After that = 在这之后
After her graduation
应该填“After then”。
用from then on.
later之后,随后,后来2023-07-07 04:08:451
首先Firstly 其次Secondly接下来 following 然后then之后after that最后 at last2023-07-07 04:08:542
later2023-07-07 04:09:094
afteruff0cbefore2023-07-07 04:09:545
之后,表示在某个时间或处所的后面。一般多指时间。单独用在句子头上,表示在上文所说的事情以后。下面就由我为大家带来关于之后的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。 关于之后的相关短语 日落之后 Just After Sunset ; 赛车之后 After the Race 面具之后 Behind The Mask ; 午夜之后 After midnight ; 光明之后 After The Lights 浩劫之后 After the End ; 关于之后的相关单词 later; after; afterwards; 关于之后的相关短句或解释 since then; 从那之后 two weeks later; 两周之后 after her graduation; 她毕业之后 after dark; 天黑之后 Afterwards he went abroad. 之后他到国外去了。 关于之后的相关例句 1. After a three-weekend courtship, Pamela accepted Randolph"s proposal of marriage. 经过3个周末的追求之后,帕梅拉接受了伦道夫的求婚。 2. He does deserve some good luck after so much wretchedness. 经过这么多苦难之后,他应该行点好运了。 3. I want the manager"sjob when he calls it a day. 等到经理不干了之后,我想接替他的位子。 4. Jem was full of beans after a long sleep. 杰姆好好睡了一觉之后又变得精力充沛了。 5. Sir Robert made his announcement after talks with the President. 在与总统会谈之后,罗伯特爵士发表了声明。 6. Shares slid 11p to 293p after brokers downgraded their profit estimates. 股票经纪人降低了他们的利润预期之后,股价下跌了11便士至293便士。 7. After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting preserve. 诺曼征服之后,这片森林成为了皇家狩猎区。 8. On arrival, a six-course meal was top of the agenda. 他们到达之后要做的第一件事是吃一顿六道菜的大餐。 9. His jaw was broken after he was hit on the head. 他的头部受重击之后下颌骨折了。 10. A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong. 这次行动之后将会有一个任务执行情况报告会,以便确定是哪里出了问题。 11. Not long afterward she received five calls in one day. 不久之后,她一天内就接到了5个电话。 12. Rock"n"roll has become so commercialized and safe since punk. 自朋克乐之后,摇滚乐已经变得太商业化、太保守了。 13. I wouldn"t lay bets on his still remaining manager after the spring. 我看他的这个经理当不到春天之后了。 14. Sampdoria lost their unbeaten record with a 2-1 home defeat against Genoa. 桑普多利亚队主场1比2负于热那亚队之后,终止了自己的不败纪录。 15. She wondered where they were going to rendezvous afterwards. 她想知道之后他们要去哪里约会。 关于之后的双语例句 助学金通常在大学一年级之后逐渐减少。 Financial aids generally taper off after the first year of college. 大雨之后常有彩虹。 A rainbow is usually seen after a heavy rain. 忏悔之后他觉得好过一点,并且能安眠了。 After confession he feels a little better and can sleep at ease. 那只外星来的宇宙飞船在公园上空盘旋了一会儿之后就不见了。 After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short time, it vanished. 经过多年的不幸之后,她终于离了婚。 She got a divorce after years of unhappiness. 干燥的天气之后,人人都希望下雨。 After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain. 批评之后的鼓励犹如阵雨之后的太阳。 Encouragement after censure is as the sun after a shower. 这样的炎症在几天之后便消失了,不过在四周之后又再一次复发。 This inflammation stopped a few days later but then recurred after four weeks. 一百年之后会发生什么事?。 What will happen in a hundred years? 你们必须在你们的国家撒下心情的种子之后,才去灵界。 You have to go to the sprit world after you plant this heart in your country. 以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。2023-07-07 04:10:401
after2023-07-07 04:10:495
在什么地方之前?河在什么地方?之后的。英文分别。怎么写?2023-07-07 04:11:153
后 英文是什么
hereafter?""It is evening," the poet said, "an2023-07-07 04:11:571
在...之后 英语怎么说
after / follow 加句子,都可以的2023-07-07 04:12:363
In the futureLater2023-07-07 04:12:463
在。。。之前,before。在。。。之后,after2023-07-07 04:13:344
