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2023-07-30 20:59:26
TAG: 夏天
我在这个网站找到了所有这部电影的所有歌曲,你听听看吧~ http://www.st020.com/list/7667.htm01 These Days - Chantal Kreviazuk 02 Black Roses Red - Alana Grace 03 Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield 04 Just For You - William Tell 05 Be Be Your Love - Rachael Yamagata 06 No Sleep 2nite - The Faders 07 I Want You To Know - Chantal Kreviazuk 08 Simple - Katy Perry 09 Always There In You - The Valli Girls 10 Eric Hutchinson - rock & roll 11 Michelle Branch - together 12 James Otto - sunset man 13 Jack Savoretti - no one"s aware 14 Missy Higgins - warm whispers 15 Craig David - friday night 16 Noisettes - sister rosetta 17 Hot Hot Heat - 5 times out of 100 18 Cyndi Lauper - girls just want to have fun 19 Mute Math - you are mine 20 Aqualung - strange & beautiful

什么是克雷格列表?Organ Donation Ads on Craigslist?

Craigslist是分类信息网站中的领跑者,创办于1995年,其创办人克雷格-纽马克(Craig Newmark)说:“人们不需要更多股票报价的地方,但所有人都偶尔会在寻找住房或工作上需要得到帮助。”Craigslist的名称来源是Craig"s list(克雷格的列表)。 Craigslist上的分类信息包括了求职招聘、房屋租赁买卖、二手产品交易、家政、娱乐、以及敏感的寻找异性朋友。所有信息的发布都是自由和免费的,对于恶意信息的监控,网站主要依靠客户的反馈。2004年8月eBay以3000万美元收购了Craigslis的25%的股份。
2023-07-29 04:57:091


选定好在那个城市。上当地Real Estate 地产网站。有许多。可依价钱,几房等情况搜寻。可以点击那个房产信息中介公司。也可以上网搜寻Real Estate Agent, 找个附近的中介,他(她)会帮你搜寻你想要的。也可以安排带你去看房子(他/她开车接送)。中介费用来自卖方。卖成后,才有拥金。买方通常不付中介费。用中介的好处是从找房,看房开始,到签约,评估,贷款,检查,各式各样手续,他/她都帮你办理。也有个人自己卖房不经过中介的。网上也可找到。有事情必须你自己处理 - 譬如去看房子,后续的所有评估,检查,购买,等法律及财务手续都必须买卖方自己处理。美国购房信息非常公开。
2023-07-29 04:57:182


2023-07-29 04:57:292

最近 LBS 有什么较新的产品或者观点,目前 LBS 演化成怎样了?

不得不说有两个LBS一直在被人提出那就是Zaarly和Taap.it。Zaarly是一个基于地理位置的、实时的、买方驱动的交易市场。买方用户在智能手机上运行Zaarly并输入地理位置,体现出他们的产品及时间,以及他们愿意为此支付的价格。然后 Zaarly通过Twitter、Facebook渠道等把消息广播出去。当有卖方接受出价后, Zaarly就会通过匿名方式通知买方和卖方,让双方约定见面交易。就会很方便而Taap.it则是一款被认为是“手机上的Craiglist”的移动应用。这款基于地理位置的应用将本地的买家和卖家连接起来,并且可以用类似Craigstlist的方式对商品进行排序、搜索或按地点归类。这款应用的操作非常简单, 第一步是注册账户,然后给要出售的物品拍照和输入简单的描述和价格,只用点一下即可上传,而且应用会自动为你上传的物品生成一个位置标签,以方便其他用户搜索,同时你还可以通过这一应用从 Twitter和Facebook等社交网络上进行交易。具体的也就是这样的情况,未来怎么样还要看看这些年技术的变化及增长。
2023-07-29 04:57:372


2023-07-29 04:58:181


2023-07-29 04:58:284


其他信息:美帝地广人稀,不少留学生们还在国内便将买车一事提上了议程,然而真正坐下来开始准备买车时,复杂的流程、繁琐的信息往往会让同学们犯难。下图是美国买车的大致流程,本文就按照这个流程为各位留学生讲解一下美国买车攻略。一、新车还是二手车?买新车还是二手车是第一个要解决的问题。购买新车,最大的优点是放心和省心,使用初期一般不会出什么问题,即便出了什么毛病基本上都有厂家保修,后续维修保养费用较低。如果保养得好,之后不管是置换新车还是学成归国卖车,都能有个不错的价格。唯一需要考虑的是折旧问题,如果毕业后计划回国或者想过几年就换车,最好选择比较保值的车型。购买二手车因为价格实惠是留学生购车主流,细心挑选的话二手车也足够满足生活所需。建议同学们选择里程数在10万英里以下的车,因为二手车出故障的概率较高,而由于人工费用高美国汽车修理费十分昂贵,万一出了大毛病修车的钱都够买辆新车了。留学生们也不像大部分本土美国人一样从小耳濡目染汽车文化,大部分汽车故障都能自己动手解决。另外二手车保险费相比新车会高很多,购买时需要格外费心,购车流程也相对繁琐。二、选车要考虑到哪些因素?车辆的主要使用地区和使用场景等不同会造成在选车时的极大区别,所以,第二步则需要根据自己的实际用车需求,学习一些车的基本知识,下面列出一部分硬性筛选条件,方便同学们选车。硬性筛选条件主要有以下几个:1. 使用地区:主要是针对冬季是否有持续性大雪。一般来说,在冬天时间长、经常下雪的地方必然抛弃后驱车型,避免常年遭遇下雪天爬不了坡而回不了家的尴尬。在这类地区,就实用性而言,同级别动力情况下,四驱>前驱>后驱。2. 使用路况:主要开车路径均为城市道路的话可以选择日系中小型轿车,在能满足日常需求的同时乘车感受、操控性能、平均油耗等均能给人以相对均衡的体验。而如果所在地区路况稍差,需要频繁“翻山越岭”的同学们则更适合选择Jeep Compass、Toyota RAV4等一类SUV。3. 使用场景:平日用车的主要场景也是影响购车的一个主要因素。只是代代步购购物上上学的同学们可以毫无压力地选择本丰四神:Toyota Camry、Honda Civic、Toyota Corolla、Honda Accord,维修保养费用低、油耗低、配件便宜。而追求大马力、操纵性的泡妞一族则可以选择Ford Mustang、Dodge Challenge等典型的北美肌肉车,也可选择丰田86等入门跑车,新车二手价格都不算高。总之,买车前应找准自己的需求,按优先级顺序列出需求,方便选择相应车型。三、如何选择车型?有了前面两步的铺垫与积累,接下来就可以开始正式进入车型挑选环节了。其实通过前两个环节的挑选,仍保留在你候选名单上的车型并不多了,接下来就是进一步了解并最终通过各类参数对比,筛选出最终model清单了(因为毕竟不是挑中某款车型就能正好在二手车市场能找到,所以最终还是要保留两到三个候选项)。在这个环节中最重要的是数据和各类报告,千万不要轻信所谓的各类“江湖流传已久的传言”。如大家心目中似乎一直坚信的“日系车安全性能不及美、德系车”,但实际上翻翻目前主流车型的E-NCAP、NHTSA等碰撞安全测试报告,便会发现日系车近些年在安全性能上的投入也越来越多,综合安全性能指数已经不差美、德系车,各类碰撞测试中5星评价已不在话下。因此,一定要切记:以事实、数据为准。那么,这个详细的挑选环节中的各类数据可参考Consumer Reports网站,这家公司不接受任何厂商赞助,各类测评大部分能保持中立的态度,且市场上流通的绝大部分车型都能找到相应的信息,比较有说服性。虽然需要付一点费用,但是买车是笔大的花费,而且要用好几年,这点小钱还是值得花的。四、购车实战新车的购买相对简单,挑好车型然后去4S店反复试驾就好。一般来说同款车型在推出新款后,之前老款车会一定程度的降价,心细的同学可以在出发去4S店之前上网多做一些功课,了解清楚车型在当地的价格,方便在和经销商砍价时做到心中有数。试驾时除了关注车辆的驾驶体验之外还有一个重要的工作就是确定需要哪些加装产品,以防被店员推销脑子一热买一堆后面发现根本用不上的东西。二手车常见的购买途径有两个:买个人的车,买车商的车。一般情况下,怀着“无商不奸”的心态,不少留学生们对从车商处购车抱有先入为主的不信任,而更愿意选择直接从个人处购车。但从个人卖家处购车,实在不是个简单的活。首先,在一个大部分选择二手车的人都会上的一个网站Craiglists.com上,抱着筛选征婚简历的心态逐一挑选、认真研究,找到属于自己的Mr. Right候选车,再从KBB、NADA等网站上对选中的车型有个预估的价位区间,然后通过Carfax或Autocheck查找车辆各类事故、维修记录等(有事故的车尽量不考虑)。掌握了一大堆底牌后就可以和卖家开始斗智斗勇了。这里需要注意的一点是: Carfax与Auto Check上查询到的车辆历史也并非一定准确, Carfax获取车辆事故以及维修信息是通过保险公司与经销商或者维修店。如果车辆出了事故不报保险或者车主不去正规经销商店而去私人维修店修车,Carfax与AutoCheck是断然无法获取这些车辆事故与维修信息的。美国的车辆保险会考察车主及车辆的事故历史,如果出了事故,那么下一期保险费就会涨很多。另一方面,出过事故的车会很大程度上影响销售价格,而且大家都知道买二手车时要查Carfax或者Auto Check的历史报告,为了高价卖出二手车,有不少人会避免去经销店而选择私人维修厂。所以考察二手车一定要眼见为实,Carfax和Autocheck报告只能作为参考。对于不少同学来说,这个漫长的过程确实充满了乐趣,爱车到手后也会有比较大的成就感。但整体来说,个人二手车交易水太深,容易上当受骗,所以比较适合对车有一定了解的中高级以上选手选择。而从车商处购二手车,一般情况下会比直接从个人处购车贵上1000-2000刀,但好处是省事,基本上可以代办一切手续,而且风险相对较小。所以,一家靠谱的车商对于菜鸟级选手来说是最佳选择。与狡猾车商杀价或心理战网上的攻略很多,但其实看的还是个人本事,在此就不一一赘述,但还是要提醒一句——选车商时最重要的是看服务质量!对客户负责的车商会省去你后面很多麻烦包括交税、后期维修等等。买同款车找四五家车商会让你有更多选择空间。五、一手交钱 一手交车交钱环节中,不推荐现金的交易方式,尽量使用支票,因为万一出现纠纷支票交易有据可查。全款和贷款各有好处,但如果预算不够又想买个差不多的车,可以试试用贷款。在美国很多关于购车的贷款项目,有些车商会直接提供利息很低的相关车贷,临近黑五和年底有些车商会提供零利息等一系列促销活动,需要买车的同学们可以多关注。六、保险&税剩下的便是收尾环节了。一定要注意的是:买了保险再上路(当然,不少车商会要求买了保险再交车,想跳也跳不过这个环节)。美帝也有所谓的强制险,即法律规定必须要买的。主要包含两种:1)身体伤害责任保险(Body injury liability)。顾名思义,当被保险人把人撞了,致使对方受伤或死亡,保险公司就要赔钱,但是如果是你自己受伤了,那不好意思,这钱还得你自己出。2)财产损害责任保险(Property damage liability)。这个就是当被保险人对对方造成了财产损失(把车撞坏了),或对其他财产造成损失(除了被撞的那个人的损失之外的损失),由保险公司赔偿。除了这两种保险之外,其他的例如碰撞保险(Collision insurance)、道路紧急救援保险(Emergency roadside service insurance)等就看自己的情况选择是否购买了。同时,购买保险时货比三家也是有必要的,不同保险公司的保费之间的差别往往也够吃好几顿大餐。关于上税,美国买车后要交使用税(Use Tax),这个税的税率是由你现在的住址和购买车辆的年份决定的,二手车根据年份会享有不同程度的减税政策。拿着Title和购车收据去DMV办牌照的时候一并缴纳税费。当然,现在也有不少的车商提供打包价,即车价、保险、税费打包成一个价格,交完钱可以直接提车走人,懒癌患者可以选择这样的车商。走完上面这一系列的流程之后,同学们就可以开始享受美国汽车生活了。通过上面介绍同学们应该对购车流程清楚了不少,但是对车的性能部分可能还是有所疑问,找车商买车除了不停地试驾,对车内关键零部件还是要有些了解,有兴趣的同学可在YouTube上搜些评车的视频来了解下购车应该检查车内哪些部件。买车最好带上一个非常懂车的朋友一起,省力又放心。
2023-07-29 04:58:371

common law system 的具体实行方针以及程序(英语回答)

