All Men Are Brothers Water Margin
2023-08-04 15:48:508
《水浒传》的英文译名是Water Margin。我国古典文学名著《水浒传》曾被翻译成多种文字,受到外国读者的喜爱。不过,《水浒传》在各国的译名却各有不同,非常有趣。美国在1933年翻译的《水浒传》,是最好的《水浒传》译本,它的译名是《四海之内皆兄弟》,这个译本是由1938年诺贝尔文学奖获得者、美国女作家布克夫人——赛珍珠所译。《水浒传》的翻译版本介绍:意大利把《水浒传》翻译成《佛牙记》,它译的是《水浒传》中花和尚鲁智深(俗名鲁达)的故事,后来,德国人又把《佛牙记》翻译成了德文,名字成了《鲁达上山始末记》。德国还翻译了《水浒传》中杨雄和潘巧云的故事,译名是《圣洁的寺院》。《水浒传》中武大郎与潘金莲的故事,译名则成了《卖炊饼武大的不忠实妇人的故事》。另外,德国还翻译了《水浒传》中晁盖、吴用等人劫取生辰纲的故事,译名有《黄泥冈的袭击》、《强盗们设置的圈套》。英国翻译了《水浒传》中林冲的故事,译名是《一个英雄的故事》,西方最早的七十回《水浒传》译本是德国和法国翻译的,德国的译名是《强盗与士兵》,法国的译名则是《中国的勇士们》。2023-08-04 15:50:051
四海之内皆兄弟(alround the world are brothers)2023-08-04 15:50:254
中国名著英语翻译,四大名著:)~~《西游记》PilgrimagetotheWest;(JourneytotheWest)《三国演义》TheRomanceoftheThreeKingdoms《红楼梦》ADreaminRedMansions(TheStoryoftheStone)《水浒传》HeroesoftheMarshes;WaterMargin2023-08-04 15:51:082
英语I have read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms of the Dream of the Red Chamber and the Water Margin in the Journey to the West2023-08-04 15:51:232
叫做Water Margin。《水浒传》的英文译本有多种,最早的70回译本定名为《Water Margin》,由于出现最早和最贴近原名的原因这个译名往往被认为是标准译名,美国女作家、1938年诺贝尔文学奖得主赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时就定名为:《All Men Are Brothers》(即《四海之内皆兄弟》)。70年代末中国籍美国翻译家沙博理的百回本的名字是《Outlaws of the Marsh》(水泊好汉),后来还有人把120回本也译成英文。而据传,还有某外国版本叫《105个男人和3个女人的故事》。简介该剧讲述的是宋朝宋徽宗时期皇帝昏庸、奸臣当道、官府腐败、贪官污吏陷害忠良,弄得民不聊生,许多正直善良的人被官府逼得无路可走,被迫奋起反抗,最终108条好汉聚义梁山泊,但随后宋江对朝廷的投降使得一场轰轰烈烈的农民起义最后走向失败的故事。2023-08-04 15:51:311
《水浒传》----The Story by the Water Margin《水浒传》有个英文译名就是《四海之内皆兄弟》《all men are brothers: blood of the leopard》--四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血Heroes of the Marshes;或者Water Margins2023-08-04 15:51:541
Heroes of the Marshes ; Water Margins 这一种是直译,浒是湖边的意思2023-08-04 15:52:038
waterside story2023-08-04 15:52:1810
直接用网上翻译翻译整个网页2023-08-04 15:52:544
河边发生的故事2023-08-04 15:53:177
《西游记》1、JourneytotheWest2、Monkey(这其实是英国人亚瑟·威利改编本的名字)3、AdventuresoftheMonkeyGod(也是威利版本的名字)2023-08-04 15:53:514
In the final years of the Song dynasty china was in a state of political and social turmoil. Besides frequent foreign invasion and a large number of man made and natural disasters there were also constant pheasant rebellion. In order to transform society and make it more equitable and human 108 heroes joined together in Shan-dong province Liang Shan to oppose the local officials and genitures. Thus began the corsages and moving drama on which the novel water margin is based.2023-08-04 15:54:001
水浒传的英文翻译是什么?真的是叫105个男人和3 个女人的故事吗?
我听说赛珍珠译作《四海之内皆兄弟》2023-08-04 15:54:1510
水浒传介绍英文 120字
具备史诗特征的作2023-08-04 15:54:422
梁山泊就翻译作“water margin ”2023-08-04 15:55:021
为什么水浒传叫outlaws of the March ,越详细越好.谢谢.
