1,realize one"s dream;
2, make one"s dream come true;
3, fulfill one"s dream;
I wanted to build this world and casey possessed the skills to facilitate my dream.
realize your dream 或者 dream come true 梦想成真
achieve one"s dream
realize one"s dream
make one"s dream come true
fulfill one"s dream
achieve dream;dream come true.
Realize your dream
dream come true
梦想成真 [词典] [电影] Dreams Come True; [例句]这对夫妇拥有了自己的房子,终于梦想成真了。Owning a place of their own is a dream come true for the couple.2023-07-17 11:58:495
梦想成真 Dream comes true.2023-07-17 11:59:052
问题一:“梦想成真”用英语怎么说 Dream es true 问题二:梦想成真用英文怎么说? the dream e true 问题三:“梦想成真”用英语怎么说 “梦想成真” Dreams e true 问题四:梦想成真用英语怎么说 Your dream came true. 问题五:我希望他梦想成真 用英语怎么说 I hope his dream will true.求采纳 问题六:我期待我们的梦想成真 用英语怎么说? 10分 I anticipate/look forward (that) our dream is ing true. 问题七:我希望我的梦想成真 用英语怎么说 I wish my dream could e true.这是个虚拟语气,所以要用could。 一般dream是和wish搭用的。 问题八:“梦想成真”用英语怎么说 Dream es true 问题九:梦想成真用英文怎么说? the dream e true 问题十:“梦想成真”用英语怎么说 “梦想成真” Dreams e true2023-07-17 11:59:121
thedreamcometrue2023-07-17 11:59:215
很多成语宁可不要翻译,应为译过来就变味了,甚至外国人也不知道如何翻译才恰当梦想成真这个词翻译为dreams come true是最恰当的,dream是可数名词而梦想成真工作室就不能翻译为Dreams come true studios,有点勉强的说。。个人觉得Dreams Realizing Studio也不太对,容易让人误解!2023-07-17 11:59:388
梦想成真:A dream come true.Examples:1.我希望我们的梦想成真.I hope our dreams come true.2.给你我温存的爱恋和深情的思念,祝你生日快乐.愿你的生活因梦想成真而明媚,愿甜蜜的回忆装满你心间.Happy birthday with...2023-07-17 11:59:551
dreams come ture2023-07-17 12:00:078
dream come true2023-07-17 12:00:267
dreams come trueachieve one"s dreamsrealize one"s dreamsgo for one"s dreamsmaterialize one"s dreams提供了五种表达方式哈~楼主参考下~希望对你有帮助~加油~2023-07-17 12:00:422
“梦想成真”用英语除了Dreams Come True,还有没有更高级一点的说法?
bingo one"s life eg: today,I have made 1000 yuan, big amount! that really bingos my life!!2023-07-17 12:00:582
努力学习,你就会梦想成真 英文 Study hard and your dream can ___ ___
come true2023-07-17 12:01:175
祝你梦想成真的英文:Wish your dream come true。n.梦;睡梦;白日梦;幻想;空想;理想;梦想;抱负;梦幻般的人(或事物);妄想;事情一帆风顺;comp.梦的;梦中的;vt.梦到;梦见;设想;想象;vi.做梦;做白日梦;空想;幻想;妄想;空想;同义词:daydream;ambition;ideal;ideal;imagine;fantasize。梦想相关名言:人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。——徐玮人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。——萧楚女人生的价值,并不是用时间,而是用深度去衡量的。——列夫·托尔斯泰人的一生应当这样度过:"当回忆往事的时候,他不至于因为虚度年华而痛悔,也不至于因为过去的碌碌无为而羞愧;在临死的时候,他能够说:“我的整个生命和全部精力,都已经献给世界上最壮丽的事业——为人类的解放而斗争。”——奥斯特洛夫斯基努力拼搏,勤奋工作,实现中国梦,让中国更加繁荣富强。2023-07-17 12:01:471
祝你猴年大吉 梦想成真 财源滚滚 英语咋写?
