汉邦问答 / 问答 / 问答详情


2023-07-26 10:51:42

1. This product is strictly forbidden to be taken orally.

2. For external use on nasal mucosa only. Avoid contact of this product with eyes.

3. Should any irratation or rashes occur, stop using the product immediately and apply proper treatment.

4. Spray into the nostril. Use your left hand to spray your right nostril and your right hand for left nostril. Avoid spraying directly to the nasal septum.

Nasal spray. Use this product when you are tired or drowsy. Spray twice on each nostril then take a deep breath, hold your head up for a few seconds.



Prohibit oral administration of this product ;


Topical nasal mucosa , should avoid contact with eyes ;


Adverse stimuli , such as , should be stopped and appropriate treatment .

4. 鼻腔喷入,左手喷右侧鼻孔,右手喷左侧鼻孔,避免直接喷向鼻中隔。

Sprayed into the nasal cavity , the left hand to spray the right nostril , right hand to spray the left side of the nostrils , to avoid directly sprayed into the nasal septum .


The nasal spray . Sleepy , when fatigue can be used per each nostril two press spray made after a deep breath and looked up a moment .


1)This medicine is ban for oral administration; or Swallow prohibited;

2)External use for Nasal Mucusa, avoid eye contact;

3)If harmful stimulus appeared,please stop use it and take appropriate treatment.

4)Sprayed the medicine into the Nasal cavity.When sprayed,please use your left hand to spray it into your Right nostril,and vice versa.In this way you can avoid direct spray to the septum.

Nasal Spray.Use it when you feel exhuasted.Each nostril press two times,then take a deep breath after spraying and be up headed for a moment.

说明书 用英文怎么说

specification英音:[,spesifi"keiʃən]美音:[,spɛsəfə"keʃən] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. 1.载明;详述[U][(+of)]2.规格;明细单;详细计划书[P][(+for)]3.(产品等的)说明书;说明书中载明的项目[C]
2023-07-25 17:04:541


   说明书 ,是对某事或物来进行相对的详细描述,方便人们认识和了解某事或物。那么你知道说明书用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习说明书的英语知识吧。    说明书英语说法   instruction   specification   description    说明书的相关 短语   工作说明书 job description ; SOW ; Job specifications ; Statement of Work   安全技术说明书 MSDS ; CSDS ; Material Safety Data Sheet   使用说明书 instruction for use ; Operating Instruction ; Operation Manual ; working instructions   等级说明书 Grade description ; human resources Grade description ; Grade de ion ; grade description   施工说明书 method statement ; construction specifications ; general description of construction ; specification   采购说明书 Procurement Specification ; purchasing specification ; PS   需求规格说明书 Requirements Specification ; software requirement specification ; Requirement Specification or Functional Specification ; requirement specification   药品说明书 Package inserts of drug ; Medicine Specification ; Package insert ; medicine instruction    说明书的英语例句   1. Too often he only absorbs half the information in the manual.   他对于说明书上所说的经常是一知半解。   2. The instructions look very complicated.   这说明书看起来很难懂。   3. This composite illustration was made by putting together a number of drawings.   这本综合说明书是集若干图片汇合而成的.   4. It took me a long time to catch on to the directions.   我花了很久才弄明白说明书的意思.   5. An order form was included with the prospectus.   订单附在说明书上.   6. The written directions are attached to the tool.   这个工具附有使用说明书.   7. Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work.   建筑商们将会收到说明书,并被邀请参与该项目投标。   8. Having seen the manual, he pick the extinguisher.   看完了说明书,他拿起了灭火器。   9. I"m not mechanical like my father; I have to follow the instructions.   我没有爸爸那么精通机械,所以得按说明书上说的去做。   10. Always read the instructions before you start taking the medicine.   在服药之前一定要先阅读说明书。   11. The engineer needs to carefully study the manufacture"s data sheets.   技术员需要认真研究产品说明书.   12. I wonder if the literature can be put in straightforward Chinese.   我不知道那些说明书能不能译成简明易懂的中文.   13. I can"t make head ( n ) or tail of these instructions.   我对这说明书摸不着头脑.   14. If you read the instructions, you"ll see where you went wrong.   你要是看一下说明书就知道你错在哪儿了.   15. Thank you. There are some illustrations of the latest model computers.   谢谢您. 这是一些最新型电脑的说明书.   说明书英语趣闻:国外那些奇葩说明书   Most of us don"t really take the time to pay careful attention to the product instructions we receive when purchasing an item - however, you should.   大多数人买了东西都不会花时间去仔细看产品说明,但是你应该好好看看。   If not for the instructions themselves, at least for the hidden easter eggs.   就算不是真的为了看说明,至少去看看隐藏的彩蛋吧。   Bored Panda has created a list of the funniest instructions and tags you"ll be glad you bothered to read.   Bored Panda网站列举了一系列最有趣的产品说明和标签,你会很高兴自己仔细看了。   Some of them are so obvious and stupid they"ll make you question where humanity is going.   有些真的太明显太蠢了,看了之后甚至会让你对人类何去何从产生怀疑。   Others are so unexpectedly smart and witty, they will surprise you with their originality.   有些则表现出惊人的聪慧,让你惊叹于它们新奇的创意。   One thing is for sure, most of them will put a smile on your face.   但无疑的是,看了之后大多数都会博你一笑。   #1 The Only Reason We Read These Anymore   我们读这个唯一原因   #2 This Top-gear T-shirt Label Top-gear   T恤的领标   #3 The Instructions For My New Dog Shampoo   狗狗香波使用说明   #4 Clothing Label   衣服标签   #5 This Is The Better Kind Of Clothing Label   这个衣服标签好一些   #6 This Hoodie"s Tag Has Life Instructions   一件有生活说明的卫衣   #7 Best Lotion Instructions Ever?   迄今最好的乳液说明?   #8 I Hate Shirts With Complicated Wash Instructions   我讨厌衣服上复杂的洗涤说明   #9 Hand Towel Dispenser Instructions   纸巾机使用说明   #10 My Friend Was Putting Together Her Furniture And This Was In The Instructions   我朋友组家具时在操作说明上看到了这个 猜你喜欢: 1. 书房用英语怎么说 2. 15本英语书的英文怎么说 3. 11点20分的英文怎么说 4. 英文药品说明书关于用量与用法的写法 5. 10月1日到7日的英文
2023-07-25 17:05:131

说明书 翻译成英文

2023-07-25 17:05:292


问题一:使用说明书用英文怎么说 manual instruction book prospectus specifications ins憨ruction 问题二:请问 说明书,使用手册的英文是什么? 10分 manual instruction ma丹ual opration manual 问题三:请问"说明书"英文怎么说 我们一般用specification 国外客户给我们的东西一般也有这个 问题四:说明 用英语怎么说 分好多总: 说明书:specification 解释:explanation 介绍类说明:introduction 还应该有其它的,关键看你是什么意思的说明。 问题五:pdf说明书英语翻译 您好! 本人从事英语翻译两年,翻译领域涵括机械、医学、化工、科技、文学、艺术、教育、互联网等,类型有产品说明书、公司简介、网页编辑、论文、留学文书(esp.推荐信)、广告词、作品介绍等,累积翻译经验十万余字。 联系邮a class="__yjs_email__" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" data-yjsemail="6581c6df0804130c1655545755250208040c094b060a08">[email protected] 问题六:个人说明,那英文是什么意思? 问了许多男性朋友,为什么要到很远的地方去打工, 他们说是为了钱. 问题七:需要说明的是 英语翻译 what need to be explained is...... I need to explain that..... 望采纳
2023-07-25 17:05:551


2023-07-25 17:06:143


问题一:说明 用英语怎么说 分好多总: 说明书:specification 解释:explanation 介绍类说明:introduction 还应该有其它的,关键看你是什么意思的说明。 问题二:请问"说明书"英文怎么说 我们一般用specification 国外客户给我们的东西一般也有这个 问题三:“这说明”用英语怎么说。 it shows 问题四:事先说明用英语怎么说 explain in advance 问题五:使用说明书用英文怎么说 manual instruction book prospectus specifications ins憨ruction 问题六:对……的描述用英语怎么说 description 英[d??skr?p?n] 美[d??skr?p??n] n. 描述; 形容; 种类; 类型; [例句]Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty 警方已经发布了那名年龄在50到60岁之间的男子的相貌特征通告。 问题七:请大家帮忙翻译和解释一下,日常中的“代表” “ 表示” “说明”, 一般英语该如何翻译: 例如: What he said means that he did郸"t want to go with you. This symble means turn left. This graph represents the area of the United State This shows/means that you haven"t turned on this machine yet 第一个1,3,4句话中的表示,代表,说明,放汉语里也都是一个意思,随便替换,你看是不是?你要也论文就多用什么illustrate, demonstrate,什么的,口语就用个show,means,represent,就行了,基本都随便用可以替换。
2023-07-25 17:06:381


2023-07-25 17:07:162


产品说明书 [词典] product specification; product manual; product descritption; [例句]品质和技术数据必须与卖方所提供的产品说明书严格相符。Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller.
2023-07-25 17:07:481


operation (or operating) instructions; an instruction manual
2023-07-25 17:08:024

