ambiguous, obscure, vague, unclear, dim
ambiguous a.意义含糊的,有歧义的,指因字、词、句有歧义而使人感到模糊不清、难以理解和把握。
His ambiguous directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.他的模棱两可的指导使我们很迷惑以至于我们不知道该走哪条路了。
The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many obscure references.艾兹拉u2022庞德的诗有时候难以理解,因为诗歌中含有许多令人费解的典故。
He has some vague ideas about what to do, but nothing specific.他大概知道他要做什么,但没有具体的计划。
unclear a.指句意、字迹不清楚,使人难以看懂;不肯定的。
Unclear writing is difficult to understand.模糊的字迹使人难以辨认。
It is unclear whether the economy will get better.经济是否好转仍不明朗。
dim a.光线暗淡的,看不清的;记忆力模糊的;不大可能的。
Don"t work in dim light.不要在昏暗的光线下工作。
His changes of recovery from illness are dim.他康复的可能性十分渺茫。
amplify, enlarge, stretch, magnify, reinforce, expand
amplify v.扩大,增加,尤其指通过增强电压或电流使声音扩大;补充叙述(故事、事件等)。
We must ask you to amplify your statement.我们得请你对你的说法作进一步的说明。
enlarge v.扩大,多指具体物品如相片的放大。
enlarge photograph放大照片enlarge a house扩建房屋
stretch v. (有弹性地)伸展,延伸,并有可能超过限度;伸长、伸出(身体某部位)并绷紧肌肉(尤指在放松后或为了够着某物)。
The pullover stretched after I had worn it a few times.这件套头毛衣我穿了几次之后就撑大了。
Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, stretching themselves.完成了早间工作之后,职员们站到桌子后面伸伸懒腰。
magnify v.放大,指用透镜或显微镜使物体看上去大一些。
His eyeglasses magnify words so he can read them.他借助眼睛把字放大以便能够阅读。
reinforce v.增援,加固。
expand v.指范围、体积的扩大、增大,也可以指内容或细节的充实。
The balloon expanded, then exploded.气球先是膨胀,然后就爆破了。
anger, fury, indignation, resentment
anger n.气愤,生气,是一般用语。
After their argument, he expressed his anger by punching the other man in the face.争吵之后,他一拳打在那个人的脸上以发泄怒气。
fury n.暴怒,大怒,程度较anger要强。
indignation n.义愤,尤其指出于道义上的激愤。
general indignation at the sudden steep rise in bus fares公共汽车票价突然猛增激起的公愤
resentment n.愤恨,怨恨,不满,是正式用语,尤指由于受侮辱或自尊心受到伤害后而产生的愤慨。
There was a feeling of resentment in the office after everyone"s pay was lowered.大家的工资降低后,办公室里怨声载道。
apparent, evident, manifest, obvious, distinct
apparent a.明显的,显而易见的,尤其指容易观察到或认识到的事物。
He is very unhappy, and it is apparent that he wants to leave now.他很不高兴,显然他现在想走了。
evident a.明白的,明显的,与apparent基本同意,多用于推理或由事实证明的事物。
It is evident that he is guilty; his fingerprints were found at the crime scene.显然他是有罪的,在犯罪现场发现了他的指纹。
manifest a.清楚的,明显的,多指根据外部特征或迹象便能看出或了解其意义,常作表语。
Her ability is manifest, but she is not attractive.她才能出众,但长相并不动人。
obvious a.明显的,显而易见的,含有无可辩白,不需证明之意。
It is obvious that that woman has had too much to drink.很显然,那个妇女酒喝的太多了。
distinct a.清楚的,明显的;不同的,独特的。修饰性质明显不同的东西。
Medical care has made a distinct improvement in his health.治疗已使他的健康有了明显的好转。
applaud, clap, commend, praise
applaud v.鼓掌,赞扬,指因精湛表演或某种行为得到别人的赞许,大声叫好或热烈鼓掌。
The boss applauded my efforts by praising my work.老板表扬了我的工作,对我的努力表示赞许。
clap v.拍打,其用法是clap one"s hand=applaud,不能说applaud one"s hands。
clap sb.为某人鼓掌,clap sth.拍打某物
commend v.为正式用词,用于对具体功绩或成就表示嘉奖,通常指上级对下级、长辈对晚辈的赞赏。
The teacher commended the student for doing well on the exam.老师表扬学生们的考试成绩优异。
praise v.为一般用词,用于对某人的优秀品质表示钦佩羡慕;赞颂,赞美。
A supervisor praised the employee for her good work.一位主管称赞这位员工的工作做得不错。
Survivors of the crash praised God for saving them.坠机事件的幸存者赞颂上帝使他们得救。
area, district, region, vicinity, zone
area n.泛指面积较大的地区;面积;专业领域。
The New York area has high rents.纽约地区房租很高。
district n.行政区划的小范围地区。如Xicheng district北京西城区
region n.行政区划上更大的地区,如"自治区";身体部位。
The northeast region of the USA includes New York and the six New England states.美国东北部包括纽约和新英格兰地区的那六个州。
vicinity n.周围地区,附近地区。
The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the vicinity.警察都十分警惕因为逃跑的罪犯就藏在附近地区。
zone n.指特定的地方、地带。
The city passed a law to create a business zone on some empty land.市政府通过法律,在一些空地上开辟商业区。
assembly, conference, congress, rally, seminar, session, summit, symposium
assembly n.集合,集会。
The assembly of students takes place in the
conference n. (专门性的)会议,讨论会。
The conference on international economic problems met in Geneva.关于世界经济问题的会议在日内瓦召开。
congress n.代表大会,(美国的)国会。
Congress passes laws that must be obeyed by the people.美国国会通过的法律,人民一定要遵守。
rally n. (鼓舞士气的)集会;群众性集会。
The football coach called a rally to build up the team"s excitement for the next game.足球教练召开了一个动员会,以便鼓舞士气打好下次比赛。
seminar n. (大学的)研究班,研讨会。
During summer vacations some teachers attend seminars at college.暑假里,一些教师在学院里参加研究班。
session n. (一届)会议,回合。
the autumn session of Parliament议会的秋季会议
summit n.最高级会议,峰会(通常为领导人参加)。
Next year, the summit will be held in Vienna.明年将在维也纳举行最高级会谈。
symposium n. (学术、科研方面的)座谈会,专题报告会。
The symposium on SARS research lasted two days.非典型性肺炎研究的研讨会持续了两天。
assessment, estimate, evaluation
assessment n.评估,估价,常常表示对于财产、价值的评估。
We have a low assessment on our property.我们对我们的资产评估很低。
estimate n.估计,强调进行评估得出的结果,常与动词give搭配。
The mechanic gave me a rough estimate of two or three hundred dollars for the repairs to my car.机械师给我的汽车修理费的粗略估计是200或300美元。
evaluation n. (对于能力,价值、工作业绩的)评价,估价,常带有肯定的、正确的含义。
He gave a positive evaluation of our scientific research.他对于我们的科学研究给予了积极的评价。
associate, ally, combine, unite
associate v.交往,结交;联系,联想。多指平等友好的合作,后接with,表示与某人交往或合作,后接in表示在某个方面合作。
We associate with our neighbors at church.在教堂里,我们同邻居交往。
ally v.使结盟,使联姻,多与with搭配。
Several political parties allied with each other against higher taxes.几个政治党派联合起来反对提高税收。
combine v.联合,化合,混合,多指为了某个目的将不同的人或物混合而成一个整体。
The girl combined sugar, butter, and flour to made the dough.小姑娘把糖、黄油和面粉混合到一起做成面团。
unite v.联合,合并,团结,尤指不同的事物或人组成统一体,强调结果的一致性。
The nation united against its enemy.国民团结一致共同对敌。
average, common, general, universal, usual
average a.普通的,一般的,它强调的是一般水准或普通水准;通常在有数字出现的情况下,表示"平均的"。
The average runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.跑步者15分钟内平均跑两英里。