The common law forms a major part of the law of those countries of the world with a history as British territories or colonies. It is notable for its inclusion of extensive non-statutory law reflecting precedent derived from centuries of judgments by working jurists.There are three important connotations to the term.One is used to distinguish the authority that promulgated a particular proposition of law: for example, the United States typically has "statutes" enacted by a legislature, "regulations" promulgated by executive branch agencies pursuant to a delegation of rule-making authority from a legislature, and "common law" decisions issued by courts (or quasi-judicial tribunals within agencies) that discuss and decide the fine distinctions in statutes and regulations. See statutory law and non-statutory law.The second distinguishes "common law" jurisdictions (most of which descend from the English legal system) that place great weight on such common law decisons, from "civil law" or "code" jurisdictions (many of which descend from the Napoleonic code in which the weight accorded judicial precedent is much less).The third distinguishes "common law" (or just "law") from "equity". Until the beginning of the 20th Century, most common law jurisdictions had two parallel court systems, courts of "law" that could only award money damages and recognised only the legal owner of property, and courts of "equity" that recognised trusts of property and could issue injunctions, orders to do or stop doing something. Although the separate courts were merged long ago in most jurisdictions, or at least all courts were permitted to apply both law and equity, the distinction between law and equity remains important in (a) categorising and prioritising rights to property, (b) determining whether the Seventh Amendment"s guarantee of a jury trial applies (a determination of a fact necessary to resolution of a "law" claim) or whether the issue can only be decided by a judge (issues of equity), and (c) in the principles that apply to the grant of equitable remedies by the courts.Many important areas of law are governed primarily by common law. For example, in England and Wales and in most states of the United States, the basic law of contracts and torts does not exist in statute, but only in common law. In almost all areas of the law, statutes may give only terse statements of general principle, but the fine boundaries and definitions exist only in the common law. To find out what the law is, you have to locate precedential decisions on the topic, and reason from those decisions by analogy.Contents [hide]1 History of the common law2 Common law legal systems3 Basic principles of common law4 Works on the common law5 See also6 External links[edit]History of the common lawCommon law originally developed under the inquisitorial system in England from judicial decisions that were based in tradition, custom, and precedent. Such forms of legal institutions and culture bear resemblance to those which existed historically in continental Europe and other societies where precedent and custom have at times played a substantial role in the legal process, including Germanic law recorded in Roman historical chronicles. The form of reasoning used in common law is known as casuistry or case-based reasoning. The common law, as applied in civil cases (as distinct from criminal cases), was devised as a means of compensating someone for wrongful acts known as torts, including both intentional torts and torts caused by negligence, and as developing the body of law recognizing and regulating contracts. The type of procedure practised in common law courts is known as the adversarial system; this is also a development of the common law.Before the institutional stability imposed on England by William the Conqueror in 1066, English residents, like those of many other societies, particularly the Germanic cultures of continental Europe, were governed by unwritten local customs that varied from community to community and were enforced in often arbitrary fashion. For example, courts generally consisted of informal public assemblies that weighed conflicting claims in a case and, if unable to reach a decision, might require an accused to test guilt or innocence by carrying a red-hot iron or snatching a stone from a cauldron of boiling water or some other "test" of veracity (trial by ordeal). If the defendant"s wound healed within a prescribed period, he was set free as innocent; if not, execution usually followed.In 1154, Henry II became the first Plantagenet king. Among many achievements, Henry institutionalized common law by creating a unified system of law "common" to the country through incorporating and elevating local custom to the national, ending local control and peculiarities, eliminating arbitrary remedies, and reinstating a jury system of citizens sworn on oath to investigate reliable criminal accusations and civil claims. The jury reached its verdict through evaluating common local knowledge, not necessarily through the presentation of evidence, a distinguishing factor from today"s civil and criminal court systems.Henry II"s creation of a powerful and unified court system, which curbed somewhat the power of canonical (church) courts, brought him (and England) into conflict with the church, most famously, with Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Things were resolved eventually, at least for a time, in Henry"s favour when a group of his henchmen murdered Becket. For its part, the Church soon canonized Becket as a saint.Thus, in English legal history, judicially-developed "common law" became the uniform authority throughout the realm several centuries before Parliament acquired the power to make laws.As early as the 15th century, it became the practice that litigants who felt they had been cheated by the common-law system would petition the King in person. For example, they might argue that an award of damages (at common law) was not sufficient redress for a trespasser occupying their land, and instead request that the trespasser be evicted. From this developed the system of equity, administered by the Lord Chancellor, in the courts of chancery. By their nature, equity and law were frequently in conflict and litigation would frequently continue for years as one court countermanded the other, even though it was established by the 17th century that equity should prevail. A famous example is the fictional case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce in Bleak House, by Charles Dickens.In England, courts of law and equity were combined by the Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875, with equity being supreme in case of conflict. In the United States, parallel systems of law (providing money damages) and equity (fashioning a remedy to fit the situation) survived well into the 20th century in most jurisdictions. The United States federal courts separated law and equity until they were combined by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1937 - the same judges could hear either kind of case, but a given case could only pursue causes in law or in equity, which of course led to all kinds of problems when a given case required both money damages and injunctive relief. Delaware still has separate courts of law and equity, and in many states there are separate divisions for law and equity within one court.[edit]Common law legal systemsThe common law constitutes the basis of the legal systems of: England and Wales, the Republic of Ireland, federal law in the United States and the states" laws (except Louisiana), federal law in Canada and the provinces" laws (except Quebec civil law), Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Brunei, Pakistan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and many other generally English-speaking countries or Commonwealth countries. Essentially, every country which has been colonised at some time by Britain uses common law except those that had been colonized by other nations, such as Quebec (which follows French law to some extent) and South Africa (which follows Roman Dutch law), where the prior civil law system was retained to respect the civil rights of the local colonists. India"s system of common law is also a mixture of English law and the local Hindu law.The main alternative to the common law system is the civil law system, which is used in Continental Europe, and most of the rest of the world. The former Soviet Bloc and other Socialist countries used a Socialist law system.The opposition between civil law and common law legal systems has become increasingly blurred, with the growing importance of jurisprudence (almost like case law but in name) in civil law countries, and the growing importance of statute law and codes in common law countries (for example, in matters of criminal law, commercial law (the Uniform Commercal Code in the early 1960"s) and procedure (the Federal Rules of Evidence in the 1970"s)).Scotland is often said to use the civil law system but in fact it has a unique system that combines elements of an uncodified civil law dating back to the Corpus Juris Civilis with an element of common law long predating the Treaty of Union with England in 1707. Scots common law differs in that the use of precedents is subject to the courts seeking to discover the principle which justifies a law rather than to search for an example as a precedent and that the principles of natural justice and fairness have always formed a source of Scots Law. Comparable pluralistic legal systems operate in Quebec, Louisiana and South Africa. These systems are referred to as mixed legal systems.The U.S. state of California has a system based on common law, but it has codified the law in the manner of the civil law jurisdictions. The reason for the enactment of the codes in California in the nineteenth century was to replace a pre-existing system based on Spanish civil law with a system based on common law, similar to that in most other states. California and a number of other Western states, however, have retained the concept of community property derived from civil law. The California courts have treated portions of the codes as an extension of the common-law tradition, subject to judicial development in the same manner as judge-made common law. (Most notably, in the case Li v. Yellow Cab Co., 13 Cal.3d 804 (1975), the California Supreme Court adopted the principle of comparative negligence in the face of a California Civil Code provision codifying the traditional common-law doctrine of contributory negligence.)The state of New York, which also has a civil law history from its Dutch colonial days, also began a codification of its laws in the 19th century. The only part of this codification process that was considered complete is known as the Field Code applying to civil procedure. The original colony of New Netherlands was settled by the Dutch and the law was also Dutch. When the British captured pre-existing colonies they continued to allow the local settlers to keep their civil law. However, the Dutch settlers revolted against the English and the colony was recaptured by the Dutch. When the English finally regained control of New Netherlands -- as a punishment unique in the history of the British Empire -- they forced the English common law upon all the colonists, including the Dutch. This was problematic as the patroon system of land holding, based on the feudal system and civil law, continued to operate in the colony until it was abolished in the mid-nineteenth century. The influence of Roman Dutch law continued in the colony well into the late nineteenth century. The codification of a law of general obligations shows how remnants of the civil law tradition in New York continued on from the Dutch days.[edit]Basic principles of common lawStatutes which reflect English common law are understood always to be interpreted in light of the common law tradition, and so may leave a number of things unsaid because they are already understood from the point of view of pre-existing case law and custom. This can readily be seen in the area of criminal law, which while remaining largely governed by the common law in England, has been entirely codified in many US states. Codification is the process where a statute is passed with the intention of restating the common law position in a single document rather than creating new offences, so the common law remains relevant to their interpretation. This is why even today American law schools teach the common law of crime as practised in England in 1750, since the colonies (and subsequently the states) deviated from the common law as practised in England only after that date.By contrast to the statutory codifications of common law, some laws are purely statutory, and may create a new cause of action beyond the common law. An example is the tort of wrongful death, which allows certain persons, usually a spouse, child or estate, to sue for damages on behalf of the deceased. There is no such tort in English common law; thus, any jurisdiction that lacks a wrongful death statute will not allow a lawsuit for the wrongful death of a loved one. Where a wrongful death statute exists, the damages or compensation available are limited to those outlined in the statute (typically, an upper limit on the amount of damages). Courts generally interpret statutes that create new causes of action narrowly -- that is, limited to their precise terms -- because the courts generally recognize the legislature as being supreme in deciding the reach of judge-made law unless such statute should violate some "second order" constitutional law p
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1、年度最佳唱片 (Record Of The Year) 2、年度最佳专辑 (Album Of The Year) 3、年度最佳歌曲 (Song Of The Year) 4、最佳新人 (Best New Artist) 《Rehab》(听歌) Amy Winehouse 《River: The Joni Letters》(听歌) Herbie Hancock 《Rehab》(听歌) Amy Winehouse, songwriter (Amy Winehouse) Amy Winehouse 流行类 5、最佳流行女歌手 (Best Female Pop Vocal Performance) 6、最佳流行男歌手 (Best Male Pop Vocal Performance) 7、最佳流行乐队/组合 (Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals) 8、最佳流行合唱 (Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals) 9、最佳流行器乐演奏 (Best Pop Instrumental Performance) 10、最佳流行乐器演奏专辑 (Best Pop Instrumental Album) 11、最佳流行演唱专辑 (Best Pop Vocal Album) 《Rehab》(听歌) Amy Winehouse 《What Goes Around...Comes Around》(听歌) Justin Timberlake 《Makes Me Wonder》(听歌) Maroon 5 《Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)》(听歌) Robert Plant & Alison Krauss 《One Week Last Summer》 Joni Mitchell 《The Mix-Up》(听歌) Beastie Boys 《Back To Black》(听歌) Amy Winehouse 舞曲类 12、最佳舞曲唱片 (Best Dance Recording) 13、最佳电子/舞曲专辑 (Best Electronic/Dance Album) 《LoveStoned/I Think She Knows》(听歌) Justin Timberlake 《We Are The Night》(听歌) The Chemical Brothers 传统流行类 14、最佳传统流行演唱专辑 (Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album) 《Call Me Irresponsible》(听歌) Michael Bublé 摇滚类 15、最佳摇滚歌手 (Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance) 16、最佳摇滚乐队/组合 (Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals) 17、最佳硬摇滚演奏 (Best Hard Rock Performance) 18、最佳金属演奏 (Best Metal Performance) 19、最佳摇滚乐器演奏 (Best Rock Instrumental Performance) 20、最佳摇滚歌曲 (Best Rock Song) 21、最佳摇滚专辑 (Best Rock Album) 《Radio Nowhere》(听歌) Bruce Springsteen 《Icky Thump》(听歌) The White Stripes 《The Pretender》(听歌) Foo Fighters 《Final Six》 Slayer 《Once Upon A Time In The West》 Bruce Springsteen 《Radio Nowhere》(听歌) Bruce Springsteen 《Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace》(听歌) Foo Fighters 另类音乐类 22、最佳另类音乐专辑 (Best Alternative Music Album) 《Icky Thump》(听歌) The White Stripes 节奏蓝调音乐类 23、最佳R&B女歌手 (Best Female R&B Vocal Performance) 24、最佳R&B男歌手 (Best Male R&B Vocal Performance) 25、最佳R&B乐队/组合 (Best R&B Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals) 26、最佳传统R&B歌手 (Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance) 27、最佳城市音乐/另类歌手 (Best Urban/Alternative Performance) 28、最佳R&B歌曲 (Best R&B Song) 29、最佳R&B专辑 (Best R&B Album) 30、最佳当代R&B专辑 (Best Contemporary R&B Album) 《No One》(听歌) Alicia Keys 《Future Baby Mama》(听歌) Prince 《Disrespectful》 Chaka Khan Featuring Mary J. Blige 《In My Songs》(听歌) Gerald Levert 《Daydreamin"》 Lupe Fiasco Featuring Jill Scott 《No One》(听歌) Dirty Harry, Kerry Brothers & Alicia Keys, songwriters (Alicia Keys) 《Funk This》 Chaka Khan 《Because Of You》(听歌) Ne-Yo 说唱类 31、最佳说唱歌手 (Best Rap Solo Performance) 32、最佳说唱乐队/组合 (Best Rap Performance By A Duo Or Group) 33、最佳说唱歌曲合作 (Best Rap/Sung Collaboration ) 34、最佳说唱歌曲 (Best Rap Song) 35、最佳说唱专辑 (Best Rap Album) 《Stronger》(听歌) Kanye West 《Southside》(听歌) Common Featuring Kanye West 《Umbrella》(听歌) Rihanna Featuring Jay-Z 《Good Life》(听歌) Aldrin Davis, Mike Dean, Faheem Najm & Kanye West, songwriters (J. Ingram & Q. Jones, songwriters)(Kanye West Featuring T-Pain) 《Graduation》(听歌) Kanye West 乡村类 36、最佳乡村女歌手 (Best Female Country Vocal Performance) 37、最佳乡村男歌手 (Best Male Country Vocal Performance) 38、最佳乡村乐队/组合 (Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals) 39、最佳乡村合唱 (Best Country Collaboration With Vocals) 40、最佳乡村乐器演奏 (Best Country Instrumental Performance) 41、最佳乡村歌曲 (Best Country Song) 42、最佳乡村专辑 (Best Country Album) 43、最佳兰草专辑 (Best Bluegrass Album) 《Before He Cheats》(听歌) Carrie Underwood 《Stupid Boy》(听歌) Keith Urban 《How Long》(听歌) Eagles 《Lost Highway》 Willie Nelson & Ray Price 《Throttleneck》(听歌) Brad Paisley 《Before He Cheats》(听歌) Josh Kear & Chris Tompkins, songwriters (Carrie Underwood) 《These Days》 Vince Gill 《The Bluegrass Diaries》 Jim Lauderdale 新世纪类 44、最佳新世纪专辑 (Best New Age Album) 《Crestone》 Paul Winter Consort 爵士类 45、最佳当代爵士乐专辑 (Best Contemporary Jazz Album) 46、最佳爵士演唱专辑 (Best Jazz Vocal Album) 47、最佳爵士乐器独奏 (Best Jazz Instrumental Solo) 48、最佳爵士演奏专辑 (Best Jazz Instrumental Album, Individual or Group) 49、最佳大爵士乐团专辑 (Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album) 50、最佳拉丁爵士专辑 (Best Latin Jazz Album) 《River: The Joni Letters》(听歌) Herbie Hancock 《Avant Gershwin》 Patti Austin 《Anagram》(听歌) Michael Brecker, soloist 《Pilgrimage》(听歌) Michael Brecker 《A Tale Of God"s Will (A Requiem For Katrina)》 Terence Blanchard 《Funk Tango》 Paquito D"Rivera Quintet? 灵乐类 51、最佳灵乐表演 (Best Gospel Performance) 52、最佳灵乐歌曲 (Best Gospel Song) 53、最佳摇滚/说唱灵乐专辑 (Best Rock Or Rap Gospel Album) 54、最佳流行/当代灵乐专辑 (Best Pop/Contemporary Gospel Album) 55、最佳南方、乡村或蓝草灵乐专辑 (Best Southern, Country, Or Bluegrass Gospel Album) 56、最佳传统灵乐专辑 (Best Traditional Gospel Album) 57、最佳当代节奏蓝调灵乐专辑 (Best Contemporary R&B Gospel Album) 《Never Gonna Break My Faith》 Aretha Franklin & Mary J. Blige (Tie)《Blessed & Highly Favored》 The Clark Sisters 《Blessed & Highly Favored》 Karen Clark-Sheard, songwriter (The Clark Sisters) 《Before The Daylight"s Shot》 Ashley Cleveland 《A Deeper Level》 Israel And New Breed 《Salt Of The Earth》 Ricky Skaggs & The Whites 《Live - One Last Time》 The Clark Sisters 《Free To Worship》 Fred Hammond 拉丁类 58、最佳流行拉丁专辑 (Best Latin Pop Album) 59、最佳拉丁摇滚/另类或城市音乐专辑 (Best Latin Rock Or Alternative Album) 60、最佳拉丁城市专辑 (Best Latin Urban Album) 61、最佳热带拉丁专辑 (Best Tropical Latin Album) 62、最佳墨西哥/美洲专辑 (Best Mexican/Mexican-American Album) 63、最佳特加诺专辑 (Best Tejano Album) 64、最佳诺特诺专辑 (Best Norteno Album) 65、最佳Banda专辑 (Best Banda Album) 《El Tren De Los Momentos》(听歌) Alejandro Sanz 《No Hay Espacio》 Black:Guayaba 《Residente O Visitante》 Calle 13 《La Llave De Mi Corazón》 Juan Luis Guerra 《100% Mexicano》 Pepe Aguilar 《Before The Next Teardrop Falls》 Little Joe & La Familia 《Detalles Y Emociones》 Los Tigres Del Norte 《Te Va A Gustar》 El Chapo 蓝调类 66、最佳传统蓝调专辑 (Best Traditional Blues Album) 67、最佳当代蓝调专辑 (Best Contemporary Blues Album) 《Last Of The Great Mississippi Delta Bluesmen: Live In Dallas》 Henry James Townsend, Joe Willie "Pinetop" Perkins, Robert Lockwood, Jr. & David "Honeyboy" Edwards 《The Road To Escondido》 JJ Cale & Eric Clapton 民谣类 68、最佳传统民谣专辑 (Best Traditional Folk Album) 69、最佳当代民谣/美国本土专辑 (Best Contemporary Folk/Americana Album) 70、最佳印第安音乐专辑 (Best Native American Music Album) 71、最佳夏威夷音乐专辑 (Best Hawaiian Music Album) 72、最佳柴迪科舞曲/Cajun音乐专辑 (Best Zydeco Or Cajun Music Album) 《Dirt Farmer》 Levon Helm 《Washington Square Serenade》 Steve Earle 《Totemic Flute Chants》 Johnny Whitehorse 《Treasures Of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar》 Daniel Ho, George Kahumoku, Jr., Paul Konwiser & Wayne Wong 《Live! Worldwide》 Terrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience 雷鬼类 73、最佳雷鬼专辑 (Best Reggae Album) 《Mind Control》(听歌) Stephen Marley 世界音乐类 74、最佳传统世界音乐专辑 (Best Traditional World Music Album) 75、最佳当代世界音乐专辑 (Best Contemporary World Music Album) 《African Spirit》 Soweto Gospel Choir 《Djin Djin》 Angelique Kidjo 波尔卡类 76、最佳波尔卡专辑 (Best Polka Album) 《Come Share The Wine》 Jimmy Sturr And His Orchestra 儿童类 77、最佳儿童音乐剧专辑 (Best Musical Album For Children) 78、最佳儿童朗读专辑 (Best Spoken Word Album For Children) 《A Green And Red Christmas》 The Muppets 《Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows》 Jim Dale 朗读类 79、最佳诵读专辑 (Best Spoken Word Album) 《The Audacity Of Hope: Thoughts On Reclaiming The American Dream》 Barack Obama 喜剧类 80、最佳喜剧专辑 (Best Comedy Album) 《The Distant Future》 Flight Of The Conchords 音乐剧类 81、最佳音乐剧专辑 (Best Musical Show Album) 《Spring Awakening》 Duncan Sheik, producer; Duncan Sheik, composer; Steven Sater, lyricist 电影/电视/视频类 82、最佳改编影视音乐专辑 (Best Compilation Soundtrack Album For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media) 83、最佳原创影视音乐专辑 (Best Score Soundtrack Album For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media) 84、最佳影视歌曲 (Best Song Written For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media) 《Love》(The Beatles) George Martin & Giles Martin, producers 《Ratatouille》 Michael Giacchino, composer 《Love You I Do (From Dreamgirls)》 Siedah Garrett & Henry Krieger, songwriters (Jennifer Hudson) 作曲/编曲类 85、最佳器乐作曲 (Best Instrumental Composition) 86、最佳器乐编曲 (Best Instrumental Arrangement) 87、最佳器乐编曲伴唱 (Best Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying Vocalist(s)) 《Cerulean Skies》 Maria Schneider, composer(Maria Schneider Orchestra) 《In A Silent Way》 Vince Mendoza 《I"m Gonna Live Till I Die》 John Clayton, arranger (Queen Latifah) 包装类 88、最佳唱片包装 (Best Recording Package) 89、最佳盒装/限量发行版包装 (Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package) 《Cassadaga》(听歌) Zack Nipper, art director (Bright Eyes) 《What It Is!: Funky Soul And Rare Grooves (1967-1977)》 Masaki Koike, art director (Various Artists) 专辑注解类 90、最佳专辑注解 (Best Album Notes) 《John Work, III: Recording Black Culture》 Bruce Nemerov, album notes writer (Various Artists) 历史类 91、最佳历史专辑 (Best Historical Album) 《The Live Wire - Woody Guthrie In Performance 1949》 Nora Guthrie & Jorge Arévalo Mateus, compilation producers; Jamie Howarth, Steve Rosenthal, Warren Russell-Smith & Dr. Kevin Short, mastering engineers (Woody Guthrie) 非古典类制作类 92、最佳非古典类工程专辑 (Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical) 93、年度最佳非古典类制作人 (Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical) 94、最佳非古典类混音唱片 (Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical) 《Beauty & Crime》(听歌) Tchad Blake, Cameron Craig, Emery Dobyns & Jimmy Hogarth, engineers (Suzanne Vega) Mark Ronson >Back To Black (Amy Winehouse) (T) >Littlest Things (Lily Allen) (T) >Rehab (Amy Winehouse) (T) >Version (Mark Ronson) (A) >You Know I"m No Good (Amy Winehouse) (T) 《Bring The Noise (Benny Benassi Sfaction Remix)》 Benny Benassi, remixer (Public Enemy)(听歌) 环绕音响类 95、最佳环绕音响专辑 (Best Surround Sound Album) 《Love》 Paul Hicks, surround mix engineer; Tim Young, surround mastering engineer; George Martin & Giles Martin, surround producers (The Beatles) 古典类制作类 96、最佳古典类工程专辑 (Best Engineered Album, Classical) 97、年度最佳古典类制作人 (Producer Of The Year, Classical) 《Grechaninov: Passion Week》 John Newton, engineer (Charles Bruffy, Phoenix Bach Choir & Kansas City Chorale) Judith Sherman >American Virtuosa: Tribute To Maud Powell (Rachel Barton Pine & Matthew Hagle) >From Barrelhouse To Broadway: The Musical Odyssey Of Joe Jordan >Górecki: String Quartet No. 3 "...Songs Are Sung" >Strange Imaginary Animals (Eighth Blackbird) >Tchaikovsky: Three String Quartets, Souvenir De Florence (Ying Quartet) 古典类 98、最佳古典专辑 (Best Classical Album) 99、最佳管弦乐队 (Best Orchestral Performance) 100、最佳歌剧唱片 (Best Opera Recording) 101、最佳合唱团 (Best Choral Performance) 102、最佳器乐独奏(与管弦乐队合作) (Best Instrumental Soloist(s) Performance (with Orchestra)) 103、最佳器乐独奏(无管弦乐队) (Best Instrumental Soloist Performance (without Orchestra)) 104、最佳室内音乐演奏 (Best Chamber Music Performance) 105、最佳小乐队演奏奖 (Best Small Ensemble Performance) 106、最佳古典演唱 (Best Classical Vocal Performance) 107、最佳当代古典音乐作曲奖 (Best Classical Contemporary Composition) 108、最佳古典跨界专辑 (Best Classical Crossover Album) 《Tower: Made In America》 Leonard Slatkin, conductor; Tim Handley, producer (Nashville Symphony) 《Tower: Made In America》 Leonard Slatkin, conductor (Nashville Symphony) 《Humperdinck: Hansel & Gretel》 Sir Charles Mackerras, conductor; Rebecca Evans, Jane Henschel&Jennifer Larmore; Brian Couzens, producer 《Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem》 Simon Rattle, conductor; Simon Halsey, chorus master 《Barber/Korngold/Walton: Violin Concertos》 James Ehnes 《Beethoven Sonatas, Vol. 3》 Garrick Ohlsson 《Strange Imaginary Animals》 Eighth Blackbird 《Stravinsky: Apollo, Concerto In D; Prokofiev: 20 Visions Fugitives》 Yuri Bashmet, conductor; Moscow Soloists 《Lorraine Hunt Lieberson Sings Peter Lieberson: Neruda Songs》 Lorraine
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《亲密如贼》Thick as Thieves ------- (2009) 《遗愿清单》The Bucket List ------- (2008) 《蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士》The Dark Knight ------- (2008) 《通缉犯》 Wanted ------- (2008) 《处女大盗》The Lonely Maiden ------- (2008) 《失踪宝贝》 Gone Baby Gone ------- (2007) 《爱的盛宴》Feast of Love ------- (2007) 《冒牌天神2》Evan Almighty ------- (2007) 《幸运数字斯莱文》Lucky Number Slevin ------- (2006) 《10件或更少》 10 Items or Less ------- (2006) 《死亡契约》The Contract ------- (2006) 《帝企鹅日记》Marche de l"empereur, La ------- (2005) 《蝙蝠侠诞生》 Batman Begins ------- (2005) 《世界大战》 War of the Worlds ------- (2005) 《华丽的荒土:月球漫步记》 Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D ------- (2005) 《罪恶之城埃迪森》 Edison ------- (2005) 《命途多舛》 An Unfinished Life ------- (2005) 《犬人丹尼》 Danny the Dog ------- (2005) 《竞选总统》 The Hunting of the President ------- (2004) 《威夷金钱游戏》The Big Bounce ------- (2004) 《百万美元宝贝》 Million Dollar Baby ------- (2004) 《黑人重案组》Guilty by Association ------- (2003) 《冒牌天神》 Bruce Almighty ------- (2003) 《乞赎的灵魂》 Levity ------- (2003) 《捉梦人》Dreamcatcher ------- (2003) 《恐惧的总和》 The Sum of All Fears ------- (2002) 《极度重罪》 High Crimes ------- (2002) 《蛛丝马迹》 Along Came a Spider ------- (2001) 《护士贝蒂》 Nurse Betty ------- (2000) 《疑云密布》 Under Suspicion ------- (2000) 《大雨成灾》 Hard Rain ------- (1998) 《天地大冲撞》 Deep Impact ------- (1998) 《遥遥归乡路》 The Long Way Home ------- (1997) 《桃色追捕令》 Kiss the Girls ------- (1997) 《时空之旅》Cosmic Voyage ------- (1996) 《连锁反应》 Chain Reaction ------- (1996) 《凤舞红尘》 Moll Flanders ------- (1996) 《七宗罪》 Se7en ------- (1995) 《恐怖地带》Outbreak ------- (1995) 《世纪电影》 A Century of Cinema ------- (1994) 《肖申克的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption ------- (1994) 《不可饶恕》 Unforgiven ------- (1992) 《西部小英雄》 The Power of One ------- (1992) 《罗宾汉》 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves ------- (1991) 《虚荣的篝火》 The Bonfire of the Vanities ------- (1990)
2023-07-29 04:59:542


