Chris, Jack, Josh, Ivan, Wilson 蛮好听,都不错
ABBOT: "abbey father." Variant Abbott exists.
ACKER: "from the oak tree." Variant Akker exists.
ACKERLEY: "from the oak-tree meadow." Variant Ackley exists.
ACKERMAN: "man of oak"
ADAM: "of the red earth"
ADDIS: "son of Adam." Variant Adamson exists.
ADY: "ardent"
ADKINS: "son of Aiken." Variants include Atkinson, Atkinsone, and Attkins.
ADNEY: "lives on the noble"s island." Variants include Addaneye, Addney, and Adny.
AELDRA: "lives at the elder tree"
AELFDANE: "Danish elf"
AELFDENE: "from the elfin valley"
AETHELHARD: name of a king
AETHELISDUN: "from the noble"s hill." Variants include Aetheston, and Athelston.
AFTON: Old English name derived from a Scottish place name. Originally a boy"s name. Now unisex. Variant Affton exists.
AIKEN: "oaken." Variants include Adken, Adkyn, Aickin, and Aikin.
AINSWORTH: "from Ann"s estate"
ALBERN: "noble warrior." Variants include Aethelbeorn, and Alburn.
ALBERT: "noble, bright." Variants include Aethelberht, Aethelbert, and Alburt.
ALCOTT: "from the old cottage"
ALDEN: "wise friend." Variants include Aldwin, Aldwine, and Aldwyn.
ALDER: "from the alder tree." Variant Aler exists.
ALDO: "ancient"
ALDOUS: "Old" or "From the old house." Variant Aldus exists.
ALDRICH: "wise ruler." Variants include Aldric, and Aldrik.
ALFORD: "from the old ford." Variants include Avery, and Alvord.
ALFRED: "sage." Variants include Alfraed, Alfredo, and Alfrid.
ALL: "handsome"
ALLARD: "brave." Variant Alhhard exists.
ALLRED: "wise, red-haired man." Variants include Aldred, and Aldrid.
ALMO: "noble, famous." Variants include Aethelmaer, Athemar, and Athmarr.
ALSTON: "from the elf"s home." Variant Aethelstun exists.
ALTON: "from the old manor." Variants include Aldan, Alden, and Aldtun.
AMSDEN: "from Ambrose"s valley"
ANGLESEY: "from Anglesey"
ANN: "merciful." Variant Ain exists.
ANNA: name of a king
ANSCOM: "lives in the valley of the majestic one." Variants include Aenescumb, and Anscomb.
ANSLEY: "from the awe-inspiring one"s meadow." Variants include Aenedleah, Ainsley, and Ansleigh.
ANSON: "Ann"s son; grace."
ARCHER: "bowman." Variant Archere exists.
ARDELL: "from the hare"s dell." Variant Ardel exists.
ARDLEY: "from the home-lover"s meadow." Variants include Ardaleah, and Ardleigh.
ARDOLF: "home-loving wolf." Variants include Ardolph, and Ardwolf.
ARIC: "sacred ruler." Variants include Alhric, Alhrick, Alhrik, and Arik.
ARKWRIGHT: "makes chests"
ARLEDGE: "lives at the hare"s lake"
ARLEY: "from the hare"s meadow." Variants Arleigh, and Arlie.
ARLO: "fortified hill"
ARMSTRONG: "strong-armed." Variant Armstrang exists.
ARNETT: "little eagle." Variants include Arnatt, Arnet, and Arnott.
ARTHGALLO: myth name
ARUNDEL: "from the eagle"s dell." Variant Arndell exists.
ASCOT: "lives at the east cottage." Variant Ascott exists.
ASHBURN: "lives near the ash-tree brook." Variant Aesoburne exists.
ASHBY: "from the ash-tree farm." Variant Aescby exists.
ASHFORD: "lives by the ash-tree ford." Variants include Aescford, and Aisford.
ASHLEY: Old English unisex name meaning "dwells at the ash-tree meadow." Taken from a place; first used as a surname. Variants include Aescleah, Aisley, Aisly, Ashely, Ashla, Ashlee, Ashleigh, Ashli, Ashlie, and Ashly.
ASHLIN: "lives at the ash-tree pool." Variants include Aesclin, Ashlan, and Ashlen.
ASHLEY: Old English unisex name meaning "dwells at the ash-tree meadow." Taken from a place; first used as a surname. Variants include Aescleah, Aisley, Aisly, Ashely, Ashla, Ashlan, Ashlee, Ashleigh, Ashlen, Ashli, Ashlie, and Ashly.
ASHTON: "from the ash-tree farm." Variants include Aesctun, and Aiston.
ASHWIN: "spear friend." Variants include Aescwine, Aescwyn, and Ashwyn.
ATHERTON: "lives at the spring farm." Variant Aethretun exists.
ATHMORE: "from the moor." Variants include Atmore, and Attmore.
ATWATER: "from the waterside." Variant Attewater exists.
ATWELL: "lives by the spring." Variants include Attewell, and Attwell.
ATWOOD: "lives in the forest." Variant Attewode exists.
ATWORTH: "lives at the farmstead." Variant Atteworthe exists.
AURICK: "noble valor"
AVERIL: "wild boar." Variants include Averell, and Averill.
AVERY: "elf ruler." Variants include Aelfric, and Aubrey.
AXTON: "swordsman"s stone." Variant Aeccestane exists.
AYLMER: "infamous." Variants include Aegelmaere, Aethelmaere, and Aylmer.
AYLWARD: "noble protector." Variants include Aegelweard, Aethelweard, and Athelward.
BAILEY: Old English unisex name meaning "law enforcer; bailiff. First a surname. Used more often for boys. Variants include Bailee, Bailie, Baily, Bayley, and Bayly.
BAINBRIDGE: "lives near the bridge over the white water." Variants include Bainbrydge, and Banbrigge.
BALDER: "bold army." Variant Baldhere exists.
BANAING: "son of the slayer." Variant Banning exists.
BANCROFT: "from the bean field." Variant Benecroft exists.
BARCLAY: "lives at the birch-tree meadow." Variants include Bercleah, Berkeley, and Berkley.
BARDEN: "lives near the boar"s den." Variant Bardan exists.
BARDOLF: "ax-wolf." Bardawulf, Bardalph, Bardolph, Bardulf, and Barwolf.
BARDRICK: "ax-ruler." Variants include Bardaric, and Bardarik.
BARLOW: "lives on the bare hill." Variants include Baerhloew, and Barhloew.
BARNETT: "leader." Variant Beornet exists.
BARNUM: "from the nobleman"s home." Variant Beornham exists.
BARON: "warrior." Variant Barron exists.
BARR: "gateway." Variant Barre exists.
BARTH: "son of the earth"
BARTLEY: "from Bart"s meadow." Variants include Bartleah, and Bartleigh.
BARTON: "from the barley farm." Variants include Bart, and Beretun.
BARTRAM: "glorious raven." Variants include Barthram, and Beorhthramm.
BAXTER: "baker." Variants include Backstere, Baker, and Bax.
BAYHARD: "reddish-brown hair." Variant Bay exists.
BEACHER: "lives by the beech tree." Variants include Beceere, and Beecher.
BEADUTUN: "from the warrior"s estate." Variant Beaton exists.
BEAMAN: "beekeeper." Variant Beomann exists.
BEAMER: "trumpeter." Variant Bemeere exists.
BECK: "brook." Variant Bek exists.
BEDE: "prayer"
BELDEN: "lives in the beautiful glen." Variants include Beldan, Beldane, Beldene, and Beldon.
BENTLEY: Old English name meaning "from the bent grass meadow." First a place name, a surname, then a first name. Unisex name, but more common for boys. Variants include Bentlea, Bentleah, Bentlee, Bentleigh, and Bently.
BENTON: "lives on the moor"
BERESFORD: "from the barley ford." Variant Berford exists.
BERT: "glorious." Variants include Beorht, and Burt.
BERTON: "from the fortified town." Variants include Beorhttun, Burhtun, and Burton.
BERTRAM: "bright raven." Variant Beorhthram exists.
BERWICK: "from the barley grange." Variant Berwyk exists.
BEVERLY: "from the beaver meadow." Variant Beverley exists.
BICKFORD: "from the hewer"s ford." Variants include Bick, and Biecaford.
BINK: "lives at the bank"
BIRCH: "birch tree." Variants include Beore, and Birk.
BIRD: Old English unisex nature name, meaning "birdlike." Also a short form of Old German Bertha, meaning "bright; sparkling." Variants include Birde, Birdey, Birdie, Birdy, Byrd, Byrde, Byrdey and Byrdie.
BIRKETT: "lives at the birch headland." Variants include Birkhead, and Birkhed.
BIRKEY: "from the birch-tree island"
BIRLEY: "from the cattle shed on the meadow." Variant Byreleah exists.
BIRNEY: "lives on the brook island." Variants include Burneig, and Burney.
BIRTLE: "from the bird hill." Variants include Birdhil, Birdhill, Birtel, and Byrtel.
BISHOP: "overseer"
BITANIG: "from the preserving land"
BLACK: "dark." Variant Claec exists.
BLADE: "wealthy glory." Variant Blaed exists.
BLAGDON: "from the dark valley." Variants include Blagdan, and Blagden.
BLAKE: Old English unisex name meaning either "black" or "white" or "pale-skinned," or "dark-skinned." Variants include Blaec, Blaecleah, Blakelee, Blakeley, Blakely, Blakenee, Blakeney, and Blakeny.
BLAKELEY: "from the dark meadow." Variants include Blaecleah, and Blakely.
BLAKEMORE: "from the dark moor"
BLAKEY: "blond." Variant Blacey exists.
BLANFORD: "gray-haired." Variant Blandford exists.
BLAYNE: "twin"
BLISS: Old English unisex name meaning "joy; happiness." Variants include Blisse, and Blyss.
BLYTHE: Old English unisex name meaning "happy; carefree." Variants include Blithe, and Blyth.
BOLTON: "from the manor farm"
BOND: "tied to the land"
BOOTH: "lives in a hut." Variants include Boothe, and Bothe.
BORDEN: "from the boar valley." Variants include Barden, and Bardene.
BORS: myth name
BOSWORTH: "lives at the cattle enclosure"
BOTOLF: "herald wolf." Variants include Botewolf, and Botwolf.
BRAD: "large; broad; extended." Short for names like Bradley, or Bradburn.
BRADBURN: "from the broad brook." Variant Bradbourne exists.
BRADLEY: Old English unisex name meaning "from the broad meadow," or "from an extended family." Variants include Bradlea, Bradleah, Bradlee, Bradleigh, and Bradly.
BRADEN: "from the broad valley." Variants include Brad, Bradan, Bradene, and Bradyn.
BRADFORD: "from the broad ford"
BRADLEY: From surname meaning "from the broad meadow" or "from an extended family." Variants include Bradleah, and Bradly.
BRADWELL: "from the broad spring"
BRADY: "from the broad island." Variant Bradig exists.
BRAINARD: "bold raven." Variants include Brainerd, and Branhard.
BRAMWELL: "from the bramble bush spring." Variant Braemwiella exists.
BRANDON: "from the beacon hill." Variant Branddun.
BRANTLEY: "proud." Variants include Brand, and Brant.
BRAWLEY: "from the hillslope meadow." Variants include Braleah, and Brawleigh.
BRENT: "from the steep hill." Variant Brentan exists.
BREWSTER: "brewer." Variant Brewstere exists.
BRICE: Unisexual name. Either an Old English name meaning "noble," a Celtic name meaning "swift," or a French name meaning either "speckled" or "from Brieuxtown." Also a Greek myth name of one of the Danaids. Variant Bryce exists.
BRIDGER: "lives at the bridge." Variants include Brydger, Briggere, and Bryggere.
BRIGHAM: "lives by the bridge." Variant Briggeham exists.
BRINTON: "from Brinton"
BRITTO: myth name
BROCK: "badger." Variants include Broc, and Brok.
BROCKLEY: "from the badger meadow." Variants include Brocleah, Brocleigh, and Brocly.
BRODERICK: "from the broad ridge." Variants include Broderik, Brodrig, and Brodrik.
BROMLEY: "from the broom-covered meadow." Variants include Bromleah, Bromleigh, and Bromly.
BROOKE: Old English unisex name meaning "small stream." Variants include Brook, Brookie, and Brooky.
BROOKS: "son of Brooke." Variants include Brookson, and Brooksone.
BROUGHER: "lives at the fortress." Variant Burghere exists.
BROUGHTON: "from the fortress town." Variant Burgton exists.
BROWN: "dark-skinned." Variant Brun exists.
BRUTUS: myth name
BUCK: "male deer." Variant Boc exists.
BUCKLEY: "lives at the buck meadow." Variants include Bocleah, and Bocley.
BUDD: "herald." Variants include Boda, and Buddy.
BUNDY: "free." Variant Bondig exists.
BURBANK: "lives on the castle"s hill." Variant Burhbank exists.
BURCH: "birch." Variants include Birch, and Birche.
BURCHARD: "strong as a castle." Variant Burghard exists.
BURDON: "lives at the castle." Variant Burhdon exists.
BURFORD: "lives at the castle ford." Variant Burhford exists.
BURGESS: "lives in town." Variant Burgeis exists.
BURL: "cup-bearer." Variant Byrle exists.
BURLEY: "lives at the caste"s meadow." Variants include Burhleag, Burleigh, and Burly.
BURN: "from the brook." Variants include Bourn, Bourne, Burne, and Byrne.
BURNETT: Means either "brave warrior" or "bold as a bear." Variants include Bernard, Bernie, Bunny, and Burnet.
BURNEY: "lives on the brook island." Variant Bureig exists.
BURNS: "son of Byrne." Variants include Bursone, and Byrnes.
BURTON: "lives in the fortified town." Variant Burhtun exists.
BYFORD: "lives at the river crossing." Variant Biford exists.
BYRAM: "from the cattle yard"
BYRON: "bear"
CADBY: "from the warrior"s settlement." Variant Cadabyr exists.
CAINDALE: "from the clear river valley"
CALDER: "cold brook." Variants include Caldre, and Calldwr.
