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2023-06-30 08:48:01
TAG: 英文


开头可以引用一个小故事,大概一分钟左右,故事要ordinary一点~就是主角失去了这样的机会。然后问听众,是不是大家也感觉自己就是故事的主人公呢?作为孩子,有没有好好感谢父母为自己的付出,从每天早上妈妈送自己去到学校,到晚上接自己回家,辛苦的做饭,督促孩子写作业。再到爸爸在外面努力赚钱养家。想一想他们也都是不完美的人,可是这么的爱自己,是不是应该把自己的感谢与爱大声说出来呢?还有一种就是称赞,学生对老师,孩子对家长。反正二选一。最后就是可以用 比较 moving 的诗句把这些感受抒发出来,促请大家好好的说出感谢or love~


呼吁:[ hū yù ] 1.call on 2.appeal 3.appeal (to) 例句与用法: 1.这位人道主义科学家呼吁改善穷人的生活条件. The humanitarian scientist called on the improvement of the poor"s living condition. 2.警方呼吁目击者挺身而出. Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward. 3.千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊. Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal. 4.警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌. The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.
2023-06-29 14:58:411

【appeal 中文】搞懂英文「appeal」的意思!

appeal 中文 意思是指「呼吁,恳求」的意思,appeal 的名词复数为appeals。appeal 当作动词用的时候,中文意思为「呼吁,恳求」。其三态分别为:过去式:appealed、过去分词:appealed、现在分词:appealing。 下面列举出appeal的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.appeal 呼吁,恳求(名词) appeal当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「呼吁,请求,感染力」的意思。 appeal相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: sex appeal 性魅力;性感 appeal相关英文例句: 例:The appeal was rejected by the High Court. 上诉被高等法院驳回。 2.appeal 呼吁,恳求(动词) appeal当成动词的时候,中文意思是指「呼吁,恳求」的意思。 例:I appeal to all like-minded people to support me. 我呼吁所有志同道合的人支持我。 例:We"re appealing for clothes and blankets to send to the devastated region. 我们正在呼吁公众向受灾地区捐赠衣物和毛毯。 例:We are appealing to the public for any rmation about the missing girl. 我们正在向公众求助,请他们提供有关失踪女孩的任何资料。 appeal, appeal 中文, appeal 中文意思, appeal 中文的意思, appeal 中文解释, appeal 意思, appeal 用法, appeal 翻译, 英文 appeal
2023-06-29 14:58:481


appeal,英文单词,作为名词意思是“呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉”,作为动词意思是“呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉”。 appeal 英:[u0259u02c8piu02d0l];美:[u0259u02c8piu02d0l] n.上诉;申诉;吸引力;感染力;魅力;(尤指慈善机构或警方的)呼吁,吁请,恳求 v.上诉;申诉;有吸引力;有感染力;引起兴趣;呼吁;吁请;恳求 第三人称单数:appeals;复数:appeals;现在分词:appealing;过去式:appealed;过去分词:appealed appeal的用法 1.appeal的基本意思是强烈的请求他人注意某事或希望他人认真考虑自己的请求,即“呼吁”“恳求”;也常表示坚持让人听其申诉,由此引申而表示法律上的“上诉”; appeal所表示的申诉有时含有动用感情试图引起有利于自己的反应或裁决之意,由此引申可表示“有感染力”“有吸引力”。此外, appeal还可表示“诉诸”“诉诸裁决或证实”。 2.appeal除美式英语中表示“将…上诉”时用作及物动词外,一般用作不及物动词。表示“向…呼吁”“对…有吸引力”“诉诸…”时可接介词to;表示“呼吁”时可接介词for;表示“不服…而上诉”则可接介词against或from。 3.appeal用作名词的基本意思是“恳求”,指急切地请求给予帮助,用于法律上则指“上诉”;也可指向裁判员提出请求和抗议;appeal后接to sb表示“恳求的对象”,接for sth表示“恳求的内容”。 4.on appeal的意思是“在上诉中”,注意appeal前无冠词。 5.appeal还可作“感染力,吸引力”解,是不可数名词。
2023-06-29 14:58:551


呼吁的近义词:1、呼吁( 注释:向个人或社会申述,请求援助或主持公道:奔走~ㄧ~各界人士捐款赈济灾区。)2、号召( 注释:召唤(群众共同去做某事):响应~丨~全厂职工积极参加义务劳动。)3、召唤(注释:叫人来(多用于抽象方面):新的生活在~着我们。)呼吁详细解释:含义:动词,向个人或社会申述,请求援助或主持公道。示例 : 1、奔走呼吁;2、真诚呼吁;3、呼吁各界人士捐款赈灾。词语出处:1、大声呼喊,向人申述,以请求援助、支持、同情。语本南朝陈徐陵《檄周文》“吁地呼天,望伫哀救。”明末清初的周亮工《祭毘陵吴太翁文》:“闽民皆罢市呼吁抚军前,声且动地。”郭沫若《洪波曲》第九章四:“流亡青年舌敝唇焦地呼吁过武装民众。”2、指呼声。巴金《关于》:“我要写一部《家》来作为一代青年的作家。”
2023-06-29 14:59:034


我查过牛津字典,加动词是加原型还是变成现在分词形式都没有有这些: appeal to sb/ sth 引起兴趣/启发、劝说 appeal to sb for sth 呼吁
2023-06-29 14:59:264

呼吁某人做某事 英语词组是么?

call sb. to do sth.
2023-06-29 14:59:455


呼吁人们保护环境的英语:Call on people to protect the environment.保护环境的英文标语如下:1、The hearts of love, at the foot of mercy.心中有情,脚下留情。Green life, accompanied by environmental protection.绿色生活,环保相伴。2、Beautify life, purify the soul.美化生活,净化心灵。Let the birds have a blue sky.让小鸟拥有一片蓝天。3、The sky is blue, the grass is green, the heart is pure.天是蓝的,草是绿的,心是纯粹的。呼吁保护环境英语作文如下:As time goes by,man is making the earth sick.People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere. Factories let out their waste without doing anything to it .This has caused some serious problems. Such as the land is sandy, the river is dirty, the air is less clean, even the temperature of the earth is rising.What should we do to save the earth? My suggestion is that we should plant more trees,put rubbish into dusbins and stop factories (from)pouring waste directly into the air or rivers. In all, we have only one earth,we should do our best to protect it, or we will regret.翻译:随着时间的推移,人类正在地球生病。人们砍伐太多的树木,到处乱扔垃圾。工厂让他们浪费的什么都不做了。这导致了一些严重的问题。如土地沙化,河流脏了,空气不清新,甚至是地球的温度上升。拯救地球,我们应该做什么?我的建议是我们应该种更多的树,把垃圾扔进垃圾箱,阻止工厂(从)把废物直接排入空气或河流。总之,我们只有一个地球,我们应该尽力保护它,否则我们会后悔的。
2023-06-29 15:00:141


我们真诚呼吁世界各国弘扬和平文化的英文是We sincerely appeal to all countries in the world to promote the culture of peace。英语是目前世界上仅次于汉语的第二大语种,其应用范围非常之广。随着社会的不断进步和发展,英语学习的重要性就更加明显了。
2023-06-29 15:00:441

提倡环保 英文怎么说

to promote environmental protection
2023-06-29 15:01:075


英文:Put an end to waste,from the start I 21 students are now the growing phenomenon of waste,there is no point saving awareness,waste is an undesirable phenomenon,it allows less and less of our resources,and there are not enough,but we are not aware of such circumstances,shortage of resources and thus more.So that our country into a "resource is a big country,but also a small country resources" scenario.Therefore,"put an end to waste,from my start." Let us work together for the national resources will not have a shortage of resources and effort to it!译文:杜绝浪费,从我做起现在21世纪的同学浪费的现象日益严重,没有一点节约意识,浪费是一种不良现象,它让我们的资源越来越少,并且出现不够用的情况,但是大家都没有意识到这样的情况,从而资源更加短缺.从而让我国变成一个“既是一个资源大国,又是一个资源小国”的情景.因此,“杜绝浪费,从我做起”.让我们一起为国家资源不会产生资源短缺现象而努力吧!
2023-06-29 15:01:261


