬着的心,终于落地了,带着同学们的鼓励,后面的故事我越讲越生动,同学们的掌声也越来越激烈。表演结束了,同学们掌声、欢呼雀跃。这掌声包含着我的汗水,更包含着同学们对我的肯定。 谢谢您们的掌声,给予我肯定,给予我希望。 掌声,让我从失败中站起来;掌声,让我从退缩中勇敢起来;掌声,让我从成功中自信起来。为别人鼓掌,为自己鼓掌,为精彩的人生中增添一串快乐的音符。 掌声话题作文7 掌声不是别人给你的,是你自己争取的,也是送给自己的掌声。 掌声对每个人来说是一次鼓励,一次帮助,一句肯定的回答。别人给你的掌声是别人给你的肯定,而你自己的掌声就是自信。 在从前,对于一些胆小的人来说掌声很重要,鼓励的话语也一样重要,没有了鼓励与掌声,也就等于没有了自信。对于一切都只是担心、害怕。 在小学时我们曾经学过一篇文章就叫鼓掌。讲的是一个受伤的孩子鼓起勇气上讲台上演讲,最后得到了同学们给予他热烈的掌声。 有人常说掌声只是拍拍手,有没有都没事,而有人却说,掌手对于每一个人都很重要,它不只是拍拍手,而是对你的鼓励。对于我而言,掌声不止是拍拍手,不正是对我的鼓励,它还是对我的肯定,是我的精神之柱,有了它,胆小的人也会为此变得自信。 小学时,我的班上有一位特别胆小的人,上课都不敢举手发言,也不经常与同学交流,有一次,班会课上,老师请这位同学起来发言,她紧张的出了一身冷汗,好不容易才把这个问题回答完,她刚坐下去,全班同学便给了她震耳欲聋般的掌声;经过那一次的掌声,给予了她自信心,从那以后,她不再害羞,变得大胆起来,融入了我们,成为朋友。上课也常常起来发言,这不仅仅让我们震惊,还震惊了老师。 看,只是一次简简单单,平平常常的鼓励,却给予了她自信心,给了她一次认可。 掌声,看似平平常常,却有着不凡的意义。虽然只是一次鼓掌,却给了她一次无形的帮助!这就是掌声,可以改变人生的掌声! 掌声话题作文8 人人都需要掌声,在我的成长过程中,我拥有过许多次掌声,有爸爸妈妈的,有亲人的,还有老师、同学的……其中一次掌声令我刻骨铭心。 “快送到急救室,病人的右手骨折错位,必须马上手术”。这是我七岁时,被送到医院后听到的一句话。事情还要从吃饭说起。当时过中秋节,我去奶奶家吃饭,结果那天家中停电,我们只能去饭馆吃饭。我们到饭馆后,先点了菜,大人们在聊天,我和哥哥、妹妹在饭馆门口的台阶上玩滑梯。“快,到你了。”妹妹对我说道,我站到上面,还像平时一样,从上面滑了下去,可不小心却摔倒在路边的水泥地面上,我想爬起来,却感到右臂刺骨的疼,嘴里也开始不由地发出痛苦的呻吟,我的家人听到叫声,急忙跑过来看我,爸爸妈妈当机立断,急忙开上车送我去医院,妈妈一手托着我的手臂,爸爸则以最快的速度开车往邢台市三院赶,于是便有了开头的那段医生的话。 医生说要手术,可妈妈却不同意,怕我承受太大的手术痛苦并且长时间影响以后的学习,爸爸就咨询医生别的治疗方案,医生说可以保守治疗,但必须先矫正骨头,那种痛苦正常人几乎不能承受,但恢复时间短,效果好。当时妈妈坚持选择了这种治疗方法,当我被推到医院的硬板床时,我的心中七上八下,甚至有一种这条胳膊以后都不能动了的感觉,正在这时耳边传来几声清脆的掌声,爸爸妈妈和医生一起鼓励我,这次掌声给了我莫大的安慰,心头不禁充满信心。当医生努力扭动我的骨头时,我没有哭,之后努力锻炼,终于在一个月后就重返校园。 每当我遇到困难和挫折时,耳边常回想起那阵掌声。难忘那掌声,它给了我信心和动力,它让我不再那么胆怯,对生活充满了信心。 掌声话题作文9 在我的生活中,无数的鲜花为我开放,无数的掌声为我响起。这不,今儿个,我就给你们好好地诉诉我人生大舞台中的一幕精彩吧! 快板是民间传统艺术之一,有小夹板、响板、甩板、双棍板……最出名的要数快板了,我可是个打快板的高手。 刚开始打快板时,可不容易了,嘴里要不停地唱快板词,双手要一边甩大板,一边舞小板,头脑中还要记着节拍,可累人了。我一拍一拍慢慢地打着,手常常被夹得一块青,一块紫。可两块板子却一点儿也不给力,噼里啪啦地乱叫一通。我不害怕,仍旧反复练习着打快板。俗话说:“铁?磨成针”,功夫不负有心人,我的快板服从我了,我可以流畅地打完一曲,我越来越棒了! 当我打快板成为大师级时,我收到一个消息:大队委要举行才艺展示。我乐滋滋地想:我一定要把我这个绝技展示出来! 我化好了妆,穿上了一件唐装。我拿着两个快板,熟练地打了起来,有模有样地表演了《天安门广场看升旗》的小快板书。顿时,同学们如潮水一般向我涌来,很快,我身旁就围满了同学。我心里不知有多快乐,我像一朵美丽的鲜花,在花丛中耀眼地绽放。同学们都看呆了,连校长都被我吸引过来,大家向我投来了赞许的目光,纷纷为我竖起了大拇指。接着,响起了一阵雷鸣般的掌声。我的心比吃了一百桶蜜还甜。当然,我的票数一定最多了。 现在,我已经成为了大队部的一员。其实,每个人只要不怕苦,不退缩,刻苦学习,都能成为最棒的。你一定可以托起一轮光芒四射的太阳,一定可以见到那道最美丽的彩虹! 掌声话题作文10 掌声,可以让人身心愉悦,可以让人精神振奋,可以给予人们勇气,同样也是让人增加“信心”的最好礼物。 记得,四年级的时候,我参加了“梦想飞扬“比赛。从我报名参赛的那一刻起,爸爸妈妈就对我寄予了很高的期望,而我自己却没有信心,怕忘词、怕紧张……在每次排练时,爸爸妈妈那鼓励的眼神和话语,让我越来越有自信。特别是每次在我朗诵完的时候,爸爸妈妈都会给予我最热烈的掌声!在我心里,这比什么都重要,它是一种奇妙的声音,每当我听到它时候,便会有一股暖流充盈在我的心里。 经过十几天的紧张排练,关键的时刻就要到了,我既紧张又兴奋!兴奋的是,检验自己成果的时候终于到了,可以充分展示自己的实力了;紧张的是,万一在比赛的时候忘词,哪怕只是一个词……想到这里,我不由得汗流满面了。于是,我悄悄地对妈妈说:“妈妈,我不想参加比赛了,我害怕忘词,给你们丢脸。”“没关系,儿子你一定行!”同时妈妈对我竖起了大拇指,“只要你目视前方,深呼吸,就一定能正常发挥的!”听了妈妈的话,我顿时振作了起来! 在爸爸妈妈目光的注视下,我登上了演讲台。我深深地吸了一口气,努力让自己平静下来,平视着前方,状态也渐入佳境。时间过得真快,演讲很快就进入了尾声,我竟然没有忘词!演讲流利、顺畅、饱含激情,我用自己最好的状态演绎了一场比赛!当雷鸣般的掌声响起来的时候,我知道自己成功了,幸福的泪花充满了我的眼角。 从此以后,我便爱上了这样的“舞台”,国旗下的演讲也常常出现我自信的身影。 掌声,谢谢你,是你让我拥有了勇气,给予了我信心,使我一步步地战胜自己,走向成功。 掌声话题作文11 在一年级的时候,一阵掌声让我至今都温暖和幸福。 一次中队会,班主任马老师告诉我:“这次中队会,我决定选你做主持人!”我笑的合不拢嘴我每天认真的背主持人的台词,忘了过几天就要考试了。 到了队会那天,我发挥很好,我说着自己优美的台词,把同学们都吸引了......伴着最后的《世上只有妈妈好》这首歌,这次中队会圆满成功。老师下课表扬了我,我开心到了极点! 第二天,我们第一单元生字考试。老师考了二十多个词,我抓耳挠腮,想前想后可就是想不起来。下午,我一看考试结果,差一点儿哭了起来。因为我只考了二十分。同学们都在我的周围嘲笑、讽刺我。我伤心极了,我哭了起来。 上课时,老师说:“让我们为汗青鼓鼓掌吧!因为他是为了队会才考这么点儿分数,我们应该鼓励他!”突然,一片掌声响起。虽然马老师的掌声不太大,但是我听到了鼓励和安慰的掌声。马老师的掌声代表了她对我的希望:她希望我在以后的学习中,会很出色。我面对马老师和蔼可亲的微笑和爱的掌声,我一片温暖拥在心头,热泪流了下来。从那以后,马老师微笑和掌声伴我度过了二、三年级。四年级的时候,我们学校跟西关、南关小学合并,所以校名改为:开平区第一实验小学。马老师也因为工作被调走。所以我再也没有看到马老师了,也没有联系上她。不过,她的掌声将永远铭刻在我的心中。我也永远爱她! 掌声话题作文12 掌声传递着爱意,掌声传送着友谊,掌声给了一个又一个人开心的笑容,给了他们一份又一份的勇气与鼓励。 优美的铃声轻轻抚过每一个人的心头,像是杜鹃鸟儿欢快地歌唱,每一音符净化了喧闹的声音,闹哄哄的场面被铃声带走了,随之取代的是安静的场景。 课跟以前一样,活跃的气氛也在荡漾,同学们也争先恐后的回答,脸上仍洋溢着天真好学的神情。可是一只小手从课桌下面伸了上来,胳膊立在桌子上,低低地举着手,那只手在微微地颤抖。哎呀!这不是上课从不举手,不爱回答问题。害羞的同学吗。她今天怎么举手了?突然老师的目光“唰”地一下子扫向了她,她的脸也随着老师的目光“哗”地变红了,手赶紧收了回去。老师微笑地看着她,点了她的名字,她慢慢地站了起来,掌声被老师调动而起,只不过带着一丝讽刺与嘲笑,漫不经心地给了她。 她的脸红得像个苹果,回答问题结结巴巴的,声音如蚊子声般的小,同学们都在替她着急,真不知道老师叫她干什么?老师微笑着鼓励她,她说得越来越棒,渐渐地掌声在我心里化成海水,激烈地拍打我的心,我的手再也忍不住了。“啪啪”地拍着,掌声四面八方地涌来,包住了她,不是讽刺,是鼓励;不是嘲笑,是赞赏。她笑了,红着脸坐了下去。 从此以后,她也踊跃地举起了手,我相信是因为那次掌声,是因为同学们对她的鼓励。 掌声真美妙,掌声赛过一切,掌声赛过所有话语,赛过了渺小的羞涩。掌声给了她鼓励。 掌声话题作文13 我时常会想起那位陌生的叔叔,想起他给我的奖品——掌声…… 小学三年级了,我依旧很自卑,胆怯或许班主任想给我一个锻炼的机会她让我在元旦晚会上代表全班朗诵一首诗。我甚至连回绝的勇气都没有,硬着头皮接受了这个“艰巨”的任务。既受之,则练之。我无可奈何,总是不能违背老师吧,那我可不敢。于是每天放学后就蹲在阳台上小声练习着,一遍又一遍。 一天傍晚,我一边练着,一边怪自己一点儿长进都没有,读的这么糟,到时候在台上轰下来怎么办?那我还有什么脸见人?想着想着泪水都快流出来了,不禁又开始怪起老师来,干吗把这该死的朗诵任务交给我? 正在这时,我听到了一阵掌声,一阵节奏稳重,坚定有力而又真诚的掌声。我的心为之一震,这是给我的掌声吗?一阵狂喜之后我又感到一种失落,这掌声怎么会是给我的呢?我读的这么糟。 我慢慢站起来,果真看见楼下有一位叔叔正在鼓掌,他笑盈盈地说:“小朋友,读得真好,加油练吧!”我兴奋极了,这真的是给我的掌声吗?我真的读得好吗?我的心扑扑直跳,我的脸也有些发烫,忽然感觉腰板也挺直了很多,仿佛身上内有了一根强大的支柱。我冲那为叔叔笑了笑,不只说什么好,他又用力拍了几下掌,然后就走了。望着他远去的背影,我在心中默默地说:“谢谢!” 然后,我信心大增,仅仅因为常回响起那掌声,最终我拿回了最佳优秀节目奖…… 难忘那掌声,这个特殊的奖品,它给了我信心和动力,原来我们有时需要的仅仅是一点掌声。 掌声话题作文14 掌声,是一种鼓励,是一种认可。我深深知道掌声来之不易,当看完精彩的节目,台下响起雷鸣般的掌声。又有多少人知道台上一分钟,台下十年功的道理。而那一次,我用我的品德换来了一次在我心中永不停歇的掌声。 天,已经黑了。几颗半明半昧的星星在空中闪烁着,好像要把光亮照进人们心中。“唉,只剩最后一家店了,再买不到就死定了!”我有些垂头丧气地对张悦说,“既然老师说有就有,在看看吧。”张悦好像不曾对生活失去希望,永远充满着蓬勃向上的心态。我们走进一家饰品店,仔细地寻找着那10×10的便利贴。“诶,是这个吗?”我招呼张悦过来,“应该是的把……”她显得十分犹豫。我看见旁边有尺子,灵机一动,拿尺量一下纸的长和宽,我想了想,说:“就这个吧!”张悦朝我点点头。我们付了钱,走出了这家店。 走了不远,我发现我手机竟然拿着刚才那把还未拆开的尺子。我惊讶极了,不知道该还回去还是拿回家。我心里的天使与恶魔在打架,恶魔说:“别拿回去!你看,那上面的图案多可爱啊,而且是免费的,不拿白不拿!”天使立刻反驳道:“你要是拿回去了,你自己的心肯定永远不会好过的!”他们你一言,我一语地争吵着。我只是呆呆的望着张悦,原本活泼的张悦突然间严肃起来,“这要看你的品质了!”说完,便留给我一个背影。张悦的话真是一语惊醒梦中人。我拿着那把尺,毅然走向那家饰品店。我对收银员姐姐说:“我刚刚没有付钱,现在还给你们。”姐姐先是愣住了,随后便为我鼓起掌来。掌声并不响亮,却是对我品德的认可和肯定。 我相信,代表品德的掌声在我心中将会永不停歇。 掌声话题作文15 “现在我们以热烈的掌声邀请在节假日中仍然默默坚守在工作岗位上的环卫工人上台!大家掌声欢迎!!”环卫工人,城市因你们更美丽,生活因你们更美好,街道因你们更干净!环卫工人,我把掌声送给你! 风吹日晒,不管何时,在城市的大街小巷的每一个角落里都可以见到你们的身影。不论是在骄阳似火的正午,还是在倾盆大雨的夜晚,或是在寒风凛冽的冬日,你们总是默默地在工作岗位上不辞辛苦地工作,争取把城市装扮得更美丽!我把掌声送给你! 到了秋风吹起时,“呼啦——”,整条人行道上仿佛铺了一层又一层的落叶地毯,你们总是手拿一只扫把,将枯枝烂叶一斗一斗地装进垃圾车运走,为人们留下了一条条宽敞整洁的人行道。风起了,叶落了,扫走;风又起了,叶又落了,再扫;风……你们总是向辛苦宣战,街道因你们更洁净!我把掌声送给你! 夜深了,是你们将小区里、街道上积下了一天垃圾的桶清空,给了人们更美好的生活环境。生活因你们更美好!我把掌声送给你! 每天放学时,总是你们最辛苦的时刻。广告宣传单被人们随便丢弃在了道路上,不足几分钟,便将道路铺上了一层厚厚的“地毯”;还有些人只是为了好玩将纸撕碎满天飞舞,而不知这大大加大了清扫难度。是你们尽可能多地扫起废纸,给人们的出行提供了一条干净的道路,让人们心情更舒畅!我要把最热烈的掌声送给你!为城市无私奉献的劳动者! 人们常说环卫工是城市的使者,让城市更干净;环卫工是城市的美容师,让城市更美丽;环卫工是城市的……我把掌声送给你!水元素sl2023-07-11 08:12:281
雅思写作范文:青少年犯罪的根源 Task:Crimes committed by young people are increasing in major cities throughout the world. Discuss the causes and how to solve this problem? 思路解析: 青少年犯罪的根源1:媒体暴力的误导,让他们对于暴力产生崇拜,错误地认为通过犯罪来获取财富是合适的。 青少年犯罪的根源2:在经济萧条的大背景下,就业变得十分困难,很多年轻人被迫选择犯罪来谋生,或是报复社会。 解决之道:对于出版物进行审查和分类,这能把那些不良的信息过滤掉。还有就是免费的就业培训,这能让年轻人获取实际的技能,帮助他们在找工作中获得优势。 参考范文: Nowadays, it has been reported that there has been an increasing number of crimes committed by youngsters in major cities all over the world. What causes this phenomenon and what people could do to resolve the problem have been widely discussed. In this essay, I would investigate the reasons and suggest some possible solutions accordingly. There are two main reasons why this kind of crimes is on the increase. Firstly, violence on the internet, TV programs and video games is responsible for this situation. It is because youngsters, unlike adults, are lack of abilities to distinguish right from wrong. Therefore, too much violence in the virtual world could render young people aggressive. As a result, they, more often than not, consider violence as the main or even only way to solve problems, thereby leading to crimes. Secondly, low employment rate in many big cities around the world could be another major reason. Most countries are experiencing economic plateau or even backwards due to global economic crisis occurring a few years ago. Consequently, many businesses and factories have decided to cut off their staff or ten d to employ experienced workers over young graduates. This means some youngsters become jobless spontaneously once they graduate. Some of them even turn to commit crimes to make a living or get revenge on society. In order to solve the problem, some main methods are advised accordingly. The first solution is to apply censorship and classification in issuing programs. This means governments or non-governmental organizations should censor the violent and prostitute contents of programs and label them such as “adult only” or “viewers excluded below 14” before programs are publicized. This would help to keep youngsters from too much violence on programs away. Another method is to carry out free job training programs designed closely related to the demand of the job market. After training, youngsters, more of ten than not, can expect better chances of being employed. Other ways could include tax-reduction policy for university graduates self-employment, providing paid social service positions for youngsters, etc. To conclude, methods such as censorship on programs and free job training for youngsters are strongly recommended too much violence on programs and low employment. (370 words) 雅思写作范文:青少年犯罪率提升 Task:In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this? Sample answer: In recent years, the proportion of crimes committed by teenagers has increased dramatically and this has caused a widespread discussion. Media violence and unstable family life may be the two main factors leading to adolescents" criminal tendency. Both of them will be discussed in detail below, followed by solutions. The lack of family life should take responsibility for juvenile delinquency. Most parents educate their children in an impropriate way like beating and abusing. Even now, may parents still hold a view that a good son is a product of the rod. This educational method will leave children a misleading impression about violence when they are very young, and they are more likely to become real offenders in the future. To solve this problem, parents should adjust parenting at home, interacting with their children more frequently and giving more attention and care especially emotional needs. Excessive exposure to media violence also plays a big role in the increase of youth crime. As we all know, the violence shots are prevalent in many films and TV games, which affects young people the most. Teenagers who lack self-discipline tend to imitate their fantasy hero"s criminal behavior after watching action films in real situations. Actually, these teenagers are misled by their heroes. In this case, the government should set a rating and censorship system in order to control the amount of violence, threat and horror on screen. In conclusion, family life and media violence are main triggers of juvenile delinquency. Parents should transform their ways to care and educate their children. Meanwhile, governments should provide a healthy environment on the screen. (267 words) 雅思写作范文:青少年罪犯是否该判刑 Task:Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 思路解析: 1. 应该,严肃的法律能起到一种威慑作用,让青少年们不敢再次犯罪。举例,今天我们对于青少年罪犯的法律惩罚实在是不痛不痒,甚至是太仁慈了,这让年轻人藐视法律,他们会想,即使犯罪也没什么大不。所以像成年人那样惩罚他们很必要,比如说关监狱,而不是简单地口头教导。这些痛苦的惩罚让年轻人不敢随便挑战社会法规。 2. 然而,年轻人的司法体系应该更加灵活一些,这是因为年轻人很年轻,不成熟,他们的犯罪动机很可能不是那么邪恶。举例,成年罪犯的抢劫动机很明确,就是通过袭击他人来获取财富。相比之下,青少年伤害他人的行为很可能只是因为来自同伴的压力,或是因为一时冲动。考虑到他们并不是有意要犯罪,所以给他们较轻的判罚是可以理解的。 参考范文: Should young criminals be punished on the same level of adults, as some people argue? Personally, I agree with is assertion partially, while it underestimates the importance of a flexible judgment on youngsters. The main reason of using the same standard to punish the youth is, it deters them from further crimes. Today, the main cause of juvenile crimes increasing is a lenient juvenile judicial system and milder punishments like lighter sentences, shortened prison terms, or even probation. Youngsters think they can always get off easily, regardless the seriousness of crimes. Therefore, it is necessary for juvenile offenders to be tried as strictly as adults, which lets these youngsters know that they are not exempt from heavy penalties, and not given any special consideration because of their age factor. By this way, their desires of making illegal activities would be inhibited. However, to a large extent, juvenile judicial system should be flexible. Psychologically speaking, youngsters under the age of 18 are immature, with less social experience and concepts about social rules, or with no recognition about the consequence. In many cases, young criminals have no idea that what they do is illegal. For example, compared with adult criminals who have the definite plans and goals to make money by hunting or killing victims, the testimony of many teenage thieves and robbers proves that their movements are purposeless, and the main reasons for them to do so are no more than peer pressure and impulsiveness. Therefore, when it comes to the fact that adult criminals are intentional but young ones are unintentional, it is reasonable to treat and trial them differently. In conclusion, a flexible juvenile judicial system should be encouraged. Although a strict punishment to young offenders as adults might be a profound education for young generations, sentences on young offenders should be lighter, considering the fact that their intentions of breaking law are fundamentally different from that of adults. (320 words) 雅思写作范文:判断孩子犯罪 Task:Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals. To what extent do you think the human nature produces crimes? And how can we prevent children from growing up to be criminals? 思路解析: 1. 基因论是有点道理的。举例,科学已经证明,某些基因缺陷会导致大脑荷尔蒙的分泌功能紊乱,这会导致人在很小的时候就显示出负面的性格,如缺乏残忍,缺乏同情心和负罪感。在长大之后,这些病态的特征会刺激他们做出暴力的行为。 2. 然而,父母在塑造孩子思维的过程中同样起到很大作用。举例,糟糕的父母管教,如采用暴力来体罚孩子,会让孩子变得有侵略性,冷漠,以及反社会的思想。 3. 此外,来自媒体的暴力镜头同样会影响孩子们。举例,电影中人们总是通过犯罪来解决问题,或是获得财富。这扭曲了孩子们的价值观,让他们误以为通过犯罪来谋生是合适的。 参考范文: Does a child"s performance at the age of 3 decide whether he or she would be a criminal in the future? Personally, I partially agree that gene defects in some cases indeed cause some illegal actions, while it is unwise to attribute all crimes to the gene problem, and my reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, to the extent of Geneticism, this assertion is reasonable, because some of human behaviors, attitudes and characteristics are determined by DNA, and there is always homeotypical continuity from inappropriate behaviors in childhood to criminality in adulthood. For example, symptoms of gene-based psychological abnormality, which stems from the imbalanced secretion of hormones in brain, can be reflected in the very young age as inattention, restlessness, apathy, the lack of guilt about wrongdoings, and unkindness to other children. In adulthood, there is a high possibility that these morbid emotional traits evolve into anti-social minds--specifically, disregarding of rights of others or rules of society, irresponsibility, aggressive personalities and misperceptions about the right and wrong. However, I strongly believe this assertion is problematic, for the reason that it completely underestimates more fundamental influences of other aspects on children after their birth. Firstly, parents always play a key role in children"s formative education that directly shapes behaviors, minds and values of them. For example, poor parenting skills in daily life, such as violence and corporal punishment, tend to make personalities of children aggressive and rude, even irritable, which might turn into dangerous behaviors and anti-social minds in adulthood. Besides, violent contents on the internet, TV programs and video games are also responsible for juvenile crimes. It is because youngsters, unlike adults, are lack of abilities to distinguish right from wrong. Therefore, too much violence in the virtual world could twist the social values of young viewers. As a result, they, more often than not, consider violence as the main or even only way to solve problems, thereby leading to crimes. In conclusion, there are more factors that might result in delinquencies of the youth than genes, and the impacts from parents and media on children"s growth are bigger than that from DNA. (360 words) 雅思写作青少年犯罪话题范文相关 文章 : ★ 雅思犯罪类写作范文汇总 ★ 雅思写作大作文热考话题分享 ★ 雅思写作十大题材题目汇总 ★ 雅思写作全写简单句会得几分 ★ 雅思写作十大题材的题目汇总康康map2023-07-11 08:07:371
请大家帮忙写一篇以理想为话题的议论文 800字以上
理想与信念 漫漫人生,惟有急流勇进,不畏艰险,奋力拼搏,方能中流击水,抵达光明的彼岸,科学的理想信念是是我们大学生乘风破浪,搏击沧海的灯塔和动力之源。 理想就是有理由的想,符合情理的想,这样的想是能够实现的想。从不同的角度审视,可以把理想分为许多类型:有科学理想和非科学理想;崇高理想和一般理想;长远理想和近期理想;个人理想和社会理想等。信念是认知情感和意识的有机统一体,是人们在一定认识基础上确立的对某种思想或事物坚定不移并身体力行的心理态度和精神状态。信念是对理想的支持,是人们追求理想目标的强大动力。信念是认识事物的基点和评判事物的标准。信念是强大的精神力量,有了坚定的信念,就能精神振奋、克服困难,甚至生命受到威胁,也不轻易放弃内心信念。理想和信念总是如影随形,相互依存。 社会是大海,人生是小舟,理想和信念就是引航的灯塔和推进的风帆。我们在大学期间不仅要提高知识水平,更要坚定科学崇高的理想信念。然而理想不等于现实,理想的实现往往要通过一条充满艰难险阻的曲折之路,有赖于脚踏实地,持之以恒的奋斗。只有实践才是通往理想彼岸的桥梁。 说起理想,当先谈立志。著名激励大师陈安之谈起成功之到时说到立志的重要性。所谓大志造英雄。曹操说“大志与良谋,大志是首要条件”。有志者事竟成,志气的大小决定着成就的大小。大志大成,小志小成。即便如此,立志不可盲目,首先要对自己进行正确的人生定位。不自我否定,不夸耀吹嘘,在平衡中寻找自己的成材切入点。树立符合个人情况的志向,并坚定的做下去。美国总统罗斯福说过这样的话:人人有理想与信念,但是是不同的理想与信念会把人引向不同的道路。土匪也在理想作用下,让他们不断地以欣然面对人生,贪官们也会在理想信念的作用下而前”腐“后继。并且有不同的理想和信念的人,会对不同类的理念与精神感兴趣,也就是说理想与信念是过滤器,即使社会、师长说的再多,他们总是接收他们认为对的东西,一直到挫折让他们感到“此路不通时”为止。现在在宣传与教育界有一个笑话,是迂腐的笑话,认为多讲点正面的东西、多灌点理念就会有用,甚至概叹:这些好的东西,这是真理呀,你们怎么不听?跛足而不迷路定的人胜过箭步如飞而误入歧途的人。定位是成功的第一道门槛。定位之后立志,并持之以恒的奋斗,是成功的必经之路。 勇于实践艰苦奋斗是实现理想的根本途径。理想必须通过实践才能转为现实。再好的理想如果不行动,就没有实际意义。历史上,凡有成就者,其渊博的知识,越的才能,闪光的智慧,不朽业绩,多是从艰苦奋斗中的来。我们要把敢于吃苦,勇于奋斗的精神落实到日常生活中。 坚定的信念是实现理想的重要条件。追求崇高的理想,仅有美好的愿望是远远不够的。追求理想需要有执着的信念。青年大学生应该树立崇高的理想信念,充分认识理想实现过程的长期性、曲折性和艰巨性,走出思想认识上的“误区”,坚定为实现理想而艰苦奋斗的信念,用实际行动把美好理想化为现实。陈安之先生谈到成功者的信念:1.过去不等于未来。2.没有失败,只有暂时停止成功。3.我没有得到我要得,我即将得到更好的。4.成功者愿意做别人不愿意做的事。5.成功者做一般人不能做,做不到的事。6.凡是采取最短时间,采取最大行动。7.成功者积累知识和人脉的质和量。8.成功者拥有一流的态度,技巧和能力。9.态度决定一切。作为当代大学生应该充分话中含义。 总之,作为当代的大学生,我们肩负着建设中国特色社会主义的重大历史任务,更要充分认识到理想与信念的重要性。并将其作为激励自己不断进步的动力。向成功之路迈进。北境漫步2023-07-10 08:50:001
how to be a happy person 以如何做个快乐的人为话题写篇英语作文,急求!
when I was a little girl,my mother usually tell me that I must be a good person.But how to be a good person?I cannot understand at that time.Howerver ,as I grow up every day,I become to know it. In my opinion,to be a good person,frist of all,should be polite.If you behave polite,others want to make friends with you.Then ,you should be kind and warm-hearted,for these are the source of good person.When you give a hand to people ,they would feel you are really a good person,and you also can feel happy. However,a good person has many good characters and abilities,so I cannot list them all out.Gerenally speaking ,as long as you do good to others ,you are a good person. 来源于网络,希望能给你帮助。NerveM 2023-07-09 08:42:222
在平平淡淡的日常中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是我为大家整理的一件快乐的事话题作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 一件快乐的事话题作文1 那天,天气晴朗,万里无云,小鸟在树枝上叽叽喳喳唱着歌,风弟弟和小纸片做游戏。蝴蝶飞来飞去,一会儿在这朵花上嗅嗅,一会儿到那朵花上闻闻,蜻蜓尾尖一沾到水,就能看到波纹一圈一圈荡漾开去。 在这样一个天气晴朗的日子里,我去了姥姥家玩。我一打开大门,弟弟赶紧扑到我怀里,还说:“哥哥,救我!”我向弟弟身后看去原来是一直小狗在追弟弟,这只小狗真可爱:胖乎乎的身子,圆溜溜的小眼下长着一张小嘴。它的毛是黄白相间的,短短尾巴慢慢的摇着。小狗呆呆地卧倒地上看着我,可能我对它太陌生了,过了一会,它才兴奋起来。我向姥姥要了一块肉,提在手里,可能小狗闻到了肉的香味,它摇着小尾巴跑过来,看见肉块,眼睛直发亮,突然,一跃而起,想咬住肉,我把肉向它背后一提,小狗没有站稳,一跟头载到在地上,站在一旁的弟弟看见了,忍不住笑了起来,还说了句:“哈,真好玩!” 饭熟了,从窗纱中飘来一阵香味,我和弟弟去吃饭,吃完,我把骨头扔给小狗,它也随之张开口,跳跃着去接骨头,一边吃,还一边用身子蹭蹭我,有趣极了。这真是一件有趣而又快乐的事。 一件快乐的事话题作文2 我经历过很多高兴的事,但是最快乐的是和爸爸妈妈去湖南摘桔子。 那是去年秋天的一个周末,爸爸妈妈告诉我要去摘桔子,我高兴得大叫起来。我们坐车从高速路上来到芷江,不一会儿就来到叔叔的果园。我兴奋极了,东瞧瞧,西望望,发现叔叔家的果园真大呀!连着三座山。叔叔家的桔子真多呀!一二三四五六七。数也数不清。叔叔家的桔子真甜啊!不信,你就摘一个吃一吃,很甜吧?吃一个,不仅甜在嘴里,还甜在心里!叔叔家的桔园真美啊!绿油油的叶子下面藏着一个个金黄色的果实,像一张张可爱的"笑脸",又像一个个黄色的"小灯笼",把果园装扮地格外美丽,分外漂亮。我在桔园里高高兴兴地摘桔子,这棵树上摘三个,那棵树上摘一个。不一会儿,我就摘了很多很多桔子。吃着自己亲手摘的桔子,我感到吃起来特别香甜。 那天,我特别开心,第一:我摘了很多桔子;第二:我吃到自己长大以来亲手摘地桔子;第三:替叔叔家高兴,因为又是一个丰收年。 一件快乐的事话题作文3 我是一个女孩子,我天性活泼,喜爱运动。是一名出色的小运动员。看到什么都想学一学,试一试。暑假的一天,我心血来潮报了一个街舞的学习班。第二天一大早我就起来了,来到广场上,跟着老师一次又一次练着那不变的动作,很枯燥,但是我还是用心记着每一个要领,力求把每一个动作做到最完美,在一旁打太极的老爷爷、老奶奶们说我很有潜力,很棒,听了这些话,我很高兴回到家,爸爸妈妈也鼓励我,我的信心更足了。跳街舞是个体力活,我练双腿离地时,稍把不住平衡就会摔倒在地,练这些动作时,不知摔了多少跤,一次次摔倒,好几次都把膝盖摔破了,汗水湿透了衣服,贴在身上,还坚持练习。 大人们都夸我很坚强,听了这些话,我会心的笑了,因为我离成功越来越近了。暑假就要过去了,我学街舞也己经有两个月了,当我和别人一块斗舞的时候,看到对手被我连贯的动作压得在无反击之力时只能看着我继续“秀”时,我那股高兴劲儿就别提多爽了,真比战场上打了胜仗还高兴。街舞,给了我无尽的快乐,我喜欢这种运动! 一件快乐的事话题作文4 今天天气晴好,妈妈决定带我去公园玩,我很高兴!一会儿我们来到了公园。哇,公园好漂亮啊!有山、有水、有花、有草,还有好多人,好热闹啊!公园里空气很新鲜!花也开了,有粉红的、有白的、有蓝的、有红的......还有的花也开了,可是我不认识,妈妈就告诉我这是什么花、那是什么花。这下我才明白了,原来花有很多种。啊,前面有好多鸽子!我赶紧跑了过去。小鸽子飞来飞去,一会儿飞到我的小手上、一会飞到爸爸的肩膀上、一会飞到妈妈的胳膊上、还有更调皮的,飞到了别人的头上......我喜欢鸽子,雪白的鸽子真是太美了!我们逛来逛去,看见前面有好多人在画画,有好多画;有喜羊羊、灰太狼、虹猫蓝兔.......我选了一张美羊羊的画。可我不知道怎么画。我看见那边有画好的,然后就照着画。一会人我就画好了。妈妈看了看说;不行,我来给你改一下。 改完以后我就感觉越来越好看了!旁边的人看了都说我画的很漂亮!好累啊,该回家了。我依依不舍的离开了公园。回到家以后,我对爸爸妈妈说;下次我还去公园玩!妈妈答应了,我好高兴!今天,我感觉出来了爸爸妈妈对我的爱,我以后要多关心她们!中山公园是那么的美,逛公园是多么快乐的一件事! 一件快乐的事话题作文5 早上我还没醒,就被妈妈从睡梦中叫起来了。今天爸爸和妈妈带我上海拉尔去玩。虽然我很困。但我却非常高兴。 手中把玩着火车票,坐在火车里。抑制不住心中的喜悦。火车很快开动了窗外的景色可真美呀!远处高山重重叠叠,连绵起伏。近处小树迎着春风摇摆。枝条上有了一丝绿意。山上的雪水汇成了小河,跟着火车赛跑。远处的土地,像是美丽黄色的地毯,我真想上去奔跑。不知不觉中火车载着我们驶入目的地——海拉尔。到处高楼林立,汽车川流不息。真是一个美丽的城市。爸爸妈妈领我去游乐园。各种各样的游戏。让我看的眼花缭乱。我看见了射击游戏。真想打机枪。爸爸说看你会打吗。于是我拿起枪、瞄准、三点一线、扣动扳机一枪打中,又一枪打中。十枪我打中了八枪。我差点就成为了神枪手,还得了个小魔方。我还玩了投球,夜非常有意思。陪妈妈逛街可不是我的强项,一会我就觉得累了。 回来时我们坐的是大客车,里面非常舒服,还有电视呢!在开车的过程中我不知不觉的睡着了。等我醒来时车已经到牙克石街里了。这一天虽然很累,但我觉得非常愉快。在春天的脚步来临之即我怀念这一天 一件快乐的事话题作文6 快乐的事我遇到的很多,但是,我只写这么一件。那就是去年寒假里,我和爸妈去云南旅游,那是我第一次坐飞机,时隔一年,我仍记忆犹新,现在回想起来,我依旧眉飞色舞,感到坐飞机真是一件快乐的事。 记得那天,我和爸妈乘坐豪华的旅游大巴直奔郑州机场,要去赶乘飞往云南昆明的飞机了,此时此刻,我激动的心情无法言表。坐飞机,体验鹰击长空的感觉,这是我一直梦寐以求的一件快乐的事,我高兴极了! 登上飞机,我的座位正好挨着窗户,我可以向外看远方,也可以向下眺望。飞机起飞时,刚好下着小雨,空中什么也看不见。飞机越飞越高,不一会儿,飞机穿出云层,我们看到了明媚的阳光,阳光下面的云层好像一片浩瀚的海洋,颇为壮观!一会儿,云层消失了,蜿蜒的山川、曲折的河流、像蛇一般的公路尽在脚下。从飞机上往下看,高速公路上行驶的汽车像蚂蚁那样大,一块块的稻田像豆腐块一样小……总之,比我们在地面上看到的东西,都缩小了好几百倍。 我这次坐飞机,真的开阔了眼界,看到了祖国的蓝天这么大,看到祖国的山川这么秀丽,我真激动、真自豪,真感到万分快乐! 一件快乐的事话题作文7 早上我起床后,下楼去小伙伴家玩游戏,有4个小朋友,他们是小明、小红、小华、小亮。我们一起玩《老鹰抓小鸡》的游戏。小亮当老鹰,小红当母鸡,我和剩下的小伙伴当小鸡。小明第一,我第二,小华第三,这就是我们的排列顺序。我们看起来就像一条很大很大的虫子,刚玩不久,又来了一个小伙伴,他叫小刚。这样我们当小鸡的人数就有四个人了。 我们玩了一会儿又来了一个小伙伴,周围的小朋友看见我们玩得很高兴,都纷纷加入进来。不一会儿就有十二个小伙伴在一起玩游戏了。呀!小明被抓住了,小华也被抓住了,我们只剩下九只小鸡了。呀!又被抓了一个。哎!再这样下去我们这些小鸡迟早会被抓完的。我得想个办法!有了!我的办法就是我分不同的方向跑,这样小亮就不知道去追哪个小朋友了。不一会儿,小亮开始追来了,我们向不同的方向跑,结果小亮不知道从哪只小鸡捉起,于是他就在一旁等机会。最后小明跑不动了,就被捉住了。于是游戏中只剩下5只小鸡了,我们不知道怎么办才好。 呀!什么时候又捉了两个小朋友。哎!又被捉了一个,只剩下我了。最后,我不小心摔了,也被捉了。 一件快乐的事话题作文8 暑假的一天我来到湖北省美术馆参观,我一进美术馆就看见十几个小朋友在做版画,在我的央求下,老师也让我来体验下。 版画需要准备笔、剪刀、A4卡纸等。我先用笔在纸上画自己喜欢的图案,然后剪一些纸片,贴在图案上,层次分明,这样画版就制好了。再往上面涂满油墨,印在宣纸上,这样版画就成功了。原来制作版画的过程是先做一个心目中的画板,然后请老师涂上油墨,就变成了模版,用这个模版印在宣纸上,就可以印成一张又一张栩栩如生的版画了。 以前我认为版画是在木板上画画,然后刻出模版,后来我知道古时候确实是这样。但是现在科技发展了,可以用厚纸板、塑料板甚至金属板制模版,而且印版画的时候,油墨也变成了彩色的。 我在家里也用老师的方法做了一个模版,可惜没有油墨,不能印。下次有油墨的时候,就一定再好好地做一幅多姿多彩的版画。 一件快乐的事话题作文9 星期天中午,我做完了作业,看看天气不错,闲着没事,想想去年秋天和爸爸在公园里摘了很多花种,小区的花园里还有空地,应该去种些花,我找出了种子,提了一小桶水就下楼下去了。 我来到花园,先给空地松松了土,然后埋下种子,又浇了水,想想过几天应该就能长出叶子来了。 过了些日子,我跑去看,真的长出叶子,嫩嫩的、绿绿的,很是惹人喜爱。和妈妈数了数长出的花儿共有19棵。闲时我总会跑去看花,给它松土、浇水,把它照顾的好好的,希望它能快快长大开出美丽的花来。 又过段时间,花儿长大了,有了花骨朵,我忙招呼院里的小朋友来看,也把爸爸和妈妈叫来看,大家看着花,说:“这么多花真好看”,看看大家这么高兴,我也高兴的笑了起来。老师常说:辛勤劳动付出,总是有收获的,学习也不例外,所以我想以后我也会像照顾花儿一样,在学习上也勤奋用功,有一天也会开出美丽的小花的。 一件快乐的事话题作文10 星期六下午,我和爸爸、妈妈去公园玩,看到林间草地上有许多鸽子,我便嚷着要买食喂鸽子。妈妈给我买了鸽食,工作人员就让我进到栅栏里喂鸽子了。 这里的鸽子可真多,有白色的﹑灰色的﹑黑色的﹑黑白相间的……美丽极了。一只鸽子大概看见我手中的食物,便快速地向我走来,嘴里还不时发出“咕咕咕……”的叫声。好像在说:“小朋友,你好啊,欢迎你到我们鸽舍来玩儿。”我连忙撒了一些玉米,只见它敏捷地在地上啄食。这时其它鸽子看见了,也都飞了过来,我乘机仔细观察了一下这些鸽子,它们的羽毛很柔软,脚上有许多斑斑点点,眼睛圆溜溜的。有的鸽子害怕我,总是在我的身边走动,不敢上前吃食,而有的鸽子竟然敢飞到我的手心里抢食吃,它们你争我抢互不相让,我感觉有趣极了。 直到妈妈叫我,我才恋恋不舍的告别鸽子。今天喂鸽子我很开心,真想每天都喂鸽子。回家的路上,妈妈还告诉我鸽子是友谊和平的象征,我一定要保护它们。 一件快乐的事话题作文11 暑假到了,峰岩广场便成了孩子们的乐园。有开电动小汽车的、有溜旱冰鞋的------但最让我眼馋的要数玩滑板的了!我闹着妈妈给我买滑板,妈妈说:“你一个女孩子,会滑吗?”我说:“我连自行车那个傻大个儿都会骑了,还不会滑这个小不点?”在我的.软磨硬泡下,滑板终于到手了。 你看:滑板的车身是紫色的,上面还有两只米老鼠的卡通图案,非常漂亮。当我扛着它回家的时候已经很晚了,但我还是迫不及待的上了滑板,可这哪里是滑板呀,当我上去才知道,这简直就是西部牛仔斗的公牛,疯狂的不可驾驭!我只好扶着墙,慢慢地移动,就像一个八十岁的老太太,妈妈笑我是一个贴在墙上的蜘蛛侠。 我忍无可忍了,决定潇洒一回。我双手刚离开墙面,就来了个仰面朝天,再看看那滑板上的两只米老鼠,正在朝我哈哈大笑呢!我想,总有一天我会征服你的! 于是,我每天早上练了晚上练,身上摔得青一块紫一块的,但我从不掉一滴眼泪,每天坚持练习。不到一个星期,我终于学会了。每天晚上我出去滑滑板的时候,那轮子上一闪一闪的彩灯,引来了一些出来乘凉的大人和小朋友羡慕的目光,我感到我就是一个快乐的小天使。 战胜困难,收获成功,是一件快乐的事! 一件快乐的事话题作文12 连续刮了几天的大风,可今天星期日却是个晴朗的天气,一大早,奶奶就叫醒了我和弟弟,因为今天爷爷、奶奶要带我和弟弟去红梧山叔叔的家玩,我可高兴了。 红梧山是个新居住的地方,从县城到红梧山不到半个小时的路程,红梧山政府盖了一排排整齐的新房子,是多么好看的村子。 到了红梧山,爷爷、奶奶忙着干他们的事。叔叔的家有三个女儿,大的伟玲、老二叫伟媛、小妹妹叫伟佳,我们五人在一起玩,我们玩起老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,我当老鹰,他们四个当小鸡,正当玩得开心时,我看见一位盲人爷爷,拿着捌杖,在马路那边站着,因为路上的车辆川流不息,他不敢走,于是我连忙跑过去把他接过马路,把他送回家。盲人爷爷夸我说:“你是个好孩子,谢谢你!”我心里美滋滋的。 天渐渐地快黑了,爷爷、奶奶带我们回家的时候了,我们上了车,爷爷问我,今天你们干了些啥?我把那件事告诉了爷爷,爷爷说:“你做了一件好事,以后他人有了困难都要帮助”。爷爷夸我做的对,我心里感到特别开心。 一件快乐的事话题作文13 在我的童年里,有伤心的事·难忘的事·开心的事和后悔的事。今天我要写的是一件非常开心的事。 国庆节两个长假,我和妈妈一起来学习到了大姨妈家,真巧,就在我们这一天,姨妈家的狗妈妈“可可”生了其他四只小狗,它们真可爱,小小的,眼睛眯眯的,好好玩。我想抱抱它,就在学生这时中国妈妈说:“甜甜,我和你面对姨妈一起出去买点菜,你在家自己好好呆着。”我爽快的说:“知道了。”哈哈,这下我可以玩小狗了,我把狗妈妈他们赶出家门,于是,我抱起一个小狗,把它放在了桌子上,把小狗的眼睛就是翻来翻去,我站在实现左边翻,它一下子吧头扭到了现在右边;我在右边翻,它又不能把头扭到了信息右边,就这样,反反复复,小狗总是不耐烦了,站起来“汪汪”的叫了起来,还差最后一点咬到了我的手。就在企业这时,妈妈回来了,看见了我在翻小狗的眼睛,笑着说:“你这个小调皮,把小狗当玩具了,它也是这样一条小生命,要爱护它。” 我吐吐舌头,跑出去玩。 一件快乐的事话题作文14 今天,爸爸妈妈说要带我去巴彦套海玩,我听了之后心情特别激动。我带了许多玩具准备去了和其他小朋友玩。 一番准备之后我们终于出发了。去的路上爸爸不停的和前面的叔叔联系着,生怕走错了,我也在帮爸爸仔细地看着路标,过了一个多小时后我们抵达了目的地。下车后映入眼帘的是一幕幕的美景,一片片芦苇屹立在海子的水面上,还有小鸭子在水面上游来游去,还时不时嘎嘎地叫上两声,好像也是在吸引我们,让我们别忘了它们似的。让我对这次游玩印象最深的就是坐快艇了。 我刚坐上了快艇,还没等坐稳,快艇就开动了,我心里十分害怕,紧紧抓住了扶手,过了一会,我慢慢地松开手,用手去撩拨着海子里的水花,凉爽极了,其他小朋友也按耐不住心中的喜悦,纷纷把小手伸进水中尽情享受着欢乐。我又过回头去,看到了快艇开过的水面上,一朵朵洁白的浪花也在欢腾着,浪花也和我们的一样在欢呼雀跃着。载着我们的欢声笑语快艇靠岸了。下了快艇之后,我们就要走了,我依依不舍得上了车后心想:再见了,美丽的巴彦套海!享受大自然,尽情游玩真是一件快乐的事呀! 一件快乐的事话题作文15 每个人都有快乐的事,知道我最快乐的事是什么吗?那就让我来告诉你吧。 过春节的一天,吃过早饭,大姑和表姐他们一家到我家来玩,我高兴极了,因为我好久都没有见到我的双胞胎表姐了。这时姐姐提议我们到公园去玩,大家举双手赞成,于是我们出发了。 不一会儿我们就来到了公园。啊!太美了。由于前几天下了雪,所以到处都是白白的一片。虽然天气很冷,但公园里到处都是欢声笑语,热闹一片。我们先在健身器材上玩了一会儿,有过索桥,爬高梯,荡秋千,还有跷跷板呢!忽然,我看见了远处的碰碰车,我告诉了姐姐们,大家一起向那儿跑去。 来到碰碰车场,我们分成了三组。三个姐姐一组,爸爸妈妈和我一组,大姑和姑父一组。车启动了,所有的车在场地里跑了起来。一会儿碰到这个,一会儿又碰到那个,乐的我们都合不拢嘴了。瞧!姐姐笑的眼泪都流出来了…… 不知不觉到了该回家的时候了,我们恋恋不舍的离开了公园,回家了。 今天玩的真开心,真快乐啊!可桃可挑2023-07-09 08:39:261
