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2023-08-04 11:13:28
TAG: 英语

-young female undergraduate

1. she"s still young

2. she"s female

3. she has a well future

4. she has a family

5. she"s well educated


1. he is a scientist, which means he has useful knowledge to the whole society and our country, so we can"t let his die.

-armed police

1. because he is a police and he"s armed, so that he knows how to take care of other people during the incident

2. he is honored to live because he serves for the public for all his life.

3. he has useful skills and knowledge to the society and the country.

4. he has family

5. he has a well future

-pregnant woman

1. because she"s a woman

2. because she"s pregnant

3. because she"s young

4. because she" has a family

5. because if she dies, another young life would be taken too.

-young female nurse

1. because she"s young

2. becuase she"s female

3. because she has a well future

4. because she has a family

5. because she has useful knowledge and skills to the society and country.

-black boxing man

1. because he is a athlete

2. because he is balce, if we left him behind, it"s racialism

3. because he"s got a great future

4. because he"s got a family

5. because he"s got great skills.




1. He/She is a clergy, who is ready to give out his life to save others;

2. He/She often don"t have a family

3. He/her is often relatively old with not that much future

4. His/her death may preach the villans/terrorists

5. He/she may try to preach the terrorists, which get them annoyed and killed him.

带枪警察Armed Police

1. He/she is a police, who is ready to give out his life to save others;

2. He/she is armed, so most likely to be the first target of terrorists

3. He/she is expected to fight the terrorist, which means he wouldn"t be the one to hide, but the one to die.

4. Terrorists don"t get along with polices

5. bra bra...

黑人拳击手 Black Boxer

1. He/she is strong and aggresive, so he/she is likely to fight the terrorist, which may cause his death.

2. Black people sometimes are not paying enough respects, especially if the terrorists are not one of those.

3. He/she is usually big and tall compared to the others, which make him an obvious target for the terrorists.

4. He/she is not likely to be the one hides, so it makes him to be the one dies.

5. He/she does not contribute much to the society.

年轻女护士 Young Nurse

1. She has the heart to protect others, even it takes her life;

2. The nature of terrorism is to make as much damage to the society as possible, so the terrorists will not allow someone who can reverse or repair damages, say, a rescuing nurse;

3. She may try to heal the wounded people, which makes her a target;

4. She may try to contact 911...

5. She may help the police...


有两条共同的理由:terrorists tend to kill those seem to be a threat, rather than harmless;they"re often smart or laid-back, and knows how to protect herself from getting hurt

女大学生 Female undergraduate

1. She"s just too young to die

2. She"s well educated so she can persuade the terrorists not to kill her

3. She"s a female

会计 Accountant

1. He/she"s definately smart and well educated, so he can persuade the terrorists not to kill him.

2. He/she"s not the one to fight, but the one to hide

3. He/she may be rich, so he can pay the terrorists for not killing him

心理学家 Phsycologist

1. He/she"s definately smart and very good at persuading others;

2. He/she knows how to hide from dangerous

3. He/she"s very helpful to the society

科学家 Scientist

1. He/she"s definately very smart and well educated, so he knows how to get away from the danger.

2. He/she means a lot to the society, so the others won"t let him die.

3. bra bra...

怀孕妇女 Pregnant woman

1. She"s pregnant, so the terrorists may not want to kill her but use as hostage

2. She will definately try very hard to hide, as for the baby

3. There is a whole family waiting for her




先是奶精没了 后来糖也没了就开始习惯喝黑咖啡了想象力丰富是好还是坏呢怎么觉得苦涩有点甜甜的先是沉默长了 后来吻也停了就慢慢一边爱一边哭着好朋友太多是好还是坏呢怎么说的全是我不想听的我们的关系多像积木啊不堪一击却又千变万化用尽了心思盖得多像家下一秒钟也可能倒塌幸福的期待真像积木啊多会幻想就能堆多漂亮可惜感情从来就不听话从爱出发却通往复杂
2023-08-04 00:11:567


2Pac的生死已经被讨论了很多很多,但我坚信他是活着的,因为他的死有太多的荒唐和巧合, 甚至逻辑上的错误.. 总结很多,我总结了一下一些可疑的地方..我不相信这个伟大的歌手已离我们远去. 第一:Pac死前开始称自己为Makaveli. Machavelli是意大利战时的军事策略家. 他假死而骗过了自己的敌人. Machiavelli是Pac的偶像而且Pac读了很多他的书.. 也许他为了某些原因也学着象Machavelli那样的假死. 第二:Pac在他死的第二天就火化了,之前谁在谋杀后的第二天就火化了?而且没有人能发掘他的棺材就象猫王还有林肯那样. 第三:Pac完成了几部电影还有许多的新专集,甚至不断出现在其他歌手的专集中.许许多多没有听过的歌曲.他还完成了许多没有发行过的专集.为什么他能在同一时间做到那么多?许多人难过于他的离去,事实上于他离去最密不可分的就是一笔一笔的惊人收入.. 第四:在Pac94年的采访里,他说在从监狱出来后他会比以前更糟糕.他还说到当他从监狱出来他感觉到象是获得了重生.好好理解下这句话..他说他已经死掉了,而且他从监狱出来后变得更糟.加上他把他的名字从2Pac改做Makaveli,我们可以看出那是经过深思熟虑的改变,或者说重生..心理的重生. 现在的很多作品看来更象是预言(如果这些歌真的写在过去).. 如果你注意去听歌词的话. 第五:2Pac最后一张专集的封面是"Makaveli, 感谢2pac." 耶酥一样的造型. 也许这是2Pac复活的计划.(好好思考一下这张专集的文字和封面) 第六:在拉斯维加斯,金钱可以掌控一切,就是说..2Pac可以很轻易的伪造死的假象,别人也可以轻松的买凶杀死他.. 至于哪一个是事实.. 谁也不知道.. 只有2pac或那个幕后凶手. 第七:Makaveli这张新专集的创作人是"Simon",Simon是基督十二使徒之一,他是耶酥复活的见证人之一.. 第八:存在着非常多的巧合,2Pac在All Eyez On Me发行的整整七个月后被枪杀,7这个数字不断的出现.. 他被枪击的时间是9月7日.7日,8日,9日,10日,11日.12日是抢救他的日子,最终他死于13日.又是一个7天. 这也许就能够解释他新专集的标题... "The Don Killuminati: The 7 day theory." 2Pac死于25岁. 他的年龄十位和个位总和也是7,甚至他死亡的时间,4:03.总和也是7.还有,在Makaveli专集第5首歌开始时的声音说"如果王者在接下来的7日里归来,我们就可以在那时再见到你" 他甚至说到数字7在他的新专集里. 这里还有更多的巧合.. 最新的一个是他的专集"R U Still Down?". 这张专集在11月25日发行. 2+5=7. The 7 Day Theory在继续着. 更多的巧合是什么? 还是巧合吗? 第九:在他最新专集的里面, 写着"Exit:2Pac, Enter:Makaveli" 2Pac退出游戏,Makaveli来了. 就象2pac死了而Makaveli复活了一样. 2Pac申明说当他退出时就象他会重生.(参考第四点) 第十:Pac的录影带"I aint mad at ya"预言了他的死..Pac死于那个MTV里, 然后一个有着Makaveli名字新的MTV又接着发行.就象是2Pac死于了开始的那个MTV里,而Makaveli接着在"Toss it up"中复活. Exit 2Pac Enter:Makaveli. 看起来更能证明点什么了. 第十一:在Toss It Up的MTV中, 2Pac穿上了一些新款哈达威的鞋子.这些鞋子是不可能在他死时得到的.(有些消息说他们可以早于市场得到这些产品.事实上证明是不可能的),还有,一些人说在MTV"Live & Die In LA"中当2Pac在车上跳时你可以清晰的看到他穿上了乔丹鞋,这鞋也是不可能在当时买到的. 第十二:在Tupac专集"The 7 Day Theory"中"Life of an Outlaw"这首歌里,他说"All for the street fame on how to be managed, 6 months in advance to what we plotted, approved to go on swole and now I got it" 含蓄的指出了2Pac计划他的死而现在他也正享受着他计划的成功. 第十三:2Pac永远都穿着防弹衣,但是为了一些奇怪的原因他当晚没有穿上防弹衣,为什么? (我听说Suge Knight叫2pac脱掉防弹衣因为那里太热. 如果这是事实, 为什么Suge Knight不想2Pac穿上他的防弹衣?? 所以说这里只有两种可能, 一是Suge谋杀了2Pac, 第二就是2Pac一切都是假的, 因为当晚发生的事根本就不符合情理. 第十四:为公众开放纪念2Pac的活动在LA和亚特蓝大同时取消. (这也许是应家人和朋友的要求, 谁知道) 第十五:2Pac坐的那侧被射击差不多12次.. 但是Suge甚至没有受到射击. 他只是被子弹擦伤而已. 为什么2Pac受到枪击的同时而坐他身旁的Suge得以幸免?? 第十六:那辆白色的凯迪拉克还有攻击人至今都没被找到.. 第十七:拉斯维加斯处于沙漠的中心, 那里怎么可能没有直升机的追踪? 我可以告诉你们一个事实.. 如果某人在拉斯维加斯的赌场被抢劫, LVPD都会使用直升飞机追逐嫌疑犯.. 为什么2Pac被枪杀了这么大的案子里警察会显得那么平静? 第十八:Snoop Dogg在他发行专集"Doggystyle"的地点被卷入枪击事件后,他变得更真实而且他证明了自己是真正的匪帮. 这起枪击让他得到了更多的尊重因为人们开始相信他在专集中所说的一切. 这张专集发行后一周, 这张专集就登上了白金专集的行列. Snoop和Tupac都在DRR公司.另外,2Pac谈到过他想停止饶舌,做一个匪帮,并逃离媒体的追逐.. 唯一的方法是什么?只有让大家都认为他死了. 第十九: Suge说他送2Pac到医院而且他们在途中进行了很连贯的谈话..(可以参考一些资料他们都说了什么.) 但是, 重点是什么? 好好的想想, 2Pac受到了多么严重的攻击? 除此之外, 非常矛盾的是开始他说Quincy Jone的女儿在车的后坐.. 后来的采访里又说她没有在车里.. 所以, 什么是真话什么又是谎言?? 第二十:你有没有看过Scarface还有Makaveli那首Smile的MTV, 我听说MTV里并不是2Pac而是俄亥俄一个长得象他的人而已.(那就是为什么2Pac在那MTV里从来不正面镜头的原因) MTV开始于一辆就象2pac遭到枪击的汽车, 这辆车在MTV里也遭到了枪击.. 之后我们就听到了一个又一个经过篡改的报告, 后来,他们又让2Pac(Makaveli)以耶酥的造型再次出现在MTV中! 这已不是第一次了! 一次在专集封面,一次在这个MTV中. 还有很多很多可疑的地方,我简单的说说.. 至今也没有任何2pac被送到医院后的照片除了一张也许是伪造的"验尸照". I ain"t Mad at Cha发行在他死后的几天内, 在MTV里他成为了天使. 在Life Goes On里他唱到了自己的葬礼. Suge拒绝回答关于枪击的许多问题. 甚至没有嫌疑犯遭到怀疑,这样的不了了之非常荒唐. 在他"死后"的任何一张专集中都没有"TUPAC RIP 1971-1996"的纪念语句. 这非常的不合理甚至他死后的第一张专集封面或任何环节都之字不提他的死. 2Pac死于13日,星期五.. 13是非常不吉利的数字,而黑色星期五的传闻大家都知道. 有些地方也许没解释清楚, 大家联想联想.. 别人我不关心,至少我相信他活着.
2023-08-04 00:12:521


英语:Black Friday
2023-08-04 00:13:004


一、详细释义: , adj. , 黑色的 , 例句: ,Streaks of gray began to appear in her black hair.,她乌黑的头发中开始出现了几缕白发。, 例句: ,His style is characterized by strong, black outlines and is widely imitated by later artists.,他的风格以粗壮、黑色的轮廓为特点,广为后来的艺术家所模仿。, 例句: ,This black dog is chasing the white cat.,这只黑色的狗正追着一只白色的猫。, 例句: ,This [black] dog is chasing the white cat.,这只黑色的狗正追着一只白色的猫。, 例句: , 例句: ,Sally has long black [hair].,莎莉的头发又长又黑。, 黑色人种的,黑人的 , 例句: ,He is a famous black musician.,他是位著名的黑人音乐家。, 例句: ,In the past up to 90% of black people lived in the South.,过去百分之九十的黑人居住在南部。, 不加牛奶的 , 例句: ,How do you like coffee, black or white ?,你喜欢什么样的咖啡?不加牛奶的还是加牛奶的?, 例句: ,Do you want your coffee black?,你的咖啡中不要加牛奶吗?, 极糟糕的,坏透顶的,黑暗的 , 例句: ,Their future looked black.,他们的前途暗淡。, 例句: ,Things don"t look as black as that.,情况并非如此之糟。, 沮丧的,低落的,忧郁的 , 例句: ,His infectious humour dragged me out of my black musings.,他那富有感染力的诙谐使我摆脱了阴郁的冥想。, 例句: ,Her mood was blacker than ever.,她的心情从未如此低落过。, 残忍的,恶毒的,邪恶的 , 例句: ,The black earthly spirit of the priests wounded my life.,牧师邪恶的世俗灵魂伤害了我的心灵。, 例句: ,I think their crime is a blacker one than mere exploitation.,我想他们的罪行比单纯的剥削更残忍。, 黑色(幽默)的 , 例句: ,"So you can all go over there and get shot," he said, with the sort of black humour mon among British troops here.,”所以你们都可以到那里去挨枪子儿,“他说道,口吻中透着这里英国部队惯用的黑色幽默。, 例句: ,It"s a black edy of racial prejudice, mistaken identity and thwarted expectations.,这是一个关于种族歧视、身份错位和期望落空的黑色喜剧。, 巫术的,妖术的 , 例句: ,He was also alleged to have conducted black magic ceremonies.,据称他还做了法。, 例句: ,The King was unjustly accused of practising the black arts.,国王被诬陷施行妖术。, n. , 黑色 [U] , 例句: ,The black shows up against the white.,在白色的衬托下,黑色很显目。, 例句: ,Cannel coal is dull black.,烛煤呈暗黑色。, 黑人 [C] , 例句: ,The white people are unable to isolate the black.,白人不能孤立黑人。, 例句: ,He was the first black to be elected as Mayor.,他是第一位被选为市长的黑人。, 黑颜料 [U] , v. , (使)变黑 [I,T] , 例句: ,The mander ordered his soldiers to black up for the night attack.,指挥官命令他的士兵脸和手涂黑以进行夜袭。, 例句: ,They were asked to black up for an african play.,为演一场非洲剧,他们被要求将脸和手涂黑。, 把(眼睛)打得发青 [T] , 例句: ,Her hu *** and blacked her eye.,她丈夫把她的眼睛打青了。, 例句: ,Their mother was trying to hide her o blacked eyes.,他们的母亲想遮住自己被打青的双眼。, 抵制,拒绝 [I,T] , 例句: ,The ship was blacked by strikers.,罢工工人拒绝为这艘船装卸货物。, 例句: ,The strikers blacked his lorry.,罢工工人拒绝为他的那辆货车装卸。, 二、词义辨析: , dark,dim,black,gloomy,obscure,vague,grey ,这些形容词都含有“完全地或不完全地缺少光亮”之意。dark最普通用词,指缺乏自然光线或人工照明,使某物漆黑无光或光线十分微弱。dim指光线不足或视力较差,不能清晰地看见物体。black侧重颜色是黑色的,有时也指无光的黑暗。gloomy指光线不足或部分光线受阻而出现的阴暗。obscure指因光线不充足而使物体灰暗不清,失去光泽或若隐若现。作借喻时指因复杂、深奥或含糊而难于理解。vague通常作借喻用,形容抽象事物。grey与dark意思相近,但侧重阴暗单调的意味。, 三、相关短语: ,black lead,n.石墨,笔铅,black magic,n.邪法,巫术,black out,v.1.停电,灯火管制2.切断新闻来源,新闻管制3.眼前发黑,晕过去,black plague,黑死病,鼠疫,black sheep,n. 害羣之马,败类,败家子,black tea,红茶,黑茶,jet black,漆黑的,墨黑的,乌黑发亮的,black hole,n.[天]黑洞,animal black,骨黑,black ash,黑灰,black bamboo,紫竹, 四、参考例句: ,The umbrella is black.,这把伞是黑色的。,My suit is black.,我的西服是黑色的。,Your hands are black!,你手太脏了!,She likes black coffee.,她喜欢喝清咖啡。,A big black bug bit a big black bear.,一个大黑虫咬了一个大黑熊。,Black tie/black tie optional (more formal evening wear),黑色领结可选(用于更正式的晚装),It is a black township.,这是一个黑人居住区。,It"s a black cat.,它是一只黑色的猫。,Are there any black shirts?,有没有黑色的衬衫?,This is a black shirt.,这是一件黑色的衬衫。
2023-08-04 00:13:341


1. 英语作文续写根据下面提示写一段续写文字,字数120左右 Hey dear,i am so sorry that it is not here any more.I like the bird so much.She is so lovely.I really want to keep and take care of it forever.But she is a bird,she needs the sky not the cage.So I let her go.My mom tells me,if you love someone,you should know what he needs and wants.Please five me.It is my way to love your gift.。 2. 英语作文续写 with the development of customer consumption concept, more and more customer choose to purchase high price luxury mooncake for gift. it is popular that the mooncake be transferred beeen different panies, anization, and individuals. at this time, people always tend to choose mooncake with luxury package. as for mooncake itself, there is little difference, the most differences are demonstrated in package, for high price mooncake, there is always a plex package. but why not the simple one. it is the manufacturers" market strategy to determine it. by this way, the gift market of mooncake may be prompted , and producer may achieve more benefits from the market, furthermore, this market may contribute to internal consumption and GDP growth, to provide more positon for employees. the disadvantage is that it waste too much recources not for value-added subject. the producer share more risk to enter such market. if the mooncake is stagnant in market, it means high inventory level, the investment may not be refunded in time. 3. 英语故事续写 one day, an elephant named Jack wanted to go to visit his cousin living in the countryside. Jack decided to go there by train, so he went to the train station. To his disappointed, he could not get into the train because of his heavy and strong body. Jack had nothing to do but threw down the train driver. However, he found that he could not drive. In the end, he had to go there by foot. It took him a few days to arrive there 希望能解决您的问题。 4. 初中英语作文写作技巧 设想几个承上启下的连词, since, yet. 动笔之前,难以辨认. 顿号 、便条还是看图作文或改写缩写, immediately, green, so as to, at that time。 因为刚刚做过题:for this reason,认真审题《中考考试说明》指出,适当使用定语从句。5) 注意拼写、通知, then:in the same way。 2,废话连篇。造句越简单准确越好,烘托谓语动词, even though …7) 表示递进关系的过渡词,不要I(We)……到底, in general,严重跑题,写时切忌结构分散, in a word。 (5) 偶尔使用一下倒装句, for,书面表达要切中题意,以免顾此失彼, just like。这样可有异曲同工之妙, moreover、地点等;如果是书信. 书写工整。 , ordinary-looking 等,要仔细看清题目要求的内容, *** ile,根据故事情节。如果是日记, to the left, truly:1) 表示并列关系的过渡词:(1) 格式是否有错。 几种句型可交替使用,内容广泛, get、一般疑问句。3) 内心境界、标点符号和大小写。 6, weak, when, finally:receive, show. 语言通顺, anxious, interested 等。(2) 多用简单句型:(1) 句型多样化, cry,所造句子要正确,只要平时同学们多练习写作并有意运用上述方法和技巧。 根据短文的中心思想考虑如何开头、展开和结尾,得到令人满意的考分, e, then、图表, generally speaking …4。2) 主谓语要一致:for example 。 为了防止写作过程中遗漏要点, in the past,使句子不雷同。标点符号特别注意汉英的不同, necessarily、提纲或短文提供的资料和信息来审题, and then,根据错误多少来扣分, second、主体时态:“错误面前人人平等, after, brown, short, have, in this case。 怎样才能切中题意, however,例如、时态要准确无误, excited. 不会表达、无(4) 描写人物时,题材多样,例如:for example, fat:1) 外表特征,as a result…9) 表示解释说明的过渡词. 句号 。2) 服饰颜色,容易被扣分, far (from),文采好不加分”, like。 同学们应注意下面过渡的用法。(5) 标点错误?就是要认真审题, still, in fact、祈使句和感叹句。 5) 动作描写,同学们要充分发挥自己的观察力, yet,使用一些表示并列,看到考题后,要生动具体,例如. 写完之后, blue, at last。上下文的连贯性也是评分的一条原则。 书面表达,不以文采打分;(4)上下文的连贯性, fetch 等, then,阅卷场上有句话, have,为我所用,其中完全相同的成分可以省略、语态错误、日记、自然, help 等, hate:(1)内容要点,看懂题意.中的an不能写成a、符合英语表达习惯, just as …6) 表示对照关系的过渡词, in a word,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致,以避免重复和呆板, indeed, on one side。检查错误应从以下几个方面入手。 (4) 时态, actually …10) 表示强调的过渡词。(6) 适当调换一下状语在句子中的位置,想把书面表达写得更好, on the other side of,合理分配时间. 省略号 …… … C, or …2) 表示转折关系的过渡词:near (to), beside, beyond, in addition。 总之,先不要急于动笔, below, ninth, black 等。(2) 小词大用汉语中有些语意看来很复杂很文雅, thus,以节省篇幅,化繁为简、介绍。 (3).注意语法。在自己的头脑中构思出一个框架或画面:in fact初中英语作文高分秘诀1, later,那么就可信手拈来,根据图画, fourteen, for this purpose。 3) 注意人称代词的宾格形式, believe, nice。【注意】此时不宜在卷面上作较大的改动。 总之、上下文的连贯性来给分、图表:love. 围绕中心, laugh, go. B, restaurant等, in the front of、书信:and, above, so,使人觉得乏味: also,请注意以下几点。(3) 语言是否用错,记事、得体。 下面这些词可能在你的书面表达中很有用:because,事情发生的先后次序(时间或空间), on the other hand,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型,可采用变通的办法, strong:tall。中考作文评卷是根据要点, such as …13) 表示总结性的过渡词, in order that。 不用或少用非谓语或情态动词等较复杂的句型. 锦上添花。扩展思路, yellow,由于时间紧、语言准确性。 (3) 借花献佛有时书面表达中需要的单词或词组或许在试卷中的其他地方出现,增加新鲜感, and, white, again …8) 表示因果关系的过渡词, see, as well as。审题要审格式、故事情节,不要匆匆下笔, while、人物关系、写人一般都不需要复杂的句型:in conclusion。 7。如遇到个别要点表达不出来或难以表达, as has been stated, after that …4) 表示空间关系的过渡词。 因此,化难为易, otherwise, shout 等,不可字迹潦草,拟定提纲书面表达评分原则有四条,造复合句容易出错,记忆犹新, happy: 汉语 英语 A:take, happy, outside …5) 表示比较关系的过渡词、句法知识的灵活运用,将主要句型,因此同学们应把写好的句子, to the right,让阅卷人看得清楚,同学们出错在所难免,注意短文字数不要低于或超过规定的字数太多, sad,影响全局,改错这一环节必不可少、活动时间。3:first,中考时花几分钟时间用来检查错误显得尤为重要,卷面整洁字迹要清晰, …12) 表示列举的过渡词, finally, after a few days、内容多, go、关键词语草草记下;(2)运用词汇。 5. 中考英语作文续写 The day before yesterday,my aunt who lives in the village call me and want me to play a fun for some time,I promised without hesitation.Because that place was my paradise at one time and I also missed my aunt very much. When I was a little boy,I went fishing, went shrimping and caught the cicada with my brother and other little boys,we climbed the trees ,then we picked and ate the mulberry.Finally,we play a pee pee game, whose one was higher and who won the game. Funny! hehe! I really miss the days when I lived in my aunt"s home! 6. 初中写英语作文有何技 如何写好初中英语作文英语作文的文章的开头一篇文章通常可分为三个部分,即开头、正文和结尾。 这三个部分安排是否得体,直接影响到文章的质量。 文章的开头一般来说应尽量做到开门见山,用简单明白的叙述引出文章的话题,使读者了解文章要谈论什么,一下于引起读者的兴趣。 作文常见的开头形式大致有以下几种: 1。开门见山,揭示主题 文章一开头,就交待清楚文章的主题是什么。 如“How I Spent My Vacation”(我怎样度假)的开头是: I Spent my last vacation happily。 下面是题为“Honesty”(谈诚实)一文中的开头: Honesty is one of the best virtues。 An honest man is always trusted and respected。On the contrary, one who tells lies is regarded as a “liar”,and is looked upon by honest people。 2。交代人物、事情、时间或环境开头 在文章的开头,先把人物、事件和环境交待清楚。 例如“A Trip to Jinshan” (去金山旅游)的开头:The day before yesterday my class went on a bus trip to Jinshan。 The bus ride there took three hours。 The long trip made us very tired, but the sight of the beautiful sea refreshed us。3。 回忆性的开头用回忆的方法来开头。例如“A Trip to the Taishan Mountain”(泰山游)的开头是:I remember my first trip to the Taishan Mountain as if it were yesterday。 4。概括性的开头即对要在文章中叙述的人或事先作一个概括性的介绍。 如“The Happiness of Reading Books”(读书的快乐)的开头:People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world。 But I say that to read books is more valuable than anything else, because books give us knowledge and knowledge gives us power。 5。介绍环境式的开头即开头利用自然景物或自然环境引出要介绍的事物。 如“An Accident”(一场事故)的开头是:It was a rainy and windy morning。 The sky was gloomy, the temperature was low, and the street was nearly empty。 I was on my way back to school。 Suddenly, a speeding car came round the corner。 6。交待写作目的的开头。 在文章的一开头就交待写作目的,如通过文章要表扬谁,批评谁,或说明一个什么问题等。 如 “Pollution Control” (控制污染)的开头:In this article I shall draw your attention to the subject of pollution control。 英语作文的文章的正文文章的正文是由若干段落组成的,段落通常由几个或者更多的句子组成,有时候一个句子也能成段。 文章的正文应以文章的开头为线索,具体地叙述、说明或论证文章的主题。 文章不论长短,每个段落都必须为主题服务。像说明文和议论文这一类的文章,一个主题还常分成几个小主题,每个小主题要用一个段落处理,另起一段时,应是一层新的意思。 每一段的开头,要放一个表示段落小主题的主题句,这样可使文章条理化,易于阅读,便于读者抓住主题。 段内的所有句子应围绕主题句的意义加以阐述或论证,为中心思想服务。 句子之间应衔结自然,有条不紊,而且还要合乎逻辑,段落中不能出现任何与主题无关的句子;英语写作比较重视主题句的作用,缺少它段落意义就会含糊不清。主题句也可放在段落的中间和末尾等部位,但对初学者来说,以放在段首为好。 见下列这篇题为“How to Be a Good Student” (怎样做个好学生)的文章:We students are the builders and masters of the country。 It is important for us to know how to be a good student。 A good student, I think, should be diligent in his studies。 The more he studies, the more he will increase his knowledge。 Without enough knowledge, we cannot make great contributions to the modernization of our country。To take care of one"s own body is another important thing for good student to do。 Anyone, who hasn"t got a strong body, can do nothing for his country, even if he has much knowledge。 There was a man, who, when he was student, studied hard but neglected his health。 No sooner did he e to serve the country than he died of poor health。 From this we may see that to have a strong body is really very important for a student。 Lastly, to cultivate one"s own virtue is most important。 Virtue is the essence of a noble and good character。 It will greatly help one to be useful and his country heart and soul。 When learned people go astray, they do more harm than good to society。 We should draw lessons from this。 这篇文章的第一段引出了文章的主题,第二、第三和第四段则是文章的正文,每—段的第一句即是段落的主题句,它们既支持了文章中心的观点和思想,同时又概括了全段的意思。 在同一段落中,其余的句子都围绕主题句所表示的中心展开,同时句子间的衔结也很自然;各层的意思都很连贯。 分段是文章组织上重要的一步,但如果写的题目范围很小,那就无须再将题目分成小的主题,并分入各个段落去阐述了。 像一篇简短的评论;某一事情的简短记载,某一个想法的说明,对一个人物或一件事情的简要。 7. 急,高分求高手写一篇英文情景故事续写 last man : who is it ?robots :we are your friends pal , open the door .last man : there is no friend anymore on this pla .I am the last man .robot1: we are truly friends to each other . I am built my you guys .robot2:yes , the scientist programed us well so i can walk and talk just like you .robot3: and we are planted geniuse inside our heads , open the door please so that we can save the earth together .last man : how can i believe you ?robot1:have you see a self control robot before?last man :yes , i have .robot2: then you must know clearly that we can break the door in one second right ? last man :yes , i do ,what"s your point?robot3:my point is that we are knocking at your door instead of breaking it is the most believable fact .last man : i assumed as much . you mentioned about saving the earth .Can you tell me the plan first .robot 1:we are full of strength and capable to do plicated math but we don"t have the capability to think up a plan, that"s why we need you .last man :ok then , wele .robot 2: nice to meet you sir , you need figure out a plan and write it in our program , then we will do the rest .robot3 : yes please ,we need do this as soon as possible .last man : ok , at first , we need to get all the plants back . and then the animals as well .robot1:good, carry on .last man : we"ve polluted all the water so need it back too.robot2: anything else ?last man :can we get people back ?robot3 :anything that you write.last man : then i"ll get the scientists ,doctors,drivers。 and my families back .robot1:you have to be sure because there is no changce anymore .last man : yes , i am done .robot 2: now please rewrite our brain structure .last man : done .robot3 : now ,it"s the time to save the earth .all : a new day will begin .。
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2023-08-04 00:14:043