common a.常见的,普通的,不足为奇的,有时引申为"平凡的",强调事物的共同性。另外,它还有"公共的,共同的"之意。
Car accidents are a common occurrence.交通事故是很普通的事件。
general a.普通的,一般的,表示涉及到各方面,强调整体性而非个别和例外,该词的反义词为particular。
In general, the economy is doing well now.总的来说,现在的经济形式还不错。
universal a.普遍的,比general语气更强,有"全然没有例外"的意思。
Poverty is a universal problem all over the world.贫困是世界各地普遍存在的问题。
usual a.通常的,惯常的,强调"习惯性的,符合规章制度的",是个一般用语。
award, reward
award v.指正式地或官方地颁发,授予,给予;也可以指法庭裁决给予。后面可跟双宾语。
The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best student.学校校长将历史奖授予最出色的学生。
I will reward to the person who returns my lost dog.我将出50美元,酬谢帮我找回丢失的狗的人。
aware, conscious
aware a.知道的,意识到的,强调感官对外界事物的意识。
He was aware of his mistake.他意识到自己的错误。
conscious a.有意识的,意识到的,一般指内心所意识到的。
The salesman is conscious of the fact that he must increase sales.销售员意识到他必须增加销售量。
base, foundation, ground
base n.指具体的有形的基础,也可指物体的底部、基部;基地,总部。
They use their apartment in New York as a home base from which they travel frequently.他们把纽约的公寓作为他们频繁出行的大本营。
foundation n.本义指建筑物的地基,含有坚实的基础的意思;基金会。
The foundation for our house is made of cement.我们房子的地基是水泥打下的。
ground n.地面,土地,也指地域,水底,海底。
basic, elementary, fundamental
basic a.基本的,基础的,既可用于具体事物,也可用于抽象事物。
He has a basic understanding of the problem.他对问题有基本的了解。
elementary a.初步的,初级的。elementary school小学
fundamental a.根本性的,一般只用于抽象的事物;必要的,必须的。
Honesty is a fundamental principle in dealing with others.诚实是与别人相处的基本原则。
beam, chuckle, giggle, grin, jeer, laugh, roar, sneer
beam v.本义指照耀,放光,引申为"微笑",是正式用语,指面带喜悦或笑容,暗示对他人的友好或内心的满足。
She beamed with happiness.她高兴得眉开眼笑。
chuckle v. (书面语)吃吃的笑,抿嘴笑,轻声笑,多指因得意或领会到某事中的趣味而暗自发笑。
She does not laugh out loud; she only chuckles.她没有笑出声来,只是抿嘴而笑。
giggle v.咯咯地笑,痴笑,傻笑,多指女人和孩子由于紧张、被逗乐、尴尬时所发出的笑声。
The schoolgirls giggled when the famous football player walkedsintostheir classroom.当这个著名的足球运动员走进教室时,女生们都咯咯地笑起来。
grin v.露齿而笑,指人因高兴、满足、轻蔑等咧开嘴露齿地笑。
He grinned at his mother.他冲他的妈妈咧嘴一笑。
jeer v.讥笑,嘲笑,其同义词是mock。
The crowd jeered when the boxer was knocked down.当那个拳手被人打倒时,人群开始嘲笑他。
laugh v.笑,大笑,用于一般的笑或出声的大笑。
roar v.怒吼,咆哮,引申为放声大笑,哄堂大笑。
He roared when he heard the joke.听完这个笑话,他哈哈大笑。
sneer v.冷笑,嘲笑,指以语言、表情、和声调表示轻蔑或嘲弄。
He sneered at the offer and said it was two low.他对报价嗤之以鼻,说它太低了。
bewilder, puzzle, confuse, embarrass, perplex
bewilder v.使困惑,使茫然,强调非常困惑,通常表现为心理和智力的紊乱,语气最重。
He was fired without warning and is completely bewildered about the reason.他没有得到事先警告就被开除了,完全不明白是什么原因。
When the farmers visited the city for the first time, they were bewildered by its complicated traffic system.当这些农夫们第一次到城里的时候,他们对城市复杂的交通系统感到迷惑不解。
puzzle v.使迷惑,感到不解,强调不理解或解决不了。
Where the sunken treasure is puzzles explorers.沉没宝藏的下落令探险家们大惑不解。
confuse v.一般用语,使混乱,使糊涂,强调因混淆而使人产生迷乱。
He sent the wrong reports because he confused them with other ones.他发错了报告,因为他把它们同另外一些报告混淆在一起了。
embarrass v.使窘迫,使为难,使困惑,有令人不快、难为情和内心混乱的意味。
Her boyfriend embarrassed her by teasing her about her new hairstyle in front of others.她的男友在别人面前嘲笑她的新发型,使她感到难堪。
perplex v.使杂乱,使疑虑,使不安。
The new tax laws perplex me.新税收法律使我很费解。
blame, condemn, reproach, scold
blame v.责怪,把……归咎于。
You can"t blame anyone in case you fail the exam.万一你考试不及格,你不能怪罪任何人。
condemn v.谴责,用于比较正式的、严肃的场合。
The wife condemned her husband for drinking too much.妻子因丈夫贪杯而责怪他。
reproach v. (书面语)责备,表示不满。
His teacher reproached him for not doing his homework.老师责备他不做作业。
scold v.责骂,训斥。
blunder, error, mistake
blunder n. (因为无知、疏忽犯下的)大错,愚蠢的错误。
I think that I committed a blunder in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.这位女士由于我的问题感到很难过,我感觉到犯了一个大错。
error n.指判断、计算或行为上的错误,也可指智力或道义上的错误。
The accident was the result of human error.这事故是人为的错误造成的。
mistake n.误会,误解;(粗心、遗忘所导致的)错误。
I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.我错拿了你的手提包。
brittle, fragile, frail, crisp, invalid
brittle a.易碎的,易损坏的,通常是指坚硬的东西。
The bones of elderly people become brittle and easily broken.老年人的骨头变得脆弱,很容易骨折。
fragile a.常常修饰使用时必须小心才不会破碎的东西,也引申为体弱的,虚弱的。
He "s feeling a bit fragile after last night"s party.他参加了昨晚的聚会以后,现在感觉有些虚弱。
frail a. (指人)体弱的,虚弱的,也可以指东西易碎的。
His mother has grown old and frail.他母亲已经年老体弱。
crisp a.指食品的松脆;清新的,爽快的;活跃的,有生气的,干净利落的。
crisp biscuit松脆的饼干
The student gave a clear, crisp answer to the teacher"s question.学生干净利落地回答了老师的问题。
invalid a.不正确的,缺乏证据的;无效的,作废的。作名词时,表示病弱者,伤残者,久病者。
Your ideas about the first humans are interesting but invalid.你关于最早的人类的观点很有意思,但是缺乏证据。
A bad car accident made him an invalid.一次严重的车祸使他变成了残疾。
boundary, border, frontier, rim, verge
boundary n.边界;界线。多指作为界线的标识物等。
The fence marks the boundary between my land and hers.这道栅栏是我的地和她的地的分界线。
border n.较宽的边缘,边界,多指两国或两地之间的分界处附近的边缘地区、边界地带;也可以指物体的边缘等。
We crossed the Mexican bordersintosthe USA.我们穿过墨西哥边界进入美国境内。
frontier n.边界,边境,边疆,指靠近边界(boundary)的区域;也可引申为"未开发的领域","(学术的)前沿"等。
The American West was still a frontier a century ago.一个世纪以前美国西部还是一片边疆。
She is a biochemist who works on the frontiers of biology.她是从事生物学前沿研究的生化学家。
rim n.边,边缘,尤指圆形或近似圆形的物体的边缘。
verge n. (道路、花坛等长着草的)边缘,引申为"某事即将发生之际"。
on the verge of war战争爆发之际
brief, concise, curt, succinct
brief a.简明扼要的,简短的,指时间短暂,办事利索,态度明了等;有时含有"虽短但却不失全面"的意味。
The manager made a brief statement to open the meeting.经理致了简短的开幕词。
concise a. (文字等的)简要、精练,常含有保留主要部分的意思。
His letter was concise, omitting everything not pertinent to the job.他的信写得简明扼要,省略掉了所有与该项工作无关的部分。
curt a.三言两语的,简短的,常含有"草率"的意思。
He asked his boss a question, but got a curt reply , "I have no time for you now!"他问老板一个问题,但是老板草率的说:"我没时间搭理你。"
succinct a.简明的,简洁的,简练的,尤指用词简练,除含有concise的意思外,还有经过压缩的或简化的意思。
succinct summary of the argument论点的概要
There are a lot of people in the park.
