put (sth.) on/onto the plate
盘子比较浅,所以用on 或onto
put sth on the plate
put sth on the plate
put 。。。。。。on the plate。
盘子用英语怎么说 发音
plate2023-07-21 02:38:453
dishes2023-07-21 02:39:075
勺spoon 盘dish2023-07-21 02:39:2412
ancake薄饼pan,盘子,cake,蛋糕。即圆盘状蛋糕。pancake用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Nilayiscurrentlyinapancakecoma.nilay目前正处于煎饼眩晕之中。pancake音标["p_nkeik]读音汉语翻译n.薄烤饼,薄煎饼,烙饼词型变化:动词过去式:pancaked过去分词:pancaked现在分词:pancaking第三人称单数:pancakes。pancakeroll饼卷;西餐厅饼卷英文菜单;西餐厅英文菜单之饼卷。玉米煎饼;玉米蛋饼;玉米烙。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com2023-07-21 02:40:011
waiting tables2023-07-21 02:40:294
fruit,水果apple,苹果,bread,面包plate盘子knife刀子2023-07-21 02:40:532
带来应该用bring,带走用take,为我们应该用介词for,所以句子应该改为 Would you please bring some plates and knives for us?这样为好. 有不明白的请继续追问,2023-07-21 02:41:021
“收盘子” 英语怎么说
收盘子Withdraw these dishes!Withdraw these plates!2023-07-21 02:41:111
disk2023-07-21 02:41:192
Do the dishes,wash the dishes2023-07-21 02:41:312
“这个盘子是在哪里?”用英语怎么说 ?
Where is the plate?2023-07-21 02:41:411
盘子 英语怎么读 谁能告诉我
plate最常用2023-07-21 02:42:336
盘子英语怎么说 盘子的英语是什么
1、盘子的英语:plate,英 [pleu026at] 美 [pleu026at]。 2、晚餐剩下的冷饭菜已经凝结在盘子上了。The cold remains of supper had congealed on the plate. 3、在蛋糕烤模上盖一个盘子,然后将其翻倒过来。Place a plate over the cake tin and invert it.2023-07-21 02:42:581
单数:wash the dish 复数:wash the dishes 单数第三人称:washes the dishes2023-07-21 02:44:531
have the dishes washed2023-07-21 02:45:024
Three plates are in the desk.2023-07-21 02:45:091
can you pass me a dish2023-07-21 02:45:1810
在盘子里 用英语怎么说
dish2023-07-21 02:45:425
“收盘子” 英语怎么说?
I"m in charge of cleaning away the dishes.2023-07-21 02:46:083
break dish2023-07-21 02:46:233
baking tray2023-07-21 02:46:524
Throw a plate2023-07-21 02:46:593
do the dishes2023-07-21 02:47:414
leave dirty dishes in the kitchen。洗盘子 wash dishes ; Just Wash Some Dishes ; Dish Washing ; do the dishes木盘子 WOODEN TRAY打破盘子 Plate break ; Broken dishes ; break the plate ; Broken plate面包盘子 Bread plate收拾盘子 Clean plate ; Put away dishes椭圆盘子 oval plate1. I drain the pasta, then I share it out between two plates.我将意大利面滤干,然后平分到两个盘子里。2. Garnish the plate with whipped cream rosettes and fresh fruits.用玫瑰花形的掼奶油和新鲜的水果作配菜点缀盘子。3. She was bent over the sink washing the dishes.她俯在水槽边洗盘子。4. On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books.桌上空盘子的旁边是一堆书。5. My waitress whipped the plate away and put down my bill.我的服务员麻利地撤走盘子并搁下我的账单。2023-07-21 02:47:491
Ben Folds的《Still》 歌词
