符号 sin cos tan cot sec csc
tan90°是数学上的一个值,称其为“无限大”,译为“没有超越这个界限的数字”或者“界限总在你举出的数字之外”也就是永远得不到的一个值。所以这句话的含义就是喜欢一个人,但是仅仅是喜欢,不可能再继续发展,也就是不可能修成正果,或者说不可能在一起,两个人虽然会有交集,虽然会超越一切情感,但是就是不会发生爱情。扩展资料朋友之上,恋人之下,一种较稀有的萌属性,关系异常好的青梅竹马、或经常一起行动而感情升温的男女二人组等。可以做出普通的朋友关系做不到的亲密互动,两人之间的看对方的目光也会变得更加暧昧,并非朋友也并非情侣的亲密关系。当一方强制突破,做出过于亲密的举动恩,亲密,就可能会造成意想不到的反效果,两人的关系会迅速降温,降温为一般的朋友关系甚至尴尬相对的情况,所以一定注意。有的时候,之所以会有这种关系,并且会一直持续下去,或许是因为只希望把对方完美的一面留在自己的内心。2023-07-07 05:24:351
tan90°=∞2023-07-07 05:24:533
1、cos180°=-1,cos0°=1,cos90°=0;sin180°=0,sin0°=0,sin90°=1;tan180°=0,tan0°=0,tan90°的值不存在。2、Y=tanx的图示,当角度为90时,tan为不存在的值。3、常见三角函数角度对应的数值:4、简介:三角函数将直角三角形的内角和它的两个边长度的比值相关联,也可以等价地用与单位圆有关的各种线段的长度来定义。常见的三角函数包括正弦函数、余弦函数和正切函数。2023-07-07 05:25:281
tan90度不存在的。是tan90度没有意义的,因为90°,或者说π/2不在y=tanx这个函数的定义域上,或者说y=tanx在x=π/2处无定义,所以是没有意义。因为从0-90度,对边越来越大,而邻边越来越小,到90度的时候,邻边为0了,而0不能作为除数,所以不存在tan90。半角公式tan(α/2)=sinα/(1+cosα)=(1-cosα)/sinα倍角公式tan2α=(2tanα)/(1-tanα^2)降幂公式tan^2(α)=(1-cos(2α))/(1+cos(2α))万能公式tanα=2tan(α/2)/[1-tan^2(α/2)]两角和与差公式tan(α+β)=(tanα+tanβ)/(1-tanαtanβ)tan(α-β)=(tanα-tanβ)/(1+tanαtanβ)2023-07-07 05:26:141
如今是一个网络化的时代,所以近年来的网络用语也是越来越多,越来越潮流。这个年头跟朋友聊天没有几个表情包不会几个网络用语都不知道怎么接茬了。最近tan90度在网上走红,经常会看见朋友在群里发tan90度的表情包,那么tan90度是什么梗呢? 一、tan90度是什么意思 最近tan90度可以说是十分火爆了,因为笔者身边都是一大堆的人在用这种表情包,一开始笔者也是不知道tan90度是什么意思。后来去查了一下资料,tan90度就是不存在的意思。 因为在数学中,解:y=tanx D:x/x/=kpai+pai/2,k:Z x=90度,x=pai/2 令pai/2=kpai+pai/2 k=0属于Z pai/2在CuD内 x=pai/2不属于D y=tanx在x=pai/2处无定义,y=tanpai/2不存在 tan90不存在(无穷)。也就是说答案是没有,那就这个tan90度就是不存在的意思。 二、tan90度是什么梗 tan90度源自于微博上的一张tan90度表情包,被网友们调侃为现在的表情包,数学不好还看不懂了。tan90度表情包是目前网上比较流行的一组聊天表情,其实在数学中tan90度是不存在的,很多网友表示看不懂,说这款表情包是理科生专属的。2023-07-07 05:27:291
不能2023-07-07 05:27:583
sin90°=1 cos90°=0 tan90°无意义2023-07-07 05:28:083
90°角的sin cos tan cot分别是多少,为什么?
