
历史书翻译成英文是不是history book

Historical Books或history book
左迁2023-07-24 08:24:251


是的,是history book。
北境漫步2023-07-23 19:43:492

历史书翻译成英文是不是history book

historical book 应该这样写才对
tt白2023-07-23 19:43:464

surface book2值得买吗?

在Surface Pro 4/Book取得巨大成功之后,微软先后发布了Surface Pro和Book增强版,虽然配置悉数升级,但工业设计基本不变,令外界失望。据TheVerge报道,真正的Surface Book 2代即将到来。报道称,微软在等待Intel正式发布Coffee Lake处理器,也就是第四代14nm(14nm++)、八代酷睿。从产品节奏上看,8代酷睿最快8月底、9月初登场,号称综合性能比Kaby Lake提升了30%。此前,电子时报称,Surface Book 2还有基于骁龙835打造的更轻薄产品,但从S Book一贯的性能定位来看,应该仅仅是YY。另外,微软新晋推出了Surface Laptop,屏幕不再可拆卸,所以S book现在夹在Surface Pro和Laptop之间,仅仅是屏幕大了点,笔者猜测,可能微软也在为其重新寻找定位,不仅依靠配置,还要依靠新的工业设计。
Ntou1232023-07-23 19:38:202

surface book 和surface pro有什么区别

一、屏幕不同1、surface book:Surface Book的屏幕为13.5英寸,采用3:2的长宽比。2、surface pro:Surface Pro的屏幕为12.3英寸,采用3:2的长宽比。二、手写笔不同1、surface book:Surface Book随包装附带手写笔。2、surface pro:Surface Pro需要花费99美元单独购买。三、CPU不同1、surface book:采用了英特尔第七代Core处理器。2、surface pro:采用了英特尔第六代Core处理器参考资料来源:百度百科-Surface Book参考资料来源:百度百科-Surface Pro
韦斯特兰2023-07-23 19:38:191

surface book2什么时候上市

预计Surface Book 2将配置英特尔14纳米工艺的“Kaby Lake”处理器,这款处理器今年底批量生产。“Kaby Lake”原生支持USB 3.1,支持Thunderbolt 3,集成有4个内核,提供更高的CPU和GPU性能。Windows 10将是微软支持这一芯片的唯一平台。Surface Book 2发布时间应当在2017年年初。
此后故乡只2023-07-23 19:38:162

我想把我的微软surface book2 13.5寸 笔记本的显卡1050换成1060的,有没有这

bikbok2023-07-23 19:37:452


Point to your foot. 指着你的脚。Oh, no! It"s on my book. 噢!不!(它)在我的书上。
可桃可挑2023-07-23 18:46:291

怎么将macbook air的系统语言改成英文?谢谢

1、首先是进入 Mac 系统,点击左上方的苹果图标,在弹出来的下拉菜单里找到“系统偏好设置”并点击它进行系统偏好设置。2、在打开的“系统偏好设置”页面里,找到“语言与地区”并点击它,如图所示。3、进到“语言与地区”里我们就可以看到“语言与地区”里的“首先语言”里有我们增加的语言了,如果这时只有一个语言作为选择,就要增加想要更改的语言,点击左下面的加号。4、这时就弹出语言列表,这里列出了系统可以修改的语言列表,点击“English-英文”,所选择的语言的这一项的背景就会有蓝色的背景,然后点击右下角的“添加”按钮。5、这时就会弹出“您想要将‘英文"作为首选语言吗?”的提示,点击“使用‘英文"”这个按钮。6、点击后系统又返回到了“语言与地区”的界面,看到“首选语言”里多出了我们刚刚添加的语言,并且是放在了第一个位置。7、当点击返回时,就会提示系统将要进行重新启动来以使用刚刚修改的语言,点击“立即重新启动”,重新启动之后系统就更改成英文了。扩展资料:macbook air产品功能:1,、MBA虽然很薄,依然内置了iSight摄像头和全向MIC,结合iChat或者其他即时通讯软件使用,可以给沟通带来很大的方便。2、键盘及触摸板:MBA是13.3寸宽屏笔记本,MBA的键盘最大的特色是采用了背光灯的设计,带有环境光敏感元件,可以根据环境光的亮度来自动调整屏幕和键盘背光灯的亮度,这样在环境光比较昏暗的地方也可以看清键盘的字了,而且还不用自己去手动调节。3、Mac电脑的电源插孔采用了安全插孔的设计方式,这种适配器称为MagSafe电源适配器,适配器接头和机身的插孔主要是靠磁铁的吸力结合在一起的,意外碰到的时候只会是适配器接头脱落而不至连累机器跌落。4、可升级性:MBA的可升级性是其软肋之一,由于为了追求极致轻薄,MBA在努力地将一切可集成的配件到主板上,不能集成的配件则采用软排线来进行连接以减小占用的空间,因此MBA很难进行升级。
小白2023-07-23 17:51:441

怎么将macbook air的系统语言改成英文?谢谢

铁血嘟嘟2023-07-23 17:46:154


小白2023-07-23 12:28:503

请问这几句的中文,open your penis box, show me your pen, close your book ,carry your bag,怎么翻译

大鱼炖火锅2023-07-23 12:27:513


背上你的书或带上你的书。carry yourbag读背上你的书包或带上你的书包。
苏州马小云2023-07-23 12:27:271

–Could I _____ this book?--Sure. But you can only _____ it for one week. A.lend, borrow B.b

D 试题分析:句意:---我能借这本书吗?---当然了。但是你只能借一周。借来用borrow,排除A和C;答语是一段时间,lend不能延续,排除B,故选D。
bikbok2023-07-21 09:14:261

MacBook 不同国家版本的键盘布局有什么区别

转自分享奇迹的回答:1)中国大陆、香港的Mac 键盘,与美版完全一致;2)英国、德国使用的欧版键盘,回车键是倒L形。有兴趣的知友可以和德文键盘作为对照。键盘布局相同,但字符有很大区别。这也是为了适应德文字母所做的改变。另外,欧版键盘有很多的语言版本,我只摘取了英国英文和德文两个版本大致说明而已。如果对各个语言版本的具体键位区别感兴趣的知友,则可以参考@Michael Wong的非常详尽的回答;3)日文键盘回车键是倒L形,这一点与欧版键盘一样。另外,Fn键位置调整到了键盘右下角,Control键与CapsLK键还互换了位置(我能吐槽一下,其实这才是合理安排好么??你比较下Crtl+A(Mac OS X中是“至行首”,并非全选)这样的操作哪种更方便就明白了,完全不需要缩起小拇指啊~~~~)。同时,在键盘上增加了日文字母表示(这个很正常嘛)。
水元素sl2023-07-20 10:55:161

MacBook 不同国家版本的键盘布局有什么区别

meira2023-07-20 10:55:062

dog pie bike knife watch tape crayon radio clock water key pen red sister book ruler study five

red five
豆豆staR2023-07-20 09:39:432

Pleasa take these thing to your sister:her hat,watch,notebook,keys, ,and IDcard.的汉译

西柚不是西游2023-07-20 09:39:392

用所给单词适当形式填空 __your sister often__(watch)TV? There__(be)a school next to the bookshop

第一个填入Does 第二个填入is
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-07-20 09:39:282

谁有 Certified Quality Engineer Handbook(注册质量工程师手册)要英文版的

苏州马小云2023-07-20 08:49:091


九万里风9 2023-07-19 11:00:4715


Are there only two books?
左迁2023-07-19 10:15:251

翻译 there are two ways in which one can own a book the first is to get the right by paying fo...

小白2023-07-19 10:15:232

there are some books on the desk的特殊疑问句为什么不是what i

What"s on the desk?
hi投2023-07-18 14:21:319

she has some books on that subject 如何翻译? on that subject ?

