汉朝时合肥城南有兄弟二人,哥哥李复医术高名,弟弟李岳一般,只能当个副手,他们母亲得了种病,哥哥也无可奈何,一天来了个道士来到他们家里唱了个诺: 说西王母娘娘那里有药方可以治疗这种病,赋诗一首:
寻坡转涧蛇六谷, 风餐露宿天水岸. 迈岭登山拜仙桃。 历经千苦药王归.
听说西王母娘娘那里有药方可以治疗这种病,弟弟听后把母亲扶是毛驴告辞家人去求药方,。 他背着母亲过了一座又一座山,过了一条又一条河,有一天晚上到了一个黑森林,月亮把大地映的好亮,母亲说口渴的厉害,想要喝水。他叫母亲在大树下休息,自己去找水,发现对面就有一小汪水。可是有两条小花蛇在嬉戏,李岳把它们赶走后看到水都是黑糊糊的,怎么能够喝呀?这时母亲突然把他推开捧了一大口就喝到嘴巴里,喝了以后母亲说:“味道好极了,舒服多了。”
第二天早晨他们又要赶路,不知道走了多少路,淋了多少雨雪,受了多少饥饿,有一天他们到了一个好大好的湖边, 湖边的风景好美好美.看见了一间草屋子,就进去休息,进去一看里面都是奇珍异宝,他们看的目瞪口呆,正在这时进来了一个大胖子还摇着大蒲扇.告诉他们说这里风景好,物产多.希望他们能够留下来住下,说完拿来了好多好吃的款待他们.可是李岳不为所动,一心要去西域去求药.大胖子暗暗称赞李岳的孝心,他给了李岳一颗红枣,叫他吃掉,那可是颗仙枣,李岳吃了背着母亲也感觉不到累了,就这么走呀走呀也不知道又过了多少年。。。
他们到了一座大山下,抬头看见大片大片的桃园,桃子长的又大又红,远远的闻到香味,他们来到山上被眼前的桃园惊呆了,桃树又高又大,又有好多鸟,还有李岳不梅花鹿,小溪。 母亲说想吃桃子,李岳爬上树去摘,一不小心从树上摔了下来,把脚摔断了,他还是忍疼痛一瘸一拐的把桃子捧给母亲吃,她吃了两个,还剩下一个说:“儿啊,你也吃一个吧。”李岳口也渴了吃了一个,心想怎么怎么好吃,还第一次吃到怎么好吃的东西。但是想到还要见王母娘娘还得赶路,就撇了一个树枝当拐杖搀着母亲走,这时忽然来了一群仙女有说有笑,当她们看见李岳母子的时侯说“你们胆子太大了,知道这里是什么地方吗?”一顿训斥。李岳母子低下头,不知如何是好。 这时来了一个穿着华美的衣服,样子也很慈祥老妇人斥退了众仙女,问李岳他们从哪里来的. 李岳就一五一十的回答了她.王母夸奖他的孝心,对他的求药乞求也点头同意,王母问他还有什么要求时,李岳说希望得到西王母的药方造福天下老百姓。。。。。。
李岳带着母亲回到家乡,哥哥看见他们母子俩回来十分惊奇,赶忙就问是不是用了什么药方治疗的?听了李岳一五一十是说清后,一脚跺在地上说: “弟弟还是你行!当初我给母亲诊断的时候就确定必须要君药蛇六谷,天湖露,仙蟠桃这两个臣药方可痊愈,因为三种药难遇,我只好摇头…没有想到还是你的孝心完成了这个常人难完成的事情……
<<Hefei civil Tales Legends Tieguai Li ----->>
Hefei south of the Han Dynasty when there are two brothers, Lee Rehabus brother Gao medicine, the younger brother of General LI Yue, a deputy only when they got kind of sick mother, his brother had no alternative but to a day to a Taoist priest came to their house to sing a Snow: Queen Mother of the West, said there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, Fu Shi Yishou:
To look for slope Jian Gu six snakes, Fengcanlousu waterfront days. Xiantao al mountain ridge step. After suffering thousands of the Manual.
Queen Mother of the West have heard that there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, the younger brother to hear the donkey is helping mothers leave their families to seek prescription. After carrying his mother and a mountain, over a river and one day in the evening to a Black Forest, the land of the moon to reflect a good light, his mother said the terrible thirst, and want to drink water. He called his mother in the rest under a tree, looking for their own water and found one across the water Xiao Wang. However, there are two flowers in the snakes play, LI Yue them off after seeing all the water Heihu Hu, how can you drink? Then suddenly the mother pushed him holding a big mouth on the drinking, drinking after his mother said: "delicious, much more comfortable."
The next morning they have their way, I do not know how much the road is gone, how much rain and snow, the number of hunger, one day they come to a good good lake, the lake"s beautiful scenery good the United States. Saw a grass The house, get rest, get a look inside the gum is that they look stunned, coming in at this time is a great big fat man shaking also Pushan. Tell them that the landscape here, and more products. I hope that they can stay Stay down, he brought a lot of good hospitality they are. LI Yue unmoved, however, one to go to the Western Regions for drugs. LI Yue big fat man himself praised the arrangement, he gave a red dates LI Yue , Asked him to eat, but it stars Sally date, LI Yue carrying a mother to eat do not feel tired, so Zouyazouya do not know how many years they had. 。 . 。 .
They have a big foot of the mountain, saw the rise of large tracts of Taoyuan, peaches are large and long red, far from the smell the smell, they came to the hill in front of Taoyuan was shocked, big high peach trees, and a lot of Birds, there are no deer LI Yue, a stream. Said his mother wanted to eat peaches, LI Yue pick to climb trees, accidentally fell down from a tree, broke his feet, he limped pain tolerance of the peach mothers to want to eat, she ate two , A left said: "The Era, you eat a bar." LI Yue I also eat a thirsty, and how I thought how taste, but also for the first time how to eat delicious things. But would also like to see Queen Mother had to think of their way, on a charge-off tree branches when his mother helped take the walking stick, when suddenly a group of fairies Youshuoyouxiao, when they saw the mother and son when LI Yue Hou said, "You too timid , To know here is what? "A reprimand. LI Yue mother and son bowed his head, I do not know what to do. This time to China and the United States wearing a dress, look very kindly old woman who dismiss many of the fairies, LI Yue asked that they come from. Yiwuyishi LI Yue on the answer to her. He praised the Queen Mother of the arrangement, His begging for medicine nodded his head, the Queen Mother asked what else he wants, LI Yue said that the Queen Mother of the West want the prescription benefit the world people. 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 .
Later, Queen Mother of the West Queen Mother of the West Dianhua immortal, founder of the Tung Wah Group of closure, awarding a Tie Zhang.
LI Yue home with his mother, brother, mother and son to see them come back very surprised, rushed to ask is not what the prescription treatment? Listening to Yiwuyishi LI Yue-ching said that after the stamp foot on the floor, said: "Brother or your trip! I had to the mother when the diagnosis to determine the drug-six snakes Valley, Lake Lu-day, two peach Sally Anderson prescription can be cured because of the three drugs Nan Yu, I can only shake their heads did not expect ... Or the arrangement of your people to complete the difficult things done ... ...
Later, the brothers work together in the home they left a lot of prescriptions.
Hefei local people in memory of the Manual on the lame built a temple - Six Valley Temple.
神女下界增添了多少故事,仿佛是仙境而不是人间往事, 凭借那蜀山和肥水的秀美,一经贵人平游赏, 便成了仙境般的瑞云彩罩。
In the Sui and Tang dynasties, Hefei in the vicinity of the dam with a white family, a hard-working white-old man with a small granddaughter put live geese, white-granddaughter Xiaoyu very beautiful, but also a master of embroidery, textile, evil has always wanted her crab cents! (Xiaoyu seven fairies in white fairy, because the production package Girl Queen Mother was lower bound of the penalty, there are at the beginning of crab cents scruples.)
Xiaoyu stone bridge over a month to buy gall stone powder grandfather treatment of disease, one day when she came from the United States and the Yunnan section of juvenile doctors to fly, he was attracted to meet the Millennium Road, Hefei, Yuan Yuan Lin, and his grandfather Xiaoyu better treatment of disease , A family full of gratitude to him, the spark of love Xiaoyu was also lit.
They married when the evil crab cents on the poison cup, flying above the loss of memory, with Xiaoyu ignore, not to fight Lianzhao Hu, a man went back to his home in Yunnan. White Xiaoyu sad to know that after the Juchao cents a battle of wits with the crab, nest depression, Luzhou up after the big fight goes down between the loss of supernatural power ... ...
Qian Lixun her husband, Lishui come from Lijiang, House finally found a paragraph, paragraph House remarks sum up and down, the grief of her home only lived in the Wushan ludas. White was big help to restore memory to fly above his own hatred of Wang Qing, starry night immediately start preparing constantly rushed to Hefei, Hefei Feidong fat kept the West Zhaoyazhaoya the end of the reunion story.
Lower bound of the Shennule added the number of stories, like a fairyland on earth rather than the past, that by virtue of Shushan fertilizer and the beautiful, once-elegant travel tours, became rui in Wonderland-like clouds cover.
