过去式: rowed;过去分词: rowed;
第三人称单数: rows;
复数: rows;
现在分词: rowing
The vegetables were planted in neat rows.
The cards need to be laid out in two rows
A row has broken out over education.
【row】过去式:rowed过去分词:rowed现在分词:rowing第三人称单数:rows【row】英[ru0259u028a] 美[rou028a] n.排;划船;路;吵闹v.划船;将...排成排;吵架【row】用作动词(v.)Canyourowmeup/acrosstheriver?你能划船将我送到河的上游/对岸吗?Theyarerowingagain.他们又吵起来了。2023-07-29 00:14:131
row的过去式:rowed。rowed释义:v.划船,划桨(row的过去式)。短语:rowedtype棱型;rowedbarley二棱大麦。例句1、Thoughhehadagoodstart,Irowedhimdownatlast.虽然他开始时划得很好,但最后我还是赶过了他。2、Onthefourthday,theskippersawblackcloudsloomingandorderedtheboattoberowedtoshore.他们在海上航行的第四天,舵手发现滚滚乌云向他们压来,急忙下令将船划向海岸。2023-07-29 00:14:191
row的过去式是:rowed。row的过去式是:rowed。row的意思是n.排;划船;路;吵闹;v.划船;将...排成排;吵架。row的读音是英[r??];美[ro?]。一、详尽释义点此查看row的详细内容n.(名词)划船行,排,行列,横列街,路吵架,口角 ,公开争论喧闹一排(座位)v.(动词)争吵,吵闹,吵架,大声争辩划船,摆渡划船运送划船过去用...划责骂,责备,申斥使成行使列成排参加(赛船)二、词典解释排列;序列(ARRANGEMENT OR SEQUENCE)1.一排;一行;一列Arow of things or people is a number of them arranged in a line.e.g. ...arow of pretty little cottages...一排漂亮的小村舍e.g. Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.几个人正挪动学校的桌椅,将它们排整齐。2.(电影院或飞机里的)一排座位In a theatre or cinema, or on a plane, each line of seats is called arow .e.g. She was sitting in the frontrow.她坐在前排。3.(用于街道名称)…街,…路Row is sometimes used in the names of streets.rowe.g. ...the house at 236 LarchRow.拉奇街236号的房子4. see also: death row;skid row5.连续地;接连不断地;不间断地If something happens several timesin a row, it happens that number of times without a break. If something happens several daysin a row, it happens on each of those days.e.g. They have won five championships in arow...他们已经5次蝉联冠军。e.g. If I"m inside for three days in arow, I go crazy...如果连续3天不出来,我会发疯的。6. a hardrow to hoe -> see hoe使船移动(MAKING A BOAT MOVE)1.划船;划船运送When yourow, you sit in a boat and make it move through the water by using oars. If yourow someone somewhere, you take them there in a boat, using oars.e.g. He rowed as quickly as he could to the shore...他尽快地把船划到岸边。e.g. We could allrow a boat and swim almost before we could walk...我们所有人几乎在还不会走之前就已经会划船和游泳了。相关词组:row back分歧;喧闹(DISAGREEMENT OR NOISE)1.严重分歧;纠纷Arow is a serious disagreement between people or organizations.e.g. This is likely to provoke a furtherrow about the bank"s role in the affair...这有可能会加深关于银行在此事中的作用的分歧。e.g. The ministers must have realized that they risked what could be a major diplomaticrow with France.部长们应该已经认识到了他们这样做可能会与法国产生严重的外交纠纷。2.争吵;争执;争论If two people have arow, they have a noisy argument.e.g. We never seem to stay together for very long before we have a dreadfulrow...我们总是在一起呆不了多久就会大吵一架。e.g. A man had been stabbed to death in a familyrow.一位男子在一场家庭纠纷中被刺死。3.