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2023-08-02 10:28:54




1大卡(kcal)= 4.184千焦(kJ)这意味着1大卡等于4.184千焦。这个换算关系是基于物理学中的热力学转换关系得出的。大卡通常在食物和营养标签中使用,而千焦则更常见于科学研究和一些国家的营养标准中。在一些国家,食物的能量含量通常以千焦为单位进行标示。了解大卡和千焦之间的换算关系可以方便在不同标示单位下进行能量值的转换。例如,如果你知道某食物的能量含量是200大卡,你可以将其转换为千焦,将200大卡乘以4.184,得到约836.8千焦。同样地,如果你知道某食物的能量含量是500千焦,你可以将其转换为大卡,将500千焦除以4.184,得到约119.4大卡。其他能量单位换算除了大卡和千焦,还有其他能量单位,如焦耳(J)和卡路里(cal)。焦耳是国际标准单位,而卡路里通常是大卡的一千分之一。换算关系如下:1大卡(kcal)= 4.184千焦(kJ)和1大卡(kcal)= 1000卡路里(cal)和1焦耳(J)≈ 0.239卡路里(cal)。营养需求和能量消耗:了解能量单位的换算关系有助于理解日常的营养需求和能量消耗。例如,根据世界卫生组织的建议,成年人每天的能量摄入量通常在2000-2500大卡之间。转换为千焦,这意味着日常能量摄入量大约为8368-10460千焦。
2023-08-02 07:00:391


2023-08-02 07:01:041


  卡路里是能量单位,其定义为在1个大气压下,将1克水提升1摄氏度所需要的热量;卡路里被广泛使用在营养计量和健身手册上,国际标准的能量单位是焦耳(joule)。作为食物热量的法定单位,在欧洲普遍使用焦耳,美国则采用卡路里。  在减肥健身时,我们经常看到食物被描述多少大卡(或者千卡),比如“这个苹果含有200卡路里”。  通常食品包装上列出的热量单位是大卡或者千焦,  1千卡(1大卡)=1000卡, 1千卡=4.182千焦耳,1千卡相当于将1000克水在1大气压下由14.5摄氏度提升到15.5摄氏度所需的热量,约等于4186焦耳的内能。 (1000卡路里=1大卡)。  我们的基础代谢一般都是一千多大卡,而食品标签上很多都是每100g××KJ,所以你在估算时,只要用xxKJ除以4.18,就可以知道100g的食物大概是多少大卡啦。  普通人一天摄入2000大卡左右为正常值,减肥人群一天总热量可以控制到1200大卡。
2023-08-02 07:01:351

大卡和千焦的换算 大卡和千焦的换算方法

1. 1千焦=242.2480620155 卡路里。 2. 卡、千卡、大卡、卡路里、千焦都是热量单位。它们之间的换算为:1卡路里= 1卡路里= 4.186焦耳;1千卡= 1千卡= 1000卡= 1000卡= 4186焦耳= 4.186 kJ。 3.卡路里(简称“卡路里”)的定义是:1克水在1个大气压下升高1摄氏度所需的热量。一千卡等于1000卡,约4186焦耳脂肪的热量约900千卡/ 100克;糖和蛋白质的热量只有400千卡/ 100克。
2023-08-02 07:01:411

2023-08-02 07:02:011


2023-08-02 07:02:111


2023-08-02 07:02:323


2023-08-02 07:03:271


1千焦=0.2389千卡(大卡) 01、卡路里(Calorie) 简称卡,缩写为cal,由英文音译而来。其定义为在1个大气压下,将1克水提升1摄氏度所需要的热量。一般情况下,瘦一斤的话只需要消耗三千五百千卡的热量,同样的道理没有消耗反而摄入了三千五百千卡的热量时,反而会增胖一斤。不管是运动减肥还是饮食减肥的方法,都是需要遵循一个规律的,也就是人们的身体消耗的热量等于人们身体基础代谢所所需的一个基本热量,再加上体力活动时所需要的一个热量,另外还要再加上消化食物一个所需要的热量。02、消耗500大卡需要多少时间的运动因人而异。消耗500卡的热量和每个人的体质、及选择的运动方式的不同而有所差异,一般运动强度越高,热量消耗的也会越快,但是完成的程度也就会越难,如果是体质较差的人可能坚持不了多久,而体质较好的人能坚持,进而500热量也会很快被消耗完。 假如是一个正常体质的人,如果是选择慢跑的话,消耗300卡热量需要60分钟左右,跑步的话需要50分钟左右,快节奏跳绳也需要40分钟左右,体质较差的人时间会在此基础上延长。
2023-08-02 07:04:151


