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2023-06-10 08:58:05


syms x;








符号变量定义方法例如: sym x 或者 syms x ,两者有区别也有共同点。




对于矩阵一般都是需要定义的,定义好矩阵之后,才方便访问/修改矩阵的指定元素,矩阵声明(定义)的方法,常用的 就是声明为零矩阵zeros(M,N),或者单位矩阵ones(M,N),eye(M,N)等。








必须要定义,定义之后才可以使用。如下面的例子,未定义就会出错。符号变量定义方法例如: sym x 或者 syms x ,两者有区别也有共同点。

直接打出y=x^2+x+1,之前没有给x定义,系统不能识别x是什么,所以显示x未定义,可以在前面加一个sym x。












必须要定义,定义之后才可以使用。如下面的例子,未定义就会出错。符号变量定义方法例如: sym x 或者 syms x ,两者有区别也有共同点。




对于矩阵一般都是需要定义的,定义好矩阵之后,才方便访问/修改矩阵的指定元素,矩阵声明(定义)的方法,常用的 就是声明为零矩阵zeros(M,N),或者单位矩阵ones(M,N),eye(M,N)等。








syms x;







MATLAB 将适合迭代分析和设计过程的桌面环境与直接表达矩阵和数组运算的编程语言相结合。

MATLAB 工具箱经过专业开发、严格测试并拥有完善的帮助文档。

MATLAB 应用程序让您看到不同的算法如何处理您的数据。在您获得所需结果之前反复迭代,然后自动生成 MATLAB 程序,以便对您的工作进行重现或自动处理。

只需更改少量代码就能扩展您的分析在群集、GPU 和云上运行。无需重写代码或学习大数据编程和内存溢出技术。



syms x





在C++中定义一个变量有2种方式int a=3; 和 int a(3);人认为,第一种是先调用了int的无参默认构造函数构造出对象a,然后再调用int的拷贝构造函数将3赋给a;第二种调用了int的构造函数,3作为构造函数的参数。这样分析起来,应该是第二种更好一些
2023-06-10 03:20:193


2023-06-10 03:20:426


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2023-06-10 03:21:307


2023-06-10 03:21:552


2023-06-10 03:22:151


dima,basIntegera为variantb为integerdimaasInteger,basInteger定义a,b为整形变量DimaAsInteger-说明a为整型变量  DimbAsString-说明b为可变长字符型变量  DimcAsString~~10"说明c为长度是10个字符的固定长字符型变量  Dimd(10)AsInteger-说明d为一维整型数组  Dime()AsSingle-说明e为动态单精度变量  StaticfAsInteger,说明f为静态整型变量  ReDime(10)AsSingle-说明e为一维单精度数组  GlobalhAsInteger-说明h为全局整型变量
2023-06-10 03:22:241


2023-06-10 03:22:311


float countdata=1.0;float是数据类型countdata是标识符,也就是变量名给定值中应该有小数,也可以不用带,系统自动给定
2023-06-10 03:22:412


定义包括声明和使用,也有的定义就是声明。例如:int i;//声明(也有叫定义)i=2;//使用我把两个合起来的叫定义
2023-06-10 03:22:517

matlab 怎么定义一个字符为变量

情况一:符号变量必须要定义,定义之后才可以使用。如下面的例子,未定义就会出错。符号变量定义方法例如: sym x 或者 syms x ,两者有区别也有共同点。情况二:计算过程当中的存储数值的变量可以不必定义,随时需要,随时定义,但是有时候如果变量很多,那么最好提前声明,声明的时候,可以直接赋予0值,并且注释,这样方便以后区分,避免混淆。情况三:矩阵和向量对于矩阵一般都是需要定义的,定义好矩阵之后,才方便访问/修改矩阵的指定元素,矩阵声明(定义)的方法,常用的 就是声明为零矩阵zeros(M,N),或者单位矩阵ones(M,N),eye(M,N)等。
2023-06-10 03:23:411