争吵;争执;争论If two peoplerow or if one personrows with another, they have a noisy argument.e.g. They rowed all the time...他们总是争吵不休。e.g. He had earlier rowed with his girlfriend.他早先和女友吵过架。4.叫嚷;吵闹;喧嚣If you say that someone is making arow, you mean that they are making a loud, unpleasant noise.e.g. "Whatever is thatrow?" she demanded. "Pop festival," he answered.“那闹哄哄的究竟是在做什么?”她问道。“是流行音乐节,”他回答说。三、网络解释1. 列:Offset(n, 2).表示指定范围往下位移n 列且往右位移 2 行,所以我想你是把行(Column) 列(Row) 给弄反了.2. 排:高雄港务局表示该工程完成后,可提供码头承租航商将现有挂吊16排(ROW) 货柜起重机,更新为大型挂吊22排(ROW)之货柜起重机,将可增进码头作业效率、减少大型货柜船舶滞港时间、降低航商作业成本、确保码头作业安全、提升港埠营运竞3. 横列:讲到这个,横列(row)直行(column)才对,可是一堆人都把「列」讲成了「行」(按下Enter加入一「行」...),虽然很多人都知道讲述者的意思,但如果身为教育工作者也这麼讲,这不是助长积非成是,众口铄金之风了吗?4.row:rising of water level; 水位上升5.row:rest of the world; 欧洲及其余地区6.row:right of way; 路权7.row:rest of world; 世界其他地区四、例句Students stand hand in hand in a row.学生们手牵手站成一排。He glanced towards the row of girls.他拿眼把那一排女孩子一溜。They asked me to go for a row with them.他们邀请我和他们一道去划船。Manor Row庄园路He had a row with his neighbor.他与邻居吵了一架。I had a stand-up row with my boss today.今天我跟上司大吵了一顿。Can you row me up/across the river?你能划船将我送到河的上游/对岸吗?He likes to row and to play tennis.他喜欢划船也喜欢打网球。They are rowing again.他们又吵起来了。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The students stood in a row.学生们站成一排。They were standing neatly in a row.他们整齐地站成一行。The usher seated us in the front row.引座员让我们在前排就座。The actor glanced around the audience and spotted his wife in the third row.这位演员向观众扫视一下,看到他妻子坐在第三排。The audience in the front rows made room for the late comers.前排的观众为迟来的人让出座位。At the end of the row, bind off seven stitches.最后一行要收七针。How do you account for losing five games in a row?你如何解释一连输了五场比赛呢?Brooks skipped school three days in a row.布鲁克斯连续三天逃学。The front row of soldiers were mown down by machine gun fire.头一排士兵被机枪扫倒在地。Her voice could not reach the last rows of students.后几排的学生听不清她的声音。Long rows of soldiers flanked the avenue.一长列士兵站在大街的两侧。The flames licked up a row of building in a second.火焰很快就吞没了一排建筑物。The normally bleak landscape was interrupted by a long row of tree.那种通常荒凉的景象被一长排树遮挡住了。The traffic was so thick that a whole row of cars got blocked in.交通十分拥挤,一大队汽车都被堵住了。They set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.他们摆好会议的坐椅,每排十把椅子。They went for a row.他们去划船。A long row is very tiring.长时间的划船是很累的。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)Can you row?你会划船吗?He is learning to row.他在学划船。He has never rowed.他从未划过船。We stopped rowing and let the boat sail down the wind.我们停止划桨,让小船顺风漂动。They are rowing quite within themselves, in very good time, and have the race in hand.他们从容不迫地划着船向前疾驶,胜利已在掌握之中。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.Can you row a boat?你会划船吗?They rowed a boat on the lake.他们在湖上划船。We shall row a race on Sunday.