扇形周长公式因为扇形=两条半径+弧长若半径为r,扇形所对的圆心角为n°,那么扇形周长:c=2r+nπr÷180扇形面积公式在半径为r的圆中,因为360°的圆心角所对的扇形的面积就是圆面积s=πr^2,所以圆心角为n°的扇形面积:s=nπr^2÷360扇形还有另一个面积公式s=1/2lr其中l为弧长,r为半径扇形的弧长公式l=(n/180)*pi*r,l是弧长,n是扇形圆心角,pi是圆周率,r是扇形半径比如:半径为1cm的圆,那么所对圆心角为135°的扇形的周长:c=2r+nπr÷180=2×1+135×3.14×1÷180=2+2.355=4.355(cm)=43.55(mm)扇形的面积:s=nπr^2÷360=135×3.14×1×1÷360=1.1775(cm^2)=117.75(mm^2)2023-07-10 12:10:383
扇形的全部公式: 1、扇形周长公式 因为扇形周长=半径×2+弧长,若半径为r,扇形所对的圆心角的度数为n°,那么扇形周长:C=2r×(n÷360) 2、扇形的弧长公式 角度制计算:l=(n÷180)×π×r,l是弧长,n是扇形圆心角,π是圆周率,r是扇形半径。 弧度制计算:l=|α|×r,l是弧长,|α|是弧l所对的圆心角的弧度数的绝对值,r是半径。 3、扇形面积计算公式 S=(n÷360)×π×r^2,π是圆周率,r是扇形的半径,n是圆心角的度数。 扇形面积=半径×半径×圆周率×圆心角度数÷360 S=nπR^2/360;S=1/2LR,R是扇形半径,n是弧所对圆周角度数,π是圆周率。2023-07-10 12:10:591
扇形的周长公式 扇形的所有公式
1、扇形周长公式为:扇形周长=扇形半径×2+弧长,即C=2r+(n÷360)πd=2r+(n÷180)πr。 2、扇形的弧长:L=θ · r,其中,θ是弧度。 3、扇形的面积可以用圆的面积乘以弧度角和2π的比值。2023-07-10 12:11:061
扇形没有周长啦,是弧长用l表示l=(nπr)/180度n是圆心角2023-07-10 12:11:153
假如扇形的角的度数为XS扇=π×r×r×(X/360)2023-07-10 12:11:357
是扇形面积公式吧扇形的面积公式为:S扇 = LR/2 ,这里的L为扇形弧长,R为半径,或π(R^2)*N/360,这里的360即是扇形的度数。S扇=αR2/2 ,α为弧度制下的扇形圆心角,R为半径,等于πnR2/360 ,n为圆心角的度数,R为半径。 在几何中,一条弧和经过这条弧两端的两条半径所围成的图形叫扇形,其中半圆与直径的组合也是扇形。显然,扇形是由圆周的一部分与它所对应的圆心角围成。《几何原本》中这样定义扇形:由顶点在圆心的角的两边和这两边所截一段圆弧围成的图形。2023-07-10 12:11:511
扇形面积公式 什么是扇形
1、扇形面积公式描述了扇形面积和圆心角(顶角)、半径、所对弧长的关系。数学公式表示为:S扇=(lR)/2(l为扇形弧长)=(1/2)θR2(θ为以弧度表示的圆心角)。 2、一条圆弧和经过这条圆弧两端的两条半径所围成的图形叫扇形(半圆与直径的组合也是扇形)。显然,它是由圆周的一部分与它所对应的圆心角围成。《几何原本》中这样定义扇形:由顶点在圆心的角的两边和这两边所截一段圆弧围成的图形。2023-07-10 12:12:131
S=nπR^2/360S=1/2LRS=πRn2023-07-10 12:13:042
扇形统计图圆心角公式是圆心角的度数=百分比*360度。圆心角是指在中心为O的圆中,过弧AB两端的半径构成的∠AOB,称为弧AB所对的圆心角。圆心角等于同一弧所对的圆周角的二倍。在同圆或等圆中,若两个圆心角、两条弧、两条弦、两条弦的弦心距中有一组量相等,则对应的其余各组量也相等。2023-07-10 12:13:141
S:面积 C:周长 R:半径 D:直径 α:扇形圆心角 圆:D=2R,S=ПR^2,C=2ПR 扇形:S=ПR^2*α/(2П),C=2D+2ПR*α/(2П)=2D+αR2023-07-10 12:13:451
扇形圆心角度数公式:n=(180L)/(πr)(度)。圆心角是指在中心为O的圆中,过弧AB两端的半径构成的∠AOB,称为弧AB所对的圆心角。圆心角等于同一弧所对的圆周角的二倍。一条圆弧和经过这条圆弧两端的两条半径所围成的图形叫扇形(半圆与直径的组合也是扇形)。显然, 它是由圆周的一部分与它所对应的圆心角围成。《几何原本》中这样定义扇形:由顶点在圆心的角的两边和这两边所截一段圆弧围成的图形。圆心角的性质①顶点是圆心。②两条边都与圆周相交。③圆心角性质:在同圆或等圆中,相等的圆心角所对的弧相等,所对的弦相等,所对的弦的弦心距也相等。在同圆或等圆中,圆心角、圆心角所对的弦、圆心角所对的弧和对应弦的弦心距,四对量中只要有一对相等,其他三对就一定相等。④一条弧的度数等于它所对的圆心角的度数。⑤半圆(或直径)所对的圆周角是直角;90°的圆周角所对的弦是直径。2023-07-10 12:13:551
扇形的全部公式:1、扇形周长公式因为扇形周长=半径×2+弧长,若半径为r,扇形所对的圆心角的度数为n°,那么扇形周长:C=2r×(n÷360)。2、扇形的弧长公式角度制计算:l=(n÷180)×π×r,l是弧长,n是扇形圆心角,π是圆周率,r是扇形半径。弧度制计算:l=|α|×r,l是弧长,|α|是弧l所对的圆心角的弧度数的绝对值,r是半径。3、扇形面积计算公式S=(n÷360)×π×r^2,π是圆周率,r是扇形的半径,n是圆心角的度数。S=nπR^2/360;S=1/2LR,R是扇形半径,n是弧所对圆周角度数,π是圆周率。2023-07-10 12:15:141
扇形公式 扇形公式是什么
1、扇形面积计算公式:S=(n÷360)×π×r ^2 π是圆周率,r是扇形的半径,n是圆心角的度数。2、扇形周长公式:C=2r×(n÷360)。3、扇形的弧长公式:l=(n÷180)×π×r, l是弧长,n是扇形圆心角,π是圆周率,r是扇形半径。2023-07-10 12:15:271
扇形周长公式因为扇形周长等于半径×2+弧长,若半径为r,扇形所对的圆心角的度数为n°,那么扇形周长:C=2r×(n÷360)。具体如下。扇形的弧长公式,角度制计算:l=(n÷180)×π×r,l是弧长,n是扇形圆心角,π是圆周率,r是扇形半径。弧度制计算:l=|α|×r,l是弧长,|α|是弧l所对的圆心角的弧度数的绝对值,r是半径。扇形面积计算公式,S=(n÷360)×π×r^2,π是圆周率,r是扇形的半径,n是圆心角的度数。公式介绍如果扇形的半径是r,圆心角是n,弧长是乚,那么扇形的弧长等于nπr/180,扇形的面积等于nπr^2/360,或者是r乚的二分之一。扇形的圆心角等于180l/πr也等于360s/πr^2。扇形是由圆心角的两条半径和圆心角所对的弧围成的图形。形象地说,就是两条线段和一段弧(曲线)围成了扇形。2023-07-10 12:15:361
扇形半径的公式:s=nπr2/360°扇形周长公式:周长=半径×2+弧长;若半径为r,直径为d,扇形所对的圆心角的度数为n°,那么扇形周长:C=2r+(n÷360)πd=2r+(n÷180)πr。一条圆弧和经过这条圆弧两端的两条半径所围成的图形叫扇形(半圆与直径的组合也是扇形)。显然,它是由圆周的一部分与它所对应的圆心角围成。《几何原本》中定义扇形是由顶点在圆心的角的两边和这两边所截一段圆弧围成的图形。2023-07-10 12:16:471
扇形的弧长公式。角度制计算l=n÷360×2πr=nπr÷180, l是弧长,n是扇形圆心角,π是圆周率,r是底圆半径。弧度制计算l=|α|×r,l是弧长,|α|是弧l所对的圆心角的弧度数的绝对值,r是底圆半径。扇形面积计算公式 。 S=(n÷360)×π×r ^2π是圆周率,r是扇形的半径,n是圆心角的度数。扇形面积=半径×半径×圆周率×圆心角度数÷360。S=nπR^2/360、S=1/2LR、R是扇形半径,n是弧所对圆周角度数,π。扇形周长公式。因为扇形周长=半径×2+弧长。若半径为r,扇形所对的圆心角的度数为n°,那么扇形周长:C=2r×(n÷360)。2023-07-10 12:16:541
扇形半径公式 扇形的半径的公式
若已知扇形的面积S和弧长L,则扇形的半径r=2S/L;若已知扇形的面积S和圆心角α,则扇形的半径r=√(2S/α).2023-07-10 12:17:561
等于弧长乘除以角度。2023-07-10 12:18:183
扇形的角度/360度*r的平方*π2023-07-10 12:19:195
底面积*高,把扇形体放平来看2023-07-10 12:19:391
