I"m Tom, my friend and I went out to play, we broke up, I"m going home, but it
was getting dark, I walk alone in the way home, who knows: I lost my way.I
wailed like a headless fly, run, after a while, my vision appeared in the two
person, they gradually came to me, see me anxious appearance, in a questioning,
they took me to find the way home, finally with their help, I successfully got
home, really thank you very much yesterday to help me the two high school big
什么意思啊?2023-07-12 12:18:246
getlost2023-07-12 12:18:566
动词短语:miss one"s way; lose one"s way表示状态:got lost2023-07-12 12:19:2312
迷路的英文怎么说 迷路的英文怎么说
英文原文:get lost lose one"s way英式音标:[get] [lɒst] [luːz] [wʌnz] [weɪ] 美式音标:[ɡɛt] [lɔst] [luz] [wʌnz] [we]2023-07-12 12:20:003
迷路: 1. got lost 2. lose one"s way 3. labyrinth 4. straggle 5. wander 6. went astray 7. get lost Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了. I think I"m lost; I can"t find the bridge. 2. 恐怕我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路. I"m afraid I haven"t got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost. 3. 我们迷路了,因为我们看不懂这张地图. We got lost because we couldn"t read the map. 4. 我们在黑夜中迷路了. We lost the way in the dark. 5. 他在森林中迷路了. He lost his way in the forest. 6. 我敢断定他们迷路了. I bet they"ve got lost. 7. 要不是这位好心的向导,我可能就在山中迷路了. Had it not been for the kind guide, I might have got lost in the mountains. 8. 我在这座陌生的城市迷路了. I got lost in the strange city. 在森林中迷路 lose oneself in the woods 一个迷路的孩子 a lost child. 我迷路了. I"m lost. 我迷路了. I get lost. 【解】膜迷路 membrane labyrinth 他不会迷路的. There is no fear of his losing his way. 我有点迷路了. I"m a bit lost. 我肯定不会迷路. I certainly can not get lost.2023-07-12 12:20:171
分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: lose one"s way lose the way lose onesele miss one"s waymiss the way 以上几种,都正确吗? 解析: 迷路: 1. got lost 2. lose one"s way 3. labyrinth 4. straggle 5. wander 6. went astray 7. get lost Relative explainations: <mavericks> <stray> <maverick> <lost the way> <lose> <lost his way> <lose the way> <lose his way> <labyrinthus> <lost her way> <lose her way> <estrayn.> <lost their way> <lose their way> <be lost> Examples: 1. 我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了。 I think I"m lost; I can"t find the bridge. 2. 恐怕我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路。 I"m afraid I haven"t got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost. 3. 我们迷路了,因为我们看不懂这张地图。 We got lost because we couldn"t read the map. 4. 我们在黑夜中迷路了。 We lost the way in the dark. 5. 他在森林中迷路了。 He lost his way in the forest. 6. 我敢断定他们迷路了。 I bet they"ve got lost. 7. 要不是这位好心的向导,我可能就在山中迷路了。 Had it not been for the kind guide, I might have got lost in the mountains. 8. 我在这座陌生的城市迷路了。 I got lost in the strange city. 在森林中迷路 lose oneself in the woods 一个迷路的孩子 a lost child. 我迷路了。 I"m lost. 我迷路了。 I get lost. 【解】膜迷路 membrane labyrinth 他不会迷路的。 There is no fear of his losing his way. 我有点迷路了。 I"m a bit lost. 我肯定不会迷路。 I certainly can not get lost.2023-07-12 12:20:291