口语中的“呼叫”用英语怎么说 你好! 呼叫 call 英[ku0254:l] 美[ku0254l] v. 打电话给; 呼唤,喊叫; 召唤,叫来,召集; 下令,命令;n. 喊叫,大声喊; 电话联络; 必要,理由; 要求; 呼叫用英文怎么说 呼叫: 1. to shout 2. to yell 3. shout 4. call 5. dialing 6. exclamation 7. Shouting Examples: 1. 快照是一幅较高分辨率的静止图像,它可在呼叫过程中发送或接收。 A snapshot is a higher resolution still picture that can be sent or received during a call. 2. 信号器,示号器宣告物,尤指饭店或办公室中使用的一种电子信号装置,用来指示交换台上的呼叫信号来源 One that announces, especially an electrical signaling device used in hotels or offices to indicate the sources of calls on a switchboard. 3. 我不喜欢进行必要的呼叫这一想法,但是将要这样做。 I dislike the idea of the necessary call, but it is to be do. 4. 在呼叫过程中,按Snapshot键发送一幅快照。 During a call, press the snapshot button to send a snapshot. Call instruction 呼叫指令 A loud exclamation; a shout or call. 大声呼喊;呼叫,叫喊 To utter a hooting cry. 高声呼叫发出大声的叫喊 The coach yelled to the runner to go it. 教练呼叫赛跑选手加油。 Who would you like to have paged, ma"am? 您想呼叫谁?女士。 urge on with shouts, of dogs in a hunt. 猎狗的呼叫加以催促。 In case of difficulty call the operators. 要是有困难请呼叫接线员。 a call of names of those receiving mail. 呼叫受到邮件的人的名字。 I"d like a wake-up call, please. 我想设定早晨的呼叫铃。 They heard her calling blue murders. 他们听到她那恐怖的呼叫。 谢谢您的来电用英语怎么说`` Thank you for your call.就可以了,不必用calling. 把 打电话说的 您呼叫的用户正忙 请您稍后再播 用英语读出来 怎么读的用汉语标注 比如: one The subscriber you call is busy, please redial later “xxx呼叫xx,xx收到请回答”英语怎么说? XX is calling XX , please respond after hearing me! 紧急呼叫电话用英语怎么说 Emergency Calls紧急电话 比如你经常会看到手机里有这样的提示 Emergency Calls only意思是现在情况(比如说出了服务区)只能拨打紧急电话的意思 还有The history of 911 emergency calls 911紧急电话的历史 来电用英语怎么说? 是来电话的意思的话 就是 I have a phone call 如果是电力恢复的话 Power has resumed. ”呼叫受限”英语怎么说 sorry , your call is out of service,please dail later
2023-06-29 15:01:552


英文倡议书格式由倡议目的、倡议内容、提出呼吁、谢辞跟落款组成。1、引出倡议目的常用in order to引出的不定式短语或用with / for the purpose of引导的介词短语。如:In order to/To offer help to the migrant kids/For the purpose of offering help to the migrant kids,we think our government should take measures to pour more money into improving the present situation of migrant schools.( 2010揭阳市一模)为了帮助民工子弟,我们认为政府应该采取措施,将资金投入到改善民工学校现状中。2.、列举倡议内容倡议其实就是提建议,因此,可用be supposed to (应该),it is suggested that... (建议),it would be better if... (如果......,那就更好了)等。倡议的内容通常都不止一个,因此可用in addition,besides,additionally,whats more,furthermore,moreover来列举这些内容。如:(2) It is suggested/advised that we choose a healthy and environmentally-friendly way of traveling,that is,bicycle riding.有人建议我们选择一个既健康又环保的旅游方式即骑自行车。(3) It would be better if the local students help to collect money or donate books to the migrant kids.如果当地的学生能帮忙集资或者给农民工子弟捐书,那就更好了。3、提出呼吁提出呼吁可用It is (high) time that...句型,该句型中that从句的谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,should不可省略。也可用in a word引出呼吁的内容。如:It is high time that we started / should start from ourselves and reduced / reduce transportation pressure by riding a bike.是我们从我做起,通过骑自行车来减少交通压力的时候了。4、谢辞像thank you!谢谢。5、落款写明落款人是谁或者是哪一个单位群体,例如The Students union.学生会。特点1、广泛的群众性倡议书不是对某个人或某一小集体而发的,它的受众往往是广大群众,或是部门的所有人,或是一个地区的所有人,甚至是全国人民。所以,其对象十分广泛。广泛的群众性是倡议书的根本特征。2、响应者的不确定性倡议书的对象范围往往是不确定的,即便是在文中明确了倡议的具体对象,但实际上,有关人员可以表示响应,也可以不表示响应,它本身不具有很强的约束力。即便是与此无关的别的群众团体,也可以有所响应。3、倡议书的公开性倡议书就是一种广而告之的书信。它是要让广大的人民群众知道了解,从而激起更多的人人响应,以期在最大的范围内引起共鸣。
2023-06-29 15:02:231


作文如下,请采纳!I"m happy to talk about my English. I"ve learned English for few years. Now I"m good at reading and writing, but a little weak in listening and speaking. In my opinion, English is useful and important, so we should learn it well, shouldn"t we? In fact, it"s not difficult to learn if we work hard at it in proper ways. In order to improve my English, I"m going to watch English TV programs and listen to English songs in my free time. Besides I"ll try to speak English as much as possible. I"m sure I"ll make progress in listening and speaking in the future.Come on, everyone! Let"s study English together!
2023-06-29 15:03:011

英语作文 呼吁人们热爱动物,保护动物 谢谢 话题:Animals in danger

去看看讲可可西里的英文文章 自己照抄吧
2023-06-29 15:03:103


  英语是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。下面为大家带来了质疑的英文以及例句,欢迎大家参考!   质疑的英文:   call into question   question   参考例句:   contest a statement   对一项声明提出质疑 Their legal challenge was unsuccessful.   他们的法律质疑未获成功。They took exception to the prosecutor"s line of questioning.   他们对检察官的质疑提出反对。He disputed the truth of the statement.   他就供词的.真实性提出质疑。Challenge a claim, an assertion, a verdict   对某要求、主张、判决质疑Too apparent to be doubted;unquestionable.   不容置疑的明确无疑的;不容质疑的The House of Commons disputes the speaker"s ruling .   下院议员对议长的裁决提出质疑。 Being such as to debar questioning or doubts.   无异议的如此以至使质疑或怀疑都没有必要的。Edward Said: The Subversive Intellectual and His Subversion of Orientalism   爱德华·赛义德:颠覆型的知识分子与对东方学的质疑 Offe also challenges the postulate of an organized capitalism.   奥费也质疑“有组织的资本主义”的假设。   call是什么意思:   v. 把...叫做;认为...是;打电话叫;大声呼叫;召唤;打电话;访问   n. 打电话;通话;短暂拜访;请求;呼吁;召唤;呼唤   call upon; call on   应用;访问;号召;呼吁 This is called wow.   这叫作“音幅失真”。 It was called the Restoration.   这就是所谓的王政复辟。   into是什么意思:   prep. 进入…中;进入…状态;持续到;输入   question是什么意思:   n. 问题;疑问;难题;询问;审问;疑问句   v. 询问;怀疑;探究   This is a relevant question.   这是一个中肯的问题。It was a gift of a question.   解答那一道题不费吹灰之力。This is a multiple question.   这是个复杂的问题。
2023-06-29 15:03:281


英语倡议书格式是:由标题、称呼、正文、结尾、落款五部分组成。时态一般用将来时或一般现在时。例如:Dear friends,亲爱的朋友们,Do you want to live in a beautiful world?To fulfill our obligation to protect the environment,we are supposed to follow the following ecological codes. To begin with,it is suggested/advised that we stick to the habit of walking to school.你想生活在一个美丽的世界吗?为了履行我们保护环境的义务,我们应该遵循以下生态守则。首先,有人建议我们坚持步行上学的习惯。In addition,we are required to eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day. Moreover,it would be a good idea if we recycle everything recyclable and cherish our schools environment by picking up any litter and turning off the taps and the lights.此外,我们被要求每天至少吃五种水果和蔬菜。此外,如果我们回收所有可回收的东西,并通过捡垃圾、关水龙头和灯来爱护我们的学校环境,这将是一个好主意。In a word,it is high time that we should contribute to the prosperity of our mother,the earth.总而言之,现在是我们为地球母亲的繁荣做出贡献的时候了。Thank you!谢谢大家!The Students union学生会
2023-06-29 15:03:351


cry, shout, shout at/to, high voice第一个cry有高喊和哭的意思。cry loudly大声哭
2023-06-29 15:03:591


