

raise+money+for+doing sth. 因为FOR 是介词,介词后面要加 V-ing 形式。
苏萦2023-08-05 17:45:503

Tom hopes that more people can send ()【donate】to ORBIS to support their work.

左迁2023-08-05 17:45:482

All we need______________(be)enough money to donate to ORBIS.

苏萦2023-08-05 17:45:463

How much does the magazine donate to the Wild Fund?The donation is ______.

【答案】:ten percent of profitten percent of profit 解析:本题为细节题,信息点定位在第一段第四句"we are committed to donate ten percent of profit to the Wild Fund"。
铁血嘟嘟2023-08-05 17:45:461

raise and donate money to 还是for 就近原则吗?

raise and donate money to,就近选择。Donate to the National Geographic Big Cats Initiative and raise money for field research.国家地理大猫倡议和实地研究筹集资金。
可桃可挑2023-08-05 17:45:461


Chen2023-08-05 17:45:355


raise for是为……筹集钱财donate to 是捐给谁
bikbok2023-08-05 17:45:311

求歌名!!一句歌词是there is only one thing to do three words for you i love you

额 我 也找不到 也许 你的 歌词来源 有问题
gitcloud2023-08-05 17:45:316

【答得好追+30分】求XP SP2 Vista美化版ISO镜像文件的下载地址,最好提供图片预览!

去狗狗搜XP VISTA美化就有了,一大堆,是狗狗不是谷哥
余辉2023-08-05 17:45:295

英文报告reference list需要编号么

英文报告reference list需要编号的。1、正文中引用的文献与文后的文献列表要完全一致。文中引用的文献可以在正文后的文献列表中找到;文献列表的文献必须在正文中引用。2、顺序编码制的具体编排方式。参考文献按照其在正文中出现的先后以阿拉伯数字连续编码,序号置于方括号内。一种文献被反复引用者,在正文中用同一序号标示。3、文献列表中的文献著录必须准确和完备,不能有错误和缺失。4、文献列表的顺序。文献列表按著者姓氏字母顺序排列;姓相同,按名的字母顺序排列;著者姓和名相同,按出版年排列。相同著者,相同出版年的不同文献,需在出版年后面加a、b、c,d区分,按文题的字母顺序排列。
Jm-R2023-08-05 17:45:221


九万里风9 2023-08-05 17:45:003

start reath discover work的过去式和过去分词分别是什么?

动词过去式: started 过去分词: started 动词过去式: reached 过去分词: reached 动词过去式: discovered 过去分词: discovered 动词过去式: worked/wrought 过去分词: worked/wrought
康康map2023-08-05 17:44:581

He started working on his project.情分析一下这句话是什么时态?

您好,这一句是一般过去时,started是start的过去式下面一句也是一般过去时,was offered表示被动
韦斯特兰2023-08-05 17:44:457

healthy food可数吗,后面写is 还是are

is 不可数
北有云溪2023-08-05 17:44:103

跪求Donna Lewis的I love you forever英文歌词

Feels like I"m standing in a timeless dreamOf light mists and pale amber roseFeels like I"m lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scentTouching discovering youThose days of warm rains come rushing back to meMiles of windless summer night airSecret moments shared in the heat of the afternoonOut of the stillness soft spoken wordsSay say it againI love you always foreverNear and far close and togetherEverywhere I will be with youEverything I will do for youYou"ve got the most wonderful blue eyes I"ve ever seenYou"ve got me almost melting awayAs we lay there under a blue sky with pure white starsExotic sweetness a magical timeSay say it againSay you"ll ever love me foreverNever stop never whateverNear and far and always and everywhere and everythingSay you"ll ever love me foreverNever stop never whateverNear and far and always and everywhere and everythingSay you"ll ever love me foreverNever stop never whateverNear and far and always and everywhere and everythingSay you"ll ever love me foreverNever stop never whateverNear and far and always and everywhere and everything
小白2023-08-05 17:42:332

第一句歌词是this is a story about love this is a story about hate

tt白2023-08-05 17:35:155


Iove 爱 you你 is 是 my我的 fate命运合起来就是“爱你是我的命运”注释:这绝对是机翻或者是中式英语,正确的写法应该是“Loving you is my fate【fate通常是负面的命运,如果是正向的话,应该用“destiny”】”
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-08-05 17:34:581