CALDWELL: "from the cold spring." Varian豆豆staR
1 找和自己中文名字相近发音的英文名, 大多数人都这么做
2 找有特殊含义的,比如你喜欢的事物
Male: Joey
Female: Phoebe
male or female?
哪里有2023-07-27 21:54:152
哪个,反面男主角还是正面男主角,反面的独眼大叔船长是tommygunn,正面的风流搞笑船长是evanstone。如果你是问其他的,我想到时再做补充了。老兄,你上次提问的,都没让我把其中的著名女艺人的相关信息作品给补充一下,就直接采纳了,不能接受啊,呜呜……2023-07-27 21:54:222
美国寄宿私立高中排名: 1 Phillips Exeter Academy菲利普艾斯特中学 Co-ed NH 20852 Thomas Jefferson School托马斯.杰佛森中学 Co-ed MO 20703 1.Groton School 格罗顿中学 Co-ed MA 20604 1.Concord Academy 康科德学校 Co-ed MA 20405 St. Paul‘s School圣保罗中学 Co-ed NH 20366 Middlesex School米德尔塞克斯中学 Co-ed MA 20307 Hotchkiss School霍奇基斯中学 Co-ed CT 20138 1. Phillips Academy Andover 安多佛菲利普斯中学 Co-ed MA 20089 Deerfield Academy迪尔菲尔德中学 Co-ed MA 200010 Peddie School佩蒂中学 Co-ed NJ 200011 St. Andrew‘s School圣安德鲁中学 Co-ed DE 199912 Lawrenceville School劳斯维伦斯中学 Co-ed NJ 199813 The Hockaday School 霍克黛女子中学 All-girls TX 199214 Choate Rosemary Hall乔特罗斯玛丽中学 Co-ed CT 198115 Cate School凯特中学 Co-ed CA 198016 Indian Springs School印第安泉中学 Co-ed AL 196517 The Thacher School撒切尔中学 Co-ed CA 196018 Georgetown Preparatory School乔治城预备中学 All-boys MD 195019 Loomis Chaffee School路米斯卡费中学 Co-ed CT 194620 St. Mark‘s School圣马可中学 Co-ed MA 193021 The Webb Schools韦伯中学 Co-ed CA 193022 St Stephen‘s Episcopal School圣斯蒂芬主教中学 Co-ed TX 192423 Episcopal High School主教高中 Co-ed VA 192224 The Madeira School马德拉中学 All-girls VA 192025 Oregon Episcopal School俄勒冈主教中学 Co-ed OR 191026 Saint James School圣詹姆斯中学 Co-ed MD 191027 The Athenian School雅典中学 Co-ed CA 190028 St. George‘s School圣乔治中学 Co-ed RI 190029 Emma Willard School艾玛维拉德中学 All-girls NY 189230 Advanced Academy of Georgia乔治亚高级中学 Co-ed GA 188831 Santa Catalina School圣特凯特利那中学 All-girls CA 188632 Cranbrook Schools克莱布鲁克中学 Co-ed MI 188533 Woodside Priory School伍德赛德中学 CO-ED CA 188434 1. St. Anne‘s-Belfield School 圣安尼贝尔费德中学 Co-ed VA 188335 Stevenson School史蒂文森中学 Co-ed CA 188036 Asheville School阿什维尔中学 Co-ed NC 187037 The Cambridge School of Weston威斯顿剑桥中学 Co-ed MA 186538 Miss Porter‘s School波特中学 All-girls CT 186339 Brooks School布鲁克斯中学 Co-ed MA 186040 Dana Hall School 丹娜豪女中中学 All-girls MA 185441 Blair Academy布莱尔中学 Co-ed NJ 185042 Hill School 西尔中学 Co-ed PA 185043 Tabor Academy泰伯中学 Co-ed MA 185044 Westover School西部中学 All-girls CT 185045 Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School罗本盖普中学 Co-ed GA 184546 Westtown School西城中学 Co-ed PA 184047 The Stony Brook School石溪中学 Co-ed NY 183748 Mercersburg Academy莫斯堡中学 Co-ed PA 183049 Fountain Valley School of Colorado科罗拉多山泉中学 Co-ed CO 182850 Saint John‘s Preparatory School圣约翰预备中学 Co-ed MN 182451 McCallie School 迈克林中学 All-boys TN 182352 San Domenico School圣多明尼哥中学 All-girls CA 182153 Hun School of Princeton普林斯顿中学 Co-ed NJ 182054 Westminster School 伍斯特明德中学 Co-ed CT 181755 Portsmouth Abbey School波特茅斯教会中学 Co-ed RI 181556 Western Reserve Academy 西储中学 Co-ed OH 181557 Woodberry Forest School伍德贝瑞森林中学 All-boys VA 181458 Saint Andrew‘s School 圣安德鲁中学 Co-ed FL 181159 1.Linden Hall 林顿?豪女子中学 All-girls PA 180660 Governor‘s Academy州长中学 Co-ed MA 180261 Annie Wright School 安妮怀特中学 All-girls WA 180062 Besant Hill School 贝赛特山高中 Co-ed CA 180063 Bolles School 伯乐中学 Co-ed FL 180064 George Stevens Academy 乔治史蒂文学院 Co-ed ME 180065 Oliverian School 奥利文中学 Co-ed NH 180066 WaSATch Academy瓦萨琪中学 Co-ed UT 180067 Webb School 韦伯中学 Co-ed TN 180068 Garrison Forest School葛莉森林女子中学 All-girls MD 179069 Salem Academy塞伦中学 All-girls NC 178770 Northfield Mount Hermon School北野山高中 Co-ed MA 178271 Avon Old Farms School埃文农场中学 All-boys CT 178072 Berkshire School巴克夏中学 Co-ed MA 178073 Canterbury School 坎特伯雷中学 Co-ed CT 178074 Delphian School特尔菲中学 Co-ed OR 177975 George School 乔治中学 Co-ed PA 177576 Foxcroft School福克斯克罗夫特女子中学 All-girls VA 177477 Chatham Hall查塔姆霍尔中学 All-girls VA 177078 Conserve School康斯弗中学 Co-ed WI 175879 Williston Northampton School威利斯顿? 诺塞普顿中学 Co-ed MA 175780 MacDuffie School 马杜菲中学 Co-ed MA 175181 Saint Mary‘s School 圣玛丽中学 All-girls NC 175082 Trinity Pawling School圣三一珀林中学 All-boys NY 175083 Grier School葛丽尔女子中学 All-girls PA 175084 Baylor School 贝乐中学 Co-ed TN 173585 Pomfret School庞弗雷特中学 Co-ed CT 173386 CFS, The School at Church Farm主教农场中学 All-boys PA 173087 Salisbury School萨利士伯瑞男子中学 All-boys CT 173088 1.Putney School 帕特尼中学 Co-ed VT 172589 Holderness School 霍德尼斯中学 Co-ed NH 172090 Virginia Episcopal School弗吉尼亚主教中学 Co-ed VA 172091 White Mountain School 白山中学 Co-ed NH 171392 Solebury School索尔伯瑞中学 Co-ed PA 171093 Subiaco Academy速比亚可中学 All-boys AR 171094 Millbrook School密尔布鲁克中学 Co-ed NY 170695 Lawrence Academy 劳伦斯中学 Co-ed MA 170496 Suffield Academy沙费德中学 Co-ed CT 170297 Christ School 基督中学 All-boys NC 170098 Colorado Rocky Mountain School科罗拉多洛基山高中 Co-ed CO 170099 Dunn School邓恩中学 Co-ed CA 1700100 Perkiomen School 伯科曼学校 Co-ed PA 1不要太看重排名,还有就是中国人的人数2023-07-27 21:54:355
美国实力最强的十大私立高中 第一名:Trinity School 该校位于美国纽约州纽约市区里,是一所非常之出名的美国私立高中,许多有钱人家或者是没钱人家,都挤破头了,拼命地想把孩子送到这所高中去就读。并不仅仅是出自这所学校的名气,也是因为这所学校的师资力量和教员和学生的比例,还有他独特的热门授课方式,都得到了大家共同的认可。当然,还要包括它高比率的录取率,而且是名校长春藤大学的录取率,也是倍受大家青睐的。这所学校的师生比例高达1:6,也就是说,一个老师只教六个学生,这种小班式的教育,完全可以让老师顾及到每一位学生的具体情况,然后针对孩子的学习给予特殊的帮助。这个学校的老师的学历也是非常之强大,具有高级学位的老师的比率高达82%。由于学校出名,所以每年会有大量的捐赠给这所学校,让这所学校有更多的经费用在开放教育上。 第二名:Horace Mann 该校与第一名的学校同处纽约州的纽约市,甚至可以说,它的创建时间要更早一些。但是就是因为他们的常青藤大学的录取率比第一名的学校低一些,所以才委屈被排到第二名。不过,此学校也因为自己雄厚的实力得到了社会上许多捐赠。因为是一所环境幽美,而且文化底蕴相当发达的高中,因此吸引了许多有学历有能力的老师到此校就职,高学历的老师竟然占了高达93%的比例。打败了所有私立高中,老师的学历之比例。 第三名:Phillips Academy Andover 此校位于马萨诸塞州,始创于1778年,这所学校的环境之异常幽美,常常吸引许多人到学校里参观,而且许多学生也是以自己学校的幽美环境而自豪。外加,此校高比例的常青藤升学率更是引人关注。由于也有高额的捐赠,所以他们志力打造更加完美的教育场地,让孩子们在幽美的环境中,更好地学习和体验人生。由于该校有古老传统,吸引了众多老师在此就职,师生比例高达1:5,也就是说,五个学生就可以共用一个老师。老师的认真态度就更不用质疑了。 第四名:The Brearley School 又是一所位于纽约州纽约市的私立高中,可以说,这所学校汇集了众多名人校友,这也是吸引许多家长和学生们的最重要的地方。而且外加高比例的常青藤升学率,和高比例的师生对比,更是让这所学校成为了吸引的最大,虽然吸纳的老师的学历比例并不是太高,可是这并不影响他们的教学质量,所以,才会在众多的美国私立高中里,挤下了第四名的位置。可见,老师们是多么地尽责任。 第五名:Roxbury Latin 此校位于马萨诸塞州,它是悠久的历史,有着丰富的传统教育方式和先进的教育方式的结合,他们遵从的教育方式是快乐教育,让孩子们在快乐的过程中得到知识。而且也拥有高比例的常青藤大学的录取率,还有高级学位教育的大比例,成为吸引众多高中生眼球的砝码。 第六名:Phillips Exeter Academy 该校位于新罕布什尔州,距今也有近三百年的历史了。虽然升入常青藤的比例不及前面几所学校的,可是它拥有着强悍的师生比例,和高学历的老师,是吸引众多学生来此就读的最大因素。 第七名:Collegiate School 此校也位于纽约州的纽约市,与其他的几所学校一样,常青藤的高升学率成为此校的骄傲。高比例的师生比率也是吸引众多家长和愿意上小课的学生们来此就读。不过,此校并不是以老师的高学历而著称的,因此,老师们都很乐意在学校里尽自己最大的努力帮助学生们完成他们的学业。 第八名:St. Paul"s 又是一所位于新罕布什尔州的著名私立高中,拥有高比例的师生比例和高学历的老师团队是吸引众多家庭的原因,而且此校的环境优美令人不愿归来。虽然每年的升学率并不及其他学校,但是学生能够在此地学到快乐的知识,是最重要的。 第九名:The Spence School 此校成立于1892年,位于纽约州的纽约市。升入常青藙例如嘛省理工和斯坦福的升学率高达33%,学生与教员的比例是7:1,高学历的老师也不是很多,但也高达73%。成为惹人注目的一所私立高中。 第十名:The Winsor School 此校成立于1886年,位于马萨诸塞州波士顿,高学历的老师团队和高比例的师生比例成为吸引众多家庭和学生的主要因素,而且她也拥有着很高的常青藤大学的升学率。详细可以问一下【中青留学】2023-07-27 21:54:541
美国排名前50的高中如下菲利普斯艾斯特中学(PhillipsExeterAcademy)菲利普斯安多佛学校(PhillipsAcademyAndover)米德尔塞克斯中学(MiddlesexSchool)圣保罗中学(St.Paul"sSchool)米尔顿高中(MiltonAcademy)乔特罗斯玛丽中学(ChoateRosemaryHall)霍奇基斯中学迪尔菲尔德学院(DeerfieldAcademy)格罗顿中学(GrotonSchool)霍卡迪女子学校(TheHockadaySchool)劳伦斯维尔高中(LawrencevilleSchool)撒切尔中学(ThacherSchool)凯特中学(CateSchool)圣安德鲁斯中学(St.Andrew"sSchool)圣马可中学(St.Mark"sSchool)塔夫特中学(TheTaftSchool)佩迪中学(PeddieSchool康科德学院(ConcordAcademy)圣公会中学(EpiscopalHighSchool)西储学院(WesternReserveAcademy)北野山中学(NorthfieldMountHermonSchool)肯特中学(KentSchool)印第安泉中学(IndianSpringsSchool)威斯多佛中学(WestoverSchool)俄勒冈主教高中(OregonEpiscopalSchool)巴克夏中学(BerkshireSchool)史蒂文森中学(StevensonSchool)泰博学院(TaborAcademy)林顿女子中学(LindenHall)坎特伯雷中学(CanterburySchool)波特茅斯教会学校(PortsmouthAbbeySchool)路米斯卡费中学(LoomisChaffeeSchool)圣乔治学院(St.George"sSchool)爱玛威拉德中学(EmmaWillardSchool)布鲁克斯学校(BrooksSchool)威斯敏斯特中学(WestminsterSchool)马德拉女子中学(TheMadeiraSchool)伽文纳中学(TheGovernor"sAcademy)希尔中学(HillSchool)布莱尔中学(BlairAcademy)圣詹姆斯学校(SaintJamesSchool)波特高中(MissPorter"sSchool)迈斯特中学(TheMastersSchool)摩尔西斯堡中学(MercersburgAcademy)乔治城预备中学(GeorgetownPreparatorySchool)克瑞布鲁克学校(CranbrookSchools)西城中学(WesttownSchool)伍德贝瑞森林学校(WoodberryForestSchool)韦伯学校(TheWebbSchool)萨菲尔德中学(SuffieldAcademy)2023-07-27 21:55:191
爱eyre 里德Richard 退斯特Twist 勃朗特Bronte2023-07-27 21:55:446
ok2023-07-27 21:56:2110
2020年Nche寄宿高中排名前100学校 排名 学校英文名 学校中文名 所在州 1 PhillipsExeterAcademy 菲利普斯埃克塞特中学 新罕布什尔州 2 PhilpsAcademy 菲利普斯学校安多佛 马萨诸塞州 3 ChoateRosemaryHall 乔特罗斯玛丽中学 康州 4 TheLawrencevileschool 劳伦斯威尔高中 新泽西州 5 TheHotchkssSchool 霍奇基斯中学 康州 6 StPaulsSchool 圣保罗中学 新罕布什尔州 7 NobeandGreenoughSchool 格里诺贵族学校 马萨诸塞州 8 DeerfieldAcademy 迪尔菲尔德学院 马萨诸塞州 9 CateSchool 凯特中学 加州 10 MddesexSchool 米德尔塞克斯中学 马萨诸塞州 11 GrotonSchool 格罗顿学校 马萨诸塞州 12 CanbookSchoos 克瑞布鲁克中学 密歇根州 13 TheLoomisChaffeeSchool| 鲁米斯查菲高中 康州 14 MtonAadmy 米尔顿高中 马萨诸塞州 15 StAndrewsschool 圣安德鲁学校 特拉华州 16 StAbansShool 圣奥尔本斯中学 华盛顿特区 17 ConcodAcademy 康科德学院 马萨诸塞州 18 TheHockadaySchool 霍克黛女子学校 得克萨斯州 19 TheThacherSchooll 撒切尔学校 加州 20 PeddeSchool 佩迪中学 泽西州 21 HackleySchool 哈克里中学 纽约州 22 ststephen"sepiscopalschool 圣斯蒂芬教会学校 得克萨斯州 23 WoodsdePrioryShool 伍德赛德中学 加州 24 StMarksShool 圣马克学校 马萨诸塞州 25 TheTaftSchool 塔夫脱中学 康州 26 TheWebb School 韦伯中学 加州 27 Emmawiard School 艾玛威拉德女子中 纽约州 28 TheAthenianSchool 雅典纳中学 加州 29 ThomasJeffersonSchool| 托马斯杰弗逊学校 密苏里州 30 ShadySideAcademy 桑迪赛德学院 宾州 31 Pomfetshool 庞弗雷特中学 康州 32 LakeForesAademy 湖森中学 伊利诺州 33 33UnedWordCollegeUSA 世界联合学院 新墨西哥州 34 oregonEpiscopalschool 俄勒冈主教高中 俄勒冈州 35 westrn ReserveAcademy 西储学院 俄亥俄州 36 EpiscopaHghSchool 主教高中 弗吉尼亚州 37 NorthfieldMountHermonSchool 北野山高中 马萨诸塞州 38 Westtownschool 西城中学 宾州 39 TheHillschool 希尔中学 宾州 40 BarAcademyschool 布莱尔学院 新泽西州 41 KentSchoolschool 肯特高中 康州 42 GeorgetownpreparatorySchool 乔治城预科学校 马里兰州 43 IndianSprings school 印第安泉中学 阿拉巴马州 44 The Madeira school 玛黛拉女子中学 弗吉尼亚州 45 