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英语作文:1.Where do you perfer to live,downtown areas or suburb?why?

2023-08-05 17:28:00

1.I prefer to live in suburbs, for there are not so much automobile noises and the air is fresher than downtowns.

2.Music plays an important role in my life, because music can make me pleasure, and music even can cure my mental disease.





问题一:“郊区英语”是什么意思 suburbs 精;锐;五;角;场 问题二:市区、郊区英语都有哪些词 市区 - town centre, city area , urban district 郊区 - countrysi耽e outskirt of city - 市区 的外围 - 通常是指还没到郊区 的部分 和sub-urban 的意思差不多 问题三:在郊区用英语怎么说 in the suburbs 问题四:关于在郊区的好处用英语说几句 在郊区的好处有大概这么几点: You can enjoy the clear air in the suburbs. There won"t be many people living there. So it"s not very crowded. You can touch the nature in an easy way. it is good for your health. 问题五:郊区的英文都有哪些? outskirts suburbs suburban district banlieue umland ruralarea 问题六:电子高手来,问个问题!!! 10分 DB9 接入方式 串联 外形尺寸 62×55×15 应用范围 RS232、RS422通信设备 、SDLC同步数据线、通用数据总线
2023-08-05 00:24:142


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2023-08-05 00:25:047


countryside农村 outskirt郊区
2023-08-05 00:25:205


2023-08-05 00:25:421


outskirts和suburbs的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同outskirtsn. 郊区。名词outskirt的复数suburbsn. 郊外。名词suburb的复数形式二、用法不同outskirtsoutskirts,超出边缘、边缘以外,意思是城市、城镇的边缘地区——郊区、市郊。The hotel is situated in the outskirts of the city.这个酒店位于城市的郊区。suburbssuburb专指某一个地方的郊区,suburbs指一个比较大的范围,没有特定的。Do you know where I can take a bus to the suburbs?您知道我在哪里可以坐公车到郊外去吗?三、侧重点不同outskirts作名词有“郊区、近郊”之意,outskirts在现代英语中只用这个复数形式,通常指市区以外的地方。suburbs作名词有“郊区、近郊”之意,suburbs侧重指与市区相接或相邻的居住区。
2023-08-05 00:26:011


urban district ruralarea
2023-08-05 00:26:294

rural ;suburb; hometown;village 这几个英语怎么读?

中心 细细体会汉语用词词义的细微不同
2023-08-05 00:26:375


2023-08-05 00:27:043


And as young people continue to spurn 【the】 suburbs for urban living, more of them are moving to the very heart of cities — even in economically troubled places like Buffalo and Cleveland. 怎么说呢,这里的the suburbs有点类似于特指的意思。 你看看前面这半句,大概意思就是年轻人因为想在城市生活而讨厌、拒拒绝住在郊区。所以这个时候,suburbs(郊区)的完整意思应该是“住在郊区的生活,在郊过日子”. 是指某一种生活,算式特指吧。
2023-08-05 00:27:143

含有单词stretch 意思为一片郊区景象的英语短语咋说?

Someone is stretching in the suburbs.
2023-08-05 00:27:282


centre of population 城市city 城capital 首都metropolis 大都市centre 市中心 (美作:center)shopping centre 商业区municipality 市政当局municipal 市的,市政的district 区residential area 居民区,住宅区urban 市区的suburb 近郊区outskirts 郊区slums 贫民窟,贫民区shantytown 贫民区village 村hamlet 小村hole, dump 狭小破旧的住房locality 所在地Chinese quarter 唐人街extension 范围,扩展house 房子building 楼房skyscraper 摩天楼flat 居住单元,套房shop, store 商店department stores 百货公司bazar, bazaar 市场market 市场,集市junk shop 旧货店newsstand 报摊Commodity Exchange 商品交易所Stock Exchange 股票交易所town hall 市政厅Lawcourt 法院church 教堂cathedral 大教堂chapel 小礼拜堂cemetery 墓地,公墓grave, tomb 坟,墓school 学校university 大学library 图书馆theatre 剧院 (美作:theater)museum 博物馆zoological garden 动物园fairground, fun fair 游乐园stadium 体育场general post office 邮局station 车站art museum 美术馆art gallery 画廊botanical garden 植物园monument 纪念碑public telephone 公共电话public lavatory 公共厕所national highway 国道traffic light 交通灯barracks 兵营
2023-08-05 00:27:351

