

  平时做事无计划,急时做事无头绪。为了让接下来的活动工作更有目标性,要开始为策划方案进行充分准备了。策划方案必须围绕着实施目标来写,要与主题息息相关。你觉得策划方案应该是怎么样的呢?考虑到你的需求,我特意整理了“团建活动策划方案模板”,欢迎大家阅读收藏,分享给身边的人! 团建活动策划方案模板【篇1】    一、活动背景   为了迎接中国共产党100周年的到来,响应校团委“学党,知党情,跟党走”主题教育活动的相关通知精神。    二、活动目的   为营造健康向上的良好气氛,深情回顾党的奋斗历史,热情讴歌党的光辉业绩,继承和发扬党的光荣传统和优良作风,进一步激励同学们坚定理想信念,激发同学富有历史责任感。通过活动,增强同学之间的交流,共同进步,提高思想觉悟。让大家更多地了解x`党情,构建优秀团支部,提高我班团支部的精神风貌和凝聚力。围绕“党团引领成长,红色点亮青春”活动主题,以开展团日活动的形式,回顾历史,坚定信念,努力做好一名优秀的当代大学生。    三、活动主题   党团引领成长,红色点亮青春    四、活动主办方   广州中医药大学经管学院   公管团支部    五、活动时间   20xx年5月9日至6月8日    六、活动地点   教学楼A412   教学区篮球场   广州起义烈士陵园   广州中医药大学三元里校区    七、活动对象   经管学院xx公管团支部全体同学    八、前期准备   1、确定主题   为确定主题,班委多次开会讨论,确定了“党团引领成长,红色点亮青春”一大主题。   2、分工合作   围绕此次团日活动主题,确定了活动内容,进而把部分同学安排分工,安排到五个小组,分别是:   (1)策划组:陈婉明 侯昌伟   任务:策划活动细节,安排具体事宜,与各个小组联络沟通。   (2)文字组:陈婉明 侯昌伟 徐丽 李超凡 张桃牙 李伟坚 张宝莲 黄婷芳 农宇峰   任务:负责记录活动的策划,筹备,开展,和后续工作的进行,并负责将活动流程上传到博客。   (3)摄影组+宣传组:侯昌伟 陈婉明   任务:摄影组,负责前期筹备工作和活动现场的拍摄;与文字我组合作进行采访事宜;后期评比媒体的制作。   (4)后勤组:侯昌伟   任务:负责购买所需物资,进行财务预算及开支记录,维持活动秩序。    九、活动流程   1、教学楼A412,开展听红歌`学红歌的"活动内容,交流聆听`学习红歌的心得感想,回顾历史,坚定信念跟党走   1)定于5月9日至30日每天课间,利用学校教室多媒体播放“小白杨”。“美丽的草原”`让我们荡起双桨“等经典红歌。   2)课余,让同学记录学习红歌的心得感想。   3)活动结束,做好活动总结工作。   1)由全体班委商量决定订阅人民某报、南方都市报、参考消息等。   2)定于5月9日至6月30日每天课间,在全班范围内传阅所订报纸。   3)由部分同学谈谈阅读后心得。   4)活动结束,积极做好活动总结。   3、教学区篮球场,与xx中药团支部进行一场篮球赛,宣扬红色体育精神。   1)跟xx中药团支部篮球队队长商量并约定比赛时间与地点。   2)定于5月11日下午4:30,在教学区篮球场进行比赛,得出胜负。   3)赛后,比赛双方交流学习。   4)活动结束,做好活动总结工作。   5)活动后期,进行活动照片的展示,活动全程文字记录与博客更新。   4、教学楼A412,xx公管团支部举行“党团引领成长,红色点亮青春”的主题班会,让同学学x`知党情,并动员同学积极参加团日系列活动。   1)定于5月20日上午11:00,在教学楼A412举行该主题班会。   2)班会前安排好主持人与参与人员,设计好整个班会流程。   3)班会流程:   辅导员讲话团支书侯昌伟讲话团支书陈婉明讲话   班长农宇峰对全班同学进行动员   组织同学在主题活动横幅上签名   班会结束   4)班会结束,做好总结工作。   5)活动后期,进行活动照片的展示,活动全程文字记录与博客更新。   5、广州起义烈士陵园,组织xx公管团支部到烈士陵园参观学习,弘扬革命先烈的英雄精神,珍惜今天的幸福生活。   1)定于5月21日早上9点出发,到烈士陵园参观学习。   2)参观学习期间,拍照记录参观过程。   3)于11:15完成参观活动。   4)活动结束,做好活动总结工作。   5)活动后期,进行活动照片的展示,活动全程文字记录与博客更新。   6、广州中医药大学三元里校区,组织xx公管团支部到广中医老校区参观,感受老校区浓厚的中医学习氛围,提醒自己要坚定信念,努力做好一名优秀的当代大学生。   1)定于5月21日中午12:00,到达广中医三元里校区,进行参观。   2)参观学习期间,拍照记录参观过程。   3)参观完,到该校区学生餐厅一起聚餐。   4)于下午2:00结束活动,回大学城。   5)活动结束,做好活动总结工作。   6)活动后期,进行活动照片的展示,活动全程文字记录与博客更新。   7、教学区篮球场。xx公管团支部组织同学在教学区篮球场进行一场宿舍杯篮球赛,弘扬红色体育精神,让支部成员动起来。   1)赛前由班委商量决定举行,定好具体的细节方案,并以宿舍为单位的进行详细分组。   2)定于5月22日上午9:00,进行宿舍杯篮球赛,按前期定好的具体方案进行。   3)于11:30结束,结束后班委进行总结交流。   4)活动结束,做好活动总结工作。   5)活动后期,进行活动照片的展示,活动全程文字记录与博客更新。    十、注意事项   a.策划部及各功能组进行组织   b.字我及宣传组进行记录   c.课间播放红歌时注意不能影响到老师的教学及其他班级的教学活动   d.课间传阅报刊时注意不能影响到老师的教学   e.与xx中药团支部的篮球赛当天若遇到下雨天则延期举行,篮球赛期间注意为受伤球员做好医疗用品的准备   f.到烈士陵园途中与回程中要注意人员财物安全   g.到广中医三元里校区途中与回程中要注意人员财物安全   h. 宿舍杯篮球赛当天若遇到下雨天则延期举行,篮球赛期间注意为受伤球员做好医疗用品的准备   i.各个活动注意预算的安排审核    十一、活动预算   订阅南方都市报 200元   “党团引领成长,红色点亮青春”活动主题横幅 40元   两支黑色油性笔 6元   宿舍杯篮球赛奖状 5元   宿舍杯篮球赛奖品 200元   活动预算总计: 451元 团建活动策划方案模板【篇2】   为了丰富协会会员们的课余生活,为了加强会员之间的沟通与交流,促进友谊,也为了给会员们提供一个展现自我的平台,在本学期结束前满足广大吃货们对吃的愿望,使大家在参与活动的过程中深刻体会到“自己动手,丰衣足食”的精神,生环学院食尚食品协会特策划举办此次“吃货乐”活动。   xx年12月8日(星期六)下午3:00   xx大学生命与环境科学学院食尚食品协会成员   温医旁小吃街云平农家乐   参加活动的成员分组自己动手做菜   协会成员按班级分组,选出小组长→由小组长带领组员购买做菜材料→手持做菜材料拍集体照→小组成员利用自己所买的材料做菜→品尝自己小组的成果,并且各个小组进行交流   各组员分工合作,完成一桌菜,开心的分享   场地费:4元/人x60人=240元   每组材料费用:100元/组x7组=700元   做菜调料:200元   合计:1140元   期中考试已经过去,期末考试还有一段时间,所以对大多数同学来说周末应该是有时间的,而且可以让会做菜的同学在所有人面前展示自己,让不会做菜的同学学习做菜,以小组的形式开展,有利于大家交流感情增进友谊。 团建活动策划方案模板【篇3】    一、活动目的:   为隆重庆祝“五一”国际劳动节,丰富职工文化生活,体现生动活泼、团结互助的企业文化精神,提高员工队伍的团队凝聚力。为投入在紧张繁忙生产、经营工作中的广大职工创造一个休闲放松的机会,特拟定本活动方案。    二、活动时间:   20___年5月x日14:00—17:00;    三、活动形式:   卡拉ok歌唱比赛    四、活动地点:   公司大会议室    五、活动内容:   1、宣读4月份创先争优名单,发放奖品(14:00-14:30)   2、先进代表讲话、董事长致辞(14:30-15:00)   3、歌唱比赛(15:00-16:30)   4、发放奖品、主任致闭幕词    六、活动程序:   4月23日已通知形式下发公司各部门,25日统计参赛选手名单以及所选唱歌曲,由办公室准备歌曲伴奏,5月1日下午14:00活动开始    七、活动组织机构:   (一)主办部门:综合办公室   (二)活动总指挥:__   (三)活动策划及主持人:__   (四)裁判组:由各部门主管及两名员工代表   (五)后勤、物品采购及综合支持:__    八、活动宣传:   对活动情况在公司宣传栏内进行专题宣传;    九、活动单位:    十、奖项设置:   一等奖:1名奖金__元二等奖:2名奖金__元   参与奖根据报名人数除一、二等奖外均获得,奖品__元以内纪念品    十一、活动费用预算:   (一)比赛奖金   (二)饮料、瓜子、花生 团建活动策划方案模板【篇4】    一、活动主题:   “喜迎佳日,共庆我会成立五周年”    二、活动目的与意义   为了增强团队合作意识与凝聚力,较好地扩大我们社团的   影响力。开拓以后的工作思路,加强与校其他学生组织的合作,加快我们社团内部单一沟通方式向多元化沟通方式的转变;以服务学生为宗旨,将丰富多彩的学生组织社团文化深入到学生心中去。在旗下的各个社团,也争先成为校园文化的先锋,校园生活在社团的文化激情下变得多姿多彩。    三、活动时间:   20xx年12月8日18:30——21:00    四、活动地点:   电教馆    五、活动开展形式:   唱歌、跳舞、小品、相声、走秀等。    六、参加人员   1、到场的嘉宾:指导老师、38个社团代表、校联合会、1—8系系代表   2、表演的单位人员:我协会成员、武术协会、排球协会   3、晚会的观众:社团全体成员及全校师生    七、主办单位:   桂林航天工业学院学生社团联合会    八、承办单位:   中国特色社会主义理论体系学习研究会    九、活动的具体流程:   (一)前期准备:   1.嘉宾邀请:向校级及其他学生组织、指导老师发邀请函   2.晚会的筹备:各种精彩节目、主持人、服装、物品等等   3.场地布置   (1)晚会现场的布置   (2)嘉宾席的布置:桌椅摆设、节目单制作   (3)观众席的布置:入场口设置、入场人员的确定(凭邀请函入场,设置礼仪人员)   (4)后勤工作:晚会秩序、搬运物品、会后场地的清洁。   (二)活动开始的流程:   1.播放社团五年的视频   2.指导老师讲话   3.舞蹈串烧   4.武协带来的武术表演   5.小品《男生宿舍的蜕变》   6.(互动环节:知识问答)   7.走秀   8.歌曲串烧   9.相声《好学生、坏学生》   10.(互动环节:抢歌王)   11.排球协会带来的小品   12.唱歌《今天你要嫁给我》   13.王学军老师做总结   14.闭幕辞,晚会结束   15.全体协会成员将现场还原    十、活动的具体分工:    十一、活动结束后每人写一篇活动总结。 团建活动策划方案模板【篇5】    一、活动简介   此次团队建设活动是由:道具类设施游戏及团队协作类游戏组成。   该活动是展现员工团队协作力的平台。通过员工团队协作,各队进行比拼竞技,从而充分展示并提高员工的团队意识及协作能力。   本次团建活动的宗旨是:爱岗、敬业、进取、团结。    二、活动人员   公司80名职工。分为四队。    三、活动内容   1、 “旱龙舟”   2、 “团队美食大比拼”   3、 “蛟龙出海”   4、 “八十人超大规模挑战蛟龙出海”    四、活动时间及地点   时间:12:30—16:30   地点:MA_体育公园    五、活动流程及详解   (一)活动流程   9:00—10:00所有人员集合,大巴发车开往MA_体育公园,由团建老师在车上进行抽签分组,将所有人员,平均分为4队   10:00—10:15大巴车到达MA_体育公园,所有人员按照分组整队   10:15—10:30由团建带队老师宣读活动内容简介及各项注意事项   10:30—11:30 “旱龙舟”团建活动培训指导及展开   (在本轮活动中决出的排名,将在下一轮“团队美食大比拼”活动中获得不同程度的团建游戏支持)   11:30—14:30 “团队美食大比拼”团建活动培训指导及展开   14:30—16:00 “蛟龙出海”团建活动培训指导及展开   16:00—16:15所有队员留影纪念,并颁发“ 80人超大规模蛟龙出海”挑战成功奖杯   16:15大巴出发,将所有人员安全送回公司   (二)活动详解   “旱龙舟”   每队分成2组,接力折返。比赛距离为30米,每支队伍由“起跑线”出发,以旱龙舟完全越过“接力线”为走完单程,站在“接力线”后待命的接力队伍接过并穿戴好同队的旱龙舟出发,以旱龙舟碰完全越过“起跑线”停表。比赛用时最少获胜。(队伍排名,在下一轮“团队美食大比拼”活动中将获得不同程度的团建游戏支持。)   “团队美食大比拼”   依照方才“旱龙舟”决出的名次,分别在本来已有的装备基础上附加获得如下装备。   第一名:扇子_1,手摇鼓风机_1,引燃酒精_1,秘制烤肉酱_1   第二名:扇子_1,手摇鼓风机_1,引燃酒精_1   第三名:扇子_1,手摇鼓风机_1   第三名:扇子_1   第一环节:各队队员使用原有装备+附加装备进行生火速度比拼。将炭火完全生起后,各队依照生火速度可以来裁判区领取附加食材。依次分别是:海鲜_1,红肉类_1,白肉类_1,蔬菜_1。   第二环节:12:30时,裁判将给每队发放闭合完整扇贝一个,最快速度将此扇贝烤至壳口张开的队伍,将获得神秘食材一份。   第三环节:13:40结束烧烤,所有队员共同努力,十分钟之内可以将各自区域整理清扫,并且通过裁判审核的,便可获得团队精美水果_1   (活动期间,会不间断穿插各类小游戏及各类美食奖励)   “蛟龙出海”   每位队员的左脚与旁边队员的右脚绑在一起,仅最旁边两位队员绑一只脚,其余队员两脚都与旁边队员绑在一起,赛道长度30米,四队先分别挑战,能够在40秒内完成挑战的视为成功,方可参加80人集体“蛟龙出海”。   “八十人超大规模蛟龙出海”挑战   需全员参与,80人共进退,从起点行至终点,若中途出现摔倒或者绑腿绳松开的情况,需从起点重新开始挑战,最终能在90秒内完成,方视为挑战成功。(总练习加挑战时间不得超过60分钟)    六、活动预算 团建活动策划方案模板【篇6】   这次的班级形象大赛是我们社会实践部主办的一项大型活动,也是国际学院英语活动月的主要活动,同时也是我在大学里第一次参与组织的大型活动。看着付出了自己心血的活动顺利结束,心里真的很高兴,我觉得这次班形举办的还是非常成功的,但是有一些细节我觉得可以改一改。    一、赛前准备与宣传   和所有大型活动一样,班形赛前也进行了宣传,可能是因为在两个校区不好进行集中宣传的原因吧,我觉得宣传的力度还是不够大,在xx校区基本很少能看到有字报和海报,大多数字报和海报基本活不过半天。   我觉得宣传不应该只由我们部门进行,应该要求每个参赛班级都参与宣传活动,提交每个班的宣传海报和字报或者直接由本班张贴,这样不仅减轻了我们的宣传压力,也使得宣传内容更加多样。同时,我们宣传的形式除了贴海报和字报,还可以发宣传单,个人认为发宣传单能比贴海报、字报起到更好的宣传作用。    二、预赛   预赛进行的很顺利,中间没什么差错,每个委员也都做好了自己应该做的。不过可能是在小教室举行预赛的原因,预赛的表演现场气氛不很热烈,虽然我在的那一组表演的内容都很活跃,但是因为人太少,反响不是很热烈。    三、决赛   对我来说,决赛举办的相当成功,现场气氛也很好,加油、惊叹的声音此起彼伏,观众多了感觉真的不一样。但是决赛也有个比较大的缺陷,那就是评委的问题。从外学院请来评委虽然可以有公平之说,但是我们班形中英文占80%以上,请来的其它学院的领导或老师很有可能只能看得懂形式,却不能了解内容。    四、赛后   我觉得赛后宣传还是有必要进行的,例如宣布获奖班级及名次,以及希望同学继续关注等内容。
豆豆staR2023-08-15 09:45:341


教师简历模板范文精选 是否拥有比较出色的实力,是用人企业为之关注的问题,实力比较出色的教师即便无法在表面上使教师简历更具色彩,但它可发挥出的运用效果却是无法想象的。下面我为大家收集整理了“教师简历模板范文”,欢迎阅读与借鉴! 教师简历模板范文1 姓名:个人简历 性 别:女 出生年月:1986-9-24 民 族:汉族 最高学历:大专 现居住地:河北省-石家庄市 工作年限:一年以下 到岗时间:随时 身 高:165cm 婚姻状况:未婚 联系电话:_____ 求职意向 应聘类型:全职应聘职位:教师,家教,幼儿教育应聘行业:教育/培训/学术/科研期望工作地区:石家庄市期望月薪:面议 专业特长 善于演讲; 普通话水平通过国家二级甲等; 英语语音语调优美; 了解教育学、心理学; 熟练使用计算机; 喜欢唱歌,尤其是英文歌曲 自我评价 本人热情开朗,喜爱儿童,热爱教育事业。学习能力强,有上进心。勇于实践创新。有较强的交际和组织沟通能力,适应环境能力强。 教育背景 20_-9至20_-6学校名称:河南省焦作师范高等专科学校 专业名称:英语教育 取得学历:大专 校内活动职务描述: 自20_年入学至20_年毕业一直担任团支书。经过三年的锻炼,组织沟通能力和工作能力有了很大的提高,并且两次获得“优秀学生干部”的称号。 我热爱文体活动,多次参加英文歌曲大赛和中英文演讲比赛,自身心理素质得以提高的同时,演讲口才更上一层楼。 在校获奖情况 20_-10:优秀学生干部 20_-10:二等奖学金 20_-6:“教学技能暨课件制作大赛”三等奖 20_-4:优秀学生干部 20_-4:二等奖学金 在校实践 20_-9至20_-12实践公司名称:石家庄市第二十三中学 所在部门: 所任职务:实习生 实践描述:通过教育实习,熟悉了教师工作。对教师工作有了更深层次的.认识。 在组织课堂教学过程中,教师起着引导和点拨的关键作用。课堂真正回归于学生,把他们真正地作为主体是提高教学质量的关键点。通过一段时间的实践,自己对课堂活动的组织、驾驭,以及课堂的掌控能够很好地把握。 it技能 技能描述:熟练使用计算机操作能力:熟练使用word、excel、access以及使用powerpoint制作课件 语言技能 外语语种:英语外语水平:四级 证书 大学英语四级 普通话二级甲等证书 初中教师资格证 教师简历模板范文2 姓名:x先生 性别:男 民族:汉族 出生年月:19_年11月 婚姻状况:未婚 身高:168cm 体重:55kg 户籍:江西上饶 现所在地:福建厦门思明区 毕业学校:上饶师范学院 学历:本科 专业名称:师范小学教育 毕业年份:20_年 工作经验:三个月(实习) 求职意向 职位性质:全职 职位类别:教师-小学教师 职位名称:小学教师; 工作地区:厦门市区;厦门思明区;厦门湖里区 待遇要求:2000-3000元/月可面议;不需要提供住房 到职时间:可随时到岗 技能专长 语言能力:英语四级;普通话标准 电脑水平:通过全国计算机等级考试一级,熟练掌握各类办公软件 教育背景: 时间所在学校学历 20_年9月-20_年7月上饶师范学院本科 工作经历 所在公司:上饶市实验小学 时间范围:20_年9月-20_年11月 公司性质:事业单位 所属行业:教育、培训、科研院所 担任职位:教师-小学教师 工作描述:20_年9月至11月在上饶市实验小学实习,期间在四年级实习班主任和语文教师,获得了一定的教学经验,深受指导老师、领导和学生家长的好评。 自我评价: 我最大的优点——进取,不忘脚踏实地!我最大的资本——年轻,具有很强的可塑性!城然,即将毕业,缺乏工作经验是我的不足,但我拥有饱满的热情以及敬业精神。 教师简历模板范文3 姓名: 性别: 女 年龄: 身高: 152 cm 民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 江西 目前居住地: 江西 教育背景 毕业时间:2011.6 毕业院校: 南昌大学 学历: 硕士 学科专业: 生物 外语水平: 大学英语六级以上 计算机水平: 非计算机专业应用二级 求职意向 希望从事行业: 教育 希望应聘职位: 教师 希望工作类型: 全职 希望工作地点: 江西 希望薪资范围: 面议 工作经历 2011/09--2013/1 南昌大学食品科学教育部重点实验室 科研人员 1、虫草菌粉、西洋参等中药的有效成分的提取,纯化及分析测定 2、功能饮料及冲剂等其他形式的保健食品的开发研究 自我鉴定 熟悉精通HPLC等主要分析技术,多年提取,分离,纯化实践经验; 熟悉HACCP、ISO等食品、药业相关规章; 熟悉中草药及天然产物开发工艺,熟悉食品加工工艺流程; 熟悉食品营养与安全知识。 教师简历模板范文4 姓名: 性别: 女 年龄: 23 岁 身高: 157CM 婚姻状况: 未婚 户籍所在: 贵州贵阳 最高学历: 本科 工作经验: 1-3年 联系地址: 贵州贵阳 求职意向 最近工作过的职位: 教师 期望工作地: 贵州省/贵阳市 期望岗位性质: 全职 期望月薪: 2000~3000元/月 期望从事的岗位: 小学教师 期望从事的行业: 办公用品及设备 技能特长 上进心,稳定 教育经历 贵州师范大学 (本科) 起止年月: 学校名称: 贵州师范大学 专业名称: 汉语文学 获得学历: 本科 工作经历 __学校 - 语文教师 起止日期: 企业名称: 从事职位: 语文教师 业绩表现: 企业介绍: __学校 - 语文教师 起止日期: 企业名称: 从事职位: 语文教师 业绩表现: 企业介绍: 教师简历模板范文5 姓名: 国籍: 中国 目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 广州 身材: 160 cm 50 kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 23 岁 培训认证: 诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型: 普通求职 应聘职位: 音乐教师:音乐教师、职业教育/培训/家教:婚庆策划、音乐策划、营养师: 工作年限: 1 年 职称: 无职称 求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时 月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区: 广州 深圳 珠海 个人工作经历: 公司名称: 广州文化公园起止年月:2008-08 ~ 2009-03 公司性质: 事业单位所属行业:文化,艺术 担任职务: 工作描述: 离职原因: 教育背景 毕业院校: 华南师范大学音乐学院 最高学历: 本科 毕业日期: 2007-07-01 所学专业一: 音乐学 所学专业二: 受教育培训经历: 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号 2003-09 2007-09 华南师范大学 音乐学 音乐学学位 语言能力 外语: 英语 良好 国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 良好 工作能力及其他专长 1、可担任中小学音乐教学。 2、可组织学校管乐队、民乐队训练、演出。 3、可组织音乐会的演出。 专长: 从小学习声乐、钢琴、舞蹈,之后跟随湖南歌舞剧院民乐团团长李磊女士学习古筝。 详细个人自传 本人工作勤恳、心态调整快、喜欢有些挑战的工作。性格比较随和,喜欢与各种人交流学习。展望未来生活,始终充满着信心和勇气,这就是音乐熏陶带给我音乐般的气质。在音乐的二度创造过程中虽然汗水总比掌声多,但我非常满足地享受着这过程中的一切。就象工作和生活中带给我的一样。希望在未来职业生涯中有新的尝试,有所突破。
kikcik2023-08-15 09:45:291


保罗·策兰诗歌10首1.《雾角》隐匿之镜中的嘴,屈向自尊的柱石,手抓囚笼的栅栏:把你自己献给黑暗,说出我的名字,把我领向他。2.《水晶》不要在我的唇上找你的嘴不要在门前等陌生人不要早眼里觅泪水七个夜晚更高了红色朝向红色七颗心脏更深了手在敲击大门七朵玫瑰更迟了夜晚泼溅着泉水3.《你曾是》你曾是我的死亡你,我可以握住当一切从我这里失去的时候4.《在河流里》在北方未来的河流里我撒下这张网,那是你犹豫而沉重的被石头写下的阴影5.《我仍可以看你》我仍可以看你:一个反响在那些可以昆虫的触角暗中摸索朝向的词语,在分开的山脊。你的脸相当惊怯当突然地那里一个灯一般闪亮容纳我,正好在某一点上那里,一个最痛苦的在说,永不6.《苍白声部》苍白声部,从 深处剥取 无言,无物而它们共用一个名字你可以坠落,你可以飞翔一个世界的 疼痛收获7.《你可以》你可以充满信心地用雪来款待我:每当我与桑树并肩缓缓穿过夏季,它最嫩的叶片尖叫。8.《时间的眼睛》这是时间的眼睛:它向外斜睨从七彩的眉毛下。它的帘睑被火焰清洗,它的泪水是热蒸流。朝向它,盲目的星子在飞并熔化在更灼热的睫毛上:世界日益变热,而死者们萌芽,并且开花。9.《站着》站着,在伤痕的阴影里,在空中。站着,不为任何事物任何人。不可辨认,只是为你。带着那拥有藏身之处的一切,也勿需语言。10.《死亡》死亡是花,只开放一次它就这样绽放,开得不像自己 。它开放,一想就开,它不在时间里开放它来了,一只硕大的蝴蝶装饰细长的苇茎让我作一根苇茎,如此健壮,让它喜欢叶芝诗歌精选1.湖心岛茵尼斯弗利岛我就要起身走了,到茵尼斯弗利岛,造座小茅屋在那里,枝条编墙糊上泥;我要养上一箱蜜蜂,种上九行豆角,独住在蜂声嗡嗡的林间草地。那儿安宁会降临我,安宁慢慢儿滴下来,从晨的面纱滴落到蛐蛐歇唱的地方;那儿半夜闪着微光,中午染着紫红光彩,而黄昏织满了红雀的翅膀。我就要起身走了,因为从早到晚从夜到朝我听得湖水在不断地轻轻拍岸;不论我站在马路上还是在灰色人行道,总听得它在我心灵深处呼唤。2.当你老了当你老了,白发苍苍,睡意朦胧,在炉前打盹,请取下这本诗篇,慢慢吟诵,梦见你当年的双眼。那柔美的光芒与青幽的晕影;多少人真情假意,爱过你的美丽,爱过你欢乐而迷人的青春,唯独一人爱你朝圣者的心,爱你日益凋谢的脸上的哀戚。当你佝偻着,在灼热的炉栅边,你将轻轻诉说,带着一丝伤感:逝去的爱,如今已步上高山,在密密星群里埋藏它的赧颜。3.柯尔庄园的天鹅树木披上了美丽的秋装,林中的小径一片干燥,在十月的暮色中,流水把静谧的天空映照,一块块石头中漾着水波,游着五十九只天鹅。自从我第一次数了它们,十九度秋天已经消逝,我还来不及细数一遍,就看到它们一下子全部飞起.大声拍打着它们的翅膀,形成大而破辞的圆圈翱翔。我凝视这些光彩夺目的天鹅,此刻心中涌起一阵悲痛。一切都变了,自从第一次在河边,也正是暮色朦胧,我听到天鹅在我头上鼓翼,于是脚步就更为轻捷。还没有疲倦,一对对情侣,在冷冷的友好的河水中前行或展翅飞入半空,它们的心依然年轻,不管它们上哪儿漂泊,它们总是有着激情,还要赢得爱情。现在它们在静谧的水面上浮游,神秘莫测,美丽动人,可有一天我醒来,它们已飞去。哦它们会筑居于哪片芦苇丛、哪一个池边、哪一块湖滨,使人们悦目赏心?4.基督重临在向外扩张的旋体上旋转呀旋转,猎鹰再也听不见主人的呼唤。一切都四散了,再也保不住中心,世界上到处弥漫着一片混乱,血色迷糊的潮流奔腾汹涌,到处把纯真的礼仪淹没其中;优秀的人们信心尽失,坏蛋们则充满了炽烈的狂热。无疑神的启示就要显灵,无疑基督就将重临。基督重临!这几个字还未出口,刺眼的是从大记忆来的巨兽:荒漠中,人首狮身的形体,如太阳般漠然而无情地相觑,慢慢挪动腿,它的四周一圈圈,沙漠上愤怒的鸟群阴影飞旋。黑暗又下降了,如今我明白二十个世纪的沉沉昏睡,在转动的摇篮里做起了恼人的恶梦,何种狂兽,终于等到了时辰,懒洋洋地倒向圣地来投生?5.丽达与天鹅突然袭击:在踉跄的少女身上,一双巨翅还在乱扑,一双黑蹼,抚弄她的大腿,鹅喙衔着她的颈项,他的胸脯紧压她无计脱身的胸脯。手指啊,被惊呆了,哪还有能力从松开的腿间推开那白羽的荣耀?身体呀,翻倒在雪白的灯心草里,感到的唯有其中那奇异的心跳!腰股内一阵颤栗.竟从中生出断垣残壁、城楼上的浓烟烈焰和阿伽门农之死。当她被占有之时当地如此被天空的野蛮热血制服直到那冷漠的喙把她放开之前,她是否获取了他的威力,他的知识?6.白鸟亲爱的,但愿我们是浪尖上一双白鸟!流星尚未陨逝,我们已厌倦了它的闪耀;天边低悬,晨光里那颗蓝星的幽光,唤醒了你我心中,一缕不死的忧伤。露湿的百合、玫瑰梦里逸出一丝困倦;呵,亲爱的,可别梦那流星的闪耀,也别梦那蓝星的幽光在滴露中低徊:但愿我们化作浪尖上的白鸟:我和你!我心头萦绕着无数岛屿和丹南湖滨,在那里岁月会以遗忘我们,悲哀不再来临;转瞬就会远离玫瑰、百合和星光的侵蚀,只要我们是双白鸟,亲爱的,出没在浪花里!7.印度人的恋歌海岛在晨光中酣睡,硕大的树枝滴沥着静谧;孔雀起舞在柔滑的草坪,一只鹦鹉在枝头摇颤,向着如镜的海面上自己的身影怒叫。在这里我们要系泊孤寂的船,手挽着手永远地漫游,唇对着唇喃喃地诉说,沿着草丛,沿着沙丘,诉说那不平静的土地多么遥远:世俗中唯独我们两人是怎样远远藏匿在宁静的树下,我们的爱情长成一颗印度的明星,一颗燃烧的心的流火,那心里有粼粼的海潮,疾闪的翅膀,沉重的枝干,和哀叹百日的那羽毛善良的野鸽:我们死后,灵魂将怎样漂泊,那时,黄昏的寂静笼罩住天空,海水困倦的磷光反照着模糊的脚印。8.驶向拜占庭那不是老年人的国度。青年人在互相拥抱;那垂死的世代,树上的鸟,正从事他们的歌唱;鱼的瀑布,青花鱼充塞的大海,鱼、兽或鸟,一整个夏天在赞扬,凡是诞生和死亡的一切存在。沉溺于那感官的音乐,个个都疏忽万古长青的理性的纪念物。一个衰颓的老人只是个废物,是件破外衣支在一根木棍上,除非灵魂拍手作歌,为了它的皮囊的每个裂绽唱得更响亮;可是没有教唱的学校,而只有研究纪念物上记载的它的辉煌,因此我就远渡重洋而来到拜占庭的神圣的城堡。哦,智者们!立于上帝的神火中,好像是壁画上嵌金的雕饰,从神火中走出来吧,旋转当空,请为我的灵魂作歌唱的教师。把我的心烧尽,它被绑在一个垂死的肉身上,为欲望所腐蚀,已不知它原来是什么了;请尽快把我采集进永恒的艺术安排。一旦脱离自然界,我就不再从任何自然物体取得我的形状,而只要希腊的金匠用金釉和锤打的金子所制作的式样,供给瞌睡的皇帝保持清醒;或者就镶在金树枝上歌唱一切过去、现在和未来的事情给拜占庭的贵族和夫人听。9.经柳园而下我的爱人曾与我相会在柳园中,她雪白的纤足穿过那柳间。她要我简单地去爱,就像树木吐出新芽但我,年少愚笨,不曾听从她。我的爱人曾与我站在河边的田野上,在我倾靠的肩上你披下雪白的手。她让我简单的生活,就像堰上长出的青草;但我那时年少愚笨,而如今满面泪水10.圣徒和驼子起立,举起你的手然后开始祈福,为一个品尝着惨烈痛楚的男人,在回味他已丧失的名声的过程中。一位罗马的凯撒也已屈服,在这驼峰之下。圣徒上帝试探着每一个人,根据种种不同的方式。我不应该停止赞美,因为我正在用皮鞭痛笞自己。也许就在那个夜间与清晨,我就可以驱赶走。在我肉体中隐藏着的希腊人亚历山大,还有奥古斯都·凯撒,在他们之后,接下来就是了不起的无赖汉亚尔西巴德。驼子对于所有在你肉体中起立,并且祈福着的人们,我要呈献上自己的这份感激,给予他们的敬意恰好根据他们的等级,但绝大多数的都要留给亚尔西巴德。西尔维亚.普拉斯诗歌精选1.雾中羊山坡隐入白障人群或星群悲哀地凝视我 我使他们失望火车留下一线呼吸哦 迟钝的马儿 铁锈的颜色马蹄 忧伤的钟声整个早晨早晨 变得黑沉沉一朵花犹存我的骨头托起一片寂静 远方的旷野 融化我的心它们威胁 要我穿抵某处天庭没有星星 没有父亲 一派黑水2.邮差蜗牛的话在树叶的盘子里吗?那不是我的。别收下。醋的酸味封在罐头里吗?别收下。那不是真的。金戒指里有一个太阳吗?谎言。谎言和痛苦。叶子上的白霜,洁净的大锅,絮叨地噼啪作响。在阿尔卑斯山九座黑色的山峰上自己对自己对谈。镜子里是一场困惑大海击碎了它的灰色的眼睛--爱情,爱情,我的季节。3.语言斧头,敲响了森林一阵回声!回声从中漫出象一阵马蹄声。树液涌出泪水,象挤出的水珠,在岩石上,铺开一面镜子,一滴滴地落下,一个白色的颅骨,吞噬在杂草的绿色之中。多少年后我又在路口又看见他们。语言已经干枯,不再驰骋,尽管传来不倦的蹄声,只是,从池水的水底,静止的星群,暗示着人生。4.边缘这个女人尽善尽美了,她的死,尸体带着圆满的微笑,一种希腊式的悲剧结局,双脚像是在诉说,我们来自远方,现在到站了。每一个死去的孩子都蜷缩着,像一窝白蛇,各自有一个小小的早已空荡荡的牛奶罐,它把他们搂进怀抱,就像玫瑰花合上花瓣,在花园里僵冷。死之光从甜美、纵深的喉管里溢出芬芳。月亮已无哀可悲,从她的骨缝射出凝睇。它已习惯于这种事情。黑色长裙缓缓拖拽,悉悉作响。5.词语斧头,在谁的对木铃的击打,与回声之后!回声四散,离中点远去,有如马匹。活力,涌现如泪水,如清泉竭力冲出,于石子之上,那水珠和涟漪,一根白骨,为疯长的绿色所吞噬。数年以后,我在途中遭遇它们词语枯竭无主,不懈的马蹄声,又从池塘之底,凝望着星子,支配着一种生活。6.冬天的树潮润的黎明,蓝黑水在进行蓝黑的溶化。树群在吸雾纸上,看来象植物绘画,记忆在增长,一圈叠一圈,一联串的婚礼。不知道堕胎和怨恨,比女人们真实,它们如此不费力地撒种,品尝着不长脚的风,半身浸入历史长满了另一世界的翅膀。在这点它们是利达(1)们。啊,树叶和甜蜜之母,谁是这些圣母哀悼耶稣的像?斑鸠们的暗影在唱诗,而无助于解愁。(1)利达被化身为天鹅的朱庇特所强奸。7.渡湖黑湖,黑船,两个黑纸剪出的人。在这里饮水的黑树往哪里去?它们的黑影想必一直伸到加拿大。荷花从中漏过来一星点光线,莲叶不让我们匆忙穿过:扁平的圆叶,老在作阴暗的劝告。从桨上摇下一片片冰冷的世界,我们怀着黑色的精神,鱼也如此。一个断树桩举起苍白的手告别;星星在浮莲之间开放,塞壬如此面无表情,没把你变成石头?这是惊呆的灵魂特有的寂静。8.巨像完全拼合在一起我也难以辨认你,破碎地粘结和整体的联接。驴子骡子的嘈杂乱叫,猪猡的呼噜和鸨母似的浪笑,发自你那巨大的嘴唇它比仓库前面的空场更糟。也许你把自己看成一个神使,死者的代言人,或者某个上帝和别的什么。为了从你喉咙里挖出淤泥,到现在我已苦干了三十年。而我仍然不明白。带着胶锅和一 巴懊悍釉砣芤号实切 小的云梯我像一只肮脏得人心蚁兽缓慢地爬行,爬过你那眉毛般杂草丛生的荒地,去修补大片的渣壳金属板,去清扫你的双眼那颓坍而苍凉的古墓。奥列斯特之外的一片蓝天,用拱形顶板覆盖在我们上面。父亲啊,你的一切像古罗马广场一样简洁而具历史感。在长满墨绿的松柏的树上我开始午餐,你那有凹糟的骨。9.七月里的罂粟花小小的罂粟花,小小的地狱之火,你不伤人?你闪烁不定。我不能碰你。我把双手伸进火中。什么也没燃烧。瞧着你那样闪烁我感到绵绵无力,多皱,鲜红,就象人的嘴唇。刚刚流过血的嘴唇。血淋淋的小裙子!有些烟味我不能闻。你的鸦片和你令人作呕的容器在何处?但愿我能流血,或者入睡!但愿我的嘴唇能嫁给那样的创伤!或者你的汁液渗向我,在这玻璃容器里使人迟钝,平静。可它是无色的。无色的。
豆豆staR2023-08-15 09:39:4310


水元素sl2023-08-15 09:39:402


见识多、遭难重,钻研深是学问的三大支持。接下来我为大家整理了英语 谚语 大全,欢迎大家阅读! 英语谚语大全 1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. 2.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing. 3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst. 4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start. 5.不眠之夜 white night 6.不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses 7.不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one"s best 8.不打不成交 No discord, no concord. 9.拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 10.辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new 11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 12.大开眼界 open one"s eyes; broaden one"s horizon; be an eye-opener 13.国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace 14.过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little 15.功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits. 16.好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more 17.好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide. 18.和气生财 Harmony brings wealth. 19.活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn. 20.既往不咎 let bygones be bygones 21.金无足赤人无完人 Gold can"t be pure and man can"t be perfect. 22.金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home. 23.脚踏实地 be down-to-earth 24.脚踩两只船 sit on the fence 25.君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green 26.老生常谈陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché 27.礼尚往来 Courtesy ca lls for reciprocity. 28.留得青山在不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hope. 29.马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success 30.名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth 31.茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened 32.没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 33.每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one"s dear ones far away.It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most. 34.谋事在人成事在天 The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. Man proposes, God disposes. 35.弄巧成拙 be too smart by half; Cunning outwits itself 36.拿手好戏 masterpiece 37.赔了夫人又折兵 throw good money after bad 38.抛砖引玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale 39.破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat;burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end 40.抢得先机 take the preemptive opportunities 41.巧妇难为无米之炊 If you have no hand you can"t make a fist. One can"t make bricks without straw. 42.千里之行始于足下 a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step 43.前事不忘后事之师 Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future. 44.前人栽树后人乘凉 One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests.One sows and another reaps. 45.前怕狼后怕虎 fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind hesitate in doing something 46.强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies. 47.强强联手 win-win co-operation 48.瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest. 49.人之初性本善 Man"s nature at birth is good. 50.人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man. 英语谚语大全 1.有志者,事竟成.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart./Where there is a will there is a way. 2.千里之行,始于足下.The longest journey begins with the first step. 3.积少成多 Every little helps. 4.满招损,谦受益.Pride hurts, modesty benefits 5.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获.Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty. 6.伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒.Rome was not built in a day. 7.一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴.Lost years are worse than lost dollars. 8.自助者天助.God helps those who help themselves. 9.欲速则不达.More haste, less speed. 10.台上一分钟,台下十年功.One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage. 11.好的开端是成功的一半.Well begun is half done. 12.酒好不怕巷子深.Good wine needs no bush. 13.成功源于勤奋.Industry is the parent of success. 14.英雄所见略同.Great minds think alike. 15.熟能生巧.Practice makes perfect. 16.静水流深.Still waters run deep. 17.滴水穿石.Little stone fell great oaks. 18.前事不忘,后事之师.The membrance of the past is the teacher of the future. 19.君子之交淡如水.A hedge between keeps friendship green. 20.机不可失,失不再来.Take time while time is, for time will away. 21.集思广益.Two heads are better than one. 22.未雨绸缪.Provide for a rainy day. 23.真金不怕火炼.True blue will never strain. 24.必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀.You have to believe in yourself. That""s the secret of success. 25.燕雀安知鸿鹄之志.A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan. 26.身正不怕影子歪.A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. 27.天涯何处无芳草.There is plenty of fish in the sea. 28.大智若愚.Cats hind their paws. 29.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量.Judge not a book by its cover.(Never judge from appearances.) 30.有情人终成眷属.All shall be well, Jack shall have jill. 31.海内存知己,天涯若比邻.The world is but a little place, after all. 32.宁为鸡头,不为凤尾.It is better to be a head of dog than a tail of a lion.. 33.良药苦口.A good medicine tastes bitter. 34.知识就是力量.Knowledge is power. 35.金钱不是万能的.Money is not everything. 36.时不我待.Time and tide wait no man. 37.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.A young idler, an old beggar. 38.趁热打铁.Strike while the iron is hot. 39.天生我才必有用.Every man has his price. 40.看破生死的人能成大事.He who sees through life and death will meet with most success. 41.世上无难事,只要肯登攀.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 42不入虎穴,焉得虎子.Noting venture, noting gain. 43.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人.It never rains but it pours. 44.胜者为王,败者为寇.Losers are always in the wrong. 45.谋事在人,成事在天.Man proposes, God deposes. 46.众人拾柴火焰高.Many hands make light work. 47.不经风雨,怎能见彩虹. No cross, no crown. 48.没有付出,就没有收获.No pain, no gain. 49.不进则退.Not to advance is to go back. 50.No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧. 51. 闪光的不一定是黄金.All is not gold that glitters./All that glitters is not gold. 52.The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron, yet with firm strides we are conquring its summit.雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越. 53.My journey is long and winding, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide.路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索. 54.一分价钱一分货.You get what you pay off. 55.眼见为实.Seeing is believing. 56.无风不起浪.Where there""s smoke without fire. 57.哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗.Where there""s oppression there""s resistance. 58. 祸兮福所依,福兮祸所伏.All the Evils to be considered with the Good, that is in them, and with that worse attends them. 59.Make your whole year""s plan in the spring and the whole day""s plan in the morning.一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨. 60.细节决定成败.Details is the key to success. 61.A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.男人对他的情人最爱,对他的妻子最好,而对他母亲的爱最长久. 62.A big tree falls not at the first stroke.一斧子砍不倒大树. 63.Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起身体好. 64.Ask not what your country can do for you; Ask what you can do for your country.不要问你的国家能为你做什么,而要问你能为你的国家做什么. 65.Repent,for the kingdom of heaven is near.忏悔吧,因为天国已经不远了. 66.Rejoicing in hope, patienting in trabulation.从希望中得到快乐,在磨难中保持坚韧. 67.Never put off until tomorrow what may be done today.今日事今日毕. 68.Something attempted, something done. 没有尝试,就没有成功. 69.Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.好处着想,坏处准备. 70.Great hope makes great man. 伟大的思想造就伟大的人. 71.A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不聚苔,转行不聚财. 72.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗. 73.Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙. 74.Lost time is never found again.光阴一去不复返. 75.Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.劳动强体,磨难强智. 76.Behind bad luck comes good luck.塞翁失马,焉知非福. 77.All for one, one for all.我为人人,人人为我. 78.Treat other people as you hope they will treat you.己所不欲,勿施于人. 79.Suspicion is the poison of friendship.怀疑是对友谊所下的毒药. 80.He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最美. 81.Follow your own course, and let people talk.走自己的路,让别人说去吧. 82.Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.主动性就是在没有人告诉时做正确的事情. 83.Think twice before acting.三思而后行. 84.Adversity reveals genius, fortune conceals it.苦难显才华,好运藏天知. 85.The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟. 86.Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.宁为鸡头,不为凤尾. 87.A stitch in time saves nine.防微杜渐. 88.Diamond cuts diamond.强中更有强中手. 89.The early bird catches the worm.捷足先登. 90.Whatever you go, go with all your heart.无论做什么事,一定要全力以赴. 91.The good seaman is known in bad weather.惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色. 92.Where there is life, there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴少. 93.All thing are difficult before they are easy.万事开头难. 94.Life is not all roses.人生并不都是康庄大道. 95.Heaven never seals off all the exits.天无绝人之路. 96.Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?有朋自远方来不亦乐乎? 97.Reading is always profitable.开卷有益. 98.A gentleman acts on behalf of an understanding friend, as a woman makes herself beautiful for her lover.士为知己者用,女为说悦己者容. 99.Actions speak louder that words.事实胜于雄辩. 100.Mastery of work comes from diligent application, and success deponds on forethought.业精于勤,行成于思 英语谚语大全 The secret of success is constancy of purpose. 成功的秘诀是目标坚定。 The shortest answer is doing the thing. 最简短的回答就是干。 The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time. 要想多做事情,最简单的办法是一次只做一件事。 The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it. 天不会因瞎子看不见而减其蓝色。 The sleeping fox catches no poultry. 睡觉的狐狸抓不到鸡鸭。 The small courtesies sweeten life; the greater ennoble it. 有点礼貌使生活愉快,多点礼貌使生活高尚。 The smiles of a pretty woman are the tears of the purse. 美女的微笑就是钱包的泪水。 The soul is not where it lives, but it loves. 心灵不在它生活的地方,而在它所爱的地方。 The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有馀而力不足。 The still sow eats up all the draff. 不声不响的猪吃光全部的饲料。 The style is the man. 文如其人。 The sun shines all alike. 太阳同样地普照一切。 The surest way to be happy is to be busy. 要快乐,最可靠的办法是忙碌。 Sadness and gladness succeed each other. 悲喜互继,哀乐相续。 Safe bind, safe find. Sail while the wind blows; wind and tide wait for no man. 驶船要乘风,风潮不等人。 Salt water and absence wash away love. 远离久别爱情淡。久别情淡? Satan always finds work for idle hands. 懒汉总会干坏事。 Save a thief from gallows and he will help hang you. 放虎归山。 Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day. 能节俭时就节俭,朝阳难照一整天。 Saving is getting. 节约等于收入。 Saying and doing are two things. 说与做是两回事。 Saying is one thing, and doing another. 说是一回事,做是另一回事。 Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear. 莫道全所知,莫信全所闻。 Say well is good, but do well is better, 说得漂亮固好,做得漂亮更佳。 Science is organized knowledge. 科学是系统化的知识。 Score twice before you cut once. 三思而行。 Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings. 神气的狗也会吃赃布丁的。 Scratch a Russsian, and you("ll) find a Tartar. 文明不能改变本性。 Scratch me and I"ll scratch you 朋比为奸。 Scratch my back and I"ll scratch yours. 朋比为奸。 Second thoughts are best. 三思而行,再思可也。 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much are the three pillars of learning. 见识多、遭难重,钻研深是学问的三大支持。 See, listen, and be silent, and you will live in peace. 多看多听少多嘴,你会太平过日子。 英语谚语大全精选相关 文章 : ★ 英语谚语大全精选90条 ★ 经典英语谚语大全精选80条 ★ 英语谚语大全精选70条 ★ 经典的英语谚语大全 ★ 经典英语谚语大全 ★ 经典英语谚语90句精选合集 ★ 简单的英文谚语大全 ★ 英语谚语精选100条 ★ 经典英语谚语大全归纳 ★ 经典英文谚语大全
可桃可挑2023-08-14 16:52:461


  五官有眼睛,鼻子,耳朵,嘴巴,眉毛。下面是我给大家整理的和五官相关的英文短语,供大家参阅!   和五官相关的英文短语篇1   Eye 眼睛   an eye for an eye   以眼还眼,报复   catch someoneu2019s eye   引某人注目,令人瞩目   give someone a black eye   打得某人鼻青脸肿   be all eyes   极注意地看着,非常留神   see eye to eye(with)   意见一致,立场相同   see with half an eye   一看就明白   shut oneu2019s eye to   置之不理   have an eye for   对u2026u2026有判断力   keep an eye on   照看,密切注意   in the eyes of   在u2026u2026的心目中,在u2026u2026看来   make eyes at sb.   向某人送秋波   make sb. open his eyes   使某人瞠目结舌,吃惊   和五官相关的英文短语篇2   Ear 耳朵   go in at one ear and out at the other   左耳进右耳出,当耳旁风   pick up oneu2019s ears   竖起耳朵听   up to the(oneu2019s)ears   深陷在(债务等中),债台高筑   wet behind the ears   乳臭未干   be on oneu2019s ears   在发怒   be all ears   全神贯注地倾听   give ear to   听,倾听,注意   give oneu2019s ears   不惜任何代价(要)   have an (no)ear for   对u2026u2026听觉灵敏(不灵敏)   sleep on both ears   酣睡,熟睡   turn a deaf ear to   对u2026u2026置之不理,对u2026u2026充耳不闻   和五官相关的英文短语篇3   Mouth 嘴   down in (at) the mouth   垂头丧气   from mouth to mouth   口口相传,广泛流传   put words in(to)someoneu2019s mouth   教人怎么说,诬指某人说过某话   stop someoneu2019s mouth   使某人缄默   take the words out of someoneu2019s mouth   抢先说某人想说的话   from the horseu2019s mouth   (消息等)第一手的,直接得来的,来源可靠的   in the mouth of   出于u2026u2026之口   make a mouth   做鬼脸   open oneu2019s mouth wide   狮子大开口(指索高价);信口开河   和五官相关的英文短语篇4   Nose 鼻子   lead someone by the nose   控制某人,牵着某人的鼻子走   pay through the nose   花大价钱,被敲竹杠   turn up oneu2019s nose (at)   轻视,瞧不起,嗤之以鼻   under someoneu2019s (very) nose   在某人面前,当着某人的面   as plain as the nose on your face   显而易见,一清二楚   bite sbu2019s nose off   气势汹汹地回答某人   follow oneu2019s nose   笔直走;凭本能行事   look down oneu2019s nose at   瞧不起   thumb oneu2019s nose (at)   (向u2026u2026)作蔑视(或侮辱)的手势;((对u2026u2026)嗤之以鼻   和五官相关的英文短语篇5   Tongue 舌   give tongue   直言无忌,明确地表示出来   hold oneu2019s tongue   沉默不语,住嘴   keep a civil tongue   措词谨慎,说话文雅,说话彬彬有礼   with oneu2019s tongue in oneu2019s cheek   假心假意地;(说话)无诚意地;言不由衷地   bite the tongue   保持缄默,不做声   have lost oneu2019s tongue   语塞;闭口不言;因u2026说不出话来,噤不能言   on the tongues of men (on everyoneu2019s tongue)   被众人谈论   smite with the tongue   含血喷人,诽谤;谴责   和五官相关的英文短语篇6   1. Close/Shut oneu2018s ears tou2026u2026: 不听(坏的或不愉快 的东西)。“I am one of those who often shut their ears to gossips.”   2. Keep oneu2018s ear to the ground: 确定会发生的事。 “You may not know every happening , but you must keep your ear to the ground.”   3. Turn a deaf ear tou2026u2026: 对u2026充耳不闻 .“As Ben does not respect Jean, he often turns a deaf ear to what she has said.”   4. Clap eyes onu2026u2026: 惊奇地看。“I have never clapped eyes on such a funny person before.”   5. Catch oneu2018s eye: 引起注意。 “Noelle was reading. All of a sudden, something strange caught her eye.”   6. Canu2018t take oneu2018s eyes offu2026u2026: 禁不住地看。 “The girl going past the crowd was so attractive that the people could not take their eyes off her.”   7. Keep oneu2018s eyes open/ peeled (foru2026u2026): 注意u2026 “When on a country road, the picnickers kept their eyes peeled for a campsite.”   8. Bring someone face to face withu2026u2026: 必须面对不愉快的u2026 “The rich man was brought face to face with his only sonu2018s poor performance in school work.”   9. Lose face: 丢脸。 “The officer-in-charge risks losing face if he confesses the error made.”   10. Save face : 保留面子。 “To save face, Tony withdrew from the contest so as not to admit defeat in public.”   11. Make oneu2018s mouth water : 使人流口水。 “The food looked so delicious that it made everyoneu2018s mouth water.”   12. Poke oneu2018s nose intou2026u2026: 爱管闲事。 “Lily is notorious for poking her nose into othersu2018 business.”   13. Keep oneu2018s nose out ofu2026u2026 : 别管闲事 “I make a point of keeping my nose out of othersu2018 private affairs.”   14.Noseu2026u2026out:费力打听u2026“Newspaper reports prefer nosing out anecdotes about political figures.”   15. Looku2026u2026in the eye: 注视u2026 “Dare you look your boss in the eye?”   16. With an eye to the main chance: 牟私利 “Evid ence shows that the manager made the proposal with an eye to the main chance.”   17. Fall on deaf ears:没被听取。“Elderly people often ask youngsters to behave themselves, but their kind-hearted advice tends to fall on deaf ears.”   18. Turn up oneu2018s nose atu2026u2026: 对u2026嗤之以鼻。 “Iu2018m sick of Mr Wei, who often turns up his nose at others.”   19. Pull a long face: 愁眉苦脸。“Whatu2018s wrong? You have been pulling a long face since this morning.”   20. Keep oneu2018s nose clean: 避开麻烦。 “Ahmad has been in prison before. If he doesnu2018t keep his nose clean, he may be in for trouble again.”   21. Keep oneu2018s nose to the grindstone: 不停地工作。 “You will have to keep your nose to the grind stone if you intend to finish this paperwork in one day.”   22. Keep a straight face: 保持严肃样子。“The old man looked so funny that it was hard to keep a straight face.”   23. Letu2018s face it: 面对现实。“Donu2018t take cheating in examinations too seriously. Letu2018s face it, we have cheated before, havenu2018t we?”
九万里风9 2023-08-14 16:44:071


  1、飞书走檄:迅速地书写文件。   2、奔走:(1)急走;跑:奔走相告。(2)为一定目的而到处活动。   3、徘徊:(1)在一个地方来回地走。(2)比喻犹疑不决。   4、蹒跚:腿脚不灵便,走路缓慢、摇摆的样子。   5、拜访:敬辞,访问:拜访亲友。   6、疾走先得:比喻行动迅速的人首先达到目的。同“疾足先得”。   7、走南闯北:指走过南方北方不少地方。也泛指闯荡。   8、大步流星:形容步子跨得大,走得快。   9、飞鹰走马:放鹰追捕和骑马追逐鸟兽。指打猎。   10、飞檐走壁:旧小说中形容有武艺的人身体轻捷,能够跳上房檐,越过墙壁。   11、落荒而走:指离开战场,向荒野逃命。形容战败逃命。   12、东奔西走:到处奔波。多指为生活所迫或为某一目的四处奔走活动。   13、奔忙:奔走操劳:他一天到晚奔忙不休。   14、散步:随便走走(作为一种休息方式)。   15、行色匆匆:行色:出发前后的神态。行走或出发前后的神态举止急急忙忙的样子。   16、游荡:闲游放荡,不务正业。   17、东走西撞:形容无固定目标,到处乱闯。同“东奔西撞”。   18、溜达:散步;闲走。   19、一走了之:指不顾而去。   20、星驰电走:驰:奔驰;走:跑。象星疾驰,如电急闪。形容极其迅速。   21、造访:拜访:登门造访。   22、奔波:忙忙碌碌地往来奔走。   23、踱步:(1)慢步行走(2)又如:踱来踱去;踱方步;踱走(踱步,走慢步,慢步走)   24、闲逛:闲暇时到外面随便走走;游逛。   25、横行直走:任意奔走,毫无顾忌。 形容走路的词语精选
墨然殇2023-08-14 16:43:151


