Hi everyone,I"m XX from Accounting Class1131.
As I am local to Changsha,I believe Changsha is the most beautiful place in my mind.
Next, I shall introduce ten beautiful sights in Changsha.
Yuelu Mountain:first of all,Yuelu Mountain is nationally well-known scenic area,there are many attractions worth visiting.
Martyrs park: the second attraction would be Martyrs Park, a comprehensive park with great scenic features and entertainment spots.
Riverside sight: Changsha, third on the itinerary, is a sight amongst the beautiful greenery trees. It is often regarded as a bright spot near xiangjiang river.
Pedestrian street: fourthly, the Pedestrian Street is a flourishing commercial street
Tian Xin Restaurant: the fifth place, Tian Xin Restaurant, is the only remaining relic from ancient city of Changsha.
Botanical garden: the sixth stop, Botanical garden, where it is known for its cherry blossoms.
The moon island: the seventh, Moon Island, is a resort, but there is also a campsite if anyone prefers camping.
Ecological zoo: the eighth stop, Ecological zoo, has sheep and camels that would surely attract visitors.
The window of the world: the ninth stop, window of the world, is the largest and most beautiful theme park in south central region.
JuZiZhou head: the last stop, JuZiZhou head, firework can be observed every Saturday night..
thanks for watching
Hello, I am from accounting 1131 class of XX, because I am the locals, so in my heart changsha is the most beautiful place.
By the next I present changsha ten big beauty.
Capital: the first one is the first capital, yuelu scenic spot is national key scenic spot, there are a lot of scenic spot, is worth a look.
Martyrs park: the second is martyrs park, visit and entertainment comprehensive park
Riverside sight: the third is changsha is a sight along the beautiful scenery, the green place. Is of xiangjiang river, a bright pearl.
Pedestrian street: the fourth, walking street, a flourishing business street
Heavenly heart restaurant: pure fifth restaurant, it is the only remaining ancient city of changsha logo.
Botanical garden: the sixth botanical garden, where the cherry blossom is very beautiful.
The moon island: the seventh moon island, is a resort, can
Go there camping.
Ecological zoo: the eighth ecological zoo, can go to see where the sheep camel
The window of the world: the ninth window of the world, the largest and most beautiful in central theme park.
JuZiZhou head: the last JuZiZhou head, every Saturday night will set off fireworks.
Thank you to watch
Hello everyone,I"m XX from Accounting Class1131.Because I"m local people here,I believe Changsha is the most beautiful place in my mind.
I will introduce you ten beautiful sights in Changsha. Yuelu Mountain:first of all,Yuelu Mountain is national key senic area,there are many attractions worth looking.
Hello, I am from accounting class 1131XX, because I am
The local people, so in my heart is the most beautiful place in changsha.
Next, I introduce to you all the beauties of Changsha ten.
Mount Yuelu: the first is the Mount Yuelu, the Yuelu scenic area is
National key scenic spots, there are many attractions, value
Have a look.
The martyr park: second Martyrs Park, tour and entertainment
Comprehensive park
Belt along: third is the Changsha with scenery along the river is a
Beautiful scenery, greenery is shady place. Is Xiangjiang coast an Cui
Jade pearl.
Pedestrian street: Fourth, pedestrian street, a busy commercial street
Pavilion: Fifth Pavilion, is the only city of Changsha standard
Botanic Garden: Sixth botanical garden, where the cherry blossom is very beautiful.
Moon Island: seventh moon island, is a resort, can be
Go camping.
Zoo: Zoo ecology eighth ecology, can go to have a look
Where the alpaca
Window of the world: a ninth window of the world, South Africa"s largest and most
Beautiful theme park.
The Orange Isle: the last orange Chau Tau, every Saturday
Night fireworks.
Thank you
pedestrian street2023-08-05 11:28:274
Walkstreet2023-08-05 11:28:363
Walking Street2023-08-05 11:28:464
