七夕节快乐:Happy Chinese Valentine"s day。
西城男孩I Promise You That中文歌词(拒绝机翻)
最喜欢西城的歌了,无论是从声音还是歌词,都完美至极。其实平时也很喜欢翻译西城的歌,有空的时候会翻译一些。下面是自己翻的,根据自己对这首歌的理解。希望能帮到你。Ipromisethat-Westlife承诺-西城男孩There"snoreasonyoushouldfeellikethis你无需感到愧疚抱歉IknowthatIamtheonlyonetoblame因为我才是罪魁祸首Ifeelyouragony我能感受到你的痛苦itshiddeninyourkiss深深隐藏在离别的吻中Idon"tbelievethatthingsaresaidanddone我无法相信自己的所为Ionlyhopethere"sstilltimetobetheone我希望仍有时间来弥补wecanworkitout如果你能原谅我Ifonlyyouletme,oh我想我们能一起化解一切whateveryousay无论你说什么whateveryoudo无论你做什么therewillbegoodtimeswaitingforyou美好的时光总会为你停留whateveryouhear无论你是否听见那些流言Iwon"tdisappear我都向你保证Ipromiseyouthat我不会离开你IpromiseyouthatIneversaidthatIcouldchangetheworld我曾说我无力改变一切ButifyougivemethechancethatIdeserve但是你给了我一次次机会Iknowthatinyouheart我知道其实在你心中Youcanforgiveme,oh早已经原谅了我WhateveryousayWhateveryoudoTherewillbegoodtimeswaitingforyou(repeat)whateveryouhearIwon"tdisappearIpromiseyouthatIpromiseyouthatWehadtimesonlyafoolcouldmiss我们的相会是注定Stillthereistimetoturnitaround我们的误解终会重圆Imnotsayingit"saneasything即使是历经艰难Letmeshowyou我也会让你知道Ipromiseyouthat我的承诺Oh,yeahWhatever,whereverTherewillbegoodtimeswaitingforyouwhateveryouhear,Iwon"tdisappearWhateveryousay(repeat)WhateveryoudoTherewillbegoodtimeswaitingforyouWhateveryouhear,Iwon"tdisappearIpromiseyouthatIpromiseyouthat.whateveryouhearIwon"tdisappearIpromiseyouthatIpromiseyouthat2023-07-15 20:21:161
苦与甜吗?2023-07-15 20:21:268
给出几种翻译供参考先是按字面翻译的1.GoodhoninggivesasharpedgetoaswordBittercoldaddskeenfragrancetoplumblossom2.ItssparseshadowleaningacrosswaterlimpidandshallowItshiddenfragrancefloatingundermoonlightdimandyellow------当然你可以按照译意来翻译1.Nocross,nocrown.不受十字架之苦,何来皇冠之辉煌2.Nopains,nogains.3.Nosweat,nosweet.2023-07-15 20:21:411
嘻嘻2023-07-15 20:21:592
IPromiseYouThat There"snoreasonyoushouldfeellikethis IknowthatIamtheonlyonetoblame Ifeelyouragony itshiddeninyourkiss Idon"tbelievethatthingsaresaidanddone Ionlyhopethere"sstilltimetobetheone wecanworkitout Ifonlyyouletme,oh whateveryousay whateveryoudo therewillbegoodtimeswaitingforyou whateveryouhear Iwon"tdisappear Ipromiseyouthat Ipromiseyouthat IneversaidthatIcouldchangetheworld ButifyougivemethechancethatIdeserve Iknowthatinyouheart Youcanforgiveme,oh Whateveryousay Whateveryoudo Therewillbegoodtimeswaitingforyou whateveryouhear Iwon"tdisappear Ipromiseyouthat Ipromiseyouthat Wehadtimesonlyafoolcouldmiss Stillthereistimetoturnitaround Imnotsayingit"saneasything Letmeshowyou Ipromiseyouthat Oh,yeah Whatever,wherever Therewillbegoodtimeswaitingforyou whateveryouhear,Iwon"tdisappear Whateveryousay Whateveryoudo Therewillbegoodtimeswaitingforyou Whateveryouhear,Iwon"tdisappear Ipromiseyouthat Ipromiseyouthat. whateveryouhear Iwon"tdisappear Ipromiseyouthat Ipromiseyouthat 我发誓 你没有理由这么想, 我知道所有指责都应该指向我一人. 从你的亲吻中,我能感觉到你在痛苦. 哦... 我决不相信什么事已至此,木已成舟. 我只希望还有时间. 我们会想出解决的办法的 只要你允许我这么去做. 哦... 无论你说过什么, 无论你做过什么, 终将有美好的未来等你前去. 不要听信那些流言蜚语. 我不会离开你, 我向你保证,我向你保证. 我从不指望自己能够改变世界. 不过若是你给我机会的话......我是值得你给我机会的. 我知道,在你内心深处, 你还是原谅我的. 哦... 曾有过很好的机会,但是我却像傻瓜一样白白错过了. 但是还是有时间的,会有翻转的余地的. 我并非说这是一桩易事. 请让我证明给你看,证明给你看. 我向你发誓. 哦... 耶... 无论怎么样, 无论何时, 终将有美好的未来等你前去. 不要听信那些流言蜚语, 不要听信, 我不会离开你. 无论你说过什么, 无论你做过什么, 终将有美好的未来等你前去. 不要听信那些流言蜚语, 我不会离开你. 不要听信那些流言蜚语, 我不会离开你,不会离开你. 我发誓. 我发誓.2023-07-15 20:22:071
隐藏[yǐn cáng]hide ; conceal ; remain under cover ; go into hiding ; ensconce双语例句:1. Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background. 他就像一条变色龙,可以神不知鬼不觉地隐藏在背景中间。2. Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children. 在所有简单无害的娱乐项目背后都隐藏着危险,特别是对儿童而言。3. We had kept its presence hidden with a strategically placed chair. 我们用一张摆放得很巧妙的椅子将它隐藏了起来。2023-07-15 20:22:162
ChineseLanguagefacessomechallenges.AscomparedwithEnglishandotherLatinbasedlanguages,Chineseislesspopularandmoredifficuhforcomputerwordprocessing.Somecollegestudents,wonderingwhetheritisstilloneofthebestlanguagesintheworld,neglectChinesestudy.ExtensiveresearchhasrevealedthatChinesepossessesmanyadvantagesoverotherlanguages.WrittenChineseisbasedonasetofideogramcharacters.Fromasimplewordonemayobtainawealthofinformationaboutitshiddenmeaning,evolutionhistoryandrelatedphrases.HistorianscandecipherthedamagedancientcharacterscarvedonoxhonesbutnosuchachievementcouldbeobtainedwithLatin-basedlanguages.Toexpressagivenidea,theChineseversionisalwaystheshortest,mostaccurateandmosteffective.Moreover,ChinesekidslearnChinesebymemorizingpatternsorfunnypictureswhichstimulatecuriosityandimagination.Itiswellrecognizedthathumanbrainsworkwellwithpatternsandpatternrecognitioninturnpromotesbraindevelopment.What"smore,Chineseisalsoeasytolearn.ManyforeignersspeakChinesefluentlyafterafewyearsoflearning.Recently,severalwordprocessingprogramshavebeensuccessfullydevelopedforChineselanguageandturnedouttobebetterthanthosedesignedforEnglish.Chineseisthecrystallizationofthesplendidculturedevelopedcontinuouslyforover5,000years.Manytreasuresremaintobeexplored.AsChinagrowsstronger,moreandmoreforeignerswilllearnChineseandsharetheinvaluabletreasure.2023-07-15 20:22:301
你写篇中文帮你翻译OK的,叫我自己想中文...实在爱莫能助2023-07-15 20:22:403
樱花的花语和寓意英语 樱花的花语和寓意英语,在生活中有很多人喜欢樱花,樱花也是日本的国花,樱花一种象征美好爱情的美丽之花,很多人想要了解英语版的话语,下面整理了樱花的花语和寓意英语。 樱花的花语和寓意英语1 Cherry Blossom language: Cherry Blossom language is the beauty of life, happiness, purity, nobility, warmth and spirit. The moral of cherry blossoms: the moral of cherry blossoms is life. When it opens in early spring every year, it seems to bring people a signal of life, just like the arrival of life. It also represents hope. Cherry blossoms will see the hope of spring when they open; It also means happiness. It is said that it can bring good luck. It also means love, suitable for lovers. Or to yourself, on behalf of their own hope and encouragement. In addition, there are many varieties of cherry blossoms. Different varieties have different meanings in flower language. Winter cherry blossoms represent the mysterious East. Double cherry blossoms represent silence and silence; Western cherry blossoms represent good education and love. Cherry blossoms have strong ornamental value, especially when a road is full of cherry blossoms, it has welcomed countless tourists. But we all think that cherry blossoms are cultivated outdoors and the plants are huge, so potted plants will not affect its growth? In fact, cherry seedlings can be potted. At ordinary times, we work hard to prune, which can inhibit the growth of cherry blossoms. Moreover, potted cherry plants also have a special taste. Let me tell you how to cultivate potted cherry plants. Cherry blossoms are different from other flowers, so cultivating cherry pots should reflect the beauty of cherry blossoms, because cherry blossoms themselves bring people an artistic beauty. Although cherry blossoms look similar to peach blossoms, people who appreciate them can see different beauty. Therefore, when choosing the pot, you should choose the atmospheric grade, and the color of the pot should not be disordered. The soil should be loose and breathable, mixed with some humus soil, which is conducive to the growth of cherry blossoms. Potted plants, large and small, are usually cultivated in the most conspicuous places indoors, and the flowers are not hidden. When its sunny outside, the first thing I think of is that the flowers at home should be dried. For many plants, if they want to grow vigorously, they must supplement enough sunshine. If you plant potted plants at home, you should add at least 5 hours of sunshine a day. In spring, the weather is generally warm at noon. You should move indoors for cultivation at night. Pay more attention to shade when the weather is overheated. 樱花的花语和寓意英语2 关于樱花 樱花是蔷薇科樱属几种植物的统称,在《中国植物志》新修订的名称中专指“东京樱花”,亦称“日本樱花”。主要在日本国生长,也是日本的国花,日本也因此成为“樱花之国”。花每枝3到5朵,成伞状花序,花瓣先端缺刻,花色多为白色、粉红色。 日本的樱花品种比较多,而它的花期也因品种而异。不过,总的来说日本的樱花大多是在3、4月开放的。因此日本政府把3月15日到4月15日定为“樱花节”。其实在国内也是可以赏到很漂亮的樱花的。比如武汉就是比较出名的一个,武汉的樱花大致是开于三月中旬,至下旬最为鼎盛,花期较短,仅13-20天左右。 樱花的传说 据说,在很久以前,有一个聪明美丽的姑娘、名叫木花开耶姬。木花开耶姬即樱花的意思。有一年年底,她从日本冲绳出发,途经九洲,关西、关东,于第二年五,六月间到达北海道,沿途中,她把一朵朵樱花撒遍日本各地。从此,樱花在日本盛开千载。且年年灿若云霞。日本人民非常喜爱樱花。日本人民之所以将樱花定为国花,除了它的纯洁、雅丽、崇高外,还为了纪念那勤劳、善良的木花开耶姬姑娘、并以此象征勤劳、智慧、勇敢的日本人民。 樱花的花语是什么? 樱花的花语是:生命、幸福、热烈、纯洁、高尚、精神之美! 樱花是日本的国花,当地人觉得它是任何花卉都比不了的,是生命之花,象征着生命之美。它在开放时就像热恋中的少女一样,无比美丽,是表达爱情最好的方。每年的春季时它总会如期开放,看见它就像看到了春天,看到了希望,因此象征着希望,有美好的寓意。 冬樱花的花语:东方的神秘! 冬樱花是日本的应景花,以可爱的滋味散发着令人回味的魅力,是一种独特的神秘之美,寓意着东方的一种神秘,是最独特美丽的一种高雅之美。不太适合用来送人! 重瓣樱花的花语:文静! 重瓣樱花花色娇柔,宛如一个文静的少女一样在春季自由开放,寓意着一种文静,一般送于送于心仪的对象,是对对方最高的`爱意表达。 西洋樱花的花语:善良的教育! 西洋樱花代表着善良的教育,是对爱情的一种热烈表现,花色耐人寻味,一般送于自己暗恋已久的对象或者恋人最为合适。 山樱花的花语:纯洁、淡薄! 山樱花是一种园林绿化中最为优秀的花卉,花色清淡却独自散发出不一样的美丽,寓意着淡薄的思想,是一种不与人同流合污的高度赞美。适合送给朋友、同事、领导! 樱花的寓意和象征? 1、爱情与希望 樱花宛如情窦初开的少女,在春天悄悄绽放自己的爱欲。满树白色粉色的樱花是爱情最美丽的语言,因此象征着初恋、情窦初开以及未来对爱情的追求和渴望。 2、高雅 传说日本一个名字叫“樱花”的仙女在游历日本岛屿途中将粉色的花瓣洒满了每个角落。传说这个仙女体态婀娜颜值高,动作优雅而轻盈,因此樱花有高雅之意,日本也因此成为“樱花之国”。 3、质朴纯洁的爱情 樱花的花瓣粉色中透着白色,就好像是美好浓郁的爱情中,多了一抹白色象征的纯洁和忠诚。质朴纯洁的爱情不就是如此,两个人平平凡凡过日子,人生里的动荡风浪与他们无关。 4、武士 樱花是日本武士称为武士的象征。现在,谈谈恐吓。这些家伙看起来像是只需要一瞥即可切割和切块身体。但他们不仅仅是凶悍的战士。显然,武士生活是一种高尚的道德准则。它被称为武士道,“战士的方式”。基本上,战士的方式是骑士精神,正直,尊重和荣誉。 樱花的花语和寓意英语3 樱花的花语 樱花象征着爱情中生命和幸福一生一世永不言弃,简单一句话就是对美丽爱情的象征和表示;不同的樱花种类所代表的具体寓意也是有不同的。 常见樱花种类的花语表达含义 1、山樱:向你微笑、精神美 2、西洋樱花:善良的教育 3、冬樱花:东方的神秘 4、重瓣樱花:文静,纯洁 5、樱花草:青春;除你之外,别无他爱 6、山樱花:纯洁,高尚,淡薄 樱花的爱情传说 每一朵花都有一些美丽的爱情传说,那么樱花的爱情传说是怎样的? 据说,在很久以前,有一个聪明美丽的姑娘、名叫木花开耶姬。(即樱花的意思)。有一年年底,她从日本冲绳出发,途经九洲,关西、关东,于第二年五,六月间到达北海道,沿途中,她把一朵朵樱花撒遍日本各地。从此,樱花在日本盛开千载。且年年灿若云霞。人民非常喜爱樱花。日本人民因此也将将樱花定为国花,除了它的纯洁、雅丽、崇高外,还为了纪念那勤劳、善良的木花开耶姬姑娘、并以此象征勤劳、智慧、勇敢的日本人民。 之后被世界各地国家移植,花色多为白色、粉红色。樱花品种相当繁多,数目超过三百种以上,全世界共有野生樱花约150种,中国有50多种。2023-07-15 20:22:471
The Great Gatsby的求英汉对照的简介。400字左右 不要电脑翻译的,语法正确最好
你的话你好好你的呢买的难道 的电话你的呢的的第一天2023-07-15 20:23:082
道京师而东,水浮浊流,陆走黄尘,陂田苍莽,行者倦厌。凡八百里,始得灵壁张氏之园于汴之阳。其外修竹森然以高,乔木蓊然以深。其中因汴之余浸,以为陂池,取山之怪石,以为岩阜。蒲苇莲芡,有江湖之思。椅桐桧柏,有山林之气。奇花美草,有京洛之态。华堂厦屋,有吴蜀之巧。其深可以隐,其富可以养。果蔬可以饱邻里,鱼龟笋茹可以馈四方之宾客。余自彭城移守吴兴,由宋登舟,三宿而至其下。肩舆叩门,见张氏之子硕。硕求余文以记之。2023-07-15 20:23:206
CSS中的visibility和display两个属性很容易被混淆,因为它们看起来是做同样的事情,但实际上,这两个属性是完全不同的。visibility属性用来设置一个给定的元素是否显示(visibility="visible|hidden"),但是,虽然一个元素的visibility被设置为hidden,但是该元素仍然会占据设计的位置:<scriptlanguage="JavaScript">functiontoggleVisibility(me){if(me.style.visibility=="hidden"){me.style.visibility="visible";}else{me.style.visibility="hidden";}}</script><divonclick="toggleVisibility(this)"style="position:relative">Thisexampledisplaystextthattogglesbetweenavisibilityof"visible"and"hidden".Notethebehaviorofthenextline.</div><div>Thissecondlineshouldn"tmove,sincevisibilityretainsitspositionintheflow</div><scriptlanguage="JavaScript">functiontoggleVisibility(me){if(me.style.visibility=="hidden"){me.style.visibility="visible";}else{me.style.visibility="hidden";}}</script><divonclick="toggleVisibility(this)"style="position:relative">Thisexampledisplaystextthattogglesbetweenavisibilityof"visible"and"hidden".Notethebehaviorofthenextline.</div><div>Thissecondlineshouldn"tmove,sincevisibilityretainsitspositionintheflow</div>注意如果display属性没有被明确设置,将默认被设置为该类元素的常用值。明显地,两个属性中display属性更有用,多数情况下在隐藏文字的时候要将相关的元素做相应的调节(例如树结构)。2023-07-15 20:23:361