歌曲名:Still歌手:Ben Folds专辑:The Best Imitation of Myself: A Retrospective [Box set]i must give the impressionthat i have the answers for everythingyou were so disappointedto see me unravel so easilyit"s only changeonly everything i knoweven the things that seem still arestill changinglada lada ladadadadada lada ladadadadadadai"ve heard this is our babyBut I only want it to be meShe changed address and haircutsand boyfriends and light bulbs it"s easybut it"s only changeonly everything I knoweven the thingsthat seem still are still changingLa da la da la da da da da da la da la da da la da da daI stay focused on detailsit keeps me from feeling the big thingsbut watch the microscope long enoughthings that seem still are still changingLa da la da la da da da da da la da la da da la da da dahttp://music.baidu.com/song/545252692023-07-21 02:47:151
市中心的就是香山了★灵山 灵山自然风景区距京城122公里,其顶峰海拔 2302米,是北京的第一峰。该山坡绵延数十里,植被垂直变化十分显著,由山麓到山顶自然景观差异较大,低山及坡路多为灌木,各类植物这里好像都有,因此有“华北地区植被基因库”之称。再过一段时间,该山山顶会有高山积雪。白雪映红叶的景观,自然十分迷人。 门票:40元 交通:地铁苹果站乘336路、326路、929路河滩下车,换乘到灵山长途车,灵山站下车即到。开车可沿阜石路到门头沟双峪环岛往北,沿109国道按路标指示前行。 ★雾灵山 位于北京东北方向,燕山山脉主峰,海拔2118米。每当云雾涌起时,云铺成路,人行在天,如入仙境。可来此穿越、宿营、探险。不过在山中听不到鸟叫,不能不说有点遗憾。 交通:沿着京密公路,行车一个小时,过密云,在巨各庄右拐,还有69公里。海拔1000至2000米 ★百花山 海拔1991米,是北京第三高峰,这是一座天然百花园,在方圆2000亩的百花草甸上,植物茂盛,山花遍野,有华北天然植物园之称,根据不同海拔,分布有不同的植物带,如山杨林、落叶松林、灌木林、白桦林及草甸等。其间还有许多彩色树种,满山红、绿、黄、白相间,景色美妙。。 空气状况:山区小气候,雨水丰沛。山间植物生长茂盛且品种繁多,据统计达700余种,因而又有“天然植物园”之称,空气极佳。 交通:乘地铁至苹果园站下车,换326路汽车至河滩,那里有许多小公共汽车可送您到百花山;从苹果园乘929路或前门乘中巴直达。 ★云蒙山 位于京北燕山山脉,海拔1414米,距离北京约80公里,是目前距北京最近的国家森林保护区。险、秀、奇、雄皆佳。山中水流终年不断,溪流在高山峡谷中急驰轰鸣,加上溪边片片芦苇,造就出北国江南韵味,令人更觉秀美。 空气状况:气候凉爽宜人,空气中负氧离子含量极高,山中植被覆盖率达90%以上。云蒙山最炎热的7月,平均温度为20℃,比避暑山庄还低。 交通:汽车出东直门走酒仙桥到牛栏山环岛,一直向北过怀柔县城,经西庄、河防口再向北便是云蒙山。全程均为国道,行路甚易。 ★妙峰山 是北京著名的“八顶”之一,主峰海拔1291米,距市中心55公里,为距京城最近的千米高山。 环境综合:妙峰山是京郊一处集宗教朝圣、山地度假为一体的旅游胜地。山脚下的涧沟村是我国的玫瑰之乡,培育千余亩妙峰玫瑰。海拔1000米以下 ★上方山 位于房山区岳各庄乡距京70公里的上方山,有山峰12座,中天之柱是上方山最高山峰,海拔860米,亦称“摘星索”。 环境综合:上方山有“南有苏杭,北有上方”的美誉。九大洞穴景观奇特,最著名的是“云水洞”,洞中有108个自然景观。 交通:天桥乘917路到房山,转乘到上方山的车 ★红螺山 红螺山位于怀柔区城北5公里处,山高814米,山场面积为2万亩,山上植有山杏、黄栌、五角枫、火炬等40余株彩叶树种,彩叶覆盖面积达4000余亩。深秋的红螺山,漫山红叶,其间还有黄色的白蜡和墨绿的油松,形成一幅色彩艳丽、层次分明的风景画。 乘车路线:东直门乘916或936路到怀柔城区,再转乘景区小公共即到红螺山景区。 自驾车:从京密路到怀柔出口,沿怀柔城北到青春路北环岛向北上红螺路走5公里即到。 ★香山 鬼见愁是香山的主峰,又叫香炉峰,海拔557米,因山势陡峭、攀登不易而称鬼见愁。 环境综合:香山都快被北京人爬烂了。每到周末,山脚下就停满了私家车,来这里爬山锻炼的人多得要命。此地重峦叠嶂,清泉潺潺,共成28景,“西山晴雪”为燕京八景之一。 交通指南:在北京海淀区,东南距市中心20余公里。从积水潭地铁换乘331路终点站下,或在西直门乘904路直达香山。 ★景山 景山中峰高44.6米(海拔高度为88.7米),花不了多长时间就能登顶。 环境综合:到这里登山不如说是去体会一下北京的旧景。位于故宫的后面,原是明、清两朝皇宫的一部分,是旧北京内城的中心,也是当时最高的地方。 乘车路线:5路景山西街下,58、60、111路景山东街下车,111、819路景山下车,101、103、103快、109、812、814路故宫下车。 ★百望山 百望山森林公园位于颐和园北3公里处,京密引水渠绕园而过。园内主峰海拔210米,突兀挺拔,有“太行前哨第一峰”的美称。 百望山又名望儿山,相传北宋杨六郎与辽兵在此山下鏖战,佘太君登山观阵助威,此山因此得名。