问题一:步行街用英语怎么说 arcade: a covered passage between streets, with shops/stores on either side 问题二:"步行街"英文怎么翻译阿? Walking海Street 或者是 Pedestrian Street 都可以 我身边的老外用前者的多 问题三:英语步行街怎么说? pedestrian street 在英国街道上看到的。 问题四:上下九步行街 用英文怎么说 Shang Xiajiu pedestrian! 问题五:东门步行街的英语怎么写 Shenzhen Dongmen Walking Street 请设置为最佳答案,谢谢!2023-08-05 11:28:531
foot street2023-08-05 11:29:016
步行街(英文名:pedestrian street) ,是指在交通集中的城市中心区域设置的行人专用道。在这里原则上排除汽车交通,外围设停车场,是行人优先活动区。 徒步街与徒步购物街的意义是一样的可通称为步行街。步行街是城市步行系统一部分是为了振兴旧区、恢复城市中心区活力、保护传统街区而采用的一种城市建设方法。2023-08-05 11:29:171
how much is it 这些多少钱2023-08-05 11:29:325
walking street2023-08-05 11:29:594
pedestrian street2023-08-05 11:30:074
现代人上班经常利用交通工具,生活压力又大,平时基本没有时间去锻炼,但是大家可以步行去公司哦(公司距离远的,可以提前下车),两全其美。下面就由我为大家带来英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。 关于步行的相关短语 步行街Pedestrian zone 步行者peace walker 步行距离 walking distance 步行不能 abasia 步行训练 walking training 步行困难 dysbasia ; difficulty in walking 步行回家go home on foot 步行道 zebra crossing ; sidewalk 步行鞋 Walking Shoes on foot 关于步行的相关例句 1. When I was your age I walked five miles to school. 我像你这么大时,要步行5英里去上学。 2. She was rather cross about having to trail across London. 她不得不疲惫地步行穿过伦敦,这让她相当生气。 3. We"ve arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide. 我们已安排大家在导游的带领下步行游览这座城市。 4. We once walked across London at two in the morning. 我们曾在凌晨两点步行穿过伦敦。 5. The sponsored walk will raise money for AIDS care. 本次慈善步行活动将为艾滋病人筹款。 6. The Centre was a pedestrian precinct with a bandstand in the middle. 该中心是步行商业区,正中央有一个室外音乐演奏台。 7. Pedestrian zones mean that children can play in relative safety. 步行区域意味着孩子们可以在那里相对安全地玩耍。 8. He had to walk all the way home. 他不得不一路步行回家。 9. Shall we walk or go by bus ? 我们步行呢,还是坐公共汽车? 10. to walk along the prom 沿步行道散步 11. Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. 大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时5公里。 12. I don"t like the thought of you walking home alone. 我不喜欢你一个人步行回家。 13. In a pinch, you could get home on foot. 在万不得已时, 你可以步行回家. 14. After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile. 正餐以后,休息片刻;晚餐以后, 步行一里. 15. Taxis seem very thin on the ground tonight — I will have to walk. 今晚出租车似乎非常少,我得步行了. 关于步行的双语例句 【谚】祸来如飞行,祸去似步行。 Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. 我步行一个来回用一小时。 It takes me an hour to walk there and back. 到那儿去,步行比坐车容易。 It"s easier to get there on foot than by car. 他冒雨步行回家,淋得浑身湿透。 He walked home in the rain and was wet through. 我们步行深入林中。 We walked far into the woods. 我喜欢步行更甚于骑自行车。 I prefer walking to cycling. 我过去步行上学。(暗含的意思是:我现在不再步行上学了。) I used to go to school on foot. 她没赶上公共汽车,只好步行回家。 She missed the bus and had to walk home. 最后通过机器人步行实验证明了该策略的有效性。 The biped walking robot proved the effectiveness of the method.2023-08-05 11:30:161
英语中 go straight与 go street的区别
Go straight!直走!(在给别人指路时会用到)应该没有go street的说法。2023-08-05 11:30:344
当然是属于商业步行街 深圳坂田商业广场为该社区居委投资1.8亿元兴建,建筑面积7.3万平方米。广场由商厦、地下停车场和配套的写字楼、商住楼组成。其中商厦共分五层,建筑面积4.7万平方米,按“一站式服务”新型模式运作,集购物、餐饮、娱乐、金融于一体。商场内配置了36台上海东芝电梯、设计有3个超大中庭、300多个地下停车位、3000多平米绿化等系列配套设施。 根据步行街的定义:步行街(英文名:pedestrian street) ,是指在交通集中的城市中心区域设置的行人专用道。 在这里原则上排除汽车交通,外围设停车场,是行人优先活动区。 徒步街与徒步购物街的意义是一样的可通称为步行街。所以只要是这类商业地产,专用的行人购物街区都是步行街。2023-08-05 11:30:421
上下九步行街 用英文怎么说
shangxiajiu pedestrian2023-08-05 11:30:517
江汉路步行街 翻译成英文
到中山大道佳丽广场对面乘坐2路电车到终点下,或乘坐588路公汽到桥口路下。我的答案你满意吗?2023-08-05 11:31:106
步行街的建立有下述三种方式: ①进行交通管制,但不改变街道原状。控制进入步行街的车辆,把车辆疏导到附近的道路上去,以扩大步行空间。例如,在规定时间内禁止车辆通行;限制进入步行街的车种,只允许公共交通、救护、消防、工程等车辆进入;只允许少量凭许可证通行车辆(如送货车、当地居民的车辆等)出入或在规定时间内出入。 ②交通管制和街道改建相结合。凡保留公共交通的商业街,缩小车行道宽度,加大人行道宽度;安排步行者的休息设施;绿化和美化环境。完全禁止车辆交通的街道,则取消车行道,将整个路面作为人行道。 ③交通管制、街道改建和区域交通网调整相结合。通过交通管制,将一部分或全部车辆转移到其他道路,会引起其他道路的交通问题。所以,完善的步行街规划必须与交通网的调整结合起来。例如建设畅通的环绕步行街的环形干道,以吸引过境的车辆行走;为到达步行街近旁的车辆安排停车场、存车库;步行街所在街区内要有供商店运进货物用的支路和为人流集散而准备的公共交通线路网,以及与外围干道相通的、为安全疏散用的横街和支路。步行街与区域交通网的结合方式有平面的和立体的两种。新区和新城市的中心区,可采取后一种方式:将步行街布置在地面层;地下铁道、干线道路、停车设施等布置在地下层。2023-08-05 11:31:283
南京路步行街的英文是:NanjingRoadPedestrianStreet。2023-08-05 11:31:371
Wangfujing street (Wangfujing Dajie in Chinese) is one of Beijing"s most famous shopping streets.Much of the road is a pedestrian area with several shops,malls and shopping complexes.The most recent a...2023-08-05 11:31:431