新概念英语第2册Lesson55重点语法及句型 重要句型或语法 过去习惯的表达 本课侧重对比used to do和would do两种表达过去习惯的用法区别。如: I used to live near my work and would always get home early. 课文主要语言点 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. 1)dreams of doing sth.,梦想做某事。 2)lost treasure,失踪的宝藏。 3)注意区分almost(更多用来表程度)和nearly(更多用来修饰数字),但两者经常可以互用。 4)come true,成为现实、实现。 A new machine called "The Revealer" has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. 1)called "The Revealer" 用作machine的定语,中间省略了which/that was。 2)invent,发明。其动作的名词为invention,表人的名词为inventor(发明家)。 3)be used to do sth.,被用来做某事。 4)detect,探测。 5)bury,埋藏。 The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where - it is said - pirates used to hide gold. 1)注意对比句中的was used in a cave(表被动)和used to hide(表过去习惯)的区别。 2)破折号中的it is said作为插入语,强调整句话只是据说如何如何,不一定是事实。 3)pirate,海盗。 4)hide,隐藏。注意其过去式和过去分词分别为hid和hidden。 The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. 1)句中的would do就是表达过去习惯的。 2)fail to do,没有做成某事。 3)collect,收集、收藏。 Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. 1)be armed with,装备着。用作伴随状语。 2)the search party,搜寻队。party在这里表示一伙人。 3)hoping to find buried treasure,是现在分词短语,用作目的状语。可以改为and hoped to find buried treasure。 The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. 1)leader,领队、领导。 2)examine,检查、检测。 3)soil,土壤。不可数名词。 4)the entrance to,...的入口。entrance源自动词enter。 Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. 1)very excited,过去分词作伴随状语。 2)注意dig(挖掘)的过去式和过去分词都是dug。 3)two feet deep,两英尺深。注意英语中各维度单位的表达,如:三米宽(three meters wide)、四米高(four meters high)、五米长(five meters long)。 4)worthless,一文不值的。 The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. 1)注意区分search(搜查)和searh for(寻找)的区别。 2)thoroughly,完全地、彻底地。 3)注意区分except、except for和apart from。 4)注意but前加上逗号,隔开前后两个并列分句。 In spite of this, many people are confident that "The Revealer" may reveal something of value fairly soon. 1)in spite of,尽管、虽然。相当于despite。但是,如果后面接的是句子,只能用despite that...。 2)be confident in,对...自信。如果后接句子,则用be confident that。 3)reveal,揭示、揭露。 4)something of value,有价值的东西。 5)fairly,相当、很。注意与rather(一般用来修饰表消极事物)的区别。 This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter! 1)it was the postman:当我们不知道对方是谁的时候,经常用it来指代。 2)sign for sth.,签收某物。 3)a registered letter,挂号信。 新概念英语第2册Lesson56重点语法及句型 重要句型或语法 1、比较关系 本课侧重的是be like、the same as、be different from等比较关系的表达。如: My jacket is like yours. My jacket is the same as yours. My jacket is different from yours. 【推荐阅读】 有关比较关系的详细用法,请参考下文: 英语比较状语从句的用法大全 2、不定代词 本课侧重的是不定代词little、a little、few、a few、much、many的用法。如: There isn"t much whisky, but you can have a little. There aren"t many apples, but you can pick a few. 课文主要语言点 Once a year, a race is held for old cars 1)once a year,每年一次。once表示一次,twice表示两次,三次以上都用times来表达。 2)hold,举行、举办。其过去式和过去分词都是held。 A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. 1)enter for,参加(比赛)。 2)a great deal of,许多、大量。注意只能用来修饰不可数名词。 3)just before,就在...之前。 One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. 1)handsome,英俊的、漂亮的。 2)Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost,劳斯莱斯银魅。这款车享有“世界上的汽车”的美誉。silver,银。ghost,魔鬼。 The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. 1)Benz,奔驰车。 2)Built in 1885是过去分词短语,作为伴随状语。 3)taking part用作car的定语,其完整原形为that took part。 After a great many loud explosions, the race began. 1)a great many,许多、大量。与a great deal of只能用来修饰不可数名词不同的是,a great many只能用来修饰可数名词。 2)explosion,爆炸。源自动词explode。 Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! 1)break down,抛锚。 2)on the course,在赛道上。 3)注意体会本句话中的幽默笔触:一些司机选手花了更多的时间躺着车底下,而不是坐在车里面,意思是车子坏了,得躺到车底去修车。注意under和in要重读,以突出前后对比效果。 A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour - much faster than any of its rivals. 1)complete,完成。 2)winning,取胜的。 3)reach a speed of,达到...速度。 4)注意much常用来修饰比较级。 5)rival,竞争对手。 It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. 1)speed,加速前进。其过去式和过去分词都是sped。 2)downhill,下山、下坡。 3)at the end of,在...末尾、尾声。 4)have trouble doing,做某事有困难或有麻烦。 The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. 1)give sb. a great deal of pleausre,给某人带来莫大的快乐。 2)be different from,与...不同。 3)no less exciting,一样的精彩或令人激动。注意no more than或no less than,都表示“与...一样得...” 新概念英语第2册Lesson57重点语法及句型 重要句型或语法 1、介词 本课侧重的是介词at、in、off和with的用法。如: I"ll see you at the station. Let"s go for a walk in the park. The pencil rolled off the desk. The man with long hair is supposed to be a poet. 2、make和let 本课侧重的是make和let作为使役动词的用法。如: I can"t make him change his mind. Don"t let the children touch anything in this room please. 课文主要语言点 A woman in jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. 1)in+衣服,表示穿着...衣服。注意对比“in+颜色”,表示穿着什么颜色的衣服。 2)at the window of,在...窗边。 Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window. 1)though,尽管、虽然。引导的是让步状语从句。 2)hesitate,犹豫。其名词形式为hesitation。 3)that引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词a dress。 The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. 1)who引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词the assistant。 2)serve sb.,为某人服务、接待某人。 3)注意she was dressed其实是定语从句,用来修饰先行词the way,she前省略了in which。 4)be dressed,穿着。 Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold. 1)Glancing at her scornfully,属于现在分词短语用作伴随状语的用法。 2)glance at sb.,扫了或瞥了某人一眼。 3)scornfully,轻蔑地。该词源自名词或动词scorn(蔑视、轻视)。 The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day. 1)walk out of....,走出某地。 2)punish,惩罚。 3)next day,第二天。也可以表达为the next day。 She returned to the shop hte following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. 1)return to,回到某地。 2)the following morning,第二天早上。 3)dressed in a fur coat,过去分词用作伴随状语。 4)with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other,这是with引导的独立主格结构(with+名词+介词短语),用作伴随状语。 After seeking out the rude assistant, she asked for the same dress. 1)seek out,挑出、找出。 2)ask for,请求、要求。 Not realizing who she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time. 1)not realizing...,现在分词短语用作伴随状语。注意这种情况下,现在分词短语的否定形式是在doing前加not。 2)who引导的是realizing的宾语从句。 3)be eager to do,渴望做某事。 With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop window to get the dress. As soon as she saw it, the woman said she did not like it. 1)with great difficulty,费了好大劲儿。用作方式状语。 2)注意句中用了climbed into the shop window,说明店员的确费了很大劲儿才够着裙子,从而凸显了店员的谄媚样儿。 3)注意第二句中说到,当女士看到店员爬进橱窗后,马上又说自己不喜欢那条裙子,报复的心理终于得到满足了。 She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for. 1)enjoy oneself doing,开心得做某事。 2)make sb. do sth.,让某人做某事。注意make sb.后面接动词时,不能接to do的用法。但除了make sb. do sth.之外,也可以用make sb. doing/done的用法。 3)before finally buying...before后面直接接了doing,其实是省略了相同的主语she,其原形应该是:before she finally bought... 4)she had first asked for用作定语从句,修饰先行词the dress,中间省略了关系代词that或which。2023-07-15 20:23:441
cotton-padded jacket 棉袄; 例句:You are my winter cotton-padded jacket, and in the night light bulb, hunger in bread, ice cream in the summer. 你是我冬天的棉袄,黑夜里的灯泡,饥饿中的面包,夏天里的雪糕。 扩展资料 Reporters rough counted sales offices front of the more than 100 people, most of them wearing thick cotton-padded jacket . 记者粗略数了一下,售楼处前排号的人有100多个,他们大多穿着厚厚的.棉衣。 It wears a white cotton-padded jacket, which looked from a distance like white pompon, its tail is tiny, hidden in the back. 它身穿白棉袄,远远望去好像白色的绒球,它的尾巴很小很小,藏在后面。 Red hat and cotton-padded jacket, white eyebrow and important beard. a big gunny-bag is carrying on the back, gift of the children in it. 红色的帽子红色的袄,白色的眉毛和大胡须。背着一个大麻袋, 孩子们的礼物在里边。2023-07-15 20:23:511
艾里奥特is full of fantasies of a little boy, old thinking捉弄his brother and a sister will not be the song Beattie speech, brother and sister and three recently divorced mother living together. As busy working with a bad mood, the mother of the children often ignore the love and communication. ET was a careless companions remain in the small alien on Earth, but fortunate to be kind-hearted small艾里奥特found, he left without telling your mother or lonely and helpless ET, to eat chocolate, he also introduced to their dogs, brother and sister. Although the language ET and艾里奥特also unable to communicate, but they all have a good sensitive, eager to love and care of the heart. They became good friends. Until one day, ET inevitably discovered by the people, they如临大敌, police, military, FBI蜂涌and to them mercilessly captured ET, as he wants to test materials for research. 艾里奥特the brother and companions with the help, of all the twists and turns will ET rescued from the research center, finally let the children of the Earth ET with a beautiful friendship back to their home planet2023-07-15 20:24:102
jsp 上传文件问题 hidden 属性的值 和radio 的值无法取得。
在使用表单传送数据的时候,如果form 加了enctype="multipart/form-data" 这个属性,那么表单请求传到另一个jsp或servlet 里时是不能用request.getParameter()来获取到各个表单元素的值的。使用multipart/form-data上传时,发送的请求和一般的http不一样,需要转化后才能读其他参数。 如果你用spring,它提供一个MultiRequestResolver,只需要: MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; 然后就能正常读取参数: multipartRequest.getParameter("xxx"); 以下是spring的处理方法,必须首先安装commons-fileupload组件: public MultipartHttpServletRequest resolveMultipart(HttpServletRequest request) throws MultipartException { DiskFileUpload fileUpload = this.fileUpload; String enc = determineEncoding(request); // use prototype FileUpload instance if the request specifies // its own encoding that does not match the default encoding if (!enc.equals(this.defaultEncoding)) { fileUpload = new DiskFileUpload(); fileUpload.setSizeMax(this.fileUpload.getSizeMax()); fileUpload.setSizeThreshold(this.fileUpload.getSizeThreshold()); fileUpload.setRepositoryPath(this.fileUpload.getRepositoryPath()); fileUpload.setHeaderEncoding(enc); } try { List fileItems = fileUpload.parseRequest(request); Map parameters = new HashMap(); Map multipartFiles = new HashMap(); for (Iterator it = fileItems.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { FileItem fileItem = (FileItem) it.next(); if (fileItem.isFormField()) { String value = null; try { value = fileItem.getString(enc); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { logger.warn("Could not decode multipart item "" + fileItem.getFieldName() + "" with encoding "" + enc + "": using platform default"); value = fileItem.getString(); } String[] curParam = (String[]) parameters.get(fileItem.getFieldName()); if (curParam == null) { // simple form field parameters.put(fileItem.getFieldName(), new String[] { value }); } else { // array of simple form fields String[] newParam = StringUtils.addStringToArray(curParam, value); parameters.put(fileItem.getFieldName(), newParam); } } else { // multipart file field CommonsMultipartFile file = new CommonsMultipartFile(fileItem); multipartFiles.put(file.getName(), file); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Found multipart file [" + file.getName() + "] of size " + file.getSize() + " bytes with original filename [" + file.getOriginalFilename() + "], stored " + file.getStorageDescription()); } } } /***** 注意 parameters 就是普通的text之类的字段的值 *****/ return new DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest(request, multipartFiles, parameters); } catch (FileUploadBase.SizeLimitExceededException ex) { throw new MaxUploadSizeExceededException(this.fileUpload.getSizeMax(), ex); } catch (FileUploadException ex) { throw new MultipartException("Could not parse multipart request", ex); } } ====================================================================================================<form name="userInfo" method="post" action="first_submit.jsp" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">表单标签中设置enctype="multipart/form-data"来确保匿名上载文件的正确编码。如下: <tr> <td height="30" align="right">上传企业营业执照图片:</td> <td><INPUT TYPE="FILE" NAME="uploadfile" SIZE="34" ></td> </tr>就得加ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"。表单中enctype="multipart/form-data"的意思,是设置表单的MIME编码。默认情况,这个编码格式是application/x-www-form-urlencoded,不能用于文件上传;只有使用了multipart/form- data,才能完整的传递文件数据,进行下面的操作.enctype="multipart/form-data"是上传二进制数据; form里面的input的值以2进制的方式传过去。form里面的input的值以2进制的方式传过去,所以request就得不到值了。 也就是说加了这段代码,用request就会传递不成功,取表单值加入数据库时,用到下面的: SmartUpload su = new SmartUpload();//新建一个SmartUpload对象 su.getRequest().getParameterValues();取数组值 su.getRequest().getParameter( );取单个参数单个值2023-07-15 20:24:181
The snow started to fall several hours before her labor began. A few flakes first, in the dull gray late-afternoon sky, and then wind-driven swirls and eddies around the edges of their wide front porch. He stood by her side at the window, watching sharp gusts of snow billow, then swirl and drift to the ground. All around the neighborhood, lights came on, and the naked branches of the trees turned white. 她临盆前几小时下起了雪。起先只是午后阴沉的天上飘下几朵雪花,而后大风吹得雪花滚滚飞扬,盘旋在他们家宽敞前廊的边际。他站在她身旁,倚在窗边,看着雪花在强风中翻腾、回旋,缓缓飘落到地面。附近家家户户点亮了灯火,光秃秃的树枝变得雪白。 After dinner he built a fire, venturing out into the weather for wood he had piled against the garage the previous autumn. The air was bright and cold against his face, and the snow in the driveway was already halfway to his knees. He gathered logs, shaking off their soft white caps and carrying them inside. The kindling in the iron grate caught fire immediately, and he sat for a time on the hearth, cross-legged, adding logs and watching the flames leap, blue-edged and hypnotic. Outside, snow continued to fall quietly through the darkness, as bright and thick as static in the cones of light cast by the streetlights. By the time he rose and looked out the window, their car had become a soft white hill on the edge of the street. Already his footprints in the driveway had filled and disappeared. 晚餐后,他生了一炉火。他鼓起勇气走入风雪中,去拿秋季堆积在车库旁边的柴火。冷冽的寒风打着他的脸颊,车道上的积雪已经深及腿肚。他捡起木头,抖去上面松软的白雪,抱着木头走回屋内。壁炉里的火花马上引燃熊熊火光,他在壁炉前盘腿坐了一会,一面添加木头,一面看着火花跃动,火焰周围带着一圈蓝光,令人昏昏欲睡。屋外,白雪在黑暗中静静地持续飘落,在街灯的照耀下,既静谧,又明亮、厚实。等到他起身往窗外一看,他们的车已经变成街角的一座白色小山丘,先前印在车道上的脚印已被填满,不见踪迹。 He brushed ashes from his hands and sat on the sofa beside his wife, her feet propped on pillows, her swollen ankles crossed, a copy of Dr. Spock balanced on her belly. Absorbed, she licked her index finger absently each time she turned a page. Her hands were slender, her fingers short and sturdy, and she bit her bottom lip lightly, intently, as she read. Watching her, he felt a surge of love and wonder: that she was his wife, that their baby, due in just three weeks, would soon be born. Their first child, this would be. They had been married just a year. 他拍去双手上的灰烬,坐到沙发上的妻子身旁。她双脚垫在靠枕上,肿胀的脚踝交叠放着,一本斯波克医生的育儿宝典四平八稳地摆在她肚子上。她读得出神,每次翻页就不自觉地舔一下食指。她双手纤细,五指短而强壮,阅读时心无旁鹜地轻咬着下唇。他看着她,心中顿时充满了挚爱与惊叹:她是他的妻子,他们的宝宝即将诞生,预产期只剩3个星期。这是他们第一个宝宝,而他俩结婚才一年。 