她有一些关于那方面的书. on that subject 关于那方面
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-07-18 14:20:121

It must be your book,的反义疑问句

isn"t it?
真颛2023-07-18 14:06:325

after resding the book,we learnt__about amazing things.A quite more B much more C many D too many

大意: 读完了这本书,我们学到了很多神奇的事情这里修饰amazing things是复数可数名词,much more about 表示更多关于……的事情选择B
u投在线2023-07-18 13:54:132


I read this book when I was 10 years old我10岁的时候就看了这本书。
小白2023-07-17 08:31:171

书籍是最宝贵的财富Books are the Most Precious Fortune

When my tenth birthday was ing up, I was happy imaging what kind of present my father would give me. To my surprise, Father gave me a set of books, which I was not very glad to accept. He saw what I was thinking and said kindly: "Dear, remember, books are the most precious fortune in the world, I am sure that once you finish Reading the first book, you will be anxious to read the second one, then the third, the forth…" According to my father"s words, I have to give reading a try. And things really happened as he expected. Books indeed exerted a strong influence on me. From then on, I stepped into a new and wonderful world that books spread open for me.,我的十岁生日即将到来,我很高兴的想象我爸爸会给我什么样的礼物。令我惊奇的是,父亲给我一套的书,我并不是很开心。他看出我在想什么就和蔼地说:“亲爱的,记住书是世界上最宝贵的财富,我相信一旦你读完第一本书,你就会急于读第二本,第三本,第四本……”听了我爸爸的话,我不得不试着阅读一下。事情真的想他所说的那样。书的确对我产生了深刻的影响。从那以后,书给我展开了一个新的、美好的世界。,Whether a man reads history books or mathematical books, reads them in detail or just skims them, if he cares about reading at all, he will appreciating the pleasure of books. Experience tells me that what poses the joys of reading lies in the process of finding a good book, enjoying it, and learning from it.,无论一个人是读历史书还是数学书,细细的读还是快速的浏览。如果他真的关心阅读,他会欣赏书的乐趣。经验告诉我阅读的欢乐在于寻找的过程,享受它并从中学习。 In the first place, you will be feeling excited when you find a good book which is suitable for yourself. Reading is something of a paradox. One thinks that books are always meaningful. Yet the fact is that many of them are useless in some sense. Particularly, *** ographic books describe violence, superstition. People who are taken up by such books might be misled and dispirited. Therefore, choosing an appropriate book not only improves your ability to discriminate and leads you to read effectively, but also gives you the fulfillment of knowing a good book.,首先,当你找到一本适合你自己的书时你会很兴奋。阅读是一种驳论。书是很有意义的。但事实上,在某种意义上他们中的许多是无用的。特别是色情暴力、迷信的书。这样的书可能会使人们被误导和意志消沉。因此,选择一本合适的书不仅能提高你的区别能力、引导你有效率的阅读,而且还让你知道一本好书。,Secondly, reading would offer inexhaustible mental nutrition. Good books teach us and help us to do well. They are our real panions. They are both instructive and inspiring. Through reading, the beauties of nature, the miracles of art, the spectacles of architecture, and the marvels of engineering are all opened to our wonder and appreciation. Moreover, it really builds up a full prehension of love, hatred, happiness and sorrows in our heart. We are able to experience various kinds of lives---what more is there to desire than that?,其次,阅读将提供取之不尽的精神营养。好的书籍教我们、帮助我们做的更好。他们是我们的真正的伴侣。他们都是有益的和鼓舞人心的。通过阅读到大自然的美、艺术的奇迹、建筑的宏伟、和惊人的工程都让我们感到惊奇和感激。此外,它真的我们的心建立起一个完全理解的爱、恨、开心和痛苦。我们可以体验各种各样的生活————更有什么更渴望的事吗?,Thirdly, it is fruitful for us to learn from the book after reading it. Books are our friends; they take us to all the countries in the world; they tell us stories of all ages; they teach us the truth. With reading, we can learn innumerable things we do not know, be aware of what has happened in the past as well as what is going to happen in the future, and solve the urgent problems that beset us. Gradually, we e to know how to be a real person and how to observe the world.,第三,读完一本书后来学习书中的知识是富有成效的。书是我们的朋友,他们带我们去世界上所有的国家,他们告诉我们所有年龄段的故事,他们教给我们真理。读书,我们可以学到无数我们不知道的事情,知道发在过去的事情以及未来将要发生的事情以及这个困扰着我们急需解决的问题。渐渐地,我们开始了解到如何成为一个真正的人,如何观察世界。,In all, mankind has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge. With the invention of writing, knowledge could then not only be municated but also be stored. Now, I am lucky for being one member of 4EW, and I am confident that I will make good use of it, learn from it, and feel the joys of reading forever.,总之,人类在积累知识中取得了非凡的进步。写作的发明让知识不仅可以沟通而且也可以存储。现在,我很幸运成为4EW的会员,我有信心我会好好的利用我的4EW.向它学习它,永远感受阅读的乐趣。, ,
水元素sl2023-07-16 13:07:501

are there any areas you feel are not covered adequately in the book 请分析一下这个句子

有没有是你认为本书没有涉及到的地方呢?you feel 可作为后置修饰areas,也可以当成是插入语。are not covered中的are是表被动的,简单点就是areas are (not) covered in the book.
铁血嘟嘟2023-07-16 12:43:293

c++ 类定义提示有错,总提示bookno,units_sold是private,怎么回事

friend istream & read(istream &,Sales_data &);istream & read(istream &,Sales_data &);且不说你说的那错误信息是啥意思, 第一是你给人信息不全, 鬼也不知道说的是什么, 第二我现在是只发现了友元的问题.friend istream & read(istream &,Sales_data &);本身已经是函数定义了, 后面再出现istream & read(istream &,Sales_data &);就会出错, 因为它被定义两次, 如果编译器理解成重载的话, 那就会出错, 因为重载函数的参数不能清一色.
此后故乡只2023-07-14 07:13:021

求bbc的一些荒诞或者经典的剧 英剧 类似布莱克书店blackbooks

FinCloud2023-07-14 06:46:414

pass me that book,pleas的中文

苏萦2023-07-13 09:34:125

怎么解决origin中book1 too large or invalid type is creating a spline

NerveM 2023-07-13 09:30:491

oorigin里面book1 too large or invaild type for creating a spline 怎么解决

book1 too large or invaild type for creating a spline1太大或无效创建样条型book1 too large or invaild type for creating a spline1太大或无效创建样条型
肖振2023-07-13 09:30:481


此后故乡只2023-07-12 08:49:071

In 1638, John Harvard donated some money and about four hundred books to a new university. This...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:D小题5:B 本文主要介绍了图书馆的由来小题1:根据第二段内容,可知答案为C小题2:根据对于文章的理解,选B小题3:根据对于整个文章的理解,可知答案为A小题4:根据常识和对于课文的内容“This was the beginning of the library at Harvard University. The gift was so important that the university was named for John Harvard”.推测可知答案为D小题5:根据文章的内容“In 1731, Benjamin Franklin and some friends started the first subscription library in the United States. In a subscription library people pay money to become members, but they may borrow the books without paying again.”可知答案为B
真颛2023-07-11 08:24:401


"list index out of bounds(0)" 连接超出限制,连接次数过多。 右键点击本地连接,属性,安装,协议即可。1.11.0版本“List index out of bounds”bug说明+更新不了的解决方法+其他小问题 引用官方解释: 1.11.0版本更新以后,由于软件环境问题,部分玩家在点击laucher的“启动游戏”按钮后,会出现一个错误提示:List index out of bounds. 因为laucher出错后不能自动退出,所以玩家需要手动结束launcher.exe这个进程。[color=red]如果没有手动结束launcher进程,再次运行launcher就会出现另外一个错位提示:I/O error 104。[/color] 这个错误并不会影响游戏的执行,玩家仍然可以正常游戏。请大家不必担心,只需手动结束launcher进程即可。 也就是说要想不弹出这个提示,只有等补丁。在前边的帖子我已经给某位提问的朋友解释过了,可是被华丽的无视。 [b]1.11.1更新不了的解决方法[/b] 大家如果1.11.1更新不了,也就是在安装的时候一直提示等待文件关闭。可以试试在任务管理器里选择进程那一项,然后把Launcher.exe这一项关闭就可以了。 [b][BLZ蓝贴]1.11.1更新提示版本错误的解决办法
tt白2023-07-10 08:54:341

为什么是too difficult a book

答案肯定错了,应该选A too + 形容词 + a + 名词,表示该名词"太...","过于..."
大鱼炖火锅2023-07-09 08:23:341

the book is much too difficult

告诉你做这种题的窍门:把前边盖住,只看后边的单词 too much+名词(把too盖上,只看much) much too+形容词、副词(把much盖上,只看too)
肖振2023-07-09 08:23:311

audience是可数还是不可数? 说他是复数名词那为什么有 His books have a large audience. 为什么用a?

audience是由a large修饰,不是a
北境漫步2023-07-07 15:16:141

audience是可数还是不可数? 说他是复数名词那为什么有 His books have a large audience. 为什么用a?

audience是由a large修饰,不是a
拌三丝2023-07-07 15:15:421


+s "a"--"e" "a"--"e" 单复同行+s +s +s +es
拌三丝2023-07-07 15:05:453

but most people will come away from this book ,为什么是大多数人都看过这本书?

why most of people have seen this book?
小白2023-07-07 06:46:242

Perhaps we need to clear away these books to make ______ for our new students.

