蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳,出自老舍的《草原》意思是:蒙汉两族之间的深厚情谊,不能忍心马上分别!站在漫无边际的大草原上,望着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。这句话出自老舍先生的著作《草原》:主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香,祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。老翁犹唱当年曲,少年新添时代装,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。作者:老舍,原名舒庆春,字舍予,现代著名作家,1899~1966,满族人,笔名老舍。“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”句子中多次使用“借代”的手法,深刻的描写出了作者对于蒙汉两族之间深厚的情谊,以及对于即将分别的不舍。句子中表达了作者老舍先生的一种深刻的意境:有史以来,蒙汉两族就建立了深厚的友谊,今天在这里的相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是蒙、汉两个民族之间友谊的见证。在辽阔无比绿草匆匆的大草原上,夕阳璀璨,希望我们的友谊天长地久。《草原》一文做为教科文本,被选进了多本小学教材给将来学习这篇课文的学生们描述了蒙汉两族之间的友好关系,写入的教材有:《(北师大版)四年级上册语文书》《(人教版)五年级下册语文书》《(冀教版)五年级下册语文书》《(苏教版)六年级上册语文书》2023-08-06 23:20:061
【原句】蒙汉情深何忍别?天涯碧草话斜阳。【翻译】蒙古族和汉族情深似海,如何忍心分别呢?就像天边的芳草一样,与落日的余晖依依话别。【注释】1、天涯碧草:天边的青草;天边的芳草。天涯:天边;天尽头。碧草:青草。南朝梁江淹《贻袁常侍》诗:“幽冀生碧草,沅湘含翠烟。”唐陈子昂《春台引》:“感阳春兮生碧草之油油,怀宇宙以伤远,登高台而写忧。”宋苏轼《题织锦图上回文》诗之一:“春晚落花余碧草,夜凉低月半枯桐。”如苏轼《蝶恋花u2022春景》词:“枝上柳绵吹又少,天涯何处无芳草?”2023-08-06 23:20:251
“蒙汉情深何忍别 ,天涯碧草话斜阳”这句诗是什么意思?
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳! 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。 在夕阳的阴着下,一望无际的大草原显得格外楚楚动人。草原上的绵羊,似乎都像披上了一曾华丽的衣装,凝视着我们。在这儿度过了愉快的一天,大家都对大草原产生了感情,与热情、好客的草原主人,与翠色欲流的大草原依依惜别…… “谢谢你们今天的热情款待,让我们品尝了许多美味,领略了大草原的风光,观赏了民族舞蹈。有机会的话,你们可以到我们这边来看一看城市风光,那也是别有一番风味哦!”我微笑着说。“谢谢,我们一定会去的,祝你们一帆风顺、一路走好,美丽的大草原永远欢迎你们!”草原的人们挥手向我们告别,直到远去…… 我们走了,但大草原上的所有东西都深深印在我的脑海里。真是“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”啊!2023-08-06 23:20:321
01 蒙汉情深何忍别天涯碧草话斜阳意思是蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。这句话出自老舍的《草原》。 《草原》是现代诗人老舍创作的一篇散文。课文主要讲了草原风光图、喜迎远客图和蒙汉联欢图。作者在最后引用了一句,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。抒发了作者对草原的热爱之情和对蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古与汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族友谊的见证。在这一碧千里一望无际的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。 这个作品被选进了北师大版的四年级上册语文书,人教版的五年级下册语文书,冀教版五年级下册语文书和苏教版六年级上册语文书,作者老舍,原名舒庆春。作者表达了对草原的喜爱之情和蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。 老舍,北京满族正红旗人。中国现代小说家、著名作家,杰出的语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。代表作《茶馆》、《骆驼祥子》和《四世同堂》等。2023-08-06 23:20:391
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳!”这句话在《草原》中的作用是点明中心 。 注:这句诗出自老舍的《草原》一文(摘选自老舍写的《内蒙风光》)。 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地。从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。2023-08-06 23:20:451
zz2023-08-06 23:20:533
蒙古族人民和汉族人民的情谊是那么深厚,怎么舍得这么快就分别呢?在夕阳西下的时候,在这无边无际的大草原上,大家相互诉说着惜别之情.,8,没事,蒙族汉子情深不忍离别,天涯的碧草映着暮移的太阳见证情深,0,作者 出自老舍的《草原》,作者原名舒庆春,字舍予,现代著名作家,1899~1966,满族人,笔名老舍。. 意思 蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;离别之际,共同在夕阳下的草原上细谈,不忍心分别。 深意:蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。”此句中多处运用了“借代”期望傍晚时分。这些借代,意思完备而又深刻. 这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古与汉族就是好朋友。今天我...,0,2023-08-06 23:21:001
提问百度知道 蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳.中的"何"是解释的什么意思.这个问题你怎么看?展开讲讲...收起 发布1条回答laurancecaoLV.16 推荐于 2017-11-21【原句】蒙汉情深何忍别?天涯碧草话斜阳。【翻译】蒙古族和汉族情深似海,如何忍心分别呢?就像天边的芳草一样,与落日的余晖依依话别。【注释】1、何:疑问副词,如何;怎么;哪里。2、天涯碧草:天边的青草;天边的芳草。天涯:天边;天尽头。碧草:青草。南朝梁江淹《贻袁常侍》诗:“幽冀生碧草,沅湘含翠烟。”唐陈子昂《春台引》:“感阳春兮生碧草之油油,怀宇宙以伤远,登高台而写忧。”宋苏轼《题织锦图上回文》诗之一:“春晚落花余碧草,夜凉低月半枯桐。”如苏轼《蝶恋花u2022春景》词:“枝上柳绵吹又少,天涯何处无芳草?”2023-08-06 23:21:073
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳! 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。 在夕阳的阴着下,一望无际的大草原显得格外楚楚动人。草原上的绵羊,似乎都像披上了一曾华丽的衣装,凝视着我们。在这儿度过了愉快的一天,大家都对大草原产生了感情,与热情、好客的草原主人,与翠色欲流的大草原依依惜别…… “谢谢你们今天的热情款待,让我们品尝了许多美味,领略了大草原的风光,观赏了民族舞蹈。有机会的话,你们可以到我们这边来看一看城市风光,那也是别有一番风味哦!”我微笑着说。“谢谢,我们一定会去的,祝你们一帆风顺、一路走好,美丽的大草原永远欢迎你们!”草原的人们挥手向我们告别,直到远去…… 我们走了,但大草原上的所有东西都深深印在我的脑海里。真是“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”啊!2023-08-06 23:21:351
这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。中心大意: 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地。 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍. 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。出处:蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。出自 老舍的《草原》老舍:原名舒庆春,另有笔名絜青、鸿来、非我等,字舍予。因为老舍生于阴历立春,父母为他取名“庆春”,大概含有庆贺春来、前景美好之意。中国现代小说家、作家,语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。代表作有《骆驼祥子》、《四世同堂》、剧本《茶馆》。2023-08-06 23:21:411
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳!”这句话在《草原》中的作用是点明中心 。 注:这句诗出自老舍的《草原》一文(摘选自老舍写的《内蒙风光》)。 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地。从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。2023-08-06 23:21:481
这是老舍的作品《草原》把蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳! 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。 在夕阳的阴着下,一望无际的大草原显得格外楚楚动人。草原上的绵羊,似乎都像披上了一曾华丽的衣装,凝视着我们。在这儿度过了愉快的一天,大家都对大草原产生了感情,与热情、好客的草原主人,与翠色欲流的大草原依依惜别…… “谢谢你们今天的热情款待,让我们品尝了许多美味,领略了大草原的风光,观赏了民族舞蹈。有机会的话,你们可以到我们这边来看一看城市风光,那也是别有一番风味哦!”我微笑着说。“谢谢,我们一定会去的,祝你们一帆风顺、一路走好,美丽的大草原永远欢迎你们!”草原的人们挥手向我们告别,直到远去…… 我们走了,但大草原上的所有东西都深深印在我的脑海里。真是“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”啊!2023-08-06 23:21:551
话斜阳的意思 关于话斜阳的意思
1、意思是:在傍晚时西斜的太阳下互相倾诉、话别。 2、“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”。何:哪里;“忍”是忍心;天涯碧草:指大草原;话:倾诉,话别;斜阳:傍晚时西斜的太阳。这句话的意思是:蒙汉两族人民的情谊很深,怎么舍得就这样分别?夕阳西下,大家站在蒙古包外,面对着一望无际的大草原,依依不舍地话别。2023-08-06 23:22:021
这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。2023-08-06 23:22:1011
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。意思:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎能忍心马上分别!于是,大家在无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。出自:作家老舍的《草原》。2023-08-06 23:22:562
蒙汉情深何忍别 天涯碧草话斜阳是不是古诗句
不是古诗句,这是老舍写的、2023-08-06 23:23:044
蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;在离别之际,共同细谈夕阳下的草原。根据查询作业帮官网显示,句中多处运用了“借代”手法“蒙汉”借代“蒙汉两族人民”,“天涯”借代“边疆”,这里即指“内蒙古”,“碧草”借代“大草原”,“斜阳”借代“傍晚时分”,意思为蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;在离别之际,共同细谈夕阳下的草原。2023-08-06 23:23:231
蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别等。蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳是出自于近现代老舍的《内蒙东部纪游陈旗草原二首》的诗中,意思为蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别,在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了。2023-08-06 23:23:291
天涯碧草话斜阳的意思是指爱情的分别,表达了离别的悲伤,以及无法抗拒离别的无奈。它暗指着爱情的深情厚谊,又表达了离别的悲痛,以及无法抗拒离别的无奈。2023-08-06 23:23:361
这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情.涯,边际.天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方. 出自老舍的《草原》,这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 全诗从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍. 这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果. 这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古和汉族就是好朋友.今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族的友谊的见证.在这一碧千里的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久.2023-08-06 23:23:432
这是老舍作品入选课本的最后一句话,说的是蒙古族和汉族的情意非常浓,就是血浓于水的兄弟民族,即使天涯海角也不会改变,相聚短暂都不忍分别。2023-08-06 23:23:512
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳的意思是什么出自老舍的《草原》.简单意思:蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;在离别之际,共同细谈夕阳下的草原.深意:蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳.”此句中多处运用了“借代”手法.“蒙汉”借代“蒙汉两族人民”,“天涯”借代“边疆”,这里即指“内蒙古”,“碧草”借代“大草原”,“斜阳”借代“傍晚时分”.这些借代,意思完备而又深刻.大概意思:蒙汉人民之间的情谊深厚,怎么忍心马上分别呢?直到夕阳西下,人们还在这遥远的一望无际的草原上互相倾诉着惜别之情.这句话作为全篇的结尾,点明了蒙汉两族团结情深的中心.这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情.涯,边际.天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方.这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍.这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果.2023-08-06 23:24:051
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳!出自老舍的《草原》 这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。 这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地: 从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。2023-08-06 23:24:111