A team of individuls are in the park.
a team of 同义于 a lot of
individuals同义于 people.
1.individuals,characters, folks替换(people ,persons)
2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good
3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换
eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.
4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.
注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。
Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理 用most, if not all ,替换most.
5: a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some
6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely shared that,
it is universally acknowledged that)替think(因为是书面语,所以要加that)
7:affair ,business ,matter 替换thing
8: shared 代 common
9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits )
10:for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion
11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.
Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.
12.little if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly
13..beneficial, rewarding替换helpful,
14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换customer
15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very
16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable ... 替换 unnecessary, avoidable
17.sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb. be interested in
18.capture one"s attention替换attract one"s attention.
19.facet,demension,sphere代aspect indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of代 indicate, suggest ,fear
21.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause.
22. There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth
23.desire 替换want.
24.pour attention into 替换pay attention to
25.bear in mind that 替换remember
26. enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思)
27. interaction替换communication
28.frown on sth替换 be against , disagree with sth name only a few, as an example替换 for example, for instance
30. next to / virtually impossible,替换nearly / almost impossible
1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)
2. common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)
3. abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people"s needs and wants)
4. stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)
5. neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)
6. near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)
7. pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)
8. accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)
9. vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)
10. top=peak, summit
11. competitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)
12. blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)
13. opinion=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)
14. fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation
15. build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish
16. insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)
17. complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)
18. primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental
19. relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)
20. force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel
21. enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)
22. complex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)
23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her
24. small=minuscule(very small), minute,
25. praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)
26. hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly
27. difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)
28. poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)
29. fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)
30. show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.)
31. big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something"s large), tremendous(INFORMAL)
32. avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.)
33. fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)
34. attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently
35. dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)!
36. ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)
39. always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always)
40. forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)
41. surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)
42. enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)#
43. quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)!
44. expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be)
45. luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive
46. boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)
47. respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)
48. worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)
49. cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)
50. hot=boiling(very hot)
51. dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous, especially to people"s safety and health)
52. nowadays=currently
53. only=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive;
54. stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)
55. part=component(the components of something are the parts that it is made of)( h
56. result=consequence(the results or effects of something)
57. obvious=apparent, manifest
58. basedon=derived fromcan see or notice them very easily)
60. quite=fairly
61. pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disappointing)
62. field=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or interest)
63. appear=emerge(come into existence)
64. whole=entire(the whole of something)8
65. wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid(very damp and hot)!
66. wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)
67. difficult=formidable
68. change=convert(change into another form)
69. typical=quintessential(this word means represent a typical example of something)
70. careful=cautious(very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful and sensible)
71. ability=capacity, capability(the same as ability)
72. strange=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)
73. rich=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)
74. use= utilize (the same as use)
75. dubious=skeptical(if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)
76. satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)
77. short=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)
78. scholarship=fellowship
79. angry=enraged(extremely angry)
80. smelly=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant smell)
81. ugly=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)#
82. attractive=appealing(pleasing and attractive), absorbing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal)
83. diverse=miscellaneous(a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things)
84. disorder=disarray, chaos
85. crazily=frantically(used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)
86. rapid=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)
87. ordinary=mundane(very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)
88. despite=notwithstanding(FORMAL)
89. best=optimal(used to describe the best level something can achieve)/
90. sharp=acute(severe and intense)
91. unbelievable=inconceivable(ifyou deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen ^
92. puzzle=perplex(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)
93. method=avenue(away of getting something done)
94. famous=distinguished(used to describe people who are successful in their career)
95. ancient=archaic(extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)
96. decorate=embellish(embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)/
97. possible=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)
98. so=consequently, accordingly
99. rare=infrequent (doesn"t happen often
100. greedy=rapacious(greedy and selfish)
另外,上面那位网友说的很正确,你把自己的作文写到office word上,不但可以检测语法拼写错误(红色波浪线),还可以查看同义词。方法和他说的一样....
做:do=exercise, practice, perform
(做法:behavior=exercise, practice, performance)
对…有益处:be good for.=do good to
=be beneficial to
=be advantageous to
=be conducive to
对…有害处:be harmful/bad for
=be detrimental to
=be disadvantageous to
=be pernicious to
集中精力于:focus on=A devote oneself to
dedicate oneself to
commit oneself to
=B engage oneself in
employ oneself in
认为:think =A argue, assert, contend, claim
=B maintain, note
=C hold the viewpoint that
hold the standpoint that
hold the perspective that
=D harbour an idea/opinion that
embrace a view that
(观点:viewpoint, standpoint,perspective )
反对:be against=reject, object, oppose
=be opposed to
=become hostile to
支持:support=take sides with
=lend support to
=sing high praise of
导致:lead to=trigger
=result in, bring about, contribute to
=give rise to, give birth to, be responsible for
(归咎于:be ascribed to=be attributed to)
看到(see),读到(read),学到(learn)=接触到make contact with=have access to=be accessible to
=暴露于be exposed to=gain exposure to
=A 及物动词组 promote, advance, enhance, reinforce
名词 promotion, advancement, enhancement, reinforcement
=B 不及物动词 rocket, boom, flourish, prosper
有:负面含义:suffer, run high risk of
正面含义:boast, embrace
中性含义:face=be faced with=be possessed of
面临,面对:be faced with=be encountered with=be poised on the brink of
破坏:destroy, damage=A decompose, destruct
=B endanger, threaten
=C impair, decimate, deteriorate
=D exercise/practice/perform damage/danger…upon
阻碍:limit=A restrict, restrain, constrict, constrain
=B obstacle, barricade
=C smother, curb
=D hinder, impede
下结论:make a conclusion=A draw a conclusion that
reach a conclusion that
arrive at a conclusion that
=B hammer a conclusion that
crystallize a conclusion that
使用:use=employ, apply, adopt,=resort to
解决:solve=A address
B deal with
Cope with
减轻:reduce=A lessen, lighten, lower
=B mitigate, alleviate
=C decrease, degrade
重要的:important=crucial, critical, essential, vital
=be importance=be of cruciality=be of criticality= be of essentiality=be of vitality
巨大的:large=enormous, tremendous, considerable, appreciable
有道理的:reasonable=rational and plausible
吸引人的:attractive=inviting and appealing
足够的:adequate and sufficient
很多,许多:A a wealth of
a flood of
vast arrays of
B a tremendous(enormous/considerable/appreciable) amount(number/sum) of
更,越来越:more and more
=A 更+ 具体名词(比如钱,人数等) a growing/increasing/climbing number/amount/sum of
=B 更+形容词 growingly/increasingly/climbingly
=C 更+动词 to a larger extent
日常生活:daily lives=day-to-day lives
=everyday lives
因素:cause, reason=factor, determinant
联系:relationship(relate A to B)
=connection(connect A to B )
=association(associate A to B)
=favorable aspects/respects/perspectives
=undesirable aspects/respects/perspectives
=unfavorable aspects/respects/perspectives
=undesirable aspects/respects/perspectives
在…方面:in …ways=in …aspects/respects/perspectives
用…方法:in…ways=in…fashion=in …manner
of=necessary to
without=free from
about=concerning=related to
tactic(s), strategy
take, grasp, grab, grip, clasp, clutch, snatch, seize
tax, impose, assess
teach, instruct, educate, coach, train, tutor
tear, rip, split
technique, technology
temper, character, nature, personality, disposition, complexion
temporary, momentary, transient
hink, conceive, imagine, fancy, realize
hink, deliberate, meditate, muse, reason, reflect, speculate
threaten, menace
though, although, as
throw, cast, fling, heave, hurl, pitch, toss
title, name
tolerantj, merciful
too, very
touch, inspire, move
translation, version, paraphrase
transparent, clear
trial, experiment, test, try
trend, tendency, current
trend, tendency, current
turbulent, stormy, violent, wild, fierce
twilight, dawn, dusk
undergo, experience, sustain, suffer
underground, subway, tube
understand, comprehend, appreciate, apprehend, grasp
unfold, open
unhappy, unfortunate, unlucky, disastrous
unwilling, reluctant
upset, agitate, disturb, perturb
use, apply, employ, utilize, avail, exploi
used to, would
usual, customary, habitual, conventional, regular
vague, dim, indefinite, obscure, ambiguous, faint
vanish, disappear, fade, evaporate
valuable, precious
venture, chance, dare, hazard, risk
这些动词均含有 敢于冒险 之意。
vertical, perpendicular, upright, erect, plumb
period: It indicates any passage of time, great or small. /an extent of time of any length.
