

Hello, my name is Yan Hao Ran, 21 years old this year, is in class seven, grade 13 nursing, from Shanxi, Jinzhong, Xiyang.I like to listen to music, I also like sports, such as running, volleyball and so on.In the college, I was a student, but I respect the teacher, because I think they are very wise, and I admire their efforts for education.Books can broaden my horizons, and can give me some ideas.I like the sentence is: Yifengengyun one harvest.In my spare time, I often talk about with friends in life, and to communicate with them about the employment channels to find a job in the future.This is me, an ordinary and I love life.
九万里风9 2023-08-15 09:42:162


u投在线2023-08-14 16:52:473

帮忙翻译一下becuse of you的歌词!超感谢啊.....

阿啵呲嘚2023-08-14 16:48:503

万般皆是命,半点不由人 生死有命,富贵在天 谁能帮我人工准确的翻译成英文!非常感谢!

What ever will be will be , the feature is not us to see .
九万里风9 2023-08-14 16:48:022


show sb. sth. 向某人展示某物
无尘剑 2023-08-14 16:45:592

求屈原的对联或诗歌 并解释一下对联的涵义 对各位的回答 本人表示深切的感谢!!!!!!

杂申椒与菌桂兮,岂维纫夫蕙芷!(离骚)路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 (离骚) 长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。 (离骚) 亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。 (离骚) 乘骐骥以驰骋兮,来吾道夫先路也。 (离骚)日月忽其不淹兮,春与秋其代序。 (离骚)指九天以为正兮,夫惟灵修之故也。 (离骚)吾令凤鸟飞腾兮,继之以日夜。 (离骚)时缤纷其变易兮,又何可以淹留? (离骚) 袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下。 (九歌) 沅有芷兮醴有兰,思公子兮未敢言。 (九歌)乘龙兮辚辚,高驰兮冲天。 (九歌)青云衣兮白霓裳,举长矢兮射天狼。 (九歌)余处幽篁兮终不见天,路险难兮独后来。 (九歌)风飒飒兮木萧萧,思公子兮徒离忧。 (九歌)春兰兮秋菊,长无绝兮终古。 (九歌)何灵魂之信直兮,人之心不与吾心同! (九章·抽思) 心郁郁之忧思兮,独永叹乎增伤。 (九章·抽思) 曾不知路之曲直兮,南指月与列星。 (九章·抽思) 世溷浊莫吾知,人心不可谓兮。 (九章·怀沙) 吾不能变心以从俗兮,故将愁苦而终穷。 (九章·涉江) 余将董道而不豫兮,固将重昏而终身。 (九章·涉江) 苟余心之端直兮,虽僻远其何伤? (九章·涉江) 与天地兮同寿,与日月兮齐光。 (九章·涉江)举世皆浊我独清,众人皆醉我独醒。 (渔父) 沧浪之水清兮,可以濯我衣 沧狼之水浊兮,可以濯我足。 (渔父) 祠南夕望 唐·杜甫百丈牵江色,孤舟泛日斜。兴来犹杖履,月断更云沙。山鬼迷春竹,湘娥倚暮花。湖南清绝地,万古一长嗟。屈原 毛泽东屈子当年赋楚骚,手中握有杀人刀。艾萧太盛椒兰少,一跃冲向万顷涛。 过汨罗江感怀 郭沫若屈子行吟处,今余跨马过。晨曦耀江渚,朝气涤胸科。揽辔忧天下,投鞭问汨罗。楚犹有三户,怀石理在那? 【集句题屈子祠】集芙蓉以为裳,又树蕙之百亩。帅云霓而来御,将往观乎四荒。
黑桃花2023-08-13 09:30:192


ardim2023-08-13 09:26:497

求一篇船舶专业的英文文献 最好附有中文翻译,一万字左右。急求。万分感谢

Ship commissioning is the act or ceremony of placing a ship in active service, and may be regarded as a particular application of the general concepts and practices of project commissioning. The term is most commonly applied to the placing of a warship in active duty with its country"s military forces. The ceremonies involved are often rooted in centuries old naval tradition.Ship naming and launching endow a ship hull with her identity, but many milestones remain before she is completed and considered ready to be designated a commissioned ship. The engineering plant, weapon and electronic systems, galley, and multitudinous other equipment required to transform the new hull into an operating and habitable warship are installed and tested. The prospective commanding officer, ship"s officers, the petty officers, and seamen who will form the crew report for training and intensive familiarization with their new ship.Prior to commissioning, the new ship undergoes sea trials to identify any deficiencies needing correction. The preparation and readiness time between christening-launching and commissioning may be as much as three years for a nuclear powered aircraft carrier to as brief as twenty days for a World War II landing ship. The USS Monitor, of American Civil War fame, was commissioned less than three weeks after launch.[edit]United States NavyCommissioning in the early United States Navy under sail was attended by no ceremony. An officer designated to command a new ship received orders similar to those issued to Captain Thomas Truxtun in 1798:Sir, I have it in command from the president of the United States, to direct you to repair with all due speed on board the ship Constellation lying at Baltimore. It is required that no Time be lost in carrying the Ship into deep water, taking on board her Cannon, Ammunition, Water, Provisions & Stores of every kind — completing what work is yet to be done shipping her Complement of Seamen and Marines, and preparing her in every respect for Sea ... It is the President"s express Orders, that you employ the most vigorous Exertions, to accomplish these several Objects and to put your Ship as speedily as possible in a situation to sail at the shortest notice.In Truxtun"s time, the prospective commanding officer had responsibility for overseeing construction details, outfitting the ship, and recruiting his crew. When a captain determined that his new ship was ready to take to sea, he mustered the crew on deck, read his orders, broke the national ensign and distinctive commissioning pennant, and caused the watch to be set and the first entry to be made in the log. Thus, the ship was placed in commission.Commissionings were not public affairs, and unlike christening-and-launching ceremonies, were not recorded by newspapers. The first specific reference to commissioning located in naval records is a letter of November 6, 1863, from Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles to all navy yards and stations. The Secretary directed: "Hereafter the commandants of navy yards and stations will inform the Department, by special report of the date when each vessel preparing for sea service at their respective commands, is placed in commission."Subsequently, various editions of Navy regulations mentioned the act of putting a ship in commission, but details of a commissioning ceremony were not prescribed. Through custom and usage, however, a fairly standard practice emerged, the essentials of which are outlined in current Navy regulations.Officers and crew members of the new ship are assembled on the quarterdeck or other suitable area. Formal transfer of the ship to the prospective commanding officer is done by the Naval District Commandant or his representative. The transferring officer reads the commissioning directive, the national anthem is played, the ensign is hoisted, and the commissioning pennant broken. The prospective commanding officer reads his orders, assumes command, and the first watch is set.Craft assigned to Naval Districts and shore bases for local use, such as harbor tugs and floating drydocks, are not usually placed in commission but are instead given an "in service" status. They do fly the national ensign, but not a commissioning pennant.In recent years, commissionings have come to be more public occasions. Guests, including the ship"s sponsor, are frequently invited to attend, and a prominent individual may deliver a commissioning address. On May 3, 1975, more than twenty thousand people witnessed the commissioning of USS Nimitz at Norfolk, Virginia. The carrier"s sponsor, daughter of the late Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, was introduced, and the President of the United States was the principal speaker. The sponsor traditionally gives the first order to the ship"s company: "Man our ship and bring her to life!"Regardless of the type of ship, the brief but impressive commissioning ceremony completes the cycle from christening and launching to bring the ship into full status as a warship of her nation.
西柚不是西游2023-08-13 09:26:041

How I wish 后面跟从句的具体用法,请详细解释一下,十分感谢

wish that...用法:1, 表示现在:用一般过去时。be动词用were。 I wish that I were a bird. I wish that I had a car.2. 表示过去:用过去完成时。 I wish that I knew it yesterday.3. 表示将来:用could 或者would。I wish that I could pass the exam tomorrow.I wish that I would succeed in the exam.
ardim2023-08-13 09:23:371

How I wish 后面跟从句的具体用法,请详细解释一下,十分感谢

wish that...用法: 1, 表示现在:用一般过去时。be动词用were。 I wish that I were a bird. I wish that I had a car. 2. 表示过去:用过去完成时。 I wish that I knew it yesterday. 3. 表示将来:用could 或者would。 I wish that I could pass the exam tomorrow. I wish that I would succeed in the exam.
meira2023-08-13 09:23:361

How I wish 后面跟从句的具体用法,请详细解释一下,十分感谢

wish that...用法: 1, 表示现在:用一般过去时。be动词用were。 I wish that I were a bird. I wish that I had a car. 2. 表示过去:用过去完成时。 I wish that I knew it yesterday. 3. 表示将来:用could 或者would。 I wish that I could pass the exam tomorrow. I wish that I would succeed in the exam.
北营2023-08-13 09:23:331

304不锈钢和45号钢那种强度更高? 哪种硬度最高,哪种耐磨性更强? 差多少? 感谢!

