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关于logistic department

2023-07-23 18:49:34
TAG: 关于 is

后勤部和物流部在英文里都是Logistics Department, 物流的提法在国内是近些年的事,不过“物业”在英语里是“property”,财产的意思,所以企业的后勤部可用“Logistics Department”物业部可用“Property Department”物流部也是“Logistics Department”,另外Department在英语里还常缩写为Dept


物流部 外企里的物流中心和外资的物流公司都这么用 EVERGREEN 招人时就这么用的。



物业部 property department




总公司 Head Office分公司 Branch Office营业部 Business Office人事部 Personnel Department人力资源部 Human Resources Department总务部 General Affairs Department财务部 General Accounting Department销售部 Sales Department促销部 Sales Promotion Department国际部 International Department出口部 Export Department进口部 Import Department公共关系 Public Relations Department广告部 Advertising Department企划部 Planning Department产品开发部 Product Development Department研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室 Secretarial Pool采购部 Purchasing Department工程部 Engineering Department行政部 Admin. Department人力资源部 HR Department市场部 Marketing Department技术部 Technolog Department客服部 Service Department行政部: Administration财务部 Financial Department总经理室、Direcotor, or President副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president总经办、General Deparment采购部、Purchase & Order Department工程部、Engineering Deparment研发部、Research Deparment生产部、Productive Department销售部、Sales Deparment广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department拓展部 Business Expending Department物供部、Supply DepartmentB&D business and development 业务拓展部Marketing 市场部Sales 销售部HR 人力资源部Account 会计部PR people relationship 公共关系部OFC (Office, 但不常见) / OMB = Office of Management and Budget 办公室Finance 财务部MKTG (Marketing) 市场部R&D (Research & Development) 研发部MFG (Manufacturing) 产品部Administration Dept. 管理部Purchasing Dept 采购部Chairman/President Office // Gerneral Manager office or GM office 总经理办公室Monitor & Support Department 监事会Strategy Research 战略研究部
2023-07-23 01:07:191


关于酒店职位英文缩写汇总   酒店要为客人提供高质量的服务,必须通过服务员的服务来体现。因此,服务员的素质、个人形象、礼仪、礼貌、语言交际能力、应变能力、服务技能和服务技巧等,是酒店提高服务质量的重要条件。下面为大家带来酒店职位英文缩写,快来看看吧。   酒店职位英文缩写   GM---GENERALMANAGER 总经理   DGM---DUTYGENERAL MANAGER 副总   DOR---DIRECTOR OF ROOMS 客务部总监   AM---ASSISTANT MANAGER 大堂经理(住店时投诉可以找的"人)   FIN---FINANCE 财务部   DOF---DIRECTOR OF FINANCE财务总监   DOM---DIRECTOR OFSALES&MARKETING 销售部总监   FO---FRONT OFFICE 前厅部   FOM---FRONT OFFICEMANAGER 前厅部经理   FD---FRONT DESK 前台   CONC---CONCIERGE 礼宾部   BC---BUSINESS CENTER 商务中心   F&B---FOOD&BEVERAGE餐饮部   ENG---ENGINEERING 工程部   HK---HOUSEKEEPING 客房部   HR---HUMAN RESOURCES 人力资源部   市场营销部=sales & Marketing Division   销售部=Sales Department   公关部=Public Relation Department   预订部=Reservation Department   客务部=Room Division   前厅部=Front Office Department   管家部=Housekeeping Department   餐饮部=Food & Beverage Department   康乐部=Recreation and Entertainment Department   工程部=Engineering Department   保安部=Security Department   行政部=Rear-Service Department   商场部=Shopping Arcade   人力资源开发总监=Director of Human Resources   人事部经理=Personnel Manager   培训部经理=Training Manager   督导部经理=Quality Inspector   人事主任=Personnel Officer   培训主任=Training Officer   财务总监=Financial Controller   财务部经理=Chief Accountant   成本部经理=Cost Controller   采购部经理=Purchasing Manager   采购部主管=Purchasing Officer   电脑部经理=EDP Manager   总出纳=Chief Cashier   市场营销总监=Director of Sales and Marketing   销售部经理=Director of Sales   公关经理=P.R.Manager   宴会销售经理=Banquet Sales Manager   销售经理=Sales Manager   宴会销售主任=Banquet Sales Officer   销售主任=Sales Officer   高级销售代表=Senior Sales Executive   销售代表=Sales Executive   公关代表=P.R. Representative   Executive Office=总行政办公室   宾客关系主任=Guest Relation Officer   公关部经理=Public Relation Manager   公关部主任=Public Relation Supervisor   客户经理=Account Manager   高级客户经理=Senior Account Manager   资深美工=Senior Artist   美工=Artist   销售部联络主任=Sales Coordinator   资深销售中心预订员=Sales Center Senior Reservation Clerk   销售中心主任=Sales Center Supervisor   礼宾部经理=Chief Concierge   行李员=Bellboy   女礼宾员=Door Girl   礼宾司=Door Man   Accounting=财务部   Sales & MarketingDept=营销部   General Manager=总经理   Human Resource &Training Dept=人力资源及培训部   Deputy General Manager=常务副总经理   Room Division=房务部   Food & Beverage Dept.=餐饮部   Purchasing Dept=.采购部   Electronic Data ProcessingDept.=电脑部   Security Dept.=保安部   Engineer Dept.=工程部   客房总监=Director of Housekeeping   前厅部经理=Front Office Manager   前厅部副经理=Asst . Front Office Manager   大堂副理=Assistant Manager   礼宾主管=Chief Concierger   客务主任=Guest Relation Officer   接待主管=Chief Concierge   接待员=Receptionist   车队主管=Chief Driver   出租车订车员=Taxi Service Clerk   行政管家=Executive Housekeeper   行政副管家=Assistant Executive Housekeeper   办公室文员=Order Taker   客房高级主任=Senior Supervisor   楼层主管=Floor supervisor   楼层领班=Floor Captain   客房服务员=Room Attendant   洗衣房经理=Laundry Manager   餐饮总监=F&B Director   餐饮部经理=F&B Manager   西餐厅经理=Western Restaurant Manager   中餐厅经理=Chinese Restaurant Manager   咖啡厅经理=Coffee Shop Manager   餐饮部秘书=F&B Secretary   领班=Captain   迎宾员=Hostess   服务员=Waiter ,waitress   传菜=Bus Boy, Bus Girl   行政总厨=Executive chef   中厨师长=Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)   西厨师长=Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)   西饼主管=Chief Baker   工程总监=Chief Engineer   工程部经理=Engineering Manager   值班工程师=Duty Engineer   保安部经理=Security Manager   保安部副经理=Asst. Security Manager   保安部主任=Security Manager   保安员=Security Manager   商场部经理=Shop Manager   商场营业员=Shop Assistant   市场营销部=Sales&Marketing Department   礼宾司=Chief Concierge   房务部=Room Division   康体部=Recreation Department   娱乐部=Entertainment Department   销售部总监=Director of Sales   高级销售代表=Senior Sales Representative   销售代表=Sales Representative   行政总厨=Executive chief   酒店公寓客服专员工作职责与职位要求   职位描述 :   1、熟悉掌握公寓的产品知识、服务标准;   2、掌握公寓业务系统及技能,为住客办理预定、签约、入住,催费、退房结账等一系列手续;   3、负责保管、制作和发放客房门锁卡、门禁卡、电梯卡,帮住客办理停车服务;   4、统筹、协调各部门共同为住客提供优质专业的对客服务;   5、与住户保持良好的沟通,了解住客全方面需求和意见,及时落实解决,保证住客满意度;   6、及时有效的解决住客简单投诉,协调处理突发事件;   7、准确掌握各类资讯,为住客提供问询服务;   8、掌握住客押金、租金收缴情况,及时跟进催缴;   9、开具工程单、文件整理和归档;   10、协助前台主管组织客户活动,建立与住客的良好关系;   11、认真细致做好交接班工作,保证工作的延续性。   岗位要求 :   1、年龄20—28周岁,性别不限,形象好,气质佳;   2、大专以上学历,专业不限,酒店及旅游管理专业优先;   3、具备良好的服务意识和服务态度;   4、为人诚实温和、严谨细致,工作认真负责,充满热情;   5、良好的团队合作精神和沟通、协调能力;   6、基本的英语听说能力;   7、完成客服经理及主管安排的其它工作。   工作地址:深圳市南山区蛇口   薪酬福利:五险一金、商业险、包住、月休8天、薪资5500—6000(税前)、季度奖金、年度激励金   上班时间:A班:7:00—15:30;B班:14:30—23:00 ;
2023-07-23 01:07:421


