例三:Don"t take photos with the animals
例四:Don"t eat in the zoo.
Don"t speak loud to avoid frightening the animals.
Don"t use flash light when taking photos.
规章制度用 英文怎么说
rule2023-08-04 22:23:073
system2023-08-04 22:23:155
规章制度,英文标志牌或者警示语是MindtheStep。根据相关信息查询显示,规章制度,英文标志牌或者警示语是MindtheStep,小心烫伤是CautionHot,小心地滑是CautionSlippery。2023-08-04 22:23:291
公司规章制度 英文怎么说!常用的谢谢
Company Rules2023-08-04 22:23:374
There are a lot of school rules and regulations we can"t violate.school rules and regulations---学校规章制度violate英 [u02c8vau026au0259leu026at] 美 [u02c8vau026au0259u02cclet] vt. 违反;妨碍;侵犯;亵渎,强奸2023-08-04 22:23:461
We ought to remember school"s rules and regulations.2023-08-04 22:23:555
我们必须遵守学校的规章制度 用英语怎么说?
We must abide by the rules of the school.2023-08-04 22:24:199
the School Rules1.Students can"t arrive at school late for class.2.Students should be quiet at class.3.Students should say hello to the tacher when they see a teacher .4 Students can"t eat in the classroom.5.Students can"t listen to music and play games during the lesson.All the students should abide by the rules of our school,and create a good learning environment for our school.2023-08-04 22:24:331
1.Can"t be late. 2.No littering. 3.No fighting. 4.No smoking. 5.You can"t run in the hallway. 6.Be on time for class. 7.You can"t waste water.2023-08-04 22:24:412
1.Don"tbelateforclass,don"tleaveearly,donotplaytruant.??2.Don"tfightorarguewithothers.??3.Bequietwhenyouarehavingtheclasses.??4.Nosmokingordrinking??5.Weartheuniformsatschool.6.Don"teatinclass,don"truninthehallways7.Inthelibrary,youmustlineup,youmustn"stalkloudly,youmustn"seatordrinkinthelibrary.8.Intheswimmingpool,youmustwalkslowly,youmustn"swalkquickly.9.Intheclassroom,youmustlistenteachercarefully.1.上课不要迟到、早退、逃学。??2.不要与别人打架或吵架。??3.上课时要安静。??4.不吸烟、不饮酒??5.上学要穿校服。6.不要在课堂上吃东西,不在大厅里乱跑。7.在图书馆,你一定要排队,不要大声说话,不要吃东西或喝饮料。8.在游泳池游泳时,你必须慢行,你不得快步行走。9.在教室,你一定要仔细听老师讲课。2023-08-04 22:24:471
遵守公共场所规章制度英文翻译_Abide by public place rules and regulations2023-08-04 22:25:051
施工现场规章制度 翻译成英文 谢谢
你去鲁文建筑论坛发贴问一下吧,上面有很多做施工的朋友的,里面还有很多建筑方面的资料可以下载的,有施工方案,规范大全,设计图等2023-08-04 22:25:134
Specifications: 1, application of this application in black or blue-black pen, signing pen, writing should be clear. 2, the above documents are not requested to the original, you can submit a copy of the applicant, subject to stamp or signature. 3, the above submissions, such as a foreign language, required to submit the Chinese translation, and affix the official seal translation unit. 4, No. 2 The applicant shall receive approval within 90 days from the date of the certificate to the registration authority for registration procedures; but Sino-foreign cooperative, foreign joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned company established in the form, the applicant shall receive the certificate of approval 30 days from the date of the registration authority for registration procedures; limited liability company established to raise public offering of stock, should be submitted to the State Council approved the securities regulatory authority or a valid copy of the original document. 5, 3 articles of association require each investor legal representative or authorized person, signed and sealed in the original investors is a natural person signed by me. Should be submitted to the Articles of Association approved by the department for approval consistent. 6, No. 4, "name of the pre-approval notice" should be within the validity period, and the content and application companies to be established consistent with the relevant issues. 