铁血嘟嘟2023-08-12 08:46:556


北营2023-08-12 08:40:154


gitcloud2023-08-12 08:40:024


LuckySXyd2023-08-12 08:30:013


实现祖国完全统一,是中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求,是大势所趋、大义所在、民心所向。 中国政府8月10日发布《台湾问题与新时代中国统一事业》白皮书,进一步重申台湾是中国的一部分的事实和现状,展现中国共产党和中国人民追求祖国统一的坚定意志和坚强决心,阐述中国共产党和中国政府在新时代推进实现祖国统一的立场和政策,必将有力提振全党全国各族人民矢志追求国家统一的精气神,增强岛内和海外反“独”促统力量的信心勇气。 习近平总书记强调,“台湾问题因民族弱乱而产生,必将随着民族复兴而解决”,“祖国必须统一,也必然统一”。 实现祖国完全统一,是中华民族的历史和文化所决定的,也是中华民族伟大复兴的时和势所决定的。 国家发展进步特别是40多年来改革开放和现代化建设所取得的伟大成就,有效遏制了“台独”分裂活动和外部势力干涉,为两岸交流合作提供了广阔空间、带来了巨大机遇。 我们愿继续以最大诚意、尽最大努力争取和平统一。
此后故乡只2023-08-11 08:49:073


人类地板流精华2023-08-10 10:32:202


Ntou1232023-08-10 10:26:011


关于英文感谢信汇总七篇   随着人们自身素质提升,我们使用感谢信的情况越来越多,感谢信跟其他书信一样,也是表情达意的一种工具。还是对感谢信一筹莫展吗?以下是我收集整理的英文感谢信7篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英文感谢信 篇1 Hello, my parents!   Today I am writing to thank you for everything you have done for me in the past. First I want to thank you for taking the trouble to bring me up.   I know it is really difficult. Second I want to thank you for giving me so much encouragement especially when I am in trouble or depressed.You both giave me anything not only in spirit but also in physics.   You both spent not only much time but also much money on me .So you are great and generou.I am proud of you. I would like to be your child and I will try my best to live up to your expectations and to be a child that you would like me to be . I love you!   thank you!   给父母的英文感谢信【3】 Dear Mom and Dad,   Although we can keep in virtual touch every day by means of MSN or e-mails, I still feel it not enough to let you know how much I love you and how much Ive appreciated the things youve done for me. I find that it will never be too much to say Thank You to you, my beloved parents.   First, I want to thank you for making all your efforts to bring me up. I was told that you were short of money when I was born and it became even more difficult for a young couple to raise a child without any help from elder generation. So I appreciate your careful nursing very much for giving me a good health and the feeling of being loved.   Second, I want to thank you for your good education on me. There is an old saying goes like this Parents are the first teacher to their children. Yes, you are the typical ones. You were so strict with me that I told my kindergarten teacher of my wonder about whether I was the child of yours, not the one picked up from street. Touching on this soft spot deeply in my heart, vivid memories came flooding back. I wont forget the scene of my first and also the last lie found out by you. I couldnt stop trembling all over. I was ashamed to cry when you beat me. I thought I deserved this punishment and told myself to keep away from telling lies from then on.   I wont forget how much youve impressed on me to love books and reading. Even in the most difficult time, you still spared me some money for the books I was fond of. My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing articles myself. So many times, I have felt a sense of content when I saw your smiling faces on reading my articles, good or bad. In fact, this graduated into one of my habits of sharing everything I achieved with you and feeling content with your smiles Im so foolish to try to write all the things youve done in my favor. If it is possible, this letter must be endless.   So, the most important thing that I want to say Thank you for is your great admiration on my own freedom. You never forced me to do anything I was not interested in, even you had already known that I would regret not doing it. You never forbade me to do anything I was truly interested in and supported me financially and mentally. You told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation. You also told me to consider everything carefully before getting start. Oh, wherever I go, I can see your eager eyes ; whenever I am, I can touch your genuine hearts. Youve been loving me heart and soul, how can I repay your marvelous love to me?   I really feel that my pen fails me when I am writing this thank you letter. Luckily, May holiday is coming. It will give me the most excellent opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you----coming home and share more time together with you. Yours   Wang Minyuan 英文感谢信 篇2   Hi Mr.Wang.   I am very happy to hear from you. I really appreciate you arrangement and the time you took for my interview.   It was very enjoyable to speak with you and other engineers last Friday. The job position seems to be an excellent match for my professional skills and interests. It is my belief that my professional skills and background would prove to be a valuable asset to your company.   I am looking for a career that will utilize my extensive knowledge and current skills, while allowing me to grow and learn more working with an industry leader. After getting more infomation about XXX company and this job position, I believe this would be a successful match for both of us.   I am very interested in working for you and looking forward to hearing from you regarding the next step in the recruiting process.   Thanks & Best Regards   Sincerely yours,   Wang YH 英文感谢信 篇3   Dear Susan,   I"m glad to be your student, and I am very happy to learn the course I like best under your help.   English is an important tool, through which we can share it with the world. I treasure the chance of learning English, and I enjoy the happiness from this course.   This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. On this special day, I want to express my deepest thanks to you!   Yours sincerely. 英文感谢信 篇4 dear______:   i am writing toextend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因). if it had not been for yourassistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), i fear that i would havebeen_________(没有对方帮助时的.后果).every one agreesthat it was you who______________(给出细节).again, i would like to express my warmthanks to you! please accept my gratitude.   yours sincerely   你的姓名   extend [kstend]   vt. 延伸;扩大;   推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对?估价 vi. 延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开   gratitude   n. 感谢(的心情);感激   assistance   n. 援助,帮助;辅助设备 英文感谢信 篇5   Dear **,   Thanks for your support to our company in the last year.   We really appreciate our cooperation.   and we hope we can continue our good business relationship and interactivity for the next year.   Sincerely,   **   **position   **company 英文感谢信 篇6 Dear Mr. Woods,   How are you doing these days/ How"s everything going these days?   It has been a year since I came back to China, but the exciting and wonderful days in America still stay fresh in my mind (记忆犹新,历历在目). I owe a lot of thanks to you/ I can"t thank you enough/ I really be grateful for your kindness during my stay in America/ I really appreciate being kindly treated while in America. Without your kindness and timely (及时的) help, my stay there would have been quite difficult . It is you that/ who have opened a new world to me and taught me to see the world from different perspectives (视野,角度), and to be grateful to people who once helped me. Never had I known a language could be taught and learned that way, which, up to this day, remains a guide to my English study and an inspiration for my future development.   I really hope you can visit China and come to my home someday/ I"m looking forward to your visiting China and I will host you sincerely   Best Wishes!   Yours,   Lihua 英文感谢信 篇7 Dear Saar,   I would like to thank you for interviewing me for the position of Communications Manager in STE Bank. I would specially like to express thanks for taking out the time to explain the job profile and the organizational structure in such detail.   After interacting with you, I am confident that my previous experience in Public Relations will enable me to execute the job responsibilities successfully. During the interview, I neglected to mention that I also have experience of handling crisis management, something that will be an asset to the organization in the current scenario.   I would love to have an opportunity to work in a reputed organization like STE Bank. A first class   Masters degree in Public Relations, with over 6 years experience in this industry, will help me execute the job responsibilities successfully. I will also be able to leverage my wide network of contacts to get more publicity for the organization.   I once again wish to thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the interview.   Sincerely ,   KevDie ;
小白2023-08-10 10:18:271

水落石出 猜一生肖 请高手指点解答 感谢!

真颛2023-08-10 10:17:081


无尘剑 2023-08-10 10:17:013


善士六合2023-08-08 09:22:151


1、People-oriented, technology leading .2、Information transparence service, brilliant future .3、All rivers run into sea, let enterprise takeoff .4、Together with us planning the wonderful future .5、Strict management, exquisite technology, and excellent quality .6、Our pursuit, the prestige supreme, the first-class service .7、Everything for customers, for all the customers .8、Whole-hearty, create the future together .可能
mlhxueli 2023-08-08 09:19:343


1. The people-oriented, technology leading 2. Information transparence service, brilliant future 3. Rivers, make enterprise takeoff 4. Together with us planning the wonderful future 5. Strict management, exquisite technology, and excellent quality 6. Our pursuit, the prestige supreme, the first-class service 7. Everything for customers, for all the customers 8. Whole-hearty, create future!
善士六合2023-08-08 09:19:305


是不是 What Are Words?
善士六合2023-08-08 09:11:484


申明:只做参考,正确与否自行决定1.Scientific prediction of earthquakes【remains(A)】primitive and haphazard; however ,scientists 【can make(B)】general predictions after monitor【magnetic changes(C)】along【principal(D)】faults.1、科学预测地震仍然落后和随意 ,不过科学家们可以通过监测主要断裂磁场的变化做出一般的预测。答案:A 去掉”s”2.People【who lose weight(A)】with the help of behavioral techniques like 【weighing themselves regularly(B)】 and keeping records of 【what do they eat(C)】seem to need the same techniques to keep 【the weight off(D)】.人们减肥借助于行为技术比如定期秤体重和做饮食记录似乎需要相同的技术去减轻体重。答案:C 去掉”do”3.【According to a study(A)】of firstborn children , children【whose mothers expect them (B)】to learn very little as infants develop 【more slow than(C)】children whose mothers expect them to begin learning【immediately(D)】.【据一项研究(一)长子孩子】,【儿童的母亲希望他们(乙)】了解很少像婴儿发展【超过(c)其母亲希望他们能立即开始学习【】儿童慢(丁)】这句话真让人崩溃4.【In a report(A)】 issued by【United States Census Bureau(B)】, the chemical industry is investing 【more than any other(C)】United States manufacturing industry【in fighting pollution(D)】.答案:B一份由美国人口普查局起草的报告显示,人们对抗化学工业污染的投资远远超过美国其他制造业。5.Societies form the primitive to 【the highly civilized(A)】【have used(B)】food ,【their most essential resource(C)】,in social bonding celebrations【of all kind(D)】and in sacred rituals.6.【Throughout the history(A)】,the mosquito has been not only a nuisance 【but a killer(B)】, 【carrying(C)】some of the deadliest diseases【known to man(D)】.答案:B but后面加一个also纵观历史,蚊子不仅仅是一个公害,而且它还是一个杀手,因为它们的身上可能携带了人类所知道的致命疾病。7.The photograph revealed a group of mountain climbers who had 【strung(A)】a 【twenty-feet(B)】rope【between(C)】two【particularly(D)】dangerous peaks.这张照片让我们发现,一个登山爱好者团队已经在两座危险的山峰间串起了一条20英尺的绳子。答案:B 中间不需要用“-”隔开8.【During World War II(A】), many Eskimos served【in the Army or Navy(B)】;【another(C)】worked on airfields or supplied meat【to the armed forces(D)】.在第二次世界大战期间,大部分爱斯基摩人为陆军或海军服务,另一些为机场工作或为武装部队提供肉类食物。答案:D FORCES去掉”s”9.In spite of all the publicity【women pilots(A)】had received, 【no amount(B)】of evidence 【could convince(C)】the War Department【allow any of them(D)】into the Air Service.尽管所有的宣传女飞行员已经收到,没有统计的证据能说服陆军部批准她们中的任何人进入民用航空领域。参考答案:D anyone10.【There is(A)】no doubt that the successful late eighteenth-century improvements in【spinning and weaving methods(B)】, resulting in increased production of fabrics ,【have a great effect(C)】on the inventors of 【the sewing machine(D)】.毫无疑问,18世纪末的织布方法的改进,对面料生产量的增加和缝纫机的发明都产生了很大的影响。参考答案:C 加一个”s”
人类地板流精华2023-08-08 09:00:455


Because of you, my life more wonderful, thank you!
康康map2023-08-08 08:59:082

请高手帮忙翻译下: 因为有你而更精彩 译成 英文 感谢!!

