根据勾股定理得:a^2=BD^2+CD^2=0.5b^2, 得出b=2√2.
利用三角形三角和等于π可以这样转化:cosc=cos(π-(A+B))=-cos(A+B)=sinAsinB-cosAcosB然后带入就可以了2023-08-07 23:18:425
在三角形ABC中,角ABC等于90度 点D在AC上,点E在三角形BCD的内部、DE平分角BDC
2023-08-07 23:20:312
abd面积为6,因为中线平分底2023-08-07 23:21:043
AC上的中线BD把三角形ABC的周长分为24cm和30cm两份,即点D分AC为AD+CD若AB=AC大于BC,(AB+AD)=30 (BC+CD)=24则(AB+AD)-(BC+CD)=AB-BC+AD-CD=AB-BC=6……(1) [AD=CD,D是中点]又知(AB+AD)+(BC+CD)=AB+(AD+CD)+BC=AB+AC+BC=2AB+BC=30+24=54……(2)(1)+(2)得,3AB=60 AB=20=AC BC=AB-6=14 这样,AB=AC=20 BC=14,这是一解。若AB=AC小于BC,则(BC+CD)-(AB+AD)=BC-AB=6……(3)另,上边已证2AB+BC=54于是(3)-(2)得,3AB=54-6=48 AB=AC=16 BC=AB+6=22这样,三边是AB=AC=16 BC=22,这是另一种可能2023-08-07 23:22:014
在三角形ABC中角ABC角ac b的角平分线相交于点o
三角形两条角平分线相交于O,有一个公式:∠BOC=90°+1/2∠A,证明:∵BO、CO分别平分∠ABC,∠ACB,∴∠OBC=1/2∠ABC,∠OCB=1/2∠ACB,∴∠OBC+∠OCB=1/2(∠ABC+∠ACB)=1/2(180°-∠A)=90°-1/2∠A,∴∠BOC=180°-(∠OBC+∠OCB)=180°-(90°-1/2∠A)=90°+1/2∠A。这个公式在填空题与选择题中可以直接使用。2023-08-07 23:22:091
做边BC的中线分别以B、C为圆心,任意长为半径(任意长要大于边BC的1/2),画弧,两弧线相交于D点然后再人别以B、C为圆心,另外一任意长为半径(任意长要大于边BC的1/2,并且与上次的长度不一样),画两条弧线,弧线相交于E点连接D、E,并延长至边BC上,与BC相交于畅储扳肥殖堵帮瑟爆鸡F点则连接AF,AF为BC边的中线2023-08-07 23:22:362
设AB=AC为x,(1)若AB边较长时,则有,x+x/2=30解得x=20cmAB=AC=20cmBC=24-20/2=24-10=14cm(2)若BC边较长时,则有,x+x/2=24解得x=16cmAB=AC=16cmBC=30-16/2=30-8=22cm答:(1)AB=AC=20cm BC=14cm(2)AB=AC=16cm BC=22cm如果你认可我的回答,请点击“采纳回答”,祝学习进步!手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【评价】,然后就可以选择【满意,问题已经完美解决】了2023-08-07 23:22:481
在三角形abc中a=2r*sina,b=2r*sinb(a^2+b^2)*sin(a-b)=(a^2-b^2)*sin(a+b)(a^2+b^2)*(sina*cosb-cosa*sinb)=(a^2-b^2)*(sina*cosb+cosa*sinb)b^2*sina*cosb=a^2*cosa*sinb(2r*sinb)^2*sina*cosb=(2r*sina)^2*cosa*sinbsina≠0,sinb≠02sinb*cosb=2sina*cosasin(2a)-sin(2b)=02cos(a+b)*sin(a-b)=0cos(a+b)=0,a+b=90°,△abc为c=90°的直角△sin(a-b)=0,a=b,△abc为底角∠a=∠b的等腰三角形。答:△abc为c=90°的直角△,或者底角∠a=∠b的等腰三角形,或者底角∠a=∠b=45°,c=90°的等腰直角三角形。cosb=cosc,∠b=∠c3b=2√3asinb,用正弦定理,两边消去2r,3sinb=2√3sinasinbsina=√3/2,a=60°,120°a=60,b=c=60°a=120,b=c=30°2023-08-07 23:22:582
2023-08-07 23:23:104
在三角形ABC中,abc是三角形ABC内角A、B、C的对边(a-b)/c=(sinB+sinC)/(sinA+sinB) 求角A的值 已知a=2...
(a-b)/c=(sinB+sinC)/(sinA+sinB)(sinA-sinB)/sinC=(sinB+sinC)/(sinA+sinB)(sinA-sinB)(sinA+sinB)=(sinB+sinC)sinCsin^A-sin^B=sinBsinC+sin^Ca^2-b^2=bc+c^2b^2+c^2-a^2=-bc(b^2+c^2-a^2)/2bc=-1/2cosA=-1/2A=120a=2b^2+c^2+bc=44=b^2+c^2+bc<=3/2(b^2+c^2)b^2+c^2>=8/33(b^2+c^2)>=82023-08-07 23:24:203
解:设三角形的腰AB=AC=x那么(1),x+1/2 x=24∴x=16三角形的周长为24+30=54cm所以三边长分别为16,16,22;(2)x+1/2 x=30∴x=20∵三角形的周长为24+30=54cm∴三边长分别为20,20,14;因此,三角形的三边长为16,16,22或20,20,14.2023-08-07 23:24:371
∠ACB应该是直角,AC=BC 证明要点: 作PM⊥BC,PN⊥AC,垂足分别为M、N 因为PB=PC 所以由“三线合一”性质知CM=BM=BC/2=AC/2 显然四边形PMCN是矩形 所以PN=CM=AC/2 因为AP=AC 所以PN=AP/2 在直角三角形PAN中 因为直角边PN等于斜边AP的一半 所以∠PAN=30度 所以∠PCA=∠CPA=75度 所以∠BCP=90度-75度=15度 上面的问题是比较简单的,它的一些逆命题略难一点,相关问题可参考: 江苏吴云超解答 供参考! 以上回答你满意么?,2,2023-08-07 23:25:141
解延长BA到P,使得BP=2BA,连结PC,则在ΔPBC中A是PC的中点,D是BC的中点,SΔABC=1/2SΔBCP则PC=2AD=2√3.BP=2BA=2c则a+2c=BC+BP在ΔBCP中CP^2=BC^2+BP^2-2BC*BPcosA即(2√3)^2=(BC+BP)^2-2BC*BP-2BC*BPcos60°即12=(BC+BP)^2-3BC*BP即(BC+BP)^2=12+3BC*BP≤12+3×((BC+BP)/2)^2即1/4(BC+BP)^2≤12即(BC+BP)^2≤48即BC+BP≤4√3即a+2c≤4√3此时BC=BP=2√3即SΔABC=1/2SΔBCP=1/2*1/2*2√3*2√3*√3/2=3√3/2.2023-08-07 23:25:271
图呢?没图怎么做啊???2023-08-07 23:25:367
总的方法就是用面积相等来求,将大的分成三个2023-08-07 23:26:542
在边长为1的正三角形abc中 向量BD=向量DC,向量AE=2向量BE求向量AD*向量BE
由向量bc=2向量bd,向量ca=3向量ce可知d为bc的中点,e为ac的三等分点所以向量ad=1/2(向量ab+向量ac)向量be=2/3向量ac-向量ab∴向量ad*向量be=1/3向量ab*ac-1/2ab^2+1/3ac^2-1/2ac*ab=-1/6ab*ac-1/6=-1/4如果满意请点击右上角评价点【满意】即可~~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~答题不易..祝你开心~(*^__^*)嘻嘻……2023-08-07 23:27:121
1)假设∠1=x∠2=y则 根据三角形abc内角和为180得出180-2x+180-2y+80=180所以x+y=130∠DEF=180-(X+Y)=50 2)共有2种情况:90-20=7090-40=50显然较大的度数:90-20=702023-08-07 23:27:352
用角度推理可以。设∠DCE=X,则∠EBC=30°-X,∠ABE=2X,∠AEB=90°-X,∠BAC=180°-2(30°+X)=120°-2x,∠EAD=180°-60°-(90°+X)=30°-X,则∠BAE=∠BAC-∠EAC=90°-X,故∠AEB=∠BAE,BA=BE2023-08-07 23:27:463
解:过D作DF∥BE,∴AO:AD=AE:AF.∵D为BC边的中点,∴CF=EF=0.5EC.∵ AE/AC=1/(1+n),∴AE:(AE+2EF)=1:(1+n).∴AE:EF=2:n.∴AE:AF=2:(n+2).∴ AO/AD=2:(n+2).2023-08-07 23:28:224
不对的。举个简单例子,A=20度,B=30度,C=130度的一班是65度 cos50与cos65是不相等的2023-08-07 23:28:322
根据正弦定理:a/sinA=b/sinB=1/(1/2)=2,∴sinA=a/2,(a^2+1)/(sin^2A+4)=(a^2+1)/a^2/4+4)=4(a^2+1)/(a^2+16)=4[1-15/(a^2+16)]≥ 4[1-15/16]=1/4。∴最小值为1/4。2023-08-07 23:28:401
30度,ABC和ADC是相似三角形2023-08-07 23:29:022
(1)根据等腰三角形三线合一的性质可得AD垂直平分BC,再根据线段垂直平分线上的点到线段两端点的距离相等可得BE=CE;(2)判断出△ABF是等腰直角三角形,再根据等腰直角三角形的性质可得AF=BF,根据同角的余角相等求出∠EAF=∠CBF,然后利用“角角边”证明△AEF和△BCF全等,根据全等三角形对应边相等证明即可.解答:(1)证明:∵AB=AC,点D是BC的中点,∴AD垂直平分BC,∴BE=CE;(2)证明:∵BF⊥AC,∠BAC=45°,∴△ABF是等腰直角三角形,∴AF=BF,∵AB=AC,点D是BC的中点,∴AD⊥BC,∴∠EAF+∠C=90°,∵BF⊥AC,∴∠CBF+∠C=90°,∴∠EAF=∠CBF,在△AEF和△BCF中,∠EAF=∠CBF ∠AFE=∠BFC AF=BF ,∴△AEF≌△BCF(AAS),∴AE=BC.希望帮到你望采纳2023-08-07 23:29:442
在△abc中∠a=60度 三角形abc内切圆半径为1+求a+b+c的最小值
根据条件可得三角形周长为一个角B or C的函数。但是,大费周章。如果是填空题或选择题,那么当且仅当该三角形是正三角形时,周长最小。计算过程供参考,请笑纳。2023-08-07 23:30:053