问题一:“以后”用英语怎么说 如果是时间的以后,可以用after 从此以后:from now on 或者 hereafter 排序上的XXX的后面也有after 空间上用behind 看你具体用在什么地方,有不明白请hi 问题二:从这以后, 用英文怎么说 Herefrom, be not having you, 问题三:从那以后用英语怎么说 after that; from then on; since then 例句 从亥以后,我们和甲骨文再没有任何接触。 There has been no other contact with oracle since then. 从那以后,他一直在买入股票。 He has been buying stocks since. 从那以后,他对职业女性的评价就接二连三地出现在我的收件箱里。 Since then, he has peppered my in-box with mentsabout women in the workplace. 从那以后,消费者开始不得不做出更多的让步。 After that consumers began to make more painfulpromises. 亲爱的安妮:大约一年前,我所在的团队与另外一支团队合并,从那以后我每天的工作就如同噩梦一般。 Dear annie: ever since my team merged with a differentone, about a year ago, my job has bee anightmare. 问题四:在这之后用英语怎么说 afterwards,later then 问题五:最后 用英语怎么说 最后: 1. last 2. ultimate 3. finally 4. final Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我们两国最后终于能理智地进行对话了。 At last there can be a reasonable dialogue between our two governments. 2. 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款? When will you pay the last installment of the loan? 3. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。 Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 4. 他们最后终于达成了协议。 Finally, they arrived at an agreement. 5. 经过连续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。 After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test. 6. 我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point. 7. 最后他终于成功地解决了这个问题。 At last he successfully solved the problem. 8. 这首诗的最后两行没有押好韵。 The last two lines of this poem don"t rhyme properly. 直到最后 to the last 最后成绩 the net result. 最后结果 the net result 最后手段 dernier resort 最后的牺牲 the supreme sacrifice. 最后一番修饰 the finishing touches 坚持到最后 held out until the last. 最后的决定 finality of one"s decision 最后森林阶段 climax forest stage...>> 问题六:在……后面怎么说用英语 behind ,,, 例如: 书在桌子后面 The book is behand the table 问题七:在什么什么 之后用英语怎么说呢? after+什么什么.. 它后加个句子的.. 比如添加了一快硬盘.. 问题八:不久之后 ,用英语怎么说? 不久之后 有多种搭配翻译。如: 第一:Soon afterward Soon afterwards he joined the party. 不久之后,他就参加了派对。 第二:Shortly after The耽 arrived shortly after. 不久以后他们抵达了。 第三:Shortly afterwards 不久之后 Shortly afterwards, he wrote two more novels. 不久以后,他又写了两部小说。 当然不久以后根据句子的机构,有更灵活的翻译,如:not long before It was not long before his name became a household word. 不久之后,他的名字就家喻户晓了。 问题九:上班后 英语怎么说 楼主您好: 第一句话 Go to work tomorrow, I will help you deal with that thing. 第二句话 After work, what do you usually do? 第三句话 Every day he came home the first thing is to open the puter, and then turn 常ff the phone. 第四句话 After work, he and his colleagues regularly go to the gym. 第五个 单复数都是可以的。要按回答的单复数来。通常是单数,某些体育用复数。 祝楼主学习进步 问题十:“以后”用英语怎么说 如果是时间的以后,可以用after 从此以后:from now on 或者 hereafter 排序上的XXX的后面也有after 空间上用behind 看你具体用在什么地方,有不明白请hi2023-07-07 04:13:481
问题一:几天之后用英语怎么说? 解:可以说a few days later 但如果是你那个填空就应该填: after __several__ days 如有疑问,可追问! 问题二:”在之后的几天里"用英语怎么说 in the ing days in the following days in next few days in some days of near future都可以的 望采纳谢谢。 问题三:几天后用英语怎么说 several days later a few days later 问题四:多久以后用英语怎么说 举个例子,5天以后 five days later~ 问题五:多长时间以后用英语怎么说? 用How soon……(还有多久……)一般用于将来时…… 回答一般用介词in,in后面加一段时间表示将来…… 问题六:几天以内用英语怎么说 当然也是In xx days了 因为in 有两种意思,一种是...的里面,一种是...以后, 所以in xx days 的意思可以是 几天以后,也可以是 几天以内 谢谢采纳希望对你有所帮助 问题七:隔多久,多久之后和多久用英语怎么说 隔多久,how often 多久之后how soon 多久how long 问题八:几天之后用英语怎么说? 解:可以说a few days later 但如果是你那个填空就应该填: after __several__ days 如有疑问,可追问! 问题九:之后的几天用英文怎么说 之后的几天 After a few days 重点词汇释义 之后after; later; afterwards; sith 例句 全国的零售商希望在圣诞节之后的几天里提高假日销售额。 Retailers across the country are hoping to boost holiday sales on this day after Christmas. 问题十:”在之后的几天里"用英语怎么说 in the ing days in the following days in next few days in some days of near future都可以的 望采纳谢谢。2023-07-07 04:13:551
one year later,...............2023-07-07 04:14:0513
在那之后 用英文怎么说
After that2023-07-07 04:14:327
before the past and after the future.2023-07-07 04:14:492
At first,and then2023-07-07 04:15:351
after guaduating from university2023-07-07 04:15:445
时间用After物体用behind2023-07-07 04:15:583
不久之后 ,用英语怎么说?
