了解一下,我也想知道,多学点东西。CarieVinne 2023-08-13 09:28:2413
托福 和 雅思。。。 专八以上 英语已经很牛逼啦苏萦2023-07-23 19:31:341
虽然只有英语专业的学生才能考专八,但其实英语真正厉害的人,并不一定是英语专业的。想要有一口流利的英语口语、活词典一样的词汇量、地道的写作水平,靠的是正确的方法和坚持不懈的努力。那么非英语专业如何学英语,才能达到专八以上的水平呢? 1、学习英语或任何外语的最基本的方法是什么?怎样才能高效率的学习英语? 答:是熟练或熟习。 想想我们的母语,你就会明白,我们从小并未特意学习却能进行自由的交流靠的就是不断的听别人说和模仿而自然获得的一种技能。 这种技能已经深深扎根于我们的大脑之中,成为我们的天性。因此,对于母语,我们不需太多的学习,不需刻意去听就能听的懂,不用分析就能明白那些高难的句子,就是因为母语已经成为我们的一种习惯,可以即听即懂,可以随意发挥,随心所欲。对于学习外语也同样是这样,需要把陌生的单词片语和句型不断的熟悉和熟练,使之成为我们的一种习惯,把她变成我们的第二天性。这样你就可以比较自由的驾驭一门外语了。因此,重复重复再重复,熟练熟练再熟练,是掌握一门外语的不二法门。 2、怎样或用什么方法才能最大程度的熟练或熟习英语? 答:这个问题可能因人而异。因为有人对听敏感一些,而有些人则对阅读更感兴趣。 就我的 经验 来看,多听可能是比较现实的一种方法。因为说和写是一种对语言的再创造,是一种输出。它们需要有大量的输入,即听和读来做为基础。而听可以增加我们对语音的熟悉程度,增强语感,减少记忆的难度。我们在学习母语时往往已知道一个词的发音和词义,而不知如何拼写。学外语则不同,这三方面我们往往都不知道,需要逐一记忆。这也是我们学习外语比学习母语困难的一大原因。所以从听入手可以减少语音方面的记忆困难,集中精力对付词义和拼写。另一方面随身听,MP3等也为随时听外语提供了方便条件。平常可以进行泛听,有时间就要把泛听中没听懂的逐一找出,进行必要的记忆。对于那些看文本认识,却未听出的地方,就是你听力方面的薄弱环节,要定期总结归纳吸取教训。看是由于自己发音不准,还是片语句型不熟造成的。针对弱点要集中予以克服。 3、背诵对于学习英语必要吗? 答:很有必要。 因为背诵是一种对语言最大的熟练方式,只不过由于背诵往往是一种短期的,记忆时间稍长就会忘记。虽然背过的内容我们可能忘记,但对英语的句型和习惯用法则不会彻底忘记。通过背诵,会潜移默化的影响我们对语言习惯的认同。只要时常对背过的文章听一听读一读,把短期记忆转化成长期,记忆效果会更佳。 4、如何背诵课文呢? 答:一般宜分二步来进行。 首先,应对要背诵的材料进行精听,可以一边听一边跟着念,直到不看书也能顺利的跟读下来为止。这样可以最大限度的减少背诵的难度。具体背时又分三种方法: 一、关键词提示背诵法:即把课文中的关键词写下来做为提示进行背诵以减少背诵的难度。 二、翻译背诵法:即先把课文翻译成汉语,再根据汉语倒议回英语。这种方法对于理解英汉差异,自觉避免中国式英语以及英汉互译能力都会有很大的帮助。 三、关键句背诵法:即将所学课文中的好的、漂亮的、难以掌握的句子予以摘录进行背诵。这种方法可以最大的节省时间,高效的进行学习,是时间紧张者学习英语的好方法。 5、如何才能高效省时的复习已学过的知识? 答:可以用听读法或者听录法来复习。 6、有必要一次研究一个单词的20或更多个词义吗? 答:我曾经走过这样的弯路,就是集中一段时间对几个单词的不同词义进行研究。结果过一段时间后,他们就又统统忘掉了。这样形成一种恶性循环,就是成批地记,结果却成批的忘,因此坚决的反对这种劳民伤财的做法。为克服以上缺点就需要我们扩大阅读量,在不断的阅读当中,词汇的不同用法和不同词义都会碰到。这样更容易记住他们,并且会不断的巩固已学的用法和词义。 7、有必要专门花时间学习俚俗语吗 答:没有必要。 记得以前有人在论坛中贴了一篇关于北京俚语的帖子。结果我发现这些对我耳熟能详的话,却没有几个人能够真正的理解。看这就是理俗语的局限性它只适合一时一地,离开了这个环境就会失去它本应具有的思想沟通的功能。英语也一样,因为英语被如此广泛的使用,在不同的地方就会产生不同的俗语,就是在美国不同州之间,也存在不同的俚俗语。这些俚俗语的局限性就像北京俚语一样,离开了它生存土壤就很难被人理解。因此对于大部分的英语学习者来说,正确的掌握标准的英语就可以了,而不必专门研究学习那些古怪的英语中的北京话。 再来看看新概念的作者L.G.ALEXANDER对这个问题的看法:没必要,这其实是一件很危险的事。我们在学外语时希望确切了解以此为母语的人是怎么说话的,俚语一般是粗鲁和无礼的,做为一个初学者你不知道粗俗和无礼的程度。在与以英语为母语的人说话时,你要是使用这些俚俗语他们可能会很震惊。现代词典把某些词或词组明确标明为禁忌,说明在礼仪之社会使用这些词是粗俗和令人不快的,理解这些词是可以的,但切忌使用以免冒犯他人。 8、有必要专门花时间记忆和学习类似 it is raining cats and dogs 这样的 谚语 吗? 答:没必要。 在牛津现代 高级英语 词典中写道,这些谚语很少用于一般谈话或写作中。虽然以英语为母语的人懂得大部分英语成语的意思,但他们极少去用,即使是用,也只是想表现一下幽默,且在成语前经常加上一些套话,比如 you know what they sayu2026“或”as the old saying goesu2026“ 因为这些成语都是关于人世经验的颇为明显的话,一般人认为用成语的人头脑迟钝,必须借用成语才能表达自己的思想或感受。因此我们应慎重的使用成语。 新概念的作者L.G.ALEXANDER说:我的建议是完全不要理会这些成语,记住他们对你的英语水平没有丝毫益处,学会这些成语和掌握地道的英语完全是两回事。 9、学习短语或短语动词重要吗? 答:太重要了。 在牛津现代高级英语词典中写道,一个以英语为母语的人或运用英语的能力相当于以英语为母语的人的重要特征是,他能够了解和正确使用比如 make up one"s mind;be all ears之类的短语u2026u2026以英语为母语的人用这些短语是自然和不知不觉的,你则需要在用之前先学习。你用的越多他们便会成为你英语中自然的一部分,如果你不用他,你的英语将永远是“外国的”。 新概念的作者L.G.ALEXANDER说,在英语中短语动词比,普通的动词用的更普遍。当某人敲门时我们更倾向于说Come in! 而不说Enter! 我们倾向于说put out the fire/put the fire out,而不说Extinguish the fire.短语动词常有习惯用语的用法put the cat out 就是字面用法把它放在外面。put the fireout是一个习语用法使熄灭。你必须掌握这些短语动词,因为他们很常见。 10、我是一个业余学习英语者时间有限应该怎样学习英语呢? 如何做到听说读写齐头并进? 答:对于大部分用业余时间来学习的人,白天要上八小时的班,下班后还要有其他事情处理,留给学英语的时间本不多。 实践表明对于一个没有语言环境的学习者来说每天只学习一到二个小时,能保持原来的英语水平就不错了。因为每次学过的东西需要花数倍的时间来复习,才能把短期记忆转化为长期记忆。语言才能在我们的头脑中固化下来,因此要集中有限的时间以听读听写或阅读为突破点,先行发展争取在较短的时间突破单词和阅读关,然后以点带线以线带面去发展说写的能力。这样也比较符合语言的规律,即听和读是输入,是基础,有了大量的输入,才能有输出,即说和写。当然也可以针对一篇自学资料同时进行听写听读背诵复述写摘要等练习,使听说读写各方面都同时得以提高,但千万不要针对听说读写分别找四本教材一起来学。 11 我的时间有限,如何能在最短的时间内学完一本教材? 答:集中一段时间把整本书的生词查一遍,把不懂的语法现象都找出搞懂,然后把有生词的句子和难句、漂亮的句子一一摘抄下来,集中时间反复将他们背诵下来。 这样可以在最短的时间内学完一本教程。我曾用此法在半个月的时间里学完一本三百多页的英语中级教程,李阳在大学里也用此法在几周内将国内很有名气的一本英语专业需四年才能完成的听力教程stepby step搞定。充分说明此法威力的巨大,当然学完后进行强化复习以巩固所学的成果还是十分必要的。 12 我很少有时间坐下来学习应该怎样学习英语呢? 答:找一本适合自己水平的配有录音的教材,平常就利用空余时间反复听录音,有时间就坐下来对照文本将自己未听出的部分逐一解决掉,务求能够最终把录音一字不差的听懂。这样对自己的英文水平也是有提高作用的。 13 我很少有机会使用英语,又不想放弃,辛辛苦苦已学过的那么多年的英语该如何办? 答:你已过学了一段时间的英语了就说明你已有了一定词汇量要保持你原有的水平可以选择这样,一套听力材料: 1 包含四五千词汇量 2 包含常用的句型和语法 3 内容生动适合反复听 有了它等于在你的周围营造了一个英语的小环境,时常听一听就可以温故而知新。同时平常再多看看英文报纸、电视、电影你的水平就可保持在原有的水准之上。 14 读报纸和杂志对我的英语水平的提高会有作用吗? 答:L.G.Alexander说,就覆盖面而言任何教材都是难以与报纸相比的。 每天读点报纸上的文章,这会使你接触到用纯正的现代英语所写的题材广泛的文章,同时它也是巩固和扩大你的知识结构和词汇的好方法。因此我要说阅读报纸是你提高英语水平的最佳方式,但不要强迫自己读太多,要不然你会对学习英语失去兴趣的。当然你的旧教材也别扔掉,因为你的教材可以帮助提示你所遗忘的东西。 15 我已学英语十多年了发现我现在的水平很难再提高了应该怎么办? 答:L.G.Alexander说,当我们学习一门语言时迟早会达到一个极限的。就像我喜欢打 乒乓球 ,但即使我花掉我的余生来练习它,我也达不到一个中国世界级选手的水平。多年前我的水平就以达到了极限,如果你也达到了这个极限,就应该接受这个现实毕竟只有极少数人才能达到接近母语的水平。但如果你觉得自己并未达到这个极限就应该: *尽量多听英语如BBC VOA *挑选适合自己水平的书尽量多的阅读 *挑选自学练习书籍来检验自己的进度,如挑选我著的Longman Advanced English Grammar *利用一切机会说英语同以英语为母语的人说或同你一样希望练习技巧的人说 Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.铁血嘟嘟2023-07-23 18:39:401
1先稳住你烦躁的情绪2你要把前几次的专八考试的题目了解一下,看清楚他的考查重点,再找一些针对题目来加强巩固3最重要的是词汇一定要过关,把需要的词汇都背一背4各题材的范文拿来仔细读,抓出关键的精彩之处来背NerveM 2023-07-23 16:26:021
Pageants are usually conceived on a fairly large scale, often under the auspices of some local or civic authority or at any rate in connection with local groups of some kind.This sometimes means that there is an allocation of funds available for the purpose of mounting the production, though unfortunately this will usually be found to be on the meager side and much ingenuity will have to be used to stretch it so that all performers can be adequately clothed. Most pageants have a historical flavour as they usually come about through the celebration of the anniversary of some event of historic importance, or the life or death of some local worthy.Research among archives and books in the public library will probably prove very useful and produce some workable ideas which will give the production an especially local flavour.From the first economy will have to be practiced because there are usually a great number of people to dress.Leading characters can be considered individually in the same way as when designing for a play; but the main body of the performers will need to be planned in groups and the massed effect must be always borne in mind. Many pageants take place in daylight in the open air.This is an entirely different problem from designing costumes which are going to be looked at under artificial lighting; for one thing, scenes viewed in the daylight are subject to many more distractions.No longer is everything around cut out by the surrounding darkness, but instead it is very easy to be aware of disturbing movement in the audience of behind the performers.Very theatrically conceived clothes do not always look their best when seen in a daylight setting of trees, verdant lawns and old ivy-covered walls; the same goes for costumes being worn in front of the mellow colors of stately homes.The location needs to be studied and then a decision can be made as to what kinds of colors and textures will harmonize best with the surroundings and conditions and then to carry this out as far as possible on the funds available. If money is available to dress the performers without recourse to their own help in the provision of items, it is best to arrange for all the cutting and pinning together of the costumes to be done by one or two experienced people than to be given out to the groups and individuals for completion.When there is little or no money at all, the garments need to be reduced to the basic necessities.Cloaks and shawls become invaluable, sheets and large bath towels and bath sheets are admirable for draping.Unwanted curtains and bed spreads can be cut to make tunics, robes and skirts.These are particularly valuable if they are of heavy fabrics such as velvet or chenille. Colors should be massed together so that there are contrasting groups of dark and light, this will be found to help the visual result substantially.Crowds of people gathered together in a jumble of colors will be ground to look quite purposeless and will lack dramatic impact. The use of numbers of identical head-dresses, however simply made, are always effective when working with groups.If these are made of cardboard and painted boldly the cost can be almost negligible.Helmets, hats and plumes will all make quite a show even if the costumes are only blandest or sheets cleverly draped.The same can be said of the use of banners, shields and poles with stiff pennants and garlands—anything which will help to have a unifying effect.Any kind of eye-catching device will always go with a flourish and add excitement to the scenes. 1.The main idea of this passage is ___________ [A]Pageants. [B]Costumes on the stage. [C]Costumes for pageants. [D] How to arrange a pageant. 2.It can be inferred that the most important factor in costume design is ___________ [A]money. [B]color. [C]harmony [D]texture 3.Why will much ingenuity have to be required in costume design? [A]Because pageants take place in daylight in the open air. [B]Because different characters require different costumes. [C]Because the colors and textures must be in harmony with the setting. [D]Because an allocation of the funds available is usually rather small. 4.Why do most pageants have a historical flavour? [A]Because most pageants take place for celebration. [B]Many pageants take place for amusement. [C]A lot of pageants take place for religion. [D]Because pageants usually take place for competition. 答案:CBBD苏州马小云2023-07-16 12:43:471
Part Ⅵ Writing (45 min) In the wake of an increasing number of cheating cases and theemergence of cheating by advanced technology, the academichonesty contract has been introduced in numerous campusesbefore examinations. It is assumed that such contracts mayhelp discourage cheating. Do you believe that such a policy willwork wonder? Write a composition of about 400 words to state your view. In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second partyou should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring whatyou have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow theabove instructions may result in a loss of marks. Contract Makes No Difference In the wake of an increasing number of cheating cases and the emergence of cheating byadvanced technology, the academic honesty contract has been introduced in numerouscampuses before examinations. It is assumed that such contracts may help discourage cheating.As I see it, those contracts make no difference regarding the examineesu2019 honesty. Firstly, the issue of honesty calls for the concern of the whole society. Living in this society theexaminees are influenced by what is valued in it in one way or another. The increasingly rampantcheating in examinations reveals the tragic fact that honesty no longer prevails in the society. It isrelatively easy to make students sign honesty contracts, but can we ask government officials andbusiness people to do the same? Even if we were able to do that, would there be no more corruptofficials and unscrupulous merchants? The answer is a resounding“No”. Likewise, without effectiveregulations and supervisions, honesty contracts signed by students can do little in deterringcheating, let alone address the root cause of the problem. Secondly, honesty contract does not have any legal effect. Although the experience of signingsuch contract will be engraved in the examineesu2019 memory, few students took it serious becausethe practice seems to have taken some characteristics of a political movement and because it haslittle legal effect. In consequence, examinees feel little weight of the so-called promise or swearing aswe cannot deprive their right to take examinations if students refuse to sign the contract. If this isthe case, how can we expect this move to work wonders? Thirdly, honesty contract is likely to offend the studentsu2019 self-esteem. Such contracts are based onthe presumption that most examinees are potential cheaters. Therefore students are inclined tobelieve that they are not trusted and respected. When they are treated like that, would they bewilling to do what they are expected? Probably it is just the opposite. With the help of moderntechnology, some students may conjure up imaginative ways to beat such policy. So the contractis more of a formality and it would not do much to eradicate cheating. Finally, it is a waste of time and energy. Though I do not have the precise idea of the exactnumber of the student body in China, I can well imagine the colossal waste if all the students in thiscountry are required to sign an honesty contract before their examinations. On the one hand, thesame time and energy could be utilized in some more meaningful ways. On the other hand, priorityshould be given to enhancing the studentsu2019 awareness of academic honesty instead of going all outabout this bother. Honesty is the best policy, yet honesty is not an inborn moral quality. To stamp out misconduct inexaminations, we should adopt a comprehensive approach. Honesty contract would not producesubstantial results as expected.苏州马小云2023-06-27 08:19:501
翻译分为 汉语-英语 英语-汉语两个部分写作的考法跟四级差不多,就是字数增加到350左右,并且多以议论文为主苏萦2023-06-09 08:44:422
