1 jesus christ
2 christ
3 jesus
耶稣: [ yē sū ]
1. Jesus
<Jesu> <lamb of god> <Man of Sorrows> <the Prince of Peace> <the Good Shepherd> <messiah> <Galilean>
1. 对基督徒来说,主耶稣是他们的救世主。
To Christians, Jesus Christ is the Saviour.
2. 耶稣是基督教的创始人。
Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion.
3. 基督徒相信耶稣在那个星期日(后定为复活节)里复活了。
Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.
4. 耶稣拯救世人!
Jesus saves!
5. 他们把孩子们领到耶稣跟前, 耶稣就赐福予他们.
They brought the children to Jesus and he blessed them.
6. 耶稣在异象中向保罗显现.
Jesus came to Paul in a vision.
7. 耶稣一打倒了“迷信”这魔鬼之后,保罗却又大胆地以耶稣的名义把它扶起来了。
No sooner had Jesus knocked over the dragon of superstition than Paul boldly set if on its legs again in the name of Jesus.
1 jesus christ,2 christ,3 jesus,耶稣: [ yē sū ]
1. 对基督徒来说,主耶稣是他们的救世主。
To Christians, Jesus Christ is the Saviour.
2. 耶稣是基督教的创始人。
Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion.
耶稣的英文是Jesus Christ,但这个英语名字也是耶稣本名的音译。耶稣的本名应该是希伯来语,具体怎么拼写请百度一下吧,我也不清楚。我个人觉得中文的音译比英文更接近耶稣他老人家本名的发音。
你可以参照2004年出品的电影《耶稣受难记》(The Passion of the Christ),导演:梅尔吉普森。里面的演员用了希伯来语称呼耶稣。听上去更像中文所说的耶稣或耶和华(有些版本的圣经是用这个名字的)。
根据《圣经》记载,耶稣出生于伯利恒 (巴勒斯坦中部),三十岁左右开始传道,三十三岁时在总督本丢彼拉多执政时受难、为了全人类的罪被钉死在十字架上,第三天复活、并向门徒显现四十天后升天,坐在全能天父的右边,他必要在世界穷尽的审判之日在光荣中降来,建立荣耀的天国,给「善」带来最后的胜利。
卡卡在AC米兰时球衣上的i belong to jesus是什么意思
我属于耶稣卡卡一直表明自已是虔诚的基督徒,每当球队夺冠,卡卡便会向人们展示他身上所穿的为有「我属于耶稣」(I Belong to Jesus)的一件白色T恤。2023-08-04 07:05:131
我属于上帝2023-08-04 07:05:217
做他有show了下这家伙真狂2023-08-04 07:05:354
Kaka to celebrate the goal the movement is the hands to the sky, this action is quite profound meaning. When I was small, Kaka a deviation in a diving, lead to spinal vertebrae wreck, this could lead to the end of his career, but he insisted on down. This experience made when young to establish faith in Kaka heart more firm. Kaka believes, is the power of Jesus for his recovery, and have the achievement of today, every time after the goal, his hands day thanks to Jesus"s gift, in 2004 with the AC Milan rule the roost in Serie A, he was wearing a specially prepared to celebrate the blouse, top write "I BELONG TO JESUS" (I belong to Jesus). The same phenomenon also appeared in the 2007 Champions League final against Liverpool, after winning the competition, Kaka fell to his knees, people once again to show his celebrated blouse. Kaka"s boots says "God in my place, what would he do".2023-08-04 07:05:411
感谢上天2023-08-04 07:06:0410
完美情人,天选之子2023-08-04 07:06:304
卡卡 (Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite(Kaká)) 来自巴西。个人荣誉:2007年是卡卡职业生涯最辉煌的一年,他先后帮助AC米兰夺得欧洲冠军联赛冠军、欧洲超级杯冠军和世界俱乐部杯赛冠军,而卡卡本人也包揽这一年所有个人奖项:欧冠最佳球员、意甲最佳球员、意甲最佳外籍球员、世界俱乐部最佳球员、欧洲金球奖、国际足联世界足球先生、拉丁美洲年度最佳体育运动员等等。 俱乐部生涯:2000年,卡卡的职业生涯从巴西著名的圣保罗俱乐部开始,很快他就成为队内的第一球星。2002年韩日世界杯之后,卡卡状态下滑,加上转会传闻不断,成为圣保罗球迷攻击的对象。2003年夏天,卡卡正式成为AC米兰的一员,在他的意甲处子赛季表现极为出色。2003-04赛季,凭借卡卡出色发挥,攻入10球,米兰第17次登顶意甲。2009年6月9日6点20分,西班牙皇家马德里俱乐部官方网站正式宣布:卡卡已经成为皇马球员。皇马以6750万欧元的转会费签下了卡卡,在与卡卡完成签约后,皇马官方发表了一条简短的通告,说在与AC米兰达成协议后,里卡多·伊泽克森·多斯桑托斯·莱特,即卡卡,已经成为了皇马球员。这位巴西球员今天已经令人满意地通过了体检,卡卡与皇马签署了为期6年的合同。国家队履历:卡卡2002年首次入选巴西国家队,在1月份与玻利维亚队的一场友谊赛中完成处子秀;当年3月,巴西队在友谊赛中6比1大胜冰岛队,卡卡打进了他的国家队处子进球。在这之后,卡卡入选了巴西队世界杯的23人名单,不过他只在巴西队与哥斯达黎加队的比赛中替补上场踢了25分钟。2006年世界杯,卡卡已成为球队的绝对主力。在小组赛1比0战胜克罗地亚队的比赛中,卡卡打进了全场唯一进球,这也是卡卡的世界杯处子球。不过,巴西队随后在1/4决赛中不敌法国队遭淘汰,卡卡也失去了继续证明自己的机会。2005年和2009年,卡卡两次帮助巴西队夺得联合会杯冠军。在本次世界杯预选赛中卡卡出场11次打进5球。卡卡在国家队有个不俗的纪录:只要他进球的比赛巴西队非胜即平,无一败绩。南非世界杯上,邓加和卡卡本人肯定都希望能延续这一纪录。世界杯荣誉:2002年韩日世界杯冠军,2006年德国世界杯8强。技术特点:卡卡射术出色,右脚的劲射和巧射都有相当的功底,当卡卡在门前起脚时,你会被他的冷静所震慑。卡卡传球水平也非常出色,随着现在伤病的增加,他在场上带球的距离越来越少,不过这更显示出了他在传球方面的功底。年轻时的卡卡的盘带突破有势不可挡的气势,大步幅的冲刺向前是他的招牌动作,极具杀伤力。家庭生活:卡卡的名字应该是:Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite。按照翻译习惯,他的中文名字应该称为里卡多或者多斯桑托斯,不过很多巴西球员都有绰号,他们印在球衣上、被大家记住的名字其实都是绰号,比如贝利、济科都不是他们本名。“Kaka”不是他绰号,是儿时他弟弟对他称呼,距他父母回忆说,那时候卡卡的弟弟迪甘太小,发音很不准确,也不会叫“Ricardo”这样复杂的名字,因此他一直称呼哥哥为“Kaka”,就这样,后来成为职业球员的他就把“Kaka”印在了自己的球衣上。12岁时,卡卡就成为了一名虔诚的基督教徒,比赛中他经常在球衣内穿着一件印有“I belong to Jesus”的T血衫。2005年,卡卡与自己青梅竹马的女友卡罗琳娜完婚,现在他们已经有了一个儿子。2023-08-04 07:08:351
Hillsong --- with all i am~中英文翻译的歌词,最好是懂英语的基督徒翻译,相信神,相信主!