母爱如一株百合花,总是散发着迷人的芬芳;父爱似一束茉莉花,一直默默地飘洒着清香。现在我为大家收集整理优秀的 作文 ,如果喜欢这篇 文章 可以参考学习。欢迎持续关注我们的后续更新。 我的爸爸妈妈作文1 我的爸爸妈妈也许不是最好的,但是最爱我的;我的爸爸妈妈也许不是长得最好的,但在我心中是最美的最帅的。因为一件事让我知道了我的爸爸妈妈是最好的。一点也不输别人的爸爸妈妈u2026u2026 记得是在我四岁时,我从幼儿园回来,写完作业就在外面和小朋友玩游戏-----转圈。我叫妈妈给我买了一品桔片爽,是玻璃瓶做的,我在和小朋友转的时候很晕,就倒在了地上,玻璃瓶子就划伤了我的脸,出了很多血,伤好了,留下了深深的印记,被当我抚摸我的脸时,我很伤心,爸爸妈妈也流泪了u2026u2026 转眼间我都十二岁了,上六年级了u2026u2026 现在我读六年级,看见妈妈爸爸为我的小升初考好,忙东忙西的,几乎我每天都会流一次泪,妈妈坐在沙发上,我看见妈妈的白头发又多了;给爸爸端茶,爸爸又瘦了很多。看见爸爸妈妈为我如此操心,我没有理由不学好,我没有理由在这么好的环境下不认真读书,我也没有理由不听妈妈爸爸的话。爸爸妈妈不是必须要我操心,他们为什么要为我操心,都是因为我不听话,不好好学习。等我上了初中,我一定要改便自己,我要变得听话,好好学习的好孩子。爸爸妈妈常说读哪里不要紧,只要态度,努力学习,好照样考个好高中,所以,我要把态度转正,好好学习。 我的爸爸妈妈作文2 我的爸爸妈妈都很孝顺父母的人。当初我们还住在横林的时候就经常去外婆家或奶奶家看望他们;现在我们住到了湖塘,但爸爸妈妈还是坚持每个星期回家一次。每到节假日,爸爸妈妈就要买很多营养品回家。如果老人们家里有事,只要打一个电话,爸爸妈妈不管手里有多少事情都会把它们放下来,立即回家。 有一天,爷爷打电话给爸爸,说:“村上组织老年人体检,你妈测出来血脂高、血压高、血糖也高,情况好像不大好。”爸爸一听,当时就很着急,向爷爷提了一连串的问题,想了解得更详细些,可是爷爷年纪大了,体检 报告 看不懂,问了半天也没问出什么来。于是,爸爸决定:明天下班后,全家一起回乡下。 第二天,爸爸下了班,天都已经黑了,我们急急忙忙赶到奶奶家,已经七点多了,平常这个时候,爷爷在楼上看电视,奶奶在广场上跳舞,可是,今天我们一进屋子,看见爷爷坐在床边,奶奶躺在床上,神情萎靡不振,就像得了重病一样,无精打采的。爸爸着急地问:“妈,怎么样了?”而爷爷好像看到了救星一样,立马站了起来,给爸爸去拿体检报告。爸爸看了看,无奈什么也看不懂,又给了妈妈。妈妈毫不犹豫地掏出手机打了一个电话给认识的医生,电话中妈妈把奶奶的情况和体检数据一一告诉医生,询问要不要紧?并详细咨询今后该怎么做?妈妈在打电话时,爸爸一直神情紧张地望着妈妈。电话终于结束了,爸爸急切地问:“怎么样?医生怎么说?”“医生说没什么大碍,只要注意饮食,多锻炼就行了。”但爸爸还是不放心,说:“要不要到大医院去检查一下?”爸爸妈妈商量了一会儿,觉得为了奶奶的身体,也为了一家人能更放心,还是再去检查一下吧。于是妈妈又给刚刚那位医生打了一个电话,约好了时间。 星期天,爸爸妈妈把我一个人扔在家里写作业,他们一起带着奶奶去医院复查了。幸好,检查下来的情况不算严重,只要按医生一开始说的去做就能控制好,爸爸妈妈总算松了一口气。而我知道了这个情况后,也终于放下了心。 爸爸妈妈就是这么孝顺的人,所以在他们俩的感染下,叔叔婶婶、舅舅舅妈也很孝敬长辈。爸爸妈妈,你们真了不起,我要向你们学习,也做一个孝敬长辈的好孩子。 我的爸爸妈妈作文3 母爱如一株百合花,总是散发着迷人的芬芳;父爱似一束茉莉花,一直默默地飘洒着清香。母爱如海,伴我扬帆远航;父爱如山,是我一生的依靠。 我的妈妈长着一对乌黑发亮的眼睛,一头长而直的头发。爸爸虽然外表严厉,但内心还是很温柔的。在家,我的妈妈相当于时钟里的秒针,爸爸相当于时针,我呢?是爸爸妈妈中间的分针。 为什么说爸爸是时针呢?因为他做任何事都慢吞吞的。虽然这样,家里的的大权还是牢牢掌握在他的手里。遇到大事,他总是先吸一口烟,然后再不紧不慢地表个态。他每次都很镇定地面对各种问题。我每次不会题时,他都会很有耐心的给我讲解。所以,我特别爱爸爸。 妈妈是一个速度非常快的秒针。她无论做什么事情,都是飞快,而且质量质量超“优”。她走路时也特别快,我都跟不上她。她也有温柔的时候,能把你钢铁做的心,给感化了。 我是爸爸妈妈之间的联络者,因为我,爸爸妈妈之间没有了距离,我爱我的秒针妈妈和时针爸爸。爸爸给予我严厉的爱,那爱包含着鼓励与耐心;妈妈送我温柔的爱,那爱包含着温柔与贤惠。 当他们把我培养成大时,我心中存有无数感激。 爸,妈,我爱你们。 我的爸爸妈妈作文4 我的爸爸妈妈也许不是最好的,但是最爱我的;我的爸爸妈妈也许不是长得最好的,但在我心中是最美的最帅的。因为一件事让我知道了我的爸爸妈妈是最好的。一点也不输别人的爸爸妈妈u2026u2026 记得是在我四岁时,我从幼儿园回来,写完作业就在外面和小朋友玩游戏-----转圈。我叫妈妈给我买了一品桔片爽,是玻璃瓶做的,我在和小朋友转的时候很晕,就倒在了地上,玻璃瓶子就划伤了我的脸,出了很多血,伤好了,留下了深深的印记,被当我抚摸我的脸时,我很伤心,爸爸妈妈也流泪了u2026u2026 转眼间我都十二岁了,上六年级了u2026u2026 现在我读六年级,看见妈妈爸爸为我的小升初考好,忙东忙西的,几乎我每天都会流一次泪,妈妈坐在沙发上,我看见妈妈的白头发又多了;给爸爸端茶,爸爸又瘦了很多。看见爸爸妈妈为我如此操心,我没有理由不学好,我没有理由在这么好的环境下不认真读书,我也没有理由不听妈妈爸爸的话。爸爸妈妈不是必须要我操心,他们为什么要为我操心,都是因为我不听话,不好好学习。等我上了初中,我一定要改便自己,我要变得听话,好好学习的好孩子。爸爸妈妈常说读哪里不要紧,只要态度,努力学习,好照样考个好高中,所以,我要把态度转正,好好学习。 我的爸爸妈妈作文5 我的爸爸出生在江西的一个小村庄里。据说爸爸小时候,家中生活十分拮据,吃穿都是个问题。1995年,爸爸21岁时,他大学 毕业 后来到浙江找工作。他在温岭找到一份教师的工作。不久后,爸爸从老家来到了温岭。那时他只从奶奶手里接过400元钱,除去车费,到了文玲就只剩300元了。九月的第一天,爸爸开始了在大溪中学教书的第一天,也开始了他在教书生涯中的第一天。 就这样,爸爸省吃俭用了一个月。那时候,爸爸一个月的工资只有435元。他开始一点一点的攒钱,直到后来认识了妈妈。 我的妈妈比爸爸小两岁,出生在潘郎镇街心的一个村庄内。她是一位服装设计师(裁缝),现在还经常帮我和爸爸做衣服呢!因为妈妈在泽国工作,爸爸就调到泽国中学工作了。不久后,他们在外婆家结婚了。 他们结婚之后第二年,我就来到了这个世界上。后来,因为需要照顾我,妈妈就辞掉了工作。我渐渐地长大了,家里光靠爸爸工作来维持生计也困难了。妈妈就和小姨一起开了一个培训班。一开始,生活过得不错。但后来,由于经济开始滑坡,培训班关门了。于是,我妈妈又在加油站找了一份工作,直到现在。 2005年,我们以按揭贷款的方式买了一套小房子,我们再也不用住在学校宿舍了!2010年,我们买了一辆小车,虽然不怎么高档,但还挺实用。 从那些年开始,我家就开始渐渐宽裕起来了。爸妈的奋斗史也到此为止了。我相信,在未来不久之后,我们家的生活一定会变得更好。LuckySXyd2023-07-09 08:31:351
在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是我为大家整理的家乡的小河为话题的作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 家乡的小河为话题的作文1 我的家乡依山傍水,山清水秀。在群山环抱中,有一条清澈透明的小河仙阳河。 它是我童年美好的回忆,就像母亲一样,用她甘甜的乳汁养育着我们。她虽不像黄河那样雄壮,也不像长江那样恢弘,但在我心里,她永远是最美的。 清晨,小河上笼罩着一层白纱般的浓雾,太阳在朝霞的迎接中,露出了红彤彤的面庞,霎时,万道金光透过树梢给水面染上了一层胭脂红。这时,偶尔有几只白鹤轻轻地撩过河面,留下点点漪澜。几只野鸭在河水里蹿上蹿下。勤劳的土家女子早已在河边洗起了衣服,溅起的水珠像他们嘴里飘出的一串串笑语。 中午,灿烂的阳光撒在波光粼粼的河面上,仿佛点点碎金在河面上跳跃,那么美,那么亮!在田里辛勤耕耘的农民伯伯口渴了,就会到河里捧水喝,孩儿们在河边嬉戏打闹。微风拂过河面,河岸两边的柳树那细细的柳条在风中飘荡着,像亭亭玉立的少女,梳着秀丽的长发。 傍晚,太阳西沉,火红的太阳犹如一个大火球在天空燃烧,它的光辉给白云镶上了一道金边儿,农民伯伯牵着老水牛哼着山歌走在河边回家的路上,甜蜜与温馨着这样肆意的在小河边滋蔓开来。 我爱家乡的小河,永远,永远。 家乡的小河为话题的作文2 我的家乡有一条小河,河水清澈见底。 春天,河边的柳树长出了嫩绿的柳叶;柳树的影子映入水中,让河水变得更新绿了。 夏天,我便和姐姐到河边钓鱼、玩耍。那河边虽然没有什么海滩和贝壳,但仍然有许多乐趣。例如:钓鱼呀,抓虾呀,拾鹅卵石呀等等。 秋天,树叶变黄了,在空中翩翩飞舞飘荡在水面上,小鱼们欢快地游过来把树叶当作蹦蹦床,在上面自由自在地跳来跳去。 冬天,河水结冰了,我和姐姐在那里滑冰、打雪仗、堆雪人等等。 等我再次来到小河边时,清澈的河水已经变成黑色的了。我就去问姐姐这里怎么了,姐姐说:“都是一些人不爱护环境,经常把那些很脏的水和垃圾倒进河里”。 听了姐姐这么说,我和小伙伴们紧在小河旁边竖立一个牌子,上面歪歪斜斜地写着“保护环境,人人有责”几个大字。 家乡的小河为话题的作文3 穿过城市的喧嚣和喧嚣,穿过田野的宁静和沉寂,一条河流像一条明亮的带子在远处流淌,有时平静,有时湍急。这就是我来的地方。 清晨,小河就像刚刚醒来,揉着睡眼,眨着水晶晶的眼睛慢慢向前流动,像一个刚刚醒来的孩子。河两岸的绿树把自己的身体映射在河的身体上,仿佛在镜子前欣赏自己的美丽。初升的太阳映照在河面上,河面立刻散发出金色的光芒。经常有几个晨练的老人,有的匆匆忙忙地走过办公室,人们似乎在一幅美丽的画面。 中午,在河里欢快地跳舞河植物,河水开始迅速沸腾起来向前流动,就像一条巨龙般的云朵前进流动。察言观色,河水会起到一些大大小小的漩涡,河水就像树木势头河害怕,摇曳,发出“沙沙”地告诉那一点点势头同龄人,又像是河流他的心脏。 下午,小河似乎玩累了,放慢了很多脚步,和周围的树木和房屋一起休息。叶儿发出“沙沙”的声音,仿佛在给小河唱摇篮曲,和他睡觉。太阳慢慢西沉,最后的光照在河面上,像一床金色的被子 到了晚上,太阳带走了最后一丝光亮,随着天空变得越来越暗,城市变得活跃起来。人们来到河边散步。河水静静地向前流去,没有停止它忙碌的脚步,伴随着星星的光芒。河水轻轻地流动,像一个安静的女孩,如此平静,如此放松。 家乡的溪流不如波涛汹涌的大海那么好,也不如平静美丽的西湖那么好。但是它用清澈的水喂养两岸的植物,给岸上的人们喂食,就像母亲用甜牛奶喂养她的孩子一样。阿!我爱我的家乡,但我爱我家乡的河流和人民运河。 家乡的小河为话题的作文4 我的家乡是不是一个大城市,我最难忘的是在城外的小溪。 河水是祁连山上的雪水与草滩上的泉水文化汇聚发展而成的。清清的河水一样晶莹透澈,像一条具有银白色的哈达,在绿油油的田野上飘过,河面宽的地方,水流得到了非常稳定平缓,听不到自己一点不同声响,河面在的地方,水流很急,打着社会漩涡,溅起一朵朵都是小小的一个浪花,哗哗的流水不断拍打着他们大大学生小小的选择卵石,唱着温婉的歌谣,如同中国母亲对于甜甜的耳语,风和日丽的时候,我和小伙伴们脱掉这些鞋子已经踏入浅水中,让清凉的河水进行冲刷影响我们的小脚丫,一种生活无比的快乐,流进企业我们的心田,有时甚至还会有几条玲珑可爱的小鱼,摆动着尾巴,绕在你的前后之间游动,你一伸手去捉,它们便机灵地溜走了。 河边,生长着茂密的柳树和杨树,各种野花争艳,五月来临时,最茂盛的马莲花盛开,蓝色的喇叭花,高高地抬起头,奏着欢乐的音乐,微风吹来,它像蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞。我们几个小伙伴一起在小河里采美丽的野花,在那茂密的河林里嬉戏,打仗,淘气的小伙伴咧嘴笑着捡了几颗小石子扔进河里,经过一阵欢快的笑声,小河泛起了涟漪..玩累了,我们躺在绿草如茵的沙滩上,看野鸽子在空中盘旋,听杜鹃和喜鹊在树林里唱歌.. 家乡的河流,你印了我的童年的脚步,我的日子真满心欢喜;家乡的河流,你总是流入我的梦想,一直深藏在我的记忆中。 家乡的小河为话题的作文5 我家乡的那条河很美。春江温暖湍急,使我充满活力;夏江清爽舒适,使我快乐;秋江温暖平静,使我快乐;冬江雪茫茫,使我忘记了归途。我喜欢我家乡的那条河。 春天的溪流充满了热情。这条被冻了很久的河冲破了冰层,汹涌而生机勃勃。许多鱼和虾似乎在比赛中冲出水面,然后冲下来。我爱我家乡的春天的河。 夏溪是凉爽和舒适。水晶在阳光下缓缓流淌的清澈的河流,河水波光粼粼的看着。嘿,那是什么?哦,原来是孩子们在河边玩耍。孩子们互相泼水,摸鱼,真的很开心。我爱河里夏家。 秋天的河流是轻松愉快的。河水时而汹涌,时而平静,淘气得像个变化无常的孩子。在路上,我手拉手地走在河边,好像有无数的话,但他们都沉默了。累了,他停下来休息,像一个亲密的朋友。我喜欢秋天家乡的河流。 冬天的河上覆盖着积雪。数千英里的冰,到处都是覆盖着雪的景象。结冰的河上覆盖着雪,所以在地上行走是很有趣的。雪下,打开冰面,无数活鱼,呼吸着氧气,跳了起来,会看着人们会觉得有趣。我喜欢我家乡冬天的那条河。 啊,他家乡的那条河很漂亮。我爱你,我家乡的河流。 家乡的小河为话题的作文6 我在农村,那里是一个美丽的河家乡。 我家乡的河水清澈。水里有鱼和虾的痕迹。乌龟也被美丽的景色所淹没。他笨拙地爬上岸,伸长脖子,微微眯着眼,静静地欣赏着美丽的风景,看着鱼儿在水中嬉戏。有时,当人们意识到这一点时,它却无法意识到。当它找到人时,情不自禁地“扑通”一声掉进河里,溅起的水珠欢快地舞动着。 家乡的河水宛如一颗缓缓流动的淡蓝色水晶,在阳光下,泛着淡淡的银光,山峦和树木倒映在水面上,仿佛有成千上万的树木在水中一起,随着河水的歌舞流淌。 在黄昏下故乡的河流不是有趣的。夕阳反射在水中,日落,山,我们经常在这万云的水漂,玩游戏,极其快乐。 在春天,当草地从头部伸出时,大树拔出新的嫩枝。流被解冻了,"丁丁、丁丁",还有一个美丽和甜美的音乐的声音。 夏天,当树荫遮蔽,当蝉鸣在树上。这条河也伴随着蝉。 秋天,当新鲜的果实,当金色的叶子一个接一个地落下。河水奔跑着去捉那群扑腾的蝴蝶,它们嬉戏,河里的鱼儿也来到了现场。 冬天,我家乡的河流就像一个巨大的兽嘴,在寒风中吹着热空气。阿姨阿姨在这条河里洗衣服挑水。水温非常暖和。冬天在这里洗衣服是个选择。虽然天很热,但河面上有一层薄冰,像是通往寺庙的路。 往前走,你会看到河对岸一座小桥,我喜欢过桥。更像是站在桥上,采取扔进水里的野花,看随水漂流到远处的花朵。 家乡的水为家乡增添了一条银发带,为家乡的美丽贡献了力量,也为我们的生活带来了便利。我爱你!我家乡的河流!我爱你!我的家乡! 家乡的小河为话题的作文7 记得小时候,妈妈带我到河边玩,我指着湍急的流水,问:“妈妈,这么多的水流入哇”她的母亲笑着说:“这是南河,水向东流入汉江。”自那以后,南河这个名字刻在我的脑海里。 我就像岸边的小树一样,伴随着许多小河流水可以慢慢地我们长大。 春天来了,我看见河里的冰融化了,河上柳树的枝条吐出了嫩芽。慢慢的,粉色的桃花也探出头来..燕子从南方飞来,在清澈的水面上自由飞翔..放学后,我和几个小伙伴一起参加了这次丰富多彩的盛会,在新绿河沙滩上跳舞唱歌.. 夏天到了,更美的风景两侧。绿树成荫的堤岸,江边瓜果飘香。放学后,我们有时小河里游泳,捉鱼,游泳累了,她就到瓜地吃瓜。脆瓜,白的花皮可好吃了。有时到阴凉处岸边帮妈妈洗衣服,下坡直到日落,我的母亲和我慢慢地走回家。 秋天已经到了,河里的鱼虾肥了,岸边的果子熟了。秋天里,我总爱和爷爷自己去看一些果园。高兴了,又跑到农村河里捉鱼摸虾。河水映照着我的笑脸,秋风伴奏起丰收的乐曲。 冬河不寂寞..面对漫天飞舞的雪花,我们又一起去河里滑冰了,可是热闹.. 我爱家乡的小河,它一年四季都能给我们带来快乐。 家乡的小河为话题的作文8 “叮咚,叮咚。”我的家乡的河流是一个音乐家,听它唱歌时,美妙的歌声,这首歌已经在小村子里了共鸣。 “竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。”春天来了,河水解冻了,鸭妈妈带着小鸭子来了,它们有的在河里捕虾,有的在河里戏水,还有的在梳理羽毛。小鱼、小虾也在河里嬉戏,好像在玩捉迷藏的游戏呢!春的小河可真是一幅美丽的画。 夏天来了,这是个捕获鱼的好季节!请几个朋友,带几个纸杯来抓那些小家伙。我搬走石头,如果我幸运的话,我可以看到一只小蟹,要么是一些虾,要么是一些小鱼。当你厌倦玩耍的时候,你可以藏在树的阴影中,把你的脚浸泡在凉爽的河流中,然后用石头在你的手中漂浮。 秋天来了,满江都是金叶。打开一片枯叶,有时你会看到鱼虾惊慌失措地逃走。 一转眼,冬天来了,河水都结冰,冰下鱼躲藏。 这是我家乡的河。每个季节都有不同的看法。 家乡的小河为话题的作文9 小河里面的河水哗啦哗啦的流淌,带着中国奔腾的生命文化气息,正因为这些河水环境过于湍急,乡里的长辈们总会进行不厌其烦的一遍之后又一遍的告诫学生我们,叫我们不要去不断靠近小河。 我们被分成两组:顺从和叛逆,淘气的我,后者。我们家乡的河流就像我们一样,很淘气,河水撞到了河两边的枝叶上,枝叶会上下摇动,河水崎岖不平,偶尔有几块大石头凸出,河水的乐趣击中了岩石,河水冲出了一定的高度,在空中画了一条曲线,然后重新进入了他们的大家庭。当河跳入河中时,有无数的水花,水花从明亮的阳光中反射出天空,就像光束洒在玉盘上的珍珠,弹跳的珍珠又圆又亮,没有什么比这更美丽的了。 在河的家乡自豪的姿态与奔波,但最终,我们的孩子的骚扰,这里的浅河,经常看到我们的身影戏水组,我们也知道哩的危险,才刚刚敢膝盖-深浅的发挥,其他地方都不敢迈出下一步。但即便如此,村里的老人只要一只看到我们,他们会打开他们的角一样大的声音,经常吼吓得周围,我们将能够隐藏跳跃。 家乡的小河不知是否疲累的流走着,以往我总觉得没有小河的"水怎么也流不尽,可是还有小河的水就像一个我们中国已经逐渐逝去的童年,一去不复返。小河流走了很多时光,带走了一些我们的童年,就连现在我们童年时的欢笑的人都被它卷去,我想是小河在惩罚也是我们自己当初的没大没小,惩罚教育我们对它造成的骚扰。 太荒谬了,但如果不是因为这个原因,你又和河一起去了哪里?入海?还是隐藏在云层后面的雨滴? 家乡的小河为话题的作文10 我的老家在窑淮。我家后山有一条弯弯的小河。 春天,小河解冻了。“春江水暖鸭先知”,小鸭们在水中快活地游来游去,啄食鱼、虾,梳洗羽毛,相互追逐嬉戏。河边的垂柳已经长出了鹅黄的嫩芽,“万条垂下绿丝绦”,丝丝柳枝像小姑娘长长的发辫,在春风里轻轻舞动。我和妈妈、姑姑经常会到小河边洗衣服,清清的河水,映照着我们忙碌的身影,欢声笑语洒满小河 夏天,小河可热闹了!这里成了我们这些小孩子的游乐场。我们在小河边的柳树上捉知了,在小河中捉鱼、捞虾。太热时,会三五个小伙伴相约一起去游泳,打水仗,尽情释放属于我们孩子的欢乐。 秋天,小河成了落叶的家。岸边的垂柳把金黄的落叶托付给小河,让它把这些美丽的落叶送出山外去看看外面的世界。小蚂蚁们把树叶当成了冲锋舟,也去过一把漂流的瘾。我会和小伙伴们相约去捡拾落叶,做成最美的标本收藏秋天。 冬天,小河是我们孩子的乐园。一下雪,小河封冻了,结上了厚厚的冰,我们来到河面上,揭起冰块当玻璃玩,或手拉手在厚冰层上学滑冰。或在河边堆雪人,打雪仗。我们童真的笑声传遍了整个山谷 啊!家乡的小河,给了我太多太多童年的欢乐,留下了太多太多难忘的回忆,我爱家乡的小河! 家乡的小河为话题的作文11 我在莆田,那里有许多风景优美的地方,东岩公园的故乡;有雨湖公园;但我最喜欢的是,蜿蜒的河流中。 春天河边的柳树的柳絮垂倒在水面上,像一位母亲抚摸着娃娃的脸。桃花绽开了笑脸,像一位战士一样站在那里。小草静静的站在那里,好像在听小河的歌。水面上的鸭妈妈带着小鸭们下河,它们在水中快活的游来游去发出“嘎嘎”的叫声,在水中久久会荡。 夏天,滚烫的太阳把大地烤的滚烫的,冒出碌碌灰烟。我们一放学就奔向小河,有的在游泳,有的不会泳的坐在河岸上钓鱼。 秋天,河岸的果实成熟了,他们似乎在说:谢谢你的小伙伴。你一直跟我在一起。是你。这是个美味的水果。这是河中最美丽的幸福。这是最美丽的波浪。 东河很安静,它是无声的,静静地流向远方。 我爱河里的家,更爱美丽的家园! 家乡的小河为话题的作文12 我到过很多地方,如:美丽的青岛,北京,曲阜古老而丰富的阳光等的伟大首都,但我最喜欢的是家河。 我家乡的河流一年四季都很美。 春天,河里的冰融化了,树上的雪也融化了。 小河发出叮当的叫声,仿佛在对人们说: 春天来了,孩子们,来和我一起玩吧! 叔叔,小草和姐姐芭娜的影子都映照在这条河上,真美。 这就像一幅美丽的图画。 暑假过后,他下了几场比赛,我们都湿透了,河也高几丈,努力丰富和饱满。雨停后,我们去河边打水仗,玩得可开心,河水充满了笑声...... 秋天,树叶变黄了,过了一阵风,秋叶落进小溪,远处望去,这是一幅美丽的国画!在太阳的照耀下,微波、鱼和鱼的波被成群结队地排列,就像在“龙宫”里的表演一样。 冬天,雪花徐徐落下,河里再次披上厚厚的棉袄。即使没有人看这条河,它也永远在我的心里 我喜欢我家乡的那条河。 家乡的小河为话题的作文13 我家乡的村子后面有一座山,山后面有一条小河,你知道我们村把那条河叫什么河吗?因为河在村子的东边,我们村里的人把这条河就叫“东河”。 春天,那条河上的冰融化了,河水叮咚叮咚地响,好像是音乐大师在奏乐。河边的野花开了,给那条小河编了个朴素的花环,水是那样绿,绿得像被周围的绿树、绿草染过似的。 夏天,那条河里热闹极了,有许多许多的鱼,有的鱼是黑白相间的,有的鱼是五颜六色的,还有的鱼是七彩的,跟七色花比较它也差不了多少。我们有许多人都去抓鱼,大人抓大鱼,小孩抓小鱼,有人还拿着鱼网去捞鱼呢!我们村的人抓完鱼就回去吃鱼肉大餐了。我也吃过几次,味道可鲜美了。 秋天,我们再去河边看,那河面都被黄叶盖住了,好像铺了一层厚厚的黄被子,河边刚落下来的黄叶子,好像一个个飞舞的黄蝴蝶。河边还有几棵枫树,它们的叶子火红火红的,好像几支燃烧的火把。 冬天,只有河边枫树后面的几棵松树,还是那么的绿。河面上结了一层厚厚的冰。有很多人在冰上滑冰,玩得可高兴了,忽然我想到一个问题:冬天里,夏天的那些鱼儿们去哪里了呢!我想:“应该是冬天冷,鱼儿们都躲到河底睡觉去了吧!” 啊!我爱我们家乡的东河。 家乡的小河为话题的作文14 每年春天,河水清澈见底,像一面大镜子 。。那里每天都有人洗衣服,有些人不时低头拍照,摆弄额头上的刘海。嘿!为什么有人在镜子里一动不动地看着?我再仔细看看。哦!原来是柳树,它的柳条真像辫子!! 夏天,非常热在家里,我去小河边玩,我看到了很多孩子玩沙步,我也跟着一起上一步。阶梯啊,跳,有时一动不动地站着,感觉真的很酷,真的很舒服!越踩更深的掩体,小心我的脚卡住出去,越更加动感的解决!孩子们跑过来帮我处理句柄,八角八角,终于救我!后来,我们去小河里游到河边,看到了很多鱼在游,我们身边捉鱼捉啊,终于逮到一个。好极了!有鱼今晚吃什么?? 秋天到了,柳树的叶子变黄,光微风吹来,一块黄色的树叶在空中飞舞,旋转掉进河里,像小船,像漂流下游。慢慢地,整个柳树叶掉光了,只剩下光秃秃的树枝。我对小伙伴说:“看看像和尚念经那些杨柳!”然后,我嘻嘻哈哈笑。谁曾想到小伙伴立即反驳道:“应该是这样一群孩子拿着打闹分支”然后,他真正打破了分公司,并打了我,我当然拒绝了他打,跑开去打破一个分支,我们真的打闹起来。 冬天,小溪附近的水结冰了。我们冒着寒风,拿着河岸上的冰玩冰漂,看谁漂得远。下大雪的时候,我们堆雪人,一起打雪仗。我们疯狂地跑啊跳啊,不怕冷。 我家乡的那条河很漂亮。我喜欢家乡的河流! 家乡的小河为话题的作文15 我家乡的小河美不胜收,这条小河不像其它河流那样弯弯曲曲,是笔直的。 春姑娘吹走了残冬腊月的冬天,迎来了万紫千红的春天。春天有着欣欣向荣的景象,我家乡的小河也是美景之一。 在春季,家乡的小河清澈见底,清澈得都能看到水中的鱼儿,那些鱼儿都在水中玩耍,嬉戏。小河旁还有几棵竹子,这竹子一年四季都是碧绿色的,而春天来临时,竹子会冒出刚刚萌发的叶子。 不久后,那万紫千红的春天就变成了烈日当空的夏天。 夏天的小河可热闹啦!星罗棋布的小蝌蚪在追逐、打闹。还有成群结队的小鱼在玩耍。夏天的下午,烈日中天,河面上银光闪闪,似珍珠镶嵌在河面上。 硕果累累的秋天来了,秋天的景色是黄叶纷飞、桂子飘香! 秋天的黄叶飘落到河面上,顺着小河流走了,这时,我想到了去年:我与小伙伴们叠了小纸船放到水中,让小纸船顺着小河流淌。 玉树银花的冬天来了,冬天充满了寒冷的气氛。 冬天的小河结冰了,我与伙伴们在河面上溜冰。这时我看到了树上、房屋上都是白雪皑皑,我情不自禁地赞叹道:真是“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”呀! 我喜欢家乡的小河,家乡的小河给人们带来了无穷的乐趣。wpBeta2023-07-09 08:10:081
人生若只如初见,回眸一视,浮华尘世,过眼云烟,只是那当初的一种残念,垂泪于心间,当时只道是寻常。 最初的惬意,如梦幻般的感觉,一颦一蹙,一言一笑,如春风拂面,如霏雨淋浴。那种怦然,那种萌动,似团火焰,燃起了那无边无际的思意。 思意,带有甜与咸的韵味,在那曾经的沧海中,暇念着巫山之云。情海忽变,情丝断矣,有多少的寸断肝肠。离思苦,离愁催人腑,借酒消愁,换来的却只是那酒入愁肠,化作的相思之泪。 不禁想起了容若的词“人生若只如初见,何事西风悲画扇?等闲变却故人心,却道故人心易变。骊山语罢清宵半,夜雨霖铃终不怨。何事薄幸锦衣儿,比翼连枝当日愿。” 那一句“人生若只如初见”写得是如此的深邃,比翼连枝都已成往日的追忆,现在想起只剩下那一身的惆然。初见时的那一抹美丽,在心灵中朦胧欲现,那一种惆怅,那一种犹悔,那一种心中沉沉一痛。在细雨的夜里,含泪的离别,望眼消失于这茫茫红尘的没落。那夜的月圆月缺都已不记得了,只知道曾经的美丽已瞬灭,走了……逝了……泪了……痛了…… 彼此擦肩而去,如烟花的瞬美,已悄然而逝。珍重,至此所寄托的也只有这此。谁未珍惜?谁会犹悔?在芸芸浮生千万里,缘起缘灭。 又想起容若的一首词“谁会西风独自凉,萧萧黄叶闭疏窗,沉思往事立残阳。被酒莫惊春睡重,赌书消得泼茶香,当时只道是寻常。” 当时只道是寻常,谁有珍惜过拥有的美丽,谁能忘却得曾经的情意。那“在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝”的誓言,也经不起“两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮”的考验,随着时光的蹉跎,结束了“一种相思,两处闲愁”的等待,在两个人的世界里没有了“问世间,情为何物,直教生死相许”,有的只是那“天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。” 然而,在那葬断情丝的彼端,面对着曾经的沧海,心中仍留下了那朵巫山之云。时间虽能淡,却无法忘,曾经的美丽已成一种思痛的残念。 或许在人潮的喧哗中能暂时遗落,但每每一人清静时,那情乱中的是是非非又不禁浮上心头,“直到相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。” 世人有几能体会“人生若只如初见”的寻味?则然又怎有那么多的“当时只道是寻常”?“自古多情空余恨”,在前情往影相交映中,追忆已只是“往事已成空,还如一梦中”。 世事如白云苍狗,瞬息万变,“等闲变却故人心,却道故人心易变”。缘聚缘散,人总是再那回眸之间,美丽便消失了。心痛,可却只能无奈,蓦然回首,清泪暗弹。月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合,那些纷纷扰扰的爱恨情仇,已恰似一江春水向东流去。 多年后,每每想起,或许会有那一度思量,一阵心痛,但这残缺不全的美丽,却使你的生命蒙上了一道惘然的美丽。去追忆,想回到过去,回到那初见之时,人生若只如初见。 花谢花飞,落尽了人世沧桑,花在枝头绽放是灿烂的,凋零后的阵阵余香,亦让人回味无穷。爱过了,错过了,泪过了,痛过了,只剩那淡淡余香,脉脉残念,深埋心底,追忆往昔那初见的美丽。 人生若只如初见,当时只道是寻常。曾经的美丽已成水月镜花,泪眼双垂,在那回眸之念,落花流水春去也,天上人间。余辉2023-07-08 10:22:181
写成议论文,从正反两面陈述,主要论正面。FinCloud2023-07-07 06:53:302
梦想无论怎样模糊,总潜伏在我们心底,使我们永远得不到平静,直到梦想成为现实。很多人就会说梦想是现实的反面,但不也是有多经典的成功例子吗?著名篮球明星姚明从小就不是运动的料,走都走不稳的他,通过自身的努力,最终还是成功了。我国如今GDP位居全球第二并不是一步登天的,从衰落到国富民强,对于从前,这只是先人的一个构想,现在,一切都梦想成真了!对于梦想不要只因一次失败就放弃你原本想要达到的目的就像你为了一片树叶而放弃整个森林一样。这样的做法是愚蠢的。有人说过,“心存希望,幸福就会降临于你;心存梦想,机遇就会笼罩你”在灰姑娘的眼里,梦想就是能够跟王子过上幸福的生活。卖火柴的小女孩的梦想就是圣诞夜里飘香的烧鹅。而我的梦想就是能够当上一名出色的导游。一个喇叭,一支口哨,带着各国各地的旅游团游览全世界。领略中国长城的雄伟,美国自由女神像的神圣,法国埃菲尔铁塔的美。虽然梦想与现实触不可及,但一个人若是没有确定航行的目标,任何风向对他都不是顺风。我所学的专业与我的梦想息息不相关,无论如何,心中都会存在这个梦想。只有付诸行动,梦才会变为现实,一个梦想就是一种力量,它是我的终极目标。趁现在青春还在,追逐吧!每个人的生命都是一只小船,梦想是小船的船帆。我们总梦想着天边的海域,却不去欣赏近在眼前的这一片海。就像人们总是着眼于当前而不去畅想为未来广阔的蓝图。或许有人会说现实永远没有梦境中美好。是的,现实往往是残酷的,甚至把我们仅有的尊严也剥削掉了。我们应该把梦想当作一个目标,当作我们活下去的原动力,当作我们开心的源泉。一个实现梦想的人就是一个成功的人。每天早晨起身有两个简单的选择:起身去追逐梦想或是回头倒下继续睡。就是这么简单选择却成就了两个不同的人生。梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动。“每天早晨叫醒的不是闹钟,是梦想!”但愿每次回忆,我们对生活都不感到负疚。我们再努力一点,梦想也许就近在眼前,梦想才能转化为现实,最终梦想成真!北营2023-07-07 06:53:211
古诗文是我们民族文化的精华,千百年间,万口传诵,哺育了一代又一代人,成为祖国文他的命脉,虽说我们不能像各代的文人墨客一样,出口成章,可适时能引用一下,也别有一番风味。清晨,漫步进入新校园,正值太阳初升之际,令我联想到“日出东南隅,照我秦化楼”、“迟日江山丽,春风花草香”和“清晨入古寺,初日照高林”这三句带有日的诗句,不觉之间吟诵出口。“不错吗”。我寻找声音的来源,原来是老同学兼死党,她满面春风地向我走来,我俩儿心相望笑焉走进校园内。印入眼帘的第一幕是绿草如茵的操场,她那甜美而带忧伤的声音响起:“离离原上草,一岁一枯荣”。“这么翠绿而又生机勃勃的草,被你这么一说全枯萎了。”我感叹道。她解释说:“不管它现在如何的风光,最终都是要枯死的,这就是宿命。”我想了想说:“也是”。草地的两边是成排的树,成丛的花朵,令人心旷神怡,她不禁感叹道:“树木丛生,百草丰茂”。我不甘示弱吟道:“花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。”她笑道:“李白能月下独酌,你能吗?”“我自然是不能,只是说一下而已。”“多么漂亮的垂柳啊!”我惊叹。她随即来了句:“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。”“杨柳青青江水平”我接道。“不错吗,还能跟上。”“客舍青青柳色新”我又说道。她脸一转,面不改色地来了一句:“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳”。我一惊,原来她发现新目标了,我立马跟上:“日出惊山鸟,时鸣花间中”。没等她开口,我就又来了一句:“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”。我得意地笑笑,抬头挺胸走了。可桃可挑2023-07-07 06:51:221
在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是我为大家整理的英语话题作文10篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英语话题作文 篇1 Eating is a important part in our daily life.Up to now,many people waste food as much as they can.As a middle school ,I am very depressed. In order to protect the value food,we must try our best to do something which can stop people from wasting.Such as putting up some pictures and so on . Therefore,saving food is our task now.Let us do it from now on! 英语话题作文 篇2 怎样学好英语 世界在发展,文化在交融,英语已经成为人们沟通的桥梁。怎样学好英语是我们一直在探索的问题。几年的学习经历你一定积累了许多成功的经验,请从听、说、读、写四方面谈谈你的.建议。 要求:1.词数:80—100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 2.字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。 ★范文 How to learn English well English is important and useful tous. How can we learn it well?Here are my suggestions。 First , we should often listen to the tapes, English song sand programs. Watching English movie sisal so helpful tous. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don"t beafraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you"ll make. We"d better join the Englishc lub and practice with others. Third, we can read more English new spapers and magazines. It"s good forus. Atlast, we should recite some good passage sand keep diaries。 In a word, a slong as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well。 英语话题作文 篇3 A Poster Calling for the Design of Environment-friendly Cloth Bag In recent years, to control the “white pollution”,our government has taken a lot of measures to promote the use of environment-friendly cloth bags. In respond to government"s appeal, the Environment Protection Association of our department will invite you to take part in our activity of cloth bag design. You can submit your design by email or in person. Your wonderful designs are expected before June,1st. If your designs are chosen by our association , you will have a bonus of ¥ 200. If you want to get more detailed information about our activity, you may have contact with us on the number 12345678 or e-mail us by cloth bag design @163.com. Your active participation will be greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to your terrific design. 英语话题作文 篇4 Should the Golden Week Holidays BeAbolished? There is no denying the fact that the introductionof the Golden Week holidays in China has considerably promoted the development of thenation"s economy and touring industry and enriched people"s life. People around the countryhave spent more time and money traveling and relaxing themselves. As every coin has two sides, the Golden Week holidays have also brought about piles ofproblems. For one thing, due to the fact that people across the country are spending theirvacations during the same period of time, it is terribly crowded almost everywhere: trains,buses, hotels, scenic spots, etc., which have ruined people"s mood for vacations. For another,some businessmen take advantage of the weeklong holidays and raise the price ofcommodities and services. Personally, I believe that it is necessary for people to have long vacations, but there is noneed for them to have the vacations during the same period of time. Instead, they should beallowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations. Only in this way can they really relax andrefresh themselves for a new round of work. 英语话题作文 篇5 Nowadays, there are more and more (某种现象) in (某种场合)。 It is estimated that (相关数据)。 Why have there been so many (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows。 The first one is (原因一)。 Besides, (原因二)。 The third one is (原因三)。 To sum up, the main cause of (某种现象) is due to (最主要原因)。 It is high time that something were done upon it。 For one thing, (解决办法一)。 On the other hand, (解决办法二)。 All these measures will certainly reduce the number of (某种现象)。 英语话题作文 篇6 高考英语话题作文:诚实、诚信 按下列要求写一篇作文。 1、生活中确实存在不讲诚信的现象; 2、举一例说明(如,有毒奶粉、冒名顶替上大学、考试作弊等); 3、讲求诚信的意义。 Almost all of us heard the story Here Comes the Wolf when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, therere lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays. Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end. Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life is a longjourney, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way. 英语话题作文 篇7 英语作文:描述近一周的天气状况 It"s going to be sunny on next Monday, has a highest temperature of 9 degree and a lowest of 5 degree . And it continues to be pretty good on Tuesday, has a highest temperature of 12 degree and possiblly a lowest temperature of 6 degree. But Wendsday is going to be a little windy, and getting cold. Highest temperature of 4 degree, lowest of -1 degree. And it will get colder and colder. Thursday is going to be cloudy, a highest temperature of 2 degree, a lowest temperature of -5. On Friday, it"s going to rain. Also very windy, so better put on some warm cloth for that day. A highest temperature of -5 degree, a lowest temperature of -10 degree. 2、天气预报(Weather Forecast) Let""s take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six. Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two. We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng. Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four. 英语话题作文 篇8 About three decades ago, China was known as the “Bicycle Kingdom”. But the two-wheeled mode (方式) of transport"s popularity began to fade, with many bikes soon replaced by their fuel-powered competitors. 大约30年前,中国被称为“自行车王国”。但随着自行车被燃油驱动的汽车所取代,这种双轮交通方式的热度也开始衰退。 