1 ; 0 ; 之后两个不存在2023-07-07 05:28:182
数值无穷大2023-07-07 05:28:362
数学中 tan90° 是没有的 不存在的 所以最近有tan90的一组表情包 意思是不存在的2023-07-07 05:28:513
tan90度是什么梗 tan90度什么意思 tan90度表情包
【导读】:最近,很多网友都喜欢用tan90度这个表情包,有网友调侃说,不好好读书表情包都看不懂。那么tan90度是什么意思?tan90度是什么梗?和我一起来看看吧! tan90度是什么梗 tan90°表情包是什么意思:其实tan90°这个梗配上一个摆手的表情,就是表示“不存在、不存在”的意思,也就是表达“没有的事”的意思。因为tan90°本身是不存在的。 tan90度为什么不存在 tan:tan是对边比邻边,中文名正切,适用于坡度计算 tan90度为什么不存在: 从含义理解:因为从0-90度,对边越来越大,而邻边越来越小,到90度的时候,邻边为0了,而0不能作为除数,所以不存在tan90。 从分式理解:tanx=sinx/cosx, 当x=90时,即tan90=sin90/cos90=1/0 ,分母是不能为0的,所以不存在tan90。 三角函数的关系 对边A = 斜边C * Sinθ 对边A = 邻边B * Tanθ 邻边B = 斜边C * Cosθ 邻边B = 对边A / Tanθ 斜边C = 对边A / Sinθ 斜边C = 邻边B / Cosθ 2017-05-08我有一个大胆的想法是什么梗 我有一个大胆的想法表情包 2017-04-23网络尬舞是什么意思 尬舞表情包 尬舞一词出自哪里 2017-05-05翻水水是什么意思 你怕是要翻水水 翻水水表情包 2017-05-05菠萝男是什么意思 菠萝男是什么梗 菠萝男出自哪里2023-07-07 05:30:021
tan90°不存在是因为tan90°=sin90°/cos90°而cos90°=0,sin90°=1故tan90°=1/0,分母是不能为0的,所以不存在tan90°。Tan是正切的意思,角在任意直角三角形中,与相对应的对边与邻边的比值叫做角θ的正切值。正切值等于正弦值除以余弦值,当x等于90度时,余弦值等于0,分母为零,无意义。所以正切值90度没有意义。在平面三角形中,正切定理说明任意两条边的和除以第一条边减第二条边的差所得的商等于这两条边的对角的和的一半的正切除以第一条边对角减第二条边对角的差的一半的正切所得的商。正切函数对于任意一个实数x,都对应着唯一的角(弧度制中等于这个实数),而这个角又对应着唯一确定的正切值tanx,按照这个对应法则建立的函数称为正切函数。 形式是f(x)=tanx 正切函数是区别于正弦函数的又一三角函数,它与正弦函数的最大区别是定义域的不连续性。2023-07-07 05:30:581
tan90°是数学上的一个值,称其为“无限大”,译为“没有超越这个界限的数字”或者“界限总在你举出的数字之外”也就是永远得不到的一个值。所以这句话的含义就是喜欢一个人,但是仅仅是喜欢,不可能再继续发展,也就是不可能修成正果,或者说不可能在一起,两个人虽然会有交集,虽然会超越一切情感,但是就是不会发生爱情。扩展资料朋友之上,恋人之下,一种较稀有的萌属性,关系异常好的青梅竹马、或经常一起行动而感情升温的男女二人组等。可以做出普通的朋友关系做不到的亲密互动,两人之间的看对方的目光也会变得更加暧昧,并非朋友也并非情侣的亲密关系。当一方强制突破,做出过于亲密的举动恩,亲密,就可能会造成意想不到的反效果,两人的关系会迅速降温,降温为一般的朋友关系甚至尴尬相对的情况,所以一定注意。有的时候,之所以会有这种关系,并且会一直持续下去,或许是因为只希望把对方完美的一面留在自己的内心。2023-07-07 05:32:142
90°角的正切是无意义的。90°角的对边就是斜边,而邻边可以看作一个点,所以它的余切和余弦都是零,而正弦是1,正切是不存在的。2023-07-07 05:32:302
90°角的正切是无意义的。90°角的对边就是斜边,而邻边可以看作一个点,所以它的余切和余弦都是零,而正弦是1,正切是不存在的。此外,90°角还有余割,它是正弦的倒数,也是1,而它的正割是不存在的。2023-07-07 05:32:462
高一。tan90=-1.995,tan90°不存在。三角函数是数学中属于初等函数中的超越函数的一类函数。它们的本质是任意角的集合与一个比值的集合的变量之间的映射。通常的三角函数是在平面直角坐标系中定义的,其定义域为整个实数域。另一种定义是在直角三角形中,但并不完全。三角函数是基本初等函数之一,是以角度(数学上最常用弧度制)为自变量,角度对应任意角终边与单位圆交点坐标或其比值为因变量的函数。常见的三角函数包括正弦函数、余弦函数和正切函数。2023-07-07 05:33:131
tan90度是一个不存在的值,因为tan(90度)=sin(90度)/cos(90度)=1/0,在除法当中除数不能够为0,所以说tan(90度)是一个不存在的值。在Rt△ABC(直角三角形)中,∠C=90°,AB是∠C的对边c,BC是∠A的对边a,AC是∠B的对边b,正切函数就是tanB=b/a,即tanB=AC/BC。扩展资料:正切函数(tan函数)的性质:1、定义域为{x|x≠(π/2)+kπ,k∈Z}、值域为R、奇偶性,为奇函数、周期性,有,最小正周期:π。2、单调性:有,单调增区间:(-π/2+kπ,+π/2+kπ),k∈Z,单调减区间:无。特殊角的tan值:tan15°=2-√3、tan30°=√3/3、tan45°=1、tan60°=√3、tan75°=2+√3。tan重要的公式:1、tanA*tanB*tan(A+B)+tanA+tanB-tan(A+B)=0。2、tanα=2*tan(α/2)/[1-tan^2(α/2)]。3、tan^2(α)=(1-cos(2α))/(1+cos(2α))。4、tan(2α)=2*tanα/[1-tan^2(α)]。5、tan^2(α)+1=sec^2(α)。参考资料来源:百度百科-正切2023-07-07 05:33:201
因为tan90度等于sin90度除以cos90度,而cos90度等于0,这样就会出现除数等于0的未定义错误。2023-07-07 05:33:321
因为tan =y/x,令x=1是看y的值,而90度时,终边垂直与x轴,不可能令x=1.所以你懂的2023-07-07 05:34:323
tan90°是数学上的一个值,称其为“无限大”,译为“没有超越这个界限的数字”或者“界限总在你举出的数字之外”也就是永远得不到的一个值。所以这句话的含义就是喜欢一个人,但是仅仅是喜欢,不可能再继续发展,也就是不可能修成正果,或者说不可能在一起,两个人虽然会有交集,虽然会超越一切情感,但是就是不会发生爱情。扩展资料朋友之上,恋人之下,一种较稀有的萌属性,关系异常好的青梅竹马、或经常一起行动而感情升温的男女二人组等。可以做出普通的朋友关系做不到的亲密互动,两人之间的看对方的目光也会变得更加暧昧,并非朋友也并非情侣的亲密关系。当一方强制突破,做出过于亲密的举动恩,亲密,就可能会造成意想不到的反效果,两人的关系会迅速降温,降温为一般的朋友关系甚至尴尬相对的情况,所以一定注意。有的时候,之所以会有这种关系,并且会一直持续下去,或许是因为只希望把对方完美的一面留在自己的内心。2023-07-07 05:34:501
tan90度是一个不存在的值,因为tan(90度)=sin(90度)/cos(90度)=1/0,在除法当中除数不能够为0,所以说tan(90度)是一个不存在的值。在Rt△ABC(直角三角形)中,∠C=90°,AB是∠C的对边c,BC是∠A的对边a,AC是∠B的对边b,正切函数就是tanB=b/a,即tanB=AC/BC。扩展资料:正切函数(tan函数)的性质:1、定义域为{x|x≠(π/2)+kπ,k∈Z}、值域为R、奇偶性,为奇函数、周期性,有,最小正周期:π。2、单调性:有,单调增区间:(-π/2+kπ,+π/2+kπ),k∈Z,单调减区间:无。特殊角的tan值:tan15°=2-√3、tan30°=√3/3、tan45°=1、tan60°=√3、tan75°=2+√3。tan重要的公式:1、tanA*tanB*tan(A+B)+tanA+tanB-tan(A+B)=0。2、tanα=2*tan(α/2)/[1-tan^2(α/2)]。3、tan^2(α)=(1-cos(2α))/(1+cos(2α))。4、tan(2α)=2*tanα/[1-tan^2(α)]。5、tan^2(α)+1=sec^2(α)。参考资料来源:百度百科-正切2023-07-07 05:35:191