【 #课件# 导语】课件设计和运用,一定要结合教学内容等多方面的客观条件,具体问题具体对待。做的得体,会收到意想不到的好效果,反之,则会事与愿违,如若枯燥乏味的课件必然会使学生失去学习兴趣,而精心设计好一个课件,因势利导,就能紧扣学生的活动心理,活跃其思维,增强其学习兴趣,从而大大提高学生的积极性。下面是 整理分享的初中英语课件,欢迎阅读与借鉴。 1.初中英语课件   一、教材分析   定语从句是本单元的语法要点,是在1-8单元已经对该语法知识有所渗透的前提下安排的。本节课话题是让学生体会音乐在生活中无处不在,体会不同类型音乐的特点,学会热爱生活;能用简单的定语从句形式表述自己的观点。通过本节的学习,增强学生对复合句的理解,提高其对此句式的应用能力。   二、三维目标   1、知识目标:   掌握本单元基本词汇,学会恰当的使用引导词that ,who   2、能力目标   1)掌握功能句“What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their ownmusic.”   2)能够自如地谈论自己所喜欢的音乐和音乐家。   3、情感目标:   通过学生谈论对音乐和音乐家的好恶,从而使学生学会欣赏音乐的美。   三、教学重点   1)本节课的教学重点是学会并掌握先行词为物或者人时,引导词“that ,who ”的使用方法。   2)“prefer …to…”的用法   3)掌握有关音乐的词汇和相关的词组,能够比较流利地描述自己喜欢的音乐,运用功能句 “What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their own music.”   四、教学难点   定语从句运用   五、教学策略   采用任务型语言教学,实施情境教学法、小组合作探究法、情感激励法。   六、教学准备   自制多媒体课件(PowerPoint);录音机(A tape recorder)   七、教学环节   1、课堂导入   ⑴ Warming up   ⑵ Discuss: Do you like music? What kind ofmusic do you know?   ⑶ There aremany kinds of music such as pop ,jazz, rock……. Let Sstalk about the kinds of music..(多媒体出示)   ⑷Let Ss read 1a. Explain the sentences:   I prefermusic that has great lyrics=I like music that has great lyrics better.   lyrics:the plural form is often used.   Ask Ss topractice in pairs then make up a short passage using the four sentences on thescreen.   2、课堂讲授   Explain attributive clauses.   定语从句:在复合句中修饰名词或者代词的从句叫做定语从句。先行词是“人”时,用关系代词who引导,先行词是“物”时,用关系代词that来引导   I love singers who write their ownmusic   I like music that I can dance to.   a. that即可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that在从句中作宾语时常可省略关系词,which在从句中作宾语则不能省略。而且,如果which在从句中作“不及物动词+介词”的介词的宾语,注意介词不要丢掉,而且介词总是放在关系代词which的前边,但有的则放在它原来的位置。   b.which作宾语时,根据先行词与定语从句之间的语义关系,先行词与which之间的介词不能丢。   c.代表物时多用which,但在带有下列词的句子中用that而不用which,这些词包括all,anything, much等,这时的that常被省略。   d.who和whom引导的从句用来修饰人,分别作从句中的主语和宾语,whom作宾语时,要注意它可以作动词的宾语也可以作介词的宾语。   e.where是关系副词,用来表示地点的定语从句。   3、课堂练习   Fill inthe blank with who that   1).I have a brother _______likes soccer.   2)Tom doesn"t like movies_______are too long and too scary.   3) We prefer groups ________ play loud and energetic songs.   4) He likes friends_________ often help each other   4、课堂活动   1)Askand answer in pairs:   What kindof music do you like best? Why?   I like popmusic/classical music/jazz music/country music/dance music, etc. And tell thereasons.   2)Listento four pieces of music .Then practice the conversation in pairs.   3)Showseveral pictures and introduce their favorite singers ,groups and so on.   4)Practice in pairs and talk about their favorite kinds ofsongs, singers and groups.   5)Listenand complete 1b,2a and 2b.   5、课堂小结   在定语从句中,先行词是“人”时,用关系代词who引导,先行词是“物”时,用关系代词that来引导。   I love singers who write their ownmusic   I like music that I can dance to.   who / that 在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致   I prefershoes that are cool.   I like apizza that is really delicious.   I lovesingers who are beautiful.   I have afriend who plays sports.   6、作业布置   Write a composition about the kinds of the friends they likeand dislike   八、教学反思   通过本单元的学习,不仅能使学生学会本单元的功能句,而且通过创设情境调动学生的积极性和自主性,使学生敢于用英语交流和表达,学习中遇到困难,愿意主动向他人请教,并有较强的合作精神,使学生进一步体会到英语学习的快乐与成就。 2.初中英语课件   《英语课程标准—英语》强调基于语言习得的教学环境的研究成果,课堂中师生和生生的互动和交际有助于学生运用语言,学生在完成任务的过程中产生语言的习得,并最终达到掌握语言的目的。但现实往往会有些偏差。因为初三课堂复习任务重时间紧,很多时候的课堂还是教师讲,学生记的填鸭式教学,课堂气氛沉闷,学生的学习激情不够。课堂效果可想而知。因此,笔者针对初中学生的年龄特征和教学内容,以学生为主体,在课堂教学上创设了各种情景,目的是让学生意识到,学习语言是为了进行交际,语言是一种交际的工具、手段,是生活的一部分,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,调动了他们的学习积极性,并运用各种手段,培养了他们的语言交际能力。   (一)音乐渲染导入,情境油然而生。   在课前2-4分钟播放优美动听的经典英文歌曲或熟悉的音乐,一方面,可以使学生安静下来,对学生起到心理放松的作用,能使学生迅速进入角色;另一方面,可以有效用来导入新课,特别对于上午第四节课或下午的课更有效。例如,在处理新目标英语九年级Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to , Period One 时教师就进行了音乐情境的创设。在上课铃响之前2分钟左右教师走进教室,播放理查德的钢琴曲《致爱丽丝》,同学们一听到那么美妙的声音马上都安静了下来,坐在位置上静静地欣赏。马上铃声响起,同学们好似没回过神来,教师也没有再刻意地说“上课起立”,而是   问同学T: Do you like the piece of music? How do you like it? Why do you like it?   有学生大声地说S1: Yes, I like it very much. Its beautiful,. Its gentle and quiet.   但也有同学说S2: No, Im afraid I dont like it.   T: So what kind of music do you like?   S2: I like pop music. T: Just like this kind.   教师顺势又播放了周杰伦的稻香。S2: Yes, that"s it. T: Ok, I know. You like music that is popular. (Repeat it to present.) But why do you like this kind of music?   S2: Because I like the singer.   T: Oh? Why?   S2: He is different from other singers. He can write songs for himself.   T: Yeah. So the lyrics is nice. It sounds great.   S2: Yes, yes.   T: So you like music that has great lyrics. And you like the singer who writes his own songs.   教师一边复述一边板书,并把定语从句部分用红色表示,再一次问学生他喜欢的音乐时,学生已经能够套用我的板书回答了。就这样在音乐的渲染中,教师很自然地呈现了第一课时的重难点,即一个定语从句子I like music that I can dance to;和不同种类音乐的表述:the music that has great lyrics; the music that isnt too loud; the music that can sing along with; the music that I can dance to , etc.正是因为音乐渲染带来的`真实的情境,此时的新的知识点对学生来说再也不是抽象的冷冰冰的东西,而变成了大家都能感受得到的立体的活生生的东西,便于学生接受记忆。又如在新目标初三whatever 的学习中,我就教学生歌曲“My heart will go on”中的高 潮部分---Wherever you go, whatever you do, Ill be right here waiting for you .然后再因势利导,发散学生的思维,又教了wherever, whoever, however, whenever等单词。此时,同学们情绪高涨,兴致勃勃,教学就在歌声中开始,歌声中进行,快乐而且有效。   (二)选择真实事例,情境自然而成。   学生通常喜欢谈论真实事例。因此,教师设计活动所选择的场景应该贴近学生的生活。   例如教师在复习初三Unit1---Unit3时,就用了班级中的真实事例。班级中的小高,全面发展且英语尤为突出,被邀请去给其他同学做报告,接受其他同学的提问。教师就把此节复习课创设成了“答同学问”现场,由同学提问,小高根据自己的实际情况回答。于是同学们纷纷落实行动。   S1: Excuse me. How do you study for English? Gao: I usually study English by making flashcards, but sometimes I study it by listening to tapes.   S2: Did you use to be good at English? G: Of course not. I used to be afraid of English. But later I found reading aloud was helpful. And I began to read every morning.   S3: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work in groups?   G: I believe we can learn a lot from each other, but sometimes we get noisy.给出一个例子之后,便于课堂操控,再把学生分成4——6人小组,各自对自己小组里的优秀同学进行提问。在问答之间,同学们不但落实了三个单元的基本句型、语法结构和常用表达;还把三个独立的部分用优秀学生学习过程这个纽带紧密地连接在一起,使原本零散的知识点汇聚在一起构成了知识的网络。既活跃了课堂的氛围,又很形象地把知识上升到了系统的高度,最终便于学生的长久记忆。   (三)角色扮演,在情境中身临其境。   在英语课堂上,进行角色扮演,是老师常用的,也是学生很喜欢的一种方式。在角色扮演中,几乎所有的学生都能参与其中,积极主动地进行学习。我这里所说的角色扮演,并不是单纯的把书上的内容表演出来,同时也包括故事的`扩展,对话的重组,对课文的重新理解等等。如对Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.的教学, 教师一上课就给学生创设了角色扮演的情境。   "Look at these pictures, what can you do?"   "You can help them with their homework. So are you a teacher?   NO, you are a volunteer. As a volunteer, what else can you do?"   给学生一个志愿者角色之后,再问学生作为一名志愿者还可以作那些力所能及的事情。再这样的情境中就完成了第一课时的教学重点:   clean up the city park;   help homeless people;   cheer them up ;   give out food at the food bank, etc.   同时也为第二课时第77中学的志愿者活动作了铺垫。   (四)在日常的交际中不知不觉入“境”   初三英语词汇的听写也是课堂有待突破的“瓶颈”。笔者作了如下尝试让学生入“境”来进行突破。即把一的单元的词汇编成一个具体的故事,创设出特定的情境,用交际的"形式进行听写。以Unit 14 单元为例。暑假的某一天,我们决定到海南去旅游。我们先列举了要带的物品,有游泳时穿的 bathing suit,擦洗的towels ,看路用的guidebook 及一些食物。走之前我特意去看看爷爷。他老人家又跟我聊起了他的过去。他说他以前常常要做好多家务:如先chop wood ,light the fire for breakfast 烧饭,到 collect the water from the village well 取水,喂养在on the farm 的动物等等。和爷爷吃了中饭,期间看了一则娱乐采访节目。说的是一个乐队,名叫the New Ocean Waves ,在两年前公开appear ,出现在舞台上不久就出了轰动一时的make a hit CD ,乐队的lead singer 还会写 poems ,经常在诗中提到他的homeland——四川,他说他的root 在那里;他的ancestor 在那里,虽然现在他身在 overseas ,我坚决地strongly believe他是个好人。总于到了出发的那一天,走之前我给花 water the flowers, 爸爸把车放到put the car into the garage,姐姐 整理了clean out the refrigerator ,妈妈把所有要带的放到pack the suitcase 。 我们都 look forward to 度过一个有意义的假期。 3.初中英语课件   教学目标   1、能够圈出相同的字母,熟练认读26个英文字母。   2、数出文具单词的数量,听说认读AB部分Let"s learn的8个文具的单词:crayon,pencil,pen,eraser,ruler,bag,book,pencil-box。   教学重难点   教学重点:   1、字母的认读;   2、听说认读8个文具的单词:crayon,pencil,eraser,ruler,bag,book,pen,pencil box。   教学难点:   较准确读出各单词,尤其是crayon和eraser两个单词的发音。   教学工具   ppt课件   教学过程   ⅠGreetings   T: Hello,boysand girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Ren.   T: Hello,I"mMiss Ren. S: Hello,I"m....   T: Hello,What"syour name? S: My name"s.....   ⅡPresentation   1、 I have somefriends.Let"s say hello to them.通过与字母打招呼,复习26个字母。   2、 We have somany new friends. Are you happy? Let"s sing together.   师生齐唱字母歌,复习巩固字母。   3 、the letter“a”made some new friends.He has a show for us. 通过字母秀的形式引出文具单词,并通过短语Showme your..... Open your.... Close your.... Carry your....操练单词。   Ⅲ Drill   1、 The letter “a”is coming. Let"s help the letter find the same friends.教师先做例子,然后学生两人一组圈出相同的字母。   2、 The letters"show is great. Now it"s your show time.师生TPR活动操练巩固单词。   3、 You did a goodjob.I have some gifts for you.教师将树叶形状的单词卡片做成书签的形状,发给学生,操练单词的认读情况。   Ⅳ Consolidation   The letters"show is over. They are tired. We must send them home.   通过送字母回家的活动,巩固所学文具单词。   We should takegood care of your stationary.   观看视频,引出情感教育。   ⅤHomework   Draw a pictureof stationary,and introduce them to your parents.   用所学文具画一幅文具图片,并介绍给父母听。 4.初中英语课件   教学目标   1.正确认读26个大小写字母,会背字母表。   2.能找出相同的字母。   教学重难点   【教学重点】相似字母的区分和变化较大的大写字母的记忆。   【教学难点】有些字母可能难以正确发音。   教学工具   ppt   教学过程   (一)热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision)   1.师生做日常口语练习:   A: Hi, boys and girls,   B: Hi, Miss Zhu,   2.Let"s sing ;Hello   3.复习文具词汇 ,   Find and match,看图连线,举手抢答,带领同学们进行操练。   (二)呈现新课(Presentation)   1.课堂导入:以问题开始,如小朋友们以前有没有听说过26个英文字母啊?有没有哪些朋友会读一些字母啊?   2.watch and repeat   观看26个字母的书写发音视频,认真听并模仿朗读。   3.Let"s learn接下来,老师逐个教学字母边领读边板书,并用课件出示大小写字母(学生一边跟读一边在空中仿写)。   Chant:   T:A is for apple   S:apple 、apple、apple   (三)趣味操练(Practice)   1.开火车按字母表顺序认读。   2.课件单个出示字母,点名认读。   3.连线:将大小写字母连起来(回答问题时要求先大声念出大写字母,再和哪一个小写字母相连)。   4.find out完成课本上在画中找字母任务。   (四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)   1.show time   出示小组找到的生活中的字母   2.Let"s sing ABCs song   第一遍先播放音乐学生听   第二遍全体齐唱,可以拍手唱。给与表现好的同学奖励。之后老师请一位同学来带着大家唱,课件出示26个字母,包括大小写,可以点唱。   3.回家复习巩固26个字母的认读。 5.初中英语课件   教学目标   1.能听、说、认读单词red、yellow、green、blue并能在实际情境中运用。   2.通过用Lets do部分“Show me...”的指令练习和运用有关颜色的单词,训练学生的动手能力。   3.通过学习,学生能根据自己喜欢的颜色设计东西,培养其动手的能力。   教学重难点   重点:掌握颜色单词red、yellow、green、blue。   难点:会用句型I see...描述自己看到的颜色。   教学工具   PPT课件、人物头饰、单词卡片、图片   教学过程   1、Warm-up   (1)T:Hello,boys and girls.I"m your newteacher today.My name is ChengGuangRui.So you can call me Mr.Cheng   Ss:Hello.Mr.Cheng.   T:Today we will learn Unit2 Colours(课件出示Colours单词,教师领读),Doyou know colours?   引导学生也可用汉语回答颜色   T:Let"ssing a song about colours,the song"s name is《colours》,Please stand up,clap your hands.(师生齐唱歌曲)   2.Presentation:   (1)课件出示学校的平面图和本课中出现的人物图,让生进行操练,为本课的学习做好铺垫。   T:Let"s go on,Look,what"s this?(课件出示学校图)引导学生说出school,教师领读(注意升降调)At school,we have many friends,Look,they are coming.(教师逐一介绍四个人物的名字) Let"s say “hello” tothem.   (2)课件出示公园图片,引导学生说出在公园里看到的景色,同时呈现本课的录音视频。   T:Today is a very sunny day.Our friends are going to the park(呈现公园图片) 领读单词park.Do you want to gothere?Let"s go,Listen(课件播放公园里鸟的叫声)What do you see in the park?(学生也可用汉语回答)   T:Yes,it"s a beautiful park.Do you see the flowers?Do you see thetrees?Do you see the rainbow?   Ss: Yes/No.   T:What do you see in the park? Let"s go,listen carefully(播放课文录音,让学生仔细的听)   T:What do you see in the park? Do you remember?引导学生利用句型I see...(板书)进行描述。   引导学生分别说出:I see red/yellow/green/blue.(出示四种颜色的图片贴到黑板上)   T:How many colours do you see in the park?Do you re
肖振2023-08-13 09:31:361


【 #能力训练# 导语】英语是世界上通用的语言,而英语的学习是很枯燥的,想要学好英语不妨先从阅读英语故事开始。从英文故事中学习,提高英文水平。从故事中学习,学到人生的哲理。下面是 分享的精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单【十篇】。欢迎阅读参考! 1.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   A spider and three   After the rain, a difficult spider to the wall has been fragmented network, due to damp walls, it must climb the height, it will fall, which one to climb, repeatedly falling and… No. a person to see, and he sighed to himself: "my life as this spider is not it? busy and no income." Thus, he increasingly depressed. See the second person, he said: this spider really stupid, why do not dry place from the next to climb up to look around? I"ll be as stupid as it can not. Thus, he becomes wise up. See the third person, he immediately spiders keep the spirit of war touched. So he has become strong.   Tip: the mentality of those who are successful can be found everywhere the power of success.   一只蜘蛛和三个人   雨后,一只蜘蛛艰难地向墙上已经支离破碎的网爬去,由于墙壁潮湿,它爬到一定的高度,就会掉下来,它一次次地向上爬,一次次地又掉下来……第一个人看到了,他叹了一口气,自言自语:“我的一生不正如这只蜘蛛吗?忙忙碌碌而无所得。”于是,他日渐消沉。第二个人看到了,他说:这只蜘蛛真愚蠢,为什么不从旁边干燥的地方绕一下爬上去?我以后可不能像它那样愚蠢。于是,他变得聪明起来。第三个人看到了,他立刻被蜘蛛屡败屡战的精神感动了。于是,他变得坚强起来。2.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   In the Warring States Period, there was a man in the State of Wei called Geng Lei. One day he said to the king: "I can shoot down birds by simply plucking my bowstring." When the king expressed doubt, Geng Lei pointed his bow at a wild goose flying in the sky, twanged the bowstring, and the goose fell to the ground. Geng Lei said, "This goose has been hurt in the past. Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed. So it simply gave up trying to live.   战国时期(公元前403―221年中国中原地区各诸侯国连年争战的时代)魏国有个名叫更羸的人。一天,他对国王说:“我只要拉开弓,空射一下,就能把天上的鸟射下来。”国王不相信。更羸便对准天上飞来的一只雁射去,果真那只雁听到拉弦的声音就掉了下来。国王感到很奇怪。更羸说,“那是一只受过伤的雁。它一听到我拉开弓弦的声响,就惊慌得支持不住,自然要掉下来了。”   This idiom means that if one has been frightened in the past one"s will may become paralysed in a similar situation.   “惊弓之鸟”这个成语比喻受过惊恐之后,有一点动静就特别害怕。3.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   A waggoner was once driving a heavy load on a very muddy road.   一名车夫赶着货车沿着一条非常泥泞的小路前行。   Suddenly the wheels of the wagon sank into the mire, and the horse could not pull them out.   突然,马车的轮子陷入了泥潭,马无法将它们拉出来。 The waggoner threw down his whip. He knelt down and prayed to Hercules. “Hercules, help me,please,“ he said.   车夫扔下鞭子,跪在地上,祈求大力神出现,“大力神啊,请来帮助我。”他说。   But Hercules appeared to him, and said, “Man, don"t kneel there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.“   大力神出现了,却说:“朋友,用你的肩膀把车轮扛起来,再驱赶马拉车出来。跪在那里祈求我有什么用呢?”4.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   Making His Mark   A man from the state of Chu was taking a boat across a river when he dropped his sword into the water carelessly. Immediately he made a mark on the side of the boat where the sword dropped, hoping to find it later. When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to search for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat. As we know, the boat had moved but the sword had not. Isnt this a very foolish way to look for a sword?   楚国有个人坐船渡江时,他不小心把自己的一把宝剑掉落江中。他马上掏出一把小刀,在宝剑落水的船舷上刻上一个记号。船靠岸后,那楚人立即从船上刻记号的地方跳下水去捞取掉落的宝剑。他怎么找得到宝剑呢?船继续行驶,而宝剑却不会再移动。像他这样去找剑,真是太愚蠢可笑了。5.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   The Ass and the Grasshopperan   Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on, to give them such beautiful voices。 They replied, "The dew。" The Ass resolved that he would only live upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger。   驴和蚱蜢   一只驴听到几只蚱蜢在叫,便觉得很趣味;于是也想得到同样趣味的音调,便问蚱蜢吃什么东西过活,以致于能有这样优美的声音。蚱蜢说:「露水。」驴子听了,从此以后也单吃露水过活,不久便饿死了。6.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake.   People came from far and near to see what would happen.   "A great river will be born." said one.   "Surely nothing less than a mighty dragon will e out." said another.   "A god himself will spring form these rocks." said a third.   Finally,after days of expectation a small crack appeared in the mountain. And out popped-a mouse.   Just because someone makes a lot of fuss, it doesn"t mean he is important.   很久以前,一座大山隆隆作响,摇晃起来。远近各处的人都来看是怎样回事。   一个人说:"要出现一条大河了。"   另一个人说:"准会出现一条巨龙。"   第三个人说:"从这些岩石中会出现一尊神来。"   等了几天之后,山坡上最终裂开一条小缝,却蹦出来一只耗子。   正因为某人大肆张扬,所以他没有什么了不起。7.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   When the fox first saw1 the lion he was2 terribly3 frightened4. He ran5 away, andhid6 himself7 in the woods.   The second time, however8, he came9 near the lion. He stopped at a safe distance10, and watched him pass by.   The third time they came near one another.The fox went straight11 up to the lion, and stayed the whole12 day with him. He asked the lion how his family was, and when they would13meet again.   They soon became good friends.   狐狸第一次见到狮子时非常害怕,赶紧藏到森林里。   当他第二次遇到狮子时,则站在附近看狮子经过。   第三次遇到狮子时,他竟有胆量,走了上去,与狮子进行十分亲切的谈话。   不久,他们变成了好朋友。8.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   Little boy and scorpion son   There is a child in front of city wall to catch the grasshopper, and in a short while caught the lots of。Suddenly see a scorpion son, he to think is also grasshopper,   Then two go to catch him。The scorpion son raises his poison to stab, say:" e, if you really dare to do like this, connect your grasshopper that catch to also would entirely lose。"   This story warns people, and want to distinguish the pure good man with the bad person, and distinct to treat them。   小男孩与蝎子   有个小孩在城墙前捉蚱蜢,一会儿就捉了许多。忽然看见一只蝎子,他以为也是蚱蜢,   便着两手去捕捉他。蝎子举起他的毒 刺,说道:“来吧,如果你真敢这样做,就连你捉的蚱蜢也会统统失掉。”   这故事告诫人们,要分辨清好人和坏人,区别对待他们。9.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appears from a distance, running towards them. One of the guys takes out a pair of "Nikes" from his bag and starts to put them on. The other guy with a surprised look and exclaims, "Do you think you will run faster than the tiger with those?" His friend replies: "I don"t have to out run it, I just have to run faster than you."   两个男人正在穿过丛林,突然,一只老虎出现在远处,向他们冲来。 其中的一个人从包里拿出一双“耐克”鞋,开始穿上。另一个人惊奇地看着他说,“你以为穿上这个就可以跑得过老虎吗?” 他的朋友回答道:“我不用跑得过它,我只要跑得比你快就行了。”10.精选英语一分钟小故事好背超简单   A RAVEN saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposing that the Swan"s splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools.   But cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he perished.   乌鸦非常羡慕天鹅洁白的羽毛。   他猜想天鹅一定是经常洗澡,羽毛才变得如此洁白无 瑕。于是,他毅然离开了他赖以生存的祭坛,来到江湖边。   他天天洗刷自己的羽毛,不但一 点都没洗白,反而因缺少食物饥饿而死。
左迁2023-08-13 09:29:531


【 #能力训练# 导语】大多数小朋友都喜欢听故事,如果是英语故事的话,可以在听故事的同时学习英语知识。下面是 无 分享的简单的英语小故事精选10篇。欢迎阅读参考! 1.简单的英语小故事精选   A RAVEN saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposing that the Swan"s splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools.   But cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he perished.   乌鸦非常羡慕天鹅洁白的羽毛。   他猜想天鹅一定是经常洗澡,羽毛才变得如此洁白无 瑕。于是,他毅然离开了他赖以生存的祭坛,来到江湖边。   他天天洗刷自己的羽毛,不但一 点都没洗白,反而因缺少食物饥饿而死。 2.简单的英语小故事精选   When the fox first saw1 the lion he was2 terribly3 frightened4. He ran5 away, andhid6 himself7 in the woods.   The second time, however8, he came9 near the lion. He stopped at a safe distance10, and watched him pass by.   The third time they came near one another.The fox went straight11 up to the lion, and stayed the whole12 day with him. He asked the lion how his family was, and when they would13meet again.   They soon became good friends.   狐狸第一次见到狮子时非常害怕,赶紧藏到森林里。   当他第二次遇到狮子时,则站在附近看狮子经过。   第三次遇到狮子时,他竟有胆量,走了上去,与狮子进行十分亲切的谈话。   不久,他们变成了好朋友。 3.简单的英语小故事精选   Little boy and scorpion son   There is a child in front of city wall to catch the grasshopper, and in a short while caught the lots of.Suddenly see a scorpion son, he to think is also grasshopper,   Then two go to catch him.The scorpion son raises his poison to stab, say:" e, if you really dare to do like this, connect your grasshopper that catch to also would entirely lose."   This story warns people, and want to distinguish the pure good man with the bad person, and distinct to treat them.   小男孩与蝎子   有个小孩在城墙前捉蚱蜢,一会儿就捉了许多。忽然看见一只蝎子,他以为也是蚱蜢,   便着两手去捕捉他。蝎子举起他的毒 刺,说道:“来吧,如果你真敢这样做,就连你捉的蚱蜢也会统统失掉。”   这故事告诫人们,要分辨清好人和坏人,区别对待他们。4.简单的英语小故事精选   The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest"s plate. The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese?" "In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy.   由于客人在吃苹果馅饼时,家里没有奶酪了,于是女主人向大家表示歉意。这家的小男孩悄悄地离开了屋子。过了一会儿,他拿着一片奶酪回到房间,把奶酪放在客人的盘子里。 客人微笑着把奶酪放进嘴里说:“孩子,你的眼睛就是比你 妈妈的好。你在哪里找到的奶酪?” “在捕鼠夹上,先生。”那小男孩说。 5.简单的英语小故事精选   Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appears from a distance, running towards them. One of the guys takes out a pair of "Nikes" from his bag and starts to put them on. The other guy with a surprised look and exclaims, "Do you think you will run faster than the tiger with those?" His friend replies: "I don"t have to out run it, I just have to run faster than you."   两个男人正在穿过丛林,突然,一只老虎出现在远处,向他们冲来。 其中的一个人从包里拿出一双“耐克”鞋,开始穿上。另一个人惊奇地看着他说,“你以为穿上这个就可以跑得过老虎吗?” 他的朋友回答道:“我不用跑得过它,我只要跑得比你快就行了。” 6.简单的英语小故事精选   One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her cub.   Why do you have only one child, dear dame? asked the vixen.   Look at my healthy and numerous children here, and imagine, if you are able, how a proud mother should feel.   The lioness said calmly, Yes, just look at that beautiful collection. What are they? Foxes! Ive only one, but remember, that one is a lion.   一天清早,雌狐狸带着她的孩子走出巢穴,看见了母狮子和她的孩子。   为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?雌狐狸问,看我这群健康的孩子,如果有能力,一个骄傲的妈妈应该多养一些孩子。   母狮平静地说:是呀,看看这漂亮的一大群,他们都是狐狸!我只有一个,可他毕竟是一头狮子。   贵重的价值在于质,而不在于量。7.简单的英语小故事精选   A guy goes to visit his grandma and he brings his friend with him.   一名男子带着朋友去探望他的祖母。   While he"s talking to his grandma, his friend starts eating the peanuts on the coffee table, and finishes them off.   当他和祖母聊天时,他的朋友开始吃咖啡桌上放的花生,并把花生都给吃光了。   As they"re leaving, his friend says to his grandma, "Thanks for the peanuts."   他们离开时,他的朋友对祖母说:"谢谢您的花生。"   She says, "Yeah, since I lost my dentures I can only suck the chocolate off."   结果祖母说:"唉!自从我牙齿掉光后,我就只能吮掉花生豆外层的巧克力了。" 8.简单的英语小故事精选   Such a Long Dog   Once there was a blind. One day when he was walking, he stepped the head of the dog who was sleeping. The dog barked for a while. The blind man went on for miles, this time he stepped the other dog"s tail, so this dog barked. The blind man had thought that it was the first dog, so he said in surprise, It"s a wonder that the dog is so long.   如此长的狗   从前有个瞎子。一天,他正在行路时踩着了一只正在睡觉的狗的脑袋,狗汪汪汪地叫了一阵。这人又往前走,这回踩着的是另外一只狗的尾巴,狗又汪汪汪地叫起来。瞎子以为还是那条狗,惊诧地说:奇怪,这只狗可真够长的。 9.简单的英语小故事精选   The Ass and the Grasshopperan   Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on, to give them such beautiful voices。 They replied, "The dew。" The Ass resolved that he would only live upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger。   驴和蚱蜢   一只驴听到几只蚱蜢在叫,便觉得很趣味;于是也想得到同样趣味的音调,便问蚱蜢吃什么东西过活,以致于能有这样优美的声音。蚱蜢说:「露水。」驴子听了,从此以后也单吃露水过活,不久便饿死了。 10.简单的英语小故事精选   bat falling upon the ground was caught by a weasel, ofwhom he earnestly besought his life. the weasel refused,saying, that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. thebat assured him that he was not a bird, but a mouse, andthus saved his life.   shortly afterwards the bat again fellon the ground, and was carght by another weasel, whom helikewise entreated not to eat him. the weasel said that hehad a special hostility to mice. the bat assured him thathe was not a mouse, but a bat; and thus a second timeescaped.it is wise to turn circumstances to good account.   一只蝙蝠坠落到地面上来,被一只鼠狼捉住了,蝙蝠哀求讨饶。鼠狼不答应,说它自己最爱和鸟类为敌。蝙蝠便证明它自己不是鸟,只是一只老鼠,因此鼠狼就放了它。   不久这只蝙蝠又坠落到地上来,被另一只鼠狼捉住,它同样地哀求讨饶。那鼠狼说它自己最恨老鼠,蝙蝠证明自己并不是老鼠,而是一只蝙蝠;因此,它第二次又安然地逃离危险了。随机应变乃聪明之举。
善士六合2023-08-13 09:29:531


  寓言是一种讽喻或寄托的 故事 ,是一种形象与寓意相结合的文学体裁。优秀的 寓言故事 里有着丰厚的容量,蕴涵着深刻的人生哲理。我整理了英语寓言故事小短文,欢迎阅读!   英语寓言故事小短文一   狼和小羊   wolf, meeting with a lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea, which should justify to the lamb himself his right to eat him. he thus addressed him:"sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me." "indeed," bleated the lamb in a mournful tone of voice, "i was not then born." then said the wolf, "you feed in my pasture."   "no, good sir," replied the lamb, "i have not yet tasted grass." again said the wolf, "you drink of my well." "no," exclaimed the lamb, "i never yet drank water, for as yet my motheru2032s milk is both food and drink to me." on which the wolf seized him, and ate him up, saying, "well! i wonu2032t remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations."the tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.   一只狼瞧见一只迷路失群的小羊,决定暂缓下毒手,想先找一些理由,对小羊证明自己有吃它的权利。它就说:「小鬼!你去年曾经骂过我。」小羊可怜地说:「老实说,我去年还没有出生呢。」狼再说:「你在我的草地上吃过草。」   英语寓言故事小短文二   驴和蚱蜢   Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on, to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, "The dew." The Ass resolved that he would only live upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger.   一只驴听到几只蚱蜢在叫,便觉得很有趣;于是也想得到同样有趣的音调,便问蚱蜢吃什么东西过活,以致于能有这样优美的声音。蚱蜢说:「露水。」驴子听了,从此以后也单吃露水过活,不久便饿死了。   英语寓言故事小短文三   狼和鹳雀   Wolf, having a bone stuck in his throat, hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his throat, and draw out the bone. When the Crane had extracted the bone, and demanded the promised payment, the Wolf, grinning and grinding his teeth, exclaimed: "Why, you have surely already a sufficient recompense, in having been permitted to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf."   一只狼喉咙鲠了一根骨头,便用很多钱去雇请一只鹳雀,将头伸进他的喉咙中,把那块骨头取出来。当鹳雀拔出那块骨头,向他索取约定的报酬,狼却呲牙咧齿地说:「怎么?允许你的头从一只狼的嘴巴和牙床中安全地伸出来,已经是莫大的报酬了。」为恶人效劳,不要希望得到报酬;要是能避免伤害,已经是万幸了。   英语寓言故事小短文篇四   生金蛋的鹅   One morning a countryman went to his gooseu2018s nest, and saw a yellow and glittering egg there.   一天早晨,一位农夫发现自家的鹅窝中有一只金灿灿的蛋。   He took the egg home. To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure gold.   他将蛋带回家,惊喜地发现这是一个金蛋。   Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs.   此后,农夫每天都能得到一个金蛋。从此,他靠卖他的金蛋变得富有起来。   The countryman became more and more greedy. He wanted to get all the gold at once, so he killed the goose, when he looked inside, he found nothing in its body.   农夫变得越来越贪婪,他想一下子得到鹅肚子中所有的金蛋。于是他杀死了鹅,但是,鹅肚子中什么也没有。
再也不做站长了2023-08-13 09:29:531


【 #能力训练# 导语】大多数小朋友都喜欢听故事,如果是英语故事的话,可以在听故事的同时学习英语知识。下面是 分享的英语故事精选及翻译10篇。欢迎阅读参考! 1.英语故事精选及翻译   One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her cub.   Why do you have only one child, dear dame? asked the vixen.   Look at my healthy and numerous children here, and imagine, if you are able, how a proud mother should feel.   The lioness said calmly, Yes, just look at that beautiful collection. What are they? Foxes! Ive only one, but remember, that one is a lion.   一天清早,雌狐狸带着她的孩子走出巢穴,看见了母狮子和她的孩子。   为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?雌狐狸问,看我这群健康的孩子,如果有能力,一个骄傲的妈妈应该多养一些孩子。   母狮平静地说:是呀,看看这漂亮的一大群,他们都是狐狸!我只有一个,可他毕竟是一头狮子。   贵重的价值在于质,而不在于量。2.英语故事精选及翻译   When the fox first saw1 the lion he was2 terribly3 frightened4. He ran5 away, andhid6 himself7 in the woods.   The second time, however8, he came9 near the lion. He stopped at a safe distance10, and watched him pass by.   The third time they came near one another.The fox went straight11 up to the lion, and stayed the whole12 day with him. He asked the lion how his family was, and when they would13meet again.   They soon became good friends.   狐狸第一次见到狮子时非常害怕,赶紧藏到森林里。   当他第二次遇到狮子时,则站在附近看狮子经过。   第三次遇到狮子时,他竟有胆量,走了上去,与狮子进行十分亲切的谈话。   不久,他们变成了好朋友。3.英语故事精选及翻译   There was a sturdy ram with a pair of thick horns upright on its head.   It strutted about proudly and saw a fence built with bamboo and wood in front, which blocked its way. It cast a sidelong glance at the fence, lowered its neck and lunged at the fence, hoping to knock it down. The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns.   If it had not injured its horns, the ram would have persisted obstinately in butting against the fence, even against the spokes of a wheel until it bled with a fractured skull.   As a result, with its horns caught in the fence, the ram could neither advance nor retreat butbleat helplessly.   一头长得非常雄壮的公羊的头上,挺立着一对粗大的犄角。   公羊骄傲地踱着步,看见前面有一道竹木编成的篱笆挡住了它的去路。公羊斜着眼睛看看,便弯下脖子呼的一声撞上去,想把篱笆撞倒。结果篱笆纹丝不动,它反把自己的犄角碰伤了。   假如公羊没有碰伤犄角的话,那么它还会一个劲儿地撞下去,甚至向车轮的辐条上撞去,直到头破血流为止。   结果呢?公羊的犄角被篱笆夹住,进也不得,退也不得,只能“咩咩”不停地叫唤。4.英语故事精选及翻译   Mike is a little boy. He is only five years old. He is too small to go to school. So he can not read and write.   One day he stood at my desk with a pencil in his hand. There was a big piece of paper on the desk. He wanted to draw a picture of himself. He drew lines and cleared them out, then drew more and cleared them out again. When I looked at the picture, he wasn"t happy. "Well," he said at last to me, "I"ll put a tail on it and make it a monkey."   He began to add the tail. I began to laugh.   翻译   迈克是一个小男孩,他只有5岁。他太小还没有上学,因此也不会读和写。   一天,他手里拿着一支铅笔站在我的桌子前。桌子上放着一张大纸,他要画自画像。他画了几笔就擦掉了,再画几笔,有擦掉了。当我看一幅画时,他很不高兴。 "好吧,"他最后和我说,"我就再加一条尾巴,把他画成一只猴子吧!"   他开始加上小尾巴,我大笑起来。5.英语故事精选及翻译   In spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the mountain. They planted some watermelon.   When summer came, there were many big round watermelons in the field.   One day, the sun was burning like a fire, it was terribly hot on the ground. The mother pig said to the little pig:"Lulu, go to the field to pick a watermelon back,ok?" Lulu said happily:"Ok! No problem."   Then he ran to the watermelon field. When he got to the field, he was happy to find so many big green watermelons. He chose one of the biggest watermelon and picked it from the vine. Then he held it with his hands trying to lift is on his shoulder to carry it home.   "Wow!It"s so heavy!" Lulu tried several times, but he failed. And he was socked with sweat. He wiped his sweat off and decided to have a rest.   Suddenly he saw the monkey Pipi. He was playing with a hoop. Lulu patted his head and said:"I"ve got it." He thought,the round hoop can roll, the watermelon round too,then it can roll too.He then put the big melon on the ground and rolled it forward quickly.   At last he got home with the watermelon.The mother pig knew the story, she exclaimed:"My child, you"re really clever!"   春天的时候,猪妈妈带着小猪噜噜,在山坡下种了一大片西瓜。到了夏天,西瓜地里结满了又圆又大的西瓜。   有一天,太阳光火辣辣地照着大地,天啊,可热了。猪妈妈对小猪说:“噜噜,你到咱们的地里摘个大西瓜回来解解渴吧!”小猪噜噜高兴地说:“好吧!”说完就往西瓜地里跑。到了地里一看。呵,到处躺着大西瓜,水灵灵的,真惹人喜爱!噜噜挑了个的摘了下来。它双手搂着西瓜,想抱起来放在肩上扛回家。“哟,好重呀!”噜噜试着抱了几次都没有抱起来,还累得满头大汗。 它直起身来,擦了擦脸上的汗水想休息一下,再去试试抱西瓜。突然,它看到小猴皮皮在山下边的马路上滚铁环玩呢。小猪噜噜一拍后脑勺高兴地说:“有了,我有办法了。”什么办法呢?小猪噜噜心想:铁环是圆的,可以滚动。西瓜也是圆的,不也可以滚动吗?想到这儿啊,小猪噜噜顾不上休息,把大西瓜放在地上。咕噜噜,咕噜噜地向前滚,一直把西瓜滚到家里。   猪妈妈看到小猪噜噜把又圆又大的西瓜搬回家,夸奖噜噜是个爱动脑筋的猪娃娃!6.英语故事精选及翻译   Little boy and scorpion son   There is a child in front of city wall to catch the grasshopper, and in a short while caught the lots of。Suddenly see a scorpion son, he to think is also grasshopper,   Then two go to catch him。The scorpion son raises his poison to stab, say:" e, if you really dare to do like this, connect your grasshopper that catch to also would entirely lose。"   This story warns people, and want to distinguish the pure good man with the bad person, and distinct to treat them。   小男孩与蝎子   有个小孩在城墙前捉蚱蜢,一会儿就捉了许多。忽然看见一只蝎子,他以为也是蚱蜢,   便着两手去捕捉他。蝎子举起他的毒 刺,说道:“来吧,如果你真敢这样做,就连你捉的蚱蜢也会统统失掉。”   这故事告诫人们,要分辨清好人和坏人,区别对待他们。7.英语故事精选及翻译   The Ass and the Grasshopperan   Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on, to give them such beautiful voices。 They replied, "The dew。" The Ass resolved that he would only live upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger。   驴和蚱蜢   一只驴听到几只蚱蜢在叫,便觉得很趣味;于是也想得到同样趣味的音调,便问蚱蜢吃什么东西过活,以致于能有这样优美的声音。蚱蜢说:「露水。」驴子听了,从此以后也单吃露水过活,不久便饿死了。8.英语故事精选及翻译   A RAVEN saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposing that the Swan"s splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools.   But cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he perished.   乌鸦非常羡慕天鹅洁白的羽毛。   他猜想天鹅一定是经常洗澡,羽毛才变得如此洁白无 瑕。于是,他毅然离开了他赖以生存的祭坛,来到江湖边。   他天天洗刷自己的羽毛,不但一 点都没洗白,反而因缺少食物饥饿而死。9.英语故事精选及翻译   bat falling upon the ground was caught by a weasel, ofwhom he earnestly besought his life. the weasel refused,saying, that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. thebat assured him that he was not a bird, but a mouse, andthus saved his life.   shortly afterwards the bat again fellon the ground, and was carght by another weasel, whom helikewise entreated not to eat him. the weasel said that hehad a special hostility to mice. the bat assured him thathe was not a mouse, but a bat; and thus a second timeescaped.it is wise to turn circumstances to good account.   一只蝙蝠坠落到地面上来,被一只鼠狼捉住了,蝙蝠哀求讨饶。鼠狼不答应,说它自己最爱和鸟类为敌。蝙蝠便证明它自己不是鸟,只是一只老鼠,因此鼠狼就放了它。   不久这只蝙蝠又坠落到地上来,被另一只鼠狼捉住,它同样地哀求讨饶。那鼠狼说它自己最恨老鼠,蝙蝠证明自己并不是老鼠,而是一只蝙蝠;因此,它第二次又安然地逃离危险了。随机应变乃聪明之举。10.英语故事精选及翻译   the hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "i have never been beaten," he said, "when i run at full speed, no one is faster than me." the tortoise said quietly, "i will race with you." "that is a good joke," said the hare. "i could dance around you the whole way."the race started. the hare darted almost out of sight at once. he soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.the tortoise plodded on and on. when the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.   moral: pride goes before a fall. only by persevering can we achieve our goals.   兔子有一次在其他动物面前夸耀他的速度。“我从来没有被打败过,”他说,“当我全速奔跑时,没有人比我更快。”乌龟平静地说:“我要和你比赛。”“这是个好笑话。”兔子说。“我可以一直围着你跳舞。”比赛开始。那只野兔几乎立刻跑得看不见了。他很快停下来,躺下来打了个盹。乌龟慢吞吞地走啊走。当兔子从午睡中醒来时,他看到乌龟已经快到终点线了,他输了比赛。   寓意: 骄兵必败;只有持之以恒,才能实现目标。
北境漫步2023-08-13 09:29:521


  “他们之间就只有这样一种感情的交流。”下面是我给大家整理的交流的英文短语,供大家参阅!   交流的英文短语篇1   1. The vehicle that permitted both munication and acceptability was social revolution.   既能实现交流又能被广为接受的手段就是社会革命。   2. He was so happy muning with the dolphin in Dingle Bay.   他在丁格尔湾与海豚交流的时候特别开心。   3. Family therapy showed us how to municate with each other.   家庭疗法指导我们彼此之间的沟通交流。   4. I"m going to go on an exchange visit to Paris.   我将到巴黎交流参观。   5. He was unprepared to co-operate, or indeed to municate.   他不愿意合作,甚至拒绝交流。   6. Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated munication systems of any insect.   蜜蜂之间所用的交流方式是昆虫中最为复杂的方式之一。   7. Parents will be able to discuss their child"s progress with their teacher.   家长将可以和老师交流谈论子女的进步情况。   8. Good munication with people around you could prove difficult.   你可能会发现很难与周围的人进行有效的交流。   9. The interchange of ideas aids an understanding of family dynamics.   思想的交流有助于理解家庭动态。   10. We municated in a medley of foreign words and universal gestures.   我们边说著外语,边打着通用的手势进行交流。   11. Group members have to municate with each other through role-play.   小组成员必须通过角色扮演互相交流。   12. Half of the island"s population has no usable English.   这座岛上的居民有一半无法用英语交流。   13. They went into a trance to municate with the spirit world.   他们进入出神状态与灵界交流。   14. Culture plays a large part in non-verbal munication.   文化在非语言交流中起著很大的作用。   15. Some individuals are naturally good municators.   一些人天生善于交流沟通。   交流的英文短语篇2   现在有一百多家美国大专院校和几乎同样多的中国大专院校建立了教育上的交流关系。   More than one hundred American colleges and universities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many Chinese institutions.   谈话交流思想、观点或感情的会话;一次交谈   A spoken exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings; a talk.   你得为接下来的交流学生奠定一个很好的基础,让交流的大门继续敞开。   You need to leave the door open for other exchange students.   易地交流也是干部任用与交流的一个好办法。   Transfers are a good way to appoint and exchange cadres.   那就从网球课开始吧,然后跟人家交流交流。   Start taking tennis lessons and discuss it with your partner.   另外两种是被动式交流和侵略式交流。   The other two are passive munication and aggressive munication.   资讯是交流的媒介,而在这种情况下,这种交流的媒介是书面报告。   The medium is the message and in this case the medium is the written report.   文化交流和语言交流的结果造成了一些特殊的语言形式。   Culture munication and the result of language contact create some special form.   通过即时谈话来交流是人类的本性。   It is human nature to municate through conversation in real time.   交流的英文短语篇3   我们将开个会来交流经验。   We"ll hold a meeting to exchange experiences.   双方承诺为进一步开展文化交流创造便利条件。   Both sides undertake to facilitate further cultural exchanges.   跟她交流,你必须把字一个个地在她手心里拼写出来。   To municate with her, you have to spell words out on her hand.   你和客户之间的交流必须反映这一点。   munication between the two of you should reflect that.   你做的每件事都是建立在某个交流形式的基础上的。   Everything you do is based on some type of munication.   这些都取决于你和你自己交流的方式。   It all depends on the way you municate to yourself.   这就是说,哪些角色将会与其他的角色相交流?   That is, which roles have to municate with other roles?   不过,你将如何做到这一点则是另一个谜,因为在实验过程中你们两人没有交流的机会。   How you"ll do this is another mystery, though, as there is going to be no munication between the two of you during the experiment.   “你在做什么?” ——互相交流。   “What do you do?” – Interfacing.   我们究竟为什么需要担心所有这些冒出来的东西?,它们与交流根本毫无关系?   Why on earth should we worry about all this bubbling up of stuff that has nothing to do withmunication?   当然不,没有标题,就没有交流。   Of course not. No headline, no munication.   您可以为希望的所有事物编制文件,但是如果没有人阅读或理解该文件,就不存在交流了。   You can document all you want, but if no one reads or understands the documentation, there isno munication.    看过交流的英文短语的人还:
小菜G的建站之路2023-08-13 09:21:411


