The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in England
The political and moral advantages of this country, as a seat of manufactures, are not less remarkable than its physical advantages. The arts are the daughters of peace and liberty. In no country have these blessings been enjoyed in so high degree, or for so long a continuance, as in England. Under the reign of of just laws, personal liberty and property have been secure; mercantile enterprise has been allowed to reap its reward; capital has accumulated in safety; the workman has "gone forth to his work and to his labour until the evening;" and, thus protected and favoured, the manufacturing prosperity of the country has struck its roots deep, and spread forth its branches to the ends of the earth. [Edward Baines, The History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, 1835]
In the eighteenth century, a series of inventions transformed the manufacture of cotton in England and gave rise to a new mode or production -- the factory system. During these years, other branches of industry effected comparable advances, and all these together, mutually reinforcing one another, made possible further gains on an ever-widening front. The abundance and variety of these innovations almost defy compilation, but they may be subsumed under three principles: the substitution of machines -- rapid, regular, precise, tireless -- for human skill and effort; the substitution of inanimate for animate sources of power, in particular, the introduction of engines for converting heat into work, thereby opening to man a new and almost unlimited supply of energy; the use of new and far more abundant raw materials, in particular, the substitution of mineral for vegetable or animal substances. These improvements constitute the Industrial Revolution. [David Landes, The Unbound Prometheus, 1969]
The Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries was revolutionary because it changed -- revolutionized -- the productive capacity of England, Europe and United States. But the revolution was something more than just new machines, smoke-belching factories, increased productivity and an increased standard of living. It was a revolution which transformed English, European, and American society down to its very roots. Like the Reformation or the French Revolution, no one was left unaffected. Everyone was touched in one way or another -- peasant and noble, parent and child, artisan and captain of industry. The Industrial Revolution serves as a key to the origins of modern Western society. As Harold Perkin has observed, "the Industrial Revolution was no mere sequence of changes in industrial techniques and production, but a social revolution with social causes as well as profound social effects" [The Origins of Modern English Society, 1780-1880 (1969)].
The INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION can be said to have made the European working-class. It made the European middle-class as well. In the wake of the Revolution, new social relationships appeared. As Ben Franklin once said, "time is money." Man no longer treated men as men, but as a commodity which could be bought and sold on the open market. This "commodification" of man is what bothered Karl Marx -- his solution was to transcend the profit motive by social revolution (see Lecture 24).
There is no denying the fact that the Industrial Revolution began in England sometime after the middle of the 18th century. England was the "First Industrial Nation." As one economic historian commented in the 1960s, it was England which first executed "the takeoff into self-sustained growth." And by 1850, England had become an economic titan. Its goal was to supply two-thirds of the globe with cotton spun, dyed, and woven in the industrial centers of northern England. England proudly proclaimed itself to be the "Workshop of the World," a position that country held until the end of the 19th century when Germany, Japan and United States overtook it.
More than the greatest gains of the Renaissance, the Reformation, Scientific Revolution or Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution implied that man now had not only the opportunity and the knowledge but the physical means to completely subdue nature. No other revolution in modern times can be said to have accomplished so much in so little time. The Industrial Revolution attempted to effect man"s mastery over nature. This was an old vision, a vision with a history. In the 17th century, the English statesman and "Father of Modern Science, Francis Bacon (1561-1626), believed that natural philosophy (what we call science) could be applied to the solution of practical problems, and so, the idea of modern technology was born. For Bacon, the problem was this: how could man enjoy perfect freedom if he had to constantly labor to supply the necessities of existence? His answer was clear -- machines. These labor saving devices would liberate mankind, they would save labor which then could be utilized elsewhere. "Knowledge is power," said Bacon, and scientific knowledge reveals power over nature.
The vision was all-important. It was optimistic and progressive. Man was going somewhere, his life has direction. This vision is part of the general attitude known as the idea of progress, that is, that the history of human society is a history of progress, forever forward, forever upward. This attitude is implicit throughout the Enlightenment and was made reality during the French and Industrial Revolutions. With relatively few exceptions, the philosophes of the 18th century embraced this idea of man"s progress with an intensity I think unmatched in our own century. Human happiness, improved morality, an increase in knowledge were now within man"s reach. This was indeed the message, the vision, of Adam Smith, Denis Diderot, Voltaire, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin (see Lecture 10).
"Tremble all ye oppressors of the world," wrote Richard Price -- and tremble they did (see Lecture 14). The American and French Revolutions, building on enlightened ideas, swept away enthusiasm, tyranny, fanaticism, superstition, and oppressive and despotic governments. "Sapere Aude!" exclaimed Kant -- Dare to know!. With history and superstition literally swept aside, man could not only understand man and society, man could now change society for the better. These are all ideas, glorious, noble visions of the future prospect of mankind. By the end of the 18th century, these ideas became tangible. The vision was reality. Even Karl Marx understood this when he wrote, "Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it."
Engines and machines, the glorious products of science began to revolutionize the idea of progress itself. If a simple machine can do the work of twenty men in a quarter of the time formerly required, then could the New Jerusalem be far behind? When you view the Industrial Revolution alongside the democratic revolutions of 1776 and 1789, we cannot help but be struck by the optimism so generated. Heaven on Earth seemed reality and no one was untouched by the prospects. But, as we will soon see, while the Industrial Revolution brought its blessings, there was also much misery. Revolutions, political or otherwise, are always mixed blessings. If we can thank the Industrial Revolution for giving us fluoride, internal combustion engines, and laser guided radial arm saws, we can also damn it for the effect it has had on social relationships. We live in the legacy of the Industrial Revolution, the legacy of the "cash nexus," as the mid-19th century Scottish critic Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) put it, where the only connection between men is the one of money, profit and gain.
The origins of the Industrial Revolution in England are complex and varied and, like the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution is still a subject of a vast historical debate over origins, developments, growth and end results. This debate has raged among historians since at least 1884, when Arnold Toynbee (1852-1883), an English historian and social reformer, published the short book, Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England. Toynbee was in a fairly good position to assess the revolution in industry -- England had, by the 1880s, endured more than a century of industrialization.
Still, like any revolution, the Industrial Revolution leaves us with many questions: was the revolution in industry simply an issue of new machinery or mechanical innovation? did young boys and girls work and live shoulder to shoulder for more than twelve hour a day? was industrial capitalism nothing more than a clever system devised by clever capitalists to exploit the labor of ignorant workers? was the revolution in industry the product of conscious planning or did it appear spontaneously? I can"t answer all these questions in one lecture -- indeed, an entire course of study on the subject would perhaps get us no closer to the answers to these important questions. However, we can make one serious confession -- what the Industrial Revolution accomplished was nothing less than a structural change in the economic organization of English and European society. This is what made the Revolution revolutionary. In other words, England, then the Continent and the United States, witnessed a shift from a traditional, pre-modern, agrarian society to that of an industrial economy based on capitalist methods, principles and practices.
In general, the spread of industry across England was sporadic. In other words, not every region of England was industrialized at the same time. In some areas, the factory system spread quickly, in others not at all. Such a development also applies to the steam engine -- one would think that once steam engines made their appearance that each and every factory would have one. But this is clearly not the case. The spread of industry, or machinery, or steam power, or the factory system itself was erratic. I imagine the reason why we assume that industrialization was a quick process is that we live live in an age of rising expectations -- we expect change to occur rapidly and almost without our direction. Late 20th century developments in technology are perhaps most responsible for this attitude. We know that technology supplies a constant stream of products that are "new and improved." We know that the moment we bring home a top of the line computer that within six months it will become not necessarily obsolete but "old."
Historians are now agreed that beginning in the 17th century and continuing throughout the 18th century, England witnessed an agricultural revolution. English (and Dutch) farmers were the most productive farmers of the century and were continually adopting new methods of farming and experimenting with new types of vegetables and grains. They also learned a great deal about manure and other fertilizers. In other words, many English farmers were treating farming as a science, and all this interest eventually resulted in greater yields. Was the English farmer more enterprising than his French counterpart? Perhaps, but not by virtue of intelligence alone. English society was far more open than French -- there were no labor obligations to the lord. The English farmer could move about his locale or the country to sell his goods while the French farmer was bound by direct and indirect taxes, tariffs or other kinds of restrictions. In 1700, 80% of the population of England earned its income from the land. A century later, that figure had dropped to 40%.
The result of these developments taken together was a period of high productivity and low food prices. And this, in turn, meant that the typical English family did not have to spend almost everything it earned on bread (as was the case in France before 1789), and instead could purchase manufactured goods.
There are other assets that helped make England the "first industrial nation." Unlike France, England had an effective central bank and well-developed credit market. The English government allowed the domestic economy to function with few restrictions and encouraged both technological change and a free market. England also had a labor surplus which, thanks to the enclosure movement, meant that there was an adequate supply of workers for the burgeoning factory system.
England"s agricultural revolution came as a result of increased attention to fertilizers, the adoption of new crops and farming technologies, and the enclosure movement. Jethro Tull (1674-1741) invented a horse-drawn hoe as well as a mechanical seeder which allowed seeds to be planted in orderly rows. A contemporary of Tull, Charles "Turnip" Townshend (1674-1738), stressed the value of turnips and other field crops in a rotation system of planting rather than letting the land lay fallow. Thomas William Coke (1752-1842) suggested the utilization of field grasses and new fertilizers as well as greater attention to estate management.
In order for these "high farmers" to make the most efficient use of the land, they had to manage the fields as they saw fit. This was, of course, impossible under the three field system which had dominated English and European agriculture for centuries. Since farmers, small and large, held their property in long strips, they had to follow the same rules of cultivation. The local parish or village determined what ought to be planted. In the end, the open-field system of crop rotation was an obstacle to increased agricultural productivity. The solution was to enclose the land, and this meant enclosing entire villages. Landlords knew that the peasants would not give up their land voluntarily, so they appealed by petition to Parliament, a difficult and costly adventure at best. The first enclosure act was passed inmeira
Because at that time, England had the top of the scienists and skills, develope things there are quite easy.
