下列为各数的倍数特征。1:任何不为0的整数都是1的倍数。2:个位是0、2、4、6、8中的一个。3:各数位之和是3的倍数。4:十位与个位组成的两位数是4的倍数。5:个位是0或5。6:既是2的倍数,又是3的倍数。7:把个位数截去得到一个新数,再减去个位数的2倍,如果差是7的倍数,则原来的数是7的倍数。8:百位、十位、个位数组成的三位数是8的倍数。9:各数位之和是9的倍数。10:个位是0。11:奇数数位上的数之和与偶数数位上的数之和的差等于11或0。12:既是3的倍数,又是4的倍数。2023-05-30 19:48:261
解析: (1) 一个数的因数特点:一个数的因数的个数是有限的,其中最小的因数是 1 ,最大的因数是它本身; (2) 一个数的倍数特点:一个数的倍数的个数是无限的,最小的倍数是它本身,没有最大的倍数.2023-05-30 19:48:321
一个数乘以11,规律是两边一拉,中间相加,一个数符合这个规律,就是11的倍数。2023-05-30 19:48:425
偶数,且是3的倍数2023-05-30 19:48:5914
15倍数的特征有哪些? 这个知识点一定要记住
1、15的倍数特征:尾数不是五就是零。 2、所以15的倍数特征:1、个位上是0或5;2、各个数位上的数字之和是3的倍数。如,75、90、60、45、15、105、135都是15的倍数。 3、一个整数能够被另一个整数整除,这个整数就是另一整数的倍数。同样的,一个数除以另一数所得的商。如a/b=c,就是说,a是b的倍数。一个数的倍数有无数个,也就是说一个数的倍数的集合为无限集。需要注意的是,不能把一个数单独叫做倍数,只能说一个数是另一个数的倍数。2023-05-30 19:49:371
11倍数的特征是奇数位数之和与偶数位数之和的差能被11整除。亲,给个采纳吧2023-05-30 19:49:452
7的倍数特征为前面的数减最后一位数的两倍,看结果是不是7的倍数,如判断112,用前两位11减去最后一位2的两倍,即11-2*2=7,推得112为7的倍数。9的倍数特征为各个位数字和是9的倍数,比如144,各个位数字和为1+4+4=9,所以144是9的倍数。11的倍数特征为奇数位数字之和与偶数位数字之和的差是11的倍数。比如1210,奇数位数字和为2+0=2,偶数位数字和为1+1=2,两个数做差为2-2=0,是11的倍数,所以1210是11的倍数。拓展资料:倍数定义一个整数能够被另一个整数整除,那么这个整数就是另一整数的倍数。倍数公倍数定义:两个或多个整数公有的倍数叫做它们的公倍数。两个或多个整数的公倍数里最小的那一个叫做它们的最小公倍数。参考资料:搜狗百科倍数2023-05-30 19:50:043
特征是能被4整除,有8 12 16 20等等2023-05-30 19:50:111
125倍数5 25 12536倍数6 3675倍数5 15 758倍数2 4 8 对于整数m,能被n整除(m/n),那么m就是n的倍数。相对来说,称n为m的因数。如15能够被3或5整除,因此15是3的倍数,也是5的倍数。 2的倍数的特征 一个数的末尾是偶数(0 2 4 6 8),这个数就是2的倍数。 如3776。3776的末尾为6,是2的倍数。3776除以2=18883的倍数的特征 一个数的各位数之和是3的倍数,这个数就是3的倍数。 4926。(4+9+2+6)除以3=7,是3的倍数。4926除以3=16424的倍数的特征 一个数的末两位是4的倍数,这个数就是4的倍数。 2356。56除以4=14,是4的倍数。2356除以4=5895的倍数的特征 一个数的末尾是0 5,这个数就是5的倍数。 7775。7775的末尾为5,是5的倍数。7775除以5=15556的倍数的特征6的倍数特征 一个数只要能同时被2和3整除,那么这个数就能被6整除。7的倍数特征 若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,减去个位数的2倍,如果差是7的倍数,则原数能被7整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否7的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相减、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。例如,判断133是否7的倍数的过程如下:13-3×2=7,所以133是7的倍数;又例如判断6139是否7的倍数的过程如下:613-9×2=595 , 59-5×2=49,所以6139是7的倍数,余类推。8的倍数的特征 一个数的末三位是8的倍数,这个数就是8的倍数。 7256。256除以8=32,是8的倍数。7256除以8=9079的倍数特征 若一个整数的数字和能被9整除,则这个整数能被9整除。10的倍数特征 若一个整数的末位是0,则这个数能被10整除。11的倍数特征 (1)若一个整数的奇位数字之和与偶位数字之和的差能被11整除,则这个数能被11整除。11的倍数检验法也可用上述检查7的「割尾法」处理!过程唯一不同的是:倍数不是2而是1! (2)将一个数从个位开始两两分隔,若所有分隔开的数和为11的倍数,则这个数为11的倍数(如32571,分隔成3 25 71,3+25+71=99,99为11倍数,所以32571是11的倍数)12的倍数特征 若一个整数能被3和4整除,则这个数能被12整除。13的倍数特征 若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,加上个位数的4倍,如果和是13的倍数,则原数能被13整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否13的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相加、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。17的倍数特征 若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,减去个位数的5倍,如果差是17的倍数,则原数能被17整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否17的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相减、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。19的倍数特征 若一个整数的末三位与7倍的前面的隔出数的差能被19整除,则这个数能被19整除。 若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,加上个位数的2倍,如果和是19的倍数,则原数能被19整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否19的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相加、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。23的倍数特征 若一个整数的末四位与前面5倍的隔出数的差能被23(或29)整除,则这个数能被23整除2023-05-30 19:50:201
6的倍数特征有:一是都是偶数,二是将各个数位上的数相加,其和必定是6的倍数,9的倍数,12的倍数,15的倍数。①一个整数能够被另一整数整除,这个整数就是另一整数的倍数。如15能够被3或5整除,因此15是3的倍数,也是5的倍数。②一个数除以另一数所得的商。如a÷b=c,就是说a是b的c倍,a是b的倍数。 一个数能整除它的积,那么,这个数就是因数,它的积就是倍数。 3 × 5 = 15 ↑ ↑ ↑ 因数1 因数2 倍数 例如:A÷B=C,就可以说A是B的C倍。③一个数的倍数有无数个,也就是说一个数的倍数的集合为无限集. 注意:不能把一个数单独叫做倍数,只能说谁是谁的倍数。扩展资料:任意两个奇数的平方差是8的倍数证明:设任意奇数2n+1,2m+1,(m,n∈N)(2m+1)2-(2n+1)2=(2m+1+2n+1)*(2m-2n)=4(m+n+1)(m-n)当m,n都是奇数或都是偶数时,m-n是偶数,被2整除当m,n一奇一偶时,m+n+1是偶数,被2整除所以(m+n+1)(m-n)是2的倍数则4(m+n+1)(m-n)一定是8的倍数(注:0可以被2整除,所以0是一个偶数,0也可以被8整除,所以0是8的倍数。)2023-05-30 19:50:271
