

  一边照着各种颜色,一边学习它的英文单词。下面是我带来不同颜色的英文单词,欢迎大家阅读!   32种颜色英文单词   01---黑色--- black   02---红色-- -red   03---绿色--- green   04---白色--- white   05---黄色--- yellow   06---灰色---gray   07---粉红色--- pink   08---褐色茶色-- -brown   09---银色--- silver   10---金色---gold   11- --黄绿色---greenyellow   12---卡其色--- khaki   13---红褐色赭石色---chocolate   14---淡兰色--- cyan   15---褐红色--- maroon   16---蓝色---blue   17---丈青色--- navy   18---珊瑚色--- coral   19---浅紫色 ---darkviolet   20---棕色--- Brown   21---橄榄色--- maroon   22---橘黄色--- bisque   23---鲜肉色--- salmon   24---浅棕色 ---Tan   25---浅黄色--- wheat   26---水鸭色--- teal   27---雪白色--- snow   28---灰石色 ---slategray   29---海绿色- --seagreen   30---淡绿色 ---lawngreen   31---天蓝色--- azure   32---碧绿色 ---aquamarine   各种颜色的英文单词   palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色   palegreen 苍绿色   paleturquoise 苍绿色   palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色   pansy 紫罗兰色   papayawhip 番木色   peachpuff 桃色   peru 秘鲁色   pink 粉红   plum 杨李色   powderblue 粉蓝色   purple 紫色   red 红色   rosybrown 褐玫瑰红   royalblue 宝蓝色   rubine 宝石红   saddlebrown 重褐色   salmon 鲜肉色   salmon pink 橙红色   sandy beige 浅褐色   sandybrown 沙褐色   sapphire 宝石蓝   scarlet 猩红色   seagreen 海绿色   seashell 海贝色   shocking pink 鲜粉红色   sienna 赭色   silver 银白色   skyblue 天蓝色   slateblue 石蓝色   slategray 灰石色   smoky gray 烟灰色   snow 雪白色   springgreen 春绿色   steelblue 钢蓝色   stone 石色   tan 茶色   teal 水鸭色   thistle 蓟色   tomato 番茄色   turquoise 青绿色   turquoise blue 翠蓝色   violet 紫色   wheat 浅黄色   white 白色   whitesmoke 烟白色   winered 葡萄酒红   yellow 黄色   yellowgreen 黄绿色   不同颜色的英文单词   beige 米色   black 黑色   brown 咖啡色   cream 雪白   khaki 卡其色   grey 灰色   navy 丈青色   offwhite 灰白色   palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色   palegreen 苍绿色   paleturquoise 苍绿色   palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色   pansy 紫罗兰色   papayawhip 番木色   peachpuff 桃色   peru 秘鲁色   pink 粉红   plum 杨李色   powderblue 粉蓝色   purple 紫色   red 红色   rosybrown 褐玫瑰红   royalblue 宝蓝色   rubine 宝石红   saddlebrown 重褐色   salmon 鲜肉色   salmon pink 橙红色   sandy beige 浅褐色   sandybrown 沙褐色   sapphire 宝石蓝   scarlet 猩红色   seagreen 海绿色   seashell 海贝色   shocking pink 鲜粉红色   sienna 赭色   silver 银白色   skyblue 天蓝色   slateblue 石蓝色   slategray 灰石色   smoky gray 烟灰色   snow 雪白色   springgreen 春绿色   steelblue 钢蓝色   stone 石色   tan 茶色   teal 水鸭色   thistle 蓟色   tomato 番茄色   turquoise 青绿色   turquoise blue 翠蓝色   violet 紫色   wheat 浅黄色   white 白色   wheat 土黄色   whitesmoke 烟白色   winered 葡萄酒红   yellow 黄色   yellowgreen 黄绿色   palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色   palegreen 苍绿色   paleturquoise 苍绿色   palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色   pansy 紫罗兰色   papayawhip 番木色   peachpuff 桃色   peru 秘鲁色   pink 粉红   plum 杨李色   powderblue 粉蓝色   purple 紫色   red 红色   rosybrown 褐玫瑰红   royalblue 宝蓝色   rubine 宝石红   saddlebrown 重褐色   salmon 鲜肉色   salmon pink 橙红色   sandy beige 浅褐色   sandybrown 沙褐色   sapphire 宝石蓝   scarlet 猩红色   seagreen 海绿色   seashell 海贝色   shocking pink 鲜粉红色   sienna 赭色   silver 银白色   skyblue 天蓝色   slateblue 石蓝色   slategray 灰石色   smoky gray 烟灰色   snow 雪白色   springgreen 春绿色   steelblue 钢蓝色   stone 石色   tan 茶色   teal 水鸭色   thistle 蓟色   tomato 番茄色   turquoise 青绿色   turquoise blue 翠蓝色   violet 紫色   wheat 浅黄色   white 白色   whitesmoke 烟白色   winered 葡萄酒红   yellow 黄色   yellowgreen 黄绿色   >>>下一页更多精彩“与颜色有关的英文单词”
可桃可挑2023-08-07 09:10:451


中国,一个体育强国,是东方之星!每个中国人都为自己的国家自豪,为自己国家的辉煌自豪,更为自己是个中国人自豪!我们想世界证明了我们:中国人并不是“东亚病夫”,而是体育水平达到世界先进的国家的人民,有骨气的中国人!我们想世界证明了:我们都是好样的! 看着日历,转眼就到2008年了,思着想着,又盼望奥运会快点来临!祖国的腾飞,民族的发展,是这次国际盛况的必备要求!而这也正说明:中国强大起来了! 中国人期盼着,海外华人华侨期盼着,世界也正期盼着:中华民族将脱掉“东亚病夫”的帽子,成为东方体育强国! 回想过去:中国人民第一次在世界奥林匹克运动会上比赛,由于准备不足和慌忙参赛,惟一参加比赛的是短跑选手刘长春在100、200米赛跑中接连失利,最终没有获得名次!当中国人听到这不幸时,他们也是无能为力的,因为他们是百姓,是平民,是没有权利职责国民政府的!但是我们不能忘记,我们参加了比赛,我们输得虽然很惨,但是这并不能说明什么!因为2008就在我们眼前! 中国人民已经做好了“战斗准备”,战争一旦打响,中国人民一定会在世界上再次赢得呐喊声!新中国成立后,中国人民按照毛主席的思想,强身健体,积极进行体育锻炼,早以成为体育强国,而中国申奥成功,与中国在世界的地位和体育技能是密不可分的。 中国的骄傲是很多的:1984年洛衫矶奥运会,是中华人民共和国第一次参加奥运会,并且一举实现了“零的突破”获得了15枚金牌。这个成绩震惊了当时的世界!1992年汉城奥运会八塞罗那奥运会,中国获得16枚金牌排名第四。1996年亚特兰大奥运会上,金牌总数均约第四。2000年悉尼奥运会,中国以28枚金牌挤进前三名。2004年雅典奥运会,“亚洲飞人”刘翔在110米跨栏中获得金牌,中国男子田径项目获得零的突破,而且中国在那届奥运会上中国以32枚金牌获得第二名的好成绩! 从这里我们可以看到,中国的体育水平已经达到了过去中国人民不敢想象的地步,也就是从这些记录中,中国人民的到了前所未有的鼓励,鼓励我们中国的运动员不断向前,勇夺金牌,获得真正的“胜利” 2008年北京奥运会有三大理念:绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运 绿色奥运——把环境保护作为奥运设施规划和建设的首要条件,制定严格的生态环境标准和系统的保障制度;广泛采用环保技术和手段,大规模多方位地推进环境治理、城乡绿化美化和环保产业发展;增强全社会的环保意识,鼓励公众自觉选择绿色消费,积极参与各项改善生态环境的活动,大幅度提高首都环境质量,建设宜居城市。 科技奥运——紧密结合国内外科技最新进展,集成全国科技创新成果,举办一届高科技含量的体育盛会;提高北京科技创新能力,推进高新技术成果的产业化和在人民生活中的广泛应用,使北京奥运会成为展示新技术成果和创新实力的窗口。 人文奥运——传播现代奥林匹克思想,展示中华民族的灿烂文化,展现北京历史文化名城风貌和市民的良好精神风貌,推动中外文化的交流,加深各国人民之间的了解与友谊;促进人与自然、个人与社会、人的精神与体魄之间的和谐发展;突出“以人为本”的思想,以运动员为中心,提供优质服务,努力建设使奥运会参与者满意的自然和人文环境。 中国的奥运口号的的含义很明确:努力和收获既是中国的,也是世界的。口号表达了北京人民和中国人民与世界各国人民共有美好家园,同享文明成果,携手共创未来的崇高理想;表达了一个拥有五千年文明,正在大步走向现代化的伟大民族致力于和平发展,社会和谐,人民幸福的坚定信念;表达了13亿中国人民为建立一个和平而更美好的世界做出贡献的心声。 中国的奥运吉祥物是五个娃娃,叫做“福娃”,分别叫“贝贝(北)”“晶晶(京)”“欢欢(欢)”“迎迎(迎)”“妮妮(你)”,是由“北京欢迎你”五个字演变而来的。福娃代表了梦想以及中国人民的渴望。他们的原型和头饰蕴含着其与海洋、森林、火、大地和天空的联系,其形象设计应用了中国传统艺术的表现方式,展现了中国的灿烂文化。 贝贝传递的祝福是繁荣。在中国传统文化艺术中, “鱼” 和 “水” 的图案是繁荣与收获的象征,人们用 “鲤鱼跳龙门”寓意事业有成和梦想的实现,“鱼”还有吉庆有余、年年有余的蕴涵。 贝贝的头部纹饰使用了中国新石器时代的鱼纹图案。贝贝温柔纯洁,是水上运动的高手,和奥林匹克五环中 的蓝环相互辉映。 晶晶是一只憨态可掬的大熊猫,无论走到哪里都会带给人们欢乐。作为中国国宝,大熊猫深得世界人民的喜爱。 晶晶来自广袤的森林,象征着人与自然的和谐共存。他的头部纹饰源自宋瓷上的莲花瓣造型。晶晶憨厚乐观,充满力量,代表奥林匹克五环中黑色的一环。 欢欢是福娃中的大哥哥。他是一个火娃娃,象征奥林匹克圣火。欢欢是运动激情的化身,他将激情散播世 界,传递 更快、更高、更强的奥林匹克精神。欢欢所到之处,洋溢着北京2008对世界的热情。 欢欢的头部纹饰源自敦煌壁画中火焰的纹样。他性格外向奔放,熟稔各项球类运动,代表奥林匹克五环中红 色的一环。 迎迎是一只机敏灵活、驰骋如飞的藏羚羊,他来自中国辽阔的西部大地,将健康的美好祝福传向世界。迎迎是青藏高原特有的保护动物藏羚羊,是绿色奥运的展现。 妮妮来自天空,是一只展翅飞翔的燕子,其造型创意来自北京传统的沙燕风筝。“燕”还代表燕京(古代北京的称谓)。妮妮把春天和喜悦带给人们,飞过之处播撒“祝您好运”的美好祝福。 天真无邪、欢快矫捷的妮妮将在体操比赛中闪亮登场,她代表奥林匹克五环中绿色的一环。 中国,一个体育强国,是东方之星!每个中国人都为自己的国家自豪,为自己国家的辉煌自豪,更为自己是个中国人自豪!我们想世界证明了我们:中国人并不是“东亚病夫”,而是体育水平达到世界先进的国家的人民,有骨气的中国人!我们想世界证明了:我们都是好样的!
九万里风9 2023-08-07 09:10:4512