  变量的存储类别决定了变量中的数据在计算机内存中的存储位置。C语言中局部变量存放在动态存储区,全局变量或者静态变量存放在静态存储区。下面是关于C语言变量的定义与使用,欢迎参考!   如果要为单片机控制系统编写出高质量的C语言程序,合理的定义并使用变量是非常重要的。程序是用来处理数据的,而变量就是用来存储数据的。每定义一个变量,编译器就会在系统的RAM中分配一个物理存储区域。在单片机控制系统中,RAM资源是非常有限的,作为单片机程序员,绝对不能随意的定义变量,需要精打细算合理定义。为了实现这个目标,必须要对变量的多个特性有深刻的认识。   变量特性:   第一、变量定义要选择恰到好处的类型,变量的类型直接决定了它所存储的数据取值范围,这类似于我们生活中使用的各种容器,选择合适的变量类型,不但能保证数据存储安全,还能有效的节约系统资源;   第二、变量的作用范围必须清楚,C语言最基本的功能单元是函数,在函数内部使用的变量是私有变量,只能在函数内部使用。多个函数组成一个程序的功能模块,并安置在某一个C文件中,在这些函数的头部定义的变量是静态变量(局部变量),这种类型的变量模块内部的函数都可以访问。如果在模块内部声明变量,并在该模块的头文件中导出,该类型变量就是全局变量,全局变量在整个工程中的所有函数都可以访问;   第三、变量占用的RAM资源,私有变量是可以释放的,静态变量与全局变量是不可以释放的。也就是说在程序运行的整个过程中,私有变量占用资源可以供不同的函数重复利用,而静态变量与全局变量是完全被占用不能重复利用的;   第四、变量可以存放常数,但因为单片机RAM资源有限,强烈建议不要用变量存放常量,而是在资源相对丰富的FlashROM中存放常量;   第五、局部变量与全局变量对于函数来说,访问非常方便,但缺点显而易见:访问的函数越多,数据的安全性越低,一旦出现数据异常,很难排除问题。所以,请尽量减少局部变量与全局变量的使用;   第六、函数的型参个数尽量减少,这样型参只会占用通用寄存器组来完成参数传递工作。如果参数过多,编译器可能会被迫分配占用RAM资源,这样不但参数传递效率变低,同时还会导致RAM资源浪费;   明确上述变量定义与使用特点后,在编写程序的时候,一定要利用好这些特性并结合程序的特点,灵活的使用各种类型、各种作用范围的变量,使程序在最大限度上得到优化,使系统性能提升至最优的状态,才是我们嵌入式开发者的终极目标!   拓展:C语言入门学习   什么人需要学习C语言?   从51JOB的统计数据来看,选择C语言人才的企业多数以电子工程师、嵌入式工程师、硬件工程师、IOS工程师等为主,学历本科以上相关专业,三年以上工作经验,且外语水平要求至少四级以上。既然C语言学习者的就业门槛那么高,为什么还有很多人执着的去学习C语言呢?总结而言,无外乎以下几点原由:   1)C语言不是面向对象语言。   因为这一点,任何学习C语言的人必须学会用函数思考问题。当你真正的去学习一门面向对象语言时,就会有C语言的函数学习基础去对比。这会使学习面向对象编程更容易理解和更有乐趣。   2)用C编程就像进行智力体操。   你要顾及到每一件事情,而这在很多其他语言中他会为你处理。你要管理指针,内存分配,和内存回收。你要明白如何处理串,还有动态数据。在其他语言中,所有这些对你来说是隐藏的。你不知道他们如何运行,更不用说改变他们的运行方式了。你得到了使用的便利,失却了对程序的控制和速度。很多情况下,这是笔值得的买卖。其他的情况下就不是这样了。   3)不同情况下你会使用不同的编程语言。   某些情况下要求使用Lisp,其他的要Java,还有别的要C++。但是C是你坚实的基础。你可能不会使用它做一些项目,但是它会帮助提高你的能力,熟练的用其他语言编程。   4)除了汇编语言之外,C代码生成的程序比其他任何语言生成的程序来得更小和运行更快。   那么为什么不学汇编语言呢?汇编是一门学了很有用的.语言,但是它没有C那样的可移植性,并且其他流行的语言比如JAVA的语法是基于C的,而不是汇编。你仍然应该学汇编,但它并不会证明它会像学C那样有用。   5)如果你想要写一个视频游戏引擎或操作系统,你会需要C。   你不能使用C#, Java, 或 Basic来完成这些编程任务。   C语言的发展史:   C语言是一种计算机程序设计语言,它既具有高级语言的特点,又具有汇编语言的特点。它由美国贝尔研究所的D.M.Ritchie于1972年推出,1978年后,C语言已先后被移植到大、中、小及微型机上,它可以作为工作系统设计语言,编写系统应用程序,也可以作为应用程序设计语言,编写不依赖计算机硬件的应用程序。它的应用范围广泛,具备很强的数据处理能力,不仅仅是在软件开发上,而且各类科研都需要用到C语言,适于编写系统软件,三维,二维图形和动画,具体应用比如单片机以及嵌入式系统开发。   我适合学习C语言吗?   首先我们要认清一个事实:C语言工作者只是众多从事软件开发者中的一小部分,在深圳这样一个IT企业云集的大城市,使用其它语言从事软件开发的工作者多如牛毛,薪资待遇不比从事C语言开发的人低,当编程爱好者在选择第一个编程语言时,C语言不一定是首先。我适合学习C语言吗?解决这个问题,先回答以下几个问题:   1)你学习C语言的目的是什么?如果是想从事这方面的工作,那么请义无反顾的坚持下去,推荐你在《微机原理》、《计算机组成原理》和《计算机系统结构》三本书中选一本配合《C语言程序设计》来看,这样可以融汇贯通,让你对编程有更深入更系统化的理解。而这种理解对计算机类学科的学习来说很重要。   2)您具备学习C语言的条件吗?由于入职C语言编程的企业对入职者的要求比较高,在没有编程工作经验前提下多数想通过自学进入类似企业的人几乎为零,包括很多计算机专业毕业的大、中专毕业生在校期间都会学到C语言,毕业出来后依然云里雾里。C语言的开发,需要在实际工作中才能快速掌握。同时,英语(从事C语言开发需要经常查阅英文资料,尤其是单片机领域)、学历、数学算法、极强的逻辑思维能力等等也是让多数人望而却步的门槛。
2023-06-10 03:24:511