Hefei folklore, "Li Friends of the Bridge" poem for the card: West Hefei Feidong fat fat things, Li Lishui Friends of the Lijiang Lijiang water.
汉朝时合肥城南有兄弟二人,哥哥李复医术高名,弟弟李岳一般,只能当个副手,他们母亲得了种病,哥哥也无可奈何,一天来了个道士来到他们家里唱了个诺: 说西王母娘娘那里有药方可以治疗这种病,赋诗一首:
寻坡转涧蛇六谷, 风餐露宿天水岸. 迈岭登山拜仙桃。 历经千苦药王归.
听说西王母娘娘那里有药方可以治疗这种病,弟弟听后把母亲扶是毛驴告辞家人去求药方,。 他背着母亲过了一座又一座山,过了一条又一条河,有一天晚上到了一个黑森林,月亮把大地映的好亮,母亲说口渴的厉害,想要喝水。他叫母亲在大树下休息,自己去找水,发现对面就有一小汪水。可是有两条小花蛇在嬉戏,李岳把它们赶走后看到水都是黑糊糊的,怎么能够喝呀?这时母亲突然把他推开捧了一大口就喝到嘴巴里,喝了以后母亲说:“味道好极了,舒服多了。”
第二天早晨他们又要赶路,不知道走了多少路,淋了多少雨雪,受了多少饥饿,有一天他们到了一个好大好的湖边, 湖边的风景好美好美.看见了一间草屋子,就进去休息,进去一看里面都是奇珍异宝,他们看的目瞪口呆,正在这时进来了一个大胖子还摇着大蒲扇.告诉他们说这里风景好,物产多.希望他们能够留下来住下,说完拿来了好多好吃的款待他们.可是李岳不为所动,一心要去西域去求药.大胖子暗暗称赞李岳的孝心,他给了李岳一颗红枣,叫他吃掉,那可是颗仙枣,李岳吃了背着母亲也感觉不到累了,就这么走呀走呀也不知道又过了多少年。。。
他们到了一座大山下,抬头看见大片大片的桃园,桃子长的又大又红,远远的闻到香味,他们来到山上被眼前的桃园惊呆了,桃树又高又大,又有好多鸟,还有李岳不梅花鹿,小溪。 母亲说想吃桃子,李岳爬上树去摘,一不小心从树上摔了下来,把脚摔断了,他还是忍疼痛一瘸一拐的把桃子捧给母亲吃,她吃了两个,还剩下一个说:“儿啊,你也吃一个吧。”李岳口也渴了吃了一个,心想怎么怎么好吃,还第一次吃到怎么好吃的东西。但是想到还要见王母娘娘还得赶路,就撇了一个树枝当拐杖搀着母亲走,这时忽然来了一群仙女有说有笑,当她们看见李岳母子的时侯说“你们胆子太大了,知道这里是什么地方吗?”一顿训斥。李岳母子低下头,不知如何是好。 这时来了一个穿着华美的衣服,样子也很慈祥老妇人斥退了众仙女,问李岳他们从哪里来的. 李岳就一五一十的回答了她.王母夸奖他的孝心,对他的求药乞求也点头同意,王母问他还有什么要求时,李岳说希望得到西王母的药方造福天下老百姓。。。。。。
李岳带着母亲回到家乡,哥哥看见他们母子俩回来十分惊奇,赶忙就问是不是用了什么药方治疗的?听了李岳一五一十是说清后,一脚跺在地上说: “弟弟还是你行!当初我给母亲诊断的时候就确定必须要君药蛇六谷,天湖露,仙蟠桃这两个臣药方可痊愈,因为三种药难遇,我只好摇头…没有想到还是你的孝心完成了这个常人难完成的事情……
<<Hefei civil Tales Legends Tieguai Li ----->>
Hefei south of the Han Dynasty when there are two brothers, Lee Rehabus brother Gao medicine, the younger brother of General LI Yue, a deputy only when they got kind of sick mother, his brother had no alternative but to a day to a Taoist priest came to their house to sing a Snow: Queen Mother of the West, said there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, Fu Shi Yishou:
To look for slope Jian Gu six snakes, Fengcanlousu waterfront days. Xiantao al mountain ridge step. After suffering thousands of the Manual.
Queen Mother of the West have heard that there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, the younger brother to hear the donkey is helping mothers leave their families to seek prescription. After carrying his mother and a mountain, over a river and one day in the evening to a Black Forest, the land of the moon to reflect a good light, his mother said the terrible thirst, and want to drink water. He called his mother in the rest under a tree, looking for their own water and found one across the water Xiao Wang. However, there are two flowers in the snakes play, LI Yue them off after seeing all the water Heihu Hu, how can you drink? Then suddenly the mother pushed him holding a big mouth on the drinking, drinking after his mother said: "delicious, much more comfortable."
The next morning they have their way, I do not know how much the road is gone, how much rain and snow, the number of hunger, one day they come to a good good lake, the lake"s beautiful scenery good the United States. Saw a grass The house, get rest, get a look inside the gum is that they look stunned, coming in at this time is a great big fat man shaking also Pushan. Tell them that the landscape here, and more products. I hope that they can stay Stay down, he brought a lot of good hospitality they are. LI Yue unmoved, however, one to go to the Western Regions for drugs. LI Yue big fat man himself praised the arrangement, he gave a red dates LI Yue , Asked him to eat, but it stars Sally date, LI Yue carrying a mother to eat do not feel tired, so Zouyazouya do not know how many years they had. 。 . 。 .
They have a big foot of the mountain, saw the rise of large tracts of Taoyuan, peaches are large and long red, far from the smell the smell, they came to the hill in front of Taoyuan was shocked, big high peach trees, and a lot of Birds, there are no deer LI Yue, a stream. Said his mother wanted to eat peaches, LI Yue pick to climb trees, accidentally fell down from a tree, broke his feet, he limped pain tolerance of the peach mothers to want to eat, she ate two , A left said: "The Era, you eat a bar." LI Yue I also eat a thirsty, and how I thought how taste, but also for the first time how to eat delicious things. But would also like to see Queen Mother had to think of their way, on a charge-off tree branches when his mother helped take the walking stick, when suddenly a group of fairies Youshuoyouxiao, when they saw the mother and son when LI Yue Hou said, "You too timid , To know here is what? "A reprimand. LI Yue mother and son bowed his head, I do not know what to do. This time to China and the United States wearing a dress, look very kindly old woman who dismiss many of the fairies, LI Yue asked that they come from. Yiwuyishi LI Yue on the answer to her. He praised the Queen Mother of the arrangement, His begging for medicine nodded his head, the Queen Mother asked what else he wants, LI Yue said that the Queen Mother of the West want the prescription benefit the world people. 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 .
Later, Queen Mother of the West Queen Mother of the West Dianhua immortal, founder of the Tung Wah Group of closure, awarding a Tie Zhang.
LI Yue home with his mother, brother, mother and son to see them come back very surprised, rushed to ask is not what the prescription treatment? Listening to Yiwuyishi LI Yue-ching said that after the stamp foot on the floor, said: "Brother or your trip! I had to the mother when the diagnosis to determine the drug-six snakes Valley, Lake Lu-day, two peach Sally Anderson prescription can be cured because of the three drugs Nan Yu, I can only shake their heads did not expect ... Or the arrangement of your people to complete the difficult things done ... ...
Later, the brothers work together in the home they left a lot of prescriptions.
Hefei local people in memory of the Manual on the lame built a temple - Six Valley Temple.
神女下界增添了多少故事,仿佛是仙境而不是人间往事, 凭借那蜀山和肥水的秀美,一经贵人平游赏, 便成了仙境般的瑞云彩罩。
In the Sui and Tang dynasties, Hefei in the vicinity of the dam with a white family, a hard-working white-old man with a small granddaughter put live geese, white-granddaughter Xiaoyu very beautiful, but also a master of embroidery, textile, evil has always wanted her crab cents! (Xiaoyu seven fairies in white fairy, because the production package Girl Queen Mother was lower bound of the penalty, there are at the beginning of crab cents scruples.)
Xiaoyu stone bridge over a month to buy gall stone powder grandfather treatment of disease, one day when she came from the United States and the Yunnan section of juvenile doctors to fly, he was attracted to meet the Millennium Road, Hefei, Yuan Yuan Lin, and his grandfather Xiaoyu better treatment of disease , A family full of gratitude to him, the spark of love Xiaoyu was also lit.
They married when the evil crab cents on the poison cup, flying above the loss of memory, with Xiaoyu ignore, not to fight Lianzhao Hu, a man went back to his home in Yunnan. White Xiaoyu sad to know that after the Juchao cents a battle of wits with the crab, nest depression, Luzhou up after the big fight goes down between the loss of supernatural power ... ...
Qian Lixun her husband, Lishui come from Lijiang, House finally found a paragraph, paragraph House remarks sum up and down, the grief of her home only lived in the Wushan ludas. White was big help to restore memory to fly above his own hatred of Wang Qing, starry night immediately start preparing constantly rushed to Hefei, Hefei Feidong fat kept the West Zhaoyazhaoya the end of the reunion story.
Lower bound of the Shennule added the number of stories, like a fairyland on earth rather than the past, that by virtue of Shushan fertilizer and the beautiful, once-elegant travel tours, became rui in Wonderland-like clouds cover.
