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2023-08-07 09:10:41
TAG: 英语


pick have take make tear name arm beat copy dive.




across agree afraed arrive apron attack abase abbey abbess abbot abuse above absorb absent abroad about aboard accept access accord account accuse achieve acid acre action active acute adapt address adjust admit adopt adverb advice advise affair affect afford after again agent ahead alarm alert alike alive allow ally alone along alter amaze amid among amuse anchor anger angle angry annoy answer any apart appeal appear apply approve arise army arouse arrest arrow aside asleep assess asset assign assist assume assure atom attach attack attain attempt attend attract author auto autumn await awake award aware away awful


baby bacon badly balloon banner barber barely bargain barrel basic basis beauty become before befin behalf boney behave being belief believe belong beside better between beyond biscuit bitter blackboard bloody border borrow bother bottom breakfast brother bucket budget bullet burden bury business busy butcher butter button


cabbage cabin camel campus canal cancel cancer candy capture carbon career cargo carpet carriage carrot carry cartoon cassette ceiling cement center certain chapter charter chicken cigar circuit civil clever clinic cloudy clumsy collapse collect college column combat combine comfort comment commerce commit common compel compete complain compose compound compress compress comprise conceal concede concept concern copcert conclude condemn condense conduct confess confine confirm confront confuse connect conquer conscious consent consist constant consult consume contain contact contain copper corner correct costly cotton counter country county courage cover create creature credit crisis critic crucial culture cupboard currentD


daily dairy damage darling data daylight decade deceive decide decline decrease defeat defect defind define degree dlete delight dental deny depart depend depress derive descend desert design despite dessert detect device devise devote dictate differ dinner direct dirty discard discuss disease disgust dislike display dispose distant distress disturb diverse divide doctor dollar dozen drama


early earnest easy effort elbow elect email elect elder emerge emit empty enough entry envy erect error escape estate even event ever every exam exact exceed except express extend extent eyesight


fabric factor fairly fairy famine fancy farmer farther fashion fetal fatal fasten faulty feather feedback figure filter final finger finish focus follow foolish football footstep forbid forehead forest forgive forget forest formal format former fortune forward fraction fragment framework freedom friendly frighter fulfill function funny furnace further future gallon garage garden gather given global glory golden goodness govern graceful grateful greedy greenhouse grocer guidance guideline guilty


habit himself herself handbay handful handy happen happy harbor hardly hardship hardware harness harvest hatred hazard headache heading headline healthy heaven heavy hello holy homework honest honey honor hopeless hostel housewife human hurry handless hundred ideal


ignore illness immense impact imply import impose impress incline include income increase indeed index indoor infant infect infer inform injure inner input insert inside insight insist inspect instance instant instead instruct insult intend intense interest invade invent invest invite involve inward island item itself jacket jealous journey judgment justice


keyboard kilo kingdom kitchen kindess konwledge


labor ladder lightly landlord landscape largely laser lady largely laser lately later latter laughter laundry lawyer lazy leader leading learned leather lecture legal lesson letter lifetime lightning likely lobby local locate logic lonely loosen lorry lover lovely lucky


machine madam magnet magic mailbox manland maintain major manage mankind manner many margin market marriage married marry massive master matter mature meaning meantime meanwhile measure medal media meeting member mention menu mercy merely message meter method meter metric midday midnight million minro minus minute mirror mislead missile mirror mislead missile missing mission mister mobile model modern modest moment Monday money,monkey,moral mostly motion motive motor movement movie murder mushroom myself


namely narrow nation nature naval navy nearly nearby neglect Negro nephew nervous network never nightmare nonsense normal northeast northern northwest notebook notion novel nowhere nuclear number nylon


obey object oblige order obvious obstacle observe occur ocean oldness offence offer often okay omit oneself onion only onto open oppose potion oral orbit orange organ other outcome outdoor outer outlet outline outlook output outset outside outward oval oven over owing owner


package packet painful painter palace panel paper parade parcel pardon parent partly partisl partner patient pattern payment peaceful peasant pencil penny pension pepper perceive percent perfect perform perhaps permit persist person persuade petrol thoto picnic picture pigeon pillar pilot pity planet paastic picture pigeon pillar pilot pity planet plastic playground pleasant pleasure plenty pocket poison polish polite pollute porter portion portrait possess possible postage postman poster portpone powder practice precious precise predict preface prefer prepare presence preserve pressure pretend pretty prevail prevent previous principle prison private probable problem proceed product program progress project promise promote pronoun proper propose prospect protect protest provde province provoke public publish punish pupil purchase purpose




rabbit racial radar railroad railway rainbow raincoat react reader reading ready really realize reason rebel recall receipt receive recent reckon record reduce refer refine reflect reform refresh refuse regard region regret reject relate relax release remain remark remind remote render renew repair replace reply report request require rescue research reserve resign resist tesort respect respond response restless testore restrain restrict result resume retail retain retire retreat return reveal reverse review revise revolt reward rhythm ribbon rigid rival river rocker roller ruler rotate routine rubber rubbish rumor rural


safety sailor salad salesman sanction sandwich saucer sausage saving scarcely scatter scholar scissors season second secret section sector secure segment seldom select selfish senate senior sentence servant service session settement seversl severe shadow shelter shiver shortage shortly shoulder sideways siganl silent silly silver simply sincere sister slender soccer social soda sofa software solar soldier solemn solind somehow someone something sometime somewhere somewhat sorrow sorry southeast sothwest southern speaker special spider spirit spokesman sponsor sportsman standard statement static station statue status steady steamer sticky stomach storage storey story structure student study stupid subject submerge submit subtract suburb subway succeed success sudden suffer sugar suggest summit summer sunset sunrise superb supper supply support suppose supreme surface surplus surprise surround survey survive suspect sustain swallw sweater symbol system


turtle tailor talent targer taxi tedious temper tender tennis tension terror textbook textile theatre theory thereby thirsty thorough thousand thunder ticket tidy tiger tiny tissue title today topic torture total toward tractor traffic transfer transform translate transmit transport treasure treatment treaty trumpet truly tunnel turbine tutor


ugly under undo unit unite unless unlike unload until upon upper upright upset upstairs upward useful user utmost utter


vacant vacuum valid valley value vanish napor vary venture version very vibrate victim village virtue vital vivid


waiter waitress waken wander wallet water weaken weaver weakness wealthy weapon weather weekday weekend weekly welcome welfare western shisper wholly widen widely widow winter winner window wisdom wildlife witheraw within without withstand witness woman wonder wooden woolen workman workshop worldwide worry worship worthless worthwhile worthy writer workmate


yellow youngster youthful yearly

















play begin start write speak carry cry smile want wish


2023-08-06 23:02:301

英语Sentence Patterns怎么翻译?

Sentence Patterns句型;句式;
2023-08-06 23:02:393

sentence patterns是什么意思

答案: 练习句型
2023-08-06 23:02:503

sentence patterns and sentence types有什么区别?

句子结构 sentence patterns (意指结构)是指包括的5类: 一: S+V (主+谓) i do 我愿意 二: S+V+P (主+谓+表) i am beautiful 我很漂亮 三: S+V+O (主+谓+宾)i love you 我爱你 四: S+V+o+O (主+谓+间宾+直宾)i want to give you a book 我想给你一本书 五: S+V+O+C (主+谓+宾+宾补) it made me happy 它让我快乐. 可见,这五种都可以单独成为一个简单句 ,而复合句或者并列句就是简单句 加上特殊的词---连词(and ,but,or )或者引导词(what,which,who,where,that 等等) . 而sentence types指种类有两种分类 陈述句,疑问句,感叹句,祈使句 ,接着进一步分为简单句 并列句 复合句 并列复合句 Declarative 陈述句 ---Pick up that mess. ufeff Interrogative 疑问句 --How long have you lived in France? ufeff Exclamatory 感叹句 --Hurry up! All of these sentence types further fall into four basic sentence type categories in English. 这些句式又被进一步划分为4类 Simple 简单句 ---Frank ate his dinner quickly.Compound 并列句 --I wanted to come, but it was late. Complex 复合句 --That"s the man who bought our house Compound - Complex 并列复合句 ---John, who briefly visited last month, won the prize, and he took a short vacation.
2023-08-06 23:02:561

sentence structure 和 sentence partten的区别

sentence structure 是句子的结构,sentence parttern是句子的句型.句子的结构是指这个句子是由什么成分组成的,它们的顺序等如何,里面包含有什么句型等等.而句型是指这个句子是定语从句还是状语从句强调句,.等等.
2023-08-06 23:03:042


2023-08-06 23:03:144


Sentence pattern指的是句型,例如:allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be coming/going/leaving/fiying/moving/dyingSentence structure主要是分析句型结构,例如:句子是复合句还是并列句,是宾语从句还是定语从句
2023-08-06 23:03:221

英语句型(English Sentence Patterns)

