汉邦问答 / 问答 / 问答详情


2023-07-24 08:59:44


数学 mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE)

公理 axiom

定理 theorem

计算 calculation

运算 operation

证明 prove

假设 hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.)

命题 proposition

算术 arithmetic

加 plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.)

被加数 augend, summand

加数 addend

和 sum

减 minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.)

被减数 minuend

减数 subtrahend

差 remainder

乘 times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.)

被乘数 multiplicand, faciend

乘数 multiplicator

积 product

除 divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.)

被除数 dividend

除数 divisor

商 quotient

等于 equals, is equal to, is equivalent to

大于 is greater than

小于 is lesser than

大于等于 is equal or greater than

小于等于 is equal or lesser than

运算符 operator


算术平均数arithmatic mean

几何平均数geometric mean n个数之积的n次方根

倒数(reciprocal) x的倒数为1/x

有理数 rational number

无理数 irrational number

实数 real number

虚数 imaginary number

数字 digit

数 number

自然数 natural number

整数 integer

小数 decimal

小数点 decimal point

分数 fraction

分子 numerator

分母 denominator

比 ratio

正 positive

负 negative

零 null, zero, nought, nil

十进制 decimal system

二进制 binary system

十六进制 hexadecimal system

权 weight, significance

进位 carry

截尾 truncation

四舍五入 round

下舍入 round down

上舍入 round up

有效数字 significant digit

无效数字 insignificant digit

代数 algebra

公式 formula, formulae(pl.)

单项式 monomial

多项式 polynomial, multinomial

系数 coefficient

未知数 unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor

等式,方程式 equation

一次方程 simple equation

二次方程 quadratic equation

三次方程 cubic equation

四次方程 quartic equation

不等式 inequation

阶乘 factorial

对数 logarithm

指数,幂 exponent

乘方 power

二次方,平方 square

三次方,立方 cube

四次方 the power of four, the fourth power

n次方 the power of n, the nth power

开方 evolution, extraction

二次方根,平方根 square root

三次方根,立方根 cube root

四次方根 the root of four, the fourth root

n次方根 the root of n, the nth root




常量 constant

变量 variable

坐标系 coordinates

坐标轴 x-axis, y-axis, z-axis

横坐标 x-coordinate

纵坐标 y-coordinate

原点 origin





点 point

线 line

面 plane

体 solid

线段 segment

射线 radial

平行 parallel

相交 intersect

角 angle

角度 degree

弧度 radian

锐角 acute angle

直角 right angle

钝角 obtuse angle

平角 straight angle

周角 perigon

底 base

边 side

高 height

三角形 triangle

锐角三角形 acute triangle

直角三角形 right triangle

直角边 leg

斜边 hypotenuse

勾股定理 Pythagorean theorem

钝角三角形 obtuse triangle

不等边三角形 scalene triangle

等腰三角形 isosceles triangle

等边三角形 equilateral triangle

四边形 quadrilateral

平行四边形 parallelogram

矩形 rectangle

长 length

宽 width

周长 perimeter

面积 area

相似 similar

全等 congruent

三角 trigonometry

正弦 sine

余弦 cosine

正切 tangent

余切 cotangent

正割 secant

余割 cosecant

反正弦 arc sine

反余弦 arc cosine

反正切 arc tangent

反余切 arc cotangent

反正割 arc secant

反余割 arc cosecant



元素 element

空集 void

子集 subset

交集 intersection

并集 union

补集 complement

映射 mapping

函数 function

定义域 domain, field of definition

值域 range

单调性 monotonicity

奇偶性 parity

周期性 periodicity

图象 image

数列,级数 series

微积分 calculus

微分 differential

导数 derivative

极限 limit

无穷大 infinite(a.) infinity(n.)

无穷小 infinitesimal

积分 integral

定积分 definite integral

不定积分 indefinite integral

复数 complex number

矩阵 matrix

行列式 determinant

圆 circle

圆心 centre(BrE), center(AmE)

半径 radius

直径 diameter

圆周率 pi

弧 arc

半圆 semicircle

扇形 sector

环 ring

椭圆 ellipse

圆周 circumference

轨迹 locus, loca(pl.)

平行六面体 parallelepiped

立方体 cube

七面体 heptahedron

八面体 octahedron

九面体 enneahedron

十面体 decahedron

十一面体 hendecahedron

十二面体 dodecahedron

二十面体 icosahedron

多面体 polyhedron

旋转 rotation

轴 axis

球 sphere

半球 hemisphere

底面 undersurface

表面积 surface area

体积 volume

空间 space

双曲线 hyperbola

抛物线 parabola

四面体 tetrahedron

五面体 pentahedron

六面体 hexahedron菱形 rhomb, rhombus, rhombi(pl.), diamond

正方形 square

梯形 trapezoid

直角梯形 right trapezoid

等腰梯形 isosceles trapezoid

五边形 pentagon

六边形 hexagon

七边形 heptagon

八边形 octagon

九边形 enneagon

十边形 decagon

十一边形 hendecagon

十二边形 dodecagon

多边形 polygon

正多边形 equilateral polygon

相位 phase

周期 period

振幅 amplitude

内心 incentre(BrE), incenter(AmE)

外心 excentre(BrE), excenter(AmE)

旁心 escentre(BrE), escenter(AmE)

垂心 orthocentre(BrE), orthocenter(AmE)

重心 barycentre(BrE), barycenter(AmE)

内切圆 inscribed circle

外切圆 circumcircle

统计 statistics

平均数 average

加权平均数 weighted average

方差 variance

标准差 root-mean-square deviation, standard deviation

比例 propotion

百分比 percent

百分点 percentage

百分位数 percentile

排列 permutation

组合 combination

概率,或然率 probability

分布 distribution

正态分布 normal distribution

非正态分布 abnormal distribution

图表 graph

条形统计图 bar graph

柱形统计图 histogram

折线统计图 broken line graph

曲线统计图 curve diagram

扇形统计图 pie diagram

abscissa 横坐标

absolute value 绝对值

acute angle 锐角

adjacent angle 邻角

addition 加

algebra 代数

altitude 高

angle bisector 角平分线

arc 弧

area 面积

arithmetic mean 算术平均值(总和除以总数)

arithmetic progression 等差数列(等差级数)

arm 直角三角形的股

at 总计(乘法)

average 平均值

base 底

be contained in 位于...上

bisect 平分

center 圆心

chord 弦

circle 圆形

circumference 圆周长

circumscribe 外切,外接

clockwise 顺时针方向

closest approximation 最相近似的

combination 组合

common divisor 公约数,公因子

common factor 公因子

complementary angles 余角(二角和为90度)

composite number 合数(可被除1及本身以外其它的数整除)

concentric circle 同心圆

cone 圆锥(体积=1/3*pi*r*r*h)

congruent 全等的

consecutive integer 连续的整数

coordinate 坐标的

cost 成本

counterclockwise 逆时针方向

cube 1.立方数

2.立方体(体积=a*a*a 表面积=6*a*a)

