What Are People Good For
One"s beliefs are revealed not so much in words or in formal creeds as in the assumptions on which one habitually acts and in the basic values by which all choices are tested.
The cornerstone of my own value system was laid in childhood with parents who believed that personal integrity came first. They never asked, ”What will people think?” The question was,“What will you think of yourself, if you do this or fail to do that?” Thus, living up to one"s own conception of one"s self became a basic value, and the question, “What will people think,” took a subordinate place.
A second basic value, in some ways an extension of the first, I owe to an old college professor, who had suffered more than his share of grief and trouble. Over and over he said to us, “The one thing that really matters is to be bigger than the things that can happen to you. Nothing that can happen to you is half so important that the way in which you end it.”
Gradually I realized that here was the basis of the only really security and peace of mind that a human being can have. Nobody can be sure when disaster, disappointment, injustice, or humiliation, may e to him through no fault of his own. Nor can one be guaranteed against one"s own mistakes and failures. But the way we meet life is ours to choose. And when integrity, fortitude, dignity, and passion are our choice, the things that can happen to us lose their power over us.
The acceptance of these two basic values led to a third. If what one is and how one meets life are of first importance, one is not impressed by another"s money, status, or power, nor does one judge people by their race, color, or social position. This opens up a whole new world of relationships, for when friendships are based on qualities of mind and character, one can have friends among old and young, rich and poor, famous and unknown, educated and unlettered, and among people of all races and all nations.
Given these three basic values, a fourth became inevitable. It is one"s duty and obligation to help create a social order in which persons are more important than things, ideas more precious than gadgets, and in which individuals are judged on the basis of personal worth. Moreover, for this judgment to be fair, human beings must have an opportunity for the fullest development of which they are capable. One is thus led to work for a world of freedom and justice through those social agencies and institutions which make it possible for people everywhere to realize their highest potentialities.
Perhaps all this adds up to a belief in what has been called the human use of human beings. We are set off from the rest of the animal world by our capacity consciously to transcend our physical needs and desires. Men must concern themselves with food and with other physical needs, and they must protect themselves and their own from bodily harm, but these activities are not exclusively human. Many animals concern themselves with these things. When we worship, pray, or feel passion, when we enjoy a painting, a sunset or a sonata, when we think and reason, pursue ideas, seek truth, or read a book, when we protect the weak and helpless, when we honor the noble and cherish the good, when we cooperate with our fellow men to build a better world, our behavior is worthy of our status as human beings
About Secrets and Falling Tiles By Carroll Binder
"We are all at the mercy of a falling tile," Julius Caesar reminds us in Thornton Wilder"s Ides of March. None of us knows at what hour something we may love may suffer some terrible blow by a force we can neither anticipate nor control.
Fifty-five years of living, much of the time in trouble centers of a highly troubled era, have not taught me how to avoid being hit by falling tiles. I have sustained some very server blows. My mother died when I was three years old. My first-born son, a gifted and idealistic youth, was killed in the war. While I was still cherishing the hope that he might be alive, circumstance beyond my control made it impossible for me to continue work into which I had poured my heart"s blood for twenty years.
I speak of such things here in the hope of helping others to believe with me that there are resources within one"s grasp which enable one to sustain such blows without being crushed or embittered by them.
I believe the best hope of standing up to falling tiles is through developing a sustaining philosophy and state of mind all through life. I have seen all sorts of people sustain all sorts of blows in all sorts of circumstances by all sorts of faiths, so I believe anyone can find a faith that will serve his needs if he persists in the quest.
我相信,人一生中若能信仰并保持一种哲学与思想状态,便拥有了能够承受起落瓦打击的最大希望。我看见过拥有各种信仰的形形 *** 的人们,在各种不同的环境中承受着各种不同的打击。因此我相信,只要坚持不懈地寻求,每个人都能找到需求的信仰。
One of the best ways I know of fortifying oneself to withstand the vicissitudes of his insecure and unpredictable era is to school oneself to require relatively little in the way of material possessions, physical satisfactions or the praise of others. The less one requires of such things the better situated one is to stand up to changes of fortune.
I am singularly rich in friendships. Friends of all ages have contributed enormously to my happiness and helped me greatly in times of need. I learned one of the great secrets of friendship early in life - to regard each person with whom one associates as an end in himself, not a means to one"s own ends. That entails trying to help those with whom one es in contact to find fulfillment in their own way while seeking one"s own fulfillment in one"s own way.
Another ethical principle that has stood me in good stead is: Know thyself! I try to acquaint myself realistically with my possibilities and limitations. I try to suit my aspirations to goals within my probable capacity to attain. I may have missed some undiscovered possibilities for growth but I have spared myself much by not shooting for stars it clearly was not given me to attain.
I have seen much inhumanity, cheating, corruption, sordidness and selfishness but I have not bee cynical. I have seen too much that is decent, kind and noble in men to lose faith in the possibility for a far finer existence than yet has been achieved. I believe the quest for a better life is the most satisfying pursuit of men and nations.
I love life but I am not worried about death. I do not feel that I have lost my son and a host of others dear to me by death. I believe with William Penn that "they that love beyond the World cannot be separated by it. Death is but Crossing the World, as Friends do the Seas; they live in one another still." Death, I believe, teaches us the things of deathlessness.
How to Give Your Money Away By Dr. Samuel Best
如何捐赠钱财 塞缪尔.M.贝斯特博士
Many years ago I met a man whose unique psychology helped me to shed a life of struggle and uneasiness for great happiness, for peace of mind, and for a measure of success I otherwise would not have attained.
His name was George Robert White, a man who was orphaned and impoverished at a tender age. Yet, a man whose God-given beliefs made him both a material and a spiritual millionaire at thirty.
My path to success, and to what I had considered its natural result- happiness-was the ordinary road over which most American busines *** en travel, namely, endless hours of hard work, social contacts, wise investments, headaches and heartaches.
To be sure, in a materialistic sense, I had traveled a long way from my father"s farm in Nova Scotia. I had bee an executive in a multi-million dollar drug firm. But where was the resulting happiness that my material gain was supposed to have afforded me?
In my private moments of mental inventory, I discovered that I had no more peace of mind, nor was I less afraid of the problems of life and death, than many years before, when I planned my road to happiness and success by the flickering lamp in my father"s tiny farmhouse. The reason was, I had neglected spiritual values in my anxiety for material gain.
It took the kindly advice of George Robert White, to open the pathway for me to happiness and freedom of mind. The important lesson Mr. White taught me is this: If we are to be happy, if we are to be successful in every aspect of the word, if we are to live truly full lives, we must share ourselves, as well as our material gain, with our fellow men.
As a young man, Mr. White took over the leadership of a *** all soap-manufacturing plant in Boston, and throughout his career he gave away to charity a large part of his net profits.
Yet, despite his unusual business practices, Mr. White built that tiny concern into the world-famous Cuticura Corporation, and became the multi-million-dollar manufacturer of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Shampoo.
I shall never forget Mr. White"s words: "Personal success, business success, built upon materiali *** alone, are empty shells concealing disappointment, saddened lives," which he epitomized by saying: "Cast your bread upon the waters and it will e back in abundance."
Since Mr. White"s death, I have endeavored, as his successor, to adhere to his code of ethics. Two dollars out of every three dollars profit earned by our corporation is shared with others in helping to make our nation a better place in which to live.
We, in our corporation, believe that it is not sufficient only to manufacture as fine a product as is possible-millions of dollars over the years are being shared by our corporation for the advancement of medicine and science, for chemical research, for art and for beauty.
In my personal life I have adopted Mr. White"s beliefs, and, in doing so, I have bee much better equipped to serve humanity.
My reward, my blessings, have e to me in the form of personal satisfaction and peace of mind that had been substantially foreign to me.
Yes, I believe that spirituality is the needed seasoning to America"s materiali *** . But it must be that kind of spirituality that takes the form of help and service toward our fellow men.
Love without limitationsMy brother, Jimmy, was born with braindamage due to a difficult delivery. Accompanying my growing up was revolvingaround my brother"s life and protecting him from being picked on by other kids.Unfortunately, father, who was inseparable with Jimmy, died in 1991. Jimmy wasa wreck and believed that the world he"d known was gone . Even worse, motherdied six months later and I alone was left to look after Jimmy.After that,Jimmy moved to New York City to live with me for a while. But he still longedto live in parents" house and he finallyreturned. So far, he has lived there for 11 years and blossomed on his own . Iheld a party for Jimmy" 57th birthday just a few days after 9.11 disaster,but no one of the family could come. I called on my friends to help who broughtideal presents and made it a festive and merry occasion.Iknew that the constant love and support of our friends and family would get us throughall the hardships in life. There had never been any limitations to what Jimmy"slove could accomplish.2023-08-07 20:22:491
以love without limitations为题目写一篇英语作文
Love without limitationsLoving someone is simple. The only thing you need to do is not to judge anyone, ever. There is no right and wrong in this world, no matter what anyone says. Everything happens for a reason and is a caused from a reaction, there can be no right and wrong and therefore, no freewill. Everything is a result of a continuous perpetual cycle of life evolving.For example, if we look at the animal kingdom, do we speak of one animal killing another animal, as evil? No, we speak of this a primal act. Human beings and other life forms are no different. We are animals, we are part of a biological species and we are mammals. Now I am not advocating, of course, that you go out and kill someone, I am saying that, in order to love someone, we have to look at things in a singular nature. We have to perceive things in a state of oneness as we are all one species and one life form or life energy experiencing duality. In the spiritual world, which is technically this world, we are all one and are connected in all ways.Here on earth, we are just experiencing a different form of spirituality. What we are actually doing here is trying to make people aware, or should be making people aware that we are actually infinite beings. We are all part of the same source and therefore should be at peace with one another. If we created peace, there would be no imbalances, no judgments and no death. We would find ways to eliminate "dis" - "ease" which is exactly what disease is. It is simply a continual manifestation of stress in the body eventually manifesting into decay and death or perceived death which is separation.2023-08-07 20:22:591
love without limitations为题的英文口语 五人
t limitations为题的英文口语 五人今天 08:12匿名 | 来自手机知道 | 分类:英2023-08-07 20:23:072
How do you understand “Love Without Limitations”?
自由的爱?2023-08-07 20:23:143
How do you understand “Love Without Limitations”?是个简答题,几句话就可以,本周内都可以,谢谢!
