英语中的none one和no one的辨析
none就是no one的意思,没有人。2023-07-27 10:13:262
none用法要点归纳一、用作代词,以下用法要注意1.可指可数名词,也可指不可数名词。用于“none of +名词”时,该名词前必须要用表特指的限定词(如 the, my, these 等),如:He likes none of these books. 这些书他一本也不喜欢。None of the food was left. 没剩一点食物。注:指可数名词时,只能指三者或三者以上,不能指两者。如:正:Neither of my parents went there. 我父母都没去那儿。误:None of my parents went there. 2.用作主语时,若指不可数名词,谓语动词用单数;若指可数名词,谓语可用单数(较正式),也可用复数(用于非正式文体,且更符合惯用法)。如:None of the money is mine. 这笔钱没有一点是我的。None of the boys like [likes] it. 孩子们谁也不喜欢它。3. 用于类似祈使句的结构中。如:None of that! 不许那样!None of your business! 不关你的事!二、用作副词,主要用来修饰以下结构1.“the+比较级”,意为“并不因为……更……”。如:I"m afraid I"m none the wiser for your explanation. 恐怕你的解释没使我有所开窍。2.“too 或 so+形容词”,意为“不太”或“一点也不”。如:He"s none so fond of her. 他并不十分喜欢她。The salary they pay me is none too high. 他们付给我的薪水一点也不高。不过发错了吧。这里是JAVA区。应该发到英语区去吧2023-07-27 10:13:331
干活干活干活干活干活干活改革和改革和关怀2023-07-27 10:13:437
I didn"t want to let everyone can like me. I just hope I like of the person like me.2023-07-27 10:14:004
none of us是单数还是复数
none of us是单数也是复数。1、none 指人时谓语可用复数,也可以用单数.none 指物时,谓语用单数。2、none用于指人或指物,可与of短语连用,用作单数或复数,总是用在一定范围之内,如:1、None of that money on the table is mine.桌子上的钱都不是我的。2、None of us are/ is afraid of difficulties.我们当中没有一个害怕困难。none of后面的名词为复数名词或代词,谓语动词要用复数;如果是不可数名词要用单数。none,作代词时意为“没有人,一个也没有,没有任何东西”,作形容词时意为“没有的,一点没有的”,作副词时意为“一点也不;决不,不怎么,绝不”。相关例句:1、I have often talked about why we want to be mothers, but none of us can describe the urge exactly.我经常谈到我们为什么想做母亲,但没有一个人能准确地描述这种冲动。2、None of us can run as fast as he can.我们之中没有谁能跑得过他。3、None of us can afford it separately, so let"s pool our resources.我们之中谁也不能单独买得起这东西,所以我们就集资购买吧。4、None of us like the divorce of word and deed.我们没人喜欢言行不一。5、None of us knew how to treat her.我们没有人知道该如何对待她。6、None of us is entirely blameless in this matter.在这件事上我们没有一个人是完全没有责任的。7、None of us can foretell what lies ahead.我们谁都不能预知未来。8、None of us like the porce of word and deed.我们没人喜欢言行不一。9、He argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgement.他激烈地争论说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。10、None of that money on the table is mine.桌子上的钱都不是我的。2023-07-27 10:14:071
never have i none
1,具有否定意义的副词never,seldom,no sooner等置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装.所谓的部分倒装就是将句子中的助动词提到句首.看Never have I been to the US.这句话中本身包含助动词have,所以直接把他提前就行,但是在句子So fast does light travel(正常语序为:light travels so fast.)中,本身不包含助动词,就像一般现在时的肯定句要变为否定句时,我们必须根据主语人称的数来选择一个助动词do或者does,然后在变成否定或者疑问句,在这也一样,does是加进去的.那么句子Such fine weather is it that we go for a picnic是主系表结构,它的倒装就是这样的结构:such+形+名+谓+主+that+句子.记住即可. 2,the news是不可数名词,不可数名词当然要用单数代词,单数谓语动词,所以不是你想的none of them,而是none of it,it在这指代the news;另外,none ot that matters中,之所以谓语动词用matters(注意这是第三人称单数,不是复数),是因为当none of 做主语时,不管none of后面的名词是单数还是复数,其谓语动词都要用第三人称单数形式,当然这指的是在一般现在时态中,类似的还有every one of和 each of,他们后面的谓语动词都要用单三人称. 3,这句话后面不可以加it,没有为什么.这句话的完整版为:I really can"t work out waht I should do and how I should do.你仔细品味一下,这后面可以加it么? 4,你的问题太模糊,说明你的知识结构很模糊.不及物动词是一定要跟一个介词,然后在跟宾语的.如:come,stay,stand等.你不可以说:he comes the room,你必须说he comes in the room;同样,he stands on the desk,不是he stands the desk; I stay at the home,不是 I stay the home.而你所说的“一个动词后如果紧跟着介词短语”,这种情况太多了,比如:I eat in the kitchen.I drink in the bedroom.很明显能判断,eat和drink分明为及物动词,他们后面可以直接跟宾语的. 明白了么?2023-07-27 10:15:201
推荐: You"rewaitingforatrain Atrainthatwilltakeyoufaraway Youknowwhereyouhopethetrainwilltakeyou Butyoucan"tbesure Butitdoesn"tmatter Becausewe"llbetogether 你在等一班火车, 火车会带你去很远的地方, 你知道火车会带你去哪但你并不确定, 不过不重要 因为我们会永远在一起 1.You"rewaitingforatrain-atrainthatwilltakeyoufaraway.Youknowwhereyouhopethetrainwilltakeyou,butyoucan"tknowforsure.Butitdoesn"tmatter,becausewe"llbetogether. -Cobb 2.Whatisthemostresilientparasite?Bacteria?Avirus?Anintestinalworm?Anidea.Resilient...highlycontagious.Onceanideahastakenholdofthebrainit"salmostimpossibletoeradicate.Anideathatisfullyformed-fullyunderstood-thatsticks;rightintheresomewhere. -Cobb 3.Cobb:(Overthephone)Howareyou,huh?Howareyoudoing? James:Okay,Iguess. Cobb:Who"sjustokay?Isthatyou,James? James:Yeah.IsMommywithyou? Cobb:James,wetalkedaboutthis.Mommy"snothereanymore. James:Where? 4.Cobb:Whatdoyouwant? Saito:Inception.Isitpossible? Arthur:Ofcoursenot. Saito:Ifyoucanstealanidea,whycan"tyouplantonethereinstead? Arthur:Okay,thisisme,plantinganideainyourmind.Isay:don"tthinkaboutelephants.Whatareyouthinkingabout? Saito:Elephants? Arthur:Right,butit"snotyouridea.Thedreamercanalwaysrememberthegenesisoftheidea.Trueinspirationisimpossibletofake. Cobb:No,it"snot. 5.Cobb:I"mjustdoingwhatyoutaughtme. Professor:Inevertaughtyoutobeathief. 6.Cobb:Youcreatetheworldofthedream,youbringthesubjectintothatdream,andtheyfillitwiththeirsubconscious. Ariadne:HowcouldIeveracquireenoughdetailtomakethemthinkthatitsreality? Cobb:Welldreams,theyfeelrealwhilewe"reinthem,right?It"sonlywhenwewakeupthatwerealizehowthingsareactuallystrange.Letmeaskyouaquestion,you,youneverreallyrememberthebeginningofadreamdoyou?Youalwayswinduprightinthemiddleofwhat"sgoingon. Ariadne:Iguess,yeah. Cobb:Sohowdidweenduphere? Ariadne:Wellwejustcamefromthea... Cobb:ThinkaboutitAriadne,howdidyougethere?Whereareyourightnow? Ariadne:We"redreaming? Cobb:You"reactuallyinthemiddleoftheworkshoprightnow,sleeping.Thisisyourfirstlessoninshareddreaming.Staycalm. 7.Cobb:Youcreatetheworldofthedream.Webringthesubjectintothatdreamandfillitwiththeirsubconscious. Ariadne:HowcouldIeveracquireenoughdetailtomakethemthinkthatit"sreality? Cobb:Ourdreams,theyfeelrealwhilewe"reinthemright?Itsonlywhenwewakeupthenwerealizethatsomethingwasactuallystrange! 8.Arthur:So,atotem.It"sasmallobject,potentiallyheavy,somethingyoucanhaveonyouallthetime... Ariadne:What,likeacoin? Arthur:No,ithastobemoreuniquethanthat,like-thisisaloadeddie. (Ariadnereachesouttotakethedie) Arthur:.Nah,Ican"tletyoutouchit,thatwoulddefeatthepurpose.SeeonlyIknowthebalanceandweightofthisparticularloadeddie.Thatwaywhenyoulookatyourtotem,youknowbeyondadoubtyou"renotinsomeoneelse"sdream. 9.Themoment"spassed.WhateverIdoIcan"tchangethismoment.I"mabouttocallouttothem.Theyrunaway.IfI"mevergoingtoseetheirfacesI"vegottagetbackhome,therealworld. -Cobb 10.Eames:Dotheycomeheretosleep? ThinMan:(LookingatCobb)No,Theycomeheretobewokenup.Dreamhasbecometheirreality!Whoareyoutosay,otherwise? 11.Cobb:Iwillsplitupmyfather"sempire.NowthisisobviouslyanideathatRobertFischerwillchoosetoreject-whichiswhyweneedtoplantitdeepinhissubconscious.Subconsciousisfueledbyemotion,right?Notreason.Weneedafindawaytotranslatethisintoanemotionalconcept. Arthur:Howdoyoutranslateabusinessstrategyintoanemotion? Cobb:Well,that"swhatwe"reheretofigureout,right?NowFischer"srelationshipwithhisfatherisstressed,tosaytheleast... Eames:Well,canwerunwiththat?Suggestsplittinguptheempireasa"screw-you"totheoldman? Cobb:No,causeIthinkpositiveemotiontrumpsnegativeemotioneverytime.Weallcravereconciliation-we"recatharsis.WeneedRobertFischertohaveapositiveemotionalreactiontoallthis. Eames:Alright,welltrythis.MyfatheracceptsthatIwanttocreateformyself,notfollowinhisfootsteps. Cobb:Thatmightwork. Arthur:Might?We"regonnaneedtodoalittlebetterthanmight. Eames:Oh,thankyouforyourcontribution,Arthur! Arthur:Forgivemeforwantingalittlespecificity. (Eamesappearsconfusedattheword) Arthur:Specificity? 12.Mal:Whatareyoudoinghere? Ariadne:Mynameis... Mal:Iknowwhoyouare.Whatareyoudoinghere? Ariadne:I"mjusttryingtounderstand... Mal:Howcouldyouunderstand?Doyouknowwhatitistobealover?Tobehalfofawhole? Ariadne:No... Mal:I"lltellyouariddle.You"rewaitingforatrain.Atrainthatwilltakeyoufaraway.Youknowwhereyouhopethistrainwilltakeyou,butyoucan"tbesure.Butitdoesn"tmatter.Howcanitnotmattertoyouwherethistrainwilltakeyou? Cobb:Becauseyou"llbetogether. 13.Ariadne:WhenwereyouinLimbo? Ariadne:Youmighthavetherestoftheteamconvincedtocarryonwiththisjobbuttheydon"tknowthetruth. Cobb:Truth?Whattruth? Ariadne:Thetruththatatanyminute,youmightbringafreighttrainthroughthewall.ThetruththatMalisburstingthroughyoursubconscious.AndthetruththataswegodeeperintoFischerwe"realsogoingdeeperintoyou.AndI...I"mnotsurewe"regonnalikewhatwefind. Cobb:Wewereworkingtogether.Wewereexploringtheconceptofadreamwithinadream.Ikeptpushingthings.Iwantedtogodeeperanddeeper.Iwantedtogofurther.Ijustdidn"tunderstandtheconceptthathourscouldturnintoyearsdownthere.Thatwecouldgettrappedsodeep.Thatwhenwewindupontheshoreofoursubconsciouswelostsideofwhatwasreal.Wecreated.Webuiltaworldforourselves.Wedidthatforyears.Wegotourownworld. Ariadne:Howlongwereyoustuckthere? Cobb:Somethinglikefiftyyears. Ariadne:Jesus.Howcouldyoustandit? Cobb:Itwasn"tsobadatfirst.Feelinglikegods.TheproblemwasthatIknewthatnoneofthatwasreal.Eventually,ithasbecameimpossibleformetolivelikethat. 