2023-08-02 07:04:341

千焦和大卡怎么换算 千焦和大卡换算方法

1、1千焦=0.2389千卡(大卡)。 2、千焦和大卡都是热量单位。 1大卡=1000卡,多用于营养计量和健身手册上。 3、例如:1kg纯水温度升高或降低1摄氏度,所吸收或放出的热量为1千卡。大卡就是千卡(正规说应该是千卡即kcal)。用来评价燃料的品质,一公斤燃料能使X千克水升高1摄氏度就是这种燃料的热值是X大卡。
2023-08-02 07:05:031


2023-08-02 07:05:122

千焦和大卡怎么换算 千焦和大卡换算方法

1、1千焦=0.2389千卡(大卡)。 2、千焦和大卡都是热量单位。 1大卡=1000卡,多用于营养计量和健身手册上。 3、例如:1kg纯水温度升高或降低1摄氏度,所吸收或放出的热量为1千卡。大卡就是千卡(正规说应该是千卡即kcal)。用来评价燃料的品质,一公斤燃料能使X千克水升高1摄氏度就是这种燃料的热值是X大卡。
2023-08-02 07:06:001


1、1千焦=242.2480620155卡路里。 2、卡、千卡、大卡、卡路里、千焦都是热量单位,它们之间的换算是:1卡=1卡路里=4.186焦耳;1千卡=1大卡=1000卡=1000卡路里=4186焦耳=4.186千焦。 3、卡路里(简称“卡”,缩写为calorie)的定义为将1克水在1大气压下提升1摄氏度所需要的热量。1千卡等于1000卡路里,约4186焦耳.脂肪的热量约900大卡每百克;糖类和蛋白质的热量都只有400大卡每百克。
2023-08-02 07:06:071


2023-08-02 07:06:172


2023-08-02 07:06:361


2023-08-02 07:06:431


2023-08-02 07:07:051


热量单位卡路里与焦耳之间的换算单位:1卡=1卡路里=4.186焦耳;1千卡=1大卡=1000卡=1000卡路里 =4186焦耳=4.186千焦。卡和大卡之间的换算单位:1000小卡=1大卡。卡路里 (简称“卡”,缩写为"calorie")的定义为将1克水在1大气压下提升1摄氏度所需要的热量。现在仍被广泛使用在营养计量和健身手册上。国际标准的能量单位是焦耳(joule)。大卡,也被记做大写字母C,最常见于食品标注,相当于将1000克水在1大气压下由摄氏14.5度提升到15.5度所需的热量,约等于4186焦耳的内能。小卡,也被记做cal,较多见于科研文档中,1000小卡=1大卡。扩展资料需要热量成人每日需要的热量 =人体基础代谢的需要的基本热量 + 体力活动所需要的热量 + 消化食物所需要的热量。消化食物所需要的热量 =10% x (人体基础代谢的需要的最低热量 +体力活动所需要的热量)。成人每日需要的热量 = 1.1 x (人体基础代谢的需要的最低基本热量 +体力活动所需要的热量 )。男性 : 9250- 10090千 焦耳。女性: 7980 - 8820千 焦耳。注意:每日由食物提供的热量应不少于己于 5000千焦耳- 7500 千焦耳 这是维持人体正常生命活动的最少的能量。参考资料来源:百度百科:卡路里
2023-08-02 07:07:291

卡路里焦耳是什么关系 卡路里和焦耳怎么换算

1、能量单位不同 卡路里,也就是卡和千卡(大卡),都是能量的单位。 1卡就是让一克水升高一度所需的能量。食物能量通常用千卡计算,也称为大卡。 按国际单位,能量应当用焦耳来表示。 1焦耳=4.182卡,则1千卡=4.182千焦耳。有时候也用这个单位表示食物当中的能量。大多数时候,人们用千卡这个单位来计算食物当中的能量,因为它比较方便。 2、代表数值不同 千卡=卡路里 千卡=大卡 1千卡=1000卡 1千焦=1000焦耳 1千卡1大卡1卡路里=1000卡 1千卡/1大卡/1卡路里(kcal)=4.184千焦(kJ) 1卡=4.182焦耳
2023-08-02 07:07:431