星期日我们将参加划船比赛。They rowed forty strokes to the minute.他们恰好划了40桨。用作名词(n.)The groups were nearing a bitter row.两伙人快要大吵起来了。The pop star staged a row with his manager in a restaurant to get maximum publicity.那流行歌星在餐馆里与他的经纪人争吵,以便得到最大的宣传效果。The latest row to boil up is over the train drivers" refusal to work overtime.最近发生的一次争吵是由于火车司机拒绝加班加点而引起的。Have Jim and Mary patched up a row?吉姆和玛丽吵过架后又和好了吗?How can I read with all this row going on?吵闹声这样大,我怎能读书呢?She gave me a row for being late.因为我迟到了,她批评了我。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)形容词+~even row高低一致的一排front row前排same row同一排straight row笔直的一排介词+~in a row成一行,连续地sit in the same row坐在同一排on death row末日已近~+介词a row of houses一排房子用作动词 (v.)~+名词row a race参加划船比赛~+副词row energetically精力充沛地划船row heroically英勇地划row industriously奋力地划船row steadily不慌不忙地划row strenuously艰难地划row tirelessly从不感到疲倦地划row down追上,赶上row off a boat把船划开row out使划得精疲力竭row over一路领先,轻易取胜~+介词row sb across the river把某人划到对岸row against the wind逆风而划row in the same boat在同一条船上划船row on a lake在湖上划船row sb to the shore划船把某人送上岸row towards the shore划向岸边用作名词 (n.)动词+~avoid a row避免争吵cause a row引起争吵have a row争吵lead to a row导致争吵promote a row引起争端settle a row解决争端start a row开始争吵形容词+~bitter row激烈的争吵frequent row经常争吵good row大的争吵little row小争吵long-running row长期不断的争吵long-standing row长期不断的争吵noisy row高声争吵severe row激烈的争吵sharp row激烈的争吵tremendous row激烈的争吵violent row激烈的争吵用作动词 (v.)~+副词row advantageously有效地争吵row artificially虚假地争吵row artistically艺术性地争吵row bravely勇敢地争吵row breathlessly喘不过气地争吵row brusquely粗暴地争吵row brutally蛮横地争吵row challengingly具有挑战性地争吵row hysterically歇斯底里地争吵row impolitely毫无礼貌地争吵row simultaneously同时争吵row unconditionally毫无条件地争吵row unhappily不愉快地争吵row unreasonably不讲理地争吵row urgently强硬地争吵七、词语用法n.(名词)row的基本意思是“一排,一行”,是可数名词,多与介词of连用,指横向有秩序排成的一行。row的另一个意思是“划船”“划船游玩”“划船的路程”,一般用单数形式。v.(动词)row的基本意思是“使成排; 划船,参加划船比赛”。row可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。row后接副词down表示“ (赛船中)赶上”; 后接副词out表示“使划得精疲力竭”; 后接副词over表示“一路领先,轻易取胜”; row against the wind意思是“逆风而划”。n.(名词)row的意思是“争吵,吵闹”,多用在口语中,是可数名词。v.(动词)row用作动词时意思是“争吵,吵闹”,主要用于打架、示威,强调公开化。row只用作不及物动词,常与about, up, with等介、副词连用。row的相关近义词dispute、quarrel、argue、dispute、wranglerow的相关临近词rowan、rover、Rowi、rowt、Rowa、rows、Rowls、Rowsh、Rowas、Rowny、Rowse、Rowton点此查看更多关于row的详细信息2023-07-29 00:14:271
row是划船的意思。row的过去式是rowed。row是英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“行,排;划船;街道;吵闹”,作及物动词时意为“划船;使成排”,作不及物动词时意为“划船;争吵”。英式发音是[ru0259u028a],美式发音是[rou028a]。第三人称单数是rows,复数是rows,现在分词是rowing,过去式是rowed,过去分词是rowed。用法:1、row的基本意思是“使成排;划船,参加划船比赛”。2、row可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。3、row后接副词down表示“赛船中赶上”;后接副词out表示“使划得精疲力竭”;后接副词over表示“一路领先,轻易取胜”;row against the wind意思是“逆风而划”。row的双语例句1、Students stand hand in hand in a row.翻译:学生们手牵手站成一排。2、He glanced towards the row of girls.翻译:他拿眼把那一排女孩子一溜。3、They asked me to go for a row with them.翻译:他们邀请我和他们一道去划船。4、He had a row with his neighbor.翻译:他与邻居吵了一架。2023-07-29 00:14:341