情话tan90°就是不会说情话。tan90度是不存在的意思,tan90°=sin90°/cos90°=1/0=没有意义,因为分母不能为零,如果某件事是不存在的,就可以说这是tan90°。在数学中,tan90°其实是不存在的。也有拓展意思如:不可能、没有用、没必要。扩展资料:tan90度,是网上流行的一组聊天表情包。tanx=sinx/cosx,当x=90°时,即tan90°=sin90°/cos90°=1/0,分母是不能为0的,所以不存在tan90°;举个例,在直角三角形中斜边为90度所对的那条最长边,当tan90度时,所对的边便成了90度所对的边,就是不存在的了。参考资料来源:百度百科-tan90°2023-07-07 05:36:241
tan90度等于多少 解答三角函数中的tan函数?
在直角三角形中,对于角度为90度的情况,邻边为0,因此tan90度的值不存在。也就是说,tan90度没有意义。在三角函数中,tan函数是指正切函数。它的定义域是所有实数,但是其值域却有限制。在本文中,我们将解答一个常见的问题:tan90度等于多少?## 概述## 解答2023-07-07 05:36:471
tan 90 无意义对吧?
如果是tan90的话,弧度制的90是有意义的如果说的是tan90°,这里涉及一些浮点误差的问题严格意义上tan90°的确不会有实数结果,但是计算器会把90°转换成弧度制,因为精度问题,此处转换出的弧度并不严格等于90°,而是产生了很小的误差,也就出现了实数结果当然,如果算tan pi/2是∞2023-07-07 05:36:555
tan90度不存在的。是tan90度没有意义的,因为90°,或者说π/2不在y=tanx这个函数的定义域上,或者说y=tanx在x=π/2处无定义,所以是没有意义。tan三角函数公式:tan^2(α/2)=(1-cosα)/(1+cosα)tan(α/2)=sinα/(1+cosα)=(1-cosα)/sinαtan(2α)=2tanα/tan3α=tanα*tan(π/3+α)*tan(π/3-α)tan^2(α)+1=sec^2(α)2023-07-07 05:37:081
正向趋近于02023-07-07 05:37:332
tan90°不存在。 1、正切值是指是直角三角形中,某一锐角的对边与另一相邻直角边的比值 。对于任意一个实数x,都对应着唯一的角,而这个角又对应着唯一确定的正切值tanx与它对应,按照这个对应法则建立的函数称为正切函数。 2、常用正切值:tan22.5°=√2-1,tan30°=√3/3,tan45°=1,tan60°=√3,tan67.5°=√2+1。 扩展资料: 性质: 1、定义域:{x|x≠(π/2)+kπ,k∈Z} 2、值域:实数集R 3、奇偶性:奇函数 4、单调性:在区间(-π/2+kπ,π/2+kπ),k∈Z上都是增函数 5、周期性:最小正周期π(可用π/|ω|来求) 6、最值:无最大值与最小值 应用 正切值在数值上与坡度相等,坡度=正切值x100%。 三角函数在复数领域有较为广泛的应用,在物理学方面也有一定的应用。 三角函数在勘测地形、勘探矿产方面发挥着重要的作用。 三角函数还用于通过视角来测量建筑物或山峰的高度。2023-07-07 05:37:401
Tan90度不存在。三角函数的计算中,tanx=sinx/cosx,当x=90°时,即tan90°=sin90°/cos90°=1/0,分母是不能为0的,所以不存在tan90°。举个例,在直角三角形中斜边为90度所对的那条最长边,当tan90度时,所对的边便成了90度所对的边,就是不存在的了。扩展资料三角函数在复数中有较为重要的应用。在物理学中,三角函数也是常用的工具。它有六种基本函数函数名正弦余弦正切余切正割余割符号 sin cos tan cot sec csc正弦函数sin(A)=a/c余弦函数cos(A)=b/c正切函数tan(A)=a/b余切函数cot(A)=b/a其中a为对边,b为邻边,c为斜边2023-07-07 05:37:461
历史可以证明!!!`2023-07-07 05:37:592
正切tanx=sinx/cosxx=90°2023-07-07 05:38:171
一个关于tan 90度 的问题
分类: 教育/科学 >> 科学技术 问题描述: tan 90度的值,应该是不存在还是无穷大? 解析: 无穷大 tanx=sinx/cosx 当X趋近90度时,sinx趋近于1,COSX趋近Y于0,1/0=无穷大2023-07-07 05:38:251
0、1、01、0、不存在0、-1、0-1、0、0、1、02023-07-07 05:38:343
tan90°其实就是“不存在的”意思。当x=90°时。即tan90°=sin90°/cos90°。=1/0。分母是不能为0的。所以不存在tan90°。相关信息:三角函数是数学中属于初等函数中的超越函数的函数。它们的本质是任何角的集合与一个比值的集合的变量之间的映射。通常的三角函数是在平面直角坐标系中定义的。其定义域为整个实数域。另一种定义是在直角三角形中,但并不完全。现代数学把它们描述成无穷数列的极限和微分方程的解,将其定义扩展到复数系。三角函数公式看似很多、很复杂,但只要掌握了三角函数的本质及内部规律,就会发现三角函数各个公式之间有强大的联系。而掌握三角函数的内部规律及本质也是学好三角函数的关键所在。2023-07-07 05:39:091
情话tan90°就是不会说情话。tan90度是不存在的意思,tan90°=sin90°/cos90°=1/0=没有意义,因为分母不能为零,如果某件事是不存在的,就可以说这是tan90°。在数学中,tan90°其实是不存在的。也有拓展意思如:不可能、没有用、没必要。扩展资料:tan90度,是网上流行的一组聊天表情包。tanx=sinx/cosx,当x=90°时,即tan90°=sin90°/cos90°=1/0,分母是不能为0的,所以不存在tan90°;举个例,在直角三角形中斜边为90度所对的那条最长边,当tan90度时,所对的边便成了90度所对的边,就是不存在的了。参考资料来源:百度百科-tan90°2023-07-07 05:39:221
tan90° = +∞ tan90 = tan (90rad) = -1.99522023-07-07 05:39:421
三角函数sin cos tan分别在30 45 60 90度的值是多少
sin30=1/2 cos30=√3/2 tan30=√3/3 sin45=√2/2 cos45=sin45=√2/2 tan45=1 sin60=√3/2 cos60=1/2 tan60=√3 sin90=1 cos90=0 tan90无意义2023-07-07 05:39:511
Dal★shabet 《粉红色火箭》专辑里的所有歌的韩文歌词。要韩文的。 没有全部的有哪首就给我哪首吧。
ShakalakaKoreanBoy you so (phly)Head to toe (ah)Got it goin on, I like thatub108ubb34 ub208 ubd80uc154 Like fireSo hot hot (tssssh)I like thatuadf8ub300 ub9d0ud22c and bad boy styleub208 uc6c3uc74cuc5d0 ub098 ud479 ube60uc838ub2e4ub978 ub0a8uc790uc640ub294 ub2ecub77cub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5 ub6f0uac8c ub9ccub4dcub294Boom shocka(Boom) uc124ub808ub294 uac00uc2b4uc774 ucff5 ud0c1ud0c1 Like 808(Boom Boom) ub9d0ub85c ud45cud604 ud558uae30uc5d4Mysterious boy make me say(Boom) uc124ub808ub294 uac00uc2b4uc774 ucff5 ud0c1ud0c1 Like 808Boom shake Boom la la la la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom chaka laka Boom shakalakaBoom pump ilay ub10c uc815ub9d0 sexy ub04cub838uc9c0 