  英语五个基本句式 英语常用句型 1.否定句型 2.判断句型 3.祝愿祁使句式 4.感叹句型 5.疑问句型 6.数词句型 7.关联指代句型 8.比较句型 9.比喻句型 10.条件假设句 11.时间句型 12.地点句型 13.原因句型 14.目的句型 15.结果句型 16.程度句型 17.让步句型 18.转折句型 19.省略句 英语五个基本句式   从英语的句子结构上说,除了修饰名词的定语和修饰动词的状语外,在千变万化的句子中可归纳为五个基本句式,一般地说,某些动词用在某一句式中,下面笔者把这些句型和常用的动词进行归类,供你参考。 1.S(主) + Vi(不及物动词)(谓) Time flies. 1) S + V + adverbial(状语) Birds sing beautifully. 2) S + Vi+ prep Phrase(介词短语) He went on holiday. 3) S + Vi+ Infinitive (不定式) We stopped to have a rest. 4) S + Vi+ Participle (分词) I"ll go swimming. 2. S (主)+ Vt (及物动词)(谓)+ O(宾) We like English. 1) S + Vt + N/Pron I like music. I like her. 2) S + Vt + infinitive(不定式) I want to help him. 常用于这句型的动词有:attempt, dare, decide, desire, expect, hope, intend, learn, need, offer, pretend, promise, propose, purpose, refuse, want, wish等。 3) S + Vt + Wh-Word + Infinitive I don"t know what to do. 常用于这句型的动词有:ask, consider, decide, discover, explain, find out, forget, guess, inquire, know, learn, observe, remember, see, settle, tell, think, understand, wonder等。 4) S + Vt + Gerund I enjoy living here. 常用于这句型的动词有:admit, advise, avoid, consider, defend, enjoy, excuse, finish, forbid, mind, miss, practise, risk, suggest, give up, can"t help等。 5) S + Vt + That-clause I don"t think (that) he is right. 常用于这句型的动词有:admit, believe, command, confess, declare, demand, deny, doubt, expect, explain, feel(觉得), hear(听说), hope, imagine, intend, know, mean, mind(当心), notice, propose, request, report, say, see(看出),show, suggest, suppose, think, understand, wish, wonder(觉得奇怪)。 3. S (主)+ V(谓)(lv)( 系动词)+ P(表) We are Chinese. 除了be 系动词外,还有一些动词也可以用作系动词,1)表感官的动词,feel, smell, taste, sound, look, appear, seem 等。2) 表转变变化的动词,become, get, grow, turn, go,等。 3)表延续的动词 remain, keep, seem, hold, stay, rest等。4)表瞬时的动词 come, fall, set, cut, occur等 5)其他动词 eat, lie, prove, ring, run, shine, sit, stand, continue, hang等。 1) S + Lv + N/Pron(名词/代词) He is a boy. This is mine. 2) S + Lv + Adj(形容词) She is beautiful. 3) S + Lv + Adv (副词) Class is over. 4) S + Lv + Prep Phrase He is in good health. 5) S + Lv + Participle(分词) He is excited. The film is interesting. 4. S (主)+ Vt (谓)+ In O(间接 宾) + D O(直接 宾) I give you help. 1) S + Vt + N/Pron + N I sent him a book. I bought May a book. 2) S + Vt + N/Pron + To/for-phrase He sent a book to me. He bought a coat for me. 间接宾语前需要加to 的常用动词有:allow, bring, deny, do(带来), give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, permit, promise, read, refuse, render, restore, sell, send, show, teach, tell wish, write等。 间接宾语前需要加for 的常用动词有:bring, buy, cash, choose, fetch, get, leave, make, order, paint, play(演奏),save, sing, spare等。 5. S (主)+ Vt(谓)+ O(宾) + O C(宾补) I make you clear. 1) S + Vt + N/Pron + N We named our baby Tom. 常用于这句型的动词有:appoint, call, choose, elect, entitle, find, make, name, nominate(命名)。 2) S + Vt + N/Pron + Adj He painted the wall white. 常用于这句型的动词有:beat, boil, cut, drive, find, get, hold, keep, leave, like, make, paint, see, set, turn, want, wash, wipe, wish等。 3) S + Vt + N/Pron + Prep Phrase She always keeps everything in good order. 4) S + Vt + N/Pron + Infinitive I wish you to stay. I made him work 常用于这句型的动词有:a)不定式带to的词:advice, allow, ask, beg, cause, choose, command, decide, encourage, expect, force, get, hate, invite, know, leave, like, love, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remain, request, teach, tell, want, warn, wish等。b)不定式不带to的词:feel, have, hear, know, let, listen to, look at, make, notice, see, watch等。 5) S + Vt + N/Pron + Participle (分词) I heard my name called. I feel something moving. 常用于这句型的动词有:catch, feel, find, get, have, hear, imagine, keep, leave, listen to, look at, notice, observe, perceive, see, set, smell, start, watch等。 6) S + Vt + N/Pron + Wh-word + Infinitive He show me how to do it. 常用于这句型的动词有:advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell等。 7) S + Vt + N/Pron + That-clause He told me that the film was great. 常用于这句型的动词有:assure, inform, promise, remind, teach, tell, warm等。 8) S + Vt + N/Pron + Wh-Clause He asked me what he should do. 常用于这句型的动词有:advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell. 英语常用句型 我 整理 初学英语的人常常感到在掌握一些英语单词和基本语法后,在英语说和写方面还是很难表达自己,笔者认为其中一个原因是没有掌握一些英语句型,只有掌握了一些句型才能比较正确、完整地表达自己。下面是笔者收集的一些常用句型。 1. 否定句型 1) 一般否定句 I don"t know this. No news is good news. There is no person (smoke)/not a person/not any person (smoke) in the house. 2)特指否定 He went to his office, not to see him. I am sorry for not coming on time. I don"t think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right. 3)部分否定 All the answers are not right All is not gold that glitters I don"t know all of them. I can"t see everybody/everything. Both of them are not right. 4)全体否定 None of my friends smoke. I can see nothing/nobody. Neither of them is right. Nothing can be so simple as this. 5) 延续否定 You didn"t see him, neither/nor did I. You don"t know, I don"t know either. He doesn"t know English, let alone/to say nothing of/not to speak of (更不用说) French. 6) 半否定句 We seldom/hardly/scarcely/barely hear such fine singing. I know little English. I saw few people. 7) 双重否定 You can"t make something out of nothing. What"s done cannot be undone. There is no sweet without sweat. No gain without pains. I can"t help /keep/ laughing whenever I hear it. No man is so old but (that) he can learn. 8)排除否定 Everyone is ready except you. He did nothing but play. But for your help, I couldn"t do it. 9)加强否定 I won"t do it at all. I can"t see it any more. He is no longer a boy. 2. 判断句型 1) 一般判断句 It is important for us to learn English. It is kind of you to help me sincere means honest. The boy is called/named Tom. We regarded/consider it as an honor. 2)强调判断 It is English that we should learn. It is he who helped me a lot. 3)弱式判断 Your sentence doesn"t sound/look/appear/feel right. You look/seem as if/as thought you had been there before. Maybe/Perhaps/ she is ill. He is probably ill. He is likely ill. It is possible that he is late 4) 注释判断 He can remember so many English words, that is (to say) he is a living dictionary.(活字典) 5) 正反判断 That sounds all right, but in fact it is not. 6) 比较判断 It is more a picture than a poem. 7) 互斥判断 He or you are wrong. Either he is right or I am. 3. 祝愿祁使句式 1) 一般句式 Study hard and keep fit. Be brave! Don"t be shy! Get out of here. 2)强语式 Do tell me. Never tell a lie. 3) 委婉祈使句 Please tell me the true. Would/Will/Won"t do me a favor? Would/Do you mind my smoking? What/How/ about going on foot? 4)建议祈使句 Let us go. Let us know the time. Don"t let the fire out. Let"s not waste the time. You"d better start early. Shall we listen to some music? Why don"t you get something to drink? Suppose/supposing you pick me up at about six? I suggest we (should) take the train. 5)祝愿句 Success to you! Wish you a good journey. May you have a happy marriage. Here"s to your success! Allow me to propose a toast to our friendship! 4. 感叹句型 How well he speaks! How kind she is! What a nice weather it is! Here he comes! Such is life! Wonderful! Help! 5. 疑问句型 1) 一般疑问句 Is he a doctor? Do you the way to the station? 2)反意疑问句 He is a teacher, isn"t he? It is quite cheap, don"t you think? 3) 特殊疑问句 What is the distance/width/size/population/temperature/fare? Who is he? What is he?(干什么的) What is he like? How is he? How do you like him? What do you think of him? What ever do you mean by saying this? 4)选择疑问句 He is a doctor or a nurse? 5)间接疑问句 Do you know how old he is? Tell me if (whether) you like it. What do you think/say/suppose I should do? 6.数词句型 1) 表数目 It is exactly ten o"clock. It is five miles away from here. He is more than/over/ at least not less than 20. He is under/at most/no more than 20. 2)表年月日 He was born on April 22 1994/in 1994 on the morning of Oct.1. 3)表年龄 He is 20 years old/years of age. He is at the age of 10. 4)表倍数 It is four times that of last years. This is four times as big (again) as that one. This is four times bigger than that one. The income is double what it was. The output of coal was 200% greater than in 1998. 5)表计量 It is 10 meters long/wide/high. It costs me 100 yuan. I spent 10 hours to finish it. It took me 10 days to finish it. It is worth 100 yuan. 7. 关联指代句型 1)两项关连 I have two books, one is Chinese; the other English. I have five books, one is Chinese; the others English. To say is one thing, but/and/ to do is another. One the one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other hand, I am also you friend. Some like to play football, others are fond of basketball. 2)先后顺序 First/firstly, I wish good health, second/secondly success in your study, third/thirdly good luck in everything. First stop, then look, finally cross. At first/in the beginning/ he word hard. Later/Afterwards he is not so diligent. 3)修饰限制 This is the same book as I lost yesterday. This is the same book that I lost yesterday.(同一本书) Don"t trust such a man as over praise you. He/One/Those/They who should come failed to appear. A man/A person/The one/Anyone/People who saw her liked her very much. The day/time/moment will come when China is strongest in the world. 4) 两项连接 He can speak not only English but also French. The book is both interesting and instructive. It is neither cold nor hot. Please either come in or go out. The old worker has experience and knowledge as well. 5)加和关系 Besides literature, we have grammar and writing. Apart from oxygen, there are some other gases in the air. In addition to "if", there is many other conjunctions that can introduce conditional clauses. I must go now, incidentally, if you want that book. You seem to like tea, so do I. 8. 比较句型 1)等比句 He is as tall as I. He is the same height as I. She is no less diligent than he. The lab is no better than a cottage. 2) 差比句 I speak English worse than he does. He is not so/as tall as I am. Our knowledge is much inferior to their. 3) 极比句 He is the tallest of all in the class. None/No one/ is so blind as those that won"t see. Nothing is so easy as this. 4)比例句 The more a man knows, the more he feels his ignorance(无知). 5) 择比句 He is taller than any other boy in the class It is better late than never. They would die than live as slaves He prefers doing to talking He prefers to do rather than to talk. He prefers mathematics to English. I"d rather stay here. 6)对比句 You think me idle, but on the contrary, I am busy. They are working hard while you are wasting your time. 9.比喻句型 We must work like him. He behaves as his father does. He speaks English as if/though he was a foreigner. 10.条件假设句 1) 一般事实 If we succeed, what will the people say? Suppose it rains, what shall we do? Persevere(坚持) and you"ll succeed. 2)虚拟条件句 If I were you, I would go. If you had seen it, you would have been moved. 3)反条件句 Unless you try, you"ll never succeed.
2023-08-06 23:03:281


问题一:句型 英文怎么说 sentence pattern 问题二:如果 就这个句式用英语怎么讲 *** ./sth. is more A than B “与其说 *** /sth是B,不如说是A” 例如:He is more an artist than a philosopher. 与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。 2. *** ./sth. is less A than B “与其说 *** /sth是A,不如说是B” 例如:I"m less thirsty than hungry. 与其说我渴,不如说我饿。 3. not so muchas 例如:He go to France not so much for sightseeing as for inspection. 他去法国与其说是观光不如说去考察。
2023-08-06 23:03:351

英语basic sentence pattern有哪些

英语basic sentence patterns 有:1.主谓(宾), 2.主系表, 3. there be.John sang 主谓(宾), Mary is a student 主系表.
2023-08-06 23:03:563


2023-08-06 23:04:071

英语中有哪些sentence patterns?

英语简单句5种基本基本句型:主 + 谓(不及物动词) S+V eg the birds are f lying 主 + 谓(及物动词)宾 S+V +O eg.dogs like bones 主 + 谓(及物动词)宾 + 宾补 S+V +O +OC he makes me laugh .主 + 谓(及物动词)直接宾 + 间接 宾 S+V +DO +IO eg mum bought me a book主 + 谓(联系动词) +表语 S+V +P
2023-08-06 23:04:162


英语的基本句型   导语:英语的基本句型只有五类,所有句型都是围绕着五类来展开的,下面我讲解英语的基本句型,欢迎参考!   句子的主要成分是主语和谓语。构成主语的有名词或相当于名词作用的其他词、词组或从句。谓语的构成比较复杂,有时可以由谓语动词独立担当谓语,有时谓语动词需带宾语或表语,还有的谓语动词可带两个宾语或带宾语后再加补足语等。谓语动词类别的不同决定着谓语结构的.不同,而不同的谓语结构又决定着不同的句型。   所谓基本句型(basic sentence pattern)就是几种基本的谓语结构的格局;千变万化的句型都是由它们演变而来的。英语的基本句型有五种,即:   1。主—系—表   2。主—动   3。主—动—宾   4。主—动—宾—宾   5。主—动—宾—宾补   现分述如下:   一、主—系—表(SVC)   此句型结构的谓语动词是由系动词担任,后接表语,也可称作补语。常用的系动词除be, become, look, seem, appear, get, feel外,还有以下一些:   grow(变得), turn(变成), remain(仍然是),fall(变得), hold(保持),   keep(保持), stand(保持), stay(保持), smell(闻起来),sound(听起来),   taste(尝起来)等。   例如:   The motor is out of order. 这台电机出了毛病。   Her mother has fallen ill. 她母亲生病了。   The weather is getting quite warm. 天气变得相当暖和。   The roses smell sweet. 这些玫瑰气味很香。   Silk feels soft and smooth. 丝绸摸上去又软又滑。   The plan sounds perfect. 这个计划听起来完美无缺。   二、主—动(SV)   此句型的谓语动词是不及物动词,常带有状语。   例如:   The fruit store has closed. 这家水果店关门了。   They have been singing and dancing for two hours. 他们又唱又跳已经两个小时了。   The plane will take off soon. 飞机很快就要起飞。   They will fly to London. 他们将飞往伦敦。   三、主—动—宾(SVO)   此句型的谓语动词是及物动词,后面需跟宾语。例如:   The machine is drilling a hole. 这台机器正在钻孔。   The teacher corrected her poor pronunciation more than once. 老师不止一次的改正她的错误发音。   Storytelling has many strengths in improving oral English skills. 讲故事对提高英语口语能力很有作用。   四、主—动—宾—宾(SVOO)   此句型中的谓语动词是带双宾语的及物动词。两个宾语中前一个为间接宾语,后一个为直接宾语。这类谓语动词除常见的give, bring, tell, send, leave, pass, read, write, take, show, teach, get等以外,还有以下一些:   award (授予), lend(借), rent (租), buy(买),   pay (支付), hand(传递), recommend(推荐),save(节省)等。例如:   The new way saved us much time. 这个新方法省了我们不少时间。   Could you do me a favor please? 你能帮帮我的忙吗?   I paid the repairman fifty dollars. 我给了修理工50元。   He ordered himself a soft drink. 他给自己要了一瓶软饮料。   Mr. Smith lent me his car. 史密斯先生把他的车借给了我。   I found him a new textbook. 我给他找了本新教科书。   Can you spare me a few minutes of your valuable time? 我能占用你几分钟宝贵的时间吗?   The president awarded him the first prize. 校长授予他一等奖。   五、主—动—宾—补(SVOC)   此句型的谓语动词是可以带复合宾语的及物动词,也就是说,这些动词除了有一个直接宾语外,还要加上宾语补足语,句子的意义才能完整。宾语补足语可由名词、形容词、动词不定式、分词或介词短语充当。在宾语加宾语补足语构成的复合宾语中,宾语与它的补足语之间存在着逻辑上(即意义上)的主谓关系。这样的及物动词有相当数量,例如:   appoint (任命), believe(相信), call(称), catch (发现),   elect (选举), feel (感到), find(发现), like (希望),   hear (听到), keep (保持), leave(听任),discover(发现),   make (使), need (需要), prefer(宁愿),prove (证明),   see (看见), warn (警告)等。例如:   They appointed Mr. White Minister of Foreign Affairs. 他们任命怀特先生为外交部长。   The board of directors elected Charles president of the university.   董事会选举查尔斯为这所大学的校长。   I found her rather difficult to work with. 我发现很难与她共事。   She likes her guests to feel at home. 她希望客人不要拘束。   I warned him not to be late. 我曾警告他不要迟到。   My father saw him steal the money. 我父亲看见他偷钱。   I prefer you to stay with us. 我跟更愿意你留下来和我们一起。   You may leave the child in my care. 你可以把孩子交给我照管。   The police discovered the check hidden under a pile of papers.   The woman caught her husband reading her diary. 那位妇女发现她丈夫偷看她的日记。   The shop assistant kept the customer waiting a very long time. 那个售货员让顾客等了很长时间。 ;
2023-08-06 23:04:301