我又回到了伦敦郊区英语 是 I was again back 还是I was back again

back again
2023-08-05 00:27:435

速求“城区和郊区的生活比较 ” 英语作文一篇 150单词左右

Living in urban areas and living in suburbs have their own unique characteristics.In urban areas, people enjoy the convenience of having everything nearby. Shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues are all within walking distance or a short drive away. Transportation is also easily accessible, making it easy to get around the city quickly. However, with this convenience comes a higher cost of living, more traffic congestion, and less green space for outdoor activities.On the other hand, living in suburbs provides a quieter and more spacious environment. There is typically more greenery and open space, making it ideal for outdoor recreation like hiking, biking, or simply enjoying nature. Homes tend to be larger and more affordable compared to urban areas, and there is less traffic congestion. However, suburban life can also mean longer commutes to work or school, and fewer options for entertainment or cultural activities.Ultimately, whether someone prefers urban or suburban living depends on their lifestyle preferences and personal needs. Those who prefer a faster-paced, cosmopolitan lifestyle may find urban living more appealing, while those who prioritize green space and tranquility may prefer suburban living.
2023-08-05 00:28:192


2023-08-05 00:28:262


Where to live —in the City or in the Country 住在哪里 — — 城市还是乡村 Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages.They think there are more job opportunities in cities,life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country,and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy.有些人喜欢生活在城市,因为城市生活有很多好处.人们认为有更多的就业机会,在城市生活比乡村更丰富多彩、 更有意义而且更现代化(方便),让人们享受. But some other people prefer to live in the countryside.They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health,life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people.但一些人更喜欢住在乡下.他们说,农村生活是更接近自然,对他们的健康有好处,那里的生活比城市更安静,哪里的人民比城市人更诚实. I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quite life.当我还年轻时我想住在城市里,到我老了而且我赚取足够的钱时,我想在农村生活.
2023-08-05 00:28:461

英语作文:郊区生活和市区生活. 尽管越来越多的人已经在搬到郊区居住,但我还是喜欢市区,郊区的确

2023-08-05 00:28:567


1 up-to-date techniques 3 the admission of the museum 4 Watching this old movie came into life 5 due to various
2023-08-05 00:29:121


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2023-08-05 00:29:304


I prefer city to countryside because the life in city attracts me more. I was born in city, so I"m used to the style of city. City life is not only busy ,but also interesting. First, shopping is quite convenient in the city. We are able to buy all we want. We can even buy things by phone and Internet. On the other hand, the traffic in the city is more comfortable than that in the countryside. We can go to everywhere by bus, taxi, underground and so on. And the night view of city is pretty nice. These are the reasons why I enjoy the city. 我喜欢住在城市因为城市生活更吸引我。我出生在城市,所以我习惯了城市风格。城市生活不仅繁忙,而且有趣。首先,在城市购物非常便捷。我们可以买到所有我们想买的。我们甚至可以通过电话和网络购物。另一方面,城市交通比郊区的更舒适。我们可以乘坐公交车、出租车、地铁等等到任何地方。而且城市夜晚的景色也相当迷人。这些就是为什么我喜欢城市的原因。
2023-08-05 00:30:082


