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2023-07-23 18:49:39
TAG: 平方 和平



2023-07-23 01:14:224


平方千米表示边长为一千米的正方形的面积。平方米表示边长为一米的正方形的面积。因为1千米=1000米。所以:一平方米=1m*1m=1(m^2) 一平方千米=1000m*1000m=1000000(m^2)由上可知,平方千米和平方米的进率是1000000。
2023-07-23 01:15:132


2023-07-23 01:15:202


1平方千米=100公顷1公顷=10000平方米平方千米,是我们用来形容某个城市某个省份或者国家占地面积的一个面积单位,它是针对边长为一千米的一个面积描述,即为一千米的平方, 通常平方千米能够非常直观地描述出一座城市、一个省份甚至一个国家的二维空间大小,同平方米一样,它是国家上通用的国际标准的面积单位。1平方千米是边长一千米的一个正方形的面积描述,它的算法就是将一个二维空间下的图形边长换算成千米为单位的基础上在进行相乘之后, 就能够得到平方千米的一个面积单位,平方千米可以说是目前为止最大的面积单位, 一般用来形容城市、省份和国家的占地面积,此外,它也会用来形容地球上的地表面积。除去平方千米外,我们还有很多关于面积的描述单位,比如国内非常常用的亩、国外用的英亩,以及公顷、平方厘米和平方米等等。
2023-07-23 01:15:451


亩是我国的市制地积单位。 1亩≈666.7平方米。
2023-07-23 01:16:185


2023-07-23 01:17:191


2023-07-23 01:17:401


2023-07-23 01:20:043


一千万平方千米有多大如下平方千米是面积的公制单位,其定义是边长为1千米的正方形的面积,也是计量土地的单位。1平方千米等于100公顷等于1000000平方米等于1499亩正规足球场场地大小是长105米、宽68米,面积是7140平方米 。1平方千米大约是140个足球场的面积。一平方千米的大小等于二点七个天安门广场的大小。
2023-07-23 01:20:581


中国大多数地区都会使用平方千米这个面积单位,主要用于比较大的面积,如国土面积、城市面积、海洋面积、草原面积、森林面积、机场面积等。平方千米是比较大的面积单位,生活中比较常见的面积单位还有平方米,比如一个房间的面积是20平方米,一个桌子的面积是1平方米,1平方千米=1000 000平方米。面积单位的换算因为1平方米=1米x1米。所以1平方千米=1千米x1千米=1000米x1000米=1000000平方米。1平方米=1米x1米=10分米x10分米=100平方分米。1平方米=1米x1米=100厘米x100厘米=10000平方厘米。
2023-07-23 01:21:161


2023-07-23 01:21:522


1平方千米=100公顷1公顷=10000平方米平方千米,是我们用来形容某个城市某个省份或者国家占地面积的一个面积单位,它是针对边长为一千米的一个面积描述,即为一千米的平方, 通常平方千米能够非常直观地描述出一座城市、一个省份甚至一个国家的二维空间大小,同平方米一样,它是国家上通用的国际标准的面积单位。1平方千米是边长一千米的一个正方形的面积描述,它的算法就是将一个二维空间下的图形边长换算成千米为单位的基础上在进行相乘之后, 就能够得到平方千米的一个面积单位,平方千米可以说是目前为止最大的面积单位, 一般用来形容城市、省份和国家的占地面积,此外,它也会用来形容地球上的地表面积。除去平方千米外,我们还有很多关于面积的描述单位,比如国内非常常用的亩、国外用的英亩,以及公顷、平方厘米和平方米等等。
2023-07-23 01:22:121