with all i am全然向你Into Your hand I commit again我再一次交托于你With All I am For You Lord全然向你You hold my world in the palm of Your hand我的一切尽在你手中And I"m Yours forever我永远归你Jesus I believe in You耶稣,我相信你Jesus I belong to You耶稣,我归属你You"re the reason that I live我要为你而活The reason that I sing with all I am我要为你歌唱I"ll walk with You wherever You go我要跟随你的脚踪Through tears and joy I"ll trust in You顺境逆境我都依靠你And I will live in all of Your ways我要按照你的心意而活Your promises forever你的应许直到永远Jesus I believe in You耶稣,我相信你Jesus I belong to You耶稣,我归属你You"re the reason that I live我要为你而活The reason that I sing with all I am我要为你歌唱Jesus I believe in You耶稣,我相信你Jesus I belong to You耶稣,我归属你You"re the reason that I live我要为你而活The reason that I sing with all I am我要为你歌唱I will worship, I will worship YouI will worship, I will worship YouI will worship, I will worship YouI will worship, I will worship YouI will worship, I will worship YouI will worship, I will worship YouI will worship, I will worship YouI will worship, I will worship You我敬拜你Jesus I believe in You耶稣,我相信你Jesus I belong to You耶稣,我归属你You"re the reason that I live我要为你而活The reason that I sing with all I am我要为你歌唱Jesus I believe in You耶稣,我相信你Jesus I belong to You耶稣,我归属你You"re the reason that I live我要为你而活The reason that I sing with all I am我要为你歌唱Jesus I believe in You耶稣,我相信你Jesus I belong to You耶稣,我归属你You"re the reason that I live我要为你而活The reason that I sing with all I am我要为你歌唱I will worship, I will worship YouI will worship and I will worship You我要敬拜你,我要敬拜你,我要敬拜你,我要敬拜你,2023-08-04 07:09:152
网络用语jesus的意思是“天哪,哎呀”,用于表示惊讶、震惊或厌烦。网络用语jesus与ohmygod的意思类似,都是用来表示情绪的一种方式。但是二者的不同之处就是jesus带有冒犯意味。jesus的相关例句:1、ThestorywasusedtoemphasizethehumanityofJesus。人们用这个故事来强调耶稣人性的一面。2、TheybroughtthechildrentoJesusandheblessedthem。他们把孩子带到耶稣跟前,耶稣祝福了他们。3、ChristiansbelievethatGodraisedJesusfromthedead。基督徒相信上帝使耶稣复活。2023-08-04 07:09:241
(1)The story for the Christmas seasonMost people know that the simple meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God in the Christian religion. The word Christmas originated from an old English phrase, "Cristes Masse", meaningthe mass of Christ(基督弥撒). The date, December 25, was established by Bishop Liberius of Rome in 354 AD. He selected the date to mark the official time for celebrating Christ"s birth. Before then, the birth of Jesus was observed on different days and even to this day no one is certain the exact date of Christ"s birth.(2)Christmas celebrationsCultural celebrations of Christmas include glittering light displays, the ever-present jolly oldSanta Claus(圣诞老人), group celebrations and singing calledcarolling(圣诞颂歌), baked holiday cookies and cakes, decorations ofmistletoe(槲寄生,装饰性植物)and pine wreaths, lighted, ornamented Christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath. The spirit of Christmas at its heart is a festival to celebrate family, love, gratitude to others and giving presents to show appreciation to friends and loved ones.In Europe, typically, family and friends gather together on Christmas Eve, on Dec 24, for a big turkeydinner, completed with Christmas pudding (a rich cake with brandy source). Everyone shares their stories of the year or brings a newsletter to read out for what has happened during the past year. Games are played after the dinner. On Christmas day, Dec 25, abrunch with family is the norm, followed by some light sporting events, such as a countrywalk, to digest the heavy food.Dec 26 is called Boxing Day in the UK, which means everyone opens their box of presents - the most joyful day for the children. In the US, having just celebrated Thanksgiving with turkey, Christmas Eve dinner is more likely to have ham on the menu with a heavy dessert. Dec 25, the Christmas Day is normally the day all the presents are opened.(3)Christmas trees & cardsThe tradition of having a pine tree as a Christmas Tree is believed to come from Germany. Since the medieval time, lighting a candle on a tree is common to welcome guests. Such practice has evolved into the Christmas celebration.The formal Christmas Tree was introduced to England about 100 years ago when Queen Victoria married German Albert. The evidence of Victoria"s love for Albert is not only expressed through inheriting the German tradition of having a Christmas Tree but also through the goldAlbert Statuesthat Victoria had ordered built for Albert, standing in many places in London. In America, the Christmas Tree idea was brought by German immigrants too.The custom of sending Christmas cards was initiated in England around 1850. The first cards were decorated with elaborate designs of flowers, birds and landscapes.(4)Christmas carolsThe tradition of carol singing originated from the carolling practised by the Waits in the fourteenth century. Waits were royal singers who were sent by the court to perform. in selected homes for treats, pennies and/or fun. "Carol" means a circle dance accompanied by a song. Most Christmas carols we sing now were composed around 1400-1600"s.2023-08-04 07:09:339
Jerry Mincey的《The Runner》 歌词
歌曲名:The Runner歌手:Jerry Mincey专辑:Me And Mister Cole: Florida MemoriesHard times as we goWe know what times will changeI talked to JesusJesus says I′m okayPushin and jumpinJumpin the mountain rangeAnd in a railroadRailroad from Hell to MaineWhile she says she′s on her ownI′ll be pacin on the phoneSneakin on the train come backAwful sick and tired of the gangShe comes from nothingHopin for a taste of fameShe′s got a birthmarkA birthmark the shape of MaineWhile she says she′s on her ownI′ll be pacin on the phoneSneakin on the train come backAwful sick and tired of the gangAnd it′s cold and it′s cold and it′s cold and it′s cold when you′re nearCold when you′re near any bottleAnd it′s cold and it′s cold and it′s cold when you′re nearCold when you′re near any bottleHard times as we goWe know where times will changeI talk to JesusJesus everydayHard times as we gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/150709642023-08-04 07:09:481
I Surrender All 歌词
歌曲名:I Surrender All歌手:Brian Littrell专辑:Wow Hymns〖I Surrender All〗〖Brian Littrell〗〖Welcome Home〗〖Lyric By MichaelG〗All to Jesus I surrenderAll to him I freely giveI will ever love and trust himIn his presence daily liveI surrender all, I surrender allAll to Thee, my blessed SaviorI surrender allAnd all to Jesus I surrenderHumbly at his feet I bowWorldly pleasures all forsakenTake me Jesus, take me nowI surrender all, I surrender allAll to thee, my blessed SaviorI surrender allAll I give to you, all I ever hadAnd everything I was, and everything I amAnd now I"m laying it downLaying at your feetTo your grace, to your bowI surrender allLord, I give myself to theeFill me with thy love and powerLet thy blessing fall on meI surrender all, I surrender allI surrender all, I surrender allAll to thee, my blessed SaviorI surrender allAll to thee, my blessed SaviorI surrender allThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/75778872023-08-04 07:09:551
Playmate To Jesus歌词是什么
Come hereLet me take you on a tripLeaving in the name of loveSilence and emptinessYou"re among a billion starsPlease don"t say a single wordAll around the galaxySilence and emptinessLet"s go into spaceHeading for VenusFly around the sunPlaymate to JesusEverywhere I go, I prayFor universal loveHigh above the sky, closer to HeavenHere among the stars, always forgivenEverywhere I go, I prayFor universal loveOut there there"s nothing, is it me or is it you?I keep on trying but you"re just not coming throughI see your secret but I keep on losing itI find your frequency in my headForgive me, please forive the things I"ve doneEvery little mad is hereLife keeps moving onEverlasting energyShining all over meFalling in to gravitySilence and emptynesChorus:Let"s go into spaceHeading for VenusFly around the sunPlaymate to JesusEverywhere I go, I prayFor universal loveHigh above the sky, closer to HeavenHere among the stars, always forgivenEverywhere I go, I prayFor universal loveOut there there"s nothing, is it me or is it you?I keep on trying but you"re just not coming throughI see your secret but I keep on losing itI find your frequency in my headLet"s go into spaceHeading for VenusFly around the sunPlaymate to JesusEverywhere I go, I prayFor universal loveHigh above the sky, closer to HeavenHere among the stars, always forgivenEverywhere I go, I prayFor universal love2023-08-04 07:10:011