2023-08-02 07:07:511


2023-08-02 07:08:051

大卡和千焦换算 1大卡是多少千焦

1、1千焦=0.2389千卡(大卡)。 2、千焦是热量单位,焦耳(简称焦,英文缩写为kJ,不要与kg混淆,kg是公斤)是国际单位的热量和做功的单位,千焦指一千焦耳。 3、卡是卡路里简称(缩写为cal),由英文Calorie音译而来,其定义为将1克水在1大气压下提升1℃所需要的热量。 4、卡路里是能量单位,现在仍被广泛使用在营养计量和健身手册上。国际标准的能量单位是焦耳,1卡=4.1868焦。 5、大卡是煤炭行业常用的术语。含热量为1000卡的1千克煤炭相当于0.143千克标准煤。
2023-08-02 07:08:111

千卡和千焦的换算 千卡和千焦怎么换算呢

1、1千焦=0.2389千卡(大卡)。837千焦=199.9593千卡。 2、千焦和大卡都是热量单位。1大卡=1000卡,多用于营养计量和健身手册上。 3、例如:1kg纯水温度升高或降低1摄氏度,所吸收或放出的热量为1千卡。大卡就是千卡(正规说应该是千卡即kcal)。用来评价燃料的品质,一公斤燃料能使X千克水升高1摄氏度就是这种燃料的热值是X大卡。
2023-08-02 07:08:301


2023-08-02 07:08:371


2023-08-02 07:08:511

请问热量单位 千焦(KJ)跟卡路里 怎么换算

2023-08-02 07:09:061


2023-08-02 07:09:234


2023-08-02 07:09:491


2023-08-02 07:09:561


1千卡(大卡)=4 185.851820846焦耳
2023-08-02 07:10:031


2023-08-02 07:10:124


2023-08-02 07:10:315


问题一:结算方式的名称 10分 后T/T 问题二:结算帐号,结算帐户名称,开户银行,是啥? 就是助学贷款的, 都填什么! 结算帐号是你在银行开立的个人银行结算帐户的帐号在存折上都有打印的卡片的话是卡面的号码,结算帐户名称是你帐户的户名也就是你的名字,开户银行就是你开立帐户的银行名称比如:工商银行某某支行某某分理处 问题三:银行账户名称是指什么意思 问题四:结算清单是什么意思 中文名称:结算清单 英文名称:invoice 定  义 由市场运营机构出具的结算凭证。以市场主体之间实际发生的交易行为为依据,是市场主体进行资金结算的依据。主要包括结算电量、结算价格、结算电费、支付期限和支付方式等。 应用学科 电力(一级学科),调度与通信、电力市场(二级学科) 问题五:参照其他工程名称的结算叫什么算 应该是参照其他工程的价格计算吧,类似单价法。一般很少是结算时用,在估算或者概算时运用较多。 问题六:有关的结算代号没有订明银行名称,请重新输入什么意思 朋友您问有关的结算代号没有订明银行名称,请重新输入什么意思? 答:因为结算批复后要按照您自己输入的资料给你汇款,如果银行资料没有些清楚,折汇款恐怕出差头,故此银行资料让您重新输入。 问题七:基本账户名称是什么? 基本账户名称就是你公司的名称 问题八:个人结算账户是什么 人个账户分为储蓄帐户和结算账户,个人转账,汇款,开工资,买卖基金,外汇,黄金和购买保险等等业务都是通过结算账户偿成的,个人结算账号就是我们平常说的”银行账号”,单纯的只有储蓄功能没有结算功能的账户不多.像工行的灵通卡和E时代卡开户时就自动给你开立了结算户,只是你一直没注意到罢了. 问题九:什么叫对公结算帐户 对公结算帐户 存款人以单位名称开立的银行结算账户为单位银行结算账户,也称对公结算账户。单位银行结算账户按用途分为基本存款账户、一般存款账户、专用存款账户、临时存款账户。 1.基本存款账户是存款人因办理日常转账结算和现金收付需要开立的银行结算账户。 2.一般存款账户是存款人因借款或其它结算需要,在基本存款账户开户银行以外的银行营业机构开立的银行结算账户。 3.专用存款账户是存款人按照法律、行政法规和规章,对其特定用途资金进行专项管理和使用而开立的银行结算账户 4.临时存款账户是存款人因临时需要并在规定期限内使用而开立的银行结算账户。 同时,还规定: 1.单位银行结算账户的存款人只能在银行开立一个基本存款账户。 2.基本存款账户是存款人的主办账户。存款人日常经营活动的资金收付及其工资、奖金和现金的支取,应通过该账户办理。 3.一般存款账户用于办理存款人借款转存、借款归还和其它结算的资金收付。该账户可以办理现金缴存,但不得办理现金支取。 个人银行结算帐户是指存款人凭个人身份证件以自然人名称开立的银行结算帐户。个人借记卡、信用卡在银行和邮政储蓄机构开立的银行结算帐户也纳入个人银行结算帐户管理。除办理汇款、支付水、电、气、电话等基本日常费用,代发工资等转帐服唬外,个人银行结算帐户信用支付工具。根据下个月起实施的《人民币银行结算帐户管理办法》,除有效身份证件外,银行还可根据需要,要求申请人出具户口薄,驾驶执照等有效证件,以健全对个人身份的识别。这样做,可以推动个人结算帐户实名制的实施,维护存款人的合法权益,并有效遏制逃债、腐败、洗钱等违规违法行为。 问题十:什么是待处理结算款项? 某个行业的专属收入 这是二级科目吧,上级科目应该是主营业务收入或者其他业务收入。
2023-08-02 07:02:261