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2023-07-23 01:08:042


director/chief of law department
2023-07-23 01:08:142


总经理办公室 GM office食堂 dining room法务审计部 legal and audit department信息部 Information department仓库 warehouse产品开发部 product develope department国际事务部 international business affairscGMP项目组 cGMP project team
2023-07-23 01:08:211


dept是department的简写,中文意思为部门。解释:department,英 [du026a"pɑu02d0tm(u0259)nt]。n. 部;部门;系;科;局。DEPT谱(Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer)又称为无畸变极化转移技术,是一种碳谱核磁共振谱中的一种检测技术,主要用于区分碳谱图中的伯碳、仲碳、叔碳和季碳。扩展资料组织内承担特定任务的机构不能叫部门,如生产车间、销售公司等,属于内部单位,即使有的组织名称叫做XX部,如销售部,如果其没有承担管理职能的话,也不属于部门。复数:departments音节的缩写是由每个单词(通常)初步形成音节的缩写,它结合了两个词。例如INTERPOL等于 INTERnational 加 POLice。它是一个首字母缩写的变体。音节的缩写常是使用小写,有时会连起一个大写字母来写。这里就用单词中的D、E、P、T这四个字母来缩写单词department。
2023-07-23 01:08:541


关于酒店职位英文缩写汇总如下:GM---GENERALMANAGER总经理;DGM--DUTYGENERAL MANAGER副总;DOR--DIRECTOR OF ROOMS客务部总监;AM--ASSISTANT MANAGER大堂经理(住店时投诉可以找的"人);FIN---FINANCE财务部DOF--DIRECTOR OF FINANCE财务总监;DOM--DIRECTOR OFSALES&MARKETING销售部总监;FO--FRONT OFFICE前厅部;FOM--FRONT OFFICEMANAGER前厅部经理;FD--FRONT DESK前台;CONC--CONCIERGE礼宾部BC--BUSINESS CENTER商务中心;F&B--FOOD&BEVERAGE餐饮部;ENG--ENGINEERING工程部;HK--HOUSEKEEPING客房部;HR--HUMAN RESOURCES人力资原部;市场营销部=sales&Marketing Division;销售部=Sales Department公关部=Public Relation Department;预订部=Reservation Department;客务部=Room Division;前厅部=Front Office Department;管家部=Housekeeping Department;餐饮部=Food&Beverage Department康乐部=Recreation and Entertainment Department;保安部=Security Department;行政部=Rear-Service Department;商场部=Shopping Arcade
2023-07-23 01:09:081


2023-07-23 01:10:171


Comprehensive Administration Department缩写C.A.DIntegrated Management Department. 缩写 I.M.D.
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2023-07-23 01:10:343


市场营销部sales & Marketing Division 销售部Sales Department 公关部Public Relation Department 预订部Reservation Department 客务部Room Division 前厅部Front Office Department 管家部Housekeeping Department 餐饮部Food & Beverage Department 康乐部Recreation and Entertainment Department 工程部Engineering Department 保安部Security Department 行政部Rear-Service Department 商场部Shopping Arcade 人力资源开发总监Director of Human Resources 人事部经理Personnel Manager 培训部经理Training Manager 督导部经理Quality Inspector 人事主任Personnel Officer 培训主任Training Officer 财务总监Financial Controller 财务部经理Chief Accountant 成本部经理Cost Controller 采购部经理Purchasing Manager 采购部主管Purchasing Officer 电脑部经理EDP Manager 总出纳Chief Cashier 市场营销总监Director of Sales and Marketing 销售部经理Director of Sales 公关经理P.R.Manager 宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager 销售经理Sales Manager 宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer 销售主任Sales Officer 高级销售代表 Senior Sales Executive 销售代表 Sales Executive 公关代表 P.R. Representative Executive Office总行政办公室 宾客关系主任Guest Relation Officer 公关部经理Public Relation Manager 公关部主任Public Relation Supervisor 客户经理Account Manager 高级客户经理Senior Account Manager 资深美工Senior Artist 美工Artist 销售部联络主任Sales Coordinator 资深销售中心预订员Sales Center Senior Reservation Clerk 销售中心主任Sales Center Supervisor 礼宾部经理Chief Concierge 行李员Bellboy 女礼宾员Door Girl 礼宾司Door Man Accounting财务部 Sales & Marketing Dept.营销部 General Manager总经理 Human Resource & Training Dept.人力资源及培训部 Deputy General Manager常务副总经理 Room Division房务部 Food & Beverage Dept.餐饮部 Purchasing Dept.采购部 Electronic Data Processing Dept.电脑部 Security Dept.保安部 Engineer Dept.工程部 客房总监Director of Housekeeping 前厅部经理Front Office Manager 前厅部副经理Asst . Front Office Manager 大堂副理Assistant Manager 礼宾主管Chief Concierger 客务主任Guest Relation Officer 接待主管Chief Concierge 接待员Receptionist 车队主管Chief Driver 出租车订车员Taxi Service Clerk 行政管家Executive Housekeeper 行政副管家Assistant Executive Housekeeper 办公室文员Order Taker 客房高级主任Senior Supervisor 楼层主管Floor supervisor 楼层领班Floor Captain 客房服务员Room Attendant 洗衣房经理Laundry Manager 餐饮总监F&B Director 餐饮部经理F&B Manager 西餐厅经理Western Restaurant Manager 中餐厅经理Chinese Restaurant Manager 咖啡厅经理Coffee Shop Manager 餐饮部秘书F&B Secretary 领班Captain 迎宾员Hostess 服务员Waiter ,waitress 传菜Bus Boy, Bus Girl 行政总厨Executive chef 中厨师长Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen) 西厨师长Sous Chef(Western Kitchen) 西饼主管Chief Baker 工程总监Chief Engineer 工程部经理Engineering Manager 值班工程师Duty Engineer 保安部经理Security Manager 保安部副经理Asst. Security Manager 保安部主任Security Manager 保安员Security Manager 商场部经理Shop Manager 商场营业员Shop Assistant
2023-07-23 01:10:541


2023-07-23 01:11:054


英文翻译:Production Control Department缩写:Production Control Dept.
2023-07-23 01:11:372


CEO chief executive officer CFO chief financial officer COO chief operation officer MD main director GM general manager VP vice president CM country manager RM regional manager others like account manager,president,principle,department/section manager,executive etc.normally no short form. also,head of XXX is widely used.
2023-07-23 01:11:431