cylinder 圆柱体

decagon 十边形

decimal 小数

decimal point 小数点

decreased 减少

decrease to 减少到

decrease by 减少了

degree 角度

define 1.定义 2.化简

denominator 分母

denote 代表,表示

depreciation 折旧

distance 距离

distinct 不同的

dividend 1. 被除数 2.红利

divided evenly 被除数

divisible 可整除的

division 1.除 2.部分

divisor 除数

down payment 预付款,定金

equation 方程

equilateral triangle 等边三角形

even number 偶数

expression 表达

exterior angle 外角

face (立体图形的)某一面

factor 因子

fraction 1.分数 2.比例

geometric mean 几何平均值(N个数的乘积再开N次方)

geometric progression 等比数列(等比级数)

have left 剩余

height 高

hexagon 六边形

hypotenuse 斜边

improper fraction 假分数

increase 增加

increase by 增加了

increase to 增加到

inscribe 内切,内接

intercept 截距

integer 整数

interest rate 利率

in terms of... 用...表达

interior angle 内角

intersect 相交

irrational 无理数

isosceles triangle 等腰三角形

least common multiple 最小公倍数

least possible value 最小可能的值

leg 直角三角形的股

length 长

list price 标价

margin 利润

mark up 涨价

mark down 降价

maximum 最大值

median, medium 中数(把数字按大小排列,若为奇数项,则中间那项就为中数,若为偶数项,则中间两项的算术平均值为中数。例:(1,3,8)其中数为3;(1,3,8,9)其中数为(3+8)/2=5)

median of a triangle 三角形的中线

mid point 中点

minimum 最小值

minus 减

multiplication 乘法

multiple 倍数

multiply 乘

natural number 自然数

negative number 负数

nonzero 非零

number lines 数线

numerator 分子

obtuse angle 钝角

octagon 八边形

odd number 奇数

ordinate 纵坐标

overlap 重叠

parallel lines 平行线

parallelogram 平行四边形

pentagon 五边形

per capita 每人

perimeter 周长

permutation 排列

perpendicular lines 垂直线

pyramid 三角锥

plane 平面

plus 加

polygon 多边形

positive number 正数

power 次方(2的5次方=the fifth power of 2)

prime factor 质因子

prime number 质数

product 乘积

profit 利润

proper fraction 真分数

proportion 比例

purchasing price 买价

quadrant 象限

quadrihedrogon 四角锥

quadrilateral 四边形

quotient 商

ratio 比例

rational 有理数

radius 半径(复数为radii)

radian 弧度

real number 实数

reciprocal 倒数

rectangle 长方形

rectangular prism 长方体

reduced 减少

regular polygon 正多边形

remainder 余数

retail value 零售价

rhombus 菱形

right angle 直角

right triangle 直角三角形

round 四舍五入

sale price 卖价

segment 线段

set 集合

sequence 数列

scalene triangle 不等边三角形

side 边长

simple interest 单利

slope 斜率

solution (方程的)解

speed 过度

sphere 球体(表面积=4*pi*r*r,体积=4/3*pi*r*r*r)

square 1.平方数,平方 2.正方形

square root 平方根

straight angle 平角

subtract 减

subtraction 减法

sum 和

surface area 表面积

supplementary angles 补角

tangent 相切

tenths" digit 十分位

tenth 十分位

tie 并列,打平

times 倍

total 1.总数(用于加法中,相当于+)


to the nearest 最接近的

trapezoid 梯形

triangle 三角形

two digits 2位

units" digit 个位

veiocity 速度

vertex angle 顶角

vertical angle 对顶角

volume 体积

whole number 整数

width 宽

3-digit number 三位数

注: 1. a only if b 表示a==>b

2. a if only b 表示b==>a





lower prices
2023-07-23 23:04:512


reduce price
2023-07-23 23:05:094


rail station
2023-07-23 23:05:493


2023-07-23 23:05:596

discount 在英文怎么用? 有的是discount off .... 有的是 of ... 我想说,与具体数字连用的语法?

8折,用英语表示为:20% off,不用discount。另外,discount of 80%,这里有语法错误。80%是打折后的数字,不是打折前的。八折用文字说明是这样的:20% discount of the total value. 注意这是书面语言,而且不能说80%,而是说20%,不能用于口语。我可以多给你一些折扣:I can give you a good discount.他们销售打折产品:they sell goods at discount
2023-07-23 23:06:202


降价60%全部释义和例句>>Price 60% 降价60%全部释义和例句>>Price 60%
2023-07-23 23:06:431


2023-07-23 23:06:501


2023-07-23 23:06:561


Depreciate letter
2023-07-23 23:07:162


knock 10% off sth 没有这样的用法,knock off 有很多意思,但都没有跟打折相关的. knock off 的意思有 a. 停止 比如: knocked off work at noon. b. 完成 比如: That author knocks off a book a year. c.减掉 比如:knocked off 12 pounds in a month. 2.打折的英文有很多种表达方式: a.give a discount b.on sale c.10% off 还有什么不明白可以告诉我,
2023-07-23 23:07:231


  打折的商品总是能引起消费者的注意,其实打折的不过是商家的销售手段之一。想知道打折的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的打折的英文,希望大家喜欢!   打折的英文   1.discount   2.reduced rate   discount常见用法   n. 折扣;贴现率   vt. 打折扣;贴现;不全信;不重视   vi. 贴现;减息贷款   用作名词   These goods will be sold at a discount.   这些货物将减价出售。   We give 10 percent discount for cash.   现金付款,我们九折优惠。   The discount rate is set by the Fed.   贴现率是由联储决定的。   The preferred project in this case depends on the discount rate, not the IRR.   该例中,我们倾向选择哪个项目取决于贴现率,而不是内部收益率。   用作及物动词   That store does not discount at all.   那家商店出售商品一概不打折。   We usually only discount acceptance trade and commercial bills.   我们通常只贴现已承兑的商业票据。   But you must discount only the dividends paid on existing shares.   不过你必须仅贴现支付给现有股东的股利。   You must discount much of what he says.   他说的好些话,你必须打个折扣听。   We shouldn"t discount the effect of AIDS.   我们不应低估艾滋病的影响。   用作不及物动词   We usually only discount acceptance trade and commercial bills.   我们通常只贴现已承兑的商业票据。   But you must discount only the dividends paid on existing shares.   不过你必须仅贴现支付给现有股东的股利。   reduced rate造句   1. International delegations will a reduced rate of US $ 825.   国际参展代表参展费将优惠至825美元.   2. Travel agencies are able to issue their own reduced rate travel tickets.   旅行社能够发放它们自己的降价旅游票.   3. Those who engaged in more frequent cognitive activity experienced a reduced rate of cognitive decline.   那些经常参加认知活动的人有更少的认知能力下降的几率.   4. Investors will not search for information on the rate to pay more costs, reduced rate risks.   投资者也不会为搜寻关于汇率的信息而付出更多的成本, 汇率风险也降低了.   5. Productive foreign - invested enterprises shall be subject to the enterprise tax at the reduced rate of 15 %.   生产性外商投资企业,减按15%的税率征收企业所得税.   6. To pay in gross, usually at a reduced rate, rather than in individual payments.   约翰的特点是将全部费用一次付清.   7. The production - type FIEs set up in Suzhou Industrial Park shall be taxed at 15 % reduced rate.   在苏州工业园区设立的生产性外商投资企业,减按15%税率征收企业所得税.   8. As for really advanced knowledge - intensive projects, enterprise tax can be at a reduced rate of 15 %.   确属知识密集型项目, 企业所得税可以减征15%.   9. The reduced rate should in each stage be rounded off to the first decimal.   每一阶段削减的税率应四舍五人至小数点后第一位.   10. After the increase the assets and liabilities the Group of 59 will be greatly reduced rate.
2023-07-23 23:07:341