She looked up, smiling, when he tucked the blanket around her legs. "You know, I"ve been wondering what it"s like,"she said. "Before we"re bom, I mean. It"s too bad we can"t remember." She opened her robe and pulled up the sweater she wore underneath, revealing a belly as round and hard as a melon. She ran her hand across its smooth surface, firelight playing across her skin, casting reddish gold onto her hair. "Do you suppose it"s like being inside a great lantern? The book says light-permeates my skin, that the baby can already see." 他拿了条毯子盖住她的双腿,她微笑地抬起头。“你知道吗?我始终想不通那是什么感觉。”她说,“我是说出生之前。真可惜我们不记得。”她拉开袍子,脱下穿在里面的毛衣,露出像西瓜般圆硬的腹部。她伸手抚过它圆滑的表面,火光映在她的脸上,在她的发际洒下金红色的光影。“你猜那种感觉像不像置身一个大灯笼里?书上说灯光能透过我的皮肤,小宝宝能看得见。” "I don"t know,"he said. “我不知道。”他说。 She laughed. "Why not?" she asked. "You"re the doctor." 她笑了笑说,“怎么不知道?”她问道,“你是个医生。” "I"m just an orthopedic surgeon," he reminded her. "I could tell you the ossification pattern for fetal bones, but that"s about it."He lifted her foot, both delicate and swollen inside the light blue sock, and began to massage it gently: the powerful tarsal bone of her heel, the metatarsals and the phalanges,hidden beneath skin and densely layered muscles like a fan about to open. Her breathing filled the quiet room, her foot warmed his hands, and he imagined the perfect, secret, symmetry of bones. In pregnancy she seemed to him beautiful but fragile, fine blue veins faintly visible through her pale white skin. “我只是个骨科医生。”他提醒她,“我可以告诉你小宝宝在胚胎时期的骨化历程,但而已。”他抬高她一只脚,裹在浅蓝色袜子里的双脚细腻而肿胀,他轻轻地按摩:她脚后跟的跗骨强劲有力,脚掌骨和趾骨隐藏在肌肤之下,密密相迭的肌肉仿佛是把即将展开的扇子。房间里静得能听到她的呼吸声,她的脚温暖了他的双手,他脑海中浮现出骨头的完美、隐秘与匀称。在他眼里,怀孕的她显得美丽而脆弱,苍白的肌肤上隐约可见细微的蓝色血管。 It had been an excellent pregnancy,without medical restrictions. Even so, he had not been able to make love to her for several months. He found himself wanting to protect her instead, to carry her up flights of stairs, to wrap her in blankets, to bring her cups of custard. "I"m not an invalid," she protested each time, laughing. "I"m not some fledgling you discovered on the lawn." Still, she was pleased by his attentions. Sometimes he woke and watched her as she slept: the flutter of her eyelids, the slow even movement of her chest, her outflung hand, small enough that he could enclose it completely with his own. 怀孕过程非常顺利,医生也没有给出什么限制。尽管如此,他己好几个月没有跟她燕好。他发现自己只想保护她,抱她上楼、替她盖被子、帮她端布丁等等。“我不是病人,”她每次都笑着*,“也不是你在草坪上发现的雏鸟。”虽说如此,他的关爱其实令她相当开心。有时他醒来看着沉睡中的她,她的眼睫毛轻轻眨动,胸脯缓慢而平稳地起伏,一只手伸到一旁,小巧得能让他完全握住。 She was eleven years younger than he was. He had first seen her not much more than a year ago, as she rode up an escalator in a department store downtown, one gray November Saturday while he was buying ties. He was thirty-three years old and new to Lexington, Kentucky, and she had risen out of the crowd like some kind of vision, her blond hair swept back in an elegant chignon, pearls glimmering at her throat and on her ears. She was wearing a coat of dark green wool, and her skin was clear and pale. He stepped onto the escalator, pushing his way upward through the crowd, struggling to keep her in sight. She went to the fourth floor, lingerie and hosiery. When he tried to follow her through aisles dense with racks of slips and brassieres and panties, all glimmering softly, a sales clerk in a navy blue dress with a white collar stopped him, smiling, to ask if she could help. A robe, he said, scanning the aisles until he caught sight of her hair, a dark green shoulder, her Gent head revealing the elegant pale curve of her neck. A robe for my sister who lives in New Orleans. He had no sister, of course, or any living family that he acknowledged. 她比他小11岁。一年前,他们初次相逢。当时是11月的一个星期六,天气阴沉,他到市区的一家百货商店买领带,刚好看到她乘电扶梯上楼。33岁的他刚搬到肯塔基州的莱克星顿。她从人群中脱颖而出,仿佛美景般,一头金发在脑后盘成优雅的髻,珍珠在她颈部与耳际闪闪发光。她穿着一件深绿色的毛外套,肌肤澄净而洁白。他踏上电扶梯,推开人群往上走,力图让她不要离开自己的视线。她走到四楼的内衣与丝袜柜台,他试图跟随着她,穿过一排排挂满内衣、胸罩、内裤的货架,件件衣物散发出柔软的光泽。有位穿白领和天蓝色外套的售货小姐拦下了他,微笑着询问有何需要服务之处,他说想找件睡袍,同时双眼不停地在货架间搜寻,直至看到她的金发及深绿色的身影为止。她微微低头,露出洁白优美的颈线。我想帮住在新奥尔良的妹妹买件睡袍,他当然没有妹妹,或是任何他所认识的、尚在人间的亲人。 The clerk disappeared and came back a moment later with three robes in sturdy terry cloth. He chose blindly, hardly glancing down, taking the one on top. Three sizes, the clerk was saying, and a better selection of colors next month, but he was already in the aisle, a coral-colored robe draped over his arm, his shoes squeaking on the tiles as he moved impatiently between the other shoppers to where she stood. 售货小姐离开没多久,拿来了三件质料结实的绒布睡袍,他漫不经心地挑拣,几乎连看都没看就拿起最上面那件。售货小姐说有三种尺寸,下个月还有更多颜色可供挑选,但他已经走向货架之间,手臂上搭着那件珊瑚色的睡袍,皮鞋在地砖上发出刺耳的声响,焦急地迈过其他顾客朝她走去。 She was shuffling through the stacks of expensive stockings, sheer colors shining through slick cellophane windows: taupe, navy, a maroon as dark as pig"s blood. The sleeve of her green coat brushed his and he smelled her perfume, something delicate and yet pervasive, something like the dense pale petals of lilacs outside the window of the student rooms he" d once occupied in Pittsburgh. The squat windows of his basement apartment were always grimy, opaque with steel-factory soot and ash, but in the spring there were lilacs blooming, sprays of white and lavender pressing against the glass, their scent drifting in like light. 她正在看一叠昂贵的丝袜,丝袜细致的色彩映着光滑的玻璃柜台闪闪发亮:灰褐、天蓝,还有像猪血般暗沉的红栗。她绿色外套的衣袖扫过他的袖口,他闻到她的香水,气味淡雅却弥漫各处,好像他以前在匹兹堡学生宿舍窗外浓密、洁白的紫丁香花瓣。当年他住在地下室,低矮的窗户外面一片灰暗,总是蒙着钢铁工厂的煤灰。但到了春天紫丁香盛开时,洁白与淡紫色的花瓣紧贴着窗面,香气如同光线般飘进室内。 作者介绍: 金·爱德华兹:生于德州,长于纽约,现为肯塔基大学英文系助理教授,常在各地举办写作工作坊,著有短篇小说集《火王的秘密》。《不存在的女儿》是她出版的第一部长篇小说。她是美国各大文学奖项的常客。2002年她获得怀丁基金会的怀丁作家奖,1998年则入选海明威文学奖。她还得过芝加哥论坛报举办的倪尔森爱格林奖、全国杂志奖等。 医生戴维亲自为妻子接生,发现双胞胎中的女婴患有唐氏症。不忍面对女儿为智障的现实,他让护士将女儿送走,并对妻子诺拉谎称她已经夭折。善意的欺骗竟成了一家人的恶梦……25年间,诺拉不能承受丧女之痛,开始出走、酗酒,而戴维终日被满心愧疚纠缠却无法言说,只能带着一架“记忆守护者”牌相机去寻找女婴、女孩、少女的影子,仿佛要为他那不存在的女儿留下成长的记录。暗恋戴维的护士卡罗琳并没有送走女孩,她搬到另一个城市隐姓埋名。以一己之力对抗社会的不公,尽力给女儿一个温暖的家……多年后,戴维和卡罗琳再次相遇,她对他说:“你逃过了很多心痛,但你也错过了无数的喜悦。”2023-07-15 20:24:261
D挂2023-07-15 20:24:3811
Waiting Simone, the path has been covered by leavesYou are nowhere to be seenMy body which is decaying every dayCan no longer support the light of the this seasonThe path has been covered by leavesYou are nowhere to be seen, SimoneSimone, step by stepThe cold is gaining upon those pansiesI can only see you in a can"t-be-seen placeWith your rucheDrags along the fragrance on the grassAnd the grass droops down the head humblyLetting your beautyIlluminate her light yellow bashfulnessSimone, step by stepThe cold is gaining upon those pansiesBut the world will have to live on in your warmth, SimoneYou always rise from where the sun setsLeading the young trees up the hillsIn your songsAn undying path will shine forthThe path has been covered by leavesHowever, you don"t have any knowledgeAnd you are nowhere to be seenSimone, the path has been covered by the leaves2023-07-15 20:25:171
presence音节划分:presu25aaence英 [u02c8prezns]美 [u02c8pru025bzu0259ns]n. 出席; 仪表; 风度; 鬼魂,神灵复数: presences双语例句1. We had kept its presence hidden with a strategically placed chair.我们用一张摆放得很巧妙的椅子将它隐藏了起来。来自柯林斯例句2. The presence of a star is already apparent in the early film.在早期影片中已经显露出了明星相。来自柯林斯例句3. The soldiers" presence seemed to keep a lid on the violence.士兵的存在似乎抑制住了暴力活动。来自柯林斯例句4. Mr Battersby was apparently quite unconscious of their presence.巴特斯比先生显然没有注意到他们在场。来自柯林斯例句5. Nobody was allowed to eat in the Empress Dowager"s presence.在皇帝遗孀面前任何人不得进餐。来自柯林斯例句2023-07-15 20:25:262
"爱“对我来说是一个解不开的奥秘,O(∩_∩)O2023-07-15 20:25:344
谁有翻译的比较好的英文版的 荷塘月色
SH14翻译:荷塘月色(朱自清)Translation: Lotus Pond Under Moonlight (Zhu Ziqing)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)这几天心里颇不宁静。In recent days, I had been feeling a bit agitated.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,This night, I was sitting around in the garden to catch the breeze when out of the blue, the lotus pond which I passed by every day came to mind.在这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。I wondered if it would look any different under light of the full moon.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------月亮渐渐地升高了,The moon was creeping higher.墙外马路上孩子们的欢笑,已经听不见了;Children"s laughter on the street outside of the walls was gone.妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。The wife was patting our son Little Run to sleep while murmuring a lullaby.我悄悄地披了大衫,带上门出去。I put on a coat quietly, closed the door behind me and headed out.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条幽僻的路;Alongside the lotus pond was a winding, off-the-beaten-track cinder trail.白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。Passers-by were few during the day, and fewer during the night.荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。Densely-grown and shady trees surrounded the lotus pond in all directions.路的一旁,是些杨柳,和一些不知道名字的树。没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。Willow and no-name trees lined the trail which would, on moonless nights, look dreary and spooky.今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。That night was fine, albeit the moonlight was somewhat dim.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------路上只我一个人,背着手踱着。I was strolling alone on the road with hands clasped together behind my back.这一片天地好象是我的;我也象超出了平常的自己,到了另一个世界里。It seemed everything around was all mine, and I had sublimed to another dimension.我爱热闹,也爱冷静;I liked excitement, but I also liked quietness.爱群居,也爱独处。I liked crowds, but I also liked solitude.象今晚上,一个人在这苍茫的月下,什么都可以想,什么都可以不想,便觉是个自由的人。At a time like that night under ubiquitous moonlight, I was at liberty to let my mind fly free or draw a blank.白天里一定要做的事,一定要说的话,现在都可以不理。I could put aside the things I needed to do or say during daytime.这是独处的妙处,我且受用这无边的荷香月色好了。Such was the beauty of being alone, and besides, I could indulge myself in the sweet aroma of lotuses and the immense beauty of moonlight.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。Across the undulating surface of the lotus pond was a field of leaves filling the landscape.叶子出水很高,象亭亭的舞女的裙。The leaves reached high above water like skirts of tiptoeing ballerinas.层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,Sprinkled among them were white flowers.有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。Some were showily in bloom while others were sheepishly in bud, all of which resembled glittery pearls, twinkly stars, or freshly-bathed beauties.微风过处,送来屡屡清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。Breezes continually delivered dainty fragrance much like faint music from a distant tower.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。Moonlight, seemingly like streaming water, gently doused the patch of leaves and flowers.薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里。叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样;又象笼着轻纱的梦。Adding the soft mist rising in the pond to the mix, the leaves and flowers appeared as if they had been rinsed in milk or they were dreams draped in fine silk.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------虽然是满月,天上却有一层淡淡的云,所以不能朗照;Even though a full moon was in the sky, it could not shine with total brightness because the sky was splattered with wispy clouds.但我以为这恰是到了好处——酣眠固不可少,小睡也别有风味的。To me it was just right, much like a good night"s sleep would be an essential but a short nap would be a gratification of sort.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------月光是隔了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差的班驳的黑影,峭楞楞如鬼一般;Moonlight shone through the trees and cast jagged irregular shadows of those tall, bushy shrubs standing vertically like ghostly figures.弯弯的杨柳的稀疏的倩影,却又是画在荷叶上。Sparsely-leafed willows projected their bowing and shapely images on lotus foliage.塘中的月色并不均匀;但光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏着的名曲。Reflection of the moonshine was unevenly dispersed in the pond, but lights and shades meshed harmoniously in rhythm just like a musical masterpiece played on violin.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------荷塘的四面,远远近近,高高低低都是树,All sides of the lotus pond were full of trees at varying distances and heights.而杨柳最多。Willow trees were the most plentiful.这些树将一片荷塘重创围住;只在小路一旁,漏着几段空隙,象是特为月光留下的。Those trees tightly barricaded the lotus pond and left a few openings next to the pathways as if they were reserved for the moonlight to go through.树色一律是阴阴的,乍看象一团烟雾;但杨柳的丰姿,便在烟雾里也辨得出。Trees looked homogeneously shadowy seemingly enveloped in fog, and yet the curvaceous contours of willows were still distinguishable.树梢上隐隐约约的是一带远山,只有些大意罢了。Vaguely visible over the tree tops were mountains from afar, even though in outline only.树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人的眼。A couple of street lights peeked through the trees lethargically looking like sleepy eyes.这时候最热闹的,要数树上的蝉声与水里的蛙声;The most vivacious at the time were the buzzing from cicadas and the croaking from frogs.但热闹是它们的,我什么也没有。