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,迎着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。出自老舍的《草原》,此句中多处运用了“借代”期望傍晚时分。这些借代,意思完备而又深刻。这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古与汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族友谊的见证。在这一碧千里一望无际的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。体现了蒙汉两族团结友好,与这茫茫的大草原奏成了一曲自然和谐的大合唱。作者简介:老舍(1899年2月3日—1966年8月24日),原名舒庆春,另有笔名絜青、鸿来、非我等,字舍予。因为老舍生于阴历立春,父母为他取名“庆春”,大概含有庆贺春来、前景美好之意。上学后,自己更名为舒舍予,含有“舍弃自我”,亦即“忘我”的意思。北京满族正红旗人。中国现代小说家、作家,语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。代表作有《骆驼祥子》、《四世同堂》、剧本《茶馆》。2023-08-06 23:24:301
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳——蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”出自老舍的《草原》,意思是蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。这句话中何的意思是怎能。忍的意思是肯。话的意思是说话。别的意思是离别。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。这句话抒发了作者对草原的喜爱之情,表现出了蒙古与汉族的情深意浓!!,2023-08-06 23:24:491
【原句】蒙汉情深何忍别?天涯碧草话斜阳。【翻译】蒙古族和汉族情深似海,如何忍心分别呢?就像天边的芳草一样,与落日的余晖依依话别。【注释】1、天涯碧草:天边的青草;天边的芳草。天涯:天边;天尽头。碧草:青草。南朝梁江淹《贻袁常侍》诗:“幽冀生碧草,沅湘含翠烟。”唐陈子昂《春台引》:“感阳春兮生碧草之油油,怀宇宙以伤远,登高台而写忧。”宋苏轼《题织锦图上回文》诗之一:“春晚落花余碧草,夜凉低月半枯桐。”如苏轼《蝶恋花u2022春景》词:“枝上柳绵吹又少,天涯何处无芳草?”2023-08-06 23:24:561
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”——何:哪里;“忍”是忍心;天涯碧草:指大草原;话:倾诉;斜阳:傍晚时西斜的太阳。这句话的意思是:蒙汉两族人民的情谊很深,怎么舍得就这样分别?夕阳西下,大家站在蒙古包外,面对着一望无际的大草原,依依不舍地话别。“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”出自老舍的《草原》,这句话在文中的作用是点明中心,既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。这句话表达了蒙古族人民对汉族人民的深情厚谊,充分体现出祖国是各族人民团结友爱的大家庭。资料扩展:《草原》是现代诗人老舍创作的一篇散文。课文主要讲了草原风光图、喜迎远客图和蒙汉联欢图。作者在最后引用了一句,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。抒发了作者对草原的热爱之情和对蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。老舍——草原2023-08-06 23:25:141
摘自老舍的《内蒙风光》。这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地。从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。小学六年级课本里节选了包括这句诗在内的一段,题名为《草原》。 这个我做过。2023-08-06 23:25:303
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。出自老舍的《草原》释义:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,迎着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。老舍,作者原名舒庆春,字舍予,现代著名作家,1899~1966,满族人,笔名老舍蒙汉情深何忍别天涯碧草话斜阳的意思有奖励写回答共99个回答药郎小跟班聊聊关注成为第75位粉丝蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。出自老舍的《草原》释义:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,迎着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。老舍,作者原名舒庆春,字舍予,现代著名作家,1899~1966,满族人,笔名老舍。扩展资料:全诗:主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香,祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。老翁犹唱当年曲,少年新添时代装,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。意思:蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;离别之际,共同在夕阳下的草原上细谈,不忍心分别。深意:蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。”此句中多处运用了“借代”期望傍晚时分。这些借代,意思完备而又深刻。这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古与汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族友谊的见证。在这一碧千里一望无际的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。老舍的作品风格:1.创作题材老舍的作品大多取材于市民生活。他善于描绘城市贫民的生活和命运,尤其擅长刻画浸透了封建宗法观念的保守落后的中下层市民,在民族矛盾和阶级搏斗中,在新的历史潮流冲击下。惶惑、犹豫、寂寞的矛盾心理,和进退维谷、不知所措的可笑行径。他喜欢通过日常平凡的场景反映普遍的社会冲突,笔触往往延伸到民族精神的挖掘或者民族命运的思考,让人从轻快诙谐之中品味出生活的严峻和沉重。关于自然风光的色彩鲜艳的渲染和关于习俗人情的细致入微的描摹,增添了作品的生活气息和情趣。在现代文学史上,老舍的名字总是与市民题材、北京题材密切联系在一起的。他是现代中国文坛上杰出的风俗、世态(尤其是北京的风土人情)画家。作为一位大家,他所反映的社会现实可能不够辽阔,但在他所描绘的范围之内,却把历史和现实,从一年四季的自然景色、不同时代的社会气氛、风俗习惯,一直到三教九流各种人等的喜怒哀乐、微妙心态都结合浓缩在一起,有声有色、生动活泼,自成一个完整丰满、“京味”十足的世界。这是老舍在现代文学史上作出的特殊贡献。老舍的作品的另一个特点,是表现出鲜明的反帝爱国的题旨。老舍的作品中往往直接揭露帝国主义侵略罪行,从不同侧面描写它们的经济、文化、宗教渗透和种族歧视所给予中国人民种种伤害。他表现民族觉醒、表彰民族气节,同时抨击在这些侵略和渗透面前卑躬屈节、为虎作伥的洋奴汉。1960年是义和团起义的六十周年,于是写出了话剧《神拳》,再现了北京居民抗击八国联军的壮烈情景。2.语言风格老舍的语言俗白精致,雅俗共赏。老舍说:“没有一位语言艺术大师是脱离群众的,也没有一位这样的大师是记录人民语言,而不给它加工的。”因此,作品中人物语言是加提炼过的北京白话。其作品语言的“俗”是建立在精细的思考与研究的基础上。他的“白”,让读者易于理解却又颇有深度。用通俗、平白的文字来反应时代和生活,这才是老舍作为语言大师的境界,可谓“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”。然而另一方面,老舍又使用语脱去自然形态的粗糙与随意,炼成金子,使现代的北京口语显出朴素精致如同一具精雕细刻的瓷器。同样老舍的作品也追求幽默,一方面来自狄更斯等英国文学家的影响,另一方面也深深地打上了“北京市民文化”的烙印,形成了更内蕴的“京味”。幽默风趣,是老舍作品语言的总体风格特色。他认为:“文字要生动有趣,必须利用幽默……假荇干燥、晦涩、无趣,是文艺的致命伤;幽默便有了很大的重要。”因此,老舍的小说、戏剧,散文等也都充满了幽默风趣色彩。他的作品字里行间无不闪现着他的幽默才华:把“想得深”的思想内容,用“说得俏”的语言表达出来,含蓄隽永,充满浓郁的幽默色彩。从《老张的哲学》问世起,老舍就开始被人称为“幽默小说家”。老舍先生更是潜台词运用的大师,其代表就是《茶馆》。《茶馆》凭借深刻含蓄的潜台词,有力地丰富了语言的内涵。最经典的例子就是第一幕庞太监与秦仲义的“舌战”。这两个人一个是西太后的宠奴,一个是讲维新的资产者,二人不期而遇表面上客客气气,骨子里却是兵刃森森。《茶馆》中像这样的台词比比皆是。它引而不发,以弦外之音调动人们的兴味与深思,耐人咀嚼。老舍作品成功地运用了富有生命力的北京口语词汇,使作品语言透露着独特的京韵,作品生活气息醇厚,地方风物、民情风俗真实感人。同时用地道的北京话写北京人,本土本色,活泼有趣、质朴自然,生活气息迎面扑来,具有独特的魅力,透出了北京话的神韵,显示北京话活泼的生命力和老舍驾驭北京口语的能力。2023-08-06 23:25:371
【原句】蒙汉情深何忍别?天涯碧草话斜阳。【翻译】蒙古族和汉族情深似海,如何忍心分别呢?就像天边的芳草一样,与落日的余晖依依话别。【注释】1、天涯碧草:天边的青草;天边的芳草。天涯:天边;天尽头。碧草:青草。南朝梁江淹《贻袁常侍》诗:“幽冀生碧草,沅湘含翠烟。”唐陈子昂《春台引》:“感阳春兮生碧草之油油,怀宇宙以伤远,登高台而写忧。”宋苏轼《题织锦图上回文》诗之一:“春晚落花余碧草,夜凉低月半枯桐。”如苏轼《蝶恋花u2022春景》词:“枝上柳绵吹又少,天涯何处无芳草?”2023-08-06 23:25:441
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳!这句诗的意思是:意思:“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳.”蒙汉人民之间的情谊深厚,怎么忍心马上分别呢,直到夕阳西下,人们还在这遥远的一望无际的草原上互相倾诉着惜别之情.这句话作为全篇的结尾,点明了蒙汉两族团结情深的中心.此句中多处运用了“借代”手法.“蒙汉”借代“蒙汉两族人民”,“天涯”借代“边疆”,这里即指“内蒙古”,“碧草”借代“大草原”,“斜阳”借代“傍晚时分”.这些借代,意思完备而又深刻.这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古和汉族就是好朋友.今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族的友谊的见证.在这一碧千里的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久.这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍.这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果.全诗为:主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香,祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘.老翁犹唱当年曲,少年新添时代装,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳.2023-08-06 23:25:501
蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳——蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”出自老舍的《草原》,意思是蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。这句话中何的意思是怎能。忍的意思是肯。话的意思是说话。别的意思是离别。这句话既是全文的中心句,也是作家情感的集中体现,同时给读者以回味的余地:从迎客、联欢到话别,处处洋溢着“蒙汉情深”;千里草原,芳草萋萋,举目皆是诗情画意,所以才让人流连不已,难分难舍。这一余味不尽的特写镜头与“蒙汉情深”的全篇之旨紧相扣合,收到了揭示题旨、深化文意的效果。这句话抒发了作者对草原的喜爱之情,表现出了蒙古与汉族的情深意浓!!,2023-08-06 23:26:091
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的意思是,蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别,在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了,这两句诗出自我国现代著名文学家老舍的诗作。 古诗全文如下: 内蒙东部纪游 陈旗草原二首之二 作者:老舍 主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香。 祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。 老翁犹唱当年曲,少女新添时代装。 蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。 意思:主人家十分的好客,用手抓羊来招待我们。那席上的乳酒酥油样样都十分味美色香。在席上你来我往的祝福始终是难以倾尽自己的心意。让我们共同举杯,切莫忘了我们之间的友谊。那位老人家还在唱着旧时候所唱的曲子,小姑娘却已经换上了新时代的服装。蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别。在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了。 赏析:这首古诗属于是纪游,主要描写的是诗人在蒙古族人家做客的情景。古诗的前四句描写的是主人家招待诗人做客、吃饭时的场景,表现出了蒙古族人民热情好客的性格特点。五六两句通过对比的手法,展现出了新时代给蒙古族人家带来的新变化。最后两句则是描绘的诗人与主人在夕阳下依依惜别的情景。全诗自然流畅,情感热切且真挚,十分富有感染力。中华诗词,博大精深,魅力无限2023-08-06 23:26:281
从草原上主人热情隆重的远迎客人,主客热情洋溢的会见,主人盛情友好的款待,以及主客联欢、深情话别的情景中体会到“蒙汉情深”。2023-08-06 23:26:376
意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上分别!大家在无边无际的大草原上,迎着斜阳,相互倾诉着惜别之情。出自老舍的《草原》,原文如下:主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香,祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。老翁犹唱当年曲,少年新添时代装,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。深意:蒙汉两族人民情谊深厚,和睦相处;离别之际,共同在夕阳下的草原上细谈,不忍心分别。自古以来,蒙古与汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族友谊的见证。在这一碧千里一望无际的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。扩展资料:创作题材关于自然风光的色彩鲜艳的渲染和关于习俗人情的细致入微的描摹,增添了作品的生活气息和情趣。在现代文学史上,老舍的名字总是与市民题材、北京题材密切联系在一起的。他是现代中国文坛上杰出的风俗、世态(尤其是北京的风土人情)画家。作为一位大家,他所反映的社会现实可能不够辽阔,但在他所描绘的范围之内,却把历史和现实,从一年四季的自然景色、不同时代的社会气氛、风俗习惯。 0 747下一条回答渲染是做什么的-零基础入门-手把手教你渲染是做什么的,体验正式学员所学课程,真实课堂体验,免费听7天,满意后再正式学习,全面为学员考虑!火星时代教育广告设备渲染图,潮流新品,好货热卖,更多优惠尽在淘宝!设备渲染图,购物上淘宝,优选材质,用的舒心!在线下单,省时省力。你要的好货尽在淘宝网,安心享受网购乐趣!广告3d渲染电脑配置「京东」高性能电脑配件,专注好品质与高性价比!3d渲染电脑配置「京东」理想性能,超频不费心,高效散热,多品牌兼容,只为让你更方便!m.jd.com广告为您推荐淘宝网-万千设备渲染图,淘不停!淘宝热卖广告蒙汉情深何忍别天涯碧草话斜阳的意思蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。出自老舍的《草原》释义:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊深厚,怎能忍心马上 2707 浏览526520蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳的意思是什么意思这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上 683 浏览1162172019-09-15“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的理解和体会有奖励写回答 “蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的理解和体会 有奖励写回答共2个回答 匿名用户 蒙汉 3 浏览170692021-09-03渲染主机-淘宝热卖排行,品质好货,快速到家!淘宝热卖广告3d渲染电脑配置「京东」高性能电脑配件,专注好品质与高性价比!京东广告正在加载?>2023-08-06 23:27:011