Account No不知道你说的是什么意思,应该就是银行账号IBAN是指国际银行帐户号码。参加ECBS的会员国的银行帐户号码都有一个对应的IBAN号,中国的银行是没有IBAN号的
2023-08-02 07:02:333

用英语:“付款方式:月结30天付款”,应该怎么写? 标准的哦,谢谢各位大侠!

“月结30天”,这是一个表述两可的概念. 按照通常的理解 月结30天:就是本月所有发的货在月底对帐结算,再过30天付款. 如果按照上述说法翻译,我认为: Payment terms:credit time :30days 或者 Settlement time:30 days 如果楼主意思是发货后30天内付款,那么翻译成 The paymment will be effected within 30 days after (the date of) delivery
2023-08-02 07:02:401


2023-08-02 07:02:544


"按实际发生量结算""According to the actual amount of settlement"
2023-08-02 07:02:571

cips rcpmis 区别

CIPS和RCPMIS是两个不同的交易结算系统。CIPS是英文“Cross-Border Interbank Payment System”的缩写,即跨境人民币支付系统。它是中国央行发起建立的,用于促进人民币国际化和提高跨境支付效率的支付系统。RCPMIS是英文“RMB Cross-Border Payment-Monitoring and Compliance Information System”的缩写,即人民币跨境支付监测合规信息平台。它主要是为了加强我国跨境支付市场监管,防范跨境资金非法流出而设立的平台。
2023-08-02 07:03:112