Town God"s Temple城隍庙 Waitan (the Bund), in Shanghai外滩 Oriental Pearl东方明珠 Nanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai南京路步行街2023-08-05 11:31:521
Shanghai Nanjing pedestrian street is a very very very funny street, erm... something like that...2023-08-05 11:32:022
南京路步行街 英语简介 50字
Nanjing Road is the main shopping street of Shangai and one of the world"s busiest shopping streets. It is divided into two sections: the eastern section and the western section. It is known for its shopping centers, best restaurants and many tourists attactions. Millions of people visit Nanjing Road every year, walking, shopping, and having a good time.2023-08-05 11:32:341
没有悬赏很少有人给予回答的2023-08-05 11:32:443
吐蕃故都藏源文化步行街 用英文怎么翻译
The ancient source of Tibetan Culture Street2023-08-05 11:32:512
Xiajiu pedestrian street is located in guangzhou liwan district (9) on the west commissioner wenchang road, xiajiu road, the road is wide, xiajiu pedestrian street of guangzhou municipal building three traditional symbol of prosperity business center, both at home and abroad. Stretches approximately 1218, there are all kinds of business store rice and thousands of businessmen 238. In the long history of China, gradually formed the current commercial pedestrian street of four west commissioner of Chinese and western style characteristics, and built into a unique, the xuanliduozi commissioner of customs western painting. Create a beautiful landscape of tourism. One, it has a long business culture, second, has a unique architectural culture, have full-bodied west commissioner of folk culture is unique flavor, the diet culture. Below we toghter go see ~2023-08-05 11:33:012
wc2023-08-05 11:33:093
问题一:销售型商业街什么意思 商业折扣、现金折扣、销售折让和销售退回的区分 (1)商业折扣是指对商品价目单中所列的商品价格,根据批发、零售、特约经销等不同销售对象,给予一定的折扣优惠。商业折扣 问题二:带状体验式商业街区理念是什么意思 上海新天地是国内体验式情景商业的卓越代表,以6万平米的街区式商业营造了一种集历史、文化、购物、休闲为一体的情景式商业群落,成为上海建筑的代表之一。从本质上说,上海新天地是一个典型的情景式mall,保留、修缮旧址,瑞安集团在前期的工程上下了十分的功夫来做细节工作,保存每一个历史的细节,同时根据环境对商业进行设计规划,商业与海派文化相隐互补,成为一个统一的整体,对海派文化进行了传播,应该说,上海新天地的成功是海派文化的成功,是文化情景商业的成功。 问题三:什么是商业内街? 5分 有些商业街临大路的,有些是整片商业里面走道的铺,那些就是商业内街。最外围的是外铺 问题四:什么叫城市商业街? 商业街指以平面形式按照街的形式布置的单层或多层商业房地产形式,其沿街两侧的铺面及商业楼里面的铺位都属于商业街商铺。商业街商铺与商业街的发展紧密联系,其经营情况完全依赖于整个商业街的经营状况以及人气,运俯良好的商业街,其投资者大多数已经收益丰厚;运营不好的商业街,自然令投资商、商铺租户、商铺经营者都面临损失。 问题五:商业街卖场与住宅底商有什么区别 商业街卖场的体量大,是面向社会的服务的商业区,人流量大,建设、配套的标准高,运营成本高。 住宅底商的体量较小,多数是以向小区内居民提供商业配套服务为目的的,人流量较小,建设、配套的标准较低,运营成本较低。 问题六:一什么商业街? 什么?什么是商业街?你快补充一下你的提问。 问题七:房地产街区式商业多少体量为佳? 问的太笼统,街区式的以两层商铺并联为主,也可拓扑分布式布置。房地产商业一般是高层裙房,这牵扯到《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》里商业网点的定义,二层,每个商铺面积不超过300。商铺开间一般可做到4.2米-4.8米,一层层高3.9米,二层3.5米(注意商业网点和住宅层高折算问题。3米折算一层,商业层高总和/3米,余1.5米以上应多算一层)。说这么多,其实就是一句话,没有完美体量,只有结合实际项目、实际环境创造最经济、合理的方案。 问题八:商业街的功能有哪些 一、商业地产概念 上业地产:是指用于各种零售、餐饮、娱乐、健身服务、休闲等经营用途的房地产形式,从经营模式、功能和用途上区别于普通住宅、公寓、写字楼、别墅等房地产形式。商业地产是一个具有地产,商业与投资三重特性的综合性行业,它兼有地产,商业,投资三方面的特性,既区别于单纯的投资和商业,又有别于传统意义上的房地产行业。 二、商业地产分类 1、按商业形态分类: (1)商业广场 为商业活动之用,一般位于商业繁华地区。广场周围主要安排商业建筑,也可布置剧院和其他服务性设施;商业广场有时和步行商业街结合。城镇中集市贸易广场也属于商业广场。 (2)Shopping mall(大型购物中心) 大型零售业为主体,众多专业店为辅助业态和多功能商业服务设施形成的聚合体。” MALL全称SHOPPINGMALL,在中国一般音译“摩尔”或“销品贸”,意为超大型购物中心,属于一种新兴的复合型商业业态。西方国家也称SHOPPINGCENTER,即“购物中心”。 (3)商业街 商业街指以平面形式按照街的形式布置的单层或多层商业房地产形式,其沿街两侧的铺面及商业楼里面的铺位都属于商业街商铺。商业街商铺与商业街的发展紧密联系,其经营情况完全依赖于整个商业街的经营状况以及人气,运营良好的商业街,其投资者大多数已经收益丰厚;运营不好的商业街,自然令投资商、商铺租户、商铺经营者都面临损失。 (4)大型商铺 商铺是经营者为顾客提供商品交易、服务 、 感受体验的场所。 (5)购物中心 购物中心是指一群建筑,是组合在一起的商业设施,按商圈确定其位置、规模,将多种店铺作为一个整体来计划、开发和经营,并且拥有一定规模的停车场。 (6)休闲广场 (7)步行街 步行街的英文名称为 (pedestrian street) 步行街是指在交通集中的城市中心区域设置的行人专用道,在这里原则上排除汽车交通,外围设停车场,是行人优先活动区。 徒步街与徒步购物街的意义是一样的可通称为步行街。步行街是城市步行系统一部分是为了振兴旧区、恢复城市中心区活力、保护传统街区而采用的一种城市建设方法。 (8)专业市场 传统意义上的专业市场是一种以现货批发为主,集中交易某一类商品或者若干类具有较强互补性或替代性商品的场所,是一种大规模集中交易的坐商式的市场制度安排。其主要特点在于:(1)是一种典型的有形市场;(2)以批发为主,兼营零售;(3)集中交易,有一定数量规模的卖者,接近完全竞争的市场结构;(4)以现货交易为主,远期合同交易为辅。专业市场的主要经济功能是通过可共享的规模巨大的交易平台和销售网络,节约中小企业和批发商的交易费用,形成具有强大竞争力的批发价格。专业市场的优势,是在交易方式专业化和交易网络设施共享化的基础上,形成了交易领域的信息规模经济,外部规模经济和范围经济,从而确立商品的低交易费用优势 (9)社区商务中心 通常是集中在固定地域内的家庭间相互作用所形成的社会网络。那么包含在社区范围内的小型商务中心称之为社区商务中心。 (10)商务楼 商务楼是指提供各种商务活动的楼宇,除了办公室以外一般还有展示厅、会议厅、洽谈室等,但主要部分仍然是办公室。 2、按照开发形式进行分类: (1)商业街商铺 (2)市场类商铺 (3)社区商铺 (4)住宅底层商铺 (5)百货商场、购物中心商铺 (6)商务楼、写字楼商铺 (7)交通设施商铺 3、按照......>> 问题九:开放式商业是什么概念?还有封闭式商业么?物业类型那些算是开放式的 ,mall、商业街?? 开放式商业物业一般指商场、超市、卖场之类的半开放式商业物业一般是指写字楼、宾馆、酒店 封闭式商业物业一般是指集团单位的办公楼、大厦,平时不接待访客。如船舶总公司、中石油总部等。 住宅类物业基本全是封闭式物业。2023-08-05 11:33:181