谁有一些英文单词的缩写,如ID 身份证,越多越好,急

ST 股票前“ST”是特别处理的英文“special treatment”的缩写FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 的简写。常问问题的问答集。WWW World Wide Web的缩写,也有人戏称为World Wide Wait。edu education 教育IP (Internet Protocol) 网际协议 ISP 网络服务提供者 ISO 国际标准化组织(ISO,International Organization for Stan-dardization缩写)。IT 是指信息技术,即英文Information Technology 的缩写.EC Electronic Commerce 或 E-commerce电子商务 源于英文Biz business 经济缩写Com commerce 商务缩写Info infomation 信息缩写Cn China 中国缩写OK okay 好的VC Venture Capital 风险资金BBS Bulletin Board System 电子公告版Dns DomainNameSystem 域名系统Vip Very Important Person 贵宾Nic NETWORK INFORMATION CENTER 网络信息中心URL Uniform Resource Location 统一资源定位符星期 星期一:MONDAY=MON 星期二:TUESDAY=TUS 星期三:WENSEDAY=WEN 星期四:THURSDAY=THUR 星期五:FRIDAY=FRI 星期六:SATURDAY=SAT 星期天:SUNDAY=SUN 月份 一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB 三月份=MAR 四月份=APR 五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN 七月份=JUL 八月份=AUG 九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT 十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC 常用词 4=FOR 到永远=FOREVER 2=TO RTN=RETURN(送回) BT=BLOOD TYPE(血型) PLS=PLEASE(请) BD=BIRTHDAY(生日) REWARD=酬谢 REWARD 4 RETURN=送回有酬谢 ALLRG=过敏 军事术语 USMC=海军陆战队 NAVY=海军 AF=AIR FORCE(空军) ARMY=陆军 宗教类 C=CHRISTIANISM(基督教) J=JUDAISM(犹太教) C=CATHOLICISM(天主教) B=BUDDHISM(佛教) I=ISLAM(伊斯兰教) NR=NO REFERENCE(没有宗教信仰) 星座 水瓶座: AQUARIUS(1月21日 - 2月19日) 双鱼座: PISCES(2月20日 - 3月20日 ) 白羊座: ARIES (3月21日 - 4月20日 ) 金牛座: TAURUS(4月21日 - 5月21日) 双子座: GEMINI(5月22日 - 6月21日 ) 巨蟹座: CANCER(6月22日 - 7月23日 ) 狮子座: LEO(7月24日 - 8月23日) 处女座: VIRGO(8月24日 - 9月23日 ) 天秤座: LIBRA (9月24日 - 10月23日 ) 天蝎座: SCORPIUS(10月24日 - 11月22日 ) 人马座: SAGITTARIUS(11月23日 - 12月21日 ) 山羊座: CAPRICORNUS (12月22日 - 1月20日 ) 1. 国际性或全美性:UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization)联合国教育科学文化组织(也叫国际文教组织)例如: (The)UNESCO has made some contributions to the world.(UNESCO 对世界做出一些贡献) NATO(North Atlantic Treaty organization)北大西洋公约组织。例如:Could(the)NATO members stick to their commitments?(NATO 的成员能坚守承担义务吗?) SALT(Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)战略武器限制公约例如:Should every nation join(the)SALT?(每个国家都要加入 SALT?) NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)美国航天太空总署例句:The U.S. space programs depend on the performances of NASA.(美国的太空计画是靠NASA的表现而定。)(注:以上缩写字也被人们当做一个字看待) WHO(World Health organization)世界卫生组织例句:Taiwan has been trying to become one of the WHO members.(台湾一直想办法成为WHO的成员之一) FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)联邦调查局(负责美国境内) CIA(Central Intelligence Agency)中央情报局(负责国外)例句:Over the past years, Dr. and Mrs. Lee have worked for both FBI and CIA.(过去多年来李博士夫妇都为 FBI 和 CIA 工作) FDA(Food and Drug Administration)美国食品药物管理局例句:This new drug has to be approved by the FDA.(这新药要经 FDA 批准) USDA(United States Department of Agriculture)美国农业部例句:USDA supplies myriad of information on agriculture market.(有关农业市场,USDA 供应大量资料。) IRS(Internal Revenue Service)美国税务局例句:Employees working for IRS should be courteous toward tax payers.(IRS 员工对纳税人应该有礼貌) NAACP(National Association for the Advancement of Color People)(全国黑人权益促进会,即黑人为了增进权益的最大机构)例句:Many African-Americans join NAACP.(许多美国黑人参加 NAACP) NIH(National Institute of Health)例句:Mr. Wang has worked at NIH as a researcher.(王先生在 NIH 担任研究员) AARP (American Association of Retired People.)(美国退休人员协会)例句:At age 50, you are eligible to be a member of AARP.(如果你 50 岁就可以成为 AARP 的会员) AAUP (American Association of University Professors) (美国大学教授协会)例句:The AAUP has many branches at different colleges and universities in the U.S. (AAUP 在美国各大学有很多分会) SCORE (Services Corps of Retired Executives)(退休主管服务队)(这是美国企业界主管退休后,免费担任顾问,协助年轻人创业的团体。)(注意:corps 单复数一样,发音与 corpse 不同,要小心。) (注:老外在机构名称缩写字前面,有时加冠词 the, a ,an,有时不加,不过在正式文件里,通常都加。) 2. 一般考试名称:SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) 学术能力倾向测验 (就是美国为高中生想进大学而设的考试)例句:The well-known universities accept new students based on SAT scores and well-rounded personalities. (名大学接受新生根据 SAT 成绩及各方面优良的品德) GPA (Grade Point Average)(学业成绩总平均)例句:His GPA always stands on the top of his class. (他的 GPA 都是全班第一) GED (General Equivalent Diploma); 一般同等文凭(高中没有毕业的学生,如果参加 GED,及格后,就可取得高中毕业证书)例句:If he passes GED test, he will earn a high school diploma. AP (advanced placement) 在校高中生,如果选修 AP 课程,考试及格,将来进大学时,可不必再修。例句:His son took some AP courses at high school. GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) 美国为攻读企管硕士 (MBA) 学生而设的入学考试例句:In order to enter a MBA program, you need a high score on GMAT. LSAT (Law School Admission Test) 美国为攻读法律学生而设的入学考试例句:He did very well in his LSAT. (他的 LSAT 考得不错) MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) 美国为进入医学院学生而设的考试例句:Do you think he will do well in his MCAT? GRE (Graduate Record Exam) 这是美国大学研究所对一般研究生的入学考试例句:Most American graduate schools require GRE scores.(多半美国研究所需要 GRE 成绩) TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) 外国学生想进美国大学的英语能力考试(即所谓:「托福」考试)例句:Almost all Chinese college graduates are required to take TOEFL if they come to the U.S. for advanced degrees. (几乎所有的中国大学毕业生都要参加 TOEFL,假如他们要到美国取得高学位的话。) CLEP(College Level Exam Program) 任何人只要有学识专长,都可参加这种考试,一旦及格,就可取得大学的学分。例句:As long as you pass CLEP, You may earn college credits.(只要你通过 CLEP,就能获得大学学分。) (注:老外一般所谓「大学」只说 College,不说 University)ESOL(English for Speakers of Other Languages) 这是美国为新来移民或外国学生所设的特别英语课程。也叫 ESL(English as a Second Language)例句:Many American campuses offer ESOL courses for foreign students.(许多美国校园为外国学生开设 ESOL 课程) 3. 一般生活方面:EOE (Equal Opportunity Employer) 这是美国各机构招考员工时向申请工作者表明自己是「平等机会雇主」。例句:All African-Americans hope that their employments will be based on EOE.(所有美国黑人都希望他们的工作机会均等) DOQ (Depending on Qualifications) 根据申请工作者的资历决定是否雇用。例句:The DOQ policy is being used by our school in hiring new teachers. (聘请新教师时,本校采用 DOQ 政策。) PR (Public Relation) 公共关系例句:The college president wants to improve its PR with the community.(大学校长想与社区增进公共关系) CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 最高行政执行长 (多半指企业界或公司领导人)例句:The CEO of this company will resign because of poor health. (这公司的 CEO 因为身体不好而辞职) CPA (Certified Public Accountant) 美国有执照的会计师例句:Do you have a CPA to prepare your income tax?(你有 CPA 为你报税吗?) COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) 生活费用的调整(即加薪时是按生活指数而定)例句:Our annual pay raise will be based on COLA. STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) = VD = Venereal Disease 性病(现在 STD 较常用)例句:Many teen-agers face STD problems.(许多青少年面临 STD 问题) SOA (Sexually oriented Advertisement) 有关性方面的广告例句:Don"t you feel we have too much SOA in the media?(你不认为在媒体上有太多的 SOA 吗?) GOP (Grand Old Party) 美国共和党另一称呼 = Republican Party例句:The GOP has nominated Mr. Bush as its Presidential candidate.(GOP 已提名 Bush 先生为总统候选人) PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome) 这是女人在月经前不舒服或心情不好所常用的缩写字例句:Don"t bother her; she has PMS. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) 指青少年不能集中注意力,静不下来的一种病症。例句:Tens of thousands of youngsters are suffering from ADHD in the U.S. (在美国成千上万的青少年有 ADHD 的毛病) RSVP (Respondez sil vous plait) 这是法文,通常在请帖上使用的「敬请回音」= Please reply(或 respond)例句:There is“RSVP”on the invitation card. BYOB (bring your own bottle) 老外请客时,为了减少负担或个人爱好酒的品种,在请帖上注明「请自己带酒」。例句:Whenever he invites guests, he asks “BYOB”。 (他只要请客,就要人家自己带酒。) AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Sydrome) 爱滋病例句:AIDS has spread all over the world. CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) 心脏病急救法例句:Everyone should learn how to do CPR. EKG (Electrocardiography) 心电图检查 (不是 ECG)例句:Her physician asks her to have an EKG next week. (医生要她下周做 EKG) IV (intravenous injection) 为病人注射的点滴例句:In the hospital emergency room, I saw a patient with an IV on his arm. (在医院大的急诊病房里,我看见一个病人在打点滴)
2023-07-23 01:11:513