Just Say Jesus的歌词
7eventh Time Down - Just Say Jesus LyricsArtist: 7eventh Time DownAlbum: Just Say JesusLife gets tough and times get hardAnd it"s hard to find the truth in all the liesIf you"re tired of wondering why you"re heart isn"t healingAnd nothing feels like home cause you"re lost and aloneJust screaming at the sky When you don"t know what to sayJust say JesusThere is power in the nameThe name of JesusIf the words won"t come cause you"re too afraid to prayJust say JesusWhisper it now, or shout it outHowever it comes out, He hears your cryOut of nowhere He will comeYou gotta believe itHe will rescue youJust call out to the way, the truth, the lifeWhen you don"t know what to sayJust say JesusThere is power in the nameThe name of JesusIf the words won"t come cause you"re too afraid to prayThere is just one name, strong enough to saveThere is just one nameThere is just one nameJesusWhen you don"t know what to sayJust say JesusThere"s still power in the nameThe name of JesusIf the words won"t come cause you"re too afraid to prayIf the words won"t come and you don"t know what to sayJust say Jesus2023-08-04 07:10:081
Jesus, Walk With Me 歌词
歌曲名:Jesus,WalkWithMe歌手:Club8专辑:StockholmBelongsToUsJesus,WalkwithMe多谢啊C推荐呢首歌俾我听,真系好正啊。^_^WhenIwakeupinthemorningfeelthesunshineonmyfaceIgetupandI"myawningThereissomuchtimeIcanwasteCauseIneedthisGodfeedmewithyourloveAndtakemethroughthedayFoolmeintobelievingIdon"tcareifyourdeceivingmeIwouldn"twantitanyotherway‘CausethenI"donlystaythesameFoolmeintobelievingIdon"tcareifyourdeceivingmeWhenIwakeupinthedawningAndthedayisnotfarawayFindmywayinadarkroomThatmyeyesfailtoseethroughIfGodmademeWillJesussaveme?AndtakemethroughthedayFoolmeintobelievingIdon"tcareifyourdeceivingmeIwouldn"twantitanyotherway‘CausethenI"donlystaythesameFoolmeintobelievingIdon"tcareifyourdeceivingmeBeforeIgoIneedtobeSomethingmorethantheskinandbonesyousee‘CauseeverywhereIgoEverywhereI"vebeenAndeverywhereI"mgoingtoIonlygowithyouWrittenbyLincolnhttp://music.baidu.com/song/592630352023-08-04 07:10:251
Say Yes to Jesus 歌词
歌曲名:Say Yes to Jesus歌手:盛晓玫专辑:脚步Say Yes to Jesus词、曲、唱:盛晓玫靠着耶稣得胜利,常常高举主的名圣灵我要顺服祢,让祢作主掌王权I say yes yes,say yes to JesusYes yes, say yes to JesusNo no,say no to 黑暗权势黑暗权势不能近,得胜旌旗在我心圣灵我要顺服祢,让祢作主掌王权I say yes yes,say yes to JesusYes yes, say yes to JesusNo no,say no to 黑暗权势I say yes yes,say yes to JesusYes yes, say yes to JesusNo no,say no to 黑暗权势靠着耶稣得胜利,常常高举主的名圣灵我要顺服祢,让祢作主掌王权黑暗权势不能近,得胜旌旗在我心圣灵我要顺服祢,让祢作主掌王权I say yes yes,say yes to JesusYes yes, say yes to JesusNo no,say no to 黑暗权势I say yes yes,say yes to JesusYes yes, say yes to JesusNo no,say no to 黑暗权势Yes yes, say yes to JesusYes yes, say yes to JesusNo no,say no to 黑暗权势I say yes yes,say yes to JesusYes yes, say yes to JesusNo no,say no to 黑暗权势I say yes yes,say yes to JesusYes yes, say yes to JesusNo no,say no to 黑暗权势http://music.baidu.com/song/232323142023-08-04 07:10:321
Tis So Sweet (Church In The Wildwood Album Version) 歌词
歌曲名:Tis So Sweet (Church In The Wildwood Album Version)歌手:Mark Burchfield专辑:Church In The WildwoodHawk Nelson - "Tis So Sweet"Tis so sweet to trust in JesusJust to take Him at His WordJust to rest upon His promiseAnd to know "thus saith the Lord"You"re the shelter in the stormYou"re the dearest friend I knowOh, Light of the world, carry me homeOh, for grace to trust Him moreJesus, Jesus how I trust HimHow I proved Him o"er and o"erJesus, Jesus precious JesusOh, for grace to trust Him moreYes, "tis sweet to trust in JesusJust from sin and self to ceaseJust from Jesus simply takingLife and rest and joy and peacehttp://music.baidu.com/song/27189582023-08-04 07:10:381
I Believe in Jesus 歌词
歌曲名:I Believe in Jesus歌手:jeremy spencer专辑:jeremy spencer & the childrenI used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning of true loveIm leaning on the everlasting armsIf I can see it, then I can do itIf I just believe it, theres nothing to itI believe I can flyI believe I can touch the skyI think about it every night and daySpread my wings and fly awayI believe I can soarI see me running through that open doorI believe I can flyI believe I can flyI believe I can flySee I was on the verge of breaking downSometimes silence, it can seem so loudThere are miracles in life I must achievehttp://music.baidu.com/song/276409402023-08-04 07:10:451
Personal Jesus 歌词
歌曲名:Personal Jesus歌手:Marilyn Manson专辑:queer as folk soundtrack the final seasonPersonal JesusMarilyn MansonReach out the touch faithYou own personal JesusSome to hear your prayersSomeone who caresYou own personal JesusSome to hear your prayersSomeone who"s thereFeeling unknownAnd you"re all aloneFlesh and boneBy the telephoneLift up the receiverI"ll make you a believerTake second bestPut me to the testThings on your chestYou need to confessI will deliverYou know I"m a forgiverReach out the touch faithReach out the touch faithYou own personal JesusSome to hear your prayersSomeone who caresYou own personal JesusSome to hear your prayersSomeone who"s thereReach out the touch faithFeeling unknownAnd you"re all aloneFlesh and boneBy the telephoneLift up the receiverI"ll make you a believerI will deliverYou know I"m a forgiverReach out the touch faith(Personal Jesus)Reach out the touch faithReach out the touch faithReach out the touch faithhttp://music.baidu.com/song/286910872023-08-04 07:10:521
《圣经》知识是外语的门户。 我们一起来看看《圣经》里是如何用词的: 1. And a voice from heaven said,“This is my Son,whom I love;with him I am well pleased.” 从天上有声音说:「这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。」 e.g.(as)pleased as Punch:very pleased: She was as pleased as Punch about the news. 2. Man does not live on bread alone,but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.人活着,不是单靠食物,乃是靠上帝口里所出的一切话。 e.g. live on sth(FOOD):to only eat a particular type of food I more or less live on pasta. 3.“Come,follow me,”Jesus said,“and I will make you fishers of men.” 耶稣对他们说:「来跟从我,我要叫你们作得人的渔夫。」 e.g.Follower:someone who supports,admires or believes in a particular person,group or idea a follower of Jesus 4. Blessed are the poor in spirit,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.心灵贫穷的人有福了,因为天国是他们的。 e.g. poor:not good,being of a very low quality,quantity or standard: a poor harvest 5. In those days John the Baptist came,preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying,“Repent,for the kingdom of heaven is near.” 当那些日子,有施洗的约翰出来,在*的旷野传道,说:「天国近了,你们应当悔改。」 e.g. Marry in haste,repent at leisure. This means that if you marry someone without knowing them well,you will regret it later. 6. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand,and it gives light to everyone in the house.人点灯,不放在斗底下,是放在灯台上,就照亮一家的人。 e.g.be the light of sb‘s life:to be the person you love most My daughter is the light of my life. 7.You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness,how can it be made salty again? 你们是世上的盐,盐若失了味,怎能叫他再咸呢? e.g.be the salt of the earth:if someone is the salt of the earth,they are a very good and honest person His mother‘s the salt of the earth. She"d give you her last penny. 8. Blessed are the pure in heart,for they will see God.清心的人有福了,因为他们必得见上帝。 e.g.be as pure as the driven snow:to be morally good How dare he criticize me for having an affair?He‘s not exactly as pure as the driven snow himself. 9. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,for they will be filled.饥渴慕义的人有福了,因为他们必得饱足。 