提高阅读量,对学习和考试的帮助很大!下面我给大家介绍关于 八年级 读后感 400字 作文 600字 作文大全 精选汇总,方便大家学习。 八年级读后感400字作文600字作文大全1 伟大的生命,不论以何种形式,都将会在宇宙间永存。我们这个小小的星球上的人类,也将繁衍和发展,知道遥运的未来,可是生命对于我们来说又是那么短暂,不论是谁,总有一天都会走向自己人生的终点。死亡,这是伟大和平凡的人的最终归宿。 初读路遥先生的平凡的世界,内心就被黄土高原的苍凉与厚重所深深震撼。路遥先生笔下的黄土大地,是与喧嚣的繁华闹市截然不同的一个世界。那里充满了粗犷与豪迈的气息。养育着一代又一代朴素而又勤劳的炎黄儿女。书中讲述了双水村的人们日出而作,日落而息,勤劳耕作的情景,虽贫穷落后,他们却不卑不亢,苦并快乐着,给人一种头顶青天,脚踏黄土的踏实感。这种朴素与纯真深深地感染了我。 全书主要围绕主人公孙少平一家生活的变化,双水村的变迁,以及孙少平孙少安兄弟为理想不断奋斗的历程来展开。让人印象最深刻的是孙少平,这个默默承受人生苦难却从不放弃的铁骨铮铮的有志青年。虽贫苦,却不自卑,虽潦倒,却从没停止追逐梦想的步伐。因为他不甘沦为命运的玩偶,他的青春理想也激励着他到外面闯荡世界。典型的西北好汉,在沉重的生活压力下寻找自己的人生价值。这种自强不息的精神,塑造了一个在平凡的世界里却不平凡的形象。 他的家是贫困的,却是温馨的,他的爱情是遗憾的,却是甜蜜的。即使最后为了救人而毁容,也不能动摇他那颗年轻的,与命运抗争的心。另一位重要人物孙少安,从小就背负着家庭重任的他,用肩膀为家庭撑起了一片天,并且带领双水村民走上了脱贫致富之路。其中的艰辛与困苦难以想象,但他以勇气与勤劳渡过了难关,这种吃苦耐劳的精神实在可敬。 品读这本书,我对生活与苦难有了更深的认识,由衷的敬佩孙少平兄弟那种自强不息的精神。那个平凡的世界却孕育出了这样不平凡的"人,这让我想到了一句话,把平凡的事情做好即不平凡,把简单的事情做好即不简单。 我们心理上总不愿去接受悲剧,所以,中国戏曲倒多以大团圆结局。然而,生活中是没有完美的。这应该就是作家昭示给大家的。他是那么地真诚,那么地善良,然而,他也必承受着太多太多的苦,他对生活的体验越深,就越感受到生活的不完美。而正是这不完美,才是更能打动人的一种美。大家都明白维纳斯正因为断臂才显得更美,把这种美称为残缺的美。那么,路遥既从生活中,也从美学上理解了这一点。他的作品中的人物结局的安排也就不足为奇了。正是如此安排,真、善、美的统一,使读者唏嘘不已。 反思 当今社会那些好吃懒做的年轻人,实在是惭愧。官二代,富二代,啃老族,这些人实在令人痛心。一些人遇到一点困难就自暴自弃,轻视生命,丝毫经不起生活的小小考验,典型的温室里的花朵,实在可悲。因此我们应该学习那种自立自强,奋斗进取的精神,做一个有价值的人。最后,以路遥先生的一句话来结束:什么是人生?人生就是永无休止的奋斗,只有认定了目标,在奋斗中感到自己的努力没有虚掷,这样的生活才是充实的,精神也会永远年轻。 八年级读后感400字作文600字作文大全2 自古以来爱情是一个永恒的文学主题,每一个人都渴望拥有一份纯洁的爱情,可是在残酷的道德观念和虚伪的摧残之下,那一段高尚纯洁的爱情却破灭了,那段爱情就是出自《茶花女》这本书中。书中讲述的是,一个美丽善良的烟花女子,玛格丽特与出生名门的男子阿芒彼此相爱,可最终却阴阳永隔,天各一方的悲剧 故事 。 首先当我看到玛格丽特找借口推辞他们的约会,阿芒认为她欺骗了他,于是写一封绝交信给她,我真为玛格丽特心痛,阿芒怎么就不明白她的处境呢?她的也是身不由己的啊!我多想跳出来对阿芒狠狠地说:你这个大傻?瓜,你们如此胡爱,却又伤害彼此,为什么这样做呢?我暗暗想,也许这就是嫉妒与虚荣心在捣鬼吧!可接着又读到阿芒和玛格丽特一起去乡间过美满的田园生活时,我也和他们一起开始憧憬着未来美好,要是两人能这样快乐生活在一起该多好啊!可是我明白如果这样的话这本书就不会有了,我猜想着后来又会发生什么变故呢?是缺钱用,还是那老公爵不许他们在一起…可等我看完全书之后,才知道是后来的变故让他们永别了。玛格丽特被阿芒所谓的正直父亲逼得与他断绝来往,可不明真相的阿芒却以为她变心了,不断找人羞辱她,我真不明白为什么不告诉他真相呢?不是深爱对方吗?为何还要离开他,使两人痛苦呢?而阿芒也是那样冲动,嫉妒象魔鬼深深地伤害了她。唉,真是应证了“爱之深,恨之切”这句话,心里明明爱着却又恨得那么深。世上纯洁的爱情难道结局都这么令人痛心吗?为什么两人真挚的爱情却得人们的祝福,因为他们身份的差异,我找到了答案。唉,常人都说什么“有情人终成眷属”,在我看来有情人未必可以终成眷属,这两个可怜的人儿不就是再好不过的例子吗? 读完全书, 文章 情感的流露中打动了我的心弦,这是值得肯定的。但是有一点我不满意,可这本书是小仲马的自传体小说,作者描写心理活动上只有男主人公(我)的心理,可是女主人公的心理却丝毫没有体会到,包括旁人也没有描写,而在国内大多数书籍中,是不一样的,它们将文中人物的心理,神态都写得很到位,那样看起来更有酣畅淋漓之感。我想这也许中西 文化 的差异吧!《茶花女》让我看到了法国当时的社会,看到了这两个不幸的人儿,看到了人世间的真情真爱。让我不得有对“书”这个字眼肃然起敬,一个个灵动的方块字,真的是给我多种感受。? 八年级读后感400字作文600字作文大全3 历时半年多时间,终于看完了这一部鸿篇巨制。伟大的列夫托尔斯泰写下的这一部《战争与和平》。小说通过三位主角(安德烈,皮埃尔,娜塔莎)身后所代表的四个贵族家庭(罗斯托夫,博尔孔斯基,库拉金和别祖霍夫),他们自己整个俄罗斯社会在两场战争(分别是1805年和1812年俄法战争)前后的生活,思想,行动和命运以及结局。如果仅仅是写了这样一部小说,托尔斯泰还不能称得上是伟大,因其在小说中各个章节开端都开宗明义的讲述了作者的历史观,并在小说的尾声部分详细系统的阐释了其唯物主义历史观。这让作者不仅仅是一位伟大的小说家,作家;更是一位伟大的思想家,哲学家。他的历史观,宗教观以及人生观都让人耳目一新,但却为我所深深认同。 谈起小说就不得不提及小说中的人物。本部小说中各位配角形象生动,性格分明。而几位主角,特别是皮埃尔,更是善良正直的代表。总作者在文章中谈到的,他和安德烈都是拥有“金子般”的心的人,这样的人无论在和平年代亦或是战争岁月,都不随波逐流,在哪里都闪耀着人性的光辉。但两人又有这很大的不同之处:安德烈的毅然投身到战争和保卫祖国的事业中,他热衷于事业,对自己对别人都严格的近乎苛刻,最终临死前才原谅宽容了自己的情敌和爱人。 而皮埃尔让人看起来亲切,平易近人。甚至有些傻气,他不像安德烈那么清楚自己要什么,而是不断的去尝试人生中的各种体验,好的坏的,痛苦的快乐的,严肃的荒诞的,充满着孩童般的好奇,始终保持一颗童心,善良正直不变。他宽厚的对待着身边的每一个人,也帮助着每一个人。能感觉到如果说安德烈是作者所仰视的人物形象的话,皮埃尔才是作者推崇备至最希望成为的人物。 再 说说 娜塔莎,她是拥有一个成长曲线并(可能)富有争议的形象。她热情善良,爱着每一个身边的人。但曾因一时的错误误入歧途,并且很久没有走出来。这期间她迷茫彷徨失落压抑,为自己的错误承担一切痛苦。悔恨难过充斥了自己的全部身体,她甚至大病一场并且自暴自弃起来。但当战争来临,身边的亲人有的离开有的崩溃,她毅然站了出来,的确与这些比起来,那些所谓的“名声”又值几何呢?自己总不能为了一时的失足背负一辈子沉重的包袱吧?特别是当她再次遇到了自己的爱人,得到了原谅后,她终于走出了自己人生中的至暗时刻,获得了成长的曲线,尽管生活依然痛苦,但内心是平静,幸福的。如果说皮埃尔会让人想起来微笑的话,可以说娜塔莎这个人物让人看过会有着更加复杂的感情。 但如果提到小说中让我更偏爱的女性角色我会选择玛利亚公爵小姐,也就是后面的罗斯托夫(玛利亚)伯爵夫人。她不仅拥有了金子般的心,读后感www.simayi.net此娜塔莎多了一分包容,淡定,同时少了一分迷茫和起伏。伟大的女性光辉,包容一切!就像尾声处当她发现尼古拉的想法与自己不尽相同时,她有的也只有默默地维护自己的丈夫,没有试图去改变他,没有自暴自弃和痛苦纠结 再来说说战争。战争尤其是侵略战争,对这个国家的每一个直接或间接的参与者都造成了不可磨灭的影响,这种影响是刻骨铭心的。身处和平年代的我们很难想象战争会发生在我们身边(尽管这个世界总是冲突和战火不断),同样1812年之前的俄国人也不认为战争会发生在他们身边。当人们意识到战争终将无可避免的来临时有人投笔从戎,有人逃离自己的家乡,有人趁机趁火打劫,有人痛苦迷茫无所事事,还有人因为战争还未临近照样歌舞升平…战争过后,人们忙于战后的重建,生计负债。此外不仅要面对自己的战后创伤,当然还有失去亲人的长久之痛。若干年过去后,一切在表面上恢复了往日的平静,而战争带给人们的影响还在持续,他可能彻底的改变一个人的行为方式,也会因为亲人离世造成人生的不完整和心里上的一系列问题。 作者对于处于历史风口浪尖的那些“伟大的人们”基本上持有批判的态度,通过对其核心思想的阐释将拿破仑亚历山大皇帝拉下了神坛。作者并不认为重要的历史事件是由某一个人决定的,而权利和执行权利的人代表了大多数其背后的民意的方向,而历史的必然性成为了核心,这其中与天体运行轨道有异曲同工之妙。我以最大限度理解并接受作者的观点,但这毕竟是150年前的历史观,而当今的混沌理论,量子力学中的不确定性,和坍缩都为历史的进程添加了很多偶然的因素。因此结合托翁的观点来看,我认为历史是掺杂着许多偶然因素的必然,而这其中人的因素既不能被完全抹杀也不应过分夸大。 写了这么多,(其实还有更多没有说的或者没说透的地方)因为阅读这本书确实一点儿也不轻松,阅读的过程中有许许多多的体验感想和反思,这里写下的不及全部的十分之一。结合当下的国际形势,最后我想说的是:战争从未远离,战争的伤痛历久弥新,愿世界永远和平。 八年级读后感400字作文600字作文大全4 我喜欢读小说,我总是会被跌宕的情节吸引:看着福贵坎坷的命运,先后目睹着一个个亲人死在自己之前的场景,看到他的悲痛欲绝我们还能淡定自若吗?想像着若这灾难发生在我们周边,还能坦然地面对这一切吗?看着一切希望似流星般划过天际,却终将面临着陨落,我的心还能像湖水般平静的不起一丝涟漪么? 故事开篇是老人福贵坐在树底下老生常谈着自己的人生,他恬淡地笑着,似乎讲的不是他的人生,这是一个看破尘世,无牵无挂的老人,他看淡了命运带给他的不幸,他将那份悲伤埋在了心底,笑对生活中的不幸,这是一份发自内心的,与世无争的笑容。有时活着并不是一种幸福,而成为肩上的负担。老人的亲人都相继地离他而去了,只留下他一个孤独的背影于尘世。活着,亲眼看着亲人们生命的消亡,亲手把他们埋进了土里,命运一次次的向这位形单影只的老人开着玩世不恭且严肃的“玩笑”,即使再无情的人也会被逼疯。 似乎这是上天对他的惩罚,山雨欲来风满楼,是福贵年轻时的放浪,为以后的不幸种下了恶果的种子。福贵年轻气盛时是个纨绔子弟,吃喝嫖赌无所不涉,丈人在米行一看到他就像老鼠遇猫般地逃窜,最后赌光了家产,气死了父亲,送走了媳妇,家中光景是日渐惨淡。从风光无限的少爷堕落到无人问津的贫民,似乎一切恶果都是他自己所种,往后自然得咬碎牙齿往肚里咽。三十年河东,三十年河西,他从一个阔气的少爷,到一个得耕地来养家糊口的贫民,那个年代因为一贫如洗而免于枪决,幸福来临时又遭遇亲人的离去,直到一个孤独的老人,福贵的经历不可谓不跌宕,这样孤独地活着这就是对他的惩罚。 这让我联想到巴金的《家》、《春》、《秋》,也是那个时代的产物,老太爷辛辛苦苦攒下的家业,置办的家产,全被下一代中的纨绔子弟大手大脚地挥霍掉了,抽大烟,请戏子,奢靡浪费的生活使他们最后连家宅都要卖掉,各奔东西。所以如果子孙有德,留给他们产业又作何?如果子孙无德,留给他们产业又作何?隋文帝好不容易统一了南北朝,却被继任的暴君隋炀帝给毁了,再好的江山也功亏一篑,只是为他人做了嫁衣。 福贵悲惨的命运和贫穷落后的状况也是息息相关。虽然解放了,但是没能彻底改变人们贫穷落后造成的痼疾思维。落后的面貌、痼疾的思想造成了这种悲剧的不断发生。那个年代村民们的粮食也得一粒一粒地数着吃,以至于外孙苦根吃豆子噎死。贫穷落后充斥着每个角落,这不仅仅是物质上的贫困,还有精神上的落后,这些都是灾难发生的导火索。 老舍的《骆驼祥子》是很好地反映了解放前那个社会时代的腐朽。祥子只是想用自己攒的钱买一辆车,可是省吃俭用,起早贪黑的劳动才攒足的钱,三次却都以失败告终,不仅如此,还经历了两段不幸的婚姻。他的努力没能使他摆脱不幸,至此以后,祥子吃喝嫖赌,干尽坏事,从一个勤劳的人力车夫到一个胡子拉渣的社会病胎,而这样的转变只是因为他的老实、勤劳,这是多么不公平的社会啊!就像小马儿祖父后来说的:“身子好?铁打的人也逃不出咱们这个天罗地网。心眼好?有什么用呢!善有善报,恶有恶报,并没有这宗事!”看来老百姓的命运逃不脱社会时代,只有赶上好时代我们才有好的生活。 因此,个人的不幸,不仅有自个儿的责任,还有那个社会时代的责任。小至一个人,一个家庭,大至一个国家,都受其左右,一个家门的不幸,影射了一个国家的不幸,家国天下,密切相连,息息相关。只有国强,才会家安,只有国强,才能避灾。这不仅仅是一个个家庭的问题,更是一个时代的思考。 八年级读后感400字作文600字作文大全5 我读《论语》这部书,当然不是想从中觅得修身、齐家的孔门秘传。我只是在这部书中认识了一个迂阔率性、明知其不可而为之的孔子,一个多才多艺、诲人不倦的孔子,一个食不厌精、懂得生活乐趣的孔子。学贯中西的学者们常把孔子和古希腊哲人苏格拉底相提并论。苏格拉底是被雅典民主政权处死的,据说是自由精神阻止他逃亡。但我更喜欢孔子的直言不讳:“道不行,乖桴浮于海”,这同样是一种自由精神。打开《论语》去读,像是穿越几千年的时光隧道,看到群雄逐鹿,争霸天下的春秋时期,产生了孔子一个伟大的思想家、 教育 家。他的言行论述了孝道、治学、治国、为政,为历代君王所推崇,汉武帝罢黜百家,独尊儒术。儒家思想――中庸之道。他的思想言论不一定与我们今天所处的时代相吻合,但对于影响了几千年的中国文化的经书,是有必要一读的。 孔子讲究孝道,孝成为中华民族的传统美德,今天的人们却在褪色,对其讲孝是非常必要的,让他们明白孝是为人之本。子曰:“父在,观其志;父没,观其行;三年无改于父之道,可谓孝矣。” “事父母能竭其力;”等。即孔子说;“当他父亲在世的时候,要观察他的志向;在他父亲死后,要考察他的行为;若是他对他父亲的教诲长期不加改变,这样的人可以说是尽到孝了。”这里讲了什么是孝,同“事父母能竭其力”有些不同。虽然事父母能竭其力,但在社会上做事,或是贪污或是抢劫,触犯法律,使父母担心、忧心,这也不能算是孝。父母都希望子女比自己强,具有良好的品德,这是父母教育子女的出发点。所以为父母提供丰厚的物质不是孝的根本,如果能够按照父母的意愿、教诲行事做人,对得起父母才是真正的孝。 治学方面,孔子的“学而不厌,诲人不倦,知之为不知,不知为不知,敏而好学,不耻下问,三人行必有我师,博学而笃志,切问近而思”, 不正是一种谦虚、严谨、实事求是,锲而不舍的治学态度吗?治学的 方法 他讲究温“故而知新,学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆,他觉得学而实习之不亦说乎。”同时孔子认为“好仁不好学,其蔽也愚,好知不好学,其蔽也荡。好信不好学,其蔽也贼……”可见学习的重要性,治学是仁信的基础。 “三人行,必有我师焉”、“敏而好学,不耻下问。”这是《论语》六则中给我感触最深的两则。前一则是说几个人走在一起,那么其中必定有可以当老师的人;后一则告诉我们敏捷而努力地学习,不以向不如自己的人请教为耻。这两句话虽然出自两千多年前的孔子之口,但至今仍是至理 名言 ,意义至大。“三人行,必有我师焉。”这句话包含着一个广泛的道理:能者为师。在我们日常生活中,每天都要接触的人甚多,而每个人都有一定的优点,值得我们去学习,亦可成为我们良师益友。就说我们班上的吧。在这个近80人的班集体里,就有 篮球 上的猛将、绘画巧匠、书法好手、象棋大师。有的是上晓天文,有的是下通地理;有的是满脑子的数字;有的能歌善舞……多向我们身边的这些平凡的人学习,就像置身于万绿丛中的小苗吸收着丰富的养分。高山,是那样地雄伟,绵延;大海是那样地壮丽无边,山之所以高,是因为它从不排斥每一块小石;海之所以阔,是因为它积极地聚集好一点一滴不起眼的水。若想具有高山的情怀和大海的渊博,就必须善于从平凡的人身上汲取他们点滴之长——“三人行必有我师焉”。一个几岁的小朋友当然不如四十开外的教育家;平民百姓同样没有史学家的见识广博……但是正是这样的“不耻下问”而造就了许多伟人。 八年级读后感400字作文600字作文大全精选汇总相关文章: ★ 狼王梦初二读后感范文600字 ★ 夏洛的网读书心得精选最新初二观后感作文600字 ★ 八年级名人传读后感范文600字5篇 ★ 读后感400字初一作文 ★ 600字读后感作文大全 初中 ★ 八年级语文作文《边城》读后感范文600字5篇 ★ 海底两万里八年级读后感600字范文5篇 ★ 初二优秀写景作文600字5篇 ★ 《昆虫记》读后感八年级寒假读后感600作文大全 ★ 八年级《悲惨世界》读后感5篇600字范文
小菜G的建站之路2023-08-11 08:55:041


歇后语 是中国劳动人民在生活实践中创造的一种特殊语言形式,是一种短小、风趣、形象的语句。下面是我整理的歇后语大全及答案精选180句,欢迎大家阅读分享借鉴,希望对大家有所帮助。 歇后语大全及答案 1、冬天摇蒲扇——不知春秋 2、老鹰捉小鸡——一个忧愁一个喜;又准又稳 3、对着张飞骂刘备——找气惹 4、叫化子看戏——穷作乐 5、吃海水长大的——管得宽 6、徐庶进曹营——一言不发 7、猪八戒照镜子——里外不是人 8、肚脐上面巴膏药——贴(铁)了心 9、关公走麦城——骄必败 10、大海里荡舟——划不来 11、大海里浪涛——波澜壮阔 12、家雀扑老鹰——凶得不要命 13、野鸡戴帽——混充鹰 14、冬天进豆腐房——好大的气 15、买帽子揣到怀里——不对头 16、秋后的蚂蚱——没几天蹦头;蹦达不了几天 17、戏里人带胡子——假的 18、刀砍大海水——难舍难分 19、草船借箭——满载而归 20、赵云大战长坂坡——大显神威 21、老太太吃汤圆——囫囵吞 22、帽子抛空中——欢喜若狂 23、冬天的竹笋——出不了头 24、老鹰窠里出麻雀儿——一代不如一代 25、老鹰叨斧头——云里雾里砍 26、兔子见了鹰——毛了 27、老猫看戏——傻了眼 28、吕布戏貂蝉——英雄难过美人关;上当受骗 29、见兔子撒鹰——稳克着;稳拿 30、十五只小船出海——七颠八倒 经典歇后语大全及答案 1、扁担挑水——一心挂了两头 2、五更天赶夜路——越走越亮 3、暗地里耍拳——瞎打一阵 4、小葱拌豆腐——一清二白 5、打破砂锅——问到底 6、瞎子点灯——白费蜡 7、一根筷子吃藕——专挑眼 8、拆了的破庙——没神 9、跋子踩高跷——早晚有他的好看 10、小绵羊碰老水牛——想也别想 11、麻雀虽小——五脏俱全 12、蚊子打呵欠——好大的口气 13、曹操下宛城——大败而逃 14、七尺汉子六尺门——不得不低头 15、泰山顶上观日出——高瞻远瞩 16、接着葫芦挖籽——挖一个少一个 17、猪八戒拍照——自找难堪 18、没笼头的野马——悄悄儿跑了 19、背媳妇过独木桥——又惊又喜 20、飞机上点灯——高明 21、鼻梁上放菜刀——好险;冒险;危险 22、瞎子寻了个没眼的——赶巧了 23、东北的二人转——一唱一和 24、鲁智深出家——毫无牵挂 25、拔浪鼓——两面光 26、保姆做嫁妆——替别人欢喜 27、关公买豆腐——人硬货不硬 28、砌墙的砖头——后来居上 29、八哥啄柿子——拣软的欺 30、按下葫芦起了瓢——顾了这头丢那头;此起彼落 31、暗地里盯梢——偷偷摸摸 32、周瑜打黄盖——一个愿打一个挨 33、三十六计——走为上 34、急救车碰上了救火车——急上加急 35、唐僧念佛——一本正经 36、何家的姑娘嫁郑家——正合适 37、开花的白菜——起了心 38、崇祯上吊——走投无路 39、壶中无酒——难留客 40、见了猫就怕——胆小如鼠 简单歇后语大全及答案 1、一只筷子夹菜——不容易上手 2、一只筷子吃面——独挑 3、一毛钱买了一筐蒜壳——贱皮子 4、一个掠字分两半——半推半就 5、一口吃了九个馒头——贪欲太大 6、一巴掌打着麻脸——处处敲在点子上 7、一个模子托坯——老样子 8、一点水滴在香头上——碰巧了 9、一吊钱不着脚后跟——财短仁义长 10、一口吹灭火焰山——口气不小 11、一口吃下热红薯——难吞难咽 12、小秃头上爬一虱——明摆着 13、一本通书睇到老——泥古不化 14、一个挂历用一年——家家如此 15、皮球戳了一刀子——没一点气 16、儿女是娘心上一块肉——难舍难分 17、两个铜板做一副眼镜——只看钱 18、一脚踏进稀泥凼——不能自拔 19、皮球上捅了一刀子——把气跑了 20、一分钱掰两瓣花——会过日子 21、一个核桃掰不开——然乎;粘核 22、一兵换双士——划得来 23、一人一把号——各畋各的调 24、一条扁担挑泰山——担当不起 25、一条道走到黑——死心眼 26、一把谷糠撒在脖子里——又扎又痒 27、两把号吹一个调——响到一块儿来了;想到一块儿来了;想到一块了 28、一个人唱台戏——独角 29、胡子眉毛一把抓——分不清主次;无主次 30、一锅米饭煮三年——难熬 常见歇后语大全及答案 1、八仙过海————————各显神通 2、泥菩萨过江————————自身难保 3、蚕豆开花————————黑心 4、孔夫子搬家————————净是书(输) 5、打破砂锅————————问到底 6、和尚打伞————————无法无天 7、虎落平阳————————被犬欺 8、画蛇添足————————多此一举 9、箭在弦上————————不得不发 10、井底青蛙————————目光短浅 11、大海捞针————————没处寻 12、竹篮打水————————一场空 13、打开天窗————————说亮话 14、船到桥头————————自会直 15、飞蛾扑火————————自取灭亡 16、百米赛跑————————分秒必争 17、拔苗助长————————急于求成 18、仇人相见————————分外眼红 19、芝麻开花————————节节高 20、新官上任————————三把火 21、瞎子点灯————————白费蜡 22、兔子尾巴————————长不了 23、偷鸡不成————————蚀把米 24、王婆卖瓜————————自卖自夸 25、老虎屁股————————摸不得 26、老虎拉车————————谁敢 27、老鼠过街————————人人喊打 28、麻雀虽小————————五脏俱全 29、墙上茅草————————随风两边倒 30、三十六计————————走为上计 31、塞翁失马————————焉知祸福 32、韩信点兵————————多多益善 33、丈二和尚————————摸不着头脑 34、有借有还————————再借不难 35、猫哭耗子————————假慈悲 36、饺子破皮————————露了馅 37、扁担挑水————————一心挂了两头 38、对牛弹琴————————白费劲 39、八仙聚会————————神聊 40、霸王敬酒————————不干也得干 41、板上订钉————————跑不了 42、背鼓上门————————讨打 43、草把做灯————————粗心(芯) 44、竹笋出土————————节节高 45、菜刀切豆腐————————两面光 46、钉头碰钉子————————硬碰硬 47、高山上敲鼓————————四面闻名(鸣) 48、狗咬吕洞宾————————不识好人心 49、关公走麦城————————骄必败 50、铁打的公鸡————————一毛不拔 51、鸡蛋碰石头————————不自量力 52、姜太公钓鱼————————愿者上钩 53、脚踏西瓜皮————————滑到哪里是哪里 54、十五个吊桶打水————————七上八下 55、老鼠钻风箱————————两头受气 56、留得青山在————————不怕没柴烧 57、门缝里看人————————把人看扁了 58、泥菩萨过河————————自身难保 59、泼出去的水————————收不回 60、骑驴看唱本————————走着瞧 61、千里送鹅毛————————礼轻情意重 62、肉包子打狗————————有去无回 63、山中无老虎————————猴子称大王 64、司马昭之心————————路人皆知 65、外甥打灯笼————————照旧(舅) 66、王八吃秤砣————————铁了心 67、歪嘴讲 故事 ————————斜(邪)说 68、小葱拌豆腐————————一清二白 69、小和尚念经————————有口无心 70、周瑜打黄盖————————两厢情愿 71、赶鸭子上架————————吃力不讨好 72、擀面杖吹火————————一窍不通 73、瞎子戴眼镜————————装饰 74、猴子捞月亮————————空忙一场 75、秀才遇到兵————————有理讲不清 76、三个臭皮匠————————顶个诸葛亮 77、小和尚念经————————有口无心 78、和尚训道士————————管得宽 79、过年娶媳妇————————双喜临门 80、聋子见哑巴————————不闻不问 歇后语大全及答案精选180句相关 文章 : ★ 歇后语大全及答案汇总大全 ★ 歇后语大全答案精选汇总 ★ 歇后语大全及答案精编合集 ★ 歇后语大全和答案 ★ 歇后语大全及答案 ★ 精选四川话歇后语大全及答案 ★ 精选50条常用的歇后语大全及其答案 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?6732713c8049618d4dd9c9b08bf57682"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
豆豆staR2023-08-11 08:51:591


zore/.极乐 魅绪-mAnda Cute° 寂寥 Curtain 私念 Emotion 香樟 Toxic、茴忆 温瞳 Sou1ゝ Aiopr · 皇者 Amo.骄纵╰ Autism゛陌亡 Bunny 小兔子 Chafferer迷心 Scar. 疤痕。 活埋GAME OVER 流泪 Tearsゆ We are 伐木累 Passerby . 路人 fireworks°湮灭 离开 decidedly- Archer(久遇) Excuses. 借口。 In a hurry. 匆匆 Naive.(天真) 独年荒岛-ALONG 识趣 Content つ 资本、principal /情绪控 Design - Dimples(酒窝) Glu TtoNy ▏沉沦 Memory ˋ 淡时光 心动则痛 Oath° 遗忘。Forgotten. reasure.【雨声】 修罗王 ° roI ■ 怯生生cowardly▼ 永远 ▍ Forever° De Ja Vu 幻觉记忆 Warm light。(暖光) ゛偷腥的猫Gentle 逆光Presumptuous≈ Trister(旧情人) Oath-Ⅱ卑微的誓言 In my heart. 心已死。
苏萦2023-08-11 08:50:181


羊脂球》是他最有名的短篇小说,这是一篇以真实事实为素材的小说。莫泊桑通过对普法战争期间一辆驿车上的乘客的描写,刻画了当时法国社会各阶层人物面对战争和危难时的态度和立场。车子里的乘客就好比一个社会,有贵族商人政客修女这些体面人,还有一位被人不齿的妓女羊脂球。面对敌人的淫威,卑贱的羊脂球却远比那些有身份的人更有骨气!那些人为了个人安危而逼迫羊脂球作出自我牺牲,反过来,他们又对羊脂球横加唾弃!莫泊桑的短篇小说很多,希望能够给你帮助 莫泊桑,法国文学家。《羊脂球》是他著名的短篇小说集,选入人教版初中语文教材中的《我的叔叔于勒》就是选自《羊脂球》。文中反映了法国现实社会中为了金钱而“人吃人”的现象,感触颇深。 我看过他另一篇短篇小说《项链》,一条项链原本很便宜却让主人公花了很久的时间来偿还他人的钱。
韦斯特兰2023-08-10 10:29:172


  1、)上联:月夕   下联:霜容   2、)上联:献镜   下联:饮羹   3、)上联:巫山丝竹   下联:翰苑金莲   4、)上联:明月映天   下联:甘露被宇   5、)上联:袁宏法渚   下联:庾亮登楼   6、)上联:一天秋似水   下联:满地月如霜   7、)上联:二仪含皎洁   下联:四海尽澄清   8、)上联:天上一轮满   下联:人间万家明   9、)上联:天上一轮月   下联:人间万里明   10、)上联:中天一轮满   下联:秋野万里香   11、)上联:白人随鹤舞   下联:明月逐人归   12、)上联:半夜二更半   下联:中秋八月中   13、)上联:尘中人自老   下联:天际月常明   14、)上联:冰壶含雪魄   下联:银汉漾金辉   15、)上联:亭空千霜月   下联:水续万古流   16、)上联:春秋多佳日   下联:山水有清音   17、)上联:绿窗明月在   下联:青史古人无   18、)上联:薄帷鉴明月   下联:高情属云天   19、)上联:明月本无价   下联:高山皆有情   20、)上联:皓月无幽意   下联:清风有 ***   21、)上联:泛渚怀袁子   下联:登楼学庾公   22、)上联:清光同会合   下联:秋色正平分   23、)上联:露从今夜白   下联:月是故乡明   24、)上联:国强家富人寿   下联:花好月圆年丰   25、)上联:一曲霓裳传玉笛   下联:四围云锦拥金徽   26、)上联:一逢喜事精神爽   下联:月到中秋光辉增   27、)上联:人逢喜事精神爽   下联:月到中秋玉镜明   28、)上联:几处笙歌留朗月   下联:万家箫管乐中秋   29、)上联:三五良宵开玉宇   下联:大千世界涌冰轮   30、)上联:三五良宵澄银汉   下联:大千世界光玉轮   31、)上联:天上则琼楼玉宇   下联:人间亦贝阙珠宫   32、)上联:中天皓月明世界   下联:遍地笙歌乐团圆   33、)上联:玉轮光满大千界   下联:银汉秋澄三五宵   34、)上联:日射晚霞新世界   下联:月临天宇玉乾坤   35、)上联:月静池塘桐叶影   下联:风摇庭幕桂花香   36、)上联:月满一轮辉宇宙   下联:花香千里到门庭   37、)上联:占得清秋一半好   下联:算来明月十分圆   38、)上联:叶脱疏桐秋正半   下联:花开丛挂树齐香   39、)上联:金鸡啼明天破晓   下联:嫦娥起舞月高悬   40、)上联:鱼戏平湖穿远岫   下联:雁鸣秋月写长天   41、)上联:叫月杜鹃喉舌冷   下联:宿花蝴蝶梦魂香   42、)上联:明月清风景物秀   下联:神州春色画图新   43、)上联:轮影渐移花树下   下联:镜光如挂玉楼头   44、)上联:笙歌曲中千家月   下联:红藕香里万颗珠   45、)上联:喜得天开清旷域   下联:宛然人在广寒宫   46、)上联:霓裳舞起终宵朗   下联:玉女歌扬彻夜辉 整理:zhl201703
kikcik2023-08-10 10:15:141


【 #能力训练# 导语】用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。下面是 分享的精选常用关联词造句大全。欢迎阅读参考! 【篇一】精选常用关联词造句   因为…所以…   1、因为电脑和网络,所以我们两个不相识的人可以真诚的交流。   2、因为快乐就存在于细微的情节之中,细小到让人熟视无睹,所以快乐的片断往往被我们忽略。   3、因为小明品德优秀,所以他被大家评为"优秀队长"。   4、因为人生短暂如白驹过隙,所以我们要珍惜生命充分利用时间来完成自己的理想。   5、因为今天很忙,所以我很晚才上线。   6、因为最近小明贪玩,所以最近成绩下降的很快。   7、因为最近小刚努力学习,所以成绩上升了。   8、因为小明学习不努力,所以他期末考试没有通过。   9、因为人生短暂如白驹过隙,所以我们更要珍惜时间。   10、因为我们是学生,所以我们要遵守学校的纪律。   11、因为你不去独立思考,所以你通过网络来获取你的答案。   12、因为看完一部生活剧有故事的起落,所以我想到这个题目。   13、因为朋友的留言问候,所以快乐的感受。   14、因为肚子饿了,所以就想吃东西。   15、因为口渴了,所以就想喝水。【篇二】精选常用关联词造句   不管…总是…   1、不管前途有多么困难,不管别人对我有什么想法,我总是把自己的信念坚持下去。   2、不管遇到风沙还是雨雪,不管遇到干旱还是洪水,它总是那么直,那么坚强。   3、不管是刮风不管是下雨,他们总是拼搏在最前线。   4、不管前面有多么困难,不管路途有多么遥远,人民解放军总是都会冲向最前线!   5、不管秋风催熟了一树的果实,不管残风卷走了一地的落叶,你总是固守自我!   6、不管视觉多么疲劳,不管身心多么疲惫,我们还是得学习。   7、不管会遇到多少困难,不管会受到多少阻碍,我都会为了理想而坚持不懈的学习。   8、不管他怎么气愤,不管他怎么彷徨,他总是能保持百分百的坚定,也会十分理智地保持头脑清醒   9、不管风吹还是雨打,这片竹林总是郁郁葱葱。   10、不管白天还是黑夜,不管噶风还是下雨,边防战士总是竖守在自己的岗位上,保卫着祖国。【篇三】精选常用关联词造句   不管…也   1、不管困难有多大,也要供孩子念书。   2、不管我怎么用力,也没能扳倒爸爸的大手。   3、不管你怎样涂脂抹粉,也掩盖不了你的丑恶本质。   4、不管风浪多大,他也不会张皇失措的。   5、不管有多少人竞争,也不管最终鹿死谁手,我们都要尽力争取到代理权。   6、不管有多少艰难困苦,你们小分队也要赶在天亮前完成炸毁被敌人占领的康定桥的任务。   7、学生家长不管砸锅卖铁也拼命送子女上学读书。   8、不管我说什么,也不管我怎么说,他总是认为我错了。   9、不管在改革的征途中有多大风浪,我也万死不辞。   10、他当了几年局长,由于不管事,也不问事,所以无咎无誉,平平庸庸。【篇四】精选常用关联词造句   不仅…而且   1、李明读课文不仅吐字清晰,而且声音洪亮。   2、这个文具盒不仅美观,而且实用。   3、小刚不仅学习好,而且助人为乐,经常辅导学习较差的同学。   4、发展经济与搞好精神文明建设,不仅可以并行不悖,而且还能互相促进。   5、诈财案不仅层出不穷,而且手法越发高明。   6、郭小川的诗不仅气势磅礴,而且铺锦列绣,艺术上也是很成功的。   7、巴黎的桥不仅作为历史古迹和建筑艺术展现在人们面前,而且为花都增添了光彩。   8、他们的建议不仅一钱不值,而且包藏祸心。   9、不仅学生而且老师都在津津乐道地看着电影。   10、教室不仅宽敞而且整洁明亮。   11、京剧名丑不仅唱做俱佳,而且善于插科打诨。   12、这部历史名画集,不仅内容精彩,而且装帧也极讲究,金貂换酒,令人喜爱。   13、恶语伤人不仅是一种不文明的行为,而且会伤别人的心。   14、突击队员们不仅身手灵活,而且个个都是彪形大汉。   15、大作不仅有新颖的思想,而且虑周藻密,无懈可击,本刊决定采用。   16、这篇文章不仅错字连篇,而且文不对题,实在不知如何评分。   17、她的琵琶弹得不仅心闲手敏,而且感情充沛,使人听了之后心动神摇,不能自己。   18、小明不仅能歌善舞,而且学习成绩优秀,真是个百里挑一的人才。   19、坚持锻炼,不仅能够增强体质,而且还能延年益寿。   20、她说起话来不仅有条有理,而且颇有说服力,真是能让顽石点头!【篇五】精选常用关联词造句   不但…而且   1、他不但成绩好,而且乐于助人。   2、老师不但认真听取大家的意见,而且一一做了记录。   3、雷锋精神不但在青少年的心中生根发芽,而且开出了绚丽的花朵。   4、小明的作文不但内容生动,而且用词恰如其分。   5、这种新药不但起效快,而且药效持久。   6、这本书不但知识丰富,而且很有趣味。   7、商店里的日用品不但质量好,而且品种齐全。   8、鲁迅先生不但是伟大的文学家,而且是知识渊博的学者。   9、他不但自己学习好,而且还能帮助别人。   10、这样不但便于孩子记忆,而且还能取到事半功倍的效果。   11、他不但会唱歌而且会跳舞。   12、他不但不接受老师的教育,而且还继续与那伙坏人同流合污。   13、我的故乡不但山明水秀,而且土地肥沃,是“鱼米之乡”。   14、他不但不是傻瓜,而且眼明心亮,绝不会上当受骗。   15、小明很不听话,不但不写作业而且还不吃饭。【篇六】精选常用关联词造句   可以…也可以   1、一粒种子,可以无声无息地在泥土里腐烂掉,也可以长成参天大树。   2、一粒金子,可以悄无声息地在风沙中消磨掉,也可以散发出耀眼光芒。   3、一块矿石,可以平庸无奇地在地层沉睡下去,也可以发出惊天动地的能量。   4、一只雏鹰,可以软软弱弱地在鸟巢中窒息,也可以成为蓝天的主人。   5、一株花朵,可以骄傲地在花瓶中供人玩赏,也可以化作春泥以护花。   6、一个人的青春可以平庸无奇,但也可以放射出英雄的火花。   7、一个希望,可以无所事事地随时光泯灭掉,也可以坚持中幻化成宏大理想,关键在你自己。   8、一株鲜花,可以骄傲地在花瓶中供人玩赏,也可以默默化作护花的春泥。   9、一个学者,可以默默无闻的在人群中消失,也可以站上诺贝尔领奖台。   10、一块玉璞,可以平庸无奇地在石丛里沉睡下去,也可以成为稀世珍宝。   11、一个护士,可以日日夜夜的在病房中工作,也可以护理好千千万万的病痛者。   12、一台电脑可以用来打游戏消磨时光,也可以用来上网开扩视野。   13、你先做数学作业可以,或者先做语文作业也可以。
小菜G的建站之路2023-08-08 09:21:261


流传于民间口语中的 谚语 ,伴随着文字的产生,开始出现在各种文学作品和 文化 典籍中。这些源自文化典籍的“雅谚”,有些是在民间口语说法的基础上提炼打磨而成,而有些则属独创,有着鲜明的文化色彩、语体特色和 教育 警策作用。接下来我为大家整理了谚语的英文,欢迎大家阅读! 谚语的英文 1、一人难挑千斤担,众人能移万座山。 It"s hard for a man to carry a heavy load, so many people can move thousands of mountains. 2、山不转水转;水不转人转。 Mountains don"t turn water; waters don"t turn people around. 3、不怕虎生两翼,就怕人起二心。 If a tiger has two wings, he is afraid of two hearts. 4、一颗星星布不满天,一块石头垒不成山。 A Star cloth can"t satisfy the sky, a stone can"t build a mountain. 5、柴多火焰高,人多办法好。 More wood, more fire, more people, better ways. 6、一家有事大家帮。 Let"s help the family. 7、鱼不能离水,雁不能离群。 Fish can"t leave the water, geese can"t leave the herd. 8、灿烂的微笑,是四季盛开的花。 A brilliant smile is a flower that blooms all the year round. 9、路见不平,拔刀相助。 When the road is rough, pull out the knife to help. 10、扶人扶志,帮人帮心。 Help people to help themselves, help others to help their hearts. 11、众人一条心,黄土变成金。 With one heart, loess becomes gold. 12、漫漫人生路,友情是明灯。 Friendship is the light of a long life. 13、人怕离家,雁怕离群。 People are afraid of leaving home, geese are afraid of leaving the herd. 14、一个好汉三个帮,一个篱笆三根桩。 One hero, three gangs, one fence and three piles. 15、集体是力量的源泉,众人是智慧的摇篮。 Collectivity is the source of strength, and people are the cradle of wisdom. 16、一人难唱一台戏。 It"s difficult for one person to sing a play. 17、莫学篾箩千只眼,要学蜡烛一条心。 Mo Xuejian has thousands of eyes, but he should learn candles with one heart. 18、火车跑得快,全靠车头带。 The train runs fast, all by its nose. 19、好花还得绿叶扶。 Good flowers need green leaves. 20、柴多火旺,水涨船高。 More firewood, more water. 21、单丝不成线,独木不成林。 A single silk does not make a thread, a single tree does not make a forest. 22、莫学蜘蛛各结网,要学蜜蜂共酿蜜。 Learn not how spiders make webs, but how bees make honey together. 23、父子协力山成玉,兄弟同心土变金。 Father and son work together to become jade, brothers work together to change money. 24、去时终须去,再三留不住。 When you go, you have to go. You can"t keep it again and again. 25、一人踏不倒地上草,众人能踩出阳关道。 If a man can"t step on the grass, everyone can step on the Yangguan Road. 26、两个协调的力量,可以分十个人的力量。 Two coordinated forces can be divided into ten individual forces. 27、聪明人与朋友同行,步调总是齐一的。 Smart people walk with friends at the same pace. 28、有盐同咸,无盐同淡。 Salt is as salty as salt, and salt is as light as salt. 29、人多力齐推山倒,众人拾柴火焰高。 Many people pushed down the hill, and many people gathered firewood with high flame. 30、人心齐,泰山移。 People are united and Mount Tai is moved. 31、天下无不是的父母,最难得者是兄弟。 Parents are everywhere, and brothers are the rarest. 32、为人不可以有我,作诗不可以无我。 You can"t be a man without me, and you can"t be a poet without me. 33、十事九不周,慎勿多苛求。 Ten things are not thoughtful. Be careful not to be too strict. 34、滴水不成海,独木难成林。 Drops of water do not make a sea, but trees do not make a forest. 35、谗言败坏真君子,美色消磨狂少年。 The slander corrupts the true gentleman and the beauty kills the mad teenagers. 36、众人拾柴火焰高。 The fire is high when people gather firewood. 37、孤雁难飞,孤掌难鸣。 It"s hard for a lone geese to fly, but hard for a lone palm to sing. 38、患难之交坚如铁,萍水相逢短如春。 A friend in need is as strong as iron, and a meeting in Pingshui is as short as spring. 39、一根线容易断,万根线能拉船。 One thread breaks easily, and ten thousand threads pull a boat. 40、谁若与集体脱离,谁的命运就要悲哀。 Whoever is separated from the collective will have a sad fate. 41、一手独拍,虽疾无声。 Clap with one hand, though sick and silent. 42、一块砖头砌不成墙,一根木头盖不成房。 A brick can"t build a wall, a wood can"t build a house. 43、人多山倒,力众海移。 Many people have fallen from the mountains, and many people have moved to the sea. 44、山不转水转,人不亲土亲。 Mountains don"t turn around, people don"t kiss their native land. 45、爱就是在你疏忽时,重重地提醒你。 Love is reminding you when you are negligent. 46、一人拾柴火不旺,众人拾柴火焰高。 One man does not gather firewood vigorously, while others gather firewood with high flame. 47、大家一条心,黄土变成金。 With one heart, loess becomes gold. 48、船载千斤,掌舵一人。 Shipborne jacks, one man at the helm. 49、扶贫先扶志;扶志先扶人。 Aid the poor first, help the people first. 50、一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。 One fence, three piles, one hero and three gangs. 51、金银财宝不算真富,团结和睦才是幸福。 Gold and silver are not really rich. Unity and harmony are happiness. 52、割不断的亲,离不开的邻。 Cutting off relatives is inseparable from neighbours. 53、三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。 Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. 谚语的英文 1、你不可能什么都得到,所以你应该学会放弃。 You can"t get anything, so you should learn to give up. 2、孙子曰:将欲取之,必先予之。 Sun Tzu said, "If you want to take it, you must give it first." 3、放弃,并不意味着失去,因为只有放弃才会有另一种获得。 To give up does not mean to lose, because only to give up will there be another kind of gain. 4、天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来! Natural talent will be useful, thousands of gold scattered back! 5、春天放弃芳香四溢的花朵,才能走进累累硕果的金秋。 Only by giving up the fragrant flowers in spring can we enter the fruitful golden autumn. 6、放弃,是一种境界,是自然界发展的一种必由之路。 Giving up is a realm and the only way for the development of nature. 7、舍得,舍得,有舍才有得。 To give up, to give up, to give up. 8、佛经云:舍得,舍得,有舍才有得。 Buddhist Sutra Cloud: Give up, give up, give up before you get. 9、懂得放弃,才能有更美好的未来。 Know how to give up, in order to have a better future. 10、什么时候学会放弃,什么时候便学会了成熟。 When you learn to give up, when you learn to mature. 11、忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。 If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. 12、要想采一束清新的山花,就得放弃城市的舒适。 If you want to pick a bunch of fresh flowers, you have to give up the comfort of the city. 13、要想有永远的掌声,就得放弃眼前的虚荣。 If you want to have eternal applause, you have to give up the vanity in front of you. 14、走自己的路,让别人去说吧! Go your own way and let others talk about it. 15、追求的目标越高,需要放弃的东西就越多。 The higher the goal you pursue, the more things you need to give up. 16、一叶落,荒芜不了整个春天。 One leaf falls, and the whole spring is not deserted. 17、梅、菊放弃安逸和舒适,才能得到笑傲霜雪的艳丽。 Plum and chrysanthemum give up comfort and comfort, so that they can get the beauty of laughter, pride, frost and snow. 18、留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 Keep the green hills, not afraid of no firewood. 19、学会放弃,放弃是一种智慧的美丽。懂得放弃,才更懂得拥有,懂得珍惜。 Learn to give up, give up is a beautiful wisdom. Know how to give up, know how to own, know how to cherish. 20、天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花。 Where there is no herb in the world, why do you love a flower alone? 谚语的英文 1、热得快的爱情,冷得也快。 Love that is hot is cold. 2、爱神奏出无声旋律,远比乐器奏出的悦耳动听。 Love plays a silent melody, far more pleasant than an instrument. 3、爱情的意义在于帮助对方提高,同时也提高自己。 The meaning of love is to help each other improve, but also to improve themselves. 4、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。 Even God can"t be wise in love. 5、一见钟情是唯一真诚的爱情;稍有犹豫便就不然了。 Love at first sight is the only true love; a little hesitation makes it impossible. 6、爱情的话语全在双眼之中。 The words of love are in the eyes. 7、铜对铜,铁对铁,同到毛白牙齿缺。 Copper to copper, iron to iron, the same as hair white teeth missing. 8、有爱情的生活是幸福的,为爱情而生活是愚蠢的。 Life with love is happy, life for love is foolish. 9、爱情把一切冷酷之心变成温柔。 Love turns all cold hearts into tenderness. 10、爱情和谋杀一样,总是要暴露的。 Love, like murder, is always exposed. 11、坚固的爱情不会顷刻忘怀。 Strong love will not be forgotten in an instant. 12、爱情不是用眼睛,而是用心灵看着的。 Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart. 13、男人不坏,女人不爱。 Men are not bad, women do not love. 14、谈好恋爱的秘诀在于,不必严肃,但必须正经! The secret of a good relationship is not to be serious, but to be serious! 15、即使在深切的热爱里面,我们也是孤独。 Even in deep love, we are lonely. 16、有时候无法保留的,才是真正属于我们的东西。 Sometimes what we can"t keep is what really belongs to us. 17、爱情可以意会,无需言传。 Love can be understood without words. 18、爱情像衣服,虽然很多,但适合的只有一件。 Love is like clothes, although many, but only one suitable. 19、我们只能用心中的爱去做一切事情。 We can only do everything with love in our hearts. 20、一双鞋,少了一只就不值钱,所以,另一半很重要。 A pair of shoes is worthless without one, so the other half is very important. 21、莫道不消魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。 Don"t fade away, curtain rolls westerly, people are thinner than yellow flowers. 22、从眼睛流露出来的爱情比较不容易造假! Love from the eyes is not easy to fake! 23、爱情付报酬,劳苦也轻松。 Love pays, and labour is easy. 24、忠诚是爱情的桥梁,欺诈是友谊的敌人。 Loyalty is the bridge of love, fraud is the enemy of friendship. 25、风吹起如花的流年,而你成为最美的点缀。 The wind blows like flowering years, and you become the most beautiful embellishment. 26、习俗是爱情的天敌。 Custom is the natural enemy of love. 27、爱情不仅是感情,也是艺术。 Love is not only emotion, but also art. 28、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。 Once love is satisfied, other people"s charm will disappear. 经典谚语的英文精选相关 文章 : ★ 经典谚语英语精选 ★ 经典谚语的英语大全 ★ 经典谚语英语大全 ★ 经典英语谚语大全精选80条 ★ 经典谚语的英语汇总 ★ 经典英语谚语90句精选合集 ★ 经典谚语的英语集锦 ★ 经典谚语英语汇总 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语90句精华 ★ 常见的经典英语谚语90句精选归纳
CarieVinne 2023-08-08 09:11:471


  有些事情没有经历过,你是无法真确地体会到那种感觉的。下面就由我为大家带来关于经历的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于经历的相关短语   1. The company I work for went through a rough patch.   我所在的公司经历了一段困难时期。   2. We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times.   我们正在经历现代最严重的一段经济衰退。   3. The comparison of her life to a sea voyage simplifies her experience.   把她的人生比作一次海上航行不足以说明她丰富的经历。   4. He is always eager for new experiences and ever-willing to experiment.   他总是渴望拥有新的经历,而且永远愿意尝试。   5. The horrors he experienced are imprinted, perhaps indelibly, in his brain.   他经历的恐怖事件在他脑海中刻下了深深的,或许是难以磨灭的印记。   6. Lesley"s career in the church is vitally important to her.   莱斯莉在教堂的工作经历对她来说至关重要。   7. South Africa was going through a period of irreversible change.   南非正在经历一场不可逆转的变革。   8. Naomi"s mothering experiences are poignantly described in her fiction.   娜奥米把她当母亲的经历字字辛酸地写进了小说。   9. Every line etched on her face told a story of personal anguish.   她脸上的每条皱纹都讲述了一次痛苦的经历。   10. I had one of my most embarrassing moments in panto in Nottingham.   在诺丁汉我经历了自己在童话剧演出中最尴尬的时刻之一。   11. The betting is that the experience will make Japan more competitive still.   这场经历很有可能使日本更具竞争力。   12. He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs.   他把自己的经历讲述给了《星期日泰晤士报》的记者,还提供了照片。   13. Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned.   葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴衰的大帝国。   14. His party has just suffered the equivalent of a near-fatal heart attack.   他所在的政党刚刚经历了一次类似心脏病突发般几近致命的打击。   15. He learned this lesson the hard way from his own personal experience.   吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。   关于经历的相关例句   1. 我从这个可以引以为戒的经历中学到了很多。   I have learned a lot from the chastening experience.   2. 这是我有过的教育意义最大的一次经历。   It was the most educational experience I had ever had.   3. 那是一次不光彩的经历。   It is an experience of humiliation.   4. 对我来说那是一次难忘的经历。   It was a memorable experience for me.   5. 他总是自吹自擂他的经历。   He is always bucking about his experience.   6. 这些可怕的经历深深印入他的记忆。   These frightful experiences are branded on his memory.   7. 我想我最难忘的一次经历就是我考研究生的经历。   I think my most memorable experience is my experience of postgraduate courses.   8. 对我来说,哈佛的求学经历是一段非凡的经历。   Harvard was just a phenomenal experience for me.   9. 在经历了一段疯狂的繁荣时期之后,巴拿马正在经历迅猛的经济滑坡。   Panama is suffering a sudden economic slowdown after a wild boom.   关于经历的双语例句   他的经历使他能胜任这项工作。   His experience fits him for the job.   他向学生们讲述他的经历。   He recounted his experiences to the pupils.   老师给我们讲了他在英国的经历。   The teacher told us his experiences in England.   这次经历令他大为震惊。   The experience shook him badly.   几杯酒下肚,他总要口出大言,吹嘘自己的经历。   After a few drinks, he always becomes boastful about his experience.   他这人经历多,见识广。   He is a man of wide knowledge and experience.   教育和经历使他眼界开阔。   Education and experience breed a breadth of vision and understanding to him.   我曾有过这样的经历。   I have experienced this myself.   你也正经历着这些吗?   Do you experience this as well?   你曾和你的孩子们分享过上述的经历吗?   Have you ever shared the above experience with your children?   你们中有谁曾经有过这样的经历?   Any of you had that experience ever?   人们不能理解或者欣赏我们所经历的。   People do not understand or appreciate what we go through.
西柚不是西游2023-08-08 09:11:471


1、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing。浅学误人。 2、Wit once bought is worth twice taught。由经验而得的智慧,胜于学习而得的智慧;一次亲身的体会,胜过两次的教师教导。 3、I need him like I need the air to breathe。我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 4、Experience is the best teacher。经验是最好的教师。 5、To learn to be just and constant, not just is sui Hui, not constant retreat。为学须刚与恒,不刚则隋隳,不恒则退。 6、A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world。爱情是两个人的事,与旁人无关。 7、Actions speak louder than words。行动比语言更响亮。 8、To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom。为了保住这最后的、最伟大的自由堡垒,我们必须尽我们所能。 9、Tomorrow comes never。切莫依赖明天。 10、Iu2019m capable of achieving all my goals。我能够达成我的所有目标。 11、How can you say to your brother, ——Let me take the speck out of your eye," when all the time there is a plank in your own eye。你自己眼中有梁木,怎能对你弟兄说,容我去掉你眼中的刺呢? 12、Brief is life, but love is long。生命虽短,爱却绵长。 13、It"s great to be great , but it"s greater to be human。 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 14、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,I could walk forever in my garden。假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 15、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world。对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 16、Lotic brave person can appreciate the wonders of the rivers。激流勇进者方能领略江河源头的奇观胜景。 17、Learn wisdom by the follies of others。从旁人的愚行中学到聪明。 18、Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow。进步是今天的活动、明天的保证。 19、Learn and well made, the deeper soil more difficult, if not quickly heart, would see fountain。为学犹掘井,井愈深土愈难出,若不快心到底,岂得见泉源乎? 20、Take time when time cometh,lest time steal away。时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。 21、Iu2019m strong! Iu2019m powerful! Iu2019m healthy。我强壮!我充满力量!我健康! 22、Love is the greatest refreshment in life。爱情是生活最好的提神剂。 23、May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight。愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。 24、Creation only, is really an enjoyment, only hard work, is full of life。只有创造,才是真正的享受,只有拚搏,才是充实的生活。 25、Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body。知识之于精神,一如健康之于**。 26、Love never dies。爱情永不死。 27、Read more read more less pain, less pain, until a little pain and no。读书越少痛苦越多,读书越多痛苦越少,直到一点痛苦也没有。 28、Put your shoulder to the wheel。努力工作。 29、I miyou so much already and I haven"t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! 30、I have unlimited potential。我有无限的潜力。 31、Great hopes make great man。远大的希望,造就伟大的人物。 32、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts。爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。 33、Many hands make light work。众擎易举。 34、Ladder ladder are never used to feet, it just makes people u2019s feet for a period of time, in order to let a foot to go on board。梯子的梯阶从来不是用来搁脚的,它只是 让人们的脚放上一段时间,以便让别一只脚能够再往上登。 35、Even if the road is bumpy, the wheel must go forward; even if the river roaring waves, ships are sailing。即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航 行。 36、Busy collecting bees, not in front of people talk with eloquence。忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。 37、I can help a lot of people。我可以帮助很多人。 38、It is dogged does it。 All day, but careless man。天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下天易事,只怕粗心人。 39、Man errs so long as he strives。人只要奋斗就会犯错误。 40、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles。 It might be the only sunshine he sees all day。今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。 41、Little drops of water finally can wear stone, not because it is strong, but due to circadian won"t drop pendant。涓滴之水终可以磨损大石,不是由于它力量强大,而是由于昼夜不舍的滴坠。 42、It is good to learn at another manu2019s cost。前车可鉴。 43、One today is worth two tomorrows。一个今天胜似两个明天。 44、You canu2019t have a better tomorrow if you donu2019t stop thinking about yesterday。如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。 45、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder。距离使两颗心靠得更近。 46、Time is money。一寸光阴一寸金。 47、I can realize all my dreams。我可以实现我的所有梦想。 48、Doubt is the key of knowledge。怀疑是知识之钥。 49、Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced。并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。 50、Diligence is the mohter of success。勤奋是成功之母。 51、Everything has its time and that time must be watched。万物皆有时,时来不可失。 52、Pleasant hours fly past。快乐时光去如飞。 53、The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman"s heart。在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。 54、Only on the top of the mountain, to see the scenery。只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。 55、The morning sun never lasts a day。好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。 56、Idleness is the root of all evil。懒惰乃万恶之源。 57、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 58、Idle people (folks) have the most labour (take the most pains)。懒人做工作,越懒越费力。 59、The horse is running out, therefore is to fight out。骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。 60、Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one。在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。 61、No trace of wings in the air, but I have been over。天空没有翅膀 的痕迹,但 我已飞过。 62、If the fear of front and rocks, life can only ever be a backwater。如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。 63、Knowledge is power。知识就是力量。 64、Where there is great love, there are always miracles。哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 65、It is never too late to learn。活到老,学到老。 66、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb。没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 67、I can set the world on fire。我可以获得巨大成功! 68、Nothing is impossible for a willing heart。心之所愿,无所不成。 69、Get to another summit in your career。开创职业生涯的另一个**。 70、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm。成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失败,但也没有失去热情。 71、Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today。今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。 72、The waves to cleave through the waves at a farewell to swim, canoe funeral。海浪为劈风斩浪的航船饯行,为随波逐流的轻舟送葬。 73、Keeping in mind the rain seed dedicated told, enhances the outstanding courage。种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。 74、Achieved unremittingly, indomitable than when subjected to failure is more important。取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。 75、Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on。缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶 76、Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body。知识之于精神,一如健康之于**。 77、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again。有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 78、To struggle in sweat pooled rivers, will cause the boat to the other side of the ideal sail。奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸。 79、Time is money。时间就是金钱。 80、Love is blind。爱情是盲目的。 81、Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother。经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。 82、Punctuality is the soul of business。守时为立业之要素。 83、Work today,for you know not how much you may be hindered tomrrow。今朝有事今朝做,明朝可能阻碍多。 84、A friend in need is a friend indeed。患难见真交。 85、As long as a person strongly unremittingly in pursuit, he will be able to achieve the purpose of。一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。 86、It is right to put everything in its proper use。凡事都应用得其所。 87、Often and violates, what the people。事常与人违,事总在人为。 88、He that will not work shall not eat。不工作者不得食。 89、How much truth of heart in oneu2019s life is told in a joke?一辈子,有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去? 90、Money doesnu2019t grow on trees。钱不是从天上掉下来的。 91、If you want knowledge, you must toil for it。若要求知识,须从勤苦得。 92、He dares to declare war on the dark people, the heart must be full of light。敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。 93、If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesnu2019t lead anywhere。太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。 94、Misfortunes tell us what fortune is。不经灾祸不知福。 95、Every day without you is like a book without pages。没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。 96、Happiness takes no account of time。欢娱不惜时光逝。 97、Just persevere, knowledge, finally discovered the secret。只要持之以恒,知识丰富了,终能发现其奥秘。 98、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you。我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 99、If they throw stones at you, donu2019t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead。如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。 100、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。只工作,不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。
kikcik2023-08-08 09:11:471


  诗歌是人类的语言瑰宝,可以提高人的精神修养、艺术修养和语言修养。我精心收集了最简单的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   最简单的英文诗歌篇1   The Lamb 小羊   (1)   Little Lamb, who made thee? 小羊,你是谁造的?   Dost thou know who made thee? 你可知道谁造你的?   Gave thee life and bid thee feed 赐你生命、教你吃草   By the stream and o"er the mead: 在溪畔、在牧场那边;   Gave thee clothing of delight, 给你可爱的衣裳,   Softest clothing, woolly, bright; 最最柔软、覆满羊毛、闪闪发光;   Gave thee such a tender voice, 给你如此娇嫩的声音,   Making all the vales rejoice? 使山谷上下为之喜悦?   Little Lamb, who made thee? 小羊,你是谁造的?   Dost thou know who made thee? 你可知道谁造你的?   (2)   Little Lamb, I"ll tell thee; 小羊,小羊,我来告诉你;   Little Lamb, I"ll tell thee, 小羊,小羊,我来告诉你;   He is called by thy name, 衪以你之名为名,   For He calls Himself a Lamb. 因为衪称自己为小羊。   He is meek and He is mild; 衪既温顺又和善;   He became a little child. 当衪降生,便成为一个小孩。   I a child, and thou a lamb, 我是小孩,你是小羊,   We are called by His name. 我们都是以衪之名为名。   Little Lamb, God bless thee! 小羊,愿神祝福你!   Little Lamb, God bless thee! 小羊,愿神祝福你!   by William Blake   最简单的英文诗歌篇2   Written In March 写于三月   (1)   The cock is crowing, 公鸡在啼;   The stream is flowing, 小溪在流,   The small birds twitter, 雉鸟在鸣,   The lake doth glitter, 湖水也在闪烁   The green fields sleep in the sun; 绿野安眠在阳光下;   The oldest and youngest 老的、小的   Are at work with the strongest; 和健壮的一起工作着;   The cattle are grazing, 牛儿忙吃草,   Their heads never raising; 一直不抬头;   There are forty feeding like one! 虽有四十头,看似一头样!   (2)   Like an army defeated 犹如战败的军队,   The snow hath retreated, 雪已融退,   And now doth fare ill 这阵更是败惨   On the top of the bare hill; 在愈见光秃秃的山坡上;   The ploughboy is whooping--anon--anon 耕童时时在田垄呼喊   There"s joy in the mountains; 笑谑充满山林,   There"s life in the fountains, 喷泉洋溢生命,   Small clouds are sailing, 浮云飘过,   Blue sky prevailing, 蓝天尽显,   The rain is over and gone. 雨过天晴。   by William Wordsworth   最简单的英文诗歌篇3   The Last Rose of Summer夏日最后的玫瑰   (1)   "Tis the last rose of summer 这是夏日最后的玫瑰   Left blooming alone; 独自绽放着;   All her lovely companions 所有昔日动人的同伴   Are faded and gone; 都已雕落残逝;   No flower of her kindred, 身旁没有同类的花朵,   No rose-bud is nigh, 没有半个玫瑰苞,   to reflect back her blushes, 映衬她的红润,   Or give sigh for sigh. 分担她的忧愁。   (2)   I"ll not leave thee, thou lone one! 我不会离开弧零零的你!   To pine on the stem; 让你单独地憔悴;   Since the lovely are sleeping, 既然美丽的同伴都已入眠,   Go, sleep thou with them. 去吧!你也和她们一起躺着。   thus kindly I scatter 为此,我好心在散放   Thy leaves o"er the bed 你的丽叶在花床上   Where thy mates of the garden 那儿,也是你花园的同伴   Lie scentless and dead. 无声无息躺着的地方。   (3)   Soon may I follow, 不久我也可能追随我朋友而去,   When friendships decay,当友谊渐逝,   And from Love"s shining circle 像从灿烂之爱情圈中   The gems drop away. 掉落的宝石。   When true hearts lie withered, 当忠诚的友人远去,   And fond ones are flown, 所爱的人飞走,   O! who would inhabit 啊!谁还愿留在   This bleak world alone? 这荒冷的世上独自凄凉?   by Thomas Moore, 1779-1852
善士六合2023-08-08 09:11:451