Thomas Newcomen是谁
Thomas Savery (1650-1715)Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698, patented the first crude steam engine, based on Denis Papin"s Digester or pressure cooker of 1679.Thomas Savery had been working on solving the problem of pumping water out of coal mines, his machine consisted of a closed vessel filled with water into which steam under pressure was introduced. This forced the water upwards and out of the mine shaft. Then a cold water sprinkler was used to condense the steam. This created a vacuum which sucked more water out of the mine shaft through a bottom valve.Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729)Illustration of Thomas Newcomen"s Engine circa 1712Thomas Newcomen was an English blacksmith, who invented the atmospheric steam engine, an improvement over Thomas Slavery"s previous design.The Newcomen steam engine used the force of atmospheric pressure to do the work. Thomas Newcomen"s engine pumped steam into a cylinder. The steam was then condensed by cold water which created a vacuum on the inside of the cylinder. The resulting atmospheric pressure operated a piston, creating downward strokes. In Newcomen"s engine the intensity of pressure was not limited by the pressure of the steam, unlike what Thomas Savery had patented in 1698.In 1712, Thomas Newcomen together with John Calley built their first engine on top of a water filled mine shaft and used it to pump water out of the mine. The Newcomen engine was the predecessor to the Watt engine and it was one of the most interesting pieces of technology developed during the 1700"s.Thomas Savery later worked with Thomas Newcomen on the atmospheric steam engine. Among Savery"s other inventions was an odometer for ships, a device that measured distance traveled.James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, born in Greenock, who was renowned for his improvements of the steam engine. In 1765, James Watt while working for the University of Glasgow was assigned the task of repairing a Newcomen engine, which was deemed inefficient but the best steam engine of its time. That started the inventor to work on several improvements to Newcomen"s design.Most notable was Watt"s 1769 patent for a separate condenser connected to a cylinder by a valve. Unlike Newcomen"s engine, Watt"s design had a condenser that could be cool while the cylinder was hot. Watt"s engine soon became the dominant design for all modern steam engines and helped bring about the Industrial Revolution.A unit of power called the Watt was named after James Watt. the Watt symbol is W, and it is equal to 1/746 of a horsepower, or one Volt times one Amp.全部都在这里了。最后是瓦特的那部分改进。如果需要前面的也有,那就非常长了。蒸汽机从发明到瓦特那里正是开始使用,中间差不多200年。不过我们现在讨论的蒸汽机基本可以认为是瓦特发明的,虽然他只是改进,但是确实划时代的改进。2023-08-03 12:49:142
18世纪下半叶,英国的生活开始发生变化。科学发现、农业创新和技术发明把人们从土地上吸引到城镇里。在新兴科技和工业的前沿,英国帝国发展壮大,她成为世界领袖。随着时间的推移,工业革命从英国蔓延开来,改变全世界人民的生活。 关于工业革命的关键事实 由于工业革命是一个渐进的过程,所以没有确切的开始日期,但人们普遍认为它始于1750年左右。 关键人物 Jehro Tull-发明了播种机和其他机械化农业工具Abraham Darby——发明了一种用焦炭冶炼铁矿石的工艺——Thomas Newcomen——发明了第一台蒸汽机,用于抽水——James Wa——精炼了Newcomen的蒸汽机,并增加了冷凝器——Mahew Boulon——James Wa William Murdoch的商业合作伙伴——对蒸汽机的贡献,机车和煤气灯约翰·凯——航天飞机的发明者,使织机更加高效詹姆斯·哈格里夫斯——发明了纺纱机珍妮的织工,使纺纱更加高效的理查德·阿克赖特——建造了第一个机械化的工厂来容纳他的水力纺纱机塞缪尔·克朗普顿——制造了纺纱机,托马斯·泰尔福德(Thomas Telford)是负责道路、运河和桥梁的鼓舞人心的土木工程师约翰·马卡丹(John Macadam),他进一步改进了编织工艺,创造了一种新的路面铺设技术——十八世纪中叶,在一片绿色宜人的土地上建造黑暗的柏油路、撒旦式的磨坊“KDSP”,英国人民过着几百年来所过的生活。绝大多数人生活在农村,在土地上长时间工作。有许多家庭手工业、作坊和工匠。旅行是缓慢而艰苦的,沿着未铺好的道路,要么步行,要么用马拉的车。起初,生活开始慢慢改变。一些新发明很快成为变革的浪潮,加快了步伐,开创了一种新的工作方式和生活方式。工业革命的种子早在18世纪以前就已经播下,由上个世纪的自由思想家和发明家播种,但直到18世纪,在英国,工业化的条件才成熟。 18世纪的不列颠群岛提供了理想的经济和产业创新的社会氛围。在1707年加入英格兰和苏格兰的统一法案之后,这个国家和平稳定。两国在自由市场贸易中有着共同的利益,而法律制度使建立公司以利用经济机会变得容易。来自大英帝国的资金使那些热衷于增加财富的企业家得以推动创新。努力工作和追求财富被认为是美德。除了财力,英国还有煤炭和金属矿等自然资源,这对新兴技术至关重要。英国拥有成为工业化摇篮所需的一切。 最初的一些变化是从英国开始的。18世纪早期,地主和农民开始改造英国的农业。选择育种、轮作和圈地行为导致了更高的产量和生产力。机械化提高了效率。Jehro Tull首先利用科学原理设计了播种机,然后设计了马拉锄头。图尔成功地证明了机械化优于人力,这一原则最终将推广到其他行业。 亚伯拉罕·达比是工业革命的另一个早期先驱。达比,一个有进取心的贵格会教徒,参与了黄铜的制造。1709年,他完善了用焦炭而不是木头或木炭冶炼铁矿石的工艺,这是一个重要的突破。铁在工业革命中被广泛使用由于制造商不受成熟木材供应的限制,uion和Darby的创新将允许大规模生产铁。 雕刻由Boulon和Wa设计的1784蒸汽机 煤本来在工业中扮演着重要角色,但在18世纪初,煤矿出现了一个重大问题:水灾。在过去的几个世纪里,煤炭是在地表附近开采的。随着需求的增长,更深的竖井被下沉以达到更丰富的煤层,但水经常充满隧道。托马斯纽科门(Thomas Newcomen)是一位为采矿业提供能源的铁匠,他着手改进从矿山抽水的系统,在这个过程中,他发现蒸汽动力可以用来驱动发动机。纽科门蒸汽机最早建于1712年左右,逐渐普及,不仅在英国使用,在国外的矿山也使用。然而,尽管经过了改进,它并不是一台特别高效的机器。苏格兰人詹姆斯瓦特(James Wa)在17世纪60年代开始致力于改进纽科门的发动机,他的主要改进是使用冷凝器,这样可以减少浪费,提高效率。到1776年,在他的商业伙伴马修·博尔顿的帮助下,瓦特得以推销他的新引擎。博尔顿和瓦特的员工之一,威廉·默多克,也对蒸汽机进行了改造,他在康沃尔安装蒸汽机的时候也在进行改造。他接着发明了其他一些东西,包括煤气灯,后来又发明了蒸汽机车。新的、高效的机器将成为这个时代的动力之源。 当蒸汽机改变采矿业时,纺织业正在经历自身的转变。传统上,织布是一种家庭手工业。一家人在家里会有一台手摇织机,他们会一起打卡、纺纱、织布,卖织布谋生。一旦棉花开始从英国日益增长的帝国进口,就有过剩的棉花无法在国内加工。增加机械化是必要的,最早的发明之一是飞梭,约1734年由约翰凯介绍。这允许在手摇织机上更快地织布,使一个织机操作员而不是之前要求的两个操作员成为可能。出现了一个问题。现在织机的效率是原来的两倍,而简单的纺纱轮又跟不上,所以没有足够的纱线来喂织机。幸运的是,一些发明家已经准备好把这个障碍变成一个机会。 詹姆斯哈格里夫斯自己就是一个织布工,也有木工技能。1764年,他引入了一种系统,使纱线的供应能够跟上约翰·凯的飞行梭所创造的需求。哈格里夫斯的纺纱机珍妮是一个多锭纺纱机。最初,一名工人可以监管8个线轴,随着时间的推移,线轴数量增加到120个。理查德·阿克赖特(Richard arkrigh)根据约翰·凯(John Kay,不是航天飞机的发明者)的设计,制造了一台水力纺纱机,进一步解决了对纱线的需求。阿克赖特的水框被安置在德温特河畔克罗福德的一家棉纺厂里,使他的工厂成为最早专门建造的机械化工厂之一。 纺织业的最终改进是由塞缪尔·克罗普顿于1779年引进的。纺纱骡子之所以被称为混合纺纱骡子,是将珍妮纺纱技术与水上纺纱机相结合。骡子不仅使线纺得更快,而且使它纺得更细,生产出更优质的线。可悲的是,克朗普顿缺乏资金为他的发明申请专利,因此,尽管纺织业发生了革命性的变化,但他未能从他的工作中获利。 改善的交通运输在英国的工业化进程中发挥了重要作用。托马斯泰尔福德,道路的巨人,是一个早期的土木工程师,他设计了许多道路(总共约1000英里),运河和桥梁横跨英国。他的伦敦至霍利黑德公路是为了让驿站马车把邮件从伦敦运到爱尔兰的邮船上而修建的,因此需要相对平坦市民的生活受到工业革命的威胁。 进一步研究 罗杰奥斯本探索工业革命的起源在铁,蒸汽和金钱:工业革命的制造(2013) 工业革命解释:蒸汽,火花和大轮子:蒸汽,《火花与巨大的车轮》(英格兰的活的历史)(2013年),斯坦·约克不仅记录了工业革命的历史,而且还提供了关于在哪里可以找到这个时代的博物馆的信息。 乔治·艾略特的小说《塞拉斯·马纳》(1861年)讲述了十九世纪早期一个棉织工的命运。 英国广播公司的历史页面有几篇关于工业革命的文章BBC.co./Hisory/briish/vicorians/ YouTube视频,观看 英国广播公司纪录片 “James Wa的蒸汽机 土木工程师学会-Thomas Telford2023-08-03 12:49:491