7, No. 5 Chinese investor shall be submitted to the unit and sealed by the business license / legal person registration certificate of institution / legal person registration certificate of social organization / private non-enterprise units in the qualification certificate as a proof copy; foreign investors subject qualifications or identification shall be notarized by the competent authorities of their own evacuation of the Chinese Embassy in that country (consulate) certification. As its own has no diplomatic relations with China, you should have diplomatic relations with the country"s third country in that country (consulate) certification, then the third country to the Chinese Embassy (Consular) certification. In some countries overseas possessions instruments issued, should be completed before notarization in the territories, and then certified by the diplomatic body, and finally by the Chinese Embassy in that country (consulate) certification. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors, the main qualification certificate or identity certificate shall be in accordance with the special provisions of law or agreement to provide the local notary notarized document. 8, 6, 7 statutory representatives, directors, supervisors and managers of production should be consistent with the articles of association. 9, 8,9 Inc. and applies only to the financial, securities, insurance companies and fund management companies in the establishment, Pay the full amount that should be a one-time limited, and the establishment of time to pay all or part of the registered capital of the other types of Limited. 10, No. 10 real estate owned property to submit photocopy of the Certificate and submit the original check; Rental Housing to submit the original lease agreement and rental side of the property right certificate copy of the above can not provide copies of ownership certificate, and submit to prove ownership of other property property rights to use that copy. Lessor as hotels, restaurants, hotels should also be submitted to the hotel"s business license. 11, No. 11 applies only to limited liability company established by public offering. 12, No. 12 means that the pre-licensing of the approval document or license copies of the book or permit provides that business scope for Yu with any law or administrative regulations and the State Council before registration are required by the approval for the project of foreign investment companies . 13, No. 13, "legal documents power of attorney" by the foreign investor (the donor) and recipient within the legal documents (authorized) to sign. Within the power of attorney should be a clear mandate to be authorized to accept service of legal documents, and shall state the address of the donor, contact. Authorized foreign investors can set up branch company to be established (if the authorized company to be established, the company entered into force after the establishment of commission) or other relevant entity or individual.2023-08-04 22:25:232
do wbdghghjyeb dsgfeyfb.lessson nbvgdv hjghhjhryb eyyevyev . gefgde eurfhrfyuw hfrgk y hgruf hwehj .dhfgrvf hrfgy h uhhhhh fg .bbvdbfg rfbjrh rhfbkjh bkjfb.dcfhqger fbhgfryf bkuyrvkajfye efhgyrefg.hjdfhrbekygh nbjrkhgb rfhiyre.jhrbjhsagrg hrgy rhgh grgehb.2023-08-04 22:25:366
Hand in your homework on time2023-08-04 22:26:021
急需英文翻译 1.所有员工必须遵守考勤规章制度,上下班按时
如果是名词,说workattendance或者attence就可以了。如果是动词的话,可以说checkonworkattendance或者register(work)attendance.:)2023-08-04 22:26:111