什么手镯上刻着love you is my fate

ZSK珠宝钻石手镯女玫瑰唯爱LOVEYOUISMYFATE同款金色手饰。ZSK黄金手镯最近一段时间在网上爆红,据说它的品质要比同价位的产品强很多。ZSK黄金手镯超高的性价比,再加上消费者的口口相传,所以销量火爆也就不奇怪了。下面我给大家分享ZSK黄金手镯的使用心得,如果对你有所帮助,那就再好不过了。LOVEYOUISMYFATE毕竟价格方面比较亲民,质量方面足够有保证。太惊喜了,样式非常好看,带上大小尺寸也合适,客服态度很好有耐心,超赞。比预期的要好很多,款式新颖,货真价实,送给婆婆的生日礼物。宝贝收到,包装很严实,打开很惊喜,款式独特,做工精细,非常喜欢,没想到网上也能买到这样的好宝贝。手链收到了,送给妈妈的礼物,款式妈妈非常喜欢,准备再回购一条送给家婆。宝贝确实不错,款式新颖漂亮,跟描述的一致,很喜欢,第一次在网上买这么贵重的物品。值得买,朋友都是很漂亮,一闪一闪的,很喜欢 那么多珠宝首饰当中可能这件是我最满意的了。
Ntou1232023-08-05 17:34:581

我想要kiss the rain 的翻译?

Kiss The Rain》---雨的吻痕 Hello,can you hear me ? Am I getting through to you Hello, is it late there 喂 你能听到吗 我是在与你通话吗 喂 你那边已经很晚了吧 There"s a laughter on the line Are you sure you"re there alone "Cause I"m, trying to explain Something is wrong You just don"t sound the same Why don"t you, why don"t you Go outside, go outside 在电话里传来了一阵笑声 你确定那边只有你一个人么 我在试图解释给自己 有些事情出了问题 你的声音不再一样 为什么你不走出去 Kiss the rain, whenever you need me Kiss the rain, whenever I"m gone, too long If your lips, feel lonely and thirsty Kiss the rain, and wait for the dawn 走进雨中吧 在你需要我的任何时候 淋湿自己吧 不管我走了有多久 当你的嘴唇在渴望中感到干涩 就亲吻着雨水 等待黎明吧 Keep in mind, we"re under the same sky And the nights, as empty for me, as for you If you feel, you can"t wait till morning Kiss the rain, kiss the rain, kiss the rain 请你牢记 我们在同一片天空下 夜晚对于你我都是一样的空虚 如果你担心 无法等到天明 就走进雨中吧 Hello, do you miss me I hear you say you do But not the way I"m missing you What"s new, how"s the weather Is it stormy where you are "Cause I"m so close but it feels like you"re so far 喂?你有想念我么 我听到你说“有” 但不是我想念你的那种方式 有什么新境况 天气如何 你那边有什么异样吗? 我就在此 却感觉与你远隔天涯... Oh would it mean anything, if you knew What I"m left imagining In my mind, in my mind Would you go, would you go Kiss the rain And you"d fall over me Think of me,think of me, think of me only me Kiss the rain 这一切究竟意味着什么 你是否明白 我留下了什么痕迹 在我意识里 在我灵魂中 你要走了吗 要去哪 吻雨吧 如果你在远方跌到 请想起我 就只想起我 只有我 让雨淋湿一切吧 Hello, can ya hear me can ya hear me, can ya hear me 喂 你能听到我吗…能感受到我吗…能吗……Do ya The way I miss you Goodbye你可以吗我想你的方式再见
善士六合2023-08-05 17:34:391

数学题里面,A is divided by B 请问是A除以B还是B除以A呢?

A is divided by BE.g.A= 20,B=5 A is divided by B the answer will be 4.(20/5)The answers are called Quotient and the remainder (for integer division).E.g.14/3,quotient is 4,remainder is 2.Of course,it ...
余辉2023-08-05 17:33:291


大鱼炖火锅2023-08-05 17:33:231

is divided by是什么意思

kikcik2023-08-05 17:33:222

Sixteen divided by four is four.为什么这里的除于是用过去分词形式?

CarieVinne 2023-08-05 17:33:212

The term-to-term rule for a sequence is divide by 3 ~这句话什么意思

Jm-R2023-08-05 17:33:123

十除以二等于五。 Ten divided by two is five. 其中divided by 是什么成分?(是介词短语作状语吗?)

真颛2023-08-05 17:33:122

20 divided by 4 is 5 这是一个省略句,请帮我把完整句子写出来,

这里的divide是及物动词,divided是它的过去分词,有动词词组 A be divided by B 译为“A除以B”,divided by 4在句子中作后置定语,be动词省略,句子的谓语动词是is. 你也可以这样识记: A divided by B is C. A除以B等于C.
九万里风9 2023-08-05 17:33:111

divided by 和 divisable by的区别是什么?