I wish you monkey year luck,dream will come true, Profits pouring in from all sides!有的是一个一个词译的,大部分中文祝福语没有英文。2023-07-17 12:02:311
梦想成真的英文歌曲为《Dream it possible》。《Dream It Possible》是由国际著名音乐人Andy Love作曲,来自洛杉矶的歌手Delacey(有小Adele之称)演唱的歌曲,这首歌是华为Mate8发布会主题曲。扩展资料:华为与好莱坞影视制作公司Wondros共同打造了名为《Dream It Possible》的海外宣传短片,背景音乐即华为消费者业务品牌曲《Dream It Possible》。短片生动讲述了一个名叫安娜的女孩追求钢琴梦想15年的成长历程,通过不懈的坚持与努力,最终登上了维也纳音乐厅的舞台,实现了自己的人生梦想,动人演绎了对梦想的执着追求。此宣传短片和背景音乐都备受称赞。参考资料来源:百度百科-《Dream It Possible》2023-07-17 12:02:452
Dreams come trueLast night, I had a dream, dream of my uncle came back from Shenzhen, brought me a lot of food, and a mysterious gift, but I didn"t see what I wake up.This afternoon, I do my homework at home, suddenly heard a knock on my door, I hastened to open the door, really is the uncle came back! He took a lot of food from a big bag, in the bag which he took out a good package box to me. I said "thank you!" , wait to take over, carefully put a layer of wrapping paper to open. Ah, what a beautiful music box!There is a tall pink lotus music box on the surface, there are two sparkling white swan, a swan looked up at the sky, the other one is low head, seemed to enjoy the shadow in the water. The water is also floating a dozen roses red flowers. Here is the switch and a box bottom. The placement of the battery, switch on the lights, you can send be riotous with colour2023-07-17 12:03:281
I wish your dream come true. I wish you realize your dream. Wish your dream come true.2023-07-17 12:03:351
Wish you healthy and your dream come true.2023-07-17 12:03:433
Wish your all dreams come true!2023-07-17 12:04:094
Wish your dream come true!2023-07-17 12:04:217
我希望我的梦想成真 用英语怎么说
Iwishmydreamcouldcometrue.Iwish mydreamcometotrue.Ihopethatmydreamcomestrue.2023-07-17 12:04:564
写作思路:可以写自己梦见一匹飞马来到自己身边,而且飞马还是飞马中的女王,于是,自己骑着它来到了朋友家溜达等等。正文:One night, I had a wonderful dream that a flying horse came to me, and it was the queen of the flying horses!一天夜里,我做了一个美好的梦,梦见一匹飞马来到我身边,而且它还是飞马中的女王呢!So I rode it to the door of my friend"s house, it called a Pegasus, we came to the beautiful Pegasus kingdom.于是我骑着它来到了我朋友家的门前,它叫来了别外一匹飞马,我们一起来到了美丽的飞马王国。"Wow," it"s so beautiful here! " The rainbow staircase is in front of you. I followed the horse into a beautiful room, and there was a crystal button on the door. When I pressed that button, it showed "host welcomes you to come".“哇”这里真是太美了!”眼前就是彩虹楼梯。我跟着飞马走进了一间美丽的房间,门上有一个水晶按钮,一按那个按钮,上面就是显示着“主人欢迎您的到来”。Entering the door, Pegasus said mysteriously, "my master, can we go to a place together now?" I felt my head suspiciously and asked, "where are you going?" It said, "I won"t tell you. Please follow me." When I got there, I couldn"t help shouting. It was a fairyland on earth.走进门,飞马神秘地说:“我的主人,现在我们可以一起去一个地方了吗?”我疑惑地摸了摸脑袋问:“要去什么地方?”它说:“我就不告诉你,请跟我走。”来到那,我不禁大叫了一声,那里简直就是人间仙境。We went down the sky slide together and got on the cloud plane. There were many buttons on the cloud plane. I pressed a red button, and a bottle of juice I like appeared in front of me. I pressed the purple button again, and a teddy bear appeared... It"s amazing!