回头看; 看不起; 外观上; 期待; 到时尚; 想出; 苏醒; 需要; 着急; 轮流; 起飞; 发生; 取代; 取消; 喊; 呼吁; 调用; 继续; 史册; 去; 相处; 失控;在网上查的到的,只要搜在线英文翻译就行了
2023-06-29 15:04:434


seduce (动词)seducement (名词)
2023-06-29 15:05:103

帮忙英文翻译 小短句 谢谢

Could I ask you a favor? It"s very kind of you
2023-06-29 15:05:414


2023-06-29 15:05:524


2023-06-29 15:06:147


英文翻译: 这些罕见而有价值的例子提醒我们大家,英语像我们生活中别的东西那样并不是一成不变的。 望采纳 沙滩上的脚印 You walked with me 你和我一起漫步在沙滩上 Footprints in the sand 留下串串的脚印 And helped me understand Where I"m going 你让我明白了该何去何从 You walked with me When I was all alone 当我感到孤独的时候你陪我一起散步 With so much unknown Along the way 等待我的还有许多未知而又漫长的路 then I heard you say 当我听到你说道 I promise you I"m always there 我答应你我会一直在那里 When your heart is filled with sorrow And despair 当你的心充满了悲伤与绝望 I"ll carry you 我会支撑着你 When you need a friend 当你需要一个朋友的时候 You"ll find my footprints in the sand 你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印 I see my life flash across the sky 我看见我的人生一瞬间划过天空 so many times have I been so afraid 大多数的时候我感到很害怕 and just when I I thought I lost my way 当我认为我迷失方向的时候 you give me strength to carry on 你给与我力量去继续下去 that"s when I heard you say 当我听你说到 I promise you I"m always there 我答应你我会一直在那里 When your heart is filled with sorrow And despair 当你的心充满了悲伤与绝望 I"ll carry you 我会支撑着你 When you need a friend 当你需要一个朋友的时候 You"ll find my footprints in the sand 你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印 when I"m weary 当我疲惫的时候 well I know you be there and I can feel you 我知道你会在那里,因为我可以感受得到 when you say 当你说 I promise you I"m always there 我答应你我会一直在那里 When your heart is filled with sorrow And despair 当你的心充满了悲伤与绝望 I"ll carry you 我会支撑着你 When you need a friend 当你需要一个朋友的时候 You"ll find my footprints in the sand 你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印 When your heart is full of Sadness and despair 即使当你的心彻底的绝望了 I"ll carry you 我也会支撑着你 when you need a friend 当你需要一个朋友的时候 You"ll find my footprints in the sand. 你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印 引自某一网站的回答 关天朗时间改回他的中学。他已经得到了一个“A”,他的第一个高尔夫球大师赛在奥古斯塔国家高尔夫俱乐部美国的最后一周。 14岁的业余从中国已经成为在主人打最年轻的高尔夫球手。他还削减对世界上最好的职业高尔夫比赛。他们中的一些是老得足以做他父亲的! 在大师,官做了出色的工作,并获得银杯,为表现最好的业余冠军。很多人认为他可以成为“中国的老虎伍兹。”然而,这对于第八年级还为时过早。 “还有很长的路要走,说:”关,“因为有很多东西对我的学习和提高。” 2、Real Reform in Takings Law 征用法的真正改革 Russell and Lois Volkema are among the latest victims of Michigan"s failure to protect the rights of property owners. A wetlands regulation, passed years after they purchased land in Kent County, robbed their land of $212,000 in value and partly destroyed their plans for retirement. Russell和Lois Volkema是密歇根疏于保护所有者权利的最新的受害者。一项颁布于他们在肯特县购买土地多年后的溼地规定,剥夺了他们价值212000美元的土地,也部分摧毁了他们的退休计划。 The Michigan Court of Appeals, in a decision last October, conceded that the regulation interfered with the Volkemas" investment plans. However, the Court ruled that the couple were not due one penny of pensation for the "taking" of the property"s value by government regulation. The reason? The law deprived the Volkemas of only some of their property"s value, not all of it. 密歇根州上诉法院在去年10月作出决定,承认该项规定妨碍了Volkemas的投资计划。然而,法院裁定,该夫妇不能按 *** 的该项规定评估其财产“收益”来得到一分钱的赔偿。原因何在?该法律只剥夺了Volkemas财产的一些价值,而非全部。 Relief may be on the way. Under consideration in the U. S. Congress is a measure that would require the federal government to pay owners of private property whenever a federal action reduces their property values by more than 33 percent. Legislators in 23 states introduced pensation reform bills in 1995, and at least five states have been suessful at passing laws similar to, and some even more protective than, the federal bill. 调解可能还正在进行中。美国国会正在审议一项措施,要求一旦联邦行动减少私有财产所有者的财产价值超过33%,联邦 *** 就要为其赔付。23个州的立法者们在1995年提出赔偿改革法案,至少有五个州已成功地通过类似的法律,有的甚至比联邦法案保护的更多。 In Michigan, weak but helpful reforms are getting attention in the legislature. One bill requires that o departments, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Environmental Quality, conduct impact asses *** ents to recognize potential takings and evaluate the effect of their actions on property rights. 在密歇根州,微弱但有益的改革开始得到立法机关的重视。一项法案要求两个部门:自然资源部和环境质量部来进行影响评估,以确认潜在的收益和评估他们的行动对财产权利的影响。 Unfortunately, this type of "look before you leap" reform makes officials look but does little to prevent them from leaping at the expense of property owners. Another bill would require property-rights sensitivity training for the employees of the DNR and the DEQ--again, a helpful but very modest reform. 不幸的是,这种“三思而后行”的改革仅让官员们关注,但并没有阻止他们损害财产所有者的利益。另一项法案将要求对智慧财产权敏感的DNR和DEQ员工培训,进行一个有用但是非常温和的改革。 These proposals do not address the flaws in the current system of pensation or provide a substantive increase in the amount of protection afforded property owners. Their greatest flaw is in their mandating of asses *** ents and training based on current judicial takings standards. It is those very standards that cry out for fundamental change. 这些建议没有定位在现行赔偿系统的缺陷上,或在给予所有者的保护数额上提供一个实质性的增长。他们最大的缺陷是基于当前司法收益标准来授权评估和培训。正是那些过于标准,才引起要根本性的变化的呼吁。 Both the U. S. Constitution and the Michigan Constitution say that property shall not be taken for public use "without just pensation," court interpretations of various laws and regulations have undermined that principle. Owners are usually awarded pensation in the courts only if all economically viable uses of their property are destroyed by a governmental action. Even if a regulation decreases the value of a person"s property by half, for instance, so long as one use or some value of the total property remains, the owner is left without a remedy. The Michigan Supreme Court, if it chooses to review the Volkema case, will have an opportunity to reevaluate this incorrect, but prevailing, interpretation 美国宪法和密歇根州宪法都说,财产不得“不加赔偿”被公共使用 ,法院对各种法律和法规的解释破坏了这一原则。通常,所有者只有在他们的财产一切经济上可行的使用都被 *** 的行为破坏的情况下,方能在法院得到赔偿。即使一项规定减少了个人财产的价值到一半,例如,只要你使用或财产总价值的剩余部分,所有者就无法得到补尝。密歇根州最高法院,如果它选择重审Volkema案例的话,将有机会重新评估这个不正确的,但普遍存在的判决。 悉尼是澳大利亚的最大城市。但它不是首都。澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。堪培拉宁静而美丽,约有28.5万人口。在堪培拉你可以看到博物馆,公园和湖。其中一个湖里还有一个人造喷泉。喷泉喷出的水可高达150米。 1.牧师:搞定。我已将资料库的资料全挖出来了。但我告诉你,我可不想它的主人带着一批打手过来,准备跑吧! 2. 牧师:中途暂停。保持坐在座位上,别把头伸出视窗。超级引擎充电几分钟后,我们就可跳到赫菲斯托斯(希腊神话里的锻冶之神,这里可能当作地名)那里。 亚历克斯:赫菲斯托斯?我们去那干啥?我们需要到布里恩! 牧师:其实我们是去瓦尔肯(罗马神话里的锻冶之神),但这船再好也不能一蹴而就,需要暂停于赫菲斯托斯。我能问我们去布里恩做什么吗? 亚历克斯:牧师,我不知道你为何要进入伊诺克的空间,但我们一定得去布里恩,就这样定了。 泰瑞:‘就这样定了"是啥意思?比如说,我要去瓦伦西亚,去购物,去享受阳光浴。作为一个最近被绑架的女孩,脆弱的生命随时都能了结;我觉得我有权休息、放松及处理我的压力和噩梦等等。 卡龙:我支援这个建议。而且,瓦伦西亚有很好的香瓜。海盗是不会请我们吃香瓜的,这已经是一种压力。说真的,有人能告诉我在布里恩或瓦尔克有忘了什么吗? 亚历克斯:当然。不幸的是,我们建立特务网路的想法失败了。我们不止在寻钱,还借了现代装置和使用手册等等。尽管这不是最佳的策略,但我们船队很需要这些装置来保护商人。我们的所有资讯都与FTU的协调人分享,凯尔就是其中一个。不幸的是,他又与君主、伊姆和凯恩分享。请想象一下,以老王国的资金和位于瓦德尔与顺吉的美国造船设施,他们三人能造出什么样的舰队。伊姆则从海盗那边聘请船员过来….. FTU彻底砸锅了,也许商人也对我们失去信心。最糟糕的是所有的贸易将会停止,而我所提及的想要避免的危机将会来临。所以。我要求你们陪我去布里恩,从那里我们可以攻打藏在瓦德尔的君主。没有他,伊姆和凯恩将会威力全失。 先翻译2组吧。您将这么多内容放在一个提问里是不智之举,这就是没有人问津的原因! 【英语牛人团】 I provided the correct receipt to DHL in the Custom Service due to some problems arised in the custom claim. The express-delivery packages are waiting in the Guangshou Custom Service at present (waiting for the custom approval and passage). We estimate that the packages arrive at US on November 28th. I will keep a close look at it on the DHL web site. We will inform you promptly with any new information. 我们学校有有趣的一群学生。阅读他们的陈述,猜猜他们喜欢什么。 我的名字是特蕾莎。我每天听VOA广播并跟着他们读。我想要学习另一种语言。我想交其他国家的朋友,这很有趣。 我是安妮。放学后我经常这样做。昨天我又买了一个。但我不能经常买它。妈妈说对我的眼睛不好,而且我常玩它的话对我的学习不利,但它让我兴奋。 我的名字叫索菲娅。有人认为它是无聊的。但它不是。我坐在阳光下读书和思考。我经常能抓住某个东西并把它煮了当饭吃。 我是特德。中国人通常做它。在加拿大,人们开车来上班或买东西。每天我做它。它是很好的锻炼。它可以使我强壮和健康。
2023-06-29 15:06:491