But while they were partying away, I was left in the cold.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------忽然想起采莲的事情来了。采莲是江南的旧俗,似乎很早就有,All of a sudden my mind switched to lotus-seed picking, which was an old tradition of Jiangnan from way back.而六朝时为盛;It was most prevalent during the era of the Six Dynasties.从诗歌里可以约略知道。采莲的是少年的女子,她们是荡的小船,唱着艳歌去的,Poems and songs more or less could tell us lotus seed pickers were teenage girls drifting around in small boats while humming beautiful melodies.采莲人不用说很多,还有看采莲的人。Needless to say there were plenty of pickers and spectators.那是有个热闹的季节,也是一个风流的季节。That was an exciting festival full of romances.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------梁元帝《采莲赋》里说得好:于是妖童媛女,荡舟心许;Emperor Yuan of the Liang Dynasty, in his “Ode to Lotus Picking”, described it well:“And so the handsome lad and sweet maiden drifted around in a small boat while pledging their undying love to each other.鹢首徐回,兼传羽杯;Back and forth the little craft was rowed and wine glasses were passed.棹将移而藻挂,船欲动而萍开。Algae draped over the paddling oars and floating duckweed made way for the moving boat.尔其纤腰束素,迁延顾步;With a white ribbon tied around her slender waist, she hesitated in advancing the boat and kept looking back at where she started.夏始春余,叶嫩花初,The time was late spring and early summer when leaves were greening and flowers were budding.恐沾裳而浅笑,畏倾船而敛裙。She giggled when her dress was at risk of getting wet, and she lifted up the bottom of her skirt in fear the boat might tilt.”----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------可见当时嬉游的光景了。That was a glimpse of frolicking then.这真是有趣的事,可惜我们现在早已无福消受了。It was a fun event, but regretfully we could no longer enjoy it nowadays.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------于是又记起《西洲曲》里的句子:采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头;低头弄莲子,莲子清如水。And then I recall verses in “Ballad of Xizhou”: “In picking lotus seeds in South Pond during the fall, the plants measured in excess of man"s height. Looking down at those seeds being handled, they were as clear as water.”----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------今晚若有采莲人,这儿的莲花也算得“过人头”了;If there were lotus-seed pickers that night, they would consider the plants there to be taller than a man.只不见一些流水的影子,是不行的。这令我到底惦着江南了。However, it just didn"t seem right that streams of flowing water were missing from the scene; that brought back memory of Jiangnan.——这样想着,猛一抬头,不觉已是自己的门前;While deep in thought, I abruptly looked up and unawares I had arrived at my home doorstep.轻轻地推门进去,I softly pushed open the door.什么声息也没有,妻已睡熟好久了。It was quiet, and my wife had already been deep in sleep for quite some time.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2023-07-15 20:26:243
英语作文 北美洲带翻译
I take time for old people to school"Hey, time grandpa ah, my dear grandpa. You can"t time, adjust the time in a hurry? I have been in this class for five hours, how not finish ah? " At the same table whispered to the road. Look at his appearance, is really miserable, suffer unspeakably!Look at the clock on the wall, I could not help but start leng. How time has passed so slowly? Think of here, the clock suddenly shot a golden light - I got sucked, it fell into a bottomless pit! CompositionI was flying and crashed, and several bags came out of my head, and I had no idea where it was.."Wow, a lot of clocks.!" I looked around at four, stunned, and completely ignored the pain caused by the bags. CompositionI"m getting my fingers out of the points.. So beautiful place, to show off to the students, so that they envy, ha ha! I had a thought in my mind..Mom, God, God, Athena, ah, Athena, ah, here how many clocks ah, I am dazzling ah......" I said to myself, "312313314...... 569...... 1085......""Oh yeah!" I can"t help cheering when I stand on the edge of the clock room. In the house, a total of 1987095 watches, 538617 clock, 3490 alarm clock......"Ding dong! Ding dong!......" I will soon be the countless sudden and deafening "Ding Dong" crazy! The whole room is in vibration, I like spring, playing, falling off. "Ah! Finally stopped!" I breathed a sigh of relief, not inadvertently glanced at the clock: clockwise each are not identical, minute hand some refers to in the 12 o"clock position, some is in 11...... What? In the mean time, there is another "earthquake" in seconds. I don"t want it! Help me!"Child...... How did you get here......" There was a voice from all directions, I saw a moment in front, and looked at the left, right, behind...... Who is talking? I began to worry.I"m here......" I suddenly flashed in front of a figure. "Oh, ghost, ghost!" I hurried back step, I did not expect someone behind! I hurried to turn around. "Who are you!" I was bold and asked. My limbs are still shaking!He said slowly, "I am the old man......" What? What about time, the old man, the hell.!" Before he had finished, I refuted him in a skeptical tone.."I can control the time of the world......." He went on to say his word, without paying attention to my words.."Well, then you control the White House.!"I see how you control, hum! I thought to myself.This time the old man deliberately from numerous watch found a clock, its facets in a hidden place close to a label:Galaxy - Solar System - North America - Washington - Washington - City - Pennsylvania Avenue -1600 No.Then the "time man" took a basin and placed it on the table, and I saw that it was not Dumbledore"s meditation basin in the Potter series? It seems that this "old time" backing is not small.In a while, I crossed to the door of the White House.. I see, ah, how oneself become transparent? But no one knows it"s a man.. At this time, the time the old man twisted the clock. "Ah?" I saw in front of the White House from twelve noon day into night!I went back to the clock room.. "I take you.! Can you help me? " My whole people are shaking, it seems this world is really "God"! What science, what authority, but is also the empty talk."Line...... What busy......""To change our school time..""Line......" Finish time for the elderly with took me to a clock and watch our school time, I and the old time leap and jumped in. It was back to school.! I"m happy.. I suddenly asked time for the elderly to school time from ten to twelve points. At this time, I still feel my lion big mouth!Did not expect the old time without demur agreed.The moment the sun "fly" to my head, everyone excited cheers, then finally the bell rang! Everyone finished the lunch, the time for the elderly and the time to the afternoon five thirty, it is time to school."Whoosh" sound, the campus person was gone!When I got home, I called my classmate, "today is really cool. Time flies."!" Students also excited to respond to me: Yes ah!"I was inspired, and created a poem.:Today, I met God in classGod takes me to the day and the GodThe moment you turn at noonStudents shouting really easyI also asked the time for the elderly to do so every day. Haha...... Blessed!我带时间老人去学校“哎哟喂,时间爷爷啊,我尊敬的时间爷爷诶,你就不能把时间调快一点吗?这节课我都已经上了五个小时了,怎么还没完啊?”同桌小声地抱怨道。看他那样子,真是度日如年、苦不堪言啊!看着墙上的挂钟,我也不由得发起愣来。时间怎么偏偏过得这么慢呢?想到这儿,那挂钟忽然射出一道金光——把我给吸了进去,仿佛掉进了一个无底洞!作文我边飞边撞,头上冒出好几个包来了,总算前面发出亮光,也不知道这是个什么鬼地方。“哇,好多钟啊!”我一看四周围,愣了,全然不顾那几个包造成的疼痛。作文我慌乱之中拿出手指来点数。这么美的地方,向同学们炫耀一下,让他们羡慕万分,哈哈!我心里冒出这么个念头。“妈啊,天啊,神啊,上帝啊,雅典娜啊,阿波罗啊,这里怎么这么多钟啊,我眼花缭乱了啊……”我自言自语,“312,313,314……569……1085……”“噢,耶!”当我站在这钟表房的边缘时,不禁欢呼。房子里,总共有1987095块手表,538617个挂钟,3490个闹钟……“叮咚!叮咚!……”我都快被这无数个突如其来且震耳欲聋的“叮咚”弄崩溃了!整个房间都在振动,我像弹簧一样,弹上,掉下。“啊!总算停了!”我松了一口气,不经意间瞄了一眼那些钟:时针都各不相同,分针有些指在12点的位置上,有些是在11点……啥?也就是说不用几秒钟就又来一次“地震”?我不要啊!救救我!“孩子……你怎么来到这里……”有个声音从四面八方传来,我看了一会前方,又看了一会左边,右边,后面……到底是谁在说话?我犯愁了。“我在这里……”我面前忽然闪出一个人影来。“啊,鬼,鬼啊!”我急忙退后一步,没想到后面也有人!我急忙转过身。“你是谁!”我壮着胆子问。此时我的四肢还在颤抖呢!他慢慢地说:“我是时间老人……”“啥?时间老人,见鬼呢!”还没等他说完,我就用怀疑的语气反驳了他。“我能控制全世界的时间……”他继续说他的话,丝毫没有注意我的话。“好啊,那你控制一下美国白宫的时间!”我看你怎样控制,哼!我心想。这个“时间老人”不慌不忙地从“无数”钟表中找到一个挂钟,它的侧面一个很隐蔽的地方贴着一个标签:银河系-太阳系-地球-北美洲-美利坚合众国-华盛顿州-市区-宾夕法尼亚大街-1600号接着“时间老人”取出一个盆放在桌面上,我看出来了,那不是《哈利波特系列》中邓布利多的冥想盆吗?看来这“时间老人”来头不小呀。不一会儿,我就“穿越”到美国白宫的门口了。我一看,呀,自己怎么变成透明的了?不过也好,没人知道这有个人。这时,时间老人拧动了一下钟表。“啊?”我亲眼看见白宫门前从正午十二点霎时变成黑夜了!我又“穿越”回到钟表房。“我服你了!你能帮我一个忙吗?”我整个人都在发抖,看来这世界上真的有“神”!什么科学,什么权威,也不过是纸上谈兵而已嘛。“行……什么忙……”“把我们学校的时间变快。”“行……”说完时间老人拿着控制我们学校时间的钟表带我来到一个钟表前,我和时间老人纵身一跃,跳了进去。原来回到学校了!我高兴极了。我一下子要求时间老人把学校的时间从十点到十二点。这时,我还感觉我狮子大开口呢!没想到时间老人二话不说地答应了。太阳瞬间“飞”到我头顶上,大家雀跃欢呼,下课铃终于响了!大家吃完了午餐,时间老人又把时间调到了下午五点半,正是放学时间。“嗖”地一声,校园里一个人影都没了!回到家,我打电话给同学:“今天真是爽啊,时间过得快极了!”同学也兴奋地回应我:“是啊!”我还灵感大发,自创了一首诗:今日上课遇神钟神钟带我见昼公瞬间午时变酉时同学大喊真轻松我还要求时间老人以后每天都这样做。哈哈……有福了!2023-07-15 20:26:331
12023-07-15 20:26:423
Charles DIckens"s Oliver TwistOliver Twist: The Parish Boy抯 ProgressCharles Dickens created an astonishing collection of literary masterpieces each of which tightly grasped the attention of the audience. Dickens was able to maintain a writing schedule that would have exhausted any other author. In slightly more than thirty years, Dickens published more than twenty novels, acted as editor for a variety of literary journals, created his own magazine, worked as a freelance reporter, and executed a series of charismatic public readings. His popularity established Dickens as one of the first 揷elebrities.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Crowds brimming with eager fans would accumulate as Dickens bellowed out the charming lines of his tantalizing novels. His significance and notoriety are still easily identified in contemporary literary cannons. Although his books sold and the audience waited on edge for the next installment of his works, Dickens was not given completely favorable reviews to every text. Oliver Twist was begun in February 1837 and continued as monthly installments in Bentley抯 Miscellany until April of 1839. Dickens originally titled the novel Oliver Twist: The Parish Boy抯 Progress but it has since been shorten to simply Oliver Twist. Dickens finished writing the novel in the London of 1838 and the first edition of the novel was found on shelves in November of 1838. The novel falls into the genre of a children抯 detective story but the novel also contains an aspect of social protest as Dickens details the Poor Laws and workhouses. Dickens uses his hyperbolic irony and sentimentalism to create characters currently residing in the underworld of industrial London. The themes that appear within the text are the delineation between good and evil, the hypocritical attitudes and behaviors of public institutions, and the ultimately flawed theory of individualism. Dickens uses mistaken identities and familial ties to create a story, which closely details the journey of a virtuous orphan through the mean streets of poverty (Spark Notes: Oliver Twist).While Dickens was composing Oliver Twist, he was also working as editor of Bentleys Miscellany. As an author, Dickens rarely completely finished one work before beginning an entirely new project. For example, Pickwick Papers was not completed prior to his beginning of Oliver Twist. Nor was Oliver Twist completed before Dickens had moved on to Nicholas Nickleby. Master Humphrey抯 Clock and The Old Curiosity Shop were soon to follow. Dickens wrote at a fevered pace which would have been daunting to other authors. In addition to his rapid publication of novels, Dickens was also able to create strikingly differing works. His first serially published novel, Pickwick Papers, was fully of comic charisma; however, Gilbert Keith Chesterton states that Oliver Twist 搃s by far the most depressing of all his books?(Chesterton). Oliver Twist is the story of an orphan who unwittingly stumbles upon his hidden fortune. The tale is one that vividly depicts the dismal prospects of one born into a workhouse without parents and is forced to survive on little or no compassion. Oliver is unloved and unwanted from the open of the novel. However, as the novel progresses, Oliver finds that his honest and kind disposition win him a variety of friends in high places. Although Fagin and the other street urchins continually seek to ruin Oliver抯 connections, Oliver抯 faithful heart find a home in the end. The novel demonstrates the benefits of a good will that may be found in the most unlikely of people. Oliver抯 merits carry him through life and away from the poverty that capture those with weaker morals. In the conclusion of the tale, Oliver finds himself among those with equally good manners and morals. His situation is only improved through the inevitable triumph of good over evil.Dickens initially published Oliver Twist in the format of serial publication. Dickens used the process of creating monthly installments to create a high level of suspense, leaving the audience eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series. Oliver Twist was reportedly 揳 part of everyday conversations, just as top rated television shows are for us today.