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2023-07-20 09:32:26


  Journey to the West,commonly known to the western readers as Monkey,is a supernatural novel about a world of of fantastic invention,in which gods and demons loom large and vie for supremacy.The novel began with a series of oral and written versions,and eventually attained its most definitive version written by Wu Ch"eng-en (1500?-1582),a scholar-official in the Yantze region,and published in 1592.


  Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to find Buddhist scriptures.


问题一:西游记,用英语怎么说? 是中国的四大名著:《西游记》〈Pilgrimage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Monkey》 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin 问题二:"西游记"英文怎么讲 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 eroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 问题三:《西游记》的英文翻译是什么? 《西游记》 [词典] Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West; [例句]千里眼和顺风耳是《西游记》中的两个人物。 This stour describes two characters from journey to the West. 希望能帮到你,望采纳,谢谢 问题四:西游记的英文是什么 是中国的四大名著:《西游记》〈Pilgri mage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Mon key》 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Jo urney to the West) 问题五:《西游记》怎样翻译成英语 《西游记》〈Pilgrimage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Monkey》 问题六:西游记,用英语怎么说? 是中国的四大名著:《西游记》〈Pilgrimage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Monkey》 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin 问题七:"西游记"英文怎么讲 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 eroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 问题八:《西游记》的英文翻译是什么? 《西游记》 [词典] Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West; [例句]千里眼和顺风耳是《西游记》中的两个人物。 This stour describes two characters from journey to the West. 希望能帮到你,望采纳,谢谢 问题九:西游记的英文是什么 是中国的四大名著:《西游记》〈Pilgri mage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Mon key》 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Jo urney to the West)
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Journey to the west
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问题一:西游记,用英语怎么说? 是中国的四大名著:《西游记》〈Pilgrimage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Monkey》 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin 问题二:"西游记"英文怎么讲 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 eroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 问题三:《西游记》的英文翻译是什么? 《西游记》 [词典] Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West; [例句]千里眼和顺风耳是《西游记》中的两个人物。 This stour describes two characters from journey to the West. 希望能帮到你,望采纳,谢谢 问题四:西游记的英文是什么 是中国的四大名著:《西游记》〈Pilgri mage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Mon key》 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Jo urney to the West)
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  《西游记》是中国四大古典小说(Four Great ClassicalNovels/Four Masterworks)之一,通常翻译为Journey to the West,也翻译为The Journey to the West、Adventures of theMonkey God、Monkey:A Folk Novel ofChina、The Adventures of Monkey等。在西方国家,有时候它就翻译为Monkey。故事一共一百章(chapter),围绕唐朝和尚(Buddhist monk)玄奘(Xuangzang)去印度朝圣(pilgrimage)获取佛学经典(Buddhist sutras/Buddhist scriptures)的神奇经历(mythologized legends)展开,当然这是一种对历史事件的虚构描述(fictionalizedaccount)。在取经路上,他们遇到了各种鬼怪(monsters/evils)和困难(calamity),包括火焰山(flaming mountain)、蜘蛛精洞(lair of spider-spirits)、女儿国(kingdom ruled bywomen)等稀奇古怪的场面(scenario)。他们必须经过八十一难(81 disasters)来取得真经。   观音(Guanyin)菩萨(Bodhisattva)按照佛(Buddha)的指示,将这个任务交给了唐僧(Tang-dynasty monk)和三个徒弟(disciple)以及唐僧的坐骑(mount),一匹龙王太子(dragon prince)变的`白马(white horse)。他们帮助唐僧取经,来减轻(atonement)过去犯下的罪过(past sin)。释迦摩尼(Shakyamuni)也叫悉达多乔达摩(Siddhattha Gotama),即佛。观音也叫观世音(Guanshiyin),字面意思是Observing theSounds or Cries of the World,在西方经常翻译为慈悲女神(Goddess of Mercy);观音来自梵语Avalokitesvara(阿缚卢枳低湿伐逻),一个男性的神;有时音译为Kuan-yin或Kuan-shih yin。日语发音是Kannon;朝鲜语发音是Gwan-eum;越南、泰国、印尼等也受中国影响,有这个神,发音接近汉语。   唐僧在英语中也常翻译为Tripitaka,即三藏,字面意思是Three Baskets ofBuddhist Teaching。据说吃了他的肉可以长生不老(to obtainimmortality by eating Xuanzangu2019s flesh)。   孙悟空(Sun Wukong)是从石头里诞生的猴子,会七十二变(72 polymorphictransformations),长生不死(immortality),自封为u2018齐天大圣(Great Sage Equal to Heaven)u2019,曾经位列天官(celestialbureaucracy),后反叛(rebellion)天庭,被佛用咒语(talisman)困于山下五百年。他原来叫美猴王(Handsome MonkeyKing),住在花果山(Mountain of Flowers and Fruits)水帘洞(Cave of Water Curtains);悟空是菩提祖师/须菩提(PatriarchBodhi/Subhuti)起的法号,意思是Awakening to Emptiness。他的武器是如意金箍棒(will-followinggolden-banded staff)。在八卦炉(eight-trigrambrazier)练就火眼金睛(fiery golden eyes)。会翻筋斗云(cloud somersault)。他用这些本领(talents)战胜妖魔(demons),也会淘气(play pranks)。唐僧用一个金箍(gold band)通过念咒(chant magic words),即紧箍咒(tightening-crownspell),来控制他。   猪八戒(Zhu Bajie)字面意思是Eight-precepts Pig或Eight-prohibitions,通常翻译为Pigsy、Monk Pig或Pig,原为天蓬元帅(Marshal Tian Peng|)即天庭水军将官(commander ofHeavenly Naval Forces),由于调戏(flirt with)嫦娥(Princess of the Moon Chang"e)被贬下(banish)人间(mortal realm),特点是贪吃好色(insatiable appetites for food and sex)。他也叫猪悟能(Pig Awakened to Power),是半人半猪(half human halfpig)的怪物,曾经在高老庄(Gao Village)变成(pose)普通人娶亲。他的武器是九齿钉耙(nine-tooth iron rake)。   沙悟净(Sha Wujing)是河怪(river ogre),字面意思是Sand Awakened to Purity,有时翻译为沙和尚(Friar Sand)或Sandy,因为他住在流沙河(Flowing SandRiver),曾为天庭的卷帘大将(Great General for Folding the Curtain),因为在蟠桃宴(Peach Banquet)上打破了王母娘娘(Heavenly QueenMother)的水晶杯(crystal goblet)被贬下人间。他的武器是月牙铲(Crescent-MoonShovel/Monk"s Spade)。   大圣的别称&装备   孙悟空 Monkey King   石猴 Stone monkey   美猴王 Handsome Monkey-King   弼马温 the Keeper/Protector of the Heavenly Horses   齐天大圣 Great Sage, Equal of Heaven   斗战圣佛 Victorious Fighting Buddha   olden chain mail shirt 锁子黄金甲   phoenix-feather cap 凤翅紫金冠   cloud-walking boots 藕藕丝步云履   如意金箍棒 will-following golden-banded staff   筋斗云 cloud somersault   大圣的故事   七十二变 72 transformations   一个筋斗十万八千里 travel 108,000 li in one somersault   花果山 the Bloom Mountains/Mountain of Flowers and Fruit   生死簿 Book of Life and Death   西游记 Journey to the West   玉皇大帝 the Greatly Compassionate Jade Emperor of the AzureVault of Heaven   大闹天宫 Havoc in the Heavenly Kingdom   佛祖 the Buddha   猪八戒 Pigsy/Monk Pig   沙悟净 Sandy/Friar Sand
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问题一:四大名著的英文翻译是什么 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Ma定sions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 问题二:四大名著分别用英语怎么说 四大名著分别的英文翻译_百度翻译 四大名著分别 Four great books 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin 问题三:中国四大名著的英文名及英文简介 《三国演义》----《The Romance of the Three Kindoms》 《水浒传》----《The Story by the Water Margin》 《红楼梦》----《The Dream of the Red Chamber 》 《西游记》----《Journey to the West》 中国四大名著英文简介2009-06-07 Chinese Literature - Novels and fiction Hongloumeng 红楼梦The Dream of the Red Chamber Also called The story of the Stone (Shitouji 石头记), this novel written by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹 (d. 1763) is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction. A wide branched scholarship does not consent about the main theme of this novel, should it be a novel of sentiment, of Daoist-Buddhist enlightenment, of social observation, of the decay of an aristocratic familiy, or even a veiled attack on Manchu rule. The frame of the novel is the contest of a Buddhist and a Daoist priest who make be born a young noble boy called Jia Baoyu 贾宝玉 and his girl cousin Lin Daiyu 林黛玉. With a loving detail describing the life of the two cousins in a huge noble mansion, between gardens and palaces, the red thread is the triangular love between Baoyu, Daiyu and a second girl cousin called Xue Baochai 薛宝钗 that is of more plumper character than the ever sick Daiyu. Switchi郸g between their life, the divine world and dreams, Baoyu bees deranged after the disappearance of a stone (the origin of the second title) he had in his mouth when he was born. Not knowing, his love Daiyu died, he is tricked to marrying Baochai. Being aware of being tricked, Baoyu leaves the world of the red dust and be......>> 问题四:中国四大名著用英语怎么说 红楼梦 A Dream in Red Mansions ------------- 西游记 Story of a Journey to the West ----------------- 三国演义 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms -------------- 水浒传[shuǐ hǔ zhuàn] All Men Are Brothers, 问题五:中国四大名著的英文译名 应该这样翻译 《红楼梦》Red Mansion Dreams,即红楼之梦 《西游记》Journey To the West,即西游之旅 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms,即三个王国 《水浒传》Outlaws of the Marshes,即沼泽(指水泊梁山)上的亡命之途 这才是四大名著的通用翻译,中外英文报纸杂志上都这么用的,楼上的几位朋友翻译的都太复杂了,书名的翻译应该从简。