ThelnternationalschooofMnnesota 明尼苏达国际学校 明尼苏达州 46 CuverAcadems 柯尔沃学院 印地安那州 47 TheVillageSchool 威利学校 得克萨斯州 48 oaniShool 伊奥拉尼学校 夏威夷州 49 RiverstonelnternationalSchool 河石国际学校 爱达荷州 50 GeorgeSchool 乔治高中 宾州 51 TheMastersSchool 迈斯特中学 纽约州 52 MissPortersSchool 波特女子高中 康州 53 TheStonyBookSchool 石溪中学 纽约州 54 McCalieSchool 普林麦卡利中学 田纳西州 55 The HunschooofP rnceton 普林斯顿胡恩中学 新泽西州 56 FamontPepaaoyAadmy 费尔蒙特预备中学 加州 57 Berkshireshool 伯克希尔中学 马萨诸塞州 58 BrooksShool 布鲁克斯学校 马萨诸塞州 59 DanaHalSchool 达娜豪尔女子高中 马萨诸塞州 60 Ashevilleschool 阿什维尔学校 北卡罗来纳州 61 WesminsterSchool 威斯敏斯特学院 康州 62 CushngAcademy 库欣高中 马萨诸塞州 63 MercersburgAcademy 摩尔西斯堡学院 宾州 64 stGeorgesscho 圣乔治学校 罗得岛州 65 WoodlandsAademyoftheSaredHeat 伍德兰兹圣心学院 伊利诺州 66 GrerSchol 格里尔女子中学 宾州 67 WoodberryForestschool 乌德贝里森林学校 弗吉尼亚州 68 StevensonSchool 史蒂文森中学 加州 69 MaumeevalleyCountryDaySchool 莫米谷走读中学 俄亥俄州 70 TheCambridgeschoolofWeston 威斯顿剑桥中学 马萨诸塞州 71 TheNorthwestShool 西北中学 华盛顿州 72 WestoverShool 威斯多佛学校 康州 73 PortsmouthAbbeySchool 朴茨茅斯修道院中学 罗得岛州 74 SantAndewsShool 圣安德台学校 佛罗里达州 75 SantacatainaSchool 圣卡塔利娜学校 加州 76 Maharishischool 马赫西学校 爱荷华州 77 ForestRdgeSchoolofthesacredHeart 福利斯特里奇女子中学 华盛顿州 78 ThePennngonShoo| 潘宁顿中学 新泽西州 79 McDonoghSchoo 麦克多纳学校 马里兰州 80 AnnieWnightshoos 安妮怀特中学 华盛顿州 81 dgeSacredHeaAadm 福临特里奇圣心学院 加州 82 sanDomencoschool 圣多明尼哥中学 加州 83 OakschritanSchool 橡树基督教学校 加州 84 LndenHa| 林顿女子中学 宾州 85 SaintJohn"sPreparatorySchool 圣约翰中学 明尼苏达州 86 TheGovemosAademy 伽文纳中学 马萨诸塞州 87 SuffedAcademy 萨菲尔德中学 康州 88 Mdandschool 米德兰中学 加州 89 Fountainvalleyschoolofolorado 科罗拉多喷房学校 科罗拉多州 90 ChahamHal 查塔姆霍尔学校 弗吉尼亚州 91 Salisburyschoo 梳士巴利男子学校 康州 92 VertasCollegiateAcadmy 威睿达思学校 弗吉尼亚州 93 ThePutneySchool 帕特尼中学 佛蒙特州 94 TM|Epscopal 德克萨斯主教中学得克萨斯州 95 95WyomingSeminaryCollegeprepartoryschool 怀俄明高中 宾州 96 AvonoldFarmsSchool 亚凡古农场中学 康州 97 TaborAcademy 泰博学院 马萨诸塞州 98 FoxcroftSchool 福克斯克罗夫特女子学校 弗吉尼亚州 99 WorcesterAcadmy 伍斯特学院 马萨诸塞州 100 SantJmesShool 圣詹姆斯学校 马里兰州2023-07-27 21:56:492
最好提高SSAT成绩,具体看申请学校的要求SSAT,全称Secondary School Admission Test,中文名称为美国中学入学考试,适用于美国、加拿大私立中学的入学,是申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩。主要测量学生的数学、语文以及阅读理解能力,考察考生的逻辑思维和发展潜力。由Admission Test Board命题。针对不同年龄的学生,SSAT考试分为高级(upper level)和低级(lower level),前者针对目前就读8-11年级的学生,后者针对目前就读5-7年级的学生。2023-07-27 21:57:006
NO.2023-07-27 21:57:474
千万不要来安妮怀特,中国人暴多!2023-07-27 21:58:095
全球专辑销量TOP20 "Thriller" - Michael Jackson (60 million) "Black In Black" - AC/DC (42m) "Their Greatest Hits 1971~1975" - The Eagles (41m) "Saturday Night Fever" - (Soundtrack) (40m) "Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd (40m) "Come On Over" - Shania Twain (39m) "The Bodyguard" - (Soundtrack) (37m) "Bat Out Of Hell" - Meat Loaf (37m) "Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band" - The Beatles (32m) "Led Zeppelin IV" - Led Zeppelin (32m) "Dirty Dancing" - (Soundtrack) (32m) "Falling Into You" - Celine Dion (32m) "Let"s Talk About Love" - Celine Dion (31m) "Rumours" - Fleetwood Mac (30m) "Jagged Little Pill" - Alanis Morissette (30m) "Titanic" - (Soundtrack) (30m) "Millenium" - Backstreet Boys (30m) "1" - The Beatles (30m) "Abbey Road" - The Beatles (30m) "Bad" - Michael Jackson (29m) 全美专辑销量TOP20 Level Title Artist Label 29 EAGLES/THEIR GREATEST HITS 1971 - 1975 EAGLES ELEKTRA 27 THRILLER JACKSON, MICHAEL EPIC 23 THE WALL PINK FLOYD COLUMBIA 23 LED ZEPPELIN IV LED ZEPPELIN ATLANTIC 21 GREATEST HITS VOLUME I & VOLUME II JOEL, BILLY COLUMBIA 21 BACK IN BLACK AC/DC EPIC 20 DOUBLE LIVE BROOKS, GARTH CAPITOL NASHVILLE 20 COME ON OVER TWAIN, SHANIA MERCURY NASHVILLE 19 RUMOURS FLEETWOOD MAC WARNER BROS. 19 THE BEATLES BEATLES, THE APPLE 17 BOSTON BOSTON EPIC 17 THE BODYGUARD (SOUNDTRACK) HOUSTON, WHITNEY ARISTA 16 HOTEL CALIFORNIA EAGLES ASYLUM 16 NO FENCES BROOKS, GARTH CAPITOL 16 THE BEATLES 1967 - 1970 BEATLES, THE APPLE 16 CRACKED REAR VIEW HOOTIE & THE BLOWFISH ATLANTIC 16 JAGGED LITTLE PILL MORISSETTE, ALANIS MAVERICK 16 PHYSICAL GRAFFITI LED ZEPPELIN SWAN SONG 16 GREATEST HITS JOHN, ELTON MCA 15 BORN IN THE U.S.A. SPRINGSTEEN, BRUCE COLUMBIA 大英联合王国专辑销量Top20 1. "Greatest Hits (Volume One)" - Queen (1981) (5.4 million copies) 2. "Sgt Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band" - The Beatles (1967) (4.8 million) 3. "(What"s The Story) Morning Glory" - Oasis (1995) (4.3 million) 4. "Brothers In Arms" - Dire Straits (1985) (4.0 million) 5. "Abba Gold Greatest Hits" - Abba (1992) (3.9 million) 6. "The Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd (1973) (3.8 million) 7. "Greatest Hits Volume II" - Queen (1991) (3.6 million) 8. "Thriller" - Michael Jackson (1982) (3.6 million) 9. "Bad" - Michael Jackson (1987) (3.6 million) 10. "The Immaculate Collection" - Madonna (1990) (3.4 million) 11. "Stars" - Simply Red (1991) (3.4 million) 12. "Come On Over" - Shania Twain (2000) (3.3 million) 13. "Rumours" - Fleetwood Mac (1977) (3.1 million) 14. "Urban Hymns" - The Verve (1997) (3.1 million) 15. "No Angel" - Dido (2002) (3.0 million) 16. "Bridge Over Troubled Water" - Simon & Garfunkel (1970) (3.0 million) 17. "Talk On Corners" - The Corrs (1999) (2.9 million) 18. "Spice" - The Spice Girls (1996) (2.9 million) 19. "Back To Bedlam" - James Blunt (2005) (2.9 million) 20. "White Ladder" - David Gray (2002) (2.9 million) 总的来说 MJ第一 披头士第二 麦当娜第三(女歌手第一) 来源自英国权威音乐传媒网Everyhit 2006年 1.James Blunt - Back To Bedlam 2.Soundtrack - High School Musical 3.Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium 4.Justin Timberlake - FutureSex / LoveSounds 5.Pussycat Dolls - PCD 6.Madonna - Confessions On A Dance Floor 7.Nickelback - All The Right Reasons 8.Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway 9.Shakira - Oral Fixation Volume 2 10.Pink - I"m Not Dead 2007年 1. Linkin Park Minutes To Midnight 2. Avril Lavigne The Best Damn Thing 3. Mika Life In Cartoon Motion 4. 原声带 High School Musical 5. Norah Jones Not Too Late 6. Michael Buble Call Me Irresponsible 7. Maroon 5 It Won Soon Before t Be Long 8. Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad 9. Eagles Long Road Out Of Eden 10. Timbaland Timbaland Presents Shock Value 这是我在美国的朋友寄给我的权威欧美杂志上面的报道,希望能帮组你做个参考 欣赏欧美音乐应该从这些专辑开始2023-07-27 21:58:251
ABBOT, ABBOTT: abbey father ACKER, AKKER: from the oak treeACKERLEY, ACKLEY: from the oak-tree meadowACKERMAN: man of oakADAM: of the red earthADDIS, ADAMSON: son of AdamADY: ardentADKINS, ATTKINS, ATKINSON, ATKINSONE: son of AikenADNEY, ADDANEYE, ADDNEY, ADNY: lives on the noble"s islandAELDRA: lives at the elder treeAELFDANE: Danish elfAELFDENE: from the elfin valleyAETHELISDUN, ATHELSTON, AETHESTON: from the noble"s hillAIKEN, ADKEN, ADKYN, AIKIN, AICKIN: oakenAINSLEY, AINSLIE: from Ann"s meadowAINSWORTH: from Ann"s estateALBERN, AETHELBEORN, ALBURN: noble warriorALBERT, ALBURT, AETHELBERHT, AETHELBERT: noble, brightALCOTT: from the old cottageALDEN, ALDWINE, ALDWYN, ALDWeN: wise friendALDER, ALER: from the alder treeALDO: archaicALDOUS: "Old" or "From the old house." Variant Aldus exists.ALDRICH, ALDRIC, ALDRIK: wise rulerALFORD, ALVORD, AVERY: from the old fordALFRED, ALFREDO, AELFRAED, ALFRID: sageALL: handsomeALLARD, ALHHARD, AETHELHARD: braveALLRED, ALDRED, ALDRID: wise, red-haired manALMO, AETHELMAER, ATHEMAR, ATHMARR: noble, famousALSTON, AETHELSTUN: from the elf"s homeALTON, ALDEN, ALDAN, ALDTUN: from the old manorAMSDEN: from Ambrose"s valleyANGLESEY: from AngleseyANN, AIN: mercifulANNA: name of a kingANSCOM, AENESCUMB, ANSCOMB: lives in the valley of the majestic oneANSLEY, AINSLEY, AENEDLEAH, ANSLEIGH: from the awe-inspiring one"s meadowARCHER, ARCHERE: bowmanARDELL, ARDEL: from the hare"s dellARDLEY, ARDALEAH, ARDLEIGH: from the home-lover"s meadowARDOLF, ARDWOLF, ARDOLPH: home-loving wolfARIC, ALHRIC, ARIK, ALHRICK, ALHRIK: sacred rulerARKWRIGHT: makes chestsARLEDGE: lives at the hare"s lakeARLEY, ARLIE, ARLEIGH: from the hare"s meadowARLO: fortified hillARMSTRONG, ARMSTRANG: strong-armedARNETT, ARNET, ARNATT, ARNOTT: little eagleARTHGALLO: myth nameARUNDEL, ARNDELL: from the eagle"s dellASCOT, ASCOTT: lives at the east cottageASHBURN, AESOBURNE: lives near the ash-tree brookASHBY, AESCBY: from the ash-tree farmASHFORD, AISFORD, AESCFORD: lives by the ash-tree fordASHLEY, ASHLY, AISLEY, AESCLEAH: lives in the ash-tree fordASHLIN, AESCLIN: lives at the ash-tree poolASHTON, AISTON, AESCTUN: from the ash-tree farmASHWIN, AESCWINE, ASHWYN, AESCWYN: spear friendATHERTON, AETHRETUN: lives at the spring farmATHMORE, ATTMORE, ATMORE: from the moorATWATER, ATTEWATER: from the watersideATWELL, ATTWELL, ATTEWELL: lives by the springATWOOD, ATTEWODE: lives in the forestATWORTH, ATTEWORTHE: lives at the farmsteadAURICK: noble valorAVERIL, AVERILL, AVERELL: wild boarAVERY, AELFRIC, AUBREY: elf rulerAXTON, AECCESTANE: swordsman"s stoneAYLMER, ALMER, AETHELMAERE, AEGELMAERE: infamousAYLWARD, AEGELWEARD, AETHELWEARD, ATHELWARD: noble protectorBAINBRIDGE, BANBRIGGE, BAINBRYDGE: lives near the bridge over the white waterBALDER, BALDHERE: bold armyBANAING, BANNING: son of the slayerBANCROFT, BENECROFT: from the bean fieldBARCLAY, BERKELEY, BERKLEY, BERCLEAH: lives at the birch-tree meadowBARDEN, BARDAN: lives near the boar"s denBARDOLF, BARDAWULF, BARDOLPH, BARDULF, BARDALPH, BARWOLF: ax-wolfBARDRICK, BARDARIC, BARDARIK: ax-rulerBARLOW, BAERHLOEW, BARHLOEW: lives on the bare hillBARNETT, BEORNET: leaderBARNUM, BEORNHAM: from the