21.D room表示空间 22.B 表示被动而且是三人称单数 23.A, FEEL LIKE后面一般接动名词,不接不定式 24.A have access to sth表示有权利做某事,有方法做某事。 25.B 动名词做伴随状语,而且不是指过去,所以不要用完成时态。
北有云溪2023-07-07 06:46:211

he want to read a book , ---------is most unusual for him. that this which what

我以为选 which呢。
FinCloud2023-07-06 08:42:543


Lesson 11 1. b 根据课文第6-7行I asked him to lend me twenty pounds… he gave me the money immediately, 应该选b. 而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。 2. b 根据文章第二阶段8-9行“I have never borrowed any money from you, now you can pay for my dinner”只有b. the writer hasn"t ever lent him any money before 是正确答案。其他3个选择都与文章不符 3. b a. was going 时态不对, go into 不表示延续时间很长的一个动作,不应该是进行时;c. has gone 时态不对,表示过去发生的动作,不应该用现在完成时;d. did go 形式不对,只有在疑问句或表示强调的句子中,才能用这种形式;只有b. went最符合该句的时态要求。 4. a b. a year ago(一年前), c. since last year(自去年以来) 与d. for a year(有一年的时间)这三个表示时间的短语都不能用在现在进行时中。 只有a. at the moment 可以同现在进行时连用,因此选a. 5. b 这个句子是现在完成时,需要一个相应的时间短语。 a. last week 不能作现在完成时的的时间状语;c. Since后面缺少表示时间的名词;d. A week ago 也不能做现在完成时的时间状语;只有b. Up till now(到目前为止)能同现在完成时连用,所以选b. 6. c 问“多少钱”需要用表示不可数的疑问词来提问。 a. how many (多少)是对可数的事物或人提问的; b. how不能对名词(钱)提问,只能问方式或状态 d. how few也不能对钱提问,只能修饰可数名词; 只有c. how much 是针对不可数的事物提问的,问“多少钱”,只能用how much提问,所以选c. 7. c a. want to 不合乎题目意思;b. want语法不对,也不符合题目意思;d. you want to 语序错误;只有c. want you to 最合乎语法和题目意思。 8. a 只有选a. good 才能使这个句子同前面的句子He gets a good salary 的意思相同,而其他3个都与前面句子意思不符合。 9. c 这个句子中的salary是指按月领取的工资. a. day, b. year, d. week都不对, 只有c. month合乎题目意思. 10. c 本句需要选出与前面句子中的pay back(偿还借款)意思相同的动词短语。 a. pay it again(再次付款)词意思不对;b. pay it(付钱,付清)意思不明确;d. pay it once more 同a意思相同;只有c. repay it 有“偿还欠款或债务”的意思,同pay back 是同义词组,所以选c. 11. b a. other 前面应该有定冠词,不符合题目意思; c. extra 意思正确,但是前面缺少不定冠词; d. a different(不同的)不符合题目意思; 只有b. another(另一个,再一个)最符合句子的含义。 12. d 要找出同前面句子中immediately(立即.立刻)的意思相同的词. a. soon(不久)不是immediately 的同义词. b. in a hurry(匆忙)不是immediately 的同义词. c. once more(再一次)意思相差更远. 只有d. at once(马上,立刻)是immediately 的同义词. Lesson 12 1. c 根据课文第3-4行Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times, 只有c能够说明为什么Topsail is famous ,而其他3个选择都不符合逻辑。 2. c 根据课文最后一句He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic, 只有c. will be in the race across the Atlantic 同这句意思相同,而其他3个选择课文中都没有提到。 作者:222.78.165.* 2005-8-17 13:42 回复此发言 9新概念英语第二册 课后答案 1到24课 3. a 本句是个关系从句,需要一个相应的关系代词引导。 b. whose his 不合乎语法,这两个词不能用在一起; c. his 不是关系代词; d. of whom 不合乎题目意思; 只有a. whose 是关系代词,符合题目意思,所以应该选a. 4. d 本句中的Portsmouth是一个地名(港口),在某个地方一般要用介词in或at, at 是指在小的地点或空间,因此只能选d, at. 其他3个选择都不能表示在某个地点。 5. d 只有d. the name of which 符合语法,其他3个选择都不对。 6. a 要选出与前面句子中的plenty of (足够的)意思相同的词。 b. almost enough(几乎是足够的)意思不够准确 c. less than enough(不充足的)意思相反, d. hardly enough(几乎不够)意思相反, 只有a. enough(足够)是plenty of 的同义词。 7. d a. say him goodbye 不符合语法;b. tell him goodbye 和c. tell goodbye to him 都不符合习惯用法,意思上也讲不通;只有d. say goodbye to him 最符合语法。 8. a 只有a. near才最符合题目意思。b. a long way from,和 c. in a different town from 都与题目意思相反。d. next door(隔壁)后面缺少介词to,不合乎语法 9. c 只有c. often(经常)最接近前面句子中的many times 的含义,而其他3个选择a. sometimes(有时),b. always(总是),d. usually(通常)在意思上不够接近many times. 10. d 前面句子中的词组set out是"出发,启程"的意思。只有d. the journey begins(旅程开始)最接近set out的含义,其他3个选择a. the trip ends, b. the journey ends, c. voyage stops都有“旅程结束”的意思,正好和题目意思相反。 11. a 只有选a. be 才最符合前面句子He will take part in a race 的含义,而其他3个选择意思都不够准确。 12. a 只有a. an ocean(大洋)与事实相符,而b. a sea(海),c. a river(河) ,d. lake(湖)都不是事实。 Lesson 13 1. b 根据课文第3-4行They will be coming…and most of the young people in town will…,只有b. mainly the young people 与课文内容相符合,而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。 2. d 根据文章第7-8行...the police will have a difficult time, they will be trying to keep order.只有d. to prevent trouble(防止麻烦)最符合文章的意思,它说明警察去那的目的,而其它3个选择都表示原因,不能准确表达文章的含义。 3. b 需要选同前面句子中的most of (大多数)意思相近的词或短语。 a. A lot(许多)后面应该有of, 与most of 意思不同;c. Some(一些)不是most of 的同义词,语法上也讲不通;d. Many(许多)也不是most of 的同义词,且有语法错误;只有b. Nearly all(几乎所有的)同most of 的意思最接近,也最符合语法。 4. c 只有c. long will they be 最符合语法和题目意思。 a. long they will be 不是疑问句形式,不合乎语法规则;b. they will be 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思;d. long they be 不合乎语法。 5. a 只有a.in才最接近前面句子中的 during 的含义,而其他3个选择都在意思上讲不通。 