2023-08-02 07:03:123

如何理解 建设创新型国家,要靠科技的力量,要大幅度提高自主创新能力

  促进一批科技成果推广和应用。  加快科技成果的转化和产业化,是科技工作服务于当前扩大内需、应对金融危机的重要抓手,也是解决科技“落地”的有效措施。长期以来,我省科技成果的转化率不高,“成果科技”的现象还比较突出,一方面,一大批科技成果仅完成了小试和中试;另一方面,很多企业又在“等米下锅”。今年,我们要把科技成果的转化和产业化作为激活企业竞争力、带动新需求的重要抓手,作为一个硬任务来安排。继续推进科技特派员工作,探索和创新科技特派员创业机制和长效机制。一是要大力推进科技入园工作力度,积极为科技产业园区引技术、引成果、引项目、引专利,力争在全省90%以上的园区开展好科技入园活动。二是要加大农业科技成果的转化力度,通过科技特派员制度、农业科技成果转化资金专项、农业科技示范园建设、科技创新富民强县行动和星火专家大院等途径,加大农业新品种、新技术和加工技术的研发和示范。选择一批农村先进实用技术,配合农业部门、龙头企业做好先进适用技术的推广。三是要打造资源、信息与协作平台,完善技术转移体系,引导技术转移升级,推动科技成果转化。四是要实施知识产权战略,制定颁布《甘肃省知识产权战略纲要》,继续实行责任制考核,强化专利申请工作,扩大专利队伍,培养专利大户,确保今年专利申请量突破2400件,并加大对专利技术转化的支持力度,提升专利成果的转化率。  3、加强技术创新,主攻一批关键技术的研发和产业化。  加强原始创新,加快核心技术的研发,是科技服务于增强我省经济发展的基础性工程。各级重点实验室、省市科研院所、企业工程中心等要进一步凝炼目标,发挥优势,筛选课题,落实任务,切实抓好一批核心技术的研发和新产品开发。一是要突出优势,着眼长远,力争在先进制造、重大装备、新型材料、有色冶金、节能减排、新型能源和电力装备等方面,创造一批具有自主知识产权的核心技术。二是要加快推进高新技术产业化,认真筛选一批现有的高新技术成果,通过试点工业企业科技特派员制度,推动科技成果的快速转化。三是要进一步加强基础研究和应用研究的投入,加强原始创新,及时发现一些具有前瞻性的研究成果和科技萌芽,给予重点支持。
2023-08-02 07:03:251


  资产评估,即资产价值形态的评估,对在一定时点上的资产进行评定估算的行为。那么你知道资产评估用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下资产评估的英语知识吧。   资产评估的英语说法   capital rating   Assets appraisal   资产评估相关英语表达   有形资产评估 Tangible assets appraisal   资产评估理论 theory of asset appraisal   无形资产评估 intangible asset evaluation ;   资产评估硕士 Master of Valuation   资产评估与估价 property appraisal and valuation   资产评估管理 assets evaluation management   资产评估的英语例句   1. The courts will be asked to place a monetary value on his unfinished career.   将要求法院对他未竟的事业进行资产评估。   2. Asset Evaluation expired become one of the reorganization of the controversy.   资产评估过期成为重组的争议之一.   3. Part three: the internal environment of the assets appraisal.   第三部分: 资产评估机构执业的内部环境.   4. Assessment method Mainly take income method for resources property assessment.   对资源资产评估主要采用收益法.   5. Mechanism equipment appraisal is an important branch of assets appraisal.   机器设备评估是资产评估中的重要分支.   6. Providing other assets appraisal services concerning financial affairs, investment and project consulting.    其它 与资产评估相关的财务 、 投资和工程咨询服务.   7. For example, the registration system for pledges, and assets assessment system, etc.   比如, 担保登记制度 、 资产评估制度等等.   8. Assets valuation is an indispensable medium service trade in market economy activities.   资产评估是市场经济活动中不可或缺的公正性社会中介服务行业.   9. No branch may issue any asset appraisal report in its own name.   分支机构不得以自己的名义出具资产评估 报告 .   10. Next, company assets evaluates lack to be restricted effectively.   其次, 企业资产评估缺乏有效的制约.   11. Next, aggrandizement evaluates the supervisory management of the organization to asset.   其次, 强化对资产评估机构的监督治理.   12. This is the assessment of the assets of the lending priorities.   这方面的资产评估是发放贷款的重点工作.   13. Hedonic price index is a price index based on quality adjustment.   在林地资产评估中,立地质量调整系数是一个重要的参数.   14. Part two: the external environment of the assets appraisal.   第二部分: 资产评估机构执业的外部环境.   15. So the society pays close attention on the quality of assets appraisal.   资产评估质量已经成为社会关注的 热点 问题. 猜你喜欢: 1. 评估用英语怎么说 2. 11点50的英文翻译 3. 结算的英文怎么说 4. 11点55的英文说法 5. 风险评估用英语怎么说
2023-08-02 07:03:281