nobleman"s homeBARON, BARRON: warriorBARR, BARRE: gatewayBARTH: son of the earthBARTLEY, BARTLEAH, BARTLEIGH: from Bart"s meadowBARTON, BART, BERETUN: from the barley farmBARTRAM, BEORHTHRAMM, BARTHRAM: glorious ravenBAXTER, BAKER, BACKSTERE, BAX: bakerBAYHARD, BAY: reddish-brown hairBEACHER, BECEERE, BEECHER: lives by the beech treeBEADUTUN, BEATON: from the warrior"s estateBEAMAN, BEOMANN: beekeeperBEAMER, BEMEERE: trumpeterBECK, BEK: brookBEDE: prayerBELDEN, BELDAN, BELDENE, BELDON, BELDANE: lives in the beautiful glenBENTLEY, BENTLEAH, BENTLEIGH: from the bent grass meadowBENTON: lives on the moorBERESFORD, BERFORD: from the barley fordBERT, BURT, BEORHT: gloriousBERTON, BURTON, BEORHTTUN, BURHTUN: from the fortified townBERTRAM, BEORHTHRAM: bright ravenBERWICK, BERWYK: from the barley grangeBEVERLY, BEVERLEY: from the beaver meadowBICKFORD, BIECAFORD, BICK: from the hewer"s fordBINK: lives at the bankBIRCH, BEORE, BIRK: birch treeBIRKETT, BIRKHEAD, BIRKHED: lives at the birch headlandBIRKEY: from the birch-tree islandBIRLEY, BYRELEAH: from the cattle shed on the meadowBIRNEY, BURNEIG, BURNEY: lives on the brook islandBIRTLE, BIRTEL, BYRTEL, BIRDHIL, BIRDHILL: from the bird hillBISHOP: overseerBITANIG: from the preserving landBLACK, CLAEC: darkBLADE, BLAED: wealthy gloryBLAGDON, BLAGDAN, BLAGDEN: from the dark valleyBLAISE, BLAZE: stuttersBLAKE, BLAEC: black or whiteBLAKELEY, BLAKELY, BLAECLEAH: from the dark meadowBLAKEMORE: from the dark moorBLAKEY, BLACEY: blondBLANFORD, BLANDFORD: gray-hairedBLAYNE: twinBLISS: happyBLYTH, BLYTHE: merryBOLTON: from the manor farmBOND: tied to the landBOOTH, BOOTHE, BOTHE: lives in a hutBORDEN, BARDENE, BARDEN: from the boar valleyBORS: myth nameBOSWORTH: lives at the cattle enclosureBOTOLF, BOTEWOLF, BOTWOLF: herald wolfBRADBURN, BRADBOURNE: from the broad brookBRADEN, BRADYN, BRAD, BRADAN, BRADENE: from the broad valleyBRADFORD: from the broad fordBRADLEY, BRADLY, BRADLEAH: from the broad meadowBRADWELL: from the broad springBRADY, BRADIG: from the broad islandBRAINARD, BRANHARD, BRAINERD: bold ravenBRAMWELL, BRAEMWIELLA: from the bramble bush springBRANDON, BRANDDUN: from the beacon hillBRANTLEY, BRANT, BRAND: proudBRAWLEY, BRAWLEIGH, BRALEAH: from the hillslope meadowBRENT, BRENTAN: from the steep hillBREWSTER, BREWSTERE: brewerBRIDGER, BRYDGER, BRYGGERE, BRIGGERE: lives at the bridgeBRIGHAM, BRIGGEHAM: lives by the bridgeBRINTON: from BrintonBRITTO: myth nameBROCK, BROK, BROC: badgerBROCKLEY, BROCLEAH, BROCLY, BROCLEIGH: from the badger meadowBRODERICK, BRODRIG, BRODRIK, BRODERIK: from the broad ridgeBROMLEY, BROMLEAH, BROMLEIGH, BROMLY: from the broom-covered meadowBROOK, BROOKE: lives by the streamBROOKS, BROOKSONE, BROOKSON: son of BrookeBROUGHER, BURGHERE: lives at the fortressBROUGHTON, BURGTUN: from the fortress townBROWN, BRUN: dark-skinnedBRUTUS: myth nameBUCK, BOC: male deerBUCKLEY, BOCLEAH, BOCLEY: lives at the buck meadowBUDD, BUDDY, BODA: heraldBUNDY, BONDIG: freeBURBANK, BURHBANK: lives on the castle"s hillBURCH, BIRCHE, BIRCH: birchBURCHARD, BURGHARD: strong as a castleBURDON, BURHDON: lives at the castleBURFORD, BURHFORD: lives at the castle fordBURGESS, BURGEIS: lives in townBURL, BYRLE: cup-bearerBURLEY, BURHLEAG, BURLEIGH, BURLY: lives at the caste"s meadowBURN, BYRNE, BOURNE, BURNE, BOURN: from the brookBURNETT, BURNET: meaning unknownBURNEY, BUREIG: lives on the brook islandBURNS, BURSONE, BYRNES: son of ByrneBURTON, BURHTUN: lives in the fortified townBYFORD, BIFORD: lives at the river crossingBYRAM: from the cattle yardBYRD, BIRD, BIRDE: birdBYRON: bearCADBY, CADABYR: from the warrior"s settlementCAINDALE: from the clear river valleyCALDER, CALDRE, CALLDWR: cold brookCALDWELL, CALDWIELLA: from the cold springCALE, CAL, CAYLE: boldCALVERT, CALBERT, CALFHIERDE: shepherdCAMBER: myth nameCARELTON, CARLTON, CARLATUN: from Carl"s farmCARLISLE, CARLYLE: from the walled cityCARSON: son of CarrCARSWELL, CAERSEWIELLA: lives at the watercress springCARTER, CARTERE: drives a cartCARTLAND: from the land between the streamsCARVELL, CARVEL: from the villa by the marchCARVER: carves wood or sculptsCASSIBELLAUNUS: myth nameCASTER: from the Roman campCEDRIC, CADDARIK, CADDARIC: battle leaderCENEHARD, CYNHARD: boldCENEWARD, CYNWARD: bold guardianCENEWIG, CENEWYG: bold warriorCHAD, CADDA: warringCHADBURN, CHADBURNE, CHADBYRNE: from the wildcat brookCHADWICK, CHADWYK, CHADWIK, CADDAWYC: from the warrior"s townCHAPMAN, CEAPMANN: merchantCHARLETON, CHARLTON: from Charles"s farmCHATHAM, CADDAHAM: from the soldier"s landCHATWYN, CHATWIN: warring friendCHAUNCEY, CHANCE, CHANCEY, CHAUNCE, CHANCELOOR, CHAUNCELER: chancellorCHESTER, CEASTER: lives at the campCHESTON, CEASTUN: campCHETWYN, CHETWIN, CETEWIND: from the cottage on the winding pathCHILTON, CELDTUN: from the farm by the springCHURCHILL, CIRCEHYLL, CHURCHYLL: lives at the church hillCINGESWIELLA, CINGESWELL, CINWELL: lives at the king"s springCLAY, CLAEG, CLAYTON, CLAEGTUN: mortalCLAYBORNE, CLAIBORN, CLAEGBORNE, CLAYBOURNE, CLAYBURN: from the clay brookCLEVELAND, CLIFLAND, CLYFLAND, CLEVON, CLEON: from the cliffsCLIFFORD, CLIFF: lives by the ford near the cliffCLIFFTON, CLIFTON, CLIFTUN, CLYFTUN, CLYFFTON: from the farm near the cliffCLINTON, CLINT, CLINTTUN: from the headland estateCLIVE, CLYVE, CLEVE: lives at the cliffsCODY, CODI, CODIE: a cushionCOLBERT, CULBERT, CULBART, CEOLBEORHT, COLVERT: seamanCOLBY: from the black farmCOLEMAN, COLEMANN: dark-skinnedCOLLIER, COLIER, COLLYER, COLYER: charcoal merchantCOLLIS, COLIS, COLYS: son of the dark manCOLTER, COLTERE: horse herdsmanCOLTON, COLT, COLETUN, COLE: from the dark townCOOPER, CUPERE, COOPERSMITH: makes barrelsCORWIN, CORWYN, CORWINE, CORWAN: friend of the heartCOURTLAND: lives at the farmsteadCOVELL, COVYLL, COFAHEALH: lives at the cave slopeCRANDALL, CRANDELL: from the crane valleyCRANLEY, CRANLEAH, CRANLY: from the crane meadowCRANSTON, CRANSTUN: from the crane estateCRAWFORD: from the crow"s fordCREIGHTON, CREKETUN: lives at the creek townCRICHTON: from the town by the creekCROFTEN, CROFTON: from the enclosed townCROMPTON: from the winding farmCROMWELL, CROMBWIELLA: lives by the winding streamCROSLEY, CROSLEAH, CROSLY, CROSLEIGH: from the cross meadowCULVER, COLVER, COLVYR, COLFRE: doveCUTHBERT, CUTHBEORHT: noted splendorCUTLER: makes knivesCWENTUN: from the queen"s estateCYMBELLINE: myth nameCYNELEAH, CYNELEY: lives in the royal meadowCYNING, CYNERIC, CYNERIK, CYNRIC, CYNRIK: royalDAGWOOD: from the bright one"s forestDALBERT, DELBERT, DEALBERT, DEALBEORHT: proudDALE, DAEL, DALEY, DAYLE: lives in the valleyDALTON: from the farm in the daleDARNELL, DARNALL: from DarnallDARRELL, DARYL: dearly lovedDARTON, DEORTUN: from the deer parkDAVIS, DAVIDSON, DAVIDSONE: David"s sonDEAN, DEANNE, DENE, DINO: from the deneDEARBORN, DEARBOURNE, DEREBOURNE: from the deer brookDEEMS, DEMASON, DEMASONE: judge"s sonDEMPSEY: from the judge"s meadowDEMPSTER: judiciousDENLEY: from the valley meadowDENTON: from the valley farmDENVER: lives at the valley"s edgeDERWIN, DERWYN, DERWAN: friend of the deerDERWARD, DEORWARD, DEERWARD: guardian of the deerDIAMOND, DEAGMUND, DIAMONT: bridge protectorDICKSON, DIXON, DIKESONE: son of DickDOANE, DOUNE: from the down hillDRAKE, DRACA: dragonDRYDEN, DRIDEN, DRIDAN, DRYGEDENE: from the dry valleyDUDLEY: from the people"s meadowDUNLEY, DUNLEIGH, DUNLY, DUNLEAH: from the hill meadowDUNN: dark-skinnedDUNSTAN: hill of stoneDUNTON: from the farm on the hillDURWARD: gatekeeperDURWIN, DURWYN, DEORWINE: friend of the deerEARL, EORL, EARLE: noblemanEATON, EATUN: from the riverside villageEDBERT, EADBURT, EADBEORHT: wealthyEDELMAR, EDELMARR, EADELMARR: nobleEDGAR, EADGER: wealthy spearEDISON2023-07-27 21:59:317
你咋没问,百度上一共有多少人呢?他们的资料都是什么,不要复制粘贴.我要官方权威数据!2023-07-27 21:59:492
Stagnetti"s Revenge(女海盗2:斯塔内蒂的复仇)[主要演员]:Jesse Jane,Belladonna,Sasha Grey,Riley Steele,Shawna Lenee,Shay Jordan,Katsuni,Stoya,Gabriella Fox,Jenna Haze,Brianna Love,Abbey Brooks,Rhylee Richards,Brea Lynn,Shyla Stylez,Veronica Rayne2023-07-27 22:00:121
去你的2023-07-27 22:00:3010
比较Backstreet Boys和Linkin Park
一个时尚团体,一个E时代时尚乐队2023-07-27 22:00:575
刘德华,麦当娜2023-07-27 22:01:124
这个人叫:AbbeyBrooks1983年出生于美国密歇根州,出道时间2006年回答希望有帮助到你2023-07-27 22:01:201
她是Abbey Brooks。2023-07-27 22:01:311