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1、英语简介: Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to find Buddhist scriptures. The monk,called XuanZang or Tangsheng,is an idealist,who is as weak as a kitten and just sets there helplessly for rescue when he gets into trouble.But he is really kind and great,trying to dispel the darkness and ignorance in people"s heart.The monkey named Wukong is born from a stone and he owns extraordinary powers and amazing intelligence that he uses to overcome demons and monsters.The pig is Bajie.He loves beauty and delicacy and he always makes a mess and generates a lot of humor in the process.The loach is called ShaSeng and he is very modest and diligent; he takes care of the monk and colleagues. 2、中文翻译: 《西游记》是中国四大古典小说之一。它写于 16 世纪的明朝。它讲述了一个和尚和他的三个学生的故事,他们是动物,但有人类的特点。他们向西旅行到印度去寻找佛经。 唐僧是一个理想主义者,他身体虚弱得像一只小猫,遇到麻烦就无助地站在那里等待救援。但是他真的很善良很伟大,试图驱散人们心中的黑暗和无知。这只名叫悟空的猴子是石头生的,他拥有超凡的力量和惊人的智慧,用来战胜妖魔鬼怪。猪是八戒。他喜欢美丽和精致,他总是弄得一团糟,在这个过程中产生了很多幽默。泥鳅叫沙僧,他非常谦虚和勤奋,照顾和尚和同伴。
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Journey to the West is a Chinese classic fantastic novel. It mainly describes a long journey to the Western Heaven to fetch the Buddhist sutras. The main characters of this novel are a monk, named Xuanzang, and his four disciples, named Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Yulong Santaizi. Throughout the journey, the four brave disciples have to protect their master from various monsters and calamities. After encountering eighty-one disasters, they finally reaches their destination. The most definitive version of this novel was written by Wu Chengen in his old age and published in 1592. 西游记是一部中国经典神话小说.这部小说主要描述了一次去西天取经的漫长旅途.小说主人公是一个叫玄奘的和尚和他的四个徒弟:孙悟空,猪八戒,沙悟净和玉龙三太子.在旅途中,这四个勇敢的徒弟从各种各样的怪物手中和灾难中保护他们的师傅.经历81难后他们终于到达了目的地.这部小说最终由吴承恩在他的晚年成稿并于1592年出版.
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monkey,pig《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West
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  《西游记》是中国四大古典小说(Four Great Classical Novels/Four Masterworks)之一,通常翻译为Journey to the West,也翻译为The Journey to the West、Adventures of the Monkey God、Monkey:A Folk Novel of China、The Adventures of Monkey等。在西方国家,有时候它就翻译为Monkey。故事一共一百章(chapter),围绕唐朝和尚(Buddhist monk)玄奘(Xuangzang)去印度朝圣(pilgrimage)获取佛学经典(Buddhist sutras/Buddhist scriptures)的神奇经历(mythologized legends)展开,当然这是一种对历史事件的虚构描述(fictionalized account)。在取经路上,他们遇到了各种鬼怪(monsters/evils)和困难(calamity),包括火焰山(flaming mountain)、蜘蛛精洞(lair of spider-spirits)、女儿国(kingdom ruled by women)等稀奇古怪的"场面(scenario)。他们必须经过八十一难(81 disasters)来取得真经。   观音(Guanyin)菩萨(Bodhisattva)按照佛(Buddha)的指示,将这个任务交给了唐僧(Tang-dynasty monk)和三个徒弟(disciple)以及唐僧的坐骑(mount),一匹龙王太子(dragon prince)变的白马(white horse)。他们帮助唐僧取经,来减轻(atonement)过去犯下的罪过(past sin)。释迦摩尼(Shakyamuni)也叫悉达多乔达摩(Siddhattha Gotama),即佛。观音也叫观世音(Guanshiyin),字面意思是Observing the Sounds or Cries of the World,在西方经常翻译为慈悲女神(Goddess of Mercy);观音来自梵语Avalokitesvara(阿缚卢枳低湿伐逻),一个男性的神;有时音译为Kuan-yin或Kuan-shih yin。日语发音是Kannon;朝鲜语发音是Gwan-eum;越南、泰国、印尼等也受中国影响,有这个神,发音接近汉语。   唐僧在英语中也常翻译为Tripitaka,即三藏,字面意思是Three Baskets of Buddhist Teaching。据说吃了他的肉可以长生不老(to obtain immortality by eating Xuanzangu2019s flesh)。   孙悟空(Sun Wukong)是从石头里诞生的猴子,会七十二变(72 polymorphic transformations),长生不死(immortality),自封为u2018齐天大圣(Great Sage Equal to Heaven)u2019,曾经位列天官(celestial bureaucracy),后反叛(rebellion)天庭,被佛用咒语(talisman)困于山下五百年。他原来叫美猴王(Handsome Monkey King),住在花果山(Mountain of Flowers and Fruits)水帘洞(Cave of Water Curtains);悟空是菩提祖师/须菩提(Patriarch Bodhi/Subhuti)起的法号,意思是Awakening to Emptiness。他的武器是如意金箍棒(will-following golden-banded staff)。在八卦炉(eight-trigram brazier)练就火眼金睛(fiery golden eyes)。会翻筋斗云(cloud somersault)。他用这些本领(talents)战胜妖魔(demons),也会淘气(play pranks)。唐僧用一个金箍(gold band)通过念咒(chant magic words),即紧箍咒(tightening-crown spell),来控制他。   猪八戒(Zhu Bajie)字面意思是Eight-precepts Pig或Eight-prohibitions,通常翻译为Pigsy、Monk Pig或Pig,原为天蓬元帅(Marshal Tian Peng|)即天庭水军将官(commander of Heavenly Naval Forces),由于调戏(flirt with)嫦娥(Princess of the Moon Chang"e)被贬下(banish)人间(mortal realm),特点是贪吃好色(insatiable appetites for food and sex)。他也叫猪悟能(Pig Awakened to Power),是半人半猪(half human half pig)的怪物,曾经在高老庄(Gao Village)变成(pose)普通人娶亲。他的武器是九齿钉耙(nine-tooth iron rake)。   沙悟净(Sha Wujing)是河怪(river ogre),字面意思是Sand Awakened to Purity,有时翻译为沙和尚(Friar Sand)或Sandy,因为他住在流沙河(Flowing Sand River),曾为天庭的卷帘大将(Great General for Folding the Curtain),因为在蟠桃宴(Peach Banquet)上打破了王母娘娘(Heavenly Queen Mother)的水晶杯(crystal goblet)被贬下人间。他的武器是月牙铲(Crescent-Moon Shovel/Monk"s Spade)。
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1、英语简介: Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to find Buddhist scriptures. The monk,called XuanZang or Tangsheng,is an idealist,who is as weak as a kitten and just sets there helplessly for rescue when he gets into trouble.But he is really kind and great,trying to dispel the darkness and ignorance in people"s heart.The monkey named Wukong is born from a stone and he owns extraordinary powers and amazing intelligence that he uses to overcome demons and monsters.The pig is Bajie.He loves beauty and delicacy and he always makes a mess and generates a lot of humor in the process.The loach is called ShaSeng and he is very modest and diligent; he takes care of the monk and colleagues. 2、中文翻译: 《西游记》是中国四大古典小说之一。它写于 16 世纪的明朝。它讲述了一个和尚和他的三个学生的故事,他们是动物,但有人类的特点。他们向西旅行到印度去寻找佛经。 唐僧是一个理想主义者,他身体虚弱得像一只小猫,遇到麻烦就无助地站在那里等待救援。但是他真的很善良很伟大,试图驱散人们心中的黑暗和无知。这只名叫悟空的猴子是石头生的,他拥有超凡的力量和惊人的智慧,用来战胜妖魔鬼怪。猪是八戒。他喜欢美丽和精致,他总是弄得一团糟,在这个过程中产生了很多幽默。泥鳅叫沙僧,他非常谦虚和勤奋,照顾和尚和同伴。
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1、英语简介: Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to find Buddhist scriptures. The monk,called XuanZang or Tangsheng,is an idealist,who is as weak as a kitten and just sets there helplessly for rescue when he gets into trouble.But he is really kind and great,trying to dispel the darkness and ignorance in people"s heart.The monkey named Wukong is born from a stone and he owns extraordinary powers and amazing intelligence that he uses to overcome demons and monsters.The pig is Bajie.He loves beauty and delicacy and he always makes a mess and generates a lot of humor in the process.The loach is called ShaSeng and he is very modest and diligent; he takes care of the monk and colleagues. 2、中文翻译: 《西游记》是中国四大古典小说之一。它写于 16 世纪的明朝。它讲述了一个和尚和他的三个学生的故事,他们是动物,但有人类的特点。他们向西旅行到印度去寻找佛经。 唐僧是一个理想主义者,他身体虚弱得像一只小猫,遇到麻烦就无助地站在那里等待救援。但是他真的很善良很伟大,试图驱散人们心中的黑暗和无知。这只名叫悟空的猴子是石头生的,他拥有超凡的力量和惊人的智慧,用来战胜妖魔鬼怪。猪是八戒。他喜欢美丽和精致,他总是弄得一团糟,在这个过程中产生了很多幽默。泥鳅叫沙僧,他非常谦虚和勤奋,照顾和尚和同伴。
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《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin
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西游记 的英文是 Journey to the West如果真的想表达去 "西天取经",就是To get the scripture from the Western Heaven
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西游记英语简介 西游记故事内容