Steam turbineFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediau2022 Learn more about citing Wikipedia u2022Jump to: navigation, searchA rotor of a modern steam turbine, used in a power plantA steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam, and converts it into useful mechanical work.It has almost completely replaced the reciprocating piston steam engine (invented by Thomas Newcomen and greatly improved by James Watt) primarily because of its greater thermal efficiency and higher power-to-weight ratio. Also, because the turbine generates rotary motion, it is particularly suited to be used to drive an electrical generator, about 80% of all electric generation in the world is by use of steam turbines. — it doesn"t require a linkage mechanism to convert reciprocating to rotary motion. The steam turbine is a form of heat engine that derives much of its improvement in thermodynamic efficiency through the use of multiple stages in the expansion of the steam (as opposed to the one stage in the Watt engine), which results in a closer approach to the ideal reversible process.Contents [hide]1 History 2 Types 2.1 Steam Supply and Exhaust Conditions 2.2 Casing or Shaft Arrangements 3 Principle of Operation and Design 3.1 Turbine Efficiency 3.1.1 Impulse Turbines 3.1.2 Reaction Turbines 3.2 Operation and Maintenance 3.3 Speed regulation 4 Direct drive 5 Speed reduction [edit] HistoryThe first steam engine was little more than a toy, the classic Aeolipile described by Heron of Alexandria. Another steam turbine device was created by Italian Giovanni Branca in year 1629. The modern steam turbine was invented in 1884 by an Anglo Irishman, Charles A. Parsons, whose first model was connected to a dynamo that generated 7.5 kW of electricity. His patent was licensed and the turbine scaled up shortly after by an American, George Westinghouse. A number of other variations of turbines have been developed that work effectively with steam. The de Laval turbine (invented by Gustaf de Laval) accelerated the steam to full speed before running it against a turbine blade. This was good, because the turbine is simpler, less expensive and does not need to be pressure-proof. It can operate with any pressure of steam. It is also, however, considerably less efficient. The Parson"s turbine also turned out to be relatively easy to scale up. Within Parson"s lifetime the generating capacity of a unit was scaled up by about 10,000 times.Parsons turbine from the Polish destroyer ORP Wicher II[edit] TypesSteam turbines are made in a variety of sizes ranging from small 1 hp (0.75 kW) units (rare) used as mechanical drives for pumps, compressors and other shaft driven equipment, to 2,000,000 hp (1,500,000 kW) turbines used to generate electricity. There are several classifications for modern steam turbines.[edit] Steam Supply and Exhaust ConditionsThese types include condensing, noncondensing, reheat, extraction and induction.Noncondensing or backpressure turbines are most widely used for process steam applications. The exhaust pressure is controlled by a regulating valve to suit the needs of the process steam pressure. These are commonly found at refineries, district heating units, pulp and paper plants, and desalination facilities where large amounts of low pressure process steam is available.Condensing turbines are most commonly found in electrical power plants. These turbines exhaust steam in a partially condensed state, typically of a quality near 90%, at a pressure well below atmospheric to a condenser.Reheat turbines are also used almost exclusively in electrical power plants. In a reheat turbine, steam flow exits from a high pressure section of the turbine and is returned to the boiler where additional superheat is added. The steam then goes back into an intermediate pressure section of the turbine and continues its expansion.Extracting type turbines are common in all applications. In an extracting type turbine, steam is released from various stages of the turbine, and used for industrial process needs or sent to boiler feed water heaters to improve overall cycle efficiency. Extraction flows may be controlled with a valve, or left uncontrolled. Induction turbines introduce low pressure steam at an intermediate stage to produce additional power.[edit] Casing or Shaft ArrangementsThese arrangements include single casing, tandem compound and cross compound turbines. Single casing units are the most basic style where a single casing and shaft are coupled to a generator. Tandem compound are used where two or more casings are directly coupled together to drive a single generator. A cross compound turbine arrangement features two or more shafts not in line driving two or more generators that often operate at different speeds. A cross compound turbine is typically used for many large applications.[edit] Principle of Operation and DesignAn ideal steam turbine is considered to be an isentropic process, or constant entropy process, in which the entropy of the steam entering the turbine is equal to the entropy of the steam leaving the turbine. No steam turbine is truly “isentropic”, however, with typical isentropic efficiencies ranging from 20%-90% based on the application of the turbine. The interior of a turbine is comprised of several sets of blades, or “buckets” as they are more commonly referred to. One set of stationary blades is connected to the casing and one set of rotating blades is connected to the shaft. The sets intermesh with certain minimum clearances, with the size and configuration of sets varying to efficiently exploit the expansion of steam at each stage.[edit] Turbine EfficiencySchematic diagram outlining the difference between an impulse and a reaction turbineTo maximize turbine efficiency, the steam is expanded, generating work, in a number of stages. These stages are characterized by how the energy is extracted from them and are known as impulse or reaction turbines. Most modern steam turbines are a combination of the reaction and impulse design. Typically, higher pressure sections are impulse type and lower pressure stages are reaction type. [edit] Impulse TurbinesAn impulse turbine has fixed nozzles that orient the steam flow into high speed jets. These jets contain significant kinetic energy, which the rotor blades, shaped like buckets, convert into shaft rotation as the steam jet changes direction. A pressure drop occurs across only the stationary blades, with a net increase in steam velocity across the stage.As the steam flows through the nozzle its pressure falls from steam chest pressure to condenser pressure (or atmosphere pressure). Due to this relatively higher ratio of expansion of steam in the nozzle the steam leaves the nozzle with a very high velocity. The steam leaving the moving blades is a large portion of the maximum velocity of the steam when leaving the nozzle. The loss of energy due to this higher exit velocity is commonly called the "carry over velocity" or "leaving loss".