百望山四季景色宜人。山花灿烂,生机盎然;夏木荫翳,清幽凉爽;秋意感人,红叶傲霜;冬雪漫卷,银装素裹。首都绿色文化碑林坐落在园区,依山就势,建亭设廊。公园还建有望京楼、览枫亭、望绿亭、回首亭、友谊亭等多处登高、观景的好去处。同时公园有攀岩、飞降、定向运动,为游客提供了一个锻炼身体的娱乐场所。 乘车路线:330、716、718、722、752、903、933、特4、特6、城铁临9路、运通112等到百望山或黑山扈北口下车即到;自驾车小营环岛、上地环岛径直向西即到。 门票:成人6元学生4元 交通:颐和园乘330路;西客站乘特6路;西直门乘933路至百望山下车即到 ★凤凰岭 北京凤凰岭自然风景区位于海淀区聂各庄乡境内。风景区野趣天成:青山绿水,蓝天白云,层峦叠翠,密林曲径,奇花异草遍及山野,具有良好的生态环境,享有“京西小黄山”之美誉。 “奇峰”、“怪石”、“林海”、“神泉”为其天然景观。神女峰荡气回肠,雄狮峰龙蟠虎踞;怪石林立,形神兼备;古松、古柏、古银杏,古木参天;桃林、杏林、苹果林,林园世界;“神泉”微量元素丰富、绵甜爽口。风景区人文景观丰富多彩,共同构成区内南、中、北三线四十余处可观景点。中线以古刹龙泉寺为中心,沿山而行可观古东方养生文化修炼场和有着动人传说的阴晾亭及北京最大的摩崖刻字“凤凰岭”;南线以金章宗时期的京西八大水院之一的黄普院(圣水院)为中心,有北京最大的石上塔“金刚石塔”和最古老的佛教造像“北魏石佛”、风景秀丽的吕祖洞和盛极一时的古香道(妙峰山进香“老北道”)遗址;北线则以峰奇、石怪、水美、洞幽取胜;有誉为华山之险的“天梯”,神秘幽深的古猿洞,闻名遐迩的“神泉”和“垂帘飞瀑”等妙景。 门票:成人8元 交通:从颐和园正门(东宫门)乘346路公交车至终点站;开车从颐(和园)阳(昌平阳坊)公路更快捷:从颐和园沿京密引水渠的西岸朝国防大学、309医院的方向,经温泉镇、北安河、海淀驾校、龙泉驾校,即可到达景区。 ★鹫峰森林 鹫峰森林公园位于北京城西30公里的大西山之中,它以雄奇秀丽的自然景色、盘山古道以及众多的文物古迹吸引众多游客,以丰富的植物资源闻名京城。 公园的自然环境优美。山势陡峭,山峰林立。森林覆盖率高达86%。露地和温室植物1065种,昆虫种类近400种。园内现有千年古树300余棵,其中国家一级保护树木20余棵。公园内现主要景点有:鹫峰、鹫峰山庄、登山古道、秀峰寺、响塘庙、和尚塔、地震台遗址、朝阳观音洞、气松石、沫春亭、杨家花园、金仙庵、贝家花园等。 门票:成人8元学生4元 交通:乘346路车 ★蟒山 蟒山国家森林公园位于昌平区十三陵水库东侧,距京城约40公里,是北京面积最大的国家森林公园。 蟒山公园有五奇。一山上树木品种多,森林覆盖率高,176个观赏树种,异彩纷呈,86%的覆盖率,形成层峦叠嶂。春天山花烂漫,秋天栌叶飘丹,山林奇景,美不胜收。二有北方最大的石雕大佛,慈面善心,笑迎八方游客。大佛周围十二属相,惟妙惟肖。三是北京最长的登山台阶,由3666块条石铺就。四有北京最高的仿古明塔和彩绘长廊可望京城,可观秀水山色。五有高山天池,是国内最大的人工天池,蓄水后可环湖游览,可入湖飞舟。 门票:15元2023-07-21 02:47:221
she disappointed with me英语课文
我对自己很失望.我不应该在意一个对我不重要的人.2023-07-21 02:47:291
88.35米。西城区最高点为景山海拔88.35米,海淀区内最高峰为苏家坨镇的阳台山,海拔1278米,最低处为清河街道东的黑泉村,海拔35米左右,北京的地形和河流,北京市山区面积10200平方千米,约占总面积的62%。2023-07-21 02:47:291
北京市东直门的海拔高度在40米左右。 北京市的地形西北高,东南低。北京市城区平均海拔43.5米。北京平原的海拔高度在20-60米,山地一般海拔1,000-1,500米。东灵山为北京市最高峰,海拔2,303米。 北京的西、北和东北,群山环绕,东南是缓缓向渤海倾斜的北京平原2023-07-21 02:47:401
北京市地处华北平原的西北边缘,全市土地面积16410.54km2。地势西北高、东南低,西、北、东三面环山,西部山区统称为西山,属太行山脉;北部山区统称军都山,属燕山山脉;东南部是一片缓缓向渤海倾斜的平原。北京市最高峰东灵山海拔2303m,最低点在通县柴厂屯一带,海拔仅有8m。北京市东部与天津市毗邻,其余均与河北省交界。北京平原面积6400km2,海拔高度10~55m,西北部地势高,东南部地势低,平均坡度1‰~2‰,是典型的山前倾斜平原地形。四环路内为中心城区,建筑物林立,四环与六环之间为城近郊区,遍布大小不一的十个边缘集团和住宅小区、高新技术产业区和经济开发区。北京气候为典型的暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候,夏季炎热多雨,冬季寒冷干燥,春、秋短促。年平均气温10℃~12℃,1月气温最低,月平均-7℃~-4℃,7月气温最高,月平均25℃~26℃。极端最低-27.4℃,极端最高42℃以上。2005年平均气温为13.2℃,2月份最冷,平均气温-2.9℃,7月份最热,平均气温27.9℃。近10年来有明显的上升趋势。全年无霜期180~200天,西部山区较短。年平均降雨量600mm,为华北地区降雨最多的地区之一,山前迎风坡可达700mm以上。降水季节分配很不均匀,全年降水的75%集中在夏季,7、8月常有暴雨。据北京各气象站降雨量资料统计,降雨量年季变化也较大,1959年高达1406.0mm,1999则仅为266.9mm,且常出现连续的干旱或丰水年份(如1999年至2005年,年平均降雨量仅450mm),比全市1980~2000年多年平均降雨量558.3mm又少了20%。2005年平均降水量仅410.7mm。北京地区蒸发量大于降水量,各站年平均水面蒸发量在1800mm左右,其中北京站1980~2000年年平均蒸发量为1826.1mm。