上面的答案都错了,系统分配给它的内存应该是成员中占内存量最大者所需的容量乘上所有成员的个数。 比如说一个struct type定义了一个int,一个char,一个float。 int4个字长,char1个字长,float4个字长。 而type的字长是12。
2023-06-10 03:25:002


c语言的变量定义如下: 变量是内存或寄存器中用一个标识符命名的存储单元,可以用来存储一个特定类型的数据,并且数据的值在程序运行过程中可以进行修改。变量是一个标识符或者名称。为了方便,程序员在给变量命名时,会符合大多数人的习惯,基本可以望名知义,便于交流和维护。其次,变量是唯一确定的对应内存若干存储单元或者某个寄存器。
2023-06-10 03:25:141


2023-06-10 03:25:201

定义一个“boolean”型变量“b”并赋值为“true”,并输出。 这个怎么表示

2023-06-10 03:25:411


2023-06-10 03:26:281

Makefile 中判断一个变量有没有定义

判断一个变量有没有定义,如果没有定义,则现在就定义,这在判断一个变量是否由上一级Makefile export该变量,因为在大的软件中,一般由上层的Makefile export 相关的CC、CFLAGS等变量,而最后一级目录的Makefile不需要关心CC等的定义,但有时候不想编译整个工程,只想临时编译最低级的一个子目录,而此时子目录的Makefile就需要判断是否有该变量的定义,没有就需要定义。(另外,上级目录export 的变量不会覆盖下级目录定义的同名变量,想覆盖的话,使用: make -e )方法1: ifdef/ ifndefifndef $(CC) CC=../tools/bin/arm-linux-gccendif方法2: ifeqifeq($(CC), )CC=../tools/bin/arm-linux-gccendif方法3: ifeqifeq ("$(origin CROSS_COMPILE)", "undefined")CROSS_COMPILE=../../arm-linux-endif
2023-06-10 03:26:351