[edit] Reaction TurbinesIn the reaction turbine, the rotor blades themselves are arranged to form convergent nozzles. This type of turbine makes use of the reaction force produced as the steam accelerates through the nozzles formed by the rotor. Steam is directed onto the rotor by the fixed vanes of the stator. It leaves the stator as a jet that fills the entire circumference of the rotor. The steam then changes direction and increases its speed relative to the speed of the blades. A pressure drop occurs across both the stator and the rotor, with steam accelerating through the stator and decelerating through the rotor, with no net change in steam velocity across the stage but with a decrease in both pressure and temperature, reflecting the work performed in the driving of the rotor.[edit] Operation and MaintenanceWhen warming up a steam turbine for use, the main steam stop valves (after the boiler) have a bypass line to allow superheated steam to slowly bypass the valve and proceed to heat up the lines in the system along with the steam turbine. Also a turning gear is engaged when there is no steam to the turbine to slowly rotate the turbine to ensure even heating to prevent uneven expansion. After first rotating the turbine by the turning gear, allowing time for the rotor to assume a straight plane (no bowing), then the turning gear is disengaged and steam is admitted to the turbine, first to the astern blades then to the ahead blades slowly rotating the turbine at 10 to 15 RPM to slowly warm the turbine.Problems with turbines are now rare and maintenance requirements are relatively small. Any imbalance of the rotor can lead to vibration, which in extreme cases can lead to a blade letting go and punching straight through the casing. It is, however, essential that the turbine be turned with dry steam. If water gets into the steam and is blasted onto the blades (moisture carryover) rapid impingement and erosion of the blades can occur, possibly leading to imbalance and catastrophic failure. Also, water entering the blades will likely result in the destruction of the thrust bearing for the turbine shaft. To prevent this, along with controls and baffles in the boilers to ensure high quality steam, condensate drains are installed in the steam piping leading to the turbine.[edit] Speed regulationThe control of a turbine with a governor is essential, as turbines need to be run up slowly, to prevent damage while some applications (such as the generation of alternating current electricity) require precise speed control. Uncontrolled acceleration of the turbine rotor can lead to an overspeed trip, which causes the nozzle valves that control the flow of steam to the turbine to close. If this fails then the turbine may continue accelerating until it breaks apart, often spectacularly. Turbines are expensive to make, requiring precision manufacture and special quality materials.[edit] Direct driveElectrical power stations use large steam turbines driving electric generators to produce most ( about 80%) of the world"s electricity. These centralised stations are of two types: fossil fuel power plants and nuclear power plants. The turbines used for electric power generation are most often directly coupled to their generators. As the generators must rotate at constant synchronous speeds according to the frequency of the electric power system, the most common speeds are 3000 r/min for 50 Hz systems, and 3600 r/min for 60 Hz systems. All large nuclear sets rotate at half those speeds, and have a 4-pole generator rather than the more common 2-pole one.[edit] Speed reductionThe Turbinia - the first steam turbine-powered shipAnother use of steam turbines is in ships; their small size, low maintenance, light weight, and low vibration are compelling advantages. (Steam turbine locomotives were also tested, but with limited success.) A steam turbine is only efficient when operating in the thousands of RPM range while application of the power in propulsion applications may be only in the hundreds of RPM and so requiring that expensive and precise reduction gears must be used, although several ships, such as Turbinia, had direct drive from the steam turbine to the propeller shafts. This purchase cost is offset by much lower fuel and maintenance requirements and the small size of a turbine when compared to a reciprocating engine having an equivalent power.2023-08-03 12:50:061
17世纪中期的英国资产阶级革命,推翻了英国的封建专制制度,建立了资产阶级和土地贵族联盟为基础的君主立宪制度,从而成为世界上第一个确立资产阶级政治统治的国家。资产阶级利用国家政权加速推行发展资本主义的政策和措施,促进了工业革命各种前提条件的迅速形成。 资产阶级通过大规模地对外掠夺以及在国内实行的国债制度和消费税政策,积累了巨额财富,为工业革命提供了所必须的货币资金;大规模的圈地运动,为工业革命提供了大量的“自由”劳动力和广阔的国内市场。 工场手工业的蓬勃发展,培养了大批富有实践经验的熟练工人,为机器的发明和应用创造了条件;自然科学的发展及其成就,特别是牛顿的力学和数学,为机器的产生奠定了科学理论基础。 蓬勃发展的工场手工业,积累了丰富的生产技术知识,增加了产量,但仍然无法满足不断扩大的市场需求。于是,一场生产手段的革命呼之欲出。 工业革命首先出现于工场手工业最为发达的棉纺织业。1733年,机械师凯伊发明了飞梭,大大提高了织布速度,棉纱顿时供不应求。1765年,织工哈格里夫斯发明了“珍妮纺纱机”,大幅度增加了棉纱产量。“珍妮纺纱机”的出现首先在棉纺织业中引发了发明机器、进行技术革新的连锁反应,揭开了工业革命的序幕。此后,在棉纺织业中出现了骡机、水利织布机等机器。不久,在采煤、冶金等许多工业部门,也都陆续有了机器生产。 随着机器生产的增多,原有的动力如畜力、水力和风力等已经无法满足需要。1785年,瓦特制成的改良型蒸汽机投入使用,提供了更加便利的动力,得到迅速推广,大大推动了机器的普及和发展。人类社会由此进入“蒸汽时代”。 随着工业生产中机器生产逐渐取代手工操作,一种新型的生产组织形式——工厂出现了。 1840年前后,英国的大机器生产已基本取代了工厂手,工业革命基本完成。英国成为世界第一个工业国家。 积极意义: 1大幅度提高了社会生产力,丰富了人们的物质生活。2引起了社会结构的变化,产生了对立的两大新兴阶级——工 业资 产 阶级和工业 无 产阶级。工业资产阶级势力随着经济实力的迅速增长而膨胀,逐渐战胜了封 建 势力,掌握了政权:无 产阶级逐渐觉悟,为改变自己受剥 削 受压迫的悲惨地位,开始斗争。3改变了社会生活,城市化兴起。4民族解放运动和国际社会主义运动也不断发展。欧洲爆发了三次工人运动,马克思主义理论逐渐形成发展。5工厂制度形成,自由主义经济盛行。6密切了世界各地的联系,客观上把资本主义先进的生产方式和生产技术传播到世界各地,使整个世界越来越成为一个密不可分的整体,改变了世界面貌。7资本主义世界市场初步形成 二、 消极影响: 1无 产 阶级遭受到日益深重的剥削和压迫,越来越贫困2资本主义国家在世界范围内大肆抢占商品市场,强占原料产地,拓展殖民地,奴役当地人民,加剧了当地的贫困落后,造成东方从属于西方的局面3机器的使用造成了环境污染。总的来说,经济领域:生产力极大的提高。 资本主义经济迅速发展。 工业结构发生了变化。 政治领域:是东方开始从属于西方。2023-08-03 12:50:146