迷路用英语怎么说 迷路用英语如何说
1、迷路英文:get lost。 2、读法:英[ɡet lu0254:st],美[ɡu025bt lu0254st]。 3、释义:迷路;迷失方向;转向;迷航。 4、例句: Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas 游客常会迷路并误入危险区域。2023-07-12 12:20:391
迷路 n. inner ear, labyrinthv. lose one"s way, get lost!, stray 他们在沙漠中迷路而渴死了。They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.在森林中迷路lose oneself (be lost) in the woods我们在黑暗中迷路。We lost the way in the dark.在雨中迷路可不是一桩趣事。It"s not much fun being lost in the rain.如果不是他的话,我们就迷路了。If it hadn"t been for him, we would have gone astray.若不是他指引,我们就迷路了。If it hadn"t been for him, we would have gone astray.要不是他指引,我们就迷路了。If it hadn"t been for him, we would have gone astray.要不是你,我就走迷路了。I"d have been lost but for you.他在林子里迷路了。He lost his way in the forest.在森林里谨防迷路。Be careful not to lose your way in the forest.人们以为我迷路了。People thought I had lost my way.2023-07-12 12:20:494
belost2023-07-12 12:21:428
I lost my wayI am in lost .I can"t find my way.2023-07-12 12:22:292
1.迷路n.innerear,labyrinthv.loseone&。 2.#39。 3.sway,getlost!,stray他们在沙漠中迷路而渴死了。 4.Theylosttheirwayinthedesertanddiedofthirst.在森林中迷路loseoneself(belost)inthewoods我们在黑暗中迷路。 5.Welostthewayinthedark.在雨中迷路可不是一桩趣事。 6.It"snotmuchfunbeinglostintherain.如果不是他的话,我们就迷路了。 7.Ifithadn"tbeenforhim,wewouldhavegoneastray.若不是他指引,我们就迷路了。 8.Ifithadn"tbeenforhim,wewouldhavegoneastray.要不是他指引,我们就迷路了。 9.Ifithadn"tbeenforhim,wewouldhavegoneastray.要不是你,我就走迷路了。 10.I"dhavebeenlostbutforyou.他在林子里迷路了。 11.Helosthiswayintheforest.在森林里谨防迷路。 12.Becarefulnottoloseyourwayintheforest.人们以为我迷路了。2023-07-12 12:22:421
问题一:迷路的英语单词 lost get lost 问题二:迷路的,这个单词英语怎么读 你好,很高兴为你解答,这个英语单词应该是这样发音。 涝斯特 满意望采纳 问题三:迷路的英文怎么说 迷路的英文怎么说 英文原文: get lost lose one"s way 英式音标: [get] [l?st] [lu?z] [w?nz] [we?] 美式音标: [?t] [l?st] [luz] [w?nz] [we] 问题四:迷路的,这个单词用英文怎么读 miss 你可以百度一下这个单词,百度上会出现这个单词的音标和注释,点一下音标后面的小喇叭,就能听到单词读音了。 问题五:我迷路了英语作文40单词 I"m Tom,my friend and I went out to play,we broke up,I"m going home,but it was getting dark,I walk alone in the way home,who knows:I lost my way.I wailed like a headless fly,run,after a while,my vision appeared in the two person,they gradually came to me,see me anxious appearance,in a questioning, they took me to find the way home,finally with their help,I successfully got home,really thank you very much yesterday to help me the two high school big brother. 问题六:他迷路了,用英文怎么说 lost就可以啦~~~~ 问题七:迷路英文怎么读 miss one"s way 英 [mis w?nz wei] 美 [m?s w?nz we] 【词典】迷路2023-07-12 12:22:531