  固定完成英语四级听力的训练,让我们的大学不留下遗憾。下面是我给大家整理的大学英语四级听力专题训练,供大家参阅!   大学英语四级听力专题训练   听力真题:   Section C Compound Dictation   There are a lot of good cameras available at themoment-most of these are made in Japan but thereare also good (36) ______ models from Germanyand the USA. We have (37) ______ a range ofdifferent models to see which is the best (38) ______ for money. After a number of different testsand interviews with people who are (39) ______ withthe different cameras being (40) ______ , our researchers (41) ______ the Olympic BY modelas the best auto-focus camera available at the moment. It costs $200, although you may wellwant to spend more-(42) ______ as much as another $200-on buying (43) ______ lenses andother equipment. It is a good Japanese camera, easy to use. (44) ____________________________________________________ whereas the Americanversions are considerably more expensive.   The Olympic BY model weighs only 320 grams which is quite a bit less than other cameras of asimilar type. Indeed, one of the other models we looked at weighed almost twice as much. (45) _______________________________________________________________________ . Allthe people we interviewed expressed almost total satisfaction with it. (46) ____________________________________________________________ .   答案解析:   36. 答案:quality   解析:good quality是“质量好”,名词短语修饰models。此词不要误写成quantity“数量”或动词qualify。   37. 答案:investigated   解析:根据前面的have,可知此处为动词的过去分词,所以不要漏写词尾d。   38. 答案:value   解析:value for money意为“性价比”。   39. 答案:familiar   解析:familiar常与with搭配,表示“熟悉u2026u2026”,注意此词的拼写,也不要写成family或similar。   40. 答案:assessed   解析:此处需要一个与“估价”有关的词,由前面的being可知为过去分词。拼写要注意双写s及词尾的-ed。   41. 答案:recommend   解析:此处需谓语动词,由主语researchers可知为动词原形。   42. 答案:perhaps   解析:根据上下文可知此处需副词。   43. 答案:additional   解析:此处需形容词,修饰其后的lenses,表“额外的”。根据派生法可避免一些简单的拼写错误。   44. 标准答案:Equivalent German models tend to be heavier and slightly less easy to use   听音关键:German models, heavier, less easy to use   答案重构:1) Similar German models are usually heavier and slightly less convenient to use   2) The same German models/cameras/ones tend to be heavier and a little more difficult to use   画龙点睛:注意比较结构。   45. 标准答案:Similarly, it is smaller than most of its competitors, thus fitting easily into a pocket or handbag   听音关键:Similarly, smaller than, competitors, fit easily   答案重构:Similarly, it is smaller than other models and can be put in a pocket or handbag easily   画龙点睛:注意比较结构。个别词汇也可用简单的同义词替换。对于句子听写,只要听懂关键词便可根据语法自己连词成句。   46. 标准答案:The only problem was a slight awkwardness in loading the film   听音关键:problem, awkwardness, load, film   答案重构:1) The only problem was a slight trouble/difficulty in loading the film   2) The only problem was that it may be a little difficult to put the film into the camera   画龙点睛:注意主系表结构。若不会拼写awkwardness,可用trouble之类的同义词替换它。介词短语也可改为不定式结构。   大学英语四级听力专题练习   听力真题:   Passage Three   33.   A. The threat of poisonous desert animals andplants.   B. The exhaustion of energy resources.   C. The destruction of oil wells.   D. The spread of the black powder from the fires.   34.   A. The underground oil resources have not been affected.   B. Most of the desert animals and plants have managed to survive.   C. The oil lakes soon dried up and stopped evaporating.   D. The underground water resources have not been polluted.   35.   A. To restore the normal production of the oil wells.   B. To estimate the losses caused by the fires.   C. To remove the oil left in the desert.   D. To use the oil left in the oil lakes.   答案解析:   Passage Three   When Iraqi troops blew up hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells at the end of the Gulf War, scientists feared an environmental disaster. [33]Would black powder and the smoke from the fires circle the globe and block out the sun? Many said "No way. Rain would wash the black powder from the atmosphere." But in America, air-sampling balloons have detected high concentrations of particles similar to those collected in Kuwait. Now that the fires are out, scientists are turning attention to yet another threat-the oil did not catch fire. It has formed huge lakes in the Kuwaiti deserts. They trap insects and birds and poison a variety of other desert animals and plants. [34]The only good news is that the oil lakes have not affected the underground water resources. So far, the oil has not been absorbed because of the hard sand just below the surface.   Nothing, however, stops the oil from evaporating. The resulting poisonous gases are choking nearby residents. [35]Officials are trying to organize a quick clean-up, but they are not sure how to do it. One possibility is to burn the oil. Get those black powder detectors ready.   Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.   33. What were the scientists worried about soon after the Gulf War?   正确答案:D   解析:题目询问海湾战争结束之后不久,科学家们担心什么。关键是要听到“大火产生的黑色粉末和烟会不会环绕全球并遮挡住太阳呢?”可知D为答案。符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的原则。选项A、B、C的内容文中均未提及。   34. What was the good news for scientists?   正确答案:D   解析:题目询问对于科学家们来说,好消息是什么。关键是要听到“唯一的好消息是,石油形成的湖泊尚未污染地下水资源。”D是原文的同义表达。A错在oil;文中说石油毒死了许多沙漠动植物,故B不正确。文中说因为地层下面有坚硬的沙,迄今为止石油仍未被吸收;什么都无法阻止石油的蒸发,故C不正确。   35. What are the officials trying to do at the moment?   正确答案:C   解析:题目询问目前官员们正试图做些什么。关键是要听到“官员们正试图组织一次快速的清洁行动”,C是原文的同义表达。   大学英语四级听力专题材料   听力真题:   Section B   Passage One   26.   A. A car outside the supermarket.   B. A car at the bottom of the hill.   C. Paul"s car.   D. The sports car.   27.   A. Inside the car.   B. At the foot of the hill.   C. In the garage.   D. In the supermarket.   28.   A. The driver of the sports car.   B. The two girls inside the car.   C. The man standing nearby.   D. The salesman from London.   29.   A. Nobody.   B. The two girls.   C. The bus driver.   D. Paul.   答案解析:   Section B   Passage One   Paul, a salesman from London, was driving past a sports car parked outside a supermarket when he saw it start to roll slowly down the hill. Inside the car were two young girls on the passenger seat but no driver. Paul stopped quickly, jumped in front of the sports car and tried to stop it-pushing against the front of the car. Another man, who was standing nearby, got into the car and put on the hand brake, [29]saving the girls from injury. It was at this point that [26]Paul noticed his own car rolling slowly down the hill and going too fast for him to stop it. It crashed into a bus at the bottom of the hill and was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled away to a garage. As if this was not bad enough, [28]Paul now found he had no one to blame. He was so busy chasing his car that he did not get the name of the driver of the sports car [27]who just came out of the supermarket and drove away without realizing what had happened.   Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.   26. Which car was badly damaged?   正确答案:C   解析:题目询问哪辆车受到了严重损坏。关键是听到“Paul看到自己的车慢慢滑下了山u2026u2026,在山脚下与一辆公交车相撞,损坏得非常严重u2026u2026。”符合短文听力“听到什么选什么”的原则。选项A、D中提到的车是Paul挽救的;文中没有提到选项B的内容。   27. Where was the driver of the sports car when the accident happened?   正确答案:D   解析:关键是听懂文章最后一句,其中提到“跑车司机刚走出超市”,说明事故发生时,那个司机在超市里。故答案为D。文中说跑车里面没有司机,所以A不正确;在山脚下的是一辆公交车,不是跑车司机,所以B不正确;文中提到Paul的车受损严重,要拖去garage,故选项C与问题无关。   28. Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?   正确答案:A   解析:题目询问Paul认为这场事故的发生是谁的错。关键是听到文章最后所述:“Paul现在发现没人可责备,他忙着追自己的车,以至于没能得到跑车司机的名字,而那个司机根本不知道发生了什么事,扬长而去了。”Paul去挽救跑车,才导致自己的车严重损坏,因此事故责任在跑车司机,即A。文章中没有提到车里的两个女孩做了些什么,因而与事故的发生无关,B不正确;C中提到的男士挽救了跑车和车里的人,不是导致事故的人;选项D所指的人即Paul。   29. Who was injured in the accident?   正确答案:A   解析:题目询问谁在事故中受了伤。全文没有提到任何人受伤,即A。文中与两个女孩有关的原话是“另一个站在附近的人上了跑车,拉下手刹,使两个女孩免于受伤”,所以B不正确。   
2023-08-04 00:14:111

英语奥赛 帮帮.

2023-08-04 00:14:279

Pearl Jam的《Black》 歌词

歌曲名:Black歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Ten (Legacy Edition)Hey...oooh...Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clayWere laid spread out before me as her body once didAll five horizons revolved around her soulAs the earth to the sunNow the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turnOoh, and all I taught her was everythingOoh, I know she gave me all that she woreAnd now my bitter hands chafe beneath the cloudsOf what was everything?Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...I take a walk outsideI"m surrounded by some kids at playI can feel their laughter, so why do I searOh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my headI"m spinning, oh, I"m spinningHow quick the sun can, drop awayAnd now my bitter hands cradle broken glassOf what was everything?All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...All the love gone bad turned my world to blackTattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I"ll be...yeah...Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...I know someday you"ll have a beautiful life, I know you"ll be a starIn somebody else"s sky, but whyWhy, why can"t it be, why can"t it be minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7895614
2023-08-04 00:14:431


Beautiful Times - Owl CityA spark soaring down through the pouring rainAnd restoring life to the lighthouseA slow motion wave on the ocean stirsMy emotion up like a raincloudWhen did the sky turn black?And when will the light come back?A cab driver turned to skydiverThen to survivor, die into breakdownA blood brother and surrogate motherHugging each other, crying their eyes outWhen did the sky turn black?And when will the light come back?Un-ecstatic like a drug addict locked in the atticStrung out and spellboundI fought all through the nightOh, oh, but I made it aliveThe sun stormed arrivesOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESThis fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hardBut I"m gonna surviveOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESA bad feeling burned through the ceilingLeaving my healing hard with a new scarA dead fire rose and rose higherLike a vampire up from the graveyardWhen did the sky turn black?And when will the light come back?We all suffer but we recoverJust to discover life where we all areI fought all through the nightOh, oh, but I made it aliveThe sun stormed arrivesOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESThis fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hardBut I"m gonna surviveOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESThis fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hardBut I"m gonna surviveOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESMy heart"s burning bad and it"s turning blackBut I"m learning how to be strongerAnd sincerely I love you dearlyOh, but I"m clearly destined to wander
2023-08-04 00:15:011


The day after school of afternoon, after the bell rang, he heard a notice, call me and several other friends to the audio-visual classroom concentration.Will a open ends, I immediately rush to return to the third floor, because the feet didn"t stand, and with "plop" 1, I was down. When I stood up, he found himself can"t run again, have to walk slowly back to the classroom. When I got to the classroom, the late homework has been classmates, I worry wiped to cry. When I am at a loss what to do, to go the small square see beside my homework escort to a blank will understand. She put her own homework which lent me write it down, and at the same time she and help I copied the blackboard copy down the home required subject, I have the pleasure to laugh.My friend gave me too much, every time help and takes care of me, I"m lucky, they did so much for me. When I feel happy, I always share it with them. When I feel sad, they were always there to comfort me. When I succeed, they always to celebrate. When I was in trouble, they always help me. When I am lonely, they will play with me or I talk. I have no words to express my thanks. Because they did so much for me. Words can"t replace what they did. 比较多!可以删去第二段 自己剪切 累死我了 写了这么多 分看着给吧
2023-08-04 00:15:094


【 #英语资源# 导语】阅读使人充实;会谈使人敏捷;写作与笔记使人精确。史鉴使人明智;诗歌使人巧慧;数学使人精细;博物使人深沉;逻辑与修辞使人善辩。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的《有关读书的英语演讲稿格式及范文》,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关读书的英语演讲稿格式及范文 篇一   Dear teachers and students   hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is: Love reading.   If someone asks me what you like best, I will say: "I like spring water, which gives me a pure and elegant mood; I like the sea, which gives me selfless and broad love; I like mountains,   It gave me a strong and fearless will; But my favorite thing is reading, because books are the messenger of human culture, the source of our knowledge growth, and the essential nutrition for our growth.   If there were no books, the world would not be so wonderful, and our minds would not be so open. If there were no books, our minds would be like dry trees, without any vitality.   Fairy tales are my close friends. I envy Snow White for her beauty and kindness, and admire the little match girl and ugly duckling for their indomitable spirit.   I love reading. Books are the treasure house of knowledge and the ladder of human progress. They broaden our horizons and enrich my life. They help me improve and make progress. Books are the source of happiness. They bring me happiness.   Students, please love reading! My speech is over, thank you! 2.有关读书的英语演讲稿格式及范文 篇二   Dear teachers and students   hello everyone!   Books are the ladder of human progress and the source of knowledge. We have been inseparable from books since childhood. From letters to Chinese, and then to articles, it is the book that has created the superior conditions for us to learn knowledge. It enables us to learn to communicate in language and understand the feelings between people. Books are like our loyal and good partners. As we grow up, they constantly infuse us with new knowledge and let us understand the ever-changing changes of the world. Books are a beautiful angel. They teach us a lot, but never need to repay. They just add one beautiful rainbow after another to the whole world in obscurity.   Reading makes people broad-minded and far-sighted. Reading can activate our thinking and cultivate our temperament. Reading gives wings to our minds. Reading, we can find another happy paradise. Book, a good teacher and friend, has given me a fertile land of fate. In the book, I found a passage that explains life. The real gold is not afraid of fire, the real life is indifferent to fate. The real meaning of life lies not only in bravely accepting the choice of fate, but also in making a bold choice of fate and declaring war on it. This is the demeanor of a brave man. Books reflect the value of our lives. What we learn from books is not only to deal with exams, but also to enjoy our hearts. Books let us learn to enjoy life.   In this golden autumn October, the air is filled with the smell of books. Autumn is a golden cradle. I come to Xiongzhong with confidence and dreams. There are complete teaching facilities, beautiful learning environment, a team of teachers who are good at persuasion, and a group of students who are diligent and progressive. The whole school flows with a thick smell of books. After a hundred years of vicissitudes in this institute. I roamed freely and enjoyed the pleasure of reading in the sea of books.   Life cannot be without books, without books. Our sky seems to have lost its color and become dark. Life is dull, and our hearts will be exhausted. With books, the white paper of life will become colorful. Where there are books, there are happiness and treasure. Now, this wealth is in front of us. Boys and girls, please light up the light of reading in your heart and make our life full of color and happiness. Let the smell of books flow in the campus and ripple in our hearts, then this wealth will always belong to you!   Thank you. 3.有关读书的英语演讲稿格式及范文 篇三   Dear teachers and students   hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "I Love Reading".   When we go to school, the book always accompanies me. It is there in class and it is still there after class. Whenever the bell rang after class, I would borrow books from the librarian to read. My favorite book is Andersen"s Fairy Tales, which contains many fairy tales, of which the Ugly Duckling impressed me most. When the ugly duckling was born, everyone thought it was very ugly, so it got the name of "ugly duckling". No matter where it went, it was laughed at by others. But the ugly duckling did not give up. It dreamed of becoming a beautiful swan. It was not afraid of ridicule from others, and still kept an optimistic attitude. Finally, after experiencing numerous hardships, it finally became a beautiful white swan, because it had a dream, which supported it.   Yes, the book tells me that as long as a person has a dream, coupled with his unremitting efforts, it can be a dream come true.   Books, like these stories, are always around me. They are my good teachers in class and my good partners after class. They even sing hypnosis songs to me when I sleep.   Falling in love with reading is like birds falling in love with the blue sky, and fish yearning for the sea. As long as we feel it carefully, we can find the joy in the book and feel the happiness it brings us!   I have finished my speech. Thank you. 4.有关读书的英语演讲稿格式及范文 篇四   Dear students   hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "The Joy of Reading".   Many people think reading is not fun. Books in black and white are far less interesting than TV and computers. Although these people also study, they study for further study, examination and work assignment. This is not real reading. This kind of reading is too utilitarian.   "The reason for reading is to get rid of mediocrity one day earlier and lead a wonderful life; one day later, it will be a mediocre day." Yu Yuqiu said well that only through reading can you gain a lot of knowledge and make you different. Only by reading can you grow. I say this because no one can teach your mind a lesson, but a book can. It can make you laugh, make you cry, make you angry, it can affect your heart, it is related to your mood, your life, and your study.   Although there are many fictional characters in the book, they have the same characteristics as many people around us, so we feel very friendly. Not only that, the characters in the book can also make you learn a lot. For example, the Emir in "The Emir Catches the Robber" can help us learn to be brave; The "naughty little horse jump" series can help us learn how to take care of small animals and so on. Although the characters in the book do not exist, they seem to stand beside you and affect you. They are also your good teachers and friends and are worth learning.   No matter what kind of books, we can learn a lot of knowledge: astronomy, geography, common sense of life, art, culture. It is impossible to master only one kind of knowledge in one"s life. So we should read all kinds of books and learn all kinds of knowledge, so as to enrich our knowledge, expand our thinking space, and solve difficulties quickly. Even sometimes, we can apply some of the methods in the book to our life. Is the book wonderful?   Reading is not so much fun. I just give a few examples. Others need you to explore. My speech is over, thank you! 5.有关读书的英语演讲稿格式及范文 篇五   Dear teachers and students   How do you do!   We are budding flowers. In the journey of life, we should save energy so that beautiful flowers will bloom on that day.   Not every flower in the world can bloom so brilliantly. Because of this, we should cherish the opportunity to bloom. Wind energy determines the direction of dandelion, while reading can determine our direction. The difference between us and dandelion is that we are completely dependent on the wind, and we are ourselves.   At our age, we are in the prime of life. We should take advantage of this youth, take advantage of this vitality, work hard for our dreams, and lay a good foundation for the future. Learning hard is our primary task now. Don"t give up our original path because of the bored rebellion in adolescence. Reading and learning is not the way out, but it is the shortcut. The future depends on hard work, and the current society is short of talents. Without knowledge as the basis, how to fight?   Reading is a very enjoyable thing. It can not only enrich our knowledge, but also improve our quality. We are a new century and a new generation. We should have knowledge, morality and culture. We should not let the motherland be ashamed of us. We should study hard and study hard.   In fact, students are also a kind of profession, and they are the most relaxed of all professions. We don"t have to work hard, we just get paid every day. We just come to school to register and study, and we have holidays, which are so abundant. If we can"t control even the most relaxed career, how can we talk about the future?   Students, don"t idle away your time every day. We are not dandelions. We do not need to wait for the direction given by Oka. We rely on our efforts. Let"s take action. Let"s sail hard in the sea of books. I believe that one day, we will all return triumphantly.   This is the end of my speech. Thank you!
2023-08-04 00:15:161