But recent months have seen a revival (复兴) of the humble (普通的) bike across China, with an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of driving to schools, to workplaces or to do sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing schemes, pioneered by start-ups (新兴公司) like Ofo and Mobike, has brought the trend to a new level. 但近几个月,中国大地上见证了一场普通自行车的复兴,越来越多的人选择骑车上班上学、游览观光,而非驾车出行。而由Ofo、摩拜单车等新兴公司发起的共享单车计划,则将这一趋势带向了一个新高度。 According to data compiled (编制) by iResearch Consulting Group, the first week of this year saw 5.85 million active users of Mobike while Ofo had 1.4 million active users. 根据艾瑞咨询集团整理的数据显示,在本年度的第一周中,摩拜单车共有585万活跃用户,而Ofo则有140万。 People can unlock the shared bikes by simply using their smartphone. The bikes are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They"re popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective solution to the “last mile” problem, which refers to the final leg of a person"s journey. 仅凭自己的智能手机,人们就能解锁这种共享单车。这些单车都装有全球定位系统,可以被放在公共场合的任何地方,等待下一位用户使用。它们受到了许多中国人的欢迎,因为它们有效地解决了“最后一公里”难题,即个人行程中的最后一段。 “In places where the subway doesn"t extend (延伸到), where it"s difficult to change from one kind of transport to another, it"s so easy to get where you want to go with Mobike,” Hu Hong, 29, told AFP. She pedals (骑自行车) to her Shanghai real-estate (房地产) job. “在地铁线路覆盖不到的地方,很难换乘其他交通,用摩拜单车去你想去的地方就简单多了,”29岁的胡红(音译)在接受法新社采访时表示。在上海从事房地产行业的她都是骑自行车去上班的。 However, the schemes have also led to problems such as illegal parking, vandalism (故意破坏) and theft. 然而,这一计划也出现了一些问题,如非法停车,故意破坏和偷窃等。 Last month, two nurses in Beijing were placed under administrative detention (行政拘留) for five days for putting locks on two shared bikes. 上个月,北京的两名护士因在共享单车上上锁(占为己有),被行政拘留5天。 And in December, a man who stole a shared bike was sentenced to a 3-month detention with a 3-month probation (缓刑期), and fined 1,000 yuan by the Shanghai Minhang People"s Court. 而在去年12月,一名男子因偷窃一辆共享单车,被上海闵行人民法院判处拘役3个月,缓刑3个月,并处罚金人民币一千元。 “Bike-sharing is a greener method of transportation and provides a user-friendly experience,” said Liu Xiaoming, vice-minister of transport. “But it"s a combination of online and offline business. Operators are usually strong in online services, but lack offline business experience, which causes problems.” “共享单车是种更加绿色的出行方式,并且为用户提供了一种友好的体验,”交通部副部长刘小明表示。“但是这是一种线上和线下商业的结合。经营者的线上业务能力很强,但缺乏线下业务经验,导致了问题产生。” In fact, these problems are also shared by bike-sharing schemes abroad. Launched in 20xx, Vélib is a large-scale public bike sharing system in Paris. At its early stage of operation, it also suffered from problems of vandalism or theft. 事实上,这些问题在国外的共享单车体系中也同样存在。创建于20xx年的Vélib是一个位于巴黎的大型公共单车共享系统。在其初期的运营中,它也曾遭遇故意损毁及偷窃等问题。 By Oct 20xx, a large number of Vélib"s initial bikes had to be replaced due to vandalism or theft, according to The New York Times. Bikes were found hanging from lampposts (街灯柱) or thrown into the Seine River. 据《纽约时报》报道,截至20xx年10月,由于故意损毁和偷窃问题,大量初期的Vélib自行车不得不被置换。这些自行车曾被发现挂在街灯柱上,或是被扔进塞纳河中。 To deal with these problems, the company came up with the idea of encouraging people to return the bikes to stations by rewarding free time for their next rides. 为了处理这些问题,该公司想到一个办法:鼓励人们将自行车归还至站点,并在他们下次使用时奖励免费用车时间。 Now, Chinese service operators are also trying to address these problems. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit score for each user, with points taken in the case of bad behavior. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes, up from 0.5-1 yuan. 现在,中国的服务经营者们也开始尝试去解决这些问题。举个例子,摩拜单车为每个用户设定了100分的信用值,行为不当将会被扣分。当信用值降到80分以下,自行车租赁费用将会从每30分钟0.5-1元上涨到100元。 英语话题作文 篇9 The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with us existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for。 The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life! The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, and put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us。 The thankful classmate and friend grow up with us and let us no longer stand alone in the itinerary of life。 The thankful our country provides us with free books, dormitory and food。 Whenever it is, we should keep a thankful heart towards everything existed。 Only thus, can we become a useful man。 英语话题作文 篇10 This picture is simple but significant. As is shown in the picture above, rising up his head, a young boy is holding a glorious sun with his firm hand. The caption indicates that, “ with dreams, our hearts can fly high; with flight, our dreams will not be far away.” Why are dreams so importantWe may attribute its significance to three factors. First and foremost, dreams can give us courage and strength to overcome all the difficulties in our lives. Besides, having dreams is beneficial for us to be confident, passionate and energetic, and it may put us in a favorable position in our life journey. On the contrary, were there no dreams, our life will be dull and meaningless. Last but not least, if all of us have dreams, our society will be more vigorous and harmonious. Considering every aspect of this positive issue, we should bear in mind that dreams are of great significance to both our society and ourselves.Therefore, the mass media, such as television, Internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should take practical actions to cherish our precious dreams and let them be realized. Then, we have every reason to be convinced that we can have a bright future if we have dreams.ardim2023-07-07 06:46:211
和长辈们通话,第一次就问候一下,说点祝福的话就好了呀kikcik2023-07-07 06:46:134
提起舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作,大家都知道,有人问以相逢是首歌为话题,另外,还有人想问求男女对唱时的舞蹈,你知道这是怎么回事?其实相逢是首歌舞蹈,下面就一起来看看以相逢是首歌为话题,希望能够帮助到大家! 舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作 1、舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作:以相逢是首歌为话题 相逢是首歌原创广场舞相逢是首歌。 相逢是首歌舞蹈相逢是首歌一等奖舞。 一首绵延过时空的悠悠古曲 在细流的源头你踏月低唱 用商调轻柔婉转了细腻的友情爱情 我一直在下游抬头仰望 用心聆听,几成雕像 而这水已失却高山的清灵 包含太多的光阴流下来流下来 混浊著咆啸著成大河汹涌 雕像的耳朵听到我那徵音明显的悲愤激昂现代舞相逢是首歌。 于是就这样在千年过往的风中瞬间擦而过 我们什么也没讲紫竹院舞蹈《相逢是首歌》。 他知道你是伯牙那秀美灵巧的后人 那娴熟的纤手抚琴的英姿常映在月色中形体舞相逢是首歌。 而他在这里世代沿袭砍柴开荒8人广场舞金奖队形。 也曾迷醉在弥漫清香的朦胧或明亮的夜里 只可惜从前那把琴已破碎了相逢是首歌舞蹈教学。 你从不停止那跳动的音 他也从不停止挥舞手中的巨斧,斩断一段思念 为那次美的错过 在风中的我们相逢,这首歌 是无法填词无法作曲更无法唱出的 只在你我被岁月镂空的内心中 2、舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作:求男女对唱时的舞蹈 3、舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作:相逢是首歌舞蹈 4、舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作:求中三步交谊舞曲 迎宾曲和相逢是首歌 自己到这下吧:http://www..com/你要的都有.免费注册的,免费试听,,完全免费。 5、求少女时代舞蹈教学。想要少女时代、再次重逢的世界、babybaby、Mr.taxi这四首歌的分解教学。 只有前两个有分解的,我有的 6、舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作:小小军营男子汉舞蹈 音乐叫什么 7、舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作:苏州盛泽雨夜广场舞相逢是首歌 8、舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作:求相逢是首歌广场舞MP3 朋友,很高兴回答你的问题你需要的,我在这里上传给你,请尽快 点击绿框即可直接,请采纳相逢是首歌背面分解广场舞。 如有问题,请追问, 9、舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作:小学毕业联欢会 我们带着满怀的希望 我们带着美好的憧憬广场舞相逢是首歌教学。 我们带着相聚的欣喜 我们带着离别的寓意 我们济济一堂共同度过这个美好而难忘的夜晚雨夜相逢是首歌广场舞。 岁月的流逝挥不去执着的梦时光的飞驰也带不走永恒的心特色广场舞金奖。 那过去的日子将在这一瞬间 将来的岁月将在这一瞬间展望中老年舞蹈大赛一等奖。 让我们拉开心灵的幡幔 用舞姿,用歌声,用掌声,用心语用我们最美好的姿态 为这即将远行的他们送上最真,最深厚的祝福 A:你曾对我说,相逢是首歌春英广场舞相逢是首歌三步。 B:相逢是首歌,歌手是你和我获金奖中老年舞蹈。 C:眼睛是春天的海,心儿是永远的琴弦 D:青春是绿色的河,坚定也执著 A:相逢是首歌相逢是首歌教学正面反面。 B:相逢是我们 C:我们用青春谱写 D:一首难以忘怀的歌 A:年前我们怀着彩色梦想走进了校园,来到了大。 B:年中我们有过欢笑,流过泪水,经历磨炼,得到成长 C:年后的,我们在这里重温青春过往,因为明天就将各奔天涯 D:亲爱的同窗,不要带着离别的愁绪,因为明天又是一个新的起点,因为我们相信 合:再次相逢,我们还是一首动人的歌! A:很高兴能有这个机会同大家相聚一堂,共叙离别。 B:大家都知道,这是我们次站在大的舞台上 C:我们会在把最精彩的自己展现给大家广场舞相逢是首歌三步背面。 D:就让铭刻在我们心间,让母校留住我们的风采! 1绿光(绿光结束) 你曾经对我说相逢是首歌,歌手是你和我。我们用四年的青春去谱写这首难以忘怀的歌。四年中有欢笑,有泪水,在磨炼中成长。四年后的,面对别离,我们在这里重温青春的过往。回忆那岁月的点滴。回首,一切恍如昨日。四年来,每一个欢笑,每一滴泪水,每一段故事,每一次经历,每一声感动,都使我难以忘怀。我希望别离不要带走我们曾经美好的记忆……..。 2情景剧(情景剧场结束) 华农的夏天,只有记忆是的。我们不是植物,不能在这块可爱的土地上生生不息。青春在窗边的风中飘逝了。一起走到现在,因为华农,我们变得羽毛丰满,因为经管,我们感到无比骄傲。回到过去,我们由衷感谢母校,感谢恩师,因为他们,使得我们变得更加有力量去追求和接近梦想。以爱的名义,一生有你,以后的征程中,因为有你,我们额步伐会变得更加坚定。 3串歌(串歌结束) 是你给了我力量,为我插上飞翔的翅膀,你给了我青春的睿智,让我的生活闪烁华光。对你的爱要怎么诠释,念你的情要怎样释怀。美丽的华农,骄傲的经管,是你给了我坚强臂湾,是你为我鼓掌,是你为我,是你给了我曙光,是你给了我力量。漫漫旅途中,因为有你我们会变得更加坚强,悠悠岁月中,因为有你,我们在征程中会变得更加勇敢。因为你的情,因为你给的爱,我们自信可以做一颗supperstar! 4舞蹈supperstar(舞蹈结束) 人与人之间的相识、相知都是上天注定的缘分,虽然,不是所有的梦,都来得及实现,不是所有的话,都来得及告诉你,怀念总要深植在离别后的心中。聚也匆匆,离也匆匆,就这样风雨兼程,明天我也要登程,伴你风雨行。山高水长路不平,让我们携手同尽显华农精神。因为风雨我们才能见到美丽的彩虹,因为风雨我们的人生才显得与众不同。青春的季节如此多情,成长的岁月如此吸引。在梦想和的召唤下我们不管旅途风雨兼程。因为期望和责 任,我们激发青春的热情,迎着沿途的种种千辛万苦去创造属于我们自己的奇迹。我们一定会以后的岁月中风雨无阻地去追求我们的梦想和辉煌。因为我们要华农为我们而骄傲!相逢是首歌广场舞教学分解动作。 5合唱(合唱结束)如果四年前的邂逅仅仅是一次命数之外的偶然,那么四年的相知相守却是缘分的眷恋,而今晚的相聚则是四年快乐时光的怀念相逢是首歌中三步附分解。 每年的这个时节,除了互到离别、互致珍重,年复一年的毕业晚会似乎已经成了我们分别前的次聚首 我们这里的每个人心中都承载了太多的祝福与惦念,寄托了太多的关怀与企盼,匿了太多的故事与依恋相逢是首歌舞蹈表演。 四年前,我们从祖国的大江南北、四面八方来到了交通大学这同一片蓝天下。四年的同窗生活中,我们同心并肩,一起经历风风雨雨,一起描绘灿烂的明天 今晚,让我们再一次重温,那些感动过我们的人和事:灯火通明的自习室里用功的身影;笑语欢声的宿舍里不着边际的闲聊;热血沸腾的运动场上捍卫集体尊严的豪情霸气……这一切在都是那么的美丽 又一个四年之后,在同样浪漫的夏夜里,你是否还会记起校园里的梧桐树连同那牵手漫步的幸福;你是否会记起日记本里的书签连同那五彩缤纷的回忆广场舞三步舞相逢是首歌。 无数个四年之后,你的思念是否会有增无减?在未来的岁月里,在你闯荡的每,会不会有那么几个瞬间让你渴望回到美丽的校园?相逢是首歌手势舞。 静静地,我们享受一个又一个挑战,在日复一日与时间的赛跑中,我们会变得更加坚强,更加神采奕奕!又是一段青春的旅途在这里起航,又是一幕绚烂的生命从今晚怒放!8人广场舞变队形一等奖。 章朦胧 那天,背着一个行囊,我刚踏进校园,稚气的脸上写满了对家乡的思念 那天,带着一张笑脸,我跟你轻轻地问候,拘谨地握手,纯纯的友谊便开始沉淀 那天,怀着一分祈愿,我和你次搭讪,从个眼神,我就甩不开对你的依恋 那天,揣着一个梦想,我有些许彷徨,但我相信,展翅高飞绝不是天真的预言白云蓝天 渐渐地,欢乐代替了乡愁,异乡的圆月也可如家乡的一般 渐渐地,友谊的酒怎么也喝不干,浓浓地醉在朋友的心间美娜子广场舞相逢是首歌。 渐渐地,我走进了你的梦里,你留在了我的心中,我们一起灌溉心愿 渐渐地,梦清晰了,脚步沉稳了,我们开始歌唱青春的季节 第二章斑斓 踏进校门,交大给了我们斑斓的梦想紫竹院广场舞相逢是首歌背面。 沐浴缕晨光,阳光给了我们斑斓的希望 次合影,微笑给了我们斑斓的畅想 相逢是首歌舞蹈 即将别离,回忆给了我们斑斓的守望 红,那是兄弟姐妹依依不舍的赤诚 绿,那是梧桐道上满富深情的葱茏 蓝,那是不久之后振翅高飞的天空 斑斓,那是我们大学生活的精彩回眸 多情的风,带我们悄悄地思念 朦胧的雨,带我们默默地祝福 明亮的星,带我们静静地祈祷 的夜,带我们编织斑斓的梦 第三章怒放 相识是天意,相知是人意,相加便是友谊,我们聚在一起,因为我们心有灵犀 风吹走了思绪,雨淋记忆,我扎紧了思念的情结,因为我们就要分离 深情地企盼,正如此刻深情地祝福,朋友的祝福,是我们前进的动力 默默地离去,正如当初默默地到来,的别离,是为了明天的相聚 谁说回不到从前就要伤悲 谁说怀念就必须流连 谁说分离就不能共奏 谁说只能用寂寞将面容妆点 张集体照上,没有忧愁,也没有悲伤,有的是我们年轻的梦想 青春伴着希望,在岁月的河流里远航,萌动的心,在最美的年华里谱写最动听的乐章 怀着深深的爱,凝望着将逝的流光,飞过的思绪勾起记忆的回放 带着浓浓的情,畅想着飞翔的方向,燃烧的点燃生命的怒放弹指一挥间,四年的大学生活就唱起了完结篇。此时此刻,蓦然发现我们的校园竟那么的,我们的伙伴竟那么可爱。要说再见了,方才真正体会到千思万绪,在这一刻纠缠不清 终究逃不过别离,想不到别离的滋味这么凄凉,说声再见也要这么坚强 终究还是要落幕,想不到欢乐转眼变成忧伤,道声珍重也要辗转思量 岁月荏苒,青春行走在时间的河岸,渐行渐远。记忆的长河中,我们留下一长串欢笑与悲伤的浪花,未来的天空里,回忆和思念是一片飘逸动人的彩霞 人说前生的五百次擦肩,才换得今生的回眸一笑,我们的相聚是沉甸甸的缘分,我们的别离是泪莹莹的双眼。 离别的心是隐痛的,分别的情是伤感的,可是天下没有不散的筵席,擦一擦眼角的泪,让我们且行且珍惜 我们不会忘记老师,为了我们的成长而辛勤耕耘的园丁 我们不会忘记朋友,陪伴我们朝夕的友谊 我们不会忘记学院,给予我们知识和力量的殿堂 我们不会忘记交通大学,XJTU将是我们一生的印记 七月我们将远行,带着对交通大学深深的眷恋和对未来的无限憧憬,告别这美丽的时代 七月我们将离去,带着一千多个日日夜夜沉淀的点点滴滴,接收风雨的洗礼 我们走的时候风华正茂,可是回来的时候也许就已经两鬓苍苍,所以我们一定要再做些什么 再去全班同学面前认认真真做一次自我介绍,在美丽的校园里再和他们留影 再去出一次早操,回来的时候再吃一次小豆花的油条豆浆 再去认认真真上一回自习,把那种用功的劲头装到心里 再去买一份精美的小礼物,送给喜欢的她,对他说一句“我爱过你” 真的该说再见了 再见了,最可爱的同学 再见了,最敬爱的老师 再见了,最亲爱的母校 H:时光荏苒,岁月如梭,只有离别的时刻,才知道光阴的短暂与宝贵。L:岁月荏苒,青春行走在时间的河岸,渐行渐远。H:初夏又至,七月的脚步也已走近。弹指一挥间,五年的大学生活即将结束。此时此刻,蓦然发现自己曾百般挑剔的母校竟那么可爱,那么的。L:要说再见了,方才真正体会到什么叫“聚散两依依”,什么叫“相见时难别亦难”““千头万绪,又岂是只言片语能表达的。但无论如何,心中依然清晰的,将终生难忘的,是五年来一千多个日日夜夜的点点滴滴。H:七月我们将远行,带着对母校的深深眷恋和对未来的无限憧憬,告别我的学生时代。如今掉头一去是风吹黑发,也许回首再来已是雪满白头了!L:昨天毕竟短暂,明天才是永远,也许前方的道路依然会有很多荆棘,未来的日子未必就是风合日丽,但我们坚信,“海阔必能凭鱼跃,H:天高必将任鸟飞”,L:让我们一起期待,HL:明天会更好!L:再见啦,我最亲爱的母校!L:再见啦,我最亲爱的战友!HL:再见啦,我的大学!H:“追忆年华,放飞梦想 以上就是与以相逢是首歌为话题相关内容,是关于以相逢是首歌为话题的分享。看完舞蹈相逢是首歌分解动作后,希望这对大家有所帮助!真颛2023-07-07 06:44:571
你好,Please stop this topic.根据语境选择语气.甚至可以只说Stop.供参考。真颛2023-07-06 08:35:161
StopthistalkChen2023-07-06 08:35:083
赢字分为“亡口月贝凡” 根据这个为话题写800字作文 比如月 就是珍惜时间 亡就是要居安思危
度娘就是##最大的盗@@@版#商陶小凡2023-07-06 08:23:013
赢字分为“亡口月贝凡” 根据这个为话题写800字作文 比如月 就是珍惜时间 亡就是要居安思危
】“赢”由五个汉字组成:亡、口、月、贝、凡.包含着赢家必备的五种意识或能力.亡:危机意识.口:沟通能力.月:时间观念.贝:取财有道.凡:平常心态,从最坏处着想,向最好处努力.bikbok2023-07-06 08:22:521
北魏末年贾思勰编写的《齐民要术》所总结的是 农业生产技术 治理国家的要领 百姓的生活现状 各民族的风俗习惯 齐民要术》是贾思勰在总结前人经验的基础上,结合自己从富有经验的老农当中获得的生产知识以及对农业生产的亲身实践与体验,认真分析、系统整理、概括总结,最后完成了《齐民要术》这部伟大的著作.瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-07-06 08:16:521
北魏末年贾思勰编写的《齐民要术》所总结的是? [历史话题]如题 谢谢了
北魏末年贾思勰编写的《齐民要术》所总结的是 农业生产技术 治理国家的要领 百姓的生活现状 各民族的风俗习惯 齐民要术》是贾思勰在总结前人经验的基础上,结合自己从富有经验的老农当中获得的生产知识以及对农业生产的亲身实践与体验,认真分析、系统整理、概括总结,最后完成了《齐民要术》这部伟大的著作。再也不做站长了2023-07-06 08:16:521
1. 以读万卷书,行万里路为题目写一篇作文 如果让我独自走遍中国,那大家猜猜我会带什么东西供自己娱乐呢?回答正确,宾果,加10分!我要带一本书! 一本书!我看见有人纳闷了,一本由我来书怎么能供自己娱乐呢?下面,由我来解释。 一本书就像知识的海洋,就像百科大全,就像童话王国,有趣极了!有的故事令我开怀大笑,有的故事令我眼泪花花,有的故事令我同情,有的故事令我迷惑不解。 一本好书就像一轮太阳,就像知心大姐姐,就像一位优美的仙女下凡似的。书是我的朋友,书是我的家人,书是我生命中不可缺少的部分。如果没有了书,我会崩溃的,我会愤怒的,我会伤心的。没有了书,犹如智慧的泉水干枯了,仿佛知识的乐园被封锁了,好像知识的海洋消失了。我会和一起分担风雨,共享阳光,分享喜怒哀乐。书可以为我抛开烦恼,带来快乐。 古人说:“读万卷书,行万里路。”所以,我愿意一遍又一遍地读着那本书。首先,我会大致地了解这本书主要在讲什么,然后再细细地阅读一遍,找出优美词句,抄在一张纸上,背下来。第3次阅读的时候,我会把自己不理解的地方思考思考,欣赏一些我喜欢的文章或片段。“书籍是全世界的营养品。”这是多好的一句比喻句呀!我们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的!所以,我会认真读书的。 2. .以“读万卷书,行万里路”为题目写论说文 读万卷书,行万里路 [英] read a lot and make trip further 出处:明,董其昌《画禅室随笔》●卷二○画诀中:读万卷书,行万里路,胸中脱去尘浊,自然丘壑内营,立成鄄鄂。 读万卷书,行万里路 原著作者刘彝(《画旨》). 意思:读万卷书,是指要努力读书,让自已的才识过人. 行万里路,是指让自己的所学,能在生活中体现,同时增长见识,也就是理论结合实际,学以致用. 编辑本段刘彝 刘彝 〔公元1017年--1086年〕字执中,福州人。生于宋真宗天禧元年,卒于哲宗元佑元年,年七十岁。幼从胡瑗学。登庆历进士第,调高邮簿,移朐山令。凡所以惠民者,无不至;邑人纪其事,目曰治范。神宗时,除都水丞。寻知处州。俗尚巫鬼,不事医药。彝著正俗方以训,斥淫巫使易为医,俗遂变。加直史馆,知桂州。坐贬均州团练副使。元佑初,(公元一o八六年)复以都水丞召还,病卒于道。彝著有七经中议一百七十卷,明善集三十卷,居阳集三十卷,均《宋史本传》并传于世。 编辑本段意义 这里的行万里路跟读书是互补的,读书是静态的,行路是动态的,书中知识有限,只有行路眼观耳识才能补其不足! 古人都把“读万卷书,行万里路”作为一种追求。因为这两者都能使人开阔眼界,增长知识和能力。那么这两者之间重要性是否一样呢?有没有区别? 如果单纯论哪个重要,我觉得“行万里路”要比“读万卷书”重要得多。 你可以这样反驳我:如果一个人一点书不读,只行万里路,也一样不会成才。这是我们经常在讨论问题时抬杠的一种句式,也是很有用的一个句式。但放在这里好像没有多大的效果。 在商业界好些有这样的结论,在企业创业之初,文化程度较低的往往容易获得成功。也有人做过统计,目前全国有名的企业经理人中,第一学历专科以下学历占绝对优势。我们身边的情况也一再证明,一些非常有创新能力的企业老板很多高中都没上过。这恐怕不是用特殊情况能一言蔽之的。相反,一个闭门读死书的人很久以来就成了我们嘲笑的对象。我们是否可以说行路比读书更重要呢? 行路 “行路”我理解为在实践中学习。人类进化是从行路开始的。从树上到了地面,我们的祖先首先学会的是行走。行走的目的是为了获得更多的食物,为了寻找安全的憩息地,同时也开阔了眼界,学到了很多有用的知识。大禹是在随父治水中悟到了“宜疏不宜堵”的治洪原理。孔子非常重视实践在学习中的作用,并通过周游列国治国安邦来印证所学。李时珍、徐霞客、马可波罗、达尔文、哥伦布都是靠“行路”写出了宏伟巨著或取得重大发现。可见,“行万里路”较“读万卷书”要重要得多。 把“读书”与“行路”关系作个比喻:“读万卷书”好比人们通过一个窗口看到了知识和能力的金山,但要想真正得到知识和能力这个金山,还要靠走出门去“行万里路”。 读书 读书一方面能够使我看增长知识,学习到别人的经验,但同时也给你的头上加了一道“紧箍”(这是经验的特征,经验越多,人们头脑受到的束缚越多,创新意识越差)。“读万卷书”之后,只有“行万里路”,走出去亲自看一看,体验一下书中描述的情景,你才会发现书中所说的不及体验的千分之一,同时也使你理解了作者对这种情景的感受并同自己的感受加以比较,从而放大你的知识,只有这时读书的效果才能体现出来。所以说:读书好比一个放大镜,不管你心中的知识是“真”是“假”,它都会放大若干倍(当然,读书越多,放大倍数越大)。 只读书不行路,你受到地束缚就越来越多,好比吃多了饭不能消化吸收,只能是累赘,不但无益而且“害人不浅”。 作为教师这个职业,一向崇拜读书,比如“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”、“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”,无形之中也或多或少地存在着轻视“行路”的想法。知识分子从书本到书本已经几千年了。 可以看到,现在的教师群体已经脱离实践太久了,多数的教师已经被隔离在社会之外(有客观原因,也有主观原因),教师这个职业也自然被“神圣”到无以理解的地步。要得到社会的支持首先要得到社会的理解,要得到社会的理解首先要融入这个社会。 “行万里路”是当前教师最需要的。 意思:读万卷书,是指要努力读书,让自已的才识过人. 行万里路,是指让自己的所学,能在生活中体现,同时增长见识,也就是理论结合实际,学以致用 3. 以读万卷书或行万里路为题的作文 读万卷书或行万里路 这不是一个句子,这是一个词组。 这是古人对追求和认知的一种态度,是修身养性的一种途径。 在写这篇作文之前,我参考了一些网上的文章。在网上,很多人认为“行万里路”的价值要远远胜过“读万卷书”,宣称“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”。但实际上,将这两句话放在一起,是有道理的。 我们的社会已经经历了太多的变化,但读书一直是获取知识的主要方式。书作为知识的载体,也一直被我们认为是不可或缺的精神食粮。读书不是万能的,说实话,一个人读没读过书,并不能从完全意义上决定他的成败。刘邦、朱元璋都没读过书,他们照样开辟了属于自己的时代。但如果一个人不读书,在当今社会里他往往寸步难行。因为读书能为你铺平前进的道路,省去从其他渠道获取知识的麻烦。而且书所独有的历史魅力及文化底蕴能引发人对更深层次的思考,帮助人将知识转化成自己的智慧。人只有思考和拥有智慧,才不会感到空虚。所以,我更倾向于将“读万卷书”看成知识和智慧的象征。这对于任何一个人来说,都是必不可少的。 至于“行万里路”,这是一个“吾将上下而求索”的漫长历程。真正有胸襟,有远大抱负的人,是决不愿意偏安一方的。李白在嗟叹“行路难”的同时,依然憧憬着“长风破浪会有时”。杜甫在感慨“出师未捷身先死”后,依然怀揣着“语不惊人死不休”的气度。行万里路,在实践中得到自己的见解,在前进中逃脱学习别人经验的束缚。读书让人把知识转变成智慧,行路让人从知识中提取自己的经验。如果一个人不知行路,不知实践的话,他将永远拘泥于窠臼,碌碌无为。“行万里路”代表着实践和能力,容易被忽视,但非常重要。 只读书不行路是迂腐,只行路不读书是盲目。只有将两者结合,才能拥有充实而美好的人生孔孟博览群书之后,周游列国亲见亲历,终成儒家大师。司马迁十年苦读之后,负起行囊遍游天下,方作鸿篇巨制。“读万卷书”,获得满腹经纶,“行万里路”,亲历躬行、参证精思。这是古人留给我们的宝贵财富。是每个人都能借鉴的求知模式。 读万卷书,行万里路。在实践中学习,在学习中实践。读书把知识拉长成智慧,实践将知识积淀成经验,在时间无限的横坐标里,放大成人生的价值。 读书不止,行路不止,我在路上,你呢? 4. 以“读万卷书,行万里路”为题写一篇议论文 近来,读了一篇文章,上面有诸城市实验中学开展“读万卷书,行万里路”采风活动的报道,心里感慨颇多。“读万卷书”容易,“行万里路”难,我想,这恐怕不单是我一个人的体会。物质社会,我们不用担心没有书看,只要你愿意看,随时都可以通过各种途径找到书看。而对一般人来说,“行万里路”就有点难了,尤其对于广大中学生朋友来说,不要说走出国门,就是走出家门、校门恐怕都不容易。以前,每年到了春天,一些学校的教师还能组织学生春游,或出去参观,而现在如果再有人组织学生春游,或者出去参观,人们非说他神经不正常。可怜的学生就只有呆在学校死读书的份儿,哪里还有走出校门的自由。当然,我并不提倡学生离家出走,而教育工作者创造条件,有组织、有准备地让学生走出校门,不仅可以增长知识、拓宽视野,而且可以丰富他们的人生体验,这对他们的成长是大有裨益的。 “读万卷书,行万里路”是杜甫的名言,纵观古今中外有成就的人,很多是沿着这条路走过来的。我国西汉的历史学家司马迁,为了写好《史记》,他到过东海之滨,探过大禹的洞穴,搜集了大量的资料,终于写成了被鲁迅赞为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”的不朽史书。李白一生游历祖国的名山大川,所以才写出了“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”的著名诗句。如果他没有亲眼见过黄河,他又怎会写出“黄河之水天上来”的诗句。杜甫本身就是这句名言的忠实实践者。他20岁以前北游齐赵,“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”引起了多少人对“五岳独尊”的向往。他身历战乱之苦,才有了“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”的感叹,才有了《三吏》、《三别》这些流传千古的优秀诗篇。王维不亲历大漠,又怎会有“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的千古名句。明代地理学家徐霞客,一生几次出游,才写出了具有很高文学价值的地理学著作《徐霞客游记》,他的游记中关于蝴蝶会的记载,他不亲眼目睹,不记下来,我们又怎会知道天下有这一奇观。近人周恩来“大江歌罢掉头东”,为了拯救苦难的祖国,不惜远涉重洋,探求救国救民的真理。梅园新村留下了他的足迹,万隆会议似乎还回荡着他铿锵的声音,他为中国革命走过的道路,又何止万里!丹麦童话大师安徒生说过:“旅行就是生活。”1831年,安徒生开始了他第一次国外漫游。他携着一把雨伞、一根手杖和简单的行囊访问了欧洲的所有国家,先后完成了《阿马格岛漫游记》《幻想》《旅行剪影》等作品。朋友们,用不着多举例,我想,“行万里路”于我们的意义,已不言而喻。 现代社会为我们提供了便利的条件,在我们力所能及的范围内,尽可能地丰富学生的人生体验,这也是新大纲对学生的要求。现代教育,不仅要注重学生知识的获得、能力的提高,更要培养他们的情感、态度、价值观。古人也告诉我们“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”。那种亲历现场的情感体验,是任何书本知识都不能替代的。 李庆平校长认为,“读万卷书,行万里路”,不单单是读写结合,更为重要的是让学生在“行”中受到教育,学会思考,关注社会和人生。现在学生缺的,正是这种课外之“课”。 5. 以“读万卷书行万里路”为题的美文 原创的 曾发表过 希望帮到你 生以啜芳华 行而沐春光 穿梭繁华,看遍红尘紫陌,于色彩斑斓的生活里,高阁之 中躺着你!阅遍栏杆,感人生百态,于瞬息而变的匆忙中,尘 封着墨香的记忆。洗尽铅华,静静读! 行吟泽畔的三闾大夫和着汨罗的流水,让坚毅铺展,江鱼 吞食了千年,却容不下一根傲骨,子兰的衣冠成冢,一纸《离 骚》满纸苍凉,阅尽千山,读绝代气血。 苍黄大漠,将微笑当做黄河的一口井,三毛的撒哈拉之行 让岁月脉脉幽香; 众人跪在面前,许之则为王,败则亡身,于是“倚天照海 花无数,流水高山心自知”成了千古绝唱。 倾听历史凝重的脉搏,才知道:人生必富三副热泪 一哭 天下大事不可为,二哭文章不遇知己,三哭从来沦落不遇佳人 才知道:愿无伐善,无施劳。才知道:行贤而去自贤之行, 安往而不爱哉。 书尽血脉,知晓古人做人如灯罩,揽其光芒,闭其锐气, 锋芒毕露为不善,行堂堂方显男儿本色! 匆匆的行者,可否停下你匆匆的脚步,可否静听秋叶触地 之声,感慨宋玉之悲之悯之情怀。一直相信,唯有点点墨香不 着寸缕,素净无华,一面记忆,一面埋葬,如衣料,经岁月漂 洗,它可能旧了,只有陈旧的风华,而它的质地,却仍是当初 织机上织出的经纬!纵横交错的铅墨光辉着一个梦的骤现,儿 时的渴求,眸子探求谜样的大千,只匆匆一瞥,无需日行千里 也一望知秋。于是,不再仰望,不再给人迷惑的目光,只埋 首,辗转行间给自己的心求一个答案! 卷卷诗书,以铅字的形式寄回后世,如行遍千山,原来, 生以啜芳华 行而沐春光! 6. 求:1.以“读万卷书,行万里路”为题目;2.写成论说文;3.不少于800 “读万卷书”乃极言多读书,“行万里路”是讲多游历,这是求知必不可少的两个方面.要求知,首先要“读万卷书”,即广博地学习前人的知识,特别是研习圣贤之说.这实质上是通过博览群书获得间接知识,它是一个人闭门苦读的过程.孔子年轻时读书极勤奋,《论语》里讲:“十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也.”孟子少时发愤读书,浑然不知昼夜,遂通《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《易》、《春秋》等经.求知以“博览群书”始,实不失为合理之举,因为以个人有限的精力,万万不足以亲身一一发现、经历,且无此必要,明智之举就是通过博览群书把已有的知识、学说纳入胸中.博览群书有三个步骤:由博览致博闻,知各种知识或学说之详,可以“详说之”,这是第一步,接着通过认真阅读、思考,把握众多知识或某学说的要旨、精髓,也就是由“详说之”返回到用简单的语言表达知识、学说的精要与大义,就像孔子熟读《诗经》后一言蔽之为“思无邪”一样,如此又进了一步;在把握了知识的要旨之后,经过考察、比较,可知其好坏,进而“择其善者而从之”.在学习、研究年鉴、评说前人学说的过程中,有心得,有见解,可以发之,可自成一家之言.这就是“读万卷书”的较完整的意义,也是整个求知活动的第一个方面.但古人认为,只读书是不够的,“闻之不见,虽“必谬”,又“闻之不若见之”,因此博览群书之后,必进入求知的第二步,即遍游各地,亲见亲历,这称“游学”.游学很早以来就是个传统.孔子曾周游国;孟子闭门读书多年之后也周游各国,成为当时有名的游士,“后车数十乘,从者数百人”;司马迁十年苦读之后,负起行囊遍游天下,竟依依不思归.“学”的益处大致有:一可亲见亲历,增长见识,谓多见而识之;二是通过游历可以印证从书上得来的“知”;三是通过亲历亲见可以考察事物的变化及其化原因,即孔子讲的“我之游,观其所变”;四是可在游历中将自己的知识和学说施之于“行”.孔子、老子、孟子都有游说列国的经历,他们极力劝说君主用自己的政治伦理学说,以使自己的政治抱负得以施展.“游学”既可获得新知识,又可验证学来的间接知识,此外还有机会在实际生活中推行自己的见解学说,无怪乎古人要“行万里路”了.首先“读万卷书”,获得满腹经纶,再“行万里路”,亲历躬行、参证精思,知识水平就会飞跃到一个较高的层次.“读万卷书,行万里路”这种求知模式原先为古代先哲所采用,由于它具有相当的合理性,就逐步为人们普遍接受,成为历代读书人求知的基本模式.。 7. 【题目《读万卷书行万里路》的作文求大神帮助游记或者读后感700~ 先秦诸子百家,个个语出惊人,著作流芳百世,我有幸一览《秋水》.河伯虽非见多识广,却也是一方河神,当智于凡人,尚且如此,况吾等凡夫俗子乎?掩卷深思,慨叹:“读万卷书不如行万里路.” 小荷作文网 曰:“尽信书则不如无书.”是也,实践出真知.若非亲眼一览大海之广阔,河伯岂知自身之狭小,望洋向若而叹曰:“吾长见笑于大方之家.” 小荷作文网 《石钟山记》,大名鼎鼎,非是其文笔之深奥,乃其道理、精神之纯朴也.大文豪苏轼,读万卷书不在话下,然亲自上石钟山,追寻真理,其精神可嘉也.看如今学子无数,孜孜不倦,捧得书本可当餐食.倘若不能灵活应用,而生搬硬套,不头破血流者,未之有也.书若无实用,万卷又如何,不如行万里路来得实在.读万卷书,满眼尽是他人观点,大脑被他人侵蚀,自我在不知不觉中消失殆尽.如遇不解处,胡乱猜疑,不幸者,尽误终身.书读滥者,尽日空想,身如飘飘欲仙,不知所言,不知所为,然自称至读书之最高境界,殊不知田里害虫成灾,他人喜获丰收,尔等沉浸与虚无中不可自拔,是为腐儒也.书读害者,误入歧途,做尽伤天害理之事,仍自以为依书中所言,是为替天行道也,悲哉!然行万里路则大有不同.跋山涉水者,可知人生之不易也;周游列国者,可知天外有天也;饱览风情者,可知自然之奇妙也;遇苦见荒者,可知自身之幸福也;受人白眼者,可知自强只重要也;遇人不淑者,可知自立之必要也;得人恩惠者,可知善良无界也;给人帮助者,可知助人为乐也.诸如此类,数不胜数.一看便知,其益处多多,远胜于读万卷书.追其溯源,实乃著书之人将其行万里路所得记于书中,以惠天下人.如此可知,万卷书源于万里路,岂能与之相比?若说万卷书为白纸黑字,则万里路可为四维立体动画,扪心自问,孰高孰低,孰优孰劣?尽在不言中.。 8. 读万卷书行万里路的作文怎么写,快(50到100字) “读万卷书不如行万里路,行万里路不如阅人无数,阅人无数不如名师指路,名师指路不如自己去悟.”我同意上面这个观点,特别是“读万卷书不如行万里路”.这里我谈谈自己的一点看法.我喜欢旅游,我更喜欢一家人一起去旅游,可惜的是笑笑爸爸总是很忙,所以有时候我有时间了只有带着孩子去,但我们绝对不仅仅为玩儿而旅游.每次去旅游前,我们一家都要很慎重地根据旅游的时间选出一个旅游项目,并讨论一下这次旅游要达到一个什么样的效果,然后再根据我们的目标来选择一个目的地,接着就开始做准备工作:查地图选路线、查沿途的景点和目的地的景点、当地的地理位置、民风民俗、景点介绍、并把查找好的旅游资料保存并打印出来人手一册,我们一家把这叫做“不打无准备之仗”.旅游途中我们可以做各种各样的小游戏.如:成语接龙、脑筋急转弯、明七暗七、英语单词接龙.还可以随机作文,比如看到一处景色,哪怕是天上的白云,我们可以共同思考这时的景色可以用哪些词、哪些句子、哪段话来描写,最后汇总起来,就是一篇很好的作文.我们还会来个歌咏比赛、背古诗比赛、背名著比赛.旅游时我们要求孩子必须随身携带纸笔,我们从来节省导游费,有必要的时候甚至会加钱让导游帮我们重复讲一遍.每天晚上都会指导孩子把白天旅游的内容自习一下,如果可能,当晚就写出日记或者作文.旅途结束回到家里,要求孩子整理旅游资料、整理日记和作文,并要求孩子写出游记.女儿今年已经十二岁了,这十二年来,我们旅游的景点不计其数,孩子也因此懂得了许多同龄孩子不懂的知识,并对历史、地理、古代文学等产生了浓厚的兴趣.这是我们旅游的一点心得和体会,希望对大家有所启发,能直到抛砖引玉的作用,我就很知足了.。Ntou1232023-07-06 07:58:241
那就以知足常乐为题了撒拌三丝2023-07-05 06:52:502
stop this topicCarieVinne 2023-07-05 06:52:067
哦bikbok2023-07-05 06:52:062
转移话题change the topic Change the Subject.shift the Subject都可以九万里风9 2023-07-05 06:52:065
几句 外国人初相识 话题 英文
how are you ?how do you do ?小白2023-07-05 06:52:052
whar"stheweatherlike?how"stheweather?都是问天气怎么样的意思。豆豆staR2023-07-05 06:52:055
英文话题阐述 1、What do you often do to relax yourself when you are stressed?
When I am stressed, I often play table tennis for a while. It"s not only a kind of good sports but also a good way to release my stress. When I play tabel tennis, I always forget all my worries.It can bring me lots of happiness. After playing table tennis, I often feel relax and refresh.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)北境漫步2023-07-05 06:52:051
仍是这几年最受关注的话题之一 英文
只要加上ever就行了 she is the most beautiful girl i‘ve ever seen He built the tomb which mankind has ever seen他建了一座有史以来最宏伟的陵墓 education issues has been the most popular ones ever.meira2023-07-05 06:52:051
A: Give me a few minutes. B: Take all the time you want. A: Let me buy you a drink. B: I"m really in a hurry. A: A drink won"t take long. Come on. A: I"m going home. I"ll see you tomorrow. B: Hey, hang around . I just got here. A: Are you free tonight? B: No, I have too much to do. A: I"ll see you tomorrow. B: No, you won"t. A: Are you mad about something? B: No. A: Are you free now? I have someone coming over you"d like to see. B: Who is it? A: What"s happening with you? B: Well, I"m a little weird these days. A: How can love turn to hate so fast, would you tell me that? B: It"s easy.墨然殇2023-07-05 06:52:051
英语翻译 成为焦点 或者是 成为热议的话题 要大概三种
become the focus of attention/the hot issue/topic catch public attention cause public concern being under discussion among the public 暂时就想到这些啦九万里风9 2023-07-05 06:52:051
j样英语,他家的话专门针对成人的,你可以试试第一步就是拼读啊只要单词会读的话,连读问题就不大。你先把单词读熟悉,然后试着读课文,读的时候肯定有不很熟悉的单词,你把它们找出来单独读。这样,每个单词都熟悉了,应该可以了,多读几遍,想读好英语,还得每天都读。我就是这样学的哦想规则的确最费劲,尤其是发音方面。需要老师一对一的纠正这个才最有效自学的话呢?建议多听英语歌曲,学唱歌,自然就领会连读,弱读,失爆,意群等等规则啦。推荐Carpenters, Celion Deon, Michel Buble, Kenny Rogers 等歌手,发音吐字清晰,歌曲好听经典,而且绝对的,你多听多唱肯定可以领会那些语感可以试试学些英文歌它对初学者对付口语很有效,而且还可以提高语感,看看英文小说,为将来阅读范文,背文章打下基础。但是如果你想将英语溶入到生活当中,做到听说读游刃有余的话,光背口语还不行,还得提高词汇量和语感的积累,这个就用到外教老师一对一陪练,那常用的j样学英语一分钟视频可以免费学,有一个突破8000词和背一些你感兴趣的文章是必不可少的。祝你成功!tt白2023-07-05 06:52:041
英文话题阐述 1、What do you often do to relax yourself when you are stressed?
