问题一:出发的英文怎么写? set out;start off;start from;proceed from;depart
问题二:出发的英文怎么写 出发
n. outset,
v. leave, set out,
start off, start from somewhere, proceed from
问题三:“出发地”英语怎么写? 最地道的是 place of departure
问题四:出发英文怎么说 Let ,s go
问题五:出发,英语怎么说 Let"s go
问题六:出发,用英文怎么写 set out ; start off ; start from ; proceed from ; depart
问题七:从某处出发用英语怎么说 leave from... to..
比如从上海出发到北京leave from Shanghai to Beijing
也可用 set off
问题一:出发英文怎么说 Let ,s go 问题二:出发,英语怎么说 Let"s go 问题三:出发英语怎么说 set out 问题四:出发的英文是怎么缩写 Let"go 问题五:从自身出发 用英语怎么说 start/proceed from oneself 问题六:你从哪出发用英语怎么说 where will you set off? 问题七:我要出发了用英语怎么说 I am going to leave. 问题八:立刻出发用英文 立刻出发: Head out now. 直译:现在出发 Set out now. 直译:现在出发 Get going now. 直译:准备出发 Hurry out (of here). 直译:赶紧出发 Hit the road now. 直译:现在上路 Leave now. 直译:现在离开 我们立刻出发吧: Let"s head out now. Let"s set out now. Let"s get going now. Let"s hurry out (of here). Let"s hit the road now. Let"s leave now. Let"s 虽然这些说法的直译有些不同,不过在英文里都有 “立刻出发” 的意思。 Now 在英语里是 “现在” 的意思,同义词有楼上说的那几个,right away/immediately/at once,你可以随时交换这些词。 如: Let"s head out right away. Let"s head out immediately. Let"s head out at once. Let"s head out now. 意思都是一样的。 希望对你有帮助―― ?2023-08-01 23:57:341
恐龙快点巨神战击队2023-08-01 23:57:422
set offset out2023-08-01 23:58:107
出发 [chū fā] set out;start off;start from;proceed from;depart; ● 例句 1. 如果从英国或爱尔兰出发,可以与运营商联系. For uk regional and irish departure options,contact the operator. 希望可以帮到你.2023-08-01 23:59:161
你好。出发[chūfā]setout;startoff;startfrom;proceedfrom;depart;●例句1.如果从英国或爱尔兰出发,可以与运营商联系。Forukregionalandirishdepartureoptions,contacttheoperator.希望可以帮到你。2023-08-01 23:59:251
出发指离开原地到别处去,也有从某一方面着眼的意思,如:一切从人民的利益出发。那么你知道出发用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来出发的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。 出发的英语说法1: depart 出发的英语说法2: set out 出发的英语说法3: start off 出发相关英语表达: 出发场 departure yard; 出发港 port of departure; 出发国 the country of departure; 出发信号 starting signal 出发地点 point of departure 出发的英语例句: 1. The army was ideologically opposed to the kind of economic solution proposed. 军方从意识形态角度出发反对所提议的经济方案。 2. The minutes towards departure ticked by, until finally the pilot arrived. 离出发的时间越来越近,最后飞行员终于到了。 3. Just phone in your order three or more days prior to departure. 在出发的三天之前打电话预订即可。 4. Now what about that shopping list? I"ve got to get going. 那张购物清单呢?我得出发了。 5. A string of five rowing boats set out from the opposite bank. 5只划艇排成一行从对岸出发了。 6. Trains will operate from Waterloo with a pick-up stop at Ashford. 火车从滑铁卢站出发,途中会在阿什福德站停靠上人。 7. From Wrexham centre take the Chester Road to the outskirts of town. 从雷克瑟姆市中心出发,沿着切斯特路到达市郊。 8. The Princess Royal arrived at Gatwick this morning from Jamaica. 长公主殿下从牙买加出发,今天早上抵达盖特威克机场。 9. They set out in a westerly direction along the riverbank. 他们沿着河岸向西出发了。 10. We set off to see the Pyramids and Sphinx. 我们出发去看金字塔和狮身人面像。 11. We"d arrived the day before after a 10-hour passage from Swansea. 从斯旺西出发航行10小时后,我们于前天到达。 12. Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure. 90分钟之内轮船准备出发。 13. Departure times are 08:15 from St Quay, and 18:15 from St Helier. 从圣奎伊的出发时间是8点15分,从圣赫利尔的出发时间是18点15分。 14. We can organise car rental from Chicago O"Hare Airport. 我们可以安排提供从芝加哥奥黑尔机场出发的租车服务。 15. By 09.30 we had cast off and were heading down-river. 9点30分时我们就解缆向下游出发了。2023-08-01 23:59:321