e.g.have had your fill of sth:if you have had your fill of an unpleasant situation,you will not accept it any longer People have had their fill of empty promises and want action. 10.Blessed are those who mourn,for they will be comforted.哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。 e.g.be too close for comfort:to make people worried or frightened by being too close in distance or too similar in amount Those lions were much too close for comfort. The party will have to work hard to improve its image - the last election result was too close for comfort. 11.Be careful not to do your“acts of righteousness”before men,to be seen by them. If you do,you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.你们要小心,不可将善事行在人的面前,故意叫他们看见;若是这样,就不能得你们天父的赏赐了。 e.g.reap the benefit/reward,etc.:to get the benefit,etc. that is the result of your own actions She studied every evening and reaped the benefit at exam time. 12. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good,and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.因为他叫日头升起照好人,也照歹人;降雨给义人,也给不义的人。 e.g.self-righteous:believing that your ideas and behaviour are morally better than those of other people He‘s so self-righteous - you"d think he‘d never done anything wrong in his life. 13.But I tell you:“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” 只是我告诉你们,要爱你们的仇敌;为那逼迫你们的祷告。 e.g.persecute:to treat someone unfairly or cruelly because of their race,religion,or beliefs(often passive)He was persecuted for his religious beliefs. 14.You have heard that it was said,“Eye for eye,and tooth for tooth.” 你们听见有话说:“以眼还眼,以牙还牙。” e.g.An eye for an eye(and a tooth for a tooth)。:something that you say which means if someone does something wrong,they should be punished by having the same thing done to them If you murder someone you deserve to die. An eye for an eye. 15. Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.莫想我来要废掉律法和先知,我来不是要废掉,乃是要成全。 e.g.abolish:to end an activity or custom officially: I think bullfighting should be abolished. 16.And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from the evil one.不领我们进入试探,救我们脱离凶恶(或作脱离恶者)。 e.g. necessary evil:something you do not like doing but which you know must be done,or something you do not like but which you must accept: I think he regards work as a necessary evil. 17. Forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors.免我们的债,我们照样也免人的债。 e.g.bad debt:a debt that is not likely to be paid: The bank expects to lose£703 million of last year‘s profits as a result of bad debts. 18. This,then,is how you should pray:“Our Father in heaven,hallowed be your name.” 所以你们祷告,要这样说:「我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。」 e.g. a hallowed ground 19. Do not be like them,for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.你们不可效法他们,因为你们没有祈求以先,你们所需用的,你们的父早已知道了。 e.g.be like a bull in a china shop:to often drop or break things because you move awkwardly or roughly Rob‘s like a bull in a china shop - don"t let him near those plants. 20.But when you give to the needy,do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.你施舍的时候,不要叫左手知道右手所作的。 e.g. almsgiving 21. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,and all these things will be given to you as well.你们要先求他的国和他的义;这些东西都要加给你们了。 e.g. seek out sb/sth or seek sb/sth out:to look for someone or something for a long time until you find them She tried to seek out her real mother when she discovered she was adopted. 22. For the pagans run after all these things,and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.这都是外邦人所求的﹔你们需用的这一切东西,你们的天父是知道的。 e.g. a man/woman after your own heart:if someone is a man or woman after your own heart,you admire them because they do or believe the same things as you He likes a good curry - a man after my own heart. 23. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? 你们哪一个能用思虑使寿数多加一刻呢? e.g. Don‘t worry your pretty little head.:used to tell someone not to worry: “What about all the work that needs doing in the kitchen?”“I‘ll sort that out - don"t worry your pretty little head about it!” 24. You cannot serve both God and Money.你们不能又事奉上帝,又事奉钱财。 e.g. serve sb right:if something bad that happens serves someone right,they deserve it It would serve you right if your children never spoke to you again. And she didn‘t get the promotion she"d hoped for,which served her right for being so smug. 25. For where your treasure is,there your heart will be also.因为你的财宝在哪里,你的心也在那里。 e.g. a treasure trove of sth a place that is full of something good: a treasure trove of information Though small,this museum is a veritable treasure trove of history. 26. So in everything,do to others what you would have them do to you,for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.所以无论何事,你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人,因为这就是律法和先知的道理。 27. Which of you,if his son asks for bread,will give him a stone? 你们中间,谁有儿子求饼,反给他石头呢? 28. For everyone who asks receives;he who seeks finds;and to him who knocks,the door will be opened.因为凡祈求的,就得着;寻找的,就寻见;叩门的,就给他开门。 29. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother‘s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 为甚么看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木呢? 30. Do not judge,or you too will be judged.你们不要论断人,免得你们被论断。 e.g. You can‘t judge a book by its cover.: something that you say which means you cannot judge the quality or character of someone or something just by looking at them She doesn‘t look very intelligent,but you can"t judge a book by its cover. 31. Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.所以,凡听见我这话就去行的,好比一个聪明人,把房子盖在盘石上。 eg. practice what you preach:to do what you advise other people to do I would have more respect for him if he practised what he preaches. 32. Not everyone who says to me,“Lord,Lord,”will enter the kingdom of heaven,but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.凡称呼我「主阿!主阿」的人,不能都进天国;惟独遵行我天父旨意的人才能进去。 e.g. Where there‘s a will there"s a way!: something that you say which means it is possible to do anything if you are very determined to do it I don‘t quite know how I"m going to get to Istanbul with no money,but where there‘s a will there"s a way! 33. Thus,by their fruit you will recognize them.所以凭着他们的果子就可以认出他们来。 34. Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep‘s clothing,but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.你们要防备假先知,他们到你们这里来,外面披着绵羊皮,里面却是残暴的狼。 35. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction,and many enter through it.你们要进窄门;因为引到灭亡—那门是宽的、路是大的,进去的人也多。 e.g.lead sb by the nose:to control someone and make them do exactly what you want them to do Cows are often led by a ring which has been put through their nose.“usually passive” They simply didn‘t know what they were doing and they were led by the nose by a manipulative government. 36. But Jesus told him,“Follow me,and let the dead bury their own dead.” 耶稣说:「任凭死人埋葬他们的死人,你跟从我吧!」 e.g.bury the hatchet:to forget about arguments and disagreements with someone and to become friends with them again It had been over a year since the incident and I thought it was time we buried the hatchet. 37. Jesus replied,“Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests,but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” 耶稣说:「狐狸有洞,天空的飞鸟有窝,人子却没有枕头的地方。」 e.g. lay sth at sb‘s door:to blame someone for something bad that has happened The blame for their deaths was laid firmly at the government"s door. 38. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:“He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases.” 这是要应验先知以赛亚的话,说:「他代替我们的软弱,担当我们的疾病。」 39. When Jesus heard this,he was astonished and said to those following him,“I tell you the truth,I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.耶稣听见就希奇,对跟从的人说:「我实在告诉你们:这么大的信心,就是在以色列中我也没有遇见过。」 40. Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.“I am willing,”he said.