Eternity is not a distance永远不是一种距离。出自微博。以下是我为你精心整理的微博经典英语语录,希望你喜欢。 微博经典英语语录精选 1) Ireallycareaboutyou 我真的很在乎你 2) Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag.谢谢你的微笑,曾慌乱过我的年华。 3) Do not ask me well, I do not even know yourself!别问我过得好不好,我连自己都不知道! 4) You do not have much good, I like it 你不用多好,我喜欢就好 5) Deep love person hide the heart does not hang mouth.深爱的人藏心不挂嘴。 6) I want u nothing else,just u.我对什么都无所谓,除了你 7) I heard the sea sob to yesterday is dream听说海也哽咽着昨天的梦. 8) Time waits for no one.时间不等人 9) Before you give up ,think of the reason why you held on so long.放弃之前,想想自己为何坚持了这么久。 10) The warm smile,if the quality. 微笑向暖,安之若素。 微博经典英语语录最新 1) lf you can lm willing for you own prison 只做第一个我,不做第二个谁 2) Only at your side to,But not in your arms to .毕竟深情不及久伴,毕竟你爱的人是她。 3) One is easily fooled by that which one love. 人容易被所爱的人愚弄。 4) Pain makes people change. 痛了,人就变了。 5) Have you is enough 有你足矣 6) May our friendship grow more mature as time passes愿我们的友情岁月的流逝而更加成熟 7) When you I care is a joke 你当我的牵挂是笑话 8) I don.t want to live without you.我的生命中不能没有你。 9) So close, you so far. 那么近又那么远. 10) To look back, and saw one no longer young, never make public does not rise.再回首,看见自己不再韶华,再也张扬不起来。 11) I wish u would stay.我只是希望你能一直在这里 12) The hustle and bustle of the city 城市的喧嚣 13) Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓 14) I wish you loved me . 但愿你爱过我 15) I still believe in love I still believe in us 我仍然相信爱 我仍然相信我们 16) Nothing for nothing. 不费力气,一无所得。 17) tears are cruel.眼泪是残忍的. 18) You are my hold on peopl 你是我抓紧不放的 19) Every boring hour in life is unique. 在生命中,再无聊的时光也是限量版。 20) My life to live for you 我的生命为你而活着 微博经典英语语录集锦 1) Always waiting for you.总是在这里等着你 2) I love the people I love. 我爱爱我的人。 3) Smile like you have never been hurt. 微笑吧,像从没受过伤一样。 4) I had a dream , i was a king. I woke up , still king 5) I think the brainwashing我想洗脑 6) Faded memories, painful reality.淡了回忆,痛了现实。 7) C. Brief is life, but love is long.命虽短,爱却绵长 8) If I am the girl in your dreams.如果我是你梦里的女孩 9) And forever has no end.永永远远,永无止境. 10) We are all stories in the end. —最终,我们都只是 故事 。 11) Ever of lover, now the passers-by 曾经的恋人,如今的路人 12) Know, how again recover also just air.明知道,再怎么挽回也只是空气。 13) Love is making you go bananas. 恋爱把你变得疯疯癫癫的。 14) It is good if you begin crying, that is the sign of cure.能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 15) Time is we do not come loose.时光不老我们不散好么 16) With malice towards none,with charity for all!勿以怨恨对待任何人,应以慈爱加给所有的人! 17) I wanna be with you.我想要和你在一起 18) Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. 没有痛苦,没有牺牲,我们将一无所有。 19) Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime遇见彼此,不枉此生。 20) we are never ever getting back together.我们在也无法回到曾经。 21) How can I hide away, the whim of fate.我要怎样才能躲掉,命运的心血来潮。 22) And missing you is like fighting a war. 想念你像是一场争战。 23) I will give you all my love.&我将给你全部的爱。 24) Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry .有的人还不知名字,就已经成了心事 25) Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street.爱他就像开着崭新的玛莎拉蒂冲向绝路 26) Wish one day, you will suddenly told me that you still love me.多希望有一天,你会突然告诉我你还喜欢我 27) Down enough to let go 失望攒够了就放手吧 28) Everything Has Changed 一切都变了 29) I get by . 我还过得去 30) Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.随遇而安。微博经典英语语录简短相关 文章 : 1. 英语经典语录短语精选60句 2. 简短优美英语句子 3. 简短励志英语语录大全 4. 网络微博简短经典语录 5. 微博语录简短心情签名 6. 英文微语录忧伤精选60句 7. 唯美英语语录微博 8. 简短微博励志句子2023-08-07 23:31:191
能连接下地址吗?2023-08-07 23:31:254
我们决不能因为受到一点挫折就停止前进的步伐。无论遇到多大的挫折,也动摇不了我们必胜的信念。我精心收集了关于挫折的英文美文,供大家欣赏学习! 关于挫折的英文美文篇1 Do Only Children Need Setback Experience? Some people think that only children needn"t setback experience, is trmes have changed, only children should not be subjected to strict demands. In their eyes, experiencing setback makes these sensitive children feel being underdogs (战败者). Therefore, letting down only children spiritually is harmful to their psychological wellWeing(心理健康). However, some people hold opposite opinions. They claim that setback experience is beneficial to only children. It encourages children to practice their skills and ability and work on their weak points, and fulfill its goal of getting them used to real and competitive society. Going through some setback may contribute to the shape of their personal character in the future. In my opinion, setback experience should be urgently advocated. Setback experience acquires new meaning in today"s era (时代) of change. The road to success starts from the beginning, and our world is one full of competitions, If only children have never had any setback, in the long run they won"t bear any setback or failure in life. Some setback early on may make them ready for very challenging issues at a later date. 