It"s more wonderful because of you.
真颛2023-08-08 08:58:495


瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-08-08 08:53:312

在线等: 请问像"质量监督局", "环保总署"之类的政府机构用英文怎么说啊?越多越好,万分感谢!

阿啵呲嘚2023-08-07 09:14:473


Hangzhou Xiacheng District Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau.谷歌计算机翻译
北营2023-08-07 09:14:422

写一篇英语作文(六年级水平),题目:last friday morning。速回感谢

陶小凡2023-08-07 09:07:463


真颛2023-08-07 08:57:222


Let me buy you dinner to thank you for your help!
西柚不是西游2023-08-07 08:57:141


opportunity knocks only once The tempo of modern civilization has been much quickened in the last twenty years.While witnessing the dramatic changes in the better-off society,people begin to reconsider the question of "survival"."Survival" in the old sense does not bother us anymore.Instead,we are more concerned about how to "survive" in the human world full of petition. Competition always carries abreast challenges and opportunities to everyone involved.It might appear in an entrance exam,in a regular class,or in a *** all public speech.Those who fail to detect its real nature-whether an opportunity or a challenge a petition really is- will lose something more or less conducive to our growth.Of course,if we take the petition as an opportunity,we will favor it intentionally because they can help us outstand from the average; they will make us bee the focus of public attention; they will grant us more chances and rights to succeed.As a matter of fact,opportunities are supposed to be more perceptible and weling than challenges.The truth is,however,we will lose more opportunities when we choose to take the "opportunity" fork at the crossroads.The other fork,ignored by us and defined as "fearful challenges",offers much more chances for the walker in petition. We have such an inclination in life to overestimate ourselves and hold a thoughtless attitude towards the negative outlook of things. We believe in the old saying,"Opportunity knocks but just once," so we always wele it and devote all our spirit and efforts to it.The most devout believer of this saying are the graduates.Why?There are quite a number of them who pay full attention to positions in big cities and are willing to flood into developed areas under any circumstances,even though there will be too much uncertainty for their choices.Innumerable cases go straight to the same miserable end:God seems to refuse to help too many of His worshipers. In conclusion,to define the quality of petition seems to be far from valuable sense,for no matter what a petition is,an opportunity or a challenge,it will create nutritious elements for our growth. So take a positive look at everything around.Keep our face to the sunshine,and we will not see the shadows.需要短的话,可以适当删剪啊
墨然殇2023-08-07 08:52:061

跪求电影人在囧途 可以用迅雷下载的地址。非常感谢

NerveM 2023-08-06 10:59:011


Thank you very much.I"m very grateful.I appreciate it greatly.
西柚不是西游2023-08-06 10:48:532


铁血嘟嘟2023-08-06 10:48:373


“哈利路亚”是希伯来文,原来是由两个字合起来的。“哈利路”是复数的命令语气,译成中文是“你们要赞美”,“亚”是神名字的缩写。 “哈利路亚”的意思与“赞美耶和华”的意思相同,主耶稣也就是旧约的耶和华;因此,我们以心灵和诚实颂赞,并且将心中所要的告诉神,可以念出来,或藉由心中的默念,向“无所不知的神”倾心吐意。口中仍真诚地重复颂赞:“哈利路亚,赞美主耶稣。”
康康map2023-08-06 10:46:553


总公司 Head Office分公司 Branch Office营业部 Business Office人事部 Personnel Department人力资源部 Human Resources Department总务部 General Affairs Department财务部 General Accounting Department销售部 Sales Department促销部 Sales Promotion Department国际部 International Department出口部 Export Department进口部 Import Department公共关系 Public Relations Department广告部 Advertising Department企划部 Planning Department产品开发部 Product Development Department研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室 Secretarial Pool采购部 Purchasing Department工程部 Engineering Department行政部 Admin. Department人力资源部 HR Department市场部 Marketing Department技术部 Technolog Department客服部 Service Department行政部: Administration财务部 Financial Department总经理室、Direcotor, or President副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president总经办、General Deparment采购部、Purchase & Order Department工程部、Engineering Deparment研发部、Research Deparment生产部、Productive Department销售部、Sales Deparment广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department拓展部 Business Expending Department物供部、Supply DepartmentB&D business and development 业务拓展部Marketing 市场部Sales 销售部HR 人力资源部Account 会计部PR people relationship 公共关系部OFC (Office, 但不常见) / OMB = Office of Management and Budget 办公室Finance 财务部MKTG (Marketing) 市场部R&D (Research & Development) 研发部MFG (Manufacturing) 产品部Administration Dept. 管理部Purchasing Dept 采购部Chairman/President Office // Gerneral Manager office or GM office 总经理办公室Monitor & Support Department 监事会Strategy Research 战略研究部 全称都知道了,代码就不用说了吧!!
CarieVinne 2023-08-06 10:45:211

资材部、设计部、工程部、技术部、行政部 以上英语及缩写是什么呀?谢谢,非常感谢!

资材部、Logistic Division设计部、Design Division工程部、Project Division技术部、Technology Division行政部Admin Division
kikcik2023-08-06 10:45:071