WhenIamstressed,Ioftenplaytabletennisforawhile.It"snotonlyakindofgoodsportsbutalsoagoodwaytoreleasemystress.WhenIplaytabeltennis,Ialwaysforgetallmyworries.Itcanbringmelotsofhappiness.Afterplayingtabletennis,Ioftenfeelrelaxandrefresh.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)阿啵呲嘚2023-07-05 06:52:041
1. 讨论性的英语作文 Fans is no longer a strange word for us, because there are many of them around us.There are several reasons why people bee fans.If they are crazy about some singers or movie stars, maybe they like their appearance, enjoy their songs and dances and appreciate their performing skills. If they admire some athletes, maybe they respect them for there perseverance and courage. Many people bee fans since they are attracted by someone. They pay more attention to the stars they love and this makes their life more colorful. I would rather listen to some singers songs freely than focus on one of them. Being a fan also wastes time and energy when you collect their CD records, MTV and so on. 2. 是用来英语作文话题讨论开头的,是否有更好的 一句英语的语法问题 It is well-known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person tu person. 是否有语法问题,其中的varies是否要改作varieties? 这句话是用来英语作文话题讨论开头的 vary是动词,varieties是variety的复数,所以不能换 我觉得要改为It is well-known that the opinions concerning this hot topic vary from person to person.(opinion用复数好) It has long been a contentious issue as to this hot topic 3. 英语作文介绍讨论结果题目怎么写 In recent years, this junk food fiend quietly into our quiet life. Junk food has bee a big concern and the concern of everyone. To make students aware of the harm science junk food, hair teacher held a seminar in the class, we want to express their views against junk food. Discussions began. Some students introduced the hazards of junk food; some students described junk food ingredients; some students described how to make junk food is the 。 Liu Xiaotong said proudly: "I know some students because of three non-greedy and buy some food, three non-food is junk food in one." Wang Ying Xue hand held it aloft, said: "We are sick of cancer is to eat . junk food eating out, "Han Yi Chen said proudly:" I know there are a lot of junk food additive "Jiang Qin little nervous, he said:." some students parents are chased, they are preventing the production of junk food . "and Mao teacher said:" we want to tell the people around him, can not eat junk food or written it down, so that we hear our voices, "the students through this seminar, we determined not to eat junk food。 4. 关于英语写作文作文,经典句子 我是英语专业的,平时随手存的,能找到什么就发什么了四、六级作文35个加分句型一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/ heard/ had/ read, etc) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.(再怎么强调。的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、There is no denying that + S + V 。 (不可否认的。) 例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。 五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道。) 例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的。) 例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired. 毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。 七、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (。的优点是。) 例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won"t create (produce) any pollution. 使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。 八、The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (。 的原因是。) 例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air./ The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。 九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子 (如此。以致于。) 例句:So precious is time that we can"t afford to waste it. 时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。 十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然。) 例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. {by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不} 虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。 十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~ the + ~er + S + V ~~~ The + more + Adj + S + V, ~~~ the + more + Adj + S + V ~~~(愈。 愈。) 例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make. 你愈努力,你愈进步。 The more books we read, the more learned we bee. 我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。 十二、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借着。 ..能够..) 例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 十三、~~~ enable + Object(受词)+ to + V (..使..能够..) 例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed. 听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。 十四、On no account can we+ V ~~~ (我们绝对不能。) 例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。 十五、It is time + S + 过去式 (该是。的时候了) 例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems. 该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。 十六、Those who ~~~ (。的人。) 例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished. 违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。 十七、There is no one but ~~~ (没有人不。) 例句:There is no one but longs to go to college. 没有人不渴望上大学。 十八、be + forced/pelled/obliged + to + V (不得不。) 例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am pelled to give up doing sports. 既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。 十九、It is conceivable that + 句子 (可想而知的) It is obvious that + 句子 (明显的) It is apparent that + 句子 (显然的) 例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life. 可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。 二十、That is the reason why ~~~ (那就是。的原因) 例句:Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don"t like it. 夏天很燠热。 那就是我不喜欢它的原因。 二十一、For the past+ 时间,S + 现在完成式。 (过去。年来,。 一直。) 例句:For the past o years, I have been busy preparing for the examination. 过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。 二十二、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。 例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard. 自从他上高中,他一直很用功。 二十三、It pays to + V ~~~ (。是值得的。) 例句:It pays to help others. 帮助别人是值得的。 二十四、be based on (以。 为基础) 例句:The progress of thee society is based on 。 5. 【英语作文假设你校“英语爱好者俱乐部”将对“良好饮食习惯”这一 We eat a lot of stuff,but are those stuff healthy for us?For example we eat hamberger at mcdonald and when we are eating them do you know they are healty or not?So if you want to have a healthy life you better start with a healthy diet.Firstly。 6. 写一篇关于讨论人生态度的英语作文,200字左右 We have a saying "destiny" character creation, therefore, attitude, character and personality is attitude is destiny, so if the right attitude fate, fate nature also went toward the direction of "correct" development, it is logical, but in the life "attitude" how to "set"? But what is more plex, more likely, it is not so simple, or just take a single options can finish. Because of "life", the life span 70 to estimate assume a paragraph, such as 10 years before and after 10 years of life needs and ideological attitude is not the same growth to 20 years old, he again into 30 acceptable and the environment is not the same, and so on, has grown to 70 years old, affirmation is living in another world, so that each to a stage, it must be different degree of growth, and learn the different environment, needs and responsibility or said. Also means different stages, will have different life "attitude", will make the necessary adjustments "attitude", to face your own health life. Basically should cultivate themselves, keep the following principles can: 我们有句话说“性格创造命运”, 因此,态度就=性格,性格又=命运,所以态度就=命运, 如果态度正确了,命运自然也就朝往“正确”的方向发展了, 这是必然的逻辑 但在人生的“态度”上要如何“设定”?可就比较复杂些, 更可能,就并不是那么简单了,或只采取单一选项就能完成。 因为“人生”全长的寿命,假设预估70岁为一个全程段落, 譬如10岁前以及10岁后,的生活需求与思想态度就不一样了 成长到20岁再进入30岁,他所接受的环境肯定又不一样了,以此类推, 一直成长到70岁,肯定又是生存在另一个世界中, 所以说每到一个阶段,都有它一定不同程度的成长,与学习的不同环境 而有所变化,或说需求与责任。也就是说不同的阶段,就要具备不同的人生“态度”,就要做出必要的调整“态度”,来健康面对自己的人生。 7. 英语作文:对一个话题两人进行讨论 Good habits of learning, such as previewing what you will study, listening to teachers attentively in class, pleting given assignments by yourself and reviewing what you"ve learned in time, will help you acquire more knowledge and improve your skills. Meanwhile, good habits of living will make you develop soundly, both physically and mentally. Therefore you must attach importance to healthy food, constant exercise, reasonable schedules and eyesight protection.。 8. 谁能给下20个英语作文题目 How to learn English well A letter to parents A happy holiday Nothing is impossible for a willing heart(心之所愿 无所不能) Learn to be helpful 北京卷题目:情景作文 [北京自主命题英语作文公布:1,情景作文:美国中学生JEFF将来你所在的红星中学学习中文,经协商安排在你家住,假设你是李华,给JEFF写封信,按以下四张图所示写一篇60字的作文。 图1:他居住的房间,图2:一块骑车去学校;图3:在学生餐厅就餐,图4:在学校的运动场(有篮球场,游泳池,乒乓球等)2.开放作文(英文 和 图略)50字 ] 湖南卷题目:关于夏令营的建议 [湖南省自主命题英语作文公布:某人参加一次英语夏令营,有这些活动:在英语角听英语讲座;表演英语戏剧;看电影;教外国人讲中文。说出你喜欢哪个及理由,并提出建议。 ] 黑龙江卷题目:向旅游公司咨询 [黑龙江自主命题英语作文公布:假设你是李华,要去伦敦旅游;在网上看到一个消息,但有些具体的东西不明白,提出些疑问给旅游公司。] 安徽卷题目:介绍学校 [最新消息,全国高考英语作文安徽省自主命题英语作文公布:介绍学校 试卷提供了几点校规,如:不得迟到、不得早退等等。 要求以此为依据,介绍这所学校 ] 辽宁卷题目:看图作文 [最新消息,全国高考英语作文辽宁省自主命题英语作文公布:辽宁省自主命题英语作文公布:看图作文 大致内容:大家乘坐公交车;车坏了,大家一起推。重新上车后,大家互相谦让。 ] 福建卷题目:征稿启事 [最新消息, 福建省自主命题英语作文公布:以英语报刊的名义写一篇征稿启事 。] 广东卷题目:守株待兔 [最新消息,广东省自主命题英语作文公布:看图作文,根据四副图画写“守株待兔” 。 ] 山东卷题目:应聘英语记者 [最新消息,山东省自主命题英语作文公布:自己要到一家英语报社去应聘英语记者,请按照应聘书的要求,写一篇英语应聘书! 。] 湖北卷题目:给哥哥的信 [最新消息,写一封英文信给你在外留学即将回来的哥哥,告诉他回来比较好,找工作容易还可以照顾父母。 ] 三班的同学进行了一场有关英语学习的讨论。讨论的题目是:学习英语要不要从儿童时期开始?请你根据下表中的提示写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况。 一些同学认为 1.应从儿童时期开始学习英语2.儿童时期记忆力好,可以记住很多单词 3.能为以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础另一些同学认为 1.不应从儿童时期开始学习英语 2.儿童时期既要学汉语拼音又要学英语,易混淆 3.会影响汉语学习和今后的英语学习讨论未取得一致意见注意:1.文章的起始句已给出;2.词数:100左右(不包括已给的起始句);3.参考词汇:基础——foundation 汉语拼音——Chinese pinyin 你堂兄建华在国外学习,你们经常用英文通信。他即将完成学业,不久前来信就是否回国工作征求你的意见。 请根据下列提示回信:1. 建议他回国;2. 你的理由是:1)学有所用,就业容易;2)照顾父母。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 行文应连贯,内容应完整;3. 开头语与落款已为你写好。 受某英文报的委托,你最近对高中生的英语阅读兴趣做了一次调查。请根据以下信息,用英语为该报写一篇100左右的短文。 短文的标题及首句已为你写好。调查内容:在新闻、故事、科普、学习方法四种英文文章中,学生最喜欢哪一种。 调查范围:湖北省的10所中学 调查对象:高中生 调查人数:1000 调查方式:访谈 调查结果:(见下图) 选择各类英文文章的人数的百分比 53%的选择新闻 26%的选择故事 16%的选择科普 7%选择学习方法假设你是某中学学生会主席李华,你校与本地一所国际学样经常举办联谊活动.你计划在重阳节组织学生到养老院去慰问老人,拟邀请国际学校的学生参加,请你根据以下内容要点给国际学样的学生会主席Tony写一封信. 要点:向老人赠送礼物(鲜花、自制贺卡……); 为老人提供服务(做清洁、陪老人聊天……); 为老人表演节目(唱歌、跳舞……). 注意:1、词数为100左右; 2、信的开关和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数); 3、已给出的信的开关和结尾不得抄入答题卡.假设你是卜曼宜,你购买了一部某外国公司生产的手机,因有质量问题,要求该gonsi更换。请根据下列要点,用英文写一封电子邮件。 要点: 1. 问题:手机不响铃,不能发短信; 该产品已售完,无法更换; 型号新,无配件,无法维修。 2. 要求:公司应尽快予以更换。 注意:1. 词数为100左右; 2. 参考词汇:配件—— spare part; 3. 电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数); 4.已给出的电子邮件的开头和结尾不得抄入答题卡。善士六合2023-07-05 06:52:041
A live topic西柚不是西游2023-07-05 06:52:047
英语口试常用话题及回答有关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么,回答是在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。自我介绍英文版如做市场的求职者可以用几组数字的对比来描述过去的成绩,搞研发的人可以说出研发成果转化率以及所取得的市场收益,做宣传的可以说说品牌知晓度、影响力的变化情况,即便是在校大学生,也可以用数字说说兼职过程中的成绩。面试官会因此而觉得求职者言之有物,从而会从心理上首先接纳你,认为你确实有才能。个人特点的总结与归纳。这个方法在应届大学生求职过程中用的比较多,所以,要想通过表述个人特点达到脱颖而出的目的,还是有一定难度的。相当大的一部分求职者所使用的个人特点的词汇比较接近,而且,其中的大部分没有实际的实例作为佐证,所以,除非你的个人特点真的很特别,而且有实际事例,否则,尽量不要采取这一方式。余辉2023-07-05 06:52:041
引发话题 英文
如果你见到一个陌生的老外可以: Oh,lady.Is your father a thief? 她一定会问:Why?(应该会有点生气) 你快答:Because he stoles two stars into your eyes. 嘿嘿,一个英语教授给我们讲座是说的=.=九万里风9 2023-07-05 06:52:041
1.英语口语话题的简述技巧 1、调整心态,临场莫慌 听力不同于其他题型,不可能像其他书面题型那样,遇到不明白的题目可以回头再看前面的材料,或停下来自由地思考一下。听力测试的答题速度是由命题人统一掌握的,录音材料转瞬即逝,无“回听”的机会或自由思考的余地。 2、熟悉试题,快速选择 答好听力题的重要前提和保证是在听录音之前阅读试题。开始听音前的五分钟,要看清大小题目要求和每个题目的问题与选项,绝对不能放过任何一个细节。在浏览问题和选项时,要尽可能对文章内容和试题答案进行预测,听录音时只要验证自己的预测就可以了。 3、合理分配,不要抢答 在做听力时,要充分利用两题之间的停顿时间,快速有效地阅读题目。这样在听录音时就可以缩小注意的范围,把注意力集中在与所提问题有关的关键词上,减少盲目性,加强针对性。如所提问题是有关时间的,就可以在听录音时特别注意出现的时间,从而做出正确的选择。 2.初级商务英语口语书推荐 1.《新概念英语》 这套教材的知识体系非常完整,很多人从小学开始就在用,虽然里面的商务知识比较少,但也涵盖一些商务英语表达,能让读者在阅读、口语、写作几项基本技能得到的提升。 2.《环球英语教程》 全套教程共分六级(入门和一到五级),分别针对初级到中、高级英语水平的青少年及成人学习者。语法、词汇贯穿全书,而且与语音训练紧密结合。注重跨文化交际,将英语学习置于世界文化环境中。 3.《Express Ways》 这套教材能全面训练听说读写,重点提高口语技能;引导你从最简单的日常场景练起,从求职面试、接待顾客到与权威人士交谈等最现代化的生活题材。是很多商务人士最爱的自学辅助材料,能提升你选择话题、打开话题,以及表述、询问等方面的谈话技能。 4.《商务英语:初入职场》 共有十个单元的内容,涉及求职、职场礼仪、市场、广告、财务、沟通、团队合作、企业战略等丰富主题。特别值得一提的是,教材还为学生提供了与各单元主题相关的丰富拓展材料,体验真实商务情境,应对职场挑战。 5.《新剑桥生活与商务英语365》 这个系列分三个级别,主要针对在职人员,是一套将工作和生活融为一体,时尚而系统的新锐商务英语教材。初入职场的人如果能把这套教材吃透,商务英语表达能力绝对能突飞猛进。 3.如何提高英语口语表达 1、给自己录音 如果你是独自一人,那就没有紧张的理由了。 2、大声朗读 如果你很忙或者没有录音设备,只要大声读出来就可以。理想状况下,每天至少15分钟或20分钟。 3、听MP3,播客和新闻。 我们生活在数字化时代;你可能”认为“自己身边没有地道的说英语的人,实际上是有的。有数以百万的播客和成百上千的新闻节目。而令人开心的是,这些人一般都讲得清楚,并有相当通用的口音。 4、听音乐也可以 当然,它比不上新闻/播客/等等,但它确实不错。如果你能花一天时间把精力放在一首歌上,那就更好了。 5、看电视和电影 口语必不可少的一部分就是听或者仔细听。正因如此,假装自己进入一次谈话最简单的方法就是看英文电视和电影。 4.提高英语口语的方法 1、学习平衡听说量 练习英语口语时,要尽量平衡听与说,在保证对话顺利进行的前提下进行练习,毕竟听说是提高英语口语水平的先决条件。只有听、说达到一定的程度,那么你的英语口语水平才会提高。 2、记录你的对话练习内容 记录是一种充分利用母语使用者对话的好方法。把自己的口语录下来,再听一遍时,你可以对你的发音进行评估,注意需要改进的地方。你还可以查看对话,记录新词汇。 3、用英语围绕自己 提高英语口语的另一个技巧是尽量让自己沉浸在其中,比如看英文电影、看英语电视节目,必要时可以带字幕,不断重复地看同样的节目,以确保自己能把一个节目学透。 其实大部分人都会发现不断地重复有助于自己理解更多的东西,帮助自己理解节奏和语调,通过不断地复习,就会产生模仿的效果,达到让你的肌肉产生记忆的想法,这样在下次碰上同一类单词发音时就能及时做出反应。 5.怎样提高自己的英语口语 第一、模仿。怎样提高自己英语口语的有效方式第一步就是要学会模仿,找一些英文原版录音的材料进行对单词、短语、句子等的模仿,也可以找一些英文原版的电影跟着有声有色的模仿,力求自己的语音语调甚至神情语气力求神似。 第二、朗读。怎样提高自己英语口语口语能力的第二步是大声朗读。朗诵其实也相当于是模仿,所也需要自己去找到适合自己的有声素材去进行模仿语音语调。在进行朗读模仿时,要学会听自己的发音和资料中的有什么地方不同,反复去练习纠正。 第三、复述。复述不是背诵,复述是通过自己的语言将你所听到的故事或者所看到的文章描述出来,在摆脱原文文本和组织结构,用自己的理解和思考将故事的内容讲出。刚开始你可以先附属文章的中心思想,之后再逐步递增,复述是一个人练习英语口语是提高自己英语口语的的有效的途径之一。 第四,背诵。背诵不管怎样都是提高自己英语口语的有效方法,尽管很多人很讨厌背诵。不过我觉得,背诵已写名篇诗歌短文是很有必要的。基础较差的人可以先试着背诵一些短语和句型。 第五,写日记。用英语写日记无论是对提高自己的英语口语还是提高英语其他方面的能力都是一个很好的方法,写日记既可以锻炼自己在词组运用,语法知识等的能力,也可以锻炼自己的英语思维能力。左迁2023-07-05 06:52:041
【 #英语口语# 导语】现在各种各样的英语口语考试有很多,尤其是大型考试中,口语样式变化越来越多,虽然说口语考试需要临场发挥,但是准备还是必须的。以下是 整理的英语口语考试的常见话题,欢迎阅读! 1.英语口语考试的常见话题 1.what are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transporation,for example,bus,taxi,private car,etc? 2.where do you prefer to live,downtown areas or suburb?why? 3.what role does music play in your life? 4.can you tell something about your hobby?or what do you like to do in your spare time? 5.what did people use for correspondence in the past?what do they use now?which way of correspondence do you think will be the most popular in the near future?why? 6.Are you a sports fan?what sports do your like most? 7.Tell something about yourself and your family. 8.How can a student become a successful language learner? 9.Could you tell me some piece of recent news about China? 10.what kinds of gifts have you received?Do you like them or not?In your opinion,what should people keep in mind when sending each other gifts? 2.自学英语口语的方法 一、多“说” 英语口语自学中一定要注意多说英语。一定要把学习英语当作一种有趣的事情去做,这样才能好好学。不要太看重说法,只要发音准确,就能顺利交流。可以在网上寻找一些老外,跟他们交流思想看法,让英语成为日常生活中的一部分,而不是一种负担。长期坚持下去,英语口语一定能有一种长足进步。 二、多“听” 在生活中,寻找一切可以听英语的机会。别人用英语交谈的时候,你可以大胆地去参与,多听听他们的发音,这样你在慢慢积累中就会改善发音,你的听力也会有进步。如果这样的机会少,那么也可以经常听学过的课文,对语言语调的学习有很大进步。 三、多“读” 读分为两种,一种是默读,一种是朗读。朗读是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。读的`内容可以是你的课本,但是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语考试越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。 四、多“写” 不要抱怨没有时间学习写作,写英文作文。写的形式有很多种,不一定写作文才能提高写作能力。可以采用记日记的方式,也可以将某个新学到的词组造句,写一段话。 3.学习英语口语的方法 1、“口译—对照”法 “口译—对照”法的具体做法是首先找到一些英汉对照的书籍,这一步的重点是难易程度要适中。的材料是英文部分读起来非常容易,有生词,但生词不多的英汉对照读本,所以对于不同英语程度的学生所选用的材料也应该是不同的。接下来是用工具遮住英文,一边看汉语,一边用英语快速口译出汉语的内容。这个步骤应注意的是速度。口译时应尽量地快,这样能够锻炼大脑汉英转换时的反应速度,随着练习量的增加,练习者的汉英转换速度也会越来越快。最后,大约口译完一页的内容后,把自己口译的内容与英文原文对照,原文中可能有更好的词汇、短语和句型,在对照的过程中,练习者会对这些词汇、短语和句型加深印象,更重要的是通过对比能够很直观地感受到孰优孰劣,在对比中增强练习者的英语语感。 2、转述法和复述法 所谓的转述法就是在阅读完一段英文材料后,或是收看收听过一段英文材料后,练习者用不同的人称和时态把原材料的内容转述下来,这种练习能够帮助练习者在英语的不同人称和时态中自由转换运用很多学生喜欢看新闻,有的喜欢社会新闻,有的喜欢娱乐新闻,有的喜欢政治新闻等,学生们在收看、收听或阅读过这些自己感兴趣的中文新闻后,不妨自己试着用英语复述下来,英语水平高的学生可尽量详细地复述,水平稍欠缺的学生可进行大意简单复述。这种练习可以提高练习者的口语表达能力、概括能力,还能使练习者与时俱进学生们在听完一首动听的歌曲之后,可以用英语复述下歌曲的内容;看过一场电影之后,也可以用英文复述电影的内容;甚至是看过一道菜谱后用英文复述这道菜的做法,等等。 3、名篇背诵法 很多学生觉得背诵很浪费时间,而且也感觉不到背诵的作用,而笔者认为背诵不仅对提高英语口语表达有非常大的作用,而且对于英语整体的提高有积极重大的作用。整体而言,背诵应该是的英语学习方法之一,而其对于提高英语口语表达能力的作用又格外突出。背诵要选择英文中的名家名篇,因为背诵一篇文章并且熟记要用掉不少时间,所以选择一定要慎重。此外,名篇对学生的影响和普通文章对学生的影响是不可同日而语的,名篇中有的用词精当,富于句式变化,有的妙笔连珠,寓意深刻,所以一定要选名家名篇。不少学生用两三个小时背诵完一篇文章就以为可以一劳永逸了,其实不然,背诵过后一定要定期复习、循环复习,直到能够倒背如流。如果能够做到多篇名篇倒背如流,背诵者一定能够感到自己在英语各个方面的提高。显而易见的是词汇量、短语、句型的积累,而更重要的是熟悉了英语的语言结构、多种句式之间的转化,而且非常有利于英语语感的培养。 4、话题练习法 话题练习法的集体做法是针对某一个话题发表自己的看法,这种练习方法也同样应用广泛。学生们在任何新闻媒体上看到或听到评论性的言论后,都可以针对这个话题用英语提出自己的观点,并组织论据支撑自己的观点。学生们也可以使用话题作文书来练习,把作文题目当成口语练习的话题,在反复进行口语话题练习法之后再整理成书面形式的话题作文,这样就不仅提高了口语能力,还大大提高了英语写作能力。 4.英语口语训练的方法 一、注重语法,发音准确 要想把英语口语练习好,首先从基础的英语语法上要引起重视,认真学习语法,通过语法,练习发音,从一开始就要养成发音准确的好习惯,发音准确。 二、勤奋的练习 每天都要进行英语口语的练习,这个要坚持下去,从每个单词到每个句子,再到一篇文章,一点一点的用标准的发音来要求自己。 三、平时多用英语口语进行交流 可以成立一个英语口语小组,和几个志同道合的伙伴一起用英语口语进行交流,期间有什么问题,可以随时讨论,及时解决,有外国朋友的话,可以通过与外国朋友交流来提高自己的英语口语表达水平。 四、利用手机听英语 现在每人都有一部手机,我们可以下载一些英语发音资料,通过多听一些外国人的发音,进而提高自己的英语口语表达能力。 五、多看一些中英互译的影视 现在学习英语口语渠道是非常的多的,在电视上我们可以看到很多的中英互译的影视,我们不妨多看一些,这样可以学到很多自己不知道的英语表达,还可以学习到用感情表达出英语口语的发音。 5.英语口语水平怎么提高 1、提高英语口语的关键在于说 相信很多人都知道,要想提高英语口语水平,那就大胆地开口讲英语,如果一直是哑巴英语,那是永远也学不好的。 但很多学习者也常常忽视了一个要点,也就是英语口语要“字正腔圆”。学习英语口语时,如果只是快速地背英语词组和英语文章是没有用的。学英语口语不是学绕口令,不是讲究快就可以了,关键在于发音的标准和准确。 2、营造地道的英语环境 在语言学习中,环境是很重要的,但是除了课堂以外,我们还有什么其他的学习英语口语途径吗?我建议可以报班学习,每天与外教一对一地学习英语口语,在纯正的英语环境中提高英语口语水平。 3、在训练英语口语的同时也要训练听力 很多人都觉得,学习英语口语只需要把口语学好就可以了。但你可以试想一下,你平时与人沟通时,难道也只是说而不听。因此,在学习英语口语的时候,听力也同样重要。 提高英语口语除了考试需要外,在日常工作中也可以用来交流。只有多听多说,英语口语才能有好的语感。 4、做笔记 当你学到有用的东西时,可以把它写在笔记本上。除说明词语和句子外,将整个句子的对话,甚至是演讲场景,都写下来。瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-07-05 06:52:031
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关于……的话题 翻译成英文
A topic on ...左迁2023-07-05 06:52:034
英语一小作文题目是邀请英国大学的一位教授组队来中国参加国际创新大赛。大作文图画内容是在一个讲座的海报前,有两个学生在讨论,其中一个女生想去听,但是另一个同学认为和专业没啥关系,不用去听。关于主题,同学们可以写“广阔的视野(broad vision)”或者也可以写“我们应该拓宽视野”(We are supposed to broaden our horizons)。(二)英语二大小作文真题题目英语二小作文题目是向本校留学生介绍校园美食节并邀请他们参加。大作文今年考题为柱状图,内容是从2018年到2020年总快递件数和农村快递件数的变化。2018年:总快递件数51,农村快递件数12;2019年:总快递件数63,农村快递件数15;2020年:总快递件数84,农村快递件数30。单位10亿。快递的英文可以用express。二、2022考研英语写作真题题目解析今年的英语一图画作文主题仍然围绕人生哲理展开,图表作文则考的是有时间变化的图表,此前英语二已经连续多年考察无时间变化的图表,考前新文道考研的英语老师已经多次提醒英语二考生大作文要重视有时间变化的图表。需要特别指出的是,本次考试英语一和英语二的小作文考的都是邀请信,尤其是英语二去年已经考过一次邀请信,今年又继续考邀请信,打破了之前鲜有连续两年考同一种应用文类型的先例,这种反押题的出题趋势值得大家注意,但是整体而言,命题的思路还是紧紧围绕历年真题常考题目,所以本质上还是要重视历年真题。三、考研英语写作历年真题小结考研英语写作这一题型诞生于1991年,最初的几年还都是命题式作文,此后历经几次演变,才逐渐形成了现在的考察模式:大小作文各考1篇;英语一大作文考图画作文,小作文考应用文;英语二大作文考图表作文,小作文也考应用文。除此之外,还有一些规律性的内容可以总结。(一)英语一大作文历年真题回顾(1991-2022)话题性质:正面话题、负面话题、有利有弊的话题(正面为主)话题内容:伦理道德、人生哲理、文化交流、环保生态、偶像崇拜、科学技术(二)英语二大作文历年真题回顾(2010-2022)话题性质:正面现象、负面现象(正面为主)话题内容:科学技术、生活休闲、工作学习(三)英语一和英语二小作文历年真题回顾(2005-2022)考研英语小作文,也就是应用文的历史最早可以追溯至2005年,目前为止小作文的考察可总结如下:类型:信、通知内容:建议、推荐、邀请、道歉(含辞职)、投诉、介绍、招募、感谢、祝贺、欢迎四、2023考研英语写作备考建议(基础阶段)考研复习说到底就是要以史为鉴,这个史就是历史,也就是真题,那么掌握了真题的规律之后,对于2023的考生,在基础阶段就写作模块而言可以从以下几个方面切入:(一)掌握写作词汇基础词汇:写作首先要保证用词准确,因此同学们要注重基础词汇的积累。如英语二的各种图表名称一定要掌握,柱状图bar graph,条形图line graph,饼状图pie chart,表格table等。亮点词汇:在保证用词准确的情况下,为了让写作更加出彩,同学们还要掌握一些亮点词汇来替代普通表达,当说到“重要的”一词时,往往绝大多数同学们都能想到important,其实在咱们新文道考研的课堂中,老师反复强调过有很多替换词,如vital,essential,crucial,critical,principal等。(二)掌握写作句型普通作文和高分范文的一个区别点就在于句型的使用,比如在英语一大作文中我们经常会强调某个主题词(如自信confidence)的重要性,如果是普通表达,很多同学马上就能想到Confidence is important.但明显这样的表达在考试中不占优势,而我们在基础阶段中给大家讲过有很多替换的句型,比如我们可以说We cannot emphasize the importance of confidence too much.(我们再强调自信的重要性都不为过。)On no account can we ignore the importance of confidence.(我们决不能忽视自信的重要性)总之,写作在整个考研英语中分值占比较高,所以2023的考生们一定要重视写作,且要在复习伊始就打下坚实的基础,提升遣词造句的能力。以上就是【考研英语作文题目】的全部解答,如果你想要学习【考研专业】更多这方面的知识,欢迎大家前往高顿考研考试频道!版权声明:本条内容自发布之日起,有效期为一个月。凡本网站注明“来源高顿教育”或“来源高顿网校”或“来源高顿”的所有作品,均为本网站合法拥有版权的作品北营2023-07-05 06:52:031
hot topic;popular topic;current topic善士六合2023-07-05 06:52:031
在日常生活或是工作学习中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是我为大家整理的英语话题作文6篇,欢迎大家分享。 英语话题作文 篇1 根据下列提示写一篇关于河水污染的感想。 1. 上星期天,你随父亲去钓鱼,看见河水污染,几乎钓不到鱼。 2. 河水被污染的原因。 3. 倘若全国各地的河水都被污染,后果如何? 4. 环境污染对人类危害极大,我国政府正在努力采取措施与污染作斗争。 5. 希望在不久的将来,河水会变干净。 词数 100~130 . Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river. We found the water so dirty that we could hardly catch fish in it. A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed. If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. As we all know, environmental pollution does great harm to living things and human beings. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long. 英语话题作文 篇2 用英语谈谈你对电影的看法: Of all kinds of movies, I like comedies best. I think they"re interesting. My favorite actor is Jackie. I like his movie King of Comedy. I think it"s a successful comedy. For action movies, I like The Lord of the Ring best. It"s exciting. I like documentaries because they"re true stories. I like only some thrillers. Many thrillers are scary and boring. 在各种各样的电影中,我最喜欢喜剧片。我认为它们很有趣。我最喜欢的演员是成龙。我喜欢他的电影“喜剧之王”。我认为这是一个成功的喜剧。至于动作片,我最喜欢“指环王”。它令人兴奋。我喜欢纪录片,因为他们是真实的故事。我只喜欢一些恐怖片。许多恐怖片都太恐怖和无聊。 请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的周末生活: I have a good weekend. On Saturday morning,I do my homework. After lunch, I go shopping with my mother. At about five o"clock, I go to play basketball with my friend. On Sunday, I watch a football game on TV. I often help my mother do housework. I watch TV with my parents in the evening. Then I go to bed at nine o"clock. I"m very happy on weekends. 我有一个美好的周末。星期六早上,我做我的作业。午饭后,我和我的母亲去购物。大约5点,我和我的朋友一起玩篮球。星期天,我在电视上观看足球比赛。我经常帮助妈妈做家务。晚上我和我的父母看电视。然后我在九点钟去睡觉。周末我很快乐。 以 My Favorite…为题,写一篇短文: My favorite subject is English. I like it because it is interesting. I have English every day. I can speak a little English. I join the school English club. Every afternoon I go there to talk in English. I can see English movies and read English books. I think it is useful for me. I want to learn it well. I like English very much. 我最喜欢的科目是英语。我喜欢它,因为它很有趣。我每一天都上英语课。我会讲一点英语。我参加了学校的英语俱乐部。每天下午我去那里用英语交谈。我可以看英文电影和阅读英文书籍。我想这对我来说是有用的。我想学好它。我非常喜欢英语。 英语话题作文 篇3 Diligence is the first key factor to success. Diligence helps us remove ignorance, overcome difficulties, and enlighten our minds. It makes a fool wise, and a poor man rich. Devotion is another factor to success. Whatever we do, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well. Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is the last key to success. Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties. 英语话题作文 篇4 The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of making plans. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Making plan will enable us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize their dreams more rapidly. The more detailed plan we make , the more likely we are to make full use of time, enhance our work efficiency make full preparation in advance for unexpected cases. To further demonstrate the importance of making plans, I would like to take CEO as a case in point, how could a CEO, the head and decision-maker of a corporation , deal with all sorts of complicated things smoothly if he fails to draw up a detailed plan for routine work ? 这幅漫画的目的是告诉我们制定计划的重要性。肯定,没有一次可以否认它的重要性。制定计划将使我们能够更顺利地实现我们的目标,更快速地实现他们的.梦想。我们制定的更详细的计划,更可能是充分利用时间,提高工作效率,为突发事件提前做好充分的准备。为了进一步证明制定计划的重要性,我想以首席执行官为例,公司的首席执行官,一个公司的总裁,一个公司的首席决策者,如果他没有制定一个详细的日常工作计划,能顺利地处理各种复杂的事情吗? Accordingly, on no account should we overlook the power of plans. Furthermore, we should draw up detailed plans before we start to do anything and do things as planned . ““He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” A famous philosopher also once said. 因此,我们不应该忽视计划的力量。此外,在我们开始做任何事情之前,我们应该制定详细的计划,并按计划做事情。一位著名的哲学家也曾说:“没有计划,计划失败。”。 英语话题作文 篇5 Nowadays, quite a few college students lack conciousness of being grateful。 They turn to take such things for granted, as parents supporting them, teachers helping them, and waiters serving them。 They are even mean to say "Thank you" to others。 This phenomenon has caused great attention from the whole society。 The following reasons can account for the lack of gratefulness conciousness。 First of all, unsound family education plays an important role。 Many parents turn to pay too much attention to children"s academic performance, but ignore their value orientation。 Moreover, schools don"t input enough time and money in moral education。 Besides, nowadays, college students get so much love that they are insenstive to others" care and help。 Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen college students conciousness of being grateful。 First, parents should improve self—quality and influence children by their own behaviors。 Second, our society and schools must increase input in moral education, and try to build the atmosphere of being grateful。 Finally, we college students should learn to express our gratefulness to people around us, just beginning from the simple "Thank you"。 英语话题作文 篇6 As is shown above, in the middle of the cartoon stands + 主题词,which symbolizes + 主题词的另一种表达,+ 同位语即主题词第三种表达 + 表示主题词动作的非谓语动词。 例如:in the middle of the cartoon stands a hot pot,which symbolizes culture,the one containing many Chinese culture symbol. The drawer"s intention seems to be highly self-evident and the meaning causes us to be thought-provoking. It is therefore safe to draw the conclusion that + 主题词 + is momentous and fundamental to the mind what food is vital and significant to the body. Not only I, but also the best philosophers and poets also praise that this concept should be a permanent universal values. Obviously, I can think of no better reasons for the phenomenon other than the following two. Initially, the millennia-long run of + 主题词 + left us with a lot of traditions that are extremely profoundly rooted. 加拓展句:主题词 is a kind of emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark around us becomes. 比如:爱心/自信/亲情/团结/坚持/诚信/友谊/乐观的态度/是一种情感的力量,无论我们周围有多么的黑暗,它都能支持我们。 Additionally, our government"s effective measures and policies are playing a significant role in the realization of such a situation(加拓展句:without 主题句,the heart would break.上面的主题词都可以套进去,比如:没有爱心,心灵将会枯竭。) Just as an old Arab proverb has it, there is a growing tendency for the public in the west to think the significance of + 主题词. From what has been discussed above, the most important thing is not to say, but instead to do. Chinese citizens are expected to enhance their awareness that it is an indispensable part for the construction of harmonious society. Only in this way, can we /our country/ the individual have a glorious future.大鱼炖火锅2023-07-05 06:52:031
英语热门话题作文篇1 社会类话题 医患关系 we believe with the promotion of medical ethics, the relationship between doctors and patients will become more harmonious. 我们相信随着医德的提升,医患关系将变得更加和谐。 盲目跳槽 before every blind jump, we should keep in mind that it has to take a certain period of time before understands himself and then achieves great success. 每次盲目跳槽之前,我们要铭记只有在一定的时间后我们才能了解自己并且取得成功。 男女平等 women will contribute to the society as much as men do, as we should give the same stage to perform. 女性和男性一样能为社会做贡献,因此我们要给他们一个平等的舞台表现。 空巢现象 in a word, only when the young and the elderly make joint efforts can the elderly parents spend their remaining years in happiness. 总之,只有年轻人和老年人共同努力,老年父母才能拥有幸福的晚年。 邻里缺少沟通 what i believe is that we should be aware of the necessity to step out of the doors and build a friendly relationship with others. in return , a warmer and more harmonious society could become possible. 我认为我们必须意识到走出房门去建立友好的人际关系是非常必要的。这样才能可能构建一个更温暖更和谐的社会。 冷漠 in a word, each individual should pay more attention to others as well as the world outside. 一句话,每个个体也要从自己的世界走出来,更多地注意他人和外部世界。 五一长假 all in all, i hope that government would adjust the schedule and let people enjoy a true week-long vacation. 总之,我希望政府能调整计划让人们享受一个真正的长假。 英语热门话题作文篇2 aducation is not an end, but a means to an find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refusing to do what they think is “low”work, and. in fact, working with ones hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. but we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor~ we can live without education,but we die if we have no food. if no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. in fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever work is suited to his brains and ability and, secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to be ashamed of ones work. only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society. 英语热门话题作文篇3 do you know how we can keep a healthy lifestyle? now let me tell you. we should de exercise every day. for example, we can run in the morning and play ping-pong in the evening. we should eat healthy food every day. we try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. and we shouldn"t eat too much junk food, because it is not good for our health. at night, we can drink some milk. but we shouldn"t drink coffee. we should get up early and sleep early. and we shouldn"t watch tv and surf the internet for too long time. we should sleep nine hours every night. a good healthy lifestyle helps us get good grades. good food and exercise help us to study better. i have a healthy body, because i have a healthy lifestyle. i exercise every day, usually when i come home from school. my eating habits are pretty good. i try to eat a lot of vegetables. i eat fruit and drink milk every day. but i never drink coffee, because my mom says, it is too bad for my health. i love junk food, too. but i eat it only once a week. i sleep nine hours every night. good food and good rest can help me to study better! and my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades! 英语热门话题作文篇4 ?写作要求】 实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于表达,更要善于倾听。请你根据表格中所提供的信息,写一篇题为“being a good listener”的英文 演讲稿 。 注意:1.词数90左右。短文开头和结尾部分己为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.短文需包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺; 3.短文中不要出现具体的学校姓名利人名。 being a good listener good afternoon,everyone! today i"d like to share my ideas of “being a good listener” with you. thank you for your listening! ?优秀满分范文】 being a good listener good afternoon, everyone! today i"d like to share my ideas of “being a good listener” with you. good listening can always show respect and build good relationships with people. parents should listen to their children, so they will understand them better and trust each other. teachers should also listen to their students so that they can increase their understanding and improve relationships. students should listen to their classmates, then their friendship will be increased and they will help each other. we"d better be patient while listening. don"t forget to keep silent while listening. in a word, good listening can really make us get closer to each other. thank you for your listening! 英语热门话题作文篇5 the cartoon is simple but thought-provoking. as is vividly shown in the picture, there are two passengers sitting in a bus. one of them is a male, who is sitting cross-legged and smoking. the whole bus is filled with the black smoke. while the other one is a female, who is sitting in front of the man and covering her nose with a tissue to prevent the harm of the secondhand smoke. there is no doubt that the picture implies that the secondhand smoke exists everywhere and it is hazardous. this phenomenon has an undesirable impact on our daily life. firstly, it does harm to and sacrifices our physical and mental health. what"s worse, it is the main cause of lung cancer and about 10% people die of it every year. in addition, our environment and ecosystem will be severely polluted and thus it hinders our sustainable and scientific development. were the situation to continue, we would pay a high price. accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic and effective measures to control this situation. firstly, we should appeal to the government to make strict laws and regulations to ban smoking in public places. as for ourselves, we should take practical actions to stop smoking and protect our living environment. only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a beautiful world and a bright future to come. 英语热门话题作文篇6 with the fast development of our society, life-long learning has become very important for everyone. this is because one needs lo acquire new knowledge continuously in order to meet the needs of his work. there are several ways for one to learn life-long. one way is to take a part-time education program. that means, one is studying part time while he is working. the program could be at undergraduate level or graduate level. the second way is to study by yourself. you can learn whatever you need for your work on your own. you can learn from books, from tv programs or from radio. i think that life-long learning is very necessary to us. we can choose either of the two ways mentioned above, it depends on your personal preference and interest. i prefer the first one because this kind of learning is systematic and formal. with the help of the teachers, it is easier to learn and quicker to get what you need for your work. 英语热门话题作文篇7 初中生是否可以使用手机呢? at present, telephones are becoming more and more popular in the middle school. whether students can take telephone to school, different people have different opinions about this question. some people think its good for students, because its more convenient for them to contact to others. our parents can get to us quickly when they need. however, some other people do not agree with them. they think the students who use the telephone will play games, watch movies, send messages and so on, even during the class, which will do harm to them. in my opinion, bring phone to school is not a bad idea, if we use it properly. to some extend, it would be good for our study. if we take it to school, we must sure that we won"t use it during the class. 目前,在中学学校电话正变得越来越流行。无论学生还是老师都可以带手机去学校,对于这个问题,不同的人有不同的意见。 有些人认为这是为学生好,因为它更方便他们联系到其他人。我们的父母我们很快可以得到他们需要的时候。但是,其他一些人不同意。他们认为,学生使用电话的人玩游戏,看电影,发送邮件等,甚至在课堂上,这会害了他们。在我看来,带手机上学是个不错的主意,如果我们正确使用它。在某种程度上,这将有利于我们的研究。如果我们把它带到学校,我们必须确保我们不会用它在课堂上。 英语热门话题作文篇8 the column chart above illustrates the online shopping transactions and the growth rate in china from 20xx to 20 is an excellent way to free up valuable time for their studies. the second advantage of online shopping is that it is available 24/7. being able to shop at any and all hours of the day is not only conducive to the late nights associated with the modern lifestyle, but also means that people no longer have to plan their activities around stores" opening hours. despite the advantages to peoples of making purchases online, there are also a few caveats that young people should bear in mind. firstly, the speed and convenience of e-shopping many encourage frivolous or unnecessary spending by inducing people to buy more than they had initially intended. secondly, there is a chance that those people who are already introverted may become even more alienated from the outside world. 参考译文 上述柱状图揭示了20xx至20xx年中国网购交易额和增长率。在此期间,在交易额方面,从20xx年的6亿元急剧增长到20xx年的1250亿元。同时,增长率从200%下降到110.4%,下降了90%。 尽管网上购物并非零风险,但它相对于传统的购物方式,为人们提供了一个极好的选择。网上购物如此吸引人们的第一个原因就是,它相对地容易和方便。对于有繁忙时间表的细心同学而言,在易趣和淘宝网上购物是一个非常好的方式,可以省下很多学习时间。网购的第二个好处就是购物没有任何时间限制。在一天任何时候都可以买东西,不但对有晚睡习惯的人们有好处,而且也意味着人们不再必须按照商店营业时间来计划自己的活动了。 尽管人们在网上购物有很多好处,但年轻人也应该在心里记住几点忠告。首先,网购的快速和方便也常诱导人们很轻率地购买比预计要多得多的不需要的东西。其次,那些本来内向的.人们甚至会与外面的世界更加疏远。meira2023-07-05 06:52:021
我最喜欢和同学们讨论一些话题 翻译:I Mostly like to discuss some topics with the students 。LuckySXyd2023-07-05 06:52:021
the diversity of my university life Look!There is a rainbow!On the first day of my university life,when I walked into the campus,there was a rainbow bridging over the fountain,I hadn"t seen rainbow for a long time.I was so excited,and leaped high with joy.My ponytail danced with my happiness.It was a propitious sign indicated that my life in university would be colorful,and actually it is!After my entry into university,I found my life so busy.What I should do is not only gaining the scholarship but also being a good monitor and leader of shanghai university percussion band.I got the 1st and 2nd price of scholarship in my 2 years of study.I organized charity donations for schoolmates with financial difficulty or disease.Every week,I give drum lesson to new members of our percussion band.And there are always a lot of non-business performances,such as entertaining guests,celebrating party,cultural exchange with foreign students delegations and their bands.Of course,part-time job is indispensable in my vacations.I ask for no payment but aim at getting accustomed to the society.Sometimes,my friends advise me not to tire myself out with such a tight schedule.I wake up before the rooster crow,and continue working till very late when others are enjoying their sweet dreams.Every time I come back from the rehearsal of percussion band,I have to finish my homework with the help of my own charged light because of the blackout in out dormitory.Maybe such kind of life is something like an ascetic,but we should work hard and try hard in our youth,aren"t we?When I represented shanghai university to take part in the POND"s new century lady competition held in May,when I show off on the stage,when I emerged as “the girl of vitality”,I made use of every bit of time to compensate the classes I had missed,I made use of every chance to learn from other girls with vitality,versatility and intelligence,I made use of this opportunity to prese北有云溪2023-07-05 06:52:021
在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是我整理的英语话题作文7篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 英语话题作文 篇1 以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下: 1.孙老师今年36岁,中等身材。 2.她关心。热爱学生,工作认真负责。 3.她语文课讲得生动。有趣。 参考范文: My Chinese Teacher Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher,Ms Sun. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much. Ms Sun is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.She works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much. Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school. 询问学习外语的建议 假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的建议。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。 注意: 1.回信需要包括全部要点; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.字数60左右。 Dear Linda, I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language,but I have some ideas that may help. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China. Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Linda, I"m very glad that you"ll come toChinato watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it"s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What"s more,you"d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day. Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don"t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I"m sure you will succeed through your hard work. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you inChina. Yours, Li Hua The Ways for Students to Relax:适当方式放松自己 中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。你代表班级在一次 "The Ways for Students to Relax"的学校座谈中与二(1)班的Terry讨论了这一话题,请根据他的观点和你自己的观点,用英语给你的外籍教师Mr. Griffin写一篇有关这次讨论的汇报材料。 His ideas & Your ideas 1. Watching TV … 2. Playing computer games … 3. Hanging out with friends … 注意: 1. 开头和结尾已经写好; 2. 可以适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的话语,使内容连贯 3. 所写内容必须包括上面表格中他的观点和你自己至少三个观点 4. 词数:70字左右。 Mr. Griffin, Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two. __________________________________________________________ Yours, Terry 参考范文: Mr. Griffin, Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax with Terry, a student from Class One Grade Two. As we study too long every day, every student should choose ways to relax. In his opinion, the best ways are watching TV and playing computer games. He also believes that sometimes hanging out with friends isn"t a bad way. However, I"m not quite agree with him. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax. I think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy. I often play Pingpong after class and I find it really helpful to both my health and my study. Besides, I think chatting with our friends isn"t a bad way. I think it can help me get on better with my friends. That"s all and best wishes for you! Yours, Terry Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请 根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以"My English Learning"为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名和校名等。 提示: When did you start learning English(in … /…years ago) How do you learn English(listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…) What is difficult to learn(listening, grammar…) What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well(watch English movies, sing English songs…) 参考范文: English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes and watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 对作弊现象的建议 目前,学生考试作弊现象严重,请围绕以下要点谈谈其中原因以及个人建议。 原因:1.考试太多太难 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴 看法与建议:1、作弊有害;2、要做人诚实,学习发奋;3、学校应减少考试。 要求:1、字数80-100;2、围绕要点可适当发挥;3、文章开头已给出,不计入总字数。 At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit--cheating in examinations. 参考范文: At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations. There are three main reasons. First, schools have given students too many exams, some of which are too difficult. Second, some students are not hard-working and they don"t work hard at their lessons. Third, they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the Internet. So they haven"t enough time to prepare for the exams. Finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy. In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study. We students should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can we improve our study and make progress. Besides, our teachers should offer us fewer exams and more time to study for ourselves. 英语话题作文 篇2 要求:1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容; 2. 然后以约120个词就“面对日新月异的电子产品该如何选择”的主题发表看法,内容包括: (1)你是否赞同作者以上陈述的观点,为什么? (2)举例说明你心仪的一个电子产品的利弊; (3)假如你要购买一个你需要的产品,你最先考虑的是什么? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 关于电子产品的英语作文范文: Varieties of electronic gadgets, without which some of us cant live, come into being. Despite their conveniences, they bring people much stress, so people have to balance their advantages and disadvantages before buying them. I cant agree more with the author. With the development of science and technology, more and more fantastic electronic gadgets come into being, which dazzles people. People cant resist the temptation to buy and them since these gadgets become outdated too quickly. I have a lot of favourite electronic gadgets, one of which is a video MP3. As well as carrying my favourite music, a video MP3 player can play up to 150 hours of movies and TV programmes. However, it cost me 2,000 yuan. Besides, the loud volume will damage my hearing if I overuse it. If I want to buy a necessary electronical gadget, the first factor that should be taken into consideration is whether its practical. When my teacher told me to prepare for this competition I restated, hesitated.Everybody in my class knows that. I never learned English in my primary school.I couldnt speak English one year ago, but now, could I take part in this competition? No, I cant. Is aid to myself? Im afraid of making mistakes before so many learned professors and before my classmates and teachers.Suddenly! A voice came to my ears.“Everybody will make mistakes. Even the very famous American president George Bush” My English teacher said in my class.When I heard that, I think I can. I run into my teachers office happily. “I will do it.” I said. So I stand here today. In front of you. 英语话题作文 篇3 4月24日星期四中午我参加了学校外语节西班牙风情展演讲,在二楼多功能厅,每班有一个评委,我班的评委是仰佳懿。 刚上台的时候,我有些害怕,开始演讲就好多了,讲完下去的时候,有好多老师对我翘大拇指,Nancy也说我表演得很好。回到班级,Nancy对同学们说:“郁思琪虽然还要参加外语节排练,但还是把演讲稿背熟了,取得了好成绩。有付出才会有收获!”过了几天,Nancy说我得了特等奖并发给我一张奖状,这是我在福山拿到的第一张奖状,我太激动了! 英语话题作文 篇4 例1:你班李明和王英同学在高三阶段有不同的学习方法。请描述下列各图,适当增加细节使文章连贯,并谈谈你的看法。 Li Ming and Wang Ying are two students of Senior Three. They both work hard and but they have different learning methods。 Li Ming often sleeps in class instead of listening to the teacher. As a result, he misses lots of points that the teacher makes and it usually takes him more time to finish his homework. So he has to stay up late and doesnt get enough sleep。 However, Wang Ying has quite a different way of learning. She listens attentively and tries to catch everything that the teacher says in class. Because of this, she spends less time doing her homework, which makes it possible for her to go to bed early。 In my opinion, Wang Ying learns more effectively in class and has more free time to enjoy herself, so I prefer her learning method。 例2:假设你叫李华,你将作为高三毕业生代表,根据以下要点在毕业晚会上用 英文作一简短的告别演讲: 1、对三年高中生活的怀念; 2、对老师的感谢; 3、对母校的祝福。 My teachers and fellow students, In a couple of weeks, well say goodbye to our mother school. How time flies! Now Its really hard for me to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full of laughter and tears。 英语话题作文 篇5 Plant Trees It was breezy yesterday and the weather was comfortable. My class teacher led our students go to plant trees near the suburbs. We took a bus there and then we started to work. We first weeded the grass together. Then the boys dug pits and girls planted the young trees into the pits. All of us worked very hard. In a short time, we were all wet with sweat. After the young trees planted, we began to water. There is a pond near, so we took water easily. At about four o"clock in the afternoon, we finished all work and took a photo to remember this meaningful day. We were tired but happy. 昨天风和日丽,天气很舒适。我们老师带学生到郊区附近种树。我们坐公车到那然后开始劳动。我们先一起除了杂草。接着男孩子挖坑,女孩子帮树苗种到坑里。我们都很卖力。过了一会我们全都汗湿了。种完了树苗我们就开始浇水。附近有一个池塘,所以我们很容易就提到水了。大约下午四点的时候,我们完成了任务并拍照纪念这有意义的一天。我们都很累但是很开心。 植树是不是一件非常有趣的"事情呢?同学们也将自己植树的经历描述下来吧! 英语话题作文 篇6 this afternoon on my way home i saw lots of people standing:at the gate of the primary school. i didn"tknow what they are doing there at first. then a group ofpupils came out of the school. those people outside the gate went close to the pupils and called out names like "lingling", "fangfang", "xiaohua", etc. then i knew they had come to meet their children. these children and other children like them are so happy that they are all like "little emperors" it"s not good at all. children will be the builders of our-country in the future. there are so many things for them to learn. later many things will be done by them. this means that they shouldn"t be "little emperors" on the contrary, they should depend on themselves. and they sh0uid do everything they can do without the help of their parents! our country"s future will be held in the hands of today"s children, and, they will be its masters. so they should learn their parents" good habits and get rid of their own 15ad ones. their parents can"t look after them forever. 下午,在回家的路上,我发现一个小学门口站着许多人。起初,我不知道他们在那里干什么。接着,一群小学生从学校出来了。门口的那些人走近这些学生,并喊叫名字,如“玲玲”、“芳芳”、“小华”等等。我明白了,原来是家长来接孩子的。 像他们这样的小孩被宠得像“小皇帝”一样。做“小皇帝”一点也不好。儿童是祖国未来的建设者,对他们来说,有很多东西需要学习,以后有很多事情由他们去做。这就意味着他们不应该做“小皇帝”。 相反,他们应该依靠自己。在没有父母帮助的情况下,他们应该做一些力所能及的事。 我们祖国的未来将掌握在当今儿童手中,他们将是国家的主.人。所以孩子们应学习父母的良好习惯,去掉自己的不良习惯。须知,父母是不能永远照顾自己的。 英语话题作文 篇7 When we were children, we often say that I want to grow up, or I want to be an adult. As children, we cannot do many things, while after we grow up, we can. However, we often complain that I don"t want to grow up when we become adults actually. 当我们还是小孩子的时候,我们常说,我要长大,或者我想成为大人。作为孩子,有很多事情我们都不能做,但是长大后,却可以做。然而,当我们真的长大之后,我们却常常抱怨不想长大。 Firstly, growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by ourselves or we should support our parents when they can"t earn enough money to make a living. Secondly, after graduation, we need to work instead of accomplishing nothing. We should have a target and work for it, so we have pressure on jobs. After that, when we meet with the right person, we will get marry with him or her to build a family. That is to say, we have heavier burden because of our family. Building a family and keeping it harmonious is not easy. In a word, there are many problems waiting for us once we grow up. 首先,成长意味着更多的责任。我们要自己谋生,或者在我们父母无法养活自己的时候,要赡养父母。其次,大学毕业后,我们需要工作而不是什么都不做。我们应该有目标,并朝着它工作,因此我们有了工作的压力。之后,当我们会遇到合适的人,我们会和他或她结婚并一起建立一个家庭。也就是说,因为我们自己的家庭,我们的负担加重了。组建一个和谐的家庭并不容易。总之,一旦我们长大了就会有很多问题在等着我们。 Every coin has two sides. Grow up can also broaden our horizon, offer us an opportunity to knkikcik2023-07-05 06:52:011