写作思路:可以写保护野生动物的重要性,保护野生动物的具体实施策略,比如建立自然保护区、开展驯养繁殖、提高法律保护地位等等。正文:Natural selection makes the fittest survive. This biological law is impossible to change, but human beings use this law to ruthlessly kill animals to achieve their goal - to sell money with the meat and fur of animals.物竞天择,适者生存。这个生物法则是不可能改变的,而人类却利用这个法则,无情地残杀动物们,以达成目的——用动物身上的肉、皮毛来卖钱。Ecological balance is indispensable. The extinction of an organism may be the disappearance of a biological chain. Now, because of human destruction, many species have been extinct or almost extinct.生态平衡,缺一不可。一种生物的灭绝,可能就是一条生物链的消失。而现在因为人类的破坏,有许多物种已经灭绝或者是差一点儿就灭绝灭亡了。Electric fishing, large net catching birds, shotgun shooting In order to make money, people pursue animals by all means. Some people even make more money to make their skin color better. They even take off the fur of animals while they are alive. How cruel!电捕鱼、大网捕鸟、猎枪击射……人们为了赚钱,不择手段的追害动物们。甚至有人为了让皮色更好一点,能多赚点儿钱,甚至,在动物活着的时候,扒下它们的皮毛。太残忍了啊!Endangered animals are doomed, global protection is urgent, now almost all countries have animal protection laws. Some stars do public service ads to stop people from wearing animal fur. Boycott fur products, starting with my parents and family.濒危动物的在劫难逃,全球保护刻不容缓,现在各个国家几乎都有了保护动物的法律。还有一些明星做公益广告,让人们不要再穿着动物皮毛们做的东西了。抵制皮草制品,从我的父母家人做起。If there were no animals on the earth, what would happen to human beings? The fate that befalls animals will eventually come to mankind. For our future generations, but also for the future harmonious and diversified earth, let us all take action to protect them!如果地球上没有了动物,人类会怎样?降临在动物身上的命运,终究会降临在人类的身上。为了我们的子孙后代,更为了未来和谐多元化的地球,让大家都行动起来保护它们吧!
2023-06-29 15:07:001


2023-06-29 15:07:495


2023-06-29 15:08:124


1. accelerate vt.加速,促进2. acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/ v.承认;致谢3. abuse v.滥用,虐待;谩骂4. acquire vt.取得,获得5. academic a.学术的;高等院校的6. access n. / v. 通道,入径7. accessible a. 可到达的,可接受的8. alter v. 改变,改动,9. alternative a.可供替代的,二中择一的 n 可供选择的事物10. appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求11. arrest v. 逮捕,拘留12. associate v. 联想,联系13. association n. 协会,社团14. assume v. 假定,假设15. assumption n. 假定,假设16. assess vt 评估,评价 n 17. assist v/n 帮助,协助 18. arbitrary a.随意的,未断的19. article [ˈɑːtɪk(ə)l] n.文章;东西,物品20. attach vt.系,贴;使附属21. appetite n. 食欲,胃口22. applaud v. 鼓掌,赞许,赞赏 n. applause23. appoint v. 任命,委任,安排24. appropriate a 适当的25. automatic a.自动的26. bargain [ˈbɑːɡɪn] n. 廉价货 v. 讨价还价27. beneficial [benɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l]a. 有利的,有帮助的,有用的28. benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt]n. / v.优势,益处,使…受益29. behalf [bɪˈhɑːf] n. 代表某人,为了某人30. behave [bɪˈheɪv] v. 守规矩,行为31. behaviour/ bɪ`heɪvjər / n. 行为,举止32. betray [bɪˈtreɪ] v.出卖,泄露(机密),辜负33. bitter [ˈbɪtə(r)] a. 有苦味的;痛苦的,难过的34. bill [bɪl] n.账单;法案,议案35. bomb [bɔm] n. 炸弹 v. 轰炸36. bless [bles] vt. 保佑,降福37. bond [bɔnd] n. /v. 纽带,联系,使牢固38. bonus [ˈbəʊnəs]n. 津贴,奖金,红利39. boom [buːm] n. / v. 繁荣,轰鸣,激增40. board [bɔːd] n. 木板;布告牌 v. 上(船、火车、飞机)
2023-06-29 15:08:341


”提倡绿色生活方式“可以直接翻译为”promote a green lifestyle“同时,中国将全面落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程。中国将加强生态文明建设,加快调整优化产业结构、能源结构,倡导绿色低碳的生产生活方式。China will fully implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It will do more on the ecological front, by transforming and improving its industrial structure and energy mix at a faster pace and promoting a green, low-carbon way of life and production.
2023-06-29 15:08:512

