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2023-08-04 11:15:17
TAG: 英语




因此太重应该表示为much heavy

也有副词修饰副词的形状,比如too much


too much heavy to carry



too much heavy to carry,这个对。不过通常省略much,仅以too heavy to carry,就能够充分表达意思和语气

一.按要求写单词 1.heavy副词 2.rain形容词 3.too同义词 4.happily形容词 5.afraid反义词

2023-08-04 01:42:091

一.按要求写单词 1.heavy副词 2.rain形容词 3.too同义词 4.happily形容词 5.afraid反义词

2023-08-04 01:42:201

It was rainning heavy 还是heavily. heavy也是副词呀.

heavy是副词没错,但要看它作为副词时修饰的是什么.heavy是不能修饰“雨很大”这样的意思的. heavy主要表示重量方面,heavily主要表示程度很重这一方面.
2023-08-04 01:42:391

heavy和heavily 的用法? 谢谢

heavy 形容词,可以后跟名词,如:a heavy desk.前一般跟系动词,如:It is a heavy rain. heavily 副词,修饰动词或全句,如:It rained heavily last night.
2023-08-04 01:42:481

Heavy heavily的用法的区别

第一个是形容词.This bag is so heavy.这个袋子很重第二个是副词.It rains heavily
2023-08-04 01:42:563


2023-08-04 01:43:053

weigh heavily是什么意思

2023-08-04 01:43:321

too heavy 这是什么结构(语法)

2023-08-04 01:43:455


2023-08-04 01:44:034

heavy 把形容词变成副词

2023-08-04 01:44:113


2023-08-04 01:44:191

It was rainning heavy 还是heavily.

答案 heavilyheavy虽然也是副词 但它的意思是指物体体重很重要么It was rainning hard也可以
2023-08-04 01:44:263

有没有snow hard?

2023-08-04 01:44:357


being answeredbeing washedheavily是副词,没有ing形式的。还是你没说明白??
2023-08-04 01:44:504


选D 第一个回答者回答得非常详细。
2023-08-04 01:45:215


2023-08-04 01:45:381

关于副词的 用适当形式填空 帮忙啊 也请帮忙讲解一下 速来 感谢感谢

2023-08-04 01:45:452

关于副词的 用适当形式填空 帮忙啊 也请帮忙讲解一下 速来 感谢感谢

2023-08-04 01:46:158

how heavy it rained

答案:heavily 联系语境,观察句子,可知前句是由how引导的感叹句,how后应该跟形容词或副词;结合提示词heavy为形容词,意为"重的,猛烈的",根据所修饰的词 rained 为动词,所以此处应用heavy的副词heavily来修饰,形容雨下的很大.故填:heavily
2023-08-04 01:46:291


heavily. heavy是形容词,前置,heavy rain ,大雨 heavily是副词,后置 raining heavily,表雨下的大
2023-08-04 01:46:371


2023-08-04 01:46:452

英语中形容雨大用hard heavy 的情况请解释一下

quite是副词1、可以修饰形容词副词原型,还有动词 只有quite能修饰动词,翻译成“很。颇。非常”如:quite like watching volleyball games. 2、quite也可以修饰比较程度,此时后面跟形容词或副词的比较级。注意是比较级,不是原形。如:Monkeys are quite lighter than elephants3、quite a few 很多4,quite a=a veryso是副词,翻译成“如此的,这么的”1、它可以修饰形容词或副词的原型, 如 so pretty 2、能和that连用 比如so……that……(翻译成如此……以至于……) 或……so that……(作用相当于that,连词。意思是 所以 以至于),so后面也是跟形容词或副词的原型。如:He is so careless that he failed in the exam。如:She bought a espensive dress so that she has not any money now。3、so……as 和什么一样,用于否定句,so后也跟形容词或副词的原型如:He didn"t do so (as)well as me
2023-08-04 01:47:142


雨下的很大"翻译成英语,分别用上heavy和heavily来修饰heavy形容其后跟名词heavily 副词修饰动词如It is a heavy Rain .It rains heavily
2023-08-04 01:47:252