2023-08-05 00:30:173


您好,首先这两个单词的拼写和发音都不同。而从意思上讲downtown[u02c8dau028antau028an , u02ccdau028anu02c8tau028an]是城市中最繁忙的区域,有很多的商店、餐馆、建筑和行人。您通常可以乘公共汽车、火车或地铁到市中心。通常认为该词来自早期纽 约市的规划,在1830年的时候,纽 约城区集中在曼哈顿岛南端,后来,随着经济的发展北扩,而up和down对应于地图的上北和下南。慢慢地,downtown就作为繁华市中心的代称,而uptown[u02ccu028cpu02c8tau028an]则作为居住区的代称,而在美 国居住区一般在郊区,所以uptown就延伸出了郊区的意思。在今天的许多城市中,downtown并不是指城市的南部,而是指城市的心脏或中心,一般是商业区或者工业区,而updown一般指的是居住区,亦即是郊区。看到这样的解释您清楚了吗?
2023-08-05 00:30:2810

学校从市区搬到郊区 英语作文

News goes that our school is going to move to suburban from downtown.It"s sure that we will get a peaceful place for studying by then. Besides it will keep us away from those temptations so that we can focus our mind better on our study stuff rather than hanging out like what some guys are doing now. Also a closer touch with nature is sure to make the life in school a little livelier.But, every coin has its two sides. A school in suburban is definitely a completely good thing. First of all, it"ll take a longer time for most students to attend and to leave school. The problem is that students may have to shorten the time for sleep to attend school on time. Another disadvantage is that there may be fewer restaurants for us students and teachers to have dinner.As to me, I doubt whether it"s right to move to suburban. I think self-control is an important aspect that senior school students have to grasp. It"s not right to avoid it only because someone doesn"t perform properly at the school in downtown. And I believe that a man with ability of self-control will surely do better in future.
2023-08-05 00:31:371


Where to live —in the City or in the Country 住在哪里 — — 城市还是乡村 Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages. They think there are more job opportunities in cities,life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country,and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy. 有些人喜欢生活在城市,因为城市生活有很多好处。人们认为有更多的就业机会,在城市生活比乡村更丰富多彩、 更有意义而且更现代化(方便),让人们享受。 But some other people prefer to live in the countryside. They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health, life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people. 但一些人更喜欢住在乡下。他们说,农村生活是更接近自然,对他们的健康有好处,那里的生活比城市更安静,哪里的人民比城市人更诚实。 I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quite life.当我还年轻时我想住在城市里,到我老了而且我赚取足够的钱时,我想在农村生活。
2023-08-05 00:31:461

用英语写一篇作文 比较住在郊区合住在城市中的优缺点 各位英语高手,谁能帮个忙啊?十万紧急!!

As we all know, the world is chaning so fast,living in city we can get any information we want from advertisement, radio, news,things like that, and at the same time we can taste the internaiontal food without going abroad, watching movies, shopping and traveling with speedy transportation and so on.(住在城市的好处)While some peple think that living in the country enjoy several advantages that urben people can not.(有人不这么认为)Country peple are in close contact with nature.They make friends with trees and stones,cows and dogs.they breathe fresh air and listen to the song of birds.(住郊区的好处)Though the means of conmmunication is more convenient than that in the rural area,the city life has many disadvantages.The traffic is too heavy in rush time.And the environment pollution is more serious than in the country side.You always live and work in a tense atmosphere. (相比之下城市的劣势)Like the saying goes,every coin has two sides,convinent or carefree ,it is up to your preferrence.
2023-08-05 00:32:072


乔治镇在英语中可以翻译为 "George Town"。下面是一些与城市和乡村相关的英语单词和短语:1. City(城市)- 一个大型、人口密集的居住区,通常具有发达的基础设施和商业中心。2. Town(镇)- 通常比城市小一些的地方,人口相对较少,但也有一定的商业和社区设施。3. Village(村庄)- 通常指相对较小的人口聚集地,以农业和农村生活为主。4. Urban(城市的)- 与城市有关的,包括城市化的、城市人口的。5. Rural(乡村的)- 与乡村有关的,包括农村的、乡村地区的。6. Suburb(郊区)- 位于城市周边的居住区,通常具有低密度的住宅和较少的商业设施。7. Metropolitan(大都市的)- 指大城市及其周边地区的,通常具有高度发达的经济、文化和社会资源。8. Downtown(市中心)- 城市的商业和行政中心,通常有高楼大厦、购物中心和政府机构。9. Countryside(乡村)- 农村地区,通常以农业、自然景观和相对较少的人口为特点。10. Infrastructure(基础设施)- 城市或乡村所需的基本设施,如道路、桥梁、供水系统和电力网络。
2023-08-05 00:32:141