为了规范本协会的活动,维护协会会员的利益,更好的发挥协会的作用,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高综合运用英语的能力,需要制定并实施相应的管理制度。学识网小编为你整理了英语社团管理制度范本,希望你喜欢。 英语社团管理制度范本一 总则 英语协会是在团委领导和管理下的以英语为主的社团组织,是为广大同学提供学习英语、展现自我的平台,协会坚决遵守国家法律法规和学校的规章制度。 第一章组织机构及其管理 第一条:协会会长是由全体机构成员选举产生,任期一年,连任不超过两年。协会会长必须本着全心全意为同学服务的宗旨,工作认真负责,且具备领导能力。 第二条:协会内部组成理事会。下设理事部(协助会长对协会进行管理,负责到团委给老师签名所要播放的通知交给广播站)。口语部(组织会员定期在老师的带领下锻炼英语口语,用英语与他人交流对话的能力)。宣传部(负责协会日常工作的宣传,如出海报,所要举办的活动等)。秘书部(对机构和会员作考勤记录)。编辑部(负责协会所要举办活动的计划书及其流程工作表)。外联部(负责与本校或其它学校的社团交流、互相学习)。 第三条:协会各部部长一经面试入选后,必须遵守协会各规章制度,协助会长,尽职尽责。 第四条:为了使协会更加富有组织纪律性,对理事会成员实行定期会议制度,所有成员无故不得缺席。 第五条:协会财务要做到合理开支,量入为出,并对所有的开支做记录,以便使会费得到合理合法的应用,保证经费的透明度,以诚实信用为本。 第二章活动原则 第六条:协会活动必须在宪法法律和校规范围内,必须服从学校的领导和管理。 第七条:协会活动主要围绕英语展开。 第八条:协会邀请外教及优秀英语教师对协会活动进行指导。 第三章协会机构成员 第九条:机构成员要积极配合会长完成团委布置的任务。 第十条:机构成员要按时参加会议,并且要带上本子和笔作记录,确有事不能来参加会议的,须以书面形式(请假条)提出请假要求,交给会长。 第十一条:实行机构成员考勤制度,机构成员每学期请假三次以上五次以下者,取消其评优资格。 第十二条:每学期机构成员开会无故缺勤五次者,当自动退出本协会。 第十三条:机构成员每周须写一篇英语短文或文章。 第四章协会会员 第十四条:凡二技学生,对英语学习有兴趣、思想健康者均可报名入会,并在交纳10元会费后发予会员证。 第十五条:凡入会会员必须遵守协会管理的有关规定,服从理事会的领导,积极参加各种活动,不得做出有损害本协会利益的事。 第十六条:会员有提出意见和建议的权利,有参加英语协会组织的各项活动的权利。 第十七条:会员要按时上课,并做好笔记,上课时不得吵闹喧哗,并对会员做考勤记录。 第十八条:每学期上课会员无故缺勤6次者,当自动退出本协会,不能按时来上课的,需写请假条。2023-08-04 22:26:171
岗位职责汇编:The post job edits collected materials规章制度汇编:Object2023-08-04 22:26:241
2016年,我大学毕业,考入XX学校,担任数学教师和班主任。当时的我完全没有做班主任的意识,但是工作已经安排了,不管会与不会,我都将会在这个陌生的地方拥有一个由四十七人组成的七一班,我胆怯过,害怕处理学生与学生、学生与老师、学生和家长之间的种种不可预知的问题。其实我明白初一是一个新的起点,所以也期待过。因为学生生活坏境不同,家庭教养不同,他们之间个体差别较大,把他们聚在一起,让他们和平共处,非一件易事。作为一名年轻班主任谈不上我的经验,所谓的经验就是充满活力,因为在担任班主任期间平平淡淡,我也是在和学生的接触过程中不断去寻找方法,寻找那种适合他们的方法。随着接触多了,了解加深,方法自然就出来了。下面我就班级管理和创建和谐班集体谈谈我的做法和想法:班规明确才能班纪严明:班主任要建立班级的规章制度我觉得很有必要,为班级发展打下一个合理的框架。既给学生充分发展的空间,又对学生的行为有一定的约束。学校的课程设置、纪律要求,班级的日常管理规范,班干部队伍的选拔、培养机制,每天的作息制度,校园和班级的环保规定等一旦定下来就相对比较稳定,对学生会产生潜移默化的影响,另外班上的班干部给足他们锻炼的机会,能让他们商量办理的事情可以先让他们想办法,在班上也要让班干部树立足够的威严,任何人不得触犯,一定要使学生充分明确各项要求,严格遵守各项要求。班规主要包括以下几部分内容:班级的组成、班级各组织职责、各组织负责人的职责、班级成员考核办法、班委值班制等。材料准备包括过程性的记录本,考核用的统计表、记分表以及每周、每月进行汇总的表格、文字材料等。我们班的考勤分是每个学生每月有六十分为基础,从德、智、体、技、劳等几方面进行加分或扣分,实行量化管理。考勤分是由9个班委(班长、学习委员、文娱委员、纪律委员、清洁委员、安全委员、生活委员)每周记录工作记录本上,注明时间、人物、事件。以个人每日一清突出问题,然后由班委自己在周五的班队会上总结本周突出问题,公布本周考勤分,有问题举手示意并做解释说明,有误者在全班监督下纠正。每月月底班委会在班主任在检查之后进行汇总得出本月考勤分的前十名和后五名。在公布每月考勤分后的半天时间里学生可有监督检查问题的时间,最后由班主任审核汇报考勤分,汇总以“减少加多的原则”对于前十名我们有学习用具上的小奖励,对于后五名我们有劳动或者运动上的小惩罚。每月底人人在记录本上上交一份XX月班级总结,格式很简单:个人好的方面、个人不好的方面,改进措施,班级好的方面、班级不好的方面,建议,想对XX学生或者老师说的话,通过查看学生的总结班主任可以理解到很多平日里了解不到的问题。通过对班级实施科学管理,形成有奖有罚的激励机制,在全班学生中形成争先创优,比、学、赶、帮、超的良好风气。俗话说“好的制度,坏人也可以做好事;不好的制度,好人也能做坏事”,可见制度的重要性。学校、班级是不是有法可依,是不是有法必依,班主任是不是赏罚分明,学生是不是有榜样激励,班级中是不是正气压倒邪气,这些都对学生的成长有着莫大的影响。班规班纪也不是老师说了算,而是由全体学生自己总结并给出具体加分扣分的量,其实学生们他们自己很清楚,也希望自己的班级是一个优秀的集体,所以好的规章制度应该是符合人的心理特征的,应该是能够调动所有人的积极性的。同时班级也要实行:人人有事干,事事有人干,这也是每天为班级服务必做的一件事,一个有战斗力的集体,一个有凝聚力的集体,纪律一定是严明的,制度一定是健全的。3、形成整体严,个体宽的治班态度。面对班级整体,班主任应明确宣布规章制度、布置工作任务,严格落实班主任的各项要求。对于班级出现的不良事件,要面向全体学生讲明问题的严重性,深入挖掘,指出厉害,强调指出事件对班级造成的恶劣影响。针对具体情况,可点名或不点名地对犯错学生加以斥责,以对全班学生起到警示作用。面对学生个体,班主任可私下与之交流,可多站在学生角度为之分析违纪的危害,讲明班主任为了维护集体利益而批评处罚他的原因,相信他今后可以改正缺点,也希望老师和学生之间互相理解。记得有一次班里孩子甲向我打小报告说寝室有同学乙拿了她的布娃娃,下来我也了解过事情经过确有此事,这样的行为一定是要杜绝的。于是我找来这个学生乙,让学生甲重新再我面前陈诉了这件事,包括证人也可以作证。开始学生乙不承认,于是我轻言细语的告诉她,老师不会告诉家长,只需要把物品归还,结果学生乙都无动于衷。于是我很生气,吓唬她,学校有监控,我会马上给家长打电话取证,一旦发现她说谎就会很严厉的处理这件事。这使得她已经按耐不住了,很委屈的承认了(说自己家里也有一个一摸一样的布娃娃),听到这里,我马上让学生甲给我描述她的布娃娃的特征,学生乙越听越觉得露馅了,于是在面前很惭愧的承认了。对她的承认我很欣慰,于是当面让学生乙给学生甲道歉,并保证周一将物品归还。这时我也得给学生甲做工作,希望她不要把这件事情告诉其他人,这是我们三个人的秘密,在学生甲离开之后,我严厉的批评了她,告诉她这样行为的危害,并让学生乙分析老师这样做的原因。在这样既能让学生认识到错误,也会让学生理解老师的意图,让犯错学生在明理中规范行为,避免因班主任的批评处理严厉而导致师生关系的疏远。在活动中培养学生的集体荣誉感:集体活动为学生提供了表现自我的机会,使他们的表现欲得到满足,人格得到尊重,从而使学生力求在今后的集体活动中获得更多的荣誉。