Eminem is at #10 with "Stan", #50 with "The Way I Am" and #94 with "The real slim shady" and 50 Cent is @ #29 with "In Da Club" . Heres the full list: 1. White Lines (Don"t Do It) - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five 2. Walk This Way - Run DMC & Aerosmith 3. Rappers Delight - Sugar Hill Gang 4. Fight The Power - Public Enemy 5. Fight For Your Right - Beastie Boys 6. Gangsta"s Paradise - Coolio 7. Planet Rock - Afrika Bambatta 8. The Message - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five 9. Killing Me Softly - The Fugees 10. Stan - Eminem 11. I"ll Be Missing You - Puff Daddy 12. California Love - 2Pac 13. Cop Killa - Ice T 14. The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly) - Missy Elliott 15. I Need Love - LL Cool J 16. Doo Wop (That Thing) - Lauryn Hill 17. Push It - Salt-N-Pepa 18. Mama Said Knock You Out - LL Cool J 19. Ms. Jackson - Outkast 20. Work It - Missy Elliott 21. Nuthin But A "G" Thang. Dr. Dre 22. People Everyday - Arrested Development 23. 99 Problems - Jay Z 24. Crossroads - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony 25. Mo Money Mo Problems - Notorious B.I.G. 26. Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince 27. Country Grammer - Nelly 28. Gin & Juice - Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre 29. In Da Club - 50 Cent 30. Stop The Violence Movement - Self Destruction 31. Hey Ya - Outkast 32. Everything Is Everything - Lauryn Hill 33. Mind"s Playing Tricks On Me - Geto Boys 34. Looking For The Perfect Beat - Afrika Bambatta 35. No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys 36. Big Poppa - Notorious B.I.G. 37. U-N-I-T-Y. Queen Latifah 38. It"s Tricky - Run DMC 39. I used to love h.e.r. - Common 40. Gettin Jiggy Wit It - Will Smith 41. Excursion - A Tribe Called Quest 42. Black Steel In the Hour of Chaos - Public Enemy 43. Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot 44. Real Love - Mary J. Blige 45. The Magic Number - De La Soul 46. Hard Knock Life - Jay Z 47. Straight Outta Compton - N.W.A. 48. Bridge is Over - Boogie Down Productions 49. On and On - Erykah Badu 50. The Way I Am - Eminem 51. Rock Box - Run DMC 52. New Jack Hustler - Ice-T 53. One Minute Man - Missy Elliott 54. Me, Myself and I - De La Soul 55. We"re All In The Same Gang - West Coast Rap All-Stars 56. Hot In Herre - Nelly 57. My Adidas - Run DMC 58. Roxannes Revenge - Roxanne Shante 59. AmeriKKKa"s Most Wanted - Ice Cube 60. Say No Go - De La Soul 61. Just A Friend - Biz Markie 62. One More Chance - Notorious B.I.G. 63. Funkee Ko Medina - Tone Loc 64. Rebel Without A Pause - Public Enemy 65. Love of My Life - Erykah Badu 66. Whatta Man - Salt-N-Pepa & En Vogue 67. I Know You Got Soul - Eric B. & Rakim 68. Creep - TLC 69. Childrens Story - Slick Rick 70. 2 Legit 2 Quit - MC Hammer 71. Brown Skin Lady - Mos Def 72. Welcome to the Terrordome - Public Enemy 73. Dear Mama - 2Pac 74. Woo-Ha!! Got You All In Check - Busta Rhymes 75. Big Pimpin" - Jay-Z 76. Bonita Applebum - A Tribe Called Quest 77. No More Drama - Mary J. Blige 78. Ready or Not - The Fugees 79. Jesus Walks - Kanye West 80. Love Is Blind - Eve 81. Lyte As A Rock - MC Lyte 82. Eye Know - De La Soul 83. Raw - Big Daddy Kane 84. It Was A Good Day - Ice Cube 85. Parents Just Don"t Understand - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince 86. Scenario - A Tribe Called Quest 87. To Beat Ya"ll - Lady B 88. I"m Still Number One - Boogie Down Productions 89. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See - Busta Rhymes 90. Bust A Move - Young MC 91. Don"t Sweat The Technique - Eric B. & Rakim 92. Freaks Come Out At Night - Whodini 93. Wild Thing - Tone Loc 94. The Real Slim Shady - Eminem 95. How Ya Like Me Now - Kool Moe Dee 96. C.R.E.A.M. - Wu Tang Clan 97. Boyz-N-The Hood. Eazy E 98. Vapors - Biz Markie 99. The Humpty Dance - Digital Underground 100. Express Yourself - N.W.A
2023-07-29 05:00:031


