您可以,在网上找中文版,再去翻译。谢谢,望采纳!tt白2023-07-20 09:32:312
86西游记英语版在哪里可以看:英文版《西游记》,你在各大视频平台上都是可以观看的,注意把那个版本改成英语版,不要搜国语版。可以在网络平台上看西游记的英语版,也可以购买西游记英语版图书。在我们国内很少能看到英文版的《西游记》,如果想看英文版的可以去欧美的视频网站观看。此后故乡只2023-07-20 09:32:291
动画西游记英语版的最后一集是Rewards五圣成真。根据查询相关公开信息:由LittleFox出品的《西游记》英文动画片Journeytothewest,一共108集,每集约5分钟,最后一集是Rewards五圣成真。《西游记》是中国古代第一部浪漫主义章回体长篇神魔小说。现存明刊百回本《西游记》均无作者署名。清代学者吴玉搢等首先提出《西游记》作者是明代吴承恩。这部小说以唐僧取经这一历史事件为蓝本,通过作者的艺术加工,深刻地描绘了当时的社会现实。全书主要描写了孙悟空出世及大闹天宫后,遇见了唐僧、猪八戒、沙僧和白龙马,西行取经,一路降妖伏魔,经历了九九八十一难,终于到达西天见到如来佛祖,最终五圣成真的故事。九万里风9 2023-07-20 09:32:261
西游记英语简介 西游记故事内容
1、英语简介: Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to find Buddhist scriptures. The monk,called XuanZang or Tangsheng,is an idealist,who is as weak as a kitten and just sets there helplessly for rescue when he gets into trouble.But he is really kind and great,trying to dispel the darkness and ignorance in people"s heart.The monkey named Wukong is born from a stone and he owns extraordinary powers and amazing intelligence that he uses to overcome demons and monsters.The pig is Bajie.He loves beauty and delicacy and he always makes a mess and generates a lot of humor in the process.The loach is called ShaSeng and he is very modest and diligent; he takes care of the monk and colleagues. 2、中文翻译: 《西游记》是中国四大古典小说之一。它写于 16 世纪的明朝。它讲述了一个和尚和他的三个学生的故事,他们是动物,但有人类的特点。他们向西旅行到印度去寻找佛经。 唐僧是一个理想主义者,他身体虚弱得像一只小猫,遇到麻烦就无助地站在那里等待救援。但是他真的很善良很伟大,试图驱散人们心中的黑暗和无知。这只名叫悟空的猴子是石头生的,他拥有超凡的力量和惊人的智慧,用来战胜妖魔鬼怪。猪是八戒。他喜欢美丽和精致,他总是弄得一团糟,在这个过程中产生了很多幽默。泥鳅叫沙僧,他非常谦虚和勤奋,照顾和尚和同伴。wpBeta2023-07-20 09:32:231
问题一:西游记,用英语怎么说? 是中国的四大名著:《西游记》〈Pilgrimage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Monkey》 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin 问题二:"西游记"英文怎么讲 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 eroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 问题三:《西游记》的英文翻译是什么? 《西游记》 [词典] Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West; [例句]千里眼和顺风耳是《西游记》中的两个人物。 This stour describes two characters from journey to the West. 希望能帮到你,望采纳,谢谢 问题四:西游记的英文是什么 是中国的四大名著:《西游记》〈Pilgri mage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Mon key》 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Jo urney to the West)苏萦2023-07-20 09:31:211
the book i like best(题目) my favorite book is《 Journey to the West 》(西游记),witch introduced the story about 81 difficulties who work them out --- a monkey、 a greedy pig、a master and a monk.it‘s written by Wu Cheng"en .when i was nine i first read the book,and it made me feel that fairy tale is interesting.Since then i fell in love with difficult challenges.Also Im not afraid the fear anymore. -------------------------------- 翻译 我最喜欢的书是 西游记 .它描写了唐僧师徒四人解决81难到达西天取经的故事.我第一次看到这本书是在 我9岁的时候,它让我感到神话故事很有趣,在那之后,我爱上了读书.也不再害怕困难... 就这样..真颛2023-06-16 08:11:491
Journey to the West,commonly known to the western readers as Monkey,is a supernatural novel about a world of of fantastic invention,in which gods and demons loom large and vie for supremacy.The novel began with a series of oral and written versions,and eventually attained its most definitive version written by Wu Ch"eng-en (1500?-1582),a scholar-official in the Yantze region,and published in 1592.可桃可挑2023-06-16 08:11:441