使用说明书” 用英语怎么说

2023-07-25 17:08:186


第五节 禁忌症   本项中最常用的英语表示法是Contraindications,也有用Restrictions on Use(用药限制)的。   一、本项中涉及到禁用(或慎用)某些药物的患者或某种特殊情况,例如:   1、孕妇、妊娠期或哺乳期,幼童等:   pregnant woman 孕妇   lactation 哺乳期   in pregnancy 妊娠期   children under …years of age …岁以下儿童   the first trimester (3 months) of pregnancy 妊娠期的最初三个月   2、患有某些疾病或过敏的患者,如:   allergic (hypersensitive) to… 对…过敏的   allergic (anaphylactic) reaction 过敏反应   allegy (hypersensitivity) to… 对…过敏   patients with… (who…) 患有…的患者   二、本项中常出现一些疾病名称,例如:   cardiac failure 心力衰竭   hypertension 高血压   cardiac (renal) insufficiency 心(肾)功能不全   severe hypotension 严重低血压   impairment of kidney (renal function) 肾功能损伤   diabetes 糖尿病   liver (hepatic) damage 肝损伤   severe anemia 严重贫血   三、常见句型   1) 省略句型,只列出禁忌对象或疾病名称等。   例1. Pregnacy, allergy to methotrexate, functional disorders of liver and kidneys, diseases of the haematopoietic system (bone marrow hypoplasia, leucopenia, thrombocy - to penia, anaemia), intectious diseases, ulcers of the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract, recent operation wounds.   孕期,对氨甲叶酸过敏,肝、肾功能障碍,血液系统疾病(骨髓机能减退、白细胞及血小板减少、贫血),传染病,口腔及胃溃疡,近期术后伤口等忌用。   例2. Hypersensitivity to quinoiones, severerenal insufficiency.   对喹喏酮类过敏,严重肾功能不全。   2) 完整的句子或段落。其中常用的结构有:   contraindications are… 禁忌症是…   be contraindicated in (for) … 对…禁忌   should not be used (employed) in … 不得用于…   It is advisable to avoid the use of … 建议不用于…   must not be administered (given) to… 对…不得用药   should be used with caution 慎用   be not recommended for… 不用于…   none reported 未见报道   not known 不清楚   还可能有一些其他的结构。   例3. Cetazolin sodium is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to cephalosporin group of antibiotics.   先锋5号禁用于已知对头孢菌素类抗生素过敏的患者。   例4. It is advisable to avoid the use of Aramine with cyclo-propane or halothane anesthesia, unless clinical circumstances demand such use.   如果不是临床需要,建议本品不要与环丙烷或氟溴氯乙烷麻醉剂合用。   例5. Do not take Benemid if prior administration resulted in hypersensitivity Benemid is not recommended for persons with known disorders of the blood or uric acid kidney stones. Do not give Benemid to children under two years of age.   若以前使用丙磺舒曾引起过敏反应,则应禁用。已知有血液疾患及尿酸性肾结石的患者建议不要使用本品,二岁以下儿童不得服用。   例6. Phenothiazine compounds should not be used in patients receiving large doses of hypnotics, and should be used, with caution in patients with a history of convulssive disorders, since grand mal convulsions have been known to occur.   接受大剂量安眠药的患者不应使用吩噻嗪化合物,对有惊厥病史的患者应慎用,因为已知有发生过癫痫大发作。   例7. Ursosan should not be given to patients suffering from fulminant hepatitis and bile duct obstruction.   暴发性肝炎及胆管阻塞患者禁用熊去氧胆酸。   例8. This product is contraindicated in those patients who have shown hypersensitivity to it unless, in the opinion of the physician, the condition requiring treatment is life threatening and amenable only to amphotencin B therapy.   除非根据医生的意见,认为需要治疗的患者的病情危及生命,并且只有两性霉素治疗才可能使其有所改善之外,对本品过敏的患者禁用本品。   例9. Children under 5 years of age should not be treated with Antistine.   5岁以下儿童禁用敌胺。   例10. The use of Alexan in nursing mothers is not recommended.   哺乳期妇女不用爱力生。   例11. Pregnancy: Coumadin is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnat because the drug basses through the placental barrier and may cause fatal hemorrhage to the felus in utero.   妊娠期禁用:香豆定禁用于孕妇,或可能已怀孕的妇女,因为本品可能穿过胎盘屏障,引起子宫内胚胎致命的出血。   四、在 Restrictions on use 的项目中有时还有小标题   Contraindications 禁忌症   Precautions (Note) 注意事项   Warning 警告   Pregnancy and Lactation 妊娠与哺乳   第六节 用量与用法   本项最常用的英语表示法有:   Dosage and Administration 用(剂)量与用法   Route of Administration 给药途径(用法)   Administration 用法   Direction for Use 用法   Method of (for) Administration 用法   Application and Dosage 用法与用(剂)量   Mode of Application 用法   Dosage 用(剂)量   How to Use 用法   Posology 剂量学   还可能有其他的表示方法。   本项也是阅读的重点,读者必须正确理解本项内容中的给药对象、给药方式、剂量及剂量单位、给药时间等。   1、常用表示剂量的术语   average dose 平均剂量 minimal (minimum) dose 最小有效量   daily dose 日剂量(一日量) multiple dose 多剂量   divided dose 分次剂量 overdose (overdose) 过量   fatal (lethal) dose 致死量 single dose 一次剂量   indicated dose 有效蛴量 standard dose 标准(合适)剂量   initial (beginning, starting) dose 首次量 suggested (recommended) dose 推荐剂量   maintenance dose 维持量 therapeutic dose 治疗剂量   maximum dose 剂量(极量) usual (normal) dose 常用剂量   2、常用的剂量单位表示法   g=gram 克 l=liter (litre) 升   mg=milligram 毫克 ml=milliliter 毫升   kg=kilogram 千克 c.c. 毫升   mcg=microgram 微克 I.U.=international unit 国际单位   ug 微克 body weight 体重   per square meter of body surface 每平方米体表面积   3、每次给药次数的表示方法   daily (per day, a day, every day ) 每日   every …hours 每隔…小时   intervats of … 每隔…   once (twice) daily (a day) 每日一(二)次   every other day 每隔一日   three times a day (daily) 每日三次   three times a week 每周三次   once (twice) a week (weekly) 每周一(二)次   Divided into … doses 分…次   in two or three divided doses 分为二或三次(个剂量)   例1 Unless other wise prescribed by the physician, the average daily dose is 1 capsule 3 times daily.   如果医生不另开处方,平均日剂量为每日3次、每次1个胶襄。   例2 The suggested dose is 10 to 15 mg per kg dody weight daily in 3-4 divided doses orally, taken with meets.   日剂量每公斤体重10-15mg,分3-4次口服,与食物共服。   例3 The initial dosage recommended is 1/2 tablet of Madopa 250 three times daily.   开始剂量为每日3次,每次半片美多巴250。   例4 Children: The usual dose is 50 to 100 mg/kg/day total, given in four equally divided and spaced doses.   儿童:常用总剂量为每日50-100mg/kg体重,均分为四等份,等间隔给药。   例5 The recommended starting dose is 20mg given as a single daily dose.   推荐的首剂量为每20mg,一次服用。   4、给药对象:最常见的用词有   adolescents 青少年 intant(s) 幼儿   adult(s) 成年人 male 男性   baby (babies) 婴儿 newborn baby (babies) 新生儿   children (child) 儿童 patient(s) 患者,病人   debilitated patients 体弱患者 pediatric 儿科的   elderly patient(s) 老年患者 pregnant women 孕妇   female 女性 senile patient(s) 老年患者(病人)   5、给药方式的表示法:多用副词成或介词短语表示,例如:   intra-arterially 静脉内给药 by mouth (OS) 口服   intragluteally 臀肌内给药 by phleboclysis 静脉输液   intramuscularly 肌内给药 by intramuscular (IM) injection 肌肉注射   intraperitoneally 腹(膜)腔内给药 by intravenous (IV) injection 静脉注射   intrapleurally 胸(膜)腔内给药 by the intra-articatar administration 关节内给药   intrathecally 鞘内给药 by the intramuscular administration (route) 肌内给药   intravenously 静脉内给药 by the intranasal route 鼻内给药   locally 局部给药 orally 口服给药   parenterally 肠道外给药 by the intraperitoneal administration 腹(膜)腔内给药   subconjuntivally 结膜下给药 by the intravenous infusion (perfusion) 静脉输注   subcutaneously 皮下给药 sublingually 舌下给药   submucously 粘膜下给药 by the intrathecal administration 鞘内给药   by aerosol 喷雾给药 by the subligual administration 舌下给药   by drip phleboclysis 点滴静脉输液 per rectum 直肠给药   by enema 灌肠 per vaginum 阴道给药   by lumbar 腰椎给药 pro recto 直肠给药   此外还有许多其他的表示法,不一一列举。   6、表示“投药”的常用动词   administer (或be administered、give、be given、indicate、be indicated) 给药、投药   use (或be used 、employ、be employed) 用药   recommend (be recommended、suggest、be suggested) 推荐给药   7、表示不同的用药方式的动词:   take 服用 inhale 吸入 apply to 用于、涂于、敷于   spray 喷雾 inject 注射 swallow 吞服   例6 …the recommended single dose is 1 ampoule, given subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously.   建议一次剂量为1安瓶,皮下、肌肉或静脉注射给药。   例7 I.M injections should be administered in the amount of 25-50mg daily per kilo of body weight, subdivided into injections every 6-8-12 hours.   肌肉注射:每日每公斤体重给药25-50mg,每6-8-12小时一次。   例8 For adults give intramuscular injection of 400 to 600 mg per day in 2-3 divided doses. For intants give intramuscular injection of 10-20mg/kg per day in two divided doses.   成年人:肌肉注射,每日400-600mg,分2-3次注射;婴儿:肌肉注射,每日10-20mg/kg体重,分2次注射。   例9 The tablets (or the syrup) are to be taken during or after a meal with a little liquid.   片剂(或糖浆)应于食间或饭后用少量液体送服。   例10 Apply the Nitro-Dur system firmly to the skin surface. The Nitro-Dur system may be applied to any convenient skin area, a recommended side of application is the arm or chest.   把护心贴片紧贴在皮肤表面,护心贴片可贴在任何方便的皮肤区域,是贴在手臂或胸部。   例11 In general 1 to 3 metered doses should should be inhaled or sprayed onto or under the tongue at the every oneset of anginal pain.   一般应在心绞痛开始发作时就吸入,或向舌上或舌下喷入1-3个规定的剂量。   8、其它的短语或句型,例如:   according to 根据 be adjusted 调整 depend on 依据 adapt to 适合,修改   on the basis of 在…基础上 vary from…to… 变化范围由…至…,因…而异   range from … to … 变化范围由…至…   it is advisable to (it is recommended to、it is suggested to ) 建议…   例子很多,不一一列举。   例12 Dosage should be adapted to patients individually, on the basis of periodic tests of glycosuria and blood sugar.   在周期性检验尿糖和血糖的基础上,调整剂量,使之适用于不同的患者。   例13 It si advisable to initiate therapy with massive doses: 3x2 tablets daily after meals over 2-4 days.   建议开始治疗时采用大剂量,每日剂量为3x2片,饭后服用,持续2-4日。   例14 In severs chronic cases, treatment is started with daily 1 to 2 ampoules of Bilocid and continused with one ampoule every other day, injected slowly by the intravenous route.   治疗严重的慢性疾病时,治疗从每日1-2支利胆素注射剂开始,继续治疗时每隔一日1安瓶缓慢静脉注射。   例15 The number of injections required may vary from from patient to patient.   所需注射次数因患者而异。   例16 The dosage of Glutril must be adjusted by the doctor according to the individual metabolic state.   格路特利的剂量需由医生根据每个患者的代谢状况调整。   例17 In such instance, it is recommended that the dose be reduced.   在这种情况下,建议减少剂量。   例18 The maintenance dosage is determined by response of the patient.   维持剂量视患者对药物的反应而定。   从上述例句可见,本项中英语的普通词汇较多,只要有一定的英语基础均可读懂,专业词汇多为医学词汇,可从英汉医学词典中查出。   第七节 不良反应   不良反应这一项中包括药物的副作用、症状及体征、毒性作用及耐受力、过敏反应、停药等。现分述如下:   1.“不良反应”的常用的英语表示法有:   Adverse Reaction(s)不良反应 Unwanted(Untoward) Reaction(s)不良反应   2“副作用”的常用的英语表示法有:   Side-effect(s) 副作用 Unwanted(Undesirable) Effects 副作用   Side Reaction(s) 副作用 By-effects 副作用   3.常见的霉副反应的症状及体征的词语很多,但记住下列词语很有必要:   allergic (hypersensitive,anaphylactic)reaction(s) 过敏反应   allergy(hypersensitivity) 过敏 dizzziness 眩晕   gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道 fever 发热   local reaction(s) 局部反应 flush 潮红   skin reaction(s)皮肤反应 headache 头痛   symptom(s)症状 nausea 恶心   systematic 全身的 pruritus 瘙痒   anorexia 厌食 rash 皮疹   blood count 白细胞计数 spasm 痉挛   blood pressure 血压 thirst 口渴   coma 昏迷 tiredness 疲倦   diarrhea 腹泻 vomiting 呕吐   4.“霉性”、“耐受性”的英语表示法:   toxicity 毒性   tolerance(tolerability) 耐受力,耐药性   tolerate(toleration) 耐受   5.“停药”的英语表示法举例:   abandon 停药   discontinue(discontinuance,discontinuation) 停药,中断(治疗)   cease(cessation)(stop)停药(停止治疗)   don"t use 勿使用(停药)   suspend 停药   terminate 停止,结束   withdraw(be withdrawn,withdrawal)停药   6.其他一些常见的基本词汇及短语:   acute 急性的 control(be controlled)控制   chronic 慢性的 diminish(reduce,reduction)减少   common 常见的 disappear 消失   irreversible 不可逆的 encounter 遇到,见到   mild 轻微的 give rise to 产生   normal 正常的 include 包括   rare(ly)罕见的(地) lead to 导致   reverside 可逆的 manifest 表明,显示   severe 严重的 observe(be observed)(被)观察到   temporary 暂时的 produce 产生   transient 一过性的,短暂的 react to 对……反应   appear(develop,happen,occur)出现(产生)   result from 由……引起 be reported (被)报道   result in 导致 cause (be caused by) (由……)引起   treat(treatment) 治疗   special care(caution)should be exercised 特别小心(注意)   例1 Ciprofloxactin is generally well tolerated. The most frequently reported adverse reactions are: nausea, diarrhaea, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdomina pain, headache, restlessness, rash, dizziness and pruritus.   环丙沙星一般耐受良好。最常报道的副作用有:恶心、腹泻、呕吐、消化不良、腹痛、头痛、不安、皮疹、头晕及瘙痒。   例2 Side-effects are rare with slow-K, as any excess potassium is rapidly excreted in the urine.   施乐凯的副作用根罕见,因为任何过量的钾都迅速由尿排出。   例3 At the recommended dosage side-effects e.g. venous irritatiion or hypersensitivity reactions (cutaneous and mucous reactions) are only observed in isolated cases.   用推荐剂量治疗时,仅见个别的静脉刺激或过敏反应(皮肤及粘膜反应)病例。   例4 When adverse reactions occur, they are usually reversible and disappear when the hormone is discontinued.   当不良反应发生时,它们往往是可逆的,停用激素后副作
2023-07-25 17:08:421

