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2023-06-30 09:10:38
TAG: 怎么写



相关例句:The cat caught two mice at the back of the house猫在屋子后面抓住了两只老鼠。

My wireless mouse is out of battery我的无线鼠标没电了。


老鼠的英文单词是mouse。mouse作为名词表示鼠标、老鼠、胆小羞怯的人。作为及物动词表示探出,作为不及物动词表示捕鼠、窥探。相关例句:The cat caught two mice at the back of the house猫在屋子后面抓住了两只老鼠。My wireless mouse is out of battery我的无线鼠标没电了。
2023-06-30 04:34:171


mice mouse
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老鼠拼音:[lǎo shǔ]英文:mouse; mice; rat(1) [rat]∶属于鼠科(Muridae)以及其他有关属的数目众多的啮齿动物之任何一种--亦称耗子(2) [mouse]∶小家鼠,尖嘴,较小的耳,细而无毛(或稀疏毛)的尾
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2023-06-30 04:36:165


老鼠英文是mouse,音标是英[maʊs]美[maʊs]。mouse n.老鼠;鼠标;羞怯[胆小]的人;[非正式用语]眼部青肿 vi.捕鼠;窥探,偷偷地寻找;扩展资料1.Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size. 用鼠标拖动图片,将其调整为新的尺寸。
2023-06-30 04:36:407


  老鼠(俗称耗子)是哺乳纲、啮齿目、鼠科啮齿类动物,那么你知道老鼠的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    老鼠的英文1: mouse    老鼠的英文2 :rat    老鼠的英文3: mice   辨析:   mouse, rat   这两个名词均可表示"老鼠,耗子"之意。   mouse : 一般指体形较小的家鼠。   rat : 一般指生活在室外体形较大的一种老鼠。   老鼠的英文例句:   1. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.   在实验室用老鼠进行的实验证明了这一点。   2. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw two rats.   他看到两只老鼠,几乎给吓丢了魂。   3. It"s a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I"m the mouse.   在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠。   4. One hundred million rats are killed each year by pest exterminators.   每年灭鼠人员都会杀死1亿只老鼠。   5. The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.   窝里有8只还没长毛、眼睛尚未睁开的小老鼠。   6. The rats scurry around, searching for scraps of food in the rubbish.   老鼠乱窜,在垃圾中寻找残羹剩饭。   7. It"s a cat-and-mouse game to him.   对他说来,就是一场猫捉老鼠的游戏。   8. The prison is infested with rats.   监狱里老鼠猖獗。   9. Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse   沃尔特u2219迪斯尼—米老鼠的创作者   10. The stores were overrun with rats and mice.   仓库里到处都是大大小小的老鼠。   11. The house was completely overrun with mice.   这房子简直成了老鼠的天下。   12. The apartments were infested with rats and roaches.   公寓里面到处都是老鼠和蟑螂。   13. The rats have eaten holes in those bags of flour.   大老鼠把那些面粉袋嗑出了窟窿.   14. The rats have chewed away some of the woodwork.   老鼠啃坏了一些木制品.   15. We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.   我们必须消灭阁楼里的老鼠.   1. Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size.   用鼠标拖动图片,将其调整为新的尺寸。   2. It"s a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I"m the mouse.   在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠。   3. You can check your email with a click of your mouse.   鼠标轻轻一点,即可查看电子邮件。   4. The whole thing is somehow a bit Mickey Mouse.   不知怎的,整件事情有点幼稚。   5. It"s a cat-and-mouse game to him.   对他说来,就是一场猫捉老鼠的游戏。   6. There"s nothing Mickey Mouse about the 1993 version.   1993年的版本一点儿也不简单。   7. Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse   沃尔特u2219迪斯尼—米老鼠的创作者   8. Click on the printer icon with the mouse.   用鼠标点击打印机图标。   9. They called her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild .   他们称她为“鼠小姐”,因为她总是那么懦弱谦和。   10. It"s only a Mickey Mouse job.   这活儿太容易了。   11. The noun " mouse " is the singular form of " mice " .   名词mouse是 mice 的单数形式.   12. I use a mouse to choose documents from my files.   我用鼠标从文件中选择资料.   13. Tina is as quiet as a mouse — you hardly know she"s there.   蒂娜很文静——你几乎不知道她在那儿.   14. The policeman decided to play cat - and - mouse game with the thief.   警察决定对那个小偷采取欲擒故纵的办法.   15. A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.   一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出.
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2023-06-30 04:37:307