奇位上的数字和与偶位上的数字和的差是11的倍数2023-05-30 19:50:332
可以整除8,余数为02023-05-30 19:50:522
如果一个整数的末三位数与末三位以前的数字所组成的数之差能被13整除,则原整数是13的倍数 例子:比如383357,383-357=26=13×2,所以383357能被13整除2023-05-30 19:50:591
因数:一个数能够整除另一数,这个数就是另一数的因数.例如:2,3,4,6都能整除12,因此2,3,4,6都是12的因数.(注意:1,12不是12的因数!)因数又称为约数.倍数:一个数能够被另一数整除,这个数就是另一数的倍数.例如:15能够被3或5整除,因此15是3的倍数,也是5的倍数.(注意:1,15不是15的倍数!) 综上所述:因数与倍数的个数相同!2023-05-30 19:51:061
都比13大2023-05-30 19:51:142
因为30=2×5×3,所以30的倍数既要符合2、5的倍数特征,又要具有3的倍数特征。即30的倍数特征是:个位上是0,且各个数位上的数字之和是3的倍数。2023-05-30 19:51:211
2的倍数的特征:个位上是0、2、4、6、8的数。 5的倍数的特征:个位是0或5的数。 一个数除以另一数所得的商。如a÷b=c,就是说,a是b的倍数。例如:A÷B=C,就可以说A是B的C倍。倍数的特征:一个整数能够被另一个整数整除,这个整数就是另一整数的倍数。如15能够被3或5整除,因此15是3的倍数,也是5的倍数。一个数的倍数有无数个,也就是说一个数的倍数的集合为无限集。不能把一个数单独叫做倍数,只能说谁是谁的倍数。倍数的求法:一个数除以另一数所得的商。如a÷b=c,就是说,a是b的倍数。例如:A÷B=C,就可以说A是B的C倍。个位数字是0,2,4,6,8的数一定是2的倍数,个位数是0或5的数一定是5的倍数;各个数位上的数的和是3的倍数;个位上是0。2023-05-30 19:51:391
一个数只要能被2和3整除的数,那么那个数就一定能被6整除。2023-05-30 19:51:532
7的倍数特征:若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,减去个位数的2倍,如果差是7的倍数,则原数能被7整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否7的倍数,就上述「截尾、倍大、相减、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。9的倍数特征:若一个整数的数字和能被9整除,则这个整数能被9整除。11的倍数特征:⑴若一个整数的奇位数字之和与偶位数字之和的差能被11整除,则这个数能被11整除。如264、3080和95949392、2+4-6=11×0,3+8-0-0=11×1,9×4-(5+4+3+2)=11×2,264、308和95949392都能被11整除。11的倍数检验法也可用上述检查7的「割尾法」处理。过程唯一不同的是:倍数不是2而是1。⑵将一个数从个位开始两两分隔,若所有分隔开的数和为11的倍数,则这个数为11的倍数(如32571,分隔成3 25 71,3+25+71=99,99为11倍数,所以32571是11的倍数)13的倍数特征:若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,加上个位数的4倍,如果和是13的倍数,则原数能被13整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否13的倍数,就需要上述「截尾、倍大、相加、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。2023-05-30 19:52:071
5的倍数的特征是都是个位为0或者5的数。一个整数能够被另外一个整数整除,则这个整数就是另一个整数的倍数,即一个数和一整数的乘积就是倍数。倍数的介绍一个整数能够被另一个整数整除,这个整数就是另一整数的倍数。如15能够被3或5整除,因此15是3的倍数,也是5的倍数。一个数除以另一数所得的商。如a÷b=c,就是说,a是b的倍数。例如:A÷B=C,就可以说A是B的C倍。一个数的末尾是偶数(0,2,4,6,8),这个数就是2的倍数。一个数的各位数之和是3的倍数,这个数就是3的倍数。一个数的末两位是4的倍数,这个数就是4的倍数。一个数的末尾是0或5,这个数就是5的倍数。一个数的末三位是8的倍数,这个数就是8的倍数。若一个整数的数字和能被9整除,则这个整数能被9整除。若一个整数的末位是0,则这个数能被10整除。若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,减去个位数的5倍,如果差是17的倍数,则原数能被17整除。2023-05-30 19:52:191
。。。や无人能及打火机やwww.预备2023-05-30 19:52:3814
六的倍数的和相加,只要是偶数他也是二的倍数所以我说不全都是三的倍数他也是二的倍数2023-05-30 19:53:089
都整除172023-05-30 19:53:544
5和10尾数是0。2023-05-30 19:54:029
也就是都是里面有7的因数,就是7乘以1,或者7乘以2等2023-05-30 19:54:293
判断一个数是质数还是合数,常用的方法是:除了1和它本身之外,再找到一个其他的因数,那么这个数就是合数。这里就用到了2、3、5、7、11、13等数倍数的特征。2的倍数特征:2的若一个整数的末位是0、2、4、6或8,则这个数能被2整除。3的倍数特征:若一个整数的数字和能被3整除,则这个整数能被3整除。5的倍数特征:若一个整数的末位是0或5,则这个数能被5整除。7的倍数特征:若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,减去个位数的2倍,如果差是7的倍数,则原数能被7整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否7的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相减、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。例如,判断133是否7的倍数的过程如下:13-3×2=7,所以133是7的倍数;又例如判断6139是否7的倍数的过程如下:613-9×2=595 , 59-5×2=49,所以6139是7的倍数。11的倍数特征:若一个整数的奇位数字之和与偶位数字之和的差能被11整除,则这个数能被11整除。11的倍数检验法也可用上述检查7的「割尾法」处理!过程唯一不同的是:倍数不是2而是1。13的倍数特征:若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,加上个位数的4倍,如果和是13的倍数,则原数能被13整除。如果和太大或心算不易看出是否13的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相加、验和」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。2023-05-30 19:54:361