1、英语简介: Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to find Buddhist scriptures. The monk,called XuanZang or Tangsheng,is an idealist,who is as weak as a kitten and just sets there helplessly for rescue when he gets into trouble.But he is really kind and great,trying to dispel the darkness and ignorance in people"s heart.The monkey named Wukong is born from a stone and he owns extraordinary powers and amazing intelligence that he uses to overcome demons and monsters.The pig is Bajie.He loves beauty and delicacy and he always makes a mess and generates a lot of humor in the process.The loach is called ShaSeng and he is very modest and diligent; he takes care of the monk and colleagues. 2、中文翻译: 《西游记》是中国四大古典小说之一。它写于 16 世纪的明朝。它讲述了一个和尚和他的三个学生的故事,他们是动物,但有人类的特点。他们向西旅行到印度去寻找佛经。 唐僧是一个理想主义者,他身体虚弱得像一只小猫,遇到麻烦就无助地站在那里等待救援。但是他真的很善良很伟大,试图驱散人们心中的黑暗和无知。这只名叫悟空的猴子是石头生的,他拥有超凡的力量和惊人的智慧,用来战胜妖魔鬼怪。猪是八戒。他喜欢美丽和精致,他总是弄得一团糟,在这个过程中产生了很多幽默。泥鳅叫沙僧,他非常谦虚和勤奋,照顾和尚和同伴。
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  下面是我整理的一些《西游记》里的高级英文词汇,以供大家学习参考。   《西游记》是中国四大古典小说(Four Great Classical Novels/Four Masterworks)之一,通常翻译为Journey to the West,也翻译为The Journey to the West、Adventures of the Monkey God、Monkey:A Folk Novel of China、The Adventures of Monkey等。在西方国家,有时候它就翻译为Monkey。 故事 一共一百章(chapter),围绕唐朝和尚(Buddhist monk)玄奘(Xuangzang)去印度朝圣(pilgrimage)获取佛学经典(Buddhist sutras/Buddhist scriptures)的神奇经历(mythologized legends)展开,当然这是一种对历史事件的虚构描述(fictionalized account)。在取经路上,他们遇到了各种鬼怪(monsters/evils)和困难(calamity),包括火焰山(flaming mountain)、蜘蛛精洞(lair of spider-spirits)、女儿国(kingdom ruled by women)等稀奇古怪的场面(scenario)。他们必须经过八十一难(81 disasters)来取得真经。   观音(Guanyin)菩萨(Bodhisattva)按照佛(Buddha)的指示,将这个任务交给了唐僧(Tang-dynasty monk)和三个徒弟(disciple)以及唐僧的坐骑(mount),一匹龙王太子(dragon prince)变的白马(white horse)。他们帮助唐僧取经,来减轻(atonement)过去犯下的罪过(past sin)。释迦摩尼(Shakyamuni)也叫悉达多乔达摩(Siddhattha Gotama),即佛。观音也叫观世音(Guanshiyin),字面意思是Observing the Sounds or Cries of the World,在西方经常翻译为慈悲女神(Goddess of Mercy);观音来自梵语Avalokitesvara(阿缚卢枳低湿伐逻),一个男性的神;有时音译为Kuan-yin或Kuan-shih yin。日语发音是Kannon;朝鲜语发音是Gwan-eum;越南、泰国、印尼等也受中国影响,有这个神,发音接近汉语。  唐僧在英语中也常翻译为Tripitaka,即三藏,字面意思是Three Baskets of Buddhist Teaching。据说吃了他的肉可以长生不老(to obtain immortality by eating Xuanzangu2019s flesh)。   孙悟空(Sun Wukong)是从石头里诞生的猴子,会七十二变(72 polymorphic transformations),长生不死(immortality),自封为u2018齐天大圣(Great Sage Equal to Heaven)u2019,曾经位列天官(celestialbureaucracy),后反叛(rebellion)天庭,被佛用咒语(talisman)困于山下五百年。他原来叫美猴王(Handsome Monkey King),住在花果山(Mountain of Flowers and Fruits)水帘洞(Cave of Water Curtains);悟空是菩提祖师/须菩提(Patriarch Bodhi/Subhuti)起的法号,意思是Awakening to Emptiness。他的武器是如意金箍棒(will-following golden-banded staff)。在八卦炉(eight-trigram brazier)练就火眼金睛(fiery golden eyes)。会翻筋斗云(cloud somersault)。他用这些本领(talents)战胜妖魔(demons),也会淘气(play pranks)。唐僧用一个金箍(gold band)通过念咒(chant magic words),即紧箍咒(tightening-crown spell),来控制他。   猪八戒(Zhu Bajie)字面意思是Eight-precepts Pig或Eight-prohibitions,通常翻译为Pigsy、Monk Pig或Pig,原为天蓬元帅(Marshal Tian Peng|)即天庭水军将官(commander of Heavenly Naval Forces),由于调戏(flirt with)嫦娥(Princess of the Moon Chang"e)被贬下(banish)人间(mortal realm),特点是贪吃好色(insatiable appetites for food and sex)。他也叫猪悟能(Pig Awakened to Power),是半人半猪(half human half pig)的怪物,曾经在高老庄(Gao Village)变成(pose)普通人娶亲。他的武器是九齿钉耙(nine-tooth iron rake)。   沙悟净(Sha Wujing)是河怪(river ogre),字面意思是Sand Awakened to Purity,有时翻译为沙和尚(Friar Sand)或Sandy,因为他住在流沙河(Flowing Sand River),曾为天庭的卷帘大将(Great General for Folding the Curtain),因为在蟠桃宴(Peach Banquet)上打破了王母娘娘(Heavenly Queen Mother)的水晶杯(crystal goblet)被贬下人间。他的武器是月牙铲(Crescent-Moon Shovel/Monk"s Spade)。
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英文简介西游记:Journey to the West is the most famous mythology in China, It was inspired by real historical events.A Buddhist monk named Xuanzang walked through the harsh desert for more than 10,000 kilometres on his pilgrimage to India to obtain Buddhist sutra.His first disciple, named Sun Wukong, is a monkey with great magical powers.He is a righteous and brave hero who has mastered 72 methods of transformation.Unlike conventional heroes, it departs from tradition and fights for freedom.His tag is, "Hey, I"m coming!"He defeated powerful demons on the pilgrimage and helped Xuanzang accomplish his objective with Zhu Bajie and monk Sha Wujing.Journey to the West tells stories about self-discipline and overcoming difficulties.It has a profound influence on the Chinese spirit.译文:《西游记》是中国最著名的神话,它的灵感来自真实的历史事件。一位名叫玄奘的佛教僧侣在前往印度朝圣以获取佛经的过程中,穿过严酷的沙漠走了一万多公里。他的第一个弟子孙悟空是一只拥有强大魔力的猴子。他是一位正直勇敢的英雄,掌握了72种转化方法。与传统英雄不同,它背离传统,为自由而战。他的标签是“嘿,我来了!”他在取经路上击败了强大的恶魔,并帮助玄奘与朱八戒和沙武经和尚一起完成了他的目标。《西游记》讲述了自我约束和克服困难的故事,对中华民族精神产生了深远的影响。