班主任应注意在集体活动中发挥每个学生的积极性,依据学生的能力所长、兴趣所在,学校每学期都有各种活动,比如运动会、合唱比赛、文艺比赛、知识竞赛,个人特长比赛等等,我都会尽量安排每一个学生参加到不同的活动中来。活动本身就是一个很好的凝聚全班向心力的过程,对于每个大型或者小型的活动我们老师都会精心准备,要求学生精心准备、给他们足够的仪式感,最后每一个学生都会体验到因自己的努力而为班级争得荣誉的愉悦。每当班级在学校获得集体荣誉时,班主任都应抓住这个机会对全班同学进行大力表扬,讲明集体的荣誉来自每一个同学的努力,告知学生每个个人都将从集体的荣誉中获益,都将获得全校同学赞赏的目光,使学生意识到作为集体成员的尊严和荣耀。其次,班主任应建立班级的“闪光墙”。将班级集体、学生个体获得的各种奖状、荣誉证书、获得荣誉的过程性图文资料张贴在墙壁上,让学生时时能感受到自己的班级是一个优秀的集体,让学生为拥有这样的集体而自信、自豪,从而使学生更加热爱集体,珍惜集体的荣誉,并生发出更加向上的动力。对于班集体之间的比赛或竞争,班主任应教育学生正确看待。当本班暂时落后于其它班级时,要鼓励学生寻找差距,迎头赶上,绝不可着眼于其它班级的短处,甚至怀疑学校的公平与公正。这种做法不仅影响班级之间的团结,而且会在很大程度上影响学生今后参与活动的积极性。同时,学生一旦养成斤斤计较的习惯,会直接影响到班级的凝聚力。2、属于每个人的“记录本”说实话,当班主任事情确实很多,责任也不小,学校所有工作,最后都会通过各个部门汇聚到班主任这里,然后班主任每天还有和学生打交道、和家长打交道、和领导打交道,遇到各种大大小小的事情需要处理。从带班到现在我都会使用随记的办法,在自己的随记本上写下存在的问题、转交的事情、看到的现象、下达的文件等等。大到开展的活动,小到让某某学生去领什么东西,还有些是脑子里突然闪现的道理。不仅是我有,学生他们也都要一个记录本,因为他们毕竟都是孩子,耍性比较大,做事无条理经常遗漏作业,记录本上就让特闷记录的是每周的作业、每周强调的大事小事和每周需要带的学习和生活用品,这样慢慢下来学生也养成了做事细心,有计划,有安排和自我检查的好习惯。我热爱这份职业和工作,其实我对学生的要求并不高,因人而异吧,我只要求他们做事完成作业先看态度,再看能力及水平,因此我将“不求最好,只求更好”作为班级的班训。我只希望他们最后离开学校成为:有着良好习惯、高尚品质和优异成绩的学生。我知道在全国数百万班主任中我不是最好的,只要在我教过的孩子的心目中认可我,我相信我就是最好的。2023-08-04 22:26:342
Everyone abide by the rules and regulations of the school2023-08-04 22:26:521
法律法规 英语怎么说
Laws and regulations2023-08-04 22:27:012
违反规章制度violate rules and regulations2023-08-04 22:27:162
65145212023-08-04 22:27:264
The school system I want is quiet easy. First, we don"t have to wear school uniform everyday. Wearing our own clothes will show our own style. Actually, chose different clothes will also help us improve our imagination. Second, students can order food from restaurant out of school. Food in the school canteen is not always good, and it is always the same things around a week. Last, laster to go to school and earlier to go back home. I am sure that these system will make students more clever and healthier.2023-08-04 22:27:421
英文是:school regulations重点词汇:regulations英[reɡju028a'leu026au0283nz]释义:n.规程;条例名词regulation的复数形式例句:用作名词(n.)Technical regulations for saturation diving operat.饱和潜水作业技术规程。词语使用变化:schooln.(名词)1、school的基本意思是“学校”,一般指儿童或中学生学习或受教育的场所,是可数名词,常与形容词性物主代词或定冠词连用。2、school作“上学,学业”解时是不可数名词,其前不用冠词。3、school还可表示大学里的“学院”。作“学派,流派”解时常用于习语a school of thought。2023-08-04 22:27:511
有效。公司的所有规章制度,是指公司用于规范公司全体成员及公司所有经济活动的标准和规定,它是公司内部经济责任制的具体化。根据劳动法规定,同时用中文、外文书写的劳动合同文本、规章制度都有效。《中华人民共和国劳动法》是为了保护劳动者的合法权益,调整劳动关系,建立和维护适应社会主义市场经济的劳动制度,促进经济发展和社会进步,根据宪法,制定本法。2023-08-04 22:28:251
图书馆:don"t listen to music 医院:don‘t run2023-08-04 22:28:321
问题一:规范 英语怎么说 standard norm specification criterion 问题二:规则一用英语怎么说 rule 1规则一 不要带书包Don"t bring your bag 希望采纳 问题三:行业规范 英语怎么说 professionalethics 这个实际上是职业道德的意思 但觉得差不多 问题四:规章制度用 英文怎么说? rules and regulations 规章制度 I hate being fettered by petty rules and regulations.我讨厌受清规戒律的束缚. 问题五:规定规章制度英语怎么说 set up (establish) regulation 问题六:遵守规则 英语怎么说 to follow the rules to obey the rules to ply with the rules to abide by the rules 有很多很多说法~~这里就不一一列举了~最上面上个是最常用的~~希望能帮助您~ 问题七:“规范”动词英文怎么说 standardize 英[?st?nd?da?z] 美[?st?nd?rda?z] vt. 使标准化; 用标准校检; [例句]He feels standardized education does not benefit those children who are either below or above average intelligence. 他认为标准化教育对那些智力水平低于或超出平均水平的儿童没有好处。 [其他] 第三人称单数:standardizes 现在分词:standardizing过去式:standardized 过去分词:standardized 问题八:七不规范用英语怎么说 Seven Don"ts (1) No Spitting; (2) No Litter; (3) Don"t damage public property (4) Don"t damage public greenery (5) No J-walking (6) No Smoking in public; (7) No vulgar or obscene language. 中文如下: (1)不随地吐痰 (2)不乱扔垃圾 (3)不损害公物 (4)不破坏绿地 (5)不乱穿马路 (6)不在公共场所吸烟 (7)不说粗话脏话2023-08-04 22:29:011
Worker insist that the old regulations should be cancelled and new ones be made. 祝你成功又快乐!2023-08-04 22:29:163