  老鼠在卫生条件差的地方比如臭水沟可以经常看到,老鼠和蟑螂在地球上的生命力都很强大。下面我为大家带来老鼠的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   老鼠的英语意思   rat   老鼠的英语例句   1. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.   在实验室用老鼠进行的实验证明了这一点。   2. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw two rats.   他看到两只老鼠,几乎给吓丢了魂。   3. It"s a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I"m the mouse.   在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠。   4. One hundred million rats are killed each year by pest exterminators.   每年灭鼠人员都会杀死1亿只老鼠。   5. The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.   窝里有8只还没长毛、眼睛尚未睁开的小老鼠。   6. The rats scurry around, searching for scraps of food in the rubbish.   老鼠乱窜,在垃圾中寻找残羹剩饭。   7. It"s a cat-and-mouse game to him.   对他说来,就是一场猫捉老鼠的游戏。   8. The prison is infested with rats.   监狱里老鼠猖獗。   9. Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse   沃尔特u2219迪斯尼—米老鼠的创作者   10. The stores were overrun with rats and mice.   仓库里到处都是大大小小的老鼠。   11. The house was pletely overrun with mice.   这房子简直成了老鼠的天下。   12. The apartments were infested with rats and roaches.   公寓里面到处都是老鼠和蟑螂。   13. The rats have eaten holes in those bags of flour.   大老鼠把那些面粉袋嗑出了窟窿.   14. The rats have chewed away some of the woodwork.   老鼠啃坏了一些木制品.   15. We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.   我们必须消灭阁楼里的老鼠.   老鼠的英文例句   假设将这些讯息看作是老鼠。   Think of these messages as the mice.   他的团队将辣椒素或可卡因中的一种,或同时将两种注射进几组老鼠的腹部,每组约30只。   To investigate, his team injected cocaine, capsaicin or both at once into the abdomens ofseveral groups of about 30 mice.   如果这是问题,例如对于老鼠和大象来说就是问题,那么您需要提供更多的隔离。   If this is a problem, as it is with mice and elephants, you need to provide more isolation.   没错,只有一个老鼠木偶打败过他们。   Yes, only a rat puppet beat them out.   蚊子和老鼠来拜访他们。   Mosquitoes and mice visited them.   她到处追逐想象中的老鼠和松鼠,一眨眼的工夫就从桌子上跳到椅子上。所以我们管她叫“闪电”。   She raced around chasing imaginary mice and squirrels and vaulted from table to chair in theblink of an eye, so we named her Lightning.   苹果可以为它的捕鼠器申请专利,可是难道它能声称控制所有的抓老鼠方法吗?   Apple may claim a patent on its mousetrap, but can it claim to control all methods for catchingmice?   尽管这对老鼠适用,可能对人类却不尽相同,因此需要更多确定的研究予以支援。   What is true in the mouse, though, might not be true in the man, so more research is clearlyneeded.   但是高士说他确信坦尚尼亚的老鼠和美国爆发的疾病之间没有联络。 陈穗柳   But Cox says he knows of no connection between the rats in Tanzania and the outbreak ofdisease in the US.   每当她看到一只老鼠或蟑螂,她总会失控而大叫出来。   Whenever she sees a mouse or a cockroach, she loses her head and Screams out.   最后他起来开启一个汤罐时,他才发现自己身上还带着老鼠,它现在醒过来了并安然自得地栖息在他的肩头。   When finally he got up to open a can of soup, the rat came with him, awake now anddiscovering its natural perch on his shoulder.   你需要一只老鼠,我说的对吧?   You need a rat. Am I right?   “你知道吗,很多人离开这里是因为有老鼠,另一些人因为蟑螂而还有人离开因为电梯里有人,”O.尼尔说。   "You know, some people leave because of the mice, some because of the cockroaches andothers because of the people in the elevator," says O"Neill.   要是一间实验室幸运到发现了能治愈实验室老鼠身上疾病的分子,下一个步骤是在更多的实验室动物上测试它的毒性和效用。   Should a lab be so fortunateas to discover a molecule that cures a disease in a lab rat, the nextstep isto test its toxicity and efficacy in more lab animals.   要是一间实验室幸运到发现了能治愈实验室老鼠身上疾病的分子,下一个步骤是在更多的实验室动物上测试它的毒性和效用。   Should a lab be so fortunateas to discover a molecule that cures a disease in a lab rat, the nextstep isto test its toxicity and efficacy in more lab animals.   老鼠的双语例句   猫头鹰向一只老鼠飞扑过去。   The owl swooped down on a mouse.   我们杀灭了厨房的老鼠。   We disinfested the kitchen of mice.   那只猫蹲下身来准备向老鼠猛扑过去。   The cat crouched down, ready to spring on the mouse.   她看见一只老鼠时高声尖叫起来。   She squalled when she saw a mouse.   他们应该像老鼠一样被杀掉。   They should be killed off like rats.   艾米,你喜欢老鼠吗?   Amy, do you like mouse?   老鼠和许多其他动物都有这两个特性,但是人类没有。   Mice and many other animals have both of these characteristics, and humans do not.   我在我的房子里发现一只老鼠.   I found a mouse in my house.   这狮子和这老鼠是快乐的。它们是朋友。   The lion and the mouse are happy.They are friends.   不行,那结果只会是老鼠,或者是巫婆。   No; that can only end in mice, or witches.   几乎所有这类雄性老鼠生殖器官都有缺陷。   Almost all the male mice in this group had genital defects.   从前,有两只老鼠,它们是好朋友。   Once there were two mice. They were friends.
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老鼠的英文是mouse末尾发s的音,嘴巴的英文是mouth末尾发 h的音,两个读音之所以像,是因为末尾的读音差不多,类似的英文还有很多.另外,老鼠也可读rat(耗子、老鼠)
2023-06-30 04:42:041