14.Aftermymotherdied,youknowwhathetoldme?"Robert,there"sreallynothingtobesaid." -Fisher 15.Arthur:Whatabouthissecurity?It"sgonnagetworseaswegodeeper. Cobb:IthinkwerunwithMr.Charles. Arthur:No. Eames:Who"sMr.Charles? Arthur:Badidea. Cobb:ThesecondwegetinthathotelwithFischer,hissecurityisgonnabealloverus.WerunwithMr.CharleslikewedidontheSteinjob. Eames:Soyou"vedoneitbefore? Arthur:Yeah,anditdidn"twork.Thesubjectrealizedhewasdreamingandhissubconscioustoreustopieces 16.Wait,whosesubconsciousarewegoingthroughexactly? -Ariadne 17.Theseedthatweplantedinthisman"smindmaychangeeverything. -Cobb 18.Eventually,Shetellsmethetruththatshewaspossessedbyanidea,justonesimpleideathatchangedeverything,thatourworldwasn"trealandinordertogetbacktothereality,We"llhavetokillourselves. -Cobb 19.Iwish,Iwishmorethananything.ButIcan"timagineyouwithallyourcomplexity,allyouperfection,allyourimperfection.Lookatyou.Youarejustashadeofmyrealwife.You"rethebestIcando;butI"msorry,youarejustnotgoodenough. -Cobb 20.Mal:We"dbetogetherforever.Youpromisedme. Cobb:Iknow.Butwecan"t.AndI"msorry. Mal:Yourememberwhenyouaskedmetomarryyou?Yousaidyoudreamtthatwe"dgrowoldtogether. Cobb:Andwedid...ImissyoumorethanIcanbear...butwehadourtimetogether.AndnowIhavetoletgo... 21.Cobb:You"rewaitingforatrain.Atrainthatwilltakeyoufaraway.Youknowwhereyouhopethistrainwilltakeyou,butyoucan"tbesure.Yetitdoesn"tmatter.Now,tellmewhy? Mal:Because,we"llbetogether! 22.Saito:Sohaveyoucometokillme?I"vebeenwaitingforsomeonetocomeforme... Cobb:Someonefromahalfremembereddream... Saito:Cobb?Impossible-HeandIwereyoungmentogether,nowI"manoldman. Cobb:Filledwithregret... Saito:Waitingtodiealone... Cobb:I"vecomebacktoremindyouofsomething...somethingyouonceknew... (Seesthetopspinningwithoutend) Cobb:thatthisworldisn"treal... Saito:Toconvincemetohonorthearrangement. Cobb:Totakealeapoffaithyes.Comeback,andwe"llbeyoungmentogetheragain.Comebacktome... (Saitoreachesforthegun) Cobb:Comeback... 关于真实的梦境 Ourdreams,theyfeelrealwhilewe"reinthem,right?It"sonlywhenwewakeupthatwerealizehowthingsareactuallystrange.Letmeaskyouaquestion,you,youneverreallyrememberthebeginningofadreamdoyou?Youalwayswinduprightinthemiddleofwhat"sgoingon。 我们做梦的时候,梦境是真实的,对不对?只有到醒来的时候才会意识到事情不对劲儿。我问你,你从来都不记得梦从何而起是不是?你总是直接插入到梦中所发生的一切。 关于造梦的原型 Neverrecreateplacesfromyourmemory.Alwaysimaginenewplaces! 不要根据记忆重塑梦境。统统想像出全新的场景。 关于盗梦 What"sthemostresilientparasite?AnIdea.Asingleideafromthehumanmindcanbuildcities.Anideacantransformtheworldandrewritealltherules.WhichiswhyIhavetostealit。 最具有可塑性的寄生生物是什么?是人的想法。人类一个简单的念头可以创造城市。一个念头可以改变世界重写一切游戏规则。这就是为什么我要从梦中把它盗取出来。 关于生命的悔恨 Themoment"spassed.WhateverIdoIcan"tchangethismoment.I"mabouttocallouttothem.Theyrunaway.IfI"mevergoingtoseetheirfacesI"vegottagetbackhome.Therealworld。 那个时刻我没有把握住。无论我做什么我都不能挽回。我想要呼唤他们,他们却恰好跑开了。如果我再见到他们的脸庞,我就只能回家去。回到真实的世界。 关于爱 You"rewaitingforatrain,atrainthatwilltakeyoufaraway.Youknowwhereyouhopethistrainwilltakeyou,butyoucan"tbesure.Butitdoesn"tmatter-becausewe"llbetogether。 你等着一辆火车,它会把你带到远方。你明白自己希望火车把你带到哪儿,不过你也心存犹豫。但这一切都没有关系——因为我们在一起。 关于放手 Ican"tstaywithheranymorebecauseshedoesn"texist.Iwish.Iwishmorethananything.ButIcan"timagineyouwithallyourcomplexity,allyouperfection,allyourimperfection.Lookatyou.Youarejustashadeofmyrealwife.You"rethebestIcando;butI"msorry,youarejustnotgoodenough。 她不是真实存在的,我不能和她呆在一起。我也想,我比什么都想,但我想像不出你的复杂情绪、你的种种完美和不完美。看看吧,你只是我妻子的一个影子。你只是我竭尽全力能创造出来的而已,但是很遗憾,你远远比不上真实的她。2023-07-27 10:15:271
想了解译林版初三英语第二单元语法讲解:none, no one,nothing,anything,someone,nobody的区别,比较深的
none 和no one 的区别区别1none既可指人也可指物,常暗示一定范围,因此通常与表范围的of短语连用;而no one(=nobody)只能指人,不能与of短语连用。如:None of that money on the table is mine.桌上没有一分钱是我的。None of us enjoy getting up early.我们中间没人喜欢早起。No one (=Nobody) knows about it.没有人了解此事。区别2none与数量有关,可回答how many,表示“一个也没有”;而no one表示“什么人也没有”,可回答who。如:—How many people are there in that room?—None.那个房间里有几个人?一个人也没有。—Who was late today?—No one.今天谁迟到了?谁也没有迟到。区别3none用于下列短语中:have none of不接受(not accept);none but只有(only);none other than正是;second to none首屈一指的(the best);none the一点也不(用在比较级前);none too不太(not very)。 nothing和anything的区别nothing翻译为没有什么例如:You have nothing to lose.(你没有什么可失去的。)anything翻译为任何事例如:Do you have anything to say about this?(有关这件事你有没有什么要说的?)someone,nobody的区别Somebody:有人,有些人. 用法:Is there somebody in? 有人在吗? (表示比较肯定有人在).Nobody:没一个人,单数. 如:Nobody answers.没人回答.2023-07-27 10:15:372
None of the milk that has been left is fit to drink
这是定语从句?!!!2023-07-27 10:15:452
none of these be/do造句
Noneofthesealtersthepointthatmuchremainstobefixedintheeurozone,buttheydosuggestthatpatchesofsunlightarebreakingthroughtheclouds.这些都改变不了这一点,即欧元区仍有大量问题需要解决,但也表明,几抹阳光正在穿透乌云。2023-07-27 10:15:541
none: [ nu028cn ] ad. 一点也不 prep. 没人,毫无 pron. 没有人,没有任何东西 例句与用法: 1. None of the money is mine. 这些钱中没有一文是我的。 2. My car is none the worse for the accident. 我的汽车遇到事故,但毫无损坏。 3. The salary they pay me is none too high. 他们付给我的薪水不太高。 4. None but the best is good enough for my child. 只有最好的才配得上我的孩子。 5. After hearing her talk on computers I"m afraid I"m none the wiser. 我听了她关於计算机的讲话之后似乎毫无收获。 6. The choir sang sweetly, and none more so than the Welsh boy. 唱诗班唱得很悦耳,尤其是没人比得上那个威尔士男孩儿。 7. He is aware, none better than he, that... 谁也没有他更清楚地知道。。。 8. I wanted some string but there was none in the house. 我需要一些绳子,但家里一根也没有。...........2023-07-27 10:16:021
both ,that ,none 等词的 有关问题
为你解答:1D are both他们两个人这周日要去看我的妈妈,或者说both of them are2D 约翰正在学汉语,他的妹妹也是。“so 动 主”表示和上文一样的情况,上文是否定,就用neither。“so 主 动”表示的确如此,表示赞同上文的说法。此题中,表示和上文情况一样,并且上一句是肯定句,所以用so is.3D 你们中的哪一个拿了我的眼镜?4D 为了避免与上文的the climate重复,就用that代替。不可数名词和可数名词单数都用that,可数名词复数要用those。5B 这里是指一个人,你的朋友兼咨询师,已经同意帮我了。现在完成时。6A 我们不能在饭店吃饭了,因为我们都没钱了。【纯手打,不懂请追问,满意请采纳~】2023-07-27 10:16:102
前后要一致啊,前面town的连接词就是which,but只作为一个关联词,后面的连接词要与前面的一致。2023-07-27 10:16:207
英文单词none的中文意思 英 [nu028cn] 美 [nu028cn] 代词 没有一个; 没有人,没有一人; 没有一部分,没有一点 副词 根本不; 无法,绝不 副词 1. My car is none the worse for wear. 我的汽车一点也没损坏。 1. I"ll have none of your stupid ideas! 我才不接受你那愚蠢的意见! 代词 1. None of us enjoy getting up early. 我们中间没人喜欢早起。 2. None would take the risk. 谁也不愿冒此风险。 3. None of your funeral. 与你无关。 英文单词none的单语例句 1. Clinton declined to discuss her father"s relationship with the White House intern, drawing applause when she told the young man that it was none of his business. 2. The businessman loves participating in dog shows and said he has trained several breeds of dogs before but none of them won any prizes. 3. The global financial crisis has only had a slight impact on the Japanese financial sector, and none of the country"s financial institutions has gone bust. 4. None of these problems can be solved by a single law or regulation, and consequently have to be handled by a variety of laws and regulations. 5. The civil rights committee voted by five to none to pass the resolution imposing a moratorium. 6. The pictures that came back caught them all by surprise - groups of monkeys none had ever seen. 7. But none of this information is provided by the name card bearers themselves. 8. By midday, none of the thousands of calls received by police were related to the sniper attacks. 9. However, none of the presidential candidates gathered simple majority support from the 578 voting CA members. 英文单词none的情景对话 求职面试 B:How do you handle your failure? 你怎样对待自己的失败? A:None of us was born perfect. I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake. 我们大家生来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。 Shopping in the Dime Store-(在低价商店购物) A:Do you carry black ink? 你们有黑墨水卖吗? B:The ink should be next to the paper clips and thumb tacks in the stationary section, sir. 墨水应该在文具部的回形针和图钉旁边,先生。 A:I"ve looked, but I didn"t see any black ink. 我看过了,但没找到黑墨水。 B:Then I"m afraid there"s none in stock. 那我想是缺货了。 A:Well, I"ll settle for blue-black. I"ll also take a dozen airmail envelopes. 嗯,那要蓝黑的也可以。我还要一打航空信封。 B:They come in packages of ten or twenty. 信封分成十只一扎或二十只一扎出售。 A:Give me a package of twenty, then. And where do I find shoelaces? 那就给我二十只一扎的。还有我去哪儿可以找到鞋带。 B:On counter three. 在第三号柜台。 A:Thank you. I never can find my way around this store. 谢谢,我在这家商店里总是搞不清商品的部位。 B:I know. It took me three weeks, and I work here. 我知道。我在这儿工作,花了三个星期才熟悉。2023-07-27 10:16:471
一、that 用作形容词(后接复数名词时用those)。 它用来指已被提到的人或物;也可表对比,指两个中较远的那个。 What about that book you borrowed from me last month? 请注意,that 有时候在句子中具有喜欢或轻蔑等感情色彩。 that little son of his 他那个小宝贝儿子 That George!乔治那家伙!(含有轻蔑语气) 二、that 用作代词。 1. that 用作指示代词(复数形式是those),其指代意义同形容词用法,同时它还可以用作定语从句中的先行词;还可为了避免重复,代替前述名词。 That is what he told me. What is that (which) you have got in your hand? The price of rice is higher than that of flour. 2. that 用作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句。先行词可人可物,用法相当于who或which。(但是在下列情况下多用that:先行词既有人又有物时;先行词有形容词最高级、序数词、不定代词、very,only等修饰时;先行词是不定代词时) He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. I think it one of the most wonderful films that the film company has ever produced. She has little information that is useful for our research. Is there anything that I can do for you? 请注意,that 在定语从句中作宾语时通常可省略。 The books (that) I sent you will help you in your studies. 三、that 用作连词,引导名词性从句,状语从句和强调句。 1. that名词性从句。 ①引导宾语从句。及物动词后的引导词that可省略。 I didn"t expect (that) he could win the championship. The teacher pointed out that Tom was not working hard enough. ② 引导主语从句。通常采用it作形式主语的句型。 That the earth goes around the sun is known to everyone. (It is known to everyone that the earth goes around the sun.) ③引导表语从句。 The trouble is that we are short of money. ④引导同位语从句。 引导同位语从句的that和引导定语从句的that是不同的。前者只起语法作用,在从句中不作任何成分;而后者在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语。