11倍数的特征(1)若一个整数的奇位数字之和与偶位数字之和的差能被11整除,则这个数能被11整除。如264、3080和95949392、2+4-6=11×0,3+8-0-0=11×1,9×4-(5+4+3+2)=11×2,264、308和95949392都能被11整除。(2)将一个数从个位开始两两分隔,若所有分隔开的数和为11的倍数,则这个数为11的倍数。如32571,分隔成3 25 71,3+25+71=99,99为11倍数,所以32571是11的倍数。扩展资料一个整数能够被另一个整数整除,这个整数就是另一整数的倍数。如15能够被3或5整除,因此15是3的倍数,也是5的倍数。一个数除以另一数所得的商。如a÷b=c,就是说,a是b的倍数。例如:A÷B=C,就可以说A是B的C倍。一个数的倍数有无数个,也就是说一个数的倍数的集合为无限集。 注意:不能把一个数单独叫做倍数,只能说谁是谁的倍数。2023-05-30 19:54:441
8的倍数的特征:全为偶数,能被8整除的数的特征是最后三位都能被8整除。一个数的后三位数是8的倍数。一个整数的末尾三位数能被8整除,则这个数能被8整除。7和8的倍数分别能被7和8整除;7的倍数为奇偶交错,8的倍数全为偶数;若一个整数的未尾三位数能被8整除,则这个数能被8整除。其他数位的特征:一个数的后三位数是125的倍数,这个数就是125的倍数。4的倍数的特征: (1)十位数是奇数且个位数为不是四的倍数的偶数或十位数是偶数且个位数是四的倍数。 (2)若一个整数的末尾两位数能被4整除,则这个数能被4整除,即是4的倍数 。 6的倍数的特征:各个数位上的数字之和可以被3整除的偶数。2023-05-30 19:54:521
8乘任何数都是。如:8、16、24、32、40、48、56、64。2023-05-30 19:55:314
一个数的因数:两个自然数相乘等于这个数,都是它的因数.写的时候从小到大的顺序. 一个数的倍数:用这个数乘1、2、3、等等都是它的倍数.2023-05-30 19:55:551
11的倍数特征:若一个整数的奇位数字之和与偶位数字之和的差能被11整除,则这个数能被11整除。简介:11的倍数⑴若一个整数的奇位数字之和与偶位数字之和的差能被11整除,则这个数能被11整除。如264、3080和95949392、2+4-6=11×0,3+8-0-0=11×1,9×4-(5+4+3+2)=11×2,264、308和95949392都能被11整除。11的倍数检验法也可用上述检查7的「割尾法」处理。过程唯一不同的是:倍数不是2而是1。⑵将一个数从个位开始两两分隔,若所有分隔开的数和为11的倍数,则这个数为11的倍数(如32571,分隔成3 25 71,3+25+71=99,99为11倍数,所以32571是11的倍数)2023-05-30 19:56:031
能被125整除的数,就是125的倍数~2023-05-30 19:56:113
125的倍数特征是:能够把125整除。125的倍数有:125、250、375、500等等。125x1=125125x2=250125x3=375125x4=500所以125的倍数有125、250、375、500等等。倍数的性质:若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,减去个位数的2倍,如果差是7的倍数,则原数能被7整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否7的倍数,就上述「截尾、倍大、相减、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。例如,判断133是否7的倍数的过程如下:13-3×2=7,所以133是7的倍数;又例如判断6139是否7的倍数的过程如下:613-9×2=595 , 59-5×2=49,所以6139是7的倍数,余类推。2023-05-30 19:56:291
一个数的末两位,能被4整除,这个数就能被4整除2023-05-30 19:56:361
若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,减去个位数的2倍,如果差是7的倍数,则原数能被7整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否7的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相减、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。例如,判断133是否7的倍数的过程如下:13-3×2=7,所以133是7的倍数;又例如判断6139是否7的倍数的过程如下:613-9×2=595,59-5×2=49,所以6139是7的倍数,余类推。若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,加上个位数的4倍,如果差是13的倍数,则原数能被13整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否13的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相加、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。下面的你参考(1)1与0的特性:1是任何整数的约数,即对于任何整数a,总有1|a.0是任何非零整数的倍数,a≠0,a为整数,则a|0.(2)若一个整数的末位是0、2、4、6或8,则这个数能被2整除。(3)若一个整数的数字和能被3整除,则这个整数能被3整除。(4)若一个整数的末尾两位数能被4整除,则这个数能被4整除。(5)若一个整数的末位是0或5,则这个数能被5整除。(6)若一个整数能被2和3整除,则这个数能被6整除。(7)若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,减去个位数的2倍,如果差是7的倍数,则原数能被7整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否7的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相减、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。例如,判断133是否7的倍数的过程如下:13-3×2=7,所以133是7的倍数;又例如判断6139是否7的倍数的过程如下:613-9×2=595,59-5×2=49,所以6139是7的倍数,余类推。(8)若一个整数的未尾三位数能被8整除,则这个数能被8整除。(9)若一个整数的数字和能被9整除,则这个整数能被9整除。(10)若一个整数的末位是0,则这个数能被10整除。(11)若一个整数的奇位数字之和与偶位数字之和的差能被11整除,则这个数能被11整除。11的倍数检验法也可用上述检查7的「割尾法」处理!过程唯一不同的是:倍数不是2而是1!(12)若一个整数能被3和4整除,则这个数能被12整除。(13)若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,加上个位数的4倍,如果差是13的倍数,则原数能被13整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否13的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相加、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。(14)若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,减去个位数的5倍,如果差是17的倍数,则原数能被17整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否17的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相减、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。(15)若一个整数的个位数字截去,再从余下的数中,加上个位数的2倍,如果差是19的倍数,则原数能被19整除。如果差太大或心算不易看出是否19的倍数,就需要继续上述「截尾、倍大、相加、验差」的过程,直到能清楚判断为止。(16)若一个整数的末三位与3倍的前面的隔出数的差能被17整除,则这个数能被17整除。(17)若一个整数的末三位与7倍的前面的隔出数的差能被19整除,则这个数能被19整除。(18)若一个整数的末四位与前面5倍的隔出数的差能被23(或29)整除,则这个数能被23整除2023-05-30 19:56:431