美国私立高中排名如下:50.胡德尼斯学校(HoldernessSchool) 新罕布什尔州 SAT平均分:1800 校务基金:6千万美元 胡德尼斯学校每年三月份时,学生会有两周的时间和毕业班的同学一起体验特别项目,活动内容是到社区当中去体验户外探险。胡德尼斯学校每年招收报名人数45%的学生。每个班的学生平均在12人左右。49.湖森中学(Lake Forest Academy) 伊利诺州 SAT平均分:1820 校务基金:2千500万美金 自2002年起,湖森中学高度重视一年一度举行的学校负责人座谈会,座谈会包含多元化和全球化的主体,学生可以和教师进行交流,探讨。联系到湖森中学得知,寄宿学校每年招收36%的申请人。48.圣安妮贝尔菲尔德学校(St.Anne"s-Belfield School) 弗吉尼亚州 SAT平均分:1827 校务基金:2千500万美金 圣安妮贝尔菲尔德学校最初为弗吉尼亚大学的女子学校,每年招收35%的申请人。现在,圣安妮贝尔菲尔德学校接受小班教育,平均每个班有13.7个学生,并提供15门AP课程。47.达娜豪尔女子高中(Dana HallSchool) 马萨诸塞州 SAT平均分:1915 校务基金:3千300万美金 达娜豪尔女子高中每年招收47%的申请人,并且在过去的5年中,有5.3%的毕业生进入了常青藤盟校。这所女校和澳大利亚、日本、西班牙等的学校签订了交换项目,学生也可以花一年的时间在境外读书,例如中国、法国、意大利、西班牙。46.史蒂文森中学(Stevenson School) 加利福尼亚州 SAT平均分:1866 校务基金:3千100万美金 98%的史蒂文森中学毕业生会被本科大学录取。这所寄宿中学每年会为家长[微博]和学生提供大学专题研讨会。史蒂文森中学每年招收40%的申请人。45.梳士巴利男子学校(Salisbury School) 康涅狄格州 SAT平均分:1810 校务基金:4千500万美元 这所全是男孩的学校每年招收37%的申请人。学校在活动和饮食方面保持着他一贯的传统,例如,每当在学校在比赛中赢得胜利,校园中心的建筑就会打开红色的灯;饮食方面,每逢双周时,学校会为学生和导师提供家庭风味的餐食。44.玛黛拉女子中学(The Madeira School) 弗吉尼亚州 SAT平均分:1945 校务基金:6千200万美金 玛黛拉女子中学招收54%的申请人,超过85%的教师获得了高等学位。这所女子寄宿学校为学生们提供计划旅行和小型巴士,方便学生探寻华盛顿特区。43.教会农场学校(Church Farm School) 宾夕法尼亚州 SAT平均分:1661 校务基金:1.35亿美元42.威利斯顿·诺塞普顿中学(The Williston Northampton School) 马萨诸塞州 SAT平均分:1790 校务基金:4千400万美金 威利斯顿?诺塞普顿中学已经招收了来自世界各地27个国家的学生。这所中学每年招收33%的申请人,开设摄影师系列和作家系列的专题讲座,把艺术家们带到校园来,为学生们教授先进的写作和艺术手法。41.朴茨茅斯修道院中学(PortsmouthAbbey School) 罗得岛州 SAT平均分:1853 校务基金:4千500万美元 朴茨茅斯修道院中学占地面积为525英亩,在纳拉甘西特湾的海岸线一英里左右的地方。这所学习有他自己特有的苏格兰风格的牧场和马场,一年有三场的戏剧表演。学校每年招收39%的申请人,70%的学生可以住在学校。40.俄勒冈主教高中(OregonEpiscopal School) 俄勒冈州 SAT平均分:1990 校务基金:2千100万美金 俄勒冈主教高中招收43%的申请人。在春假开始前,学生有一周的时间来体验参加冬季活动,这是强制性的,但是学生们发现这并没有想象中糟糕,他们可以像明尼苏达州的雪橇犬一样,徒步穿越泰国。 39.阿什维尔学校(Asheville School) 北卡罗来纳州 SAT平均分:1905 校务基金:4千700万美金 阿什维尔学校的师生比为1:4,所以每个学生可以受到老师更多的关注。学校招收40%的申请人。《丑闻》的女演员贝拉米的是阿什维尔学校校友。 38.西储中学(Western ReserveAcademy) 俄亥俄州 SAT平均分:1906 校务基金:1.1亿美元 西储中学招收49%的申请人,接近90%的教师持有一个较高的学历。190英亩的校园配备11个州的最先进的科学实验室,八体育场。穆斯画廊的艺术画廊全年展示学生作品。 37.波特女子高中(Miss Porter"s School) 康涅狄格州 SAT平均分:1912 校务基金:1.1亿美元 波特女子高中招收48%的申请人。这所康涅狄格州的女校使用非典型A-E分级和文科课程,确保学生在第二十一个世纪的。的文学素养、参与度、技术的熟练。 36.迈斯特中学(The MastersSchool) 纽约州 SAT平均分:2015 校务基金:3千300万美金 曼哈顿城外12英里,迈斯特中学有来自31个国家的475名学生。学生需要参加道德领导项目,并为学生提供发展的机会,提高学生领导与决策能力。学校招收40%的申请人。 35.萨菲尔德中学(Suffield Academy) 康涅狄格州 SAT平均分:1910 校务基金:4千100万美金 萨菲尔德中学以学术难易以及努力程度的分层次教育,这些措施保障了学生的学业,提高学生在班级领导力和参与度。这所康涅狄格州的学校提供15门AP课程,29%的入学率。 34.伯克希尔中学(BerkshireSchool) 马萨诸塞州 SAT平均分:1780 校务基金:1.26亿美金 伯克希尔中学招收28%的申请人,拥有来自28个国家的学生。2014级近90%的毕业生被巴伦周刊“最具竞争力”和“竞争激烈”的学院和大学录取。 33.布鲁克斯学校(Brooks School) 马萨诸塞州 SAT平均分:1827 校务基金:7千300万美金 布鲁克斯学校有两个剧院,两个船屋,12体育场,两个赛艇,和一个机器人实验室。班级规模平均约12名学生,有25%的申请者可以被录取的布鲁克斯。 32.乌德贝里森林学校(WoodberryForest School) 弗吉尼亚州 SAT平均分:1875 校务基金:3.09亿美元 乌德贝里森林学校有学生396。这所男校的学生来自30个州和14个不同国家。班级规模平均为10个人一个班。乌德贝里森林学校接受47%的申请人。31.布莱尔学院(Blair Academy) 新泽西州 SAT平均分:1840 校务基金:8千800万美金 布莱尔学院已招收458名学生,每年招收27%的申请人。这所新泽西的中学创办于1848,1992年它的建筑被加入具有历史意义的国家史迹。 30.乔治城预科学校(GeorgetownPreparatory School) 马里兰州 SAT平均分:1975 校务基金:2千万美金 乔治城预科学校像他的大学一样是美国最古老的耶稣学校,开办于1789年,并且在美国华盛顿特区七英里外是唯一的耶稣教会寄宿学校,学校有24门AP课程,28个运动队,并招收23%的申请人。 29.主教高中(Episcopal High School) 弗吉尼亚州 SAT平均分:1880 校务基金:2.03亿美金 主教高中2014年举办了建校175年的校庆活动。这所弗吉尼亚州的学校仅仅离华盛顿特区7英里远。学校提供140门课程,招收40%的申请人。所有的435名学生基本都住在学校,85%的教职工也住在学校。 28.艾玛威拉德女子中学(EmmaWillard School) 纽约州 SAT平均分:1941 校务基金:8千600万美金 艾玛威拉德女子中学的招收率为36%。申请者们来自24个州35个国家。艾玛威拉德的学生们延续着他们的传统,像校园三角形草地只有高年级学生和校友可以走的。2014五月是学校的周年纪念。 27.希尔中学(The Hill School) 宾夕法尼亚州 SAT平均分:1885 校务基金:1.28亿美金 希尔中学招收32%的申请人,34%的毕业生会对学校在美国有5个最古老的竞争,追溯到1887年和劳伦斯中学。秋天每周的某一天中,每个人的情绪达到高潮时,这两个对手会参加一个体育竞赛。 26.北野山高中(NorthfieldMount Hermon School) 马萨诸塞州 SAT平均分:1875 校务基金:1.35亿美金 北野山高中有经验丰富的员工;学校的教师平均有21年的教学经验。学校拥有自己的农场,在那里学生可以参观或动手体验农场。北野山高中招收31%的申请人。 25.圣马可学校 马萨诸塞州 SAT均分:1940 校务基金:1.28亿美金 圣马可学校的学生可以在拉丁语、工作室艺术、物理等诸多领域的32门AP及拓展课程中选择学习;学校还有70个课外活动的社团,包括羽毛球、爵士乐队等。 该校录取率为32%。 24.克瑞布鲁克中学 密歇根州 SAT均分:1939 校务基金:2.17亿美金 除了有极高的学术水平之外,学校还有两座校内博物馆:分别是克瑞布鲁克艺术学院博物馆和克瑞布鲁克科学研究院。 这所艺术见长的学校录取率为38%,85%的教工开设有AP课程。 23.威斯敏斯特学院 康涅狄格州 SAT均分:1926 校务基金:9千万美金 威斯敏斯特学院的毕业生全部被四年制的学院及大学录取。其中,有90%的学生进入了《巴伦周刊》认为的最难进的学校。 威斯敏斯特学院本身也非常难进,录取率为25%。 22.圣乔治中学 罗得岛州 SAT均分:1930 校务基金:1.38亿美金 除了有很多AP课程可以选择之外,圣乔治中还给了学生很多“体验式学习的机会”,包括出国学习项目和一个学习的海边学习。 学校的录取率为28%。 21.韦伯中学 加利福尼亚州 SAT均分:2060 校务基金:3200万美金 维维安韦伯女校和加利福尼亚韦伯男校共用一个校园。韦伯中学的录取率为22%。超过40%的学校课程都是高阶课程,十年级或以上的学生中,有46%选修了AP课程。20.圣安德鲁斯中学 特拉华州 SAT均分:1928 校务基金:1.7亿美金 在圣安德鲁斯中学,26%被录取的学生可以参与学校诸多的运动项目和包括壁球、烹饪在内的家俱乐部。除此之外,学校有35门的AP课程供学生选择。 19.康科德中学 马萨诸塞州 SAT均分:2089 校务基金:5600万美金 87%的老师都开设有AP课程,并且全部毕业生都得到了四年制大学和学院的录取。 学校录取率为28%,并且在11年级开始提供大学咨询。 18.卢米斯查菲中学 康涅狄格州 SAT均分:1970 校务基金:1.8亿美金 卢米斯查菲中学多为11人左右的小班教学,并且可以参与大量的AP课程。学校的录取率为27%,著名慈善家,第三代John洛克菲勒是学校校友。 17.凯特中学 加利福尼亚州 SAT均分:1990 校务基金:7200万美金 凯特中学提供51门AP课程,学校高中有25%的学生不是国家优秀学生就是国家优秀选手。 学校录取率为17%,学生来自17国家27个州。 16. 圣奥尔本斯学校 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 SAT均分:2170* 校务基金:5200万美金 这所男校在2007年之前,就有21位毕业生获得总统学者,还有45位学生进入全国优秀学生的四强。 学校录取率为30%,提供13门AP课程。 15. 塔夫特中学 康涅狄格州 SAT均分:1938 校务基金:2.38亿美金 塔夫特中学提供29门AP课程,录取率为22%。在过去5年多的时间里,学校有8%的学生进入常青藤名校。 14. 佩迪中学 新泽西州 SAT均分:1954 校务基金:2.52亿美金 佩迪中学的老师的平均教龄为16年,有68%的老师都在各自领域教授AP课程。学校在多个领域开设AP课程,录取率为20%。 13. 伽文纳中学 马萨诸塞州 SAT均分:2150* 校务基金:7000万美金 学校1763年建立,是美国最早的寄宿制学校,学生来自全世界19个国家。学校录取率为23%,并且有三个全职的顾问。 12. 霍奇基斯中学 康涅狄格州 SAT均分:1985 校务基金:3.62亿美金 霍奇基斯中学为学生们提供来很多学术之外的活动,包括运动、音乐、社会服务组织等。 学校录取率为21%。 11. 霍克黛女子中学 得克萨斯州 SAT均分:2130* 校务基金:1.45亿美金 这所女校录取率为25%,提供了从生物学到普通话的大量AP课程。去年,学校96%的学生在AP考试中获得了3分及以上的成绩。 10. 撒切尔中学 加利福尼亚州 SAT均分:2026 校务基金:1.38亿美金 学校的建造地之前是一个牧场,撒切尔的学生们可以参加类似骑马、周末露营这样的活动。录取率只有13%,78%的教工开设有AP课程 9.乔特罗斯玛丽霍尔学校 康涅狄格州 SAT均分:2025 校务基金:3.18亿美金 学校81%的学生AP分数在4或5分。录取率为23%,提供小班课程,师生比为6:1。 8. 米尔顿中学 马萨诸塞州校务基金:2.44亿美金 米尔顿中学录取率为24%,并且拥有很多影响力极大的校友,包括诗人艾略特和前美国参议员罗伯特F肯尼迪。当然,学生也得到了很好的学习,——75%的老师都教员都开设AP课程。 7. 米德赛克斯学校 马萨诸塞州 SAT均分:2070 校务基金:2.15亿美金 在过去五年间,学校16%的毕业生都进入了常青藤名校,录取率为18%。学校提供大量的课外活动,例如:法语俱乐部、国际象棋俱乐部等。 6. 劳伦斯威尔中学 新泽西州 SAT均分:2095 校务基金:3.2亿美金 学校提供高达154门拓展及AP课程,录取率为20%。学生可以参与到很多学术项目中,包括荣誉社团和海外学习项目。 5. 迪尔菲尔德学院 马萨诸塞州 SAT均分:2000 校务基金:4.92亿美金 这是这张榜单上最老的学校之一,该校建立于1797年,录取率为15%。学校所有的学科都设立有与大学同级的课程,并且,学生被四年制大学和学院录取的比例为100%。 4. 圣保罗中学 新罕布什尔州 SAT均分:2028 校务基金:4.83亿美金 学生可以选择学校提供的超过50门来自不同学科:如化学、日语、艺术等的拓展及AP课程。录取率为15%。 3. 格罗顿中学 马萨诸塞州 SAT均分:2104 校务基金:3.61亿美金 学校有94%的学生在AP课程中获得了3分及以上的成绩。录取为12%,提供约13人左右的小班课程。 2. 安多佛菲利普斯中学 马萨诸塞州 SAT均分:2076 校务基金:8亿美金 该校录取仅为13%。去年,学校92位学生进入了常青藤名校,占该校毕业生比例的三分之一。 1.菲利普斯埃克塞特中学 新罕布什尔州 SAT均分:2107 校务基金:11.5亿美金 学校录取比例位19%,提供约12人左右的小班化课程。除此之外,还提供包括计算机科学和人类学在内数百个不同学科选择。学生还有机会参与诸多留学和实习的机会。2023-07-27 22:01:561
干嘛,你要去上啊,晕,能拿到签证吗?我晕啊,你知道去美国上学必须多费钱吗,想想就算了2023-07-27 22:02:072
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Lost And Found (Live) 歌词
歌曲名:Lost And Found (Live)歌手:Tim Christensen专辑:Abbey RoadBrooks And Dunn - Lost And FoundI lost her trail on a friday nightShe was gone before I got homeShe"d been getting restlessIn that big house all aloneI"ve been up and down these city streetsFor three nights in a rowAnd lord it"s hard to find that girlWhen she gets the urge to goIt"s kinda like a lost and foundIn a border townAskin" bout a diamond ringThey just look at youLike you"ve lost your mindSay they haven"t seen a thingBut I know she"s been here latelyI can still smell her perfumeAnd she gets crazy on a full moonAnd I know she"ll be coming backHer car is waiting right outsideBut, I don"t want to think aboutWho"s taking her for a rideAnd her unpredictabilityIs what I love about her bestLord I"ve got to find her quickBefore she does something I regretIt"s kinda like a lost and foundIn a border townAskin" bout a diamond ringThey just look at youLike you"ve lost your mindSay they haven"t seen a thingBut I know she"s been here latelyI can still smell her perfumeAnd she gets crazy on a full moonShe"s out there somewhereBurnin up the nightSomehow I"ve got to run her downI"m running out of timeIt"s kinda like a lost and foundIn a border townAskin" bout a diamond ringThey just look at youLike you"ve lost your mindSay they haven"t seen a thingBut I know she"s been here latelyI can still smell her perfumeAnd she gets crazy on a full moonIt"s kinda like a lost and foundIn a border townAskin" bout a diamond ringThey just look at youLike you"ve lost your mindSay they haven"t seen a thingBut I know she"s been here lately 22:02:211
我知道<<Never Gone>>是2005年出的,我喜欢的有这几首歌:<<Incomplete>><<Just Want You To Know>><<I Still...>><<Never Gone>><<Millenium>>是1999年出的,Ilike<<I Want It That Way>>.仅此而已.Ijust a beginner.2023-07-27 22:02:295
2015年美国前50高中SSAT成绩录取列表如下: 11.-25. The Loomis Chaffee School Co-Ed 9-12, PG 75%-85% 11.-25. Linden Hall All-Girls 6-12, PG 75%-85% 11.-25. Hill School Co-Ed 9-12, PG 75%-85% 11.-25. The Governor"s Academy (formerly Governor Dummer Academy) Co-Ed 9-12 75%-85% 11.-25. The Webb Schools Co-Ed 9-12 75%-85% 26.-46. Lake Forest Academy Co-Ed 9-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Blair Academy Co-Ed 9-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Miss Porter"s School All-Girls 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Peddie School Co-Ed 9-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Western Reserve Academy Co-Ed 9-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Westminster School Co-Ed 9-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Indian Springs School Co-Ed 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Northfield Mount Hermon School Co-Ed 9-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Stevenson School Co-Ed 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Westtown School Co-Ed 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Cranbrook Schools Co-Ed 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Miss Hall"s School All-Girls 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Woodberry Forest School All-Boys 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Brooks School Co-Ed 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Emma Willard School All-Girls 9-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Hawai"i Preparatory Academy Co-Ed 6-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Holderness School Co-Ed 9-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Lawrence Academy Co-Ed 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Millbrook School Co-Ed 9-12, PG 65%-75% 26.-46. Portsmouth Abbey School Co-Ed 9-12 65%-75% 26.-46. Tabor Academy Co-Ed 9-12 65%-75% 47.-69. Pomfret School Co-Ed 9-12, PG <65% 47.-69. Midland School Co-Ed 9-12 <65% 47.-69. Westover School All-Girls 9-12 <65% 47.-69. Avon Old Farms School All-Boys 9-12, PG <65% 47.-69. CFS, The School at Church Farm All-Boys 7-12 <65% 47.-69. The Ethel Walker School All-Girls 9-12 <65%2023-07-27 22:02:441