我们一起顺着天空滑滑梯,坐上了云朵飞机,在上面转啊转,云朵飞机上有很多按钮,我按了个红色键,一瓶我喜欢喝的果汁出现在我面前,我又按了紫色键,一个玩具熊出现了……太神奇了!Then we got off the cloud plane and came to another room. There was a big screen. I touched it gently. There were many beautiful moral education stories on the screen. I looked dazzled. I chose one and sat there and watched it with great interest.接着,我们下了云朵飞机,来到另一间房间,这里有一个很大的屏幕,我手轻轻一碰,屏幕上出现了很多好看的德育故事,真是看得眼花缭乱,我选了一部,坐在那津津有味地看了起来。"Ding Ding Ding" I was woken up by the alarm clock, ah! It"s an interesting dream. If only it were true!“叮叮叮“我被闹钟吵醒了,啊!真是一场有趣的梦,如果这是真的那该多好呀!2023-07-17 12:05:031
梦想用英文说是dream。一、发音英:[driu02d0m];美:[driu02d0m]二、中文翻译n. 梦想;梦;梦幻v. 梦见;梦想adj. 理想的;完美的三、形式现在分词:dreaming过去式:dreamed 或 dreamt过去分词:dreamed 或 dreamt四、短语搭配1. dream of/about: 梦见;梦想2. dream come true: 梦想成真3. beyond one"s wildest dreams: 超出某人最疯狂的梦想4. in your dreams: 在你的梦里(常用来回应别人的不切实际的期望或建议)5. sweet dreams: 晚安,美梦6. dream job/house/car: 理想的工作/房子/车辆五、双语例句1. She always dreamed of becoming an astronaut.她一直梦想成为一名宇航员。2. His dream of owning his own business finally came true.他拥有自己的企业的梦想终于实现了。3. Her success was beyond her wildest dreams.她的成功超出了她最疯狂的梦想。4. "You"ll beat me at chess? In your dreams!"“你会在棋盘上打败我?做你的春秋大梦!”5. I wished him sweet dreams before he went to bed.他上床前,我祝他有个好梦。6. He just bought his dream car, a red Ferrari.他刚买了他梦寐以求的车,一辆红色的法拉利。六、用法1. "Dream" 作为名词,可以指我们在睡眠中经历的那种感觉,也可以用来表示我们的希望和理想。例如:I have a dream that one day I will become a successful writer. (我有个梦想,总有一天我会成为一个成功的作家。)2. "Dream" 作为动词,可以用来描述在睡眠中看到的事物,也可以表示希望或设想。例如:I dreamt about you last night. (昨晚我梦见你了。)3. 当我们说 "dream come true",意思是我们的梦想或愿望已经实现。例如:His dream of becoming a pilot finally came true. (他成为飞行员的梦想终于实现了。)4. 在非正式语境中,如果我们说 "in your dreams",意思是我们不认为别人的期望或建议会成真。例如:You think you can beat me in a race? In your dreams! (你以为你能在比赛中打败我?做你的春秋大梦!)5. 当 "dream" 作为形容词使用时,意思是 "理想的" 或 "完美的"。例如:This is my dream job. I"ve always wanted to work in a place like this. (这是我的理想工作,我一直想在这样的地方工作。)七、同义词vi. 梦想;做梦,梦见;想到come to mind,bethink ofn. 梦想,愿望;[心理]梦voice,aspirationsvt. 梦想;做梦;想到come to mind,bethink ofadj. 梦的;理想的;不切实际的ideal,unreasonable2023-07-17 12:05:192
答案:Volunteering here. 首先通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"在这儿当志愿者"的表达.短语"在这儿当志愿者"的英文表达是:Volunteer here,设空处在句子中作主语,所以填动名词,故答案为:Volunteering here2023-07-17 12:05:511
I wiss my dream will come ture !这样表达就没问题了2023-07-17 12:06:007
我希望他梦想成真 英语翻译 3种
l hope he can realize his dreams/l hope his dreams come true/l hope his dreams can occur2023-07-17 12:06:264
梦想是人的希望,是人努力的方向,想要梦想成真,就要集中精力,拼搏上进。 生命应该像条河,对待生活的态度有时是涓涓细流,有时是奔腾咆哮。 下面是我带来的关于梦想与生命的励志英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读! 英语 励志文章 ——让梦想成真 Donu2019t allow your troubles to get the best of you. Instead, allow those troubles to make the best of you. 不要被烦恼击败,相反,要让这些烦恼磨练出更优秀的你 Donu2019t tire yourself out fighting against the challenges. Instead, find new energy by embracing1 those challenges and working through them to create real value. 不要因与挑战作斗争而身心疲惫,相反,要在接受挑战、战胜挑战的过程中找到活力去创造真正的价值。 