意思:“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。”蒙汉人民之间的情谊深厚,怎么忍心马上分别呢,直到夕阳西下,人们还在这遥远的一望无际的草原上互相倾诉着惜别之情。这句话作为全篇的结尾,点明了蒙汉两族团结情深的中心。此句中多处运用了“借代”手法。“蒙汉”借代“蒙汉两族人民”,“天涯”借代“边疆”,这里即指“内蒙古”,“碧草”借代“大草原”,“斜阳”借代“傍晚时分”。这些借代,意思完备而又深刻。 这句话所描绘的意境:自古以来,蒙古和汉族就是好朋友。今天我们在这里相聚,不仅是朋友的聚会,更是两个民族的友谊的见证。在这一碧千里的大草原上,夕阳西下,希望我们的友谊天长地久。2023-08-06 23:27:081
“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”的意思是,蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别,在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了,这两句诗出自我国现代著名文学家老舍的诗作。 古诗全文如下: 内蒙东部纪游 陈旗草原二首之二 作者:老舍 主人好客手抓羊,乳酒酥油色色香。 祝福频频难尽意,举杯切切莫相忘。 老翁犹唱当年曲,少女新添时代装。 蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。 意思:主人家十分的好客,用手抓羊来招待我们。那席上的乳酒酥油样样都十分味美色香。在席上你来我往的祝福始终是难以倾尽自己的心意。让我们共同举杯,切莫忘了我们之间的友谊。那位老人家还在唱着旧时候所唱的曲子,小姑娘却已经换上了新时代的服装。蒙古族与汉族之间的情谊十分深厚,当真不忍就此离别。在这天涯碧草的景色当中依依惜别,不知不觉间已经是夕阳西下了。 赏析:这首古诗属于是纪游,主要描写的是诗人在蒙古族人家做客的情景。古诗的前四句描写的是主人家招待诗人做客、吃饭时的场景,表现出了蒙古族人民热情好客的性格特点。五六两句通过对比的手法,展现出了新时代给蒙古族人家带来的新变化。最后两句则是描绘的诗人与主人在夕阳下依依惜别的情景。全诗自然流畅,情感热切且真挚,十分富有感染力。2023-08-06 23:27:151
这句诗的意思是:蒙古族和汉族人民之间的情谊很深,怎么舍得马上就分别!大家站在夕阳下无边无际的大草原上,相互倾诉着惜别之情。涯,边际。天涯,天边,大地与天空相接的地方。这句话出自老舍的《草原》。老舍(1899年2月3日—1966年8月24日),原名舒庆春,另有笔名絜青、鸿来、非我等,字舍予。扩展资料:《草原》是现代诗人老舍创作的一篇散文。课文主要讲了草原风光图、喜迎远客图和蒙汉联欢图。作者在最后引用了一句,蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳。抒发了作者对草原的热爱之情和对蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。这个作品被选进了北师大版的四年级上册语文书,人教版的五年级下册语文书,冀教版五年级下册语文书和苏教版六年级上册语文书,作者老舍,原名舒庆春。作者表达了对草原的喜爱之情和蒙汉两族的深情厚谊。老舍,北京满族正红旗人。中国现代小说家、著名作家,杰出的语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。2023-08-06 23:27:211
你的能分享下么U0001f6022023-08-06 23:24:032
小学英语全英说课稿模板 导语:激发和培养学生学习英语的"兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,下面是我给大家整理的小学英语全英说课稿模板,希望能给你带来帮助! Good morning, everyone! Today, I"ll say something about Unit 9 Part A in Book 4 of Oxford English. Background on the reformation of curriculum, this book can connect the life and act, emphasize the interest and experience of the Ss, the pictures are active and vivid. Grade four is the initial stage of English learning, so it stresses on the emotion of the Ss, creates a well beginning for the Ss. This Unit has 7 parts, we"ll learn Part A mainly, it embodies the repeating characterize. Review the learned language points “Where"s…”and the new language points will be represented in the following units. So this unit forms connecting links with a special meaning in this book. The content of this period is to use “Where"sare…” to determine the place. And according to the contents and the fact of the Ss, I establish the following three teaching aims of this period: The first one: students can listen, read, say and spell the following words: a glass, a fridge, an egg, bread and a table. The second one: students can listen, read, say and write the following daily expressions: What"s for breakfast? Have some juice then. The third one: students can listen, read, say and write the following sentence patterns: Where"sWhere are themy… It"s They"re… There"s no …in on ear… I think the most difficult point of this period is to make sure the students can use the patterns “Where"sWhere are…and There is no …inon ear…” in their daily life correctly. And I will use some pictures, words and sentence cards, a tape recorder and the multi-media computer to help me achieve the aims. The task-based method, communicated method, group cooperate method will be used in this period. To accomplish the aims, I design the following steps: Step 1 Songs and the game arousers the emotion. In order to attract the Ss" attention and construct an atmosphere of learning English, I let the students sing some English songs and play the game “Simon says”. At the same time the game can review the prep, serve the knowledge as foil and consist the appearance of the knowledge. Step 2 Change class to life, happy to say. The substance of language is communication and the environment of communication is life. So when I present the sentence pattern “What"s for breakfast?” I first show a clock to elicit the time for breakfast, teach the sentence. Then show my own photo of having breakfast, Ss ask and guess. In this way I can attract Ss" attention, encourage Ss to ask Qs with the new knowledge. Most of the Ss have learnt the sentence pattern: Where"s…? so I design a task for Ss to help Helen find the food and drinks for breakfast, and teach the new language points: Where are…? They"re … Meanwhile stick the sentences on the Bb. After some practice by asking and answering, I present the next language points: There"s no …inon ear… Have …then. And I will stick these sentence patterns on the Bb. Finally I"ll let the Ss do pair works to consolidate them. Step 3 Listen to the tape and Ss imitate to read and say. As the new reformation of curriculum, emphasized the traditional class attach importance to the mechanical teaching, neglect the experience and participation, for example, the five-step method. So in this lesson, after presentation, I ask Ss to listen to the tape with three Qs, read in different roles and in pairs, then try to recite the text. Step 4 Ss be the main body, T makes a guider. In class, Ss play as a host, and the T makes an influence on guiding, help Ss to act the learnt dialogue, it can stress the position of the Ss, and arouse their interest. Then I show a carton with no voice, ask Ss to make a dialogue in pairs. There are lots of ways to consolidate the new knowledge. Playing game is a good way. So according to the physiology of Ss, I hold a group competition during the game, ask Ss to finish the blanks. In this way can develop Ss" good habits and achieve the aim of mastering the learned knowledge in situation. Step 5 Change class to life, learn by themselves. Is this the end of the class? I don"t think so. If there is an end, I think it should be in the life. So I extend this class, encourage Ss to use the learned to communicate with each other in their life. In a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to steps that are challenging. When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can acquire information, knowledge, and have their ability and skills trained. That"s all. Thanks a lot for your attention. ;2023-08-06 23:24:181
┏┛┻━━━┛┻┓┃|||||||┃┃ ━ ┃┃ ┳┛ ┗┳ ┃ 围观是一种态度┃ ┃┃ ┻ ┃┃ ┃ 围观是为了提高知名度┗━┓ ┏━┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━┓ ┃你妹与我同在 ┣┓ ┃围观专用宠物 ┃ ┗┓┓┏━┳┓┏┛ ┃┫┫ ┃┫┫ ┗┻┛ ┗┻┛2023-08-06 23:24:332
写一篇关于对英语期末总结的作文,(就是写自己对期末的期望与行动),250字足矣 给100分
第一篇:In the final test, i hope i can to be better than before, at least, the progress, i believe that : lost it is determination. this is bound not to flunk. can i encourage第二篇:Is the final exam, actually i am most concerned about is my english, i hope this will try to do well, at least there will be a little improvement. man, can"t always on the origin, believe me : i"ll do my best to go to meet the examination, i would like to encourage!2023-08-06 23:24:413
colorful2023-08-06 23:24:437
what color is it?的英语说课稿