关于挫折的英文美文篇2 Because of do not trip and fall does not dare to run, do not curse the life because of the wind and rain, do not because of become lost has neglected the natural scenery. Only then one overcomes the setback, the challenge setback, to enjoy the setback step by step, could find the life the flashing temperature, enjoyed in the growth each splendor at the same time. the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will work as optimistically the navigation aid, will like this only then not lose the direction. Without the optimistic manner, will lose the struggle the direction, to lose all faith, no matter what the ideal sailing ship will drift with the current in the turbulent setback mighty waves, jolts up and down and even is defeated. But the setback was not to the region which collapsed completely, but the solemn caution should not be sluggish, must insist the faith, momentarily by optimistic, calm braved all hardships. So my Lu of Naneng growth leaves setback this good strict teacher? the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will work as strongly the backing, easily will like this only then not be eliminated. Any life is not strong, must not be able to exist safely. If the tree is not strong, does not tall and straight, how can harvest a piece of sunlight rain and dew; If the bamboo is not strong, how can state decisively the green hill not to relax the human is respected; If the plum is not strong, how can have insults coldly alone opens clank the lofty character; If the human is not strong, how can have strives for success, tracks down defeats the setback, defeats own strength? So my Lu of Naneng growth leaves the setback this encouragement good friend. the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will make the agent humbly, will like this only then not discard the personality. The human not only should when the success understands modestly, should when frustration insists the humble easy to learn style. Take humble as the criterion, even though has a body ability really also because of arrogant, stubborn, but will drain in vain. So my Lu of Naneng growth left setback this just mother of the belt supple success? the setback, lets me understand that optimistic, the academic society strong, maintains humble, lets my life be more splendid, I want the setback to accompany me to grow! 关于挫折的英文美文篇3 According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English, frustration, by definition, means the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. Since frustration seems to be a negative feeling, some people may be tempted to think that frustration is bad for people. They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mental problems. People suffering from such psychological problems often resort to violence or suicide, which poses a big threat to the people around them and thus causes instability to the whole society. Others, however, hold a different view. They maintain that it is beneficial to people. It goes side by side with success. It inspires people to overcome hardships and difficulties and achieve the final success. People with this view even go so far as to say that no frustration, no success. Indeed, we cannot always hope to embrace success and never accept failure. And most importantly, only if we learn from many a failure can we do things better and finally overcome such a bad feeling as frustration. Frustration thus is part of our life experience. In our process of growing up, we may inevitably experience it when confronted with situations that donu2019t come up to our expectations. It is a test of our courage when it befalls us. If we let it control us, we may fall into the abyss of being inflicted by serious psychological problems. But if we harness it and take it as our source of inspiration, we may ultimately enjoy the glory of success.2023-08-07 23:31:391
fool again吗?2023-08-07 23:31:453
大学毕业感言英文精选 大学毕业感言英文精选(一) Finally, I have to express it once more that “thanks to my parents my teachers and my college and the alumna , alumnus know or not , cause all of your support and I have learnt so many form you! Thanks to the college library and self-access room and the campus ,too, for I get so many happiness inside you!” Hello, everybody, this is Ellie speaking, I am so happy to be here . Today, Iu2019d like to talk about my general experience during my three university life which is so important for me , cause I have learn so many different friends through the nation and so many various reasons from everyone around me and happened to me as well ! The more you lean you more you understand And it is the ordinary situation for people that when they experience to some degree, they want to plunge into another stage. I have recognized the interest of my own that I am more outstanding with my English speaking, all the time, I focus on its practice most and spend much more time in the practice of it without consciousness. And I have developed the habit that every day I would woke up at 6 ou2019clock and practiced one hour oral English by the lake in the campus before going to have classes at 8 ou2019clock in the morning. Under this point , I have also laughed at by others ,too, but I never feel influenced cause it is my interest in and my habit which have been developed for many years. Therefore , I wonu2019t give up! These days , when you interview any jobs , the interviewer must ask you the question without any changes that whether you have got the CET-4 certificate. Donu2019t feel confused thatu2019s true, cause somebody think you are not able to express between English and Chinese or you are not in position to go on any business involved with English at all without the certificate. General speaking, CET-4 is the base you should take along