2023-08-05 00:33:051


2023-08-05 00:33:121


1. thinking about 2.spent two hours with 3.How long will take by bike 4.to do something interesting 5. Iron love the nature,so she likes living in the beautiful countryside. 遗失的meng为您解答.不懂再问哦~
2023-08-05 00:33:271


2023-08-05 00:33:353


近郊的网络解释是:近郊古代指城外五十里以内的地方,今指靠近城市的郊区。 近郊的网络解释是:近郊古代指城外五十里以内的地方,今指靠近城市的郊区。 拼音是:jìn jiāo。 结构是:近(半包围结构)郊(左右结构)。 词性是:名词。 注音是:ㄐ一ㄣ_ㄐ一ㄠ。近郊的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】近郊jìnjiāo。(1)位于城市附近的郊区。二、引证解释⒈古代指城外五十里以内的地方。引《周礼·地官·载师》:“以宅田、士田、贾田,任近郊之地。”郑玄注引杜子春曰:“五十里为近郊,百里为远郊。”⒉泛指城市周围地区。引晋郗昙《兰亭诗》:“端坐兴远想,薄言游近郊。”唐李商隐《茂陵》诗:“汉家天马出蒲梢,苜蓿榴花遍近郊。”⒊今指靠近城市的郊区。如扬州近郊。三、国语词典距离城市周围不远的地区。词语翻译英语suburbs,outskirts德语Au_enbezirke,Randgebiet(S)_,Vororte,Vorst_dte(S)_,Vorstadt(S)_法语environs,alentours关于近郊的近义词近邻关于近郊的反义词远郊关于近郊的诗词《初冬复游近郊诸胜示夕秀》《溪亭春日二首借屋三间俯近郊,溪流如练绕兰》《近郊·信马斗城外》关于近郊的诗句近市铜章泊近郊借问近郊行乐地近郊人语早关于近郊的成语棠郊成政宋郊渡蚁近在咫尺近火先焦急功近名年近古稀郊寒岛瘦近在眉睫岛瘦郊寒套近乎关于近郊的词语宋郊渡蚁四郊多垒岛瘦郊寒不近人情近在眉睫套近乎年近古稀郊寒岛瘦近在咫尺荒郊野外关于近郊的造句1、昨天,市农林局有关负责人表示,根据都市农业“十一五”发展规划,我市近郊地区将逐步退出畜禽养殖业,重点发展休闲农业。2、而接近市场的城市近郊区应重点发展度假产品。3、因此,在布局上,要实现近郊绿色园艺设施化、中郊高效种养加产业化和远郊特色农业品牌化。4、城市近郊区是一个极不稳定的区域,呈现动态变化的过程,其变化受城市化进程的影响。5、平修一生于长于住于东京的多摩地区,他拍摄了许多东京市内、近郊以及横滨市的人与景色。点此查看更多关于近郊的详细信息
2023-08-05 00:33:421