英语专八各部分答题注意事项 2013年英语专业八级考试TEM8定于2013年3月23日(星期六)上午8:30开始。专八考试包括以下内容:听力(20%),阅读(20%),人文知识(10%),改错(10%),翻译(20%)和写作(20%)。我为大家整理了专八各部分答题注意事项,希望对大家备考有所帮助,祝大家考试顺利! 一、专八题型 Part I Listening Comprehension (35 MIN / 20 POINTS) Section A: Mini-lecture (20 MIN) 讲座时间:10分钟;(8分钟讲座,2分钟整理笔记) 内容:为900词左右的讲座;要求边听边做笔记,然后完成填空; 注意:上来不发Mini-lecture的答题卡,只发草稿纸;在草稿纸上列出讲座的提纲;10分钟的讲座完毕后,发Mini-lecture答题卡,此时再给10分钟时间,将答题卡上的问题填完;2005年以前每空只填1个词;2005年改革后,每空填不超过3个词; 分值:10空,共10分; Section B: Conversation or Interview (10 MIN) 内容:为800词左右的会话;会话后有5道题;填涂到考试前发的答题卡上; 分值:5题,共5分; Section C: News Broadcast (5 MIN) 内容:若干段(一般3-4段)材料,后面共有5道题;填涂到考试前发的答题卡上; 分值:5题,共5分; Part II Reading Comprehension (30 MIN / 20 POINTS) 内容:4篇文章,3000词左右;填涂到考试前发的答题卡上; 分值:20题,20分; Part III General Knowledge ( 10 MIN / 10 POINTS) 内容:英美概况、英美文学、英语国家概况;语言学知识;填涂到考试前发的答题卡上; 分值:10题,10分; Part IV Proofreading (15 MIN / 10 POINTS) 内容:250词左右的短文,其中有10行有题号,该10行均含有一个语误;要求根据“增添”、“删除”、“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误;填涂到考试前发的答题卡上; 注意:既然是“增添”、“删除”、“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法,就不可能有全对的一行;因为别的考试的改错题有10行中有1行是正确的(如PETS); 分值:10题,10分; Part V Translation (60 MIN / 20 POINTS) 内容:英译汉、汉译英各一篇;汉译英150个汉字左右;英译汉150个英文单词;填到另一张机读卡上; 分值:2段材料,每段10分,共20分; Part VI Writing ( 45 MIN / 20 POINTS) 内容:写一篇400字的作文;填到另一张机读卡上; 分值:1题,20分; 二、考试过程 1. 答题卡分类: 本次考试总共有4张答题卡,其中: 卡1写的是Mini-lecture部分; 卡2写的是Listening的Section B and C,还有Reading、General Knowledge and Proofreading等部分; 卡3写的是Translation; 卡4写的是Writing(注:卡3和卡4均有正反两面); 2. 考试时间及收卷时间: 8:25 发试题册,答题卡2,空白记录纸1张;8:40发答题卡1; 8:30-9:05 Mini-lecture, Listening(8:50左右收答题卡1); 9:05-10:00 Reading, General knowledge, Proofreading(10:00左右收答题卡2,发答题卡3) 10:00-11:00 Translation(11:00左右收答题卡3,发答题卡4) 11:00-11:45 Writing(11:45收答题卡4) 注意:答题卡的发卡顺序是先发卡2,后发卡1,卡3卡4最后发。 专八人文知识: 英语国家概况 部分(4分) 1、关注 新西兰 部分,因06,08,09三年考过,10,11两年未考,12年几率较大;另,国家元首和总理及首都都考过了,再考,可能侧重的点:最大城市,最大河、湖,两大党,出口,地理位置,最早殖民者(1642和1769) 2、加拿大 基本可以忽略,因为10,11年均考过,12年连考三次可能性几乎为0. 3、澳大利亚 部分06,09,10,11年各考一次,12年连考三次可能性也几乎为0,因此可以判断 12年 人文知识 中英语国家概况 的4题 应该有1道英国,1道美国,1道新西兰。 4、10、11年 英语国家概况 均为4个概况题,未涉及 社会文化生活 方面,自05年起到09年,年年1-2道社会文化方面,而10年后不再出现,12年仍可能不出现 社会文化方面 ,若如此,则 加拿大 和 澳大利亚 两国必考一道。但根据2,3分析,12年可能会改出一道 社会文化方面的题, 国家除 新西兰 考的几率小外,其他国家考的可能性都很大。 5、记地理知识窍门:一定的地理知识(比如气候类型、特点及影响因素,盛行风向,水陆间循环原理,等高线、等压线等,专八小组时可略讲),英语国家简要地图一张(带经纬线,等高线,气候类型图) 语言学 部分(3分) 1、自06年后,每年考1-2个基本概念题,11年更是考查了2个基本概念,按照频率看,12年只考1个基本概念题的可能性更大,对于概念,可从略复习; 2、11年涉及一道语音学,10年一道词汇,一道语用,09年1道语用,08年一道句法学,一道词义学,分布没有什么规律,均需要复习。 英美文学 部分(3分) 1、英美文学考作家概况(流派等)和作家作品为主要考点,基本概念前几年几乎不涉及,10年起1年1道,12年可能会继续回归基础概念,对于重要知识点,仍需记忆,美国文学部分看教材前言足够。 2、每年的重头戏基本还是作家作品,但侧重重要作品,不重要的作品考得较少,或作为多余选项排在非本作者题目中。 英语专八改错题: 1、改错虽然为主观题,但错误类型相对集中,可分为以下几种情况: 定冠词:a,an,the误用,甚至多出来;解决办法:分析定冠词的主语及上下文有无指代; 级:分两类错误,第一种是原级用成比较级,比较级用成最高级,反之亦然。有一种除外,是两者比较谁最好,可以用最高级;第二种是意思相反,如most改为least; 连词错误:也分两种,第一种为连词误用,应该表示转折的用成了并列,比如while改为and;第二种为近义词。在不同语境中用However,Nonetheless,比用but更合适,更合乎语法;(与逻辑关系也有关,看上下文,联系语境) 词性错误:多出现为形容词转变为副词,反之亦然;也有可能是限定,如adv.+adj.+n.,如下所说;形容词改为动词或名词等,多出现在一词多性的情况下; 形容词限定错误:出现在adj.+adj.+n.要知道第1个adj.是限定第2个adj.还是限定n.;若是限定第2个adj.,大多改为副词adv.; 搭配错误:多为介词搭配错误,如insomeextent改为to,relyin改为on等;也有搭配词没有给出,需要自己添加,比如define...as; 词义错误:比如:ratherthan改为otherthan;(此项比较难) 近义形容词错误:例如:respective,respectable,respectful,respecting,respected;(此项比较难) 缺失:例如thefact后面直接接了句子,中间缺少that,表明同位关系; 多余:有的地方莫名其妙多出一个词,多为介词,是没有用的; 词义相反:多出现在形容词,需要在前面添加或去掉in-,im-,ir-,un-等否定前缀; 主动被动:分析主语与谓语动词的逻辑关系是主动还是被动,多出现在分句中; 三单:主语与谓语是单数还是复数,主语是否为不可数名词,是的话如何判断谓语动词是单数还是复数,还是有特殊用法; 时态:现在时用为过去式,或者进行时用成了现在时等; 定语从句用错先行词:which用成了that;难点儿的比如:forwhich用成了which,要知道forwhich=why,in/atwhich=where;还有什么情况下必须用that,比如人和物搭配,序数词,theone,theonly,不缺任何成分,有否定词,有all等; 英语专八作文: 1、务必遵循首段陈述事实,亮出自己的观点;二、三段分别论述自己的分论点,并举例,举例要多元化,运用正面例子和反面例子,辩证叙述;尾段重申观点,甚至升华; 2、2个分论点要尽量能够把一个问题的两方面概括,以免留下逻辑遗憾; 3、避免在写如何做的时候,wewewewe变成了youyouyouyou; 4、合理布局,重点在分析,首尾两段字数不必太多,否则显得头大;专八要求45分钟写400字,时间是足够的,写前先思考5分钟,脑子里列个提纲,把问题按照个人和社会两个大角度思考一下,扩大自己的思维面再下笔; 5、用词准确,不确定的词宁可不用,否则一个词就显露出自己“高超”的水平; 6、思维面要从个人发散到整个社会;专八作文的题目一定是关注社会现象的,所以以个人为切入点,最后论述到整个社会,才能达到升华,否则作文没有起伏和高潮,判作文的老师会很无奈; 7、不写废话。每句话要写的时候想想有没有直接贴切主题,不要绕弯子;另外不要加很多无用的已知的定语,比如写一篇农业的文章,基调就是农业,就不必再表示成:harvestinagriculture;再如:thesehardshipsaretemporaryinnature;innature就是废话,就好像说中国国旗底色是红的一样。 英语专八翻译: 1、专八翻译主要是以文学翻译为主,非文学的比较少,所以对用词的准确要求非常高,比如:expand,enhance,improve,enlarge,amplify,broaden,extend,widen,不同语境,不同所指,就需要用不同的词; 2、分析清楚每个句子的主谓宾是什么,再把定状补部分找对,分析完再下手; 3、适当对词性做出转换,符合汉语表达; 4、汉语多重复,所以不用在意一个句子里重复一个词很多遍,这就是汉语的特点; 5、考试时间1小时,英译汉,汉译英各150字左右,相当于1分钟只翻5个词,时间是绝对充足的",速度快的40多分钟就翻完了,此时,作文答题纸没发,前面的机读卡也收上去了。所以没必要赶时间,把每句都分析清楚,比如以下几种: 抽象词具体话:availability,dependability,notion等抽象词,要根据上下文和语境把抽象词具体化。比如dependability来源于depend,谁depend什么,要问问自己,如果你自己都不清楚是谁depend什么,那么读者怎么能看得懂? 似是而非搭配:比如butforall。butfor和forall都可以搭配,即:But/forall和Butfor/all。所以要根据其他句子成分判断。 选词:不是所有的增长都用increase,要清楚increase多用于数量上的增长。如果表达其他特定内容时,要适当换词。还有些词,同样可以表达一个意思,用哪个都没问题,但是用其中某个词能更好的表达一件事。 逻辑结构:有的句子前后看似没有什么大的关系,但仔细分析后会发现,后半句可能是前半句的同位语,也可能是承上启下的转折句。如果是转折句,是否应该独立翻译成一句,是要结合语境来考虑的。 无主句翻译:中文经常会遇到没有主语的句子,比如:只有经济发展了,才能保证国家各项秩序的正常运行。本句里没有主语,但是翻译成英语的时候,是需要有主语的(祈使句除外),所以你要分析这个句子的主语应该是谁,显然,后半句说了“国家”,所以判定主语可以是“国家”。 正话反译:这是一个很平常的翻译技巧。最明显的例子就是Fishcannotlivewithoutwater.翻译成“鱼没有水就活不了。”没有什么问题,但是啰嗦,不妨正译:“鱼得水而活。”隐含的意思就是说:(鱼)无水而亡。这种句子经常见于领导人发言中,尤其谈到外交方面,表达如果两国能如何如何,则两国会取得什么样的成就。这是台面上的话,隐含的意思就是“如果两国不这么做,那么可能会闹得都不愉快”。显然在台面上这么说是不合适的。而在英语里,则倾向于说出隐含的意思,因为用否定词可以更好的强调不好的后果。 突出重点:有的段落的中心是非常明显的,如果这段就是着重谈一件事情,那么你的句式里也应当把有关词和句放在重要位置,突出它。尾重(endfocus)就是一个很必要的方法,英文中把重点放后面。有的时候在中文里,主谓宾彼此隔的很远,被一堆定语状语夹杂其间,这时,你就需要挑出主谓宾,在翻译的时候把其余次要部分前置或后置,让主干句子紧凑的安排在一起,突出重点。 英语专八考试阅读题答题技巧: 1、初期训练阅读正确率的办法是不计时间,要求正确率,要求每道题的ABCD,只要能在原文找到原话或类似话的,就在原文中划出来并标记是1A,2C。这样做的目的是提高自己的细节知识能力,并训练自己找细节知识的速度,能够尽快的提高细节事实题的正确率。(当然速度也不能太慢了,10-12分钟一篇也已经是极限了) 2、再有了正确率的保障后,再加快阅读速度,直到达到要求为止。 3、阅读技巧也很有用,有的文章非常长,根本就不是一段段看的,所以没把握的话可以先看题,看看问题会设在哪段,并有针对性的看。每段的段首段尾仍然是重要的,需要看。 ;kikcik2023-06-09 08:44:421
1 词汇:从教材来说,专八词汇量是13000,雅思差不多8000, 2 语法:专八的语法要求非常高,但是雅思并没有,相比GMAT的语法都难很多 3 作文;专八作文要求400左右,雅思150-250 总的来说雅思会更简单点,雅思的听力和阅读是拉分项,这两个都不难,个人感觉和6级差不多,多听多练正确率很高的,作文和口语是稍难,但是作文相比专八还是简单的,可以蹲题练范文等。雅思口语同样也是可以蹲题的,而且可以准备几个通用范文,各种命题都能说的那种。本人雅思总分7分,作文5.5,口语7分,但是6级只考了441分,可能是口语还好所以总分不低,但是个人感觉出去口语,题目6级和雅思在差不多的水平线上,比专八简单豆豆staR2023-06-09 08:44:412
英语专八作文字数不够怎么扣分 题目没写怎么扣分
想写好作文,在我看来,无非有以下几点:1.严谨的布局:正所谓万事开头难,不过只要开了个好头,这篇作文就会很好写了。凤头:是文章的首段,是阅卷老师首先入眼的地方,一定要做好整篇文章的中心把握,要做到下文与首段上下连贯,紧密结合,要通过开头使下文有可写之处,开头要达到让阅卷老师耳目一新的效果。例如,巧用排比,比喻,拟人等修辞手法,并且通过这些修辞手法,而统领全文主旨。猪肚:在一篇上好的文章中,分段都会恰到好处,而当文章中只有一大段或两三段时,这篇文章即使文采再出众,也不会有太高的分数,因为阅卷老师在中考判卷时,每三分钟就要判出一份作文,工作量相当大,如果不善于分段,阅卷老师可能失去耐心,从而看不完,就会草草的给出分数。所以,在我看来,一篇文章至少要分 6-8个段,但不是一行或几行一段,而是要看起来像豆腐块,一块块整齐的排列在一起,使文章紧中有松,松弛有度。要看上去整篇文章是一个整体,而不是零散的。2014中考作文写作技巧及方法豹尾:在文章的最后处,应当让主题更突出鲜明,升华主题思想,使豹尾抽起来!或让人感到峰回路转,柳暗花明或更进一步的特殊效果。在文章末尾,应当再次点题,紧扣中心思想,让贯穿始终的中心思想继续延伸,引人深思。特别是要在结尾处,与开头形成呼应,对比,递进等等,来引发阅读老师的共鸣!2.细腻的文笔:不管是记叙,议论还是散文;不管是写人写事还是写景。都要用细腻的文笔呈现出来,使文章中点更突出,让阅卷老师在看试卷的过程中,有深思,放慢阅读速度和重复阅读的情况出现,让阅卷老师身临其境,从而使文章更具灵性。3.贯穿始终的思想感情:在一篇布局格式上很得当,错落有致的文章上,还必须要有一条贯穿始终的思想路线,这条线就像鱼的脊椎一样重要,这条线一定要清晰,明确,千万不可含混不清。把握好这几点,一篇好的中考作文已经大致成型,不过要想在中考中脱颖而出,这仅仅是开始。Jm-R2023-06-09 08:44:411
今年翻译平均分是13,作文15,应该有可能过的啦,我以为我不过,最后还是考了70多一点,呵呵FinCloud2023-06-09 08:44:392
专八翻译和作文评分标准http://www.mr-style.blogspot.comCarieVinne 2023-06-09 08:44:393
有。专八听力mini-lecture部分:3步走1. 浏览试题2. 推测所填空格的词性(确定词性方法:adv修饰adj/v; adj修饰n等;参考专四完型选词填空方法)3. 一旦听到空格所在前后的词,立马进入十级戒备,答案就在附近。①听完一遍之后校对答案,并且划出潜在答案区域(意思就是根据这些指示词,你还能找出哪些可能成为答案的单词或短语)②不断听这些做过的真题,磨耳朵,找感觉。专八阅读部分:专八阅读一定要给自己规定好时间,不要漫无目的,一篇文章的选择题和简答题一起做!平时专八阅读的练习主要目的在于训练scan和skim能力,不要在乎对错。1. 阅读前先浏览试题,如果是细节理解题,如Which of the following is not correct?一定要把选项也看了,看的时候划出问题与选项的关键词。(这一步非常重要,可以帮助大家有目的地阅读文章)2. 一篇文章的首尾段一定要仔细读,中间段落部分阅读首尾句,其他部分采用Skim的方法(一定不能逐字逐句去读文章,不然时间一定是来不及的)。3. 根据题干中的关键词定位(同样适用于阅读简答)。第一步:划出题目关键词,带着关键词去度文章。第二步:定位方法。若关键词在一个段落中间,则看段首和段尾以及关键词所在的上下句,根据这些得出答案。若关键词在段尾,则看该段段首、下一段的段首和关键词所在句子的上一句。若关键词在段首,则看该段段尾、关键词所在句子的下一句以及上段的段尾。以上所讲的定位方法只是适用于大部分题目,个别题目要具体问题具体分析。专八改错:做改错的时候,可以规定时间,刚开始不熟练的情况下一篇改错用不超过半小时(基础好一点就二十分钟)做完,超过半小时没做出来的就算空的错的。一天根据需要做两篇或以上。做完之后要对一下答案,弄清为什么做错了,为什么没找到错误,如果没找到就要把这个类型记下来,下次遇到要找出来。专八翻译:主要是找翻译的感觉。翻译一般以考散文和议论文为主。汉译英的思路,如汉译英一般要添主语,理清句子内部和句子间的逻辑关系。何时采用直译,何时采用意译等。专八作文:专八作文的要求字数为不少于300字。往年都是以材料作文的形式命题,今年也不例外。这部分该拿的分数一定要拿到。往年的全国平均分大约是14分,满分20分。专八作文我是考前半个月才开始复习的。不需要太早开始复习。如果真的要复习的话,就是多背背作文。这个部分建议去看专八作文的视频,会教授专八写作套路,里面有讲得非常清楚,是一个能在短时间内提分的一个部分。我当时考专八的时候,发现有很多考生作为字数最后都没有达到要求,那一般就不会有比较理想的分数。其实他们最后离合格也就2-3分之差,真的是非常令人惋惜。专八考试建议:1、考试的时候一定要带2个耳机。2、考试的时候,不管听力有听得有多懵逼,请一定要把听到的东西填上去,万一是对的呢!3、作文字数一定要达标,审题一定要清楚,立意一定要准确!4、不到成绩出来的那一刻绝不放弃肖振2023-06-09 08:44:392
星期五下午,我约了几位好朋友星期六下午在街心公园溜旱冰。当时她们都信誓旦旦地答应了。今天下午,我按时来到了街心公园。大概地看了几眼,不见我约好的朋友,我想可能她们还在路上呢,自己先滑一会儿再说吧。于是我换上早冰鞋,像小鸟一样自由自在地滑了起来。几年都没有滑这玩意儿了,还有点生疏,但没过5分钟,我就又熟练了起来,一会儿跳圆圈舞,一会儿跳兔子舞,不知不觉中就像飞起来一样。刚“飞”了一会儿,我便“飞”不动了,心情从“晴”慢慢地转向了“阴”,于是随便找了一个地方坐下来,焦急地向四周看去,心想:“我的那些好朋友怎么还不来?难道她们忘记了自己对我许下的承诺了吗?”我左等没人来,右等也不见人,直过了一个小时,才发现了一个熟悉的身影,我发现了新大陆一样,用最快的速度滑向她,哦,是的,的确是她——我的同学闫佳。我心中这才高兴了一些,终于有人来了。回到家,我想了很多,想什么呢?当然是想“诚信”这两个字。顾名思义,“诚信”这二字就是诚实讲信用。俗话说:“一诺千金”。你既然答应了别人的事情,你就必须得做到,而且,要尽自己的所能,做好它。在社会上失信了,你就会失去自己的地位,失去自己的朋友,也就是说“人无信而不立。”“诚信”的重要就重要在这里。遵守诺言,维护诚信,要从小做起,从小事做起。人这一生虽然很坎坷,但再坎坷,我们也要走诚信之道。kikcik2023-06-09 08:44:381
清早......北营2023-06-09 08:44:306
根据内容啊,内容只要写得好,字数少点也没关系的~楼主选我(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……一定要采纳此后故乡只2023-06-09 08:44:301
his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choiceFinCloud2023-06-09 08:44:292
没有图表型题,也没有书信类型. 一般都是论述文.给题目或话题,第一部分陈述观点,第二部分论述,第三部分总结. 专业八级的考试还考英美文学方面的东西,也就是对专业要求非常高的了. 专八专四差的就是难度啦铁血嘟嘟2023-06-09 08:44:291
首先建议作文平时一定要在规定的时间内多练习,大家都知道作文时间紧,字数多,难度相当大。所以平时一定要把握好作文的时间。当我们拿到作文的时候,脑细胞也快死光了,但是这时候千万不能放松。尽管时间很紧,但是仍要留出1、2分钟时间来审题,看看作文究竟要求什么,切不可一拿到作文就下手,一下手就跑题。磨刀不误砍柴工,然后再够细下,看自己的作文究竟要从哪些方面写,该如何下手,是怎么布置结构呢。一定要注意作文的结构布局,还有作文的具体的idea,此外就是注意作文的词句。当然,前两个更重要,你写作文时词句倒不一定要非常精彩,只要尽量避免语法错误就,可能的话使用一些倒装、虚拟语气也很不错。最好不要一个短句接一个短句写下去,可以用一些连词表示过渡、转折,另外建议长短句相结合,这样显得句子很平衡。北营2023-06-09 08:44:291
最多十二分了北境漫步2023-06-09 08:44:293
黑桃花2023-06-09 08:44:291
不知道前辈去年的专八过了吗?我是今年考的,客观题分数也不是很高。。。无尘剑 2023-06-09 08:44:294
法语专八作文没写完扣1-12分。法语专八作文没有写完,评分标准会根据考生完成的部分给出相应的评分,扣分标准在1-12分,要根据考生完成的部分质量,语言表达等综合评定给出一定的分数。北有云溪2023-06-09 08:44:281
第一段引出话题,然后表态,是否统一教授的观点。教授的观点是,手机最让学生喜欢的地方在于,他们可以通过手机与他人联系;他们最不喜欢的,就是别人可以通过手机联系到他们。 也就是说,一方面,手机可以给大家带来方便(自己可以联系大家,亲人,朋友;交流感情等);另一方面,也可能带来烦恼(当别人找到自己的时候多半是什么麻烦事)同意教授的观点论证段落就可以写成两段:On the one hand... On the other hand...最后一段总结Jm-R2023-06-09 08:44:281
一般用第三人称多一些,具体还是要根据作文题目类型来决定。拓展:英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。写英文字母要掌握正确笔顺。如小写字母i ,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点。有的学生却按写汉字的习惯从上到下写,写快了,就会把点和下面的竖笔连在一起,显得十分别扭。字形t应为两笔。不少人却将两笔合成一笔,看上去不像t,倒像l或是e,难以辨认。另外,把r写成v,把q写成把g,把k写成h等等,都是中学生书写中常见的毛病。不少人在四线三格的练习纸上书写尚有规矩,能按字母的占格、高低和大小要求书写,但在白纸或横线纸上书写,却显得十分幼稚拙劣。字母或跳上跳下,或一律写成同一高度,占上中两格的字母与占中下两格的字母完全没有高低之别。这些现象都要防止。LuckySXyd2023-06-09 08:44:281
专八英语 400字作文 答题卡上要写多少
推荐写满四百字。当然多几个或少几个单词都无所谓。关键要把题目分析清楚,包括作文的类型和内涵,然后迅速在脑海里列出提纲、论点和支撑材料。下笔时注意紧扣中心思想,保证每句话之间的逻辑衔接,每句话都不偏离主题。最好一气呵成。当然,平时要下苦功夫,多读多听多写,积累各种素材,要有独特的思考,考试时才能下笔如有神。最后,祝您成功!小菜G的建站之路2023-06-09 08:44:281
1. 你好,我想问一下,专四作文题目没写要扣几分啊 一般会扣1-2分吧,看老师了,具体的评分标准在下面了的: 14-15分 内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,句式 用词富有变化,有"闪光点"基本无语言错误. 11-13分 内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,少量语法错误 8-10分 内容基本切题,完整, 条理基本清楚,文章结构基本严谨,语法基本正确,语言基本通顺恰当.少量严重错误,一些词使用不当. 5-7分 内容基本切题,完整, 条理不够清楚,教明显的母语痕迹.较多语言错误,许多词使用不当. 2-4分 内容偏题,不完整,思路混乱,语句不完整,只有少数句子可以理解,词汇拼写错误严重.肖振2023-06-09 08:44:281
With the quick development of economy, we are facing a tourism boom in China. More and more people have joined a heated debate of charging higher entry fee in historical sites during the travel peak season. Opinions vary from each other. Some argue that scenic spots belong to the whole Chinese people and everyone has the equal access to them, while others maintain that the new policy will help to protect the places of interest. As far as I"m concerned, it has a positive effect on our precious heritages.For one thing, most historical spots have their own limited capacity of accepting tourists. In the past, people all choose the travel peak time to have themselves relaxed, totally ignoring the damage they have done to our heritages. Changes must be made now. Charging higher fee in travel hot season will be an effective way in cutting down the amounts of tourists, thus lead to a maintainable development for historical sites.For another, it is so crowded in travel peak season that tourists can hardly have an eye feast, only to watch the backs of heads; it is so hasty in the busiest time that tourists have no choice but to take time rushing from one place to another. Consequently, their primal intention----relaxing themselves, cannot be achieved.The last but not least, tourism aims at keeping traditions alive and increasing our appreciation towards natural and cultural heritages. Imagine that our precious wealth was damaged by the heavy burden of tourists, could we still get beauty and cultural enjoyment from them? Imagine that all the people crowed there and we can see nothing but the large amounts of people, could we still get the amazement from historical architectures? Definitely not. Then the purpose of tourism cannot be realized, either.Thanks to new policy, things may different now. Tourists will try their best to avoid the busiest season to relax them better with fewer costs. Under this circumstance, both tourists and our natural heritages can reach their best conditions. Since the action can strike the right balance between both of them, why don"t we accept it?All in all, it is a wise decision to charge higher entry fee during the travel peak season.黑桃花2023-06-09 08:44:282