set outstart off2023-08-01 23:59:485
出发就是离开原地到别处去,在日常生活中,我们经常会因为一些事情而出发到其它地方。那么你知道出发的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的出发的英文,希望大家喜欢! 出发的英文 depart set out; start off; start from; proceed from depart depart的常见例句 用作及物动词 He departed this life at the age of seventy. 他70岁时去世。 I"ll depart Washington for London tomorrow 我明天将离开华盛顿前往伦敦。 用作不及物动词 He seemed somewhat loath to depart. 他似乎不愿离去。 The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour. 开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开出。 The war forced us to depart from the old customs. 战争迫使我们不得不违背旧习俗。 He departed from life yesterday. 他昨天去世了。 set out的近义词 vt. 规划;展现;摆放,布置;提出(理由);栽种(树苗等);阐述,说明 vi. 出发;开始;打算 start 开始 specify 详细说明 depart 离开 start out 开始 set off 出发,动身 range 范围 array 一系列 commence 开始 get 得到 begin 开始 set forth 陈述 take off 起飞 get down 下来 part 部分 set about 开始 lay out 设计 quit 停止 go 去2023-08-02 00:00:151
Let ,s go2023-08-02 00:00:254
Let"s go!2023-08-02 00:00:5712
你好。出发[chū fā]set out;start off;start from;proceed from;depart;● 例句1.如果从英国或爱尔兰出发,可以与运营商联系。For uk regional and irish departure options, contact the operator.希望可以帮到你。2023-08-02 00:01:191
出发指离开原地到别处去。例如:我们在天亮以前出发。火车准时出发。出发也有从某一方面着眼的意思。如一切从人民的利益出发。那么你知道出发用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 出发英语说法1: be away on official business 出发英语说法2: be travel on official business 出发英语说法3: be on a business trip 出发英语例句: 贾森出差在外。 Jason was away on a business trip. 她先生出差去了。 Her husband is away on business. 我因为工作出差了一段时间。 I was away for awhile on a business trip. 我将在这星期或下星期出差。 I will go on business either this week or next week. 我飞往东京出差。 I flew to Tokyo on business. 你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。 It"s very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business. 因公出差的政府官员享有出差补贴。 Government officials who travel on business are given traveling allowances. 他刚刚出差回来,这时,又叫他再次出差。 He had just returned from one business trip when he was asked to make another one. 公司的接待员称他出差了。 A receptionist at his company said he was traveling. 这次出差花项不多。 Not much money was spent during this business trip. 我会在这星期或下星期出差。 I will be on evection this week or next. 有一位经常出差的公司高管为我们提出了出行好建议。 Another in our series on travel tips from executives who are often on the road. 我们有20名销售人员在外面出差。 We have twenty salesmen on the road. 我想你是来这里出差的。 I presume you"re here on business. 这是一个有趣的背景,因为如今越来越多的女人会去沙特出差。 That makes for an interesting backdrop, as more women are traveling to Saudi Arabia on business these days. 相比之下,在商界打拼的女性则不得不听从公司的安排,要经常出差。 On the other hand, businesswomen more commonly adhere to the corporate dictate of long hours and heavy travel. 我的父亲明显地发达了,有了车库和福特车,坐火车和轮船出差。 My father prospered perceptibly, as witness the garage, the Ford, the trips by train and steamship. 我出差的时候通常会带一些坚果巧克力米脆棒、红辣椒碎和薄荷味的Ice Breakers口香糖。 I always travel with nuts over chocolate Luna bars, spicy red pepper flakes, and peppermint ice breakers gum.2023-08-02 00:01:261
theautobots,(transform),rollout!其实,真人版电影里是没有“变形”这个词的,就是“汽车人,出发!”2023-08-02 00:01:403
GO2023-08-02 00:01:508