2023-08-04 01:47:388

英语问题 下大雨是说rain(v.) heavily 那下大雨则是rain ....??速求

rain dogs and cats俚语,倾盆大雨
2023-08-04 01:47:552

snow hard是什么汉语意思

2023-08-04 01:48:063


2023-08-04 01:48:162

living in和living on有什么不同

live in, 是住在...里面(学校里,城镇里,房子里...)live on 是在...上面居住(生活), 以...为生看具体释义和例句,能很明显区分开。live in1. 住在学习(或工作)的地方;住校;(佣工)住在雇主家里;(店员)住在店里:He hopes to live in although his home is not far from the college.尽管他家离学校不远,他仍希望住校。These workers decided to live in.这些工人决定寄宿。2. 住在里面:This room doesn"t seem to be lived in.这个房间似乎没人住在里面。live on1. 居住于…上:He lives on a lonely island. 他住在一座孤岛上。We live on land. 我们在土地上生活。2. 继续活着;继续存在:His father-in-law lives on despite the car accident. 尽管出了车祸,他的岳父仍然活下来。3. 靠…生活,以…维持生命[亦作live upon]:He still lived on his parents after graduation. 毕业之后他仍然靠父母生活。4. 以…为主食;以…为规定的饮食[亦作live upon]:A panda lives on bamboo leaves. 熊猫以吃竹叶为生。
2023-08-04 01:46:001

求一首歌名~we are living in america

love in america 进酷狗下载
2023-08-04 01:46:083

We enjoy living in China 在该句中是做"状语"吗? 用来修饰全句的吗???

WE 主语 enjoy 谓语 living in china 宾语 in china 宾补/状语 (修饰LIVING)
2023-08-04 01:46:284

We are living in an age ________ many new things appear every day.

<div> D <div> 试题分析:考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是an age,定语从句是一个被动语态,句子结构很完整。故使用关系副词,故D正确。句意:我们生活在一个很多事情都是由计算机完成的年代里。故D正确。点评:定语从句的关键是分析句子成分,如果定语从句的句子成分很完整就使用关系副词;如果句子缺少主语,宾语,表语或者定语的时候就使用关系代词。同时也要注意一些关系词的特殊用法,如whose,that,which等。Whose是关系词中唯一的一个可以放在名词前面做定语的关系代词。要特别注意which引导非限制性短语从句的用法。
2023-08-04 01:46:341


2023-08-04 01:46:435

英语翻译We are now living in an intonation age,in which TV,cells?

我们如今生活在一个(声音多样)的时代,一个电视,手机,网络广泛运用的时代.(在这个时代中),似乎很多人离开这些高科技产品就不能享受生活.然而,如果不的不放弃放弃他们其中之一,我将要{此处would是虚拟语气}关掉电...,6,如今,我们生活在一个语音抑扬的时代,电视,手机和网页广泛的使用。好像很多人离开了它们都无法享受生活。 然而,如果我们必须放弃其中之一的话,我宁愿关掉电视,而不是关掉手机或者断开网络。我可以不需要电视而生活,因为几乎没有是我的爱好,而且还有很多的商业节目是有效的。 至于手机和网页,它们对我很有必要,我需要手机来和我的朋友,家人保持通信。还有很多的信息可以在网络上得到。。。...,2,英语翻译 We are now living in an intonation age,in which TV,cells and the Web are widely used.It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them. However,if I had to give up one of them,I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the internet.I could do without TV because few shows my fancy,and there are too many mercial programs on TV are also available. As for cells and the Web,they are more necessary to me.I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family.And almost all information can be gathered on the Internet..
2023-08-04 01:46:501


alive和living的区别:中文含义不同、用法不同。alive作为形容词,含义为“活着的”、“情绪饱满”、“有活力”、“意识到”、“继续存在”,放在to be及其它连系动词之后作表语用。living可作名词、动词和形容词,含义为“在使用的”、“活的”、“收入”、“居住”,可放在它所修饰的名词之前。例句:1、We don"t know whether he"s alive or dead。我们不知道他是死是活。2、Ed was alive with happiness。埃德高兴得眉飞色舞。3、The pool was alive with goldfish。池塘里满是游来游去的金鱼。4、She does not know if he is alive or dead。她不知道他是生是死。5、That is, after all, the primary reason we live — to be of service to others。别忘了,那是我们活着的主要原因——帮助他人。6、In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live。尽管如此遭遇,他从未丧失活下去的意志。
2023-08-04 01:46:571

We are living in an age( )many things are…

Wearelivinginanage(that)manythingsaredoneonecomputer. that[连接词]引导副词子句,表示目的或结果.
2023-08-04 01:47:222

We are living in an age _______ many things can be done on computers and the Internet. A.whi..