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Journey to the West is a Chinese classic fantastic novel. It mainly describes a long journey to the Western Heaven to fetch the Buddhist sutras. The main characters of this novel are a monk, named Xuanzang, and his four disciples, named Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Yulong Santaizi. Throughout the journey, the four brave disciples have to protect their master from various monsters and calamities. After encountering eighty-one disasters, they finally reaches their destination. The most definitive version of this novel was written by Wu Chengen in his old age and published in 1592. 西游记是一部中国经典神话小说。这部小说主要描述了一次去西天取经的漫长旅途。小说主人公是一个叫玄奘的和尚和他的四个徒弟:孙悟空,猪八戒,沙悟净和玉龙三太子。在旅途中,这四个勇敢的徒弟从各种各样的怪物手中和灾难中保护他们的师傅。经历81难后他们终于到达了目的地。这部小说最终由吴承恩在他的晚年成稿并于1592年出版。
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西游记中的高级英文词汇   导语:《西游记》是我国四大名著之一,作为家喻户晓的名著,怎可以不会用英语表达呢,下面我分享西游记中的高级英文词汇,欢迎参考!   《西游记》是中国四大古典小说(Four Great Classical Novels/Four Masterworks)之一,通常翻译为Journey to the West,也翻译为The Journey to the West、Adventures of the Monkey God、Monkey:A Folk Novel of China、The Adventures of Monkey等。在西方国家,有时候它就翻译为Monkey。故事一共一百章(chapter),围绕唐朝和尚(Buddhist monk)玄奘(Xuangzang)去印度朝圣(pilgrimage)获取佛学经典(Buddhist sutras/Buddhist scriptures)的神奇经历(mythologized legends)展开,当然这是一种对历史事件的虚构描述(fictionalized account)。在取经路上,他们遇到了各种鬼怪(monsters/evils)和困难(calamity),包括火焰山(flaming mountain)、蜘蛛精洞(lair of spider-spirits)、女儿国(kingdom ruled by women)等稀奇古怪的场面(scenario)。他们必须经过八十一难(81 disasters)来取得真经。   观音(Guanyin)菩萨(Bodhisattva)按照佛(Buddha)的指示,将这个任务交给了唐僧(Tang-dynasty monk)和三个徒弟(disciple)以及唐僧的坐骑(mount),一匹龙王太子(dragon prince)变的白马(white horse)。他们帮助唐僧取经,来减轻(atonement)过去犯下的`罪过(past sin)。释迦摩尼(Shakyamuni)也叫悉达多乔达摩(Siddhattha Gotama),即佛。观音也叫观世音(Guanshiyin),字面意思是Observing the Sounds or Cries of the World,在西方经常翻译为慈悲女神(Goddess of Mercy);观音来自梵语Avalokitesvara(阿缚卢枳低湿伐逻),一个男性的神;有时音译为Kuan-yin或Kuan-shih yin。日语发音是Kannon;朝鲜语发音是Gwan-eum;越南、泰国、印尼等也受中国影响,有这个神,发音接近汉语。   唐僧在英语中也常翻译为Tripitaka,即三藏,字面意思是Three Baskets of Buddhist Teaching。据说吃了他的肉可以长生不老(to obtain immortality by eating Xuanzangu2019s flesh)。   孙悟空(Sun Wukong)是从石头里诞生的猴子,会七十二变(72 polymorphic transformations),长生不死(immortality),自封为u2018齐天大圣(Great Sage Equal to Heaven)u2019,曾经位列天官(celestial bureaucracy),后反叛(rebellion)天庭,被佛用咒语(talisman)困于山下五百年。他原来叫美猴王(Handsome Monkey King),住在花果山(Mountain of Flowers and Fruits)水帘洞(Cave of Water Curtains);悟空是菩提祖师/须菩提(Patriarch Bodhi/Subhuti)起的法号,意思是Awakening to Emptiness。他的武器是如意金箍棒(will-following golden-banded staff)。在八卦炉(eight-trigram brazier)练就火眼金睛(fiery golden eyes)。会翻筋斗云(cloud somersault)。他用这些本领(talents)战胜妖魔(demons),也会淘气(play pranks)。唐僧用一个金箍(gold band)通过念咒(chant magic words),即紧箍咒(tightening-crown spell),来控制他。   猪八戒(Zhu Bajie)字面意思是Eight-precepts Pig或Eight-prohibitions,通常翻译为Pigsy、Monk Pig或Pig,原为天蓬元帅(Marshal Tian Peng|)即天庭水军将官(commander of Heavenly Naval Forces),由于调戏(flirt with)嫦娥(Princess of the Moon Chang"e)被贬下(banish)人间(mortal realm),特点是贪吃好色(insatiable appetites for food and sex)。他也叫猪悟能(Pig Awakened to Power),是半人半猪(half human half pig)的怪物,曾经在高老庄(Gao Village)变成(pose)普通人娶亲。他的武器是九齿钉耙(nine-tooth iron rake)。   沙悟净(Sha Wujing)是河怪(river ogre),字面意思是Sand Awakened to Purity,有时翻译为沙和尚(Friar Sand)或Sandy,因为他住在流沙河(Flowing Sand River),曾为天庭的卷帘大将(Great General for Folding the Curtain),因为在蟠桃宴(Peach Banquet)上打破了王母娘娘(Heavenly Queen Mother)的水晶杯(crystal goblet)被贬下人间。他的武器是月牙铲(Crescent-Moon Shovel/Monk"s Spade)。 ;
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孙悟空: Monkey King(是美猴王的意思,也能代表孙悟空,因为它也就是美猴王嘛.)唐僧:Monk Tang 比较正规的说法是Xuanzang or Hsuan Tsang(建议写前者)猪八戒:Piggie 沙僧: the Sha Monk
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Monkey magic strength, Dior unruly, heavy bonds of friendship孙悟空法力高强,桀骜不驯,重情义。Zang Confucianism weak personality, hypocrisy, fear of death, beyond the lack of understanding, kindness goodness, but not be able to tell right from wrong唐三藏个性儒弱,伪善怕死,缺乏超越的理解,善良仁慈,却不能够明辨是非Pig lust, lazy猪八戒好色,好吃懒做Drifting honest, hard working沙僧憨厚任劳任怨
2023-07-19 22:58:363