mlhxueli 2023-08-06 10:42:451


1.感谢别人送礼的诗句 《诗经·木瓜》 先秦·佚名 投我以木瓜,报之以琼琚。匪报也,永以为好也! 投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶。匪报也,永以为好也! 投我以木李,报之以琼玖。匪报也,永以为好也! 译文: 你将木瓜投赠我,我拿琼琚作回报。不是为了答谢你,珍重情意永相好。你将木桃投赠我,我拿琼瑶作回报。不是为了答谢你,珍重情意永相好。你将木李投赠我,我拿琼玖作回报。不是为了答谢你,珍重情意永相好。 扩展资料 《诗经·木瓜》,是通过赠答表达深厚情意的诗作,出自《诗经·国风·卫风》。 《诗经·大雅·抑》有“投我以桃,报之以李”之句,后世“投桃报李”便成了成语,比喻相互赠答,礼尚往来。 比较起来,《卫风·木瓜》这一篇虽然也有从“投我以木瓜(桃、李),报之以琼琚(瑶、玖)”生发出的成语“投木报琼”(如托名宋尤袤《全唐诗话》就有“投木报琼,义将安在”的记载),但“投木报琼”的使用频率却根本没法与“投桃报李”相提并论。 可是倘若据此便认为《抑》的传诵程度也比《木瓜》要高,那就大错而特错了,稍微作一下调查,便会知道这首《木瓜》是现今传诵最广的《诗经》名篇之一。 2.感谢朋友送鲜花的话 原发布者:李鹏亚 感谢朋友送花的感谢话【篇一:感谢朋友送花的感谢话】1、我只对你说一句话:谢了够哥们!2、谢谢您一直以来对我们的关心!愿所有的幸福都追随着您,祝你身体健康,万事如意!3、你心底坦荡善良,呵护着我善感柔弱的心灵;你待人宽容真诚,谅解着我幼稚任性的举动;你态度亲切温和,融化着我冰冷淡漠的外表;你精感谢朋友的话语1、我只对你说一句话:谢了够哥们!2、谢谢您一直以来对我们的关心!愿所有的幸福都追随着您,祝你身体健康,万事如意!3、你心底坦荡善良,呵护着我善感柔弱的心灵;你待人宽容真诚,谅解着我幼稚任性的举动;你态度亲切温和,融化着我冰冷淡漠的外表;你精神乐观向点点祝福,带着我的真4、谢遗弃我的人,因为他教导了我的独立;感谢绊倒我的人,因为他强化了我的双腿;感谢斥责我的人,因为他提醒了我的缺点。5、自从俺得到你地关爱,好像在漫漫地黑暗中见到了光明,在无涯地沙漠中得到了清泉,在山石中发现了一枝鲜花,俺怎能不感谢你呢?6、时,保鲜一世。朋友是糖,帮你冲淡苦涩,挂满甜蜜。7、今天,在遥远的此处,我把你给予我的曾经,折起祝福的纸鹤,飞过千山和万水,只是为了告诉我的恩施你:谢谢你一直的栽培和照顾!8、把最真的祝福化作风,吹送到你的身边,把最诚的问候变成雨,飘散到你的窗前,把我的感谢化作万语千言,为你祈祷幸福永远。9、一份心情,飘飞着心絮的痕迹;一段友情,彼此永远珍藏在心底深深祝福你,我的朋友:永远幸福!永远快乐!10、打一声招呼 3.感谢朋友送鲜花的话 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:李鹏亚 感谢朋友送花的感谢话【篇一:感谢朋友送花的感谢话】1、我只对你说一句话:谢了够哥们!2、谢谢您一直以来对我们的关心!愿所有的幸福都追随着您,祝你身体健康,万事如意!3、你心底坦荡善良,呵护着我善感柔弱的心灵;你待人宽容真诚,谅解着我幼稚任性的举动;你态度亲切温和,融化着我冰冷淡漠的外表;你精感谢朋友的话语1、我只对你说一句话:谢了够哥们!2、谢谢您一直以来对我们的关心!愿所有的幸福都追随着您,祝你身体健康,万事如意!3、你心底坦荡善良,呵护着我善感柔弱的心灵;你待人宽容真诚,谅解着我幼稚任性的举动;你态度亲切温和,融化着我冰冷淡漠的外表;你精神乐观向点点祝福,带着我的真4、谢遗弃我的人,因为他教导了我的独立;感谢绊倒我的人,因为他强化了我的双腿;感谢斥责我的人,因为他提醒了我的缺点。 5、自从俺得到你地关爱,好像在漫漫地黑暗中见到了光明,在无涯地沙漠中得到了清泉,在山石中发现了一枝鲜花,俺怎能不感谢你呢?6、时,保鲜一世。朋友是糖,帮你冲淡苦涩,挂满甜蜜。 7、今天,在遥远的此处,我把你给予我的曾经,折起祝福的纸鹤,飞过千山和万水,只是为了告诉我的恩施你:谢谢你一直的栽培和照顾!8、把最真的祝福化作风,吹送到你的身边,把最诚的问候变成雨,飘散到你的窗前,把我的感谢化作万语千言,为你祈祷幸福永远。9、一份心情,飘飞着心絮的痕迹;一段友情,彼此永远珍藏在心底深深祝福你,我的朋友:永远幸福!永远快乐!10、打一声招呼。 4.带花的感恩诗句 沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟. 李商隐《锦瑟》 红橙黄绿蓝靛紫,谁持彩练当空舞. -毛泽东 浆向蓝桥易乞,药成碧海难奔. ——清·纳兰性德《画堂春》 露凉时,零乱多少寒螀?神京远,惟有蓝桥路近. ——北宋·晁补之《洞仙歌·泗州中秋作》 青,出于蓝而胜与蓝. 人未老,蓝桥谩促霜砧捣. ——北宋·李之仪《千秋岁》 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝.——白居易《忆江南》 雪过蓝关寒气薄,雁回湘浦怨声长. ——唐·曹邺《送进士下第归南海》 筵开灞岸临清浅,路去蓝关入翠微. ——唐·曹邺《送曾德迈归宁宜春》 云横秦岭家何在?雪拥蓝关马不前. ——唐·韩愈《左迁蓝关示侄孙湘》。 5.表示感谢的诗句有哪些 此身合是诗人未?细雨骑驴入剑门。 —— 陆游《剑门道中遇微雨》 平生多感激,忠义非外奖。 —— 李白《酬裴侍御对雨感时见赠》 儿行千里路,亲心千里逐。 —— 徐熙《劝孝歌》 一生傲岸苦不谐,恩疏媒劳志多乖。 —— 李白《答王十二寒夜独酌有怀》 犹有报恩方寸在,不知通塞竟何如。 —— 皮日休《宏词下第感恩献兵部侍郎》 泪盈襟,礼月求天,愿君知我心。 —— 牛峤《感恩多》 孔子著孝经,孝乃德之属。 —— 徐熙《劝孝歌》 剧辛乐毅感恩分,输肝剖胆效英才。 —— 李白《行路难三首》 未知天地恩何报,翻对江山思莫开。 —— 李建勋《离阙下日感恩》 华清恩幸古无伦,犹恐蛾眉不胜人。 —— 李商隐《华清宫(天宝六载,改骊山。》 岂不惮艰险,深怀国士恩。 —— 魏徵《述怀(出关)》 镇时贤相回人镜,报德慈亲点佛灯。 —— 李洞《感恩书事寄上集义司徒相公》 6.关于感恩的诗句 关于感恩以下诗句可供参考。 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 ——孟郊《游子吟》 平生多感激,忠义非外奖。 —— 李白《酬裴侍御对雨感时见赠》 儿行千里路,亲心千里逐。 —— 徐熙《劝孝歌》 一生傲岸苦不谐,恩疏媒劳志多乖。 —— 李白《答王十二寒夜独酌有怀》 犹有报恩方寸在,不知通塞竟何如。 —— 皮日休《宏词下第感恩献兵部侍郎》 泪盈襟,礼月求天,愿君知我心。 —— 牛峤《感恩多》 孔子著孝经,孝乃德之属。 —— 徐熙《劝孝歌》 剧辛乐毅感恩分,输肝剖胆效英才。 —— 李白《行路难三首》 未知天地恩何报,翻对江山思莫开。 —— 李建勋《离阙下日感恩》 华清恩幸古无伦,犹恐蛾眉不胜人。 —— 李商隐《华清宫(天宝六载,改骊山。》 岂不惮艰险,深怀国士恩。 —— 魏徵《述怀(出关)》 镇时贤相回人镜,报德慈亲点佛灯。 —— 李洞《感恩书事寄上集义司徒相公》 圣主恩深何力报,时从天末望修门。 —— 陆游 自惭菲薄才,误蒙国士恩。 —— 王昌龄《咏史》 须知今古事,棋枰胜负,翻覆如斯。 —— 纳兰性德《满庭芳·堠雪翻鸦》 剧辛、乐毅感恩分,输肝剖胆效英才。 —— 李白《行路难·其二》 父母皆艰辛,尤以母为笃。 —— 徐熙《劝孝歌》 孝顺理当然,不孝不如禽。 —— 徐熙《劝孝歌》 谗惑英主心,恩疏佞臣计。 —— 李白《答高山人兼呈权、顾二侯》 翠茎红蕊天力与,此恩不属黄钟家。 —— 韩愈《芍药歌》 他日见张禄,绨袍怀旧恩。 —— 李白《送鲁郡刘长史迁弘农长史》 7.描写感谢的诗句 垂钓渭水 天涯何处觅佳音,世路茫茫本无心。 无情未必真豪杰,知交何须同生根?垂泪一别人千里,日后寒暖各自珍。慷慨自古英雄色,甘洒热血写青春。 5.春山行旅图 惨淡岁月入梦遥,浪迹四海悲寂聊。风流正随鲲鹏去,我自面壁空长啸。 万里江山皆风火,十年胸中尽怒潮。拼将一腔义士血,直向云天逞英豪。 6.瑶台曲 青山未老头先白,寒催游子上瑶台。路隘沟深松悠悠,碎珠溅玉梦里来。 凌空缥缈一飞影,山寺高僧俱惊骇, 急奏晨钟壮行色,高诵佛号助英才。7.苏武牧羊 塞外极目望故乡,未见长城万里长。 空盼飞鸿传书至,悲向苍天呼斜阳。古筝哀奏清秋节,铁人无泪亦凄惶。 但使此身能报国,天涯何处不苏杭?8.暗 香 不恋世间佳丽地,独上寒山称骄子。狂飙过尽绝胜处,凌寒飘香九千里。 霞光照彻万仞山,节烈垂尽千秋史。生来爱斗三冬雪,报春报得万民喜。 9.疏 影 世间何处寻奇葩?一剪寒梅凌天涯。仙客对此欲归俗,农夫叹绝忘桑麻。 流芳千载任风雪,独呈丹心报中华。谁道三冬无春色,冰山高处万里霞。 10.战神白起 花后无语荒草肥,焉知天外无惊雷?囊括涯内群魔乱,难忍鼠辈称强贼。冲天一怒寒星落,十万义士遥相随。 长驱直入九万里,枪林弹雨夺金魁。11.太 公 赋 奥究天庭运玄武,凶神恶煞空顿足。 神威浩荡百万年,天马行空做羁族。术奇才高惊圣帝,大义绝天恸神禹。 茫茫伟烈终何限?日月星辰照天枢。12.天 山 行 (纪念林则徐) 心洁自爱天山雪,羞与群贼论功过。 只闻豪杰弃官走,不见东海大潮落。忍看壮士负离恨,莫问青天悬日月。 巨人眼里乾坤小,英雄心中天地阔。13.乌台诗案 纵有神龙起沧海,难赋豪情祭乌台。 恶奴群起吠尧舜,万民齐声叹良才。誓将寸管化长剑,杀尽世间狼与豺。 他年若有凯旋日,是我卷土又重来。14.回 澜 阁 抑郁十年栋梁倾,怒涛顿从胆边生。 一腔豪气贯日月,疑是长虹化雄鹰。大展经纶补天手,激扬神鞭驱雷公。 高谈霸业伟烈在,苍天为我起东风。15.汩 罗 江 初闻新作已忘归,字字落地皆生辉。 汩罗江边咏天语,思潮如涌笔如飞。一声长叹一声雷,天公不怒而自威。 忽闻豪杰为贼屈,天下英雄不胜悲。16.庐山高图 同室相残何太急?肆出狂言困雄狮。 雄狮泪别庐山时,庐山伤心把头低。欲捣地府无臣杵,将上九霄揽天梯。 回首莫问风吹雨,功过自有日月知。17.李白出行图 高歌向天天相应,纵声唤地地有灵。 曾经刀山驱猛虎,几度火海战飞龙。诗成万卷尽雄风,铁流笔下恣奔腾。 何当重归长安路?再为盛世除奸雄。18.佟 麟 阁 苍天问我何所求?星河惨淡大江流。 不求玉帝多封赏,但求直取强贼头。半生热血洒疆场,一路高歌唱自由。 盖世何足九万里,天纵奇才报国仇。19.猎 鹿 图 飞步凌云八千里,多少年来无劲敌?讲诗论经雅意高,寻幽探微破天疑。 多少干戈化玉帛?多少腐朽化神奇?嘉峪关上存故迹,犹记当年猎鹿时。20.左 权 去年与君赋新词,正是北雁南飞时。 漫天捷报作雪飞,遍唱三军夺帅旗。马上雄风振九关,席间说笑破顽敌。 今日英魂赴九霄,何人助我雪国耻?21.大 珠 山 珠山三月不是春,愁绪万千萦苦身。新晨盼得灵鹊至,空来不为传玉音。 日暮苍鹰归幽谷,夜半神龟泣海滨。垂泪岂非亲骨肉,滴血何止慈母心?22.寻 隐 珠 悲风送君君何去?飞鸿频传断肠句。 孤身青云何太急?灵台不见天公怒。未曾为君歌一曲,万里严霜凝寒玉。 再往珠山寻隐珠,泪水尽洒灵海路。23.枯木竹石图 风吹落叶舞晴空,我奏狂歌唤英雄。 歌罢举杯问苍天,苍天亦笑我精诚。杯中自有天上月,腹内更牵万种情。 一生大醉能几回,何不豪饮到天明?24.超然台赋 万盏美酒浸衷肠,乘醉聊发少年狂。风流多被风吹散,我独一人欺霸王。 踏碎九霄凌罗殿,何须弯弓射天狼?今日把酒邀明月,一片诗情在汪洋。25.君车出行图 飞鸿飞落红尘中,浮云伴我来纵横。 名利场中无功德,坎坷路上尽奸佞。为福万民始操戈,莫以成败论英雄。 待到神兵从天降,风卷残云破敌营。26.赠 石 重 十年常怀百年忧,独自踏歌天边走。 天公今霄忧似我,寒星万点漫北斗。 8.赞美玫瑰花诗句有哪些 1、接叶连枝千万绿,一花两色浅深红。 出处:《红玫瑰》宋代:杨万里原文:非关月季姓名同,不与蔷薇谱谍通。接叶连枝千万绿,一花两色浅深红。 译文:和月季的名字不一样,和蔷薇的外形不同。接连的枝叶一片绿色,一朵花深浅两种颜色。 2、邻家走儿女,错认是蔷薇。出处:《玫瑰》明代:陈淳原文:色与香同赋,江乡种亦稀。 邻家走儿女,错认是蔷薇。译文:玫瑰花同具香气和外形,江乡之地的栽种很少。 领居家的女儿回娘家,错认为这是蔷薇。3、低花树映小妆楼,春入眉心两点愁。 出处:唐代-白居易《春词》原文:低花树映小妆楼,春入眉心两点愁。斜倚栏杆背鹦鹉,思量何事不回头?译文:低低的花和绿树掩映下的小楼,将点点愁带入了少女的眉心。 斜靠着栏杆背向鹦鹉,思忖着为什么不再回过头来?4、春看玫瑰树,西邻即宋家。出处:唐·李叔卿《芳树》原文:春看玫瑰树,西邻即宋家。 门深重暗叶,墙近度飞花。影拂桃阴浅,香传李径斜。 靓妆愁日暮,流涕向窗纱。译文:春天来了,我看着玫瑰树,西边的邻居就是宋家啊。 门院深远比绿叶还暗,墙在眼前花可以飞过去啊。我在桃李树边走过,香气留在了弯曲的小径上。 漂亮的妆饰却忧愁又到傍晚,只好看着窗外流泪。5、让睁眼看着玫瑰花的人也看看它的刺。 ——泰戈尔《飞鸟集》。 9.表示感激的诗句 感谢那些关心我的朋友们,是你们让我知道我们彼此从未分开过,也是你们让我知道友谊是什么。对于你们的关心我不胜感激! 人在困难的时候,一点点帮助都弥足珍贵;人在顺利的时候,一点点喜悦都让人陶醉;人在寂寞的时候,一小条都可以读到整夜不睡!谢谢你! 上天给予我善感的心一定是有他的意图,除了让我体会更多喜怒哀乐以外,必然有些事情是等着我去认真做的。 在忙碌交织的岁月里我会永远珍惜这份友情,轻轻地道一声,却道不尽心中的万语千言,只愿的帖子,捎去我衷心地祝福,我的空间因你而美丽,感谢一路上有你! 10.关于“感恩捐款”的诗句有哪些 例如:感天动地此情深,恩重如山显竭诚。捐出人间真挚爱,款中寄托永铭心。 相关表达感恩的诗句: 一往情深深几许?深山夕照深秋雨。——纳兰性德《蝶恋花·出塞》 新竹高于旧竹枝,全凭老干为扶持。——郑燮《新竹》 感君缠绵意,系在红罗襦。——张籍《节妇吟·寄东平李司空师道》 惟将终夜常开眼,报答平生未展眉。——元稹《遣悲怀三首·其三》 但将千岁叶,常奉万年杯。——赵彦昭《奉和元日赐群臣柏叶应制》 一生傲岸苦不谐,恩疏媒劳志多乖。——李白《答王十二寒夜独酌有怀》 孤之有孔明,犹鱼之有水也。——陈寿《隆中对》 横戈从百战,直为衔恩甚。——李白《塞下曲六首》 报答春光知有处,应须美酒送生涯。——杜甫《江畔独步寻花七绝句》 意内称长短,终身荷圣情。——杜甫《端午日赐衣》 剧辛乐毅感恩分,输肝剖胆效英才。——李白《行路难三首》 尚怜终南山,回首清渭滨。——杜甫《奉赠韦左丞丈二十二韵》 平生多感激,忠义非外奖。——李白《酬裴侍御对雨感时见赠》 民感桑林雨,云施李靖龙。——赵汝愚《雨后送李将军还祠偕同寅饮一杯亭》
此后故乡只2023-08-06 10:24:371