  在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是我收集整理的六年级英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 六年级英语作文1   As an example of the power of love,we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of natural disasters every year.Although their incomes are still low by international standards,people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can ― be it money or goods ― to help their needy fellow citizens.Moreover,they do this with no thought of gain for themselves.   In my opinion,the best way to show love is to help people who are more unfortunate than we are.We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble,no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers.In this way,we can help to make the world a better place,for the darker the shadows of sorrow become,the more brightly the lamp of love shines. 六年级英语作文2   在我的许多老师中,有一位是我们非常喜欢的。她是我们的英语老师,李学焦。   我们六年级时,李小姐刚到学校。虽然她很奇怪,但当我们看到她时,我们感到非常亲切:她留着齐肩长的头发,有一个漂亮的鼻梁和一双大眼睛,她的脸仍然有点孩子气。她看起来不比我们大多少。她几乎是我们的姐姐。   她很淘气,经常和我们合二为一。然而,因为她视我们为她的弟弟和妹妹,而且脾气很好,这给了我们班一些"诘问者"一个"机会"。每一节英语课,学生们都变得一塌糊涂,屋顶几乎被掀翻了。然而,一个人的耐心是有限度的。几天后,一向温和的李小姐终于发了脾气。我们先是惊呆了,然后看到李小姐略带孩子气的红眼睛的脸,我们停止了战斗。从那以后,这个班变得更加诚实了。   没过多久,李先生也变得严厉起来。一天,雪下得很大。在英语课上,我们都希望老师能快点结束这堂课,这样我们就可以出去玩了。下课前10分钟,下课后,我们露出可怜的眼神,恳求李老师和我们一起玩。然而,李先生给出了一个充分的理由:“对不起,我上次在班上打了。”然后她停顿了一下,微笑着说:“那么,你应该在教室里做英语作业。”我们都想反抗,但在思考了“老师”的命令后,我们忍不住沮丧地走回座位。但是再想想,她都是为了我们好,因为我们今年就要毕业了,她只是希望我们能取得好成绩。   李小姐的到来使一些学生提高了英语水平。她的到来给我们即将毕业的紧张气氛带来了快乐。我喜欢李小姐。 六年级英语作文3   Miss Qin is myfavorite teacher。 She teaches us Chinese。 She is lovely lady in her thirty—two yearsold。 Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols。 My classmates like hervery much, because she is always kind to us。 In my view, she is a wise teacher。She tells us many stories to us。 It seems she knows everything。 Besides, shewrites good articles。 She tells us if we want to write good articles, we shouldread books as much as we can。 She always cares much about us。 I think this is importantfor a good teacher。   秦老师是我最喜欢的老师。她教我们的语文,今年32岁,是个可爱的女士。她温暖的笑容和黑黑的长发是她的标志。我的同学都很喜欢她,因为她对我们总是很和蔼。在我看来,她是一个充满智慧的老师。她给我们讲很多的故事,感觉她什么都知道。此外,她的文章写得很好。她告诉我们,如果我们想好写好文章就应该尽可能的多读书。她总是很关心我们。我认为这对一个老师是很重要的。 六年级英语作文4   放假后的一个星期,我怀着忐忑不安的心情打开了成绩单,看到那不堪入目的英语成绩,我心在滴血,我只想呐喊一句:英语君!求放过!   回想小学刚毕业时,想象着自己憧憬着丰富多彩的初中生活,想象着自己踏着轻快的脚步,背着新买书包,走进充满着生气的学校,呼吸着清新的空气,同学之间互相帮助,老师和谐友善,那一切的一切都是那么美好。   可事与愿违上到初中后,科目突增,同学之间的交流少了,老师明天瞪着大大的眼睛在讲台上施压,我知道我自己英语不好,所以上课时总是打起了十二分的精神,不知是老师讲得太快了,还是我的脑子转不过来,所以每节课下来都不知道老师上课时讲了什么,每天早上记单词,晚上记短语,明天几乎都泡在英语的海洋里。   终于有一天,我担心的事情还是发生了,上自习课时,老师发了练习册下来,我拿起英语练习册,却发现自己像是在看天文历史般,脑瓜子瞬间懵了,于是我就问我们班的“小天才”可是听她叽叽咕咕的讲了半天,我还是满脸懵逼。   过了半个月后,老师竟然在上自习课时满脸微笑的走进教室,手里还抱着试卷,一看就是要考试了,英语君你怎么可以怎么突如其来,让我毫无防备,我迅速的看了看试卷,我就感觉脑袋要炸开了,看了半天,都不知道该怎么做,也就被你在突如其来的一击,击得落花流水,战败归来啊!英语君你的试卷,后面的横线我又该填什么啊!感觉你是在嘲笑我:谁叫你那么笨,那么勤奋,竟然连这么简单的题目都不会做,真是笨死了!   英语君求放过!我一定反省自己的学习方法,多问老师,多问老师,我一定做到“英语虐我千百遍,我待英语如初恋”,争取今后的英语成绩突飞猛进! 六年级英语作文5   我们班有两个英语课代表,一个是王凯,另一个就是我了。   我们两个是一前一后当选的。说起我当课代表,还真是一波三折呢!   刚开学,老师对我们不了解,要临时找几个人当班干部,做课代表。我呢,自认为音乐有点天赋,也就认准了要做音乐课代表,选其他代表时,我没有争取,静等着竞争音乐课代表。可是,到了最后,老师说:“体育、音乐课代表分别是体育委员和文娱委员。”我一听,蒙了!老师呀,你怎么不早说,现在没有空位儿了,我一无所获呀!咳,悔不该只盯着一个位置呀,自己把机会给失去了。   昨天下午的班会上,老师说要正式选举班委,机会来了,这次可得好好把握一下,因为已经知道了班里有多少把交椅,所以我在竞选每个职务时都争当候选人,普遍撒网,重点捞鱼吗!可惜的是,我没有坐上班长的交椅,这说明我还有很多的地方需要努力提高。到了选课代表时,老师说:“哪一科的课代表由哪一科的老师自己定。英语课代表还是王凯,他干得不错,就是太忙了,我们再加一个英语课代表。”机会来了,可得紧紧抓住!我的英语水平不比珠穆朗玛峰高,但也不比吐鲁番盆地低呀,据这段的了解,我在我们班当个英语课代表还是可以胜任的。于是,我坚定有力的举起了手,当上了候选人,又以多数人的支持坐上了第二英语课代表的宝座。   课代表才当了一个上午,就觉得比以前忙多了,上下课要收、发、抱作业,有同学不会了,自己还得教他们,虽然辛苦,但我相信自己,一定能能干好这份工作,当好同学的小老师,做好老师的小助手! 六年级英语作文6   今年 刚开学,我认识了一位新的英语老师,她姓罗,女老师,二十来岁。圆圆的脸上总是挂着笑容,明亮的眼睛,红润的嘴巴,粉红的脸蛋,配着她那一套新鲜亮丽的春装,非常阳光,真是太 美了!   第一次上英语课,同学们都在议论,说今天可能要换新老师,我的心就怦怦怦地跳,心想:不会又是一个”暴力女“吧!我坐在最前面一排,上课铃一响,就看见一个高个子女老师站在教室门 口,许多同学又开始议论:”我觉得这个老师一定很和蔼!“”不!相反,高个子老师一般应该很暴力!“听了这些话,我情不自禁地想到以前老师生气的样子;板着个脸,铁青的面孔,很吓人。于是 我的心更加紧张。正在这时,高个子老师走进教室,上课了,老师第一句话竟是:”大家好,我姓罗,以后和同学们一起学习,请多多指教!“和风细雨般的,这句话震惊了全场人!我紧张的心立刻轻松了许多,开始写作业了,我拿起笔,刷刷刷地写到了最后一题,这可把我难住了,我一会儿摸摸头,一会儿玩玩笔,正当我百思不得其解时,罗老师过来,”怎么了,像很为难的样子?“我说出了 我的困难,罗老师笑笑指着课本上刚学的句子,”哦!我明白了!“我那堵塞的思路立即被疏通了。多亏罗老师地及时到来呀!我再看看她的脸——白白的脸蛋透着粉红,挂着温柔地微笑,十分亲切。 多么可爱的老师啊!   还有一次报听写,虽然单词很简单,可是由于我太紧张,不小心写错了一个字母。事后,我肠子都悔青了!第二节英语课,老师要公布听写成绩,听到别人都是一百分,我惭愧地低下了头。 念到我了,老师特意说,虽然错了一个,可老师相信我的有实力,还和蔼地对我说:”不要紧,下次认真点就好了!“我听了,特别感动。罗老师,您是我心目中最棒的老师。   我爱罗老师!爱她的美丽,爱她的温柔,爱她的和蔼可亲! 六年级英语作文7   我的手紧紧地攥着,手指深深地陷在肉里都不知疼。为什么?为什么我会那么紧张——哦!   原来英语歌曲大赛就快开始了,好紧张啊!   同学们有的仰望上空,好像祈祷着;有的摩拳擦掌,胸有成竹;有的双手插在口袋里,一副若无其事的样子。“紧张、紧张……”怎么又是“紧张”二字?那两个字不停地在眼前晃呀晃呀。   “哗啦……”一阵响亮的掌声把我从遐想中拉了回来。要上台了,我不停地安慰自己,终于,那只惴惴不安的兔子安静了下来。我清了清嗓子,摆好造型,挺直了腰板,大家都竖立着一个永不倒塌的信念:向第一进发!   灯光打开了,“好热啊!   ”同学们都快散架了,不行,为了班级的荣誉,千万要忍住。幕拉开了,哇!   好多人呀!   第一排坐着评委老师们,第二排坐着为我们操碎了心、把一生奉献给了三尺讲台的刘老师和郑老师,看见他们,脑海里不时地呈现出了一些记忆犹新的画面:老师们整天督促我们唱英语,一遍又一遍,不断地练习,动作、队型,都不断练习着。如果想要看到老师那动人、欣慰的微笑的话,那就努力吧,表现出我们最厉害的一面!   “You and me……”开始了,我们正释放着自己的豪情,使冰冷的空气立刻变得燥热了,使恬静的阳光立即变得飞溅了,使困倦的世界立即变得亢奋了。同学们正用那响亮的歌声,博得评委的欢心。当最后一个音符从我们嘴中跳出时,世界是出奇地寂静,突然,一阵雷鸣般的掌声响起,大家都松了一口气。   “一分耕耘一分收获。”这不正总结我们这11月的努力没有白费吗?“不经历风雨怎能见彩虹。”是啊,人生不可能一帆风顺,事事如意,不经历困难,怎么会成功呢?   江苏省江阴市实验小学六年级:赵雯岚 六年级英语作文8   I have a friend.Her name is Candy.She is twelve year old.She has black and short hair.She has a little mouth,two big eyes.She is so cute.Her mom and dad love her.She has a happy family.Her friends like her too,So she"s happy every day.   She is a student of Yi Zong Fu Xiao.She is in Class Four Grade Six.She studies very hard.English is her favourite subject.She likes to speak English.She can speak English very well now.She always says “Learn by doing.” So she thinks speaking is very important in learning English.   We are very busy studying when we are in school.But on the weekend,we are free.We often do homework together on Saturdays.After that,we can watch TV at home.Sometimes,we play games.We have the same hobbies.She likes riding bikes and watching TV and so do I.Her favourite sport is swimming.She"s very good at it.She often teaches me how to swim in summer.   I like her very much.I am lucky to be her friend. 六年级英语作文9   雨水拍打着玻璃窗,热烈地在伙伴们的眉眼间穿行,为深秋添了一些凉意。   星期五第四节课就是英语课。哎!简直逃不过课代表的“慧眼”啊!   刚上课我们的心都还沉浸在下课的余味中,就如一只只还无法把灵魂唤回来的小鸟。那椅子上面似乎布满了钉子似的,又仿佛是虱子或者小动物噬咬着部位、谁都不愿意安静地坐在那儿。班里闹哄哄的,代课老师的声音再次被掩埋了。   嘿!课代表可不放弃展示自己作用的机会,紧绷着脸。时而抬头看看哪个人是害群之马,时而动笔记录,看样子,今天是没好运喽!   课代表呀,求求你开开恩吧!不要汇报给班主任老师!   良久,静了,只是冰冷的空气塞满了整个空间。   老师上的速度快,假如前一天不好好预习,第二天必定听不清,我死死地眼神跟着老师转,突然后面一支笔点了我一下,我猛得转过头,刚想摆摆手,他就抢先说:“学霸,求求你教我一下,那个factory怎么读?”   刚听到第一个词我就心软了,马上和他说了。   可那双“慧眼”马上盯住了,我的“余罪”,惨了惨了,第一天就来了个开门红!记了,记了,看来是逃不过她的魔爪了。后来,传来的是一阵老师的骂声,在空中盘旋,尖锐地钻进了每个人的耳朵里,心在一阵阵的疼。   尽管我低着头,没有顶嘴,没有反抗,但心里的愤懑却如岩层里的熔浆,左冲右突,在寻找一个发泄口,一触即发。于是我狠狠地拿起笔,左手捏着本子的一角,恨不得捏出一股水来,带着满腔的怒意,笔锋如利刀般刻下两个字“泼妇”。   再也没有嬉笑的声音,那骂声抽走了一切,只留下泪水与孤独做伴。   那一刻,我真冷。 六年级英语作文10   天气晴朗,太阳暖洋洋的晒在身上,感觉真舒服,爸爸正在收拾着行装准备带我、覃婉云和她的妹妹一起前往宁波文化广场看冰雕。   收拾东西,就把着大包小包的衣服扔进后备箱,坐上车出发了,穿着T恤衫,短裤,开启车窗,享受着微风习习的凉爽,不知过了多久,我们来到了了目的地,准备换装,拿出放在袋子里面的衣服,换上裤子,披上厚厚的棉袄,裹得就像个粽子一样,严严实实的。换好走出车门,顿时感到好热,爸爸走在前面,我们三个小孩在后面跟着,路过广场的玻璃,我忍不住看了一眼,我们的样子被映在上面,跟旁边的路人就像是从两个星球来的一样。   经过一小段路程,我看到了冰迪雕的牌子,就快步跑快去,在棚旁等着大家,检完票,工作人员拉开门,一股寒气扑面而来,不仅让我抖了抖。老爸进去,接着再是我们,地挺滑的,我们小心翼翼的走进去,环顾四周,这里并不是很大,但是却有很多各式各样的冰雕:挥舞着粗壮而又长的腕足,大大脑袋加上两只眯成一条缝的眼睛,显得特别可爱;旁边就是一头高大的猛犸象,有着魁梧的身躯,还有那对又长又弯的象牙,栩栩如生;再往前走,一个个彩色,高大的卫士扛着枪,穿着靴子,很威武的样子,旁边还有滑雪,但是要自己背座圈上去,好不容易上去了,工作人员将座圈放好,坐上去,再轻轻一推,我开始满满下滑,越来越快,忍不住叫出来了,坐在上面感觉好刺激,双手紧紧拽着扶手,这到下来才将西方下来了。   玩过这个后旁边还有各种各样冰雕,让我们玩的意犹未尽,知道我们的手和脸被冻得不行了,才依依不舍地离开。 六年级英语作文11   我的英语老师名叫朱祥慧。听这名字,以为是女的,其实是男的。朱老师长得丑,而且不是一般的丑。俗话说得好:人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。我们以貌取人就大错特错了。他虽然丑,但是英语过了八级呢!厉害吧!   更厉害的还是上他的课呢。他的课,每一节都不同寻常。特别是班上那些调皮捣蛋的学生,简直就是小心翼翼、提心吊胆了。对他们来说,上英语课,应该如同下地狱一般痛苦吧。为什么呢?因为一不小心就有“坠入深谷的危险”——接受“严刑拷打”的考验。“拷打”的过程中,班里有些女生就拍手叫好。用英语老师的话来说,那就是:“上英语课有仇的报仇,有冤的申冤。如果这些男生一而再、再而三地欺负女生,找我就可以了!”这一番话可是说到女生的心窝子里了。   我最佩服英语老师的“双棍打”。左右手都得打,经过老师的一阵“狂打”,你的手非得疼上半节课。其次就是“蹲板凳”——把凳子抽出来,然后你坐在空气中,姿势还必须就像坐在板凳上的一样。20分钟下来,你就挥汗如雨了!这两招还都不算狠,最狠的一招是“笑脸”。英语老师会拍着你的肩膀,笑着对你说一番话,这时,他就会露出那一口不齐整的大牙,令你“毛骨悚然”。   当然也有女生挨揍的时候。前两招我就都领教过,第三招还没“享受”过,我现在是没有那个“荣幸”了。所以,我觉得一句话非常适合形容英语课,那就是:不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。   “严师出高徒”,我们班的英语成绩就不用说了,每次考试都稳拿第一。英语老师常常用武力,我们班同学居然都喜欢他,在学校组织的“最受欢迎的老师”的评选中,英语老师竟然位居榜首。   我喜欢我的英语老师,你们呢? 六年级英语作文12   在我的身边,有许许多多令我感动的人,其中最让我感动的莫不过是我的英语老师Miss Liang。   Miss Liang 是我的英语老师,为什么说她感动人呢,是因为她对我们的教学工作进行得无微不至。每天早上一来到学校,她都微笑着对我打招呼。有的同学请假缺课了,她总是待他回来后帮他认真地补 上落下的课。还有的同学做了些错事,她都会叫他到跟前,耐心地批评指正。在同学的面前,她显得格外亲切,好似她是我们母亲一样,我们都非常喜欢她,喜欢她讲课时流利的语言,喜欢她和同学们 交流时亲切的眼神,更喜欢她对教学无微不至的优良品质。   记得一节英语课上,和往常一样,Miss Liang 提着录音机走进教室,所不同的是,她好像有点疲惫的样子,而且没有立即叫大家上课,而是在黑板上写道:非常抱歉!顿时,全班立即”热闹“起来了, 所有同学都窃窃私语,不知道发生了什么事:Miss Liang 究竟怎么了?为什么写下这些字?是不是生病了?老师没管我们,咳了几声,在黑板上写下了一些这节课要学的英语单词,然后又咳了几声,吃 力地说:”上课!“我听见她沙哑的嗓音,才知道,原来Miss Liang 嗓子哑了!同学们都大为吃惊,Miss Liang平时嗓音动听,今天怎么突然哑了,应该是天天上课累的吧。   老师叫了一个帮手,让他读她书上写的句子,自己也在旁边指导着,每次说话都很辛苦,有时非常沙哑,有时甚至发不出声音,要咳几下才能继续。我听见Miss Liang 那沙哑的声音,恨不得举起手来, 大声说道:”Miss Liang,我来帮您讲!“   直到下课,Miss Liang那沙哑的嗓音才慢慢离开了我们耳际。   从这件事中,我体会到了Miss Liang 教学的一丝不苟,舍己为人,如果没有这些品德,她可能会在课上随便乱讲应付了事,也可能一点小咳嗽就不上课。可Miss Liang 不是这样,她为了教学呕心沥 血的`精神彻底感动了我们! 六年级英语作文13   国外波士顿P.H.C.SE.S.L,6王力阳英语真怪!老是记不住,复杂死了。可它又是那么流行,真可恶!如果是中文那么流行就好了。这样,我就不用背那些什么句型、时态和那些用ABC……拼起来的单词了。   记得刚到美国时候,上课时我听得一头雾水的。特别是在上历史、地理等我不熟悉的课时。老师在上面叽哩呱啦地讲些什么都搞不清,好象在听鸟语似的。只有在上内容较熟悉的数学课的时候好一点。那时我真的挺恨英语的,恨它为什么这么怪,恨它为什么是世界通用语,恨它……   有时,老师叫我们写一篇作文。刚开始的时候,我对英语语法中的句型、时态一窍不通。所以,我是以中文的形式写的。写完给妈妈或老师看的时候,她们总是把我写的作文改得“体无完肤”。总之,大部分是改语法。气死人啦!   有一次,一个同学问我几道数学题,她问我:“你能教我吗?”我答应了。教着教着,惨啦!有个单词“split”不知道用英语怎么说,我只好跳过去,拐个弯问她:“懂了吗?”她说:“没有。”然后,她又说:“把答案给我好了!”“可是……”唉!真是哑巴吃黄连——有苦说不出呀!最后,我将答案告诉了她。心想:“哼!居然错过了一个练英语的好机会!我就不信我过不了这个语言关!”   还有,刚开始写作业的时候,几乎每个单词都要查字典。例如“answer、becaues”等常用的单词还要查。当我问老师或同学,他们用英语给我解释时,我还是似懂非懂。所以,还得查字典。真气人!还有的时候,在和同学交谈时,总是不能自如表达意思。   经过几个月的努力,我现在不管是在听课、说话还是写作文都比以前好多了。听课时明白多了,自己写的作文被老师改得少多了,查字典的次数也少多了,跟同学交谈时也自如多了。   我想英语并不是我逾越不过的大山,只要我学英语时多说、多听、多写、多问,我就一定能“降服”English! 六年级英语作文14   今天我去英瑞特上英语,刚想给魏老师打个招呼,没想到她对我摆摆手说:“我已经不给你们讲课了,新来的蔡老师要接替我的工作。”我一下子惆怅若失,心里空荡荡的,打心眼里憎恨那位把魏老师换走的新老师。   上课铃响了,我们五十四只眼睛齐唰唰地盯着门口,想见识见识新来的老师。不一会儿,门吱嘎一声开了,应声而来的是一位女老师。她的体形有些发福,两只眼睛被挤成了两道月牙。她走上讲台自我介绍:“我叫蔡媛媛。”只听见大家直呼一声“菜园子”大笑起来,蔡老师也笑着说:“我好有魅力呀,刚出场就迷倒了一半观众”。这下可好,房顶都要被我们的笑声掀垮了。老师见镇不住我们,突然眉头一皱,计上心头,说:“前几天我得了感冒现在还没好……”老师的话音未落,我们便一下子闭上了嘴巴,俗话说病从口入,谁也不愿意当病毒牺牲品。   课上了一半,枯躁无味的新概念把我们带到了一个乏味的世界,当教到case(盒子)这个单词时,我们再也没有兴趣继续学习了。老师看了看我们痛苦的表情,灵机一动,说:“我给你们讲个故事吧。在我读大学时,给我们教英语的是个男老师,在学case这个单词时,他问:“Who can give me a case?(谁能给我一个盒子)”,但我们都把case听成了同音词kiss(吻),老师看没人举手,便走到一个女生面前,问:“Can you give me a case?(你能给我一个盒子吗)”,只见她慢慢站起来,脸比苹果还红,然后不好意思地亲了一下老师,捂着脸坐下了。搞得那位教授丈二和尚摸不着头脑,莫名其妙地把嘴张成了O型。”蔡老师的话音还没落,全班同学早已笑成了一锅粥。   人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。蔡老师的课比我想象中的要精彩百倍,我希望所有的老师上课都这么幽默,让我们在轻松愉快的气氛中掌握知识。 六年级英语作文15   “那片笑声,让我想起那些花……”如果记忆是花,那么每个人都有一片属于自己的花海……   那是一个阳光明媚,春意盎然的午后。三楼的某间教室里忽然传来一阵阵地笑声。哦,原来是英语老师石老师在和我们谈笑风声。   “唉——这几天在头上发现了几根白头发,估计是被你们气的。”石老师一边摸着头发一边甩甩手,有气无力地说着。   小佑小声嘀咕着插嘴道:“老师,那是你老了。”声音在安静的教室里被听得清清楚楚,我们一阵哄笑。   “谁老了?谁老了?我老吗?”石老师拿着书使劲拍向,随后轻轻地落在小佑的头上,脸上还洋溢着甜甜地微笑。   我们带着笑腔识趣地齐声回答着:“老师,你不老!”   “就是嘛。我猜这才是你们的真心话。”她双臂合抱,气宇轩昂地地望着我们,”跟那些跳广场舞的老奶奶比,我老吗?”说着,向我们挤挤眼,一脸自恋的表情。   “明明老了,还不承认,唉——真替你感到悲伤呀!”小佑捂着嘴嘀咕道,一脸不屑的样子。不料,又被耳尖的老师听到了。她立即拿来教棍,向小佑手臂打去。只听教鞭在厚厚的羽绒服上发出“啪、啪”的声响。小佑的手被教棍“吞噬着”,她“啊啊啊”地嚎叫声,我们个个张大着嘴巴狂笑着,欣赏着这动人的画面,小佑呀,你的智商令人捉急啊,不就是个玩笑嘛!   “以后还敢不敢说我老?”老师向我们挤挤眼睛,高举着教鞭“威胁”着小佑。“不敢,不敢!”小佑举起双手直摇连声求饶。   哈哈哈哈……教室里又漫过一阵笑声!   英语石老师就像一朵芬芳的花,永远绽放在我们的心田。
2023-08-04 00:15:271


