蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳,出自老舍的《草原》意思是:蒙汉两族之间的深厚情谊,不能忍心马上分别!站在漫无边际的大草原上,望着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。这句话出自老舍先生的著作《草原》:主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香,祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。老翁犹唱当年曲,少年新添时代装,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。作者:老舍,原名舒庆春,字舍予,现代著名作家,1899~1966,满族人,笔名老舍。“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”句子中多次使用“借代”的手法,深刻的描写出了作者对于蒙汉两族之间深厚的情谊,以及对于即将分别的不舍。句子中表达了作者老舍先生的一种深刻的意境:有史以来,蒙汉两族就建立了深厚的友谊,今天在这里的相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是蒙、汉两个民族之间友谊的见证。在辽阔无比绿草匆匆的大草原上,夕阳璀璨,希望我们的友谊天长地久。《草原》一文做为教科文本,被选进了多本小学教材给将来学习这篇课文的学生们描述了蒙汉两族之间的友好关系,写入的教材有:《(北师大版)四年级上册语文书》《(人教版)五年级下册语文书》《(冀教版)五年级下册语文书》《(苏教版)六年级上册语文书》2023-08-06 23:20:061
【原句】蒙汉情深何忍别?天涯碧草话斜阳。【翻译】蒙古族和汉族情深似海,如何忍心分别呢?就像天边的芳草一样,与落日的余晖依依话别。【注释】1、天涯碧草:天边的青草;天边的芳草。天涯:天边;天尽头。碧草:青草。南朝梁江淹《贻袁常侍》诗:“幽冀生碧草,沅湘含翠烟。”唐陈子昂《春台引》:“感阳春兮生碧草之油油,怀宇宙以伤远,登高台而写忧。”宋苏轼《题织锦图上回文》诗之一:“春晚落花余碧草,夜凉低月半枯桐。”如苏轼《蝶恋花u2022春景》词:“枝上柳绵吹又少,天涯何处无芳草?”2023-08-06 23:20:251
“蒙汉情深何忍别 ,天涯碧草话斜阳”这句诗是什么意思?
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳! 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。 在夕阳的阴着下,一望无际的大草原显得格外楚楚动人。草原上的绵羊,似乎都像披上了一曾华丽的衣装,凝视着我们。在这儿度过了愉快的一天,大家都对大草原产生了感情,与热情、好客的草原主人,与翠色欲流的大草原依依惜别…… “谢谢你们今天的热情款待,让我们品尝了许多美味,领略了大草原的风光,观赏了民族舞蹈。有机会的话,你们可以到我们这边来看一看城市风光,那也是别有一番风味哦!”我微笑着说。“谢谢,我们一定会去的,祝你们一帆风顺、一路走好,美丽的大草原永远欢迎你们!”草原的人们挥手向我们告别,直到远去…… 我们走了,但大草原上的所有东西都深深印在我的脑海里。真是“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”啊!2023-08-06 23:20:321
01 蒙汉情深何忍别天涯碧草话斜阳意思是蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。这句话出自老舍的《草原》。 《草原》是现代诗人老舍创作的一篇散文。课文主要讲了草原风光图、喜迎远客图和蒙汉联欢图。作者在最后引用了一句,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。抒发了作者对草原的热爱之情和对蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古与汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族友谊的见证。在这一碧千里一望无际的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。 这个作品被选进了北师大版的四年级上册语文书,人教版的五年级下册语文书,冀教版五年级下册语文书和苏教版六年级上册语文书,作者老舍,原名舒庆春。作者表达了对草原的喜爱之情和蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。 老舍,北京满族正红旗人。中国现代小说家、著名作家,杰出的语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。代表作《茶馆》、《骆驼祥子》和《四世同堂》等。2023-08-06 23:20:391
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳!”这句话在《草原》中的作用是点明中心 。 注:这句诗出自老舍的《草原》一文(摘选自老舍写的《内蒙风光》)。 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地。从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。2023-08-06 23:20:451
zz2023-08-06 23:20:533
提问百度知道 蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳.中的"何"是解释的什么意思.这个问题你怎么看?展开讲讲...收起 发布1条回答laurancecaoLV.16 推荐于 2017-11-21【原句】蒙汉情深何忍别?天涯碧草话斜阳。【翻译】蒙古族和汉族情深似海,如何忍心分别呢?就像天边的芳草一样,与落日的余晖依依话别。【注释】1、何:疑问副词,如何;怎么;哪里。2、天涯碧草:天边的青草;天边的芳草。天涯:天边;天尽头。碧草:青草。南朝梁江淹《贻袁常侍》诗:“幽冀生碧草,沅湘含翠烟。”唐陈子昂《春台引》:“感阳春兮生碧草之油油,怀宇宙以伤远,登高台而写忧。”宋苏轼《题织锦图上回文》诗之一:“春晚落花余碧草,夜凉低月半枯桐。”如苏轼《蝶恋花u2022春景》词:“枝上柳绵吹又少,天涯何处无芳草?”2023-08-06 23:21:073
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳! 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。 在夕阳的阴着下,一望无际的大草原显得格外楚楚动人。草原上的绵羊,似乎都像披上了一曾华丽的衣装,凝视着我们。在这儿度过了愉快的一天,大家都对大草原产生了感情,与热情、好客的草原主人,与翠色欲流的大草原依依惜别…… “谢谢你们今天的热情款待,让我们品尝了许多美味,领略了大草原的风光,观赏了民族舞蹈。有机会的话,你们可以到我们这边来看一看城市风光,那也是别有一番风味哦!”我微笑着说。“谢谢,我们一定会去的,祝你们一帆风顺、一路走好,美丽的大草原永远欢迎你们!”草原的人们挥手向我们告别,直到远去…… 我们走了,但大草原上的所有东西都深深印在我的脑海里。真是“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”啊!2023-08-06 23:21:351
这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。中心大意: 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地。 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍. 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。出处:蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。出自 老舍的《草原》老舍:原名舒庆春,另有笔名絜青、鸿来、非我等,字舍予。因为老舍生于阴历立春,父母为他取名“庆春”,大概含有庆贺春来、前景美好之意。中国现代小说家、作家,语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。代表作有《骆驼祥子》、《四世同堂》、剧本《茶馆》。2023-08-06 23:21:411
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳!”这句话在《草原》中的作用是点明中心 。 注:这句诗出自老舍的《草原》一文(摘选自老舍写的《内蒙风光》)。 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地。从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。2023-08-06 23:21:481
这是老舍的作品《草原》把蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳! 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。 在夕阳的阴着下,一望无际的大草原显得格外楚楚动人。草原上的绵羊,似乎都像披上了一曾华丽的衣装,凝视着我们。在这儿度过了愉快的一天,大家都对大草原产生了感情,与热情、好客的草原主人,与翠色欲流的大草原依依惜别…… “谢谢你们今天的热情款待,让我们品尝了许多美味,领略了大草原的风光,观赏了民族舞蹈。有机会的话,你们可以到我们这边来看一看城市风光,那也是别有一番风味哦!”我微笑着说。“谢谢,我们一定会去的,祝你们一帆风顺、一路走好,美丽的大草原永远欢迎你们!”草原的人们挥手向我们告别,直到远去…… 我们走了,但大草原上的所有东西都深深印在我的脑海里。真是“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”啊!2023-08-06 23:21:551