作文一般分三段。第一段写出你要讨论的相关现象,引出论点(可以写别人的观点,但需要一笔带过,不要写太多)。第二段阐述自己的观点,可以分层论述,举例论述等。第三段,总结全文水元素sl2023-06-09 08:44:281
两行5分hi投2023-06-09 08:44:284
不应该购买作文答案并抄袭,这种行为是不道德的,也会带来很大的风险。专八考试是一项非常重要的考试,其目的是检测考生的语言能力,思维方式和表达能力,如果你不在考前好好准备,仅仅凭借作文答案,那么你的成绩可能会受到影响。 对于回答问题的格式,大白话明确结论,解释原因,内容延伸是一个较为常见的结构,可以帮助你在回答问题时更加流畅和清晰地表达自己的意见和观点。不过,在考试中,你需要根据实际情况和文本要求来选择合适的结构和语言风格。左迁2023-06-09 08:44:281
需要。在朝鲜语专业八级考试中,作文是必考的科目之一,要求考生根据所给的题目展开写作,并按照规定的字数完成文章。在作文部分开始前,考官会在试卷上给出作文的题目和要求,考生需要仔细阅读、理解并遵循要求进行作答。因此,在考试时,考生需要认真审题,明确作文的主题和要求,并在作文开头处标注清楚所选的作文题目。水元素sl2023-06-09 08:44:271
包括标点符号,450字以上,500字以内。北有云溪2023-06-09 08:44:272
那就比较困难了黑桃花2023-06-09 08:44:273
应该不用康康map2023-06-09 08:44:275
专八是对于英语专业知识水平和应用能力的测试,所以从难度上来说,是最大的。考研英语是一个公共科目,测试大多数考研者的基础英语水平,所以说难度居中。自考英语本科主要是针对专科生专升本而言,这个考虑到考生实际情况,大部分人都是工作了一段时间,或者是工作很长时间后才开始备考的, 所以难度相对来说是最小的。从写作内容来说,专八对于作文的构思框架逻辑以及用词都有很高的要求。考研写作的考生群体很大,所以要求作文按照directions的提示进行段落拓展。自考英语本科的写作要求一般不会太难的。不管考试怎么要求,最重要还是我们自己要踏实复习,打好基础才能灵活应对各种考试了、再也不做站长了2023-06-09 08:44:271
一、指出现象或争议话题 Recently, ... have caused much controversy. 最近,……引发了广泛的争议。 It is now a common practice to... 现在……是个很普遍的做法。 With the increasing concerns about..., people are calling for... 随着人们日益关注……问题,人们疾呼…… 二、引出各方观点 There exists a philosophy that... 人们有这么一种想法…… While many advocate..., I believe it"s a better idea to... 虽然很多人提倡……,但我相信……是更好的主意。 A debate is therefore inevitably touched off. 一场辩论于是一触即发。 三、引用名人名言 As... rightly/aptly put it, “...” 正如……恰当的说法一样:“……” There is a satirical saying in China which goes like this, ... 中国有这么一句充满讽刺的俗话:…… As... eloquently pronounced, ... 正如……有力地指出,…… 四、表示赞同 I think it is universally acknowledged that... 我认为……是被广泛承认的。 In brief, it is apparent that... is a more sensible choice to... 总之,很明显,对……来说,……是一个明智的选择。 As far as I see it, it is natural that..., and it is also understandable that... 就我个人看来,……很正常,而且……也可以理解。 五、表示反对 Nevertheless, upon careful consideration, it is not such a wise choice after all. 但是,仔细想想,这终究不是明智之选。 I think such behaviour is understandable but by no means recommendable. 我觉得这种做法可以理解,但不应该鼓励。 ... is a reckless action which merely scratches the surface of the problem. ……是不经考虑的行为,也必定于事无补。 六、阐述原因 To conclude, the epidemic of... is brought/caused both by... and by... 总而言之,……的盛行是由……以及……共同催生的。 In my eyes, the causes of increasing... in China mainly lie in... 在我看来,……增长的主要原因在于…… One of the chief causes of today"s... is the fact that... 导致如今……的主要原因之一就是……这一事实。 七、提出建议 So I believe that... can be considered as a positive way in... 所以我相信,……是一个积极应对……的方法。 In my opinion, there are three aspects to be improved so that... 在我看来,有三个方面需要提高,以便…… It"s urgent that issues like this be openly discussed and... 这类问题需要公开讨论,并且……,这是十分迫切的。 八、指出某事物的积极作用 Serving as a..., ... helps... to better realize... 作为……,……有助于……更好地去认知…… I think it is a win-win strategy that benefits both... and... 我认为,这是一个双赢的策略,对……和……都有利。 The increasing popularity of... demonstrates that the benefits of... are multiple. ……的流行反映出……有多个方面的好处。 九、指出某事物的消极后果 To sum up, ... may seem a convenient option at the first sight, but it may cause problems if... 总之,……乍看是很方便的选择,但如果……,就会产生许多问题。 It is without doubt an unwise way applied at the expense of... 毫无疑问,以……为代价而采取这一做法是不明智的。 Resorting to... is a short-sighted solution, which would cause... 诉诸……是一个短视的解决方法,会导致…… 十、作出一分为二的辩证总结 Despite the concern that..., I am convinced that... 尽管存在……的担忧,但我相信…… Although talking about... might seem unacceptable, we have to acknowledge that... 尽管谈到……或许显得不能接受,我们必须承认…… While I am in support/favor of..., I am not suggesting that... 尽管我支持……,我不是提倡…… 十一、表示对比 ... may be important, but it is... that makes things happen. ……可能是很重要的,但却是……确保了成功。 Weighing the pros and cons, it"s better to... instead of... 权衡利弊,最适宜的方法应当是……而不是…… 十二、举例说明 A case in point is... 一个典型的例子是…… The recent incident happened in... proves... 最近发生在……的事件证明…… A simple example can be drawn from... 可以从……得到一个简单的例子。 十三、强调重要性 ... should never be underestimated. 绝不能低估…… Not only does it symbolize..., but also acts as... 它不仅象征着……,而且还作为…… 十四、 表示有条件的赞同或反对 Though we cannot deny the defects... may bring, the advantages can surely outweigh itsdisadvantage if we can... 虽然我们不能否认……可能带来的不足,但如果我们能够……,它的好处肯定会超过坏处。 In this case, I think... should be encouraged to... if time permits, because it can benefit them a lot. 在这种情况下,如果时间允许,应该鼓励……去做……,因为这对他们大有益处。 It"s thus my belief that... should never be sacrificed to make way for... 因此,我认为我们不应当牺牲……来实现…… 十五、发出号召或警示 In conclusion, it takes the endeavor of both... and... to... 总之,需要……和……的努力来…… ... is a wake-up call for young people, especially..., that it"s crucial to... ……为年轻人,尤其是……,敲响了警钟,让我们意识到……至关重要。 If not dealt with properly, ... 如果得不到恰当处理,…… So before one rushes to sign up for..., he should consider... 所以在急于参加……之前,应该先考虑清楚……。 十六、论证之后进行小结 ... also testifies to the fact that... ……同样证实了……的事实。 This story vividly echoes ..."s quotation—... 这个故事巧妙地呼应了……的名言——…… The... is a hard evidence to demonstrate that... ……是一个确凿的证据,表明…… 十七、作出总结 In this regard, it is fair to say that... 在这一点上,可以说…… From what have been discussed above, it can be concluded that... 综上所述,可以得出结论:…… It is hence not surprising that... 因此……也就不足为奇了。肖振2023-06-09 08:44:261
五段式 一段开头。。引入话题,提出自己的观点或者回答作文的问题,把自己的观点清楚分条的列出来。 二,三,四段,自己想好支撑整个TOPIC的分论点,每段写一个,三段,一段一百字吧,差不多哈。可以引用名人名言,这个可以自己编造凡尘2023-06-09 08:44:261
专八翻译写作考试是中国对外翻译专业人员的高级别考试,通常也被认为是中国翻译行业的“黄埔军校”,其考试分为笔试和口语考试两部分。其中,翻译和写作作为笔试的一部分,是考生获得高分的重要途径之一。专八翻译写作占总分的40%,分值范围为0-100分。主要评估考生的翻译能力和写作能力,这两项能力在翻译行业中的重要性不言而喻。对于翻译能力的评估,专八翻译写作考试将通过阅读一篇英文原文,要求考生用准确、清晰、连贯的中文表达其大意、态度、作者观点等,并保持语言风格和语域与原文一致。在此基础上,还会根据译文的质量、流畅度、表达效果等因素,综合评定考生的翻译分数。在写作方面,专八翻译写作考试要求考生撰写一篇英文或汉语作文,题目通常涵盖社会、经济、政治、文化等各方面。考官将根据文章的结构、语言表达、逻辑清晰度、内容丰富度等因素评估考生的写作水平。总体来说,专八翻译写作占到了笔试总分的40%,分值范围很大,是考生获得高分的重要途径。但是要获得高分,需要在翻译和写作两个方面都有扎实的基础和出色的表现。因此,考生需要通过系统的学习和训练,提高自己的翻译和写作水平,以取得优异的成绩。gitcloud2023-06-09 08:44:261
专八翻译作文都是20分 。翻译有两个 一个英译中 一个中译英 各10分康康map2023-06-09 08:44:261
1.作文的写作时间为35分钟,合理的时间安排为10+20+5,前面的10分钟用来读题审题 ,构思并列提纲,接着的20分钟用来按照提纲写作,最后5分钟用来检查及润色。合理的时 间安排是写出优秀 作文的必不可少的第一步。?2.卷面的设置。要想让阅卷老师对你的作文试卷有一种赏心悦目的感觉,作文的排版应该不多于2/3,不少于1/3,要留有余地,不要将卷面写得密密麻麻。字体不要过大或过小。字迹要工整。段落方面,英语专业八级考试作文的特点决定了作文写法的基本框架为三段论。俗话说,事不过三,超过了三段后就会让人感到过于繁琐。并且应当注意的是,每段开头都应该有缩进,留有两个单词的位置。 3.再次,除了形式之外,作文 的内容也尤其重要。阅卷老师阅卷一般是从第一段看语言,从第二段看结构。这就要求考生 的作文开头部分以及每一段的第一句一定要写得像英文,不要出现任何的拼写或语法错误。 除了语言的地道外,还要求作文有层次感。可以用一系列表示逻辑关系的连词,即路标 词来表示思路的清晰,如and, however, furthermore,also, what"s more等。此外,还可 以用对等的句式结构,如for one thing, for another; On the one hand, on the other hand等来增加文章的层次感。总之,议论文对语言的要求主要体现在三个方面:①用 恰当的逻辑词表现文章的逻辑性。②要注意自然段与主题句的运用,即用自然段表现出文章 的逻辑性,并在每段中用主题句说明要点,给人一目了然的感觉。③要注意句型结构,注意 每句的重心和句与句之间的衔接,使句意一环扣一环,避免松散4.具体问题具体分析,例如这次的题目如果你要写自己,你可以先表达清楚自己的志向;然后再说为什么这样定位;你为它怎么样努力;最后,最重要的就是论述,说明对自己的影响。豆豆staR2023-06-09 08:44:261
1. 近20年来专八英语作文题目 97年 Sowing the Seeds, Nurturing Growth and Harvesting the Rewards 98年 ONE MAJOR PROBLEM IN THE PROCESS OF URBANIZATION 99年 COMPETITION OR COOPERATION 00年 Education as a Lifelong Process 01年 THE IMPACT OF THE INTERNET ON… 02年 THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSONAL QUALITY OF A UNIVERSITY STUDENT 03年 An English newspaper is currently running a discussion on whether young people in China today are (not) more self-centered and unsympathetic than were previous generations. And the paper is inviting contributions from university students. You have been asked to write a short article for the newspaper to air your views. You should supply a title for your article. 04年 Should University Students Go in for Business? 05年 Interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have been many arguments for or against the interview as a selection procedure. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 06年 On Ambition 07年 Does financial disparity affect friendship? 08年 What I have learned from my years at university 09年 Are dialects just acceptable in public places? 10年 The important role of a city"s local conditions in the urban design. 11年 Should famous Chinese sites of historical interest charge higher fees during peak travel seasons? 12年 等我考了再告诉你吧。黑桃花2023-06-09 08:44:251
英语专八各部分答题注意事项2020年8月19日英语专八作文: 1、务必遵循首段陈述事实,亮出自己的观点;二、三段分别论述自己的分论点,并举例,举例要多元化,运用正面例子和反面例康康map2023-06-09 08:44:252
Part Ⅵ Writing (45 min) With English being compulsory to students in primary andsecondary schools and collegesu2019 English education has becomean important part of China"s educational system. Thegovernment has also added to the English fever by calling forcitizens to learn English ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. However, some experts claim thatpeople spend too much time and energy studying English, which subsequently becomeunnecessary in their daily life. Some other experts maintain that English is an internationally usedlanguage and studying it contributes to one"s overall quality. Write a composition of about 400words on the following topic: In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second partyou should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring whatyou have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow theabove instructions may result in a loss of marks. We Do Need English Given the context of economic globalization, we cannot deny the fact that English is highlymeaningful in international cooperation and exchange as well as in personal development. Firstly, English language is of crucial importance in international cooperation and exchange. In thecurrent world, no nation could possibly survive without any contact with other countries.Transnational cooperation in business, production, cultural exchanges, education andenvironmental protection and so on has well become the norm of every single day. Andthroughout all the interactions, English, as a global language, is playing an indispensable role.English is spoken as an. official language in more than 80 countries and it also functions as workinglanguage in the UN. Two thirds of the world trade is conducted in English. Since China adoptedopening-up policy in late 1970s, especially after the accession into WTO, China has inevitablybecome a member of the global village. To perform our duties and enjoy our interests as asignificant member of the international community, we do need English by all means. Actually theremarkable economic development in China in the past two decades is to a great extent due to theefforts of competent individuals who possess desirable knowledge of foreign languages, English inparticular. Secondly, English is needed in our career development. The fact that English score is a must inmany a qualification test proves that various institutions have paid close attention to theiremployeesu2019 English proficiency. This move is easily understandable because workers with theadequate English knowledge are needed in international exchanges and because English cannot beacquired overnight. Even in many developed countries, students are required to take up two orthree foreign languages, the reason being that they are well aware that such a competence maybecome handy some day. As a developing country, China has a great deal to learn from othercountries. In order to arrive at that objective, we definitely need English as a facilitative tool. Thirdly, English is significant in regard to oneu2019s personal development. English is compulsory inelementary, secondary and tertiary education. One will have to pass English tests to climb theeducational ladder. Even though you practice self-study, English will invariably usher you into awonderland of enchanting literacy. Some people complain that we have invested too much timeand energy on English. It may be true, but obviously it is not English to be blamed. Perhaps weshould reexamine our teaching methods in an attempt to boost English teaching and learningefficiency. To sum up, with the rapid advancement of economic and cultural globalization, English hasbecome more and more indispensable in international affairs, career climbing, and personaldevelopment. There is no point in denying the significance of English.凡尘2023-06-09 08:44:251