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2023-08-05 00:34:301


  centre of population 城市   city 城   capital 首都   metropolis 大都市   centre 市中心 (美作:center)   shopping centre 商业区   municipality 市政当局   municipal 市的,市政的.   district 区   residential area 居民区,住宅区   urban 市区的   suburb 近郊区   outskirts 郊区   slums 贫民窟,贫民区   shantytown 贫民区   village 村   hamlet 小村   hole, dump 狭小破旧的住房   locality 所在地   Chinese quarter 唐人街   extension 范围,扩展   house 房子   building 楼房   skyscraper 摩天楼   flat 居住单元,套房   shop, store 商店   department stores 百货公司   bazar, bazaar 市场   market 市场,集市   junk shop 旧货店   newsstand 报摊   Commodity Exchange 商品交易所   Stock Exchange 股票交易所   town hall 市政厅   Lawcourt 法院   church 教堂   cathedral 大教堂   chapel 小礼拜堂   cemetery 墓地,公墓   grave, tomb 坟,墓   school 学校   university 大学   library 图书馆   theatre 剧院 (美作:theater)   museum 博物馆   zoological garden 动物园   fairground, fun fair 游乐园   stadium 体育场   general post office 邮局   station 车站   art museum 美术馆   art gallery 画廊   botanical garden 植物园   monument 纪念碑   public telephone 公共电话   public lavatory 公共厕所   national highway 国道   traffic light 交通灯   barracks 兵营    附:背单词方法   1、 分类记忆法   把单词进行分门类如:动物,植物等,进行分类记忆。你可以找一本分类字典作为参考。    2、卡片记忆法   自制作单词卡片随时随身进行记单词,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配、例句等。   3、多感官记忆法   记单词时,不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。    4、软件记忆法   有电脑的可利用电脑软件进行记单词,如:《谷雨单词王》等。
2023-08-05 00:35:461


  1、centre of population 城市   2、city 城   3、capital 首都   4、metropolis 大都市   5、centre 市中心 (美作:center)   6、shopping centre 商业区   7、municipality 市政当局   8、municipal 市的,市政的   9、district 区   10、residential area 居民区,住宅区   11、urban 市区的`   12、suburb 近郊区   13、outskirts 郊区   14、slums 贫民窟,贫民区   15、shantytown 贫民区   16、village 村   17、hamlet 小村   18、hole, dump 狭小破旧的住房   19、locality 所在地   20、Chinese quarter 唐人街   21、extension 范围,扩展   22、house 房子   23、building 楼房   24、skyscraper 摩天楼   25、flat 居住单元,套房   26、shop, store 商店   27、department stores 百货公司   28、bazar, bazaar 市场   29、market 市场,集市   30、junk shop 旧货店   31、newsstand 报摊   32、Commodity Exchange 商品交易所   33、Stock Exchange 股票交易所   34、town hall 市政厅   35、Lawcourt 法院   36、church 教堂   37、cathedral 大教堂   38、chapel 小礼拜堂   39、cemetery 墓地,公墓   40、grave, tomb 坟,墓   41、school 学校   42、university 大学   43、library 图书馆   44、theatre 剧院 (美作:theater)   45、museum 博物馆   46、zoological garden 动物园   47、fairground, fun fair 游乐园   48、stadium 体育场   49、general post office 邮局   50、station 车站   51、art museum 美术馆   52、art gallery 画廊   53、botanical garden 植物园   54、monument 纪念碑   55、public telephone 公共电话   56、public lavatory 公共厕所   57、national highway 国道   58、traffic light 交通灯   59、barracks 兵营   拓展阅读:关于城市的英语句子   1、Parental love is the greatest.And in the disaster, our soldiers are like our parents, give our boundless love.   2、It used to be a small town, where people made a living by fishing.   3、There are many tourist attractions here,lots of people e here for holidays.   4、People love this city, and they will make it a better place.   5、It is big and very modern with a population of …   6、The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.
2023-08-05 00:35:561


Where to live —in the City or in the Country 住在哪里 — — 城市还是乡村 Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages.They think there are more job opportunities in cities,life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country,and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy.有些人喜欢生活在城市,因为城市生活有很多好处.人们认为有更多的就业机会,在城市生活比乡村更丰富多彩、 更有意义而且更现代化(方便),让人们享受. But some other people prefer to live in the countryside.They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health,life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people.但一些人更喜欢住在乡下.他们说,农村生活是更接近自然,对他们的健康有好处,那里的生活比城市更安静,哪里的人民比城市人更诚实. I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quite life.当我还年轻时我想住在城市里,到我老了而且我赚取足够的钱时,我想在农村生活.
2023-08-05 00:36:081