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2023-08-06 23:05:214


Two, wields nimble teaching method actively , the activating student studies English interest. Interest is a best teacher, specifically for the student this one characteristic, the teacher should wield the various form , a variety of means to the full , penetrating various link teaching method , the activity carrying out the amusing classroom, make classroom teaching exercise the desire being both excellent in voice and affection , inspiring a student to seek knowledge. 1, gives lectures and the game teaching pattern combines each other, making content of courses relaxed is easy to learn. For example: Confer knowledge upon newly may be used for train game, strengthen the interest that the student participates in , improve their attention. Adopt one by one form , express confer knowledge newly. Drill and game combine 2, each other , messenger teaching effect appears but the locust sees. For example: In eighth module middle, but make full use of cards, ask a student to use the sentence pattern What" s this? Ask questions, another student uses the sentence pattern Is it a, ... . ? Go along conjectures , other schoolmate uses Yes , it is. Or No , it isn" t. Do to answer. Now, the students city is enthusiastic participate in strong guess that play. 3, imitates the conversation teaching pattern performing appearance union to perform and arranges into. Leave for sufficient explorations of student composing in reply space for development acting on self"s own, train a student the team spirit studying in cooperation. The practice and social intercourse laying stress on language, foster a student to act on self"s own studying a spirit and creating a spirit , improve language skills unceasingly. 4 attach importance to "the song , children"s rhyme , minor different type or form of literature of poem " teaching patterns. Content is rich , the form is changeful, children be delighted to hear and see , strengthen classroom teaching art effect , encourage active participation of student , strengthen memory effect, improve classroom teaching efficiency. Three, build competitiveness easy and pleasant teaching atmosphere, trains student"s self-confidence and success feeling. 1, contest law: The characteristic making use of a pupil to love to excel others, introduces competition often in classroom game , the classroom climate enlivens all of a sudden can compete between the group and the group , can"t may the combination contest free, the individual challenge contest waits. Example P: Take a look on that who can come to an agreement that quick (read picture saying individual word , ragards etc.) winning person may will win one small Carthamus tinctorious or small red flag. The fervency the student is learned from rises high all of a sudden , the sex learning teaching self strengthens, the efficiency studying improves greatly. 2, praises excitation law: Everyone all longs to get sb. somewhere , being taken seriously or being paid close attention to by person, makes oneself value be brought sum realization into play. The teacher should pay attention to every student"s small changes at any time , praises in teaching, advanced , encourage progressing, have let a student have this achievement to feel , have fostered them to say courageously , have misspeak giving a transformation, set up English fine study about mentality advantage. 3, communicative approach: With the student, temperament and interest is the main body , Booster language knowledge , improves the social intercourse ability. Insist on the daily dialogue , train a language sense. Since foreign language teaching is short of the language environment, mother tongue extremely easy to accept affects, remembering a little spoken language in common use accidentally , accumulate over a long time if often carrying out two three mark of kind of daily dialogues meeting is helpful to a student, the ability has provided certain condition for the student improves spoken language. Therefore, use English to the full muchly in the classroom , transit to the classroom teaching being in progress in English gradually , provoke interest in making a student be put in a fine English environment. 4, acts on self"s own perfecting law: In the classroom, act on self"s own flexible chance for student much. The pupil is comparatively small because of age , the English social intercourse ability begins juat now , the teacher should give first place to student temperament and interest , may organize the teacher and student conversation activity , also may be divided into group, conversation carrying out liberty between the student and the student. Come to strengthen the chance that the student trains , train and improve student linguistic competence. 5, the scene edifies law: Make full use of multi-media teaching, improves classroom teaching efficiency. What we get along is the Chinese world , are short of the English language environment. Therefore, in teaching, the teacher but make full use of now has the English teaching material video tape , VCD etc. that the language electricity classroom allocates , lets a student broaden horizon. For example: Use filmstrip the what be taught object to be demonstrated out vividly, that gorgeous tableau has stimulated their sense organ , has increased impression. In English teaching middle flexible application electrified education medium, abilities such as feeling , optesthesia , sense of hearing being able to move a student sufficiently, sound and the image combine each other, language and the scene mingle each other , beautiful music has created one kind of easy and pleasant, harmonious study about atmosphere for student. Have entered the flexible true language scene as if , have changed an abstract into perception with content of courses. Have aroused a student studying English deep interest, thereby reach "ask me to mimic turn around being that "I need to learn " `this one fine psychology ". English has been in past surdimntism English , corridor in the playtime , on the drill ground already no longer , the scene everywhere It can be seen that the student teaches self in English, greeting and playing games, has embodied really in being in our campus now, to give first place to the teacher the line , the student spoken language social intercourse ability increase by a big margin for new call for of the gist education for all-around development.
2023-08-06 23:05:414


英语中的情境是指一种生活场面。在英语教学中,创设生动形象的情境,既能活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,锻炼学生的语言能力,又能培养学生的思维能力和想象能力。然而,在具体的教学情境中,许多教师对创设情境的目的性不够明确,创设的情境价值不大,有效性不高。本文就我在教学实践中碰到的若干情境创设无效的案例作些分析,谈谈如何在英语教学中创设真实有效的情境。 一、把握实──应创设自然生动、贴近生活实际的教学情境 案例:《where is the ?》(导入环节) 2.学生从教师的动作中猜出句子whereu2019s the pen?的意思。 大部分学生困惑,茫然。 反思:英语课程标准指出:要让学生在真实的情境中体验和学习语言。我以为英语教学更应该在真实二字上下工夫,这样才能使学生真正学会和运用语言。只有当所创设的情境与学生的生活经验相符合时,才能激起学生的生活体验,使他们从各自的生活背景出发,迅速投入到所创设的情境中,准确地体验和理解语言。案例中的情境创设,教师充分利用了教室里的实物,让学生从教师的表演中理解语言,这种情境创设简单、方便。但这种情境的创设基本是从教师的主观愿望出发,它不符合我们的生活真实。因为教师自己刚把钢笔放入学生的笔盒后马上就开始寻找钢笔,而且有个别眼尖的学生已经看到钢笔就摆在笔盒里,而教师仍找得满头大汗,这与现实生活脱节,不能唤起学生已有的生活经验,致使学生误解,答非所问。如果把这一情境改创为:(课件或表演)冬冬:mum,i want to play basketball. mum:ok, but you must come back earlier.(画面)冬冬满头大汗地寻找篮球,边找边说:whereu2019s my basketball?这个情境,是现实生活的真实再现,符合学生已有的生活经验,因此学生能自然而然地回答出我的篮球在哪里。故创设情境必须贴近现实,要从学生的现实生活和已有生活经验出发,让学生触景生情,诱发学生英语思维的积极性。 二、注意趣──应创设新颖有趣、顺应学生心理的教学情境 案例:《i love animals!》 t:同学们,现在我们来做一个很有趣的游戏。(边说边演示课件)小精灵听说我们班的同学很聪明,就想请大家帮忙,他这里有不少动物的叫声和它们喜欢吃的食物,你能猜出是哪种动物吗?(教师开始演示课件,并指名回答。) 这时有同学小声议论又是猜动物,一点也不有趣,教师似乎听见了,但还是坚持一一指名回答。 反思:创设情境的目的之一在于激发学生的兴趣,促使学生全身心地投入到英语活动中。故我们所创设的情境就应该符合儿童的心理特征,突出童趣。但同时也应该注意到任何情境在初始出现时都是新鲜的、有趣的,如以上这个guessing game,再如其他的小小采购员、小小设计师等,但如果重复次数太多,同样会使学生生厌。因此任何情境一旦使用次数过多,就不能充分激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,以致在课堂上出现多情反被无情恼的尴尬。 三、追求活──应创设信息丰富、能拓展学生思维的教学情境 案例:《there is a 》 (教师出示画面) t:can you use the sentence pattern there ia a to say a sentence?反思:创设情境应能促进学生思考。上述案例画面生动,颜色鲜艳,但仅仅以画面吸引学生,而不是以知识本身的思考性、开放性、挑战性来吸引学生,不利于引导学生探究,所创设的情境不能得到最大化的利用。创设情境应蕴涵丰富的信息量,一是让学生从不同角度进行学习;二是给予不同程度的学生适合自己的学习和思考内容,让每个学生都能发现有价值的问题,并通过观察、思考、讨论、交流等活动,在获得、巩固知识的同时,产生学习英语的兴趣及学好英语的愿望。上述案例可将情境改创为:在一个房间里摆放不同的物品,先让学生观察几分钟,而后将画面切换为空白,以小组竞赛的形式,让学生凭记忆说出房间内物品的摆放,这样既可激发学生的参与热情,又能培养学生的记忆能力,使各个层次的学生都有一展身手的机会;同时由于相对性的原因,一种位置关系可有两种或两种以上的表达,可去掉案例中的箭头,进而拓展学生的思维。 总之,教师要从现实性、效用性、趣味性、思考性这四个维度来创设有效的情境,尽力提高情境创设在英语课堂教学中的价值,帮助学生更好地学习英语。笔者前不久听了一堂《numbers》的英语课,短短四十分时间里,教师创设了五种情境:动物运动会热闹的操场动物打靶游戏空间模拟购物,一堂课下来热热闹闹,学生开开心心。但我们不禁要反问:学生在这堂课中学了哪些与英语有关的知识?英语能力、素质、思维有没有得到提升?仅仅停留在情境上,以致丢失英语课必须具有的英语味,这样的情境创设是否有价值?
2023-08-06 23:05:501


