I"d like to express our appreciation on behalf of our company for your help and kind understanding, and we"ll try every effort to provide best service for your respectable company.
On behalf of the company I appreciate your help and understanding, we will do our best for your company to provide quality service
please check it2023-07-05 16:13:044
1. checks the machine is working properly 2.with colleagues handover 3. Check store procedures do 4. assist customers to solve the problem 5. to do a good job summing up the frequency 6. check 7. Report hair do e-mail2023-07-05 16:13:362
I have made changes according to your demands/requests.Please check it out that whether or not we need to ask/see further improvement.2023-07-05 16:13:473
Many unhappy things would challenge us in our lives, we have to be tough and strong, regardless of whether we have cried, possessed or lost.2023-07-05 16:13:563
中翻译英 我们必须把损失的时间补上。 (make up )
We have to make up our losses in time.2023-07-05 16:14:033
中翻译英: 你嗑药了吗? 的正确翻译法
You cracked with the teeth the medicine?或者You have taken drugs?行不行?2023-07-05 16:14:132
1.Hewantstoentertheuniversitythathisgrandfatherworksbefore.2.Howdoesshestillcanbeself-confidentafterhadbeengothroughsomanyfailure?3.Thedecorationofthehotelisstillthereanditistakingpeoplebacktothepast.希望能帮助到楼主~!2023-07-05 16:14:223
翻译:Although there might be some tiny change in time involved in it,I would like to respectively wait for your telephone at any time you want.2023-07-05 16:14:324
Okay, I will prompt them asap to complete the payment process2023-07-05 16:14:494
Chemical preparation room Experimental drugs chemical storage room Room biological preparations Biological interactions Room Office of Physics, Chemistry and Biology Experiment2023-07-05 16:14:562
Please find... 查收附件的标准说法是 Attached please find.. [书信用语]附上...请查收2023-07-05 16:15:181
It"s very easy.~~~~~~2023-07-05 16:15:264
As the materials of components similar to nylon, screw holes have been serious wear and tear, resulting in nails can not be fixed2023-07-05 16:15:346
When I in Grade 4,Mr. Li teached my math.2023-07-05 16:15:493
1. i was on Joe"s side in the debate2. Eggs are sold in dozen in many supermarket.3.He devoted himself into the scientific research at the cost of his health.4.He has been having the unfinished experiment on his mind through the entire party.5.The car ran over the child, but by a miracle, she was unhurt.6.It matters not how much you get in the exam but whether you work hard.2023-07-05 16:15:581
Your advice is welcome and I will make amendment accordingly.2023-07-05 16:16:064
Today, I have contacted the XX, he said products here, a few days now to try and test the main light source. I will later visit to XX, if there is any new information, I will contact you2023-07-05 16:16:157
语法不过关 单词背的少2023-07-05 16:16:303
Attached is the informaition you required. Please check. Sorry that send to you so late.2023-07-05 16:16:374
。。。这么长,都没悬赏?2023-07-05 16:16:581
Please be sure to send it to me soon after you find it out.2023-07-05 16:17:066
This is the latest updated information, please check.2023-07-05 16:17:202
在全球化的今天,中英文翻译成为了商务交流和文化交流中不可或缺的一部分。而在翻译行业中,对于中译英的收费方式一直备受关注。湖南雅言翻译公司将介绍几种中译英的收费方式,并探讨其优缺点。1、按字收费:按字收费是目前较为普遍的一种收费方式。按字收费的优点在于比较容易计算费用,因为每个字都有一个固定的价格。此外,按字收费也方便客户进行预算和控制成本。然而,按字收费的缺点在于无法评估原文译文的难度和质量,对内容的复杂性和专业性要求过高。2、按小时收费:按小时收费的方式适用于内容比较复杂、技术含量高的翻译项目。按小时收费的优点在于能够更好地反映翻译项目的复杂性和难度,同时也能够减少对翻译人员翻译速度的要求。然而,按小时收费的缺点在于无法对项目进行精确的预算和控制成本,同时也可能会导致翻译人员的时间浪费。3、混合收费:混合收费是按字收费和按小时收费的结合体,适用于较为复杂的翻译项目。混合收费的优点在于既能够精确计算字数,又能够反映翻译项目的复杂性和难度。然而,混合收费的缺点在于对价格的管理相对繁琐。关于中译英的收费方式,无论采用哪种方式都需要注意以下几个问题:1、了解市场行情:翻译市场存在一定的价格波动,需要对市场行情有基本的了解,以便在定价时符合市场行情,并不至于在同等质量的情况下价格过高或过低。2、确定基本收费标准:不同的翻译公司和翻译人员的收费标准不同,需要根据自己的情况合理确定收费标准,而不是盲目追求低价或高价。3、考虑服务质量:价格并不是唯一的考虑因素,同时也需要考虑服务质量、专业性和效率,以免因为选择了低价翻译服务,导致翻译质量的下降和服务态度的恶劣。中译英的收费方式多种多样,并不存在绝对的标准。在中译英的收费过程中,需要根据具体情况结合市场行情、自身定位和服务质量等因素来确定价格体系,以保证客户满意度的提高,并实现自身的利益最大化。2023-07-05 16:17:282
Our school is famous for Buddhism, so often there will be a buddhist school activities, at the same time, the Friday noon and related knowledge of buddhist teaching. In the us 200 hours, of course, also includes a hours per week of "zen and meditation" buddhist course, this is our Korean the characteristics of the course. International students live in the dormitory for the first time, may live with other international students, however, the second semester can apply for to dwell with Korean.2023-07-05 16:17:515