soon,before long2023-07-07 04:16:145
after getting to school2023-07-07 04:16:394
uff0c2023-07-07 04:17:285
1.in +一段时间 用于将来时,e.g He will come back in three days. 2.一段时间+later 用于过去时,e.g Three days later,he came back.2023-07-07 04:17:521
after。。。你具体想说什么呢2023-07-07 04:18:024
晕军训虐w蹿你我痔2023-07-07 04:18:125
10years later2023-07-07 04:18:284
one minuteone secondone moment2023-07-07 04:18:386
a year later2023-07-07 04:18:551
毕业之后的英文,毕业之后的翻译,怎么用英语翻译毕业 毕业之后 [词典] [电影] Post Grad; [例句]他们问他毕业之后有何打算。 They asked what his plans were after graduation 步入大学和毕业之后的计划用英语翻译如何说 the plan of going/stepping into university and being after graduation 大学毕业的英文,大学毕业的翻译,怎么用英语翻译大学 大学毕业 这个词语 用英语表达 翻译为 : university graduated 在他们完成中学学业毕业之后 英语翻译 After they graduated from juniorschool 翻译:毕业之后我又回到了那里 用英语怎么说 After graduation, I went back there again. 祝你进步 毕业之后的报到证怎么用 《报到证》分上下两联(内容相同),上联(蓝色)由校就业指导中心寄发给毕业生,下联(白色)则放入学生档案内(人事档案属国家机密,不允许个人持有。如果你的用人单位拥有档案管理资格那么你的档案就放在单位;如果没有,那你的档案放在人才市场类的档案储存处。若你没签就业协议书,那你的档案就直接打回原籍)。而《报到证》则交由你手自行保管。在这里必须要重点说的是,很多人在毕业后没多久就把《报到证》丢了,而当若干年后单位希望将你提干要求出示《报到证》时,很多就没有了,而只能再跑回某地去重新开证明,这时的证明可就没那么好开了,所以还是劝毕业生保管好《报到证》。 如果说到就业协议,那么必需提到的就是《报到证》与国家干部身份。就业协议作为国家统计大学生就业率的一个根据,同时也是学校报到证发放的一个证明。只有毕业生签署了就业协议,拿回学校,学校才会在该毕业生毕业后将报到证发给你,而你拿着报到证到你工作的单位报道,就此开始计算工龄,而你也就拥有了干部身份。 毕业之后的路 既然知道自己欠缺什么就赶紧恶补啊,看书翻资料上网或者去请教同事。新来的又没经验难免会感觉无助和孤单,慢慢适应,不要逃避,这样只能让自己更加失去自信。挨骂正常,我在销售部天天不仅挨客户骂还要挨上司骂。不必介意,现在挨骂是为了以后不挨骂。你以为辞退你很容易啊,至少你要犯大的过错,并且公司还要调岗给你,不胜任后才可开了你啊。没那么容易开掉一个员工的。 毕业之后,我在一家大公司上班 用英语怎么翻译 I worked in a big pany after graduation. 在北外毕业之后能当翻译吗 学好就行。但是北外可不是好进的,进了也不好混。呵呵。压力特大。据说北外的学风是全国最好的之一。 宝贝,毕业之后你会想我吗? 翻译成英文 Will you miss me after graduation,honey?2023-07-07 04:19:041
问题一:以后的英文单词是什么? after 问题二:在……之前,在……之后的英文怎么写? in front of behind 问题三:在后面用英语怎么写 behind 问题四:“以后”英文是什么? 英文是later on 问题五:在这之后用英语怎么说 afterwards,later then 问题六:我们会有更好的以后 英文怎么写 We will be better in the future. Our future will be better 问题七:最后 用英语怎么说 最后: 1. last 2. ultimate 3. finally 4. final Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我们两国最后终于能理智地进行对话了。 At last there can be a reasonable dialogue between our two governments. 2. 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款? When will you pay the last installment of the loan? 3. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。 Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 4. 他们最后终于达成了协议。 Finally, they arrived at an agreement. 5. 经过连续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。 After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test. 6. 我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point. 7. 最后他终于成功地解决了这个问题。 At last he successfully solved the problem. 8. 这首诗的最后两行没有押好韵。 The last two lines of this poem don"t rhyme properly. 直到最后 to the last 最后成绩 the net result. 最后结果 the net result 最后手段 dernier resort 最后的牺牲 the supreme sacrifice. 最后一番修饰 the finishing touches 坚持到最后 held out until the last. 最后的决定 finality of one"s decision 最后森林阶段 climax forest stage...>> 问题八:在她后面用英文怎么写? behind her school 问题九:左 右 前 后 的英文是什么? 都是名词的说法: 左left 右right 前front 后back 【例句】 Look to the right, to the left and to the right again before you turn into a main road. 在转入大路前,先看右,再看左,然后看右。 Top to bottom, front to the back ,every spot I won"t miss. 从上到下从前到后每一个地方我都不会错过。 问题十:以后的英文 adj. 浮ollowing, later adv. (after, later, subsequently, afterwards, afterward, in the future, farther prep. after2023-07-07 04:20:061