北京平原属于海河流域,河网发育,大小河流100多条,分属5大水系,由西向东分别是大清河水系、永定河水系、北运河水系、潮白河水系和蓟运河水系,其中除北运河上游的温榆河发源于西山和北山交汇处山前外,其他4条水系皆自境外流入。大清河水系支流有拒马河、大石河、小清河。拒马河为大清河的主要支流之一,发源于河北省涞源县,大石河、小清河分别发源于房山区和丰台区,这三条河自西向东纵穿房山区全境和门头沟、丰台区部分地区,在北京境内流域面积2219km2,其中山区1615km2。永定河在三家店地区进入平原区,斜穿北京东南部,随后由大兴区出境。境内流域面积3168km2,其中山区流域面积2491km2。由于上游流经土质疏松的黄土高原,携沙量大,进入平原后,泥沙大量沉积、河床淤积抬高,自卢沟桥下游地区形成地上河。永定河对北京平原的形成起着十分重要的作用。20世纪80年代以后,永定河三家店至卢沟桥已成为季节性河流,卢沟桥以下常年干枯。北运河是始于隋朝期间修建的人工河,上游是温榆河,发源于昌平区军都山一带。温榆河、通惠河在通州镇东关汇合后称北运河,从通州区出境。北运河在历史上曾是沟通南北交通的大动脉,向南可直达浙江杭州。北京境内长约50km,境内流域面积4423km2。北京城近郊区的大部分污水通过其支流最终汇入北运河,1993年底高碑店污水处理厂一期工程建成运营后,对北运河河水水质起到了一定的改善作用。潮白河上游为潮河和白河。白河发源于河北省沽源县,流经赤城县,进入北京境内,由延庆、怀柔汇入密云水库,主要支流有红河、黑河、天河和汤河;潮河发源于河北省丰宁县,经滦平、密云注入密云水库。潮河、白河出库后在密云县河槽村汇合为潮白河,后经顺义出北京,进入河北境内。潮白河在北京境内流域面积5613km2,其中平原区流域面积1008km2。由潮白河提供主要水源的密云水库和怀柔水库水质较好,通过京密引水渠向北京供水,是北京重要的地表水饮用水水源。在潮白河向阳村建成拦河闸,为市水源八厂水源地提供地下水补给水源。蓟运河水系流经本区的河流主要为泃河,发源于河北省兴隆县,由平谷进入北京境内,先后接纳错河、金鸡河,经平谷南部出境。北京境内流域面积为1377km2,北京平原流域面积688km2。北京没有天然湖泊。建国以来北京地区先后在上述河流上修建了85座大、中、小型水库,总库容为92×108m3,较大的有官厅水库、密云水库、怀柔水库、海子水库等。由于水库的建成,山区地表径流大部分已拦蓄,目前除大清河水系外,山区大部分地表径流已被控制。平原河道除丰水季节外,地表径流已经不多或干枯。北京历史上曾有十个湿地,近20~30年来退化严重。2023-07-21 02:47:521
求the lonely island的motherlover的英文歌词(有追加奖励)
Oh dang!What is it dawg?I forgot it"s Mother"s Day.Didn"t get a gift for her?Other plans got in the way,She"ll be so disappointed,Damn, I forgot it too!This could"ve been avoided,What the hell are we gonna do?My mom"s been so alone, ever since my daddy left (cold),No one to hold her tight, life has put her to the test,I know just what you mean, my mom"s been so sad and grey (word),My dad can"t satisfy her in the bedroom ever since he passed away.Hold up!You thinkin" what I"m thinkin"?I"m thinkin, I"m thinkin too.Slow up!What time is it dawg?It"s time for a switcharoo.We both love our moms, women with grown women needs,I say we break "em off, show "em how much they really mean."Cause I"m a motherlover,You"re a motherloverWe should f*ck each others mothers,F*ck each others moms!I"ll push in that lady, where you came out as a baby,Ain"t no doubt that sh*t is crazy,F*cking each others moms!"Cause every Mother"s Day needs a Mother"s Night,If doing it is wrong, I don"t wanna be right,I"m calling on you, "cause I can"t do it myself,To me you"re like a brother,So be my motherlover.I"m layin" in the cut waiting for your mom,clutchin" on this lube and roses,I got my digital camera,Imma make your momma do a million poses,They will be so surprised,We are so cool and thoughtful,Can"t wait to pork your mom,Imma be the syrup she can be my