There are many kind of love in the world, the love of family, the love of friends or the love of lover. The love from different people, but there all love, whatever you rich or poor, whatever you beautiful or ugly, whatever which ethnicity you from, whatever which language you speak, they still love you. That is what we called LOVE. You can give him your last bread or you can save his life when he"s in trouble, cuz we love them. Love is unrequited whatever hom much you pay.2023-08-07 20:23:212
Good good study , Day day up .这是传统的中国式英语,哈哈。。2023-08-07 20:23:325
kind warm happy beautiful moving2023-08-07 20:24:033
错了2023-08-07 20:24:3410
阅读是个体语言学习中一项十分重要的基本技能,同时也是个体获取知识和资讯的基本手段之一。下面是我带来的经典英语短篇美文,欢迎阅读! 经典英语短篇美文篇一 小溪的魅力Attraction of Creeks Nearly everybody has a creek in his or her past, a secret waterway where one spent the spring of one"s youth. 几乎每一个人的过去都流淌著一条小溪,它发源于少年时代,一路潺潺絮语而来。 An old man"s voice weakens as he talks of a boyhood creek in Louisian where he swam and fished. A woman feels suddenly at home again as she remembers catching fish in the creek behind her parents" house. 一位老人谈起他孩提时在路易斯安那故乡的小溪里游泳、钓鱼时,语调便柔和起来。一位妇女一想起在她父母屋后的小溪里捉鱼的情景,顿时感到重新回到了故乡。 My creek wound between Grandfather"s garden and a neighbor"s hillside pasture. Its banks were shaded by cottonwood3 and redwood trees. On hot summer days the clear and cold water flowed over the little beaches where I fished. 我心中的小溪蜿蜒流淌在祖父的花园和邻居山腰的草地之间,三角叶杨和红杉将两岸遮得严严实实,密不透风。英语美文炎炎夏日,清澈透凉的溪水静静地流过散满砾石的小沙滩,我就在那儿钓鱼。 Nothing historic ever happened in these creeks, but they are deep in memory. These creeks are bigger than they seem. They are a part of our hearts and minds more than powerful rivers. 在这些记忆中的小溪里从来没有发生过什么惊天动地的大事,然而,它们深深扎根于记忆中。它们比看上去要博大得多。与汹涌澎湃的大河相比,小溪更深深地融入我们的大脑和心灵。 While rivers are heavy, creeks are clear, innocent, lively and full of dreams and promise.duanwenw A child can paddle across them without a parent"s warnings. You can go to it alone, catch fish in it and swing from the ropes along its banks. Creeks belong to childhood, drawing you into a wider world, teaching you the curve of the earth. 大河积淀厚重,深不可测;小溪则清澈、纯净、活泼,充满了梦想和希望。孩子们不必担心父母的告诫即可涉水而过。你可以独自去小溪中捉鱼,在岸边系上绳子荡秋千。小溪属于童年,将孩子们带入一个更加广阔的世界,让你领略到大地起伏的轮廓。 Poet Robert Frost once wrote: It flows between us, over us and with us. And it is time, strength, tone, light, life and love. 诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特写道:"小溪流淌著,在我们之中,在我们之上,跟我们融为一体。小溪是时间、力量、乐曲、光明、生命和爱。" 经典英语短篇美文篇二 心存感激Be Thankful Be Thankful that you don"t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? 心存感激吧,因为你没有得到所有期望得到的,如果都有了的话,那还有什么值得期盼呢? Be thankful when you don"t know something, for it gives you opportunities to learn. 心存感激吧,因为你总有未知,才使你有机会去学习; Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow. 心存感激吧,因为有艰苦的时期才使得你成长; Be thankful for your limitations, duanwenw because they give you opportunities for improvement. 因你的力所不及而心存感激吧,正因为如此,你才有机会进步。 Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons. 因每一次全新挑战而心存感激吧,正因为如此,你的力量得以增强,性格得以塑造。 It"s easy to be thankful to the good things. A life of rich fulfillment es to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. 因你所犯之错而心存感激吧,正因如此,你才得到了宝贵的经验。 Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can bee your blessings. 因疲惫和厌倦而心存感激吧,因为这意味着你做了改变。 经典英语短篇美文篇三 甜美的九月Sweet September September is more than a month; it is a season in itself. 九月不仅仅是一个月份,它还是一个季节。 It begins with August"s leftovers and ends with October"s preparations, but along the way it achieves its own special satisfactions. September —in its own time, at its own pace —begins with the closing of the summer. 它始于八月的余热,终于十月繁忙的准备,但在这之间,它带来了异常的满足。九月,伴着它的时令,踩着它的节拍,翩然而至,宣告夏季的结束。 With September we begin to feel the autumn. It creeps in on misty dawns and disappears on hot afternoons. duanwenw It creeps into the treetops and the leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. It sits on a hilltop and cries like an October owl in the dusk. It plays with the wind. September is like a busy squirrel in a tree, and sometimes like a lazy river. It is summer"s ripeness and richness that brought to a sweet September. 九月悄然给我们捎来了一丝秋意。它无声无息地浸入雾濛濛的清晨,却又在阳光煦暖的午后没了踪影。它蹑手蹑脚地跨过树梢,掠过些许叶子,又轻踏一簇毛蓟绕过山谷而去。它独栖山顶,像十月黄昏中猫头鹰的鸣叫;又同微风嬉戏。时而如树上的松鼠,忙得不亦乐乎;时而如慵懒的小溪,汩汩流淌。夏季的成熟与丰饶成就了甜美的九月。 Some of the rarest days of the year e in September, fortably cool but pulsing with life, with clear and clean skies, duanwenw pure air and wind free of dust. The fields still *** ell of the sweetness of cut grass. September"s flowers are less varied than those of the spring, but so abundant that they make September a second May. The goldenrod, flowering by mid-August, reaches its peak of golden abundance in early September. Late thistles show their purple everywhere, and asters4 blossom along the roadsides, in meadows, on hilltops, even in cities. 九月给我们带来了一年中最难得的时光:晴空万里,秋高气爽,清风徐来,一尘不染,生命与季节一起脉动。草场上散发著清新绿草的清香。九月花草种类不及春天,但亦是百花争荣,仿佛另一个五月。黄花在八月中旬含苞欲放,待到九月初花重四野,遍地金黄。晚蓟却争紫斗艳,引人入胜。紫菀处处绽放,在小路旁,草场中,山顶上,甚至在市区里。 We think of spring as the time of miracles, but September is also a lasting wonder. 春天是个充满奇迹的季节,但九月也是一种永恒的奇迹。2023-08-07 20:25:011
Miley cyrus歌的歌词(越多越好)!!!
i learned from you - miley and billy ray cyrus 打印此页 歌手:miley cyrus 专辑:hannah montana soundtrack I didn"t want to listen to what you were sayingI thought that I knew all I need to knowI didn"t realize that somewhere inside meI knew you were right but I couldn"t say soI can take care of myselfYou taught me wellChorus:I learned from youThat I do not crumbleI learned that strength is something you chooseAll of the reasons to keep on believingThere"s no question that"s a lessonI learned from youWe always don"t agree on what is the best wayTo get to the place that we"re going from hereBut I can really trust you and give you the distanceTo make your desicions without any fearI"m grateful for all of the timesYou opened my eyesChorusYou taught me to stand on my ownAnd I thank you for that it saved me it made meAnd now that I"m looking back I can sayChorusI learned that strength is something you chooseAll of the reasons to keep on believingThere"s no question that"s a lessonI learned from you see you again 打印此页 歌手:miley cyrus 专辑:hannah montana 2: meet miley cyrus I"ve got my sight set on you And I"m ready to aim I have a heart that will Never be tamed I knew you were somethin" special When you spoke my name Now I can"t wait To see you again I"ve got a way of knowin" When somethin" is right I feel like I must have known you In another life "Cause I felt this deep connection When you looked in my eyes Now I can"t wait To see you again CHORUS: The last time I freaked out I just kept lookin" down I st-st-stuttered when You asked me what I"m thinkin" "bout felt like I couldn"t breathe You asked what"s wrong with me My best friend