6. b 只有b. as usual(通常)才能使这个句子意思完整,语法正确,而其他3个选择都不符合习惯用法和语法。 7. b 这个句子的主语police(警察)是表示复数意义的名词,因此它后面的谓语动词应该是复数形式的。A. is 和 d. was 都是第3人称单数形式;c. will 不能同现在分词构成谓语动词;只有b. are 是复数形式,最符合语法。 8. c 这是以So 引导的从句,要和前面的句子,They are pop singers(流行歌手)构成因果关系。 a. they are folk singers(他们是民间歌手)与前一句意思不符合;b. they are public singers(他们是公众歌手)意思也不对;d. no one likes them(没人喜欢他们)不能与前一句构成因果关系;只有c. everyone likes them(人人都喜欢他们)能同前面的句子构成因果关系,符合逻辑。 10新概念英语第二册 课后答案 1到24课 9. a 本句需要选同前面句子中的At present(目前,现在)意思相同的词或词组。 b. for a short time(短时间), c. in future( 将来), d. all the time(一直,始终)这3个选择都不符合题目意思,只有a. now 与at present 是同义词。 10. a 只有a. to cities, towns and villages最接近前面句子中的all parts of the country(全国各地),而其他3个选择意思都不够完整。 11. a 只有a. recitals(表演,演出)同前一句的performances意思相同,而其它3个选择b. executions(演奏,伴奏),c. plays(剧本,戏剧),d. songs(歌曲)的意思都不够准确. 12. d 本句需要选出一个同前一句occasions(场合,特殊时刻)相近的词。 a. situations(形势,处境), b. conditions(条件),c. places(地方)这3个词都与occasions的含义不同,只有d. times与occasions意思最接近。所以选d. Lesson 14 1. b 根据课文第3行I stopped and he asked me for a lift, 只有b. he wanted a free ride in the car 最符合课文内容,而其他3个选择都与课文内容不符合。 2. c 根据课文最后一句话,可以判断c. They each thought the other was French 是正确答案。 a. neither of them spoke French 虽然符合课文内容,但作者并不知道搭车人也不讲法语。 b., d. 都与课文内容不符合。 3. a 本句是一般过去时形式的疑问句,需要选正确的动词形式。 B. drove 不符合语法,因为已经有助动词did 提问了,就不应该用过去式形式;c. driven 和d. driving 也不符合语法; 只有a. drive最符合语法规则。 4. c 只有c. just after 可以替换前一句中的as soon as. 而其他3个选择都与as soon as 意思不同。 5. d 只有d. said (说)最符合题目意思.a. spoke(讲某种语言,同……说话,后面应有to),b. talked(谈话,谈论),c. told(讲述,告诉)这3个词的词意思都不符合题目意思和习惯用法。 6. b a. many 许多, c. plenty of 充足的,都不用来修饰某种语言. b. much 很多,和 d. a little 都可用在某种语言前面,但 a little 不能用在否定句中,不可说 I don"t know a little French. 所以选b. 7. c 只有c. both didn"t speak 语法正确,而其他3个选择都有语法错误,所以我们只能选c. 8. b 前一句中的短语on the way 是“在路上”的意思,只有b. during the writer"s journey(在作者旅途中)同这个短语意思最接近,而另外3个选择都与它的意思不同。 9. c 本句需要选出与前句中的waved to (向……招手)意思相同的词。 a. saluted(向……致意/致敬)词意思不够接近; b. greeted(问候,向……打招呼)意思也不对; d. nodded(点头)表示同意或打招呼,意思也差得远; 只有c. signaled(用手势等动作向……示意)意思同waved to 相同,所以选c. 10. b 本句是要进一步说明前一句的含义He asked for a lift(他提出要搭车)。他的身份应该是什么? A. tramp(徒步旅行者)意思不够准确,因为徒步旅行不应该搭车; c. passenger(乘客,旅客)是坐火车、汽车、飞机的,也不应搭车;d. foreigner(外国人)更不符合题目意思;只有b. hitch hicker(边走边搭车旅行的人)最能准确的表达这句话的含义。 11. b 需要找出前一句中的replied(回答)的同义词。 a. responded(回答,答复)做及物动词后面要用that引导的宾语从句,如要表示对人或某种建议做答复,则要用to. c. returned(返回)词意思不同于replied; d. remarked(评论,议论,注意到)词意思不符合; 只有b. answered(回答)与replied意思相同,而且这两个词经常互换。 12. b 需要找出前一句中replied(回答)的同意义词。 a. responsed (回答,答复)做及物动词时后面要用that引导的宾语从句,如要表示对人或某种建议作出答复,则要用to. c. returned(返回,回答)词意思不同于replied; d. remarked(评论,议论,注意到)词意思不符合;只有b. answered(回答)与replied 意思相同,而且这两个词经常可以互换。 作者:222.78.165.* 2005-8-17 13:42 回复此发言 11新概念英语第二册 课后答案 1到24课 Lesson 15 1. d 根据课文第5-7行I knew my turn had come… I said in a weak voice, 可以判断出d. He thought he would lose his job 最符合课文的原义,也符合这一句子的因果关系。其他3个选择虽然与课文内容相符,但不合乎逻辑。 2. b 只有b. was surprised to receive some extra money 是课文所暗示的情形,而其他3个选择都与课文内容不符合。 3. c 本句是直接引语,需要用一般将来时态. a. would 是过去将来时形式的助动词,时态不对. b. shall 是一般将来时形式的助动词,但只能用于第一人称单复数. d. could 是情态动词can 的过去式,时态不对. 只有c. will 是一般将来时形式的助动词,符合语法. 4. b 这个疑问句是针对人的心理状态提问的,回答是very nervous(非常紧张)。只有b. How 是对状态提问的,最符合题目意思,而a. What, c. How much , d. Which 都不能对状态提问。 5. c a. so 只能修饰形容词或副词,不能修饰名词salaries; b. such a 可以修饰名词,但只能修饰单数可数名词; d. a such 不符合语法; 只有c. such 可以修饰复数名词。 6. d 这个疑问句是对所有格形容词提问的,因此需要一个能对所有格提问的疑问词。 a. which 可以对定语提问,但不能对所有格形容词提问;b. to whom 和c. whom 都只能对宾语提问; 只有d. whose 是对所有格形容词提问的,所以应该选d. 7. a 只有a. in 才能同后面的名词a weak voice 构成一个表示方式的短语,意思是“用微弱的嗓音说话”而其他3个选择都不能跟 a weak voice 构成符合习惯用法的短语。 8. d 只有选d. speak to 才能使这一句同前一句Mr. Harmsworth wanted to see me 的意思吻合,而另外3个选择 a. watch, b. look at, c. look for 都与前一句意思不符合. 9. c a. angry (生气的), b. cross(发火的,易怒的),d. ill(生病的)这3个选择都不可能是I felt nervous(紧张)的原因。 只有c. anxious(忧虑的,焦急的)才能是紧张的原因,所以应该选c. 10. c 本句是对前一句的解释或说明,It"s your turn 是“轮到你了”的意思。 只有c. You"re next(下一个是你)同It"s your turn 意思最接近,而其他3个选择都在意思上不同于前一句,所以选c. 11. c 前一句中的interrupt 是插话,打断某人的谈话的意思。a. speak(讲),b. talk(谈论),d. cut off(切断,割掉)这3个选择都与interrupt 含义不同,只有c. talk while I"m talking 最能解释interrupt 的含义,因此应该选c. 12. b 只有b. more 同前一句中的extra(额外的,多余的)的意思最接近,而其他3个选择都与extra 意思不符合,所以只有选b. 找了半天很难找的,给我分吧
大鱼炖火锅2023-07-05 06:55:281