举例说明: The news that he resigned from office surprised us. The idea that he holds is very common nowadays on campus. 2. that引导状语从句 ①引导目的状语从句。 Bring it nearer that I may see it better. ②引导结果状语从句。 What have I done that he should be so angry with me? ③引导原因状语从句。 I am afraid that I will fail in the driving test. ④引导让步状语从句。意为“虽然、尽管”。 Difficult that/as the task was, they managed to accomplish it on time. ⑤引导条件状语从句。意为“假使、假设”。 Supposing that you were in my position, what would you do? On condition that you were lost in the desert, you should ask for help as soon as possible. 3. 引导强调句。 It is Mrs. White that makes the decision in her family, not her meek little husband. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. 四、that用作副词。 1. that用作普通副词。 I was that/so angry I could have hit him. 2. that用作关系副词。引导定语从句,可以代替when,where, why或 in which,常可省略。 I will never forget the evening (that) / when we went to the theatre. The house (that)/where I used to live has been knocked down. 五,与that 有关的常见重要短语。 1. in that,意为“既然、因为”。 Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us correct our mistakes. 2. now that,意为“既然、由于”。 Now that they have taken matters into their hands, the pace of events has quickened. 3. see (to it) that,意为“注意、务必做到、保证”。 We will see to it that she gets home early. See to it that you are not late again. 4. seeing that,意为“鉴于、由于”。 Seeing that it is 8 o"clock, we"ll wait no longer. Seeing that he was busy with his work, I didn"t disturb him. 以上是that主要用法的概述,希望能对大家有所帮助。当然,that还有其他的一些用法,需要我们在学习的过程中不断地积累和总结。六、必须用that的情况:1.在there + be 的句型中,句子的主语是先行词,而且又是物。例如: There are two novels that I want to read. 我要读的有两本小说。 There is no work that can be done now. 没有什么工作现在能做的了。 2.当先行词为主句的表语或者关系代词为从句的表语时。例如: This is the book that was bought yesterday.这就是昨天买的书。 Our school is no longer the school that it used to be. 我们的学校不再是以前的学校了。 That"s a good book that will help you a lot.3.以Here is (are)开头的句子时。例如: Here are two books that I will buy.这是我要买的两本书。Here is a film that will move anyone.这是一部将使任何人受感动的电影。 4.It is (high)time +定语从句中。例如: It is time that we should have a rest.我们应该休息了。 It is high time that they started out. 他们该动身了。 5.当先行词是way等词时,关系代词用that或者in which在定语从句中作方式状语时,在口语中,常可省略。例如: This is the way that my father did this work.这就是我父亲做此工作的方式。 She admired the way in which I answered the questions. 她羡慕我回答问题的方式。 6.在双重限定性定语从句中,如果一个从句用who或者which引导时,那么另一个从句用that引导。例如: He is the student that I have ever see who can jump highest.他是我曾经看到过跳得最高的学生。 My brother studies in the school which is the most beautiful in our city that isn"t far from here. 我的弟弟在我们的城市最美丽的学校读书,并且离这儿不远。 7.当先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last 修饰时。例如: This is the very pen that I am looking for. 这正是我找的钢笔。 The only book I want to read is missing. 我唯一想看的书不见了。 There"s little time that we can spare.That is the very dictionary that I want to buy.8.在强调句子中,并且以who ,which, what开头时。例如: Who was it that was lost ? 究竟是谁迷路了?(此句中,最好不用who来代替that,避免重复。) What was it that you did last week? 你上周究竟做什么了? 9.当先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰时。例如: You are the first person that I want to ask for.你是我要见的第一个人。 This is the second book that I have ever written.这是我写的第二本书。This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen10.当先行词被no, all, everything, nothing, something, much, little, some, few, none, both, the one…等不定代词修饰时Is there anything that I can do for you?Has all that can be done has been done?This is all that I want to say at the meeting.这就是我在会上要说的。 Have you any books that are worth reading? 你有值的看的书吗? 11.当先行词既指人又指物时。例如: The professor and his achievement that I heard about are admired by them .我听说的那位教授和他的成就得到他们的赞美。 Let"s talk about the persons and the things that we can remember.让我们谈论能够想起的人和事。Look at the girl and the dog that cross the street.He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited.12.当先行词为anything、everything、nothing时,关系代词用that,不用which;但用something时,用which或者that均可。例如: Everything we have seen in China is moving. 我们在中国看见的东西件件感人。 I have nothing that is worth reading. 我没有什么值得一读的东西。 13. 先行词为who, which, 或以who、which开头的特殊疑问句时,为避免重复Who that knows him would trust him?Which of the books that were borrowed from the library is yours?Who that you have ever seen can beat him in chess? 你曾见过谁能在棋艺上打败他?七、关系代词宜用who,不用that的情况1 当先行词为one, ones, anyone, everyone, everybody等词时The ones who are often late don"t please me.2 当先行词为those时.Those who are against the plan can give their opinions.3 在以there be 开头的句子中,be后面的名词为先行词时.There were few scientists who could explain Einstein"s Theory of Relativity.4 在分隔定语从句中或当先行词有较长的短语作后置句语时.I met a little girl at the party yesterday evening who could speak English fluently.5 在非限制性定语从句中Lincoln, who was loved by all Americans, was killed at the theatre in Washington D.C2023-07-27 10:16:569
None of this had even a hope 翻译
没有,甚至是希望有任何实际的应用在我的生活里。但十年后,当我们正在设计第一台Macintosh电脑,这一切回报了我。我们的设计全部融入了Mac。这是第一台拥有漂亮字体的计算机。如果我没有在大学期间顺便学习了这门单独的课程,Mac也不会有多种的字体或适当的字距。如果我从来没有放弃,我也从来没有学习书法课程,个人电脑可能不会有他们设计的完美的字体。当我在大学里,当然不可能的接触文档模板格式。但它非常非常清晰的预见到了十年后。2023-07-27 10:17:381
英语中 something anything nothing none的用法,尤其是nothing 和 none
一般情况下与some和any的用法相似,something 用于肯定句,anything用于否定和疑问.而在很有礼貌的问某人要吃什么和喝什么时,应该使用something ,这是一种特殊的用法。而none 侧重在数量多少上面,表示一点也没有了。常用于回答How much/many的问句,nothing侧重侧重在物,表示没有任何东西.2023-07-27 10:17:552
no one,nothing.none三者的区别!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no one只能指人nothing指的是东西none指人或者东西2023-07-27 10:18:034
英语语法 代词
是新概念一的人称代词,物主代词和反身代词么?不会用具体表现在什么地方?举例详细说明。2023-07-27 10:18:143
奥巴马的演讲和句子鼓励每一个个体从那怕一个很小的目标开始,马上行动并持之以恒,这对很多人起到了励志的作用。很多人.以下是我分享的奥巴马励志演讲句子,一起来和我看看吧。 奥巴马励志的句子 1. 你的人民评判你的依据是你建立了什么。而不是破坏了什么。对于那些依靠腐败和欺骗并压制异议而追求权利的人们:你们站在了人类历史的对立面。如果你们能张开紧握的拳头,我们也将伸出友谊之手。 2. 我们今日遇到挑战前所未有,所有的情况完全陌生。但是,我们赖以走向成功的价值观从未改变——诚实、勤勉,勇敢、公正、宽容、好学、忠贞和爱国。 3. 如今,我们面对的是一个全新的责任时代——人人都需重视,对我们自己,我们的国家乃至整个世界,都有一份责任。我们会欣然接受这份责任,人生也正因此而充实。 4. “告诉未来的世界u2026u2026当一切陷入寒冬,万物俱灭,只有希望和勇气可以长存u2026u2026这座城市和这个国家,在共同的危机下团结起来,共同面对前方的艰难。” 5. 当我们面对挑战时,我们没有怯懦、没有退缩,更没有踟蹰不前。我们在上帝的关爱下眺望远方。我们在自由的道路上继续前进,我们的精神将永远闪耀着光芒。 6. 人生因为承担责任而充实, 7. 六十年前,一位父亲走人餐厅甚至无人理睬。而今天他的儿子可以站在这里,在你们面前许下最庄严的誓言。 8. 我今天站在这里,因面前的任务感到谦卑,因你们的信任而感激,同时缅怀我们的前人所做出的牺牲。 9. 美国处在战争之中,面对一个有巨大影响力、充满暴力和仇恨的网络。我们的经济严重衰退。这来源干部分人的贪婪和不负责任,更由于作为一个整体,我们未能做出面对一个新时代的艰难决策。 10. 今天,我们聚集在一起,因为我们选择了希望而不是恐惧;我们选择了为共同的目标团结在一起,而不是冲突与争执。 11. 今天,我们共同终结那些虚假的承诺、陈腐的教条以及指责与怨言。这些已经困扰了我们的政治体系太长时间。 12. 伟大不是凭空而来的,而是赢得的。在我们的历程中,从来没有走捷径或是退而求其次。 13. 一次又一次,这些男男女女,他们奋斗和牺牲;他们将双手磨破为了给我们带来更好的生活。在他们眼中,美国超越了我们每个人雄心的总和,超越了个人、财富和派系的差别。 14. 这些愤世嫉俗的人无法理解这个国家所发生的转变——那些陈腐的政治已经缠绕了我们太久太长, 15. 政府所扮演的角色——应该帮助家庭获得体面的收入,购买他们的所需,有尊严地退休。( 励志天下 ) 16. 市场的力量将如野马一样脱缰——一个仅有财富的国家不可能持续繁荣。 17. 我要对那些正在看着我们的国家和人民说,无论你身处繁华的都市还是像养育了我父亲那样的小村庄:对于那些追求和平与尊严的男人、女人和孩子,美国将永远是你们的朋友,我们将继续和你们一起前进。 18. 对于那些崇尚恐怖、滥杀无辜的人,我们的精神是强大而不可战胜的。你拖不垮我们,我们将会打败你。 19. 我们吸收了各种文化的精髓,从世界的每个角落学习。 20. 随着世界越来越紧密地联系在一起,我们共同的人性将显露出来,美国必须承担引领新时代和平的重任。 奥巴马励志的演讲 Hello, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All right, everybody go ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doing today? (Applause.) How about Tim Spicer? (Applause.) I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And weu2019ve got students tuning in from all across America, from kindergarten through 12th grade. And I am just so glad that all could join us today. And I want to thank Wakefield for being such an outstanding host. Give yourselves a big round of applause. (Applause.) I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, itu2019s your first day in a new school, so itu2019s understandable if youu2019re a little nervous. I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling pretty good right now -- (applause) -- with just one more year to go. And no matter what grade youu2019re in, some of you are probably wishing it were still summer and you couldu2019ve stayed in bed just a little bit longer this morning. I know that feeling. When I was young, my family lived overseas. I lived in Indonesia for a few years. And my mother, she didnu2019t have the money to send me where all the American kids went to school, but she thought it was important for me to keep up with an American education. So she decided to teach me extra lessons herself, Monday through Friday. But because she had to go to work, the only time she could do it was at 4:30 in the morning. Now, as you might imagine, I wasnu2019t too happy about getting up that early. And a lot of times, Iu2019d fall asleep right there at the kitchen table. But whenever Iu2019d complain, my mother would just give me one of those looks and sheu2019d say, “This is no picnic for me either, buster.” (Laughter.) So I know that some of you are still adjusting to being back at school. But Iu2019m here today because I have something important to discuss with you. Iu2019m here because I want to talk with you about your education and whatu2019s expected of all of you in this new school year. Now, Iu2019ve given a lot of speeches about education. And Iu2019ve talked about responsibility a lot. Iu2019ve talked about teachersu2019 responsibility for inspiring students and pushing you to learn. Iu2019ve talked