因为清朝的闭关守国2023-08-03 12:50:461
内能计算公式为U=Q+W。热力学能,过去长期叫内能,符号U,是系统内各种形式能量的总和,例如系统中分子的动能,分子运动包括平动、转动和振动三种形式、分子内电子运动的能量、原子核内的能量分子间作用能等等,难以胜数,随认识的深化不断发现新的能量形式,但有一点是肯定无疑的,任何系统在一定状态下内能是一定的,因而热力学能是状态函数。2023-08-03 12:50:421
i是自由度,单原子分子是 3,双原子分子是5;三原子及多原子分子6;n气体的物质的量;R是理想气体常数 R=8.31J/K。2023-08-03 12:50:523
LED是英文light emitting diode的缩写,也就是我们所说的"发光二极管"。LED指示灯是发光二极管所有种类中的一种,只是功能为指示作用。2023-08-03 12:51:011
根据所采用的LED的颜色,LED单色显示屏可分为户外单基色、半户外单基色屏。单基色LED显示屏可作为文本显示屏,每个像素点用一个单色LED,多数用红色;双基色LED显示屏可作为图文显示屏,每个像素点由红绿两种LED管组成,可现实红绿黄三种颜色显示。单基色常规的有P10半户外单红显示屏、P10半户外单黄显示屏、P10半户外单蓝显示屏、P10半户外单绿显示屏、P10半户外单白显示屏;P10户外单红显示屏、P10户外单黄显示屏、P10户外单蓝显示屏、P10户外单绿显示屏、P10户外单白显示屏。半户外的用于室内,或是淋不到雨的地方;户外的用于淋的到雨的地方。主要显示广告文字之类的。2023-08-03 12:51:083
内能和质量的关系公式为E=inRT/2。拓展资料:分子做无规则运动的动能和分子间引力和斥力所产生的势能之和叫做物体的内能。 物体质量越大,所含分子越多,分子间势能也就越大;物体温度越高,分子运动越剧烈,分子动能也就越大。内能就是由微观势能和微观动能所决定的,即质量和温度都影响物体内能。一般说来,在温度相同、物态相同的情况下,质量大的物体内能高。但是不确定温度时,质量大的物体内能就未必高了。1、物理内能的公式是:ΔU=W+Q,其中ΔU为内能的变化量,W为外界对系统的做功量,Q为系统(从外界)的吸热量,该式称为热力学第一定律的常用表达式。2、内能的概念建立在焦耳等人大量精密的热功当量实验的基础之上。能量和内能概念的建立标志着能量转化与守恒定律(即热力学第一定律)的真正确立。2023-08-03 12:51:221
Q=UItQ=I^2 RtQ= U^2 R /t2023-08-03 12:51:432
内能:物体内部所有分子热运动的动能与分子势能的总和,叫做物体的内能。 1.改变物体内能的方式有(做功)和 (热传递). 2.没有专门的内能的公式 3. 做功: W=FS 热传递:Q=cm(t2-t1) .2023-08-03 12:51:521
LED是发光二极管Light Emitting Diode的英文缩写。LED应用可分为两大类:一是LED单管应用,包括背光源LED,红外线LED等;另外就是LED显示屏,目前,中国在LED基础材料制造方面与国际还存在着一定的差距,但就LED显示屏而言,中国的设计和生产技术水平基本与国际同步。LED显示屏是由发光二极管排列组成的一显示器件。它采用低电压扫描驱动,具有:耗电少、使用寿命长、成本低、亮度高、故障少、视角大、可视距离远等特点。LCD显示器的原文是Liquid Crystal Display,取每字的第一个字母组成,中文多称「液晶平面显示器」或「液晶显示器」。其工作原理就是利用液晶的物理特性:通电时排列变得有序,使光线容易通过;不通电时排列混乱,阻止光线通过,说简单点就是让液晶如闸门般地阻隔或让光线穿透。 LCD的好处有: 与CRT显示器相比,LCD的优点主要包括零辐射、低功耗、散热小、体积小、图像还原精确、字符显示锐利等。 选购LCD,有几个基本指针: 高亮度:亮度值愈高,画面自然更亮丽,不会朦胧雾雾。亮度的单位为cd/m2,也就是每平方公尺分之烛光。低阶的LCD亮度值,有低到150 cd/m2,而高阶的显示器,则可高达250cd/m2。2023-08-03 12:51:543
E机=E动(1/2mv^2)+E势 EG=mgh E弹=1/2kΔx^2(k为弹性系数,Δx为长度变化量)2023-08-03 12:52:071
这应该是吸热公式,Cp=Cv+R=i/2+R=(i+2)R/2 在等压条件下Q=Cp△T=(i+2)/2nR△T? 在等体条件下Q=Cv△T=i/2nR△T?2023-08-03 12:52:161
LED是发光二极管的英文简称,发光二极管英文名称是: light-emitting diode;LED;light emitting diode。单只发光二极管的耐压值在3.0-3.4V之间,把一颗颗发光管或串联、或并联、或者先串联后并联、或先并联后串联等等,输入的电压通过电源转换方式变成电子电路需要的电压和电流,发光二极管就能正常工作了,可以用在照明、装饰等用途。常见的有输入交流110-220V的,输入直流12V、36V、48V等。2023-08-03 12:52:251
2023-08-03 12:52:261
十三、热量内能1.分子理论的初步知识:物质由大量分子组成,分子是在永不停息地做无规则运动的,分子间存在相互作用的斥力和引力2.扩散:两种不同的物质相互接触时,彼此进入对方的现象叫扩散,扩散的实质是分子的无规则运动引起的,温度越高,扩散越快,即分子的无规则运动越剧烈。3.热量:在热传递过程中所传递的能量。热量的单位是焦(耳)。4.比热(容):单位质量的某种物质温度升高或降低1℃时,所吸收或放出的热量叫做比热。比热的单位是焦/(千克·℃)物质吸收或放出热量的计算:q=cm△t水的比热是4.2×103j/(kg·℃)水的比热比较大可以用来解释水作冷却剂、冬天灌水护苗、内陆地区温差大等现象。5.燃料的燃烧值:1千克某种物质完全燃烧放出的热量,燃烧值的单位是焦/千克。燃料燃烧放出热量的计算:q=qm①液氢的热值较大是用来做火箭燃料的原因②节约燃料的途径:a、改善燃烧条件,使燃料充分燃烧b、减少热量的损失6.内能:物体内部大量分子无规则运动所具有的动能和分子的势能的总和。理解:①单个分子的无规则运动具有的动能不叫内能;大量的分子的有规则运动具有的动能也不叫内能。内能是不同于机械能的另一种形式的能量。②同一物体,内能的多少可以从它的温度高低反映出来,温度高时具有的内能多,温度低时具有内能少。但是不同的物体温度的高低并不直接表示具有内能的多少(如一杯5℃的水的内能与一滴10℃的水的内能),因此在传递中,热量是从高温物体传递到低温物体、而不是从内能多的物体传递到内能少的物体。③改变内能的两种方式:做功和热传递,做功改变内能的实质是内能与其他形式能的相互转化,而热传递改变物体内能的实质是内能的转移。但两者在改变内能上是等效的。7.热机:利用内能做功的机器。热机把内能转化为机械能。包括内燃机、火箭等几种。8.热机效率:用来做功的那部分能量与燃料完全燃烧放出能量之比。9.能的转化和守恒定律:能既不会消失,也不会创生,它只能从一种形式转化为另一种形式,或者从一个物体转移到另一个物体。在转化和转移的过程中,能的总量保持不变。2023-08-03 12:52:351
led显示屏就是属于光电产品呢,希望能帮到你,谢谢2023-08-03 12:52:413
它是半导体二极管的一种,可以把电能转化成光能。发光二极管与普通二极管一样是由一个PN结组成,也具有单向导电性。当给发光二极管加上正向电压后,从P区注入到N区的空穴和由N区注入到P区的电子,在PN结附近数微米内分别与N区的电子和P区的空穴复合,产生自发辐射的荧光。 发光二极管简称为LED。由含镓(Ga)、砷(As)、磷(P)、氮(N)等的化合物制成。当电子与空穴复合时能辐射出可见光,因而可以用来制成发光二极管。在电路及仪器中作为指示灯,或者组成文字或数字显示。砷化镓二极管发红光,磷化镓二极管发绿光,碳化硅二极管发黄光,氮化镓二极管发蓝光。因化学性质又分有机发光二极管OLED和无机发光二极管LED。 稳压二极管,英文名称Zener diode,又叫齐纳二极管。利用pn结反向击穿状态,其电流可在很大范围内变化而电压基本不变的现象,制成的起稳压作用的二极管。 此二极管是一种直到临界反向击穿电压前都具有很高电阻的半导体器件.在这临界击穿点上,反向电阻降低到一个很小的数值,在这个低阻区中电流增加而电压则保持恒定,稳压二极管是根据击穿电压来分档的,因为这种特性,稳压管主要被作为稳压器或电压基准元件使用。稳压二极管可以串联起来以便在较高的电压上使用,通过串联就可获得更高的稳定电压。2023-08-03 12:52:501
1氢的燃烧值很高,是清洁能源。不过现在有离子动力的了。2动能增加,重力势能减小,机械能基本不变,速度增加。3重力势能减小,机械能减小和内能增加(与空气摩擦生热)。4面向地面,这一面有熔点较低的材料,融化吸热,防止飞船温度过高。黑色应该是这种材料燃烧所致。2q=cm(t2-t1)q——热量c——该物质的比热容m——该物质的质量t2——该物质的末温度t1——该物质的初温度水的比热容是4.2*10^3j/kg*℃所以q=105000j不可以,因为水吸收热量的效率很低的。3用上面那个公式q=cm(t2-t1)先求出铁放出的中热量q=4*750*0.46*1000再用q除以(水的比热容*水温度的变化)就得到了m=6.57kg4q=mgh*0.8重力势能公式e=mghm是质量g是重力势能单位也是je即重力对水滴所做功t=q/cm=0.095℃还是上面那个公式第一大题都是你自己想的吗?如果是,那你应该蛮喜欢物理的吧.呵呵2023-08-03 12:52:531
1.升温吸热:Q吸=Cm(t-t0)=CmΔt 2、降温放热:Q放=Cm(t0-t)=CmΔt 3、热值:q=Q/m =Q/V4、炉子的效率: η=Q吸/Q放(Q吸=cmΔt:Q放=qm)热机的效率:η=w有/Q放(w有=FS=Pt;Q放=qm)5、热平衡方程:Q放=Q吸2023-08-03 12:53:041
PV=nRT 克拉伯龙方程式通常用下式表示:PV=nRT……① P表示压强、V表示气体体积、n表示物质的量、T表示绝对温度、R表示气体常数。所有气体R值均相同。如果压强、温度和体积都采用国际单位(SI),R=8.314帕·米3/摩尔·K。如果压强为大气压,体积为升,则R=0.0814大气压·升/摩尔·K。R 为常数 理想气体状态方程:pV=nRT 已知标准状况下,1mol理想气体的体积约为22.4L 把p=101325Pa,T=273.15K,n=1mol,V=22.4L代进去 得到R约为8314 帕·升/摩尔·K 玻尔兹曼常数的定义就是k=R/Na 因为n=m/M、ρ=m/v(n—物质的量,m—物质的质量,M—物质的摩尔质量,数值上等于物质的分子量,ρ—气态物质的密度),所以克拉伯龙方程式也可写成以下两种形式: pv=mRT/M……②和pM=ρRT……③ 以A、B两种气体来进行讨论。 (1)在相同T、P、V时: 根据①式:nA=nB(即阿佛加德罗定律) 摩尔质量之比=分子量之比=密度之比=相对密度)。若mA=mB则MA=MB。 (2)在相同T·P时: 体积之比=摩尔质量的反比;两气体的物质的量之比=摩尔质量的反比) 物质的量之比=气体密度的反比;两气体的体积之比=气体密度的反比)。 (3)在相同T·V时: 摩尔质量的反比;两气体的压强之比=气体分子量的反比)。 阿佛加德罗定律推论 一、阿佛加德罗定律推论 我们可以利用阿佛加德罗定律以及物质的量与分子数目、摩尔质量之间的关系得到以下有用的推论: (1)同温同压时:①V1:V2=n1:n2=N1:N2 ②ρ1:ρ2=M1:M2 ③ 同质量时:V1:V2=M2:M1 (2)同温同体积时:④ p1:p2=n1:n2=N1:N2 ⑤ 同质量时: p1:p2=M2:M1 (3)同温同压同体积时: ⑥ ρ1:ρ2=M1:M2=m1:m2 具体的推导过程请大家自己推导一下,以帮助记忆。推理过程简述如下: (1)、同温同压下,体积相同的气体就含有相同数目的分子,因此可知:在同温同压下,气体体积与分子数目成正比,也就是与它们的物质的量成正比,即对任意气体都有V=kn;因此有V1:V2=n1:n2=N1:N2,再根据n=m/M就有式②;若这时气体质量再相同就有式③了。 (2)、从阿佛加德罗定律可知:温度、体积、气体分子数目都相同时,压强也相同,亦即同温同体积下气体压强与分子数目成正比。其余推导同(1)。 (3)、同温同压同体积下,气体的物质的量必同,根据n=m/M和ρ=m/V就有式⑥。当然这些结论不仅仅只适用于两种气体,还适用于多种气体。 二、相对密度 在同温同压下,像在上面结论式②和式⑥中出现的密度比值称为气体的相对密度D=ρ1:ρ2=M1:M2。 注意:①.D称为气体1相对于气体2的相对密度,没有单位。如氧气对氢气的密度为16。 ②.若同时体积也相同,则还等于质量之比,即D=m1:m2。2023-08-03 12:53:101
一定量实际气体或其它任何均匀物质的内能不仅取决于温度还取决于其体积或压强,即内能U为T,V或T,p的函数。[3]以变量为T,V为例,下式给出了内能的一般计算方法,式中Cv是理想气体的定容热容,α为体胀系数,κT为等温压缩系数,不同物质的这些量可查有关手册得到。【注:该计算中,没有考虑非体积功。如存在非体积功,需要根据具体情况对计算作修正】2023-08-03 12:53:191