这所新建的学院将设在郊区 英语翻译

The new college will be located in the suburbs这所新建的学院将设在郊区
2023-08-05 00:36:151


问题一:区 英语怎么说 这个问题, 我个人之前也有过考虑, 后来是这样定下来的: 市级下属的区, 如果佛山市顺德区, 这个区就用district来表示; **工业区, 就用area或park来表示, 整体就是**Industrial Area/Park; area也可以用于表示非吸烟区禁停区等等, 即No Sm阀king AreaNo Parking Area等; 至于zone, 它一般用于指代一些大范畴的地方, 如果深圳经济特区Shenzhen Special Economic Zone等等; 希望以上资料可以帮助到你理解. 加油哦... 问题二:区是英语怎么说? region, area, zone, territory. district 问题三:英语中的“区”怎么说 District Haidian District 楼上的回答不对,是郊区 问题四:干区和湿区用英文怎么说 dry area and humid area dry area and wet area 问题五:试验区 用英语怎么说 The country has authorized the ZhuTan city groups as the reform testing areas of national resources-saving and environment-neighboring social constructions with synthesis and whole set. 契机:chance moment turning point Traffic is the forthgoer of the economical development. (用心翻译,希望对你有所帮助。。。 问题六:9个管辖区都用英语怎么说 Nine jurisdiction.
2023-08-05 00:36:351


I prefer city to countryside because the life in city attracts me more. I was born in city, so I"m used to the style of city. City life is not only busy ,but also interesting. First, shopping is quite convenient in the city. We are able to buy all we want. We can even buy things by phone and Internet. On the other hand, the traffic in the city is more comfortable than that in the countryside. We can go to everywhere by bus, taxi, underground and so on. And the night view of city is pretty nice. These are the reasons why I enjoy the city. 我喜欢住在城市因为城市生活更吸引我。我出生在城市,所以我习惯了城市风格。城市生活不仅繁忙,而且有趣。首先,在城市购物非常便捷。我们可以买到所有我们想买的。我们甚至可以通过电话和网络购物。另一方面,城市交通比郊区的更舒适。我们可以乘坐公交车、出租车、地铁等等到任何地方。而且城市夜晚的景色也相当迷人。这些就是为什么我喜欢城市的原因。
2023-08-05 00:36:471


My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It "s warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is very suitable for living .It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work. Everything has changed since liberation. The people, led by the Party, have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools, theaters, shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital. Along the river they have built offices, hotels and parks. A lot of factories have sprung up. On the river, streamers and boats come and go busily, day and night. They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country. I love my hometown very much ! It is a nice place to live in. Do you like my hometown?If you come, I will show you around this beautiful city!
2023-08-05 00:36:571