VB可以在标准模块定义一个公用变量,这样就可以每一个过程中都可以使用。例如:DATA.bas在模块中新建一个通用模块,然后在新建模块里输入:Public 变量名 As 数据类型。举个例子,public number as integer在别的窗体中要引用number这个数,就写 DATA.number。标准模块(文件扩展名为 .BAS)是应用程序内其它模块访问的过程和声明的容器。它们可以包含变量、常数、类型、外部过程和全局过程的全局(在整个应用程序范围内有效的)声明或模块级声明。写入标准模块的代码不必绑在特定的应用程序上;如果不小心用名称引用窗体和控件,则在许多不同的应用程序中可以重用标准模块。所有模块使用的变量:为了使模块级的变量在其它模块中也有效,用 Public 关键字声明变量。公用变量中的值可用于应用程序的所有过程。和所有模块级变量一样,也在模块顶部的声明段来声明公用变量。Public 语句,在模块级别中使用,用于声明公用变量和分配存储空间。Public 语句示例:该示例在标准模块的模块级(通用部分)使用 Public 语句,来显式声明公用的变量,指如果没有使用 Option Private Module,则在所有应用程序的所有模块的所有过程中都可以使用的变量。变量的范围确定了能够知晓该变量存在的那部分代码。在一个过程内部声明变量时,只有过程内部的代码才能访问或改变那个变量的值;它有一个范围,对该过程来说是局部的。但是,有时需要使用具有更大范围的变量,例如这样一个变量,其值对于同一模块内的所有过程都有效,甚至对于整个应用程序的所有过程都有效。Visual Basic 允许在声明变量时指定它的范围。标准模块(文件扩展名为.BAS)是应用程序内其它模块访问的过程和声明的容器。所有模块使用的变量是为了使模块级的变量在其它模块中也有效,用 Public 关键字声明变量。
2023-06-10 03:26:441


变量就是你的类中的用来暂时存储数据的东西定义方式为: 修饰符+变量类型+变量名= new 变量类型();如:private String a = new String();或直接赋值 private String a = "abc";但是a的值在你不断赋值的过程中是可以变化的。常量就是值不会发生变化的量,和变量是相对的,比如一个常量aprivate final String a = "abc";那么这个a只是不会改变的,这就是常量
2023-06-10 03:26:521


定义一个变量 再去判断范围不就行了吗?
2023-06-10 03:27:119


用指针+动态内存分配+自动扩充,如:int capacity=16,len=0;char *s;s=(char*)calloc(capacity,sizeof(char));//...//内存不够了,扩充if(len>=capacity){capacity*=2;s=(char*)realloc(s,capacity*sizeof(char));}//...
2023-06-10 03:27:443


2023-06-10 03:28:361


2023-06-10 03:28:471


2023-06-10 03:29:024


int float 然后可以给定义的变量负值
2023-06-10 03:29:435


2023-06-10 03:30:012

VB 里如何定义变量?

Dim 变量名 as 类型
2023-06-10 03:30:084


#define 试试吧
2023-06-10 03:30:183


2023-06-10 03:30:381


2023-06-10 03:30:471

正确的变量定义是( )

2023-06-10 03:31:002


#define STR "abc"CString str = STR;这是你想要的吗?
2023-06-10 03:31:083


定义一个变量就是说本来没有的你现在定义了一个出来而申明一个变量就是说系统本来有的 比如string char 啊
2023-06-10 03:34:212


2023-06-10 03:34:281


2023-06-10 03:34:351


#include "stdio.h"struct Staff{ int ID; char name[20]; int age; float wage; char sex; char address[100];};void output(struct Staff* stf){ printf("Staff ID: %d ",stf->ID); printf("Staff name: %s ",stf->name); printf("Staff age: %d ",stf->age); printf("Staff wage: %f ",stf->wage); printf("Staff sex(M/W): %c ",stf->sex); printf("Staff address: %s ",stf->address);}void input(struct Staff* stf){ printf("Staff ID: "); scanf("%d",&(stf->ID) ); printf("Staff name: "); scanf("%s",&(stf->name) ); printf("Staff age: "); scanf("%d",&(stf->age) ); printf("Staff wage: "); scanf("%f",&(stf->wage) ); printf("Staff sex(M/W): "); scanf("%c",&(stf->sex) ); printf("Staff address: "); scanf("%s",&(stf->address) );}
2023-06-10 03:34:411