bascally. But I wonder usually whether it is the truth. However, in my own opinion , I am not for this saying , to some degree! What a pity, however, I cannot change everything. So, under this situation, I have to join the group of student who are always paying visits to the library and self-access room. But things are so interesting and special when you contact it. I like studying there from then on . perhaps you will feel alone when you just have to stay in front in the table reading textbooks one by one and the lighting is so dime, but soon you will discover that it is enjoyable to staying in the self-access room the whole night where the room is so spacious and the lighting is good enough, however, another essential factor will be that the other students sitting around you play quite am important role , for they make you have the power to stay up which is the essential motivation on the study road . Yes, that the key point , study in the self-access room , you are able to get a sort of quiet and happy study atmosphere, meanwhile , the normal competition, too, cause you wonu2019t feel sleepy in the sight of hard word from others staying behind you . As time goes by, I have developed another habit reading books in the self-access room and getting more relevant knowledge in the library buildings. I donu2019t know whether it was my progress I have made during the process, but I am sure the success of my CET-4 cannot depart with the time I spent on the self-access room in the library every night, and later , the CET-6, too. Perhaps you wonu2019t image that I have made many good friends there as well who are the good student always connected with the library. However, it seems that they are boring keeping the books the whole day, donu2019t forget, they are ordinary people just like us. When you have a talk with them , you can get a warm welcome, a further communication can be developed. I always think this is a piece of good work , cause what is the significance without communication among people. One thing we should understand , different people have different ideas and experience , then, the more you talk with others the more life knowledge you can get . This world is changing all the time, you are unaware of the matter happen to you in the next second. Just like a normal saying “ the road to success is a course of preparing for it “ , I agree with it so much! This is june in 2006 which is special month for me , on the one hand, for the 2006 German Football World Cup is coming , the whole globalization is crazy for it, and I an a football fan at any rate. Yes, I like football. And on the other hand , for I am going to graduate form my college formally. Three years , no matter happy or unhappy cases, I still insist on it and believe in it that is rewarding. So many incredible things happened to me , all of them are challenging and rewarding! And I would like to praise myself that “Ellie, good job!” 大学毕业感言英文精选(二) You will receive a body simply, if you are always living in a small group. So , I advice people around me to walk around when it is possible . To be frank, my study life with the junior and senior middle school was simple and boring, yet , it is true that I had got quite a few normal sense and relevant knowledge from the great sum of books during the six years, and I think I was most happy without any anxious ,too, although the study work load was heavy. However, never mind , that was one of the components of my life, I thanks to it and so glad to experience it ! Perhaps , this is the very begging part for me to enter into college study, from then on , I would be faced with a new world ! There , I met lots of new things and people and created many special ideas I never thought of before! So , I say , this EllieTan cannot be caught up by that EllieTan three years ago! There is never enough time, unless you are serving it. Well, this was quite a different world for me , I had to deal with everything on my own, yet, please take a look at other people , they were so familiar with everything and got rid of trouble easily and quickly. I realized that a new challenge was waiting for me . But in fact, I was glad to be confronted with it . I liked the new environment of this sort, I knew it was time I should grow up from then on. On the side of my new life , academic association , student union and different kinds of activities around me everyday , things like that . Furthermore, on the other hand , college library, self-access study room, it is never associated with my life before, even I never thought of it would be one of my important life in the campus. But the truth is quite different in the reality opposite with your illusion. Is that right! Yes, I admit that I had “wasted” a lot of time on the relevant activities within the association and student union, and I didnu2019t know the exciting and foundation of the self-access room , what was more, I even laughed at my dormitory mates frequently visiting there. But this is life that itu2019s easy to do the things you have thought of incredible ever before. It is me , too! But , Iu2019d like to explain that although it wasted most of my private time with various sorts activities in my first year in the college , yet it is valuable youu2019ll find in the later, this is the thing we call “experience” which you would find profitable in the future. When you cease to dream you cease to live. How time flies! One year passed, but I never feel empty with my campus life cause I have received the things Iu2019 d like to get. Yes, in my plan, that it is the high time I should concentrate on my academic courses seriously! ;2023-08-07 23:31:461