主动降价 英文

In order to start our friendly coorperation,we actively reduce by $0.1/KG,and hope that you could be satisfied to accept.To be honest,we could only earn $50 by this all.
2023-07-23 23:07:471


降价50%出售 ON SALE 50% OFF打五折的英文: half off
2023-07-23 23:07:561

快速降价 年降 翻译成英语,跪求了

你好:快速降价:Fast price decrease年降: Annual decrease
2023-07-23 23:08:061

降价空间 英文怎么说

你要根据上下文说room of price reductioneg. There is no room of price reduction for this product.
2023-07-23 23:08:174


A:Our skirt are made of high quality silk,and fashionble design,the price is given on liberal terms. B:Would you reduce the price by 8% for an order of 3000? A:Unfortunately we are unable to reduce the price to your request. B:Although we consider about the quality,the price is still too much,we won"t be able to carry on. A:How about we offer further 5% discount if the order is more than 5000? B:Ok,I accept the deal,I will order 5000.
2023-07-23 23:08:231


2023-07-23 23:08:423


2023-07-23 23:08:522

英文字母。图片上,标的sale是什么意思? 打折还是卖的价格

2023-07-23 23:09:013


1. 关于购物的英语短文 Shopping habbits in America Since the baggage allowance is rather limited, I"d like to advise you not to do much shopping before you go, but leave it till you get to the United States. (可以到了美国以后再购物)Many Americans who are not so well-off often shop at “sales”(降价) and at “discount stores”(廉价商店) or “thrift shops”, (节约)which you may also find interesting. I believe you need to buy some clothes. There is also a rule of thumb (经验之谈) with regard to dresses in the States: Change your clothes every day. For example, in an American college, neither professors nor students are often seen in the same costumes for o days on end. So you may find it necessary to buy more clothes than you have here — in China. While you are shopping in the States, you will discover that prices vary considerably from store to store and from time to time. The purchase of used, second-hand clothing, furniture or other household articles may be an excellent way of economizing.(省钱) Most second-hand clothes are of rather good quality. If you are going to settle down in the States and want some furniture, you may go to a “loan closet”, where furniture rents at low cost, or you may also go to a “furniture exchange” place in the munity. Sheets, blankets and other bedclothes go on sale in most munities ice a year. Advertisements for “white sales”,(大甩卖) that is, bed linen,(亚麻) towels,(毛巾) etc., often appear in January, as well as in May and June or July. Once or ice every season, there will be “garage sales” in the munity, where you can get almost anything, from a yacht (快艇) to a pair of shoes, at bargain prices. Prices at “discount stores” and “thrift shops” are as low as you can imagine. 2. 一篇有关于购物的英语作文不用太长 SHOPPING ON LINE Shopping on line has been more and more popular in the world. The advantage is that it is so convenience that you need not queue and you can shop 24 hours everyday.And it is very easy for you to find what you want. Besides , it is much cheaper than shopping outside.In another way, if you go shopping on line, you will have no chance to see the things you want to buy and check it. And you will always be worries about the safety of the Believed Card and the shopping on line. I think the most unworth is that you will lose the joy of shopping with your friends.above all, we still need learn to catch up with the modern life, but we also should be careful enough to not be cheated.。 3. 购物英语作文 Every time I shop are on weekends, and my friends to go. We will to a large supermarket or a mall go. We are all the normal point of snacks, or buy clothes. Now shopping convenience, and in the supermarket are the brush with a credit card. Now it has bee popular online shopping, and more convenient. I love bargain shopping, less time, people is not easy to do business unless he is blind asking price.。 4. 一篇购物的英语文章 Doing Shopping Online With the help of the Inter, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn"t step out of the room. It seems easy and quick. But there"s always a trap online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too *** all or too big. If you want to be different, you"d better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street. 释义: 网上购物 借助互联网,购物不是一件困难的工作。只要点击鼠标来选择你喜欢的文章,和购物完成。你不必走出房间。它似乎很容易和快速。但总有一个在线的陷阱。如果你粗心,它会给你带来一些麻烦。你会发现这篇文章的颜色是不同于你想要的东西,或大小是太小或太大了。如果你想有所不同,你最好不要网上买衣服。一旦你穿上你在网上买衣服,出去,你会发现很多人在街上穿同样的衣服。 5. 在超市购物英语作文加翻译 My View on Shopping OnlineWhen it es to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online because they feel online shopping is so convenient.Some just don"t believe that they can buy good quality modities from Inter.As far as I"m concerned, I think online shopping creates lots of benefits to people.Firstly, buying things online is a way of saving time.Compared with the traditional way of shopping, we have no need to go out to pick up our favorite goods from store to store.Just a click, we can have things in our shopping cart and just wait for the goods to be delivered to us.To this extent, not only we can save the time of finding things from store to store but we don"t need to spend time on transportation.Thus, we can save lots of time to enjoy fun.Secondly, buying things online can save our money.People buy modities by Inter not only because it saves us time, but also, we can save lots of money.It is often seen that some people just go to the physical store to check out the modities they want to buy and then they would search for their favorite modities online and take the order.People do this just because they know that online goods are usually cheaper than the goods displayed in shop window because online shop have no need to pay the rent.So, people are more inclined to buying things from online store.Thirdly, convenience is the last but not least thing of shopping online.Since we can buy things online, there is no need to go out to look for things we want to buy.What we need to do is to simply sit before our puter, search for things we want to buy, click our favorite thing and then pay our order by our bank card.And then, you just need to wait for your goods to be delivered to your home.In conclusion, shopping online is a convenient, time-saving and money saving way of buying things.Therefore, we can benefit a lot from shopping online.That"s the reason of why shopping online has developed faster and faster in recent years.关于网上购物说到网上购物的时候,不同的人有不同的想法。 有些人似乎非常喜欢网上购物这样的购物方式,因为他们觉得网上购物很方便。有的则不相信他们能从网上买到质量好的商品。 就我而言,我觉得网上购物给人们带来了很多好处。先,网上购物是节约时间的一种方法。 与传统的购物方式相比,我们没有必要出去一家一家店地挑选我们喜欢的商品。只需一击,我们就可以在我们喜欢的商品就会在购物车中,之后就只是等着把货物邮递到我们手上。 从某种程度上说,我们不仅可以节省在商店找东西的时间,我们也不需要在运输上花时间。因此,我们可以节省大量的时间,享受乐趣。 其次,网上购物可以省钱。人们通过互联网购买商品不仅是因为它可以节省时间,而且因为可以为我们节省很多钱。 我们经常看到有些人只是去实体店看看他们想买的商品,然后在网上搜索并下订单。人们这样做是因为他们知道网上的商品通常比在商店橱窗中展出的产品更便宜,因为网上开店不需要付房租。 所以,人们更倾向于从网上商店买东西。第三,最后但并非最不重要的是网上购物很方便。 既然我们可以在网上买东西,那就没有必要出去寻找我们想买的东西了。我们需要做的是坐在我们的电脑前,搜索我们想买的东西,点击我们最喜欢的东西事,然后用银行卡付钱。 之后你只需要等待您的货物送到你家。总之,网上购物方便,省时和省钱。 因此,我们可以从网上购物获益很多。这就是为什么在近些年网上购物发展得越来越快的原因。 6. 【网上购物OnlineShopping英语作文】 With the development of information industry, there are more and more people shopping online. Shopping online means shopping on the Inter without going out. Therefore, on the one hand, shopping online has its advantage. One the other hand, shopping on line also has its disadvantage.随着信息产业的发展,越来越多的人在网上购物。 网上购物就是在互联网上买东西而不用出去。因此,一方面网上购物有它的优势。 另一方面,网上购物也有它的劣势。First of all, shopping online is very convenient. People can buy thing only they have a puter, which can surf the Inter. They don t need to go out on a rainy day or under the shining sun. Meanwhile, people can save their time to finish their work or other things. On the contrary, as people just decide what they buy depending on the picture placed by the shop owner, they can t see the quality before they receive the product. Sometimes people maybe buy the things are in low quality, or some fake products.首先,网上购物是非常方便的。 只要人们有一台可以上网的电脑就可以买东西了。他们不用在雨天或者烈日下出去买东西。 同时,他们也可以节约时间来完成他们的工作或者做其他事情。而相反的是,由于人们只是根据店家提供的图片来决定买的东西,在他们拿到商品之前都不能够看到商品的质量。 有时候人们可能会买到一些低质量或者假冒伪劣产品。In general, shopping online has its advantage and disadvantage. In my opinion, I prefer shopping online than shopping on the street.总的来说,网上购物有它的优势也有它的劣势。 在我看来,我比较喜欢在网上购物而不是到街上买东西。 7. 去商店购物的英语作文 这篇是过去式哈 It"s the first day of hoilday.I went to shopping with my mom. we were at a "fashion store"Mom said :"Oh,look at that hat!It"s beautiful!"I asked:"Do you want to try it on?""yes!"she said. "so,what do you think?"she asked me ."The style is terrific, but I don"t like the color." 这是我第一天放假.我和我的妈妈去逛街了.我们在一家"时装店"的小商店逛.妈妈说;" 看,那顶帽子真漂亮!"我问;"你想戴以下吗?""当然!"她说."你觉得怎么样?""款式好,但我不喜欢颜色." .分啊。。。。。。。。。。。。。。. 8. 购物的英语作文并翻译 Shopping on the Inter With the development of the Inter and the popularization of puters,shopping on the Inter has bee a monplace in our life.Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Inter has a lot of advantages,of which the most important is perhaps its convenience.People don"t have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the modities they like.This is especially desirable to the old,the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person.The goods e in all shapes,sizes and colors on the Inter.All they need to do is to sit in front of their puters and click the mouses.The modities they order will be delivered to them promptly. However,shopping on the Inter also has its disadvantages.The first disadvantage is that the consumers can"t see the goods or try them on personally.Sometimes,the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the puter.The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Inter are not registered.They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you.Once cheated,you will find that you have nowhere to go to plain. 中考英语作文:网上购物 随着互联网的发展和电脑的普及,网上购物已成为我们生活中司空见惯的事情了.消费者在这里几乎可以买到所有他们需要的东西. 网上购物有很多优点,其中最重要的也许是它的方便.人们不必浪费了很多精力和宝贵的时间去从一个商店到另一个选择,他们喜欢的商品.这是可取的是老人,病人和忙碌的人们谁不能亲自去商店.商品的形状,大小和颜色在互联网上.所有他们需要做的是坐在电脑前,点击鼠标.他们的商品订单将交付给他们及时. 但是,网上购物也有其缺点.第一个不利因素是,消费者不能看到商品或亲自试穿他们.有时候,真正的货物不同他们所看到的电脑上得.第二个缺点是,一些商店在互联网上没有登记.一旦骗了,你会发现,你已经无处可去抱怨 中考英语作文带翻译:网上购物(Shopping on the Inter),以供各位同学们呢参考,在学习英语作文的时候,也多注意网上购物的利弊! 9. 购物 英语 作文 Last Saturday, Yang Ping went to the supermarket. She wanted to buy something for her sister because that day was her sister"s birthday. She walked around the supermarket and saw a very beautiful dress. She thought her sister would like it. The dress cost fifty yuan, but Yang Ping decided to buy it. When her sister got this present, she was very happy.。 10. 80字英语作文《购物》 With the help of the Inter,shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like,and the shopping is finished. You needn"t step out of the room。 It seems easy and quick. But there"s always a trap(陷阱)online. If you are careless,it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want,or the size is either too *** all or too big. If you want to be different,you"d better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out,you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street。 So you must be careful,because everything has o sides。 E智网为你解答,希望可以帮助到你!
2023-07-23 23:09:181