老鼠用英文表示为mouse,读音为英[mau028as],美[mau028as]。mouse解析如下:一、单词读音:英式发音:[mau028as]美式发音:[mau028as]二、单词释义:n. 鼠,老鼠;鼠标(计算机设备)v. 悄悄地走,蹑手蹑脚地走三、词形变化:复数:mice形容词:mousy四、词语搭配:computer mouse:计算机鼠标mouse trap:捕鼠器mouse pad:鼠标垫五、单词用法:mouse的意思是“老鼠”“耗子”,指一种较rat小的、尾巴细长的啮齿类动物。用于比喻还可指“胆小如鼠的人”“怕羞的人”。mouse在科技术语中,指电脑上的“鼠标”“光标移动控制盒”。 mouse的复数形式是mice。 六、双语例句:The cat chased the mouse around the house.猫在房子里追逐老鼠。Be careful not to step on the mouse.小心别踩到老鼠。She moused around the room, trying not to wake anyone.她蹑手蹑脚地在房间里走动,尽量不想吵醒任何人。I need a new mouse for my computer.我需要一只新的鼠标来使用电脑。The mouse pointer moved smoothly across the screen.鼠标指针在屏幕上平稳地移动。
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2023-06-30 04:43:201


老鼠的英文单词是mouse。mouse作为名词表示鼠标、老鼠、胆小羞怯的人。作为及物动词表示探出,作为不及物动词表示捕鼠、窥探。相关例句:The cat caught two mice at the back of the house猫在屋子后面抓住了两只老鼠。My wireless mouse is out of battery我的无线鼠标没电了。
2023-06-30 04:43:451

老鼠的英语翻译 老鼠用英语怎么说

老鼠的英语翻译The mouse
2023-06-30 04:44:182


老鼠用英语怎么说 mouse 英[mau028as] 美[mau028as] n. 老鼠;鼠标;羞怯[胆小]的人;[非正式用语] 眼部青肿 vi. 捕鼠;窥探,偷偷地寻找 名词复数:mice[例句]This mouse will never roar loudly enough. 这只老鼠的咆哮声永远不会足够大。 老鼠用英文怎么说 老鼠用英文 mouse 报错 英 [mau028as] 美 [mau028as] n. 鼠标;老鼠;胆小羞怯的人 老鼠的英语怎么读 mouse 老鼠用英语怎么说 mouse 复数mice 中午不吃饭会怎么样? 中午的饮食很重要,不摄入一定的营养会导致下午没有充分的体力和脑力进行正常工作。 老鼠的英语怎么说? mouse 英 [mau028as] 美 [mau028as] n. 鼠标;老鼠;羞怯[胆小]的人;[非正式用语] 眼部青肿 vi. 捕鼠;窥探,偷偷地寻找 老鼠的英语怎么说? mouse, rat 都可以
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老鼠英文翻译如下:mouse音标:英[mau028as] 美[mau028as]中文发音类似于:冒丝中文意思: n. 鼠标;老鼠;羞怯[胆小]的人;[非正式用语]眼部青肿;vi. 捕鼠;窥探,偷偷地寻找;[例句]it"sacat-and-mousegametohim,andi"mthe mouse.在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠。[其他] 复数:mice
2023-06-30 04:45:161

