台湾房子1坪是大陆3.3058平米。想在台湾买房子,需要知道的几个注意事项 :台湾的贷款、首付比例以及限制条件:首先大陆居民是可以在台湾购置房子的,只是需要审核盖章走程序而已,大陆居民可按例银行按揭,按揭成数最高度为50%,贷款期限最长30年。提供的资料越齐全,享受的优惠越多,同时放贷利率越低。按揭贷款需要提供担保。大陆的收入证明和资产证明在台湾不认,只能以台湾的产权物作为抵押,收入证明和资产证明是个辅助的条件。大陆居民购置台湾的房子能享受台湾的医疗保障:大陆居民在台湾购买房子,可以享受到台湾高水准医疗服务,符合还可以加入“健宝”,所谓的健宝相当于大陆的医保,能够报销部分医疗费用。购房人员的子女能享受台湾的教育:大陆居民出具寅年“在台留证”便可以申请中小学基础教育。后面的大学可以通过考试进入。大陆居民购置房产在法律规定上有哪些限制:按照相关规定,一旦购买了台湾的房子便可以享受永久产权,也就是说买了这个房子之后你就拥有了这套房子的永久产权,政府如果要拆迁必须要安排你的住所。同事大陆居民可以办理贷款,最高的贷款金额可以达到房子总价的50%,且购买之后,3年之内不允许转让出手,大陆居民在台湾购房后,入境的次数可以不受限制,任由出入,但是在台湾待的时间最长只能为4个月。产权上能否写多人姓名,这些人是否能够一样拥有无限次进入台湾逗留4个月的时间:按照相关规定,签约买卖合同的人数可以不限,但是产权证上只能够写一个人的名字,但是产权证上的亲人可以自由行、参团和商务签等方式去台湾。2023-07-18 13:41:351
一坪,等于3.3057平米。 坪,源于日本传统计量系统尺贯法的面积单位,主要用于计算房屋、建筑用地之面积,主要应用于日本、中国台湾和朝鲜半岛。 1坪等于1日亩的三十分之一,折合3.3057平方米,简称3.3057平米。 从实物来看,1坪大约相当于两块榻榻米的面积。2023-07-18 13:41:591
五万坪等于165289.25平方米坪原为日本面积单位,一坪等于3.305785平米。解析:50000×3.305785=165289.25平方米2023-07-18 13:42:071
一坪等于3.30378 平方米 ,18坪等于59.47平方米。2023-07-18 13:42:341
42.9平方米,一坪约等于3.3平方米,坪是台湾省常用的建筑面积单位。2023-07-18 13:42:411
正确的算法,1 坪 = 3.305785 平方米,10 坪 = 33.05785 平方米,70 坪 = 231.40495 平方米 ...2023-07-18 13:42:503
一坪等于3.3057平方米,所以40坪=132.228平方米2023-07-18 13:42:581
220坪等于726.8316平方米。根据查询相关资料信息显示,一坪等于3.30378平方米,所以200坪就是726.8316平方米,坪是日本的单位名称,台湾土地或者建物小面积就是用坪作为单位。2023-07-18 13:43:231
长宽各百公尺就是一公顷,一坪是二块塌塌米(6尺乘6尺或3.305平方米),所以一公顷约3025坪,一甲约0.97公顷或2934坪,0.1公顷就是一分地或约302.5坪,所以一甲地是2934*3.305=9696.87平方米。2023-07-18 13:43:331
1、坪组词:停机坪、坪坝、梨坪乡、敞坪、禾坪、穆坪系、土坪、打地坪、草坪石、康坪乡、晒坪、田坪、肩头坪。2、坪,源于日本传统计量系统尺贯法的面积单位,主要用于计算房屋、建筑用地之面积。要应用于日本、中国台湾和朝鲜半岛。1坪等于1日亩的三十分之一,合3.3057平方米。1坪是6日尺*6日尺也就是2块榻榻米的面积,1日尺约为30.3公分。坪,也指平坦的场地。2023-07-18 13:43:401
1亩大约等于667平方米=10分,所以1分大约等于66.7平方米,而坪为日本面积单位名,等于一日亩的三十分之一,约合3.3058平方米,所以,一分地约等于20.18坪。2023-07-18 13:43:591
打印浏览2023-07-18 13:44:083
2023-07-18 13:44:173
4046.864798平方米。英亩是英美制面积单位,通常在英国、美国等地区使用,1英亩等于0.004047平方千米等于0.468648公亩等于6.0702846市亩等于1,224.176601坪等于160平方杆=4046.864798平方米。2023-07-18 13:44:431
九分之一2023-07-18 13:44:524
My———school life中考英语作文,80-100字
My school life Hi, I"m xxx . I study at NO.9 Middle School. I like to go to school. This is my school day. I get up at six o"clock. It"s too early. And I have breakfast at half past six. Then my mother takes me to school by car. Lessons start at eight o"clock. I have seven lessons every day —— four in the morning and the other three in the afternoon. My favourite lessons are music and Chinese, because I am good at music and Chinese. At half past nine, we have a break and we do exercises on the playground. We have lunch in the classroom at twenty to twelve. We have rice,pork with vegetables or eggs. In the afrernoon, lessons start at one o"clock. And we also have a break at half past two in the afrernoon. We go home at five o"clock. In the evening, I do my homework and have a dinner at half past five. I play computer games and go to bed at nine o"clock. My school life is very busy, but I enjoy it. My school life Holle , my name is Li ming . I"m 13 years old . I"m from China and I"m Chinese. I"m a middle school student. I go to school at 7:00.I have six lessons a day. And I have lunch at school. My favourite subject is Chinese and I good at Chinese. I leave school at 3:00. I go back home at 3:30.I finish my homework first. Then I go onlie the Internet and I download music from the Internet. I like playing computer games very muat. But I never play Tomb Raider. My favourite animal is giraffes. Because they have a long neck. I want them as high as.2023-07-18 13:42:162
self fabric taping along back neck seam is DTM什么意思
用于作为后颈缝合处的镶边面料需要配色。专业词汇有点难,可能有些偏差,希望对你有帮助2023-07-18 13:42:231
定语从句错误,可改为同位语从句,"both of which" 改为"that both".这个句子有点长,最好断开,people like to use it when they are in bed, or in the car.希望能帮到你.2023-07-18 13:42:311