问题一:新品热卖用英文怎么说 new arrival 新品 on sale 表示出售或降价出售 在商店里 可以写 new arrival on sale 问题二:"热销产品"用英文怎么说 热销(畅销)产品 Selling well products 通常促销活动时往往在商品上悬挂或摆放的是Hot Sale一词,意思已经很明确:热销、热卖 希望搐你有所帮助 问题三:热销 用英语怎么说? best-seller sth. is in hot 问题四:热卖尖货英语怎么说 Selling point goods 问题五:爆款用英语怎么说 in vogue, stylish, faddish, trendy 用来形容这东西很时髦 hot cake确实是最确切的 问题六:推荐商品,新品上市,热卖商品,英文怎么写啊? 推荐商品 Remended Goods 新品上市 New Arrivals 热卖商品 Hot Sales 问题七:此款为热销产品 怎么翻译英文 This is a selling well product.或者 This is a hot sale product 热销产品 Selling well products 通常促销活动时往往在商品上悬挂或摆放的是Hot Sale一词,意思已经很明确:热销、热卖 问题八:(这些产品很好卖)用英语怎么说。 首先,很高兴能够帮助您回答这个问题。第一步,分析句子结构和句子类型,这是一个简单句,由明显的主谓宾三大部分组成。第二步,断层句子内容,划分为 “这些”“产品”“很”“好卖”。第三步,翻译―― These products is selling good. These product is selling well. These poduct is making a great profit. These products enjoy a good sale. We sell well on the products.翻译的表达方式共有以上五种,但意思都一样,其中最后一个是固定搭配。希望我的回答您能满意!
2023-07-23 23:09:251


drop down
2023-07-23 23:09:416


是的,cost down. 促销,promotion
2023-07-23 23:11:191


2023-07-23 23:11:281

降价用英文怎么说 要动词哦.比如降价20%

reduce the price by 20% 或 discount by 20 percents
2023-07-23 23:11:351


问题一:能不能便宜点用英文怎么说 Can it be cheaper? Can the price be less? May I have a discount? 问题二:“便宜一点儿”用英语怎么说 Please cut it down. 请便宜一点儿。 cut down 降价,减价 问题三:如何用英语翻译“有没有便宜一点儿的?” Is there any cheaper one? 问题四:太贵了,能不能给我一个便宜的 用英语怎么说 It"s too expensive. Can you give me a cheaper one? 祝你新年快乐,学习更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*) 问题五:可不可以便宜一点,英语怎么说 你好! 可不可以便宜一点 Can you e down a bit 问题六:太贵了 你能便宜点吗 用英语怎么读 太贵了 你能便宜点吗 Too expensive, can you make it cheaper? 中文谐音:图一课斯盆厮无,看由迈克伊特撤破? 问题七:能便宜点吗 这句话地道一点的英语怎么说 Can you give me a little deal on this? 具体来说要看语境,一般问完价格觉得贵了话可以说:Any discount? cheap带有一点形容物品低劣的含义
2023-07-23 23:11:421