话斜阳的意思 关于话斜阳的意思
1、意思是:在傍晚时西斜的太阳下互相倾诉、话别。 2、“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”。何:哪里;“忍”是忍心;天涯碧草:指大草原;话:倾诉,话别;斜阳:傍晚时西斜的太阳。这句话的意思是:蒙汉两族人民的情谊很深,怎么舍得就这样分别?夕阳西下,大家站在蒙古包外,面对着一望无际的大草原,依依不舍地话别。2023-08-06 23:22:021
这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。2023-08-06 23:22:1011
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。意思:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎能忍心马上分别!于是,大家在无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。出自:作家老舍的《草原》。2023-08-06 23:22:562
蒙汉情深何忍别 天涯碧草话斜阳是不是古诗句
不是古诗句,这是老舍写的、2023-08-06 23:23:044
蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;在离别之际,共同细谈夕阳下的草原。根据查询作业帮官网显示,句中多处运用了“借代”手法“蒙汉”借代“蒙汉两族人民”,“天涯”借代“边疆”,这里即指“内蒙古”,“碧草”借代“大草原”,“斜阳”借代“傍晚时分”,意思为蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;在离别之际,共同细谈夕阳下的草原。2023-08-06 23:23:231
蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别等。蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳是出自于近现代老舍的《内蒙东部纪游陈旗草原二首》的诗中,意思为蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别,在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了。2023-08-06 23:23:291
天涯碧草话斜阳的意思是指爱情的分别,表达了离别的悲伤,以及无法抗拒离别的无奈。它暗指着爱情的深情厚谊,又表达了离别的悲痛,以及无法抗拒离别的无奈。2023-08-06 23:23:361
这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情.涯,边际.天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方. 出自老舍的《草原》,这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 全诗从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍. 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果. 这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古和汉族就是好朋友.今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族的友谊的见证.在这一碧千里的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久.2023-08-06 23:23:432
这是老舍作品入选课本的最后一句话,说的是蒙古族和汉族的情意非常浓,就是血浓于水的兄弟民族,即使天涯海角也不会改变,相聚短暂都不忍分别。2023-08-06 23:23:512
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳.意思: 蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。出自:作家老舍的《草原》。2023-08-06 23:23:582
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳的意思是什么出自老舍的《草原》.简单意思:蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;在离别之际,共同细谈夕阳下的草原.深意:蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳.”此句中多处运用了“借代”手法.“蒙汉”借代“蒙汉两族人民”,“天涯”借代“边疆”,这里即指“内蒙古”,“碧草”借代“大草原”,“斜阳”借代“傍晚时分”.这些借代,意思完备而又深刻.大概意思:蒙汉人民之间的情谊深厚,怎么忍心马上分别呢?直到夕阳西下,人们还在这遥远的一望无际的草原上互相倾诉着惜别之情.这句话作为全篇的结尾,点明了蒙汉两族团结情深的中心.这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情.涯,边际.天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方.这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍.这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果.2023-08-06 23:24:051
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳!出自老舍的《草原》 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。2023-08-06 23:24:111
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,迎着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。出自老舍的《草原》,此句中多处运用了“借代”期望傍晚时分。这些借代,意思完备而又深刻。这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古与汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族友谊的见证。在这一碧千里一望无际的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。体现了蒙汉两族团结友好,与这茫茫的大草原奏成了一曲自然和谐的大合唱。作者简介:老舍(1899年2月3日—1966年8月24日),原名舒庆春,另有笔名絜青、鸿来、非我等,字舍予。因为老舍生于阴历立春,父母为他取名“庆春”,大概含有庆贺春来、前景美好之意。上学后,自己更名为舒舍予,含有“舍弃自我”,亦即“忘我”的意思。北京满族正红旗人。中国现代小说家、作家,语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。代表作有《骆驼祥子》、《四世同堂》、剧本《茶馆》。2023-08-06 23:24:301
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳——蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”出自老舍的《草原》,意思是蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。这句话中何的意思是怎能。忍的意思是肯。话的意思是说话。别的意思是离别。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。这句话抒发了作者对草原的喜爱之情,表现出了蒙古与汉族的情深意浓!!,2023-08-06 23:24:491
【原句】蒙汉情深何忍别?天涯碧草话斜阳。【翻译】蒙古族和汉族情深似海,如何忍心分别呢?就像天边的芳草一样,与落日的余晖依依话别。【注释】1、天涯碧草:天边的青草;天边的芳草。天涯:天边;天尽头。碧草:青草。南朝梁江淹《贻袁常侍》诗:“幽冀生碧草,沅湘含翠烟。”唐陈子昂《春台引》:“感阳春兮生碧草之油油,怀宇宙以伤远,登高台而写忧。”宋苏轼《题织锦图上回文》诗之一:“春晚落花余碧草,夜凉低月半枯桐。”如苏轼《蝶恋花u2022春景》词:“枝上柳绵吹又少,天涯何处无芳草?”2023-08-06 23:24:561
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”——何:哪里;“忍”是忍心;天涯碧草:指大草原;话:倾诉;斜阳:傍晚时西斜的太阳。这句话的意思是:蒙汉两族人民的情谊很深,怎么舍得就这样分别?夕阳西下,大家站在蒙古包外,面对着一望无际的大草原,依依不舍地话别。“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”出自老舍的《草原》,这句话在文中的作用是点明中心,既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。这句话表达了蒙古族人民对汉族人民的深情厚谊,充分体现出祖国是各族人民团结友爱的大家庭。资料扩展:《草原》是现代诗人老舍创作的一篇散文。课文主要讲了草原风光图、喜迎远客图和蒙汉联欢图。作者在最后引用了一句,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。抒发了作者对草原的热爱之情和对蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。老舍——草原2023-08-06 23:25:141