1. Must be on time to the school, not late, do not leave early, not absenteeism 2. Zhiri Sheng to the school as early as 7:00 in the Morning Reading a good pre-cleaning the classroom hygiene and sanitation. 3. Bell rang, the teachers into the classroom, squad leader shouted to stand until all the students to sit down after the teacher a present in return. After the bell rings, the teacher announced that after class, squad leader shouted to stand, salute the teachers after the students left the classroom and then out of the classroom (such as the emergency is not out of the classroom teacher, students can go first). 4. Do not make much noise inside the classroom and stairs, chase, games, playing poker and sports activities2023-08-04 22:29:251
Every school has their own(自己的) rules.Every new student can remember(记住) these. And these rules(规则) include(包括):First,we are not late for school.Secondwe can keep the classroon clean and quiet.Third,when I meet a teacher,I should say "Good morning"or"Good afternoon".Fourth we can not eat in classroon.Fifth,we can not listen the music and play in class.Sixth, we can not pick flowers and trees So we can be a good student2023-08-04 22:29:321
1. 英语造句规则 英语造句的基本规则 英语句子是由一组词按一定的语法规则组成并能够表达一个完整意思的语言单位。 其含义有三:1、一组词;2、符合语法规则;3、表达完整意思。 英语句子形状第一个字母大写,句末有标点符号(句号、问号或感叹知号)。 所谓语法规则实际就是把合适的词放在句子中合适位置。 学习英语的最好办法就是多分析一些经典的句子,在此基础之上多读文章。 英语句子无论长短,其最基本的结构却不会变。一个完事的英语句子至少要有“主语+谓语”两部分组成。 主语是句子的主体,表示所谈及的人或事物,主语通常由名词或起名词作用的词、短语或句子充当。 谓语由动词、动词短语组成。 句子的核心:主语(名词或相道当的词、短语、句子)+谓语(动词或动词短语) 在以后的分析中,我们把名词及名词相当的词标成绿色,而把它们的修饰部分标成紫色。把动词标成红色,动词修饰部分标成桔黄色。 友情提示:学习初期,不要太拘泥于语法概念,只要你能够通过一些已经分析好的句子了解它要表达的意思就行了。等你以后能够很轻松地读懂英语文章后,回头看这些语法概念就太简单了。 找出一个句子的名词及名词的修饰部分、动词和动词的修饰部分,你就能很轻松理解它。 2. 英语安全规则的句子 1. Always buckle up. 永远系好安全带。 2. Put your children in back!把您的孩子放在后座上! 3. Never drunk drive! 决不酒后驾驶! 4. You always have to stop at a stop sign. 在停车标志前,你永远要停。 5. In a crosswalk, pedestrians have the right of way. 在过街人行道上,行人有先行权。 PS:From Ken@sisu 3. 关于公共规则的英文句子 1、Business Hours 营业时间 2、Office Hours 办公时间 3、Entrance 入口 4、Exit 出口 5、Push 推 6、Pull 拉 7、Shut 此路不通 8、On 打开 ( 放) 9、Off 关 10、Open 营业 11、Pause 暂停 12、Stop 关闭 13、Closed 下班 14、Menu 菜单 15、Fragile 易碎 16、This Side Up 此面向上 17、Introductions 说明 18、One Street 单行道 19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 21、Wet Paint 油漆未干 22、Danger 危险 23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 24、Give Way 快车先行 25、Safety First 安全第一 26、Filling Station 加油站 27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟 28、No Photos 请勿拍照 29、No Visitors 游人止步 30、No Entry 禁止入内 31、No Admittance 闲人免进 32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 33、Parking 停车处 34、Toll Free 免费通行 35、F.F. 快进 36、Rew. 倒带 37、EMS (邮政)特快专递 38、Insert Here 此处插入 39、Open Here 此处开启 40、Split Here 此处撕开 41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理 42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影 43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车 44、No U-Turn 禁止掉头 45、U-Turn Ok 可以U形转弯 46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车 47、SOS 紧急求救信号 48、Hands Wanted 招聘 49、Staff Only 本处职工专用 50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物 51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸 52、Keep Silence 保持安静 53、On Sale 削价出售 54、No Bills 不准张贴 55、Not for Sale 恕不出售 56、Pub 酒馆 57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆 58、Bar 酒巴 59、Laundry 洗衣店 60、Travel Agency 旅行社 61、In Shade 置于阴凉处 62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存 63、Poison 有毒/毒品 64、Guard against Damp 防潮 