leslie said "Oh, she"s just bein" Miley" And next time we hang out I will redeem myself My heart, it can rest till then Whoa, whoa, I I can"t wait To see you again I got this crazy feelin" Deep inside when You call and ask to see me Tomorrow night I"m not a mind reader But I"m readin" the signs that you can"t wait To see me again Chorus I"ve got my sight set on you And I"m ready to aim Chorus Whoa, whoa, I I can"t wait To see you again i miss you 打印此页 歌手:miley cyrus 专辑:hannah montana 2: meet miley cyrus sha la la la la, sha la la la la you used to call me your angel, said i was sent straight down from heaven you"d hold me close in your arms i love the way you felt so strong i never wanted you to leave i wanted you to stay here holding me i miss you i miss your smile and i still shead a tear every once and awhile and even though its different now you"re still here somehow my heart will let you go and i need you to know i miss you sha la la lai miss you you used to call me your dreamer and now im living out my dream oh how i wish you could see everything thats happening for me i"m thinking back on the past its true that time is flying by too fast i miss you i miss your smile and i still shead a tear every once and awhile and even though its different now you"re still here somehow my heart will let you go, and i need you to know i miss you sha la la la i miss you i know your in a better place, yeah but i wish that i could see your face, oh i know that your"e where you need to be even though its not here with me i miss you,i miss your smile and i still shead a tear every once and awhile and even though its different now you"re still here somehow my heart will let you go and i need you to know i miss you sha la la la i miss you i miss you i miss your smile and i still shead a tear every once and awhile and even though its different now you"re still here somehow my heart will let you go and i need you to know i miss you sha la la lai miss you 歌曲:part of your world歌手:miley cyrus 专辑:disneymania vol.5 • 搜索"part of your world"LRC歌词• 搜索"part of your world"mp3 [ti:part of your world][ar:miley cyrus][al:disneymania vol.5]miley cyrus - part of your world专辑disneymania vol.5演唱 miley cyruslook at this stuffisn"t it neatwouldn"t you think my collection"s completewouldn"t you think i"m the girlthe girl who has ev"rythinglook at this trovetreasures untoldhow many wonders can one cavern holdlookin" around here you"d think(sure) she"s got everythingi"ve got gadgets and gizmos aplentyi"ve got whozits and whatzits galore(you want thingamabobsi got twenty)but who caresno big deali want morei wanna be where the people arei wanna seewanna see "em dancin"walkin" around on those(whad"ya call "em?) feetflippin" your fins you don"t get too farlegs are required for jumpin", dancin"strollin" along down a(what"s that word again?) streetup where they walkup where they runup where they stay all day in the sunwanderin" freewish i could bepart of that worldwhat would i giveif i could liveoutta these waterswhat would i payto spend a daywarm on the sandbetcha on landthey understandbet they don"t reprimand their daughtersbright young womensick o" swimminready to standand ready to know what the people knowask "em my questionsand get some answerswhat"s a fire and why does it(what"s the word?) burnwhen"s it my turn歌曲:rockin" around the christmas tree歌手:miley cyrus 专辑:disney channel holi • 搜索"rockin" around the christmas tree"LRC歌词• 搜索"rockin" around the christmas tree"mp3 [ti:rockin" around the christmas tree][ar:miley cyrus][al:disney channel holiday]miley cyrus - rockin" around the christmas treerocking around the christmas treeat the christmas party hopmistletoe hung where you can seeevery couple tries to stoprocking around the christmas treelet the christmas spirit ringlater we"ll have some pumpkin pieand we"ll do some carolingyou will get a sentimental feelingwhen you hear voices singing"let"s be jolly,deck the halls with boughs of holly"rocking around the christmas treehave a happy holidayeveryone"s dancing merrilyin a new old fashioned way歌曲:goodbye歌手:miley cyrus 专辑:breakout • 搜索"goodbye"LRC歌词• 搜索"goodbye"mp3 • 下载"goodbye"铃声[ar:miley cyrus][by:活在当下]miley cyrus - goodbyei could honestly say you"ve been on my mindsince i woke up today, up todayi look at your photograph all the timethese memories come back to lifeand i don"t mindi remember when we kissedi still feel it on my lipsthe time that you danced with mewith no music playingi remember the simple thingsi remember till i crybut the one thing i wish i"d forgetthe memory i wanna forgetis goodbyei woke up this morning and played our songand through my tears i sang alongi picked up the phone and then put it down"cause i know i"m wasting my timeand i don"t mindi remember when we kissedi still feel it on my lipsthe time that you danced with mewith no music playingi remember the simple thingsi remember till i crybut the one thing i wish i"d forgetthe memory i wanna forgetsuddenly my cellphone"s blowing up with your ringtonei hesitate but answer it anywayyou sound so alonei just brought to hear you sayyou remember when we kissedyou still feel it on your lipsthe time that you danced with mewith no music playingyou remember the simple thingswe talk till we cryyou say that your biggest regretthe one thing you wish i"d forgetis saying goodbyesaying goodbyegoodbyecorrecting lyrics 打印此页 歌手:miley cyrus IF you are sending me a message with corrected lyrics,please make the part you have corrected obvious, i need to know what parts to change, thank you-Heather as i am 打印此页 歌手:miley cyrus Gonna stay in bed today Cause I can"t stand the light Don"t know why I get so down I won"t be much fun tonight And I can"t believe You still wanna hang around me It"s not so pretty all the time You don"t mind To you it"s all right CHORUS As I am Is how you take me Never, try to push Or make me different When I talk you listen to me As I am Is how you want me and I know I"ve found the piece that"s missing I"m looking at him I"m not the girl you think you see But maybe that"s a lie You almost know me better than Me, myself and I Don"t know a lot of things But I know what I got It"s not so perfect every day I don"t have to try Cause it all falls into place CHORUS Face to face, eye to eye You"re standing there Feels good on the inside I don"t mind, I don"t care You"re standing there Seeing me for the first time x3 CHORUS I"ve found the piece that"s missing Take me as I am When I talk you listen Take me as I am [song fades off repeating the last set of words] rockstar 打印此页 歌手:miley cyrus Yeah, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, yeah, hey, hey, yeah whoo! Sometimes I walk a little faster, In the school hallway just to get next to