可桃可挑2023-08-05 17:38:357


什么是反导数 求积分吗?
北营2023-08-05 17:38:204

全新版大学英语综合教程所有的单词表可以发给我吗? 我急需!!发到550130894@qq.com 万分感谢!!!!!

Chen2023-08-05 17:28:063


There are four famous Chinese masterpieces, which are "Three Kingdoms" , "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Journey to the West" and "Dream of Red Mansions". They are Chinese classical literature as well as the pinnacle of Chinese classical novels. "Three Kingdoms" is China"s first full-length historical novel, describing the historical events the Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms era. "Outlaws of the Marsh" tells the story of the uprising peasant during the Northern Song Dynasty. "Journey to the West" is a novel with mythical theme. It tells the story of four Buddhist monk encountering hardships in order to get sutra. "Dream of Red Mansions" is a fascinating portrait of life in the 18th century Modern Chinese feudal society about the rise and fall of a family. Among four masterpieces, "Dream of Red Mansions" is considered the encyclopedia of Chinese traditional culture, representing another pinnacle of classical Chinese novels. They all have been screened on the stage or movies . Meanwhile, they have also been translated into many languages, turning into an important channel for Westerners to understand Chinese culture.希望对你有帮助 (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
苏州马小云2023-08-05 17:25:341


bikbok2023-08-05 17:15:463


Is it good for students to do some houseworkSome people think studengts need not do any housework.They think the only thing students need do is to study well. I don"t think so. It is good for students to do some housework for three reason.Firstly,to do some housework can make you independent.You can"t depend on others all your life.So,you should learn to do some housework now.Secondly, to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise.Finally, to do some housework can share your parents" work .They must be happy if you say” Have a rest ,and I will do the housework”So I think it is good for students to do some housework
北营2023-08-05 17:12:281