哈,给你一个作参考——总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Business Office 人事部 Personnel Department 人力资源部Human Resources Department 总务部 General Affairs Department 财务部 General Accounting Department 销售部 Sales Department 促销部 Sales Promotion Department 国际部 International Department 出口部 Export Department 进口部 Import Department 公共关系 Public Relations Department 广告部 Advertising Department 企划部 Planning Department 产品开发部 Product Development Department 研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室 Secretarial Pool
2023-07-23 01:12:023


1.GM(general manager)2.AD(administration department)3.FD(finance ~)4.BD(business ~)5.PD(property ~)6.QA(quality assurance)7.ED(engineering ~)8.MD(manufacturing ~)
2023-07-23 01:12:164


财务部门的英语缩写?会计英文缩写?出纳英文缩写? 财务部:Financial Department -- FD 会计:aountant 出纳:cashier 英文缩写: 当天统计 英文缩写是? 月统计 英文缩写是? 没有缩写,也不需缩写,本来就不长: 当天统计:daily subtotal 月统计 monthly total 各个部门的英文缩写? 总经理办公室 GM office 食堂 dining room 法务审计部 legal and audit department 资讯部 Information department 仓库 warehouse 产品开发部 product develope department 国际事务部 international business affairs cGMP专案组 cGMP project team 公司部门的英文缩写? 总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Business Office 人事部 Personnel Department 人力资源部 Human Resources Department 总务部 General Affairs Department 财务部 General Aounting Department 销售部 Sales Department 促销部 Sales Promotion Department 国际部 International Department 出口部 Export Department 进口部 Import Department 公共关系 Public Relations Department 广告部 Advertising Department 企划部 Planning Department 产品开发部 Product Development Department 研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室 Secretarial Pool 采购部 Purchasing Department 工程部 Engineering Department 行政部 Admin. Department 人力资源部 HR Department 市场部 Marketing Department 技术部 Technolog Department 客服部 Service Department 行政部: Administration 财务部 Financial Department 总经理室、Direcotor, or President 副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president 总经办、General Deparment 采购部、Purchase & Order Department 工程部、Engineering Deparment 研发部、Research Deparment 生产部、Productive Department 销售部、Sales Deparment 广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment 无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department 拓展部 Business Expending Department 物供部、Supply Department B&D business and development 业务拓展部 Marketing 市场部 Sales 销售部 HR 人力资源部 Aount 会计部 PR people relationship 公共关系部 OFC (Office, 但不常见) / OMB = Office of Management and Budget 办公室 Finance 财务部 MKTG (Marketing) 市场部 R&D (Research & Development) 研发部 MFG (Manufacturing) 产品部 Administration Dept. 管理部 Purchasing Dept 采购部 Chairman/President Office Gerneral Manager office or GM office 总经理办公室 Monitor & Support Department 监事会 Strategy Research 战略研究部 财务的英文缩写 finance financial affairs financing 财务部在部门的英文缩写是什么? 比如工程部是PD. finance department = FD 财务部的英文缩写是什么呀? Financial Department:F.D.或者 Financial Affairs Department:F.A.D 英文缩写 A股 —人民币普通股票 AA制 —平摊聚餐费 AB角 —担任一个角色的两个演员 ABS —制动防抱着死装置 ADSL —非对称数字使用者线路 宽频 AIDS —艾滋病 AM —调幅 APC —阿司匹林 APEC —亚太经济合作组织 API —空气污染指数 ATM机—自动柜员机 a粒子—阿尔法粒子 a射线—阿尔法射线 B超 —B型超声诊断(仪) B股 —以美元或港币交易的股票 B细胞或B淋巴细胞—一种免疫细胞 BBS —电子公告牌系统 BP机 —无限寻呼机 BIAS —乖离率 b粒子—贝塔粒子 CAD —计算机辅助设计 CBD —商业中心 CCO —首席文化官 CD —镭射唱盘 CDMA —码头多址 CD-R—可录光碟 CD-ROM—只读光碟 CD-RW —可擦写光碟 CEO —执行长 CFO —首席财务官 CGO —首席沟通官 CI —企业标识 C3I系统—军队指战员指挥系统 CIMS —计算机整合制造系统 CIO —资讯长 CIP —在版编目;预编目录 C4ISR —军队自动化指挥系统 COO —营运长 CPA —注册会计师 CPU —中央处理器 CT —计算机体层成像(仪) CTO —首席技术官 DELL —戴尔 DIY —自己动手做 DNA 脱氧核糖核酸 DNA晶片—基因晶片 DOS —磁碟作业系统 DSL —数字使用者线路 DVD —数字镭射唱盘 e 化 —电子化 ED —男子性功能障碍 EDI —电子资料交换 E-mail—电子邮件 EMS —邮政特快专递 EQ —情商 FA —工厂自动化 FAX —传真件 FM —调频 GDP —国内生产总值 GIS —地理资讯系统 GMDSS —全球海上遇险情与安全系统 GNP —国民生产总值 GPS —全球定位系统 GRE —美国等国家研究生入学资格考试 GSM —全球移动通讯系统 H股 —在香港上市的股票 HA —家庭自动化 HDTV —高清晰度电视 hi-fi —高保真度 HIV —在艾滋病病毒 HSK —汉语水平考试 IC卡 —积体电路卡 ICP —因特网资讯提供商 ICQ —网路寻呼机 ICU —重病监护病房 IDC —网际网路资料中心 inter—网际网路 Intnr—因特网 IOC —国际奥林匹克委员会 IP地址 —网际协议地址 IP电话 —网路电话 IP卡 —IP电话卡 IQ —智商 ISDN —综合业务数字网络 ISO —国际标准化组织 ISP —因特网服务提供商 IT —资讯科技 ITS —智慧交通系统 KTV —配有卡拉OK和电视装置的包间 KDJ —随机指数 LD —镭射视盘 MACD —平滑异同移动平均线 MBA —工商管理硕士 MD —迷你光碟 MP3 —一种常用的数字音讯压缩格式 MPA —公共管理硕士 MTO —多边贸易组织 MTV —一种用电视画面配合歌曲演唱的艺术形式 NC —网路计算机 NMD —国家导弹预防系统 OA —办公自动化 OAPEC —阿拉伯石油输出国组织 OCR —光学字元识别 OEM —原始装置制造商业 OPEC —石油输出国组织(欧佩克) PC机 —个人电子计算机 PDA —个人数字助理 pH值 —氢离子浓度指数 PICC —中国人民保险公司 POS机 —商场电子收款机 PPA —苯丙醇胺 某些感冒药和减肥药中的一种成 分,已被国家通告停用。 PT —特别转让 QC —质量管理 RAM —随机存取储存器 RMB —人民币 ROM —储存器 RSI —相对强弱指数 SBS —大楼综合症 SCI —科学引文缩引 SIM卡 —使用者身份识别卡 SOHO —小型家居办公室 SOS —紧急呼救讯号 SOS儿童村—一种专门收养孤儿的慈善机构 ST —特别处理 STD —性传播疾病 T细胞 —一种免疫细胞 T型台 —多用于时装表演的舞台 T恤衫 —一种短袖套头上衣服 Tel —电话 TMD —战区导弹防疫系统 TV —电视 UFO —不明飞行物 VCD —镭射视盘 VDR —光碟录影机 VIP —要人 贵宾 VOD —视讯点播 WAR —无线应用协议 WC —盥洗室 厕所 WHO —世界卫生组织 WTO —世界贸易组织 —全球资讯网 X刀 —一种用于放射治疗的装置 X光 —X射线 X射线 —波长很短的电磁波,有很大的穿透能力。 y射线— 伽马射线 y刀 — 伽马刀
2023-07-23 01:12:251


The production department生产部 Finance dept.财务部 The purchasing department采购部 warehouse仓库 Grind the class打磨班 Welder"s class焊工班 Fire shift火工班 Technology development department技术开发部 Lifting class起重班 The human resources department人力资源部 Equipment class设备班 The Marketing Department市场部 Cutting class下料班Assembly class装配班 General manager总经办
2023-07-23 01:12:341