D? 本题考查定语从句。when引导定语从句修饰先行词an age,when在从句中作时间状语。句意为“我们生活在一个可以在电脑和互联网上做许多事情的时代”。
2023-08-04 01:47:311

在线等答:We are now living in an information age,in which……

2023-08-04 01:47:514


2023-08-04 01:48:018


2023-08-04 01:48:281

We are living in an age ─── many things are done on computer

D。句子后面的从句少了时间状语,所以引导词用的是when,后面的句子完整的话就是Many things are done on computers in the age
2023-08-04 01:45:531

we are live in china搭配对吗

2023-08-04 01:45:461

Superchick的《We Live》 歌词

歌曲名:We Live歌手:Superchick专辑:WOW Hits 2007There"s a cross on the side of the roadWhere a mother lost her sonHow could she know that the morning he leftWould be the last time she"d trade with him for a little more time(so she could say she loved him one last time)And hold him tightBut with life we never know when we"re coming up to the end of the roadSo what do we do thenWith tragedy around the bendWe live, we love, we forgive and never give upCuz the days we are given are gifts from aboveAnd today we remember to live and to loveWe live, we love, we forgive and never give upCuz the days we are given are gifts from aboveAnd today we remember to live and to loveThere"s a man who waits for the tests toSee if the cancer had spread yetAnd now he asks why did I wait to live "til it was time to dieIf I could have the time back, how I"d liveLife is such a giftSo how does the story end?Well, this is your story and it all dependsSo don"t let it become trueGet out and do what we were meant to doWe live, we love, we forgive and never give upCuz the days we are given are gifts from aboveAnd today we remember to live and to loveWe live, we love, we forgive and never give upCuz the days we are given are gifts from aboveAnd today we remember to live and to loveWaking up to another dark morningPeople are mourningThe weather in life outside is stormingBut what would it take for the clouds to breakFor us to realize each dayIs a gift somehow, somewayAnd get our heads up out of this darknessAnd spark this new mindset and start on with life cuz it ain"t gone yetAnd tragedy"s a reminder to take off the blinders and wake up(to live the life)We"re supposed to take up(moving forward)With all our heads upCuz life is worth livingWe live, we love, we forgive and never give upCuz the days we are given are gifts from aboveAnd today we remember to live and to loveWe live, we love, we forgive and never give upCuz the days we are given are gifts from aboveAnd today we remember to live and to loveWe live, we love, we forgive and never give upCuz the days we are given are gifts from aboveAnd today we remember to live and to loveWe live, we love, we forgive and never give upCuz the days we are given are gifts from aboveAnd today we remember to live and to lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2232131
2023-08-04 01:45:391


你先选中所有的文件夹,右键“添加到压缩文件”,打开对话框后,在“压缩分卷大小”中输入每个压缩文件大小,这样就可以了 这里有打包和还原的方法 (1)右击需要分卷压缩的文件或者是文件夹,在弹出的菜单中选择“添加到压缩包”选项。 (2)在弹出的设置窗口中,我们可以在“压缩包名称”对话框中确定文件存放的路径和名称,这时就可以将分卷压缩之后的文件存放在硬盘中的任何一个文件夹中。同时在“压缩方式”下拉列表中选择采用何种方式进行压缩,建议大家采用“最好”方式,这样能够让WinRAR最大程度的压缩文件。 此外,下部的压缩卷大小对话框可以设置每一个压缩包的个头大小。其中WinRAR默认的是1.44M软盘模式,不过你也可以定义压缩包大小,比如将其改变为1,024,000字节或者是由系统自动检测,这样当某一张软盘中已经存有文件的时候,WinRAR能够根据可用的磁盘空间来自动调整压缩包的大小。 (3)根据实际需要选择存档选项,比如能够直接将文件保存为自解压方式的EXE文件、设置身份验证信息、压缩完毕后删除原先的文件等等。 这样我们就可以得到以定义好的文件名为前缀,rar、r01、r02…之类为后缀名的文件,将它们复制到软盘中就可以了。至于合并这些文件也非常简单,只要将所有的分卷压缩文件复制到一个文件夹中,然后右击*.rar的文件,并选择“解压缩文件”命令即可。由于这种合并方式并不要求按照一定的次序插入软盘,所以即使软盘次序颠倒了也不会有任何影响。
2023-08-04 01:45:343