Hefei folklore, "Li Friends of the Bridge" poem for the card: West Hefei Feidong fat fat things, Li Lishui Friends of the Lijiang Lijiang water.
汉朝时合肥城南有兄弟二人,哥哥李复医术高名,弟弟李岳一般,只能当个副手,他们母亲得了种病,哥哥也无可奈何,一天来了个道士来到他们家里唱了个诺: 说西王母娘娘那里有药方可以治疗这种病,赋诗一首:
寻坡转涧蛇六谷, 风餐露宿天水岸. 迈岭登山拜仙桃。 历经千苦药王归.
听说西王母娘娘那里有药方可以治疗这种病,弟弟听后把母亲扶是毛驴告辞家人去求药方,。 他背着母亲过了一座又一座山,过了一条又一条河,有一天晚上到了一个黑森林,月亮把大地映的好亮,母亲说口渴的厉害,想要喝水。他叫母亲在大树下休息,自己去找水,发现对面就有一小汪水。可是有两条小花蛇在嬉戏,李岳把它们赶走后看到水都是黑糊糊的,怎么能够喝呀?这时母亲突然把他推开捧了一大口就喝到嘴巴里,喝了以后母亲说:“味道好极了,舒服多了。”
第二天早晨他们又要赶路,不知道走了多少路,淋了多少雨雪,受了多少饥饿,有一天他们到了一个好大好的湖边, 湖边的风景好美好美.看见了一间草屋子,就进去休息,进去一看里面都是奇珍异宝,他们看的目瞪口呆,正在这时进来了一个大胖子还摇着大蒲扇.告诉他们说这里风景好,物产多.希望他们能够留下来住下,说完拿来了好多好吃的款待他们.可是李岳不为所动,一心要去西域去求药.大胖子暗暗称赞李岳的孝心,他给了李岳一颗红枣,叫他吃掉,那可是颗仙枣,李岳吃了背着母亲也感觉不到累了,就这么走呀走呀也不知道又过了多少年。。。
他们到了一座大山下,抬头看见大片大片的桃园,桃子长的又大又红,远远的闻到香味,他们来到山上被眼前的桃园惊呆了,桃树又高又大,又有好多鸟,还有李岳不梅花鹿,小溪。 母亲说想吃桃子,李岳爬上树去摘,一不小心从树上摔了下来,把脚摔断了,他还是忍疼痛一瘸一拐的把桃子捧给母亲吃,她吃了两个,还剩下一个说:“儿啊,你也吃一个吧。”李岳口也渴了吃了一个,心想怎么怎么好吃,还第一次吃到怎么好吃的东西。但是想到还要见王母娘娘还得赶路,就撇了一个树枝当拐杖搀着母亲走,这时忽然来了一群仙女有说有笑,当她们看见李岳母子的时侯说“你们胆子太大了,知道这里是什么地方吗?”一顿训斥。李岳母子低下头,不知如何是好。 这时来了一个穿着华美的衣服,样子也很慈祥老妇人斥退了众仙女,问李岳他们从哪里来的. 李岳就一五一十的回答了她.王母夸奖他的孝心,对他的求药乞求也点头同意,王母问他还有什么要求时,李岳说希望得到西王母的药方造福天下老百姓。。。。。。
李岳带着母亲回到家乡,哥哥看见他们母子俩回来十分惊奇,赶忙就问是不是用了什么药方治疗的?听了李岳一五一十是说清后,一脚跺在地上说: “弟弟还是你行!当初我给母亲诊断的时候就确定必须要君药蛇六谷,天湖露,仙蟠桃这两个臣药方可痊愈,因为三种药难遇,我只好摇头…没有想到还是你的孝心完成了这个常人难完成的事情……
<<Hefei civil Tales Legends Tieguai Li ----->>
Hefei south of the Han Dynasty when there are two brothers, Lee Rehabus brother Gao medicine, the younger brother of General LI Yue, a deputy only when they got kind of sick mother, his brother had no alternative but to a day to a Taoist priest came to their house to sing a Snow: Queen Mother of the West, said there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, Fu Shi Yishou:
To look for slope Jian Gu six snakes, Fengcanlousu waterfront days. Xiantao al mountain ridge step. After suffering thousands of the Manual.
Queen Mother of the West have heard that there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, the younger brother to hear the donkey is helping mothers leave their families to seek prescription. After carrying his mother and a mountain, over a river and one day in the evening to a Black Forest, the land of the moon to reflect a good light, his mother said the terrible thirst, and want to drink water. He called his mother in the rest under a tree, looking for their own water and found one across the water Xiao Wang. However, there are two flowers in the snakes play, LI Yue them off after seeing all the water Heihu Hu, how can you drink? Then suddenly the mother pushed him holding a big mouth on the drinking, drinking after his mother said: "delicious, much more comfortable."
The next morning they have their way, I do not know how much the road is gone, how much rain and snow, the number of hunger, one day they come to a good good lake, the lake"s beautiful scenery good the United States. Saw a grass The house, get rest, get a look inside the gum is that they look stunned, coming in at this time is a great big fat man shaking also Pushan. Tell them that the landscape here, and more products. I hope that they can stay Stay down, he brought a lot of good hospitality they are. LI Yue unmoved, however, one to go to the Western Regions for drugs. LI Yue big fat man himself praised the arrangement, he gave a red dates LI Yue , Asked him to eat, but it stars Sally date, LI Yue carrying a mother to eat do not feel tired, so Zouyazouya do not know how many years they had. 。 . 。 .
They have a big foot of the mountain, saw the rise of large tracts of Taoyuan, peaches are large and long red, far from the smell the smell, they came to the hill in front of Taoyuan was shocked, big high peach trees, and a lot of Birds, there are no deer LI Yue, a stream. Said his mother wanted to eat peaches, LI Yue pick to climb trees, accidentally fell down from a tree, broke his feet, he limped pain tolerance of the peach mothers to want to eat, she ate two , A left said: "The Era, you eat a bar." LI Yue I also eat a thirsty, and how I thought how taste, but also for the first time how to eat delicious things. But would also like to see Queen Mother had to think of their way, on a charge-off tree branches when his mother helped take the walking stick, when suddenly a group of fairies Youshuoyouxiao, when they saw the mother and son when LI Yue Hou said, "You too timid , To know here is what? "A reprimand. LI Yue mother and son bowed his head, I do not know what to do. This time to China and the United States wearing a dress, look very kindly old woman who dismiss many of the fairies, LI Yue asked that they come from. Yiwuyishi LI Yue on the answer to her. He praised the Queen Mother of the arrangement, His begging for medicine nodded his head, the Queen Mother asked what else he wants, LI Yue said that the Queen Mother of the West want the prescription benefit the world people. 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 .
Later, Queen Mother of the West Queen Mother of the West Dianhua immortal, founder of the Tung Wah Group of closure, awarding a Tie Zhang.
LI Yue home with his mother, brother, mother and son to see them come back very surprised, rushed to ask is not what the prescription treatment? Listening to Yiwuyishi LI Yue-ching said that after the stamp foot on the floor, said: "Brother or your trip! I had to the mother when the diagnosis to determine the drug-six snakes Valley, Lake Lu-day, two peach Sally Anderson prescription can be cured because of the three drugs Nan Yu, I can only shake their heads did not expect ... Or the arrangement of your people to complete the difficult things done ... ...
Later, the brothers work together in the home they left a lot of prescriptions.
Hefei local people in memory of the Manual on the lame built a temple - Six Valley Temple.
神女下界增添了多少故事,仿佛是仙境而不是人间往事, 凭借那蜀山和肥水的秀美,一经贵人平游赏, 便成了仙境般的瑞云彩罩。
In the Sui and Tang dynasties, Hefei in the vicinity of the dam with a white family, a hard-working white-old man with a small granddaughter put live geese, white-granddaughter Xiaoyu very beautiful, but also a master of embroidery, textile, evil has always wanted her crab cents! (Xiaoyu seven fairies in white fairy, because the production package Girl Queen Mother was lower bound of the penalty, there are at the beginning of crab cents scruples.)
Xiaoyu stone bridge over a month to buy gall stone powder grandfather treatment of disease, one day when she came from the United States and the Yunnan section of juvenile doctors to fly, he was attracted to meet the Millennium Road, Hefei, Yuan Yuan Lin, and his grandfather Xiaoyu better treatment of disease , A family full of gratitude to him, the spark of love Xiaoyu was also lit.
They married when the evil crab cents on the poison cup, flying above the loss of memory, with Xiaoyu ignore, not to fight Lianzhao Hu, a man went back to his home in Yunnan. White Xiaoyu sad to know that after the Juchao cents a battle of wits with the crab, nest depression, Luzhou up after the big fight goes down between the loss of supernatural power ... ...
Qian Lixun her husband, Lishui come from Lijiang, House finally found a paragraph, paragraph House remarks sum up and down, the grief of her home only lived in the Wushan ludas. White was big help to restore memory to fly above his own hatred of Wang Qing, starry night immediately start preparing constantly rushed to Hefei, Hefei Feidong fat kept the West Zhaoyazhaoya the end of the reunion story.