Always remind yourself that discour-agement is nothing more than a response youu2019ve chosen. When you find that youu2019ve chosen to let it be, you can just as surely choose to let it go. 时常提醒自己,气馁只不过是你自己的选择。当你发现是你选择了气馁,你当然也可以选择不这样。 Replace discouragement with determin-ation. It is your lifeu2019s energy, and you can point it in whatever direction you choose. Your most powerful response is not based only on what has already happened. Your most powerful response also takes into account what you wish to make happen next. 用决心消除气馁,这就是你生命的活力,是放之四海而皆准的。你最有力的反应不仅仅受所发生的事情的影响,而且与你期待发生的事情有一定关联。 Look forward, and envision in great etail the future you desire. Then gather all your energy, and step forward to make it be. 向前看,详尽地展望你所期盼的未来。然后集中你所有的精力,努力前进,让梦想成真 英语励志文章——生命应该像条河 Whether sixty or sixteen, there is the desire of wonders, the endless pure desire of whatu2019s next and the joy of the game of living in every human beingu2019s heart. 无论是60岁还是16岁,你都要保持永不衰竭的好奇心、永不熄灭的求知欲和享受在某某心里仍留有一席之地的乐趣。 In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: it receives messages of beauty, hope, pleasure, courage and power from men, and all these things keep you young. 在你我的心中有一座无线电台:它能接收到人间万物传递来的美好、希望、欢乐、鼓舞和力量,而所有这些会让你青春焕发。 An individual human life should be like a river —small at first, narrowly contained within its banks and rushing passionately duanwenw.com past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually, the river grows wider and the banks fall back, the water flows more quietly. In the end, without any visible break, they come together in the sea and painlessly lose their individual being. 生命应当像条河,开始是涓涓细流,受两岸的限制而变得狭窄,而后奔腾咆哮,翻过危岩,飞越瀑布;渐渐地河面变得开阔,河岸也随之向两边隐去,最后水流平缓,汇入大海之中,个人就这样毫无痛苦地消失了。 Youth means courage over shyness and the adventurous spirit of deserting the love of ease. duanwenw.com This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up passion wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear and self-distrust bow the heart and turn the spirit back into dust. 青春意味着战胜懦弱胆小的勇气和摒弃安逸的冒险精神。往往一个60岁的老者比一个20岁的青年更多一点这种劲头。人老不仅仅是岁月流逝所致,更主要的是不思进取的结果。光阴可以在肌肤上留下印记,而热情之火的熄灭则在心灵上刻下皱纹。烦恼、恐惧、缺乏自信会扭曲人的灵魂,并将青春化为灰烬!2023-07-17 12:06:331
I hope I can realize my dream someday.2023-07-17 12:06:437
We should try our best to make the dream come true2023-07-17 12:07:035
Who is the kiss fell into a chest wound and you know that was difficult to balance a number of people are still searching, and so we have to find the elusive human sea of lights karma points for a tired you start to feel the soul of life I I hope to have the same heat eyes closed for a long time you open the door to the hearts of the most beautiful dream come true this world because of the love today, tomorrow will never allow full boil we are all anxious to Wencun from a sincere heart no doubt courage to No matter the pursuit of darkness at dusk, I bless your dreams come trueHow many people are still searching, and so we have to find the elusive human sea of lights karma points for a tired you start to