一、 商业地产概念 上业地产:是指用于各种零售、餐饮、娱乐、健身服务、休闲等经营用途的房地产形式,从经营模式、功能和用途上区别于普通住宅、公寓、写字楼、别墅等房地产形式。商业地产是一个具有地产,商业与投资三重特性的综合性行业,它兼有地产,商业,投资三方面的特性,既区别于单纯的投资和商业,又有别于传统意义上的房地产行业。 二、 商业地产分类 1、 按商业形态分类: (1) 商业广场 为商业活动之用,一般位于商业繁华地区。广场周围主要安排商业建筑,也可布置剧院和其他服务性设施;商业广场有时和步行商业街结合。城镇中集市贸易广场也属于商业广场。 (2) Shopping mall(大型购物中心) 大型零售业为主体,众多专业店为辅助业态和多功能商业服务设施形成的聚合体。” MALL全称SHOPPINGMALL,在中国一般音译“摩尔”或“销品贸”,意为超大型购物中心,属于一种新兴的复合型商业业态。西方国家也称SHOPPINGCENTER,即“购物中心”。 (3) 商业街 商业街指以平面形式按照街的形式布置的单层或多层商业房地产形式,其沿街两侧的铺面及商业楼里面的铺位都属于商业街商铺。商业街商铺与商业街的发展紧密联系,其经营情况完全依赖于整个商业街的经营状况以及人气,运营良好的商业街,其投资者大多数已经收益丰厚;运营不好的商业街,自然令投资商、商铺租户、商铺经营者都面临损失。 (4) 大型商铺 商铺是经营者为顾客提供商品交易、服务 、 感受体验的场所。 (5) 购物中心 购物中心是指一群建筑,是组合在一起的商业设施,按商圈确定其位置、规模,将多种店铺作为一个整体来计划、开发和经营,并且拥有一定规模的停车场。 (6) 休闲广场 (7) 步行街 步行街的英文名称为 (pedestrian street) 步行街是指在交通集中的城市中心区域设置的行人专用道,在这里原则上排除汽车交通,外围设停车场,是行人优先活动区。 徒步街与徒步购物街的意义是一样的可通称为步行街。步行街是城市步行系统一部分是为了振兴旧区、恢复城市中心区活力、保护传统街区而采用的一种城市建设方法。 (8) 专业市场 传统意义上的专业市场是一种以现货批发为主,集中交易某一类商品或者若干类具有较强互补性或替代性商品的场所,是一种大规模集中交易的坐商式的市场制度安排。其主要特点在于:(1)是一种典型的有形市场;(2)以批发为主,兼营零售;(3)集中交易,有一定数量规模的卖者,接近完全竞争的市场结构;(4)以现货交易为主,远期合同交易为辅。专业市场的主要经济功能是通过可共享的规模巨大的交易平台和销售网络,节约中小企业和批发商的交易费用,形成具有强大竞争力的批发价格。专业市场的优势,是在交易方式专业化和交易网络设施共享化的基础上,形成了交易领域的信息规模经济,外部规模经济和范围经济,从而确立商品的低交易费用优势 (9) 社区商务中心 通常是集中在固定地域内的家庭间相互作用所形成的社会网络。那么包含在社区范围内的小型商务中心称之为社区商务中心。 (10) 商务楼 商务楼是指提供各种商务活动的楼宇,除了办公室以外一般还有展示厅、会议厅、洽谈室等,但主要部分仍然是办公室。 2、 按照开发形式进行分类: (1) 商业街商铺 (2) 市场类商铺 (3) 社区商铺 (4) 住宅底层商铺 (5) 百货商场、购物中心商铺 (6) 商务楼、写字楼商铺 (7) 交通设施商铺 3、 按照投资价值分类: (1) “都市型”商铺 (2) “社区型”商铺 (3) “便利型”商铺 (4) 专业街市商铺 (5) 其他商铺2023-08-05 11:33:391
“镇”字的英文单词怎么写 town 祝学习进步! 那个 用英文怎么说 无节操街 无节操街 No integrity Street重点词汇释义 无节操unchastity; inconstancy 热门单词:“街区制”用英文怎么说 街区制 Block system 例句: 通过对历史街区里一个模数制多可能性居住体的探索,阐明居住应是城市形态·历史记忆·社会结构的综合产物。 By exploring a modular housing system in a historical street, the author indicatesthat housing should be prehensive products of the city form, historical memoryand social structure. 大街"这个英文单词的汉语谐音是什么啊?英语单词“大街,街道”用中文怎么读出来?也就是希望找到谐音? street 大街,街道 汉语谐音是 思坠特 步行街用英语怎么说 arcade: a covered passage between streets, with shops/stores on either side 报考同济大学的请留下分数 646 考试压力大,我要怎么纾解? 每天在固定的时段闭着眼睛听自己喜欢的广播节目.2023-08-05 11:33:451
2023-08-05 11:33:521
购物广场英语是plaza2023-08-05 11:34:363
Metrotown2023-08-05 11:35:147
末班20:40分,费用2元全程.公交线路:928路,全程约4.4公里1、从黄浦旅游集散中心步行约210米,到达南浦大桥站2、乘坐928路,经过6站,到达中山东一路南京东路站3、步行约50米,到达南京东路外滩百度地图2023-08-05 11:35:323
大型商场的英文大型商场[网络]Shoppingmall;Mall;Shoppingmalls;[例句]公路系统沿线有大型商场和快餐店。Megamallsandfastfoodrestaurantslinethehighwaysystem.购物中心的英文怎么说购物中心的英文是:shoppingcenter?;?shoppingmall1、shoppingcenter商店区,[贸易]购物中心短语ShoppinggCenterLeasing?购物中心租赁shoppinggcenter?购物中心;市场SouthShoppingMallCenter?课程销售南方商城中心UrbanShoppingeCenter?市区购物中心ShoppinggCenterMarketing?购物中心营销ShoppinggCenterManagement?购物中心管理例句:For?computers,?goto?Windsor?House?shopping?center?in?Causeway?Bay.?买电脑可以去铜锣湾的皇室大厦购物中心。2、shoppingmall大商场,大型购物中心短语:Longhaishoppingpedestrianmall?陇海商业步行街ShoppingStoneridgemall?购物中心shoppingpedestrianmall?商业步行街;步行街shoppinggmall?购物中心;销品茂;大型购物中心YICHANGSHOPPINGCENTERMall?宜昌商业中心ShoppingCenterMall?商场商城例句:Turnleft?out?of?Southdale"s?car?parkand?thefirst?building?youpass?is?anothershopping?mall.?从南谷购物中心停车场出来,左转,路过的第一个大楼就是另一家购物商城。商场超市常见英语标识是商场的缩写。对于企业来说KA卖场就是营业面积、客流量和发展潜力等方面都处于优势的大终端。即Market,通常拥有较大的销售面积,自由进入,在一个建筑物中提供几乎所有的消费品。一般实行柜台开架售货,提供附加服务,每一个商品部都可以成为一个专业商店。销售面积至少为2500平方米,至少有10个商品部。扩展资料:KA、MA标识:商业经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的提高,城市品牌形象的树立,促使了商业标识牌导向系统的快速发展,无论走进琳琅满目、精品荟萃的专卖店、超市、商场,还是在热闹喧哗、光彩夺目的酒吧、舞厅。形象亮丽的标识导向系统将指引您所向在方位,挑选称心如意的商品、品尝美酒、引导购物,既省时间又能宣传企业文化,是提高企业商业形象不可或缺的重要因素。零售商业正确的价格策略,正确的产品定位,可以给重复光顾的来宾提供一个重要的目标。娱乐中心合理的价格竞争,引进套票价格可以促进顾客更多消费,通过非高峰价格对设备容量进行调整。参考资料来源:百度百科-KA卖场购物广场的英文mall、shoppingplaza、ShoppingMall、shoppingarcade、plaza一、mall读音:英[m??l]??美[m??l]?例句:There?are?40?shops,?cafes?and?restaurants?in?a?covered?mall.这家室内购物中心里有40家商店、咖啡馆和饭店。二、shoppingplaza读音:英[???p???plɑ?z?]??美[??ɑ?p???pl?z?]?例句:The?Silver?Shopping?Plaza?is?a?paradise?for?shoppings.银座购物广场不失为购物者的天堂。三、ShoppingMall读音:英[???p??m??l]??美[??ɑ?p??m??l]?