2023-07-23 01:12:555


2023-07-23 01:13:103


2023-07-23 01:13:281


缩写是FD吧怎么都写Financial Department啊没看清题目问缩写吗
2023-07-23 01:13:368


U.S. Institutions 美国行政机构总统办事机构:(Executive Office of the President)白宫办公厅 (The White House Office)副总统办公厅 (Office of the Vice President of the United States)行政管理和预憔?(Office of Management and Budget)经济顾问委员会 (Council of Economic Advisers)国家安全委员会 (National Security Council)美国贸易代表办公室(Office of United States Trade Representatives)政策制定办公室 (Office of Policy Development)科学和技术政策办公室 (Office of Science and Technology Policy)改善环境质量委员会 (Council on Environmental Quality)国家麻醉品控制政策办公室 (Office of National Drug Control Policy)行政办公室 (Office of Administration)政府各部:(Cabinet Department)国务院 (Department of State)财政部 (Department of Treasury)国防部 (Department of Defense)司法部 (Department of Justice)商务部 (Department of Commerce)能源部 (Department of Energy)内政部 (Department of Interior)农业部 (Department of Agriculture)教育部 (Department of Education)运输部 (Department of Transportation)劳工部 (Department of Labor)卫生与公众服务部 (Department of Health and Human services)住房和城市发展部 (Department of Housing and Urban Development)退伍军人事务部 (Department of Veterans Affairs)军事机构:(Military Bodies)国防部 (Department of Defense)参谋长联席会议 (Joint Chiefs of Staff)陆军 (Army)空军 (Airforce)海军 (Navy)海军陆战队 (Marine Corps)海岸警卫队 (Coast Guard)后备役部队 (Reserves)联合作战司令部 (United Combatant Commands)
2023-07-23 01:14:043


  电脑公司各职位名称英文简写   CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官   COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官   CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官   HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监   OD(Operations Director)运营总监   MD(Marketing Director)市场总监   OM(Operations Manager)运作经理   PM(Production Manager)生产经理   PG(Product Manager)产品经理   GM(General Manager)总经理   VP(Vice President)副总裁   FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁   AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理   Master of Business Administration 企业管理硕士   Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分)   Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁   Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理   外企职位名称英文简写   GM(General Manager)总经理   VP(Vice President)副总裁   FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁   AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理   CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官   COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官   CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官   CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官   HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监   OD(Operations Director)运营总监   MD(Marketing Director)市场总监   OM(Operations Manager)运作经理   PM(Production Manager)生产经理   (Product Manager)产品经理   Accounting Assistant 会计助理   Accounting Clerk 记帐员   Accounting Manager 会计部经理   Accounting Stall 会计部职员   Accounting Supervisor 会计主管   Administration Manager 行政经理   Administration Staff 行政人员   Administrative Assistant 行政助理   Administrative Clerk 行政办事员   Advertising Staff 广告工作人员   公司英文标识   总公司 Head Office   分公司 Branch Office   营业部 Business Office   人事部 Personnel Department   人力资源部Human Resources Department   总务部 General Affairs Department   财务部 General Accounting Department   销售部 Sales Department   促销部 Sales Promotion Department   国际部 International Department   出口部 Export Department   进口部 Import Department   公共关系 Public Relations Department   广告部 Advertising Department   企划部 Planning Department   产品开发部 Product Development Department   研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)   秘书室 Secretarial Pool
2023-07-23 01:14:391

综合管理部门的英文缩写是什么 ??

I.M General Management Department Manager
2023-07-23 01:14:472

装配部.工程部.注塑部.混色部.工模部.夹具部.维修部.物控部.计划部.丝印部.写字楼 这些的英文缩写,感谢

Assemble department.Engineering department.Note a Su department.Mix a color department.Work mold department.Tongs department.Maintain a department.The thing controls a department.Plan department.The silk prints a department.Office building
2023-07-23 01:14:541


distribution department
2023-07-23 01:15:023


平方千米表示边长为一千米的正方形的面积。平方米表示边长为一米的正方形的面积。因为1千米=1000米。所以:一平方米=1m*1m=1(m^2) 一平方千米=1000m*1000m=1000000(m^2)由上可知,平方千米和平方米的进率是1000000。
2023-07-23 01:15:132


公交线路:地铁8号线 → 地铁13号线,全程约3.8公里1、从回龙观东大街乘坐地铁8号线,经过1站, 到达霍营站2、步行约260米,换乘地铁13号线3、乘坐地铁13号线,经过1站, 到达回龙观站4、步行约340米,到达神州租车(回龙观店)
2023-07-23 01:15:161


2023-07-23 01:15:202


神舟七号? 不对吧,是嫦娥一号吧1《谁不说俺家乡好》词:吕其明 杨庶正曲:肖培珩 2《爱我中华》词:乔羽曲:徐沛东 3《歌唱祖国》词曲:王莘指挥:郑健 4《梁山伯与祝英台》曲:陈钢 何占豪 5《我的祖国》词:乔羽曲:刘炽 6《走进新时代》词:蒋开儒曲:印青 7《二泉映月》曲:华彦钧(阿炳) 8《黄河颂》词:光未然 (张光年)曲:冼星海(blog) 9《青藏高原》词曲:张千一 10《长江之歌》词:胡宏伟曲:王世光 11《在希望的田野上》词:晓光曲:施光南 12《春天的故事》词:蒋开儒 叶旭全 曲:王佑贵 13《七子之歌》词:闻一多曲:李海鹰 14《我的中国心》词:黄霑曲:王福龄 15《高山流水》古琴曲 16《草原上升起不落的太阳》词曲:美丽其格 17《阿里山姑娘》台湾民歌 18 《贵妃醉酒》选段京剧 19《难忘今宵》词:乔羽曲:王酩 20《歌声与微笑》词:王健 曲:谷建芬 21《春节序曲》曲:李焕之改编:彭修文 22《半个月亮爬上来》青海民歌 王洛宾改编 23《游园惊梦》选段昆曲 24《富饶辽阔的阿拉善》蒙古族长调 25《良宵》曲:刘天华 26《十二木卡姆选曲》新疆木卡姆选曲 27《东方之珠》词曲:罗大佑 28《在那遥远的地方》词曲:王洛宾 29《我是中国人》词:石飞曲:谷建芬 30《但愿人长久》词:苏轼曲:梁弘志
2023-07-23 01:15:231

my spare time英语作文60字

  空闲时间(my spare time )是我们额外训练自己 英语写作 的绝妙时机。 下面是我给大家整理了my spare time我的空闲时间 英语 作文 ,供大家参阅!   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇1   I"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing computer games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇2   Reading is one of my favorite ways to my spare time. However I don"t like reading books at home. I prefer to read them in the library. We have a community library down the street. It"s small but has a huge collection of books. I would go there on weekend afternoons checking what"s new in the library and sitting in the reading room to read some of the best magazines and newspapers around the world. The warm and sweet afternoon sunshine accompanied by the smell of books,reading has certainly become one of the best ways for me to spend my spare time.   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇3   my spare time   nowadays,students are under too much pressure.we are too tired and even have no time to rest.so how to use our spare time is one of our biggest problem.   in my spare time,my favorite thing is playing sports. that is good for our health,it also can make us relaxed. And why not playing some computer games? it may be BOY,s favorite. I really love it. I have been a volunteer before. Doing good things makes me happy.   I think my spare time is really colorful because I did so many things in so little time.   I am proud of myself.   What about you?   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇4   My spare time   I alway do anything useful in my spare time.I usually spend 20 percent of my time playing badminton and billiards.I spend 30 percent of my time playing computer games like CF and QQ Flying Car.And I spend fifteen percent of my time doing housework for my parents including washing clothes,washing dishes and sweeping the floor.What`s more,I spend 15 percent of my time playing the piano and the bass,for I can music can relax me.In addition,I spend the rest of my time reading novels.So these are the things which I do in my spare time above,how about yours?   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇5   I am a middle school student.Though Iu2019m busy with my lessons,my spare time is still colorful.   After school I usually play sports.I like basketball and football very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often do some reading in the evening.I think books are our best friends.They give us much knowledge that we canu2019t learn at school.So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time.   my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文60字篇6   Sometimes, when I am free I ususally do a lots of things.   I am fond of doing exercise. For example, I could be play basketball or football.   On the other hand, I am also keen on reading. I read some magazines and literature books. Especially books about science.   This"s my free time. 》》》》下一页更多精彩“my spare time我的空闲时间英语作文”
2023-07-23 01:15:311