2020年Nche寄宿高中排名前100学校 排名 学校英文名 学校中文名 所在州 1 PhillipsExeterAcademy 菲利普斯埃克塞特中学 新罕布什尔州 2 PhilpsAcademy 菲利普斯学校安多佛 马萨诸塞州 3 ChoateRosemaryHall 乔特罗斯玛丽中学 康州 4 TheLawrencevileschool 劳伦斯威尔高中 新泽西州 5 TheHotchkssSchool 霍奇基斯中学 康州 6 StPaulsSchool 圣保罗中学 新罕布什尔州 7 NobeandGreenoughSchool 格里诺贵族学校 马萨诸塞州 8 DeerfieldAcademy 迪尔菲尔德学院 马萨诸塞州 9 CateSchool 凯特中学 加州 10 MddesexSchool 米德尔塞克斯中学 马萨诸塞州 11 GrotonSchool 格罗顿学校 马萨诸塞州 12 CanbookSchoos 克瑞布鲁克中学 密歇根州 13 TheLoomisChaffeeSchool| 鲁米斯查菲高中 康州 14 MtonAadmy 米尔顿高中 马萨诸塞州 15 StAndrewsschool 圣安德鲁学校 特拉华州 16 StAbansShool 圣奥尔本斯中学 华盛顿特区 17 ConcodAcademy 康科德学院 马萨诸塞州 18 TheHockadaySchool 霍克黛女子学校 得克萨斯州 19 TheThacherSchooll 撒切尔学校 加州 20 PeddeSchool 佩迪中学 泽西州 21 HackleySchool 哈克里中学 纽约州 22 ststephen"sepiscopalschool 圣斯蒂芬教会学校 得克萨斯州 23 WoodsdePrioryShool 伍德赛德中学 加州 24 StMarksShool 圣马克学校 马萨诸塞州 25 TheTaftSchool 塔夫脱中学 康州 26 TheWebb School 韦伯中学 加州 27 Emmawiard School 艾玛威拉德女子中 纽约州 28 TheAthenianSchool 雅典纳中学 加州 29 ThomasJeffersonSchool| 托马斯杰弗逊学校 密苏里州 30 ShadySideAcademy 桑迪赛德学院 宾州 31 Pomfetshool 庞弗雷特中学 康州 32 LakeForesAademy 湖森中学 伊利诺州 33 33UnedWordCollegeUSA 世界联合学院 新墨西哥州 34 oregonEpiscopalschool 俄勒冈主教高中 俄勒冈州 35 westrn ReserveAcademy 西储学院 俄亥俄州 36 EpiscopaHghSchool 主教高中 弗吉尼亚州 37 NorthfieldMountHermonSchool 北野山高中 马萨诸塞州 38 Westtownschool 西城中学 宾州 39 TheHillschool 希尔中学 宾州 40 BarAcademyschool 布莱尔学院 新泽西州 41 KentSchoolschool 肯特高中 康州 42 GeorgetownpreparatorySchool 乔治城预科学校 马里兰州 43 IndianSprings school 印第安泉中学 阿拉巴马州 44 The Madeira school 玛黛拉女子中学 弗吉尼亚州 45 ThelnternationalschooofMnnesota 明尼苏达国际学校 明尼苏达州 46 CuverAcadems 柯尔沃学院 印地安那州 47 TheVillageSchool 威利学校 得克萨斯州 48 oaniShool 伊奥拉尼学校 夏威夷州 49 RiverstonelnternationalSchool 河石国际学校 爱达荷州 50 GeorgeSchool 乔治高中 宾州 51 TheMastersSchool 迈斯特中学 纽约州 52 MissPortersSchool 波特女子高中 康州 53 TheStonyBookSchool 石溪中学 纽约州 54 McCalieSchool 普林麦卡利中学 田纳西州 55 The HunschooofP rnceton 普林斯顿胡恩中学 新泽西州 56 FamontPepaaoyAadmy 费尔蒙特预备中学 加州 57 Berkshireshool 伯克希尔中学 马萨诸塞州 58 BrooksShool 布鲁克斯学校 马萨诸塞州 59 DanaHalSchool 达娜豪尔女子高中 马萨诸塞州 60 Ashevilleschool 阿什维尔学校 北卡罗来纳州 61 WesminsterSchool 威斯敏斯特学院 康州 62 CushngAcademy 库欣高中 马萨诸塞州 63 MercersburgAcademy 摩尔西斯堡学院 宾州 64 stGeorgesscho 圣乔治学校 罗得岛州 65 WoodlandsAademyoftheSaredHeat 伍德兰兹圣心学院 伊利诺州 66 GrerSchol 格里尔女子中学 宾州 67 WoodberryForestschool 乌德贝里森林学校 弗吉尼亚州 68 StevensonSchool 史蒂文森中学 加州 69 MaumeevalleyCountryDaySchool 莫米谷走读中学 俄亥俄州 70 TheCambridgeschoolofWeston 威斯顿剑桥中学 马萨诸塞州 71 TheNorthwestShool 西北中学 华盛顿州 72 WestoverShool 威斯多佛学校 康州 73 PortsmouthAbbeySchool 朴茨茅斯修道院中学 罗得岛州 74 SantAndewsShool 圣安德台学校 佛罗里达州 75 SantacatainaSchool 圣卡塔利娜学校 加州 76 Maharishischool 马赫西学校 爱荷华州 77 ForestRdgeSchoolofthesacredHeart 福利斯特里奇女子中学 华盛顿州 78 ThePennngonShoo| 潘宁顿中学 新泽西州 79 McDonoghSchoo 麦克多纳学校 马里兰州 80 AnnieWnightshoos 安妮怀特中学 华盛顿州 81 dgeSacredHeaAadm 福临特里奇圣心学院 加州 82 sanDomencoschool 圣多明尼哥中学 加州 83 OakschritanSchool 橡树基督教学校 加州 84 LndenHa| 林顿女子中学 宾州 85 SaintJohn"sPreparatorySchool 圣约翰中学 明尼苏达州 86 TheGovemosAademy 伽文纳中学 马萨诸塞州 87 SuffedAcademy 萨菲尔德中学 康州 88 Mdandschool 米德兰中学 加州 89 Fountainvalleyschoolofolorado 科罗拉多喷房学校 科罗拉多州 90 ChahamHal 查塔姆霍尔学校 弗吉尼亚州 91 Salisburyschoo 梳士巴利男子学校 康州 92 VertasCollegiateAcadmy 威睿达思学校 弗吉尼亚州 93 ThePutneySchool 帕特尼中学 佛蒙特州 94 TM|Epscopal 德克萨斯主教中学得克萨斯州 95 95WyomingSeminaryCollegeprepartoryschool 怀俄明高中 宾州 96 AvonoldFarmsSchool 亚凡古农场中学 康州 97 TaborAcademy 泰博学院 马萨诸塞州 98 FoxcroftSchool 福克斯克罗夫特女子学校 弗吉尼亚州 99 WorcesterAcadmy 伍斯特学院 马萨诸塞州 100 SantJmesShool 圣詹姆斯学校 马里兰州2023-07-27 22:02:531
学校有哪些2023-07-27 22:03:022
最佳剧情类电影:《后人》(The Descendants)《帮助》(The Help)《雨果》(Hugo)《总统杀局》(The Ides of March)《点球成金》(Moneyball)《战马》(War Horse)最佳音乐/喜剧类电影:《艺术家》(The Artist)《伴娘》(Bridesmaids)《抗癌的我》(50/50)《午夜巴黎》(Midnight in Paris)《我与梦露的一周》(My Week with Marilyn)最佳剧情类电影男演员:乔治·克鲁尼(George Clooney) 《后人》莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio) 《胡佛》(J. Edgar)迈克尔·法斯宾德(Michael Fassbender)《耻辱》(Shame)瑞恩·高斯林(Ryan Gosling)《总统杀局》布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt) 《点球成金》最佳剧情类电影女演员:格伦·克洛斯(Glenn Close) 《雌雄难辨》(Albert Nobbs)维奥拉·戴维斯(Viola Davis) 《帮助》鲁妮·玛拉(Rooney Mara) 《龙纹身的女孩》梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep) 《铁娘子》(The Iron Lady)蒂尔达·斯文顿(Tilda Swinton) 《我们需要谈谈凯文》(We Need to Talk About Kevin)最佳音乐/喜剧类电影男主角:让·杜雅尔丹(Jean Dujardin) 《艺术家》布莱丹·格里森(Brendan Gleeson) 《坏守卫》(The Guard)约瑟夫·高登·莱维特(Joseph Gordon·Levitt) 《50/50》瑞恩·高斯林(Ryan Gosling) 《疯狂愚蠢的爱》(Crazy, Stupid, Love。)欧文·威尔逊(Owen Wilson) 《午夜巴黎》最佳音乐/喜剧类电影女主角:朱迪·福斯特(Jodie Foster) 《杀戮》(Carnage)查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron) 《脱线女王》(Young Adult)克里斯汀·韦格(Kristen Wiig) 《伴娘》米歇尔·威廉姆斯(Michelle Williams) 《我与梦露的一周》凯特·温丝莱特(Kate Winslet) 《杀戮》(Carnage)最佳电影男配角:肯尼思·布拉纳(Kenneth Branagh) 《我与梦露的一周》艾伯特·布鲁克斯(Albert Brooks) 《亡命驾驶》(Drive)乔纳·希尔(Jonah Hill) 《点球成金》维果·莫特森(Viggo Mortensen) 《危险方法》(A Dangerous Method)克里斯托弗·普卢默(Christopher Plummer) 《初学者》(Beginners)最佳电影女配角:贝热尼丝·贝乔(Bérénice Bejo) 《艺术家》杰西卡·查斯坦(Jessica Chastain) 《帮助》珍妮·麦克蒂尔(Janet McTeer) 《雌雄难辨》奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟(Octavia Spencer) 《帮助》谢琳·伍德蕾(Shailene Woodley) 《后人》最佳电影导演:伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen) 《午夜巴黎》乔治·克鲁尼《总统杀局》迈克尔·哈扎纳维希乌斯(Michel Hazanavicius) 《帮助》亚历山大·佩恩(Alexander Payne) 《后人》马丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese) 《雨果》最佳电影剧本:《艺术家》(The Artist)《后人》(The Descendants)《总统杀局》(The Ides of March)《午夜巴黎》(Midnight in Paris)《点球成金》(Moneyball)最佳原创歌曲:《雌雄难辨》(Albert Nobbs)——《Lay Your Head Down》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Gnomeo &Juliet)——《Hello Hello》《帮助》(The Help)——《The Living Proof》《机关枪传教士》(Machine Gun Preacher)——《The Keeper》《倾国之恋》(W.E。)——《Masterpiece》最佳电影原创配乐:《艺术家》(The Artist)《龙纹身的女孩》(The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)《雨果》(Hugo)《战马》(War Horse)《倾国之恋》(W.E。)最佳动画电影:《丁丁历险记》(The Adventures of Tintin)《亚瑟·圣诞》(Arthur Christmas)《赛车总动员2》(Cars 2)《穿靴子的猫》(Puss in Boots)《兰戈》(Rango)最佳外语电影:《金陵十三钗》中国《血与蜜之地》(In the Land of Blood and Honey)美国《单车少年》(Le gamin au vélo)法国《别离》《Jodaeiye Nader az Simin》伊朗《吾栖之肤》(La piel que habito)西班牙 最佳剧情类电视剧提名名单:《美国怪谭》(American Horror Story)《海滨帝国》(Boardwalk Empire)《老板》(Boss)《权利的游戏》(Game of Thrones)《国土》(Homeland)最佳音乐/喜剧类电视剧:《杰西驾到》(New Girl)《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)《摩登家庭》(Modery Family)《剧集人生》(Episodes)《顿悟人生》(Enlightened)最佳迷你剧/电视电影:《演播时刻》(The Hour)《欲海情魔》(Mildred Pierce)《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey: Masterpiece)《真实电影》(Cinema Verite)《大到不能倒》(Too Big to Fail)最佳剧情类电视剧男主角:斯蒂夫·巴斯米((Steve Buscemi) 《海滨帝国》布莱恩· 科兰斯顿(Bryan Cranston) 《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)肯斯里· 格兰莫(Kelsey Grammer)《老板》杰里米·艾恩斯(Jeremy Irons)《波吉亚家族》(The Borgias)戴米恩·刘易斯(Damian Lewis) 《国土》最佳剧情类电视剧女主角:克莱尔·戴恩斯( Claire Danes) 《国土》米瑞·伊诺斯(Mireille Enos) 《杀戮》(The Killing)朱丽安娜·玛格丽丝(Julianna Margulies) 《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)玛德琳·斯托(Madeleine Stowe) 《复仇》(Revenage)凯莉·索恩(Callie Thorne) 《必要的粗暴》(Neccessary roughness)最佳音乐/喜剧类电视剧男主角:亚力克·鲍德温(Alec Baldwin) 《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)大卫·杜楚尼(David Duchovny) 《 加州靡情》(Californication)约翰尼·盖尔克奇(Johnny Galecki) 《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)托马斯·简(Thomas Jane)《大器晚成》(Hung)马特·勒布朗(Matt LeBlanc)《剧集人生》最佳音乐/喜剧类电视剧女主角:蒂娜·菲(Tina Fey)《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)艾米·波勒(Amy Poehler)《公园与游憩》(Parks And Recreation)劳拉·邓恩(Laura Dern)《顿悟人生》佐伊·丹斯切尔(Zooey Deschanel)《杰西驾到》劳拉·琳妮(Laura Linney) 《如果还有明天》(The Big C)最佳迷你剧/电视电影男主角:威廉姆·赫特(William Hurt)《大而不倒》休·博内威利(Hugh Bonneville) 《唐顿庄园》艾德利斯·艾尔巴(Idris Elba) 《路德》(Luther)比尔·奈伊(Bill Nighy) 《第八页》(Page Eight)多米尼克·韦斯特(Dominic West) 《保持对话》(Appropriate Adult)最佳迷你剧/电视电影女主角:罗摩拉·加莱(Romola Garai) 《演播时刻》戴安娜·莱恩(Diane Lane) 《真实电影》伊丽莎白·麦克葛文(Elizabeth McGovern) 《唐顿庄园》艾米丽·华生(Emily Watson)《保持对话》凯特·温丝莱特(Kate Winslet) 《欲海情魔》最佳电视剧/迷你剧/电视电影男配角:彼特·丁拉基(Peter Dinklage)《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏》艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特(Eric Stonestreet)《摩登家庭》盖·皮尔斯(Guy Pearce) 《欲海情魔》保罗·吉亚玛提(Paul Giamatti) 《大到不能倒》蒂姆·罗宾斯(Tim Robbins) 《真实电影》最佳电视剧/迷你剧/电视电影女配角:杰西卡·郎吉(Jessica Lange) 《美国恐怖故事》凯莉·麦克唐纳(Kelly Macdonald) 《海滨帝国》玛吉·史密斯(Maggie Smith) 《唐顿庄园》索菲亚·维加拉(Sofia Vergara) 《摩登家庭》埃文·蕾切尔·伍德(Evan Rachel Wood) 《欲海情魔》2023-07-27 22:03:131