Points Teaching Materials Computer software, tape recorder, video, color card, a yellow sweater and a red one, a big umbrella and two small ones, two pieces of garment and two colorful candies Teaching Process Time Material Organizing the class Listen and sing a song: “Who is wearing yellow today?” Warm up and attract the pupils One minute Tape recorder Lead in the new class The teacher named three pupils dressed in yellow to introduce the word “ Yellow” To introduce the new words by songs Study of new text Study the words “green, black, purple”. according to the song and the garment the pupils wear The teacher uses “ Is u2026 wearing yellow/u2026 today?” The teacher sorts out the color cards to help the pupils to read the words Some pupils have known the words. Provide an opportunity of acknowledgment for all levels of pupils A visual method to help to pupils to remember the words 8-9 Practice the four words: yellow, green, black, purple, and study the new word color. Study brown, white, red, blue. (pupils teach each other) Mutual aid and cooperation among teachers and students Study the sentence pattern “I like the color” The teacher sorts out his/her favorite color and puts it on his/her dress to help the pupils to understand the meaning of “I like the color.” The pupils sort out the colors they like, saying “I like the color.” Emphasize the word “like” by body language The pupils overcome the difficulties by practicing Study the sentence pattern “What color is it?” and try to use the sentence pattern Read the words of color in the umbrella teamwork, divide the pupils into seven sections, the pupils put the words with the corresponding color cards. Practice the sentence pattern: “What color is it? Itu2019su2026” in the game Group game, practice the sentence pattern “What color is it? Itu2019s u2026” The whole class is divided into seven groups, the teacher provide the materials and let students to practice the sentences by feeling and touch.. Form the ability to grasp new word. Mutual aids and cooperation among pupils Connect the words with their meanings Active the pupilsu2019 interest. Teamwork and inter-group cooperation active the whole class. Study the text Watch the video twice The questions after the first time: 1. How many girls are there in the dialogue? 2.What are they talking about? Focus on the word sweater. -Is it a new sweater? To let the pupils understand the text in a real language context., and provide some practice to improve the listening, teach the new word: Yellow sweater -Yes. -This is Lucyu2019s sweater. -I have a new sweater, too. -What colour is my sweater? Guess! (take out the sweater) -Red. Itu2019s very nice. 3.What color is the sweater? Listen the tape twice. Focus on the key words: look at, open the book at page 37, read the text aloud. The pupils read by themselves. The second time guided by the teacher The third time all the class read aloud together sweater. Let the pupils to form a good habit by practicing. Practicing Practicing the text To read the text by role, give flowers of different colors to the pupils, practice five to six groups.. Practice the sentence pattern “What color is it? Itu2019s u2026”. Review the materials in the software, the pupils read after it.. The teacher gives three language contexts on the basis of which the pupils make dialoguesu30022023-08-06 23:24:511
小学英语说课稿模板英文版 说课稿是为进行说课准备的文稿,它不同于教案,教案只说“怎样教”,说课稿则重点说清“为什么要这样教”。下面是我整理的小学英语说课稿模板英文版,欢迎大家阅读参考! 小学英语说课稿模板英文版1 First class; teaching suggestion 1 teaching material analysis The Lets talk part of the textbook is a situational conversation where students learn to ask questions and answer questions about where they are, Wheres, Its, in / on / under, and can be used naturally in actual situations.The Lets practise section is part of the Lets talk part of the game, which provides students with an opportunity to actually use the language.In the two part of knowledge and practice, you can listen, say, and recognize the following words: car, plane, desk, chair, bag, in, on, under. 2 teaching suggestions This class is mainly through situational dialogue, so that students learn to ask questions and answer the location of the sentence, so that students understand in a certain situation, will say and understand the sentence Wheres.... Its in / on / under...The teacher asks the students to prepare the stationery class words before class. When they teach the new sentences, they can use the game "hide and seek" to import sentence patterns Wheres... Its in / on / under...On the basis of understanding the new sentence patterns, use the courseware to learn the new dialogue, so as to recognize the words in the class.Finally, once again, through the game, tin and consolidate the content of the Lets talk, the game can be divided into collective and group game game two, and will find stationery extended to find toys or other things around. Second hours teaching suggestion 1 teaching material analysis This session is divided into two sections: Lets, learn, and Lets play.The Lets learn section focuses on teaching a few words that represent transport: bus, bike, jeep, taxi, and a preliminary understanding of the phrase "Look out".Lets play is part of the Lets talk part of the first class, to provide students with an opportunity to use language in real life. 2 teaching suggestions The main lesson to learn several express transport words: bus, bike, jeep, taxi, students of these words have a preliminary understanding, learning again, teachers should design easy to mobilize the students" interest and enthusiasm for learning activities.In the introduction of new classes, the introduction of new lessons with simple strokes, but also the use of real toys to allow students to perceive, to attract students with colorful pictures, with familiar voices to mobilize students.Then use animation courseware to present new knowledge.In the training session, the teacher may design the interesting activity, lets the student consolidate in the play, moves. Third hours teaching suggestion 1 teaching material analysis This session includes two sections: Lets, say and Lets do.The Lets say part is to train students to listen, say, read and write letters Uu, Vv, Ww, and to make the students understand and speak the letters at the beginning of the word "umbrella", "under", "vest", "Violin", "window", "wind".The Lets do section reviews and consolidates the letter "A-W" through rhythmic, rhythmic instructions.And preliminary understanding of the list of action words show, point, type, colour, say, but also for students to provide a basis for language learning.A-T is the teaching content of this book Unit 1 through Unit 4. 2 teaching methods When teaching letters and words, the teacher uses letters, words and actions to present letters and words at the same time, so that students can learn on the basis of understanding the meaning of words.Such as: umbrella, vest, window, can be explained in kind; violin, wind explained by action.(according to students or teachers change the situation) understand the meaning of words, help to express words, more skilled reading words, and then learn letters, to master pronunciation, master letters shape. [Topic] Unit, Five, Where, is, my, ruler? [emphasis on teaching] everyday expressions Where "s...And its" It "s in / on / under.... [teaching difficulties] sentences: Where, is, my, car, In, the, toy, box, understanding [teaching aid preparation] 1 the teacher prepares the tapes for teaching materials. 2 teachers prepare Let s talk part of the courseware. 3 teachers and students are ready for pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, bag and other stationery and car, toy, box, ball, plane, doll and other toys. 4 teachers prepare cards and pictures of the words they learn. 5 students prepare white paper and watercolor pen, ready to draw. 6 students prepare patches for the group. [teaching process] 1 warm up and review (Warm-up/Revision) (1) students practice everyday expressions. (2) games Show, me, the... Teachers or students say words such as "pencil", and teachers and students say Show, me, the, pencils., teachers and students put up pencils.In this way, practice other stationery words in the same way.Teachers and students play games together to improve game effectiveness and communication between teachers and students. (3) the teacher plays the recordings of book Unit, 2, B, part Let, s, chant, and the students listen and clap and chant rhythmically. 