2023-07-23 01:22:211


2023-07-23 01:23:211


2023-07-23 01:23:312


2023-07-23 01:23:592


2023-07-23 01:24:221


2023-07-23 01:24:371


2023-07-23 01:25:221


2023-07-23 01:26:012


回答者:木庄子mzz - 童生 一级 7-30 20:22的回答很正确。需仔细研究。
2023-07-23 01:26:1210


2023-07-23 01:26:461


2023-07-23 01:26:564


2023-07-23 01:27:051


2023-07-23 01:27:445


  “对称句”是指两个短句之间共同构成一种文体对称关系的句子。但是,“对称句”并不要求如同格式严谨的“对偶句”。“对偶句”有着严谨的上下对应关系,如:上对下、前对后、快对慢、单对双、喜欢对讨厌、安全对危险、黑暗对光明、表扬对批评。   对称句示例:   1、生活如海,宽容作舟,泛舟于海,方知海之宽阔;生活如山,宽容为径,循径登山,方知山之高大;生活如歌,宽容是曲,和曲而歌,方知歌之动听。   2、站着,他是一座山,挺起千年民族的脊梁;坐着,他是一尊佛,念着万载风雨的沧桑;走着,他是一阵风,吹散华夏大地的乌云。
2023-07-23 01:19:121


2023-07-23 01:19:231

The home improvements have taken what little there is ________my spare time.? A.from B.in .

2023-07-23 01:19:301

spare time to do 还是spare time doing?

2023-07-23 01:19:383


2023-07-23 01:19:391


1、时光不老,我们不散。  2、散了流年,淡了以往。  3、若许一世,为何负情。  4、静静的坐,遥遥的想。  5、执子之手,与子偕老。  6、梦醒繁华,一城荒芜。  7、雪落无痕,雁过留声。  8、繁华已尽,空散云烟。  9、已失去的,留作回忆。  10、时光停滞,岁月静好。  11、麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。  12、半城柳絮ぐ半城忧伤  13、夏有乔木,雅望天堂。  14、风雨不改,爱你依然。  15、星空耀天,灿似雪霜。  16、伱若离去,巴掌扇去。
2023-07-23 01:19:471


对称句的特点是两两对举出现、字数和结构不要求完全相等或对称、文体工整但不要求词意对仗;对称句举例:不积跬步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江海。对称句举例:空气是那么清鲜,天空是那么明朗。我看见过波澜壮阔的大海,玩赏过水平如镜的西湖。相对相依,宛如“热恋情人”;婷婷玉立,好似“窈窈涉女 "。你是谁朝思暮想的笔尖少年,在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌。花坛暖房不是它盛开的温床,冰天雪地才是它怒放的地方。在我们从幼稚走向成熟,从愚昧走向文明的路上,您用生命的火炬,为我们开道。鹤发银丝映日月,丹心热血沃新花。如果人生是一首歌曲,童年就是轻灵跳跃的前奏。如果人生是一个故事,童年就是充满悬念的开头。夏夜静如禅,夏夜暖如烛,夏夜甜如蜜。
2023-07-23 01:19:531


2023-07-23 01:20:132


in my spare time, i like listening to the music. it can not only relax my body but also refresh my mind. as we all know, music can make people energetic, books can make people knowledgable. when i am unoccupied, i always involve myself in book-reading. the different informations around me give me the feeling that i am touring in the ocean of knowledge. 亲 记得给好评哦 纯手打
2023-07-23 01:20:131


2023-07-23 01:20:201

My Spare Time ( 八年级 )作文

2023-07-23 01:20:232

以my spare time 为题写篇英语作文。

I do not have the spare time when I have time to go to school, I finished school, I would play basketball, I am very good at playing basketball, I like to play with my classmates, which is when I am very happy day. Sometimes I like to climb, especially on Sundays when many people which is very lively, and sometimes a breath of fresh air is good, makes me feel very uncomfortable, particularly birds of the woods was interesting, but very tired climbing, But this is a very interesting thing.望采纳
2023-07-23 01:20:301