关于颜色的英文单词:红 red,橙 orange,黄 yellow,绿 green,青 cyan,蓝 blue,紫 purple,灰 gray,粉 pink ,黑 black,白 white,棕 brown等。(仅供参考) 扩展资料  1.red  adj. 红色的; (脸) 涨红的; 烧红的; 红头发的;  n. 红色; 红衣服; 红颜料; 红葡萄酒;  例句]She had small hands with nails painted bright red.  她的手很小,指甲涂成了鲜红色。  2.orange  n. 橙色; 桔子,橙子; 植] 桔树; 桔色;  adj. 橙色的; 橘色的; 桔红色的;  例句]An orange a day will give you all the vitamin C you need.  每天吃一个橙子能充分摄取所需的维生素C。  3.yellow 英  vt. (使某物) 变黄或发黄;  n. 黄色; 黄种人; 黄色颜料;  例句]The walls have been painted bright yellow  墙壁漆成了亮黄色。  4.green  adj. 绿色的; 未熟的,青春的; 未成熟的; 主张保护环境的;  n. 绿色蔬菜; 绿色的衣服; 植物;  vi. 绿化,使重视环境保护问题;  5.cyan  n. 青色; 氰基; 蓝绿色(用于印刷);  例句]A color model used by the printing industry that is based on mixing cyan, magenta, and yellow.  印刷行业使用的一种颜色模型,建立在蓝绿色、绛红色和黄色相混合的基础上。
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-08-07 09:10:451