渴望 英语短语

be thirsty for
2023-06-29 15:09:485


这样的主题英文作文的写作,首先必须要把主要的事件详细的经过,用流畅的文笔和语句来进行描绘。然后把自己的心得体会感受,和倡导的主要内容和方式进行有效的总结。这样才能够完整地书写作文,让文章语言表达流畅,主旨明确。写作时必须按给出的提纲或提示去写,任何过于放任自由的做法都是不可取的,更不要另有所图,滔滔不绝。这是进入实际操作前的一个基本认识问题,稍不留神就会出问题。  滔滔不绝“意识流”  控制这种“意识流”的写法,必须严格按照三点提纲来写。假如第一段要求描述某个现象,务必不要先进行的原因分析,否则到了第二段该分析原因的时候就没东西可写了。明智的做法是投其所好,该如何就如何,这一原则适用于所有的考试。另外,有的考生一方面有话则多,一发而不可收,控制不了自己;一方面无话则隐,该说的话没的有说出来。我们不妨把作文的要求量化到每一个段落:一篇200词左右的作文一般不会超过15句话,把这15句话根据题目要求分配到各段中去,每一段大模只说那么几句话,绝不多说。事实上往往是说得越多,错误越多。因此,跟着提纲走,每一段不要写得太多,点到为止,见好就收,这才是最稳妥的对策。  无话可说真难受  无话可说是滔滔不绝的对立面。有的考生题目看得懂,提纲也一目了然,就是不知道该说什么,在考场上头脑一片空白,想到的也只是空泛的东西。这是一种常见的现象。在这种情况下,即使是用中文也难以写好,更何况要用英文去表达。针对这一情况,办法就是要善于联想到一些具体的事实、的具体的例证以及具体的现象。联想起具体细小的事情,再形成有效观点。把看得见摸得着的事物,带来的思考变成作文里的实质内容,这不失为一种很好的策略。  平时多练勤思考  在写作时头脑出现空白,应该由具体细小的、的琐碎的、的微不足道的事物所引发的思考形成观点,再进行论述。这种定式思维的形成需要平时多下功夫多练习。从无话可说到有话可说,有个例子让人不无启发。
2023-06-29 15:10:351


亲爱的温蒂, 很抱歉我没有有时间与您交谈昨天。我的电话之后,我要做饭,洗的婴儿,并明确......有时觉得真的很累,但这是我的家人和我需要做什么我可以为他们。 我仍然感到很伤心每一次当我思考我们grandmum 。我简直不敢相信,她已离开了我们。我觉得比以前,生活需要进行,你太。我想我越来越老,我开始喜欢看自己的一面镜子,哈哈.....只要我们感觉很舒服,做任何事情,可以使我们快乐。 我去购物每星期五与辛西娅,我们有协议,我们去玩具店先看看她的things.Then我们去时装商店看看默剧,是一个很好的交易吗?我们可能会去咖啡店有一杯咖啡和一些蛋糕。上周五我们的家庭将不会在家里做饭,如果我们感到非常累。我们呼吁比萨饼或肯德基,有时去中国餐馆太多。 好吧, hopfully我们可以很快开会线,并与您交谈很快。请好好照顾自己。如果你有时间请到我家来访问我的妈妈和安慰她,谢谢! 所有最好的!
2023-06-29 15:10:462


我们真诚呼吁世界各国弘扬和平文化的英文是We sincerely appeal to all countries in the world to promote the culture of peace。英语是目前世界上仅次于汉语的第二大语种,其应用范围非常之广。随着社会的不断进步和发展,英语学习的重要性就更加明显了。
2023-06-29 15:11:321

呼吁对女性的理解与关注 用英文怎么说??

appeal for the understanding and attention to women
2023-06-29 15:12:002

求一篇大学英语作文 1.当今社会虚假新闻越来越多 2.出现这种现象的原因 3.呼吁社会改变这种不智

Reality is the life of the news as well as the roots of the journalists" survive.However,fake news appears more and more frequently at present.There are three reasons.First of all,there doesn"t exist the correct view of the news which is the root cause of the fake news" remaining incessant after repeated prohibition.Secondly,the propagators oneself are not of good qualities which is the key reason of the appearance of the fake news.Thirdly,the inside management of the media is not completed and there are not enough limis for the fake news.However,we own the reasons to believe that fake news will become less and less and the public credibility of the media will be further promoted by the common hardwork of the new media and all the people.
2023-06-29 15:12:571


1. 关于读好书多读书的英语作文 it"s generally considered that reading do a lot of benefit to our students.not only can it make our after-school life more meaningful and corlourful,but it can expand our horizons.as a result,with reading more,we would grow into a better person. however, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time in playing games or surfing the inter,instead of reading. it"s a pity to find it less and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit of reading. so,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we"d better take action right now.let"s read together,learn together and grow tergether! 差点漏了翻译。.. 大家都普遍认为读书对我们学生有莫大的益处。读书不仅丰富我们的课余时间,而且能拓宽我们的视野。所以,读书能使我们成长成为一个更优秀的人。 然而,在当下,我们中多数人都把大部分空闲时间耗费在玩游戏或者上网上,而不是用来读书。令人遗憾的是,我们越来越少学生对读书感兴趣,或是有读书的习惯。 所以,为了使读书,这种有益的活动重新流行起来,我们最好马上行动起来。让我们一同阅读,一同学习,一同成长! 2. 应不应该多读书英语作文 按你的要求,为你写了一个正好80词的短文,希望能帮到你哦!It is well known that reading is a path leading to the successful goal of yours. Book is the teacher who can stay with you through a lifetime, helping you learn what you want to learn. Reading will not only make perfect of what you learn at school but also broaden your views. That is, reading will make you grow up as a knowledgeable person.Of course, we need reading more books. Well, let"s keep reading and benefit from it.众所周知,读书,是你通向成功之路。 书,是可以终身陪伴你的老师, 可以帮助你学习一切你想学的东西。读书,不仅可以完善你在学校所学的东西,还可以开阔你的眼界。 也就是说,读书使你成为一个博学的人。我们当然应该多读书。 那么,就让我们坚持阅读并从中受益吧。 3. 写一篇关于读书的英语作文,呼吁同学多读书 it"s generally considered that reading do a lot of benefit to our students.not only can it make our after-school life more meaningful and corlourful,but it can expand our horizons.as a result,with reading more,we would grow into a better person. however, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time in playing games or surfing the inter,instead of reading. it"s a pity to find it less and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit of reading. so,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we"d better take action right now.let"s read together,learn together and grow tergether! 4. 用英文写一篇关于少上网、多读书、养成每天写日记的作文 Nowadays more and more teenagers spend much more time on inter. I think It"s bad for their health if they spend too much time surfing the inter every day. Being a student, we should concentrate on our studies. We should read more books When we are free because we can gain a lot from books. We can also write diaries every day and it"s good for us,too.。 5. 帮忙写一篇关于读书的英语作文 People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world.But I don"t think so. In my opinion, to read books is more valuable than anything else. The old saying "To open a book is always helpful" clearly tells us how good it is to read a book. Books are our friends. They introduce us different kinds of knowledge. They lead us down the road to success. Books are our teachers. They teach us troth, science, literature, and philosophy of life. Besides, they increase our knowledge, enlarge our experience,strengthen our character and do many other things which we can not do without them. Books tell us what is good and what is evil. And only books can tell the good from the bad. Therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students. 读书的价值 人们常说金子和银子是世界上最有价值的东西,但我不这样认为。在我看来,读书比任何其他事情更有价值。 “开卷有益”清楚地告诉了我们读书有多好。 书是我们的朋友。它们向我们介绍不同种类的知识,它指导我们沿着成功之路前行。 书是我们的老师。它们教我们真理、科学、文学和生活的哲理,同时它们增加了我们的知识,扩大了我们的视野,增强了我们的个性,使我们还做了在没有书的情况下绝不可能完成的其他事情。 书能让我们明辨是非,并且只有书才能让我们吸取反面教训。 因此,读更多的书是我们青少年学生的明智之举。 6. 请帮写一篇关于读书的意义和目前因为什么少读书 Reading is very important in our life. We can gain knowledge by reading. It can not only open our minds but also make us happier. If someone wants to imiprove English skills he or she must choose the way to resding books.Reading often helps us grow as a person. But now someone spends time as much as possible listening to music, watching TV and going online rather than dong some reading.I think they are waste time.I believe people who read more books must be *** arter than others who waste time. So here, I suggest everyone should read more books and read good books. Because the more books you read,the better you will be.Let"s start reading right now. 7. 读书有关的英语作文和翻译 我读书 我快乐 读书是一种享受,我们可以在享受中得到体会; 读书是一种体会,我们可以在享受中得到乐趣; 读书是一种乐趣,我们可以在享受中得到知识;我读书,我快乐! 书籍是人类进步的阶梯,它可以引导我们奋力前进,更进一步。 多读好书,会使我们脱离庸俗,脱离无知,走到那里仿佛都有一种属于书的清香伴随着我们,书香弥漫。有文化底韵的人,都会给人一种清新的感觉,一种高贵的气质。 书籍,它教导我们要脚踏实地,问心无愧地迈向成功。 书籍是人类的朋友,而读书则是人类的亲密朋友。 在读书的过程中,我们能培养文化修养;若果经常地去研究,去读,去思考,便能从中央到地方找到新的知识点,正所谓“温故而知新”,还可以把知识点都牢牢地记住,就像刻在脑海里一样。“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”,只有多读健康有益的书,努力地学习,才能为自己幸福的将来奠定良好的基础。 读一本文学经典,诗情画意随即呈现眼前:北朝民歌《敕勒歌》“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”描绘了北方大草原的辽阔,牧草丰盛,牛羊成群的迷人风光;贺知章的《咏柳》“不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀”通过赞美柳树,进而赞美春天,讴歌春的无限创造力;孟浩然的《春晓》“夜来风雨声,花落知多少”则表现了大自然的盎然春意和勃勃生机;王维的《鹿柴》“返景入深林,复照青苔上”描绘了鹿柴附近的空山深林在傍晚时分的幽静景色……诗词们都能让人陶冶情操,益人心智。 读一本史书,一幕幕动人心弦的场面历历在目:“秦王扫六合”、陈胜,吴广起义、楚汉之争、汉武帝的大一统……它解开了紧锁历史的密码,打开尘封的史册,见证过往的兴盛和繁荣,发人深省。 读一本古典小说,艺术性和思想性结合的情景在脑海中泛起狂澜:罗贯中的《三国演义》描写了东汗末年和三国时期错综复杂的政治与军事斗争;施耐庵的《水浒传》歌颂了农民的斗争精神;吴成恩的《西游记》赞颂了人民蔑视封建统治、勇于反抗的精神;曹雪芹的《红楼梦》揭示了封建社会必然崩溃的历史趋势,耐人寻味。 读一本意义方长的书,能加深我们的理解能力,让灵魂感到冲突。 “读书百遍,其义自现”。每次读书,都能秒趣横生,并从中得到可贵的知识。 我读书,我快乐! Reading is a kind of enjoyment, we can reading is a joy Reading is an experience, we can have fun in enjoy; Reading is a pleasure, we can get knowledge in enjoy; I read a book, I am happy! Books are the ladder of the progress of mankind, it can guide us push on, one step further. Read a good book, can make us from vulgar, from ignorance, get there as if there is a kind of book fragrance with we belong to, elegant diffuse. A culture of the musical sound, can give a person a kind of pure and fresh feeling, a noble temperament. Books, it teaches us to be down-to-earth, a clear conscience towards success. Books are friends of human beings, and reading is a close friend of the human. In the process of reading, we can develop a culture; If often to study, to read, to think about, can from the central to local find new knowledge, is the so-called "a lot", still can put knowledge firmly remember, just like on the mind. "In the book, in the book has its own the gold room has its own YanRuYu", only read health benefits of book, study hard, can be you happy future lay the good foundation. Read a literary classics, poetic eyes immediately present: north Korean folk song "ChiLeGe" "days old, wild boundless, the wind grass low see cattle and sheep" described the north of the great plains vast territory, abundant forage grass, herds of charming scenery; The HeZhiZhang "to sing liu" "don"t know fine leaf who cut out, February the spring breeze like scissors" through the praise the willow tree, and then praise spring, spring song of the infinite creativity; Meng haoran"s "dawn" "storm night, the flower falls sound 。
2023-06-29 15:13:061