在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是我收集整理的英语话题作文10篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语话题作文 篇1 In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people, especially among youngsters. According to a survey, in 20xx, there were about 1,700,000 volunteers who offered service for Olympic Games. Actually, an increasing number of people become volunteers every year in China. Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society. Olympic Games are a good example. As is known to all, volunteers played an active role in Beijing Olympic Games. Without them, it would be a tough task to hold this un-precedent Olympic Games. Therefore, we can say that it was those volunteers who ensured the success of these games. As modern college students, we should get actively involved in volunteering actions. By participating, we can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizational ability. Undoubtedly, all of these are critical for our person growth. So, we should take this chance to learn and to grow. 英语话题作文 篇2 What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you like reading novels? Why/why not? Who is your favorite English teacher? Why? What kind of books interests you most?Why? Do you like your English class? Why/ why not? Do you like to study in a university in our province? Why/ why not? 英语话题作文 篇3 This picture is simple but significant. As is vividly shown in the picture, wearing traditional Chinese costume, a foreigner is saying “Happy New Year” to a Chinese girl in Chinese, even though his pronunciation is not accurate enough. There is no doubt that the picture implies that a growing number of foreigners are starting to be interested in Chinese culture in this day and age. Why should this phenomenon take placeThere are generally three factors accounting for it. First of all, due to the fast economic and social development, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. Accordingly, international cultural exchange is becoming increasingly frequent. Besides, learning traditional Chinese culture, which is priceless spiritual treasure, can give those foreign friends a new perspective of the outside world. Last but not least, this kind of cultural exchange is beneficial for both our Chinese and foreign friends to broaden our horizons, widen our knowledge, and eich our experience. From what has been discussed above, we may come to a conclusion that our traditional culture is popular among the whole world and should be preserved and cherished. Therefore, the mass media, such as television, radio and Internet should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should cultivate the awareness of learning national culture. Only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a more vigorous and prosperous world to come. 英语话题作文 篇4 This question and another similar question, "Have you decided what you will do after you finish school?" were among the most common questions people often asked me when I was a small child and then a student in school. Choosing the right career is very important. For this reason we should try to find out what our talents and interests are and how we can use them. There are many careers open to each of us. Many persons find their place in government service, and many others may be interested in going into the business world. Teaching, newspaper works, medicine, engineering, science -- these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training. 这个问题和另一个相似的`问题"你决定完成学业之后做什幺了吗?"是我小时候和在学校时人们问得最多的一个问题。选择一个适当的职业是非常重要的。因此,我们必需找出自己的天赋和兴趣所在并且要知道如何加以利用。我们每个人都面临着许多职业选择。一些人在政府机构找到了他们的位置,而另一些人则可能喜欢在商界驰骋。教育、新闻、医药、工程、科学等和其它许多行业给都有才能的人提供了丰富的就业机会。 英语话题作文 篇5 This cartoon displays a very soothing scene. An old lady bought some stuff from a convenience store, and just at the moment when she was about to leave, the store keeper ran out to her because she had paid an extra two yuan. Though that is not a big amount of money, I believe the old lady must be greatly impressed by the keeper"s honesty. It is without doubt that the cartoon aims at addressing a serious problem prevailing in today"s society, that is, the lack honesty in the field of business. For instance, many businessmen are so obsessed with making profit that they simply forget that they are supposed to serve the people with best products and services. Therefore, there emerge fake products, cheating services and unfulfilled promises. In contrast, the kind-hearted keeper of this drawing practices honesty in every detail of her work. Her attitude gives customer the sense that her product and service are of first-class quality, which would guarantee her more customersand credit. The store keeper"s practice is exactly what we should advocate among all businesses. That is because, honesty not only renders clients temporary satisfaction, but can also build long-term customer trust. The latter is one of the key factors for market expansion and business success. 英语话题作文 篇6 A Lesson from My Parents Parents are your first teachers. Write a short essay to describe one of instructive lessons you once learned from your parents, including: A distance of 500 miles separates my college from my hometown, an old city, where my parents have been living, but my heart has never been away for a single step, because the lesson from them will be a gift of lifetime. When I was still 15, the laid-offs, or rather untimely retirements, of both my Mum and dad, arrived by far earlier than ever expected. Moreover, it could be hardly imagined how much their careers meant to them other than earning money. Nevertheless, it would be not long before they managed to get over such a blow. They thus underwent all kinds of odd jobs they could run into, be they dirty or painstaking. That way with sufficient money for my tuition fee and living expenses I went through my three academic years. Now one of them is getting weaker and both older, but the lesson that God only helps those who help themselves they taught me will endure in my mind despite the passage of time. 英语话题作文 篇7 I would spend the most of my PE lesson to exercise rather than study in class. There are various activities, such as playing table tennis, playing football and so on. While, I just love running, especially the long-distance running for it exercises my endurance and perseverance.Not only it is beneficial to prevent and cure diseases, but it can alleviate my pressure from study. 我会把大部分的体育课花在锻炼上而不是在教室里学习。有各种各样的活动,比如打乒乓球,踢足球等等。然而我只是喜欢跑步,尤其是长跑因为它可以锻炼我的耐力和毅力。它不仅有利于预防、治疗疾病,而且它可以缓解我的学习压力。 So, every time I have difficulty in my study, I always run on the playground for relax. Then I would feel better and focus on my study again. 所以,每当我在学习上遇到困难时,我总是在操场上跑步放松。之后我就会感觉好点,专更加注于学习。 英语话题作文 篇8 I have a health bd, because I have a health lifestle. I exercise ever da, usuall when I ce he fr schl. M eating habits are prett gd. I tr t eat a lt f vegetables. I eat fruit and drin il ever da. But I never drin cffee, because sas, it is t bad fr health. I lve un fd, t. But I eat it nl nce a wee. I sleep nine hurs ever night. Gd fd and gd rest can help e t stud better! And health lifestle helps e get gd grades! 英语话题作文 篇9 话题范围具体话题英文核心词社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度、文化、环境efficiency, revolution, culture, economic development, population, needs, quality, price, tension, natural resources financial, efficient, environmental recycle, protect生活健康类、新通讯工具类、节约和浪费、交通、食品安全internet, cell phone, vigor, simplicity, organic food energetic, exhausted cherish, thrift, waste, squander品质创新、奋斗、关爱、人生选择、责任、抗挫折、公正感honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity, responsibility, belief, equality, perseverance, obligation, moral standard independent, considerate, confident, creative, selfish, isolated, conservative人际教育儿童,照顾老人,帮助他人、合作、人际关系、沟通cooperation, communication, harmony, humanity, assistance reciprocal, harmonious educate, encourage, understand 英语话题作文 篇10 Last night, I ate a lot of food, such as KTC and ice cream, before I slept, I ate some cold food in the fridge. At midnight, I felt my stomach hurt badly, my family was woke up, they sent me to the hospital. After seeing the doctor, he told me that I had eaten too much food, what"s more, the food was not healthy, so it hurt my stomach. Since then, I realized that I should not eat the rubbish food often, I should keep the healthy diet. Now my diet is regular, I won"t take in much food before sleeping, my body is becoming healthy. In the morning, I eat an egg and make sure I take in enough vitamins. Even when I see the rubbish food is tempting, I take no hesitation to say no to them. I am so proud of myself. 昨晚,我吃了很多事物,比如肯德基和冰淇淋,在睡觉前,我吃了一些在冰箱里面的冷食物。半夜里,我觉得胃疼得厉害,我的家人被吵醒了,他们把我送到了医院。看过了医生以后,医生告诉我吃了太多的东西,而且,吃的都是不健康的食物,因此我的胃才会那么疼。打从那时起,我意识到自己不能经常吃垃圾食品,我应该保持健康的饮食。 现在我的饮食很健康,我不会在睡觉前吃很多东西,我的身体变得健康。早上,我吃了一个鸡蛋,确保我吸收足够的营养。即使当我看到很诱惑的垃圾食品时,我也毫不犹豫地说不。我为自己感到自豪。此后故乡只2023-07-05 06:52:011
什么类都会再也不做站长了2023-07-05 06:52:012
话题:1、food 美食2、festival 节日3、Bodybuilding 健身4、Comparison of marriage concepts between China and the West 中西方婚姻观念比较5、celebrity 名人6、reduce weight 减肥7、film 电影8、True friendship 真正的友谊9、The difficulties of finding a job after college graduation 大学毕业后找工作的困难扩展资料:英语presentation技巧:1、多练习:没有人是天生的演讲家,其实很多本地学生在做presentation的时候也会紧张结巴。在做presentation之前,练习自己的语速与声调,眼神接触与肢体语言都是非常重要的。另外,多加练习能够保证自己在演讲的时候把握好时间节奏做到有条不紊。2、吸引观众:在主题开始前,可以通过讲一个故事或者提出一些小问题来吸引观众的兴趣。3、让观众思考:演讲的过程中需要和观众有互动才能达到演讲的效果,传达自己的中心思想。可以用到problem-solution(问题解决方案);compare-contrast(对比度)等方式穿插在自己的演讲中让观众跟随演讲进行思考。瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-07-05 06:52:011
在生活、工作和学习中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我为大家整理的英语话题作文6篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语话题作文 篇1 根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑。不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用,请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 汶川地震(Wenchuan Earthquake)发生后,九岁学生林浩(Lin Hao)救了两名同学,然后步行7个小时到达安全地点。 请你就林浩同学的事迹,以"Learn from the Hero"为题,给你校英语专刊投稿。内容包含林浩同学事迹简介,你对这件事的感受,以及你要向他学习什么。 提示词语:a student, nine years old, happen, save ,walk, to safety, be deeply moved, brave, give up 参考范文: Lin Hao is a student. He is only nine years old. After Wenchuan Earthquake happened, he saved two of his classmates. Then he walked for seven hours to safety. I was deeply moved by his story. I think he is a brave boy. He did his best when he faced great danger. I should learn from him. I will think of others first and help them as much as possible. I will never give up when I face any difficulties. 4、提示: 在学习和生活中,你遇到过高兴和难过伤心的事,请用英语描述这样的经历 要求:1:词数不少于60个,开头已给出。可选用下列词汇:experience 经历经验 unhappiness 不快乐 confidence 自信心 Hights And Lows In My Life We all have experienced highs and lows in our lives. I will never forget the experience when I began to learn English. I like English but I couldn"t get the right way in learning. The more I wanted to remember, the harder I found it was. I was in a low spirit. I almost gave it up. Luckily, my English teacher encouraged me and helped me find a good way. By and by , I realized English was not such a terrible thing. I became brave enough to open my mouth to speak English. How excited I was! My confidence came back to me. Believe it or not , I won the first prize in Spoken English Competition in our school. It was the first time I experienced the highs in my life! 英语话题作文 篇2 环境类话题 温室效应 This is not an easy task, so nations should work together to prevent this global disaster, at the same time ordinary citizens should do their part. 这项工作任重道远,所以各个国家要联合起来共同组织这场全球性的灾难,同时每个公民也要尽自己的.一份努力。 人口问题 Campaigns should be launched to raise the awareness of family planning, safeguarding the environment and slowing the population growth. 我们应该开展各种活动增强人们对于计划生育,保护环境和控制人口增长方面的意识。 地球环境 1. It is time for us to take measures as it is each citizen"s responsibility to save our mother earth. 是需要采取措施的时候了,因为保护地球母亲是每个公民的职责。 2. There is only one earth which we can live in. we can"t afford to lose it. The environmental protection is safeguarding of our own life. 我们所居住的地球只有一个,我们无法失去她。保护环境就是守护我们自己的生命。 3. Only in this way can we pursue comprehensive , balanced and sustainable development and make a harmonious society come true. 只有这样我们才能实现全面协调可持续发展,构建和谐社会。 4. As is well known to all, the conservation-minded society is advocated through China, let"s practice what one preaches. 资源浪费 In conclusion, we should limit the overuse of the natural resources and protect our living environment in order to maintain the balance of environment. 总而言之,我们需要限制自然资源的过度使用,保护我们的生存环境,以便维持生态环境的平衡。 全球变暖 it is only by united efforts of everyone dwelling on the earth that our planet can be redeemed , so can our lives. 只有每一个居住在地球上的人携手合作,才有希望拯救我们的地球,拯救我们自己。 Only in this way, can we create a stronger, healthier and more beautiful world. 只有通过这种方式我们才能创造一个更加强大健康和魅力的社会。 英语话题作文 篇3 As we know, a growing outbreak of H one N one flu has been sparked in many countries. An increasing number of cases are being reported every day。 Its thought that H one N one flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses do, that is, spreading from person-to-person, mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus。 Faced with this severe disease, here are some everyday measures we should take to stay healthy. First, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them。 Finally, H one N one flu is not a terribly deadly disease, which is curable. So, dont be nervous and just keep calm as usual。 英语话题作文 篇4 题目: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled The Damageof E-waste. You should write at least 150 wordsfollowing the outline given below. 1. 随着电子设备的增多,电子垃圾也越来越多 2. 电子垃圾的危害很多 3. 为此,我们应该…… 范文: The Damage of E-waste Electronic waste, or e-waste, has become anissue of serious concern to the public as a growingnumber of electronic items are discarded in landfillsevery year. Many consumers are not aware that electronics like computers and cell phonesactually contain toxins that can leach out into the soil and damage the environment. E-waste compounds pose hazards to the environment as well as the human beings. Tostart with, when exposed to heat, the components of e-waste release toxic fumes and gas,polluting the air and causing global environmental problems. When circuit breakersdeteriorate, they release toxins, such as mercury, that pollute groundwater. In addition toits damaging effect on the environment, researchers have now linked e-waste to adverseeffects on human health. In my view, it"s high time that the damage of e-wasted should be realized by the public andmeasures should be taken to cope with this issue. One idea is to put greater responsibility onthe companies that produce the goods. It should be mandatory for them to taking theabandoned items back and dispose them in an environmentally-friendly manner. 英语话题作文 篇5 In order to support Beijing to hold the 20xx Olympic Games and protect our environment, an activity was organized by the Young League and Student"s Union of our school during the week from June 3rd to June 8th. All the students in the senior grades took active part in it. Some students cleaned the playground, watered the young trees andflowers, and removed weeds. Some students collected waste paper, old books, empty cans and old toys. They had them sorted and sent them to the recycling center.The activity is really instructive. Now we all have realized how important protecting the environment is. 英语话题作文 篇6 Do you agree that your parents have a second child? Different students have different opinions about it. Some students agree with the idea. They think, if so, they wont feel lonely and there will always be someone to play with. Besides, if their parents get older or ill, they can take turn to look after them. However, some students disagree. They worry that they will get less love from their parents if another child comes to the family. Whats worse, they may not get along well, or even fight against each other. As for me, Id love to have a brother or sister as company, so that we can share our happiness and sorrow anytime.北有云溪2023-07-05 06:52:011
在生活、工作和学习中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是我帮大家整理的英语话题作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语话题作文1 If we want to keep our bodies healthy we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise such as walking swimming playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don"t feel well you"d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled water every day. It"s necessary for our health. We should not throw litter about keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It"s also very important. 【参考译文】 如果我们想要保持我们的身体健康我们必须有一个好习惯。我们应该起床早点睡觉每天至少睡8小时。多做运动比如散步游泳玩球等等。我们还应该多吃健康的食物水果和蔬菜少吃肉。如果你觉得不舒服你最好去看医生。我们应该饭前洗手每天喝足够的开水。它对我们的健康是必要的。 我们不应该乱丢垃圾留长指甲和烟雾等也是非常重要的。 英语话题作文2 小学的时候,我们便开始接触英语了,可当时只是作为一门学科并不列入 考试的范围内,所以当时我也就没有太在意,每到上英语课的时候,我不是在写作业就是在和同学窃窃私语。可是到了初中,就打不可同了。 刚开始的时候老师只是讲一些简单的英语对话句子和认识26个字母,这并没有难倒我,我很快就明白了,可是随着随着时间的推移,我没学习的.难度在逐步增加,我开始觉得有些吃力了,仿佛跟不上同学们的学习进度,脱离了队伍。李老师常对我们说英语学习很简单,只要我们找到合适自己的方法,上可认真听课就足够了。听起来看似很简单,非也非也,我按照老师说的那样去做的,上课认真听课,认真做笔记,做到课前预习课后复习,但结果没有多大的进展,依旧是在原地踏步,但我仍灰心,不断更改自己的学习方法,寻找属于自己的,适合自己的。可是一学期两学期仍是如此,每次考试总是在110至125分之内,我的意志力被摧残,被逐渐腐蚀。有时我想放弃,可最后仍是在努力着,希望会出现奇迹。 如今我已是初三的学生了,正处于初中学习的最后冲刺阶段,我要求自己的英语成绩可以保持在130分左右,但事实上我连上130分都没有几次。我有时在想我们为什么要学习英语呢?学习英语到底有何用处呢?我经常为此事儿不解。在偶然的一天我和妈妈正在看新闻,据新闻报道英语8级以上刚毕业的大学生就业率很高,此刻我才第一次意识到英语的重要性。又恢复了以前的激情信心倍增。虽说成绩只是一点点的进步,但是总比停滞不前要好吧,要乐观的面对我们的生活。 我不再为英语而惆怅,唯有学好英语才有可能有所作为,才可以振兴家族。现在开始为时不晚。 英语话题作文3 Every time when the public holiday comes, a lot of people have planned to travel somewhere and enjoy the leisure time. This year, as the mid-autumn festival and National Day come together, so there will be a long holiday. While for me, I am not going to travel anywhere, because I don"t want to join the crowd, instead, I just want to stay in my house and enjoy the family hour. I am so happy that my grandparents will come to stay a few days with us. My parents decide to have the family barbecue and ask more relatives to come. It is such a great reunion, and nothing can compare this moment. What"s more, we will drive to our hometown, which is near to the city. There will be less people and we can appreciate the beauty of nature. 每次法定节假日到来的时候,很多人都会计划出游,享受休闲时光。今年中秋节和国庆节刚好在一起,所以会有一个长假。但是我不打算去旅游,因为我不想去挤人群,相反,我只是想呆在家里,享受家庭时光。我很高兴,我的祖父母会来和我们呆几天,我父母决定举办家庭烧烤,邀请更多的亲戚来。这是一次隆重的聚会,这是一个很美妙的时刻。而且,我们还会开车去在城市附近的老家。人不多,我们可以尽情欣赏大自然的美。 英语话题作文4 How time flies! I have studied in my school for three years. And I will graduate from middle school in a month. I am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you. I had so many memories in three years" life. One of them impressed me very much. I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn"t do well in it and almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn English well. Since then, she has kept helping me. Little by little, I"ve become interested in English and I"m good at it. I think I am so lucky to become one of her students. I"ve learned a lot from her. I will try to help others when they are in trouble. I think it is a happy thing to help others. 英语话题作文5 Dear Mike, How are you? I"m really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I"d like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days. Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck. How happy we are. Best wishes! Yours, Liu Wei 英语话题作文6 话题范围具体话题英文核心词社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度、文化、环境efficiency, revolution, culture, economic development, population, needs, quality, price, tension, natural resources financial, efficient, environmental recycle, protect生活健康类、新通讯工具类、节约和浪费、交通、食品安全internet, cell phone, vigor, simplicity, organic food energetic, exhausted cherish, thrift, waste, squander品质创新、奋斗、关爱、人生选择、责任、抗挫折、公正感honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity, responsibility, belief, equality, perseverance, obligation, moral standard independent, considerate, confident, creative, selfish, isolated, conservative人际教育儿童,照顾老人,帮助他人、合作、人际关系、沟通cooperation, communication, harmony, humanity, assistance reciprocal, harmonious educate, encourage, understand 英语话题作文7 前几天,也就是星期一的时候,我们学校开了一个活动英语节。那真是好看极了! 我们在教室听到广播通知后就陆陆续续地走到操场上。 不一会儿,我们到了操场,等到其它班级到齐了,我们就开始听、看这有趣的英语节了。 先开始,我们五年级的英语老师聂老师合我们班级上的袁云龙开始拿着话筒讲话,讲着讲着就宣布:下面有请各位领导上台讲话,大家掌声有请!说完,6个年级的所有师生都拍起了手掌,场子渐渐热起来了。 时间过得真慢,终于到最后一位人说话了:我宣布,英语节正式举行。说完,我们全都认认真真地看学校的学生一齐表演的节目了。 过了一会儿,两位主持人说:下面有请同学,观看白雪公主的故事。 先开始,台上铺着红毯子。后来,台上又多了一些用泡沫做的花花草草。然后,学生们就开始表演白雪公主了!白雪公主主要讲了一位恶毒的王后问了魔镜谁最漂亮,魔镜却说白雪公主最漂亮。王后听了非常不开心,就叫一位猎人把白雪公主杀了,猎人在森林外见到白雪公主,准备杀了她,但他下不了手就叫她躲到森林里,最后,白雪公主遇到七个小矮人,快乐地在一起以及小动物们;直到有一天,王后知道白雪公主没有死,就喝了药水变成巫婆,趁七个爱人不在时,扮成一个卖苹果的老婆婆,结果不幸的是白雪公主中计吃了苹果,就晕倒在地,七个小矮人回来时准备埋了公主;最后,王子捧着花吻了公主,公主就醒了。然后学生演完节目以后,就一齐在台上跳起舞来。 学生们还演了三头小猪的故事等等有趣的节目,相信我不用讲,你们也知道了吧! 当所有节目都演完了,学校就来发奖,发完后我们就高高兴兴地回到教室里去了。 啊,这真是一个有趣的英语节呀!我真高兴!无尘剑 2023-07-05 06:52:001
无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是我精心整理的话题英语作文10篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 话题英语作文 篇1 Is it Good for College Students to fall in love in School? College students have more freedom than before and they also grow more and more mature in physical and mental. So it is natural that they would like to fall in love with someone. As a result, campus love becomes popular in university. For this phenomenon, people opinions vary. In my opinion, I dont agree with that phenomenon. 跟以前相比,大学生拥有更多的自由,而且在身心上他们也在慢慢地变得越来越成熟。所以他们想谈恋爱是很自然的。结果校园恋爱在大学中就变得很普遍。对于这一现象,人们众说纷纭。在我看来,我是持反对意见的。 First of all, falling in love with others cost a lot of money. When two people have that kind of relationship, they will go out with each other often. When they are going out, they have to spend more money. During the dating, the boy may try his best to buy things to make the girl happy. While the girl may start to make up or buy more beautiful clothes to make herself look better. All these need money. However, university students are still students. They have no income. Their money is from their parents. Falling in love with someone will increase the burden of their family and themselves. 首先,恋爱需要花费很多钱。当两个人是那种关系的时候,他们就会经常一起出去。出去的时候就要花比较多的钱。约会中,男孩子会尽自己最大的努力去买东西给女孩让她开心。而女孩也会开始化妆或者买一些漂亮的衣服来让自己看起来更美丽。这些行为都是需要钱的。然而,大学生仍然还是学生。他们没有收入。他们的钱是父母给的。恋爱会增加家庭和自己的负担。 话题英语作文 篇2 Nowadays, there are more and more (某种现象) in (某种场合). It is estimated that (相关数据). Why have there been so many (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is (原因一). Besides, (原因二). The third one is (原因三). To sum up, the main cause of (某种现象) is due to (最主要原因). It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, (解决办法一). On the other hand, (解决办法二). All these measures will certainly reduce the number of (某种现象). 现今,越来越多(某种现象)出现在(某张场合)。根据(相关数据)可以得知。为什么会出现这么多(某种现象呢)?可能的原因如下。原因一是~~~。另外,原因二是~~~。原因三是~~~。总的来说,造成(某种现象)的最主要原因是~~~。现在是做些什么的时候了。一方面,(解决办法一)。另一方面,(解决办法二)。所有这些措施都能够减少(某种现象)的发生。 话题英语作文 篇3 Do you agree that your parents have a second child? Different students have different opinions about it. Some students agree with the idea. They think, if so, they wont feel lonely and there will always be someone to play with. Besides, if their parents get older or ill, they can take turn to look after them. However, some students disagree. They worry that they will get less love from their parents if another child comes to the family. Whats worse, they may not get along well, or even fight against each other. As for me, Id love to have a brother or sister as company, so that we can share our happiness and sorrow anytime. 话题英语作文 篇4 Sample 1 : My hobbies 个人爱好 I have a lot of hobbies as same as others, for example: I like making friends and doing exercises as well as learning English, and so on. I think my hobbies are important not only for my study but also my life. By making friends, we can know more people and groups outside world, just like a song says that “ you will walk more smoothly if you have more friends”. Everyone knows that doing exercises is good for our health, and keep ourselves young and healthy, it will make us successful in our study. Learning English is a good hobby as well, we could make more foreign friends and learn western cultures, it will open our minds in the coming future. I am glad that I have such good hobbies, I will keep this forever. Sample 2 : My best friend 最好的朋友 Maybe you would like to ask me “who is your best friend?” I can tell you the answer is Jack. Jack used to be hard_working and interested in every subject we learn at school. He is good at Chinese and English. He is friendly and he makes many foreign friends. Meanwhile he gets on well with this classmates and friends. Jack likes dancing , and drawing as well. His work has won prizes for several times. We help each other not only in the study but also in our life. It is possible that we are going to different schools in a few months , wherever we go, I believe/am sure Jack will be my best friend forever. Sample 3 :Advice on following traffic rules 遵守交通规则 It is very important for us to know about the traffic rules. Everyone knows that red light means ‘stop" and you are not allowed to go. You can walk across the road safely when green light is on. One more thing is yellow light. Some people always forget it. Usually when the green light off, yellow light will be on, please be careful because red light will be on in a few seconds. So you must wait for a while patiently. Here are some useful suggestions for following traffic rules. Firstly, we should follow the traffic lights and cannot break the traffic rules. Secondly, we had better remember the principle “slowly, look left and right side, go across finally”. Last but not least, (最后一条也是最重要的一条)do not forget that it is rather dangerous to play on the street. If everybody follows the traffic rules we will have a happy life in the future. Sample 4:A letter on lending money 英文书信(借钱) Hi! Alice , I"m glad to hear from you. Yes, just like you, sometimes I have the same problem. I think if she really needs the money. You had better lend it to her. You don"t need to worry too much about it. Maybe she will pay you back when she has money. You just think, If you don"t lend her the money ,I"m afraid(that)you may lose this friend. I believe everyone may have trouble in life and we should help each other. So when my friends need money, we should try to help them. Maybe we will get it back, or maybe we won"t. Sometimes making friends means you may get more on one hand and less on the other hand. I hope it can help you. Yours, Liu Ming Sample 5:A letter on talking bus service in Beijing 英文书信(北京公共交通) Dear Tony, I am glad to know your grandpa is coming to Beijing. Yes, your grandpa is right. The bus service in Beijing is really good now. There are more than 900 bus lines all over Beijing and bus can even take you to some small villages. Besides, special(yellow) seats are provided on buses. People do not have to spend a long time waiting for a bus and the tickets are very cheap. I like taking a bus because I think it is comfortable and also good for our environment. So it is a good choice for your grandpa to travel by bus inBeijing. If you have more questions, please ask me. Yours, Liu Jing Sample6 : Pollution around us(保护环境) In recent years our life is becoming better and better. But our environment is becoming worse and worse. It"s very bad for our life. Now many people have air_conditioners and cars, they produce (give off ) waste gas. More and more trees are being cut down. There are so much sand on the earth (leaving only sand ) . We often see factories pour waste into rivers or lakes. Water in the river is quite dirty. We haven"t enough clean water to drink in cities. Now we are in danger. It"s very necessary and important to protect the environment well. I think if everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful , and our life will be better and better . Example 7: How to live a low-carbon life (如何低碳生活) 假定你是李华,最近你们班就“低碳”生活方式进行了讨论,你的美国朋友 Jack来信向你询问讨论情况,请你用英语写封回信,简单参照作文地带介绍的以下讨论结果: 1.节水节电; 2.垃圾分类; 3.少用纸巾,重拾手帕; 4.步行,骑自行车或乘坐公交车。 参考词汇:低碳low carbon , 纸巾tissue ,垃圾分类sort out rubbishes ,手帕 handkerchief , 电electricity 注意:词数60字左右(不含开头和结尾所给出的字数);可适当增加细节了,以使行文连贯;开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Jack, Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it. Everyone knows that we can do a lot of things in order to live a low-carbon life. Firstly, we should save water and electricity. Secondly, we had better sortout rubbishes, which include recyclable and non_recyclable rubbishes. Thirdly, we could re_pick up our handkerchiefs, and use tissues as little as possible so we can stop more tress from cutting down. Last but not least, please try to walk if you have more free time, and ride bikes or take buses as often as possible. Best wishes, Li Bing Example 8: Shopping on the Internet 网购利弊 随着互联网的发展和普及,网络购物在中国也变得越来越普遍了,甚至已经成了我们日常生活的一部分了;相信同学们身边一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了,比如*****网,京东商城等;但是网络购物究竟有何利弊呢? 请写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处。 提示词汇:网上购物shopping on the Internet(online shopping) , 京东商城360buy.com Recently,we talk about advantages and disadvantages of shopping on the Internet. Some people think that it is very easy for us to go shopping online. The shops on Internet ,for example taobao.com, 360buy.com are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we like. What"s more, we needn"t to wait for a long time. However, others believe that we can only see the pictures on the Internetand can not touch or see them, It is difficult to say whether it is good or bad. We will have more problems when the things are not good. Besides, it is not a good news for some girls because they enjoy going shopping in the market with their friends. 话题英语作文 篇5 My View on University RankingThe past years have seen the huge development of higher education in China and in contemporary society, it becomes a trend for universities to be ranked according to certain standards each year.Meanwhile, an increasing number of people deem it rather convenient to acquire information about quality of some universities.Searching the Internet, people can notice several editions of ranks very year. A number of individuals favor this ranking because of its advantages.To begin with, without these ranks, it is impossible for people to make a direct comparison between different colleges.In addition, it is this ranking that enables China to build up a system of assessing higher education and to enhance its overall development.Even so, others hold the opposite view that university ranking carries some doubts.First, ranking all universities means a great amount of time and human resources; however, the quality and authority is not as satisfactory as expected.Second, what worries many experts is that some colleges may focus too much eyesight on ranking itself, ignoring the needs of students.By and large, the advantage derived the annual university ranking far outweigh the disadvantages. An effective ranking will bring colleges motivation, arouses their enthusiasm to strive, and helps China to enhance higher education.However, it is advisable for this ranking to be scientific, practical and impartial. 译文 过去的几年目睹了中国高等教育的巨大发展,在当代社会,每年进行高校排名已经成为了一种趋势。同时,越来越多的人认为这样获取大学资质的信息很方便。上网搜索,人们可以找到许多版本的排名。 许多人赞成大学排名是因为排名的好处。首先,如果没有排名,人们不可能在不同大学之间做直接的比较。另外,排名可以让政府建立评估高校的体系并促进其发展。尽管如此,还有其他人持相反观点,认为大学排名有一些疑虑。首先,大学排名消耗时间与人力,然而,质量与权威性并不如预期的那样好。其次,让许多专家担心的是一些大学过多关注排名,忽略了学生的需求。 总的来说,每年大学排名的优点比缺点要多。一个有效的排名带给大学积极性,激发发展热情,帮助中国发展高等教育。然而,排名最好要有科学性,实际性和公平性。 话题英语作文 篇6 It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite. As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What"s more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings . So it"s high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.With fresh water, the world will be prosperous. 话题英语作文 篇7 Our environment is very important for our lives . We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on . In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees. Air pollution and water pollution are very serious . The environment around us becomes very terrible . We should protect our environment. First, we should plant many trees to keep water. Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.. Third , we shouldn"t throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn"t use the plastic bags. Finally, we can ask more people to join us. 我们的环境对我们的.生活非常重要。我们需要新鲜的空气,干净的水等等。在过去,我们周围有很多树木,空气新鲜,河水是干净的。但是现在,人们砍伐许多树木。空气污染和水污染是非常严重的。我们周围的环境变得非常可怕。我们应该保护我们的环境。首先,我们应该保持水种许多树。第二,我们可以骑自行车或步行到学校和工作。第三,我们不应该把脏水倒进河里。第四,我们不应该使用塑料袋。最后,我们可以要求更多的人加入我们。 话题英语作文 篇8拌三丝2023-07-05 06:52:001
以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下:1.孙老师今年36岁,中等身材。2.她关心。热爱学生,工作认真负责。3.她语文课讲得生动。有趣。参考范文:My Chinese TeacherOf all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher,Ms Sun. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.Ms Sun is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.She works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.铁血嘟嘟2023-07-05 06:52:002
在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是我为大家整理的英语话题作文7篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语话题作文 篇1 A Lesson from My Parents Parents are your first teachers. Write a short essay to describe one of instructive lessons you once learned from your parents, including: A distance of 500 miles separates my college from my hometown, an old city, where my parents have been living, but my heart has never been away for a single step, because the lesson from them will be a gift of lifetime. When I was still 15, the laid-offs, or rather untimely retirements, of both my Mum and dad, arrived by far earlier than ever expected. Moreover, it could be hardly imagined how much their careers meant to them other than earning money. Nevertheless, it would be not long before they managed to get over such a blow. They thus underwent all kinds of odd jobs they could run into, be they dirty or painstaking. That way with sufficient money for my tuition fee and living expenses I went through my three academic years. Now one of them is getting weaker and both older, but the lesson that God only helps those who help themselves they taught me will endure in my mind despite the passage of time. 英语话题作文 篇2 Generation gap between parents and children Nowadays , there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and children which is so- called generation gap . It is estimated that (75 percentages of parents often complain their children"s unreasonable behavior while children usually think their parents too old fashioned). Why have there been so much misunderstanding between parents and children?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows . The first one is that ( the two generations,having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes ,thus the disagreement often rises between them) . Besides(due to having little in common to talk about , they are not willing to sit face to face ) . The third reason is (with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster , both of them are so busy with their work or study that they don"t spare enough time to exchange ideas ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( lake of communication and understanding each other) . It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing (children should respect their parents ).On the other hand ,( parents also should show solicitue for their children). All these measures will certainly bridge the generation gap . 模块(2) In recent years , xx has caused a heated debate on ( 1 ). The factors for ( 2 ) .First of all ,( 3 ).Then , there comes a case that ( 4 ). Moreover , ( 5 ) . Especially when ( 6 ) .Indeed, these unique points can be collected theo remind people that ( 7 ).In this way ,we should behave just like ( 8 ). The impact of Television. In recent years , with the development of science and technology ,80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV , offering as many as 50 channels .It has caused a heated debate on (the impact of television on children ). Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on children. The factors for (parents" worry is that children are indulge in television and spend too much time on it .) .First of all ,(with so many programs to choose from , children are not getting as much exercise as they should ).Then , there comes a case that ( some studies have show that excessive watching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school ). Moreover , ( the effect on children"s minds are more serious than the effect on children"s bodies ) . Especially when ( the children are too small to judge what programs are suit to them ) . Indeed, these unique points can be connected to remind parents that ( they should pay close attention to and responsibilities for supervising their children"s TV viewing ).In this way ,children will not be influented too deeply . 英语话题作文 篇3 Advice on following traffic rules 遵守交通规则 It is very important for us to know about the traffic rules. Everyone knows that red light means ‘stop" and you are not allowed to go. You can walk across the road safely when green light is on. One more thing is yellow light. Some people always forget it. Usually when the green light off, yellow light will be on, please be careful because red light will be on in a few seconds. So you must wait for a while patiently. Here are some useful suggestions for following traffic rules. Firstly, we should follow the traffic lights and cannot break the traffic rules. Secondly, we had better remember the principle “slowly, look left and right side, go across finally”. Last but not least, (最后一条也是最重要的一条)do not forget that it is rather dangerous to play on the street. If everybody follows the traffic rules we will have a happy life in the future. 【参考译文】 遵守交通规则 了解交通规则对我们来说很重要。每个人都知道红灯意味着“停止”,你不被允许去。绿灯亮时,你可以安全地过马路。还有一件事是黄灯。有些人总是忘记它。通常绿灯亮时,黄灯亮着,请小心,因为红灯几秒钟后就亮了。所以你必须耐心等待。 以下是一些有用的建议,遵守交通规则。首先,我们应该遵守交通灯,不能违反交通规则。其次,我们最好记住原则“慢,左看右,走到底”。最后一条也是最重要的一条,不要忘了在街上玩是很危险的。如果人人都遵守交通规则,我们将来会过得很幸福。 英语话题作文 篇4 按系统论的观点,外语教学是一个系统,写作教学是其中的一个子系统,与听、说、读等教学共同构成一个科学的大系统,它是由英语词汇、语法、主题及其写作手法等互相依赖、互相作用的诸要素组成的有机整体。在小学阶段,大部分老师都非常注重学生的听、说和阅读能力的培养和训练,往往忽视了写作能力的训练,认为这是中学的要求,或者是因为觉得写作教学难,教师批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较重视,而对写的重要性认识不足,忽视学生写的能力培养。我认为英语写作能唤起学生对所学或所掌握的语言的感觉;其次,每一次单元测试和期末考试,写作(写话)也占了一定的比例。因此,在小学高年级,英语的写作训练与听、说、读的`训练同等重要。 一、小学英语话题写作的概念 小学高年级的英语写作是指学生能在教师指导下,围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型起草一篇短小的习作或一两段话,初步能注意英汉的差异,能使用正确的英语表达法。 二、英语写作教学的目的 1、提高学生综合运用语言的能力; 2、发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的能力; 3、让学生主动地整合所学的语法、句型等知识点,把它们变成一个有机的整体。 三、英语写作的常用模式 1、填空式写法 英语语音教学强调模仿,但英语写作教学却忽视模仿的作用。写作起步阶段可多进行摹仿写。填空式写作是保留文章或对话的主干,适当地调换内容让学生换上其它人、事和物进行填空。其优点是既降低写作难度,激发学生写作兴趣,又可加深对课文的理解,特别是新旧单词的综合运用;缺点是学生有可能忽视语法、时态问题,在培养学生创造力方面有欠缺。通常可以在每学完一篇课文或对话后,让学生进行填空写作。 2、仿例写法 学完一个完整的单元,为了帮助学生系统归纳、整理语言知识点,教师根据本 单元的教学要点,围绕一个人、一件事或一个动物写一篇短文,要求学生注意模仿例文的时态和语态仿写。通过仿写训练,能引起学生对英语时态和语态的重视。例如一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,动词加“s”或“es”,这是学习的难点。我让学生先写一写自己一天的生活,然后调查一个朋友或亲人一天的生活,模仿例文仿写。通过对比,使学生对同一时态不同人称动词的运用有了更深刻的理解,而不仅仅停留在记忆的层面上,也可免去老师重重复复的讲解和提醒。 3、启示式写法 前两种写法的缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的发生。 4、命题式写法 此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。 四、注重写作策略的指导 1、“联系”和“迁移” 在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。 2、注意英汉差异,正确使用英语表达法 许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。 3、充分利用小组合作学习的力量。 通过小组成员相互鉴赏阅读,学会欣赏和借鉴别人的好词好句。 五、培养自改作文的能力,发挥学生主动性 我们总碰到这种现象:学生写完作文不经修改就交给老师,对老师形成依赖心理。在写作的初级阶段,可采取师生共同改一篇习作,指出学生普遍性错误,提醒学生注意;鼓励学生同一个意思用不同的表达方式。我认为修改阶段是反馈机制下的一个开放性过程,是通过师生信息互动,使学生的作文逐步完善的过程。采取反馈和同伴间互相阅读作文的方法,也可以形成一种语言意识。学生既是作者又是读者,他们通过批评性地阅读别人的作文,可以学到更多的写作知识和技巧;他们时刻留心语法及用词错误,写作时开始想到的是读者(而非教师)。学生作文经教师批改后,修订工作是通过个人作业和小组活动相结合进行的。这种做法能使学生学得更深、更广、更活,还能培养学生总结归纳的能力。 总之,学生英语写作能力在教师有计划的组织、有序的训练和耐心帮助、正确引导下,通过学生自主、积极密切的配合是能够得以逐步提高的。 英语话题作文 篇5 Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We can"t have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom. 【参考译文】 我们学校有校规,我们班也有班级规定。我们不能在教室吃早饭。老师说如果我们在教室里吃饭,我们会弄脏书本的。然后,它成为类规则在我的类。如果有人违反了这项规定,他将受到惩罚。所以我们班没人敢在教室里吃早饭。 英语话题作文 篇6 This question and another similar question, "Have you decided what you will do after you finish school?" were among the most common questions people often asked me when I was a small child and then a student in school. Choosing the right career is very important. For this reason we should try to find out what our talents and interests are and how we can use them. There are many careers open to each of us. Many persons find their place in government service, and many others may be interested in going into the business world. Teaching, newspaper works, medicine, engineering, science -- these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training. 这个问题和另一个相似的问题"你决定完成学业之后做什幺了吗?"是我小时候和在学校时人们问得最多的一个问题。选择一个适当的职业是非常重要的。因此,我们必需找出自己的天赋和兴趣所在并且要知道如何加以利用。我们每个人都面临着许多职业选择。一些人在政府机构找到了他们的位置,而另一些人则可能喜欢在商界驰骋。教育、新闻、医药、工程、科学等和其它许多行业给都有才能的人提供了丰富的就业机会。 英语话题作文 篇7 用英语谈谈你对电影的看法: Of all kinds of movies, I like comedies best. I think they"re interesting. My favorite actor is Jackie. I like his movie King of Comedy. I think it"s a successful comedy. For action movies, I like The Lord of the Ring best. It"s exciting. I like documentaries because they"re true stories. I like only some thrillers. Many thrillers are scary and boring. 在各种各样的电影中,我最喜欢喜剧片。我认为它们很有趣。我最喜欢的演员是成龙。我喜欢他的电影“喜剧之王”。我认为这是一个成功的喜剧。至于动作片,我最喜欢“指环王”。它令人兴奋。我喜欢纪录片,因为他们是真实的故事。我只喜欢一些恐怖片。许多恐怖片都太恐怖和无聊。 请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的周末生活: I have a good weekend. On Saturday morning,I do my homework. After lunch, I go shopping with my mother. At about five o"clock, I go to play basketball with my friend. On Sunday, I watch a football game on TV. I often help my mother do housework. I watch TV with my parents in the evening. Then I go to bed at nine o"clock. I"m very happy on weekends. 我有一个美好的周末。星期六早上,我做我的作业。午饭后,我和我的母亲去购物。大约5点,我和我的朋友一起玩篮球。星期天,我在电视上观看足球比赛。我经常帮助妈妈做家务。晚上我和我的父母看电视。然后我在九点钟去睡觉。周末我很快乐。 以 My Favorite…为题,写一篇短文: My favorite subject is English. I like it because it is interesting. I have English every day. I can speak a little English. I join the school English club. Every afternoon I go there to talk in English. I can see English movies and read English books. I think it is useful for me. I want to learn it well. I like English very much. 我最喜欢的科目是英语。我喜欢它,因为它很有趣。我每一天都上英语课。我会讲一点英语。我参加了学校的英语俱乐部。每天下午我去那里用英语交谈。我可以看英文电影和阅读英文书籍。我想这对我来说是有用的。我想学好它。我非常喜欢英语。北境漫步2023-07-05 06:52:001
在学习、工作、生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是我帮大家整理的话题英语作文10篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 话题英语作文 篇1 Nowadays, quite a few college students lack conciousness of being grateful。 They turn to take such things for granted, as parents supporting them, teachers helping them, and waiters serving them。 They are even mean to say "Thank you" to others。 This phenomenon has caused great attention from the whole society。 The following reasons can account for the lack of gratefulness conciousness。 First of all, unsound family education plays an important role。 Many parents turn to pay too much attention to children"s academic performance, but ignore their value orientation。 Moreover, schools don"t input enough time and money in moral education。 Besides, nowadays, college students get so much love that they are insenstive to others" care and help。 Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen college students conciousness of being grateful。 First, parents should improve self—quality and influence children by their own behaviors。 Second, our society and schools must increase input in moral education, and try to build the atmosphere of being grateful。 Finally, we college students should learn to express our gratefulness to people around us, just beginning from the simple "Thank you"。 话题英语作文 篇2 Our society worships talent, and many people assume that possessing superior intelligence or ability—along with confidence in that ability—is a recipe for learning language very well. The students who held a fixed mind-set, however, were concerned about looking smart with little regard for learning. They had negative views of effort, believing that having to work hard at something was a sign of low ability. They thought that a person with talent or intelligence did not need to work hard to do well. they have talent ,so they learn language faster and better . In my opinion, a man who has talent for learning language can learn better and faster if he pay attention to the leatning for language.It can make a very importent role.it is important of learn. 话题英语作文 篇3 1、(浙江丽水)Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以"My English Learning"为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。提示: When did you start learning English? (in … /…years ago) How do you learn English? (listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…) What is difficult to learn? (listening, grammar…) What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well? (watch English movies, sing English songs…) 参考作文: English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 2、(四川资阳)假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的建议。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。 注意:1.回信需要包括全部要点; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.字数60左右。 Dear Linda, I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. ……. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China Yours, Li Hua 参考作文: Dear Linda, I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it"s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What"s more, you"d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day. Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don"t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I"m sure you will succeed through your hard work. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China. Yours, Li Hua 话题英语作文 篇4 英语六级作文题目: The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication 1、现在,各个场所“低头族”现象比较普遍 2、出现这一现象的原因 3、我对这一现象的看法和建议 [英语六级作文范文] The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication The picture depicts a couple dating in the park. While the man just focuses on his cellphones, and doesn"t pay any attention to his partner or the nature beauty in the park. This picture reflects a common phenomenon in today"s society: people spend too much time with their cellphones and communicate less and less with the people around them. Nowadays, the smart-cellphones become more and more important in our daily life. They have made our life more convenient. We are timely aware of the most latest news around or faraway from us. However, everything has two sides. Except for all the advantages, the smart-cellphones also have brought some problems. First, when you"re focus on the cellphone, you may ignore the beautiful scene around you. What"s worse, you are just absorbed in your own small world, rather than share your happiness and sorrows with the family. You hardly talk with your family and the ones around you. You become indifferent to them. All in all, let"s put down the cellphones and spend more time communicating with our family and friends face to face directly. 话题英语作文 篇5 Nowadays, there are more and more (某种现象) in (某种场合). It is estimated that (相关数据). Why have there been so many (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is (原因一). Besides, (原因二). The third one is (原因三). To sum up, the main cause of (某种现象) is due to (最主要原因). It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, (解决办法一). On the other hand, (解决办法二). All these measures will certainly reduce the number of (某种现象). 现今,越来越多(某种现象)出现在(某张场合)。根据(相关数据)可以得知。为什么会出现这么多(某种现象呢)?可能的.原因如下。原因一是~~~。另外,原因二是~~~。原因三是~~~。总的来说,造成(某种现象)的最主要原因是~~~。现在是做些什么的时候了。一方面,(解决办法一)。另一方面,(解决办法二)。所有这些措施都能够减少(某种现象)的发生。 话题英语作文 篇6 I"ve been wanting to become a doctor since childhood. It hurts my heart to see the patients suffering from various physical and mental diseases. I understand that it is a long road to become a doctor, but I am resolute to pay the work. Still in middle school, I will start reading books and magazines concerning basic biological information and new medical advances. Of course, math and science are the foundation of all academic subjects, so I will try to do my best in these classes. I plan on finishing a graduate"s degree and turn my dream of helping the needy into reality. 话题英语作文 篇7 What"s the date today? Can you say something about your senior school? What birthday present will you prefer to have? Why? What do you usually do at weekends? Which teacher do you like best in senior high school? Why? 话题英语作文 篇8 As we know, a growing outbreak of H one N one flu has been sparked in many countries. An increasing number of cases are being reported every day。 Its thought that H one N one flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses do, that is, spreading from person-to-person, mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus。 Faced with this severe disease, here are some everyday measures we should take to stay healthy. First, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them。 Finally, H one N one flu is not a terribly deadly disease, which is curable. So, dont be nervous and just keep calm as usual。 话题英语作文 篇9 History proves that the evolvement road of the new emergence never fails to be bumpy. It can be undeniable that the frictions between the novel and the traditional are intrinsically inevitable. Fortunately, newly emerging things will eventually survive and thrive despite the fact that they are more likely to be in a cramped and harsh environment at first. However, census has not been reached among scholars on how the innovative conquer all the adversities and finally win the battle. As far as I am concerned, it is the innumerable conflicts between the new and the old that boosts the novelty to proliferate. 话题英语作文 篇10 Thanksgiving Day is the USA and Canada"s holiday。 Later, people often thank the others on this day。 It"s in November of last Thursday is Thanksgiving Day。 Thanksgiving Food Cornbread, English Cheese Pie, Venison, Ducks and Geese, Wild Turkey, Garlic and Onions, Pumpkin Pudding are Thanksgiving Day"s food。 Thanksgiving Day a very traditional color of the food。 Every Thanksgiving Day, Americans must eat a fat chicken。 Because turkey is the traditional course。 Thanksgiving Day Blessings Thank the parents。 They give me the life, let me to study。 Thank the sisters and brothers。 They let me healthy growth。 In my difficult times, they stretched out their hands warm。 Thank the teachers。 You let me to study, let me have the ability to pay for someone else。 Thank the friends。 You bring me a lot of funny, bring me a lot of self—confidence。 You bring me a lot of help, let me better to face all, too。 Oh, thank you everyone!真颛2023-07-05 06:52:001