waffle.Show love, my momma loves bubble bath with chamomile,Straight up, give it to my mom d-d-d-d-d-d-doggy style,This a perfect plan for a perfect Mother"s Day,They"ll have to rename this one,All up under the covers day."Cause I"m a motherlover,You"re a motherlover,We should f*ck each others mothers,F*ck each others moms!I"ll push in that lady, where you came out as a baby,Ain"t no doubt that sh*t is crazy,F*cking each others moms!Break it down.It would be my honor,To be your new step-father,It would be my honor,To be your new step-father.And while you"re in my mother,make me another brother,And while I"m in your mother,I"ll never use a rubber,Oh!"Cause every Mother"s Day needs a Mother"s Night,If doing it is wrong I don"t wanna be right,I"m calling on you "cause I can"t do it myself,To me you"re like a brother,So be my motherlover,They blessed us both with the gift of life,She brought you in this world,So Imma sex her right,This is the second best idea that we"ve ever had,The choice can be no other,Be my motherlover.Happy Mothers Day!2023-07-21 02:48:042
disappointed in和disappointed at的区别
首先都是表示失望 (someone/ something is not as good as you expeted)。1. One very relevant quote from the M-W Dictionary of English Usage:"When disappointed is used with a preposition in contemporary writing, it may take any one of several prepositions: about, at, by, in, over or with. At one time, disappointed of was common, but during the 20th century, disappointed in has become the most prevalent usage."2. This is an abstract from Longman Contemporary Dictionary and I think it"s clear enough:Disappointed:unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or because someone or something was not as good as you expected:E.g:Dad seemed more disappointed than angry. disappointed customers Disappointed at/with/aboutE.g:Local residents were disappointed with the decision.disappointed (that)E.g: I was disappointed that we played so well yet still lost.disappointed inE.g: I"m very disappointed in you.disappointed to hear/see/find etcE.g: Visitors were disappointed to find the museum closed.请采纳 谢谢2023-07-21 02:48:131
北京海拔多少米北京市海拔43.71米, 其中城中心的天安门广场海拔44.4米, 天安门城楼原高33.7米,1970年2月重修后,为34.7米,所以天安门的海拔是79.1。全市最低处是通州区柴厂屯一带, 海拔8米, 最高处为灵山, 海拔2303米。 北京市处于华北大平原西北边缘,东部、 西部和北部是连绵不断的群山,东南是一片缓缓向渤海倾斜的平原。2023-07-21 02:48:147