row 怎么念
row 英[ru0259u] 美[ro] n. 1.一排, 一行 2.划船 3.成排的东西(如剧院中的一排座位,田地里的一行庄稼等) 4.(两旁主要为某行业建筑物的)街道,路(如Church Row教堂路,diplomatic row使馆街等) 5.(表格的)横栏;(棋盘的)横格 6.连续;一连串 7.吵闹,吵嚷;吵架;骚动 8.受斥责 9.【计算机】行 10.【数学】行 vt. & vi. 1.划船 n. 其他读音:[rau] 1.争吵, 吵闹 vi. 其他读音:[rau] 1.争吵, 吵闹 2.进行划船比赛;参加赛船 vt. 1.(用船)划运;划渡 2.用…支桨划 3.充当划手 4.与…进行划船比赛 名词 n.1.一排, 一行 The audience in the front rows made room for the late comers.前排的观众为迟来的人让出座位。A row of children are standing in front of a row of chairs.一排小孩站在一排椅子前。2.划船 A long row is very tiring.长时间的划船是很累的。3.成排的东西(如剧院中的一排座位,田地里的一行庄稼等) 4.(两旁主要为某行业建筑物的)街道,路(如Church Row教堂路,diplomatic row使馆街等) 5.(表格的)横栏;(棋盘的)横格6.连续;一连串7.吵闹,吵嚷;吵架;骚动8.受斥责9.【计算机】行10.【数学】行 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.划船 He was rowing steadily.他不慌不忙地划着船。Can you row a boat?你会划船吗?名词 n.其他读音:[rau] 1.争吵, 吵闹 My son and his girlfriend have had yet another row, but no doubt they"ll patch it up by the weekend.我儿子和他女朋友又吵了一架, 但到周末他们会和好的。不及物动词 vi.其他读音:[rau] 1.争吵, 吵闹 She rowed the driver about the fare.她为车费跟司机吵闹。2.进行划船比赛;参加赛船 The Cambridge University rows against Oxford every year.剑桥大学每年与牛津大学进行划船比赛。及物动词 vt.1.(用船)划运;划渡2.用…支桨划3.充当划手 He rowed No.8 in the Cambridge crew.他是剑桥大学划船队的8号划手。4.与…进行划船比赛 We"ll row the champion in the annual race this year.今年我们将在年度划船比赛中与冠军保持者进行比赛。2023-07-29 00:14:581
row a boat2023-07-29 00:15:168
释义:n.一行;争吵;纠纷;严重分歧。v.吵架;划船送(某人)。网络列;排;一列。变形复数:rows;现在分词:rowing;过去式:rowed;英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。与英语为母语的人相比,将其作为第二语言学习的人更多。它是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的母语,在加勒比海、非洲和南亚被广泛使用。它是联合国、欧洲联盟以及许多其他世界和区域国际组织的官方语言之一。2023-07-29 00:15:381
row[英][ru0259u028a][美][rou028a]n.行,排; 划船; 吵闹; 路,街; vt.划船; 使…成排; 与…进行划船比赛; 〈口〉争吵,吵闹; 第三人称单数:rows过去分词:rowed复数:rows现在进行时:rowing过去式:rowed2023-07-29 00:16:193
row的过去式是rowed2023-07-29 00:16:354
rowed。row表示划船,过去式是规则变化,直接加ed,故过去式为为rowed。row可做名词,意思是排、船游、吵闹,也可做动词,意思是划、划船、责骂。2023-07-29 00:16:421
rowed2023-07-29 00:17:027
特殊情况``它就是这么规定的~2023-07-29 00:17:173
为rest of the world的缩写,世界其它地区。ROW常见于市场分析报告书。类似的词包括:APEJ(the Asia and Pacific excluding Japan);ROAP(rest of the Asia and Pacific)等。为rest of the world的缩写,世界其它地区。ROW常见于市场分析报告书。类似的词包括:APEJ(the Asia and Pacific excluding Japan);ROAP(rest of the Asia and Pacific)等。ROW: [ rau ]n. 排,船游,吵闹v. 划,划船,责骂[ 名词rower ][ 过去式rowed 过去分词rowed 现在分词rowing 第三人称单数rows ]例句与用法1. Students stand hand in hand in a row.学生们手牵手站成一排。2. They are rowing again.他们又吵起来了。3. He rowed the boat across the lake.他划船渡过湖面。4. How can I read with all this row going on?吵闹的声音这样大,我怎能读书呢?2023-07-29 00:17:293
rowed2023-07-29 00:18:337
