create freely
发挥 (表现出内在的能力) bring into play;give play to;give scope to;give free rein to 发挥想像力 give the rein to one"s imagination; 发挥优势 give play to strong points;exploit one"s advantages to the full; 发挥了巨大作用 play a big role in2023-07-16 13:06:271
perform2023-07-16 13:06:374
问题一:发挥英文怎么说 发挥积极性 exercise initiative 发挥水平do oneself justice 正常发挥bring into play normally 临场发挥performance on spot 发挥出 display 发挥出色伐ulfill with excellence 发挥题意develop a theme 问题二:请问“发挥优势”英文怎么说? give scope to one"s advantages make full use of advantages giving full play to superior points/one"s advantages | exploit advantages bring advantages into play 问题三:发挥才能用英语怎么说? Exploit one"s talent give (full) scope to one"s abilities 问题四:”发挥自己的能力“用英文怎么说? Give full play of one"s ability 问题五:发挥出我最大的潜力用英文怎么说 I will bring all potentialities into full play. 其实那个try my best 也很好用的说 问题六:英语翻译 (表现出内在的能力) bring into play; give play to; give scope to; give free rein to: 发挥投资的效用 make the investment yield well; 发挥想象力 give the rein t功 one"s imagination; 发挥集体智慧 give full play to collective wisdom; 发挥潜力 take advantage of the potential; 发挥优势 give play to strong points; exploit one"s advantages to the full; 发挥 ... 作用 give full scope to; 发挥余热 devote one"s remaining years to the service of the people; 发挥专长 give full play to *** ."s professional knowledge or skill; 发挥创造性 give full scope to creativity; 发挥了巨大作用 play a big role in; 这样他们就使群众的积极性、智慧和力量都充分发挥出来。 In this way they brought into full play the initiative, wisdom and power of the masses. 2. (详尽论述) develop (an idea, a theme, etc.); elaborate; express; air; amplify; expound: 借题发挥 seize on a minor incident to make an issue of it; seize a pretext to air one"s opinion; 这一论点有待进一步发挥。 This point needs further elaboration. ◇发挥投资效果 [经] realize (larger) returns on investment; 发挥优势原则 making full use of economic advantages; making full use of favourable factors2023-07-16 13:06:441
发挥作用英文表达可以有以下几种:1、Play a role发挥作用,起到作用。例如Exchange students play an important role in cultural communication。交换生在文化交流中发挥着重要作用。2、Make a contribution作出贡献,起到促进作用。例如Foreign experts have made great contributions to China"s economic development。外国专家在中国经济发展中作出了巨大贡献。3、Serve a purpose达到目的,实现目标。例如Learning a foreign language serves various purposes in life。学习一门外语在生活中可以达到各种目的。4、Function as something起到某种功能作用。例如Public transportation functions as a means for the mobility of citizens。 公共交通运输起到公民移动的方式作用。5、Act as something担任某种角色或起到某种作用。例如Teachers act as role models for students。老师在学生面前起到榜样作用。6、Make a difference产生影响或改变,起到关键作用。例如The invention of the Internet has made a huge difference in our daily lives。互联网的发明对我们的日常生活产生了巨大影响。7、Be instrumental in something起到推动作用,在某事物中起关键作用。例如:The peace treaty was instrumental in ending decades of conflict between the two countries、 和平条约对结束两国长达数十年的冲突起到了推动作用。关于发挥作用的英语表达的语法应用1、主动语态和被动语态的选择,表示某事物主动产生作用时用主动语态,表示某事物被动受到作用时用被动语态。