人教版高中英语必修5 unit2 workbook的练习, 第49页lising words and expressions1,2,3题【3题是翻译句子

高中英语必修4知识点讲解必修4 Unit1 Women of achievement知识点讲解重点词汇1. achieve 【课文原句】She has achieved everything she wanted to do… (P3)【名师点拨】achieve v. 意为“完成;达到”,指经过长期努力而达到某目标、地位或标准等。其名词形式为achievement,意为“成就;功绩”,a sense of achievement可指“成就感”。如:He had finally achieved success.Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement.2. condition【课文原句】She helped improve prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education. (P1)【名师点拨】condition 意为“环境;境况;条件”时,是可数名词,常用复数形式conditions;意为“状态;状况”时,是不可数名词,be in good condition表示“处于良好的状态”,be out of condition表示“健康状况不佳”。如: We should pay more attention to the poor living under the bad conditions. The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness. My car is old but in good condition. He is overweight and out of condition.【知识拓展】condition意为“条件”时,常用短语on condition that,表示“如果;在……条件下”;在美国英语中,也经常用under the condition that。如:I will come on condition that Peter is invited.They agreed under the condition that the matter be dealt with quickly.3. devote【课文原句】She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. (P1)【名师点拨】devote vt. 意为“投入于;献身”,其宾语后常与介词to搭配,to后接名词、代词或动名词。devote … to … 意为“献身;致力于”,指把自己、时间、精力等奉献给某种工作或事业。如:He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.The girl, to whom he was devoted, died in a traffic accident by chance. After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.4. behave【课文原句】Jane has studied these animals for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. (P2)【名师点拨】behave vi & vt. 意为“举动;举止;行为表现”,如behave well / badly等。其名词形式为behaviour,指“行为;态度;举止”。如:The parents encouraged the children to behave well in front of the guests.My camera has been behaving well since it was repaired.Everyone praises the children"s good behaviour.5. worthwhile【课文原句】But the evening makes it all worthwhile. (P2)【名师点拨】worthwhile adj.意为“值得做的;值得出力的”,可作表语或定语。be worthwhile to do / doing sth表示“值得做……”,在动词-ing形式的结构中,worthwhile有时可以用来替代worth,特别是在表示“值得花时间”这一概念时。如:I think teaching school is always a worthwhile job.The book referred to by the professor is worthwhile / worth reading.6. observe【课文原句】Jane spent many years observing and recording their daily activities. (P2)【名师点拨】observe vt. 意为“观察;观测;遵守”,可用observe sb do sth,observe + that从句。其名词形式为observation。如:I observed the man who murdered the boy enter the shop.He observed that we should probably have rain.Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals" behaviour.7. argue【课文原句】She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. (P2)【名师点拨】argue作动词时,意为“争论;争吵;争辩”。argue for意为“为……辩护”;argue with sb about / over sth指“就某事和某人争论”;argue against意为“据理反对;争辩……”。如:It is no use arguing for the plan because it has been rejected.We are always arguing with each other about money. Father argued fiercely against any increase in expenditure for the children"s annual party.【知识拓展】argue的名词形式为argument,意为“争论;争端;论证”,常构成短语settle an argument指“解决争端”。9. care for【课文原句】It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some rules for keeping babies clean and healthy. (P6)【名师点拨】care for可以表示look after的意思,意为“照顾;照料”,且较正式;也可表示“喜欢”的意思。如:His son cared for him when he was ill.In fact, I don"t really care for basketball.另外,在上面的句子中,explain意为“解释,说明”,后可接名词、代词、从句或wh + to do作宾语,可用explain sth to sb或explain to sb sth。如:Will you explain to us how we can finish the work as soon as possible?【知识拓展】care about意为“介意;在乎”,表示是否认为某事是重要的,某事是否引起了某人的兴趣或使其忧虑。最常用于疑问句或否定句中。about用在宾语前面,但是在连词前面一般省掉。 I don"t care about your opinion. I don"t care whether it rains — I"m happy.10. intend【课文原句】I looked carefully at the text and realised that it was intended for women who lived in the countryside. (P6)【名师点拨】intend v. 意为“打算;计划;想要”。intend to do sth意为“想干某事”;intend后也可以接动词-ing形式或that从句。intend for表示“原打算给某人;准备让……干……”。如:I intended to come to your house last night but it rained. I intend coming / to come back soon. He hadn"t really intended that they should be there. This gift is intended for you.热点语法主谓一致用法难点小结:一、集合名词作主语时的主谓一致。1. 集合名词有family, team, group, party, class, public, club, crew, crowd, enemy, audience, company, committee, government, population等,当被看作一个整体时,表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式;如果这些集合名词指其中的每个成员,表示复数意义,谓语动词则用复数形式。即谓语动词的单复数要与主语的含义相一致。如:My class is a big one, including thirty boys and thirty girls.My class are working hard for the coming exam.2. 有些集合名词作主语时,谓语只能用复数形式,如:people, the police, the military, mankind, cattle等。如:The police are searching for the lost child. 二、不定代词作主语时的主谓一致。不定代词anyone, anybody, anything, everyone, everybody, everything, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, nothing, each, the other等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: Everything goes well with me. Each of the students in our class has an English-Chinese dictionary.三、“名词+名词”作主语时的主谓一致。 当表示同一人物或观点时,谓语动词用单数。如:A novelist and playwright is coming to our school. 这里表示“一位小说家兼剧作家”,是同一个人,所以谓语动词用单数。 如果是A novelist and a playwright作主语,这时表示“一位小说家和一位剧作家”,是两个人,所以谓语动词用复数,该句应改为:A novelist and a playwright are coming to our school.四、The + adj.作主语时的主谓一致。 当The + adj.表示抽象的含义时,谓语动词用单数。如:The beautiful is the true.当The + adj.表示该类全体的含义时,谓语动词用复数。如:The rich should help the poor.必修4 Unit 2 Working the land 知识点讲解Unit2 Working the landPhrases and Idioms1. be satisfied (with): pleased because you have got what you want 1) Jane isn"t quite satisfied with the way the barber cut her hair.2) If you are not completely satisfied, you can get your money back.3) I am not really satisfied with the job you did.2. refer to : a) mention or speak about someone or something b) to look at a hook map, piece of paper, etc, for information1) We agreed never to refer to the matter again.2) Although she didn"t mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.3) He gave the speech without referring to his notes even once.3. would rather: used to say what someone prefers 1) It seems you would rather play than work.2)She would rather die than lose the children.3) I would rather starve than be dependent on anyone again.4. thanks to sb/ sth : because of sb./ sth. 1) I was late thanks to the heavy traffic.2) It was thanks to his advice that I succeeded.3) We"ve collected $50,000 for the poor, thanks to the generosity of the public.5. rid of sb/sth: become free of 1) Will science- finally rid us of this disease?2) Do you think it possible to rid the world of nuclear weapons?3) By working hard day and night, she is trying to rid herself of loneliness and sadness.6. lead a live in the way what you life is like 1) Before liberation, my grandpa led a dog"s life.2) If the operation succeeds, the patient will be able to lead a normal life.3) Mrs. Black is retired and leads a quiet and peaceful life in a mountain village.7. care about: love; be interested in; be concerned with 1) Just listening to somebody shows you care about them.2) Your parents are only doing this because they care about you.3) The only thing this rich- and greedy man seems to care about is money.8. insist on sth/doing sth: to demand that something must be done or that you must have a particular thing 1) The school insists on good behaviour from its students.2) John insisted on doing all the work himself, though he was in poor health.3) The old man insisted on helping me find a taxi even though I told him I didn"t need any help.必修4 Unit3 A taste of humor 知识点讲解Unit3重点汇集1. content【课文原句】Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves. (P17)【名师点拨】content adj.意为“满足的;满意的”,be content to do意为“乐意去做某事”;be content with sb / sth意为“对某人或某事感到满意”,相当于be pleased with或be satisfied with。如:I"m content to help you to set up a website on the Internet.Those who are not content with the progress they have made will have greater success.注:worse off是badly off的比较级,意思是“境况比……更差”;better off意为“境况比……好”。如:To my surprise, I found his living conditions were much worse off than mine.With the development of economy, more and more people are better off.【知识拓展】content还可作动词,意为“使满足”;作名词时,表示“满足;心满意足”,也可表示“(书、报纸等的)内容;目录;含量”。如:My explanation seemed to content him.Now she began to live in peace and content.We"ve discussed the unusual form of the book — now, what about the content?
北境漫步2023-07-04 06:59:102