be lostget lostlabyrinthlose one"s way2023-07-12 12:23:454
迷路的英语翻译 迷路用英语怎么说
翻译如下:迷路根据语境miss one"s way; lose one"s way;labyrinth; inner ear; get lost都可以例句:我们在黑暗中迷路。We lost the way in the dark.2023-07-12 12:24:012
1英语翻译:迷路【be lost对吗】 2look around,look for.look about区别
1. be lost 迷路 【正确】 2. look around 四周看;到处察看;游览 3. look for 寻找 4. look about 向四下看,四下环顾;四处寻找(for); 【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问!2023-07-12 12:24:111
迷路 lose way(路子歪)直走 go straight (够四jua特)向左拐 turn left (特嗯来服特)向右拐 turn right (特嗯luai特)英语怎么读得学英标,认真学怎么会学不会呢?一旦学会后,哪怕单词不认识也大概知道怎么读了。2023-07-12 12:24:271
lost2023-07-12 12:24:433
迷了路:got lostto get lost:迷路2023-07-12 12:24:594
I"ma get lost.我迷路了.2023-07-12 12:25:372
Lost the way.我迷路了:I lost my way.2023-07-12 12:25:524
迷路 lose way(路子歪) 直走 go straight (够四jua特) 向左拐 turn left (特嗯来服特) 向右拐 turn right (特嗯luai特) 英语怎么读得学英标,认真学怎么会学不会呢?一旦学会后,哪怕单词不认识也大概知道怎么读了.2023-07-12 12:25:591
lost2023-07-12 12:26:183
wilder [04wild05] v. (使)迷失,(使)困惑 be lost迷路lose迷失,过去式lost2023-07-12 12:26:462
lost就可以啦~~~~2023-07-12 12:26:568
迷路miss one"s waylose one"s wayget lost我们迷路了:We got lost.希望有帮助~2023-07-12 12:27:328
咒文,神起哒一首歌,很好听呢2023-07-12 12:27:5510
I am lost.2023-07-12 12:28:554
用英语翻译 “我迷路了”这句话到底用不用一般过去时呢?
不用过去时,你用啥,用别的时态你能说服自己吗2023-07-12 12:29:178
lost就可以啦~~~~2023-07-12 12:29:425
昨天我在森林里迷路了: I lost my way in the forest yesterday.2023-07-12 12:29:563
Lost2023-07-12 12:30:078
那个孩子迷路了,我们帮他找到了他的父母 英语
that kid got lost, and i helped him find his parents.2023-07-12 12:30:303
警察先生 我迷路了 用英文怎么说
Officer, I"m lost.2023-07-12 12:30:386
lost可以表达那种生活中的迷失,如迷路;也可以表达精神上的迷失或缺失,如迷失了生活目标等。2023-07-12 12:30:542
i have no sense of direction,and always get lost2023-07-12 12:31:024
"迷失方向"也就是“迷路” 可以翻译成 lost one`s way2023-07-12 12:31:104
1、迷路英文:get lost。 2、读法:英[ɡet lu0254:st],美[ɡu025bt lu0254st]。 3、释义:迷路;迷失方向;转向;迷航。 4、例句: Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas 游客常会迷路并误入危险区域。2023-07-12 12:31:281
迷路got lost如 He got lost in the forest last week.2023-07-12 12:31:402
be lost; get lost be missing. I was lost I was missing 都是我迷路了.2023-07-12 12:31:461
我迷路了英文是I"m lost.lost 迷路的;丧失;失败的;遗失的;死亡的。短语:1.get lost 走开;别来烦我 lost in thought 陷入沉思3.lost and found 失物招领处 lost 丢失;迷路 lost in 在…丢失;沉浸于…6.all is not lost 还有机会派生词1.loss n. 遗失;损失2.loser n. 失败者;处于不利地位的人2023-07-12 12:32:001
I am lost2023-07-12 12:32:272
we get lostwe are lost2023-07-12 12:32:347
1英语翻译: 迷路【be lost对吗】 2look around,look for.look about区别