2023-07-23 01:15:3314

My spare time初中英语作文

  英语是高中最基础的课程之一,是为以后更高层次的英语学习以及工作生活打基础阶段,因为当今英语在工作、生活中的重要性越来越突出。你会在你的空空闲时间里面做什么呢?下面是我为你整理的几篇关于My spare time初中英语作文,希望对你有帮助哦!   My spare time初中英语作文篇1   I am a middle school student.Though Iu2019m busy with my lessons,my spare time is still colorful.   After school I usually play sports.I like basketball and football very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often do some reading in the evening.I think books are our best friends.They give us much knowledge that we canu2019t learn at school.So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time.   Sometimes I watch TV or surf the Internet.I find itu2019s a good way to relax myself.At the same time it can also help me open up my eyes to the outside world.At the weekends I often help my parents with the housework.I clean the house,wash clothes and learn to cook.During the summer or winter vacation,I have enough time to do things like volunteering.I help those people who are in need.Itu2019s a good experience for me.I enjoy myself in my spare time.   我是一名中学生。尽管学业繁忙,但是我的业余生活仍然丰富多彩。   放学后我常常参加体育活动。我非常喜欢打篮球和踢足球。体育运动令我身体健康、学习也更加优秀。到了晚上,我常常会读点书。我认为书籍是我们最好的朋友,它教给了我们许多在学校里学不到的知识,所以读书大大充实了我的业余时间。   偶尔我也会看看电视、上上网,这倒是放松自己不错的方式,与此同时,还能开阔自己的视野。周末的时候,我经常帮父母做做家务:打扫房子、洗衣物、学做饭。在寒暑假,我有足够的时间,可以做的事情有很多,比如做一名志愿者,去帮助那些需要帮助的人们。这对我来说是一份宝贵的经验。总之,我乐享我的业余生活。   我是一名中学生。尽管学业繁忙,但是我的业余生活仍然丰富多彩。 放学后我常常参加体育活动。我非常喜欢打篮球和踢足球。体育运动令我身体健康、学习也更加优秀。到了晚上,我常常会读点书。我认为书籍是我们最好的朋友,它教给了我们许多在学校里学不到的知识,所以读书大大充实了我的业余时间。 偶尔我也会看看电视、上上网,这倒是放松自己不错的方式,与此同时,还能开阔自己的视野。周末的时候,我经常帮父母做做家务:打扫房子、洗衣物、学做饭。在寒暑假,我有足够的时间,可以做的事情有很多,比如做一名志愿者,去帮助那些需要帮助的人们。这对我来说是一份宝贵的经验。总之,我乐享我的业余生活。   My spare time初中英语作文篇2   As a middle school student, I don"t have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do. I like listening to music and reading, so in my free time, I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour. It"s a good way to relax myself. I always do some reading before go to bed. Besides, I always go to swimming after school. Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study. As the same as other students, I often watch TV in the evening, but I have to finish my homework first. At the weekends, I will help my mother with the housework, such as clean the house, do some washing. And, it"s a time to visit my friends. We are always happy together.   作为一名中学生,我没有很多自由时间,但是我仍然有很多事情要做。我喜欢听音乐和阅读,所以空闲时间我经常上网听音乐半个小时。这是自我放松的一种好方式。睡觉前我经常看些书。此外,放学后我经常去游泳。锻炼帮助我保持健康,对我的学习有好处。和其他同学一样,我晚上也经常看电视,但是我必须先完成作业。周末,我会帮妈妈做些家务,比如打扫屋子,洗衣服等等。而且,这也是我拜访朋友的时间。我们在一起的时候总是很快乐。   My spare time初中英语作文篇3   I"m always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing computer games at home.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friends.Sometimes I help my parents with housework.In the evening ,I often go to the movies.My favorite movies are Superman and Spider-Man.I want to be a hero to help people who need help in the future!
2023-07-23 01:15:401


1平方千米=100公顷1公顷=10000平方米平方千米,是我们用来形容某个城市某个省份或者国家占地面积的一个面积单位,它是针对边长为一千米的一个面积描述,即为一千米的平方, 通常平方千米能够非常直观地描述出一座城市、一个省份甚至一个国家的二维空间大小,同平方米一样,它是国家上通用的国际标准的面积单位。1平方千米是边长一千米的一个正方形的面积描述,它的算法就是将一个二维空间下的图形边长换算成千米为单位的基础上在进行相乘之后, 就能够得到平方千米的一个面积单位,平方千米可以说是目前为止最大的面积单位, 一般用来形容城市、省份和国家的占地面积,此外,它也会用来形容地球上的地表面积。除去平方千米外,我们还有很多关于面积的描述单位,比如国内非常常用的亩、国外用的英亩,以及公顷、平方厘米和平方米等等。
2023-07-23 01:15:451


我的课余时间我的课余时间会和朋友聊聊天,交流一下感兴趣的事情,有时候和大家一起做游戏,偶尔会到操场散散步,打羽毛球,有时候课间太累的话,会稍微睡一下,放松一下疲惫的身体,以便迎接接下来的课程。My spare timeIn spare time ,I talk with friends, discuss some interesting , and sometimes play games with others, Occasionally to the playground for a walk, play badminton, sometimes break too tired, can sleep a little on classroom, relax the tired body , in order to meet the next course.
2023-07-23 01:15:502