一条弧和经过这条弧两端的两条半径所围成的图形叫扇形(半圆与直径的组合也是扇形)。显然,它是由圆周的一部分与它所对应的圆心角围成。《几何原本》中这样定义扇形:由顶点在圆心的角的两边和这两边所截一段圆弧围成的图形。扇形周长公式因为扇形=两条半径+弧长若半径为R,扇形所对的圆心角为n°,那么扇形周长:C=2R+nπR÷180扇形面积公式在半径为R的圆中,因为360°的圆心角所对的扇形的面积就是圆面积S=πR^2,所以圆心角为n°的扇形面积:S=nπR^2÷360扇形还有另一个面积公式:S=1/2LR,其中L为弧长,R为半径S=nπR^2÷360按弧度制2π=360度l的角度为n时所对应的弧长。即L=n*R所以.s=n*R*π*R/2π=1/2LR2023-07-10 12:21:311
扇形的公式 计算公式是什么
1、(角度制)扇形弧长计算公式 , l是弧长,n是扇形圆心角,π是圆周率,R是扇形半径。弧长L=2 × 圆心角的角度(角度制) × 圆周率π3.14 × 半径 / 360°弧长L=圆心角的角度(角度制) × 圆周率π3.14 × 半径 / 180° 2、一条弧和经过这条弧两端的两条半径所围成的图形叫扇形(半圆与直径的组合也是扇形)。显然, 它是由圆周的一部分与它所对应的圆心角围成。《几何原本》中这样定义扇形:由顶点在圆心的角的两边和这两边所截一段圆弧围成的图形。2023-07-10 12:22:371
扇形周长公式 因为扇形周长=半径×2+一长一短两个弧长 若半径为r,直径为d,扇形所对的圆心角的度数为n°,那么扇形周长: C=2r+(n÷360)πd=2r+(n÷180)π r 编辑本段扇形的弧长公式 角度制计算 l=n÷360×2πr=nπr÷180, l是弧长,n是扇形圆心角,π是圆周率,r是底圆半径 弧度制计算 l=|α|×r ,l是弧长,|α|是弧l所对的圆心角的弧度数的绝对值,r是底圆半径 编辑本段扇形面积公式 R是扇形半径,n是弧所对圆心角度数,π是圆周率 也可以用扇形所在圆的面积除以360再乘以扇形圆心角的角度n S=nπR^2/360 S=1/2LR (L为弧长,R为半径) S=1/2|α|r^22023-07-10 12:23:221
求一篇1000字 的英语文章
Bullying month was surprised and exclaimed: "scholar caution!" At this time, ice after the hatred value has been I firmly lock, no doubt, she this skill against must be sent to me! A sarcastic smile in ice after the mouth cape rippling spreads, the ice blue ice crystal face distortion of bottom. "Go to dead!" Ice after big shrieked roar, suddenly arms forward a swing that ray bright giant ice spear ride! So fast that I didn"t even have no chance to dodge, had to crustily skin of head against the left arm suddenly a flick block before chest, thunder barriers also seems to be sensed crisis coming, "PaCha PaCha" two sound LeiGuang jumping, thunder barriers shield the vision of appear in front, right now, after the release of ice ice lance skills has been overwhelming raids! "Knock!" Ice crumbs flying, all over a severe ice lance unexpectedly tremble, and the thunder barriers in until above break open, followed by a big hole until the prick my breastplate, and a pain upon me, and in the MM surprised ands, I"d be BOSS under the ice lance both man and the shield punctured!2023-07-10 12:12:023
think2023-07-10 12:12:086
意思就是每个人都有可能犯错,但是只要你犯错能改过来,善莫大焉就是没有比这更好的事了2023-07-10 12:12:202
表示“认为”的英语单词,比如 think feel believe等。。 并按照语气的强烈排列一下。。谢谢哦!!
thinkthink of sth. as...consider多用于被动) In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guiltyhold 认为,坚持deem(多用于被动) He is deemed dishonest.feelsense(=feel)repute(用于被动,褒义的,=被誉为)He is reputed as the best teacher here.regard...asreckon(英国人喜欢用的,呵呵)2023-07-10 12:12:242
认为 thinkconsiderdeemtake forregard as2023-07-10 12:12:343
人谁无过过而能改善莫大焉的意思人谁无过,过而能改,善莫大焉的意思是:人都有可能犯错误,有了过错能够改正,就没有比这再好的事情了。这句话出自左丘明·《左传·宣公二年》:“吾知所过矣,将改之。”稽首而对曰:“人谁无过?过而能改,善莫大焉。”《左传》这句话源自一个历史故事。春秋时,晋灵公无道,滥杀无辜,臣下士季进谏。灵公当即表示:“我知过了,一定要改。”士季很高兴地对他说:“人谁无过?过而能改,善莫大焉。”遗憾的是,晋灵公言而无信,残暴依旧,最后终被臣下刺杀2023-07-10 12:12:352
1、释义:一个人谁没有错,有了过错能够改正,就没有比这再好的事情了。2、出自:左丘明·《宣公·宣公二年全屏》3、【故事】春秋时期,晋灵公十分残暴,滥杀无辜,大臣赵盾和士季,进宫劝谏,晋灵公态度冷淡,不情愿地认错。士季说:“人谁无过,过而能改,善莫大焉。”晋灵公根本听不进,于是派人暗杀赵盾。人们奋起反抗,赵穿将穷凶极恶的晋灵公杀死。2023-07-10 12:12:432
不是。根据查询相关信息得知,认为的英语是think,而think不是情态动词,是实意动词,情态动词有can,mustneed等。2023-07-10 12:12:481
意思是人都会犯错误,有了过错能够改正,就没有比这再好的事情了2023-07-10 12:13:053
think, believe2023-07-10 12:13:172
“人谁无过,过而能改,善莫大焉”的意思是:人没有不犯错误的,只要能及时改正自己的错误,就是最好的了。此句出自春秋·左丘明的《左传·宣公·宣公二年》。原文:稽首而对曰,人谁无过,过而能改,善莫大焉。《诗》曰,靡不有初,鲜克有终。夫如是,则能补过者鲜矣。君能有终,则社稷之固也,岂唯群臣赖之。翻译:士季叩头回答说,一个人谁没有错,有了过错能够改正,就没有比这再好的事情了。《诗》说,事情不难有个好开始,很少能有个好结果。如果像这样,能够弥补过错的人就很少了。君王能够有好结果,那就是国家的保障了,岂只仅仅臣下们依靠它。《左传·宣公·宣公二年》作者简介左丘明,生卒年不详,一说复姓左丘,名明;一说单姓左,名丘明。春秋末期史学家、文学家、思想家、散文家。左丘明是中国传统史学的创始人。史学界推左丘明为中国史学的开山鼻祖。被誉为“百家文字之宗、万世古文之祖”。左丘明的思想是儒家思想,在当时较多地反映了人民的利益和要求。左丘明曾任鲁国史官,相传为解析《春秋》而作《左传》(又称《左氏春秋》),又作《国语》,作《国语》时已双目失明,两书记录了不少西周、春秋的重要史事,保存了具有很高价值的原始资料。由于史料详实,文笔生动,引起了古今中外学者的爱好和研讨,被誉为“文宗史圣”,孔子、司马迁均尊左丘明为“君子”。以上内容参考百度汉语-宣公·宣公二年2023-07-10 12:13:181
“认为”的英语短语有一个是:as far as I‘m concert??