you Some days I spend a little extra time, In the morning *just* to impress you Guess you don"t notice, Guess you dont need this, Sad your not seein" what your missin" On the outside shyin" away, On the inside dyin" to say I"m unusual, Not so typical, Way too smart to be waiting around, Tai Chi practicin" *No Born* champion, I could fix the flat on your car, I might even be a rockstar I might even be a rockstar! Sometimes I wish, When the phone rings, That it would be you, Sayin" let"s hang out! Then you confess, That there"s somethin" Special between us, Why don"t we find out? But you don"t even know me, Guess you don"t need me, Why your not seein" what your missin" On the outside shyin" away, On the inside dyin" to say, Whoo! I"m unusual, Not so typical, Way to smart to be waiting around, Tai Chi practicin" *No Born* champion, I could fix the flat on your car, I might even be a rockstar (rockstar) If you only knew who the real me, I might even be a rockstar, I"m tellin" you that we are meant to be, Now wouldn"t it be nice if you could see, That I really am a rockstar! (yeah, yeah) Whoo! Yeah, I really am a rockstar, Hey, hey, hey! Whoo! Ha, a rockstar! I"m unusual, Not so typical, Way to smart to be waiting around,(Yeah!) Tai Chi practicin" *No Born* champion! I could fix the flat on your car, Rockin" it where ever we are! Yeah, yeah, yeah! "Cause I really am a rockstar "Cause I really am a rockstar I am a rockstar Wah oh ah oh Yeah, Goodnight everybody! g.n.o. (girls night out) 打印此页 歌手:miley cyrus Don"t call me Leave me alone Not gonna answer my phone Cause I don"t No I won"t see you I"m out to have a good time To get you off of my mind Cause I don"t And I won"t need you Send out a 911 We"re gonna have some fun Hey boy, you know you better run CHORUS Cause it"s a girl"s night It"s alright without you I"m gonna stay out And play out without you You better hold tight This girl"s night is without you Let"s go G.N.O. (Hoo hoo) x3 Let"s go It"s a girl"s night I"ll dance with somebody new Won"t have to think about you And who knows What let go will lead to You"ll hear from everyone You"ll get the 411 Hey boy, you knew this day would come Cause it"s a girl"s night It"s alright without you I"m gonna stay out And play out without you Let"s go G.N.O. (Hoo hoo) x3 Let"s go It"s a girl"s night BRIDGE x2 Hey boy Don"t you wish you could have been a good boy Try to find another girl like me, boy Feel me when I tell ya I am fine And it"s time for me to draw the line (draw the line, draw the line) CHORUS Hoo hoo x4 we got the party 打印此页 歌手:miley cyrus 专辑:hannah montana 2 [VERSE 1]C"mon guys tell me what we"re doin"We"re hanging roundWhen we could be all over the placeThe sun is shining just the way we like itLet"s get out of this hallwayShow the world our faceIt"s Friday but there"s nowhere to goAnywhere2023-08-07 20:25:343
以love without bounder为题的英语作文
Love Without Bounds At 2:28 p.m., May 12th, 2008, a severe earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 on the Richter scale struck Wenchuan, an area of Sichuan, leaving the place with ruins everywhere. As an immediate result of that, around 69,000 people died, with another 18,000 missing, over 370,000 injured, and 5,000,000 survivors homeless. Accompanying the arrival of disaster was a sheer paralysis of electricity, water works, telecommunications and transportation. Usually accessible to tourism for its scenic beauty, the area was now completely secluded from the outside world. (Problem) Faced with such a devastating disaster, the Chinese Communists held China together with their role models, and called upon the whole nation to go in for relief work. PLA men responded to the call in no time. Army troops raced against the clock to the rescue of the victims buried in ruins, no matter how difficult the epicenter was of access; the engineering troops rushed to repair the ruined highways, ignoring the fact that they were at high risk of their lives amid aftershocks; and the air forces landed from the air despite poor visibility, and dropped relief supplies for the victims. Besides, medical workers from different parts of the country and the world flocked to the epicenter in good time to offer first aid to the injured and the sick. Unable to go there in person, most of us were in charge of rear services, for which some made tents, medicine, food, etc. day and night, and every one of us vied with one another to donate money and blood. In fact, effecting the rescue of the victims who remain as firm and appreciate our efforts as much as those in Sichuan do has refined our love more than anything else ever could have. (Response) With the disaster relief drive being in full swing and with the live reports on it dominating the headlines of all mass media, we were reminded that sweeping across the entire China was an ever-greater flow of love that could get our nation through whatever life could present. There would be no bounds to what such love could accomplish. (Reprint)2023-08-07 20:25:441
Dan"s Mother: How can you just sit there?my son is going to die 你怎么能就这么坐在那边?我儿子就要死了 House: If I eat standing up, I spill. 如果我站着吃东西,就会洒出来. Luke: Is this a good hospital? 这家医院好吗? House: Depends on what you mean by "good". I like the chairs. 这得看你对好医院的定义了,我喜欢这里的椅子. Dr. Foreman: Isn"t treating patients why we became doctors? 医治病人难道不是我们成为医生的原因吗? House: No, treating illnesses is why we became doctors. Treating patients is what makes most doctors miserable. 不,医治疾病才是我们做医生的原因,医治病人则是医生痛苦的根源. Dr. Wilson: I love my wife. 我爱我老婆 House: You certainly love saying it. 当然,你爱这样说。 患者说他可以和上帝对话,然后house说他的问题应该在他的脑袋上. chase说,这只是宗教信仰 house:you talk to God,you"re religious.God talks to you,you"re psychotic. 你和上帝说话,是信仰,上帝和你说话,是精神病。 House: But I have a theory. There is one chemical that, if ingested, it causes a person"s estrogen level to increase dramatically. 我有个理论,有一种药品被服用后会导致病人体内的雌激素水平大幅上升. Bill: What is it? 那是什么? House: It"s called...estrogen. 我们把它称作...雌激素 Dr. Forman: Ten-year olds do not have heart attacks. It"s got to be a mistake. 10岁的孩子不会得心脏病,肯定有什么地方错了 House: Right. The simplest explanation is she"s a 40-year old lying about her age. Maybe an actress trying to hang on. 没错,最简单的答案就是她谎报了年纪,她其实已经四十岁了.也许她是个女演员. 有一患者是一个志向远大的黑人议员 House: You"re not going to be President either way - they don"t call it the White House because of the paint job 你无论如何都成不了总统的,白宫之所以叫白宫可不只是因为它是给漆成白色的. House: People don"t want a sick doctor. 人们不喜欢生病的医生. Dr. Wilson: That"s fair enough, I don"t like healthy patients. 那很公平,我也不喜欢健康的病人. Dr. Foreman: Oh, Cameron, I need you for a couple of hours. Cameron,你有空吗? Dr. Cameron: What"s up? 什么事? Dr. Foreman: When you break into a house, its always better to have a white chick with you. 