常见的常量元素主要是指自然界中普遍存在的元素,包括氢、氧、碳、氮等元素1.氢(Hydrogen):氢是宇宙中最丰富的元素之一,原子序数为1,化学符号为H。它是一种无色、无味、轻质的气体,在自然界中以分子形式存在,广泛应用于燃料电池、合成氨和硫酸等工业生产中。2.氧(Oxygen):氧是地壳中占比第一的元素,原子序数为8,化学符号为O。氧气是一种无色、无味、无臭的气体,是维持生物体生命活动所必需的元素之一,同时也广泛应用于燃烧和氧化反应中。3.碳(Carbon):碳是地壳中第四丰富的元素,原子序数为6,化学符号为C。碳元素具有多样的化学性质,是有机物的基础成分,广泛存在于有机物体中,如生物体、石油等。4.氮(Nitrogen):氮是地壳中较为丰富的元素之一,原子序数为7,化学符号为N。氮气是一种无色、无味、惰性气体,占据大气中的主要成分之一,同时也广泛应用于合成肥料、炸药等领域。5.硫(Sulfur):硫是地壳中丰富的元素之一,原子序数为16,化学符号为S。硫在自然界中以多种形式存在,包括硫矿石、硫酸盐和有机硫化合物等,广泛应用于制药、制胶等工业生产中。6.磷(Phosphorus):磷是地壳中较为丰富的元素之一,原子序数为15,化学符号为P。磷元素在生物体中起着重要的生理功能,同时也广泛应用于农业生产中的肥料、化学品等领域。7.钠(Sodium):钠是地壳中较为丰富的金属元素之一,原子序数为11,化学符号为Na。钠的化学性质活泼,常以离子形式存在,广泛应用于制备钠盐、合成有机化合物等领域。8.铁(Iron):铁是地壳中含量较多的金属元素之一,原子序数为26,化学符号为Fe。铁在工业生产和人类生活中有广泛应用,包括制造钢材、建筑、电子、制药等领域。9.锌(Zinc):锌是地壳中含量较多的金属元素之一,原子序数为30,化学符号为Zn。锌广泛应用于电池、镀锌、合金制备等行业中,同时也是人体中的微量元素之一。10.铝(Aluminum):铝是地壳中含量较多的金属元素之一,原子序数为13,化学符号为Al。铝具有轻质、耐腐蚀等特点,广泛应用于飞机、汽车、建筑等工业和日常生活中。2023-07-21 02:48:211
disappointed in和disappointed at的区别
首先都是表示失望 (someone/ something is not as good as you expeted)。1. One very relevant quote from the M-W Dictionary of English Usage:"When disappointed is used with a preposition in contemporary writing, it may take any one of several prepositions: about, at, by, in, over or with. At one time, disappointed of was common, but during the 20th century, disappointed in has become the most prevalent usage."2. This is an abstract from Longman Contemporary Dictionary and I think it"s clear enough:Disappointed:unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or because someone or something was not as good as you expected:E.g:Dad seemed more disappointed than angry. disappointed customers Disappointed at/with/aboutE.g:Local residents were disappointed with the decision.disappointed (that)E.g: I was disappointed that we played so well yet still lost.disappointed inE.g: I"m very disappointed in you.disappointed to hear/see/find etcE.g: Visitors were disappointed to find the museum closed.2023-07-21 02:48:241
such和so的用法 谢谢
1、so+形容词/副词+that+从句,如:thisstoryissointerestingthatiwanttoreaditagain.(这个故事如此有趣以至我想再读一次。)hespokesoquicklythaticouldn"tfollowhim.(他说得如此快以至我不能跟上他。)2、so+形容词/副词+(a/an)+(单数)复数可数名词/不可数名词+that+从句,如果句中的名词是单数可数名词,其前就要用不定冠词a或an,如果是复数可数名词或者不可数名词,前面就不用冠词,如:sheissolovelyagirlthateveryoneloveshe(这个故事如此有趣以至我想再读一次。)r.(她是如此可爱的一个女孩,以至每个人都喜欢她。)thosearesobeautifulflowersthatthegirlwantstopickthem.(那些花是如此漂亮以至那个女孩想要摘下它们。)3、such+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that+从句,如:sheissuchalovelygirlthateveryonelovesher.(她是如此可爱的一个女孩,以至每个人都喜欢她。)itissuchaninterestingstorythatiwanttoreaditagain.(这是一个如此有趣的故事以至我想再读一次。)4、such+复数可数名词/不可数名词+that+从句,如:heshowedsuchconcernthatpeopletookhimtobearelative.(他表现得如此关心以致于人们都把他当作亲戚了。)简单说就是so+形容词thegirlissobeautiful!such+名词suchabeautifulgirl!2023-07-21 02:48:332