如果要人工翻译的话,这么长你得给点时间 ,你最快什么时候需要
2023-06-29 15:13:1814


one night in beijing, i went to the food market, oye. i felt some one whispering me who turned out to be a student-like girl. her voice was too soft to be heard, likely saying "i"m robbing you! give me food!" fuck that. i was stunned for a while, then to leave with a handsome turning thinking "just another cheater". but a thought "if she"s not a cheater..." drove me crazy then. the people were getting more and more when attempting to leave the market, i met over the begging girl, with a face showing full of disappointment. i forced her to take the money, she looked at me with a unbelievable expression. "i don"t care if you are a liar or not, but you"d better say the truth. an honest person deserves the help." she was so delighted, but just looked at me without a "thank you"!
2023-06-29 15:13:489


突然一切都是不同的时代 — — 你是某种程度上另一人几年前,我的父母、 我的妻子、 儿子、、 和吃在哪里菜单写在黑板的食肆之一。丰盛的晚餐后, 服务员设置本条例草案在表的中间。当它发生了: 我的父亲没有达成这项条例草案。会话继续进行。最后我恍然大悟。我本该买单 !数十万人有钱,想起我父亲一生与我的父母,到餐厅用餐后它都改变了。我伸手检查,,我认为我自己突然被更改。我是一名成年人。有些人标出他们几年的生活吗?矿山测量中小规模的事件 — — 在礼仪。我没有在特定的年龄,像 13,但孩子走进商店,我工作,叫我"先生"时,而是成为一名年轻男子。他重复它几次,看着我直。像一拳打实现: 我 !我也突然变成了一个吝啬鬼。已有其他的里程碑。总是我青春的警察似乎大、 甚至是巨大的和他们当然比我大。然后有一天突然他们既不。事实上,有些孩子 — — 短的孩子。一天之际,突然意识到我看了这场比赛中的所有足球运动员都是比我年轻。他们只是大点的孩子。这一里程碑了总有一天,或许,我也可以得到一名足球运动员的梦想。无有联系过山顶,我已成往事。我没想到我会睡电视机像父亲那样的前面。现在它是我最拿手的。我没想到我会去海滩和游泳。然而,我花了 8 月,在海边的所有,从来没有一次走进海洋,我从未想过我会喜欢歌剧,但现在的悲伤和声音和乐团组合呼吁给我。我没想到我宁愿呆回家的晚上,但现在我发现我自己放弃缔约方。我常想,人鸟很奇怪,但今年夏天,我发现自己看着他们,看着,也许会的一本书。我渴望一种宗教的信念: 我从未想过我想要的和我的儿子的参数,重复我的父亲曾经对我说。我仍然输了。一天,我买了一栋房子。一天 — — 那一天 ! — — 我成了一位父亲,并不会太久后,我拿起条例草案 》 为我自己的父亲。我以为那它就给我一种成年仪式。但有一天,当我是有点老了,我意识到这是一个对他来说太。另一个里程碑。
2023-06-29 15:14:191


百度知道避免的英文“避免”用英语怎么表示?查看全部3个回答“避免”用英语怎么表示?快哦~~~匿名用户2019-02-021. to avert2. to prevent3. to avoid4. to refrain from近义词或词组burke | give a miss | avoidance | avoid | abstain from | get round | avert | get out of... | eschewal | got out of | kept clear of | get ride of | forefend | evading | fight off
2023-06-29 15:14:271

有首英文合唱的歌.好像是呼吁世界和平的.歌名里面有Woeld 这个词

healtheworld———迈克尔·杰克逊 (Healtheworld)是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,十分优秀,歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱,让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处充满了温暖和欢乐。
2023-06-29 15:14:431