单词有误2023-07-10 12:13:275
解释:人没有不犯错误的,只要能及时改正自己的错误,就是最好的了。摘自:春秋·左丘明《左传·宣公·宣公二年》节选:稽首而对曰:「人谁无过?过而能改,善莫大焉。《诗》曰:『靡不有初,鲜克有终。』夫如是,则能补过者鲜矣。君能有终,则社稷之固也,岂唯群臣赖之。翻译:士季叩头回答说:“一个人谁没有错,有了过错能够改正,就没有比这再好的事情了。《诗》说:‘事情不难有个好开始,很少能有个好结果。"如果像这样,能够弥补过错的人就很少了。君王能够有好结果,那就是国家的保障了,岂只仅仅臣下们依靠它。扩展资料《左传》原名为《左氏春秋》,汉代改称《春秋左氏传》,简称《左传》,是中国古代一部叙事完备的编年体史书,更是先秦散文著作的代表,它标志着我国叙事散文的成熟,是一部独立撰写的史书。《左传·宣公二年》晋灵公不君,通过晋灵公、赵盾和灵辄等鲜活的典型人物,从正反两方面,形象地表现了儒家“君君,臣臣,父父,子子”的思想观念。全文只有几百字,给人的印象却非常深刻。作者首先从晋灵公的劣迹写起,表明晋灵公被杀完全是咎由自取。“不君”,即不行君道,不像个国君。作者挑选了三件最有代表性的事情,就让读者充分感到,晋灵公实在是不配当君主,他的被杀完全是情理之中的事。2023-07-10 12:13:341
每个人都犯过错误,但是你犯完错误能改就比什么都好。2023-07-10 12:13:431
4.think of as 5.look on as 6.treat as 7.think to be8分享评论踩189******192020-03-112023-07-10 12:12:004
what"s your opinion? what about you? How do you think of it? 最标准是第一句,最上口的最后一句,最口语话的是第二句2023-07-10 12:11:511
认为的英语是什么 __________
答案就是think2023-07-10 12:11:443
心灵鸡汤中有很多啊,你找找啊2023-07-10 12:11:436
(英语) 问一个很低级的问题:think意思是“认为”的时候,是什么词性
动词,I think我想我认为。It is thought to be a cat.他被认为是只猫2023-07-10 12:11:373
谁有英语句型,词组转换的规类复习啊?初中的 谢谢啦
重点词汇Activity 2 P2The letter format 写信的格式 1.右上角是写信人的地址 2.左上角是收信人的地址(地址的顺序是由小到大) 3.称呼 4.内容 5.结尾 enquire =inquire (about/into/after) v. To seek information by asking a question 打听,问通过提问题打听信息 He is going to inquire about trains to London. u2022 他打算去打听一下去伦敦的火车。 u2022 Who will inquire into this matter? u2022 谁来调查这件事情? u2022 The lady inquired after your health. u2022 这位女士问候你。 take on sb. (as) v. Hire; accept in a relationship u2022 雇用, 在某种关系中接受 u2022 Will you take me on as an assistant? u2022 你愿意收下我作助手吗? u2022 Doctor Watson wasn"t taking on any new patients. u2022 沃森医师不再收新病人了。 A range of … n. 范围 (变动/知识/视听/有效范围) u2022 a range of buildings 一排楼房 u2022 a range of pictures 一系列画片 u2022 a large range of motors for sale u2022 一长排待售的汽车 u2022 the annual range of temperature u2022 每年的温度变化范围 u2022 a wide range of knowledge 广博的知识 grow up v. 1) become adult长大;成年 2) come into existence 兴起;逐渐形成 u2022 What are you going to do when you grow up? u2022 当你长大成人时,你想干什么? u2022 New cities grow up into desert. u2022 新的城市在沙漠中崛起。 apart from …prep. With the exception of; u2022 Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. u2022 除了很少的几句外,我对法语一无所知。 u2022 Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged. u2022 除了几处刮痕外,汽车没有什么损坏。 When required = when (I am) required 如有必要 省略句: 当从句的主语与主句一致时,可以省略主语和系动词 be,仅仅保留后面的成分。 When heated, water changes into steam. 当水被加热时,就会变成蒸汽。 = When water is heated, water changes into steam. While waiting for the bus, the girl read a magazine. 在等车的时候,这个女孩看一本杂志。 = While the girl was waiting for the bus, the girl read a magazine. work on v. continue working; 继续工作 u2022 They will work on till sunset. u2022 他们将继续工作,直到日落。 influence (on / upon) u2022 n. A power affecting a person, thing, or course of events 常与 on/upon 连用)影响力;感化力 u2022 My teacher"s influence made me study science at college. u2022 由于我老师的影响,我上大学学了理科。 u2022 Many a woman has had an influence upon her husband. u2022 许多妇女对其丈夫有影响 available u2022 adj. Present and ready for use; at hand; accessible 可用的现实可用的;手边的;可获得的 u2022 Chinese commodities available for export are varied. u2022 中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。 I"m sorry, those overcoats are not available in your color and size. 对不起, 这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。 at any time adv. 任何时候 You can call me at any time. 任何时候你都可以给我打电话。 look forward to +n. / v.-ing v. be eager to do sth. 期待;盼望发生(+名词/动名词短语) We are all looking forward to our holiday. 我们都盼望着假期。 She had been looking forward to leaving the hospital wards for a holiday at home. 她一直盼望着离开病房,在家过个假日。Activity 11 P9 as usual adv. As commonly or habitually happens 照常,照例和平常或习惯一样: As usual, I slept late that Saturday morning. 和平时一样,那个星期六早晨我起得很迟。 While conj. Whereas; and: 然而;而且 You like tennis, while I"d rather read. 你爱打网球,但我爱看书。 burst in v. To emerge, come forth, or arrive suddenly 突然地出现 She burst in while we were talking about her. 我们正在说起她,她突然闯了进来。 be worth + n./v.-ing adj. Equal in value to something specified 价值与…相当, 顶得上 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 It"s worth+ 名词/动名词 值得…… It"s worth seeing /. Hearing / reading. 值得一看/一听/一读。Activity 2 P16 send require or enable to go:派需要或有能力去 She sent her children to college. 她送孩子们上大学。 The judge sent the criminal to prison. 法官判罪犯入狱。 diagnose (as)v. To distinguish or identify (a disease, for example) by diagnosis.诊断,辨别或识别(如疾病) The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza. 医生诊断此病为流行感冒。 The teacher diagnosed the boy"s reading difficulties 老师找出那孩子阅读上困难的原因。( 比喻用法) 强调句型:It + is / was + 强调成分 + that / who + 从句 此句型可强调句子的主语;宾语;状语。 It was she who had been wrong. 是她错了。(主语) It was John and his brother that we met in the park last week. 上星期我们在公园遇见的是约翰和他的兄弟。 (宾语) It was in your room that I left my bag. 是在你的房间里我放下了我的包。 (地点状语) It was not until last night that I noticed this matter. 直到昨晚我才注意到这件事。(时间状语) take care of 照料 be good at 擅长 look after 照顾 in that way 在那方面 grow up 长大 get on 生活, 融洽相处 look like 和 take like 的区别 look like 像..., (外表特征) be like 像…(性格特征) take after 像..., 学…的样 like 喜欢 (做)… (练习 P23) bring up v. To take care of and educate (a child); rear.抚养; 教育(小孩) I was brought up by my aunt. 我是我姑姑抚养成人的。 He was brought up to be honest. 他从小就培养他要诚实。 grow up (自己)长大;成长 bring up (别人)抚养,养育 There the birds nest and bring up their young. 鸟在那里筑巢,养育他们的幼鸟。 He grew up and became a soldier. 他长大了,成长为一名战士。 remember v. To recall to the mind; think of again. 记得, 回想起 两种用法: 1) remember to do sth. 记住要做的事 2) remember doing sth 记得做过的事 Please remember to mail it for me. 