在学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是我帮大家整理的话题英语作文9篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 话题英语作文 篇1 周围的环境 1、(江苏南通)目前南通市正在积极创建全国文明城市,中学生也在为之努力。假如你是你是某中学的一名学生张通,请根据下列图表所示内容,给笔友John写一封电子邮件,介绍有关情况。 注意:1.邮件内容应包含所有要点,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥; 2.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名等信息; 3.词数90左右(邮件中已经写好了的部分,不计入总词数)。 4.参考词汇:civilized 文明的 respect 尊敬 Dear John, I"m glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about our city. Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city. We middle school students are also doing something for it. Zhang Tong 参考答案: Dear John, I"m glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about our city. Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city. We middle school students are also doing some things for it. We are all polite to our teachers. (In class, we listen careful to them./When we meet them, we always say hello to them./…)We also respect the old. For example, we help them cross the streets. We are always ready to help each other.(When one has difficulty with his studies, others will help him at once./...)We often show our love to those in trouble. Last month, the students of my class donated money to the earthquake-hit areas. Besides, we plant trees to protect the environment and make our city more beautiful. Nantong is my hometown. I will do my best to turn Nantong into a civilized city. Zhang Tong 2、假设你是李晓平,是黄冈中学的学生。请你围绕"建设和谐社会"的主题,根据下面所给出的提示,用英语给全省中学生写一封倡议书。 1.人与社会:祖国、家乡、学校,热爱关心;2.人与人:家人、师长、同学,诚信互助;3.人与自然:能源、环境、动植物,爱惜保护;4.你的态度:内容由考生自己拟定。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.倡议书的开头、结尾以及提示句已为你写好,不计入词数;3.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。 Build a Harmonious Society Dear fellow students, Our government is going to build a "harmonious society". I think it is everyone"s duty to work hard to achieve this goal.As high school students, what should we do ? First of all, we should love our motherland. Let"s take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school"s activities.Secondly, let"s fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers. We should also care for each other and help those in need. Mostimportant of all, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life.Finally, let"s work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass. As for myself, I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above.Dear fellow students, let"s start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day,every hour, and every minute! Li Xiaoping From Huanggang High School 3、根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用。不能出现自己的真实姓名。 假设温哥华(Vancouver)的中学(Discovery Middle School)与你校是姊妹校,该校校刊"Discovery"将以"北京中学生与08奥运"为主题向你们征稿。你决定投稿,侧重介绍你的学校、你所在的社区或北京开展的促进"绿色奥运"的一些活动,这些活动为学校、社区或城市带来的变化,以及你从中获得的感受。 提示词:the Beijing 20xx Olympics, "Green Olympic", idea, volunteers, plant, save, change, environment, good for, 范文: One important idea for the Beijing Olympics is "Green Olympics", for which the whole city has done a lot to improve the environment. So has our school. Last month, my school formed a group of volunteers in every class. I was one of them. We cleaned up our school, watered the trees and flowers in our school garden. Now our school looks nicer. The more pleasant thing is that many students are beginning to change in behavior for the better, like stopping littering. We"re proud of ourselves because we have done something both for the Beijing Olympic and the environment. 话题英语作文 篇2 My mother is the greatest person in the world. She takes care of the family and does all the housework. I never want to make her angry. But sometimes I will do something let her down and when I see her upset face, I feel painful. So I am very strict to myself, I want to be an excellent girl and let her be proud of me. So, I can see her smile often. 妈妈的笑容 我妈妈是世界上最伟大的人。她照看整个家庭,承包了所有的家务。我从来都不想惹她生气。但有时我会做一些让她失望的事情,当我看到她沮丧的脸时,我会很难受。所以我对自己很严格,希望自己成为一个优秀的女孩,让她以我为荣。这样我就可以经常看到她的笑容了。 话题英语作文 篇3 该类别主要包括:教育、上网成瘾、上网交友、青少年犯罪、 个人隐私、出国留学、 知识学术欺诈、 望子成龙, 拔苗助长、 应试教育素质教育 、考试作弊 、相互攀比、 名牌、 浪费、 课业负担、 恋爱 、兼职 、占座、 8090后 、富二代、 校园旅游 、教育平等 、独生子女、 农民工子女、 创新 、迷信、 溺爱(spoiled)。 1、To concentrate limited resources on creative talents, or elite; 2、Enable students to possess better job skill; 3、prepare students for future employment; 4、to enhance the quality of population; 5、to promote scientific and technological level; 6、 to prepare one for a better and more meaningful life rather than a job; 7、one-child policy 8、migrant workers(农民工); 9、impartial education opportunities 10、overwhelming homework; 11、quality education(素质教育) 12、a comprehensive renovation 话题英语作文 篇4 Dear Jim, I"m very glad that you"ll come to visit China. You asked me about the weather in China. There are four seasons– spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is the hottest season of the year. It often rains. And winter is the coldest. Sometimes it snows, especially in the north of China. If you like snow, you can come to China at this time of year. But I think the best time to visit China is in spring or autumn because it is neither too hot nor too cold. It is very pleasant to visit many places of interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the West Lake, Mount Yellow and so on. I believe you will enjoy yourself in China. I can"t wait to see you. Best wishes! Yours truly, John 【参考译文】 亲爱的吉姆, 我很高兴你会来中国。你问我关于中国的天气。有四个季节-春、夏、秋、冬。夏天是一年中最热的季节。经常下雨。冬天是最冷的。有时下雪,尤其是在中国的北方。如果你喜欢雪,你可以在每年的这个时候到中国来。但我想访问中国的最佳时间是在春天或秋天因为它既不太冷也不太热。这是访问感兴趣的中国很多地方很愉快,如长城,西湖,山黄等。我相信你会在中国享受自己。我等不及要见你。 最美好的祝福! 你真的, 约翰 话题英语作文 篇5 摘要:话题写作:有关 信心与希望 话题 例:1、生活中困难不可避免,面对困难需要信心 2、试举一例说明信心在学习(考试、生活等)方面的作用 3、你对困难的态度 It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world wit 高考英语话题作文:有关信心与希望 例:1、生活中困难不可避免,面对困难需要信心… 2、试举一例说明信心在学习(考试、生活等)方面的作用… 3、你对困难的态度… It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope and self-confidence. With confidence, we can find sometimes the question is not as hugeas we imagine. Take most of us for example, the entrance exam to college seems to be a horrible monster. Accordingly, some people give up, some persist. In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, try and exert your strength, and then we will overcome all problems and challenges. On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in right manner. And nothing is impossible, brave it out and just do it! 话题英语作文 篇6 Dear Sir or Madam:尊敬的先生或女士: Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. As the coming of the International Trade Exposition, I"d like very much to be a volunteer. 谢谢你花时间读我的.信。作为国际贸易博览会的到来,我很想做一名志愿者。 All our citizens are hosts for this special event. Above all, I promise I should endeavor to serve with enthusiasm our distinguished guests from all over the world. Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture. What"s more, as we all know, English as an international language, will play an important role in communication during the Exposition, and I am good at it. I can express myself fluently and clearly in English. 我们所有的公民都是这一特殊事件的主人。首先,我保证,我应该努力以热忱地服务于世界各地的杰出的客人。除此之外,我对中国历史有着丰富的认识,所以我不仅是一个仆人,也是一个我们灿烂文化的载体。我们大家都知道,英语作为一种国际语言,在博览会期间将扮演重要的角色,我很擅长它。我可以用英语流利地表达自己的意思 To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one. 总之,我相信我可以成为一名合格的志愿者。我将珍惜它,并尽我所能,如果我可以被接受为一体。 Yours,你的, Li Hua李华 话题英语作文 篇7 Love is of the utmost importance to us humans. Everybody not only needs love, but also should give others love. As can be seen in the picture, "love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places." This is indeed true. People in darker places need more light than other people. Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life. Maybe just a thread of light will call forth their strength and courage to help them step out of their difficulties. I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the following examples. (Numerous examples can be given easily, but these will suffice For instance when someone is starving to death, just a little food and water from you may save his(her) life. Again, when a little girl in a poor rural area drops out of school because of poverty, just a small sum of money from you may support her t o finish school and change her life. In these circumstances you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most needed. To sum up, we should offer our help to all the needed. We expect to get love from others and we also give love to others. So when you see someone in difficulty or in distress and in need of help, don"t hesitate to give your love to him (her). I believe that the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in. 话题英语作文 篇8 预测作文话题: The Internet 1. 有人认为网络可以让学习、工作更有效率 2. 有人却认为网络让青少年沉迷,影响学习 3. 我的看法 作文范文: The Internet In the era of information and technology, the Internet plays an important role in our society. However, people"s opinions are still divided on this point. Those who are in favor of the Internet claim that it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, information searching is no longer a tough job with the help of all kinds of search engines. Secondly, we can contact friends or business partners via e-mails or software such as Internet Meeting and Yahoo Messenger. Those who are opposed to the Internet hold that its disadvantages are numerous. In the first place, using the Internet costs considerable time, money and energy, especially for those with poor self-control. In the second place, increasing young people are indulged in online games and unhealthy information, which are extremely harmful to their development. In my opinion, its pros outweigh the cons. The past twenty years have witnessed the fast development of the Internet along with the national economy. A brighter future is awaiting us if we make good use of the Internet. 话题英语作文 篇9 家庭、朋友与周围的人Family, Friends and the People around You 假设你们班级即将召开以“感恩”为主题的班会,要求向大家介绍一下你最想向谁表达感恩之情,他或她为你做了什么,你又将怎样回报他或她的付出。请结合上文内容,以“Thank you, my…”为题写一篇发言稿。 要求: 1.句子通顺,语意连贯。 2.包括所有提示内容。 3.不少于80词。 Thank You, My Mother Wherever we are today, whatever we are, we owe it to our parents who have given and taught us so much, so we should thank them, especially, thank our mother. I think my mother is one of the best mothers in the world. She is the busiest one in my family. She does chores for the family and cares about my study. She has taught me a lot. She does lots of things for me. But she never wants anythings in return. How will I show my thanks to my mother? First, this year, I am going to give her a surprise birthday party and buy her a special present. Second, I"ll do well in school. Third, I"ll help her do housework when I"m free. I want to make her happy. In a word, I love my mother.北有云溪2023-07-05 06:52:001
在学习、工作乃至生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是我整理的英语话题作文10篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 英语话题作文 篇1 Most people have their idols, be it scientists or pop singers. Many youngsters, in particular, worship stars in the sports and entertainment field, who catch most of the public attention. It is hard to say whether idol worshiping is good or bad, for it is not a black-and-white issue. For one thing, idols may inspire they young people in Different ways. Usually, these public figures walk into the spotlight after a great amount of hard work, therefore they set up role models as talented and industrious persons. But for another thing, it may not be wise to blindly admire anyone. Some youngsters try to imitate their idols——dressing, pronunciation, life style and everything. This is dangerous, because to err is human and stars have their weaknesses as well, and in some cases, even scandals. As I perceive this phenomenon, there is nothing wrong with idol worshiping inherently. What matter are the aspects in which we admire them and to what extent it goes. Even if a certain star always presents a good public image, the “worship” should not go to such extreme as pure imitation, otherwise there will be a lot of “carbon copies” lacking individuality. (196 words) 英语话题作文 篇2 The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of modesty. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success. Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target. moreover,a modest people are more likely to be fitting in, win others" trust and enjoy a harmonious interpersonal relationship. To further illustrate the importance of modesty, I would like to take Newton as a case in point: how could he, one of the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind, discover the Law of Momentum Conservation if he was simply content with the achievement of finding Three Laws of Motion ? Accordingly, at no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishments, instead , we need to keep an open mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new knowledge and seize new opportunities. "Success consists in industry and modesty." A philosopher once said. 英语话题作文 篇3 othing Succeeds Without a Strong Will “Where there is a will, there is way” is an old proverb which almost everyone knows, but not all understand it so well. Actually, it means that if you are really resolved to do something, no matter how difficult it might be, never give up. In fact, strong will is a kind of good quality which successful people should own. A great man is always one who has a firm resolution and an inflexible spirit. One will never succeed all his life without a firm will to get the final victory. As a rule, great tasks are accomplished by men of strong will. For example, Dr. Sun Yatsen, the founder of the Republic of China, set the Chinese people free from the Manchurian rule through a long period of hard struggle. Many of his attempts failed and many of his followers were killed, but he had an inflexible spirit and stuck to his cause. Finally, he made the revolution of 1911 a success. The same is true of men in all walks of life. It is quite obvious that there is nothing difficult in the world, if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly accomplish your end. That stands to reason. So as for students like us, we should have a good attitude towards failure. Facing with difficulties and failures, keep heads up and never give up. Besides, we should make full preparation, though strong will help us overcome the difficulties, it is not for person who has no preparation. 英语话题作文 篇4 Without friends, life is not worth living. But what kind of person can be accepted as friend? Lots of people are classmates and aren"t friends. Lots of people are lovers but aren"t friends. You can appreciate or admire someone, but that doesn"t make them a friend. If their attitude is "for better or worse," if they stick with you through thick and thin, that"s when you can tell it"s friendship. The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, etc. As life is full of obstacles and conflicts, we need friends to give us supports to get through tough times, we also need friends to give us warnings to go against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow and difficulties. With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as an ordinary teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word. 英语话题作文 篇5 This picture is simple but significant. As is vividly shown in the picture, wearing traditional Chinese costume, a foreigner is saying “Happy New Year” to a Chinese girl in Chinese, even though his pronunciation is not accurate enough. There is no doubt that the picture implies that a growing number of foreigners are starting to be interested in Chinese culture in this day and age. Why should this phenomenon take placeThere are generally three factors accounting for it. First of all, due to the fast economic and social development, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. Accordingly, international cultural exchange is becoming increasingly frequent. Besides, learning traditional Chinese culture, which is priceless spiritual treasure, can give those foreign friends a new perspective of the outside world. Last but not least, this kind of cultural exchange is beneficial for both our Chinese and foreign friends to broaden our horizons, widen our knowledge, and eich our experience. From what has been discussed above, we may come to a conclusion that our traditional culture is popular among the whole world and should be preserved and cherished. Therefore, the mass media, such as television, radio and Internet should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should cultivate the awareness of learning national culture. Only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a more vigorous and prosperous world to come. 英语话题作文 篇6 Generation gap between parents and children Nowadays , there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and children which is so- called generation gap . It is estimated that (75 percentages of parents often complain their children"s unreasonable behavior while children usually think their parents too old fashioned). Why have there been so much misunderstanding between parents and children?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows . The first one is that ( the two generations,having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes ,thus the disagreement often rises between them) . Besides(due to having little in common to talk about , they are not willing to sit face to face ) . The third reason is (with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster , both of them are so busy with their work or study that they don"t spare enough time to exchange ideas ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( lake of communication and understanding each other) . It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing (children should respect their parents ).On the other hand ,( parents also should show solicitue for their children). All these measures will certainly bridge the generation gap . 模块(2) In recent years , xx has caused a heated debate on ( 1 ). The factors for ( 2 ) .First of all ,( 3 ).Then , there comes a case that ( 4 ). Moreover , ( 5 ) . Especially when ( 6 ) .Indeed, these unique points can be collected theo remind people that ( 7 ).In this way ,we should behave just like ( 8 ). The impact of Television. In recent years , with the development of science and technology ,80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV , offering as many as 50 channels .It has caused a heated debate on (the impact of television on children ). Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on children. The factors for (parents" worry is that children are indulge in television and spend too much time on it .) .First of all ,(with so many programs to choose from , children are not getting as much exercise as they should ).Then , there comes a case that ( some studies have show that excessive watching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school ). Moreover , ( the effect on children"s minds are more serious than the effect on children"s bodies ) . Especially when ( the children are too small to judge what programs are suit to them ) . Indeed, these unique points can be connected to remind parents that ( they should pay close attention to and responsibilities for supervising their children"s TV viewing ).In this way ,children will not be influented too deeply . 英语话题作文 篇7 按系统论的观点,外语教学是一个系统,写作教学是其中的一个子系统,与听、说、读等教学共同构成一个科学的大系统,它是由英语词汇、语法、主题及其写作手法等互相依赖、互相作用的诸要素组成的有机整体。在小学阶段,大部分老师都非常注重学生的听、说和阅读能力的培养和训练,往往忽视了写作能力的训练,认为这是中学的要求,或者是因为觉得写作教学难,教师批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较重视,而对写的重要性认识不足,忽视学生写的能力培养。我认为英语写作能唤起学生对所学或所掌握的语言的感觉;其次,每一次单元测试和期末考试,写作(写话)也占了一定的比例。因此,在小学高年级,英语的写作训练与听、说、读的训练同等重要。 一、小学英语话题写作的概念 小学高年级的英语写作是指学生能在教师指导下,围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型起草一篇短小的习作或一两段话,初步能注意英汉的差异,能使用正确的英语表达法。 二、英语写作教学的目的 1、提高学生综合运用语言的能力; 2、发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的能力; 3、让学生主动地整合所学的语法、句型等知识点,把它们变成一个有机的整体。 三、英语写作的常用模式 1、填空式写法 英语语音教学强调模仿,但英语写作教学却忽视模仿的作用。写作起步阶段可多进行摹仿写。填空式写作是保留文章或对话的主干,适当地调换内容让学生换上其它人、事和物进行填空。其优点是既降低写作难度,激发学生写作兴趣,又可加深对课文的理解,特别是新旧单词的综合运用;缺点是学生有可能忽视语法、时态问题,在培养学生创造力方面有欠缺。通常可以在每学完一篇课文或对话后,让学生进行填空写作。 2、仿例写法 学完一个完整的单元,为了帮助学生系统归纳、整理语言知识点,教师根据本 单元的教学要点,围绕一个人、一件事或一个动物写一篇短文,要求学生注意模仿例文的时态和语态仿写。通过仿写训练,能引起学生对英语时态和语态的重视。例如一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,动词加“s”或“es”,这是学习的难点。我让学生先写一写自己一天的生活,然后调查一个朋友或亲人一天的生活,模仿例文仿写。通过对比,使学生对同一时态不同人称动词的运用有了更深刻的理解,而不仅仅停留在记忆的层面上,也可免去老师重重复复的讲解和提醒。 3、启示式写法 前两种写法的`缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的发生。 4、命题式写法 此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。 四、注重写作策略的指导 1、“联系”和“迁移” 在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。 2、注意英汉差异,正确使用英语表达法 许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。 3、充分利用小组合作学习的力量。 通过小组成员相互鉴赏阅读,学会欣赏和借鉴别人的好词好句。 五、培养自改作文的能力,发挥学生主动性 我们总碰到这种现象:学生写完作文不经修改就交给老师,对老师形成依赖心理。在写作的初级阶段,可采取师生共同改一篇习作,指出学生普遍性错误,提醒学生注意;鼓励学生同一个意思用不同的表达方式。我认为修改阶段是反馈机制下的一个开放性过程,是通过师生信息互动,使学生的作文逐步完善的过程。采取反馈和同伴间互相阅读作文的方法,也可以形成一种语言意识。学生既是作者又是读者,他们通过批评性地阅读别人的作文,可以学到更多的写作知识和技巧;他们时刻留心语法及用词错误,写作时开始想到的是读者(而非教师)。学生作文经教师批改后,修订工作是通过个人作业和小组活动相结合进行的。这种做法能使学生学得更深、更广、更活,还能培养学生总结归纳的能力。 总之,学生英语写作能力在教师有计划的组织、有序的训练和耐心帮助、正确引导下,通过学生自主、积极密切的配合是能够得以逐步提高的。 英语话题作文 篇8 My home village is a small one. It"s in Yuxian county of Shanxi Province. Small as it is, it"s very beautiful. There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains. In spring, we can fly kites which are made by ourselves on the top of the hills. The kites fly very high.In summer, the trees are green and the grass is green, too. It is green everywhere on the hills. There are so many wild apple trees on the hills. The wild apples are nice to eat. In autumn, the corns under and around the hills are ripe. So we eat them almost every day. In winter, when it snows, all the ground is covered with snow. We can play with snow and sometimes we eat the clean snow with sugar. In my hometown the sky is blue, the air is clean, the water is sweet and the people are very friendly. I love my hometown! 我的家乡是位于山西盂县的一个小村庄。它虽然小但非常美丽。 家乡被群山环绕,这些小山甚至比大山川还要美丽。春日里,我们在山巅放飞自制的风筝;夏天里,漫山遍野是长得绿油油的草木,各种野果美味诱人;秋日里,山下和山周围的玉米熟了,我们几乎天天能尝到新鲜的玉米;冬日里,雪花飘飘,大地银妆素裹,我们玩雪,有时还就着糖吃几口干净的白雪。我的家乡天空蔚蓝,空气清新,水儿甜美,人们好客。我爱我的家乡。 英语话题作文 篇9 Many things around us can affect our feelings and moods. I like listening to music. When I am happy, loud rock music makes me more excited and active. But when I am unhappy, loud music makes me feel bored and angry. Colors can affect my feelings a lot. Different colors change my feelings. When I feel sad. I usually put大鱼炖火锅2023-07-05 06:52:001
在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?下面是我收集整理的话题英语作文4篇,欢迎大家分享。 话题英语作文 篇1 按系统论的观点,外语教学是一个系统,写作教学是其中的一个子系统,与听、说、读等教学共同构成一个科学的大系统,它是由英语词汇、语法、主题及其写作手法等互相依赖、互相作用的诸要素组成的有机整体。在小学阶段,大部分老师都非常注重学生的听、说和阅读能力的培养和训练,往往忽视了写作能力的训练,认为这是中学的要求,或者是因为觉得写作教学难,教师批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较重视,而对写的重要性认识不足,忽视学生写的能力培养。我认为英语写作能唤起学生对所学或所掌握的语言的感觉;其次,每一次单元测试和期末考试,写作(写话)也占了一定的比例。因此,在小学高年级,英语的写作训练与听、说、读的训练同等重要。 一、小学英语话题写作的概念 小学高年级的英语写作是指学生能在教师指导下,围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型起草一篇短小的习作或一两段话,初步能注意英汉的差异,能使用正确的英语表达法。 二、英语写作教学的目的 1、提高学生综合运用语言的能力; 2、发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的能力; 3、让学生主动地整合所学的语法、句型等知识点,把它们变成一个有机的整体。 三、英语写作的常用模式 1、填空式写法 英语语音教学强调模仿,但英语写作教学却忽视模仿的作用。写作起步阶段可多进行摹仿写。填空式写作是保留文章或对话的主干,适当地调换内容让学生换上其它人、事和物进行填空。其优点是既降低写作难度,激发学生写作兴趣,又可加深对课文的理解,特别是新旧单词的综合运用;缺点是学生有可能忽视语法、时态问题,在培养学生创造力方面有欠缺。通常可以在每学完一篇课文或对话后,让学生进行填空写作。 2、仿例写法 学完一个完整的单元,为了帮助学生系统归纳、整理语言知识点,教师根据本 单元的教学要点,围绕一个人、一件事或一个动物写一篇短文,要求学生注意模仿例文的时态和语态仿写。通过仿写训练,能引起学生对英语时态和语态的重视。例如一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,动词加“s”或“es”,这是学习的难点。我让学生先写一写自己一天的生活,然后调查一个朋友或亲人一天的生活,模仿例文仿写。通过对比,使学生对同一时态不同人称动词的.运用有了更深刻的理解,而不仅仅停留在记忆的层面上,也可免去老师重重复复的讲解和提醒。 3、启示式写法 前两种写法的缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的发生。 4、命题式写法 此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。 四、注重写作策略的指导 1、“联系”和“迁移” 在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。 2、注意英汉差异,正确使用英语表达法 许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。 3、充分利用小组合作学习的力量。 通过小组成员相互鉴赏阅读,学会欣赏和借鉴别人的好词好句。 五、培养自改作文的能力,发挥学生主动性 我们总碰到这种现象:学生写完作文不经修改就交给老师,对老师形成依赖心理。在写作的初级阶段,可采取师生共同改一篇习作,指出学生普遍性错误,提醒学生注意;鼓励学生同一个意思用不同的表达方式。我认为修改阶段是反馈机制下的一个开放性过程,是通过师生信息互动,使学生的作文逐步完善的过程。采取反馈和同伴间互相阅读作文的方法,也可以形成一种语言意识。学生既是作者又是读者,他们通过批评性地阅读别人的作文,可以学到更多的写作知识和技巧;他们时刻留心语法及用词错误,写作时开始想到的是读者(而非教师)。学生作文经教师批改后,修订工作是通过个人作业和小组活动相结合进行的。这种做法能使学生学得更深、更广、更活,还能培养学生总结归纳的能力。 总之,学生英语写作能力在教师有计划的组织、有序的训练和耐心帮助、正确引导下,通过学生自主、积极密切的配合是能够得以逐步提高的。 话题英语作文 篇2 As we know, a growing outbreak of H one N one flu has been sparked in many countries. An increasing number of cases are being reported every day。 Its thought that H one N one flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses do, that is, spreading from person-to-person, mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus。 Faced with this severe disease, here are some everyday measures we should take to stay healthy. First, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them。 Finally, H one N one flu is not a terribly deadly disease, which is curable. So, dont be nervous and just keep calm as usual。 话题英语作文 篇3 根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑。不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用,请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 汶川地震(Wenchuan Earthquake)发生后,九岁学生林浩(Lin Hao)救了两名同学,然后步行7个小时到达安全地点。 请你就林浩同学的事迹,以"Learn from the Hero"为题,给你校英语专刊投稿。内容包含林浩同学事迹简介,你对这件事的感受,以及你要向他学习什么。 提示词语:a student, nine years old, happen, save ,walk, to safety, be deeply moved, brave, give up 参考范文: Lin Hao is a student. He is only nine years old. After Wenchuan Earthquake happened, he saved two of his classmates. Then he walked for seven hours to safety. I was deeply moved by his story. I think he is a brave boy. He did his best when he faced great danger. I should learn from him. I will think of others first and help them as much as possible. I will never give up when I face any difficulties. 4、提示: 在学习和生活中,你遇到过高兴和难过伤心的事,请用英语描述这样的经历 要求:1:词数不少于60个,开头已给出。可选用下列词汇:experience 经历经验 unhappiness 不快乐 confidence 自信心 Hights And Lows In My Life We all have experienced highs and lows in our lives. I will never forget the experience when I began to learn English. I like English but I couldn"t get the right way in learning. The more I wanted to remember, the harder I found it was. I was in a low spirit. I almost gave it up. Luckily, my English teacher encouraged me and helped me find a good way. By and by , I realized English was not such a terrible thing. I became brave enough to open my mouth to speak English. How excited I was! My confidence came back to me. Believe it or not , I won the first prize in Spoken English Competition in our school. It was the first time I experienced the highs in my life! 话题英语作文 篇4 Dear Peter, I remember you told me you were interested in China. Our school is looking for an English teacher, whose mother tongue is English. You will teach some courses to senior high students. They, who have at least three years of English learning experience, are going to learn the following four courses: speaking, writing, Britain Today and America Today. If you would come here, you have the chance to choose three of them for teaching. You need teach 12 hours a week. If you get the job, you are supposed to work as an advisor to our students" English club or our school"s English newspaper. That is to say, in spare time you will select some articles, which are fit for the students from English papers, English magazines and the Internet, and edit the articles from students. If you are interested in the job or have any question, please let me know. I look forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua九万里风9 2023-07-05 06:52:001
在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是我收集整理的英语话题作文10篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语话题作文 篇1 The Most Unforgettable Person I Ever knew (1)我生活中最难以忘怀的人是……(2)为什么他(或她)一直在我心中(3)结论 In my life I have met many people who are really worth my recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever knew is my Chinese language teacher. What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember we always long for his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke loud laughs. Second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer-- an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Finally, I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us, for he treated us like friends rather than students. Although it is nearly 10 years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart. 英语话题作文 篇2 The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house. At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away. 英语话题作文 篇3 Our environment is very important for our lives . We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on . In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees. Air pollution and water polloution are very serious . The environment around us becomes very terrible . We should protect our environment. First, we should plant many trees to keep water. Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.. Third , we shouldnt throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldnt use the plastic bags. Finally, we can ask more people to join us. 【参考译文】 我们的环境对我们的生活很重要。我们需要新鲜的空气,干净的水等等。过去,我们周围有许多树木,空气清新,河水干净,但现在人们砍伐了许多树。空气污染和水污染很严重。我们周围的环境变得非常可怕。我们应该保护我们的环境。首先,我们应该种很多树来保持水分。第二,我们可以骑自行车或步行到学校和工作..第三,我们不应该把脏水丢进河里。第四,我们不应该使用塑料袋。最后,我们可以要求更多的人加入我们。 英语话题作文 篇4 The Great Wall, the longest wall in the world, is one of thegreatest architectures in ancient China. The structure which wasbuilt in a time when countries were at war, once served as abarrier to keep out invading enemies. It remains a mystery howpeople built the Great Wall without the help of any high technologytwo thousand years ago. But there is no doubt that the Great Wall,with rich history and magnificent appearance, attracts a greatnumber of tourists, scientists and historians every year. Allvisitors think highly of the wisdom of ancient Chinese. 英语话题作文 篇5 Cell Phones As is shown in the chart, cell phones are becoming increasingly popular within China. In 1999, the number of cell phones in use was only 2 million, but in 20xx, the number reaches 5 million. And in the year 20xx, the number has suddenly soared to 9 million. There are many factors contributing to this development. Firstly, a cell phone has no wires and can be carried everywhere easily. Secondly, a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with news, games, music and chat through sending short messages. Thirdly, the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average person to make use of cell phone. The wide use of cell phones has make them more and more indispensable in peoples daily life. The many functions of the cell phone have made certain people reluctant to separate themselves from their cell phone. 英语话题作文 篇6 There Is No End to Learning Aa soon as I was eolled in college I reit a big burden off my mind. So did my classmates. We just wanted to relax. But at our first English Lesson on how to improve our study the teacher told us," There is no end to learning. You can only become a top student with additional work." And she says hard work is rewarding. The teacher's words awakened me. In fact everyone in the world is always learning. Man's talents are like wild plants. They need cutting and pruning with the tool of learning, We lears not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom. Learning is a process in which man adapts to his sroundings. It is driven by man's desire to win respect and to contribute to society. It is the curiosity for knowledge stimulated by knowledge itself ." To learn is to be young. Not to learn is to die." This saying applies to every society and to all ages. Indeed, everyone living on earth is learning all the time. Man learns not only from books but also from his own experience We can not hope that as long as we learn we will gain benlfits. Efficient study is inseparable from good methods and motivation, A man of a strong sense of responsibility and full of ambition is insatiable in learning. I entered the university after much efforts. I know it is only the first step on the road leading to the sea of knowledge. It is but the first page in the book of science. The further away ! am off shore, the more far-sighted! will be. The more you learn. the more you feel the need to learn. Art is long, life is short. 学无止境 一进大学,我感到思想上卸了一个包袱,就像我们的同班同学一样,大家都想放松一下。可在如何提高学习水平的笫1堂英语课上,老师就对我们说:“学无止境。只有通过努力才能成为优等生。”同时还说努力学习是会有报偿的。 老师的话唤醒了我。事实上,世上每一个人都在学习。人的才能如野生植物,需要用学习这把工具予以修剪。我们不仅在课堂上学,而且还要在课外学。学习就是不 断适应环境的过程。学习受“人要赢得尊重,就得对社会做贡献”的欲望所驱使。学习就是知识本身所引起的对知识的好奇。“学习使人年轻,不学习等于死亡。” 这句话造用于任何社会、任何时代。 确实,世人无时不在学习。人不仅从书本上学,而且在经验中学。我们不能指望只要学习就必有所获。有效的学习是与好的方法与动机分不开的。责任心强且有抱负的人会学而不厌。 经过努力,我进了大学,但我知道,这只是通往知识海洋上的第一步,只是科学这本书中的第l页。离岸越远,视野越宽。越学越想学。生命短暂,艺术无涯。 英语话题作文 篇7 话题范围具体话题英文核心词社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度、文化、环境efficiency, revolution, culture, economic development, population, needs, quality, price, tension, natural resources financial, efficient, environmental recycle, protect生活健康类、新通讯工具类、节约和浪费、交通、食品安全internet, cell phone, vigor, simplicity, organic food energetic, exhausted cherish, thrift, waste, squander品质创新、奋斗、关爱、人生选择、责任、抗挫折、公正感honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity, responsibility, belief, equality, perseverance, obligation, moral standard independent, considerate, confident, creative, selfish, isolated, conservative人际教育儿童,照顾老人,帮助他人、合作、人际关系、沟通cooperation, communication, harmony, humanity, assistance reciprocal, harmonious educate, encourage, understand 英语话题作文 篇8 About three decades ago, China was known as the “Bicycle Kingdom”. But the two-wheeled mode (方式) of transport"s popularity began to fade, with many bikes soon replaced by their fuel-powered competitors. 大约30年前,中国被称为“自行车王国”。但随着自行车被燃油驱动的汽车所取代,这种双轮交通方式的热度也开始衰退。 But recent months have seen a revival (复兴) of the humble (普通的) bike across China, with an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of driving to schools, to workplaces or to do sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing schemes, pioneered by start-ups (新兴公司) like Ofo and Mobike, has brought the trend to a new level. 但近几个月,中国大地上见证了一场普通自行车的复兴,越来越多的"人选择骑车上班上学、游览观光,而非驾车出行。而由Ofo、摩拜单车等新兴公司发起的共享单车计划,则将这一趋势带向了一个新高度。 According to data compiled (编制) by iResearch Consulting Group, the first week of this year saw 5.85 million active users of Mobike while Ofo had 1.4 million active users. 根据艾瑞咨询集团整理的数据显示,在本年度的第一周中,摩拜单车共有585万活跃用户,而Ofo则有140万。 People can unlock the shared bikes by simply using their smartphone. The bikes are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They"re popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective solution to the “last mile” problem, which refers to the final leg of a person"s journey. 仅凭自己的智能手机,人们就能解锁这种共享单车。这些单车都装有全球定位系统,可以被放在公共场合的任何地方,等待下一位用户使用。它们受到了许多中国人的欢迎,因为它们有效地解决了“最后一公里”难题,即个人行程中的最后一段。 “In places where the subway doesn"t extend (延伸到), where it"s difficult to change from one kind of transport to another, it"s so easy to get where you want to go with Mobike,” Hu Hong, 29, told AFP. She pedals (骑自行车) to her Shanghai real-estate (房地产) job. “在地铁线路覆盖不到的地方,很难换乘其他交通,用摩拜单车去你想去的地方就简单多了,”29岁的胡红(音译)在接受法新社采访时表示。在上海从事房地产行业的她都是骑自行车去上班的。 However, the schemes have also led to problems such as illegal parking, vandalism (故意破坏) and theft. 然而,这一计划也出现了一些问题,如非法停车,故意破坏和偷窃等。 Last month, two nurses in Beijing were placed under administrative detention (行政拘留) for five days for putting locks on two shared bikes. 上个月,北京的两名护士因在共享单车上上锁(占为己有),被行政拘留5天。 And in December, a man who stole a shared bike was sentenced to a 3-month detention with a 3-month probation (缓刑期), and fined 1,000 yuan by the Shanghai Minhang People"s Court. 而在去年12月,一名男子因偷窃一辆共享单车,被上海闵行人民法院判处拘役3个月,缓刑3个月,并处罚金人民币一千元。 “Bike-sharing is a greener method of transportation and provides a user-friendly experience,” said Liu Xiaoming, vice-minister of transport. “But it"s a combination of online and offline business. Operators are usually strong in online services, but lack offline business experience, which causes problems.” “共享单车是种更加绿色的出行方式,并且为用户提供了一种友好的体验,”交通部副部长刘小明表示。“但是这是一种线上和线下商业的结合。经营者的线上业务能力很强,但缺乏线下业务经验,导致了问题产生。” In fact, these problems are also shared by bike-sharing schemes abroad. Launched in 20xx, Vélib is a large-scale public bike sharing system in Paris. At its early stage of operation, it also suffered from problems of vandalism or theft. 事实上,这些问题在国外的共享单车体系中也同样存在。创建于20xx年的Vélib是一个位于巴黎的大型公共单车共享系统。在其初期的运营中,它也曾遭遇故意损毁及偷窃等问题。 By Oct 20xx, a large number of Vélib"s initial bikes had to be replaced due to vandalism or theft, according to The New York Times. Bikes were found hanging from lampposts (街灯柱) or thrown into the Seine River. 据《纽约时报》报道,截至20xx年10月,由于故意损毁和偷窃问题,大量初期的Vélib自行车不得不被置换。这些自行车曾被发现挂在街灯柱上,或是被扔进塞纳河中。 To deal with these problems, the company came up with the idea of encouraging people to return the bikes to stations by rewarding free time for their next rides. 为了处理这些问题,该公司想到一个办法:鼓励人们将自行车归还至站点,并在他们下次使用时奖励免费用车时间。 Now, Chinese service operators are also trying to address these problems. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit score for each user, with points taken in the case of bad behavior. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes, up from 0.5-1 yuan. 现在,中国的服务经营者们也开始尝试去解决这些问题。举个例子,摩拜单车为每个用户设定了100分的信用值,行为不当将会被扣分。当信用值降到80分以下,自行车租赁费用将会从每30分钟0.5-1元上涨到100元。 英语话题作文 篇9 On the Senior Empty Nests For most senior students in universities, the last academic year has nothing to do with academics. To the frustration of professors, few courses are attended by students. And dorms are almost vacant with few lodgers. This kind of phenomenon, which has been called “Senior Empty Nests”, is common among universities of China. Where have those absent senior students gone? Some lucky dogs have gone to their new jobs while the majority are still striving to get a job or engaging in their internship outside of the campus. The severe employment pressure has pushed senior students into employment market earlier. The anxiety of getting a job before graduation disturbs the restless mind of every student, which leads to skipping school of most students. In my view, with senior students leaving campus earlier, their time of education has been reduced, which puts them in a disadvantaged position in the employment market. Students should start job hunting after finishing the courses of the last academic year. At the same time, the universities should provide career education for senior students. 英语话题作文 篇10 Relax Yourself What does it mean to relax?Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our lives, very few people have deeply considered what it"s really about. When you ask people (which I have done many times) what it means to relax, most will answer in a way that suggests that relaxing is something you plan to do later you do it on vacation, in a hammock, when you retire, or when you get everything else done. This implies, of course, that most other times should be spent nervous, agitated, rushed, and frenzied. Very few actually come out and say so, but this is the obvious implication.Could this explain why so many of us operate as if life were one great big emergency? It is useful to think of relaxation as a quality of heart that you can access on a regular basis rather than something reserved for some later time. You can relax now. It"s helpful t remember that relaxed people can still be superachievers and, in fact, that relaxation and creativity go hand in hand.When I"m feeling uptight, for example, I don"t even try to write. But when I feel relaxed, my writing flows quickly and easily.小白2023-07-05 06:52:001
theme的意思有:1、作名词时译为“主题;主旋律;题目”;例句:Peace was the dominant theme of the conference.和平是大会的首要议题。2、作形容词时译为“以奇想主题布置的”。1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的tes...韦斯特兰2023-07-05 06:51:592
在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是我帮大家整理的英语话题作文10篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语话题作文 篇1 My View on University RankingThe past years have seen the huge development of higher education in China and in contemporary society, it becomes a trend for universities to be ranked according to certain standards each year.Meanwhile, an increasing number of people deem it rather convenient to acquire information about quality of some universities.Searching the Internet, people can notice several editions of ranks very year. A number of individuals favor this ranking because of its advantages.To begin with, without these ranks, it is impossible for people to make a direct comparison between different colleges.In addition, it is this ranking that enables China to build up a system of assessing higher education and to enhance its overall development.Even so, others hold the opposite view that university ranking carries some doubts.First, ranking all universities means a great amount of time and human resources; however, the quality and authority is not as satisfactory as expected.Second, what worries many experts is that some colleges may focus too much eyesight on ranking itself, ignoring the needs of students.By and large, the advantage derived the annual university ranking far outweigh the disadvantages. An effective ranking will bring colleges motivation, arouses their enthusiasm to strive, and helps China to enhance higher education.However, it is advisable for this ranking to be scientific, practical and impartial. 译文 过去的几年目睹了中国高等教育的巨大发展,在当代社会,每年进行高校排名已经成为了一种趋势。同时,越来越多的人认为这样获取大学资质的信息很方便。上网搜索,人们可以找到许多版本的排名。 许多人赞成大学排名是因为排名的好处。首先,如果没有排名,人们不可能在不同大学之间做直接的比较。另外,排名可以让政府建立评估高校的体系并促进其发展。尽管如此,还有其他人持相反观点,认为大学排名有一些疑虑。首先,大学排名消耗时间与人力,然而,质量与权威性并不如预期的那样好。其次,让许多专家担心的是一些大学过多关注排名,忽略了学生的需求。 总的来说,每年大学排名的优点比缺点要多。一个有效的排名带给大学积极性,激发发展热情,帮助中国发展高等教育。然而,排名最好要有科学性,实际性和公平性。 英语话题作文 篇2 Today is the lunar December eighth day - the laba festival. The laba festival in China has a long tradition and history, on this day drink the laba laba rice porridge, do is the most traditional people all over the country, is also the most pay attention to the customs. At night, dad with red jujube, lotus seeds, beans, peanuts, black beans, wheat berry, lily, eight kinds of material such as rice stayed up the whole pot of delicious rice porridge. Mom put porridge is good, in the table. I use the spoon gently drew a few times in a bowl, good let it cool faster. Then, scoop a spoonful of their mouth. Porridge boil rotten rotten, quickly melted in your mouth. I said to my father: "dad, you can endure to laba rice porridge is really nice." The father said, "you drink a bowl of laba porridge, you will happy auspicious." Listen to father said these words, I feel very warm and happiness. 英语话题作文 篇3 Dear Jane, Thank you for your last letter asking about our sunshine sports program. Now I tell you some sports in our school. Many students doing sports one hour everyday. Different students have different interests. Some boys like playing football, because they love it. Most girls like shopping, because they think it relaxing. But most boys like playing Chinese Kongfu, because they believe it can help they keep healthy. And some girls like dancing, because they want to keep fit. I think the sunshine sports program is very important for us. Because the study of students very hard. Sports can also let brains have a good rest so that our study will be more effective. And it can help you relax. Yours, Cai zongrui 英语话题作文 篇4 汶川大地震 (黑龙江鸡西)A.5月12日,四川省汶川地区发生了罕见的大地震,那里的人们痛失亲人和家园。全国人民众志成城,抗震救灾。作为一名中学生,请你谈谈你的做法和感受。 要求:文章语言流畅,逻辑清晰,用词准确,80-100字左右;词汇参考:地震earthquake悲痛sorrow受到感动be deeply moved安慰comfort重建rebuild自愿做某事volunteer to do sth 参考范文: On May 12th, a big earthquake happened in Wenchun, Sichuan. Many people lost their relatives and their homes. All the Chinese people feel quite sorrow. A lot of people volunteer to help them. Some people raise money for them, some people buy something for them, some people go there to comfort the sad children. Thousands of soldiers help them to save their relatives and rebuild their homes Even foreign friends also give them a hand. I"m deeply moved by these people. So I"ll use my pocket money to buy some food and school things for the children there. I think all of us should try our best to help them to get out of the trouble together. 英语话题作文 篇5 My Views on Bicycle-sharing Presently, in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle-sharing system has becomeincreasingly popular. A large number of shared bikes can be found and rented at a low price. Moreover, you can park the bike almost anywhere you like. Urban transportation has thus been made much more convenient and even revolutionized. However, along with its rapid development, bicycle-sharing system also brings some problems, including random parking, vandalism and possession of shared bikes, etc. To solve these problems, there are some measures for the authorities to take. Firstly, the government could implement more strict laws and rules to regulate the operation and management of bicycle-sharing system.Secondly, the public should raise their awareness of using shared bike reasonably. Lastly, urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to accommodate automobiles, bikes and pedestrians. To conclude, a sensible attitude should be held toward bicycle-sharing program. With effective andefficient measures taken, and efforts made by those involved, it can be expected that bicycle-sharing system will play a contributive and constructive role in urban public transportation. 英语话题作文 篇6 用英语谈谈你对电影的看法: Of all kinds of movies, I like comedies best. I think they"re interesting. My favorite actor is Jackie. I like his movie King of Comedy. I think it"s a successful comedy. For action movies, I like The Lord of the Ring best. It"s exciting. I like documentaries because they"re true stories. I like only some thrillers. Many thrillers are scary and boring. 在各种各样的电影中,我最喜欢喜剧片。我认为它们很有趣。我最喜欢的演员是成龙。我喜欢他的电影“喜剧之王”。我认为这是一个成功的喜剧。至于动作片,我最喜欢“指环王”。它令人兴奋。我喜欢纪录片,因为他们是真实的故事。我只喜欢一些恐怖片。许多恐怖片都太恐怖和无聊。 请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的周末生活: I have a good weekend. On Saturday morning,I do my homework. After lunch, I go shopping with my mother. At about five o"clock, I go to play basketball with my friend. On Sunday, I watch a football game on TV. I often help my mother do housework. I watch TV with my parents in the evening. Then I go to bed at nine o"clock. I"m very happy on weekends. 我有一个美好的周末。星期六早上,我做我的作业。午饭后,我和我的母亲去购物。大约5点,我和我的朋友一起玩篮球。星期天,我在电视上观看足球比赛。我经常帮助妈妈做家务。晚上我和我的父母看电视。然后我在九点钟去睡觉。周末我很快乐。 以 My Favorite…为题,写一篇短文: My favorite subject is English. I like it because it is interesting. I have English every day. I can speak a little English. I join the school English club. Every afternoon I go there to talk in English. I can see English movies and read English books. I think it is useful for me. I want to learn it well. I like English very much. 我最喜欢的科目是英语。我喜欢它,因为它很有趣。我每一天都上英语课。我会讲一点英语。我参加了学校的英语俱乐部。每天下午我去那里用英语交谈。我可以看英文电影和阅读英文书籍。我想这对我来说是有用的。我想学好它。我非常喜欢英语。 英语话题作文 篇7 1、世界各地 给朋友的信 假如你是英国学生PETER在北京学习,请按下文给你的"朋友MARY写一封信谈一下北京和伦敦的异同相同点:北京和伦敦都是首都和重要城市,都拥有众多人口,都是国家经济政治文化中心,都拥有许多历史,文化古迹不同点:伦敦;汽车靠左行,很多人坐汽车上班 阴天多 懂汉语人少 学生不充分利用时间 北京:汽车靠右行很多人骑自行车上班 晴天多 懂 英语人多 学生学习勤奋 参考译文 Dear Mary, I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very interesting here. There are so many similarities between Beijing and London. They are both the capital of the country and are both very important cities. Both places have huge populations. They are both the economical, political and cultural center. They both have many historical and cultural , I also found many differences in the two cities. In London we drive on the left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right side. Most people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most people rides bicycles. In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing most the time it""s sunny. And in London most student don""t spend their time efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study hard. Regards, Peter 英语话题作文 篇8 Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated. This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life. First things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission. No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice. Your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission. And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness. Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered.” And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome. John Milton, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature. In the second place, ambition can bring one"s potentials to the full. Ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating one"s dormant potentials. Without ambition one"s potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano. A case in point is Ms Zhang Haidi, a Chinese Helen Keller. It was her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Haidi into a well-accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, they may probably land on the moon. Influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be channeled in the right direction. If wrongly directed, one"s ambition may bring havoc on him and others. Hitler, whose ambition was to conquer Europe by whattever evil means, finally turned him into a demon. It was this demon that almost cast Europe into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering. Another case is Macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of Scotland. However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan. Consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom. To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves. A poet says: life can be bad; life can be good; life can be dirty; life can be sad,; life can even be painful. In my mind"s eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition. 英语话题作文 篇9 家庭、朋友与周围的人Family, Friends and the People around You 假设你们班级即将召开以“感恩”为主题的班会,要求向大家介绍一下你最想向谁表达感恩之情,他或她为你做了什么,你又将怎样回报他或她的付出。请结合上文内容,以“Thank you, my…”为题写一篇发言稿。 要求: 1.句子通顺,语意连贯。 2.包括所有提示内容。 3.不少于80词。 Thank You, My Mother Wherever we are today, whatever we are, we owe it to our parents who have given and taught us so much, so we should thank them, especially, thank our mother. I think my mother is one of the best mothers in the world. She is the busiest one in my family. She does chores for the family and cares about my study. She has taught me a lot. She does lots of things for me. But she never wants anythings in return. How will I show my thanks to my mother? First, this year, I am going to give her a surprise birthday party and buy her a special present. Second, I"ll do well in school. Third, I"ll help her do housework when I"m free. I want to make her happy. In a word, I love my mother. 英语话题作文 篇10 【预测题目】 假如你是Han Mei,下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。 提示词语:listen to,mother"s love,care about,communicate with,get along with,smile 写作要求: 语句通顺,书写工整; 可用所给提示词语,也可以适当发挥; 词数在60-80左右。 Dear Han Mei, I"m afraid I"ve got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me," Be careful while crossing the street.”“Put on more clothes.”“Did you do a good job at school?” And so on. I"m annoyed(烦恼). What shall I do? Alice 【参考范文】 Dear Alice, As a teenager,I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you. Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. Maybe it"s not a good way, but it shows your mother"s love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother"s,you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking about. If your mother doesn"t take your advice,just keep silent and give her a smile. I hope what I say here can help you a lot. Yours Han Mei 【参考译文】 亲爱的爱丽丝, 作为一个少年,我遇到了和你一样的问题。但现在我可以更好地与我的母亲。这里有一些想法给你。 你妈妈说话多,因为她在乎你。也许这不是一个好方法,但它显示了你母亲的爱。所以我认为你应该听她的。如果你的意见和你母亲的不同,你可以和她交流,hi投2023-07-05 06:51:591