about your parentsu2019 responsibility for making sure you stay on track, and you get your homework done, and donu2019t spend every waking hour in front of the TV or with the Xbox. Iu2019ve talked a lot about your governmentu2019s responsibility for setting high standards, and supporting teachers and principals, and turning around schools that arenu2019t working, where students arenu2019t getting the opportunities that they deserve. But at the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, the best schools in the world -- and none of it will make a difference, none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities, unless you show up to those schools, unless you pay attention to those teachers, unless you listen to your parents and grandparents and other adults and put in the hard work it takes to succeed. Thatu2019s what I want to focus on today: the responsibility each of you has for your education. I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself. Every single one of you has something that youu2019re good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. Thatu2019s the opportunity an education can provide. Maybe you could be a great writer -- maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper -- but you might not know it until you write that English paper -- that English class paper thatu2019s assigned to you. Maybe you could be an innovator or an inventor -- maybe even good enough to come up with the next iPhone or the new medicine or vaccine -- but you might not know it until you do your project for your science class. Maybe you could be a mayor or a senator or a Supreme Court justice -- but you might not know that until you join student government or the debate team. And no matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that youu2019ll need an education to do it. You want to be a doctor, or a teacher, or a police officer? You want to be a nurse or an architect, a lawyer or a member of our military? Youu2019re going to need a good education for every single one of those careers. You cannot drop out of school and just drop into a good job. Youu2019ve got to train for it and work for it and learn for it. And this isnu2019t just important for your own life and your own future. What you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country. The future of America depends on you. What youu2019re learning in school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future. Youu2019ll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment. Youu2019ll need the insights and critical-thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free. Youu2019ll need the creativity and ingenuity you develop in all your classes to build new companies that will create new jobs and boost our economy. We need every single one of you to develop your talents and your skills and your intellect so you can help us old folks solve our most difficult problems. If you donu2019t do that -- if you quit on school -- youu2019re not just quitting on yourself, youu2019re quitting on your country. Now, I know itu2019s not always easy to do well in school. I know a lot of you have challenges in your lives right now that can make it hard to focus on your schoolwork. I get it. I know what itu2019s like. My father left my family when I was two years old, and I was raised by a single mom who had to work and who struggled at times to pay the bills and wasnu2019t always able to give us the things that other kids had. There were times when I missed having a father in my life. There were times when I was lonely and I felt like I didnu2019t fit in. So I wasnu2019t always as focused as I should have been on school, and I did some things Iu2019m not proud of, and I got in more trouble than I should have. And my life could have easily taken a turn for the worse. But I was -- I was lucky. I got a lot of second chances, and I had the opportunity to go to college and law school and follow my dreams. My wife, our First Lady Michelle Obama, she has a similar story. Neither of her parents had gone to college, and they didnu2019t have a lot of money. But they worked hard, and she worked hard, so that she could go to the best schools in this country. Some of you might not have those advantages. Maybe you donu2019t have adults in your life who give you the support that you need. Maybe someone in your family has lost their job and thereu2019s not enough money to go around. Maybe you live in a neighborhood where you donu2019t feel safe, or have friends who are pressuring you to do things you know arenu2019t right. But at the end of the day, the circumstances of your life -- what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what youu2019ve got going on at home -- none of that is an excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude in school. Thatu2019s no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school. There is no excuse for not trying. Where you are right now doesnu2019t have to determine where youu2019ll end up. No oneu2019s written your destiny for you, because here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future. Thatu2019s what young people like you are doing every day, all across America. Young people like Jazmin Perez, from Roma, Texas. Jazmin didnu2019t speak English when she first started school. Neither of her parents had gone to college. But she worked hard, earned good grades, and got a scholarship to Brown University -- is now in graduate school, studying public health, on her way to becoming Dr. Jazmin Perez. Iu2019m thinking about Andoni Schultz, from Los Altos, California, whou2019s fought brain cancer since he was three. Heu2019s had to endure all sorts of treatments and surgeries, one of which affected his memory, so it took him much longer -- hundreds of extra hours -- to do his schoolwork. But he never fell behind. Heu2019s headed to college this fall. And then thereu2019s Shantell Steve, from my hometown of Chicago, Illinois. Even when bouncing from foster home to foster home in the toughest neighborhoods in the city, she managed to get a job at a local health care center, start a program to keep young people out of gangs, and sheu2019s on track to graduate high school with honors and go on to college. And Jazmin, Andoni, and Shantell arenu2019t any different from any of you. They face challenges in their lives just like you do. In some cases theyu2019ve got it a lot worse off than many of you. But they refused to give up. They chose to take responsibility for their lives, for their education, and set goals for themselves. And I expect all of you to do the same. Thatu2019s why today Iu2019m calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education -- and do everything you can to meet them. Your goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework, paying attention in class, or spending some time each day reading a book. Maybe youu2019ll decide to get involved in an extracurricular activity, or volunteer in your community. Maybe youu2019ll decide to stand up for kids who are being teased or bullied because of who they are or how they look, because you believe, like I do, that all young people deserve a safe environment to study and learn. Maybe youu2019ll decide to take better care of yourself so you can be more ready to learn. And along those lines, by the way, I hope all of you are washing your hands a lot, and that you stay home from school when you donu2019t feel well, so we can keep people from getting the flu this fall and winter. But whatever you resolve to do, I want you to commit to it. I want you to really work at it. I know that sometimes you get that sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work -- that your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star. Chances are youu2019re not going to be any of those things. The truth is, being successful is hard. You wonu2019t love every subject that you study. You wonu2019t click with every teacher that you have. Not every homework assignment will seem completely relevant to your life right at this minute. And you wonu2019t necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try. Thatu2019s okay. Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones whou2019ve had the most failures. J.K. Rowlingu2019s -- who wrote Harry Potter -- her first Harry Potter book was rejected 12 times before it was finally published. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. He lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career. But he once said, “I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And thatu2019s why I succeed.” These people succeeded because they unders2023-07-27 10:18:221
泡泡、2023-07-27 10:18:336
回答:本句是一个并列复合句,其结构是:复合句1(主句+宾语从句+地点状语从句)+and (并列连词)+ 复合句2(主句+宾语从句)句子成分分析:复合句1:主句主语:None of us;主句谓语:felt;宾语从句:that从句;地点状语从句:where …;复合句2:主句主语:we all; 主句谓语:agreed;宾语从句:that从句。2023-07-27 10:19:012
It is a pity that none of the ______ stopped ______ the poor man lying there, begging.