BREAK GOso tell me 嘻哈甜心
2023-07-29 05:00:123


2023-07-29 05:00:2011


http://hi.baidu.com/stealheart都是本人比较喜欢的歌曲和电影 希望你也喜欢 不断更新中~~
2023-07-29 05:01:263

Let S Go Out Tonight 歌词

Let"s Go Out Tonight - The Blue NileWhere the cars go byAll the day and nightWhy don"t you sayWhat"s so wrong tonight?Pray for mePraying for the lightBaby, babyLet"s go out tonightWhere the lights all shineLike I knew they wouldBe mine all mineBaby I"ll be goodPray for mePraying for the lightBaby, babyLet"s go out tonightI know a placeWhere every thing"s alright, alrightLet"s go out tonightWhere the cars go byAll the day and nightWhy don"t you sayWhat"s so wrong tonight?I pray for loveComing out alright, yeahBaby, babyLet"s go out tonight, yeahBaby, be my babyLet"s go out tonightTonight, tonightYeah, tonight歌手: Craig ArmstrongCraig Armstrong是Massive Attack创立的Melankolic厂牌旗下的顶级混音大师和目前在好莱坞炙手可热的电影配乐大师,被看成是Massive Attack的特色标签。他曾在伦敦英国皇家艺术院学习音乐后来又在苏格兰学习。这个时期他获得了作曲和包括GLAA年轻爵士音乐家在内的许多奖励。从那以后他的事业非常成功,参与制作电影,电视,剧院和商业音乐。他曾任皇家莎士比亚乐团,苏格兰管弦乐队和Tron剧院的委任。
2023-07-29 05:01:342


1:P.I.M.P------50 cent I"m right here----samantha mumba be without you---Mary J Blige you feat lil wayne-----lloyd hips don"t lie------Bamboo in the air tonight----naturally 7 2:a perfect indian-------Sinead O"connor if i were you-----tamia suicice is painless-----Lady And Bird may it be----enya not me, not i------delta goodrem polyester----Maximilian Hecker 3:never meant to be----samantha mumba all good things----nelly furtado only when I sleep------the corrs 、 burning------maria arredondo starts with goodbye---carrie underwood over it`-------katharine mcphee Tell Me Who You Are -----Ldy Lickem 4:you give love a bad name-----Bon Jovi Bullet for My Valentine ----Tears Don"t Fall Stairway to heaven ——Led Zeppelin Love Me for Me ——Ashlee Simpson5:爱情复活节-----罗琦 大哥----卫兰 突然想起你----萧亚轩 失忆症----蔡健雅 划火柴-----陈晓东
2023-07-29 05:01:4315