2023-08-06 23:05:5911


  对于英语教学讲解,我们课堂上分析讲解时需要以教案来辅助。下面是我给大家整理的英语教学案例分析范文,供大家参阅!   英语教学案例前言   A Brief Instruction to the topic of“What should I do”   Good afternoon,everyone. My name is ______. Iu2019m from -------Primary School .Today Iu2019m going to talk about the topic” ________________”I will divide the instruction into seven parts: they are Teaching material Analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching emphasis, Teaching difficulties, Teaching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures.   英语教学案例教材分析   Part 1 Teaching material analysis   This period is from Unit u2026. of u2026.b Oxford English. First of all,Iu2019d like to talk about my understanding about this lesson.We have learned u2026..in Unit u2026.We have also learned how to _______ in last two units.Today we are going to learn __________________.So this unit links with a special meaning of Unit ___and Unit ___.This period is the first lesson of Reading.The main idea of the topic is how to express their problems and ask for advice.We are going to learn the ways to deal with problems and stress in following lessons.So this period is very important in this unit.   And according to the contents and the fact of the Ss, I establish the following three teaching aims of this period.   英语教学案例目标   Part 2 Teaching aims   1.Aims of the knowledge:   (1)The first one, students can listen, read, say and spell the the following words: ______________   (2) The second one : students can listen, read, say and write the following daily exprssions:________________ To know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases.   (3)To grasp the main idea of Reading and use the information to talk to others about oneu2019s problems and how to deal with them.   2.Aims of the ablilities:   (1)To improve the ability of getting information by reading.   (2)To develope the ability of listening,speaking, and the ability of working in groups and communication..   3.Aims of the emotion:   (1)To develop the Ssu2019consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.   (2)To lead Ss to show u2026./ask for advice to solve the problems.   英语教学案例重点   Part 3 Teaching emphasis   1.To help Ss communicate with each other using the new sentence pattern.   2.To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.   3. To develop Ssu2019interest in English. I think, itu2019s the most important .   英语教学案例难点   Part 4 Teaching difficulties   I think the most difficult point is to make sure the studentsu2026   1.To make sure the Ss use the sentence pattern correctly. Lead them to mix the old and new knowledge to ask and answer.To foster Ssu2019abilities of innovation.   2.To finish the task by themselves.   英语教学案例方法   Part 5 Teaching methods   In this topic,I will use five-step Teaching Method , Task-based Method,Communicated Method, Group Cooperate method. .I design some tasks to help the students learn.I think if I want to improve the studentsu2019 oral English,I should give them enough chances to practice and I will use pair work,group work to let the students take an active part in all kinds of activities.That is “Learning by doing,learning by using”.Let the students be the masters of the class teaching,thus,student-centered teaching method is well shown.   英语教学案例技巧   Part 6 Teaching aids   I will use some pictures, words and sentence cards, a tape recorder and the computer to help me achieve the aims.   英语教学案例流程   Part 7 Teaching procedure   Step Ⅰ.Lead-in   The purpose is to arouse the studentsu2019interest of study.   In order to attract the Ssu2019 attention and construct an surrounding of learning English, I let the Ss sing an English song and play a game ”” At the same time,the game can help Ss review the knowledge ,   Step Ⅱ.Presentation   The purpose is to develop the skills of skimming and how to gain the main idea of the articles.   1 The substance of language is communication and the environment of communicatiog is life. So when I present the sentence pattern”_________”,I first show ________ ,teach the sentence. Then show my own photo of _________,Ss ask and guess, In this way, I can attract SSu2019attention, Encourage Ss to ask Qs with the new knowledge.   2 Most of the Ss have learned the sentence pattern:___________,so I design a task for SS to help u2026. And teach the new language point :___________ Meanwhile show the sentences on the CAI.   3 After some practice by asking and answering, I present the next language points.___________ Finnaly, Iu2019ll let the SS do pair work to consolidate them.   Step Ⅲ.Practice   The purpose is to develop the skills of u2026..   1. In order to make sure the Ss master the teaching material, Let them Listen to the tape and answer some question about “True”or“False”.   2.Ask students to read the articles again and read it in roles. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intomation.   And it is also a ready work for the next step. Give a model then do some extension.   Step Ⅳ.Extension.   The purpose is to develop the skills of retelling with the key words   1 Set a task, Try to give a model with the good student. .   2 Divide the Ss into groups of 4 people .Each one would make a new dialogue according to the scenes that CAI provided. Using the phrases and the sentence pattern that we have learned. Find out which group is the best.   3.Encourage students to say something about themselves.   Task based Method is used here to develop the Ssu2019abilities of communication and their abilty of co-operation will be well trained.   Step Ⅴ.Summary and homework   The purpose is to give the students a clear idea of how to express their problems and revise the articles.   1.Ask students to revise the words and phrases   2.Ask students to write a letter about himself after class.   During my teaching,Iu2019ll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to talk with each other in English.I think the general aim of English teaching is to improve the ability of using English. And Iu2019ll use this to guide my teaching. Make the students to love the interesting English and the lovely English teacher.   Thank you!   
2023-08-06 23:06:301


应该还有其他的basic sentence pattern你没有写全吧?
2023-08-06 23:06:503


① 教师资格证考试音乐学科的教学设计模板 教师资格证考试第1问:音乐学科专业知识 考查音乐学科专业知识,根据具体题目进行分析解答。 教师资格证考试第2问:关于教学目标设计 作答模板: 1.情感、态度与价值观目标 通过聆听歌曲,了解我国西方优秀音乐文化的传统,从而培养学生热爱音乐的兴趣,拓宽同学们的音乐视野。 2.过程与方法目标 通过对作品的聆听学唱,感受、体验作品音乐情绪风格特征的表达。(低年段) 通过聆听、演唱、探究等活动,能够感受作品的音乐情绪,理解、想象乐曲的表现内容,从而提高音乐鉴赏能力。(中年段) 3.知识与技能目标 (1)在聆听的过程中,学生能够感受XX(某一乐器)多变的音乐色彩。 (2)在学唱的过程中,学生能够将XX(如十六分音符、切分、附点等节奏型)处理的准确到位,且不拖拍子抢拍子。 (3)在学唱的过程中,学生能够用优美的声音,自信的演唱XXX。 教师资格证考试第3问:教学过程设计 一、导入新课 以直观导入为例:为学生们呈现视频、音频、图片 模板:同学们,又来到了我们快乐的音乐课堂。今天老师想带大家去一个地方,请你们闭上自己的小眼睛,听!(一段音频,如海浪、海风的声音等,之后询问)大家刚才都听到了什么?感受到了什么?今天老师就带领大家一起去XXX。 【设计理由】: 贴近生活,引发学生的学习兴趣,为学习新课程成打下基础。 二、新课讲授 1.初听作品,感受旋律 教师引导学生感受作品的音乐情绪。 2.复听作品,体会内容 在教师的引导下,请学生结合歌词谱例聆听作品,感受、思考作品所要表达的内容。 3.再听作品,学唱歌曲 教师示范,学生哼唱,一起处理谱中的重难点,分组练习,展示,教师点评。 三、巩固提升拓展 要求学生根据本节课所唱作品的旋律编配新的节奏型。 (或要求学生表演作品中的故事情节) 四、小结作业 老师带领全班同学回顾本节课重难点,并歌唱作品。最后布置相关作业。 教师资格证考试音乐学科的教学设计模板大家务必要记清楚,希望各位考生都能顺利通过考试。更多关于教师资格证考试的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯等内容,我会及时更新。 ② 考教师资格证的教案设计怎么写 一、教学目标: (1)知识与技能目标:掌握课文生字词/公式/词汇,领会作者情感/公式的运用 (2)过程与方法目标:通过探究/合作/XX学习,使得学生能够掌握/运用____________ (3)情感、态度、价值观:通过XX学习方式的,学生能够体会作者___________的品质/情感 二、教学的重点和难点: 教学重点:xx词汇/xx公式/xx的写作手法...... 教学难点:通过______________发展/提高学生______________ 三、教学方法: 讲授法/练习法/直观演示法/引导启发法等等学习方法。(以引导启发法为范本) 在本节课的教学中主要渗透自主探究法、小组讨论法等。 四、教学过程: (一)导入新课 本课主要采用:故事导入/直接导入/游戏导入/情境导入等等的导入方式 (具体怎么导入,需要简单阐述,如:) 本文采用情境导入法的方式,播放相应的PPT图片或者小视频,引导学生进入新课 设计意图 :这种方法,不仅能引起学生的兴趣,而且能够引导学生思考,并且引出新课题。 (二)新课讲授 在讲授新课时,为了突出本节课的知识与技能目标,首先要引导学生自主学习、对基本的概念和知识初步感知,学习完成后,会对重要生词(语文,其他科目视具体情况而定)进行讲解,具体过程如下: 通过分组朗读的这种方法,既体现了新课改中以学生为主体的思想,又调动了学生学习的积极性。 这部分讲授完成后,开始讲解本节课的难点,引导学生进行探究学习,能够用自己的话语总结_______________________方法。然后,结合实例,对________________________方法进行详细讲解,具体过程如下: 通过这种方法,既让学生能够深入理解这种方法,也可以增进学生之间相互帮助的情感。 (三)巩固练习 例如:数学练习作业,语文书写生字词或阅读感悟 (四)小结 对课文进行一个小结,加深学生的理解、记忆 (五)作业布置 布置课后作业,包括必做题和选做题,必做题主要以基础算式为主,选做题会选用一些开放性较高,需要学生进行发散思考的问题,以满足那些学有余力的同学。 五、板书设计 适当展现部分课文重点“生字词/公示/图表等等” ③ 教师资格证小学英语教案怎么写 小学英语教案框架是三维目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学用具、教学过程、板书设计和教学反思。 1)三维目标分别是:Knowledge aim(s), Ability aim(s), Emotional aim(s). 在表述三维目标时,主体应是学生(Students),然后是学习的条件,接着是行为动词,最后是达到的程度。 2)教学过程 根据课型不同,教学过程也不同,除了每个课型通有的热身导入(Warming-up)和小结作业(Summary and homework)外,在知识类的课型(语音、语法、词汇)中,基本使用Presentation, Practice, Proction教学法。而在技能类的课型(听说、阅读、写作)中,使用PWP模式,即Pre-listening/reading/writing, While-listening/reading/writing, Post-listening/reading/writing. 比如小学英语My schoolbag这篇课文教案,可以参考一下: Step1. Warming-up: sing a song with all students. Step2. Presentation: shows some pictures about study supplies on PPT, present the sentence pattern “what is that? ” and guide students to practice the sentence by answering“ It"s a …” Write the new words on the blackboard: Schoolbag Pencil case Pen Eraser Then lead students to read after teacher. Step3. Practice: 2 games to practice the new words (1) Read pictures (2) Bomb game Step4. Proction: Pair work: o students in a group, one asks while the other answers. They can use the sample conversation: S1: What is that? (point at the study supplies around them) S2:It"s a schoolbag. Step 5 Summary and homework (来源于网络整理) ④ 求教师资格证小学英语试讲教案模板 一般是考中学英语的,看你们那里使用那种教材,然后在中学教育资源网上搜出一些相应的教案和说课材料,很多的。在反复琢磨,自己针对性的写几篇,练一练。很容易过的。 ⑤ 初中英语教师资格 教学设计模板(全英)
2023-08-06 23:06:561


pattern ["p03t05n]n. 模式;图案;样品vt. 模仿;以图案装饰vi. 形成图案pattern recognition 模式识别 growth pattern 生长模型;生长模式 flow pattern 流型,流动型态;活动模;流线谱 distribution pattern 分布格局,分布类型;分布型式,分布型;分配结构 pattern design n. 模型设计,图案设计 regular pattern 正规图样,正常模式 design pattern 设计模式;设计范式;设计样式 sentence pattern 句型;句子模式 spatial pattern 空间格局,空间形态;分布类型,空间模式 pattern matching 模式匹配 basic pattern 基本模型;衣服基本纸型 pattern classification 模式分类 behavior pattern 行为范型 diffraction pattern 衍射图样;绕射图 production pattern 生产纸样;生产形态 economic pattern 经济模式;经济结构 fringe pattern 条纹图形,干涉图样 consumption pattern 消费模式,消费形式 radiation pattern 辐射方向图,辐射图;辐射高温计 speckle pattern 散斑图;斑纹图样 更多收起词组短语 n.模式;图案;样品mode, device, design, schema, specimenvt.模仿;以图案装饰simulate, imitate
2023-08-06 23:07:131