runing bike使用说明书用英文写

Nowaday cars has became a really important part of our life,but have we forgotten about bikes?As you know,cars can been seen everywhere in our city,country and even all over the world.There are many advantages of cars as below.First of all,cars are fast and speedy,you can arrive a place within a short time by driving a car.Secondly,you can drive a car even the weather is bad.It is obviously not convenient to use a bike in a snowy day or it will take such a long time.However cars would be a so much better choice.
2023-07-25 17:08:503


2023-07-25 17:09:152


1, the use of the former, be sure to read the use of information; 2, the use of the former, the user must be clearly used to check the applicability of microwave apparatus; not to non-microwave oven microwave oven heating containers of food, so as to avoid damage to brand microwave ovens and other anomalies; 3, the microwave oven for home heating and cooking food as such, does not apply to industrial and commercial purposes; 4, if the result of a collision or fall jacket, door, door seal damage occurs, please immediately stop using the microwave oven; 5, jacket covered blinds is prohibited, so as not to damage the microwave temperature rise is too high; 6, if generated in the use of smoke or sparks, please keep door closed, and immediately cut off the power supply; 7, microwave with no food, please do not start the microwave, no-load damage the operation of the larger microwave ovens, and any possibility of danger; 8, there is no Add glass turntable and swivels, the non-use of microwave ovens; 9, food wrap or plastic wrap when the heating or cooking, make sure that the state bag in the open so as not to burst; 10, microwave ovens can not be used to heating of shell eggs or cooked eggs, because the use of microwave heating, even after heating them in an explosion may be the phenomenon; 11, using microwave heating煎烤food or oily food, or prolonged heat, make sure to monitor the situation of food cooking in order to prevent fire; 12, heat less water content, non-heat-resistant food packaging containers, use a low fire, so as to avoid burning of food or bags on fire; 13, in cooking soup or more weight, the food from the container at the top of the mouth should be 3.5cm to, or can have a boiling overflow diarrhea may occur; 14, the ambient temperature above 40 ℃ higher than that, please do not use microwave ovens, high temperature operation due to damage electrical parts; 15, when you heat soup or drink, please note that some liquid in the bubble does not have more than boiling point, this will lead to a sudden boiling phenomenon, the consumption of a certain period of time set aside before and mixing evenly, so as not to scald; 16, cooking food, or not tightly sealed container (the bottle should be heated under the screw nipple), feeding bottles or infant should be bottle after stirring or shaking, feeding bottle before checking the temperature of food to avoid injury; 17, cooking recipes reference only cooking time, cooking time by each of raw and cooked like the level of the beginning of the food temperature, weight, size, Sheng food containers and other factors, the light of these factors may be appropriate to amend the time for cooking; 18, please do not cook in the microwave oven immediately after wiping with a wet towel or cold water to clean glass turntable, glass turntable so as to avoid rupture or damage to the microwave cooking cavity after the high temperature furnace, natural cooling in the microwave oven cavity then be cleaned, so as not to scald; 19, after cooking up food from the microwave and utensils should be used when insulating gloves, to avoid heat injury; 20, after use, please unplug the power plug, not to ensure that the power cord and plug on the housing directly above, not to be near the fire source and immersed in water; 21, door open, the Do not try to cook food, no anything into security approach; 22, can not beat the control panel, control system so as to avoid failure.
2023-07-25 17:09:262


Test test to see before this statement, understand the structure of local, familiar with the operation of the role and use. Note the starter, then good power, a starter on, check the electrical functioning of the direction is correct. Wang Li to manually push valve handle, up to the plate at this time, Wang Waila handle, clips decline.Instructions on a switch to start the motor, the valve handle manually pushed Wang Li, making clips Shangtai, and then handle the middle pulled free to stop, opened the door to lay the wire bundles, good customs gate, and the top side of good . Da Baoji to expect on the plane, loaded, manual valve handle Wang Waila, clips dropped compaction of materials, will handle clips Wang Li pushed up, and then loading, repeat the above operation to package the size just as high.Top-side door open, people standing by the side of the iron pipe Qiaokai Men, and win the first wire guitar, with Irons forced to pack. Valve handle manually increase or decrease after the action must be free to return to the middle position, otherwise clips may decline and dangerous. Each change clips up and down, the valve must be manually stopped the free position, is prohibited Skip free to operate, or may cause damage to the pump. This machine in operation, as Trip, should first identify the reasons for, such as 10 minutes before the start, if forced to start, will start burning and motor-coils. In loading, the materials should be placed formation, so as to avoid clips under the oil-oriented deformation.可以了吧...辛苦啊....
2023-07-25 17:09:495