破门而入的时候,有个白人女性陪着比较保险. House: What would you prefer - a doctor who holds your hand while you die or who ignores you while you get better?I guess it would particularly suck to have a doctor who ignores you while you die. 哪种医生你比较喜欢-在你临死时会陪在你身边的医生或者是当你病情好转后不再搭理你的医生?我猜你最讨厌的是当你快死的时候不再搭理你的医生. House: Another reason I don"t like meeting patients. If they don"t know what you look like, they can"t yell at you. 我不喜欢见病人的另一个原因就是,如果他们不知道你的样子,他们就没法冲你大吼大叫. Dr. Wilson: You will lie, cheat and steal to get what you want, but you"re incapable of kissing a little ass? 你为了得到你要的结果可以坑蒙拐骗,无所不用,怎么就不能稍稍拍拍马屁呢? House: Well, we all have our limitations. 恩,人总是有缺点的. House: No, there is not a thin line between love and hate. There is a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every 20" between love and hate. 爱与恨并非只有一线之隔,爱与恨之间隔着一道十步一岗,五步一哨的中国长城. House: Lift up your arms. You have a parasite. 抬起你的手臂,你体内有个寄生虫. Jill: Like a tapeworm or something? 你是说象绦虫一类的东西? House: Lie back and lift up your sweater.You can put your arms down. 撩起你的毛衣,躺下,把手放下来 Jill: Can you do anything about it? 你能除掉它吗? House: Only for about a month or so. After that it becomes illegal to remove, except in a couple of states. 在大多数洲里,除掉超过一个月大的这种寄生虫是非法的. Jill: Illegal? 非法的? House: Don"t worry. Many women learn to embrace this parasite. They name it, dress it up in tiny clothes, arrange playdates with other parasites... 别担心,很多女人都会喜欢她们的寄生虫,给它起名字,穿衣服,还让它和其他的寄生虫一起玩. Jill: Playdates… House: (showing her sonogram) It has your eyes. 它的眼睛很象你(这位女士怀孕了) Dr. House: The most successful marriages are based on lies. You"re off to a great start. 成功的婚姻都是谎言的基础上建立起来的,你已经开了个好头. Dr. Wilson: I"m still amazed you"re in the same room as a patient 真令我惊讶,你居然还和患者呆在一间屋子里. House: People don"t bother me until they get teeth. 没长牙的小家伙我倒不怕. House: It turns out your best judgment is not good enough. Here"s an idea - next time, use mine 事实证明你最有把握的诊断还是不够好,不如这样吧,下次试试我的主意. House: As long as you"re trying to be good, you can do whatever you want. 只要你尽力了,就表示你可以做任何你想做的事情 Dr. Wilson: And as long as you"re not trying, you can say whatever you want. 只要你不去尽力,你就可以说任何你想说的话. House: So between us, we can do whatever we want. We can rule the world! 那么说我们两个人加起来就做任何事,说任何话了,我们可以一起统治世界了!House: You told me you had not changed your diet or exercise. Were you lying? 你告诉我你没改变你的日常饮食规律,是不是说谎了? Samantha: Lying? 说谎? House: Does your husband have high blood pressure? 你丈夫是不是有高血压? Samantha: My husband? 我丈夫? House: Yeah, see, if you"re going to repeat everything I say, this conversation"s going to take twice as long. 恩,你看,如果你重复我说的每一句话,这次谈话就要花两倍的时间了. House: So what"s her name and when do I get to meet her? 她的名字叫什么,我什么时候能见到她?(盘问Wilson的约会对象) Dr. Wilson: There"s nobody! Give it up! 别瞎猜了,根本没这回事 House: Your lips say no, but your shoes say yes. 你嘴上说不,可你的鞋子泄露了真相(WILSON换了双漂亮的新鞋) Dr. Wilson: They"re French. You can"t trust a word they say. 它们是法国货,法国人的话一句都不能信. Dr. Foreman: Why are you riding on me? 你为什么对我这么刻薄? House: It"s what I do. Has it gotten worse lately? 我一直这样子,最近我变得更厉害了吗? Dr. Foreman: Yeah. Seems to me. 对我来说是的. House: Really? Well, that rules out the race thing. You were just as black last week. 真的吗?那么肯定不是种族歧视的原因了,你还和上周一样的黑. Dr. Cameron: I"ll check into it. 我去查查这个 Dr. Foreman: I"ll make the call. 我去打电话 Dr. Chase: I"ll keep the kid alive. For a while at least. 我去保持那孩子活着.至少能维持一会儿. House: I"ll have lunch. 我去吃午饭...... Dr. Foreman: The kid was just taking his AP calculus exam when all of a sudden he got nauseous and disoriented. 这个孩子在微积分考试当中突然感到恶心眩晕. House: That"s the way calculus presents. 当然这是微积分的作用啦 House: I assume "minimal at best" is your stiff upper lip British way of saying "no chance in hell"? 我认为你说的"有可能"就是"根本没指望了"的英国表达方式. Dr. Chase: I"m Australian. 我是澳大利亚人 House: You put the Queen on your money. You"re British. 你们把女王的头像印在钱币上,你们就是英国人. Julia: I thought you were supposed to be listening to our patient histories? 我认为你应该听我们讲解病史 House: No, I"m supposed to be teaching you. If I can do that without listening to you, more power to me. 不,我应该教导你们诊断病例,如果我不用听你们讲解就能诊断出来,那我就更加NB了. Dr. Cameron: Yeah, I I trusted you. 没错,我相信你 House: You always trust me. That"s a big mistake. 你总是相信我,这是个大错误 House: I take risks - sometimes patients die. But not taking risks causes more patients to die. So I guess my biggest problem is I"ve been cursed with the ability to do the math. 我承担风险,有时病人会死,但如果我不冒风险,更多的病人会死,所以我最大的问题就是我已经学会了算术. Dr. Cuddy: Answer me. 回答我 House: Nothing I could say is going to change how you feel, and nothing could come out of your reaction that is going to change what I plan to do. So I prefer to say nothing. 不管我说什么都不会改变你的想法,不管你说什么都不会改变我的做法,所以我宁可什么也不说. Dr. Foreman: You know, House shouldn"t even be here! 你知道的,豪斯甚至不应该在这! Dr. Chase: Because he said something inappropriate? If we sent him home every time he did that, he"d never be here. We wouldn"t even need his office. 因为他说了一些不合适的话?如果他每次说那些我们都把他送走,那他永远也不会出现在这了,我们甚至不需要这间办公室了. Dr. Cameron: I was the first person (House) ran into. He just asked me. 我是他碰到的第一个人,所以他约了我. Dr. Chase: Yeah, like a date. 对,就象是个约会 Dr. Cameron: Exactly. Except for the “date” part. 没错,除了“约会”那一部分 House: But I had three reasons. 我有三个理由 Dr. Cuddy: Good ones? 够合理吗? House: Well, lets see in a minute - I"m just making them up now. 恩,等一会,我正在编呢. BLAH BLAH BLAH.....(CUDDY没买帐) House: Which brings me to my fourth reason. 我还有第四个理由. Dr. Cuddy: I thought you said there were only three? 你说过只有三个理由 House: I thought you"d buy one of them. 我以为你会相信其中的一个 Dr. Wilson: Who? 谁 House: Kevin. In Bookkeeping. Kevin Dr. Wilson: Okay, well first of all, his name is Carl. OK,首先,他的名字是Carl House: I call him Kevin. It"s his secret friendship club name. 我管它叫Kevin,这是他在私密关系俱乐部的名字. Dr. Wilson: How do you know she needs a heart transplant? 你怎么知道她需要心脏移植? House: I got my aura read today. It said someone close to me had a broken heart. 我看了占卜书,上面说今天有个人会心碎. Dr. Wilson: You lied, didn"t you? 你说谎了,是不是? House: I never lie. 我从不说谎 Dr. Wilson: Big mistake. 超级错2023-08-07 20:25:511
大学体验英语综合教程一(第二版)课后翻译答案 第一单元为“自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了
He has no longer written to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone2023-08-07 20:26:002
感恩父母亲爱的爸爸妈妈:你们好!感谢你们生下我这小生命,为我付出了那么多心血,你们辛苦了。谢谢你们这八年来对我的抚养和培育,这使我深深的体会到怎样对待人的一生而努力。妈妈,每当我哼起《世上只有妈妈好》和《鲁冰花》这两首歌时,我就会想起您对我的爱。过年的时候,你买给我的大衣让我穿起来很暖和,这就是您对我的爱。您也是我心目中最漂亮最好的妈妈。爸爸,每当过马路是,您会用您时时温暖而有力的大手牵着我过马路,这也是您对我的爱。记得有一次,我生病了。爸爸你背着我去医院,妈妈你也跟在爸爸后面走着,医院离家很远,这个时候,已经很晚了,没有出租车了,你只好背着我去医院。看着你们气喘吁吁的样子,知道你们很累。终于到医院了,医生说只是感冒而已,没什么大碍。你们听了之后,终于松了口气,笑了。然后,你们给我抓了药,还问了医生要给我吃什么,付了钱,然后你们就背我回了家。回了家后,你们按医生说的做了:妈妈你把药端到我面前,吹了吹,问:“还烫吗?我说:“不烫了。”然后你又喂我把药喝下去,看我躺下床睡觉,你才走了。吃饭的时候,你们使劲把菜往我碗里夹,生怕我吃不到。后来,你们每天都向这样做,我的病果然好了。我以后一定要好好学习,天天向上,考上大学,做一个对社会有用的人,来报答你们。你们的爱就像阳光一样温暖,像大海一样辽阔。我还要在父亲节和母亲节上对你们说上一声:“谢谢。”爱你们的儿子2.每个人生下来就应有一种情怀——感恩,我们要感恩生命,感恩亲人,感恩生活,感恩社会…… 如果,要我来选择,我第一个要感恩的是父母。是他们让我来到这个多彩的世界,是他们不辞辛劳地抚养我成长,是他们在我收获成功时与我一同高兴,撒下喜悦的泪花;是他们在我遇到挫折时,鼓舞我,激励我;一声声叮咛,一份份期盼,父母的心与血时时流淌在我的周身。 倘若你只感恩父母,也许太狭隘了。我们还要感恩生活。只要心怀感激,那么你的生活就会幸福美好!生活是公平的,她不会欺骗你,只要你付出,就会有回报。尽管有时一帆风顺,尽管有时暗礁丛生;尽管有时欢歌笑语,尽管有时抑郁忧伤。这就是生活,给了我们咸酸苦辣,给了我们阳光鲜花。不管是那种情境,都要感恩生活,不然哪来五彩缤纷?! 还要感恩身边的每个人。感激鼓励你的人,因为他给你带来动力;感激帮助你的人,因为他告诉我们什么叫做给予;感谢鞭策你的人,因为他消除了你的业障;感激曾伤害你的人,因为他磨炼了你的心智;感谢曾欺骗你的人,因为他增进了你的见识;感谢曾抛弃你的人,因为他教导你自立;感激绊倒你的人,因为他强化了你的能力…… 一个不懂得感恩的人,就像一条不会呼吸的鱼儿,一刻也不能生存; 一个懂得感恩的人,就像花儿遇到蜜蜂,就像沙漠遇到绿洲,就像千里马遇到伯乐,世界如此美好!2023-08-07 20:26:104