孟子幼时,其舍近墓,常嬉为墓间之事,其母曰:“此非吾所以处子也。”遂行市旁,孟子又嬉为贾人炫卖之事,母曰:“此又非所以处吾子也。”复徙居学宫之旁,孟子乃嬉为设俎豆揖让进退之事,其母曰:“此可以处吾子矣。”遂居焉。 <译文>孟子年少时,家住在坟墓的附近。孟子经常喜欢在坟墓之间嬉游玩耍。孟母见此情景,就觉得这个地方不适合居住,于是就带着孟子搬迁到市场附近居住下来。可是,孟子又玩闹着学商人买卖的事情。孟母又觉得此处也不适合孟子居住,于是又搬迁到书院旁边住下来。此时,孟子便模仿儒生学作礼仪之事。孟母认为,这正是孟子所适宜居住的地方,于是就定居下来了。2023-07-18 13:42:531
孟母三迁译文如下:孟母三迁译文翻译:初孟子家在墓地附近,每隔几天,就会有送葬的队伍吹着喇叭经过他家门口。好奇的孟子就跟着送葬的队伍学着吹喇叭,引得一群孩子跟在他后面跑着玩儿,大家一起玩儿送葬的游戏。孟母非常重视孟子的教育问题,看到孟子整天吹喇叭玩儿送葬游戏,赶紧就把家搬到了城里,住在屠宰场的旁边。寓意:孤儿寡母,搬一次家绝非易事,而孟母竟不怕麻烦地搬了三次家,可见孟母深知环境对儿子成长的重要性。常言道近朱者赤,近墨者黑,这个道理在孟子的成长过程中体现得尤明显。世间万物的发展都有内、外两重因素相互影响又相互制约。少年儿童的成长也不例外,其天赋秉性与是否刻苦用功是起决定性的内因,而外部环境,包括家庭和学校教育以及社会影响,也有很重要的作用。成语告诉人们,环境是孩子成长和生活中重要的一部分,好的环境可以促进孩子健康成长,而恶劣的环境则可能使孩子也跟着学坏。孟母教子的影响特别深远,早在西汉时期韩婴的《韩诗外传》中,就用有关孟母的故事来解释诗义,刘向的《列女传》中,首次出现了“孟母”这个专用名词。2023-07-18 13:43:311
孟母三迁 翻译
132023-07-18 13:44:014
[译文]:从前孟子的母亲,选择良好的环境居住,是为了让孩子学好。孩子不肯努力向学,就割断织布机上的布来劝勉他。 [故事]:孟母三迁 孟子,名柯。战国时期鲁国人(现在的山东省境内)。三岁时父亲去世,由母亲一手抚养长大。 孟子小时候很贪玩,模仿性很强。他家原来住在坟地附近,他常常玩筑坟墓或学别人哭拜的游戏。母亲认为这样不好,就把家搬到集市附近,孟子又模仿别人做生意和杀猪的游戏。孟母认为这个环境也不好,就把家搬到学堂旁边。孟子就跟着学生们学习礼节和知识。孟母认为这才是孩子应该学习的,心里很高兴,就不再搬家了。这就是历史上著名的“孟母三迁”的故事。 对于孟子的教育,孟母更是重视。除了送他上学外,还督促他学习。有一天,孟子从老师子思那里逃学回家,孟母正在织布,看见孟子逃学,非常生气,拿起一把剪刀,就把织布机上的布匹割断了。孟子看了很惶恐,跪在地上请问原因。孟母责备他说:“你读书就像我织布一样。织布要一线一线地连成一寸,再连成一尺,再连成一丈、一匹,织完后才是有用的东西。学问也必须靠日积月累,不分昼夜勤求而来的。你如果偷懒,不好好读书,半途而废,就像这段被割断的布匹一样变成了没有用的东西。” 孟子听了母亲的教诲,深感惭愧。从此以后专心读书,发愤用功,身体力行、实践圣人的教诲,终于成为一代大儒,被后人称为“亚圣”。2023-07-18 13:44:091
孟母三迁的翻译:孟子的母亲,世人称她孟母。过去孟子小时候,居住的地方离墓地很近,孟子学了些祭拜之类的事。他的母亲说:“这个地方不适合孩子居住。”于是将家搬到集市旁,孟子学了些做买卖和屠杀的东西。母亲又想:“这个地方还是不适合孩子居住。”又将家搬到学宫旁边。孟子学习会了在朝廷上鞠躬行礼及进退的礼节。孟母说:“这才是孩子居住的地方。”就在这里定居下来了。拓展延伸启发良好的人文环境对人类的成长和生活而言是十分重要的。现代的人们不仅要求高品质的物质生活,更需要高品位的精神生活。给人很多的思维.在个人空间,在居住方面,在社交圈里.在生活中,环境造就人才,环境也淹没才人。环境重要,比如把一个刚出生的婴儿交给一只狼去抚养,婴儿长大后就具有狼的很多生活习性。社会环境与一个人、特别是青少年的成长有直接的关系。孟子后来成为大学问家,与社会环境对他的熏陶感染有很大关系。赏析孟母教子的影响特别深远,早在西汉时期韩婴的《韩诗外传》中,就用有关孟母的故事来解释诗义,刘向的《列女传》中,首次出现了“孟母”这个专用名词。 东汉女史学家班昭曾作《孟母颂》,西晋女文学家左芬也作《孟母赞》。南宋时的启蒙课本《三字经》引证的第一个典故就是“昔孟母,择邻处,子不学,断机杼”,这一普及于封建社会后期的启蒙读物,虽经明、清学者陆续修订补充,而孟母三迁、断机教子的故事始终冠于篇首。山东监察御使钟化民《祭孟母文》赞扬道:“子之圣即母之圣”、“人生教子,志在青紫。夫人教子,志在孔子。古今以来,一人而已。”随着孟母故事的广泛流传,封建统治者也竭力将其塑造成符合其需要的偶像,封建皇帝对其屡加封谥,直到乾隆二年(1737年)加封孟母为“邾国端范宣献夫人”。2023-07-18 13:44:151
孟母三迁 文言文翻译
孟母三迁朝代:汉朝 作者:刘向邹孟轲母,号孟母。其舍近墓。孟子之少时,嬉游为墓间之事。孟母曰:“此非吾所以居处子。”乃去,舍市旁。其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事。孟母又曰:“此非吾所以处吾子也。”复徙居学宫之旁。其嬉游乃设俎豆,揖让进退。孟母曰:“真可以处居子矣。”遂居。及孟子长,学六艺,卒成大儒之名。君子谓孟母善以渐化。译文 孟子的母亲,人称孟母。当初她的家靠近墓地,因此孟子小时候,游戏玩耍的都是下葬哭丧一类的事,还特爱学造墓埋坟。孟母见了说到:“这里不该是我带着孩子住的地方。”于是将家搬到一处集市旁,孟子又学玩起了奸猾商人夸口买卖那一类的事。孟母又说:“这里也不是我该带着孩子居住的地方。”又将家搬到了一个学宫的旁边。这时孟子所学玩的,就是祭祀礼仪、作揖逊让、进退法度这类仪礼方面的学问了。孟母说:“这里才真正是可以让我孩子居住的地方。”于是就一直住在了这里。等到孟子长大成人,学精六艺,终于成为有名的大儒。后来的君子贤人都说孟母很善于利用环境渐染教化孩子。2023-07-18 13:44:311
孟子的母亲,人们都称她孟母。孟子小时候家里靠近墓地,因此孟子学起了祭拜之类的事,玩起下葬哭丧的游戏。孟母见了说到:“这里不适合孩子居住。”于是将家搬到一处集市旁,孟子又学起了奸猾商人那一套。孟母又知道了说:“这个地方还是不适合孩子居住。”于是,又搬到学宫旁边。孟子学习会了在朝廷上的礼节。孟母说:“这才是孩子居住的地方。”就在这里定居下来了。等孟子成人后,学成六艺,获得大儒的名望。 “孟母三迁”的意思是孟轲的母亲为选择良好的环境教育孩子,多次迁居;其蕴含的道理是人的性格和生活的环境有着很大的联系,我们生活在一个互相联系的世界中,时时刻刻都在受到周围人和物的影响。因此,周围的人和物会对我们产生或好或坏的影响。人总是要往好的方面发展的,所以,人们尽量避免不利的环境。 孟母教子的影响特别深远,早在西汉时期韩婴的《韩诗外传》中,就用有关孟母的故事来解释诗义,刘向的《列女传》中,首次出现了“孟母”这个专用名词。东汉女史学家班昭曾作《孟母颂》,西晋女文学家左芬也作《孟母赞》。2023-07-18 13:44:381
战国的时候,有一个很伟大的大学问家孟子。孟子小的时候非常调皮,他的妈妈为了让他受好的教育,花了好多的心血呢!有一次,他们住在墓地旁边。孟子就和邻居的小孩一起学着大人跪拜、哭嚎的样子,玩起办理丧事的游戏。孟子的妈妈看到了,就皱起眉头:「不行!我不能让我的孩子住在这里了!」孟子的妈妈就带着孟子搬到市集旁边去住。到了市集,孟子又和邻居的小孩,学起商人做生意的样子。一会儿鞠躬欢迎客人、一会儿招待客人、一会儿和客人讨价还价,表演得像极了!孟子的妈妈知道了,又皱皱眉头:「这个地方也不适合我的孩子居住!」于是,他们又搬家了。这一次,他们搬到了学校附近。孟子开始变得守秩序、懂礼貌、喜欢读书。这个时候,孟子的妈妈很满意地点着头说:「这才是我儿子应该住的地方呀!」等到孟子长大了,学成了六艺,终于成了大儒(圣贤)的称号。2023-07-18 13:44:583
孟母三迁的原文和译文原文)孟子幼时,其舍近墓,常嬉为墓间之事,其母曰:“此非吾所以处吾子也。”遂迁居市旁,孟子又嬉为贾人街卖之事。其母曰:“此又非吾所以处吾子也。”复徙居学宫旁。孟子乃嬉为俎豆揖让进退之事,其母曰:“此可以处吾子矣。”遂居之。及孟子长,学六艺,卒成大儒之名。(释文)子小时候家离墓地很近,就常常玩模仿殡葬的游戏,他母亲说:“这不是我儿子应该住的地方。”于是迁到集市旁边,孟子又做商人卖东西的游戏。他母亲说:“这也不是我儿子应该住的地方。”又搬家到学堂旁边。孟子于是就做些拱让食物的礼仪的游戏,他母亲说:“这里我儿子可以住了。”就在那里住了下来。等到孟子长大,学会了六艺(礼乐射御书数),成了著名的大儒良好的人文环境对人类的成长和生活而言是十分重要的。现代的人们不仅要求高品质的物质生活,更需要高品位的精神生活2023-07-18 13:45:082