例句:We?have?a?large?shopping?mall?and?pretty?gardens?too.我们有了大卖场和剧院,也有了开阔的空地和美丽的花园。四、shoppingarcade读音:英[???p??ɑ?ke?d]??美[??ɑ?p??ɑ?rke?d]?例句:We?know?this?new?shopping?arcade?is?ready?for?lease.我们知道这幢新的购物商场已开始招租。五、plaza读音:英[?plɑ?z?]??美[?pl?z?]?例句:This?hall?provides?shade?and?shelter?for?a?public?plaza?below.展堂为其下方的公共广场提供了遮阴和庇护。百货商场的英文百货商店英语是:departmentstore。读音:英[d??pɑ?tm?ntst??],美[d??pɑ?rtm?ntst??r]。释义:n.百货公司;大百货商店。例句:Oneoftheadvantagesofadepartmentstoreisthatyouarelefttoyourselftotrythingson逛百货公司的其中一个优势是顾客可自行试穿衣服。复数:departmentstores。近义词emporium读音:英[em?p??ri?m],美[em?p??ri?m]。n.商场;商业中心。例句:ConstructionofBasicMotivationModelonCustomerLoyaltyinEmporium大型商场顾客忠诚基本驱动模型的构建复数:emporiums。短语:undergroundemporium地下商场。gastronomicemporium公寓。ElectronicEmporium电子商城。departmentemporium百货大楼。2023-08-05 11:35:491
步行街的翻译:pedestrian mall 步行街:按英文单词发音翻译为 ud398ub370uc2a4ud2b8ub9acuc5b8 ubab0按意思翻译为:ubcf4ud589uc790uc6a9 uc0c1uc810uac00 [步行者用 商店街]ud55cuad6d uccaduc8fc uc131uc548ub85c ud398ub370uc2a4ud2b8ub9acuc5b8 ubab0ud55cuad6d uccaduc8fc uc131uc548ub85c ubcf4ud589uc790uc6a9 uc0c1uc810uac00 【供参考】2023-08-05 11:35:591
Keep Off The Grass 请勿践踏草坪2023-08-05 11:36:1015
1、mall 大型的商业集合体2、shopping mall (封闭式的)购物商场3、strip mall 沿街购物中心;4、pedestrian street 步行街;5、shopping center (开放式)购物中心5、department store 百货公司/商店(单个零售商)重点词汇解释:(1)malln. 商场,购物广场;步行商业区;步行道;铁圈球球场(2)shopn. 商店;店铺vt. 购物vi. 购物;买东西扩展资料:shop的用法:1、作名词shop的基本意思是商店,店铺,一般指零售的小商店,在美国也可指专业商店或大店内的专业零售部。shop也可作办事处,机构,企业的意思。在口语里,shop可作工厂,车间,作坊的意思,尤用于构成复合词。2、作动词shop用作动词的意思是去买东西。shop可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。2023-08-05 11:36:491
40 桥 Bridge 41 廊 Corridor 42 牌坊 Memorial Gateway 43 庙 Temple 44 观堂 Taoist Temple 45 遗址 Historic Site 46 书房 Study Room 47 瀑布 Waterfall 48 滑雪场 Ski Field 49 滑雪道 Ski Slope 50 拓展区 Outdoor Development Area 51 狩猎区 Hunting Area 52 XX 养殖场 XX Farm 53 宠物乐园 Pet Paradise 54 无障碍售票口 Wheelchair Accessible 55 中央展厅 Central Exhibition Hall/Central Display Hall 56 报告厅 Auditorium 57 展厅入口 Entrance 58 休闲区 Leisure Area 59 贵宾厅 VIP Hall 60 序厅 Lobby 61 阅览室 Reading Room 62 贵宾通道 VIP Only 63 员工通道 Staff Only 64 租赁车 Car Rental 65 上楼楼梯 Upstairs 66 下楼楼梯 Downstairs 67 步行街 Pedestrian Street 68 货币兑换 Currency Exchange 69 走失儿童认领 Lost Children Information 70 行李手推车 Trolley 71 三轮车接待站 Tricycle Tour 72 电动游览车 Sightseeing Trolley 73 服装出租处 Costume Rental 74 自行车租赁处 Bicycle Rental 75 租船处 Boat Rental 76 旅游纪念品商店 Souvenir Shop 77 字画店 Calligraphy & Painting Shop 78 公园 Park 79 儿童公园 Childrenu2019s Park 80 雕塑公园 Sculpture Park 81 体育公园 Sports Park 82 动物园 Zoo 83 植物园 Botanical Garden 84 街旁游园 Community Park 85 盆景园 Mini-Scape Garden/Bonsai Garden 86 景观 Scenery 87 景区 Scenic Area 88 景点 Scenic Spot 89 森林浴 Forest Bath 90 空气浴 Air Bath 91 温泉浴 Hot Spring Bath 92 日光浴 Sun Bath 93 泥沙浴 Mud and Sand Bath 94 摄像室 Photo Studio 95 无烟景区 Smoke-Free Scenic Area 96 大型水滑梯/戏水滑道 Water Slide 97 收费停车场 Pay Parking 98 茶室 Tea House 99 游泳池 Swimming Pool 100 残疾人客房 Accessible Guestroom 101 吸烟区 Smoking Area 102 非吸烟区 Non-Smoking Area 103 国家级文物保护单位 State Protected Historic Site 104 市级文物保护单位 Municipality Protected Historic Site/City Protected Historic Site 105 区级文物保护单位 District Protected Historic Site 106 爱国主义教育基地 Patriotic Education Base 107 浅水区 Shallow Water 108 深水区 Deep Water 109 采摘区 Fruit-Picking Area 110 工农业旅游示范点 Industrial and Agricultural Site 111 游览观光车 Sightseeing Trolley/Sightseeing Bus 112 标本室 Specimen Room 113 观赏区 Viewing Area 114 投喂区 Feeding Area 115 触摸区 Petting Area 116 科技馆 Science & Technology Hall 117 导览册 Guide Book 118 导览机 Audio Guide 119 世界文化遗产 World Cultural Heritage 三 1 导游服务/讲解服务 Tour Guide Service 2 照相服务 Photo Service 3 邮政服务 Postal Service 4 声讯服务 Audio Guide 5 票务服务 Ticket Service/Tickets 6 残疾人服务 Service for Disabled 7 免费 Free Admission 8 赠票 Complimentary Ticket 9 欢迎光临 Welcome 10 宣传资料 Tourist Brochure/Travel Brochure 11 半价 50% Off/Half Price/50% Discount 12 谢谢合作 Thanks for Your Cooperation 13 信用卡支付 Credit Cards Accepted 14 提供拐杖 Crutches Available 15 提供轮椅 Wheelchairs Available 16 游程信息 Itinerary Information/Travel Info 四 1 自动控制 Auto-Control 2 多媒体 Multi-Media 3 地质年代 Geologic Age 4 大事年表 Chronology of Events 5 自画像 Self-Portrait 6 碑记 Tablet Inscription 7 雕塑作品 Sculpture 8 石刻 Stone Carving 