As a result of the internal fanancial settlement of the company.
2023-08-02 07:02:174


http://www.lunwentianxia.com/product.free.9095134.1/这是原文,以下是翻译:International settlement business is through two Banks of non-tradable or by trade, it off the debts in international trade and commercial Banks as the premise, and a basic categories ZhongJianXing business. International settlement process multiple risk, but the risk is not appropriate, the risk of loss, can prevent, can be converted into revenue, If not, the risk of loss, which will become involved in international settlement, the state financial management of relevant laws and regulations governing foreign exchange, international practices and standards, the bank credit, argues the specific operation and business etc, is more complex. With China"s accession to the wto, China"s import and export trade and export-oriented economy will develop faster. All this for the rapid development of the international settlement business provides favorable conditions. But with the financial system reform of foreign investment enterprises, the comprehensive implementation, often r epresents project of RMB convertible, foreign financial institutions, from the Angle of risk into research and discussion of international settlement business will become commercial Banks of competition.Due to the international settlement itself has international, scientific, financing, knowledge and practices, the characteristics, the development of international settlement risk has the following features: the scope of the international and the settlement of accounts tools, and financing activities between the company and the cause of formation of fraudulent means, the performance of diversity, the complexity of the process. These properties, characteristics of the international settlement risk refers to the international monetary payments due to adjust management technology, and management problems caused by a series of possible danger. This paper explores the issues of analysis, find countermeasures.There is a risk of accounts, and the countermeasuresBill is an important international settlement of payment voucher, which including bills of exchange, promissory notes, checks, which are the most widely used. Currently used in many international settlement is developed on the basis of the bill. Through the bank of international trade, transfer of bills to pay debt of both sides. So notes on behalf of money. Because of this. The outlaws at home and abroad, using false interst bills and notes of China bank payment voucher fraud. The type of:1, forged in large bank draft of risk. Due to the nature of foreign variety, bills, plus domestic residents of the small ticket contact abroad, some of the swindlers often use fake bank notes for fraud. In one case, a Hong Kong businessman handed in "the bank draft 500 yuan, customer requirements, discounted exchange within two weeks. Bank staff at the check-in found by a Japanese financial center, for a company, the time limit for the payment of henan province is one year, Los Angeles and bank of America, but bill payment without words, bank draft, no bank acceptance by and large Banks Beijing representative office, confirm Los Angeles and bank account without this unit is not issued or accept the draft, the proof is fake.2, the first notes of risk cancellation. Foreign unscrupulous businessmen use instrument, mainly is the first in the country, check our bank to confirm, diddle goods, prior to the delivery and using foreign payment within a few days between savings account transfer, will become the cancellation of the cheque.3, forged certificates of deposit and bonds, financial risks.Bill risks, from the surface general instrument has the following characteristics, Holder signature alter, fake, The check was lost, even in cases of, has been away, The bank"s name, and seal instrument counterfeit, The ticket does not conform to the practices and etc.The risk accounts:(1) for the client to bad credit instrument to scrutinise bills, understand the origin and purpose, have to confirm after treatment.(2) for the authenticity of the surface of notes carefully review, such as signature, stamp whether standard, whether the recipient, date and amount is altered, the deadline expired, whether there are unlimited circulating area, has been cancelled loss, etc. For large amount of instrument to detect, verify the authenticity ticket bank.(3) after receiving foreign enterprises shall promptly pay bills, approval or bank collection fare.Second, the collection of risk and risk of settlementCollection is drawn by the exporters, commissioned by the bank in import exports to the bank or the agent to the importer payment settlement. Due to the settlement is a collection of commercial credit, its credit guarantee for poorer, and loss of main exporters. But due to the international market in a buyer"s market replace a seller"s market, some importers would not apply to the bank to open the l/c, so exporters can accept payment collection than. International trade settlement of documentary into d/p or d/a. Generally speaking, the d/a little because of its collection, safety coefficient, many businesses have used a d/p. For years, people think d/p than d/a safe, actually, the d/p also has a risk, the risk of our country "risk", that is used in some countries of commercial Banks ", "forced the local custom instead of payment by d/d/d/p, especially, the results must be deferred payment of the less money. The collection of settlement risk of preventive measures:1, do the credit investigation for importers, according to the importer of credit ability determine proper forehead and collection for yourself, and insurance.2 in the collection of attorney, specific instructions, such as importers, full name and address of single condition, and dishonored the cargo handling, after the agency designated need money and goods, lest two empty.3, try to choose for payment, available in some countries of so-called "local custom", should inspect conditions in the collection of attorney shall be marked with "in the first hints that line" or other payment is required collected data processing, the d/d/importer, should add the collecting bank guarantee, can put single.Third, the credit risk and risk of settlementCredit is the commercial Banks should importers request, a commitment to exporters under certain conditions, the credit guarantee payment paperwork. The meaning is: (1) the l/c is bank of conditional promise payment. This condition is delivered to conform to the exporter must believe just card provisions of the documents, (2) the issuing HangFu primary payment. The issuing bank, the principal is l/c, have obligations stipulated by payment. (3) is an independent credit files, don"t cling