Introduction.Background and Text. Lycidas first appeared in a 1638 collection of elegies entitled Justa Edouardo King Naufrago. This collection commemorated the death of Edward King, a collegemate of Milton"s at Cambridge who drowned when his ship sank off the coast of Wales in August, 1637. Milton volunteered or was asked to make a contribution to the collection. The present edition follows the copy of Poems of Mr. John Milton(1645) in the Rauner Collection at Dartmouth College known as Hickmott 172. Milton made a few significant revisions to Lycidas after 1638. These revisions are noted as they occur.Form and Structure. The structure of Lycidas remains somewhat mysterious. J. Martin Evansargues that there are two movements with six sections each that seem to mirror each other. Arthur Barker believes that the body of Lycidas is composed of three movements that run parallel in pattern. That is, each movement begins with an invocation, then explores the conventions of the pastoral, and ends with a conclusion to Milton"s emotional problem (quoted in Womack).Voice. Milton"s epigram labels Lycidas a monody: a lyrical lament for one voice. But the poem has several voices or personae, including the uncouth swain (the main narrator), who is interrupted first by Phoebus (Apollo), then Camus (the river Cam, and thus Cambridge University personified), and the Pilot of the Galilean lake (St. Peter). Finally, a second narrator appears for only the last eight lines to bring a conclusion in ottava rima (see F. T. Prince). Before the second narrator enters, the poem contains the irregular rhyme and meter characteristic of the Italian canzone form. Canzone is essentially a polyphonic lyrical form, hence creating a serious conflict with the monody. Milton may have meant monody in the sense that the poem should be regarded more as a story told completely by one person as opposed to a chorus. This person would presumably be the final narrator, who seemingly masks himself as the uncouth swain. This concept of story-telling ties Lycidas closer to the genre of pastoral elegy.Genre. Lycidas is a pastoral elegy, a genre initiated by Theocritus, also put to famous use by Virgil and Spenser. Christopher Kendrickasserts that one"s reading of Lycidas would be improved by treating the poem anachronistically, that is, as if it was one of the most original pastoral elegies. Also, as already stated, it employs the irregular rhyme and meter of an Italian canzone. Stella Revardsuggests that Lycidas also exhibits the influence of Pindaric odes, especially in its allusions to Orpheus, Alpheus, and Arethusa. The poem"s arrangement in verse paragraphs and its introduction of various voices and personae are also features that anticipate epic structures. Like the form, structure, and voice of Lycidas, its genre is deeply complex. James SitarMonody.A lyrical lament for one voice.height.The headnote — In this Monody ... height. — did not appear in 1638 (Justa Edouardo King). This addition might be due to the less strict laws regarding published texts. The Trinity MS has the headnote but without the final sentence: And by occasion ... height. The clergy Milton refers to is the clergy of the English Church as ruled by William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, a champion of traditional liturgy and the bane of reformist Puritans. Bishops fell out of power in 1642, between the two editions.Friend.Edward King, a schoolmate of Milton"s at Cambridge who drowned when his ship sank off the coast of Wales in August, 1637. King entered Christ"s College in 1626 when he was 14 years old. Upon finishing his studies, King was made a Fellow of Christ"s thanks to his patron King Charles I. The Trinity MS of Lycidas is dated Nov. 1637, three months after King"s death.Never-sear.Never withered. 1638 has never-sere. Laurel was considered the emblem of Apollo, myrtle of Venus, and ivy of Bacchus.Lycidas.The name Lycidas is common in ancient Greek pastorals, establishing the style Milton imitates for this poem. William Collins Wattersonnotes that in Theocritus" pastoral, Lycidas loses a singing competition. Watterson asserts that Milton is aligning King with Lycidas in an attempt to portray himself as victorious over King. Virgil"s ninth Eclogueis spoken in part by the shepherd Lycidas, a scene that includes, as Balachandra Rajanpoints out, a reference to social injustice. Lucan"s Civil Wars 3.657-58 also tells the story of a Lycidas pulled to pieces during a sea battle by a grappling hook.Lycidas?An echo of Virgil; Who would not sing for Gallus? (Eclogue 10.5).bear.Bier, or funeral platform. 1638 has biere.Begin then, Sisters.Following the pastoral tradition of Theocritus, Moschus, and Virgil, Milton invokes the muses to begin the lament. See Virgil"s Eclogue 4.1. The sisters are the nine muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (memory). Their sacred well is called Aganippe on Mount Helicon, just a bit lower than the seat of Jove.lucky.It would certainly be bad luck to refuse an invitation to sing for the dead. Virgil"s persona implies as much in Eclogue 10.5-6. See also OED2.opening.1638 has glimmering instead of opening; The Trinity MS replaces glimmering with opening.Batt"ning.Feeding.Star.Venus as Hesperus, the evening star. 1638 has ev"n-starre in place of Star that rose, at Ev"ning,. The Trinity MS corrected the 1638 reading to Oft till the star that rose in evening bright.westering.1638 has burnisht in place of westering; Trinity MS initiated the change to westering.th"Oaten Flute.A Panpipe, or the flute used by Pan, traditionally associated with the songs of shepherds. See Virgil"s Ecologues10.64-5. Spenser calls him God of shepheards all in The Shepheardes Calendar, December, 7. Drawingof Pan playing a panpipe.Satyrs.Mythical goat-men renowned for lust. Milton is probably referring to his (and King"s) classmates at Christ"s. Picture.Damoetas.A traditional pastoral name, see Virgil"s Eclogue 3. Also a clownish shepherd named Damoetas appears in Sidney"s Arcadia. Search Dartmouth"s Library catalog.Milton might be referring to Christ"s College tutor William Chappel.to hear our song.The narrator imagines that he and King were shepherds (poets and students) in the same pasture (Christ"s College, Cambridge) and learned from the same master, William Chappel (perhaps personified here as Old Damoetas).gadding.Wandering, unruly.Canker.Cankerworm, a garden pest.Taint-worm.Intestinal parasite that afflicts young calves, that is, weanlings.weanling.Young livestock, recently weaned from mother"s milk.wardrop.Wardrobe. 1638 has wardrobe.blows.Blossoms.Bards.Ancient Druid poet-singers: An ancient Celtic order of minstrel-poets, whose primary function appears to have been to compose and sing (usually to the harp) verses celebrating the achievements of chiefs and warriors, and who committed to verse historical and traditional facts, religious precepts, laws, genealogies, etc. (OED2).Mona.Anglesey, an Island off the west coast of Britain, once the home of Celtic druids.Deva.The river Dee, where Chester, King"s destination, stands. Spenser"s Faerie Queene 4.11.39 refers to the Dee as divine.fondly.Foolishly, idly.Lesbian shore.Calliope, daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne was Orpheus"s mother and a muse. Orpheus, according to legend, could charm animals, birds, and even inanimate bits of nature with his music. For Milton, as for many others, he serves as a personified symbol of the power of poetic song. For the story of the death of Orpheus, see Ovid"s Metamorphoses 11.1-66. Also see Albrecht Dürer"s 1494 engraving, Death of Orpheus.strictly.1638 misprints this as stridly.Or with.1638 has Hid in the in place of Or with. Or with is a Trinity MS correction.Amaryllis.The names of the nymphs, Amaryllis and Neaera, are conventional, borrowed from Virgil"s Eclogues 1.4-5and Eclogues 3.3.Guerdon.Reward.Fury.Milton refers to fate or destiny here as a Fury, as if one of the Eumendies from classical Greek drama. Some traditions personify the Fates as three sisters, the sisters of destiny; one spins the thread of life, one measures out its length, and the third snips it with shears. Hughes asserts that this figure is Atropos. See Plato"s Republic 620e.Phoebus.Apollo. Virgil, in Eclogues 6.5-6,imagines the Cynthian god plucking at his ear.foil.Hughesnotes that a foil is the setting of a gem.Arethuse.A fountain in Sicily associated with poetic inspiration (see Arcades 30-31). Mincius is the river of Virgil"s hometown, Mantua. Virgil associates the Mincius with his own pastoral verse in Eclogues 7. 15-16 and Georgics 3. 20-21.higher mood.Epic poetry was considered to be a more elevated form than pastoral, thus in a higher mode.Herald.Triton, a sea-god usually pictured with a trumpet.plea.That is, at Neptune"s request, to testify in his defence.swain.A shepherd; a word frequently used by Theocritus, Virgil, and Spenser.Hippotades.Homeric epithet for Aeolus, the wind-god, son of Hippotas. See Odyssey 10.3.Panope.A sea nymph.Bark.Small ship.th"eclipse.A ship built during an eclipse might be imagined to be either cursed with bad luck or simply ill-built as a result.Camus.Personification of the river Cam, which runs through Cambridge. This personification draws comparisons to Virgil"s personification of Mincius, the river that runs through his home town.sanquine flower.The Hyacinth. Apollo made this flower from the blood of his beloved Hyacinthus, whom he accidentally killed. The story is in Ovid"s Metamorphoses 10.214-16.The Pilot.It is commonly accepted that this refers to St. Peter, to whom Christ gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:19). Peter"s first meeting with Jesus is told in Luke 5:2-4.Miter"d.A miter is a liturgical headress worn by bishops.Line 113.1645 has a period at the end of this line, but that appears to be an error, especially since the line is the last on the page in 1645.Anow.Enough. 1638 has Enough.into the fold.See John 10:1.Blind mouthes!John Ruskin suggests that a bishop means a person who sees and a pastor means one who feeds. The most unbishoply character...is therefore to be blind. The most unpastoral is, instead of feeding, to want to be fed,—to be a mouth (quoted in Orgel and Goldberg).scrannel.Thin, shriveled.Lines 121-127. An echo of Menalcas" sentiments in Virgil"s Ecologues 3.81, 4-9, 30-4.Woolf.The Roman Catholic Church.privy.Secret. See 2 Peter 2:1. Perhaps also a pun on the Privy Council.nothing.Critics dispute whether little should stand. In accordance with 1645, most modern editions use nothing.sed.1638 has said.two-handed engine.The meaning of this phrase has generated much commentary. Orgel"s assertion, that it is a sword large enough to require two hands to use, is commonly accepted.smite once, and smite no more.See Matthew 26:31 and Mark 14: 27-9.Alpheus.Personification of a river in Greece and also the god who fell in love with Arethusa and pursued her until she was turned into a fountain. See Ovid"s Metamorphoses 5.865-875.swart Star.Sirius, the dog star, is ascendant during the hottest days of the year; hence the term, dog days.rathe.Ready to bloom.Crow-toe.Wild hyacinth.Gessamine.Jasmine, a climbing shrub with fragrant flowers.freakt.Flecked or streaked whimsically or capriciously; variegated. See OED2. Freakt with jeat (jet, black) means flecked with black streaks or spots.wan.Pale.Amaranthus.In the garden of Eden, an immortal flower (Paradise Lost 3.353-57). See also Spenser"s Faerie Queene 3.6.45 (search Amaranthus).Daffadillies.This flower list, a typical pastoral element, was first added to the Trinity MS on a separate sheet of paper and marked for insertion here. Sackscontrasts this section with the plucking at the beginning of the poem (line 3). He asserts, the anger has been purged, and the rewards (the undying flowers of praise) have been established.Hebrides.The Hebrides lie off the west coast of Scotland.whelming.Overwhelming, or drowning. 1638 has humming. Trinity MS also has humming, changed to whelming by marginal hand in BM and Cambridge copies of Justa Eduardo King (Carey & Fowler).moist.Tear-dampened.Bellerus.A giant for whom Land"s End was called Bellerium in Roman times.guarded Mount.Mount St. Michael"s, near Land"s End on the Cornish coast, across the Channel from Mont St. Michel. Milton imagines the patron saint of England looking out from here to guard England from overseas (Catholic) religion. Namancos is in Spain and Bayona a fortress near Cape Finisterre.Look homeward.The Angel could refer to either St. Michael, whose mount it is, or Lycidas. In either case, the injunction is for him to turn his eye from the threat of Spain (represented by Namancos and Bayona) and instead to look homeward, where Lycidas has drowned (Orgel & Goldberg). Lawrence Lipkingasserts that the angel is in fact Lycidas, who is looking not to where he drowned but to his destination, Ireland. He further asserts that Milton demands a change of attention from Spain to Ireland because he felt the pagans in Ireland were a serious threat to England.Dolphins.Dolphins were thought by sailors to be a good omen at sea, looking after the ship and guarding it from peril.him that walk"d the waves.Alluding to Jesus, who walked on water according to Matthew 14:25-26.weep no more.Recalls the opening line of the poem Yet once more, O ye Laurels, and once more. The invocation to begin the lament is repeated as the invitation to end the lament.unexpressive nuptial Song.According to Hughes, the unutterable nuptial Song is sung at t
tt白2023-08-07 09:10:421


Blue green 青绿色 Group green 群青色 Shallow green 浅绿色 Bottle green 深绿色 Big green 大绿色 Day green 天绿色 moss green 苔绿色 emerald green 鲜绿色 olive green 橄榄绿 springgreen 春绿色
九万里风9 2023-08-07 09:10:421