小学英语说课稿模板英文版2 1. content of teaching materials This section focuses on festivals and focuses on how people usually spend their holidays.This class requires students to master the National, Day, Halloween, Christmas, Spring, Festival and What do people usually do at of...I?...And free to talk about how to spend the holidays.In this class, did leads to general questions and answers as well as new ones.Because the past tense of the be verb has appeared in the first third units, it is easier for the students to master it when they are studying. 2. status of teaching materials The selected course in this class is English 6A Unit 6 in Oxford primary school.The teaching of this unit revolves around festivals.In this section of the festival, students have the knowledge of the previous third units foreshadowing, relatively easy to depth and expansion.This arrangement reflects not only the progressive meaning of teaching materials, but also the students" knowledge level and cognitive level.On how people spend their holidays, especially in Western festivals,.Students are required to collect information in time after class.In the actual teaching, this class uses the old topic, first teaches the new sentence pattern, and uses the sentence pattern to lead the new knowledge way to unfold, this is advantageous for the student to accept and grasp, also has manifested the teaching content the continuity. Say target: 1. teaching objectives The new curriculum emphasizes the organic combination of knowledge and skills, process and method, emotion, attitude and values, and in the light of this understanding, I set the following teaching objectives: three. [Objective] to students" cognitive spoken phrases and words: visit relatives and friends, go to parties, dress up in costumes, ware masks, make pumping lanterns, eat lots of delicious food, National Day, Christmas, Halloween, Spring, Festival, favourite; can use When"s s...What, do, people, usually, do, at...Did you?....last...Yes, I, did./, No, I, didn, T. and so on. Ability to communicate in English on holidays, and some students can introduce the festival in English fluently. [Objective] through activities and games, students are interested in learning English. Students are encouraged and willing to talk and participate actively in communication.And let students cultivate their sense of cooperation and competition in the process of learning. 2. teaching difficulties The focus of teaching is to let students master the phrase, can use phrases to communicate, the ability of students to use the phrase to describe the preliminary exercise Festival; difficulty is to enable students to understand the temporal changes in richness and realize the use of different phrases to create language. Doctrine of teaching: 1. teaching method design According to the characteristics of this English class itself and the sixth grade students" interest, I through the design of a specific image of the scene, the old with the new, continuous rolling knowledge, in order to disperse the difficulty of teaching, let students perceive and understand.At the same time, the creation of a number of tasks, from words to phrases to sentence to dialogue to pieces, make students practice and meaningful practice in multi exchange between teachers and students in learning, give full play to their enthusiasm, cultivate their ability to learn to use. 2. learning method guidance To guide students through the method of comparison, observation and speculation gradually new language project function, let the students in practice to realize multi-level learning English "use" the necessity, to encourage students to think actively, bold attempt. 3. teaching means According to the teaching content, teaching objectives, students" age characteristics and psychological characteristics, in order to better stimulate students" interest in learning, so as to actively participate in learning.Multimedia courseware, pictures and other teaching aids teaching, the abstract sentence in a vivid scene, the game, not only make the learning process more relaxed, can special case. Say process: 1. warm up (Warm up) (1) announce the way of study in this lesson: group competition.The seats are divided into four teams, each of which is based on the class performance of each student. At the end of the class, WINNER is added.Then, begin "one sentence for each class". The sentences taught in this class are "Lite is long if you know how to use it."" [design intention] the announcement of the study style made the students full of interest in the lesson and aroused their fighting spirit and desire for the group"s performance."One sentence for each class" is an essential part of every class I started in grade six.This section mainly teaches students some clever words and phrases.These sentences not only enrich students" vocabulary, improve their expression ability, but also enable them to learn idiomatic expressions in english.So as to create a good atmosphere for learning english. 2. take the old with the new [lead in] Provide topic Birthday, free communication between teachers and students, and then use the "How do you your birthday spend" to draw the new sentence pattern of this lesson "What do you on your birthday do", and then import "Did you"..."Last birthday?" and answer.Then use the Colour topic to elicit the sentence pattern My favourite.... [design intention] to get rid of new knowledge through old knowledge is one of my frequently used teaching methods.With new students, students can master the sentence patterns more easily.At the same time, combine the new sentences with the old ones.It helps to cultivate students" open thinking ability. ;2023-08-06 23:23:481
mauve cerulean olive ruby tiffanyblue2023-08-06 23:23:4610
i didn"t master well in sentence pattern2023-08-06 23:23:422
Good morning, everyone! Today, I"ll say something about Unit 9 Part A in Book 4 of Oxford English. Background on the reformation of curriculum, this book can connect the life and act, emphasize the interest and experience of the Ss, the pictures are active and vivid. Grade four is the initial stage of English learning, so it stresses on the emotion of the Ss, creates a well beginning for the Ss. This Unit has 7 parts, we"ll learn Part A mainly, it embodies the repeating characterize. Review the learned language points “Where"s…”and the new language points will be represented in the following units. So this unit forms connecting links with a special meaning in this book. The content of this period is to use “Where"sare…” to determine the place. And according to the contents and the fact of the Ss, I establish the following three teaching aims of this period: The first one: students can listen, read, say and spell the following words: a glass, a fridge, an egg, bread and a table. The second one: students can listen, read, say and write the following daily expressions: What"s for breakfast? Have some juice then. The third one: students can listen, read, say and write the following sentence patterns: Where"sWhere are themy… It"s They"re… There"s no …in on ear… I think the most difficult point of this period is to make sure the students can use the patterns “Where"sWhere are…and There is no …inon ear…” in their daily life correctly. And I will use some pictures, words and sentence cards, a tape recorder and the multi-media computer to help me achieve the aims. The task-based method, communicated method, group cooperate method will be used in this period. To accomplish the aims, I design the following steps: Step 1 Songs and the game arousers the emotion. In order to attract the Ss" attention and construct an atmosphere of learning English, I let the students sing some English songs and play the game “Simon says”. At the same time the game can review the prep, serve the knowledge as foil and consist the appearance of the knowledge. Step 2 Change class to life, happy to say. The substance of language is communication and the environment of