Lower bound of the Shennule added the number of stories, like a fairyland on earth rather than the past, that by virtue of Shushan fertilizer and the beautiful, once-elegant travel tours, became rui in Wonderland-like clouds cover.
Hefei folklore, "Li Friends of the Bridge" poem for the card: West Hefei Feidong fat fat things, Li Lishui Friends of the Lijiang Lijiang water.
<<Hefei civil Tales Legends Tieguai Li ----->>
Hefei south of the Han Dynasty when there are two brothers, Lee Rehabus brother Gao medicine, the younger brother of General LI Yue, a deputy only when they got kind of sick mother, his brother had no alternative but to a day to a Taoist priest came to their house to sing a Snow: Queen Mother of the West, said there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, Fu Shi Yishou:
To look for slope Jian Gu six snakes, Fengcanlousu waterfront days. Xiantao al mountain ridge step. After suffering thousands of the Manual.
Queen Mother of the West have heard that there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, the younger brother to hear the donkey is helping mothers leave their families to seek prescription. After carrying his mother and a mountain, over a river and one day in the evening to a Black Forest, the land of the moon to reflect a good light, his mother said the terrible thirst, and want to drink water. He called his mother in the rest under a tree, looking for their own water and found one across the water Xiao Wang. However, there are two flowers in the snakes play, LI Yue them off after seeing all the water Heihu Hu, how can you drink? Then suddenly the mother pushed him holding a big mouth on the drinking, drinking after his mother said: "delicious, much more comfortable."
The next morning they have their way, I do not know how much the road is gone, how much rain and snow, the number of hunger, one day they come to a good good lake, the lake"s beautiful scenery good the United States. Saw a grass The house, get rest, get a look inside the gum is that they look stunned, coming in at this time is a great big fat man shaking also Pushan. Tell them that the landscape here, and more products. I hope that they can stay Stay down, he brought a lot of good hospitality they are. LI Yue unmoved, however, one to go to the Western Regions for drugs. LI Yue big fat man himself praised the arrangement, he gave a red dates LI Yue , Asked him to eat, but it stars Sally date, LI Yue carrying a mother to eat do not feel tired, so Zouyazouya do not know how many years they had. 。 . 。 .
They have a big foot of the mountain, saw the rise of large tracts of Taoyuan, peaches are large and long red, far from the smell the smell, they came to the hill in front of Taoyuan was shocked, big high peach trees, and a lot of Birds, there are no deer LI Yue, a stream. Said his mother wanted to eat peaches, LI Yue pick to climb trees, accidentally fell down from a tree, broke his feet, he limped pain tolerance of the peach mothers to want to eat, she ate two , A left said: "The Era, you eat a bar." LI Yue I also eat a thirsty, and how I thought how taste, but also for the first time how to eat delicious things. But would also like to see Queen Mother had to think of their way, on a charge-off tree branches when his mother helped take the walking stick, when suddenly a group of fairies Youshuoyouxiao, when they saw the mother and son when LI Yue Hou said, "You too timid , To know here is what? "A reprimand. LI Yue mother and son bowed his head, I do not know what to do. This time to China and the United States wearing a dress, look very kindly old woman who dismiss many of the fairies, LI Yue asked that they come from. Yiwuyishi LI Yue on the answer to her. He praised the Queen Mother of the arrangement, His begging for medicine nodded his head, the Queen Mother asked what else he wants, LI Yue said that the Queen Mother of the West want the prescription benefit the world people. 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 .
Later, Queen Mother of the West Queen Mother of the West Dianhua immortal, founder of the Tung Wah Group of closure, awarding a Tie Zhang.
LI Yue home with his mother, brother, mother and son to see them come back very surprised, rushed to ask is not what the prescription treatment? Listening to Yiwuyishi LI Yue-ching said that after the stamp foot on the floor, said: "Brother or your trip! I had to the mother when the diagnosis to determine the drug-six snakes Valley, Lake Lu-day, two peach Sally Anderson prescription can be cured because of the three drugs Nan Yu, I can only shake their heads did not expect ... Or the arrangement of your people to complete the difficult things done ... ...
Later, the brothers work together in the home they left a lot of prescriptions.
Hefei local people in memory of the Manual on the lame built a temple - Six Valley Temple.
Stamp your foot什么意思
Stamp your foot 跺脚 Cross your legs 翘二郎腿Clap your hands 拍拍你的手2023-07-22 23:40:014
stamp your foot是什么意思
跺跺你的脚。2023-07-22 23:40:526
stamp your foot是什么意思?
stamp your foot意思是:跺跺你的脚以下双语例句:1.If you"re happy and you know it, stamp your foot. 如果感到幸福,你就跺跺脚。2.Thus says the lord jehovah, clap your hands and stamp your foot and say, alas for all the evil abominations of the house of israel! 主耶和华如此说,你当拍手顿足,说,哀哉,以色列家行这一切邪恶可憎的事!2023-07-22 23:41:061
跺跺你的脚用英语怎么说 跺跺你的脚用英语如何说
跺跺你的脚可以用英语表示为 "stamp your foot" 或 "stomp your foot"。① "stamp your foot" 或 "stomp your foot" 翻译为“跺脚”,表示用力将脚踩在地面上,发出一声响亮的声音。② 在这两个短语中,"stamp" 或 "stomp" 都是动词,意思为“跺脚”,而 "your" 意思是“你的”,表示指的是自己的脚。 "foot" 则是名词,含义为“脚”。③ 例句:- She was so angry that she stamped her foot and yelled at him. (她很生气,跺着脚向他大喊。)- The little girl stomped her foot when she didn"t get what she wanted. (小女孩因没有得到想要的东西而生气跺脚。)- He stood up suddenly and stamped his foot to grab everyone"s attention. (他突然站起来,跺着脚来吸引大家的注意力。)2023-07-22 23:41:171
stamp your feet是什么意思
可以不。。2023-07-22 23:41:263
stamp your feet是啥意思?
跺脚2023-07-22 23:41:464
Clap your hands Snap your fingers Wave your arms Cross your legs Shake your body Stamp your foot
拍拍手,打响指,挥挥手臂,交叉双腿,摆动身体,跺跺脚2023-07-22 23:41:542
stampyour foot 什么意思
有些人翻译来跺脚,这是典型的机译,正确的翻译是“在邮票上盖章”2023-07-22 23:42:011
跺跺你的脚stamp your feet2023-07-22 23:42:213
stamp=邮票your=你(们)的foot=脚2023-07-22 23:42:401
请问跺跺脚stamp your foot还是stamp your feet?
图一挥舞的手臂是两只,所以是复数;图二跺的脚是一只,所以是单数。2023-07-22 23:42:471
Hand, nod, twist, stamp, sit down如果只求简单的话,可以这样如果具体:伸手,stretch out one"s hand点头 [diǎn tóu] nodnutationinclination扭腰: TwistTwist跺脚 [duò jiǎo] stampstompstamp one"s feet坐好sit up straightsit properly2023-07-22 23:42:555
stamp your foot four time是跺四次脚的意思,其中的time表示次数时应该用复数times。所以,句子中的time错了。2023-07-22 23:43:102
stamp her foot她的脚的印记2023-07-22 23:43:191
意思是是兔子,猴子,老虎,鸟,应该是鸟吧,只有会飞啊2023-07-22 23:43:263
1.幼儿简单英语教学教案 中班英语活动:Happy times 活动目标: 1、通过游戏的形式进一步激起幼儿对英语的兴趣,使幼儿融于游戏,积极参与。 2、复习、巩固句型“I LIKE ……”,接触新词汇 活动准备: 1、各种毛绒动物玩具,动物叫声的磁带。 2、皱纹纸做成的彩色花,铅画纸,颜料盘。 活动过程: 1、What a nice day! Come on, Let" start off o our horse! 2、Listen! What sound i that? It" animals". So many animals! Gue , Who are they? They"re behind the tree, if you right, they"ll play with us! 3、Which animal do you like? Will you mimic their crowing or images? 4、Look, what" this? Let" play a game. I say one, two, three, the you throw a ring o your favourite animal, are you ready? Which did you get? 5、They"re tired. They"ll go to sleep. Say goodbye to them. 6、Woo, How beautiful flowers! Come and have a look! What color are they? I like red(green, blue, pink……). And you? I have a piece of cloth, Let" decorate it. First, let" put o a cloth. Don"t dirty your cloths. Look, I like ……, Who will try? Show me your flowers, how beautiful! Let" cry “woo woo woo”. Louder please! 7、AaOo, It" time to go home. Let" go o our rocking horse! Say goodbye to teachers! 2.幼儿简单英语教学教案 活动目标: 1、引导并鼓励幼儿在感受不同类型音乐的基础上大胆地表现出自己认为的善与恶的形象。 2、通过活动,引导幼儿学习新授单词:wolf。 3、引导幼儿体验英语活动带来的乐趣。 活动准备: 情景创设(森林)、小兔的头饰若干、大灰狼的衣服、磁带 活动过程 : (一) 情景创设(复习部分动物单词) 出示小兔的头饰,Who is it ? 