答案Dpasser-by的复数要在passer后加s,不定式表示动作的目的方向等,现在分词表示正在进行的动作,根据题意选D。遗憾的是过往的行人没有一个停下来帮助那个躺在那儿乞讨的可怜的男人。2023-07-27 10:19:081
应该选D. which 和as都可以用定语从句,而且可以是非限制性定语从句。但是as有固定搭配,像 such .... as。而用such...that的话 that后面的句子必须完整,而在这里缺少work out的宾语。2023-07-27 10:19:196
就是在动词后加个句子.I said that he is a pig2023-07-27 10:19:523
答案是A 首先treating 是动名词,修饰名词,选none of them 而且动名词这是个短语不是句子,就不能用and 连接, 后面which 是定语从句的主语,而that 不能做定语从句的主语2023-07-27 10:20:034
定语从句是在句子中充当定语成分的从句,修饰名词和代词,即主语和宾语.下面是我认为比较要的点(从网上找的). That 指人或物 which 指人或物(定语从句中) [注意] 1、because与so;(al)though与but;if与so不可以同在一个句子中成对出现. 2、时间、条件、原因,让步状语从句放在句首时需要用逗号与主句隔开. 条件状语从句中没有将来时,用一般现在代将来. 定语从句:在复合句中作定语用修饰句子中某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句. ① 定语从句的位置:放在名词或代词的后面.如:The man who has an umbrella in his hand is my uncle. ② 语法术语的改变:被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词;引导定语从句的连接词称为关系词,其中that、which、who称为关系代词,where、when、how称为关系副词. ③ 关系代词或关系副词的作用:关系代词who、whom 和whose指人,分别在从句中作主语、宾语和定语.which指物,that多指物,有时也指人,它们在从句中可以作主语或宾语.定语从句中关系代词作从句宾语时可以省略.This is the thief (that/who/whom) we have been looking for these days./ Please find a room which is big enough for all of us to live in.关系副词when或where引导定语从句时,它们在从句中分别作时间状语和地点状语.如:This is the room where they had a quarrel a week ago./ I can never forget the day when I first saw you. ④ 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句.限制性定语从句在句中不能省略,否则主句意思就不完整.非限制性定语从句和主句之间往往用逗号分开,这种从句是一种附加说明,如果从句子中省去,也不至于影响主句的意思.如:She spent the whole evening talking about her latest book,which none of us had heard of. [注解] 1、关系代词只能用that的情况:当先行词是指事物的不定代词(all,anything等),或先行词部分含有最高级,或含有序数词时,不能用其他的关系代词,只能用that.如:All that Lily told me seems untrue./ Can you give me anything that has no sugar inside?This is the first two-story bus that runs in our city. 2、先行词既有指人的名词又有指物的名词时,关系代词用that而不用which. Do you know the things and persons (that) they are talking about? 3.、主语是there be 句型时关系代词用that. There is a book on the desk that I am very interested in. 3、关系代词在从句中作主语时一般用who(指人)、that(指物),而不用that指人或用which指物.如:Do you know the woman who is weeping in the corner(?/ Do not tell me any words that have nothing to do with me. 4、关系代词作从句的宾语时,常用which或whom,较少使用that或who,而且,关系代词常常省略.如:Tom"s father was the first parent whom our teacher talked to. 5、当关系代词紧跟在介词后面时,必须用which或whom,而当介词移到句尾时,则又可以使用that或who.如:This is the room in which Miss Li once lived.(= This is the room Miss Li once lived in. 6、as引导非限制定语从句位置较灵活,可以放在主语前中后,which 引导的定语从句只能放在主语之后. As everybody knows,Shakespeare is a famous writer. Shakespeare,as everybody knows,is a famous writer. Shakespeare is a famous writer,as everybody knows. The plan worked out very well,which is more than we could expect. . 5.只用which,不用that的情况: 引导非限制性定语从句时; 引导词前有介词时; 一个句子中若有两个定语从句,一个用that引导,另一个用which引导; e.g.He bought a book that could give him much knowledge and which could help him to kill the time. 6.当those作为先行词指人时,通常只能用who引导; as 从句的先行词是the same,such,或被他们所修饰;多用于表示肯定意义的从句中,不用于表否定意义的从句中. e.g.Many of the sports are the same as they were when they started. The result was not such as he expected. It was raining hard,which(as) was unexpected. 8.介词+关系代词要根据 谓语动词的固定搭配 e.g.This is the evidence with which the case is connected. 先行词 e.g.I"ll never forget the day on whichwhen I joined the party. c.句子表达的意思 e.g.The boss in whose department Mr King worked got sacked. d.在非限制性定语从句中,名词代词+of+whichwhom表示整体与部分的关系 e.g.The workers,some of whom stayed for four years,came from different countries. e.介词的位置一般放在关系代词之前,有时也可放在从句中原来的位置上. e.g.We did it in the same way in which he didwhich he did in. 9.That 作为关联词可以当作关系副词用 e.g.This is the house in which Louis XIII lived. This is the house that Louis XIII lived. This is the house where Louis XIII lived. This is house which Louis XIII lived in. This is the house Louis XIII lived in.2023-07-27 10:20:111
none of the teachers come to join us that evenin
那晚没有一个老师加入了我们2023-07-27 10:20:192
No的意思是没有,没。可以用于造句No,……………….2023-07-27 10:20:292
1.正在我动身前往北京前,我的一个来自我成长的地方的朋友在我家出现了。【A good friend】 主语 其中【good】是定语【of mine】后置定语【 from when I was born】介词+从句短语同样做定语修饰【A good friend】【 showed up】谓语【 at my home】介词短语作地点状语【 right before I left for Beijing】时间状语2.你打错了这句话,原文应该是She will never forget her stay there _ she found her son who had gone missing two years before 答案应该是【when】而答案应该选由forget her stay ,her为形容词,后接名词,故her stay为名词词组,stay作名词时意为一段时间.。且后面的从句是一条完整的句子,所以所欠的只有状语.那么,只剩时间状语when和地点状语where,又由stay的意思推知选择when.此题考查关系词在定语从句中的用法。先行词stay意为“呆在那里的时候或日子”,表示时间,而在从句中关系词是用作状语的,故选择when.She will never forget her stay there _she found her son who had gone missing two years before.when引导时间状语从句【she found her son 】,而【who had gone missing】是修饰【her son】的。3.我会给你我朋友的住址,大多数晚上你都可以在那里找到我。which是关系代词,在从句【I can be reached 】必须做成分,但是你看这个从句,不缺任何成分,所以选关系副词where4.同第3题,从句【the parents are treating their child like a friend】不缺成分,用that而在从句中不做成分的句子,只可能是名词性从句,但是主句中并没有缺成分,且这个句子明显不是同位语从句。where = in which【这是在这个句子里面,不能当作公式什么的用】,代入句中即可理解,这是个定从。5 如果用了in which,则The doctor advised me to live in which the air is fresher.你仔细看这个句子。in which=where只能用于宾从,而这个句子现在变成了一个定从,但which不能做从句中的副词而必须充当成分。如果填的是where,那么这是个状语从句。6The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,_A_ the sailing time was 226 days关系代词which指代the journey, 定语从句恢复为独立的句子是:The sailing time of the journey was 226 days.故答案选A。 7同题三 从句里不缺任何成分不能用关系代词啊,这道题答案应选择that.组成so …………that句型2023-07-27 10:20:413
The old man was so angry and spoke so fast that none of his children understood ____ he said me...
B 考查名词性从句。understood后是宾语从句,said缺少宾语,用what;meant“意味着”,缺少宾语,也用what。故选B。2023-07-27 10:21:471
.____ is none of our business. A. That she will succeed or fail B. Whether will she succeed or fail
whether 在这引导一个(选择性)主语从句,that可以引导主语从句,但不可以引导选择性主语从句。2023-07-27 10:21:542
宾语从句 中有宾语吗?如果有那宾语需要变成宾语的形式吗?