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Dickens effectively used the publishing techniques to his benefit; he was able to work the system (Oliver Twist桾he Author and His Times).Interestingly, Dickens抯 personal environment was greatly shaken in both a happy manner and a sad one during the publishing of Oliver Twist. In May of 1837 Mary Hogarth died, devastating Dickens. Hogarth, his sister-in-law, was a dear friend and supporter of Dickens. Many critics speculate that the characters of Rose and Nancy were modeled after Dickens?companion Mary Hogarth. After Hogarth抯 death, Dickens feelings of abandonment seep into the world of Oliver. Oliver fears the loss of Rose as Dickens mourns the loss of Mary (Oliver Twist桾he Author and His Times). Catherine Dickens was also reported to have given birth to Charles, the first of ten children during this time (Victorian Web). The splendor of a new baby was contrasted with the great loss of a close friend. Dickens, in fact, was forced to take a break from his busy writing schedule to cope with the drastic changes that took place in his personal life at this time. The Poor Laws were established prior to the publication of the novel. The Poor Laws, according to The Victorian Web, were created to destroy the relief programs that were in play since 1601. The Poor Laws generated a system of workhouses. The workhouses allowed for a program of assistance that did not merely dole out money but rather doled out food, shelter, and clothing. The Poor Laws provided an answer to the declining laws that were supporting the impoverished. The problems were obvious: the current system left the aged uncared for, the children ignorant and uneducated, and the lower class population starving. King George III proposed a plan to:Stop the allowance system梩o deprive the magistracy of the power of ordering out-door relief梩o alter in certain case the constitution of parochial vestries梩o give large discretionary powers to the central commissioners梩o simplify the law of settlement and removal梩o render the mother of an illegitimate child liable to support it. Dickens[1] 366However, the workhouses proved to be yet another place to shove the poor. The theory may have been formed from noble ideals but the foundations were flawed. The boundaries and faults of the Poor Laws are blatantly exemplified in Oliver Twist. Oliver is forced to suffer the indignities of starvation, brutal treatment, and is damned to life in a workhouse. Dickens used his artistic talents to speak for the silent, to fight for the oppressed, and to champion those defeated. Dickens himself states: 揑t was my attempt, in my humble and far distant sphere, to dim the false glitter surrounding something which really did exist, by showing it in its unattractive and repulsive truth?(Dickens 6). Dickens used his literary engine to fuel the debate over the Poor Laws and to reveal the reality that so many unfortunate souls were forced to inhabit. The novel was received in a variety of ways. Many hailed the novel as a 搑unaway bestseller?and an encore to the highly prized Pickwick Papers. On the other hand, the Jewish population as well as other critics found the novel to be far too sentimental and lacking. One of the major issues raised by an entire community against the novels was the portrayal Fagin, the evil Jew. Milton Kerker in his article 揅harles Dickens, Fagin and Riah?states that Fagin may be the 搈ost grotesgue and villainous Jew in all of English literature.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Fagin was found by the Jewish community to be a ruffian with the devil dwelling within his cold heart. In 1854 the Jewish Chronicle was outraged and presented the public with this criticism of Dickens. Later in 1863, Eliza Davis writes Dickens to question his portrayal of Fagin. Dickens responds to Davis by stating:I must take leave to say, that if there be any general feeling on the part of the intelligent Jewish people, that I have done them what you describe as 揳 great wrong,?they are a far less sensible, a far less just, and a far less good-tempered people than I have always supposed them to be. Fagin, in Oliver Twist, is a Jew, because it unfortunately was true of the time to which that story refers, that that class of criminal almost invariably was a Jew. Dickens 378The public did not openly object to the portrayal of Fagin until several years after the novel was originally published. However, despite the fact that Dickens maintained his innocence, Dickens did attempt to make alterations in the next edition of the novel to correct this offensive implication. In the 1867 edition of chapter 38, Fagin is referred to as 搕he Jew?more than 250 times. However, in later chapters he is referred to as 搕he Jew?only 32 times. This is thought to have been Dickens抯 attempt to reconcile Fagin抯 character with the Jewish community. Despite this characterization of Fagin and Dickens抯 wording changes, Dickens never openly abused a Jewish person nor did he openly practice anti-Semitic opinions (Kerker).Likewise, the Monthly Review of January 1839 demanded that Dickens used characters that are so low that sympathy cannot be created. The reviewer feels that although there were comic pieces worth noting, the ending does not comply with the standard notion that the evil ones must face strict consequences while the just are rewarded. The reviewer does not go so far as to claim Dickens to be an immoral writer but he does not treat the characters with the morals that would classify Dickens with the 揾ighest rank of our moral fictionists.?Dickens is yet again commended for openly stating the plea of the downtrodden but in this reviewer抯 opinion, the downtrodden are not moral enough to place Dickens in a higher class of fiction novelists (Dickens 403-405).Just as the Monthly Review questions the worth of such characters as Nancy, William Makepeace Thackeray also claims that such characters are not worth the sympathy or the attention of the audience. Thackeray does allow for Dickens抯 popularity but questions his use of setting and characters. True, Dickens can charm an audience like none other. True, one must continually read Dickens to satisfy some strange need. Unfortunately, the fact remains that Thackeray does not believe there is much to be gained by closely examining the life of the poor and forgotten (Dickens 408-410). In the opinion of Thackeray, would it not be much more prudent to bestow such kind sympathies upon a worthier class of characters? Character such as Amelia Osborne and Becky Sharp are worthy of moral scrutiny but Oliver Twist and the like shall remain in the gutter, below the view of the mainstream population.Early reviews from The Examiner, September 10,1837, claim that this novel is an 揺xact painting?of the reality Dickens wished to present to the public. Dickens was praised for his capture of the emotions surrounding death of Nancy and the detailing of Oliver抯 life as an orphan. Although the reviewer is surprised to see Dickens making use of the Poor Law Debates in the first chapters of the novel, the reviewer understands the philanthropy that Dickens is attempting to inspire (Dickens 399-401). In conclusion of this review, the author states: 揥e leave him most reluctantly, and so will every read who has any capacity to see and feel whatsoever is most loveable, hateful, or laughable, in the character of the everyday life about him?(401).The Spectator states on November 24, 1838, that Dickens 揾as genius to vivify his observation.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Dickens is complimented for his powerful use of pathos and his description of truth. The reviewer admires Dickens抯 ability to find good in all humanity despite the dirty surroundings of unfortunates such as Oliver. Dickens抯 style is commended to be capable of an effective use of language while never sounding forced (Dickens 401-402).The Literary Gazette, and Journal of the Belles Lettres declares on November 24, 1838, that Dickens has 背ug deep into the human mind; and he has nobly directed his energies to the exposure of evils梩he workhouse, the starving school, the factory system, and many other things, at which blessed nature shudder and recoiled.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Dickens抯 ability to capture the suffering of Oliver intrigues the reading audience. Those who are far removed from the factories and the workhouses are suddenly acutely aware of the plea of the poor and the corruption of the Poor Laws. Dickens抯 has made a successful journey into social activism with the guidance of Oliver and his band of companions (Dickens 402-403).The Quarterly Review of 1839 published a glowing review of the novel. The reviewer believed Dickens to be 揳 sign of the times?and as such, he provoked 搈ore interest than that of Halley抯 comet.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> The reviewer felt that not only did he write just enough and not too much, but also he wrote with enough vigor to demand that the public read the next installment. His popularity was unparalleled and his installments were always immediately read. Dickens manages to tell of 搑eal pain?while the novel lacks in false sentimentalism (Dickens 405-408). The reviewer states: 揌e deals truly with human nature, which never can degrade; he takes up everything, good, bad, or indifferent, which he works up into a rich alluvial deposit. He is natural, and that neve2023-07-15 20:26:501
这么长没人帮你翻译的,太耗精力了。就算翻译了,也是机器翻译。找一个英文版的windows操作系统,看看帮助(help)应该会有相关内容。或者找一个英文版的关于操作系统的书,也许能找到。2023-07-15 20:27:013
英语翻译 不要机器翻译~
big house 翻成豪宅呗2023-07-15 20:27:2311
Wuthering heights themes involving stronglyRevenge of the emotions and inheritance, it is cruel grab gothic traditionTypical application. Heathcliff this dark skin, unexplained,Full of exotic pidgin wild child like a sinister things appear in mount blowFor adoption of his estate earnshaw, is a series of unfortunatePoint. To him, the old earnshaw abandoned to buy gifts for children, sowWith the father. Home but Catherine, other peopleHe XinDeLei, especially, alienated -- wuthering heights young inheritanceHe forcefully, oppression and insulting him. Hatred has deeply latentIn the study of heathcliff and Catherine bottom of love, that was the betrayalHe has despised, bullying misery, abnormal despair, depressive chestIn the end of the fire flaming light crazily wanton and theAct and act of vengeance torridity sinister. He is the most brutal handFor his enemies and their daughters as revenge, nanotubes Sally saidAs a "ghouls". He deceived XinDeLei gambling, easy occupiedWuthering heights, He hijacked Kitty and forced her and her son kobayashiGet married. Edgar deathbed see daughter, do BiHun hijacked a dying earnAnd the heritage conception change will only, due to its seed, daughter,Out of her husband, thereby cutting takeru kobayashi heathcliff"s inheritanceRight. But heathcliff had to make its richly lawyerSurface, causing HanHen Edgar died. So BiHun consequence is Kitty fromFather"s hand inherited according to law to her husband"s personal savings. thenLin"s disease, according to the law, his name "thrush farmstead" the by his wifeChild inherit. But heathcliff forced dying son made instructThe property to his own. Thrushcross grange, and EdgarPersonal savings by Katie and Lin"s two channels are inflows heathThe husband. Revenge and two copies of this property is heatedLine until heathcliff thoroughly "victory". ThusWuthering heights of the theme of "traditional gothic theme".2023-07-15 20:27:525