多少角度的?2023-08-03 12:53:422
LED灯珠有三类:1、直插式小功率规格有:草帽/钢盔,圆头,内凹,椭圆,方型(2*3*4)子弹头,平头,(3/5/平头/面包型)食人鱼等。2、SMD贴片一般分为(3020/3528/5050这些是正面发光)/1016/1024等这些是侧面发光光源。3、大功率LED不可归类到贴片系列,它们功率及电流使用皆不相同,且光电参数相差甚巨。单颗大功率LED光源如未加散热底座(一般为六角形铝质座),它的外观与普通贴片无太大差距,大功率LED光源呈圆形,封装方式基本与SMD贴片相同,但与SMD贴片在使用条件/环境/效果等都有着本质上的区别。2023-08-03 12:53:572
1.热力学:根据焦耳实验,理想气体内能与体积无关,dU=nCvdT,U-U0=n∫CvdT,U=nCvT2.统计物理:理想气体满足麦克斯韦-玻尔兹曼分布,U=1.5nRT,n为物质的量.2023-08-03 12:54:011
C是速度。内能是组成物体分子的无规则热运动动能和分子间相互作用势能的总和。改变物体内能的方式有(做功)和 (热传递)。 物理内能公式:ΔU=W+Q,其中ΔU为内能的变化量,W是外界对系统的做功量,Q是系统从外界的吸热量;理想气体的内能计算公式为E=inRT/2,i是自由度,n是物质的量,R是理想气体常数,T是热力学温度。2023-08-03 12:54:191
内能的计算公式:E=inRT/2。内能(internalenergy)从微观的角度来看,是分子无规则运动能量总和的统计平均值。分子无规则运动的能量包括分子的动能、分子间相互作用势能以及分子内部运动的能量。物体的内能不包括这个物体整体运动时的动能和它在重力场中的势能。分子是由组成的原子按照一定的键合顺序和空间排列而结合在一起的整体,这种键合顺序和空间排列关系称为分子结构。由于分子内原子间的相互作用,分子的物理和化学性质不仅取决于组成原子的种类和数目,更取决于分子的结构。2023-08-03 12:50:341
LED即半导体发光二级管。作背光源可以说是LED的应用之一。目前看单色LED的应用主要集中在指示;白光LED,尤其是大功率白光应用在照明领域,是新一代节能电光源的标志。2023-08-03 12:50:288
内能的计算公式是U=Q-W。根据查询相关信息显示,内能是指系统内分子、原子、离子等微观粒子的热运动所具有的能量,通常用符号U表示,单位为焦耳(J)。Q表示系统从外界吸收的热量,W表示系统对外界做功。如果系统从外界吸收热量,内能会增加。如果系统对外界做功,内能会减少。根据热力学第一定律,能量守恒,系统的内能变化量等于吸收的热量减去对外界做的功。2023-08-03 12:50:251
简单的说,LED显示屏就是由无数个发光二极管LED按照一定的阵列排在一起,集中由相关设备和软件来驱动,促使LED按照一定的规律发光来显示图象或者文字2023-08-03 12:50:173
内能:物体内部所有分子热运动的动能与分子势能的总和,叫做物体的内能。 1.改变物体内能的方式有(做功)和 (热传递). 2.没有专门的内能的公式 3. 做功: W=FS 热传递:Q=cm(t2-t1) .2023-08-03 12:50:082
晕,哪有在那找的,双击我的电脑,看左边添加删除程序。点一下找到你要卸载的点删除就可以了2023-08-03 12:49:473
问题一:怎么删除电脑控制面板里的csnw.? NetWare作为WINDOWS服务的客户端是可以卸载的:方法: 网络邻居-〉属性,本地连接-〉属性-〉网络,netware客户端-〉卸载 NetWare作为WINDOWS服务的客户端是可以卸载的:方法: 网络邻居-〉属性,本地连接-〉属性-〉网络,netware客户端-〉卸载 上述方法有些漏洞,我来补充 重点是,凡是碰到问你是否要立即重起的时候,全部选否,在按上述方法卸载了NETWARE以后,立刻去控制面板---用户帐户---更改用户登入或注销的方式,把里面的两个选项全部勾以来,应用,再重起电脑就OK了~! 重点是,凡是碰到问你是否要立即重起的时候,全部选否,在按上述方法卸载了NETWARE以后,立刻去控制面板---用户帐户---更改用户登入或注销的方式,把里面的两个选项全部勾以来,应用,再重起电脑就OK了~ 问题二:控制面板里怎么卸载不掉 如果控制面板有卸载选项,但是卸载不了,可按照下面方法手工卸载。 1、在桌面找到要删除的程序,右击选属性/查找目标,在打开的页面里有这个程序的路径,如果桌面没有图标可以通过搜索查找试试,另外软件一般默认存储在C:Program Files里面找找,到程序软件的文件夹整体删除,如果系统拒绝,请你开机按F8进入安全模式中将软件的文件夹整体删除(或下载Unlocker小软件删除)。然后,开始/运行输入regedit回车打开注册表编辑器,选编辑/查找,你卸载软件的英文名,找到软件的键值项后删除(多次查找反复删除干净)。 2、添加或删除程序在注册表的位置,运行输入regedit回车,打开注册表定位[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftwindowsCurrentVersionUninstall]子键,在该子键下,可跟据已卸载的应用程序软件图标,删除相对应的软件图标和键值,重新启动电脑即可。 2)或下载软件进行卸载试试(完美、金山卫士、QQ电脑管家、超级兔子、360卫士等)。 问题三:WIN7怎么卸载软件?是控制面板里的哪个选项? 控制面板--小图标查看---程序和功能。 问题四:电脑安装完的软件不能在控制面板里卸载怎么办? 建议你装个超级兔子,我一直用那个优化系统,很方便,里面有智能卸载和强制全面卸载,一些不能用正常途径卸载的可以用强制全面卸载。不过要看清楚,别把系统程序误删了,呵呵。 看是什么软件,一般的软件强制完全删除就可以。但是网络软件有时候一次是删除不掉耿,那样就要进安全模式再运行超级兔子进行删除。 问题五:控制面板程序和功能里面没有的软件怎么卸载 你好楼主 1如果明明安装了该程序,而控制面板中又没有已安装的程序的话,如果该程是应用程序,那就可能是绿色软件,因为该程序没有写入注册表文件,所以在控制面板中的添加或卸载程序列表中就不会看到它,要想卸载它只要打开它的安装文件夹,在其中找到自带的卸载文件运行卸载或者如果没有自带卸载文件只要直接删除文件夹就可以了 卸载一般有四种方法: 1.有的程序自己带卸载程序,如果是汉化的就点击 开始->所有程序->安装的程序->卸载(英语的是UNINSTALL) 2.开始 控制面板 添加删除程序 安装的程序 卸载(uninstall) 3. 重新启动系统。当启动时按F8键,进入安全模式,在C盘跟目录下(或者C:Program Files中)找到你安装程序的文件夹。删除它就OK了~ 4如果还是不行也可以使用第三方软件来卸载 在卸载之前先去开机启动里面禁止开机启动 然后在使用腾讯电脑管家来我用的是这个腾讯电脑管家卸载,打开腾讯电脑管家――软件管理――软件卸载找到你要卸载的软件 卸载完之后记得去清理注册表和残留项 即可 如果还有残留文件建议直接粉碎即可 问题六:电脑控制面板删除程序在哪 你好,XP系统是控制面板→添加或删除程序,在里面删除。 Win7系统是控制面板→程序→卸载程序,然后用鼠标右键点击想删除的软件,会有卸载选项。 问题七:桌面上的一些软件想卸载 可是控制面板里找不到该软件 要怎么卸啊? 在360软件管家和开浮程序找找,如果还没有那就右点桌面图标 属性 查找目标 到文件夹里找软件自带卸载 卸载它! 问题八:怎样卸载软件,控制面板在哪儿 单击左下角【开始】,出现对话框,然后鼠标移到【设置】,就看到【控制面板】了,然后单击,出现一个窗口,点击【添加或删除程序】就可卸载珐不想要的软件了。 问题九:怎样删除电脑上的一个用户(在控制面板里)?急用 开菜单-控制面板-用户帐户-点击你想要删除的帐户,删除之。如果是guest(来宾账户),可以选择禁用,然后确定就可以了。希望可以帮到你。 问题十:电脑控制面板中找不到的游戏软件要如何卸载? 用360安全卫士啊软甲管家里可以卸载,如果还找不到,就直接用高级工具箱里文件粉碎机 直接添加你想删除的文件,粉碎就OK!希望能帮助你!2023-08-03 12:49:371
廉价的1N4007可用但不一是最好的,二极管可能还没来得及发挥续流作用时PLC就已经受损了。因此,保护续流二极管最好使用“快速的1N4007”就是FR107,这样可以对PLC输出端口有较好的防护,且成本不会提升太高。选用IN5819 或5817 可以!比FR107性能还好,成本稍高。IN5819/5817是肖特基二极管,IN5817;IN5819封装是DO-41最大峰值反向电压:40V 最大反向有效值电压:28V 最大直流阻断电压:40V 最大正向平均整流电流:1A 最大正向压降:0.6V(1A)2023-08-03 12:49:345
1. 电脑中安装的软件卸载不掉了是什么原因 如果控制面板有卸载选项,但是卸载不了,可按照下面方法手工卸载。 1、在桌面找到要删除的程序,右击选属性/查找目标,在打开的页面里有这个程序的路径,如果桌面没有图标可以通过搜索查找试试,另外软件一般默认存储在C:Program Files里面找找,到程序软件的文件夹整体删除,如果系统拒绝,请你开机按F8进入安全模式中将软件的文件夹整体删除(或下载Unlocker小软件删除)。然后,开始/运行输入regedit回车打开注册表编辑器,选编辑/查找,你卸载软件的英文名,找到软件的键值项后删除(多次查找反复删除干净,或按微软键加按R键唤出运行)。 2、添加或删除程序在注册表的位置,运行输入regedit回车,打开注册表定位[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftwindowsCurrentVersionUninstall]子键,在该子键下,可跟据已卸载的应用程序软件图标,删除相对应的软件图标和键值,重新启动电脑即可。 2. 为啥电脑上的软件卸载不了 你好,这种情况是你的程序出现异常了,你可以按它的提示,重启电脑再卸载一次看看出现软件卸载不掉的情况,一般是软件还在使用进程没有关掉,或者是软件本身有问题。本身自带的卸载的功能无法使用,可以使用操作系统的卸载功能。例如win7系统打开控制面板-->程序卸载,找到对应的就可以卸载。 关闭运行再卸载试试 找到文件夹,删除或粉碎(可以用类似腾讯电脑管家的工具粉碎,打开电脑管家——工具箱——文件粉碎),同时清理下注册表 就是利用第三方软件。我用腾讯电脑管家举例(免费安全软件,杀毒+管理2合1)。打开电脑管家——软件管理——软件卸载。电脑管家是直接把软件卸载同时把注册列表也就清理了。(有的软件重启后会自动删除) 卸载完之后,会有残留,在实行【强力卸载】 或者开机按F8不动,出现高级选项画面时在松手,选“安全模式”按照提示进入安全模式,操作方法与正常模式一样,在控制面板中卸载试试。 3. 为什么电脑上的软件都卸载不掉了 软件卸载不掉了的解决方法: 1.删除这些软件的一个办法就是下载一些杀毒软件我这里下载的是某某管家 2.点击软件管理 3.在点击卸载 4.里面就会显示电脑上所有的软件了 5.只要在点击软件后面的卸载就可以了 6.还有一些软件在电脑上可以看到可是软件里找不到的就用下面说的这种方法来删除,右击软件---在点击属性 7.点击打开文件夹位置 8.这个就是软件所在的位置了 9.只要删除这整个文件夹就可以了。 4. 电脑里的软件卸载不了怎么办 1)开机按F8不动,出现高级选项画面时在松手,选“安全模式”按照提示进入安全模式,操作方法与正常模式一样,在控制面板中卸载试试。 2)如果控制面板有卸载选项,但是卸载不了,可按照下面方法手工卸载。 1、在桌面找到要删除的程序,右击选属性/查找目标,在打开的页面里有这个程序的路径,如果桌面没有图标可以通过搜索查找试试,另外软件一般默认存储在C:Program Files里面找找,到程序软件的文件夹整体删除,如果系统拒绝,请你开机按F8进入安全模式中将软件的文件夹整体删除(或下载Unlocker小软件删除)。然后,开始/运行输入regedit回车打开注册表编辑器,选编辑/查找,你卸载软件的英文名,找到软件的键值项后删除(多次查找反复删除干净)。 2、添加或删除程序在注册表的位置,运行输入regedit回车,打开注册表定位[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftwindowsCurrentVersionUninstall]子键,在该子键下,可跟据已卸载的应用程序软件图标,删除相对应的软件图标和键值,重新启动电脑即可。 3)或下载软件进行卸载试试(完美、金山卫士、QQ电脑管家、超级兔子、360卫士等)。 如果全不能卸载按下面的方法试试,还是不行,还原系统或重装。 如果是控制面板卸载不了,试试这个方法,打开“命令提示符”窗口。 输入“regsvr32 mshtml.dll”回车 输入“regsvr32 shdocvw.dll-i”,回车 输入“regsvr32 shell32.dll -i”,回车 5. 软件安装不成功却无法卸载怎么办 到电脑的硬盘里面找到这个软件的安装目录,如图; 电脑安装的软件无法卸载怎么办 2 在这个文件夹内找到Uninstall.exe文件,然后点右键,选择以管理员身份运行,如图; 电脑安装的软件无法卸载怎么办 3 现在就进入了卸载界面了,我们按照提示一步步操作就可以了,如图; 电脑安装的软件无法卸载怎么办 电脑安装的软件无法卸载怎么办 4 当电脑提示卸载成功,说明我们已经把这个软件卸载完成了,如图; 电脑安装的软件无法卸载怎么办 END 方法/步骤2 如果在安装目录下没有找到Uninstall.exe这个文件,或者当方法一不起作用时,我们可以借助第三方卸载软件进来卸载; 这里以金山软件卸载为例,打开金山软件百宝箱,找到“软件卸载”,如图; 电脑安装的软件无法卸载怎么办 3 按照提示进行安装,安装好之后再找到你要卸载的软件再按提示进行卸载就可以了;2023-08-03 12:49:301
LED芯片 和灯珠、晶元有区别吗?