今天我们就来做ra it做游戏,(幼儿与教师一起带头饰) Who are you ? We are ra its. (音乐……):今天我们又要来做游戏了,Are you ha y? ( It"s carrot …… go go go ——carrot carrot eat eat eat. It"s gra ……go go go ——gra gra eat eat eat. That"s mushroom …… ——mushroom mushroom eat eat eat (二) 新授单词wolf (沉重地音乐……)gue gue,Who will coming? (tiger 、lion、elephant、bear……) Look,Who is coming? It"s a WOLF. 纠正幼儿对新单词的发音。 Wolf 长得什么样?是怎么走路的? 幼儿跟着音乐学wolf。Wolf wolf 大灰狼…… 3.幼儿简单英语教学教案 目标: 1、主动运用英语单词和句型,大胆地和同伴交往。 2、语句练习:"I like…"和 "I have…"。 3、学习单词Christmas, Santa Claus, gift, 了解单词gloves, socks. 准备: 1、音乐磁带,课件(Christmas),电教设备 2、单词图卡,骰子,礼物袋,纸袜、纸手套若干,彩笔若干 过程: 一、 Free Talking(自由谈话) 1、Eva请孩子们随意坐下。 Good morning, everyone. (Good-morning Eva.) Can you sing a song with me? Yes or no? (Yes.) 2、歌曲:Good-morning to you 3、圣诞节谈话Today is the 25th, December. Do you know what day today is?Oh, yes, it"s Christmas. (Ok, I tell you it"s Christmas.) Christmas mea 圣诞节. Merry Christmas.How do you think about Christmas? You can say in Chinese. ( ow下雪, Santa Claus圣诞老人, Gifts礼物, etc.) 二、See the cartoon. (观看动画) 1、单词、语句跟读:Christmas, Santa Claus, gift.I like ow. I have gifts. 2、Game: Dice, dice, I want six. (骰子游戏)(圣诞老人敲门。) Now we have a guest outside, let"s see who is it? 三、Game: Santa Claus"s gifts (游戏:圣诞老人的礼物) 1、Ok, Santa Claus, it"s Santa Claus. 2、对话Santa Claus: May I come in?Eva: Yes, please.Santa Claus: Hello, everyone.Children: Hello, Santa Claus.Santa Claus: Merry Christmas.Eva: She says圣诞快乐。You can say "merry Christmas" too.Children: Merry Christmas too.Santa Claus: I have many gifts. Do you like them? Yes or no?Children: Yes.Eva: So many gifts. How can we get it?Santa Claus: If you say what you like in English, you can get a gift.Eva: I see. When I say "I like dinosaur", I can get it. Santa Claus: Yes. Here you are.Eva: Thank you. Now who can try?Children: Let me try.(每名幼儿说出句子"I like…"后即可获得一件礼物。)Santa Claus: Ok, everyone has a gift. I must go now.Eva: Let"s say thank you again. Children: Thank you, Santa Claus.Santa Claus: Bye-bye.Children: Bye-bye. 3、礼物展示Ok, I have a dinosaur. I am ha y. Are you ha y? (Yes.) What do you have?(幼儿轮流以句子"I have…"介绍自己得到的礼物。) 四、Gift Making (礼物制作)装饰手套和袜子 Do you want to make gifts for the teacher, or you good friend? Yes or no? (Yes)Ok, I give you these, What is it? (袜子,手套。) Socks袜子. Gloves手套.You can paint in red, yellow, flowers, or the other. Please make it to a gifts, ok?(幼儿自由装饰手套和袜子。) 4.幼儿简单英语教学教案 教学内容:red light 教学目的:1.培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣. 2.培养幼儿对英语词语的理解能力及反应能力. 3.知道几种常见的交通规则. 教学准备:红绿灯各一个、猴子,小熊的手偶各一个。 教学过程:1。师生相互问好。A:Good morning evrybody!B:Good morning Miss zheng . 2.TPR. Long lizard long ,lying on a log , look at the lizard ,lying on a log. 3.教师声情并茂的讲红绿灯的故事,幼儿初步复习Red、Yellow、green、go等颜色的词并初步感知Stop 、wait (1)小猴第一次经过十字路口时,他发现了什么? (2)当它很认真看时,什么灯亮了?它听到谁在叫?小熊说了什么? (3)小猴第二次经过十字路口时,什么灯亮了?他是怎么做的?小熊又是怎么说的? 4.幼儿学习动词Stop 、wait (1)幼儿与师边念歌谣边作动作。停一停StopStopStop。等一等wait wait wait (2)你能用英语说说我做了什么动作吗? 5.师朗诵童谣。 你听到了什么?你会说吗? 6.幼儿与师朗诵并表演童谣。 5.幼儿简单英语教学教案 蔬菜 Vegetables 活动目标: 1、了解一些常见蔬菜的名称和特征。(西红柿Tomato、黄瓜cucumber、玉米Maize, 胡萝卜Carrot) 2、引导幼儿运用多种感官感知蔬菜的特征。 活动过程: 一、复习水果Fruit T:Yesterday,we have gone to fruit"s home. We has known the apple , banana , Orange and pear, do you also remember them? S:yes! T:ok!Now let me test you !(教师出示图片,问) Please take a picture. What is this? Is this a fruit? Let the vegetables gone here to line up. All these are fruit, all these are vegetables. 二、认识蔬菜 1、认识蔬菜、了解特征 T:This is ……. 1)What color is it?(在黑板上画出颜色) 2)What sample is it?(在黑板上画出样子) T:This is a tomato / Cucumber / Maize / Carrot. It is red / green / yellow / Orange. It is Round / long、Curved弯 / small、One for one一粒一粒 / long、Thick粗. Color: Sample: T:Now let us know these vegetables again. Please read after me. 2、游戏:摸摸是谁 Today, we"ll go to vegetables"s home. Look, it"s a pocket. Many vegetables in it. What vegetables inside this pocket? If you want to know ,please touch one. Who can try? 幼儿上前摸,提醒他们摸一个Touch one,Please tell us, What have you touched to? what is this? 2、游戏:我说你选择 T:Now we will going to do a game“I say You Take”. I will tell the color and sample of the vegetables , Please lift the picture of the vegetables. Other people do judgement ,If they are right please clap your hands, if they are wrong please stamp your foot . Do you understand? Ok!Who can try? 画好后提问:Please tell us ,what vegetables have you drawn? 3、游戏:谁的眼睛亮 T:Next,I want to test your eyes. I will show a kind of vegetables very fast , please tell me what vegetables this is. Ok?2023-07-22 23:43:451
儿童学英语应该从小抓起,就像学习汉语一样,开展游戏活动,培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣。充分发挥幼儿的表演才能,培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣。又唱又跳,轻松学习英语。联系生活实际,激发幼儿的学习兴趣。创设英语情境,激发学习兴趣,及时恰当进行鼓励、赞扬,提高幼儿学习英语的兴趣。2023-07-22 23:44:063
把椅子放下来椅子 [ yǐ zi ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ yǐ zi ]有靠背的坐具,主要用木头、竹子、藤子等制成。2023-07-22 23:44:167
可数名词。Foot是一个英文单词,主要用作可数名词、及物动词、不及物动词,形容词,其复数形式是feet,作名词时翻译为“脚;英尺;步调;末尾,人名;(英)富特”,作及物动词时翻译为“支付”。2023-07-22 23:45:101
tread; trampleuff1bstep on; stamp2023-07-22 23:45:182
请问你说的小学课本是哪个版本的?因为全国各地有很多版本2023-07-22 23:45:284
http://www.yyxh.org.cn/这里的英语笑话都有译文!A teacher said to her class: "Who was the first man?" “George Washington," a little boy shouted promptly. "How do you make out that George Washington was the first man?" asked the teacher, smiling indulgently. "Because, " said the little boy, "he was first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." But at this point a larger boy held up his hand. "Well," said the teacher to him, "who do you think was the first man?" "I don"t know what his name was," said the larger boy, "but I know it wasn"t George Washington, ma"am, because the history book says George Washington married a widow, so, of course, there must have been a man ahead of him." 有个老师问班上的学生: “谁是第一个男人?” “乔治·华盛顿,”一个小男孩当即叫道。 “你怎么知道乔治·华盛顿是第一个男人呢?”老师问道,宽容地微笑着。 小男孩说:“因为他是战时第一,和时第一,国人心中第一。” 这时一个大点儿的男孩举起手来。 “那么,”老师对他说,“你认为谁是第一个男人呢?” “我不知道他的名字,”大点儿的男孩说,“但我知道不是乔治·华盛顿,老师。因为历史书上说,乔治·华盛顿取了一个寡妇,所以在他前面肯定还有一个男人。”2023-07-22 23:45:552
这篇关于小学英语毕业试卷及答案,是 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内 10% ( ) 1. A. stamp B. plan C. black D. date ( ) 2. A. these B. leg C. left D. friend ( ) 3. A. fine B. milk C. write D. mine ( ) 4. A. ago B. close C. clock D. home ( ) 5. A. study B. jump C. must D. duty ( ) 6. A. mean B. sweater C. heavy D. weather ( ) 7. A. cool B. food C. foot D. zoo ( ) 8. A. blow B. now C. know D. snow ( ) 9. A. teacher B. school C. Christmas D. ache ( )10.A.which B. whom C. what D. where 二、按要求写单词。10% 1. heavy(比较级) 2. fly(过去式) 3. same(反义词) 4. plus(对应词) 5. rainy(名词) 6. carefully(形容词) 7. more(原形) 8. foggy(名词) 9. far(比较级) 10. miss(第三人称单数) 三、英汉词组互译。10% 1. 比我快十分钟 2. 观看京剧表演 3. 在第四站下车 4. 成为好朋友 5. 许多信纸和一张信封 6. sit by the window 7. start to fall 8. have problems with English 9. go jogging 10. look for things on the Internet 四、用所给词的恰当形式填空 5% 1. The red skirt is (small) than the blue one. 2. She (go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow. evening. 3. It"s Children"s Day. All the students are very (excite). 4. Ben an Benny are good at (China). 5. She wants (buy) a new pen. 6. It"s often (rain) in summer. 7. Sometimes they (not have) lunch at home. 8. Look! The bus (come). 9. He (make) many cakes for his friends yesterday. 10. (be) there any tea in the cup? 五、选择题 15% ( ) 1.Do you have brothers sisters in your family? A. some…and B. some…or C. any…or D. any…and ( ) 2. Jim and Mary good English and computer. A. are…in B. is…in C. are…at D. is…at ( ) 3.How is the cinema from here? A. far B. many C. much D. about ( ) 4.We can have outing in autumn. A. a…a B. an…an C. an…/ D. the…the ( ) 5. --- _______ you like to come?