1.关于思念亲人的英语短语 1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can"t be expressed with any choice of words. 2、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 2.关于“很爱一个人”的英文唯美句子有哪些 1. I love you, love has lost freedom, love is not reserved, love in the heart of the fire. 2. to forget is very painful, as before, it is like today. However, the pain of the past is because I can"t remember the pain of today, but I am afraid I can"t forget it. 3. all the memories, I want to throw in the past. Because as long as my thoughts fall on it, I can"t help thinking crazy about you. 4. I will come back, bring back the scent of the kapok and the Bauhinia, and tell you that I have found heaven. 5. yearning always has to have to collect the time, and life is the most reluctant, hidden is always the deepest, and do not let people know. 6. sentimental love, belongs to me or, belongs to the memory, my love back to the original bloom season, not like before the domain like that! I left the Cape cape with you, and we made a hope all the way over there. 7. if I do not love you, I will not miss you, I will not be jealous of your side of the opposite sex, I will not lose self-confidence and fighting, I will not be more painful. If I could not love you, that would be good. 8. my sunset like melancholy like a melancholy flying bird, melancholy flying bird fly into my sunset like sadness. 9., face my hands, blow hot air, add my thoughts, send up the blue sky, bring my warmth to you through the clouds through the sun, and warm your little hands, I miss you. 10. if life never met, I was still that I, occasionally dreaming, and then, beginning day after day, drowning in the noisy city. I do not understand, this world there is such a you, only you can let the person aftertaste, and only you will allow me. If life never meet, I do not believe that a person can never tire, there is an awareness of one person can feel warm. 11. at that moment, I seemed to see the whole world crumble in front of me. The tile tiles in the ruins have vivid memories and are now quietly attached to the earth. Even if I was so careful to keep my quiet walk, I would eventually find myself just a person who was being exiled by memory. 12. you are lucky, because you can choose to love me or not to love me, and I can only choose to love you or love you more. 13. the warmth of my life is so much, I give you all, but you leave me, you tell me how to laugh at others. 14. a kind of miss is light happiness; there is a kind of happiness, is often worried about; there is a kind of concern, is far to appreciate. Not all dreams can be realized; not all words have had time to tell; not all love have results. Please cherish it for your love. Until your hair has traces of snow, you can remember that there was such a beautiful time. There"s such a happy person. 15., let me meet you, feel like I like you, miss, let me remember you. Heartache reminds me of you. Time makes me fall in love with you. Heaven let me have you. It"s my blessing to meet you in my heart. 翻译: 我爱你,已经爱的失去自由,爱的没有保留,爱的心里着了火。 2.忘记是很痛苦的, 从前如是,今天也如是。不过,以前的痛苦是因为记不起,今天的痛苦,却是怕自己无法忘记。 3.所有回忆,我都想毫不留情的扔进过往里。因为只要思绪落在上面,我就会忍不住疯狂的想你。 4.我会来回来,带来回满身木棉和紫荆的清香,然后告诉你,我已找到天堂。5.思念总是有不得不收藏起来的时刻,而生命里最舍不得的,藏得总是最深,且不让人知道。 6.伤感的爱情,属于我还是,属于回忆,我的爱回到了原本花开的季节,不在像畴前那样!我跟你离开了海角海角,在那边我们一路许下了一个但愿!7.如果我不爱你,我就不会思念你,我就不会妒忌你身边的异性,我也不会失去自信心和斗志,我更不会痛苦。 如果我能够不爱你,那该多好。 8.我落日般的忧伤就像惆怅的飞鸟,惆怅的飞鸟飞成我落日般的忧伤。9.对着我的双手,吹一口热气,加上我的思意,送上蓝天,通过阳光,透过云层,把我的温暖,带到你的身边,温暖你的小手,我想你!10.假如人生不曾相遇,我还是那个我,偶尔做做梦,然后,开始日复一日的奔波,淹没在这喧嚣的城市里。 我不会了解,这个世界还有这样的一个你,只有你能让人回味,也只有你会让我心醉。假如人生不曾相遇,我不会相信,有一种人可以百看不厌,有一种人一认识就觉得温馨。 11.那一刻,我仿佛看见整个世界崩溃在我的面前。废墟中那一片片的瓦砖都刻有鲜活的记忆,现在安静地贴在大地上。 即便我有多小心保持行走的安静,终究会发现,自己只是一个被记忆放逐的人。12.你是幸运的,因为你可以选择爱我或不爱我,而我只能选择爱你还是更爱你。 13.我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫我以后怎么再对别人笑。14.有一种思念,是淡淡的幸福;有一种幸福,是常常的牵挂;有一种牵挂,是远远地欣赏。 不是所有的梦都能实现;不是所有的话都来得及告诉;不是所有的爱都有结果。请为爱珍重,等到你的发丝有了白雪的痕迹,还能记起曾有这么。 3.思念情人的一段话用英文 Maybe I was a bird in another life.If you"re a bird,I"m a bird.—我的前世也许是只鸟.—如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟..Believe me,I was prepared for everything,except youI love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.—我爱你,并不是因为你,而是因为和你在一起的那个我.To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.—对整个世界来说你可能只是一个人;但是对一个人来说你可能就是整个世界.It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you,but in my heart,there is a kind of soft warmth that can"t be expressed with any choice of words.想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨.Do you understand the feeling of missing someone?It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 4.含蓄表达爱意的英文句子 1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can"t be expressed with any choice of words.2、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.3、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about, too, I miss you.4、常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。 很想你,很想你……Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you, and miss you so much……4、你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.5、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言!Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you, I dare to admit how much I love you .When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionate words I left for you!6、千万个思念,在空气中凝固。 扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福!Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don"t care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!7、不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。 I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely.8、长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won"t stop flying until it reaches you at last.9、好想,好想你!如果清风有情,请带去我对你的思念,这一生都为你牵挂;如果白云有意,请带去我对你的爱恋,生生世世都愿和你共缠绵!Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for my life"s time. If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you I love you and would be together with you forever.10、在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。 In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.11、一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much.12、在这快乐分享的时刻,思念好友的时刻,美梦成真的时刻,祝你—新年快乐,佳节如意!Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!13、但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩!Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!14、难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply?15、我要幸福的昏倒了!I am too happy to stand faint!16、月亮代表我的心!The moonlight stands for my heart!17、过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!How are you getting on ? I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!18、你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.19、我不知道我是否真的爱,但是我知道我不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么我要告诉你“你是我唯一想见的人”。 I don"t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see.20、遇上一个人要一分钟的时间,喜欢一个人只需一小时的时间,爱上一个人要一天的时间,可要我忘记你却要用上一生的时间。I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you.21、在每个想念的日子,想你不容易,不想你更难,愿以一片难懂的心情,深深思念你!情人节快乐!Every day I miss you. It is a hard time for me to miss you but it is even harder not to do so. In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! A happy Valentine"s Day to you!22、在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。 在你忧伤的时候,我愿作你的忘。 5.要几个表达思念的英文句子【不要太长的】0.0 1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你粻礌纲啡蕺独告扫梗激是他的整个世界。 6) Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 7) Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to, doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 8) Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 10) Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 6.求表达思念的英文短句 思绪划进凝固的梦幻,搁浅在静谧的记忆里…… Thought is in the solid dream and the quite memory …… 愿我思念的涟漪,化作这帧诗笺,融进你的心魂…… May my missing be this poem instilling your heart 我对你思念,像一条波涛滚滚的江河,日日夜夜奔腾不息…… My missing for you is like a roaring river flowing day and night. 7.求唯美伤感的英文短句. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。 Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.在你尝试了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你变成一个更好的人和了解自己的人。 Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。 1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can"t be expressed with any choice of words. 2、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 3、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you . 4、常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。 开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你…… Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so much…… 5、你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。 Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart. 6、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言! Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionate words I left for you! 7、千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福! Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don"t care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you! 8、不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。 孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。 I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely. 9、长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。 I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won"t stop flying until it reaches you at last. 10、好想,好想你!如果清风有情,请带去我对你的思念,这一生都为你牵挂;如果白云有意,请带去我对你的爱恋,生生世世都愿和你共缠绵! Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for my life"s time. If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it2023-07-15 20:28:091
Jigsaw:"Greetings and welcome. I trust that you are all wondering where you are. I can assure you that while your location is not important, what these walls offer for you is important. Salvation, if you earn it. Three hours from now the door to this house will open. Unfortunately, you only have 2 hours to live. Right now, you are breathing in a deadly nerve agent. You"ve been breathing it since you"ve arrived here. Those of you familiar with the Tokyo subway attacks will know its devastating effects on the human body. The only way to overcome it and walk out that door is to find an antidote. Several are hidden around this house. One is inside the safe in front of you. You all posses the combination to the safe. Think hard. The numbers are in the back of your mind. The clue to their order can be found "over the rainbow". Once you realize what you all have in common, you will gain a better understanding of why you"re here. X marks the spot for that clue, so look carefully. Let the game begin." Jigsaw:"We haven"t been properly introduced. My name is John."Detective Eric Matthews:"I thought you liked to be called Jigsaw."Jigsaw:"No, it was the police and the press that coined the nickname "Jigsaw". I never encouraged or claimed that. The jigsaw piece I cut from my subjects was only ever meant to be a symbol that that subject was missing something. A vital piece of the human puzzle. The survival instinct." Jigsaw:"Hello Michael, I want to play a game. So far in what could loosely be called your life you"ve made a living watching others. Society would call you an informant, a rat, a snitch. I call you unworthy of the body you possess, of the life that you"ve been given. Now we will see if you are willing to look inward rather than outward to give up the one thing you rely on in order to go on living. The device around your neck is a death mask. The mask is on a spring timer. If you do not locate the key in time the mask will close. Think of it like a Venus Flytrap. What you are looking at right now is your own body not more than two hours ago. Don"t worry, you"re sound asleep and can"t feel a thing. Taking into account that you are at a great disadvantage here I"m going to give you a hint as to where I"ve hidden the key, so listen carefully. The hint is this, It"s right before your eyes. How much blood will you shed to stay alive, Michael? Live or die, make your choice." Jigsaw:"Hello Obi, I want to play a game. For years you have burned those around you with your lies, cons, and deceits. Now you will have a chance to redeem yourself, for the games you"ve played with others, by playing one of mine. Inside the device in front of you are two antidotes for the poison coursing through your veins. One is my gift to you for helping me kidnap the others, the second is yours to donate. However, one of them will come with a price. Remember Obi, once you"re in Hell, only the devil can help you out." 你既然要, 我就多给你个、、、、2023-07-15 20:28:171
最后, 唯一外在因素事关。如果我使用一台浏览器或居住在a 附近 计算机控制的核工厂, 一点I 关心是否源程序是可读的 或模件如果图表采取年龄对装载, 或如果错误输入炸毁植物。但 达到这些外在因素的钥匙是在内部部分: 为用户享用 可看见的质量、设计师和实施一定申请了内部技术 那将保证暗藏的质量。 以下章节当前一套获得的现代技术内部 质量。我们不应该, 然而, 丢失全球性图片的轨道; 内部技术 不是一个末端在他们自己, 但手段到达外在软件质量。如此我们必须 开始由看外在因素。剩余这个章节审查他们。 1.2 EXTERNAL 因素回顾 这最重要的外在质量因素, 追求是主要任务 面向对象的软件建筑。 正确性是头等质量。如果系统不做什么它应该做, 一切对此- 是否它是快速的, 有好的用户界面... - 事态一点 但这说得容易。第一步对正确性已经是困难的: 我们必须能指定系统要求以精确形式, 单独相当a 富挑战性任务。 方法为保证正确性通常将是有条件的。严肃的软件 系统, 一小甚而一个由今天标准, 接触在许多区域, 它会是 不可能保证它的正确性由应付所有组分和物产 一个唯一水平。反而, 一种层状方法是必要的, 各层数依靠更低那些: 在对正确性的有条件方法, 我们只担心保证那 各层数是正确的在假定, 更低的水平是正确的。这是唯一 现实技术, 如同它达到关心的分离和让我们集中在每个 阶段在问题一个有界集。您无法有用地检查节目在highlevel 语言x 是正确的除非您能假设, 编译器在手 贯彻x 正确地。这不一定意味, 您盲人信任编译器, 简单地, 您分离问题的二个组分: 编译器正确性, 和 您的节目的正确性相对语言的语义学。2023-07-15 20:28:241
Mylove is like the grasses,Hidden in the deep mountains.Though its abundance
我的爱情犹如青草,藏在深山。它郁郁葱葱,却无人知晓。2023-07-15 20:28:324
For much of its history, Ireland lay hidden behind s bigger neighbour, Great Britain.