Divided by翻译成为中文就是 被除以。结果可能会是整数,也可能会是分数或者分式。Divisable by翻译成为中文就是: 可以被……整除。结果是整数。勤学好问,天天进步!加油!你是最棒的!
Jm-R2023-08-05 17:33:061


bikbok2023-08-05 17:30:453

wonderwall 是 什么 意思?啊,oasis的那首歌曲

  Oasis绿洲合唱团:Wonderwall迷墙  Oasis“绿洲合唱团”,这个来自曼彻斯特的演唱组融合了Beatles的曲调并带有明显的英国抒情色彩。他们将一切用吉他的吼叫声串起来变成音乐,而他们的挑衅式的讥笑可以和傲慢自大会让你感到惊呆。"Wonderwall"是一首可以征服全世界青年的歌,曲调优美动听,节奏爽朗。  中英文歌词:  Todayisgonnabetheday  今天将要会是那  Thatthey"regonnathrowitbacktoyou  他们返与你之日  Bynowyoushould"vesomehow  现在你或多或少  Realizedwhatyougottado  意识到如何去做  Idon"tbelievethatanybody  我不会相信任何人  FeelsthewayIdoaboutyounow  解释我现在对你的感觉  Backbeatthewordwasonthestreet  语言速散在街上  Thatthefireinyourheartisout  你心中火焰向外喷发  I"msureyou"vehearditallbefore  我确信你都听过  Butyouneverreallyhadadoubt  但你从不起任何疑心  Idon"tbelievethatanybodyfeels  我不会相信任何人  ThewayIdoaboutyounow  解释我现在对你的感觉  Andalltheroadswehavetowalkalongarewinding  所有我们必须独自行走的道路上狂风呼啸  Andallthelightsthatleadusthereareblinding  所有光亮引导我们去的方向竟是如此盲目  TherearemanythingsthatIwouldLiketosaytoyou  有许多许多事情我想要和你倾诉  Idon"tknowhow  却不知何处开口  Becausemaybe  因为,也许  You"regonnabetheonewhosavesme?  你会是拯救我於痛苦的人  Andafterall  而且,毕竟  You"remywonderwall  你就是我内心深处的迷墙  Isaidmaybe  我说,也许  You"regonnabetheonewhosavesme?  你会是拯救我於痛苦的人  Andafterall  而且,毕竟  You"remywonderwall  你就是我内心深处的迷墙  Saidmaybe  说也许  You"regonnabetheonethatsavesme  你将会拯救我  You"regonnabetheonethatsavesme  你将会拯救我  You"regonnabetheonethatsavesme  你将会拯救我
可桃可挑2023-08-05 17:26:241

wonderwall 是 什么 意思?啊,oasis的那首歌曲

瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-08-05 17:26:243


surprise这个词没有简写形式。重点词汇:surprise英[su0259'prau026az]释义:n.惊奇,诧异;突然袭击vt.使惊奇;奇袭adj.令人惊讶的[复数:surprises;第三人称单数:surprises;现在分词:surprising;过去式:surprised;过去分词:surprised]短语:in surprise惊奇地;吃惊;惊讶地;诧异地扩展资料:词语辨析:surprise,amaze,astonish,astound这些动词均含“使惊愕,使惊讶,使惊奇”之意。1、surprise普通用词,多指因未预料或意外的事而引起的惊奇之感。2、amaze语气较强,指因认为不可能或极少可能发生情况的出现而感到惊讶或迷惑不解。3、astonish语气较强,指出乎预料,意外发生,但又无法解释而感到惊奇。4、astound语气强,指由于事情令人难以置信或实在罕见而使人感到震惊。
人类地板流精华2023-08-05 17:25:521


惊喜的英文是surprise。发音:英 [su0259"prau026az],美 [su0259r"prau026az]    释义:n. 惊蚂缺埋奇;惊喜;惊讶;突然vt. 使惊奇;使惊喜;突然袭击;惊讶地发现例句:It was a great surprise to learn of her marriage.翻译:得知她结婚是一件十分令人惊喜的事。surprise的用法1、surprise是及物动词,其宾语常是人称代词。接名词、代词或以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。2、surprise后接介词at表示“对…感到惊讶”; 后接介词扮芦from表示“出其不意使…说了”; 后接介词into表示“出其不闷蚂意地使人…”; 后接介词with表示“以…使(某人)惊奇”。3、surprise的现在分词和过去分词都可用作形容词,在句中作表语或定语。
苏萦2023-08-05 17:25:451


Legislation是立法,法律之类的law 也是法律感觉这个比较通俗,上面一个更书面regulation:调控,调节,也有规定意思bill:议案,大家要投票的那种,
Chen2023-08-05 17:25:202

填空:Mo Yan is f() as a writer.求大神帮帮忙啊,到底填什么啊,是填famous吗?为什么?