time(s): It refers to a period in history. in ancient times/ in Victoria time (新时代)
epoch: It indicates a long period of time marked by events or development of a particular kind.
The first flight into space marked a new epoch in the history of mankind.
era: It refers to a very long period of time marked by a particular feature in a great new era of world revolution
age: It shows a particular /a fairly definite period in history. the Bronze Age, Iron Age
clothing(collect): (fml) General term of clothes.
clothes(no single): Coverings of the body such as coats,
dresses, suits, shoes, hats.
garment(fl): A suit of clothes used by actors./a single article of clothing.
costume: 1) The fashion of dress peculiar to a people, nation, class, period, etc.
2) A dress worn by actors in a play. uniform: worn by all members of the community.
dress: 1) A kind of outer garment worn by women (连衣裙).
2) worn on special occasions (礼服) evening dress/ morning dress
suit: A set of outer clothes to be worn together. evening suit/swimming suit
coat: A garment with sleeves worn on top of other clothes from rain, heat, etc.
overcoat: A warn coat worn in the street.
美丽 漂亮
good-looking: Having an attractive appearance in a strong, healthy way used for men and women not things.
beautiful: ( a woman or a thing) Suggesting symmetry of features or perfection of proportion, elegance and mobility. beautiful flowers, a beautiful girl/voice/city/face beautiful weather.
handsome: Of attractive appearance applies to men. a handsome fellow/actor/horse/buildings/young man.
pretty: (a girl, or a small thing) Suggesting liveliness and sweetness, pleasing or nice to look at. a pretty little woman/garden, a pretty girl/ picture/piece of music,
lovely: (something) So beautiful that it makes you feel good to look at it or even to think about it. The garden looks lovely.
fair: Beautiful( of woman in poet) light in color esp., skin hair.
gorgeous: (persons or things) (inf) Extremely beautiful or handsome.
(误会) mistake: A wrong thought, act. It implies carelessness Anyone can make a mistake.
(过错 弱点) fault: A bad point, but not of a serious moral kind. It refers to behavior and character. His only fault is that he lacks ambition.
find fault with sb / at fault shortcoming: Weakness, failing
It refers to failures or deficiencies in things as well as people.
In spite of all her shortcomings I still think she"s one of the best teachers in the school.
(疏忽) error: A mistake (formal sometimes literary)
It implies deviation from a standard or model
The accident was caused by human error.
(缺点 毛病) defect: sth lacking or imperfect.
It refers to quality.
The radio was returned because of a defect.
(失误 过失) blunder: A very stupid or unnecessary mistake.
It implies ignorance.
This is the fatal blunder of his life.
(专门的,与众不同的) special: Different in some way from what is common, ordinary, or usual.
It stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own.
The tube contains special gases.
(特别的) especial: (fml) To an usually great degree, exceptional
It emphasizes the importance of the things or the persons mentioned
This is a matter of especial importance.
(各别的) particular: Relating or belonging to only one thing or person.
It stresses the distinctness of something as an individual which is worth notice. In that particular case, the rule doesn"t hold.(适用)
(特种的) specific: Detailed and exact, clear in meaning and explanation, fixed, determined.(used in scientific articles)
It implies a quality or character distinguishing a kind or a species.
He gave me a very specific instruction. There is a specific tool for each job.
(独特的) peculiar: Strange or perhaps unpleasant.
It implies strangeness. He has a peculiar way of speaking.
环境 形势
(环境 形势) conditions: The location and other factors likely to
affect it. It suggests something that has stayed the same for
some time and which affects daily life such as food, work, and houses.
We are now studying the economic conditions in the developing countries.
(形势) situation: A position or state at a particular time, set of conditions, facts, and events having an effect on a person, society, etc.
It suggests more general matters such as government planning and finance.
The political situation in these countries are always changing.
(环境 周围 外界) environment: The circumstances, things and conditions that influence you. It refers to spirit aspect, physical aspect and
material aspect. We must try to beautify our environment.
(形势 情况) circumstance(s): A situation or event around us, a certain kind of atmosphere, the conditions that affect
what happens. in (under) the circumstances
(环境 周围事物) surrounding(s): The area and environment around a place or
person. It indicates a very narrow condition, "physically" sometimes reflects spiritual aspect.
They lived in hostile surroundings.
well-known: (infl)
famous: The most general one. widely known or honored.
(杰出的 知名的) distinguished: Great, outstanding marked by excellent quality or deserved fame, used especially of people who are famous for serious work in science, the arts etc.
He was a distinguished writer.
(驰名的) celebrated: Famous, (substitute for renowned)
It refers objectively to sb or something that has been give acclaim or honoured with awards or prizes. She was a celebrated actress.
renowned: Highly honored and famous for something good. often refers to places or things, also It suggests something that has become legendary or is no longer available for an objective evaluation.
Edison was renowned for his inventions.
noted: Well-known and admired
It often describes a more intellectual kind of effort and accomplishment indicating an authority or expert or their theories. Maybe it is not widely
known to the general public. He was a very noted expert.
(臭名昭著) notorious: Famous for something bad.
He is notorious for his crimes.
(事) thing: An event, a fact, a subject.
He talked of many interesting things.
(事情) matter: Seth that you have to deal with, something to be discussed, thought over.
There are several matters to be dealt with at the meeting.
(事务 责任) business: A special duty, something that has to be done.
Public business is every one"s business.
(事务) affair: An event or set of connected events. (pl) private and personal life.
I have many affairs to look after.
(事件) event: An important happening. Events such as birthdays and anniversaries are often celebrated.
Do you know the chief events of 1986.
incident: Not as important as an event. Incidents seldom are celebrated. Sometimes an event becomes an incident after many years have passed.