(1)若一个整数的奇位数字之和与偶位数字之和的差能被11整除,则这个数能被11整除。如264、3080和95949392、2+4-6=11×0,3+8-0-0=11×19×4-(5+4+3+2)=11×2,264、308和95949392都能被11整除。(2)将一个数从个位开始两两分隔,若所有分隔开的数和为11的倍数,则这个数为11的倍数(如32571,分隔成3 2571,3+25+71=99,99为11倍数,所以32571是11的倍数)。2023-05-30 19:56:501
特征如下:1、组成倍数的几个数字之和是9的整数倍数2、倍数中至少有一个数字必须是9比如198,495,990,1089等2023-05-30 19:56:594
11倍数的特征:一个自然数从个位开始,奇数位上的数字之和与偶数位上的数字之和的差(大数减小数)是11的倍数。这个数就是11的倍数。倍数特征:一个整数能够被另一个整数整除,这个整数就是另一整数的倍数。如15能够被3或5整除,因此15是3的倍数,也是5的倍数。一个数除以另一数所得的商。如a÷b=c,就是说,a是b的倍数。2023-05-30 19:57:081
用3个那像 …是…造句,写写生活中的声音
那像吟诵小诗一样的声音,是小溪流动的声音,那像钟表一样响动的声音,是雨水落下的声音,那像打乒乓球一样的声音,是建筑工人建房时的声音2023-05-30 19:55:091
链接: 提取码: y99a最新考研英语作文模板(大作文篇) 一、大作文必背段落框架描述图画、图表内容 现象说明 阐述图画含义 解释原因 中间展开论述 举例说明 个人观点阐释 利弊说明 结尾给出结论。2023-05-30 19:55:124
1.下雨的声音,像一首美妙的旋律,滴滴答答,刷刷声,令人听得如痴如醉。2.下雨的声音像一场音乐会,各种声音都有,雨声,风声,树叶声,小动物的声音。3.下雨的声音像甘露那样,缓缓地灌溉我那干涸的心田,把我的伤痛逐渐修补。4.下雨的声音像母亲那样温柔,慈爱,轻抚着大地,带来盎然生机。5.下雨的声音就像我心中的忧愁,如丝如缕,绵延不绝,剪不断理还乱。6.下雨的声音就像决堤的大坝,倾盆而下,来势凶猛。7.下雨的声音就像不断哭泣的孩童,久久没有停止的意思,时不时还伴随着闪电。8.下雨的声音像泉水流淌的声音,像时钟在嘀嗒嘀嗒的转动,雨声多么美妙。9.下雨的声音像空中的汗水,挥洒着它的美丽。10.下雨的声音像断了线的珠子,落到天地间,滋润了大地。11.下雨的声音像慈祥的母亲,哺育着青的小草。2023-05-30 19:55:151
轰轰隆隆的雷雨声在我的窗前怎么也难忘记你离去的转变孤单单的身影后寂寥的心情永远无怨的是我的双眼2023-05-30 19:55:222
火山爆发的时候,传来了声如洪钟的声音。2023-05-30 19:55:294
1)这会儿是雷恩先生在说话,他的声音沙哑,刺耳、深沉,犹如一件又重又钝的武器砍进肉,骨头和软骨里。 2)他笑起来声音沙哑 自有一种冷峭尖刻的味道. 3)父亲顺着篱笆缓缓走开 一边嘟嘟囔囔 声音沙哑:哎! 4)刚才声音沙哑 没有注意 现在能听出声音不再稚拙 像一个少年。 5)那汉子声音沙哑 似是饱经风霜侵袭 言语间不经意的落寞溢于言表。 6)蓑衣人声音沙哑 犹如被掐住脖子的老鸹 沙沙的声音刮得人耳根子疼。 7)沙罗德首次开口说话 声音沙哑而又冰冷 就好像是锉刀在摩擦冰雪。 8)袁余馨开口了 她的声音沙哑无比 像是在用带毛边的糙纸摩擦黑板。lishixinzhi/1182670 9)声音沙哑 带着一股不容置喙的决绝与威摄。 10)萧文秉被自己的声音吓了一跳 那道声音沙哑之极 仿佛金石交击 刺耳难听。 11)洪泉的声音沙哑中带痰气 却丝毫没有商量的余地。2023-05-30 19:55:361
【篇一】介绍信英语作文万能模板 Dear Sir or Madame, From a moddle class family, i was born in hsin ying, tainan on october 10th, 1965. my father is a civil official at tainan city government. my mother is a house wife good at cooking. although i am the only child of my parents, i am by no mans a spoiled one. on the contrary, i have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. i study hard at school. besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. being good is must; successful, however, is plus. father adopts the idea of his father. especially in military service, i realized it more precisely. people said: military service makes a boy to man, i agree that. i realized the importance of english and began to study diligently when i was eighteen. i did not start in my early age, but i hope that i could pass the test of general english proficiency test. and this is my best wish at the moment. 【篇二】介绍信英语作文万能模板 Dear Sir or Madame, My name am wang li, this year big four, my specialty was the accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years i already is smooth through the english four levels of tests, has obtained accountant the computerization and accountant is employed the credentials, studied diligently about financial each discipline, could utilize the computer skilled, in university period participated in the student association, had the strong communication ability and the power of expression, the work is diligently earnest, also strong learning capability and compatibility, positive enterprising, strove to get the upper hand. 