所有颜色的英文单词缩写,我要最全的 。

去哦要的事最全的 缩写
hi投2023-08-07 09:10:423


accent colour 强调色 advancing colour 前进色 amber 琥珀色(黄色) amethyst 紫(水晶)色 antique brass 青古铜色 antique golden 古铜色 antique violet 古紫色 antique white 古董白 apricot 杏黄 aqua green 水绿色,浅绿色 aquamarine 碧绿色 aquamarine blue 蓝绿色 auburn 赤褐色 August green 深绿色 autumn mink 深咖啡色 azure 天蓝色 azure green 碧绿色 baby blue 淡蓝色 baby pink 浅粉红色 bark 树皮色 begin colour 自然色 beige 浅褐色,米白色,灰褐色 benzo blue 靛青色 berry 鲜红色,浆果红 biscuit 淡褐色 bisque 桔黄色 black 黑色 blue 蓝色 blue green 竹青色,青绿色 blueviolet 紫罗兰色 bluish 带蓝色的,浅蓝色 blush 淡红色 bone 骨色 bottle green 深绿色 brick red 青莲色 bronze 青铜色 brown 褐色,棕色,茶色 buff 浅黄色;暗黄色 burgundy 葡萄红;枣红色 burly wood 实木色 butter 油黄色 butter cup 深黄色 cadet blue 军蓝色,灰蓝色 calamineblue 淡蓝色 camel 驼色 camouflage 迷彩色 caramel 酱色 carmine 深红色,洋红色 carnation 粉红色,康乃馨 celery 菜绿色,芹菜 celeste 天蓝色 cerise 樱桃色 chalky 白垩的 chambray 有条纹或格子花纹的布 charcoal 炭色 charcoal gray 炭灰色 chartreuse 黄绿色 cherry 鲜红色,樱桃色 chestnut 栗色 chocolate 红褐色,赭石色,巧克力色 chost white 幽灵白 cinnamon 肉桂色 citrine 柠檬黄 citrus green 浅绿色 classic navy 蓝色 clay 泥土 clear 透明 cobalt 钴蓝色,深蓝色 cobalt blue 钴蓝色,艳蓝色 cochineal 胭脂红,洋红 cocoa 可可色,黄棕色 coffee 咖啡色 cold colour 冷色 colour combination 配色 colour matching 配色 colour mixing 调色 complementary colour 补色 contracting colour 收缩色 contrast color 衬色 copper 铜;红铜色 copper red 铜红色 coral 珊蝴色 coral haze 桔红色 cornflower blue 菊蓝色;浅蓝色 cornsilk 米绸色 cream 奶油色,米黄色,淡黄色 cream soda 棕色 crepe 透明 crimson 深红色 crystal cream 奶油白 crystaline 水晶色 cyan 青色,蓝绿色 daffod;daffadilly 水仙,鲜黄色 dark 深色 deep 深色 delicate color 娇色 denim 粗斜纹棉布,蓝牛仔布 dim gray 暗灰色 dodger blue 闪蓝色 dove 鸽子;乳白色 drab 土褐色 dry rose 浅紫色 dull silver 雾银 dun 焦茶色,暗褐色 ecru 本色的,淡褐色,米色 emerald 祖母绿 emerald green 鲜绿色,艳绿色 espresso 浓咖啡色 essential colour 基本色 expansive colour 膨胀色 fashion colour 流行色 firebrick 火砖色 flake white 铅白,片白 flax 亚麻布,淡黄色 fleshcolor 肉色 floral 花的,花似的 floral white 花白色 florid 鲜红色 forest green 森林绿 fuchsia 紫红色,粉玫色 full colour 彩色 fundamental colour 原色 fuscous 暗褐色,深色 garnet 深红色 geranium 原色红;天竺葵 gilt 青铜色 global brown 咖啡色 golden 金色,金黄色 goldenrod 金麒麟色 gray;grey 灰色,灰白 green 绿色 greenyellow 黄绿色 ground colour 底色 gunmetal 青铜色,黑镍色 havana 雪茄色 hazel 赤褐色 hepatic 猪肝色 honeydew 蜜色 hot pink 艳粉色,粉红色 hyacinth 紫蓝色 ice 冰色 iced coffee 冰咖色 incarnadine 肉色,粉红色 indigo 靛青色 inter colour 国际流行色 intermedium colour 中间色 ivory 乳白色,象牙色 jade 碧玉色,翡翠色 kelly 黄绿色,鲜绿色 khaki 黄褐色,卡其色 lavender 淡紫色,藕色 lavender blush 淡紫红 lawn green 草绿色 lemon 柠檬色 lemon chiffon 柠檬绸色 lias 淡紫色 light 浅的 light cyan 浅青色 lilac 淡紫色 lily blush 嫩粉色 lily orange 桔色 lily sky 粉蓝色 lime 淡黄绿色 lime green 橙绿色 linen 亚麻色 loden 深橄榄色;深绿色 lyons blue 蓝紫色 magenta 洋红 magenta 红紫色,洋红 maroon 栗色,褐红色 mauve 淡紫色,紫红 melon (各种的)瓜 metal colour 金属色 mint cream 薄荷色 misty gray 雾灰色 mistyrose 浅玫瑰色 mixtz 混色 moccasin 鹿皮色 modena 深紫色 moss green 苔绿色 multicolour 多种色彩 mustard 深黄色 natural 自然色 navajo white 纳瓦白 navy 深蓝色 navy blue 深蓝色,藏青色;海蓝 neutral colour 中间色 nickel 镍色 oatmeal 灰白色 off white 灰白色 oldlace 老白色 olive 橄榄绿 olive drab 草绿色;深绿褐色 olive green 橄榄绿,茶绿色 opaque 不透明 orange 橙色,桔黄色 orchid 淡紫色 oriental red 大红 oxblood 无光泽的深红色 oyster grey 米灰色 oyster white 乳白色 pale 淡的,苍白色 pale gold 金色 pale green 苍绿色 pale hay 干草色 pale oink kiss 浅粉红色 pale turquoise 苍绿色 pale violet red 苍紫罗兰色 palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色 pansy 紫罗兰色 pea green 淡绿色,青豆色 peach 桃红色 peacock blue 孔雀蓝 pearl grey 珠光灰 pearlied gold 珠光金色 periwinkle 花布 pewter 蜡白色,蓝灰色 pied 杂色 pink 粉红色 pistac 淡黄绿色 pith black 深黑色 plaid 格子布 plain colour 素色 platinum 白金色,铂金色 plum 杨李色 poloere 米黄色 poppy 深红色 powder blue 粉蓝色;浅灰蓝色 primary colour 原色 protective color 保护色 prussian blue 普鲁士蓝 puce 深褐色 punpkin 南瓜色 pure colour 纯色 pure silver 纯银 purple 紫色 purple bronze 紫铜色 putty 灰色 rainbow 彩虹 receding colour 后退色 red 红色 reddish 淡红 reddish yellow 浓黄 rice 大米色 rich(in) color 浓色 rose 玫瑰红 roseate 玫瑰色;深粉红色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红 royal 蓝色 royal blue 品蓝,宝蓝色 rubine;ruby 宝石红 russet 赤褐色 rust 锈红色 rust brown 鼻烟色 saddle brown 重褐色 sallow 苍黄 salmon 鲜肉色,橙红 salmon pink 橙红色 sand 沙子色 sandal wood 原木色 sandy 淡茶色 sap green 暗绿色 sapphire 宝石蓝 scarlet 猩红色,鲜红色,绯色 seaform 海蓝色 seashell 海贝色 seaweed 海藻色 secondary color 混合色 semitransparent 半透明的 sepia 棕黑色 shade 颜色深浅 shocking pink 鲜粉红色,憬红色 sienna 赭色,红褐色 silver 银白色 similar colour 同类色 sky blue 天蓝色 slate blue 石蓝色 slate grey 灰石色,鼠灰色 smoke 深灰色 smoky grey 烟灰色,雾灰色 snowy white 雪白色 snuff 黄褐色,鼻烟色 soft color 嫩色 sorrel 红棕色 spring mint 春绿色,嫩绿色 steel blue 钢蓝色 stone 石头色,浅橄榄灰色 strom 雾灰色 suble moss 青绿色 sun light blue 天蓝色 sunking 黄色 surface colour 表面色 tan 棕褐色,茶色 tangerine 橘黄色 tapestry red 咖啡色 taupe 褐色,灰褐色 tawny 黄褐色;茶色 tawny blush(pink) 粉红色 teal 水鸭色 thistle 蓟色 tiffany 石头纹王彩 timber born 骨色 toasted almond 沙色 tomato 西红柿色 tortoise 龟/玳瑁 translucence 半透明 transparent 透明 trend colour 流行色 tricolor 三色的 turq 湖水蓝 turquoise 宝石绿,青绿色 turquoise blue 土耳其玉色,翠蓝色 ultramarine 深蓝色,群青 umber 浓茶色 verdigris color 铜绿色 vermilion 橘红;朱砂红 violet 紫罗兰色,紫色 vivid turquoise 宝蓝 warm colour 暖色 wetsand 浅棕色 wheat 浅黄色 wheaten 灰白色 white 白色 whitesmoke 烟白色 wine 酒红色 winered 葡萄酒红 yellow 黄色 yellowgreen 黄绿色 york yellow 蛋黄色 zone natural 浅棕色
CarieVinne 2023-08-07 09:10:418


粉红 pink绿 green 黑 black白 white褐色 brown红 red灰 grey蓝 blue黄 yellow橙黄 orange紫 purple橘黄 saffron金色 golden银色 silver一下还想不出其他颜色.....如果你想到可以在问偶 >_<|||
gitcloud2023-08-07 09:10:403


“浅绿”的英文怎么写 light green 绿色的英语单词怎么写 green绿色 palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色 palegreen 苍绿色paleturquoise 苍绿色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 pansy 紫罗兰色 papayawhip 番木色 peachpuff 桃色 peru 秘鲁色 pink 粉红 plum 杨李色 powderblue 粉蓝色 purple 紫色 red 红色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红 royalblue 宝蓝色 rubine 宝石红 saddlebrown 重褐色 salmon 鲜肉色 salmon pink 橙红色 sandy beige 浅褐色 sandybrown 沙褐色 sapphire 宝石蓝 scarlet 猩红色 seagreen 海绿色 seashell 海贝色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 sienna 赭色 silver 银白色 skyblue 天蓝色 slateblue 石蓝色 slategray 灰石色 *** oky gray 菸灰色 snow 雪白色 springgreen 春绿色 steelblue 钢蓝色 stone 石色 tan 茶色 teal 水鸭色 thistle 蓟色 tomato 番茄色 绿色的英文怎么写? green 绿色的英语怎么写 回答和翻译如下 : 绿色 green 绿色用英语怎么写 绿色 [lǜ sè] green; bice; grassiness; greenness; vert ; 以上结果来自金山词霸 青色的英文怎么写? 你在哪啊哈哈,你在哪呢。你的话说的确很多意想不到你在哪呢。你的话题都会在一起了。这样一来我们学校有个小心肝炎病毒的确很久没有理由的话可以接受吗。你在哪呢。你的话说的确很多意想不到你的话题都市报 绿色的英文单词怎么写? green 绿色
西柚不是西游2023-08-07 09:10:401

青、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫 七种颜色的英文怎么拼?