LED芯片要经过封装才能成为灯珠,晶元是LED芯片的品牌。2023-08-03 12:49:154
Optoelectronics——LED2023-08-03 12:49:052
LED液晶显示屏LED显示屏(LED panel):LED就是light emitting diode ,发光二极管的英文缩写,简称LED。它是一种通过控制半导体发光二极管的显示方式,其大概的样子就是由很多个通常是红色的小灯组成,靠灯的亮灭来显示字符。用来显示文字、图形、图像、动画、行情、视频、录像信号等各种信息的显示屏幕。LED显示屏分为图文显示屏和视频显示屏,均由LED矩阵块组成。图文显示屏可与计算机同步显示汉字、英文文本和图形;视频显示屏采用微型计算机进行控制,图文、图像并茂,以实时、同步、清晰的信息传播方式播放各种信息,还可显示二维、三维动画、录像、电视、VCD节目以及现场实况。LED显示屏显示画面色彩鲜艳,立体感强,静如油画,动如电影,广泛应用于金融、税务、工商、邮电、体育、广告、厂矿企业、交通运输、教育系统、车站、码头、机场、商场、医院、宾馆、银行、证券市场、建筑市场、拍卖行、工业企业管理和其它公共场所。LED显示屏可以显示变化的数字、文字、图形图像;不仅可以用于室内环境还可以用于室外环境,具有投影仪、电视墙、液晶显示屏无法比拟的优点。LED之所以受到广泛重视而得到迅速发展,是与它本身所具有的优点分不开的。这些优点概括起来是:亮度高、工作电压低、功耗小、小型化、寿命长、耐冲击和性能稳定。LED的发展前景极为广阔,目前正朝着更高亮度、更高耐气候性、更高的发光密度、更高的发光均匀性,可靠性、全色化方向发展。而LED背光就是说背光灯是LED的 而不是银光灯!更省电!实际上液晶面板还LCD的2023-08-03 12:48:562
我们在使用电脑的过程中,肯定会安装各种软件,但是一些软件在使用完之后就不会再使用了,但又无法卸载。这是怎么回事?下面我就和大家分享电脑软件卸载不了解决方法,来欣赏一下吧。 电脑软件卸载不了解决方法 覆盖安装卸载: 1、出现软件不能正常卸载很可能是程序出错或者是卸载程序出错导致的,要解决这个问题,我们可以重新覆盖安装一遍,就可以正常卸载了; 2、覆盖了安装目录进行安装后打开“开始”菜单,选择“控制面板--卸载程序”; 3、来到“程序和功能”窗口就可以就可以对软件进行卸载了,或者到覆盖安装的软件目录中找到卸载程序,通常叫“uninstall.exe”。 安全模式卸载: 有些软件自带了守护进程,比如一些杀毒软件,如果想要卸载就需要关闭守进程,或者也可以在安全模式下卸载,因为安全模式下第三方驱动和程序是不允许自动加载的。 第三方软件卸载: 此外我们还可以使用第三方软件进行卸载,卸载的干净彻底,比如腾讯电脑管家或者360等软件都拥有软件管理功能。 软件卸载不了怎么办 1)开机按F8不动,出现高级选项画面时在松手,选“安全模式”按照提示进入安全模式,操作方法与正常模式一样,在控制面板中卸载试试。 2)如果控制面板有卸载选项,但是卸载不了,可按照下面方法手工卸载。 1、在桌面找到要删除的程序,右击选属性/查找目标,在打开的页面里有这个程序的路径,如果桌面没有图标可以通过搜索查找试试,另外软件一般默认存储在C:Program Files里面找找,到程序软件的文件夹整体删除,如果系统拒绝,请你开机按F8进入安全模式中将软件的文件夹整体删除(或下载Unlocker小软件删除)。然后,开始/运行输入regedit回车打开注册表编辑器,选编辑/查找,你卸载软件的英文名,找到软件的键值项后删除(多次查找反复删除干净)。 2、添加或删除程序在注册表的位置,运行输入regedit回车,打开注册表定位[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftwindowsCurrentVersionUninstall]子键,在该子键下,可跟据已卸载的应用程序软件图标,删除相对应的软件图标和键值,重新启动电脑即可。 3)或下载软件进行卸载试试(完美、金山卫士、QQ电脑管家、超级兔子、360卫士等)。 如果全不能卸载按下面的方法试试,还是不行,还原系统或重装。 如果是控制面板卸载不了,试试这个方法,打开“命令提示符”窗口。 输入“regsvr32 mshtml.dll”回车 输入“regsvr32 shdocvw.dll-i”,回车 输入“regsvr32 shell32.dll -i”,回车 电脑软件卸载不干净怎么办 1)如果你是从控制面板卸载的一般就可以清除干净,不行在清理一下注册表。开始/运行输入regedit回车打开注册表编辑器,选编辑/查找,你卸载软件的英文名,找到软件的键值项后删除(多查几次删除干净)。 2)如果控制面板有卸载选项,但是卸载不了,可按照下面方法删除。 1、请你通过搜索查找,找到要删除的程序软件的文件夹(或右击要删除程序软件的图标选属性,在打开的对话框中查找“目标”和“起始位置”有这个软件的路径和这个程序软件的英文名或按查找目标)。 2、请你开机按F8进入安全模式中将软件的文件夹整体删除。然后,开始/运行输入regedit回车打开注册表编辑器,选编辑/查找,你卸载软件的英文名,找到软件的键值项后删除(多查几次删除干净)。 3、添加或删除程序在注册表的位置,运行输入regedit回车,打开注册表定位[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftwindowsCurrentVersionUninstall]子键,在该子键下,可跟据已卸载的应用程序软件图标,删除相对应的软件图标和键值,重新启动电脑即可。 4、也可以下载软件进行卸载试试(完美)。 下载地址: http://www.duote.com/soft/138.html 5、超级兔子卸载。 下载地址:http://www.skycn.com/soft/2993.html 3)控制面板找不到程序 右击桌面的图标选属性/查找目标,到磁盘中将软件的文件夹整体删除,如果删除不了,开机按F8进入安全模式中将其删除,如果没有图标,你可以用搜索的方法,还可以到C盘的 Program Files文件夹中寻找,因为一般软件程序是放在这个文件夹中,然后在清理一下注册表。2023-08-03 12:48:541
因为他从来都没有放弃过学习,并且他每次带给观众的感受也都是不同的,每一次都有新奇和一些惊喜的感觉,同时他对自己的要求也非常的严格,他也是时代的巅峰吧!2023-08-03 12:48:314
中英文对照 1.电阻 固定电阻:RES 半导体电阻:RESSEMT 电位计;POT 变电阻;RVAR 可调电阻;res1..... 2.电容 定值无极性电容;CAP 定值有极性电容;CAP 半导体电容:CAPSEMI 可调电容:CAPVAR 3.电感:INDUCTOR 4.二极管:DIODE.LIB 发光二极管:LED 5.三极管 :NPN1 6.结型场效应管:JFET.lib 7.MOS场效应管 8.MES场效应管 9.继电器:PELAY. LIB 10.灯泡:LAMP 11.运放:OPAMP 12.数码管:DPY_7-SEG_DP (MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES.LIB) 13.开关;sw_pb 原理图常用库文件: Miscellaneous Devices.ddb Dallas Microprocessor.ddb Intel Databooks.ddb Protel DOS Schematic Libraries.ddb PCB元件常用库: Advpcb.ddb General IC.ddb Miscellaneous.ddb 部分 分立元件库元件名称及中英对照 AND 与门 ANTENNA 天线 BATTERY 直流电源 BELL 铃,钟 BVC 同轴电缆接插件 BRIDEG 1 整流桥(二极管) BRIDEG 2 整流桥(集成块) BUFFER 缓冲器 BUZZER 蜂鸣器 CAP 电容 CAPACITOR 电容 CAPACITOR POL 有极性电容 CAPVAR 可调电容 CIRCUIT BREAKER 熔断丝 COAX 同轴电缆 CON 插口 CRYSTAL 晶体整荡器 DB 并行插口 DIODE 二极管 DIODE SCHOTTKY 稳压二极管 DIODE VARACTOR 变容二极管 DPY_3-SEG 3段LED DPY_7-SEG 7段LED DPY_7-SEG_DP 7段LED(带小数点) ELECTRO 电解电容 FUSE 熔断器 INDUCTOR 电感 INDUCTOR IRON 带铁芯电感 INDUCTOR3 可调电感 JFET N N沟道场效应管 JFET P P沟道场效应管 LAMP 灯泡 LAMP NEDN 起辉器 LED 发光二极管 METER 仪表 MICROPHONE 麦克风 MOSFET MOS管 MOTOR AC 交流电机 MOTOR SERVO 伺服电机 NAND 与非门 NOR 或非门 NOT 非门 NPN NPN三极管 NPN-PHOTO 感光三极管 OPAMP 运放 OR 或门 PHOTO 感光二极管 PNP 三极管 NPN DAR NPN三极管 PNP DAR PNP三极管 POT 滑线变阻器 PELAY-DPDT 双刀双掷继电器 RES1.2 电阻 RES3.4 可变电阻 RESISTOR BRIDGE ? 