la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom shaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay uba4buc9c4 ub2c8 ub9f5uc2dc ubc18ud588uc9c0 la la la laOn & on & on (I"m feelin" I"m feelin" so good)On & on & on (U got me U got me So so crazy)On & on & on (I"m feelin" I"m feelin" so cool)On & on & on (U got me U got me)uadf8ub0e5 ubc14ub77c ubcf4uae30ub9cc ud574ub3c4 uc88buc544Sweet chocolate ubcf4ub2e4 ub2ecucf64ud55cKiss uc0c1uc0c1ub9cc ud574ub3c4 ubab8uc774 ub179uc544uc774ub9acuc640 uc5b4uc11c ub0b4uac8c Theres no timeHey baby hey baby boyuc5b4ub5a1ud574 uadf8ub9acub3c4 uc644ubcbdud574?U make me make me so (mmm)uc5b4uc11c ub2e4uac00uc640(Boom) uc124ub808ub294 uac00uc2b4uc774 ucff5 ud0c1ud0c1 Like 808(Boom Boom) ub9d0ub85c ud45cud604 ud558uae30uc5d4Mysterious boy make me say(Boom) uc124ub808ub294 uac00uc2b4uc774 ucff5 ud0c1ud0c1 Like 808Boom shake Boom la la la la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom chaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay ub10c uc815ub9d0 sexy ub04cub838uc9c0 la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom shaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay uba4buc9c4 ub2c8 ub9f5uc2dc ubc18ud588uc9c0 la la la laOn & on & on (I"m feelin" I"m feelin" so good)On & on & on (U got me U got me So so crazy)On & on & on (I"m feelin" I"m feelin" so cool)On & on & on (U got me U got me)(Boom) uc124ub808ub294 uac00uc2b4uc774 ucff5 ud0c1ud0c1 Like 808(Boom Boom) ub9d0ub85c ud45cud604 ud558uae30uc5d4Mysterious boy make me say(Boom) uc124ub808ub294 uac00uc2b4uc774 ucff5 ud0c1ud0c1 Like 808Boom shake Boom la la la la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom chaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay ub10c uc815ub9d0 sexy ub04cub838uc9c0 la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom shaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay uba4buc9c4 ub2c8 ub9f5uc2dc ubc18ud588uc9c0 la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom chaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay ub5a8ub824uc640 la la la laBoom shaka laka Boom shaka laka Boom shaka lakaBoom pump ilay ub2e4uac00uc640 la la la laPink RocketKoreanubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c ub108ubb34 ubab0ub77cA Let"s roll baby Come onubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c uc544uc774 ubab0ub77cPlease Show me babyud558ub8e8 uc885uc77c uc5b4uc9c0ub7ecuc6cc uc8fduaca0uc5b4ub098ub3c4 ubab0ub798 ube60uc838ubc84ub9b0 ub098uc758 ub9d8uc740 ub610I like it like it my boyI like it like it boyI like it like it my baby babyub108ub9cc ubcf4uba74 ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 uc8fduaca0uc5b4uccab ub208uc5d0 ubc18ud574ubc84ub9b0 ub098uc758 ub9d8uc740 ub610I like it like it my boyI like it like it boyI like it like it my baby babyuc624 ub098ub97c uccd0ub2e4ubd10 (uccc7!) ub534 uacf3uc744 ubc14ub77cubd10uc790uafb8 uc7a5ub09cuce58uc9c0ub9c8 babyub610 ub108ub97c ub530ub77cuac00 (uccc7!) ub534 uccaduc744 ud53cuc6cc ub098ub610 ubab0ub798 uc228uc5b4uc11c uafc8uafb8ub294 ub09cud551ud06c ub85cucf13 ud551ud06c ub85cucf13ud0c0uace0 high yeah ub2ecucf64ud55c uc0acub791uc744 ub744uc6ccud551ud06c ub85cucf13 ud551ud06c ub85cucf13ud0c0uace0 high yeah uc0c1ucf64ud55c uc0acub791uc744 ub744uc6ccHey Tell me Tell me What"d I sayWo-Work it out boy Work it out girlRat tat tat tat Bad Boyub9d8uc744 ud754ub4e4uc5b4 uc790uafb8 ud754ub4e4uc5b4Hey Show me Show me Come on babyWo-Work it out boy Work it out girlThat That That That That BoyYou"re Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Boyub108ubb34 ub180ub77c uc228uc774 ub9c9ud600 uc8fduaca0uc5b4ub10c ubab0ub77c ub098uc758 ub9d8uc740 Pinky