part 1 Some Chinese top athletes including some world champions chose to pursue their career abroad after retiring from national teams. This has provoked quite some controversy. Some people have strong objections to the outflow of these players, believing it has minimized the advantages China has long had over foreign competitors. Others maintain that these individuals have right to choose their own way of life. Write an essay of about 400 words to express your view on this issue. In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Sample1 Serving Abroad: Better Not To Go Nowadays some Chinese top athletes including some world champions have chosen to pursue their career abroad after retiring from national team. This has provoked quite a bit of controversy. Some people have strong objections to their behavior, which is believed to have harmed China"s advantages over foreign competitors. And others maintain that these people possess their own tree will about the decisions of future life. In my opinion, the disadvantages of these phenomena have outweighed the advantages. First of all, the outflow of these outstanding athletes will directly lead to the loss of elites and techniques, which is very harmful for Chinese sports development. Coaches with ample and enviable experiences are valuable resources for our country. If we cannot keep them, their service for foreign teams will pose significant threats to us. The famous volleyball player and previous coach of our national team, Lang Ping is a good example in this sense. Around 1999, she left for Italy retirement, and got employed by one of the top clubs there. Since then the performance of that team soared up out of many experts" expectation. In 2004 Olympic Games, another example can be found with the Australian volleyball team as a dark horse. The brilliant performance of the team was evidently attributable to the two former Chinese coaches. Secondly, everyone should contribute to the prosperity of their home country and top athletes are no exceptions. It is true that they have devoted their childhood and youth to the tedious and strict training and cut-throat competition, yet it is equally true that the continuous development ot sports needs their rich experiences and hard-won skills. Thus there is no reason that they should leave aside the needs of our motherland and serve foreign countries. Thirdly, as a side effect of economic development, more and more people have become money-oriented and self-centered. If these outstanding players just go abroad for the pursuit of money, a bad example might be set for younger athletes who lack experience and desire to succeed in the future. Without a reasonable appreciation for sports career, these young people could not live up to expectations of the nation and people and work for continued boom of the country"s sports. Under Chinese system, professional athletes are to a great extent supported by the state. Consequently the patrons are entitled to have a say for the beneficiary"s future p1an. In conclusion, I am strongly against the phenomena of athletes" outflow. To repay the cultivation and trust from our nation, they should devote themselves into training young athletes. part 2 Traffic congestions are a headache in many cities across the country as a result of rapid increase of private cars. Therefore, some people suggest that a limit be put on the number of private cars. Do you agree or disagree with such a proposal? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic: In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Should We Put a Limit on Private Cars? Sample 1 A Limit Should Not Be Put on Private Cars Owing to economic development and improvement in living standards of common people, more and more private cars are on road. Some believe private cars have brought convenience and mobility to the owners while others argue that private automobiles deserve a limit on the increasing number. As far as I see it, we should not put a limit on private cars. First of all, the private car is a symbol of freedom and wealth. The private car has given us a freedom and convenience our ancestors could not dream of. We can travel to relatively remote places that it is hard to reach on foot or public transport rarely goes to. A car enables an individual or a family to travel at any time they wish. With a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the bitterly cold or under the scorching sun. Furthermore a car can serve as a symbol of one"s wealth, which makes him or her proud of his or her accomplishments and glorious past. Secondly, a car can make our work more efficient and life more convenient. Nowadays many Chinese can enjoy the comfort and luxury of owning a private car. Having a car of one"s own means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway trains; no more waste of time for waiting at the bus stop or train station. With a car one does not have to worry about the possible danger their child suffers when they are elbowing their way through the crowd, instead they can drop off the children at school on the way to work. In the case of illness, the car takes its owner or other sick person to hospital without any delay. Last but not least, lifting bans on private cars will stimulate the automobile industry, which provides jobs for a large team of workers. Known as a sunrise industry, Chinese automobile industry needs strong and continuous fueling from domestic demand. If more people buy cars, the industry will embrace continued growth, thus contributing more to the national economy. Moreover, its growth will trigger the boom of related industries like iron and steel production and energy. In conclusion, the advantages of private cars convince us that we should not put a limit on the number of private cars. What we should do at the moment is to perfect the transport infrastructure to ensure private cars to go faster and more safely.余辉2023-06-09 08:44:251
不可以。专八作文不可以中立。要么赞成,要么反对,总之,论点要旗帜鲜明,论据要充分有力,论证过程严谨。墨然殇2023-06-09 08:44:251
一、引出各方观点There exists a philosophy that...人们有这么一种想法……While many advocate..., I believe it"s a better idea to...虽然很多人提倡……,但我相信……是更好的主意。A debate is therefore inevitably touched off.一场辩论于是一触即发。二、引用名人名言As... rightly/aptly put it,“...”正如……恰当的说法一样:“……”There is a satirical saying in China which goes like this, ...中国有这么一句充满讽刺的俗话:……As... eloquently pronounced, ...正如……有力地指出,……三、指出现象或争议话题Recently, ... have caused much controversy.最近,……引发了广泛的争议。It is now a common practice to...现在……是个很普遍的做法。With the increasing concerns about..., people are calling for...随着人们日益关注……问题,人们疾呼……四、表示赞同I think it is universally acknowledged that...我认为……是被广泛承认的。In brief, it is apparent that... is a more sensible choice to...总之,很明显,对……来说,……是一个明智的选择。As far as I see it, it is natural that..., and it is also understandable that...就我个人看来,……很正常,而且……也可以理解。五、表示反对Nevertheless, upon careful consideration, it is not such a wise choice after all.但是,仔细想想,这终究不是明智之选。I think such behaviour is understandable but by no means recommendable.我觉得这种做法可以理解,但不应该鼓励。... is a reckless action which merely scratches the surface of the problem.……是不经考虑的行为,也必定于事无补。墨然殇2023-06-09 08:44:251
1 A case in point is... 恰当的例子是 例如:A case in point is the recent bank robbery. 2 A more interesting thing is that... 更为有趣的是 例如:A more interesting thing is that he can speakseveral languages besides English. 3 A more important fact is that... 更重要的事情是 例如:A more important fact is that he broke law. 4 As a matter of fact 事实上 例如:As a matter of fact, mathematics finds its application in every science. 5 Compared with... 与u2026u2026相比 例如:Compared with your suggestion, his is much better. 6 Considering... 考虑到 例如:Considering the weather, we had better call off our picnic. 7 Contrary to... 与u2026u2026相反 例如:Contrary to what I thought, he proved to be successful. 8 Contrary to all expectations 出乎意料 例如:Contrary to all expectations, he failed. 9 For that matter 关于这点 例如:Alice didn"t come, and for that matter, she didn"t even telephone. 10 Further, we hold opinion that... 而且我们认为 例如:Further, we hold opinion that the mismatched couple ought to part as soon as possible. 11 In accordance with... 根据 例如:In accordance with your wishes, I have written to him. 12 Not because...but because... 不是因为u2026u2026而是因为 例如:She married him, not because she loved him , but because she needed his money. 13 On account of 由于 例如:Jim couldn"t come here on account of the bad weather. 14 On second thoughts 经再三考虑 例如:On second thoughts, I am not going to Changchun. 15 Therefore, we should realize that... 因此,我们应认识到 例如:Therefore, we should realize that self-conquest is the greatest victory. 16 With regard to your proposal, I think that... 关于你的建议,我认为 例如:With regard to your proposal, I think that it will work well in practice豆豆staR2023-06-09 08:44:251
不算kikcik2023-06-09 08:44:255
一、内容简单化 内容简单化是考生在构思专八作文时应遵循的原则。考生不论是在练习时还是在考场上都应当牢记这一点。许多考生在作文上败下阵来就是因为花费了大量的时间和精力追求内容的新颖别致。国家考试中心在出专八作文试题时特别注意选择一些弹性不是很大的题目,因为考试作为一种语言测试方式,其重点在于测试考生英语语言水平,它不像出国英语考试,譬如托福、GMAT和GRE这类智商型考试那样测试考生逻辑思辩的能力;如果设置弹性较大的题目,评卷人在评分时就不容易把握。 事实上,专八作文考试的内容并不会给评卷人留下太深的影响,参阅任何一本考试作文指南书的考生都可以发现书中范文的内容不会有太多新意,评卷人评判的是考生的文能力,考生在构思时只要保证自己的内容符合逻辑,能够言之有理、言之成理、切题即可,然后把更多的注意力放在如何追求语言的得体性上;有的考生在考场上绞尽脑汁,想要找出些绝妙的内容来吸引评卷人的特别关注,结果往往是花费了十分的心思只得到一分的回报,有时反而会弄巧成拙,使评卷人的注意力转移方向,影响得分。 在考场上,笔者认为考生在构思内容上所花的时间不应超过5分钟,在认真读题并将其理解透彻以后,考生可以在试卷题目下方的空白处列一个简短的提纲,用中文即可,以此作为写作过程中内容的提示,在提笔开始写作的过程中就可将重点放在保证语言的流畅得体上,不会因为内容而中断思路。 二、结构模式化 专八高分作文的第二大策略是结构模式化,这也是最核心的一条策略。通览以往的考试作文考题,细心的考生不难发现,专业英语作文考题不仅题目弹性很小,而且题型相结稳定,这就为考生在短期内提高作文分数创造了一个条件,使考生完全可以在考前针对考试中可能出现的题型按照固定的结构模式进行训练。 三、语言要包装 做到内容简单化和结构模式化,考生就已经向专八高分作文的目标迈进了一大步,如果考生还能在语言的细节上下一些功夫,作文的分数就会更上一层楼,这也就是我们接下来要谈的第三大策略:语言要包装。前面我们已经说过,专业英语作文的测试重点是考生的语言能力,因而在语言细节上下一点功夫就可以让考生展示自己的语言修养。 作文中语言的包装主要应从以下六点入手。 首先是语法方面的包装。考生要注意在作文中选取一个中心时态,通常选取一般现在时即可,但在陈述具体例证时要根据不同的情况变换时态。大纲明确要求高分作文的句子要做到多样化,所以最好不要全盘使用简单句,这样会降低文章的层次、复杂句和简单句应在文章中交叉出现,而对一些描述性的例证以及临时想起的内容可以使用简单句。 词汇的包装是个较为艰巨的过程,但单从应试的角度而言,考生可以精选一些高分作文学习,吸取其中的语言营养,对其中的用词进行细致的研究和模仿,在练习时尽量使用范文中一些常用的优秀词汇。 同样在引用名人名言时考生也要特别注意:中国人习惯用别人说的话来证明自己的观点,而西方人引用名人名言通常都是为了进行批判性分析,这也是东西方文化上的一大差异,建议考生心意一不要使用名人名言,而应当用自己的逻辑去说服对方。 说到这里自然就引出五一个语言包装的问题:应不应当在作文中作用谚语,大多数考生会觉得这些语言对评卷人而言已是陈词滥调,不应该在他们面前卖弄,事实恰恰相反,非英语国家的考生使用谚语常常会给英语国家的评卷人留下良好的印象,他们认为只有英语功底很扎实的考生才能正确地使用谚语。因此,在对所用表达法把握很大的情况下,考生不妨在作文中写一些地道的英语习语。 语言包装的最后一点是文体意识。普林斯顿所提供的评分标准中非常明确地指出考生所写的文章应当是academic(学术性)的,考生在提笔之前应当清楚地认识到现在这篇文章应当是学术性的正式文体,在遣词造句时要抛弃口语体的非正式的词汇和句型。可桃可挑2023-06-09 08:44:251
经济NerveM 2023-06-09 08:44:252
As an economic rule goes, when supply outweighs demand,the price decreases.从经济规律上来说当供过于求时价格上涨。The same seems true for the current situation for college graduates.这样的理论同样适用于当今的大学生。Since 1999,the central government has implemented the Grand College Enrollment Plan, 1999with the total number of college graduates on the increase in the following years.从1999年以来政府实行了大学扩招计划,随后的几年大学毕业生的数量逐年上升。But the boomed economy does not provide enough jobs for those graduates coming out at a time.但是增长的经济并没有给这些应届生带来足够的工作机会。Therefore,many people reason that college graduates are not as competent as before,for many of them have difficulties in finding jobs.所以许多人认为应届生没有了以往的能力,许多应届生找不到工作。But I disagree with this conclusion.但是我不同意这样的结论。Firstly, admittedly, there are some college graduates who are not competent,but these students can not represent all the students.首先毋庸置疑许多大学毕业生没有足够的技能,但是我们不能以偏概全。Due to the Grand College Enrollment Plan,more and more high school students have access to the higher education.由于大学扩招政策越来越多的高中生接受了高等教育。Inevitably, the standard has been lowered,otherwise, university can not admit so many applicants.不可避免的是大学的水平降低了,否则大学不能够招收这么多的学生。While those smart students in high schools are more likely to have excellent performance,other not-so-good students would have difficulties in college learning.那些高中的好学生更有可能发挥出色,许多中等学生会发现大学的学习很困难。As a result,those graduates with bad performance in college can not demonstrate the value of higher learning to the society and hence they gradually form the incompetent image of college graduates.所以那些大学学习不好的应届生就不能向社会展示高等教育的价值,他们也造就了大学毕业生没能力的事实。Secondly,those who hold this negative opinion do not take the social context into consideration.第二那些持消极观念的人并没有把社会的因素考虑在内。As is known,in the period when China carried out planned economic policies,college graduates did not need to worry about their jobs,for iron-bowls waited for them after graduation.众所周知在中国实施计划经济时期,大学毕业生不需要担心他们的工作问题,毕业以后他们就会有所谓的“铁饭碗”。But after the reform of higher education,college graduates have to find jobs for themselves.但是高等教育改革以后应届生必须自己寻找工作。When hundreds of thousands of graduates compete for a limited number of job vacancies,there are inevitably many who can not procure ideal jobs.数十万毕业生竞争那有限的职位时,就会有人不能获得他们理想的工作这是不可避免的。Besides,employment is always influenced by global and national economy.此外就业总是受全球和国内经济的影响。When economy slows down,the corporate world would not recruit as many employees as before.当经济下滑时世界上的企业将不能雇佣向以前一样多的员工。For example, in 2009, many college graduates, from both prestigious universities and less-known universities, have difficulties in hunting jobs.2009-例如2009年许多来自名牌大学和普通大学的应届生都很难找到工作。In this sense,it is not college graduates that are incompetent,instead, it is the social context that is unfavorable to college graduates.从这一点看并不是大学学生的能力问题,而是社会因素对应届生不利。As factors combine to lead to a result,one can not simply reach conclusions without taking various factors into account.因素导致结果,人们不能在没有考虑各方名因素的情况下做出结论。Otherwise, one would make reductionist mistakes.否则人们就犯了还原论者的错误。In this case, those who think college students are not as competent as before have made this kind of mistake.在这一事件中那些认为大学生没有以前的学生有能力这一论断就是犯了这样的错误。They just attribute college graduates difficulties in finding jobs to their incompetence, without exploring the social and economic situations.他们仅仅把毕业生找工作难归咎于无能力,而并没有考虑社会和经济的情况。NerveM 2023-06-09 08:44:241