拜托 太长了吧
2023-08-06 23:07:236

fashion, style, pattern, type的区别

fashion n.样子; 方式; 型式; 风格流行式样; 时髦, 时兴; 风尚, 风气[the fashion]风行一时的事物; 红人, 名流(尤指以服装特殊或行为特殊而驰名)(资本主义社会中的)上流社会[古]种类act after sb."s fashion 照某人的样子去做the latest fashions (服装等的)最新式样the world of fashion 社交界a man of fashion 有名人物behave in a strange fashion 举动奇怪It is not the fashion to (do)... 现在不时兴了。习惯用语after a fashion 勉强; 马马虎虎; 多少还...一点in a fashion 勉强; 马马虎虎; 多少还...一点after one"s fashion 按照自己的意思after the fashion 时髦的, 流行的after the fashion of 模仿; 照着...的样子be all the fashion (服装等)极时髦; 风行一时be in(the) fashion 合乎时尚, 流行的be out of(the) fashion (人、物)不合时尚; 不流行bring into fashion 使流行come into fashion 流行起来, 开始风行grow into fashion 流行起来, 开始风行follow the fashion 赶时髦go out of fashion 过时in the old fashion 照旧, 照老样子in this fashion 照这样set the fashion 开风气之先; 创先例lead the fashion 开风气之先; 创先例shipshape and Bristol fashion (=in Bristol fashion) 整整齐齐, 井井有条style n.风格, 作风, 体裁, 式样文体; 说话态度[语调]模样; 风采; 品格称呼, 称号历法铁笔; 铅笔; 雕刻刀; 唱针时髦(式样); 生活方式【植】花柱;【动】尾片; 节芒, 尾须; 产卵器a democratic style 民主作风the epic style 史诗体the Old S-(=Julian Calendar) 西洋旧历the New S-(=Gregorian Calendar) 新历(即现在通用的阳历)习惯用语come into style 变得时髦; 流行起来cramp sb."s style 使某人觉得不自由, 妨碍某人high style (女人服装的)时髦式样, 新款式in style 别具风格地, 时髦地; 很成功地in the style of 仿...式like [as if] it"s going out of style [fashion] [口](象过时的东西一样)不值钱; 毫不爱惜live in style 过豪华生活out of style 不时髦的, 不时新的put on style 摆架子, 妄自尊大set the style (合唱前的)示音; 起示范作用That"s the style. [口](表示赞同)这正对路; 正是如此。The style is the man. [谚]文如其人。the [that] style of thing 那样的事, 说法, 做法, 事件pattern n.模[典]范, 榜样型[样, 模, 款, 程, 方] 式, 木 [阳]模, 型板, 流谱[型], 标本, 样本[品](糊墙纸的) 图案, 图样; (电视的)帧面图象; 图形[谱, 表]规范, 制度晶格, 晶体点阵结构(天线)辐射[方向]图, 光栅一段衣料(炮弹等的)散布面; (靶子上的)弹痕(飞机的) 着陆航线a sentence pattern 句型a pattern of manlikeness 男子气概的典范a pattern wife 模范妻子a paper pattern for the dress 裁衣服的纸型behaviour pattern 行为的典范;【心理】行为型式core pattern 芯型logical pattern 逻辑图She"s a pattern of all the virtues. 她是一切美德的楷模。习惯用语pattern oneself after 模仿(某人的)样子pattern sth. upon 仿照...式样制 造某物pattern sth. on 仿照...式样制 造某物
2023-08-06 23:08:391


一、单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C 二、完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的正确答案11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.D16.B 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.A三。FFTFT四。CEADB五。sorry.我不会四、交际:A)根据对话情景,在空白处填入恰当的单词、短语或句子,使对话意思完整、通顺41.Nice to meet you42.first name 43.Spell it 44.Eric 45.What"s your phone numberB)根据情境提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空:46.What kind of clothes 47.my brother isn"t at home48.I don"t think49.What do you want to drink50.How much 五、翻译根据括号内的提示,将下列对话或句子进行英汉互译:51.What do you usually have for lunch?I eat a lot of vegetables, chicken and rice.52.Playing football is interesting.I like playing football.53.My friends and I often play basketball on Friday afternoon.54.这是一个大的房子,有一个客厅和三个卧室。55.离考试只有一周了。别的不会了...
2023-08-06 23:08:572


简单直观地说:compound sentence就是并排结构,几个分句间没有语法关系(语法无关联),只有语义关系(表达意思有关联),做个比喻,几个分句排在一起,分句是船,连接词是锁链,形成连环战船。complex sentence是嵌套结构,分句中再套个分句,分句之间不但语义相关,语法上也是密切相关,独立分句叫主句,非独立分句叫从句,从句只是主句中的某个句子成分,同样做个不算恰当的比喻(仅为了便于理解,因为某些从句如做定语的从句是无法独立成句的,挖掘机却是个独立机器人,这个比喻不算非常严密),各个分句都是变形金刚机器人,主句是变形金刚里的大力神,从句只是其中一台霸天虎挖掘机,挖掘机自己本身也是个机器人,但他只是组成大力神这个大机器人的其中一部分(零件,也就是句子成分,比如宾语,状语啥的)。
2023-08-06 23:09:097


2023-08-06 23:09:281


觉得这个写作概要不错。PEARSON英语写作概要 1. Chapter 1: The Simple SentenceThis first chapter of your textbook starts with the building blocks of writing: words and simple sentences. A simple sentence includes a subject and a verb and an idea that makes the foundation for all the other types of sentences we write. It is crucial for you to understand what a verb is and what a verb is not. It is equally important for you to be able to accurately identify the subject of a sentence. Once you know how to accurately identify the verb and the subject, you can create all types of sentences that will make your writing even better.The easiest point to start with is the verb. Verbs can be either action words or being words. Verbs often need helpers so this chapter includes a list of helping verbs. In addition, verbs often appear in other forms like -ing. These forms are not main verbs and this chapter explains how to identify these verbs.Once you have located the verb(s) in a sentence, the next step is to find the subject. Finding the subject is as easy as asking the question "Who or what is doing that action?" Just as verbs have a few exceptions so do subjects. In this chapter you will learn about prepositional phrases and their role in a sentence. Chapter 1 also looks at complex word order and how to identify the subjects and verbs in a sentence when the word order is a little unusual.Once you have mastered the basic building blocks of a sentence you will be ready to start writing sentences in various ways that will make your writing interesting.2. Chapter 2: Beyond the Simple SentenceThis chapter is about how to move past using simple basic sentences into using compound sentences. When sentences are combined they give a natural flow and rhythm to your writing that using all short sentences doesn"t create. Compound sentences are created through coordination. Coordination is taking two or more independent clauses and putting them into the same sentence using either a conjunction or a semicolon or both. The most important element to making coordinated sentences is to be certain that you are joining two independent clauses instead of clauses and phrases. In addition to studying the conjunctions, you will also study the punctuation patterns for compound sentences. This chapter will cover three different methods for combining sentences: using a coordinating conjunction, using a conjunctive adverb, or using just a semicolon. By the time you have completed this chapter you should be able to write sentences that varying in length so that your writing has a more flowing styl3. Chapter 3: Avoiding Run On Sentences and Comma SplicesAs your book tells you, if you put two independent clauses together without proper punctuation, you have made an error called a run-on sentence. Another name for this error is a fused sentence. Chapter Three explains techniques for figuring out if you have made this error in your writing, and if you have, how to fix it. Chapter Three will review much of what you learned in Chapter Two about coordination. Run-ons are generally created when you attempt to coordinate sentences and don"t use the correct punctuation. In addition to run-ons, you will review how to correct comma splices. Comma splices are created when you attempt to join two complete sentences with just a comma and no coordinating conjunction.4. Chapter 4: Beyond the Simple Sentence: SubordinationSo far you have studied how to put two sentences together by coordinating them, that is keeping them equal. Chapter Four explores subordination which is putting sentences together by turning one of them into a dependent clause. A dependent clause is still a clause; it has a subject and a verb, but does NOT make sense by itself. A dependent clause depends on another independent clause in order to make sense. Dependent clauses are created by using subordinating conjunctions to join the two sentences. The subordinating conjunction can be added at either the beginning of the first sentence or between the two sentences you are joining. This sentence pattern of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses is called a complex sentence. Punctuating complex sentences is fairly simple. If the dependent clause begins the sentence then a comma is used at the end of the dependent clause. If the independent clause begins the sentence, then no comma is necessary. Using subordination and coordination helps your writing by giving it variety and interest in the sentence structures.5. Chapter 5: Combining Sentences: A Review of Your OptionsAs you learned in Chapter Two, sentence variety is crucial to good writing. Using nothing but short simple sentences makes writing seem choppy. You learned to create sentence variety with compound sentences. The compound sentence is made through coordination using one of the three methods of sentence combining covered in Chapter Two. These methods included using a comma and a coordinating conjunction to join two independent clauses (sentences), using a semicolon, using a conjunctive adverb which is punctuated with a semicolon and a comma. In Chapter Four, you learned another method of combining sentences using subordination. Subordination changes an independent sentence into a dependent clause and joins the two sentences together to create one complex sentence. A sentence is changed into a dependent clause by adding a subordinating conjunction to the beginning of one of the sentences. The two sentences are joined together by putting the dependent clause either at the beginning or the end of the independent sentence. Chapter Five reviews these five options for sentence combining and gives you the list of all the types of conjunctions in a handy chart.6. Chapter 6: Avoiding Sentence FragmentsA sentence is defined as a group of words containing a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. If any of these elements is missing, then the group of words isn"t a sentence. A fragment is a group of words that is punctuated like a sentence and that is trying to function as a sentence, but one of the necessary elements is missing. There are several ways to find and correct fragments. Any group of words functioning as a sentence should be checked for the basics. Does it have a subject? Does it have a verb? Does it start with a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun that keeps the thought from being complete? If the answer to any of the questions is no, it is a fragment. Correcting fragments is fairly simple and you have several options. For a fragment that is missing a subject or verb, add the missing element. If the problem is a subordinating conjunction, the conjunction can be removed which would make the fragment a complete sentence. Another option is to join the fragment to another sentence either before it or after it in the paragraph creating a complex sentence. No matter how you choose to correct the fragment, it is important for you to eliminate them from your writing. Fragments are considered to be a major grammatical error in writing because they indicate that the writer isn"t sure what a sentence is. Readers will often not pay attention to the point a writer is making if the reader thinks the writer doesn"t even understand how to write a complete sentence.7. Chapter 7: Using Parrallelism In SentencesParallelism is achieving balance in sentences. When you present similar points in a sentence, those points should have similar structure. This means that if you have a list of adjectives, that each word you use in the list is an adjective. If you are presenting a series of verbs, the verbs all use the same form and tense. When sentences aren"t parallel they are often very awkward and difficult to read. Readers should not be distracted from the meaning of your writing because your sentences aren"t understandable. Parallelism is achieved by finding the list within a sentence and then checking to see what type of structure best suits your meaning. Sometimes a preposition can introduce a list of three objects; at other times, each object will need its own preposition. You make those decisions when you evaluate the sentence you are trying to make parallel.8. Chapter 8: Using Adjectives and AdverbsAdjectives and adverbs are the words we use to describe. Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns and adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Without adjectives and adverbs we would not have the ability to distinguish between similar items. Adjectives generally appear before the word they describe. They can also appear after a being verb like is, are, was, were, am, has been as well as other being verbs like feels, looks, seems, smells, and sounds. When adjectives are used with being verbs they will follow the verb rather than appearing before the noun or pronoun. Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs answer questions like How? How much? How often? When? Where? and Why? Adverbs can appear either before or after the word they describe. There are a few adjectives and adverbs that can be confused such as good and well and bad and badly. Good and bad are adjectives; well and badly are adverbs. It is also important not to confuse adjectives when you are making comparisons. When you are comparing two items, you use the comparative form in which the adjective ends with -er as in colder or has the word more in front of it as in more intelligent. The superlative form compares three or more items and uses either -est or the word most to create its form. Adjectives and adverbs are often used in making comparisons because adjectives and adverbs are the tools we use to distinguish one item from another.9. Chapter 9: Correcting Problems with ModifiersAdjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases are all part of a group of words, clauses, and phrases that are modifiers. Modifiers describe nouns, pronouns, and verbs in a sentence. Modifiers help to make your writing vivid, clear, and specific. The problems with modifiers are created when the modifier either has nothing to describe in a sentence or it has been placed in the wrong spot in the sentence so it describes the wrong element in the sentence. Misplaced or dangling modifiers can create confusing and often unintentionally funny sentences. The best way to avoid the problem of dangling or misplaced modifiers is to be sure that the modifier is placed next to what it describes in a sentence. This is fairly simple with single word modifiers. Working with phrases and clauses that modify requires paying very close attention to what is being described by the phrase or clause so that you can be certain that placement in the sentence is correct.10. Chapter 10: The Four Main FormsVerbs are one of the essential ingredients in the creation of sentences. Verbs tell the reader when something occurs through the use of tense. Tense is time. Verbs tell the reader whether the action is happening now, in the past, or in the future. Verbs have four main forms and it is these forms used alone or in combination with helping verbs that create the tenses. The four main forms are the present form, the past form, the present participle, and the past participle.In addition to having four forms, verbs also come in two types-regular and irregular. Regular verbs use the same pattern to create the main verb forms; irregular verbs do not use the same pattern. Three of the most common verbs in English are irregular verbs and need special consideration. Those verbs are be, have, and do. Good writing requires that the writer have mastery of verbs and the main forms of both regular and irregular verbs.11. Chapter 11: More on Verb TensesYou have already studied in Chapter Ten the four main verb forms. These verb forms are combined with helping verbs to create tenses other than the simple present and simple past tenses. Some tenses describe the continuation of action from the past to the present or the present in to the future. In addition, some tenses describe more than one action being completed in the past, but at different times. These are the progressive and perfect tenses. The progressive tense is created using a form of the verb be with the present participle of the main verb. The perfect tenses are created by combining a form of the helping verb have with the past participle. It is important not to confuse these tenses with the simple present and simple past tenses. An easy way to separate them is to remember that both the progressive tense and the perfect tenses use helping verbs. Simple tenses do not use a helping verb. It is important when you work with the past participle to put the -d ending on the participle particularly for the verbs use and suppose. In addition, make certain that you do not substitute the preposition of for the verb have in phrases like could have, would have and should have.12. Chapter 12: Verbs: Consistency and Voice Once you have decided whether to write in the present tense or the past tense, you must remain consistent. You cannot shift tenses in the middle of a sentence or the middle of a paragraph unless there is a reason within the context of the writing to make a change in time. In other words, you can"t go from the past to the present and back to the past if all the events you are describing occurred in the past. You must remember when you are editing to check the tenses to be sure that you have been consistent with the choices you"ve made. Correcting shifts is easy. Simply choose one of the tenses and make everything with in the sentence that tense. Voice describes the su
2023-08-06 23:09:381