摘自老舍的《内蒙风光》。这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地。从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。小学六年级课本里节选了包括这句诗在内的一段,题名为《草原》。 这个我做过。2023-08-06 23:25:303
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。出自老舍的《草原》释义:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,迎着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。老舍,作者原名舒庆春,字舍予,现代著名作家,1899~1966,满族人,笔名老舍蒙汉情深何忍别天涯碧草话斜阳的意思有奖励写回答共99个回答药郎小跟班聊聊关注成为第75位粉丝蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。出自老舍的《草原》释义:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,迎着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。老舍,作者原名舒庆春,字舍予,现代著名作家,1899~1966,满族人,笔名老舍。扩展资料:全诗:主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香,祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。老翁犹唱当年曲,少年新添时代装,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。意思:蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;离别之际,共同在夕阳下的草原上细谈,不忍心分别。深意:蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。”此句中多处运用了“借代”期望傍晚时分。这些借代,意思完备而又深刻。这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古与汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族友谊的见证。在这一碧千里一望无际的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。老舍的作品风格:1.创作题材老舍的作品大多取材于市民生活。他善于描绘城市贫民的生活和命运,尤其擅长刻画浸透了封建宗法观念的保守落后的中下层市民,在民族矛盾和阶级搏斗中,在新的历史潮流冲击下。惶惑、犹豫、寂寞的矛盾心理,和进退维谷、不知所措的可笑行径。他喜欢通过日常平凡的场景反映普遍的社会冲突,笔触往往延伸到民族精神的挖掘或者民族命运的思考,让人从轻快诙谐之中品味出生活的严峻和沉重。关于自然风光的色彩鲜艳的渲染和关于习俗人情的细致入微的描摹,增添了作品的生活气息和情趣。在现代文学史上,老舍的名字总是与市民题材、北京题材密切联系在一起的。他是现代中国文坛上杰出的风俗、世态(尤其是北京的风土人情)画家。作为一位大家,他所反映的社会现实可能不够辽阔,但在他所描绘的范围之内,却把历史和现实,从一年四季的自然景色、不同时代的社会气氛、风俗习惯,一直到三教九流各种人等的喜怒哀乐、微妙心态都结合浓缩在一起,有声有色、生动活泼,自成一个完整丰满、“京味”十足的世界。这是老舍在现代文学史上作出的特殊贡献。老舍的作品的另一个特点,是表现出鲜明的反帝爱国的题旨。老舍的作品中往往直接揭露帝国主义侵略罪行,从不同侧面描写它们的经济、文化、宗教渗透和种族歧视所给予中国人民种种伤害。他表现民族觉醒、表彰民族气节,同时抨击在这些侵略和渗透面前卑躬屈节、为虎作伥的洋奴汉。1960年是义和团起义的六十周年,于是写出了话剧《神拳》,再现了北京居民抗击八国联军的壮烈情景。2.语言风格老舍的语言俗白精致,雅俗共赏。老舍说:“没有一位语言艺术大师是脱离群众的,也没有一位这样的大师是记录人民语言,而不给它加工的。”因此,作品中人物语言是加提炼过的北京白话。其作品语言的“俗”是建立在精细的思考与研究的基础上。他的“白”,让读者易于理解却又颇有深度。用通俗、平白的文字来反应时代和生活,这才是老舍作为语言大师的境界,可谓“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”。然而另一方面,老舍又使用语脱去自然形态的粗糙与随意,炼成金子,使现代的北京口语显出朴素精致如同一具精雕细刻的瓷器。同样老舍的作品也追求幽默,一方面来自狄更斯等英国文学家的影响,另一方面也深深地打上了“北京市民文化”的烙印,形成了更内蕴的“京味”。幽默风趣,是老舍作品语言的总体风格特色。他认为:“文字要生动有趣,必须利用幽默……假荇干燥、晦涩、无趣,是文艺的致命伤;幽默便有了很大的重要。”因此,老舍的小说、戏剧,散文等也都充满了幽默风趣色彩。他的作品字里行间无不闪现着他的幽默才华:把“想得深”的思想内容,用“说得俏”的语言表达出来,含蓄隽永,充满浓郁的幽默色彩。从《老张的哲学》问世起,老舍就开始被人称为“幽默小说家”。老舍先生更是潜台词运用的大师,其代表就是《茶馆》。《茶馆》凭借深刻含蓄的潜台词,有力地丰富了语言的内涵。最经典的例子就是第一幕庞太监与秦仲义的“舌战”。这两个人一个是西太后的宠奴,一个是讲维新的资产者,二人不期而遇表面上客客气气,骨子里却是兵刃森森。《茶馆》中像这样的台词比比皆是。它引而不发,以弦外之音调动人们的兴味与深思,耐人咀嚼。老舍作品成功地运用了富有生命力的北京口语词汇,使作品语言透露着独特的京韵,作品生活气息醇厚,地方风物、民情风俗真实感人。同时用地道的北京话写北京人,本土本色,活泼有趣、质朴自然,生活气息迎面扑来,具有独特的魅力,透出了北京话的神韵,显示北京话活泼的生命力和老舍驾驭北京口语的能力。2023-08-06 23:25:371
【原句】蒙汉情深何忍别?天涯碧草话斜阳。【翻译】蒙古族和汉族情深似海,如何忍心分别呢?就像天边的芳草一样,与落日的余晖依依话别。【注释】1、天涯碧草:天边的青草;天边的芳草。天涯:天边;天尽头。碧草:青草。南朝梁江淹《贻袁常侍》诗:“幽冀生碧草,沅湘含翠烟。”唐陈子昂《春台引》:“感阳春兮生碧草之油油,怀宇宙以伤远,登高台而写忧。”宋苏轼《题织锦图上回文》诗之一:“春晚落花余碧草,夜凉低月半枯桐。”如苏轼《蝶恋花u2022春景》词:“枝上柳绵吹又少,天涯何处无芳草?”2023-08-06 23:25:441
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳!这句诗的意思是:意思:“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳.”蒙汉人民之间的情谊深厚,怎么忍心马上分别呢,直到夕阳西下,人们还在这遥远的一望无际的草原上互相倾诉着惜别之情.这句话作为全篇的结尾,点明了蒙汉两族团结情深的中心.此句中多处运用了“借代”手法.“蒙汉”借代“蒙汉两族人民”,“天涯”借代“边疆”,这里即指“内蒙古”,“碧草”借代“大草原”,“斜阳”借代“傍晚时分”.这些借代,意思完备而又深刻.这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古和汉族就是好朋友.今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族的友谊的见证.在这一碧千里的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久.这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍.这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果.全诗为:主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香,祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘.老翁犹唱当年曲,少年新添时代装,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳.2023-08-06 23:25:501
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳——蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”出自老舍的《草原》,意思是蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。这句话中何的意思是怎能。忍的意思是肯。话的意思是说话。别的意思是离别。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。这句话抒发了作者对草原的喜爱之情,表现出了蒙古与汉族的情深意浓!!,2023-08-06 23:26:091