求What for 演唱者Aisha 的歌词

Aisha – What For?I"ve asked my angels whyBut they don"t knowWhat for do mothers cry and rivers flow?Why are the skies so blue, and mountains high?What for is your love, always passing by?I"ve asked my uncle JoeBut he can"t speakWhy does the wind still blow and blood still leaks?So many questions now with no replyWhat for do people live until they die?What for are we living?What for are we crying?What for are we dying?Only Mr God knows whyWhat for are we living?What for are we dreaming?What for are we losing?Only Mr God knows whyBut his phone today is out of rangeThe sun in colour black is rising highThe time is turning back, I wonder whySo many questions now with no replyWhat for do people live until they die?What for are we living?What for are we crying?What for are we dying?Only Mr God knows whyWhat for are we living?What for are we dreaming?What for are we losing?Only Mr God knows whyWhat for are we living?What for are we crying?What for are we dying?Only Mr God knows whyWhat for are we living?What for are we dreaming?What for are we losing?Only Mr God knows why.
2023-08-04 01:45:251

we see the future weliving for the other side 是哪首歌的歌词

是 capital kings 的 living for the other side"Living For The Other Side"(feat. Royal Tailor)Hit up the crew, then I lace up my Nike"sOur jam on the radio, just to start it off rightLet"s make this night incredibleSomethin" unforgettableWe"re gonna have a real good timePut in 60 hours this week, working overtimeSo there"s no way that I"m gonna stay in tonightOh no, we never stopCause we rock around the clockYeah, we"re gonna have a real good time[Royal Tailor & Capital Kings]Some say we"re kind of crazyI think I have to agreeBut that"s the only way I want to be-be-be-beEvery moment"s like a theme park rideThere"s no way we"ll let it pass us byDon"t ever sleep we"re like the stars in the skyWe see the future, we"re living for the other sideEvery second"s at the speed of soundThere"s not a chance that we"re about to slow downSome people say that we are out of our mindsWe know the future, we"re living for the other side([Capital Kings:] Royal TailorYeah, show "em whatcha got, Tauren)[Royal Tailor]We"ve only just begunYou ask if this is real?([Capital Kings:] This is real, this is real)We"re goin" hard, reachin" for tomorrowYou wanna know how it feels(Yeah, tell "em how it feels)[Capital Kings]It"s unbelievableCan"t stop us nowWell, we"ve lost controlTurn up the volume so it hits the soulYou know we"ve got that crazy flowPumpin" through your stereoCK and Royal TailorSeekin" our Creator[Royal Tailor & Capital Kings]Some say we"re kind of crazy (crazy)I think I have to agree (yeah, yeah)But that"s the only way I want to be (that"s the only way I want to be)Some say we"re kind of crazy (Kind of crazy)I think I have to agree (I"d have to agree)But that"s the only way I want to be (the only way I want to be)Every moment"s like a theme park rideThere"s no way we"ll let it pass us byDon"t ever sleep we"re like the stars in the skyWe see the future, we"re living for the other sideEvery second"s at the speed of soundThere"s not a chance that we"re about to slow downSome people say that we are out of our mindsWe know the future, we"re living for the other sideWe"re living for the other side[3x]
2023-08-04 01:45:181