桥式电阻 RESPACK ? 电阻 SCR 晶闸管 PLUG ? 插头 PLUG AC FEMALE 三相交流插头 SOCKET ? 插座 SOURCE CURRENT 电流源 SOURCE VOLTAGE 电压源 SPEAKER 扬声器 SW ? 开关 SW-DPDY ? 双刀双掷开关 SW-SPST ? 单刀单掷开关 SW-PB 按钮 THERMISTOR 电热调节器 TRANS1 变压器 TRANS2 可调变压器 TRIAC ? 三端双向可控硅 TRIODE ? 三极真空管 VARISTOR 变阻器 ZENER ? 齐纳二极管 DPY_7-SEG_DP 数码管 SW-PB 开关 其他元件库 Protel Dos Schematic 4000 Cmos .Lib (40.系列CMOS管集成块元件库) 4013 D 触发器 4027 JK 触发器 Protel Dos Schematic Analog Digital.Lib(模拟数字式集成块元件库) AD系列 DAC系列 HD系列 MC系列 Protel Dos Schematic Comparator.Lib(比较放大器元件库) Protel Dos Shcematic Intel.Lib(INTEL公司生产的80系列CPU集成块元件库) Protel Dos Schematic Linear.lib(线性元件库) 例555 Protel Dos Schemattic Memory Devices.Lib(内存存储器元件库) Protel Dos Schematic SYnertek.Lib(SY系列集成块元件库) Protes Dos Schematic Motorlla.Lib(摩托罗拉公司生产的元件库) Protes Dos Schematic NEC.lib(NEC公司生产的集成块元件库) Protes Dos Schematic Operationel Amplifers.lib(运算放大器元件库) Protes Dos Schematic TTL.Lib(晶体管集成块元件库 74系列) Protel Dos Schematic Voltage Regulator.lib(电压调整集成块元件库) Protes Dos Schematic Zilog.Lib(齐格格公司生产的Z80系列CPU集成块元件库) 元件属性对话框中英文对照 Lib ref 元件名称 Footprint 器件封装 Designator 元件称号 Part 器件类别或标示值 Schematic Tools 主工具栏 Writing Tools 连线工具栏 Drawing Tools 绘图工具栏 部分分立元件库元件名称及中英对照 Power Objects 电源工具栏 Digital Objects 数字器件工具栏 Simulation Sources 模拟信号源工具栏 PLD Toolbars 映象工具栏2023-08-03 12:48:312
poker face?请采纳。。。。2023-08-03 12:48:242
去中国LED网上可以找到2023-08-03 12:48:092
一、称英文简称:LED(Light Emitting Diode)二、在proteus中关键词搜索中输入其简称,即刻自动罗列出与之相关的元器件的详细参数三、LED位于DEVICE库中,类别属于Optoelectronics在PROTEUS绘制好原理图后,调入已编译好的目标代码文件:*.HEX,可以在PROTEUS的原理图中看到模拟的实物运行状态和过程。PROTEUS 是单片机课堂教学的先进助手。PROTEUS不仅可将许多单片机实例功能形象化,也可将许多单片机实例运行过程形象化。前者可在相当程度上得到实物演示实验的效果,后者则是实物演示实验难以达到的效果。扩展资料:其他设置:F8:全部显示 当前工作区全部显示F6:放大以鼠标为中心放大F7:缩小以鼠标为中心缩小G:栅格开关栅格网格Ctrl+F1:栅格宽度0.1mm 显示栅格为0.1mm,在pcb的时候很有用F2:显示栅格为0.5mm,在pcb的时候很有用F3:显示栅格为1mm,在pcb的时候很有用F4: 显示栅格为2.5mm,在pcb的时候很有用Ctrl+s:打开关闭磁吸 磁吸用于对准一些点的,如引脚等等x:打开关闭定位坐标 显示一个大十字射线m:显示单位切换 mm和th之间的单位切换,在右下角显示o:重新设置原点 将鼠标指向的点设为原点u:撤销键Pgdn:改变图层Pgup:改变图层Ctrl+Pgdn:最底层Ctrl+pgup:最顶层Ctrl+画线:可以划曲线R:刷新+ -:旋转F5:重定位中心参考资料来源:百度百科—proteus2023-08-03 12:47:511
LED概述 LED(Light Emitting Diode),发光二极管,是一种固态的半导体器件,它可以直接把电转化为光。LED的心脏是一个半导体的晶片,晶片的一端附在一个支架上,一端是负极,另一端连接电源的正极,使整个晶片被环氧树脂封装起来。半导体晶片由三部分组成,一部分是P型半导体,在它里面空穴占主导地位,另一端是N型半导体,在这边主要是电子,中间通常是1至5个周期的量子阱。当电流通过导线作用于这个晶片的时候,电子和空穴就会被推向量子阱,在量子阱内电子跟空穴复合,然后就会以光子的形式发出能量,这就是LED发光的原理。而光的波长也就是光的颜色,是由形成P-N结的材料决定的。 LED(Light Emitting Diode)英文名称,发光二极管,简称LED,,是一种能够将电能转化为可见光的固态的半导体器件,它可以直接把电转化为光。LED的心脏是一个半导体的晶片,晶片的一端附在一个支架上,一端是负极,另一端连接电源的正极使整个晶片被环氧树脂封装起来。半导体晶片由两部分组成,一部分是P型半导体,在它里面空穴占主导地位,另一端是N型半导体,在这边主要是电子。但这两种半导体连接起来的时候,它们之间就形成一个“P-N结”。当电流通过导线作用于这个晶片的时候,电子就会被推向P区,在P区里电子跟空穴复合,然后就会以光子的形式发出能量,这就是LED发光的原理。而光的波长也就是光的颜色,是由形成P-N结的材料决定的。 它是一种通过控制半导体发光二极管的显示方式,用来显示文字、图形、图像、动画、行情、视频、录像信号等各种信息的显示屏幕。由于具有容易控制、低压直流驱动、组合后色彩表现丰富、使用寿命长等优点,广泛应用于城市各工程中、大屏幕显示系统。LED可以作为显示屏,在计算机控制下,显示色彩变化万千的视频和图片。 LED是一种能够将电能转化为可见光的半导体2023-08-03 12:47:155
如何完美卸载office?首先可以在控制面板里的卸载程序里卸载,如果还是不能卸载,那么可以按照下面方法卸载。1、在桌面找到要删除的程序,右击选属性/查找目标,在打开的页面里有这个程序的路径,如果桌面没有图标可以通过搜索查找试试,另外软件一般默认存储在C:Program Files里面找找,到程序软件的文件夹整体删除,如果系统拒绝,请你开机按F8进入安全模式中将软件的文件夹整体删除(或下载Unlocker小软件删除)。然后,开始/运行输入regedit回车打开注册表编辑器,选编辑/查找,你卸载软件的英文名,找到软件的键值项后删除(多次查找反复删除干净)。2、添加或删除程序在注册表的位置,运行输入regedit回车,打开注册表定位[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftwindowsCurrentVersionUninstall]子键,在该子键下,可跟据已卸载的应用程序软件图标,删除相对应的软件图标和键值,重新启动电脑即可。备注:卸载office完毕,请重启电脑,重新安装office即可。2023-08-03 12:47:133
单色LED就是只能发一种颜色的LED ,有正负共只两脚双色LED就是能发两种颜色的LED,有2正1负共三脚,正极不同,颜色不同2023-08-03 12:47:052
控制面板中 添加删除软件 删除不了 新中大财务软件运行环境 要怎么才能卸载它
下个强制删除的软件吧。。2023-08-03 12:47:052