注释怎么都是乱码呢?你复制到vc里之后把注释删除。没有说明语言种类,就用C编了 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h>void Swap(int *a, int *b) { int swap; swap = *a; *a = *b; *b = swap; }void Array(int *Arr, int n) { int i = 0; int j = 0; //随机赋值 srand((int) time(0)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { Arr[i] = rand() % (100); } //冒泡排序 for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { for(j = i+1; j < n; j++) { if(Arr[i] < Arr[j])Swap(&(Arr[i]), &(Arr[j])); } } }int main() { int n = 0; //数组长度 int *Arr = NULL; printf("Please enter the lenth of array:"); scanf("%d", &n); //手动输入 Arr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * n); Array(Arr, n); //输出结果 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { printf("%d",Arr[i]); } free(Arr); return 0; }
2023-06-10 03:34:471

Keil C编程中的变量定义

2023-06-10 03:34:591


就是定义这个变量继承于哪个类:比如string,int,bool 都有自己类的属性和赋值方式
2023-06-10 03:35:093


int const a=7
2023-06-10 03:35:304


2023-06-10 03:35:523


2023-06-10 03:36:003


B 变量的定义要逗号隔开C 字符要加单引号D 变量重复定义了
2023-06-10 03:36:103


下面以整型变量为例介绍:#define BIT3 (0x1<<3)unsigned int flag;void set_bit3(void) //置位{ a |= BIT3;}void clear_bit3(void) //清零{ a &= ~ BIT3;}如果想要保留置位的结果,则需把flag声明为static即可。有问题,继续问,给分吧。
2023-06-10 03:36:221