是be famous as 作为……而出名莫言作为作家而出名
凡尘2023-08-05 17:21:291

disraeli was as wonderful

这是一句英语翻译成汉语时比较绕口,语句需要重新排列.下面的翻译句子不知能否符合你的要求. “迪斯雷利是一名杰出的范文写作人,就像他是长篇小说家那样地杰出.”
真颛2023-08-05 17:21:131

He is ________a writer as a reporter. A more B rather C not much D not as much

Ntou1232023-08-05 17:21:122

I should say Henry is not_____much a writer as a reporter.A.that C.this Dsuch

黑桃花2023-08-05 17:21:121

He is a writer as well as a teacher(同义句) He is_____ _____a writer_____ _____ a teacher

not only ; but also
九万里风9 2023-08-05 17:21:123

is the writer as lucky as they are什么意思

Ntou1232023-08-05 17:21:112

Is the writer as lucky as they are ,or is he not so lucky?什么意思,

as……as 和……一样
Ntou1232023-08-05 17:21:112

I should say Henry is not _______ much a writer as ...

豆豆staR2023-08-05 17:21:111

Is the writer as lucky as they are ,or is he not so lucky?什么意思,这里两个a

meira2023-08-05 17:21:111

I should say Henry is not_____much a writer as a reporter. A. that C.this Dsuch 答案?解释

Ntou1232023-08-05 17:21:034

Here cmes the teacher and writer as well as his friends

不仅老师和作家来了,同样还有他们的朋友as well as: 也
苏萦2023-08-05 17:21:035

Henry is not so much a writer as a reporter

CarieVinne 2023-08-05 17:21:017

here is coming the professer and writer as well as his friends

凡尘2023-08-05 17:21:011

I could say Henry is not ___ much a writer as a reporter.

真颛2023-08-05 17:21:014

He is not so much a writer as a reporter

小白2023-08-05 17:21:006

Here cmes the teacher and writer as well as his friends.

凡尘2023-08-05 17:21:004

He is not so much a writer as a scholar

康康map2023-08-05 17:20:585

he is------a writer as a reporter 选择

真颛2023-08-05 17:20:581

boy you my is short的同义词for eye hear同音词

wpBeta2023-08-05 17:20:071

英语翻译The Canine CruncherThe day Mr.X took delivery of his new

Chen2023-08-05 17:19:062

speaking ill of me is jealous of me翻译翻译什麼意思

九万里风9 2023-08-05 17:18:356

Priscilla Renea的《Lovesick》 歌词

歌曲名:Lovesick歌手:Priscilla Renea专辑:JukeboxPriscilla Renea - LovesickYo If Lovein You Is WrongI Dont Want To Be Right(Giggle) I Bet You Knew I Was Going To Say ThatThats Because Its TrueI Use To Tell You The Stories About My ChildhoodYou Never Ever Believed MeAbout How I Slept In Trailer On A Bed Full Of PaperOkay Well Maybe Im Lying& Its Seems Like Lately When Where Talking On The PhoneAll You Ever Say Is How I Should Leave You AloneEverybody Is Telling Me What I Should DoI Cant Help Myself Im So Into YouThe Doctor Said That Im Love SickWell I Guess Im Gunna Be Sick Forever& Im Sorry To Say That You Made Me This Way& I Dont Ever Want To Get BetterNoooooIts Obvious That Im Love SickYeah& Maybe That I Should Take My MedicineTry It As You MayNo Matter What You DoI Can Never Get Ride Of YouYou Act Like You Dont RememberHow You First Met MeBack When We Were In Grade SchoolI Sat Behind You In HistoryI Use To Day Dream About The Day I Would Have You& It Seemed Like If I Mentioned You When I Was HomeAll My Family Said Is How I Should Leave You AloneTry How Hard You MayNot Matter What You DoThe Doctors They Couldnt Be WrongerI Think That We Could Last ForeverDont Want Stay But I Cant LeaveDont Pay Attention To Them OthersThey Dont Want Us To Be TogetherI Dont See WhyBecause Im Perfectly FineThey Keep On Tellin Me That Im Love SickWell I Guess Ill Be Sick ForeverBut I Dont Want To Get BetterYou Keep On Sayin That You Think Im Crazy& That Maybe I Should Take My MedicineTry How Hard As You MayI Could Never Get Ride Of YouYou Keep Callin Me CrazySayin Maybe I Should Take My Medicine
余辉2023-08-05 17:18:251