2023-07-19 22:59:071


where is the father uff1fJericho
2023-07-19 22:59:232

西游记,红楼梦,三国演义,水浒转… 用英语怎么翻译?

水浒传:Outlaws of the Marsh西游记:Record of a Journey to the West 红楼梦:A Dream of Red Mansions三国演义:Romance of the Three Kingdoms
2023-07-19 22:59:301


西天取经用英语怎么说 西游记 的英文是 Journey to the West 如果真的想表达去 "西天取经",就是 To get the scripture from the Western Heaven 参考资料:zhidao.baidu/question/90637358师徒四人西经取经用英文怎么说 master and prentices, altogether 4 of them"s great journey to the West for the scriptures 西天取经 英文怎么讲 西游记 的英文是 Journey to the West 如果真的想表达去 "西天取互",就是 To get the scripture from the Western Heaven “去西天取经”用英语怎么说呢?麻烦帮我造个句子“我们一起去西天取经怎样?” 去西天取经:Go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures 我们一起去西天取经怎样? We go on a pilg厂image for Buddhist scriptures? 去西天取经翻译是什么 西天取经 go on a pilgrimage for buddhist scriptures western paradise 《西游记》用英文怎么说? 是中国的四大名著:《西游记》〈Pilgrimage to the West〉 或者〈Journey to the West〉 “孙悟空”英语可以说成:stone monkey 或 monkey king 孙悟空即《美猴王》,英文名《King-Monkey》 中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~ 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to t禒e West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin
2023-07-19 22:59:381