英文:start美式读音:stɑu02d0rt英式读音:stɑu02d0t过去式:started过去分词:started现在分词:starting第三人称单数:starts例句:1、The machine will automatically start at 8 am every day.机器每天早上8点自动启动。2、That"s a good start.这是一个不错的开端。3、I will officially start my lecture tomorrow.我明天将会正式开始我的授课。4、I start to expect the holiday.我开始期待假期的到来。2023-08-02 00:02:111
depart 动词departure 名词2023-08-02 00:02:262
leave for ( 动身前往某地)2023-08-02 00:02:454
1.出发(两种) Leave set out depart 2.不但而且(两种) Not only … but also In addition to Moreover 3.很感谢你为我花了那么多时间(spare) I am grateful that you can spare me the time. 原文Spare 拼写错了 4.Susan悄声告诉我,他曾在全国比赛中获得最佳面包师奖. Susan quietly told me that she had won the National Award for the best baker. 5.乐队还没开始演出,就发现演出服破了. Evenbefore the band has started performing,it was discovered that the costumes were already broken.2023-08-02 00:03:091
出发的英文 出发的英文怎么写
1、Let"s go 2、f it is some distant suburb county or even farther, I have to leave on Friday night on a bus.如果去比较远的郊县或者更远的地方,星期五晚上就得坐车出发。 3、Allowing for the bad weather, we should set off soon考虑到天气不好,我们应该立即出发。 4、When he set off, the solo record stood at 93 days他出发的时候,单人航海世界记录是93天。 5、Rain or shine, well set out tomorrow.不论天气好坏,我们明天出发。2023-08-02 00:03:151
……2023-08-02 00:03:256
guysmetamorphosisgo!2023-08-02 00:03:404
OK, let"s go!2023-08-02 00:03:485
我们都知道出门时要先规划好出发地和目的地,那么想你知道出发地的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的出发地的英文,希望大家喜欢! 出发地的英文 place of departure 出发地的英文例句 1. We looked at other clues that might tell us where the ship came from. 我们考虑了可能告诉我们船的出发地的另一些线索. 2. Shanghai is a great base for traveling in Asia. 上海是进行亚洲之旅的首选出发地. 3. Operator: Where are you from , and what is your destination, sir? 接线员: 请问您的出发地和目的地是哪里? 4. My point of departure was san francisco. 我的出发地是旧金山. 5. In most cases , the luggage will arrive on the next available flight from the same disembarkation. 通常行李会随从出发地出发的下一次航班到达. 6. Goods and service journeys thus fan out from source to destination, spreading by subdivision. 为此,货物和流动服务从某出发地到目的地呈扇形展开,通过分支的方式扩散开去. 7. Ruijin is known the cradle of the People"s Republic ofand the startingof theof the Red Army. 瑞金是闻名中外的红色故都、共和国摇篮,也是中央红军长征出发地. 8. In 1806 , the Lewis and Clark expedition returned to St. Louis from the Pacific Northwest. 1806年的今天,由刘易斯和克拉克组成的远征队从太平洋的西北角返回到出发地刘易斯大街. departure的常见用法 n.离开,离去; 起程; 背离; 东西距离 1. They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departure lounge. 他们办完行李托运,到候机室找了座位坐下。 2. The minutes towards departure ticked by, until finally the pilot arrived. 离出发的时间越来越近,最后飞行员终于到了。 3. Just phone in your order three or more days prior to departure. 在出发的三天之前打电话预订即可。 4. Annoyed commuters could only watch as the departure time ticked by. 随着发车时间一点点过去,恼怒的上班族只能干瞪眼。 5. Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure. 90分钟之内轮船准备出发。 6. Departure times are 08:15 from St Quay, and 18:15 from St Helier. 从圣奎伊的出发时间是8点15分,从圣赫利尔的出发时间是18点15分。 7. Many countries charge departure tax in US dollars rather than local currency. 许多国家以美元而不是本国货币收取机场税。 8. This would inevitably involve his departure from the post of Prime Minister. 这将不可避免地导致他辞去首相一职。 9. D-day for my departure was set for 29th June. 我定在6月29日启程。 10. Trevor Steven entreated them to delay their departure.2023-08-02 00:04:011