哈哈 我好丢人哦2023-08-04 15:55:102
Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin;105 men and 3 women2023-08-04 15:55:206
《水浒》的日文译本最早在18世纪就已出现,影响较大。其对东亚各国的小说艺术产生极深远的影响,朝鲜最早的小说之一《洪吉童传》和日本曲亭马琴的著名史诗小说《南总里见八犬传》均是受《水浒》影响产生的。19世纪开始传入欧美,最早的德文译名是《强盗与士兵》,法文译名是《中国的勇士们》。英文译本有多种,最早的70回译本定名为《Water Margin》(“水边”的意思),由于出现最早和最贴近原名的原因这个译名往往被认为是标准译名,美国女作家、1938年诺贝尔文学奖得主赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时就定名为:《All Men Are Brothers》(即《四海之内皆兄弟》),70年代末中国籍美国翻译家沙博理的百回本的名字是《Outlaws of the Marsh》(水泊好汉),后来还有人把120回本也译成英文。而据传,还有某外国版本叫《105个男人和3个女人的故事》。意大利把《水浒》中花和尚鲁智深的故事取出译成《佛牙记》。后来,德国人又把《佛牙记》翻译成了德文,译名成了《鲁达上山始末记》。德国还翻译了《水浒》中杨雄和潘巧云的故事,译名是《圣洁的寺院》。而《水浒》中武大郎与潘金莲的故事,德国人则译成了《卖炊饼武大的不忠实妇人的故事》。德国人还翻译了《水浒》中晁盖、吴用等人智取生辰纲的故事,译名有两个:《黄泥冈的袭击》《强盗们设置的圈套》。英国翻译了《水浒》中林冲的故事,译名是《一个英雄的故事》。2023-08-04 15:55:371
为什么《水浒传》的英文名翻译成The Water Margin Margin似乎不搭边啊?
中西文化差异2023-08-04 15:56:266
问水浒传108人的中文名和英文译名 +绰号
天魁星呼保义宋江 天罡星玉麒麟卢俊义 天机星智多星吴用 天闲星入云龙公孙胜 天勇星大刀关胜 天雄星豹子头林冲 天猛星霹雳火秦明 天威星双鞭呼延灼 天英星小李广花荣 天贵星小旋风柴进 天富星扑天雕李应 天满星美髯公朱仝 天孤星花和尚鲁智深 天伤星行者武松 天立星双枪将董平 天捷星没羽箭张清 天暗星青面兽杨志 天佑星金枪手徐宁 天空星急先锋索超 天速星神行太保戴宗 天异星赤发鬼刘唐 天杀星黑旋风李逵 天微星九纹龙史进 天究星没遮拦穆弘 天退星插翅虎雷横 天寿星混江龙李俊 天剑星立地太岁阮小二 天竟星船火儿张横 天罪星短命二郎阮小五 地巧星玉臂匠金大坚 天败星活阎罗阮小七 天牢星病关索杨雄 天慧星拚命三郎石秀 天暴星两头蛇解珍 天哭星双尾蝎解宝 天巧星浪子燕青 七十二地煞星 地魁星神机军师朱武 地煞星镇三山黄信 地勇星病尉迟孙立 地杰星丑郡马宣赞 地雄星井木犴郝思文 地威星百胜将韩滔 地英星天目将彭琪 地奇星圣水将单廷贵 地猛星神火将魏定国地文星圣手书生萧让 地正星铁面孔目裴宣 地阔星摩云金翅欧鹏 地阖星火眼狻猊邓飞 地强星锦毛虎燕顺 地暗星锦豹子杨林 地轴星轰天雷凌振 地会星神算子蒋敬 地佐星小温侯吕方 地佑星赛仁贵郭盛 地灵星神医安道全 地兽星紫髯伯皇甫端 地微星矮脚虎王英 地慧星一丈青扈三娘 地暴星丧门神鲍旭 地然星混世魔王樊瑞 地猖星毛头星孔明 地狂星独火星孔亮 地飞星八臂哪吒项充 地走星飞天大圣李衮 地巧星玉臂匠金大坚 地明星铁笛仙马麟 地进星出洞蛟童威 地退星翻江蜃童猛 地满星玉幡竿孟康 地遂星通臂猿侯健 地周星跳涧虎陈达 地隐星白花蛇杨春 地异星白面郎君郑天寿 地理星九尾龟陶宗旺 地俊星铁扇子宋清 地乐星铁叫子乐和 地捷星花项虎龚旺 地速星中箭虎丁得孙 地镇星小遮拦穆春 地嵇星操刀鬼曹正 地魔星云里金刚宋万 地妖星摸着天杜迁 地幽星病大虫薛永 地伏星金眼彪施恩 地僻星打虎将李忠 地空星小霸王周通 地孤星金钱豹子汤隆 地全星鬼脸儿杜兴 地短星出林龙邹渊 地角星独角龙邹润 地囚星旱地忽律朱贵 地藏星笑面虎朱富 地平星铁臂膊蔡福 地损星一枝花蔡庆 地奴星催命判官李立 地察星青眼虎李云地恶星没面目焦挺 地丑星石将军石勇 地数星小尉迟孙新 地阴星母大虫顾大嫂 地刑星菜园子张青 地壮星母夜叉孙二娘 地劣星活闪婆王定六 地健星险道神郁保四 地耗星白日鼠白胜 地贼星鼓上蚤时迁 地狗星金毛犬段景住 英文译名就是《四海之内皆兄弟》,是赛珍珠翻译的,《all men are brothers: blood of the leopard》 即:四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血2023-08-04 15:56:531
水浒传→四海之内皆兄弟2023-08-04 15:57:013
英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成Water Margin或Outlaws of the Marsh。在众多译本中,最早的当属赛珍珠女士在1920年代中后期翻译的All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)。书名出自《论语》“四海之内,皆兄弟也”。1933年出版,是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译本,当时在美国颇为畅销。 《水浒传》,是中国四大名著之一,全书描写北宋末年以宋江为首的108位好汉在梁山起义,以及聚义之后接受招安、四处征战的故事。 《水浒传》也是汉语文学中最具备史诗特征的作品之一。是中国历史上最早用白话文写成的章回小说之一。版本众多,流传极广,脍炙人口,对中国乃至东亚的叙事文学都有极其深远的影响。 《水浒传》是一部以描写古代农民起义为题材的长篇小说。它形象地描绘了农民起义从发生、发展直至失败的全过程,深刻揭示了起义的社会根源,满腔热情地歌颂了起义英雄的反抗斗争和他们的社会理想,也具体揭示了起义失败的内在历史原因。2023-08-04 15:57:212
赛珍珠(英文名字为珀尔·巴克)1933年翻译出版了中国小说《水浒传》,起名为《四海之内皆兄弟》(All Men Are Brothers)。书名出自《论语》“四海之内,皆兄弟也”。2023-08-04 15:57:291
把水浒传翻译成“outlaw of the marshes”的人是谁?