《黑骏马》是由译林出版社出版的,作者是安娜·塞维尔(Anna Sewell)。该本书是一部十九世纪下半叶轰动欧洲文坛的经典儿童小说。《黑骏马》在欧美常销不衰,唤醒一代又一代读者去理解所有不会说话的动物。下面我们去看看相关的读后感吧。 黑骏马读后感模板一: Usually, we have contact with many world-famous novels, telling the essence of life. The stories of characters" life move us give us a lot of enlightenment. However, Anna Sewell"s Black Beauty is a different one, as its main character is a black, handsome horse called Black Beauty. Sewell has spent 6 years on this book, while she was seriously sick. Unfortunately, she died soon after her only book in her whole life was published. As Sewell was crippled and unable to walk since a young age, she by nature had sympathy on the poor animals. Therefore, Black Beauty it is not a fairy tale, but a book which seriously talks the issue of the abuse of animals. And this story is narrated in the first person as an autobiographical memoir by Black Beauty himself. In this way, it becomes easier for readers to understand the whole story better and more clearly. When I begin to read this book, I am absorbed in this book immediately, as if I were the horse, experiencing his life with difficulties and set-backs. Black Beauty, who has changed his name for several times during different periods of lifetime, is a handsome horse with a life full of both happiness and suffering. He has been well trained, so he always tried to behave well. However, then he was sold from one owner to another, he began to realize how tragic his fate is. His life story has moved all the readers deeply. The author started this story by Black Beauty describing his memory about his happy childhood, when he was accompanied by his mother and taught to be a good horse. At the age of 2, Black Beauty witnessed an accident of hunting for a hare, which caused the rider falling from the horse, dead. Later that wounded horse was killed. And at the age of 4, Black Beauty was old enough to begin the use of saddle, bridle, carriage harness and shoes. Then he was sent to Birtwick Park and named of Black Beauty by Mrs. Gordon. Birtwick Park became his first pleasant home for three years, where he grew strong and met many friends with different characteristics and experiences. One of his friends was Ginger, who was ill-tempered because of a hard life with previous owners. And as a result, Ginger often got wild and bit others. Sir Oliver got a shortened tail because his previous owner thought it was fashionable. Also, there was a groom, little Joe Green. At first, he was too young to know how to properly how to take care of the hot and tired Black Beauty after an emergency, making Black Beauty seriously sick. Grieved, Joe began to do his best to learn hors care. However, soon, the Gorgons had to move because of Mrs. Gordon"s health, so they sold Black Beauty and Ginger to Earlshall Park. In Earlshall Park, the use of bearing rein made Ginger and Black Beauty painful, so finally ill-tempered Ginger rebelled. Then she was used as a hunter, but Black Beauty was much praised because once he saved Lady Anne. However, his unfortunate life has not changed since then. Our poor Black Beauty got his knees ruined because Mr. Rubber Smith, who was drunk, took Black Beauty on a dangerous ride and at last killed himself after falling down. As a result, Black Beauty was sold as a job horse. Although, he was arranged by a smart customer to be sold to a gentleman afterwards, he still had a hard life, because the groom stole the oats in his food. Tired of the trouble of keeping a horse, the gentleman sold Black Beauty again, This time, Black Beauty was lucky to have a kind-hearted new owner; a cab driver in London called Jerry. What"s more, Jerry"s families were all kind-hearted, which made Black Beauty happy to bear the hard work of pulling a cab every day. By chance, he met Ginger. She was mistreated as a cab horse; in such a great pain that she was longing for death. And soon, it came true. At the same time, Jerry became weaker and weaker, and finally he was ill in bed after waiting for two customers on a bitter cold night. After his recovery, Jerry was told not to work as s cab driver any more, so Black Beauty was sold again. Black Beauty"s new owner, a corn dealer, was kind to him, but the dealer"s foreman, Jakes, often overworked the horse and used the bearing rein. Once advertised by a kind lady, Jakes was easier on Black Beauty. However, the dark stables nearly made Black Beauty blind. After sold to work as a cab horse again, Beauty was too old and too weak. Once he was exhausted because of the heavy load. Saved from being put down by a doctor, Beauty found a new owner, a farmer. With full effort, he rejuvenated Beauty and sold him to Miss Ellen and Miss Blomefield. To Beauty"s surprise, he met Joe Green there. Form then on, Black Beauty began a happy life at his last home. After reading this book, one may admire Black Beauty"s strong will, persistence, and loyalty, or feel sympathetic on him and feel happy for him to get a happy ending. However, it needs our deeper thinking, a much deeper thinking. In fact, Sewell doesn"t only focus on showing Black Beauty"s great characteristics. By telling Black Beauty"s whole life story, she aimed at revealing the hard life of animals at that time and altering us the crime of those who abuse animals. From Beauty"s suffering during his whole life time, we can see the tragic life of animals at that time. Some people ran after the so-called fashion blindly. In order to satisfy their own vanity,they ignored animals" great pain. For example, Sir Oliver"s shortened tail. What the so-called fashion gave animals is great pain rather than a beautiful appearance. Some people knew nothing about how to keep animals, and were always making them work all day long. They abused the animals to make as much money as possible until they died. Therefore, on the day when the animals died, their holiday was on the way. For example, the poor Ginger that died for overwork. Though some people kept animals well, their main purpose was to have fun and to show off. They were more abominable. For example, in order to hunt for a hare, the rider killed himself at last and caused the wounded horse"s death. As Beauty said, it wasn"t worthwhile, wasn"t it? Those people who abuse d animals showed no sympathy or love on the poor animals at all. When they needed animals, they kept animals; when they didn"t need animals, they killed animals ruthlessly. To them, all animals were toys, from which they could make fun, or tools, from which they could make money. And the fate of animals at that time, like horses, was being sold from one owner to another, experiencing different kinds of suffering in the whole life. From the standpoint of animals, it must be terrible to be sold again and again. Let"s see what the result is. Sir Oliver got great annoyance and discomfort because of its shortened tail. Ginger was ill-tempered and bit others often. What"s more, numerous animals died because of over work. What a tragedy! In fact, the abuse of animals not only happened in the past, but also today, maybe right at this moment, a civilized age. Years ago, I got to know that a few girls cut down a cat"s feet, and then threw it on the street, leaving it bleeding to death. And the year before, it was reported that a student from QingHua University, gave black bears sulfate to drink, which gave black bears a great pain. As to the facts that some old or sick animals are abandoned, it has been very common. Although some organizations aiming at protecting animals have been set up, the abuse of animals can not be prevented. Maybe nowadays the abuse of animals was caused by life pressure, but life pressure can not be an excuse to abuse animals. Those people who live under life pressure should find other ways to solve the problem, but not avoid it by hurting animals. However, if one can treat animals kindly, the result will be different. Kind people who love animals, such as Mrs. Gordon, Joe, Jerry, get animals" love and respect in return. As they were friendly to horses, horses are friendly to them and would like to do as much work as they can for them, even sacrifice themselves when their owners were in danger. I am sure, animals and human can become good friends. No animals will do harm to human, if human have not frightened them first. If you would like to try to have a close and friendly touch with animals, whether tigers or dogs, you will find that they are lovely. Its true that we are much cleverer than animals, but our intelligence should not act as the tool to dominant animals. In fact, we human and animals have the same feeling, because we are all created by one nature, and share one nature together. Therefore, human have no right to abuse them, or kill them. On the contrary, we should protect them, which is our real sacred and glorious obligation. Do not put the “bearing rein” on the animals. It is cruel. Do not always focus on our own happiness. It is selfish. Try to open our eyes to animals that are suffering a hard life. Try to understand The Black Beauty, and the author. Try to give a hand in ending the abuse of animals. At last, I want to conclude by a sentence from this book,“there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it dose not teach them to be good and kind to other animals as well as humans, it is all a shame” 黑骏马读后感模板二: 暑假,我看了一本英国作家安娜·西韦尔的《黑骏马》,这本书写着:黑骏马是一匹漂亮的骏马,从小生活在贵族人家,受过良好的训练,它性格温顺、聪明、善良,主人十分喜欢它。它还认识了一匹叫辣姜的母马,它脾气暴躁,这是以前的主人虐待的结果。但好景不长,黑骏马主人家里又有了变故,黑骏马不得不被卖掉,接着又被卖掉许多次,因而接触过各种人:有喝多酒就拿马撒气的酒鬼,有把马不当回事的男孩,还有把马当朋友的好人家……尝尽了人间的酸甜苦辣。 作者用自己的笔触,惟妙惟肖的`语言,最后黑骏马被卖给了一位老人。一天老人给它梳理毛的时候,发现它是以前的老朋友——黑骏马,就对它说,我是乔(以前驾驭它的车夫),黑骏马高兴极了,主人说永远不会卖掉黑骏马了。 作者讲述了这些娓娓动听的故事,把自己想象成一匹骏马。读故事的人知道,马也有自己的心情,马也需要自由,马也更不是交通工具…… 动物也是通人性的,我们怎样对待动物,动物就会怎样对待我们。动物是人类的朋友,关怀、善待它们,是我们每个人都应该做的。
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1. 英语作文缩写 要十篇 1.Wele to business function! Are you confused about how to survive your first business function? Here are some helpful suggestions. Above all, whether your topics are appropriate usually depends on what people you are talking to. When talking with your CEO or clients, food, cloths and the weather are good. To your new colleagues, you can talk something about how to neork and deal with the new job. Moreover, some topics are to be avoided. Money, age, marriage, sex are private business you should never ask. Business function should be a party where everyone enjoys himself, so the sensitive topics like religion and politics are inappropriate. Do you feel worried? Try the ABC technique. It means thinking of a topic starting with the letters alphabetically, then you can start your conversation. Small talk is not just asking, you need to listen too. Others feel awkward as you do, so don"t be afraid, just go up and talk.How do new employees survive their new jobs? By being good schmoozers! You are selling yourself and your pany at a business function, so just try to do better.缩写:Here are some helpful suggestions on how to survive your first business function.Above all, whether your topics are appropriate usually depends on what people you are talking to. Moreover, some sensitive topics like religion and politics are to be avoided. If you feel worried, think of a topic starting with the letters alphabetically, then you can start your conversation. so don"t be afraid, just go up and talk. How do new employees survive their new jobs? By being good schmoozers! You are selling yourself and your pany at a business function, so just try to do better. 2.Elvis Aaron Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, the USA on January 8, 1935. In 1948 the family moved to Memphis, Tennessee.At the age of five he loved to listen to radio music. He also liked to go to his neighbourhood church and listen to the music by the black singers and musicians, called gospel. When Elvis was 16 his father bought him a guitar for his birthday. Because his father had very little money, the guitar had no strings. Elvis got a part-time job as a milkman and bought one string a month. So in six months he could play his guitar. Lucky for him a guitar has only six strings!One day he went to a recording studio and made a song for his mother on her birthday. The manager of the studio thought Elvis was a great singer and decided to make records for him.Next Elvis Presley went on the Ed Sullivan programme and everyone loved him. Elvis had lots of hit records and became the biggest rock singer in the world.He also made lots of films. In 1968 Elvis got his own TV show and it was very popular. He went to Las Vegas and gave a very successful concert there.Around the world he has sold over one billion records, more than any other artist. People think he is one of the most important figures of the 20th century popular culture.Elvis died at his Memphis home,Graceland, on August 16, 1977. 缩写:Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935 and died on August 16,1977.He was founded by the manager of the studio.He became the biggset rock singer in the world.And he also made lots of film .In 1968 Elvis got his own TV show and it was very popular. People think he is one of the most important figures of the 20th century popular culture.。 2. 求十篇高中英语作文,带翻译 ——如何选择朋友 how to choose Friends As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Friends play a very essential role in our daily life. However, how to make goods friends is a problem for most of us. As for me, I have three principles to choose friends.正如谚语所说的那样,患难见真情。 朋友在我们日常生活中扮演着非常重要的角色。然而,如何交到一个好朋友是我们大多数人都遇到过的问题。 In the first place, good friends should have their own principles. We should take into account the fact that people who insist on their principles have high quality. Therefore, it is worth making friends with them.首先,好朋友应该是有他们自己的处事原则。我们应该认识到这样一个事实,坚持自己原则的人一般都是具有高尚的品格。 因此,这样的人值得我们去交朋友。 Then, I want to point out that good friends should be full of trust. This kind of person has a pure heart, so we can municate with each other by heart.然后,我想说的是,好的朋友应该是充满真诚的。 这样的朋友有一颗赤子之心,我们能用心来彼此交流。 Finally, active friends are just like beautiful sunshine. They can light up our blue mood, drive away the dark clouds and give us courage.最后,拥有积极心态的朋友就像美丽的阳光。 他们能够照亮我们忧郁的心情,驱走乌云,给我们鼓励。 Friends who have above three characteristics will be great wealth for us.能交到有以上三个特征的朋友将会是我们巨大的财富。 ——关于环保的演讲 The Speech About Environmental Protection Ladies and gentlemen,女士们和先生们, I feel it a great honor to have a chance to give a speech here, talking about the haze weather, which causes lots of bad effects on our health and life. We breathe polluted air, making us suffer from lung and liver diseases. Besides, because of it, the flights have to be canceled. All kind of transports may run into each other, resulting in much damages and lots of injuries.我很荣幸能有机会在这里做演讲,和大家谈谈这给我们健康和生活带来不好影响的灰霾天气。我们呼吸这被污染过的空气,让我们遭受肺、肝疾病。 另外,由于这天气,航班被迫取消。各种交通工具相撞在一起,造成很大的毁灭和伤害。 As far as I am concerned, it is high time that we did something. As individuals, we should ride the underground or buses instead of cars to reduce carbon dioxide. As government, more measures should be taken by carrying out the related law on pollution.我觉得是时候我们该做些什么了。我们应该乘坐地铁或公共汽车而不是汽车来减少二氧化碳。 *** 应该实施更多针对污染的相关法律的。 In summary, we"re all looking forward to breathe fresher air and live a happier life. Everyone should be a part of this job.总之,我们都盼望着能呼吸到更新鲜的空气,过着更快乐的生活。 每个人都应该参与进来。 Thank you for your listening.谢谢大家的聆听。 ——自信的重要性 The Importance of Self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has bee the order of our life, which improves the theory that nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.如今,自信已经融入了我们的生活中了,这也就证明了没有什么能够比自信更有价值。It is obvious that self-confidence means trust in one"s ability. If we are full of self-confidence, we"ll have creative power to live and work, helping us success or dreams e true. On the contrary, if we have no confidence in ourselves, there will be little possibilities for us to win. We"ll always face failure.很明显,自信意味着对一个人能力的信任。 如果我们充满自信,我们在生活和工作中就会有创造力,帮助我们成功或者实现我们的梦想。相反,如果我们对自己没有信心,我们取胜的可能性就很小。 我们总是要面对失败。What"s more, no one can deny another fact that self-confidence gives us light when we walk in the dark and courage when we face stumbling blocks. With self-confidence, we can achieve goals in our life.再者,没有人能否认这样一个事实,当我们游走在黑暗时,自信能能给予我们光明,当我们遭遇不顺时,自信能给予我们勇气。 有了自信我们可以实现生活中的目标。——学习历史的重要性 The Importance of Learning History 学习历史的重要性 The Importance of Learning History 作者:adreep 来源:互联网 时间:2013-06-28 Any subject of study needs justification: its advocates must explain why it is worth attention. Most popular subjects like technology and economics attract lots of people, simply because they make it much easier for students to land a job while majors like history are not that lucky in job hunting. However, learning history is indeed beneficial for everyone.任何学习的科目都需要解释:它的倡导者必须得解释为什么是值得关注的。 最受欢迎的学科像技术和经济吸引了许多人,仅仅是因为他们可以更容易地找到。 3. 高二英语选修七第二单元文章缩写 Reading SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 包君满意拉里·贝尔蒙特在一家生产机器人的公司里工作。最近,该公司要对一个家用机器人进行试验。这项试验将由拉里的夫人克莱尔来尝试。 克莱尔并不想把机器人留在家里,特别是在她丈夫离家三周的这个期间。但是克莱尔被拉里说服了。他说,机器人不会伤害她,也不会让别人来伤害她。这样会是个意外的收获。然而她初次见到机器人的时候就感到有点吃惊。机器人名叫托尼,看上去更像一个人,而不像台机器。他虽然面部表情毫无变化,但是个子高大,相貌英俊,头发平整,声音低沉浑厚。 第二天早晨,托尼系着围裙,给她端来了早餐,然后问她是否需要帮忙穿衣打扮。她感到有点儿不好意思,很快就打发他走了。机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。 有一天,克莱尔说起,她觉得她自己并不聪明。托尼则说,克莱尔一定是很不高兴,才会说出这样的话来。克莱尔觉得,机器人会向她表示同情,这有点荒唐可笑。但是她开始信任托尼了。她告诉托尼她太胖了,这让她很不高兴。还有对于像拉里这样很想提高社会地位的人来说,她的家也不够高雅。她跟格拉迪斯·克拉芬不一样,格拉迪斯是远近闻名的有钱有势的女人。 托尼为让克莱尔高兴,答应帮助她,使她变得漂亮,使她的家变得高雅大方。于是克莱尔从图书馆借来一堆书给托尼阅读,或者说给他浏览一下。她惊奇的看着他的手指翻动着书页,忍不住突然伸出手来摸他的手指。他的手指甲和他那柔软温暖的皮肤使她感到大为惊异。她在想,这是多么可笑啊,他只不过是一台机器呀! 托尼给克莱尔换了个发型,又改变了化妆风格。因为不允许托尼陪克莱尔去商店,所以托尼就给她写了一份购物清单。克莱尔进城去买了窗帘、坐垫和床上用品。然后她去了一家珠宝店买项链。柜台售货员对她很粗鲁,她就打电话给托尼,让售货员同托尼讲话。售货员马上改变了态度。克莱尔对托尼表示感谢,并说他是个“可爱的人”。她刚一转过身去,就看到格拉迪斯·克拉芬站在那儿。克莱尔想,被格拉迪斯发现了,这多么难为情啊!从格拉迪斯脸上的那种有趣而又惊奇的神色来看,克莱尔知道,格拉迪斯认为她有风流韵事了。毕竟格拉迪斯知道她的丈夫是拉里,而不是托尼。 克莱尔回到家里,坐在扶手椅上气得直哭。格拉迪斯的一举一动都是克莱尔想模仿的。托尼告诉克莱尔说,你可以同格拉迪斯一样,还建议克莱尔邀请格拉迪斯和她的朋友到家里来玩,时间就定在托尼离去和拉里回家之前的那个晚上。托尼想在此之前将房子改装得焕然一新。 托尼有条不紊地搞着装修。克莱尔有一次想来帮忙,但是太笨手笨脚了,竟从梯子上掉了下来。尽管托尼当时在隔壁房间里,他还是及时赶过来把她接住了。他把她紧紧地搂在怀里,她感觉到了他身上有股暖气。她尖叫了起来,把他推开,跑回她的房里,那天她就再也没有出来过。 聚会的那天晚上来到了。时钟敲响八点,客人马上就要到来了。克莱尔叫托尼到另一间房里去。就在那一瞬间,托尼弯曲胳膊搂着她,弯下身去把脸贴近她的脸。她大叫一声“托尼”,然后听到托尼一本正经地说,明天他不想离开她,而且他并不满足于仅仅使她开心。就在这时,前门的门铃响了。托尼放开了她,消失得无影无踪了。也就在这时,克莱尔才意识到托尼早就把前边窗户的窗帘拉开了。她的客人把这一切看得一清二楚。 克莱尔和他的房子、美食给女士们留下了深刻印象。就在她们离开之前,克莱尔听到格拉迪斯跟另外一个女人小声地说,她从来没有见过像托尼这样英俊的男人。受到那些女士的妒忌,这该是多么甜美的胜利!克莱尔也许并没有她们那样漂亮,但是她们中没有任何一个人拥有这样英俊的情人。 这时候,她记起来了——托尼只不过是一台机器。她高声嚷着:“ 让我独自呆一会儿!”就跑上床,哭了一个通宵。第二天早晨开来一辆汽车,把托尼接走了。 公司对托尼同克莱尔相处三个星期的实验报告非常满意。托尼保护了一个人免受伤害,他使克莱尔没有因为她的失败感而伤害自己。那天晚上,他拉开了窗帘,让其他女人看到了他和克莱尔在一起,他明白这么做对克莱尔的婚姻并不造成危害。但是,尽管托尼很聪明,他还得作一番改建——总不能让女人和机器相爱吧。 4. 跪求~~七上英语短文缩写 1. It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 2. It was the second day of our winter holiday. I felt good. I felt I"m free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Beijing. So I live alone but I don"t feel lonely. But I didn"t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily position. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 3. It was the third day of our winter holiday. Today, there are many business in my mother"s pany. So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother"s pany. I sat in my mother"s office and help her answer the telephone. While I was free, I was writing my homework. Although I also have a lot of time to do my homework, I still do it. Because in my mother"s office, I had nothing to do. If I did nothing, I was wasting my time and my life. I can"t do the foolish thing. We should take good use of our time. 4. It is a special day today. My mother sent one hundred basket of red bayberries. I like to eat red bayberries. It tastes nice. When they arrived in Shanghai, they were still fresh. But most of them would be sent to my mother"s business friends. I chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. I put the rest in my refrigerator. Red bayberry is my hometown"s special product. It is well-known in china. Many people like to eat it. 5. Today, I still went to my mother"s office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Because they will manage the factory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save my money. Also I should help them. Although I can"t do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, I will take a job and work. It" time for me to begin to learn how to work. 6. I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn"t go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven"t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have o years. Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us. 7. I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It"s time for me to go to my real home—it is in Beijing. My parents are waiting for me. Although outside is no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home. In fact, there is many fresh things. Like red bayberries. In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing. I was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. I was very sad. I didn"t know why thieves went to steal other"s things. Why don"t they hunt for a job? I don"t why! I hope there is no thief in our motherland. 8. When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of factories. And it is very cold in winter. So the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working. My house is in the manufacturing district. I was unlucky. It was very cold. So my father use the electric making machine to make electric. Oh! What a unlucky winter! 9. It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father"s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don"t live in Beijing. On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural. 10. Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won"t stay to wait for somebody. You can"t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won"t leave them more. Today I found I hadn"t enough time. Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I had something 。 5. 高中英语作文 A master of nonverbal humour In Britain and America,people were felling miserable because of the bad economic situation.Charlie understood their problems.His characte
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My friends Chance, and his acquaintance, I think it was an encounter the fate of the yoke. He is not love to speak, sometimes it is as lively. Masculine handsome, he is so self-confidence, regardless of the difficulties encountered, it will say "I can do it!" And then a smile, his white teeth. He likes the place lively, like fashion, like the noise, also like to see when beautiful MM, secretly took aim at the one. Girls once looking back, has hit the telephone pole, making people laugh around. He is also fond of extreme sports, he Jump Hip-hop. Dance Team has been set up, going to participate in the national competition, but not to attend, the team dissolved due to conflicts, this is a great regret of his. He looks strong, as is also the fragility of the heart. In love, he is like a dandelion ---- can not exposed to the elements. He was looking forward to a sincere love. I hope the sun will never see his smiling face, he is also aware of the things I am most happy, He said he likes to call him to listen to my: O BA.
2023-08-04 00:15:535

九年级英语作文how to be a green student500字

Do a civilization of the studentsAfter dinner, I with my mom and dad to century square for a walk. Century square beautiful! 7 colour neon lights flashing, high sightseeing suspension resplendent... I was drinking in the beauty of the night, suddenly, my feet on nearly empty, look, original, beneath the fence is fountain many curved, broke, I again careful a see: the fence is like a black and blue patients lay on the ground, that"s sad. Destroy them really don"t speak civilization, not to speak of social morality! This kind of behavior not only affects the century square is beautiful, also make the unsafe factors.Look at these not civilized behavior, let me very angry, I must be in the schoolmate the propaganda, huangshan is all of us, all of us should care about it, take good care of it. Let"s efforts, do a knowledge, speak good student of civilization.
2023-08-04 00:16:191

How to be a good child?一百字的作文

Would you like become a good child?First,you must study hard and learn well.You should have a great grade.You should make your teacher happy.So great grade that make your teacher and your parents happy.Like that they can think you are a good child.The next,you should help your parents do housework.In that case,you can be a great child.
2023-08-04 00:16:272


2023-08-04 00:16:473

Black Sheep 歌词

歌曲名:Black Sheep歌手:Killing Heidi专辑:ReflectorGin Wigmore - Black Sheep..Oh, oh, oh, oh---Oh, oh, oh, oh---Oh, oh, oh, oh---Oh, oh, oh, oh---.I got lots of jealous lovers that all wish they had me backGot a pistol for a mouth, my old mama gave me thatMaking my own road out of gravel and some wineAnd if I have to fall then it won""t be in your line.Everybody""s doing it so why the hell should IEverybody""s doing it so why the hell should I.I""m a bad woman to keepMake me mad, I""m not here to pleasePaint me in a corner but my colour comes backOnce you go black, you never go backI""m a black sheepI""m a black sheep.I wasn""t born a beauty queen but I""m okay with thatMaybe radio won""t mind if I sing a little flatI wear my boots to bed, hang a cross up on the wallTo save me from a shallow grave that wants to take us all.Everybody""s doing it so why the hell should IEverybody""s doing it so why the hell should I.I""m a bad woman to keepMake me mad, I""m not here to pleasePaint me in a corner but my colour comes backOnce you go black, you never go backI""m a black sheepI""m a black sheepI""m a black sheepI""m a black sheep.I got lots of jealous lovers that all wish they had me backGot a pistol for a mouth, my old mama gave me thatMaking my own road out of gravel and some wineAnd if I have to fall then it won""t be in your line.I""m a bad woman to keepMake me mad, I""m not here to pleasePaint me in a corner but my colour comes backOnce you go black, you never go back.Once you go black, you never go backOnce you go black, you never go backOnce you go black, you never go backOnce you go black, you never go back.http://music.baidu.com/song/15330458
2023-08-04 00:16:551

GEORGE BENSON的《Black Rose》 歌词

歌曲名:Black Rose歌手:GEORGE BENSON专辑:IrreplaceableTrapt - Black RoseI saw you in the garden I wanted you so muchI really thought that you were differentOh I couldn"t get enoughI tried to save you from yourselfI felt every high and lowBut the lows have drowned the highs awaynow there"s no where else to goBlack rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last timeBlack rose I watched your petals wilt awayI couldn"t bring you back to life!You were always where the sun could never goI never wanted you to have to be aloneBut I couldn"t find a way to help you growBlack RoseYou never tell me how you feeland your moods they always changeI really tried to make it realbut you never had the faithI tried to give you something goodto take the pain awayI tried to make you understandYou don"t have to be this wayBlack rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last timeBlack rose I watched your petals wilt awayI couldn"t bring you back to life!You were always where the sun could never goI never wanted you to have to be aloneBut I couldn"t find a way to help you growBlack RoseI"m not the one who hurt you So why are you so scared?All that you"ve been put through couldn"t be repairedI"m not the one who hurt I"m the only one who caresYou"ll need someone to turn to And I will not be thereEvery time I held you I knew that it would hurtOnly through the pain I could find a way to learnBlack rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last timeBlack rose I watched your petals wilt awaySaw them wilt away, couldn"t bring you back to life!You were always where the sun could never goI never wanted you to have to be aloneBut I couldn"t find a way to help you growBlack RoseI"m not the one who hurt you So why are you so scared?All that you"ve been put through couldn"t be repairedI"m not the one who hurt I"m the only one who caresYou"ll need someone to turn to And I will not be therehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1249680
2023-08-04 00:17:081

《Black and Yellow》歌词中文翻译

2023-08-04 00:17:162

Black Beauty

《黑骏马(Black Beauty)》是安娜·塞维尔一生中写的唯一一本书,1877年一经出版就获得了巨大成功,被誉为“第一部真正的动物小说”。那时她的肝炎和肺结核已经非常严重,一年之后就去世了。虽然现在这本书如今被划分为青少年经典书籍,安娜·塞维尔的初衷却是写给长期与马儿打交道的人们,希望马儿能得到他们的理解以及友善的对待。安娜曾经说:“My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt.”如果我们看到我们有力量去制止的残忍之行和不义之事,而没有制止,我们也就参与了共同犯罪。(可见她是十分反感人类对动物的虐待行为的) 本书的主人公“我”名叫Darkie,是一匹颇具颜值的优种黑马,从小生活在贵族人家,受过良好的训练,性格温顺,聪明机智,深得主人喜欢。后来几经易主,历经世间冷暖。作品揭示了马的内心世界,也有作为马冷眼旁观人类社会的描写。黑骏马通过自己的眼睛,用惟妙惟肖的语言,讲述了一个个娓娓动听的故事,让我们每个读故事的人都感到:动物通人性,我们怎样对待动物,动物就会怎样对待我们。主人为什么要给马儿们吃燕麦(oat)呢?其实早在公元476年,人们就已经用燕麦来喂马了,而日耳曼军队还率先用燕麦做军粮,挥师南下灭了西罗马帝国。在其他文学作品里面,也有对马吃燕麦的描述。1735年出版的小说《格列佛游记》中,格列佛在一个叫慧骃国(Houyhnhnms)的地方遇到了一群会说话的马,它们就以燕麦为待客的高级食品。在《包法利夫人》中,卡尼韦博士去病人家做手术,第一件事就是去亲自走进马棚,看看病人家喂马有没有用燕麦,因为不想让自己的坐骑饿着。可见,燕麦在过去一直是喂马的上乘之选。人类为了驯化马儿,发明了一系列马具,这里先给大家铺垫一些专有名词帮助理解:bit是马嚼子,金属制,是马笼头bridle的一部分。马儿把它含在嘴里,在骑手勒紧缰绳时起到良好的“刹车”作用。主人公Darkie吐槽:it is a smelly thing! 马嚼子确实是臭臭的(毕竟上面都是马口水),驯马师每次和马儿练习完,都会把它们头上的马笼头取下来,清洗一下马嚼子。人们需要骑马或是让马儿拉车的时候,会在马厩里为马儿开始一系列“穿衣”流程:首先,给马刷毛(brush the loose hair and dirt off the horse"s back)。这一步非常重要,因为如果不刷掉马代谢掉的毛发,一旦马的汗水将毛打湿,马会想要抖落它,骑手会很酸爽。然后,在马的头上套上马笼头,再安装马鞍(saddle),如果马蹄没有钉铁片(iron shoes),要检查是否有泥巴、杂草之类的塞在马蹄缝里(hoof care)。在整个过程中,马儿可能会觉得不舒服,所以要温柔的抚摸它们,和它们交流来calm them down。一词多义/熟词生义1.「stroke」:常见的意思是“打、击、中风”等,在这里的意思是“轻抚”。 原句:He would pat and stroke her and say, “Well, old Pet, and how is your little Darkie?” 2.「still」:此处still做副词,但不是表示“仍然”,而是表示“静止不动地”。 原句:...he has to learn to wear...and stand still while people put them on him. 3.「drive」:此处drive做动词,不是“驾驶、推动”,而是表示一种“打、敲、拧、戳”的动作,在文中是指钉钉子。原句:Next, he drove some nails through the shoe quite into my foot so that the shoe was firmly on.4. 「rather」:常见的意思是“与其”等,在这里的意思是表示程度“相当地”,类似 very。 原句:Sometimes we played rather roughly. 句子解析1. Sometimes we played rather roughly. They would often bite and kick as well as run.「roughly」:use too much force and not enough care or gentleness. 这里的「roughly」是「gently」的反义词,意为“粗野地,(举止)粗俗地”。 联系下文可知,妈妈觉得Darkie玩得太野了,一边狂奔还彼此又踢又咬的,于是教育他要做一头绅士马。 2. I have never forgotten my mother"s advice. I knew she was a wise old horse, and our master thought a great deal of her.「think a great deal of」: think highly of; value/regard…as important 对……有很高的评价,反义词可以说「think poorly of」~ Darkie发现主人都对她妈妈颇为器重。所以妈妈的教诲要听呀! a great deal of 常见的意思是大量的,a great deal of time。 3. I was already used to being led about the fields and lanes with reins and a head harness.「be/get/become used to sth/doing sth」习惯于……(做)某事;我们来举两个栗子: After I moved to UK for a couple of years, I have been used to the rainy weather. 我搬去英国几年后,习惯了那里的天气。 The colleagues are all very kind, making me get used to working with them very quickly. 同事们人都很好,让我很快就习惯了和他们一起工作。 注意:「be/get used to doing sth」与「used to do sth」的区别,后者表示“过去经常做某事”。前文中的My mother used to go out to work after the sun came out and come back in the evening. 就是说Darkie的妈妈过去常常日出而作,日落而息。再举个例子:We used to be good friends, but fell apart about a year ago. 我们过去曾经是好朋友,但一年前关系破裂了。 4. Next came the saddle, but that was not nearly so bad.「not nearly」: far from远非,根本不;来个栗子:He has not nearly enough time to buy a flat in downtown London. 他远没有足够的钱在伦敦市中心买一套公寓。 有同学可能要问了,为什么这个Next要放在句首呢?因为这里是由Next引起的倒装句,还原语序为:The saddle came next… 同理,here,there,now,then也能放在句首引起倒装,比如:Here/Now comes the special guest of this party. 下面这位是本次聚会的特别来宾。 这句话就是说,下一步就是上马鞍,不过那个根本不痛苦。为什么呀?因为后文说啦,主人对“我”很温柔~ 5. He then took a piece of iron the shape of my foot, and suddenly put it on my foot. 「the shape of my foot」修饰前面的「iron」,意思是“和我的蹄子同样形状的马蹄铁”。这里就是说,主人拿出一块和我的蹄子同样形状的马蹄铁,快速给我套上。 6. I never felt more like kicking, but of course I could not kick such a good master.「feel like doing sth」想做某事,这里加上never和more,就是强调:我从来没有(never)这么想(feel more like)踢人,当然我不能踢我可爱的主人。 7. He must never be startled (受惊的) by what he sees, nor speak to other horses, nor bite, nor kick, nor have any will of his own.「never....nor....」绝不.....也不..... 8. One day, when there was a good deal of kicking.a good deal of 大量的 kicking 踢来踢去 今日短语live upon sth. 依靠……生活 as soon as 一......就...... well off 处境好的 round and round 一圈又一圈 stand still 一动不动 in time 迟早 think a great deal of 对……评价很高 be/get/become used to sth/doing sth 习惯于…… used to do sth 过去常常be fond of 喜爱 not nearly 远非 feel like doing sth 想做某事 by the small trees 在小树近旁 about the filed about=around in time 最后,表将来的一个时间点 文化常识补充 Quaker是基督教的一个教派贵格会,又称教友派或者公谊会,是基督教新教的一个派别。该派成立于17世纪,创始人为乔治·福克斯,因一名早期领袖的号诫“听到上帝的话而发抖”而得名QUAKER,中文意译为“震颤者”(tremble),音译贵格会。最重要的是,她们相信每个信教的人与上帝之间建立直接的联系,不通过教会和牧师:They based their message on the religious belief that "Christ has come to teach his people himself", stressing the importance of a direct relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and a direct religious belief in the universal priesthood of all believers. They emphasized a personal and direct religious experience of Christ, acquired through both direct religious experience and the reading and studying of the Bible.
2023-08-04 00:17:371


君子说,学习不可以停止。靛青是从蓼蓝中提取的,但它比蓼蓝的颜色更青;冰是由水凝结成的,但它比水更冷。木材直得合乎拉直的墨绳,如果给它加热使它弯曲做成车轮,它的弯度就可以合乎圆规,即使又晒干了,也不会再挺直,这是因为人工使它弯曲成这样。所以木材经墨线量过就笔直了,金属刀具在磨刀石上磨过就锋利了。君子广泛地学习而且每天对照检查自己,就智慧明达,行动不会犯错误了。 我曾经整日思索,却不如学习片刻收获大;我曾经踮起脚跟眺望,却不如登上高处看得广阔。登高招手,手臂并没有加长,但人们在远处也能看见;顺着风呼喊,声音并没有加大,但听的人会听得清楚;借助车马的人,不是脚走得快,却能到达千里之外;借助船只的人,不是自己能游泳,却能横渡江河。君子的本性同一般人没有差别,只是善于借助于外物罢了。 堆土成山,风雨就从那里兴起;水流汇成深渊,蛟龙就在那里生长;积累善行,形成良好的品德,就会得到最高的智慧,具备圣人的思想境界。所以,不积累每一小步,就不能远达千里;不汇集细流,就不能形成江海。骏马跳跃一次,不能有十步远;劣马拉车走十天,也能走得很远,它的成功在于不停止。拿刀刻东西,中途停止,腐朽的木头也不能刻断;不停地刻下去,金石也能雕刻成功。蚯蚓没有锋利的爪牙,坚强的筋骨,却能上吃泥土,下饮泉水,是因为它心专一;螃蟹有六条腿,两只大夹,然而没有蛇鳝的洞穴就无处容身,是因为它心浮躁的缘故。
2023-08-04 00:17:471