在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?以下是我帮大家整理的英语话题作文5篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语话题作文 篇1 Most people have their idols, be it scientists or pop singers. Many youngsters, in particular, worship stars in the sports and entertainment field, who catch most of the public attention. It is hard to say whether idol worshiping is good or bad, for it is not a black-and-white issue. For one thing, idols may inspire they young people in Different ways. Usually, these public figures walk into the spotlight after a great amount of hard work, therefore they set up role models as talented and industrious persons. But for another thing, it may not be wise to blindly admire anyone. Some youngsters try to imitate their idols——dressing, pronunciation, life style and everything. This is dangerous, because to err is human and stars have their weaknesses as well, and in some cases, even scandals. As I perceive this phenomenon, there is nothing wrong with idol worshiping inherently. What matter are the aspects in which we admire them and to what extent it goes. Even if a certain star always presents a good public image, the “worship” should not go to such extreme as pure imitation, otherwise there will be a lot of “carbon copies” lacking individuality. (196 words) 英语话题作文 篇2 针对学生辍学问题,你班的学生展开了讨论,有人辍学因为家里太穷而读不起书,有人因为辍学是因为父母不重视,认为读书无用,请你根据自己的观点写一篇文章。 Now in the country areas, there are many children out of school. I think one of the reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their school. As a result, they have to stay at home to make money to keep their families. Another reason is that many parents think it useless for the girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. A third reason is that some children are not interested in their lessons, and would not like to go to school. In my opinion all the children including the girls should have the chance to receive education. All the people should pay attention to the education of the children who will play a very important part in the future of our country. 英语话题作文 篇3 有关跨文化话题 例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信: 1、春节在中国人中的地位 2、春节前,人们 3、春节期间,人们 参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker Dear John, How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot help but miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I would like to tell you something about it。 The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is the most important and enjoyable one. A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a years hard work begin to relax and visit one another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country。 Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival。 Best wishes, 英语话题作文 篇4 1、(浙江丽水)Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以"My English Learning"为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。提示: When did you start learning English? (in … /…years ago) How do you learn English? (listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…) What is difficult to learn? (listening, grammar…) What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well? (watch English movies, sing English songs…) 参考作文: English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 2、(四川资阳)假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的建议。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。 注意:1.回信需要包括全部要点; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.字数60左右。 Dear Linda, I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. ……. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China Yours, Li Hua 参考作文: Dear Linda, I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it"s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What"s more, you"d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day. Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don"t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I"m sure you will succeed through your hard work. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China. Yours, Li Hua 英语话题作文 篇5 Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus Apart from acquiring book knowledge, university students should also A have social knowledge. Without social awareness they can not be useful talents qualified fur social needs. Therefore, it is necessary fur them to know society. To acquire social knowledge, students should get close to society. There are many ways for students to approach society, but generally they can be listed as follows. First, they can conduct a survey of society in summer or winter holidays by going to the factory or the countryside. Besides, they can do part-time work in society. Most important of all, they can know the world outside the campus through mass media such as newspaper, TV, broadcast and even Internet. As to me, I consider it most convenient and effhctive to know society by watching TV. I also find it beneficial to do part-time work because through the work I get in touch with people from all walks of life. 标题:了解外面世界的安贸易 内容:了解外部世界的`Campus1获取书本知识。大学生了解社会的必要性2。了解社会的途径(大众媒介,服务等)3。我打算怎么做外,大学生也应该有社会知识。没有社会意识,他们不能合格的有用之材毛皮社会需要。因此,有必要让他们知道毛皮社会。为了获得社会的知识,学生应该接近社会。有很多方法让学生接触社会,但他们一般可以列举如下。首先,它们可以进行社会在夏天或冬天调查,到工厂或农村的假期。此外,他们可以做兼职工作,在社会上的时间。最重要的,也可以知道通过大众媒体,如报纸,电视,广播和互联网,甚至在校园外的世界。至于我,我认为这是最方便和effhctive知道通过看电视的社会。我也觉得这样做是有益的部分,因为通过我的工作接触与社会各阶层人士的工作时间。善士六合2023-07-05 06:51:591
在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是我整理的英语话题作文9篇,欢迎大家分享。 英语话题作文 篇1 My Views on Bicycle-sharing Presently, in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle-sharing system has becomeincreasingly popular. A large number of shared bikes can be found and rented at a low price. Moreover, you can park the bike almost anywhere you like. Urban transportation has thus been made much more convenient and even revolutionized. However, along with its rapid development, bicycle-sharing system also brings some problems, including random parking, vandalism and possession of shared bikes, etc. To solve these problems, there are some measures for the authorities to take. Firstly, the government could implement more strict laws and rules to regulate the operation and management of bicycle-sharing system.Secondly, the public should raise their awareness of using shared bike reasonably. Lastly, urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to accommodate automobiles, bikes and pedestrians. To conclude, a sensible attitude should be held toward bicycle-sharing program. With effective andefficient measures taken, and efforts made by those involved, it can be expected that bicycle-sharing system will play a contributive and constructive role in urban public transportation. 英语话题作文 篇2 When we were children, we often say that I want to grow up, or I want to be an adult. As children, we cannot do many things, while after we grow up, we can. However, we often complain that I don"t want to grow up when we become adults actually. 当我们还是小孩子的时候,我们常说,我要长大,或者我想成为大人。作为孩子,有很多事情我们都不能做,但是长大后,却可以做。然而,当我们真的长大之后,我们却常常抱怨不想长大。 Firstly, growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by ourselves or we should support our parents when they can"t earn enough money to make a living. Secondly, after graduation, we need to work instead of accomplishing nothing. We should have a target and work for it, so we have pressure on jobs. After that, when we meet with the right person, we will get marry with him or her to build a family. That is to say, we have heavier burden because of our family. Building a family and keeping it harmonious is not easy. In a word, there are many problems waiting for us once we grow up. 首先,成长意味着更多的责任。我们要自己谋生,或者在我们父母无法养活自己的时候,要赡养父母。其次,大学毕业后,我们需要工作而不是什么都不做。我们应该有目标,并朝着它工作,因此我们有了工作的压力。之后,当我们会遇到合适的人,我们会和他或她结婚并一起建立一个家庭。也就是说,因为我们自己的家庭,我们的负担加重了。组建一个和谐的家庭并不容易。总之,一旦我们长大了就会有很多问题在等着我们。 Every coin has two sides. Grow up can also broaden our horizon, offer us an opportunity to know more about our world, love and protect the important person in our life. Don"t be afraid of growing up, just be a better person and enjoy our life. 每个硬币都有两面性。长大了可以拓宽我们的视野,使我们有更多的机会地了解我们的世界,爱和保护我们生命中重要的人。不要害怕长大,那只是让你成为一个更好的人,并享受生活。 英语话题作文 篇3 1、(福建宁德)健康饮食关系到青少年的身心健康成长。请根据以下提供的内容和提示词,以"Healthy Eating"为题写一篇作文. 提示:1.健康饮食的重要性(important, energy); 2.良好的饮食习惯(keep a balanced diet); 3.健康饮食的益处(make…..stong) Healthy eating is important for us in our daily life. Food can give us energy and help us build up our body. What and how should we eat to be healthier? First, we should have enough clean food each meal. Second, it"s important to keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of food provide us different nutrition we need every day. Third, we should have a regular meal. In this way, we"ll be strong and healthy, and we"ll do well in our study. 2、根据中英文提示,写出内容完整、意思连贯、符合逻辑的稿件。(字数不少于60词,英文提示词供选用) 有写学生不爱吃学校的午饭,常到校外去吃他们所喜欢吃的食物。但有些食物并不利于他们的身体健康。"英语角"打算针对这个问题展开讨论。请你准备一篇讨论稿,谈谈你的看法和建议。 参考词汇:not like, go out of school, be afraid, be back, more delicious, offer 范文: We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn"t delicious. So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat. But I"m afraid it"s bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn"t healthy enough. In my opinion, if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside, they should make the food more delicious, and also they should offer our students a larger choice of food as well. 英语话题作文 篇4 幸福是否可以用金钱购买?不可能!但是不是钱多一点我们就会更开心一点呢?对此,大多数人一定微笑赞同。我们相信,收入的富足与舒适的生活感受之间有着某种联系。几乎所有人都会说,是的,我希望变得富有。而目前有四分之三的美国大学生都认为,过上“十分富裕”的生活是“非常重要”和“必不可少”的。钱的作用的确不小。 Does money buy happiness? No! Ah, but would a little more money make us a little happier? Many of us smirk and nod. There is, we believe, some connection between fiscal fitness and feeling fantastic. Most of us would say that, yes, we would like to be rich. Three in four American collegians now consider it “very important” or “essential” that they become “very well off financially”. Money matters. 但是,富人就一定更快乐吗?研究人员发现,在一些贫穷的国家,相对而言比较富裕确实会使人过得更幸福一些。我们需要食物、住所、休息和社会关系。然而,人们惊讶地发现,在那些几乎所有人都衣食无忧的国家里,财富的增加所产生的效果微乎其微。收入与幸福之间的关联“惊人得微弱”。一旦生活舒适,钱所带来的收益便呈现递减趋势。得到的第二笔十万美元就像吃到的第二只派,尝起来永远都不如第一只那么美味。即使那些彩票得主和福布斯排名前一百的富人们也并没有比一般的美国人更开心多少。飞黄腾达只能带来暂时的喜悦。从长远来说,财富就像健康一样,失去它的人定会感到不幸,而拥有它的人却未必一定幸福。 Well, are rich people happier? Researchers have found that in poor countries, being relatively well off does make for greater well-being. We need food, rest, shelter and social contact. But a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford life"s necessities, increasing affluence matters surprisingly little. The correlation between income and happiness is “surprisingly weak”. Once comfortable, more money provides diminishing returns. The second piece of pie, or the second $100,000, never tastes as good as the first. Even lottery winners and the Forbes" 100 wealthiest Americans have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average American. Making it big brings temporary joy. But in the long run, wealth is like health: its utter absence can breed misery, but having it doesn"t guarantee happiness. 英语话题作文 篇5 按系统论的观点,外语教学是一个系统,写作教学是其中的一个子系统,与听、说、读等教学共同构成一个科学的大系统,它是由英语词汇、语法、主题及其写作手法等互相依赖、互相作用的诸要素组成的有机整体。在小学阶段,大部分老师都非常注重学生的听、说和阅读能力的培养和训练,往往忽视了写作能力的训练,认为这是中学的要求,或者是因为觉得写作教学难,教师批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较重视,而对写的重要性认识不足,忽视学生写的能力培养。我认为英语写作能唤起学生对所学或所掌握的语言的感觉;其次,每一次单元测试和期末考试,写作(写话)也占了一定的比例。因此,在小学高年级,英语的写作训练与听、说、读的训练同等重要。 一、小学英语话题写作的概念 小学高年级的英语写作是指学生能在教师指导下,围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型起草一篇短小的习作或一两段话,初步能注意英汉的差异,能使用正确的英语表达法。 二、英语写作教学的目的 1、提高学生综合运用语言的能力; 2、发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的能力; 3、让学生主动地整合所学的语法、句型等知识点,把它们变成一个有机的整体。 三、英语写作的常用模式 1、填空式写法 英语语音教学强调模仿,但英语写作教学却忽视模仿的作用。写作起步阶段可多进行摹仿写。填空式写作是保留文章或对话的主干,适当地调换内容让学生换上其它人、事和物进行填空。其优点是既降低写作难度,激发学生写作兴趣,又可加深对课文的理解,特别是新旧单词的综合运用;缺点是学生有可能忽视语法、时态问题,在培养学生创造力方面有欠缺。通常可以在每学完一篇课文或对话后,让学生进行填空写作。 2、仿例写法 学完一个完整的单元,为了帮助学生系统归纳、整理语言知识点,教师根据本 单元的教学要点,围绕一个人、一件事或一个动物写一篇短文,要求学生注意模仿例文的时态和语态仿写。通过仿写训练,能引起学生对英语时态和语态的重视。例如一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,动词加“s”或“es”,这是学习的难点。我让学生先写一写自己一天的生活,然后调查一个朋友或亲人一天的生活,模仿例文仿写。通过对比,使学生对同一时态不同人称动词的运用有了更深刻的理解,而不仅仅停留在记忆的层面上,也可免去老师重重复复的讲解和提醒。 3、启示式写法 前两种写法的缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的发生。 4、命题式写法 此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。 四、注重写作策略的指导 1、“联系”和“迁移” 在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的"内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。 2、注意英汉差异,正确使用英语表达法 许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。 3、充分利用小组合作学习的力量。 通过小组成员相互鉴赏阅读,学会欣赏和借鉴别人的好词好句。 五、培养自改作文的能力,发挥学生主动性 我们总碰到这种现象:学生写完作文不经修改就交给老师,对老师形成依赖心理。在写作的初级阶段,可采取师生共同改一篇习作,指出学生普遍性错误,提醒学生注意;鼓励学生同一个意思用不同的表达方式。我认为修改阶段是反馈机制下的一个开放性过程,是通过师生信息互动,使学生的作文逐步完善的过程。采取反馈和同伴间互相阅读作文的方法,也可以形成一种语言意识。学生既是作者又是读者,他们通过批评性地阅读别人的作文,可以学到更多的写作知识和技巧;他们时刻留心语法及用词错误,写作时开始想到的是读者(而非教师)。学生作文经教师批改后,修订工作是通过个人作业和小组活动相结合进行的。这种做法能使学生学得更深、更广、更活,还能培养学生总结归纳的能力。 总之,学生英语写作能力在教师有计划的组织、有序的训练和耐心帮助、正确引导下,通过学生自主、积极密切的配合是能够得以逐步提高的。 英语话题作文 篇6 The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programs. 过年对中国人来说非常重要。在过去,人们往往没有肉,大米或其他美味的食物吃。他们通常只能在过年吃到这些。所以每年他们都希望过年可以快点来。现在,虽然人们的生活好多了,我和家人每天都可以吃美味的食物。人们仍然喜欢的过年。因为大多数人可以有一个很长的假期,我和家人可以自由地去旅行或拜访我和家人的朋友或与我和家人的家人聚会。晚上,我和家人可以在餐厅大吃一顿,或与家人留在家里看电视节目。 I like the Spring Festival very much. How wonderful the Spring Festival is! 我非常喜欢过年。过年是多么的美妙啊! 英语话题作文 篇7 Dear Peter, I remember you told me you were interested in China. Our school is looking for an English teacher, whose mother tongue is English. You will teach some courses to senior high students. They, who have at least three years of English learning experience, are going to learn the following four courses: speaking, writing, Britain Today and America Today. If you would come here, you have the chance to choose three of them for teaching. You need teach 12 hours a week. If you get the job, you are supposed to work as an advisor to our students" English club or our school"s English newspaper. That is to say, in spare time you will select some articles, which are fit for the students from English papers, English magazines and the Internet, and edit the articles from students. If you are interested in the job or have any question, please let me know. I look forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 英语话题作文 篇8 With the fast development of our society, life-long learning has become very important for everyone. This is because one needs lo acquire new knowledge continuously in order to meet the needs of his work. There are several ways for one to learn life-long. One way is to take a part-time education program. That means, one is studying part time while he is working. The program could be at undergraduate level or graduate level. The second way is to study by yourself. You can learn whatever you need for your work on your own. You can learn from books, from TV programs or from radio. I think that life-long learning is very necessary to us. We can choose either of the two ways mentioned above, It depends on your personal preference and interest. I prefer the first one because this kind of learning is systematic and formal. With the help of the teachers, it is easier to learn and quicker to get what you need for your work. 英语话题作文 篇9 With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to education. As a result, thousands of students take part in various examinations. However, some students have been found cheating on their exams. Some of them copy from each others, some took out their textbooks or reference books to copy, some copied from small pieces of paper on which they had prepared for the exam, still some used the modern communication tools such as BP, mobile phone as a way to cheat on exams.Then, what"s the effect of cheating on exam? There are three factors for this. First, it results in an unfair competition and will destroy the creativity of those bright students. Second, it will ruin the students" self-confidence in the long run. Third, under that kind of circumstances, the students graduated from the schools will not be the one who can meet the need of the society. However, how to stop cheating on exam? In my opinion, there are two ways we can adopt. First, a severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating. Second, great effort should be made to make students understand what kind of person the society needs and try to improve their self-confidence.FinCloud2023-07-05 06:51:591
★无忧考网英语口语频道为网友整理的《适用于小组讨论或聊天用的20个英语口语话题》,供大家参考学习。下面是20个英语口语话题,适用于和朋友或者小组讨论聊天用。Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.Swimming in the ocean is better than swimming in a public pool.Alcohol should be illegal.Children should provide room and board for their aging parents.Studying grammar is more important than practising conversation skills.Television is the leading cause of violence in today"s society.Dogs make better companions than cats.Smoking should be permitted in public places.Females are better students than males.A parent shouldn"t pierce a baby"s ears.Women should be allowed to go topless in public.Lawyers should make a higher salary than nurses.Everyone should plan their own funeral.Reading English is more difficult than writing English.Summer is the best season of the year.Children under 13 should not be allowed to babysit.High school students should wear uniforms.21 should be the legal driving age around the world.Rock and Roll is the best kind of music.The government should pay for post secondary education.拌三丝2023-07-05 06:51:582
在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是我为大家收集的英语话题作文5篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英语话题作文 篇1 Career or Family: which is more important? 事业或家庭:哪个更重要? When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one"s life. It goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life. In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. Without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. What"s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. Most of the people earn their income From a job. On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. Family is always regarded as a place Where we can escape From troubles in life. In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to From family. Without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate. In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that one"s life can become better and better. Therefore, it"s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical. 当被问及他们对事业和家庭的看法,人们总是反应不同。有些人认为它更重要的追求自己的事业,虽然总是有其他的人认为家庭应该是一分之一的生命数量。 没有任何问题,职业在我们的一生中扮演一个关键的角色。在第一个地方,事业能给我们生活目标。没有事业,多我们的生活肯定会浪费时间。更重要的是,职业可以为我们提供生活的一种手段。他们的收入来自于工作的大多数人。另一方面,家庭也是生活中不可或缺的一部分,很多人会承认。家庭总是被视为一个地方我们可以逃避生活中的困难。此外,我们可以从家庭获得一种归属感。没有它,任何人都将感到孤独和绝望。 在我看来,事业和家庭两者并不矛盾。相反,他们可以互相加强,这样一个人的生活可以变得越来越好。因此,这不是一个选择对与错,而是理想和现实之间。 Work Freelance or Work for Boss? 做自由职业者还是帮老板打工? Nowadays more and more people choose to work freelance instead of work for somebody else. It is a shame to work freelance in the old days, people would said that the one who are self-employedis a lazy man, and this kind of job is not security, they fear of instability. However,the conception is changed, work freelance has been widely accepted by public,me included. 现在越来也多的人选择做自由职业者而不是为某人工作了。在以前自由职业者是令人羞耻的,人们会说这种人很懒,还有这种工作没保障,他们害怕不稳定。然而,现在观念改变了,自由职业者已经被广泛地接受了,包括我。 In the first place, one of the biggest advantages of work freelance is that you are the master of your time. Once you areself-employed, you are able to manage your time by your own wish. You do not have to get up very early in the morning, especially in a cold winter morning,and take a crowded bus in case you will not late for work, which links directly to your salary. For me, I would love to stay home in my pajamas rather than fight through traffic so I can sit in a cubicle all day. 第一,自由职业的最大优势就是你是你时间的主人。一旦你当了自己的老板,你就可以按照自己的意愿去管理你的时间。你不必每天早上早早起床,尤其是在寒冷的冬天早晨,又去挤公车,省的自己迟到,这直接关系到你的工资。就我来说,我宁愿穿着睡衣在家里也不要艰辛地挤公车然后在办公室的小格子里闷一天。 In the second place, work freelance is awonderful gift for an introvert. As you can see, if you are working outside,you can not avoid to working with others. It might be hard to deal with different people in the office. There is one more thing that you can not avoid,which is your social duties, drinking and eating. You can"t say no to this, or you will said bye to your job. As we know, too much food or wine is not good for our body, but as long as the cline feels happy, no one will care too much of their body. 第二,自由职业是给内向的人一份美好的礼物。就像你所见到的,如果你在外面工作,你无法避免和其他人打交道。在办公室和不同的人相处会很难。还有一件事你也无法避免,那就是交际应酬,喝酒吃饭。你不能对这个说不,不然你就对你的工作说拜拜吧。像我们所知道的,过量饮食喝酒对我们的身体不好,但是只要客户觉得高兴,谁管得了那么多身体呢。 To sum up, each type of work style has its own advantages and disadvantages, it is your choice. I think working should bea happy thing, if it isn"t, your life will be a sadly hell. 总而言之,每种工作方式都有自己的优势和劣势,这是你的选择。我认为工作应当是件快乐的事情,如果不是,那么你的生活就会变成一个可悲的地狱。 The Reasons for the Occurrence of left-behind children 留守儿童出现的原因 In recent years, more and more left-behind children have been brought into the public and aroused more and morepeople"s attention.Those children are left in their hometown in the countryside and one or two of their parents are goingout to earn money are called “left-behind children”. 近年来,越来越多的留守儿童被带到公众面前,引起了越来越多人的关注。所谓“留守儿童”是指一个父母或双方父母外出赚钱,被留在农村家乡的那些儿童。 So why are there somany left-behind children in our country now? First, the fast development ofbig cities is a main reason. The fast-developed cities provide more chance of employment and higher-salary jobs appeal to a lot of migrant workers. Second, the pursuit of a better life is another reason. The farmers or the workers in the countryside would like to lead a better life and create a better condition for their children. They consider that going out to earn more money is easier to satisfy their children"s need. Finally, the increase of population in countryside also account for the reason. With the increase of population, peoplein the countryside can not get enough land to work and support their family. Therefore,those younger people have to go out to find other ways to make their living. 那么,为什么现在我们国家有那么的留守儿童呢?首先,大城市的快速发展是主要原因。迅速发展的大城市提供了更多的就业机会,相对高薪的工作吸引了大量外来工。其次,追求更好的生活是另外一个原因。乡村里的农民或工人想要过上更好的生活,为他们的子女提供更好的生活条件。他们认为外出赚钱更容易满足他们孩子的`需要。最后,农村人口的增长也是一个原因。随着人口的增加,人们在农村得不到足够的土地来耕作,养家糊口。因此,那些较年轻的人们就不得不寻找其他谋生的方式。 In a word, the occurrence of left-behind children is not caused by a single factor. All of us know that children shouldnot be separated with their parents for a long time, but we also need to takeother factors into consideration so that we can understand the real purpose ofour parents" choice. 总之,留守儿童的出现并不是由单个因素造成的。我们都知道儿童不应该和父母长时间分开,但是我们也要考虑其他因素。只有这样,我们才能明白我们父母做出这样选择的真正目的。 我爱我的家 根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。所给的英文提示词语必须都用上;中文提示内容不必逐句翻译;根据英文提示,每组所写出的句数不限。(共12分)? 几年以前我家只有一间小屋。三个人住一间屋真是艰难。现在我们已经搬进了一套两室一厅 的单元房。我非常高兴。当我父母做. . . , 我能. . . 。我爱我的家 1. a few years ago, family, have one small room 2. it, be, three people, in the same room 3. now, a new flat(单元房), one living room, two bedrooms 4. be happy, my homework, quietly, my own room, my parents A few years ago, my family had only one small room. It was very hard for three people to live in the same room. Now we have moved into a new flat with one living room and two bedrooms. I"m very happy. I can do my homework quietly in my own room when my parents do the housework or other things. I love my home. 论独立自主 Of Independence Nowadays, most children, who are the only child in the family, are given too much love by their parents. It is because that they are protected from hardship and difficulties, they become less independent. However, a spoiled child will have a hard job to live in this competitive society. We should know the fact that no parents can keep a good company with their children for the whole life. Thus, parents should encourage their children to do whatever they can, so as to develop their abilities of independence. 如今,大部分孩子都是独生子女,父母们都十分宠爱他们。正是由于父母为他们挡下许多困难阻碍,这些孩子都变得较依赖性重。然而,被宠坏的孩子终将在这个竞争激烈的社会接受工作挑战。我们都应知道没有那个父母能一生陪伴着自己的孩子。因此,父母应该鼓励他们的孩子做任何他们想做的事,以此来提高孩子的独立性。 A Report 一个报告 A Report(报告) To: Director , Center of Equipment Service From: Director , Exchange Center Subject: Purchase of a printer Dear Sir, 亲爱的先生, Last week, we wrote you a report applying to buy a new printer. This is to remind you of the urgency of our need. 上周,我们给你写了一份申请购买新打印机的报告。这是要提醒你我们的迫切需要。 As we said in our last report, there has been a sudden increase in our correspondences with foreign colleges and universities. Our printer, old and unusable, can not meet the increased demand. Therefore, we were applying for a new one. 正如我们在上一份报告中所说的,我们与外国的大学和大学的书信有了突然的增加。我们的打印机,旧的和无用的,不能满足日益增长的需求。因此,我们申请了一个新的。 We hope that you can furnish us with it as soon as possible, so that our work will not be further delayed. Thank you for the trouble. 我们希望您能尽快提供给我们,以便我们的工作不会被进一步推迟。谢谢你的麻烦。 Yours sincerely, 你真诚, Director Li 李主任 英语话题作文 篇2 Should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street? In current days , with the development of society and economic ,series of social problems are appeared. In order to analyze this phenomenon three universities in Beijing jointly distribute an opinion poll about “Should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?”. From the result of this survey, we know that 29.6 percent of the people are surveyed think that whether they help the old or not will according to the circumstance. The people who will help the old are the most ,they accounted for 64.8 percent of them. And also have 8.3 percent hold the view that the old shouldn"t be help. Why don"t they help the old falls down on the street? 5.3 percent of them are lack of medical knowledge. And 7.2 percent of them think that it"s not related to them. But the major, 87.4 percent of them are afraid of getting themselves into trouble. Through this result, we can see clearly that crisis of confidence between people. Sincere and confidence are replaced by dishonest and hypocritical. Cautious and alert are deeply rooted. In my opinion, we all should help each other. Respect and take good care of the old is the traditional Chinese virtues. When we meet the case, we"d better call health care workers for help. Because we lack of medical knowledge may cause more harm to the old. I hope there is less harm and more worm in our life. 【参考译文】 当他/她跌倒在街上时,你应该帮助老人吗? 当前,随着社会经济的发展,出现了一系列社会问题。为了分析这一现象,北京三所大学联合发布了一项民意调查,“当老人摔倒在街上时,你应该帮助老人吗?”。 从本次调查的结果,我们知道,百分之29.6的人被调查认为,他们是否帮助老人或不将根据情况。帮助老人的人最多,他们占百分之64.8。也有百分之8.3个认为老人不应该帮助。 他们为什么不帮助老人在街上跌倒呢?其中百分之5.3是缺乏医学知识。百分之7.2的人认为这与他们无关。但少校,其中百分之87.4人害怕惹上麻烦。 通过这个结果,我们可以清楚地看到人们之间的信任危机。真诚和自信被虚伪和虚伪所取代。谨慎和警惕根深蒂固。 在我看来,我们都应该互相帮助。尊重和爱护老人是中华民族的传统美德。当我们遇到这种情况时,我们最好打电话给卫生保健人员寻求帮助。因为我们缺乏医学知识可能会对老年人造成更多伤害。我希望生活中少一些伤害和更多的虫子。 英语话题作文 篇3 The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with us existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for。 The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life! The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, and put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us。 The thankful classmate and friend grow up with us and let us no longer stand alone in the itinerary of life。 The thankful our country provides us with free books, dormitory and food。 Whenever it is, we should keep a thankful heart towards everything existed。 Only thus, can we become a useful man。 英语话题作文 篇4 【预测话题】共享单车 【预测题目】 假定你是红星中学初三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新近出现的一种共享单车“mobike”很感兴趣,并请你做个简要介绍。请你给Jim回信,内容包括: 1. 这种单车的使用方法(如:APP查看车辆、扫码开锁等); 2. 这种单车的优势; 3. 你对这种单车的看法。 注意:1. 词数不少于80; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:智能手机 smartphone, 二维码 the QR code 【参考范文】 Dear Jim, I"m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike--mobike mentioned in your latest letter. It"s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is to find a nearest mobike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip. Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well. Hope to ride a mobike with you in China. Yours, Li Hua 【参考译文】 亲爱的吉姆, 我写信是要告诉你更多关于自行车共享的新形式--在你最近的信中提到摩拜。 这是非常方便的使用,如果你有一个智能手机。你要做的是通过APP找到最近摩拜、扫描QR码在自行车上,享受您的旅行。 相比于其他形式的自行车共享、摩拜的最大的好处就是你可以很容易的找到一个永远不担心停车的地方吗。作为一种交通工具,它不仅缓解了交通压力,而且对环境也有好处。 希望你在中国骑摩拜。 你的好朋友, 李华 英语话题作文 篇5 This picture is simple but significant. As is vividly shown in the picture, wearing traditional Chinese costume, a foreigner is saying “Happy New Year” to a Chinese girl in Chinese, even though his pronunciation is not accurate enough. There is no doubt that the picture implies that a growing number of foreigners are starting to be interested in Chinese culture in this day and age. Why should this phenomenon take placeThere are generally three factors accounting for it. First of all, due to the fast economic and social development, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. Accordingly, international cultural exchange is becoming increasingly frequent. Besides, learning traditional Chinese culture, which is priceless spiritual treasure, can give those foreign friends a new perspective of the outside world. Last but not least, this kind of cultural exchange is beneficial for both our Chinese and foreign friends to broaden our horizons, widen our knowledge, and eich our experience. From what has been discussed above, we may come to a conclusion that our traditional culture is popular among the whole world and should be preserved and cherished. Therefore, thekikcik2023-07-05 06:51:581
Favorite topic of conversation余辉2023-07-05 06:51:571
我的爱好我有许多爱好,弹琴、画画、写作……但我最喜欢看书,人人都管叫我“小书迷”。我之所以爱看书,是有原因的,因为书是人类进步的阶梯,是精神的粮食,是终身的伴侣,也是我最真挚的朋友。我家里有很多书。在我家书房的三个大书柜里、我房间的床头上、书桌上都摆满了书,每一本书都是我和爸爸精心挑选的。书就像一位博学多才的老师,带我徜徉知识的海洋,教给我用之不竭的知识。有一次我正在津津有味地看着世界上最为杰出的科幻小说家非利普·迪克的《火星人的时光倒转》,这部作品幽默、痛苦、令人敬畏,带给我巨大的心灵震撼;我仿佛身临其境,和书中的主人公一起冒险、逃亡、呐喊。正当我看得入神时,妈妈大喊一声:“开饭了!”我口口声声地回答:“来了,来了,请等一下。”但我还无法回过神来,仍然梦一般地沉浸在这本奇妙的书的境界里,还在聚精会神地看书,没挪一寸地方。妈妈又喊了一声,可这回我却爱理不理的。妈妈推开门,怒气冲冲地走进来,眼神简直可以杀死几只蚊子,我“哇噻”大叫,吓了妈妈一大跳。我激动地说:“火星人终于发现时光倒转的运行规律,这位伟大的英雄,这位救世主,我太敬仰他了……”妈妈打断了我的话,冲我大吼,像一只发怒的豹子,红着眼睛,呲牙咧嘴,说:“够了,书呆子,马上给我洗手吃饭,否则你准备跟你的书宝贝说再见吧。”我吓呆了,正想要同她反驳,但是,经验告诉我——小孩在大人面前总是错的,特别是在大人们认为有理的时候。我一声不吭地洗手吃饭:我可不想她把我的书从楼上扔下去。你,亲爱的朋友——书,谢谢你伴我度过成长的每一天,陪我哭泣,陪我忧愁,陪我微笑……谢谢你带给了我许多快乐。当我不开心时,总要翻翻书,这样什么不开心的事都会抛在脑后,烟消云散了。书,就像一盏明亮的路灯,照亮了我的童年,点亮了我的人生,让我在人生道路上小心行走,并且从哪摔倒就从哪里爬起来。读书能够陶冶人的情操,给人带来快乐和知识,多读书能为我们的未来打下坚固的基础。朋友,爱书吧!作文吧此后故乡只2023-07-05 06:51:571
在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是我为大家收集的英语话题作文6篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 英语话题作文 篇1 Dear editor, I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our class about their purpose(s) of getting on the Internet. The girls" favorite is chatting, but few boys like it. What boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like them. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. Maybe they think it"s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are equal, but altogether only several of them will use the Internet as a tool to study。 英语话题作文 篇2 【提要】高考英语作文 : 20xx年高考英语作文话题预测:采访某英文杂志正在举办以 "Fancy yourself as an interviewer" 为主题的征文活动,请你 以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview" 为题, 写一篇英语短文。 内容包括: 1. 采访的对象; 2. 采访的原因; 3. 想提的问题。 注意: 1. 词数120左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4. 短文的标题已给出,不计人总词数。 高考英语作文范文 The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei. I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it. If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun as I have read. I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting. 把梦想放大到心里,信心满满;把才华展示在考场中,尽情发挥;把智慧放逐到笔端,挥洒精彩;把心思投入到高考中,如鱼得水。 英语话题作文 篇3 小学的时候,我们便开始接触英语了,可当时只是作为一门学科并不列入 考试的范围内,所以当时我也就没有太在意,每到上英语课的时候,我不是在写作业就是在和同学窃窃私语。可是到了初中,就打不可同了。 刚开始的时候老师只是讲一些简单的英语对话句子和认识26个字母,这并没有难倒我,我很快就明白了,可是随着随着时间的推移,我没学习的难度在逐步增加,我开始觉得有些吃力了,仿佛跟不上同学们的学习进度,脱离了队伍。李老师常对我们说英语学习很简单,只要我们找到合适自己的方法,上可认真听课就足够了。听起来看似很简单,非也非也,我按照老师说的那样去做的,上课认真听课,认真做笔记,做到课前预习课后复习,但结果没有多大的进展,依旧是在原地踏步,但我仍灰心,不断更改自己的学习方法,寻找属于自己的,适合自己的。可是一学期两学期仍是如此,每次考试总是在110至125分之内,我的意志力被摧残,被逐渐腐蚀。有时我想放弃,可最后仍是在努力着,希望会出现奇迹。 如今我已是初三的学生了,正处于初中学习的最后冲刺阶段,我要求自己的英语成绩可以保持在130分左右,但事实上我连上130分都没有几次。我有时在想我们为什么要学习英语呢?学习英语到底有何用处呢?我经常为此事儿不解。在偶然的一天我和妈妈正在看新闻,据新闻报道英语8级以上刚毕业的大学生就业率很高,此刻我才第一次意识到英语的重要性。又恢复了以前的激情信心倍增。虽说成绩只是一点点的进步,但是总比停滞不前要好吧,要乐观的"面对我们的生活。 我不再为英语而惆怅,唯有学好英语才有可能有所作为,才可以振兴家族。现在开始为时不晚。 英语话题作文 篇4 初中生是否可以使用手机呢? At present, telephones are becoming more and more popular in the middle school. Whether students can take telephone to school, different people have different opinions about this question. Some people think it"s good for students, because it"s more convenient for them to contact to others. Our parents can get to us quickly when they need. However, some other people do not agree with them. They think the students who use the telephone will play games, watch movies, send messages and so on, even during the class, which will do harm to them. In my opinion, bring phone to school is not a bad idea, if we use it properly. To some extend, it would be good for our study. If we take it to school, we must sure that we won"t use it during the class. 目前,在中学学校电话正变得越来越流行。无论学生还是老师都可以带手机去学校,对于这个问题,不同的人有不同的意见。 有些人认为这是为学生好,因为它更方便他们联系到其他人。我们的父母我们很快可以得到他们需要的时候。但是,其他一些人不同意。他们认为,学生使用电话的人玩游戏,看电影,发送邮件等,甚至在课堂上,这会害了他们。在我看来,带手机上学是个不错的主意,如果我们正确使用它。在某种程度上,这将有利于我们的研究。如果我们把它带到学校,我们必须确保我们不会用它在课堂上。 英语话题作文 篇5 If u want t be health, u ust have a health lifestle. u shuld d exercise ever da. u ust g t bed earl and get up earl. And drin il ever da. u shuld nt eat un fd and drin cffee. u ust sleep nine hurs ever night. u ust tr t eat lts f vegetables and drin il ever da. ur health lifestle helps u get gd grades. Gd fd and exercise help u t stud better. 英语话题作文 篇6 外卖风靡校园The Popularity of Take-out Food in School Nowadays, as the more choices for students in the school, some students can"t bear the school"s canteen, they call the take-out food. The producers sense the business opportunity, they advertise their food, attracting more students to order their food, and then they promise to provide the perfect service, which means they can bring the food to the students" room. The problem is that school bans the take-away food, on the one hand, the school needs students to consume in the canteen, on the other hand, they want to make sure the students" healthy. Most students choose to order the take-out away food in secret, though it may danger their health. In my opinion, the school should change their menu for some time, they need to cook the food that is suit to the students" taste, they could learn what kind of food the students like, and then adjust the menu. The take-away food will be reduced naturally. 【参考翻译】 现在,学生在学校的选择越来越多。一些学生无法忍受学校的饭堂,他们叫外卖。商家找到了商机,他们宣传自己的食物,吸引越来越多的学生点他们的外卖,还承诺提供最周到的服务,这意味着他们可以送食物到学生的宿舍。问题在于,学校是禁止外卖的。一方面,学校需要学生在饭堂消费,另一方面,他们想要确保学生的健康。大部分学生选择偷偷地叫外卖,虽然这有可能危害他们的健康。在我看来,学校应该隔段时间改变下他们的菜单,他们需要做些符合学生胃口的饭菜,他们应该询问下学生喜欢吃什么,以此来调整下菜单。外卖的现象自然就会减少。 相关标签: 学校School 食品Food 安全SafewpBeta2023-07-05 06:51:571
问题一:以你是怎么学习英语的为题写一篇80字的英语作文 How to learn English well? It"s true that to learn English well is every English learner"s dream. How to learn English well? You know “interest” is the key to study lessons well, so I"m sure you should be interested in English at the beginning. Of course, It"s very important also for each English learner to explore learning skills and efficient ways, because it can lead you to success in short term. In the end, I believe everybody who is good at English has a basic method, that is to learn more, to listen to more, to read more, to think more and to write more and so on. In addition, I think makeing firends with foreingers is also a helpful way to learn English well. If you can do it so, you must to be a good English learner in the near future. 问题二:以目标为题的英文作文并翻译 目标可以决定一个人事业的成败兴衰。有了远大的目标便不易满足,会不断的去奋斗,直到自己的目标成为现实为止。 每次走一中门前,他都有一中神秘的力量吸引着我。一中的门前是如此宏伟气派,总是我想一探究竟!所以我的目标就定在一中! 为了实现我的目标,我要为自己定下以下要求和弥补自己的不足: 首先,上课的时候,我要认真听讲,不做小动作,不和同学交头接耳,要力争把老师上课讲的知识全部消化;对“疑难杂症”要不耻下问,虚心的向老师和同学请教。 其次,要认认真真的完成老师布置的作业,做到一丝不苟。课堂作业当场完成;课后作业和家庭作业也要按时完成。 第三,要对接下来要教的新课提前预习,对其中不认识的生字和成语要先查阅字典把它给确认,弄懂意思;写下自己对文章的看法与疑问,在本子上做好笔记,第二天时带着问题去听讲,还可在课堂上向老师请教;对于预习的新课可做的作业提前完成。 第四,利用放假去期间,多看些课外书,不断丰富自己的课外知识。学习之余,适当休息,劳逸结合,保证健康的体质! “草满池塘水满陂,山衔落日浸寒漪”我清晰地看到屋外的树叶枯黄,我感受到了秋天的气息。秋天,将会有一首进行曲。 初一=奋斗=一心一意! 问题三:以学生是否应该使用手机为题写一篇英语作文 Today, more and more middle school students have their own mobile phones. As a student, I think it"s good to have a mobile phone, because mobile phones can offer a lot of convenience. And students can send short messages to their parents when they are in trouble or not at home. In fact, if students use mobile phones in right ways, mobile phones will help us, such as we can use mobile phones to look up new words. But it can also bring some trouble. For example, many students use their mobiles to listen to music in class. They don"t listen to the teachers carefully. And many students send messages in class. In my opinion, it"s not right to use mobile phones in school. We should try our best to use mobile phones in right ways. 如今,越来越多的中学生拥有自己的手机。作为一名学生,我认为有一个手机是好的,因为手机可以提供很多方便。当学生在家里遇到麻烦或不在家时,他们可以给他们的父母发短信。事实上,如果学生用正确的方式使用手机,手机会帮助我们,比如我们可以用手机来查找新的单词。但它也可以带来一些麻烦。例如,许多学生在课堂上用手机收听音乐。他们不认真听老师讲课。和许多学生在课堂上发送消息。在我看来,在学校里使用手机是不正确的。我们应该尽力用正确的方式使用手机。 问题四:写以myself为题的英语作文(必须带翻译) My name is Wang Dong. I"m 12 years old. I"m a student of No. 5 Primary School in Beijing. I have many hobbies. I like reading and watching TV in my free time. Snow White is my favourite book. I have some friends in my class. My best friend is Chen Gang. I often play games with him. My English teacher is Miss Hu. I like her very much. 我的名字是王东。我12岁了。我是一个在北京市5所小学的学生。我有很多爱好。我喜欢阅读,在我空闲的时间看电视。白雪公主是我最喜欢的书。 我在班里有几个朋友。陈刚是我最好的朋友。我经常和他玩游戏。我的英语老师是胡小姐。我非常喜欢她。 采纳我吧 O(∩_∩)O谢谢苏州马小云2023-07-05 06:51:571
在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是我整理的英语话题作文5篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英语话题作文 篇1 Career or Family: which is more important? 事业或家庭:哪个更重要? When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one"s life. It goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life. In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. Without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. What"s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. Most of the people earn their income From a job. On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. Family is always regarded as a place Where we can escape From troubles in life. In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to From family. Without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate. In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that one"s life can become better and better. Therefore, it"s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical. 当被问及他们对事业和家庭的看法,人们总是反应不同。有些人认为它更重要的追求自己的事业,虽然总是有其他的人认为家庭应该是一分之一的生命数量。 没有任何问题,职业在我们的一生中扮演一个关键的角色。在第一个地方,事业能给我们生活目标。没有事业,多我们的生活肯定会浪费时间。更重要的是,职业可以为我们提供生活的一种手段。他们的收入来自于工作的大多数人。另一方面,家庭也是生活中不可或缺的一部分,很多人会承认。家庭总是被视为一个地方我们可以逃避生活中的困难。此外,我们可以从家庭获得一种归属感。没有它,任何人都将感到孤独和绝望。 在我看来,事业和家庭两者并不矛盾。相反,他们可以互相加强,这样一个人的生活可以变得越来越好。因此,这不是一个选择对与错,而是理想和现实之间。 Work Freelance or Work for Boss? 做自由职业者还是帮老板打工? Nowadays more and more people choose to work freelance instead of work for somebody else. It is a shame to work freelance in the old days, people would said that the one who are self-employedis a lazy man, and this kind of job is not security, they fear of instability. However,the conception is changed, work freelance has been widely accepted by public,me included. 现在越来也多的人选择做自由职业者而不是为某人工作了。在以前自由职业者是令人羞耻的,人们会说这种人很懒,还有这种工作没保障,他们害怕不稳定。然而,现在观念改变了,自由职业者已经被广泛地接受了,包括我。 In the first place, one of the biggest advantages of work freelance is that you are the master of your time. Once you areself-employed, you are able to manage your time by your own wish. You do not have to get up very early in the morning, especially in a cold winter morning,and take a crowded bus in case you will not late for work, which links directly to your salary. For me, I would love to stay home in my pajamas rather than fight through traffic so I can sit in a cubicle all day. 第一,自由职业的最大优势就是你是你时间的主人。一旦你当了自己的老板,你就可以按照自己的意愿去管理你的时间。你不必每天早上早早起床,尤其是在寒冷的冬天早晨,又去挤公车,省的自己迟到,这直接关系到你的工资。就我来说,我宁愿穿着睡衣在家里也不要艰辛地挤公车然后在办公室的小格子里闷一天。 In the second place, work freelance is awonderful gift for an introvert. As you can see, if you are working outside,you can not avoid to working with others. It might be hard to deal with different people in the office. There is one more thing that you can not avoid,which is your social duties, drinking and eating. You can"t say no to this, or you will said bye to your job. As we know, too much food or wine is not good for our body, but as long as the cline feels happy, no one will care too much of their body. 第二,自由职业是给内向的人一份美好的礼物。就像你所见到的,如果你在外面工作,你无法避免和其他人打交道。在办公室和不同的人相处会很难。还有一件事你也无法避免,那就是交际应酬,喝酒吃饭。你不能对这个说不,不然你就对你的工作说拜拜吧。像我们所知道的,过量饮食喝酒对我们的身体不好,但是只要客户觉得高兴,谁管得了那么多身体呢。 To sum up, each type of work style has its own advantages and disadvantages, it is your choice. I think working should bea happy thing, if it isn"t, your life will be a sadly hell. 总而言之,每种工作方式都有自己的优势和劣势,这是你的选择。我认为工作应当是件快乐的事情,如果不是,那么你的生活就会变成一个可悲的地狱。 The Reasons for the Occurrence of left-behind children 留守儿童出现的原因 In recent years, more and more left-behind children have been brought into the public and aroused more and morepeople"s attention.Those children are left in their hometown in the countryside and one or two of their parents are goingout to earn money are called “left-behind children”. 近年来,越来越多的留守儿童被带到公众面前,引起了越来越多人的关注。所谓“留守儿童”是指一个父母或双方父母外出赚钱,被留在农村家乡的那些儿童。 So why are there somany left-behind children in our country now? First, the fast development ofbig cities is a main reason. The fast-developed cities provide more chance of employment and higher-salary jobs appeal to a lot of migrant workers. Second, the pursuit of a better life is another reason. The farmers or the workers in the countryside would like to lead a better life and create a better condition for their children. They consider that going out to earn more money is easier to satisfy their children"s need. Finally, the increase of population in countryside also account for the reason. With the increase of population, peoplein the countryside can not get enough land to work and support their family. Therefore,those younger people have to go out to find other ways to make their living. 那么,为什么现在我们国家有那么的留守儿童呢?首先,大城市的快速发展是主要原因。迅速发展的大城市提供了更多的就业机会,相对高薪的工作吸引了大量外来工。其次,追求更好的生活是另外一个原因。乡村里的农民或工人想要过上更好的生活,为他们的子女提供更好的生活条件。他们认为外出赚钱更容易满足他们孩子的需要。最后,农村人口的增长也是一个原因。随着人口的增加,人们在农村得不到足够的土地来耕作,养家糊口。因此,那些较年轻的人们就不得不寻找其他谋生的方式。 In a word, the occurrence of left-behind children is not caused by a single factor. All of us know that children shouldnot be separated with their parents for a long time, but we also need to takeother factors into consideration so that we can understand the real purpose ofour parents" choice. 总之,留守儿童的出现并不是由单个因素造成的。我们都知道儿童不应该和父母长时间分开,但是我们也要考虑其他因素。只有这样,我们才能明白我们父母做出这样选择的真正目的。 我爱我的家 根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。所给的英文提示词语必须都用上;中文提示内容不必逐句翻译;根据英文提示,每组所写出的句数不限。(共12分)? 几年以前我家只有一间小屋。三个人住一间屋真是艰难。现在我们已经搬进了一套两室一厅 的单元房。我非常高兴。当我父母做. . . , 我能. . . 。我爱我的家 1. a few years ago, family, have one small room 2. it, be, three people, in the same room 3. now, a new flat(单元房), one living room, two bedrooms 4. be happy, my homework, quietly, my own room, my parents A few years ago, my family had only one small room. It was very hard for three people to live in the same room. Now we have moved into a new flat with one living room and two bedrooms. I"m very happy. I can do my homework quietly in my own room when my parents do the housework or other things. I love my home. 论独立自主 Of Independence Nowadays, most children, who are the only child in the family, are given too much love by their parents. It is because that they are protected from hardship and difficulties, they become less independent. However, a spoiled child will have a hard job to live in this competitive society. We should know the fact that no parents can keep a good company with their children for the whole life. Thus, parents should encourage their children to do whatever they can, so as to develop their abilities of independence. 如今,大部分孩子都是独生子女,父母们都十分宠爱他们。正是由于父母为他们挡下许多困难阻碍,这些孩子都变得较依赖性重。然而,被宠坏的孩子终将在这个竞争激烈的社会接受工作挑战。我们都应知道没有那个父母能一生陪伴着自己的孩子。因此,父母应该鼓励他们的"孩子做任何他们想做的事,以此来提高孩子的独立性。 A Report 一个报告 A Report(报告) To: Director , Center of Equipment Service From: Director , Exchange Center Subject: Purchase of a printer Dear Sir, 亲爱的先生, Last week, we wrote you a report applying to buy a new printer. This is to remind you of the urgency of our need. 上周,我们给你写了一份申请购买新打印机的报告。这是要提醒你我们的迫切需要。 As we said in our last report, there has been a sudden increase in our correspondences with foreign colleges and universities. Our printer, old and unusable, can not meet the increased demand. Therefore, we were applying for a new one. 正如我们在上一份报告中所说的,我们与外国的大学和大学的书信有了突然的增加。我们的打印机,旧的和无用的,不能满足日益增长的需求。因此,我们申请了一个新的。 We hope that you can furnish us with it as soon as possible, so that our work will not be further delayed. Thank you for the trouble. 我们希望您能尽快提供给我们,以便我们的工作不会被进一步推迟。谢谢你的麻烦。 Yours sincerely, 你真诚, Director Li 李主任 英语话题作文 篇2 【写作要求】 实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于表达,更要善于倾听。请你根据表格中所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Listener”的英文演讲稿。 注意:1.词数90左右。短文开头和结尾部分己为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.短文需包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺; 3.短文中不要出现具体的学校姓名利人名。 Being a Good Listener Good afternoon,everyone! Today I"d like to share my ideas of “Being a Good Listener” with you. Thank you for your listening! 【优秀满分范文】 Being a Good Listener Good afternoon, everyone! Today I"d like to share my ideas of “Being a Good Listener” with you. Good listening can always show respect and build good relationships with people. Parents should listen to their children, so they will understand them better and trust each other. Teachers should also listen to their students so that they can increase their understanding and improve relationships. Students should listen to their classmates, then their friendship will be increased and they will help each other. We"d better be patient while listening. Don"t forget to keep silent while listening. In a word, good listening can really make us get closer to each other. Thank you for your listening! 英语话题作文 篇3 例1:报纸和网站是当今两大主要媒体。请根据下表内容,以 Newspapers and Websites 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍这两种媒体的优缺点。 报 纸 1. 传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读3.仅有文字和图片 网 站 1. 新兴媒体,信息更新速度快2.依赖于电脑及互联网3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频 注意: 1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥;2. 词数:100-1203. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video Newspapers and Websites Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But they"re different in some ways. Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos. On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. What"s more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites. 例2:目前,一些诸如GG, MM, Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以 Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。 一些同学认为网络语言生动、时尚 网络语言充满幽默与智慧 使网上聊天更快捷 另一些同学认为网络语言缺乏思想性没有被大部分人理解、接受过多使用使人不解,甚至误解? 你的看法 注意: 1. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2. 词数:100左右3. 参考词汇:生动的vivid;智慧intelligence Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited? At present, Internet Slang, such as GG, MM, Xia Mi, has become popular among the teenagers. 原文来源: 高考英语作文:高考英语话题作文范文 有关“网络” There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker. However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding. Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don"t know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations. 例3:假如你是李华,最近你对本班的60名同学(男女各半)进行了上网目的的调查,结果见下表。请你用英语给某报社写一篇报道,反映你调查的内容,以引起公众的关注。 注意: 1.报道应包括图表中的所有内容;2. 叙述中要适当增加个人观点,对学生上网情况进行评论,并提出建议;3.词数:100左右;4. 参考词汇:做调查make a survey Dear editor, I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our class about their purpose(s) of getting on the Internet. The girls" favorite is chatting, but few boys like it. What boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like them. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. Maybe they think it"s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are equal, but altogether only several of them will use the Internet as a tool to study. 英语话题作文 篇4 【预测话题】共享单车 【预测题目】 假定你是红星中学初三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新近出现的一种共享单车“mobike”很感兴趣,并请你做个简要介绍。请你给Jim回信,内容包括: 1. 这种单车的使用方法(如:APP查看车辆、扫码开锁等); 2. 这种单车的优势; 3. 你对这种单车的看法。 注意:1. 词数不少于80; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:智能手机 smartphone, 二维码 the QR code 【参考范文】 Dear Jim, I"m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike--mobike mentioned in your latest letter. It"s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is to find a nearest mobike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip. Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well. Hope to ride a mobike with you in China. Yours, Li Hua 【参考译文】Jm-R2023-07-05 06:51:571