你看看这篇文章:你说的一定是美国女作家布克夫人,但是它翻译的可是叫四海之内皆兄弟啊 ,所以我觉得翻译成 《沼泽地》的最有可能因为outlaw of the marshes 就是 没有法律约束的沼泽的意思 有什么问题在探讨 我也挺感兴趣。2023-08-04 15:57:484
shuihuzhuan2023-08-04 15:57:576
When reading Shuihu, one of the four most famous masterpieces in Chinese literature, we can always find such a scene: a guy cried: Oh, Jesus! You are Brother Song Gongming! Please accept my salutation… We can find hundreds of examples like that in this book, among those guys, you can find bandits, thieves, gangsters, policemen, solders, officers, and even some high-ranking generals. That"s really interesting, isn"t it? So I began to do some researches in this field. Unfortunately, it really made me headache, I couldn"t find a satisfactory explanation after seven days of researching. Just before the second that I wanted to quit, suddenly, a light hit me right there, I cried: Oui! J"ai compris! Bravo ! Gracias a Dios !(请注意,作者脑子有毛病,所以不时嘴里会崩出些法语、西班牙语、拉丁语什么的,其实他自己也不知道是什么意思) The reason lies in the hierarchies of Chinese mafia society ! Although Song Jiang, a staff in a county government, and Chao Gai, a small landlord, are not in the high hierarchy of the society, they are indeed in the top hierarchy of the mafia society. That explains well why people all over China know them and respect them so much. Actually, in Chinese history, many military officers are also members of mafia society. For example, President Jiang Jieshi, had to salute Du Yuesheng, one of the leaders of Chinese mafia society in the year 1930s, despite the fact that he himself had already got control of the whole country. Some might ask: how can you be so sure that all those people are members of mafia society? Actually, if we read the book really carefully, we can find so many evidences. For instance, Zhang The Arrow without Feather Qing, a general, always throws small pieces of stone when fighting. It"s a proof that he had been a gangster who liked to fight by throwing bricks (a popular weapon for gangsters) for a long time before he joined the army. Dai The Fleet-footed Runner Zong, a prison guard, can run as fast as Lewis. Obviously, it"s because that he was always chasing by the other gangsters, needs bring about ability, n"est-ce pas (又开始来毛病了)? Huyan The Two Whips Zhuo, a general, uses two iron whips as his weapons. If one has some knowledge about Cantonese mafia, he will immediately relate his weapons with water pipe, a very popular weapon for Cantonese gangsters. Guan The Giant Sword Sheng, is not necessarily more powerful than Lin The Panther Head Chong and Hua The Li Guang Junior Rong, but he ranks higher than them. Maybe it"s because his ancestor, Guan Yu, is the God that all Chinese mafia members must admire. Sun The Sick Yuchi Li, is a very good fighter, and he is also the chief police officer of a medium city, which means he is also