(偶然事件) happening: An occurrence, and sometimes an unusual one.
There have been strange happenings here lately.
(偶发事件) occurrence: An incident that is usually unexpected and has not been planned ahead of time.
Flood is practically an annual occurrence in this district.
admit: To agree to the truth of, usu, something bad.
It suggests reluctance or possible objection.
He admitted his crime/stealing.
(自白 供认) confess: To admit guilt as to a crime or as to a shortcoming, in the sense of making known to others one"s own error or wrong doing.
He confessed his fault/doing something wrong.
acknowledge: to agree the truth of, recognize the fact or existence of what have said or done, good or bad.
It emphasizes openly in a embarrassing or awkward and usually not voluntary way.
I acknowledged my signature/mistakes/errors/having been defeated.
grant: To admit or to agree something is true.
I granted his request/his honesty.
take sth/sb for granted.
concede: To admit as true, just or proper often unwillingly because of overwhelming evidence.
I conceded you that point, but I still think you are wrong.
recognize: To accept or acknowledge it.
It refers to something about law and diplomacy.
The new regime was recognized by China.
increase: To make or become larger in amount or number.
it refers to quantity or intensity as well as size.
The population of this county has increased.
add: To put together with something else so as to increase the
number size, importance.
He added some wood to increase the fire.
(扩大) enlarge: To grown larger or wider.
I want to enlarge this photograph/house.
(放大) magnify: To make something appear larger than in reality, esp. by means of a lens.
You have magnified the peril.
(扩充) amplify: To make large or fuller, esp. give fuller information, more details etc.
to amplify a radio signal/sound.
augment: (fml) To become larger or greater.
It emphasizes the action of addition.
He augmented his income by writing some short stories.
(扩展 扩张) expand: To increase in range scope or volume as well as in size. Iron expands when it is heated.
(加长) extend: To make longer in space or time, to extend a railway.
Can"t you extend your visit for a few days.
表明 代表
mean: The most general one
show: To show that something exists or is true means to prove it. It refers to the agreed- upon ideas or thing that words or signs stand for.
suggest: To cause to come to mind.
get: The most general one.
obtain: (fml)It stresses the seeking out of something.
gain: to get gradually.
zone: A particular part of something or a particular place.
area: A small or large part not thought of a fixed land division.
achievement: Something which one succeed in doing esp. after a lot of effort usually dangerous or difficult.
The first space flight was a great achievement.
accomplishment: The skill that people have required. It is something that took knowledge and, usually, hard work. When you have solved a hard arithmetic problem or learned to figure out, you can be proud of your accomplishment.
你整好说反了 你用num和mother都可以 换了的话而且会让人觉得你是刻意在换词
同义词也好 意思相近的词也好 在不知道确切在什么情况下用这个单词的时候 绝对不能乱搭配
学英语的人 后来会出现“自造词组”的问题 就是自己凭空想象可以这么使用 但是这样就错大了
另外 词也分正式场合用 口语中用 等等
所以你选择了一个名词 来表示mother 你的整篇都用mother
切记 不能随意换词
through->in term of/via
leading to->contribute to/ conduce to/result in
more and more->increasing/growing
in fact->actually/virtually
want->intend to/tend to/be inclined to
because->in that
may be->probably
to sum->to summarize/in conclusion
devote to->dedicate to
agree partly->agree with reserve
want to->desire
big city->metropolis
hand in->render
get into chaos->with chaos ensuing
fanatic patriotism->jingoism/chauvinism
consider->take into account
在口语中可以说I got it last night
但在正式场合就要说I received the file last night.
1.president(chairman )
2.secretary(minister )
3.appointment(nominate )
5.terrible( fearful ) )
7.weight( gravity )
9.excuses( forgive )
11.twins(pairing )
12.married( connubial )
13.ribbon( belt )
)19.umbrella(shield )
22.private( personal)
28.secret( clandestine )
30.complete(whole ) specialist)
34.reply( answer)
38.charge( expenses)
39.shoot( sprout )
40.frightened( pavid )
41.stocking(share )
42.voice( vocality )
43.detail( particulars )
44.stingy( closefisted )
45.flight( airliner )
46.bargain(transaction )
47.especially( especially )
48.unemployed(jobless )
49.opposite( thither )
50.position(direction )
51.order(sequence )
52.own(possess )
53.collect(ribution )
54.fair( equitable )
mother ,mom,she ,以“参加体育比赛”为例,可以表达“take part in sports”“participate in sports”“join the sports”“play a role in the sports”等
你整好说反了 你用num和mother都可以 换了的话而且会让人觉得你是刻意在换词
同义词也好 意思相近的词也好 在不知道确切在什么情况下用这个单词的时候 绝对不能乱搭配
多背一点形容词。比较长的。例如写作时 great 可以写成fantastic之类的比较长的。建议lz买一个市面上都有卖的高考必背的小本就好、
1、also的同义词有and ,too ,either,as well,then,else。 2、also的意思是,也;又;并且;而且,此外;同样地,[例句]Monsignor Jaime Goncalves was also there.热姆?贡萨尔维斯大人也在场。2023-07-12 23:45:171