降价用英文怎么说 要动词哦.比如降价20%

reduce the price by 20% 或 discount by 20 percents
2023-07-23 23:11:511


折扣的英语表达方式 首先,最好的方法是用 单词 OFF,不用DISCOUNT,比如:三折:70% off ,八折:20% off,九折:ten per cent off,打几折,就是100减掉几十的百分数,然后off。这是最正规的说法。 然后,DISCOUNT这个单词有名词,动词等用法。这打几折?How much discount will you give me for it? (名词用法) 八五折:at 15% discount (名词用法)(AT) 可用可不用。(AT换成WITH也可以) 九七折:discount three percent (动词用法) 七折:discount of 30% (名词用法) 六折:make an allowance(reduction) of 40%(其他单词) 折扣的英语表达方式 A: Do you offer any quantity discounts?大量购买有折扣吗?B: No, we don"t.不,没有。 A: Then give us three cases of this.那么这种的就买三箱好了。A: You could save a lot if you would order a little more.如果你单子下得多一点,可以省不少的钱。 B: How could we do that?怎么说呢?A: We offer a discount for large orders.我们对大量订购有打折。B: Let me take another look at our requirements.那我看看我们的需要量有多少。 打6折,give you six percent discount。 打折的英语短语是什么? 打折有蛮多种表达方式。 1. discount. “折扣”的意思。 例: Can you give me some discount? 或 Any discount? 2. coupon. "(购物)优惠券" 的意思。 如:Can i use the coupons? 3. 。percent off, “打。折”的意思。 如: The coat is 20 percent off. 这外套打八折 注意: 英语里的打几折和汉语的说法刚好相反,切记!其实很好记。英语里的打折和汉语的打折相加为100%,即1. 如 例题3, 英语是20% off,翻译成中文则译成 打八折。 4. on sale. “打折、降价”的意思。 如: what"s on sale? “打折”用英语怎么说 打折:discount 折扣:discount 发音: 英[u02c8du026askau028ant] 美[u02c8du026asu02cckau028ant] 含义: vt. 打折扣,减价出售; 减息贷款; 削价出售,打折; 减价,减量; vi. 折扣; 贴现; 贴现率; n. 贴现; 数目; (任何面值上的) 扣除额; (考虑到故事、报告、报道等的夸张或偏见等) 不全信 例句: They are often available at a discount 它们经常进行打折销售。
2023-07-23 23:12:171


这两个词都有销售的意思on sale (降价销售) Clearance sale(清仓大甩卖)望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-23 23:12:321


2023-07-23 23:12:391


2023-07-23 23:13:021


big sale英文发音:[bu026aɡ seu026al]中文释义:大甩卖例句:That"s too unreasonable! Aren"t you having a big sale today?太贵了,今天你们不是搞活动?
2023-07-23 23:13:133


没有更多可以降价的空间的翻译是:There is no room for more price cuts
2023-07-23 23:13:461


a grand sale
2023-07-23 23:13:545


2023-07-23 23:14:114

关于商店之类的单词越多越好~~如营业 主顾 要价之类的~~要求有英文翻译

shop 商店 department store 百货大楼 bookstore 书店food market 食品街 counter 柜台 What can I do for you? 你要买什么?How much is that? 多少钱?What"a your size? 你穿多大尺寸的?Sorry to trouble you. 麻烦您了.I think I"ll look around a bit. 我再看一看。Can you come down a bit? 你可以便宜一点吗?It"s too expensive. 太贵了。It"s too cheap. 太便宜了。Any discount? 降价吗?No discount. 不降。Show me some others. 给我看看别的。How do you sell the watermelons? 这些西瓜怎么卖?Welcome to our shop. 欢迎到我们商店来。That"s the best we can do. 我们不能再让了。Could I have a look at it? 我可以看看吗?When do the stores close? 商店几点关门?Do you have any cheaper? 你们有便宜点的吗?Let"s have a look at the counter. 我们去柜台看看。What does that come to? 总共多少钱?OK,I"ll take this. 好的,我就买这个。I don"t think I"ll take any today.我今天不想买什么了。只能想起或是找到这些了`至于你说的情景剧本那个不好找了`你可以去买本英文的读物或是刊物。好累`````
2023-07-23 23:14:332


锐欧的英文是RIO。作为起亚新一代全球战略型车型,东风悦达起亚推出的RIO锐欧继承了海外版本在空间、动力及安全性能上的优良传统,在国内同级别经济型轿车中具有非常明显的优势。RIO锐欧在拥有同级车型中最大内部空间的同时,前后轮距以及头部空间也表现出色。动力方面,无论是1.4LDOHC或是1.6LCVVT发动机,都最大可能兼顾了引擎动力和燃油损耗的平衡。而RIO锐欧1.6L的最高配置版,MP3、方向盘音响调节、手机免提系统、行车电脑、倒车雷达等智能化配置都应有尽有,6安全气囊的出众安全防护设施,可与中高级轿车媲美。扩展资料:用车成本RIO锐欧是起亚新一代的全球战略车型,外形比较时尚,较适合年轻人作为日常的代步工具。但由于上市初期定价偏高以及品牌缺乏影响力,一直无法得到广大消费者的认可。经过了官方降价后,价格逐渐趋于理性。 排量上,RIO锐欧配备了两款发动机,分别为1.4L和1.6L,其中1.6L是CVVT发动机,与赛拉图1.6L车型相同。对于用车成本来说,燃油费是最主要的,毕竟家用车要自己掏腰包加油,所以油耗是关系到以后用车成本高低的重要因素。使用成本包括燃油费、保险、养路费、车船使用税、验车费、维修保养费、停车费、美容装饰费、交通罚款等。参考资料来源:百度百科-锐欧
2023-07-23 23:14:401