“Be clean!”Immediately he was cured of his leprosy.耶稣伸手摸他,说:「我肯,你洁净了吧!」他的大麻疯立刻就洁净了。 e.g. kill or cure:a way of solving a problem which will either fail completely or be very successful Having a baby can be kill or cure for a troubled marriage. 41. As Jesus went on from there,he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector‘s booth.耶稣从那里往前走,看见一个人名叫马太,坐在税关上。 e.g.a sin tax:a tax on things that are bad for you,like cigarettes and alcohol Politicians like a sin tax as it brings in lots of revenue and not too many complaints. 42. Then he said to the paralytic,“Get up,take your mat and go home.”And the man got up and went home.就对瘫子说:「起来!拿你的褥子回家去吧!」那人就起来,回家去了。 43. When Jesus saw their faith,he said to the paralytic,“Take heart,son;your sins are forgiven.” 耶稣见他们的信心,就对瘫子说:「小子,放心吧!你的罪赦了。」 44. The demons begged Jesus,“If you drive us out,send us into the herd of pigs.” 鬼就央求耶稣说:「若把我们赶出去,就打发我们进入猪群吧!」 e.g. beg the question:(formal)if something that someone says begs the question,it suggests that something is true which might in fact be false We‘re assuming,are we,that Anthony will still be in charge this time next year?That rather begs the question,doesn"t it? 45. Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves,and it was completely calm.于是起来,斥责风和海,风和海就大大的平静了。 e.g.rebuke:to speak angrily to someone because you disapprove of what they have said or done: I was rebuked by my manager for being late. as pleased as Punch十分开心,洋洋得意(as)proud as Punch神气十足,非常骄傲live on继续生活,以……为主食,靠……生活Marry in haste,repent at leisure 46. Jesus turned and saw her.“Take heart,daughter,”he said,“your faith has healed you.”And the woman was healed from that moment.耶稣转过来看见她,就说:「女儿!放心!你的信救了你。」从那时候,女人就痊愈了。 e.g.heal over:if a wound heals over,new skin grows over it 47. Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do,the skins will burst,the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined.也没有人把新酒装在旧皮袋里,若是这样,皮袋就裂开,酒漏出来,连皮袋也坏了。 e.g.the bubble bursts:a very happy or successful period of time suddenly ends The economy was booming,then the bubble burst with the stockmarket crash of October 1987.(usually in past tenses) 48. Jesus answered,“How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them?” 耶稣对他们说:「新郎和陪伴之人同在的时候,陪伴之人岂能哀恸呢?」 e.g.伴娘则为bridesmaid. 49. But go and learn what this means:“I desire mercy,not sacrifice.”For I have not come to call the righteous,but sinners.经上说:「我喜爱怜恤,不喜爱祭祀。」这句话的意思,你们且去揣摩。我来,本不是召义人,乃是召罪人。 e.g.make the ultimate/supreme sacrifice to die while fighting for a principle 50. On hearing this,Jesus said,“It is not the healthy who need a doctor,but the sick.” 耶稣听见,就说:「健康的人用不着医生;有病的人才用得着。」 这里几2023-08-04 07:10:591
oh my god 与 Jesus Christ 区别
oh my god可以用来表示惊讶、高兴、害怕等情绪。在英国,你可以注意到很多人,尤其是女性,会省掉god而用oh my ...原因是因为根据信仰His Holy Name是不能被随便提及的。同样的原因,对于有信仰的人来说,绝少用Jesus Christ来表达情绪。别人在有信仰的人面前也应该避免使用Jesus Christ这一类词,以免冒犯对方。Jesus Christ并非脏话,但显然属于禁忌语(taboo words)。相对而言,oh my god造成的不愉快情绪要小得多,大多数人对此并不感到特别offended。2023-08-04 07:11:171
In the name of God,in the name of Jesus Christ,In the name of FATHER,SON AND SPRITE ,I order you ba
以上帝之名,以天主之名,以圣父,圣子及圣神之名, 我命令你...2023-08-04 07:11:363
求Tom Waits-Chocolate Jesus歌词翻译
Don"t go to church on Sunday 不要在星期天去教堂Don"t get on my knees to pray 不要跪下来祈祷Don"t memorize the books of the Bible 不要记起圣经这本书I got my own special way 我走属于我的特别的路Bit I know Jesus loves me 耶稣只爱我一点Maybe just a little bit more 或许多一叮点I fall on my knees every Sunday 我每天都下跪At Zerelda Lee"s candy store 在Zerelda Lee的糖果店Well it"s got to be a chocolate Jesus 只有巧克力耶稣Make me feel good inside 能让我内心愉悦Got to be a chocolate Jesus 只有巧克力耶稣Keep me satisfied 能让我满足Well I don"t want no Anna Zabba 我不想要Anna ZabbaDon"t want no Almond Joy 我不想要Almond JoyThere ain"t nothing better 没有更好的Suitable for this boy 更适合这个男孩的了Well it"s the only thing That can pick me up那是唯一能让我振作的 Better than a cup of gold 比一杯金子更好See only a chocolate Jesus 只有巧克力耶稣Can satisfy my soul 能让我的灵魂不再空虚When the weather gets rough 当天气变坏And it"s whiskey in the shade 阴霾中有威士忌的味道It"s best to wrap your savior 最好把救世主包住Up in cellophane 用玻璃纸He flows like the big muddy 他像泥一样流动 But that"s ok 不过这没关系Pour him over ice cream 用冰淇淋泼他For a nice parfait Well it"s got to be a chocolate Jesus 只有巧克力耶稣Make me feel good inside 能让我内心愉悦Got to be a chocolate Jesus 只有巧克力耶稣Good enough for me 对我来说足够好Well it"s got to be a chocolate Jesus 只有巧克力耶稣Make me feel good inside 能让我内心愉悦Got to be a chocolate Jesus 只有巧克力耶稣Keep me satisfied 能让我满足2023-08-04 07:12:071
求Jesus, Take The Wheel 完整歌词 翻译
怪怪 你们是不是用谷歌金山翻译的啊?什么乱七八糟 驴唇不对马嘴的啊?2023-08-04 07:12:168
Jesus Christ 歌词
歌名:JESUS CHRIST歌手:HYDEJesus Christ, I believe youThe deepest trust, I won"t leave youThey call me crazy - but it won"t matterAnd death won"t change me - not everJesus Christ, I believe youThe deepest trust, I won"t leave youBut my child is fading, an innocentI hear no answer, I"m callingMy voice is reaching the skyI"d do anything to save this lifeTake me insteadAh, God give me deathJesus Christ, I believe youThey call me crazy - but it won"t matterAnd death won"t change me - not everhttp://music.baidu.com/song/34825852023-08-04 07:12:311
jesus of suburbia歌词及翻译?如题 谢谢了
Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia Lyrics -Jesus Of Suburbia- Part I: Jesus Of Suburbia 第一部:萨波比亚的耶稣 I"m the son of rage and love 我是愤怒和爱的儿子 The Jesus of Suburbia 萨波比亚的耶稣 The bible of none of the above 在上面从未记载过的圣经里 On a steady diet of我固定的进食 Soda Pop and Ritalin苏打水和立得宁 No one ever died for my从来没有人为我的 Sins in hell罪恶在地狱死去 As far as I can tell据我所知 At least the ones that I got away with 至少那些和我一起逃走的人 And there"s nothing wrong with me 而且我没怎么样我很好 This is how I"m supposed to be 我应该就是这样的 In a land of make believe 在制造信任却不相信我的国土里 That don"t believe in me Get my television fix 把我的电视修好 Sitting on my crucifix 坐在我的十字架上 The living room in my private womb 起居室我自己的家 While the Moms and Brads are away 当妈妈和情人们都不在 To fall in love and fall in debt 为了爱情为了赌债 To alcohol and cigarettes 为了酒精为了香烟 And Mary Jane 和玛丽珍(这里指漂亮女孩) To keep me insane 为了让我继续疯狂 Doing someone else"s cocaine 打别人的可卡因 And there"s nothing wrong with me 而且我没怎么样我很好 This is how I"m supposed to be 我就应该是这样的 In a land of make believe 在制造信赖的土地上 That don"t believe in me却不信任我 Part II: City of the Damned 第二部:被诅咒的城市 At the center of the earth 在地球中央 In the parking lot 在7-11的停车场里 Of the 7-11 were I was taught 我被教会了 The motto was just a lie 名言警句不过是谎言 It says home is where your heart is 它说你的心在你的家里 But what a shame 但多么耻辱啊 Cause everyone"s heart 因为每个人的心跳都不同 Doesn"t beat the same 都跳的不一样 It"s beating out of time 没有跟随时间而跳 City of the dead 死亡之城 At the end of another lost highway 在另一个迷失的高速尽头 Signs misleading to nowhere 误导人的马路标牌 City of the damned 诅咒之城 Lost children with dirty faces today 今天迷失的孩子和脏兮兮的小脸 No one really seems to care 似乎没人真正在乎 I read the graffiti 我阅读墙上涂鸦 In the bathroom stall 在小厕所里 Like the holy scriptures of a shopping mall 像是购物商场里的圣经 And so it seemed to confess 而且它好像在告解 It didn"t say much 没说很多 But it only confirmed that 但是证实了 The center of the earth 地球中央 Is the end of the world 是世界尽头 And I could really care less 我真的可以不在乎 City of the dead 死亡之城 At the end of another lost highway 在另一个迷失高速的尽头 Signs misleading to nowhere 误导的路牌 City of the damned 被诅咒的城市 Lost children with dirty faces today 有着脏兮兮面孔的迷失了的孩子们 No one really seems to care没有人真正的去理会 Part III: I don"t care 第三部:我不在乎 I don"t care if you don"t 如果你不在乎我就不在乎 I don"t care if you don"t 如果你不在乎我就不在乎 I don"t care if you don"t care (4x) 如果你不在乎我就不在乎 I don"t careeeeeee.....我不在乎。。。。。。。。 Everyone"s so full of shit 每个人都不怎么样 Born and raised by hypocrites 小人的后代又被他们养大 Hearts recycled but never saved 心被回收了但从未获救 From the cradle to the grave从摇篮到坟地 We are the kids of war and peace 我们是战争与和平下的孩子 From Anaheim to the Middle East 从阿那含木到中东 We are the stories and disciples of 我们是萨波比亚耶稣的信徒的故事 The Jesus of suburbia Land of make believe 制造信任的土地 And it don"t believe in me 却不信任我的地方 Land of make believe 制造信任的地方 And I don"t believe 我却不相信 And I don"t care! (5x) 而且我不在乎! Part IV: Dearly beloved 第四部:我最亲爱的 Dearly beloved are you listening? 