2023-08-05 00:37:194


1.何谓"rest room"?   某校的"教师休息室"被译为"Teachers" Rest Room",一家"开心休闲屋"被译为"Happy Rest Room"。但"rest room"指的是"a public lavatory; cloakroom,公用盥洗室,衣帽间"。翻译这类型的场所可考虑"lounge"、"lobby"、"vestibule"或"foyer"。据说那所学校一个新来的外教有一天火急火燎地冲进去,结果可以想象;如此想当然的字面翻译真是令人尴尬。   2.是"wineshop"还是"restaurant"?   一些"酒家"被译为"Wineshop"。在英文里,"wineshop"指的是"a cafe or tavern that specializes in serving wine",专指供人喝酒、小憩之处,而中国人所说酒馆、酒楼、酒肆或酒家其实就是饭店、餐馆,英文都应是"restaurant"。   3.是"high school"还是"middle school"?   大多数有高中的"中学"被译为"middle school",此词实际只指初中和高一的阶段,"a school between elementary school and high school."。有高中的中学应译为"high school",用"middle school"其实是把自己将格了。   4.何来"purchase center"?   某"购物中心"英译为"???PURCHASE CENTER",这是不规范的自创表达法。笔者查询牛津、剑桥、韦氏和朗文工具书都查不出"purchase center" 这样的词条,也咨询了英美人士和留学海外的学子,却都认为没有此说法。英语有"shopping center",但所指购物场所很大,而且常在市郊;而该"购物中心"一则占地与规模都很小,二则地处市中心附近,因而也不宜这么翻,充其量就是"department store"(百货商店)。   5."corporation"是什么?   某"国际机场集团公司"被译为"International Airport Group Corporation"。"corporation"指"Groups of persons authorized to act as an individual,eg,for Business purposes",实际上该词本身有总公司的意味,因而"group"是多余的,有些总公司就是用这个词来表示。查一些影响较大的词典都没有发现"group corporation",但有"group company"之说。   6."square","plaza"分别指什么广场?   "square"意为"four-sided open area,eg,in a town,used as a garden or for recreation,or one enclosed by streets and buildings","buildings and street surroundings","blocks of buildings bounded by four streets; distance along one side of such a block",所能指的广场大概相当于"天安门广场"、"五一广场"之类。现在新出现的众多的冠以"广场"名称的商业性质的写字楼群应该用"plaza",意为"a complex of stores, banks and movie theatres, etc"。目前我国广场,如"国贸广场","财经广场",大都源于该词。   7."store"、"shop"规模有多大?   "store"是一个卖东西的地方,"shops selling many varieties of goods""shop"意思相近,指"building or part of a building where goods are shown and sold retail",规模并不大。目前,这两个词被滥用了,结果往往是把自己降格了,不能表达许多商业场所本身所具有的规模。多功能的商场,比如带有娱乐场所或银行分点的,宜用"plaza"或"mall",后者指"a large retail complex containing stores and restaurants in adjacent buildings, or in a single large building"。当然,"store"在国外也有用来指很大的商店,有的建筑面积达二十几万平方米,服务员上班时穿溜冰鞋工作,但此时所用的是合成词"hyperstore",目前我们国内能冠以该词的店铺可能还非常少。   8.是"city area"还是 "downtown area"?   路牌"市区"被英译为"City Area"。中文所说的"市区"指的是人口和房屋建筑比较集中的闹市区,而"city"指的是整个城市,既包括了闹市区,也包括了郊区。闹市区在国外称"Downtown Area"或"Downtown District"。   9“出差”是on business还是on evection?   一个学生把“我的朋友去北京出差了。”译成 “My friend went to Beijing on evection.”。查《英汉大词典》evection果然解释为“出差”,但仔细看,这是一个天文学词汇,是指“由于太阳的吸引而在月球轨道上引起的摄动”。我想这位学生大概是背诵GRE词汇时,只记中文解释,而不理解其真正意思造成的。其实,这句话只要译成; “My friend went to Beijing on business.”就行了。此“出差”非彼“出差”,做翻译查词典,千万不可粗心大意,有时要看看其原文解释。
2023-08-05 00:37:261

市,直辖市,区,县,镇,用英语怎么说?介词用at还是 in

分类: 外语/出国 解析: City=市 municipality directly under the Central Government=直辖市, district=区, county=县, township=镇 理论上是这样的,在英国本土town也可以做郊区理解,跟township同义!
2023-08-05 00:37:351


is 是 peter 的谓语动词 Peter是单数对 就是晚饭想吃什么一样的 问句答句都没关系是吧可以第一句是修饰 boy的 是boy 在哭 做boy的伴随状语第二句 句子为完整 你肯定只拿了一半
2023-08-05 00:37:463


i like living in city.there are many tall buildings in the city.i like go shopping and i can get there very easy. i can take a bus, a subway and a car.so i like living in city.
2023-08-05 00:37:552

市,直辖市,区,县,镇,用英语怎么说?介词用at还是 in

市City直辖市municipality区distric县county镇town介词用 in He lives in this city.This old man spends all his life in the town.
2023-08-05 00:38:182