2023-08-06 23:09:483


形容词用作介词宾语的情况不算普通,比较常见的主要以下几种情况:(1) 介词as表示“当作”时,有时可后接形容词。如:I regard his conduct as totally unacceptable. 我认为他的行为是完全不可接受的。The police do not regard him as being dangerous. 警方认为他不是个危险人物。其实,这类表达通常可认为是在as后省略了动名词being。如:He regarded the situation as (being) serious. 他认为形势严重。We consider this sentence pattern as (being) useful. 我们认为这种句型是有用的。(2) from用于习语far from表示“远不如”“远没有”时,有时可后接形容词。如:The problem is far from easy. 这问题绝非易事。Her pronunciation is far from prefect. 她的语音远不是完美的。其实,这类表达也可视为在as后省略了动名词being。如:Your account is far from (being) true. 你所说远非事实。Your work is far from (being) satisfactory. 你的工作一点也不令人满意。(3) 有些后接形容词作宾语的介词短语已经构成固定搭配。如:for certain有把握,肯定地 for sure一定,必定:for short 为了简短,简称 in brief 简言之,简单地说:in full 完全地,完整地 in general总的说来;大多数in private 私下地,秘密地 in short 总之,简言之 ~
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及物动词加ing和不及物动词加ing都是现在分词的构成方式。分词也是一种非限定动词。分词有现在分词和过去分词两种。现在分词由动词原形加词尾-ing构成,表动作的现在分词的逻辑主语一般可在句中找到。现在分词既有动词性质,又有形容词性质。1)现在分词的动词性质表现在可有状语和宾语并组成现在分词短语。如:Going down town I met a friend. 我到市区时遇到一个朋友。(现在分词going有状语down town)Do you know that man carrying a large umbrella? 你认识那个拿着一把大雨伞的人吗?(现在分词carrying有宾语a large umbrella)现在分词的形容词性质表现在可用作定语等。如:He is a modest, understanding man. 他是一个谦虚而能谅解的人。(现在分词understanding用作定语)现在分词在句中可用作表语、定语、状语、补语等。1)用作表语,可有比较形式,亦可被very等副词所修饰。如:This story is very interesting. 这个故事是很有趣。This film is more exciting than any that I"ve ever seen. 这部影片比我所看过的都更令人激动。2)用作定语,多置于它所修饰的名词之前。如:He is an attacking player. 他是一个攻击型的运动员。He asked an embarrassing question. 他提了一个令人难堪的问题。现在分词有时也置于它所修饰的名词之后。这种现在分词往往相当于一个定语从句,表一时一事。如:This is Mr. Smith speaking. 我是史密斯先生。(电话用语)Oh, it"s the cake burning. 噢,糕点烧焦了。有些现在分词作为定语则必须置于它所修饰的名词之后,它已与其前的名词构成一种固定的搭配。如:This is nothing doing. 不行!(nothing doing是一固定词组,表示拒绝)Let"s drop the subject for the time being. 让我们现在不再谈这个话题了吧。(for the time being是一固定词组)They"ve had rich harvests for three years running. 他们已连续三年获得丰收。(running常置于表示时间的名词之后表示“连续的”)用作定语的现在分词有两种。一种已转化为形容词,已无动词性质,不但可被副词very所修饰,而且可有比较的变化。另一种则仍有动词性质,不可被副词very所修饰,也没有比较的变化。试比较:a promising man 一个有为的青年(已转化为形容词promising,无动词性质)a leading comrade 领导同志(未转化为形容词,仍有动词性质)常见的已转化为形容词的现在分词有alarming,amusing,astonishing,charming,daring,demanding,encouraging,confusing,disappointing,discouraging,exciting,grasping,interesting,inviting,misleading,pleasing,promising,refreshing,revealing,shocking,striking,surprising等。但多数现在分词并未转化为形容词:a knowing smile 会意的微笑developing countries 发展中国家working people 劳动人民running water 自来水welcoming speeches 欢迎辞a changing world 不断变化的世界those stirring years 那些激动人心的岁月a crushing blow 沉重一击the neighboring states 邻国a standing committee 常务委员会guiding principles 指导原则有的现在分词和与其同根的形容词皆可用作定语。如:differing systems 相异的制度 / different systems 不同的制度varying prices 各不相同的价格 / various prices 各种(不同)的价格由上面的两例可以看出,现在分词用作定语时有动词性质,具有能动性,而形容词则只表一种品质或性质。有时二者的意义则完全不同。如:loving 钟爱的 / lovely 可爱的现在分词短语一般皆须置于其所修饰的名词之后,相当于一个定语从句,但较从句简洁,故多用于笔语中。如:A little child learning to walk often falls. 学走路的小孩常常跌跤。Houseplants requiring constant attention are not suitable for working couples with little spare time. 业余时间不多的双职工不宜养育经常需要护理的家种植物。以上所举的现在分词及其短语皆是限制性定语。现在分词及其短语亦可用作非限制性定语。如:There I met a friend, fishing. 我在那里遇见一个朋友,他在钓鱼。He was a great realist, writing about ordinary men and women in their misfortunes. 他是一个伟大写实主义者,写了许多平凡的不幸中的人。现在分词短语用作定语时,其所表的时间一般应与句中的谓语动词所表的时间相同。以上诸例皆是如此。但有时二者所表的时间亦可不同,尤其当现在分词表示经常或瞬间动作的时候。如:A young man writing novels came to speak to us yesterday. 一位写小说的青年昨天来向我们作报告。(现在分词writing=who write)Do you know the number of people coming to the party? 你知道来参加晚会的人数吗?(现在分词coming=who will come)3)用作状语,表时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况。表时间时其动作可能发生于谓语动词的动作之前或其后,亦可能与谓语动词同时发生。现在分词用作状语时可置于句首,亦可置于句末,但表结果时常置于句末;表条件时则置于谓语之前或其后。如:Stepping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus. 他不小心离开了人行道,被公共汽车撞倒了。(表时间,发生于谓语动作之前,置于句首)He went out shutting the door behind him. 他出去后将门随手关上。(表时间,发生于谓语动作之后,置于句末)She broke her looking glass, dressing to go out. 她在外出前穿着时把镜子打破了。(二者同时发生,置于句末)While flying over the Channel, the pilot saw what he thought to be a meteorite. 飞过英吉利海峡时,驾驶员认为他看见了一颗陨星。(强调动作同时发生时,现在分词前可用when或while)Being sick I stayed at home. 我因病待在家中。(现在分词being常表原因)Seeing that it was raining, George put on his raincoat.鉴于下雨,乔治穿上了雨衣。(seeing that是一表原因的固定说法)Robert used the phone to cancel his lunch date with Basil, having suddenly remembered a previous engagement. 罗伯特打电话取消了他与巴兹尔吃午餐的约会,因为他突然想起已另有他约。(置于句末的现在分词完成式常表原因)According to this theory, a large meteor hitting the moon would melt the surface rock by the force of the collision. 根据此理论,一颗大流星落在月球上所产生的碰撞力就会使月球表面上的岩石熔化。(表条件,置于谓语之前)Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, keeping on your feet. 坐下吧,埃玛。你老站着,只会弄得你更累。(表条件,置于谓语之后)Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. 他们尽管了解这一切,还是要我赔偿损失。(表让步,置于句首)Finally we appealed to a famous doctor knowing it was very improper to ask him to work on a dog. 最后我们向一位名医呼救,虽然我们知道请他给一条狗治病是很不适宜的。(表让步,置于句末)The child fell, striking his head against the door and cutting it. 那孩子跌倒了,头碰在门上碰破了。(表结果,置于句末)He said that the leaves of his jasmine plant had turned yellow. He thought that it was due to a water shortage so he applied more water, only making things worse. 他说他的茉莉花的叶子变黄了。他想是缺水所致,于是多浇了水,结果反而更糟。(表结果,与only连用)He died a glorious death fighting the bandits for us. 他为我们与匪徒战斗,光荣牺牲了。(表方式)He sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper. 他坐在扶手椅上看报纸。(表伴随情况)有少数现在分词常放在某些形容词之前,起一种相当于副词的功用,往往意谓“极”或“非常”。如:freezing(biting,piercing) cold 极冷;burning(steaming,scorching) hot 极热;raving mad 疯狂;soaking wet 湿透4)用作宾语补语,与其前的宾语构成复合宾语。具有这种复合宾语的谓语动词多为表示感觉的动词。如:I saw the naughty boy hitting the dog. 我看见那个顽皮的孩子打狗。I felt the house shaking. 我觉得房子在摇晃。这样的动词还有find,hear,smell,observe,watch,notice,look at,listen to等。另外,有些使役动词如have,set,get,catch,keep,leave等亦可后接含有现在分词的复合宾语。如:We"ll soon have you walking about again. 我们将很快地使你能再走动。Can you get the clock going again? 你能使这钟再走吗?作为宾语补语的现在分词有时其前可有as,前面的动词多用regard,consider,describe,quote,picture,see,think of等。如:We consider this sentence pattern as being useful. 我们认为这种句型是有用的。(being可省去)They regarded the contract as having been broken. 他们认为合同已被破坏。有人认为上述句子中as后不是现在分词而是动名词。5)用作主语补语,多用于被动结构,与主语构成复合主语。如:He was seen going upstairs. 有人看见他上楼的。She was heard singing all the time. 人们听到她一直在唱。
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http://www.ecp.com.cn/Article/news/EliteNews/200611/6700.htm http://www.ecp.com.cn/Article/news/EliteNews/200611/6700.htm 不知道有没有用!
2023-08-06 23:10:362

sentence patterns是什么意思

sentence patterns是什么意思句型
2023-08-06 23:10:585

sentence structure 和 sentence partten的区别

sentence structure是句子的结构,英文中有五种基本句子结构:主语——不及物动词。主语——联系动词——表语。主语——及物动词——宾语。主语——双及物动词——间接宾语——直接宾语。主语——复合及物动词——宾语——宾语补语。sentence pattern是句子的类型。英文中有四种基本句型:陈述句:主语——谓语。疑问句:(疑问词)+助动词、情态动词——主语——谓语。祈使句:以谓语动词开头。感叹句:What+(a/an)+(形容词)+名词——主语——谓语。How+形容词、副词——主语——谓语。
2023-08-06 23:11:141