如:Technological progress has promoted social development(主动)社会发展受到技术进步的推动。(被动)2、时态的选择,如果要描述某事物过去或现在所产生的作用,用一般过去时或一般现在时。如果要表达未来将产生的作用,用一般将来时。如果要表示过去某段时间内持续产生的作用,用过去进行时。时态的准确选择可以准确表达作用发生或持续的时间。3、非限定性定语从句的应用,用以修饰作用的对象或领域。如Technological innovation, which promotes productivity, boosts economic growth技术创新,它提高生产力,促进经济增长。4、介词的选择,表示作用的方向范围可以选择不同的介词,如to, for, on, upon, in, over等。如Education leads to individual growth教育导致个人发展。经济全球化产生了深远影响。2023-07-16 13:06:511
take part in.参与……,参加……例句:I took part in the debate.我参与了辩论。Anna takes part in many school activities.安娜参加许多学校活动。join in/ take part in / participate in参与某活动join in/ take part in / participate in a discussion / game/ celebration参加讨论/ 比赛/庆祝engage in sth参加,参与某活动engage in regular exercise定期进行锻炼take an oral test参加口语考试be/get involved in sth参加,参与, 卷入be/get involved in the project/an accident参与了这项工程/卷入了一起事故play a role发挥作用;扮演一个角色come into play开始活动;开始起作用play a part in参与;起作用;扮演角色例句1该国要在未来的发展中发挥作用的话,她就需要新的领导班子。The country needs new leadership if she is to play a role in future development.2要有效运转和发挥作用,这些机构就必须不牵连政治。These institutions have to be apolitical in order to function and to perform effectively.3这些药物阻止孕酮发挥作用。The drugs block the action of progesterone.2023-07-16 13:07:181
Give full play of one"s ability2023-07-16 13:07:284
如果是要说某样东西发挥作用直接说sth works就可以了2023-07-16 13:07:467
play a positive role2023-07-16 13:08:022
尽情发挥to give full expression of one"s vigor, imagination尽情挥洒某人的活力、尽情发挥某人的想象力to bring one"s wisdom into full play.发挥某人的聪明才智2023-07-16 13:08:121
大哥哥v就发个2023-07-16 13:08:334
Devolop the active effect of advertisement to the youth, and make advertisement as a stimulative fact in the growth process of the youth.2023-07-16 13:08:431
在拔河比赛中,哪怕只是增加一个人,也是有可能发挥巨大的作用的。下面是我给大家整理的发挥作用的英语短语,供大家参阅! 发挥作用的英语短语篇1 1. Competition between companies is too fierce for self-regulation to work. 公司间的竞争过于激烈,自我调节机制已无法发挥作用。 2. Finally, he could do no more, which is where Jacques came in. 最后,他再也无能为力了,这也正是雅克发挥作用的时候。 3. Basically the system ought to have worked. 其实这套系统本应发挥作用的。 4. Its vaunted security procedures hadn"t worked. 它那套被大肆吹嘘的安保程序并没有发挥作用。 5. These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working. 这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。 6. The new striker failed to make an immediate impression on the team. 新的足球前锋没能立即为球队发挥作用. 7. By gravitation the sun and planets act and react upon one another. 太阳与行星通过引力发挥作用并相互影响. 8. So you feel that your skills have never been fully appreciated or exploited? 所以你觉得你的技能从未被完全认可或者充分发挥作用? 9. The new superconductors look set to carve themselves a useful niche in the world"s electrical industries. 这种新的超导体看起来很有可能在世界电气工业中占得能够发挥作用的一隅。 10. To make the computer work at full capacity, the programmer has to think like the machine. 为了让计算机充分发挥作用,程序员就得像计算机一样思考。 