65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手 66、Complaint Box 意见箱 67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用 68、Bakery 面包店 69、Keep Dry 保持干燥 70、Information 问讯处 71、No Passing 禁止通行 72、No Angling 不准垂钓 73、Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎 74、Seat by Number 对号入座 75、Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物 76、Ticket Office(or :Booking Office)售票处 77、Visitors Please Register 来宾登记 78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土 79、Men“s/Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所 80、Women“s/Ladies/Ladies“ Room女厕所 81、Occupied (厕所)有人 82、Vacant (厕所)无人 83、Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便 84、Net(Weight) 净重 85、MAN:25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日 86、EXP:25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日 87、Admission Free免费入场 88、Bike Park(ing) 自行车存车处 89、Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先 90、Save Food 节约粮食 91、Save Energy 节约能源 92、Handle with Care 小心轻放 93、Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内 94、Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火 95、Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶 96、Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行 97、Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立 98、Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西 99、Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上 100、Luggage Depository 行李存放处。 4. 关于学校规章制度的英语句子 1 Don"t arrive late for class.不能上课迟到. 2 Don" run in the hallways.不能在走廊跑. 3 Don"t fight with someone.不能打架. 4 Don"t listen to the music in the classroom.不能在教室里听音乐. 5 Don"t wear a hat in the classroom.不能在教室里戴帽子. 6 Save water 节约用水. 7 Don"t push 不要推搡. 8 no smoking 不准吸烟? 9 Don"t litter 不乱扔垃圾 10 Save electricity 节约用电 5. 给几句 英文交通规则 的句子 . Always buckle up. 永远系好安全带。 2. Put your children in back!把您的孩子放在后座上! 3. Never drunk drive! 决不酒后驾驶! 美国的醉酒问题很严重,酒后开车出的事故也比其他原因的事故多。据说,每五个美国人中,有三个在他的一生中,都会遇到酒后开车的大大小小的事故。各州对于酒后驾驶的处罚也非常严厉,除了罚款,扣分,试情形还要坐牢。你可能还会听说DUI Law,也就是Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol,这条法规禁止在使用毒品,造成神志不清醒的药物和酒精的情况下开车,抓到了,处罚也非常严厉。很多美国人有去酒吧喝酒聊天的习惯,所以交通部门建议最好有一个人保持清醒以便驾驶。另外,如果真的喝多了,有些酒吧也会免费提供出租车送你回家。 4. You always have to stop at a stop sign. 在停车标志前,你永远要停。 5. In a crosswalk, pedestrians have the right of way. 在过街人行道上,行人有先行权。2023-08-04 22:29:411
班规,主要指中学生管理班级中采取的规章制度,简称班规。那么关于班规的英语作文有哪些呢?下面是我推荐给大家关于班规的英语作文,供大家参考。 关于班规的英语作文篇一 Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We canu2019t have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom. 关于班规的英语作文篇二 Classroom rules tell us how things must be done or what is allowed at school. It is important for each of us to obey rules and make our classroom a nice place for learning. My rules are very clear and simple. I think that the best learning time is the beginning of the day. Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. My first rule is that everyone is to be in class on time. Second, everything we learn is mainly from class teaching. So in every class we should listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity. Third, if we want to learn better, we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning. 关于班规的英语作文篇三 Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. Everyone should be in class on time. Every class we should listen to the teachers carefully and quickly get to work on the activity. And we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We should remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.写班规的英语作文相关推荐: 1. 关于班规的英语作文 2. 关于班规英语作文 3. 班规的英语作文 4. 初一班规英语作文2023-08-04 22:29:501