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的意思是,蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别,在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了,这两句诗出自我国现代著名文学家老舍的诗作。 古诗全文如下: 内蒙东部纪游 陈旗草原二首之二 作者:老舍 主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香。 祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。 老翁犹唱当年曲,少女新添时代装。 蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。 意思:主人家十分的好客,用手抓羊来招待我们。那席上的乳酒酥油样样都十分味美色香。在席上你来我往的祝福始终是难以倾尽自己的心意。让我们共同举杯,切莫忘了我们之间的友谊。那位老人家还在唱着旧时候所唱的曲子,小姑娘却已经换上了新时代的服装。蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别。在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了。 赏析:这首古诗属于是纪游,主要描写的是诗人在蒙古族人家做客的情景。古诗的前四句描写的是主人家招待诗人做客、吃饭时的场景,表现出了蒙古族人民热情好客的性格特点。五六两句通过对比的手法,展现出了新时代给蒙古族人家带来的新变化。最后两句则是描绘的诗人与主人在夕阳下依依惜别的情景。全诗自然流畅,情感热切且真挚,十分富有感染力。中华诗词,博大精深,魅力无限2023-08-06 23:26:281
从草原上主人热情隆重的远迎客人,主客热情洋溢的会见,主人盛情友好的款待,以及主客联欢、深情话别的情景中体会到“蒙汉情深”。2023-08-06 23:26:376
意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,迎着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。出自老舍的《草原》,原文如下:主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香,祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。老翁犹唱当年曲,少年新添时代装,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。深意:蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;离别之际,共同在夕阳下的草原上细谈,不忍心分别。自古以来,蒙古与汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族友谊的见证。在这一碧千里一望无际的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。扩展资料:创作题材关于自然风光的色彩鲜艳的渲染和关于习俗人情的细致入微的描摹,增添了作品的生活气息和情趣。在现代文学史上,老舍的名字总是与市民题材、北京题材密切联系在一起的。他是现代中国文坛上杰出的风俗、世态(尤其是北京的风土人情)画家。作为一位大家,他所反映的社会现实可能不够辽阔,但在他所描绘的范围之内,却把历史和现实,从一年四季的自然景色、不同时代的社会气氛、风俗习惯。 0 747下一条回答渲染是做什么的-零基础入门-手把手教你渲染是做什么的,体验正式学员所学课程,真实课堂体验,免费听7天,满意后再正式学习,全面为学员考虑!火星时代教育广告设备渲染图,潮流新品,好货热卖,更多优惠尽在淘宝!设备渲染图,购物上淘宝,优选材质,用的舒心!在线下单,省时省力。你要的好货尽在淘宝网,安心享受网购乐趣!simba.taobao.com广告3d渲染电脑配置「京东」高性能电脑配件,专注好品质与高性价比!3d渲染电脑配置「京东」理想性能,超频不费心,高效散热,多品牌兼容,只为让你更方便!m.jd.com广告为您推荐淘宝网-万千设备渲染图,淘不停!淘宝热卖广告蒙汉情深何忍别天涯碧草话斜阳的意思蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。出自老舍的《草原》释义:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上 2707 浏览526520蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳的意思是什么意思这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上 683 浏览1162172019-09-15“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的理解和体会有奖励写回答 “蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的理解和体会 有奖励写回答共2个回答 匿名用户 蒙汉 3 浏览170692021-09-03渲染主机-淘宝热卖排行,品质好货,快速到家!淘宝热卖广告3d渲染电脑配置「京东」高性能电脑配件,专注好品质与高性价比!京东广告正在加载?>2023-08-06 23:27:011
意思:“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。”蒙汉人民之间的情谊深厚,怎么忍心马上分别呢,直到夕阳西下,人们还在这遥远的一望无际的草原上互相倾诉着惜别之情。这句话作为全篇的结尾,点明了蒙汉两族团结情深的中心。此句中多处运用了“借代”手法。“蒙汉”借代“蒙汉两族人民”,“天涯”借代“边疆”,这里即指“内蒙古”,“碧草”借代“大草原”,“斜阳”借代“傍晚时分”。这些借代,意思完备而又深刻。 这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古和汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族的友谊的见证。在这一碧千里的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。2023-08-06 23:27:081
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的意思是,蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别,在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了,这两句诗出自我国现代著名文学家老舍的诗作。 古诗全文如下: 内蒙东部纪游 陈旗草原二首之二 作者:老舍 主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香。 祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。 老翁犹唱当年曲,少女新添时代装。 蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。 意思:主人家十分的好客,用手抓羊来招待我们。那席上的乳酒酥油样样都十分味美色香。在席上你来我往的祝福始终是难以倾尽自己的心意。让我们共同举杯,切莫忘了我们之间的友谊。那位老人家还在唱着旧时候所唱的曲子,小姑娘却已经换上了新时代的服装。蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别。在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了。 赏析:这首古诗属于是纪游,主要描写的是诗人在蒙古族人家做客的情景。古诗的前四句描写的是主人家招待诗人做客、吃饭时的场景,表现出了蒙古族人民热情好客的性格特点。五六两句通过对比的手法,展现出了新时代给蒙古族人家带来的新变化。最后两句则是描绘的诗人与主人在夕阳下依依惜别的情景。全诗自然流畅,情感热切且真挚,十分富有感染力。2023-08-06 23:27:151
这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话出自老舍的《草原》。老舍(1899年2月3日—1966年8月24日),原名舒庆春,另有笔名絜青、鸿来、非我等,字舍予。扩展资料:《草原》是现代诗人老舍创作的一篇散文。课文主要讲了草原风光图、喜迎远客图和蒙汉联欢图。作者在最后引用了一句,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。抒发了作者对草原的热爱之情和对蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。这个作品被选进了北师大版的四年级上册语文书,人教版的五年级下册语文书,冀教版五年级下册语文书和苏教版六年级上册语文书,作者老舍,原名舒庆春。作者表达了对草原的喜爱之情和蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。老舍,北京满族正红旗人。中国现代小说家、著名作家,杰出的语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。2023-08-06 23:27:211
颜色英文单词是colour。1. red红色2. silver 银3. sand 沙子色4. gold金5. yellow 黄色6. black黑色7. olive橄榄色8. pink粉红色9. anti gold 古铜色10. natural 自然色11. gunmetal 青铜色12. stone浅橄榄灰色13. D/melange 米灰色2023-08-06 23:21:0314
I realized that I wasn"t succeeded in finishing my task until I did it for the tenth time when I was young.So I would tell myself to spend ten times more efforts to do it. by Bernard Shaw2023-08-06 23:21:2212
颜色英文单词是colour。1. red红色2. silver 银3. sand 沙子色4. gold金5. yellow 黄色6. black黑色7. olive橄榄色8. pink粉红色9. anti gold 古铜色10. natural 自然色11. gunmetal 青铜色12. stone浅橄榄灰色13. D/melange 米灰色2023-08-06 23:21:262
我与电脑的故事 英语作文 急!!!!