11. The placebo has been found to work with a lot of different cases. 人们已发现安慰剂能在很多不同的病例中发挥作用。 12. There is every likelihood that sanctions will work. 制裁完全可能发挥作用。 13. He chuckled, " Give me time. Patience, and let nature go to work. " 他咯咯地笑了, “ 我得慢慢来. 要耐心, 让天性去发挥作用吧. ” 14. Pug saw vast quantities of Lend - Lease material in use. 帕格看到了大量的租借物资在发挥作用. 15. The carrot - and - stick theory of motivation works reasonably well under certain circumstances. 胡萝卜加大棒的激励理论在一定的环境中能够合理地发挥作用. 发挥作用的英语短语篇2 这一经济发展方案必须是即时性的,要能立刻发挥作用——这样我们才能在经济情况最需要帮助的时候发挥作用。 This growth package must be temporary and take effect right away -- so we can get help to our economy when it is needed most. 正如社会交往的积极方面以一种螺旋式上升的方式发挥作用从而为经济增长提供机会一样,同样的过程也可能以一种螺旋式下降的方式发挥作用从而加速灾难的来临。 Just as beneficial aspects of social interaction work together synergistically to permit economic growth, the same process can work in reverse to cause accelerating catastrophe. 政府在垃圾管理上的确要发挥作用,但发挥的是规范和监管作用。 Governments have a role to play in the business of waste management, but it is a regulatory and supervisory one. 因为MTA能达到良好的封闭效果,减少渗漏、生物相容性好,且在潮湿的环境也能发挥作用。(小二理解为,即使存在少量的渗血,它也能发挥作用)这使得应用此材料进行根管修复能得到更多可预知的结果。 Because ProRoot MTA creates a good seal, allows less leakage, is biocompatible and sets in the presence of moisture, root repairs performed with this material result in more predictable results. 钒在生物体内发挥作用的主要机制是通过蛋白磷酸酪氨酸磷酸酯酶的抑制和非受体蛋白酪氨酸的激活一种与胰岛素受体完全不同的途径发挥作用的。 The key mechanisms involved are inhibition of protein-phosphotyrosine phosphatases and activation of nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinases, in an insulin-receptor tyrosine kinase independent fashion. 地方航空政治将在其中发挥作用,而且可能已经在国务院周日晚间单独发布的声明中发挥了作用。 Local aviation politics will play a role, and might have been behind the stand-alone announcement by the State Council on Sunday night. 糖皮质激素具有多种重要的生理和药理作用,其经典作用途径为“基因组机制”,通过调节基因转录发挥作用。 Glucocorticoid modulates multiple important physiological and pharmacological processes, in addition to the classic genomic model of glucocorticoid action. 摘要糖皮质激素具有多种重要的生理和药理作用,其经典作用途径为“基因组机制”,通过调节基因转录发挥作用。 Glucocorticoid modulates multiple important physiological and pharmacol-ogical processes, in addition to the classic genomic model of glucocorticoid action. 除具有黏附作用外,L-选择素还作为信号分子在黏附事件中发挥作用。 Except for its role in adhesion, L-selectin can serve as a signal transduction molecule. 发挥作用的英语短语篇3 这是一个需要集体承担的责任,我们大家都可以发挥作用。 This is a collective responsibility; all of us have a role to play. 他说:"我认为,这可能是历史上一个不同寻常的时刻,使非洲成为一个希望的大陆,世行可以在这方面发挥作用。 I think this may be an extraordinary moment in history where Africa can become a continent ofhope and the Bank can play a role in that. 如果我们开始在每天的生活中采取一些小措施来留意我们对塑料的使用,我们就可以在减少塑料依赖性中发挥作用。 We can all play a role in reducing our dependence on plastic, if we started to take some smallsteps in our everyday lives to be mindful of our plastic use. 