二次元,ACGN亚洲文化圈专用名词,来源于日语中的“二次元”,意为“二维”,作用于日本的动漫爱好者。“)”是用来指现实中的人物。二次元现在指的是所有与动画相关的作品或圈子。二次元是指通过绘画、文字、影视等手段创造的虚拟世界。因为显示的内容是以纸张或屏幕为载体的平面图形,所以称为二次元。UnitedWords在ACGN文化圈被广泛用作“架空世界”或梦幻世界的称谓,但ACGN并不等同于二次元。这种用法始于日本。早期的日本动画和游戏作品是由二维图像组成的。画面是一个平面,所以被称为“二维世界”,简称“二维”,与之相对。就是“三维”,也就是“我们存在的这个维度”,也就是现实世界。第二维是指人类喜欢的美丽世界,以及观看者对各种渴望的视觉体验。本质上,其实是一个美丽的三维世界的人心印象。二次元根据民族地区分布有不同的划分标准。在中国,二次元圈通常指ACGN,即动画、漫画、游戏、小说;在日本,二次元圈通常指的是MAG,即漫画、Anima、Games;在美国,二维圈通常指ACG,即动画、漫画、游戏.2023-07-18 13:45:151
二次元,即二维。“次元”即“纬度”,是dimension的两种翻译。在ACGN文化圈中被用作对“架空世界”的一种称呼,但ACGN并非等同于二次元。相对应的,ACGN文化中通常将“现实世界”称为“三次元”。这一用法始于日本,早期的动画、游戏作品都是以二维图像构成的,其画面是一个平面,所以被称为是“二次元世界”,简称“二次元”,而与之相对的是“三次元”,即“我们所存在的这个次元”,也就是现实世界。2023-07-18 13:45:2611
孟母三迁原文及翻译 孟母三迁作者介绍
1、《孟母三迁》 【作者】刘向 【朝代】汉 邹孟轲母,号孟母。其舍近墓。孟子之少时,嬉游为墓间之事。孟母曰:“此非吾所以居处子。”乃去,舍市旁。其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事。孟母又曰:“此非吾所以处吾子也。”复徙居学宫之旁。其嬉游乃设俎豆,揖让进退。孟母曰:“真可以处居子矣。”遂居。及孟子长,学六艺,卒成大儒之名。君子谓孟母善以渐化。 2、译文 孟子的母亲,世人称她孟母。过去孟子小时候,居住的地方离墓地很近,孟子学了些祭拜之类的事。他的母亲说:“这个地方不适合孩子居住。”于是将家搬到集市旁,孟子学了些做买卖和屠杀的东西。母亲又想:“这个地方还是不适合孩子居住。”又将家搬到学宫旁边。孟子学习会了在朝廷上鞠躬行礼及进退的礼节。孟母说:“这才是孩子居住的地方。”就在这里定居下来了。 3、刘向(约前77—前6) 原名更生,字子政,彭城(今江苏徐州)人,祖籍沛郡丰邑(今江苏丰县)。西汉经学家、目录学家、文学家。刘向的散文主要是秦疏和校雠古书的“叙录”,较有名的有《谏营昌陵疏》和《战国策叙录》,叙事简约,理论畅达、舒缓平易是其主要特色。2023-07-18 13:45:271
昔孟子少时,父早丧,母仉[zhu0103ng]氏守节。居住之所近于墓,孟子学为丧葬,躄[bì],踊痛哭之事。母曰:“此非所以居子也。”乃去,舍市,近于屠,孟子学为买卖屠杀之事。母又曰:“亦非所以居子也。”继而迁于学宫之旁。每月朔(shuò,夏历每月初一日)望,官员入文庙,行礼跪拜,揖[yī,拱手礼]让进退,孟子见了,一一习记。孟母曰:“此真可以居子也。”遂居于此。 (原文)孟子幼时,其舍近墓,常嬉为墓间之事。其母曰:“此非吾所以处吾子也。”遂迁居市旁。孟子又嬉为贾人炫卖之事。其母曰:“此又非吾所以处吾子也。”复徙居学宫旁。孟子乃嬉为俎豆揖让进退之事,其母曰:“此可以处吾子矣。”遂居焉。2023-07-18 13:45:361
孟子幼时,其舍近墓,常嬉为墓间之事,其母曰:“此非吾所以处子也。”遂行市旁,孟子又嬉为贾人炫卖之事,母曰:“此又非所以处吾子也。”复徙居学宫之旁,孟子乃嬉为设俎豆揖让进退之事,其母曰:“此可以处吾子矣。”遂居焉。<译文>孟子年少时,家住在坟墓的附近。孟子经常喜欢在坟墓之间嬉游玩耍。孟母见此情景,就觉得这个地方不适合居住,于是就带着孟子搬迁到市场附近居住下来。可是,孟子又玩闹着学商人买卖的事情。孟母又觉得此处也不适合孟子居住,于是又搬迁到书院旁边住下来。此时,孟子便模仿儒生学作礼仪之事。孟母认为,这正是孟子所适宜居住的地方,于是就定居下来了。2023-07-18 13:45:462
解释下列字:常嬉为墓间之事, 嬉(玩耍) 又嬉为贾人炫卖之事,贾(gù)人(商)孟子乃嬉戏为设豆揖让进退之事,乃(就)此非无所以处子也。——这不是我可以用来安顿儿子的地方。孟母为什么要三迁其居?——为了给自己的孩子找到一个良好的成长环境。你同意孟母的做法吗?请说明理由。——同意。理由是:环境造就人才,环境也淹没人才,只有良好的人文环境才有利于孩子的成长。2023-07-18 13:45:563
Back in Black 歌词
歌曲名:Back in Black歌手:six feet under专辑:Graveyard Classics, Vol. 2Its the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Blackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/250322972023-07-18 13:42:061
breath是名词breathe是动词2023-07-18 13:41:166
llikedoerWordpuzzles2023-07-18 13:41:071
can you feel my word什么意思
can you feel my word你能否感觉到我的话can you feel my world 也是王力宏的一首歌你能否感觉到我的世界求采纳2023-07-18 13:41:003
manni body fabric back neck yoke dtms是什么意思
人体内织物背面颈部枷锁dtms2023-07-18 13:40:503
求Bigbang《Wild wild west》的歌词拜托各位了 3Q
make it wild, wild make it, make it wild, make it wild make it make it wild wild west, jim west, desperado, rough rider no you don"t want nada none of this, gun in this, brotha runnin this, buffalo soldier, look it"s like i told ya any damsel that"s in distress be out of that dress when she meet jim west rough neck so go check the law and abide watch your step with flex and get a hole in your side swallow your pride, don"t let your lip react you don"t wanna see my hand where my hip be at with all of this, from the start of this runnin the game, james west tamin the west so remember the name now who ya gonna call? dru hill: not the g.b."s will smith: now who you gonna call? dru hill: *g double e g* if you have a riff with people wanna bust break out before you get bumrushed at the (wild wild west) when i roll into the (wild wild west) when i stroll into the (wild wild west) when i bounce into the (wild wild west) sisqo, sisqo sisqo: we going straight to the wild wild west we going straight to the wild wild west now, now, now, now once upon a time in the west mad man lost his damn mind in the west loveless, givin up a dime, nothin" less now i must put his behind to the test (can you feel me) then through the shadows, in the saddle, ready for battle bring all your boys in, here come the poison behind my back, all the riffin" ya did, front and center, now where your lip at kid? who dat is? a mean brotha, bad for your health lookin damn good though, if i could say it myself told me loveless is a mad man, but i don"t fear that he got mad weapons too, ain"t tryin to hear that tryin to bring down me, this champion when y"all clowns gon" see that it can"t be done understand me son, i"m the slickest they is, i"m the quickest as they is, did i say i"m the slickest they is so if you barking up the wrong tree we comin, don"t be startin nothin me and my partner gonna test your chest, loveless can"t stand the heat then get out the wild wild west we going straight to (when i roll into the) the wild wild west (when i stroll into the) we going straight to (when i bounce into the) the wild wild west we going straight to the wild wild west we going straight to the wild wild west (adlib) to any outlaw tryin to draw, thinkin you"re bad, any draw on west best with a pen and a pad, don"t even think about it, six gun, weighin a ton, 10 paces and turn, just for fun, son, up till sundown, rolling around, see where the bad guys are to be found and make "em lay down, the defenders of the west, crushin on pretenders in the west, don"t mess with us cuz we"re in the (wild wild west) (when i roll into the) the wild wild west(when i stroll into the) we going straight to (when i bounce into the) the wild wild west we going straight (wild wild west) when i roll into the (wild wild west) when i stroll into the when i bounce into the we going straight to the wild wild west (the wild wild west) (wild, wild west) whoo, uh (wild wild west) ha ha ha ha (wild wild west)... (wild wild west) (wild wild west) *the wild wild west* bring in the heat bring in the heat, what? (wild wild west) (wild wild west) uh can"t stop the bumrush *the wild wild* (the wild wild west)2023-07-18 13:40:301
他已经给你了2023-07-18 13:40:233
精彩对白:Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: If there"s magic in boxing, it"s the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance, beyond cracked ribs, ruptured kidneys and detached retinas. It"s the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: To make a fighter you gotta strip them down to bare wood: you can"t just tell "em to forget everything you know if you gotta make "em forget even their bones... make "em so tired they only listen to you, only hear your voice, only do what you say and nothing else... show "em how to keep their balance and take it away from the other guy... how to generate momentum off their right toe and how to flex your knees when you fire a jab... how to fly back and up so that the other guy doesn"t want to come after you. Then you gotta show "em all over again. Over and over and over... till they think they"re born that way. Frankie Dunn: You forgot the rule. Now, what is the rule? Maggie Fitzgerald: Keep my left up? Frankie Dunn: Is to protect yourself at all times. Now, what is the rule? Maggie Fitzgerald: Protect myself at all times. Frankie Dunn: Good. Good. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: All fighters are pig-headed some way or another: some part of them always thinks they know better than you about something. Truth is: even if they"re wrong, even if that one thing is going to be the ruin of them, if you can beat that last bit out of them... they ain"t fighters at all. Maggie Fitzgerald: You"re gonna leave me again? Frankie Dunn: Never. Frankie Dunn: I think someone should count to 10. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: [after hitting someone] 110. Get a job, punk. Maggie Fitzgerald: Momma, you take Mardell and JD and get home "fore I tell that lawyer there that you were so worried about your welfare you never signed those house papers like you were supposed to. So anytime I feel like it I can sell that house from under your fat, lazy, hillbilly ass. And if you ever come back, that"s exactly what I"ll do. Maggie Fitzgerald: I saw your last fight, Shawrelle. Spent so much time face down I thought the canvas had titties. Father Horvak: What"s confusing you this week? Frankie Dunn: Oh, it"s the same old "one God-three God" thing. Father Horvak: Frankie, most people figure out by kindergarten it"s about faith. Frankie Dunn: Is it sort of like Snap Crackle and Pop, all rolled into one big box? Father Horvak: You"re standing outside my church, comparing God to Rice Krispies? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Frankie likes to say that boxing is an unnatural act, that everything in boxing is backwards: sometimes the best way to deliver a punch is to step back... But step back too far and you ain"t fighting at all. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: She"s getting pretty good. Frankie Dunn: Yeah, real fast. It"s almost as if someone"s been helping her. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Oh, I don"t know. Maybe she"s just got what it takes. Frankie Dunn: She"s got my speed bag, is what she"s got. [walking away] Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Now, how"d she get that? Ref #1: Is this your fighter? Frankie Dunn: This is my fighter. Frankie Dunn: What"s she sayin"? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Wants to know what you"re readin". Frankie Dunn: It"s Yeats. [turns to Maggie] Frankie Dunn: Keep your head back. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Why don"t you talk a little Yeats to her? Show her what a treat that is. Frankie Dunn: Mo cuishle means my darling. My blood. Frankie Dunn: [to Maggie] All right. I"m gonna disconnect your air machine, then you"re gonna go to sleep. Then I"ll give you a shot, and you"ll... stay asleep. Mo cuishle means "My darling, my blood." Father Horvak: Frankie, I"ve seen you at Mass almost every day for 23 years. The only person comes to church that much is the kind who can"t forgive himself for something. [repeated line] Frankie Dunn: I don"t train girls. Frankie Dunn: How many times do I got to tell you that bleach is bleach. Why can"t you just buy the cheap stuff, you always have to buy the expensive stuff. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: It smells better, Frankie. Frankie Dunn: Bleach smells like bleach. Maggie Fitzgerald: I"m 32, Mr. Dunn, and I"m here celebrating the fact that I spent another year scraping dishes and waitressing which is what I"ve been doing since 13, and according to you I"ll be 37 before I can even throw a decent punch, which I have to admit, after working on this speed bag for a month may be the God"s simple truth. Other truth is, my brother"s in prison, my sister cheats on welfare by pretending one of her babies is still alive, my daddy"s dead, and my momma weighs 312lbs. If I was thinking straight I"d go back home, find a used trailer, buy a deep fryer and some oreos. Problem is, this the only thing I ever felt good doing. If I"m too old for this then I got nothing. That enough truth to suit you? Frankie Dunn: What you learn tonight? Maggie Fitzgerald: Always protect myself. Frankie Dunn: What"s the rule? Maggie Fitzgerald: Always protect myself. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Anybody can lose one fight, anybody can lose once, you"ll come back from this you"ll be champion of the world. Danger Barch: Anyone can lose one fight. Frankie Dunn: I want you to jab, right in the tits, until they turn blue and fall off. Frankie Dunn: How many eyes do you need to finish this fight? Maggie Fitzgerald: One"s enough. Maggie Fitzgerald: She"s tough, I can"t go inside, I can"t get close enough to hit her. Frankie Dunn: You know why that is? Maggie Fitzgerald: Why? Frankie Dunn: Cause she"s a better fighter than you are, that"s why. She"s younger, she"s stronger, and she"s more experienced. Now, what are you gonna do about it? Maggie Fitzgerald: [Next round starts. Maggie knocks her out in few seconds] Frankie Dunn: Girlie, tough ain"t enough. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: There is magic in fighting battles beyond endurance [Eddie has his feet up on the desk] Frankie Dunn: You got big holes in your socks. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Oh, they"re not that big. Frankie Dunn: Didn"t I give you money for some new ones? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: These are my sleeping socks. My feet like a little air at night. Frankie Dunn: How come you"re wearing them in the daytime, then? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: "Cause my daytime socks got too many holes in them. Frankie Dunn: So is Jesus a Demigod? Father Horvak: There are no Demigods, you fucking Pagan! Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: I have HBO. Frankie Dunn: You wouldn"t start training to be a ballerina at 31 now, would you? Maggie Fitzgerald: Already been workin" it for three years. Frankie Dunn: And you can"t hit a speed bag? What kind of training is that? Maggie Fitzgerald: I never had any, boss. Frankie Dunn: Well, I hate to say it, but it shows. Maggie Fitzgerald: We"re flying? Frankie Dunn: Would you rather drive? Maggie Fitzgerald: You"re askin" me? Frankie Dunn: Would you rather fly or would you rather drive? Maggie Fitzgerald: So, I finally get to decide something? Frankie Dunn: That"s what I"m saying. Maggie Fitzgerald: Fine. Fly there, drive back. Frankie Dunn: That"s the stupidest thing I ever heard of. How the hell we gonna do that? Maggie Fitzgerald: You said it was up to me. Maggie Fitzgerald: I"ve got nobody but you, Frankie. Frankie Dunn: Well, you"ve got me. Maggie Fitzgerald: Working the bag, boss. Frankie Dunn: I"m not your boss and that bag"s working you. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Seems there are Irish people everywhere, or people who want to be. Danger Barch: [of a water bottle] How"d you get all the ice in here through this little tiny hole? Maggie Fitzgerald: You got any family, boss? Frankie Dunn: What? Maggie Fitzgerald: You"re spending so much time with me. I didn"t know if you had any. Frankie Dunn: Well, I"ve got a daughter, Katie. Maggie Fitzgerald: Well that"s family. Frankie Dunn: We"re not exactly close. Maggie Fitzgerald: How much she weigh? Frankie Dunn: What? Maggie Fitzgerald: Trouble in my family comes by the pound. Danger Barch: Oh, look, I"m Shawrelle! I"m humping the canvas! Maggie Fitzgerald: Did you see the fight? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Of course I did. You had her cold, Maggie. Maggie Fitzgerald: I shouldn"t have dropped my hand. I shouldn"t have turned. Always protect myself... how many times did he tell me that? Maggie Fitzgerald: I can"t be like this, Frankie. Not after what I"ve done. I"ve seen the world. People chanted my name. Well, not my name, some damn name you gave me. They were chanting for me. I was in magazines. You think I ever dreamed that"d happen? I was born two pounds, one-and-a-half ounces. Daddy used to tell me I"d fight my way into this world, and I"d fight my way out. That"s all I wanna do, Frankie. I just don"t wanna fight you to do it. I got what I needed. I got it all. Don"t let "em keep taking it away from me. Don"t let me lie here "till I can"t hear those people chanting no more. Frankie Dunn: [Reads a script from a book in Gaelic] Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: What the hell kind of language is that? Frankie Dunn: What do you want? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: I just thought you should know you got a fighter out there not talking to another manager. Frankie Dunn: Not talking to another manager? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: And not just any manager. Mickey Mack. Frankie Dunn: You came in here to tell me Big Willie is not talking to Mickey Mack. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Not a word. Neither one of him. Frankie Dunn: [Frustrated] I"m tryin" to read here. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Well, if you think that more important. Danger Barch: [Repeated line; yelling] And I challenge the "Motor City Cobra", Thomas "Hit Man" Hearns to fight me for the Welterweight Championship of the whole world! Maggie Fitzgerald: [first meeting] Mr. Dunn? Frankie Dunn: Hmm. I owe you money? Maggie Fitzgerald: No sir. Frankie Dunn: I know your mama? Maggie Fitzgerald: Don"t rightly know, sir. Frankie Dunn: Then what is it you want? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: The body knows what fighters don"t: how to protect itself. A neck can only twist so far. Twist it just a hair more and the body says, "Hey, I"ll take it from here because you obviously don"t know what you"re doing.... Lie down now, rest, and we"ll talk about this when you regain your senses." It"s called the knockout mechanism. British referee: Ten minutes, luv. Maggie Fitzgerald: Man says he loves me. Frankie Dunn: Well, he"s probably not the first one to say that. Maggie Fitzgerald: First since my daddy. Frankie Dunn: Hm. Maggie Fitzgerald: I win, you think he"ll propose? Frankie Dunn: You win, *I"ll* propose. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Boxing is an unnatural act. Cos everything in it is backwards. You wanna move to the left, you don"t step left, you push on the right toe. To move right, you use your left toe. Instead of running from the pain--like a sane person would do, you step into it.2023-07-18 13:40:141
neck opening是什么意思
这些全是服装专业术语 1.后袖笼 2.前袖笼,3.前领深 4.领口 5.内领宽 6.后领深 7.底部开孔 8.胸围2023-07-18 13:40:061
back可数吗?neck,nose ,stomach,junk,呢?(a li ga do gu zai ma si~)
你有几个后背啊?几个脖子,几个鼻子,几个胃啊?一般不加S。但都可数哦。junk food 是不可数的吧。2023-07-18 13:39:572
后颈椎疼。2023-07-18 13:39:492
back neck york在服装英语里面是什么意思
后领2023-07-18 13:39:421
Neck opening .Back neck straight ,edge to edgeFont neck drop Back neck drop Neck opening upper edgeChest, at 2cm below armhole ,seam to seam 夹下2cmCross front at 13 cm from high shoulder point 侧颈点下13cmFront waist at 17cm below armhole 夹下17cmBack waist at 17cm below armhole 夹下17cmFront length from high shoulder point Diagonal armholeBack width. At 2cm from high shoulder point 侧颈点下13cmBack length from high shoulder point Back collar height at centerFrom Hip at 38cm belows armhole, seam to seam 夹下38cmBack Hip at 38cm belows armhole, seam to seam 夹下38cmFront lower seam width at the edge, seam to seam Back lower seam width at the edge, seam to seam脖子开口。后脖子直,边到边字体脖子下降后面脖子下落颈部开口的上边缘胸部,在袖窿下2cm处,缝合缝下2cm在距离高肩点13厘米的侧颈点下13厘米处前腋下17cm处夹下17cm后腰围17cm以下,下夹17cm从高肩的前面长度对角袖孔背宽。 在距离肩高点2厘米的侧颈点下13厘米处从高肩膀背部长度在中心背领高度从臀部38cm以下的臀部,缝到38cm的缝下后臀位于袖口38cm以下,缝合缝下38cm在边缘的前部下缝宽度,缝到缝返回在边缘的下缝宽度,缝到缝2023-07-18 13:39:351