八级作文400字,第一段 唱辽阔第二段 论点一第三段 论点二第四段 论点三(如有)第五段 反论第六段 结语mlhxueli 2023-06-09 08:44:241
考专业英语八级的作文一般要求书写清晰,语言准确,结构合理,逻辑严密,表达流畅,内容丰富,视野开阔,且要求结合实际,遵循学术规范,准确阐述自己的观点,以及丰富的词汇和语法结构。此外,要求对给定话题有深入的理解和分析,并能从各个角度进行有效的探讨与论述。所写文章应具有实用性,能够帮助读者解决实际的问题或提供有益的信息。苏萦2023-06-09 08:44:242
专八写作议论文 篇1 Some people are committed to their dreams and work hard to achieve their goals. What is guiding them is akind of illusion.Some people think that illusion is good for success while others argue that it is not sogood because it may get people unrealistic.As far as I am concerned, illusion is necessary in our life only if it is encouraging and realistic. There are several reasons.First of all,there is power in illusion. The illusion can lead people to thepath they want to go on and it gives us passion. We need to live each moment wholeheartedly,with all our senses so that we can find pleasure in the fragrance of backyard garden, the crayoned picture of a six-year-old,and the enchanting beauty of a rainbow.The illusion can be enthusiastic love of life that puts sparkle in our eyes,a lilt in our steps and smoothes the wrinkles from our souls. Secondly,we are born with wide-eyed,enthusiastic wonder as anyone knows who has ever seen an infant"s delight at the jingle of keys or the scurrying of a beetle.It is this childlike wonder and illusion that gives enthusiastic people such a youthful air,no matter how old they are. For example,the famous cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach.As the music flowed through his fingers,his stooped shouldrs would straighten and joy would reappear in his eyes.Music,for him,was an elixir that made life a never-ending adventure.As author and poet Samuel Ullman once wrote,“Years wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.” Lastly, people with illusions also love what they do,regardless of money or power or title.If we cannot do what we love as a full-time career,we can as do a part-time vocation,like the head of state who paints,the nun who runs marathons and the executive who handcrafts furniture.We cannot afford to waste tears and energy and time on “might-have-beens”.We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after “what-can-be”. To sum up,God gives each bird its food,but he does not throw it into its nest.Wherever you want to go,just cherish your precious illusion and let your dream be realized. 专八写作议论文 篇2 In this competitive society,people cannot avoid the stress from the bustle and hustle of modern life.Appropriate pressure is the motivation for our progress,while too much stress will have harmful effects on our health and work.We cannot avoid it,so we must learn deal to with it properly. In the first place,it is important to have a correct understanding about stress.We are now in a world where the fittest will survive,and it"s better to ensure survival than being defeated.But to individuals, the social environment will not change.We have to realize both the positive and negative aspects of stress.It is like a double-edged sword,which may be used by us,or may hurt us.The key point is whether you hold the blade or the handle. We can take it as a motive force for us to make progress,makefull use of it and avoid being hurt by it. In the second place,people have to adjust their own mood and mentality.We should say to ourselves thatI like challenges and I am strong,but never think I am a loser or I cannot stand that any more.The positive hint will change your attitude,and then affect the result of your behavior.And it is also of great importance to cherish what you have got.The common weak point of the human being is that he longs forwhat he cannot get,but does not value and protect what he has at the moment.Most people are thinking about how to own more,such as social status,power,honor and so on. At last the more they want,the more pressure they get.If they can give something up,they will feel better.Finally,some practical measures can help us to handle stress in our life.Having a plan on the career, increasing the competitiveness and learning to control your time will do much help to reduce the stress.It is advisable to separate work from life.Work hard when you are at work and have a good rest when you are free.In other words,there must be a boundary. To sum up,the stress in our life is inevitable,and we must learn to handle it effectively. We must have a right understanding about it,try our best to adjust our own mentality and use practical ways to reduce it. 专八写作议论文 篇3 Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants, while others like to prepare food at home. Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the house don"t always have time to cook. They like the convenience of eating out. Overall, though, it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home. While eating in restaurants is fast, the money you spend can add up. When I have dinner at restaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries with that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person. That"s enough to feed the whole family at home. Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories, and they serve big plates of food--much more food than you need to eat at one meal. If you cook food at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine instead of butter on your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home, you can control your portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant, you may eat a full plate of food "because you paid for it". It"s true that eating out is convenient. You don"t have to shop, or cook, or clean up. But real home cooking doesn"t have to take a lot of time. There are lots of simple meals that don"t take long to make. In fact, they"re faster than eating out, especially if you think of the time you spend driving to a restaurant, parking, waiting for a table, waiting for service, and driving home. Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health issues, but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best. Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 专八写作议论文 篇4 As a student having received many years of education, I"m both nicely surprised and gratified by the term“class rights”. This educational concept challenges the traditional education rules, and can be considered as a revolution in classroom teaching. And my favor goes to the abandoning of previous rigid disciplines. First of all, class rights actually cater to natural physiological needs and basic legal rights of learners. Students" drinking water and going to bathroom during class used to be denied due to class disciplines previously adopted. And this practice is against human rights, according to western educators. It can be regarded as an improvement that we have taken care of these basic human needs. Schools and teachers used to stress students" obligations to observe school regulations, but tend to ignore their class rights. Students, though young in age, are inalienable part of human, it was unreasonable for them to have obligations but no rights. Secondly, the classroom is not only a place for knowledge transfer, but also a place of humanity education. As independent individuals, children should be respected in class. Only when their status as human individuals is valued, can they grow up healthily in a sound educational environment. The caring for class rights implies the principle of equality, democracy and mutual respect, thus encouraging the students" thinking and stimulating their creativity. Therefore, old-fashioned school discipline can no longer keep up with current situation. Respecting students" class rights means not only permitting them to drink water or go to bathroom during class, but also encourage them to think, to speak out, to practice what is learned, to communicate and to give them enough opportunities to express themselves. They can question what teachers teach, make their options in doing teachers" assignment, or refuse to answer teachers" questions in class. In this way, they can fully enjoy their school experience. Whether the class rights are scientific or not, the move itself is valuable and significant. If these class rights can be translated into legislation and become legal principle, then students" rights would be well protected. The education circle should not only recognize these class rights, but also put them into actual practice. 专八写作议论文 篇5 Traffic congestions are a headache in many cities across the country as a result of rapid increase of private cars. Therefore, some people suggest that a limit be put on the number of private cars. Do you agree or disagree with such a proposal? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic: In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Should We Put a Limit on Private Cars? 专八写作议论文 篇6 Is it helpful to build an honest and clean government by a fund for incorruptible civil servants? Such an issue has aroused controversy among the public. Proponents believe the innovative move will help to fight against corruption and build a clean government. Opponents say that being clean is an official"s obligation and duty and there is therefore no need to reward them with additional funds. Personally, I"d like to express my disapproval on this question. First of all, to establish an accumulation fund for clean officials is in fact a challenge to social justice. Public servants should work diligently in an honest and clean way and abide by laws and regulations when performing their duties. That is the basic requirement for them. Any official who fails in this sense does not deserve the position of a public servant. Extra pay for clean public servants will naturally damage the image of public servants in the eyes of ordinary people. In addition, it will play a negative role in their professional work ethics. When public servants are rewarded for what they should do, what about clean doctors, teachers, lawyers, policemen? Obviously such a policy is not well-grounded. Secondly, the most unfair part about the reserve fund is that it infringes upon the interests of taxpayers who contribute to public servants" salary in the first place. It"s God"s truth that officials should work for the taxpayers" interests. But to sustain such a fund system, a large number of workers and farmers will have to pay more for what public servants are supposed to do. As for the reserve fund, only when the amount of the award comes to a tempting figure can it restrain corruption to a certain degree. However, it is impossible to raise such an enormous fund only from their welfare fund. So, the fund is actually a disguised form of reward to public servants through taking advantage of fiscal revenue. Relatively speaking, public servants are well paid for their service, so it is not rational to raise such a fund of reward. What we can do is to strengthen supervision mechanisms, so as to effectively track down and punish corrupted officials and let them pay higher costs for their behavior. In addition, to fundamentally minimizing the corruption phenomenon in the government, we should take effective measures to put a limit on their power in an attempt to provide fewer opportunities to abuse power. 专八写作议论文 篇7 Owing to economic development and improvement in living standards of common people, more and more private cars are on road. Some believe private cars have brought convenience and mobility to the owners while others argue that private automobiles deserve a limit on the increasing number. As far as I see it, we should not put a limit on private cars. First of all, the private car is a symbol of freedom and wealth. The private car has given us a freedom and convenience our ancestors could not dream of. We can travel to relatively remote places that it is hard to reach on foot or public transport rarely goes to. A car enables an individual or a family to travel at any time they wish. With a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the bitterly cold or under the scorching sun. Furthermore a car can serve as a symbol of one"s wealth, which makes him or her proud of his or her accomplishments and glorious past. Secondly, a car can make our work more efficient and life more convenient. Nowadays many Chinese can enjoy the comfort and luxury of owning a private car. Having a car of one"s own means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway trains; no more waste of time for waiting at the bus stop or train station. With a car one does not have to worry about the possible danger their child suffers when they are elbowing their way through the crowd, instead they can drop off the children at school on the way to work. In the case of illness, the car takes its owner or other sick person to hospital without any delay. Last but not least, lifting bans on private cars will stimulate the automobile industry, which provides jobs for a large team of workers. Known as a sunrise industry, Chinese automobile industry needs s拌三丝2023-06-09 08:44:241