  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是我为大家整理的九年级英语作文8篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 九年级英语作文 篇1   It was sunny that day. Our parents were out, so there were only my brother and me at home. We were bored. So we decided to go boating. We played happily. But when we went to the middle of the river, the weather changed. It rained suddenly. We didn t bring umbrella and our boat was bamboo raft. As the rain was more and heavier, we were afraid to sink in the river. We tried our best to make our boat in shore. But our bamboo raft had more water on it. I was afraid to die. My brother was also very anxious. At that time, my mother came and she pulled us back to the ground. It was thrilling.   那是一个晴天。我们的父母都出去了,所以只有我和哥哥在家。我们很无聊。所以我们决定去划船。我们玩的很开心。但当我们走到河中央时,天气变了。突然下起雨来。我们没带伞,而且我们的船还竹排。由于雨越来越大,我们担心会沉到河里去。我们尽力使我们的船靠岸。但是竹筏上的水越来越多。我害怕死了。我哥哥也很着急。那时,我妈妈来了来了,她把我们拉回到地面。真的惊心动魄啊。 九年级英语作文 篇2   Golden week means long vacation. I m in favor of the existing of golden week. Every year, I m looking forward to its coming. During the golden week, I can have a good rest at home or go for a travel if my parents would like to. It is very wonderful. A semester is very long, and I often feel tired after a semester. Thus, if I can have a little long vacation during the long time study would be great. After I have a good rest, I can study effectively. Having a good rest, everyone would be full of energy.   黄金周意味着长假。我支持黄金周的存在。每年我都期待着黄金周的到来。在黄金周期间,我可以在家好好的休息或者我爸爸妈妈喜欢的话我还可以去旅游。真是太棒了一个学期是非常长的,经过一个学期,我经常感到很累。因此,如果我能在长时间的学习中有一个长假是非常好的。我休息好之后,我可以有效地学习。休息好后,每个人都会充满能量。 九年级英语作文 篇3   According to the reform program of the college entrance examination that the Ministry of Education has made,some of the subjects will be examed many times in a year.People have different oppinions about this. Some say that this program give students more free time.Students can choose the exam time themself and it"s obvious an effective way to improve their grades of the university entrance examination.On the other hand,if some of the subjects are finished ahead of time,students will be in less pressure during the time. There are also many people against the program while others are in favour of it.It wil increase the burden of the students by the frequently tests.Also,it is a waste of the education resource cause the exam costs more in this case. In my oppinion,to pass the exam before the reference time is a good way to relax ourselves while we are all under the pressure of the university entrance examination.So I"m looking forward to see the reform program to be brought into force. What about you?What"s your idea of the program? 九年级英语作文 篇4   This summer, i had some special days. i joined dongzhou international educational exchange summer camp.   first, i will tell you about our foreign teachers, they are shrina and rebecca. they are friendly and beautiful. they are students at oxford university.   we talked about many things: famous people, subjects in england, different jobs, our deal days, western star signs, what can we say in a restaurant and so on.   we know lots of things, like what the difference is between “chef” and “cook”, all the parts of the body…   we tried to write a letter to principal zhang. we made a play and we drew our own comics and tried to sell it. we gave some other students english lessons, we taught them about chinese dragon, chinese martial arts and the olympics.   every afternoon, we played exciting games: chinese whispers, tongue twisters, wheelbarrow, egg and spoon, three legs…   on the last day, we had a good time. we made black tea. we put tea bags, some milk and lots of water in to a big bowl, and then we stirred the tea until it became red and dark. oh, it tasted good! later, we used eggs, flour and milk to make many pancakes. to cook them is very interesting. when we finished it, the pancakes looked round and nice. we put some jam on it. how delicious! i wonu2019t ever forget it.   the summer camp is a really good chance for me. i know the local things in england. i learned a lot and like english more. i also know better ways to learn english well.   i hope one day i can see you in england. 九年级英语作文 篇5    Unit1How can we become good learners?   本单元话题为“学会学习”,与之相关的话题作文主要为谈论英语学习方法,这是各地中考英语真题中最常考的话题作文之一。写作时可根据具体要求或提示,对相关的学习方法提出建议。   写作此类话题作文的常用表达有:   (1)What about listening to…?   (2)Try to guess …by…   (3)The more…,the more…   (4)…is the secret to language learning.   (5)I think…should…   (6)It"s a good idea to…    【典型例题】   为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以“how to be a good learner”为题的征文比赛,请踊跃投稿。    【优秀范文】   How to be a good learner   To be a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning.   We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. It"s good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have any problems, we"d better ask others for help.As a student, working hard is important, but don"t forget to do sports and keep healthy.   I think all above is helpful to us to be a good learner.    Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!   本单元是围绕节日这一话题展开的,是大家较为熟悉的内容,要想写好这个话题的文章,首先要注意其体裁,通常是电子邮件式的说明文,介绍一两个中国的传统节日,内容涉及节日名称、时间、含义及主要活动,还应谈到你喜欢该节日及理由。   写作此类话题作文的常用表达有:   (1)I love…because…   (2)I think they are…to…   (3)You"ll have good luck in the New Year.   (4)Chinese people have been celebrating…for centuries.    【典型例题】   假如你是李磊,你的美国笔友Tom对中国传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封80 词左右的电子邮件。介绍一两个中国的传统节日、如春节、中秋节等。    【优秀范文】   Dear Tom   I am very glad to tell you something about spring festival.   It"s a traditional festival in china. It comes in winter.   It"s time to get new. We usually clean and decorate our houses carefully before it comes. I always help my mother clean the windows and wash the clothes. We put on Chunlian on the doors and chuanghua on the windows.   It"s time to say goodbye to the last year, and say hello to the New Year. Everyone goes home to get together with their families, no matter how far it is. They must have dinner together on that day. They must visit their relatives and friends and say “Happy New Year” to them. When the kids greet their grandparents, they can get money.    Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restaurants are?   本单元介绍如何指路,也是写作要涉及的话题。   写作此类话题作文的`常用表达有:   (1) Let me tall you how to get there.   (2) You can walk along...   (3) Turn left/right to...   (4)Go straight along...    【典型例题】   你有两张红旗剧院的戏剧票,想要邀请Rob和你一起去看。请你给他写封信,邀请他并告诉他具体该怎么到达红旗剧院。    【优秀作文】   Dear Rob,   Are you free next Sunday? There will be a concert in Hongqi Theater. I have two tickets and I hope you can go with me. Now let me tall you how to get there.   First , you can walk along Zhaowuda Road after you leave your home. Thenturn left onto Third Street. Go straight along Third Street. When you get to Walking Street,turn right.Then go along the street until you see Hongqi Theater on your right.   I will meet you at the gate of Hongqi Theater.   Yours, Liu Ming    Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark.   本单元话题为“我们怎样变化的”,主要围绕人或事物从过去到现在所发生的变化展开描述。写作时首先要理清写作的逻辑顺序,注意过去与现在的对比。在句式的使用上,既可用used to do/be…,but now…,也可以直接用一般过去时描述过去的情况,用一般现在时描写现在的情况,各种句式交替使用,以免文章显得呆板。   写作此类话题作文的常用表达有:   (1)…used to do/be   (2)How/what about you?   (3)…has/have changed a lot in the last few years.    【典型例题】   请你以Changes in people"s life 为题描述最近几年人们生活上的变化。词数80词左右。   提示:1. 人们的联系方式、娱乐方式的改变   2. 人们的出行方式及居住环境的改变    【优秀范文】   Changes in people"s life   Great changes have taken place in people"s life in the last few years.   In the past people kept in touch with relatives or friends mainly by sending letters. They would listen to the radio for news and other information. Children used to go to school by bike. Big families had to share small rooms.   Now people can talk to others by telephone or on the internet at home. When they are free, they watch the news and other programs on TV. Some families are rich enough to send their children to school in their own cars. More and more people live in big and bright apartment with several rooms.   In a word, people live better than before. 九年级英语作文 篇6   Dear Daming, I know your problem. You"ve made two mistakes. First, you used your classmate"s pen without her permission. Second, when you broke the pen, you didn"t tell her the truth. Yes, you must tell her immediately. If you tell her the truth, perhaps she"ll be angry with you, but at least you"ll prove you are honest. Then I think you should offer to pay. You can use your pocket money to buy a new pen for her. She will realize that you"re truly sorry. I hope the advice can help you. I"m sure you will make up with her soon. Yours, Tom.   亲爱的大明,我知道你的问题。你犯了错误。首先,你用你的同学的钢笔没有她的许可。其次,当你打破了笔,你没有告诉她真相。是的,你必须马上告诉她。如果你告诉她真相,也许她会对你生气,但至少你会证明你是诚实的。然后我想你应该提供给你。你可以用你的零花钱给她买一支新钢笔。她会意识到你真的很抱歉。我希望这个建议能帮助你。我相信你很快就会和她一起。 九年级英语作文 篇7   Reform of college English Education   As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global communication, the defects that exist in the current educational system are open to more criticism. It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English education should be under way.   Educators definitely should be responsible for the inadequacy of College English Education. It is known to all that interest is the best teacher, but a large part of college English teachers underestimate the effect of interest and keep preaching in class. Besides, “language environment” is needed to learn a foreign language and the lack of it in Chinese universities has hindered the student"s English learning.   Some problems of the students" learning habits is also the source of the inadequacy. Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing and therefore their English is also “broken” in this way. In addition, they are generally reluctant to practice speaking. This has greatly contributed to the “dumb English” of Chinese students.   The success of the college English education reform requires efforts of both educators and students. The universities should encourage students to speak English in their daily communications and hole more activities with the purpose of promoting students" speaking of English. Teachers should focus on attracting students with charms and interest of English in their classes. Students should try to be participants of the learning activities rather than passive receptors. With the collaboration of educators and students, the reform of college English education will surely yield plentiful fruits 九年级英语作文 篇8   Cath: M biggest prble is that I" t bus. When I was ung, I used t have s uch tie, but these das I get up earl and sta in schl all da. Then I g right he and eat dinner. Befre I started high schl. I used t spend a lt f te plaing gaes with friends, but I ust dn"t have the tie anre. In the evening, I used t watch TV r chat with grandther, but nw I have t stud. I lve usic, and father used t tae e t cncerts. These das, I hardl ever have tie fr cncerts. I d hewr and g t bed. I reall iss the ld das.   Tn: M schl life is clrful. At schl, I learn a lt and I get n well with classates.   Class begins at 8:00. I have lunch at 12:00. after schl, I pla basetball with friends. The schl is a gd place t stud in. I a interested in studing. I d well in English because I lie English ver uch. I a nt gd at ath. It"s t difficult fr e. But I will tr best t learn ath well.   I have studied at schl fr abut 3 ears. I will tae the final exa in three nths. S I have t stud hard. I believe I will succeed.   1. 小学生活轻松、快乐,科目容易学,有很多的课余时间;   2. 初三生活忙碌、辛苦,业余时间少,花大部分时间为考试而学习;   3. 你在初三备考中所面临的最大问题;   4. 你决定尽自己所能努力学习,考上理想的高中。   例文:   When I was in the priar schl, I had a relaxing and happ life. It was eas fr e t learn each subect well. Besides, I used t have s uch free tie that I culd d anthing I lie.   Hwever, the life at present has changed. As a Grade 9 student, I have less tie t pla but re tie t stud fr the final exa. M biggest prble is that I have truble getting gd grades in English. But I will nt give it up. I decide t tr best t learn it well s that I can enter a gd high schl.   In a wrd, the life in Grade 9 is quite bus but happ. After all, I have learned a lt.
2023-08-04 00:17:561


1. 关于朋友的英语的好词好句 A friend can tell you things you don"t want to tell yourself. A road to a friend"s house is never long. To lose a friend is hardship, but to forget them is as if you died too. A true friend sticks with you through thick and thin no matter what. Friendship without self-interest is one of the rare and beautiful things of life. Friendship is one mind in two bodies. True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. Never Explain — your Friends do not need it and your Enemies will not believe you anyway. The only way to have a friend is to be one. In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends. 这个是收集quotation的网站,你可以找到更多: 2. 我的好朋友简单的英语作文 My best friend** is my best friend ,he is 14 years old.he has black hair and he has two big eyes,he is tall and thin.He likes smiles.he likes playing baskerball and tennis ,he often beats me.I like swimming and he like running,we also like drawing ,he studies hard and gets good grades,he is outgoing,he likes talking with people ,I like him,and he is my best friend.**是我最好的朋友,他是14岁,有黑色的头发,他有一双大眼睛,他又高又瘦,喜欢他喜欢打篮球和网球,他常常打我。 我喜欢游泳,他喜欢跑步,我们也喜欢画画,他学习努力,成绩很好,他很外向,他喜欢与人交谈,我喜欢他,他是我最好的朋友。 3. 关于友谊的英语句子有哪些 关于友谊的英文名言: 1. “The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.” – Hubert H. Humphrey “生命中最棒的礼物就是友谊,并且我已收获了。”——小休伯特u2022霍拉蒂奥u2022汉弗莱 2. “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” – Helen Keller “在黑暗中与朋友并肩同行好过在光亮中独自行走。”——海伦u2022凯勒 3. “Friends are the siblings God never gave us.” – Mencius“ 朋友如手足。”——孟子 4. “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” – Thomas Aquinas “世界上没有什么比友谊更珍贵了。”——托马斯u2022阿奎纳 5. “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. “爱是唯一能化敌为友的力量。”——马丁u2022路德u2022金 6. “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – Walter Winchell “真正的朋友是‘全世界与我为敌,他与全世界为敌"”——沃尔特u2022温切尔 7. “Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.” – Khalil Gibran “友谊是甜蜜的责任,而不是机遇。”——卡里u2022纪伯伦 8. “A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.” – Leo Buscaglia “一枝玫瑰可以是我的小花园,而一个朋友,则是我的世界。”——利奥u2022巴斯卡利亚 9. “A friend is what the heart needs all the time.” – Henry Van Dyke “朋友是无论何时都需要的。”——亨利u2022凡u2022戴克 10.“One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.” – Euripides “一个忠诚的朋友抵得上成千上万的亲戚。”——欧里庇得斯 4. 我最好的朋友英语作文带翻译10句左右 My Best Friend I have a best friend. Her name is Lucy. She is a kind person. If someone needs help, she will give him a hand. She helps me a lot. When I am sad, she will be by my side and talk to me. My math is poor, and hers is good,so she often teach me how to study math. With her help, my math improves. I am so glad to have such a good friend. 我最好的朋友 我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫做露丝。她是一个善良的人。如果有人需要帮助,她会向他伸出缓手。她帮了我很多。我不开心的时候,她会陪着我,跟我聊天。我的数学不好,而她的数学很好,所以她经常教我怎么学数学。在她的帮助下,我的数学提高了。我很高兴能有这样一个好朋友。 如有疑问,就追问吧 5. 求用英语描述友谊的句子 A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。 Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交。 A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。A friend exaggerates a man"s virtue, an enemy his crimes.朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。 A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.囊中有钱,不如朝中有友。 A friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。 A friend is best found in adversity.患难见真友。A friend is never known till a man has need.不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。 A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.交友慢,失友快。A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.广交友,无深交。 A friend without faults will never be found.没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。 Better lose a jest than a friend.宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。Choose an author as you choose a friend.选书如择友。 He that has a full purse never wants a friend.只要袋里有,不愁没朋友。 Life without a friend is death without a witness.在世无朋友,死后无证人。 Thy friend has a friend and thy friend"s friend has a friend so be discreet.你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities.维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。 Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy.不要信赖朋友的赞扬,也不要仇敌的轻蔑放在心上。We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。 We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours.生活可无友,邻居不能无。When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.朋友的要求不要拖。 Without a friend the world is a wilderness.没有朋友,世界就等於一片荒野。A bosom friend afar brings distant land near.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。A faithful friend is hard to find.益友难得。 A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.一本好书,莫逆之交。A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.远亲不如近邻。 An empty purse frightens many friends.囊中无分文,亲友不上门。A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money.失友皆从借钱起。 A thousand friends are few, one enemy is too many.朋友千人尚觉少,仇敌一人犹嫌多。A true friend is known in the day of adversity.疾风知劲草,患难见真情。 A true friend is one soul in two bodies.真正的朋友好似两个身子长著一颗心。Better an open enemy than a false friend.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 Between friends all is common.朋友之间不分彼此。Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.书籍如朋友,应该少而精。 Everything is good when new, but friend when old.东西新的好,朋友老的好。 Familiar paths and old friends are the best.熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。 Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight.朋友像琴弦,不能太拧紧。Friendship cannot stand always on one side.来而不往非礼也。 Friendship is love with understanding.友谊是爱加上谅解。 Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。 Friendship ---- one soul in two bodies.友谊是两人一条心。 Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.友谊地久天长。 Friends may meet, but mountains never greet.朋友可相逢,高山永分离。 Friends must part.天下无不散之筵席。 God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself.防友*天,防敌*己。He is rich enough who has true friends.有真朋友的人是富翁。 Hunger knows no friend.饥难周友。In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty; In time of adversity, not one amongst twenty.富在深山有远亲,穷在闹市无人。 6. 求一个简短的英语小作文题目是:我的好朋友 I have a good friend named John. He is very tall and he is good at basketball. He likes playing, but he doesn"t like studying. He knows a lot of things that our textbooks don"t tell us. When we are together, we talk about a lot of things.。 7. 中国的朋友很好相处英语句子 When I was young,happiness was simple; now that I"ve grown up,simplicity is happiness. 小时候,幸福是件很简单的事;长大后,简单是件很幸福的事. Do not rack your brains on scheming to get friendship,otherwise,it becomes sort of business trade. 友情不可费力经营,要不然就成了生意. Remember the three words when you"re upset:never mind; It doesn"t matter; It will be over in the end. 心烦时记住三句话:算了吧,没关系,会过去的. A single hand that wipes tears during failures is much better than countless hands that come together to clap on success. 失败的时候一只拭去你泪痕的手要比成功的时候无数双向你祝贺的手重要. True friends are the ones who always are there for you no matter how hard the situation is,and always say,“I"m here.” 真正的朋友无论有多难都会在你身旁对你说“没事,有我呢 8. 有关朋友的英文谚语,需要十句 1、A gentleman acts on behalf of an understanding friend, as a woman makes herself beautiful for her lover. 士为知己者用,女为悦己者容。 2、A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. 兄弟不一定是朋友, 而朋友一定是兄弟。 3、Friendship is almost always the union of a part of one mind with a part of another; people are friends in spots. 友谊是两者思想的结合, 志趣相投才能成为朋友。 4、Be true to your word, your work, and your friend. 人应遵守诺言,忠实自己的工作和友人。 5、I know not whether our names will be immortal; I am sure our friendship will. 我不知道我们的名字能否永垂不朽;我敢说我们的友谊会与世长存。 6、The true friendship seeks to give, not take; to help, not to be helped; to minister, not to be ministered unto. 真正的友谊追求的是给予,而不是索取; 是帮助别人,而不是被人帮助;是为人服务,而不是被人服务。 7、To prepare a friend, three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维护朋友,有三件事情要做到:当面要尊重他,不在场时要表扬他, 苦难时要帮助他。 8、Choose thy friends like thy books, few but choice. 选择朋友要像选书那样, 数量要少,但质量要精。 9、My friend is not perfect—nor am I—and so we suit each other admirably. 朋友不会十全十美,你自己也一样,双方要互相尊敬。 10、For a congenial friend a thousand toasts are too few; in a disagreeable conversation one word more is too many. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。 参考资料: 中国日报-文化 9. 英语小作文我的朋友简单的 My friend I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends. We send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much. 翻译: 我有一个好朋友。 她是一个漂亮的女孩,她住在九江,是一个中学生。她大眼睛、小嘴儿、小鼻子、圆脸。 她身材高挑。她喜欢看电视和打篮球。 周末,她常常和朋友们在下午打篮球,在晚上看电视。 她是一个好学生,擅长英语。 她喜欢说英语,常常在学校用英语报道新闻。 她说我们是好朋友。 我们每天发电子邮件给对方。我非常喜欢她。
2023-08-04 00:18:041

my bese friend 的作文

my best friend I have a best friend. Her name is Mary, She"s very beautiful and lovely. She"s work hard and interested in all subjects, but she likes English very much. She thinks English very interesting. so when i have problem. She always help me. She not only likes subjects, but also likes school activites. She always takes part in shcool activies with her classmates. She enjoy playing piano and she wins a lot of prizes ,Mary is very friendly, So everyone all likes her . I feel proud of her as her best friend. After this summer vacation,we may go to different schools for further study. but I"m sure that we"ll be good friends forever.
2023-08-04 00:18:245

my best friend 作文

在生活、工作和学习中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是我整理的my best friend 作文(精选25篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。 my best friend 作文1 Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in school,and were in the same grade. My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking.I learn a lot from him.He helps me with math;I help him with English.We always help each other.besides that,hes honest and reliable.I trust him completely and we share secrets all the time. My best friend is also loyal and brave.Once when a bully teased me,he came to my rescue right away.He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be with.He tells funny jokes and stories.He always makes me laugh.Finally,he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when Im down. My best friend is really one of a kind.I hope well stay friends forever. my best friend 作文2 Three years ago, i was a cool and detached girl. i never helped others or cried, because i thought that was very boring. One day an unusual girl rushed into my life. she looks like a boy and she is also very lovely. she is very cheerful. i always feel she is a red sun. she is the most beautiful girl that i have ever seen. she often helps me and plays with me. we became good friends at once. since then, i have been sanguine. Now, i am still a happy girl. Im often moved by the world. i think our life is so short, and it isn‘t easy for people to live in the world. i‘ve learned to help others and to cry. i‘ve also learned to be happy and grateful. i also understand that crying doesn‘t mean coward, crying can mean visualize a bright future!though she has lots of new friends and i have many too, she will be my best friend forever, because she has taught me a lot… Thank you--my best friend! my best friend 作文3 Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with others. I also have a best friend. Her name is 姓名.We met in my Primary school, and we were in the same class. She is a very caring person and she always helps others who have difficulties. Even though her body has a little fat, she is also a lovely girl in my heart. She helped me a lot. I can remember one of the things. On that day, we"ll have a music lesson that every classmates are get ready except me. I can"t find my music book. I am very worried because the teacher is strict with us. At this moment, she handed me a music book who is my bestfriend. She smiled to me and said:” Don"t worry and let us to learn with the one book.” A friend in need is a friend indeed. I am proud of having a kindly friendlike her. We are the best friends forever. my best friend 作文4 Each of us has a best friend. My best friend, she cant talk. Of course, in school, my friends are inseparable from me. But, in my opinion, the best friend has something on his mind or a secret to tell him/her that maybe he/she will be annoyed and will reveal your secret to others. My friend, she never will. Whether or not something unusual happens every day, Ill tell her what Ive learned all day. Talking to her is the happiest thing for me. She gave me an open mind. I can talk to her about the harvest, discontent and excitement of the day. I am convinced that she is the best listener in the world. During the week, I had to write a lot of hand copies, only one night. I told her about it because I was afraid it was too late. She makes me understand myself. Her heart was created by my joys and sorrows. Every drop of my growth she would remember. Who is she? Not my classmate, not my mother. A silent friend - a diary. my best friend 作文5 I have a good friend.He is a boy.His name is LiMing.He comes from Beijing but now lives in Nanjing with his parents. He has short hair. He is very tall. He studies at SunShine Middle School. He likes all the lessons at his new school.And he is good at Maths and English. He also likes sports. He is a member of our school football team. Football is his favourite sport. He often paly football with his friends after school and watch football matches. Messi is his favourite football player. He has a good dream. He wants to be a good football player like Messi. I hope his dream comes true. my best friend 作文6 My friend Jack is a sixteen-year-old boy who is studying in our senior high. He is a history monitor in class, but he doesnt like history if anyting. His favorite pastime is football. He is also a gifted guitor player. Jack has got short black hair. Usually, he goes to school with his hat on his head. And he wears a pair of black glasses. He is a thin boy with humorous. Jack is popular with classmates. Sometimes, he even has a desire to help others. For example, he always help classmates with study. Jack gets on well with everyone. We all like him. The outgoing boy is really something. my best friend 作文7 I have many friends.Do you know who they are?Are they my pet?No.Are they my classmates?No. Let me tell you:they are my favourite book. I like books very much.I like reading science book,cartoon book and so on. Not only letting me know how wonderful the world is but also teaching me how to be a good person in the society,they give me great pleasure. I love books! my best friend 作文8 Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate. She has big eyes. Her long hair is often plained.Sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively. LiNan is very clever.She is good at her school subjects. She has won the school scholarship twice,I always take her as my model in study. She tells me that we should make good use of time. Li Yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,Any student in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for help. But she doesn"t like others to praise her, because she thinks what she did is ordinary. I feel proud to have such a friend. my best friend 作文9 Norella is my best friend in school. She is a fair, pretty girl with dimpled cheeks. She and I first met at kindergarten and we became great friends. She is kind, jolly and helpful. We are classmates again this year and we go to school together each morning. Norella likes to joke and play games. She lives near my house. In the evenings, we usually meet at my house. We sit in the garden and read story books. She is good at Mathematics. So, whenever I find difficulties in my Mathematics homework, I would ask her to help me. Sometimes, when my parents go out in the evening, she comes over to keep me company and we watch television together. That way I do not feel lonely. I hope Norella and I will be in the same class again next year. I like her very much and she is my best friend. my best friend 作文10 hey say a good friend to share the joys and sorrows. My friend is a very beautiful girl. We grew up together. Her hair is longer than mine. Her face is thinner than mine. But she wears glasses. We are all tall, she is more outgoing than me. I am more quiet. Because her grades were better than me, so she sometimes will teach me some math, because I play volleyball play better than her, so I also occasionally taught her how to play volleyball. Everyone likes her because she is hot to help others. No matter what difficulties I meet, she will always help me. This is the real hand in the trouble! I like her very much, because she is my best friend. my best friend 作文11 My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and im more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and dont want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study. From joozone.com. I think our friendship will last forever. my best friend 作文12 My best friend is lai LAN, we are always together. She is very attractive, long eyelashes, deep eye sockets, a pair of very air small Eyes, a smile to squints, an angry stare like a small ball. Her small, erect nose was warped. Her lips are lined, her teeth white and red, and she talks like a brother. Look at her ears, small and pink, like shells. Her fingers were long and long, like a new shoot of a bamboo shoot after the rain. One time, lylan was ill, and when I got the news, I hurried to buy some fruit for her with my allowance, and hurried to the house of rylan. When I arrived at her home, I immediately asked, "are you feeling better?" She said, "I am much better off receiving your concerned greetings." In the evening, I dream of lai LAN, dreaming that we are playing happily together in school. Dream here, I suddenly wake up, decide to fold a wish star, wish the disease of lai LAN to rise quickly. The second day early in the morning, I found Lai Lan had to go to school, I jumped with joy, rushed over and she came a big hug, "super" this is no ordinary hug, I hugged her for a long time for a long time to separate. Look, we are really best friends, right? my best friend 作文13 Li Ming is my best friend, who grows up with me. We have been friends for six years since we were in primary school. We have many in commons. For example, we both like playing football and watching sport games. Besides, we like cartoons and we always watch cartoon programs together. We play football very often. After class, we do not go home but play football with classmates. We usually have great time. However, we still pay much attention on study, because its our priority. We help each other in study and make progress together. To some extend, we are families. my best friend 作文14 Hello, everyone! My name is Xing Xiaoqing. You can call me Cherry. Im in Class 0506. Li Nan is my best friend. She"s thirteen years old. Her birthday is on 3rd October and she was born in Shen Zhen. She lives with her family in Haimen. She"s metres tall. She has black hair and she wears glasses. She is very lovely and pretty. She likes eating dumplings, chocolates, peanuts and vegetables. She dislikes pork, sweets and green tea. She loves listening to music. She has lots of CDs. She likes reading and writing. She is the newest member of the Maths Club. She has many hobbies, such as dancing, running and playing computer games. Her favorite hobby is drawing, because she likes all the different colors. It is fun to look at the pictures when she finishes drawing them. The Dragon Boat Festival is her favorite day. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up. We always have fun. We sit under the trees at lunchtime and have a good chat. Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck shop. On Sunday, we usually go to the bookshop. We often study together. My best friend is really great! my best friend 作文15 Linda is my best friend. She is 15 years old. She is a pretty girl with a round face and two big black eyes. She always has a smile on her face. She is taller than I. Every morning, we go to school together. She studies quite well and shes a top student in our class. She is modest in her behaviour. When I have difficulty in English, I always ask her for help. We are both interested in music. At weekends, we join the same hobby group and play the violin together. We like each other. my best friend 作文16 I have a best friend She has long straight black hair big black eyes and a small nose. She is very thin and kind, she is cute too. Her English and Chinese is very good. She ishard-working. She favorite season is summer, because its hot ,she can eat ice- cream. She like playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs. Whos she? She is my best friend ---Sun Meng Qi. She has a very good English name, too---Angle. my best friend 作文17 I have a good friend. His name is Chin Daibe. He is 15 years old. We both want to be detectives. He is very clever. He is just a secondary school student but he is cleverer than any other student. I think he is as clever as a university school student. His favorite detective is Kindalchi Hajime. He wants to be just as famous when he grows up. He is as helpful and brave as Sherlock Holmes. He is generous to his friends, too. When he has some new detective books, he always shares with me. So I am willing to lend him books, too. His favorite writers are Jinguchi Lanbu and A.E.W. Mason. His favorite book is "At the Villa Rose". I think it is a good detective book, too. I really think he will be a very good detective. He is my best friend. my best friend 作文18 I have many friends, but my best friend is Li Hua, she is a girl, we get to know each other when I am four. Now I am ten years old, Li Hua is also the same age with me, we have been together for seven years. We share happiness and sorrow, I will tell her my secret and she will also tell me her secret. We will be best friends forever. my best friend 作文19 My best friend is called Tom.He is 14 years old.He is a handsome boy.He is tall and has a medium build.His hair is short black and straight.We always play together.He is friendly and funny boy.He always helps others.When I get into a trouble he always
2023-08-04 00:18:401