求Cécile CORBEL的my lullaby歌词
The world is cruel, dust fills the airNight has come like a veil on the earthThere is a song floating in my mindA little song I can"t get out of my headAnd I say la la la...Goodnight, sweet darling, goodnight, my babeI"ll watch over you, don"t be afraidAlways the song floating in my mindThis little song I can"t get out of my headAnd I say la la la...2023-07-21 02:48:412
Dear sir/madam,I am rather unsatisfied with your selling strategy. Six days ago, I bought something with $95.99, while today the promotion price is just $60. I am quite disappointed and dissatisfactory about your selling strategy. Due to the gap of the regular price and the promotion price, and the cumbersome procedure of refunding, I hope you will refund the difference and your team will take it seriously!Thanks.2023-07-21 02:46:4915
北京平均海拔:43.5米2023-07-21 02:46:474
disappointed in和disappointed at的区别
首先都是表示失望 (someone/ something is not as good as you expeted).1.One very relevant quote from the M-W Dictionary of English Usage:"When disappointed is used with a preposition in contemporary writing,it may take any one of several prepositions:about,at,by,in,over or with.At one time,disappointed of was common,but during the 20th century,disappointed in has become the most prevalent usage."2.This is an abstract from Longman Contemporary Dictionary and I think it"s clear enough:Disappointed:unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen,or because someone or something was not as good as you expected:E.g:Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.disappointed customers Disappointed at/with/aboutE.g:Local residents were disappointed with the decision.disappointed (that)E.g:I was disappointed that we played so well yet still lost.disappointed inE.g:I"m very disappointed in you.disappointed to hear/see/find etcE.g:Visitors were disappointed to find the museum closed.2023-07-21 02:46:392
问题一:心寒用英语怎么写? You make me bitterly disappointed. disappointed 英[?d?s?u02c8鼎p??nt?d] 美[?d?s??p??nt?d] adj. 失望的; 沮丧的,失意的; v. 使(人)失望( disappoint的过去式和过去分词); 使破灭,使落空; [例句]Growth-hungry financial markets could be very disappointed. 渴望看到增长的金融市场将会感到非常失望。 问题二:心寒的英语怎么写 心寒 v. be very disappointed 问题三:你让我心寒 英语怎么说? You got me disappointed! 问题四:心寒 英文怎么拼?谢谢 表达伤心 heart-broken。 问题五:心寒英语咋写的 心寒 释义: chilling,be bitterly disappointed 短语: 心寒 Chilling;Shiver;bitterly disappointed 问题六:你让我觉得心寒,用英语怎么说? You make me bitterly disappointed. 问题七:你好偏心,偏心到让我觉得心寒 这句话英文怎么写? You are so prejudicial that I feel耽very cold in my heart.2023-07-21 02:46:311