问题一:“以后”用英语怎么说 如果是时间的以后,可以用after 从此以后:from now on 或者 hereafter 排序上的XXX的后面也有after 空间上用behind 看你具体用在什么地方,有不明白请hi 问题二:在……之后 用英语怎么说 after [":ft?] adv.以后, 后来 conj.在 ... 以后 prep.在 ... 之后, 在后面, 关于, 追赶, 依照 adj.以后的 问题三:在后面用英语怎么说 简明英汉词典 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rearwards [?ri?w?dz] adv. 在后面,向后面 问题四:从这以后, 用英文怎么说 Herefrom, be not having you, 问题五:在……之前,在……之后的英文怎么写? in front of behind 问题六:之后的几天用英文怎么说 之后的几天 After a few days 重点词汇释义 之后after; later; afterwards; sith 例句 全国的零售商希望在圣诞节之后的几天里提高假日销售额。 Retailers across the country are hoping to boost holiday sales on this day after Christmas. 问题七:最后 用英语怎么说 最后: 1. last 2. ultimate 3. finally 4. final Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我们两国最后终于能理智地进行对话了。 At last there can be a reasonable dialogue between our two governments. 2. 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款? When will you pay the last installment of the loan? 3. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。 Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 4. 他们最后终于达成了协议。 Finally, they arrived at an agreement. 5. 经过连续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。 After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test. 6. 我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point. 7. 最后他终于成功地解决了这个问题。 At last he successfully solved the problem. 8. 这首诗的最后两行没有押好韵。 The last two lines of this poem don"t rhyme properly. 直到最后 to the last 最后成绩 the net result. 最后结果 the net result 最后手段 dernier resort 最后的牺牲 the supreme sacrifice. 最后一番修饰 the finishing touches 坚持到最后 held out until the last. 最后的决定 finality of one"s decision 最后森林阶段 climax forest stage...>> 问题八:在u22ef后面怎么说用英语 on the behind 问题九:随后,以后用英语怎么说 then,later on soon after +sth./sentence2023-07-07 04:20:131
zai....yihoudeyingyu2023-07-07 04:20:302
问题一:“以后”用英语怎么说 如果是时间的以后,可以用after 从此以后:from now on 或者 hereafter 排序上的XXX的后面也有after 空间上用behind 看你具体用在什么地方,有不明白请hi 问题二:在……之后 用英语怎么说 after [":ft?] adv.以后, 后来 conj.在 ... 以后 prep.在 ... 之后, 在后面, 关于, 追赶, 依照 adj.以后的 问题三:在后面用英语怎么说 简明英汉词典 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rearwards [?ri?w?dz] adv. 在后面,向后面 问题四:以后再说好吗??用英语怎么说 答案是:shall we talk about it later ? ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~ 问题五:最后 用英语怎么说 最后: 1. last 2. ultimate 3. finally 4. final Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我们两国最后终于能理智地进行对话了。 At last there can be a reasonable dialogue between our two governments. 2. 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款? When will you pay the last installment of the loan? 3. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。 Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 4. 他们最后终于达成了协议。 Finally, they arrived at an agreement. 5. 经过连续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。 After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test. 6. 我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point. 7. 最后他终于成功地解决了这个问题。 At last he successfully solved the problem. 8. 这首诗的最后两行没有押好韵。 The last two lines of this poem don"t rhyme properly. 直到最后 to the last 最后成绩 the net result. 最后结果 the net result 最后手段 dernier resort 最后的牺牲 the supreme sacrifice. 