英语专八作文字数要求不少于300词汇。专八测试要求:学生能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇300词左右的说明文或议论文。该作文必须语言通顺,用词得体,结构合理,文体恰当,具有说服力。专八作文题型由题目及要求两部分组成。要求应试者按题撰写。考试时间为60分钟。TEM-8考试以60分为及格分数。考试及格者由高等院校外语专业教学指导委员会颁发合格证书。成绩分为三个等级:60-69分合格;70-79分良好;80分以上为优秀。报名时间报名时间为每年的11月或12月,具体时间以各高校教务处的通知为准,凭所在高校的学生证集体报名——不接受其他学生的报名。九万里风9 2023-06-09 08:44:241
考试的时候,专八作文 可以先用中文打草稿 然后再进行翻译 的这种方式进行吗?
这样肯定不可能,打腹稿时间都紧迫,何况还是先写中文再翻译?哪有那么多时间?而且中文思路和英文有时候不太一样,你直接按照你的中文草稿翻译可能有些地方会显得死板。建议你读完题目后迅速在脑子中想好提纲,有个大致思路,然后一边写一边调整你的思路。豆豆staR2023-06-09 08:44:233
专八作文没写完能过。专八考试只要选择题、判断题正确率高,得分高会顺利通过考试,作文所占分数不多,不会影响通过。阿啵呲嘚2023-06-09 08:44:231
不应该收费。根据相关公开信息显示,人们习惯于免费音乐,如果他们被要求支付音乐,大多数人不愿意花钱,更重要的是,人们可以在网上找到各种各样的资源,这就是科技的力量,所以收费下载音乐是行不通的。《英语专业八级写作》是2010年大连理工大学出版社出版的图书,作者是姚晓、蒙徐永。该书主要讲述了英语专业八级写作的要求,写作过程的分析以及写作的技巧。苏萦2023-06-09 08:44:231
您好 没有特定的几段的要求啊,专八是有一定英语水平的考试,若只为了凑成5段,段落分割生硬的话肯定是会减分的。要看行文来分段,4-6段都可以韦斯特兰2023-06-09 08:44:232
专八写作不是只考议论文。英语专业八级考试内容中对作文的说明是根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇300词左右的说明文或议论文,该作文必须语言通顺,用词得体,结构合理,文体恰当,具有说服力。作文可以是说明文,也可以是议论文。所以专八写作不是只考议论文。人类地板流精华2023-06-09 08:44:231
不知道你说的自己拟题是什么意思,大作文给的材料已经能让你读出一主题来,你抓住真个思路,写一篇文章,记住不要忘了在作文第一行写作文题目,要写一个既能概括你作文主旨又能有特色,亮点的题目,让阅卷老师看到你的题目就能知道你作文写了什么,你的观点是肯定还是否定.不要忘了写题目哦,据说这个题目好像还有分值的,2分还是5分的样子.wpBeta2023-06-09 08:44:231
一、引出各方观点There exists a philosophy that...人们有这么一种想法……While many advocate..., I believe it"s a better idea to...虽然很多人提倡……,但我相信……是更好的主意。A debate is therefore inevitably touched off.一场辩论于是一触即发。二、引用名人名言As... rightly/aptly put it,“...”正如……恰当的说法一样:“……”There is a satirical saying in China which goes like this, ...中国有这么一句充满讽刺的俗话:……As... eloquently pronounced, ...正如……有力地指出,……三、指出现象或争议话题Recently, ... have caused much controversy.最近,……引发了广泛的争议。It is now a common practice to...现在……是个很普遍的做法。With the increasing concerns about..., people are calling for...随着人们日益关注……问题,人们疾呼……英语学习方法第一:自信的说英语。英语是一门语言,最重要的事说出口,很多同学学习英语的时候不敢说出来,怕人家笑话,虽然学的很好,却成了“哑巴英语”。要想学好英语,那就勇敢自信的说英语,慢慢的锻炼中,英语语感有了,英语自然就学好了。第二:经常的听英语。英语听力刚开始的时候确实是很痛苦的,听不懂,也做不对,就像放弃。其实只要坚持下去,在听的时候集中注意力,认真听,坚持一段时间就会收到很好的效果。第三:慢慢的写英语。现在大部分的报纸,杂志都是英语版,工作中用英语写邮件也是家常便饭。那么要想学好英语还需要写英语。所有的英语就由26个字母组成,写英语的时候要慢,不要写成汉语式英语。特别是练习写作的时候,要慢慢的写,把每一个单词拼写正确,争取每一句语法都不会出现错误,慢工出细活。铁血嘟嘟2023-06-09 08:44:231
不是。专八作文--是否同意某一观点,这一类题目通常会列出一个观点,然后要求考生发表自己的看法。 写作 Writing 写作项目是全国高校英语专业学生八级考试(TEM-8)五大项目之一,它的分值占总分的20%,考试时间为60分钟。西柚不是西游2023-06-09 08:44:221
Children should begin their formal schooling at an early age People have different views on what children should do at a very early age. Some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies. Others believe that it is still time for young children to play. Both views are based on respective ground. Those who argue for the playing time for children suggest that children at a very early age are still too young to focus their attention on learning. Their brain may not be ready for serious studies such as comprehension and memorizing learning materials. These people are partially right, for it is true that young children can hardly concentrate. Their attention on one thing lasts for no longer than 15 minutes or so. But we can arrange classes for shorter periods, can"t we? And we can shift teaching subjects. Through putting them to study, young children are occupied with learning but not with playing. Those who argue for children"s early commencement for formal education believe that being put to studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop children"s mental abilities like the ability to memorize, the ability to understand and the ability to do simple calculation. Children"s habit of studying and love for learning are of great importance to youngsters because these two things set up the sound foundation for their future studies. Having children start formal education at a very early age benefits young children much more than simply letting them play most of their time. A good habit needs a long time to develop to become a second nature. More importantly, it is better to develop a good habit before a bad one may grow. Similarly, the love for learning should take toots for before the love for playing is established. Should a person make an important decision alone?A person should never make an important decision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. People, who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own experience. When I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in collage, I talked to my teachers and advisors; they had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career. Without their advice, I might have chosen unsuitable courses. In collage, I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play. Therefore, I decided not to audition even though drama had always been my passion. The day of the audition, a friend of mine asked me why I was not auditioning. When I told her I did not feel I was good enough, she was shocked. She was able to西柚不是西游2023-06-09 08:44:221
专八翻译作文都是20分 。拓展资料:英语专业八级考试(TEM-8,Test for English Majors-Band 8),全称为全国高校英语专业八级考试。自1991年起由中华人民共和国教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学英语专业学生。英语专业八级考试是由高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会主办的(非教育部主办)。它在每年的三月份举办一次,考试在上午进行,题型包括听力、阅读、改错、翻译和写作。考试内容涵盖英语听、读、写、译各方面,2005年又加入人文常识。笔试形式考核。口试另外考核,名称为“英语专业八级口语与口译考试”,合格后颁发“英语专业八级口语与口译证书”,但是口试的知名度不够,参加人数也不多,很多英语专业考生都不知道还有专八口试考试。时间是每年3月上旬,对象是英语及相关专业大四学生。非英语及相关专业与非在校生无法参加考试。考试及格者由高等院校外语专业教学指导委员会颁发成绩单。成绩分三级:60-69分是合格;70-79分是良好;80分及以上是优秀。考试合格后颁发的证书终身有效。从2003年起,考试不合格能够补考一次。补考合格后只颁发合格证书。2022年4月23日,高校外语专业教学测试办公室发布通知,根据全国疫情防控形势,原定于2022年5月28日举行的全国高等学校英语专业八级考试(TEM8),将延期至2022年下半年举行。CarieVinne 2023-06-09 08:44:221
这周六专八考试,在职备考了这么久,临近考试,有点心慌,担心自己不能pass,那这段日子的复习就功亏一篑了。不过,还是安慰自己,不能慌,尽力就好!按照自己的计划,最后一个星期开始准备作文,也是临阵磨枪,找找手感吧。 英语听说读写,“写”是我目前最害怕的事情。因为“说”不在专八考试范围内,“听读”又都是输入,学习者只需要接收新知识就行了。但“写”不一样,“写”是输出,输出是建立在大量输入的基础之上,它能全方位考察一个人的英语知识水平。 我之所以害怕英语写作,有以下两个原因: 首先,知识积累不足 。太久没有背书的我心里清楚,自己的知识储备十分欠缺,虽然这小半年为了备考专八一直坚持学英语,但都停留在背单词和练习阅读上,也就是停留在“听读”上,与其说是积累基础知识,更像是培养语感,所以一旦到“写”上就会有难度。 其次,很少练笔。 英语写作和汉语写作一样,需要长期坚持练习,才能下笔有料。现在我输出一篇600字的中文小短文只需要20分钟作业,当然不包括修改和润色。但因为很少写英语作文,动起笔来就像登山一样难,有点后悔没有早一点开始练笔。 还有最后几天,我也强迫自己开始准备作文。说是准备, 其实主要看范文,模范范文,背诵范文,这是目前我认为最适合我的方法。通过分析优秀范文,从优秀范文中提取可以为我使用的好词好句,做成适合自己的模板,然后再动手写一两篇。 再加把劲,一次性通过考试吧。苏萦2023-06-09 08:44:221
不是这样算的,要看你有没有表达完整,论述清楚。一般200多词不可能表述完整。说明你论据论证不够,要扣分。至于字数不够,差太多,也是要扣分的。Jm-R2023-06-09 08:44:224
Part Ⅵ Writing (45 min) For centuries, Chinese people have been encouraged to fightback against crime and help out with emergencies in a selflessmanner. However, should our youth sacrifice their lives in anemergency or is there a smarter way to deal with a crisis? Writea composition of about 400 words to state your view. In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second partyou should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring whatyou have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow theabove instructions may result in a loss of marks. Safety Comes First The mindset of sacrifice is seen as an important part of the Chinese nationu2019s traditional virtues.Chinese often regard those as heroes who volunteer to offer assistance in times of crisis. Evenchildren and youngsters in primary and middle schools are taught to learn from this kind of heroesand do something alike when confronting a similar circumstance. However, I hold an opposite viewon this issue. Firstly, the new concepts of self-protection will not challenge or weaken the traditional Chinesevirtue of justice and courage. On the contrary, it will be carried toward In a scientific and rationalway. For instance, if primary students see a robbery on their way to school, they are advised toremember the traits of suspects and report the case to school and public security authorities. Forhigh school students, they should report it first, and at the same time take some adequate actionsto fight against criminals on the premise of fully guaranteeing their own safety. That is a positiveand flexible measure to strengthen the self-protection awareness of students under the age of 18for whom safety should be the first consideration. Given their physical strength and relevanttraining, it is not wise for them to stand up for justice at the risk of endangering their own lives. Furthermore, full respect for oneu2019s lives represents social progress. In the past, the governmentstressed that all efforts should be made to protect public interests regardless of the cost, but todaypriority is given to individualu2019s personal safety. And the new concepts actually require adults andteachers to enhance studentsu2019 awareness of safety and teach them the value of life. When theyknow they can not bring the suspect into control, they are advised to seek help instead of actingboldly and bluntly. Certainly we do not want our youngsters to become cowards, but we do wantthem to be wise. An old saying goes that a wise man cuts the coat according to the cloth he has. We shouldemphasize that acts are to be taken in conformity with oneu2019s specific circumstance. Andyoungsters are not advised to take the challenge and risk beyond their limitation, for theyrepresent the future of our nation.豆豆staR2023-06-09 08:44:211
英语专八写作方面的阅读量的逐渐增加,可以为2018年的专八考试提供一点小小帮助。下面是我给大家整理的2018英语专八写作,供大家参阅! 2018英语专八写作篇1 My opinion on advertisement Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. There are many way to advertise and ads come in different forms. Newspapers and billboards carry advertisements; some products are announced on TV and radio which have a wide audience. Advertising is a big industry and many agencies are set up for furnish a variety of services for it. However, advertising is not welcome sometimes. A most irritating thing is to watch advertisements before and during films on TV. There are so many of them that they make you forget what you are sitting there for. The ironical thing is that advertisements of one type of things are often shown one after another so that you are confused as to which product you should choose. Whatu2019s more, advertising is not always truthful. The advertisers exaggerate the benefits of the merchandise they want to sell in order to gain more profits. Thus the consumers fall victim to such advertising. Although there are disadvantages of ads, we can not forget the advantages and the conveniences they bring to us. First, by telling us where something is available, they may save us money and time. They guide us in finding suitable jobs and other information as well. Secondly, a wide range of activities and institutions receive financial support through advertising. Without this support we would have to pay much more for newspapers and sports games. Thirdly, perfect advertisements even provide entertainment. A considerable amount of effort goes into their production. So in most cases the photography is truly artistic, the slogans are genuinely witty, and the situations are decidedly funny. Generally speaking, advertisements have become one of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today. Let us make our life easier by learning to choose proper ads, and be the master of advertisements, not their salve. 