ranking very high in the society. It seems that it"s quite safe to say that he will be on a very high position in the Liang Mountain Ranking. However, it"s not the truth. Why? It might be the reason that he hasn"t been in the mafia society for a long time. Yan The Prodigal Qing, was only a servant and had not even a little contribution to the Liang Mountain before joining the Liang Mountain Army, but he is on a quite high position in the Liang Mountain Ranking. What"s the reason? Maybe it"s because that he had joined the mafia society since he was still a boy, and had already been on the high hierarchy of mafia society before joining the Liang Mountain Army. Certainly, different people have different point of view about that, but I tend to think that my explanation is one of the most rational and reasonable. Of course, different arguments are always welcome.2023-08-04 15:58:252
用西班牙语说就是Outlaws2023-08-04 15:58:321
水浒传的译名 《水浒传》曾经被翻译成英、法、德、意大利、俄、匈牙利、捷克、波兰、朝鲜、越南、日本及拉丁文等多种文字,受到了外国读者的喜爱。不过,《水浒传》在各国的译名是不同的,非常有趣。 美国在1933年翻译的《水浒传》,是最好的《水浒传》译本,但它的译名却是《四海之内皆兄弟》。这个译本是由1938年诺贝尔文学奖获得者、美国女作家布克夫人,她的中国名字叫赛珍珠。《all men are brothers: blood of the leopard》 即:四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血 意大利把《水浒传》的译名弄成《佛牙记》,翻译的是其中花和尚鲁智深(俗名鲁达)的故事。后来,德国人又把《佛牙记》翻译成了德文,译名成了《鲁达上山始末记》。 德国还翻译了《水浒传》中杨雄和潘巧云的故事,译名是《圣洁的寺院》。而《水浒传》中武大郎与潘金莲的故事,德国人则译成了《卖炊饼武大的不忠实妇人的故事》。 德国人还翻译了《水浒传》中晁盖、吴用等人智取生辰纲的故事,译名有两个:《黄泥冈的袭击》、《强盗们设置的圈套》。英国翻译了《水浒传》中林冲的故事,译名是《一个英雄的故事》。 七十回《水浒传》最早的译本是德国和法国翻译的,德国的译名是《强盗与士兵》,法国的译名是《中国的勇士们》。而传说中最蛊惑人心的译名,则是《一百零五个男人和三个女人的故事》。2023-08-04 15:58:462
水浒传有很多种英文译法:1、Water Margin 这是直译,margin是边沿的意思。总体为“水的边沿”,即“水浒”2、Heroes of the Marshes “水边湿地的英雄们”也就是“水浒英雄们”另外还有:美国女作家赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时就定名为《All Men Are Brothers》(即《四海之内皆兄弟》)70年代末中国籍美国翻译家沙博理的百回本的名字是《Outlaws of the Marsh》(水泊好汉),2023-08-04 15:59:051
水浒传有很多种英文译法:1、Water Margin 这是直译,margin是边沿的意思。总体为“水的边沿”,即“水浒”2、Heroes of the Marshes “水边湿地的英雄们”也就是“水浒英雄们”另外还有:美国女作家赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时就定名为《All Men Are Brothers》(即《四海之内皆兄弟》)70年代末中国籍美国翻译家沙博理的百回本的名字是《Outlaws of the Marsh》(水泊好汉),2023-08-04 15:59:261
英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成Water Margin或Outlaws of the Marsh。在众多译本中,最早的当属赛珍珠女士在1920年代中后期翻译的All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)。书名出自《论语》“四海之内,皆兄弟也”。1933年出版,是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译本,当时在美国颇为畅销。但是译本中有很多错误。比如书名的翻译,就不符合原意,受到过鲁迅先生的批评[来源请求]。对一百零八将的绰号,也往往望文生义,比如将病尉迟的(Yuchi)译作"Weichi",将花和尚鲁智深译为Priest Hwa(花牧师),更是将母夜叉孙二娘译为"Night Ogre"(夜间的怪物)。迄今为止《水浒传》被认为比较好的英文版本[7],应该是中国籍的美国犹太裔学者沙博理先生(Sidney Shapiro)在文革期间受命译的一百回版的"Outlaws of the Marsh"(水泊好汉)。他的译本,被认为更加忠实于原著,而且很贴切地反应了原文的神韵,符合翻译的“信,达,雅”的原则。可惜由于这个译本产生于文革时期,影响不大。法语版则将其直译为Au bord de l"eau。日文版的《水浒传》的版本非常之多,甚至被改编和演绎成了许多漫画,电影,电视作品。2023-08-04 15:59:351