最亲爱的你在听吗 I can"t remember a word that you were saying 你说的话我不记得一个字 Are we demented or am I disturbed? 是我们疯了还是我被打扰了? The space that"s in between insane and insecure 之间的距离是疯狂而不安全的 Oh therapy, can you please fill the void? 哦治疗啊,你能填补我的空虚吗 Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed 是我迟钝还是我太乐了 Nobody"s perfect and I stand accused 没有人完美而我是被指控的 For lack of a better word, and that"s my best excuse 只不过没说好话,那是我最好的辩词 Part V: Tales of another broken home 第五部:另一个破碎之家的故事 To live, and not to breathe 为了生活,不是为了仅仅呼吸 Is to die, in tragedy 就是为了去死,在悲剧里 To run, to run away 去跑,去远走高飞 To find, what you believe 去发现,你所相信的 And I leave behind 然后我扔下了 This hurricane of fucking lies 这谎言的狂风 I lost my faith to this 我失去了信仰 This town that don"t exist 对这个不存在的城市 So I run, I run away 所以我跑,我逃跑了 To the lights of masochists 向着受虐狂之光 And I, leave behind 我扔在后面了 This hurricane of fucking lies 这谎言的狂风 And I, walked this line 我走在这条线上 A million and one fucking times 一百万令一次 But not this time 但没有这次 I don"t feel any shame 我不感到耻辱 I wont apologize 我不会道歉 When there ain"t nowhere you can go 当你无处可去 Running away from pain 逃离痛苦的时候 When you"ve been victimized 当你是受害者 Tales from another broken home从支离破碎的家的故事 You"re leaving...你在离开 You"re leaving...你在离开 You"re leaving...你在离开 Are you leaving home? 你会离开家吗?2023-08-04 07:12:381
石头在哪?2023-08-04 07:12:543
my life is in you ,lord 和give me jesus 的歌词
把歌曲放千千静听里听,就会自动下载2023-08-04 07:13:012
求portugal. the man - modern jesus的歌词翻译
首先需要声明的一点是 对于任何歌曲的翻译 难免会带有主观色彩 因为毕竟翻译的人不是歌曲的创作者 有些时候的翻译甚至与原曲要表达的意思完全背道而驰 这是不可避免的 而且可能因为个人经历与世界观的不同 对原曲的理解大相径庭 甚至不能接受 所以下面的翻译仅供你来参考 而不是接受(这个要表达的意思与歌曲的意思很像)在这首歌曲的MV中 作者用他们的视角所见 为大家呈现了他们生活中的种种片段 用以描绘自己的观点(片段中所展现人物的残疾、战斗、欲望等,都用以表达作者对现代宗教伪神的批判) 全部从自己的经历出发 用自己所见 来陈述自己的观点 其中不乏难以让大部分人接受的对人文宗教的否定 但作者只是叙己所见以下是原文翻译Come on in进来吧Take a seat next to me坐在我的旁边You know we got你知道我们有We got what you need我们有你需要的We may be liars preaching to choirs我们可能是对唱诗班说教的谎言家But we can但是我们能We can sell your dreams我们能让你的梦想畅销You don"t need sympathy你们不需要同情They got a pill for everything他们让每一件事情都有一片药(我个人理解为大可不必如此的意思)Just take that dark cloud只是除去你心中乌云Ring it out to wash it down, but为你洗刷罪名,但是Don"t pray for us不要为我们祈祷We don"t need no modern Jesus我们不需要这些虚伪的现代宗教To roll with us去使我们摇摆不定The only rule we need is never我们唯一需要的规则就是永不Giving up放弃The only faith we have is faith in us我们所拥有的唯一信仰就是相信我们自己We"re the ones who start little fires我们是点燃星星之火的人Yet they burn out但总会有熊熊燃烧的一天But when they"re on the rise但是当他们燃烧起来的时候They can"t help but shine必然会散发光芒And when the wave approaches当波浪来袭Take our ashes to the ocean把我们的灰烬带向海洋Who cares if hell awaits?谁会在乎前方是否是地狱?We"re having drinks at heaven"s gate我们在天堂之门畅饮Don"t pray for us不需要为我们祷告We don"t need no modern Jesus我们不需要这些虚伪的现代宗教To roll with us去使我们摇摆不定The only rule we need is never我们唯一需要的规则就是永不Giving up放弃The only faith we have is faith in us我们所拥有的唯一信仰就是相信我们自己We know that we"re helpless我知道我们还是很无助的At least we always assume至少我们一直觉得如此But we don"t need to prove nothing to you但是我们不需要给你证明任何东西Let"s keep the cool我们就是这么酷You don"t need to feel blue你不需要感到悲伤"Cause we won"t sell you nothing因为我们不会卖给你任何东西You can"t use你也应用不了~Don"t pray for us不需要为我们祷告We don"t need no modern Jesus我们不需要这些虚伪的现代宗教To roll with us去使我们摇摆不定The only rule we need is never我唯一需要的规则就是永不Giving up放弃The only faith we have is faith in us我们所拥有的唯一信仰就是相信我们自己参考资料:http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107859458458/2023-08-04 07:13:081
The Jesus & Mary Chain的《Degenerate》 歌词
歌曲名:Degenerate歌手:The Jesus & Mary Chain专辑:MunkiDEGENERATECan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeWe can step it up, keep it up, lift it upWe can pick it up, get it up, do it rightWe can step it up, keep it up, lift it upWe can pick it up, get it up, do it rightMemories of yesterdayThere"s no place to hideW/Z high heel shoesWwarin" trip hop clothesShe"s comin" in a free styleTake you"re time don"t move to fastYa smile, Ya style, She"s so fineTryin" for so longAnd still don"t understandCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeW/Z her beautiful straight hairIn this world w/z no luckShe was a little bit too youngBut She"s dancin" better than anyoneI know this is somethin" newJust guide me throughEvery hour she fights the powerW/Z a dope hat playin" tricksShe plays game w/z no ruleCan"t control…Happenin" almost everytimeGoin" out to partiesW/Z a gay man on her sideCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeFeel so good inside andThere is no need to lieThe minute she blinked her eyesBad feeling will dieShe can"t even lookW/Z out being watchedBut it"s OK!It"s enough to satisfy her liftCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibe..........................http://music.baidu.com/song/107371922023-08-04 07:13:151
那叫摇滚?2023-08-04 07:14:1813
【 #圣诞节# 导语】时光如梦,又到一年圣诞时。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.关于圣诞节英语作文 I like Christmas, it is just like our Spring Festival. Maybe the Spring Festival is much more important and interesting than Christmas, but I like Christmas Day better. Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during Christmas. When it is snowy, Christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. I can imagine I am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. What a beautiful place! So we can also call Christmas “Snowy Lovely Day.” On Christmas Day, shops are red and green. There are so many Christmas cards, Christmas hats, Christmas dolls and many colourful things. So shops look very beautiful. We can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “Merry Christmas.” By the way, I think studying can also become much more interesting. Christmas is coming, it also means a new year will come. Let"s study harder to welcome the new year! 2.关于圣诞节英语作文 Christmas is also known as Christmas, translated as "Christ mass", western traditional festival, every year in December 25th. Mass is a kind of church service. Christmas is a religious festival, because regard it as to celebrate the birth of Jesus, named "christmas". Most of the Catholic Church will be first in the 24, Christmas Eve, i.e., the early morning of December 25 at midnight mass, and some Christian will be held caroling and on December 25 to celebrate Christmas; Christian another branch of Orthodox Christmas celebration in the annual January 7. 3.关于圣诞节英语作文 On the night of December 25th, my mother took me to the supermarket, and the supermarket door was in front of the people. There is a plastic Christmas tree in front of the supermarket, a tree covered with white and riotous with colour paper, cotton, there are a lot of shining stars like the bulb. That Santa wears sharp red hat, wearing red clothes, where to squirm, say hello to the people. Everyone has a good look, and no one wants to leave there. I asked my mother, what festival is it today? So busy, mother told me that this is the Christmas of the western countries, it is like the Spring Festival in our country. Western festivals are spread to our country, no wonder it is so busy today. 4.关于圣诞节英语作文 There are many festivals in a year. There are Chinese traditional festivals, which belong to our festival - childrens day, may, eleven, and other legal holidays. But what I like most is not the holidays, but Christmas. Christmas is a festival for all the Christian countries in the world to commemorate the birth of the Lord of the Lord. Although it is not valued by the Chinese, we can still see the changes that Christmas brings to life. First of all, some businesses began to sell Christmas products. Shops were full of Christmas related products: reindeer, Santa Claus toys! They became popular products and loved by consumers. Secondly, the school has also carried out a lot of Christmas activities, what to guess gifts, Christmas party, give people a strong holiday atmosphere. Christmas is coming in so slowly. 