迷路。一般会用Lost sb"s way 或者Sb be lostLood around 就是环视四周Look for 就是寻找Look about 观察四周 Look about for 就是四处的寻找2023-07-12 12:32:543
动词 lose,意思就是丢失,失去,输掉,损失,迷路 用法: I lose my bag.我弄丢了我的包. You win.I lose.你赢了,我输了. 但是比较常用的不是现在时,而是过去式和完成时. I lost my bag.这个句子就更好,因为一般性发现掉了的话,那么丢失这个动作都是过去发生的了. 然后要说迷路的话,必须用过去分词lost,搭配be或者get I am lost.或者 I got lost.我迷路了.不可以直接说,I lost.然后动词后面不能加宾语,不能说lost the road,那意思会变成,我弄丢了一条路,这个是不逻辑的.2023-07-12 12:33:021
丢失,迷路get lostHe got lost in the forest yesterday.他昨天在森林里迷路了。2023-07-12 12:33:091
lose one"s way2023-07-12 12:33:272
在大城市里很容易迷路的英文是It"s easy to get lost in big cities。get lost在口语中常表达“滚开;走开”的意思。但如果你真的迷路了,语气稍微放柔和些,其实大部分老外都能理解的。如果在后面加上in,又是另一番含义。get lost in的意思是“沉迷于...;沉醉其中”,因为这里的lost是“全神贯注的”意思。切记,不要把lost and found理解为两个动词。其实它是“失物招领处”,在国外很多商场或公共场合都可以看见的。lose是lost的原型,那么lose my head是“我的头不见了”?别,别想的那么可怕,它是“失控”的意思,因为head除了“脑袋”。lost的意思:迷路。读音:英[lu0252st]、美[lu0252st]。释义:adj. 迷路的,迷失的;失去的,丧失的;无法恢复的;迷惘的,丧失信心的;处于困境的;逝去的;死亡的;失败的。v. 失去;遗失;痛失;流产;牺牲;失败(lose 的过去式和过去分词)。city,英文单词,名词,译为“城市;全市居民;(由国王或女王授予特权,通常有大教堂的)特许市;(由政府授予特权的)特权市”。双语例句:City Hunter城市猎人;都会猎人;都市猎人;都邑猎人。双语例句:1、Get lost, buster!走开,小子!2、Stay close together ─ I don"t want anyone to get lost.紧紧靠在一起,我不想把谁给丢了。3、But I gave you a map so you wouldn"t get lost!但我怕你迷路,给过你一张地图!4、She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost.她担心自己会错过转弯的地方而迷路。2023-07-12 12:33:341
问题一:迷失了 英文翻译怎么说? get lost 或者 be lost 问题二:我迷失了英文怎么说 要看你迷失了什么? 如果是迷失了路应该是:I lost my way 如果是迷失了自处的话那就是:I lost myself 问题三:迷失的英文怎么写? lost有丢失的意思,但是也可作迷失讲 例:i"m losing my way. 我迷路了 [可以理解成,我把自己丢了] 问题四:迷失了自己用英语怎么说 I lost myself. 问题五:迷失的自我用英语怎么说? lose myself lose的形式要随人称和时态而变化 问题六:美剧迷失简介英文翻译! Lost is an American television series. the stroy centers around/fouses on the life and experiences of the 48 survivors of the plane crash of Oceanic Airlines Flight 815,from Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles, USA, which leaved the surviving passengers on a deserted tropical island in south pacific .Starting with a professional doctor―― Jack"s view,饥the story tells us . how Jack saved the dying people"s lives in a poor medical condition.By helping others win the war of survival, Jack became a hero, However, even heroes have secrets. 向专业翻译进军,你可以参考这个网页 en. *** /wiki/Lost_(TV_series) 问题七:是什么让你迷失回家的路 用英文怎么讲 是什么让你 What makes you 迷失回家的路 Lost the way home 所以合起来就是 What makes you lose your way home. 祝学习进步 问题八:迷失方向英语怎么说 "迷失方向也就是“迷路” 可以翻译成 lost one`s way2023-07-12 12:33:541
“我迷路了”英语怎么说?(同义句) 尽可能多写
I"m lost. = I get lost. = I lose my way. = I miss my way. = I can"t find my way. = I"m not able to find my way. = I go the wrong way.2023-07-12 12:34:011
迷失可以翻译为 be off the track、lose oneself 或 be lost。2023-07-12 12:34:092