这件事情是“开源”领导模式发挥作用的一个缩影。 This was the epitome of the "open source" leadership model in action. 每人必须从赛场的各个位置发挥作用”。 People have to play all positions on the field. 他们这样做是因为他们认为,人们在对自己的生活产生影响的决策中发挥作用是一项民主权利。 They do this because they believe that it is a democratic right for people to have a role indeciding issues that affect them. 这些低落的情绪影响我们发挥作用,可能会干扰我们的目标、工作和家庭生活。 These low feelings affect how we function they can interfere with our goals, work and family life. 该调查认为,即使所有此类排放到2100年都停止,气候升温机在未来数百年仍将继续发挥作用。 Even if all these emissions were stopped by 2100, the warming machine would continue tofunction for centuries to come, says the investigation. 在考虑何时提供错误消息时,有一些因素会发挥作用。 Several factors come into play as you consider when to provide error messages. 事实上,只有在政府干预的情况下,市场经济才能发挥作用。 In fact, the market economy can function only if the state does intervene. 为了让经理在新模式中发挥作用,组织必须重新定义经理的角色和对经理的期待。 In order for managers to be effective in this new mode, the organization must redefine the roleand expectations of the manager. 患这种病的患者眼睛中的光受体不再发挥作用。 In this disease light receptors in the eye cease to function.2023-07-16 13:08:491
1 be serious about this journey2 replace me 或 take my place2023-07-16 13:08:574
发挥潜力的翻译:tap the potential.宝贝勤学好问,天天进步!2023-07-16 13:09:091
提前准备一些日常生活中或者简单的社会问题,边说边想下一句是什么,把考试当成自己生活中跟别人交流,当成给别人演讲。第一部分内容是以一篇小短文为基础,要求考生朗读指定部分,并能在不看短文的情况下回答主考老师就短文内容提出的若干问题。第二部分内容是就日常生活或简单的社会问题提出一个可供考生自由发挥的话题,做一个简短的口头作文,一般不少于十句话。考官将根据考生4方面的表现打分,包括语音语调语流、理解能力、表达能力、反应快慢,成绩按5、4、3、2四级评定,3分和3分以上为合格。口试成绩将与高考成绩一起公布。英语口语考前准备:考前的准备,高考文化课考试结束以后,考生在参加口试前的这一段时间,还应该要保持备考的状态,不要彻底就放松下来,应该有意识地创造一些说英语的条件,像是在回家的路上,或者是回到家里面都说一些简单的英语。和同学之间的交流,最好也使用英语,可以在自己家里面和同学一起做模拟练习,找一篇350字左右的短文,在规定的时间里面读完,然后再自问自答模拟考试的情景。2023-07-16 13:09:202
发挥自身的能力英语怎么说 exert the capability of yourself 个人素养 英语怎么说 self-cultivation就可以,或者self acplishment 有很强的工作能力,英文怎么说啊 An independant problem resolving capability in work is required for that job (position,etc.).也可以说We require the person/position be capable of resolving problems independantly in work. 或 We require the person/position be with an independant problem resolving capability in work. 反正有多种说法,都有见到的。请高手指正。如果有国外朋友,也可咨询一下别人,有没有更好的表达方法。毕竟语言是活的,并且在不同国家(即使同是英语国家或通用英语国家)文化上也会有差异。以上仅供参考。 有很强的工作能力,英文怎么说 highly petent从各方面提高自己的能力。用英语怎么翻译? increase one`s abilities in every areas (在各个方面提升某人的能力) 个人素质 英文怎么说 个人素质 网路释义 个人耿质:Personal qualities 谈论个人素质:talking about personal qualities 教师的个人素质:The Personal Qualities of a Teacher 个人综合能力测评系统 用英语怎么翻译?? Personal prehensive Ability Testing System 我有学习和工作能力 用英语怎么说? I AM GOOD AT STUDYING ANG WORKING. 口语 i have ability of learning and working 基本正确 i have capabilities of learning and working 在意义上:ability表示人在各方面能力或才能。capability 表示做事(尤其做交重要的事)的能力或才能,他的复数形式功会有“潜力”或“发展前途”的意思。 英文简历中个人能力怎样写 个人能力包括组织能力、沟通能力、领导能力、创新能力、学习能力等。在知识经济时代,学习能力是最重要的,因为知识总是在更新,只有不断学习才能跟上时代的步伐。根据这些,你可以举例说明自己的能力 简历中“个人技能”用英文怎么说? Personal Skill 现在申请外企或国外公司比较流行的布局是: 1, KEY SKILLS A, Leadership & 础unication B, Analytical C, Teamwork 2, OTHER SKILLS A, Language B, puter Literacy2023-07-16 13:09:501