不是以辅音结尾。虽然它是以元音结尾,但后面重读的是O而不是W,所以不用双写w而直接加ing,不是每个W结尾的单词都一定双写W+ING。2023-07-29 00:18:511
row英 [ru0259u028a , rau028a] 美 [rou028a , rau028a] n.一排;一列;一行;(剧院、电影院等的)一排座位;(编织中的)针行,一整行v.划(船);划船送(某人)n.严重分歧;纠纷;吵架;争吵;大的噪音v.吵架;大声争辩第三人称单数: rows 复数: rows 现在分词: rowing 过去式: rowed 过去分词: rowed高考CET4CET6考研TEM4GMAT和迪丽热巴一起,为四川雅安重建学校捐赠双语图书角牛津词典noun1~ (of sb/sth)一排;一列;一行 a number of people standing or sitting next to each other in a line; a number of objects arranged in a linea row of trees一行树木We sat in a row at the back of the room.我们在屋子的后面坐成一排。The vegetables were planted in neat rows.蔬菜一行行种得整整齐齐。2(剧院、电影院等的)一排座位 a line of seats in a cinema/movie theater, etc.Let"s sit in the back row.我们坐最后一排吧。Our seats are five rows from the front.我们的座位在前面第五排。3(编织中的)针行,一整行 a complete line of stitches in knitting or crochet4Row(用于某些道路名称) used in the name of some roadsManor Row庄园路2023-07-29 00:19:015
行2023-07-29 00:19:394
规则变化,直接加ed----rowed2023-07-29 00:19:591
rew was bought2023-07-29 00:20:081
Did you row a bot yesterday?2023-07-29 00:20:183
row[英][rəʊ][美][roʊ]n.行,排; 划船; 吵闹; 路,街; vt.划船; 使…成排; 与…进行划船比赛; 〈口〉争吵,吵闹; 第三人称单数:rows过去分词:rowed复数:rows现在进行时:rowing过去式 rowed2023-07-29 00:21:362
row 的过去式:rowed。row。[英][ru0259u028a][美][rou028a]。n. 划船; 行,排; 吵闹; 路,街。vt. 划船; 使…成排; 与…进行划船比赛; 〈口〉争吵,吵闹。例句:1、It was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columns-forty-five beams, fifteen to a row.其上以香柏木为盖,每行柱子十五根,共有四十五根。2、The RID uniquely identifies a row within a table.RID惟一地标识了表中的一行。3、You can secure row and column definitions in reports.您可以保护报表中的行和列定义。扩展资料:i→a →u。原形 过去式 过去分词 汉语意思。begin began begun 开始。drink drank drunk 喝。sing sang sung 唱。swim swam swum 游泳。ring rang rung 打电话。3. 原形→过去式→过去式+(e)n。原形 过去式 过去分词 汉语意思。wear wore worn 穿。orget forgot forgotten 忘记。speak spoke spoken 说。freeze froze frozen 冻。choose chose chosen 选择。2023-07-29 00:21:501
熊出没想象作文光头强送水果熊出没想象作文光头强送水果2023-07-29 00:22:0610
row的过去式:rowed。rowed释义:v.划船,划桨(row的过去式)。短语:rowedtype棱型;rowedbarley二棱大麦。 例句 1、Thoughhehadagoodstart,Irowedhimdownatlast.虽然他开始时划得很好,但最后我还是赶过了他。 2、Onthefourthday,theskippersawblackcloudsloomingandorderedtheboattoberowedtoshore.他们在海上航行的第四天,舵手发现滚滚乌云向他们压来,急忙下令将船划向海岸。2023-07-29 00:22:471
row 的过去式是什么
row的过去式是rowed2023-07-29 00:22:574
row的过去式 row的过去式是什么
1、row 的过去式:rowed。 2、n. 划船; 行,排; 吵闹; 路,街; 3、vt. 划船; 使…成排; 与…进行划船比赛; 〈口〉争吵,吵闹; 4、It was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columns-forty-five beams, fifteen to a row.其上以香柏木为盖,每行柱子十五根,共有五根。2023-07-29 00:23:111
row的过去式 row的过去式是什么
1、row 的过去式:rowed。 2、n. 划船; 行,排; 吵闹; 路,街; 3、vt. 划船; 使…成排; 与…进行划船比赛; 〈口〉争吵,吵闹; 4、It was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columns-forty-five beams, fifteen to a row.其上以香柏木为盖,每行柱子十五根,共有五根。2023-07-29 00:23:181
row的过去式 ??