also是“也”的意思,一般用在句中,那么有关also的同义词,各位掌握了吗?以下是我带来的also同义词,供各位参考,希望对大家有用。 also的同义词: additionally, again, along, along with, and, as well, besides, conjointly, further, furthermore, including, likewise, more, moreover, plus, still, to boot*, together with, too also的位置: ▲also用于实义动词之前 They also agree with me. 他们也同意我的看法. I also began to be interested in crickets. 我也开始对板球运动感到兴趣. also用于be动词之后 ▲also用于be动词之后 I was also there. 我也在那儿. He is also an American. 他也是美国人. also用于第一个助动词之后 ▲also用于第一个助动词之后 His sister has also gone to town. 他的妹妹也到镇里去了. The leisure center has also proved uneconomic. 休闲中心业已证明利润不大. also有时放在句首 ▲also有时放在句子的最前 Also,some students were tempted to add written comment of their own throughout the paper. 一些学生也冒险通过论文写出他们自己的`评论. I thought it was the perfect answer.Also,Tony and I had never done a historical subject. 我认为它是完美的答案.而且,托尼和我从没有作过历史科目. also不能放在句末 ▲注意:also一定不能放在句子的最后 参见:《柯林斯COBUILD英语用法词典》 但是 : 赵振才教授在他的《英语常见问题解答大词典》中列举了美国英语关于also放在句末的例子. I must buy some bread also. 我还必须买一些面包. They know him and I know him also. 参见:赵振才《英语常见问题解答大词典》 The son had gone also. 儿子也走了. 参见:张道真《现代英语用法词典》 1.属正式用词,主要用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句 (否定句可用 either),它在句中通常放在实义动词之前,特殊动词 (动词be、情态动词、助动词)之后,有时也放在整个谓语前面或放在句首或句尾 (较少见,且多半是因为强调之故).如:I"ve also read the book.我也读过这本书.This room was also dirty.This room alsowas dirty.This room was dirty also. Also this room wasdirty.这个房间也很脏. 2.有时由于 also 位置不同,可能会导致句子含义不同.如:We also regard him as a great writer today.我们也 (同别人一样)把他看成当今伟大的作家.We regard also him as a great writer today.我们把他 (We regard also him as a great writer today.也看成当今伟大的作家. We regard him as a great writer also today.我们仍 (同其它时候一样)把他看成当今伟大的作家. 3.在简略答语中,习惯上不用also,如一般不说 I also,但可说Me too,You too等之类的.如:A:I"m tired.我累了. B:Me too.我也是. B:I also.(误)2023-07-12 23:45:271
您好!also的同义词是:moreover,too,besides,either,likewise2023-07-12 23:45:351
导语:有关also的同义词,各位掌握了吗?以下是我带来的also同义词,供各位参考,希望对大家有用。 additionally, again, along, along with, and, as well, besides, conjointly, further, furthermore, including, likewise, more, moreover, plus, still, to boot*, together with, too ▲also用于实义动词之前 They also agree with me. 他们也同意我的看法. I also began to be interested in crickets. 我也开始对板球运动感到兴趣. also用于be动词之后 ▲also用于be动词之后 I was also there. 我也在那儿. He is also an American. 他也是美国人. also用于第一个助动词之后 ▲also用于第一个助动词之后 His sister has also gone to town. 他的妹妹也到镇里去了. The leisure center has also proved uneconomic. 休闲中心业已证明利润不大. also有时放在句首 ▲also有时放在句子的最前 Also some students were tempted to add written ment of their own throughout the paper. 一些学生也冒险通过论文写出他们自己的评论. I thought it was the perfect Tony and I had never done a historical subject. 我认为它是完美的答案.而且 托尼和我从没有作过历史科目. also不能放在句末 ▲注意:also一定不能放在句子的最后 参见:《柯林斯COBUILD英语用法词典》 但是 : 赵振才教授在他的《英语常见问题解答大词典》中列举了美国英语关于also放在句末的例子. I must buy some bread also. 我还必须买一些面包. They know him and I know him also. 参见:赵振才《英语常见问题解答大词典》 The son had gone also. 儿子也走了. 参见:张道真《现代英语用法词典》 1.属正式用词 主要用于肯定句或疑问句 一般不用于否定句 (否定句可用 either) 它在句中通常放在实义动词之前 特殊动词 (动词be、情态动词、助动词)之后 有时也放在整个谓语前面或放在句首或句尾 (较少见 且多半是因为强调之故).如:I"ve also read the book.我也读过这本书 room was also room alsowas room was dirty also. Also this room wasdirty.这个房间也很脏. 2.有时由于 also 位置不同 可能会导致句子含义不同.如:We also regard him as a great writer today.我们也 (同别人一样)把他看成当今伟大的作家 regard also him as a great writer today.我们把他 (We regard also him as a great writer today.也看成当今伟大的作家. We regard him as a great writer also today.我们仍 (同其它时候一样)把他看成当今伟大的作家. 3.在简略答语中 习惯上不用also 如一般不说 I also 但可说Me too You too等之类的.如:A:I"m tired.我累了. B:Me too.我也是. B:I also.(误)2023-07-12 23:45:581
vhsbudnwlndjbdhdb"sjqi:skoqjdbndkenjdbhdksp2023-07-12 23:46:104
同义词有:too,also,aswellu261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c2023-07-12 23:46:201
tooeither2023-07-12 23:46:292
巴巴爸爸巴巴爸爸巴巴爸爸巴巴爸爸巴巴爸爸巴巴爸爸ffhfg2023-07-12 23:46:396
also用在否定句中的同义词:eithertoo :语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。 as well :一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。 either :用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。also,英语单词,副词、连词、名词,作副词时意为“也;而且;同样”。作连词时意为“并且;另外”。作名词时意为“人名;(罗)阿尔索”。either,英文单词,连词、副词、限定词、形容词、代词,作连词时意为“或者,要么”,作副词时意为“也;而且”,作限定词时意为“(两者之中的)任何一个;(两者之中的)各方;(用于否定句两者)都不”,作形容词时意为“(两者中) 任一的;两者择一的”,作代词时意为“(两者中的)任何一个;(两者中的)每个;(用于否定句表示两者)都不”。2023-07-12 23:46:551
also和so不是同义词,意思不一样,用法不一样; also表示也的意思,一般放在句中,also的同义词有too(放句末); so是个连词,表所以的意思; 同义词是指意义相同的一组词语,可以分为等义词和近义词两种,近义词是指意思相近,但不完全相同,而等义词的意思完全相同。2023-07-12 23:47:171
关于as well as的同义词
and fruit as well2023-07-12 23:47:253
pen pal =pen friend eat lunch =have lunch play sports =do sports usually =ofen though =however while=when=as also=too be=become increase=rise=go up fell=drop=decrease rapid=fast=prompt=speedy=swift2023-07-12 23:47:441
alos 同义词
also? too, as well as!!都知道上百度来提问了,干吗不自己在百度上直接查呢?真不懂!!!2023-07-12 23:47:543
also2023-07-12 23:48:0411
also2023-07-12 23:48:389
also和too 有什么区别与联系?
also,too 这两个词都是副词,又都表示“也是”的意思。also是加在句中。too一般是加在句末。2023-07-12 23:49:063
too的同义词是also2023-07-12 23:49:161
《初中英语常用同义词辨析(6)》由英语我整理,更多请访问:。本内容整理时间为05月20日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 aim, goal, purpose, end, target, object, objective 这些名词均有 目标、目的 之意。 aim :从本义 靶子 引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。 goal :指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋 2011中考英语考前错题 中考即将来临,我特别为大家整理了考前易错题,希望对大家有所帮助,22套错题本各种……[详细] 中考填报 考生会犯四点“常规错误” “十六个字”玩转中考 | 中考前40天如何有效复习 三段四步法写作技巧 | 考前50天快速提高写作能力 如何准备中考阅读题 | 2011中考完形填空选项构成 aim, goal, purpose, end, target, object, objective 这些名词均有“目标、目的”之意。 aim :从本义“靶子”引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。 goal :指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。 purpose :普通用词,既指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实际的目标。 end :指心目中怀着的某种目的,强调结果而非过程。较正式用词。 target :指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。引申指被攻击、批评或潮笑的目标。 object :强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。 objective与object基本同义,但语义更广泛,指具体或很快能达到的目的,也可指军事目标。书面用词。 alarm, fear, fright, horror, panic, terror, dread 这些名词均含“恐惧、惧怕、惊恐”之意。 alarm :强调突然意识到有危险而产生的恐惧心理。 fear :普通用词,侧重指面临危险或灾祸时内心所引起的恐惧心情。 fright :通常指一阵突然的、令人震惊的短暂恐惧,有时含夸张意味。 