http://www.songtaste.com/user/album/a173615给你这个网址里面有珠光宝气里所有的插曲而且随时更新我都是在那里下载的2023-08-07 23:31:532
MyHeartWillGoOn(<<铁达尼号>>主题曲)EverythingIDo,IDoItForYou(<<罗宾汉>>主题曲)Casablanca卡萨布兰卡(<<北非谍影>>插曲)WhenYouBelieve(<<埃及王子>>插曲)Whenamanloveawoman(<<当男人爱上女人>>)SpeakSoftlyLove(<<教父>>主题曲)RightHereWaiting(<<终有一天嫁给你>>主题曲)IJustCalledToSayILoveYou(<<红衣女郎>>插曲)Angel(<<天使之城>>插曲)YesterdayOnceMore昨日重现PrettyBoyM2MTheSoundofSilence(<<毕业生>>主题曲)TheDayYouWentAwayM2MCaliforniaHotel加州旅馆HearMeCry松隆子(<<恋爱世纪>>插曲)YouCan"tSayUnchainedMelody(<<人鬼情未了>>主题曲)SayYouSayMe说你说我Nothing"sGonnaChangeMyLoveForYou<<廊桥遗梦>>主题曲)BecauseILoveYou因我爱你SealedwithaKissTakeMeToYourHeart(英文版吻别)IHaveNothing(<<保镖>>插曲)Un-BreakMyHeart(<<致命恋人>>主题曲)CanYouFeelTheLoveTonight(电影<<狮子王>>主题曲)LoveStory(<<爱情故事>>主题曲)SomewhereOvertheRainbow<<绿野仙踪>>ATimeForUs(<<罗密欧与朱丽叶>>主题曲)AuldLangSyne(<<魂断兰桥>>主题曲)LoveisAllAround(<<四个婚礼一个葬礼>>主题曲)TakeMybreathaway(<<壮志凌云>>主题曲)NowAndForever(<<赌命鸳鸯>>主题曲)Don"tCryForMeArgentina(<<贝隆夫人>>主题曲)AWholeNewWorld(<<阿拉丁>>主题曲)WhereYouBeThere(<<人鱼传说>>插曲ColorsoftheWind(<<风中奇缘>>主题曲)MyOwnTrueLove(<<乱世佳人>>主题曲)ItMightBeYou(<<杜丝先生>>主题曲)Visionofasunset(<<生命因你动听>>主题曲)WhenIfallinove(<<西雅图夜未眠>>主题曲)ThisMasquerade(<<情人>>主题曲)BeautyandBeast(<<美女与野兽>>主题曲)ScarboroughFair(<<毕业生>>主题曲)WithoutYou(<<未来水世界>>主题曲)HowDoILive(电影"空中监狱"主题曲)IWillFollowHim(<<修女也疯狂>>插曲)TheColorofThenight(<<夜色>>主题曲)ISwear林忆莲BecauseIwasaGirl(因为是女子)Kiss-韩文版Firstlove宇田多光ProudofYouJeM"AppelleHelene我的名字叫依莲法文BigBigWorldAsLongAsYouLoveMe后街男孩2023-08-07 23:32:0115
you are my angle仅此一次的爱情音译?谢谢
优啊脉安狗。爱情是人与人之间的强烈的依恋、亲近、向往,以及无私并且无所不尽其心的情感。它通常是情与欲的对照,爱情由情爱和性爱两个部分组成,情爱是爱情的灵魂,性爱是爱情的附加属性,并不是必要存在的,情爱才是爱情的根本与核心。在汉文化里,爱就是网住对方的心,具有亲密、情欲和承诺、依恋、情感的属性,并且对这种关系的长久性持有信心,也能够与对方分享私生活。在爱的情感基础上,除了爱的跨文化差异,随着时间的推移,关于爱情的观念也发生了很大的变化(在不同的民族文化也发展出不同的特征)。爱情是人性的组成部分,狭义上指情侣之间的感情,广义上还包括朋友之间的爱情和亲人之间的爱情(爱的感情)。不用谢。2023-08-07 23:32:013
You are my angle forever.2023-08-07 23:32:127
窦智孔、何以奇- 单翅天使 歌词找不到 天使的翅膀 (安琥) 安琥《天使的翅膀》 落叶随风将要去何方 只留给天空美丽一场 曾飞舞的声音 像天使的翅膀 划过我幸福的过往 爱曾经来到过的地方 依昔留着昨天的芬芳 那熟悉的温暖 像天使的翅膀 划过我无边的心上 相信你还在这里 从不曾离去 我的爱像天使守护你 若生命直到这里 从此没有我 我会找个天使替我去爱你 爱曾经来到过的地方 依昔留着昨天的芬芳 那熟悉的温暖 像天使的翅膀 划过我无边的心上 相信你还在这里 从不曾离去 我的爱像天使守护你 若生命直到这里 从此没有我 我会找个天使替我去爱你 相信你还在这里 从不曾离去 我的爱像天使守护你 若生命直到这里 从此没有我 我会找个天使替我去爱你 我会找个天使替我去爱你2023-08-07 23:32:281
nothing in the word2023-08-07 23:32:297
because of you just one last dancesharpe of my heart2023-08-07 23:32:462
让人感到惊艳的句子,唯美简洁,让人越看越喜欢,属于治愈系文字,唯美的句子就属此类。在您的生活和人际沟通中善用这些句子,能让您的生活乐趣倍增。 我们一起欣赏《经典中英文唯美句子》! 1、Sometimes you need to look back, otherplaining eone eone doesnt love you the etimes, I just . 人类的感情最特别的就是单恋,那是绝无仅有的。你绝不会看到一只猫,会偷偷地喜欢上另一只猫。 20、Do you think that the sourest feeling is to be jealous? No, the sourest thing is that you have no rights to be jealous. Thats the sourest thing. 21、The love world is big, which can hold hundreds of disappointments;the love world is small which is crowded even with three people inside. 原来爱情的世界很大,大到可以装下上百种委屈;原来爱情的世界很小,小到三个人就挤到窒息。 唯美的句子中英文 1、我们曾经无数次幻想未来,从来没有想过我们没有未来。 etimes I do not understand you, do not understand your heart, do not understand your love. 13、我讨厌谁,总是表现的特别明显,而我喜欢谁,却伪装的很好。 I hate of my heart. 16、人生若只如初见,我愿停留在昨天。 If only the first signs of life, I e things, but ultimately can not take it. 24、只想爱你好想每天睁开眼睛就能看到你,只想爱你当我和你走在一起就已经决定。 If you ed to let go. 39、垫起脚尖的人是站不久的,跨大步的人是走不远的。看着看着就笑了,笑着笑着就哭了。 The man e out from the memory, because eone elses fault, etimes, dont e early. 75、请不要对我抱有太多希望,但也请别对我完全不抱希望。 please dont hold too much hope for me, but please dont give me any hope at all. 76、再怎么不开心,生活都得继续,不如笑着过每一天。 No matter ho A to Z is nothing but I am a man, a self. 81、我想成为你的月亮,因为我希望在我身处黑暗时,你也会给我光芒。 I want to be your moon, because I want to be in the dark, you will give me the light. 82、我们曾经在一起,那是我心里最美好的万花世界。 e things, some people, when you want to forget the time, just in your mind, re printed. 2020唯美中英文句子 1、我一直跟着你跑,可是,你跑快了,我却迷路了。 I"ve been running e are lovers, not lovers. 18、已散了场的电影,不再有回顾的意义。 Movies that have ended are no longer retrospective. 19、有些记忆就算是忘不掉,也要假装记不起。 Some memories, even if they can"t be forgotten, must pretend that they can"t be remembered. 20、有一天你会发现,所有的幸福不是你原本想的那样。 One day you forted me. 44、如果一个女人狠下心来,没什么不敢做的。 If a ter one. I just don"t want any better one with you. 22句唯美的英文个性签名 中英文对照 下面给大家精选了22句中英对照版唯美的英文个性签名,喜欢的朋友可以收藏哦! 1.I love you for my life past. 我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。 2.Sometimes,you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you that the hell happened. 有时候,你不得不假装很快乐,只是为了不让别人问你怎么了? 