2023-07-25 17:10:055

使用说明书 用英语怎么说

Introduction Catalogue
2023-07-25 17:10:349


Outside the support the signal cuts directly. Supports the USB/SD automatic cut over. (After USB/SD, inserts first broadcast) The module contains the MP3 song decoding chip. Supports the USB, SD, MMC card to carry on the broadcast. Supports the USB/SD card cut, on a tune, the next tune, the broadcast/suspension. Supports FAT16, the FAT32 filing system Supports MP1 Layer3, MP2 Layer3, MP3 the Layer3 edition song Supports 32-320kbps the MP3 song Support power failure memory function: Remembered before the power failure, broadcasts song and volume Operating instructions In the USB/SD condition, according to The key suspends, presses a key once more broadcast In the USB/SD condition, in pressed key broadcast a tune, pressed key broadcast next tune
2023-07-25 17:10:551


If your doctor has told you to take more than one breath of medication at a time:WAIT AT LEAST 60 SECONDS between each one,then start again at Step 6. 如果你的医生告诉你一次要吸入多于一口药剂的话,每一口之间至少间隔60秒的时间,然后重复第六步. After the prescribed number of inhalations,thoroughly rinse out your mouth with water.NOTE:If you mouth becomes sore or develops a rash,be sure to mintion this to your physician,but do not stop using your inhaler unless instructed to do so. 用完规定数量的吸入药剂之后,用清水彻底漱口.注意:如果你的嘴巴感觉酸痛或是起疹的话,一定要告诉你的内科主治医生,但不要停止用药除非医嘱让你停用.
2023-07-25 17:11:041

说明 用英语怎么说

2023-07-25 17:11:269


I"m a bad man!
2023-07-25 17:12:335


user manual
2023-07-25 17:12:503


  表示说明的英文:illustrate   英 [lstret] 美 [lstret, lstret]   第三人称单数:illustrates现在分词:illustrating过去分词:illustrated过去式:illustrated   illustrate 基本解释   及物动词 说明; 表明; 给…加插图; (用示例、图画等)说明   不及物动词 举例说明   及物动词例句   1. The speaker said he would endeavor to illustrate.   演讲人说他将设法举例说明。   2. He illustrated his point by relating his own experiences.   他用自己的经历说明他的观点。   3. The teacher illustrated his lesson with pictures.   这位教师用图片来讲解课文。   4. This English textbook is well illustrated.   这本英文教科书有精美的插图。   5. The book was illustrated with color photographs.   这本书配上了彩色照片。   表示说明的英语:explain   英 [ksplen] 美 [ksplen]   第三人称单数:explains现在分词:explaining过去分词:explained过去式:explained   及物/不及物动词 讲解,解释   及物动词例句   1. He made up a story to explain why he was absent.   他编造了一个故事为他的缺席辩解。   2. Can you explain how the machine operates?   你能解释一下这机器是如何运转的吗?   3. Please explain this rule to me.   请给我讲解一下这条规则。   4. He explained how the machine was used.   他解释了怎样使用那台机器。   表示说明的`单词:illustration   英 [lstren] 美 [lstren]   第三人称复数:illustrations   illustration 基本解释   名词 插图; 说明; 例证; 图解   名词例句   1. Illustration is used in teaching children.   儿童教育中常使用图标法。   2. A rock falling to the ground is an illustration of gravity.   石块落地是地球引力的一个实例。   3. Who drew illustrations?   谁画的插图?   4. I like magazines full of illustrations.   我喜欢看插图多的杂志。   5. The scientist cited vivid instances in illustration of his theory.   科学家以生动的例子说明他的理论。   拓展内容:说明英语例句:   按照说明保存该控件的说明文件。   Follow the instructions to save a description file for the control.   以下说明中未详尽说明详见各施工图。   Please refer to each shop drawing for details not covered in this instruction.   我们用一个非物理学的比喻来说明守恒定律的性质。   A nonphysics analogy illustrates the nature of conservation law.   她向老板说明了自己那种表现的原因。   She explained her conduct to her boss.   盒上印有装配模型的简要说明。   Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box.   我向他作了详细说明,好让他能找到那房子。   I gave him full directions to enable him to find the house.   这并不足以说明问题。   That"s not an adequate explanation.   汉克说明了我们的艰难处境。   Hank explained our predicament.   他指着图表来说明他的论点。   He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point.   我们虽然依照说明书去做,但是还不能将这机器装配起来。   We followed the directions but could not put the machine together.   给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难。   To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.   说明书是针对直接承包者的。说明书对工程项目提供顺序井然、层次清晰的文字说明材料。   They present a written description of the project in an orderly and logical manner.   说明篮球规则的32页的小册子   A thirty-two-page pamphlet explaining the rules of basketball   按照包装袋上的说明煮饭。   Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet.   略举数例,用以说明这一原理。   Here are a few examples to illustrate this principle.   为了说明方法和对本节所表示的概念的具体化,将研究一个特殊的边界值问题。   To illustrate the procedure and to lend concreteness to the ideas expressed in this section, a specific boundary-value problem is studied.   这大概也说明了本田的另一个问题:如果你随便在汽车业里拉过100个人,问他们本田的总裁和CEO是谁,99个人都会干瞪眼。   Which perhaps illustrates another part of Honda "s problem: ask 100 people in the auto industry who is the president and CEO of Honda, and the response from 99 of them will be a blank stare.   莫伯辛在自己的书里引用了一个棒球案例来说明这一理念&即能力悖论。   In his book, Mauboussin uses a baseball example to illustrate this idea known as the paradox of skill by focusing on Ted Williams, one of the game "s greatest hitters, and the last player to eclipse a.   记者们最好花时间向我们说明为什么诉讼费高得惊人。   The journalists would be much better employed in trying to explain to us how the astronomical legal costs of the cases can be justified.   它还说明,为什么短期战术性折中无法取代恰当的战略决策,当然后者的难度要大得多。   And it illustrates why short-term tactical compromises are no substitute for proper, albeit much more difficult, strategic decision making.
2023-07-25 17:13:091