中国名著英语翻译,四大名著: 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West;(Journey to the West) 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margin2023-08-04 15:59:581
水浒传的英文名为什么叫water margin?
水浒传有很多种英文译法:1、Water Margin 这是直译,margin是边沿的意思。总体为“水的边沿”,即“水浒”2、Heroes of the Marshes “水边湿地的英雄们”也就是“水浒英雄们” 另外还有:美国女作家赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时就定名为《All Men Are Brothers》(即《四海之内皆兄弟》)70年代末中国籍美国翻译家沙博理的百回本的名字是《Outlaws of the Marsh》(水泊好汉),2023-08-04 16:00:071
108 outlaws2023-08-04 16:00:159
水浒传Outlaws of the Marsh The novel "Outlaws of the Marsh" is somewhat like the Iliad and Odyssey... An ancient epic tale... no one remembers the period it was composed and immortalized. One knows this story is based on real facts and has inspired many storytellers. One knows the North Song Dynasty (XIIIth Century) lived its apogee and declined, a victim of corruption and decadence. One finds historical traces of these outlaws who challenged the imperial authority and died under the executioner"s blade. At last, as anyone knows today that a man called Homer wrote the Iliad and Odyssey, no one doubts anymore that a man called Shi Nai-an wrote down during the XIVth century the novel Outlaws of the Marsh that reached us. Everyone recognizes that Jin Sheng-tan, during the XVIIth century, published what is now famous as the original version of a novel that obtained the interest and infatuation of successive generations. Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh ("All men are brothers" in Pearl Buck"s translation, "Shui hu zhuan" in Chinese, "Au Bord de l"Eau" in French ) is an immortal novel because its tale is universal : it speaks of beings (outlaws but also notables, strong muscled heroes but also intellectual, anarchists but also philosophers...) who cannot bear injustice nor abuse nor arbitrariness... That is the reason they are immortal and their popularity has lasted for centuries . Discover the 108 heroes, the episodes , the paper-cuts representing them, the Beijing operas their fighting exploits inspired... 人物 Gai Ping Health gave special love make the world anyway, famous arena. Like charges to stick, chicken, and did not take wives, all hit others physique. Village Creek Village haunted legends, villagers digging a river in the town engraved art, ghost was rushed to the East seven. Classical hell, then alone will be engraved Creek Village in places away from the East side down. Thus so-called "Tota kings".2023-08-04 16:00:411
英语I have read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms of the Dream of the Red Chamber and the Water Margin in the Journey to the West2023-08-04 16:01:172
水浒传有很多种英文译法:1、Water Margin 这是直译,margin是边沿的意思。总体为“水的边沿”,即“水浒”2、Heroes of the Marshes “水边湿地的英雄们”也就是“水浒英雄们”另外还有:美国女作家赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时就定名为《All Men Are Brothers》(即《四海之内皆兄弟》)70年代末中国籍美国翻译家沙博理的百回本的名字是《Outlaws of the Marsh》(水泊好汉),2023-08-04 16:01:251