horror :侧重指因看到令人讨厌或危险的东西或情景而引起的厌恶情绪、极度恐惧心情或战栗的动作。 panic :常指因突如其来的外界威胁使人群出现惊慌、恐惧或混乱。 terror :指极大的恐惧和惊骇,语气最强。 dread :可与fear换用,着重害怕的心理,但dread常指胆怯和丧失勇气。 alarm, frightem, startle, terrify, scare, intimidate 这些动词均有“惊吓、惊恐”之意。 alarm :着重指某人意识到危险而突然产生的惊恐。 frightem :普通用词,使用广泛,指产生突然、短暂的惊慌、恐怖感。 startle :强调突然使人惊骇或震惊。 terrify :语气最强,指惊骇得六神无主,魂飞魄散。 scare :指非正式文体中可与frighten换用,但语气较重,侧重人受惊吓后立即停下正在干的事或跑掉。 intimidate :特指恐吓某人,迫使其做某事。 alike, like, similar, comparable, parallel, uniform, identical 这些形容词均有“相似的,类似的”之意。 alike :指事物在性质、特征或外貌上固有的而不是偶然的相似。普通用词,只作表语。 like :普通用词,含义广泛,指多个或全部特性都相似,但并非同一个,也可指在某个特殊的偶然相似。 similar :强调不同的人或事物之间完全或部分相似,暗示可暂不考虑或无视其差异之处。 comparable :指在某一点或几点上有相似之处,可作有限或粗略的对比,尤指在价值或能力等方面可相提并论。 parallel :主要指在外表或在性质上相似到有可以相提并论的程度。 uniform :指在性质、数量、形态或程度等方面相似到很难看出差异的地步。 identical :语气最强,可指同一个人或物,也可指数个人或物之间完全没有差别。 alive, live, living 这些形容词均有“活着的,活的”之意。 alive :其反义词为dead,指生命从奄奄一息到精力旺盛的各种状态。 live :通常作定语,指活生生的,生气勃勃的,还可表示现场直播的。 living :其反义词为dead,指包括人和动植物的生命没有消失、仍然存在的状态。 allow, let, permit, leave, authorize 这些动词均含“让、允许”之意。 allow :普通用词,侧重听任、默许或不加阻止。在正式场合可用来表客气的请求。 let :常用词,用于各种非正式场合,语气最弱,指允许或无力阻止某事,暗示漠不关心或听之任之。 permit :正式用词,在多数场合可与allow换用,语义最强,指准许某人做某事,含权威或正式的意味。 leave :侧重不加干涉。 authorize :语气最强,指权威性的允许与认可。 almost, nearly, about, approximately, around, roughly 这些副词均有“大约,差不多”之意。 almost :指在程度上相差很小,差不多。 nearly与almost含义基本相同,侧重指数量、时间或空间上的接近。 about :常可分almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。 approximately :多用于书面语,指精确度接近某个标准以致误差可忽略不计。 around :多用于非正式场合,常见于美国英语。 roughly :指按精略估计,常代替about。 aloud, loud, loudly 这些副词均含有“高声地、大声地”之意。 aloud :强调出声,能让人听见,无比较级。用于修饰cry, call, shout等动词时,有高声之意。 loud :指声音响亮,高声说话,一般放在所修饰的动词后面。 loudly与loud含义相同,可放在动词之前或之后,用以说明声音的强度,含“喧闹”的意味。 alphabet, letter, character, script 这些名词均有“字母”之意。 alphabet :指整个字母系统或一种语言的字母表,不表单个字母。 letter :指单个的字母。 character :通常指汉语的方块字,也指字符。 script :指书写或印刷的字母。 also, too, as well, either, likewise 这些词均含“也”之意。 also :比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。 too :语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。 as well :一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。 either :用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。 likewise :是书面语用词。 课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 暑期班初一英语目标人大附四中班 10 1670 暑期班初一英语2000词汇速记班(上) 10 1670 暑期班初中二年级英语语法精讲班 10 1670 暑期班初中二年级英语尖子班 10 1670 暑期班初中三年级英语尖子班 10 1670 咨询电话: 010-82618899 《初中英语常用同义词辨析(6)》由英语我整理,更多请访问: 23:49:551
too 与 as well 或 also 同义,意思是“也”如:He is a student, too.=He is a student as well.= He is also a student .2023-07-12 23:50:021
either的同义词是:also,too,as well 这些词均含“也”之意。 also比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。 too语气较轻,多用于口语,用于肯定句与肯定问法的疑问句,通常位于句末。 as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。 either用于否定句与否定问法的疑问句,放在句末,之前不加逗号。 1、either 英 ["a?e?; "i?-] 美 ["ie?] conj. 也(用于否定句或否定词组后);根本 prep. 任何一个 adj. 两者之中任一的;两者之中每一的 pron. 任一,两方,随便哪一个;两者中的一个或另一个 2、also 英 ["??ls??] 美 ["?lso] conj. 并且;另外 adv. 也;而且;同样 n. (Also)人名;(罗)阿尔索 3、too 英 [tu?] 美 [tu] adv. 太;也;很;还;非常;过度 4、as well as[?z];well[wel] (1)又,也,还(2)同样地;完全有理由地(3)还不如,还是…好;最好;不妨[见well] (4) 也;同样地;不妨,倒不(5) 此外(6).除……之外2023-07-12 23:50:091
also用在句子中too用在末尾either和neither用在句子连接处只是意思不同2023-07-12 23:50:353
also和too 有什么区别与联系?
一个用在句中表示也,一个在句末。exi also like ***。i like ***,too。2023-07-12 23:50:476
either意思是也的时候,同义词为too或者also,但前者只用于否定句,后两者用于肯定句2023-07-12 23:51:052
wife 1.配偶 2.妻子 3.老婆 4.夫人 5.太太 6.爱人 7.内人 8.媳妇 9.那口子(开玩笑的)above / over 在……上方 almost / nearly 几乎;差不多 also / too 也;同样 among / between 在……之间 around / near(by) 在周围 arrive (at / in) / reach, get to 到达 autumn / fall 秋天 baby / child 孩子 bad / ill, wrong 坏的;错的 become / get, grow, turn 变得;成为 begin / start 开始 below / under 在……下面 beside / near, next to 在……旁边;附近 big / large, great 大的 bright / sunny, shining 晴朗的 busy / working 忙碌的 centre / middle 中间 certainly / of course 当然 clever / bright 聪明的 common / usual 普通的;通常的 dear / expensive 昂贵的 difficult / hard 困难的;艰巨的 easy / simple 容易的;简单的 enjoyable / pleasant 有乐趣的;使人快乐的 every / each 每个 fail / miss, lose 失败;丧失 fall / drop 落下 famous / well-known 著名的 fast / quick(ly) 迅速的(地) fine / good, nice 好的;优的 finish / end 结束;终点 following / next 以下的 friendly / kind 友好的 game / match 比赛 glad / happy, pleased 愉快的;高兴的 go / leave 离去;离开 healthy / fine, well 健康的 helpful / useful 有益的;有用的 high / tall 高的 hope / wish, want 希望;想要 house / home 家 ill / sick 生病的 journey / travel, trip 旅行;旅途 knock / hit, beat 敲打;击中;打败 know / understand 懂得;理解 laugh / smile 笑 like / enjoy, love 喜欢;热爱 line / row 排;行列 little / small 小的 loud / noisy 大声的;嘈杂的 maybe / perhaps 可能;大概 noise / sound 声音 OK / fine, all right 好吧;行 own / have, hold 拥有;持有 problem / question, puzzle 问题 pupil / student 学生 rainy / wet 下雨的;有雨的 real / true 真正的;真实的 receive / get 接受;得到 ring / call, telephone 打电话 rock / stone 岩石;石头 room / space 空间;余地 sad / unhappy, sorry 悲伤的;难过的 say / speak, talk, tell 说话 seem / look 看似 several / some / a few 几个;若干个 shout / cry, call 叫喊 sleep / rest 睡觉;休息 stay / live 逗留;居住 street / road 街道;路 sunny / bright, clear, fine 晴朗的 take / need 需要 terribly / badly, very 非常 town / city 城镇 very / quite, rather, greatly 非常;相当 whether / if 是否 whole / total 全部;总共 zero / nothing 零2023-07-12 23:51:121
pen pal =pen friendeat lunch =have lunchplay sports =do sportsusually =ofenthough =howeverwhile=when=asalso=toobe=becomeincrease=rise=go upfell=drop=decreaserapid=fast=prompt=speedy=swift2023-07-12 23:51:292
We also use water to put out fires.(同义句) we use water to put out fires _______ _______.
too2023-07-12 23:52:115
they also love me为什么用also不用too?