  我们决不能因为受到一点挫折就停止前进的步伐。无论遇到多大的挫折,也动摇不了我们必胜的信念。我精心收集了关于挫折的英文美文,供大家欣赏学习!   关于挫折的英文美文篇1   Do Only Children Need Setback Experience?   Some people think that only children needn"t setback experience, is trmes have changed, only children should not be subjected to strict demands. In their eyes, experiencing setback makes these sensitive children feel being underdogs (战败者). Therefore, letting down only children spiritually is harmful to their psychological wellWeing(心理健康).   However, some people hold opposite opinions. They claim that setback experience is beneficial to only children. It encourages children to practice their skills and ability and work on their weak points, and fulfill its goal of getting them used to real and competitive society. Going through some setback may contribute to the shape of their personal character in the future.   In my opinion, setback experience should be urgently advocated. Setback experience acquires new meaning in today"s era (时代) of change. The road to success starts from the beginning, and our world is one full of competitions, If only children have never had any setback, in the long run they won"t bear any setback or failure in life. Some setback early on may make them ready for very challenging issues at a later date.   关于挫折的英文美文篇2   Because of do not trip and fall does not dare to run, do not curse the life because of the wind and rain, do not because of become lost has neglected the natural scenery.   Only then one overcomes the setback, the challenge setback, to enjoy the setback step by step, could find the life the flashing temperature, enjoyed in the growth each splendor at the same time. the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will work as optimistically the navigation aid, will like this only then not lose the direction. Without the optimistic manner, will lose the struggle the direction, to lose all faith, no matter what the ideal sailing ship will drift with the current in the turbulent setback mighty waves, jolts up and down and even is defeated. But the setback was not to the region which collapsed completely, but the solemn caution should not be sluggish, must insist the faith, momentarily by optimistic, calm braved all hardships.   So my Lu of Naneng growth leaves setback this good strict teacher? the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will work as strongly the backing, easily will like this only then not be eliminated. Any life is not strong, must not be able to exist safely. If the tree is not strong, does not tall and straight, how can harvest a piece of sunlight rain and dew; If the bamboo is not strong, how can state decisively the green hill not to relax the human is respected; If the plum is not strong, how can have insults coldly alone opens clank the lofty character; If the human is not strong, how can have strives for success, tracks down defeats the setback, defeats own strength?   So my Lu of Naneng growth leaves the setback this encouragement good friend. the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will make the agent humbly, will like this only then not discard the personality. The human not only should when the success understands modestly, should when frustration insists the humble easy to learn style. Take humble as the criterion, even though has a body ability really also because of arrogant, stubborn, but will drain in vain.   So my Lu of Naneng growth left setback this just mother of the belt supple success? the setback, lets me understand that optimistic, the academic society strong, maintains humble, lets my life be more splendid, I want the setback to accompany me to grow!   关于挫折的英文美文篇3   According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English, frustration, by definition, means the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. Since frustration seems to be a negative feeling, some people may be tempted to think that frustration is bad for people. They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mental problems. People suffering from such psychological problems often resort to violence or suicide, which poses a big threat to the people around them and thus causes instability to the whole society.   Others, however, hold a different view. They maintain that it is beneficial to people. It goes side by side with success. It inspires people to overcome hardships and difficulties and achieve the final success. People with this view even go so far as to say that no frustration, no success. Indeed, we cannot always hope to embrace success and never accept failure. And most importantly, only if we learn from many a failure can we do things better and finally overcome such a bad feeling as frustration.   Frustration thus is part of our life experience. In our process of growing up, we may inevitably experience it when confronted with situations that donu2019t come up to our expectations. It is a test of our courage when it befalls us. If we let it control us, we may fall into the abyss of being inflicted by serious psychological problems. But if we harness it and take it as our source of inspiration, we may ultimately enjoy the glory of success.
kikcik2023-08-08 09:11:451

精选茗茶 英文翻译是什么

精选茗茶 翻译 英文是Selection of tea
Chen2023-08-08 09:11:441


  绵绵的小雨,只不过更好的渲染离别的伤感。那么你伤感吗?以下是我为你精心整理的伤感语录英文,希望你喜欢。   伤感语录英文【精选版】   我希望她身边永远有个最爱她的人,不管那个人是不是我。   I hope she will always have a love for her, no matter the person is not me.   装腔作势是生命力旺盛的象征,虚荣心强是年轻的标志。   Is a symbol of vitality, vanity is a young mark.   我承认我没那么坚强,只是一而再的逞强。   I admit that I was not so strong, but again and try to be brave.   别去打扰一个不愿意理你的人,因为他心里那个最重要的人不是你!   Do not disturb a person who does not want to ignore you, because he is the most important person in his heart is not you!   离开的不会再回来,回来的不再完美。没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜。   Leaving will never e back, e back no longer perfect. Not who I am sorry, only who do not know how to cherish.   拼了命的不让身边的人难过,却发现,受伤的原来是我自己。   To fight the life of the people around me sad, but found that the original injury is my own.   下次可不可以换你喜欢我到疯掉,并褪去一身骄傲。   Next time can not change you like me to go crazy, and faded a proud.   相遇只是上帝作祟,相爱不过凭空想象。   Meet only God is everything, love but imagination.   每一次我想你,全世界每一处便都是你。   Every time I think of you, every part of the world is you.   伤感语录英文【最新版】   那些伤害过我的人,谢谢你们,在我最自以为是的青春里,让我明白人间冷暖。   Those who hurt me, thank you, in my most self righteous youth, let me understand the well-being of the world.   那天,她笑了,你也跟着她笑了,我哭了却没有人跟着我哭。   That day, she *** iled, you followed her *** ile, I cry but nobody followed me cry.   爱情的电影,散不散都没关系。一人安静,一人哭泣。   Love of the film, do not have a casual relationship. One is quiet, one is crying.   这辈子最对不起的就是自己的心了,让它疼了一次又一次。   In this life, the most sorry is my heart, let it hurt again and again.   那些刻在椅背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出地老天荒的,没有风的森林。   Carved on the chair behind the love, will not like the cement on the flowers, out of The end of life, no wind in the forest.   谁都会害怕尤其是拼了命的珍惜到最后却还是什么都留不住。   Who will be afraid of the fight, especially the life of the treasure to the end, but still can not keep anything.   只要内心不乱,外界就很难改变你什么。不要艳羡他人,不要输掉自己。   As long as the heart is not chaos, the outside world is very difficult to change what you. Don"t envy others, don"t lose yourself.   最痛的时候是最好的时候,你能看清很多东西。   The most painful time is the best time, you can see a lot of things.   记得,一个雨天你说你会很疼我,现在又下雨了带走了我们所有的誓言。   Remember, a rainy day, you said you would hurt me, and now, and rain, took away all of our vows.   有些话,适合烂在心里,有些痛苦,适合无声无息的忘记。   Some words, for rotten in the heart, some pain, soundless and stirless forget.   和你分开后,这世界上有两个我:一个假装快乐,一个真心难过。   After you are separated, there are two of me in the world: one is to pretend to be happy, one is really sad.   得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐。   Not forever in the motion, by the preference of all secure to rely on.   你怎么说走就走,都不考虑考虑我的感受。   How you say it, you don"t think about how I feel.   转弯只为遇见你,却忘记了,你也会转弯。   Turning only to meet you, but you forget, you will turn.   假如有一天世界背叛了你,至少还有我为你背叛这个世界。   If one day the world betrayed you, at least I betrayed the world for you.   你走之后,我身边又有了很多人,只是没再对谁那么上心。   After you left me with a lot of people just didn"t care less about who.   心动只要一瞬间,心碎也只在一转眼间。   Heart just for a moment, only in a blink of an eye.   不出现,不打扰,是我最后爱你的方式。   Do not appear, do not bother, is my last love you the way.   明明只删了一个你,却空荡了整个分组。   I just deleted a you, but empty the entire packet.   伤感语录英文【经典版】   为什么丘位元的箭要射在心上,是为了提醒我们,即使是真爱,有时也会有受伤。   Why Cupid"s arrows to the heart, is to remind us that even if it is true love, sometimes there are injured.   有时候单身挺好的,至少没人能伤害你。   Sometimes it"s good to be single, at least no one can hurt you.   我终于学会笑着摇头拒绝自己喜欢的东西。   I finally learn to *** ile and shake his head to refuse his favorite things.   多遭遇几次不翼而飞,不胫而走和不告而别,你就会知道,强大比幸福更可靠。   How many times have you gone take wings to itself, and it will spread like wildfire, know that happiness is more reliable than powerful.   从今以后,我不发脾气,我不伤害自己,我会把深情统统留给自己。   From now on, I will not lose my temper, I do not hurt myself, I will leave you feeling all.   我听见有条河流在你我之间,它比那季节更长,比天空还远。   I hear there is a river between you and me, it is longer than that, and it is far more than the sky.   他只是你一眼,你却在心里演了场电影。   He just looked at you, but you made a movie in your heart.   我颠倒了整个世界,只为了摆正你们的倒影。   I reversed the whole world, only to straighten out your reflection.   摘下倔强的面具会不会是一张哭花的脸。   Pluck the stubborn mask will not be a cry of the face.   爱和爱过,只差了一个字,却隔了一个曾经。   Love and love, just a word, but separated by a once.   同学们,毕业那天,该哭就哭,该笑就笑,该闹就闹,该表白的表白,该拥抱的拥抱。   Students, graduation day, the cry cry, the *** ile on the laugh, the trouble on the alarm, the confession of the confession, the embrace of the embrace.   这场爱,我输在不够心狠,她赢在爱不够认真。   This love, I lost in the Xinhen enough, she won in love not serious.   教会你最初舞步的人,却未必能陪你走到散场。   Your initial steps of the church who may not be able to walk with you.   爱情,可以来得简单点么?相互喜欢就接纳磨合,不喜欢就告知离开。   Love, can you e easy? Mutual love to accept the run in, do not like to tell to leave.   最可怕的人是这一秒能和你交心交肺,下一秒也能淋漓尽致的出卖你。   The most terrible is the second and you can make heart lung, can most incisive the next second betray you.   你感到灰心焦虑,可能开始神经质地拼命咬指甲,然后不可救药地陷入一眨眼吃掉三大块巧克力蛋糕的疯狂!   You feel frustrated and anxious, may start nervously nail biting frenzy and hopelessly in a blink of an eye the triple chocolate cake - eating frenzy in!   其实,我一直都知道,爱一旦深入骨髓,就不懂怎么去恨了。   In fact, I always know that, once love is not understand how well ingrained, to hate.   曾经的情话与诺言像耳光一样抽得我哑口无言。   Love and promise like a slap in the face like *** oke once I rendered speechless.   双生花。双生花。任何一方死亡的时候,另一方也悄然腐烂。   Twin flowers. Twin flowers. Either side of the death, the other side also quietly decay.   收起你的懦弱,摆出你的霸气,在你跌倒的时候没人扶你,多得是看你笑话的畜生。   Put away your weakness, put your ambition, when you fall no one to help you, there is a look at your jokes.   有什么是眼泪冲洗不了的,时间也会赶来帮忙。   There is nothing to wash the tears, the time will e to help.   谁像我一样,不停的更换著签名,其实只是想让某一个人有所感触。   Who, like me, do not stop the replacement of the signature, in fact, just want to let a person feel.   也许某天,在喧闹的城市中,你我擦肩而过。我会停住脚步,凝望远去的背影,告诉自己:那个人我曾经爱过!   Maybe one day, in the noisy city, you and I pass by. I will stop and stare at the back of the far away, tell myself: that person I have ever loved!   如果有一天我们变陌生了,那么我就重新认识你。   If one day we bee strange, then I will know you.   就在那一瞬间,我仿佛听见了全世界崩溃的声音。   In that moment, I seem to hear the sound of the collapse of the world.   这一秒最想珍惜的东西,往往是下一秒最想放弃的。   This second most want to cherish things, is often the next second most want to give up.   当风筝厌倦了天空,是否就会义无返顾的坠入大海?   When the kite is tired of the sky, you threw into the sea?
西柚不是西游2023-08-08 09:11:421


1、唯美爱情英文句子30句 2、Brief is life,but love is long.性命虽短,爱却悠长。 3、A heart that loves is always young.幸福的心青春永驻。 4、The soul cannot live without love.生命不可以没爱而存有。 5、If I know what love is, it is because of you.因为你,我明白了爱。 6、The darkness is no darkness with thee.因为有你,黑喑不会再是黑喑。 7、When love is not madness, it is not love.如果爱不玩命就并不是爱了。 8、Fading is true while flowering is past凋落是真正的 绽放仅仅一种以往 9、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.爱情是长在大家内心的藤条。 10、If this is not the end if I still love you假如这不是结果如果我还爱你. 11、Love is the greatest refreshment in life.真正的爱情生活最好是的醒神剂。 12、There is no remedy for love but to love more.医治爱的外伤只有翻倍地去爱。 13、Theres nothing more, to love and to be loved. 人生道路没有其他,只有爱和深爱 14、Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well只要是值得做的事,就值得搞好。 15、If I change shape, and you forget the time.要不是你变了摸样,就是你遗忘了岁月。 16、Love is like the moon,when it does not increase,it decreases.爱情就像月亮,不增则减。 17、Held your hand, as if threads on your fingers around.握过你的手,好像温存在指间盘绕。 18、Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though its breaking.虽然痛心乃至心痛也需要笑容。 19、Lonely lonely, I am still thinking about someone.孤单寂寞的情况下,我能静静的惦记着别人。 20、I love very much, a minute only love you sixty seconds.我的深爱得很少,一分钟只爱了你六十秒。 21、A lot of things, we can be touched, but can not shed tears.许多事儿,我们可以打动,却不可以落泪 22、The colour of a sad, sad haunted, sadness and me company.泛着忧愁的颜色,忧伤缭绕,忧愁与我为伴。 23、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.假如没有人爱我们,大家也就不容易再好好爱自己了。 24、Come to an end only lonely melancholy is a taste of life.人走茶凉仅有孤寂寂寥才算是生活的原汁原味. 25、Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love爱情…在手指缝服务承诺指缝间….在感情下缠绵. 26、Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.服务承诺经常像蝴碟,漂亮的飞回旋随后看不到 27、No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.我的世界手游不允许你的消退,无论结果是不是极致. 28、If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining star假如你为着等待落日而抽泣,那麼你即将错无尽空间2了 29、Love is a kind of chance encounter, and one can neither waiting nor preparing for it.爱情是一种遇上,不可以等候,也不可以提前准备。 30、It is well worth of falling love in someone,even can keep up with the unavoidable damage。真真正正爱上一个人的情况下,一切都那麼值得,包含难以避免的损害 31、Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of...为何幸福快乐一直擦身而过,有时候想念你的时候….就要….追忆来陪着我.
kikcik2023-08-08 09:11:421

好寓意的英文 好寓意的英文精选

1、好寓意的英文: Sunshine 阳光 Sunflower 太阳花 Smile 微笑 Petrichor初雨的气息  Cherish 珍爱 Enthusiasm 狂热 Grace 优美 Rainbow 彩虹 Galaxy 银河 2、sunshine,英语单词,名词,译为“阳光;愉快;晴天;快活,人名;(英)森夏恩”。 3、rainbow,英文单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“彩虹;五彩缤纷的排列;幻想,人名;(英)雷恩博”,作形容词时意为“五彩缤纷的;彩虹状的”,作及物动词时意为“使呈彩虹状;如彩虹般装饰”,作不及物动词时意为“呈彩虹状”。
豆豆staR2023-08-08 09:11:421


  随着英语学习的全球化,英语阅读已经成为学习英语、获取信息的一个主要方式。我精心收集了有意义的超短英文句子,供大家欣赏学习!   有意义的超短英文句子1   1、Only opposed every day, will live the strong than you imagine.   每天只有逞强着,才会活得比你们想象中的坚强。   2、Sometimes,I just need someone to talk to.   有时候,我只是需要一个可以说话的人。   3、One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.   有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。   4、I can put the past you"re so natural, I think I really let go.   我可以把过往的你说得如此自然,我想我真的释怀了。   5、The numerous rivers heart surface, threads a needle the line to suture sadly.   千沟万壑的心脏表面,穿针走线般地缝合进悲伤。   6、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell.   在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂。   7、Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.   令记忆深刻的最好方法,就是试图去忘记。   8、When distinction disguises the smile, is the final farewell tune.   分别时假装的微笑,是最后的告别曲。   9、Time heals almost everything. Give time time.   时间几乎会愈合所有事情。请给时间一点时间。   10、Spend only half open, dream also do only half.   花只开一半,梦也只做一半就好。   11、I understand you have called content, and you don"t understand is that I cherish.   我懂有你叫知足,而你却不懂有 我叫珍惜。   12、Broken petal falls in the wind, have no laws in.   碎花瓣被风吹得飘落了一地,零乱得没有一点规律。   13、A we missed the time, France.   时间一点点被我们错过,擦肩而过。   14、Happy about no one can only hold the force.   快乐没有谁可以左右,只有自己用力握紧。   15、Hand and catch you fell out of the tears, but not cut the fundus you sad!   伸手,接住你眼角垂落的泪滴,却截不住你眼底的悲伤!   16、“Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.”   信任就像橡皮擦,在一次一次的错误中慢慢损耗变小。   17、I do not follow, I live is always all you want.   我不会遵循,我过的生活从来都是自己想要的   18、Life is not waiting for the storm in the past, but learning to dance in the wind and rain.   生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。   19、We don"t have any choice, only run in opposite directions.   我们没有任何选择的余地,只有背道而驰。   20、Those troubles, always linger.   那些烦恼,永远挥之不去   21、To travel, will have a place, there is no memory, not you.   去旅行吧,一定会有一个地方,那里没有回忆,没有你。   22、Those who let a person to sink in things, is a good start.   那些让人陷进去的东西,开始总是美好的。   23、Only love influence, and can realize born inspiration.   只有爱情的熏陶,才能体会到与生俱来的灵感。   24、Tears are words the heart can"t say.   眼泪是心里无法诉说的言辞。   25、If you really love me, then why do I see is to breed.   倘若你真的爱我,那么为什么我看到的只是繁衍。   26、It is not weary, as soon as under us stands forever.   不疲倦,我们下一站永远。   有意义的超短英文句子2   英文:You have to believe in yourself . That"s the secret of success.   译文:人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。   英文:You canu2019t have a better tomorrow if you donu2019t stop thinking about yesterday.   译文:如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。   英文:While there is life there is hope.   译文:一息若存,希望不灭。   英文:When thereu2019s no expectation, losing wonu2019t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised.   译文:不去期望。失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。   英文:What today will be like is up to me , I get to choose what kind of day I will have.   译文:今天什么样,完全由我决定,今天怎样度过,由我选择。   英文:The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ".   译文:凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。   英文:The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water.   译文:人生的道路就像一条大河,由于急流本身的冲击力,在从前没有水流的地方,冲刷出崭新的意料不到的河道。   英文:There will be no regret and sorrow if you fight with all your strength.   译文:只要全力地拼搏,就不会有遗憾,没有后悔。   英文:Time is a bird for ever on the wing.   译文:时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。   英文:Time will never change and stop for any person.   译文:时间不给任何人情面,也不会为谁而停留。   英文:Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.   译文:今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。   英文:Victory won"t come to me unless I go to it.   译文:胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。   英文:Walk the road you want to walk and do what you want to do , keep moving ahead and thatu2019s not the silence of failure.   译文:走自己想走的路,干自己想干的事,勇敢向前,这就是你不败的沉默。   英文:We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, thatu2019s when we find out just how strong we really are.   译文:我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。   英文:We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.   译文:我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。   英文:The future is scary but you canu2019t just run to the past cause itu2019s familiar.   译文:未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。   英文:The first step is as good as half over.   译文:第一步是最关键的一步。   英文:The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.   译文:尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。   英文:Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , youu2019ve set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .   译文:成功是不断向领先确定的有价值的目标前进的过程,用自己的方式生活,达到自己定下的目标,做出自己想做的人——这就是成功。   英文:Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.   译文:成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失败,但也没有失去热情。   英文:Never, never, never, never give up.   译文:永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。   英文:Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.   译文:并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。   英文:Nothing for nothing.   译文:不费力气,一无所得。   英文:Nothing in the world will stop me from loving you.   译文:在世界上,没有任何事物能阻挡我对你的爱。   英文:Nothing is impossible!   译文:没有什么不可能!   英文:One has no reason to end his life .Living is itself happiness.   译文:一个人没有理由的结束自己的生命,或者本身就是一种幸福。   英文:One thing I know,that is I know nothing.   译文:我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。   英文:One"s real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.   译文:一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。   英文:People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.   译文:人生需要一点勇气和胆量,就如登一座悬崖峭壁的山峰,虽然上面都有云梯、搭好的台阶,可你就是有点胆怯,不敢向前,但你战胜了自我,到达了顶峰,看到了山顶的景色,你就会感到勇气和胆量是成功的标准人生何尝不是如此呢?   英文:Real dream is the other shore of reality.   译文:真正的梦就是现实的彼岸。   英文:Sharp tools make good work.   译文:工欲善其事,必先利其器。   英文:Sometimes your plans donu2019t work out because God has better ones.   译文:有时候,你的计划不奏效,是因为上天有更好的安排。   英文:Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself.   译文:坚强,就是勇敢的向困难挑战,把成功的微笑留给自己。   有意义的超短英文句子3   1、 a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。   2、a good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。   3、a journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.千里之行,始于足下。   4、after a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴。   5、all roads lead to rome. 条条大路通罗马。   6、art is long, but life is short. 人生有限,学问无涯。   7、better late than never.只要开始,虽晚不迟。   8、early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早睡早起,富裕聪明身体好。   9、east, west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。   10、everyday and in every way iu2019m getting better.每天每个方面我的生活都正在好转。   11、go for it! = just do it!加油!向前冲!做了再说!   12、great hopes make great man. 远大的希望,造就伟大的人物。   13、honesty is the best policy.诚实才是上策。   14、i know that my future is not just a dream.我知道我的未来不是梦。   15、it is good to learn at another manu2019s cost. 前车之鉴。   16、it is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。 17、keeping is harder than winning. 创业不易,守业更难。   18、knowledge is power.知识就是力量。 19、letu2019s cross the bridge when we come to it. 船到桥头自然直。   20、light come, light go. 来得容易,去得快。   21、look before you leap. first think, then act. 三思而后行。   22、man can conquer nature.人定胜天。   23、money doesnu2019t grow on trees.钱不是从天上掉下来的。   24、more haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。   25、never say die.永不放弃。 26、never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。   27、no pain, no gain.天下事没有不劳而获的东西。   29、nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。   30、practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。   31、stick to it, and youu2019ll succeed. 只要人有恒,万事都能成。   32、there is no royal road to learning. 学无坦途。   33、time is money. 时间就是金钱。   35、to convert defeat into victory.反败为胜。   36、well begun is half done. 好的开端是成功的一半。   37、where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。
铁血嘟嘟2023-08-08 09:11:421


1、 喜欢就要有,不要怕结果。 2、 智者求自己,愚者求别人。 3、 All of his wise men,all of them fools. 4、 Life is not a rehearsal,every day live. 5、 没有珍珠的闪光,是别人涂的。 6、 能压低自己的才是真正的尊严。 7、 To forgive others is to be kind to yourself. 8、 To put yourself down low,it is really noble. 9、 Happiness is fleeting,only pain in the heart. 10、 不要贪图意外之财,知足者心常乐。 11、 为自己活着没有错,自私没有坏处。 12、 幽默是一个人想哭的时候笑的兴趣。 13、 快乐转瞬即逝,唯有疼痛铭记于心。 14、 我从横刀向天空微笑,微笑后睡觉! 15、 本无意与众不同,怎么能品味出众! 16、 路见不平一声吼,吼完继续往前走。 17、 Time is like a river,can only flow can not go back. 18、 宁愿原谅别人,也不愿让别人原谅你。 19、 生活中没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。 20、 At the sight of injustice with a roar,roar end go on. 21、 Not because of the windfall,contented people changle. 22、 纯洁的思想可以让最小的行动变得高贵。 23、 Humor is the time when a person wants to cry and laugh. 24、 Not a pearl of the flash,is to rely on others to smear. 25、 Pure thought,can make the smallest action also noble up. 26、 The not out of the ordinary,how can do superior quality! 27、 Like you have to have it,do not be afraid of the results. 28、 不走泥泞的小路,就踏不上铺满鲜花的路。 29、 再好的过去,回忆的次数多了味道就淡了。 30、 努力就是光,成功就是影。没有光在哪里? 31、 天气凉爽,请及时加衣,注意保暖思淫欲。 32、 Better to forgive yourself,dont let others to forgive you. 33、 Guangdao to the day since I laugh after laugh,go to sleep! 34、 人活着的价值不在别人眼里,而在自己心里。 35、 如果骄傲不应该重新开始,做事应该有余步。 36、 既然你找到了一条路,为什么要问要走多久。 37、 有志者有千计万计,无志者只觉得千难万难。 38、 别人总是对的,我总是错的,这样更没有麻烦。 39、 行动是治愈恐惧的良药,犹豫拖延会滋养恐惧。 40、 赚别人的钱越多越好。贫穷是命运的最大敌人。 41、 Work is light,success is shadow. Where does the light come from? 42、 Do not move from the muddy path,can not ride on the flowers road. 43、 Since you look for a road,why go to inquire about how long to go. 44、 原谅别人就是善待自己;尊重别人就是尊重自己。 45、 This second does not give up,next second there is hope! Stick to it! 46、 光天化日下的巨大身体必然会带出同样巨大的阴影。 47、 只要你仔细品味生活中的任何小事,都充满了幸福。 48、 There is own thousands of millions,there are only extremely difficult. 49、 Then I also knot. Who do you like? I think youre giving up on yourself! 50、 那我也结婚了。你和谁结婚?我想你把自己砸在手里! 51、 The value of a mans life is not in the eyes of others,but in his own heart. 52、 The weather is cold,please promptly add clothes to keep warm,think of lust. 53、 生命力的意义在于奋斗,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。 54、 这一秒不放弃,下一秒就有希望了!坚持下去才能成功! 55、 Even the happiest memory cannot afford being recalled for too many times.。 56、 Others always right,I will always be wrong,so that the child is not trouble. 57、 A work,a harvest,not necessarily; nine points,there will be harvest,a certain! 58、 The huge body during peaceful times under,will bring out the same huge shadow. 59、 让一个人从你面前消失的最快方法,是你自己先转过身去。 60、 Action is the cure for fear,and hesitation,delay will continue to nourish fear. 61、 Every small thing in life as long as you carefully taste,are full of happiness. 62、 The life significance lies in the struggle,because the world itself is an arena. 63、 There is nothing wrong with being alive for yourself. Its no harm to be selfish. 64、 一分耕耘,一分收获,不一定;九分耕耘,会有收获,一定! 65、 The quickest way to get a person out of your way is to turn your back on yourself. 66、 人生的意义是什么,就是奋斗。奋斗的动力是什么,就是成功。 67、 If you do not have to go back to,where there should be more than the rest of the step. 68、 What is the meaning of life,is the struggle. What is the motive force of struggle,is success. 69、 The more money the other people,the more the better,the poor is the greatest enemy of the fate. 70、 为了见到自己,人们闭上眼睛。People close their eyes,is to meet their own.你还知道英语电影的经典句子吗?
此后故乡只2023-08-08 09:11:391


1、Time is a bird for ever on the wing。 时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。 2、Even a great life is only a life until you make it。 美好生活,自己创造。 3、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step。 千里之行,始于足下。 4、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart。世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受 失败 而不丧失信心。 5、Never, never, never, never give up。永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。 6、read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life。点点滴滴皆重要,处处学习是诀窍。 7、Victory won"t come to me unless I go to it。 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 8、Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 9、All things come to those who wait。苍天不负有心人。 10、Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn"t do than by the things you did。今后二十年你会因为没做某事,而不是做了某事而失望。 11、One thing I know,that is I know nothing。我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。 12、Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind。工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。 13、Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards。 人往高处走,水往低处流。 14、An idle youth,a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 15、No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world。我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否 完美 。 16、Take me to your heart, take me to your soul, give me your hand before Iu2019m old。将我留存心间,与你的灵魂相伴,给我你的手,在我老去之前。 17、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something。 A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams。只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 18、quitters never win and winners never quit。退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩。 19、You and me together, we can make magic。我们两个一起可以创造奇迹。 20、Iu2019m here to please you, I am your man。 Every day, every night, I hold you tight。我在取悦你,我是你的人。每一天,每个夜晚,我紧紧拥着你。 21、Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful。你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。 22、The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself。 明白事理的人使自己适应世界;不明事理的人想使世界适应自己。 23、It"s never too late to mend。 过而能改,善莫大焉。(亡羊补牢,犹未晚也) 24、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you。我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我 喜欢 与你在一起时的 感觉 。 25、There"s only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that"s your own self。这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。 26、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions。只有在日常生活中尽责的 人才 会在重大时刻尽责。 27、Even next second we didnu2019t meet, on one second we will meet。即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。 28、Where there is great love, there are always miracles。哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 29、Never, never, never, never give up。永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。 30、Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! 31、Cant you hear when I call? A little love is all I ask。你能听到我的呼唤吗?我只要一点点爱。 32、There is only one success--- to be able to spend your life in your own way。 只有一种成功,那就是能够用自己的方式度过自己的一生。 33、Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow。进步乃今日之努力,明日之保证。 34、I can make it through the rain。 I can stand up once again on my own。我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。 35、It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants。 What are you industrious about?光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。要看你为什么而勤劳。 36、Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead。你的爱让我 相信 我们的未来会更好。 37、One"s real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself。一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。 38、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards。我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。 39、You have to believe in yourself 。 That""s the secret of success。人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 40、We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope。 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 41、enrich your life today,。 yesterday is history。tomorrow is mystery。充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。 42、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step。千里之行,始于足下。 43、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time。做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件一件事。 44、I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it。 我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。 45、family and friends are hidden treasures。 seek them and enjoy the riches。家人和朋友是看不见宝藏,努力发掘,共享财富。 46、never lie, cheat or steal。 always smile a fair deal。决不撒谎,欺骗,偷窃,公平交易。 47、Cease to struggle and you cease to live。 生命不止,奋斗不息。 48、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man。伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。 49、A man"s best friends are his ten fingers。人最好的 朋友 是自己的十个手指。 50、open your eyes and see things as they really are。睁大眼睛,看清事实真相。 51、Death comes to all, but great achievements raise a monument which shall endure until the sun grows old。死亡无人能免,但非凡的成就会树起一座纪念碑,它将一直立到太阳冷却之时。 52、Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day。即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。 53、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort。 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。 54、Home every day happy to see her mother smile is my happiness。每天回到家看到母亲 快乐 的笑容,就是我的 幸福 。 55、If we believe that true love never has to end, then we must know that we will love again。如果我们 相信 真爱永不会终止,那么我们一定将会再次相爱。 56、If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn。如果你年轻时不学会思考,那就永远不会。 57、Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed 不放弃就有成功的机会。 58、The only present love demands is love。爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。 59、I will greet this day with love in my heart。我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。 60、The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none。最严重的错误莫过于不觉得自己有任何错误。 61、Nothing for nothing。不费力气,一无所得。 62、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again。有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 63、I need him like I need the air to breathe。我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 64、Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you。 在你想了解别人也想让别人了解你之前,先完善并了解自己。 65、It"s great to be great , but it"s greater to be human。成为伟人固然伟大,但成为真正的人更加伟大。 66、Nothing seek, nothing find。 无所求则无所获。 67、Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life 。有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。 68、Darling you know I love you till the end of time。亲爱的你知道,我爱你,直到地老天荒。 69、Do what you say,say what you do。做你说过的,说你能做的。 70、When I was young, I admired clever people。 Now that I am old, I admire kind people。少时喜欢聪明人,老来喜欢仁厚人。 71、Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能! 72、Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value。不要为成功而努力,要为作一个有价值的人而努力。 73、One thing I know,that is I know nothing。我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。 74、keep trying no matter how hard it seems。 it will get easier。坚持不懈,难也变易。 75、The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too。世界犹如一面镜子:朝它皱眉它就朝你皱眉,朝它微笑它也吵你微笑。 76、I will greet this day with love in my heart。我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。 77、How many dream had, and never came into my heart。多少梦幻的曾经,也不曾走进莪的心。 78、You have to believe in yourself 。 That"s the secret of success。人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 79、What makes life dreary is the want of motive。没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。 80、live well, love lots, and laugh often。善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。 81、Do what you say,say what you do。做你说过的,说你能做的。 82、It"s great to be great , but it""s greater to be human。成为伟人固然伟大,但成为真正的人更加伟大。 83、you"re uinique, nothing can replace you。你举世无双,无人可以替代。
肖振2023-08-08 09:11:391


【 #演讲稿# 导语】演讲者把演讲的主要内容和层次结构,按照提纲形式写出来,借助它进行演讲,而不必一字一句写成演讲。其特点是能避免照读式演讲和背诵式演讲与听众思想感情缺乏交流的不足。以下是 整理的英文演讲稿精选范文5篇,欢迎阅读! 英文演讲稿精选范文篇一   Good morning,   my name is xx,22 years old, born in xx province. It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today! Now I will introduce myself briefly by three aspects: Strength; Weakness and Achievements!   Strength:   I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I"d planned. I"ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest scores. And at last, I become one of the outstanding graduates in Chong Qing University after a lot of study. Besides, I am good at building mathematical models and analyzing questions with economic methods.   Weakness:   I"m such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.   Achievements: I had acquired the first prize by designing models on Mathematical modeling in 20xx; besides, I had help my teachers to analyze the Warrant pricing by varieties methods.   I"m convinced that I can go farther and make greater contribution for my country by careful process of learning, please give me this chance to study in this great university---LiGong University! I promise, I will use my whole ability to improve myself and get the primary accomplishment in my major and do a useful man for our school!   Personally, for today"s China, the foundation of the development of Economic is the advancement of transportation equipment. That"s to say, we should do our best to make contribution to improve our transportation equipment to ensure the development of Economic.   Only when our transportation equipment is great enough, our economic can get big achievement. 英文演讲稿精选范文篇二   Hello,everyone!   I was fortunate to 20xx years in September admitted to the University of ad specialty XX. From 20xx to 20xx, from East Campus to Dushu Lake Campus. In the Soviet four years, brought me a lot of heritage and memory. Four years passed away, when they graduate, should be for the life of four years in the Ivory Tower to learn to do an interview self-introduction.   In four years, I quite seriously in learning, performance is also better, every year the school received a scholarship in the class have been able to maintain in the top five. Particularly in the specialized courses concerned, as far as possible to learn good use. Actively participate in various advertising competitions, and won the National College Advertising Art Competition Third Prize of Jiangsu Division. Both peacetime operations, or papers, or exams, can seriously hope the best. If you would like to say that four years in learning what the greatest regret is that English, formerly in high school I"ve had a nice English, but into the university, I slack on the English language, and not spend too much time to learn , resulting in the test to graduate have not been 6.   In social practice, I think my experience was very abundant. 200 * in the second half, I have to do internship in an advertising agency planning work, although the beginning of what will not, very hard, very tired, but when I as a Fan Meeting planners and executors of the stage and flowers after child communication band, when I write advertising effectiveness measurement companies Ina ceramic gain customer acceptance of the report, when I see their planned ceremony, opening ceremony of the successful implementation of the time, when I designed the LOGO when used by businesses When I work independently in the scene when the road show, I was happy. With my own efforts to complete a task. Internship in advertising, I learned a lot of things can not go to school books, contact with clients across industries, while also working in the printing industry, media, service organizations and other rituals have a certain understanding for the future able to adapt quickly to lay the foundation for work.   Prior to this, McDonald"s, I also worked part-time, bitter, tired, but that time has given me a lot of fun. Learn a lot. I begun to taste the hardships of life and make money easily. McDonald"s as a world-class enterprises, it has a strict standard of staff training system and working mechanism. Work at McDonald"s, on the one hand I learned such a big company product promotion, teamwork, customer service, quality assurance and so should learn the rules and regulations and successful experiences, on the other hand, deal with all kinds of customers, but also enhance the my ability to communicate with others, in addition, work has worked hard my hard-working spirit.   In addition, in terms of ideology, I also actively move closer to the party, on the one hand, to strengthen its own ideological and moral construction, to arm themselves ideologically; on the other hand, in the spirit of serving the people, adhere to help others, serve the community members of the strict demands on themselves. Finally the beginning of the glorious junior joined the Chinese Communist Party, and successfully turned positive after one year.   Four years in college, I know a lot of friends, they gave me a lot of help, let me learn a lot, this is college, in addition to expertise outside of an additional valuable asset.   In short, four years of school life, whether professional or social knowledge about, or people skills, have learned a lot I can say that four years of my life the most significant period of time, my ideal life and the pursuit of life during this period to determine their own career planning for a new life also have a new goal. I will continue to work closer to success!   Thank you! 英文演讲稿精选范文篇三   Teachers, students:   Good morning, everyone!   Thanksgiving, is ubiquitous. What is the reason that I stand here? Is gratitude. Thanks to the support of my teachers and classmates love, thanks to the school to give the opportunity to thank for a mother for the cultivation of thanks to my own effort. Because thanks to these, I will stand here today   I know, we should be thankful, grateful to our parents of fertility and gratefulness. Parents to our care and love, parents of selfless dedication to us, we should feel very satisfied and happy.   I know, we should be thankful, grateful to our training school, she gave us a good learning environment, provide us with a lot of opportunities, she can let us stand on the stage of this sacred in the great hall of the people, this makes me unforgettable. The dictionary composition nets:   I know, we should be thankful, grateful to our teachers every, is he (she) brings us from the first grade of ignorance; The innocence of second grade; Grade three naughty; In fourth grade restlessness; The growth of grade five, into today -- a graduating sixth graders. He (she) are among this shed too much sweat and hard work.   I know, we should be thankful, grateful to give us the gift of nature, the blue sky white clouds, lakes, sea, sunshine, fresh air, flowers and green grass, full of boundless universe.   Gratitude is not only a kind of etiquette, but also a healthy mind. Let each of us with a grateful heart.   Thank you all! 英文演讲稿精选范文篇四   Dear teachers, dear students:   hello everyone!   The topic of my speech is "the hardness of life"   The vast desert, a tree stand, the show is a monument to the image.   Towering mountains, thousands of tree stand up, as is a magnificent the Great Wall.   The long river, all the trees stood up into a dragon of glory.   We are a symbol of too much, and too much. But I believe that my image is not "the gentlest hands, skin, such as Diorskin" Lin Daiyu, nor is the modern "unkempt and shabby", "Su Qier". We are a symbol of hope and vitality. So we show in front of others should be inserted without pleats, face without scale, modest and polite gestures exudes a stream of heroic spirit, the image of the vigor and vitality of the modern new youth, a into the embodiment of the spirit of nature.   Someone once said, life is a kind of hardness, integrity and dignity of life is propped up the hardness of bone. "Better life" and "the Kui back in the day, and not ashamed on the ground", which is always the traditional virtue of the China. Li Bai's "the eyebrow nengcui Zheyaoshan powerful thing, so that I may not be happy Yan" this awe inspiring atmosphere of the verse and whether it will make those no self-esteem people to shame? Loss of self-esteem is a worthless person, and we as the vanguard of the times, if drown in the darkness forever, or to do a dauntless hero, a flower in the wind and rain sonorous rose. The answer is self-evident.   Desert desolate also has the monument stands, Castle Peak again proud, but also have the great wall around, the river again quiet, also there is a dragon in the recumbent. But the time can be changed, our image, our glory remains the same. Because we pride, because we are confident, because we have a fresh life. And because of this, it is a vast desert riparian long, Qingshan was evergreen, the hardness of life is forever. 英文演讲稿精选范文篇五   good morning teachers and fellow students. today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.   my favorite book is (italian: cuore). this is a diary written by an italian boy enrico. the diary is about his life and study. it included various touching stories that happened around enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. every word in the chapter describes the word "love". from patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching.   this novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. i really like this book very much. how about you? what is your favorite book?   my favorite book is . have you read it before?   oh, i haven"t read this book before. what is it about?   well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. the story is happy ending.   can you tell us why you love this book so much?   sure. it is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. i am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princein the story. i have decided to learn from her from now on.   oh i see, the story sounds very good. i cannot wait to read this book as well.
真颛2023-08-08 09:11:391

英语好句大全唯美 英文语句唯美的句子(精选73句)

英语好句大全唯美 1、One should love animals. They are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。 2、No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn"t stop for your grief. The sun comes right back up the next day. 不管你有多痛苦,这个世界都不会为你停止转动。太阳依旧照样升起。 3、I have a sweet tooth. 我喜欢吃甜食 4、Can you give me a lift? 载我一程好吗? 5、I"ll call you. 我会打电话给你。 6、Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you. 时间在流逝,生命中人来人往。不要错失机会,告诉他们在你生命中的意义。 7、you have given it your best shot,anyway! 不管怎样,你已经尽力了 8、Accept what was and what is, and you"ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be. 接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。 9、He got under the boss"s skin. 他惹恼了老板 10、In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。 11、I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。 12、I know Jerry puts her down 我知道杰瑞看不起她 13、I"ll put everything in black and white! 我会把所有事情白纸黑字写清楚。 14、Being criticized is awful 被人批评真痛苦 15、She had a bad cold.她患了重感冒 16、I"m really in a bind. 我左右为难。 17、Tom is nobody"s fool! 汤姆是个很聪明的人。 18、He is now in the soup. 他现在糟糕了。I"m on the WAGON(马车,车). 我戒酒了。 19、You"ve gone too far! 你太过分了!I can"t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 20、This is beyond comparison. 无与伦比 21、Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view. 人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。 22、I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。 23、The price makes my hair stand on end. 那价钱把我吓了一跳。 24、It"s a hit. 这件事很受人欢迎。 25、Try to have a mind of your own 做有主见的人 26、Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love someone. 爱不是什么可能大概也许,一旦爱上了,自己是十分清楚的。 27、I"m happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 28、Let"s find a happy medium. 我们还是找一个折衷的办法 29、I don"t like splitting hairs. 我不爱斤斤计较 30、It"s up to you.由你决定[由www.QunZou.Com整理]  29、Still water runs deep 大智若愚 31、I"m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。 32、I am up to my ears in work. 我忙的不可开交 33、Don"t give me a song and dance! 不要找借口 34、This is in way over my head. 对我而言这实在太难了。 35、I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。 36、They"re selling like hot cakes 这些都很畅销。 37、We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。 英文语句唯美的句子 1、I"m glad I kept my fingers crossed. 我很高兴一直都这么幸运。 2、Your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides. 你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。 3、I"m an office worker. 我是上班族。 4、You"ve jumped on the bandwagon. 随大流 5、I"ll see to it 我会留意的 6、I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。 7、In the end, it"s not the years in your life that count. It"s the life in your years. 到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么,重要的是,你是如何度过这些岁月的。 8、I"m mad about Bruce Lee. 我迷死李小龙了。 9、I"ll stand on my own two feet. 一人做事一人当。 10、I think you"ve put your finger on it 你说到点子上了。 11、He always goofs off. 他总是糊里糊涂。 12、You"d better wise up.放聪明点 13、He always talks big.他总是吹牛 14、I have a runny nose.我流鼻涕。 15、I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。 16、That"s the stupidest thing I"ve ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事!(比尔·盖茨常用) 17、Everything would have all right if you hadn"t said that 假如你没那样说,一切都好办 18、That"s always the case. 习以为常了 19、I"ll try to smooth things over. 我会妥善处理。 20、Don"t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨!I feel terrible! 我觉得遭透了!I guess so! 我想是吧! 21、You"re laying it on thick. 你过奖了 22、The information I"ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be leuseful than most people think.从这几年我搜集的信息来看,这些知识并没有人们想象的那么有用。 23、You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind. 你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。 24、It"s on the house. 这是免费的。 25、One needsthings to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for. 要得到真正的快乐,我们只需拥有三样东西:有想做的事,有值得爱的人,有美丽的梦。 26、It"s full of hot air. 这是雷声大雨点小 27、In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself.事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。 28、He is a fast talker. 他老是说得天花乱坠 29、Tom always gets cold feet. 汤姆总是裹足不前。 30、I"ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。 31、You"ve got a point there. 你说得挺有道理的。 32、Get over yourself. 别自以为是 33、His argument doesn"t hold water. 他的论点站不住脚 34、Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!You piss me off. 你气死我了。 35、When the whole world is about to rain, let"s make it clear in our heart together. 当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。 36、I am an exam jitter 我一考试就紧张
Chen2023-08-08 09:11:381


  日出虽美,夕阳也很美。在动画电影中“你的名字”中主角们在夕阳黄昏下相逢是最美的。下面就由我为大家带来关于很美的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于很美的相关短语   very beautiful   关于很美的相关例句   这个框把你的画陪衬得很美。   The frame sets off your painting very well.   凡是去过大连的人都说大连很美。   Those who have been to Dalian all say it"s beautiful.   似乎我和周围的能量就是合在一起的个体,那种感觉真的很美。   I felt at one with all the energy that was, and it was beautiful there.   我们认为你长得很美(尽管你穿的某些时装令我们担忧!)   We think you look great (though some of the outfits you wear worry us!   当他的老婆问他她看起来怎么样的时候,他总是说,她很美。   When his wife asks how she looks, he always tells her she is beautiful.   我喜欢所有的季节,因为它们都很美。   I love all the seasons, because they are beautiful.   你难道不认为她很美吗?   Dost thou not think her beautiful?   我们很想知道为什么她仍继续坚持拍照和拍摄电影片段,是否能够将她装扮的很美。   We wonder why she continues down the path of producing albums and film clips if it isdepressing her so much.   他的女儿躺在那里,像大理石样白净。她很美。   The girl lay there, as white as marble; she was beautiful.   爱情很美,却也无法预知,所以你能做的最好的事就是开始尽力让自己成为最棒的那个人。   Love is beautiful and unpredictable. The best thing you can do is to start to become the most outstanding person possible.   苏珊:她看起来很美。   Susan: She looks so nice.   而且,她的素描是真的很美,就像她的微笑一样...因为它们送了我一份礼物,一种在寻常之处发现美的激情——被我们大多数人忽略的美。   And that her sketches are truly beautiful, just like her smileu2026 because they reveal a gift and apassion to see beauty in common places u2013 a beauty most of us overlook.   有一部分原因是因为这看起来很美。   Well, part of it is because it looks good.   一些人说照片很糟糕,另一些人则认为它们很美。   Some say they [the photos] are awful, some say they are beautiful.   秋天很美:秋高气爽,湛蓝的天空,金色的树叶,令人精神振奋,那树篱上闪闪发光的是宝石般大小的蔷薇果和山楂。   Autumn can be wonderful: bright, crisp days with brilliant blue skies, leaves in colours that lift thespirit, hedges glistening with jewel-like hips and haws.   他离开了,床安装得很美,但却没有测试过,我在床上坐了一会儿,一边喝酒,一边感到非常愚蠢和内疚。   After he leaves, the bed beautifully constructed, but not tested, I sit on it and have a drink,feeling very stupid and guilty for a while.   她长得很美,有着修长的身材,身穿宽松飘垂的棉质连衣裙,她那头飘逸的秀发和她那双与海水相差无几的蓝眼睛都深深地吸引了他。   She was beautiful, with her slim figure dressed in a loose flowing cotton dress, her crazy hairand bright blue eyes not far off the colour of the sea itself.   我不确定啦,但是听起来真的很美。   Iu2019m not sure, but it really sounds beautiful.   罗斯说:“这个仪式很美。我一直受到感情问题的困扰u2026u2026还好,现在我们不再受禁止。”   "I think it was a beautiful ceremony. The emotions really hit me u2026 but it"s finally official," Rosssaid.   利萨代尔,傍晚的灯光,朝南的大窗户,两个身穿丝绸和服的少女,都很美,一个象羚羊。   The light of evening, Lissadell, Great windows open to the south, Two girls in silk kimonos, bothBeautiful, one a gazelle.   在我看来,我人生中的许多事情都很美,但那都是很久以前了,那时我还年轻,沉浸在周围全是好女孩的世界里,那段时光已经远去,那时的女孩比现在的女孩可爱多了。   It seems to me that many actions of my life were beautiful, very long ago, when I was young inan evanished world of friendly girls, who were all more lovely than any girl is nowadays.   在我看来,我人生中的许多事情都很美,但那都是很久以前了,那时我还年轻,沉浸在周围全是好女孩的世界里,那段时光已经远去,那时的女孩比现在的女孩可爱多了。   It seems to me that many actions of my life were beautiful, very long ago, when I was young inan evanished world of friendly girls, who were all more lovely than any girl is nowadays.   关于很美的双语例句   1. Provided you didn"t try to make sense of it, it sounded beautiful.   只要不非得弄懂它的意思,它听上去还是很美的。   2. New England is beautiful.   新英格兰很美。   3. It"s a beautiful part of the world.   这是世界上很美的一个地区。   4. The dawns here in the mountains are very beautiful.   这里山区的黎明是很美的.   5. The willows along the river bank look very beautiful.   河岸边的柳树很美.   6. Those who have been to Dalian all say it"s beautiful.   凡是去过大连的人都说大连很美.   7. These pearls have a beautiful luster.   这些珍珠光泽很美.   8. Parts of this town are beautiful.   这城镇的部分地区很美.   9. Chicago has a splendid waterfront.   芝加哥有一个很美的湖滨.   10. She was looking her best.   她那时显得很美.   11. All the moves of the ballerina were graceful.   那位芭蕾舞演员的所有动作都是很美的.   12. Many temples were beautifully built.   许多寺庙建得很美.   13. She has a beautiful bust.   她的胸部很美.   14. She has a beautiful [ fine ] profile .   她 侧面 看很美.   15. The frame sets off your painting very well.   这个框把你的画陪衬得很美.
真颛2023-08-08 09:11:371


  英语诗歌因其节奏、思想意义及艺术价值,在英语教学中占有一席之地。我整理了有关经典的英文诗句,欢迎阅读!   有关经典的英文诗句篇一   Survivor   by Vijay Seshadri   We hold it against you that you survived.   People better than you are dead,   but you still punch the clock.   Your body has wizened but has not bled   its substance out on the killing floor   or flatlined in intensive care   or vanished after school   or stepped off the ledge in despair.   Of all those you started with,   only you are still around;   only you have not been listed with   the defeated and the drowned.   So how could you ever win our respect?——   you, who had the sense to duck,   you, with your strength almost intact   and all your good luck.   有关经典的英文诗句篇二   Syrinx   by Amy Clampitt   Like the foghorn that"s all lung,   the wind chime that"s all percussion,   like the wind itself, that"s merely air   in a terrible fret, without so much   as a finger to articulate   what ails it, the aeolian   syrinx, that reed   in the throat of a bird,   when it comes to the shaping of   what we call consonants, is   too imprecise for consensus   about what it even seems to   be saying: is it o-ka-lee   or con-ka-ree, is it really jug jug,   is it cuckoo for that matter?——   much less whether a bird"s call   means anything in   particular, or at all.   Syntax comes last, there can be   no doubt of it: came last,   can be thought of (is   thought of by some) as a   higher form of expression:   is, in extremity, first to   be jettisoned: as the diva   onstage, all soaring   pectoral breathwork,   takes off, pure vowel   breaking free of the dry,   the merely fricative   husk of the particular, rises   past saying anything, any   more than the wind in   the trees, waves breaking,   or Homer"s gibbering   Thespesiae iache:   those last-chance vestiges   above the threshold, the all-   but dispossessed of breath.   有关经典的英文诗句篇三   Sweat   by Sandra Alcosser   Friday night I entered a dark corridor   rode to the upper floors with men who filled   the stainless elevator with their smell.   Did you ever make a crystal garden, pour salt   into water, keep pouring until nothing more dissolved?   A landscape will bloom in that saturation.   My daddy"s body shop floats to the surface   like a submarine. Men with nibblers and tin snips   buffing skins, sanding curves under clamp lights.   I grew up curled in the window of a 300 SL   Gullwing, while men glided on their backs   through oily rainbows below me.   They torqued lugnuts, flipped fag ends   into gravel. Our torch song   had one refrain——oh the pain of loving you.   Friday nights they"d line the shop sink, naked   to the waist, scour down with Ajax, spray water   across their necks and up into their armpits.   Babies have been conceived on sweat alone——   the buttery scent of a woman"s breast,   the cumin of a man. From the briny odor   of black lunch boxes——cold cuts, pickles,   waxed paper——my girl flesh grows.   From the raunchy fume of strangers.   有关经典的英文诗句篇四   Queen Maeve   by Eloise Bruce   Dreaming within these walls all night,   we woke with both eyes open,   barely winking at the morning light.   We shower and sing with the long-legged fly.   Queen Maeve keeps time in the attic,   and the pig-keepers roar in the toy box below stairs.   Turn out the lamp whose fringe rhymes with orange.   Our words wait in sun-melted butter.   We"ll eat our troubles with bubbling metaphor,   punctuate the teapot with boiling time,   hang the wash out on the line.   Today, we"ll scrub and paint the walls   using colors we don"t yet recognize.   The key in the door shines.   Come in. The poem is just here. Come inside.   有关经典的英文诗句篇五   Question   by May Swenson   Body my house   my horse my hound   what will I do   when you are fallen   Where will I sleep   How will I ride   What will I hunt   Where can I go   without my mount   all eager and quick   How will I know   in thicket ahead   is danger or treasure   when Body my good   bright dog is dead   How will it be   to lie in the sky   without roof or door   and wind for an eye   With cloud for shift   how will I hide?
mlhxueli 2023-08-08 09:11:371


【篇一】 1、我自信,我成功。 I"m confident, I success. 2、信心是成功的法宝。 Confidence is the first secret of success. 3、提高一分,干掉千人。 Raise a point, killing one thousand people. 4、行者常至,为者常成。 Walkers to continually, a person often become. 5、奋起飞翔,路在脚下。 Fly up, road in the foot. 6、始于信念,成于坚持。 Began in the faith, to adhere to. 7、今朝勤学苦,明日跃龙门。 Study hard today and yue longmen tomorrow. 8、经济要发展,高考是保障。 To economic development, the college entrance examination is the guarantee. 9、一点一点地进步,不求贪多。 Progress bit by bit, not too much. 10、笑对人生,抖擞精神向未来。 Smile to the life and moved on to the future. 【篇二】 1、含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。 The sow in tears will reap with a smile. 2、人若勇敢就是自己的朋友。 If a man be brave is her best friend. 3、厚积分秒之功,始得一鸣惊人。 Who is a vehicle, a blockbuster. 4、人若软弱就是自己的敌人。 We are your own worst enemy if we are weak. 5、宁可辛苦一阵子,不要苦一辈子。 Would rather hard for a while, don"t be bitter for a lifetime. 6、鞋底磨穿了,不等于路走到了头。 Shoes wear out, it"s not the way to the head. 7、用心看卷,专心答题,细心复查。 Watching attentively volume, concentrate on problem solving, careful review. 8、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 All the wise for himself, a fool all for others. 9、把汗水变成珍珠,把梦想变成现实! Sweat into pearl, to turn the dream into reality! 10、不经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。 How do without, would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears. 【篇三】 1、快马加鞭君为先,自古英雄出少年。 An jun first, all heroes from child. 2、拼一个秋冬春夏!赢一生无怨无悔! Spell a autumn and winter spring and summer! Win life with no regrets! 3、今朝我以校为荣,明日校以我为耀。 Today I am proud of the school, in school I was yao tomorrow. 4、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。 Desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance in order to smooth the mountain. 5、不经三思不求教,不动笔墨不读书。 Without think not consult, pen and ink is not reading. 6、人生能有几次搏?莫到白发还未博。 Life can have several times fight? Mo to white hair is not. 7、无情岁月增中减,有味青春苦后甜。 Ruthless years increase in decreases, relish the youth after the bitter sweet. 8、不惜寸阴于今日,必留遗憾于明朝。 At a brief moment seems to last a today, will leave regret to Ming dynasty. 9、再苦再累不掉队,再难再险不放弃。 Again painstakingly again tired not left behind, it is difficult to imagine more risks don"t give up. 10、平凡的脚步也可以走完伟大的行程。 Ordinary steps can also through the great trip.
FinCloud2023-08-08 09:11:361