对磁盘进行“压缩卷”指的是:在我们上传附件的时候,文件的大小受到了严格的大小限制。对于大于这个限制的文件,只好进行分卷压缩了。有了分卷压缩,就必然有分卷压缩文件的解压,否则上传失去了应有的意义。在解压的时候要把这几个压缩卷解压到同一个文件夹里,才可以正常使用。系统是windows 7以上的版本才有压缩卷功能。进行“压缩卷”后对系统、磁盘没有任何影响。具体操作:右键我的电脑,单机“管理”;2. 点击左侧“磁盘管理”,可看到用户本机的硬盘使用状况,即可将逻辑驱动器多余的压缩出来空间。扩展资料:格式化硬盘的影响:答一:普通的格式化硬盘是不会影响硬盘寿命的。 格式化分为高级格式化和低级格式化。高级格式化仅仅是清除硬盘上的数据,生成引导信息,初始化FAT表,标注逻辑坏道等。而低级格式化是将硬盘划分出柱面和磁道,再将磁道划分为若干个扇区,每个扇区又划分出标识部分ID、间隔区、GAP和数据区DATA等。低级格式化是高级格式化之前的一件工作,每块硬盘在出厂前都进行了低级格式化。 低级格式化是一种损耗性操作,对硬盘寿命有一定的负面影响。而我们平时所用的Windows下的格式化(包括在DOS下面使用的格式化)其实是高级格式化。 在Windows下对硬盘进行的格式化和对软盘进行的格式化原理是一样的。而格式化软盘有所不同的是,我们对一张软盘进行的全面格式化是一种低级格式化。 答二:对于近几年新购进的硬盘,包括高格和低格在内的格式化操作,都不会影响其寿命。 与以前相比,现在硬盘的物理结构发生了一些变化,直接影响到相应的硬盘指令实现方式的变化,其中最重要的就是硬盘寻道方式的变化导致的格式化指令的变化。 参考资料:百度百科-压缩卷
2023-08-04 01:45:041

Love Hate (On And On) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Hate (On And On)歌手:Disciple专辑:Scars RemainSoulja Boy - Love & HateReal Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.Real Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.Real Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.Real Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.18 years old out the muthafuckn" trap,It"s Soulja Boy tell"em put my city on the map,Keep a pistol in my lap,As I ride through my projects,Cus a nigga might try to rob me,Every day I"m hustlin" No time for depression,I"m rich but my whole family in a damn recession,I learned my lesson so I never will slip,So I keep a gun in every room plus a pistol on my hip.Real Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.Real Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.Real Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.Real Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.(Verse Two:)July 28th, 19 - 9 - 0,Guess who was born, It was little o" me,I had a little old dream, Tha Dream to succeed,Tha Dream to achieve, The Dream to believe,That believe, will get you what you need ,In this world, in this life, any cost any price,I love my life, and my life love me too,Anybody hate me, then it"s fuck you tooBitch..Real Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.Real Niggas Live on; Fake Niggas Die;All The Blood, Sweat & Tears I Dun Whipped From My Eye.Real Niggas Love Me; Fake Niggas Hate Me;We Living In This World Call It Love & Hatered.(Repeat)http://music.baidu.com/song/7973135
2023-08-04 01:44:561


2023-08-04 01:44:382

we are living in an age( )many things are done on computers a which b that c where d when

2023-08-04 01:44:291


四个都可以用作形容词,都和“活着”有关。live可用作定语,放在表示物的名词之前,一般不指人.意思为"活的,有生命的".live也可用作动词,意思是"生活"或"居住",除了后面跟同源宾语life外,一般作不及物动词.如:We are living a happy life.alive是表语性形容词,既可指人,也可指物,常和living互换。如:He is dead,but his dog is still alive/living.当alive用作定语时,一般应放在所修饰的名词之后,此时alive含"在所有活着的……之中"的意思.alive还可用作宾语补足语.lively意思为"活泼,活跃,充满生气的(=full of life and spirit)",用作定语或表语,既可指人,又可指物.living主要用作定语,修饰名词(人或物均可),常置于所修饰的名词之前,有时也置其后.living也可用作表语.如:My first teacher is still living.living前加定冠词the,可用作复数名词,意为:"活着的人们".living还可以作名词,意思是"生活,生涯"等,常用在 make (earn) a living 中,作"谋生"解.living=alive now.alive只用来说明生死之间的界限;living更强调说明"尚在人间","健在"这一现在的情况.
2023-08-04 01:44:231