英语basic sentence pattern有哪些

英语中的五种基本句型结构一、句型1: Subject (主语) + Verb (谓语)这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,所谓不及物动词,就是这种动词后不可以直接接宾语。常见的动词如:work, sing, swim, fish, jump, arrive, come, die, disappear, cry, happen等。如:1) Li Ming works very hard.李明学习很努力。2) The accident happened yesterday afternoon.事故是昨天下午发生的。二、句型2:Subject (主语) + Link. V(系动词) + Predicate(表语)这种句型主要用来表示主语的特点、身份等。其系动词一般可分为下列两类:(1)表示状态。这样的词有:be, look, seem, smell, taste, sound, keep等。如:1) This kind of food tastes delicious.这种食物吃起来很可口。2) He looked worried just now.刚才他看上去有些焦急。(2)表示变化。这类系动词有:become, turn, get, grow, go等。如:1) Spring comes. It is getting warmer and warmer.春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和。2) The tree has grown much taller than before.这棵树比以前长得高多了。三、句型3:Subject(主语) + Verb (谓语) + Object (宾语)这种句型中的动词一般为及物动词, 所谓及物动词,就是这种动词后可以直接接宾语,其宾语通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等来充当。例:1) He took his bag and left.(名词) 他拿着书包离开了。2) Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties. (代词)当我遇到困难时,李雷总能给我帮助。3) She plans to travel in the coming May Day.(不定式)她打算在即将到来的“五一”外出旅游。4) I don"t know what I should do next. (从句)我不知道下一步该干什么。注意:英语中的许多动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。四、句型4: Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+ Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语)这种句型中,直接宾语为主要宾语,表示动作是对谁做的或为谁做的,在句中不可或缺,常常由表示“物”的名词来充当;间接宾语也被称之为第二宾语,去掉之后,对整个句子的影响不大,多由指“人”的名词或代词承担。引导这类双宾语的常见动词有:buy, pass, lend, give, tell, teach, show, bring, send等。如:1) Her father bought her a dictionary as a birthday present.她爸爸给她买了一本词典作为生日礼物。2)The old man always tells the children stories about the heroes in the Long March.老人经常给孩子们讲述长征途中那些英雄的故事。 上述句子还可以表达为:1)Her father bought a dictionary for her as a birthday present.2)The old man always tells stories about the heroes to the children in the Long March.五、句型5: Subject(主语)+Verb (动词)+Object (宾语)+Complement(补语)这种句型中的“宾语 + 补语”统称为“复合宾语”。宾语补足语的主要作用或者是补充、说明宾语的特点、身份等;或者表示让宾语去完成的动作等。担任补语的常常是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等。如:1)You should keep the room clean and tidy. 你应该让屋子保持干净整洁。(形容词)2) We made him our monitor.(名词)我们选他当班长。3) His father told him not to play in the street.(不定式)他父亲告诉他不要在街上玩。4)My father likes to watch the boys playing basketball.(现在分词)5) Yesterday I had a picture taken with two Americans.(过去分词)● 常见的动词有: tell, ask, advise, help, want, would like, order, force, allow等。● 注意:动词have, make, let, see, hear, notice, feel, watch等后面所接的动词不定式作宾补时,不带to。如:1) The boss made him do the work all day.老板让他整天做那项工作。2) I heard her sing in the next room all the time last night.昨天晚上我听见她在隔壁唱了一个晚上。
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问题一:句型 英文怎么说 sentence pattern 问题二:句子用英语怎么说 sentence 问题三:不是……而是……这个句型用英语怎么翻译的? rather...than... 问题四:“与其说 不如说是 ”这个句型用英文怎么说 1. *** ./sth. is more A than B “与其说 *** /sth是B,不如说是A” 例如:He is more an artist than a philosopher. 与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。 2. *** ./sth. is less A than B “与其说 *** /sth是A,不如说是B” 例如:I"m less thirsty than hungry. 与其说我渴,不如说我饿。 3. not so much...as... 例如:He go to France not so much for sightseeing as for inspection. 他去法国与其说是观光不如说去考察。 问题五:重点句子用英语怎么说? Key Sentences Important Sentences 问题六:如果 就这个句式用英语怎么讲 *** ./sth. is more A than B “与其说 *** /sth是B,不如说是A” 例如:He is more an artist than a philosopher. 与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。 2. *** ./sth. is less A than B “与其说 *** /sth是A,不如说是B” 例如:I"m less thirsty than hungry. 与其说我渴,不如说我饿。 3. not so muchas 例如:He go to France not so much for sightseeing as for inspection. 他去法国与其说是观光不如说去考察。 问题七:句型 英文怎么说 sentence pattern 问题八:“与其说 不如说是 ”这个句型用英文怎么说 1. *** ./sth. is more A than B “与其说 *** /sth是B,不如说是A” 例如:He is more an artist than a philosopher. 与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。 2. *** ./sth. is less A than B “与其说 *** /sth是A,不如说是B” 例如:I"m less thirsty than hungry. 与其说我渴,不如说我饿。 3. not so much...as... 例如:He go to France not so much for sightseeing as for inspection. 他去法国与其说是观光不如说去考察。 问题九:不是……而是……这个句型用英语怎么翻译的? rather...than... 问题十:用英语说某人也这个句型怎样说有好几种 anor as she led him into the sanctuary. He was n
2023-08-06 23:11:301

memorize sentence pattern翻译

2023-08-06 23:11:391

memorize sentence patterns是什么意思?

2023-08-06 23:11:451

Which sentence pattern is used to “describe the methods” in an abstract?

A(n) ... approach is applied in order to demonstrate the main characteristics..
2023-08-06 23:11:521


sentences 句子
2023-08-06 23:12:001


1. watch TV2.ball games3. at school4.It"s time for sth/It"s time to do sth5.It"s time for school.=It"s time to go to school.6.about science7.like drawing pictures8.draw a picture for me
2023-08-06 23:12:153

How to improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading

  How to improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing I. Introduction   The purpose of middle school English teaching is to improve the students" four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, with the base of necessary phonetics, large vocabulary and good grammar, But this is not the final purpose. The final purpose is to lot let students be able to use the language.   Why do we study English? If a man is only good at listening and speaking, can we say that he is good at English? No, If a man is only good at reading and writing, can we say that he is good at the language? No, If a student is good at English, he should be able to use the language, both in spoking and writing.   Now most of the students do better in reading and writing English than in listening and speaking. They can read and write, but they can hardly communicate. They can hardly express themselves with their own words. This is partially because of our examination system, and partially of the teaching method . We are not able to change the examination system, but we can improve our teaching method.   Most of all the teachers like to provide the students with a lot of knowledge-words, phrases, grammar, usages and so on, They are focusing these thing, especially on the grammar. Yes, the students do need these, but many teachers forget to teach them how to study English, and how to use it. So when you are giving the knowledge to the students, don"t forget to teach them all the abilities of the four skills.   II. Ways on developing the four abilities   1.Listening   The teachers often speak of the four skills- listening, speaking, reading and writing. That means each of them is important. You can"t say that you have mastered the language without any one of them, Listening, one of the means of language communication, is used most widely in people"s daily lives. About 45%of an adult"s time concerns listening to other people , listening to the radio, listening to the music. In linguistics ,giving the students a lot of listening activities is a good way of enlarging their vocabulary. On the other hand, it als o helps the students improve their listening comprehension.   I have done an investigation. About 43.2% of the students think that the most bothering and most difficult is listening comprehension, and even some of them have difficulty in understanding their teacher who gives lessons in English.   Without question, it is difficult of a middle school student to understand the listening material, if he hasn"t enough vocabulary and the ability of telling the grammar construction. In my investigation, about 35% of the students with low listening comprehension thing this is because they don"t understand or know the knowledge about linguistic, they are not able to tell the means of a what they have heard. In my another investigation, students were asked to listen to a dialogue of 244 words, in which the words and grammar have already been learned. ;But 80% of them thought it was too difficult. Then, using the same dialogue as a reading comprehension material, I found only 5% of them thought it was a little difficult, on the other hand the response ability is also another reason.   It is clear that the reading speed of a material also affects. About 43% of the students thought that the material was read too fast and they couldn"t follow.   A lot of students have their own listening habits. Some students often tries to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences, and a great many students could understand the material directly, They often translate the English into Chinese in their heart, thinking that only in this way can the sentence be understood. This is also a reason, trying to understand each word is difficult, and it is not necessary at all. You should catch the most important points.   Then how to improve the students" listening skill?   We know the largest difference between mother language learning and foreign language learning is the environment. A child can soon learn his mother language well. He has heard a lot before he can say something and walk. Then after he is able to walk and say, he has a chance of listening to more. Before he goes to school, he has already been a good listener and speaker.   But for a foreign language, you can meet it only in formal places, classes, for example, otherwise, you can hardly have a chance to meet it. So I think you should try to let the students be in a language environment.   Let the students grasp the phonetic symbol. I think the phonetic symbol is the base. A good intonation and phonetic depends on the base. Oral reading after a radio or a teacher is a good way at the beginning, Students should do much about it.   Pay attention to the oral reading skill, It includes stress, strong form, weak form, intonation incomplete plosive consonant, affricate consonant, syllable and so on. Training and practicing the oral reading is not a day"s word. The teacher must give correct information about it . There is no easy way.   Enlarge the students" knowledge about English. Encourage the students to read something in their spare time about geography, history, culture, stories and so on. For example, there are two materials of the same difficulty. One explains something about China"s Spring Festival, the other is about Thanks giving Day of the western countries. The former is easy to understand but the latter is more difficult. Why? It is clearly because the students know little about the latter.   Both listening test and listening practice are necessary, but practice is more important.   You can understand your students through listening tests. Only through the practice can the students improve their listening comprehension.   2.Speaking   Speaking can"t be taught separately. It is often connected with listening. So we often speak of listening and speaking.   The traditional way of listening and speaking is aural-oral method. Now, the new method of two-way communication is very popular.   As you know that any teaching method has its psychological base. The aural-oral method began in the 1940"s. It is based on behaviourism. One of its psychological theory is that learning a language is forming a set of new language habit.   This is its usual process: Stimulus-Response-Reinforcement.   The aural-oral method is fit for the teaching of beginning stage. It focuses on the practice of oral English drills. But too many drills are being practiced without any context or given conditions. So what is learned is isolated clauses. And it has few communicative functions .   The two-way communication makes up for the defect in communicative ability in the traditional teaching. Two-way means the relationship of the communication between the teacher and the students.   This relationship is connected with the communicative activities between two people. This method is different from the traditional aural-oral method. But it also bases on the process of S-R-R. So we call it a mew type of aural-oral method has some peculiarities.   It can create a fresh environment for speaking English.   It needs some necessary explanations of Grammar, including some sentence structures.   Hints are the major way of practice.   Teachers can control the practice wholly or partly.   The practice can also be controled by students freely. The internal force of study is not due to the insterests in phonetic structure, but the content of the material.   To make the correct response, the students are asked to pay more attention.   Example:   Teacher: Ask me if I am a student.   Student: Are you a student?   T: Tell me-No, You"re a teacher.   S: No, I"m a teacher.   In this example, "Ask me" means that the student must say a question sentence while "Tell me" shows that the student must say a decarative sentence. But before doing this, the teacher must explain something about the exchange of interrogative sentence and declarative sentence.   The two-way communication can lengthen the dialogue limitlessly. This is its advantage. At the same time, if the student wants to give the correct response, he has to think it hard, The sentence is not easily forgotten which is ereated by themselves through thinking, sometimes with the teacher"s hint. You can talk freely. You can express yourself as well as you can. For example:   T: Ask me how mang people there are in my family.   S: how many people are there in your family?   T: Tell me-there are five   S: There are five   T: Ask me what my prreuts do.   S: What do your parents do?   T: tell me-your father is a teacher and your mother works in a company.   S: My father is a teacher and my mother words in a company.   T: Ask me if my father likes his job.   S: Does your father like his job.   T: Tell me - Sure, he likes teaching very much.   S: Sure, he likes teaching very much.   All these responses form a complete dialogue.   A: How many people are there in your family ?   B: There are five.   A: What do your parents do ?   B: My father is a teacher and my mother works in a company.   A: Does your father like his job ?   B: Sure, he likes teaching very much.   If you want to ask more about "father" or other family members, the dialogue can go on as far a possible.   So, in a word, the aural-oral method is not a out-of-date one, but a useful one. Especially it is fit for the beginning stage. It attaches the importance to the oral drills, and has a bad communicative function. It is only used to aphonetic base. After all, the aim of the language learning is to communicate. So the two-way comunication is more effective and direct, but it is also fit for the beginning stage.   3.Reading   Reading is an important way of gaining information in foreign language learning, It is a basic skill for a foreign language learner. There is a lot of reading exercises in an examination today. But all these readings must be done in limited time. So students are asked to read them correctly and with a certain speed. To do this, you should change your bad reading habit and raise your reading efficiency.   New words prevent you from reading fast. One way to overcome this problem is to guess. There are many ways to guess the meaning of a new word. First you should find some hints. Context, some phrases, such as "means", "refer to", "in other words", "That is to sag"; are all the hints.   Model 1.   A middle-aged professor said that his wife was too extravant, because no matter how much he give her for the household expenses, she always ran short.   In this sentence, the meaning of the word "extravagant" can be easily guessed.   Model 2.   Prometheus stayed chaied to the lock for many years, Then at last the mighty.   Hercules came forth and broke the bonds -but that is another of the wonderful stories of the Greeks.   In This pargraph, the words "stayed chained" is the hint , So you can guess what "bonds" means.   Model 3.   The tiny droplets that form on dust particles very small pieces of dust, to produce a cloud are far apart from each other.   In this sentence, the words after the dash shows the meaning of the word "partides" (微粒)   Besides the ways mentioned above, you can guess according to the word-formation, for example   Child-childless, Marx-Marxism   Large-enlarge, tell-foretell   Australian satellite→ Aussate   State run → state-run.   Sometimes you can"t guess what the word means. If the word doesn"t affect your reading, let it be. For example,   A German told me that all over China they use Gourmet powder in their food. It will give you higher blood pressure.   You may know that gourmet it a kind of thing that can be eat. But it doesn"t matter whether you know what it is.   Another problem that affect your reading speed is you reading habit and you reading skill.   Some one reads word by word. Some one reads with his finger pointing to the words or with his head shaking. Those are all bad habits. You should read phrase by phrase. Don"t blink your eyes so often and don"t shake you head. Just move your eyeball. That"s enough. If you want to get more word information, there must be a proper distance between your eyes and the reading material.   I think browsing is an important step while you are doing you reading comprehension.   Some students begin to read at once when he get a reading material, even without knowing, its title. But after reading for many times, he won"t understand what the article says.   Looking through the material first means forereading. In an examination, you want to grain the information which the questions ask, you can"t read the material in a usual way, you can"t read the whole material word by word. You gad have to omit some sentence, sometimes even a whole paragraph, which have nothing to do with the questions.   I think you might read the given questions fast as well, then the material. There is an advantage to do this. When
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小学英语教学 中如何创设真实情景