sore arm,armache,sore mouth,mouthache,
胳膊疼 Pain in the arm (或 my arm hurts)耳朵疼 earache, pain in the ear(在耳朵里面的疼), pain on the ear (耳朵表面的疼) 背疼 back pain, pain on my back眼睛疼 eye pain, pain in the eye, my eye hurts脚疼 foot pain, pain on my foot, pain in my foot手疼 hand pain, pain in my hand, pain on my hand腿疼 leg pain, pain in my leg, pain on my leg脖子疼 neck pain, pain in the neck, pain on the neck嘴疼 sore mouth, my mouth hurts, pain in my mouth(嘴里疼痛), pain on my mouth鼻子疼 nose ache, pain in my nose, pain on my nose注意:pain (疼痛)的含义比较广泛 ,ache 一般用来形容酸痛。剧烈的疼痛 是 sharp pain 比如 I have a sharp pain in my eye 。不能忍受的疼是 unbearable pain 或 excruciating pain 。另外要注意介词 in 和 on 的区别。2023-07-18 13:39:251
raise the hairs at the back of the neck
(吓得)全身汗毛直竖这里是激动得汗毛直竖, 哈哈2023-07-18 13:39:161
【 #二年级# 导语】语文是基础教育课程体系中的一门重点教学科目,其教学的内容是语言文化,其运行的形式也是语言文化。语文能力是学习其他学科和科学的基础,也是一门重要的人文社会科学,是人们相互交流思想等的工具。以下是 无 整理的《小学二年级语文思维训练题五篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 1.小学二年级语文思维训练题 一、把下面错乱的句子排成一段通顺的话。 1、()小雨点会聚到一起,小沟儿变成了小溪,小坑儿变成了小湖。()下雨真好,小雨点在地上蹦蹦跳跳。 ()小树叶像一群群小鱼儿在小溪中游,像一只只小船儿在小湖中漂。 ()小鸭子看到了,跑到雨中去浇浇。 ()下雨了、下雨了。 ()小白鹅看见了,也到雨中去戏闹。 2、()几天后,小树长出了新芽。 ()我把树苗放在坑里。 ()哥哥挖好了树坑。 ()哥哥填好了土。 ()我们又给小树苗浇了水。 ()星期日,我和哥哥去种树。 二、阅读理解。 (一)课内语段阅读。 中华世纪坛人如海,歌如潮。人们相互击掌,相互拥抱,任激动的泪水尽情流淌。主席等国家领导人来到欢乐的人群中,与大家同欢呼,共歌唱,把庆祝活动推向高 潮。 1、这段话共写了有()句话。 2、这一段写了人们在()庆祝申奥活动。 3、主席做了些什么? (二)课外阅读。 晚饭后,我和姐姐正在门口乘凉。忽然飞来一只大蜻蜓,落在一棵小树上,我悄悄地跑去,把它捉住。大蜻蜓真漂亮!两只眼珠像小玻璃球,亮晶晶的。一对红翅膀不住地扇着。我真喜欢它,就拿着玩起来。 姐姐看见了,大声喊:“快把它放了,它是益虫!”我听了姐姐的话,想到益虫的好处,就把它放了。 1、第一自然段共有()句话。 2、我能从文中找出下面词语的近义词。 美丽——()喜爱——() 3、用“——”画出描写蜻蜓外形的句子。 4、我非常喜欢大蜻蜓,为什么又把它放了? 2.小学二年级语文思维训练题 一、写出意思相反的词。 贫对____ 恨对______ 饥寒对_______ 虚假对_______ 二、能把搭配的词语用线连起来。 练 鸽子 机灵的 湖水 弹 钢琴 美丽的 写字 学 书法 清澈的 小鸟 喂 电脑 认真的 景色 三、照样子,改写句子。 例:我把小鱼放回大海。 小鱼被我放回大海。 1、同学们把教室打扫得干干净净。 2、小熊把风筝扎好了。 四、给下面的句子加上标点等号。 1、小明今天怎么没来上学 2、父亲又说听鸟要唱歌了 五、按课文内容填空。 1、停车___________________,霜叶____________________。 2、儿童____________________,笑问_____________________。 3、________________________,人间永远是春天。 3.小学二年级语文思维训练题 一、我会拼,相信你能准确地写出来。 yóuyǒng yǔzòu zǎochén hángkōng mǔjiàn 二、比一比,再组成词语。 飘()已()晴()州() 漂()己()睛()川() 三、给下面的字加偏旁组新字,再组词。 只_____()皮_____()长_____() 青_____()见____()苗_____() 四、照样子,写一写。(10分) 例:一块块(石头)一串串()一匹匹() 例:神气极了:__________极了__________极了 例:绿油油:___________________________________ 例:议论纷纷:____________________________________ 例:湖水像一面镜子。 ____________像_______________________ 4.小学二年级语文思维训练题 一、我会选择正确的读音下方打“____”。 1、今天,我还(hái huán)要去他家还(hái huán)书。 2、大海奏起欢乐(yuè lè)的乐(yuè lè)曲。 二、我能正确拼读词语,并能把字写好。 jiàoshì zǐxì mínzú bōlàng xiūxi tánqín yōngbào húli yǎnjīng zhùfú 三、我会选词填空。 1、河水()向前流着,四周一片安宁。 2、(),人们发现了他的弱点。 3、她()把铅笔屑扫走了。 四、我会按要求写句子。 1、小猴子爬上葡萄架。(迫不及待地)(扩句) 2、叶子上的虫还用治?(换种说法,意思不变。) 5.小学二年级语文思维训练题 新年就要到了,粮仓里的豆娃娃们议论开了。 黄黄娃说:“新年来临,我们该去谢谢青蛙妈妈,要不是她帮我们捉害虫,我们早没命啦!” “是呀,是呀!”胖胖娃说,“我们该给青蛙妈妈送一张贺卡,表表我们的心意。” 圆圆娃说:“好是好,可是,我们一无笔,二无纸,这贺卡可怎么送啊?” “呼——-”起风了。门缝里吹进一张雪白的纸。黄黄娃高兴地喊道:“有了,有了!快咬破我们的身子,在纸上写出我们要说的心里话。” 豆娃娃们在自己身上轻轻一咬,流血了。大家在纸上滚呀,滚呀,终于滚出了一行字:“青蛙妈妈,新年好!” 豆娃娃们带上自制的贺卡,走呀,走呀,来到了青蛙妈妈的家。大家轮流蹦起来撞门,“啪- 啪-啪-”好半天了,怎么青蛙妈妈不开门? 胖胖娃一下子跳到窗台上,往里一看,没有青蛙妈妈的影子啊! 豆娃娃们糊涂了:“青蛙妈妈哪儿去了?” 1、青蛙妈妈到底哪儿去了?() A、出门远行 B、青蛙妈妈冬眠 C、青姓妈妈在池塘 D、青娃妈妈捉害虫去了 2、按要求写词语,越多越好。 (1)表示颜色的词:雪白 (2)表示声音的词:呼 3、句子变变变。 (1)我们一无笔,二无纸,这贺卡可怎么送啊?(改为陈述句) (2)豆娃娃们送贺卡给青蛙妈妈。(把陈述句分别改为“把”字“被”字句) 4、读文章第一、二自然段,填空。 豆娃娃因为(),所以给青娃妈妈送贺卡。 5、你知道下面动物的生活习性是什么吗?连一连。 野兔 冬眠 斑马 迁徙 燕子 穴居 小熊 集群2023-07-18 13:39:141
鸸鹋 ér miáo 澳大利亚产的一种大型走禽,是仅次于鸵鸟的最大鸟,栖息于开阔森林与平原,羽毛发育不全,具纤细垂羽,副羽甚发达,头、颈有羽毛、无肉垂。2023-07-18 13:39:012