2023-07-23 01:20:331

英语作文:My spare time 60字

先来一个短些的:My Spare TimeI"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing computer games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!再来个长一点的:I"d like to make full use of my spare time. Usually I would do three things in my spare time, reading, playing basketball, and serfing the Interet, which are three of my deepest passions.Reading is one of my favorite ways to my spare time. However I don"t like reading books at home. I prefer to read them in the library. We have a community library down the street. It"s small but has a huge collection of books. I would go there on weekend afternoons checking what"s new in the library and sitting in the reading room to read some of the best magazines and newspapers around the world. The warm and sweet afternoon sunshine accompanied by the smell of books,reading has certainly become one of the best ways for me to spend my spare time.Don"t mistake me as some book-hunger person. I"m sporty too. I love to play basketball with my friends during the weekend. We usually paly 3 to 3. It helps me a lot on getting the essence of team work and assists me to be a better leader while I"m doing my school projects.Internet has become a major media in recent years. My passion for Internet serfing has been growing stronger and stronger. At night when I"m not studying, I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there. I would also like to check out the employers who are hiring and try to find a job.Basicallly, that"s how I spend most of my spare time. Reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news events. Playing basketball with friends helps me on building team working skills and interpersonal skills. Serfing on the Internet exposes me to the world"s different cultures and different people that come from different backgrounds.
2023-07-23 01:19:036


所谓对称句,就是两两对举出现,而字数不要求完全相等或对称,不要求完全工整的句子。对称句,我国古代称为骈偶句。对称句例子:1、天上的星。有的明,有的暗。2、辛勤付出,自然有收获,会赢得人们的尊重,敷衍塞责,自然一无是处,会令人鄙弃。3、朝看晨鸟啼柳绿,夕看晚霞染山红;晴看日丽天高远,雨看船行水迷蒙;眷看雏燕吻桃红,夏 看荷风剪莲舟,秋看风凉月如钩,冬看雪白洁如玉。对称式的句的好处是:不但句式对称整洁好看,更重要的是读起来朗朗上口,有利于表达出良好的意义。对称句的源由:中国语言有一个传统的美学特点,就是讲究句式整齐,音韵和谐。诗歌辞赋不用说,即使是散文,也多有这个特点。出现这种情况,自然与汉语的音韵特点相关,还反映了古人在语言上刻意追求文字布局对称的美。刘知说过:“其为文也,大抵编字不只,捶句皆双,修短取均,奇偶相配,故应一言蔽之者辙足为二言,应以三句成文者必分为四句。”(《史通·叙事》)另外,这种对称的语言,可以壮声势,广文义。
2023-07-23 01:18:551

帮我写一篇英语作文,题目是《我的课余生活》英语题目《My Spare Time》,帮忙想一想。没财富了。对不起,

My Spare Time at SchoolIn my spare time, I have several methods to relax myself.Firstly, I enjoy playing the piano in my spare time, especially when I"m overwhelmed by the pressure and stress, I always turn to my piano. The moment my fingers gently touching the keys and beautiful melody flowing in the air, I feel like in the paradise, and all the upset is disappeared.Besides, sometimes I hang out with some friends and talk with them or have some entertainment together such as watching movies or singing in a KTV and so on. Staying with friends brings me relaxation and comfortableness.In addition, playing badminton is one of my favorite activities in spare time. By doing sports, I can not only relax myself but also keep healthy.翻译:首先,我喜欢打在我的业余时间弹钢琴,特别是当我被淹没的压力和压力,我总是把我的钢琴。那一刻我的手指轻轻触摸按键,美丽的旋律在空中流动,我感觉像在天堂,一切底价是消失了。此外,有时我挂出了一些朋友,与他们交谈,或看电影等,或到KTV唱歌等一些娱乐于一体。借住在朋友家带给我放松和舒适性。此外,打羽毛球是我最喜欢的活动之一,闲暇时间。通过做运动,我不仅可以放松自己,但也保持健康。
2023-07-23 01:18:431


2023-07-23 01:18:421

写一篇英语短文题目《my spare time》(我的业余时间) 至少八十个单词

MY SPARE TIME Have you got any spare time?What do you always do on your spare time?If you have spare time now,please have a look my writing ---<my spare time> I am a happpy boy ,i always like doing a lot of things to spend my spare time .My favouret hobby is playing badminton ,a popular sport in the world,i think.Except for this ,i often walk along street ,it"s an interesting way to spend my spare time.Of course ,i like having Chinese tea ,too.I think have tea would make me quiet.Do you have the same ? In fact ,on my spare time ,i always do a lot of different things,but i don"t have enough time right now,i can"t tell you about mine.
2023-07-23 01:18:363