励志的英文短句精选 导读:世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。下面是我为您推荐的励志的英文短句。 1.If we fell in love again I swear I"d love you right.如果可以再相爱一次,我发誓一定用合适的方式来爱你。 2.True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime。对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。 3.When cigarette falls in love with match it is destined to be hurt.当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害。 4.The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart。世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。 5.我们只有献出生命,才能得到生命。Only by giving our lives can we get them. 6.没有失败只是暂时没有成功。No failure but temporary failure. 7.Michael Jackson 《You Are Not Alone》: I can hear your prayers. Your burdens I will bear. But first I need your hand then forever can begin.MJ的歌《你并不孤单》:我听到了你的祈愿,我愿肩承你的负担,但我需要先牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。 8.只有敬业,才能提高自身价值!Only by devoting oneself to one"s work can one improve one"s own value! 9.Friendship often ends in love, but love, in friendship never.友谊常以爱情而结束;而爱情从不能以友谊而告终。 10.不要死,也不要孤独的活着。Don"t die or live alone. 11.Victory won"t e to me unless I go to it. 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 12.不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。No excuses for failure, only ways for success. 13.It is nice to be needed.被人需要的感觉真好。 14.Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。 15.在获得成功之前,每个人都有自负的权利。Everyone has the right to conceit before he succeeds. 16.We are the witness of love, planted a love of flowers. 17.Trust thyself only,and another shall not betray thee 只要信任你自己,旁人才不出卖你。 18.I"m the best! I"m the greatest! I"m invincible! 我是最棒的.我是不可征服的[]。 19.Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。 20.Pain past is pleasure过去的痛苦就是快乐 21.勇于承担,是一份动人的力量。The courage to bear is a moving force. 22.Love is a carefully designed lie.爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。 23.忘时,忘物,忘我。诚实,朴实,踏实。Fet time, fet things, fet me. Honesty, simplicity and steadfastness. 24.在机械中寻找灵性,在压力中健康奋斗。Search for spirituality in machinery and strive for health under pressure. 25.我的世界就像一个站台,有人出去,有人回来。My world is like a platform, somebody goes out, somebody es back. 26.Don"t let a little dispute break up a great friendship.不要让小小的争端损毁了一场伟大的友谊。 27.Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow.苍白的月光下,我和影子述说寂寞。 28.幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。 Happiness is time precipitation, *** ile is the lonely sad. 29.From now on love yourself, enjoy living then *** ile从现在开始,爱自己,享受生活并且微笑。 30.Life is full of sparkling moments waiting for us to discover.生命中充满了闪光点,只是在等你去发现。 31.Knowlegde can change your fate and English can acplish your future.知识改变命运,英语成就未来。 32.消失的是记忆。而留下的才是刻骨铭心的回忆。 Disappear a memory. And leaving is unfettable memories. 33.I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own. 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起 34.我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己。 I just miss once, but fet that we have not had their own. 35.Stop wasting your feelings Unworthy.别再浪费感情了,不值得。 36.The better to have loved and lost; Than never to have loved at all.宁肯爱过而又失去,也不要做一个从未爱过的人。 37.Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! 38.When all else is lost the future still remains。就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。 39.Do one thing at a time, and do well。一次只做一件事,做到最好! 40.Keep on going never give up.勇往直前, 决不放弃! 简短励志英文美句 50句唯美英文励志语录 励志的简短的英文句子 励志的英文短句精选 英文励志短句 英文励志唯美简短句子
此后故乡只2023-08-08 09:11:341


  诗歌朗读、学习诗歌、并进行诗歌创作和翻译过程中都是一种美的感受,能够让学生体会其特有的韵律美,尽情发挥想象,驰骋在诗歌的海洋中。我整理了优美经典的英文诗句,欢迎阅读!   优美经典的英文诗句篇一   Nothing Stays Put   by Amy Clampitt   In memory of Father Flye, 1884-1985   The strange and wonderful are too much with us.   The protea of the antipodes——a great,   globed, blazing honeybee of a bloom——   for sale in the supermarket! We are in   our decadence, we are not entitled.   What have we done to deserve   all the produce of the tropics——   this fiery trove, the largesse of it   heaped up like cannonballs, these pineapples, bossed   and crested, standing like troops at attention,   these tiers, these balconies of green, festoons   grown sumptuous with stoop labor?   The exotic is everywhere, it comes to us   before there is a yen or a need for it. The green-   grocers, uptown and down, are from South Korea.   Orchids, opulence by the pailful, just slightly   fatigued by the plane trip from Hawaii, are   disposed on the sidewalks; alstroemerias, freesias   fattened a bit in translation from overseas; gladioli   likewise estranged from their piercing ancestral crimson;   as well as, less altered from the original blue cornflower   of the roadsides and railway embankments of Europe, these   bachelor"s buttons. But it isn"t the railway embankments   their featherweight wheels of cobalt remind me of, it"s   a row of them among prim colonnades of cosmos,   snapdragon, nasturtium, bloodsilk red poppies,   in my grandmother"s garden: a prairie childhood,   the grassland shorn, overlaid with a grid,   unsealed, furrowed, harrowed and sown with immigrant grasses,   their massive corduroy, their wavering feltings embroidered   here and there by the scarlet shoulder patch of cannas   on a courthouse lawn, by a love knot, a cross stitch   of living matter, sown and tended by women,   nurturers everywhere of the strange and wonderful,   beneath whose hands what had been alien begins,   as it alters, to grow as though it were indigenous.   But at this remove what I think of as   strange and wonderful, strolling the side streets of Manhattan   on an April afternoon, seeing hybrid pear trees in blossom,   a tossing, vertiginous colonnade of foam, up above——   is the white petalfall, the warm snowdrift   of the indigenous wild plum of my childhood.   Nothing stays put. The world is a wheel.   All that we know, that we"re   made of, is motion   优美经典的英文诗句篇二   Outside   by Michael Ryan   The dead thing mashed into the street   the crows are squabbling over isn"t   her, nor are their raucous squawks   the quiet cawing from her throat   those final hours she couldn"t speak.   But the racket irks him.   It seems a cruel intrusion into grief   so mute it will never be expressed   no matter how loud or long the wailing   he might do. Nor could there be a word   that won"t debase it, no matter   how kind or who it comes from.   She knew how much he loved her.   That must be his consolation   when he must talk to buy necessities.   Every place will be a place without her.   What people will see when they see him   pushing a shopping cart or fetching mail   is just a neatly dressed polite old man   优美经典的英文诗句篇三   Outside Abilene   by Harley Elliott   the full rage of kansas turns loose upon us.   On the mexican radio station   they are singing Espiritu de mis suenos   and that is exactly it tonight.   The spirit of my dreams   rises in the storm like vapor.   Deep clouds bulge together and below them   we are a tiny constellation of lights   the car laid under sheets of lightning   moving straight in to the night.   Before us are miles and miles of water and wind   优美经典的英文诗句篇四   Outskirts   by Tomas Transtromer (Translated by Robert Bly)   Men in overalls the same color as earth rise from a ditch.   It"s a transitional place, in stalemate, neither country nor city.   Construction cranes on the horizon want to take the big leap,   but the clocks are against it.   Concrete piping scattered around laps at the light with cold tongues.   Auto-body shops occupy old barns.   Stones throw shadows as sharp as objects on the moon surface.   And these sites keep on getting bigger   like the land bought with Judas" silver: "a potter"s field for burying strangers."   优美经典的英文诗句篇五   Ox Cart Manby Donald Hall   In October of the year,   he counts potatoes dug from the brown field,   counting the seed, counting   the cellar"s portion out,   and bags the rest on the cart"s floor.   He packs wool sheared in April, honey   in combs, linen, leather   tanned from deerhide,   and vinegar in a barrel   hoped by hand at the forge"s fire.   He walks by his ox"s head, ten days   to Portsmouth Market, and sells potatoes,   and the bag that carried potatoes,   flaxseed, birch brooms, maple sugar, goose   feathers, yarn.   When the cart is empty he sells the cart.   When the cart is sold he sells the ox,   harness and yoke, and walks   home, his pockets heavy   with the year"s coin for salt and taxes,   and at home by fire"s light in November cold   stitches new harness   for next year"s ox in the barn,   and carves the yoke, and saws planks   building the cart again
水元素sl2023-08-08 09:11:341


  英语诗歌是英语语言与文学的精华。开展英语诗歌教学能提高学生英语语言基础知识水平、写作水平,有助于学生西方历史文化的学习,提高学生的想象力,也有助于对学生的道德教育。我精心收集了关于优美的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   关于优美的英文诗歌篇1   The chariot四轮马车   Because I could not stop for Death--   He kindly stopped for me--   The Carriage held but just Ourselves-   And Immortality.   因为我不能停下来等待死神   他和善地停下来等我——   那辆车只能容我们两个——   还有不朽。   We slowly drove--He knew no haste   And I had put away   My labor and my Leisure too,   For His Civility--   我们慢慢驱车——他不慌不忙   我也把我的劳与闲   统统丢掉一边,   为了他的礼让——   We passed the School, where Children strove   At Recess--in the Ring--   We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain--   We passed the Setting Sun--   我们走过校园,孩子们你推我搡,   在休息时间,在圆形广场——   我们走过在田间凝眸的麦杆——   我们走过落日旁——   Or rather--He passed Us--   The Dews drew quivering and chill--   For only Gossamer, my Gown--   My Tippet--only Tulle--   或毋宁说,他走过我们身旁   寒露降,身子冻得打颤——   因为我的长衫落纱般——   我的披肩如丝网——   We paused before a House that seemed   A Swelling of the Ground--   The Roof was scarcely visible--   he Coraice--in the Ground--   我们停步在一所房子前,   那似乎是隆起的土地一片   屋顶几乎看不见——   屋檐在地里面——   Since then--u2019tis Centuries--and yet   Feels shorter than the Day   I first surmised the Horsesu2019Heads   Were toward Eternity--   离那时已是几个世纪   过了还不到一天,   我首次猜测到,马头   在朝向永恒奔窜。   关于优美的英文诗歌篇2   Home, Sweet Home   A poem by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper   It shall be a royal mansion,   A fair and beautiful thing,   It will be the presence-chamber   Of thy Saviour, Lord and King.   Thy house shall be bound with pinions   To mansions of rest above,   But grace shall forge all the fetters   With the links and cords of love.   Thou shalt be free in this mansion   From sorrow and pain of heart,   For the peace of God shall enter,   And never again depart.   关于优美的英文诗歌篇3   Mother Nature   (自然之母)   Nature, the gentlest mother, 自然,最温和的母亲,   Impatient of no child, 没有孩子似的急躁,   The feeblest or the waywardest, -- 即使对最微弱的和最任性的,   Her admonition mild 她的训诫也是温和的。   In forest and the hill 在森林里,在小山中,   By traveler is heard, 旅行者都可以听到,   Restraining rampant squirrel 在遏制猖獗的松鼠,   Or too impetuous bird. 或太鲁莽的鸟的时候,   How fair her conversation, 她的言语是多么公正,   A summer afternoon, -- 一个夏天午后,----   Her household, her assembly; 在她的家庭中, 在她的聚会上;   And when the sun goes down 当太阳下山的时候,   Her voice among the aisles 过道中她的声音,   Incites the timid prayer 激励了最微小的蟋蟀、   Of the minutest cricket, 最微不足道的花的,   The most unworthy flower. 羞怯的祈祷。   When all the children sleep 当所有的孩子睡觉的时候,   She turns as long away 她只要转身离开,   As will suffice to light her lamps; 就会点亮足够的灯;   Then, bending from the sky 然后从空中弯下身子,   With infinite affection 满含着无限的爱,   And infinite care, 无限的关怀,   Her golden finger on her lip, 把金色的手指放在唇上,   Wills silence everywhere. 嘱咐各处安静。   关于优美的英文诗歌篇4   Home Thoughts from Abroad 异域乡思   Oh, to be in England now that April"s there, 哦,英格兰此时正值四月   And whoever wakesin England sees,some morningunaware, 那里,清晨醒来,无论谁,都会在不经意间看到   That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf 那低垂的树枝和浓密的灌木丛   Round the elm--tree bole are in tiny leaf, 环绕在榆树周围,郁郁葱葱   While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough 燕雀在果园的枝头歌唱   In England--now! 英格兰--就在此刻   And after April, when May follows 四月过去,五月来临   And the white--throat builds, and all the swallows! 白喉雀,还有那些燕子为筑巢忙碌   Hark, where my blossomed pear--tree in the hedge 篱笆旁我那繁华绽放的梨树   Leans to the field and scatterss on the clover 依傍着田野,梨花带露   Blossoms and dewdrops--at the bent spray"s edge-- 在苜蓿草上飘飘洒洒--在弯曲的枝头   That"s the wise thrush :he sings each song twice over 听,那是聪慧的画眉鸟,正把每一支歌都唱上两遍   Lest you should think he never could recapture 唯恐你误认为,他再也不能   The first fine careless rapture! 捕获到第一次那异常美妙、无忧无虑的欣喜   And, tho"the fields look rough with hoary dew, 原野覆着白露,凄清而苍凉   All will be gay when noontide wakes anew 当正午的太阳重新唤醒金凤花--那孩子们的嫁妆   The buttercups, the little children"s dower 一切又重现欢乐的景象   --Far brighter than this gaudy melon--flower! --远比这绚丽的天国花更明亮
大鱼炖火锅2023-08-08 09:11:341


  朗读是学生 学习英语 的一种有效的 方法 ;是提高听、说、读、写综合能力的一种行之有效的途径;能使学生更好地体会、理解和表达课文或读物的思想感情。我精心收集了适合朗读的英语 文章 ,供大家欣赏学习!  适合朗读的英语文章篇1   When The Wind Blows   Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the Atlantic, wreaking havoc(肆虐) on the buildings and crops. As the farmer interviewed applicants for the job, he received a steady stream of refusals.   Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached the farmer. "Are you a good farmhand?" the farmer asked him.   "Well, I can sleep when the wind blows," answered the little man.   Although puzzled by this answer, the farmer, desperate for help, hired him. The little man worked well around the farm, busy from dawn to dusk, and the farmer felt satisfied with the man"s work.   Then one night the wind howled(嚎叫,咆哮) loudly in from offshore. Jumping out of bed, the farmer grabbed a lantern and rushed next door to the hired hand"s sleeping quarters. He shook the little man and yelled, "Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down before they blow away!"   The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, "No sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows."   Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire him on the spot. Instead, he hurried outside to prepare for the storm. To his amazement, he discovered that all of the haystacks had been covered with tarpaulins(防水油布). The cows were in the barn, the chickens were in the coops(笼子), and the doors were barred. The shutters were tightly secured. Everything was tied down. Nothing could blow away.   The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant, so he returned to his bed to also sleep while the wind blew.   MORAL: When you"re prepared, spiritually, mentally, and physically, you have nothing to fear.   Can you sleep when the wind blows through your life? The hired hand in the story was able to sleep because he had secured the farm against the storm.   适合朗读的英语文章篇2   The Art of Bouncing Back   I think the center of my faith is an absolute certainty of good. Like everyone else, I get low and there are times when I feel as if I have my fins backwards and am swimming upstream in heavy boots. But even in these dark times, even though I feel cut off, perhaps, and alone, I am aware - even if distantly - that I am part of a whole and that the whole is true and real and good.   I have never had any difficultly in believing in God. I don"t believe in a personal God and I don"t quite see how it is possible to believe in a God who knows both good and evil and yet to trust in him. I believe in God, Good, in One Mind, and I believe we are all subject to and part of this oneness.   It"s taken me time to understand words like "tolerance" and "understanding." I have given lip service to "tolerance" and to "understanding" for years but only now do I think I begin to understand a little what they mean. If we are all one of another, and this, though uncomfortably, is probably the case, then sooner or later we have got to come to terms with each other. I believe in the individuality of man, and it is only by individual experience that we can, any of us, make a contribution to understanding.   I"ve always been a bit confused about self and egotism(自负) because I instinctively felt both were barriers to understanding. And so in a sense they are.   I used to worry a lot about personality and that sort of egotism. I noticed that certain artists - musicians, for instance - would allow their personalities to get between the music and the listener. But others, greater and therefore humbler, became clear channels through which the music was heard unimpeded(畅通无阻的). And it occurred to me, not very originally, that the good we know in man is from God so it is a good thing to try to keep oneself as clear as possible from the wrong sort of self. And it"s not very easy, particularly if you are on the stage!   I am one of those naturally happy people even when they get low soon bounce back. In minor things like housekeeping and keeping in sight of letters to be answered I am a Planny-Annie. That is to say I get through the chores in order to enjoy the space beyond. But I do find that, believing in the operation of good as I do, I cannot make plans - important ones, I mean - but I must prepare the ground and then leave the way free as far as possible. This, of course, means being fearless and isn"t fatalistic, because you see I believe that when I am faithful enough to be still and to allow things to happen serenely, they do. And this being still isn"t a negative state but an awareness of one"s true position.   Friends are the most important things in my life - that and the wonder of being necessary to someone. But these things pass and in end one is alone with God. I"m not nearly ready for that yet, but I do see it with my heart"s eye.   I don"t understand it entirely, but I believe there is only now and our job is to recognize and rejoice in this now. Now... Not, of course, the man-measured now of Monday, Friday, or whenever, but the now of certain truth. That doesn"t change. Surely everything has been done - is done. Our little problem is to reveal and enjoy.   适合朗读的英语文章篇3   美国社会学家对大学 毕业 生的建议   1. Don"t worry about making your dreams come true   College graduates are often told: "follow your passion," do "what you love," what you were "meant to do," or "make your dreams come true." Two-thirds think they"re going find a job that allows them to change the world, half within five years. Yikes.   This sets young people up to fail. The truth is that the vast majority of us will not be employed in a job that is both our lifelong passion and a world-changer; that"s just not the way our global economy is. So it"s ok to set your sights just a tad below occupational ecstasy. Just find a job that you like. Use that job to help you have a full life with lots of good things and pleasure and helping others and stuff. A great life is pretty good, even if it"s not perfect.   2. Make friends   Americans put far too much emphasis on finding Mr. or Ms. Right and getting married. We think this will bring us happiness. In fact, however, both psychological well-being and health are more strongly related to friendship. If you have good friends, you"ll be less likely to get the common cold, less likely to die from cancer, recover better from the loss of a spouse, and keep your mental acuity as you age. You"ll also feel more capable of facing life"s challenges, be less likely to feed depressed or commit suicide, and be happier in old age. Having happy friends increases your chance of being happy as much as an extra $145,500 a year does. So, make friends!   3. Don"t worry about being single   Single people, especially women, are stigmatized(污辱,指责) in our society: we"re all familiar with the image of a sad, lonely woman eating ice cream with her cats in her pajamas(睡衣) on Saturday night. But about 45 percent of US adults aren"t married and around one in seven lives alone.   This might be you. Research shows that young people"s expectations about their marital status (e.g., the desire to be married by 30 and have kids by 32) have little or no relationship to what actually happens to people. So, go with the flow.   And, if you"re single, you"re in good company. Single people spend more time with friends, volunteer more, and are more involved in their communities than married people. Never-married and divorced women are happier, on average, than married women. So, don"t buy into the myth of the miserable singleton(独身).   4. Don"t take your ideas about gender and marriage too seriously   If you do get married, keep going with the flow. Relationship satisfaction, financial security, and happy kids are more strongly related to flexibility in the face of life"s challenges than any particular way of organizing families. The most functional families are ones that can bend. So partnering with someone who thinks that one partner should support their families and the other should take responsibility for the house and children is a recipe for disaster. So is being equally rigid about non-traditional divisions of labor. It"s okay to have ideas about how to organize your family but your best bet for happiness is to be flexible.   5. Think hard about whether to buy a house   Our current image of the American Dream revolves around homeownership, and buying a home is often taken for granted as a stage on the path to full-fledge adulthood. But the ideal of universal home ownership was born in the 1950s. It"s a rather new idea.   With such a short history, it"s funny that people often insist that buying a house is a fool-proof investment and the best way to secure retirement. In fact, buying a house may not be the best choice for you. The mortgage may be less than rent, but there are also taxes, insurance, and the increasingly common Home Owners Association (HOA) fees. You may someday sell the house for more than you bought it but, if you paid interest on a mortgage, you also paid far more than the sale price. You have freedom from a landlord, but may discover your HOA is just as controlling, or worse. And then there"s the headache: renting relieves you from the stress of being responsible for repairs. It also offers a freedom of movement that you might cherish.   So, think carefully about whether buying or renting is a better fit for your finances, lifestyle, and future goals.   6. Think even harder about having kids   One father had this to say about children: "They"re a huge source of joy, but they turn every other source of joy to shit." In fact, having children correlates with both an increased sense of purpose in life and a long-lasting decrease in individual and marital happiness. Having kids means spending a lot of your short life and limited income on one source of joy. You have only so much time and money and there are lots of ways to find satisfaction, pleasure, and meaning in this life. Consider all your options.    看了“适合朗读的英语文章”的人还看了: 1. 适合朗读的英语美文 2. 英语美文朗读 3. 适合朗诵的英语美文精选 4. 英文适合朗读的美文摘抄 5. 适合朗诵的英文美文精选
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-08-08 09:11:341


  励志可以启用一个人的生命能量。下面一起来看看我为大家精心推荐的英语励志句子,希望对您有所帮助。   励志的英文句子摘抄:   1、人之所以能,是相信能。   Can, is that the people can believe that.   2、发明的秘诀在于不断的努力。   The secret of invention is ceaseless effort.   3、经验是由痛苦中萃取出来的。   Experience is extracted from the agony.   4、计较眼前的人,会失去未来。   Object in front of people, the future will be lost.   5、不要等待机会,而要创造机会。   Don"t wait for opportunity, but to create opportunities.   6、只有敬业,才能提高自身价值!   Only dedication to improve own value!   7、说不如做,真的现在就去做吧。   Better to do, really do it right now.   8、未曾失败的人恐怕也未曾成功过。   He who never failed might never succeed.   9、人生得意需尽欢,莫让金盅空对月。   Life need to drink, mo make golden cup empty to month.   10、只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。   As long as the thought not landslide, way better than more difficult.   11、我们只有献出生命,才能得到生命。   We only give life, can obtain the life.   12、人生如月,残缺后终有圆满的到来。   Life is like a month, the imperfect there after the arrival of the plete.   13、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍地快乐。   Will know how to share a happy, happy ability.   14、一个成功者只知抱定理想,向前行进。   A winner only on pursuing ideal, marching forward.   15、人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。   People are suffering, lies in the pursuit of the wrong things.   16、你可以一无所有,但绝不能一无是处。   You can have nothing, but must not be nothing.   17、生活中没有弱者,只有不愿努力的人。   Nothing in life is to be weak, only reluctant to effort.   18、良好的习惯永远是一个人成功的法宝。   Good habit is always a person"s success in life.   19、人生就像文具盒,我们每天都在装笔。   Life is like a pencil case, we every day in the pen.   20、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。   Turn your face to the sunshine, that there will be no shadow.   21、人生就像弈棋,一步失误,全盘皆输。   Life is like it is good playing chess, one step error, lost.   22、积极的人在每一次失败中都看到机会。   A positive person sees an opportunity in every failure.   23、人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。   A life without a dress rehearsal, every day is broadcast live.   24、一个伟大的灵魂,会强化思想和生命。   A great soul, will strengthen the thought and life.   25、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。   Any restrictions, all begins with his own heart.   26、富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。   No money and rank can confuse, no poverty to power and force can.   27、没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。   No natural confidence, only by constantly cultivate confidence.   28、滴水穿石不是靠力,而是因为不舍昼夜。   Constant dropping wears away a stone, not by force but because they generate.   29、不要被失败吓到,不要被胜利冲昏头脑。   Don"t be afraid of failure, don"t be carried away by success.   30、遇顺境,处之淡然,遇逆境,处之泰然。   In prosperity, in cool, meet adversity, disagree agreeably.   :   1、勤奋是开启知识大门的一把金钥匙。   Diligence is the a golden key to knowledge.   2、每天告诉自己一次:我真的很不错。   Tell yourself once a day, I am really good.   3、从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌。   From the despair to find hope, life will be brilliant.   4、乐观地对待失败,成功就会向你招手。   Optimi *** towards failure, success will be waved to you.   5、努力工作,在工作中体现自我的价值。   Work hard, in the work reflects ego value.   6、只要老板没开除,那你就有上升的机会。   As long as the boss hadn"t been fired from, then you can have the chance to rise.   7、人生就像卫生纸,没事的时候尽量少扯!   Life is like toilet paper, nothing less as far as possible pull!   8、快乐不是拥有的太多,而是计较的太少。   Happiness is not having too much, but caring too little.   9、长者须是指导者协商者,却不该是命令者。   The elderly should be mentor negotiator, but should not be ordered.   10、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。   Should do not do today, tomorrow early and delayed again.   11、只有从小刻苦勤奋,长大才能接受种种挑战。   Only grew up work hard, ability to accept challenges.   12、生活中若没有明天,就像生活中没有阳光一样。   If life has no tomorrow, just like life without sunshine.   13、一个人最大的破产是绝望,最大的资产是希望。   A person"s biggest bankruptcy is desperation, the greatest assets is hope.   14、追上未来,抓住它的本质,把未来转变为现在。   Catch up with the future, captured the essence of it, change the future for now.   15、生命不在于活得长与短,而在于顿悟的早与晚。   Life is not to live long and short, but lies in the realization of early and late.   16、很多事情本身我们无法控制,但可以控制自己。   A lot of things is out of our control, but you can control yourself.   17、智慧的代价是矛盾。这是人生对人生观开的玩笑。   Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself. This is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.   18、生命是一条艰险的狭谷,只有勇敢的人才能通过。   Life is a dangerous cajon, only a brave man can pass.   19、不能做最快乐的自己,但一定要做最真实的自己。   Can"t do the most happy, but must do the most authentic self.   20、脚跟立定以后,你必须拿你的力量和技能,自己奋斗。   Heel after standing, you must take your strength and skills, their struggle.   21、人生的聚会是一种缘分,有时分离也是一种爱的祝福。   Life of the party is a kind of predestination, sometimes separation is also a blessing of love.   22、我们航行在生活的海洋上,理智是罗盘,感情是大风。   We sail on the ocean of life, the reason is a pass, affection is strong wind.   23、人生好像火柴,严禁使用是愚蠢的,滥用则是危险的。   Life is like a match, it is forbidden to use is silly, abuse is dangerous.   24、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运的,只是一瞬之间。   Decide a person"s life, and the entire fate, is just a blink.   25、做一个决定,并不难,难的是付诸行动,并且坚持到底。   It is not difficult to make a decision, and is put into action, and stick to it.   
肖振2023-08-08 09:11:331


一、True love from the heart not the mouth. 真正的爱来自心脏不是口腔 二、我喜欢的人啊,他有一身的温暖。The man I loved has all the warmth. 三、Nothing has gonna change my love for you.没有什么能改变我对你的爱。 四、It is nice to be needed. 被人需要的感觉真好。 五、Love is a carefully designed lie.爱情是一个精心设计的谎言 六、The healthiest response to life is joy.对生命最佳的回应,是生活得很快乐。 七、you are my single baby. 你是我的专属宝贝。 八、What is more sad than sadness is empty glad.比悲伤更令人悲伤的是空欢喜。 九、My thoughts are deep into you 我深深地想念着你 十、We are the witness of love, planted a love of flowers. 十一、time 模糊了记忆 你 还 会 清 晰 的 刻 在 我 心 里 吗 ? 十二、Life is full of sparkling moments waiting for us to discover. 生命中充满了闪光点,只是在等你去发现。 十三、You will not be the same as I think you want me.你会不会像我想你一样的想我。 十四、am strong,therefore I am.我坚强,故我在。 十五、我愿在你怀里成猫娇而不傲 I wish in your arms into the cat Jiao not proud 十六、From now on,love yourself,enjoy living then smile.从现在开始,爱自己,享受生活并且微笑。 十七、who love you more than me 谁能比我更爱你 十八、我不会原谅任何形式的背叛 I would not forgive any form of betrayal 十九、Life, half is memory, half is to continue. 生活,一半是回忆,一半是继续。 二十、Love is at first sight to see,can love is long.---喜欢是乍见之欢,爱是久处不厌。 二十一、I will give you all my love.&我将给你全部的爱。 二十二、The first glance Heartbeat第一眼就心动。 二十三、Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦就是快乐 二十四、I love you a whole had我爱你整整一个曾经 二十五、I love you even if you fall in love with another of her.我喜欢你 哪怕你爱上了另一个她 二十六、Talk about a love lost a friend 谈一场恋爱 失去一个朋友 二十七、除非黄土白骨,我守你岁月无忧。 Unless the loess buried my bones, I will keep with you forever. 二十八、有些爱不用说比情人付出得更无所求 Some love less than lover pay more for nothing 二十九、What does not kill you makes you stronger.任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强。 三十、只做第一个我ぁ不做第二个谁 lf you can lm willing for you own prisonお 三十一、The same love that makes me laugh also makes me cry.同一份爱既让我笑又让我哭。 三十二、阳光和你同在,就是我想要的未来。Sunshine and you is what I want in the future.
北境漫步2023-08-08 09:11:321


【 #英语资源# 导语】如果事情值得做,就值得好好做。 ! 【篇一】精选英文名言警句   1、虽然信念有时薄如蝉翼,但只要坚持,它会越来越厚的。   Though faith is sometimes as thin as a cicada"s wings, it will become thicker and thicker as long as we stick to it.   2、把努力变成一种习惯,而不是一时热血。   Make hard work a habit, not a passion.   3、做一个决定,并不难,难的是付诸行动,并且坚持到底。   It"s not difficult to make a decision. What"s difficult is to put it into action and stick to it.   4、静观其变,是一种能力!顺其自然,是一种幸福!   It is a kind of ability to observe its changes! Let it be, it is a kind of happiness!   5、每天都冒出很多念头,那些不死的才叫做梦想。   A lot of thoughts come out every day. Those who don"t die are called dreams.   6、为了夸奖而往修行,有如被蹂躏的香花美草。   To practice for praise is like a ravaged fragrant flower and beautiful grass.   7、只要面对现实,你才能超越现实。   As long as you face the reality, you can transcend it.   8、宁愿选择跌跌撞撞过一辈子,也不平平凡凡混一辈子。   Would rather choose to stumble through a lifetime, also uneven ordinary life.   9、别人拥有的,你不必羡慕,只要努力,你也会拥有。   Others have, you do not have to envy, as long as efforts, you will have.   10、随缘不是得过且过,因循苟且,而是尽人事听天命。   To follow fate is not to muddle along, but to listen to heaven.   11、我走得很慢,但我从不后退!   I walk very slowly, but I never step back!   12、这个世界原来就是苦楚的,没有例外的。   The world is suffering, no exception.   13、你认为快乐的,就去寻找。你认为值得的,就去守候。   If you think you are happy, look for it. If you think it"s worth it, just wait.   14、善待他人,体谅他人,热爱生命,努力生活。   Treat others well, be considerate, love life and live hard.   15、人生不得行胸怀,虽寿百岁犹为无也。   You can"t live with your heart, even if you are a hundred years old.   16、你什么时候放下,什么时候就没有烦恼。   When you put it down, there will be no worries.   17、人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费。   Set goals in life, or your energy will be wasted.   18、我的财富并不是因为我拥有很多,而是我请求的很少。   My wealth is not because I have so much, but because I ask so little.   19、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。   Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep your balance, you have to go ahead.   20、现实很近又很冷,梦想很远却很温暖。   The reality is very close and cold, the dream is very far but very warm. 【篇二】精选英文名言警句   1、如果没有你,即使看最美丽的风景,都没有意义。   Without you, even to see the most beautiful scenery, all have no meaning.   2、天天晨练不仅为了健身,也为了体现生命的倔强。   Morning exercise every day to the fitness not only, also in order to embody the stubbornness of life.   3、恐惧自己受苦的人,已经因为自己的恐惧在受苦。   Fear the men of his own suffering, already in suffering because of their fear.   4、你想成为幸福的人吗?但愿你首先学会吃得起苦。   Who do you want to be happy? I hope you learn first to eat up bitter.   5、强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。   Strong faith will win it takes a strong man, and then make them stronger.   6、投资知识是明智的,投资网络中的知识就更加明智。   Investment knowledge is wise, in the network knowledge is more wisely.   7、如果你改变不了现实,那么你就得去学会改变自己。   If you can"t change the reality, you have to learn to change yourself.   8、长期的爱情需要两个人长期的付出,爱是一种牺牲。   Long-term love requires two people pay for a long time, love is a kind of sacrifice.   9、镜子只能照出你的外貌,而生活却能洞照你的心灵。   A mirror can only reflect your appearance, but life hole according to your heart.   10、你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。   If you want to love your own value, you have to create value to the world.   11、晴朗的夏夜,不妨仰望星空,使你的心灵得到净化。   A fine summer night, might as well look up at the starry sky, make your soul get purification.   12、爱情如诗,不奢求华丽的外表,只渴求纯真的内涵。   Love, such as poetry, don"t expect luxuriant appearance, only for the connotation of innocence.   13、年轻的时候开始学会付出,等不到老便会得到回报。   Began to learn to pay, when young before the old will be rewarded.   14、经验就是得不到真正想要的东西时,所得到的东西。   Experience is not really want, what you get.   15、空想会想出很多绝妙的主意,但却办不成任何事情。   Dream will come up with a lot of brilliant idea, but will not do anything.   16、人类是会脸红的动物,或是该脸红的动物。   Human beings are the only animals that blush, or the only animals that.   17、距离,不过是一段空间。心有多近,距离就有多近。   Distance, but it is a space. Heart how close, how close distance.   18、懂得少的人,喜欢多谈;懂得多的人,令肯少开口。   A man who knows less, like to talk about; To know more people, make less open.   19、人真正的完美不在于他拥有什么,而在于他是什么。   One really perfect is not what he has, but what he is.   20、不要为了追求目的,而忽略过程,其实过程既目的。   Don"t in pursuit of purpose, and ignores the process, in fact process both purposes. 【篇三】精选英文名言警句   1、痛不痛只有自己知道,变没变只有自己才懂。   Hurt only oneself know, become didn"t change only themselves to understand.   2、路为人开,途为教采;前输后赢,自然成型。   Road is open, way to teach mining; Before losing after winning, natural shape.   3、回忆在美,就像镜子一样,越清楚,心越伤。   Memories in the United States, just like a mirror, the more clear, heart hurt more.   4、不要因一场薄雾,便认定前面没有什么景物。   Don"t let a mist, and concluded that there is nothing in front of the scene.   5、所谓门槛,过去了就是门,没过去就成了槛。   The so-called threshold, the past is the door, not the past has become the sill.   6、没有加倍的勤奋,就既没有才能,也没有天才。   Didn"t double diligence, neither can nor a genius.   7、别人光鲜的背后或者有着太多不为人知的痛苦。   Others behind glamorous or has too many unknown pain.   8、不论你怎么样,父母总是在第一时间为你着想。   No matter how are you, my parents always think of you at the first time.   9、那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。   Those who leave and disappointed hurt, has not sent out the sound.   10、必须如蜜蜂一样,采过许多花,才能酿出蜜来。   Must like bees, picked lots of flowers, to brew a honey.   11、一个人的美不在外表,而在才华、气质和品格。   A person"s beauty is not in appearance, and in the talent, temperament and character.   12、一个人越在意的地方,就是最令他自卑的地方。   The more one mind place, is the place where the most to his inferiority.   13、精打细算叫会过日子;挣一个花俩必是败家子。   Pinch pennies will live; Make a spend two must be the black sheep of his family.   14、你若先走了,转身时就不要怪我也在背对着你。   If you go first, turn around when they don"t blame I also in facing you.   15、象有永生一样梦想,象明天就会死去一样生活。   Dream like has eternal life, life like tomorrow will die.   16、努力,不一定能成功;不努力,绝不可能成功。   Work hard, can not succeed; Don"t work hard, never likely to be successful.   17、我的习惯里有了你的动作,而你已不在我身边。   I have you in the habit of action, and you are not here with me.   18、不要因为它的结束而哭,应当为他的发生而笑。   Don"t cry because it came to an end, smile he happened.   19、不要嘲笑别人的疤,那只是你没有经历过的伤。   Don"t laugh at others" scar, it"s just you don"t have experienced.   20、理智无法支配情绪,相反:行动才能改变情绪。   Reason cannot dominate the sentiment, the opposite: action can change the mood.
凡尘2023-08-08 09:11:311


  中国古典诗歌发展到唐代,迎来了高度繁荣的黄金时代。下面是我带来的著名的英文诗,欢迎阅读!   著名的英文诗精选   DREAMSOFLOVE 梦中的爱   DREAMS OF LOVE   Kathie Moore   Dreams take me to another place and time   when my life had reason and rhyme.   I was so happy and in love...   God sent me a gentle “dove”   He loved me so, more than anyone...   I will ever again know.   The talks we had while lying in bed...   he gently caressed my face and head.   I could “feel” the love without   a word being said...   I miss those times, those precious days   but no one can take the memories away   “My Angel ”he will always be...   from now until eternity...   梦中的爱   梦把我带到另一个世界,   真切度过一段充满诗意的时光。   上帝赐予我一只温和的鸽子,   我在幸福中堕入情网...   他竟然也这般爱我,   一切让人难以想象。   我们躺在床上说著情话,   他温柔地抚摸我的秀发和面庞。   即使我们一言不发,   我也能把爱的滋味品尝...   这珍贵的记忆令人留念,   这虚幻的天使我永志不忘...   著名的英文诗阅读   Secret Love 暗恋   Secret Love   I hid my love when young till I   Couldn"t bear the buzzing of a fly;   I hid my love to my despite   Till I could not bear to look at light:   I dare not gaze upon her face   But left her memory in each place;   Where"er I saw a wild flower lie   I kissed and bade my love good-bye.   I met her in the greenest dells,   Where dewdrops pearl the wood bluebells;   The lost breeze kissed her bright blue eye,   The bee kissed and went singing by,   A sunbeam found a passage there,   A gold chain round her neck so fair;   As secret as the wild bee"s song   She lay there all the summer long.   I hid my love in field and town;   Till e"en the breeze would knock me down;   The bees seemed singing ballads o"er,   The fly"s bass turned a lion"s roar;   And even silence found a tongue,   To haunt me all the summer long;   The riddle nature could not prove   Was nothing else but secret love.   暗恋   年青的心任凭暗恋滋长,   像嗡嗡的飞虫搅得我意乱心慌;   隐忍着这样活在世上,   我阴暗的灵魂怕见太阳;   我不敢凝视她的面庞,   却点点滴滴牢记心上;   我会吻别遇到的每一朵野花,   就象吻别我暗恋的姑娘。   我与她在碧绿的幽谷相遇,   钓钟柳挂满露珠闪著辉光;   迷念的清风吹拂她又蓝又亮的双眼,   多情的蜜蜂围着她甜甜地歌唱;   一缕阳光穿过茂密的枝叶,   把金色项链挂在她迷人的胸膛;   神秘如野外蜜蜂的歌声,   整个夏天她都在那里安躺。   我怀着暗恋走遍城乡,   直到弱不禁风命难久长;   蜜蜂似乎为我唱起了小调,   那飞虫的低音化作狮吼震荡;   冥冥中整个夏天万籁俱静,   总有一个声音向我倾诉衷肠;   那是天地间的一个不解之谜,   那是我的暗恋深深隐藏。   著名的英文诗学习   The Resolute Courtier 挚著的求婚   The Resolute Courtier   Prithee, say aye or no;   If thou"lt not have me, tell me so;   I cannot stay,   Nor will I wait upon   A *** ile or frown.   If thou wilt have me, say;   Then I am thine, or else I am mine own.   Be white or black; I hate   Dependence on a checkered fate;   Let go, or hold;   e, either kiss or not:   Now to be hot,   And then again as cold,   Is a fantastic fever you have got.   A tedious woo is base,   And worse by far than a long grace:   For whilst we stay,   Our lingering spoils the roast,   Or stomach"s lost;   Nor can, nor will I stay;   For if I sup not quickly, I will fast.   Whilst we are fresh and stout   And vigorous, let us to "t;   Alas, what good   From wrinkled man appears,   Gelded with years,   When his thin wheyish blood   Is far less fortable than his tears?   挚著的求婚   请你明确吿诉我,   对我爱还是不爱?   你微笑又不将我接纳,   你皱眉又不让我离开。   如果你不爱我,   就请说得直接痛快;   我不能久久拖延,   我不愿迟迟等待。   如果你真的爱我,   也请说个清楚明白;   那我的一切都属于你,   否则,我的命运另有安排。   是黑就说黑,   是白就说白;   我不能忍受一波三折,   我厌恶听凭命运作怪。   要么把我拥进怀抱,   要么将我赶出门外;   不要这样忽冷忽热,   你这古怪的毛病令人难解难猜。   不断的求婚实在低贱,   比冗长的感恩祷告更难忍耐;   我们不能久久拖延,   我们不能迟迟等待。   只怕炉中的晚餐也会烧焦,   只怕进食的胃口全都败坏;   若不能马上品尝,   我宁可禁食守斋。   趁我们年富力强,   促成这磨人的情爱;   莫让时光催老容颜,   莫让头发霜打雪盖。   为何还要久久拖延?   为何还要迟迟等待?   拖到心里滴血万事已休,   等到眼中落泪青春不再。
u投在线2023-08-08 09:11:311


  将英语诗歌引入英语课堂教学,对于提高教学效率与教学质量具有十分重要的意义,同时也有利于提高学生的综合素质。我精心收集了经典的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   经典的英文诗歌篇1   Sparrow, the Special Delight of My Girl   by Gaius Valerius Catullus   Translated by David Mulroy   Sparrow, the special delight of my girl,   whom often she teases and holds on her lap   and pokes with the tip of her finger, provoking   counterattacks with your mordant beak,   whenever my luminous love desires   something or other, innocuous fun,   a bit of escape, I suppose, from her pain,   a moment of peace from her turbulent passion,   I wish I could play like she does with you   and lighten the cares of my sorrowful soul.   It thrills me as much as the nimble girl   in the story was thrilled by the gilded apple   that finally uncinched her virginal gown.   经典的英文诗歌篇2   Speech Alone   by Jean Follain   Translated by W. S. Merwin   It happens that one pronounces   a few words just for oneself   alone on this strange earth   then the small white flower   the pebble like all those that went before   the sprig of stubble   find themselves re-united   at the foot of the gate   which one opens slowly   to enter the house of clay   while chairs, table, cupboard,   blaze in a sun of glory.   经典的英文诗歌篇3   Speaking In Tongues   by Mary Rose O"Reilley   I go to church every Sunday   though I donu2018t believe a word of it,   because the longing for God   is a prayer said in the bones.   When people call on Jesus   I move to a place in the body   where such words rise,   one of the valleys   where hope pins itself to desire;   we have so much landscape like that   youu2018d think we were made   to sustain a cry.   When the old men around me   lift their hands   as though someone has cornered them,   giving it all away,   I remember a dock on the estuary,   watching a heron get airborne against the odds.   Itu2018s the transitional moment that baffles me—   how she composes her rickety   grocery cart of a body   to make that flight.   The pine siskin, stalled on a windy coast,   remembers the woods   she will long for when needs arise; so   the boreal forest composes itself in my mind:   first as a rift, absence,   then in a tumble of words   undone from sense, like the stutter   you hear when somebody falls over the cliff of language. Call it a gift.   经典的英文诗歌篇4   Spellbound   by Emily Bront   The night is darkening round me,   The wild winds coldly blow;   But a tyrant spell has bound me   And I cannot, cannot go.   The giant trees are bending   Their bare boughs weighed with snow.   And the storm is fast descending,   And yet I cannot go.   Clouds beyond clouds above me,   Wastes beyond wastes below;   But nothing drear can move me;   I will not, cannot go.   经典的英文诗歌篇5   Spirit   by Maggie Nelson   The spirit of Jane   lives on in you,   my mother says   trying to describe   who I am. I feel like the girl   in the late-night movie   who gazes up in horror   at the portrait of   her freaky ancestor   as she realizes   they wear the same   gaudy pendant   round their necks.   For as long as I can   remember, my grandfather   has made the same slip:   he sits in his kitchen,   his gelatinous blue eyes   fixed on me. Well Jane,   he says, I think Iu2018ll have another cup of coffee.
余辉2023-08-08 09:11:301


1、 all for one,one for all. 人人为我,我为人人。- [法] dumas pére大仲马 we soon believe what we desire. 我们很快就相信我们想要的。 2、 the important thing in life is to have a great aim ,and the determination to attain it.人生重要的是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。 3、 if you make yourself an ass,don‘t complain if people ride you.人善被欺,马善被骑。if your ears glow,someone is talking of you.耳朵发烧,有人念叨。 4、 man proposes,god disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。many hands make light work.拾柴火焰高。many heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。 5、 a bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善开始者不善结束。a bad thing never dies. 臭了一万年。a bad workman always blames his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯。 6、 do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. (william shakespeare,british dramatist) 不要仅仅因为一次失败就放弃你最初决心实现的目标。 7、 i love you not because of who you are,but because of who i am when i am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是什么样的人,而是因为我喜欢和你在一起的感觉。 8、 every cloud has a silver lining. 乌云背后有阳光。spare the rod and spoil the child. 不打不成器。it is easy to be wise after the event. 事后诸葛亮容易当。make the best of a bad bargain. 已知吃亏,尽力而为。 9、 speak of the devil. 说曹操,曹操就到。to suffer for one"s wisdom.聪明反而被聪明误了。newbroom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。a miss is as good as a mile. 差之毫厘,失之千里。enough is as good as a feast.知足常乐。
ardim2023-08-08 09:11:301


1、好书如挚友。 2、学问无坦途。 3、无知即无疑。 4、Liveu2002andu2002learn. 5、为学不怕年高。 6、学得快,忘得快。 7、少时懒惰老来苦。 8、有钱能使鬼推磨。 9、活到老,学到老。 10、畏问之人耻于学。 11、金钱不是万能的。 12、文人是国家的财富。 13、Learnu2002young,u2002learnu2002fair. 14、Moneyu2002isu2002notu2002everything. 15、你不理财,财不理你。 16、Moneyu2002makesu2002theu2002mareu2002go. 17、不耻下问才能获得学问。 18、书本如一座随行的花园。 19、好书是人们的心灵明灯。 20、好书经得起时代的考验。 21、精选英语名句摘抄带翻译 22、闭卷不读,书同废纸堆。 23、Soonu2002learnt,u2002soonu2002forgotten. 24、Au2002lazyu2002youth,u2002au2002lousyu2002age. 25、与君一席话,胜读十年书。 26、为学趁年青,既学须学好。 27、图书馆是心灵的良药。u2002。 28、好书如良友,可相伴一生。 29、Au2002goodu2002booku2002isu2002au2002goodu2002friend. 30、Itu2002isu2002neveru2002toou2002oldu2002tou2002learn. 31、束之高阁的书本,无异于木块。 32、知识能使好人更好,坏人更坏。 33、Allu2002thingsu2002areu2002obedientu2002tou2002money. 34、对朋友爱得越深,u2002奉承得就越少。 35、要长学问,就得多问;多问则业精。 36、Thereu2002isu2002nou2002royalu2002roadu2002tou2002learning. 37、Heu2002thatu2002knowsu2002nothing,u2002doubtsu2002nothing. 38、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 39、不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。 40、要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。 41、Au2002goodu2002booku2002isu2002au2002lightu2002tou2002theu2002soul. 42、Goalsu2002determineu2002whatu2002youreu2002goingu2002tou2002be. 43、婴孩时期学到的东西,老死不会忘记。 44、生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。 45、Timeu2002isu2002money,butu2002moneyu2002cannotu2002buyu2002time. 46、Au2002nation"su2002treasureu2002isu2002inu2002itsu2002scholars. 47、Au2002manu2002becomesu2002learnedu2002byu2002askingu2002questions. 48、人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。 49、有钱不是万能的,没有钱是万万不能的。 50、能交到真正的朋友是人生中最成功的事。 51、Au2002manu2002becomesu2002Iu2002earnedu2002byu2002askingu2002questions. 52、Ifu2002youu2002ignoreu2002money,u2002moneyu2002willu2002ignoreu2002you. 53、Moneyu2002isu2002au2002goodu2002servantu2002butu2002au2002badu2002master. 54、Au2002booku2002tightlyu2002shutu2002isu2002butu2002au2002blocku2002ofu2002paper. 55、Au2002booku2002isu2002likeu2002au2002gardenu2002carriedu2002inu2002theu2002pocket. 56、Au2002booku2002thatu2002isu2002/u2002remainsu2002shutu2002isu2002butu2002au2002block. 57、没有朋友的人不会幸福,不处逆境不能识别朋友。 58、Anu2002aimu2002inu2002lifeu2002isu2002theu2002onlyu2002fortuneu2002worthu2002finding. 59、Au2002libraryu2002isu2002au2002repositoryu2002ofu2002medicineu2002foru2002theu2002mind. 60、Heu2002whou2002isu2002ashamedu2002ofu2002askingu2002isu2002ashamedu2002ofu2002learning. 61、Learningu2002makesu2002au2002goodu2002manu2002betteru2002andu2002illu2002manu2002worse. 62、Whatu2002isu2002learnedu2002inu2002theu2002cradleu2002lastsu2002tillu2002theu2002grave. 63、Moneyu2002isu2002notu2002omnipotent,u2002nou2002moneyu2002isu2002totallyu2002unacceptable. 64、Theu2002moreu2002weu2002loveu2002ouru2002friends,u2002theu2002lessu2002weu2002flatteru2002them. 65、Au2002goodu2002booku2002isu2002theu2002bestu2002ofu2002friends,u2002theu2002sameu2002todayu2002andu2002forever. 66、Pursueu2002youru2002object,u2002beu2002itu2002whatu2002itu2002will,u2002steadilyu2002andu2002indefatigably. 67、在复杂的生命中,u2002有两点要牢记:为生存需要吃饭,u2002而心灵需要友谊。 68、Au2002singleu2002conversationu2002withu2002au2002wiseu2002manu2002isu2002betteru2002thanu2002tenyearsu2002ofu2002study. 69、Au2002booku2002isu2002theu2002sameu2002todayu2002asu2002itu2002au2002Iu2002waysu2002wasu2002andu2002itu2002wiu2002Iu2002Iu2002neveru2002change. 70、Nou2002manu2002canu2002beu2002happyu2002withoutu2002au2002friend,u2002noru2002beu2002sureu2002ofu2002hisu2002friendu2002tillu2002heu2002isu2002unhappy. 71、Ofu2002ouru2002mixedu2002lifeu2002twou2002questsu2002areu2002givenu2002control:u2002foodu2002foru2002theu2002body,u2002friendshipu2002foru2002theu2002soul. 72、Theu2002makingu2002ofu2002friendsu2002whou2002areu2002realu2002friends,u2002isu2002theu2002bestu2002tokenu2002weu2002haveu2002ofu2002au2002mansu2002successu2002inu2002life.
LuckySXyd2023-08-08 09:11:281


  英语是国际经济、技术、信息等交流中应用最广泛的语言,也是我国基础教育中最主要的外语课程。我整理了简单的英文美文短文,欢迎阅读!   简单的英文美文短文:工作的两种方式   There are basically two ways to get work done.   完成工作通常有两种基本方式。   One is to work individually. In this way, people can decide for themselves when to start work and how to do it. What"s more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own and how to think independently.   一种是独立完成,通过这种方法,人们可以自己决定什么时候开始,怎么去做。更主要的是可以学习如何解决问题和如何独立思考。   People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each other. Besides, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion. They can truly learn the skills of cooperation and how to get through the ideas to their mates.   大家也可以选择在一个团队里工作,这样大家可以相互学习,相互帮助。并且,他们可以通过讨论找到更好更快的完成工作的方法。他们可以真正的学会和和获大家的思维观点。   Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experiences with them. As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently. Teamwork is always important.   我个人而言,比较喜欢在一个团队里工作,这样可以给我提供一个和别人一块相处的机会并且可以互相分享经验。当一个工作需要分给几个人共同完成,肯定做的非常好,团队合作是非常重要的。   简单的英文美文短文:女排精神   Chinese women"s volleyball team once achieved great honor in the last century, their spirit of never giving up inspired so many people. But during the last decade, as the old volleyball players retired and the new ones were not stronger enough, the team met difficulty. While winning an important match announced their return.   中国女排曾经在上个世纪取得了极大的荣誉,她们永不放弃的精神激励了很多人。但在过去的十年中,由于老一代排球运动员退役了和新人还不够强,团队遇到了困难。然而在赢得了一场重要的比赛后,女排宣布了她们的回归。   Last night, Chinese women"s volleyball team had an very impotant match against Brazil team in the Rio olympic games. The hope to win was very very little, because Brazil team was such strong, they were the champion of last two olympic games and Chinese team only won one match for the last 18 records. What"s more, almost all the audiences supported Brazil team.   昨晚, 在里约热内卢奥运会,中国女排有一场很重要的比赛,对阵巴西女排。赢的几率非常小,因为巴西女排很强,她们两届奥运会的冠军,中国队只赢了一场比赛在过去的18场记录中。更重要的是,几乎所有的观众都支持巴西队。   It seemed to win the match was not possible for the Chinese team, but the girls were very strong and insistented to fight for the last mimute. Even they lost the first game, they never gave up. Especially for the last two point, they were so brave and finally won the match.   似乎中国队赢得比赛是不可能的,但是女孩们都非常强大,坚持争取到最后一刻。即使她们输了第一局比赛,但是她们从不放弃。特别是最后两个赛点,她们勇敢,最后赢得了比赛。   This is the spirit of women"s volleyball team, we saw these girls fight for the last minute, they are the best team.   这是女排的精神,我们看到这些女孩争取最后到一分钟,她们是最好的团队。   简单的英文美文短文:电子商务   Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, internet and electronic commerce have been very popular in our daily lives. For example, it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentials, such as books, clothes, electrical equipment, on some famous website, like   如今,随着信息技术的快速发展,互联网和电子商务已经非常受欢迎的在我们的日常生活中。例如,时尚的年轻人购买日常必需品,如书籍、衣服、电器设备,在一些著名的网站   Taobao, EBay and Alibaba, through many courier companies. As we all known, online shopping has many advantages. Firstly, online shopping is more convenient than traditional means. We can find a shop with so many goods that we may favor, while all these just need clicking our mouse and typing-in the key word of what we want to find. And it also saves our a great some of time. Secondly, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. Online shopping can provide mass   EBay和阿里巴巴,淘宝通过许多快递公司。我们都知道,网上购物有很多好处。首先,网上购物比传统方法更方便。我们可以找到一个商店,里面有很多商品,我们可以支持,而所有这些只需要点击鼠标和输入的关键词我们想要找到的东西。同时也节省了一些时间。其次,更多的选择比真正的商店是另一个吸引顾客。网上购物可以提供质量   information about products which can be suit for customer"s needs, tastes, and preferences. Thirdly, as without traditional warehouses and retail shops, online shopping has can make us gain lower costs and prices. However, in spite of its advantages, we can"t turn a blind eye to its disadvantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first disadvantage. Customers always buy fake commodities which are not described as online shops. In addition, it"s troublesome and annoying for us to make a change when they are not satisfied with what we bought online. The second disadvantage is security issues. When we shop online, we need pay for the commodities by electronic payments, but hackers can invade our computers and steal our information, this is not safe for online shopping.   信息产品可以满足客户的需求,品味,和偏好。第三,没有传统仓库和零售商店,网上购物可以让我们获得更低的成本和价格。然而,尽管它的优点,我们不能视而不见缺点。显然,质量问题是第一个劣势。客户总是买假冒伪劣商品不描述为在线商店。此外,我们的麻烦和讨厌的改变当他们不满意我们网上购买。第二个缺点是安全问题。当我们网上购物的时候,我们需要支付商品的电子支付,但黑客入侵我们的电脑和窃取我们的信息,这是对网上购物不安全。
左迁2023-08-08 09:11:281


  诗歌是知识智慧的传递,诗歌是情感体验的传播,诗歌是精神灵魂的传承。下面是我带来的短篇著名英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!   短篇著名英文诗歌精选   There Be None of Beautyu2019s Daughters 仙女难比你的姿容   There Be None of Beautyu2019s Daughters   There be none of Beautyu2019s daughters   With a magic like thee;   And like music on the waters   Is thy sweet voice to me:   When, as if its sound were causing   The charmed oceanu2019s pausing,   The waves lie still and gleaming,   And the lullu2019d winds seem dreaming:   And the midnight moon is weaving   Her bright chain ou2019er the deep,   Whose breast is gently heaving   As an infantu2019s asleep:   So the spirit bows before thee   To listen and adore thee;   With a full but soft emotion,   Like the swell of Summeru2019s ocean.   仙女难比你的姿容   仙女难比你的姿容,   天神不如你的魔力;   你甜美的声音悦耳动听,   宛如音乐在水面飘逸。   这声音能使大海平静,   粼粼闪光却一波不起;   这声音能为风儿催眠,   如梦如幻,扑朔迷离。   午夜的明月织起薄纱,   轻笼海面光彩熠熠;   海的胸脯微微起伏,   似沉睡的婴儿在深深呼吸。   就这样一颗心被你折服,   从此对你矢志不移;   温柔的激情充满胸怀,   象夏日的狂潮铺天盖地   短篇著名英文诗歌阅读   MyLove我的爱   My Love   Doubt thou the stars are fire;   Doubt that the sun doth move;   Doubt truth to be liar;   But never doubt I love.   我的爱   太阳可以疑为晴天中旋转的火轮,   星星可以疑为夜空里飘忽的流荧;   真理可以疑为谎言,   可是,切莫怀疑我对你的爱情。   短篇著名英文诗歌学习   When Thou Must Home你已到了垂暮的年龄   When Thou Must Home   When you must home to shades of underground,   And there arrived, a new admired guest,   The beauteous spirits do engirt thee round,   White Iope, blithe Helen and the rest,   To hear the stories of thy finished love   From that smooth tongue, music hell can move:   Then wilt thou speak of banqueting delights,   Of masques and revels which sweet youth did make,   Of tourneys and great challenges of knights,   And all these triumphs for thy beautyu2019s sake.   When thou hast told these honors done to thee,   Then tell, O! tell, how thou didst murder me.   你已到了垂暮的年龄   你已到了垂暮的年龄,   却把一位新欢钟情;   白衣的约普, 快乐的海伦,   你身边围着许多美丽的精灵;   听你编造精美的 爱情 故事 ,   你巧舌如簧, 妙语感动鬼神:   你说起青年的化装舞会和狂欢,   你还要高谈宴会的喜庆;   还有骑士们的挑战和比武,   这所有盛会都是为了你的美人。   当你说这一切以你的名义安排,   天啊, 你就这样谋害了我的性命!   短篇著名英文诗歌欣赏   Silent meaning寄意无语   Silent meaning   William S. Cohen   The word not spoken   goes not quite unheard.   It lingers in the eye,   in the semi-arch of brow.   A gesture of the hand   speaks pages more than words,   The echo rests in the heart   as driftwood does in sand,   To be rubbed by time   until it rots or shines.   The word not spoken   touches us as music   does the mind.   寄意无语   威廉 S 科恩   藏在心底的语言,   也会发出清晰的声响;   它在眼睛里飘逸,   它在眉宇间荡漾。   一个小小的手势,   比万语千言更加明朗;   那回声在心中萦绕,   像浮木随沙粒流淌;   经受时间的消磨,   直至腐朽或者闪光。   藏在心底的语言,   是拨动心弦的乐章。   短篇著名英文诗歌品味   As the Mist Leaves No Scar 你是青山碧绿   As the Mist Leaves No Scar   As the mist leaves no scar   On the dark green hill,   So my body leaves no scar   On you, nor ever will.   When wind and hawk encounter,   What remains to keep?   So you and I encounter,   Then turn, then fall to sleep.   As many nights endure   Without a moon or star,   So will we endure   When one is gone and far.   你是青山碧绿   你是青山碧绿,   我是雾霭迷茫;   笼罩的雾霭一旦消散,   青山依旧, 毫无损伤。   你是风的翅膀,   我是鹰隼乘风翱翔;   我们自由自在,   旋转中进入梦乡。   多少个夜晚没有月色,   多少个夜晚少了星光;   我们必须同样忍受,   当我们天各一方。
可桃可挑2023-08-08 09:11:281