fantasyI like it like it my boyI like it like it boyI like it like it my baby babyub208 uac10uc544ub3c4 ub108ub9cc ubcf4uc5ec uc8fduaca0uc5b4uadd3uac00uc5d0 uc544~ uac04uc9c0ub7ecuc6b4 ubaa9uc18cub9acI like it like it my boyI like it like it boyI like it like it my baby babyuc624 ub9d0uc744 uac74ub12cuae4c (uccc7!) uc880 ub354 uae30ub2e4ub9b4uae4cuace0ubbfc uace0ubbfcud558ub2e4uac00 babyuc0c1ucc98ub97c ubc1buc744uae4c (uccc7!) uc0c1uc0c1ub9cc ud558uc796uc544ub108 ubab0ub798 uc228uc5b4uc11c uafc8uafb8ub294 ub09cud551ud06c ub85cucf13 ud551ud06c ub85cucf13ud0c0uace0 high yeah ub2ecucf64ud55c uc0acub791uc744 ub744uc6ccud551ud06c ub85cucf13 ud551ud06c ub85cucf13ud0c0uace0 high yeah uc0c1ucf64ud55c uc0acub791uc744 ub744uc6ccud551ud06c ub85cucf13 ud551ud06c ub85cucf13ud0c0uace0 high yeah ub098uc758 ub9d8uc740 ucff5ucff5 ub6f0uc5b4ud551ud06c ub85cucf13 ud551ud06c ub85cucf13ud0c0uace0 high yeah ub2c8uac00 uc88buc544 ucff5ucff5 ub6f0uc5b4I"m so highubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c ub108ubb34 ubab0ub77cub10c uc815ub9d0 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubab0ub77c Babyubab0ub77c ubab0ub77c uc544uc774 ubab0ub77cuc624ub298ub3c4 ub108ub97c ub530ub77cuac00Hey Tell me Tell me What"d I sayWo-Work it out boy Work it out girlRat tat tat tat Bad Boyub9d8uc744 ud754ub4e4uc5b4 uc790uafb8 ud754ub4e4uc5b4Hey Show me Show me Come on babyWo-Work it out boy Work it out girlThat That That That That BoyYou"re Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad BoyRollin FallinKoreanI Make U Rollin, Fallin, FallinI Make U Rollin, Fallin, FallinI Make U Rollin (Rollin) Baby just Fallin (Fallin)I Make U Rollin, Fallin, Fallinuba4buc7c1uc774 uadf8ub304 ub098ub97c ubcf4uc9c0uba4buca4duc740 ub4ef uace0uac24ub3ccub9acuc9c0uac00uc2b4ub5a8ub9acub2c8 (uc6b0uc6b0uc6b0uc6b0)ub450uadfcuac70ub9acub2c8 (uc6b0uc6b0uc6b0uc6b0)I know I know!uc0c9ub2e4ub978 ub0a0 uc6d0ud558ub294 ub0a8uc790uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ub108ubb34 ub9ceuc544ub9e4ub825uc774ub118uccd0 (uc6b0uc6b0uc6b0uc6b0)uc11cub458ub7ec baby boy uc9c0ub8e8ud55cuac74 uc2ebuc5b4(ub2e4uac00uc640) ub0a0 uac10ub3d9uc2dcucf1cubd10(ub0a0 uc6b8uac8cud55c ub0a8uc794) uc544uc9c1uc740 uc5c6ub294uac78uadf8uac8c ubc14ub85c ub098uc57cucd5cuace0uc758 Supa Ladyuc5b4uca4cuc9c0 ub098uac19uc740 uc5ecuc790uac10ub2f9ud558uae34 uc27duc9c0uc54auc544uc560uac00ud0c0uac8cub354ub294 ucc38uc744uc218 uc5c6uac8cub0a0 uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74 ub9d0ud574ubd10ub208ub9cc uae5cubc15uae5cubc15uae5cubc15 uc544uc544uc544uc544Just tell me Tonight!I Make U Rollin, Fallin, FallinI Make U Rollin, Fallin, Fallinuba4buc7c1uc774 uadf8ub304 ub0b4uac8c uc624uc9c0uba48ucd9cuc21cuc5c6uc9c0 ub0b4uac8c ube60uc838ubc84ub9b0uac78 uc54cuc544 (uc6b0uc6b0uc6b0uc6b0)uc54cuba74uc11cub3c4 uc18duc544 uc8fcub294ucc99 ud574ubcfcuae4c(ub2e4uac00uc640) ub0b4ub9d8 ud754ub4e4uc5b4ubd10(ub0b4uac00 ub9ccuc871ud55cuc801) uc544uc9c1uc740 uc5c6ub294uac78uadf8uac8c ubc14ub85c ub098uc57cucd5cuace0uc758 Supa Ladyuc5b4uca4cuc9c0 ub098uac19uc740 uc5ecuc790uac10ub2f9ud558uae34 uc27duc9c0uc54auc544uc560uac00ud0c0uac8cub354ub294 ucc38uc744uc218 uc5c6uac8cub0a0 uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74 ub9d0ud574ubd10ub208ub9cc uae5cubc15uae5cubc15uae5cubc15 uc544uc544uc544uc544Just tell me Tonight!Yeah baby Yeah babyYeah baby honey hotHey sweety hey sweetyHey sweety baby booYeah baby Yeah babyYeah baby honey hotHey sweety hey sweetyHey sweety baby boouadf8uac8c ubc14ub85c ub098uc57cucd5cuace0uc758 Supa Ladyuc5b4uca4cuc9c0 ub098uac19uc740 uc5ecuc790uac10ub2f9ud558uae34 uc27duc9c0uc54auc544uc560uac00ud0c0uac8cub354ub294 ucc38uc744uc218 uc5c6uac8cub0a0 uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74 ub9d0ud574ubd10ub208ub9cc uae5cubc15uae5cubc15uae5cubc15 uc544uc544uc544uc544Just tell me Tonight!Hey MR. LOVA ub10c uc815ub9d0 Mysteryud574(Show me your mind)ubb58 uadf8ub9ac uace0ubbfcud574I got U Rollin Fallin Babeuadf8ub798 ubc14ub85c ub9deuc544ucd5cuace0uae09 Special Ladyuac16uace0uc2f6ub2e4uba74 ub2e4uac00uc640ub0b4ub9d8uc774 uc0b4ub791uc0b4ub791uc0b4ub791 uc544uc544uc544uc544Just tell me Tonight!2023-07-07 05:37:281