其实都可以的they love me too.2023-07-12 23:52:2610
all . either2023-07-12 23:52:504
tooalso2023-07-12 23:52:595
求一个as well as的同义词
as also2023-07-12 23:53:167
也 [副] also; too; as well as; as well; [名] (姓氏) a surname; either; [例句]你不去,我也不去。If you"re not going, I"m not going either.双语例句 汉英大词典2023-07-12 23:53:341
英语中什么能同义替换not only but also
both and2023-07-12 23:54:063
同义词:also英['u0254:lsu0259u028a]释义:adv.也;而且;同样conj.并且;另外n.(Also)人名;(罗)阿尔索短语:The Sun Also Rises太阳照样升起;妾似朝阳又照君;海明威扩展资料:词语辨析:also,too,as well,either,likewise这些词均含“也”之意。1、also比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。2、too语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。3、as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。4、either用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。5、likewise是书面语用词。2023-07-12 23:54:431
是also can还是can also
是can also,also can是人们口语上的错误2023-07-12 23:54:597
also表示“也”的意思,那么你知道also的同义词是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧! also 同义词1: too also 同义词2: as well also 同义词3: either also 同义词4: likewise 同义词辨析: 这些词均含"也"之意。 also :比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。 too :语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。 as well :一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。 either :用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。 likewise :是书面语用词。 also的例句: 1. Surfing the Internet is fun, but it"s also a time waster. 上网很有意思,但也很浪费时间。 2. They also left a card, imprinted with the name Sean Lynch. 他们还留下了一张名片,上面印着肖恩·林奇的名字。 3. Once wholesale prices are deregulated, consumer prices will also rise. 一旦批发价格放开,零售价格也会随之上涨。 4. The two policemen were joined by another policeman also carrying a pistol. 另一名持枪警察和那两名警察会合了。 5. Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS. 人们还希望性教育有助于控制艾滋病的蔓延。 6. The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play. 该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争精神而受到了表扬。 7. Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size. 每块砖在色调、质地与大小上也都略有不同。 8. The radio said other parts of the capital also came under shellfire. 广播上说首都的其他地区也遭到了炮火袭击。 9. She also stimulated his curiosity and opened his mind to other cultures. 她还激发了他的好奇心,使他愿意了解其他文化。 10. You should also make your views known to your local MP. 你也应该让本地议员了解你的观点。 11. I also met with Pollack again to kind of shoot the bull. 我也再次和波拉克会面,两人闲聊了会儿。 12. She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement. 她也定期为《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》写专栏文章。 13. He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad. 他在国外旅游时也为家宅搜集物品作为摆设。 14. The battle of the sexes also took a new twist. 两性之争也出现了新的变数。 15. You"ll also get expert advice on keeping your hair in good condition. 你还会获得有关如何保持良好发质的专家建议。 too的例句: 1. His hands were too weak to cock his revolver. 他的手没劲儿,扳不动左轮的扳机。 2. Too bad he used his intelligence for criminal purposes. 他把聪明都用在了犯罪上,太可惜了。 3. I too am committing myself to continue the fight for justice. 我本人也保证将继续为正义而战。 4. His wife wasn"t feeling too well and she wanted to go home. 他的妻子感到有些不舒服,想要回家。 5. He drank too much and is paying dearly for it. 他现在正为酗酒付出沉重的代价。 6. All too often they become enmeshed in deadening routines. 他们时常陷入枯燥的日常事务之中。 7. No detail was too small to escape her attention. 再小的细节都逃不过她的眼睛。 8. This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened. 这场演出的门票也是几乎在开演前就销售一空了。 9. Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy? 这条裙子会使我的腿看上去又短又粗吗? 10. And a number of African countries, too, are slipping through the net. 并且一些非洲国家也被漏掉了。 11. Leather jeans that are too big will make you look larger. 过于肥大的皮裤会让你看起来块头更大。 12. You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too. 你们能获得大笔激励性薪水,还可享受免费膳宿。 13. Older mothers tend to be too idealistic about the pleasures of motherhood. 较年长的母亲往往对身为人母的乐趣过于理想化。 14. If he demands too much, the unions will vote him down. 如果他要求太多,工会就会投票撤换他。 15. He is clearly too partisan to be a referee. 他倾向性过于明显,当不了裁判。 either的例句: 1. She had met both sons and did not care for either. 两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。 2. He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize them. 他似乎要么怕女人要么就对她们怀有浪漫想法。 3. On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply. 跑道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。 4. Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders. 对峙双方都只是在瞄准射击无辜的旁观者。 5. Either you can talk to him, or I will. 要么你跟他谈,要么我去。 6. We sat primly at either end of a long settee. 我们非常拘谨地坐在长椅的`两头。 7. The clock is available with either Roman or Arabic numerals. 这款钟有带罗马数字的,也有带阿拉伯数字的。 8. She drove away before either of them could speak again. 没等他俩中任何一人再开口,她就驾车而去。 9. To capture his equity, Murphy must either sell or refinance. 要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。 10. You are either very young or an incurable optimist. 你要么非常年轻,要么是个不可救药的乐天派。 11. "I"m afraid I"ve never been there."—"Well, of course, I haven"t myself either." “恐怕我没去过那里。”——“嗯,那当然,我也没有去过。” 12. Does either of the parties want to stop the fighting? 双方中没有一方想停止战斗吗? 13. All my friends were either lovey-dovey couples or wild, single girls. 我的朋友不是卿卿我我的情侣,就是狂野的单身女郎。 14. If either were killed, delicate negotiations would be seriously disrupted. 二人中任意一个遇害,都会严重扰乱本已非常棘手的谈判。 15. The musicians stationed themselves quickly on either side of the stairs. 乐师们很快就静候在了楼梯的两边。2023-07-12 23:56:001
also的意思是而且,此外,也,同样。同义词辨析:also:adv. 也。用于肯定句中,通常置于动词前,与 be 动词、助动词连用时则置于其后。例句:She also went away.她也离开了。either:adv. 也(不)。作为 too 的否定形式,常用于否定句中,且必须放在句末。例句:He can"t sing,or dance either.他不会唱歌,也不会跳舞。too:adv. 也,亦。通常用于肯定句中,置于句末,在正式用法中 too 之前常用逗号隔开。例句:I"m going,too.我也去。双语例句:1、She was not only intelligent but also very musical. 她不仅聪明,而且极具音乐天分。2、He not only read the book,but also remembered what he had read. 他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。3、Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine. 预防在传统医学中也起着主导作用。4、This dictionary is also available in electronic form. 这部词典也有电子版本的。2023-07-12 23:56:081
not only……but also 的同义词语
一个是...aswellas另一个同义词语还有both...and...说明一下aswellas跟notonly...butalso同义,但aswellas侧重于前项(即aswellas前面的一个词),notonly...butalso则侧重于后项(即butalso后面的词)2023-07-12 23:56:461
as well as的同义词
查百度翻译呀2023-07-12 23:56:543
- aswellas表示:也,和...一样,不但..而且的意思。同义词有:also,too,aswell,either,likewisealso:比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。too:语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。aswell:一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。either:用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。likewise:是书面语用词。2023-07-12 23:57:111
too(也,又)的同义词是:also, as well, eitheralso,excessively,overly,to a fault,as well,besides,likewise等。2023-07-12 23:57:183
yet2023-07-12 23:57:267
also 提交回答还说简略。。。。2023-07-12 23:57:423
not only……but also 的同义词语
not only……but also 的同义词语both ... and...2023-07-12 23:57:572
as well 或 also*******************************************************************加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢!*******************************************************************2023-07-12 23:58:252
to是介词,需要跟在动词后面too,also是副词,属于一类2023-07-12 23:58:332
else的同义词( )( )
else的同义词(also )(too ).2023-07-12 23:58:471
找书里头。2023-07-12 23:58:569
Not only is he a keen gardener, he is also a fish collector.句中为什么省略了but?
not only...but also,指不仅······而且;运用于句子中,but 和also 可以任意省略一个,但不能都省略。2023-07-12 23:59:343
also。。。2023-07-12 23:59:444
He was also an officer of the Yongle emperor.同义句:He was an officer of the Yongle emperor as well.2023-07-13 00:00:162