谈谈自己的家乡呗墨然殇2023-07-05 06:51:573
在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是我为大家整理的话题英语作文5篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 话题英语作文 篇1 Welcome to my home. Here are some of my family rules. Let me tell you. I can"t eat in the bedroom but I can eat in the dining hall. I can"t go out on school nights. I can"t play computer games for a long time. I must clean my room every weekend. I must do my homework before dinner. I can"t play games on shool games. I must get up at 6:00. It includes the parents of my love.So I"m willing to abide by it. These are my family rules!What about yours? Please tell me! 【参考译文】 欢迎来到我的家。这是我的一些家庭规则。 让我来告诉你。我在卧室里不能吃但我可以在食堂吃饭。我在有课的晚上不能出去。我不能玩电脑游戏很长时间了。每个周末我必须打扫我的房间。我必须在晚饭前做作业。我不能在学校玩游戏游戏。我必须6点起床。它包含了父母对我的爱。所以我很愿意遵守。 这些是我的家庭规则!你的呢?请告诉我! 话题英语作文 篇2 怎样学好英语 世界在发展,文化在交融,英语已经成为人们沟通的"桥梁。怎样学好英语是我们一直在探索的问题。几年的学习经历你一定积累了许多成功的经验,请从听、说、读、写四方面谈谈你的建议。 要求:1.词数:80—100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 2.字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。 ★范文 How to learn English well English is important and useful tous. How can we learn it well?Here are my suggestions。 First , we should often listen to the tapes, English song sand programs. Watching English movie sisal so helpful tous. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don"t beafraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you"ll make. We"d better join the Englishc lub and practice with others. Third, we can read more English new spapers and magazines. It"s good forus. Atlast, we should recite some good passage sand keep diaries。 In a word, a slong as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well。 话题英语作文 篇3 根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑。不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用,请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 汶川地震(Wenchuan Earthquake)发生后,九岁学生林浩(Lin Hao)救了两名同学,然后步行7个小时到达安全地点。 请你就林浩同学的事迹,以"Learn from the Hero"为题,给你校英语专刊投稿。内容包含林浩同学事迹简介,你对这件事的感受,以及你要向他学习什么。 提示词语:a student, nine years old, happen, save ,walk, to safety, be deeply moved, brave, give up 参考范文: Lin Hao is a student. He is only nine years old. After Wenchuan Earthquake happened, he saved two of his classmates. Then he walked for seven hours to safety. I was deeply moved by his story. I think he is a brave boy. He did his best when he faced great danger. I should learn from him. I will think of others first and help them as much as possible. I will never give up when I face any difficulties. 4、提示: 在学习和生活中,你遇到过高兴和难过伤心的事,请用英语描述这样的经历 要求:1:词数不少于60个,开头已给出。可选用下列词汇:experience 经历经验 unhappiness 不快乐 confidence 自信心 Hights And Lows In My Life We all have experienced highs and lows in our lives. I will never forget the experience when I began to learn English. I like English but I couldn"t get the right way in learning. The more I wanted to remember, the harder I found it was. I was in a low spirit. I almost gave it up. Luckily, my English teacher encouraged me and helped me find a good way. By and by , I realized English was not such a terrible thing. I became brave enough to open my mouth to speak English. How excited I was! My confidence came back to me. Believe it or not , I won the first prize in Spoken English Competition in our school. It was the first time I experienced the highs in my life! 话题英语作文 篇4 health, surrounded by, smog, anything but, gases, impurities, absorb, poisonous, try hard, blacked out We all know that clean air is important to good health. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you are always surrounded by a sea of gases that we call air. If there are impurities in the air, they may be absorbed by our bodies and make us ill. We need clean air, but unfortunately, air pollution is globally present, especially in cities. Many large cities are anything but pollutio. Our cities have many factories, which we need to make food, clothing and other things. Every year these factories pour millions upon millions of tons of smog into air. Power plants and houses that burn coal add greatly to air pollution. Besides, there are more cars in cities now. Once out on the streets, they will take in fresh air and replace it with poisonous gases. Our country is trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. As long as every citizen also realizes its importance and makes join efforts, the day will come soon when people will take in only clean air. Then, the sunlight will no longer be blackened out by smoke and soot. 话题英语作文 篇5 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to the university president. You should write at least 120 words based on the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 学校教学应该注重学生学习方法的培养。 2. 学校应该丰富学生的校园生活 【范文】 A Letter to the University President Dear Sir, I am writing to put up some suggestions concerning our teaching and campus life. As a sophomore from the Math Department, I am quite satisfied with the present condition of my university, but I like to say that there is still some room for improvement. First, I believe that more attention should be paid to the guidance of our study methods. To some extent, university students are capable of studying by themselves, but more often than never, we find ourselves at a loss as to choose good books to read and appropriate topics for our research. It is clear that we need some advice from our teachers. If our teachers can lecture more on how to learn by yourself for us, especially for the freshmen, our skills will be further improved. Second, more activities should be conducted to make our campus life more colorful. I m sorry to say that the present life on campus is quite boring. Every day we have classes, read in the library, or stay in the dormitory. Life here is routine. We need more meaningful activities organized to enrich our college life and enable us to study more efficiently.LuckySXyd2023-07-05 06:51:561
在日常学习、工作和生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是我收集整理的英语话题作文5篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英语话题作文 篇1 Is it Good for College Students to fall in love in School? College students have more freedom than before and they also grow more and more mature in physical and mental. So it is natural that they would like to fall in love with someone. As a result, campus love becomes popular in university. For this phenomenon, people opinions vary. In my opinion, I dont agree with that phenomenon. 跟以前相比,大学生拥有更多的自由,而且在身心上他们也在慢慢地变得越来越成熟。所以他们想谈恋爱是很自然的。结果校园恋爱在大学中就变得很普遍。对于这一现象,人们众说纷纭。在我看来,我是持反对意见的。 First of all, falling in love with others cost a lot of money. When two people have that kind of relationship, they will go out with each other often. When they are going out, they have to spend more money. During the dating, the boy may try his best to buy things to make the girl happy. While the girl may start to make up or buy more beautiful clothes to make herself look better. All these need money. However, university students are still students. They have no income. Their money is from their parents. Falling in love with someone will increase the burden of their family and themselves. 首先,恋爱需要花费很多钱。当两个人是那种关系的时候,他们就会经常一起出去。出去的时候就要花比较多的钱。约会中,男孩子会尽自己最大的努力去买东西给女孩让她开心。而女孩也会开始化妆或者买一些漂亮的衣服来让自己看起来更美丽。这些行为都是需要钱的。然而,大学生仍然还是学生。他们没有收入。他们的钱是父母给的。恋爱会增加家庭和自己的负担。 英语话题作文 篇2 例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信: 1、春节在中国人中的地位 2、春节前,人们…… 3、春节期间,人们…… 参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker Dear John, How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot helpbut miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I would like to tell yousomething about it.The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is the most important and enjoyable one. A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a year"s hard work begin to relax and visit one another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country. Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival. Best wishes, Yours, Li Hua 亲爱的翰, 时光飞逝!自从我们上次见面以来,四个月过去了。我不能不想你。你问我关于春节的。现在我想告诉你一些关于它。春节是中国的传统节日。它是最重要和最令人愉快的。节日前几天,房子都打扫干净了,每个家庭的门都贴着红对联。他们被说要吓跑鬼魂。在那一天,人们打扮起来。鞭炮在空中响起,这增加了节日的气氛。人们经过一年的努力工作开始放松和互相拜访。礼物和晚餐都是为了庆祝朋友和亲戚的幸福团圆。家庭聚在一起。他们吃饺子,享受新年的电视节目。不同的风俗习惯会有所不同,但在全国各地都可以找到相同的欢乐气氛。 现在,我希望你有一些想法的中国春节。 最美好的.祝愿, 你的, 李华 英语话题作文 篇3 Sample 1 : My hobbies 个人爱好 I have a lot of hobbies as same as others, for example: I like making friends and doing exercises as well as learning English, and so on. I think my hobbies are important not only for my study but also my life. By making friends, we can know more people and groups outside world, just like a song says that “ you will walk more smoothly if you have more friends”. Everyone knows that doing exercises is good for our health, and keep ourselves young and healthy, it will make us successful in our study. Learning English is a good hobby as well, we could make more foreign friends and learn western cultures, it will open our minds in the coming future. I am glad that I have such good hobbies, I will keep this forever. Sample 2 : My best friend 最好的朋友 Maybe you would like to ask me “who is your best friend?” I can tell you the answer is Jack. Jack used to be hard_working and interested in every subject we learn at school. He is good at Chinese and English. He is friendly and he makes many foreign friends. Meanwhile he gets on well with this classmates and friends. Jack likes dancing , and drawing as well. His work has won prizes for several times. We help each other not only in the study but also in our life. It is possible that we are going to different schools in a few months , wherever we go, I believe/am sure Jack will be my best friend forever. Sample 3 :Advice on following traffic rules 遵守交通规则 It is very important for us to know about the traffic rules. Everyone knows that red light means ‘stop" and you are not allowed to go. You can walk across the road safely when green light is on. One more thing is yellow light. Some people always forget it. Usually when the green light off, yellow light will be on, please be careful because red light will be on in a few seconds. So you must wait for a while patiently. Here are some useful suggestions for following traffic rules. Firstly, we should follow the traffic lights and cannot break the traffic rules. Secondly, we had better remember the principle “slowly, look left and right side, go across finally”. Last but not least, (最后一条也是最重要的一条)do not forget that it is rather dangerous to play on the street. If everybody follows the traffic rules we will have a happy life in the future. Sample 4:A letter on lending money 英文书信(借钱) Hi! Alice , I"m glad to hear from you. Yes, just like you, sometimes I have the same problem. I think if she really needs the money. You had better lend it to her. You don"t need to worry too much about it. Maybe she will pay you back when she has money. You just think, If you don"t lend her the money ,I"m afraid(that)you may lose this friend. I believe everyone may have trouble in life and we should help each other. So when my friends need money, we should try to help them. Maybe we will get it back, or maybe we won"t. Sometimes making friends means you may get more on one hand and less on the other hand. I hope it can help you. Yours, Liu Ming Sample 5:A letter on talking bus service in Beijing 英文书信(北京公共交通) Dear Tony, I am glad to know your grandpa is coming to Beijing. Yes, your grandpa is right. The bus service in Beijing is really good now. There are more than 900 bus lines all over Beijing and bus can even take you to some small villages. Besides, special(yellow) seats are provided on buses. People do not have to spend a long time waiting for a bus and the tickets are very cheap. I like taking a bus because I think it is comfortable and also good for our environment. So it is a good choice for your grandpa to travel by bus inBeijing. If you have more questions, please ask me. Yours, Liu Jing Sample6 : Pollution around us(保护环境) In recent years our life is becoming better and better. But our environment is becoming worse and worse. It"s very bad for our life. Now many people have air_conditioners and cars, they produce (give off ) waste gas. More and more trees are being cut down. There are so much sand on the earth (leaving only sand ) . We often see factories pour waste into rivers or lakes. Water in the river is quite dirty. We haven"t enough clean water to drink in cities. Now we are in danger. It"s very necessary and important to protect the environment well. I think if everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful , and our life will be better and better . Example 7: How to live a low-carbon life (如何低碳生活) 假定你是李华,最近你们班就“低碳”生活方式进行了讨论,你的美国朋友 Jack来信向你询问讨论情况,请你用英语写封回信,简单参照作文地带介绍的以下讨论结果: 1.节水节电; 2.垃圾分类; 3.少用纸巾,重拾手帕; 4.步行,骑自行车或乘坐公交车。 参考词汇:低碳low carbon , 纸巾tissue ,垃圾分类sort out rubbishes ,手帕 handkerchief , 电electricity 注意:词数60字左右(不含开头和结尾所给出的字数);可适当增加细节了,以使行文连贯;开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Jack, Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it. Everyone knows that we can do a lot of things in order to live a low-carbon life. Firstly, we should save water and electricity. Secondly, we had better sortout rubbishes, which include recyclable and non_recyclable rubbishes. Thirdly, we could re_pick up our handkerchiefs, and use tissues as little as possible so we can stop more tress from cutting down. Last but not least, please try to walk if you have more free time, and ride bikes or take buses as often as possible. Best wishes, Li Bing Example 8: Shopping on the Internet 网购利弊 随着互联网的发展和普及,网络购物在中国也变得越来越普遍了,甚至已经成了我们日常生活的一部分了;相信同学们身边一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了,比如*****网,京东商城等;但是网络购物究竟有何利弊呢? 请写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处。 提示词汇:网上购物shopping on the Internet(online shopping) , 京东商城360buy.com Recently,we talk about advantages and disadvantages of shopping on the Internet. Some people think that it is very easy for us to go shopping online. The shops on Internet ,for example taobao.com, 360buy.com are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we like. What"s more, we needn"t to wait for a long time. However, others believe that we can only see the pictures on the Internetand can not touch or see them, It is difficult to say whether it is good or bad. We will have more problems when the things are not good. Besides, it is not a good news for some girls because they enjoy going shopping in the market with their friends. 英语话题作文 篇4 Everyone knows that April 5th is the Qingming Festival. Yes, today is the Qingming Festival. My grandfather and I went to the ground first to granny, and grandpa granny swept the grave. We put on the tomb of grass pulled out, pulled out in the tomb planted on several willow and then burned paper money tender. After that, Grandpa asked my grandfather to knock three heads. I wonder, "why do you have to knock three heads?" Grandpa couldn"t answer it, and said, "go back and look up the computer by yourself!" Back when we eat some cold food. I do not understand to ask: "why Qingming to eat cold food? "Grandma told me about the origin of the cold food:" spring and Autumn period, Jin has trouble Xian Chen Jie called, when the monarch after jinwengong in secluded, in a day before Qingming, jinwengong sent to forced meson launch Hill set the mountain on fire, an official, Jie want to be burned down the official results. In the mountains, jinwengong regret, so in second days (Qingming) ordered a national ban on fireworks, only eat cold, after every year, they formed a folk custom of eating cold food in Tomb-sweeping Day." I can"t help but wonder, "there was a story like that!" It"s a lot to harvest today. 英语话题作文 篇5 要求:1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容; 2. 然后以约120个词就“面对日新月异的电子产品该如何选择”的主题发表看法,内容包括: (1)你是否赞同作者以上陈述的观点,为什么? (2)举例说明你心仪的一个电子产品的利弊; (3)假如你要购买一个你需要的产品,你最先考虑的是什么? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 关于电子产品的英语作文范文: Varieties of electronic gadgets, without which some of us cant live, come into being. Despite their conveniences, they bring people much stress, so people have to balance their advantages and disadvantages before buying them. I cant agree more with the author. With the development of science and technology, more and more fantastic electronic gadgets come into being, which dazzles people. People cant resist the temptation to buy and them since these gadgets become outdated too quickly. I have a lot of favourite electronic gadgets, one of which is a video MP3. As well as carrying my favourite music, a video MP3 player can play up to 150 hours of movies and TV programmes. However, it cost me 2,000 yuan. Besides, the loud volume will damage my hearing if I overuse it. If I want to buy a necessary electronical gadget, the first factor that should be taken into consideration is whether its practical. When my teacher told me to prepare for this competition I restated, hesitated.Everybody in my class knows that. I never learned English in my primary school.I couldnt speak English one year ago, but now, could I take part in this competition? No, I cant. Is aid to myself? Im afraid of making mistakes before so many learned professors and before my classmates and teachers.Suddenly! A voice came to my ears.“Everybody will make mistakes. Even the very famous American president George Bush” My English teacher said in my class.When I heard that, I think I can. I run into my teachers office happily. “I will do it.” I said. So I stand here today. In front of you.hi投2023-07-05 06:51:561
在学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是我为大家整理的英语话题作文9篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语话题作文 篇1 smiling i think smiling is as important as sunshine. smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. if you aren?t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. someone may say, “but i don?t feel happy.” then i would say, “please smile as you do when you are happy or play with your friends happily. you will really be happy again.” smiling can let you have more friends.so i say, smiling is like a flower. it will give you happiness. 微笑 我认为微笑是一样重要的象阳光。 微笑是象阳光,因为它可能使人愉快和有一个早晨好。 如果您不是愉快的,您能微笑,您然后将感觉愉快。 某人也许说, “但是我不感到愉快”。 然后我会说, “请微笑,您,当您愉快地是愉快或戏剧与您的朋友。 您真正地再将是愉快的”。 微笑可能让您有更多朋友。如此我说,微笑是象花。 它将给您幸福。 英语话题作文 篇2 Over 70% of the Earth"s surface is water; water is obviously the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without water, life on Earth would be non-existent. Water is the lifeblood of the environment, essential to the survival of all living things-plants, animals, and human. Although we recognize this fact, we disregard it by polluting our rivers, lakes, and streams. Afterward, we are slowly but surely harming our planet to the point where organisms are dying at a very alarming rate, and our drinking water has become greatly affected. In order to fight against water pollution, we must understand the problems and become part of the solution; we also need to do everything possible to maintain its quality for today and the future.The government alone cannot solve the entire problem; it"s up to us when it comes to the problems we face with our water. In your home, correctly dispose dangerous household products. Keep paints, used oil, cleaning solvents, pool chemicals, and other dangerous household chemicals out of drains, sinks, and toilets because many of these products contain harmful substances. In your yard, recycle used motor oil. Avoid pouring waste oil and resist the temptation to dump wastes onto the ground.These are just a few of the many ways in which we, as human have the ability to combat water pollution. If these measures are not taken and water pollution continues, life on Earth will suffer severely. 英语话题作文 篇3 Topics 01 Prompt: That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value. Thomas Paine Assignment: Do we value only what we struggle for? Plan your response, and then write an essay to explain your views on this issue. Be sure to support your position with specific points and examples. Topics 02 Prompt: If we are afraid to reveal our lack of knowledge we will not be able to learn. In order to make progress we must admit where we are now. Such an admission of ignorance is not easy. As Thoreau says, How can we remember our ignorance which our growth requires, when we are using our knowledge all the time? Assignment: Does the present system of education encourage us to admit our lack of knowledge, or is there too much pressure to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge? Plan your response... Topics 03 Prompt: A little inaccuracy saves a world of explanation.C.E.Ayers Assignment: Is it always essential to tell the truth, or are there circumstances in which it is better to lie? Plan your response... Topics 04 Prompt: Many societies believe that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human right. But it is also true that attainment of happiness remains elusive. Perhaps Bertrand Russell had it right when he said, To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness. 英语话题作文 篇4 按系统论的观点,外语教学是一个系统,写作教学是其中的一个子系统,与听、说、读等教学共同构成一个科学的大系统,它是由英语词汇、语法、主题及其写作手法等互相依赖、互相作用的诸要素组成的有机整体。在小学阶段,大部分老师都非常注重学生的听、说和阅读能力的培养和训练,往往忽视了写作能力的训练,认为这是中学的要求,或者是因为觉得写作教学难,教师批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较重视,而对写的重要性认识不足,忽视学生写的能力培养。我认为英语写作能唤起学生对所学或所掌握的语言的感觉;其次,每一次单元测试和期末考试,写作(写话)也占了一定的比例。因此,在小学高年级,英语的写作训练与听、说、读的训练同等重要。 一、小学英语话题写作的概念 小学高年级的英语写作是指学生能在教师指导下,围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型起草一篇短小的习作或一两段话,初步能注意英汉的差异,能使用正确的英语表达法。 二、英语写作教学的目的 1、提高学生综合运用语言的能力; 2、发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的"能力; 3、让学生主动地整合所学的语法、句型等知识点,把它们变成一个有机的整体。 三、英语写作的常用模式 1、填空式写法 英语语音教学强调模仿,但英语写作教学却忽视模仿的作用。写作起步阶段可多进行摹仿写。填空式写作是保留文章或对话的主干,适当地调换内容让学生换上其它人、事和物进行填空。其优点是既降低写作难度,激发学生写作兴趣,又可加深对课文的理解,特别是新旧单词的综合运用;缺点是学生有可能忽视语法、时态问题,在培养学生创造力方面有欠缺。通常可以在每学完一篇课文或对话后,让学生进行填空写作。 2、仿例写法 学完一个完整的单元,为了帮助学生系统归纳、整理语言知识点,教师根据本 单元的教学要点,围绕一个人、一件事或一个动物写一篇短文,要求学生注意模仿例文的时态和语态仿写。通过仿写训练,能引起学生对英语时态和语态的重视。例如一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,动词加“s”或“es”,这是学习的难点。我让学生先写一写自己一天的生活,然后调查一个朋友或亲人一天的生活,模仿例文仿写。通过对比,使学生对同一时态不同人称动词的运用有了更深刻的理解,而不仅仅停留在记忆的层面上,也可免去老师重重复复的讲解和提醒。 3、启示式写法 前两种写法的缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的发生。 4、命题式写法 此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。 四、注重写作策略的指导 1、“联系”和“迁移” 在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。 2、注意英汉差异,正确使用英语表达法 许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。 3、充分利用小组合作学习的力量。 通过小组成员相互鉴赏阅读,学会欣赏和借鉴别人的好词好句。 五、培养自改作文的能力,发挥学生主动性 我们总碰到这种现象:学生写完作文不经修改就交给老师,对老师形成依赖心理。在写作的初级阶段,可采取师生共同改一篇习作,指出学生普遍性错误,提醒学生注意;鼓励学生同一个意思用不同的表达方式。我认为修改阶段是反馈机制下的一个开放性过程,是通过师生信息互动,使学生的作文逐步完善的过程。采取反馈和同伴间互相阅读作文的方法,也可以形成一种语言意识。学生既是作者又是读者,他们通过批评性地阅读别人的作文,可以学到更多的写作知识和技巧;他们时刻留心语法及用词错误,写作时开始想到的是读者(而非教师)。学生作文经教师批改后,修订工作是通过个人作业和小组活动相结合进行的。这种做法能使学生学得更深、更广、更活,还能培养学生总结归纳的能力。 总之,学生英语写作能力在教师有计划的组织、有序的训练和耐心帮助、正确引导下,通过学生自主、积极密切的配合是能够得以逐步提高的。 英语话题作文 篇5 Without friends, life is not worth living. But what kind of person can be accepted as friend? Lots of people are classmates and aren"t friends. Lots of people are lovers but aren"t friends. You can appreciate or admire someone, but that doesn"t make them a friend. If their attitude is "for better or worse," if they stick with you through thick and thin, that"s when you can tell it"s friendship. 注意:1、120字数左右。2、不要过多引用上述提示。 The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, etc. As life is full of obstacles and conflicts, we need friends to give us supports to get through tough times, we also need friends to give us warnings to go against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow and difficulties. With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as an ordinary teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word. 英语话题作文 篇6 1、世界各地 给朋友的信 假如你是英国学生PETER在北京学习,请按下文给你的朋友MARY写一封信谈一下北京和伦敦的异同相同点:北京和伦敦都是首都和重要城市,都拥有众多人口,都是国家经济政治文化中心,都拥有许多历史,文化古迹不同点:伦敦;汽车靠左行,很多人坐汽车上班 阴天多 懂汉语人少 学生不充分利用时间 北京:汽车靠右行很多人骑自行车上班 晴天多 懂 英语人多 学生学习勤奋 参考译文 Dear Mary, I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very interesting here. There are so many similarities between Beijing and London. They are both the capital of the country and are both very important cities. Both places have huge populations. They are both the economical, political and cultural center. They both have many historical and cultural , I also found many differences in the two cities. In London we drive on the left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right side. Most people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most people rides bicycles. In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing most the time it""s sunny. And in London most student don""t spend their time efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study hard. Regards, Peter 英语话题作文 篇7 上课的内容是话题作文Health,执教的是潘老师,感谢潘老师给我们带来非常精彩的这堂课,整个教学过程如行云流水,课堂气氛非常活跃,学生语言知识得到有效训练,综合能力得到有效培养,教学效果非常好。我受益非浅,体现在下面几个方面: 1、学习内容有趣,符合学生胃口,大量的输入,保障了学生语言的输出。她利用多媒体课件,容纳更多地信息,使学生有话可说。 2、课堂环节层层深入,衔接自然。潘老师有很强的亲和力,面带微笑,教态自然。 3、课堂气氛活跃,学生对于老师的问题能及时做出反应。学生在本堂课中真正起到主体地位,老师起到主导地位。 我想每堂课最美的其实就是教学的过程。教师在精心备课之后,只有在师生互动过程中,轻松愉快的合作,课堂才能达到预期的效果,这才是我们教师所能得到的历练,教学才能相长。 英语话题作文 篇8 I went on a camping trip in the mountains with my classmates.After hiking all daywe found a place to camp for the night.We made a campfireso that we could cook our potatoes and drank lemon water.Thenwhen it got darkwe told ghost stories around me campfire. Later when we lay down to go to sleepwe listened to the sound of crickets and small animals moving around in the grass.We thought there were some ghosts nearly. "What"s that? "I asked. "I think I can hear someone walking in the woods "Kathy said.Soon we all heard footsteps and we were all so frightened that we couldn"t get to sleep.Of coursethere was no one therebut we had wild imagination. 英语话题作文 篇9 英语作文:描述近一周的天气状况 It"s going to be sunny on next Monday, has a highest temperature of 9 degree and a lowest of 5 degree . And it continues to be pretty good on Tuesday, has a highest temperature of 12 degree and possiblly a lowest temperature of 6 degree. But Wendsday is going to be a little windy, and getting cold. Highest temperature of 4 degree, lowest of -1 degree. And it will get colder and colder. Thursday is going to be cloudy, a highest temperature of 2 degree, a lowest temperature of -5. On Friday, it"s going to rain. Also very windy, so better put on some warm cloth for that day. A highest temperature of -5 degree, a lowest temperature of -10 degree. 2、天气预报(Weather Forecast) Let""s take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six. Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two. We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng. Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four.u投在线2023-07-05 06:51:561
want to stay with you only墨然殇2023-07-05 06:51:562
在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是我帮大家整理的话题英语作文9篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 话题英语作文 篇1 These days we often hear that ( 1 ). It is common that ( 2 ). Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing ,( 3 ). For another,( 4 ). What is more,since ( 5 ),it is natural that ( 6 ). To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worthtrying .We should do something such as ( 7 )to improve he present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future . (1)提出论题 (2)说明现状 (3)理由一 (4)理由二 (5)理由三 (6)理由三引起的后果 (7)解决方法 pollution of environment These days we often hear that (our living conditions are getting more and more serious because of the destruction of our environment ).It is common that (many trees and animals are near extinction, and the all-important food chain has been destroyed .). Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing ,(the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the world has been so crowded. ).For another,(the overuse of natural resources has influenced the balance of natural ecology ). What is more , since ( the industrial revolution ) ,it is natural that (a great number of factories have been springing up like mushrooms .The smoke and harmful chemicals released from factories also pollute the environment ). To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worthying .We should do something such as (planting more trees , equipping cars with pollution-control devices and learning to recycling natural resources )to improve the present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future. 话题英语作文 篇2 高考英语作文:高考英语话题作文范文 有关“跨文化” 摘要: 高考英语话题作文:有关 跨文化 例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信: 1、春节在中国人中的"地位 2、春节前,人们 3、春节期间,人们 参考词汇:对联couplet 爆 高考英语话题作文:有关跨文化 例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信: 1、春节在中国人中的地位 2、春节前,人们…… 3、春节期间,人们……参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker Dear John, How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot helpbut miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I would like to tell yousomething about it.The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is the most important and enjoyable one. A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a year"s hard work begin to relax and visit one another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country. Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival. Best wishes, Yours, Li Hua 话题英语作文 篇3 Last weekend our school had a school camping activities. I joined in the activities with my close classmate who"s name is Tom. We arrived the destination at 10:00 A.M. The leader told us " Now you can find a place where you want and put your stuffs on the ground. " Tom and I collected the leaves of maple and spruce there are many different colors and are beautiful. We saw the other students were watching the ants that are moving the food the ants are line up walking like army troop it"s very funny. 话题英语作文 篇4 人际关系和情感态度Relationship and Emotional Attitude 现在社会普遍对90后有一些误解,认为他们自私、无礼,所以不能很好地与人沟通,那么,作为一名90后学生,你又是怎么看待这个问题的呢? 请结合你自己和周围同学的表现,分别列举至少三条优点和两条不足之处进行描述。 As students born after 1990, we have so many advantages. We are usually kind and helpful. When someone is in trouble, we always give him or her a hand. We are also active. We like to do sports and go traveling. Most of us can work hard in class and play happily after school. Besides, we are imaginative and creative. We always try something new and do everything differently. On the other hand, we also have some disadvantages. Sometimes we can"t express our opinions in proper ways; sometimes we are a little over confident. And many students have no brothers or sisters, so they may do evthing for themselves. These problems may make us seem impolite, even we can"t communicate with others well. So it"s the most important for us to learn how to get on well with others. 话题英语作文 篇5 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition entitled MyThoughts on the University Arts Festival. You shouldwrite at least 120 words following the outline givenbelow in Chinese: 1.表达你对即将举行的大学艺术节的看法; 2.对艺术节具体内容和组成部分的建议。 My Thoughts on the University Arts Festival For our university"s arts festival, I think that the university should hold open competitionsand auditions for anyone who wants to take part in the festival"s exhibitions and performances.This would not only increase general interest in and appreciation for the arts, but would alsobe a good way for our university to show its support for the arts. This arts festival is an excellent opportunity to remind everyone that arts are important foreveryone to appreciate and take part in, regardless of major. I think that there should be general, open auditions and competitions in all the major arts.There should be categories for painting and sculpture; classical, folk and modem dance; andinstrumental and choral groups, both large and small. The judges should be joint committeesmade up of both faculty and Students, both experts in the field and novices. Arranging thefestival in this way will, I believe, give our student body a greater enjoyment of the arts, a breakfrom studies and a fuller appreciation for what it means to be human. 话题英语作文 篇6 There are many books in my family, father and mother, and many of them are mine. These books are thick and thin. In my book, what I like most is Tang Sulan"s school life of the wolf. It is very interesting, especially when “ although the stupid wolf of art but utterly ignorant of, at the end of the semester, the school talent contest, he won the Wolf Prize, best performing ” I"m curious, eager to read. The original is brown bear make practical joke help honest stupid wolf, a fluke, won the best performance award. This book has a lot of wonderful clips, always makes me uproarious, taught me the truth in life a — — to do a good and honest people. Please have a look at this book! You"re going to love it as much as I do. 我们家有很多书,有爸爸的,也有妈妈的,其中许多是我们的。这些书有厚有薄,在我们的书中,我们最喜欢的是汤素兰写的《笨狼的学校生活》。 它很有趣,尤其是看到“虽然笨狼对艺术一窍不通,但是,学期结束时,学校进行才艺比赛,笨狼却得了个最佳演艺奖”时,我们充满好奇,迫不及待地往下读。原来是棕小熊搞的恶作剧帮助了诚实善良的笨狼,歪打正着,获得了最佳演艺奖。 这本书还有很多精彩片段,总是惹得我们捧腹大笑,教了我们一个做人的道理——要做一个诚实善良的人。请有空看一看这本书吧!你一定会和我们一样,喜欢它的。 话题英语作文 篇7 1、(浙江丽水)Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以"My English Learning"为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。提示: When did you start learning English? (in … /…years ago) How do you learn English? (listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…) What is difficult to learn? (listening, grammar…) What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well? (watch English movies, sing English songs…) 参考作文: English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 2、(四川资阳)假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的建议。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。 注意:1.回信需要包括全部要点; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.字数60左右。 Dear Linda, I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. ……. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China Yours, Li Hua 参考作文: Dear Linda, I"m very glad that you"ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn"t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it"s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What"s more, you"d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day. Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don"t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I"m sure you will succeed through your hard work. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China. Yours, Li Hua 话题英语作文 篇8 My Views on Bicycle-sharing Presently, in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle-sharing system has becomeincreasingly popular. A large number of shared bikes can be found and rented at a low price. Moreover, you can park the bike almost anywhere you like. Urban transportation has thus been made much more convenient and even revolutionized. However, along with its rapid development, bicycle-sharing system also brings some problems, including random parking, vandalism and possession of shared bikes, etc. To solve these problems, there are some measures for the authorities to take. Firstly, the government could implement more strict laws and rules to regulate the operation and management of bicycle-sharing system.Secondly, the public should raise their awareness of using shared bike reasonably. Lastly, urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to accommodate automobiles, bikes and pedestrians. To conclude, a sensible attitude should be held toward bicycle-sharing program. With effective andefficient measures taken, and efforts made by those involved, it can be expected that bicycle-sharing system will play a contributive and constructive role in urban public transportation. 话题英语作文 篇9 My name is Susanna. In our city, there was an earthquake at 8:32 yesterday evening. At that time, I was taking a shower in the bathroom. My motherwas cleaning up the kitchen and my father was watching TV in the livingroom. My elder sister Alice was working on her computer in her room. We were very scared. Luckily, the earthquake was not heavy and it didn"t last long. And we were all safe. 【参考译文】 我叫Susanna。在我们的城市里,有一个地震昨天晚上8:32。 当时,我在浴室洗澡。我的妈妈打扫厨房,爸爸在客厅看电视。我姐姐爱丽丝正在她的房间里玩电脑。我们非常害怕。 幸运的是,地震并不重,也没有持续多久。我们都是安全的。北境漫步2023-07-05 06:51:561
在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是我为大家整理的话题英语作文8篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 话题英语作文 篇1 Doing Morning Exercises You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.However, many university authorities fail to fully appreciate such a seemingly simple principle in their management. In some universities, no matter they like it or not, students are forced to take morning exercise in the form of running or jogging. Without a minimum record in the physical exercises, there is little chance for students to be conferred with their diploma even if all the other graduation requirements are met. For my part, this policy is too rigid to play a positive role in encouraging sports activities among students. 强扭的瓜不甜。然而,许多校领导在领导的时候都没能充分地遵从这个简单的原则。有些大学,无论学生想不想,都要参加跑步或者慢跑这种晨练。如果没有这些记录,学生们就有可能不被授予文聘,即使他们满足了其他的毕业条件。对我来说,这种政策太严厉了,无法激励学生参加运动。 First of all, this established regulation may go against some students living rhythms and throw their biological clock into order. In some university, students are required to run 800 meters between six thirty to seven AM for at least 50 times in one semester. For those who are accustomed to studying late at night, this regulation has posed much difficulty in balancing their life order. If they maintain their old style of working at night, if will surely be quite hard to get up and do the running in the next morning. And whats more, lack of sufficient rest will interfere with the morning classes. We can imagine how hard they will struggle studying at night. They may find themselves functioning less effectively during the day. 话题英语作文 篇2 Dear editor, I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our class about their purpose(s) of getting on the Internet. The girls" favorite is chatting, but few boys like it. What boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like them. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. Maybe they think it"s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are equal, but altogether only several of them will use the Internet as a tool to study。 话题英语作文 篇3 Hello! i"m a future robot. my name is mini. i have two small eyes, a small nose and a very big mouth. i can read and write, and i can speak chinese and english. I can play football, basketball and badminton quite well. and i can sing and dance very well! but i can"t run and swim. i always cook the breakfast for my master. my master is sally. she is a pretty girl. she plays hopscotch very well. I love my master very much. 【原文翻译】 您好。我是一个未来的机器人。我的名字是迷你。我有一双小眼睛,一个小鼻子和一个非常大的嘴。我能读与写,我会说汉语和英语。 我可以踢足球,篮球和羽毛球很好。我会唱歌和跳舞很好!但是我不会跑步和游泳。我一直为我的主人煮早餐。我的师父是萨利。她是一个漂亮的女孩。她玩跳房子游戏很好。 我很爱我的师父。 话题英语作文 篇4 happiness means different things to different people. for example, some people believe that if they have lots of money, they will be happy. they believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. on the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. in this way, you have not onlymoney, but also many other things which can't be bought by money. however, other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness nor is holding a high position in the government. these people value their beliefs, or their intelligence, or their health. they think these can make them happy. for me, happiness is closely tied to my studies, my work and my family. when i made great progress in my studies, when i made contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, i was happy. although the definition of happiness depends on each individual my "wealth" of happiness is in my studies, my work, and my family. 话题英语作文 篇5 假定你是李华,你发现生活中会有各种各样的流言(rumors)。对于流言,有些中学生不知道应该如何对待。请你就此问题用英文给报社编辑写一封信,谈谈你对该问题的看法。 内容主要包括: 1.生活中存在着各种各样的流言; 2.流言的危害(影响心情,造成伤害); 3.如何对待流言(无视流言,与传播者交流或不要轻易相信它)。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.信的开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。 Dear editor, As we all know, there are many kinds of rumors in our daily life. Some of them not only make us feel disturbed but also cause great damage to us. When we face rumors, I think at first we should ignore them. Rumors will come to an end quickly if we don"t pay much attention to them. In addition, we can communicate with the people who spread the rumors in order to make them realize the harm of the rumors. Last but not least, please remember that rumors will have no effect on our life if we don"t believe them easily. Yours LiHua 【参考译文】 亲爱的编辑, 众所周知,日常生活中有各种各样的谣言。他们中的一些人不仅使我们感到不安,而且给我们造成了巨大的伤害。 当我们面对谣言时,我认为首先我们应该忽视他们。如果我们不重视谣言,谣言很快就会告一个底。此外,我们还可以与传播谣言的人交流,以使他们意识到谣言的危害。最后但并非最不重要的,请记住,谣言将不会影响我们的`生活,如果我们不相信他们很容易。 你的 李华 话题英语作文 篇6 【提要】高考英语作文 : 20xx年高考英语作文话题预测:采访某英文杂志正在举办以 "Fancy yourself as an interviewer" 为主题的征文活动,请你 以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview" 为题, 写一篇英语短文。 内容包括: 1. 采访的对象; 2. 采访的原因; 3. 想提的问题。 注意: 1. 词数120左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4. 短文的标题已给出,不计人总词数。 高考英语作文范文 The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei. I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it. If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun as I have read. I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting. 把梦想放大到心里,信心满满;把才华展示在考场中,尽情发挥;把智慧放逐到笔端,挥洒精彩;把心思投入到高考中,如鱼得水。 话题英语作文 篇7 话题: Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion Lift Lift refers to something going up, which can happen by itself or due to an external force. What is lifting? Why is it lifted? How is it lifted? This week"s topic: It lift... (90-110 words) Suggestions: 1) lift on the airplane wing 2) lift the curtains 3) lift the display 4) lift one"s arms 5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below. 范例1: As for the person he was looking at, Wolfe could only detect a very slight glint in the eyes, not sure if that was just his imagination, along with a tiny lift to the corner of his lips to acknowledge he was aware of the reporter"s presence. What"s with the attitude? Wolfe rolled his eyes internally. No doubt the eyes were beautiful, but Wolfe was definitely not fond of the expression he interpreted to be a smirk. The model acted as if he did not know Wolfe; Wolfe did just the same, acting completely indifferent. 话题英语作文 篇8 Reading---A good Habit Reading is a very good habit. I like reading very much. In my eyes, I think that forming a good reading habit is necessary for us. It can not only improve our knowledge but also make us to think over more different things efficiently. Besides, we can do some reading every time when we are free. For example, I often read some of my favorite books in my spare time both at home or in the library. What I like most are story books because most of them are quite interesting. Now I often buy my favorite books on line for its big discount. Finally, I like to share my favorite books with our family or my classmates. Since reading can benefits us a lot, it"s time for us to have our good reading habit now!九万里风9 2023-07-05 06:51:561