Ntou1232023-08-07 09:10:392


大鱼炖火锅2023-08-07 09:10:393


西柚不是西游2023-08-07 09:10:383


红red 绿green 黄yellow 橙orange 黑black 蓝blue 白white
拌三丝2023-08-07 09:10:389


red 红blue 蓝yellow 黄green 绿black 黑white 白pink 粉brown 棕
再也不做站长了2023-08-07 09:10:375


问题一:青色的英文是什么 你好! 青色 cyan 英[?sa??n] 美[?sa???n, -?n] n. 青色; 氰基; 蓝绿色(用于印刷); [例句]The subtractive primaries are cyan, magenta, and yellow; 减色法三原色是青绿色、品红和黄色; 问题二:“青色”用英文怎么说? cyan青色 问题三:绿色的英语单词怎么写 green绿色 palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色 palegreen 苍绿色 paleturquoise 苍绿色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 pansy 紫罗兰色 papayawhip 番木色 peachpuff 桃色 peru 秘鲁色 pink 粉红 plum 杨李色 powderblue 粉蓝色 purple 紫色 red 红色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红 royalblue 宝蓝色 rubine 宝石红 saddlebrown 重褐色 salmon 鲜肉色 salmon pink 橙红色 sandy beige 浅褐色 sandybrown 沙褐色 sapphire 宝石蓝 scarlet 猩红色 seagreen 海绿色 seashell 海贝色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 sienna 赭色 silver 银白色 skyblue 天蓝色 slateblue 石蓝色 slategray 灰石色 *** oky gray 烟灰色 snow 雪白色 springgreen 春绿色 steelblue 钢蓝色 stone 石色 tan 茶色 teal 水鸭色 thistle 蓟色 tomato 番茄色 问题四:“青色”怎么用英语翻译? 赤橙黄绿青蓝紫, Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple.从中看憨, 此处的青翻译为BLUE,蓝翻译为indigo靛蓝。正确的“青色”是介于绿色和蓝色之间的颜色。而现实中所说的青天是蓝色、青草是绿色、青布是黑色,所以翻译的时候要看语境。当用于打印输出时的四分色,青色被翻译为cyan,与Magenta 品红, Yellow 黄, black 黑,完美表现色谱上1760万种的颜色信息。 问题五:青色的英文是什么? cyan 英[u02c8sa??n] 美[?sa???n, -?n] n. 青色; 氰基; 蓝绿色(用于印刷); [例句]A color model used by the printing industry that is based on mixing cyan, magenta, and yellow. 印刷行业使用的一种颜色模型,建立在蓝绿色、绛红色和黄色相混合的基础上。 问题六:青色的英语是什么? green不精确,应是 cyan [ "sai?n ] 问题七:绿色的英文单词怎么写? green 绿色 问题八:绿色用英语怎么写 绿色 [lǜ sè] green; bice; grassiness; greenness; vert ; 以上结果来自金山词霸 问题九:绿色的英文怎么写? green 问题十:绿色的英语单词怎么写 green绿色 palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色 palegreen 苍绿色 paleturquoise 苍绿色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 pansy 紫罗兰色 papayawhip 番木色 peachpuff 桃色 peru 秘鲁色 pink 粉红 plum 杨李色 powderblue 粉蓝色 purple 紫色 red 红色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红 royalblue 宝蓝色 rubine 宝石红 saddlebrown 重褐色 salmon 鲜肉色 salmon pink 橙红色 sandy beige 浅褐色 sandybrown 沙褐色 sapphire 宝石蓝 scarlet 猩红色 seagreen 海绿色 seashell 海贝色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 sienna 赭色 silver 银白色 skyblue 天蓝色 slateblue 石蓝色 slategray 灰石色 *** oky gray 烟灰色 snow 雪白色 springgreen 春绿色 steelblue 钢蓝色 stone 石色 tan 茶色 teal 水鸭色 thistle 蓟色 tomato 番茄色
凡尘2023-08-07 09:10:371


1. watch TV2.ball games3. at school4.It"s time for sth/It"s time to do sth5.It"s time for school.=It"s time to go to school.6.about science7.like drawing pictures8.draw a picture for me
康康map2023-08-07 09:10:353


西柚不是西游2023-08-07 09:10:334


问题一:句型 英文怎么说 sentence pattern 问题二:句子用英语怎么说 sentence 问题三:不是……而是……这个句型用英语怎么翻译的? rather...than... 问题四:“与其说 不如说是 ”这个句型用英文怎么说 1. *** ./sth. is more A than B “与其说 *** /sth是B,不如说是A” 例如:He is more an artist than a philosopher. 与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。 2. *** ./sth. is less A than B “与其说 *** /sth是A,不如说是B” 例如:I"m less thirsty than hungry. 与其说我渴,不如说我饿。 3. not so much...as... 例如:He go to France not so much for sightseeing as for inspection. 他去法国与其说是观光不如说去考察。 问题五:重点句子用英语怎么说? Key Sentences Important Sentences 问题六:如果 就这个句式用英语怎么讲 *** ./sth. is more A than B “与其说 *** /sth是B,不如说是A” 例如:He is more an artist than a philosopher. 与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。 2. *** ./sth. is less A than B “与其说 *** /sth是A,不如说是B” 例如:I"m less thirsty than hungry. 与其说我渴,不如说我饿。 3. not so muchas 例如:He go to France not so much for sightseeing as for inspection. 他去法国与其说是观光不如说去考察。 问题七:句型 英文怎么说 sentence pattern 问题八:“与其说 不如说是 ”这个句型用英文怎么说 1. *** ./sth. is more A than B “与其说 *** /sth是B,不如说是A” 例如:He is more an artist than a philosopher. 与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。 2. *** ./sth. is less A than B “与其说 *** /sth是A,不如说是B” 例如:I"m less thirsty than hungry. 与其说我渴,不如说我饿。 3. not so much...as... 例如:He go to France not so much for sightseeing as for inspection. 他去法国与其说是观光不如说去考察。 问题九:不是……而是……这个句型用英语怎么翻译的? rather...than... 问题十:用英语说某人也这个句型怎样说有好几种 anor as she led him into the sanctuary. He was n
铁血嘟嘟2023-08-07 09:10:331


LuckySXyd2023-08-07 09:10:328


hi投2023-08-07 09:10:291


cyan[5saiEn]n.蓝绿色, 青色green[^ri:n]n.绿色, 绿色颜料, 绿色物品blueness[`blU:nIs]n.蓝色, 蓝, 青
北营2023-08-07 09:10:293


北有云溪2023-08-07 09:10:295


  一、英文单词:   cyan; ching   二、双语例句:   1   她身着藏青色和鲜红色相间的衣服,十分迷人。   She was a knockout in navy and scarlet   2   他穿着他最干净的便裤,洁净的衬衫和藏青色上装。   He wore his cleanest slacks, a clean shirt and a navy blazer   3   我身穿一套帅气的藏青色西服。   I was dressed in a smart navy blue suit.   4   她的前额纹着靛青色的刺青。   Indigo tattoos adorn her forehead.   5   与黑色相比,我更喜欢藏青色。   I prefer navy to black.   6   你的夫人穿了一套漂亮的靛青色韩服。   Your wife was wearing a beautiful indigo hanbok.   7   你感觉它以靛青色和紫罗兰色两个主色调顺时针均匀地旋转打开。   You want to see it spinning nice and opening clockwise in its primary color of indigo and violet.   8   美丽的靛青色和紫罗兰色顺时针均匀地旋转打开。   Beautiful indigo, violet colors spinning nice and open and clockwise.   9   看不见红色或不能分辨红色和青色。   Inability to see the color red or to distinguish red and bluish-green.   10   一般的王府和官员就采用红色、青色还有蓝色。   For residences of princes and court officials, red or blue were used.   11   上衣为黄色或藏青色。   The blouse comes in yellow or navy.   12   选择三种中性色的衣服,如黑色,白色,黄褐色,藏青色或棕色。   Try to plan your wardrobe around three neutral colors like black, white, khaki, navy or brown.   13   他穿一件藏青色的毛衣。   He was wearing a Navy sweater.   14   到了春天,头一个变青色儿的东西是圣诞节时收到的珠宝。   The first thing to turn green in the spring is Christmas jewelry.   15   因为它总会有一股淡青色的甜酸气息。   Because it always had a kind of sweet and sour flavor cyan. 青色的英文怎么说
gitcloud2023-08-07 09:10:281


铁血嘟嘟2023-08-07 09:10:259


红red 黄yellow 蓝blue 绿green 黑black 白white 橙orange 紫 purple
meira2023-08-07 09:10:224


康康map2023-08-07 09:10:228


【红色】:red【橙色】:orange【黄色】:yellow【绿】:green【 蓝】:blue【紫】:purple【灰色】:gray【白色】:white【粉红色】:pink【黑色】:black【墨绿色】:dark green【橙红色】:orange-red拓展资料颜色的英语:colour ["kʌlə]词性:n. 颜色;风格;气色,面色;外貌;vt. 把…涂颜色,粉饰;歪曲;使脸红;vi. 变色。造句:1、The colour will bear out soon.颜色很快就要显示出来了。2、What colour do you want?你要哪样颜色的?
hi投2023-08-07 09:10:1910