rowed2023-07-29 00:23:252
1、row的过去式:rowed。 2、n. 划船; 行,排; 吵闹;路,街。 3、vt. 划船; 使u2026成排;与u2026进行划船比赛;〈口〉争吵,吵闹。 4、It was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columns-forty-five beams, fifteen to a row.其上以香柏木为盖,每行柱子十五根,共有五根。2023-07-29 00:23:341
1.row的过去式:rowed。 2.rowed释义:v.划船,划桨(row的过去式)。 3.短语:rowedtype棱型。 4.rowedbarley二棱大麦。 5.例句Thoughhehadagoodstart,Irowedhimdownatlast.虽然他开始时划得很好,但第三我还是赶过了他。 6.Onthefourthday,theskippersawblackcloudsloomingandorderedtheboattoberowedtoshore.他们在海上航行的第四天,舵手发现滚滚乌云向他们压来,急忙下令将船划向海岸。2023-07-29 00:24:261
划船用英文怎么说? 划船有这些说法: 1. rowing 2. boating 3. pull4. row 这是例句 1. 他划船渡过湖面。 He rowed the boat across the lake. 2. 我们去湖上划船吧。 Let"s go boating on the lake. 3. 你愿意和我们一起划船吗? Will you join us in rowing? 4. 他们用力划船, 很快就到了岸边. They pulled hard and reached the shore quickly. 5. 你划船把我送过去行吗? Will you row me across? 6. 我们逆水划船. We were rowing against the current. 7. 我们在下一次划船比赛中要跟剑桥大学队较量. We"re rowing Cambridge in the next race. 8. 划船把我送到对岸去吧. Row me across (the river). 划船用英文怎么说 row a boat go boating row 划船的英语怎么写 划船可以说:row、row a boat 、go boating 所以过去式分别是:rowed、rowed a boat、went boating 划船用英语翻译是什么; boat做动词使用的话就是 划船的意思 boat [bu0259ut]浮 n. 小船, 小艇 vi. 乘船, 划船 vt. 用船载运 划船的英文(过去式) 划船可以说:row、row a boat 、go boating 所以过去式分别是:rowed、rowed a boat、went boating 划船的英语 boating go boating paddle a boat 记得采纳哦 划船的英语怎么写。要原形 row a boat 划船用英语怎么说? Road a boat 划船用英语怎么说 你好! 划船 row go boating paddle a boat2023-07-29 00:24:331
row 英[rəʊ] 美[roʊ] n. 划船; 行,排; 吵闹; 路,街; vt. 划船; 使…成排; 与…进行划船比赛; 〈口〉争吵,吵闹; [例句]Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.几个人正挪动学校的桌椅,将它们排整齐。[其他] 第三人称单数:rows 复数:rows 现在分词:rowing 过去式:rowed过去分词:rowed2023-07-29 00:25:141
英 /ru0259u028a , rau028a美 /[rou028a , rau028a]n.一行;一排;一列;(剧院、电影院等的)一排座位;(编织中的)针行,一整行;严重分歧;纠纷;吵架;争吵;大的噪音;划船(时间)v.划(船);划船送(某人);吵架;大声争辩第三人称单数: rows复数: rows现在分词: rowing过去式: rowed过去分词: rowed2023-07-29 00:25:211
问题一:划船用英文怎么说? 划船有这些说法: 1. rowing 2. boating 3. pull 4. row 这是例句 1. 他划船渡过湖面。 He rowed the boat across the lake. 2. 我们去湖上划船吧。 Let"s go boating on the lake. 3. 你愿意和我们一起划船吗? Will you join us in rowing? 4. 他们用力划船, 很快就到了岸边. They pulled hard and reached the shore quickly. 5. 你划船把我送过去行吗? Will you row me across? 6. 我们逆水划船. We were rowing against the current. 7. 我们在下一次划船比赛中要跟剑桥大学队较量. We"re rowing Cambridge in the next race. 8. 划船把我送到对岸去吧. Row me across (the river). 