请记住帮我把信寄掉。 I remember seeing her once. 我记得曾见过她一次。. tell off v. To express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone).责备,表达对(某人)的不赞成、批评或失望 I was ten minutes late and she told me off in front of everyone. 我迟到了十分钟,她当着大家的面申斥了我一番。Activity11 in one"s early/late twenties 在某人二十几岁时 In one"s teens 在某人十几岁时 move to …v. To go from one residence or location to another; relocate.搬家, 从一个居住地或定居点搬到另一个 Mary just moved to this community last week. 玛丽上个星期才搬到这个社区。 marry vt. To give in marriage. 结婚,把…嫁给,为…娶亲 be married 表示已婚状态 Jean is going to marry Hubert 简爱打算和哈伯特结婚。 Are you married or single? 你是已婚,还是单身? 两种用法: 1) go on doing sth. 继续做某事 2) go on to do sth. 接着做另一件事 Don"t go on talking. 不要继续讲了 After he returned from USA, he went on to teach in a university. 当他从美国回来之后,他继续在大学里教书。 call in v. To pay a short visit 短暂的拜访 We called in on our new neighbors last evening. 昨晚我们去拜访了新来的邻居。 either … (or) … conj. before the first of 2 or more choices which are expressed by like noun phrases or verb phrases, ect., separated by or : 或是…… 或是…..; / 不是…… 就是……(前后连接的成分一致) Either Tom or his brothers have to shovel the snow. 是汤姆就是他的兄弟得去铲雪。 The books were either works on travel or detective novels. 这些书要么是关于旅行的, 要么就是侦探小说。 Either you must improve your work, or I shall dismiss you. 你必须改进工作, 否则, 我将解雇你。 poke one"s nose into v. to inquire with too much interest into other people"s business 窥探; 打听(别人的私事) Don"t poke your nose into the affaires of others. 勿干涉别人的事务。 This is something I told you not to poke your nose into. 我说过这不是你要探究的事。 put up with v. to suffer or bear patiently忍受, 容忍 She makes so much noise and I can"t put up with her any longer. 她太闹了,我再也忍受不了。 I went to see my dentist because I couldn"t put up with the toothache. 我再也忍受不住牙疼,就去看了牙医。 Whatever pron. 无论…,不管… Whatever 引出让步状语从句 Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. 不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。 Whatever you do, I won"t tell you my secret. 不管你做什么,我都不会把我的秘密告诉你。Activity 11 P47 about adv. In no particular direction 到处,没有确定方向地 Did you look about ? 你四处看了吗 ? He was wandering about with no place to go. 他一直四处漂泊,无处可去 。 wake up v. become awake: 醒 , 醒过来 Wake up , old chap! It"s seven o"clock. 醒醒 , 老家伙 ! 都 7 点钟了。 She had to wake up several times when their baby was ill. 当他们的孩子生病时 , 她一个晚上要醒几次。 by 1) prep. Close to; next to: 接近;靠近: 2) adv. On hand; nearby: 旁边手边;就近的: There was a lamp on the table by the bed. 床边的桌子上有一个台灯。 At that time he stood by. 那时 , 他就站在旁边。 wave to v. To make a signal with an up-and-down or back-and-forth movement of the hand or an object held in the hand: (常与 to 连用)招手,挥手(致意) He waved desperately to his companion. 他绝望地向他的伙伴挥了挥手。 She waved as she drove by. 她开车而过时挥手示意。 be (feel) proud of / (that 从句 ) being a reason for pride: 引以为荣的 He is proud of his daughter"s ability to speak four languages. 他为女儿能说四种语言而骄傲。 Our football team feels proud that it has won every match this year. 我们的足球队对今年战无不胜甚感自豪。 Like being left being left 动名词的被动语态作 like 的宾语 He could not bear being made fun of like that. 大家这样开他的玩笑他受不了。 He left the room without being seen. 没有人看见他离开了房间。 for a neighbor to come. 用介词 for 引出不定式的逻辑主语,这种结构作主语、表语、宾语、定语或状语。 This is for you to decide . 这件事由你决定。 The furniture is too heavy for the girls to move. 这些家具太重了,姑娘们搬不动。 on one"s own adv. 1) By one"s own efforts: 通过自己的努力 , 独自地 2) Responsible for oneself; independent of outside help or control: 独立地,自己对自己负责 She got the job on her own. 她自己找到了这份工作。 He is now out of college and on his own. 他现在离开了大学并且自己生活。 keep in touch (with) v. communicate with: 保持联络 I have still kept in touch with several classmates. 我至今还和几位同学保持联系。 People can keep in touch with each other even when they do leave. 人们即使分开了也能互相保存联系。 call in v. “ 来访 ” call on + 某人 . “ 拜访某人 ” call at + 地点 “ 在某地拜访 ” I"ll call on Tom at his office tomorrow. 明天我去汤姆的办公室拜访他。 for one"s age 就年龄来说 He looks too old for his age. 就年龄来说 , 他看上去太老了。 do sth. to sb.… 对某人做某事 How dare she do that to her mother? 她怎么敢那样对待她妈妈呢 ?Activity 1 P58 carry on (sth. / doing sth.) v. To continue without halting; persevere: 不停顿地持续下去;坚持: We must carry on in the face of disaster. 面对灾难我们必须坚持不懈。 Even after the teacher entered the classroom, she carried on talking with her tablemate 即使老师进了教室, 她还是继续和同座聊天。 hand over (to) … v. (= hand down) 把…传下来 移交;让与 He had to hand over command of a ship. 他不得不移交军舰的指挥权。 The pickpocket was handed over to the police. 扒手被送交警方。 What to do with himself 动词不定式结构 形式: “ 连接代词/副词+to do ” , 这种结构起名词的作用, 在句子中作主语,宾语或表语。 When to begin the strike is not yet known. 何时开始罢工还不知道。 The question is where to hold the party. 问题是在哪里聚会。 do with sth. v. to deal with …(对某物)如何处理 -- “What are you going to do with it?” -- “Keep it, of course.” “你打算把它怎么处理?” “当然市保存下来。” (be/go) on holiday (= on one"s holidays) 在度假,[去休假] When I was on holiday, I visited my uncle. 我在度假的时候去看望了叔叔。 He is going on holiday to Japan. 他要去日本休假。 hate being retired being retired 动名词短语作 hate 的宾语 The boys avoided fighting. 男孩子们避免了斗殴。 She is good at telling lies. 她很会撒谎。 too … to do sth. adv.(用于形容词或副词之前) “太… 而不能”| These pillars are too thin to carry the roof. 这些柱子太细,支撑不住屋顶。 He is too young to join the army. 他年龄太小了, 不能参军。Activity 12 P67 very adj.(加强语气)就是,正是 He is the very man that came yesterday. 他正是昨天来的那个人。 He was caught in the very act of stealing. 他正在偷东西时当场被捕。 The very thought of failing in the English examination frightens me. 甚至想到英语考试(可能)不及格我就害怕。 Care about v. To be concerned or interested:被关心或关注 She is very selfish, she doesn"t care about this kind if thing. u2022她很自私,不在乎(关心)这种事。 