现在的模样,红着眼眶表态道2023-07-16 13:10:035
临场发挥 英语怎么说
play spot2023-07-16 13:10:354
在中国的发展中发挥作用翻译成英文是Play a role in China"s development。双语例句:1、A structure next to the hippocampus called the amygdala is known toplay a role in stamping this indelible mark.海马区旁边有一个被称为‘杏仁核"的结构体,已知在烙下不可磨灭印记中起到一定作用。2、But websites can lose that immunity if theyplay a role in developing the content at issue.但如果网站在开发这样的内容中起着重要的作用,则其不能豁免。3、That suggests that the vitamin mayplay a role in brain development and the protection of neurons.这表明维生素可能在大脑发育和保护神经元方面发挥着重要作用。4、Because these things are unpaired, we have already seen how unpaired electronsplay a role in the Stern-Gerlach experiment.因为这些事物都是未成对的,我们已经发现在Stern-Gerlach实验中,未成对电子扮演怎样一个角色了。5、Your genetic makeup may alsoplay a role in how susceptible you are to the development of age spots.个人的基因构成也可能对老年斑的产生造成影响。6、We sincerely hope that WWF canplay a role in protecting this endangered species.我们真诚地希望世界自然基金会能在保护这个濒危的野生物种中发挥作用。7、They suggest that genes on the X chromosomeplay a role in autism.他们说x染色体的基因在自闭症中起着作用。8、In fact, Kerwin"s team is already seeing some hints that estrogen mayplay a role in cognition in obese women.实际上,科尔文等学者已经发现了一些线索,从中能推断出雌激素可能在肥胖女性的认知力中起到作用。9、There is no present evidence that domestic catsplay a role in the transmission cycle of H5N1 viruses.目前没有证据表明,家猫在H5N1病毒的传播链中发挥了作用。10、Whether DEC salt will continue toplay a role in the eradication effort is not entirely clear.是否DEC盐会在消灭丝虫病中继续发挥主要作用还不清楚。中国发展模式:中国现已成为金融危机和经济危机后最大的赢家。任何来到亚洲的人都会认识到,西方在金融和经济能力方面的声望严重受损,而中国名声大振。幸运之轮正在转向。"中国奇迹"是2009年给人印象最为深刻的事。中国经济和工业实现了"惊人崛起"。中国是发展中国家可敬的典范,阿拉伯国家和非洲国家都可以从"中国经验"中获益。中国发展模式是这个世纪最值得研究的话题之一。中国改革无疑是成功的,特别是在国际金融危机背景中,许多主要经济体经济都出现下滑,但是中国经济仍然保持了较快发展。中国这个文明古国创造了一种有效发展模式,从而造福千百万人,使中国人民摆脱饥饿,为其实现自我价值提供可能。它涉及几个关键词,民生为大、渐进改革、文化觉醒;是中国改革开放的辉煌成就的概括,是"危机之年"中国经济一枝独秀总结,一串关于中国的组合词如雨后春笋般冒出,从"中国制造"到"中国创造",从"中国奇迹"到"中国经验",从"中国现象"到"中国精神",从"中国模式"到"中国道路",还有"中国活力"、"全球化中国"、"中国火车头"等等,"中国(China)"成了国际最流行的词之一。2023-07-16 13:10:421
这个好exert the potential,2023-07-16 13:11:175
好好发挥才能 英语翻译talent
well done your talent2023-07-16 13:11:324
develop one"s strongpoint2023-07-16 13:11:434
在这场比赛中,每个队员都发挥出色,发挥出了各自的特长,最终赢得了比赛. Every one of the team members did well by manifesting his own strong points,as a result of which they won the game.2023-07-16 13:12:011
play an important roal2023-07-16 13:12:102
发挥最佳状态 英语怎么说
do one"s best2023-07-16 13:12:533
I want to realise my fullest potential2023-07-16 13:13:035
Play everyone"s strengths2023-07-16 13:13:224