Pretty, Pretty Baby 歌词
歌曲名:Pretty, Pretty Baby歌手:Gene Vincent & His Blue Caps专辑:The Rock N Roll CollectionPretty boyI lie awake at nightSee things in black and whiteI ve only got you inside my mindYou know you have made me blindI lie awake and prayThat you will look my wayI have all this longing in my heartI knew it right from the startOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insideMake me stay right beside youI used to write your nameAnd put it in a frameAnd sometime I think I hear you callRight from my bedroom wallYou stay a little whileAnd touch me with your smileAnd what can I say to make you mineTo reach out for you in timeOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insideMake me stay right beside youBRIDGEOh pretty boySay you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/27703162023-07-07 05:37:351
Jazmine Sullivan的《Switch!》 歌词
歌曲名:Switch!歌手:Jazmine Sullivan专辑:FearlessJazmine Sullivan - Switch!I met him at the bookstoreHe said he"d like to get to know me just a little moreask me to dinnerI said i"ll bring my girlfriendhe said thats cool cause he was gonna bring his best friendbut something happened that i wasn"t expectinhis best friend all night had my attentionKnew it was wrongbut I couldn"t help itand I don"t careI"m being selfishKnow what i want and i want your best friendaint gonna front uh uhi want you best friendhey boyi think i like your best friendwould you mindif i dined with your best friendand you can take my girlfriendi hardly know yaso there is no attachmentsyou take my chairi"ll sit right therelets see how that feelsand dont be mean and make a sceneit aint a big dealcause something happened that i wasn"t expectinhis best friend all night had my attentionKnew it was wrongbut I couldn"t help itand I don"t careI"m being selfishKnow what i want and i want your best friendaint gonna front uh uhi want you best friendhey boyi think i like your best friendwould you mindif i dined with your best friendyou see babyit really aint a big deali mean you a nice guy and all but...if i met him when i met youhe probably would a got the phone calldont make no senseto leave with the wrong guyif ya best friendcould be the love of my lifeKnew it was wrongbut I couldn"t help itand I don"t careI"m being selfishKnow what i want and i want your best friendaint gonna front uh uhi want you best friendhey boyi think i like your best friendwould you mindif i dined with your best friendSomething Happened unexpectedshe didn"t think that this would happenshe liked this guy had a connectionbut it was withher dates best friendha ha ha hawho would have guessed this???????????hey boyi think i like your best friendwould you mindif i dined with your best friendhttp://music.baidu.com/song/90571462023-07-07 05:37:411
贾斯汀比伯2023-07-07 05:37:482
来吧您就来看呗,再往里头瞧,再往里边看呐,看完这片又是一片,说地是有缘千里来相会,白娘子断桥遇许仙。那西湖美景让人醉啊,杭州那个小娇娘似天仙呦!——以上2023-07-07 05:37:5715
基于贸易引力模型的中澳农产品贸易的现状,前景分析,这个论文该怎么写,研究生毕业论文,关键是模型该怎么构建是这个问题吗2023-07-07 05:38:212
Pretty Bird 歌词