ask for v. To make a request of or for: 要求,要求给予 Mary asked for time to think all this over. 玛丽要求给予时间把这一切好好想想。 I"m rather sorry I didn"t ask for the job. 非常对不起, 我当时没有申请这份工作。 by chance accidentally 偶然地;无意地 I didn"t know anything about it. I just heard of it by chance. 我对此一无所知,我只是无意中听说了这件事。 I met him by chance in the park. 我偶然在公园里看见了他。 see sb./sth. doing sth. 现在分词与它前面的宾语一起构成复合宾语, 这个宾语是该现在分词的逻辑主语。具有这种复合宾语的动词多为表示感觉的动词, 如:see, hear, watch, notice, smell, find, observe, look at,listen to。另外有些使役动词。如:keep, get(使), leave, catch (撞见)等。 I saw her crossing the street. 我看见她正穿过街道。 We heard her singing all the time. 人们听到她一直在唱歌。 run over v.(车辆)轧过,压过, 辗过 The train ran over the poor fellow as he was crossing the line. 当他正要走过去时, 火车从这个可怜的人身上碾过去了。 the fall of An overthrow; a collapse: 倒台: After the fall of a government, people were at a loss. 政府倒台后人们不知所措。 Sail v. To move across the surface of water, especially by means of a sailing vessel.航行(尤指乘帆船)在水面上行驶 The captain sailed his ship through the narrow passage. 船长驾驶着他的船只通过了狭窄的航道。 The girl sailed into the room. 女孩轻盈地走进了房间。 start doing (to do) begin to do sth. 开始干…… I started to earn my own living this very afternoon. 就从今天下午开始,我要自食其力了。 He started talking about some of the changes in his village. 他开始谈他村子里发生的一些变化。 amuse v. To cause to laugh or smil2023-07-10 12:11:331
I am a student in primary school2023-07-10 12:11:0313
【 #高一# 导语】高一新生要作好充分思想准备,以自信、宽容的心态,尽快融入集体,适应新同学、适应新校园环境、适应与初中迥异的纪律制度。记住:是你主动地适应环境,而不是环境适应你。因为你走向社会参加工作也得适应社会。以下内容是 为你整理的《高一年级英语下册必修二知识点》,希望你不负时光,努力向前,加油! 1.高一年级英语下册必修二知识点 1.I do not think everybody will find my kind of humour funny. 我认为不是每个人都觉得我的幽默是滑稽可笑的. (1)这是一个含有 that 引导的宾语从句的复合句.请注意汉语与英语在表示否定时位置的不同.在英语中,有一种否定转移现象,主句在形式上是否定的,而在意义上实际上是否定从句.这种情况常出现在think,believe,imagine,suppose 等作主句谓语的句子中. e.g.I don"t suppose he cares,does he?我看他不在乎,对吧? She doesn"t believe he is at school.她认为他不在学校. (2)当主句的谓语动词是think,believe 等与情态动词连用时,不存在否定转移. e.g.We couldn"t believe he was at home.我们真不能相信他当时在家. We didn"t believe he was at home.我们认为他不在家. (3)find+宾语+宾补,宾补可以是名词,形容词,过去分词,现在分词,动词不定式,介词短语,副词等. Will you find Mary her tennis racket?你愿意替玛丽找一找网球拍吗? We found him (to be) dishonest.我们觉得他不诚实. He found the door closed.他发现门被关上了. He found a wallet lying on the ground.他发现一只钱包躺在地上. I find it difficult to understand him.我觉得难以理解他. 2.What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words.在喜剧中,喜剧演员同其他演员的共同之处是玩文字游戏. (1)这是一个由what引导的主语从句,what充当have的宾语. (2) common(with)意思是“与……有共同之处”. She has nothing in common with her sister.她和姐姐毫无共同之处. (3)in common 意思是“公有,公用”. They two own the factory in common.他俩共有这家工厂. 3.I cycled as fast as I could.我尽可能快地骑. (1)as fast as...意思是“尽可能快地……”.as...as意思是“如同……一样”,表正面比较,第一个as为副词,修饰中间的形容词和副词,第二个as后接名词时,作介词用;接从句时是连词,从句常为比较状语从句.否定形式是not so/意思是“不如……那样……”,“没有……那么……”. It is as white as snow.像雪一样白. I am as tall as you (are).我跟你一般高. (2)cycle在本句中用作动词,意思是“骑自行车”.可用作名词,意思是“自行车,摩托车”.cyclist意思是“骑自行车的人”. e.g.I cycled in front of him.我骑车绕到他的前面. Last night,I watched a cycle race.昨晚,我观看了一场自行车比赛. I had to brake hard and I hit another cyclist.我不得不拼命刹车,结果撞上了另一个骑车的人. 4.I was still so angry that I went up to tell him what I thought of him. 我仍然如此生气以至于我走上前把我对他的看法告诉他. (1)so+形容词+that引导结果状语从句,意思是“如此……,以至于……”. e.g.He is so kind that I like him very much.他是如此和善,以至于我很喜欢他. (2)go up to意思是“走上前去”,由so构成的短语: go in for从事于,酷爱go all out全力以赴go against违背go ahead前进 All things went well.万事大吉. 2.高一年级英语下册必修二知识点 1. stay away v.外出 2. look up 查询(如宾语为代词,则代词放中间) Look up the word in the dictionary.在字典里查单词。 相关词组: look for 寻找; look after照顾,照料; look forward to期待; look into调查; look on旁观; look out注意; look out for注意,留心,提防; look over翻阅,查看,检查; look around环视; look through翻阅,查看。 3、run after追逐,追求 If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 同时追两只兔子,你一只也抓不到。 4、on the air广播 We will be on the air in five minutes. 我们五分钟以后开始广播。 This programme comes on the air at the same time every day. 这个节目每天在同一时间播出。 5、think highly/well/much of对……评价很高, 赞赏, 对……印象好 He was highly thought of by the manager. 经理对他非常赞赏。 I think well of your suggestion. 我觉得你的建议很好。 think badly/nothing/little/lowly of……认为不好, 好……不在意, 不赞成, 觉得……不怎么样 3.高一年级英语下册必修二知识点 live, living, alive, lively (1) live adj. ① 活的;活生生的;(只修饰生物;只作前臵定语) The laboratory is doing experiments with several live monkeys. ② 实况直播的 (不是录音) It wasn"t a recorded show. It was live. ③ 带电的;燃着的;可爆炸的 This is a live wire. (2) living adj. 活着的,有生命的(作表语或定语) She was, he thought, the best living novelist in England. The old man is still living. (或alive) (3) alive adj. ① 活着的; ② 有活力的;有生气 作后置定语: Who"s the greatest man alive? 作表语:Was the snake alive or dead? My grandmother is more alive than a lot of young people. 作补语:Let"s keep the fish alive. (4) lively adj. 活泼的;有生气的;活跃的(作表语或定语) The music is bright and lively. 4.高一年级英语下册必修二知识点 by sea, by the sea, in the sea, on the sea, at sea (1) by sea “走海路,乘船”,用来表示交通方式,同 by ship 同义。 These heavy boxes should be sent by sea. (2) by the sea “在海边”,相当于 by (at) the seaside。 The children enjoyed themselves by the sea on Children"s Day. (3) in the sea “在海里,在海水中” There are many plants and animals in the sea. (4) on the sea “在海面上”,“在海岸边”。 I want to live in a town with a beautiful position on the sea. (5) at sea 在海上;在航海 When he woke up, the ship was at sea. 5.高一年级英语下册必修二知识点 win, beat, defeat 表示获胜、取胜的词语 (1) win v. 赢……,获胜,接比赛或奖项 win a game / a prize / an honor / a race. Our team won the game 8 to 7. He won by five points. He won her love at last. He won the first place in the competition. (2) beat + 对手,表打败(尤指体育比赛) I can easily beat him at golf. (3) defeat 表战胜,接对手 The enemy was defeated in the battle.2023-07-10 12:10:521
认为 的 英语怎么说我靠!!