3.Nothing cant be figured out.The past just cant be reached again. 没有什么过不去,只有回不去。 4.Sometimes there is no eday ill make a mun . 一季花落,落满地,一脸残笑,笑苍生 15.Avec tout le courage de mettre en place le plus brillant sourire. 用所有的勇气,撑起最灿烂的笑容。 16.Do not touch the mitment. 忘不了,我承认我终究忘不了迩致命的承诺。 18.The rain has stopped, but the heart still drop by drop dopany, only the lonely winding. 那黑暗的角落,只属于我,没有谁打扰,没有谁陪伴,只有寂寞的缠绕 20.Mme si chacun de ces derniers tre vieux les jeunes.(法文) 即使每一种青春最后都要苍老。 21.Hugh est un non-tout, les larmes aux flux de la langue.(法文) 物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流。 22.Now we, read before, is a understand all of the old man. 回忆这片沼泽,没有谁可以幸免失足掉落,而我们用来挣扎的时间,是一生。 上面给大家精选的唯美的英文个性签名,希望大家喜欢哦! 经典英文励志唯美句子 携一缕午后的暖阳,将文字存放在心灵之间。心情就如同沏泡在温热的茶杯之中,让它慢慢的舒展,慢慢的沉淀,抿上一口,让你的肺腑和唇齿遗留下淡淡的清香,湿润了记忆、温柔了岁月、香染了流年。 经典英文励志唯美句子 A-Acknopletely reshape myself! You make me stronger! You make me a real man! You are my most joyful memory! I opass. Alexander Dumas (Davy de La pailleterie, French orroas paine 失败乃成功之母。 For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。 The unexamined life is not pass. -- John Ruskin 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。-- 罗斯金 e to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. --J.H. Neas Addison 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。 -- 爱迪生 He ebody else. -- J. Burroughs 经典英文爱情唯美句子 以下是关于经典的英文爱情唯美句子,希望大家喜欢! 1、The only present love demands is love。 爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。 2、The heart that once truly loves never forgets。 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。 3、Love etimes the right person for you fort me because each seher, eventually they . 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 51、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 52、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 中英对照的唯美句子 优美的句子翻译成英文,又是什么感觉呢?下面让我们来看看优美句子的中英文对照。 1、Maybe eone is being dull ething , something seone ent, you may think of pany, no oeone and build a perfect relationship with him. 幸福的关键不在与找到一个完美的人,而在找到任何一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系。 25、The most fearful thing in the life is the darkness deep in your heart. But soul told us that u shall have courage as long as the heart beats. 生命最大的恐惧,不过是来自于心底那个不去发现的黑暗,但是灵魂告诉我们,只要还有心跳,就一定有勇气。 2020唯美经典英文句子 1、当初说在一起的是你,可最后舍不得的却是我。 At first, it panying me through the season of blossoms and colorful falls. 8、希望你幸福,不要硬撑。有时候,世界不是你想象的那样。 Hope you are happy, don"t hold on. Sometimes the puncture pain. 38、脱口而出你的名字,又算怎么回事,我很想你。 an, the first person she thinks of when she is drunk, is the one who hurts her most. 43、明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,它充满了希望。 Tomorrow is the fastest-growing land in the world. It is full of hope. 44、姑娘你是否昂首挺胸不低头,不轻易把眼里流给狗。 Girl, do you hold your head up, don"t bow your head, don"t give your eyes to the dog easily? 45、我说那是情绪的宣泄,你们却说那是无知的表现。 I said it was an emotional release, but you said it was a manifestation of ignorance. 46、我的心不是公交车,不是有空位就可以坐下来。 My heart is not a bus, not a seat to sit down. 英文唯美句子 1.If the lord living I miss so much. 一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 9.[en]It is graceful grief and s my ises are often like the butterfly, ,you would miss all the shining stars. 如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。 20.I love three things in this world. Sun, moon and you. Sun for morning, moon for night , and you forever. 予独爱世间三物。昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。2023-08-07 23:32:541
问题一:你是我们的天使!用英文翻译一下 You are our angel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,有疑问可追问,希望能及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 问题二:天使的英文怎么写 angel 问题三:天使英文怎么写我想叫天使,可是中文的我 天使统称angels,种类很多,共分九级: seraphim 炽天使 cherubim 智天使 thrones 座天使 dominions 主天使,也叫:dominations virtues 力天使 powers 能天使 principalities 权天使 archangels 大天使,也叫:天使长 angels (普通)天使 问题四:我们的天使 用英语怎么写 our angel 问题五:天使英文怎么写我想叫天使,可是中 天使英文统称angels,但是天使种类很多,共分九级: seraphim 炽天使 cherubim 智天使thrones 座天使 dominions 主天使,也叫:dominations virtues 力天使 powers 能天使 principalities 权天使archangels 大天使,也叫:天使长 angels (普通)天使 问题六:我的天使英文怎么翻译? You are my angel你是我的天使。表白用吗? 问题七:我是天使,你要幸福 用英文怎么写? 这两句貌似没什么逻辑关联……直译:I"m an angle, and you should be happy. 如果说:我是你的天使,你要幸福 就是:Be happy for I"ll be your angle.2023-08-07 23:31:181
法证先锋第二部高sir和小柔在一起时长放的歌曲,高潮部分you are my angle 是个女的唱的
you are my angle2023-08-07 23:31:112