《西游记》里的高级英文词汇大全   《西游记》讲述的是孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧辅保大唐高僧玄奘去西天取经,师徒四人一路抢滩涉险,降妖伏怪,历经八十一难,取回真经,终修正果的故事。1986年春节一经播出,轰动全国,老少皆宜,获得了极高评价,造就了89.4%的收视率神话,至今仍是寒暑假被重播最多的电视剧,重播次数超过3000次,依然百看不厌,成为一部公认的无法超越的经典。下面是《西游记》里的高级英文词汇大全,一起来涨姿势吧。   《西游记》是中国四大古典小说(Four Great Classical Novels/Four Masterworks)之一,通常翻译为Journey to the West,也翻译为The Journey to the West、Adventures of the Monkey God、Monkey:A Folk Novel of China、The Adventures of Monkey等。在西方国家,有时候它就翻译为Monkey。故事一共一百章(chapter),围绕唐朝和尚(Buddhist monk)玄奘(Xuangzang)去印度朝圣(pilgrimage)获取佛学经典(Buddhist sutras/Buddhist scriptures)的神奇经历(mythologized legends)展开,当然这是一种对历史事件的虚构描述(fictionalized account)。在取经路上,他们遇到了各种鬼怪(monsters/evils)和困难(calamity),包括火焰山(flaming mountain)、蜘蛛精洞(lair of spider-spirits)、女儿国(kingdom ruled by women)等稀奇古怪的场面(scenario)。他们必须经过八十一难(81 disasters)来取得真经。   观音(Guanyin)菩萨(Bodhisattva)按照佛(Buddha)的指示,将这个任务交给了唐僧(Tang-dynasty monk)和三个徒弟(disciple)以及唐僧的坐骑(mount),一匹龙王太子(dragon prince)变的白马(white horse)。他们帮助唐僧取经,来减轻(atonement)过去犯下的.罪过(past sin)。释迦摩尼(Shakyamuni)也叫悉达多乔达摩(Siddhattha Gotama),即佛。观音也叫观世音(Guanshiyin),字面意思是Observing the Sounds or Cries of the World,在西方经常翻译为慈悲女神(Goddess of Mercy);观音来自梵语Avalokitesvara(阿缚卢枳低湿伐逻),一个男性的神;有时音译为Kuan-yin或Kuan-shih yin。日语发音是Kannon;朝鲜语发音是Gwan-eum;越南、泰国、印尼等也受中国影响,有这个神,发音接近汉语。   唐僧在英语中也常翻译为Tripitaka,即三藏,字面意思是Three Baskets of Buddhist Teaching。据说吃了他的肉可以长生不老(to obtain immortality by eating Xuanzangu2019s flesh)。   孙悟空(Sun Wukong)是从石头里诞生的猴子,会七十二变(72 polymorphic transformations),长生不死(immortality),自封为u2018齐天大圣(Great Sage Equal to Heaven)u2019,曾经位列天官(celestial bureaucracy),后反叛(rebellion)天庭,被佛用咒语(talisman)困于山下五百年。他原来叫美猴王(Handsome Monkey King),住在花果山(Mountain of Flowers and Fruits)水帘洞(Cave of Water Curtains);悟空是菩提祖师/须菩提(Patriarch Bodhi/Subhuti)起的法号,意思是Awakening to Emptiness。他的武器是如意金箍棒(will-following golden-banded staff)。在八卦炉(eight-trigram brazier)练就火眼金睛(fiery golden eyes)。会翻筋斗云(cloud somersault)。他用这些本领(talents)战胜妖魔(demons),也会淘气(play pranks)。唐僧用一个金箍(gold band)通过念咒(chant magic words),即紧箍咒(tightening-crown spell),来控制他。   猪八戒(Zhu Bajie)字面意思是Eight-precepts Pig或Eight-prohibitions,通常翻译为Pigsy、Monk Pig或Pig,原为天蓬元帅(Marshal Tian Peng|)即天庭水军将官(commander of Heavenly Naval Forces),由于调戏(flirt with)嫦娥(Princess of the Moon Chang"e)被贬下(banish)人间(mortal realm),特点是贪吃好色(insatiable appetites for food and sex)。他也叫猪悟能(Pig Awakened to Power),是半人半猪(half human half pig)的怪物,曾经在高老庄(Gao Village)变成(pose)普通人娶亲。他的武器是九齿钉耙(nine-tooth iron rake)。   沙悟净(Sha Wujing)是河怪(river ogre),字面意思是Sand Awakened to Purity,有时翻译为沙和尚(Friar Sand)或Sandy,因为他住在流沙河(Flowing Sand River),曾为天庭的卷帘大将(Great General for Folding the Curtain),因为在蟠桃宴(Peach Banquet)上打破了王母娘娘(Heavenly Queen Mother)的水晶杯(crystal goblet)被贬下人间。他的武器是月牙铲(Crescent-Moon Shovel/Monk"s Spade)。 ;
2023-07-19 22:59:451


Journey to the West is a mythologi- cal novel based on many centuries of popular tradition. It was probably put into its present form in the 15708 by Wu Chengu2019en (1500-82). This lively fantasy relates the amazing adventures of the priest San- zang as he travels west in search of Buddhist sutras with his three disci- ples, the irreverent and capable Mon- key, greedy Pig, and Friar Sand. The opening chapters recount the earlier exploits of Monkey, culminating in his rebellion against Heaven. We then learn how Sanzang became a monk and was sent on his pilgrimage by the Tang emperor who had escaped death with the help of an Underworld official. The main story, the journey, takes the priest through all kinds of entertaining trials and tribulations, mainly at the hands of monsters and spirits who want to eat him. Only the courage and powers of his disciples, especially Monkey, save him from death. Monkey is the hero of the fantasy, and the read- er will soon learn why he has long been so loved in China. Will the pilgrims reach the Vulture Peak and obtain the Scriptures? The answer will only be found at the end of the lOO-chapter novel. The story is as full of imagination as Monkey is of magic, and packed with incident and down-to-earth hu- mour. The illustrations are from 19th- century Chinese edition. This is the first of the three volumes of the novel. Jacket drawing by: Wei Wei
2023-07-19 23:00:052


2023-07-19 23:00:138


《三国演义》----《The Romance of the Three Kindoms》《水浒传》----《The Story by the Water Margin》《红楼梦》----《The Dream of the Red Chamber 》《西游记》----《Journey to the West》
2023-07-19 23:00:2911


2023-07-19 23:01:121


The eminent monk Xuanzang decided to go to the west to learn the Scriptures. On the way, the Tang Monk took Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng as his apprentices, and they protected him from going west to learn the Scriptures.
2023-07-19 23:01:191


Journey to the West, commonly known to the western readers as Monkey, is a supernatural novel about a world of of fantastic invention, in which gods and demons loom large and vie for supremacy. The novel began with a series of oral and written versions, and eventually attained its most definitive version written by Wu Ch"eng-en (1500?-1582), a scholar-official in the Yantze region, and published in 1592. The story of Journey to the West is divided into three parts: (1) an early history of the Monkey spirit; (2) pseudo-historical account of Tripitaka"s family and life before his trip to to fetch the sutras in the Western Heaven; (3)the main story, consisting of 81 dangers and calamities encountered by Tripitaka and his three animal spirit disciples - Monkey, Pigsy, and Sandy (a fish spirit).
2023-07-19 23:01:271


Do you like reading" journey to the west"?
2023-07-19 23:01:354


2023-07-19 23:01:432


把西游记中主要人物的特点用英语写下来。Monkey magic strength, Dior unruly, heavy bonds of friendship.孙悟空法力高强,桀骜不驯,重情义。Zang Confucianism weak personality, hypocrisy, fear of death, beyond the lack of understanding, kindness goodness, but not be able to tell right from wrong.唐三藏个性儒弱,伪善怕死,缺乏超越的理解,善良仁慈,却不能够明辨是非。Pig lust, lazy.猪八戒好色,好吃懒做。Drifting honest, hard working.沙僧憨厚任劳任怨。技巧:1、在语态上,把主动语态变为被动语态(中译英),或者把被动语态变为主动语态(英译中)。2、在词性上面,用介词、形容词、副词、名词等来替换原来的动词,用动词、形容词、代词来替代名词,或者用短语、副词来替代形容词。3、在句子成分的方面,用表语、定语、状语、宾语来替换主语,用表语、主语、定语转换谓语,或者用主语、状语转换定语。4、在句型上面,可以把简单句和复杂句互换,复合句痛并列句互换,或将定语从句转化为状语从句。
2023-07-19 23:01:491