歌曲名:Pretty Bird歌手:Oliver Shanti专辑:ShamanPretty boyI lie awake at nightSee things in black and whiteI ve only got you inside my mindYou know you have made me blindI lie awake and prayThat you will look my wayI have all this longing in my heartI knew it right from the startOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insideMake me stay right beside youI used to write your nameAnd put it in a frameAnd sometime I think I hear you callRight from my bedroom wallYou stay a little whileAnd touch me with your smileAnd what can I say to make you mineTo reach out for you in timeOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insideMake me stay right beside youBRIDGEOh pretty boySay you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/549110622023-07-07 05:37:211
Rihanna的《hypnotized》 歌词
歌曲名:hypnotized歌手:Rihanna专辑:HotnessRihanna - HypnotizedSomething bout the way that you workin" meTeasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazyAmazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotizedI"m feeling something that I can"t understandIt"s like i"m captured by the touch of your handIts so vibe it"s your styleIt"s the way the that u smileGet a little rush when I hear your nameIt"s all magnetic with your hand next to meHoldin" me close happens so naturallyWe connect, its electric, this felling insideDidn"t know that even if I triedSomething bout the way that you workin" meTeasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazyAmazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotizedYou got me spinning like a merry go roundFeels like I"m flyin" but I ain"t off the groundFallin" fast I"m a afraid can"t escape there"s no wayNever had a feeling like this beforeSomething bout the way that you workin" meTeasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazyAmazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotizedIt"s amazing how you drive me crazyBoy keep doin" what you"re doin"Cause you"re really gettin through to meDay and night babe you know I can"t fight itJust one look into my eyes and you know you got me hypnotizedSomething bout the way that you workin" meTeasin" me, pleasin" me, easily boyI"m addicted to youGot a have ya for all the things that you do (Aaah)Something bout this feeling, it"s crazyAmazing that stays with me all night and day,Makes my temperature riseBoy your love has got me so hypnotizedKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/7089042023-07-07 05:37:141
Tommy Dorsey&Jimmy Dorsey的《Yours》 歌词
歌曲名:Yours歌手:Tommy Dorsey&Jimmy Dorsey专辑:The Dorsey Brothers CD1Mariah Carey - YoursYou brighten up the moon and stars at nightYou keep me seeing rainbows in the skyYou bring new meaning to my life, nowI believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yoursTender love"s what you"re giving me andYou surpass all my fantasies andI keep thanking the Lord above forBlessing me with oh so muchCause I know how it feels to bepart of you boyEveryay of my life"s so abundantWith joyAnd I honestly never thought lovecould be realuntil the angels guided you to meYou brighten up the moon and stars at nightYou keep me seeing rainbows in the skyYou bring new meaning to my life, nowI believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yoursLying with you so naturalI never knew this was possibleAnd it finally feels like my life has begunnow that I can share it with someoneYou brighten up the moon and stars at nightYou keep me seeing rainbows in the skyYou bring new meaning to my life, nowI believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yoursBaby our love will always persevereAnything you ever need,You know I"ll be right here andYou don"t have to worry boyI won"t betray your trustBecause I"m so much in loveEvery time your lips meet mineIt still feels like the first timeAnd if you lost everythingI"d keep on standing by your sideAnd boy it seems like everydayI fall deeper in loveBecause