statute of limitations是什么意思
诉讼时效;限定法律行动有效时限的法 令2023-08-07 20:26:312
The Fifth ElementEvery five thousand years, a door opens between the dimensions. In one dimension lies the universe and all of its multitude of varied life forms. In another exists an element made not of earth, air, fire or water, but of anti-energy, anti-life. This "thing," this darkness, waits patiently at the threshold of the universe for an opportunity to extinguish all life and all light.WaterworldImagine a future without dry land. A future where the earth, covered in water, has evolved into a gritty, nautical society held together by determination and ingenuity. The inhabitants of this once-flourishing planet cling to life on incredible floating cities, their existence constantly threatened by Smokers-- bands of marauding pirates who roam the featureless surface of Waterworld.Godzilla A devastating, blinding flash of white light fills the Eastern sky. Thousands of miles away, the Pacific Ocean churns, engulfing a freighter with wicked speed. Ships off both U.S. coasts capsize and are dragged into an inexplicably roiling sea. On another part of the globe, giant footprints plow an ominous path through miles of Panamanian forests, Tahitian villages and Jamaican beaches. What is the source of all this mysterious, far-flung mayhem? Godzilla, the undisputed king of movie monsters, comes to the screen once again and is on a terrifying trek to the densely populated island of Manhattan, leaving a trail of ruin and panic in its awful wake and creating a ripple effect of profound and jaw-dropping destruction.Fantastic FourWhen an experimental space voyage goes awry, four people are changed by cosmic rays. Reed Richards, inventor and leader of the group gains the ability to stretch his body, and takes the name, Mr. Fantastic. His girlfriend, Sue Storm, gains the ability to turn invisible and create force fields, becoming the Invisible Girl. Her little brother Johnny Storm gains the ability to control fire, including covering his own body with flame, like a Human Torch. Pilot Ben Grimm is turned into a super-strong rocky Thing. Together, they use their unique powers to explore the strange aspects of the world, and to foil the evil plans by the likes of Doctor Doom, which is who the villain of this film will be. Even as they deal with the various threats that arise to threaten Earth"s peace, the Four must also deal with the pressures of fame as the world"s most famous superheroes, and the realities of being a super-powered family.2023-08-07 20:26:422
在英文中,表达隐含爱意的词汇和短语有很多种。以下是一些常见的表达方式:1. Fondness(喜爱):表示对某人的喜欢或钟爱。2. Endearment(亲昵):用于表示亲密、亲爱的感情。3. Adore(崇拜):表示强烈的崇拜和喜欢。4. Infatuation(迷恋):暗示对某人感到强烈的吸引和迷恋。5. Affection(情感、喜爱):表示深深的喜爱和情感。6. Passion(激情、热爱):传达出强烈的热情和爱意。7. Devotion(忠诚、献身):表达出对某人的忠诚和倾心。此外,还可以使用一些表达爱意的短语,如:1. You mean the world to me.(你对我来说意义重大)2. I can"t imagine my life without you.(我无法想象没有你的生活)3. You are the sunshine of my life.(你是我生活中的阳光)4. I"m crazy about you.(我疯狂地喜欢你)5. You hold a special place in my heart.(你在我心中有特殊的地位)6. My love for you knows no bounds.(我对你的爱没有界限)7. I"m head over heels in love with you.(我深深地爱着你)这些表达方式可以用来传达隐含的爱意,但请注意,在不同的人际关系和文化背景下,理解和接受这些表达方式可能会有所不同。2023-08-07 20:26:591
世界上最长的山系:科迪勒拉山系(南、北美洲),绵亘18000千米世界上最长的山脉:安第斯山脉(南美洲),全长9000千米2023-08-07 20:25:292
中俄瑷珲条约2023-08-07 20:25:419
世界上最长的山脉是安第斯山脉。安第斯山脉属于科迪勒拉山系,位于南美洲的西岸,从北到南全长8900余千米。安第斯山脉从南美洲的南端到最北面的加勒比海岸绵亘约形成一道连续不断的屏障。安第斯山脉将狭窄的西海岸地区同大陆的其余部分分开,是地球重要的地形特征之一,它对山脉本身及其周围地区的生存条件产生深刻的影响。安第斯山脉是世界上除亚洲之外最高的山脉,平均海拔3660米,最高峰是位于阿根廷境内的主山峰阿空加瓜山,海拔6962米,为西半球和南半球第一高峰,是世界海拔最高的死火山。安第斯山脉范围从巴拿马一直到智利。纵贯南美大陆西部,素有南美洲脊梁之称,山脉有许多海拔6000米以上、山顶终年积雪的高峰,且地区矿产资源丰富。2023-08-07 20:25:501
那就有很多啊。2023-08-07 20:25:597
安第斯山脉属于科迪勒拉山系,也称安弟斯山脉或安蒂斯山脉,位于南美洲的西岸,范围从巴拿马一直到智利。从北到南全长8900余千米,是世界上最长的山脉,2023-08-07 20:26:005
大风吹不动,一屁过江东2023-08-07 20:26:293
事隔多时,苏东坡修禅定日渐有了功夫。 一次出定后,喜孜孜地写了一首诗:“稽首天中天,毫光照大千,八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。” (注:八风是指吾人生活上所遇到的“称、识、毁、誉、利、衰、苦、乐”等八种境界,能影响人之情绪,故形容为风。) 立刻差书童过江,送给佛印禅师,让他评一评自己的禅定功夫如何? 佛印禅师看过后,莞然一笑,顺手拈来一枝红笔,即在苏东坡的诗上写了两个斗大的字: “放屁” 再交给书童带回。 苏东坡本料想佛印会给他诸多的赞美,怎之一看回信中竟是斗大的两个红字“放屁”,不由得火冒三丈,破口大骂: “佛印实在欺人太甚,不赞美也就罢了,何必骂人呢?我非立刻过江与他理论不可!” 船快到金山寺时,佛印禅师早站在江边等待苏东坡。 苏东坡一见禅师就气呼呼的说:“禅师!我们是至交道友,我的诗,我的修行,你不赞赏也就罢了,怎可骂人呢?” 禅师若无其事的说:“骂你什么呀?”苏东坡把诗上批的“放屁”两字拿给禅师看。 禅师呵呵大笑说:“哦!你不是说”八风吹不动“吗?怎么”一屁就打过江“了呢?” 苏东坡听后深觉惭愧不已,自叹修行不如佛印远矣!2023-08-07 20:27:002
《东坡志林》稽首天中天,毫光照大千;八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。作者:苏轼(1037年1月8日—1101年8月24日),字子瞻,又字和仲,号东坡居士,世称苏东坡、苏仙。汉族,北宋眉州眉山(今属四川省眉山市)人,祖籍河北栾城,北宋著名文学家、书法家、画家。释义:无论别人称赞我还是讥讽我,无论是别人毁谤我,还是给我很好的名声,无论我是处于上升时期,还是处于下降时期,无论是在苦中,还是乐中,我都不为这些外境所动,保持着一种如如不动的平和心态。这种境界谁做到了呢?实际上是佛做到了。他说“端坐紫金莲”,就是看到佛像端坐在紫色的莲花之上。扩展资料:“八风”指的是:1、称:各种称赞,各种说好,人前人后为你宣扬,随时随地对你拥护,给你赞美,给你欢喜。2、讥:冷嘲热讽,厌恶讥嫌,专说无中生有的行为,随便议论你的长短,给你生气,给你烦恼。3、 毁:言蜚语,毁谤中伤,使你信用蒙受损失,把你的为人说得一文不值,给你打击,给你阻难。4、 誉:说你功德,扬你贡献,赞你是菩萨再来,称你是圣贤再世,给你捧场,给你得意。5、利:金钱物质,各项利益,有的当供养送来,有的作礼品赠到,给你受利,给你利益。6、 衰:减损所有,破坏所得,将成的事业忽然垮台,已有的资用忽然失去,给你贫困,给你衰微。7、苦:身遭侵害,心遭恼乱,恶的因缘困扰生活,恶的境界折磨身心,给你艰难,给你逼迫。8、乐:随心所欲,顺适安乐,物资上的享受,感情上的满足,给你欢欣,给你快乐。以上所说称、讥、毁、誉、利、衰、苦、乐,就是八种境界风,能够吹动人的身心,当我们逢到顺境的时候,就欢喜快乐,当我们遇到逆境的时候,就苦恼愁怅,都因禁受不住这八种境界风。2023-08-07 20:27:131
1、全诗如下:稽首天中天,毫光照大千,八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。2、这首诗是宋朝苏轼做的一首诗偈,选自苏轼的《东坡志林》。3、译文意思:顶礼膜拜更为天所尊敬的佛陀,佛陀的慈悲道德的光芒,遍照于三千大千世界,人生成败得失都不会动动摇我心,只会庄严而安稳地坐在莲花台上。4、“八风”是指利,衰,毁,誉,称,讥,苦,乐。扩展资料:1、“安耐毁誉,八风不动。”——《永嘉集》。2、八风不动:顺利成功是利,失败是衰,背后诽谤是毁,背后称赞是誉,当面赞美是称,当面漫骂攻击是讥,痛苦是苦,快乐是乐。佛家教导说,应当修养到遇八风中的任何一风时情绪都不为所动参考资料:八风不动-百度百科2023-08-07 20:27:281
这首诗全诗内容为,稽首天中天,毫光照大千。八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。意思是向天中天叩拜,一毫微光可光照大千世界,八风无法将我吹动,端坐在紫金莲之上。这首诗中的八风指的是尘世间煽惑人心的八件事,利、衰、毁、誉、称、讥、苦、乐。佛家教导说,应当修养到遇八风中的任何一风时情绪都不为所动,这就是八风不动。扩展资料:这首诗出自苏东坡与佛印的小故事。有一次,苏东坡在衙门打坐,写了一首偈,描写他自己修行的境界,贪嗔痴都不起了,八风吹不动了。他送给佛印看,为佛印会赞叹他修行境界好。哪知道佛印在上面写了四个字,“放屁、放屁。”苏轼很生气,马上坐船过江去找佛印评理。刚到就见到佛印站在山门口,对他哈哈大笑说,苏大学士,你的修行真是好,一说放屁你就走过江来了,怒气冲冲地过来找我评理,你这还叫八风吹不动吗。2023-08-07 20:27:421
世界上最长的山系科迪勒拉山系。科迪勒拉山系纵贯南北美洲大陆西部,位于北美洲的部分称为落基山脉,位于南美洲的部分称为安第斯山脉。整个山系北起阿拉斯加,南到火地岛,绵延约1.5万公里,总体呈南北走向,由一系列平行山脉、山间高原和盆地组成。由于科迪勒拉山系为一年青褶皱山系,新生代以来构造活动十分强烈,它成为世界环太平洋火山地震带的重要组成部分,火山地震十分频繁。同时由于地质作用力仍在继续,其高度仍在不断升高,给该地区带来明显的垂直分异。科迪勒拉山系的形成过程中,北美西北部和亚洲东北部曾有过联系和中断,从而使两地动物互有往来,形成许多共同属和相似的动物种,如水貂、猞猁、狼和獾等。它也提供了南北美洲之间动物往来的条件,在北美东南部出现犰狳等与南美相同的种和属,南美的猫科、犬科和浣熊科等则来自北美。因此,科迪勒拉山系的形成,丰富了南北美洲的动物种类。2023-08-07 20:27:482