北境漫步2023-08-05 17:10:283


  随着个人的文明素养不断提升,我们都可能会用到感谢信,可以通过寄送一封感谢信来表达谢意。写感谢信可马虎不得哦,下面是我为大家收集的英文感谢信8篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英文感谢信 篇1 * * * * * * * Manager:   Hello!   Let us first to you and your company to thank you, thank you for your busy schedule can take for us to carry out a good forum.   The day before, as a senior US face abroad, PubMed, etc., most of the students feel confused and at a loss for their own future. As a result, under the guidance of the head teacher, we were lucky to visit your company and have witnessed the work environment of your office.   We also remember that in the conference room full of all the products of your company, the manager made and demonstrated the slides of your company"s basic profile. We have benefited greatly from this work. We have not only realized the working concept of "passion for work and happy life", but also understood the main issues of foreign trade.   At the same time, we also want to thank your A for giving us detailed introduction to our foreign trade clerk"s work, so that we can deeply appreciate the ability and quality to be a foreign trade salesperson. We would like to thank your company"s B for imparting valuable learning Maxim and work experience, so that we have learned a lot of knowledge that we can"t get from the textbook.   In addition, we also appreciate your hospitality is also close first, Shixiongshijie earnest guidance still can be heard without end. In the end, let us express our sincere thanks to you and your company again.   Hope your company"s future development is more prosperous!    英文感谢信 篇2   Your Name   Your Addre Name Your City, State, Zip Code   Your Phone Number Organization Your Email Addre Date (右上角) City, State, Zip Code   Dear First Name, (or Mr./Ms.Last Name if you don"t know them well)   Thank you for all the help you have given me with my job search.I especially   appreciate the information and advice you have provided, and the contacts you have shared with me.   Your aistance has been invaluable to me during this proce.Again, thank you so much.I greatly appreciate your generosity.Best Regards,   Yours sincerely, (signature) 英文感谢信 篇3   I am very happy to hear from you. I really appreciate you arrangement and the time you took for my interview.   It was very enjoyable to speak with you and other engineers last Friday. The job position seems to be an excellent match for my professional skills and interests. It is my belief that my professional skills and background would prove to be a valuable asset to your company. I am looking for a career that will utilize my extensive knowledge and current skills, while allowing me to grow and learn more working with an industry leader. After getting more infomation about XXX company and this job position, I believe this would be a successful match for both of us.   I am very interested in working for you and looking forward to hearing from you regarding the next step in the recruiting process. 英文感谢信 篇4   It"s very important to follow up after a job interview, because even if you think the interview went badly, keeping in touch may improve the interviewer"s perception of you。 It reflects persistence, and it"s also polite to thank the hiring manager after the interview。 Remember to also send the note within two days of the interview; although, if you"ve passed the two-day mark, a late response is better than no response。   在面试后跟进非常重要,因为即使你觉得自己表现不佳,与面试寻范文 上 gongwen.1xxn.com官保持联络会提升面试官对你的印象。跟进体现了你的坚持,而且面试后谢谢招聘官也很有礼貌。要记得在面试后两天内写邮件,如果超过了两天的期限,晚写总比不写好。   Here is a sample of the kind of email you should send:   下面是这类email的一个样例:   Dear Interviewer,   面试官您好:   It was great meeting you today, and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me。 I"m excited to be considered for the (name the position) as well as all of the opportunities the company presents。 I had a good time discussing my [en]passion   of ( what you"re passionate about) and really enjoyed learning more about ( what new tidbit you learned about the company)。[/en]   今天能见到您很高兴,而且我非常感谢您能抽空面试我。对于能得到公司这次机会面试XX职位我非常高兴。在这次面试中,我得以展现对XX的热爱(填上你感兴趣的事物)而且了解了很多公司的XXXX(写上对公司有了什么了解)。   Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to following up with you。   谢谢您的关照,我很期待能继续与您联系。   Best regards   致上最好的问候   Interviewee 英文感谢信 篇5   华南师范大学17级普宁城东中学教育实习队 宁城东中学的领导、老师:   好!   一转眼,八个星期的教育实习即将结束,华南师范大学03级混合编队教育实习生余立、吴佳丽、赵玉华也亦将返校上课。藉此实习结束之际,我们级的普宁城东中学的校领导、老师表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意!   期间,在贵校领导的精心安排下,我们实习队队员分别担 任了高一、高二级的实习教师和实习班主任。“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事须躬行”,实习之初, 实习工作感到不安,但在我们的班主任指导老师和科任指导老师认真负责的指导下,我们对实习信心十足,同时,我们从老师们身上学习到许多丰富的教 的班级也积极配合我   们的实习工作,表现了良好的.精神面貌。这一切使我们的实习工作开展得很顺利。 的实习生活过得很充实也很精彩,我们不仅在教学上取得了很大的进步,也懂得了做人要去面对困难,解决困难;我们不仅完成了预定的教学任务,而且 到了充分的锻炼,切实体验了当老师的酸甜苦辣。在贵校学习到的这些经验将是我们今后任教的一大财富!   实习结束之际,我们再一次感谢城东中学所有领导和老师们为我们在学习、工作、生活中所提供的一切帮助和指导!   最后祝全校领导、老师们身体健康、家 学们学习更上一层楼!   我们衷心祝愿普宁城东中学的教育事业百尺竿头,更进一步! xxx xx年xx月xx日 英文感谢信 篇6 Hello, my parents!   Today I am writing to thank you for everything you have done for me in the past. First I want to thank you for taking the trouble to bring me up.   I know it is really difficult. Second I want to thank you for giving me so much encouragement especially when I am in trouble or depressed.You both giave me anything not only in spirit but also in physics.   You both spent not only much time but also much money on me .So you are great and generou.I am proud of you. I would like to be your child and I will try my best to live up to your expectations and to be a child that you would like me to be . I love you!   thank you!   给父母的英文感谢信【3】 Dear Mom and Dad,   Although we can keep in virtual touch every day by means of MSN or e-mails, I still feel it not enough to let you know how much I love you and how much Ive appreciated the things youve done for me. I find that it will never be too much to say Thank You to you, my beloved parents.   First, I want to thank you for making all your efforts to bring me up. I was told that you were short of money when I was born and it became even more difficult for a young couple to raise a child without any help from elder generation. So I appreciate your careful nursing very much for giving me a good health and the feeling of being loved.   Second, I want to thank you for your good education on me. There is an old saying goes like this Parents are the first teacher to their children. Yes, you are the typical ones. You were so strict with me that I told my kindergarten teacher of my wonder about whether I was the child of yours, not the one picked up from street. Touching on this soft spot deeply in my heart, vivid memories came flooding back. I wont forget the scene of my first and also the last lie found out by you. I couldnt stop trembling all over. I was ashamed to cry when you beat me. I thought I deserved this punishment and told myself to keep away from telling lies from then on.   I wont forget how much youve impressed on me to love books and reading. Even in the most difficult time, you still spared me some money for the books I was fond of. My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing articles myself. So many times, I have felt a sense of content when I saw your smiling faces on reading my articles, good or bad. In fact, this graduated into one of my habits of sharing everything I achieved with you and feeling content with your smiles Im so foolish to try to write all the things youve done in my favor. If it is possible, this letter must be endless.   So, the most important thing that I want to say Thank you for is your great admiration on my own freedom. You never forced me to do anything I was not interested in, even you had already known that I would regret not doing it. You never forbade me to do anything I was truly interested in and supported me financially and mentally. You told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation. You also told me to consider everything carefully before getting start. Oh, wherever I go, I can see your eager eyes ; whenever I am, I can touch your genuine hearts. Youve been loving me heart and soul, how can I repay your marvelous love to me?   I really feel that my pen fails me when I am writing this thank you letter. Luckily, May holiday is coming. It will give me the most excellent opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you----coming home and share more time together with you. Yours   Wang Minyuan 英文感谢信 篇7   Dea ms。 gasso:   thank you fo inteviewing me at cedit technologies。 i was impessed with the pany and the type of banking sevices the copoation povides。   you ments gave me a good undestanding of the business and you expectations fo the attoney you ae seeking。 i am confident that my backgound and expeience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and egulations in detail could be useful to cedit technologies。   if you wee to offe me this position, i believe that i could povide sevices that would meet the high standads of you copoation。   i look fowad to talking again with you soon。   vey tuly yous,   ichad t。 hamilton 英文感谢信 篇8 dear parents,   now i know clearly that you both are expecting me anxiously. i can say nothing but thanks to you both on this special occasion, because words have failed me when i want to express my thanks to you both for the loving care you have shown for me, especially since i went to senior three. these days i have be   en studying hard and have made some progress. and everything has got along well with my college entrance examination. i have performed my ability in this exam. i hope you both can set your mind at rest.   after this exam, i intend to help you do some housework which i have seldom done before. and i also mean to learn to cook in order to prepare a dinner for you both in person.   my dear parents, everything is going on well with me and do have a rest!   Dear Dad:   Today is father"s day, for so many years I"ve been seekig a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!   Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the right path. I"m blessed to have you.   Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.   Thank you for always appreciating my work, no matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that it"s capacity not scores that really counts.   Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!   Yours beloved,
水元素sl2023-08-04 11:26:121

如果vary是谓语动词的话,那from people to people是什么成分?感谢您的帮助

meira2023-08-04 11:20:331

如果vary是谓语动词的话,那from people to people是什么成分?感谢您的帮助

from people to people 是 vary 的状语,意思是 “在人与人之间内各不相同”。这句话中的 visiting places 是 tourists 的后置定语,相当于 the tourists who visit places,所以意思是 “这些观光的游览者各不相同”按你的翻译,原句应该改为 The places (which) tourists visit vary from one to one (旅游者游览的这些地方各不相同)。〔另如〕 ~Prices vary from one shop to another. 各家商店价格不同。 ~The importance of being an Olympian will vary from athlete to athlete. 参加奥运会对每个运动员而言意义不同。 ~Temperaments vary from person to person. 人与人脾性各有不同。
bikbok2023-08-04 11:20:251

关于副词的 用适当形式填空 帮忙啊 也请帮忙讲解一下 速来 感谢感谢

LuckySXyd2023-08-04 11:15:178

关于副词的 用适当形式填空 帮忙啊 也请帮忙讲解一下 速来 感谢感谢

小白2023-08-04 11:15:162


异能 啊
北营2023-08-04 11:14:416


拌三丝2023-08-04 11:10:103


tt白2023-08-04 11:07:381


Thank you very much!
北有云溪2023-08-04 11:05:264


LuckySXyd2023-08-04 11:05:243

非常感谢英语是thank you very much 还是very much thank you ?

Thank u very much ~英文习惯把副词放在最后拉~
苏州马小云2023-08-04 11:05:226

非常感谢 用英语怎么说??

拌三丝2023-08-04 11:05:198


thank you very much
小菜G的建站之路2023-08-04 11:05:183


有以下几种表达方式:1.Thanksalot.例句:Thanks a lot for the trouble you"ve taken to help us!让您费神了,非常感谢!2.Thankyouverymuch.例句:Thank you very much forinvitingmehere.非常感谢你邀请我来这。3.Thankyouallsomuch.例句:God bless and thank you all so much. 愿上帝保佑你们,非常感谢。扩展资料:appreciate(notusuallyusedintheprogressivetenses通常不用于进行时)也可用来表示感激,感谢,欢迎。用法:tobegratefulforsththatsbhasdone;towelcomesth
bikbok2023-08-04 11:05:171


much appreciated
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-08-04 11:05:118


陶小凡2023-08-04 11:04:569

感谢细心地讲解,那in the time、at the time、on the time、on time分别什么意思,该怎么用呢?