sbit FLAG=P3^1;
2023-06-10 03:36:311


2023-06-10 03:36:394


我找了些四级作文模板一. 对比选择型热点追踪 Study Abroad or in China?There is no consensus of opinions among people as to whether students should study abroad or not. Some people are of the view that the youths should go overseas for further study if possible, while others take an opposite stand, firmly believing that it is of no necessity for students to study in a foreign country.Those people who maintain that it is good for students to go abroad for further study believe that diverse culture background can broaden students" horizon. They also claim that overseas study can shape students" personality because they are forced to deal with all kinds of difficulties by themselves.Nevertheless, the other people who contend that domestic education is good enough for students argue that our educational quality has been greatly improved during the past decade. They also point out that domestic education is convenient and economical.As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight. For one thing, it can strengthen the learners" abilities to understand and communicate with people from other cultures. For another, the developed countries still have a lot advanced knowledge which is worth our study. When all the factors are examined, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that studying abroad if possible is advisable.二. 问题解决型实例:2001年1月(How to Succeed in a Job Interview? 面试在求职过程中的作用、面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是……),2000年1月(How I Finance My College Education?)1998年1月(My View on Fake Commodities)模板:With the development/improvement of (铺垫), (某一问题). It is necessary that (关注解决现象引出的问题很必要). On the one hand, (理由一). On the other hand, (理由二).Therefore, how to (承上启下句,要解决的问题) is worth paying attention. Firstly, (办法一). Secondly, (办法二). For example, (举例解释解决办法二). Thirdly, (办法三). In other words, (阐明解决办法三).In fact, the ways to (解决问题的办法多种多样) are countless. It"s time that (强调解决问题时不可待).真题演练: How to Succeed in a Job Interview?(2001年1月) With the development of job market, job interview plays an important role in job-hunting. It is necessary that we should learn some tricks to perform better in a job interview. On the one hand, a job interview offers interviewees and interviewers respectively a chance to know each other within a very short time. On the other hand, excellent performance in an interview will enable the interviewees to exert a good impression on the interviewer and finally win the job.Therefore, how to succeed in job interview is worth paying attention. Firstly, interviewees should dress neatly and properly. Secondly, interviewees should be confident. For example, when asked about professional questions, interviewees should give a clear and definite answer. Thirdly, interviewees should have some knowledge about the company and the position they apply for. In other words, interviewees should prepare themselves something about the interview in advance so as to show that they attach vital importance to the job.In fact, the ways to succeed in a job interview are countless. It"s time that we laid stress on interview because it"s the first step of our work experience. 热点追踪The Damage of Public Facilities1、公共设施破坏严重的问题亟待解决,2、解决办法有哪些,3、你的看法。 The Damage of Public FacilitiesWith the improvement of living standard, more and more public facilities, such as public telephone booths and ATMs have been installed in the streets. It is necessary that we have to pay attention to the damage of these public facilities. On the one hand, some people use them without care, which leads to inconvenience to others. On the other hand, the damaged public facilities stain the beauty of the city.Therefore, how to prevent public facilities from being damaged is worth paying attention. Firstly, public facilities should be made of hard materials so as to be more durable. Secondly, some devices should be adopted to protect them from being damaged. For example, like cars, we can install alarm devices in public facilities. Thirdly, from my point of view, it is essential that we civilize our citizens to behave morally. In other words, we should tell the citizens that it is shameful to destroy public facilities.In fact, the ways to reduce the damage of public facilities are countless. It"s time that we took most effective ones to protect them.三. 观点论证型实例:2003年1月(It pays to be honest)、1999年1月(Don"t hesitate to say “No”)、1997年1月(Practice Makes Perfect)模板:It is true that (指出普遍存在的观点). However, (谈不同的观点). I think (提出自己的观点,即文章的论点). (过渡句,转向观点的论证,根据情况选择具体的词) can be listed as follows. Firstly, (论证理由一). Secondly, (论证理由二). For example, (举例具体说明理由二). Thirdly, (论证理由三). A case in point is that (举例具体说明理由三).It goes without saying that (转折句,提出执行该观点时应注意的事项). There is no doubt that (得出结论). In conclusion (总结全文).真题演练: It Pays to be Honest(2003年1月) It is true that most of us value honesty highly. However, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on. I think that we should be honest because being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society. The reasons can be listed as follows.Firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time. Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious. For example, consumers will not be afraid of being overcharged if dealers are honest, and thus dealers can win over more customers. Thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. A case in point is that Singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a comparatively low criminal rate.It goes without saying that being honest is of great benefit to both the community and individuals. There is no doubt that we should foster the spirit of honesty. In conclusion, laying stress on honesty will become the public morals in our society.四. 图表说明型 实例:2002年6月,1991年6月模板:(概括性词语最近出现的总体现象) has become a common part of people"s life. And (题目要求讨论的具体现象) has always aroused the greatest concern. What impresses us most is (现象的具体表现). The reasons (现象或现象带来的结果,为下文分析产生的原因做铺垫)are varied.Among the various reasons, (原因一) plays an important part. That is to say, (具体说明原因一). What is more, (原因二). For example, (举例说明原因二).When talking about (作者要讨论的现象), (作者的看法). On the one hand, (支持看法的理由一或说明看法的第一个方面). On the other hand, (支持看法的理由二或说明看法的第二个方面). In brief, (总结).