1、You are so beautiful that you take my breath away。 你太美了,美得让我窒息。 2、A day without you is like a day without sunshine。没有你的日子就如同没有阳光。 3、Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation。从来就是别离时,才知爱有多深。 4、Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence。爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。 5、Love is an art of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit。 爱是一种无尽的宽恕,是一束缠绕在心头的温柔的目光。 6、Love means never having to say you are sorry。爱,意味着永不说后悔。 7、When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms。第一次听到你对我说“我爱你”,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。 8、My heart is with you。我的爱与你同在。 9、I love everything about you, especially the way you made me feel how special I am。 我喜欢所有的你,尤其是你如何让我觉得我自己是多么特别的。 10、You donu2019t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her。你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。 11、This world has no who must to who good, so their good to yourself。这个世界没有谁一定得对谁好,所以自己要对自己好。 12、First love is unforgettable all oneu2019s life。初恋是永生难忘的。 13、To the world you may be just one person。 To the person you may be the world。对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 14、Tell me you are mine。 Iu2019ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time。请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。 15、Sometimes, forgotten is the best release; And sometimes, silence is the best say。有时候,遗忘是最好的解脱;而有时候,沉默却是最好的诉说。 16、if you need me ,i am here for you。i am on your side。如果你需要我,我会在这等候,我跟你是一国的。 17、Oh, dear。 I want you to know that being with you, it"s as good as it gets。 亲爱的,世上没有比跟你在一起更幸福的了。 18、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair。哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。 19、When love is not madness, it is not love。 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。 20、The only present love demands is love。爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。 21、It is never too late to fall in love。爱永远不会嫌晚。 22、With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines。拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 23、Love me little and love me long。不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。 24、First impression of you is most lasting。 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 25、Absence is to love what wind is to fire。 It extinguishes the small, it kindles the great。 离别对于爱情就像风对于火。它扑灭了小的,助长了大的。 26、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic。 你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。 27、Spring summer peach, plum, is one and the same, petals are pink。春祭梅花,夏祭桃花,唯一相同就是,花瓣都是粉红的。 28、Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases。 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。 29、With love one can live even without haooiness。有爱,即使没有幸福,一个人也能生存。 30、I nerve, the big sleep/not just for the sake of and say good night to you。我神经,大半夜不睡觉/还不是为了和你说晚安。 31、Brief is life, but love is long。生命虽短,爱却绵长。 32、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts。 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。 33、The best feeling is when you look at him and he is already staring。最好的感觉是当你朝他看过去时,他已经在凝视着你! 34、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us。 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就换嵩侔约毫恕? 35、Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak。爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。 36、To me, you are irreplaceable, because you are one of a kind。 对我而言你是无法代替的,因为你是独一无二的。 37、Love me little and love me long。 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。 38、There is no remedy for love but to love more。治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 39、Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning。 和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。 40、To the world you may be just one person。 To the person you may be the world。 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 41、I like the fresh, can summer without。我喜欢的是雨后的清新,可夏日没有。 42、We are a match made in heaven。 Letu2019s get married。我们太合适了,结婚吧! 43、Love understands love; it needs no talk。相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。 44、The soul cannot live without love。 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。 45、Love"s tongue is in the eyes。爱情的话语全在双眼之中。 46、There is no hiding from loveru2019s eyes。什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。 47、Young commitment is can not stand the frustration of flowers。年少的承诺是经不起挫折的花。 48、The world so many people, belonging to the air I breathe only number。世界这么多的人,属于我的呼吸的空气仅有多少。 49、Your kistill burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful。你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。 50、When every love comes to the end, if you look back, you will find flowers and sorrows, but itu2019s always beautiful。 每段爱情在走向终结时,倒带回去,一路上或花草鲜美,或落英缤纷,而最初总是倾心的。 51、Pray tomorrow there will be rain, rain, to accompany me to walk in the road。祈祷着明天会有绵绵的雨,陪伴着我走在大路上。 52、You are the one I have been looking for。 你就是我一直在追寻的幸福。 53、Love understands love; it needs no talk。 相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。 54、One Minute to say “I love You”,One Hour to explain it,A whole life to prove it。用一分钟说“我爱你”,一小时去解释这句话,用一生去证明这句话。 55、The heart that once truly loves never forgets。真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。 56、Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered。爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。 57、Where there is love, there are always wishes。哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。 58、There is no remedy for love but to love more。 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 59、The soul cannot live without love。灵魂不能没有爱而存在。 60、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic。你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。 61、Say the word And I will follow you 说爱我,我将跟随你。 62、Love is the greatest refreshment in life。爱情是生活最好的提神剂。 63、A heart that loves is always young。 有爱的心永远年轻。 64、You will always be my one and only love.你永远是我的唯一。 65、Did you get happier after leaving me?离开我以后,有没有更快乐? 66、It is never too late to fall in love。 爱永远不会嫌晚。 67、If you want to make your dream come true, the first thing you have to do is to wake up。想要梦想实现,就先要从梦中醒来。 68、First impression of you is most lasting。对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 69、Sometimes, walking away is better than standing there, acting like it doesnu2019t bother you。有时候,转身离开要好过假装若无其事的坚持。 70、I want that my love to you will turn into bright sunlight so that to warm your heart。我想将对你的感情化作暖暖的阳光,期待那洒落的光明能温暖你的心房。 71、Why do the good girls, always want the bad boys? 为何好女孩总喜欢坏男孩? 72、The road to a loveru2019s house is never long。 通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。 73、Keep torment yourself, just want to know how long you can live不停折磨自己,就是想知道自己能活多久。 74、Summer rain, it can replace the spring rain,the soft, kind of rain。夏季的雨,终究无法替代春季的雨,那种柔情,那种绵绵。 75、Love warms more than a thousand fires。爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 76、Love is not a matter of counting the days。 Itu2019s ma-ki-ng the days count。爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 77、1No electricity, no light, no clear sky, dark dark。没有电,没有光,没有晴朗的天空,暗无昏黑。 78、I spent whole days thinking intensely about youu2026I ached when away。我整天整天地想念着你u2026u2026离开你,我便感到痛苦。 79、I really wonder why people suddenly change after they get what they wanted。我真想知道为什么人一旦得到他们想要的,就突然变了。 80、Where there is great love, there are always miracles。哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹 81、i am on my way to future,where you are there。我要去,有你的未来。 82、When love is not madness, it is not love。如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。 83、In fact the so-called a personu2019s freedom should be called withdrawn其实所谓一个人的自由应该叫做孤僻。 84、World, love enough, just can have so many excuses。花花世界,爱得不够,才会有诸多借口。 85、Love makes man grow up or sink down。爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 86、Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful。 你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。 87、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb。没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 88、In love folly is always sweet。恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。
苏萦2023-08-08 09:11:281


  《Shape of My Heart》是后街男孩于2000年年底发行的新单曲,且这首英文歌曲非常的好唱,很适合在ktv唱。下面是我给大家整理的比较好听的英文歌,供大家参阅!   比较好听的英文歌:《Shape of My Heart》的创作背景   Shape of My Heart(我的心意)也是后街男孩收录在专辑Black & Blue中的一首歌曲,且此曲被认定为后街男孩五人时代时的代表作之一,而被收录至后街男孩的第一张官方精选集《The Hits - Chapter One》   比较好听的英文歌:《Shape of My Heart》的基本信息   比较好听的英文歌:《Shape of My Heart》的歌曲翻唱   该曲于2003年由两代英国流行音乐巨星Craig David& Sting翻唱,为《Rise & Fall》。且两人因这翻唱新曲被《时代》周刊评选为2003年"年度最重量级音乐组合"。此歌内容系反映巨星人生的起落。   在2011年BBC出品的《Hustle》(译意:《飞天大盗》 )第七季中作为结尾曲   《Hustle》谢幕曲Shape of My Heart   大乱之后必有大治,约莫这是我现在一团mess的生活最好的写照u2026u2026   在打扫完闲置半年的蜗居,对着Dell鏖战出数份不忍卒读的总结简报,终于可以心安理得地泡一杯雀巢,悠闲地开始腐败u2026u2026   久违的《Hustle》在2011年呈上了一份丰厚的交织着阴谋诡计和狡黠机智的英式幽默大餐,围绕在"Micky Bricks"周围的骗子团体功力更上层楼,把一众葛朗台玩弄股掌,惩恶扬善的同时亦不忘收取一份不算菲薄的酬劳。颇有些罗宾汉一般仗剑除奸的酣畅淋漓,算是盗亦有道么?   比较好听的英文歌:《Shape of My Heart》的歌词   Hmm, yeah, yeah   Baby, please try to forgive me   请原谅我   Stay here don"t put out the glow   留下来,不要放弃你的热情   Hold me now don"t bother   抱着我,不必烦恼   If every minute it makes me weaker   如果我渐渐弱去   You can save me from the man that I"ve become   (惟有)你可以将我拯救   Oh yeah   Lookin" back on the things I"ve done   回望我过去的种种   I was tryin" to be someone   从前我想要改变自己   I played my part, kept you in the dark   我自导自演,没让你看见真实的我   Now let me show you the shape of my heart   但现在我要向你表明我的心意   Sadness is beautiful and loneliness is tragical   哀伤显得优美,孤独有如一出悲剧   So help me I can"t win this war   拯救我吧,这场战争我不可能胜利   Oh no   Touch me now don"t bother   贴近我,不必烦恼   If every second it makes me weaker   如果我渐渐弱去   You can save me from the man that I"ve become   (惟有)你可以将我拯救   Lookin" back on the things I"ve done   I was tryin" to be someone   I played my part, kept you in the dark   Now let me show you the shape of my heart   I"m here with my confession   我就在这里坦白   Got nothing to hide no more   再也不作任何隐瞒了   I don"t know where to start   不知道如何开口   But to show you the shape of my heart   只好直接向你表明我的心意   I"m lookin" back on things I"ve done   我回望过去的种种   I never wanna play the same old part   我不想继续作秀   Or keep you in the dark   不想继续对你隐瞒   Now let me show you the shape of my heart   现在让我向你表明我的心意
苏萦2023-08-08 09:11:271

寓意美好的英文 寓意美好的英文精选

1、寓意美好并且很好看的英文单词:promise(诺言)、miracle(奇迹)、smile(微笑)、eternal(永恒)、destiny(命运)。 2、promise,含义:n. 诺言;预示;约定;(有)希望。v. 允诺;发誓;答应;有希望。 3、miracle,含义:n. 奇迹。 4、smile,含义:n. 微笑;笑容。v. 微笑;露出笑容。
陶小凡2023-08-08 09:11:271


  有时候感觉英文好美,以下是我为你精心整理的经典的英文语录唯美,希望你喜欢。   一起老去的日子里,因为朋友的存在而泛著七彩的光。   Old together in the day, because of the presence of friends and the colorful light.   梦想,并不奢侈,只要勇敢地迈出第一步。   Dream is not luxury, just take the first step bravely.   为君沦戏子,乱舞千秋岁,为博君一笑,掩面独尝泪。   You bee the actor, a flurry of a thousand years, to laugh, his face only tasted tears.   本欲起身离去,奈何影子落人间。   This desire to depart, but the shadow falls on earth.   使人成熟的是经历,而不是岁月。   To mature is experience, not years.   那么记住,你欠我的定有一日,我会让你千倍万倍还回来。   So remember, you owe me one day, I"ll make you a thousand times more than a thousand times.   该坚持的时候,却放开了你的手。   The insistence of the time, but let go of your hand.   为他不停不停留下感动或悲伤的泪水,笑着说没事。   For him to keep moving or sad tears, *** iled and said nothing.   或许有一天我们都老了,但是我还是记得当初你让我心动的样子。   Maybe one day we are old, but I still remember the way you let me move.   万般故事,不过情伤;易水人去,明月如霜。   All story, but feeling hurt; Yishui people to go to the moon, such as frost.   经典的英文语录唯美最新   任何事情,终有答案,匆忙寻找,错失的是岁月的静好。   Any thing, the answer, in a hurry to find, missing is the quiet time of the years.   我要去看的最远的地方。可是要和谁手舞足蹈了梦想。   I"m going to see the farthest place. But who dream of dancing.   毕业了,结束了!可是到底是结束,还是另一个新的开始?   Graduated, over! But in the end is the end, or another new beginning?   那一场盛世流年我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。   That was a time when, we keep the lonely wounded badly.   我知道,你在一个地方,在呼吸,在笑。   I know that you"re in a place where you"re breathing, laughing.   长夏逝去。山野间的初秋悄然涉足。   Long summer gone. Early autumn quietly into the mountains.   喜悦是平静的。和一次长长的呼吸同样,无声的柔软。   Joy is calm. And a long breath the same, silent soft.   你曾说不想有天让我知道,你对他有那么好。   You said you didn"t want to have a day to let me know, you are so good to him.   有些路,无论繁华与落寞注定都要一个人走。   In some way, whether it is destined to be a bustling and lonely man walking.   愿一个问候带给你一个新的心情,愿一个祝福带给你一个新的起点。   May a greeting bring you a new mood, may a blessing bring you a new starting point.   多想一个不小心,你就爱上我,然后我就爱上你。   Think of a careless, you love me, and then I fall in love with you.   这个初夏,演绎著悲欢离合。   This summer, the interpretation of grief at separation and joy in union.   醉了真好,渐渐的喜欢这种让我麻木的感觉。   Drunk good, gradually like this let me numb feeling.   学会感受生命的美好,或许你会发现过程比结果更加重要。   Learn to feel the goodness of life, and perhaps you will find that the process is more important than the results.   路过的风景有没有人为你好好收藏。   Passing scenery, there is no one for you to have a good collection.   有些话,你想说自然会说,不想说,听到的也只是假话。   Some words, you want to say natural will say, do not want to say, hear it only.   人永远看不破的镜花水月,不过我指间烟云世间千年,如我一瞬。   People always look out a mirage and insubstantial objects but my fingers *** oke, earth thousands of years, as I blink of an eye.   不要太相信自己的眼睛因为它看到的只是表面。   Don"t be too sure of your eyes, because it"s just the surface.   就像醉了一样,连呼吸都遗忘。   Just like drunk, even breathing are forgotten.   死亡只能带走生命,不能带走灵魂留下的痕迹。   Death can only take life, can not take away the traces of the soul.   因为有梦,所以勇敢出发,选择出发,便只顾风雨兼程。   Because of the dream, so brave of choice, they only trials and hardships.   桃花不但美丽,而且还放出一股沁人心脾的香味。   Peach is not only beautiful, but also released a fragrance gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind.   经典的英文语录唯美集锦   把最美的微笑留给伤你最深的人。   The most beautiful *** ile left to hurt you the most.   人活着,总是要得罪一些人的,就要看那些人是否值得得罪。   People alive, always offend some people, it is to see those who deserve offended.   当爱变成爱过以后,我要怎么回忆那些拥有过的快乐。   When love bees love, I want to how to recall those who have had the happiness.   还能不动声色饮茶,踏碎这一场,盛世烟花。   Also quietly drinking tea, destroys the field, the golden age of fireworks.   愁未满,心已乱;欲醉不成怨酒淡。   Sorrow is not full, the heart has chaos; to be drunk not to blame wine pale.   浮华一生,淡忘一季,空有回忆,打乱缠绵。   Showy life, forget the season, empty of memories, lingering upset.   一颗说走就走的心,一个会拍照的情侣,一段甜蜜的旅程。   A walk on the heart, one will take pictures of lovers, a sweet journey.   只要和你在一起,没有什么不可以,让我一生一世呵护你。   As long as you are together, nothing can not be, let me take care of you for life.   每个人都有一段悲伤,想隐藏却欲盖弥彰。   Everyone has a sad, want to hide is.   离人愁伤别离。碎碎念深深思。凋零落吟空悲。续繁华又何处。   From the sorrow and hurt. Nagging, deep thinking. Fading, singing empty sorrow. Xu Fanhua, and where.   爱,直至成伤之后就是永远的对不起,即使你感觉不到我。   Love, until after the injury is always sorry, even if you don"t feel me.   不要因为也许会分离,就不敢求一次倾心的相遇。   Don"t be afraid to ask for a fall in love because you may be apart.   现今还有谁会照顾谁一辈子,那是多沉重的一个包袱。所以非自立不可。   And who will take care of all his life, it is more than a heavy burden. So it"s not self reliant.   过了做梦的年纪,便不再做梦了。可是爱情,是一辈子的事。   After a dream age, then no longer have a dream. But love, is a lifetime thing.   终是谁使弦断,花落肩头,恍惚迷离。   Who is the final string broken, whispering shoulder, trance blurred.   只是一天离开了你,你就狼狈得像是一个只需要我安慰的孩子。   Only one day left you, you embarrassed me like an only child fort.   以后的路,我会靠自己走下去,不需要任何依靠。   After the road, I will rely on their own to go, do not need any rely on.   没有人可以带走时间,时间却可以带走任何人。   No one can take away time, time can take away anyone.   感觉自己和个木偶一样,经历多了也就麻木了。   Feel like a puppet, experience more and more numb.   有人说时间会让我忘记了痛。原来时间只是让我习惯了痛。   Some people say that time will make me forget the pain. The original time just let me get used to the pain.   昔有朝歌夜弦之高楼,上有倾城倾国之舞袖。   In the building there have indulge in wines and songs, as the dance of sleeve.   毕业了,也许还会怀念寝室卧谈会那轻松,愉悦的感觉。   After graduation, may miss the bedroom lying on the relaxed and joyful feeling.   我们一起奋斗的日子,一起跑过的日子是最值得怀念的。   The days we fought together, the day we run together, is the most memorable.   最美的不是下雨天,而是下雨时能为你遮风的屋檐。   The most beautiful is not the rainy day, but when it rains, can cover the wind for you.   多想有一天醒来,爱情在,你在,阳光在,明媚在,温暖在。   How much I want to wake up one day, love, you are in, the sun, shining in, warm in the.   灯火星星,人声杳杳,歌不尽乱世烽火。   Star lights, voice Yao Yao, song far gone beacon.   总要拿段时间来做梦,成长之后,成熟之前。   Always take some time to dream, grow up, mature before.   谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊;听弦断,断那三千痴缠。   Who will *** oke scattered, scattered and bond; listen to the broken strings, the three thousand are broken.   愁未满,心已乱;欲醉不成怨酒淡。   Sorrow is not full, the heart has chaos; to be drunk not to blame wine pale.   成功的门往往虚掩著,只要你勇敢去推,它就会豁然洞开。   Often unlatched the door of success, as long as you are brave to push, it will suddenly open.   笑到世界都流泪哭到世界都憔悴爱到世界都崩溃。   Laugh to the world to cry, cry to the world are worn, love to the world collapse.   一个爱做梦的孩子,在一个还会做梦的年龄,多好啊。   A child who loves to dream, in a dream of the age, how good ah.
大鱼炖火锅2023-08-08 09:11:261


  你觉得你的英文水平怎么样?平时阅读一些英语 文章 ,对提高英语水平有帮助哦。下面就是我给大家整理的唯美的英语文章精选,希望大家喜欢。  唯美的英语文章精选篇1:The last jar of jelly   Our children grew up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Even my husband and I sometimes sneak one in late at night with a glass of milk. I believe that the Earl of Sandwich himself would agree with me that the success of this universally loved concoction(混合,调合) lies not in the brand of peanut butter used, but rather in the jelly. The right jelly delights the palate(味觉,上颚), and homemade is the only choice.   I wasn"t the jelly maker in this family. My mother-in-law was. She didn"t provide a wide range of flavors, either. It was either grape or blackberry. This limited choice was a welcome relief in the days of toddlers, siblings and puppies. When all around me other decisions and choices had to be made, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches was easy. And since we liked both flavors, we usually picked whatever jar was at the front of the pantry or refrigerator.   The only contribution I made to the jelly making was to save baby food jars, which my mother-in-law would fill with the tasty gel, seal with wax and send back home with us. For the past 22 years of my married life, whenever I wanted to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for myself or my husband or one of the children, all I had to do was reach for one of those little jars of jelly. It was always there. Jelly making was just a way of life for my mother-in-law. She always did it, following the same rituals - from picking the fruit to setting the finished jelly on the homemade shelves in her little pantry off the kitchen.   My father-in-law died several years ago and this past December, my mother-in-law also passed away. Among the things in the house to be divided by her children were the remaining canned goods in the pantry(餐具室). Each of her children chose from the many jars of tomato juice, green beans and jelly. When my husband brought his jars home, we carefully put them away in our pantry.   The other day I reached in there to retrieve jelly for a quick sandwich, and there it was. Sitting all alone on the far side of the shelf was a small jar of grape jelly. The lid was somewhat rusty in places. Written on it with a black marker was "GR" for grape and the year the jelly had been made.   As I picked up the jar, I suddenly realized something that I had failed to see earlier. I reopened the pantry door to be sure. Yes, this was it, this was the last jar of "Memommie jelly." We would always have store-bought jelly, but this was the last jar we would ever have from the patient, loving hands of my mother-in-law. Although she had been gone for nearly a year, so much of her had remained with us. We hardly ever opened a jar of jelly at the breakfast table without kidding about those thousands of little jars she had filled. Our children had never known a day without their grandmother"s jelly. It seems like such a small thing, and most days it was something that was taken for granted. But today it seemed a great treasure.   Holding that last jar in my hand, my heart traveled back to meeting my mother-in-law for the first time. I could see her crying on our wedding day, and later, kissing and loving our children as if she didn"t have five other grandchildren. I could see her walking the fields of the farm, patiently waiting while others tended to the cows. I could see her walking in the woods or riding the hay wagon behind the tractor. I saw her face as it looked when we surprised her by meeting her at church. I saw her caring for a sick spouse and surrounded by loving children at the funeral.   I put the jelly back on the shelf. No longer was it just a jar of jelly. It was the end of a family tradition. I guess I believed that as long as it was there, a part of my mother-in-law would always live on.   We have many things that once belonged to my husband"s parents. There are guns, tools, handmade sweaters and throws, and some furniture. We have hundreds of pictures and many more memories. These are the kinds of things that you expect to survive the years and to pass on to your children. But I"m just not ready to give up this last jelly jar, and all the memories its mere presence allows me to hold onto. The jar of jelly won"t keep that long. It will either have to be eaten or thrown out...but not today.   唯美的英语文章精选篇2:Roses in December   Coaches more times than not use their hearts instead of their heads to make tough decisions. Unfortunately, this wasn"t the case when I realized we had a baseball conference game scheduled when our seniors would be in Washington, D.C. for the annual senior field trip. We were a team dominated by seniors, and for the first time in many years, we were in the conference race for first place. I knew we couldn"t win without our seniors, so I called the rival coach and asked to reschedule the game when everyone was available to play.   "No way," he replied. The seniors were crushed and offered to skip the much-awaited traditional trip. I assured them they needed to go on the trip as part of their educational experience, though I really wanted to accept their offer and win and go on to the conference championship(锦标赛). But I did not, and on that fateful Tuesday, I wished they were there to play.   I had nine underclass players eager and excited that they finally had a chance to play. The most excited player was a young mentally challenged boy we will call Billy. Billy was, I believe, overage(过老的), but because he loved sports so much, an understanding principal had given him permission to be on the football and baseball teams. Billy lived and breathed sports and now he would finally get his chance to play. I think his happiness captured the imagination of the eight other substitute players. Billy was very small in size, but he had a big heart and had earned the respect of his teammates with his effort and enthusiasm. He was a left-handed hitter and had good baseball skills. His favorite pastime, except for the time he practiced sports, was to sit with the men at a local rural store talking about sports. On this day, I began to feel that a loss might even be worth Billy"s chance to play.   Our opponents jumped off to a four-run lead early in the game, just as expected. Somehow we came back to within one run, and that was the situation when we went to bat in the bottom of the ninth. I was pleased with our team"s effort and the constant grin(露齿笑) on Billy"s face. If only we could win..., I thought, but that"s asking too much. If we lose by one run, it will be a victory in itself. The weakest part of our lineup was scheduled to hit, and the opposing coach put his ace pitcher in to seal the victory.   To our surprise, with two outs, a batter walked, and the tying run was on first base. Our next hitter was Billy. The crowd cheered as if this were the final inning of the conference championship, and Billy waved jubilantly. I knew he would be unable to hit this pitcher, but what a day it had been for all of us. Strike one. Strike two. A fastball. Billy hit it down the middle over the right fielder"s head for a triple to tie the score. Billy was beside himself, and the crowd went wild.   Ben, our next hitter, however, hadn"t hit the ball even once in batting practice or intrasquad games. I knew there was absolutely no way for the impossible dream to continue. Besides, our opponents had the top of their lineup if we went into overtime. It was a crazy situation and one that needed reckless strategy.   I called a time-out, and everyone seemed confused when I walked to third base and whispered something to Billy. As expected, Ben swung on the first two pitches, not coming close to either. When the catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher Billy broke from third base sprinting as hard as he could. The pitcher didn"t see him break, and when he did he whirled around wildly and fired the ball home. Billy dove in head first, beat the throw, and scored the winning run. This was not the World Series, but don"t tell that to anyone present that day. Tears were shed as Billy, the hero, was lifted on the shoulders of all eight team members.   If you go through town today, forty-two years later, you"ll likely see Billy at that same country store relating to an admiring group the story of the day he won the game that no one expected to win. Of all the spectacular events in my sports career, this memory is the highlight. It exemplified what sports can do for people, and Billy"s great day proved that to everyone who saw the game.   J. M. Barrie, the playwright, may have said it best when he wrote, "God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December." Billy gave all of us a rose garden.   唯美的英语文章精选篇3:Is happiness the secret of success?   Some people think if you are happy, you are blind to reality. But when we research it, happiness actually raises every single business and educational outcome for the brain. How did we miss this? Why do we have these societal misconceptions(错误的想法) about happiness? Because we assumed you were average.   When we study people, scientists are often interested in what the average is. If we study what is merely average, we will remain merely average.   Many people think happiness is genetic. That"s only half the story, because the average person does not fight their genes. When we stop studying the average and begin researching positive outliers -- people who are above average for a positive dimension like optimism or intelligence -- a wildly different picture emerges. Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success.   Scientifically, happiness is a choice. It is a choice about where your single processor brain will devote its finite resources as you process the world. If you scan for the negative first, your brain literally has no resources left over to see the things you are grateful for or the meaning embedded in your work. But if you scan the world for the positive, you start to reap an amazing advantage.   Now that there is research validity to these claims, the working world is starting to take notice. In January, I wrote the cover story for the Harvard Business Review magazine on "Happiness Leads to Profits." Based on my article called "Positive Intelligence" and my research in The Happiness Advantage, I outlined our researched conclusion: the single greatest advantage in the modern economy is a happy and engaged workforce.   A decade of research in the business world proves that happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome: raising sales by 37%, productivity by 31%, and accuracy on tasks by 19%, as well as a myriad of health and quality-of-life improvements.   Given the unprecedented level of unhappiness at companies and the direct link between happiness and business outcomes, the question is NOT whether happiness should matter to companies. Given this research, it clearly should. The first question is: What can I do in my own life to reap the advantage of happiness?   Training your brain to be positive at work is just like training your muscles at the gym. Sounds simple, right? Well, think about how easy it is to make yourself go to the gym. The key with any new resolution is to make it a habit. New research on neuroplasticity -- the ability of the brain to change even as an adult -- reveals that moderate actions can rewire the brain as you create "life habits."   In The Happiness Advantage, I challenge readers to do one brief positive exercise every day for 21 days. Only through behavioral change can information become transformation.   u2022 Write down three new things you are grateful for each day;   u2022 Write for two minutes a day describing one positive experience you had over the past 24 hours;   u2022 Exercise for 10 minutes a day;   u2022 Meditate for two minutes, focusing on your breath going in and out;   u2022 Write one quick email first thing in the morning thanking or praising someone in your social support network (family member, friend, old teacher).   But does it work? In the midst of the worst tax season in history I did a three-hour intervention at auditing and tax accounting firm KPMG, describing how to reap the happiness advantage by creating one of these positive habits. Four months later, there was a 24% improvement in job and life satisfaction. Not only is change possible, this is one of the first long-term ROI (return on investment) studies proving that happiness leads to long-term quantifiable(可以计量的) positive change.   In a study I performed on 1,600 Harvard students in 2007, I found that there was a 0.7 correlation between perceived social support and happiness. This is higher than the connection between smoking and cancer. So if in the modern world we give up our social networks to work away from friends and follow celebrities on Twitter, we are trading off with our happiness and health.   Following up, I switched around the questions and asked how much social support employees provided (instead of received). The results were off the charts. Those high on provision of social support are 10 times more engaged at work and have a 40% higher likelihood of promotion over the next four years. In other words, giving at the office gets you more than receiving.   The greatest cultural myth in modern society is
陶小凡2023-08-08 09:11:261


恰到好处的 谚语 能体现考生扎实的英语语言功底,丰富的英文知识,灵活的语言表达能力,以下是我精心收集整理的经典常见的英文谚语,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 经典常见的英文谚语篇1 1、不怕一万,就怕万一。 If you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of ten thousand. 2、山大无柴,树大空心。 Mountains are big without firewood, trees are big and hollow. 3、不图便宜不上当,贪图便宜吃大亏。 If you don"t want to be cheaper, you will lose a lot if you want to be cheaper. 4、有毅力的人,能从磐石里挤出水满。 A man of perseverance can squeeze water out of a rock. 5、顺的好吃,横的难咽。 Shun delicious, horizontal difficult to swallow. 6、不在被中睡,不知被儿宽。 Don"t sleep in the quilt, I don"t know the width of the quilt. 7、骂人无好口,打人无好手。 There is no good mouth for swearing and no good hand for beating. 8、经一番挫折,长一番见识。 After a lot of setbacks, a lot of insight. 9、一分耕耘,一分收获。 No pains, no gains. 10、大意失荆州,骄傲失街亭。 If you lose Jingzhou carelessly, you lose the Street Pavilion proudly. 11、平路跌死马,浅水溺死人。 A horse falls on a flat road and a man drowns in shallow water. 12、火越烧越旺,人越干越壮。 The more the fire burns, the stronger the man becomes. 13、毛毛雨,打湿衣裳;杯杯酒,吃垮家当。 Drizzle, wet clothes; cup of wine, eat down the household goods. 14、会写的坐着,会唱的站着。 Can write sit, can sing stand. 15、不怕百事不利,就怕灰心丧气。 If you are not afraid of pepsi"s disadvantage, you are afraid of frustration. 16、有福同享,有难同当。 Happy to share, difficult to share. 17、不磨不炼,不成好汗。 No temper, no sweat. 18、打架不能劝一边,看人不能看一面。 Fighting can"t be persuaded on one side, but people can"t see on the other. 19、巧言不如直道,明人不必细说。 A good word is better than a straight one. A wise man needn"t dwell on it. 20、吃饭吃米,说话说理。 Eat rice for dinner and make sense. 21、人不亏地皮,地不亏肚皮。 No man loses his skin, no man loses his belly. 22、不怕乱如麻,只怕不调查。 Not afraid of disorder, just afraid of not investigating. 23、仇人相见,分外眼红。 When enemies meet, their eyes are red. 24、常骂不惊,常打不怕。 Often scolds do not startle, often beats does not fear. 25、山岭薄地栽地瓜,高粱丰收在涝洼。 Melons are planted on thin hills and sorghum is harvested in waterlogged areas. 26、心里没有病,喝凉水也添膘。 Heart is not sick, drinking cold water also adds fat. 27、时间带走年轻的容颜,却留下孤独老去的心。 Time takes away the young face, but leaves the lonely old heart. 28、吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的手短。 Eat people"s mouth soft, take people"s hands short. 29、话多了不甜,胶多了不粘。 More words are not sweet, more glue is not sticky. 30、撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。 Supports the bold person, starves the cowardly ghost. 经典常见的英文谚语篇2 1、滴水能把石穿透,万事功到自然成。 Dripping water can penetrate the stone, and everything can be accomplished naturally. 2、失之毫厘,差之千里。 The difference is thousands of miles. 3、小人自大,小溪声大。 Small people are arrogant and small streams are loud. 4、寒天饮冷水,点点记心头。 Drink cold water in cold weather and remember. 5、志犹学海,业比登山。 Zhiyou learns from the sea and is better than climbing mountains. 6、人争气,火争焰,佛争一炷香。 People fight for gas, fire fight for flame, Buddha fight for incense. 7、脚跑不过雨,嘴强不过理。 Foot can"t run through the rain, mouth is not strong enough. 8、君子成人之美,不成人之恶。 The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct. 9、忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。 Patience is better than brains. 10、除了放弃尝试以外没有失败! No failure except to give up trying! 11、不贵于无过,而贵于能改过。 It"s not more important to have no faults than to have them corrected. 12、造物之前,必先造人。 Man must be created before creation. 13、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The great cause of life is not to know, but to be able to do. 14、理不短,嘴不软。 Reason is not short, mouth is not soft. 15、吃人的嘴软,论人的理短。 Eating people"s mouth is soft, but it"s short. 16、看人挑担不吃力,自己挑担步步歇。 Watching people shoulder the burden is not strenuous, they shoulder the burden step by step. 17、振衣千仞岗,濯足万里流。 Zhenyi thousand hills, full of thousands of miles flow. 18、人非圣贤,孰能无过。 A man is not a sage, but he can do nothing wrong. 19、人之所以能,是相信能。 The reason why people can is to believe in it. 20、只要自己上进,不怕人家看轻。 As long as they advance, they are not afraid of being looked down upon by others. 21、小人记仇,君子长志。 Villagers bear grudges, gentlemen have long aspirations. 22、砂锅不捣不漏,木头不凿不通。 The casserole won"t break, the wood won"t cut. 23、不是境况造就人,而是人造就境况。 It"s not the situation that makes people, it"s the man-made situation. 24、山高流水长,志大精神旺。 High mountains and long waters, ambitious spirit. 25、与其坐而言,不如起而行。 It"s better to go up than sit down. 26、秤砣虽小,能压千斤。 Although the scale is small, it can press jacks. 27、立下凌云志,敢去摘星星。 Ling Yunzhi, dare to pick the stars. 28、砍柴上山,捉鸟上树。 Cut firewood up the hill and catch birds up the tree. 29、骑马莫怕山,行船莫怕滩。 Riding horses are not afraid of mountains, sailing boats are not afraid of beaches. 30、人靠心好,树靠根牢。 People depend on their hearts and trees depend on their roots. 31、有理说实话,没理说蛮话。 There"s reason to tell the truth, but there"s no reason to tell the truth. 32、口说不如身到,耳闻不如目睹。 Speaking is better than seeing, hearing is better than seeing. 33、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。 Birds want to fly high, but people want to go ahead and read first. 34、知识象烛光,能照亮一个人,也能照亮无数人。 Knowledge, like candlelight, can illuminate one person and countless others. 35、只要我们能梦想的,我们就能实现。 As long as we can dream, we can realize it. 36、人怕理,马怕鞭。 People are afraid of reason and horses are afraid of whips. 37、家无主心骨,扫帚颠倒竖。 Home has no heart, broom upside down. 38、撒网要撒迎头网,开船要开顶风船。 Spread the net head-on and sail the windward boat. 39、人有恒心万事成,人无恒心万事崩。 All things come true with perseverance, but all things come to an end without perseverance. 40、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。 Desire enhances enthusiasm and perseverance flattens mountains. 经典常见的英文谚语篇3 1、水里泛青苔,天有风雨来。 The water is covered with moss and the weather is windy and rainy. 2、病从口入,祸从口出。 Diseases come from the mouth, and misfortunes come from the mouth. 3、鞭打的快马,事找的忙人。 Whipping a fast horse is a busy man. 4、内行看门道,外行看热闹。 The expert watches the doorway, the layman watches the lively. 5、吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的手短。 Eat people"s mouth soft, take people"s hands short. 6、有则改之,无则加勉。 If there is one, it will be changed; if there is none, it will be encouraged. 7、黄泥压上沙,孩儿见了妈。 When the mud was pressed into the sand, the child met his mother. 8、山地直插,平地斜插。 Mountainous straight insertion, flat slope insertion. 9、虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty makes one progress, but pride makes one lag behind. 10、强中更有强中手,一山还比一山高。 Strong in the middle, strong in the middle, a mountain is higher than a mountain. 11、勤人睡成懒人,懒人睡成病人。 Hard sleepers become lazy, lazy sleepers become sick. 12、久雨冷风扫,天晴定可靠。 Long rain and cold wind sweep, clear and reliable. 13、一日到暗,雨不断线,大雨明日见。 Dark day, continuous rain line, heavy rain tomorrow. 14、久晴大雾阴,久雨大雾晴。 It"s sunny and foggy, rainy and foggy. 15、有粮当思无粮难,莫到无粮思有粮。 When there is grain, it is difficult to think of it without food. 16、不怕人不请,就怕艺不精。 If you are not afraid of being invited, you are afraid of being inexperienced. 17、近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 Near Zhu is red, near Mo is black. 18、片选不如穗选好,穗选种子质量高。 The seed quality of panicle selection is better than that of panicle selection. 19、天上拉海纤,下雨不过三。 It rains no more than three days. 20、高者不说,说者不高。 The higher say nothing, the lower say nothing. 21、由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。 From thrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult. 22、蜜蜂酿蜜,不为已食。 Bees make honey, but they do not eat it. 23、穷人饿断肠,富人胀破肚皮。 The poor suffer from hunger and the rich burst their bellies. 24、迟干不如早干,蛮干不如巧干。 Better late work than early work; better brute work than skillful work. 25、自满是进步的退步。 Complacency is a retrogression of progress. 26、补漏趁天晴,读书趁年轻。 Make up leaks while the weather is clear, and read while young. 27、兴修水利劲头足,一年辛苦万年福。 The construction of water conservancy is full of vigor, a year of hard work and good fortune. 28、星星水汪汪,下雨有期望。 The stars are watery and the rain is expected. 29、日长事多,夜长梦多。 More days and more dreams at night. 30、手怕不动,脑怕不用。 Hands are afraid of not moving, brains are afraid of not using. 经典常见的英文谚语精选100句相关 文章 : ★ 英语谚语精选100条 ★ 2020年常见的英语谚语集锦 ★ 常见经典英语谚语集锦 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语2020最新汇编 ★ 简短的英语谚语集锦90句 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语最新归纳整合 ★ 经典英文谚语精选 ★ 常用经典英文谚语大全 ★ 关于英文的谚语大全100条 ★ 经典常见的英语谚语2020最新集合
mlhxueli 2023-08-08 09:11:251


  英语文学中,诗歌极其丰富多彩,学英文而不懂英文诗歌,不仅从审美角度看是个遗憾,而且从语言学习角度看,学一些诗歌,语言能力会大大提高。我精心收集了最经典优美的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   最经典优美的英文诗歌篇1   William Butler Yeats 1.The Song of the Old Mother   I rise in the dawn, kneel and blow,   Till the seed of fire flicker and glow.   And then I must scrub and blake and sweep,   Till stars are beginning to blink and peep.   And the young lie long and dream in their bed   Of the matching of ribbons for bosom and head.   And their day goes over idleness,   And they sigh if the wind but lift the tress.   While I must work, because I am old,   And the seed of the fire gets feeble and cold.   母亲之歌   我在清晨起床,跪在火炉旁用力吹着炉膛   直到点点火星燃起,摇曳著红光。   然后,擦洗器具,烘烤食物,打扫庭院   直到群星满布,在天空眨眼窥探。   孩子们睡到很晚,沉迷梦乡   为美丽的人儿整理华装。   他们的日子在虚空中流淌,   只为那风吹散的长发留一声喟叹。   而我必须要劳作,因为我老了,   那燃烧的火种也渐渐微弱,冷却了   最经典优美的英文诗歌篇2   Why I Love You 我之所以爱你   Every time I think about you,   I"m reminded of the reasons why I love you   From the deep of my heart and soul.   And I wonder what I"d do without you,   Without your healing *** ile,   Your words of faith,   The caring and sensitive way you touch me,   Lifting me just when I need it most.   Without you,   What would I have?   What would I be?   I can"t imagine existing in a world   Where someone doesn"t love me the way you do.   You"re the only one   Who"s ever understood me and accepted me for who I am.   And I think you"re nothing short of amazing.   Your love has always been and will always be   Life"s greatest gift to me!   最经典优美的英文诗歌篇3   生活之中不要等   Don"t wait for a *** ile to be nice.   不要等到了一个笑容,才表现出友善   Don"t wait to be loved, to love.   不要等被爱之后,才去爱   Don"t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.   不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值   Don"t wait for the best job, to begin to work.   不要非等到一份最好的工作,才开始工作   Don"t wait to have a lot, to share a bit.   不要等得到了很多,才开始分享   Don"t wait for the fall, to remember the advice.   不要等到失败后,才想起别人的忠告   Don"t wait for pain, to believe in prayer.   不要等到受伤了,才愿意祈祷   Don"t wait to have time, to be able to serve.   不要等到有时间,才去付出   Don"t wait for anybody else pain, to ask for apologies...   不要等别人受伤了,才来乞求原谅   ... neither separation to make it up.   不要等到分开了,才想到去挽回   Don"t wait... Because you don"t know how long it will take.   不要等待,因为你不知道需要等待多长时间。   
小菜G的建站之路2023-08-08 09:11:251


  一些英语美文能用简单温暖的文字、真实动人的情感传达语言之美。下面是我为大家带来英语美文精选摘抄,希望大家会喜欢这些英文语录!    英语美文精选摘抄:生命中的十一种感动   It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.   只有付出的爱是痛苦的,但比这更痛苦是爱一个人却没有勇气让那人知道你的感情。   A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.   生命中令人悲伤的一件事是你遇到了一个对你来说很重要的人,但却最终发现你们有缘无份,因此你不得不放手。   The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with,never say a word,and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you"ve ever had.   最好的朋友就是那种能和你促膝而坐,彼此不说只字片语,分别时却感到这是你有过的最好的一次交流!   It"s true that we don"t know what we"ve got until we lose it, but it"s also true that we don"t know what we"ve been missing until it arrives.   的确只有当我们失去时才知道曾拥有的是什么,同样,只有当我们拥有了才知道曾经失去了什么。   It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,an hour to like someone,and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.   迷上某人只需一分钟,喜欢上某人需要一小时,爱上某人则要一天,然而,忘记某人却是一辈子的事情。   Don"t go for looks;they can deceive. Don"t go for wealth;even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.   别倾心于容貌,因为它具有欺骗性,也别倾心于财富,它也会消散,倾心于那个能带给你笑容的人吧,因为一个笑容能使漫漫长夜如白昼般明亮。   Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.   做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。   Always put yourself in the other"s shoes. If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the person too.   要设身处地的为别人着想, 如果一双鞋你穿着夹脚, 别人的感觉可能也一样。   A careless word may kindle strife;a cruel word may wreck a life;a timely word may level stress;a loving word may heal and bless.   无心快语可能引发争执,无情之词可能折损生命,适时温语可能消弭压力,而关爱之声可能治愈心灵。   The happiest of people don"t necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.   幸福之人并非拥有一切,只是尽力享受生活的赐予。   Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss,ends with a tear. When you were born,you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die,you"re the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.   爱情以笑开始,以吻转浓,以泪结束。当你哭着降临人世时,身边的每个人都在为此欢笑,好好生活吧,这样你就能含笑离开人世,而身边的每个人都在为此哭泣。    英语美文 精选 摘抄:辉煌壮丽的暴风雨   it begins when a feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness. every thing has suddenly gone quiet. birds do not chirp. leaves do not rustle. insects do not sing.   起初,有一种平静的感觉悄悄袭上我的心头。刹那间,万物都突然寂静无声。鸟儿不在啁啾,树叶不再沙沙作响,昆虫也停止了欢唱。   the air that has been hot all day becomes heavy. it hangs over the trees, presses the heads of the flowers to the ground, sits on my shoulders. with a vague feeling of uneasiness i move to the window. there, in the west, lies the answer - cloud has piled on cloud to form a ridge of mammoth while towers, rearing against blue sky.   整日闷热的空气变得格外呆滞,它笼罩着树木,逼得花朵垂向地面,也压得我的肩头沉甸甸的。我怀着隐隐约约的烦躁不安,信步走到窗前,原来答案就在西边天际,云层重重叠叠,就像一排嵯峨的白塔,高耸在蓝天之上。   their piercing whiteness is of brief duration. soon the marshmallow rims flatten to anvil tops, and the clouds reveal their darker nature. they impose themselves before the late-afternoon sun, and the day darkens early. then a gust of wind ships the dust along the road, chill warning of what is to come.   云彩那耀眼的白色转瞬便消失了。顷刻间,棉花糖状的云彼岸变得像铁砧一样平展,云层也露出了阴暗的本来面目。它强行遮住西斜的太阳,使天色早早就黑了下来。接着,劲风骤起,一路卷起尘土飞扬。冷嗖嗖的,预示着即将来临的一切。   in the house a door shuts with a bang, curtains billow into the room. i rush to close the windows, empty the clothesline, secure the patio furnishings. thunder begins to grumble in the distance.   砰的一声,风关上了一扇房门。窗帘也随风扬起,向屋内翻卷着。我急忙跑上去关上窗户,收下晾晒的衣服,安顿好露台上的家什。远处开始响起隆隆的雷声。   the first drops of rain are huge. they splat into the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures. they plink on the vent pipe and plunk on the patio roof. leaves shudder under their weight before rebounding, and sidewalk wears a coat of shiny spots.   最初落下来的是大颗大颗的水珠,扑扑地打在尘土里。在玻璃窗是留下了一个个印记。雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当,把露台顶棚打得噼噼啪啪,树叶被砸得瑟瑟发抖,难以抬头。人行道披上了一层亮闪闪的水点。   the rhythm accelerates; plink follows plunk faster and faster until the sound is a roll of drums and the individual drops become an army marching over fields and rooftops. now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth. it is heavenu2019s exclamation point. the storm is here!   雨加快了节奏,叮叮当当紧跟着噼噼啪啪,一阵紧似一阵,终于连成一片紧密的鼓点,颗颗雨滴也汇集成一支行进在田野和屋顶的大军。这时,第一道闪电刺向大地,这是老天划的惊叹号。暴风雨来了。   in spite of myself, i jump at the following crack of thunder. it rattles the windowpane and sends the dog scratching to get under the bed. the next bolt is even closer. it raises the hair on the back of my neck, and i take an involuntary step away from the window.   随即响起了一声霹雳,我不禁跳了起来,雷声震得窗户格格作响,吓得狗儿三抓两爬钻到床底下。第二道闪电离得更近。我惊得寒毛倒立,不由得从床边后退了一步。   the rain now becomes a torrent, flung capriciously by rising wind. together they batter the trees and level the grasses. water streams off roofs and out of rain spouts. it pounds against the window in such a steady wash that i am sightless. there is only water. how can so much fall so fast? how could the clouds have supported this vast weight? how can the earth endure beneath it?   这时,雨下的简直是倾盆如注,狂风吹得 雨水 飘摇不定。风雨交加,恣意地抽打树木,夷平草地。雨水从屋顶奔流而下,漫出了排水管,不停地泼洒在窗户上,使我什么也看不清楚。眼前只有水。这么多雨水,怎么能下得这么急?云层怎么能承受得这么巨大的重量?大地怎么能经受得起这样的冲击?   pacing through the house from window to window, i am moved to openmouthed wonder. look how the lilac bends under the assault, how the day lilies are flattened, how the hillside steps are a new made waterfall! now hailstones thump upon the roof. they bounce white against the grass and splash into the puddle. i think of the vegetable garden, the fruit trees, the crops in the fields; but, thankfully, the hailstones are not enough in numbers or size to do real damage. not this time.   我在房里踱来踱去,从一个窗口走到另一个窗口,屋外的景色使我瞠目结舌,惊叹不已。瞧,在暴风雨的袭击下,丁香折弯了腰,萱草倒伏在地,山坡上的石阶小道变成了一帘新辟的瀑布!这是突然下起冰雹。乒乒乓乓地砸在屋顶上,顷刻间草地上银珠纷飞,税洼里水花四溅,我开始担心园里的蔬菜、水果,还有田里的庄稼;不过,谢天谢地,冰雹个头不大,数量也不多,还不足以造成什么实际损失。至少这一次是不会了。   from this storm is already beginning to pass. the tension is released from the atmosphere, the curtains of rain let in more light. the storm has spend most of its energy, and what is left will be expended on the countryside to the east.   因为这场暴风雨即将过去,紧张的气氛缓和了,从雨幕中透出更多的亮光。暴风雨已经耗去了大部分的精力,还有一点余威只能到东边的乡间去施展了。   i am drawn outside while the rain still falls. all around, there is a cool and welcome feeling. i breathe deeply and watch the sunu2019s rays streaks through breaking clouds. one ray catches the drops that form on the edge of the roof, and i am treated to a row of tiny, quivering colors - my private rainbows.   雨仍在淅淅沥沥地下着,我却忍不住走到室外,环境是那么清新宜。我深深地呼吸着新鲜空气,仰望着那船运而出的道道阳光,有一束阳光恰巧映射在屋檐边的水珠上,我便看到一条细细的、微微颤动着的七色彩带——一条供我个人欣赏的彩虹。   i pick my way through the west grass, my feet sinking into the saturated soil. the creek in the gully runs bank - full of brown water, but the small lakes and puddles are already disappearing into the earth. every leaf, brick, single, and blade of grass is fresh-washed and shining.   我小心翼翼地穿过湿漉漉的草地,双脚不时陷入雨水浸透的土壤中。河谷里的小溪满载着浑浊的泥水奔流而去,但那些小水洼和小水坑里的水已渗入地下,都不见了踪影。每片树叶和草叶,每块砖头和卵石都冲得纤尘不染,熠熠发光。   like the land, i am renewed, my spirits cleansed. i feel an infinite peace. fro a time i have forgotten the worries and irritations i am nurturing before. they have been washed away by the glories of the storm.   像大地一样,我也焕然一新,心灵得到了净化。我感到无比的平静,一时间全然忘掉了以往郁积在心头的烦恼与忧愁。他们都已被这辉煌壮丽的暴风雨涤荡得干干净净。   英语美文精选摘抄:电影《勇敢的心》 经典台词   1.“Fight,and you may die.Run,and you""ll live at least a while.And dying in your beds many years from now.Would you be willing to trade?All the days from this day to that, for one chance,just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they""ll never take our Freedom!Freedom——”   “战斗,你可能会死;逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。你们!愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换一个机会,仅有的一个机会!那就是回到战场,告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!”   2. Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.   你的心灵是自由的,用尽勇气去追随吧.   3.There"s a difference between us. You think the people of this land exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it.   我们间的区别就是,你们认为这片土地的人民生存是为了供养你们阶级,我却认为你的阶级应该给你的人民自由.我走了,确认他们是否得到了.   4.I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk fought for William Wallace.He fights for something that I never had. And I took it from him, when I betrayed him. I saw it in his face on the battlefield and it"s tearing me apart .   我什么都没有,人民跟我作战,只是如果不这样,我会没收土地,饿死他们的妻儿.为威廉华莱士浴血奋战的人,他们为了我没有的东西殊死斗争,我出卖他时,我在他脸上看到了让我汗颜的东西   5.You tell your king, that William Wallace will not be ruled. Nor will any Scot while I"m alive.   告诉你的国王,威廉华莱士不会屈服于统治,在我活着时,所有苏格兰人都是!   6. Freedom is the best, I tell thee true, of all things to be won. Then never live within the bond of slavery, my son.   告诉你,我的孩子,在你一生中,有许多事值得争取,但,自由无疑是最重要的,永远不要带着脚镣,过奴隶的生活。   7.Many man dies,not every man really lives.   每个人都会死,但不是每个人都真正活过.   8. We donu2019t need to win, just need to fight.   我们不需要胜利,只需要战斗。   9.Use your brain before the sword .   先学会用脑,后学会用剑。   10.I know you can fight. But itu2019s our wits that make us men.   我知道你能打仗,不过,真正的男子汉还要会用脑子。   11. Go back to England and tell them there that Scotlandu2019s daughters and her sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free.   滚回英格兰去,告诉那里的人,苏格兰的儿女不再受你们的奴役,苏格兰是自由的。   12. He has courage. So does a dog. But it is exactly that ability to compromise that makes a man noble.   他很勇猛,但狗也很勇猛。但要成为贵族,就必须懂得妥协。 >>>下一页更多“优美英文摘抄带翻译欣赏”
ardim2023-08-08 09:11:251