Ill Be Missing You Puff Daddy 歌词 歌词

Every day I wake up我每天醒来 I hope Im dreamin我希望化生dreamin I cant believe this shit我相信这屁话斜面 Cant believe you aint here斜面相信你不在 Sometimes its just hard for a nigga to wake up有时刚打了一醒来nigga Its hard to just keep goin它很难保持公正现卖 Its like I feel empty inside without you bein here我觉得自己好像没有你有逐步这里空虚 I would do anything man, to bring you back我做男子带你回 Id give all this shit, shit the whole knot所有这一切使身分拉屎,拉屎整个绳结 I saw your son today我看见你儿子今天 He look just like you他很像你 You was the greatest你是最 Youll always be the greatestyoull总是最大 I miss you big我想念你大 Cant wait til that day, when I see your face again斜面胡麻等这一天,当我再次见到你的脸 I cant wait til that day, when I see your face again...我等待外部斜面那天,当我再次见到你的脸:: Yeah...唉:: this right here (tell me why)这就是(告诉我为什么) Goes out, to everyone, that has lost someone出门前,向大家表示已失去某人 That they truly loved (cmon, check it out)他们真正喜爱(cmon,卖力地) Verse one: puff daddy诗一:吹爸爸 Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show好像昨天我们用岩石展 I laced the track, you locked the flow我氯化物轨道,锁定你流 So far from hangin on the block for dough到目前为止,从关汉卿>12座面团 Notorious, they got to know that恶名昭彰,走到知道 Life aint always what it seem to be (uh-uh)生活并不总是它似乎是(啊啊) Words cant express what you mean to me斜面词表达你的意思我 Even though youre gone, we still a teamyoure虽然走了,我们还是一个团队 Through your family, Ill fulfill your dream (thats right)通过你的家人,生病寻梦(thats右) In the future, cant wait to see在未来,斜面拭目以待 If you open up the gates for me如果你对我打开大门 Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-huh)回忆一段时间,他们把我的朋友夜(嗯) Try to black it out, but it plays again尝试黑色出来,但再次扮演 When its real, feelings hard to conceal当其真,感情难以隐藏 Cant imagine all the pain I feel斜面想象我觉得所有的疼痛 Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)动手做一半凝神聆听(30凝神) I know you still living your life, after death我知道你住一辈子,死后 Chorus: faith evans合唱:信念埃文斯 Every step I take, every move I make我采取的每一步,我的一举一动 Every single day, every time I pray每一天,我每次祈祷 Ill be missing you你生病失踪 Thinkin of the day, when you went away金山屯的一天,当你出门 What a life to take, what a bond to break采取什么样的人生,什么是债券打破 Ill be missing you你生病失踪 [puff] I miss you big[自夸]:我想念你大 Verse two: puff daddy诗两:爸爸自夸 Its kinda hard with you not around (yeah)你不打它kinda左右(嗯) Know you in heaven smilin down (eheh)知道你在九泉之下smilin下跌(流程) Watchin us while we pray for you虽然我们为你祈祷我们watchin Every day we pray for you每天,我们为你祈祷 Til the day we meet again胡麻一天我们再次见面 In my heart is where Ill keep you friend我的心在那里你的朋友保持患病 Memories give me the strength I need (uh-huh) to proceed回忆给我力量,我需要(嗯)着手 Strength I need to believe我需要相信实力 My thoughts big I just cant define (cant define)我的想法,我只是大斜面界定(定义斜面) Wish I could turn back the hands of time恨不得回头时手中 Us in the 6, shop for new clothes and kicks我们在6,商店和踢新衣 You and me taking flicks你和我走卖座 Makin hits, stages they receive you on炼钢命中,分期领取你 I still cant believe youre gone (cant believe youre gone)我仍然相信youre走斜面(斜面相信youre消失) Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)动手做一半凝神聆听(30凝神) I know you still living youre life, after death我知道你仍住youre生活,死后 Chorus合唱 [faith evans] somebody tell me why[信仰埃文斯]有人告诉我原因 Interlude: faith evans插曲:信仰埃文斯 On that morning当天上午 When this life is over当这个生命已经结束 I know我知道 Ill see your face生病看你的脸 Outro: 112outro:112 Every night I pray, every step I take每天晚上我祈祷,我的每一步 Every move I make, every single day我的一举一动,每一天 Every night I pray, every step I take每天晚上我祈祷,我的每一步 [puff] every day that passes[自夸]每天及格 Every move I make, every single day我的一举一动,每一天 [puff] is a day that I get closer[自夸]一天我靠近 [puff] to seeing you again[自夸]再次见面 Every night I pray, every step I take每天晚上我祈祷,我的每一步 [puff] we miss you big...[自夸]:我们怀念你::大 and we wont stop我们停止蔑视 Every move I make, every single day我的一举一动,每一天 [puff] cause we cant stop...[自夸]斜面阻止我们的事业:: thats rightthats权 Every night I pray, every step I take每天晚上我祈祷,我的每一步 Every move I make, every single day我的一举一动,每一天 [puff] we miss you big[自夸]:我们怀念你大 *music fades out*音乐淡了**
Jm-R2023-08-05 17:18:231