最后一番修饰 the finishing touches 坚持到最后 held out until the last. 最后的决定 finality of one"s decision 最后森林阶段 climax forest stage...>> 问题六:在……之前,在……之后的英文怎么写? in front of behind 问题七:在什么之后用英语还可以怎么说 在什么之后 After what 在什么之后 After what 问题八:从那以后用英语怎么说 after that; from then on; since then 例句 从亥以后,我们和甲骨文再没有任何接触。 There has been no other contact with oracle since then. 从那以后,他一直在买入股票。 He has been buying stocks since. 从那以后,他对职业女性的评价就接二连三地出现在我的收件箱里。 Since then, he has peppered my in-box with mentsabout women in the workplace. 从那以后,消费者开始不得不做出更多的让步。 After that consumers began to make more painfulpromises. 亲爱的安妮:大约一年前,我所在的团队与另外一支团队合并,从那以后我每天的工作就如同噩梦一般。 Dear annie: ever since my team merged with a differentone, about a year ago, my job has bee anightmare. 问题九:“在....之后”用英文翻译 在....之后 after 在....之间 in the middle of 你是干什么的?我是学生 What do 饥ou do? I am a student. 他是干什么的?他是记者。 What does he do? He is a journalist. 我想要西红柿面条。 I would like to have tomato noodle. 我能坐 这 吗? Can I sit here? 问题十:你以后有什么打算?用英语怎么说啊? What are you going to do in future? What is your p丹an later?2023-07-07 04:20:441
在...之后 的英语单词怎么写
你好。在...之后的英语单词有:areyouthere.、After希望可以帮到你,谢谢。2023-07-07 04:20:511
问题一:“以后”用英语怎么说 如果是时间的以后,可以用after 从此以后:from now on 或者 hereafter 排序上的XXX的后面也有after 空间上用behind 看你具体用在什么地方,有不明白请hi 问题二:从这以后, 用英文怎么说 Herefrom, be not having you, 问题三:从那以后用英语怎么说 after that; from then on; since then 例句 从亥以后,我们和甲骨文再没有任何接触。 There has been no other contact with oracle since then. 从那以后,他一直在买入股票。 He has been buying stocks since. 从那以后,他对职业女性的评价就接二连三地出现在我的收件箱里。 Since then, he has peppered my in-box with mentsabout women in the workplace. 从那以后,消费者开始不得不做出更多的让步。 After that consumers began to make more painfulpromises. 亲爱的安妮:大约一年前,我所在的团队与另外一支团队合并,从那以后我每天的工作就如同噩梦一般。 Dear annie: ever since my team merged with a differentone, about a year ago, my job has bee anightmare. 问题四:在这之后用英语怎么说 afterwards,later then 问题五:最后 用英语怎么说 最后: 1. last 2. ultimate 3. finally 4. final Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我们两国最后终于能理智地进行对话了。 At last there can be a reasonable dialogue between our two governments. 2. 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款? When will you pay the last installment of the loan? 3. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。 Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 4. 他们最后终于达成了协议。 Finally, they arrived at an agreement. 5. 经过连续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。 After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test. 6. 我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point. 7. 最后他终于成功地解决了这个问题。 At last he successfully solved the problem. 8. 这首诗的最后两行没有押好韵。 The last two lines of this poem don"t rhyme properly. 直到最后 to the last 最后成绩 the net result. 最后结果 the net result 最后手段 dernier resort 最后的牺牲 the supreme sacrifice. 最后一番修饰 the finishing touches 坚持到最后 held out until the last. 最后的决定 finality of one"s decision 最后森林阶段 climax forest stage...>> 问题六:在……后面怎么说用英语 behind ,,, 例如: 书在桌子后面 The book is behand the table 问题七:在什么什么 之后用英语怎么说呢? after+什么什么.. 它后加个句子的.. 比如添加了一快硬盘.. 问题八:不久之后 ,用英语怎么说? 不久之后 有多种搭配翻译。如: 第一:Soon afterward Soon afterwards he joined the party. 不久之后,他就参加了派对。 第二:Shortly after The耽 arrived shortly after. 不久以后他们抵达了。 第三:Shortly afterwards 不久之后 Shortly afterwards, he wrote two more novels. 