不一定都有!但是很多情况下是有的!既然是句子当然是要把必要的成分变成符合做宾语的形式了!2023-07-27 10:22:033
that ,one, ones举例说明之间的区别与联系
英语代词的用法;none,few,some,any,one,ones区别时间:2009-07-02 22:34来源:未知 点击: 171次 英语代词的用法;none,few,some,any,one,ones区别一、 none 无 1) none作主语,多与of 构成短语 none of。 在答语中,none可单独使用。 Are there any pictures on the wall? None. 英语代词的用法;none,few,some,any,one,ones区别一、 none 无1) none作主语,多与of 构成短语 none of。 在答语中,none可单独使用。 Are there any pictures on the wall? None.2) none作主语,谓语动词单复数均可。但如做表语,则其单复数与表语一致。It is none of your business.二、few 一些,少数 few 作主语时,谓语动词用复数,多用于肯定句。三、some 一些1) 可与复数名词及不可数名词连用。2) 当做"某一"解时,也可与单数名词连用。(= a certain)You will be sorry for this some day.总有一天,你会后悔这件事的。A certain (some) person has seen you break the rule.某些人不同意你的看法。注意:(1)肯定疑问句中用some代替any。(2)some用于其他句式中:a.肯定疑问句中:说话人认为对方的答案会是肯定的,或期望得到肯定回答时。Would you like句式中,表委婉请求或建议,如:Would you like some coffee?b.在条件状语从句中表示确定的意义时,如:If you need some help,let me know.c.some位于主语部分,Some students haven"t been there before.d.当否定的是整体中的部分时,some可用于否定句。如:I haven"t heard from some of my old friends these years.这些年我没有收到一些老朋友的信。四、any 一些1) any 多用于否定句和疑问句和条件状语从句中。当句中含有任何的意思时,any可用于肯定句。Here are three novels. You may read any. 这有三本小说,你可任读一本。五、one, ones 为复数形式ones必须和形容词连用。如果替代的名词时无形容词在前,则用some, any,而不 用ones。Have you bought any rulers? Yes,I "ve bought some.-2023-07-27 10:22:121
最后一句没有错吧,that指前面的She can"t swim and i can"t ,either,作主语;means是谓语动词,后面的是宾语从句。省略了that,(that引导宾语从句是可以省略的)2023-07-27 10:22:226
The problem is so difficult that none of us can work it out
too us to2023-07-27 10:22:394
在定语从句中,which 和that 在指代事物时,一般可以互换使用,但并非在任何情况下都是这样,几种宜用that,而不宜用which 的情况如下:①先行词为不定代词,all,much,something,everything,anything,nothing,none,the one等,1.We should do all that is useful to the people .2.There"s nothing that can be said about it .3.Do you mean the one that was bought yesterday?②先行词被only, any, few, little, no, just, very, one of等词修饰时.1.The only thing that we could do was to wait.2.That"s the very word that is wrongly used.The last place (that) we visited was the chemical works.You can take any (=whichever) seat that is free.I hope the little that I can will be of some help to them.比较 *This is one of the best novels that were published last year.*This is the only one of the best novels that was published last year.③先行词是序数词时或被序数词修饰时.1.When we talk about Wuxi, the first that comes into mind is Tai Lake.2.This is the third film that has been shown in our school this term.④先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰时.1.This is the best that can be done now.2.The most important thing that should be done right now is how to stop him from going on.⑤先行词既有人又有物,用which和who都不适合,这时宜用that. 如:1.The writer and his novel that you have just talked about is really well known .2.The rider and his bike that had run over an old woman were held up by the police.⑥被修饰词为数词时. 1.Yesterday I caught two fish and put them in a basin of water .Now you can see the two that are still alive .⑦如果有两个从句,其中一个关系代词已用which ,另一个关系代词宜用that,以避免语言的单调或重复.Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.⑧疑问词是who或which,关系代词宜用that,以避免重复.1. Which is the book that you like best?2. Who is the man that is standing at the gate?⑨主句是There be 结构,修饰其主句的定语从句宜用that 作关系代词. 如:1. There is still a seat in the corner that is still free.⑩被修饰成分为表语时,或者关系代词本身是定语从句的表语时,该关系代词宜用that . 1. That"s a good book that will help you a lot.2. My home village is no longer the place ( that ) it used to be .定语从句中宜用which而不宜用that 的情况:①当关系代词的前面有介词时. 1.A zoo is a park in which many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition.2.Is this the room in which Mr. White lives?②在非限制性定语从句中. 1.Crusoe"s dog, which was are now very old, became ill and died .2.More and more people are beginning to learn English, which is becoming very popular in our country. (which指代主句)③在一个句子中有两个定语从句,其中一个定语从句的关系代词用了that, 另一个宜用which 1. Let me show you the novel,that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us. 2. At the station I bought some magazines that might help me to pass the time on the train and which I could pass on to others when I finished them.④当关系代词后面带有插入语时. 1. Here"s the English grammar which, as I have told you, will help improve your English.⑤先行词本身是that, 宜用which . What"s that which she is looking at?⑥先行词是those+复数名词. A shop should keep a stock of those goods which sell best.2023-07-27 10:22:481
She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood ______ he said meant. A.that .
D 试题分析:考查从句,做从句时,首先看一下从句是否缺少成份,如果缺少成份,就在关系代词里找;如果不缺少成份,就在关系副词里找,从句he said缺少宾语,what可以做宾语,意思“他所说的”;从句what he said meant缺少宾语,引导词what做宾语,意思“他所说的是什么意思”,所以选D点评:从句是个难点,做从句时,首先看一下从句是否缺少成份,如果缺少成份,就在关系代词里找;如果不缺少成份,就在关系副词里找。2023-07-27 10:23:031
this question is so difficult that none of us can answer it
thequestionisnoteasyenoughforustoanswer.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼o(∩_∩)o有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)2023-07-27 10:23:221
So difficult / hard is the problem that no one can work it out.2023-07-27 10:23:312
一、先行词和关系词1)Whoever spits in public will be punished here.(“Whoever”可以用“anyone who”代替)2)The parents will use what they have to send their son to technical school. (“what”可以用“all that”代替)但这两句句子已经不是定语从句了,是名词性从句。因为定语从句一定要有先行词,而名词性从句没有。将“Whoever”、“what”分别用“Anyone who”、“all that”代替后,才是定语从句,先行词分别是“Anyone”、“all”。An invitation from her boss, ___came as a surprise.A. it B. that C. which D. he答案C。a选项it,使前后成为两个句子,中间无连词连接,语法错误;b项that,此为非限定性从句,不能用“that”修饰;c选项which,which在从句中做主语,用来代指前面的这件事;d选项he;前半句中是her boss,所以不正确。2)The weather turned out to be very good, ___ was more than we could expect.A. what B. which C. that D. it答案BA选项不能用来引导定语从句,C选项只能引导限定性定语从句,而D选项习惯上并不适用。3)It rained hard yesterday, ____ prevented me from going to the park.A. that B. which C. as D. it答案B“as”和“which”在引导非限宾语。但不同之处主要有两点:(1)importance to me, as my own is.在一定的语言环境里,有些名词可以具有形容词的性质。这些名词主要是那些表示人的身份、职业、状态的名词。值得一提的是,在这些具有形容词性质的名词之后,引导定语从句的关系代词不能用“who / whom”。(2)动词短语先行成分。这种动词短语既可是限定形式也可是非限定形式。如果是动态动词短语,它们在从句中就一般有限定或非限定形式的替代动词“do”和“as / which”一起代替。“do”可以出现,也可以不出现,但不能用其它动词代替。(3)句子作先行成分。这句子可以是整个主句也可以只是主句中的一个从句。有时是连续几个句子,有时甚至可以是一个完整的故事。二、“as/which”特殊定语从句在句中的位置。由于先行成分的构成成分”特殊定语从句在句中的位置有以下几种情况:1. 形容词作先行成分时:形容词的“which”特殊定语从句置于先行成分之后。2. 动词短语作先行成分时,“as / which”特殊定语从句置于先行成分之后。但是,当从句中含有表示主观意志的插入成分时,“as”特殊。3. 句子作先行成分时:“as”特殊定语从句的位置较灵活,可以置于先行成分之前、之中或之后。但如果先行成分是直接引语,“as”特殊定语从句与否定词的相对中则常用一些表示“合乎自然规律”、“众所周知”或“经常发生”等意义的词语,如natural, known to all, usual等。4. 有无状语意要是方式状语意义,而“which”特殊定语从句则无状语意义。“as”特殊定四、关系代词“as”与“which”一词。如:Freddie, as might be expected, was attending the conference.1). “Which”作主语时,谓语动词不限,主动被动皆可,只是谓语动词为被动语态时助动词“be”省略。2). “as”和“which”都可以在特殊定语从句中宾语。3). “as”和“which”在特殊从句中作补语。如:We thought him a gentleman, as/which he could never be.“as”特殊定语从句中可以主谓倒装,“which”从句中则不能主谓倒装。如果先行成分不是主语补语或宾语补语,关系代词用“which”而不用“as”。如:He talked like a native, which/as he hardly was.5.as用法:1).as引导限制性定语从句a.such....asHe is not such a fool as he looks.I have never heard such a story as he tells.b.the same ....asThis is the same book as I lost last week.(区分the same...as与the same....that:两者都引导定语从句。that从句中说明的名词与the same修饰的名词是同一个。as从句中说明的名词与the same修饰的名词是同一类,而非同一个。举例:①This is the same pen that I lost. 这支钢笔就是我丢的那一支。②This is the same pen as I lost. 这支钢笔跟我丢的那支笔一模一样。) many children as came were given some cakes.2).as引导非限制性定语从句常用句式:as is said above 综上所述as is known to all 众所周知as is often the case 通常如此as is reported in the newspaper 如报纸所报道的6. “which”在特殊从定法(1)不用that的情况(a)在引导非限定性定语从句时。(c)The tree, which is four hundred years old, is very famous here.(b)介词后能用。We depend on the land from which we get our food.We depend on the land that/which we get our food from.(2)只能用“that”引导:如先行词被“last,just”修饰时,只用“that”。(d)先行词为序数词、数容词,又有人和物时。(f)先行词指物,在主句中作是“the way”或“the reason”时,“that”可作关系副词,也可省略。(h)主句的主语是疑问词“who /which”时,避免重复要用“that”.举例:Is this the book that you borrowed in the library?这是你在图书馆借的书吗?Who that break the window should be punished.谁打碎了窗户谁该受罚。All that needed is a supply of oil.所需的是石油供应。The thief gave out everything that he had stolen to the police.那贼最终把偷的全部东西交给了警察。定语从句只能“that”引导的情况:1、先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰。This is the most interesting book that l have ever read.2、先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰。The second foreign country that l expect to visit is Greek.3、先行词是不定代词时,如all、few、little、much、anything、nothing、somethingThis is the very good dictionary that I want to buy.4.