问题二:划船用英文怎么说 row a boat go boating row 问题三:划船的英语怎么写 划船可以说:row、row a boat 、go boating 所以过去式分别是:rowed、rowed a boat、went boating 问题四:划船用英语翻译是什么; boat做动词使用的话就是 划船的意思 boat [b?ut]浮 n. 小船, 小艇 vi. 乘船, 划船 vt. 用船载运 问题五:划船的英文(过去式) 划船可以说:row、row a boat 、go boating 所以过去式分别是:rowed、rowed a boat、went boating 问题六:划船的英语 boating go boating paddle a boat 记得采纳哦 问题七:划船的英语怎么写。要原形 row a boat 问题八:划船用英文怎么说? 划船有这些说法: 1. rowing 2. boating 3. pull 4. row 这是例句 1. 他划船渡过湖面。 He rowed the boat across the lake. 2. 我们去湖上划船吧。 Let"s go boating on the lake. 3. 你愿意和我们一起划船吗? Will you join us in rowing? 4. 他们用力划船, 很快就到了岸边. They pulled hard and reached the shore quickly. 5. 你划船把我送过去行吗? Will you row me across? 6. 我们逆水划船. We were rowing against the current. 7. 我们在下一次划船比赛中要跟剑桥大学队较量. We"re rowing Cambridge in the next race. 8. 划船把我送到对岸去吧. Row me across (the river). 问题九:划船用英文怎么说 row a boat go boating row 问题十:划船用英语怎么说? Road a boat2023-07-29 00:25:301
row除了有划船的意思,还有街道、吵闹等意思。一、读音row的读音为英[ru0259u028a];美[rou028a; rau028a]。二、释义1、名词:一行;一排;一列;(剧院、电影院等的)一排座位;(编织中的)针行,一整行;严重分歧;纠纷;吵架;争吵;大的噪音;划船(时间)。2、动词:划(船);划船送(某人);吵架;大声争辩。三、变式1、第三人称单数:rows。2、复数:rows。3、现在分词:rowing。4、过去式:rowed。5、过去分词:rowed。四、短语搭配1、Savile Row 萨维尔街。2、death row 死刑犯;死囚牢房;死囚区;死囚牢。3、Lascar Row 摩罗街;香港摩罗街。4、Delete Row 删除行。5、guard row [农学] 保护行;防护带;保护带。6、Row Address [计] 行地址;列位址;列地址。7、Single Row 单行;单排的;单列;单排斗。8、double row 双列轴承;双列;双排;双行。9、ground row 地排灯;地排。10、in a row 排成一排;连续地。row造句:1、Please get all your ducks in a row before you go.请在离开前把所有的事情都整理好。2、Shall we row to the island?我们划船去那个岛好吗?3、an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers.将相似物体放于同一行或同一层的安排方式。4、The handler for this event receives the column index and row index of the mouse pointer position.此事件的处理程序接收鼠标指针所在位置的列索引和行索引。5、A random number will be generated to determine if a row will be selected or not.将生成一个随机数来确定是否选择一行。2023-07-29 00:26:131
Row读音:[ rau ]解释:n. 排,船游,吵闹v. 划,划船,责骂词性:[ 名词rower ][ 过去式rowed; 过去分词rowed ;现在分词rowing ;第三人称单数rows ]例句与用法:1. Students stand hand in hand in a row.学生们手牵手站成一排。2. They are rowing again.他们又吵起来了。3. He rowed the boat across the lake.他划船渡过湖面。4. How can I read with all this row going on?吵闹的声音这样大,我怎能读书呢?2023-07-29 00:27:081
row怎么读 row怎么念
1、row的读音为英 [ru0259u028a]美 [rou028a]。 2、n. 排;划船;路;吵闹;v. 划船;将...排成排;吵架;名词: rower,过去式: rowed过去分词: rowed。现在分词: rowing;第三人称单数: rows。 3、row的基本意思是“一排,一行”,是可数名词,多与介词of连用,指横向有秩序排成的一行。 4、row的另一个意思是“划船”“划船游玩”“划船的路程”,一般用单数形式。 row的基本意思是“使成排; 划船,参加划船比赛”。 5、row可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。2023-07-29 00:27:151