think/believe/consider/treat/regardconsider侧重“经过考虑而认为”,表示“一种比较客观的看法”,如:Iconsiderwhathesaid(as)reasonable.我认为他说的有道理。regard指“把...认为”、“把...看作”,表示“以外部形象得出认识或个人的主观认识”,如:Hewasregardedastheforemostauthorityonchemistry.他被认为是化学最高权威。treat表示“在某种认识的基础上看待或对待”,重在行动,而不在认识,如:Theywillnotbetreatedasenemies.他们不会被当做敌人对待。2023-07-10 12:10:351
哈哈2023-07-10 12:10:236
我认为、我觉得…英文怎么说?比Ithink更好的7种英文说法!我认为、我觉得…英文怎么说?最常见的说法就是Ithink…,不过Ithink可能已经听到让人不想再听了,比起Ithink,还有更多其他的英文说法可以更好的表达「我认为、我觉得…」这样的英文句子,例如inmyopinion、tobehonest、itseemstomethat…等等。下面教学怎样用英文表达我觉得、我认为….。1.Inmyopinion,…就我看来、我认为opinion是指意见的意思,inmyopinion中文意思就是指「就我的意见来看、就我看来」我认为…的意思。例:Inmyopinionthemovielackscontents.我认为这部电影缺乏内容。例:Inmyopinion,you"rewrong.我认为您错了。2.Tobehonest老实说(我认为…)Tobehonest是指老实说的意思,honest是指诚实、坦诚的意思,Tobehonest虽然是指老实说的意思,不过当你说出Tobehonest,就代表你要老实说出一些你认为的想法啦!例:Tobehonest,Idon"tthinkwehaveachanceofwinning.老实说,我认为我们没有获胜的机会。例:Tobehonest,Ithinkyou"rebeautiful.老实说,我认为你很漂亮。3.Personallyspeaking就个人而言(我认为)Personallyspeaking是指「就个人而言」的意思,其实也可以用来表达「我认为…」的意思,因为Personallyspeaking后面就是接你认为的想法啦。例:Personallyspeaking,I"vealwayspreferredJapanesefood.就我个人而言,我一直喜欢日本料理。4.Iamconfidentthat…我相信(我认为…).Iamconfidentthat是指我相信、我确信的意思,同样也可以用来表达我认为的意思。例:Iamconfidentthatasolutioncanbefound.我相信可以找到解决方案。例:Iamconfidentthatthisisawrongway.我相信这是错误的方法。5.Iabsolutely/totally/strongly/pletelyagree…我强烈/绝对/完全同意….Iabsolutely/totally/strongly/pletelyagree…这样的句子,同样也可以用来取代或表达Ithink…。例:Iabsolutelylovechocolate.我绝对喜欢巧克力6.Ifyouaskme,….如果你问我,(后面接我认为的想法)Ifyouaskme是指「如果你问我」的意思,接着后面就可以接我所认为的想法例:Ifyouaskme,she"stooscaredtodoit.如果你问我,我认为她太害怕而做不到。7.Itseemstomethat..在我看来、我认为Itseemstomethat是指「在我看来、我认为」的意思。例:Itseemstomethatweshouldjustbuyanewcar.在我看来,我们应该只买一辆新车。Iamconfidentthat中文,Inmyopinion中文,Personallyspeaking中文,Tobehonest中文,在我看来英文,我觉得英文,我认为英文2023-07-10 12:10:221
初二Mainly Revision 一、教法建议【 抛砖引玉】 单元双基学习目标 Ⅰ. 词汇学习 happily , easily , carefully , worried , feel worried about, pingpong , hard-working Ⅱ. 语法学习 简单句的基本句型 ( 一 ) ( 1 ) 主语 + 不及物动词: He swims . They are listening . ( 2 ) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语: She likes basketball They know me . ( 3 ) 主语 + 系动词 + 表语: The bike is new . She felt worried . Ⅲ. 交际英语: What can I do for you ? I need to do some shopping . I‘m worried about my party . 【 指点迷津】 单元重点词汇点拨 1 . pingpong 乒乓球 〖 点拨〗乒乓球也可说 table tennis . She plays pingpong very well . 她乒乓球打得很好。 2 . hard-working 努力工作的 He is a hard-working teacher . 他是一位勤奋的老师。 〖 点拨〗类似的词如:peace-loving爱好和平的。 3 . happily 幸福地,快乐地 The children are playing happily . 孩子们正愉快地玩着。 〖 点拨〗该词为 happy 的副词形式,作状语。happiness是其名词形式。注意:live a happy life过着幸福的生活。 4 . easily 容易地,轻易地 We did it easily . 我们很容易地把它做了。 〖 点拨〗其形容词为 easy . It is easy for sb to do某人干……很容易。It is easy for her to bring the books here . 5 . carefully 仔细地,小心地 Listen to the teacher carefully ! 仔细听老师讲 ! 〖 点拨〗该词为 careful 的副词。careless粗心大意的。carefully = with care认真地。 You"d better do your homework carefully . 6 . worried 担心的,烦恼的 〖 点拨〗注意 worry 可作动词和名词“担心,焦虑”,be worried about = worry about “对…感到担心”。 - What"s the matter with you , Tom ? - My parents haven"t been back yet . I am worried about it . 单元词组思维运用 1 . telephone number 电话号码 What is your telephone number . 你的电话号码是多少 ? Perhaps his telephone number is wrong . - Is this 9998345 ? - Sorry , you have the wrong number . 2 . do some shopping 买些东西 We"re going to do some shopping . 我们打算购买一些物品。 〖 提示〗类似词组还有:do sport 从事运动 / do the cooking 烹调,烹饪 / do washing 洗衣服 / do cleaning 做扫除 / do one‘s homework 做家庭作业 / do one"s lesson 做功课 Mr . Smith likes doing sport after meals . 史密斯先生喜欢饭后参加体育运动。 Is Rose going to do washing this afternoon ? I don"t like to do shopping with her this afternoon , Mum . 3 . Please help yourself 请随便吃,请自己动手 ( 拿、吃、抽烟等 ) Please help yourself to wine . 请随便用酒。 〖 提示〗表吃什么,拿什么时,该词组要加介词 to 再加宾语。 Boys , help yourselves to more bananas and oranges . Sir , help yourself to some cigarettes (香烟). 注意:help sb with帮助某人干…… 。She always helps me with my Chinese on Sunday . 4 . get ready for 为……做好准备,为……准备好 Have you got ready for the party ? 这个聚会你已经准备好了吗 ? 〖 点拨〗get ready to do准备好干…… 。Please get ready to run , class . 5 . on the other side of 在……的另一边 On the other side of the river there are some banana trees . 在河的对岸,有许多香蕉树。 On the other side of the street there is a book shop . 〖 提示〗指两者之中的另一边。 6 . like to do 与 like doing: 〖 提示〗这两者都表示“喜欢做什么”。区别如下: like to do 指喜欢做特定的或某次具体的行动,指一时的爱好。 I like to swim in the river . 我喜欢在这条河游泳。 ( 特定场合的具体行动 ) ( 试比较:I like swimming . 我喜欢游泳。 ) like doing 指喜欢做某事,即长期的爱好和兴趣。试比较: Do you like swimming ? 你喜欢游泳吗 ? ( 指长期的爱好 ) Would you like to swim with me tomorrow ? 你愿意明天和我一起去游泳吗 ? ( 特指明天一次具体行动 ) 另外:如果用于否定结构,like to do 与 like doing 就没有什么区别,可以换用。如: I don‘t like smoking = I don"t like to smoke . 我不喜抽烟。 7 . like 与 would like 的区别: 〖 提示〗like ( 喜欢,爱好 ) ,后接名词、代词、不定式或动名词。 Do you like fish ? 你喜欢 ( 吃 ) 鱼吗 ? would like 意为“想要,愿意”解时,是 wish 和 want 的意思。用于礼貌性地提出要求或表示愿意提供帮助。其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式。但不能接动名词。 Would you like something to eat ? 你想吃点什么东西吗 ? would like sb to do愿意让某人干 ……。 My father would like me to go to Beijing with hin this summer .二、学海导航【 学法指要】 单元句型思路明晰 1 . as + 副词 + as Read this passage as quickly as you can . 你尽快读完这段短文。 