  毛拇的个性坦率,常常宣言不讳,看看他有哪些经典的英文语录吧,以下是我为你精心整理的毛姆语录经典英文精选,希望你喜欢。  毛姆语录经典英文精选   The mills of God grind slowly, but finely ground.   人生有两宝,一是思想自由,二是行动自由。   There are two treasures in life, one is freedom of thought, the two is freedom of action.   既然生活毫无意义,尘世也就无残忍可言了。   Since life is meaningless, the world is no cruel at all.   你不能向人们要求超出他们所能给予的东西。   You can"t ask people more than they can give.   悲伤,在不同的人身上,会有不同的表现方式。   Sadness, in different people, there will be different ways of expression.   你享受一点你真正想的东西,这对你是有好处的。   It"s good for you to enjoy what you really want.   生活的意义在于生活本身,而不在于你如何去描写。   The meaning of life lies in the life itself, but not in the way you describe it.   如果光是责备我会对你有好处的话,那你就随便吧。   If the light is to blame and I will be good for you, then you will be free.   诉说灾祸很快就使人们腻烦,人们不愿看见忧伤的目光。   Tell the disaster soon makes people tired, people do not want to see the sad eyes.   结婚是美事一桩,但养成了结婚的习惯,那就令人不敢恭维。   Marriage is a good thing, but a marriage custom, it is not flattery.   最新毛姆语录英文   感情有理智所根本不能理解的理由。   Reason is not understood by reason.   伟大的艺术从来就是最富于装饰价值的。   Great art has always been the most decorated.   上帝的磨盘转动很慢,但是却磨得很细。   有的人的胸膛上已经沾了那么多泪水,我不忍再把我的洒上了。   Some of the chest has been stained with so many tears, I can not bear to put on my.   我这一辈子再也不会有这样的时刻了。我不打算跟任何人分享。   My whole life will never have such a moment again. I"m not going to share with anyone.   我相信,在一场瘟疫中,因为恐惧而死去的人不比因为疾病死去的人少。   I believe that in a plague, those who died because of fear are not less than those who died because of the disease.   实际上,受惠者的知恩报答心理,要比施惠者的施恩图报心理淡薄得多。   In fact, the beneficiaries of gratitude repay psychology than benefactor of Mercy"s psychology is much weaker.   金钱有如第六感官一般,如果没有金钱,便不可能完全利用其他的感觉。   Money is like the sixth senses, if there is no money, it is not possible to fully use the other feeling.   一个男人深深地爱一个女人,并非意味着他就希望下半辈子和她共同度过。   A man deeply loves a woman, does not mean that he would like to spend the rest of his life with her.   打翻了牛奶,哭也没用,因为宇宙间的一切力量都在处心积虑要把牛奶打翻。   Spilled milk, don"t cry, because everything in the universe is to deliberately plan milk.   爱情要占据一个人莫大的精力,它要一个人离开自己的生活专门去做一个爱人。   Love to occupy a great energy, it should be a person to leave their own life to do a special love.   在爱情的事上如果你考虑起自尊心来,那只能有一个原因:实际上你还是最爱自己。   In love, if you consider your pride, there is only one reason: in fact, you still love yourself.   让我们去寻求那些淳朴、敦厚的人的爱情吧。他们的愚昧远比我们的知识更为可贵。   Let us seek the honest, honest people love. Their ignorance is far more valuable than our knowledge.   爱开玩笑而又要人不觉得刻薄,天知道是件多么不容易的事。天生善良的人往往是不太有趣的。   Love is a joke, but it doesn"t mean to be unkind. God knows how hard it is. People who are born kind are often less interesting.   人的最原始的天性赤裸裸地呈现在你眼前,你看到的时候不由得感到恐惧,因为你看到的是你自己。   The most primitive nature of man is in your eyes, and you can"t help but feel fear when you see it, because you are seeing yourself.   由于时光转瞬即逝,无法挽回,所以说它是世间最宝贵的财富。滥用时光无疑是人们最没有意义的一种消磨方式。   Because the time is fleeting, can not be redeemed, so it is the world"s most valuable wealth. The abuse of time is no doubt one of the most significant ways to kill.   幸福跟痛苦一样的微不足道,它们的降临,跟生活中出现的其他细节一样,不过是使得人生格局更趋纷繁复杂罢了。   Happiness and pain, the same as the trivial, they come, with the other details of the life in the same, but is making the pattern of life more complicated and more.   每次当我看到你,就好像什么东西把他的心拧了一把,猛然间我感觉到了一阵欢欣鼓舞,一种美妙的自由自在的感觉。   Every time when I see you, like something to his heart twists him. Suddenly I felt a joy and a wonderful free feeling.   生活不过是一片混乱,充满了各种可笑的、龌龊的事情,它只能给人们提供笑料,但是他笑的时候却禁不住满心哀伤。   Life is just a mess, full of ridiculous, dirty things, it can give people a few laughs, but he smiled but couldn"t help full of sorrow.   他对生活感到不耐烦,因为他发现自己不能说出他内心那种模糊的冲动所暗示的东西。他的智力不适于表现他的精神。   He was impatient with life, for he found himself unable to tell what the impulse of his heart was suggesting. His mind is not fit for his spirit.   有关毛姆语录经典英文集锦   人生是个艰辛的历程,让我自己的一生过得完美一点儿已经很不容易了,怎么能指望去教导别人如何过好他的一生呢?   Life is a hard journey, so that my own life is not easy, how can I hope to teach others how to live a good life?   当你二十岁陷入恋爱时,你觉得那会是永恒的,而当你五十岁,你把生活,把爱情都看透了,你知道这不过是转瞬即逝的玩意儿。   When you were years old when they are in love, you feel that is eternal, and when you reach , you take life to love sees through everything, you know this is just a fleeting stuff.   做人的目的不是别的,只是为了寻求自身的快乐,即使是舍己为人,那也是出于一种幻想,以为自己所要寻求的快乐就是慷慨大方。   The purpose of life is nothing else but to seek their own happiness, even self sacrifice, that is for a kind of illusion, thought of his own to seek happiness is generous.   我要生活在世界上,爱这世界上的一切,什么都不能伤害我,什么都不必伤害我,我愿意接受形形式式的生活,不管它是怎杨的忧伤痛苦。   I want to live in the world, love the world of everything, nothing can hurt me, do not have anything to hurt me, I am willing to accept the shape of the form of life, no matter how it is the sorrow of the pain.   绝大多数人都蠢得厉害,说谁谁在常人之上真算不得什么恭维。大部人长得真是丑啊!可惜,他们也不知道该待人随和一点,也好补救一下。   The vast majority of people are so stupid, that it is really no compliment to say who is above the average person. Most people are really ugly! Unfortunately, they do not know that it is easy to treat a little less, or to remedy it.   我认为有些人诞生在某一个地方可以说未得其所。机缘把他们随便抛掷到一个环境中,而他们却一直思念着一处他们自己也不知道坐落在何处的家乡。   I think that some people were born in a place where they can say that they did not have their. Opportunity to them casually thrown into an environment, and they are always missing a they also don"t know is located in the hometown where.   我们对虚荣总是比对自负更宽容——因为虚荣的人对于我们的评价很敏感,从而满足了我们的自尊心;而自负的人对此满不在乎,结果伤害了我们的自尊。   我总觉得大多数人这样度过一生好像欠缺点什么。我承认这种生活的社会价值,我也看到了它的井然有序的幸福,但是我的血液里却有一种强烈的愿望,渴望一种更狂放不羁的旅途。我的心渴望一种更加惊险的生活。   I always think that most people spend life like this. I admit that this life of social value. I saw its ordered happiness, but my blood has a strong desire for a more uninhibited journey. My heart longs for a more dangerous life.   只要你在接受这种不幸时稍有违抗之意,那它就只能给你带来耻辱。要是你把它看做是上帝恩宠的表示,看作是因为见你双肩强壮,足以承受,才赐予你佩戴的一枚十字架,那么它就不再是你痛苦的根由,而会成为你幸福的源泉。   As long as you have a little meaning in defiance to accept this misfortune, it will only bring shame on you. If you put it is seen as the representation of the grace of God, as is because see your shoulders strong enough to bear, to give you wear a gold cross, then it is no longer the pain you, and will be the source of your happiness.   当你听到年轻人自信满满、目中无人地满口胡言时,当你看到他武断教条、偏执狭隘时,你生气做什么?指出他的愚昧无知做什么?你难道忘了,你和他一般年纪的时候也是这般愚蠢、武断、傲慢、狂妄?我说的你,所指当然是我。   When you hear young people full of confidence, defiant mouthful of nonsense, when you see him dogmatic and intolerant, are you angry do? That what his benighted do? Did you forget that you are so stupid, arbitrary, arrogant, and arrogant when you are at your age? I say you, I mean, of course.   生活中就有这样的事:你接连数月每天都碰到一个人,于是你同他的关系便十分亲密起来,你甚至会想,没有了这个人还不知怎么生活呢。随后两个人分离了,但一切仍按先前的格局进行着。你原先以为一刻也离不开的伙伴,此时已相忘江湖了。   In life there is such a thing: you have a few months each day to meet a person, so you will be very close to his relationship, you will even think, without this person still do not know how to live. Then the two men were separated, but everything went according to the previous pattern. You thought a moment also cannot do without partners, now lakes.   从来都无法得知,人们究竟为什么会爱上另一个人?我猜也许我们心上都有缺口,呼呼往灵魂里灌着寒风,我们急切需要一个正好形状的心来填上它。就算你是太阳一样完美正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许恰恰是一个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,你填不了。   Never know, why do people fall in love with another person? I guess there"s a gap in our hearts, and we"re eager to fill it with a heart filled with cold wind. Even if you are like the sun are perfect circles, but the gap in my heart, perhaps is precisely a crooked toothed, you can not fill.   We on the vanity always than ego more tolerant -- because the vain people for our evaluation is very sensitive, so as to meet our self-esteem; and pompous people expressed indifference, injuring our self-esteem.   一窍不通的人以为无窍可通,因而也就可以以为他已无所不通,于是心满意足;要叫他相信并非无所不知,还不如他相信月亮是用未熟的干酪做成的来得容易。   Know nothing about the people think orifices can pass, so that he has no sense, so contented; to convince him not omniscient, as he believe that the moon is made of green cheese easier to.   我承认常规生活的社会价值,也看到了它井然有序的幸福。但是我的血液里充斥着一种渴望,渴望着一种更为狂放不羁的旅行,我的内心渴望着一种更为惊险的生活。   I admit that the conventional social values, also see it in order of happiness. But my blood is filled with a desire, longing for a more uninhibited trip, my heart longing for a more adventurous life.   就拿我自己来说,我最大的希望就是别人不要来管我的事,但我也发现,并非人人都是这么希望的,要是我不去管他们的事,他们反而会认为我冷漠、自私、无情无义。   Take myself for example, I the biggest hope is that others don"t to me, but I"ve also noticed that, not everyone is hope so, if I don"t go to their business, but they will think I"m indifferent and selfish, heartless.   我对你根本没抱幻想。我知道你愚蠢,轻佻,头脑空虚,然而我爱你。我知道你的企图、你的理想,你的势利,庸俗,然而我爱你。我知道你是个二流货色,然而我爱你。   I don"t have a dream about you. I know you silly, frivolous, emptiness of mind, but I love you. I know your intentions, your ideal, your snobbish, vulgar, but I love you. I know you are a second rate. But I love you.   女人们总是喜欢在她们所爱的人临终前表现得宽宏大量,她们的这种偏好叫我实在难以忍受。有时候我甚至觉得她们不愿意男人寿命太长,就是怕演出这幕好戏的机会拖得太晚。   Women always like in their love of people dying be magnanimous and their preference to call me really unbearable. Sometimes I even feel that they are not willing to man life is too long, this scene is the fear of performance opportunities too late.   他们记起了自己当初也曾经把一代高踞宝座的人践踏在脚下,也正是这样大喊大叫、傲慢不逊;他们预见到这些高举火把的勇士们有朝一日同样也要让位于他人。谁说的话也不能算最后拍板。   They remember that he had had a sated generation people trampled under foot, so is yelling, haughty; they foresee the torch warriors one day also to let in others. Who said that it is not the last word.   我从这件事取得的教训是,作者应该从写作的乐趣中,从郁积在他心头的思想的发泄中取得写书的酬报;对于其他一切都不应该介意,作品成功或失败,受到称誉或是诋毁,他都应该淡然处之。   I get from this lesson, the author should from the joy of writing, from pent up in his mind the idea of giving vent to get a Book reward; for all other shouldn"t mind works, the success or failure of praise or censure, he should treat with indifference.   同样在这个年纪,你知道自己再也不能虚掷这个由反复无常的命运送来的机会,不出五年,或许六个月,这一切都会结束。生活是单调的,灰色的,而快乐是珍奇而稀有的。我们的死亡是漫长的。   Also at this age, you know you can no longer throw this opportunity to send this by capricious fate, not five years, perhaps six months, this will end all. Life is dull, grey, and happiness is rare and rare. Our death is long.   即使最没有思想的人也有自己的哲学。不管你对它们知道得多么少,也不管它们多么矛盾、多么褊狭、多么荒谬,它们存在着而且影响着你的行为反应。即使你从未说到过它们,它们却是你的哲学。   Even the most people who have no thought have their own philosophy. No matter you to know how very little, regardless of how much they contradiction, how intolerance, how absurd, in which there exists a and affect your actions. Even if you never spoke of them, they are your philosophy.   你只要想想在幼年的时期起,老一辈的人就反复向他强调说年长的人总比年轻的人聪明,而等年轻人最终发现这种说法有多荒谬的时候,他们自己也已经老了,于是觉得把这种骗术进行下去对他们会有好处。   You just have to think about in infancy, older people repeatedly to he stressed that older people than younger people smart, and young people to find out in the end that this argument is more ridiculous when, they are already old, and thought to this trick on there is good for them.   虚伪是一个人所能寻求的最困难、最刺激神经的恶习,它需要永不间断的警觉和精神的高度集中。它不像通奸或贪食可以在空闲的时间进行;它是需要付出全部时间从事的工作;它还需要一种玩世不恭的幽默。   Hypocrisy is one of the most difficult and most exciting habits of a person to seek, and it requires constant vigilance and a high concentration of spirit. Unlike adultery or bulimia may be in the free time; it is need to pay all the time engaged in work; it also needs a cynical humor.毛姆语录经典英文精选相关 文章 : 1. 中英文名言名句大全 2. 外国人经典名言语录大全 3. 毛姆小说《面纱》经典励志语录 4. 毛姆小说《人生的枷锁》经典语录 5. 小说《刀锋》经典语录
肖振2023-08-08 09:11:241


  冬是秋的延续,雪是冬的足迹,当一个 故事 在雪花纷飞的冬季展开时,那么或许有一个结局正在飘雪的时节诠释着冬的唯美。下面是我带来的唯美英文长 句子 ,欢迎阅读!  唯美英文长句子精选   1. 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。   Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.   2.鱼对水说你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里。水说我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。   “You couldnu2019t see my tears cause I am in the water.” Fish said to water.   “But I could feel your tears cause you are in my heart.” Answered water.   3.人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。   Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don"t leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and itu2018s meaningless to oppress yourself.   4. 生命中,不断地有人进入或离开。于是,看见的,看不见了;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?   There is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around the clock, so you may lose sight of those seen, and forget those remembered. There is gain and loss in your life, so you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten. Nevertheless, doesnu2019t the unseen exist for sure? Will the remembered remain forever?   5. 后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪。后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误。所以不要后悔。   Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than the loss itself and making a bigger mistake than the mistake itself. So never regret.   6、The worst feeling in the world is knowing you did the best you could and it still wasn"t good enough. 全世界最糟糕的感觉是知道自己尽力了却还是不够好。   7、She was on his back and asked him,"Am I heavy? "He answered,"The whole world is on my back.What do you think? "-"You are my world. " 他背着她,她问他:“我沉么?”他说:“整个世界都背在身上,你说沉不沉?”   8、I don"t have everything I want, but my life is still awesome. 虽然不是我想要的我都有,但是我的生活还是很棒。   9、Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. 被一个人深深爱着会让你坚强,而深深地爱一个人会让你勇敢。   10、When I miss you, I re-read our old conversations, and smile like an idiot. 当我想你的时候,我就重新读一读我们以前的聊天,然后不自觉地傻笑起来。   11、Lower your expectations, and you"ll lower your disappointments. 降低期待,你才能减少失望。   12、If you tell the truth, it becomes a part of your past. If you lie, it becomes a part of your future. 说出事实,这件事也就过去了。撒谎的话,这件事会一直缠着你。   13、At the end of the day before you sleep, Life should ask you: "Do you want to save changes?" 在一天结束的时候,生活应该问一个问题:“你想要保存所有更改吗?”   14、Getting told that I can"t do something gives me all the motivation I need to get that something done. 别人说我做不到的事,恰恰就给了我把这些事做到的动力。   15、Be what you want to be, not what others want to see.做你自己想做的,而不是别人想看到的。   唯美英文长句子阅读   1、I"m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. (Thomas Jefferson) 我是幸运的忠实信徒,而且我发现,工作越努力,拥有的幸运就越多。   2、Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So, thank the past for a better future.伤痛使你更坚强,眼泪使你更勇敢,心碎使你更明智。所以,感谢过去带给我们一个更好的未来。   3、Memories make us who we are. Dreams make us who we will become.回忆成就了现在的我们,梦想成就未来的我们。   4、A person who irritates you always is the one who loves you very much but fails to express it. 经常惹怒你的那个人,才是爱你越深的那个,只不过不懂表达罢了。   5、A true friend is the one who is proud of you when you succeed and doesnu2019t leave you when you fail.真正的朋友,在你成功时,会引以为豪;在你失败时,会不离不弃。   6.iu2019ll think of you every step of the way.我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步.   7.life is the flower for which love is the honey.生命如花,爱情是蜜。   8.love is a light that never dims.爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。   9.love is a vine that grows into our hearts.爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。   10.love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出   11.love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases.爱情就像月亮,不增则减。   12.love is the greatest refreshment in life.爱情是生活最好的提神剂。   13.love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。   14.may your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。   15.my heart is with you. 我的爱与你同在。   唯美英文长句子学习   1. a heart that loves is always young.有爱的心永远年轻。   2. brief is life, but love is long. 生命虽短,爱却绵长。   3. every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书.   4. i miss you so much already and i havenu2019t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!   5. if i know what love is, it is because of you.因为你,我懂得了爱。   6. no words are necessary between two loving hearts.两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。   7. passionate love is a quenchless thirst.热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。   8. precious things are very few in this world. that is the reason there is just one you.在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。   9. she who has never loved, has never lived.人活着总要爱一回。   10. take away love, and our earth is a tomb. 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。   the darkness is no darkness with thee.有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。   11. the most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a womanu2019s heart.在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心.   12. the soul cannot live without love.灵魂不能没有爱而存在。   13. there is no remedy for love but to love more.治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。   14. we cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。   15. when love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。
北营2023-08-08 09:11:241


 用唯美的英语表达我们的情绪。以下是我为你精心整理的英语唯美语录,希望你喜欢。  英语唯美语录精选   I"m just actors, always in someone else"s story, his tears flow.   我只是个戏子,永远在别人的 故事 里,流着自己的眼泪。   I know it seems that only love what you are trained to live up to what extent.   似乎只有我自己知道爱你到什么程度受过什么辜负。   Just this I finally gave up the chase for you, I decided to let you free.   就在刚刚我终于放弃了对你的追逐,我决定放你自由。   here is always someone who loves you, even if you donu2019t notice.   总有人爱着你,就算你自己没注意到。   Please donu2019t give up trying to do what you really want to do.   请不要放弃尝试你真正想做的事。   And what if I lose everything? u2013Youu2019ll still have me.   要是我一无所有了呢?-那你还有我。   Donu2019t cry over someone who would not cry over you.   不会为你哭的人,不值得你为之掉眼泪。   A badly hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.   一颗伤透的心,需要的不是同情,而是理解。   If you like her, tell her, because she wonu2019t wait forever.   如果你喜欢她,就告诉她,因为她不会永远等你。   Donu2019t worry. Someday, someone will notice you.   不要担心,总有一天,会有人注意到你。   You have to believe in yourself. Thatu2019s the secret of success.   人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。   When think about our past, I lose my mind.   一想到我们的过去,我就无法自持。   英语唯美语录最新   Some people care too much. I think itu2019s called love.   有些人太过在乎,我觉得那应该叫爱。   Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.   爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。   Love is not a matter of counting the days. It"s making the days count.   爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。   With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.   拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。   I love a happy ending, for they are so rare.   我喜欢完美收尾,因为它们如此难得。   Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.   不要放弃任何人,奇迹每天都会发生。   Donu2019t judge my path, if you havenu2019t walked my journey.   若你没有经历过我的旅程,就不要来批判我走的道路。   Pain is temporary, love is forever, don"t make it the other way around.   痛苦是暂时的,爱是永恒的,不要颠倒了彼此。   The same love that makes me laugh also makes me cry.   同一份爱既让我笑又让我哭。   Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.   爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。   The most regretful things are the uncompleted ones.   最遗憾的事是那些还未完成的。   There are no shortcuts to any place worth going to.   任何值得一去的地方都没有捷径可走。   I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become.   已经注定的不是我自己,我选择的才是我要成为的自己。   Life would be so much simpler if I didnu2019t core so much.   如果我不这么在乎,生活会简单得多   Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.   态度是一件小事,却会引起翻天覆地的变化。   You meet one person. Your whole life changes forever.   你认识了一个人。然后你的人生就永远改变了。   The way sadness works is one of the strangest riddles of the world.   悲伤作祟的方式是世界上奇特的谜。   Sometimes we have to fight for the things worth fighting for.   有时候,我们得为值得奋斗的事情而奋斗。   Donu2019t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.   不要害怕失败,没尝试过才可怕。   Life always gives you another chance, itu2019s called tomorrow.   生活总会给你另一个机会,这个机会叫明天。   Take may hand, we will get through this together.   牵着我的手,一切我们都会一起度过。   Every story has an end, but in life every end is a new beginning.   每个故事都有个结局,但生活中每个结局都是开始。   Forever is a long time and time has a way of changing things.   永远是一段很长的时间,而时间是改变事物的一种方式。   Look forward with hope, not backwards with regret.   带着希望向前看,而不是带着悔恨退缩。   英语唯美语录集锦   Itu2019s the people who love you youu2019re the hardest on.   对那些爱你的人,你恰恰是最苛刻。   Just because it didnu2019t last forever, doesnu2019t mean it wasnu2019t worth it.   只因为它不会天长地久,不代表它就不值得。   We were like strangers who knew each other very well.   我们就像最熟悉的陌生人。   Bursting out into tears because you canu2019t take it anymore.   就失声痛哭吧,因为你再也忍不住了。   Sometimes I think about the past and I fall apart inside.   有时候想想过去,我就心如刀绞。   Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.   每个人看上去都很平凡,直到你试着去了解他们之后。   The people with the biggest hearts always suffer the most.   心胸最宽大的人往往承受得最多。   Just because youu2019re breathing, doesnu2019t mean youu2019re alive.   你只是呼吸着,不代表你还鲜明地活着。   I"m sick of saying sorry when I"m not.   我厌倦了总是说对不起,即使我什么也没有做错。   Thousand words as you in the side.   情话千篇,不如你在身边。   I am finally going to leave you very slow but very firm.   我终于打算离开你了,很慢,但很坚定。   Obviously very like, but not close to.   明明动了情,却不敢靠近。   Forgive me for not warm myself but still want to be your sun.   原谅我温暖不了自己,却还想做你的太阳。   Time won"t go back I won"t turn back.   时光不会倒着走,我也不会再回头。   You donu2019t love a girl because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.   你不是因为她的美丽而爱她,而她却是因为你的爱而美丽。   I buried this person in my heart.   心里有座城,葬着未亡人。   I"m always keeping my eyes on you,by the means you know or not.   我一直在关注你,用一切你知道或不知道的方式。   My heart,the bird of the wilderness,has found its sky in your eyes.   我的心是旷野的鸟,在你的眼睛里找到了天空。   You always scolded by their parents but never cry out in defeat.   你总容易被父母骂哭,却从未在外面服输。   Don"t let the past and useless details ruin your existence.   别让过去和那些无用的细节毁了你的现在。   Don"t give up. Fight for what you love.   别放弃,为你所爱的而奋斗。   If you know who I was, maybe you would forgive who I am.   你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。   I just want to be different in your heart.   我想成为你心中的特别。   I thought you were less I like I was less you will panic.   我以为你少了我就像我少了你一样会慌。   I started to dislike about the outcome fits and starts doing all this to overexert yourself.   我开始厌恶这个患得患失忽冷忽热拼尽全力去逞强的自己。   Never regret.If itu2019s good, itu2019s wonderful. If itu2019s bad, itu2019s experience.   不必遗憾。若是美好,叫做精彩。若是糟糕,叫做经历。   My temper off a lot of people but the most people really.   我的脾气赶走了很多人,但留下了最真的人。   I don"t need a perfect relationship, I just need someone who won"t give up on me.   我不需要多么完美的爱情,我只需要有一个人永远不会放弃我。   In fact, I would like to say that I just like to say with a smile.   其实我很介意,只是喜欢笑着说没关系。   Truth is, I miss you. All the time, every second, every minute, every hour, every day.   真相是,我想你。无时无刻不想你,每一分,每一秒,每个小时,每一天。   Lost things will not have the original precious.   失而复得的东西不会有最初的珍贵。   I will wait for you, but not too long.   我会等你,但不会太久。   She is not mature sensible mischief but also doesn"t love laugh.   她成熟了,懂事了,不胡闹了,可是也不爱笑。   Heart is mine, but full of you.   心是我的,可里面全是你。   I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.   我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。英语唯美语录精选60句相关 文章 : 1. 唯美英语语录精选60句 2. 60句阳光语录唯美经典 3. 唯美语录大全 4. 唯美英文语录精选 5. 60句超短唯美语录大全 6. 古典唯美语录 7. 雨的经典语录唯美60句 8. 60句花的唯美语录大全
kikcik2023-08-08 09:11:211


苏州马小云2023-08-08 09:11:216


1、不要慨叹生活的痛苦!慨叹是弱者。——高尔基 Don"t lament the pain of life! Lament is the weak. 2、强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。——华特·贝基霍 Strong faith will win it takes a strong man, and then make them stronger. 3、不害怕痛苦的人是坚强的,不害怕死亡的人更坚强。——迪亚娜夫人 Not a man who fears suffering is strong, not afraid of death are more strong. 4、说到底,爱情就是一个人的自我价值在别人身上的反映。——爱默生 In the end, the love is a person of a reflection of self-worth on others. 5、一个人要表现最高的真诚,就必须做到无事不可对人言。——泰戈尔 A person to the highest sincerity, it must be have no matter to human speech. 6、如果你年轻时没有学会思考,那就永远学不会思考。——爱迪生 If you did not learn to think when you are young, never learn to think. 7、一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。——司汤达 A person as long as strongly unremitting pursuit, he can achieve a goal. 8、时髦把低劣抬到了讨人喜欢的水平,继而把坏的和好的变得十分相像。——本特利 Modern carried the inferior to attractive levels, then the bad and the good become very much alike. 9、要从容地着手去做一件事,但一旦开始,就要坚持到底。——比阿斯 Leisurely to start to do a thing, but once you begin, is going to stick it out. 10、我从来不知道什么是苦闷,失败了再来,前途是自己努力创造出来的。——徐特立 I never know what is dePssed, I failed again, the future is to create their own. 11、我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。——奥斯特洛夫斯基 The only thing we won"t correct faults is weak. 12、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。——卡耐基 If we have accepted the worst, we have no loss again. 13、我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。——贝多芬 I would like to prove that every act of kindness and noble person, can so and bear their troubles. 14、有罪是符合人性的,但长期坚持不改就是魔鬼。——乔叟 Guilty is in conformity with the human, but to insist for a long time is the devil. 15、爱情存在于奉献的欲望之中,并把情人的快乐视作自己的快乐。——斯韦登伯格 Love exists in dedication of desire, and the lover"s happiness as his own happiness. 16、持续不断地劳动是人生的铁律,也是艺术的铁律。——巴尔扎克 Continue to labor is the iron law of life, is also the iron law of art. 17、流水在碰到抵触的地方,才把它的活力解放。——歌德 Water met resistance in place, to get its energy liberation. 18、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。——裴斯泰洛齐 Should do not do today, tomorrow early and delayed again. 19、人生的小小不幸,可以帮助我们度过重大的不幸。——伊森伯格 A small misfortune in life, can help us through great misfortune. 20、苦难是人生的老师。通过苦难,走向欢乐。——贝多芬 Suffering is the teacher of life. Through the suffering, to joy. 21、人的一生是短的,但如果卑劣地过这一生,就太长了。——莎士比亚 Life is short, but if despicable to this life, would be too long. 22、工作就是人生的价值,人生的欢乐,也是幸福之所在。——罗丹 The value of work is life, the joy of life, is also happiness. 23、每一种挫折或不利的突变,是带着同样或较大的有利的种子。——爱默生 Each setback or detrimental mutations, is with the same or greater beneficial seeds. 24、人生中最困难者,莫过于选择。——莫尔 The most difficulties in life is the conviction. 25、在你发怒的时候,要紧闭你的嘴,免得增加你的怒气。——苏格拉底 When you are angry, want to shut your mouth, lest increase your anger. 26、只有把抱怨环境的心情,化为上进的力量,才是成功的保证。——罗曼·罗兰 Only you turn your complaints of environments into the strength to strive for the better is the guarantee of success. 27、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉。——库法耶夫 Book is not only the life, and it is now, in the past, and the source of cultural life in the future. 28、暂时的失利,比暂时的胜利好得多。——阿卜·法拉兹 Temporary defeat, is far better than a temporary victory. 29、衡量人生的标准是看其是否有意义;而不是看其有多长。——普鲁塔克 The standard of life is to see if it can be measured in meaning; Rather than see how long it is. 30、不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。——伏尔泰 Without great difficulty, there would be no great cause. 31、忘掉今天的人将被明天忘掉。——歌德 Forget today will be forgotten tomorrow. 32、坚强的信念能赢得强者的心,并使他们变得更坚强。——白哲特 Strong belief can win the heart of the strong, and make them stronger. 33、不要垂头丧气,即使失去一切,明天仍在你的手里。——王尔德 Don"t be discouraged, even if losing everything, tomorrow is still in your hand. 34、在各种孤独中间,人最怕精神上的孤独。——巴尔扎克 Among various kinds of loneliness, the most afraid of loneliness of spirit. 35、我没有别的东西奉献,唯有辛劳泪水和血汗。——丘吉尔 I don"t have anything else, only toil tears and sweat. 36、读书使人充实,思考使人深邃,交谈使人清醒。——富兰克林 Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound, talk to make people awake. 37、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。——约翰生 Event is not the size of the power, and can insist on how long. 38、友谊使欢乐倍增,使痛苦减半。——培根 Friendship joys, pain halved. 39、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。——马克思 Life is like a sea, only the strong will of people, to reach the other shore. 40、在欢乐时,朋友会认识我们;在患难时,我们会认识朋友。——科林斯 When joy, friends will know us; A friend in trouble, we will know. 41、品格能决定人生,它比天资更重要。——弗·桑德斯 Character to life, it is more important than talent. 42、上天完全是为了坚强我们的意志,才在我们的道路上设下重重的障碍。——泰戈尔 God is completely in order to strong our will, just set the heavy obstacles on our way. 43、活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗?——乔布斯 To live is to change the world, is there any other reason? 44、青春是人生之花,是生命的自然表现。——池田大作 Youth is the flower of life, is the natural exPssion of life. 45、智慧勤劳和天才,高于显贵和富有。——贝多芬 Diligence and wisdom, genius above dignitaries and rich. 46、苦难是人生的老师,通过苦难,走向欢乐。——贝多芬 Hardship is the teacher of life, through suffering, to happiness. 47、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一次也不善于度过。——吕凯特 Life can"t have two times, but many people not even a good at spend. 48、别把今天的彩虹,放在明天的天空。——雷松 Don"t put today"s rainbow, the sky tomorrow. 49、人生有两个悲剧,第一是想得到的得不到,第二是想得到的得到了。——王尔德 There are two tragedies in life, the first is not imaginable, the second is to get received. 50、竞争并不是推动人类前进的动力,嫉妒才是。——沃伦·巴菲特 Competition is not the motivation, promote human envy is. 51、人最可怕的敌人是没有坚强的信念。——罗曼·罗兰 The most terrible enemy is no strong belief. 52、点燃蜡烛照亮他人者,也不会给自己带来黑暗。——杰弗逊 Lit a candle lights others, also won"t bring their darkness. 53、所谓高质量人生,其实就是平衡不断遭到破坏和重建。——赵鑫珊 The so-called high quality life, in fact, the balance is destroyed and rebuilt. 54、困难只能吓倒懦夫懒汉,而胜利永远属于敢于攀登科学**的人。——茅以升 Difficulties can only be intimidated by a coward idlers, and victory always goes to those who dare to climb the summit of science. 55、勇猛、大胆和坚定的决心能够抵得上武器的精良。——达·芬奇 Bold, bold and determination can is worth sophisticated weapons. 56、生命如同寓言,其价值不在与长短,而在与内容。——塞涅卡 Life is like fable, its value is not and length, and with the content. 57、朋友越老越好,美酒越老越香。——约翰·雷 The older the better friend, wine the older the incense. 58、即使跌倒一百次,也要一百零一次地站起来。——张海迪 Even if fall one hundred times, one hundred and one times to stand up. 59、强者容易坚强,正如弱者容易软弱。——爱默生 The strong to strong, as the weak weak easily. 60、不是每一个都要站在第一线上的,各人应该做自己份内的工作。——赫尔岑 Not every one should be standing on the first line, every man should do his job. 61、凡可以献上我的全身的事,决不献上一只手。——狄更斯 Who can offer my whole body, never to give a hand. 62、从洞穴里看见,天是渺小的,生活是狭窄的。——高尔基 From the cave to see, the day is small, life is narrow. 63、人只能有献身社会,才能找出那实际上是短暂而有风险的生命的意义。——爱因斯坦 People there can only be dedicated to the society, to find out the meaning of life is actually short and risky. 64、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 Only always lying in the mud, won"t fall into a pit. 65、人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义。——爱因斯坦 Only dedicated to the society, to find out the short and has a risk of the meaning of life. 66、一个人几乎可在任何他怀有无限热忱的事情上成功。——查尔斯·史考伯 A person can be almost to succeed in anything he has unlimited enthusiasm. 67、我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。——拉罗什福科 The only thing we won"t correct faults is weak. 68、使意志获得自由的唯一途径,就是让意志摆脱任性。——黑尔 That the only way will be free, even let will to get rid of the capricious. 69、人生的本质在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。——帕斯卡 The essence of life lies in sports, quiet quiet is death. 70、人生是由短暂的开花期,和长久的花枯萎构成的。——乌兰德 Life is a short flowering period, and long flowers wither. 71、我们既活着做人就必须造就我们所处的实际环境,凡事忍耐些。——泰戈尔 We both live life we must make our actual environment, always perseveres. 72、每一个人都嘲笑陈旧的时尚,却虔诚地追求新的时尚。——梭罗 Everyone laughed at the old fashion, but reverently pursuit of new fashion. 73、诚实的人必须对自己守信,他的最后靠山就是真诚。——爱默生 Honest man must be faithful to himself, his last patron is sincere. 74、先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你。——罗曼·罗兰 Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you. 75、你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。——歌德 If you want to love your own value, you have to create value to the world. 76、人类的幸福和欢乐在于奋斗,而最有价值的是为理想而奋斗。——苏格拉底 Human happiness and joy is to struggle, and the most valuable is to struggle for a noble ideal. 77、顺境中不无隐忧和烦恼,逆境中不无慰藉和希望。——培根 In prosperity is not without worry and the worry, adversity is not without comfort and hope. 78、智慧之子使父亲欢乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞。——所罗门 A wise son maketh a glad father, but a foolish son shames the mother. 79、什么叫作失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。——菲里浦斯 What is failure? Failure is the first step to something better. 80、哪怕是自己的一点小小的克制,也会使人变得强而有力。——高尔基 Even their own a little restraint, also can make people become strong and powerful. 81、埋在地下的树根使树枝产生果实,却并不要求什么报酬。——泰戈尔 The roots below the earth claim no rewards making the branches fruitful, but does not require what compensation. 82、天才免不了有障碍,因为障碍会创造天才。——罗曼·罗兰 Obstacles are inevitable to the talents, for obstacles can create geniuses. 83、当一人言行不一致时,这就完全糟了,这会导向伪善。——列宁 When one person"s words don"t agree, this is quite bad, which leads to hypocrisy. 84、你要记得,永远要愉快地多给别人,少从别人那里拿取。——高尔基 You remember, always happily give others more, take less from another. 85、我不在意你曾堕落,我只在意你是否会崛起。——林肯 I don"t mind you have fallen, I only care about whether or not you will rise. 86、我一向憎恶为自己的温饱打算的人。人是高于温饱的。——高尔基 I have always hated and plan for their own food and clothing. People is higher than that of food and clothing. 87、没有消遣就绝不会有欢乐,有了消遣就绝不会有悲哀。——帕斯卡尔 No fun, no joy, there is a recreation can never be sorrow. 88、人生是一座富矿,有待于自身去开采。——崔鹤同 Life is a rich ore, subject to their own to mining. 89、深窥自己的心,而后发觉一切的奇迹在你自己。——培根 Deep insights into their own heart, and then find all the miracles in yourself. 90、青春不是人生的一段时期,而是心灵的一种状况。——塞涅卡 Youth is not a period of life, it is a condition in which a person"s mind. 91、有困难是坏事也是好事,困难会逼着人想办法,困难环境能锻炼来。——徐特立 It is bad to have difficulty is also good, difficulties will force people to find a way to, can exercise to difficult environment.
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北营2023-08-08 09:11:201


【 #英语资源# 导语】随着社会的发展,英语已成为个人甚至一个国家发展的重要工具,每个人都希望说一口流利的英文。以下是由 分享关于好听的英文句子,仅供参考! 【篇一】关于好听的英文句子精选   Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Learn to trust your heart.   跟着感觉走,静静地。学着去相信自己的内心。   Would a man running in the rain, also don"t want to put into the arm.   宁愿一个人在雨中奔跑,也不愿投入你那虚伪的怀抱。   all things are difficult before they are easy.   凡事必先难后易。   For those things i don"t talk about,it does not mean i don"t know.   有些事不说,不代表不知道。   I can put the past you"re so natural, I think I rea.   我可以把过往的你说得如此自然,我想我真的释怀了。   Forgetting someone doesn"t mean never think of him, but thinking of him with a calm heart.   忘记一个人,并非不再想起,而是偶尔想起,心中却不再有波澜。   Give free to him when you fall in love and give free to love when you don"t love.   爱的时候,让他自由;不爱的时候,让爱自由。   Everything happens for a reason.   这个世界,没有偶然。   Every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart.   每个单身的人背后至少藏着一个让人心碎的秘密。   A positive attitude will have positive results,because attitudes are contagious.   积极的态度会带来积极的结果,因为态度是具有感染力的。   I apply to get into your life.   我申请,加入你的人生。   I need to believe love can last…   我真的想去相信爱是可以长久的。   Without you, I still will smile carefree, please don"t think that you.   没有你,我依旧会笑得无虑,请别以为你有多难忘。   Beauty is superficial, but ugly goes down to the bone.   美貌固然肤浅,丑陋却能深入骨髓。 【篇二】关于好听的英文句子精选   1.First impression of you is most lasting.对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。   2.First love is unforgettable all one"s life.初恋是永生难忘的。   3.I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away.我们生气争执时,爱的双唇把它们吻得无影无踪,我的心也顿觉甜蜜。   4.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。   5.In love folly is always sweet.恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。   6.In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair.哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。   7.Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered.爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。   8.Love is a fire which burns unseen.爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。   9.Love is not a matter of counting the days. It"s making the days count.爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。   10.Love me little and love me long.不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。   11.Love understands love; it needs no talk.相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。   12.Love warms more than a thousand fires.爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。   13.Love without end hath no end.情绵绵,爱无边。   14.Love"s tongue is in the eyes.爱情的话语全在双眼之中。   15.Tell me you are mine. I"ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。   16.The heart that once truly loves never forgets.真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。   17.The only present love demands is love.爱所祈求的礼物就是爱。   18.There is no hiding from lover"s eyes.什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。   19.When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。   20.With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 【篇三】关于好听的英文句子精选   1、Don"t cry because it is over,smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧!为你的曾经拥有。   2、God speed your love to me. 愿上帝赐给我你的爱   3、Hard work never killed anybody. But why take the risk 努力工作不会导致死亡!不过我不会用自己去证明.   4、The sandflass remembers the time we lost沙漏记得`我们遗忘的时光   5、let her know…my heart…is beating with hers 让她知道 -我的心 -为她而存   6、Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you"re gonna get!生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。   7、My love,You are like a flower,So sweet and pure and fair.我的爱人,你就像一朵鲜花,那么甜蜜、纯洁而秀雅。   8、The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget.The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn.学的越多,知道的越多, 知道的越多,忘记的越多, 忘记的越多,知道的越少, 为什么学来着 !   9、I need your love, 我需要你的爱。   10、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
CarieVinne 2023-08-08 09:11:201


【 #英语资源# 导语】天下之土励志清白,竞为闲暇修索之玩,莫不碎玉锵金,啜英咀华,较筐箧之精,争鉴裁之别。以下是由 考 网精心收集了经典励志英文短句子,供大家欣赏学习! 【篇一】经典英文励志短句子精选   1、No sweet without sweat.   (先苦后甜,苦尽甘来。)   2、In fair weather prepare for foul.   (未雨绸缪。)   3、Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.   (与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。)   4、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.   (困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。)   5、Happiness takes no account of time.   (欢乐不觉时光过,幸福年华似流水。)   6、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.   (我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。)   7、Do you love life?Then do not squander time;for that"s the stuff life is made of.   (你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。)   8、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.   (只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。)   9、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd:a little bit more.   (成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。)   10、For man is man and master of his fate.   (人就是人,是自己命运的主人。)   11、Failure is the mother of success.——Thomas Paine   (失败乃成功之母。)   12、All things in their being are good for something.   (天生我才必有用。)   13、Pain past is pleasure.   (过去的痛苦即快乐。)   14、All are brothers.   (四海之内皆兄弟。)   15、Activity is the only road to knowledge.   (行动是通往知识的道路。)   16、The shortest answer is doing.   (最简单的回答就是行动。)   17、I feel strongly that I can make it.   (我坚信我一定能成功。)   18、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.   (心之所愿,无事不成。)   19、Perseverance can somtimes equal genius in its results.   (毅力在效果上有时候能同天才相比。)   20、Anything one man can imagine,other men can make real.   (但凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。)   21、Where there is life,there is hope.   (有生命必有希望。)   22、Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort.   (不要因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。)   23、Miracles sometimes occur,but one has to work terribly for them.   (奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命地努力。)   24、All things are difficult before they are easy.   (凡事必先难后易。) 【篇二】经典英文励志短句子精选   1、 a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。   2、a good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。   3、a journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.千里之行,始于足下。   4、after a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴。   5、all roads lead to rome. 条条大路通罗马。   6、art is long, but life is short. 人生有限,学问无涯。   7、better late than never.只要开始,虽晚不迟。   8、early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早睡早起,富裕聪明身体好。   9、east, west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。   10、everyday and in every way i"m getting better.每天每个方面我的生活都正在好转。   11、go for it! = just do it!加油!向前冲!做了再说!   12、great hopes make great man. 远大的希望,造就伟大的人物。   13、honesty is the best policy.诚实才是上策。   14、i know that my future is not just a dream.我知道我的未来不是梦。   15、it is good to learn at another man"s cost. 前车之鉴。   16、it is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。   17、keeping is harder than winning. 创业不易,守业更难。   18、knowledge is power.知识就是力量。   19、let"s cross the bridge when we come to it. 船到桥头自然直。   20、light come, light go. 来得容易,去得快。 【篇三】经典英文励志短句子精选   1、A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.   知足是人生在世的幸事。   ——Joseph Addison(美国作家艾迪生)   2、If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some.   要想知道钱的价值,就想办法去借钱试试。   ——Benjamin Franklin(美国总统富兰克林)   3、If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend,   experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.   如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。   ——Thomas Edison(美国发明家爱迪生)   4、Health is certainly more valuable than money,   because it is by health that money is procured.   健康当然比金钱更为重要,因为我们所赖以获得金钱的就是健康。   ——Samuel Johnson(英国作家约翰逊)   5、That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest.   能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。   ——Henry David Thoreau(美国作家梭罗)   6、Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.   有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价。   ——Albert Einstein(美国科学家爱因斯坦)   7、Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.   意志、工作和等待是成功的金字塔的基石。   ——Louis Pasteur(法国化学家巴斯勒)   8、All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.   人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。   ——Voltaire(法国思想家伏尔泰)   9、There is a great different between exposure of   the mind and that of the body.   表露思想和展露身体之间存在极大的不同。   ——William Hazlitt(英国批评家散文家哈滋里特)   10、To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive,   and the true success is to labor.   怀着希望去旅行比抵达目的地更愉快;而真正的成功在于工作。   ——Robert Louis Stevenson(英国作家史蒂文森)   11、The greater a man is, the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him.   一个人越伟大,对表扬和奉承就越反感。   ——John Burroughs(美国博物学家巴勒斯)   12、I might say that success is won by three things:   first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort.   可以说成功要靠三件事才能赢得:努力,努力,再努力。   ——Thomas Hardy(英国诗人小说家哈代)   13、Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed.   成功常常取决于知道需要多久才能成功。   ——Charles Montesquieu(法国思想家孟德斯鸠)   14、Only those who have the patience to do simple things   perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.   只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举的完成困难的事。   ——Friedrich Schiller(德国剧作家诗人席勒)   15、You have to believe in yourself. That"s the secret of success.   你必须相信自己,这是成功的关键。   ——Charles Chaplin(美国演员卓别林)   16、A man can succeed at almost anything for which   he has unlimited enthusiasm.   无论何事,只要对它有无限的热情你就能取得成功。   ——C. M. Schwab(美国实业家施瓦布)   17、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”.   凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。   ——Bonapart Napoleon(法国皇帝拿破仑)   18、Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.   进步是今天的活动,明天的保证。   ——Emerson(美国思想家爱默生)   20、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair,   but the chalice of opportunity.   命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。   ——Richard Nixon(美国总统尼克松)
Ntou1232023-08-08 09:11:201


陶小凡2023-08-08 09:11:142


  它的脾气很好,你几乎不能够看到它发火的样子。下面是我给大家整理的几乎不的英文短语,供大家参阅!   几乎不的英文短语篇1   1. Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered.   不幸的是,几乎不可能看到这些重大问题得到回复。   2. The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution.   政府本身几乎不了解工业污染的程度。   3. Such measures would be highly impracticable and almost impossible to apply.   这样的措施非常不切实际,几乎不可能付诸实施。   4. As an exercise in stating the obvious, this could scarcely be faulted.   这说的都是些显而易见的事情,几乎不可能出错。   5. People had very low expectations.   人们几乎不抱什么期望。   6. Sometimes I hardly dare open my mouth.   有时我几乎不敢开口说话。   7. I can scarcely believe it.   我几乎不敢相信。   8. a thinly veiled threat   几乎不加掩饰的威胁   9. We spoke to little purpose — his mind was clearly made up already.   我们说的话几乎不起作用,他显然已下定决心了.   10. Tina is as quiet as a mouse — you hardly know she"s there.   蒂娜很文静——你几乎不知道她在那儿.   11. She started a new relationship with almost indecent haste.   她又开始谈情说爱,速度快得让人几乎不能接受.   12. Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.   维多利亚时代几乎不让女性表达自己的性兴趣.   13. She answered with an almost imperceptible nod of the head.   她几乎不为人察觉地点了一下头作为回答.   14. I didn"t feel half as cold once they"d put the heating on.   他们一打开暖气,我就几乎不觉得冷了.   15. It hardly falls within the area under the police station"s jurisdiction.   它几乎不在该派出所的辖区之内.   几乎不的英文短语篇2   我几乎不认是我的母亲。   I hardly knew my mother.   他几乎不知道如何去应付这个局面。   He was scarcely able to cope with the situation.   这个荷兰人说法语几乎不带任何口音。   The Dutch man spoke French with hardly any accent.   人类几乎不需插手----所有的建设将由机器人在宇航员的监督下进行。   Humans will barely be involvedu2013all construction will be taken care of by robots with oversightfrom astronauts.   一个新型的投资者的到来对于创业公司来说是个大消息,因为过去只有两种而且他们几乎不与彼此发生竞争。   The arrival of a new type of investor is big news for startups, because there used to be only twoand they rarely competed with one another.   这个过程可以不断的重复,所以电池几乎不需要更换。   That process can repeat over and over, so the cells rarely need replacing.   这个过程可以不断的重复,所以电池几乎不需要更换。   That process can repeat over and over, so the cells rarely need replacing.   几乎不的英文短语篇3   我几乎不认识你。   I hardly know you.   这个建议几乎不值得认真考虑。   This proposal is hardly worth of serious consideration.   你怎么会为一个你几乎不认识的人哭泣,我为什么要哭,是为S还是为她的故事而哭?   How do you cry for someone you hardly know? And for what was I crying? S or her story?   他只看到一位母亲和蔼的抱着她的孩子把脸转向他;许多生活工作忙碌的父亲几乎不认识他们的孩子。   He saw only one mother hug her child warmly and bring her face close to his; many of the busyfathers hardly knew their children.   我几乎不认识这个人。   I hardly knew this person.   我几乎不认得她了!   I barely recognize her!   事实上,他几乎不记得那次旅行了;是他的父亲写了那封瓶中信。   In fact, he barely remembered the trip at all; his father actually wrote the letter.   现在有一种动议——当然受到大的游说活动的鼓动——要提供一种赦免,在这一赦免下公司可以转回资金,但几乎不交纳任何税。   Now thereu2019s a move afoot — driven, of course, by a major lobbying campaign — to offer anamnesty under which companies could move funds back while paying hardly any taxes.   我们纵观整个文学史,显然几乎不可能发生。   We looked through the literature. It hardly ever happens, obviously.   在现在的经济气候中,财政保守主义几乎不需要提及——但这是有效领导者的特征之一,因此它必须在清单中。   In our current economic climate, fiscal conservatism hardly needs mentioning - but it is one ofthe signs of the effective leader, so it must be in this list.   我们现在几乎不怎么敢说两个人相爱是因为他们彼此望了一眼。   One hardly dares to say, nowadays, that two beings fell in love because they looked at each other.   我被他的话震惊了,我惊讶的是他会与一个几乎不认识的人分享这么绝望的想法。   I was stunned by his words, and shocked that he would share such desperate thoughts withsomeone he barely knew.
左迁2023-08-08 09:09:541


【篇一】关于春节的古诗阅读   《新年作》   [唐]刘长卿   乡心新岁切,天畔独潸然。   老至居人下,春归在客先。   岭猿同旦暮,江柳共风烟。   已似长沙傅,从今又几年。   《除夜》   唐.白居易   岁暮纷多思,天涯渺未归。   老添新甲子,病减旧容辉。   乡国仍留念,功名已息机。   明朝四十九,应转悟前非。   《会中赋得新年》   [唐]顾非熊   万古如昨日,一年加一晨。暗生无限事,潜老几多人。   归路旧侣尽,故乡回雁新。那堪独惆怅,犹是白衣身。   《悲新年》   [唐]卢仝   新年何事最堪悲,病客遥听百舌儿。   太岁只游桃李径,春风肯管岁寒枝。   《喜入新年自咏时年七十一》   [唐]白居易   白须如雪五朝臣,又值新正第七旬。   老过占他蓝尾酒,病余收得到头身。   销磨岁月成高位,比类时流是幸人。   大历年中骑竹马,几人得见会昌春?   《新年呈友》   [唐]   许棠   一月月相似,一年年不同。清晨窥古镜,旅貌近衰翁。   处世闲难得,关身事半空。浮生能几许,莫惜醉春风。   《新年》   [唐]   无可   燃灯朝复夕,渐作长年身。紫阁未归日,青门又见春。   掩关寒过尽,开定草生新。自有林中趣,谁惊岁去频。   《除夜》   唐.曹松   残腊即又尽,东风应渐闻。   一宵犹几许,两岁欲平分。   燎暗倾时斗,春通绽处芬。   明朝遥捧酒,先合祝尧君。   《除夜》   唐.白居易   薄晚支颐坐,中宵枕臂眠。   一从身去国,再见日周天。   老度江南岁,春抛渭北田。   浔阳来早晚,明日是三年。 【篇二】关于春节的古诗阅读   《江外除夜》   唐.曹松   千门庭燎照楼台,总为年光急急催。   半夜腊因风卷去,五更春被角吹来。   宁无好鸟思花发,应有游鱼待冻开。   不是多岐渐平稳,谁能呼酒祝昭回。   《除夜》   唐.成彦雄   铜龙看却送春来,莫惜颠狂酒百杯。   吟鬓就中专拟白,那堪更被二更催。   《除夜》   唐.方干   玉漏斯须即达晨,四时吹转任风轮。   寒灯短烬方烧腊,画角残声已报春。   明日便为经岁客,昨朝犹是少年人。   新正定数随年减,浮世惟应百遍新。   《除夜》   唐.白居易   病眼少眠非守岁,老心多感又临春。   火销灯尽天明后,便是平头六十人。   《除夜作》   唐.高适   旅馆寒灯独不眠,客心何事转凄然。   故乡今夜思千里,愁鬓明朝又一年。   《除夜》   唐.来鹄   事关休戚已成空,万里相思一夜中。   愁到晓鸡声绝后,又将憔悴见春风。   《除夜》   唐.李世民   岁阴穷暮纪,献节启新芳。   冬尽今宵促,年开明日长。   冰消出镜水,梅散入风香。   对此欢终宴,倾壶待曙光。   《除夜》   唐.尚颜   九冬三十夜,寒与暖分开。   坐到四更后,身添一岁来。   鱼灯延腊火,兽炭化春灰。   青帝今应老,迎新见几回。   《除夜作》   唐.薛能   和吹度穹旻,虚徐接建寅。   不辞加一岁,唯喜到三春。   燎照云烟好,幡悬井邑新。   祯祥应北极,调燮验平津。   树欲含迟日,山将退旧尘。   兰萎残此夜,竹爆和诸邻。   祝寿思明圣,驱傩看鬼神。   团圆多少辈,眠寝独劳筋。   茜旆犹双节,雕盘又五辛。   何当平贼后,归作自由身。 【篇三】关于春节的古诗阅读   《故乡除夜》   唐.周弘亮   三百六十日云终,故乡还与异乡同。   非唯律变情堪恨,抑亦才疏命未通。   何处夜歌销腊酒,谁家高烛候春风。   诗成始欲吟将看,早是去年牵课中。   《岁除夜》   唐.罗隐   官历行将尽,村醪强自倾。   厌寒思暖律,畏老惜残更。   岁月已如此,寇戎犹未平。   儿童不谙事,歌吹待天明。   《除夜有怀》   唐.杜审言   故节当歌守,新年把烛迎。   冬氛恋虬箭,春色候鸡鸣。   兴尽闻壶覆,宵阑见斗横。   还将万亿寿,更谒九重城。   《田家元日》   唐.孟浩然   昨夜斗回北,今朝岁起东;   我年已强壮,无禄尚忧农。   桑野就耕父,荷锄随牧童;   田家占气候,共说此年丰。   《卖痴呆词》   唐.范成大   除夕更阑人不睡,厌禳钝滞迫新岁;   小儿呼叫走长街,云有痴呆召人卖。   《除夜有怀》   唐.孟浩然   五更钟漏欲相催,四气推迁往复回。   帐里残灯才去焰,炉中香气尽成灰。   渐看春逼芙蓉枕,顿觉寒销竹叶杯。   守岁家家应未卧,相思那得梦魂来。   《除夜》   唐.徐铉   寒灯耿耿漏迟迟,送故迎新了不欺。   往事并随残历日,春风宁识旧容仪。   预惭岁酒难先饮,更对乡傩羡小儿。   吟罢明朝赠知己,便须题作去年诗。
meira2023-08-08 08:55:101


我的班级初中作文我已经为大家找来了,大家赶快跟随我来看看吧。 我的班级范文 新的一年,又来到了一个新的环境,来到了一个新的班集体中。正值少年,我们在这个新的班级体中,发生了许许多多的故事,也让我对自己,对他人有了新的看法。 我的班级是一个充满友善的班级。在我们的班级中,每当有人有困难,需要别人去帮助时,我们班的同学一定会争先恐后的去帮助他。 我的班级也是一个公平公正公开的班级。在我们的班级中,无论是谁犯了错误,顶撞老师,和老师顶嘴,老师都会第一时间给他的家长打电话,把孩子带走。在老师不在班里的时候,班干部也会主动的去管理班级。虽然会点名,记名,但不会因为别人和自己玩的很好怎么样,就不去记名,而是做到了公平公正公开,也让班级更有了纪律性。 我的班级不仅仅友善和公正,而且还非常团结。记得在上学期的一次运动会中,我们班级中派出的选手拼尽自己的全力,来为班级,为自己争取荣耀。而剩下的同学,则是充当了选手们的拉拉队,每当他们在比赛时,剩下的同学都会拼尽全力来为他们呐喊加油。就算是结果也许并没有那么尽人意,但是同学之间依然不会出现争执和口角,更不会出现责怪别人的现象。通过这一系列活动,我们的班级体反而越发团结了。 但是,我们的班级依然有不足的地方,在文化课的成绩上,我们班的成绩远远不及别人,甚至和别人差距很大。但是,不成正比的是,我们班在各项活动中的成绩却远远超于别班。这也引起了我和同学们的思考。通过思考,我们明白了:我们并不比别人笨,甚至还比别人聪明,我们的成绩之所以提不上去,是因为我们根本没有用心去学习,反而在有活动时拼尽全力。这就是我们班级的问题所在。 还有8天,就要期末考试了,希望能给我们在这次考试中取得优异的成绩,也希望我和这个班级的故事,永不结束! 初一作文我的班级 班级,陪我度过了许多个阴阳天;班级,是我深深地感受到友谊的快乐,有一种说不出来的感受。就像一句话:众人拾柴火焰高,众志成城,单丝不成线,独木不成林。就算你在跑道上跌倒,也有一双扶你的手。 班干部,是班级不可缺少的。班长、副班长、中队长、学习委员、值周班长……他们每天都执行着“任务”,为我们争取荣誉,让班级更上一层楼。 班主任,副班主任像一把梳子,每天把班级的羽毛打理的漂漂亮亮。 我的班级虽然不是最优秀的,但我们班级都是积极向上,最有荣誉感的班级。记得一次公开课,课前,同学们都很紧张,每个人心里都有一头小鹿在乱撞。但在上课时,我们不由自主的把紧张忘掉,变成认真的听老师讲,积极地举手发言,而每一个问题都回答的很漂亮,上课没有一点点声音,连针掉在地上的声音都能听见。一节公开课很快就上完了。我心中的小鹿终于停下来了。之后,我们听老师说,来听课的老师也给予我们很高的评价,我们非常高兴。我们正在等待最后的结果,老师告诉我们:“我们得了县级一等奖第一名!”全班欢呼起来,欣喜若狂。事后,我发现我们班是一个积极向上、有荣誉感的班级。 我们班还是一个团结的班级,记得那次合唱比赛…“下面有请五六班”我们班马上就要上台了,虽然很紧张,心中有颗大石头压着,但我鼓励自己:“绽放吧,这就是你的舞台!”唱完歌,我们有序地下台,坐在座位上,安静的等待着结果。终于“功夫不负有心人”我们得了一等奖,我心中那颗大石头也安全落地了。 在班里,图书馆是必不可少的,每天借书的同学来来往往,同学们沉浸在书的海洋里汲取营养,图书管理员也履行着自己的职责,按时整理,同学们也按时归还。 黑板报,是同学们最开心的地方,由宣传委员负责,黑板报上的资料都是同学们自己写的,画也有时是同学们自己画的,可见同学们是多么喜欢呀! 在门口的牌上有我们班的每周一星,有好书推荐,有我们班的展示台,还有老师对我们的希望。 在墙壁上,有着我们根据综合性学习制作的手抄报,还有我们去外旅游做的个性作业。 我的班级是由68个同学组成,每个人的努力和汗水,去灌溉我们的班级,让我们的班级更团结、优秀、积极。 我和我的班级 xxxx年x月x日,那是一个特殊的日子。我成为了山东省济南历城二中初中部34级15班的一份子,我成为了一名中学生,成功的从一名稚气未退的小学生蜕变成一个朝气蓬勃的初中生。刚入班的那几天,我对一切还是不熟悉的,陌生的校园,陌生的同学面孔,陌生的老师的笑容。还未熟悉一切时,魔鬼似的7天军训就展开了。 这七天彷佛是我人生中的最漫长的七天。在军训期间叫苦连天,苦不堪言,都只是为了最后的比赛。虽然那次比赛我们没有进入优秀的行列,但大家还是受益匪浅的。第一次比赛,我们虽然没有获胜,但我们只是输在了起跑线上,接下来的`比赛还未开始。我们还未开跑、冲刺。 歌唱比赛算是大家并肩作战的第二次。大家以倔强、不服输的精神将全部努力灌溉在那一首《让我们荡起双桨》。有一位领唱甚至为了唱上高潮部分将嗓子唱沙哑了,在此,我们应该对他表示诚挚的敬意。在比赛那天,大家保存了多天的实力如火山般喷发了出来,当我们唱完歌,音乐老师微笑地很灿烂时,我就明白,我们这一次一定不会输!大家果然拿到了第三的好名次! 骄兵必败。那次的拔河比赛大家本自信满满,可因为上次赢在了歌唱比赛上,大家便有些轻敌了。导致哨声刚响没几秒钟,我们就输了。虽然拔河比赛没有胜利,但大家因此懂得了:大意轻敌的道理。 最近一次的期中考试战役,我们都吸取了经验,为了集体的荣誉及个人的荣誉而骁勇奋战。这次,我们又取得了年级第三的好成绩。此时,为了考试而奋力拼搏的同学们是否该给自己一次热烈的掌声呢?我们离年级第一仅差2分,我相信只要大家努力拼搏,下一次,第一的宝座定不会被隔壁夺走! 这三个月以来,我感受到了初一十五班这个大家庭的温馨、团结,我感受到了身为一名历城二中学生应尽的责任。身为这个大家庭的一员,我感到无比的光荣与自豪。我相信,只要我们努力尝试,就永远不会败!Have a try,never say die! 以上就是我为大家找来的我的班级作文,希望可以帮助到大家。
mlhxueli 2023-08-08 08:54:571