【篇三】介绍信英语作文万能模板 Dear Sir or Madame, I am a third year mastor major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university, p. r. china. with tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph.d. graduate program. In 1995, i entered the nanjing university of science & technology (nust) -- widely considered one of the china s best engineering schools. during the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. i was granted first class prize every semester,in 1999, i got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. At the period of my graduate study, my overall gpa(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. in the second semester, i became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. this year, i won the acer scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. presently, i am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent graduation thesis. In retrospect, i find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the ph.d. program. my future research interests include: network scheduling problem, heuristic algorithm research (especially in ga and neural network), supply chain network research, hybrid system performance analysis with petri nets and data mining. 【篇四】介绍信英语作文万能模板 Dear Sir or Madame, my name am wang li, this year big four, my specialty was the accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years i already is smooth through the english four levels of tests, has obtained accountant the computerization and accountant is employed the credentials, studied diligently about financial each discipline, could utilize the computer skilled, in university period participated in the student association, had the strong communication ability and the power of expression, the work is diligently earnest, also strong learning capability and compatibility, positive enterprising, strove to get the upper hand. 【篇五】介绍信英语作文万能模板 Dear Sir or Madame, my name is ________. i am graduatefrom ________ seniorhigh school and major in ________. there are ________ people in my family. my father works in a computer company. and my mother is a housewife. i am the youngest one in my family. in my spare time, i like to read novels. i think reading could enlargemy knowledge. as for novels, i could imagine whatever i like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. in addition to reading, i also like to play pc games. a lot of grownups think playing pc games hinders the students from learning. but i think pc games could motivate me to learn something such as english or favorite course is english because i think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. i wish my english could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent english in the future.2023-05-30 19:54:511
滴滴答答造句:夜深人静,只听见屋檐滴水滴滴答答。 只听“咔嚓”一声,小明就把小木棍给弄断了 嗖 的一声,一支白羽箭射了出去2023-05-30 19:54:502
【 #四六级考试# 导语】成功=时间+方法,自制力是这个等式的保障。世上无天才,高手都是来自刻苦的练习。而大家往往只看到“牛人”闪耀的成绩,忽视其成绩背后无比寂寞的勤奋。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.2022年12月大学英语四级作文范文模板 Directions: Write a composition entitled Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness. 1.一次性塑料袋曾被广泛使用; 2.一次性塑料袋造成的问题; 3.限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义。 Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags In the past,a great many people used to use disposable plastic bags for shopping and other purposes.However,the excessive use of disposable plastic bags has led to great damages both to environment and to people"s health. On the one hand,it takes about 200 years for a buried plastic bag to decompose and be absorbed by the soil.On the other hand, the use of disposable plastic bags will indirectly do harm to people"s health, which is less known to the public.Sometimes people buy hot food packed into disposable plastic bags to save the time and labor in washing their dining utensils.Yet they are not informed of the chemicals in the bags will release in high temperature.Therefore,they are eating the poisonous stuff while enjoying the tasty food. It"s enlightening and significant that our government has banned the free provision of disposable plastic bags in supermarkets.Trial practice has shown considerable reduction in the consumption of bags.In a word, fewer plastic bags will bring us the sustainable development of our earth.(177 words) 2.2022年12月大学英语四级作文范文模板 Directions: Write a composition entitled Save the Energy Resources. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness. 1.现在很多能源资源面临枯竭; 2.阐述能源资源、枯竭的后果; 3.节约能源资源的建议。 Save the Energy Resources Recently,it is reported that oil price in the intemational market has been skyrocketing drastically.In China, many traditional mineral cities in northeastem China has run into predicament,with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed,only because coal has been mined out. Unlike sunlight,water and wind,fossil energy resources,including coal,oil and gas,are not practically reproductive during human history. Once consumed,they"re gone forever.If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient resources to replace them,we would have to live in entire blackout again,which is of course not what we would like to see. Therefore,we must economize on energy resources.New techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy consumption in industry and daily life.Altemative energy should be employed wherever possible. Any practice that wastes energy should be eradicated.(140 words) 3.2022年12月大学英语四级作文范文模板 Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Green Food. 1.近年来,“绿色食品”变得越来越流行。 2.分析这种现象产生的原因。 3.你对该现象的看法。 范文: Green Food As more and more people focus on health diet,green food has begun to draw more and more attention by the public.In recent years,the market demand for green food has increased dramatically,and all kinds of green food have emerged in an endless stream. Why does green food become so popular in China?Above all,compared with ordinary food,green food is healthier,safer and more nutritious.Moreover,nowadays,many vegetables are polluted because of the usage of agricultural chemicals,while green food is free of pollution.Besides,with the improvement of the living standards,more people can afford a healthier but more expensive lifestyle.So green food,despite its higher price,still becomes people"s favorite food. However,nowadays the market is full of real and fake green food,making many consumers confused.Therefore,the government must strengthen the supervision and administration of green food market.Besides,consumers should increase the knowledge of green food.Only in this way can green food play a more positive role in people"s life.2023-05-30 19:54:451
我们喜欢音乐,音乐是有灵魂的。肯定会有最爱的歌手。