Journey to the West is a Chinese classic. The storyline is about a monk and his three diciples making a trip to the west to collect the buddhist writings. On their way, they met with many monsters and devils who wanted to eat the monk"s meat and penis soup.
2023-07-19 23:02:243


唐僧:Tang"s monk 孙悟空Goku猪八戒Pig eight quit 沙和尚Sand monk
2023-07-19 23:02:322


齐天大圣 [名] Great Sage Equalling Heaven 西游记英文版中的正式翻译,这一人物还翻译为Sun Wukong、Monkey King、Handsome Monkey King; 就是那大闹天宫的齐天大圣孙悟空。He is Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, who made havoc in Heaven.
2023-07-19 23:02:523


英文版的《西游记》是由韩国的一个名为Little Fox的专业少儿英语教育公司制作的。他们以动画故事的形式来进行英语教育,每集时长约为5至7分钟,且每个故事都基于原著。
2023-07-19 23:03:482


2023-07-19 22:59:174


灯谜:打一动物2篇 灯谜:打一动物1   小小船,白布篷。头也红,桨也红。(打一动物名)鹅   长胳膊,猴儿脸。大森林里玩得欢。摘野果,捣鹊蛋,抓住树枝荡秋千。(打一动物名)长臂猿   娘子娘子,身似盒子。麒麟剪刀,八个钗子。(打一动物名)蟹   进洞像龙,出洞像凤。凤生百子,百子成龙。(打一动物名)蚕   尖尖长嘴,细细小腿。拖条大尾,疑神疑鬼。(打一动物名)狐狸   为你打我,为我打你。打到你皮开,打得我出血。(打一动物名)蚊子   无脚也无手,身穿鸡皮皱。谁若碰着它,吓得连忙走。(打一动物名)蛇   背板过海,满腹文章。从无偷窃行为,为何贼名远扬?(打一动物名)乌贼   日飞落树上,夜晚到庙堂。不要看我小,有心肺肝肠。(打一动物名)麻雀   说马不像马,路上没有它。若用它做药,要到海中抓。(打一动物名)海马   海上一只鸟,跟着船儿跑。冲浪去抓鱼,不怕大风暴。(打一动物名)海鸥   小时像逗号,在水中玩耍。长大跳得高,是捉虫冠军。(打一动物名)青蛙   白天一起玩,夜间一块眠。到老不分散,人夸好姻缘。(打一动物名)鸳鸯   姑娘真辛苦,晚上还织布。天色蒙蒙亮,机声才停住。(打一动物名)纺织娘   有位小姑娘,身穿黄衣裳。谁要欺负她,她就戳一枪。(打一动物名)黄蜂   身小力不小,团结又勤劳。有时搬粮食,有时挖地道。(打一动物名)蚂蚁   头顶两只角,身背一只镬。只怕晒太阳,不怕大雨落。(打一动物名)蜗牛   你坐我不坐,我行你不行。你睡躺得平,我睡站到明。(打一动物名)马   穿着大红袍,头戴铁甲帽。叫叫我阿公,捉捉我不牢。(打一动物名)蜈蚣   沙漠一只船,船上载大山。远看像笔架,近看一身毡。(打一动物名)骆驼   身穿绿色衫,头戴五花冠。喝的清香酒,唱如李翠莲。(打一动物名)蝈蝈   头胖脚掌大,像个大傻瓜。四肢短又粗,爱穿黑大褂。(打一动物名)熊   个儿高又大,脖子似吊塔。和气又善良,从来不打架。(打一动物名)长颈鹿   鼻子像钩子,耳朵像扇子。大腿像柱子,尾巴像鞭子。(打一动物名)象   远看像黄球,近看毛茸茸。叽叽叽叽叫,最爱吃小虫。(打一动物名)小鸡   兄弟七八千,住在屋檐边。日日做浆卖,浆汁更值钱。(打一动物名)蜂   皮白腰儿细,会爬又会飞。木头当粮食,专把房屋毁。(打一动物名)白蚁   身上滑腻腻,喜欢钻河底。张嘴吐泡泡,可以测天气。(打一动物名)泥鳅   长得像黄菊,引诱小鱼虾。触手捕食物,舞爪又张牙。(打一动物名)海葵   像鱼不是鱼,终生住海里。远看是喷泉,近看像岛屿。(打一动物名)鲸   两眼如灯盏,一尾如只钉。半天云里过,湖面过光阴。(打一动物名)蜻蜓   播种(打一动物名)布谷   多兄长(打一动物名)八哥   屡试屡成(打一动物名)百灵   轻描柳叶(打一动物名)画眉   纺织工人聪明透,人人赞它是能手,自己独造一间房,四面不设门窗口。(打一动物)【谜底】蚕   此物老家在非洲,力大气壮赛过牛,血盆大口吼一声,吓得百兽都发抖。(打一动物)【谜底】狮子   头戴花冠鸟中少,身穿锦袍好夸耀,尾巴似扇能收展,尾羽开屏真俊俏。(打一动物)【谜底】孔雀   春到它来临,催唤播种人,秋后它返回,遍传丰收音。(打一动物)【谜底】布谷鸟   说它是马猜错了,穿的衣服净道道,把它放进动物园,大人小孩都爱瞧。(打一动物)【谜底】斑马 灯谜:打一动物2   春到它来临,催唤播种人,秋后它返回,遍传丰收音。(打一动物)【谜底】布谷鸟   说它是马猜错了,穿的衣服净道道,把它放进动物园,大人小孩都爱瞧。(打一动物)【谜底】斑马   不是狐狸不是狗,前面架铡刀,后面拖扫帚。(打一动物)【谜底】狼   虽有翅膀飞不起,非洲沙漠多足迹,快步如飞多迅速,鸟中体重它第一。(打一动物)【谜底】鸵鸟   一身白衣多健美,在大海上四处飞,喜欢与船结伙伴,主要食物是鱼类。(打一动物)【谜底】海鸥   身上乌又乌,赤脚走江湖,别人看它吃饭,其实天天饿肚。(打一动物)【谜底】鱼鹰   鹿马驴牛它不像,却难猜是哪一样,打开天窗说亮话,它有自己亲爹娘。(打一动物)【谜底】麋鹿   头上两根须,身穿花衣衫,飞进花朵里,传粉又吃蜜。(打一动物)【谜底】蝴蝶   一物生来力量强,又有爹来又有娘,有爹不和爹一姓,有娘不和娘一样。(打一动物)【谜底】骡   五彩星,落水底,样子老是有心计,悄悄潜伏沙面上,一有机会搞袭击。(打一动物)【谜底】海星   两头尖尖相貌丑,脚手耳目都没有,整天工作在地下,一到下雨才露头。(打一动物)【谜底】蚯蚓   小飞贼,水里生,干坏事,狠又凶,偷偷摸摸吸人血,还要嗡嗡叫几声。(打一动物)【谜底】蚊子   身子黑不溜秋,喜往泥里嬉游,常爱口吐气泡,能够观察气候。(打一动物)【谜底】泥鳅   落地就会跑,胡子一大把,不管见了谁,总爱喊妈妈。(打一动物)【谜底】山羊 ;
2023-07-19 22:59:281


128√e980 出自K.will的《我需要你》mv中,也在《大叔我爱你》这部影片中出现过意思:用折纸的方法或擦掉上面一半得到的是I love you
2023-07-19 22:59:381