人教版高中英语必修5 unit2 workbook的练习, 第49页lising words and expressions1,2,3题【3题是翻译句子

高中英语必修4知识点讲解必修4 Unit1 Women of achievement知识点讲解重点词汇1. achieve 【课文原句】She has achieved everything she wanted to do… (P3)【名师点拨】achieve v. 意为“完成;达到”,指经过长期努力而达到某目标、地位或标准等。其名词形式为achievement,意为“成就;功绩”,a sense of achievement可指“成就感”。如:He had finally achieved success.Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement.2. condition【课文原句】She helped improve prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education. (P1)【名师点拨】condition 意为“环境;境况;条件”时,是可数名词,常用复数形式conditions;意为“状态;状况”时,是不可数名词,be in good condition表示“处于良好的状态”,be out of condition表示“健康状况不佳”。如: We should pay more attention to the poor living under the bad conditions. The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness. My car is old but in good condition. He is overweight and out of condition.【知识拓展】condition意为“条件”时,常用短语on condition that,表示“如果;在……条件下”;在美国英语中,也经常用under the condition that。如:I will come on condition that Peter is invited.They agreed under the condition that the matter be dealt with quickly.3. devote【课文原句】She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. (P1)【名师点拨】devote vt. 意为“投入于;献身”,其宾语后常与介词to搭配,to后接名词、代词或动名词。devote … to … 意为“献身;致力于”,指把自己、时间、精力等奉献给某种工作或事业。如:He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.The girl, to whom he was devoted, died in a traffic accident by chance. After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.4. behave【课文原句】Jane has studied these animals for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. (P2)【名师点拨】behave vi & vt. 意为“举动;举止;行为表现”,如behave well / badly等。其名词形式为behaviour,指“行为;态度;举止”。如:The parents encouraged the children to behave well in front of the guests.My camera has been behaving well since it was repaired.Everyone praises the children"s good behaviour.5. worthwhile【课文原句】But the evening makes it all worthwhile. (P2)【名师点拨】worthwhile adj.意为“值得做的;值得出力的”,可作表语或定语。be worthwhile to do / doing sth表示“值得做……”,在动词-ing形式的结构中,worthwhile有时可以用来替代worth,特别是在表示“值得花时间”这一概念时。如:I think teaching school is always a worthwhile job.The book referred to by the professor is worthwhile / worth reading.6. observe【课文原句】Jane spent many years observing and recording their daily activities. (P2)【名师点拨】observe vt. 意为“观察;观测;遵守”,可用observe sb do sth,observe + that从句。其名词形式为observation。如:I observed the man who murdered the boy enter the shop.He observed that we should probably have rain.Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals" behaviour.7. argue【课文原句】She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. (P2)【名师点拨】argue作动词时,意为“争论;争吵;争辩”。argue for意为“为……辩护”;argue with sb about / over sth指“就某事和某人争论”;argue against意为“据理反对;争辩……”。如:It is no use arguing for the plan because it has been rejected.We are always arguing with each other about money. Father argued fiercely against any increase in expenditure for the children"s annual party.【知识拓展】argue的名词形式为argument,意为“争论;争端;论证”,常构成短语settle an argument指“解决争端”。9. care for【课文原句】It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some rules for keeping babies clean and healthy. (P6)【名师点拨】care for可以表示look after的意思,意为“照顾;照料”,且较正式;也可表示“喜欢”的意思。如:His son cared for him when he was ill.In fact, I don"t really care for basketball.另外,在上面的句子中,explain意为“解释,说明”,后可接名词、代词、从句或wh + to do作宾语,可用explain sth to sb或explain to sb sth。如:Will you explain to us how we can finish the work as soon as possible?【知识拓展】care about意为“介意;在乎”,表示是否认为某事是重要的,某事是否引起了某人的兴趣或使其忧虑。最常用于疑问句或否定句中。about用在宾语前面,但是在连词前面一般省掉。 I don"t care about your opinion. I don"t care whether it rains — I"m happy.10. intend【课文原句】I looked carefully at the text and realised that it was intended for women who lived in the countryside. (P6)【名师点拨】intend v. 意为“打算;计划;想要”。intend to do sth意为“想干某事”;intend后也可以接动词-ing形式或that从句。intend for表示“原打算给某人;准备让……干……”。如:I intended to come to your house last night but it rained. I intend coming / to come back soon. He hadn"t really intended that they should be there. This gift is intended for you.热点语法主谓一致用法难点小结:一、集合名词作主语时的主谓一致。1. 集合名词有family, team, group, party, class, public, club, crew, crowd, enemy, audience, company, committee, government, population等,当被看作一个整体时,表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式;如果这些集合名词指其中的每个成员,表示复数意义,谓语动词则用复数形式。即谓语动词的单复数要与主语的含义相一致。如:My class is a big one, including thirty boys and thirty girls.My class are working hard for the coming exam.2. 有些集合名词作主语时,谓语只能用复数形式,如:people, the police, the military, mankind, cattle等。如:The police are searching for the lost child. 二、不定代词作主语时的主谓一致。不定代词anyone, anybody, anything, everyone, everybody, everything, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, nothing, each, the other等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: Everything goes well with me. Each of the students in our class has an English-Chinese dictionary.三、“名词+名词”作主语时的主谓一致。 当表示同一人物或观点时,谓语动词用单数。如:A novelist and playwright is coming to our school. 这里表示“一位小说家兼剧作家”,是同一个人,所以谓语动词用单数。 如果是A novelist and a playwright作主语,这时表示“一位小说家和一位剧作家”,是两个人,所以谓语动词用复数,该句应改为:A novelist and a playwright are coming to our school.四、The + adj.作主语时的主谓一致。 当The + adj.表示抽象的含义时,谓语动词用单数。如:The beautiful is the true.当The + adj.表示该类全体的含义时,谓语动词用复数。如:The rich should help the poor.必修4 Unit 2 Working the land 知识点讲解Unit2 Working the landPhrases and Idioms1. be satisfied (with): pleased because you have got what you want 1) Jane isn"t quite satisfied with the way the barber cut her hair.2) If you are not completely satisfied, you can get your money back.3) I am not really satisfied with the job you did.2. refer to : a) mention or speak about someone or something b) to look at a hook map, piece of paper, etc, for information1) We agreed never to refer to the matter again.2) Although she didn"t mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.3) He gave the speech without referring to his notes even once.3. would rather: used to say what someone prefers 1) It seems you would rather play than work.2)She would rather die than lose the children.3) I would rather starve than be dependent on anyone again.4. thanks to sb/ sth : because of sb./ sth. 1) I was late thanks to the heavy traffic.2) It was thanks to his advice that I succeeded.3) We"ve collected $50,000 for the poor, thanks to the generosity of the public.5. rid of sb/sth: become free of 1) Will science- finally rid us of this disease?2) Do you think it possible to rid the world of nuclear weapons?3) By working hard day and night, she is trying to rid herself of loneliness and sadness.6. lead a live in the way what you life is like 1) Before liberation, my grandpa led a dog"s life.2) If the operation succeeds, the patient will be able to lead a normal life.3) Mrs. Black is retired and leads a quiet and peaceful life in a mountain village.7. care about: love; be interested in; be concerned with 1) Just listening to somebody shows you care about them.2) Your parents are only doing this because they care about you.3) The only thing this rich- and greedy man seems to care about is money.8. insist on sth/doing sth: to demand that something must be done or that you must have a particular thing 1) The school insists on good behaviour from its students.2) John insisted on doing all the work himself, though he was in poor health.3) The old man insisted on helping me find a taxi even though I told him I didn"t need any help.必修4 Unit3 A taste of humor 知识点讲解Unit3重点汇集1. content【课文原句】Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves. (P17)【名师点拨】content adj.意为“满足的;满意的”,be content to do意为“乐意去做某事”;be content with sb / sth意为“对某人或某事感到满意”,相当于be pleased with或be satisfied with。如:I"m content to help you to set up a website on the Internet.Those who are not content with the progress they have made will have greater success.注:worse off是badly off的比较级,意思是“境况比……更差”;better off意为“境况比……好”。如:To my surprise, I found his living conditions were much worse off than mine.With the development of economy, more and more people are better off.【知识拓展】content还可作动词,意为“使满足”;作名词时,表示“满足;心满意足”,也可表示“(书、报纸等的)内容;目录;含量”。如:My explanation seemed to content him.Now she began to live in peace and content.We"ve discussed the unusual form of the book — now, what about the content?
西柚不是西游2023-07-04 06:59:011

英语作文 world book day 初中英语作文范文

  The World Book and Copyright Day  April 23 marks the anniversary of the birth or death of a range of well-known writers,including Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra,Maurice Druon,Inca Garcilaso de la Vega,Haldor Kiljan Laxness,Manuel Mejía Vallejo,Vladimir Nabokov,Josep Pla and William Shakespeare.For this reason,UNESCO"s General Conference chose this date to pay tribute to books,the authors who wrote them,and the copyright laws that protect them.  n some years,the Children"s and Young People"s Literature in the Service of Tolerance is awarded.This is a prize for novels,collections of short stories or picture books that promote tolerance,peace,mutual understanding and respect for other peoples and cultures.There are two categories:one for books aimed at children aged up to 12 years; and one for those aimed at young people aged 13 to 18 years.  Each year a poster is designed and distributed around the world.It features images designed to encourage people,particularly children,to read books and appreciate literature.There is also a logo for World Book and Copyright Day.It features a circle,representing the world,and two books,one of which is open.
肖振2023-07-03 11:07:031

which book do you like best

1、A,被动形态做定语. 2、B,have never been表示“去过”的意思,have never gone表示“去过没回来”的意思. 3、A,tastes,表示“尝起来,吃起来”的意思,譬如It tastes good!很常用的说法.
瑞瑞爱吃桃2023-07-03 11:00:561

a book i read的作文300字

On monday ,my father gave me a book.It"s a novel about a big family.It"s name is .When I opened the book,I am surprised,because It"s too long,and too hard to understand.But the story in it stracked me,and I foud I like this book.I will finish it in one month.2I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. the story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it"s the best book I"ve ever read3A lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and I always proudly answer them , which is all history about China. This will be a long story for me to read this book. First time I touched this book is when I was 5 years old. My mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. This is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. I almost forgot the dinner after I read the first page. From then on, I was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my classmeates. When I became older and older, I knew more about it and feel more confident about my own China. I am proud that I am a Chinese and I will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let Chinese history more brilliant. As me, this is the most important book in my life and now I still read it and recite some part of it. I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice.
西柚不是西游2023-07-03 11:00:563

of the three books ,I lika the newest best 考察什么?

of the three books, I like the newest best. 在这三本书中,我最喜欢最新的。
再也不做站长了2023-07-03 11:00:512

初中英语作文 Book is my best friend

hello,I"m a student in NO.2 middle school.I like playing sports,listen to music,but I like reading best.The book gives me a lot of fun,the book,let me also add a lot of knowledge,of course,not everyon...
铁血嘟嘟2023-07-03 11:00:511

这道题what i like best( ) the books B.are 怎么做

北有云溪2023-07-03 11:00:512

the book that ilike best作文

Everyone has his own love of books, and I like most of the book is written by Rowling Harry Porter, uk. Harry Porter is a magic about juvenile novels, reading the novel I also get a lot of inspiration. "Harry Potter" told us: even if there are a lot of unfortunate, will always be so few friends to help us through, the light of justice while the rocky road but always defeat evil.This is Harry Porter gives me the truth!
善士六合2023-07-03 11:00:491