  个人档案  姓名:梅格瑞恩 Meg Ryan  本名:MARGARET MARY EMILY ANNE HYRA  出生:1961年11月19日  身高:5" 8"  学历:纽约大学新闻系  丈夫:丹尼斯奎德—43岁  得奖纪录:曾以《当哈利碰上莎莉》及《西雅图夜未眠》获金  球奖最佳女主角提名  当选1994年People杂志全球最漂亮的50位名人  目前票房最高的作品:西雅图夜未眠(US$ 126,670,704)  主要作品  1981《琼楼梦痕话当年 RICH AND TFAMOUS》  1982《One of the Boys》  1983《Amityville 3-D》  1985《野性 Wildside》(TV)  1986《霹雳保镳 ARMED AND ANGEROUS》  《壮志凌云 TOP GUN》  1987《惊异大奇航 INNERSPACE》  1988《死亡旋窝 D.O.A》  《普西迪基地 PRESIDIO, THE》  《一诺千金 Promised Land》  1989《当哈利碰上莎莉 WHEN HARRY MET SALLY》  1990《跳火山的人 JOE VERSUS THE VOLCANO》  1991《门 THE DOORS》  1992《神魂颠倒第六感 PRELUDE TO A KISS》  1993《西雅图夜未眠 SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE》  《Flesh and Bone》  1994《爱神有约 I.Q.》  《当男人爱上女人 WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN》  《世纪影院 Century of Cinema》  1995《情定巴黎 FRENCH KISS》  《复兴时代 RESTORATION》  1996《火线勇气 COURAGE UNDER FIRE》  1997《为你疯狂 Addicted To Love》  《Two for the Road》  1998《电子情书 You"ve Got Mail》  《X情人 City of Angels》  《浮世男女 Hurlyburly》  1999《Hanging Up》  好莱坞的“爱神”梅格·瑞恩  ……“梅格拥有容易被人接受、聪明、可爱及坚强的特质。”  ……“男性会希望能娶她,而女性则希望与她交朋友。基本  上女孩子不会介意男友喜欢梅格·瑞恩,因为她们自己也爱梅格  ·瑞恩。”  纵观好莱电影史,每个时代的好莱坞都会为自己塑造出一位  “爱神”,梅格·瑞恩就是90年代好莱坞的“爱神”。如今,38  岁的梅格·瑞恩仍然是好莱坞公认的“首席爱神”,这不能不说  是一个奇迹。  梅格·瑞恩1961年11月19日生于美国康涅锹格州的贝塞尔。她童年生活在一个传  统的美国式家庭,父母都是教师,兄弟姐妹共 4人。母样凯瑟琳却酷爱演艺生活,甚  至在梅格14岁那年抛夫弃子,投身纽约的一家剧团。这种家庭变故使梅格的父亲――  一位忠厚老实的中学教师极为尴尬,但却激起了梅格本人对表演艺术的强烈兴趣。高  中毕业后,她先在康涅锹克大学主修新闻学,后来在母亲的资助下在绘声绘色大学学  习戏剧表演,而大学期间一次偶然机会使她参加演出了电影《野性王国》。就这样一  个角色,使梅格的表演欲望一下子被点燃,她居然放弃学业,进入了演艺圈。初入演  艺圈的梅格,在著名肥皂电视系列片《世界在旋转》中担任角色达 4年之久,她虽然  不为人所知,但这段艰革的历程却使她学会了表演。  1986年,梅格·瑞恩终于找到了自己的第一次机会,出现在汤姆·克鲁斯主演的  《壮志凌云》一片中,虽然她饰演的是一位军人的妻子,有点“傻大姐”的味道,却  不失青春气息。影片的成功,让梅格·瑞恩的名字渐渐为人们所熟悉,她的表演也得  到了许多好莱导演的认可。从此片约接踵而至,她相继主演了《零度空间》、《龙虎  先锋》、《遥远的地方》等影片。1989年,梅格在演艺事业上迎来了第一次高峰――  她主演的影片《当哈里遇上莎莉》,此片讲述梅格·瑞恩饰的莎莉与比利·基士度饰  的哈里,在十年里面的三次偶遇,从而促成了相守一生的爱情故事。影片中的这对男  女从不相信命运,但却被命运之神摆弄了十年才默默感受到缘份之奇妙,令观众在含  笑之余也为剧情所折服。这老式的“好莱坞童话”剧情既轻松又幽默,亦略带苦涩的  味道。28岁的梅格极好地把握了剧中莎莉一角的特质,将人物塑造得栩栩如生。这部  成功的爱情喜剧片令梅格·瑞恩一炮走红,也迈出了成为“爱情片女星”的第一步。  随后,梅格·瑞恩也主演了几部不同类型的电影,如《魔岛迷踪》、《烈火焚情  》、《接吻序曲》等,知名度与票房号召力稳步上升。1993年,梅格迎来了事业上的  第二次高峰,就是决定接拍《西雅图不眠夜》(《缘份的天空》),她与片中的另一  男主角汤姆·汉克斯分别饰演都市中两个寂寞的人,通过电台节目在空气中认识,虽  然相隔千里,但两人同病相怜,互生情愫,演绎出一段优美动人的浪漫恋情。片中两  人一直未曾见过面,甚至数次擦肩而过,直到结尾两人出现在纽约帝国大厦上时,这  段弄虚作假的恋情才真正开始。《西雅图不眠夜》的特色在于两位主角一直都在各演  各的戏,直到结尾才初次见面。梅格与汤姆·汉克斯的对手戏只有十分钟而已,但这  个特色却被观众津津乐道。他们再一次为影片中的奥妙缘份着迷。《西雅图不眠夜》  受到人们的喜爱,梅格·瑞恩被推定为“爱情片女皇”。  梅格·瑞恩建立了影坛形象之后,一直沿着这个成功的方程式,又相继主演了《  亡命鸳鸯》、《当男人爱上女人》、《IQ情缘》等影片,同样展现了她非常的魅力。  1995年,梅格兼任监制的《一切从失恋开始》(《法兰西之吻》),再次证明了她的  魅力。可能是有份做幕后工作的关系,梅格比所有前作更卖力地演活一名思想单纯、  因失恋而远走巴黎的傻大姐。比起她成名的两部作品,这部影片不算特别突出,但计  算准确的喜剧场面及漂亮的法国风景,仍使它成为梅格爱情片系列的成功作品。观众  就是喜欢看到梅格·瑞恩饰演都市受困拢的女性。《一切从失恋开始》的导演劳伦斯  ·卡斯丹形容她的成功来自性格方面。“梅格拥有容易被人接受、聪明、可爱及坚强  的特质。”《西雅图不眠夜》的导演说:“男性会希望能娶她,而女性则希望与她交  朋友。基本上女孩子不会介意男友喜欢梅格·瑞恩,因为她们自己也爱梅格·瑞恩。”  梅格·瑞恩也笑着:“其实我并没有创造什么角色,只是那些角色创造了我,也恰巧  由我来演罢了。”当然,梅格·瑞恩演起这些爱情喜剧片都轻车熟路了,镜头下的梅  格是灵活自在的,观众不担心梅格的定型,因为他们喜欢这样的梅格,但是梅格自己  还希望偶尔跳脱一下这样美好的模式。  1995年,梅格·瑞恩在一部十六世纪古装片《浮华暂借间》中出演一角,虽然跳  脱了原来的模式,但梅格·瑞恩是从一个平凡的美国家庭走出来的孩子,从来没有放  弃过自己的伦理观念和个人信念。在她的影片里从来没有过任何暴力镜头和裸露场面,  1996年梅格在《生死豪情》一片中尝试以新形象出镜,饰演一名演湾战争中阵亡的女  军官,就是这个角色也没有损害她那传统美国人的形象,从这部极具震撼力的战争片  中,我们又一次感受到了梅格·瑞恩的个人魅力。她愿意去饰演不同类型的人物,但  却不轻易改变自己“好孩子”的形象。1997年,梅格·瑞恩主演了《不知不觉爱上你》  一片,又继续当她的“爱情片女皇”。1998年,一部以凡人与天使之间爱情故事作为  主线的《X 情人》一片诞生了。由梅格·瑞恩饰演的心脏科医生,原本是一名有责任  心及使命感的医护人员。她对生命本来充满希望,对工作也充满热情。可惜,在一次  手术中,她未能使一名重病病人起死回生。正因为那次失败,她开始对医生的工作失  去信心。而她的人生观也因此而变得灰暗。尼古拉斯·凯奇在片中扮演一位天使。他  每天都会在医院徘徊,因为他的工作是把一些灵魂带往天堂,所以每天都能与梅格相  遇。接着,他们两人相恋了。但是天使与凡人相恋是否能够被天神所接受?能让天使  痴狂而甘心情愿下凡化成肉身的女子,天底下也许应该只有梅格·瑞恩吧!  今年,梅格·瑞恩又与奥斯卡双料影帝汤姆·汉克斯主演了影片《电子情书》,  饰演大都市的一对独身男女,通过电脑上网相识,最终坠入爱河,该片使梅格·瑞恩  更加牢固地坐在“爱情片女皇”宝座上。  作为亿万观众心目中的“爱神”,梅格·瑞恩的个人形象一  直受到公众的瞩目。然而她就像60年代的奥黛丽·赫本一样,与  任何花边新闻无缘,绝不让自己银幕上的浪漫故事在生活中重现。  在1986年拍摄《壮志凌云》时,梅格与安东尼·埃德沃兹相识,  曾产生过一段爱情,但后来由于埃德沃兹移情别恋而告终。此后,  梅格又和演员丹尼斯·奎德邂逅,但当梅格发现丹尼斯吸毒时,  毅然终止与他的恋爱关系。丹尼斯被梅格的人品所感动,用一年  多时间戒掉毒瘾,两人才重归于好。如今,他们有了可爱的儿子,  生活幸福而美满。梅格·瑞恩这位在享受着事业与生活双丰收的  “爱情片女皇”,依然不忘告诉她的影迷:“恋爱不是一种理智的事情,希望观众们  不要被银幕上的故事所迷惑,生活是严酷而现实的,应该珍惜爱情,但是爱情并不是  生活的一切。”
2023-07-29 05:02:114

请问CRAIG DAVID 最新专辑是什么时候的?

分类: 音乐 问题描述: 急知 解析: 一楼的不对 中文名称:Craig David - The Story Goes 资源类型:MP3!发行时间:2005年08月23日 专辑歌手:Craig David 地区:台湾,英国 语言:英语 简介: 艺人姓名:Craig David 专辑名称:The Story Goes 发型日期:2005-8-23 专辑语种:英语 专辑介绍: 流行乐坛小天皇克雷格大卫(Craig David)8/23即将发行个人第三张专辑『The story goes┅』。专辑里的每一首歌,就如同克雷格现阶段人生的每一段小故事的化身,可说是最贴近克雷格生活的一张专辑。首波主打单曲「All the way(暂译:彻夜狂欢)」的音乐录影带中,克雷格化身派对动物,夜幕低垂时分大肆猎艳!正忙着筹备8/8将于伦敦桑莫美术馆举办的演唱会的同时,克雷格却为花粉热所带来的过敏症状苦恼著。而这张专辑全新大碟『The story Goes┅』,台湾将和英国同步在8/23时推出! 克雷格已经在全球各地创下一千三百万张的专辑累积销售成绩,许多人都非常期待这位带领音乐潮流的小天皇每一次所带来的音乐魔力。克雷格表示他老早就跟唱片公司说好,在筹备这张新专辑的期间里,他需要多一点私人的时间,好让他能充份的找寻创意来源,以及重拾对音乐的热情。这张全新大碟的英文名称叫做『The story Goes┅』,而之所以取这个名称,是因为专辑里的每一首歌就如同克雷格现阶段人生里每一段小故事的化身;而这些故事也正代表了克雷格现阶段人生的全新章节。因此,这张专辑可说是最贴近克雷格生活的一张。台湾将会和英国同步于8/23推出这张令人期待的作品『The story Goes┅』。 随著新专辑即将发行,小天皇也开始了一连串的宣传行程。第一个重头戏便是8/8首波单曲「All the way」发行日当天,于伦敦桑莫美术馆举办的演唱会。克雷格想在英国天气最好的时候办场演唱会,以现场演唱的方式发表新专辑里的作品,和之前的畅销曲!但看起来头好壮壮的小天皇,其实一直有花粉热的过敏症状,表演当天也将会是英国天气最热的时候,克雷格正在设法解决这个问题,否则到时候现场应该会出现蛮有趣的景象吧! 第一波主打单曲「All the way(暂译:彻夜狂欢)」的音乐录影带,7/25抢先在台湾MTV音乐频道里首播。「All the way」这首带点复古灵魂乐味道的派对歌曲,主要在形容一群朋友相偕去夜店狂欢到天明, 隔天醒来脑海里还清晰记得 “昨晚玩的非常开心,酷毙了!”的感觉。在「All The Way」的音乐录影带里,小天皇克雷格化身为派对动物,在夜幕低垂时,从录音室出发前往夜店展开猎艳计画,从这个PUB玩到那个舞厅,周旋在各种不同型的辣妹之间,最后多情的他便和一名热翻全场的美眉一同回家。在将近一夜的狂欢之后,克雷格依旧回到录音室里继续唱着「All the way」。若错过电视首播的粉丝们,也可以到克雷格英国官方网站上观赏。 专辑曲目: Track List: 1. I"m Sorry (I Don"t Love You No More) 2. All The Way 3. This Is The Night 4. Johnny 5. Seperate Ways 6. Can You Feel Me 7. Love Saved The Day 8. My Love Don"t Stop 9. Girls Around The World 10. Do You Believe In Love 11. I Never Should Have Walked Away 12. Take Em Off 13. Smoothed Out 14. Last Dance 15. Cocoa Butter 16. All The Way (Remix)
2023-07-29 05:02:181

谁告诉我Craig David到现在一共发行了几张专辑?