下面是我为你整理的我最爱的歌手高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 我最爱的歌手高中英语作文篇1 Mr Wang, born on June 29, 1971, Chinese famous musicians, one of the representative figure of China"s new rock and roll. BaoGu street number 43 band, have been receiving professional music education. Mr Wang himself has stronger songs creation ability, known as the "music" of a person. Repeatedly won the domestic each big music awards ceremony of the best male singer, best producer award. Announced on September 13, 2013, such as a divorce from his second wife, kang, and zhang ziyi was romance, November 9, love conversation in the concert. Former supervisor "Chinese good voice" 2013, 2014, and led the Zhang Hengyuan and parr, won the runner-up 我最爱的歌手高中英语作文篇2 Zhangjie is my favoriter singer.His English name is JASON.He was born on December twentieth ,1982 in Sichuan.When he was a student,most of his clas *** ates liked listening his songs and watching his dance.He realized that he had a gift for singing.And what is the most important is that he likes singing all the time. He firstly appeared on stage when he was still a college student at the age of 21.At that time he took part in "My style ,My show".He was No1 in the end,but his life did not changed so much because of it . He dreams of buying a large and fortable house for his parents.So he took part in the"Super Boy" with enormous pressure.But after that,more and more people know him,I also became his fan.He has had four records so far,soon he will have a new record.Last year ,he finally bought a house for his parents. The reason why I admire him so much is that :He sings very well,with a very unique voice and handsome as well as sunny simle.He is the most outstanding singer in my heart.He has many nice qualities.He is a perfect man. I will support Jason forever! 我最爱的歌手高中英语作文篇3 She is such an ideal singer! She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a boy. On the stage, she sings and dances so well. She is so happy and she makes us excited… Can you guess who she is? Yes, she is Li Yuchun, the winner of “Super Girl 2005.” She is a student of Sichuan Music College in Grade 3. She is twenty-one this year. She is 1.74 metres tall. Now she is very popular in China and even in the world. I know she worked hard in the past, and has succeeded today. I"ll learn from her and try my best to achieve my dream. I like her because she is so cool and lovely. I love her because she makes me feel happy. I enjoy her because she is independent and she has the individuality of herself. Li Yuchun, I"ll cheer for you forever! 我最爱的歌手高中英语作文篇4 Everyone has their own hobby, and I am no exception. My extracurricular hobby is singing. One time, there was a singing petition in the city. The day before the game, I was listening to the tape of the song I was going to sing, and I was thinking: I must be in the league. In the future, also to sing more beautiful songs like yan weiwen. On the day of the game, my heart was in my throat. My heart was pounding and I was afraid I"d be surprised if I didn"t rank. The time is one minute past, the player in front of me is already over, and is a better than one, I worry that I can"t pare them. It was my turn to play, I faced the judges, I was nervous, my hands were all sweaty, I had never been so nervous. Suddenly, I thought of what my mother said to me: "son, don"t be nervous, you can only sing good songs if you relax. It doesn"t matter if you don"t get the place. You just try your best." So I tried to calm down. At first, I was nervous. There were several high notes I didn"t sing well, and gradually I got used to the surroundings and began to sing boldly. The judges had a *** ile on their faces and I finished the song successfully. After a few days, I won the second prize, and I was so happy that I got the second prize! Singing is my extracurricular hobby and is an indispensable part of my life. It gives me pleasure, joy, I love singing. 