Ill Be Home For Christmas 歌词

歌曲名:Ill Be Home For Christmas歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Christmas In The HeartRascal Flatts - I"ll be home for ChristmasI"ll be home for ChristmasYou can count on mePlease have snow and mistletoeAnd presents under the treeChristmas Eve will find meWhere the love light gleamsI"ll be home for ChristmasIf only in my dreamsI"ll be home I"ll be homeIf only in my dreamsI"ll be home I"ll be homeIf only in my dreamsI"m dreaming tonight of a place that I loveEven more than I usually doAnd although I knowIt"s a long road backI promise youI"ll be home for ChristmasYou can count on mePlease have snow and mistletoeAnd presents under the treeChristmas Eve will find meWhere the love light gleamsI"ll be home for ChristmasIf only in my dreamsI"ll be home I"ll be homeIf only in my dreams
人类地板流精华2023-08-05 17:18:211

_____hearing that his father was ill,je was so anxious to be back that he immediately went touff1f

On hearing that his father was ill, he was so anxious to be back that he immediately went to.On hearing that…, 是介词+现在分词构成的短语。on hearing:一听到…(他父亲得病的消息)。
左迁2023-08-05 17:18:154

My Mistress Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun 歌词

Chen2023-08-05 17:16:051

relaxing pillow mist是什么意思

九万里风9 2023-08-05 17:15:341

He is relaxing是错误的,而He is relaxed是正确的

陶小凡2023-08-05 17:15:214

directions:is the dependence oncomputers a good thing or not

大鱼炖火锅2023-08-05 17:14:392

directions:shake well before actuator to dispense foam into hands是什么意思?

九万里风9 2023-08-05 17:14:361


listen follow the directions 按提示听listen, follow the directions 听着,按着步骤来!
可桃可挑2023-08-05 17:14:351


directions[英][du026a"reku0283nz][美][du026a"reku0283nz]n.direction的复数形式; 方面( direction的名词复数 ); 方向; 指南; (电影导演的)指点; direction[英][du0259u02c8reku0283n][美][du026au02c8ru025bku0283u0259n, dau026a-]n.方向; 趋势; 方面; 用法说明; distance[英][u02c8du026astu0259ns][美][u02c8du026astu0259ns]n.距离,路程; 远处; 疏远; (时间的)间隔,长久; vt.把…远远甩在后面; 疏远; 与…保持距离; 第三人称单数:distances过去分词:distanced复数:distances现在进行时:distancing过去式:distanced
小菜G的建站之路2023-08-05 17:14:311


方向 距离
水元素sl2023-08-05 17:14:176

I __(study)English for 5 years. 根据这个请讲讲现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别,谢谢了。

这里两个空填 have studied I have studied English for 5 years 我已经学习英语5年了。(对现状和将来并无暗示或描述)I have been studied English for 5 years 我学习英语五年(并将继续学下去) 这个,其实如果后面没有比较清晰表达现在仍然怎样的话,通常还是用现在完成时比较多的。【楼主参考下~希望对你有帮助~】
墨然殇2023-08-05 17:13:433

servlet里代码 HTMLFilter.filter(fristName)是什么意思啊?

CarieVinne 2023-08-05 17:13:052

通达信函数中的 FILTER 和 EXIST 到底有什么区别?

  通达信函数中的 FILTER 和 EXIST 区别:EXIST 是指已经过去的时间,而FILTER 指的是还未到的日期。  通达信软件是多功能的证券信息平台,与其他行情软件相比,有简洁的界面和行情更新速度较快等优点。通达信允许用户自由划分屏幕,并规定每一块对应哪个内容。至于快捷键,也是通达信的特色之一。通达信还有一个有用的功能,就是“在线人气”,可以了解哪些是当前关注,哪些是持续关注,又有哪些是当前冷门,可以更直接了解各个股票的关注度。  深圳市财富趋势科技有限责任公司是一家资深的证券业高科技企业,致力于证券分析系统和计算机通讯系统的研究开发,自1995年成立以来,经过蓬勃发展,已经成为该行业的典范。其开发的行情源被同行业多企业采用,是目前市场上非常主流的拥有自主开发证券类软件能力的企业。深圳市财富趋势科技有限责任公司在证券行业的著名品牌是“通达信”。  
bikbok2023-08-05 17:13:003