《Born To Do It》《Slicker Than Your Average》《The Story Goes》《Trust Me》
2023-07-29 05:02:264


2023-07-29 05:02:471


1.添加RecyclerView Android依赖项要将RecyclerView Selection库添加到Android Studio项目,请implementation 在app 模块的build.gradle 文件中提及以下依赖项:1.implementation "com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:28.0.0"2.implementation "com.android.support:recyclerview-selection:28.0.0"2.创建一个列表在本教程中,我们将使用一小部分项目,每个项目都包含一个人的姓名和电话号码。要存储每个列表项的数据,请创建一个名为的Kotlin数据类,Person并为其添加两个属性:name 和phone。1.data class Person(val name:String, 2. val phone: String)您现在可以继续Person 在主活动中创建对象列表。val myList = listOf( Person("Alice", "555-0111"), Person("Bob", "555-0119"), Person("Carol", "555-0141"), Person("Dan", "555-0155"), Person("Eric", "555-0180"), Person("Craig", "555-0145"))3.将Recycler视图添加到布局当然,我们将使用RecyclerView 小部件来显示列表。因此,在主活动的布局XML文件中添加 标记。要指定列表项的布局,请创建一个新的XML文件并将其命名为list_item.xml。在其中,添加两个TextView 小部件:一个用于显示名称,另一个用于显示电话号码。如果使用LinearLayout 元素来定位窗口小部件,则XML文件的内容应如下所示:4.创建一个View Holder您可以将视图持有者视为一个对象,其中包含对列表项布局中存在的视图的引用。没有它,RecyclerView 窗口小部件将无法有效地呈现列表项。现在,您需要一个视图持有者,它包含TextView 您在上一步中创建的两个小部件。因此,创建一个扩展RecyclerView.ViewHolder 类的新类,并初始化对其中的小部件的引用。这是如何做:class MyViewHolder(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) { val name: TextView = view.list_item_name val phone: TextView = view.list_item_phone // More code here}此外,RecyclerView Selection插件需要一种可以调用以唯一标识所选列表项的方法。理想情况下,此方法属于视图持有者本身。此外,它必须返回ItemDetailsLookup.ItemDetails 类的实例。
2023-07-29 05:03:001


2023-07-29 05:03:073

求一首英文歌 里面有mondey到sunday

After The Afterparty--charli XCX/Lil YachtyAfter the after the party we"re gonna keep it going即使派对过后 我们也要继续狂欢We"re gonna rip it up, the neighbours might complain撕碎所有规则 即使邻里将要抱怨I think it"s almost 4am but baby I"m still feeling just fine我想现在大概凌晨四点了 但我感觉才刚刚好Ice all up in a plastic cup and I"ma keep on sipping all night, yeah塑料杯冰镇美酒都满上 我还要继续喝一晚上I might a kissed a thousand lips but maybe that"s just all in my mind我可能已经和无数个人接过吻 但也可能只是我喝高的幻觉Some people never understand the way we live but we"re living life有些人可能永远都不会理解我们 但这就是我们的生活方式Uh huh, hey, uh huh, Monday to Sunday, it"s never too late周一到周日 派对永远不算迟So everyone say, "We don"t wanna stop!"所有人一起大喊 “我们永远不要停下”Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna keep it goin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要继续狂欢We"re gonna rip it up, the neighbours might complain撕碎所有规则 即使邻里将要抱怨Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna stay "til mornin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要轰趴到天明Then when the time is up, we"ll do it all again如果这场派对结束 我们就再来一场Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahWe"re all in love我们都沉浸于爱We"re all in love我们都沉浸于爱I"m hangin" on my best friend"s couch and my clothes are all on the floor我和最好的朋友躺在沙发上 衣服在地板上凌乱不堪I got glitter in my underwear like it was Studio 54, yeah我就像54号夜总会里的人一样 把亮片塞满了内衣I can"t remember why I love it, but I need it baby, clap, bring on the encore不知道为什么我竟然喜欢这样 但我就需要这样 鼓掌吧 就像演唱会安可那样Let"s pour another drink, the glasses go *clink*让我们再满上一杯酒 让玻璃杯锵锵作响Yeah, we"re always up for one more我们总是已经为下一杯酒做好了准备Uh huh, hey, uh huh, Monday to Sunday, it"s never too late周一到周日 派对永远不算迟So everyone say, "We don"t wanna stop!"所有人一起大喊 “我们永远不要停下”Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna keep it goin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要继续狂欢We"re gonna rip it up, the neighbors might complain撕碎所有规则 即使邻里将要抱怨Cause after the afterparty, afterparty因为即使派对过后We"re gonna stay "til mornin", stay "til mornin"我们也要轰趴到天亮Then when the time is up, we"ll do it again, oh yeah如果这场派对结束 我们就再来一场The party just ended but I"m not done with you派对结束 但我和你还没完My folks are out of town, we got a crib with a view我的兄弟都在城外 个个豪宅美景Come over, bring a couple friends, I keep mine with me带上几个你的朋友一起造访 我也会带上我的哥们Shout out to Whitney, she was so wicked大声朝Whitney喊 她可真是调皮The party was so crazy, the party was so crazy这派对太疯狂了 这派对太疯狂了Tomorrow I"ll be lazy but I"ll spend it with you baby也许明天我就会懒得不想动 但今夜我要和我的宝贝共度Monday to Sunday doing it our way周一到周一 我们我行我素RiRi on replay, cheers to the weekday放着日日的歌 敬工作日一杯We"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱Drop, drop, drop, drop, dropAnd we do it like ice cream for dinner派对就像晚餐后的冰淇淋甜点Bucket of liqueur, we"re getting sicker喝酒的冰桶 上面被我们贴满了贴纸Don"t need Ibiza不需要Ibiza乐助兴We"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱Drop, drop, drop, drop, dropAnd we do it like我们的狂欢Monday to Sunday doing it our way周一到周一 永远我行我素RiRi on replay, cheers to the weekday放着日日的歌 敬工作日一杯We"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna keep it goin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要继续狂欢We"re gonna rip it up, the neighbours might complain撕碎所有规则 即使邻里将要抱怨Cause after the afterparty, we"re gonna stay "til mornin"因为即使派对过后 我们也要轰趴到天明Then when the time is up, we"ll do it all again如果这场派对结束 我们就再来一场Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahWe"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱Monday to Sunday doing it our way周一到周一 永远我行我素RiRi on replay, cheers to the weekday放着日日的歌 敬工作日一杯We"re all in, we"re all in love, yeah我们都 我们都沉浸于爱
2023-07-29 05:03:175