feel the soul of life I hope I can have the same heat eyes closed for a long time you open the door to the heart Beautiful dream come true this world because of the love today, tomorrow will never allow full boil we all desire a Wencun heart from the no doubt sincere courage to pursue regardless of darkness at dusk, I bless you dream come true for a long time to open your heart closed doorsTo the most beautiful dream come true this world because of the love today, tomorrow will never allow full boil we are all anxious to Wencun from a sincere heart no doubt courage to pursue regardless of darkness at dusk, I bless your dreams come true2023-07-17 12:07:191
实现梦想用英语怎么说 realize one"s dream 【摘要】 realize one"s dream 实现梦想 18. He is more lazy than foolish 与其…不如more than 不仅仅no more than 仅仅 more or less = about 或多或少more and more 越来越多 ... achieve one"s dreams 【摘要】 16.achieve one"s dreams 实现梦想. 17.sail across the pacific 横渡太平洋. 18.hold on to 保持,不要放弃(卖掉). 19.take it easy 从容轻松不紧张 ... Deliver the Dream 【摘要】 2004年,基于我们“追求更高梦想” (Dream Bigger)的目标, 进而致力于“实现梦想”(Deliver the Dream)的事业, 雅芳董事会主席兼首席行政长官钟彬娴(Andrea Jung)为雅芳 ... live one"s dream 【摘要】 51) live one"s dream 实现梦想. 52) spend five years being trained 花五年接受训练. 53) win over 战胜;争取过来. 54) win/ get a Nobel Prize 赢得/获得诺贝尔奖 ... Turn one"s dream into reality 【摘要】 Talent人才; Genius 天才; Celebrity 名人; Pursue one"s goal 追求目标; Turn one"s dream into reality实现梦想; Efficiently 高效率的Benefit好处,利益 ... 实现梦想用英语怎么说(要四种哦)? dreams e true achieve one"s dreams realize one"s dreams go for one"s dreams materialize one"s dreams 提供了五种表达方式哈~楼主参考下~希望对你有帮助~加油~ 实现梦想用英语怎么讲? achieve one"s dream realize one"s dream one"s dream es true 如何实现梦想 用英语怎么说? How to realise our dreams? 实现梦想英语怎么说 make your dream e true realize your dream turn your dream into reality fulfil a dream 你曾经实现梦想吗用英语怎么说 did you ever realize your dream 三班,我的实现梦想之地用英语怎么说 Class three, achieve my dream 望采纳 英语实现梦想用一个单词表示怎么说 实现梦想 [词典] realize one"s dream; make one"s dream e true; fulfill one"s dream; [例句]如果我能看到梦想,我就能够实现梦想; If I can see it, then I can do it. “她很想实现梦想”用英语咋说 她很想实现梦想 She wanted to achieve the dream 最后祝大家都能实现梦想。用英语怎么说? 翻译英语: Finally, wish you all dream es true!2023-07-17 12:07:261
当你的梦想成真你便无可阻挡 英文歌名
肯定是这首歌:(梦想成真 )never had a dream come ture由 club7演唱 进百度MP3搜:never had a dream come ture即可视听 everybody"s got something they had to leave behind, one regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time。2023-07-17 12:07:353
我希望我能梦想成真 请翻译
I hope my dream can come ture2023-07-17 12:07:545
让他们的梦想成真的确很难.英文翻译 it is----to make ---- ---- ---- ----
It is hard to make their dream come true.2023-07-17 12:08:125
梦想的译文是:dream。2023-07-17 12:08:282
梦想成真:dream comes true 或者 dreams come true2023-07-17 12:08:581
问题一:“梦想成真”用英语怎么说 Dream es true 问题二:梦想成真用英文怎么说? the dream e true 问题三:“梦想成真”用英语怎么说 “梦想成真” Dreams e true 问题四:梦想成真用英语怎么说 Your dream came true. 问题五:我希望他梦想成真 用英语怎么说 I hope his dream will true.求采纳 问题六:我期待我们的梦想成真 用英语怎么说? 10分 I anticipate/look forward (that) our dream is ing true. 问题七:我希望我的梦想成真 用英语怎么说 I wish my dream could e true.这是个虚拟语气,所以要用could。 一般dream是和wish搭用的。 问题八:“梦想成真”用英语怎么说 Dream es true 问题九:梦想成真用英文怎么说? the dream e true 问题十:“梦想成真”用英语怎么说 “梦想成真” Dreams e true2023-07-17 12:09:261