我最爱的歌手高中英语作文篇5 If anyone can get a singing award, then remend my good friend, fan yalin, who can be a singer. Remember once, on the music class music, the teacher please e up, her voice was the largest, after the singing, the teacher told her to e up separately for us again to sing it again, in the second time I sing, her singing let"s a wonderful world. At the next class, the teacher will give a reward to a clas *** ate, the whole class loudly say: "fan ya Lin". She was embarrassed to take the prize. Another morning, there was a beautiful voice in class, it was fan yilin in singing singing, how her singing was so moving! I think Arlene"s song is the most beautiful child voice in the world! I would have remended her if I were to find a singer in the class, because she deserves it! 我最爱的歌手高中英语作文篇6 I like singing best. What"s good about singing? I don"t know. Some say I am an angel of singing; Someone said I was a singing spirit. Some people say I sing like a goblin... I think I"m the best singer, no matter what you say. Sing the voice of the adu "just a minute, flower heart you will be crazy, you"re not I learn who shoots, jay Chou"s song let everybody happy, Andy lau will sing more sad, not to the first one night in Beijing, these are a man of song, I just want to sing a song to listen to you, just because you babe ~ ~ I just want to sing for you to listen to my voice, a song just hope you can hear it, I just want to sing to you to hear someone to respond to me, clap the hand cut song and then the next continue. I found out that I"m not Chen yixu I can be your jukebox. I just want you to say "I believe". I just want to tell you babe I just want to sing to you to listen to use up all my strength, a song just hope to be able to let you be tempted, I just want to sing to you even if not reply2023-05-30 19:54:391
声,是汉语词汇,汉语拼音为shēng,指的是物体振动时所产生的能引起听觉的波;亦指说出来让人知道的事等等。声,也可以意为音乐歌舞。《说文》曰:“声,音也。”《礼记·乐记》:“感于物而动,故形于声。”2023-05-30 19:54:363
1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 ) There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that _ 观点一________. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____. People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______. In their point of view, on the one hand, ___原因一_______. On the other hand, ____原因二_____. Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______. It is not only because ________, but also because _________. The more _______, the more ________. (2)利弊型的议论文 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, ___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____. Just As a popular saying goes, "every coin has two sides", __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, ___缺点一______. In addition, ____缺点二______. To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___. ( 3 ) 答题性议论文 Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem. As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all, __途径一______. In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____. Above all, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______, we should find a number of various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, ____方法_____. ( 4 ) 谚语警句性议论文 It is well know to us that the proverb: " ___谚语_______" has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study. It means ____谚语的含义_______. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. ( also theoretically ) A case in point is ___例子一______. Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____. With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.2023-05-30 19:54:301