粉红色 Pink 红色 Red 紫色 Purple 蓝色 Blue 玫红 Rose 粉红 Pink 丈青:navy 玉:jade 银:silver 沙子色:sand 青铜色:gunmetal 浅橄榄灰色:stone 米灰色:D/melange 米黄色:cream 咖啡色:coffee 酒红色:wine 金:gold 黄色:yellow 黑色:black 橄榄色:olive 粉红色:pink 古铜色:anti gold 自然色:natural 桃色:peach 水仙黄:daffod 珊瑚色:coral 青铜色:gilt 蓝灰色:pewter 湖水蓝:turq 红古铜色:bronze 粉玫色:fuchsia 淡黄绿色:pistac 彩虹色:rainbow 憬红色:shocking red pink 粉红色 salmon pink 橙红色 baby pink 浅粉红色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 brown 褐色, 茶色 beige 灰褐色 chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色 sandy beige 浅褐色 camel 驼色 amber 琥珀色 khaki 卡其色 maroon 褐红色 green 绿色 moss green 苔绿色 emerald green 鲜绿色 olive green 橄榄绿 blue 蓝色 turquoise blue 土耳其玉色 cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色 navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色 aquamarine blue 蓝绿色 red 红色 scarlet 绯红, 猩红 mauve 紫红 wine red 葡萄酒红 purple, violet 紫色 lavender 淡紫色 lilac 浅紫色 antique violet 古紫色 pansy 紫罗兰色 white 白色 off-white 灰白色ivory 象牙色 snowy white 雪白色 oyster white 乳白色 gray 灰色 charcoal gray 炭灰色 smoky gray 烟灰色 misty gray 雾灰色 BABY BLUE 浅蓝 TIGERLILY 橘红 STORM 雾灰 WINTER SKY 天蓝 VAPOR BLUE 烟灰 OYSTER GREY 米灰JESTER RED 大红 CANDY PINK 粉红 JAFFA ORANGE 橘黄 pale taupe 浅灰褐色 cracker khaki 杏色 tulip yellow 黄色 thirsty blue 浅蓝色 green mint 浅绿 banana cream 香蕉黄 Acid blue 湖色 Amber 琥珀色 Amethyst 紫水晶色 Antique 古紫色 Apple green 苹果绿 Apricot 杏黄 Aqua green 水绿色 Aquamarine blue 蓝绿色 Auburn 赤褐色 Azure green 碧绿色 Bay 枣色 Baby blue 浅蓝色 Baby pink 浅粉红色 Beige 灰棕色 Benzo blue 靛蓝色 Black 黑色 Blue 蓝色 Blue green 竹青色 Blue grey 蓝灰色 Bluish white 青白色 Bluish yellow 青黄色 Brick red 青莲色 Bronze black 射光黑色 Bronze blue 射光绀蓝 Bronze violet 射光紫蓝 Brown 棕色 Buff 浅黄色 Calamine blue 淡蓝色 Caramel 酱色 Cardinal 深红色 Carmine 紫红色 Carnation 肉色 Celeste 天青色 Chalky 白垩 Charcoal grey 炭灰色 Cherry 樱桃红 Chestnut 栗褐色 Citrine 柠檬黄 Cobalt blue 钴蓝色 Cochineal 胭脂红 Coco 黄棕色 Contrast colot 衬色 Copper red 铜色 Coral 珊瑚色 Cream 米色 Crystal cream 奶油白 Dark green 深绿色 Dark grey 深灰色 Delicate color 娇色 Deep green 墨绿色 Deep yellow 深黄色 Dun 焦茶色 Emerald green 鲜绿色 Florid 鲜红 French rose 法国红 Garnet 暗红 Geranium 原色红 Gold 金 Golden yellow 金黄色 Green 绿色 Grey 灰 Hazel 赤褐色 Hepatic 猪肝色 Hyacinth 紫蓝色 Indigo 靛青色 Ivory 象牙黄 Jade green 翠绿色 Lavender 藕色 Lias 淡紫色 Light grey 淡灰色 Lyons blue 蓝紫色 Mandarin blue 深蓝 Marine green 海水绿 Maroon 枣红;茶色 Medium blue 中蓝色 Medium yellow 中黄色 Milk white 乳白色 Ming blue 藏青色 Moss green 苔绿色 Navy blue 海水蓝 Nimbus grey 雨云灰色 Ocher 赭色 Off white 灰白 Olive 橄榄色 Olive green 草绿色;橄榄绿 Opaque 不透明 Orange 橘黄色 Oriental ted 大红 Peach 桃红色 Peacock blue 孔雀蓝 Pea green 豆绿色 Pied 杂色 Pink 粉红色 Pitch black 深黑色 Protective color 保护色 Prussian blue 普鲁士蓝 Purple 紫色 Purple bronze 紫铜色 Red 红 Reddish 淡红 Reddish yellow 浓黄 Rich color 浓色 Rose 玫瑰红 Royal blue 宝蓝色 Rust brown 鼻烟色 Sallow 苍黄 Salmon 橙红 Sandy 淡茶色 Sap green 暗绿色 Scarlet 绯色 Sepia 棕黑色 Shade 颜色深浅 Shocking pink 鲜粉红 Silver 银色 Sky blue 天蓝 Slate grey 鼠灰色 Smoky grey 雾灰色 Snow white 雪白 Soft color 嫩色 Sorrel 红棕色 Tan 浅棕色 Tapestry red 咖啡色 Tawny 黄褐色 Translucent 半透明 Transparent 透明 Turquoise 蓝绿色 Turquoise blue 土耳其玉色 Ultramarine 青蓝色 Ultramarine blue 群青 Umber 浓茶色 Verdigris color 铜绿色 Vermilion 桔红;朱砂红 Violet 紫罗兰色 White 白色 Wine red 葡萄红 Yellow 黄色 York yellow 蛋黄色 amber 琥珀色 antique violet 古紫色 antiquewhite 古董白 aqua 浅绿色 aquamarine 碧绿色 azure 天蓝色 baby pink 浅粉红色 beige 米色 bisque 橘黄色 black 黑色 blanchedalmond 白杏色 blue 蓝色 blueviolet 紫罗兰色 brown 棕色 burlywood 实木色 cadetblue 军蓝色 camel 驼色 charcoal gray 炭灰色 chartreuse 黄绿色 chocolate 巧克力色 cobalt blue 艳蓝色 coral 珊瑚色 cornflowerblue 菊蓝色 cornsilk 米绸色 crimson 暗深红色 cyan 青色 magenta 洋红色 maroon 栗色 mauve 紫红 mediumaquamarine 间绿色 mediumblue 间蓝色 mediumorchid 间紫色 mediumpurple 间紫色 mediumseagreen 间海蓝色 mediumslateblue 间暗蓝色 mediumspringgreen 间春绿色 mediumturquoise 间绿宝石色 mediumvioletred 间紫罗兰色 midnightblue 中灰蓝色 mintcream 薄荷色 misty gray 雾灰色 mistyrose 浅玫瑰色 moccasin 鹿皮色 moss green 苔绿色 navajowhite 纳瓦白 navy 藏青 off-white 灰白 oldlace 老花色 olive 橄榄色 olivedrab 深绿褐色 orange 橙色 orangered 橙红色 orchid 淡紫色 oyster white 乳白色 palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色 palegreen 苍绿色 paleturquoise 苍绿色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 pansy 紫罗兰色 papayawhip 番木色 peachpuff 桃色 peru 秘鲁色 pink 粉红 plum 杨李色 powderblue 粉蓝色 purple 紫色 red 红色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红 royalblue 宝蓝色 rubine 宝石红 saddlebrown 重褐色 salmon 鲜肉色 salmon pink 橙红色 sandy beige 浅褐色 sandybrown 沙褐色 sapphire 宝石蓝 scarlet 猩红色 seagreen 海绿色 seashell 海贝色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 sienna 赭色 silver 银白色 skyblue 天蓝色 slateblue 石蓝色 slategray 灰石色 smoky gray 烟灰色 snow 雪白色 springgreen 春绿色 steelblue 钢蓝色 stone 石色 tan 茶色 teal 水鸭色 thistle 蓟色 tomato 番茄色 turquoise 青绿色 turquoise blue 翠蓝色 violet 紫色 wheat 浅黄色 white 白色 whitesmoke 烟白色 winered 葡萄酒红 yellow 黄色 yellowgreen 黄绿色 darkblue 暗蓝色 darkcyan 暗青色 darkgoldenrod 暗金黄色 darkgray 暗灰色 darkgreen 暗绿色 darkkhaki 暗卡其色 darkmagenta 暗洋红色 darkolivegreen 暗橄榄绿色 darkorange 暗桔色 darkorchid 暗紫色 darkred 暗红色 darksalmon 暗肉色 darkseagreen 暗海蓝色 darkslateblue 暗灰蓝色 darkslategray 墨绿色 darkturquoise 暗宝石绿 darkviolet 暗紫色 deeppink 深粉色 deepskyblue 深天蓝色 dimgray 暗灰色 dodgerblue 闪蓝色 emerald green 艳绿色 firebrick 火砖色 floralwhite 花白色 forestgreen 森林绿 fuchsia 紫红色 gainsboro 淡灰色 ghostwhite 幽灵白 gold 金黄色 goldenrod 金麒麟色 gray 灰色 green 绿色 greenyellow 黄绿色 honeydew 蜜色 hotpink 艳粉色 indianred 印第安红 indigo 靛蓝色 ivory 象牙色 khaki 卡其色 lavender 淡紫色 lavenderblush 淡紫红 lawngreen 草绿色 lemonchiffon 柠檬绸色 lightblue 浅蓝色 lightcoral 浅珊瑚色 lightcyan 浅青色 lightgoldenrodyellow 浅金黄色 lightgreen 浅绿色 lightgrey 浅灰色 lightpink 浅粉色 lightsalmon 浅肉色 lightseagreen 浅海蓝色 lightskyblue 浅天蓝色 lightslategray 浅蓝灰色 lightsteelblue 浅钢蓝色 lightyellow 浅黄色 lilac 浅紫色 lime 酸橙色 limegreen 橙绿色 linen 亚麻色
gitcloud2023-08-07 09:10:191


北境漫步2023-08-07 09:10:185


北有云溪2023-08-07 09:10:172


cyan 青色
西柚不是西游2023-08-07 09:10:161


铁血嘟嘟2023-08-07 09:10:134


perform sacrifices for one"s ancesters
苏州马小云2023-08-07 09:10:116


北境漫步2023-08-07 09:10:114


北营2023-08-07 09:10:108


When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his grace.You could see him always smiling.He got angry only when we were too noisy in class.After class,he often played soccer with us.He used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend, not a teacher.His sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I met.That was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao" .当我在高中的时候,有一个老师教我的比在课堂上,他是一个非常善良的男孩,比我们大4或5岁,教我们地理。我们都喜欢他的课,虽然不是我们的专业课程地理学。给我印象最深的是他的恩典。你可以看到他总是面带微笑。他生气了,只有当我们在教室太吵了。下课后,他经常和我们一起踢足球。他曾经是一个非常可信的后卫不污染对我们任何人,我们都喜欢叫他“苗老师”,他就像一个朋友,没有一个老师。他的人格激励我要对每个我认识的。那是我最心爱的“苗老师”。
北有云溪2023-08-07 09:10:081