这具句型中第一个 as 为副词,第二个 as 为从属连词,引导程度状语从句。又如: He ran as fast as he could . 他尽力地快跑。 He works as hard as you . 他与你一样努力工作。 2 . Not… 否定主语的句型 Not everyone likes sandwiches . 不见得每个人都喜欢三明治。 not 无论放在句首或句子其它地方,与 all , every 等词连用时,只表示部分否定,又叫做“部分否定句”。如: Everyone does not like sandwiches . 每个人不见得都喜欢三明治。 Not everyone is a worker . = Everyone is not a worker . 不见得每个人都是工人。 Not everyone agrees with you . 不是人人都同意你的意见。 Not all people agree with you . 不是大家都同意你的看见。 单元难点疑点释疑 1 . What can I do for you ? 你要点什么 ? 这是对顾客的礼貌用语,还可以说 Can I help you ? 如: - What can I do for you ? 你要点什么 ? - I want to buy a new coat . 我想买件新上衣。 - Can I help you ? - Two cups of coffee . = Two coffees . 请来两杯咖啡。 2 . She felt worried . 她很焦急。 feel 是连系动词, worried 是形容词,在句中作表语。turn , get , look , be 等动词也是连系动词,都可接形容词构成系表结构。如: He felt happy . 他很高兴。 The trees turn green . 树儿绿了。 ※ 表示具有某种性质、特征或处于某种状态。常用的有 be , appear , feel , sound , seem , book , smell , taste 等。例如: It is not late . 时间还不晚 The dish smells good . 这道菜闻着香。 He seemed to be writing something . 他好象在写什么东西。 His words sounds all right . 他的话听起来有道理。 ※ 表示动词所叙述的动作和过程所产生的结果;或者表示状态的变化。常用的有:get , go , come , become , turn , grow , fall , prove , run , make 等。例如: The custom has now become a rule . 那习俗已变为成规。 The milk in the cup will go bad . 杯子里的牛奶要坏了。 Her face turned red . ※ 某种持续的状态。常用的有:keep , continue , stand等。例如: She knew she must keep calm . 她知道她必须保持镇静。 ※ 除 make 等个别词外,几乎所有的连系动词都能接形容词作表语。例如: Our country is getting stronger and stronger . 我们国家日益强大。 ※ 接名词作表语的有:become , get , look , make , seem , turn 等。例如: Now you look a grown-up young man . 现在你看上去已经是一个成年的小伙子了。 One tree does not make a wood . 独木不成林。 He used to be a soldier till he turned writer . 他当作家之前曾是战士。 ※ 我们还应注意某些连系词和形容词的固定搭配及其褒贬色彩。比如,come 多接褒义形容词,而 go 则多接贬之形容词。例如: come true / right 变为现实 / 正确 go bad / hungry / mad / blind / deaf / tired / …变坏 / 饿 / 疯 / 瞎 / 聋 / 累…… grow rich / tall / large / clever / old…变得富裕 / 高 / 大 / 聪明 / 年老…… fall ill / asleep / silent / …生病 / 睡着 / 沉默…… 3 . I‘m worried about my party . 我正担心晚会呢 ? be worried about 意为“为……而担心”。注意该词组表示担忧的状态。如: Mother is worried about his health . 母亲担心他的健康。 Are you worried about the meeting ? 你担心开会的事吗 ? 4 . I"ll get another one now . 我现在再拿一根来。 one ( s ) , other ( s ) the other ( s ) 及 another 的区别: one 有下列几种意思:1 ) 可指人或表示一种;2 ) 常用来代替前面刚提到的可数名词,以避免重复,如可数名词为复数,就要用 ones 来代替;3 ) 表示“一个…,另一个…”用“one…the other…”。 the others 表示其余的几个,要用定冠词 the。 others 表示泛指“别人”或“别的东西”,常不加定冠词。 another 意为“另一个,又一个”强调三个或三个以上人 ( 或事物 ) 中的“另一个”。 试比较: A:Which sweater would you like , the red one or the blue one ? 你想要哪件毛衣,红色的还是蓝色的 ? B:The red one . 红色的。 I have two sisters . One is a teacher , the other is a doctor . 我有两个姐姐,一个是教师,另一个当医当。 The children are cleaning the classroom . Some are sweeping the floor , others are cleaning the window . 孩子们在打扫教室,一些正在扫地,另一些在擦窗子。 Lei Feng was always ready to help others . 雷锋总是乐于助人。 Here are three pencils . One is red , another is blue , the third is yellow . 这里有三支锅笔,一支是红色的,另一支是蓝色的,还有一支是黄色的。【 妙文赏析】 Not Such a Simple Question Alan Chang was a handsome young man with good manners . One morning he was walking along a street on his way to an appointment . He did not want to be early or late . He had forgotten to put on his watch so he went up to a man who was waiting for a taxi . “ Excuse me , sir , ”he said , very politely , “ but could you tell me the time ? ”The man , who was very well - dressed and looked quite rich , said nothing . He did not even look at Alan . Alan spoke to him again . “ Excuse me , sir , ”he said , “ but could you please tell me what time it is ? ” This time the man looked at him , but he did not speak and looked quickly away . Alan thought to himself: Well , he‘s not deaf . He must be just rude . “ Why won"t you tell me the time , sir ? ”he demanded . The man turned towards him and said , Try to understand me . I am standing here waiting for a taxi . You come up to me and ask me for the time . If tell it to you , you will thank me . I will say , “ That‘s all right . ”You may then say , “ It"s a beautiful day , ”to which I may reply “ Yes , I like these sunny winter days . ” Before we know what is happening we have a friendly conversation . You are a pleasant , polite young man and so when my taxi comes , I offer you a fide . You accept . We talk . I like you . You like me . I invite you to my home . You meet my daughter . She is a very pretty girl . You are a good - looking man . You like each other . Soon you fall in love . You want to marry . Now do you understand my problem ? ” Alan shook his head . “ No sir , I‘m sorry , I don"t . Everything you have said seems very natural to me . ” “ Exactly , ”the man said , “ and I do not want my daughter to marry a man who is too poor to buy a watch . Good morning to you . ”And with these words he hurried away . 注释:handsome 英俊的,manners 礼貌,appointment 约会,well-dressed 穿着考究的,衣着入时的,deaf 聋的,rude 粗鲁的,粗野的,无礼的,demand 请求,要求,【 思维体操】 1 . A man phoned his daughter to ask her to buy a few things he needed for a trip . He told her she would find enough dollar bills for the purchases ( 采购 ) in an envelope on his desk . She found the envelope with“ 98 ”written on it . In a shop she bought 90 worth of things , but when it was time to pay , she didn‘t have 8 left over as she thought she would . In fact , she didn"t have enough money to pay for all the purchases . By how much was she short ? A . 