有奖励稽首天中天,毫光照大千;八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲.作者是谁我来答有奖励共1条回答fengteng1314知道合伙人教育行家2016-09-28作者苏轼,写于他被贬黄州的时候.附个小故事:苏东坡在黄州时,有一天,诗兴来了,做了一首赞佛的诗:稽首天中天,毫光照大千;八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲.这是一首意境很高的诗,不是对佛法有相当的造诣,绝对写不出这样的好诗.苏东坡写好了这首诗,自己反覆吟哦,觉得非常满意!这时,他想起了好朋友佛印禅师来,他想禅师如果看到这首诗,一定会大大的赞赏一番,甚至会拍案叫绝.于是,他立刻把那首诗抄在诗笺上,用信封封好,叫佣人送去长江南岸的归宗寺,给佛印禅师看.黄州在长江北岸,要到对岸的归宗寺,必须渡江.现在,我们趁苏东坡的佣人搭船过江的时候,来研究一下这首诗的内容:“稽首”,是顶礼膜拜的意思;“天中天”,是说,天是人所尊敬的,而佛陀更为天所尊敬,所以佛陀被称为“天中之天”.“毫光照大千”,是说佛陀的慈悲道德的光芒,遍照于三千大千世界.一个太阳系里面,有很多星球,组成一个小世界;一千个小世界,合成一个小千世界;一千个小千世界,合成一个中千世界;一千个中千世界,合成一个大千世界.“八风吹不动”,这是一句精警动人的诗句,也是全诗的中心,最为要紧.“八风”,是称、讥、毁、誉、利、衰、苦、乐;《大智度论》说:“利、衰、毁、誉、称、讥、苦、乐;四顺四违,能鼓动物情.”这八种是人生成败得失的总和.称颂赞美,名誉利禄,跟各种快乐的享受,是谁都会陶醉的;普通一般人,每逢这些好境乐事,都会感到瓢瓢然!而遇讥嘲诋毁,则怒形于色;逢逆缘苦境,则忧戚于心,也是人之常情.然而有一个人,居然“八风”都吹不动他,这人是谁?就是佛陀.“端坐紫金莲”,这是说佛陀诸惑已尽,众德圆备,故能不被外境所摇动,庄严而安稳地坐在莲花台上.这首诗是在赞佛,同时却又暗含着作者有其超然的境界:他能跟佛陀一样,已达到了心能转物而不为物转的地步.——苏东坡的确是一个绝顶聪明的人.这时,佣人上岸了,他赶上庐山归宗寺去.佛印禅师读到苏东坡的诗时,并不如苏东坡所预料的赞赏一番,或拍案叫绝,反而感到这很需要给他一个当头棒喝;于是,他在那首诗的下端,批上“放屁”两个大字,交给佣人带回黄州.在黄州的苏东坡,自从佣人去后,便沾沾自喜地在等待着,他满以为佛印禅师看到那首诗时,一定会大大地赞赏,所以他一心一意在等着佳讯传来,好容易等到佣人回来了,他迫不及待地问:“师父看了怎么说?”佣人说:“他没说什么?只在你的诗笺上写一些字,叫我拿回,我不懂写些什么.”佣人说着,便把那封诗信交给苏东坡;苏东坡打开信封,抽出诗笺,看到那首诗的下端,批着“放屁”两个大字时,不禁无明火升起三千丈,勃然大怒起来!连喊“岂有此理?”他再仔细地推敲自己的诗,尽找也找不出那首诗的毛病;他自言自语地责怪佛印禅师道:“我这首好诗,你不懂得欣赏也罢,竟把它当做放屁,你真是太糊涂了!”于是,他决定亲自去跟佛印禅师评理,马上雇船过江,上庐山归宗寺去.苏东坡的船向南进,他坐在船上,虽然这时江上的清风习习地吹来,可是他这时的心,好像热锅上的蚂蚁,再也没有上次游赤壁时的心情,吟出“清风徐来,水波不兴”的名句了.苏东坡赶上庐山归宗寺,气呼呼地要找佛印禅师算帐,那知禅师早已吩咐客堂的知客师说:“今天不见客.”苏东坡听了,火上加油,再也忍受不住了!他不管三七二十一,三步做两步地一直奔到佛印禅师的方丈室来,他看方丈室的门掩着,正要举手敲门进去时,忽然发现门扉上贴着一张字条,端正地写着:八风吹不动,一屁过江来.苏东坡看到这两句,立刻就警觉了,心里暗暗叫道:“我错了!”各位!苏东坡错在那里呢?佛印禅师那句话,明明是警告他说:“你说能够不为称讥毁誉的各种境界所动,为什么竟被那区区“放屁”两个字,搞到无明火起,过江来和我评理呢?”这时的苏东坡,深深地感到惭愧,自叹一向对于佛法,只求理解,缺少了真修实行,所以当境界现前时,竟与常人无异,研究佛学的理论而不实践,真是“不行”!因之,当即痛下决心,今后要把所理解的佛法,在日常生活中实行起来.同时,他又深深地感激佛印禅师给他的启示,他觉得有这样的一位诤友,实是人生的大幸!从此,他对佛印禅师,更加心悦诚服了2023-08-07 20:27:572
“稽首天中天毫光照大千”这首歌的名字叫做《佛光普照》,这首歌的发行时间为2015年5月4日,歌曲原唱是普渡慈航会,填词是普渡慈航会,谱曲也是普渡慈航会,歌曲的时长为3分钟,歌曲的曲风是国语流行。2023-08-07 20:28:052
安第斯山脉2023-08-07 20:28:0710
八风吹不动!谨以此偈摘给自己并朋友们共勉! 苏东坡在瓜州任职时,与金山寺的住持佛印禅师成为至交。 一天,东坡认为自己对于禅已经领悟到一定程度了,于是写了一首诗,阐述自己对禅的理解,然后送给佛印禅师印证。诗是这样的: 稽首天中天, 豪光照大千。 八风吹不动, 端坐紫金莲。 意思是说:我顶礼伟大的佛陀,蒙受到佛光的普照,我的心已经不在受到外界的诱惑了,好比佛陀坐在莲花垫子上一样。 佛印看了后,笑着在上面写了“放屁”两个字,然后就叫书童带回给东坡看。 东坡看了佛印的批文后恼怒不已,立刻动身找禅师理论。 他气呼呼地来到金山寺,远远看见佛印禅师站在江边。佛印看见东坡后说:“我已等候你多时了!” 东坡气呼呼地说:“禅师,我们是至交,我写的诗,你即使看不上,也不能侮辱人呀!” 禅师说:“我每侮辱你呀?” 东坡理直气壮地将诗上的“放屁”两字给阐师看,说:“这不是侮辱人吗?今天我要讨个公道,你一定要给我个说法。” 禅师哈哈大笑:“还‘八风吹不动呢"!怎么‘一屁就打过江"了呢?” 苏东坡听完惭愧不已,再也不敢炫耀自己了。2023-08-07 20:28:141
大家知道吗?下面我为大家解答吧。 世界上最长的山 纵贯美洲大陆西部的科迪勒拉山是世界上最长的山系,它北起阿拉斯加,沿北美、南美大陆西境直抵火地岛。南北共长1.5万千米,真是举世无双!科迪勒拉山系的组成部分有北美的海岸山脉、落基山脉、内华达山脉和南美的安第斯等山脉,还有诸山脉之间的山间盆地、山间高原、谷地等。北美的山脉,海拔一般在1500~3000米之间,最高的麦金利峰海拔是6193米。南美的山脉,海拔大部分在3000米以上,其中的阿空加瓜山是美洲第一高峰,高6969米。 世界上最长的山脉 安第斯山脉长约9000公里,几乎是喜玛拉雅山脉三倍半,这里山势雄伟,绚丽多姿,是世界上最壮观的自然景观之一。安第斯山脉属科迪勒拉山系,这个山系从北美一直延伸到南美,全长18000公里,是世界最长的山系。安第斯山脉有许多海拔6000米以上、山顶终年积雪的高峰。南部山脉中的阿空加瓜山为安第斯山最高峰,海拔6959米,它也是世界上最高的死火山。尤耶亚科火山海拔6723米,是世界最高的活火山。南美洲多火山,它们主要分布在安第斯山,这里共有40多座活火山。安第斯山脉孕育了无比巨大的铜矿,这里有世界最大的地下铜矿,深入地表以下1200米,庞大的地下坑道总长超过2000多公里,采矿的自动化程度极高,地下生活设施完善。 世界上最高的山峰 喜马拉雅山上的珠穆朗玛峰,最近一次测量出的珠穆朗玛峰峰顶岩石面海拔高程8844.43米。引数:珠穆朗玛峰峰顶岩石面高程测量精度±0.21米;峰顶冰雪深度3.50米2023-08-07 20:28:301
宋代苏东坡,对佛学很有研究。他被贬官之后,与佛印禅师关系很好,经常向佛印禅师请教佛法。苏东坡悟性很高,见解超脱。他的诗词文章中,常渗露出很多禅机。有一次,他打坐下来,觉得自己好象开悟了,他写了一首偈颂:"稽首天中天,毫光照大千,八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲"。"天中天"就是佛,"稽首"就是顶礼,"毫光照大千"就是说佛的光明普照大千世界。"八风"就是称、讥、毁、誉、利、哀、苦、乐。称是当面称赞,讥是当面讥讽,毁是背后诋毁,誉是背后赞扬,利是有利益的事,哀是倒霉的、衰败的事,苦是苦恼的事,乐指快乐的事。实际上,我们整天都在八风中打圈子。苏东坡当时觉得自己已经达到八风吹不动的境界。"端坐紫金莲",就是端正地坐在紫金色的莲花座上。这首偈颂从文辞上看,十分出色,在历来称赞佛的偈颂中,也算得是杰作。香港天坛大佛落成,赵朴初老居士题词还是用的这一首。当时苏东坡很得意,派人过长江把偈颂送给佛印禅师看。佛印禅师是非常有境界,有证悟的人。他一看就知道苏东坡仍有我相,自以为了不起,实际并没有真正证悟。于是便在偈语后面批了:"放屁"两个字,叫原人带回去。苏东坡一见,火冒三丈。他认为,这个偈颂这么好,怎么能用这样粗鲁的语言来侮辱人呢?这还了得!他立刻过长江找佛印禅师评理。佛印禅师知道他来了,就迎接上来,笑嘻嘻地说:"八风吹不动,一屁过江来。"这位苏学士惭愧得无言以对。这说明他没有真功夫,理论上说得很好,遇到实际问题就忍不下去了。2023-08-07 20:28:421
世界上最长的山脉 最长的山脉是安第斯山脉
1、世界上最长的山脉:安第斯山脉 (长度:8900余千米),属于科迪勒拉山系,也称安弟斯山脉或安蒂斯山脉,位于南美洲的西岸,从北到南全长8900余千米,是世界上最长的山脉。安第斯山脉从南美洲的南端到最北面的加勒比海岸绵亘约形成一道连续不断的屏障。安第斯山脉将狭窄的西海岸地区同大陆的其余部分分开,是地球重要的地形特征之一,它对山脉本身及其周围地区的生存条件产生深刻的影响。 2、安第斯山脉是世界上除亚洲之外最高的山脉,平均海拔3660米,最高峰是位于阿根廷境内的主山峰阿空加瓜山(Aconcagua),海拔6962米,为西半球和南半球第一高峰,是世界海拔最高的死火山。安第斯山脉范围从巴拿马一直到智利。2023-08-07 20:25:191
条约有:《北京条约》《南京条约》《马关条约》2023-08-07 20:25:158
是的2023-08-07 20:24:4715
中美望厦条约中俄蒙协约民四条约满洲里界约中英续订藏印条约中日会议东三省事宜正约辛丑条约广州湾租界条约订租威海卫专条展拓香港界址专条中俄旅大租地条约中德胶澳租界条约中日通商行船条约中俄密约马关条约中英会议藏印条款中法和约中俄改订条约与改订陆路通商章程中英烟台条约中日北京专条中俄勘分西北界约记中德通商条约中俄北京条约中法北京条约中英北京条约中法天津条约中英天津条约中美天津条约中俄天津条约中俄瑷珲条约上海英法美租界租地章程中俄伊犁塔尔巴哈台通商章程上海租地章程黄埔条约望厦条约南京条约2023-08-07 20:24:371
亚洲最大山脉是喜马拉雅山脉:位于青藏高原南巅边缘,是世界海拔最高的山脉,其中有110多座山峰高达或超过海拔7350米。 南美洲最大山脉是安第斯山脉:位于南美洲的西岸,从北到南全长8900余千米,是世界上最长的山脉。 北美洲最大山脉是落基山脉:是美洲科迪勒拉山系在北美的主干,由许多小山脉组成,被称为北美洲的“脊骨”,南北纵贯4800多千米。 欧洲最大山脉是阿尔卑斯山:位于欧洲中南部,覆盖了意大利北部、法国东南部、瑞士、列支敦士登、奥地利、德国南部及斯洛文尼亚。 大洋洲最大山脉是大分水岭:澳大利亚东部新南威尔士州以北山脉和高原的总称,位于新南威尔士州以北与海岸线大致平行。 非洲最大山脉是阿特拉斯山脉:阿特拉斯山脉形成马格里布国家的主脉,山脉全长超过2000公里。 南极洲最大山脉是毛德皇后山脉:位于南极洲中部,为南极洲横贯山地的一段。有数座山峰海拔超过4000公尺,蕴藏有大量的煤。2023-08-07 20:24:241
满清不平等条约一览表 1. 中英 广州和约 余保纯 六百七十万两 27-5-1841; 2. 中英 南京条约 耆英,伊布里 二千一百万两 29-8-1842; 3. 中英 南京条约补充条款 耆英 22-7-1843; 4. 中英 虎门条约 耆英 8-10-1843; 5. 中美 望厦条约 耆英 3-7-1844; 6. 中法 黄埔条约 耆英 24-10-1844; 7. 中俄 瑗珲条约 奕山 六十万方公里 28-5-1858; 8. 中俄 天津条约 桂良,花沙纳 13-6-1858; 9. 中美 天津条约 桂良,花沙纳 18-6-1858; 10. 中英 天津条约 桂良,花沙纳 26-6-1858; 11. 中法 天津条约 桂良,花沙纳 27-6-1858; 12. 中英 天津条约补充 桂良 8-11-1858; 13. 中英 北京条约 奕欣 一千叁百万两 24-10-1860; 14. 中法 北京条约 奕欣 25-10-1860; 15. 中俄 北京条约 奕欣 四十多万方公里? 4-11-1860; 16. 中俄 勘分西北界约记 明谊 四十四万方公里 10-7-1864; 17. 中美 增续条约 前美公使蒲安臣 7-28-1868; 18. 中英 新修条约普后章程 不详 23-10-1869; 19. 中日 修好条约 李鸿章 13-8-1871; 20. 中日 北京条约 奕欣 31-10-1874; 21. 中英 烟台条约 李鸿章 13-9-1876; 22. 中俄 里瓦几亚条约 崇厚 2-10-1879; 23. 中俄 伊黎条约 曾纪泽 七万方公里 二百八十万两 24-2-1881; 24. 中法 会议简明条款 李鸿章 11-5-1884; 25. 中日 天津条约 李鸿章 18-4-1885; 26. 中法 新约 李鸿章 9-6-1885; 27. 中英 烟台条约 续增条约 不详 9-6-1885; 28. 中葡 北京条约 奕□ 1-12-1887; 29. 中英 印藏条约 升泰 17-3-1890; 30. 中美 华工条约 杨儒 7-3-1894; 31. 中日 马关条约 李鸿章 二亿两 7-4-1895; 32. 中日 辽南条约 李鸿章 叁千万两 8-11-1895; 33. 中俄 密约 李鸿章 3-6-1896; 34. 中德 胶澳租借条约 李鸿章 6-3-1896; 35. 中英 展拓香港界址条约 李鸿章 9-6-1898; 36. 八国联军 辛丑条约 李鸿章 十亿二千二百七十万两 7-9-1901; 37. 中英 续定印藏条约 罗生戛尔曾 7-9-1904; 38. 中日 会议[满州善后条约] 22-12-1905;2023-08-07 20:24:106