5.关于圣诞节英语作文 Christmas is the most important festival in the western world.It falls on December 25th.In the United States,Christmas is as important as the Spring Festival of China. Like the Spring Festival, Christmas is the time for family reunion.On that day,people who are far away on business hurry to return their home.They have a very luxurious meal,consisting of various food.After the family reunion dinner,they sit around the table and chat,just like what Chinese people do at the Spring Festival. Christmas is the time for exchanging presents.Generally,American take two weeks to prepare lots of Christmas presents to celebrate it.On this holiday,gifts are exchanged among friends and family members.In addition,children are likely to get some gifts attributed to Santa Claus. Christmas is the time for American to get away from their busy lives and have some fun.To celebrate the holiday,they decorate their Christmas trees,windows and gardens with colorful lights.When the lights shine brightly everywhere at night,it seems almost like daytime. Nowadays,Christmas culture has become a part of American culture, moreover,American Christmas traditions will be also still practiced.2023-08-04 07:14:431
sold out歌词
《Sold Out》歌词如下:I ain"t like no one you met beforeI"m running for the frontWhen they"re all running for the doorAnd I won"t sit down won"t back outYou can"t ever shut me upCause I"m on a missionAnd I won"t quit nowIn a world full of followersI"ll be a leaderIn a world full of doubtersI"ll be a believerI"m stepping out without a hesitationBecause the battle"s already been wonI"m sold outI"m no longer livingJust for myselfRunning after JesusWith my whole heartAnd now I"m ready to showI am sold outI"m sold outWith every singleStep that I take nowWith every drop of bloodLeft in my veinsI"m gonna be making it countI am sold outThis ain"t just some temporary phaseYou can"t face this kind of graceAnd leave the way you cameThis is permanent with intentAnd there won"t be no stopping it nowI"m on a mission and it"s heaven sentIn a world full of followersI"ll be a leaderIn a world full of doubtersI"ll be a believerI"m stepping out without a hesitationCause my soul is like a stadiumI"m sold outI"m no longer livingJust for myselfRunning after JesusWith my whole heartAnd now I"m ready to shoutI am sold outI"m sold outWith every singleStep that I take nowWith every drop of bloodLeft in my veinsI"m gonna be making it countI am sold outNo trials coming against meCould put a dent in my passionThey"re just an opportunityTo put my faith into actionIn a world full of followersI"ll be a leaderIn a world full of doubtersI"ll be a believerI"m stepping out without a hesitationI ain"t got nothing left to be afraid ofI"m sold outI"m no longer livingJust for myselfRunning after JesusWith my whole heartAnd now I"m ready to showI am sold outI"m sold outWith every singleStep that I take nowWith every drop of bloodLeft in my veinsI"m gonna be making it countI am sold out《Sold Out》歌曲赏析《Sold Out》是由Hawk Nelson演唱的一首歌曲,收录在2015年3月17日发行的专辑《Diamonds》中。歌曲的歌词深刻表达了基督徒的生命和信仰,以及他们对上帝的奉献和承诺。歌曲的节奏明快,旋律激昂,充满了活力和热情。歌词中表达了基督徒的决心和信念,他们愿意为上帝而奋斗,愿意把自己的生命献给他。歌曲表达了基督徒对上帝的忠诚和信仰,以及对生命的珍惜和奉献。《Sold Out》是一首非常优秀的歌曲,它不仅在音乐上有很高的水准,同时在歌词上也充满了启示和鼓励。这首歌曲可以激励人们去追求自己的梦想,去为信仰而奋斗,去珍惜生命并奉献自己给上帝。2023-08-04 07:14:501
跪求George Michael的《Jesus to a child》歌词~
Jesus To A ChildKindness in your eyesI guess you heard me cryYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childI"m blessed, I knowHeaven sent and heaven stoleYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childAnd what have I learnedFrom all this pain?I thought I"d never feel the sameAbout anyoneOr anything againBut now I knowWhen you find loveWhen you know that it existsThen the lover that you missWill come to youOn those cold, cold nightsWhen you"ve been lovedWhen you know it holds such blissThen the lover that you kissedWill comfort youWhen there"s no hope in sightSadness in your eyesNo one guessed, or no one triedYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childLoveless and coldWith your last breath you saved my soulYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childAnd what have I learned>From all theseI"ve waited for you all those yearsAnd just when it beganHe took your love awayBut I still sayWhen you find loveWhen you know that it existsThen the lover that you missWill come to youOn those cold, cold nightsWhen you"ve been lovedWhen you know it holds such blissThen the lover that you kissedWill comfort youWhen there"s no hope in sightSo the words you could not sayI"ll sing them for youAnd the love we would have madeI"ll make it for twoFor every single memoryHas become a part of meYou will always beMy loveWell, I"ve been lovedSo I know just what love isAnd the lover that I kissedIs always by my sideOh the lover I still missWas Jesus to a child中文加英语:Kindness in your eyes你眼中闪现着温柔I guess you heard me cry我想你听到了我哭泣You smiled at me你对我微笑Like Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子I"m blessed, I know我知道我受到保佑Heaven sent and heaven stole天堂来去You smiled at me你对我微笑Like Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子And what have I learned从所有所有的伤痛From all this pain?我所感受到的I thought I"d never feel the same我想我不会从任何人About anyone任何事Or anything again中再次感受到But now I know现在我知道了When you find love当你找到爱When you know that it exists当你知道爱人的存在Then the lover that you miss你思念的爱人将会Will come to you在这冷冷的夜晚On those cold, cold nights回到你身边When you"ve been loved当你坠入爱河When you know it holds such bliss当你知道这意味着无限幸福Then the lover that you kissed你吻着的爱人Will comfort you在你无望的时候When there"s no hope in sight带给你慰籍Sadness in your eyes伤痛在你眼中No one guessed, or no one tried没人知道也没人探问You smiled at me你对我微笑Like Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子Loveless and cold冷漠而没有爱意With your last breath you saved my soul随你最后一丝呼吸的消逝你拯救了我灵魂You smiled at me你对我微笑Like Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子And what have I learned从所有这些眼泪中From all these tears我所学到的I"ve waited for you all those years我这许多年来一直在等你And just when it began当一切开始的时候He took your love away他带走了你的爱But I still say但我依然要说When you find loveWhen you know that it existsThen the lover that you missWill come to youOn those cold, cold nightsWhen you"ve been lovedWhen you know it holds such blissThen the lover that you kissedWill comfort youWhen there"s no hope in sightSo the words you could not say你说不出口的话I"ll sing them for you我将为你唱出And the love we would have made我们所应有而未有的爱I"ll make it for two我将为两人准备For every single memory因为每一份记忆Has become a part of me都已成为我的一部分You will always beMy love你将永远是......我的爱Well, I"ve been loved我坠入爱河So I know just what love is我懂得了爱的真谛And the lover that I kissed我所亲吻的爱人Is always by my side永在我身旁Oh the lover I still miss哦......我思念的爱人Was Jesus to a child就像耶稣对一个孩子2023-08-04 07:15:051
这是圣诗《宝架清影》的第一句,原文是:Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand中文翻译做:在主宝架清影中,欢然立定脚跟英文全文如下:1.Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand, the shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land; a home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way, from the burning of the noontide heat, and the burden of the day. 2.Upon that cross of Jesus mine eye at times can see the very dying form of One who suffered there for me; and from my stricken heart with tears two wonders I confess: the wonders of redeeming love and my unworthiness. 3. I take, O cross, thy shadow for my abiding place; I ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of his face; content to let the world go by, to know no gain nor loss, my sinful self my only shame, my glory all the cross. 中文译文如下:在主宝架清影中,欢然立定脚跟好像盛暑远行辛苦,投进磐石荫影又像旷野欣逢居处,长途喜见凉亭到此得息肩头重负,养力奔赴前程。 神圣庄严的十架,我常抬头仰望双眼如见宝血流下,为我舍身景象热泪满眶寸心将裂,仔细反覆思量思量我本不配蒙恩,思量主爱非常。 愿在宝架清影中,事主爱人行道我不寻求旭日光华,因有慈光引照世界虚荣无可贪图,得失无关重要但将罪恶看为羞辱,宝架看为荣耀。2023-08-04 07:15:121
一代骄马 电影中最后那首歌,就是歌词有when jesus in the war的,叫什么名字?