2018英语专八写作篇2 Should a person make an important decision alone? A person should never make an important decision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. People, who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own experience. When I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in collage, I talked to my teachers and advisors; they had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career. Without their advice, I might have chosen unsuitable courses. In collage, I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play. Therefore, I decided not to audition even though drama had always been my passion. The day of the audition, a friend of mine asked me why I was not auditioning. When I told her I did not feel I was good enough, she was shocked. She was able provide me with another perspective on myself and my talents. I rethought my decision and tried out.and got a lead in the play. Last year when I was trying to decide whether or not I should study overseas, I talked to my friend. This was the best thing I could have done. This was a big decision for me because I had never been overseas on my own and I was not sure if I could do it. She had studied overseas the precious year. She told me about the challenges and opportunities I might encounter and helped me make the right decision. I went and it was amazing. Whenever I am faced with an important decision, I seek advice from others so that I am well-informed and have the benefit of their perspective and experience. 2018英语专八写作篇3 Children should begin their formal schooling at an early age People have different views on what children should do at a very early age. Some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies. Others believe that it is still time for young children to play. Both views are based on respective ground. Those who argue for childrenu2019s early commencement for formal education believe that being put to studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop childrenu2019s mental abilities like the ability to memorize, the ability to understand and the ability to do simple calculation. Childrenu2019s habit of studying and love for learning are of great importance to youngsters because these two things set up the sound foundation for their future studies. Having children start formal education at a very early age benefits young children much more than simply letting them play most of their time. A good habit needs a long time to develop to become a second nature. More importantly, it is better to develop a good habit before a bad one may grow. Similarly, the love for learning should take toots for before the love for playing is established.拌三丝2023-06-09 08:44:211
近20年来专八英语作文题目。 只需要英语作文题目就ok了!
不懂拌三丝2023-06-09 08:44:212
最好不要u投在线2023-06-09 08:44:213
主要是要求用的句型和词汇要复杂一些。北境漫步2023-06-09 08:44:215
我最敬佩的一个人生性好强的她,也有被难倒的那一刻。然而正是那一刻,让我真正地看到了她的可敬之处。那是小学六年级下学期的一天中午,下课铃一响,早已饥肠辘辘的她,不亚于男生的速度,第一个向楼下跑去,只差三个台阶了,她像往常一样来了个三级跳,不巧,这次她没发挥好,不慎跌倒在那里。紧随其后的同学见势不妙,赶快前来扶她。她的左脚使劲地蹬,也未能站起来,豆大的汗珠儿,从她额头上躺了下来。平时爱逗的阿军也被吓的没了笑容,赶快吩咐大块头阿胜说:“还迟疑什么?赶快背她去医务室!”大块头阿胜毫不迟疑地将她送往医务室。医务人员见状说:“不妙!”赶快给我们班主任老师打电话说;“通知学生家长赶快来,怕是骨折。”她一听,顿时,差点瘫在哪里,天呀!不久就要期末考试了,这可怎么办?没多会儿,她的爸妈赶来,把她送往医院,拍片结果,左脚一处骨折。坚强的她难以控制住自己,竟然痛哭起来,伤筋动骨一百天,还怎么参加考试呀。她妈妈安慰她说:“安心养伤,先别想考试的事了。”“不行!”倔强的她对她妈妈说。打好石膏,她爸妈为她取完药回到家里,她却说:“明天去上课”“傻孩子,你已这样,怎能做得到呢?”她妈妈说着眼泪都掉了下来。“您放心只要您们能接送我,其它的您们就不用管了。”她坚持己见地说。转天,她妈妈拗不过,只好把她送到学校,背进教室。这一幕,同学们都看呆了。她的坚强感动了同分学们,大家纷纷地说:“阿姨,有我们了,您放心地去上班吧!就这样二十几天如一日,同学们有为她打饭的,有为她打水的,还有替她收作业的。终于熬到了期末考试那一天,功夫不负有心人,这次考试的成绩出来了。她仍然考了全年级第一。这怎能不令人敬佩呢?参考资料:系本人原创——范文 仅供参考希望我的回答能帮助你,祝你学习进步!mlhxueli 2023-06-09 08:44:211
不知道你的字大不大,我也是前天考得,字数应该是不够的.我一行大概写12个单词,得35行左右差不多,我数过额,正面只有22行.差不多就只写了三分之二的内容.按评分标准的话,可能10分或8,9分吧.我个人很保守,具体怎么样我也不知道,也许改卷老师心情好呢拌三丝2023-06-09 08:44:211
lcon trick of brow like a threat, are as a c左迁2023-06-09 08:44:212
在专八的英语写作里,经常会出现一些提问式的话题作文,如是否应该做某事,或者某事的`利与弊。对于这类的写作就要求考生有自己的思考,并且清楚明阐述自己的观点。下面,为大家送上两篇专八写作双重观点作文范文。 专八写作双重观点作文范文一 Students Should Be Required to Wear School Uniform Of all the great changes that have taken place in the system of compulsory education,school uniform of diverse patterns has proved to be a success.Today, however,a controversy towards school uniform stretches widely as it is feared that such uniform somewhat diminishes the individual personality of students.My opinion is that it is worth the praise it has received. In the first place, school uniform helps students foster team spirit and strengthen the spirit of cooperation.Providing a sense of unity, the uniform makes everyone feel that he or she is influential and indispensable in the team.Regardless of performance in class or examination, one student is wearing the same clothes as the others and working on his share for the team responsibility.Naturally they will be willing to participate in the team and proud of their contributions. Brought up in this caring and inclusive environment,students will have an easy time functioning in new community and collaborating with coworkers. In the second place, school uniform reinforces the sense of equality for a diversified student body.School uniform tends to narrow down the discrepancy between students from families of low and high economic status.In this sense it may help lift some psychological obstacles. Owing to school uniform,the bias against poor students will disappear gradually.Had it not been for school uniform, wearing shabby clothes would be a constant reminder of poor family conditions.And whatu2019s worse, they would feel ashamed of whom they are and the low self-esteem may have adverse impacts on study. Last but not least,school uniform takes effect when accidents occur and the safety of students is endangered.The name or logo of school printed on uniform will help witness to know the victimu2019s identity and come to timely and efficient aid. On the whole,students will benefit a great deal from their uniforms for the reasons ranging from their personality cultivation to aids in face of danger.Considering all above factors,it bears no reasoning to abandon school uniform. 专八写作双重观点作文范文二 Over the past few years, more and more Chinese parents have been sending their children abroad, believing the experience of studying abroad will pave the way for their children"s future success. Even now, this rush continues and has become very widespread. This phenomenon has drawn public attention, with people standing on both sides.It is my contention论点 that sending teenagers abroad without proper preparation may do more harm than good to their development. First of all,these teenagers may have difficulty adapting to the new environment which might be totally different from the homeland they are used to living in.Therefore,they will probably experience the so-called "culture shock".They may dislike the food, be unable to follow the teachers"s teaching method,or have problems dealing with people around them.As a result,they may find nothing goes well at the beginning and feel lonely and frustrated. If these teenagers are not well prepared psychologically,their character will probably be severely affected. Moreover, for these youngsters", language can be a great barrier, which may cause difficulty in both their daily life and their studies. As most of them have just graduated from middle schools when going abroad, their command of the foreign language is usually inadequate for living and studying in a foreign country.Consequently, they may find it hard to follow the teacher"s instructions and feel at a loss困惑 as to how to use the library and how to rent an apartment.The pressure of study and stress of life may make them feel anxious and upset, which may in turn affect their academic development. In conclusion,teenagers studying abroad will probably have an extremely difficult time and their perspective of academic success will be far from their parents"s expectation.Sending teenagers abroad may be an unwise decision.Parents should be careful when making such a choice.Ntou1232023-06-09 08:44:201
英语专八作文模板可以帮助考生们根据不同类型的话题套入形成提纲,在此专八频道整理了英语专八作文模板供考生们参考。 The picture shows…… . symbolizes…… . As is quoted in the picture,…… . It apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China— in contrast with…… . One the one hand, the problem partially attributes to…… . Sometimes…… . On the other hand,…… . For example,…… ,while…… . In my opinion, the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect. proves to be most beneficial to students. Further, a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue. 1. 观点选择式A or B模式1: Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.For instance,____________________ Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________ The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________ Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as________________. In a word, ________________________________________________.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A. 2. 观点选择式A or B模式2: 将 原题复述___________________________________________When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows. The main reason for my propensity for A/B is that___________________. The second reason can be seen by every person that________. In addition, these reasons are also usable when we consider that_________. There are some disadvantages in____(另一种观点的`缺点).Such as__________. In a word, ____________(_重复观点句并缩写理由)__________________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that___________. 3. 观点选择式A or B Some people prefer to A. others believe B. When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that______________, but others, in contrast , deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. There are numerous reasons why___________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. The main reason why I agree with the above statement, however, is that_____________________. Take___________as example, ______________. There is another factor that deserves some words here. Such as _______________. Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that______________.(exmaples:___________). From the above you might got idea that I agree______________.(repeat the above three reason____________).So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to _______________. 4. 观点选择式A or B In my point of view, A is as important as, if not more important than B. So it is sagacious to choose A. Among count less factors which influence A. there are three conspicuous aspects as follows. The above point is certainly true if A is considered. For exmaple,___________________ Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that A is better than B. For instance,_______________ It would probably not be too kindly disposed to the idea that B is not important . B_________________. In a word, to choose A or B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B, and neglect hte genuinely good aspects of A. For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that A, but not B 5. 观点选择式A or B When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that A, but others, in contrast, deem B as the premier choice and that is also my point. This quite different view is based on the propensity of following points. We may look into every possible reason, however, fore most reason for B is ____________________. For example, ______. Also, ________________________. This is arbitray to judge B according only to the excuse I mentioned in the above paragraph. Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that________________. Admittedly, __________________A也有好的地方______________.By the same token, however, ______________B更好____________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that_____________. 6. 观点选择式A or B When it comes to______________, Nevertheless, in my part, I prefer A rather than B as my inclination. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. I agree with the statement that _________without reservation since___________. Naturally___________.It can be given a concrete example__________. A more essential factor why I advocate the argument of __________is that. Obviously ________________.Take the case of a thing that____________. Futhermore, what is worth noticing fact is that ________________. This demonstrates the undeniable fact that__________________. Of course, choosing B also has advantages to some extent,_______________此处论述B的1-2优点___________.But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that_____________. 7. 观点选择式A or B ____________ 改写并复述题目____________.The advantages of B carry more weight than those of A. There are numerous reasons why __________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. One of the primary cause is that_______________________. What is also worth noticing fact is that_____________________. Futhermore, ________________________. Although I agree that there may be couple of disadvantages to_________________.I fell that the advantages are more obvious_________________, Given the factors I have just outlined, I can only say that___________________.bikbok2023-06-09 08:44:201