用英文 鼓励别人学好汉语的作文 5句话

wdadadsjdhawd Do youlike dadwdadwdfggth fish duwdwadh
2023-06-29 15:15:226


2023-06-29 15:15:488


这题我会,Would You Be Impressed
2023-06-29 15:16:085


  演讲稿是能让人在思想感情上产生共鸣的稿件,那么英文演讲稿3分钟带翻译怎么写呢?下面带来英文演讲稿3分钟带翻译范文,欢迎阅读。   英文演讲稿3分钟带翻译【1】   I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.   We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.   We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.   You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, it is victory.   Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.   Let that be realized, no survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that British Empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal.   I take up my task in buoyancy and hope.   I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.   I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.”   我能奉献的唯有热血、辛劳、泪水和汗水。   我们所面临的将是一场极为残酷的考验,我们面临的将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。   你若问我们的目标是什么?我可以用一个词来概括,那就是胜利。   不惜一切代价去夺取胜利,不畏惧一切恐怖去夺取胜利,不论前路再长再苦也要多去胜利,因为没有胜利纠无法生存!我们必须意识到,没有胜利就没有大英帝国,没有胜利就没有大英帝国所象征的一切,没有胜利就没有多少世纪以来强烈的.要求和冲动:人类应当向自己的目标迈进。   此刻,我的精神振奋,满怀信心地承当起自己的人物。   我确信,只要我们大家联合,我们的事业就不会挫败。   此时此刻千钧一发之际,我觉得我有权要求各方面的支持。   我要呼吁:“来吧,让我们群策努力,并肩迈进!”   英文演讲稿3分钟带翻译【2】   Good afternoon, my honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen and fellow contestants:   I feel so happy to have the chance to make a speech.   The title of my speech is Protect the Environment, Protect Ourselves.   I hope you will like it.   Everybody knows waste paper and used coke cans are discarded everywhere.   You might have seen plastic bags flying in the sky and getting caught in the trees when the wind blows or maybe you have seen old cans floating in the rivers and polluting the water.   Our environment is the place in which we live, but it is being ruined by us.   There is a story about house and trees.   It is said that a manu2019s house was surrounded by a lot of trees.   Though the wind was strong, that man could have a good rest under the trees.   How comfortable the life was! One day, that man wanted to enlarge his house, so he cut down all the trees.   Then the autumn came without the protection.   The strong wind blew the roof of the house into the sky.   The whole house was gone with the wind.   What a pity! But thatu2019s the price people have to pay for destroying in the ecology balance.   People shouldnu2019t be short-sighted.   Protecting the environment is everyoneu2019s task.   As you know, there are four kinds of pollution.   They are air pollution, water pollution, waste pollution and noise pollution.   But what can we do to solve the pollution? I think, firstly, we can make cars that donu2019t pollute the environment.   We can ask companies to use modern clean technology.   In some big cities, we can limit the number of cars.   Secondly, we can try to use less water and make sure that we do not pollute the water.   We can tell factories that they are not allowed to pour waste water into the lakes and rivers.   Thirdly, we should not throw rubbish in parks and cities.   We can pick up rubbish if we see it.   We can put more rubbish bins in our parks and ci   ities.   Fourthly, we can live far from the noise and make the laws to limit the noise.   The air, water and the whole atmosphere directly influenced our lives, such as the air, people may cough and it will lead to cancer.   So we must try our best to keep the world clean and tidy.   To reach it, I want to put forward three points to everybody---Point 1: donu2019t spit and liter; Point 2: donu2019t draw on the wall; Point 3: clean the streets every day.   In order to make the environment clean, letu2019s join our hands together to make the world better.   Thank you!   下午好,我尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们,各位参赛者: 我感到很高兴有机会做一个演讲。   我演讲的题目是保护环境,保护我们自己。   我希望你会喜欢它。   每个人都知道废纸和用过的可乐罐被丢弃的地方。   你可能已经看到在天空中飞行的塑料袋,并在树上被捉住了,当风吹,或者你看到旧罐漂浮在河流和污染的水。   我们的环境是我们生活的地方,但它却被我们破坏了。   有一个关于房子和树的故事。   据说一个人的房子周围有很多树。   虽然风很强,人可以在树下好好休息。   生活是多么舒适!一天,那个人想扩大自己的房子,所以他把所有的树都砍了下来。   然后秋天来了没有保护。   强风把房子的屋顶吹向天空。   整座房子都被风吹走了。   真遗憾!但这是人们必须为破坏生态平衡而付出代价的代价。   人们不应该是短视的。   保护环境是每个人的任务。   正如你所知道的,有四种污染。   他们是空气污染,水污染,废水污染和噪声污染。   但是我们能做什么来解决污染呢?我想,首先,我们可以制造不污染环境的汽车。   我们可以要求企业使用现代清洁技术。   在一些大城市,我们可以限制汽车的数量。   第二,我们可以尝试使用较少的水,并确保我们不污染水。   我们可以告诉工厂,他们不允许把废水倒入湖泊和河流中。   第三,我们不应该扔垃圾在公园和城市。   如果我们看到它,我们可以捡垃圾。   我们可以把更多的垃圾箱放在我们的公园和城市里。   第四,我们可以远离噪音,并制定法律来限制噪音。   空气,水和整个空气直接影响我们的生活,如空气,人们可能会咳嗽,它会导致癌症。   所以我们必须尽我们的全力来保持世界的清洁和整洁。   为了实现这一点,我想提出三点对每个人---点1:不要随地吐痰和升;点2:不要画在墙上;点3:干净的街道每一天。   为了使环境变得干净,让我们携起手来,让世界更美好。   谢谢你!
2023-06-29 15:16:241