不久以后,他又写了两部小说。 当然不久以后根据句子的机构,有更灵活的翻译,如:not long before It was not long before his name became a household word. 不久之后,他的名字就家喻户晓了。 问题九:上班后 英语怎么说 楼主您好: 第一句话 Go to work tomorrow, I will help you deal with that thing. 第二句话 After work, what do you usually do? 第三句话 Every day he came home the first thing is to open the puter, and then turn 常ff the phone. 第四句话 After work, he and his colleagues regularly go to the gym. 第五个 单复数都是可以的。要按回答的单复数来。通常是单数,某些体育用复数。 祝楼主学习进步 问题十:“以后”用英语怎么说 如果是时间的以后,可以用after 从此以后:from now on 或者 hereafter 排序上的XXX的后面也有after 空间上用behind 看你具体用在什么地方,有不明白请hi2023-07-07 04:20:571
later2023-07-07 04:21:084
问题一:从这以后, 用英文怎么说 Herefrom, be not having you, 问题二:以后的英语怎么表达? 以后的英文: after later afterwards following later on in the future 参考例句: Later on; afterwards 以后;后来 She became a housewife after the marriage. 结婚以后她成为家庭主妇。 various events that happened posterior to the 19th century 19 世纪以后发生的种种事件 Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty. 和平条约签定以后,战事随之结束。 Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun. 隧道实际开始动工是在四十二年以后。 When everyone is on the board, the boat will set sail. 每个人都上船以后,船就会起航了。 Put sth on the back;burner put work,etc aside to be dealt with later 将工作等暂时搁置留待以后处理. So from then on they switched over pletely to undercover activities 所以,以后他们就完全转入秘密了。 Three days later his diarrhoea was checked. 三天以后他的痢疾止住了。 Ground fighting flared up again after a two-week lull. 经过两星期的平静以后,地面战斗又突然爆发了。 问题三:从那以后用英语怎么说 after that; from then on; since then 例句 从亥以后,我们和甲骨文再没有任何接触。 There has been no other contact with oracle since then. 从那以后,他一直在买入股票。 He has been buying stocks since. 从那以后,他对职业女性的评价就接二连三地出现在我的收件箱里。 Since then, he has peppered my in-box with mentsabout women in the workplace. 从那以后,消费者开始不得不做出更多的让步。 After that consumers began to make more painfulpromises. 亲爱的安妮:大约一年前,我所在的团队与另外一支团队合并,从那以后我每天的工作就如同噩梦一般。 Dear annie: ever since my team merged with a differentone, about a year ago, my job has bee anightmare. 问题四:上班后 英语怎么说 楼主您好: 第一句话 Go to work tomorrow, I will help you deal with that thing. 第二句话 After work, what do you usually do? 第三句话 Every day he came home the first thing is to open the puter, and then turn 常ff the phone. 第四句话 After work, he and his colleagues regularly go to the gym. 第五个 单复数都是可以的。要按回答的单复数来。通常是单数,某些体育用复数。 祝楼主学习进步 问题五:一个月以后的英文怎么说 one month later 问题六:在什么什么 之后用英语怎么说呢? after+什么什么.. 它后加个句子的.. 比如添加了一快硬盘.. 问题七:英语翻译英语翻译后怎么说 英语翻译 翻译成英文是:English translation 英语翻译后 翻译成英文是:After English translation English translation [词典] 英语译文; [句]He collaborated with his son Michael on the English translation of a text on food production 他和儿子迈克尔合作,把一篇介绍食品生产的文章译成了英文。 问题八:不久之后 ,用英语怎么说? 不久之后 有多种搭配翻译。如: 第一:Soon afterward Soon afterwards he joined the party. 不久之后,他就参加了派对。 第二:Shortly after The耽 arrived shortly after. 不久以后他们抵达了。 第三:Shortly afterwards 不久之后 Shortly afterwards, he wrote two more novels. 不久以后,他又写了两部小说。 当然不久以后根据句子的机构,有更灵活的翻译,如:not long before It was not long before his name became a household word. 不久之后,他的名字就家喻户晓了。 问题九:“两年以后” 用英语怎么说 after two years of ...名或动加ing (narrative=故事体的) After two years of diligent study,she finally passed the exam. two years later (narrative=,故事体的) Two years later they met unexpectedly in a coffee shop. two years ago 过去 Two years ago she told me about it , but I didn"t believe her. Now I realize that I"ve made a mistake. in two years time 将来 Just keep it up and in two years time you"ll浮be an expert at it.2023-07-07 04:21:321