2023-07-25 17:13:375

产品使用说明书 英文

user"s guideuser"s manual
2023-07-25 17:14:013


  第八节 注意事项   “注意事项”也是药品说明书中的重要内容之一。为了安全用药,厂商在本项中特别强调应注意的事项,其中主要包括:正确的剂量和用法,超过剂量时的应急措施,用药对象,可能出现的较严重的副作用及治疗方案,药物的配伍,药液的配制、使用及保管等、方面的注意事项。现就本项内容详细介绍如下:   1. 本项常用的英语表示法:   Precaution(s) 注意事项 Special note(caution, precaution)特别注意   Caution(s) 注意事项 N.B. 注意   Noto 注意 Warning(s) 警告   有时也用:   Important 重要事项 Important for the patients 患者须知   2. 本项中常见的检查项目:   blood count 血细胞汁数 Kidney (renal) function 肾功能   blood picture(hemogram) 血象 Liver(hepatic)function 肝功   blood level 血浓度 serum concentration 血清浓度   blood pressure 血压 serum creatinine test 血清肌酸酐检验   clotting time 凝血时间 urine routine(examination) 尿常规   creatinine clearance 肌酸酐清除率   3. 本项的特点是内容长短不一,有难有易;词汇量大,涉及面广,既有普通词汇,也有大量的专业词汇及编写词。许多词汇、结构和句型可在药理作用、适应症、禁忌症、剂量和用法、副作用,贮藏等项中见到。从英语结构上分析,句型变化较多,长句、难句也屡屡出现,是比较难读的一个项目。   例1 Warnings and precautions: Ciprofloxacin should be used with caution in epileptics and patients with a history of CNS disorders and only if the benefits of treatment are considered to outweight the risk of possible CNS side-effects.   警告和注意事项:癫痫病人及有中枢神经系统病史的患者慎用环丙沙星,仅当认为疗效超过可能产生的中枢神经系统副作用的危险时才可使用。   例2 Ciprofloxacin could result in impainnent of the patients ability to drive or operate machinary, particularly in conjunction with alcohol.   环丙沙星能损害人们驾驶汽车或操纵机器的能力,尤其是在饮酒之后。   例3 Warnings: Vepeside should be administered under the supervision of a qualified physicain experienced in the use of cancer chemotherapeutic agents.   警告:泛必治应该在使用治疗癌症的化疗制剂方面有经验、有资格的医生的监护下使用。   例4 The most serious risk associated with anticoagulant therapy with sodium warfarin are hemorrhage in any tissue or organ and less frequently, necrosis and/ or gangrene of skin and other tissues. The risk of hermorrhage is related to level of intensity and the duration of anticoagulant therapy.   用华注林钠进行抗凝治疗产生的最严重的危险就是组织或器官出血,以及不大常出现的皮肤和其他组织的坏死和(或)坏疽。出血的危险与抗凝治疗的药物浓度(水平)及疗程长短有关。   例5 The occurrence of a platelet count below 50,000/mm3 or an absolute neutrophil count below 500/mm3 is an indication to withhold further therapy until the blood counts have sufficiently recovered.   血小板数低于s0,000/mm3 或绝对中性白细胞数低于500/mm3 ,表明不能继续使用本品治疗,待白细胞计教充分恢复后才能继续用药。   例6 Warfarin therapy should be discontinued when warfarin is suspected to be the cause of developing necrosis and heparin therapy may be considered for anticoagulation.   当怀疑华法林治疗引起坏死时,则须停止治疗,并且考虑使用肝素治疗。   例7 Dosage should be controlled by periodic determinations of prothrombin time(PT) or other suitable coagulation tests.   必须定期检查凝血酶原时间(PT),或做其他相应的凝血试验来控制剂量。   例8 Please note Cerebral convulsive disease is regarded as a relative contraindication for examinations in the subarachnoid space. If after careful consideration, these examinations are nevertheless performed, all equipment and medicines necessary to counter any convulsions may occur must be prepared ready for use beforehand.   请注意:脑惊厥被认为相对禁止进行蛛网膜下腔检查,如经谨慎考虑后、仍要进行这些检查时.必须事先备妥应付可能发生惊厥所需的所有设备与药品。   例9 Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre.   对碘造影剂过敏、隐匿性甲状腺亢进和轻微甲状腺肿的病例,应慎重。   例10 Caution Alcohol intake may enhance nitrate effects and occasionally induce hypotension with subsequent impairment of reactivity. During the first three months of pregnancy drugs should only be used on the express direction of the attendant physician. Isket spray should not be stored at temperatures above 25.C! Temperatures above 40 ℃ are to be be avoided, even for bried periods! Do not force canister open, even when empty!   注意:饮酒可增强硝酸盐的作用、偶尔引起低血压,继而损害反应力。妊娠三个月时,只有在监护医生明确指导下才可使用本品。异舒吉喷雾剂的贮存温度不应超过25℃!避免超过40℃。即使短时间也不可!不要用力开罐,即使空罐时也不可用力开!勿使儿童接触本品   例11 As with all new drugs, patients should be followed carefully so that any side-effects or unusual manifestations of drug idiosyncrasy may be detected. If any allergic reaction to Keflex occurs, the drug should be discontinued and the patient treated with the usual agents.   像使用所有新药一样,应细心地随访患者,以便观察任何副作用或药物特异反应。如果出现对头抱菌素IV的过敏反应,应停药,并用常规药物治疗患者。   例12 In patients with normal renal function, chronic hypercalcemia may be associated with an increase in serum creatinine. While this is usually reversible, It is important in such patients to pay careful attention to those factors which may lead to hypercalcemia.   对于肾功能正常的患者,慢性高钙血症可能与血清肌酸酐增多有关。这通常虽然是可逆的,然而对这样的病人,密切注意可能导致血钙过多的各种因素是很重要的。   例13 Precautions 一Avoid the concomitant use, in the absence of special monitoring laboratory of parameters, of anticoagulants or aspirin. 一Inform the attending physician in the event of bleeding or of the occurence of a hematoma.   注意事项:在无化验室参考指标的专门监测情况下,避免与抗凝剂或阿司匹林合用。如发生出血或出现血肿,应通知主治医生。   例14 Periodical examination of hepatic or renal function and blood picture is desirable since Kedacillin may increase SGOT. SGPT and BUN, and decrease erythrocyte and leucocyte.   磺苄青霉素钠可使血清谷-草转氨酶,血清谷-丙转氨酶和血液尿素氮增高,使红细胞和白细胞减少.所以要定期检查肝、肾功能和血象。   例15 N.B.Transference from insuline to Glutril may be attempted in case of maturity-onset diabetes with obesity;dosage is based upon the result of the necessarily frequent metablic tests.   注意:伴有肥胖症的成年型糖尿病患者,可试从胰岛素改用格路特利治疗,剂量应以必须经常进行的代谢试验为依据。
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英文药品说明书的写法 ue5e5题目:英文药品说明书的写法      [转载说明:刚接触医药方面的说明书时,如见天书。好歹也是学习英语超过10年,作为非英语专业、该过的级也过了。大学也是以重视英文教学著称;心理所受打击可想而知。借着手头上的医学英汉词典,才能看懂。也明白医学和药学其实是很不同的两块领域。    以下的英文药品说书的写法,是我手头上能找到的的版本。不仅帮助我了解药品说明书、并学着做说明书的中译英。还帮助理解其它专业英语。]        英文药品说明书的写法——第一节 药品名称        一、进口药英文说明书的结构简介        “药品说明书”的英文表达方式有Instructons,Directions,Description 现在多用Package Insert,或简称 Insert,也有用Leeflet或Data Sheets。Insert原意为“插入物,插页”。药品说明书即为附在每种药品包装盒中的一份用药说明。经过注册的进口药品一般是国家承认的有效药物,其说明书是指导医生与患者合理用药的重要依据,具有一定的法律效力。        进口药的英文说明书随药品来源的不同,有以英语为母语的国家,也有以英语为外语的国家。说明书繁简难易不同。短者仅百余词,长者可达上万词。较简单的悦明书仅介绍成分、适应症、禁忌症、用法与用量等内容;较详尽的说明书中除上述内容外还包括:药品性状、药理作用、临床药理、临床前动物试验、临床经验、药代动力学、庄意事项、不良反应或副作用、用药过量、药物的相互作用、警告、有效期、包装、贮存条件、患者须知及参考文献等诸多项目。        为了顺利阅读和正确翻译进口药英文说明书,读者除应具备较好的英语基础,掌握一定的专业知识(如医学、化学、药剂学、药理学、药物代谢动力学等)外,还应熟悉英文药品说明书的结构及语言待点等。大多数英文说明书都包括以下内容;①药品名称(Drug NameS),②性状(Description),③药理作用(Pharmacological Actions),④适应症(Indications),⑤禁忌证(Contraindications),⑥用量与用法(DOsage and Administration).⑦不良反应(Adverse Reactions)。⑧注意事项(Precautions),⑨包装(Package),⑩贮存(Storage),⑾其他项目(Others)。        现将各项专题的表述方法与翻译、结构特点、常用词语及阅读技巧等分述如下。        二、药品名称(第一节)      英文药品说明书中常见的药品名称有商品名( Trade Name或 Proprietary Name),通用名( Generic   Name)和化学名(Chemical Name),其中最常见的是商品名。例如,日本田边有限公司生产的熊去氧胆酸   片,其商品名为 Ursosan(Tablets):通用名为 Ursodesoxycholic Acid(熊去氧胆酸);化学名为3a,7p dihydroxy-5p-Cholanoic acid(3a,7p二羟基5p胆烷酸)。有时同一种药品,不同的厂家使用不同的商品名称。      药品说明书中的标题药名用其商品名。有时在其右上角(或在上角)有一(R)标记,例如ADRIBLASTNA(R)(阿霉素),TEGRETOL(痛痉宁)。“R”是Register(注册)的缩写,(R)表示该产品已经本国的有关部门核准.取得了此项专用的注册商标(Registered Trade Mark)。有时在商品名之下(或后)又列有通用名或化学名.例如: Rulide(罗力得)之下列有(Roxithromycin,罗红霉素): Minipress(脉宁平)之后列有(Praxosin HCI,盐酸哌唑嗪); Nitro-Dur(护心贴片〕之下又列有( Nitroglycerin,硝酸甘油)。      药品名称的翻译可采用音译、意译、音意合译及谐音译意等方法。      1、音译:按英文药品名歌的读音译成相同或相近的汉语。如:Tamoxitn它莫西芬,Ritalin利他林,Am-   cacin 阿米卡星。音译较为方便,但不能表意。   2、意译:按药品名称所表达的含意译成相应的汉语。例如:cholic Acid 胆酸,Tetracyline四环素;也可   按其药理作用翻译.如:Minidiab灭糖尿(治疗糖尿病药物),Natulan疗治癌(细胞生长抑制剂),Uraly消石素(治疗尿路结石药物)等。   3、音意合译:药品名称中的一部分采用音译,另一部分采用意译.例如:Coumadin香豆定(coumarin香   豆素),Neo-Octin新握克丁(neo-新);Medemycin麦迪霉素(-mycin 霉素),Cathinone卡西酮(-one酮)。   4、谐音译意:以音译为原则,选用谐音的汉字,既表音,又表意,音意结合。例如:Antrenyl安胄灵,Doriden多睡丹,Legalon利肝隆,Webilin胃必灵.商品名称可以这样翻洋,而法定名称则规定不可以这样翻译。        药品的化学名称反映出该药品的化学结构组成成分,可借助英汉化学化工词典进行翻译。如果名称很长,可以分解开来,分别查出各个组成部分的名称,组合而成。例如:Catalin(卡他林)的化学名称是1-Hvdroxy- 5-oxo-5H-pyrido(3,2-a)-Phenoxazine-3-carboxylic acid,译成汉语是1-羟基-5-氧-5H-吡啶开(3,2-a)吩 嗪-3-羧酸。如能掌握一些常用的酸、碱、盐、基因、化合物的英文名称,以及常用的前缀、后缀等,翻译时会顺利得多。例如:chloride氯化物,sulfate(sulphate)硫酸盐,acetyl一乙酰基,amino氨基,di-二,dihydro-二氢。nitro-硝基,-ester酯,-lactone内酯,-one酮、-oxide氧化物,-urea脲等等.        为了统一药品名称的译名,卫生部药典委员会已拟定出原料药和辅料命名原则,并刊行了药名词汇>一书,可供翻译英文药品名称时参考。        第二节 性状        许多药品说明书的第一项是Description(性状),其原意是“叙述”、“描写”,在药品说明书及药典中一般都译为“性状”,其内容主要是介绍外观、理化性质、组成成分、结构、特征等。这一项最常用的标题是Description,此外还可能有其他的表示法,如:      Chemical Structure 化学结构   Composition 成分   Physical and Chemical Properties 理化性质        这一项中的英语词汇除一部分化学专业词汇外,多为常用词,借助英汉化学化工词典及英汉词典即可通读。      一、本项中常见的句型      例1.Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder; odourless or almost odourless.   叶酸是淡黄色至橙色结晶粉沫,无臭或几乎无臭。      例2.Intralipos 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection, containing 10 W/V % of purified soybean oil.   脂肪乳剂(10%)是白色,不透明,供静脉注射用的脂肪乳剂,含有10%(W/V)的精制大豆油。      例3.Ursosan Tablet 50mg is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid.   熊去氧胆酸片为白色素片,每片含50mg熊去氧胆酸。      例4.Sterile pyrogen-free, orange red, freeze-dried powder in vials containing 10mg and 50mg of doxorubicin hydrochloride with lactose.   (本品)为小瓶装,灭菌无热原,桔红色冻干粉沫,每小瓶含有10mg或50mg阿霉素盐酸盐与乳糖。      例5.It occurs as a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.   本品(炎痛息康)为白色至类白色结晶固体,难溶于水、稀酸及大多数有机溶剂中。      例6.Pamine, chemically known as epoxytropine tropate methylbromide, has the empirical formula C18H24NO4Br and the molecular weight 398.3.   哌明的化学名称为环氧莨菪碱托品酸酯溴代甲烷,实验式为C18H24NO4Br,分子量为398.3。      例7.Kanendomycin is a very stable antibiotic, and its activity does not decrease when the powder is placed in an airlight container and kept at room temperatures for more than 2 years.   卡内多霉素是一种很稳定的抗生素,其粉沫置于密封容器中,在室温下保存二年以上,活性不减。      例8.This product is prepared from units of human plasma which have been tested and found nonreactive for hepatitisassociated (Australia) antigen.   本品由人血浆制备,此血浆业经检验,并且证明对肝炎(澳大利亚)抗原无反应。
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i faint
2023-07-25 17:15:042