翻译她去划船 句子要求用过去式 写
这个女孩儿在划船,用英语过去形式怎么写?2023-07-29 00:27:221
规则变化,直接加ed----rowed2023-07-29 00:27:291
回答和翻译如下:washed,rowed,listened,called.英语单词过去式形式。2023-07-29 00:28:181
row1display/hide example sentences KK: [] DJ: [] n.[C] 1. (一)列,(一)排;(一排)座位[(+of)] The teacher told the children to stand in a row. 老师叫孩子们站成一排。 2. 街,路 3. 【数】列,行 row2display/hide example sentences KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 划(船) 2. 划船运送[O] I rowed the children home. 我用船划孩子们回家。 vi. 1. 划船 2. 划船过去[Q] They rowed across the lake. 他们划船过湖。 n. 1. 划船[S1] What about going for a row? 一起去划船好吗? row3display/hide example sentences KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 【口】吵架,口角;公开争论[C] He had a row with his neighbor. 他与邻居吵了一架。 2. 【贬】吵嚷;喧闹[S] The guys are making such a row that I can"t sleep. 那些家伙吵得我没法睡觉。 3. 受斥责[S] vi. 1. 争吵;吵闹[(+about/with)] Helen rowed with her boyfriend about a mere trifle. 海伦为一点小事与男友争吵。 以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供2023-07-29 00:28:252
row的现在分词为:rowing。一、英汉释义row:行,排;划船;吵闹;路,街;划船;使…成排;与…进行划船比赛;争吵,吵闹。二、词性变形复数:rows;过去式:rowed;过去分词:rowed;现在分词:rowing;第三人称单数:rows。三、双语释义1、一排,一行:a neat line; side by side.2、(名词)划船:a trip or journey in a rowing boat.3、(动词)划船:move a boat through the water with long poles with flat ends.4、划船旅行:travel or carry in this way.5、(名词)争吵,吵闹:a noisy quarrel; a public argument; a dispute.6、(动词)争吵,吵闹:quarrel, often noisily or violently.四、英语例句1、He had a row with his neighbor.他与邻居吵了一架。2、I had a stand-up row with my boss today.今天我跟上司大吵了一顿。3、Can you row me across the river?你能划船将我送到河的对岸吗?4、He likes to row and to play tennis.他喜欢划船也喜欢打网球。2023-07-29 00:28:341
row 是可数名词还是不可数名词
你好!是可数名词。2023-07-29 00:28:592
row英 [ru0259u028a] 美 [rou028a] n.划船;行,排;吵闹;路,街vt.划船;使…成排;与…进行划船比赛;〈口〉争吵,吵闹第三人称单数: rows 复数: rows 现在分词: rowing 过去式: rowed 过去分词: rowed2023-07-29 00:29:071
row a boat什么意思
天不呀一卡通噜噜噜互补不哭2023-07-29 00:29:162
went,bugged,rowed,saw2023-07-29 00:29:351
Row For是什么意思及反义词
Row For 行row 英[ru0259u028a] 美[rou028a] n. 划船; 行,排; 吵闹; 路,街; vt. 划船; 使…成排; 与…进行划船比赛; 〈口〉争吵,吵闹; [例句]Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.几个人正挪动学校的桌椅,将它们排整齐。[其他] 第三人称单数:rows 复数:rows 现在分词:rowing 过去式:rowed过去分词:rowed2023-07-29 00:29:421
"in a row"是什么意思?
除了“在一排”之外,这个短语还经常用来表示“连续地”。例:Hewaslatetwodaysinarow.他连续两天都迟到了。2023-07-29 00:29:512
row2023-07-29 00:29:593
rowed a boat的过去式
??已经是过去式了2023-07-29 00:30:202