老板娘跟人跑了 亏本大降价
2023-07-23 23:15:105


求翻译下面这些英文!在线等!急! 我们虔诚的感谢您的恢复。 我们正在努力解决这个问题。请稍后再试。 我家的喜事多 作文500 急!谢了! 建党90周年家乡的变化 我的家乡——扬州,她坐落在苏北平原,长江中下游一带。这里四季分明,气候温和,自然条件优越,有“鱼米之乡”之称。我是喝家乡水,吃家乡粮长大的,家乡的一草一木都让我印象深刻。扬州是个文化古城,听爷爷奶奶说,以前的扬州没有现在这么繁荣,随着它改革开放的深入,人们的生活水平像芝麻开花——节节高,如今的扬州与以前大有不同,发生了天翻地覆的变化。 家庭条件在变化着。以前,爷爷奶奶家没有电视,没有电脑,更谈不上什么微波炉、洗衣机、电冰箱等等。夏天再热,也没有空调;冬天再冷,也没有取暖器、电热毯。那时候,洗衣服都是用手洗,把衣服放在水里用肥皂搓上一遍又一遍。冬天的时候,天气很冷,水也变得冰凉冰凉的,可是要洗衣服还是照样用手洗。刺骨的冰水常常把奶奶的手冻得通红通红,裂了一个一个的大口子。可我们这一代,哪需要动手洗衣服?把脏衣服脱下来往洗衣机里一扔,轻轻松松,便什么事都没有了。过去,根本没有电视、电脑这一类的电子产品。到了爸爸妈妈那一代,才有了最简陋的12寸小型黑白电视,并且只能看很少的几个频道,电视上还时不时会出现令人眼花缭乱的“雪花”。可现在呢?29寸的彩色电视还算不上什么,我们家可是42寸的液晶大电视,还安装了数字电视,可以看近100个频道呢! 交通在变化着。以前,在爸爸妈妈在还不过十多岁的时候,他们无论去哪里,去多远的地方,也只能靠两双脚去走。他们去上学的那条路是一条烂泥路,走起来非常不方便,一旦下起大雨,路上便会变得很滑,烂泥也会沾满整个鞋底。雨水还会在地上积成一个一个小水洼,一不小心踩进去便会溅得衣服上满身污点。但爸妈每天都要去上学,不得不走那条泥泞的小路,一走便走上好长一段时间,稍微不注意,就会滑倒,摔得满身都是泥。但现在,扬州处处铺起了宽敞平坦的柏油马路,交通也发达多了,电动车、摩托车、小轿车,还有轮船、飞机……家家买起了“别克”、“奔驰”、“宝马”,甚至有些人家还拥有两部私家车。这下子,到哪儿都方便多了,再也不会受步行的苦了。 不仅是这些有了巨大的变化,还有咱们吃的东西品种、质量、营养价值都提高了很多。在爷爷奶奶那个年代里,早、中、晚餐都只喝一碗粥汤或者挖一些野菜来充饥,偶尔再配点自己家种的南瓜、山芋、丝瓜这些蔬菜。爸爸说,他小时候每周能吃上一根油条、夏天能吃上一根2分钱一根的老冰棍,那便是非常幸福的事了。妈妈说,过去吃荠菜馅儿的咸汤圆,一个大约有现在的“狮子头”那么大,但外面的面儿只有一点点薄,几乎都快透明了,筷子轻轻一戳里面绿油油的荠菜馅儿就会冒出来。那时候是很少很少能吃上面的,白米饭更是少有,更不要说鱼、肉、虾这些荤菜了,只有过节才会吃到。过去,小孩子们的零食仅仅是些蚕豆,而现在呢?薯片、蛋糕、话梅……少说也有上百种。奶奶对我说:“我们那时候哪来的大米呀,全是吃糠,把糠拌点水,煮熟就吃了。猪草和面粉做成圆子,就着盐巴吃,还有人家就把猪草炒炒,磨成焦面。我们经常饿得连路都走不动了。你们现在的条件多好啊!有肉,有鱼,有虾,有蟹,有蛋,还有什么鱼翅,什么鲍鱼,什么海参,什么三头宴、全藕宴、少游宴、梅兰宴、板桥宴、红楼宴……连扬州炒饭都有不同配方了。真是想着法子吃,要什么有什么呀!” …… 建党90周年以来,科技飞速发展,人类的生活水品不断提高——从贫穷到温饱,从温饱到小康,从小康到富裕……家家的家具样样俱全,家家都有了私家车,家家都在变化。我们家乡的飞速发展变化,大家有目共睹。那都是党,是祖国,给我们提供了这越来越优越的条件。 生活在这样一个城市,我会觉得是一种幸福。看到润扬大桥,看到火车站,看到川流不息的交通路况,你便看到了交通的变化;看到双东老城区,看到古运河风光带,你便看到了城市面貌的变化……你会更深刻感受到扬州近来的巨大变化。可以说,如今的扬州在与时俱进。扬州还有着更大的发展空间,还有着更多的挑战机遇,还有着更美好的未来。让我们大家共同努力,与家乡共成长,让扬州变得更美好! 急…各位大哥大姐帮帮忙… 笔记本后面 把内存位置的盖子 拿下来 有卡扣 翘一下就可以了 看看里边是几条内存 校园趣事(关于什么都行急)400 睁开朦胧的双眼,太阳那刺眼的光芒射入我的眼睛,新的一天校园生活又开始了,今天,会有怎样的校园趣事等着我呢? “丁零零,丁零零”上课了,这节课是体育课,在体育委员李鑫的带领下,我们排着整齐的队伍下了楼,欢天喜地地来到操场上。 “立正、稍息!”在体育老师坚定有力的口号下,我们排列好了队伍。老师说:“今天这节课,我们主要练习跳高。”接着,曹老师在沙坑上插入两根红铁杆,又扛来一根长长的竹竿,把竹竿搭在红铁杆上面。李鑫轻蔑地瞟了一眼,直叫“垃圾”,曹老师便让李鑫先跳。哇!真不愧是体育委员呀!只见他展开双臂,冲到竹竿前,像展翅高飞的大雁一样,纵身一跃,顺利地跳过了竹竿,可是他因为过竿时没协调好身子,“嘭”!李鑫和沙坑来了个“亲密接触”——他成了一个身穿灰衣灰裤的灰头发老爷爷!大家笑得直不起腰,我更是笑得上气不接下气! 接着,毛宇龙以一个最标准的姿势跳过了栏杆;李晓婷像展翅飞翔的海燕一样“飞过”了竹竿。马上就要轮到我了,我的心里像揣着一只兔子一样砰砰直跳。“下一个!”天哪!最可怕的时候来临了!我长吸一口气,一脑子的杂念全抛了出去,一股作气冲到竹竿前,用力一跳,呜呜……呜……呜呜……我摔倒啦!笑什么笑啊!后面还有更糟的:有的像青蛙一样勉强跳过了竹竿;有的干脆从竹竿下钻过去;有的甚至用跨的方式过了竹竿;有的直接弃权!瞧!咱们班高手如云吧! 校园的一天多么有趣儿啊!它给我们带来了无限的快乐与欢笑,我喜欢这美好的校园生活! 数学题。 求答案。 多做多加分。 急。 有两种方法: 1: 假设原来只有一个观众,收入为15元,那么降价后有两个观众,收入为15×(1+1/5)=18元,则降价后每张票价为18÷2=9元,每张票降价15-9=6元。即: 15-15×(1+1/5)÷2=6(元) 答:每张票降价6元。 2:如果设原来有a名观众,则每张票降价: 15-15a×(1+1/5)÷2a=6(元) 怎么开口向父母说男友?急啊! 你怕什么嗯? 你既然敢背着你父亲 恋爱了 你就应该敢对他说 自己做的事 应该自己承担吧? 你父亲所谓的你还小 是因为 他想让你找个 能打理公司的 值得信任的 对象 !如果你男朋友 够水准 你父亲肯定不会 反对的 看来你父亲好像是个 比较重视事业的人 希望你跟个 事业有成的人 恋爱? 明天你可以对你父亲说,今天是父亲节了 ,相对的您又老了一岁 我也更成熟了一点,我也长大了(能找对象了)。。。。后面的自己编编吧 我这人不善于交流 ,就这个意思你再想想 。 高中有机化学小疑问,急 会发生分子内消去反应,生成共轭结构,稳定。分子内酯化反应将形成4圆环,很不稳定,所以不可能。 算 初二读书笔记 800 字!急!加悬赏~ 读书的快乐 书是人类进步的阶梯。书让我们一起在知识的海洋里遨游,享受读书的乐趣。书让我们找到一个最好的、最忠实的朋友,它永远不会抛弃你,也不会背叛你。无论我们是在欢乐或痛苦中,还是在寂寞或彷徨时,书总会静静地伴在我的身边,分享我们的喜悦,抚慰我们的心灵。 古人说:“天下之事,利害常相半;存全利而无少害者,惟书。不问贵贱,贫富,老少!观一卷,则有一卷之益;观书一日,则有一日之益。”书带给了我无穷的乐趣。 读书让我告别了平庸。古人有“不读诗,无以言”,今人有“不读书,何以言”的论调。确实是这样,读书可以增长我的见识,丰富我的情感,提高我的阅历,自然也就与平庸绝缘。读书可以让我发觉世界的精彩与生活的美好;读书可以让我在阅读中相互融合,而又相互分离。这就是一种快乐,一种沟通的快乐。无论在清晨,还是在黄昏,手捧一本泛着清香的书,坐在沁着凉意的草地上,让碎碎的阳光懒懒地撒在身上,然后在青草与阳光的味道中,用长着触角的心灵抚摸和领略书中的奥秘,领略在其他地方领略不到的快乐与安谧,充实着平乏的大脑。书真的让我告别了平庸。 读书让我发现真爱。我似乎已经感觉到了徐志摩那片雪花的快乐;“我们都是平等的……”打开《简·爱》,我似乎被里面的主人公带到另一个世界,为她那坚强、宽容而又充满爱心的品质所深深感动了,看到那令人伤感的场面,主人公哭了,我也哭了,这是真性情的表现。简·爱那娇小的身躯却承受着如此悲苦的命运,常常让我泪眼婆娑。但她那顽强的性格,博大的心胸,给了我远离自卑的勇气,坚定生活的信念。那是一种收获,一种悲伤后的快乐,一种痛苦后的幸福,一种爱过之后的刻骨铭心。 读书让我享受着生活。读书使我天天乐在其中,这是那种让我永远都无法忘怀的感觉。莎士比亚曾说,“书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍,就好像大地没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。”它是一种享受像聆听一只鸟在快乐的鸣叫,像欣赏白雪落地的无声。也许我真的应该将心灵变成一支精致的软囊,装进鸟鸣,装进飞雪。不论在哪里,书中那清雅的醇香,都会充满甜美的回忆和幸福的情愫。是书中的奥妙让我快乐,让我享受生活的每一天。 我爱读书,书给我解开了许多不解之谜,书给了我一双观察事物的慧眼,书给我生活带来了种种情趣。有了书,我就拥有了通向幸福之门的万灵钥匙;有了书,我就拥有了心系天下苍生的宏愿;有了书,天涯海角也近在咫尺。 这就是书中的奥妙。 急!重庆地暖公司哪个好啊? 重庆地暖公司还是蛮多的,我舅舅08年安装的是一个叫旭阳暖通的地暖,一直用到现在性能都OK 啦。可以供你参考一下! 急啊 英语连词成句 急 好的加悬赏! 你好,为你解答,正确答案为: 1 Tom is in his school now. 2 Dale and Bob are in China. 3 Mike is not his first name. 不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-23 23:15:291