导语:最早的谜语,先由汉族民间集体创作,口传心授,当初并未引起文人的注意,所以在文字上没有反映出来;这样就形成了长期流传在不识字的汉族劳动人民口头上的民间谜语;另外主要是在上层社会和文人中流传的文字谜,由书面传播。下面是我为大家收集整理的关于动物的谜语及答案,欢迎大家欣赏! 播种(打一动物名) 布谷 多兄长(打一动物名) 八哥 屡试屡成(打一动物名) 百灵 轻描柳叶(打一动物名) 画眉 耳朵长,尾巴短。只吃菜,不吃饭。(打一动物名) 兔子 糉子脸,梅花脚。前面喊叫,后面舞刀。(打一动物名) 狗 小姑娘,夜纳凉。带灯笼,闪闪亮。(打一动物名) 萤火虫 一支香,地里钻。弯身走,不会断。(打一动物名) 蚯蚓 一样物,花花绿。扑下台,跳上屋。(打一动物名) 猫 沟里走,沟里串。背了针,忘了线。(打一动物名) 刺猬 肥腿子,尖鼻子。穿裙子,背屋子。(打一动物名) 鳖 船板硬,船面高。四把桨,慢慢摇。(打一动物名) 乌龟 一把刀,顺水漂。有眼睛,没眉毛。(打一动物名) 鱼 一星星,一点点。走大路,钻小洞。(打一动物名) 蚂蚁 脚儿小,腿儿高。戴红帽,穿白袍。(打一动物名) 丹顶鹤 小小船,白布篷。头也红,桨也红。(打一动物名) 鹅 像鱼不是鱼,终生住海里。远看是喷泉,近看像岛屿。(打一动物名) 鲸 两眼如灯盏,一尾如只钉。半天云里过,湖面过光阴。(打一动物名) 蜻蜓 黑脸包丞相,坐在大堂上。扯起八卦旗,专拿飞天将。(打一动物名) 蜘蛛 驼背老公公,胡子乱蓬蓬。生前没有血,死后满身红。(打一动物名) 虾 娘子娘子,身似盒子。麒麟剪刀,八个钗子。(打一动物名) 蟹 进洞像龙,出洞像凤。凤生百子,百子成龙。(打一动物名) 蚕 尖尖长嘴,细细小腿。拖条大尾,疑神疑鬼。(打一动物名) 狐狸 为你打我,为我打你。打到你皮开,打得我出血。(打一动物名) 蚊子 无脚也无手,身穿鸡皮皱。谁若碰着它,吓得连忙走。(打一动物名) 蛇 背板过海,满腹文章。从无偷窃行为,为何贼名远扬?(打一动物名) 乌贼 日飞落树上,夜晚到庙堂。不要看我小,有心肺肝肠。(打一动物名) 麻雀 说马不像马,路上没有它。若用它做药,要到海中抓。(打一动物名) 海马 海上一只鸟,跟着船儿跑。冲浪去抓鱼,不怕大风暴。(打一动物名) 海鸥 小时像逗号,在水中玩耍。长大跳得高,是捉虫冠军。(打一动物名) 青蛙 白天一起玩,夜间一块眠。到老不分散,人夸好姻缘。(打一动物名) 鸳鸯 姑娘真辛苦,晚上还织布。天色蒙蒙亮,机声才停住。(打一动物名) 纺织娘 有位小姑娘,身穿黄衣裳。谁要欺负她,她就戳一枪。(打一动物名) 黄蜂 身小力不小,团结又勤劳。有时搬粮食,有时挖地道。(打一动物名) 蚂蚁 头顶两只角,身背一只镬。只怕晒太阳,不怕大雨落。(打一动物名) 蜗牛 你坐我不坐,我行你不行。你睡躺得平,我睡站到明。(打一动物名) 马 穿着大红袍,头戴铁甲帽。叫叫我阿公,捉捉我不牢。(打一动物名) 蜈蚣 沙漠一只船,船上载大山。远看像笔架,近看一身毡。(打一动物名) 骆驼 身穿绿色衫,头戴五花冠。喝的清香酒,唱如李翠莲。(打一动物名) 蝈蝈 头胖脚掌大,像个大傻瓜。四肢短又粗,爱穿黑大褂。(打一动物名) 熊 个儿高又大,脖子似吊塔。和气又善良,从来不打架。(打一动物名) 长颈鹿 鼻子像钩子,耳朵像扇子。大腿像柱子,尾巴像鞭子。(打一动物名) 象 远看像黄球,近看毛茸茸。叽叽叽叽叫,最爱吃小虫。(打一动物名) 小鸡 兄弟七八千,住在屋檐边。日日做浆卖,浆汁更值钱。(打一动物名) 蜂 皮白腰儿细,会爬又会飞。木头当粮食,专把房屋毁。(打一动物名) 白蚁 身上滑腻腻,喜欢钻河底。张嘴吐泡泡,可以测天气。(打一动物名) 泥鳅 长得像黄菊,引诱小鱼虾。触手捕食物,舞爪又张牙。(打一动物名) 海葵 像猫不是猫,身穿皮袄花。山中称霸王,寅年它当家。(打一动物名) 老虎 身长约一丈,鼻生头顶上。背黑肚皮白,安家在海洋。(打一动物名) 海豚 远看像只猫,近看是只鸟。晚上捉田鼠,天亮睡大觉。(打一动物名) 猫头鹰 腿长胳膊短,眉毛遮住眼。没人不吭声,有人它乱窜。(打一动物名) 蚂蚱 头插花翎翅,身穿彩旗袍。终日到处游,只知乐逍遥。(打一动物名) 蝴蝶 身子轻如燕,飞在天地间。不怕相隔远,也能把话传。(打一动物名) 信鸽 脚着暖底靴,口边出胡须。夜里当巡捕,日里把眼眯。(打一动物名) 猫 头前两把刀,钻地害禾苗。捕来烘成干,一味利尿药。(打一动物名) 蝼蛄 四柱八栏杆,住着懒惰汉。鼻子团团转,尾巴打个圈。(打一动物名) 猪 生的是一碗,煮熟是一碗。不吃是一碗,吃了也一碗。(打一动物名) 田螺 头戴周瑜帽,身穿张飞袍。自称孙伯符,脾气像马超。(打一动物名) 蟋蟀 身穿绿衣裳,肩扛两把刀。庄稼地里走,害虫吓得跑。(打一动物名) 螳螂 叫猫不抓鼠,像熊爱吃竹。摇摆惹人爱,是猫还是熊?(打一动物名) 熊猫 长胳膊,猴儿脸。大森林里玩得欢。摘野果,捣鹊蛋,抓住树枝荡秋千。(打一动物名) 长臂猿
2023-07-19 22:59:471


2023-07-19 22:59:118

128根号e980真正意思。不要I love u.

2023-07-19 22:59:091


两种解法: 解法一、 128根号e980 = e ^(980/128) = e ^7.65625 = 2113.82 解法二、 x = 128根号e980 两边同取自然对数 得 lnx = 980/128 = 7.65625 x = 2113.82
2023-07-19 22:59:021


2023-07-19 22:58:562