A father worried about his son. His son 16 years old this year. But was lack of courage. So in order to let his son to be brave,the father invited a coach to train his son.The coach said in order to train his child,the boy should stay alone here for three months, and training in the three months, the father cannot see him.Three months later, when father comes, his son was practicing boxing. Fighting against his father. When father threw, son was easy to be overthrown. But the son will immediately stood up, and won"t cry. Then fell, stand up again. Father feel humiliated, he said: "I"m so disappointed, I didn"t expect you so easily fell . You don"t need to stay here." But the coach said: "I don"t think so. You see, when he was falling down, he will stand up again and not cry. I think, it is the real courage you want him to learn ."2023-07-21 02:46:156
帮你译一句吧5 Professor Wang, would you be kind enough to attend our English evening?or Professor Wang, could we have the honour to invite you to our English evening?2023-07-21 02:46:054
各地海拔:拉萨3658.0m、西宁2261.2m、昆明1891.4m、银川1111.5m、贵阳1071.2m、呼和浩特1063.0m、乌鲁木齐917.9m、太原777.9m、成都505.9m、西安396.9m、重庆259.1m、长春236.8m、郑州110.4m、大连92.8m、福州84.0m、石家庄80.5m。青岛76.0m、南宁72.2m、厦门63.2m、济南51.6m、南昌46.7m、长沙44.9m、杭州41.7m、沈阳41.6m、香港32.0m、北京31.2m、合肥29.8m、武汉23.3m、海口14.1m、台北9.0m、南京8.9m、广州6.6m、上海4.5m、宁波4.2m、天津3.3m。2023-07-21 02:45:572
I fell so d什么 and unhappy?
depressedu30022023-07-21 02:45:433
Money is called love.Is it really like this.You make me so disappointed.这是什么意思?
难道真的是这样吗?钱能衡量爱!你太让我失望了2023-07-21 02:45:153
使某人失望:disappoint sb (在这里disappoint做动词)例句:Am I disappointed you? 我令你失望了吗?失望的:disappointed (adj)例句:I"m so disappointed that you are failed. 你的失败令我失望。令人失望的:disappointing (adj)例句:This news is so disappointing. 这真是一个令人失望的消息。感动有许多的词可以用,简单的有touch,多用于口语。I"m touch. 我很感动。还有Moving (adj),多用于指故事或电影。How moving this story is!2023-07-21 02:45:081
北京市区平均海拔43.5米,平原海拔高度在20一60米,八达岭最高峰海拔1238米。2023-07-21 02:45:062
disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的;受挫折的; 例句: He was feeling a shade disappointed. 他略感失望。 The players were jeered by disappointed fans. 球员受到大失所望的球迷奚落。 扩展资料 I was disappointed by the quality of the wine. 这酒的质量令我失望。 She tried not to show how disappointed she was. 她极力掩饰她是多么失望。 He was so disappointed that he drove off in a huff. 他失望至极,愤然开车离去。2023-07-21 02:45:011
He felt so disappointed,(改为否定句)
你好!Hedidn"tfeelsodisappointed,加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!记得给问豆啊!2023-07-21 02:44:541