、先行词既有人又有物时Can you remember the scientist and his theory that we have learned?5、先行词被“only”、“the every”、“no”、“one of”、“the right、“the same等修饰He is the only person that l want to talk to.6、在以“which”、“who”、“whom” 引起的问句中,为避免重复,常用thatWho is the man that is standing there? Which is the T-shirt that fits me most?7、“there be”句型中8、先行词在主句中作表语,或者关系代词本身作从句的表语时宜用“that”“that”在作宾语时可省略。(五)区分定语从句和同位语从句1、定语从句修饰先行词,它和先行词是修饰关系;同位语从句说明先行词的具体内容,是补充说明的关系。(1)The boy who is playing football is my classmate.(定语从句)2、定语从句由关系代for advice.(3)The fact that the moon moves around the earth is known to all.(4)The fact is that the moon moves around the earth.(这是一个表语从句!)(六)特殊的定语从句1)but也可用作关系代词来引导定语从句,意思接近于that(who).....not(这种用法已经有些陈旧)There is no tree but bears some fruit.没有不结果实的树。There are very few but admire his talents.很少有人不佩服他的才华。Surely there isn"t a mother but faces this problem.可以肯定,凡是母亲都面临着这个问题。2)whereby,wherein,whereupon也可以引导定语从句,相当于by which,in which,upon/on which.这种用法已经有些陈旧,且仅用于书面语。[定语从句]介词+关系词1)介词后面的关系副词不能省略。2)“that”前不能有介词。3)某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的介词+关系词结构可以同关系副词“when”和“where”互换。例如:This is the house in which I lived two years ago. 这是我两年前住过的房子。This is the house where I lived two years ago.Do you remember the day on which you joined our club? 还记得你加入我们俱乐部的那一天吗?Do you remember the day when you joined our club?二、介词与关系代词“介词+关系代词”的结构1. “介词+ which”在关系分句中分别可作时间、地点和原因状语,代替相应的关系副词when, where和why。如: ①I still remember the day on which (= when) I first came to school. 我仍然记得初来学校的那一天。 ②The factory in which (= where) I work is a large one. 我工作的工厂是一个大厂子。 2. “介词+ which(指物)/whom(指人)”在关系分句中作地点状语,表示存在关系,关系分句主谓常须倒装。如: ①They arrived at a farm house, in front of which sat a small boy. 他们来到一处农舍,前边坐着一个小男孩。 ②I saw a man, on the head of whom stood a bird. 我看见一个人,他的头上有一只鸟。 3. “不定代词或数词+ of + which(指物)/whom(指人)”在关系分句中作主语,说明整体中的一部分。如: ①China has a lot of islands, one of which is Diaoyu. 中国有许多岛屿,其中之一是钓鱼岛。 ②There are a lot of students here, none of whom like the film. 这里有许多学生,他们之中无人喜欢这部电影。 4. “介词+ which(指物)/whom(指人)”在关系分句中作目的、方式或地点状语。如: ①Could you tell me for whom you"ve bought this coat? 你能告诉我这件衣服是给谁买的吗? ②The man, from whom I learned the news, is an engineer. 这人是一位工程师,我是从他那里得到这个消息的。 5. “介词+ which(指物)/whom(指人)”用于被动结构的关系分句中,作状语,说明动作的执行者。如: ①The wolf by which the sheep was killed was shot. 伤害羊的那只狼被打死了。 ②The man by whom the wolf was shot was a good hunter. 打死狼的那人是一个好猎手。 6. “名词+ of which”代替“whose +名词”在关系分句中作定语。如: ①I saw some trees, the leaves of which (= whose leaves ) were black with disease. 我看见一些树,它们的叶子因害病而发黑。 ②He mentioned a book, the title of which (= whose title) I"ve forgotten. 他提到一本书,书名我忘了。 7. “介词+ which(指物)/whose(指人)”修饰后边的名词。如: ①It rained all night and all day, during which time the ship broke into pieces. 雨下了一天一夜,就在这期间轮船撞碎了。 ②The driver was the man from whose room she had stolen the maps. 司机就是那个男人,她从他的房间偷走地图。 8. “介词+ which +不定式”。此种用法多见于正文体中,相当于一个带有主语和谓语的定语从句。如: She had only 1.87 with which to buy (= she could buy) Jim, her husband, a present. 她只有一元八角七分钱,用这些钱她给丈夫吉姆买一件礼物。分句中分别可作时间、地点和原因状语,代替相应的关系副词when, where和why。如: ①The factory in which (= where) I work is a large one. 我工作的工厂是一个大厂子。②This is the reason for which (= why )he was put in prison. 这就是他为什么被关起来的原因。三、介词的正确选择1. 根据后面动词和介词的搭配关系选择。如: ①This is not the book of which the teacher spoke in class. (speak of 意为“谈论”,相当于talk about) ②The two things of which they felt proud were Jim"s gold watch and Della"s hair. (be / feel proud of 为固定短语,意为“以……自豪”。) 2. 根据前面的名词的搭配关系选择。如: ①I"ll never forget the day on which I first met him. (表示具体的某一天,介词用on) ②The boy pointed to the direction in which he would run. (“朝……方向”,介词用in) 3. 有时需同时考虑动词和介词的搭配关系及介词和名词的搭配关系。如: The clever boy made a hole in the wall, through which he could see what was happening inside the house.三、介词和关系代词1)介词后面的关系代词不能省略。2)“that”前“Do you”作介词的宾语,且可以省略。例如:(1)The school(that/which)he once studied in is very famous.“that/which”可以省略。= The school in which he once studied is very famous.“which”不可省略。(2) 含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在短语动词的后面。如:look for, look after, take care of等。T This is the watch which/that I am looking for.(T=正确)F This is the watch for which I am looking.(F=错误)2. 若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时用“whom”,不可用“who”或者“that”;指物时用“which”,不能用“that”;关系代词是所有格时用“whose”(1)The man with whom you talked is my friend.(T)The man famous.(2)I bought many books yesterday, three of which are written by Lu Xun.四、关系代词关系代词(一般情况下)“that”可用在从句做主语,谓动词的宾语,但是不能做介词的宾语。“which”指物,在从句中作主语;“whom”在从句中作宾语;“why”在从句中修语,先行词通常是“the reason”;有时“why”也可用“for+which”代替。例:A doctor who looks after people"s health.主语 谓语 先行词 定语从句修饰先行词五、判断介词和关系代词方法一: 用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。不及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系副词或者是介词加关系代词;而及物动词后接宾语,则要求用关系代词。例如: This is the mountain village where I stayed last year.判断改错:(错) This is the mountain village where I visited last year.(错) I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside.(对) This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year.(对) I"ll never forget the days (which) I spent in the countryside.例. Is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held?A. where B. that C. on which D. the one,解析: 主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in + which 引导地点状语。而此题中,介词on 用的不对,所以选A。关系词的选择依据在从句中所做的成分,先行词在从句中做主、宾语时,选择关系代词(who, whom, that, which, whose); 先行词在从句中做状语时,应选择关系副词(“where”地点状语,“when”时间状语,“why”原因状语)。2023-07-27 10:23:391
She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of u
首先从主干剖析,so…that…引导了一个结果状语从句,so后面接的部分较为简单,是一般的主谓结构与动宾结构,而that后面接的从句,none of us为主语,understood为谓语,what what he said meant为宾语。最后这个宾语what what he said meant结构较为复杂,是what he said充当这个短语中的主语。打个比方,what引导宾语从句时结构是what+主语+谓语,而这个短语中宾语从句中的主语为what引导的主语从句what he said,因此形成了这样的嵌套结构。2023-07-27 10:23:521
she was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood___ ___she said meant
that what that应该可省啊...2023-07-27 10:24:005
在定语从句中,which 和that 在指代事物时,一般可以互换使用,但并非在任何情况下都是这样,几种宜用that,而不宜用which 的情况如下:①先行词为不定代词,all,much,something,everything,anything,nothing,none,the one等,1.We should do all that is useful to the people .2.There"s nothing that can be said about it .3.Do you mean the one that was bought yesterday?②先行词被only, any, few, little, no, just, very, one of等词修饰时.1.The only thing that we could do was to wait.2.That"s the very word that is wrongly used.The last place (that) we visited was the chemical works.You can take any (=whichever) seat that is free.I hope the little that I can will be of some help to them.比较 *This is one of the best novels that were published last year.*This is the only one of the best novels that was published last year.③先行词是序数词时或被序数词修饰时.1.When we talk about Wuxi, the first that comes into mind is Tai Lake.2.This is the third film that has been shown in our school this term.④先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰时.1.This is the best that can be done now.2.The most important thing that should be done right now is how to stop him from going on.⑤先行词既有人又有物,用which和who都不适合,这时宜用that. 如:1.The writer and his novel that you have just talked about is really well known .2.The rider and his bike that had run over an old woman were held up by the police.⑥被修饰词为数词时. 1.Yesterday I caught two fish and put them in a basin of water .Now you can see the two that are still alive .⑦如果有两个从句,其中一个关系代词已用which ,另一个关系代词宜用that,以避免语言的单调或重复.Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.⑧疑问词是who或which,关系代词宜用that,以避免重复.1. Which is the book that you like best?2. Who is the man that is standing at the gate?⑨主句是There be 结构,修饰其主句的定语从句宜用that 作关系代词. 如:1. There is still a seat in the corner that is still free.⑩被修饰成分为表语时,或者关系代词本身是定语从句的表语时,该关系代词宜用that . 1. That"s a good book that will help you a lot.2. My home village is no longer the place ( that ) it used to be .定语从句中宜用which而不宜用that 的情况:①当关系代词的前面有介词时. 1.A zoo is a park in which many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition.2.Is this the room in which Mr. White lives?②在非限制性定语从句中. 1.Crusoe"s dog, which was are now very old, became ill and died .2.More and more people are beginning to learn English, which is becoming very popular in our country. (which指代主句)③在一个句子中有两个定语从句,其中一个定语从句的关系代词用了that, 另一个宜用which 1. Let me show you the novel,that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us. 2. At the station I bought some magazines that might help me to pass the time on the train and which I could pass on to others when I finished them.④当关系代词后面带有插入语时. 1. Here"s the English grammar which, as I have told you, will help improve your English.⑤先行词本身是that, 宜用which . What"s that which she is looking at?⑥先行词是those+复数名词. A shop should keep a stock of those goods which sell best.2023-07-27 10:24:141