---Of course. I"ll come them. A. What…with B. What"s…of C. Would…with D. Would…of ( ) 6. I"d like Helen soon. A. to write B. to write to C. to writing to D. to writing ( ) 7. Tom in a big house? A. Does…live B. Does…lives C. Do…lives D. Do…live ( ) 8. A: What Jane ? B: She"s writing an e-mail to her pen friend. A. is…doing B. did…do C. will…do D. is…going to do ( ) 9.You and I like listening to music. We have the same . A. both…hobbies B. too…hobbies C. are…hobby D. both…hobby ( ) 10. I"m eleven years old. And my little brother is eight. So . A. He"s taller than me. B. I"m three years older. C. I"m two months older. D. He"s older than me. ( )11. Which season do you like ________, spring or autumn? A. good B. well C. better D. best ( )12. We can ________ tell her about our new house. A. too B. at C. also D. on ( ) 13. Can I give ________ ________ e-mail address? A. him, me B. me, him C. my, him D. him, my ( ) 14. What would you like? ________. A. I"d like to some apples. B. I"d like to listen to music. C. I"d like some apples. D. I"d like go to bed. ( ) 15. There is a lot of ________ in spring there. A. rain B. rains C. rainy D. rainy 六、对话配对 10% ( ) 1. What time does your sister get up every day? A. Thirteen years old. ( ) 2. How many chairs are there in your classroom? B. Yes, I"d like to. ( ) 3. When did your mother clean the house? C. Sure. ( ) 4. Who jumps higher than Li Ping? D. She is going to go to the park ( ) 5. Can you give me some glue? E. It"s 6. ( ) 6. Would you like to play with me? F. At 6:00 every day. ( ) 7. Where is she going to? G. Wang Fang. ( ) 8. What"s your favourite number? H. Twenty-four. ( ) 9. Are you from Africa? I. At about 3:00 yesterday afternoon. ( ) 10. How old is your cousin? J. No, I"m English. 七、以下每句均有一处错误,将序号填入题前括号内 5% ( )1. Su Yang is as younger as Su Hai. A B C ( )2. Who jumps higher, Ben and Liu Tao? A B C ( )3. Yesterday afternoon, we go to see our teacher, Miss Gao. A B C ( )4. How can I get to there? A B C ( )5. Look, Yang Ling is standing in the bus stop. A B C 八、句型转换 10% 1. She is catching insects now.(改为一般现在时) Sometimes she ________ ________ in the park. 2. What time is it? It"s time to have dinner.(改为近义句) ________ the time? It"s time ________ dinner. 3. Wash the clothes.(改为否定句) ________ wash the clothes! Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定) Nancy ________ going to go camping.5. The boy runs faster than the girl.(改为一般疑问句) ________ the boy ______ faster than the girl? 6. Ann and Lily watched a film last night.(改为现在进行时) Ann and Lily ________ ________ a film now. 7. He came here by bike this morning.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ he ________ here this morning? 8. The man in blue is Su Yang"s uncle.(对划线部分提问) ________ man is Su Yang"s uncle? 9. She saw the Beijing opera show last Friday.(对划线部分提问) _________ _________ she ________ the Beijing opera show? 10. My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)_________ _________ ________ to see a play the day after tomorrow? 九、根据中文翻译句子,每空一词 5% 1. 昨天晚上,我们在报纸上看到了有关这次足球赛的消息。 Yesterday evening, we read the news this football match the newspaper. 2. 上周我和奶奶一块儿去看了一场滑稽的木偶表演。 Last week I a puppet show with my grandma. 3. 一共将要有三十个选手参加篮球比赛。 Thirty players will in the basketball match. 4. 你这个周末准备干什么? What you to do this weekend? 5. 李明比李东小两岁吗? Li Ming two years than Li Dong? 十、完形填空 5% Tom is an 1 boy. He"s twelve 2 . He"s two years 3 than his brother, Jim. Tom is 150 cm and Jim is 160 cm. Jim is 50 kilos and Tom is 60 kilos. Tom wants 4 lose some weight(减肥), so he tries not to eat too much food. He also 5 more exercise than before. Every morning he 6 earlier than Jim and he goes jogging for thirty minutes. He usually goes skating after school. After dinner, Tom often 7 , and Jim likes 8 at home. Now Tom is much stronger than Jim. Jim thinks he needs more 9 now. He and Tom will do exercise 10 . ( ) 1. A. Japanese B. England C. American ( ) 2. A. year old B. years old C. years older ( ) 3. A. old B. young C. younger ( ) 4. A. to B. for C. with ( ) 5. A. did B. does C. do ( ) 6. A. goes to bed B. goes to school C. gets up ( ) 7. A. goes to bed B. eats lots of food C. goes for a walk ( ) 8. A. skiing B. swimming C. watching TV ( ) 9. A. homework B. exercise C. rest ( ) 10. A. together B. too C. also 十、阅读理解 15% A)根据上下文及首字母提示完成下列短文,每空一词。5% Miss Hu is our E teacher. She loves us very m . One day, my classmate, Lily had g a b cold. Miss Hu took h to see a d ____, and got some medicine f her. When Lily s at home, Miss Hu went to her home and h_____ her with her English. She"s a g __ teacher. We love her, too. B)阅读短文,判读下列各句意思是否与短文内容相符。相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F” 5% One day Mr. and Mrs. White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a shop. They bought(买)a lot of things and they wanted to put the things into the car. But Mr. White couldn"t open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman to help them. The policeman was very friendly. He started to open the car for them. Just then a man came up and shouted(喊), “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White had a look at the car"s number and they were frozen(惊呆了)there. It wasn"t their car. ( ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. White drove for shopping. ( ) 2. They stopped their car at the gate of a snack bar. ( ) 3. They wanted to give their things to a policeman. ( ) 4. The policeman would like to help Mr. White. ( ) 5. From the passage(短文), we know Mr. and Mrs. White made a mistake(搞错了). C)阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择最恰当的答案。5% The first Dragon Boat Festival was held(举行)in Hunan. Every year, people always have a dragon boat match. The dragon boat is quite long. There are pictures of dragons on each side. The front of the boat is like the head of a dragon. Each team(队)of the match has twenty members. Beside them there is a man on the boat. He beats a drum(敲鼓). It"s an exciting match, especially(特别是)when they are getting the end. The audience(观众)beside the lake shout for their favourite teams. From this match, we have the name of the festival---Dragon Boat Festival. This special(特殊的)festival has another(另一个)name---Duanwu Festival. It has a story. The story is about a poet called Qu Yuan. ( ) 1. What"s the name of this festival? It"s called . A. Chinese New Year B. the Mid-Autumn Festival C. Dragon Boat Festival D. Halloween ( ) 2. The name of the Dragon Boat Festival comes from . A. the dragon boat match in Henan B. the dragon boat match in Hunan C. the boat like a dragon in Sichuan D. the dragon flying in the sky ( ) 3. In the match, there is always a man on the boat to . A. shout for them B. help them boat C. carry a dragon for them D. beat a drum for them ( ) 4. The story of Duanwu Festival is about . A. a poet called Qu Yuan B. a poet called Li Bai C. a poet called Du Fu D. a poet called Bai Juyi ( ) 5. On that day, people eat . A. pumpkins B. moon cakes C. rice dumplings D. candies 牛津小学英语毕业卷参考答案 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B 二、1. heavier 2. flew 3. different 4. minus 5. rain 6. careful 7. much/many 8. fog 9. farther/further 10. misses 三、1. ten minutes faster than me 2. see a Beijing opera show 3. get off at the fourth stop 4. be good friends 5. much/ a lot of/ lots of writing paper and an envelope 6. 坐在窗边 7. 开始落下 8. 在英语方面有困难(有问题) 9. 去慢跑 10. 在因特网上搜索东西 四、1.smaller 2. will go / is going to go 3. excited 4. Chinese 5. to buy 6. rainy 7. don"t have 8. is coming 9. made 10. Is 五、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. A 1. F 2. H 3. I 4. G 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. E 9. J 10. A 七、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 八、1. catches, insects 2. What"s, for 3. Don"t 4. isn"t 5. Does, run 6. is, watching 7. How, did, come 8. Which 9. When, did see 10. Who, is, going 九、1. about, on 2. saw, funny 3. take, part 4. are, going 5. Is, younger 十、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A 十一、 A)English, much, got, bad, her, doctor, for, stay, helped, good B)1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T C)1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C2023-07-22 23:46:231
stamp your foot 大概是跺脚的意思,为固定短语,作为祈使句使用,首字母大写,单独不可以作为句子。2023-07-22 23:46:422
biggest footprint是什么意思?