手机说明书 翻译成英文

G. HiFi high-fidelity surround sound, deep bass sound vibrations H. double Netcom online at the same time, be free to switch to answer I. reported voice of support J. support mobile QQ (optional) K. stocks online support (optional) L. T-flash card expansion M. support network camera Built-in hot swap disk U N. O. support of the world"s best game P. handsfree speaker Q. customized with China Unicom norms (Optional features to actual shipments prevail)
2023-07-25 17:15:221


问题一:产品介绍 英文怎么说 10分 如果是那种用幻灯片等展示的口头介绍,用product presentation 比较合适 如果是书面的,product耽introduction 吧 问题二:产品介绍的英文 production intruduction 问题三:公司产品的介绍书用英语怎么说? Products Catalog 问题四:用英语介绍杯子的产品介绍怎么说 Generally posed of ceramic or stainless steel with a vacuum layer made into a water storage containers, at the top of a covered, sealed JANSEN, vacuum insulation installed in the house allows water and other liquids slow cooling to achieve thermal insulation purposes. Insulation Cup evolved from a thermos flask, thermos flask principle and as insulation, but people are for the convenience of the bottle made of glass. There are three ways to spread heat: radiation, convection and delivery. Insulation cup silver cup hot water bile that reflects radiation, bile and cup cup vacuum body can block the tran *** ission of heat, but the bottle can be difficult to transfer heat to prevent heat convection. Now thermos bottle, but also applied the principle of magnetic water, Is at the bottom of the bottle and cap with magnets, so that water is magnetized. It is said that magnetized water has magical effect. Flask production process: Insulation Cup there are many layers, and then it is vacuum laminated to prevent heat convection! Then he also plated with mercury, so there will be no heat radiation. Some of the top lid with cork, to prevent heat conduction. The development of insulation cup Insulation cup is normally provided by a vacuum layer of ceramic or stainless steel made into a bined water storage containers, at the top of a covered, sealed JANSEN, vacuum insulation installed in the house allows water and other liquids slow cooling to achieve thermal i......>> 问题五:怎么写英文的产品介绍 产品的介绍其实就是产品说明书,告诉你个简单的方法就是在网上搜索下英文的产品说明书就可以参照啦~举个例子给你,比如目录,都差不多:1.工艺及镀层描述Precess and Deposit Description 1.1 简介General Description 1.2 产品特征Operating Parameters 2.槽液的配制与维护Make up 2.1操作条件Operation Conditions 2.2注意事项Attention 2.3槽液控制Bath Control 3.废水处理Waste Water 3.1简介General Description 4.健康与安全Safety 4.1安全操作Safety Operation 4.2产品规范Production Specification 4.3存储Storage 5.质量保证Quality Insurance~ 问题六:我们从两个方面来介绍我们的产品用英语怎么说? 我们从两个方面来介绍我们的产品用英语 We introduce our products from two aspects. 问题七:产品介绍英文翻译成中文 FM批准storagecabinets 独家todenios,FM认证(6049类)非占用存储柜 第一cabinetto符合标准 第三partyapprovals有害物质的建筑物周围有自1991在调频类有害物质的存储形式6049.fm开始批准建设6049班的那一年firstedition被。这个FM标准仍然在我们不defactostandard,自那时以来, 制造商获得FM认证已经提交了他们的设计,三分之一方然后调频与标准按照审查包括审查结构integrityincluding地板和雪荷载按照标准和能力承受特定的风是美国的标准尤其重要,给沿海地区建设进一步评价firerated墙壁和天花板的完整性和认证规定的地坑能力,与流行的看法相反,UL(美国保险商实验室)没有对这些建筑的标准,所以没有制造商可以使用UL listedmoniker参照建筑。
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  药品说明书是药品情况说明重要来源之一,也是医师、药师、护师和病人治疗用药时的科学依据。接下来我为大家整理了英文药品说明书注意事项的写法,希望对你有帮助哦!   例1 Temaril tablets should not be administered with 4 hours of medications containing mgnesium,aluminium or iron salts as interference with absorption may occur.   在使用了含镁、铝或铁盐的药物之后的4小时内不应使用环丙沙星片剂,因为可能影响吸收。   例2 Simultaneous consumption of alcohol can impair reaction time. e.g. in traffic or during operation of machines. At higher dosage of Elantan 20 wlth simultaneous administration of blood-pressure-lowering medicaments the effect of the latter can be potentiated.   同时饮酒可能损害反应时间,例如驾驶车辆或操纵机器期间。大量服用单硝酸异山梨醇的同时服用降血压药物,可能会增强后者的药效。   例3 Dormicum can enhance the central sedative effect of neuroleptics, tranquitizers, antidepressants, sleep-inducing drugs, analgesics and anesthetics.   速眠安能增强神经抑制剂、安定剂、抗抑郁剂、催眠、镇静剂和麻醉剂的中枢神经镇静作用。   例4 Concomitant treatment with other vasodilators, calcium antagonists, betablockers, diuretics, antihypertensives, tricyclic antidepressants, major tranquilizers, and dihydroergotamine, as well as the consumption of alcohol, may potentiate the blood pressure lowering effect of Nitroderm TTS.   与其他药物,例如:血管扩张药、钙桔抗剂、B-受体阻断剂、利尿剂、抗高血压药、三环抗抑郁药、   强镇静剂及二氢麦角胺合用,以及饮酒等,可加强硝酸甘油护心贴膏的降血压作用。   6.Validity(有效期):药品的有效期或失效期有以下几种表示方法:   validity 有效期 storage life 贮存期   Expiry(Exp.) date 失效(日)期 Shelf life 贮存期(贮藏期限)   Expiring 失效期 Stability 稳定性   Expiration date 失效(日)期   例5 Expiry: 18 months (Expiry date is printed on the vial label.)   有效期:18个月(失效日期印在瓶签上)。   例6 Validity and storage: The solution will keep for five years if stored at a temperature below 20℃   有效期及贮存法:于20℃以下可保存5年。   例7 Stability: Cefoperazone is stable at least 24 hours in aqueous solutions, stored at temperature which ranges from 5 to 25℃.The powder form is really effective till the expiry date indicated on packings.   稳定性:头孢哌酮存于5~25℃温度下的稳定性至少可达24小时。木品粉剂的药效实际上可保持到包装上规定的失效日期。   例8 Stability: See expiry date on the outside of the pack.   稳定性;见外包装上的失效日期   例9 Shelf-life: The drug should not be used after the expiry date(=Exp) printed on pack.   木品超过包装上印刷的有效期后不得使用,   7. 其他可能出现的项目:   1) References 参考文献 Literature 参考文献   2) Clinical dtaa 临床数据   3) Formula(Formulation) 分子式   4) Recommendations 建议   5) Remark(s) 注意 Attention 注意   6) Tolerance 耐受性   7) Intormation for the patients 患者须知   8) Further information 补充资料   9) Batch No 批号   10)Made in 由u2026u2026制造 Produced by 由u2026生产   Manufactured(Manfd)by 由u2026制造   11)Pharmaceuticala Precautions 药品的注意事项   还可能有其他项目.这里不再列举。   以上是英文药品说明书中的主要项目的英文标题,不同的表示方法,结构特点,常用词,短语及句型等。掌握这些内容有助于了解英文说明书的脉络,但要完全理解说明书的全部内容还需要经过一番努力。
2023-07-25 17:16:061


问题一:请问"说明书"英文怎么说 我们一般用specification 国外客户给我们的东西一般也有这个 问题二:说明 用英语怎么说 分好多总: 说明书:specification 解释:explanation 介绍类说明:introduction 还应该有其它的,关键看你是什么意思的说明。 问题三:使用说明书用英文怎么说 manual instruction book prospectus specifications ins憨ruction 问题四:使用说明书 用英语怎么说 Manual Instruction 问题五:说明的英语怎么说? 说明 exp郸ain narrate account for illuminate make out say show 问题六:“这说明”用英语怎么说。 it shows 问题七:说明书的英文 DFU===direc海ion for use (call by all Philips product) instruction manual machine specification user manual product specification 问题八:请问"说明书"英文怎么说 我们一般用specification 国外客户给我们的东西一般也有这个 问题九:使用说明书用英文怎么说 manual instruction book prospectus specifications ins憨ruction 问题十:说明 用英语怎么说 分好多总: 说明书:specification 解释:explanation 介绍类说明:introduction 还应该有其它的,关键看你是什么意思的说明。
2023-07-25 17:16:331