全是介词,搜介词就能找到用法 希望采纳
2023-07-23 23:15:403


Seeing dogs were low.
2023-07-23 23:15:504


给个上下文举例?LTA Land Trust Alliance LTA Land Transport Authority LTA Lawn Tennis Association LTA Lighter-Than-Air LTA Lipoteichoic Acid LTA Lieutenant (Singapore military) LTA Lost Time Accident LTA Lymphotoxin-Alpha LTA Long Term Agreement LTA Lifetime allowance LTA Library Technical Assistant LTA Long Term Average LTA Lambda Theta Alpha (sorority) LTA Local Taxpayer Advocate (US IRS) LTA Lifetime Achievement (Award) LTA Less Than Adequate LTA Long Term Archiving LTA Lesotho Telecommunications Authority (now Lesotho Communications Authority) LTA Lower Torso Assembly (space suit) LTA Leave Travel Allowance LTA Logistics Transformation Agency LTA Local Training Area LTA Lead Test Assembly LTA Long Term Assignment LTA Limited Term Appointment (university faculty) LTA Lost Ticket Application (aviation financial term) LTA Learning Through Action (UK) LTA Last Time Around LTA Local Training Authority (Navy/CNET) LTA Learning Through Action (UK charity) LTA Little Tunny (FAO fish species code) LTA Local Traffic Authorities (UK Highways Agency) LTA Limited Technical Assessment LTA Local Thermal Analysis LTA LEM Test Article LTA Louisiana Telecommunications Association LTA Learning and Teaching Assistant (UK) LTA Least Interference-Below-Threshold Algorithm LTA Lead Trial Attorney LTA Lackland Training Area LTA Link-Traffic Analysis LTA Local Target Area LTA Landbased Technician Accreditation LTA Life Threatening Arrhythmia LTA Load-Transfer-Acknowledgment Signal (ITU-T) LTA Liberty City Transport Authority (gaming, Grand Theft Auto IV) LTA Local Trace Assertion LTA Lumenare Test Automation LTA Long Thin-Line Array LTA Low Threat Area LTA Lifetime Alignment (automotive service)
2023-07-23 23:16:233