世界十大山脉-------1. 安第斯山脉东西宽的平均是241 公里,最宽处在阿里卡(Arica)至圣他克卢斯 (Santa Cruz)之间,宽约750公里。整个山脉的平均海拔3,660 米,有许多高峰终年积雪,海拔超过6000米。长约7500公里,是喜玛拉雅山脉的三倍,也是陆地上最长的山脉6060,相对於海底及地球最长的山脉中洋脊(长约80000公里)。2. 阿尔卑斯山是一座位于欧洲的著名山脉,它覆盖了意大利北部边界,法国东南部,瑞士,列支敦士登,奥地利,德国南部及斯洛文尼亚。它可以被细分为三个部分:从地中海到勃朗峰的西阿尔卑斯山,从奥斯特谷(意大利西北部一自治区)到布勒内山口(奥地利和意大利交界处)的中阿尔卑斯山,从布勒内山口到斯洛文尼亚的东阿尔卑斯山。阿尔卑斯山共有128座海拔超过4000米的山峰,其中最高峰勃朗峰海拔4808米,位于法国和意大利的交界处。山脉呈弧形,长1200公里, 平均海拔约3000米。3. 大分水岭,是澳大利亚东部主要山脉,北起约克角半岛,南至维多利亚州,与海岸线大致平行,长约3000公里,宽约200至300公里,最高峰科修斯科山为澳洲大陆最高点,海拔2230米。该岭是印度洋和太平洋水系的分水岭,故而得名。4. 昆仑山脉,西起帕米尔高原东部,东到柴达木河上游谷地,於东经97°~99°处与巴颜喀拉山脉和阿尼玛卿山(积石山)相接,北邻塔里木盆地与柴达木盆地。山脉全长2500余公里,宽130-200 公里,平均海拔5500-6000米,西窄东宽,总面积达50多万平方公里。一般认为最高峰是常被称为「昆仑山」的慕士山(海拔7282米),位於新疆自治区和田南面,但实际公格尔山(7719米)最高。5. 阿特拉斯山脉位於非洲西北部,长2,400公里,横跨摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚、突尼西亚三国 (并包括直布罗陀半岛),把地中海西南岸与撒哈拉沙漠分开。最高峰为图卜卡勒峰 (Jbel Toubkal,海拔4,167公尺),位於摩洛哥西南部 (31°03′43〃N, 7°54′58〃W)。6. 喜马拉雅山脉是世界海拔最高的山脉,位于亚洲的中国与尼泊尔之间,分布于青藏高原南缘,西起克什米尔的南迦-帕尔巴特峰(北纬35°14"21",东经74°35"24",海拔8125米),东至雅鲁藏布江大拐弯处的南迦巴瓦峰(北纬29°37"51”,东经95°03"31”,海拔7756米),全长2400公里。主峰珠穆朗玛(Everest)海拔高度8844.43米。 根据板块构造学,喜马拉雅山脉是由印度板块与欧亚大陆板块碰撞形成的。 所以现在喜马拉雅山仍然在缓慢上升中。喜马拉雅山脉约有70多个山峰。7. 阿尔泰山脉位于中国新疆维吾尔自治区北部和蒙古西部。西北延伸至俄罗斯境内。呈西北—东南走向。长约2000公里, 海拔1000—3000 米。森林、矿产资源丰富。从汉朝就开始开采金矿,至清朝在山中淘金的人曾多达5万多人。8. 祁连山脉是中国境内主要山脉之一,位于青藏高原北缘,地跨甘肃和青海,西接阿尔金山山脉,东至兰州兴隆山,南与柴达木盆地和青海湖相连,山脉西北至东南走向,由数条近似平行的山脉组成,平均海拔4000米以上,长约2000公里,宽200~500公里,平原河谷占山地面积的三分之一以上。9. 秦岭是中国境内东西走向的一座山脉。它的西端在甘肃省境内,东段到河南省西部,主体位於陕西省的南部与四川省交界处,长约1500公里。秦岭同时也是长江流域与黄河流域的分水岭。秦岭的最高峰是太白山,高3763.2米。是中国大陆东半壁的第一高峰(号称群峰之冠)。10. 念青唐古拉山脉位于西藏自治区中东部。近东西走向。西侧冈底斯山脉,东侧横断山脉。全长1400公里,平均宽80公里。平均海拔5000~6000米。 世界十大长河-----1尼罗河全长6670公里,流域面积为3,349,000平方公里,起源于非洲中部的乌干达与衣索匹亚,往北途经尼罗河三角洲后注入地中海。2亚马孙河全长约6400公里,是世界上流量最大、流域面积最广的河流。3长江全长约6300公里,自己国家的。 4密西西比河全长6262公里,全河于美国境内,注入墨西哥湾。5黄河全长5464公里,也是自己国家的。6澜沧江-湄公河全长4880公里,流域总面积81万平方公里,发源于青藏高原,自北向南流经中国青海、西藏、云南三省区和缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南五国,于越南胡志明市附近湄公河三角洲注入南中国海。在中国境内的河段称为澜沧江,长2198公里。7伏尔加河全长4690公里,流域总面积138万平方公里,注入里海,是世界上最大的内陆河。8黑龙江全长4370千米,流域总面积184.3万平方千米,它穿越中国、前苏联和蒙古,从海拉尔河河源算起。在我国境内的长度为3474千米,流域面积88.7万平方千米。9勒拿河全长4300公里,流域面积249万平方公里,发源于俄罗斯西伯利亚南部贝加尔山脉,由南向北流,最后注入北冰洋拉普捷夫海。10尼日尔河全长4197公里,她发源于几内亚,源头离大西洋只有250公里。 世界十大岛屿-------1.格陵兰岛 面积2175600平方千米 北美洲 2.新几内亚岛(伊里安岛) 面积785000平方千米 大洋洲 3.加里曼丹岛 面积734000平方千米 亚 洲 4.马达加斯加 620000平方千米 非洲 5.巴芬岛 面积512000平方千米 北美洲 6.苏门答腊岛 面积434000平方千米 亚洲 7.本州岛 面积227414平方千米 亚 洲 8.大不列颠岛 面积219800平方千米 欧洲 9.维多利亚岛 面积212200平方千米 北美洲 10.埃尔斯米尔岛 面积200445平方千米 北美洲2023-08-07 20:23:531
1、中英广州和约2、中英南京条约(旧称江宁条约)3、中英五口通商章程4、中美五口通商章程5、中英虎门条约6、中法黄埔条约7、上海英法美租界租地章程8、中俄瑷珲条约9、中俄天津条约10、中美天津条约11、中英天津条约12、中法天津条约13、中英通商章程善后条约14、中英北京条约15、中法北京条约16、中俄北京条约17、中俄勘分西北界约记18、中美天津条约续增条约19、中日修好条规20、中日北京专条21、中英烟台条约22、中俄伊犁条约23、中法会议简明条款24、中日天津条约25、中法会订越南条约26、中英烟台条约续增条约27、中葡北京条约28、中英会议藏印条约29、中美华工条约30、中日马关条约31、中日辽南条约32、中俄密约33、中德胶澳租借条约34、中英展拓香港界址专条35、八国联军辛丑条约36、中英续订藏印条约37、中日满州善后条约又称《会议东三省事宜正约及附约》38、中俄满洲里界约扩展资料:自1840年鸦片战争以来中国与其他国家签订了一系列的条约,一般认为其中绝大部分都是不平等的。从条约的签订上看,是经过双方的交涉谈判、共同宣布的平等协定,但实际上两国的谈判总是经过了一场战争——早已腐朽没落的清帝国在对外经济与国防上不是近代帝国主义国家的对手,一场战争下来中国政府很少能从战争中占到什么“便宜”;反而让其他国家取得战争的主动,迫使中国政府以谈判为手段以避免更大的损失;中国政府的代理人往往在谈判时只有“接受”与“不接受”这样的选择,这些代理人作为一个专制帝王派来的代表,只能为了皇族的利益去签订这些条约。参考资料来源:百度百科—不平等条约参考资料来源:百度百科—大清帝国2023-08-07 20:23:461
亚洲最长东西走向山脉是昆仑山脉,总长度2500度千米。其主峰是位于新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县的公格尔峰(海拔大约7649米)。2023-08-07 20:23:422
喜马拉雅山脉2023-08-07 20:23:334
安第斯山脉 属科迪勒拉山系2023-08-07 20:23:176
列宁曾经答应等中国革命胜利后,把当初沙皇和中国满清政府签订的所有不平等条约全部废除。但斯大林上台后就再也不提这事了。2023-08-07 20:23:151
纵贯美洲大陆西部的科迪勒拉山是世界上最长的山系,它北起阿拉斯加,沿北美、南美大陆西境直抵火地岛。南北共长1.5万千米,真是举世无双!科迪勒拉山系的组成部分有北美的海岸山脉、落基山脉、内华达山脉和南美的安第斯等山脉,还有诸山脉之间的山间盆地、山间高原、谷地等。北美的山脉,海拔一般在1500~3000米之间,最高的麦金利峰海拔是6193米。南美的山脉,海拔大部分在3000米以上,其中的阿空加瓜山是美洲第一高峰,高6969米。2023-08-07 20:23:081
《尼布楚条约》的重要意义以及如何划定近代中国的第一条国界;「 ”中国「 ”就是历史王朝的正式国号。 第一次雅克萨战役后, 1686年1月30日,俄国政府任命费奥多尔·阿列克谢维奇·戈洛文为对华谈判使团的全权大使。2月5日,他率领大批随员和军队共近两千人离开莫斯科东行,与中国谈判边界问题。同年11月10日,俄国的先遣使节文纽科夫、法沃罗夫到达北京,由大学士明珠等接待,为表示和平的诚意,清朝决定主动停战并撤军,双方定于色棱额(今俄罗斯色楞格斯克)展开谈判。撤军令于12月到达前线,中俄雅克萨战役结束。 康熙二十七年(1688年)三月,领侍卫内大臣索额图、都统公佟国纲、尚书阿喇尼、左都御史马齐、护军统领马喇等率领由800名士兵组成的代表团前往于色棱额谈判,传教士葡萄牙人徐日升(Thomas Pereira)、法国人张诚(Jean Franucois Gerbillon)作为拉丁语翻译随行。 代表团于五月出发,行前康熙皇帝向他们交代了谈判原则:「 ”罗刹侵我边境、交战于黑龙、松花、呼马尔诸江、据我属所居尼布潮、雅克萨地方、收纳我逃人根特木尔等、及我兵筑城黑龙江、两次进剿雅克萨、攻围其城、此从事罗刹之原委也。其黑龙江之地、最为扼要……朕以为尼布潮(楚)、雅克萨、黑龙江上下及通此江之一河一溪,皆我所属之地,不可少弃之于鄂(俄)罗斯” ,即整个黑龙江流域全部属于中国,并索要逃往俄国的索伦部首领根特木尔等人。 代表团一行深入到喀尔喀蒙古后,恰逢准噶尔军队入侵,他们看到了沿途漫山遍野逃难的喀尔喀人,局势因而变得极为紧张,代表团面临着无可逆料的极大风险,康熙皇帝急命代表团迅速返回。 准噶尔军队在占领喀尔喀全境后,又入侵了清朝境内,并宣称与俄国结盟联合进军,清准战争成为中俄谈判中的一大变数。 此时戈洛文又向喀尔喀施加军事压力,侵入其领土,清朝面临着准俄联手的两线作战,形势开始变得对中方非常不利,并将严重影响中俄谈判的走势。 康熙二十八年(1689年)六月,清朝第二次派出了以领侍卫内大臣索额图为首的代表团赴尼布楚谈判,此次康熙皇帝鉴于严峻的形势,为避免两线作战,修改了谈判原则,做出了妥协,吩咐代表团「 ”初议时,仍当以尼布潮为界。彼使者若恳求尼布潮,可即以额尔古纳(河)为界”。 除了随团的1400名士兵外,又调拨黑龙江兵1500人从水路前往尼布楚与代表团汇合。经过长达49天的行程,7月31日,中国代表团抵达尼布楚,与先期到达的黑龙江军汇会,于城外扎营,而此时俄国代表还没有到达。 尼布楚和谈的复原想象图 据张诚观察记录: 木船因为钦差大臣来到,全部悬旗结彩致敬。靠近木船旁边,还有另外一百艘中型船舶,有—千五百名士兵乘坐这些船来到此地,连同船上的水手,足有三千人;再加跟我们一齐到达的一千四百名士兵,大小官员,钦差大氏的亲兵,他们的众多家人,以及照管行李的差役,总数也许达九千至一万人。骆驼数达三、四千,马至少有一万五千匹。索三老爷独自一人就有三百头骆驼,一千五百匹马,还有一百个伺候他的家人。国舅不会少于三百匹马,一百五十头骆驼和八十名仆人。其他官员各按身份随带不同数量的人马。我们了解到,尼布楚总督觉得惊愕,认为他们的行动似乎不是为了讲和而是为了打仗。 17世纪的尼布楚(涅尔琴斯克) 经过漫长的等待与磋商,中俄双方于8月22日举行了第一次会谈,在张诚眼中,戈洛文「 ”衣着华丽,在金缎上衣外披一件同样料子的大衣或斗篷,镶着昂贵的貂皮,矮小肥胖,可是仪表很好,态度从容”。 双方首席谈判代表展开了激烈的辩论,戈洛文认为黑龙江流域「 ”自古以来即为沙皇陛下所领有”,并且指责中国军队入侵俄国的领土,提议以黑龙江为两国边界;索额图则认为黑龙江流域以及贝加尔湖所有土地都隶属于中国皇帝,「 ”鄂嫩、尼布楚皆为我茂明安等诸部落原来居住之地,雅克萨为我虞人(猎人)阿尔巴西等居住之地”,又是「 ”我达斡尔总管倍勒儿故墟” ,他们一直向中国政府交税,因此清方提议以勒拿河、贝加尔湖作为中俄国界。 双方的要求差距极大,第一天会谈没有任何结果。第二天举行二次会议,戈洛文仍然坚持以黑龙江划界,见中国代表不能接受,就让步提出以牛满河(今俄罗斯境内的布列亚河)为界,将黑龙江上游和中游的北岸划归俄国,也被中方代表拒绝。索额图等误以为俄国使团已经让步,立即提出了以尼布楚为界的新方案,并表示可以将尼布楚让给俄国,但仍然被俄方拒绝。 中国代表团认为谈判已经破裂,决定返回。后经过徐日升、张诚长达十几天的斡旋,以及俄国与奥斯曼土耳其的战事不利,准噶尔汗国的兴起威胁到了清朝的安全,双方终于妥协,在9月7日签订条约,即史称的《中俄尼布楚条约》。条约以拉丁、满、俄三种文字书写,拉丁文版为正本。 条约的核心内容是划定两国边境: 中俄以格尔必齐河、外兴安岭为界,凡山南一带流入黑龙江之溪河,尽属中国;山北一带之溪河,尽属俄罗斯;以流入黑龙江之额尔古纳河为界,河之南岸,属于中国;河之北岸属于俄罗斯。乌弟河与外兴安岭之间的土地待议。 《尼布楚条约》后的中俄边境 俄方的记录表明: 双方缮就条约文本后,按照钦差大臣的愿望,在离拦马栅五十俄丈的地方搭了两座全权大使的帐幕,以便举行会议。有四百名火枪兵荷枪列队帐前,由上校费奥多尔·斯克里皮增和中校西多尔·施加蒂廖夫以及大尉等率领。为了安全起见,军人暗中带有手榴弹。 徐日升的日记: 既然两份条约文本之间没有歧异,双方的使臣都按照同样的程序在有着两国皇帝名字的每一份条约文本上签了字;那就是说,在我们的钦差大臣历备就的条约文本上,他们先签字,俄国人署名于其后;在俄国人备就的条约文本上,俄国人先签字,我们的钦差大臣们署名于其后。 张诚日记:换文即毕,他们被此拥抱,喇叭、锣鼓、风笛、长管齐鸣,乐声大作。 在《中俄尼布楚条约》签订的41年前,1648年签订的《威斯特伐利亚和约》不仅宣告欧洲三十年战争的结束,而且确立了国家主权至上的基本国际原则,现代国际法体系开始形成。 《中俄尼布楚条约》是清朝第一次用「 ”中国”作为正式国名签订的国际条约,它也是在现代国际法框架下,中国有史以来签订的第一个国际条约,谈判完全按双方主权平等的方式进行,而不是按照中国传统奉行的朝贡体系。 条约的订立过程,包括条约的草拟、文本和条约的生效机制等,都遵守了西方的国际法规则。条约明确划分了中俄两国东段边界,这也是中国历史上第一段明确划分的国界,它规定了整个黑龙江、乌苏里江流域,包括库页岛在内的广大地区都是中国的领土。 《尼布楚条约》后的中俄边境 《尼布楚条约》以拉丁文、满文和俄文为正式文本,当中拉丁文是基准。 满文本中没有使用大清国(Daicing gurun)一词,而是使用汉语「 ”中央之国”的直译(Dulimbai gurun),正式文本则是拉丁文的Sinici Imperi,即中华帝国。条约(拉丁和满文本)中还规定要使用拉丁文、俄文和「 ”中文”(Dulimbai gurun i bithe)镌刻界碑,翌年碑成,一面是拉丁文和俄文,另一面则有满、汉、蒙三种文字。另外,清方所指的「 ”中文”不是单一文字,而是包括了汉、满、蒙三语的复数中文(Dulimbai gurun i bithe)。 《尼布楚条约》拉丁文正本(俄方本) 因此《尼布楚条约》也是「 ”中国”作为正式国号第一次出现在国际条约中。 在此还是要强调,「 ”中国”至少从西汉开始,就是一个超越朝代(政权)的国号,而并非如现在流行的那样,指的是中原地区或中原王朝:《史记·大宛列传》,载汉武帝派张骞出使西域:「 ”天子既闻大宛及大夏、安息之属,皆大国,多奇物、土著,颇与中国同业”;汉宣帝的诏书「 ”五星出东方,中国大利,蛮夷大败”;甚至连蒙古人元世祖忽必烈也自称中国:「 ”日本密迩高丽,开国以来,亦时通中国”。 《中俄尼布楚条约》是以实力为基础签订的条约,因此它才能有效地遏止了俄国向东方的侵略扩张,保障了中国东北边境170年的安定和平,为后来清朝与准噶尔、回部、廓尔喀、大小金川等的一系列战争提供了稳定的后方保障,对于清朝的发展和繁荣,「 ”康乾盛世”局面的出现,发挥了关键的作用,具有重要的历史意义。 现在有一种观点认为《中俄尼布楚条约》是不平等条约,因为清朝割让了尼布楚地区给俄国。需要说明的是,尼布楚地区虽然以前是蒙古茂明安部落的游牧地,但茂明安部落早在后金时期已经内迁归附,离开了尼布楚,当时在尼布楚地区游牧的是蒙古布里雅特部落,他们并不属于清朝,清朝也从未对这一地区实行过有效统治,因而谈不上是割让,而且条约签订时,喀尔喀蒙古同样不属于清朝。 《中俄尼布楚条约》签订的最直接影响就是清朝可以立即集中力量对付正在迅速崛起的一股强大势力——在遥远的阿尔泰山、伊犁河谷,又一位「 ”成吉思汗”、一颗草原霸主的新星,正在冉冉升起。 请关注 喜马拉雅《侯杨方清史精讲》2023-08-07 20:23:041
安第斯山脉属于科迪勒拉山系,从北到南全长8900余千米,是世界上最长的山脉,纵贯南美大陆西部,素有“南美洲脊梁”之称,且本地区矿产资源丰富。2023-08-07 20:23:002
袁世凯21条 ,巴黎和会(没签字),还要加上雅尔塔协定上外蒙古独立的条件2023-08-07 20:22:573