8 . 00 . B . 10 . 00 . C . 6 . 00 D . 4 . 00 . 2 . Each of the Smith brothers has as many sisters as he has brothers . But each of the Smith sisters has twice as many brothers as she has sisters . How many brothers and sisters are there in the Smith family ? A . Four brothers and three sisters . B . Three brothers and four sisters . C . Two brothers and four sisters . D . Four brothers and five sisters . 3 . If a carpenter ( 木工 ) receives twenty-five cents for sawing ( 锯 ) a board into two lengths , how much should he receive for saving the board into four lengths ? A . 50 cents . B . 1 , 00 . C . 75 cents . D . 2 . 00 . 4 . How many times can 19 be subtracted ( 减去 ) from 27 ? A . Once . B . Twice . C . Three . D . None . 5 . Some hens and cats are in a room . They are 36 legs and 15 heads in all . How many hens and cats are there in the room ? A . 6 and 9 . B . 7 and 8 . C . 12 and 3 . D . 8 and 7 . 答案:1 - 5 DAAAC三、智能显示【 心中有数】 单元语法发散思维 简单句 在句子中应注意谓语动词和主语在人称和数上必须一致。 1 ) 主语 + 不及物动词 ( 谓语 ) The moon rose . 月亮升起来了。 另外:在这种句型中,主语可被定语修饰。谓语常被副词、介词词组等修饰,用来说明动作的程度、时间、地点、状况等。如: The sun rises . 太阳升起来了。 The red sun rises . 红太阳升起来了。 The red sun rises in the east . 红太阳在东方升起。 2 ) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 All my friends like to study English and Chinese . 另外:及物动词除必须有宾语外,还可有修饰语,这点与不及物动词相同。修饰动词的状语通常放在句末。这些状语多数是副词或介词短语,也可用名词短语、不定式短语、分词短语等。宾语可以是名词、代词、不定式等。如: They speak English quite well . 他们英语讲得好。 ( 副词作状语 ) 3 ) 主语 + 连系动词 + 表语 My brother is a singer .My mother is a nurse . 另外:在这个句型中,连系动词以 be 动词为最多,此外还有 look , become , keep , get , turn 等。表语可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词短语等。 It‘s getting colder and colder . 天气越来越冷。 Please keep quiet ! 请保持安静 ! 【 动手动脑】 单元能力立体检测 ※ 英汉互译 1 . 白天 2 . 时常 3 . 继续 4 . 去散步 5 . 打电话给…… 6 . get warm 7 . at the moment 8 . by the way 9 . feel happy 10 . take - away food 答案:1 . day - time 2 . at times 3 . go on 4 . go for a walk 5 . ring up 6 . 变暖 7 . 此刻 8 . 顺便说一下 9 . 感到高兴 10 . 熟食 ※ 要点分析 1 . Now you can ______ the food at home . A . do B . making C . cook D . doing 答案 C . do , make , cook 都含有“做”的含义,但用在食物上则只用 make 和 cook , make 侧重于面食的制作,如包饺子,做蛋糕等,而 cook 侧重“烹饪”,句中 can 为情态动词,后加动词 cook 原形。 2 . I saw him ______ the car , and he went into that shop . A . getting on B . getting into C . getting off D . getting out of 答案 D . 上、下小汽车时不用 get on / off 短语,而要用 get into / out of , 另外前后两分句由 and 连接为并列句,前后动作应一致,不可能上了小汽车又进了商店,所以应选择下车,即 getting out of。 3 . There ______ water in the bottle . A . is no B . is not C . are no D . are not 答案 A . water 为不可数名词,谓语动词要用单数形式,因此可排除C、D项,另外 no = not any , any 用来修饰 water 不可缺,因此不能只用 is not , 而要选A . is no。 4 . I didn"t know why she ______ worried . A . is B . felt C . looks D . feeled 答案 B . 在主从复合句中,除主句为一般现在时的情况外,主从句在时态上一律要保持一致,本题主句为一般过去时,因此从句也要用过去的时态,D项中 feeled 为一种错误的过去式形式,因此选B。 5 . Miss Liu will never be late , ______ ? A . won‘t she B . will Miss Liu C . is she D . will she 答案 D . never 为否定副词,意为“从来没有”因此陈述部分为否定句,那么反意疑问句的疑问部分要用肯定形式 will,主语 Miss Liu 相对应的人称代词为 she,2023-07-10 12:10:151
初三化学方程式 初三化学方程式总结
2Mg+O2点燃====2MgO S+O2 点燃====SO2 C+O2点燃====CO2 4P+5O2点燃====2P2O5 3Fe+2O2点燃====Fe3O4 2H2O2MnO2====2H2O+O2↑ 2HgO△====2Hg+O2↑ 2KClO3MnO2====2KCl+3O2↑ 2KMnO4△====K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑ 2H2+O2点燃====2H2O Zn+H2SO4==ZnSO4+H2↑ Mg+H2SO4==MgSO4+H2↑Fe+H2SO4 ==FeSO4+H2↑==Al2(SO4)3+3H2↑ Mg+2HCl==MgCl2+H2↑Fe+2HCl==FeCl2+H2↑H2+CuO====Cu+H2O 2Fe2O3+3H2 =====2Fe+3H2O Fe2O3+6HNO3==2Fe(NO3)3+3H2O CuO+2HNO3==Cu(NO3)2 +H2O Cu(OH)2+2HNO3==Cu(NO3)2+2H2O NaOH(或KOH)+HNO3==NaNO3+H2O Mg(OH)2+2HNO3==Mg(NO3)2+2H2O CaCO3+2HNO3==Ca(NO3)2+H2O+CO2↑ Na2CO3+2HNO3==2NaNO3+H2O+CO2↑ NaHCO3+HNO3==NaNO3+H2O+CO2↑ NaOH+HCl(或HNO3、H2SO4)==NaCl+H2O CaO+H2O==Ca(OH)2 NaOH(KOH)+FeCl3(Fe(NO3)3、Fe2(SO4)3)==Fe(OH)3↓+NaCl 2NaOH(KOH)+FeCl2(Fe(NO3)2、FeSO4)==Fe(OH)2↓+2NaCl 2NaOH(KOH)+CuCl2(Cu(NO3)2、CuSO4)==Cu(OH)2↓+2NaCl NH4Cl(NH4NO3、(NH4)2SO4)+NaOH(KOH)==NH3↑+H2O+NaCl MgCl2(Mg(NO3)2、MgSO4)+NaOH(KOH)==Mg(OH)2↓+NaCl NaHCO3+NaOH==Na2CO3+H2O Ca(HCO3)2+2NaOH==CaCO3↓+Na2CO3+2H2O 2NaOH+CO2==Na2CO3+H2O Ca(OH)2+CO2==CaCO3↓+H2ONaHSO4+NaOH==Na2SO4+H2O2NaOH+SO2==Na2SO3+H2O BaCl2+Na2SO4==BaSO4↓+2NaCl BaCl2+Na2CO3==BaCO3↓+2NaCl CaCl2+Na2CO3==CaCO3↓+2NaCl CaCO3+CO2+H2O==Ca(HCO3)2 Ca(HCO3)2+Ca(OH)2==2CaCO3↓+2H2O CuSO4•5H2O△====CuSO4+5H2O↑CuO+CO====Cu+CO2 H2+CuO====Cu+H2O Cu+2AgNO3==Cu (NO3)2+2Ag CuCl2+2NaOH==Cu (OH) 2↓+2NaCl CuO+H2SO4==CuSO4+H2O Cu (OH) 2+H2SO4==CuSO4+2H2O Fe(Zn)+CuSO4==FeSO4+Cu Cu2(OH)2CO3△====2CuO+H2O+CO2↑ Fe+2HCl==FeCl2+H2 FeCl2+2NaOH==Fe(OH)2↓+NaCl 4Fe(OH)2+O2+2H2O==4Fe(OH)3 Fe (OH) 3+3HCl==FeCl3+3H2O Fe (OH) 2+2HCl==FeCl2+2H2O Fe+CuSO4==FeSO4+Cu Fe+AgNO3==Fe(NO3)2+Ag Fe2O3+6HCl==2FeCl3+3H2O Zn+FeCl2==ZnCl2+Fe AgNO3+HCl==AgCl↓+HNO3 AgNO3+NaCl==AgCl↓+NaNO3 Cu+2AgNO3==Cu(NO3)2+2Ag 2AgNO3+Na2SO4==Ag2SO4↓+2NaNO3 3Ag+4HNO3(稀)==3AgNO3+NO↑+2H2O Ag+2HNO3(浓)==AgNO3+NO2↑+H2O Cu+2H2SO4(浓)==CuSO4+SO2↑+2H2O 2FeCl3+Fe==3FeCl2 2Na2O2(过氧化钠)+2H2O=4NaOH+O22023-07-10 12:10:093