英文抒情语录精选80句 引言:生活不是林黛玉,不会因为忧伤而风情万种。接下来我给各位读者分享80句英文抒情语录,希望大家喜欢。 1、真正需要的时候却无人陪伴。 When the real need is no one to accompany. 2、陪伴就是你需不需要我时我都在。 Accompany is you need me when I am in. 3、年华岁月,终究抵不过一句寂寞。 Years, after all, but a lonely. 4、谁把谁真的当真,谁为谁心疼。 Who who really seriously, who for whom love. 5、你给的在乎,是我开心的理由。 You give the care, is the reason for my happy. 6、我爱你,来自口腔,不经心脏。 I love you, from the mouth, without the heart. 7、跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角。 Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe. 8、用不着你喜欢,也轮不到你讨厌。 I don"t need you to like it, and I don"t want you to hate it. 9、哥脸上的不是痘,那叫青春。 Elder brother"s face is not a pox, that is called youth. 10、不要别人暖一下你就对他发热。 Don"t give him a warm if you don"t want them to. 11、骗自己成全他,根本没那么伟大。 Fool yourself into him, not so great. 12、我只要你相信我,这已足够。 I just want you to believe me, that is enough. 13、我会把孤独喂饱,再来温暖迩。 I will be the lonely feed, warm you again. 14、是否我放你走,你就幸福了。 If I let you go, you"ll be happy. 15、为什么人和人、不能和平相处。 Why people and people can not get along. 16、时光在消逝,承诺却在沉睡。 Time is gone, but if the bear is sleeping. 17、爱情这东西如人饮水,冷暖自知。 Love this thing such as drinking water, lengnuanzizhi. 18、三三两两在离别,承诺不兑现。 Three three two two in the farewell, promised not to honor. 19、心早已千疮百孔,还怕什么。 The heart has long been in a disastrous state, afraid of what. 20、在下一个路口,思念某一种温度。 At the next intersection, miss a certain temperature. 21、他不爱,何必再傻傻去认人欺凌。 He does not love, why bother to recognize people to bully. 22、谎言,不过是掩饰暂时的一切。 A lie, but a cover up for a moment. 23、那句家太远了,拆散了多少人。 The house is too far away, how many people. 24、你给的温柔,我还是那么着迷。 You give the gentle, I was so fascinated. 25、唯有记忆,才是最完美的影像。 It is only memory that displays a flawless vision.。 26、你带走我的思念、却没有说抱歉。 You take away my missing, but did not say sorry. 27、一声姐妹大过天我们比爱情更远! A sister is greater than us farther than love! 28、我怀旧,因为我看不到你和未来。 My nostalgia, because I can"t see you and the future. 29、女人要自爱这样才有人爱你。 A woman to love yourself so that you are loved. 30、时间在怂恿,劝深爱的人放手! Time to encourage people to let go of the deep love! 31、我爱你不是一两天,而是一万年。 I love you not for one or two days, but for ten thousand years. 32、其实,无聊也是生活的一部分。 In fact, boredom is a part of life. 33、不能陪你到最后,是要有多遗憾。 Can not accompany you to the end, is to have more regrets. 34、正因为爱得不够,才借口多多。 Because of love is not enough, just a lot of excuses. 35、我们的爱,诠释我们的无奈。 Our love, the interpretation of our helplessness. 36、如真的爱我,就不要有太多抱怨。 If you really love me, don"t have too many complaints. 37、秋一片荒凉,祭奠着我的.爱情。 Autumn is a desolate, for my love. 38、我不恨你,因为我不想记住你。 I don"t hate you, because I don"t want to remember you. 39、不是我不明白,只是我太执着。 Is not I do not understand, but I am too persistent. 40、退一步,让一步,来成全别人。 Step back, step by step, to help others. 41、小三你的葬礼,我会盛装出席。 I"ll dress up as little as you can. 42、xx我向世界宣布,我只在乎你! XX I declare to the world, I only care about you! 43、沿着记忆的轨迹,寻找你的足迹。 Along the track of memory, look for your footprints. 44、花在美,也没你在我心里美。 Flowers in the United States, have you in my mind. 45、对你的在乎,卑微的一文不值。 Your humble not worth a hair care. 46、不是谁离不开谁,是谁放不下谁。 Is not who can not be separated from who, who can not put down who. 47、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。 Love me you say, put in the heart more rough. 48、你给的伤,连微笑都掩饰不了。 You give the injury, even smile can not cover up. 49、对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 The first impression of you is hard to forget for a long time. 50、我不好,你也不见得有多善良。 I am not good, you do not have many good. 51、如果方向错了,停下来就是前进。 If the direction is wrong, stop is to go forward. 52、愤怒以愚蠢开始,以失败告终。 Anger begins with folly, and ends in failure. 53、你随时要认命,因为你是人。 Are you ready to capitulate, because you are a person. 54、此间流年,有太多太美好的谎言。 This time, there are too many too beautiful lie. 55、离开你,我不会哭,因为你不配。 Leave you, I will not cry, because you do not deserve. 56、我喜欢把你当成我手心里的宝。 I like to think of you as the treasure in my hand. 57、脑袋决定口袋,心态决定成败。 Head decided to pocket, mentality decides success or failure. 58、心再大只能装下你容不下其他。 Heart can only be installed under the heart you can not tolerate other. 59、爱情是眼睛,它容不下半粒沙子。 Love is an eye, it can"t hold half a grain of sand. 60、友情一旦认真比爱情还刻骨铭心。 If friendship than love is The imprint is engraved on my heart. seriously. 61、什么都介意,又什么都原谅。 What all mind, and what all forgive. 62、以后想吸烟了告诉我,我吻你。 After I want to smoke, tell me, I kiss you. 63、爱或者被爱,其实都是一种喜悦。 To love or to be loved, in fact, is a kind of joy. 64、字里行间的悲哀,都是因为你。 Between the lines of sorrow, all because of you. 65、如果你是病我愿意放弃治疗。 If you are ill, I"m willing to give up the treatment. 66、拿文字去记录心情,缺乏安全感。 Take the text to record the mood, lack of security. 67、你的温度,吻的深度,与你共度。 Your temperature, the depth of the kiss, and you. 68、别替我遮风挡雨我怕突然没有你。 Don"t I Zhefengdangyu suddenly I am afraid without you. 69、我的千言万语都抵不过她一句话。 I have arrived thousands and thousands of words but her words. 70、爱情结束了,分手是最后的好事。 The end of love, breaking up is the last thing. 71、不情愿的事情一开始就别做。 Don"t do it at the beginning. 72、世界如此颓废,爱情面目全非。 The world is so decadent, love beyond recognition. 73、我的不安全感毁掉了太多的东西。 My sense of insecurity has destroyed too many things. 74、你不喜欢我,这是种病,得治。 You don"t like me. It"s a disease. It"s got to be cured. 75、我想只有天知道我有多爱你。 I think only God knows how much I love you. 76、遇见你,是我最美丽的意外。 Meet you, is my most beautiful accident. 77、你怎如此狠心,让我对你充满恨。 How are you so cruel, let me full of hate for you. 78、小三你的葬礼我会盛装出席。 I"ll dress up at your funeral. 79、彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。 Years cardamom, who made who The end of life. 80、说忘记的人,往往还是记得的。 Said to forget the people, often still remember. ;2023-08-07 23:31:071
歌词YOU ARE MY ANGEL,这首歌叫什么名字
不知道你要找的是不是这首 you are my angle-darren styles2023-08-07 23:31:042
有首英文歌的高潮部分有you are my angle,是女的唱的?