A few years later2023-07-07 04:21:4011
问题一:有两个硬币○和●,知道○或●不是1毛的.但●+○=6毛 为什么? ○或●不是1毛换言之○或●有一个是1毛,另外一个则是5毛。 问题二:在什么什么时候用英语怎么说 at the moment of 在……时候;当...时;在什么什么时候 例句 1.Nevertheless, at the moment of owning what we want, it"s t憨me to depart. 然而,当我们拥有所渴望的东西时,却也到了离开的时候。 问题三:继什么什么之后 英语怎么说 After.... 例如:爱因斯坦是继牛顿之后杰出的科学家。 Albert Einstein is a great scientist af畅er Newton. 问题四:在什么什么 之后用英语怎么说呢? after+什么什么.. 它后加个句子的.. 比如添加了一快硬盘.. 问题五:前一个和后一个的英文是哪个前和后。 last next,比如说 上一节课 就是 last period,下一节课就是next period。英文里 前一个,或者和后一个是和上一个,下一个差不多的 问题六:在什么下、前、后、中间、旁边的英语句试怎么写? 介词: 在。。。下 under 在。。。前 in (the) front of 在。。。后 behind 在。。中间 in the middle of 在。。。旁边 beside, near, next to 问题七:当.....的时候 用英语怎么说 When...... When I was three ye抚rs old ,I can swim. 当我三岁的时候,我会游泳了。 问题八:在什么什么后面用英语怎么说 a在b后面 a is behind b2023-07-07 04:22:341
几天之后用英语怎么说? 解:可以说a few days later 但如果是你那个填空就应该填: after __several__ days 如有疑问,可追问!”在之后的几天里"用英语怎么说 in the ing days in the following days in next few days in some days of near future都可以的 望采纳谢谢。 几天后用英语怎么说 several days later a few days later 多久以后用英语怎么说 举个例子,5天以后 five days later~ 多长时间以后用英语怎么说? 用How soon……(还有多久……)一般用于将来时…… 回答一般用介词in,in后面加一段时间表示将来…… 几天以内用英语怎么说 当然也是In xx days了 因为in 有两种意思,一种是...的里面,一种是...以后, 所以in xx days 的意思可以是 几天以后,也可以是 几天以内 谢谢采纳希望对你有所帮助 隔多久,多久之后和多久用英语怎么说 隔多久,how often 多久之后how soon 多久how long 之后的几天用英文怎么说 之后的几天 After a few days 重点词汇释义 之后after; later; afterwards; sith 例句 全国的零售商希望在圣诞节之后的几天里提高假日销售额。 Retailers across the country are hoping to boost holiday sales on this day after Christmas. ‘几天以后"用英语怎么写 several days later after/in several days “几天后”用英语怎么说 after some days2023-07-07 04:23:011
您好!读的英文单词是read汉语谐音读作:瑞的望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!2023-07-07 04:23:092
问题一:下课用英语怎么说 Class is over 问题二:下课之后用英语怎么说 after class 问题三:是时候下课了的英语怎么说 要三种哦! There"s the bell. It"s time to stop。铃响了,是时候下课了 Finished class the time to arrive。下课时间到了 Time is up. It"s time for class。时间到了,该下课了 Ti穿e is up .Class is over. It"s time to di *** iss class.是时候下课了 问题四:下课用英语怎么说 class is over 问题五:下课了吗?用英语怎么说 Is the class over? 问题六:请问当第二节课下课之后用英语怎么说 after the second class 问题七:下课后你经常做什么?用英语怎么说 What do you often do after class 问题八:"下课"用英语怎么说? Class is over. That"s all for today. So much for today. Class di *** issed. It盯9;s time to finish class. 问题九:我们马上就下课了 用英语怎么说 We are about to get福out of class. 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】2023-07-07 04:23:161
after the supperu30022023-07-07 04:23:249
问题一:在什么什么后面用英语怎么说? behind of sth. 问题二:在后面用英语怎么说 简明英汉词典 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rearwards [?ri?w?dz] adv. 在后面,向后面 问题三:在u30fbu30fbu30fb后面,用英文怎么说 behind 问题四:有两个硬币○和●,知道○或●不是1毛的.但●+○=6毛 为什么? ○或●不是1毛换言之○或●有一个是1毛,另外一个则是5毛。 问题五:在……之后 用英语怎么说 after [":ft?] adv.以后, 后来 conj.在 ... 以后 prep.在 ... 之后, 在后面, 关于, 追赶, 依照 adj.以后的 问题六:在什么什么东西的后面用英文怎么说? behind the…… 问题七:在……后面怎么说用英语 behind ,,, 例如: 书在桌子后面 The book is behand the table 问题八:在这之后用英语怎么说 afterwards,later then 问题九:”在之后的几天里"用英语怎么说 in the ing days in the following days in next few days in some days of near future都可以的 望采纳谢谢。 