一、售货员招呼顾客:在讲英语国家的商店里,售货员见到顾客时常说:1. May I help you? 您买东西吗?2. Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?您想买什么?3. Is there anything I can do for you?4. May(Can)I do something for you?一般不说:What do you want?因为这样问显得无礼.店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么,喜欢什么或向顾客推荐物品时的用语:Which shirt(pen…)do you like?你想买哪一种衬衫(笔…)?What size(colour,kind…)do yu want?你想买哪种型号(颜色,种类…)?Do you like this size(colour,kind…)?你喜欢这种型号(颜色,种类…)吗?Is this(Are these)all right?这个(这些)可以吗?What about these(those)?这些(那些)怎么样?What else would you like?你想要点什么?二、顾客告诉售货员想买什么:(1)如果顾客需要购物可以说:1. I am looking for a red coat. 我想买一件红衣服.2. I want to get a pair of sunglasses. 我想买一副太阳镜.3. I"d like to have a pair of black trousers. 我想买条黑裤子.4. Can you show me a shirt?可以把衬衫给我看看吗?5. Could I have a look at that blouse?我可以看看那件女式衫衣吗?(2)如果你只想逛商店可以说:No,thanks. I"m just looking around. /Just have a look. 不,谢谢了.我只是随便看看而已.顾客要告诉店主或店员想买什么时的用语:Can you show me…? 你能给我看看…吗?I would like(want)some… 我想买…Have you got any…? 你们有…吗?I"m looking for… 我想买…顾客向店主或店员询问价钱或讨价还价时,可以说:How much is it(are they)?多少钱?How much do you ask for it(them)?这个(些)你要多少钱?What does it come to?一共多少钱?Can it(they)be cheaper?能便宜点吗?That"s too much dear.太贵了.Can you sell it for two yuan?两元钱你卖吗?Can you come down a little?能便宜一点吗?How much do you want?你想要多少钱?顾客选购物品时,店主和顾客之间交谈的常用语:May I have a look at it(them)? 我可以看看吗?Can I try it(them)on? 我可以试一试吗?…is(are)over there. …在那儿.三、询问顾客想买的商品的特征时可以说:1. What colour do you want?/What colour, please?你要什么颜色的?2. What size do you want?/What size, please?你要什么尺码的?3. What kind do you want?/What kind, please?你要哪一种?四、售货员向顾客推荐商品:1. What about the green one?那件绿色的怎么样?2. The coat is nice and warm. 这件衣服很暖和.3. The trousers are the fashion now. 这种裤子现在正流行.4. How do you like this pattern?你觉得这种款式怎么样?5. How about the colour? 这颜色怎么样?五、顾客询问价格:1. How much is it? 它要多少钱?2. How much are these things?这些东西多少钱?3. How much does it come to? 一共多少钱?4. What"s the price of it? 这个多少钱?5. How much,please? 请问要多少钱?六、买卖达成:顾客中意某一件东西后想买下某物时说:I"ll have/take it. (我要买这个.)而较少说:I"ll buy it.七、付钱:Here"s the money. 来,付钱.当顾客购物付款后,售货员或收款员通常要向顾客致谢说:Thank you.1、May/Can I help you? 您想买点什么?2、Are you looking for something particular? 您需要什么东西?3、We have a clearance sale today.我们今天请仓大处理.4、The price will go down.价格将会降低.5、I heard other stores having great mark-downs on this item.我听说别的商店这种商品正在大降价.6、Please try it on.请试穿一下.7、I"ve seen this cheaper in other places.我在别的地方看见过这种商品,价格比者便宜.8、Could you bring the price down?价格能再低一点吗?9、That is a steal.这是廉价品.10、I"d buy this if it were cheaper.如果再便宜一点我就买.11、It"s a little overpriced.有点贵.12、Do you know what size you are?你知道自己穿多大好吗?13、I"m afraid we"re out of that item.恐怕那种货已经卖完了.14、I"m afraid we don"t have it in stock.恐怕已经没有存货了.15、Where is the men"s shop?男装柜台在哪?16、Do you have this in stock?这个还有存货吗?17、Do you have this in blue?这件有蓝色的吗?18、How are you going to pay? Cash,check or charge?你打算怎样付款,现金、支票,还是赊帐?19、How will you pay for this?你用什么方式付款?20、Cash back?要现金找头吗?21、what a deal!多便宜!22、Bring your receipt to the customer service,and they will refund you.拿着你收据到顾客服务台,他们会给恁退钱.23、Can you give me the invoice?你能给我发票吗?语购物常用语集锦英语购物常用语集锦1.顾客进入商店时,店主或店员的常用语:What can I do for you﹖Can(May)I help you﹖Is there anything I can do for you﹖May(Can) I do something for you﹖以上各句均可译作“我能帮你吗(您要什么)?”2.店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么、喜欢什么或向顾客推荐物品时的用语:Which shirt(pen...) do you like﹖你想买哪一件衬衫(笔……)?What size(colour、kind...)do you want﹖你想买哪种型号(颜色、种类……)?Do you like this size(colour、kind…)﹖你喜欢这种型号(颜色、种类……)吗?Is this(Are these)all right﹖这个(这些)可以吗?What about these(those)﹖这些(那些)怎么样?What else would you like﹖你还想要点什么?3.顾客要告诉店主或店员想买什么时的用语:Can you show me…﹖ 你能给我看看……吗?I would like(want) some…. 我想买…….Have you got any…﹖ 你们有……吗?I'm looking for….我想买…….4.顾客向店主或店员询问价钱或讨价还价时,可以说:How much is it (are they)﹖多少钱?How much do youask for it(them)﹖这个(些)你要多少钱?What does it come to﹖ 一共多少钱?Can it(they) be cheaper﹖ 能便宜点吗?That's too much dear. 太贵了.Can you sell it for two yuan﹖ 两元钱你卖吗?Can you come down a little﹖ 能便宜一点吗?How much do you want﹖ 你想要多少钱?5.顾客选购物品时,店主和顾客之间交谈的常用语:May I have a look at it(them)﹖ 我可以看看吗?Can I try it(them)on﹖ 我可以试一试吗?…is (are) over there. ……在那儿.英文购物对话-讨论价格A: How much are you asking for this?A:这个多少钱?B: I"m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?B:每件10欧元,您看怎么样?A: Is tax already included in the price?A:这个价位含税吗?B: Yes. Our price can"t be matched.B:是的.我们的价格无人可比.A: Would you consider a volume discount?A:批量购进可以再优惠吗?B: If you buy 1000 or more, you"ll get a 10% discount.B:如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%.A: I"ll accept your offer.A:好的,我接受.A: Could you tell me how much it is?A:您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?B: In the neighborhood of $ 500.B:500美元左右.A: That"s way too much money.A:价格太贵了.B: We can make reductions according to the model.B:我们可以根据型号给予优惠.A: We have to ask for another price reduction.A:再给我们优惠点儿吧.B: You can forget about another cut.B:不能再降价了.购物英语对话A: Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右.)A: That"s way too much money.(价格太贵了.)B: We can make dow by model.(我们可以根据型号给予优惠.)A: We have to ask for another price reduction.(再给我们优惠点儿吧.)B: You can fourget about another cut.(不能再降价了.)A: How much are you asking for this?(这个多少钱?)B: I"m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?(每件10欧元,您看怎么样?)A: Is tax already included in ther price?(这个价位含税吗?)B: Yes. Our price can"t be matched.(是的.我们的价格无人可比.)A: Would you consider a volume discount?(批量购进可以再优惠吗?)B: If you buy 1000 or more, you"ll get a 10% discount.(如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%.)A: I"ll accept your offer.(好的,我接受.)
2023-07-23 23:16:404


commission: an amount of money paid to someone for selling something佣金discount: a reduction in the uaual price of something打折
2023-07-23 23:17:012


资料来自:索维尔研究及数据中心 rdccn 给您提供一些可供参考的资。 市场营销的概念要比促销大很多。市场营销是一种理念,包括很多东西,很广泛。 市场营销作为一种计划及执行活动,其过程包括对一个产品、一项服务、或一种思想的开发制作、定价、促销和流通等活动,其目的是经由交换及交易的过程达到满足组织或个人的需求目标。
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  1亩地等于666.66平方米。   “亩”是中国市制土地面积单位,一亩等于六十平方丈。十五亩等于一公顷,50亩地=333333平方米,相当于一个长105米、宽68米的足球场。   古人借面积单位作长度单位,由长宽各三百步的面积单位,变成距离三百步的长度单位。但方圆一里的含义,仍然是九百亩,也即是呈方形时长三百步宽三百步。与之类似,百步为亩,本义为宽一步长百步的面积。
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