The story ¨Ligeia〃 is written with a very fine and delicate pen, which creates an atmosphere of mystery, loom, and ghastly exquisite. Lady Ligeiaˇs image, which embodies an unusual type of beauty, is presented so minutely and movingly, love between the narrator and Ligeia is so supreme and passionate, and Ligeiaˇs vigorous life so unyieldingly, that, all together make the reader feel they have entered a phantasmagoric world not belong to the mortals.What is beauty? The narrator quotes Baconˇs words to serve as his viewpoint¨ There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness in the proportions.〃 And Ligeia certainly owns this irregularity. However, although Ligeiaˇs appearance is adorable enough, that she is tall and slender in stature; her skin rivals the purest ivory; her demeanor and figure are beautiful, her nose outlining delicately, lip soft and sweet, and smiles serene, placid, and radiant, and eyes black and brilliantly, we should still note that the ¨ strangeness〃 of Ligeia lies in the ¨ expression,〃 namely, her spirituality, mystery, and most importantly, her will.It is mystical and romantic enough that Ligeiaˇs family is from one of the ancient nobles. In addition, as Ligeiaˇs husband, nevertheless, the storyteller does not know her last name. Evermore, ¨ she came and departed like a shadow, I was never made aware of her entrance into my closed study save by the dear music of her low sweet voice, as she placed her delicate hand upon my shoulder,〃 he writes. Yet evidently this man is fully obsessed with this mystique He indulges himself to every move of Ligeia, even craves for seeing into her soul and gain the complete knowledge of her soul through the long gaze upon her ¨ shining, divine orbs,〃 but in vain, for she is one unfathomable.Only the one with a feeble will succumbs to death, and this never comes to Ligeia! In spite of her ethereality, she has the strong will, the ¨ gigantic volition,〃 that even surpasses the bravest. This partly owes to her born nature, and partly thanks to the domination of Venus. In her illness, this lady is so relentless to fight for life. She wrestles and desire wildly for ¨lifefor lifebut for life,〃 inasmuch as love for the man in a bosom such as hers, and that ¨ love would have reigned no ordinary passion.〃 Should the giant will succumb to a power more stern? Should the invulnerable love between them crash into pieces after Ligeiaˇs death? The narrator marries Rowena he loves little and sleeps with her in that spectral wedding room while he is still haunted unceasingly by the memory flakes of Ligeia. Such is humanity that he cannot let go of the past, but cannot carry out the faith either. We have no right to blame, since almost all mortals are as fragile as the narrator. And at least, he never forgets her, so how can we ask too much? Yet it canˇt be more right that jealousy kills. Ligeiaˇs love is so impregnable that she never wants her love shared or stained. Such is the power of a possessive true loveif you truly love one dear. She comes back and revives her life with the dead rival-in-loveˇs body. Suddenly the passage quoted three times in this tale again jumps before our eyes. ¨And the will therein lieth, which dieth not. Who knows the mysteries of the will, with its vigor? For God is but a great will pervading all things by nature of its intentness. Man doth not yield himself to angles, nor unto death utterly, save only through the weakness of his feeble will.〃Joseph Glanvill.2023-07-27 22:03:293
the Beatles British musical quartet and a global cynosure for the hopes and dreams of a generation that came of age in the 1960s. The principal members were Paul McCartney (in full Sir James Paul McCartney; b. June 18, 1942, Liverpool, Merseyside, England), John Lennon (b. October 9, 1940, Liverpool—d. December 8, 1980, New York, New York, U.S.), George Harrison (b. February 25, 1943, Liverpool—d. November 29, 2001, Los Angeles, California, U.S.), and Ringo Starr (byname of Richard Starkey; b. July 7, 1940, Liverpool). Other early members included Stuart Sutcliffe (b. June 23, 1940, Edinburgh, Scotland—d. April 10, 1962, Hamburg, West Germany) and Pete Best (b. November 24, 1941, Madras [now Chennai], India). Formed around the nucleus of Lennon and McCartney, who first performed together in Liverpool in 1957, the group grew out of a shared enthusiasm for American rock and roll. Like most early rock-and-roll figures, Lennon, a guitarist and singer, and McCartney, a bassist and singer, were largely self-taught as musicians. Precocious composers, they gathered around themselves a changing cast of accompanists, adding by the end of 1957 Harrison, a lead guitarist, and then, in 1960 for several formative months, Sutcliffe, a promising young painter who brought into the band a brooding sense of bohemian style. After dabbling in skiffle, a jaunty sort of folk music popular in Britain in the late 1950s, and assuming several different names (the Quarrymen, the Silver Beetles, and, finally, the Beatles), the band added a drummer, Best, and joined a small but booming “beat music” scene, first in Liverpool and then, during several long visits between 1960 and 1962, in Hamburg—another seaport full of sailors thirsty for American rock and roll as a backdrop for their whiskey and womanizing. In autumn 1961 Brian Epstein, a local Liverpool record store manager, saw the band and fell in love. Unshakably convinced of their commercial potential, Epstein became their manager and proceeded to bombard the major British music companies with letters and tape recordings of the band, finally winning a contract with Parlophone, a subsidiary of the giant EMI group of music labels. The man in charge of their career at Parlophone was George Martin, a classically trained musician who from the start put his stamp on the Beatles, first by suggesting the band hire a more polished drummer (they chose Starr) and then by rearranging their second recorded song (and first big British hit), "Please Please Me," changing it from a slow dirge into an up-tempo romp. Throughout the winter and into the spring of 1963, the Beatles continued their rise to fame in England by producing spirited recordings of original tunes and also by playing classic American rock and roll on a variety of British Broadcasting Corporation radio programs. In these months, fascination with the Beatles—at first confined to young British fans of popular music—breached the normal barriers of taste, class, and age, transforming their recordings and live performances into matters of widespread public comment. In the fall of that year, when they belatedly made a couple of appearances on British television, the evidence of popular frenzy prompted British newspapermen to coin a new word for the phenomenon: Beatlemania. In early 1964, after equally tumultuous appearances on American television, the same phenomenon erupted in the United States and provoked a so-called British Invasion of Beatles imitators from the United Kingdom. Beatlemania was something new. Musicians performing in the 19th century certainly excited a frenzy—one thinks of Franz Liszt—but that was before the modern mass media created the possibility of collective frenzy. Later pop music idols, such as Michael Jackson in the mid-1980s and Garth Brooks in the 1990s, sold similarly large numbers of records without provoking anything approaching the hysteria caused by the Beatles. By the summer of 1964, when the Beatles appeared in A Hard Day"s Night, a movie that dramatized the phenomenon of Beatlemania, the band"s effect was evident around the world as countless young people emulated the band members" characteristic long hair, flip humour, and whimsical displays of devil-may-care abandon. The popular hubbub proved to be a spur, convincing Lennon and McCartney of their songwriting abilities and sparking an outpouring of creative experimentation all but unprecedented in the history of rock music, which until then had been widely regarded, with some justification, as essentially a genre for juveniles. Between 1965 and 1967 the music of the Beatles rapidly changed and evolved, becoming ever more subtle, sophisticated, and varied. Their repertoire in these years ranged from the chamber pop ballad "Yesterday" and the enigmatic folk tune "Norwegian Wood" (both in 1965) to the hallucinatory hard rock song "Tomorrow Never Knows" (1966), with a lyric inspired by Timothy Leary"s handbook The Psychedelic Experience (1964). It also included the carnivalesque soundscape of "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!" (1967), which featured stream-of-consciousness lyrics by Lennon and a typically imaginative arrangement (by George Martin) built around randomly spliced-together snippets of recorded steam organs—a tour de force of technological legerdemain quite typical of the band"s studio work in this era. In 1966 the Beatles announced their retirement from public performing to concentrate on exploiting the full resources of the recording studio. A year later, in June 1967, this period of widely watched creative renewal was climaxed by the release of Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band, an album avidly greeted by young people around the world as indisputable evidence not only of the band"s genius but also of the era"s utopian promise. More than a band of musicians, the Beatles had come to personify, certainly in the minds of millions of young listeners, the joys of a new counterculture of hedonism and uninhibited experimentation—with music and with new ways of life. (Various members of the band in these years flirted with mind-expanding drugs such as LSD and also with exotic spiritual exercises such as transcendental meditation, a technique taught to them by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a barnstorming guru from India.) In those years the Beatles effectively reinvented the meaning of rock and roll as a cultural form. The American artists they admired and chose to emulate—Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Elvis Presley, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, the pioneering rock