一代骄马片尾曲《It"s Who You Are》(演唱:Amanda Mi)2023-08-04 07:15:192
Jesus To A Child 歌词
歌曲名:Jesus To A Child歌手:Free The Spirit专辑:Pan Pipe Love MoodsJesus To a ChildWritten by George MichaelArranged by George MichaelAcoustic guitar:Hugh BurnsAll other instruments:George MichaelFrom the album:Older(1996)Kindness in your eyesI guess you heard me cryYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childI"m blessed, I knowHeaven sent and heaven stoleAnd what have I learnedFrom all this pain?I thought I"d never feel the sameAbout anyoneor anything againBut now I knowWhen you find loveWhen you know that it existsThen the lover that you missWill come to youOn those cold,cold nightsWhen you"ve been lovedWhen you know it holds such blissThen the lover that you kissedWill comfort youWhen there"s no hope in sightSadness in my eyesNo one guessed,or no one triedLoveless and coldWith your last breath you saved my soulAnd what have I learnedFrom all these tearsI"ve waited for you all those yearsThen just when it beganHe took your love awayBut I still saySo the words you could not sayI"ll sing them for youAnd the love we would have madeI"ll make it for twoFor every single memoryHas become a part of meYou will always beMy loveWell,I"ve been lovedso I know just what love isAnd the love that I kissedIs always by my sideOh the lover I still missWas Jesus to a childThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/75529212023-08-04 07:15:321
I am not here中文歌词
我不在这儿2023-08-04 07:15:402
Jesus To A Child 歌词
歌曲名:Jesus To A Child歌手:George Michael专辑:Ladies & GentlemenJesus To a ChildWritten by George MichaelArranged by George MichaelAcoustic guitar:Hugh BurnsAll other instruments:George MichaelFrom the album:Older(1996)Kindness in your eyesI guess you heard me cryYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childI"m blessed, I knowHeaven sent and heaven stoleAnd what have I learnedFrom all this pain?I thought I"d never feel the sameAbout anyoneor anything againBut now I knowWhen you find loveWhen you know that it existsThen the lover that you missWill come to youOn those cold,cold nightsWhen you"ve been lovedWhen you know it holds such blissThen the lover that you kissedWill comfort youWhen there"s no hope in sightSadness in my eyesNo one guessed,or no one triedLoveless and coldWith your last breath you saved my soulAnd what have I learnedFrom all these tearsI"ve waited for you all those yearsThen just when it beganHe took your love awayBut I still saySo the words you could not sayI"ll sing them for youAnd the love we would have madeI"ll make it for twoFor every single memoryHas become a part of meYou will always beMy loveWell,I"ve been lovedso I know just what love isAnd the love that I kissedIs always by my sideOh the lover I still missWas Jesus to a childThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/72929622023-08-04 07:15:461
Jesus To A Child 歌词
歌曲名:Jesus To A Child歌手:George Michael专辑:Jesus To A ChildJesus To a ChildWritten by George MichaelArranged by George MichaelAcoustic guitar:Hugh BurnsAll other instruments:George MichaelFrom the album:Older(1996)Kindness in your eyesI guess you heard me cryYou smiled at meLike Jesus to a childI"m blessed, I knowHeaven sent and heaven stoleAnd what have I learnedFrom all this pain?I thought I"d never feel the sameAbout anyoneor anything againBut now I knowWhen you find loveWhen you know that it existsThen the lover that you missWill come to youOn those cold,cold nightsWhen you"ve been lovedWhen you know it holds such blissThen the lover that you kissedWill comfort youWhen there"s no hope in sightSadness in my eyesNo one guessed,or no one triedLoveless and coldWith your last breath you saved my soulAnd what have I learnedFrom all these tearsI"ve waited for you all those yearsThen just when it beganHe took your love awayBut I still saySo the words you could not sayI"ll sing them for youAnd the love we would have madeI"ll make it for twoFor every single memoryHas become a part of meYou will always beMy loveWell,I"ve been lovedso I know just what love isAnd the love that I kissedIs always by my sideOh the lover I still missWas Jesus to a childThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13196202023-08-04 07:16:041
jesus christ什么意思
Jesus Christ[英][u02c8du0292i:zu0259s kraist][美][u02c8du0292izu0259s krau026ast]n.耶稣,耶稣基督,基督; 例句:1.Jesus christ is god"s christmas gift to you. 耶稣基督是上帝送给你的圣诞礼物。2.Publicly compare the beatles to jesus christ? 公开把披头士和耶稣基督相提并论?2023-08-04 07:16:131
抖音上听到的一首英文歌,男声唱的,有句歌词是I am solo(soda)还是什么的没太听清,挺嗨的
Hawk Nelson - Sold Out2023-08-04 07:16:213
找一首英文歌 , 男人唱的, 只记得一句 what can i do to be her
don"t come any closer - kelly2023-08-04 07:16:294
Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say) 歌词
I only want to say If there is a wayTake this cup away from meFor I don"t want to taste its poisonI have changed, I"m not as sureAs when we startedThen I was inspired Now I"m sad and tiredListen, Surely I"ve exceeded ExpectationsTried for three yearsSeems like thirtyCould you ask as muchFrom any other man?But if I dieSee the saga through And do the things you ask of meLet them hate me, hit me, hurt meNail me to their treeI"d want to know, I"d want to know, my GodI"d want to know, I"d want to know, my GodI"d want to see, I"d want to see, my GodWhy I should die?Would I be more noticed than I ever was before?Would the things I"ve said and doneMatter anymore?I"d have to know, I"d have to know, my LordI"d have to know, I"d have to know, my LordI"d have to see, I"d have to see, my LordI"d have to know, I"d have to know, my LordIf I die, what would be my reward?If I die, what would be my reward?I"d have to know, I"d have to know, my LordI"d have to know, I"d have to know, my LordWhy should I die?Can you show me nowThat I would not be killed in vainShow me just a little Of your omnipresent brainShow me there"s a reasonFor your wanting me to dieYou"re far too keen on where and howBut not so hot on whyAlright I"ll dieJust watch me dieSee how I die!See how I die!Then I was inspiredNow I"m sad and tiredAfter all I"ve tried for three yearsSeems like ninetyWhy them am I scaredTo finish what I startedWhat you startedI didn"t start itGod thy will is hardBut you hold every cardI will drink your cup of poisonNail me to your cross and break me Bleed me, beat me, Kill me, take me nowBefore I changed my mindNow Before I changed my mind2023-08-04 07:16:362
Jesus of suburbia的MV里 J.O.S和他母亲的对话译成中文什么意思?
what"s the matter with you? 你有什么毛病?your face 你的脸well,well it must be easy sit a higher MXX the king of the shit mountain(这句没太听懂,可能不太对)shit mountain is that built this fucking place, it"s disgusting us that we are in, you are the sickest part of it is 这里让我恶心,你是最恶心的you come here every god dammed morning and you give me the same sick look.每个该死的早晨你到这然后用同样恶心的表情看我what look that like 什么样的表情you look me like i"m a loser你看我想一个失败者Ohyou sit there with these fucking XX lottery tickets, you think maybe maybe tomorrow all gonna change, you never get the fucking......你坐在那,手里拿着彩票,心里想着可能明天所有都会改变,.............easy, are you done? who give you the right to start the shit. what are you? Jesus nailed to that couch suffering for my sins and i"m the loser? that makes you son of a loser, you fucking moron.淡定,你说完了么?谁给你权利开始这些胡话。你是什么?蜷缩在沙发上受我罪的耶稣?而我是个失败者?那你就是失败者的儿子,你这白痴。2023-08-04 07:16:421
圣经歌曲啊,我帮你找找2023-08-04 07:16:513
jesus loves you 歌词
歌曲名:jesus loves you歌手:Brian Littrell专辑:welcome homeBaylee: I wanna hear Jesus Love You Daddy.1, 2, 3, go!All my life I"ve heard him sayJesus loves youAnd dropped down on my knees to prayJesus loves youI asked him to come into meJesus loves youThrough him he gives eternityJesus loves youYes he does,Jesus loves youYes he does,Jesus loves youYes he does, for the Bible tells us soYou need to look inside yourselfJesus loves youYou can"t take with you all your wealthJesus loves youHe will give to you an inner strengthJesus loves youWalked on water but you will singJesus loves youYes he doesJesus loves youSay yes he doesJesus loves youYes he does, for the Bible tells us soJesus loves youSay yeah yeah yeahJesus loves youYes he doesJesus loves youYes he doesJesus loves youYes he doesJesus loves youJesus loves youJesus loves youFor the Bible tells us soSay he"s the one that died for meJesus loves youAnd that"s the reason why I believeJesus loves youAnd he has done the same for youJesus loves youSo won"t you see what he can doJesus loves youYes he doesJesus loves youYes he doesJesus loves youYes he doesFor the bible tells us soCome on Jesus loves youYes he doesJesus loves youSay every dayJesus loves youOh Jesus loves youYes he doesJesus loves youJesus loves youYes he doesOh Jesus loves youJesus loves youJesus loves youOh Jesus loves you(for the Bible tells us)You listen to me worldJesus loves youOh Jesus loves youJesus loves youOh, for the Bible tells us soBaylee: That was fabulous daddy!I gotta go, I love you daddy and mommy.Jesus Loves You - Brian Littrellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12879632023-08-04 07:16:571
耶稣爱我2023-08-04 07:17:062
Personal Jesus (The Stargate Mix) 歌词
歌曲名:Personal Jesus (The Stargate Mix)歌手:Depeche Mode专辑:Personal Jesus 2011Reach out the touch faithYou own personal JesusSome to hear your prayersSomeone who caresYou own personal JesusSome to hear your prayersSomeone who"s thereFeeling unknownAnd you"re all aloneFlesh and boneBy the telephoneLift up the receiverI"ll make you a believerTake second bestPut me to the testThings on your chestYou need to confessI will deliverYou know I"m a forgiverReach out the touch faithReach out the touch faithYou own personal JesusSome to hear your prayersSomeone who caresYou own personal JesusSome to hear your prayersSomeone who"s thereFeeling unknownAnd you"re all aloneFlesh and boneBy the telephoneLift up the receiverI"ll make you a believerI will deliverYou know I"m a forgiverReach out the touch faithYou own personal JesusReach out the touch faithReach out the touch faithhttp://music.baidu.com/song/139750742023-08-04 07:17:121
(1)比喻人人讨厌、受人谴责的人。 ( 过街鼠 )(2)比喻任劳任怨、埋头苦干的人。 ( 老黄牛 )(3)比喻外表善良,实际心狠手辣的人。 ( 笑面虎 )(4)比喻温顺善良、非常可爱的人。 ( 小白兔 )(5)比喻善于变化和伪装的人。 ( 变色龙 )(6)比喻在当地称王称霸、胡作非为的人。 ( 地头蛇 )(7)比喻德才兼备、大有作为的人。 ( 千里马 )(8)比喻代人受过、替人担罪的人。 ( 替罪羊 )(9)比喻随机应变、活泼好动的人。 ( 小猢狲 ) (10)比喻非常小气、一毛不拔的人。 ( 铁公鸡 ) (l l)比喻没有骨气、摇尾乞怜的人。 ( 哈巴狗 ) (12)比喻好吃懒做的人。 ( 大懒猪 )2023-08-04 07:08:441