The winter vacation, I have a computer, also apply for admission. Therefore, I in the first computer at the same time to network the indissoluble bound. Increasing with time, the network has been integrated into my life, or say, I have been integrated into the vast world of INTERNET.The first time I surf the Internet, thought it was a very strange world, in the information highway has a certain sea, plain horse quickly cool the magnificent (slightly exaggerated a bit, I"m sorry! Point) and under the "IE" icon, listen to the 56K "cat" chattering call, then input the "open sesame" username and password, suddenly found that the world"s slow things not snail, tortoise, nor what sea cucumber, sloth, and it is a browser window that root like death non dead blue line.Sitting at the table 5 minutes, make I irascible, fidgety. Jump out of the window is not my imagination of so wonderful, magnificent, with the exception of a few links, seems to be nothing. Although there are news, entertainment, but I expected INTERNET far. Not much, they have lost all interest in sth. finally in the famous INTERNET "bye bye". In the network meet for the first time as met a silly girl ", it is strongly! I was really surprised: greatly disappoint one"s hopes on such a thing, is also known as the information technology revolution!Even so, the very next day I was sitting in front of the computer, and a "climb" so-called "highway". This time, I entered a few links, found the vision suddenly open a lot of. The "inside" hidden but beautiful spot; I in the game a found "StarCraft" intensive; sometimes the news throughout the world events, "pointing" (using the pointer clicks) Qiankun aspect, majestic tall and straight from the PLA to as thin Tutsi refugees, all of a sudden the panoramic view; finally in a chat room and "Platon" (I used the name Aristotle, he not deliberately and I can"t go! Microsoft monopoly) on the fierce confrontation, the Invincible Iron most stupid he show the white feather, be defeated and flee. CompositionAfter half a year, INTERNET and I have become inseparable (because I want to go to "create network" ah). I used to think how advanced information technology, seem to be far away from us. Now I know, this is on our side. It let me -- a "little worms" have a beautiful dream, that is the early pupa butterfly, flying in the blue sky and white clouds, green trees safflower, a part of our world and like-minded partners to create!2023-08-06 23:21:442
分为制导的和非制导的两大阵营,开车打烟花7-Driving a fireworks用车辆搭载,Vehicles equipped,一边行驶,While driving,一边燃放。While discharge.河上,In the river,有一艘快艇,There is speedboat,追随这辆车辆前进,Forward following car vehicle,向这辆车辆不断地发射。Continue to transmit to the car vehicle.天上有一架飞机,In the sky,there is an aircraft,也在同样一条移动路线上,is also on the same moving route,向这辆车辆、向这艘船舶发射。To car vehicle emission ship to ship.交相辉映。Pavilions.现在就来个素的,Now on to a prime,简朴的、Simple,简单的,Simple,略缩的,Slightly reduced, 简化的,simplified,不是你码字去虚构,Not your code word to fiction,更不是轻巧地用虚拟软件立体构图,But not lightly use a virtual three-dimensional composition software,搭载在机动运载工具上面的,Mounted above a motor vehicle例如,汽车、飞机、船舶,For example, automobiles, aircraft, ships,在连续的运动之中,among continuous motion 能够准确地,Able to accurately,产生各种立体字幕和立体图案的大系统。A large systems of various three-dimensional and three-dimensional pattern of subtitles.000000000000000有哇,There is,开一辆有天窗的豪车过来,Open sunroof of a luxury car over,或者是自动张开、收缩顶棚的豪车,Or automatically open, shrink ceiling luxury car,或者是敞篷车过来,Or convertible car over,放进相关的装置,Into the associated apparatus,无需与车体固定、校正,And the body without fixation, correction,这是在发射和车辆运动过程之中,主动动力稳定系统,It is in the process of transmission and vehicle movement, active dynamic stabilization system,立即就可以将车辆开出去,Now you can ride the vehicle to go out,你要打啥子图案、字幕,You want to make a pattern, subtitles,立即就在行车的运动过程之中, immediately during driving process,沿途从天窗向外发射,Along emitted outward from the skylight,在你指定的空间位置,In space you specify the location,动态地形成稳定的空间分布。Space dynamically form a stable distribution.何止漂亮的,高端大气上档次,就不仅仅是拉风、抢眼啦,Far more than a beautiful, high-end atmosphere on the grade, not just pull the wind, catching it,全球最顶尖!!!!!!!!!!!!!The world"s best! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !可以是你女朋友,It can be your girlfriend,从小轿车的天窗站起来,探出头,From the car"s roof to stand up, he stuck his head out,观看,Watch,自己的车辆,Their vehicles,或者其他追随的车辆,Or follow other vehicles,在你女朋友面前,In front of your girlfriend,打出连续不断变化的字幕,Played continuously changing subtitles,这都是在车辆行驶过程中展开,These were in the vehicle during the commencement也可以是在游艇上开展,It may also be carried out on a yacht,要保证字幕的空中动态分布稳定,To ensure stable subtitles air dynamic distribution,可不容易啊。Not easy.可以是不同的车辆,It may be a different vehicle,分别打出不同的字符,Respectively play different characters,准确稳定地,分布在一条带状空间上,Accurate and stable, distributed over a strip of space,构成了一句完整的句子。Constitute a complete sentence.000000000000000000000由用户自行、亲自,亲手,By the user, personally, own hands,控制燃放的特殊开关,Control the discharge of special switches,由你或者女方亲自掌控、体验。Personally controlled by you or the woman"s experience.举几个例子:A few examples:求爱、爱情宣誓、相亲、迎亲的助阵时候,Courtship, love oath, loving, help out when the wedding,究竟如何燃放,Exactly how to discharge,燃放什么品种,Discharge of what species,打出啥子效果,Play what effect,现在都是现场决定,Now is decided in site,临时按照女方、女方本人、女方亲友团的要求和情绪,Temporary accordance with the requirements woman, the woman himself, friends and relatives of the woman and the emotions,马上变化,Immediately change,开一辆有天窗的豪车过来,drive a luxury car with sunroof,或者是自动张开、收缩顶棚的豪车,Or automatically open, shrink ceiling luxury car,或者是敞篷车过来,Or convertible car,随意、随手,将燃放装置投入运载车辆的车厢之中,Free, readily, the pyrotechnic devices being put into the car carrying vehicles,放进相关的装置,Into the associated apparatus,无需与车体固定、校正,And the body without fixation, correction,这是在发射和车辆运动过程之中,主动动力稳定系统,It is in the process of transmission and vehicle movement, active dynamic stabilization system,立即就可以将车辆开出去,Now you can drive the vehicle to go out,你要打啥子图案、字幕,You want to make a pattern, subtitles,立即就在行车的运动过程之中,immediately during driving process,沿途从天窗向外发射,Along emitted outward from the skylight,在你指定的空间位置,In space you specify the location,动态地形成稳定的空间分布。Space dynamically form a stable distribution.何止漂亮的,高端大气上档次,就不仅仅是拉风、抢眼啦,Far more than a beautiful, high-end atmosphere on the grade, not just pull the wind, catching it,全球最顶尖!!!!!!!!!!!!!The world"s best! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !还有唢呐民乐队、西洋乐队,There are suona band, western band,街舞团队,Hip-hop group,一起上阵,Together play,标准的方法,The standard method,特别是实时与即兴演奏的乐队自动配合,Especially in real-time and automatically with the riffs of the band,产生各种风格的立体造型的系统,Generating three-dimensional modeling of systems of various styles,燃放到人家满意就算了,Discharge to the people satisfied even if,如果还不满意,就继续变换着各种花样烧下去。If still not satisfied, to continue to transform a variety of tricks to burn down.立即显示当前的累积消费金额,Immediately display the current cumulative spent sum,当场积算费用,On site settlement costs,结束了就结算,Ended on settlement,手机付费,Mobile payment,隔空支付,Taking payments,手持刷卡机缴纳费用。Handheld credit card machine to pay the costs.结算完毕后,After the settlement is completed,车队就开走,Motorcade drove off,去为下一家服务。Go for the next one for service.24小时,风雨无阻,不受雾霾、沙尘暴、风雪、地貌、地区限制,24 hours, rain or shine, free from haze, dust storms, snow, topography, regional restrictions,全天候恭候,手机联系订购服务。Always waiting, phone contact subscription service.应招服务举例:Service Example:求爱、求婚、发布爱的誓言,商业宣传造势、为了讨债而震慑欠债人、Courtship, marriage proposal, published vows of love, commercial publicity campaign, to debt collection and deter debtors,红白喜事、炫富、发情寻偶、发泄不满、Weddings and funerals, show off their wealth, estrus find even express frustration,处理积压的资金、烧掉多余的钱财、Deal with the backlog of funds to burn excess money,校园内制造浪漫气氛、艺术实践、Campus create a romantic atmosphere, artistic practice,课程实习,Internship,摄影活动、触发创作灵感、Photographic activities, trigger inspiration,游乐园欢庆、旅游圣地揽客,Amusement park to celebrate, tourist sites Showmanship,生日庆贺、满月同贺,Birthday to celebrate, celebrate the one-month,迎接新生、招待客户、Welcome freshmen, entertain clients,联欢同庆,招亲、Gathering Celebration, get married,宣布爱情誓言,金婚纪念,Declare love vows, golden anniversary,艺术学院的学生实习,做毕业论文、创作作品。Art Institute student internships, doing thesis, creations.2023-08-06 23:21:522
句型用英语怎么说 句型用英语如何说
1、句型[jù xíng]:sentential form; sentence pattern. 2、双语例句 句型练习的重要性是显而易见的。 The importance of pattern drills is obvious. 参看第20页(动词句型13)。 See page 20 ( verb pattern 13). 她在2001年获得学位。 She obtained her degree in2001. 给出了将汉语句型转换成SQL查询语句框架的转换规则以及在此基础上的语义分析技术; And a set of rules for the transformation from Chinese query sentence to corresponding SQL command are presented for semantic analysis. dict.cnki.net 介绍和巩固wh?句型的常用语调。 To introduce and consolidate common intonation pattern with wh? questions.2023-08-06 23:22:051
闻香识女人很不错啊~2023-08-06 23:20:5511
所有颜色的英文单词缩写,我要最全的 。
去哦要的事最全的 缩写2023-08-06 23:20:553
Blue green 青绿色 Group green 群青色 Shallow green 浅绿色 Bottle green 深绿色 Big green 大绿色 Day green 天绿色 moss green 苔绿色 emerald green 鲜绿色 olive green 橄榄绿 springgreen 春绿色2023-08-06 23:20:341
Introduction.Background and Text. Lycidas first appeared in a 1638 collection of elegies entitled Justa Edouardo King Naufrago. This collection commemorated the death of Edward King, a collegemate of Milton"s at Cambridge who drowned when his ship sank off the coast of Wales in August, 1637. Milton volunteered or was asked to make a contribution to the collection. The present edition follows the copy of Poems of Mr. John Milton(1645) in the Rauner Collection at Dartmouth College known as Hickmott 172. Milton made a few significant revisions to Lycidas after 1638. These revisions are noted as they occur.Form and Structure. The structure of Lycidas remains somewhat mysterious. J. Martin Evansargues that there are two movements with six sections each that seem to mirror each other. Arthur Barker believes that the body of Lycidas is composed of three movements that run parallel in pattern. That is, each movement begins with an invocation, then explores the conventions of the pastoral, and ends with a conclusion to Milton"s emotional problem (quoted in Womack).Voice. Milton"s epigram labels Lycidas a monody: a lyrical lament for one voice. But the poem has several voices or personae, including the uncouth swain (the main narrator), who is interrupted first by Phoebus (Apollo), then Camus (the river Cam, and thus Cambridge University personified), and the Pilot of the Galilean lake (St. Peter). Finally, a second narrator appears for only the last eight lines to bring a conclusion in ottava rima (see F. T. Prince). Before the second narrator enters, the poem contains the irregular rhyme and meter characteristic of the Italian canzone form. Canzone is essentially a polyphonic lyrical form, hence creating a serious conflict with the monody. Milton may have meant monody in the sense that the poem should be regarded more as a story told completely by one person as opposed to a chorus. This person would presumably be the final narrator, who seemingly masks himself as the uncouth swain. This concept of story-telling ties Lycidas closer to the genre of pastoral elegy.Genre. Lycidas is a pastoral elegy, a genre initiated by Theocritus, also put to famous use by Virgil and Spenser. Christopher Kendrickasserts that one"s reading of Lycidas would be improved by treating the poem anachronistically, that is, as if it was one of the most original pastoral elegies. Also, as already stated, it employs the irregular rhyme and meter of an Italian canzone. Stella Revardsuggests that Lycidas also exhibits the influence of Pindaric odes, especially in its allusions to Orpheus, Alpheus, and Arethusa. The poem"s arrangement in verse paragraphs and its introduction of various voices and personae are also features that anticipate epic structures. Like the form, structure, and voice of Lycidas, its genre is deeply complex. James SitarMonody.A lyrical lament for one voice.height.The headnote — In this Monody ... height. — did not appear in 1638 (Justa Edouardo King). This addition might be due to the less strict laws regarding published texts. The Trinity MS has the headnote but without the final sentence: And by occasion ... height. The clergy Milton refers to is the clergy of the English Church as ruled by William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, a champion of traditional liturgy and the bane of reformist Puritans. Bishops fell out of power in 1642, between the two editions.Friend.Edward King, a schoolmate of Milton"s at Cambridge who drowned when his ship sank off the coast of Wales in August, 1637. King entered Christ"s College in 1626 when he was 14 years old. Upon finishing his studies, King was made a Fellow of Christ"s thanks to his patron King Charles I. The Trinity MS of Lycidas is dated Nov. 1637, three months after King"s death.Never-sear.Never withered. 