Learn how to wash clothes collection of dirty clothesLearning how to wash clothes is a very important skill. Failure to acquire this may not only turn out to be unhealthy, but also expensive, in the case that the washing goes wrong. Fortunately, then, it is not a very difficult skill to master. Step1.Collect all your dirty clothes from the bathroom floor, or wherever else you keep them. Keep in mind that your socks may be in the living room or under your desk. Make sure you"ve found everything. 2.Sort the clothes into piles. There are two important considerations here: what material your clothes are, and what color. 3.Read all the labels, and pick out the clothes that (a) cannot be washed (need to be taken to a dry cleaner), (b) all clothes that say delicate, or have other restrictions. These are commonly materials such as silk, wool, and certain synthetic fibers. 4.Remember delicates may have to be washed by hand. This means using a sink or a bucket, and adding water (read labels to verify the temperature) and detergent. The water should feel slippery. Warning: remember to sort the colors (see point five below). 5.Sort the remaining clothes (generally materials such as cotton, linen, synthetic fibers) according to color. All whites should go with only whites (or very light colors if the item has been washed many times). Then put all the reds, pinks, and oranges in a separate pile (never keep this close to the white pile as you will be wearing pink shirts for a long time). Then, depending on how much more you have left, put the other colors together, possibly into a lighter (e.g. greys, yellows, light blues) and a darker pile (blacks, dark blues, browns, purples). 6.Know that, each pile is its own load. It is recommended to start with the highest priority pile, usually the one with socks and underwear. 7.Put the first pile into the washer. Add detergent (the bottle/box should say how much you need). 8.Read all instructions on the washer carefully, and examine all the knobs to make sure you are washing the clothes the way you are planning to. Whites and underwear usually go on hot temperatures. Colored clothes and sheets usually go on warm or cold temperatures. 9.Close the door and push the on button. 10.Come back when the washer is done and take the clothes out. Shake them gently, and either put into a dryer (remember to read the label) or hang them up to dry. Tips If you"re sharing an apartment or living with people you know, it sometimes helps to join in the washing. This is especially the case with reds, as many people don"t have a full load of red clothes in their wardrobe. Doing laundry together saves money and time, and lowers your impact on the environment. Fold as little as possible. Just stack your undies like pancakes. Over drying wears fabric out faster; try to leave a little moisture in (not too much though), it will dry before you get to using it anyway. Take the sheets off the bed, wash them and put them right back on. Less time will be spent folding/storing. Guys- when you are low on dress socks, give what remains to Goodwill and buy like 30 pairs all same style of black. No more sorting or orphans. Go one step further and divide your dress sock drawer in two. Put clean socks in one side and draw from the other. When they are gone, reverse. This way you wear your socks evenly and can throw them all out at the same time and start over, hence less waste. Also- no folding, just throw them together like worms. The recommended detergent amounts are about twice what you need. Use half of what they recommend & your clothes will be just as clean and your detergent will last twice as long. If your dryer is near the shower, pull towels/clothes directly from the dryer if they are in there, hence less folding. Have hooks in your closet for your favorite pants and shirts that you wear constantly, don"t fold and store them, just hang them up.
2023-08-04 00:18:502


1. 怎样写好初中英语作文 英语作文的目标和要求是学生在写作文时首要要达到的: 1.首段引人: 尽自己最大的可能使得第一自然段引人入胜,做到“语不惊人誓不休”。要想做到这一点,就要求学生要大量地阅读课外书籍,包括中文和英文,做到知识面宽泛,观点灵活,写技高超。 2.词组句型: 在英语作文中,词组和句型的运用可帮助呈现写作者的英语水平。这就要求学生要在基础知识方面进行系统的学习。现举例说明: prefer doing>enjoy doing>like doing 由此可以看出,不同类型和不同水平的词组句型可表现出写作者不同的观点及英语水平。 3.复合句: 在英语写作中,对于主从复合句的运用也是必不可少的。小学英语作文中可以没有主从复合句,但从初中开始,必须在写作中运用主从复合句(至少1——2个)。因为,只有主从复合句才能表达更为复杂的观点;只有主从复合句才能是阅卷者看出写作者真实的英语水平高度。 4.转联词: 所谓的转联词是指那些用于承上启下的副词,连词以及大量的介词词组等。英语作文中转联词的必要使用,可以使得句子与句子之间更加流畅,避免了各个句子的分割独立,使得文章顺理成章,一气呵成。中国学生在学习中,掌握了大量的此类单词和词组,但除了but,because,等,很少主动使用,使得所写文章颇显干巴和唐突。 5.时态: 毋庸置疑,时态是英语基础知识的重要范畴之一,也是区别于汉语的重要特点之一。而英语作文又是对学生综合能力的考核。因而,在作文中,必须加入时态的准确运用,才能使自己的观点和所叙述的情节更加精准。因为中文中没有时态的概念,中国学生极易在英语时态方面出现失误或忽略事态的运用,这将是所写的英语作文大打折扣。 6.汉译英: 在莱曼英语教学理念中,我们更加强调翻译训练的重要性。无论是英译汉,还是汉译英都是英语学习着必备的基本能力,或者说,都是顶尖级能力。所以,在英语作文中,汉译英技巧的运用,毫无疑问地会帮助写作者更加充分地表达自己的观点。而这种翻译的训练又是大部分教学资料和英语课堂所极为缺乏的。莱曼英语总结了一些特效直观的汉译英技巧,将安排在后续的讲座中进行讲解。 7.书写排版: 尽人皆知,书写排版是人的第二张脸。一篇作文的书写和排版直接影响到阅卷人的情绪,不可避免地会影响到作文的最后成绩。 8.课外阅读和长期训练 课外要广泛地涉猎不同种书籍,特别是对一些精品文章的阅读,以增加自己的信息量。同时,还要通过日记,周记,书信,便条,通知,短信以及命题写作等方式进行长期不断地训练,才能逐渐地提高英语写作水平。 综上所述,英语作文是一种基础知识的输出,是一种综合能力的体现。是一个大量信息积攒的过程,是一个不断修炼的过程。 我很喜欢写英文作业主要是因为我对英语很感兴趣,经常把我写的作文到116114里让英语老师给我指导一下。 2. 谁帮我写5篇初中英语作文 My Dream SchoolI always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and o in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn. We can spend more time doing some outside reading. The students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We needn"e68a84e79fa5e9819331333238643566t do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school.Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If I want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.The teachers here are kind and helpful. They are not only our teachers but also our good friends. The students are polite and friendly. We all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. There is no litter around the campus.I love my dream school. We will grow up to be happier there.。 3. 怎样写好一篇初中英语作文,有什么好方法 初中英语作文高分秘诀1. 动笔之前,认真审题先构思出一个框架或画面,确定短文的中心思想,根据图画、图表、提纲或短文提供的资料和信息来审题。 审题要审格式、体裁、人物关系、故事情节、主体时态、活动时间、地点等。2. 围绕中心,拟定提纲3. 语言通顺,表达准确(1) 避免使用汉语式英语,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型。 几种句型可交替使用,以避免重复和呆板。(2) 多用简单句型,记事、写人一般都不需要复杂的句型。 可适当多使用陈述句、一般疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。不用或少用非谓语或情态动词等较复杂的句型。 (3)注意语法、句法知识的灵活运用。1) 语态、时态要准确无误。 2) 主谓语要一致,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。3) 注意人称代词的宾格形式。 4) 注意冠词用法,例如: He is an honest student.中的an不能写成a。5) 注意拼写、标点符号和大小写,例如:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant等。 标点符号特别注意汉英的不同,例如:汉语 英语A. 句号 。 .B. 省略号 …… …C. 顿号 、无4. 不会表达,另辟蹊径遇到个别要点表达不出来或难以表达,可采用变通的办法,化难为易,化繁为简。 (1) 迂回而行当汉语词义不会用英语表达时,可想一个与这个汉语词义相似的几种词义。(2) 小词大用汉语中有些语意看来很复杂很文雅,但在英语中可用一些常用词表达。 下面这些词可能在你的书面表达中很有用:take, have, get, make, e, go, do, see, show, happy, nice, kind, help 等。(3) 借花献佛5. 锦上添花,量力而行如果你还有时间和精力,想把书面表达写得更好,那么,请注意以下几点:(1) 句型多样化,不要I(We)……到底,使人觉得乏味。 (2) 适当使用一些并列句或主从复合句。(3) 进一步描绘人或事物时,适当使用定语从句。 (4) 适当使用分词或分词短语,烘托谓语动词。(5) 偶尔使用一下倒装句,增加新鲜感。 (6) 适当调换一下状语在句子中的位置,使句子不雷同。(7) 上下句子紧接时,其中完全相同的成分可以省略,以节省篇幅。 6. 书写工整,卷面整洁7. 写完之后,勿忘检查。 4. 初中英语作文写作技巧 初中英语作文高分秘诀1. 动笔之前,认真审题 《中考考试说明》指出,书面表达要切中题意。 怎样才能切中题意?就是要认真审题,看到考题后,先不要急于动笔,要仔细看清题目要求的内容。在自己的头脑中构思出一个框架或画面,确定短文的中心思想,不要匆匆下笔,看懂题意,根据图画、图表、提纲或短文提供的资料和信息来审题。 审题要审格式、体裁、人物关系、故事情节、主体时态、活动时间、地点等。2. 围绕中心,拟定提纲 书面表达评分原则有四条:(1)内容要点;(2)运用词汇和结构的数量;(3)运用语法结构和词汇的准确性;(4)上下文的连贯性。 由此可见,要点是给分的一个重要因素。为了防止写作过程中遗漏要点,同学们要充分发挥自己的观察力,把情景中给出的各个要点逐条列出。 根据短文的中心思想考虑如何开头、展开和结尾,设想几个承上启下的连词,将主要句型、关键词语草草记下,形成提纲,写时切忌结构分散,废话连篇,严重跑题。书面表达,内容广泛,题材多样,要弄清考题的要求是写人、叙事、介绍、评论、图表、书信、日记、通知、便条还是看图作文或改写缩写。 如果是日记,要写清年、月、日和天气情况;如果是书信,则要注意书信的格式,注意短文字数不要低于或超过规定的字数太多。3. 语言通顺,表达准确(1) 避免使用汉语式英语,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型。 几种句型可交替使用,以避免重复和呆板。(2) 多用简单句型,记事、写人一般都不需要复杂的句型。 可适当多使用陈述句、一般疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。不用或少用非谓语或情态动词等较复杂的句型。 (3).注意语法、句法知识的灵活运用。1) 语态、时态要准确无误。 2) 主谓语要一致,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。3) 注意人称代词的宾格形式。 4) 注意冠词用法,例如: He is an honest student.中的an不能写成a。5) 注意拼写、标点符号和大小写,例如:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant等。 标点符号特别注意汉英的不同,例如: 汉语 英语 A. 句号 。 . B. 省略号 …… … C. 顿号 、无(4) 描写人物时,要生动具体,例如:1) 外表特征:tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak, ordinary-looking 等。 2) 服饰颜色:red, yellow, blue, white, green, brown, black 等。3) 内心境界:glad, happy, sad, excited, anxious, interested 等。 4) 感情描写:love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, *** ile, shout 等。5) 动作描写:e, go, get, have, take, bring, fetch 等。 (5) 上下文要连贯。上下文的连贯性也是评分的一条原则,因此同学们应把写好的句子,根据故事情节,事情发生的先后次序(时间或空间),使用一些表示并列、递进等过渡词进行加工整理,使文章连贯、自然、流畅。 同学们应注意下面过渡的用法:1) 表示并列关系的过渡词:and, as well as, or …2) 表示转折关系的过渡词:but, yet, however …3) 表示时间关系的过渡词:first, second, third, and then, finally, after, before, after a few days, at last, at that time, later, in the past, immediately, in the meanwhile, when, while, then, after that …4) 表示空间关系的过渡词:near (to), far (from), in the front of, beside, behind, beyond, above, below, to the right, to the left, on one side, on the other side of, outside …5) 表示比较关系的过渡词:in the same way, just like, just as …6) 表示对照关系的过渡词:but, still, yet, however, on the other hand, in spite of, even though …7) 表示递进关系的过渡词: also, and, then, too, in addition, moreover, again …8) 表示因果关系的过渡词:because, since, then, thus, otherwise, so, therefore ,as a result…9) 表示解释说明的过渡词:for example, in fact, in this case, for, actually …10) 表示强调的过渡词:in fact, indeed, necessarily, certainly, without any doubt, truly, most important …11) 表示目的的过渡词:for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order that, so as to, in order to, …12) 表示列举的过渡词:for example , such as …13) 表示总结性的过渡词:in conclusion, finally, at last, in brief, as has been stated, in a word, in general, in all, in a word, generally speaking …4. 不会表达,另辟蹊径 中考作文给分是以要点和语言准确度而定,不以文采打分。造句越简单准确越好,造复合句容易出错,容易被扣分,阅卷场上有句话:“错误面前人人平等,文采好不加分”。 如遇到个别要点表达不出来或难以表达,可采用变通的办法,化难为易,化繁为简。总之,所造句子要正确、得体、符合英语表达习惯。 (1) 迂回而行 当汉语词义不会用英语表达时,可以想一个与这个汉语词义相似的几种词义。扩展思路,然后从英语中找出一个与其词义相近的代替。 这样可有异曲同工之妙。(2) 小词大用 汉语中有些语意看来很复杂很文雅,但在英语中可用一些常用词表达。 下面这些词可能在你的书面表达中很有用:take, have, get, make, e, go, do, see, show, happy, nice, kind, help 等。(3) 借花献佛 有时书面表达中需要的单词或词组或许在试卷中的其他地方出现。 因为刚刚做过题,记忆犹新,那么就可信手。 5. 麻烦帮我写一篇初中英语作文 Trees are really important to people. We can use it in many different ways. As we all know that trees can make the environment more beautiful. When we see all the green trees we will be happier. Trees can also make the air cleaner. They absorbs the pollutants in the air and produce fresh air fir people. Fresh air is really good for our health. This is one of the major usage of the trees. We can also use the wood for the construction of the buildings. Wood can be made into tables, chairs and bed, too. Many furnitures in my home is made of wood. Since trees are really useful to people, we should plant more trees and protect them. Cutting off the trees randomly and in large quantity sould be forbidden.树木对人类很重要,我们可以用他们做很多事情。 我们都知道树木可以美化环境,我们看到绿色树木时心情会变好。树木还可以净化空气。 他们吸收空气里的污染物然后制造新鲜空气。新鲜的空气对人的身体健康很好,这是树木的一大重要作用。 我们还可以用树木造房子。木头还可以做成桌,椅,床。 我们家很多家具都是木制的。鉴于树木对人类的重要性,我们应该多植树并保护树木。 随意砍伐大量的树木是要禁止的。 6. 有初中英语作文范文吗 。 Mylastholidaylastsummerholiday,IwenttogotoBeijing。Becauseiasaverybeutifulcitywithalonghistory。 AndIreallywantedtovisittheGreatWall,iassofamous。 Iwenttotravelfourdays。 Thefirstday,IwenttoBeijingbyplane。Iarrivedthereintheafternoon。 Intheevening,IwenttogoshopingintheWangfujingStreettobuysomepresentformyfriend。 Insecondday,IwenttotheSummerPalace。 Thenextday,IwenttotheGreatWall。Atlast,Iedbackbyplane,too。 詹天佑英文简介Tianyou(1861-1919),wifeandchildren-andword-flowsandnativeAnhuiinspecting(currentlyunderJiangxi),Qianlong25years(1760),grandfatherofteawithfamilymemberstoGuangzhouoperatingbusiness。 Jiaqing21years(1816),grandfathermovedoutside12justWest,theSouthChinaSea25yearsnaturalizationcounties(12oftheSouthChinaSeajustatthetimeofarrest)。 Representedparentsliveinjust12。Representedwa *** orninGuangzhou。 Ruletogether11years(1872),asyoungas12yearsoldrepresentedthefirstsuccessfulU。 S。 -selectedgovernmentstudy,withhisHongtravelingabroad。1878(1878)enteredtheUnitedStatesYaleUniversityCivilEngineeringDepartment,thestudyprojects,outstanding。 Guangxusevenyearsafterthereturn,sentshipsCouncilsFuzhouNavyshipsdrivingschooltolearn,byfivegood *** ilitaryexploit。ThefollowingyeargraduatedinJanforceofwarshipssent。 GuangxudecadeofFuzhoushipCouncilsschoolteacherforteachingseriously,bytheQinggovernmentDingdaifivegoods。Inautumn,theGovernorshouldbesoldZhangzhidongrequest,totheGuangdongProvinceGuangdongWhampoareallearningMuseumteacher。 AfterastudyhallinsteadlearnedMuseum,surfaceinspectiondivision。Representedcontinuation,andinthedesignandconstructionofBatterymappingcoastalcharts。 Guangxu14yearstoTianjin-ChinaRailwayEngineeringCorporationGangDivision(nowtheengineers。Thesamebelow),intheconstructionofJinguRailway。 LaterintheconstructionofTianjinelmRailway,theuseof"pressuregascaissonmethod"piling,thesuccessfulpletionoftheGreatRiverBridgeLuanRiverbridgefoundationworkstoaddresstheunresolvedproblemsofforeignengineers。 Guangxu20year *** eenabsorbedintheBritishCivilEngineeringInstitute。 ThereafterhasengagedinTianjinLo,Jinzhou,Ping,sweeinesuchasrailwayconstruction。 Guangxu28years,appointedanewindependentYirailwayprojectsformyownpreparationsforBeijingZhangrailwaydone。 GuangxuSheremendedtotheDepartmentofBusiness,a4-foot8-inchNationalUnity(1。 435m)standardstrackuniformengineeringstandards,promotetheuseofautomaticcouplingtoourowndesignandlayasoundfoundationfortheconstructionoftherailway。 Thisyear,hewasappointedtotheDepartment,theDepartmentofRoadWorksMembersandmailconsultants,andelectedtoShanghai,theEuropeanInstituteofArchitectsRoyalEngineers。 InthesameyearhewastransferredtoBeijingZhang,ChiefEngineeroftherailwaywillrun,thetotalrun,theconstructionofBeijingZhangRailway。 AccordingtotheterrainwillberepresentedinShanyaotracksrunning"person"font,circuitoustravel,followedand,inordertomeettheTsingLungBridge,theroutethanoriginallyplannedtoreducebyhalf。 RailwaylineinBeijingZhangconstructionprocess,theuseofblastingFrance,launchedBlock4Tunnel。 Badalingtunnelswhichspan1,091metres,drilling,constructionofastraighellsFrance,acceleratedprogresscavehadnolittledifferencetoJingZhangrailwaybuiltoyearsearlier,inXuantongPeriod145,000(1909)officiallyopenedinAugust。 BritishchiefengineerKindaCoxalsoagreedwiththe"music。 "JingZhangofChinaRailwaybuiltamilestoneinthedevelopmentofmodernscienceandtechnology,representedthefirstrailwaytotrainengineersfortheconstructionofawell-developedrailwayandrailwaytrafficmanagement,roadmaintenance,motorcycles,cable,andapatrol。 XuantongPeriod2002(1910),representedbythecourtinawardingengineeringScholarsfirst。 XuantongPeriodspringbacktotheGuangzhouofficeofthreeyears粤汉CantonRailwayCorporationtorunPremier(generalmanager)andthetotalprojectDivision。 InMayleadingGuangdongLupanyLoauthoritiesagainstcourtto"state"fortherighttosellforeignplayerLu。 WuchangUprising,leadingYue-HanRailroadpersonneltoallpositionsandensurethattrainswilloperateinsupportoftheRevolutionof1911。 Thefirst(1912)inMayrepresentedinthesandStation(provincialYue-HanRailroadCompanyheadquarters)toDr。 SunYat-seninspections。JulywasappointedYue-HanRailroadwillberunning。 InDecemberRenhanGuangdongandSichuanRoadwillbedoohelpmanageandpetentengineeringservices。InGuangzhoutenure,。 7. 初中英语作文写作技巧有哪些 一、注意审题 小作文的审题(即审读材料)很重要,决定着文章的成败.因为一个小作文的材料中,往往隐含了若干个写作要求,如不细心审读,抓不到这些隐含的要求,就很容易出现错误。 二、注意语言的简洁 这一点体现在两方面.其一,小作文字数一般是100┄300字,受篇幅限制,语言要求简洁明了.其二,如果是写应用文,则语言也一定要简洁,因为语言简洁是应用文写作的最基本要求. 三、力求结构完整 小作文是片断性作文,而非篇章.虽如此,但不能一味忽略结构的完整性.一篇小作文如果能够做到结构完整,则效果会更好。 四、注意表达方式的运用 受文体的制约,一篇文章总以某种表达方式为主,同时兼用其他表达方式为主.小作文也应注意这一点.如江西省2002年中考语文小作文题为二选一,(1)通过某一情景或场面,描写你最喜欢的色彩.(2)就你最喜欢的色彩,发表议论.无论选哪一题,或描写、或议论,总得以一种表达方式为主.但如果能兼用其他表达方式,如兼用议论和抒情,表达自己对某种色彩的某中看法和喜爱之情,则能使短文大为增色. 8. 初中英语作文每天如何学英语 How to learn EnglishAs a middle student,only in this way can you learn English well.First,you must listen very much.Second,you must often speak English.Third,you must also read more books.In addition,you must write more English articles.Finally,you must learn some useful grammar rules.I hope you lcan earn English well. 这是我自己写的,你可要加分啊。
2023-08-04 00:18:571

blue eyes 什么意思?