communication is life. So when I present the sentence pattern “What"s for breakfast?” I first show a clock to elicit the time for breakfast, teach the sentence. Then show my own photo of having breakfast, Ss ask and guess. In this way I can attract Ss" attention, encourage Ss to ask Qs with the new knowledge. Most of the Ss have learnt the sentence pattern: Where"s…? so I design a task for Ss to help Helen find the food and drinks for breakfast, and teach the new language points: Where are…? They"re … Meanwhile stick the sentences on the Bb. After some practice by asking and answering, I present the next language points: There"s no …inon ear… Have …then. And I will stick these sentence patterns on the Bb. Finally I"ll let the Ss do pair works to consolidate them. Step 3 Listen to the tape and Ss imitate to read and say. As the new reformation of curriculum, emphasized the traditional class attach importance to the mechanical teaching, neglect the experience and participation, for example, the five-step method. So in this lesson, after presentation, I ask Ss to listen to the tape with three Qs, read in different roles and in pairs, then try to recite the text. Step 4 Ss be the main body, T makes a guider. In class, Ss play as a host, and the T makes an influence on guiding, help Ss to act the learnt dialogue, it can stress the position of the Ss, and arouse their interest. Then I show a carton with no voice, ask Ss to make a dialogue in pairs. There are lots of ways to consolidate the new knowledge. Playing game is a good way. So according to the physiology of Ss, I hold a group competition during the game, ask Ss to finish the blanks. In this way can develop Ss" good habits and achieve the aim of mastering the learned knowledge in situation. Step 5 Change class to life, learn by themselves. Is this the end of the class? I don"t think so. If there is an end, I think it should be in the life. So I extend this class, encourage Ss to use the learned to communicate with each other in their life. In a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to steps that are challenging. When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can acquire information, knowledge, and have their ability and skills trained. That"s all. Thanks a lot for your attention.先说Class begins,good morning/afternoon boys and girls. 再说Do you know xxx?It"s xxx(adj).Open your book and turn to page xxx,today we"ll learn something about it/them. Good morning, everyone! Today, I"ll say something about Unit 9 Part A in Book 4 of Oxford English. Background on the reformation of curriculum, this book can connect the life and act, emphasize the interest and experience of the Ss, the pictures are active and vivid. Grade four is the initial stage of English learning, so it stresses on the emotion of the Ss, creates a well beginning for the Ss. This Unit has 7 parts, we"ll learn Part A mainly, it embodies the repeating characterize. Review the learned language points “Where"s…”and the new language points will be represented in the following units. So this unit forms connecting links with a special meaning in this book. The content of this period is to use “Where"sare…” to determine the place. And according to the contents and the fact of the Ss, I establish the following three teaching aims of this period: The first one: students can listen, read, say and spell the following words: a glass, a fridge, an egg, bread and a table. The second one: students can listen, read, say and write the following daily expressions: What"s for breakfast? Have some juice then. The third one: students can listen, read, say and write the following sentence patterns: Where"sWhere are themy… It"s They"re… There"s no …in on ear… I think the most difficult point of this period is to make sure the students can use the patterns “Where"sWhere are…and There is no …inon ear…” in their daily life correctly. And I will use some pictures, words and sentence cards, a tape recorder and the multi-media computer to help me achieve the aims. The task-based method, communicated method, group cooperate method will be used in this period. To accomplish the aims, I design the following steps: Step 1 Songs and the game arousers the emotion. In order to attract the Ss" attention and construct an atmosphere of learning English, I let the students sing some English songs and play the game “Simon says”. At the same time the game can review the prep, serve the knowledge as foil and consist the appearance of the knowledge. Step 2 Change class to life, happy to say. The substance of language is communication and the environment of communication is life. So when I present the sentence pattern “What"s for breakfast?” I first show a clock to elicit the time for breakfast, teach the sentence. Then show my own photo of having breakfast, Ss ask and guess. In this way I can attract Ss" attention, encourage Ss to ask Qs with the new knowledge. Most of the Ss have learnt the sentence pattern: Where"s…? so I design a task for Ss to help Helen find the food and drinks for breakfast, and teach the new language points: Where are…? They"re … Meanwhile stick the sentences on the Bb. After some practice by asking and answering, I present the next language points: There"s no …inon ear… Have …then. And I will stick these sentence patterns on the Bb. Finally I"ll let the Ss do pair works to consolidate them. Step 3 Listen to the tape and Ss imitate to read and say. As the new reformation of curriculum, emphasized the traditional class attach importance to the mechanical teaching, neglect the experience and participation, for example, the five-step method. So in this lesson, after presentation, I ask Ss to listen to the tape with three Qs, read in different roles and in pairs, then try to recite the text. Step 4 Ss be the main body, T makes a guider. In class, Ss play as a host, and the T makes an influence on guiding, help Ss to act the learnt dialogue, it can stress the position of the Ss, and arouse their interest. Then I show a carton with no voice, ask Ss to make a dialogue in pairs. There are lots of ways to consolidate the new knowledge. Playing game is a good way. So according to the physiology of Ss, I hold a group competition during the game, ask Ss to finish the blanks. In this way can develop Ss" good habits and achieve the aim of mastering the learned knowledge in situation. Step 5 Change class to life, learn by themselves. Is this the end of the class? I don"t think so. If there is an end, I think it should be in the life. So I extend this class, encourage Ss to use the learned to communicate with each other in their life. In a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to steps that are challenging. When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can acquire information, knowledge, and have their ability and skills trained. That"s all. Thanks a lot for your attention.先说Class begins,good morning/afternoon boys and girls. 再说Do you know xxx?It"s xxx(adj).Open your book and turn to page xxx,today we"ll learn something about it/them. 然后开始讲课就行了 讲课中常用的: Practice in pairs(两人一组练对话) Open your book Close your book Do you have any questions? Look at blackboard. Write down some notes(做笔记) Stand up please. Ok,sit down. Listen to me. Let"splay a game Who wants to have a try?(谁想试一试) 最后Now class is over,see you next time.Thank you.先说Class begins,good morning/afternoon boys and girls. 再说Do you know xxx?It"s xxx(adj).Open your book and turn to page xxx,today we"ll learn something about it/them. 然后开始讲课就行了 讲课中常用的: Practice in pairs(两人一组练对话) Open your book Close your book Do you have any questions? Look at blackboard. Write down some notes(做笔记) Stand up please. Ok,sit down. Listen to me. Let"splay a game Who wants to have a try?(谁想试一试) 最后Now class is over,see you next time.Thank you.2023-08-06 23:23:321
幼儿园中班教案英语(clup you hands拍你的小手),怎么写?