水浒传 英文简介
Great Chinese Classical Novel: Outlaws of the MarshOutlaws of the Marsh, classic novel in 3 volumes. By Shi Nai"an and Luo Guanzhong, Tr. by Sidney Shapiro. 3 volumes, 1,605 pages, illustrated, 21 x 13 cm. Hardcover with cloth. Published by Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, 1995.One of the best known and best loved of the ancient Chinese novels which have come down through the ages. Outlaws of the Marsh is set mainly in the final years of Hui Zong, a Song Dynasty emperor who reigned from 1101 to 1125. It tells why and how one hundred some-old men and women banded together on a marsh-girt mountain in what today is Shandong Province, became leaders of an outlaw army of thousands and fought brave and resourceful battles against pompous, heartless tyrants.Historians confirm that the story is derived from fact. Some of the events actually happened, some of the persons actually existed. Their rebellious deeds struck a responsive chord in the oppressed masses and gradually evolved into folk legends. Professional story-tellers further dramatized and embellished them in performances at market fairs and amusement centers.Elegant Chinese prose with an exciting, twisting story, will keep you coming back for more every time.A novel of political corruption, murder, love, martial arts. Stunning portrayal of 14th century china. Intertwining tales of bold heroes, corrupt officials, jealous lovers, and chivalrous martial artists. Probably you have never enjoyed a book like this. It"ll leave you wanting more! A must read!!! (The above text refers to the translator"s note and reader"s review.) 祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)……2023-08-04 16:01:342
Shui Huzhuan2023-08-04 16:02:467
《水浒传》又名《忠义水浒传》,一般简称《水浒》,作于元末明初,是中国历史上第一部用白话文写成的章回小说,是中国四大名著之一。1972年3月17日根据同名小说改编的电影《水浒传》由张彻,午马,鲍学礼共同导演。从1994年4月筹拍,到1997年3月关机,历时3年8个月的同名电视剧由张绍林导演完成。另有同名电影及新版电视剧2023-08-04 16:04:0714
水浒传为什么叫water margin
不够准确应该是All Men Are Brothers (皆兄弟)2023-08-04 16:05:156
《水浒传》成书于元末明初,17世纪时就已经传入朝鲜半岛和日本。在江户时代的日本,《水浒传》的日文译本已经有十多种。由于日文和汉语具有亲缘关系,所以书的名字没有变,仍是沿袭中国的书名。后来,《水浒传》有了英文、法文、德文、意大利文等版本,书名开始变得千奇百怪。英文版的题目有:《Outlaws of the Marsh》(沼泽里的歹徒 / 法外人),附带地说一说,英文语境中最著名的法外人可能就是罗宾汉,而中国很多读者也认为《罗宾汉》是中国的《水浒传》;《All Men are Brothers——Blood of the Leopard》(四海之内皆兄弟——猎豹的血),这是上个世纪30年代赛珍珠翻译《水浒传》时译的书名,虽然有点长,但译出了“聚义”的意思,“猎豹”点出了梁山好汉的不驯服不合作(不包括后来的接受招安),“血”则直接赋予了《水浒传》悲剧的意味——虽然很多读者不认为《水浒传》是一部悲剧;另有一个译成《Water Margin》,直译,优点当然是直白了,不过味道却不是很够。其它文本的译名也很有意思。在法文中,《水浒传》被译作《中国的勇士》或《沼泽地区的英雄们》,另有一个比较搞笑,居然是《一百零五个男人和三个女人在山上的故事》;德文译名则有点牵强,曰《强盗与士兵》。另外还有一些节译本的名字则与现在的知音体差不多,如德人节译潘金莲和武大郎的章节成书,书名叫《卖大饼的武大郎和不忠实妇人的故事》,节译“智取生辰纲”则起名《强盗设置的圈套》,可谓耸人听闻2023-08-04 16:05:552
为什么水浒传是water margin?