以THE BOOK FOR ME为题写120~150字的英语作文,

第一篇: I don‘t think I have read many books; nevertheless,I attach much importance to reading.A Chinese proverb says,"It‘s always a good thing to open a book; " in other words,reading is always beneficial.Despite the fact I am not widely read,I can rest contented that the few books I have ever read really greatly added to my knowledge.Still,if you want me to name the book that I like best and has largely shaped my life,I will definitely say it is the Bible.We know human life consists of three parts:first,physical life; second,mental and intellectual life; third,spiritual life.The second and third parts I fine in the Bible.The Bible has two portions,the Old Testament and the New Testament.You will marvel at the rich contents of the Bible when you read it.It covers a wide range of subject matters:law,history,prophecy,gospels,history of churches and visions of the future,and all are couched in a simple yet beautiful language.I have been a reader of the Bible for a number of years since a good friend of mine introduced it to me by chance.I like it and take it with me everywhere I go.Maybe just one or two pages I can read each bay,yet even form so little can I learn so much.It gives me moral strength and teaches me how to order my daily life.In a word,this book plays an important role in my life.The Bible is not simply great literature to be admired and revered; it is food for thought for everyone. 第二篇: The most influential book in my life is,so far,"The Life of Fire and Iron" by a Japanese author.Among other things,it introduces the mind of Voto von Bismarck,a prominent European in the 19th century who laid the foundation of modern German.Small wonder that I as a teenager was carried away when I first read the biography,not so much by the intriguing process in which the nation was founded as by the personality of Bismarck as described in the book.Though this formidable figure was long since dead,he remains a statesman par excellence.It was a pity that such a man of strength and character like Bismarck who,swimming against the stream of constitutionalism,could not give full vent to his talent simply because the German emperor Wilhelm II was jealous of his fame.Nevertheless,what whit his loyalty to the country and what with his indefatigable personality,he did win himself the reputation as a patriotic fighter reminiscent of Winston Churchill in contemporary time.Again and again I attempted to grasp every trait of the fighter‘s Brought to life by the biographer,wishing that someday I could be like him.Thus when I was still a starry-eyed lad I took to heart whatever Bismarck thought,did and valued saw him as the pole-star of many years I used to meditate on what the book said whenever I was faced with troubles and could not make decisions off hand.To speak the truth,what the book inspired,whether it was in connection with Bismarck himself or not,did help me in solving problems without fall.In short,I can never praise the book too much for it has influenced me so greatly in the past and will,I am afraid,continue to do so in days to come. 第三篇: As a senior high school student I am all the time weighed down with an seemingly endless series of exams and can hardly take a rest,let alone read extracurricular books,seeing that I am really pressed for time in preparing for the upcoming "Big Exam." Therefore,I can‘t say I had any deep impression of a certain book until a few days ago.It was during the Spring Recess that I went alone to school to get some study done.There,I met by chance an alumna studying in college.Being always nervous and worried about the coming College Entrance Exam,I was rather eager to get some information on how to use the limited time wisely and stop worrying.So I asked for advice based on experience.After realizing my trouble,she fetched me a book by the name of "studying and Exams" by way of an answer.Before I ever read the book I was quite poor at arranging my study scheme and could not make the of the time available.So the time I spent and the result I got were not always proportional.Under such circumstances I never did a good job the academic side in the pursuit of knowledge during the past years.It was really regretful that after so many years of studying I didn‘t even know a bit about the right way to study.And all this had kept bothering me.But my misgivings were all dispelled the time I finished reading this book.Under the proper guidance of the book I now find myself studying with ease and more efficiently.All I can say is that the power of the book is truly amazing.In other words,"studying and exams" is indeed the most influential book in my life.
左迁2023-07-03 11:00:491

以one of my favourite books 为题,写一篇英语作文

One of my favourite books is Bridge to Terabithia. It is written by my favourite author Katherine Peterson, and it is written for her son in memorial of his best friend. The main characters are Jesse Aarons and Leslie Burke the two close friends.In this book, Leslie and Jesse made a secret "kingdom" and named it Terabithia, they play, eat and draw there everytime they are free. Sadly, as people knows, happiness don"t stay with you forever. One day, while Jesse went to that art museum, Leslie died while trying swing with the rope, which is the bridge, through the rushing lake that leads to Terabithia. The ended with Jesse throwing away his presents that Leslie had gave him and left Terabithia, the wonderland alone forever. But, in my opinion, the bridge that leads to Terabithia does not lead only to their "kingdom" it is the happiness and sadness that the author talks about. With the bridge the bridge, Leslie and Jesse became friends, and with the bridge, Leslie died. One solid object can lead to thousands to things happening. Just like a car, it takes people to movies, to restraunts, but it also can cause accidents and kill. I believe that is what the author is trying to say.This is my favourite book, Bridge to Terabithia.
善士六合2023-07-03 11:00:492

My favorite book英语作文求帮忙!谢谢你

One possible version:My Favorite BookReading books not only broadens our horizon, but also enriches our minds. Some books are to be overlooked, others are to be tasted, and some few to be chewed, digested all life long. So far, I have read numerous books, such as magazines, novels, story books and so on. Yet one of the books that I like best is My Life Story.It was created in 1902 by an American writer—Helen Keller, a blind, deaf and dumb person. In the book, she wrote that she had not been able to see, hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months, which made her desperately sad. When she was seven years old, she knew Miss Sullivan, her private tutor. Helen was getting happier every day. Then, Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words. At first, Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen"s hands with her own fingers again and again. Helen tried as much as possible to remember words and her efforts paid off. After that, she wrote and published many famous works, among which is My Life Story. My Life Story described her hard struggle to become an outstanding writer and educationist across the world.It shows us a universal truth: Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it! This is why I like it best.
人类地板流精华2023-07-03 11:00:492

英语作文:The Book I Like(80词以上) 写完发到邮箱 速度!!

Everyone has his own favorite book, I am also. The book I like best is "Three Days to See" written by an American deaf-and-dumb woman author and educator---- Helen Keller. It is very positive. I like it very much!Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life.
Chen2023-07-03 11:00:482

I like the book best

苏州马小云2023-07-03 11:00:483

A Book I like Best作文及其翻译

On monday ,my father gave me a book.It"s a novel about a big family.It"s name is <<hong lou meng>>.When I opened the book,I am surprised,because It"s too long,and too hard to understand.But the story in it stracked me,and I foud I like this book.I will finish it in one month.2I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. the story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it"s the best book I"ve ever read3A lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and I always proudly answer them <<The Five Thousand Years History>>, which is all history about China. This will be a long story for me to read this book. First time I touched this book is when I was 5 years old. My mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. This is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. I almost forgot the dinner after I read the first page. From then on, I was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my classmeates. When I became older and older, I knew more about it and feel more confident about my own China. I am proud that I am a Chinese and I will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let Chinese history more brilliant. As me, this is the most important book in my life and now I still read it and recite some part of it. I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice.
阿啵呲嘚2023-07-03 11:00:481

英语作文The English book I like best

Good after, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to this year"s English speech competition. I"m the leader of student union. My name is Li Hua. Our school holds the English speech competition every year. So you should understand the rule very much. The theme is “The English Novel I like Best” this time. Please join in this activity. It is a profitable activity. It can increase your ability of listening English and speaking English. And it can help you to cultivate a reading book habit. In addition, anyone can"t give lecture over five minutes and everyone must speak fluent, pronounce accurate. At last, I hope that the English speech competition can success. More students can increase their ability during the activity
mlhxueli 2023-07-03 11:00:481

英语作文the book i like most字数100到120左右

The book I like the most is the old man and the sea. It shows that the old man has a lot of perseverance and determination. He really tried to succeed at catching the fish. He did not give up despite of the struggle, but tried his best to bring home the fish. Even though the fish only had the skeleton left in the end, the old man"s courage is still very admirable.
tt白2023-07-03 11:00:481

求一篇英文作文 题目是 The book which Ilike best(我最喜欢的一本书) 急用

The book which Ilike bestI have seen many books, "100,000 why", "green" and "fairy tale joke paradise", "the poems of tang dynasty... But I like to see most of the book is "the young know-it-all", because it is my study in the most complete reference books. I remember once written assignments, including geographical a question is "the Great Wall, how long the beginning and the end respectively in what place" this problem extra-sharp stumped me and I really like a wrap - find a clue, how also come up with it. I asked my parents, but they all of this problem is very strange, at that time I urgent like an ant on a hot pan - bewilderment, at this moment, suddenly struck me read "the young know-it-all". I at 388 page to find the answer, originally Great Wall, long 12700 kilometers, the starting point is jia valley, end point was shut, so I shanhaiguan happy three feet high, bouncing profuse sweat is fleeting moments. Since then, I more like the book, it is also my study inseparable companions.
LuckySXyd2023-07-03 11:00:482

i like this book best when i was a child同义句转换

This is my favorite book when I was a child.
Chen2023-07-03 11:00:473

请以the book i like best为题写一篇英语短文

The book I like best I like a lot of books. I like the carton books best. I often read carton books. I read it at home. I can learn a lot from carton books. I can learn how to play basket, and I can ...
西柚不是西游2023-07-03 11:00:471