老鼠用英语怎么读 老鼠的英文怎么读

1、老鼠的英文:mouse,读音:英 [mau028as] 美 [mau028as],n.鼠标;老鼠;羞怯[胆小]的人;[非正式用语] 眼部青肿;vi.捕鼠;窥探,偷偷地寻找。 2、mouse的用法示例如下:Its as if a cockroach and a mouse. 就象一只老鼠和蟑螂。
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老鼠的单词是:mouse。mouse 英 [mau028as]     美 [mau028as]    n. 老鼠;胆小如鼠的人;鼠标。v. 捕鼠;仔细搜寻;移动鼠标至...之上。The cat is playing with a live mouse.猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。He remained a mouse in public affairs.在公众事务上他依然胆小如鼠。辨析:mouse, ratrat指“田鼠”;mouse指“家鼠”,一般比rat小。mouse,rat这两个名词均可表示“老鼠、耗子”之意。mouse一般指体形较小的家鼠。rat一般指生活在室外体形较大的一种老鼠。
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2023-06-30 04:47:297

老鼠的英语怎么说 老鼠的英语是什么

1、老鼠的英文为mouse。音标:英[mau028as],美[mau028as]。 2、mouse的意思是“老鼠”“耗子”,指一种较rat小的、尾巴细长的啮齿类动物。用于比喻还可指“胆小如鼠的人”“怕羞的人”。mouse在科技术语中,指电脑上的“鼠标”“光标移动控制盒”。 3、mouse的复数形式是mice。
2023-06-30 04:47:431


老鼠的英文单词是mouse。mouse作为名词表示鼠标、老鼠、胆小羞怯的人。作为及物动词表示探出,作为不及物动词表示捕鼠、窥探。相关例句:The cat caught two mice at the back of the house猫在屋子后面抓住了两只老鼠。My wireless mouse is out of battery我的无线鼠标没电了。
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  老鼠在卫生条件差的地方比如臭水沟可以经常看到,老鼠和蟑螂在地球上的生命力都很强大。下面我为大家带来老鼠的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   老鼠的英语意思   rat   老鼠的英语例句   1. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.   在实验室用老鼠进行的实验证明了这一点。   2. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw two rats.   他看到两只老鼠,几乎给吓丢了魂。   3. It"s a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I"m the mouse.   在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠。   4. One hundred million rats are killed each year by pest exterminators.   每年灭鼠人员都会杀死1亿只老鼠。   5. The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.   窝里有8只还没长毛、眼睛尚未睁开的小老鼠。   6. The rats scurry around, searching for scraps of food in the rubbish.   老鼠乱窜,在垃圾中寻找残羹剩饭。   7. It"s a cat-and-mouse game to him.   对他说来,就是一场猫捉老鼠的游戏。   8. The prison is infested with rats.   监狱里老鼠猖獗。   9. Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse   沃尔特u2219迪斯尼—米老鼠的创作者   10. The stores were overrun with rats and mice.   仓库里到处都是大大小小的老鼠。   11. The house was completely overrun with mice.   这房子简直成了老鼠的天下。   12. The apartments were infested with rats and roaches.   公寓里面到处都是老鼠和蟑螂。   13. The rats have eaten holes in those bags of flour.   大老鼠把那些面粉袋嗑出了窟窿.   14. The rats have chewed away some of the woodwork.   老鼠啃坏了一些木制品.   15. We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.   我们必须消灭阁楼里的老鼠.   老鼠的英文例句   假设将这些消息看作是老鼠。   Think of these messages as the mice.   他的团队将辣椒素或可卡因中的一种,或同时将两种注射进几组老鼠的腹部,每组约30只。   To investigate, his team injected cocaine, capsaicin or both at once into the abdomens ofseveral groups of about 30 mice.   如果这是问题,例如对于老鼠和大象来说就是问题,那么您需要提供更多的隔离。   If this is a problem, as it is with mice and elephants, you need to provide more isolation.   没错,只有一个老鼠木偶打败过他们。   Yes, only a rat puppet beat them out.   蚊子和老鼠来拜访他们。   Mosquitoes and mice visited them.   她到处追逐想象中的老鼠和松鼠,一眨眼的工夫就从桌子上跳到椅子上。所以我们管她叫“闪电”。   She raced around chasing imaginary mice and squirrels and vaulted from table to chair in theblink of an eye, so we named her Lightning.   苹果可以为它的捕鼠器申请专利,可是难道它能声称控制所有的抓老鼠方法吗?   Apple may claim a patent on its mousetrap, but can it claim to control all methods for catchingmice?   尽管这对老鼠适用,可能对人类却不尽相同,因此需要更多确定的研究予以支持。   What is true in the mouse, though, might not be true in the man, so more research is clearlyneeded.   但是高士说他确信坦桑尼亚的老鼠和美国爆发的疾病之间没有联系。 (陈穗柳)   But Cox says he knows of no connection between the rats in Tanzania and the outbreak ofdisease in the US.   每当她看到一只老鼠或蟑螂,她总会失控而大叫出来。   Whenever she sees a mouse or a cockroach, she loses her head and Screams out.   最后他起来打开一个汤罐时,他才发现自己身上还带着老鼠,它现在醒过来了并安然自得地栖息在他的肩头。   When finally he got up to open a can of soup, the rat came with him, awake now anddiscovering its natural perch on his shoulder.   你需要一只老鼠,我说的对吧?   You need a rat. Am I right?   “你知道吗,很多人离开这里是因为有老鼠,另一些人因为蟑螂而还有人离开因为电梯里有人,”O.尼尔说。   "You know, some people leave because of the mice, some because of the cockroaches andothers because of the people in the elevator," says O"Neill.   要是一间实验室幸运到发现了能治愈实验室老鼠身上疾病的分子,下一个步骤是在更多的实验室动物上测试它的毒性和效用。   Should a lab be so fortunateas to discover a molecule that cures a disease in a lab rat, the nextstep isto test its toxicity and efficacy in more lab animals.   要是一间实验室幸运到发现了能治愈实验室老鼠身上疾病的分子,下一个步骤是在更多的实验室动物上测试它的毒性和效用。   Should a lab be so fortunateas to discover a molecule that cures a disease in a lab rat, the nextstep isto test its toxicity and efficacy in more lab animals.   老鼠的双语例句   猫头鹰向一只老鼠飞扑过去。   The owl swooped down on a mouse.   我们杀灭了厨房的老鼠。   We disinfested the kitchen of mice.   那只猫蹲下身来准备向老鼠猛扑过去。   The cat crouched down, ready to spring on the mouse.   她看见一只老鼠时高声尖叫起来。   She squalled when she saw a mouse.   他们应该像老鼠一样被杀掉。   They should be killed off like rats.   艾米,你喜欢老鼠吗?   Amy, do you like mouse?   老鼠和许多其他动物都有这两个特性,但是人类没有。   Mice and many other animals have both of these characteristics, and humans do not.   我在我的房子里发现一只老鼠.   I found a mouse in my house.   这狮子和这老鼠是快乐的。它们是朋友。   The lion and the mouse are happy.They are friends.   不行,那结果只会是老鼠,或者是巫婆。   No; that can only end in mice, or witches.   几乎所有这类雄性老鼠生殖器官都有缺陷。   Almost all the male mice in this group had genital defects.   从前,有两只老鼠,它们是好朋友。   Once there were two mice. They were friends.
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mouse mice rat
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老鼠英文怎么读音 老鼠英文解释