我希望你梦想成真的英文是I hope your dream comes true。例句:1、I have a dream today。今天,我有一个梦想。2、I have a good dream, but it is a dream。我有一个很好的梦想,但只是个梦。3、Among them,the most famous speech is I have a dream。其中,最著名的演讲是“我有一个梦想”。4、I often dream of a big house with a nice garden。我经常梦想有一个带花园的大房子。5、I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up。我梦想这个国家有一天会站起来的。6、Functional Stylistic Analysis of the Speech “I Have a Dream”。演讲稿“我有一个梦想”的功能文体分析。7、“I Have a Dream”and African American Protest and Jeremiad。“我有一个梦想”之奋斗与悲歌演说。2023-07-17 12:09:331
Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能) (华为mate8发布会主题曲) - DelaceyI will run I will climb I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。I"m undefeated我所向披靡Jumping out of my skin pull the chord跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦Yeah I believe it是啊 我坚信。The past is everything we were don"t make us who we are历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我so I"ll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真I will chase I will reach I will fly我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔Until I"m breaking until I"m breaking直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻Out of my cage like a bird in the night走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般I know I"m changing I know I"m changing我知道我在蜕变,在蜕变In into something big better than before变成未曾有过的强大And if it takes takes a thousand lives崇高理想的实现Then it"s worth fighting for总是需要付出无数鲜血It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真It possible梦想成真From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩The rest of our lives穷尽余生 不懈奋斗From the bottom to the top从低谷到巅峰We"re sparking wild fire"s我们犹如燎燃的野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃 永不退缩It"s not until you fall that you fly不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真Possible梦想成真And we"ll dream it possible我们期盼梦想成真QQ音乐一个字一个字敲上去的,望好评2023-07-17 12:10:011
愿你梦想成真 用英文怎么说啊 急
May all your dreams come true2023-07-17 12:10:113
fulfill2023-07-17 12:10:378
I wish your dream will come true.2023-07-17 12:11:241
realize the dream(s)2023-07-17 12:11:582
we all be true2023-07-17 12:12:434
实现梦想 英文翻译
dream come true2023-07-17 12:13:064
I hope my dream will come true. dream comes true.梦想成真2023-07-17 12:13:491
可以啊!你 要 你 有信心!2023-07-17 12:13:582
You make my dream realize/e true. It is you that make my dream e true.(强调句型),4,you make me dreams e ture,2,You make my dream ing true.,2,You make my dream e true 把最佳给我把~~~~,1,You make my dream e true.,1,You make my dream e true.,1,It"s you that make my dream e true.,0,2023-07-17 12:14:051
Dear, I wish you a happy birthday, dreams come true!2023-07-17 12:14:304
不对。。。really是副词,表示“真正地”。不过可以改成“Let my dream become reality(real的名词形式)”,但听起来还是不地道。。。除了上面那两种说法,还可以写作“achieve one"s goal”。2023-07-17 12:14:401
lhopemydreancometrue2023-07-17 12:15:134