问题十:最后 用英语怎么说 最后: 1. last 2. ultimate 3. finally 4. final Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我们两国最后终于能理智地进行对话了。 At last there can be a reasonable dialogue between our two governments. 2. 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款? When will you pay the last installment of the loan? 3. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。 Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 4. 他们最后终于达成了协议。 Finally, they arrived at an agreement. 5. 经过连续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。 After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test. 6. 我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point. 7. 最后他终于成功地解决了这个问题。 At last he successfully solved the problem. 8. 这首诗的最后两行没有押好韵。 The last two lines of this poem don"t rhyme properly. 直到最后 to the last 最后成绩 the net result. 最后结果 the net result 最后手段 dernier resort 最后的牺牲 the supreme sacrifice. 最后一番修饰 the finishing touches 坚持到最后 held out until the last. 最后的决定 finality of one"s decision 最后森林阶段 climax forest stage...>>2023-07-07 04:23:391
behind .2023-07-07 04:23:473
问题一:回家用英语怎么翻译? 有两种: 如果说话的人已在家里,然后要另一个人回家(回“这里”),用“e home” 如果说话的人不在家里,要人回家(去“那里”),用“go home” 这就跟“go there”(去那里)和“e here”(回这里)的区别一样。 问题二:"回家之后"英语咋说 After getting home 问题三:回家用英语怎么说 to return home; to go home; to get home; to get back;鸡to make tracks 问题四:回到家后用英语怎么说? After getting back home 问题五:我们将会什么时候回家用英文怎么说 我们将会什么时候回家 When will we go home 我们将会什么时候回家 When will we go home 我们将会什么时候回家 When will we go home 问题六:回家后的第二天英语怎么说 the next day when ~~~ got home 问题七:“ 几天后回家”用英语怎么说 I"ll be home in a few days => home in a few days2023-07-07 04:23:541
问题一:“我刚才说到哪了”用英语怎么说 我刚才说到哪了? What was I saying? What have I got? Where was I just now? 问题二:用英文怎么说你到了吗 have you arrived? 问题三:他已经到了 用英语怎么说 He has arrived. He has got here. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*) 问题四:你已经来到北京了,用英语怎么翻译 最好译为 You are now in Beijing. 汉译英,有时候不能直译,因为语言文化不同 需要以英语的习惯用法来翻译。 北京的著名景点很多,从网上很容易找出。 建议 故宫、颐和园、长城, 先看看这几处吧。 问题五:到今天为止我来到学校一个月了,用英语怎么翻译 Till now, It is about a month since my ing to school. Till today, I have been staying in school for a month. Just a month age, I came to school. 问题六:到开始工作的时候了用英语怎么说 到开始工作的时候了 It"s time to begin to work. 如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励! 如果有疑问欢迎追问...2023-07-07 04:24:001
“不久之后”的英文怎么说 “不久之后” "Not long after" “不久之后” "Not long after"不久之后,没过多久,用英文怎么说。求解答ufe0f soon after 不久后用英语怎么说 a short while 贰fter a little later soon after 在那不久之后用英语怎么说?有四个空! not long after this或者It was just after “”不久以后”的英文怎么说 before long ; by and by ; “不久之后见”用英语怎么说? See you soon! See you later! 不久以后 英文翻译 不久之后 有多种搭配翻译.如: 第一:Soon afterward Soon afterwards he joined the party. 不久之后,他就参加了派对. 第二:Shortly after They arrived shortly after. 不久以后他们抵达了. 第三:Shortly afterwards 不久之后 Shortly afterwards,he wrote two more novels. 不久以后,他又写了两部小说. 当然不久以后根据句子的机构,有更灵活的翻译,如:not long before It was not long before his name became a household word. 不久之后,他的名字就家喻户晓了. 不久之后我们即将分别.翻译为英文 Soon we will be apart. "不一会"(不久以后)用英语怎么说 In a while.2023-07-07 04:24:071
在那之后afterthat在那之后我的事业似乎就陷入了困境。afterthatmycareerjustseemedtohitabrickwall2023-07-07 04:24:251
用于过去时 after a/one week 或: a/one week later 用于将来时 in a /one week2023-07-07 04:24:341