以The Book I Like Best为题,写一篇100词的短文(高手请进)

The book I like best is "The Little Prince" because I think I have benefite a lot from reading it. I believe all of you must have heard something about this, right? It was in my primary school that I began to read it. My parents bought me the book as a birthday present. but later I abandoned until last year.I bought a new one. A Little Prince is a fairy tale.Someone regard it as a book written only for children.However ,when you read this book at different age, you will have different feelings toward the book. The author made us find our lost naivety. When we got lost in the real world, maybe it is a good way to get some relief by reading this book.It reminds us a truth:we are young,or at least we were young. This book is definitely a great far I have read it five times.It is my favorite book!
mlhxueli 2023-07-03 11:00:471

谁能帮我写篇作文 the book i like best!! 80字!!

小菜G的建站之路2023-07-03 11:00:473

急 求高手写一篇英语作文“The BOOK I Like Best” 写发言搞哦 谢谢了

The book I like best is "The Little Prince" because I think I have benefite a lot from reading it. I believe all of you must have heard something about this, right? It was in my primary school that I began to read it. My parents bought me the book as a birthday present. but later I abandoned until last year.I bought a new one. A Little Prince is a fairy tale.Someone regard it as a book written only for children.However ,when you read this book at different age, you will have different feelings toward the book. The author made us find our lost naivety. When we got lost in the real world, maybe it is a good way to get some relief by reading this book.It reminds us a truth:we are young,or at least we were young. This book is definitely a great far I have read it five times.It is my favorite book!
余辉2023-07-03 11:00:471

急 求高手写一篇英语作文“The BOOK I Like Best” 写发言搞哦

The book I like best is "The Little Prince" because I think I have benefite a lot from reading it. I believe all of you must have heard something about this, right? It was in my primary school that I ...
wpBeta2023-07-03 11:00:471

急!!!给我一个book review,演讲用的

北有云溪2023-07-03 11:00:466

英语演讲稿 my favorite book

My favorite book is My Childhood .I think it is a nice book.It is good for us teenagers. I like read it because it is full of expresstino,it is easy to understand and it is the most educated book i have read.I have learned a lot from it.I know that as a teenager,we should be confidence and brave.And we should love and protect our relation.We all need them.We all need get along well with our them.If i have the chance to say something to them ,i"d love to say i love you everybody .That"s my interest and that"s the most important reason why i love read My Childhood so 求采纳 谢谢 楼主
wpBeta2023-07-03 11:00:432

i like reading books best作文

I likereading.Booksarealwaysmygoodfriends.BecauseIcanlearnhistory;Icanbroadenmyhorizon;Icanenjoythemasterpieces;Icanadjustmyselftothesociety.Icanalsokonwhowtobeabettermanfromthebook.Justasafamoussayinggoes:somebooksaretobechewed,somebooksaretobetasted,somebooksaretobedigested.Whilereadingthebooks,weshouldlearntochooseonesthatsuitusbest.
wpBeta2023-07-03 11:00:432

I like this book best. 写出同义句。

It"s my favorite booku3002
tt白2023-07-03 11:00:425

求英语大神帮写篇文章 The Book I Like Most不要网上已经有的 加分20

如果是我来写这两篇文章都不难,写作关键是要有思路吧,建议以后多自己练习哈.第一篇文章是我自己真实的写照,我也确实读过这本书。因为没有规定篇幅也没有说明写成什么难度的,楼主如果需要修改只需换成自己读过的书或自己的朋友名字即可,我这里都是写得比较通用,楼主可根据需要自己缩减,关键是提供一个思路。如第一篇作文需要缩写可以选每段第一至第二句就行。The Book I like MostBook is a step to the wisdom of human.Every book brings us a kind of vision and thinking. Authors bring us a new world or a true one by using their pen writing cleverly and carefully .The book I appreciate most should be Jane Eyre ,which written by Charlotte Bront before the year 1847.Those days people in British especially female lived a hard life.The entire social opinon in British about women"s power was so dismal(不尽人意) that our author ,the lovely Ms Bront, felt unfair.In such a male-dominated society(男权社会),what a young lady could do to make a living by marrying a rich man.In our author"s childhood ,she was sent to a boarding school near their hometown, where poor family sent their kids for school education only. The conditio is poor, the school rules are very strict and children there were always of no satiety.Too much punishment during that bad time leaved a lot of feeling in her mind, which influenced Bront for a life time .All those things were written by her in the novel Jane Eyre, but the whole story"s key point is about how the heroine made great efforts for her hard life and achieved a good marrige in the end.(这里开始是感悟,如果是将作文缩写请不要省略这段)What this book tought me about life is sincere , love and strive.During my school time ,I always remember what the author tought me .I tried my best on every thing I want to or need to do and I never regret.第二篇My Best Friend 这篇写得简单点A friend is a window to the outside world, every one needs a friend.I have many good friends but my best friend is not a real person but a pot of sunflower. The sunflower accompanies me for over 10 years .It was a afternoon in someday 10 years ago I met my best friend. She looked like a little shy in a darkness corner and she seemed need water.So I took her home for kind care till now .10 years past, I still remember every night the company she gave me no matter in warm summer night or cold winter infutuat(雷电风雨夜) consistently ,closely and sweetly .During the 10 years ,I studied from high to university for my dream and enjoyed the sunflower"s company.I learned from her that how to be more outgoing and sunny.I love and like my sunflower.
北境漫步2023-07-03 11:00:411

求120词左右的英语作文,The Book I Like Most。

The Book I Like Most。The book I like most is "How to be a man". In this book the stodies about many world famous people were told. These people included the most successful entrepreneur, film directors, actors, inventors, scientists, football stars and athletes. How they grew up from a child to a man, a successful man were illustrated in details. Through reading the book, I have learned that most of the great people started their career from doing simple things, which is very different from many people"s belief that every successful man had a big ambition when they were very young. I think it is very import for us, the pupils in school, to understand it. We have to start our life from the first simple step.
铁血嘟嘟2023-07-03 11:00:342

A Magic book英语作文

The Book I like best Do you like reading?I bet a lot of people are fond of reading masterpieces.So,I would like to introduce my favorite books-----Auto Travel.To tell you the truth,I think I have benefite a lot from reading it.I believe all of you must have heard something about Cars,right?It was in my primary school that I began to read it and it is that period when I fell in love with cars.My parents bought me the book as a birthday present.The book,considered as the best-seller among the auto-mobile fans,is my best friends in my childhood.They served me a lot of knowledge on auto-mobile.The author of the book made us find the history of cars.Whenever I got tired during study,it is a good way to get some relief by reading this book and I always come back to be full of energy.Thatu2019s the magic power of this book.To sum up,Auto Travel is my favorite book and also my best friend.Do you want to read it?Just have a try
黑桃花2023-07-03 11:00:332

求英语作文 the book i like best

Good after, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to this year"s English speech competition. I"m the leader of student union. My name is Li Hua. Our school holds the English speech competition every year. So you should understand the rule very much. The theme is “The English Novel I like Best” this time. Please join in this activity. It is a profitable activity. It can increase your ability of listening English and speaking English. And it can help you to cultivate a reading book habit. In addition, anyone can"t give lecture over five minutes and everyone must speak fluent, pronounce accurate. At last, I hope that the English speech competition can success. More students can increase their ability during the activity同学你好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦
北营2023-07-03 11:00:331

英文小短文 急需一篇The Book I Like Best 小短文,80字左右的,

I like reading very much.Please allow me to explain.Firstly,I believe that all of us should read a lot.For example,when you read you acquire new knowledge,which in turn will broaden your views on important matters.In addition I also like reading Crazy English.The topics are interesting and short,and the translations ensure that I dont waste time looking up unfamiliar words.I have recently read a book about the history of South Africa.It is called The Covenant,and was written by a famous American author called James Mitchener.It describes the history from the very first days,up to the present.It covers all aspects of the country,but focuses on the people of the country.For example,he looks at the political situation over the past fifty years,which was based on racial discrimination and had become known to the world as apartheid
韦斯特兰2023-07-03 11:00:321
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