to trade contracts. Based on the contract and the l/c is a staple, once independent documents, all parties concerned by the terms of the credit constraints, only by trade contract constraint, C (4) with documents, not by goods shall prevail. Bank deal with documents, rather than goods, goods quality were damaged, and whether the port is not responsible for the purpose, as long as customers pay to accord with the credit terms, payment must be foreign Banks. Precisely because of this l/c is the characteristic, widely used for all businesses. International settlement business in China, primarily in the l/c, so most of the credit business problems. Main types1 and the risk of credit fraud forged. This kind of l/c is false, the purpose is to defraud the goods. Its features: open the l/c no MiYa, lack of main provision or clause contradictory, found mainly in the international famous bank issuing etc.2 and exporters of counterfeit documents forming of risks. L alter Exporters drilling international chamber of commerce (euphemistically provisong), in no circumstances, the shipping documents to the negotiating bank of counterfeit goods, the day after the escape. In recent years, some foreign exporters also without a l/c for our bank for guarantee for TuGaiCheng essence with credit for fraud.3, "soft" clause credit risk. This means a l/c is at first, but in terms of l/c exist in the issuing bank can unilaterally dissolve liability or make money or goods exporters can not be performed two empty terms of l/c. This kind of l/c has been found: (1) there is no credit terms to illustrate the effect of certificate issued or stay (such as import license) after effect. So, if the foreign importers, or won"t force does not agree with the shipment, credit as waste. (2) has a clause that goods quality, structure, quantity certificate (such as quality status analysis and health inspection certificate, certificate of other experts shall issue, or after examination and issuing and archiving jian sample consistent, etc. So, if the other party didn"t send someone to check or to check the critical, will make Chinese exporters cannot performance. (4) a clause stating that shipment immediately after the original bill of lading and insurance policy, can immediately after the goods with original bill of lading, even if the goods in distress, also can be in on insurance claims, and export company is my money and goods two empty.4 and domestic enterprises in the credit loan risks recievable package. Domestic enterprises to show some bank interest rate of preferential loans and foreign enterprise in pack, the foreign enterprise through bank issue actually does not perform the l/c, because of domestic enterprises and no actual export goods, perform credit loan package, the safety of the foundation, no natural due to pay. Liu credit risk prevention strategies:1 and in export trade settlement, to review the opening bank credit abroad, especially for those political and economic instability, foreign exchange management situation of the national stricter issuing bank, more careful. For larger risk of issuing bank, bank opens credit loan, do not pack general financing business, if the exporter documentary on financing, international Banks and therebyconstitutes.2 in export trade settlement, in the l/c, audit abroad. Audit contents are: (1) to check the l/c to check MiYa seal or performance of l/c, authenticity; (2) auditing whether may revoke the l/c? Any confirmation? Generally speaking, the Banks in China only accept irrevocable l/c to confirmed credit, also should see a confirming bank credit, (3) the l/c validity, review shall be valid if/whether too short, whether valid address in China, etc. Generally speaking, effectively address within the territory of China in as well, (4) to review the terms of the l/c with the contract agreement whether each. If it does not agree with the terms of the contract, and to our foreign importers, should request by Banks, apart amendment. (5) to review the terms of the credit of our hard even overwhelming terms. If such terms as to each other, modify, otherwise we export companies not only to export goods in time, also undertake responsibility of breach of contract; (6) auditing credit terms of "soft" clause, so they will make money and goods export enterprise two empty.3 and in the import trade settlement, our careful review foreign importers of credit exporters. In practice, many fraud cases are due to insufficient understanding of credit customers.In April, the import trade settlement, careful reasonably establish credit terms. The terms of the l/c, but not with the contract contradictions may complement each other. In practice, can not stipulated in the contract, the basic premise of transgression with some terms appropriate. As for foreign exporters, but in filling successively credit wang clause issued by SGS inspection certificate or other other national authorities inspection certificate, proof content includes goods quality, quantity and packing, etc. In order to prevent exporters shorts, still can ask each other goods by founder book must be shipped in the table is conducted. At the same time, in the shipping documents received, still can please Chinese consulate business personnel or personnel to relevant international organizations in the port of shipment query whether the vessel sailing day shipping.Four, import the usance l/c settlement risk and risk preventionIn recent years, due to the domestic enterprises in the fund relative import trade tensions, often USES the usance l/c settlement way. In some branches international department, the department of large import settlement accounts of foreign Banks usance l/c issuing proportion is more and more big, the existing enterprise funds and bank interest drives. From the actual situation, the bank for operations and increasingly exposed the usance l/c, some problems have led to the bank foreign assets, even in severe adverse effects to the international image of Banks and credit.1, no credit risk of form. Due to the fierce competition in the market, and some commercial Banks and international service for customer, especially large accounts, customers into low proportion of issuing deposit is external opening, issuing documents upon receipt from the negotiating bank abroad, after examination and acceptance of foreign exporters to China, to draft import enterprise put single. So, once the usance draft due payment, the bank must termless, if imports of foreign enterprises, the risk was sinking majeure.but by the issuing bank undertakes.2, the risk of import goods dispute formation. In the import of the usance l/c, import enterprise obtains accounts for import goods, the complete documents that stipulated in the contrac
2023-08-02 07:02:031