  我听见从她的卧室。万达  “你好吗?”她的声音弱和害怕。  “我应该去看看她,“我吻了他,在他的嘴唇,补充道:“我很抱歉。”  “喂?”万达又问,大声一点。  ","我呼求的日子,万达集团就大得足以让她听到我。“等着我吧?”我问他我回到我的脚上了木狗。  “当然,只要您所需要的。但是不要太长,我累坏自己。”  我走回房间看到万达躺在她的床上。  “感觉怎么样?”我问她”原文作“独一者”)。  “你是谁?”她问,她的眼睛睁得大大地。她把她的膝盖到她的胸部和scooted背靠在墙上。  她看上去很害怕。  “王大,这只是我,梅勒妮,”我对她微微一笑。  她的眼睛里充满了恐惧。  “梅兰妮。你最好的朋友吗?”我说,有点发疯了。她怎么可能不记得我了吗?  “谁? . . "汪达以微弱的声音。  “你真的不记得我了?”我走了几步又近了一步。也许她只是不能看见我的面在黑暗里吗?  “没有……我吗?发生什么事了?”她环视了一下房间,试图找到一些熟悉的。  “你昏过去了,但医生说你会没事的。也许我应该去找他。一些不正确的。“我听起来感到担忧。为什么  这是发生了什么?  我转身走出房间……  “你完成梅兰妮吗?我们要迟到了!”  “晚吗?我们还有20分钟前就先!”我兴奋地说。我无法相信今天是情人节快乐!  “快点,亲爱的。我想要有足够的时间来拍摄的照片,你需要之后,白天! "他说,  绑鞋带。  “只有几分钟。我只是把最后的润色。我太兴奋了!就在今天,我开始成为什么样的人  夫人奥谢!”我跑过去,亲吻了他的脸颊。  “史密斯先生和夫人凯尔奥谢。这也有一个漂亮的戒指,它不是吗?”他问道,咯咯地笑。他很激动,我能做的  告诉。  “噢,我忘了我的鞋子!”我尖叫起来,跑回了我的肩膀上,抓住它们。  当我跑回我绊了一下一个盒子放在地板上,降落在床上....
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At present,our country"s traffic is very crowded.Many cities in our country is to promote public bicycles .So people advocate "green travel,low carbon life". On for the topic,talk about the benefits of promoting public bicycle:the first ,rent is at any time,convenient travel ;The second,it can make traffic easily;The third ,riding a bicycle can protect the environment . That"s all .So we should ride a bicycle to go out . / The advantages of going outside by bicycle 一:phenomenon 二:1.be friendly to the environment 2.be good for health 3.relieve the busy traffic 4.a new city scenery 三:summrize / Bicycle riding has many advantages.It is the least expensive way of traveling apart from walking.If you travel by bicycle,you don"t have to buy gas as you must when you drive cars.Besides,it develops much less mechanical troubles than a car. bicycle riding is especially good for health.It is good exercise.If you go to work by riding a bicycle instead of driving or taking a bus,you can have a better chance of getting enough exercise you need everyday.Bicycling is also good for our environment.It is less noisy and does not pollute the air.I am glad to have ridden a bicycle to school when I studied in the high school. / Nowadays,it"s important for us to live the low-carbon life.The first thing we can do is to ride the bikes.Because first,bikes are cheaper than cars.Second,it"s easy to find the place to park bikes.Third,the oil is not necessary for bikes,so bikes won"t produce the dirty air.Finally,we can ride bikes to keep fit.Let"s ride the bikes instead of cars to protect the environment! 我只给你一些参考,你自己写噢!
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篇一:英文对话作文   学校的教室里有个箱子,里面装满了很多丢失的东西,有书本,有铅笔,有三角尺,有羽毛球拍……都快把整个箱子挤满了。门上有一个铁将军,它防止小偷来拿东西。   在里面,他们正七嘴八舌地议论起来。二楼的新华字典叹了口气,垂头丧气地说:“哎,主人把我扔了,也不去捡。看来,连他也讨厌我了。”三角尺走过来,拍了拍它的肩膀,和蔼地说:“我的命也不比你好,我在这儿已经有三个学期了,但还是没人来收留我。”   他们俩个的对话被楼下的铅笔听见了。它垂着头,愁眉苦脸地说:“主人把我们扔来扔去,没过几天,我们就各奔东西了。”一旁的书本也说话了:“我刚买来,主人把我当成了宝,每天带着我。可当他看完了,就四处乱扔,一点儿也不知道保管。”   这时,同学们来了,门上的铁将军被打开了,他们一下子就认出了自己的主人,又回到了主人的怀抱。   There was a box in the classroom, full of lost things, books, pencils, a triangle, a badminton racket... It"s almost full of the whole box. There was an iron general on the door, which prevented the thief from taking things.   Inside, they were talking in tongues. The new xinhua dictionary on the second floor sighed with a sigh, "ah, the master threw me away, not to pick it up. It seems that even he hates me." The triangle came over and patted him on the shoulder and said kindly, "I am no better than you. I have been here for three semesters, but I still have no one to take care of me."   The conversation between them was heard by the pencil downstairs. It hung its head and said sadly, "our master threw us at it, and in a few days we will be running away." The other side of the book also said, "I just bought it, the master took me as a treasure, with me every day. But when he finished, he threw it around and didn"t know how to keep it."   At this moment, the students came and the iron general on the door was opened, and they recognized their master at once and returned to their master"s arms. 篇二:英文对话作文   星期六早晨吃早饭时,我和爸爸讨论了一个话题:张飞有多高?   我皱着眉头问:“爸爸,我听说《三国演义》里的张飞有八尺高,是不是真的呀?”   爸爸点点头,说:“是的。”   我托着腮,问:“张飞有八尺高,那么八尺换成我们现在的米呢?”   “如果按我们现代来说,张飞大概2、6米左右,那么说比姚明还高呢,是不可能的!”爸爸说道。   我紧追不舍:“古代一尺有多高呢?”   爸爸朝天花板望了望:“不同朝代一尺有不同的高度,如果你想知道,那么得查阅很多资料,还要去探索。”   “噢,”我说,“那么《三国志》里面记载了张飞的身高了吗?”   “没有。”   我恍然大悟:“我明白了,古代的尺和我们现在的不同的呀!要想知道,还得去研究,查阅资料啊!”   At breakfast on Saturday morning, my father and I discussed a topic: how high is zhang fei?   "Dad," I asked, frowning, "I heard that zhang fei is eight feet tall in the romance of The Three Kingdoms. Is that true?"   Baba nodded and said, "yes."   I put my chin on it and asked, "zhang fei is eight feet tall. What about eight feet for our current rice?"   "If zhang fei is about 2 or 6 meters in our modern day, then it"s impossible to say that he is taller than yao Ming!" "Dad said.   I followed closely: "how high is an ancient ruler?"   Dad looked at the ceiling and said, "there are different heights in different dynasties. If you want to know, you have to look up a lot of information and explore it."   "Oh," I said, "did the three nations record the height of zhang fei?"   "No."   I suddenly realized: "I understand, the ancient ruler and we are different now! Want to know, still have to study, look up data!" 篇三:英文对话作文   在一个夜晚,一辆耀眼的大众汽车从一条小道上飞奔而来,来到了这个废品收货站门前,主人下了车,把大众汽车独自一人留在了院子里。   大众汽车隐约听见有人在叫它,借着月光一看,原来是吉利熊猫,“大众老哥。”“是吉利熊猫啊,怎么变成这样了。”“哎~还说呢,我的主人晚上去喝酒,喝醉了,还非要自己开车回家,这不,撞车了,主人当场就死了,我也被拖到废品收货站里面来了!”“这就是酒后驾车的后果啊,我会提醒我的主人。”   越野大哥也来诉苦,“看看我,全身没有一块好皮,我的主人有急事,就闯了红灯,撞车了,没办法,我也就只好来这里了。”“这就是闯红灯的后果。”   看来,只有遵守交通规则,才是在保护你的生命,在此,我向所有开车的叔叔阿姨呼吁:请遵守交通规则!   On one night, a dazzling Volkswagen from galloping on a path, in front of the waste receiving station, the master out of the car and left the Volkswagen was alone in the yard.   The Volkswagen dimly heard someone calling it, and by the moonlight, it was the lucky panda, "mass elder brother." "It"s a lucky panda. How did that happen?" Also say, "ah ~ I master at night to drink, drunk, also don"t want to drive home, it"s not, crash, master died on the spot, I also was dragged into the waste receiving station is coming!" "This is the result of drunk driving. I will remind my master."   The big brother also came to complain, "look at me, I have no skin in my body, my master is in a hurry, he ran a red light, he crashed, and I have to come here." "This is the consequence of running a red light."   It seems that only obeying the traffic rules is protecting your life, and here I appeal to all the uncles and aunts who drive: please obey the traffic rules! 篇四:英文对话作文   一天晚上,小军正在睡觉,五指便说起了悄悄话,他们的对话是这样的。   大拇指说:“今天我和食指老弟累的筋骨都散了,谁叫小军除了应负老师的作业还要应负妈妈的作业。如果做作业,我俩就得称着笔,要做那么多,我俩得累死呀!哎,算了,谁叫我的命那么苦啊!”食指说:“对,对。”“你们不要说了,该轮到我说了。“大拇指和食指呀,你们只是两个人打一份工,我可是一个人打一份工呀!我还要靠着笔使笔不会滑下去。弄的我整天腰酸背疼”。呜呜,呜呜,谁在哭呢?原来是小拇指在哭。大家问他为什么哭。他就吐出了原因: “小军整天玩危险的游戏,把我得伤痕累累。”   无名指说:“好了,好了,那是过去的事,大家就别计较了。”   One night, the little army was asleep, and the fingers began to whisper, and their conversation was like this.   Thumb, said: "today my man tired bones and muscles are dispersed and the index finger, who call the small army in addition to should be negative to the teacher"s homework should be negative mother"s homework. If do the homework, we have to say the pen, to do so much, we have to dead tired ah! Ah, come on, who made my life so bitter!" The index finger says: "yes, yes." "Don"t say it. It"s my turn." The thumb and forefinger, you are only two people to play a job, I am a person to make a job! I"ll keep my pen to keep it from slipping. Get my waist sour backache "all day long. Whoops, SOB, who is crying? Turns out to be little crying. We asked him why he cried. He will spit out the reason:" small army all day playing a dangerous game, my wounds. "   The ring finger say: "good, ok, that is the thing of the past, everybody forget to be concerned." 篇五:英文对话作文   星期一,我和朋友在外面玩。我们来到一幢楼前,看到两辆自行车没有锁,我的两个好朋友看到旁边没有人,就在骑那辆自行车。突然,一个大姐姐大声地说:“忙我们家车子,干什么,弄坏了你赔呀!”我们听了吓一跳,赶紧把车子往旁边一放。大姐姐还不放过我们。说着,拉着我那两个朋友就去他们家找家长。有个朋友哀伤地说:“大姐姐对不起!我以后不弄了。”大姐姐看着我们可怜的样子。温和地说:“还是算了吧,但是下次要接受教训,不是自己的东西不要随便乱动。”我们听了,默默地点点头,然后走开了。   On Monday, I play outside with my friends. We came to a building and saw two bikes unlocked. Two of my best friends saw no one on the side of the bike. Suddenly, a big elder sister loudly say: "busy our car, stem what, broke you compensate!" We were startled and hurried to the side of the car. The elder sister still won"t let us alone. Say, pull my two friends to go to their home to seek parents. A friend said sadly, "big sister sorry! I won"t do it later." The big sister looked at us pitifully. Gently say, "forget it, but the next time you"re going to learn something, don"t just fiddle with your stuff." We listened, nodded silently, and walked away.
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直线x +根号3y +1等于0的倾斜角是多少,要解答过程

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