craig david(克雷格.大卫)档案及其发行过的专辑

  克雷格大卫(Craig David)  全名:克雷格 艾斯里 大卫  生日:1981/5/5  星座:金牛座  身高:约187公分  出生地:英国 南汉普敦  最喜欢的艺人:Terence Trent D"arby、天命真女、唐尼尔琼斯、布莱恩麦肯奈特、锯齿边缘、亚瑟小子  最喜欢的食物:鸡肉  最喜欢的演员:基奴李维斯  最喜欢的专辑:唐尼尔琼斯「Where I Wanna Be」  第一次买的单曲:迈克尔杰克逊「Leave me alone」  第一次得奖纪录:15岁时荣获全国性词曲创作比赛大奖  求学时最喜欢的课程:历史  「天生好手」专辑里最喜欢一首歌:Follow me  编辑本段获奖经历  2000  MOBO Music Award 年度新人、年度单曲、年度R&B艺人  Silver Clef Award 年度新人奖  TV Hits 年度新人奖  2001  British Music Award 最佳唱片、男歌手、新进艺人、单曲、音乐录影带及舞曲艺人等六项提名  Capital Music Award 最受欢迎单曲、最受欢迎男歌手  Ivor Novello Award 最佳当代歌曲、最佳舞曲、年度创作  MTV Music Award, MTV2 最佳年度新人提名  Europe Music Award 音乐奖最佳R&B艺人、最佳英国与爱尔兰艺人  2002  Grammy Award 年度流行男歌手提名  MTV Music Award 最佳男歌手提名  Teen Choice Awards 最佳男歌手提名  BET Music Award 最佳男歌手、最佳新人提名  British Music Award 最佳英国男歌手、最佳英国专辑、最佳英国舞曲艺人提名  编辑本段音乐列表  *英国史上最年轻冠军男歌手纪录保持人  *首张专辑「Born To Do It」全球销量超过700万张、全球7个国家冠军宝座  *荣获全英音乐奖6项提名历史纪录、MTV音乐奖最佳男歌手提名  *备受爱尔顿强、U2主唱Bono推崇  *珍妮佛洛佩兹、蜜西艾莉特、吹牛老爹、天命真女争相邀约  *英国冠桂诗人史汀爱才跨刀合唱强劲单曲"Rise & Fall"  *开创「两步∕Garage」曲风,掀起全球音乐新浪潮  当99年首度亮相於Artful Dodger的年度2-Step Garage国歌单曲Rewind中时,年仅18岁的Craig David那温文尔雅的美妙嗓音早已让人过耳不忘,也理所当然成为当时锐不可挡之UK Garage风潮的最受瞩目新星。然而事实证明Craig David这位来自英国南汉普敦的大男孩远远超过大家期待,尽管单曲Fill Me In依旧包含流畅2-Step Garage元素(此曲让Craig David成为英国流行音乐史上最年轻的冠军男歌手),但事实上他所带来以家乡生活为题材的首张专辑Born To Do It (天生好手)却是一张以Urban Soul、R&B、Hip Hop为主干的作品,写下的是英国近代Urban Music重要的一页。  也正因如此,Born To Do It不仅得以横扫英国与全球流行乐坛―曾获六项英国MOBO音乐大奖提名并累积超过七百万张的全球销售量,也在美国市场上取得极大的回响。更让乐迷所津津乐道的是单曲7 Days在美国发行时,还收录了金牌Hip Hop监制兼Guru亲密合作搭档DJ Premier操刀Remix、东岸Underground Rap名将Mos Def献声Rap的全新Hip Hop Ballad版本。  成功进军美国市场的甜美果实似乎进一步反映在新专辑的首发单曲What"s Your Flava?中,清晰浓郁的西岸G-Funk韵味突显了Craig David意欲再度攻陷美国市场的强烈野心,是以这张睽违两年多的全新Follow-Up专辑Slicker Than Your Average中除了有当年慧眼识英雄提拔Craig David的前Artful Dodger成员Mark Hill与二人制作团体Ignorants(Shola Ama、Pet Shop Boys)操刀制作外,还有美国当红金牌制作单位Soulshock(Mary J Blige、Destiny"s Child、Whitney Houston、2 Pac)坐镇,自然为整张专辑流畅讨喜的英国R&B风格平添不少美式Urban Soul气息。即将作为下首单曲发行的Hidden Agenda流泄Funky轻快的民谣乐音,颇为有趣的是2 Step Back曲如其名送上轻盈的2-Step节拍,彷佛提醒大家不要忘了他是崛起于2-Step Gage圈。  至於感伤Moody的Rise & Fall不但拥有绝对足以媲美7 Days的商业潜质,最让人瞩目的是此曲竟得到前The Police乐团主唱、英国知性男歌手Sting的跨刀。加入93年单曲Shape Of My Heart的动人旋律之馀,Sting本身更重新填词并献声合唱,以前辈姿态教导新人演艺生涯的危机与陷阱,促成了两代英国流行音乐巨星难得的一次合作交流。  这位被NME杂志誉为「英国R&B乐坛最完美、杰出歌手」、英国权威Q杂志誉为「本世纪首位英国乐坛巨星」的乐坛小天皇— 克雷格大卫,2年后的现在回到歌坛带给我们的登机之作是全新专辑Slicker Than Your Average (暗藏玄机)案惊喜和震撼!这是2002年最令人屏息以待的专辑!  曲目:  01. Slicker Than Your Average 暗藏玄机  02. What"s Your Flava? 我的男人口味  03. Fast Car 飙车  04. Hidden Agenda 别有企图  05. Eenie Meenie 黑白猜  06. You Don"t Miss Your Water 思念总在分手后  07. Rise & Fall 人生起伏  08. Personal 亲密些  09. Hands Up In the Air 舞动双手  10. 2 Steps Back 退后两步  11. Spanish 西班牙文  12. What"s Changed 有什麼改变  13. World Filled With Love 美丽新世界  继首波单曲"What"s Your Flava"后,由Artful Dodger的Mark Hill所制作的第二支单曲"Hidden Agenda"流泄Funky轻快的民谣乐音;本单曲还收录Craig David在纽约Radio City音乐厅所现场表演,重新诠释批头四的经典"Come Together",无懈可击的完美唱腔完美呈现。此外,更加收了饶富剧情的精彩MV。  曲目:  01. Hidden Agenda (radio edit)  02. Come Together (love from radio city music hall New York)  03. Hidden Agenda (Instrumental)  04. Hidden Agenda (video  NME杂志赞誉为『英国R&B乐坛最完美、杰出的歌手』、英国权威音乐杂志Q誉为『本世纪首位英国流行乐坛巨星』,并受到U2、Jennifer Lopez、Sisqo、Usher等共事过之乐坛巨星推崇;年仅18岁以首支单曲Fill Me In勇夺全英单曲榜冠军,成为英国乐坛首位最年轻便夺下英国金榜冠军的Craig David俨然成为英国流行乐坛最佳代名词。  这位1981年5月5日出生於英国Southampton的年轻小伙子,自小於PCRS 106.5FM电台担任DJ并於Club播放歌曲,直至遇上了Artful Dodger之中的Mark Hill后改变了他一生的命运。在名制作人Mark Hill的制作与护航下,首张专辑『Born To Do It』中首支单曲Fill Me In於2000年3月,成功的夺下英国金榜冠军,顺势推出的第二支单曲7 Days也顺利的登上英国单曲榜冠军宝座。专辑於2000年夏天同时夺下英国专辑榜冠军,推出至今已缔造全球5百万张销量与全球7个国家的冠军宝座。  在『Born To Do It』专辑中,Craig David融合2-Step/UK Garage?AR&B、拉丁、摇滚、爵士等多样音乐元素,以其充满磁性、性感诱人的嗓音征服全球乐迷。无怪乎英国流行乐坛龙头老大Elton John更大胆诙谐的以『如果在英国有比Craig David更好的歌手的话,那麼我就是英国首相柴契尔夫人』来赞誉这位未来英国流行乐坛炙手可热的天皇接班人。  曲目:  01. Fill Me In  02. Can"t Be Messing "Round  03. Rendezvous  04. 7 Days  05. Follow Me  06. Last Night  07. Walking Away  08. Time To Party  09. Booty Man  10. Once In A Lifetime  11. You Know What  12. Fill Me In (Artful Dodger Remix)  13. Fill Me In (Sunship Remix)  因为克雷格大卫 音乐有了新口味  *英国史上最年轻冠军男歌手纪录保持人  *首张专辑『Born To Do It』全球销量超过700万张、全球7个国家冠军宝座  *荣获全英音乐奖6项提名历史纪录、MTV音乐奖最佳男歌手提名  备受爱尔顿强、U2主唱Bono、史汀推崇  *珍妮佛洛佩兹、蜜西艾莉特、吹牛老爹、天命真女争相邀约  ※史汀跨刀合唱曲"Rise & Fall"蝉连五周欧陆电台拨放冠军  *开创「两步∕Garage」曲风,掀起全球音乐新浪潮  访华纪念盘收录-WHAT"S YOUR FLAVA?、HIDDEN AGENDA、FILL ME IN … 5首重新混音曲及全新单曲FOUR TIMES A LADY  封面有6种不同の造型、POSE、喜爱の歌迷必定抢先珍藏 只有台湾才有喔?  即便最初是因为1999年亮相於Artful Dodger的年度2-Step Garage国歌Rewind中而大受瞩目,然而Craig David这位当时年仅18岁的英国南汉普敦大男孩却远远超过大家期待,带来了一张以家乡生活为题材、并在音乐上贯通Urban Soul、R&B、Hip Hop、2-Step的首张专辑『Born To Do It 』(天生好手)。结果Born To Do It不仅一举获得全英音乐奖、葛来美音乐奖与六项英国MOBO音乐大奖提名,累积超过七百万张的全球销售量并在超过20个国家获得多白金唱片销量肯定。  不过短短三年的时间,Craig David不仅是英国市场上最令人兴奋与最具谈论话题的头号新秀(2003年5月於Royal Albert Hall举办的两场演出门票全数售罄),更已是世界流行乐坛中最耀眼的一颗巨星。无疑,Craig David写下了英国近代Urban Music重要的一页,更突破过去英国歌手在美国市场上攻城掠地的魔咒而取得极大的回响(包括得以与Christina Aguilera、Nelly同台压轴演出)。Craig David的魅力也远征东瀛,赢得本届MTV音乐录影带大奖最佳男歌手。  於此同时,我们也见到Craig David成功进军美国市场的甜美果实进一步反映在这张睽违两年多的全新专辑Slicker Than Your Average中(首发单曲What"s Your Flava?便带有清晰浓郁的西岸G-Funk韵味),是以当中除了有当年慧眼识英雄提拔Craig David的前Artful Dodger成员Mark Hill与二人制作团体Ignorants(Shola Ama、Pet Shop Boys)操刀制作外,还有美国当红金牌制作单位Soulshock(Mary J Blige、Destiny"s Child、Whitney Houston、2 Pac)坐镇,自然为整张专辑流畅讨喜的英国R&B风格平添不少美式Urban Soul气息。然而感伤Moody的Rise & Fall不但拥有绝对足以媲美7 Days的商业潜质,最让人瞩目的是此曲竟得到前The Police乐团主唱、英国知性男歌手Sting的跨刀。加入93年单曲Shape Of My Heart的动人旋律之馀,Sting本身更重新填词并献声合唱,以前辈姿态教导新人演艺生涯的危机与陷阱,促成了两代英国流行音乐巨星难得的一次合作交流。  而为了迎接被NME杂志誉为「英国R&B乐坛最完美、杰出歌手」、英国权威Q杂志誉为「本世纪首位英国乐坛巨星」、GQ杂志更封为「New Brti Urban教主」的Craig David首度访台演出,这张新专辑的超值双CD版本也顺势在台上市。附赠的CD2一举收录多个先前发表过单曲Remix版本,包括What"s Your Flava交由House/Garage名制作人Todd Edwards换上Bassline嗡嗡作响的Speed Garage风貌,Hip Hop/R&B制作名将Blacksmith(Mis-Teeq、Christina Aguillera、Janet Jackson)为Hidden Agenda与Rise & Fall炮制的混音版本,此外还有过去未发表作品Four Times A Lady,以及成名单曲Fill Me In (此曲让Craig David成为英国流行音乐史上最年轻的冠军男歌手)的汉城演出现场版本让乐迷先听为快做好暖身!!!  曲目:  01. SLICKER THAN YOUR AVERAGE 暗藏玄机  02. WHAT"S YOUR FLAVA ? 我的男人口味  03. FAST CARS 飙车  04. HIDDEN AGENDA 别有企图  05. EENIE MEENIE 黑白猜  06. YOU DON"T MISS YOUR WATER ("TIL THE WELL RUNS DRY) 思念总在分手后  07. RISE AND FALL 人生起伏(史汀跨刀合唱)  08. PERSONAL 亲密些  09. HANDS UP IN THE AIR 舞动双手  10. 2 STEPS BACK 退后2步  11. SPANISH 西班牙文  12. WHAT"S CHANGED? 有什麼改变  13. WORLD FILLED WITH LOVE 美丽新世界  14. 访华纪念盘Bonus Track  WHAT"S YOUR FLAVA? (TODD"S UNDERGROUND FLAVA VOCAL REMIX)  15. HIDDEN AGENDA (BLACKSMITH RERUB FEAT. KNOW ?TION)  16. HIDDEN AGENDA (SOULSHOCK REMIX)  17. FOUR TIMES A LADY (独家收录 从未发表新作)  18. RISE & FALL (BLACKSMITH HIP HOP RUB FEATURING FALLACY)  19. FILL ME IN (ACOUSIC) 韩国 汉城演唱会吉他独奏版 RECORDED IN SEOUL, KOREA  Craig David feat. sting  "rise & fall" 混音单曲  克雷格大卫与史汀的世纪合作,空降英国榜亚军!  曲目:  01. rise & fall (radio edit) feat. sting  02. rise & fall (blacksmith hip hop rub feat. Fallacy)  03. rise & fall (MJ cole remix)  04. rise & fall (kings of soul remix)  05. rise & fall (video) feat. sting  万众瞩目流行乐坛小天皇克雷格大卫(Craig David)8/23即将发行个人第三张专辑‘The story goes…"。专辑里的每一首歌,就如同克雷格现阶段人生的每一段小故事的化身,可说是最贴近克雷格生活的一张专辑。首波主打单曲“All the way(暂译:彻夜狂欢)”的音乐录影带中,克雷格化身派对动物,夜幕低垂时分大肆猎艳!正忙着筹备8/8将于伦敦桑莫美术馆举办的演唱会的同时,克雷格却为花粉热所带来的过敏症状苦恼着。而这张专辑全新大碟‘The story Goes…",台湾将和英国同步在8/23时推出!  克雷格已经在全球各地创下一千三百万张的专辑累积销售成绩,许多人都非常期待这位带领音乐潮流的小天皇每一次所带来的音乐魔力。克雷格表示他老早就跟唱片公司说好,在筹备这张新专辑的期间里,他需要多一点私人的时间,好让他能充份的找寻创意来源,以及重拾对音乐的热情。这张全新大碟的英文名称叫做‘The story Goes…",而之所以取这个名称,是因为专辑里的每一首歌就如同克雷格现阶段人生里每一段小故事的化身;而这些故事也正代表了克雷格现阶段人生的全新章节。因此,这张专辑可说是最贴近克雷格生活的一张。台湾将会和英国同步于8/23推出这张令人期待的作品‘The story Goes…"。  随着新专辑即将发行,小天皇也开始了一连串的宣传行程。第一个重头戏便是8/8首波单曲“All the way”发行日当天,于伦敦桑莫美术馆举办的演唱会。克雷格想在英国天气最好的时候办场演唱会,以现场演唱的方式发表新专辑里的作品,和之前的畅销曲!但看起来头好壮壮的小天皇,其实一直有花粉热的过敏症状,表演当天也将会是英国天气最热的时候,克雷格正在设法解决这个问题,否则到时候现场应该会出现蛮有趣的景象吧!  第一波主打单曲“All the way(暂译:彻夜狂欢)”的音乐录影带,7/25抢先在台湾MTV音乐频道里首播。“All the way”这首带点复古灵魂乐味道的派对歌曲,主要在形容一群朋友相偕去夜店狂欢到天明, 隔天醒来脑海里还清晰记得 “昨晚玩的非常开心,酷毙了!”的感觉。在“All The Way”的音乐录影带里,小天皇克雷格化身为派对动物,在夜幕低垂时,从录音室出发前往夜店展开猎艳计画,从这个PUB玩到那个舞厅,周旋在各种不同型的辣妹之间,最后多情的他便和一名热翻全场的美眉一同回家。在将近一夜的狂欢之后,克雷格依旧回到录音室里继续唱着“All the way”。若错过电视首播的粉丝们,也可以到克雷格英国官方网站上观赏。  1.I"m Sorry (I Don"t Love You No More)  2.All The Way  3.This Is The Night  4.Johnny  5.Seperate Ways  6.Can You Feel Me  7.Love Saved The Day  8.My Love Don"t Stop  9.Girls Around The World  10.Do You Believe In Love  11.I Never Should Have Walked Away  12.Take Em Off  13.Smoothed Out  14.Last Dance  15.Cocoa Butter  16.All The Way (Remix)  专辑:Trust Me  发行:2007.11.12  风格:R&B,Urban,British Garage  第四张专辑,等待了2年。05年的《The Story Goes...》让我感觉到柔情的R&B情调,当时也是我认为是Craig David三张专辑当中最情字当头的一张专辑,够打动人。Craig David 的第四张专辑《Trust Me》,Craig David 特地跑到古巴的哈瓦那去做录制。制作人是Martin Terefe (KT Tunstall, James Morrison)和Fraser T. Smith(Kano, Beyonce, Plan B, Jamelia)。在古巴录制,当然会受到当地的民俗风情的影响,新专辑中也有加入古巴式的传统音乐风情,如一些合声,一些旋律以及一些鼓点等等,其中最为反映的是“She"s On Fire”。首只单曲“Hot Stuff (Let"s Dance)”在10月5号发行了,Craig David 在这只单曲中采用了David Bowie的歌曲Let"s Dance的一些小样。其实最早公布的单曲是“This Is The Girl”,这只单曲早在8月份就公布了,是Craig David和他的同门师兄第Kano一样合作的歌曲。在听完整张专辑后,我依然感觉05年的《The Story Goes...》是最具有情调的,当然这只是个人喜好问题。对于这四张专辑《Trust Me》,我也会公平的看做是Craig David再一次的灵感宣泄。  Text: soulpower Post Date: 2007.11.10  http://www.craigdavid.com  Track List:  01. Hot Stuff (Let"s Dance) 3:39  02. 6 Of 1 Thing 3:47  03. Friday Night 3:33  04. Awkward 3:37  05. Just A Reminder 3:49  06. Officially Yours 3:55  07. Kinda Girl For Me 3:47  08. She"s On Fire 5:04  09. Don"t Play With Our Love 3:59  10. Top Of The Hill 3:54  11. This Is The Girl 4:10  专辑:2001:《Born To Do It》  2003:《Slicker Than Your Average》  2005:《The Story Goes》  2007:《Trust me》(11月发行)
2023-07-29 05:04:141

为什么 thrown in at the deep end 是陷入困境的意思,

短语In at the deep end 的意思就是:在你没有任何经验的情况下被置于一种很难的地位或很棘手的工作中。于世加上动词thrown后,这个习语的意思是“to make someone do something, especially a job, without preparing them for it or helping them”,让某人做某项工作,但是又没让他准备或不给予帮助。
2023-07-29 05:03:351

throw ice at sb 是举行婚礼的意思吗?