这句话为什么不满足连词的个数是谓语动词个数的N-1个:She was so angry that none of us understood wha
to idleness, had the little Scotch lad,2023-07-27 10:24:242
none of us 是否定。so as 用在否定中的2023-07-27 10:24:349
得意洋洋,白发苍苍,微风习习大名鼎鼎,长夜漫漫2023-07-27 10:13:188
log2 怎么计算出来的
是lg2吧。用计算机算出来的.其中一种算法:求lg2,就是求2的几次方等于10,设它为x那么我们可以先找到两个实数A和B,使得,2^A<10<2^B在满足上式的情况下,让2^B-2^A越来越小,同时越来越逼近10,直到满足你需要的精度.这个方法,所有的对数都可以求.2023-07-27 10:13:252
工作日与自然日的区别是什么? 工作日就是有工作休息的分别!每一周按照法定节假日分为:周一到周五为工作日!周六、日为休息日! 自然日显而易见也就是说是没有这样的区分的!就是很自然的一天!就是这个意思! 有效工作三天 休息日要去掉,合计工作三天后 工作日是指法律规定的一昼夜内的工作时间的时数。 工作日通常分为四种,即标准工作日,特殊条件下的缩短工作日、延长工作日和无定 时工作日。 (1)标准工作日 标准工作日是指由法律规定的,在正常情况下,一般职工所实行的工作日。目前我国 实行的标准工作日是每日不超过8小时,每周不超过44小时,平均每周工作5天半。标 准工作日是我国工时制度立法的基础。 (2)特殊条件下的缩短工作日 特殊条件下的缩短工作日,是指在严重有害健康和劳动条件恶劣以及对女工和未成年 工实行特殊保护的条件下,少于标准工作日时数的工作日。我国实行缩短工作日有如下几 种。<1>每个工作日时间少于8小时的。如从事矿山井下、高山、严重有害有毒、特别繁 重和过度紧张的体力劳动等工作的职工。近年来,纺织业实行“四班三运转”的工时办 法,化工业每天缩短为6或7小时,煤矿井下实行四班6小时工时制,建筑、冶炼、地质 勘探、森林采伐,装卸搬运等均为繁重体力劳动,依本行业特点都实行不同程度的特殊条 件下的缩短工作日。<2>夜班工作时间减少1小时。夜班工作一般指是实行三班制的企 业、单位,当日晚上10点至次日早晨6点的时间。夜班工作改变了人们的正常生活规 律,增加了神经系统的负荷,工作起来比较辛苦,为此规定从事夜班工作的时间比白班减 少1小时,发给夜班津贴。还有些连续生产不容间断的工作必须安排夜班,如钢铁冶炼、 发电等夜班工作时间可与白班相同,但要给夜班劳动者增发夜班津贴。国家还规定对于未 成年工、怀孕满7个月和哺乳满12个月婴儿的女工禁止安排夜班工作。<3>女职工哺乳 时间减少1小时。哺乳未满12个月婴儿的女职工,每日在工作时间内可以哺乳两次。一 般规定,每次不得超过半小时,合计1小时算在工作时间之内。<4> 对未满18岁的未 成年人也实行少于8小时工作日,为保障其健康成长。 (3)延长工作日 延长工作日是指超过标准工作日的时数的工作日。对于从事受自然和技术条件限制的 季节性工作的职工,可适用于忙季工作时间得超过标准工作时间,而闲季工作时间可适当 缩短。如地质、石油、制盐、糖业等。 (4)无定时工作日 无定时工作日是指每天没有固定工作时数的工作日。如,某些领导人员及其助手、管 理人员、技术人员、森林巡查人员等职工,工作时间经常超过标准工作日,超出的部分也 不增加报酬。实际上无定时工作日的职工是适用于标准工作时间来进行工作的,只是有些 工作需要超过标准工作时间才能完成 日历天、自然日、工作日的区别 日历天和自然日应该是相等的,除非你要跨越时区。工作日是指上班的日子,一般是指国标假日以外的周一到周五,但有的单位周六日也没有休息,那么工作日就是整周。 自然日对于所有人都是一样的计量; 日历天对于使用同样的计时,处于同一个时区的人都是一样的; 工作日则是根据各个单位的工作安排而各有不同。 一般来说,如果无特别约定,应当认为是法定工作日(即非双休日或法定节假日的日子),但双方之间也可以在合同中对“工作日”进行特别定义。但是民事合同肯定是日历天。未定义是工作日时,默认指日历天。工作日也称劳动日,是指在一昼夜内职工进行工作时间的长度(小时数)。工作日是以日为计算单位的工作时间。日历天就是日历上的日期,每一个算一天,意思就是一周按7天算.而与之相对应的是工作日,就是在计算时把一周时间算成5天. 工作日一般是指除去法定的节假日的时间,日历天是不除去的自然天数,一般签订合同工期都是以日历天计算的. 休假单自然日工作日分别指什么 历天和自然日应该是相等的,除非你要跨越时区。工作日是指上班的日子,一般是指国标假日以外的周一到周五,但有的单位周六日也没有休息,那么工作日就是整周。 自然日对于所有人都是一样的计量; 日历天对于使用同样的计时,处于同一个时区的人都是一样的; 工作日则是根据各个单位的工作安排而各有不同。 T+3,3是自然日,还是工作日? 您好,T日即交易日当天的意思,英文的TODAY。常见于基金业务中(比如X月X号是交易日,您在当天的15点之前操作了基金业务,X月X号当天,就是T日,第二天交易日就是T+1日)。【温馨提示】交易日一般为除周六、周日、中国法定假日以外的工作日。 T+3,是3个交易日。 产假是自然日还是工作日 产假,是指在职妇女产期前后的休假待遇,一般从分娩前半个月至产后两个半月,晚婚晚育者可前后长至四个月,女职工生育享受不少于九十天的产假。职业女性在休产假期间,用人单位不得降低其工资、辞退或者以其他形式解除劳动合同。职业女性休产假享受生育保险待遇,由社保统筹基金报销相关医疗费和发放生育津贴;职业女性没有参加生育保险的,由用人单位承担。 产假是正常带薪日,受国家法律保护。 陪产假是工作日还是自然日 婚假、产假应当为自然日。关于婚假,目前尚无法律、法规对婚假作出具体规定,各地方 *** 会根据本地区情况制定相应的规章规定婚假的天数及休假方法。 关于产假,劳动法规定了女职工依法享受不少于90天的产假,女职工特殊保护规定中规定了女职工享有98天的产假。 以上均为自然日。 陪产假是自然日还是工作日 工作日是指工作的天数。自然日,一般是指按照日历来计算的天数,包括工作日和非工作日。具体的来看相关的假期休假。 1、婚假、产假、探亲假等假期是不分节假日和工作日的。请假是一次的,不可重复,假期算的是自然日,不是工作日。 u200d如果假期届满的最后一日刚好又是法定假期的,则当然可以享受法定假期.所以请假时要算计好,把法定假日放在最后边,千万不要夹在中间。 依据是民事诉讼法第75条第3款的规定:期间届满的最后一日是节假日的,以节假日后的第一日为期间届满的日期. 2、丧假,一般是3天,可根据往返路程延长。 《关于国营企业职工请婚丧假和路程假问题的规定》 一、职工本人结婚或职工的直系亲属(父母、配偶和子女)死亡时,可以根据具体情况,由本单位行政领导批准,酌情给予一至三天的婚丧假。 二、职工结婚时双方不在一地工作的;职工在外地的直系亲属死亡时需要职工本人去外地料理丧事的,都可以根据路程远近,另给予路程假。 3、、新的劳动合同法里面没有具体的关于陪产假的规定,可根据单位的规定执行。2023-07-27 10:12:571
用英语来表示时间1点15分,我们有很多种的表达方式,你最常用到的是哪一种呢?下面是我给大家整理的1点15的英文翻译,供大家参阅! 1点15的英文翻译 a quarter past one 关于时间的英语范文:珍惜你的时间 For thousands of years, animals have trodden a slow path, their spirits together with the body. But our human being"s transportation is too fast. The body moves but the soul is left behind. We try to free ourselves in convenience, but we only imprison the soul. Since we invented how to count hours, we do everything to short the time, short the deadline. But the time saved can"t be shorten. Nowadays, we spend lots of time staying in front of a TV just changing the channels, while we have no time to talk with a good friend or play with our family. We have plenty of time to search old news on the internet, while we hardly think about our life. In the end, the only thing apparent is our loneliness. Take your time, please. Try to follow the natural steps and have your own clock. Try to share your time with everybody you love, share your mind, your happiness and sadness. Try to read the world we live in, do not only catch a quick glimpse at the society. Someday, when we know how to spend every second in our life, we can then live our own life. 关于时间的英语范文:珍惜今天 Cherish Today Time waits for no one. If it flows away, it will never come to us again. We can"t take charge of our time but we should know the importance of time and cherish time. 时间不等人。如果它流逝了,它就永远不会再回来。我们不能控制时间,但我们应该知道时间的重要性并珍惜时间。 Yesterday has become the history. Nothing we can do to save it. Tomorrow is not within our reach. We donu2019t know what will happen tomorrow. So the only thing we can do is to cherish what we have today and fight for tomorrow. Victory only belongs to those who work very hard! Therefore, we should make full use of today, fighting for what we want. 昨天已成为历史。我们不能做什么来挽救它。明天不是我们力所能及的。我们不知道明天会发生什么。所以我们唯一能做的就是珍惜今天,为明天而战。胜利只属于那些努力的人!因此,今天我们应该充分利用今天,争取我们想要的东西。 关于时间的英语范文:珍惜时间 Cherish Time Ifyou ask me what is the most precious, I would say that itu2019s time. Time issomething once lost, you could never have again. Therefore, we should cherishit and spend it in meaningful things. However, many people do too many meaninglessthings to kill their time, such as playing computer, watching TV, or gossiping.When you do these things, the time has long been unwittingly flowed away. In myopinion, the best way to make full use of time is planning your time rationallyand sticking the plan firmly. Spending more time on something significant notonly will make your life fulfilling, but also will give you a sense ofaccomplishment. Instead, killing your time with meaningless things would bringyou depression even despair. Remember that those who abandon time will be alsoabandoned by time. 如果你问我什么东西是最宝贵的,我会说是时间。它是你一旦失去就再也得不到的东西。因此,我们都应该学会珍惜时间,把时间用在有意义的事情上。但是,很多人却做了许多无意义的事情来消磨时光,比如玩电脑、看电视或者说闲话。当你在做这些事情的时候,时间早已在不知不觉间流走了。在我看来,最好的珍惜时间的做法是合理安排时间,并坚决按照计划行事。把时间用在有意义的事情上,不仅会让你的生活更充实,也会给你带来成就感。相反,若是用那些无聊的事情消磨时间,则可能会让你觉得沮丧甚至绝望。记住,抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。 关于时间的英语范文:以工作时间获得高报酬 Longer Working Hours, Higher-paying With the development of thesociety, people pay more concern on whether choose a high-paying job with longhours or a low-paying job with short hours. There are different opinions on it,and the topic become more and more conspicuous. 随着社会的发展,人们对是否选择一个高薪却工作时间长还是低报酬而工作短的工作给予了更多的关注。它有不同的意见,这个话题越来越突出。 Every coin has two sides. The twochoices have their own advantages and disadvantages, but I support that ahigh-paying job with long hours is better. One of the reasons is that I am aworkaholic, a high-paying job with long hours can afford more opportunities tomake great progress to challenge myself, and the success will satisfy my senseof achievement to a great extent. And what I want to emphasize is that this isan economic society which requires me to see the reality clearly. A high-payingjob means a high position in the society, so I can get more respect andadmiration from others. I should also take on the responsibility of providing abetter life for my family, such as a big house, a private car, plenty of food,beautiful clothes, the best education and medical treatments and so on. Whatu2019smore, in the long run, with a high paying-job, Iu2019ll save up much money for thelife in the future, in other words, even though I retire in old age, I canstill give my family an easy life. Last but not least, we are young now, if wedonu2019t work hard, what do we live for when we get old in the future? 每个硬币都有两面。两种选择都有它的优点和缺点,但我觉得高薪却工作时间长是更好的。其中一个原因是因为我是一个工作狂,一份高薪而工作时间长的工作可以提供更多的机会去取得很大的进步并挑战自我,在很大程度上成功也会满足我的成就感。我想强调的是,这是一个经济型社会,需要我清晰地看清现实。一个高收入的工作意味着社会地位高,所以我可以得到更多他人的尊重和钦佩。我也要负起为我的家人提供更好的生活的责任,如一个大房子,一辆私家车,充足的食物,漂亮的衣服,最好的教育和医疗等。更重要的是,从长远来看,拥有一个高收入的工作,我可以为将来的生活节省很多钱,换句话说,即使我老了,退休了,我还可以给家人一个安逸的生活。最后但并非最不重要的是我们现在还年轻,如果我们不努力,我们将来变老了该以什么为生呢? In short, when we are young andstrong, working hard is the best choice. Cheer up! Come on! 总之,在我们年轻力壮的时候,努力工作是最好的选择。打起精神,加油!2023-07-27 10:12:491