tt白2023-08-04 11:03:493


点击“创新与心理成长”,学习更多心理知识学习中国传统文化,看看这些知识还有印象吗?墨子的主要思想是“兼爱”,他所反对的“爱有差等”这一观点是哪家学派的?从事贸易活动的人叫做“商人”,这跟历史上的商代有关吗?李清照词中的“绿肥红瘦”描写的是什么季节的景色?张衡发明的地动仪上有几条龙?古琴最初只有五根弦,代表着金、木、水、火、土。后来又增加了两根弦,这两根弦代表?11-251.现在我们常用“阳春白雪”和“下里巴人”指代高雅和通俗的文艺作品,请问这两个成语最初指的是什么?A、文章 B、画作 C、乐曲2. 下面哪个字常用作表示顺序的第五位?A、戊 B、戍 C、戌3. 古人的婚礼在什么时间举行?A、早上 B、中午 C、傍晚4、“大禹治水”的故事家喻户晓,大禹治理的是哪个流域的洪水?A、长江流域 B、黄河流域5、古代宫殿大门前成对的石狮一般都是?A、左雄右雌 B、 左雌右雄6、“结发”在古时是指结婚的时候_____?A、 丈夫把头发束起来B、妻子把头发束起来C、把夫妻头发束在一起7、我国传统表示次序的“天干”共有几个字?A、十个 B、十二个8、被誉为“万国之园”的是哪个园林?A、颐和园 B、 圆明园9、“水”字属于下列哪种汉字构成方式?A、象形字 B 、表意字10、“月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后”描写的是哪个传统节日?A、中秋节 B、元宵节C、端午节 D、七夕节11、道家思想在我国影响深远,请问历史中的哪一时期最接近道家所主张的无为而治?A 、文景之治 B、光武中兴C、贞观之治 D、开元盛世12、下列哪个不是北京的别称?A 、大都 B 、中都C 、上都 D、 燕都13、我们熟悉的《百家姓》是按照什么方式排列的?A 、人口数量 B 、政治地位14、“一门父子三词客,千古文章八大家”这幅对联中提到的“三父子”是下列哪组人物?A 、曹操、曹丕、曹植B 、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙C 、班彪、班固、班超15、拍电影时常用的“杀青”来表示拍摄完成,“杀青”原指什么?A 、制作竹筒的一道工序B 、加工新茶的一种方法16、墨子的主要思想是“兼爱”,他所反对的“爱有差等”这一观点是哪家学派的?A 、儒家 B 、法家C 、道家 D 、名家17、“美”字最初的含义是什么?A 、羊大即为美B 、戴着头饰站立的人C 、土地里生长的花朵D 、远方茂盛的森林18、孔子为自己的教学定睛“孔门四教”,具体指什么?A 、修身、齐家、治国、平天下B 、文、行、忠、信19、俗语说“化干戈为玉帛”,干戈都是兵器,其中哪个指的是防御武器?A 、干 B 、戈20、《霸王别姬》是京剧中的名段,“虞姬”这一角色在京剧中属于什么?A 、花旦 B 、青衣21、《尚书》中的“尚”是什么意思?A 、上古 B 、崇尚 C 、 官名22、在我国风俗中,常常避讳73和84这两个岁数,因为这是两位历史人物去世的年龄,他们是?A 、孔子和孟子 B 、老子和庄子C 、汉高祖和汉武帝 D 、周武王和周文王23、“一问三不知”出自《左传》,说的是哪“三不知”?A 、天文、地理、文学B 、事情的开始、经过、结果C 、孔子、孟子、老子D 、自己的姓名、籍贯、生辰八字24、篆刻分为阴文印和阳文印,北京奥运会徽“中国印”是哪种?A 、 阴文印 B 、阳文印25、向别人介绍自己的弟弟妹妹应该用下面哪种称谓?A 、家弟家妹 B 、舍弟舍妹 C 、息弟息妹226-5026、古代战争中指挥军队撤退时要敲击哪种乐器?A 、鼓 B、锣27、古人用“父母教,须敬听;父母责,须顺承”来劝谕人们要尊敬父母,这句话出自哪里?A 、《弟子规》 B 、《三字经》28、下列哪项不是端午节的习俗?A 、 挂香包 B 、插艾蒿C 、登高采菊 D 、喝雄黄酒29、“弱冠”指的是男子多少岁?A 、十五岁 B 、二十岁30、河姆渡遗址位于哪个流域?A 、黄河流域 B 、长江流域31、算盘是中国传统计算工具,利用算盘能进行开平方的运算吗?A 、能 B 、不能32、唱念做打是中国戏曲表演的四种艺术手段,也是戏曲表演的四项基本功,其中“做”指的是?A 、面部表情 B 、舞蹈动作 C 、器械表演33、李清照词中的“绿肥红瘦”描写的是什么季节的景色?A 、晚春 B 、仲夏34、“烽火连三月,家书抵万金”古代书信通过邮驿传递。唐代管理这类工作的中央管理机构是?A 、尚书省 B 、中书省 C 、门下省35、陕西省一块著名的“无字碑”,它与哪位皇帝有关?A 、秦始皇 B 、武则天36、孟子说:“不以规矩,不成方圆”,这里“规矩”的意思是?A 、法律条文 B 、美德善行C 、圆规曲尺37、《红楼梦》是我国古代著名的长篇小说之一,它的别名是?A 、《金陵记》 B 、《石头记》38、成语“一衣带水”中的“水”原指什么?A 、黄河 B 、长江 C 、淮河39、下面哪位名医被誉为中国历史上的“药王“?A 、扁鹊 B 、华佗C 、孙思邈 D 、李时珍40、张衡发明的地动仪上有几条龙?A 、八条 B 、二十二条41、都江堰和秦始皇陵哪个的修建年代更早?A 、都江堰 B 、秦始皇陵42、在古代人们对对方的妻子的尊称是什么?A 、令爱 B 、令正43、从事贸易活动的人叫做“商人”,这跟历史上的商代有关吗?A 、有关 B 、无关44、木版年画发源于四大名镇中的哪个名镇?A 、汉口镇 B 、景德镇C 、朱仙镇 D 、佛山镇45、按照戏曲界的行话,以下哪个表示最后一出?A 、压轴戏 B 、大轴戏46、琵琶本名“批把”,“批把”一词来源于什么?A 、制造琵琶的材料B 、演奏琵琶的方式47、切脉是中医独创的诊法,中医把脉时摸的是?A 、静脉 B 、动脉48、我国古代的很多事物都有自己的雅称,请问我们常说的“润笔”指的是什么?A、文章书画稿费B 、替人研磨墨汁C 、为人作序49、“杏林”在指代什么?A 、教育界 B 、医学界50、《二十四史》是我国古代二十四史的总称,其中哪一部是完全意义上的通史?A 、《汉书》 B 、《史记》C 、《三国志》 D 、《左传》351-7551、根据中国传统建筑的特点,面对大院的门口,你的左手边是什么方向?A 、 东 B 、西 C 、南 D 、北52、孔子弟子中擅长做生意的是谁?A 、子路 B 、子张C 、子贡 D 、颜回53、中国古代最大的一部百科全书是?A 、《永乐大典》 B 、《四库全书》54、“红娘”今指代为爱情牵线搭桥的人,请问她最早出现在哪部文学作品中?A 、 元稹的《莺莺传》B 、王实甫的《西厢记》55、我们常用“社稷”来指代国家,其中“社”字代表的是什么?A 、 土地之神 B 、五谷之神56、我国古代的文人雅士都喜欢研墨挥毫,请问下面哪种是正确的研磨方法?A 、 先快后慢 B 、先慢后快57、度量衡是我国古代使用的计量单位,其中“衡”是指的哪个方面的标准?A 、 长度 B 、面积 C 、体积 D 、重量58、在古代,人们将乐器分为“丝”、“竹”,分别指弹弦乐器和吹奏乐器,其中哪个是指吹奏乐器?A 、丝 B 、竹59、中国人常说“五福临门”,下面哪一项是属于“五福”的?A 、品德高尚 B 、子孙成群60、为了孩子的学习环境而三迁居的是哪个历史故事?A 、 孟母教子 B 、举案齐眉 C 、 岳母刺字61、陛下是古时对君王的尊称,其中“陛”代指什么?A 、宫殿的台阶 B、天的别称 C、玉玺62、下面哪个剧种被称为“中国百戏之师”?A 、京剧 B 、黄梅戏 C 、昆曲 D 、越剧63、我国现在存最早的兵书为?A 、《孙子兵法》 B 、《孙膑兵法》64、下面哪句诗的作者离开家的时间更长?A 、人归落雁后,思发在花前B 、儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来65、我国古代对于年龄有很多独特的称呼,其中满一百岁被称为什么?A 、期颐 B 、耄耋66、舞狮是我国优秀的民间艺术,有南狮和北狮之分,其中狮头以刘备、关羽、张飞等三国人物的戏曲脸谱来打造的是?A 、南狮 B 、北狮67、文人对各种植物有自己的偏爱,陶渊明喜爱菊花,北宋文豪苏东坡则说过:宁可食无肉,不可___________?A 、 居无松 B 、居无竹C 、居无梅 D 、居无菊68、下列哪一项与李白的诗歌、张旭的草书并称唐朝文宗御封的“三绝”?A 、裴晏的剑舞B 、公孙大娘的舞蹈C 、吴道子的画69、天干地支纪年始于汉代,请问这种纪年是以哪一天为起点的?A 、除夕 B 、正月初一C、立春 D 、春分70、《齐民要术》是关于什么的书?A 、君主如何统治国家的著作B 、农业生产和农事活动的著作71、孔子为什么“三月不知肉滋味”?A 、读到一本好书B 、听到一段好乐曲72、《康熙字典》成书于哪个朝代?A 、秦朝 B 、清朝73、风筝最初是用来做什么的?A 、通报消息 B 、娱乐健身74、“鼎”的最初用途是什么?A 、祭祀用礼器B 、地位象征物C 、烹煮器具75、如果你想到图书馆借阅寓言性质的书,在下列书籍中应优先选择哪一本?A 、《史记》 B 、《论语》 C 、《庄子》476-10076、“三更半夜”中的“三更”指的是几点?A 、21点至23点B 、23点至凌晨1点C 、凌晨1点至3点77、明朝永乐年间,从西洋归来的郑和船队带回了一只西方异域兽“麒麟”,就是现在我们所知的?A 、狮子 B 、金钱豹 C 、河马 D 、长颈鹿78、下列古代名曲哪一首是琵琶曲?A 、十面埋伏 B 、高山流水79、“老吾老以及人之老”是中华民族的传统美德,这句话是谁最早提出的?A 、孔子 B 、孟子80、成语“咫尺天涯”中“咫”、“尺”都是古代计量单位,其中“咫”和“尺”哪个更长?A 、咫 B 、尺81、草书、行书、楷书、隶书四种字体当中哪一种是其余三种的起源?A 、草书 B 、行书C 、楷书 D 、隶书82、吃年糕的习俗与下列哪位历史人物有关?A 、 伍子胥 B 、范蠡 C 、 屈原83、甲骨文最早是在哪种物品上发现的?A 、青铜器 B 、药材C 、墓碑 D 、竹筒84、以下哪个字不含“黑色”的意思?A 、玄 B 、皂C 、青 D 、苍85、《三国演义》中有关羽“单刀赴会”的故事,历史上也确有“单刀赴会”一事,赴会的是?A 、赵云 B 、张飞C 、周瑜 D 、鲁肃86、以下几位历史人物谁在家排行老大?A 、孔子 B 、诸葛亮C 、班固 D 、程顾87、“双簧”是我们一门独特的曲艺艺术,它得名于?A 、初演的两个人都姓黄B 、表演者使用的乐器叫做簧C 、表演者巧舌如簧88、在白族姑娘的头饰上,蕴含着一个完美熟悉的词语,它指什么?A 、阴晴圆缺 B 、风花雪月C 、梅兰竹菊 D 、春夏秋冬89、我国很早就有了穿木屐的相关史书记载,下面的鞋就是东晋时谢灵运发生的“谢公屐”,它当时的用途是什么?A 、舞鞋 B 、上朝穿的朝鞋 C 、登山鞋90、《论语》中认为“为仁之本”的是?A 、忠义 B 、孝悌91、“七月流火,九月授衣”,其中“七月流火”指的是?A 、天气炎热似火B 、天气渐渐转凉C 、流星异常出现92、“实事求是”一词出自哪部典籍?A 、《左传》 B 、《战国策》C 、《史记》 D 、《汉书》93、秦始皇统一中国后,将全国文字统一成了下面哪一种?A 、楷书 B 、小篆C 、鸟虫文 D 、行书94、宣纸得名于什么?A 、用途 B 、材质C 、产地 D 、使用人群95、下面哪个是农历五月的别称?A 、杏月 B 、桃月C 、榴月 D 、荷月96、古代有很多姓氏都来源于官职,司马的职能是什么?A 、农耕 B 、军政C 、养马 D 、水利97、旗袍是具有中国特色的女性服饰。下列哪一项描述是正确的?A 、左襟压右襟 B 、右襟压左襟98、下列植物中,不应当出现在《岁寒三友图》中的是?A 、菊 B 、梅 C 、竹99、古琴最初只有五根弦,代表着金、木、水、火、土。后来又增加了两根弦,这两根弦代表?A 、天、地 B 、南、北C 、阴、阳 D 、文、武100、“楚河”和“汉界”在今天的哪个省?A 、湖北 B 、河南C 、河北 D 、湖南5答案仝兆景,国家二级心理咨询师,博士、博士后,副教授,硕士生导师,长期从事心理健康教育、心理障碍治疗、辅导咨询、团体培训。用心进步,快乐成长关注:创新与心理成长
Jm-R2023-08-04 11:03:401