在多数历史中,爱尔兰被它强大的邻居英国所掩藏。参考《勇敢的心》2023-07-15 20:28:402
A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition的译文
太强大了2023-07-15 20:28:503
翻译Likewise in Chinese painting,the concept of yin-yang can be found hidden in the composition
1,In china they say to understand painting you need to understand calligraphy——the art of writing Chinese characters with a brush。据说在中国,要了解画就必须了解书法-一种用毛笔写汉字的艺术。2,In china they say to understand painting you need to understand calligraphy——the art of writing Chinese characters with a brush。据说在中国,要了解画就必须了解书法-一种用毛笔写汉字的艺术。3,His style embodies the Taoist concept of yin and yang,of everything containing in itself its opposite. 他的风格蕴含了道教的阴阳观念,互不相容又紧密联系的两个对立面的一对性态或属性。4,The Renaissance and the classical period was concerned with harmony,balance and proportion。在复兴和古典时期,着重于和平,平衡与比例。5,Neo-classicism was again a more serious style of history painting showing the heroes of the French Republic and their view of new French state。新古典主义又是一个严肃/正经的历史绘画,描绘了法国共和国的英雄以及对于新法国的看法。6,Romanticism was too concerned with the inner world and inner sense of emotional response 。浪漫主义太过于着重在情感反应的内在世界及内在感应。7,He could like an alchemist,change one material into another,marble into trees,leaves,hair and of course,flesh。 他可以像炼金术士一样,把一个东西变成另一个东西,大理石变成树,叶,毛,甚至血肉。2023-07-15 20:28:582
英语翻译Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches.Every year wa?
夏威夷是以其美丽的海滩而闻名.每年水上运动,尤其是冲浪和滑水吸引游客到岛上. 夏威夷有一个神奇的名字奔的人谁喜欢旅行2多年.人们对三面太平洋,在日本和美国,梦想这些美丽的岛屿的海洋中.在热带土地,太阳像一个球入海金火下降,下降所以,你几乎可以看到它的落日余辉在天空中留下安静的水. 人们往往有一个安静,愉快的时间走水.这风景 是不是很令人兴奋的美,迎来了第一批游客对这些岛屿几个世纪前从不同的.他们没有太大的比小船在独木舟. 他们发现了美丽的白色沙滩和摇曳的棕榈树,但有没有像我们今天看到的大酒店.第一人近8年前来到夏威夷,但在过去的25年里只建摩天大楼酒店.现在的飞机使人们有可能从东京9旧金山飞往夏威夷的一个周末. 10人从何而来,他们真正想要的,希望能够尽快美丽的夏威夷.他们希望看到美丽的海滩和山区几乎被高大的饭店.,2,夏威夷是以其美丽的海滩而闻名。每年水上运动,尤其是冲浪和滑水吸引游客的island.Hawaii的本旅行多年的人谁喜欢一个神奇的名字。人们对三面太平洋(太平洋),在日本和美国,梦想这些美丽的岛屿的海洋中。在热带(热带的)土地,太阳像一个球入海金火下降,下降所以,你几乎可以看到它move.The太阳光晕(落日余辉)灯在天空中留下安静的water.People往往有一个安静,愉快的时间走水。这scen...,2,夏威夷海滩它的美丽而闻名。每年水 上运动,特别是冲浪和滑水吸引游客到这个岛上。夏威夷一个神奇的名字有本 喜欢旅行的人2多年。人们在太平洋的3处地方(太平洋),日本和美国,梦想这4个海中央美丽的岛屿。在热带海洋(热带 的)的土地,太阳就会像一个金色的球,你几乎可以如此5看到它移 动。太阳留下了一个辉光(落日余辉),点 燃了天空安静的水。人们通常有一个 安静的、令人愉快的时间走在水。这景 色不是很不同...,0,英语翻译 Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches.Every year water sports,especially surfing and water skiing attract 1 tourists to the island. Hawaii has ben a magical name to people who like to travel 2 many years.People on 3 sides of the Pacific Ocean(太平洋),in Japan and in America,dream of 4 these beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean.In the tropical(热带的) lands,the sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the sea,and it drops so 5 that you can almost see it move.The sun leaves behind a glow(落日余辉) that lights the sky in the quiet water. People often have a quiet,enjoyable time walking along the water.This scenery is not very different from the exciting beauty that greeted the first tourists to these islands centuries ago.They came in canoes not much 6 than *** all boats. They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees(棕榈树),but there were no grand hotels like 7 we see today.The first people came to Hawaii nearly 8 years ago,but skyscraper(摩天大楼) hotels were only built in the last 25 years.Now aeroplanes make it possible to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo 9 San Francisco. 10 people e from,they really want to see the earliest beauty of Hawaii.They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountains which are almost hidden by the tall hotels.2023-07-15 20:29:051
问题一:生产计划英文简称怎么写? PP(Production Planning) - 生产计划 【英文缩写】PP 【英文全称】Production Planning 【中文解释】生产计划 【缩写类别】经济管理 生产计划的英文缩写是PP。 问题二:亲~安排生产计划的英文怎么说啊? make plans for production. 问题三:生产计划与生产主管区别是什么??? 英文怎么说??? 生产计划就是将生产产品的数量进行安排并跟进进度。职位pc(product plan) 生产主管负责将生产过程实施的职位,Production planing supervisor。 管理是PDCA,计划就是p(plan),实施就是d。这是很基本的管理常识,建议你适当看看生产管理方面的书。 问题四:用英语写一篇关于生产计划的重要性 Chinese is spoken most all over the world,such as China,Indonesia,Malaysia,Vietnam and the Philippines. Chinese Language faces some challenges.As pared with English and other Latin based languages,Chinese is less popular and more difficuh for puter word processing.Some college students,wondering whether it is still one of the best languages in the world,neglect Chinese study. Extensive research has revealed that Chinese possesses many advantages over other languages.Written Chinese is based on a set of ideogram characters.From a simple word one may obtain a wealth of information about its hidden meaning,evolution history and related phrases.Historians can decipher the damaged ancient characters carved on ox hones but no such achievement could be obtained with Latin-based languages.To express a given idea,the Chinese version is always the shortest,most accurate and most effective. Moreover,Chinese kids learn Chinese by memorizing patterns or funny pictures which stimulate curiosity and imagination.It is well recognized that human brains work well with patterns and pattern recognition in turn promotes brain development.What"s more,Chinese is also easy to learn.Many foreigners speak Chinese fluently after a few years of learning.Recently,several word processing programs have been successfully developed for Chinese language and turned out to be better than those designed for English. Chinese is the crystallization of the splendid culture developed continuously......>> 问题五:生产计划统筹部 英语怎么说 我朋友就是生产计划统筹部互经理 Prodiction Sche *** ng Division 问题六:到上个月末,我们厂已成功完成了今年的生产计划英语翻译句子 By the end of last month, we have successfully finished this year"s production plan 问题七:生产计划表英文怎么写 生产计划表 [词典] manufacturing plan sheet; [例句]一个合理的生产计划表对项目的进展会有很大帮助。 A proper production schedule will be helpful to the progress of the project.2023-07-15 20:29:271
The beach might be the best place to hide . 海滩也许是最好的庇护所。 The day was hidden by a bluish haze . 天色被隐藏在一片蔚蓝的朦胧中。 She turned aside to hide her blushes . 她掉过脸去,不让人看见她脸红。 They advised her to go into hiding for a while . 他们劝她先躲藏一下。 He whistled to his friend to keep hidden . 他吹口哨通知朋友继续隐蔽。 They contribute to hidden unemployment . 他们属于隐蔽的失业的一部分。 They made no effort to hide their amusement . 他们毫不掩饰地表示好笑。 The ship threaded her way beeen the hidden rocks . 船从暗礁之间穿过。 She made no attempt to hide her distress . 她不打算掩饰她的苦恼。 She couldn"t hide her disappointment . 她无法掩饰自己失望的情绪。 He could not hide his embarras *** ent . 他没法掩盖自己的窘态。 Get out of here or i"ll tan your hide . 滚开,否则我要揍你。 He can"t hide his height, nor his russian accent . 他掩盖不了身长和俄国口音。 It hides large quantities of nuts inside trees . 它把大量的坚果贮藏在树里面。 Each new advance hides failures . 每一项进展都蕴藏著失败。 All the government shoes are made of alpgator hide . 公家的鞋都是鳄鱼皮做的。 Most often mist hides the illusory alps . 云雾常常遮掩了梦幻般的阿尔卑斯山脉。 A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in . 丛林是动物的良好隐蔽处。 The rabbit hid in the high grass . 兔子影在高高的草丛中。 The rabbit hid in the high grass . 兔子躲在高高的草丛中。 Rapid economic growth hides many blemishes . 迅速的经济增长掩盖了许多不足之处。 Stay hidden until i give the word . 我不下令就藏著别动。 Aha, so it"s you hiding there . 啊哈!原来是你躲在那儿! He doesn"t even bother to hide it . 他甚至不屑加以掩饰。 When i e close he just hides inside his shell . 当我靠近他时,它就缩到壳里去。 His words had a hidden meaning . 他的话里有隐藏的意义。 Perhaps the fog hides them from your view . 可能是雾挡住了你们的视线,看不见他们。 The witch hid her loathsome face with her hands . 巫婆用手掩住她那张令人恶心的脸。 The future is hidden from us . 未来是我们难以预卜的。 She hid behind the door and waited . 她躲到门后等著。 I wanted to keep him invisible, to hide him away . 我要他不露声色,尽可能隐蔽一点。 She tried to hide her feepngs . 她尽力不使感情外露。 She hid behind a false identity . 她以假身分作掩护。 No point in mincing words or hiding behind euphemi *** s . 没必要闪烁其词或者羞羞答答。 Mistakes can never be hidden . 错误总是遮盖不住的。 A fox cannot hide its tail . 狐貍尾巴是掩藏不住的。 The penalty clause was hidden in the *** all print . 惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。 It"s no good hiding our heads under our wings, is it ? 埋头不问总不是好办法,你说呢? Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath . 她的精心化妆掩饰了下面的岁月痕迹。 They are obviously in hiding . 他们显然是藏起来了。2023-07-15 20:29:351
如果多了,自己删除点就OK了。Playing computer is now a vogue among the young, especially students. Whether it is a heartening phenomenon or an alarming omen is still unsettled. Since everything has its good and bad sides, playing computer is no exception. It is instrumental in handling computer adroitly, training the abilities of thinking and operation and so on. However, the positive effects should be mentioned with caution, because the insidious effects far outweigh the direct effects. Playing computer is detrimental to health, which, in my opinion, is the worst influence. Students devoid of self-control tend to dally over the illusory world for hours or even days without eating and sleeping. Self-evidently, the irregular life will give rise to various diseases. What"s more, computer games are always designed in imitation of the real world, so they inevitably contain violence and sex, which will mislead the young students who are weak in discernment. Moreover, the long-time stare on the screen and the dingy pictures will apparently fatigue people and then divert them from their study and work, which are the major tasks in their daily life. I used to hear of a true story that one of my friends and his father wallowed so much in playing computer games that they almost lost all their properties. It sounds ridiculous, but it occurs around us, reflecting the derogative outcomes of playing computer games. Playing computer is prevalent among students, especially middle school students. Why is it widespread? The “peer pressure” plays an important role in the epidemic. Young students always incline to follow their companions in order not to be kicked out of the “friend circle”. Therefore, playing computer is like an infection sprawling out among the children. And this is the reason for its hidden effects. As is known, many students play computer not at home but in the Internet bars where divers problems are likely to arise. As most of these Internet bar managers seek only profits, they usually admit and prefer under-age students to be their consumers. In the bars, children often play games until squandering all their allowance and even owing debts. Then, some of them will go stealing or robbing, for they dare not tell their parent the truth and have to snatch money to get out of the debt. It looks as if the crime is not the direct result, but it is the subsidiary effect caused by playing computer games and far graver than playing itself. As far as I am concerned, the Internet bar is a criminal seedbed. There are some other negative effects. For example, it was reported once that three children were beaten to death in the Internet bar for failing to repay debts. Tragedies like this defy enumeration. Now, the problem has aroused wide concern. We must search for some measures, because the present tendency, if permitted to continue, will surely ruin many juveniles who might have splendid future.2023-07-15 20:29:451
CSS中的visibility和display两个属性很容易被混淆,因为它们看起来是做同样的事情,但实际上,这两个属性是完全不同的。visibility属性用来设置一个给定的元素是否显示(visibility="visible|hidden"),但是,虽然一个元素的visibility被设置为hidden,但是该元素仍然会占据设计的位置:<scriptlanguage="JavaScript">functiontoggleVisibility(me){if(me.style.visibility=="hidden"){me.style.visibility="visible";}else{me.style.visibility="hidden";}}</script><divonclick="toggleVisibility(this)"style="position:relative">Thisexampledisplaystextthattogglesbetweenavisibilityof"visible"and"hidden".Notethebehaviorofthenextline.</div><div>Thissecondlineshouldn"tmove,sincevisibilityretainsitspositionintheflow</div><scriptlanguage="JavaScript">functiontoggleVisibility(me){if(me.style.visibility=="hidden"){me.style.visibility="visible";}else{me.style.visibility="hidden";}}</script><divonclick="toggleVisibility(this)"style="position:relative">Thisexampledisplaystextthattogglesbetweenavisibilityof"visible"and"hidden".Notethebehaviorofthenextline.</div><div>Thissecondlineshouldn"tmove,sincevisibilityretainsitspositionintheflow</div>注意如果display属性没有被明确设置,将默认被设置为该类元素的常用值。明显地,两个属性中display属性更有用,多数情况下在隐藏文字的时候要将相关的元素做相应的调节(例如树结构)。2023-07-15 20:29:521
CSS中的visibility和display两个属性很容易被混淆,因为它们看起来是做同样的事情,但实际上,这两个属性是完全不同的。visibility属性用来设置一个给定的元素是否显示(visibility="visible|hidden"),但是,虽然一个元素的visibility被设置为hidden,但是该元素仍然会占据设计的位置:<scriptlanguage="JavaScript">functiontoggleVisibility(me){if(me.style.visibility=="hidden"){me.style.visibility="visible";}else{me.style.visibility="hidden";}}</script><divonclick="toggleVisibility(this)"style="position:relative">Thisexampledisplaystextthattogglesbetweenavisibilityof"visible"and"hidden".Notethebehaviorofthenextline.</div><div>Thissecondlineshouldn"tmove,sincevisibilityretainsitspositionintheflow</div><scriptlanguage="JavaScript">functiontoggleVisibility(me){if(me.style.visibility=="hidden"){me.style.visibility="visible";}else{me.style.visibility="hidden";}}</script><divonclick="toggleVisibility(this)"style="position:relative">Thisexampledisplaystextthattogglesbetweenavisibilityof"visible"and"hidden".Notethebehaviorofthenextline.</div><div>Thissecondlineshouldn"tmove,sincevisibilityretainsitspositionintheflow</div>注意如果display属性没有被明确设置,将默认被设置为该类元素的常用值。明显地,两个属性中display属性更有用,多数情况下在隐藏文字的时候要将相关的元素做相应的调节(例如树结构)。2023-07-15 20:29:591
120个子吗?是不是日记啊2023-07-15 20:30:082
hidden track是什么意思?