我崇拜的人是海伦凯勒 英文

此后故乡只2023-08-07 09:10:081


  我最崇拜的人(The person I admire)—共两篇第一篇: When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his grace.You could see him always smiling.He got angry only when we were too noisy in class.After class,he often played soccer with us.He used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend, not a teacher.His sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I met.That was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao".第二篇: I admire a person who called Chenhao .she is a famous actress.she is very beautiful and lovely.she was born on December 9th,1979,she is 28 years old this year.she is good at dancing,singing,playing flute,performing and so on.I think she is very promising.she had lots of best actress honours.she started performing when she was in the high school,her major was performance.she was the monitor ni her class.she was an excellent student at that time.she likes music too,so she started singing in 2005. she wasn"t successful at the begining,but she worked very hard and tried her best.she is famouse for a TV play callde"fenhongnvlang" she is an outgoing,forthight smart girl.I"m her fan.of course,I think I must learn form her.One day,she was wounded,but she stil worked with others,she is really earnest for her job.I think I must be earnest for my studies,and try my best to do something better,maybe I am not the best today,but I can do better tomorrow!      
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-08-07 09:10:051


foot fetish
墨然殇2023-08-07 09:10:013


The person I admire mostpainstaking 辛苦 cleaner 清洁工人"I am very moved 。 I admire her so much,
Jm-R2023-08-07 09:10:012


在英文中,表达隐含爱意的词汇和短语有很多种。以下是一些常见的表达方式:1. Fondness(喜爱):表示对某人的喜欢或钟爱。2. Endearment(亲昵):用于表示亲密、亲爱的感情。3. Adore(崇拜):表示强烈的崇拜和喜欢。4. Infatuation(迷恋):暗示对某人感到强烈的吸引和迷恋。5. Affection(情感、喜爱):表示深深的喜爱和情感。6. Passion(激情、热爱):传达出强烈的热情和爱意。7. Devotion(忠诚、献身):表达出对某人的忠诚和倾心。此外,还可以使用一些表达爱意的短语,如:1. You mean the world to me.(你对我来说意义重大)2. I can"t imagine my life without you.(我无法想象没有你的生活)3. You are the sunshine of my life.(你是我生活中的阳光)4. I"m crazy about you.(我疯狂地喜欢你)5. You hold a special place in my heart.(你在我心中有特殊的地位)6. My love for you knows no bounds.(我对你的爱没有界限)7. I"m head over heels in love with you.(我深深地爱着你)这些表达方式可以用来传达隐含的爱意,但请注意,在不同的人际关系和文化背景下,理解和接受这些表达方式可能会有所不同。
西柚不是西游2023-08-07 09:10:011


Happy worship
左迁2023-08-07 09:09:583


口语表达: Who do you admire most? 较正式的表达: Whom do you admire most?
豆豆staR2023-08-07 09:09:581

声望的 尊敬,崇敬,崇拜 英文怎么说

康康map2023-08-07 09:09:542


to compliment sb on sthI compliment z443270335 on the great job you have done. Keep up the good job!
水元素sl2023-08-07 09:09:544


Neutral 中立Friendly 友好Distinguished 尊敬Worship 崇拜
mlhxueli 2023-08-07 09:09:531

最崇拜的人 英文

I most admired person Starting from 1961, Lei Feng was invited to the field for regular reports, he has much more travel, more opportunities to serve the people, and people circulating this statement: "Lei Feng travel a thousand miles, a good thing to do for a train" . Lei Feng to go out once a transfer station in Shenyang, when a ticket gate and found a group of people around to see a middle-aged woman carrying a baby, the woman originally from Shandong Province to Jilin to see her husband, tickets and money lost. Lei Feng with their own allowance to buy a train ticket from Jilin hands stuffed sister, sister said with tears: "Big Brother, your name is which unit?" Lei Feng said: "My name is People"s Liberation Army, lived in China. "May day, rain go to Lei Feng Shenyang, his car to catch the early, 5:00 or so on up, with a few dry bread covered with raincoats on the road, and on the road and saw a woman back with a child, the hand also led a little girl struggling to walk to the station. Lei took off his raincoat draped over his sister who also picked up the little girl to accompany them to the station, on the train, the Lei Feng and see the little girl was shaking with cold and took off his own personal line of clothing to put on her, Lei Feng guess she did not eat the morning, put his band to give them bread to eat. Train to Shenyang, it was still raining, Lei Feng has been sent to their home. The woman said gratefully: "Comrade, how I can thank you!" Lei Feng Andong back, but also in Shenyang transfer. He grabs his backpack, over the underpass, I saw a gray-haired grandmother, leaning on a stick, the back of a big burden, it is difficult to step by step marching, Lei Feng stepped forward to ask: "Aunt, you go to Where to go? "for the elderly, said breathlessly:" I come from the relevant period to the Fushun see son! "Lei Feng 1 with their own boat, immediately took a large burden to, hand on the old man said:" go, ma"am, I send you to Fushun. "moved to an old people to praise him a good boy. Into the car, he found a seat to the aunt that he was standing next to, pulled out just bought to the bread, stuffed a hand in the aunt, grandmother push it and said: "Son, I"m not hungry, you eat ! "" You"re welcome, ma"am, eat! first pad pad hunger. "," child "in this affectionate terms, to the Lei Feng a great feeling, he felt like a pet name like his mother cried as cordial. His old man, and opened a homely old chatter. Said the old man, his son, the workers, out of several years. She is the first time, do not know where to live in the miles. Said, took out a letter, Lei Feng took a look at the above address he did not know, but he knows the eagerness of elderly people to find her son, said: "Aunt, you may rest assured, I will help you to find him." Lei Feng said to do, to Fushun, take up the burden of the elderly, the elderly totter, the East inquire, West inquired, looking for more than two hours, to find old son. 没分段
九万里风9 2023-08-07 09:09:521


Wind beneath my wings Bette Midler  It must have been cold there in my shadow  To never have sunlight on your face  You were content to let me shine, that"s your way  You always walked a step behind  So I was the one with all the glory  While you were the one with all the strain  A beautiful face without a name for so long  A beautiful smile to hide the pain  Did you ever know that you"re my hero?  And everything I would like to be?  I can fly higher than an eagle  For you are the wind beneath my wings  It might have appeared to go unnoticed  But I"ve got it all here in my heart  I want you to know I know the truth  ( of course I know it )  I would be nothing without you  Did you ever know that you"re my hero?  You"re everything I wish I could be  I could fly higher than an eagle  For you are the wind beneath my wings  Oh, the wind beneath my wings  You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings  Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high  Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings  Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings  Fly, fly, fly high against the sky  So high I almost touch the sky  Thank you, thank you  Thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings 羽翼下的风 贝蒂蜜德勒  在我的影子下,一定很冷吧!?  阳光不曾照在你的脸庞  你总是心满意足的让我表现,你就是那样  你总是走在我身后  因此,我一人独享所有的荣耀  而你却背负著所有的疲惫  你有著美丽的脸庞,却一直默默无名  甜美的笑容掩饰了痛苦  你可知道你是我心目中的英雄?  是我想要学习的一切?  如今,我可以飞得比苍鹰更高  因为你是我羽翼下的风  也许是不愿被人注意到  但我已了然於心  我要你知道一切我都明白  (我当然明白)  没有你,我什麼都不是  你可知道你是我心目中的英雄?  是我想要学习的一切?  如今,我可以飞得比苍鹰更高  因为你是我羽翼下的风  啊!我羽翼下的风  你是我羽翼下的风  飞起来,你让我展翅高飞  你是我羽翼下的风  你是我羽翼下的风  飞啊!飞向天际  高得几乎可触摸到蓝天  谢谢你,谢谢你......  感谢上天,你是我羽翼下的风  原本是首乡村歌曲,因为被电影「情比姊妹深」选为主题曲,而再度受到欢迎。但贝蒂蜜德勒的重新诠释,赋予这首歌更感人的力量,才是主要原因。  该部电影是描述一对手足情深的姊妹,因为姊姊的牺牲奉献,使从事演艺事业的妹妹平步青云,无怨无悔的姊姊最后却罹患了癌症。  贝蒂蜜德勒,一位影歌双栖的女明星。擅长演夸张、嬉闹的喜剧,著名作品有「家有恶夫」、「大老婆俱乐部」、「女巫也疯狂」等。然而只要听过她唱的" The rose "、" From a distance "和" Wind beneath my wings "这些迷死人的歌,你很难想像这样一位女丑形象的演员,竟能唱出如此深情动人的歌。
此后故乡只2023-08-07 09:09:511


快乐happy(嗨皮)崇拜worship (我尔死细普)
可桃可挑2023-08-07 09:09:511


On Idol Worshipping在偶像崇拜中Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon,but the recent cases of unreasonable behaviors conducted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again.偶像崇拜不是一个新现象,但最近一些年轻人的不合理行为让它再次成为关注的焦点。Especially,a young girl"s father has committed suicide just to wake up his daughter who is possessed by the idea of following her idol wherever he goes.特别是,一个年轻女孩的父亲自杀,只是为了唤醒他的女儿谁是附身的想法,跟随她的偶像,他去哪里。Some people argue that the mass media is to blame for the tragedy because it always shows a picture of glamorous movie stars.pop singers and all the other entertainers that young people desire to have.一些人认为大众媒体是悲剧的罪魁祸首,因为它总是展示迷人的电影明星的图片。流行歌手和年轻人渴望拥有的所有其他艺人。However,young people are just not mature enough to tell fact from fiction.Other people believe that it shows the weakness of our educational system.School pays much attention to students"studies and exams,but overlooks their psychological status.然而,年轻人还不够成熟,不能分辨事实和虚构。其他人认为这显示了我们教育系统的弱点。学校重视学生的学习和考试,却忽视了他们的心理状态。As far as I am concerned.the tragedy sends out an alarm signal to US all. The media,the school,the parents and even the youth themselves have to reflect on the issue and try to stop such kind of tragedy from happening again.就我而言。这一悲剧向美国所有人发出了警报。媒体,学校,父母,甚至年轻人自己都必须反思这个问题,并努力阻止这样的悲剧再次发生。
西柚不是西游2023-08-07 09:09:491