My Spare Time ( 八年级 )作文

My Spare Time ( 八年级 )作文 I am a student. I spend more time at school, because I am busy at studying. So my spare time is very few. In my spare time,I often play puter games. But it is bad for my healthy, So I plan to make my time bee more colorful, and I have done some housework. That is really a great fun for doing housework. I am very happy that I can help my parents to do some housework, It is my greatest spare time! 八年级作文my favorite subject 第一篇: Do you like math ? Yes, I like math best. I like to read the numbers . I think it can give me many happy. When I do the math , I am very excited. It is easy to finish it. So it donesn"t spend me so much. But I like to do the difficult problems. When I finish the difficult one, I am very happy. Sometimes I sing and dance. I really like math. And you ? 第二篇: What subject do you like best? I like English. I want to travel around the world when I grow up. So I must study English well. My teacher always says it is very important to learn English well. And learning English is very interesting. It makes me happy. We can know about the things in other countries. It is better for me to travel. 第三篇: I think Chinese is my favorite subject. Everyone can speak Chinese in China. But maybe you can"t get good grades. It looks easy. But it is a little difficult. My Chinese is good. I like to write the dairy evry day. I like the story books. And I like to read. When I stay in bed, I always read the book. I think it is funny to read. And I think it can help me improve my Chinese. Do you think so ?Please tell me. 第四篇: I like Chinese best. I think it is very important for me to learn Chinese well. Because I want to be a reportor when I grow up. So I will write the articles to the magzines and newspaper. So I have to learn Chinese well. And I want to write the stories . I like writing. I want to be a writer. So I must study Chinese now. How about you? 第五篇: My favoritor subject is English. I think English is very important . And most people in the world can speak English. If you go to France, and you can"t speak French, you can speak English. Most people in France can speak French. So it is very important to learn English well. Everyone should learn English well. 楼楼加油哦,这个从网上摘得。 参考资料: :frjy./zuowen/Html/english/Class17/1402120090301081328. 八年级my advice to my friend 60字作文 I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a *** all mouth, a *** all nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much. 2.My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is a quite funny outgoing guy but I am very serious. He is an athletic boy and is able to play all kinds of sports but I am only *** art on study. My friend is wild and I am calm. He is tall, thin, strong,with shorthair,. And sometime he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don"t want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study. I think our friendship is beautiful. my happy thing(s)作文八年级的 The city es across everyone"s lifetime lots and lots of thing.Of course ,our neither exception.Come across the too grieved thing ,the regret thing ,happy thing in my lifetime.Because of the time fleeting ,me also gradually have faded from self"s memory.May have a matter ,seeming to carve having been member of me makes me all self"s life unfettable in the heart!When that is still my elementary school,once have a holiday.I have just made an appointment with young several buddies ,a go to the mountain.In that day,we like to eat something arriving in Shan Shang going sight-seeing with self respectively.A few moments later,we crawl right away having arrived at a mountain.Heavy fine wind Oh,we sit on stone.Eat something as well as,breaking a jest. 八年级my future 英语作文 中文:我的未来 “未来”这个存在着无限幻想的词汇!对于未来,我们有太多的幻想空间,我们永远不知道未来会发生什么?但至少我们可以去幻想,去幻想美好的未来。或许未来不是你所幻想的那样,但至少你的幻想可以当做一个美丽的梦!在这个梦中,你随心所欲,做一切你想做的事,做一个你认为最完美的你!“未来”是一个值得关注的焦点,值得我们去关注的 *** ! “未来”——充满着无限美好!或许现在的卧室一个懒散、不爱学习、又不听父母话的孩子。那么我将幻想未来的我是一个勤劳、刻苦学习、又乖巧的女儿;或许现在的我是一个懦弱、动不动就流泪的、非常胆小的女孩,那么我将幻想未来的我是一个坚强、勇敢、不再流泪的女强人;或许现在的我是一个任人欺负的小绵羊,那么我将幻想未来的我是一个武林高手,让那些人听到我的名字就不寒而栗······ “未来”——充满着无限向往!我幻想我的未来每天都是晴空万里,天边永远挂着想棒棒糖一样美丽七彩的彩虹;在我工作的地方充满着笑声,一直传到很远很远的地方;当我到学校回想往事的时候,可以听见朗朗的读书声;当我回到故乡的时候扑鼻而来的是花的香气、大地的香气、小草的香气;看到了花的娇艳、大地的坚实,小草的顽强;更重要的是孩子们的欢声笑语! 英文:my future "Future" there is existing boundless fantasy vocabulary in this! To future, we have very much fantasy space , we will never know what to may happened in future? We can get rid of fantasy but at least , get rid of fantasy bright future. Probably, future is not your institute fantasy like that, but your fantasy can at least regard as a beautiful dream! In this dream, you do as one likes , act as everything you think of the thing posing , act as a your regarding it being the most consummate you! "Future" is a focal point being worth it paying close attention to , is worth it our climax goes and paying close attention to! "Future" is being full of boundless fine! Probably, bedroom now one indolent , does not love the child who studies , not listening to parents words"s. Then I with my be that one is diligent , study assiduously , cute fantasy future daughter; Probably now"s I am a cowardly , easily burst into tears , very yellow-bellied girl , my general fantasy is then future I am a able woman who firm , brave , bursts into tears no longer; Probably now"s I am one at other"s wish *** all sheep bullying, my general fantasy is so future I am a world or circle of wushu past master , the name let those person hear me is full of with regard to very frightened ······ "future" yearn for that boundlessly! My fantasy my ing every day all is a clear and boundless sky , remotest places thinks of lollipop kind of seven colored beautiful rainbow being hanging forever; Local working in me is full of laughter , is conducting till very far very distant place; While I recall past events to school, can hear bright reading a book; The fragrance being multicolored fragrance , the earth , for a short time careless fragrance assailing the nostrils but ing while I return to hometown; Solidity having seen multicolored tenderness and beauy , the earth , for a short time careless indomitableness; More important be cheering and laughing of the children! 英语作文MY Free Time 2100词八年级第二单元 My free time I have lots of things to do in my free tim e. I like listening to music in my free time.It is relaxing. One of my favorite things is reading.Rea ding is helpful to my writing and lets me happy. As we know, surfing the Inter is very popular aroung the world.I always play c omputer games. I take lots of exercise to keep fit.I often spend forty minuters doing exercise in t he morning every day. My free time is colorful. 英语作文 My life in ten years 八年级作文 my life in ten years,there will be less pollution and more trees.people will use cars fewer.we wont use money everything will be free.the students wont go to school,they will study on the puter.by the way our life will be better and better 八年级英语作文 my favorite program  My favorite program Nowadays radios and TVs play a more and more important role in our daily life. There are many programs shown every day. Some of them are very good. My favorite program is called“The Animal World”, which is broadcast by CCTV every Sunday night. The program provides us with natural scenes, the life of all kinds of wild animals and the wonderful explanation about it. We also acquire some knowledge about animals, even some plants. So in my opinion, it is an interesting as well as an instructive program. Be sides, the pictures are very beautiful. It"s really a great joy to watch it. If you don"t believe it, Just watch it yourself. E智网为你解答,希望可以帮助到你! 八年级MY future英语作文120字 现在,我常常在想我的将来会是怎么样的,会做什么事情,干什么工作?我想自己将来会成为一个治病救人的好医生。那时候,我会穿着一套白色的衣服,在医疗室里不停地为病人动手术,把那些病人一个个从死亡线上给救回来。他们纷纷向我表示感谢,我谦虚地告诉他们这是我一个人民医生应该做的。记者什么的都来向我采访,替我做报导。我说不必了,因为这一些都是小事,应该报导表扬那些教我做人,给我知识的老师和长者。 我还想过将来自己全当一个老师。站在讲台前满腔热情地为小朋友们讲课,做实验。那些小朋友津津有味地听我讲课,看我做实验。在我的带动下,学生们纷纷动手做起了实验。啊,那些学生真是了不起,不但专心听课,而且会动脑筋,提出来的一些问题让我一下子不能够回答。怎么办?我就实事求是地告诉他们我还没有弄懂,回去思考,希望他们也去动脑筋,看看谁先想出来。 我想自己将来还可能成为一个警察。只要哪里发生事情,我就会第一个赶到那里去处理事情,抓住坏人,让人民安居乐业。 我想自己将来可能会成为别的什么样的工作者,但是不管怎么都会为人世谋幸福,让大家因为有了我,而感到高兴、感到幸福!Now, I often wonder what kind of future I will do something, what work? I think that they will bee a life-saving good doctor. At that time, I will be wearing a white dress, kept in the medical room for patients operated on those patients a month from the dead to e back online to save. They all thanked me, I humbly tell them this is my people, a doctor should do. What journalist came to interview me, give me a report. I said that was unnecessary, because of these are *** all things, it should be reported in recognition of a man who taught me to give me knowledge, teachers and elders. I also thought about the future as a teacher his whole. Standing in front of the podium for the kids enthusiastically lectures, doing experiments. I relish those kids listening to lectures, watching me to do experiments. In my lead, the students have hands-on start in the experiment. Ah, those students really great, not only to concentrate on lectures, but will use their brains, some of the issues raised so that I can not answer at once. How to do? I seek truth from facts to tell them that I have not yet understood, go back and think, I hope they go to use their brains to see who should want to e out. I would like to own in the future may also bee a policeman. As long as where something happens, I"ll rush the first one there to handle things, to seize the bad guys, let the people live and work. I want to own anything else in the future may bee the kind of workers, but no matter how well-being will be for the dead, so that everyone because of me, and am happy happy! 八年级作文 我的快乐然我是一个有点内向的女孩儿,但是我的内心中充满了自信。我相信风雨后总能见到彩虹,我相信只要付出努力就能收获成功,我相信……正因为我的自信,使我沐浴着阳光,享受着快乐。上三年级的时候,才刚刚开始学习写作文,我就落在了起跑线上。每次发下我的作文,上面都是老师那红笔勾勒的圈圈点点,文后的评语占我当时作文的三分之二,例如:错别字太多、语句不通顺、层次不清、没有中心、太枯燥……尽管这样,可我并没有对写作失去兴趣,虽然我现在写得一塌糊涂,但我不相信我永远写不好作文。从那以后,我为自己定下了计划:每周写一篇周记,必须是亲身经历的,不写作文书上见过的;平时,留心观察周围的一切,将有意义的随时记录下来。后来,我们又学习了修辞手法,我是这把修辞手法运用在作文里,是作文显得更加生动了。而且我迷上了读小说、散文,书架上摆满了各种书籍。我的作文水平犹如寒冬转暖夏的气温,在一天天的提高着,再加上老师的细心指导,使我的作文水平更是蒸蒸日上、突飞猛进。后来,我参加了“我的暑假”征文活动,没想到,我居然得了一等奖。十岁的时候,爸爸为我报了一个去哈尔滨和俄罗斯的夏令营,我是其中年龄最小的一个,爸爸妈妈总有些不放心,对我嘱咐这嘱咐那,我自信的对他们说:“你们放心吧,我会照顾好自己的。”当我们最后一天从哈尔滨返回的时候,在火车站,我与其他团员走散了,可当时十岁的我一点也没有害怕,因为我相信自己。我沉着冷静地找到了开往济南的火车,最后,和大家在火车上碰面了。自信就像是一盏永不灭的灯,在你遇到黑暗时为你照亮前进的路;自信就像是一条迎风行驶的小船,载着你闯过风风雨雨;自信就像是一位知心的朋友,在生活中告诉你许许多多做人的道理;自信就像是…… 正是因为我的自信,改变了我的作文命运,否则我怎能在作文比赛中获得一等奖;正是因为我的自信,使我在夏令营中锻炼了独立自主的能力;正是因为我的自信,使我能够遇到问题勇敢面对;正是因为我的自信,使我……是我的自信使我懂得了很多很多,是我的自信使我快乐的生活着。我愿永远充满自信,永远快乐生活!
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2023-07-23 01:14:224