I Miss You Sarah Engels 中文英文都要 发一下高潮部分

Baby "cause I miss I miss you so I would never ever let you go Baby "cause I need I need your love, I am sure I never get enough. Pietro Lombardi Oh when I saw you baby oh I stop my breathin cause when you smiling baby always start my feelin all or nothing baby yeah its now or never, and I"m falling with you can we be together? Pietro Lombardi Oh you broke my heart, Baby from the moment oh we talk, And if you smile to me, Baby oh it feels like fantasie. Come on baby, come on closer to me. Chorus : Sarah Engels Baby "cause I miss I miss you so I would never ever let you go Baby "cause I need I need your love I am sure I never get enough Baby let me start a new Romance I would never ever have this chance I never ever find another you (another you) Oh I swear the lide of love its true Pietro Lombardi When I kiss you baby, oh my heart was .... when I touch you lady oh my eyes was .... Hearts and fire lady, you are like the ocean. Flirting with disaster, I can"t feeling emotion Oh you broke my heart Baby from the moment oh we talk and if you smile to me baby oh it feels like fantasy Come on baby come on closer to me. Chorus : Sarah Engels Baby "cause I miss I miss you so I would never ever let you go (never let you go) Baby "cause I need I need your love, I am sure I never get enough (never get enough) Baby let me start a new Romance, I would never ever have this chance, I never ever find another you, Oh I swear the lide of love its true Cause baby i miss you so much And i would never ver let you go Baby "cause I need I need your love, I love you so much yeah no no no Chorus : Sarah Engels Baby "cause I miss I miss you so I would never ever let you go Baby "cause I need I need your love, I am sure I never get enough Baby let me start a new Romance, I would never ever have this chance, I never ever find another you, Oh I swear the lide of love its true宝贝,因为我想念我想念你我决不会让你走宝贝,因为我需要我需要你的爱,我相信我永远不会得到足够的。当我看见你宝贝我你给我站住我的呼吸因为当你微笑的婴儿,总是开始我的感觉全部或什么宝贝现在或永远,我在跟你调情我们能在一起吗?哦,你伤了我的心,婴儿从时刻,哦,我们谈了,如果你对我微笑,宝贝啊,感觉像是幻想。来吧宝贝,来接近我。宝贝,因为我想念我想念你哦,我决不会让你走哦宝贝,我需要我需要你的爱,我相信我永远不会得到足够的。宝贝让我开始一个新的浪漫哦,我将永远不会有这个机会我永远不会找到另一个你(你)哦,我发誓我的爱是真的当我吻你,宝贝,我的心在颤抖当我触碰你哦我的眼睛闪闪发光心中的火,你是喜欢大海。与灾难调情,我感觉不到情感哦,你伤了我的心婴儿从时刻,哦,我们谈了如果你对我微笑宝贝啊,感觉像是幻想来吧宝贝,来接近我。宝贝,因为我想念我想念你哦,我决不会让你走(永远不让你离开)宝贝,因为我需要我需要你的爱,我相信我永远不会得到足够的(从来没有得到足够的)宝贝让我开始一个新的浪漫,哦,我将永远不会有这个机会,我永远不会找到另一个你,哦,我发誓我的爱是真的因为宝贝我想念你这么多我不会让你走因为我真的需要你的爱我是如此的爱你耶宝贝,因为我想念我想念你我决不会让你走宝贝,因为我需要我需要你的爱,我相信我永远不会得到足够的宝贝让我开始一个新的浪漫,我将永远不会有这个机会,我永远不会找到另一个你,哦,我发誓我的爱是真的
凡尘2023-08-05 17:11:381

some say love it is a river that drowns the tender feed .好像是一段歌曲里的歌词?谁知道?

Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed有人说,爱是条河 容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed有人说,爱是把剃刀 会任由你的灵魂淌血Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求I say love it is a flower and you its only seed我说,爱是一朵花。 而你,只是花的种籽It"s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance害怕受伤的心 永远学不会起舞It"s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance害怕醒来的梦,永远没有机会It"s the one who won"t be taken who cannot seem to give不愿吃亏的人 不懂得付出And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live忧心死亡的灵魂 不懂得生活When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long当夜显得寂寞不堪 ,去路显得无尽漫长And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong当你觉得只有幸运者 及强者才有幸得到爱Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows谨记,在严寒的冬日里Lies the seed that with the sun"s love酷雪的覆盖下,躺着一颗种籽In the spring becomes the rose一旦春阳临照,就能幻化成一朵玫瑰
ardim2023-08-05 17:11:071