隐藏的轨迹2023-07-15 20:30:162
hidden track
隐藏的轨迹……“传说中有一种唱片,它的神秘在于唱片中有首神秘的歌,只有在全碟所有曲目播完时,才会突然出现,就是所谓的hidden track。这种唱片没有封面说明,限量发行……”2023-07-15 20:30:311
my love is like the flowers hidden in the deep mountains though its abun我的爱像花藏在深山的丰富2023-07-15 20:30:391
英文作文如下:Title: The Mysterious Gas Giant - JupiterJupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is a fascinating world full of wonder and mystery. Known as the "Gas Giant," Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with a small rocky core hidden deep beneath its thick atmosphere.Jupiter"s most distinctive feature is the Great Red Spot, a massive storm that has been raging for centuries. The storm is so large that it could fit three Earths inside it! This gigantic storm has captured the imagination of scientists and stargazers alike, making Jupiter one of the most iconic planets in our solar system.The planet also has a complex system of rings, although they are not as visible as Saturn"s. These rings are primarily composed of dust particles and small rocks, which are likely the remnants of asteroids and comets that have collided with Jupiter"s powerful gravitational field.Jupiter"s strong magnetic field makes it a treasure trove for scientists interested in understanding the behavior of charged particles in space. The planet"s magnetic field is about 20,000 times stronger than Earth"s, and it extends millions of kilometers into space, forming a region known as the "magnetosphere." This magnetosphere protects Jupiter from the harmful solar wind, trapping charged particles and creating beautiful auroras near the planet"s poles.There are currently 79 known moons orbiting Jupiter, with the four largest ones - Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto - known as the Galilean moons. These moons were discovered by the famous astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1610, and they remain some of the most intriguing celestial bodies in our solar system. Each moon has unique features, such as volcanic activity on Io, a subsurface ocean on Europa, and ancient impact craters on Callisto.Exploring Jupiter and its moons is an exciting endeavor for scientists and space enthusiasts. Many missions have been sent to study this gas giant, including NASA"s Juno spacecraft, which is currently orbiting Jupiter and providing valuable data about the planet"s composition, magnetic field, and atmosphere. With each new discovery, our understanding of Jupiter and its place in the solar system continues to grow, inspiring future generations of space explorers.2023-07-15 20:30:573
大伊山Large Iraqi mountains, a national-level scenic spots 3A, Huaibei Plain is known as the first known mountain. Taishan is a branch, too was born in ancient times, more than 20 million years ago the history of prime minister because of the Shang Dynasty Yiyin named in this seclusion. She is represented by 12 peaks of the peak of 226.7 meters. Khr灌云县largest city is located from about 30 km lianyungang, surrounded by even-ning speed, even salt, high-speed, 204 State Road, Highway 324. She covers an area of 5 square kilometers, since ancient times, "a half into the city Wangsimni Castle Peak" of reputation. A long history and brilliant culture, the natural landscape and human landscape is rich in a "quiet, old, God, singular," the four major characteristics. Stone for the King of Iraq is a major feature of the mountain, become a major highlight khr. A sarcophagus. Eastern foot in Iraq, about 20 meters above sea wind blue mountain, there are the biggest group of Neolithic burial sarcophagus, which is found in China"s earliest and best preserved, dating back over 6500 years ago in the Neolithic matriarchal Commune ruins. Sarcophagus tomb 64, six human skeletons, archaeological finds more than 150 species. In 1997 the site was approved by the State Council for the key units to be protected at the national level. Second, Shifosi. Hill has been great in Iraq "Iraq monk Yuntai Mountain Temple, Suzhou僧道wins temples" of reputation, old temples around the mountain more than 20 seats, has always been a search for Road洞天福地cents, it was acclaimed as the "first mountain in Huaibei," " Subei first jungle "is Subei lunan areas as well as the most developed areas of religion, there are many religious sites and cultural activities. Shifosi Temple is one of the typical representative, she built in the Yuan Qing emperor two years (AD 1313), several times after the crash-hing. Today"s Shifosi Zhenjiang Jinshan Temple with reference to the type system of the scale of construction in 2002, and its Main Hall 27.6 meters high, in order to歇山重檐architecture.Third, rock carvings. Khr big rock art both of its modus operandi, or hidden from the screen by the connotation of terms, are the country rock in the similar rare. Yuan Shi Rock Merlot, this painting works for the Yuan Dynasty, which is of Jiangsu provincial units to be protected. In addition, marine rock rock, rock rock beauty and mystery of the Orient, known as the zodiac stone hieroglyphics. IV stone. Rock formations in the mountain forest in Iraq, such as people, such as lions, such as bears, such as dogs, such as the eagle, such as turtles, such as frogs, such as crocodiles and so on, spread all over to form a unique landscape. V. Stream. Stream Lo Lung known, very well scoop legendary son, poria spring intoxicated people, as well as the formation of artificial post-mining lake with crystal clear paternity ditch, big mountain waterfall in Iraq is also a scene in Iraq as a result of large multi-peaks, Jian more than in Iraq after the rain the big mountains, became the world"s waterfalls. 6, old quarry area. There are all kinds of odd cliff, not only color and form of Qi Qi, a red, green, yellow, blue colorful cliffs and so on. VII Cave. There are a variety of more than 20 holes, each hole are moving story, every hole is priceless. Eight, the stone wall. Mountain peak in Iraq, (according to local records, "Ji Yang Qu and Strategy," set) of buildings which have Hong Xiuquan to Taiping for the fight against the Qing and the construction of military facilities, the existing stone stones垒砌the Great Wall.2023-07-15 20:31:071
1、我回不去没有你的时光了,我们都回不去了。 I can"t go back without you. We can"t go back. 2、你所以为的巧合,不过是另一个人用心的结果。 What you think of as coincidence is just the result of another person"s intentions. 3、建筑在别人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。 Happiness built on the suffering of others is not real happiness. 4、真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。 The person who really loves you will not say many words, but will do many things that love you. 5、只可惜,时光过的太快,太快,我们在最美好的年华里相遇。 Unfortunately, the time passed too fast, too fast, we met in the best years. 6、那是可以让我潸然泪下,让我用一生去交换的笑容。 That"s a *** ile that can make me cry and exchange my life. 7、眼睛说着不要走,嘴巴倔强的不挽留。 The eyes say don"t go, the mouth stubborn do not retain. 8、爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光。 Love is harder to hide than felony murder; the dark night of love has noon sunshine. 9、我不想做你的插曲,我只想做你生命中最完美的结局。 I don"t want to be your episode, I just want to be the most perfect ending in your life. 10、水会流失,火会熄灭,而爱情却能和命运抗衡。 Water will run away, fire will extinguish, but love can contend with fate. 11、爱情总藏在温柔的心里。 Love is always hidden in a gentle heart. 12、”爱”和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。 ” Love is the same as charcoal. It"s too hot to be cooled. 13、如果有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。 If one day we are not together, we should be together. 14、与其卑微的奉承一段感情,不如孤傲的独善其身。 It is better to be proud of oneself than to flatter a relationship humbly. 15、恍惚间听到和你相似的声音先是一颤然后楞了神。 In a trance, I heard a voice similar to yours, which first trembled and then shrugged. 16、我不会卑微到求一个女人把离开我的男人还给我。 I won"t be so humble as to ask a woman to give me back the man who left me. 17、每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉。 Every time I think of you, a grain of sand falls from the sky, and the Sahara is formed. 18、迎着阳光开放的花朵才美丽,伴着革命理想的爱情才甜蜜。 Flowers blooming in the sunshine are beautiful, and love is sweet with revolutionary ideals. 19、完成工作的方法是爱惜每一分钟。 The way to get the job done is to cherish every minute. 20、可爱,并不需要外来的装饰,天然的可爱远比雕饰的更可爱。 Lovely, do not need external decoration, natural loveliness is far more lovely than sculpture. 21、什么是爱,我不懂。我只知道你一笑我整个天空都明亮起来了。 What is love, I don"t understand. I only know that when you laugh, my whole sky is bright. 22、爱,就是没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容。 Love is heartache without reason and tolerance without preconditions. 23、这个世界除了你,再不会有人这样让我坚定到失控。 No one else in the world but you can make me so firm that I can"t control it. 24、一个不经意,你的笑容就成了谁的整个世界。 A casual, your *** ile will bee the whole world of whose. 25、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。 Courage, like love, needs hope to nourish it. 26、一个姑娘爱上一个男子的时候,决不会看出他的缺点来。 When a girl falls in love with a man, she will never see his shortings. 27、总有那么一个人,只要冲你一笑,就把你打败了。 There will always be someone who will defeat you if he laughs at you. 28、女人结不成婚不是男人的错,有时是另一个女人的错。 It"s not a man"s fault whether a woman is married or not. Sometimes it"s another woman"s fault. 29、将爱情当作理想的人,不会有真正的理想。 If you regard love as an ideal person, you will not have a real ideal. 30、喜欢一个人没有错,错就错在喜欢一个不喜欢自己的人。 It"s not wrong to like a person, but it"s wrong to like a person who doesn"t like himself. 31、爱情献出了一切,却依然富有。 Love gives everything, but it is still rich. 32、忠于爱情并不等于迷于爱情,更不是说活着就是为了爱情。 Being loyal to love does not mean being obsessed with love, let alone living for love. 33、没有爱情的人生叫受罪。 Life without love is suffering. 34、我说不出来为什么爱你,但我知道,你就是我不爱别人的理由。 I can"t tell why I love you, but I know you are the reason why I don"t love others. 35、一刹真情,不能说那是假的,爱情永恒,不能说只有那一刹。 A moment of truth, can not say that it is false, love is eternal, can not say only that moment. 36、结婚是爱情的坟墓,但是如果不结婚,爱情就死无葬身之地。 Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don"t get married, love will die without a place to bury. 37、爱情是可爱的虐政,情人们甘受它的折磨。 Love is a lovely tyranny. Lovers are willing to suffer from it. 38、女人的 *** 和唠叨,都能使男人无力招架。 Women"s moans and nagging can make men unable to fight. 39、爱就是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。 Love is life in its fullness, like the cup of wine. 40、当你听到他名字愣了一下的时候就证明你已经输了。 When you hear his name stunned for a moment, it proves that you have lost. 41、多少人为了另一半,由胖变瘦,由爱变恨,由单纯变堕落。 How many people for the other half, from fat to thin, from love to hate, from simple degeneration. 42、爱情不仅丰富多彩,而且还赏心悦目。 Love is not only rich and colorful, but also pleasant to the eye. 43、没有爱情的人生是什么?是没有黎明的长夜。 What is life without love? It"s a long night without dawn. 44、那场自以为是的幸福,原来竟只是一场误会。 That self-righteous happiness turned out to be a misunderstanding. 45、被在乎的人忽略,会难过。而更难过的是还要装作根本不在乎。 People who care about neglect, will be sad. What"s more sad is to pretend that you don"t care at all. 46、如果被等待是一种幸福,那么放手就是一种成全,双方的成全。 If waiting is a kind of happiness, then letting go is a kind of acplishment, the acplishment of both sides. 47、不痛是因为不碰,不悲伤是因为伤无以伤,时间不能治愈。 It"s not painful because it doesn"t touch, it"s not sad because it can"t hurt and time can"t heal. 48、在这日日夜夜里,我没有一时一刻的忘记你。 In this day and night, I did not fet you for a moment. 49、婚姻是一本书,第一章写下诗篇,其余则是平淡的散文。 Marriage is a book. Chapter one writes poems and the rest is prose. 50、你不懂那种看你一眼就会笑的人是有多么的喜欢你。 You don"t understand how much people like you who laugh at you at a glance. 51、在爱情面前,谁不曾卑微地乞求过一点施舍呢? Who hasn"t humbly begged for a little charity in front of love? 52、没有阳光花儿不香,没有爱情生活不甜。 No sunshine, no flowers, no love, no sweet life. 53、一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已已经忘记了。 A person thinks that his memory is unfettable, others have already fotten it. 54、哪有什么好脾气,我的好脾气,还不是因为我爱你。 What good temper, my good temper, is not because I love you. 55、爱情不是索取,而是给予。 Love is not taking, but giving. 56、爱情就是我眼睛看着你,心里想的还是你。 Love is when I look at you with my eyes and think of you with my heart. 57、觉得自己做得到和做不到,往往只在一念之间。 When you think you can or can"t do it, you just think about it. 58、爱情是一首美好的歌,但它不容易谱写成功。 Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write success. 59、壮志和爱情是伟大行为的双翼。 Ambition and love are the wings of great deeds. 60、爱情中的欢乐和痛苦是交替出现的。 Joy and pain in love alternate. 61、人生太多苦痛,美好却如初见。 Life is too painful, but beautiful as first seen. 62、真实爱情的途径并不平坦。 The path to true love is not *** ooth.2023-07-15 20:31:141
My love is like the grasses,Hidden in the deep mountains.Though its abundanc,翻译成中文是什么意思?
My love is like the grasses Hidden in the deep mountains.Though its abundance increase,There is none that knows.我的爱情犹如青草,藏在深山。它郁郁葱葱,却无人知晓。2023-07-15 20:31:223
my love is like the grasses hidden inthe deep mountains.though its abundance increase,there is none
指代前面的“my love”2023-07-15 20:31:382