您好 亲亲~ 很高兴能为您解答这个问题呢。1、可能是笔记本电脑摄像头没有安装驱动或者驱动损坏,可以尝试使用驱动人生、驱动精灵等第三方驱动工具检测,并重新安装笔记本电脑摄像头的驱动程序。一般安装完毕后重启笔记本电脑就可以正常使用摄像头。2、可能是笔记本电脑摄像头被禁用,可以尝试打开电脑的设备管理器,在设备列表中找到摄像头(一般以摄像头品牌的英文命名),并在属性中重新启用摄像头。3、可能是笔记本电脑摄像头发生硬件故障或者和电脑之间的线路断连,建议携带笔记本电脑前往售后维修中检测,并更换对应的零部件解决。笔记本电脑(Laptop),简称笔记本,又称“便携式电脑,手提电脑、掌上电脑或膝上型电脑”,特点是机身小巧。比台式机携带方便,是一种小型、便于携带的个人电脑。通常重1-3千克。当前发展趋势是体积越来越小,重量越来越轻,功能越来越强。为了缩小体积,笔记本电脑采用液晶显示器(液晶LCD屏)。除键盘外,还装有触摸板(Touchpad)或触控点(Pointing stick)作为定位设备(Pointing device)。笔记本电脑和台式机的区别在于便携性,它对主板、中央处理器、内存、显卡、电脑硬盘的容量等有不同要求。当今的笔记本电脑正在根据用途分化出不同的趋势,上网本趋于日常办公以及电影;商务本趋于稳定低功耗获得更长久的续航时间;家用本拥有不错的性能和很高的性价比,游戏本则是专门为了迎合少数人群外出游戏使用的;发烧级配置,娱乐体验效果好,当然价格不低,电池续航时间也不理想。
2023-07-23 01:14:184


外汇的直接标价法和间接标价法,区别如下:1、直接标价法直接标价法,又叫应付标价法,是以一定单位(1、100、1000、10000)的外国货币为标准来计算应付出多少单位本国货币。就相当于计算购买一定单位外币所应付多少本币,所以叫应付标价法。包括中国在内的世界上绝大多数国家目前都采用直接标价法。在国际外汇市场上,日元、瑞士法郎、加元等均为直接标价法。在直接标价法下,若一定单位的外币折合的本币数额多于前期,则说明外币币值上升或本币币值下跌,叫做外汇汇率上升;反之,如果要用比原来较少的本币即能兑换到同一数额的外币,这说明外币币值下跌或本币币值上升,叫做外汇汇率下跌,即外币的价值与汇率的涨跌成正比。2、间接标价法间接标价法又称应收标价法。它是以一定单位(如1个单位)的本国货币为标准,来计算应收若干单位的外国货币。在国际外汇市场上,欧元、英镑、澳元等均为间接标价法。在间接标价法中,本国货币的数额保持不变,外国货币的数额随着本国货币币值的对比变化而变动。如果一定数额的本币能兑换的外币数额比前期少,这表明外币币值上升,本币币值下降,即外汇汇率下降;反之,如果一定数额的本币能兑换的外币数额比前期多,则说明外币币值下降、本币币值上升,即外汇汇率上升,即外币的价值和汇率的升跌成反比。温馨提示:以上内容仅供参考。应答时间:2020-11-26,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~ https://b.pingan.com.cn/paim/iknow/index.html
2023-07-23 01:13:441


直接标价法和间接标价法本质上是不同的,直接标价法以外币为标准,间接标价法以本币为标准。 采用不同的国家目前,只有少数发达国家采用间接标价法,其他大部分国家采用直接标价法。两种计价方式的本币价值变化对汇率的影响不同。直接计价法是外币数量固定,本币数量随汇率变化;与直接标价法相_比,间接标价法使用固定数量的本币来计算应收取的外币单位数。升水:在货币市场中,升水指为判断远期或期货价格而向即期价格中添加的点数。与贴水相对应。即当“被报价币利率”小于“报价币利率”时的情况。此时SwapPoint为正数。这种情况下,换汇汇率点数排列方式为左小右大。升水表示远期汇率高于即期汇率。在直接标价法下,升水代表本币贬值。反之,在间接标价法下,升水表示本币升值。如人民币兑美元现汇汇率为100美元=810.02元人民币,若期汇升水10个点,则期汇汇率为100美元=810.12元人民币,表示人民币贬值10个点反之亦然。贴水:是指远期汇率低于即期汇率,与“升水”对应。在通常情况下,银行报出的升贴水数只有两位或三位数。如果为两位数,即为小数点后第三和第四位,如果报三位数,即为小数点后第二、三加第四位数。升贴水数的大小、两个数的排列次序也按升水或贴水而不同。在直接标价法下,大数在前,小数在后,即为贴水。在间接标价法下,小数在前,大数在后,则为贴水。拓展资料:1、目前世界上主要有三种定价方式:美元定价法、直接定价法和间接定价法。直接投标价法应收投标价法相当于购买一定单位外币应给予的本币数量,故称为应付投标价法。目前包括中国在内的大多数国家都采用直接定价的方式,比如人民币应该兑换多少美元。直接定价法与间接定价法的几个区别两种竞价方式的本质不同直接计价法是将外币按外币标准折算成等值的本币。间接计价法以本币为标准,金额不变,折算成相对等值的外币实际上,这两种竞价方式是互惠的。2、不同的国家一个国家只能同时使用一种价格方法。目前只有英国、美国等少数发达国家采用间接定价法,但美元兑英镑仍采用直接定价法。大多数其他国家/地区使用直接定价方法。两种定价方式本币价值变化对汇率的影响不同在直接定价法中,外汇汇率的涨跌对本币的价值变动有负面影响。例如,当本币升值时,汇率下降;当当地货币贬值时,汇率上升。在间接定价法中,外汇汇率的本币金额保持不变。如果外币按固定金额折算的本币减少,外币的价值就会上升;如果外币升值,本币就会贬值。当然,外汇汇率也会下降。3、本质不同直接计价法是以一定单位的外币为标准,折算成若干单位的本币。间接计价法是以本币为基准货币,金额不变的外币折算成若干个单位。事实上,直接投标价格和间接投标价格是互惠的。不同的国家在一定时期内,一个国家只能采用一种外币兑换方式。世界上大多数国家采用直接定价法,只有少数发达国家采用间接定价法,如英国和美国,但美元兑英镑采用直接定价法。本币价值变化对汇率的影响不同在直接定价法下,外汇汇率的涨跌与本币价值的变化成反比:本币升值导致汇率下降。本币贬值,汇率上升。在间接定价法中,外汇汇率的涨跌与本币价值的变化成正比。本币数量不变,如果一定数量的外币可以兑换成本币变少,外币升值,本币贬值,即外汇汇率下降。
2023-07-23 01:13:351


因汇率实时波动,您可以参考招商银行外汇“实时汇率”,请进入招商银行一网通主页,点击页面中部的“ 实时行情-外汇实时汇率”查看。具体汇率请以实际操作时汇率为准。如需查询历史汇率,在对应汇率后点击"查看历史"。汇率实时波动,仅供参考。您也可在招行主页,点击页面中部的“金融工具-外币兑换计算器”或“外汇-外币兑换计算器”试算,选择对应的外币,钞汇类型,输入金额计算,外币兑换计算器的数据、计算结果仅供参考。具体以办理业务或交易实际结果为准。(应答时间:2023年7月19日。以上内容供您参考,如遇业务变动请以最新业务规则为准。)温馨提示:如有任何疑问,欢迎拨打官方客服热线或联系招行APP在线客服咨询。
2023-07-23 01:13:112


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2023-07-23 01:12:587


下面哪个国家不使用间接标价法( )。中国是不使用间接标价法的
2023-07-23 01:12:496