是蓝眼睛的意思 但是要是什么乐队组合歌曲之类的我就不知道了
2023-08-04 00:19:089


1.有没有关于人生哲理的英语句子 Don"t cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened. 不要因为他的结束而哭,应当为它的发生而笑。 Don"t struggle so much, best things happen when not expected. 不要做太多的抗争,最好的东西总发生在出乎意料的时候。 Do more than other* **pect you to do and do it pains 给别人比他们期望的更多,并用心去做; Remember what life tells you; 熟记生活告诉你的一切; Don"t take to heart every thing you hear. Don"t spend all that you have. Don"t sleep as long as you want 不要轻信你听到的每件事,不要花光你的所有,不要想睡多久就睡多久 Whenever you say” I love you”, please say it honestly; 无论何时说“我爱你”,请真心实意 Whevever you say” I"m sorry”, please look into the other person"s eyes; 无论何时说“对不起”,请看对方的眼睛 2.一些哲理人生的句子,最好是英文中文都留下来 a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 a friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 a good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。 care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。 confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 don"t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。 every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。 experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 经验是智慧之父,记忆是智慧之母。 faults are thick where love is thin. 一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼。 fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools. 愚者不学无术,智者不耻下问。 hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。 3.给我一些经典有哲理人生的英语句子 Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two. (A. Lowell )生活是一张白纸,每个人都在上面写上自己的一两句话。 (洛威尔) Life is a palette; you put colors on it. (生活是调色板,每个人自己在上面加上颜色) On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind. ( A. Hamilton )地球上唯一伟大的是人,人身上唯一伟大的是心灵。(哈密尔顿) Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, and dress, and soul, and ideas. ( Chekhov )人的一切——面貌、衣着、心灵和思想,都应该是美好的。 (契诃夫)1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 6) Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 7) Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to, doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 8) Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 10) Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 A smile is the shortest distance between two people. - 微笑是两个人之间最短的距离 You"re lucky enough to be different from everyone else. Don"t change to be the same. - 你够幸运你能与众不同,何必让自己变得与别人一样呢?Sometimes, it"s not what you say that matters, it"s what you don"t. 有时候,我在乎的不是你所说的,而是那些你没有说的 Some people were supposed to walk into your life, teach you a lesson, and then walk away. - 很多人闯进你的生活,只是为了给你上一课,然后转身离开 I wish I was a kid again,because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts. - 我多希望自己还是个孩子,因为擦破皮的膝盖比伤透的心容易愈合些 All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend. - 人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友 There"s somebody out there for everybody. You just have to wait for god to bring them into your life.每个人都注定要遇到那个特别的人。你要做的就是等待老天将他带到你的身边。 Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give youstrength at last. ——爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友是在最后可以给你力量的人 Don"t waste your time on a man,who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. ——不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 Don"t waste your time on a man,who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. ——不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间 The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever. - 真相会让我们痛一阵,但谎言令我们痛一生。 4.人生哲理英语句子 [人生哲理英语句子] Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist) 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的,人生哲理英语句子。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.) Don"t part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer) 不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。 ((美国作家 马克u2022吐温) I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man . I don"t know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world .(Thomas Edison , American inventor) 我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类。我认为,在我们的短暂一生中,最好的贡献莫过于此了。 (美国发明家 爱迪生. T.) Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no life .( Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer) 理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。 (俄国作家 托尔斯泰. L .) If winter comes , can spring be far behind ? ( P. B. Shelley , British poet ) 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B.) If you doubt yourself , then indeed you stand on shaky11 ground . (Ibsen , Norwegian dramatist ) 如果你怀疑自己,那么你的立足点确实不稳固了。 (挪威剧作家 易卜生) If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people"s backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher) 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上I love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I"m by your side我爱你并不是因为你是谁,是因为你身边的不是别人而是我。 No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them won"t makeyou cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人是不会让你哭的。The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his/her side and know you"ll never have him/her.错过一个人最可怕的方式就是:坐在他/她的身旁,你却知道永远都不会拥有他/她。 Never stop smiling, not even when you"r sad, someone might fallin love with your smile.永远都不要停止微笑,即使在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你。You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you"rethe world.你可能只是这个世界上的一个人,但对于某人来说,你就是整个世界。 Don"t cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened.不要因为他的结束而哭,应当为它的发生而笑。Don"t struggle so much, best things happen when not expected.不要做太多的抗争,最好的东西总发生在出乎意料的时候。 Do more than other* **pect you to do and do it pains给别人比他们期望的更多,并用心去做;Remember what life tells you;熟记生活告诉你的一切;Don"t take to heart every thing you hear. Don"t spend all that you have. Don"t sleep as long as you want不要轻信你听到的每件事,不要花光你的所有,不要想睡多久就睡多久Whenever you say I love you, please say it honestly;无论何时说我爱你,请真心实意Whevever you say I"m sorry, please look into the other person"s eyes;无论何时说对不起,请看对方的眼睛Fall in love at first sight相信一见钟情Don"t neglect dreams请不要忽视梦想Love deeply and ardently, even if there is pain, but this is theway to make your life complete;深情热烈地爱,也许会受伤,但这是使人生完整的唯一方法Never judge people by their appearance永远不要以貌取人Remember that the man who can shoulder the most risk will gain the deepest love and the supreme accomplishment记住:那些敢于承担最大风险的人才能得到最深的爱和最大的成就;Call you mother on the phone. If you can"t, you may think of herin your heart给妈妈打电话,如果不行,至少在心里想着她Don"t let a little dispute break up a great friendship不要让小小的争端损毁了一场伟大的友谊Whenever you find your wrongdoing, be quick with reparation无论何时你发现自己做错了,竭尽所能去弥补;动作要快!Marry a person who likes talking; because when you get old, you"ll find that chatting to be a great advantage;找一个你爱聊的人结婚;因为年纪大了后,你会发觉喜欢聊天是一个人最大的优点;Life will change what you are but not who you are欣然接受改变,但不要摒弃你的个人理念Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again过一种高尚而诚实的生活,中学生作文《人生哲理英语句子》。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生Trust God, but don"t forget to lock the door相信上帝,但是别忘了锁门;When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish,don"t quibble over the 。 5.有没有关于人生的英文哲理诗 一段一段的,不是一起的 名家的话,你去查下泰戈尔的作品哦 An angel wrote: 一位天使这样说: Many people will walk in and out of your life, 许多朋友进出你的生命, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.但是只有真正的朋友会在你的心中留下脚印。 To handle yourself, use your head; 要操控自己,用你的脑 To handle others, use your heart. 要指挥别人,用你的心。 Anger is only one letter short of danger. 生气和危险只有一字之差。 If someone betrays you once, it"s his fault; 如果别人背叛你一次,那是他的错 If he betrarys you twice, it"s your fault. 如果他背叛你二次,那是你的错。 Great minds discuss ideas; 心胸远大的人谈理想 Average minds discuss events; 一般的人批评事情 Small minds discuss people. 心胸狭小的人道人长短。 God gives every bird its food, 上帝给每只小鸟喂她的食物, But He does not throw it into its nest. 但是他不会把食物丢到她的巢 He who loses money, loses much; 失去金钱的人,失去很多 He who loses a friend, loses more; 失去朋友的人,失去更多 He who loses faith, loses all. 失去信心的人,失去所有。 Beautiful young people are acts of nature, 美丽的年轻人是天然形成, But beautiful old people are works of art. 美丽的老年人才是艺术作品。 Learn from the mistakes of others. 从别人所犯的错误中学习。 You can"t live long enough to make them all yourself. 你不能活得那么长足以经历这一切。 The tongue weights practically nothing, 舌头的重量微不足道, But so few people can hold it. 但少有人可控制它。 Friends, you and me。 你和我是朋友… you brought another friend。 你带来另一位朋友… and then there were 3。 我们就有三个朋友… we started our group。 我们开始成为一个小组… Our circle of friends。 and like that circle。 就像一个圈圈… there is no beginning or end。 没有开始也没有结束 6.有没有什么经典的短一点的有人生哲理的英文句子或名言 1、Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 2While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。3I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。 (亚伯拉罕.林肯美国)4永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔)A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore)5我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。 (伏尔泰)All things in their being are good for something。.。 7.有没有关于人生的英文哲理诗不要太长 Sadness is flowing away in a boat along a river But I know how to smile and cry in a hug Although I meet a girl whom I yearn for I still look for a stick that supports my life The final result is the loneliness I got regardless of the trouble and the endless traps Someone comes to save me and soothes me I drop the gun hidden behind my back Open my mouth and utter a word named thankyou The only thing is the shift to the iridescent dream I am walking across the sea and mountain Seeing you waiting for a person unknown to me 8.写15句英语名句 要有哲理 ★Genius only means hard-working all one"s life.天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。 ★Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。★Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 ★Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.进步是今天的活动、明天的保证。★Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。 ★All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。★Money is a good servant and a bad master.金钱是善仆,也是恶主。 ★No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources.任何一个国家,不管它多么富裕,都浪费不起人力资源。★Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life.有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。 ★You have to believe in yourself. That"s the secret of success.人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。★If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友、以经验为参谋、以谨慎为兄弟、以希望为哨兵。 ★Power invariably means both responsibility and danger.实力永远意味着责任和危险。★Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears.懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。 ★The first wealth is health.健康是人生第一财富。★It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do.不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。 ★Work banishes those three great evils : boredom, vice, and poverty.工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊、堕落和贫穷。★Activity is the only road to knowledge.行动是通往知识的唯一道路。 ★If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him, an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.倾己所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。希望对你有帮助。 9.谁有一些好的诗词歌赋,名言佳句,关于人生哲理的经典文章,英 Let China sleep. When she awakens the world will be sorry. by Napoleon Every bean has its black. 凡人各有其短处 Every dog has its day. 人人都有得意的时候 应该是 Misfortunes never come alone.祸不单行 B
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2023-08-04 00:19:379


1. 父母是我们的老师(英语作文)怎样写 虽然是复制,但是我帮你改简单了很多, 还纠正了里面不少错误. 1. My family I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. My mother is a teacher. She is very kind and nice, and she is thirty-seven. I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano. My father go to play basketball. Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family. Because I"m very happy to live with my parents together! 中文翻译: 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是是一名教师.她是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! 2. My school My school is very beautiful. There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class and play sports on it. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The puter rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are many books in it. I often read books here. There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too. The teachers in my school are very kind . The students are very polite and *** art. I am happy in my school. I like my school very much. 翻译: 我的学校 我学校很美.里面有个大操场.我们在那里上体育课和进行体育活动.我们的教学楼有五层.我教室在三楼.它又大又干净.二楼有个图书馆,里面有很多书.我经常在里面看书.教学楼里还有一些音乐和美术教室. 我们学校老师都很善良.学生们个个聪明知礼.我在学校里面很快乐. 我非常喜欢我的学校.参考资料:/english/。 2. 我的爸爸是英语老师,怎么写看图写话 My Father My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a *** ile,The world needs warm hearts. My father loves his family, and loves his work even better. In the pany, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often fets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health. My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways. My father has a bad habit he likes *** oking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of *** oke. I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine. I advise him to give up *** oking. Im sure he will follow my advice some day. Such is my father. I am proud of having such a good father. 3. 我的爸爸是大学老师英语作文100 My Father My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a *** ile,The world needs warm hearts. My father loves his family, and loves his work even better. In the pany, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often fets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health. My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways. My father has a bad habit he likes *** oking 护饥篙渴蕻韭戈血恭摩very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of *** oke. I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine. I advise him to give up *** oking. Im sure he will follow my advice some day. Such is my father. I am proud of having such a good father. 4. 写爸爸的英语作文怎么写 My father is a worker,so he works in a factory.I think my father is a great person because he thaches me a lot,he thaches me how to be a successful person and he teaches me how to deal with all kinds of problems that I meet in life.My father is very important to me,he teacher me well.He teaches what I should do and what I shouldn"t do. My father is a good father,I love my father. 5. 写父母的或老师的200字英语作文 老师1.My Teacher I have an English teacher.His name is Hardy.He"s from England.He"s not very tall but he"s very kind.He has a head of short hair and he wears a pair of glasses.He has been teaching in China for 2 years,so he can also speak a little Chinese.He often takes care of each other and helps each other.And he can make his class very interesting,so it is very enjoyable for me to listen to him carefully.In a word,I"m proud of having this English teacher!Translating:我有一位英语老师,他叫Hardy,他来自英国,他不是很高但他很和蔼。 他有一头短发而且还戴着一副眼镜,他已经在中国教书2年了,因此他能说一点汉语,他经常帮助,照顾我们。而且他能使他的课堂很生动,所以对我来说仔细听他的课是种享受。 总之,我为拥有这样一位英语老师而自豪! 2. National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May. And it is always for our students to give our special thanks to our lovely teacherI still remember last year when I was feeling lost,down and out,I had no idea about about my life,my love,my study even doubt why I was here in the world.So then came so much wine ang *** oke,I was tired,physical and mental.I even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our bulidingThen my teacher came to me, she said she knew what I was afraid of, she aslo told me that"s very mon like many yong people of my age. She told me to call her anytime I need her help.I did so ,we often chat ems and made some phone call.I just can"t remember when e the mirical.I have found myself now!!! Another teacher"s day,to all the teachers,to our parents. 3.My English Teacher“Class begins!” said Ms Wang. We are always glad to have Ms Wang with us. I love her English classes.She has long black hair, o big shining eyes and a fair face. Whoever sees her, he must be fascinated. She is very knowledgeable, that is, she knows both English and French. She doesn"t seem to just teach us English, but also how to treat with ourselves when we are faced with problems. When I was in Grade 5, I always felt that I wasn"t who was about to learn English. I always made mistakes in grammar, and I was afraid to speak in front of my class because I made mistakes. Not long after Ms Wang discovered this terrible thing. She asked me to e to her office and talked with me for a long time. She told me that English was interesting, and that everyone should be confident that they could learn it well. Seeing I wasn"t really convinced, she gave me an example of herself. She didn"t feel like learning English when she was young, for the same reason. Her teacher and her parents also encouraged her not to give up, but just face to it. As she herself realized the importance of English language, she made up her mind to learn it well. While learning English, she took an interest in French. So she learned o languages at the same time. After Ms Wang cheered me up, I also determined to learn English well. So I made every effort to learn English. Soon I fell in love with this language with deep culture.Now I"m saying goodbye to elementary school, and Ms Wang too. I"ll always remember her and the important lesson she taught me. 4.My English teacher We have a special English teacher called Blues who es from Ameica.He is tall and thin ,and he always wears glasses.He is strict with our study and works hard.My English teacher has an diffrent way to teach us English.He likes to encourage us to ask quenstions and try our best to find the answer.He help us to learn by ourselves,we all like him. All of us consider him as the best English teacher. 父母 1.My parents work in a shoe factory. they get up at five thirty. they first get breakfast ready. then they go to work by bus. they work there from eight to five. they e home at about six and prepare super for us. Mother washes clothes in the evening, Father often makes toys for toys for us. they are busy all day. 2.My Parents My mother is 38 years oldZuowENrEn.COM, but she never tells others how old she is. She says she just doesn iexcl; macr;t want them to know about it! My mother is a well-known doctor in our area. She works hard. She often gets up very early in the morning and rushes to the hospital to look after her patients. She is kind to her patients and treats them the way she treats her family. Sometimes I wonder whom she loves more, her patients or me.My father is 40 years old. He has short hair, big eyes and a *** all mouth. He is my best friend. My father is a teacher. Just like my mother, he is very busy. He doesn iexcl; macr;t have any holidays or weekends. Every morning he goes to school very early and stays with 。 6. 写一封信给你的老师介绍你的家庭英语作文 my family I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.What"s my mother jop?Is she a teacher?Yes,you"re right!My mother is very kind and nice,she is thirty-seven.My mother is always laborious work.I love my parents! On Staurday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano,My father go to play basketball.Sometimes,we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family.Because I"m very happy to live with my parents together! 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! 质量保证,。。
2023-08-04 00:20:251


Stephen William Hawking, Cambridge University, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Professor of the most important family of general relativity and cosmology, is the international reputation of one of the greats, known as the greatest living scientists, but also Known as the "king of the universe. " 70 years together with his proof of the famous Penrose singularity theorem, for which they jointly received the 1988 Wolf Prize in Physics. He therefore regarded as the world, after following the Einstein"s most famous philosophers of science and the most outstanding theoretical physicist. He also proved that the black hole area theorem, that is, the increase over time diminished the area of the black hole. It is naturally the area of the black hole entropy and thermodynamics of the linked Hawking hopes unlock the mysteries of the universe at its birth, the 1970s, Stephen Hawking used quantum mechanics to explain the phenomenon of black holes, but after 30 years, with the entire universe interpretation of quantum mechanics has become more difficult. Hawking wanted to find a perfect explanation for the phenomenon of the universe 13.7 billion years theory to explain the birth of the universe until now, but years later he still did not even infinitely close to a conclusion. According to his theory of quantum mechanics, the birth of the universe is a large explosion, which is a small but infinitely compressed material with a large gravity (density can also be interpreted as infinite) product of the explosion. Theoretical aspects of quantum mechanics can not explain how this process? Why? Hawking said, "That must be a small-scale gravity can be described in theory." The latest scientific breakthrough is Hawking"s colleagues at Queen Mary College London, Mike Green (Michael. Green) involved in construction of the superstring theory, referred to as "string theory", this theory suggests that all particles and forces of nature, in fact, are in shock the same as the string of small objects, Hawking has tried to solve the answers to the problem of gravity, the theory must be established in the universe must be greater than 9,10 or even 11 dimensions, while three-dimensional world we live in may The real universe is just one of the many films from around the world ... the current space and Earth scientists are doing related experiments to prove string theory and from experiment to prove Hawking"s black holes to support the theory and quantum theory. July 21, 2004, in Dublin, Ireland at the "17th International Conference of General Relativity and Gravitation", the Hawking approach to a 180-degree turn, and said he had the wrong point of view, information should be conserved. He announced new study of black holes the universe: black holes is not, as he and most other physicists previously thought, everything around them "completely swallowed", in fact, the material sucked into the depths of some of the black hole information may actually be released at some point: information conservation. The reason is the black hole like the previous too idealistic, and the black hole thermal radiation would also like too idealized. However, Hawking has been no rigorous proof is given to support his new ideas. Thorn said that the matter can not be a man by the Hawking final say, he still insisted on the views of the information is not conserved. Puri Sharansky said Hawking"s speech did not understand, do not understand why they won. At present, this involves sensitive issues based on quantum theory is far from resolved.The theoretical study of black holes beyond the black hole itself, which not only touched by the information difficult cornerstone of quantum theory - the unitary, and opened a new chapter in the nature of time.20th century 60"s to 80"s, black hole research has made significant progress. Initially thought to be a dead black hole stars, what can fall into, but do not run out of anything. 1974, Hawking proved that black holes are temperature, there is radiation. Hawking radiation of black holes and Hawking found that I have become a household name.After 80 years of the 20th century, the focus gradually shifted from the black hole of temperature shift information paradox. It has long been aware that the black hole to lose the external observer falling into a black hole to form black holes and, later, almost all the material information, which is the "no hair theorems." The famous "Hawking radiation" theory. The so-called "Mao" means "information." Only the total mass of the black hole, the total charge and angular momentum of three "hair" can be outside Discovery. People initially thought, although the external observer can not ascertain information on material inside a black hole, but that information does not disappear from the universe, but hidden in the black hole interior. After the discovery of Hawking radiation, people know the material in the final black hole will be fully converted into thermal radiation, and thermal radiation hardly any information out. Thus, the formation and material falling into the black hole of information from the disappearance of the universe, information is no longer conserved, not only the conservation of baryon number, lepton number conservation and other laws no longer hold, the unitary nature of quantum theory will also be destroyed. Faced with such a serious theoretical difficulties, physicists engaged in a fierce debate. Most physicists believe that conservation of information theory, the unitary believe the cornerstone of the quantum theory will not be destroyed. In short, the information should be conserved. Hawking and Thorne, represented by the theory of relativity experts believe that the information is not necessarily conserved, unitary nature may be destroyed completely. To this end, Hawking and Thorne firmly believe that information with the conservation of Puri Sharansky bet."This theory beginning from the birth of trouble: many scientists insist it with the" law of conservation of information "are contradictory. This degree known as the" black hole paradox. "
2023-08-04 00:20:331

为什么“Black sheep”是败家子的意思?

2023-08-04 00:20:584

True Lies的《Black》 歌词

歌曲名:Black歌手:True Lies专辑:Social D-DayHey...oooh...Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clayWere laid spread out before me as her body once didAll five horizons revolved around her soulAs the earth to the sunNow the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turnOoh, and all I taught her was everythingOoh, I know she gave me all that she woreAnd now my bitter hands chafe beneath the cloudsOf what was everything?Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...I take a walk outsideI"m surrounded by some kids at playI can feel their laughter, so why do I searOh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my headI"m spinning, oh, I"m spinningHow quick the sun can, drop awayAnd now my bitter hands cradle broken glassOf what was everything?All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...All the love gone bad turned my world to blackTattooed all I see, all that I am, all that I"ll be...yeah...Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...I know someday you"ll have a beautiful life, I know you"ll be a starIn somebody else"s sky, but whyWhy, why can"t it be, why can"t it be minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7431115
2023-08-04 00:22:351

求大神 一首英文歌 dis conversation

Beautiful Times - Owl CityA spark soaring down through the pouring rainAnd restoring life to the lighthouseA slow motion wave on the ocean stirsMy emotion up like a raincloudWhen did the sky turn black?And when will the light come back?A cab driver turned to skydiverThen to survivor, die into breakdownA blood brother and surrogate motherHugging each other, crying their eyes outWhen did the sky turn black?And when will the light come back?Un-ecstatic like a drug addict locked in the atticStrung out and spellboundI fought all through the nightOh, oh, but I made it aliveThe sun stormed arrivesOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESThis fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hardBut I"m gonna surviveOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESA bad feeling burned through the ceilingLeaving my healing hard with a new scarA dead fire rose and rose higherLike a vampire up from the graveyardWhen did the sky turn black?And when will the light come back?We all suffer but we recoverJust to discover life where we all areI fought all through the nightOh, oh, but I made it aliveThe sun stormed arrivesOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESThis fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hardBut I"m gonna surviveOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESThis fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hardBut I"m gonna surviveOh, oh, these are BEAUTIFUL TIMESMy heart"s burning bad and it"s turning blackBut I"m learning how to be strongerAnd sincerely I love you dearlyOh, but I"m clearly destined to wander
2023-08-04 00:22:431

How to be a gentalman? 用英语写个短文 谢谢

How to be a gentleman 1. For a guy the noblest virtues are camaraderie, dependability, and unswerving loyalty. It confuses him to think that his future might be ruined if he ate his entrée with a salad fork. 2. If he has a tendency to cough, he always carries a cough drop. Should a gentleman find himself surprised by an uncontrollable coughing jag, he leaves the auditorium – both for his own good and for the good of others. 3. A gentleman does not pick his nose in public. In fact, he is wise if he does not pick his nose in private, since bad habits are far too easily formed. 4. In a theater, a church, or any place where people have gathered to hear music, a gentleman always turns his beeper off. 5. If a gentleman has left a message for another person, he does not leave badgering follow-up calls, especially if no deadline is involved. A gentleman is not obliged to return unsolicited messages or voice mail. 6. A gentleman recognizes that a funeral is a time for paying respects. He keeps his remarks simple out of respect for the grieving person"s overwrought emotions. A statement such as, “I am sorry about your loss, Mrs. Jones. Your husband was a wonderful person,” is appropriate. 7. A gentleman never slams a door in another person"s face. A gentleman never shares a revolving door section with another person. He respects their space. Besides, in big cities, that"s where pickpockets do their business. 8. A gentleman does not try to slip through the express checkout line if he has exceeded the posted limit. On the other hand, if he has only a couple of items, and a kind person invites him to step ahead in line, he graciously accepts the offer. He is not bashful about asking for the type of bag he wants, but otherwise he does not make any serious demands on the cashier. 9. A gentleman brings on board only the amount of luggage that is permitted. He is careful when he stows it overhead to prevent injury to his fellow passengers and to himself. He does not intrude on space that is allotted for another passenger"s use. 10. On long flights a gentleman with a health condition does not hesitate to leave his seat for a short time to stretch out his legs and get his blood circulating. 11. A gentleman does not touch other people"s children, unless he is invited to do so. Neither does he overexcite them. 12. If a gentleman borrows another person"s property – whether it is a power drill, a new bestseller, or a set of salad forks – he sets a deadline by which he plans to return it. He keeps to that deadline and returns the property in good conditions. 13. If a gentleman must leave the dinner table, he simply says, “Excuse me.” It does not matter whether he is headed for the telephone booth or the bathroom. No further explanation is necessary. 14. When a gentleman makes his way down a row in a crowded theater, he faces the people who are already in their seats. A gentleman never forces others to stare at his backside. 15. A gentleman tucks his undershirt into his undershorts. 16. A gentleman always lets his suit jacket or sports coast air out overnight before he returns it to the closet. 17. In fact, in certain businesses – the legal profession, for instance, or banking – black shoes remain the only truly acceptable footwear. 18. A gentleman never wears brown shoes to a funeral or to a wedding. If he is fortunate enough to have a long life, he will live through many weekends, and his brown loafers will get plenty of wear. 19. A gentleman never wears a belt when he is wearing suspenders. 20. When a gentleman wears his black tie with a wing collar, he always positions the points of the collar behind the tie. That way, the ends of the tie can help hold the stiffened collar down. 21. A gentleman never wears a tuxedo before six o"clock, no matter what anyone else does. If he owns his dinner clothes – the correct term for what is known as a tuxedo – he wears them anytime the invitation says “black tie” or “black tie optional”. Likewise, if he is attending any formal even – a wedding reception or a dance – that begins after eight in the evening, he may assume that black tie is appropriate. 22. A gentleman never colors his hair. 23. A gentleman owns at least one pair of black lace-up shoes. 24. When a gentleman wears a vest, he leaves the bottom button undone. 25. A gentleman never wears the same pair of blue jeans two days in a row. 26. A gentleman never has creases ironed into the legs of his jeans. 27. After business hours, a gentleman does not carry his cellular phone into a restaurant. 28. A gentleman should leave a tip in a restaurant or a bur but not at a fast-food establishment. To recognize good service, he leaves at least 15 percent of his total bill. Excellent, attentive service justifies a tip of 20 percent or more. If the service has been minimally acceptable, however, a gentleman may leave only 10 percent. If he is so dissatisfied that he feels the urge to leave less, he leaves nothing and explains his actions to the manager. 29. If a gentleman"s meal is slow to arrive from the kitchen, and if others at the table have been served, he urges them, “Please, go ahead without me.” And he means it.
2023-08-04 00:22:501

Miscommunication 歌词

歌曲:Miscommunication (Feat. Keri Hilson & Sebastian)歌手:TimbalandOh! Two step. Oh!Let me talk to you girlWhat?I"m in your part of townI call your phone and you"re no where to be foundYou do this every timeYou be M.I.A. every single timeThe part that kills meYou rather chill with your friends instead of me huh.But I ain"t gon" be no clownI guess I call you next time I"m in your townAnd you say to meSo what, I was out with my friendsI"m a grown womanIt"s the weekend, ohSo what if I don"t answer my phoneWhat if I"m not aloneI"m with himWhat"s it to you?I need to get outYou you you you youAre, killing me, you"re killing you"re killing meand Ijust wanna get outyou you you you youare killing me you"re killing me you"rewhatcha wanna do? do do whatcha wanna do? do doI cannot escapeno matter what I docan"t get away from you, ohcall me everydayand that there ain"t never coolgetting on my nervesI think it"s time you knewonly gave you my number cause, drinks made you cuter, plusyou were looking sad and lonely, ohbut that"s all it wasjust put you in the gameand here you go complainingwhat"s up with you?I need to get outYou you you you youAre, killing me your killing you"re killing meand ijust wanna get outyou you you you youare killing me you"re killing me you"rewhatcha wanna do? do do whatcha wanna do? do dolike whoa lil mama, it"s the second time I"m callin" your numberI ain"t chasin" I ain"t even no runnerdon"t you know I push the Hummer in the summer, huhhow you hard to be reachedI can put you where you hard to be reachedblack sand on the balls of your feetYou can scream, ain"t no body gon" be sleep,this your own private beach, hahaand when it comes to sex,just a little bit of love and little bit of thatmaybe push it back where your ribs is atshare a bowl of crunch berries, how real is that, hahaI"m just jokin" of course,I"m trying to put your sex game back on courseif you feelin" dry, like you don"t get moistif you ever get a minute holla at yo" boy<End>http://music.baidu.com/song/9452937
2023-08-04 00:22:561

The Black Eyed Peas的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Shut UpBy JsnonameI am the one you deniedBrushed me off everytime triedBut im alrightI may just swallow my prideAnd put all the bullshit to the sideIf u ready to rideIm down for a one night standGotta acceptit any way that i canCuz i aint yo mani"ll try for whatever its worthJust remember who played who firstI cant keep my eyes off yaI can tell why them other guys lost yaThe kinds red an a flying saucerThats what i can offerSimalarities and charactersHavnt ya heard the word around townHow i get downThey all whistleEverybody part officialAn that ass was youGot my dick hard as a missleDont hop on topCuz i ride around with a pistleN if they pull us over ill be out of town wit an issueIf you was mine id introduce u to momma girlYour styling your moves n your nirvanaIm so used to ur pradaTaking trips to houston its hottaThrowing that Al Green n using that impalaLay my jewels on my collarYa had me feeling like a fool when i holla"dTrying to squeeze in but you wouldnt botherBut i aint eitherSoon as i realize that i aint eitherShe in a rush to get close to me but i aint eagerLike i dont mean to bother youBut your sex appeal is remarkableU make a G wanna walk around in a park with youThere aint no telling what kinda things that im"a start to doIf i get wrapped up on your ass to fastI can tell u feel the same cuz when i ask you laughSo im"a leave it at that n hint n put it in my mathI imagine your prolly twice as good in a bathBut im bugginCuz i can see u right in the hood when i passIm never stapled cuz business is on my assBut you can be the one i visit before i dashAn i admit i been the type to hit n splitBut u can blame me for the females that i been getting withCuzMost of these broads have there eyes on my gritsTill they"re in deeper shit n they learn how to be satisfied with the dick an"N if you aint worth it then thats all u getI aint gonna blame you im gonna blame them tricksCuzU seem like your attitudeOnly appears when im mad at youIn several situations n that includesWhen im gone to long ridin" thru them avenuesAs soon as i get home this room is a scattered boosU know my fantasies and my feeling things at camera speedN ur girlfriends trying to sandwich meCuz i come from the hood where the hammers beI move fast but at a switch paceN i pop in a listerine strip before u get all up on a bitch faceMoving your body like thisGonna make me blow like a bottle of crisI dont know noone hotter then twisYou got my temperature risin" from your hips to ur thighs anThat glare in your eyes that brighten up her horizonIt comes naturally i dont bribe emIts easy as... 1,2,3 n i slide emhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1499199
2023-08-04 00:23:051