2023-08-02 07:01:561


建设创新型国家必须落实科教兴国、人才强国战略。 科教兴国是我国实现社会主义现代化的战略抉择。 我国科教和教育虽然取得很大进步,但从总体上看,与发达国家相比还有较大差距,与现代化建设还有一定距离。 科教兴国战略强调优先发展科教和教育,以此推动经济社会的发展,实现国家的富强和民族的振兴。
2023-08-02 07:01:451

按照实际结算的英文怎么写 我在弄个合同 按照实际结算 这个应该怎么用英文去表达

settlement according to the real amount
2023-08-02 07:01:371


2023-08-02 07:01:322


Account 帐户Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会 Audit 审计 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bookkeepking 簿记 Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 Certificate in Internal Auditing 内部审计证书 Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书 Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师 Cost accounting 成本会计 External users 外部使用者 Financial accounting 财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会 Financial forecast 财务预测 Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则 General-purpose information 通用目的信息Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室 Income statement 损益表 Institute of Internal Auditors 内部审计师协会 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会 Integrity 整合性 Internal auditing 内部审计 Internal control structure 内部控制结构 Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署 Internal users 内部使用者 Management accounting 管理会计 Return of investment 投资回报 Return on investment 投资报酬 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会 Statement of cash flow 现金流量表 Statement of financial position 财务状况表 Tax accounting 税务会计 Accounting equation 会计等式 Articulation 勾稽关系 Assets 资产 Business entity 企业个体 Capital stock 股本 Corporation 公司 Cost principle 成本原则 Creditor 债权人 Deflation 通货紧缩 Disclosure 批露 Expenses 费用 Financial statement 财务报表 Financial activities 筹资活动 Going-concern assumption 持续经营假设Inflation 通货膨涨 Investing activities 投资活动 Liabilities 负债 Negative cash flow 负现金流量 Operating activities 经营活动 Owner"s equity 所有者权益 Partnership 合伙企业 Positive cash flow 正现金流量 Retained earning 留存利润 Revenue 收入 Sole proprietorship 独资企业 Solvency 清偿能力 Stable-dollar assumption 稳定货币假设 Stockholders 股东 Stockholders" equity 股东权益 Window dressing 门面粉饰
2023-08-02 07:01:302


2023-08-02 07:01:232