一什么千什么的成语 一什么千什么的成语精选

1、一诺千金、一落千丈、一泻千里、一饭千金、一字千金 2、一笑千金、一日千里、一发千钧、一刻千金、一字千钧 3、一闻千悟、一纸千金、一壶千金、一言千金、一顾千金 4、一字千秋、一日千金、一夕千念、一了千明、一律千篇 5、一挥千金、一息千里、一瞬千里、一碧千里、一举千里 6、一毫千里、一日千丈、一朝千里、一门千指、一话千金
九万里风9 2023-08-07 09:16:111

一什么千什么的成语 一什么千什么的成语精选

1、一诺千金、一落千丈、一泻千里、一饭千金、一字千金 2、一笑千金、一日千里、一发千钧、一刻千金、一字千钧 3、一闻千悟、一纸千金、一壶千金、一言千金、一顾千金 4、一字千秋、一日千金、一夕千念、一了千明、一律千篇 5、一挥千金、一息千里、一瞬千里、一碧千里、一举千里 6、一毫千里、一日千丈、一朝千里、一门千指、一话千金
NerveM 2023-08-07 09:16:111


bikbok2023-08-07 09:16:101


你喜欢什么呢,你的 兴趣 爱好 ,用英文又该如何介绍呢。下面给大家分享一些关于my hobby 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。 关于my hobby英语作文1 When I don"t have to go to school, I like to join many activities. I have many hobbies. I will play all kinds of sports, like basketball, football and so on. But I like tennis most. Tennis is an elegant sport. Playing tennis makes me happy, I not only become fit, but also learn to be patient. 关于my hobby英语作文2 Since I was very small, my parents have sent me to learn many skills, such as dancing and drawing, but I am not interested in them. I want to play tennis. I tell my parents my real idea, then they respect me and let me do what I like. Now I spend some time with my friends to play tennis when we have time. I feel so happy. 关于my hobby英语作文3 I have many hobbies, such as reading, writing, singing, drawing, watching TV and doing exercise. I think hobbies can make my life colorful. And I can make friends easier, because we have common interests and we have many things to talk about. Besides, having some hobbies can bring knowledge to me. For example, reading is a good way to get knowledge. I can not learn all from class, so reading can bring me other knowledge. Singing and drawing are skills. They can help me to improve myself. 关于my hobby英语作文4 Today many college students have their own hobbies. For example, some of them like singing; some of them enjoy playing the guitar; some of them are keen on painting; some of them are crazy about taking photos, and so on. I think it"s meaning for college students to have hobbies, because hobbies can benefit them a lot. On one hand, after a long-time study, hobbies can make them feel relaxed. On the other hand, when they feel depressed, hobbies can bring them happiness. Furthermore, hobbies can mould their temperament as well as show their characteristics. However, some students are so addicted to their hobbies that they spend less time on study. How foolish of them to do so! In my view, if we focus too much on one thing, either our studies or hobbies will be badly affected. Thus, we are supposed to balance them in a proper way. 关于my hobby英语作文5 Do you know my hobby? My hobby is collecting stuffed animals. The frist one I ever got was a penguin stuffed animal on my seventh birthday. In fact I think it"s probably my favorite. I"ve been collecting stuffed animals for five years,and now I have 239 of them. My mom says I have to stop,because we"ve run out of room to store them. I store them in my bed,and I even store them in boxes under my bed. If you know anyone else who collects them,please tell me. Because my favorite is collecting stuffed animals. And I"d like to start a stuffed animals collectors" club. by the way,what"s you hobby? 关于my hobby英语作文6 As an outgoing junior school student, I have many interests, such as watching movies, reading books, searching the Internet, playing computer games, attending various sports. In the spare time, the one thing I like most is watching movies, because it"s very convenient and interesting. Usually, movies tell wonderful stories to us. They are humorous, sad, happy, intricate or thought-provoking. You can get many from a good movie. Besides, my favorite sport is basketball. Every time after I play basketball, I feel relaxed. I focus on the game and I don"t let anything to influence on me. It"s really a wonderful feeling. 关于my hobby英语作文精选6篇相关 文章 : ★ myhobby英语作文6年级 ★ my hobby英语作文六年级 ★ 关于my hobby小学英语作文 ★ 2017年关于爱好的英语作文My Hobby ★ my hobby 初二英语作文60词 ★ my favorite hobby英语作文 ★ 描述my hobby的英语短文阅读 ★ my hobby英语作文范文初二 ★ my hobby英语作文6年级 ★ my hobby高中英语作文三篇
NerveM 2023-08-07 09:13:101


1、多年的老同事相聚,叹时光匆匆,叹生活不易。 2、让我们紧紧相拥,倾诉离别的愁绪,感动在今时,回忆在明朝。 3、战友联谊,相聚皆欢;暖流滚烫,激情澎湃;谈笑叙旧,思绪飞扬;敞开心怀,畅叙往事;增进交往,倾吐心声;互帮互助,风雨同舟;血脉相通,情谊深长。 4、年的光阴,在我们的脸上留下细细的小纹,却无法减淡彼此间相处的记忆。 5、有些同学,从走出校园那一刻起,就没再聚过,有些同事,从不在同一个公司上班了,有些朋友,从分别之后,就难以再见。 6、相聚是短暂的,分别是永远的。 7、时光荏冉,岁月如歌,短短几年的学校生涯,我们不仅收获了学业,更收获了友谊!回首三十载的风风雨雨,我们有太多的感慨,有太多的追忆! 8、同事们一起聚餐,心中快乐无限,感觉特别温馨;一起见证着生活的多彩,人生的意义! 9、给自己的人生带来一份美丽,退休以后相聚在一起,那就是一种快乐,见证我们深厚的情谊! 10、愿我们家庭幸福安康,愿我们事业称心如意,愿我们生活永远开心,愿我们友谊地久天长! 11、我们从容地面对终点,我们乐观地快乐每一天。 12、人生难遇知己,生命中有着奇迹,最美的风景,有最真的情,一生活得开心,这辈子永远铭记真情。 13、廿载空阔同窗谊,今朝杯酒言欢。你来我往酒微酣。但思钟慢走,不觉日西偏。依稀南塬红柿美,飘飘冬雪白川。青春年少自由天。白驹忽过隙,一梦到中年。 14、多多来,带走了我们多少喜悦和忧伤,但是,它可以带走我们的青春年华,即无法带走我们同学之间的深厚友谊。 15、意气相投好兄弟,手足互助真情谊,举杯饮尽桃园比,畅谈伯牙遇子期。 16、载同窗同学亲,一朝一暮心留痕。今日相聚话不尽,杯杯香酒熏暖心。情似海,恩怀深,沐风经雨不离分。和光满堂书佳话,不负初衷不负今。 17、我的老同学,我想你们了,我们何时再见呀! 18、学无止境仍记依依校园风光,事业有成不忘淳淳同学之情! 19、兄弟情深,喝酒谈心,人生幸事。 20、手和手相握,心和心贴牢,几度夕阳红,同学情未了! 21、同事一场,心里有太多感想;相聚一起,生活变得更加有意义;把最好的朋友藏在心底,一生幸福陪你在一起。 22、你绽放最绚烂的笑容,给明天更美的梦。 23、同事之间的情谊简单而又珍贵,唯有珍惜、感恩、包容,才能呵护这份情谊。每当我从心底去触摸和回忆这份情谊时,我在轻松和感激中,深深觉得同事如歌、如灯,又如水、如衣。 24、我们中大多数同学都已经退休,或者即将退休;有些已经成为爷爷奶奶,有些也即将升级成为外公外婆,我们都迈向了人生一个新的阶段,让我们共同举杯,愿每一位同学都幸福快乐! 25、岁月如梭,弹指一挥三十年,昔日风华正茂的少男少女们如今已两鬓斑白,步入了天命之年,我们风风雨雨、沟沟坎坎。 26、桌上有肉,杯中有酒,月亮在天上,你们在身旁,朋友相聚,实属不易。 27、红尘碌碌、时光浸染,再回首相望,曾经年少的我们已然些许白头,多少次梦回校园,多少次心生怀想,多少次眼前依稀着同学们的笑语欢声。 28、相聚的美好,只有我们彼此心里清楚,最快乐的时光,陪伴着我们一路前行,这是爱的天堂,这是情的故事。 29、我可以错过黄昏的末班车,可以错过四月的樱花季,可以错过很多,但唯独不能错过你们。 30、在最美好的的时候,遇见最猥琐的你们,真好! 31、每次聚会都觉得意犹未尽,常常都是翘首以盼下次的聚会。聚会的日子里,真是其乐无穷,格外开心,都忘却了自己是八十开外的耄耋老人。 32、忆往昔同窗数载书生意气,看今朝欢聚一堂各路精英。 33、人生的着路要靠自走,期盼别人的搀扶,则永远无勇气独自走到路的尽头。 34、人老了,就喜欢怀旧,想起在四面八方的老同学,想起曾经共事的老同事,想起曾经相处很好的朋友,想起那些曾经带给自己非常深刻回忆的人。 35、朋友温柔,人间浪漫,你在身边在你身边。 36、人生路上,大家都走得不易,想着今天每个人都有了一个幸福的家庭,这就是人生之中最快乐的事;只愿每一个人都能再接再厉,创造人生中最大的辉煌。 37、兄弟相聚在一起,了解我们的过往,畅聊我们的未来,让我们一起嗨起来! 38、俗话说光阴似箭,日月如梭,像如今的我们都已经是快要半百的人了,再想想以前的那个简陋的教室,那纯洁的同学情,以及永远也写不完的试卷,我都还怀念,感谢老师的教导之恩。 39、相聚在一起,有太多精彩,一起回忆,哪最美的年华,哪最好的点滴。 40、只有亲切,没有生疏;只有关怀,没有防备;只有关心,没有算计;只有真情,没有企图;脸颊衣襟满是情感的印痕。 41、物资旧事随风去,思念重聚情最真。 42、真是岁月不饶所有人何况你我,知足者常乐吧!苦在其所乐在其中,乐之心而寓之乐也。 43、今天,是我们缅怀青春的日子,是我们共同畅饮的日子。今天,属于青春,属于友情,属于永恒。 44、年前,我们彼此留下通信地址,靠书信交流!三十年后,我们拿一部手机,便可漫游全球! 45、生的幸福,在风雨中走过,一起奋斗,感叹生命永恒。 46、今天难得大家一聚,平时工作都挺忙,非常感谢你们能在百忙之中抽空来喝两杯,所以废话也就不多说了,让我们不醉不归! 47、相聚是缘,感恩遇见与付出。 48、感谢时间让我们刚好相遇,感谢世间让我们美丽相依,感谢事件让我们彼此了解,感谢弹指间让我们亲密无间。 49、当年我们难分难舍,依依惜别,今天在这美好的季节里相聚了,令人兴奋不已,让人感慨万千。 50、我们相聚,就是回顾那段美好而单纯的年少时光,我们有过打闹,有过亲密,还有面红耳赤的争论,所有这些都成为美好的记忆! 51、一口老酒,一声兄弟,热泪盈眶,感动永在! 52、无论是经历了波折,还是走过的坦途,多年的相识,你我应在彼此的心里头,世间琐事无尽头,且将俗尘抛脑后,就在这个深秋,故乡深情在招手,来吧!共创青春不老! 53、我有,完美无缺的我,和缺一不可的你们。
再也不做站长了2023-08-07 09:06:181


  精选谜语大全及答案,趣味性强,不算太难,希望大家喜欢   1.【谜语】:爸爸胖了,妈妈瘦了(打一计划生育名词)   【答案】:重男轻女   2.【谜语】:木才斗米(打一科技名词)   【答案】:合成材料   3.【谜语】:匹(打一动物)   【答案】:四不象   4.【谜语】:整日接待(打一科技名词)   【答案】:全天候   5.【谜语】:员(打一数学名词)   【答案】:圆心   6.【谜语】:离婚(打一物理名词)   【答案】:绝缘   7.【谜语】:老鼠过街,人人喊打(打一词语)   【答案】:消耗   8.【谜语】:妇女节前夕(打一中药)   【答案】:三七   9.【谜语】:哥俩上天平(打一物理名词)   【答案】:比重   10.【谜语】:白云深处有人家(打一建筑名词)   【答案】:高层建筑   11.【谜语】:好(打一四字成语)   【答案】:男女平等   12.【谜语】:精通明史(打一昆虫)   【答案】:蜘蛛   13.【谜语】:囚(打一穴位名)   【答案】:人中   14.【谜语】:玄德在时无祸灾(打一成语)   【答案】:有备无患   15.【谜语】:女人加冠,男人称王(打一四字词汇)   【答案】:安全第一   16.【谜语】:月老(打一俗语)   【答案】:与人作对   17.【谜语】:春去人依旧(打一旅游用语)   【答案】:三日游   18.【谜语】:家书不宜长(打一科技名词)   【答案】:短信   19.【谜语】:外科手术(打一字)   【答案】:刑   20.【谜语】:河神(打一花名)   【答案】:水仙   21.【谜语】:杜(打一建筑名词)   【答案】:土木结构   22.【谜语】:两人力大冲破天。(打一字谜)   【谜底】:夫   23.【谜语】:低头思故乡(打一中药)   【答案】:怀熟地   24.【谜语】:歌无词(打一物理名词)   【答案】:光谱   25.【谜语】:画时圆,写时方,寒时短,热时长(打一字)   【答案】:日   26.【谜语】:神权(打一花名)   【答案】:仙人掌   27.【谜语】:再次测度(打一物理名词)   【答案】:重量   28.【谜语】:孔子墓(打一地理名词)   【答案】:丘陵   29.【谜语】:集资(打一科技名词)   【答案】:合金   30.【谜语】:湖光水影月当空。(打一字谜)   【谜底】:古   31.【谜语】:甜咸苦辣各味俱备。(打一字谜)   【谜底】:口   32.【谜语】:女牧童(打一花名)   【答案】:牵牛花   33.【谜语】:五四三二一(打一数学名词)   【答案】:倒数   34.【谜语】:眼如铜铃,身象铁钉,有翅无毛,有脚难行(打一动物)   【答案】:蜻蜓   35.【谜语】:样子象小船,骨头露外头,头尾两头翘,嫩肉藏里面(打一植物)   【答案】:菱角   36.【谜语】:一物长得真奇怪,腰里长出胡子来,拨开胡子看一看,露出牙齿一排排(打一农作物)   【答案】:玉米   37.【谜语】:秋天撒下粒粒种,冬天幼芽雪里藏,春天返青节节高,夏天成熟一片黄(打一农作物)   【答案】:小麦   38.【谜语】:头上青丝发,身披鱼鳞甲,寒冬叶不落,狂风吹不垮(打一植物)   【答案】:松树   39.【谜语】:有洞不见虫,有巢不见蜂,有丝不见蚕,撑伞不见人(打一植物)   【答案】:藕   40.【谜语】:一对小船,实在能干,白天运人,晚上靠岸(打一常用物)   【答案】:鞋   41.【谜语】:叫箭不用弓,飞驶上九重,带你去月球,遨游在太空(打一科技名词)   【答案】:火箭   42.【谜语】:说它是声耳难闻,说它是光不见影,能帮渔民找鱼群,能助医生查病因(打一科技名词)   【答案】:超声波   43.【谜语】:家徒四壁(打一物理名词)   【答案】:空间   44.【谜语】:晨鸡齐报晓(打一物理名词)   【答案】:共鸣   45.【谜语】:弟兄十个肚里空,有皮无骨爱过冬,不怕风雪不怕寒,越冷它就越猖狂(打一常用物)   【答案】:手套   46.【谜语】:从不切菜也叫刀,颈长嘴扁有大小,木把穿着红衣服,干活打转嘴铁槽(打一常用物)   【答案】:螺丝刀   47.【谜语】:两只翅膀一颗牙,不会飞来只会爬,出来好管不平事,口吐朵朵白云花(打一常用物)   【答案】:刨子   48.【谜语】:有艘小船不下滩,穿云破雾上蓝天,宇宙空间转一转,科学资料装满仓(打一科技名词)   【答案】:宇宙飞船   49.【谜语】:兄弟几个真和气,天天并肩坐一起,少时喜爱绿衣裳,老来都穿黄色衣(打一水果)   【答案】:香蕉   50.【谜语】:象个蛋不是蛋,说它圆不大圆,说它没有它又有,成千上万连成串(打一数字)   【答案】:0   51.【谜语】:全歼侵略者(打一农药)   【答案】:敌杀灭   52.【谜语】:远看象座亭,近看没窗棂,上边直流水,下边有人行(打一常用物)   【答案】:雨伞   53.【谜语】:天上星星数不清,有颗星星分外明,此星能工巧匠造,昼夜飞行在天庭(打一科技名词)   【答案】:人造卫星   54.【谜语】:身体晶莹又透明,一颗丹心分外红,不声不响墙上挂,随时报热又报冷(打一仪表)   【答案】:温度表   55.【谜语】:象箭不是箭,爱在高处站, *** 坐不稳,脑袋随风转(打一气象仪器)   【答案】:风向标   56.【谜语】:小珍珠真可爱,只能看不能踩,清晨长在绿草丛,太阳一出无影踪(打一自然物)   【答案】:露水   57.【谜语】:软似薄纸硬如钢,工农商学都用上,耐酸耐寒耐腐烂,颜色鲜艳逗人赏(打一化学制品)   【答案】:塑料   58.【谜语】:银白软又韧,胜似麻和棉,既能织成网,又能把带编(打一化学制品)   【答案】:尼龙线   59.【谜语】:凸眼睛阔嘴巴,尾巴要比身体大,碧绿水草衬着它,好象一朵大红花(打一动物)   【答案】:金鱼   60.【谜语】:小时着黑衣,长大穿绿袍,水里过日子,岸上来睡觉(打一动物)   【答案】:青蛙   61.【谜语】:席梦思上练体操(打一特殊工种)   【答案】:电工(垫工)   62.【谜语】:小树长桃多又大,桃儿裂了开白花,结的籽儿能榨油,采下花儿能纺纱(打一农作物)   【答案】:棉花   63.【谜语】:烽火台上起狼烟(打一消防用语)   【答案】:警报   64.【谜语】:彩色锦缎挂天边,夕阳映照更好看,姑娘见了空欢喜,不能剪来做衣衫(打一自然现象)   【答案】:晚霞   65.【谜语】:一物生来两面光,都爱用它装门窗,能挡狂风和暴雨,就是不遮光和亮(打一常用物)   【答案】:玻璃   66.【谜语】:一物生得怪,天生怕太阳,不晒硬铮铮,一晒泪盈盈(打一自然物)   【答案】:冰   67.【谜语】:红彤彤一大蓬,见风它就逞凶狂,无嘴能吃天下物,单怕雨水不怕风(打一自然现象)   【答案】:火   68.【谜语】:人人有个好朋友,乌黑身体乌黑头,灯前月下陪着你,却是哑巴不开口(打一自然现象)   【答案】:影子   69.【谜语】:千言万语并一句(打一气象词)   【答案】:多云转少云   70.【谜语】:三江口周瑜纵火(打一气象词)   【答案】:风向东南   71.【谜语】:有根不着地,绿叶开白花,到处去流浪,四海处处家(打一植物)   【答案】:浮萍   72.【谜语】:小刺猬毛外套,脱去外套露红袍,红袍裹着毛绒袄,袄里睡个白宝宝(打一果品)   【答案】:栗子   73.【谜语】:不是糕点不是糖,洁白芬芳袋里装,不能吃来不能喝,每天都要尝尝它(打一常用物)   【答案】:牙膏   74.【谜语】:一座桥儿长,桥门排成行,门关蓄大水,门开翻大浪(打一水利设施)   【答案】:水闸   75.【谜语】:迷信的人少了(打一字)   【答案】:谜   76.【谜语】:四月有人把它栽,八月金花自然开,早向东来晚向西,对着太阳笑开怀(打一果品)   【答案】:向日葵   77.【谜语】:木弓铁做弦,拉弓不射箭,沙沙连声响,雪花飘眼前(打一常用物)   【答案】:锯子   78.【谜语】:懂得(打一动物)   【答案】:知了   79.【谜语】:开隧道质量第一(打一动物名)   【答案】:穿山甲   80.【谜语】:一道银光一条线,划过长空似利剑,霎时跑了千万里,眨下眼睛看不见(打一自然现象)   【答案】:闪电   81.【谜语】:有眼无珠一身光,穿红穿绿又穿黄,跟着懒人它就睡,跟着勤人它就忙(打一常用物)   【答案】:针   82.【谜语】:小小一条龙,胡须硬似粽,活着没有血,死了满身红(打一动物)   【答案】:虾   83.【谜语】:远看芝麻撒地,近看黑驴运米,不怕山高道路陡,只怕跌进热锅里(打一动物)   【答案】:蚂蚁   84.【谜语】:借助太阳才发光,围绕地球日夜忙,若是地球遮阳光,娃娃指天问爹娘(打一自然现象)   【答案】:月蚀   85.【谜语】:个体户(打一建筑名词)   【答案】:单人房   86.【谜语】:象糖不是糖,象盐不是盐,人畜不能吃,庄稼吃着甜(打一农用物)   【答案】:化肥   87.【谜语】:样式难改(打一工业生产名词)   【答案】:定型   88.【谜语】:天(打一科技词语)   【答案】:人工合成   89.【谜语】:悬崖挂块大白帘,千手万脚捉不住,近听千军万马吼,远看银泉飞下谷(打一自然物)   【答案】:瀑布   90.【谜语】:依样画葫芦(打一科技词语)   【答案】:机械制图   91.【谜语】:边境冲突(打一科技词语)   【答案】:临界角   92.【谜语】:秽(打一农业词语)   【答案】:秧龄   93.【谜语】:只生一个(打一农业词语)   【答案】:单产   94.【谜语】:圆口在上方,大脸在下方,长着千只眼,一副怪模样(打一农具)   【答案】:筛子   95.【谜语】:一物生得弯,尾巴翘上天,自己不会走,要用鞭子赶(打一农具)   【答案】:犁   96.【谜语】:生到世上最热心,不欺老少不欺贪,不怕风吹和雨打,夜夜辛苦伴行人(打一交通设施)   【答案】:路灯   97.【谜语】:江似一条龙,夜晚眨眼睛,射出一道光,照亮新前程(打一交通设施)   【答案】:航标灯   98.【谜语】:屋里两条路,门外三道叉,只能让人看,不能让人走(打一工业用品)   【答案】:电线   99.【谜语】:象似蟠龙不是龙,朱砂一点染头红,去雾缭绕驱飞虎,夜夜为咱除害虫(打一常用物)   【答案】:蚊香   100.【谜语】:断肢再植(打一中药)   【答案】:骨碎补   101.【谜语】:风丝雨点满地扬。(打一字谜)   【谜底】:飞   102.【谜语】:漠漠水田大雁飞。(打一字谜)   【谜底】:淄   103.【谜语】:一只顺风船,白蓬红船头,划起两只桨,湖上四处游(打一动物)   【答案】:鹅   104.【谜语】:远看是颗星,近看象灯笼,到底是什么,原来是只虫(打一动物)   【答案】:萤火虫   105.【谜语】:大小豆粒从天撒,人畜庄稼都怕它,尽干坏事伤天理,掌握科技征服它(打一自然物)   【答案】:冰雹   106.【谜语】:一曲高歌夕阳下。(打一字谜)   【谜底】:曹   107.【谜语】:两山相对又相连,中有危峰插碧天(打一字谜)   【谜底】:由   108.【谜语】:雨余山色浑如睡。(打一字谜)   【谜底】:雪   109.【谜语】:云破月现花影碎。(打一字谜)   【谜底】:能   110.【谜语】:一人腰上挂把弓。(打一字谜)   【谜底】:夷   111.【谜语】:一把辛酸泪,写成红楼梦(打一成语)   【谜底】:水落石出   112.【谜语】:两一片全是草的地(打一植物)   【谜底】:梅花   113.【谜语】:中华民族繁荣昌盛(打近代烈士一)   【谜底】:黄兴   114.【谜语】:凤凰台上凤凰游(打一数名学词)   【谜底】:相似三角形   115.【谜语】:滚滚长江东逝水(打2字手机品牌二)   【谜底】:波导、海尔   116.【谜语】:七日速变俏姿容(打一影星名)   【谜底】:周迅   117.【谜语】:孟母三迁(打三本杂志)   【谜底】:《为了孩子》《健康》《读书》   118.【谜语】:但得他人开口笑,何妨此骨碎空寒!(打一物品)   【谜底】:鞭炮   119.【谜语】:长安美女(打一词牌)   【谜底】:忆秦娥   120.【谜语】:遮住了花容月貌(打3字出版新词)   【谜底】:封面秀   121.【谜语】:为什么白鹭莺总是缩者一只脚睡觉?   【谜底】:因为缩两只会跌倒   122.【谜语】:亚当和夏娃结婚后最大的遗憾是什么?   【谜底】:没人来参加婚礼   123.【谜语】:一只凶猛的饿猫,看到老鼠,为何拔腿就跑?   【谜底】:去追老鼠   124.【谜语】:人们甘心情愿买假的东西是什么?   【谜底】:假发   125.【谜语】:人在不饥渴时也需要的是什么水?   【谜底】:薪水   126.【谜语】:你的爸爸的妹妹的堂弟的表哥的爸爸与你叔叔的儿子的嫂子是什么关系?   【谜底】:亲戚关系   127.【谜语】:当地球爆炸时,什么地方最安全?   【谜底】:地狱没有人答对   128.【谜语】:只要叫它的名字就会把它破坏,它是什么?   【谜底】:沉默   129.【谜语】:世界上除了火车啥车最长?   【谜底】:塞车
西柚不是西游2023-08-07 09:04:081


  1、 稻草捆秧父抱子,竹篮提笋母怀儿。   2、 千年老树为衣架,万里长江作浴盆。   3、 水近楼台楼近水,山环树木树环山。   4、 院满春光春满院,门盈喜气喜盈门。   5、 雾锁山头山锁雾,天连水尾水连天。   6、 静泉山上山泉静,清水池里池水清。   7、 能文能武能创造,敢想敢为敢攀登。   8、 马过木桥蹄打鼓,鸡啄铜盆嘴敲锣。   9、 开花芝麻步步高,出土甘蔗节节甜。   10、此木为柴山山出,因火成烟夕夕多。   11、松下围棋,松子忽随棋子落;柳边垂钓,柳丝常伴钓丝悬。   12、船载石头,石重船轻轻载重;杖量地面,地长杖短短量长。   13、天作棋盘星作子,谁人敢下;地当琵琶路当弦,哪个能弹。   14、蒲叶桃叶葡萄叶,草本木本;梅花桂花玫瑰花,春香秋香。   15、童子打桐子,桐子落,童子乐;丫头啃鸭头,鸭头咸,丫头嫌。   16、花甲重逢,增加三七岁月; 古稀双庆,更多一度春秋。   17、水车车水,水随车,车停水止; 风扇扇风,风出扇,扇动风生。   18、秤直钩弯星朗朗,能知轻知重;磨大眼小条稀稀,可推细推粗。   19、日照窗纱,个个孔明诸葛亮;雪飘梅岭,处处香山白乐天。   20、贵有恒,何必三更起五更睡;最无益,只怕一日曝十日寒   21、将众山移开,东海在前,昆仑在后;让一阁独立,清风有主,明月有家。 整理:zhl201702
陶小凡2023-08-07 08:50:201


  篇一   1、我国古代哪个朝代“状元”最多?   A唐朝B宋朝C明朝D清朝(A)   2、古代盛世哪个是李世民统治?   A成康之治B文景之治C贞观之治D康乾之治(C)   3、“瓷都”景德镇位于哪个省?   A河南B河北C广东D江西(D)   4、抗日战争爆发的卢沟桥事变哪一年?   A1935年B1936年C1937年D1938年(C)   5、马拉松长跑源于马拉松战役爆发地?   A古代罗马B古代希腊C中国D马其顿(B)   6、我国第一颗原子弹研制成功在哪年?   A1960年B1962年C1964年D1967年(C)   7、我国是谁最早发现了甲骨文?   A王懿荣B刘鄂C郭沫若D顾协刚(A)   8、甲骨文属于哪一类文字?   A表意文字B表音文字C象形文字(C)   9、我国第一部词典?   A《说文解字》B《尔雅》C《切韵》D《史记》(B)   10、世界语的创始人是?   A柴门霍夫B埃利斯C不拉耶D奥格登(A)   11、古代书院白鹿洞书院位于?   A江西庐山B湖南长沙C湖南衡阳D河南商丘(A)   12、我国什么时候高等教育实施学位制?   A1978年B1979年C1980年D1981年(D)   13、“凿壁偷光”出自哪位人物苦学故事?   A孙子B孙敬C车胤D匡衡(D)   篇二   1、我国第一位女留学生金雅梅留学于何国?   A日本B美国C英国D前苏联(B)   2、世界规模的大学?   A纽约州立大学B哈佛大学C剑桥大学D北京大学(A)   3、我国收入的字最多的字典是哪一部?   A方言B说文解字C康熙字典D新华字典(C)   4、通讯社路透社是哪国的?   A中国B美国C英国D法国(C)   5、下列哪个不属于“四书”之一?   A大学B春秋C中庸D论语E孟子(B)   6、我国第一部纪传体通史是?   A《汉书》B《后汉书》C《史记》D《春秋》(C)   7、我国最早的医学理论著作?   A本草纲目B黄帝内经C千金方D伤寒杂病论(B)   8、“世界环境人”是每年哪天?   A6月4日B6月5日C6月6日D6月7日(B)   9、我国植树节3.12是为纪念哪位人物而定?(B)   A屈原B孙中山C白求恩D雷锋   10、世界三大人种哪种是黑色人种?   A尼格罗人种B欧罗巴人种C蒙古人种(A)   11、我国姓氏中哪一个姓氏的人口比例最多?   A王B李C张D刘(B)   12、古代对“幼年的儿童”的代称是?   A成童B束发C总角D及笄(C)   13、古代对“六十岁”年龄的人称呼是?   A而立B不惑C知天命D花甲(D)   14、根据《百家姓》我国复姓共有多少个?   A70个B76个C80个D86个(B)   15、“国际护士节”是在每年的哪一天?   A5.10B5.11C5.12D5.13(C)   篇三   1、不属于世界四大通讯社之一的是?   A法新社B美联社C塔斯社D合众国际社(C)   2、世界第一部长篇小说《源氏物语》出自哪国?   A中国B美国C印度D日本(D)   3、名著《基督山伯爵》的作者是?   A大仲马B小仲马C福楼拜D雨果(A)   4、下列不是“意大利文艺复兴三杰”?   A但丁B达芬奇C米开朗基罗D拉斐尔(A)   5、我国最早的诗歌总集是?   A《诗经》B《全唐诗》C《花间集》D《诗品》(A)   6、我国古代历写诗最多达三万多道?   A陆游B乾隆C李白D杜甫(B)   7、悲剧《窦娥冤》是谁所著?   A王实甫B马致远C关汉卿D白朴(C)   8、非民间四大传说?   A牛郎织女B嫦娥奔月C孟姜女寻夫D梁祝E白蛇与许仙(B)   9、以“一二九”运动为社会背景长篇小说?   A上甘岭B红日C红岩D青春之歌(D)   10、作家秦牧的原名是?   A肖军B曲波C吴强D冯至(B)   11、“红娘”由来出自哪部古典名剧?   A琵琶记B西厢记C长生殿D桃花扇(B)   12、“二十万行长诗”之称最长史诗?   A摩诃婆罗多B罗摩衍那C荷马史诗D唐璜(A)   13、我国最早的神话小说?   A山海经B古镜记C搜神记D世说新语(C)   14、鲁迅等人创办的文学刊物?   A小说月报B戏剧月刊C语丝周刊D创造月刊(C)   15、非十九世纪英国诗坛三大巨星之一?   A笛福B济慈C雪莱D拜伦(A)   16、诺贝尔文学奖是从什么时候开始评选的?   A1900年B1901年C1950年D1951年(B)   
Chen2023-08-07 08:48:391

一到十的成语祝福语 一到十的成语祝福语精选

1. 一帆风顺,二龙戏珠,三阳开泰,四季发财,五福临门,六六大顺,七星捧月,八面来风,九九归一,十全十美。2. 一马当先,二龙戏珠,三偃旗鼓,四面楚歌,五谷丰登,六神有主,七情六欲,八面来风,九应俱全,十全十美。3. 一鸣惊人,二龙细雨,三羊开泰,四面楚歌,五谷丰登,六神会顶,七彩缤纷,八面来风,九洲同庆,十全十美。4. 一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三羊开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星捧月,八面来风,九九归一,十全十美。5. 一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三阳开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星捧月,八面来风,九九归一,十全十美。
小菜G的建站之路2023-08-07 08:46:502


  我们知道教案是提高教学质量的保证,是帮助教师有计划、有步骤、有质量地完成教学任务的前提。你们是不是还在为教案头疼,范文是很好的方向!下面是由我为大家整理的“小学三年级下册数学教案(精选5篇)”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。   篇一:小学三年级下册数学教案(精选5篇)    教学目标   1.使学生进一步了解条形统计图的意义,学会看横向的条形统计图。   2.初步学会制作横向的条形统计图。   3.能正确地分析条形统计图,培养学观察、分析和动手操作能力。    教学重难点   初步学会制作横向的条形统计图。    教学工具   课件。    教学过程   一、创设情境,复习导入   某商店6月3日-10日销售四种矿泉水的统计表   教师:我们怎样表示才能使四种矿泉水的销售情况一目了然?(画条形统计图)   学生动手制作条形统计图。   分析:从统计图上,你看到了什么?   二、提出问题,引入新课   1、(利用复习题)教师:条形统计还可以用这样画。   比较:这两张统计图有什么不同?   教师:上一张数据标在纵轴上,矿泉水的品牌在横轴上,而下一张数据标在横轴上,矿泉水品牌标在纵轴上,我们把这样的统计图称为横向统计图,现在请同学们把横向条形统计图补充完整。   教师:我们在画纵轴和横轴时,都画上了一个箭号,表示纵轴和横轴都可向上和向右无限延长。   根据这张条形统计图,你想了解什么?把你想了解的内容在四人小组里交流。   2、小结:大家在画条形统计图时,想采用纵向条形统计图还是横向条形统计图,可根据大家的需要自由选择。   三、巩固运用   教科书第40页练习十的第1题。   (1)让学生独立完成前两个小题,然后教师讲评。   (2)你还能提出那些问题?   四、课堂小结   本节课学习了什么?你有什么收获?制作统计图要注意什么?    课后习题   完成课后练习题。   篇二:小学三年级下册数学教案(精选5篇)    教学内容   课本P2—P3。    教学目标   1.结合“买文具”的具体情境,理解小数的意义,体会小数的特征。   2.能认、读、写简单的小数。   3.体会数学与实际生活的联系,感受数学就在身边。    教学重点   能认、读、写简单的小数。    教学准备   教具:挂图、“附页1”图1。    教学过程   一、情境导入   笑笑要到文具店去买文具,可是文具店里的标价牌上的标价是笑笑第一次看到的,她不会读了,想请同学们帮帮忙。   二、玩中学   1.创设情境,激活先前的生活经验,感受理解小数的意义,体会小数的特征   (1)出示文具标价牌,学生仔细观察,并将文具标价中的数分成两类。   铅笔0。50元尺子1。06元笔记本3。50元   书包45元水彩笔16。85元钢笔8。00元文具盒12元   (2)同桌互相说一说小数那一类中每一种文具的单价表示几元几角几分。   (3)动笔填写各种文具的价格,同桌互相检查核对。   2.观察对比,能认、读、写简单的小数   (1)引导学生观察这些小数与以前学过的数,并进行比较,说说这组数有什么特点。   (2)说明像3.50,1.06,16.85,……这样的数叫做小数,认识小数点。   (3)简单介绍小数的来历。了解小数的读法,同桌之间互相读一读。   (4)用小数的形式写一写文具的单价,再读一读。(可以写书上的,也可以写生活中自己熟悉的单价。)   (5)小讨论:小数点重要吗?(小明把笔记本的单价3.50元写成0.35元,会造成什么后果?让学生议一议,交流后汇报。)   3.生活中你还在哪里见过小数?   让学生说一说生活中见过的小数,如有的学生说不出来,可留作业,让学生去生活中找一找,下次课前再交流。   4.试一试   独立完成“试一试”中的习题,同桌互相反馈。   三、学中做   1.写一写,读一读。完成“练一练”第1题。学生自己理解题意,独立完成。注意指导“一张20元的人民币与一枚5分硬币一共是多少钱”这一小题的写法、读法。   2.完成“练一练”第2题。   四、做中得   数学游戏。完成“练一练”第3题。   五、总结   篇三:小学三年级下册数学教案(精选5篇)    教材分析   “元、角、分与小数”单元是学生第一次学习小数。教材设计的意图是让学生在“元、角、分”的情境中,学习小数及其简单加减运算的初步知识。选择“元、角、分”这样一个情境让学生学习小数,首先是由于学生对于小数认识的最直接经验来自价格;其次,结合购物情境学习小数,可以突出“元、角、分”与小数的密切联系,有助于学生对小数的理解,并渗透了解决问题的要求。另外,教材这样安排也为以后学习小数提供了一个直观、具体的模型。所以在实际教学时,注意本单元小数的学习不要脱离这一背景。   本单元安排了“买文具”“货比三家”“买书”和“寄书”等具体情境,目的是让学生从自己的生活经验出发,理解小数的意义,体会小数及其加减计算与生活的密切联系。    教学目标   1、结合具体内容,理解小数的意义,体会小数的特征,能认、读、写简单的小数。   2、经历比较商品单价的过程,学会比较简单小数的大小。   3、结合解决问题的过程,学会一位小数的加减计算。   4、会运用小数表示日常生活的一些事物,解决相关的一些简单问题,与同伴交流,感受小数与实际生活的密切联系。    教学中应注意的问题   1、紧密结合购物的具体情境,让学生理解小数的意义   首先,读懂商品标价牌是购物必需的知识技能。会用元、角、分说明用小数表示的商品价格,是理解小数意义的一个标志。认、读、写小数的学习过程,都是以学生已有的“元、角、分”的经验为背景,并在具体情境中进行的。   2、给学生独立思考和解决问题的机会,体验解决问题策略的多样性与合理性   “货比三家”,放手让学生想办法独立去解决“去哪个文具店买铅笔盒便宜”的问题,并进行交流,与同伴分享各自不同的策略。教师切忌包办代替,把某一种策略归纳为知识点灌输给学生,禁锢了学生的`探索精神和创造性;要鼓励学生敢于提出独特的见解或质疑;对学生的各种策略的评价,要有助于他们提高对策略的选择与合理优化的自我意识。   3、把解决问题的过程与学习加减法计算结合起来   这不仅是因为计算是手段,解决问题是目的,把这两者结合起来,更能使学生体会学习计算的必要性;而且也是培养学生数学的应用意识,感受数学与生活的密切联系的有效途径。学生第一次学习小数加法是结合“买书”的情境进行的,在讨论小数加法的多种算法的过程中,揭示这些不同算法的共性,即相同单位(数位)的数才能相加。这也是理解小数相加时为什么小数点要对齐的根据。学生只要理解了这一点,就打通了把整数加减法的经验向小数加减法迁移的大道。   4、逐步扩大学生自主探索、合作交流的时间和空间   “买书”一课,学生可以在教师的指导下,侧重理解小数加法的算理和算法。“寄书”一课则可以让学生独立探索,因为学生学过整数加减法,已经具有了处理进位退位问题的经验,又初步理解了小数加减法的算理,所以“寄书”这一课可以提供给学生更大的独立性与自主性。   篇四:小学三年级下册数学教案(精选5篇)    【教学目标】   1、使学生理解平均数的含义,初步学会简单的求平均数的方法。   2、理解平均数在统计学上的意义,感受数学与生活的联系。   3、发展学生解决问题的能力。    【重点难点】   使学生理解平均数的含义,初步学会简单的求平均数的方法。    【教学过程】   一、理解平均数   1、师出示一杯水,告诉学生这一大杯水大约600克,而后把这杯水分别到入4个杯子中(每个杯子的水不同)提出:你们能求出这4个杯子的水的平均重量吗?   学生动手解决,并交流解决的方法。   2、引入“平均数”   二、学习计算平均数   1、出示情景图:说说老师和同学们在干什么?   2、出示统计图:引导学生收集信息。   3、引导学生运用“移多补少”的方法求平均每人收集了多少个:利用这个统计图,你们有什么办法,可以解决这个问题?学生独立思考后交流方法。   4、提出问题:生活中,大家分头收集了许多矿泉水瓶,大家是怎样集中过来的?如果没有这个统计图,只是每个人汇报自己收集了几个?你们有什么办法可以知道这个小组平均每个人收集了多少个?   5、小组讨论解决的方法并派代表交流,并说说13个就是平均数,那是不是说他们每个人都是收集13个呢?理解平均数是个虚的数。教师带领学生共同理解平均数的计算过程以及其中蕴涵的意义。   6、小结   师:同学们,电视上比赛评分时,为何要去掉一分,去掉一最低分?你能说说理由吗?   引起了学生的激烈讨论。学生通过讨论解决实际问题,对平均数的理解又上升到一个高度,明白平均数不是一个实在的数,去掉分和最低分是为了让最后得分不会偏离平均分太远。   三、巩固训练   另外一个环保小组也收集了许多矿泉水瓶,小军收集15个,小伟收集16个,小朋收集12个,小新收集了13个,这个小组平均每个人收集了几个?   四、小结   通过这节课的学习,你们有什么收获,还有什么问题?   篇五:小学三年级下册数学教案(精选5篇)   新学期开始了,为了进一步贯彻实施课程改革,让学生在轻松的学习氛围中,掌握所学知识,培养学生独立思考、分析问题、解决问题的能力,特制定本学期数学教学计划如下:    学生情况分析   三年级共有xx名学生,其中男生x人,女生x人。同学们基本上对学习和常规等各方面的习惯转入正规。但由于学生来自不同的家庭,家长的文化水平、道德素质等都存在着较大的差异。因此还有部分学生的学习习惯和行为习惯较差,大部分学生在课堂只停留在认真、专心听,缺少主动参与的意识和习惯,一部分学生上课纪律松懈,喜欢随意讲话,作业不肯及时完成,喜欢拖拉作业。   所以本学期针对这些特点,在数学课要不但上的内容丰富多采,形式多样,富有吸引力;而且还要培养学生对数学的学习兴趣,让学生身在其中,才能坚定学生学好数学的信心,增强学生的意志力,养成良好的学习习惯。    教材分析   本册教材包括下面一些内容:除数是一位数的除法,两位数乘两位数,小数的初步认识,位置与方向,面积,年、月、日,简单的数据分析和平均数,用数学解决问题,数学广角和数学实践活动等。   本册教学根据学生所学习的数学知识和生活经验,安排了两个数学实践活动,让学生通过小组合作的探究活动或有现实背景的活动,运用所学知识解决问题,体会探索的乐趣和数学的实际应用,感受用数学的愉悦,培养学生的数学意识和实践能力。    教学重点和难点及奋斗目标   1、教学重点和难点   除数是一位数的除法、两位数乘两位数、面积以及简单的数据分析和平均数是本册教材的重点教学内容。位置与方向和面积两个单元,是本册教材的另两个重点教学内容。   2、奋斗目标   1、在教师的指导下能从实际生活和现实情境中收集信息、组合信息,发现并提出简单的数学问题,从而发展数学应用意识。   2、在教师指导下,初步学习反思和评价。   3、在教师的鼓励和指导下,能积极地参加观察、操作、探索、交流等数学活动,对与数学有关的身边的某些事物有好奇心,对学习内容和学习活动感兴趣,有学好数学的愿望。   4、在教师和同学的鼓励帮助下,能克服数学活动中遇到的困难,初步获得成功的体验,进一步培养学好数学的愿望。   5、在解决实际问题的过程中,进一步学习有条理地思考,把握数量之间的关系,培养合情推理能力和演绎推理能力。    具体措施   1、创设一个自由、开放、安全的学习氛围,从而拓展学生的思维点击,学生的创新火花。   2、课堂上引入开放性的例题,使学生在探索中促进发散和求异思维的发展。   3、改革课堂教学的空间组织形式,采用问题式教学与小组合作交流等形式来揭示知识的规律和解决问题的方法,并在问题与合作交流中学会互相帮助,实现学习互补,增强合作意识,提高交流能力。   4、创设问题情景,鼓励学生大胆质疑。   5、对学有余力的学生鼓励他们积极参加拓展练习,课堂上准备一些不同层次的练习激发学习数学的兴趣,发挥他们的潜力。
黑桃花2023-08-06 10:52:071


【 #能力训练# 导语】英语是世界上通用的语言,而英语的学习是很枯燥的,想要学好英语不妨先从阅读英语故事开始。从英文故事中学习,提高英文水平。从故事中学习,学到人生的哲理。下面是 分享的精选英语小故事带翻译十篇。欢迎阅读参考! 1.精选英语小故事带翻译   Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake.   People came from far and near to see what would happen.   "A great river will be born." said one.   "Surely nothing less than a mighty dragon will e out." said another.   "A god himself will spring form these rocks." said a third.   Finally,after days of expectation a small crack appeared in the mountain. And out popped-a mouse.   Just because someone makes a lot of fuss, it doesn"t mean he is important.   很久以前,一座大山隆隆作响,摇晃起来。远近各处的人都来看是怎样回事。   一个人说:"要出现一条大河了。"   另一个人说:"准会出现一条巨龙。"   第三个人说:"从这些岩石中会出现一尊神来。"   等了几天之后,山坡上最终裂开一条小缝,却蹦出来一只耗子。   正因为某人大肆张扬,所以他没有什么了不起。2.精选英语小故事带翻译   Jack is a little goose. He has a lovely hat. He likes wearing it very much. But when he sits, his hat can"t stay on his head.   杰克是一只小鹅。它有一顶可爱的帽子,他非常喜欢戴它。当它坐着时,他的帽子总是戴着头上。   He puts his hat down and begins to play game with the hat. When he gets tired of the game, things are not the same.   它脱下它的帽子并开始用帽子玩游戏。当它玩累时,事情就不是那样了。   He can"t find his hat. Where is it? Jack thinks hard. He looks up and down, and walks here and there. He can"t find his hat yet.   它没有找到他的帽子。它在哪里?杰克仔细想。它上下看了看,到处找了找,还是没有找到它的帽子。   At this time, his mother comes in. As soon as she sees Jack, she cries, “Oh, my dear! Don"t be foolish. Your hat is on your head.”   这时,它的母亲走进来,当她看到杰克就喊道:“啊!亲爱的,你真笨,帽子在你的头上。”   Jack feels very foolish. He doesn"t want to wear his hat on his head.   杰克感到自己很愚蠢。它不想戴那顶帽子了。3.精选英语小故事带翻译   bat falling upon the ground was caught by a weasel, ofwhom he earnestly besought his life. the weasel refused,saying, that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. thebat assured him that he was not a bird, but a mouse, andthus saved his life.   shortly afterwards the bat again fellon the ground, and was carght by another weasel, whom helikewise entreated not to eat him. the weasel said that hehad a special hostility to mice. the bat assured him thathe was not a mouse, but a bat; and thus a second timeescaped.it is wise to turn circumstances to good account.   一只蝙蝠坠落到地面上来,被一只鼠狼捉住了,蝙蝠哀求讨饶。鼠狼不答应,说它自己最爱和鸟类为敌。蝙蝠便证明它自己不是鸟,只是一只老鼠,因此鼠狼就放了它。   不久这只蝙蝠又坠落到地上来,被另一只鼠狼捉住,它同样地哀求讨饶。那鼠狼说它自己最恨老鼠,蝙蝠证明自己并不是老鼠,而是一只蝙蝠;因此,它第二次又安然地逃离危险了。随机应变乃聪明之举。4.精选英语小故事带翻译   One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her cub.   Why do you have only one child, dear dame? asked the vixen.   Look at my healthy and numerous children here, and imagine, if you are able, how a proud mother should feel.   The lioness said calmly, Yes, just look at that beautiful collection. What are they? Foxes! Ive only one, but remember, that one is a lion.   一天清早,雌狐狸带着她的孩子走出巢穴,看见了母狮子和她的孩子。   为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?雌狐狸问,看我这群健康的孩子,如果有能力,一个骄傲的妈妈应该多养一些孩子。   母狮平静地说:是呀,看看这漂亮的一大群,他们都是狐狸!我只有一个,可他毕竟是一头狮子。   贵重的价值在于质,而不在于量。5.精选英语小故事带翻译   Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appears from a distance, running towards them. One of the guys takes out a pair of "Nikes" from his bag and starts to put them on. The other guy with a surprised look and exclaims, "Do you think you will run faster than the tiger with those?" His friend replies: "I don"t have to out run it, I just have to run faster than you."   两个男人正在穿过丛林,突然,一只老虎出现在远处,向他们冲来。 其中的一个人从包里拿出一双“耐克”鞋,开始穿上。另一个人惊奇地看着他说,“你以为穿上这个就可以跑得过老虎吗?” 他的朋友回答道:“我不用跑得过它,我只要跑得比你快就行了。”6.精选英语小故事带翻译   there are many animals in the forest. today is a fine day. animals are having a sport meeting.   monkey, fox, panda, rabbit and bear are running. look! rabbit is the first. fox and monkey are the second. bear is the third. the other animals are shouting, “bear! come on! bear! come on!” and look there, duck and pig are doing high jump. pig is too fat, he can"t jump very high. so duck is the champion. here! cat and squirrel are climbing a tree. cat is ill. so he is the last, but he does his best.   this sports meeting is wonderful. the animals are very happy!   森林里有很多动物。   今天天气晴朗,小动物要举行运动会。小猴子,狐狸,兔子和小熊在赛跑。看!小兔子得了第一,狐狸和猴子得了第二,小熊得了第三。小动物们都在叫喊:“小熊,加油!小熊,加油!”看那儿,小鸭和小猪在比赛跳高。小猪太胖了,成绩不太理想,所有小鸭得了冠军。看这里!小猫和小松鼠在比赛爬树,小猫生病了,没能拿冠军,但它全力以赴了。   运动会可真棒,小动物们多开心啊!7.精选英语小故事带翻译   Wolf and egret   The wolf mistake swallowed a piece of bone, very suffered, running about, look for to visit the doctor everywhere。He met the egret, and talk to settle the service fees to invite him to take out the bone, egret to stretch in the wolf"s throat the own head, and the 叼 outs bone, then toward to settle the good service fees wolfThe wolf answer says:" hello, friend, you can since the wolf 嘴 take back the head in the peace ground, and the difficult way return the dissatisfied foot, and how and still speak the guerdon?"   This story elucidation, guerdon badly person act charitably, and is a bad person of cognition and does not speak the reputation"s innate character。   狼与鹭鸶   狼误吞下了一块骨头,十分难受,四处奔走,寻访医生。他遇见了鹭鸶,谈定酬金请他取出骨头,鹭鸶把自我的头伸进狼的喉咙里,叼出了骨头,便向狼要定好的酬金。狼回答说:“喂,朋友,你能从狼嘴里平安无事地收回头来,难道还不满足,怎样还要讲报酬?”   这故事说明,对坏人行善的报酬,就是认识坏人不讲信用的本质。8.精选英语小故事带翻译   The miser and his gold Once upon a time there was a miser。 He hid his gold under a tree。 Every week he used to dig it up。   One night a robber stole all the gold。 When the miser came again, he found nothing but an empty hole。   He was surprised, and then burst into tears。All the neighbors gathered around him。   He told them how he used to e and visit his gold。   "Did you ever take any of it out?" asked one of them。 "No," he said, "I only came to look at it。" "Then e again and look at the hole," said the neighbor, "it will be the same as looking at the gold。"   守财奴   从前,有个守财奴将他的金块埋到一棵树下,每周他都去把他挖出来看看。   一天晚上,一个小偷挖走了所有的金块。 守财奴再来查看时,发现除了一个空洞什么都没有了。   守财奴便捶胸痛哭。哭声引来了邻居他告诉他们那里原先有他的金块。   问明了原因后,一个邻居问:“你使用过这些金块吗?” “没用过,” 他说,“我只是时常来看看。”“那么,以后再来看这个洞,”邻居说,“就像以前有金块时一样。”9.精选英语小故事带翻译   a man was going to the house of some rich person. as he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. he said, "i do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust.   he went on and came to a river. the river had become very big; so he could not go over it. he waited for some time; then he said, "i cannot go to the rich man‘s house today, for i cannot get over the river."   he began to go home. he had eaten no food that day. he began to want food. he came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.   翻译   一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去,当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好苹果,他说:“我不打算吃那些苹果,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我很好吃的东西。”然后他拿起苹果,一把扔到土里去。   他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,然后他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能渡过河。”   他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的,他找到苹果,很高兴地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。   不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有用处。10.精选英语小故事带翻译   There was a sturdy ram with a pair of thick horns upright on its head.   It strutted about proudly and saw a fence built with bamboo and wood in front, which blocked its way. It cast a sidelong glance at the fence, lowered its neck and lunged at the fence, hoping to knock it down. The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns.   If it had not injured its horns, the ram would have persisted obstinately in butting against the fence, even against the spokes of a wheel until it bled with a fractured skull.   As a result, with its horns caught in the fence, the ram could neither advance nor retreat butbleat helplessly.   一头长得非常雄壮的公羊的头上,挺立着一对粗大的犄角。   公羊骄傲地踱着步,看见前面有一道竹木编成的篱笆挡住了它的去路。公羊斜着眼睛看看,便弯下脖子呼的一声撞上去,想把篱笆撞倒。结果篱笆纹丝不动,它反把自己的犄角碰伤了。   假如公羊没有碰伤犄角的话,那么它还会一个劲儿地撞下去,甚至向车轮的辐条上撞去,直到头破血流为止。   结果呢?公羊的犄角被篱笆夹住,进也不得,退也不得,只能“咩咩”不停地叫唤。
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