这是直意,按照表面字,去翻译的。2023-08-04 16:06:032
《三国演义》说法一:Three Kingdoms 说法二:Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《水浒传》 说法一:The Water Margin 说法二:The Outlaws of the Marsh 《西游记》说法一:Story of a Journey to the West 说法二:The Pilgrimage to the West 《红楼梦》说法一:A Dream in Red Mansions 说法二:A Red-Chamber Dream2023-08-04 16:06:101
欧子直译四大名著主题曲之《水浒传》英文版歌词 Big river goes to the esat 大河向东流哇 all the star follows beidou天上的星星参北斗哇 hey hey hey hey follows beidou嘿嘿嘿嘿 参北斗哇 life-and-death friend,a bowl of wine生死之交一碗酒哇 【no separate sea and sky,a bowl of wine不分水天一碗酒哇】 say go,let"s go说走咱就走哇 you have,I have so do all你有我有全都有哇 hey hey hey hey,all have嘿嘿嘿嘿 全都有哇 in water in fire,not turn round水里火里不回头哇 【always look at the sky,not bow head一路看天不低头哇】 seeing injustice,have a cry路见不平一声吼哇 should give a hand,just give a hand该出手时就出手哇 so cool so hot,go coast-to-coast风风火火闯九州哇 should give a hand,just give a hand该出手时就出手哇 so cool so hot,go coast-to-coast风风火火闯九州哇 hey ya yi er ya hey hey yi er ya嘿呀 依儿呀 黑诶黑诶 依儿呀 (seeing injustice,have a cry路见不平一声吼哇 should give a hand,just give a hand该出手时就出手哇 o cool so hot,go coast-to-coast风风火火闯九州哇hey……………)此处第二遍不唱只在第一遍重复唱很高兴为您解答,望采纳2023-08-04 16:06:421
四海之内皆兄弟2023-08-04 16:06:492
水浒传是世界知名的小说,当然亦有英译,水浒传有被译为『Outraws of the Marsh』、『Water Margin』等。 各书所译有别,而天星三十六人大致绰号如下: 宋江:the Timely Rain(及时雨),Defender of Chivalry(呼保义) 卢俊义:Jade Unicorn(玉麒麟) 吴用:the Wizard(智多星) 公孙胜:Dragon in the Cloud(入云龙) 关胜:the Big Halberd(大刀) 林冲:Panther Head(豹子头) 秦明:Thunderbolt(霹雳火) 呼延灼:Double Clubs(双鞭) 花荣:Little Li Guang(小李广) 柴进:the Small Whirlwind(小旋风) 李应:Heaven Soaring Eagle(扑天雕) 朱仝:Beautiful Beard(美髯公) 鲁智深:The Tattooed Monk(花和尚) 武松:Pilgrim(行者) 董平:General of Two Spears(双枪将) 张清:Featherless Arrow(没羽箭) 杨志:Blue-Faced Beast(青面兽) 徐宁:the Metal Lancer(金枪手) 索超:the Urgent Vanguard(急先锋) 戴宗:the Marvelous Traveler(神行太保) 刘唐:Red-Haired Demon(赤发鬼) 李逵:Black Whirlwind(黑旋风) 史进:Nine Dragons(九纹龙) 穆弘:the Unrestrained(没遮拦) 雷横:Winged Tiger(插翅虎) 李俊:the Turbulent River Dragon(混江龙) 阮小二:Ferocious Giant(立地太岁) 张横:the Boat Flame(船火儿) 阮小五:Short Life Erh Lang(短命二郎) 张顺:White Streak in the Waves(浪里白条) 阮小七:The Fierce King Of Devils(活阎罗) 杨雄:The Sick Guan Suo(病关索) 石秀:Life Risker(拼命三郎) 解珍:Two-Headed Snake(两头蛇) 解宝:Twin-Tailed Scorpion(双尾蝎) 燕青:the Prodigy(浪子) 至于地星七十二人,因字数关系,未能尽列,其中有名者如下: 朱武:Miraculous Strategist(神机军师) 周通:the Little King(小覇王) 扈三娘:Ten Feet of Steel(一丈青) 顾大嫂:the Tigress(母大虫) 孙二娘:The Female Savage(母夜叉) 时迁:Flea on a Drum(鼓上蚤) 其他请看以下网页: homepage3.nifty/suikosai/dankin_dir/dankin_28 参考: homepage3.nifty/suikosai/dankin_dir/dankin_282023-08-04 16:06:561
16.把中国古典文学名著《水浒传》翻译为英语的美国作家是( )
我就无语了,不懂别捣乱,人家问水浒,你说毛西游记,脑残了吧?混分也不是这样混的。2023-08-04 16:07:044
水浒传介绍英文 120字
具备史诗特征的作2023-08-04 16:07:242