说明 用英语怎么说

说明 用英语怎么说 分好多总: 说明书:specification 解释:explanation 介绍类说明:introduction还应该有其它的,关键看你是什么意思的说明。 请问"说明书"英文怎么说 我们一般用specification 国外客户给我们的东西一般也有这个 “这说明”用英语怎么说。 it shows 事先说明用英语怎么说 explain in advance 使用说明书用英文怎么说 manual instruction book prospectus specifications ins憨ruction 对……的描述用英语怎么说 description 英[du026au02c8skru026apu0283n] 美[du026au02c8skru026apu0283u0259n] n. 描述; 形容; 种类; 型别; [例句]Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty 警方已经发布了那名年龄在50到60岁之间的男子的相貌特征通告。 请大家帮忙翻译和解释一下,日常中的“代表” “ 表示” “说明”, 一般英语该如何翻译: 例如: What he said means that he did郸"t want to go with you. This symble means turn left. This graph represents the area of the United State This shows/means that you haven"t turned on this machine yet 第一个1,3,4句话中的表示,代表,说明,放汉语里也都是一个意思,随便替换,你看是不是?你要也论文就多用什么illustrate, demonstrate,什么的,口语就用个show,means,represent,就行了,基本都随便用可以替换。 备注 说明 用英文怎么说 备注 Remark 说明 Instruction 说明书的英文 DFU===direc海ion for use (call by all Philips product) instruction manual machine specification user manual product specification
2023-07-25 17:17:231


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Manual Instruction
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manualinstruction bookprospectusspecificationsinstruction
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第五节 禁忌症   本项中最常用的英语表示法是Contraindications,也有用Restrictions on Use(用药限制)的。   一、本项中涉及到禁用(或慎用)某些药物的患者或某种特殊情况,例如:   1、孕妇、妊娠期或哺乳期,幼童等:   pregnant woman 孕妇   lactation 哺乳期   in pregnancy 妊娠期   children under …years of age …岁以下儿童   the first trimester (3 months) of pregnancy 妊娠期的最初三个月   2、患有某些疾病或过敏的患者,如:   allergic (hypersensitive) to… 对…过敏的   allergic (anaphylactic) reaction 过敏反应   allegy (hypersensitivity) to… 对…过敏   patients with… (who…) 患有…的患者   二、本项中常出现一些疾病名称,例如:   cardiac failure 心力衰竭   hypertension 高血压   cardiac (renal) insufficiency 心(肾)功能不全   severe hypotension 严重低血压   impairment of kidney (renal function) 肾功能损伤   diabetes 糖尿病   liver (hepatic) damage 肝损伤   severe anemia 严重贫血   三、常见句型   1) 省略句型,只列出禁忌对象或疾病名称等。   例1. Pregnacy, allergy to methotrexate, functional disorders of liver and kidneys, diseases of the haematopoietic system (bone marrow hypoplasia, leucopenia, thrombocy - to penia, anaemia), intectious diseases, ulcers of the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract, recent operation wounds.   孕期,对氨甲叶酸过敏,肝、肾功能障碍,血液系统疾病(骨髓机能减退、白细胞及血小板减少、贫血),传染病,口腔及胃溃疡,近期术后伤口等忌用。   例2. Hypersensitivity to quinoiones, severerenal insufficiency.   对喹喏酮类过敏,严重肾功能不全。   2) 完整的句子或段落。其中常用的结构有:   contraindications are… 禁忌症是…   be contraindicated in (for) … 对…禁忌   should not be used (employed) in … 不得用于…   It is advisable to avoid the use of … 建议不用于…   must not be administered (given) to… 对…不得用药   should be used with caution 慎用   be not recommended for… 不用于…   none reported 未见报道   not known 不清楚   还可能有一些其他的结构。   例3. Cetazolin sodium is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to cephalosporin group of antibiotics.   先锋5号禁用于已知对头孢菌素类抗生素过敏的患者。   例4. It is advisable to avoid the use of Aramine with cyclo-propane or halothane anesthesia, unless clinical circumstances demand such use.   如果不是临床需要,建议本品不要与环丙烷或氟溴氯乙烷麻醉剂合用。   例5. Do not take Benemid if prior administration resulted in hypersensitivity Benemid is not recommended for persons with known disorders of the blood or uric acid kidney stones. Do not give Benemid to children under two years of age.   若以前使用丙磺舒曾引起过敏反应,则应禁用。已知有血液疾患及尿酸性肾结石的患者建议不要使用本品,二岁以下儿童不得服用。   例6. Phenothiazine compounds should not be used in patients receiving large doses of hypnotics, and should be used, with caution in patients with a history of convulssive disorders, since grand mal convulsions have been known to occur.   接受大剂量安眠药的患者不应使用吩噻嗪化合物,对有惊厥病史的患者应慎用,因为已知有发生过癫痫大发作。   例7. Ursosan should not be given to patients suffering from fulminant hepatitis and bile duct obstruction.   暴发性肝炎及胆管阻塞患者禁用熊去氧胆酸。   例8. This product is contraindicated in those patients who have shown hypersensitivity to it unless, in the opinion of the physician, the condition requiring treatment is life threatening and amenable only to amphotencin B therapy.   除非根据医生的意见,认为需要治疗的患者的病情危及生命,并且只有两性霉素治疗才可能使其有所改善之外,对本品过敏的患者禁用本品。   例9. Children under 5 years of age should not be treated with Antistine.   5岁以下儿童禁用敌胺。   例10. The use of Alexan in nursing mothers is not recommended.   哺乳期妇女不用爱力生。   例11. Pregnancy: Coumadin is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnat because the drug basses through the placental barrier and may cause fatal hemorrhage to the felus in utero.   妊娠期禁用:香豆定禁用于孕妇,或可能已怀孕的妇女,因为本品可能穿过胎盘屏障,引起子宫内胚胎致命的出血。   四、在 Restrictions on use 的项目中有时还有小标题   Contraindications 禁忌症   Precautions (Note) 注意事项   Warning 警告   Pregnancy and Lactation 妊娠与哺乳
2023-07-25 17:18:381