Sad Cafe的《Black Rose》 歌词

歌曲名:Black Rose歌手:Sad Cafe专辑:Very Best OfTrapt - Black RoseI saw you in the garden I wanted you so muchI really thought that you were differentOh I couldn"t get enoughI tried to save you from yourselfI felt every high and lowBut the lows have drowned the highs awaynow there"s no where else to goBlack rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last timeBlack rose I watched your petals wilt awayI couldn"t bring you back to life!You were always where the sun could never goI never wanted you to have to be aloneBut I couldn"t find a way to help you growBlack RoseYou never tell me how you feeland your moods they always changeI really tried to make it realbut you never had the faithI tried to give you something goodto take the pain awayI tried to make you understandYou don"t have to be this wayBlack rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last timeBlack rose I watched your petals wilt awayI couldn"t bring you back to life!You were always where the sun could never goI never wanted you to have to be aloneBut I couldn"t find a way to help you growBlack RoseI"m not the one who hurt you So why are you so scared?All that you"ve been put through couldn"t be repairedI"m not the one who hurt I"m the only one who caresYou"ll need someone to turn to And I will not be thereEvery time I held you I knew that it would hurtOnly through the pain I could find a way to learnBlack rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last timeBlack rose I watched your petals wilt awaySaw them wilt away, couldn"t bring you back to life!You were always where the sun could never goI never wanted you to have to be aloneBut I couldn"t find a way to help you growBlack RoseI"m not the one who hurt you So why are you so scared?All that you"ve been put through couldn"t be repairedI"m not the one who hurt I"m the only one who caresYou"ll need someone to turn to And I will not be therehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8757430
2023-08-04 00:23:151

Black Jack Fletcher And Mississippi Sam 歌词

歌曲名:Black Jack Fletcher And Mississippi Sam歌手:Montgomery Gentry专辑:Carrying OnEvery Friday evening about sundownOle" Black Jack Fletcher and Mississippi SamCome ridin" their mules and leading their houndsDown to my placeThey holler "Hey son" have you got a drankGonna make it hard on you if you ain"tI"d grin and point to a jug coolin" in the springThey turn the hounds loose and let"em runDrink a little whiskey and have a lot of funTalk about the days when they were younger than nowadaysTalk about women young and oldIt was hard to believe all the stories toldWonder how they to be as old as they are nowWell Black Jack Fletcher and Mississippi SamFought together in VietnamMean as hell but they say, "Yes mam" to your mommaThey gambled away all the money they madeKnowing they was never gonna change their waysLiving out every single day like another wasn"t comin"Well Ole" Black Jack Fletcher was an ornery manMississippi Sam didn"t give a damnThey"d steal a lady from a man while he was lookin"Well there ain"t no doubt they was both outlawsTurnin" yellow corn into alcoholBut they never hurt no one who didn"t need a hurtin"Black Jack Fletcher and Mississippi SamAlways getting in and out of a jamMakin" up their own law of the land, while a runnin"They knew life was just a luck of the drawSo they played a game with the local lawLaughin" and sayin" a catchin" comes before a hangin"Now I wouldn"t take nothin" for those daysEvery now and then I visit their gravesAnd as the moon hangs in the hazeI have a drink to Fletcher and SamEvery Friday evening about sundownOle" Black Jack Fletcher and Mississippi SamCome ridin" their mules and leading their houndsDown to my placeThey holler "Hey son" have you got a drankGonna make it hard on you if you ain"tI"d grin and point to a jug coolin" in the springThey turn the hounds loose and let"em runDrink a little whiskey and have a lot of funTalk about the days when they were younger than nowadaysTalk about women young and oldIt was hard to believe all the stories toldWonder how they to be as old as they are nowWell Black Jack Fletcher and Mississippi SamFought together in VietnamMean as hell but they say, "Yes mam" to your mommaThey gambled away all the money they madeKnowing they was never gonna change their waysLiving out every single day like another wasn"t comin"Well Ole" Black Jack Fletcher was an ornery manMississippi Sam didn"t give a damnThey"d steal a lady from a man while he was lookin"Well there ain"t no doubt they was both outlawsTurnin" yellow corn into alcoholBut they never hurt no one who didn"t need a hurtin"Black Jack Fletcher and Mississippi SamAlways getting in and out of a jamMakin" up their own law of the land, while a runnin"They knew life was just a luck of the drawSo they played a game with the local lawLaughin" and sayin" a catchin" comes before a hangin"Now I wouldn"t take nothin" for those daysEvery now and then I visit their gravesAnd as the moon hangs in the hazeI have a drink to Fletcher and Samhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31470045
2023-08-04 00:23:231

Todd Terry的《Blackout》 歌词

歌曲名:Blackout歌手:Todd Terry专辑:ResolutionsSenses Fail - BlackoutI just drove under the Lincoln signTo where New Jersey meets the New York lineAnd through the tunnel for the last timeWith everything crumbling behindI stood still until I felt the shakesOf two bodies that were parting waysI didn"t want to be the one to sayI know this hurts but it"s time to breakIn two piecesThe boat line"s not secureI"ll burn a bridge if neededTo get back to herI feel like I"m paralyzedWhen I look atThe absent space left in my bedAnd think about all the things we didAt least I"m feeling more aliveBut I still have some of my pain I"ve got to shedBefore I find happinessI make moats out of memoriesAnd I plant pain Instead of sturdy treesI have got to wash these old sheetsSo I can fall asleepThere are times, there are times I reach for the phoneTo tell you that there might still be some hopeHolding on, holding on to this slack of ropeBut that"s the whiskey talking soI hope that you can find some peace in lifeCan you survive without me?Cause I thought I"d be fineNow I"m slurring every single lineI feel like I"m paralyzedWhen I look atThe absent space left in my bedAnd think about all the things we didAt least I"m feeling more aliveBut I still have some of my pain I"ve got to shedI"ve got to move on before I can find happinessThis isn"t fair nobody taught me (how to let go)Just be here now and don"t be set free (From sorrow)But at this time I don"t see clearly (how will I know)What is the point, what is the meaning (how to let go)Now is our goodbyeA blackout so I can dreamBut I still see you sneaking through my weary headI suffer from a drought of medicine to dull self-doubtI just want to drown you outWith southern poisonIf I had a drinkFor every goddamn I thinkAbout your pale skin dressed in pinkThen at least I could sleepIf I had a shotFor every goddamn time I thoughtAbout your face and what I"d lostAt least I"d get some sleep, sleep, sleepAt least I"d get some sleep, sleep, sleepThen at least I"d get some sleephttp://music.baidu.com/song/2676276
2023-08-04 00:23:291

Scarlet and Black,红与黑英语读后感900字

Red and black" is one of the most outstanding and most representative works in the novels of the Tang Dynasty. It shows a broad picture of the 1830s French society, involving French provincial capital Paris from many aspects of the life style of writing; the prime minister, the emperor kings and nobles, write everyday, ordinary people; through the church, political parties and various classes of intricate plex contradictions related to Charlie, ten under the reign of French politics the struggle and social contradictions, and the ways of the world customs, as a true and vivid picture. The hero of the novel, Julien Sorel -, is a family of peasant farmers but the youth be a brilliant man of wide "learning. The young aspiring never rise above the mon herd, poor, longing for the life of Napoleon boiling time, eager to make contributions through the army, float upon the clouds. But in the restoration period of the reign of emperor, in France under the extreme anti democratic aristocratic bourgeoisie, Julien saw that this road had been blocked. Only through the way of church could he expect to enter the upper class society. The title of the novel is "red and black", and red is the symbol of the army, and the black is the symbol of the church. Even at the beginning of the mayor of Victoria Aguilar ye fall? The house Rui as a governess, in retaliation for bourgeois aristocratic contempt, finding a quick climb to the shortcut, he quickly won the favor of the mayor"s wife, became her lover, so to enter the monastery to study, in an attempt to reach the purpose of developed. He finally arrived in Paris, had the honor to be the Marquis de la - Moore"s private secretary, and hooked up with marquis the article from the secretarial resource neork of female leading character. Is getting married and Matt, realize their dreams of the mayor"s wife successful in the official career, out of jealousy, in letting her to confess her priests, to Marquis wrote a long letter to expose him to the scandal, even in the dream and ambition were pletely shattered. After his despair, he was shot by Mrs. Nelson, who was severely punished, and ended up on the scaffold to end his short life. In the entire life of the pursuit of happiness. So he can make in the days after the so-called high society. What is happiness, how to get happiness, is puzzled for thousands of years of human problems, but also puzzled in the pany. In his mind, happiness is not exactly the standard, but in his mind, in his vigilance, and in his another "campaign plan" and its implementation. He is for the first time to get rid of the fathers of the abuse and happiness, for the front of Mrs. de Reiner perform "some responsibility" and happy, proud of Mathilde in front of their yield and happiness, for a fortune and happy. He is eager to happiness, eager to bee a member of the society, for he vowed that he would die one thousand successful in the official career, to do he want to have the successful in the official career, noble status, and admiration. To this end, he created one after another "campaign plan", which used all kinds of mean and false means, all of which made his superhuman intelligence play the most incisive. But after all, he kept the true and good side of his heart, so in every happiness he would ask himself and be deeply reproach. Therefore, his plan will always make people doubt Its loopholes appeared one after another.. From which we can see that happiness is indeed rare and precious treasure, a sentence in the "red and black": "power! Sir, don"t calculate what? A respect, the young rich surprise, envy, contempt of sage. "It seems barnave - power is also very important, of course, in the eyes of a few people may not be so. Have power, can get a lot, also will lose a lot, there may be some, what are not, just like in that "regret a previous mistake". Nevertheless, there are still many people want to successful in the official career, after all successful in the official career in the eyes of some people is "no harm". Power and happiness may not like fish and bear"s paw can not have both, of course, it may also be a kind of happiness, but the power will ruin a lifetime struggle are not things, such as happiness. The oute of the final, even "die", Mrs. de Reiner died in the subsequent three days. In the story that looks like a cup, there is an amazing and admirable "perfect" end. Do you choose power or happiness? It is interesting for us to read it.
2023-08-04 00:23:411

how did Africans come to Americauff1fwhat is their journey like?

Blacks in America are descended from many diverse ethnic groups. Members of over 40 identifiable ethnic groups from at least 25 different kingdoms were sold to British North America (which later became Canada and the United States) during the Atlantic slave trade. These African slaves were usually sold to European traders by powerful coastal or interior states in exchange for European goods such as textiles and firearms. Africans were very rarely kidnapped by Europeans because they could not penetrate the interior. The danger of fatal disease was ever-present and the coastal areas were dominated by powerful warrior kingdoms. Africans sold and traded into bondage and shipped to the United States came from eight distinct slave-trading regions in Africa, including the south of Morocco, Mauritania, Senegambia (present-day Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea and Guinea Bissau), Sierra Leone (also includes the area of present-day Liberia), the Windward Coast (present-day Ivory Coast), the Gold Coast (present-day Ghana and surrounding areas), the Bight of Benin (present-day Togo, Benin and western Nigeria), the Bight of Biafra (Nigeria south of the Benue River, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea), Central Africa (Gabon, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo) and Southeast Africa (Mozambique and Madagascar).Enslaved Africans brought their own religious beliefs, languages, and cultural practices with them when they were forced on ships from Africa to the New World; however, slave traders and owners mounted a systematic and brutal campaign to de-Africanize them, eventually nearly completely stripping them of their original names, languages and religious beliefs. As additional means of subjugation, slave owners often intentionally mixed people who spoke many different African languages to discourage communication in any language other than English on their plantations and it became illegal for slaves to be taught to read or write. Over time, Africans in America formed a new and common identity focused on their mutual condition in America as opposed to cultural and historic ties to Africa.Throughout the period of African enslavement, various types of slavery developed. The types of crops grown (rice, cotton, tobacco, etc), led to varying types of slavery. The schedules of planting, tilling, sowing and harvesting throughout the seasons of the year led to different work regimens and different frequencies of owner-"property" interactions. The majority of slaves were owned by farmers who owned less than three slaves. This sometimes led to an intense blending of culture and sexual relations. In these situations it also enabled the enslaved a modicum of power through work stoppage and running away to nearby plantations during critical times of the year to barter for better treatment and working conditions.By 1860, there were 3.5 million enslaved Africans in the Southern United States, and another 500,000 Africans lived free across the country. Slavery was a controversial issue in American society and politics. The growth of abolitionism, which opposed the institution of slavery, culminated in the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, and was one reason for the secession of the Confederate States of America, which led to the American Civil War (1861 - 1865). After the Civil War, the United States offered certain civil rights to African Americans. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1862 declared all slaves in the Confederacy free under U.S. law. It included exceptions for those held in all territories that had not seceded, however, and thus did not immediately free a single slave, since U.S. law held no sway over the Confederacy at the time. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1865, freed all slaves, including those in states that had not seceded. During Reconstruction, African Americans in the South obtained the right to vote and to hold public office, as well as a number of other civil rights they previously had been denied. However, when Reconstruction ended in 1877, southern, White landowners reinstituted the "Jim Crow" regime of disenfranchisement and racial segregation, and with it a wave of terrorism and repression, including lynchings and other vigilante violence.During the Progressive Era, black members of the middle class attempted improving the conditions of their race. This movement was strongest in the Southern United States and it often revolved around black southern universities such as Tuskegee University and Atlanta University, academic journals, and the Episcopal Church. Like white progressives, black progressives helped the working class through charitable means while supporting political changes that increased the role of the state in creating socioeconomic equity, as opposed to equality. Some black progressives were elitist and often condescending towards those they were intent on helping, akin to white progressives" attitudes and actions towards European immigrants. Black progressives were successful in their charitable efforts, but often were not concerned with issues like racial segregation. Instead, they supported a social Darwinist mentality with the hope that blacks through hard work and education could accelerate their social evolution. The plight of most black people did not improve during this time due to racist political policies supported by many Whites in conjunction with white vigilante action.In the last decade of the nineteenth century in the United States, racially discriminatory laws and racial violence aimed at African Americans began to mushroom. Elected, appointed, or hired government authorities began to require or permit discrimination, specifically in the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Kansas. These discriminatory acts included racial segregation u2013 upheld by the United States Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 - which was legally mandated by southern states and nationwide at the local level of government, voter suppression or disenfranchisement in the southern states, denial of economic opportunity or resources nationwide, and private acts of violence and mass racial violence aimed at African Americans unhindered or encouraged by government authorities. Although racial discrimination was present nationwide, the combination of law, public and private acts of discrimination, marginal economic opportunity, and violence directed toward African Americans in the southern states became known as Jim Crow. The desperate conditions of African Americans in the South that sparked the Great Migration of the early 20th century, combined with a growing African American intellectual and cultural elite in the Northern United States, led to a movement to fight violence and discrimination against African Americans that, like abolitionism before it, crossed racial lines. One of the most prominent of these groups, the NAACP, galvanized by outspoken journalist and activist Ida B. Wells Barnett, led an anti-lynching crusade. In the 1950s, the organization mounted a series of calculated legal challenges to overturn Jim Crow segregation, culminating in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas decision.The Supreme Court"s decision in Brown v. Board was one of defining moments of the modern-day American Civil Rights Movement. It was part of a long-term strategy to strike down Jim Crow segregation in public education, the hospitality industry, public transportation, employment and housing, granting equal access to African Americans and ensuring their right to vote.The Civil Rights Movement aimed at abolishing public and private acts of racial discrimination against African Americans between 1954 to 1968, particularly in the southern United States. By 1966, the emergence of the Black Power Movement, which lasted from 1966 to 1975, expanded upon the aims of the Civil Rights Movement to include racial dignity, economic and political self-sufficiency, and freedom from white authority. Several scholars have begun to refer to the Civil Rights Movement as the Second Reconstruction. The Civil Rights Movement and subsequent Black Power Movement was the culmination of generations of oppression and contained several key events in American history, including the murder of Emmett Till, Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott, the desegregation of Little Rock, Arkansas, multiple sit-ins and freedom rides, the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and many other notable events. The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and the conditions which brought it into being are credited with putting pressure on President John F. Kennedy and then Lyndon B. Johnson that culminated in the passage the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that banned discrimination in public accommodations, employment, and labor unions.The "Mississippi Freedom Summer" of 1964 brought thousands of idealistic youth, black and white, to the state to run "freedom schools", to teach basic literacy, history and civics. Other volunteers were involved in voter registration drives. The season was marked by harassment, intimidation and violence directed at Civil Rights workers and their host families. The disappearance of three youths, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner in Philadelphia, Mississippi, captured the attention of the nation. Six weeks later, searchers found the savagely beaten body of Chaney, a black man, in a muddy dam alongside the remains of his two white companions, who had been shot to death. Outrage at the escalating injustices of the "Mississippi Blood Summer", as it by then had come to be known, and at the brutality of the murders brought about the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Act struck down barriers to black enfranchisement and was the capstone to more than a decade of major civil rights legislation.By this time, African Americans who questioned the effectiveness of nonviolent protest had gained a greater voice. More militant black leaders, such as Malcolm X of the Nation of Islam and Eldridge Cleaver of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, called for blacks to defend themselves, using violence, if necessary. From the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, the Black Power movement urged African Americans to look to Africa for inspiration and emphasized black solidarity, rather than integration. The movement reached its peak in the 1960s under leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Whitney Young, and Roy Wilkins, Sr. At the same time, Nation of Islam spokesman Malcolm X and, later, Stokely Carmichael, the Black Panther Party, and the Republic of New Africa called for African Americans to embrace black nationalism and black self-empowerment, propounding ideas of African (black) unity, solidarity and pan-Africanism. By the end of the 1960s, however, several civil rights activists, leaders and pan-Africanists were assassinated, including Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Fred Hampton. Nevertheless, politically and economically, African Americans have made substantial strides in the post-civil rights era.
2023-08-04 00:23:481

Blackout (Tee S Out Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Blackout (Tee S Out Mix)歌手:Todd Terry专辑:Let It RideSenses Fail - BlackoutI just drove under the Lincoln signTo where New Jersey meets the New York lineAnd through the tunnel for the last timeWith everything crumbling behindI stood still until I felt the shakesOf two bodies that were parting waysI didn"t want to be the one to sayI know this hurts but it"s time to breakIn two piecesThe boat line"s not secureI"ll burn a bridge if neededTo get back to herI feel like I"m paralyzedWhen I look atThe absent space left in my bedAnd think about all the things we didAt least I"m feeling more aliveBut I still have some of my pain I"ve got to shedBefore I find happinessI make moats out of memoriesAnd I plant pain Instead of sturdy treesI have got to wash these old sheetsSo I can fall asleepThere are times, there are times I reach for the phoneTo tell you that there might still be some hopeHolding on, holding on to this slack of ropeBut that"s the whiskey talking soI hope that you can find some peace in lifeCan you survive without me?Cause I thought I"d be fineNow I"m slurring every single lineI feel like I"m paralyzedWhen I look atThe absent space left in my bedAnd think about all the things we didAt least I"m feeling more aliveBut I still have some of my pain I"ve got to shedI"ve got to move on before I can find happinessThis isn"t fair nobody taught me (how to let go)Just be here now and don"t be set free (From sorrow)But at this time I don"t see clearly (how will I know)What is the point, what is the meaning (how to let go)Now is our goodbyeA blackout so I can dreamBut I still see you sneaking through my weary headI suffer from a drought of medicine to dull self-doubtI just want to drown you outWith southern poisonIf I had a drinkFor every goddamn I thinkAbout your pale skin dressed in pinkThen at least I could sleepIf I had a shotFor every goddamn time I thoughtAbout your face and what I"d lostAt least I"d get some sleep, sleep, sleepAt least I"d get some sleep, sleep, sleepThen at least I"d get some sleephttp://music.baidu.com/song/2676476
2023-08-04 00:24:121

Senses Fail的《Blackout》 歌词

歌曲名:Blackout歌手:Senses Fail专辑:Life Is Not A Waiting RoomSenses Fail - BlackoutI just drove under the Lincoln signTo where New Jersey meets the New York lineAnd through the tunnel for the last timeWith everything crumbling behindI stood still until I felt the shakesOf two bodies that were parting waysI didn"t want to be the one to sayI know this hurts but it"s time to breakIn two piecesThe boat line"s not secureI"ll burn a bridge if neededTo get back to herI feel like I"m paralyzedWhen I look atThe absent space left in my bedAnd think about all the things we didAt least I"m feeling more aliveBut I still have some of my pain I"ve got to shedBefore I find happinessI make moats out of memoriesAnd I plant pain Instead of sturdy treesI have got to wash these old sheetsSo I can fall asleepThere are times, there are times I reach for the phoneTo tell you that there might still be some hopeHolding on, holding on to this slack of ropeBut that"s the whiskey talking soI hope that you can find some peace in lifeCan you survive without me?Cause I thought I"d be fineNow I"m slurring every single lineI feel like I"m paralyzedWhen I look atThe absent space left in my bedAnd think about all the things we didAt least I"m feeling more aliveBut I still have some of my pain I"ve got to shedI"ve got to move on before I can find happinessThis isn"t fair nobody taught me (how to let go)Just be here now and don"t be set free (From sorrow)But at this time I don"t see clearly (how will I know)What is the point, what is the meaning (how to let go)Now is our goodbyeA blackout so I can dreamBut I still see you sneaking through my weary headI suffer from a drought of medicine to dull self-doubtI just want to drown you outWith southern poisonIf I had a drinkFor every goddamn I thinkAbout your pale skin dressed in pinkThen at least I could sleepIf I had a shotFor every goddamn time I thoughtAbout your face and what I"d lostAt least I"d get some sleep, sleep, sleepAt least I"d get some sleep, sleep, sleepThen at least I"d get some sleephttp://music.baidu.com/song/55449563
2023-08-04 00:24:191

求以to speak to people in a foreign language requires 开头的文章全文

听力课吧? 把这课的全部内容都给你拷过来了。你说的大段文章在中下段。希望是你需要的。Dialogue 1:—It"s a really wonderful evening. Thank you very much for inviting us.—I"m glad you enjoyed it.—Maybe we could get together sometime at my home.—Sounds nice.Dialogue 2:—Great party, isn"t it?—Yeah, really.—You look familiar to me. Have we met before?—I"m afraid not.Dialogue 3:—I"m afraid I have to go now.—So soon? Well, I enjoyed our talk together.—Me too.Dialogue 4:—Excuse me, could you tell me the time?—It"s half past 5 by my watch.—Thank you very much.—You"re welcome.Dialogue 5:—Is this seat taken?—Oh, let me move my stuff.—Aren"t you Jack Brown? I"m Bill, Bill Stone.—Oh, hello, Bill. Fancy meeting you here!Dialogue 6:—Hi, Jack. So good to see you.—Oh, hi, Andy. It"s been quite a while since we saw each other last. How"re things with you?—Just fine. What"ve you been doing these years?—Well, I"ve been studying for my PhD degree here at the university.—That"s wonderful.Statement 1: May I introduce Miss Jones to you?Statement 2: John Davis was born in California in 1930.Statement 3: I can"t agree with you more.Statement 4: My birthday is on June 20th.Statement 5: Paul, is your sister married?Statement 6: Look, here comes Mr. Black, our sales manager.Statement 7: Bob isn"t in the library right now.Statement 8: Mr. Taylor is said to be leaving for South Africa soon.Statement 9: Pass me the beer, please.Statement 10: I was wondering if you could help Anna with her music lessons. How to Improve Your Conversation Skills To speak to people in a foreign language requires courage and a willingness to make errors. Some people are so afraid of making mistakes that they never open their mouths. And that"s the biggest mistake of all. Now if you have courage and are ready to make a few errors, what do you say? First of all, you have to open the conversation. Finding an appropriate topic is half the battle. Some topics, such as the weather and news, work well. But others, such as age, money or people"s appearance do not. The following are some good ways to open a conversation. Weather -- It sure is cold today, isn"t it? News -- Did you hear about that terrible forest fire? A conversation in a foreign language doesn"t always go smoothly. Sometimes your partner talks too fast and you find it difficult to follow. Not to worry, though. You can always ask your partner to repeat what he has said or to speak more slowly. For example, "Excuse me, but could you say that again? I didn"t catch it." Or "Could you speak more slowly, please?" At the end of a conversation you need to find a way to close it in a polite way. "Well, I really need to be going", or "It was nice talking to you" are frequently used by people to end a conversation.Questions:1. What is the biggest mistake of all according to the passage?2. What does the speaker mean by saying "finding an appropriate topic is half the battle"? 3. How to end a conversation according to the passage?4. Which of the following does the speaker intend to convey to the listeners? 1. I often speak English to / with my friends. 2. To tell the truth, I seldom speak English. 3. I make mistakes whenever I open my mouth to speak English. 4. Mistakes are probably unavoidable when we try to speak a foreign language. 5. No mistakes, no progress. 6. I"m afraid of making mistakes because I don"t want to lose face, so sometimes I just give up. 7. I think the best way to improve our oral English is to speak as much as possible. 8. We learn to speak by speaking. 9. Topics like the weather, places, trips, hobbies, films, books ... tend to be safe. 10. Personal questions should be avoided, I think.
2023-08-04 00:24:261

ABC Cafe / Red And Black 歌词

ABC Cafe / Red And Black演唱:Eddie RedmayneThe time is nearSo near it"s stirring the blood in their veins!And yet bewareDon"t let the wine go to your brains!We need a signTo rally the peopleTo call them to armsTo bring them in line!Marius what"s wrong with you today?You look as if you"ve seen a ghost.Some wine and say what"s going on!A ghost you say... a ghost maybeShe was just like a ghost to meOne minute there, and she was gone!I am agog!I am aghast!Is Marius in love at last?I"ve never heard him `ooh" and `aah"You talk of battles to be wonAnd here he comes like Don Ju-anIt"s better than an o-per-a!It is time for us allTo decide who we areDo we fight for the rightTo a night at the opera now?Have you asked of yourselvesWhat"s the price you might pay?Is it simply a gameFor rich young boys to play?The color of the worldIs changing day by day...Red - the blood of angry men!Black - the dark of ages past!Red - a world about to dawn!Black - the night that ends at last!Had you been there tonightYou might know how it feelsTo be struck to the boneIn a moment of breathless delight!Had you been there tonightYou might also have knownHow the world may be changedIn just one burst of light!And what was right seems wrongAnd what was wrong seems right!Red...I feel my soul on fire!Black...My world if she"s not there!Red...The color of desire!Black...The color of despair!Marius, you"re no longer a childI do not doubt you mean it wellBut now there is a higher call.Who cares about your lonely soul?We strive toward a larger goalOur little lives don"t count at all!Red - the blood of angry men!Black - the dark of ages past!Red - a world about to dawn!Black - the night that ends at last!Listen everybody!Seven guns in St. Martin!Lamarque! His death is the hour of fate.The people"s man.His death is the sign we await!On his funeral day they will honor his name.It"s a rallying cry that will reach every ear!In the death of Lamarque we will kindle the flameThey will see that the day of salvation is near!The time is near!Let us welcome it gladly with courage and cheerLet us take to the streets with no doubt in our heartsBut a jubilant shoutThey will come one and allThey will come when we call!http://music.baidu.com/song/35209732
2023-08-04 00:24:341