英语是:Readytogohome,setout!解释:ready英[ˈredi]美[ˈrɛdi]adj.准备好的,现成的;即时的,敏捷的;情愿的;即将的;vt.做好…的准备;adv.预先;已完成地;[例句]Ittookheralongtimetogetreadyforchurch她花了很长时间才做好去教堂的准备。gohome英[ɡəuhəum]美[ɡohom][词典]回家;[例句]Ifyoudon"tmind,IthinkI"dliketogohome.如果你不介意的话,我想我要回家了。setout英[setaut]美[sɛtaʊt][词典]出发;着手;动身;安排;[例句]Whensettingoutonalongwalk,alwayswearsuitableboots.每次出发远行,都要穿合适的鞋子。2023-08-02 00:04:131
I"m about to set off最好是be about to 马上去做某事later on, 稍后shortly later ,不久以后soon,,很快2023-08-02 00:04:373
启程出发 英文
启程出发的英文是Depart 。启程出发蕴含着两种意义,一是开始出发,走向一个新的生活。二是摆脱旧的生活方式或者是行为方式。关于启程的造句如下:1、就在启程的头一天晚上,我翻来覆去好半天睡不着,幻想着乘坐飞机的各种美好!2、启程了,我们坐在风大伯的手掌心中,春姑娘轻抚着我们的脸庞,笑呵呵地走了。3、清晨第一缕欢乐的阳光坠在房门前的梨树上,爸爸便带着我启程了。4、感谢您,农家书屋!让我的寻梦之路在醉人的书屋里启程,一路追随,书香万里5、我们在游泳池中又玩了一会儿,就穿上浴袍,启程出发去往下一站。6、寒假的一个傍晚,暮色降临,我们一家三口准备启程,乘火车前往哈尔滨看冰雕。7、李白看了,心想:这个地方可真好,我要马上启程!于是,他乘着船出发了。8、趁着你青春年华,乘着理想之马,从此启程!只有这样,才能不负年华。9、在阳光下,我启程,望着阳光普照的海面,我在想:我能成为一束光吗?10、人一生下来就像开启了一段旅行,从启程的那一刻起就一直在路上。2023-08-02 00:04:431
origin2023-08-02 00:04:593
准备出发Ready to go2023-08-02 00:05:079
立刻出发:Head out now.直译:现在出发Set out now.直译:现在出发Get going now.直译:准备出发Hurry out (of here).直译:赶紧出发Hit the road now.直译:现在上路Leave now.直译:现在离开我们立刻出发吧:Let"...2023-08-02 00:05:381
go是出发的意思。英 [ɡu0259u028a] 美 [ɡou028a] v. 去;离开;变得;进行n. 去;尝试;精力;一举We" ll go for a walk if you feel like it.你愿意的话,咱们就去散散步。近义词leave 英 [liu02d0v] 美 [liu02d0v] v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任n. 许可;准假;告别vi. 生出叶子I will leave you to attend to the matter .我委托你办此事。2023-08-02 00:05:441
Let"s go2023-08-02 00:06:075
to go from shool2023-08-02 00:06:2610
立刻出发:Head out now. 直译:现在出发Set out now. 直译:现在出发Get going now. 直译:准备出发Hurry out (of here). 直译:赶紧出发Hit the road now. 直译:现在上路Leave now. 直译:现在离开我们立刻出发吧:Let"s head out now.Let"s set out now.Let"s get going now.Let"s hurry out (of here).Let"s hit the road now. Let"s leave now.Let"s 虽然这些说法的直译有些不同,不过在英文里都有 “立刻出发” 的意思。Now 在英语里是 “现在” 的意思,同义词有楼上说的那几个,right away/immediately/at once,你可以随时交换这些词。如:Let"s head out right away.Let"s head out immediately.Let"s head out at once.Let"s head out now.意思都是一样的。希望对你有帮助—— u26652023-08-02 00:06:533
出发英语是set off或者depart。depart[dɪˈpɑ:t]释义:v. 离开,出发;去世;离职;脱轨变形:第三人称单数. departs过去式. departed过去分词. departed现在分词. departing2023-08-02 00:07:191
名词departure出发, 离开outset起点, 出发动词leave离开, 留, 给, 离, 走, 出发set out出发, 罗列, 启程, 起程, 陈列, 陈设proceed from出发, 出于start off开始, 出发start from somewhere出发, 出于2023-08-02 00:07:251
1、出发的英语:set out,英 [set a_t] 美 [set a_t]。2、他们出发时有很充分的准备。When they set out they were well prepared. 3、他们沿着河岸向西出发了。They set out in a westerly direction along the riverbank. 4、快点!我们该出发了。Come on! Its time we made a start.2023-08-02 00:07:321
set off,2023-08-02 00:07:403
出发基本翻译set outleavedepart2023-08-02 00:07:486
set off2023-08-02 00:08:023
出发用英语怎么说 出发用英语如何说
1、出发的英语:set out,英 [set au028at] 美 [set au028at]。 2、他们出发时有很充分的准备。When they set out they were well prepared. 3、他们沿着河岸向西出发了。They set out in a westerly direction along the riverbank. 4、快点!我们该出发了。Come on! Its time we made a start.2023-08-02 00:08:141