1、老鼠,mouse。读音:美/ma?s/;英/ma?s/。2、释义:(1)mouse n.鼠标;老鼠;胆小羞怯的人;vt.探出;vi.捕鼠;窥探。(2)mice n.老鼠(mouse的复数);n.(Mice)人名;(塞)米采。3、例句:The cat caught a mouse and ate it.猫抓住了一只老鼠并吃掉了它。
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问题一:老鼠的英语单词是什么 你好,很高兴为你解答, 老鼠的英文单词是:mouse 音标: [ma?s] 释义:n.鼠标;老鼠;羞怯[胆小]的人;[非正式用语] 眼部青肿 vi.捕鼠;窥探,偷偷地寻找 复数:mice 例句:The mice have bored a hole in the wall. 老鼠在墙上打了个洞。 Mice infested the old house. 大批老鼠出没于那所旧房子。 希望能够帮到你! 问题二:如何练习鲤鱼打挺 鲤鱼打挺主要是靠腹肌和惯性,先将腹肌锻炼到一定程度,身体不是太肥胖,腹部没有太多缀肉,再练习几次动作就水到渠成了,打的时候要先尽量将腿步向后收缩,摆动时候速度要快,尽量将脚尖向里 *** 后方够,脚尖落地地起码要打到平躺时的身体平衡点附近,才有可能把腰打起来。我初中时就可以打起来,只要肌肉素质好,这个东西年纪越小越好练。 问题三:哪有好的英文歌词收集网站? mp3.baidu最好! 问题四:老鼠用英语怎么写呢? Mouse是指老鼠,普通老鼠 Mice是小老鼠,老鼠的婴儿的意思 Rat是大老鼠,尾巴长长的那种 Rodent是啮齿动物 鼠类是muriod或是murine
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