1638 has never-sere. Laurel was considered the emblem of Apollo, myrtle of Venus, and ivy of Bacchus.Lycidas.The name Lycidas is common in ancient Greek pastorals, establishing the style Milton imitates for this poem. William Collins Wattersonnotes that in Theocritus" pastoral, Lycidas loses a singing competition. Watterson asserts that Milton is aligning King with Lycidas in an attempt to portray himself as victorious over King. Virgil"s ninth Eclogueis spoken in part by the shepherd Lycidas, a scene that includes, as Balachandra Rajanpoints out, a reference to social injustice. Lucan"s Civil Wars 3.657-58 also tells the story of a Lycidas pulled to pieces during a sea battle by a grappling hook.Lycidas?An echo of Virgil; Who would not sing for Gallus? (Eclogue 10.5).bear.Bier, or funeral platform. 1638 has biere.Begin then, Sisters.Following the pastoral tradition of Theocritus, Moschus, and Virgil, Milton invokes the muses to begin the lament. See Virgil"s Eclogue 4.1. The sisters are the nine muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (memory). Their sacred well is called Aganippe on Mount Helicon, just a bit lower than the seat of Jove.lucky.It would certainly be bad luck to refuse an invitation to sing for the dead. Virgil"s persona implies as much in Eclogue 10.5-6. See also OED2.opening.1638 has glimmering instead of opening; The Trinity MS replaces glimmering with opening.Batt"ning.Feeding.Star.Venus as Hesperus, the evening star. 1638 has ev"n-starre in place of Star that rose, at Ev"ning,. The Trinity MS corrected the 1638 reading to Oft till the star that rose in evening bright.westering.1638 has burnisht in place of westering; Trinity MS initiated the change to westering.th"Oaten Flute.A Panpipe, or the flute used by Pan, traditionally associated with the songs of shepherds. See Virgil"s Ecologues10.64-5. Spenser calls him God of shepheards all in The Shepheardes Calendar, December, 7. Drawingof Pan playing a panpipe.Satyrs.Mythical goat-men renowned for lust. Milton is probably referring to his (and King"s) classmates at Christ"s. Picture.Damoetas.A traditional pastoral name, see Virgil"s Eclogue 3. Also a clownish shepherd named Damoetas appears in Sidney"s Arcadia. Search Dartmouth"s Library catalog.Milton might be referring to Christ"s College tutor William Chappel.to hear our song.The narrator imagines that he and King were shepherds (poets and students) in the same pasture (Christ"s College, Cambridge) and learned from the same master, William Chappel (perhaps personified here as Old Damoetas).gadding.Wandering, unruly.Canker.Cankerworm, a garden pest.Taint-worm.Intestinal parasite that afflicts young calves, that is, weanlings.weanling.Young livestock, recently weaned from mother"s milk.wardrop.Wardrobe. 1638 has wardrobe.blows.Blossoms.Bards.Ancient Druid poet-singers: An ancient Celtic order of minstrel-poets, whose primary function appears to have been to compose and sing (usually to the harp) verses celebrating the achievements of chiefs and warriors, and who committed to verse historical and traditional facts, religious precepts, laws, genealogies, etc. (OED2).Mona.Anglesey, an Island off the west coast of Britain, once the home of Celtic druids.Deva.The river Dee, where Chester, King"s destination, stands. Spenser"s Faerie Queene 4.11.39 refers to the Dee as divine.fondly.Foolishly, idly.Lesbian shore.Calliope, daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne was Orpheus"s mother and a muse. Orpheus, according to legend, could charm animals, birds, and even inanimate bits of nature with his music. For Milton, as for many others, he serves as a personified symbol of the power of poetic song. For the story of the death of Orpheus, see Ovid"s Metamorphoses 11.1-66. Also see Albrecht Dürer"s 1494 engraving, Death of Orpheus.strictly.1638 misprints this as stridly.Or with.1638 has Hid in the in place of Or with. Or with is a Trinity MS correction.Amaryllis.The names of the nymphs, Amaryllis and Neaera, are conventional, borrowed from Virgil"s Eclogues 1.4-5and Eclogues 3.3.Guerdon.Reward.Fury.Milton refers to fate or destiny here as a Fury, as if one of the Eumendies from classical Greek drama. Some traditions personify the Fates as three sisters, the sisters of destiny; one spins the thread of life, one measures out its length, and the third snips it with shears. Hughes asserts that this figure is Atropos. See Plato"s Republic 620e.Phoebus.Apollo. Virgil, in Eclogues 6.5-6,imagines the Cynthian god plucking at his ear.foil.Hughesnotes that a foil is the setting of a gem.Arethuse.A fountain in Sicily associated with poetic inspiration (see Arcades 30-31). Mincius is the river of Virgil"s hometown, Mantua. Virgil associates the Mincius with his own pastoral verse in Eclogues 7. 15-16 and Georgics 3. 20-21.higher mood.Epic poetry was considered to be a more elevated form than pastoral, thus in a higher mode.Herald.Triton, a sea-god usually pictured with a trumpet.plea.That is, at Neptune"s request, to testify in his defence.swain.A shepherd; a word frequently used by Theocritus, Virgil, and Spenser.Hippotades.Homeric epithet for Aeolus, the wind-god, son of Hippotas. See Odyssey 10.3.Panope.A sea nymph.Bark.Small ship.th"eclipse.A ship built during an eclipse might be imagined to be either cursed with bad luck or simply ill-built as a result.Camus.Personification of the river Cam, which runs through Cambridge. This personification draws comparisons to Virgil"s personification of Mincius, the river that runs through his home town.sanquine flower.The Hyacinth. Apollo made this flower from the blood of his beloved Hyacinthus, whom he accidentally killed. The story is in Ovid"s Metamorphoses 10.214-16.The Pilot.It is commonly accepted that this refers to St. Peter, to whom Christ gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:19). Peter"s first meeting with Jesus is told in Luke 5:2-4.Miter"d.A miter is a liturgical headress worn by bishops.Line 113.1645 has a period at the end of this line, but that appears to be an error, especially since the line is the last on the page in 1645.Anow.Enough. 