请让我崇拜 英文翻译

hi投2023-08-07 09:09:455

最崇拜 英文翻译

Most worships
凡尘2023-08-07 09:09:444


adoration adore apotheosis enthrone praise venerate veneration worship这些都是崇拜的意思,具体用哪个,要看语境来选择。或用名词或用动词。
再也不做站长了2023-08-07 09:09:405


be crazy about
Chen2023-08-07 09:09:404


小白2023-08-07 09:09:392


崇拜: 1.worship 崇拜;敬仰 2.adore 崇拜,崇敬;敬重 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1.我并不崇拜那个影星. I am not a worshiper of that film star. 2.这小孩崇拜他的父亲. The boy worshipped his father. 3.她的书算不上畅销书,但有一定的崇拜者. Her books aren"t bestsellers,but they have a certain cult following. 4.他十分虔诚地崇拜女明星. He adores this screen goddess with godliness. 5.她很崇拜他,听不进别人对他的批评. She worshipped him and refused to listen to his critics. 6.玛里琳要的是爱而不是崇拜. Marilyn wanted to be loved,not lionized.
Ntou1232023-08-07 09:09:381


1. 一切都是最好的安排英文怎么说 “一切都是最好的安排”的英文:Everything is the best arrangement. 例句: God will give you something, never to others, so, everything is the best arrangement, all that has happened to Thanksgiving life. 上帝要给你的东西,从来就不会给别人,所以,一切都是最好的安排,感恩生命中所遭遇的一切。 【词汇解析】 arrangement 英文发音:[u0259"reu026an(d)u0292m(u0259)nt] 中文释义: n. 布置;整理;提前准备 例句: The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit. 工作人员在紧张忙碌地为该峰会做最后的安排。 扩展资料 【arrangement的近义词】 1、preparation 英文发音:[,prepu0259"reu026au0283(u0259)n] 中文释义: n. 预备;提前准备 例句: Few things distracted the pastor from the preparation of his weekly sermons. 几乎没有什么事情使该牧师从他每周布道的准备中分心。 2、setting 英文发音:["setu026au014b] 中文释义: n. 环境;安装;布置;[天] 沉落 v. 放置;沉没;使…处于某位置 例句: Any one country"s adoption or rejection of setting TBT is a dualism. 任何一个国家设置抑或不设置技术性贸易壁垒都具有双重性。 2. 一切都是最好的安排用英语怎么说 Everything is the best arrangement. 例句 渐渐的我明白一切都是最好的安排(当然有很多的过程)我学会了坚强,当我拔掉蛀牙时,我终于感到自己是如此的轻松,如此的快乐。 Gradually I understand everything is the best arrangement ( of course, there are many process) I learned when I pull, I finally cavities of feel so easily, so happy. 3. 一切是最好的安排 “一切是最好的安排”:All of them are best arrangements 拼音:yī qiē shì zuì hǎo de ān pái 释义 在人的一生中所遭遇的困境和不解,在当下或许是如此难以接受。但在过后某一时刻会突然觉得,这是最好的安排。 激励 1、许多时候我们因为一点小小的挫折便心灰意冷;但更多的时候我们因为生活上一点小小的不如意就指天骂地,彷佛自己是全世界最不幸可怜的人,相信我:生命中每个挫折与羞辱都有它的意义,振作起来勇往直前,你会惊见:“果然没错,一切都是最好的安排!” 2、虽然我们总是祝愿所有的人事事如意,但那仅仅是一个祝福,生命总要遇到挫折。当然,挫折也不见得就是坏事。例如,一个男人,经历了婚姻的失败,然后在不惑之年遇见了一个苦恼的女人,再然后便相爱了。虽然他们遇见的时间太晚,但终究是相遇,还相爱了,看起来并不如意,其实一切都是最好的安排,过程颇多曲折,但结局终归美好,因为经历过失败,才更加珍惜彼此。由此可见,人要过得更加顺意一些,关键是要学会转变思想,换个角度看问题。
ardim2023-08-07 09:09:241


“初步确定日程安排”英文怎么说? Preliminary identification of the schedule “初步确定日程安排”英文怎么说 “初步确定日程安排 "Preliminary schedule “初步确定日程安排"Preliminary schedule 用英语怎么翻译“比赛日程安排” petition schedule 日程表,用英语怎么说 schedule :["skedu0292ul] 计划表;日程安排表 They have planned a tight schedule of travel. 他们安排了一个紧凑弗旅行日程。 日程表的英文是什么 calendar 名词 行程安排用英语怎么说? Schedule on tour Tour arrangement 早中晚的日程表怎么写?用英语 One early schedule 行程表?英语怎么说 ? 行程表的英文: hodometer 参考例句: We will need to allow for travel time in the schedule. 我们必须考虑到行程表中的旅游时间。 A whiz-bang schedule 快而精彩的行程表(进度表) I left the schedule at home. I have to turn back to pick it up. 我把行程表放在家里,我必须回去拿。 Scott needed to cut out those extra things in his schedule. 史考特必须自他的行程表中删除这些额外的事情。 hodometer是什么意思: n. 行程表,路程表,回转表
阿啵呲嘚2023-08-07 09:09:171


大鱼炖火锅2023-08-07 09:09:176


mlhxueli 2023-08-07 09:09:152


苏萦2023-08-07 09:09:142


Love for love.
肖振2023-08-07 09:09:127


They turned to the police for help because they got lost.
铁血嘟嘟2023-08-07 09:09:114


i owe my profession to my attention to them.
wpBeta2023-08-07 09:09:103


原答案为机器翻译的结果,应该用副词修饰动词,答案是形容词修饰动词,错误明显,新答案供参考:So, I hope you can walk forward bravely/coureously.
人类地板流精华2023-08-07 09:09:091


I love you so I want to be with you forever
FinCloud2023-08-07 09:09:091


所以把这一切交给命运吧译文:So give it to fate
墨然殇2023-08-07 09:09:072


Today is the weekend,so we don"t need to go to school.
u投在线2023-08-07 09:09:073


中文:我们只有一个地球,所以你要爱护地球。地球上只有一个我,所以你也要爱护我。英文:We only have one earth,so you should protect it.I am the only one on the earth,so you should love me ,too.(媛子:提问者,第一个你爱护的是地球,但是第二个你爱护的是人。人是不可以爱护的。只能是爱。所以不应该有“也要爱护”。纠正了一个小小问题,嘻嘻嘻。望采纳~~~谢谢撒~~)
mlhxueli 2023-08-07 09:09:074


This book is very interesting,the children are interested in
Ntou1232023-08-07 09:09:071


So we are asked to keep the good habits.
九万里风9 2023-08-07 09:09:062


So I can"t go.所以我就去不了了如果对您有帮助请采纳 谢谢
韦斯特兰2023-08-07 09:09:051


我在唱歌这方面很强,所以我想成为一名歌手。用简明扼要的英语:I"m good at singing, so I want to be a singer.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
北有云溪2023-08-07 09:09:051

因为相信,所以看见,因为梦想,所以远方 怎么翻译成英文?

Because I believe, so I see, because I dream, so far away
wpBeta2023-08-07 09:09:053


所以我们要学好英语的英文翻译是:So we have to learn English.学好英语的方法有很多:1、报读课程。英语课程帮助你学习最重要的单词和语法,并确保你学习的一切均正确无误。你可通过两个主要方法报读英语课程:(1)报读在线课程。你可在网上报读课程。有些在线课程需要付费,而有些则是免费的。付费课程可能比免费课程更好。(2)报读学校课程。你可以在本地学院或英语学校报读课程。这些课程需付费,但比起自学,老师的协助非常重要,能让你学得更快。2、写日记。写日记将迫使你练习写作和词汇,同时强逼你练习造新的句子,而非只是重复早就懂的句子。你可以写日记记录自己的一天。你也应准备一个小本子,写下自己听到或看到的新单词。3、到说英语的国家旅行。到每个人都说英语的国家旅行,能大大提高你学习英语的进度。在说英语国家做临时工,或出国留学。你也可进行比较短期的旅行,但让自己沉浸在英语环境中至少3个月,才能最有效帮助学习。4、自学。你当然可以自学英语。快速自学英语的关键就是把它当作你最重要的事。把所有空闲时间都用来学习,并尽量多使用英语。
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-08-07 09:09:031

所以你要一直快乐 的英文

So you must be happy all the time. 纯属自己翻译。
余辉2023-08-07 09:09:032


We should eat an apple我们应该吃一个苹果 解析:should [ʃud, 弱 ʃəd, ʃd] aux. 应该;就;可能;将要an apple一个苹果
拌三丝2023-08-07 09:09:032


我拿起真挚的蜡笔,曾经,画出奇妙天堂的颜色,永远。你对我许诺的爱,也同样是我对你承诺,真挚的爱恋将彩虹定格成永恒。温柔的,深沉的,都是美好给予的,绿色的,粉色的,当她们,融合成彩虹的那一刻,就是我想要表达的。I picked up the sincere crayons, once, draw wonderful color, forever. You promised me the love, also is my commitment to you, sincere love rainbow frames into eternal. Soft, deep, is good to give, green, pink, when they merge into the moment, the rainbow, is what I want to express.
CarieVinne 2023-08-07 09:09:025


“所以,我选择了考研"英文翻译"So, I chose the postgraduate entrance examination"
LuckySXyd2023-08-07 09:09:021


I love you uff0cwhatever who you areu3002
苏州马小云2023-08-07 09:09:012
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