composers Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, the influential soul songwriter Smokey Robinson, and, after 1964, folksinger and topical songwriter Bob Dylan—became widely regarded as canonic sources of inspiration, offering “classical” models for aspiring younger rock musicians. At the same time, the original songs the Beatles wrote and recorded dramatically expanded the musical range and expressive scope of the genre they had inherited. Their close vocal harmonies, subtle arrangements, and clever production touches, combined with an elemental rhythm section anchored by Starr"s no-nonsense drumming, created new standards of excellence and beauty in a form of music previously known for amateurism. After 1968 and the eruption of student protest movements in countries as different as Mexico and France, the Beatles insensibly surrendered their role as de facto leaders of an inchoate global youth culture. They nevertheless continued for several more years to record and release new music and maintained a level of popularity rarely rivaled before or since. In 1968 they launched their own record label, Apple; hoping to nurture experimental pop art, they instead produced chaos and commercial failure, apart from the work of the Beatles themselves. The band continued to enjoy widespread popularity. The following year Abbey Road went on to become one of the band"s best-loved and biggest-selling albums. Meanwhile, personal disagreements magnified by the stress of symbolizing the dreams of a generation had begun to tear the band apart. Once the collaborative heart and soul of the band, Lennon and McCartney fell into bickering and mutual accusations of ill will. By now millions of dollars were at stake, and the utopian aura of the performers was in jeopardy, given the discrepancy between the band"s symbolic stature as idols of a carefree youth culture and their newfound real status as pampered plutocrats. In the spring of 1970 the Beatles formally disbanded. In the years that followed, all four members went on to produce solo albums of variable quality and popularity. Lennon released a corrosive set of songs with his new wife, Yoko Ono, and McCartney went on to form a band, Wings, that turned out a fair number of commercially successful recordings in the 1970s. Starr and Harrison, too, initially had some success as solo artists. But, as time went by, the Beatles became as much of a historical curio as Al Jolson or Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra or Elvis Presley before them. In 1980 Lennon was murdered by a demented fan outside the Dakota, an apartment building in New York City known for its celebrity tenants. The event provoked a global outpouring of grief. Lennon is memorialized in Strawberry Fields, a section of Central Park across from the Dakota that Yoko Ono landscaped in her husband"s honour. In the years that followed, the surviving former Beatles continued to record and perform as solo artists. McCartney in particular remained musically active, both in the pop field, producing new albums every few years, and in the field of classical music—in 1991 he completed Liverpool Oratorio; in 1997 he supervised the recording of another symphonic work of large ambition, Standing Stone; and in 1999 he released a new classical album, Working Classical. McCartney was knighted by the queen of England in 1997. Starr was also very visible in the 1990s, touring annually with his All-Star Band, a rotating group of rock veterans playing their hits on the summertime concert circuit. Beginning in 1988, Harrison recorded with Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, and Roy Orbison in a loose amalgam known as the Traveling Wilburys, but, for most of the 1980s and "90s, he had a low profile as a musician while acting as the producer of several successful films. After surviving a knife attack at his home in 1999, Harrison succumbed to a protracted battle with cancer in 2001. Early in the 1990s McCartney, Harrison, and Starr had joined to add harmonies to two previously unreleased vocal recordings by Lennon. These new songs by “the Beatles” served as a pretext for yet another publicity blitz, aimed at creating a market for a lavishly produced quasi-historical series of archival recordings assembled under the supervision of the band and released in 1995 and 1996 as The Beatles Anthology, a collection of six compact discs that supplemented a 10-hour-long authorized video documentary of the same name. A compilation of the band"s number one singles, 1, appeared in 2000 and enjoyed worldwide success, topping the charts in such countries as England and the United States. The afterglow of Beatlemania may have disappeared, but the iconography of an era of youthful tumult had been reverently preserved for posterity. The Beatles were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988, and Lennon (1994), McCartney (1999), and Harrison (2004) were also inducted as solo performers. 对吗???2023-07-27 22:03:482
不知道啊!2023-07-27 22:03:562
因为电压源内阻为0说明相当于导线,如果并联的话就相当于短路了,电流源内阻无穷大,如果串联的话就相当于是断路了。 一、电压源 电压源,即理想电压源,是从实际电源抽象出来的一种模型,在其两端总能保持一定的电压而不论流过的电流为多少。电压源具有两个基本的性质:第一,它的端电压定值u或是一定的时间函数u(t)与流过的电流无关。第二,电压源自身电压是确定的,而流过它的电流是任意的。 电压源的内阻相对负载阻抗很小,负载阻抗波动不会改变电压高低。在电压源回路中串联电阻才有意义,并联在电压源的电阻因为它不能改变负载的电流,也不能改变负载上的电压,这个电阻在原理图上是多余的,应删去。负载阻抗只有串联在电压源回路中才有意义,与内阻是分压关系。 二、电流源 电流源,即理想电流源,是从实际电源抽象出来的一种模型,其端钮总能向外部提供一定的电流而不论其两端的电压为多少,电流源具有两个基本的性质:第一,它提供的电流是定值i或是一定的时间函数i(t)与两端的电压无关。第二,电流源自身电流是确定的,而它两端的电压是任意的。 电流源的内阻相对负载阻抗很大,负载阻抗波动不会改变电流大小。在电流源回路中并联电阻才有意义(串联电阻无意义),因为它不会改变负载的电流,也不会改变负载上的电压。在原理图上这类电阻应简化掉。负载阻抗只有并联在电流源上才有意义,与内阻是分流关系。 三、电压源与电流源的转换 电流源与电压源是可以等效转换的,一个电流源与电阻并联可以等效成一个电压源与电阻串联。2023-07-27 22:00:071
因为与理想电源的定义不符,属于逻辑错误。3v与5v并联,哪个决定电压?实际电源可以,3v电源的内阻会承担多余的电压,3v<vout<5v。电压源、电流源是定义出来的理想电源,具有如下性质:一。电压源内阻为零,不论电流输出(imax<∞)或输入多少,电压源两端电压不变。二。电流源内阻为无穷大,不论两端电压是多少(umax<∞),电流源输出电流不变、电流方向不变。三。电流源与电压源或电阻串联,输出电流不变,如果所求参数与电压源、电阻无关,则电压源、电阻可以短路处理。四。电压源与电流源或电阻并联,输出电压不变,如果所求参数与电流源、电阻无关,则电流源、电阻可以开路处理。五。因为与电源的定义矛盾,电压源不能短路,电流源不能开路;不同电压的电压源不能并联,不同电流的电流源不能串联;参数相同则合并成一个电源。2023-07-27 22:00:152
with2023-07-27 22:00:204
With me2023-07-27 22:00:304
独立电压源 电流源有内阻吗 受控电压源 电流源有内阻吗
独立电压源,电流源和 受控电压源,电流源都是可以有内阻的2023-07-27 22:00:421
好2023-07-27 22:00:446
电源内阻怎么算,并联 串联的都要
电源内阻的实际测量: 直接用电压表测电压为U 接上一个电阻值为R的电阻后,测电阻两端的电压为V 则内阻r=R×(U-V)÷V 电源内阻的电路计算: 对电压源来说(即你所说的串联),与上面的计算方法是一样的,知道了电源电压U和外电阻R及电流I,求出外电阻上的电压,再套上面的公式就可以了. 对电流源来说(即你所说的并联),r=R×i/(I-i);其中r 是内阻,I 是电流源电流,i是流过外电阻的电流.2023-07-27 22:00:531
理想电压源和理想电流源对电阻要求:理论上理想电压源R=0,电压等于电动势。一般认为电源内阻远远小于负载电阻,电压恒定就为理想电压源或恒压源。理想电流源R=无穷大,I为恒定值。一般认为电源内阻远远大于负载电阻,短路电流约等于负载电流就为理想电流源或恒流源。理想状态下,灯电阻=220*220/100=484欧姆,串联500K电阻,电压降几乎都在电阻上,灯的电阻可以忽略不计(因为,相差3个数量级),所以,电路中的电流为220/500000=0.00044A,灯上的电压降=220*484/500000=0.2V。特点1、理想电流源的输出电流只按其自身规律变化。若iS(t)是不随时间变化的常数,即是直流理想电流源。若iS(t)是一定的时间函数(如正弦交流电),则将随时间t而发生变化。2、理想电流源的输出电流与其两端电压方向、大小无关。即使其两端电压为无穷大,其输出电流仍按原来规律变化(为常数或为时间的函数)。2023-07-27 22:01:001
i love you2023-07-27 22:01:034
us2023-07-27 21:59:5211
似。。。。正好想反 !!! 再想 !!!再想 !!! 所以你答错 ! 给个电阻试一试 !!! 我再助你一下 !我拿出一节干电池 然后 我又拿出一捆干电池,这捆干电池 正连正! 负连负!你认为那个 “像”电流源 ???随之再想电压源 ! 理想电压 理想电流源 (这两个词)写错了 !用错了 如果这样写 就无可一答 ! 我来改一改 !。理想电压源内阻为0,(谎谬说法 !)应为恒压源内阻为无穷大 !恒流源的内阻为无穷小 !理想电压 理想电流源 算什么 ??? 上说, 这是一种 “概念”电源 !!!理想电流源的内阻为无穷大 ???你怎么 “理想”!!!你“刚一”用电就无电,你算什么 “理想电流源 ”!!!(根据网友意见,今后回答问题将只回答2分之一到 3 分之2)下由提问网友自行思考,这样获得的知识将更牢靠 !!!而不是浪费版面 “装时髦”!!!这是害了 “追潮者”!!!2023-07-27 21:59:476
问题一:跟我来用英语怎么说了? 20分 跟我来 follow me. e with me. 请跟我来,好吗?: Please e with me, will you? 请跟我来: Follow me, please. 跟我来。: e with me. 小毛孩子, 别跟我来这一套, 要不然有你后悔的.: Don"t try anything on with me, kid, or you"ll be sorry. 警察对他说:“你最好跟我来,并告诉我这次事故的经过。”: The policeman said to him, You"d better e with me and tell me all about the accident. 别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。: Don"t give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him. 问题二:跟我来 的英文怎么说??? e with me follow me 引路时 please follow me~ (请跟着我走)指路时 this way please~ going my way please follow me stthis way then follow -follow oh-oh 问题三:跟我来的英语怎么说 Follow me. / ?f?l?u/ /mi?/ 汉语发音类似 发 楼 米 Follow me, please. e with me. / k?m/ /w?emi?/ 汉语发音类似 卡姆 位子 米 e with me, please.都可以的 问题四:跟我来 用英文怎么说? e with me; follow me 问题五:跟我来宝贝用英文怎么说 e on baby follow me baby e with me baby 问题六:请跟我来?用英语怎么说 引路时 pleas订 follow me~(请跟着我走)指路时 this way please~(请这边走)另外,接待客户时,在客户的左前方引路,商务礼仪~ 问题七:得到英语怎么写?去英语怎么写?跟我来英语怎么写? get go follow me2023-07-27 21:59:411
together2023-07-27 21:59:344
好好学习。早点睡觉把2023-07-27 21:59:176
together 在一起2023-07-27 21:59:165
与某人在一起 with sb2.hang out with: keep company with, appear in public with sb4.come along with sb某人与某人在一起(同在) with sb撮合某人与某人在一起1.fix someone up with someone (idiom)爱与某人在一起 sb."s with开始与某人在一起生活1.set up house with sb2.the house that jack built2023-07-27 21:58:501
有电阻 并且阻抗很大 电流源流出电流多少,那么该路电流就是多少.和电压无关.前提是恒流源 电流源给定的电流,此线路通电流为定值,与你的负载阻值没有关系. 电流源的内阻相对负载阻抗很大,负载阻抗波动不会改变电流大小.在电流源回路中串联电阻无意义,因为它不会改变负载的电流,也不会改变负载上的电压.2023-07-27 21:58:381
为什么电压源串联一个内阻,而电流源并联一个电阻(而不是串联一个电阻呢)你说的电压源、电流源都是理想电压源Uo、和理想电流源 Is。1. 而理想电压源Uo串联一个内阻R0 就成为实际电压源的,但是注意,要是理想电压源并联内阻R0,那么该电阻R0两端的端电压岂不是也等于Uo吗?因为并联电路电压都相等的,当然都等于Uo即便是负载R也和内阻R0 都一起并联在理想电压源Uo两端,但是电压不会改变的,仍然是Uo,并不会因为并联内阻R0 而改变的。 2. 理想电流源Is并联一个内阻R0 就成为实际电流源,但也要注意,要是理想电流源串联内阻R0,那么流经该电阻R0的电流岂不是也等于Is吗?因为串联电路电流都相等的,当然都等于Is 即便是负载R也和内阻R0 都一起串联在理想电流源Is支路,但是电流不会改变的,仍然是Is,并不会因为串联内阻R0 而改变的。2023-07-27 21:58:291