  下面是我整理的英文药品 说明书 关于用量与用法的写法,欢迎大家阅读!   本项最常用的英语表示法有:   Dosage and Administration 用(剂)量与用法   Route of Administration 给药途径(用法)   Administration 用法   Direction for Use 用法   Method of (for) Administration 用法   Application and Dosage 用法与用(剂)量   Mode of Application 用法   Dosage 用(剂)量   How to Use 用法   Posology 剂量学   还可能有其他的表示 方法 。   本项也是阅读的重点,读者必须正确理解本项内容中的给药对象、给药方式、剂量及剂量单位、给药时间等。   1、每次给药次数的表示方法   daily (per day, a day, every day ) 每日   every u2026hours 每隔u2026小时   intervats of u2026 每隔u2026   once (twice) daily (a day) 每日一(二)次   every other day 每隔一日   three times a day (daily) 每日三次   three times a week 每周三次   once (twice) a week (weekly) 每周一(二)次   Divided into u2026 doses 分u2026次   in two or three divided doses 分为二或三次(个剂量)   例1 Unless other wise prescribed by the physician, the average daily dose is 1 capsule 3 times daily.   如果医生不另开处方,平均日剂量为每日3次、每次1个胶襄。   例2 The suggested dose is 10 to 15 mg per kg dody weight daily in 3-4 divided doses orally, taken with meets.   日剂量最好每公斤体重10-15mg,分3-4次口服,与食物共服。   例3 The initial dosage recommended is 1/2 tablet of Madopa 250 three times daily.   开始剂量最好为每日3次,每次半片美多巴250。   例4 Children: The usual dose is 50 to 100 mg/kg/day total, given in four equally divided and spaced doses.    儿童 :常用总剂量为每日50-100mg/kg体重,均分为四等份,等间隔给药。   例5 The recommended starting dose is 20mg given as a single daily dose.   推荐的首剂量为每20mg,一次服用。   2、常用表示剂量的术语   average dose 平均剂量 minimal (minimum) dose 最小有效量   daily dose 日剂量(一日量) multiple dose 多剂量   divided dose 分次剂量 overdose (overdose) 过量   fatal (lethal) dose 致死量 single dose 一次剂量   indicated dose 有效蛴量 standard dose 标准(合适)剂量   initial (beginning, starting) dose 首次量 suggested (recommended) dose 推荐剂量   maintenance dose 维持量 therapeutic dose 治疗剂量   maximum dose 最大剂量(极量) usual (normal) dose 常用剂量   3、常用的剂量单位表示法   g=gram 克 l=liter (litre) 升   mg=milligram 毫克 ml=milliliter 毫升   kg=kilogram 千克 c.c. 毫升   mcg=microgram 微克 I.U.=international unit 国际单位   ug 微克 body weight 体重   per square meter of body surface 每平方米体表面积   4、给药对象:最常见的用词有   adolescents 青少年 intant(s) 幼儿   adult(s) 成年人 male 男性   baby (babies) 婴儿 newborn baby (babies) 新生儿   children (child) 儿童 patient(s) 患者,病人   debilitated patients 体弱患者 pediatric 儿科的   elderly patient(s) 老年患者 pregnant women 孕妇   female 女性 senile patient(s) 老年患者(病人)   5、给药方式的表示法:多用副词成或介词 短语 表示,例如:   intra-arterially 静脉内给药 by mouth (OS) 口服   intragluteally 臀肌内给药 by phleboclysis 静脉输液   intramuscularly 肌内给药 by intramuscular (IM) injection 肌肉注射   intraperitoneally 腹(膜)腔内给药 by intravenous (IV) injection 静脉注射   intrapleurally 胸(膜)腔内给药 by the intra-articatar administration 关节内给药   intrathecally 鞘内给药 by the intramuscular administration (route) 肌内给药   intravenously 静脉内给药 by the intranasal route 鼻内给药   locally 局部给药 orally 口服给药   parenterally 肠道外给药 by the intraperitoneal administration 腹(膜)腔内给药   subconjuntivally 结膜下给药 by the intravenous infusion (perfusion) 静脉输注   subcutaneously 皮下给药 sublingually 舌下给药   submucously 粘膜下给药 by the intrathecal administration 鞘内给药   by aerosol 喷雾给药 by the subligual administration 舌下给药   by drip phleboclysis 点滴静脉输液 per rectum 直肠给药   by enema 灌肠 per vaginum 阴道给药   by lumbar 腰椎给药 pro recto 直肠给药   此外还有许多其他的表示法,不一一列举。   6、表示“投药”的常用动词   administer (或be administered、give、be given、indicate、be indicated) 给药、投药   use (或be used 、employ、be employed) 用药   recommend (be recommended、suggest、be suggested) 推荐给药   7、表示不同的用药方式的动词:   take 服用 inhale 吸入 apply to 用于、涂于、敷于   spray 喷雾 inject 注射 swallow 吞服   例6 u2026the recommended single dose is 1 ampoule, given subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously.   建议一次剂量为1安瓶,皮下、肌肉或静脉注射给药。   例7 I.M injections should be administered in the amount of 25-50mg daily per kilo of body weight, subdivided into injections every 6-8-12 hours.   肌肉注射:每日每公斤体重给药25-50mg,每6-8-12小时一次。   例8 For adults give intramuscular injection of 400 to 600 mg per day in 2-3 divided doses. For intants give intramuscular injection of 10-20mg/kg per day in two divided doses.   成年人:肌肉注射,每日400-600mg,分2-3次注射;婴儿:肌肉注射,每日10-20mg/kg体重,分2次注射。   例9 The tablets (or the syrup) are to be taken during or after a meal with a little liquid.   片剂(或糖浆)应于食间或饭后用少量液体送服。   例10 Apply the Nitro-Dur system firmly to the skin surface. The Nitro-Dur system may beapplied to any convenient skin area, a recommended side of application is the arm or chest.   把护心贴片紧贴在皮肤表面,护心贴片可贴在任何方便的皮肤区域,最好是贴在手臂或胸部。   例11 In general 1 to 3 metered doses should should be inhaled or sprayed onto or under the tongue at the every oneset of anginal pain.   一般应在心绞痛开始发作时就吸入,或向舌上或舌下喷入1-3个规定的剂量。   8、 其它 的短语或句型,例如:   according to 根据 be adjusted 调整 depend on 依据 adapt to 适合,修改   on the basis of 在u2026基础上 vary fromu2026tou2026 变化范围由u2026至u2026,因u2026而异   range from u2026 to u2026 变化范围由u2026至u2026   it is advisable to (it is recommended to、it is suggested to ) 建议u2026   例子很多,不一一列举。   例12 Dosage should be adapted to patients individually, on the basis of periodic tests of glycosuria and blood sugar.   在周期性检验尿糖和血糖的基础上,调整剂量,使之适用于不同的患者。   例13 It si advisable to initiate therapy with massive doses: 3x2 tablets daily after meals over 2-4 days.   建议开始治疗时采用大剂量,每日剂量为3x2片,饭后服用,持续2-4日。   例14 In severs chronic cases, treatment is started with daily 1 to 2 ampoules of Bilocid and continused with one ampoule every other day, injected slowly by the intravenous route.   治疗严重的慢性疾病时,治疗从每日1-2支利胆素注射剂开始,继续治疗时每隔一日1安瓶缓慢静脉注射。   例15 The number of injections required may vary from from patient to patient.   所需注射次数因患者而异。   例16 The dosage of Glutril must be adjusted by the doctor according to the individualmetabolic state.   格路特利的剂量需由医生根据每个患者的代谢状况调整。   例17 In such instance, it is recommended that the dose be reduced.   在这种情况下,建议减少剂量。   例18 The maintenance dosage is determined by response of the patient.   维持剂量视患者对药物的反应而定。   从上述例句可见,本项中英语的普通词汇较多,只要有一定的英语基础均可读懂,专业词汇多为医学词汇,可从英汉医学词典中查出。
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Instruction of Function
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"在使用之前要看清楚该产品的使用说明书" 英文怎么说

Please read the User Manual before using this product.
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情况说明:Situation explanation
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格力空调y502k说明书英文翻译GREE air conditioning y502k instructions
2023-07-25 17:20:361


程序▼此过程假定后盖,取出,权力机器是关闭的,你是准备进入调制器机柜。1使用接地杆,短钉装配确保所有剩余电荷为基础的,它是安全的进行。2指预防部分的服务手册和审查有关处理部分SF 6之前释放压力的系统,它必须完成之前删除任何硬件的磁控法兰。3气体压力释放阀位于龙门近四端环行器。4小心地拆下的硬盘组装和保留小塑料耦合之间的驱动电机和磁控管。5拆下前面板上的电磁铁和预留。断开1脉冲电缆断开从顶部的磁控管*注意方向的电线的脉冲电缆。较小的屏蔽线去的一侧的磁控管。*保持硬件和电容器用管。2个排水调压井其一半的水放入干净的容器中,它不会溢出的水时,线路断开和空气引入系统。3小心地断开水管从磁控管和固定到机器的侧面,以免漏到电子或射频传输线。4拆下接地端和保留硬件。5拆下紧固螺钉从圆形基地的磁控放在一个安全的地方。6磁控管完全断开,仔细,用毛巾在手,提升管的房屋不泄露任何水可能仍然是管内。7拆下O形环和检查,法兰捏,电弧,或其他异常。8覆盖开口的射频传输线与东西向的防止物体落入开幕。9用酒精棉球擦拭干净,法兰的新磁控管和射频传输线的法兰和安装新的O形圈。(如果没有新的O形圈,然后清理旧的拭子和重新插入到耦合。)10个记录的搬迁日期,高压和灯丝小时的旧磁控管信息标签。计算总时间和月的使用和记录你的票。磁控对齐块在12月,2002,磁控管对齐块引入全新的磁控机。如果你更换磁控管的机器上没有对齐块(序号5860932)它是建议您添加在此过程中(每指示,在这部分)。
2023-07-25 17:20:482


问题一:"情况说明"用英语怎么说 situation/status demonstration 问题二:情况说明书的英文怎么说 manual instruction book prospectus specifications instruction 问题三:哪个英语告诉谁能帮我翻译一下情况说明啊?急急急!!! 5分 clarification: The 10,000 USD in the account number 8107558 of K.ONISHI&CO,LTD that is refunded by our epany and not remitted on Apr 6, 2012. It is hereby clarified here. 希望能帮到你,不明白还可以追问. 你要快点采纳哟,,嘻嘻!! 问题四:财务情况说明书英文怎么写 表人对企业财务状况所做的简明扼要的说明,通常包括以下几个方面的内容: 企业生产经营的基本情况 把企业的经营情况做一下解释,包括这个企业的主营业务范围及经营情况;按销售额排列公司在本行业的地位;主要商品占销售市场的百分比;公司员工数量和专业素质及培养提高的目标;经营中出现的问题与困难以及解决方案;公司经营环境情况,如采购环境、生产环境和销售环境的变化;新年度的业务发展计划,如生产经营的总目标及措施、配套资金的筹措计划、新产品的开发计划等。 企业利润实现和分配情况 在利润和利润分配表中,虽然利润的实现情况都有,但可能有人还是看不懂表,而愿意看财务情况说明书,因此需要编表人把本年度企业盈利情况和利润分配情况,简单做一下说明。 企业资金的增减和周转状况 在资金增减和周转状况这部分中,公司要说明:本年度内公司各项资产负债、所有者权益、利润构成等项目的增减情况及其原因;存货、应收账款、流动资产、总资产等资产的周转率等。 通过以上几个方面的内容介绍可以发现,财务情况说明书实际上就是用简明扼要的语言,把公司基本的财务情况做一个简单的说明。
2023-07-25 17:20:591

保健品说明书 翻译为英文

产品名称:儿童型钙片 name :child calcium有效成分: Composition:规格:0.5g/片 Specifications:0.5g/tablet执行标准: Quality Standard No.卫生许可证号:浙卫食健产字…… FDA Licence No.:ZWSJCZ……保质期:24个月 Shelf-life:24months贮藏方法:密封,置于干燥通风处 Storage:AirProof with dryeration产品批号:见瓶底 Batch No:see the bottom生产日期:见瓶底 Manufacturing date:see the bottom食用方法与用量:饭后服用,每日二次,每次一片。嚼服Dosage and Administrations:After meal, 2 times/day, 1 tablet/time. chew.OK
2023-07-25 17:21:241


Nexium(esomeprazole magnesium)5 Delayed-Release CapsulesEach Delayed-Release Capsule contains 40 mg esomeprazoleNexium(耐信)埃索美拉唑镁,5粒缓释胶囊,每粒缓释胶囊含有40毫克埃索美拉唑镁。Keep container tightly closed store at 25"c(77"f)excursions permitted to 15-30"c(59-86"f)see USP controlled room temperature保持容器密闭,储存于25度室温,可以在15-30摄氏度短期储存,参见美国药典关于室温储存的信息USUAL ADULT DOSAGE:see package insertRX only常用成人剂量参加包装说明书,处方用药package not child-resistant Keep this and all drugs out of the reach of children放在儿童不能触及的地方NEXIUM is a trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies耐信是阿斯利康公司的注册商标
2023-07-25 17:21:521