我估计你说得应该是throw rice at sb.因为西式婚礼有向新人撒米的风俗,寓意婚后生活富足。关于美国人的婚礼可参见此答案:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/52991874.html?si=5
2023-07-29 05:03:432

for your reference是什么意思

For Your Reference的缩写,英语解释为:供您参考的信息。这是是当前在外企/台企中流行的英文缩写,为工作用语,常用于工作的电子邮件中
2023-07-29 05:04:042


2023-07-29 05:04:091

for your reference什么意思

for your reference[英][fu0254: ju0254: u02c8refru0259ns][美][fu0254r ju028ar u02c8ru025bfu0259ru0259ns]供您参考; 例句:1.We have pleasure in attaching our current quotation for your reference. 我方很高兴附上现行报价单一份以供参考。2.Herewith some notes for your reference. 以下几点供你参考
2023-07-29 05:04:111

for your reference是什么意思

for your reference供你参考双语对照词典结果:for your reference[英][fu0254: ju0254: u02c8refru0259ns][美][fu0254r ju028ar u02c8ru025bfu0259ru0259ns]供您参考; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Then we give you our top 10 Sichuan attractions for your reference.___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-07-29 05:04:212


2023-07-29 05:04:262

for your reference什么意思

仅供参考for your reference
2023-07-29 05:04:313

The following are for your reference是什么意思

Thefollowingareforyourreference  以下是供您参考  foryourreference:供您参考;供参考;供你参考  例句:  1.Aboveisonlyforyourreferencetopurchase.Thanks.  以上供用户参考选购,谢谢!  2.E-MAIL.Thesuggestionisonlyforyourreference.  此建议仅供贵方参考。  3.Icanonlyprovideaphotocopyofthisdocumentforyourreference.  这里只提供原件的复印件作为参考。  4.Weconfirmhavingpurchasedfromyou....Aconfirmationorderisenclosedforyourreference.  我们确认向贵方购买……,随函附上订单确认书供参照。  5.IfIhavedesignregardinghandbag,shallIsendyoumyworksforyourreferenceornot?  如果我有提包方面的设计,我能否把我的作品发送给你们?
2023-07-29 05:04:381


2023-07-29 05:04:453

for you information 和for you reference 区别是什么

for you information (要提供信息和资料)供参考,缩写为FYI。 for you reference (未必提供信息)请参考,可能只是一点提醒、一个意见、一个建议。
2023-07-29 05:04:451


for your reference
2023-07-29 05:05:026


三大平原的分布和特点:东北平原,地表以肥沃的黑土著称,海拔多在200米以下,是我国面积最大的平原。华北平原地势低平,千里沃野,是我国第二大平原。长江中下游平原位于长江中下游沿岸,地势低平,河网密布,湖泊众多。 四大高原的特点和分布:青藏高原位于我国西南部,平均海拔在4000米以上,是我国最大、世界最高的大高原。其特点是高峻多山,雪山连绵,冰川广布,湖泊众多,草原辽阔,水源充足。内蒙古高原在我国北部,包括内蒙古大部和甘、宁、冀的一部分,海拔1000米左右,是我国第二大高原。其特点:地面开阔平坦,地势起伏不大;多草原和沙漠。黄土高原海拔为1000米一2000米,地面覆盖着疏松的黄土层,是世界上黄士分布最广阔、最深厚的地区;水土流失严重;千沟万壑。云贵高原岩溶地形广布;山岭起伏;崎岖不平。 四大盆地的分布及特点:四川盆地位于四川东部,因广布紫色砂页岩,有‘红色盆地”和“紫色盆地”之称,是我国地势最低的大盆地:塔里木盆地位于新疆南部,呈环状分布,中部的塔克拉玛干沙漠是我国最大的沙漠,是我国最大的内陆盆地。柴达木盆地位于青海省西北部,大部分为戈壁、沙漠,东部多沼泽、盐湖,是我国地势最高的典型的内陆高原盆。准噶尔盆地位于新疆维吾尔自治区北部,是中国第二大盆地,东西长1120千米,南北最宽处约800千米。面积约38万平方千米,海拔500~1000米。 主要丘陵:辽东丘陵、山东丘陵、东南丘陵等。临东海,黄海,渤海,南海。海峡:台湾海峡半岛:山东半岛 辽东半岛 雷州半岛
2023-07-29 05:05:031


2023-07-29 05:03:262


2023-07-29 05:03:113

throw a shoe at谚语

2023-07-29 05:03:031


中国四大平原包括东北平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原、关中平原。东北平原或称松辽平原,是中国四大平原之一,也是中国最大的平原。位于中国东北部,地跨黑龙江、吉林、辽宁的一部分和内蒙古的小部分,地处大、小兴安岭和长白山脉之间,北起嫩江中游,南至辽东湾,南北长约1000千米,东西宽约400千米,面积达35万平方千米。华北平原是中国四大平原之一,又称黄淮海平原,是中国东部大平原的重要组成部分。北抵燕山南麓,南达大别山北侧,西倚太行山,东临渤海和黄海,跨越京、津、冀、鲁、豫、皖、苏7省市,面积30万平方千米。平原地势平坦,交通便利,经济发达,自古即为中国政治、经济、文化中心。长江中下游平原是指中国长江三峡以东的中下游沿岸带状平原,为中国三大平原之一 [5] ,地跨中国鄂、湘、赣、皖、苏、浙、沪等7省市,素有“水乡泽国”之称,主要工业有钢铁、机械、电力、纺织和化学等,是中国重要的工业基地,水陆交通发达。关中平原,又称渭河平原、渭河盆地、关中盆地,是由断层陷落地带经渭河及其支流泾河、洛河等河流冲积而成的冲积平原,和渭河谷地及渭河丘陵一起构成渭河盆地,居晋陕盆地带的南部。
2023-07-29 05:03:029

Throw out和throw区别

put out1. 撵走,赶走,逐出;开除;使(球员等)退场:If you can"t be quiet,I"ll put you out.如果你不安静,我就把你赶出去。2. 熄灭;扑灭;关掉:Please put the light out when you leave the room.离开房间时请把灯关掉。3. [美国英语]花钱;贷(款)给某人:Banks are putting out more and more money to people who will buy houses.银行向买房者发放越来越多的贷款。4. 使不安,使担忧;使迷惑;使困惑:Will it put you out if I bring another guest?我要是多带一位客人来会不会给你添麻烦。5. 使发怒,使不高兴:I wonder what she was so much put out by.我不知道她当时为什么生这么大的气。6. 使(某人)不便:I hope we"re not putting you out by coming here today.我希望我们今天到这儿来,不会使你不方便。7. 出版,发行;公布,发布,发表;广播:The government has put out a statement denying these rumours.政府发表了一项声明,否认了这些谣言。8. 生产(分配);供应:The company puts out 2,000 computers every month.这家公司每月生产二千台计算机。9. [美国英语]【棒球】使(击球手)出局:A skilful ball from John put out the opposing team"s batsman.约翰的一个刁球使对方击球手出局。10. 拿出,伸出:The doctor asked him to put out his arm.大夫要他伸出胳膊。11. 使出(气力等),拿出(力量等);努力:The only person who deserves criticism is the one who isn"t putting out.惟一挨批评的人是不努力的人。12. (植物)生出,长出(嫩芽、花、叶等):We thought the tree was dead,but it put out new branches again this spring.我们以为这棵树死了,可今春它又长出了新枝。13. (用拳击、麻醉剂等)使不省人事,使失去知觉,使昏迷过去:He put his opponent out in the fifth round.他在第五回合中将对手击昏。14. 使(结果等)不准确:That little mistake has put the whole calculation out.那个小小的误差,使整个计算都不准确了。15. 使脱臼,扭脱(关节):I can"t play tennis today because I"ve put my shoulder out.我今天打不了网球,我肩关节脱臼了。16. 挖掉某人的眼睛17. 把(某事)交到外面去做,把活拿出去给别人做:A lot of translation is put out to freelances.翻译工作有很多是请外面人做的。18. 放款,把(钱)借出收取利息:Make sure you put out your savings at a high rate of interest.你要弄确实,你的储蓄得到高利息。19. 打扰,麻烦;打乱某人的安排:I hope it won"t put you out too much if we stay to have some tea.如果我们留下来喝茶,希望这不会太打扰你。20. (船或船员)出航,出海:We put out to sea at high tide.我们乘涨潮时出海。21. 放牧;把(某人)托给别人照顾:They put out their sheep to grass every day.他们每天把羊放出去吃草。22. 放在户外;把…放在…外面:If it turns fine, I shall put the washing out.如果天气转晴,我把洗的衣服晒出去。throw out1. 抛出;丢掉,扔掉(无用物):to throw out the baby with the bathwater把婴儿随洗澡水一同倒掉;[比喻]不分精华糟粕全盘否定2. 使伸出;伸出(手、脚),挺(胸):They threw their chests out when marching in parade.他们在列队行进时都挺起了胸膛。3. 随口说,漫不经心地说;轻描淡写地说:He threw out a few remarks at the meeting.他在会上随口说了几句话。4. 提出(意见、暗示等):The dean threw out a suggestion.系主任提出了一个建议。He threw out a challenge.他提出了一个挑战。5. 撵走;(突然或出乎意料地)解雇,开除:She has been thrown out of our firm.她已经被我们公司解雇了。The club threw out a few members.俱乐部撵走了几个会员。6. 抵制;拒绝(提议等);否决(议案等):They have thrown out the motion.他们已经否决了这项动议。I don"t think they have the right to throw your entry out.我认为他们无权拒绝你参赛。7. 使发出;放出;散发出,放散出:The ripe apples throw out a sweet,intense smell.成熟苹果放出浓郁的香味。The lamp threw out a dim light.灯发出暗淡的光线。8. 伸展;扩建,添造,增建(侧房):Our school will throw out a new wing to the library.我们学校将为图书馆增建一个侧楼。9. 显示,展示;使突出,使显眼:His silence threw out his real intention.他的沉默显露出了他的真实意图。10. 把…甩在后面,超过11. 派出,派遣:The general threw out his reserves into the woods.将军派遣预备队进入森林。12. 打扰,使分心;打乱;使不知所措:The noise threw me out in my calculations.噪音扰得我无法进行计算。You have thrown the plan out.你已经把计划打乱了。13. 使(离合器)分离14. 【棒球】封杀出局;传球使同队队员将(对方跑垒员)杀出局15. 使脱臼:to throw one"s elbow out胳臂肘脱臼throw out ["θru0259uaut] v.1. force to leave or move out2. throw or cast away3. put out or expel from a place4. remove from a position or office5. bring forward for consideration or acceptance6. cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration以上来源于: WordNet
2023-07-29 05:02:572

throw myself at是什么意思

2023-07-29 05:02:484

throw away是什么意思

2023-07-29 05:02:383


2023-07-29 05:02:3610


threw[英][θru:][美][θru]v.投( throw的过去式 ); 掷; 扔; 抛;   Threw is the past tense of throw.A man at my side threw a rock at him. 我身边有人朝他扔了一块石头。At one engagement, people threw tennis balls. 在一次表演中,人们向我们扔网球。Then he picked up a rock and threw it at me. 这时,他捡起一块石头朝我扔来。A tall, black man threw sharp knives on a living target. 一个高大的黑人正朝活靶子上扔尖刀。Inexplicably, you threw caution to the winds. 令人难以理解的是,你们将告诫抛之脑后。
2023-07-29 05:02:282


2023-07-29 05:02:271

把一个东西扔到哪里英语用 threw ,to?,into? onto? out?还是什么

后面用哪个词是由后面的宾语决定的,比如throw a ball to methrow the ball into a box
2023-07-29 05:02:193


2023-07-29 05:02:013