真题演练: Student use of computers (2002年6月) Using computers has become a common part of people"s life. And the tremendous growth of student use of computers has always aroused the greatest concern. What impresses us most is that, in 2000, college students averagely spent 20 hours per week on computer, which is the size more than ten times that of ten years ago. The reasons why computers are widely used are varied.Among the various reasons the decreasing price of PC plays an important part. That is to say, more students can afford a personal computer. What is more, the Internet provides college students an amazing world to explore, For example, people can get the latest news and information as well as conveniently make friends around the world.When talking about disadvantages and problems existing in student use of computers, I think that their lack of skills and disciplines is the point we should pay attention to, On the one hand, their lack of skills fails students to make full use of the computer and the Internet. On the other hand, their lack of necessary disciplines makes some students indulge in computer games and net world, and even other negative materials, forgetting their major tasks as college students. In brief, there is still a lot to do to help students make good use of computers.热点追踪:Cheating in Exams1、学生作弊现象越来越严重,2、作弊的原因,3、如何杜绝作弊。 Cheating in ExamsTrying to defeat the cheat has become a common part of people"s life. And cheating in exams on campus has always aroused the greatest concern. And cheating in exams on campus has always aroused the greatest concern. What amazes us most is that many methods are adopted by students. The reasons for cheating in exams are varied.Among the various reasons, to get higher scores or scholarships plays an important part. That"s to say, some students are under great pressure from their parents or they fear to fall behind others, so they to get high scores in exams. What is more, some students just play the time away and want to pass the exams without efforts. For example, they spend the whole night playing PC games but fall asleep in the class. When talking about how to deal with cheating in exams, I think education and punishment might work. On the one hand, we should explain the harm of cheating to the students. On the other hand, punishment or penalty should be given to those who have been found cheating. In brief, we should try our best to put an end to cheating.五. 应用文A:批评、抱怨、投诉信:Dear ,My name is (姓名). I am (身份). I venture to write you a letter about (表述抱怨内容).The focus of the complaint is (抱怨内容的核心点). For one thing, (抱怨内容的一个方面). For another, (另一方面). Honestly speaking, (客观评论). But (抱怨产生的原因之一). Besides, (抱怨产生的原因之二).All in all, there is still much room for improvement (总结说明所抱怨现象或事物还有很大改进空间). I do hope (表达本人的愿望). Thank you for your time and kind consideration. (信件结尾常用语) Sincerely Yours, Signature真题演练:2002年1月假如你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。 A Letter to the Editor of a NewspaperDear Editor,My name is Li Ming. I am a senior junior student of the civil engineering school in this university. I venture to write you a letter about the canteen service on campus, which has given rise to many complaints among students..The focus of the complaint is the poor quality of the food. For one thing, the rice is hard, the steamed breads are usually sold cold and vegetables are often overcooked. For another, the prices of the foods are surprisingly high.. Honestly speaking, the dining environment has been improved since last year. But there are still enough space and seats for us to have our meals there. Besides, the attitude of the canteen staff is not hospitable at al.All in all, there is still much room for improvement. I do hope we will not suffer another year. Thank you for your time and kind consideration.Sincerely yours, Li Ming B:建议信模板Dear ,I am delighted to learn that (写信的原因). It (引出作者的建议). In my opinion, (表达建议内容). On the one hand, (提出建议的理由一). On the other hand, ( 建议的理由二).As to the (具体到某一方面的建议内容), I suggest (). If (供被建议人选择的条件). It is unnecessary for you to (建议内容的另一方面). In addition, (其它的建议). I am sure (对建议内容的评价).Please inform me (对建议内容所做的承诺). I am looking forward to (表达本人的愿望).Sincerely Yours,Signature真题演练:Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the weeklong holiday. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1、表示欢迎,2、提出对度假安排的建议,3、提醒应该注意的事项。 A letter to a schoolmate Dear Wang,I am delighted to learn that you will visit me for a week during this national holiday. It has been a pleasant surprise to hear from you again after such a long time. In my opinion, Shenyang is your best choice for this vacation. On the one hand, there are many places of interest and historical sites in Shenyang. On the other hand, Shenyang is cultural center with various artistic and musical performances..As to the famous sites, I suggest that you should visit Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum. If you are interested in gardens, Shenyang Botanic Garden won"t disappoint you. It is unnecessary for you to bring anything except your sweaters since it is a little cold in the evenings. In addition, as there will be many people at the railway station, you should not leave your belongings unattended. I am sure you will have a nice time here.Please inform me when you have come to a decision. I am looking forward to seeing you soon四级作文模板模板1.对比选择型---两种观点/现象对比 *参考题例:真题 [03.1] It Pays to Be Honest [99.6] Reading Selectively or Extensively? [00.6] Is A Test of Spoken English Necessary? [96.1] The Two-day Weekend 第一段:Some people tend to think that…(观点一) They point out that…(理由一) Additionally,…(理由二) A case in point is…(举例) Therefore…(小结) 第二段:On the contrary/However/In contrast/On the other hand,other people hold the view that…(观点二) They argue that…(理由一) What"s more… (理由二) As an illustration,…(举例) Accordingly,…(小结) 第三段:As far as I am concerned,(I think) ….(我的观点) The reason is that…(理由一) And also,…(理由二) So,… (总结自己的观点) *其他题例:1)Should Education Be Commercialized? 2)Chosen A Famous University or A Favorite Major? 模板2.说明利弊型---某一观点/现象有利有弊,行成自己的新观点. *参考题例:真题[98.6] Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? 第一段:Whenever we hear people say that…(主题) , we"ll instantly have the idea that it is a good/bad thing for...(某人). Indeed,…(主题)have advantages to…(某人). We can take…(举例)as an example….It will benefit…(好处一)In addition…(好处二) 第二段:In the mean time,we must realize those disadvantages of…(主题). First of all,..(坏处一)Second,…(坏处二) 第三段:To sum up the above arguments,I think a proper attitude towards…(主题)is that…(我的观点) *其他题例:1)College Life in Internet Era 2)Stress in Modern Life … … 模板3.问题解决型-----对某一问题进行分析,找出解决办法,表达自己的看法. *参考题例:真题[00.1] How I Finance My College Education? [01.1] How to Succeed in A Job Interview? 第一段:Nowadays,we have to face a problem that…(
2023-06-10 03:26:021