出发的英语单词是depart。词汇分析音标:英 [du026a"pɑu02d0t] 美 [du026a"pɑrt]释义:vi. 离开;出发,起程;违反;去世adj. 逝世的短语Will Depart 实际出发时间depart note 借记单Import Depart 进口部Depart Loving 离情And depart 并使彼此分离depart formures 出站例句1、Before you depart,let me give you a word of advice. 你离开之前让我给你一句忠告。2、The research showed that the airport you depart from also influences the cost. 这项研究显示你从哪个机场出发也会影响你的花费。3、The vehicles are only rated to spend about 200 days in space, so they"ll have to depart soon. 这种飞船被认为只能在太空度过呆200天左右,所以他们必须尽快离开。4、You can echo Jesus" prayer, saying, “Father, before I depart the world, help me to impart godly truths to my children and grandchildren. 你可以仿照耶稣的祈祷,说:“爸爸,在我离开这个世界之前,帮我授予上帝的真谛给我的孩子们吧。5、On the other hand, you should visit the post office half an hour after opening, to allow the loitering early-birds to be served and depart. 另一方面,你应该在邮局开始营业的半小时后前往,这半小时可以让闲逛的早到者办理业务并离开。2023-08-02 00:08:211
问题一:出发英文怎么说 Let ,s go 问题二:出发,英语怎么说 Let"s go 问题三:从自身出发 用英语怎么说 start/proceed from oneself 问题四:出发用英文怎么说 let"s go set off start off set out set forth 都可以表达出发的意思 问题五:我要出发了用英语怎么说 I am going to leave. 问题六:出发,用英语怎么说??? 最简单的口语化的就是: Go. 在完整的句子里,就会用到start 和其他词搭配的形成的语境。 问题七:你从哪出发用英语怎么说 where will you set off? 问题八:出发英语怎么说 set out 问题九:立刻出发用英文 立刻出发: Head out now. 直译:现在出发 Set out now. 直译:现在出发 Get going now. 直译:准备出发 Hurry out (of here). 直译:赶紧出发 Hit the road now. 直译:现在上路 Leave now. 直译:现在离开 我们立刻出发吧: Let"s head out now. Let"s set out now. Let"s get going now. Let"s hurry out (of here). Let"s hit the road now. Let"s leave now. Let"s 虽然这些说法的直译有些不同,不过在英文里都有 “立刻出发” 的意思。 Now 在英语里是 “现在” 的意思,同义词有楼上说的那几个,right away/immediately/at once,你可以随时交换这些词。 如: Let"s head out right away. Let"s head out immediately. Let"s head out at once. Let"s head out now. 意思都是一样的。 希望对你有帮助―― ?2023-08-02 00:08:341
depart2023-08-02 00:08:548
出发set off或 start When will we start?2023-08-02 00:09:152
问题一:出发英文怎么说 Let ,s go 问题二:出发,英语怎么说 Let"s go 问题三:出发英语怎么说 set out 问题四:出发的英文是怎么缩写 Let"go 问题五:从自身出发 用英语怎么说 start/proceed from oneself 问题六:你从哪出发用英语怎么说 where will you set off? 问题七:我要出发了用英语怎么说 I am going to leave. 问题八:立刻出发用英文 立刻出发: Head out now. 直译:现在出发 Set out now. 直译:现在出发 Get going now. 直译:准备出发 Hurry out (of here). 直译:赶紧出发 Hit the road now. 直译:现在上路 Leave now. 直译:现在离开 我们立刻出发吧: Let"s head out now. Let"s set out now. Let"s get going now. Let"s hurry out (of here). Let"s hit the road now. Let"s leave now. Let"s 虽然这些说法的直译有些不同,不过在英文里都有 “立刻出发” 的意思。 Now 在英语里是 “现在” 的意思,同义词有楼上说的那几个,right away/immediately/at once,你可以随时交换这些词。 如: Let"s head out right away. Let"s head out immediately. Let"s head out at once. Let"s head out now. 意思都是一样的。 希望对你有帮助―― ?2023-08-02 00:09:211
出发 1(离开原地去其他地方) set out; start off; leave; depart: 例:get ready to start off; 准备出发 It was raining when we set out. 我们出发时正下着雨. The scouts started off on their mission on a stormy night. 侦察兵们在一个雷雨之夜出发去执行任务. 2(从某一方面着眼) start from; proceed from: 例:from a long-term point of view; 从长远的观点出发 proceed in all cases from the interests of the people 一切从人民的利益出发2023-08-02 00:09:281
出发的英文 出发的英文怎么写
1、Let"s go 2、f it is some distant suburb county or even farther, I have to leave on Friday night on a bus.如果去比较远的郊县或者更远的地方,星期五晚上就得坐车出发。 3、Allowing for the bad weather, we should set off soon考虑到天气不好,我们应该立即出发。 4、When he set off, the solo record stood at 93 days他出发的时候,单人航海世界记录是93天。 5、Rain or shine, well set out tomorrow.不论天气好坏,我们明天出发。2023-08-02 00:09:341
Let"go2023-08-02 00:09:442
set out; start off; start from; proceed from2023-08-02 00:10:233
when are you leaving?2023-08-02 00:11:045