对称句都有如下:1 、那些丝丝入心的思念,始终凝聚在我的笔端,那些念念不忘的真情,永久温暖着彼此的心灵,愿幸福走在相惜相依的路上。2 、 我爱菊,因为它独特;我爱菊,因为它美丽;我爱菊,因为它顽强;我爱菊,因为它不仅有观赏价值,更有医用保健价值;我爱菊,因为它可以陶冶情操;我爱菊,因为它有着高尚的品质。3、总想找一个很爱很爱的人才相爱,可是,莫然回首,才发现没开始爱,怎么会知道很爱很爱那人呢?其实爱情就是在平淡中增浓,爱情就是在生活中开花结果。4、 静者恒静,就让我的心安静地守着你。我愿给你幸福不灭的定理。5 、樱花开的时候我想起你,想你没有原因,也没有理由。突然间的,坐在车上,茫然的看着车窗外的风景,然后,就想起你。
2023-07-23 01:18:271

以My spare time为题目写一篇作文

In my spare time, I have several methods to relax myself. Firstly, I enjoy playing the piano in my spare time, especially when I"m overwhelmed by the pressure and stress, I always turn to my piano. The moment my fingers gently touching the keys and beautiful melody flowing in the air, I feel like in the paradise, and all the upset is disappeared. Besides, sometimes I hang out with some friends and talk with them or have some entertainment together such as watching movies or singing in a KTV and so on. Staying with friends brings me relaxation and comfortableness. In addition, playing badminton is one of my favorite activities in spare time. By doing sports, I can not only relax myself but also keep healthy.
2023-07-23 01:18:261

My spare time英语作文,八十词左右,谢谢

It is very important for us to know how to use the free time. In my spare time, I often go on line. I usually get information for my lessons, so I can get more knowledge. I often read novels on the computer. I like music. Sometimes I download music and enjoy it. At the weekend I visit my website and write some articles in my blog.Besides computer, I do sports every day to make me healthy and strong.I"m fond of travel. Because it is good for my health. In the course of my journey, I can enjoy the beautiful scenery and social custom of the different places.In a word , we should make good use of our free time.
2023-07-23 01:18:192

请以“My Spare Time为题写一篇英语短文”

My Spare Time I am a middle school student. Though I"m busy with my lessons, my spare time is still colorful. After school I usually play sports. I like basketball and football very much. Sports help me to keep healthy and study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I think books are our best friends. They give us much knowledge that we can"t learn at school. So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time. Sometimes I watch TV or surf the Internet. I find it"s a good way to relax myself. At the same time it can also help me open up my eyes to the outside world. At the weekends I often help my parents with the housework. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn to cook. During the summer or winter vacation, I have enough time to do things like volunteering. I help those people who are in need. It"s a good experience for me. I enjoy myself in my spare time.
2023-07-23 01:18:101


2023-07-23 01:18:091

my spare time 英语作文

先来一个短些的:My Spare TimeI"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing computer games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!再来个长一点的:I"d like to make full use of my spare time. Usually I would do three things in my spare time, reading, playing basketball, and serfing the Interet, which are three of my deepest passions.Reading is one of my favorite ways to my spare time. However I don"t like reading books at home. I prefer to read them in the library. We have a community library down the street. It"s small but has a huge collection of books. I would go there on weekend afternoons checking what"s new in the library and sitting in the reading room to read some of the best magazines and newspapers around the world. The warm and sweet afternoon sunshine accompanied by the smell of books,reading has certainly become one of the best ways for me to spend my spare time.Don"t mistake me as some book-hunger person. I"m sporty too. I love to play basketball with my friends during the weekend. We usually paly 3 to 3. It helps me a lot on getting the essence of team work and assists me to be a better leader while I"m doing my school projects.Internet has become a major media in recent years. My passion for Internet serfing has been growing stronger and stronger. At night when I"m not studying, I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there. I would also like to check out the employers who are hiring and try to find a job.Basicallly, that"s how I spend most of my spare time. Reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news events. Playing basketball with friends helps me on building team working skills and interpersonal skills. Serfing on the Internet exposes me to the world"s different cultures and different people that come from different backgrounds.
2023-07-23 01:18:012

以my spare time为题的英语作文

My Spare TimeI"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing computer games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!
2023-07-23 01:17:502