是clap your hands2023-08-06 23:23:253
beige 米色 丈青:navy玉:jade银:silver沙子色:sand青铜色:gunmetal浅橄榄灰色:stone米灰色:D/melange米黄色:cream咖啡色:coffee酒红色:wine金:gold黄色:yellow黑色:black橄榄色:olive粉红色:pink古铜色:anti gold自然色:natural桃色:peach水仙黄:daffod珊瑚色:coral青铜色:gilt蓝灰色:pewter湖水蓝:turq红古铜色:bronze粉玫色:fuchsia淡黄绿色:pistac彩虹色:rainbow憬红色:shocking redpink 粉红色 salmon pink 橙红色 baby pink 浅粉红色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 brown 褐色, 茶色 beige 灰褐色 chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色 sandy beige 浅褐色 camel 驼色 amber 琥珀色 khaki 卡其色 maroon 褐红色 green 绿色 moss green 苔绿色 emerald green 鲜绿色 olive green 橄榄绿 blue 蓝色 turquoise blue 土耳其玉色 cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色 navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色 aquamarine blue 蓝绿色 red 红色 scarlet 绯红, 猩红 mauve 紫红 wine red 葡萄酒红 purple, violet 紫色 lavender 淡紫色 lilac 浅紫色 antique violet 古紫色 pansy 紫罗兰色 white 白色 off-white 灰白色 ivory 象牙色 snowy white 雪白色 oyster white 乳白色 gray 灰色 charcoal gray 炭灰色 smoky gray 烟灰色 misty gray 雾灰色BABY BLUE 浅蓝TIGERLILY 橘红STORM 雾灰WINTER SKY 天蓝VAPOR BLUE 烟灰OYSTER GREY 米灰JESTER RED 大红CANDY PINK 粉红JAFFA ORANGE 橘黄pale taupe 浅灰褐色cracker khaki 杏色tulip yellow 黄色thirsty blue 浅蓝色green mint 浅绿banana cream 香蕉黄Acid blue 湖色Amber 琥珀色Amethyst 紫水晶色Antique 古紫色Apple green 苹果绿Apricot 杏黄Aqua green 水绿色Aquamarine blue 蓝绿色Auburn 赤褐色Azure green 碧绿色Bay 枣色Baby blue 浅蓝色Baby pink 浅粉红色Beige 灰棕色Benzo blue 靛蓝色Black 黑色Blue 蓝色Blue green 竹青色Blue grey 蓝灰色Bluish white 青白色Bluish yellow 青黄色Brick red 青莲色Bronze black 射光黑色Bronze blue 射光绀蓝Bronze violet 射光紫蓝Brown 棕色Buff 浅黄色Calamine blue 淡蓝色Caramel 酱色Cardinal 深红色Carmine 紫红色Carnation 肉色Celeste 天青色Chalky 白垩Charcoal grey 炭灰色Cherry 樱桃红Chestnut 栗褐色Citrine 柠檬黄Cobalt blue 钴蓝色Cochineal 胭脂红Coco 黄棕色Contrast colot 衬色Copper red 铜色Coral 珊瑚色Cream 米色Crystal cream 奶油白Dark green 深绿色Dark grey 深灰色Delicate color 娇色Deep green 墨绿色Deep yellow 深黄色Dun 焦茶色Emerald green 鲜绿色Florid 鲜红French rose 法国红Garnet 暗红Geranium 原色红Gold 金Golden yellow 金黄色Green 绿色Grey 灰Hazel 赤褐色Hepatic 猪肝色Hyacinth 紫蓝色Indigo 靛青色Ivory 象牙黄Jade green 翠绿色Lavender 藕色Lias 淡紫色Light grey 淡灰色Lyons blue 蓝紫色Mandarin blue 深蓝Marine green 海水绿Maroon 枣红;茶色Medium blue 中蓝色Medium yellow 中黄色Milk white 乳白色Ming blue 藏青色Moss green 苔绿色Navy blue 海水蓝Nimbus grey 雨云灰色Ocher 赭色Off white 灰白Olive 橄榄色Olive green 草绿色;橄榄绿Opaque 不透明Orange 橘黄色Oriental ted 大红Peach 桃红色Peacock blue 孔雀蓝Pea green 豆绿色Pied 杂色Pink 粉红色Pitch black 深黑色Protective color 保护色Prussian blue 普鲁士蓝Purple 紫色Purple bronze 紫铜色Red 红Reddish 淡红Reddish yellow 浓黄Rich color 浓色Rose 玫瑰红Royal blue 宝蓝色Rust brown 鼻烟色Sallow 苍黄Salmon 橙红Sandy 淡茶色Sap green 暗绿色Scarlet 绯色Sepia 棕黑色Shade 颜色深浅Shocking pink 鲜粉红Silver 银色Sky blue 天蓝Slate grey 鼠灰色Smoky grey 雾灰色Snow white 雪白Soft color 嫩色Sorrel 红棕色Tan 浅棕色Tapestry red 咖啡色Tawny 黄褐色Translucent 半透明Transparent 透明Turquoise 蓝绿色Turquoise blue 土耳其玉色Ultramarine 青蓝色Ultramarine blue 群青Umber 浓茶色Verdigris color 铜绿色Vermilion 桔红;朱砂红Violet 紫罗兰色White 白色Wine red 葡萄红Yellow 黄色York yellow 蛋黄色amber 琥珀色 antique violet 古紫色 antiquewhite 古董白 aqua 浅绿色 aquamarine 碧绿色 azure 天蓝色 baby pink 浅粉红色 beige 米色 bisque 橘黄色 black 黑色 blanchedalmond 白杏色 blue 蓝色 blueviolet 紫罗兰色 brown 棕色 burlywood 实木色 cadetblue 军蓝色 camel 驼色 charcoal gray 炭灰色 chartreuse 黄绿色 chocolate 巧克力色 cobalt blue 艳蓝色 coral 珊瑚色 cornflowerblue 菊蓝色 cornsilk 米绸色 crimson 暗深红色 cyan 青色magenta 洋红色 maroon 栗色 mauve 紫红 mediumaquamarine 间绿色 mediumblue 间蓝色 mediumorchid 间紫色 mediumpurple 间紫色 mediumseagreen 间海蓝色 mediumslateblue 间暗蓝色 mediumspringgreen 间春绿色 mediumturquoise 间绿宝石色 mediumvioletred 间紫罗兰色 midnightblue 中灰蓝色 mintcream 薄荷色 misty gray 雾灰色 mistyrose 浅玫瑰色 moccasin 鹿皮色 moss green 苔绿色 navajowhite 纳瓦白 navy 藏青 off-white 灰白 oldlace 老花色 olive 橄榄色 olivedrab 深绿褐色 orange 橙色 orangered 橙红色 orchid 淡紫色 oyster white 乳白色palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色 palegreen 苍绿色 paleturquoise 苍绿色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 pansy 紫罗兰色 papayawhip 番木色 peachpuff 桃色 peru 秘鲁色 pink 粉红 plum 杨李色 powderblue 粉蓝色 purple 紫色 red 红色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红 royalblue 宝蓝色 rubine 宝石红 saddlebrown 重褐色 salmon 鲜肉色 salmon pink 橙红色 sandy beige 浅褐色 sandybrown 沙褐色 sapphire 宝石蓝 scarlet 猩红色 seagreen 海绿色 seashell 海贝色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 sienna 赭色 silver 银白色 skyblue 天蓝色 slateblue 石蓝色 slategray 灰石色 smoky gray 烟灰色 snow 雪白色 springgreen 春绿色 steelblue 钢蓝色 stone 石色 tan 茶色 teal 水鸭色 thistle 蓟色 tomato 番茄色 turquoise 青绿色 turquoise blue 翠蓝色 violet 紫色 wheat 浅黄色 white 白色 whitesmoke 烟白色 winered 葡萄酒红 yellow 黄色 yellowgreen 黄绿色darkblue 暗蓝色 darkcyan 暗青色 darkgoldenrod 暗金黄色 darkgray 暗灰色 darkgreen 暗绿色 darkkhaki 暗卡其色 darkmagenta 暗洋红色 darkolivegreen 暗橄榄绿色 darkorange 暗桔色 darkorchid 暗紫色 darkred 暗红色 darksalmon 暗肉色 darkseagreen 暗海蓝色 darkslateblue 暗灰蓝色 darkslategray 墨绿色 darkturquoise 暗宝石绿 darkviolet 暗紫色 deeppink 深粉色 deepskyblue 深天蓝色 dimgray 暗灰色 