I can"t get enoughYou brighten up the moon and stars at nightYou keep me seeing rainbows in the skyYou bring new meaning to my life, nowI believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yoursBaby I"m YoursBaby I"m YoursBaby I"m YoursBaby I"m YoursEverything that you do"s so amazingEverything that you do"s so amazingEverything that you do"s so amazingEverything that you do"s so amazing to meBoyYou brighten up the moon and stars at nightYou keep me seeing rainbows in the skyYou bring new meaning to my life, nowI believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yoursbaby I believe in miracles because I"m baby I"m forever yours.I believe in miracles baby I"m forever yourshttp://music.baidu.com/song/151272002023-07-07 05:37:061
意思:为什么要一个字在外漂泊流落?为什么明明很想念亲人朋友,却很少和他们团聚 ?为什么要离别这么久?为什么不能得到安定的生活?注释:1、何以:反问的意思,可作为何,为什么来理解,四个连反问,可见当时的心情何等凄凉。2、团栾:是指亲人团聚。出自:游戏《古剑奇谭》。悭臾向百里屠苏回忆太子长琴时,言太子长琴经常在瑶山水边思考人生时,曾发出此问。原文:何以飘零去,何以少团栾,何以别离久,何以不得安,指云问天道,琴鸣血斑斓。扩展资料:《古剑奇谭》的游戏设定源自于《山海经》,故事则以武侠和仙侠为创作题材,以中国神话时代为背景,讲述了中国古代侠骨柔情的仙侠文化。这句话出现的场景:古剑奇谭中,悭臾向百里屠苏回忆太子长琴时曾言太子长琴经常在瑶山水边思考人生时曾发出此问,而在古剑奇谭大结局蓬莱之战中,少公在百里屠苏的提醒下回想起当年太子长琴和悭臾瑶山抚琴奏乐时的情景,也想起了悭臾所说的这些感叹。何以飘零去,何以少团栾,何以别离久,何以不得安?一曲孤吟一饮愁、天绝情,今朝人不醒。更是百里屠苏表达对此现状的不满与无奈之情,一心只希望与亲人早日团聚。这些本是俗世的愁苦,与他并没有太多关系。但是他偶尔看到世间种种,却记在心里,做出这样的感慨。剧情中说过:“渡魂的痛苦,仿佛万蚁嗜心”。而半魂之人,更是饱受朋友、亲人、爱侣的偏见和唾弃,到头来只剩下自己一个人,绝望,孤寂,就这样过了几千年。这是少恭亦或太子长琴对不公命运的感慨,一生寡亲缘情缘,命运多舛,以至在反抗悲惨命运的途中,堕入魔道,实在让忍惋惜。参考资料来源:百度百科_飘零曲·琴心何在2023-07-07 05:37:051
Lulu的《Boy》 歌词
歌曲名:Boy歌手:Lulu专辑:The Gold CollectionNelly - Boy (Feat. Lil" Flip & Big Gipp)Booooyyyoh oh oh oh oh ohSo you the kang boyhow could this be boyyou gotta be blind to sell more records than me boyI can"t complain boydon"t say my name boyI"m like a run away slave I"m off the chain boyI"m bout" to jet boystraight flex boyI"m about to round princess cut and bagette boydon"t disrespect boyI"ll break your neck boyI got niggaz that sherm it up and get wet boywe driving vets and bentley coupes boyI ain"t lying check my garage, I tell the truth boyI do it big boyyou do it small boyI do some shit that you can"t even do at all boyplatinum tooth boymake it two boycome to the crib you can bowl, swim, or hoop boybig rule boywhat are you doing in me yardyou can run two miles and you still in my yardBooooyyyQuarter Quarters Nickels Dollars Dimes everytime boybutterfly my 84", fly first class boydipping through the hood candy coated paint boytriple zero dope sacks no tax boyyou walk fast, well I slow-poke boyyou grip the leather, well I grip oak boyI keep a crease in my Dickies when I corner hangI love to sip champangne, funny ass namesladies love to see me Gucci or many of poochielove to see me in the gazelles to King Louis"shingles hanging from the end of my pants boythey love to see me do the old man dance boyI smoke plenty grass boyI"m touching on the ass boygo ahead and Sir Mix-A-Lot put it on the glass boyI"m from the South boythat"s how it go boywe like to see em" drop it downand touch they toes boyBooooyyyLil Flipper..I flip tracks boylike crack boyI got that 62 inch Maybach boytwo tone boylets get it on boymy money long boynow we smoking zones boycome take a hit boywe got the shit boymy big clover cost the price of ten bricks boyI"m from the South boydon"t run your mouth boysshhh.... cuz I"ll have Al Capone at your house boypull up in my drop top, you like boyto you it"s a Bentley, to me it"s a toyI"m like a pimp boyI ride spinners boyI"m hopping out with 3000 dollar tennis boycome take a look at meI"m off the chain boythe gameover, bitch, you know my name boyI"m Lil Flip boya Clover G boyyou better free Will Lean and Pimp C boyBooooyyy......ENDhttp://music.baidu.com/song/27869892023-07-07 05:36:411