Would you please check out whether those with yellow markers are correct,and whether other parts in need to be revised.2023-07-05 16:18:191
楼上有笔误吧。I was wondering if it"s Ok with you.2023-07-05 16:18:293
呵呵,去百度翻译下不就知道了!!2023-07-05 16:18:382
Hello,please send me some lists of the products of our company,so that I can make introductions to the customers,thank you.2023-07-05 16:18:462
中翻译英 政府向那里的人们提供了大量的食物。(supply)
The government supplied plenty of food to the people there.2023-07-05 16:19:144
This is the refreshed list of quotation,please check it !2023-07-05 16:19:235
Attached is amended document.please refer to!2023-07-05 16:19:402
OK,I will assist him to handle this order.2023-07-05 16:19:473
program2023-07-05 16:19:563
翻译中翻译英 在6年的小学阶段 我有了不少的变化
好事儿啊!2023-07-05 16:20:077
I will call the custom with him and solve the problems of the machine soon . I will call you if I have any news .2023-07-05 16:20:224
语言转变的方向相对2023-07-05 16:20:313
chargerprincipal2023-07-05 16:20:383
1. rainstorm gave away to sunshine.2. He behaved as if nothing had happened.3. He was involved in a heated discussion.4. The talks resulted in the reduction of missiles.2023-07-05 16:20:572
中翻译英 长城被认为是世界奇迹之一 (regard as)
The Great Wall is regarded(considered) as one of the miracles in (wonders of) the world 长城被认为是世界奇迹之一2023-07-05 16:21:041
自己翻译去: http://www.hao123.com/ss/fy.htm2023-07-05 16:21:1111
it is your own efforts that will mainly contribute to your success2023-07-05 16:21:344
中翻译英 我母亲喜欢听音乐看电视。(fond)
My mother is fond of listening to music2023-07-05 16:21:413
Attached is amended document.please refer to!2023-07-05 16:21:501
中翻译英 不到18岁的人禁止到酒吧喝酒。(forbid)
上百度查翻译软件!2023-07-05 16:21:573
把汉字翻译成英语。2023-07-05 16:22:063
Look at my dress,it"s too long.Try this one.Look at my jeans,it"s too short.Try this one.Look at his gloves,they are too big.whose sweater is this? It"s Mike"s.Whose sweater is that? It"s Helen"s.whose shoes are they? They"re Liu Tao"s.whose jeans are they? They may be Yang Ling"s.2023-07-05 16:22:214
Abstract Soft ground is not a bad foundation. As the strength of soft soil with a low compression features such as high and low permeability, often unstable or excessive settlement, leading to damage or can not properly apply the foundation, and therefore the construction of buildings on soft ground, we must attach importance to the foundation of deformation and stability. In the weakness of land-based buildings tend to occur on the foundation of strength and deformation can not meet the design requirements of the problems, which often need to take measures to carry out ground handling. The purpose of treatment is to enhance the strength of weak foundation to ensure the stability of the foundation to reduce the compressibility of soft soil, reduce the basis of settlement and differential settlement. Current weak foundation for the various elements of many different approaches, the following is common in several ways. Key words: soft foundation, improve strength, stability, and treatment methods2023-07-05 16:22:291
金山词霸 有道翻译 谷歌翻译都比较准。 百度翻译,就没那么准了。这个主要看个人喜欢2023-07-05 16:22:5115
英译中 广告方面 **********
1 in China"s economic and social culture under the influence of many factors such as the formation of the Chinese authorities orientation features include authoritative sensitive, authority and authoritative dependence. Worship 2. These characteristics of Chinese modern advertisement effect is multiple. 3 in advertising and media choices, it is more advantageous to its persuasiveness. 4 so made indigenous advertising character expression, such as authoritative endorsement, authority, authoritative "special" recommended. 5. Also use the realistic society no longer practical authority - ancient emperors of authoritative, but in the local people"s heart is still in the advertisement, so the authority of use, form by local advertising is a special phenomenon. 6 in the development of modern advertisement, also have certain effect. 7. Consumers with the characteristics of authority orientation, perfecting laws and national development direction of advertising will also evolve to constantly changing environment.应该是这个吧2023-07-05 16:23:245
请帮助正确翻译一下【中翻英】:“在我们公司工作期间,Mr. Zhou展现了他在Multimedia领域专...”
During his work in our company, Mr. Zhou"s professional knowledge in the field of Multimedia and his expertise in web front-end development were fully presented. 希望可以帮助到您2023-07-05 16:23:423