用生活中的 贴切的例子 切入正题
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Now most of the workers and public servants work from 9 am to 5 pm. Some of them even work from 8 am or 8:30 am to 5 pm. However, according to the global Internet survey done by the UK Sleep Council, the Mediterranean siesta was the right idea all along. The UK Sleep Council called on the country"s bosses to end nine-to-five working in favor of more flexible hours. They believe what would really pump up the pulse of worker productivity is a nice afternoon nap, rather than those bonuses and incentives.现在大多数的工人和公职人员从上午9:00工作到下午5:00点,一些人甚至从上午8:00或8:30工作到下午5:00,但是根据由英国睡眠(调查)委员会所做的全球外戚农工商调查,地中海国家的午间小憩一直(被认为)是个好主意.英国睡眠(调查)委员会要求老板们结束朝九晚五的工作方式,而选择灵活的时间.他们相信真正能够提高工人生产积极性的是一个很好的午间小睡而不是那些奖金和鼓励.Tags: 英语小故事 , 英语文章 ,
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After waiting for several days, my English rank in the class finally came out. But compared with the last unit, I am a little backward. Although, it still ranks in the top ten ranks. But it is also very likely that they will be listed next time. Therefore, I have to reflect on it.等了好几天,我的英语在班级中的排名总算是出来了。但比起上一个单元来,我是退步了一些。虽然,还是排列在前十名的队伍的行列里。但也很有可能下次,就会出列。因此,我得好好反思一下。I think there is no problem with my unit test in this exam. The main problem is that I have some problems with dictation, classroom exercise books and recitation. The reason for dictation is that I didn"t get full marks, my homework book also made mistakes, and I didn"t get the five pointed star in recitation. Because of these reasons, there are not enough points.我想,在这次的考试中我的单元测验是没有问题的。主要的问题是我在听写上,还有课堂作业本,还有背诵上面出了一些问题。听写是因为我没有满分,作业本也出现了失误,而在背诵上则是没有拿到五角星。因为这些原因而导致积分不够多。I have to work hard to get the ideal result in the next unit.我得好好努力,争取再下个单元中考出理想的成绩来。
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when在英语里有三种词性:特殊疑问词,“什么时候”,后面跟一般疑问句语序。如:When were you born?When will the class begin?When do you start work and finish work?从属连接词,“当什么时候”,引导时间状语从句,后接陈述句的语序,如:He always helps me when I am in trouble.When my dad came back, I was watching TV.缩合连接副词,引导名词性从句。This was when I was born.Do you know when the class will begin?I don"t know when they will achieve the goal.此外,疑问副词when后面加动词不定式to do(注意,when后面没有接动名词doing的用法),可以作句子的主语,表语、宾语等,如:I don"t know when to use the sentence pattern.When to go is a problem.The problem is when to begin the class.
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求人教版九年级上册英语一二单元的单词 要是新版的。。。

Unit 1 How can we become good learners?textbook/tekstbUk/ n. 教科书;课本 p.1conversation /kQnv@seISn/,/kA:nv@rseISn/ n. 交谈;谈话p.2aloud/@laUd/ adv. 大声地;出声地 p.2pronunciation/pr@nVnsieISn/ n. 发音;读音 p.2sentence/sent@ns/ n. 句子 p.2patient/peISnt/ adj. 有耐心的 n. 病人 p.2expression/IkspreSn/ n. 表达(方式);表示 p.3discover/dIskVv@(r)/ v. 发现;发觉 p.3secret/si:kr@t/ n. 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的;保密的 p.3fallin love with 爱上;与u22efu22ef相爱p.3grammar/gr{m@(r)/ n. 语法 p.3repeat/rIpi:t/ v. 重复;重做 p.4note/n@Ut/ n. 笔记;记录 v. 注意;指出 p.4pal/p{l/ n. 朋友;伙伴 p.4pattern/p{tn/, /p{t@rn/n. 模式;方式 p.4physics/fIzIks/ n. 物理;物理学 p.4chemistry/kemIstri/ n. 化学 p.4partner/pA:(r)tn@(r)/ n. 搭档;同伴 p.5pronounce/pr@naUns/ v. 发音 p.5increase/Inkri:s/ v. 增加;增长 p.5speed/spi:d/ n. 速度 p.5ability/@bIl@ti/ n. 能力;才能 p.6brain/breIn/ n. 大脑 p.6active/{ktIv/ adj. 活跃的;积极的 p.6attention/@tenSn/ n. 注意;关注 p.6payattention to 注意;关注 p.6connect/k@nekt/ v.(使)连接;与u22efu22ef有联系 p.6connect… with 把u22efu22ef和u22efu22ef连接或联系起来 p.6overnight/@Uv@(r)naIt/adv. 一夜之间;在夜间 p.6review/rIvju:/ v. & n. 回顾;复习 p.6knowledge/nQlIdZ/, /nA:lIdZ/ n. 知识;学问 p.6wisely/waIzli/ adv. 明智地;聪明地 p.6Annie/{ni/ 安妮(女名) p.2AlexanderGraham Bell 亚历山大 u2022 格雷厄姆 u2022 贝尔 p.6Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious.lantern/l{nt@(r)n/ n. 灯笼 p.9stranger/streIndZ@(r)/ n. 陌生人p.10relative/rel@tIv/ n. 亲属;亲戚 p.10puton 增加(体重);发胖 p.10pound/paUnd/ n. 磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位) p.10folk/f@Uk/ adj. 民间的;民俗的 p.11goddess/gQdes/, /gA:d@s/ n. 女神 p.11steal/sti:l/ v. (stole /st@Ul/, stolen /st@Ul@n/) 偷;窃取 p.11lay/leI/ v. (laid /leId/, laid)放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) p.11layout 摆开;布置 p.11dessert/dI"z3:(r)t/ n(饭后)甜点;甜食 p.11garden/gA:(r)dn/ n. 花园;园子 p.11admire/@dmaI@(r)/ v. 欣赏;仰慕 p.11tie/taI/ n. 领带 v. 捆;束 p.12haunted/hO:ntId/ adj. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 p.13ghost/g@Ust/ n. 鬼;鬼魂 p.13trick/trIk/ n. 花招;把戏 p.13treat/tri:t/ n. 款待;招待v. 招待;请(客) p.13spider/spaId@(r)/ n. 蜘蛛 p.13Christmas/krIsm@s/n. 圣诞节 p.14fool/fu:l/ n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. 愚弄adj. 愚蠢的 p.14lie/laI/ v. (lay /leI/, lain /leIn/)平躺;处于 p.14novel/nQvl/, /nA:vl/ n.(长篇)小说 p.14eve/i:v/ n(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜 p.14bookstore/bUkstO:(r)/ n. 书店 p.17dead/ded/ adj. 死的;失去生命的 p.14business/bIzn@s/ n. 生意;商业 p.14punish/pVnIS/ v. 处罚;惩罚 p.14warn/wO:(r)n/ v. 警告;告诫 p.14present/preznt/ n. 现在;礼物adj. 现在的 p.14nobody/n@Ub@di/, /n@UbA:di/ pron. 没有人 p.14warmth/wO:(r)mT/ n. 温暖;暖和 p.14spread/spred/ v. 传播;展开n. 蔓延;传播 p.14Macao/m@kaU/ 澳门 p.10ChiangMai /tSi{NmaI/, /dZA:NmaI/ 清迈(泰国城市) p.10Halloween/h{l@Ui:n/ 万圣节前夕 p.13St./seInt/ Valentine"s /v{l@ntaInz/Day情人节 p.14Clara/klA:r@/, /kler@/克拉拉(女名)p.10Santa/s{nt@/ Claus /klO:z/圣诞老人 p.14Charles/tSA:(r)lz/ Dickens /dIkInz/查尔斯 u2022 狄更斯(英国作家) p.14Scrooge/skru:dZ/ 斯克鲁奇n.(非正式)吝啬鬼 p.14Jacob/dZeIk@b/ Marley /mA:(r)li/雅各布 u2022 马利 p.14
2023-08-06 23:13:531

topic sentence怎么写?

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