专八写作及翻译 篇1 Should College Education Be Vocation-Oriented? Due to the increased enrollment of college studentsin recent years, the total number of graduatescoming out at the same time is such that manycollege graduates have difficulties in procuring jobs,especially when the economy is suffering slowdown.And then many scholars suggest that collegesshould lay emphasis onvocational training bysetting relative courses in the college curriculum so that graduates are more likely to beemployed. Taking the employers" requirement into consideration, that is, working experience,the suggestion seems reasonable. However, I think, even if universities become vocation-oriented, it can not serve well for the employment. Besides, the vocational orientation will doharm to the higher education. Firstly, the suggestion seems to be based on the fact that new college graduates may havelearned mountains of theories but lack practical abilities. In accord with this suggestion, ifcollege students have received enough vocational training and gained experience in internship,they are likely to get employed. Admittedly, self-improvement is crucial for new graduates tohunt jobs. But the suggestion does not take into account job vacancies in the present. ThoughChina"s economy keeps growing at a rate of about 9% in the recent and the number of jobsdoes increase, too many graduates coming out at a time will create great pressure for the jobmarket. As an official stated, “the grand college enrollment plan is one of the main reasons forthe current unemployment issue”. Therefore,even if college students have enough experienceand skills, will they succeed in procuring jobs when there are no positions available at all? Secondly, vocational orientation is to the detriment of the higher learning in the long term.Let us beginwith the difference in goals between university and vocational training. As collegestudents may decide tofinish his studies after graduation or may continue at a higherlevel,university courses should thus provide both basic knowledge and a sound basis for furtherstudies. In vocational training, the goals of a given course are distinct, that is, the course isdesigned to teach trainees basic knowledge and skills. In consequence, if universities arevocation-oriented, students at college can not get prepared in class for a higher level oflearning. Predictably, the pyramid of higher learning will crumble if universities can notproduceenough qualified students. In conclusion, vocation-orientation may help improve graduates" skills but it can not increasethe numberof available positions.The suggestion just offers a wrong remedy, and will do harmto the higher learning. 最近几年,随着大学生人数的增多,同时,大学毕业生的人数也在增加,许多应届毕业生很难找到工作,特别是在经济发展缓慢时期尤为如此。许多学者建议大学应该注重的是职业培养,并在大学课程中建立相关课程,这样,毕业生才更有可能找到工作。我们需要把雇主的要求考虑进内,这样的话,这样的建议是很有道理的。但是,我认为如果大学变成了以职业化教育为主的学校,那么这反而不利于找工作。此外,以职业化教育为中心的教育将会损害高等教育的发展。 首先,这样的建议似乎依据的是,许多应届生或许已经学习了大量的理论知识,但是他们缺乏的是实际的能力。根据这样的建议,如果大学生接受了职业化教育,并在实习过程中获得了许多的经验,那么,他们很有可能找到工作。毋庸置疑,对于应届生而言,自我发展对于找工作尤为重要。但是,这样的建议并没有把眼前的工作空缺考虑进内。尽管,中国最近的经济速率保持在9%左右,就业机会也大大增加,毕业生将会为市场增加更多的压力。就像官方所说,”扩招是目前失业的主要原因之一”。所以,即使学生拥有足够的经验和技能,但是,当没有工作空缺时,他们还会找到工作吗? 第二,从长远来看,以职业化为中心的教育会损害高等教育的发展。让我们先从大学和职业教育的不同说起。毕业之后,许多应届生会寻找工作,或是继续进行学习,大学课程应该既教授基本知识,也要为将来的学习做好基础。在职业教育中,课程学习的目标将会不同,即,课程的目的是教授学生基本的知识和技能。所以,如果大学是以职业培训为主的教育,那么,大学生就没办法为更高一级的学习做准备。人们可以预想到,高等教育的.金字塔将会倒塌,前提是,如果大学没办法产生更多高质量的学生的话。 总结,以职业化教育为中心的教育会帮助毕业生提升技能,但是,这却无法增加现有的工作空缺。这样的建议是行不通的,并将损害高等教育的发展。 专八写作及翻译 篇2 As people respond to incentives, they will changetheir behaviors if they perceive that costs orbenefits change. This principle seems to find wideapplication in our daily lives. When collegegraduates learn that receiving a master degree willgive them an upper hand in the job market, manydecide to take part in post-graduate entranceexaminations. In China, it is regarded as following suit. Though we admire those who pridethemselves on sticking to their ideals and principles, odds may not be against those who followsuit.Generally speaking, there are both advantages and disadvantages of following suit. Firstly, following suit is indicative of the fact that followers have no indispensable beliefs orfixed principles and hence they are flexible in the vicissitudes of lives. When the social contextchanges and opportunities arise, those followers are the first to respond and make decisions.Take the English training service for example. In early 1990s, increasing number of collegegraduates decided to study overseas and hence English training service was in large demand.Given that forerunners had make a fortune by providing training programs to those graduates,many businessmen just followed suit and established several trainingschools. Undoubtedly,those who followed suit when the market did not reach saturation did make money. Secondly, it is noteworthy that following suit can avoid making mistakes. For thoseforerunners, there is no previous information at their hand, and therefore, it will take a longtime to learn and improve by trial and error. During the period of trial and error, forerunnerswill encounter unexpected difficulties andpressures. As a result, when those becomesuccessful in certain domains, they have proved that the path will lead to success, providingboth pros and cons. On the contrary, followers need not experience the process of trial anderror. They can just imitate their forerunners" proven pattern of behaviors and have easieraccess to success.There are also some disadvantages of following suit. When there are so manyfollowers, the world will become crowded and odds are against those later followers. Furthermore, following suit prevents innovation and creation, which is to the detriment of oursociety. However, whether one should follow suit or not is not simply a to-be-or-not-to-bequestion. A basic assumption of individual person is that everyone is rational. So oneshouldcarefully calculate costs and benefits in specific circumstances before they decide tofollow suit or not. 人们在面对诱惑时,尤其是当成本和利益发生变化时,他们的行为也会有所变化。这样的事情会在我们的生活中出现。当大学生发现,获得硕士学位会让他们更容易找工作时,许多人就会决定参加硕士考试。在中国,这就叫做紧追趋势。尽管我们羡慕那些坚持己见的人,但是,那些紧追趋势的人也会交到好运。总体来说,紧追趋势有好有坏。 首先,紧追趋势表明,人们没有自己的信仰,或是一些规定的准则,所以,他们会时长进行改变。当社会变化,机遇增加时,那些追随者将会首先进行变化,并作出决定。我们以英语培训为例、20世纪90年代初,大量毕业生出国深造,促使英语培训需求量增大。那些为学生提供培训的企业赚到了钱,许多商人紧随其后,建立了许多培训机构。在市场尚未饱和时,那些跟风的商人赚到了钱。 第二,跟风可以避免犯错误。对于那些先驱者,他们并不拥有所需要的信息,所以,他们需要更长的时间来学习,并在实践过程中不断进步。在实践的过程中,先驱者会遇到许多不可预期的困难和压力。所以,当他们在某一领域取得成功时,他们已经证明这条道路是成功的,他们向人们提供了优点和缺点。相反,跟随者并没有经历过实践的过程。他们只是模仿先驱者所证明过的道路,并很容易的取得了成功。但是,跟风也会有许多弊端。当追随者的人数过多时,他们失败的几率也会增加。 而且,跟风阻止了创新和发明,这对于社会是不利的。但是,人们是否应该跟风不仅仅是一个是或否的问题。每个人都应该是理性的。所以,人们应该根据不同的情况来计算效率和成本,之后,人们才应该决定是否应该跟风。 专八写作及翻译 篇3 As we all know, the technological advancements are on the move at an unprecedented speedin the present society. Some people think that as technology develops traditional culture willbe lost whereas some others do not think so. 众所周知,当今社会,技术正在以前所未有的速度发展着。许多人认为随着技术的发展,传统文化将逐渐消失。但是许多人并不这么认为。 As far as I am concerned, the technology does harm to the traditional culturein some sensebut it can alsoprotect it from dying out. In other words, the technological advancement is adouble-blade sword. We need to realize it in a didactic way. 我认为,技术在某种程度上确实不利于传统文化的发展,但是,技术的发展也可以防止其消亡。换句话说,技术的发展是一把双刃剑。我们应该意识到这一点。 First of all, the technology is a little harmful to the traditional culture. Due to the emergenceof the new technology, some forms of art have been dead for many years. Some culturalheritage has been threatened.Take the jade carving for example. The craftsmanship has beendisrupted due to the popularity of the new technology. The works of art has been producedthrough the machines rather than the hands of the craftsmen.Therefore, the art has lost themost important part of its taste. Most of the artistic works are the products of the factories. 首先,技术对传统文化的伤害较小。这是因为新技术的发展,许多文化形式已经消亡了许多年。许多文化遗产正在遭受着威胁。我想拿玉石雕刻举个例子。由于新技术的发展,手工技艺已经遭到了威胁。大部分的艺术品都是通过机器所制造出来,而不是手工。所以,艺术已经失去了以前的味道。大部分的艺术品都是工厂所制作出来的。 Secondly, the new technology helps the traditional culture spread more widely. For example,many exhibits in the Palace Museum have been available visually online. Visitors do not haveto go to the museum but just stay at home to enjoy the heritage. It is the technology that hasmade all this possible. One more example, Peking opera is the national essence of our culture.The plays of the veteran artists have been kept with the help of the technology. We will feelthat these great artists are not far away from us and that wecan still learn from their goodperformances. Nowadays we all read many good books, which have been a mostimportantcarrier of our traditional culture. Thanks to all the presses and publishing houses, we canreadso many books and they help carry on our culture through their printing technology. 第二,新技术宣传了传统文化。例如,人们能够在网上看到故宫的许多展览。游客不用前往博物馆,在家就能欣赏这些文化遗产。技术使这些成为可能。还有一个例子,京剧是文化的精粹。通过技术,许多老艺术家的表演得到了发展。我们感觉到这些伟大的艺术家离我们并不遥远,我们还能够从他们的优秀演出中学到许多东西。现在,我们能够阅读到许多书籍,书籍是传统文化的重要载体。因为出版社,我们能够阅读更多的书籍,印刷技术能够帮助我们传承文化。 To sum up, we should be aware of the disadvantages of the technology and make the two gohand in hand in harmony. On the one hand, the technology helps to protect and spread thetraditional culture. On the other hand, the traditional culture may promote the technologydevelopment. 总结,我们也应该意识到技术的害处,并让文化和技术共同发展。一方面,技术帮助我们保护文化,传播文化。另一方面,传统文化促进技术的发展。 专八写作及翻译 篇4 When you walk on the street, you may see a lot of people rushing into some shops or gatheringtogether buying lotteries, such as welfare lottery tickets, sports lottery tickets and so on.Perhaps you will be shocked by their enthusiasm for such kind of things. Some even spend alarge amount of money on them in order to increase the possibility of winning the prize. If thelotteries fail their expectations, they get so disappointed that they may curse or even beatthemselves. I think people try their luck on lottery for several reasons. 当你走在大街上,你会看见许多人在商店中,或是聚在一起买彩票,例如福利彩票、体育彩票等。或许,你会对他们对彩票的喜爱感到震惊。许多人甚至会花大量金钱买彩票,这样可以提高获奖的概率。如果他们没有中奖,他们会感到非常失望,甚至会发生暴力冲突。我认为人们购买彩票的原因有许多。 First of all, they try their luck because they want to win a large sum of money with just a littleeffort.They may think their idea is justified and the dream is not far away. They cherish thehope of getting rich overnight. As is reported by CCTV, a man in Shandong province becomesa criminal after his failure of trying his luck. He has spent all his money on the lottery. He nowbecomes homeless and leads a miserable life. As far as I am concerned, trying one"s luck onlottery is like gambling. You do not know the rate of winning back your money but you cannotresist the lure of having a try, which is, almost surely, disastrous. Very few people cansucceed in this business. 首先,他们买彩票是因为他们想付出最少的努力挣更多的钱。他们认为他们的想法是合情合理的,他们的梦想也不会遥远。他们想一夜暴富。就像中央台所报道的,山东一男子在买彩票失利后竟然走上了犯罪的道路。为了买彩票,他花去了所有的钱。他现在无家可归,生活窘迫。我认为,买彩票就像是赌博。你不知道挣钱的概率会有多大,但是你却禁不住诱惑去进行尝试,这实在是一种灾难。很少有人能够成功。 Secondly, the society is getting more commercial and material than before. People work justfor more money.In other words, some of them prefer money to morals. They are thinking ofsome shortcut to get rich in the society. I think the social climate exerts a subtle influence ontheir psychology. We need to clean the social climate for a better humane environment. Weshould educate people to earn their living by honest labor rather than trying the luck onlottery. 第二,社会变得比以往更加物质化、商业化。人们工作的目的就是赚钱。换句话说,许多人宁愿挣钱而舍掉道德。他们想通过走捷径来挣钱。我认为社会氛围影响了人们的心理。我们需要净化社会风气,并为人类创造更好的环境。我们应该教导人们靠双手劳动挣钱,而不是去玩彩票。 Finally, the popularity of buying lottery is due to the gap between the rich and poor. Theincome gap has become a reason for this activity. The rich becomes richer and richer, while thepoor becomes poorer and poorer. This has stimulated some people to try the luck on thelottery. 最后,购买彩票的热潮是因为贫富差异而起。收入上的差异是这种活动的原因。富的越来越富,穷的越来越穷。这就导致更多的人尝试买彩票。 To sum up, we should discourage people from buying the lottery. Meanwhile, we shouldbetter our social welfare system so that more people can get rich. 总结,我们不应该鼓励人们买彩票。同时,我们应该完善社会的福利制度,这样人们才能富起来。北境漫步2023-06-09 08:44:201
1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that... 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论…… 很完全的答法,"take sth into consideration"短语的应用,加分。 2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that... 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论…… "Take into account sth"短语似乎又比上句的"take sth into consideration"提升了一个层次。 3、Hence/Therefore, we"d better come to the conclusion that... 因此,自然我们得出以下结论。。。 "Hence"一词用在文章中大气吧,但别平时口语中用,否则即使老外也用一种看老古董的眼神看你。。。 再特意提一句:"we"d better"在这里不是“不得不”或“”的意思,而是一种自然而然,水到渠成的得出结论。 4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点。 短语"there is no doubt that"上线,同时运用我们的老朋友"as well as"增加看点。 5、All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有……是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。本文关键字: 英语专八作文模板 英语专八作文人类地板流精华2023-06-09 08:44:201