9 草原 Grassland 10 古树名木 Old and Famous Trees 11 温室采摘 Greenhouse Fruit Picking 12 数字特技 Digital Stunt 13 花卉 Flowers & Plants 14 野营露营 Camping 15 消闲散步 Strolling 16 郊游野游 Outing 17 垂钓 Fishing 18 登山攀岩 Mountaineering/Rock-Climbing 19 揽胜探险 Expedition 20 科普教育 Popular Science Education 21 游戏娱乐 Entertainment 22 健身 Bodybuilding 23 演艺 Art Performance 24 水上运动 Aquatic Sports 25 滑水 Surfing 26 潜水 Scuba Diving 27 冰雪活动 Ice Skating & Skiing 28 滑草活动 Grass Skiing 29 滑沙 Sand Skiing 30 水上漂流 Drifting 31 数字特技 Digital Stunt 32 电影录音 Film Recording 33 电影剪辑 Film Editing 34 电影洗印 Film Processing 35 电影拍摄 Filming 36 电影动画 Film Animation2023-08-05 11:37:221
7982023-08-05 11:37:324
前门步行街、王府井步行街、后海限时步行街、朝阳区朝阳公园后湖蓝色港湾步行街、中关村广场步行街、女人街步行街、清华大学澜园商业步行街、南锣鼓巷限时步行街、海淀区龙岗路金水湾商业步行街……简介:步行街(英文名:pedestrian street) ,是指在交通集中的城市中心区域设置的行人专用道,并逐渐形成的商业街区。在这里原则上排除汽车交通,外围设停车场,是行人优先活动区。 徒步街与徒步购物街的意义是一样的可通称为步行街。步行街是城市步行系统一部分是为了振兴旧区、恢复城市中心区活力、保护传统街区而采用的一种城市建设方法。产生原因:该路段非常繁华,两边多有商厦座落。行人密集,而马路相对较窄。行人横穿马路频繁,发生交通意外的危险大,而且车辆为躲避行人,行车速度会减慢,人车争路。改成步行街后,可以吸引更多居民游客的到来。繁荣该路段,为当地增值,尤其是临街的地铺。2023-08-05 11:37:411
我来试试看..Shanghai is an international city.There many interesting places in Shanghai. Tourists from other country usually go to the Yu Garden,the Oriental Pearl Tower,People"s square for sightseeing.If you want to buy some beautiful clothes,you should go to Huaihai Road.The local food of Shanghai is very delicious too.Every year,thousands of people visit Shanghai for its wonderful views.Shanghai is a nice place,isn"t it?2023-08-05 11:37:511
问题一:防洪纪念塔,中央大街用英语怎么说? 希望可能帮到你!谢谢望采纳!1中央大街步行街Central avenue pedestrian street 2防洪纪念塔Flood control monument 问题二:在中央大街,用英文如何翻译? in Central Street 不明白的再问哟,望及时采纳,多谢! 问题三:是的,在中央大街上用英语怎么说? Yes, in the Center Street 问题四:是的,在中央大街上用英语怎么说? yes ,on the centre street 问题五:沿着主街走,然后到了中央大街用英语怎么翻译 Go along the main street, and then got to the center street. 问题六:在中央大街上有一家超市 用英语怎么说? There is a big supe郸market in the centre street. ...2023-08-05 11:38:161
A central street of pedestrian streets 2 prevent flood monument 3 the Sun Island park 4 Siu Lun park 5 ice and snow old world 6 the Northeast Hulin garden 7 holy Sophia cathedral 8 dragon tower 9 Song Hua River 10 Hal Site of Beijing on Confucian temple 11 ski areas in Yabuli and 12 gold in the bank2023-08-05 11:38:262
Cruise on the Huangpu River 黄浦江 Cruising on the Huangpu River, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the Monument Tower to the People"s Heroes, the famous Waibaidu Bridge and Huangpu Park on one bank, and the orient Pearl TV Tower, International Convertion Center, Jin Mao Building and the newly rising Pudong New Area on the other. The Yangpu and Nanpu bridges span the river. From the river, visitors can also view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at Wusong and the magnificent view of the Yangtze River as it empties into the sea. The orient Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠 The orient Pearl TV Tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in Asia and third tallest in the world. It faces the Bund across the Huangpu River. When viewed from the Bund, the tower and the Nanpu and Yangpu bridges create a vivid imagery known as "two dragons playing with a pearl." The sphere at the top has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. The observation deck in the sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. The revolving restaurant is set at 267 meters above Pudong New Area. The dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaoke rooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. The penthouse, which sits at 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. The tower integrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping, amusement, and accommodations. It has become the symbol of the city and a major tourist attraction in Shanghai. Chenghuang Miao Temple 城隍庙 The Temple of the Town Deity is located south of Yuyuan Gardan. There used to be a temple to the local deity, whick the inhabitants believed would protect them, in every city. The city deities were frequently real persons to whom the town owed something. Today, an arts aand crafts store is in the temple. 