biggest footprint最大的足迹2023-07-22 23:46:502
take our foot off the gas 求大师翻译
gas 是 gas pedal 油门踏板 take our foot off the gas 把脚从油门踏板松开 这里没有上文, 句子可能是 紧缩经济或货币政策的比喻 比如: to reduce the risk of inflation,the central bank may need to take it"s foot off the gas 央行可能需要把脚从(经济和货币政策的)油门踏板移开,以降低通货膨胀的风险. 希望帮到了你.2023-07-22 23:46:571
英语求翻译: 3 分钟前 提问者: a0106084004028 | 悬赏分:10 | 浏览次数:6次 我是一个足浴按摩师,我们
1Please put your foot into the basin of water2Excuse me, water right?3I will give you a foot massage, then as you massage the legs, back, rump, the last hot stone hot back for you.4Do you need a pedicure, manicure and it includes the foot cocoon. The cost is 15 yuan。5Do you need ( sand scraping cupping jar ), blowing sand is a traditional Chinese building security technology, it can help you to potential part of virus excretion.7You want me to a point, or a bit lighter?8My strength is enough?2023-07-22 23:47:055
tickle your feet弄痒你的脚双语例句1On the one hand the level of water goes up and quickly comes to tickle your feet.就好象水位一直在上升,很快就会弄痒你的脚了。2First, careful foot sharp stones, Second, from a group of fish, tickle your feetafter itch, foot move, shrimp it all away, Third, it is easy to trample lichen, slidinto the water!第一,得小心脚下锋利的石块;第二,时不时的有一群小鱼经过,挠得你脚痒痒的,脚一动,虾就全被吓跑了;2023-07-22 23:47:201
Sliding your foot so far up my pant leg you can count the change in my pocket这句话是什么意思?
原句So tell me, how do- how do you think your husband would feel about you sitting here with me?...Sliding your foot so far up my pant leg you can count the change in my pocket?那么,请告诉我你丈夫对于你坐在我旁边,脚伸到我大腿足以数我口袋里的零钱会作何敢想?" chandler讲话时时刻刻都是这么幽默的2023-07-22 23:47:281
foot up中文翻译
If i put my foot up your ass , would that be your problem 我踢扁你就与你有关了 - i will hip - hop my foot up - she threatened me -看来我得让你吃我一脚-她恐吓我… … Wow , i thought , putting my feet up on my desk 哇,我想,在我的书桌上躺下休息。 I will hip - hop my foot up - - she threatened me -看来我得让你吃我一脚-她恐吓我 Would you know me if i shoved my foot up your ass 我要是踢你的 *** 你就认识我了吧? The expenses footed up to four hundred canadian dollars 全部费用共计四百加拿大元。 I will hip - hop my foot up - - - she threatened me 看来我得让你吃我一脚-她恐吓我… … No , you do . it " s called me putting a foot up your ass 不,是你我看你欠扁 Ted : yeah , i can " t wait to put my feet up 好啊,我等不及要歇会儿脚了。 Keep her head up ! keep her feet up 把她头抬高一些!让她脚抬高一些! Putting my feet up on a settle after a hard day " s work . . .脚搁在长凳子上在一天辛劳工作之后 Get your foot up there , frank . - this is the real west -把你的脚放在那,法兰克. -这是真正的西部 He trussed the chicken " s feet up 他把鸡腿紧扎起来以便烹烤。 His debts foot up to a huge sum 他欠的债加起来是一笔巨款。 In that warm , dry jailhouse with his feet up 坐在他的监狱里 In that warm , dry jailhouse with his feet up 坐在他的监狱里 Get your foot up there , frank . - this is the real west . . 把你的脚放在那,法兰克. -这是真正的西部. . Get your feet up . okay . hold on 你的脚拿上去. okay .抓住 - get your foot up there , frank . - this is the real west . . -把你的脚放在那,法兰克. -这是真正的西部. . One foot up , the other down . that is the way to london 一只脚抬起,一只脚放下去这就是去伦敦的方法! Putting my feet up reading a newspaper without any interruption 把我的脚翘起来,看看报纸没有任何人打扰 Putting my feet up ? ? reading a newspaper without any interruption 把我的脚翘起来,看看报纸没有任何人打扰 Careful . now , pick your feet up 小心点!好了,脚抬起来 She curled her feet up on the bed 她在床上盘起双腿。 I got a feepng we can spot this fish from 111 feet up 我有一种预感,在111英尺的高空一定可以找到那条鲨鱼 I got a feepn " we can spot this fish from 1 1 1 feet up 我有一种预感,在111英尺的高空一定可以找到那条鱼 The hurdler should never " swing " the lead foot up and towards the hurdles 跨栏者不应将足部摇摆向上提起向跨栏。 Or it " s my foot up your ass 否则我会踢你 *** 。 Pierre and the adjutant got off their horses and walked on foot up the hill 皮埃尔和副官下了马,徒步走上山岗。 Or it " s my foot up your ass 否则我会踢你 *** 。 L could hide my foot up your - - 我隐瞒你个老木 L could hide my foot up your - 我隐瞒你个老木 Then i " m doing something i haven " t done in 26 years - putting my feet up 然后我会做我这26年来一直没机会做的事翘起脚来 Yes - - quite pterally , because i was so many feet up in the air 是的? ?就是这个意思,因为我站在距地那么多英尺的高空中! Make sure you have lots of time to put your feet up and relax during this process 确保在此过程中你有许多时间从容地面对。 Then i " m doing something i haven " t done in 26 years - - putting my feet up . . 然后我会做我这26年来一直没机会做的事? ?翘起脚来. He pfted his feet up from the suck and turned back by the mole of boulders 他从沙坑里拨出脚,沿着卵石垒成的防波堤140踱回去。 Pick your feet up 快跟上! S : i pke putting my feet up . i mean that work while work , play while play . and you (我想放松一下。就是说,该工作的时候工作,该玩的时候玩。你呢? ) Kevin laughed out loud , his feet up on the glass coffee table in the center of the lavish pving room 凯文大声笑着,他的脚放在奢华的客厅里的咖啡桌子上。 As we put the front foot down , we pft the back foot up . we let yesterday go , and focus on today “前脚走,后脚放”意即:昨天的事就让它过去,把心神专注于今天该做的事。 People who " ve got any soul will reapse that there " s a day when you go home and put your feet up and cuddle your kids 有点情感的人通常都会?解每天当你回家看到孩子的快乐心情。 Put your feet up , sleep off that late night , read the paper , watch a film or catch up on email 在开车时可以抬起脚休息,夜深了开车时可以睡觉,还可以读报纸,看电影,或赶写电子邮件。 The doctors say that there weren " t any ppcations and now i " m sitting at home in chester with my foot up and in plaster 医生说我没有其他什么的并发症,我现在在我切斯特的家中,我的脚则被石膏裹着。 The bionic boot allegedly allowed humans to run an easy enty - five miles per hour , jump seven feet across , or spring four feet up in the air 据说这种弹跳器可以轻而易举地让人每小时跑25英里,跳7英尺远4英尺高。 When wang has pitched recently , the bullpen has basically been able to put their feet up , and catch up on important topics pke paris and britney 建仔最近登板,牛棚基本上都能跷著二郎腿,且可心有馀力留意花边新闻(派瑞斯) 。 All the other members of my tour group saw me travel on foot up and down the mountains without relying on other means of transportation as they did 在整个旅游的登山活动中,我全都是以步行的方式,这是全团旅行人员有目共睹。 Take a moment to restore balance in your pfe with us : put your feet up , laugh a pttle , cry a bit , and even *** ell the coffee 拿出片刻时光与我们共度,搁起你的腿脚,开心大笑,响亮叫喊,然后,品味浓情咖啡!真美,好一片刻美好人生! While united are unpkely to embark on a spending spree during the january transfer window , that doesn " t mean the club " s scouts can put their feet up 曼联在冬季转会其可能不会再有惊喜,但这并不意味着俱乐部球探们的脚步会停下。 Perha we are only destined to dream of only flying without wings and never do it . on the other hand , micheal moshier was o feet up 也许我们命中注定只能在梦中做无翼飞行,而在现实中永远也做不到。不过在此同时,迈可尔?莫舍已经离地两英尺了。2023-07-22 23:47:381
stamp your foot是什么意思?
stamp your foot意思是:跺跺脚; 例句:1.I stamp my foot when I"m angry.当我生气的时候我跺脚。2.The disease belongs to the category of TCM injury muscle, also belong to injured stamp foot and fractures of ribs.本病属于中医学伤筋范畴,也属于骨伤学的筋伤戳脚。2023-07-22 23:48:591
stamp your foot是什么意思啊?