歌词song say love it is a river.那歌名叫什么

Westlife的the rose,这首歌很多歌手唱过,西城男孩的最好听。
余辉2023-08-05 17:11:072

I say love ,it is a flower是什么歌啊

the rosesome say love it is a river     有人说,爱是一条的河     that drowns the tender reed.     将柔弱的芦苇无情淹没     some say love it is a razor     有人说,爱是冰冷的刀锋     that leaves your soul to bleed.     轻易将你的灵魂划破          some say love it is a hunger     有人说,爱是一种饥渴     an endless, aching need     一种无止尽的痛苦需求     i say love it is a flower,     而在我看来,爱是一朵花     and you it"s only seed.     而你,还只是一颗种子            it"s the heart afraid of breaking     一颗害怕碎裂的心     that never learns to dance     将永远学不会翩翩起舞     it"s the dream afraid of waking     一场担心醒来的梦     that never takes the chance     将永远不会去勇敢尝试     it"s the one who won"t be taken,     一个不懂得投入和承担的人     who cannot seem to give     将永远不会去奉献自己     and the soul afraid of dying     一个恐惧死亡的灵魂     that never learns to live.     也将永远不会明白如何去过有意义的生活            when the night has been too lonely     当独孤在夜幕中悄悄降临     and the road has been too long.     而漫漫前路又显得如此渺茫     and you think that love is only     这时你开始觉得,爱是否仅仅只能     for the lucky and the strong.     依靠着幸运和坚强而存     just remember in the winter     但请你一定铭记,当人生的寒冬来临时     far beneath the bitter snow     在冰冷刺骨的厚雪深处     lies the seed that with the sun"s love,     正静静地躺着希望的种子,在阳光爱的呵护下     in the spring, becomes the rose.     将会变成来年春天里的玫瑰......
左迁2023-08-05 17:11:052

歌词song say love it is a river.那歌名叫什么

您说的应该是【Some say love it is a river】吧...歌名是《The Rose》下面放一小段歌词:Some say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reedSome say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleedSome say love it is a hungerAn endless aching needI say love it is a flowerAnd you , its only seedIt"s the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to danceIt"s the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chanceIt"s the one who won"t be taken希望能帮到您,欢迎追问...【另:最爱Westlife版的推荐一下么么哒...
韦斯特兰2023-08-05 17:11:041

some say love it is a river that drowns the tender feed .好像是一段歌曲里的歌词?谁知道?

Some say love it is a river--Westlife Some say love, it is a river有人说爱情是一条河,that drowns the tender reed.会把柔嫩的芦苇淹没,Some say love, it is a razor有人说爱情是一把利刃,that leaves your soul to bleed.终将让你的灵魂淌血,Some say love, it is a hunger,有人说爱情是一种渴望,an endless aching need.虽然苦痛却是无尽的需求,I say love, it is a flower,我说爱情是一朵花,and you its only seed.而你正是这朵花的种子。It"s the heart afraid of breaking是那颗害怕破碎的心,that never learns to dance.所以永远学不会起舞。It"s the dream afraid of waking是那场害怕醒来的梦,that never takes the chance.所以永远也抓不住机会。It"s the one who won"t be taken,是那颗不愿被占据的心,who cannot seem to give,所以似乎也无法付出。And the soul afraid of dyin"是那个畏惧死去的灵魂,that never learns to live.所以永远也学不会怎么去生存。When the night has been too lonely每当夜幕低垂孤寂难耐,And the road has been to long路途遥不可期,And you think that love is only而你认为爱情For the lucky and the strong只会眷顾那些幸运坚强的人。Just remember in the winter千万别忘了冬季里,Far beneath the bitter snows深深的寒雪下,Lies the seed that with the sun"s love埋着一颗种子等待阳光爱的熏陶,In the spring becomes the rose.于来春时开出璀璨的玫瑰
肖振2023-08-05 17:11:041

歌的前几句是这样的:Wise men say,only you...是什么歌啊?

(i can t help) falling in love with you 歌手:ub40 专辑:promises and lies Wise men say - Only fools rush in,UB40But I can"t help falling in love with you.Repeat Shall I stay - Would it be a sin,If I can"t help falling in love with you. Like a river flowsSurely to the seaDarling so it goesSome things are meant to be Take my hand - Take my whole life too,For I can"t help falling in love with you.
无尘剑 2023-08-05 17:10:581

Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed 是什么意思

苏萦2023-08-05 17:10:494

歌的名字,请大家帮帮忙啊,我听了一首英文歌,可是不知道名字,some say love is a river ,some say

FinCloud2023-08-05 17:10:482

歌词song say love it is a river。那歌名叫什么

the rose
九万里风9 2023-08-05 17:10:486

ibatis出现以下异常 ### Error querying database. Cause: java.lang.NullPointerException

北境漫步2023-08-05 17:10:454
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