christmasinmyheart.高潮部分歌词是it"schristmasinmyheart.withi,withyou2023-08-07 23:30:561
诗歌是人类的语言瑰宝,可以提高人的精神修养、艺术修养和语言修养。我精心收集了最简单的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 最简单的英文诗歌篇1 The Lamb 小羊 (1) Little Lamb, who made thee? 小羊,你是谁造的? Dost thou know who made thee? 你可知道谁造你的? Gave thee life and bid thee feed 赐你生命、教你吃草 By the stream and o"er the mead: 在溪畔、在牧场那边; Gave thee clothing of delight, 给你可爱的衣裳, Softest clothing, woolly, bright; 最最柔软、覆满羊毛、闪闪发光; Gave thee such a tender voice, 给你如此娇嫩的声音, Making all the vales rejoice? 使山谷上下为之喜悦? Little Lamb, who made thee? 小羊,你是谁造的? Dost thou know who made thee? 你可知道谁造你的? (2) Little Lamb, I"ll tell thee; 小羊,小羊,我来告诉你; Little Lamb, I"ll tell thee, 小羊,小羊,我来告诉你; He is called by thy name, 衪以你之名为名, For He calls Himself a Lamb. 因为衪称自己为小羊。 He is meek and He is mild; 衪既温顺又和善; He became a little child. 当衪降生,便成为一个小孩。 I a child, and thou a lamb, 我是小孩,你是小羊, We are called by His name. 我们都是以衪之名为名。 Little Lamb, God bless thee! 小羊,愿神祝福你! Little Lamb, God bless thee! 小羊,愿神祝福你! by William Blake 最简单的英文诗歌篇2 Written In March 写于三月 (1) The cock is crowing, 公鸡在啼; The stream is flowing, 小溪在流, The small birds twitter, 雉鸟在鸣, The lake doth glitter, 湖水也在闪烁 The green fields sleep in the sun; 绿野安眠在阳光下; The oldest and youngest 老的、小的 Are at work with the strongest; 和健壮的一起工作着; The cattle are grazing, 牛儿忙吃草, Their heads never raising; 一直不抬头; There are forty feeding like one! 虽有四十头,看似一头样! (2) Like an army defeated 犹如战败的军队, The snow hath retreated, 雪已融退, And now doth fare ill 这阵更是败惨 On the top of the bare hill; 在愈见光秃秃的山坡上; The ploughboy is whooping--anon--anon 耕童时时在田垄呼喊 There"s joy in the mountains; 笑谑充满山林, There"s life in the fountains, 喷泉洋溢生命, Small clouds are sailing, 浮云飘过, Blue sky prevailing, 蓝天尽显, The rain is over and gone. 雨过天晴。 by William Wordsworth 最简单的英文诗歌篇3 The Last Rose of Summer夏日最后的玫瑰 (1) "Tis the last rose of summer 这是夏日最后的玫瑰 Left blooming alone; 独自绽放着; All her lovely companions 所有昔日动人的同伴 Are faded and gone; 都已雕落残逝; No flower of her kindred, 身旁没有同类的花朵, No rose-bud is nigh, 没有半个玫瑰苞, to reflect back her blushes, 映衬她的红润, Or give sigh for sigh. 分担她的忧愁。 (2) I"ll not leave thee, thou lone one! 我不会离开弧零零的你! To pine on the stem; 让你单独地憔悴; Since the lovely are sleeping, 既然美丽的同伴都已入眠, Go, sleep thou with them. 去吧!你也和她们一起躺着。 thus kindly I scatter 为此,我好心在散放 Thy leaves o"er the bed 你的丽叶在花床上 Where thy mates of the garden 那儿,也是你花园的同伴 Lie scentless and dead. 无声无息躺着的地方。 (3) Soon may I follow, 不久我也可能追随我朋友而去, When friendships decay,当友谊渐逝, And from Love"s shining circle 像从灿烂之爱情圈中 The gems drop away. 掉落的宝石。 When true hearts lie withered, 当忠诚的友人远去, And fond ones are flown, 所爱的人飞走, O! who would inhabit 啊!谁还愿留在 This bleak world alone? 这荒冷的世上独自凄凉? by Thomas Moore, 1779-18522023-08-07 23:30:541
一首女歌手唱的英文歌,歌曲高潮的时候有一句歌词是you are my angle fly away
《北京遇上西雅图》片尾曲《Angle》中英文歌词:Spend all your time waiting - 耗尽你全部精力孤苦寻觅For that second chance - 只为了一次天使重现的机会For a break that would make it okay - 静静的等待突破There"s always some reason - 但为什么总有一些原因To feel not good enough - 要让我再次感受遗憾And it"s hard at the end of the day - 临近午夜总是那么悲凉I need some distraction - 我需要一些慰藉Oh beautiful release - 哦,就像天使般的美丽Memories seep from my veins - 记忆从我的心底缓缓流溢And may be empty - 那或许就是空虚孤寂Oh and weightless and maybe - 哦,我乏力无劲,也许I"ll find some peace tonight - 今晚我才能找到一些宁静In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想You"re in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平So tired of the straight line - 每天为工作事业奔波劳累And everywhere you turn - 犹豫在每个十字路口上Cause vultures and thieves at your back - 原因是奸贼和小人总是在你身旁The storm keeps on twisting - 风暴总是不停延蔓Keep on buliding the lies - 继续编造着谎言That you make up for all that you lack - 继续为你的名利空耗心扉It don"t make no difference - 那有什么区别Escape one last time - 最后不是也要远离尘世It"s easier to believe - 那是多么简单的事情In this sweet madness - 陷入甜蜜的疯狂Oh, this glorious sadness - 哦,这么光荣的悲伤That brings me to my kness - 那带我去到天堂In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想You"re in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平Some comfort here - 在这里将心抚平2023-08-07 23:30:491
有一首歌中有一句歌词是you are my angel,you are the true love of me
Laura Pausini: You AreUsed to be afraid of loveused to be alonenever thought I"d findsomeone to lean upon.But like a blessing from aboveyou came into my lifewhen my faith was gonesomehow you found me.You took my hand when I was lostembraced me with your lovein yours arms is where I belong.CHORUSYou are my sheltermy tears and laughterthe sunlight and the windyou are my angelyou are the joy that love can bring.Love will grow and take us highlove has just begunand I do believenothing can bring us down.And I can see it in your eyesthe flame will never fade"cause in my heart I knowto be there beside youto hold you when you"re down and outembrace you with my love"cause in my heart is where you belongCHORUSYou are my one and onlyyou are my everythingyour endless love surrounds meyou are the joy that love can bringyes you are.You are my sheltermy tears and laughterBaby, baby, baby you"re the windYou are my angelyou are the joy that love can bringYour love surrounds meBaby don"t you know you are my everythingYou are my angelyou are the joy that love can bringyou are my angel,yes you are.2023-08-07 23:30:424
my heart will go ontake me to your heartrighting here waiting for you2023-08-07 23:30:407
You Are My Angel 周美欣 歌词翻译为中文字
上面的仁兄..太汗了.我来试一下~ 很久以前 天空中的一位天使 她使得每一晚都变得舒适安逸 很久以前 一位天使倾心于我 那是一场在飘雪中发生的奇迹 我的心不再感觉冰冷 我最亲爱的 你就是我的天使 告诉我你所知道的 有些事情我应该知晓 我最亲爱的 你就是我的天使 告诉我你将要往哪里去 我将在你深沉的爱中自由呼吸 很久以前 一位天使给予了我整个生活的光明 记得采纳啊2023-08-07 23:30:341
精选茗茶 英文翻译是什么
精选茗茶 翻译 英文是Selection of tea2023-08-07 23:30:321
you are my angle 这首歌谁知道
好像是 周美欣2023-08-07 23:30:272