stamp your foot意思是:跺跺脚; 例句:1.I stamp my foot when I"m angry.当我生气的时候我跺脚。2.The disease belongs to the category of TCM injury muscle, also belong to injured stamp foot and fractures of ribs.本病属于中医学伤筋范畴,也属于骨伤学的筋伤戳脚。2023-07-22 23:49:061
stamp your foot是什么意思
跺脚2023-07-22 23:49:133
stamp your foot中文是什么
stampyourfoot英文意为: 你的脚2023-07-22 23:49:362
Cross your legs 你的双腿交叉 Clap your hands 拍你的手 Stamp your foot 跺你的脚2023-07-22 23:49:441
学霸们stamp your foot这怎么读啊
死卖特p 药儿 付特2023-07-22 23:49:521
小学三年级英语连词成句 foot Stamp your
stamp your foot2023-07-22 23:50:032
stamp your foot three times 盖印您的脚三次2023-07-22 23:50:141
swave your foot
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A2023-07-22 23:50:201
shake your foot
3 1 4 6 5 22023-07-22 23:50:291
Point to your foot. 指着你的脚。Oh, no! It"s on my book. 噢!不!(它)在我的书上。2023-07-22 23:50:371
stamp your arms。
1-5 B A D C E2023-07-22 23:50:451
Teacher:IfIcutabeefsteakinhalfandthencutthehalfinhalf,whatdoIget?Tommy:Quarters.Teacher:AndthenifIcutittwiceagain?Tommy:Hamburger.老师:如果我把一块牛排切成两半的两半,我能得到几块儿?汤米:四块。老师:那我要是再切两次,我能得到什么呢?汤米:汉堡。2023-07-22 23:51:187
1、Teacher: whoever answers my next question, can go home.老师:谁能回到我下一个问题,谁就可以回家了。One boy throws his bag out the window.一个小男孩把书包扔到窗外。Teacher: who just threw that?!老师:谁刚刚把书包扔出去了?Boy: Me! I"m going home now.男孩:我!我现在要回家了。2、What dog can jump higher than a building?什么狗比大楼跳的还高?Anydog, buildings can"t jump!任何一只狗,大楼又跳不起来。3、What has a head, a tail, and no body?什么有头、有尾,但是没有身体?A coin!硬币。4、What has one eye but cannot see?什么有一只眼睛,却看不见?A needle.针。5、Wife: "How would you describe me?"妻子:你会怎么形容我呢?Husband: "ABCDEFGHIJK."丈夫:ABCDEFGHIJK.Wife: "What does that mean?"妻子:那是什么意思?Husband: "Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous, and hot."丈夫:迷人的、魅力的、可爱的、令人愉悦的、优雅的、时髦的、漂亮的和火辣的。Wife: "Aw, thank you, but what about IJK?"妻子:哇,谢谢,但是“IJK”是什么意思呢?Husband: "I"m just kidding!"丈夫:开个玩笑!6、Boy: Is this seat empty?男孩:这个座位是空的么?Girl: Yes and this one will be if you sit down.女孩:是的,如果你坐下,我的座位也将是空的。7、My little dog can"t read我的狗不识字Mrs. Brown: Oh, my dear, I have lost my precious little dog!布朗夫人:哦,亲爱的,我把珍爱的小狗给丢了!Mrs. Smith: But you must put an advertisement in the papers!史密斯夫人:可是你该在报纸上登广告啊!Mrs. Brown: It"s no use, my little dog can"t read.布朗夫人:没有用的,我的小狗不认识字。”8、My Wife Will Exchange Them反正我太太明天会来换的A gentleman walks into a store and asked for a pair of gloves.一位先生走进一家商店要买副手套。″Cloth or leather﹖″ asked the salesperson.“您是要布的还是皮的?”售货员问。″Makes no difference ″replied customer.“没什么区别。”这位顾客回答。″What color﹖″ asked the clerk.“那您要什么颜色的呢?”售货员又问。″Any″ he responded.“什么颜色都成。”他回答。″Size﹖″“号码呢?”″Give me whatever you prefer″ the gentleman said slightly exasperated. ″My wife will be back tomorrow to exchange them.″“您就随便给我拿一副吧,”这位顾客有点不耐烦了,“反正我太太明天都会来换的。”推荐于 2019-10-31TA的回答是否帮助到你了?能够帮助到你是知道答主们最快乐的事啦!2023-07-22 23:51:365
The mountain rises 6,000 feet above sea-level . 那山海拔六千英尺。 Would it be good to rub my feet with snow ? 我的脚用雪来擦有好处吗? The earth beneath her feet was uneasy . 她脚下的地面也是摇摇欲动的。 The trees were planted at 20 feet intervals . 树的间隔为避免20英尺。 Barbicane was the first to set foot on dock . 巴比康第一个跨过船坞。 He stood with his feet planted wide apart . 他两脚叉开很大距离站著。 The toes of his right foot felt odd . 杰弗里突然感到右脚趾很不舒服。 The soldiers encamped at the foot of the hill . 士兵们在山脚下安营。 His foot was painful, but not broken . 他的脚疼痛难忍,但没断筋伤骨。 He dragged his tired feet slowly along . 他拖著疲倦的步子慢慢地走著。 The turf felt springy under their feet . 他们走在草皮上,觉得很松软。 You can see the foot prints in the mud . 你可以看到泥土中留下的脚印。 I was down at the foot again in a moment . 一时我又垂头丧气之极了。 I saw the pavement lapsing beneath my feet . 我看到道路在我脚下滑过。 He looks as though he has one foot in the grave . 他看来已风烛残年了。 The earth seemed to spin beneath his feet . 地好象在他的脚下旋转起来。 Her feet sent back a continual spatter of mud . 她的后脚不断溅起泥浆。 It is time you stood on your own o feet . 是你自食其力的时候了。 The sand was warm under bare feet . 光脚踩在沙滩上,感到热呼呼的。 He was bound hand and foot by his promise . 他受到自己诺言的严格约束。 A tram was just arriving at the hill foot . 一辆驿车刚到达山脚下。 He"s wearing the bottoms of his feet right off . 他脚板都磨破了。 Spare blankets lay at the foot of each bed . 每张床的尾端放有备用毛毯。 You"re not going to get cold feet now, are you ? 你不会觉得胆小,是吧? He planted his feet firmly on the ground . 他在地上双脚站得很稳。 Claire pointed to the hole a foot away . 克莱尔指指一英尺来远的那个洞。 I know she does get swept off her feet . 我知道她的确被迷惑住了。 Certain rushes reached 30 feet in height . 某些蒲类高达三十英尺。 The passage ended bpndly 50 feet away . 通道走下去五十英尺就不通了。 In an instant the whole crew was on foot . 顷刻间,全体船员惊动起来了。 Better cut the shoe than pinch the foot . 宁愿把鞋铰开,也不能让脚受屈。 Does it work on athlete "s foot , too ? 它对运动员的脚也有效吗? The force of the gale nearly blew me off my feet . 大风几乎把我吹倒在地。 He jumped to his feet with a big *** ile . 他一跃而起,笑容可掬。 Wilpam got cold feet at the last moment . 威廉最后感到很沮丧。 We were almost swept off our feet by the waves . 我们几乎让浪头给打倒了。 Very well, now put your best foot forward . 很好,再加一把劲。 My feet can hardly reach the pedals . 我的脚怎么也够不著踏板。 There "s some grit in the shoe , and it hurts my foot . 硌脚。 An ostrich will stand from ten to elve feet ... 鸵鸟身高十到十二英尺。2023-07-22 23:51:501
跺他的脚的英文:Stamp his feet。有关于脚的短语搭配:1、脚内侧:the insides of one"s feet。2、一只脚:a foot。3、解放脚:liberated feet―half-bound feet; bound-feet unbound。4、崴脚:sprain one"s ankle。5、脚刹车:foot brake。例句:1、鞋子合不合脚,自己穿了才知道。Only the wearer knows if the shoe fits his foot.2、每晚把脚在热水中浸泡一会儿。Soak your feet in warm water for a while every night.3、我使劲地踏她的脚,让她闭嘴。I stamped heavily on her feet to make her shut up.4、钉子穿过鞋底,扎进了他的脚。The nail pierced through the sole of his shoe into his foot.2023-07-22 23:51:571
stand on your feet是什么意思
意思是,你自力更生2023-07-22 23:53:323
意思:跺脚用力跺(脚);踏(地板、地等):to stamp one" s feet跺脚He wildly stamped the chair with his foot.他粗野地把一只脚踏在椅子上。2023-07-22 23:53:391
You"re stepping on my foot.2023-07-22 23:54:053
1.foot -----feet2.Excuse me, is the water temperature suitable for you?3.I will start a foot massage, then your legs, your back, your back-leg, last baking back with hot stones.4.Do you need pedicure sevice, including manicures and foot cocoon,charge is 15yuan.5.Do you need to scrape the sand sevice? scraping the sand is a traditional Chinese health technology, it can help you to excrete your potential body virus.6.Hi,good evening7.Do you want me vigorously, or gently?8.Is my energy enough2023-07-22 23:54:121