英语作文 为了保证学校阅览室的阅读秩序,学校制定了一些规章制度共同学们遵守。请根据一下提示,用英语
2023-08-04 22:30:004
班规,主要指中学生管理班级中采取的 规章制度 ,简称班规。每个班的班规都不一样,主要涉及学习、记录、出勤、卫生等诸多方面,是中学生自我管理的重要制度之一。下面是我整理的关于班规 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。 关于班规英语作文1: Important Classroom Rules Classroom rules tell us how things must be done or what is allowed at school. It is important for each of us to obey rules and make our classroom a nice place for learning. My rules are very clear and simple. I think that the best learning time is the beginning of the day. Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. My first rule is that everyone is to be in class on time. Second, everything we learn is mainly from class teaching. So in every class we should listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity. Third, if we want to learn better, we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning. ( If everyone is careful to obey these important rules, we will have learn more and have a better time at school. ) 关于班规英语作文2: Class Rules and Consequences You must do homework by yourself and hand it in before due date. If you fail to do so, you will have to pay a two-yuan fine. To maintain a good learning environment, you are responsible for cleaning up the classroom when you are on duty. If you fail to fulfil your obligation, you will have to pay one-yuan fine. Don"t toss trash around, or you will be fined two yuan. As a member of the class, you must show respect to yourself, other students and the teachers. No jeans and sandals allowed in school. You need to make sure that you have your Student ID on you while in school. Inappropriate behaviours in class will result in a two-yuan fine. All fines will be collected as a reward for good behaviours. 关于班规英语作文3: Our class rule There are some rules in our class. Teacher sets the rules so that we can behave well in the class. First, we must not talking when teacher is teaching. Second, we must hand in our homework in time. Then, we also need to keep our classroom clean at all the time. Besides, we must respect our teachers and love our school. 关于班规英语作文4: Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. Everyone should be in class on time. Every class we should listen to the teachers carefully and quickly get to work on the activity. And we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We should remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning. 关于班规英语作文5: Classroom rules tell us how things must be done or what is allowed at school. It is important for each of us to obey rules and make our classroom a nice place for learning. My rules are very clear and simple. I think that the best learning time is the beginning of the day. Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. My first rule is that everyone is to be in class on time. Second, everything we learn is mainly from class teaching. So in every class we should listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity. Third, if we want to learn better, we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.2023-08-04 22:30:131
法律法规 英语怎么说
law: 普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。constitution: 指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。regulation: 普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。code: 指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。rule: 通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。act: 指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。2023-08-04 22:30:232
规章制度用 英文怎么说?