1638 has Enough.into the fold.See John 10:1.Blind mouthes!John Ruskin suggests that a bishop means a person who sees and a pastor means one who feeds. The most unbishoply character...is therefore to be blind. The most unpastoral is, instead of feeding, to want to be fed,—to be a mouth (quoted in Orgel and Goldberg).scrannel.Thin, shriveled.Lines 121-127. An echo of Menalcas" sentiments in Virgil"s Ecologues 3.81, 4-9, 30-4.Woolf.The Roman Catholic Church.privy.Secret. See 2 Peter 2:1. Perhaps also a pun on the Privy Council.nothing.Critics dispute whether little should stand. In accordance with 1645, most modern editions use nothing.sed.1638 has said.two-handed engine.The meaning of this phrase has generated much commentary. Orgel"s assertion, that it is a sword large enough to require two hands to use, is commonly accepted.smite once, and smite no more.See Matthew 26:31 and Mark 14: 27-9.Alpheus.Personification of a river in Greece and also the god who fell in love with Arethusa and pursued her until she was turned into a fountain. See Ovid"s Metamorphoses 5.865-875.swart Star.Sirius, the dog star, is ascendant during the hottest days of the year; hence the term, dog days.rathe.Ready to bloom.Crow-toe.Wild hyacinth.Gessamine.Jasmine, a climbing shrub with fragrant flowers.freakt.Flecked or streaked whimsically or capriciously; variegated. See OED2. Freakt with jeat (jet, black) means flecked with black streaks or spots.wan.Pale.Amaranthus.In the garden of Eden, an immortal flower (Paradise Lost 3.353-57). See also Spenser"s Faerie Queene 3.6.45 (search Amaranthus).Daffadillies.This flower list, a typical pastoral element, was first added to the Trinity MS on a separate sheet of paper and marked for insertion here. Sackscontrasts this section with the plucking at the beginning of the poem (line 3). He asserts, the anger has been purged, and the rewards (the undying flowers of praise) have been established.Hebrides.The Hebrides lie off the west coast of Scotland.whelming.Overwhelming, or drowning. 1638 has humming. Trinity MS also has humming, changed to whelming by marginal hand in BM and Cambridge copies of Justa Eduardo King (Carey & Fowler).moist.Tear-dampened.Bellerus.A giant for whom Land"s End was called Bellerium in Roman times.guarded Mount.Mount St. Michael"s, near Land"s End on the Cornish coast, across the Channel from Mont St. Michel. Milton imagines the patron saint of England looking out from here to guard England from overseas (Catholic) religion. Namancos is in Spain and Bayona a fortress near Cape Finisterre.Look homeward.The Angel could refer to either St. Michael, whose mount it is, or Lycidas. In either case, the injunction is for him to turn his eye from the threat of Spain (represented by Namancos and Bayona) and instead to look homeward, where Lycidas has drowned (Orgel & Goldberg). Lawrence Lipkingasserts that the angel is in fact Lycidas, who is looking not to where he drowned but to his destination, Ireland. He further asserts that Milton demands a change of attention from Spain to Ireland because he felt the pagans in Ireland were a serious threat to England.Dolphins.Dolphins were thought by sailors to be a good omen at sea, looking after the ship and guarding it from peril.him that walk"d the waves.Alluding to Jesus, who walked on water according to Matthew 14:25-26.weep no more.Recalls the opening line of the poem Yet once more, O ye Laurels, and once more. The invocation to begin the lament is repeated as the invitation to end the lament.unexpressive nuptial Song.According to Hughes, the unutterable nuptial Song is sung at t2023-08-06 23:20:111
racemases造句 racemasesの例文 "racemases"是什麼意思
This enzyme belongs to the family of propne racemases acting on free amino acids. This enzyme belongs to the family of isomerases, specifically those racemases and epimerases acting on other pounds. It belongs to the family of isomerases, specifically those racemases and epimerases acting on carbohydrates and derivatives. Examples include HIV-1 protease, racemases , ?-lactamases, metalloproteinases, cyclooxygenases and many others. This enzyme belongs to the family of isomerases, specifically those racemases and epimerases acting on carbohydrates and derivatives. This enzyme belongs to the family of isomerases, specifically the racemases and epimerases which act on other pounds. This enzyme belongs to the isomerase family, specifically those racemases and epimerases which act on carbohydrates and their derivatives. This enzyme belongs to the family of isomerases, specifically those racemases and epimerases acting on amino acids and derivatives. This enzyme belongs to the family of isomerases, specifically those racemases and epimerases acting on hydroxy acids and derivatives. This enzyme belongs to the family of isomerases, specifically those racemases and epimerases acting on carbohydrates and their derivatives. It"s difficult to see racemases in a sentence. 用 racemases 造句挺难的 Diaminopimelate epimerase ( ), which racemases such as glutamate racemase have been shown to share a similar structure and mechani *** of catalysis. The sub-categories of isomerases containing racemases , epimerases and cis-trans isomers are examples of enzymes catalyzing the interconversion of stereoisomers. Novel propne racemases of medical and veterinary importance were described respectively in " Clostridium difficile " ( ) and " Trypanosoma vivax " ( ). This enzyme belongs to the family of isomerases, specifically those racemases and epimerases acting on amino acids and derivatives, including propne racemase, aspartate racemase, and diaminopimelate epimerase. These studies showed that a peptide motif used as a minimal pattern signature to identify putative propne racemases ( motif III * ) is insufficient stringent " per se " to discriminate propne racemases from 4-hydroxypropne epimerases ( HyPRE ). These studies showed that a peptide motif used as a minimal pattern signature to identify putative propne racemases ( motif III * ) is insufficient stringent " per se " to discriminate propne racemases from 4-hydroxypropne epimerases ( HyPRE ).2023-08-06 23:20:041
play begin start write speak carry cry smile want wish2023-08-06 23:19:574