新天地 Shanghai Xintiandi in Shanghai is an historical and cultural character of the city tourist attractions, it is unique Shikumen Shanghai-based urban construction, into a world-class restaurants, business, entertainment, culture, leisure walking Street. Xintiandi is located in the city centre, south of Huaihai Road, Huangbeinanlu and Madang Road between 30,000 square meters of land, adjacent to Huangbeinanlu Station and the North-South, East and West of the intersection of an elevated road. The project is the construction of a new era of tradition and cultural life of the city tourist attractions, with its fusion of Chinese and Western, old and new combination of tone, Shanghai will be the traditional Shikumen Linong and full integration of contemporary new construction.上海景点英语-旅游英语2007-11-12 11:45南京路步行街Nanjing Road, Pedestrian StreetE学地带 ~ u z K Z } `南京路商业街Nanjing Road Shopping Street&a9/@%y @%K!} q t!q7A Y R0南京路商务楼Office Buildings along Nanjing Road.R x8i5B,T c0南京路工贸中心Nanjing Road Industrial Trade Center{ J R%L/k9L q w0闸北区不夜城夜景Night View of Ever bright Town in Zhabei DistrictE学地带 O e U7k f"K ~5v U上海宝山钢铁总厂Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation&h O G*| S$W s(A b x0上海经济技术开发区Shanghai Economic and Technological Development ZoneE学地带 } D#Y2n J上海国际会议中心Shanghai International Convention Center5a!v5p3Z:f0_ S b0上海农业展览馆Shanghai agricultural Exhibition Hall? {3E8[ [ v1?0上海书城Shanghai City of BooksE学地带 y O F(c s M M上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theater6D!y _;y.F%e;M0上海影城Shanghai Film Art CenterE学地带0z$k*W#R c2t U g上海马戏城Shanghai Circus WorldE学地带 w$U5D U N }8| j W"U v浦东远东大道Yuandong Freeway, PudongE学地带 w8d5r0t1T v,]&} @ L [浦东国际机场Pudong International Airport!u;s2E y"` Q&t i a&K*f!k g0豫园商城Yuyuan Shopping Centery& L!m#O P*g9_0上海老街Shanghai Traditional StreetE学地带 r%F c w#v*Z8[ x&J P(S外滩风景View along the bundE学地带 t%{4J y U上海展览中心Shanghai Exhibition CenterI G9Y R)r w {8h2@ f |0外高桥保税区Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone+[ ;i*W._3o i t7k [0张江高科技园区Zhangjiang Hi-tech Parkd D i C1Z+q2} i @0东视大厦Shanghai Oriental Television TowerC A/v9@ K.H v X h q0上视大厦Shanghai Television Towerq s%d&w r Y Y0东方明珠电视塔Oriental Pearl TV TowerF2#c d-^$u*Z z E0广播大厦Shanghai Broadcasting Station!u%s W;b9t X/u ?:e0延安路高架Yan"an Road ViaductE学地带9r y m!x L2黄浦江人行隧道Pedestrian Tunnel undercross the Huangpu River5F9T!@"h a h n4Q P0外环线The Outer Ring"l k Q } ^ U(l%Y9G0内环线The Inner-ring RoadE学地带)o(t [*J Q B O x C立交Interchange&^ | H$p R5F u U0高速公路ExpresswayE学地带 i m w$h Z4}南北高架The North-south Viaduct, North-south Elevated RoadE;x2~ G E9R0市中心高架枢纽Interchange in the downtownB2?&U l r#B y X B0苏州河整治段Harnessing Section of the Suzhou CreekE学地带 z ^)l+] K U f j&E d上海体育场Shanghai Sports Center} ?;|"H ]1Z)m0上海曲棍球赛场Shanghai Hockey FieldE学地带 p b4p K;q q b L上海自行车赛场Shanghai Racing FieldE学地带 q K7M l }/y8r o-X上海水上运动场Shanghai Water Sports CenterQ l%c&B!P0上海盲童学校Shanghai Deaf-mutes SchoolE学地带 j Y0Z X F3|商贸区Commercial and Trade SubzoneE学地带 E:T H+g } g别墅villasE学地带 U;g g p z2R k z0l I"r {新村Residential Quarter2Q } I X [-M |0苑Yuan, Residential Estate"f%`1r C P C5u w0c0小区Residential Area/QuarterE学地带*h8e"j-}1~ n$s D X名都城Mandarin City{ D7u ?2B;I ? o N Q0上海石化总厂Shanghai Petrochemical Company Ltd.E学地带 z8W/P u c;M0V上海工人文化宫Shanghai Worker"s Cultural PalaceE学地带:@#p P _ y2S上海煤气厂Shanghai Gas Works"s v N&W o i0上海污水厂Shanghai Waste Water Treatment PlantE学地带 { F&p n L-[上海集装箱码头Shanghai Container TerminalE学地带 ^+O![ E+x ~1^高层住宅High-rise flatsE学地带0` a o F X E0p焦化总厂Coking and Chemical CrporationE学地带 { i q4H ?金桥出口加工区Jinqiao Export Processing ZoneE学地带(k;t2o ~ { m1o*] m浦东陆家嘴核心区全景The Panorama of Lujiazui Center Areat9I s ^ A"E%` Y }0玉佛寺Jade Buddha Templei-X i1E+j C t0~!K C*C7H0龙华寺Long Hua Temple2e L h ~:V R q q2T0上海博物馆Shanghai Museumh;D&n)r R&B%n0上海体育馆Shanghai Stadiumd&X K)K [ a T0上海华联商厦Shanghai Hualian Commercial BuildingE学地带 b {*U4V G y E-h Y上海第一百货商店Shanghai No.1 Department StoreE学地带 b l2_ `2b-u z2M M S8n上海动物园Shanghai ZooH e V6h x h0上海植物园Shanghai Botanical GardenE学地带 r L a p F%Y%W E s ~#Q q上海野生动物园Shanghai Wildlife ParkE学地带#x9K o K h Z j,i(] A1V i N金茂大厦Jinmao Building/TowerE学地带 ? D o(g d ] L上海工艺品商店Shanghai Arts and Crafts ShopE学地带"s B J!p R上海友谊商店Shanghai Friendship StoreZ;c+z K X S0轻轨elevated railway, light railE学地带&} Q P/g K X O天桥over-pass2023-08-05 11:38:341