Rules and Regulations2023-08-04 22:31:182
make ragulations.2023-08-04 22:31:273
一篇英语作文,规章制度(Rules and regulations)要按下面问题写
Rules are like rulers they tell us what we should do.We use signs to talk about rules.There are four kinds of signs.They are warning signs,information signs,direction signs,instruction signs.We can find a u2018No smokingu2019in the library.It means we mustu2019t smoke.We can find a u2018Have a barbecueu2019 sign in the suburbs.It tells us we can have a barbecue.A direction sign tells us where to go.An instruction sign tells us how to do something.Signs are very important for us.They tell us what we must or mustu2019t do.We should obey the signs.If there are no signs,accidents will happen everywhere.2023-08-04 22:31:362
Rules are like rulers they tell us what we should do.We use signs to talk about rules.There are four kinds of signs.They are warning signs,information signs,direction signs,instruction signs.We can find a ‘No smoking"in the library.It means we must"t smoke.We can find a ‘Have a barbecue" sign in the suburbs.It tells us we can have a barbecue.A direction sign tells us where to go.An instruction sign tells us how to do something.Signs are very important for us.They tell us what we must or must"t do.We should obey the signs.If there are no signs,accidents will happen everywhere.2023-08-04 22:31:451
assembly of regulations2023-08-04 22:31:552
Computer Lab Rules Clean hands before entering room.Take turns and enter quietly .Sit down and ready for directions2023-08-04 22:32:042
我无法用那种强硬的口气,如禁止干什么,所以一下用pleasePlease be quite or please not to speak loudly.请勿大声说话Please bring your book back on time.请及时归还你的图书Please put your book back in its place when you leave.当你离开时,请将你的书放回原处其他的制度我也想不出来了。2023-08-04 22:32:142
obey the rulelazinessshould he get to school before 7:20?2023-08-04 22:32:211
include <iostream>#include <stdio.h>int jc(int m){if(m!=1) return m*jc(m-1);else return 1;} int c(int m,int n){if(m>=n) return jc(m)/(jc(n)*jc(m-n));} int main(void){int m,n;scanf("%d%d",&m,&n);printf("%d ",c(m,n));return 0;}2023-08-04 22:33:181
1 Don"t arrive late for class.不能上课迟到.2 Don" run in the hallways.不能在走廊跑.3 Don"t fight with someone.不能打架.4 Don"t listen to the music in the classroom.不能在教室里听音乐.5 Don"t wear a hat in the classroom.不能在教室里戴帽子.6 Don"t push 不要推搡.7 Don"t litter 不乱扔垃圾8 Don"t eat in the classroom.不能在教室里吃东西9 Don"t smoke.不能吸烟10 Don"t play the football in the class.不能在课上踢足球2023-08-04 22:33:253
1Don"tarrivelateforclass.不能上课迟到.2Don"runinthehallways.不能在走廊跑.3Don"tfightwithsomeone.不能打架.4Don"tlistentothemusicintheclassroom.不能在教室里听音乐.5Don"twearahatintheclassroom.不能在教室里戴帽子.6Savewater节约用水.7Don"tpush不要推搡.8nosmoking不准吸烟?9Don"tlitter不乱扔垃圾10Saveelectricity节约用电2023-08-04 22:33:401
We have many rules in our school. we can"t arrive late for class. We must be on timeWe can"t eat in class We can"t run in the hallway. We have to clean the classroon every day. We have to weat the uniforms at school. We can"t fight. .祝你学习进步2023-08-04 22:33:492
Dear Tina,Every school has its own rules.Here are some of our school rules.First of all, you can"t be late for school.Second, you must be quiet in class.Third, when you meet the teachers in school, you must say "hello" to them.Then, don"t eat food in the class.Next,don"t listen to the music or play games in class.You must listen to the teachers carefully.Last,please love the environment.And don"t pick up the flowers or climb the trees.I"m sure you can do these well.Yours,Classmate2023-08-04 22:34:003
Don"t arrive late for class.You must be on time.2023-08-04 22:34:142