dodgerblue 闪蓝色 emerald green 艳绿色 firebrick 火砖色 floralwhite 花白色 forestgreen 森林绿 fuchsia 紫红色 gainsboro 淡灰色 ghostwhite 幽灵白 gold 金黄色 goldenrod 金麒麟色 gray 灰色 green 绿色 greenyellow 黄绿色honeydew 蜜色 hotpink 艳粉色 indianred 印第安红 indigo 靛蓝色 ivory 象牙色 khaki 卡其色 lavender 淡紫色 lavenderblush 淡紫红 lawngreen 草绿色 lemonchiffon 柠檬绸色 lightblue 浅蓝色 lightcoral 浅珊瑚色 lightcyan 浅青色 lightgoldenrodyellow 浅金黄色 lightgreen 浅绿色 lightgrey 浅灰色 lightpink 浅粉色 lightsalmon 浅肉色 lightseagreen 浅海蓝色 lightskyblue 浅天蓝色 lightslategray 浅蓝灰色 lightsteelblue 浅钢蓝色 lightyellow 浅黄色 lilac 浅紫色 lime 酸橙色 limegreen 橙绿色 linen 亚麻色black 黑色 brown 咖啡色 cream 雪白 khaki 卡其色 grey 灰色 navy 丈青色 offwhite 灰白色 palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色 palegreen 苍绿色 paleturquoise 苍绿色 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 pansy 紫罗兰色 papayawhip 番木色 peachpuff 桃色 peru 秘鲁色 pink 粉红 plum 杨李色 powderblue 粉蓝色 purple 紫色 red 红色 rosybrown 褐玫瑰红 royalblue 宝蓝色 rubine 宝石红 saddlebrown 重褐色 salmon 鲜肉色 salmon pink 橙红色 sandy beige 浅褐色 sandybrown 沙褐色 sapphire 宝石蓝 scarlet 猩红色 seagreen 海绿色 seashell 海贝色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 sienna 赭色 silver 银白色 skyblue 天蓝色 slateblue 石蓝色 slategray 灰石色 smoky gray 烟灰色 snow 雪白色 springgreen 春绿色 steelblue 钢蓝色 stone 石色 tan 茶色 teal 水鸭色 thistle 蓟色 tomato 番茄色 turquoise 青绿色 turquoise blue 翠蓝色 violet 紫色 wheat 浅黄色 white 白色 wheat 土黄色 whitesmoke 烟白色 winered 葡萄酒红 yellow 黄色 yellowgreen 黄绿色 颜色 Colors pigment涂料 Albaster crème(T10) 如雪花膏之乳脂色 Charleston pink(T36) 暗粉色 Angel pink(V83) 天使粉色 Cherub pink(435) 天使粉色 Antique brown(T02) 古铜色 Chic pink(T17) 别致的粉色 Beige(10) 米黄色 Chocolate brown(E40) 巧克力咖啡色 Bisque(H08) 淡血牙,藕荷色 Chocolate latte(T07) 巧克力咖啡色(偏拿铁咖啡)色 Black(93) 黑色 Cool green(T08) 冷绿色 Black/angel skin(Y70) 黑色天使缎(无光上蜡整理的醋酯丝织物,亦有以蚕丝作经、绢丝作纬的) Cool green floral(T23) 冷绿色的花草 Black/blue(197) 黑色底蓝色图案 Cozy stripes(T25) 舒适惬意的条纹 Black/grey(T52) 黑底灰色图案 Crème(T10) 乳脂色 Black/fawn grey(T52) 黑底淡黄褐色图案之灰色 Dark cherry(Y16) 暗樱桃色 Black/gold(295) 黑色底金色图案 Dusty lavender(T50) 带有灰尘的熏衣草色 Black/ivory pinstripe(201) 黑色底象牙色细条纹 Dusty lilac(T50) 带有灰尘的紫丁香色 Black/nude(X24) 黑色底肉色图案 Dusty teal(N18) 暗蟹青色,凫色绿光暗篮色 Black/pink(229) 黑色底粉红色图案 Fawn 淡黄褐色 Black/pink(V85) 黑色底粉红色图案 Fawn grey(T49) 灰褐色 Black/white print(U62) 黑色底白色图案(印染) Floral(96) 花草绿色 Black/tea rose(Y30) 黑色底香水月季色图案,茶玫红(淡橙红色);崩经(织造过程中多根经纱同时断头) Frozen plum(T12) 冰梅色 Blue/nude(T66) 蓝色底肉色图案 Gold leopard(V30) 金豹纹色 Brown 咖啡色 Glacial blue(Z98) 冰河蓝 Brown/glacial blue(T64) 咖啡色底冰河蓝色图案 Glacial blue/black(T54) 冰河蓝底黑色图案 Brown/rose(T02) 咖啡色底玫瑰色图案 Green 绿色 Brown/tea rose(T65) 咖啡色底香水月季色图案 Green/black(T08) 绿色底黑色图案 Buff(367) 浅黄色 Grenadine(487) 紧捻纱罗织物紧捻丝线(制袜及花边用)亚麻台布花缎,光亮薄绢(制领带用) Buttercream(B09) 奶油色 Grey 灰色 Cabbage rose print(T37) 甘蓝菜,(卷心菜)玫瑰色(印染) Grey/black(Z97) 灰色底黑色图案 Camellia pink(V93) 山茶粉色 Grey/black(219) 灰色底黑色图案 Ivory/nude skin(T45) 象牙色底肉色图案 Heather grey(72) 【植】石南属植物灰色 Love rose(T18) 爱的玫瑰色 Hot pink(W40) 亮粉色 Luxe blue(T28) 华丽蓝色 I vory(01) 象牙色 Midnight navy(132) 暗海军蓝色 Ivory(11) 象牙色 Milky green 奶绿色 Ivory/black(01) 象牙色底黑色图案 Moody blue(T09) 暗蓝色 Raisin/peacock(T46) 葡萄色底孔雀图案 Moonlight grey(Z97) 月光灰色 Rocky mountain/spun gold(T47) 落矶山底金线图案 Muslin(T04) 平纹细布,(做床单、枕头套等的)棉布色 Romantic rose(T22) 浪漫的玫瑰色 Muslin/raisin(Y43) 平纹细布,(做床单、枕头套等的)棉布色底葡萄色图案 Rose/black(T53) 玫瑰色底黑色图案 Natural black 天然黑色 Rose/brown(T01) 玫瑰色底咖啡色图案 Naked (Z33) 肤色 Rose print(T56) 玫瑰(印染) Navy(971) 深蓝色 Shell(H01) 贝壳色 Newport blue(T09) 纽波特(美国罗得岛之避暑胜地)蓝色 Smoky blue(976) 天蓝色 Nude(608) 肉色 Smoky blue(T03) 天蓝色 Nude(979) 肉色 Smoky blue/tan(T03) 天蓝色底黄褐色图案 Nude leopard(T61) 豹纹肉色 Smoky plum(Z99) 烟梅色 Nude/tea rose(T67) 肉色底茶枚色图案 Soft white(V92) 柔白色 Pampered shoulder ?色 Suntan(T05) 棕色 Paris pink(H45) 巴黎粉色 Tan 黄褐色 Petal pink(T11) 花瓣粉色 Teal(804) 蓝绿色的 Pink(48) 粉红色 Tea rose(T01) 香水月季带黄的粉红色 Pink leopard(T62) 豹纹粉色 Tea rose/black(T53) 香水月季底黑色图案 Platinum(500) 白金色 Vintage floral print(T39) 葡萄树枝叶图案(印染) plum rose(T21) 葡萄玫瑰色 Vintage grey stripe(T26) 灰色葡萄树枝条纹 Poinsettia red(36) 圣诞红色 Victorian ivory(01) 维多利亚象牙色 Polaris blue(T90) 北极星蓝色 White(92) 白色 Raisin(T59) 葡萄色 White/nude(T68) 白色底肉色图案 Raisin(X78) 葡萄色 Warm nude(990) 温暖肉色 Whisper pink(393) ?色 紫(青莲) purplet 藏青 navy blue / marine橄榄绿 olive 翠绿 emerald 紫罗兰violet 艳红 brilliant red 粉红 pink 玫红 crimson 红棕 red blue 大红 scarlet 深红 dark red 酱红 Bordeaux 玉红 rubine 蓝绿 blue green 艳蓝 brilliant blue 深蓝 dark blue 宝蓝 royal blue 湖蓝 turquoise 荧光黄 flavine 黄棕 yellow brown 金黄 gold yellow 艳橙 brilliant oriange 灰 Grey 黑 Black 金黄 Golden Yellow 酱红 corinth,garnet Bordeaux 酒红 宝蓝 sapphire blue royal blue 品蓝 荧光黄 fluorescent yellow flavine 黄素增白: WHITE / SNOW WHITE 特黑: BLACK / JET BLACK 奶白: IVORY/ECRU/OFF WHITE/CREAM 大红: RED 紫红: BORDEAUX/WINE 紫色: BURGUNDY/PLUM/VIOLET/PURPLE 绿色: GREEN 灰色: GREY 玉色: OYSTER/PEACH 黄色: YELLOW 卡其: KAHKI 雪青: LILAC 古铜色: BROWN 梅红: FUSCHIA 墨绿: CHARCOAL 豆绿: OLIVE 藏青: NAVY/BLUE 天蓝: SKY BLUE 粉红: PINK 米色: BEIGE 橘黄: ORANGE 驼色: CAMEL2023-08-06 23:23:131