请翻译:为了您和他人安全。步行街内禁止一些车辆通行。 英文
For your safety, the pedestrian street is closed to some vehicles2023-08-05 11:39:095
g2023-08-05 11:39:434
中山路和中山路步行街的区别是道路性质和用途不同。中山路是厦门现已保留较完整的展现近代历史风貌的旧城街区,拥有小走马路、陈化成故居、中华第一圣堂等众多人文古迹。南洋骑楼建筑、流光溢彩的LED夜景、琳琅满目的各色闽台特色小吃和回响在小巷街坊间的古老南音,构成其与众不同的风格特色。中山路步行街(英文:AmoiYatSenRoad)是厦门最老牌的商业街,人流旺,商品多,名气大。2023-08-05 11:39:561
步行回家的英语短语:go home on foot;walk home; 关于步行的相关短语: 步行街Pedestrian zone; 步行者peace walker; 步行距离 walking distance; 步行困难 dysbasia ; difficulty in walking 扩展资料 她不喜欢深夜步行回家。 She doesn"t like to walk home late at night. 她没赶上公共汽车,只好步行回家。 She missed the bus and had to walk home. 在这么一个宜人的傍晚步行回家一点也不辛苦。 It was no hardship to walk home on such a lovely evening. 她想步行回家,但我就是不允许。 She wanted to walk home but I wouldn"t hear of it. 你要是还不来,那就步行回家吧! If you don"t come now, you can jolly well walk home! 在万不得已时,你可以步行回家。 In a pinch, you could get home on foot. 天气寒冷,又下雨,更糟糕的是,我们得步行回家。 It was cold, raining, and to crown it all, we had to go home on foot.2023-08-05 11:40:031
Stacked Hill: Nanchang City Road 16: Guangnan shop: Nanchang City Square Road No. 205: as the South shop in Nanchang City: Xihu District No. 400 Xiangshan Road: Pingxiang shop: Pingxiang City Yuejin Road 79-82 Pingxiang four stores: Pingxiang city Anyuan District Cultural Road Pedestrian Street 111-114 No.2023-08-05 11:40:154
南京路导游词 英文
Nanjing Road (Chinese: 南京路; pinyin: Nánjīng Lù) is the main shopping street of Shanghai, China, and is one of the world"s busiest shopping streets.[1] Today"s Nanjing Road comprises two sections, Nanjing Road East and Nanjing Road West. In some contexts, "Nanjing Road" refers only to what was pre-1945 Nanjing Road, today"s Nanjing Road East, which is largely pedestrianised. Prior to 1949, the road"s English name was rendered "Nanking Road" using the standard romanization of the time.The entirety of Nanjing Road has been a centre of commerce in Shanghai for more than a century.East Nanjing Road is a dedicated commercial zone. At its eastern end is the central section of the Bund, featuring the Peace Hotel. Immediately west of the Bund precinct was traditionally the hub of European-style restaurants and cafes, although in recent years these have become less of a feature as the demographics of visitors to Nanjing Road have shifted from affluent local residents to visitors from around the country. Close by is the Central Market, a century-old outdoor market today specialising in electronic components and digital media. Further west is the Nanjing Road pedestrian mall. Located here are most of Shanghai"s oldest and largest department stores, as well as a variety of domestic retail outlets, and some traditional eateries with a long history.The pedestrian mall, and East Nanjing Road, ends at People"s Park, formerly the Shanghai Race Course. Opposite the park are located some of Shanghai"s most prestigious historical hotels, including Park Hotel. West Nanjing Road begins here, and features a number of upmarket shopping centres, office buildings, the Shanghai Exhibition Centre, and retail. This area also previously featured a number of large mansions and estates, most of which are today either demolished or used by the government.Nanjing Road is also the world"s longest shopping district, around 6 km long, and attracts over 1 million visitors daily.2023-08-05 11:40:251
!!商业街的英文怎么说?! Lushannan Main Road Lunan Shopping Street. 或者 South Lunan Main Road Lunan Shopping Mall. "商业街"的英文是什么? downtown streetdowntown ad. 1. 在(或往)城市的商业区 They went downtown to see a ballet. 他们进城去看芭蕾。 a. 1. 城市商业区的[B] Our downtown office stays 埂pen till eleven. 我们城里的办公室一直开到十一点。 n. 1. 城市商业区,闹区[C] “繁华商业街”英文怎么说? Bustling mercial Street 商业区这个词用英语怎么写 business district. 我开车在商业区转了转。 I drove around the business district. 请问“滨河商业街”用英语怎么说?谢谢! riverside mercial street 祥腾假日风情商业街用英语怎么翻译 XiangTeng Holiday Customs mercial Street 风情此处宜用customs,taste一般用于指风味、口味2023-08-05 11:40:421