充分发挥货币政策的作用的英文:give full play to the role of monetary policygive是什么意思:n. 弹性,伸展性v. 给;授予;赠送;捐赠;供给;告诉,提供;产生;让步;塌下;举办;支付Will you give it a shot?你想做尝试吗? He gives twice who gives quicklyThe purpose is not to give an exhaustive treatment.其目的并不是给出全面彻底的处理。full是什么意思:adj. 完全的;充满的;丰富的;丰满的;详尽的adv. 完全地;十分n. 全部;完整Full of courtesy, full of craft.礼多必有诈。"full of courtesy, full of craft"礼多必诈This article is full of authorities.这篇文章很有说服力。play是什么意思:v. 装扮;戏弄;参加;同…比赛;玩;打出;发挥作用;演奏;播放;扮演n. 戏剧,剧本;比赛;玩耍,游戏represent a play再上演某剧 play around with在一起厮混|玩弄|戏弄 Play havoc with搅乱,破坏2023-07-16 13:14:161
playarolein。英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼人民之一,后来移居到大不列颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛的安格利亚(Anglia)。英语与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语最相关,但其词汇已受到其他日耳曼语语言(尤其是北挪威语(北挪威语))以及拉丁语和法语的很大影响。2023-07-16 13:14:241
要充分的发挥小组合作的作用,帮助差生英文:Weshouldgivefullplaytotheroleofgroupcooperationandhelppoorstudents2023-07-16 13:14:322
With good play my specialty2023-07-16 13:14:434
superiority;preponderance;dominantpositio...2023-07-16 13:14:544
发挥重要作用的英语是:play an important role。例句:He plays an important role in helping the people there.翻译:他在帮助那里的人方面发挥重要作用。role的意思是:作用,角色。短语:perform a role 扮演角色role的用法1、role作“作用,职责”解时,后面常接介词“in〔of,for〕+名词或动名词”。2、role也可作戏剧、电影等中的“角色”解。3、role所指的角色一般指人扮演的角色或发挥的作用。2023-07-16 13:15:131
翻译如下发挥作用play a role; play a part in造句:The international community can play a role. 国际社会可以在其中发挥作用。2023-07-16 13:15:322
发挥 才能英文怎么写
发挥 才能Talent2023-07-16 13:15:582
翻译如下发挥作用playarole;playapartin造句:theinternationalcommunitycanplayarole.国际社会可以在其中发挥作用。2023-07-16 13:16:091
翻译如下发挥作用playarole;playapartin造句:theinternationalcommunitycanplayarole.国际社会可以在其中发挥作用。2023-07-16 13:16:171
翻译如下发挥作用playarole;playapartin造句:theinternationalcommunitycanplayarole.国际社会可以在其中发挥作用。2023-07-16 13:16:281
发挥更大作用devleopalargerimpact(effect)2023-07-16 13:16:391
Be creative2023-07-16 13:17:144
Improvisation of rap1、说唱即兴:英语叫英语:英语叫英语freestyle,读音为英[?fri?sta?l]、美[?fri?sta?l]。2、一般指即兴、随意、随意的发挥,如在HIPHOP说唱中,freestyle即兴说唱。3、在2017年6月,freestyle这个词开始在网络上流行起来,被选为2017年十大网络用语。2023-07-16 13:17:321
发挥潜能release potential abilities更多释义>>[网络短语]发挥潜能 Potential;use talents;realize one"s potential未发挥潜能 underachieve充分发挥潜能 Bring out the potentials2023-07-16 13:17:401
在……方面发挥作用 英文翻译
In the role2023-07-16 13:18:352
play a very important/crucial role/part in sth. have an important effect on sth. act as an important part to sth.2023-07-16 13:18:471
develop/realize one"s potential2023-07-16 13:18:593
Devolop the active effect of advertisement to the youth,and make advertisement as a stimulative fact in the growth process of the youth.2023-07-16 13:19:091
play a crucial part in sth2023-07-16 13:19:206
take one"s advantage2023-07-16 13:19:402
临场发挥 英语怎么说
improvisationalperformance即兴创作的那种临场发挥performance足球或者考试之类的那种临场发挥2023-07-16 13:19:501
我只想说 百度 你TMD参合进来干毛? 腾讯请你喝酒了? 还是你自己犯贱2023-07-16 13:20:103