英语选择题,求英文高手 详细解析~!词组的分辨需要详细解释。十分感谢!

九万里风9 2023-08-04 11:01:563


u投在线2023-08-03 10:51:493

谁有一些比较好的作文 尽管发给我 感谢之致

豆豆staR2023-08-03 10:47:491


渡渡鸟;史德拉海牛;恐鸟;白足澳洲林鼠;西非狮; 阿特拉斯棕熊; 南极狼;南非拟斑马; 缅因洲海鼬; 牙买加仓鼠; 中国白臀叶猴; 斑驴; 澳洲小兔猼; 昆士兰毛鼻袋熊; 圣诞岛虎头鼠; 澳米氏弹鼠; 南加利福尼亚猫狐; 纹兔袋鼠(澳洲大陆);西袋狸; 东袋狸; 北美白狼于1911年灭绝; 基奈山狼于1915年灭绝; 佛罗里达黑狼于1917年灭绝; 马里恩象龟于1918年灭绝; 堪查加棕熊于1920年灭绝; 新墨西哥狼于1920年灭绝; 中国犀牛于1922年灭绝; 澳豚足袋狸于1926年灭绝; 澳花袋鼠于1927年灭绝; 澳巨兔袋狸于1930年灭绝; 北美旅鸽于1914年灭绝(数十亿只不到一个世纪时间绝种); 新南威尔士白袋鼠于1930年灭绝; 澳洲塔斯马尼亚狼于1933年灭绝; 澳洲袋狼(又名塔斯曼尼亚虎)于1936年灭绝; 巴厘虎于1937年灭绝; 巴基斯坦沙猫于1940年灭绝; 大海雀于1944年灭绝; 亚洲猎豹于1948年灭绝; 喀斯喀特棕狼于1950年灭绝; 中国豚鹿于1960年灭绝; 墨西哥灰熊于1964年灭绝; 德克萨斯红狼于1970年灭绝; 台湾云豹于1972年灭绝; 西亚虎于1980年灭绝; 爪哇虎于1980年灭绝; 危地马拉u4d19u4d18于1987年灭绝; 加拿大黑足雪貂于90年代灭绝; 亚欧水貂于20世纪末灭绝. 旅行鸽于50年代灭绝。 据世界《红皮书》统计,20世纪有110个种和亚种的哺乳动物以及139种和亚种的鸟类在地球上消失了。目前,世界上已有593种鸟、400多种兽、209种两栖爬行动物和20000多种高等植物濒于灭绝。 日本倭狼1905年 亚洲猎豹1948年 巴厘虎1937年 西亚虎1980年 爪哇虎1988年 新疆虎1916年 海南白臀叶猴1893年 台湾云豹1972年 中国犀牛1922年 普氏野马1947年 倭猪(灭绝年代不详) 熊氏鹿1932年 叙利亚野驴1930年 堪察加棕熊1920年 波斯鼬鹿(灭绝年代不详)
九万里风9 2023-08-03 10:39:543


u投在线2023-08-02 10:28:562


"Chinese" to cross the road, the biggest reason is that our way of distribution and the semaphore set "rude". In Spain, the fork of the pedestrian way to over motor vehicles. According to the relevant traffic laws and regulations, in the intersection, as long as the pedestrians are given a clear gestures or a foot to pedestrian crossing through intent, one motor vehicle must be stopped to wait for pedestrians to pass. But if have the right will have responsibility, where pedestrians in the crosswalk to cross the road or ignored the traffic light, will be fined. Is the so-called "culture has no rival, system have advantages and disadvantages", a good system, does not have high quality guarantee, is the premise of high quality. "Chinese" crossing the road can not blindly blame "quality ? China favours in the setting of traffic light motor vehicles, domestic to this phenomenon is more prominent. Right turn vehicles is not affected by light control, too much kerb radius turn right lead to vehicle speed is too high; Both directions of right turn vehicles may force through the same crosswalk, occupy the pedestrian passage of time, lead to the pedestrian and the conflict of right turn vehicles, pedestrians in the signal within the stipulated time finish crossing the street, then forced through a red light or stranded in the middle of the road. Pedestrians and vehicles turning conflicts may cause the pedestrian crossing during green light time rather than cross the street more dangerous strange phenomenon during the red light.
苏州马小云2023-08-02 10:24:191

歌曲 火 翻译成四川话 感谢大家啦·

其实是一样的,只是用四川话读出来而已。 一般把 谁 换成 哪个之类的就好啦、
bikbok2023-08-02 10:23:362


即 CHClF2,chlorodifluoromethane黏度系数因温度不同有些差别,但随压力变化不大,几个大气压下,黏度系数比一个大气压略有减小。300K,0.1MPa 黏度系数12.711μPa*s290K,0.1MPa 黏度系数12.275μPa*s280K,0.1MPa 黏度系数11.836μPa*s270K,0.1MPa 黏度系数11.393μPa*s260K,0.1MPa 黏度系数10.948μPa*s250K,0.1MPa 黏度系数10.499μPa*s
康康map2023-08-02 10:11:361

记忆英语单词的常见方法。 可以的话请详细点,非常感谢。

晚上熟读,第二天早上背 在背时将英语单词联想动画
bikbok2023-08-02 10:11:334

哪位好心的同学给一篇 纽约时报文章(中英文对照)加文章的读后感 急求急求!!!万分感谢。

u投在线2023-07-30 21:35:503


肖振2023-07-30 21:35:032


从job resources中反映了未来数月的工作量大增 有些同事更不祗负责一个工作 有overlap的情况出现 我们将会尽力解决此问题. 另外 于六月中 有些同事需要放假考试 请各主管check check所in charge之工作的人手需求而决定批准放假 如批准 请通知我的秘书. 谢谢 (Trlation) Dear staff members Our job resources indicate that there will be a tremendous increase in work load for the next few months. As a result some staff members will be engaged in more than one task and there will be overlapping in the division of jobs too. You may rest assured that we will try to solve this problem as far as we can. Besides some staff members have to take leaves for sitting examinations in mid-June. we"d kindly ask all department heads to see to it that there will be adequate manpower in considering leave applications. Please notify my secretary about any leave approvals. Thank you for your attention. (Remended Version for Your Reference) While we are facing a crash in staff resources the situation may get worse when staff members take leaves. Under such circumstances please make sure there is always adequate manpower to carry out related job pl before making any approval to leave applications. In the meantime our Manager will try his best to solve the problem of job overlaps. Dear colleagues According to the job resources the work load of the ing months will be increased. Some of colleagues even handle over one job & the situation of overlap is existed. We will try our best to solve this problem ASAP. Besides knowing some of staff may take leave for preparing examination in Jun may each section head evaluate your resources before approve any leave to others. If do so please kindly inform my secretary accordingly. Thanks 参考: my own work Fellow colleagues Had reflected from job resources the future several month work loads will increase Some colleagues respectfully u 0662 are not responsible for a work Has the overlap situation appearance We will be able to solve this problem with every effort. Moreover In June Some colleagues need to have a vacation the test Please respectively be in charge of work the check check in charge manpower demand to decide the authorization has a vacation If authorizes Please inform my secretary. Thanks 参考: me
铁血嘟嘟2023-07-30 21:03:011
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