四级真题作文a great hero in my mind

Colonel Yang Liwei who is an astronaut, member of the Astronaut Team of the People"s Liberation Army. He was born in June 21,1965. He had a happy childhood as the son of two teachers. He used to be a good student and won many maths competition prizes. He studied at the No 8 Aviation College of the Air Force of the People"s Liberation Army. What is the gratest is that he was one of the three astronauts who was chosen for China"a first manned space flight. And he became China"s first astronaut on October 15, 2003."When I boraded the Shen-zhou 5 Spacecraft for the first time. I couldnot help feeling excited. I decided that I must fly it" said Yang Liwei.He is one of the people who I admired. Because I like science and I love to explored the space later on when I am grow up. That is one of my dream. I got his poster in my room. Whenever I saw it, that will help me to make a decision to study harder. He is my hero, my teachr, my good example. 2. Li lianjie,better known by his stage name Jet Li,is my favorite film star.He is one of the most popular film stars in China and also in the world. He is famous for Chinese Kung fu and considered the king of it.The first famous movie played by him as the chief actor is Shaolin Temple,and his most successful Hollywood film is The Fobidden Kingdom i think.Although he is not as handsome as other film stars,he wins everyone"s appreciation by his powerful skills of combining films with Chinese Kung fu as his own style.he shows us the spirit of Chinese Kung fu which holds fantastic energy and then spreads it abroad. He attracts me for another reason that he has a strong sence of social responsibility.He devotes himself into chairy,setting up a fund named"One foundation",which aims to transform regular small individual donations into a much greater fund to help people who are suffering.As far as i konw,the foundation has helped more than one million people from all sorts of disasters such as earthquake,flood and snow disasters. Jet Li sets up a good example for other popular stars. He is a hero in my mind as what he acted in films.And,i know that in his mind there are more people who are sharing the unique earth and the blue sky.
2023-06-10 03:26:131


四级作文基本都不需要写题目,有要求的时候写即可。四级作文写作过程中最关键的步骤就是审题,不仔细审题就会很容易使作文跑题,因此这是必不可少的第一步。是分析题目和图画,确定文章的命题类型,抓住中心思想,联想此作文要求的写作主题 扩展资料   四级作文注意事项:   1、审题立意   四级作文写作过程中最关键的步骤就是审题,不仔细审题就会很容易使作文跑题,因此这是必不可少的第一步。此步骤要注意两点:一是分析题目和图画,确定文章的命题类型,抓住中心思想,联想此作文要求的写作主题。二是进一步确定给定的题材及此作文要考查的"重点内容。也就是说,通过审题,考生要对作文谈论的主要话题心中有数。   2、组织结构   审题之后,根据分析的结果草拟提纲并组织安排段落,确定文章的整体结构。一般而言,考生可将图画作文转化为三段式提纲作文。开始段描述图画内容;中间段解释图画所反映出来的深层意义;结尾段引出结论,总结全文。   各段的主题句要条理清晰,以使自己要表达的内容有更好的把握。每段的重点都应集中于描述图画规定的内容。选用的词句应紧扣图画主题、突出重点、前后连贯、表达清楚。   3、检查修改   切忌大幅度地对作文进行修改,因为这样会破坏卷面整洁,影响阅卷老师对试卷的印象。修改时可以从两点着手:   语法方面:包括时态是否正确、名词单复数是否对应、被动主动语态是否正确、主谓是否一致等。   词汇方面:包括连接上下句或段落的关联词、固定搭配、及物不及物动词的使用、习惯用语是否使用正确等。同时,单词拼写错误和标点误用都是扣分点,考生应尽量避免此类错误。
2023-06-10 03:25:481